[newbie-it] Linux gsm

2002-07-09 Per discussione max

possiedo un gsm nokia 6150 (vecchiotto..lo so..) che funziona bene con gnokii 
e xgnokii ma non ne vuol sapere di funzionare come modem.
Tutto quello che posso fare è mandare messaggi, editare la rubrica, i loghi, 
gli appuntamentima non riesco ad usarlo come modem per collegarmi ad 
Qualcuno c'è riuscito?
Qualcuno è riuscito ad usare un gsm (o gprs) come modem per collegarsi ad 



/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

[newbie-it] Ascoltare file MIDI

2002-07-09 Per discussione Benedetto Santarella

Salve, stavocerdando di ascoltare alcuni file midi,
ma con mia grande meravglia, Kmid di da il seguente errore

impossibile aprire dev/sequencer,

sono andatonella directory dev ed ho notato che no esiste il 
file sequencer, ora vi chiedo, dove posso reperirlo??? O 
lo posso editare io, e se si cosa ci devo scrivere?

Grazie a tutti

  \ | /
    (@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == http://www.santarella.too.it 
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] Modem di m@#§a!!!!!!

2002-07-09 Per discussione CyberPenguin

Roberto wrote:

 ok.Me lo aspettavo...Qualche bel v92 (magari interno così risparmio) che
 vada con xp e con linux?

Il mio consiglio e' di optare per un seriale esterno.
IMHO sono quelli che danno meno problemi.
Con gli interni corri il rischio di acquistare un winmodem (praticamente
solo un'interfaccia del pc con la linea telefonica!) non un *vero
BTW di bel V92, il mio modem lo supporta ... ma NON il mio ISP!
Risultato: V90 :-(

Giovanni ;-)
~o)GNU/Linux Powered
Software is like sex ... it's better when it's free ;-)

[newbie-it] flash

2002-07-09 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Salve alla lista,
come mai quando ascolto un mp3 con xmms e contemporaneamente navigo con 
Mozilla/Netscape su un sito che ha qualche introduzione o animazione in 
flash, mi si pianta il browser?
In pratica lo devo killare.
Ciò non accade con xmms chiuso o con gli altri browser (Konqueror/Galeon).

Un saluto a tutti.

RE: [newbie-it] /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy

2002-07-09 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

 In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Di Fresco Marco esclamo':
  /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
  Could not open /dev/dsp

 a dsp0. dai un lsof _nome-dispositivo_, molto probabilmente c'e'
 qualcosa che gia' lo occupa.

Mi dice che il comando (lsof) non esiste; ho provato a cercaro nel Software
Manager, ma nei CD non lo trovo. Dove potrei trovarlo

  Altrimenti controlla che l'utente da cui esegui quake abbia i permessi
 sui dispositivi sonori (se p.es. /dev/dsp ed altri hanno come
 proprietario 'root' e come gruppo 'audio', verifica che il tuo utente
 sia ricompreso nel gruppo 'audio' nel file /etc/group)

Ho provato a usare quake da root quindi in teoria non ci dovrebbero essere
problemi di gruppi, comunque guardo, in modo da evitare problemi quando lo
usero da utente!


Di Fresco Marco

[newbie-it] halt con la mdk 8.2

2002-07-09 Per discussione gigi pinna

finora non aveva dato problemi, poi improvvisamente da un paio di giorni il mio
computer ha deciso di non spegnersi più correttamente: quando arriva a dire turn off
quotas si pianta e rimane così in eterno.
qualcuno ha avuto questo problema? come lo avete risolto?
Vuoi fare a botte? Scarica i nervi su Fight Club! http://fightclub.lycos.it

Re: [newbie-it] /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy

2002-07-09 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Di Fresco Marco esclamo':
 Mi dice che il comando (lsof) non esiste; ho provato a cercaro nel
 Software Manager, ma nei CD non lo trovo. Dove potrei trovarlo

Non mi viene in mente in quale cd sia, cmq ci dovrebbe essere (nel
pacchetto omonimo), altrimenti lo trovi a partire dal solito

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]
Aderisci alla campagna I Savoia-rdi sono, come i panda, a rischio
estinzione, quindi lasciamoli stare nel loro habitat naturale ed
evitiamo di farli sgattaiolare nel nostro Paese ...

Re: [newbie-it] Xine 0.9.12 + driver alsa09

2002-07-09 Per discussione nicola

Alle 20:16, lunedì 8 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutta la ml!
 Ieri mi sono scaricato dal sito
 http://cambuca.ldhs.cetuc.puc-rio.br/~jcm/skyblade/ la versione 0.9.12 di
 Xine sotto forma di rpm per mandrake. Il programma funziona benissimo (con
 una qualità video veramente eccezzionale) solo che non riesco ad utilizzare
 i driver alsa. Al momento dell'installazione dei vari rpm mi è stata
 segnalata la mancanza della libreria libasound.so.2 che ho prontamente
 scaricato da rpmfind.net ed installata. L'installazione della libreria è
 andata bene, infatti non mi ha dato nessun errore. Al momento ho anche
 installato sul mio sistema la libreria libalsa1, installata già in
 automatico al momento dell'installazione del sistema (chiedo scusa per il
 gioco di parole). Ho una mandrake 8.2 e come scheda audio una FM801 con il
 sistema di casse 5.1 L'output che ottengo dando il comando $ xine -A alsa09
--- This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.9.12
 (c) 2000-2002 by G. Bartsch and the xine project team.
 Built with xine library 0.9.12 [Sun 23 Jun 2002 13:16:15]-[gcc version
 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)]-[Linux 2.4.18-4GB i686].
 Found xine library version: 0.9.12 (0.9.12).
 XServer Vendor: Mandrake Linux (XFree86 4.2.0, patch level 9mdk). Release:
 Protocol Version: 11, Revision: 0,
 Available Screen(s): 1, using 0
 Depth: 24.
 tvmode: cannot connect to nvtvd - no TV mode switching available
 Display is not using Xinerama.
 tvmode: not connected to nvtvd for switching
 video_out_xv: using Xv port 51 from adaptor NV Video Overlay for hardwar
 pace conversion and scaling.
 video_out_xv: double buffering mode = 1
 video_out_xv: port attribute XV_COLORKEY value is 66046
 video_out_xv: port attribute XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY value is 1
 video_out_xv: port attribute XV_BRIGHTNESS value is 0
 video_out_xv: port attribute XV_CONTRAST value is 4096
 video_out_xv: port attribute XV_SATURATION value is 4096
 video_out_xv: port attribute XV_HUE value is 0
 video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yuy2 format.
 video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yv12 format.
 load_plugins: video output plugin Xv successfully loaded.
 XINE lib audio_alsa_out.c:961:(init_audio_out_plugin) snd_pcm_open() fai
 XINE lib audio_alsa_out.c:962:(init_audio_out_plugin)  Check if anoth
 am don't already use PCM 
 load_plugins: audio output plugin /usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_ao_out_
  init_audio_out_plugin failed.
 main: the specified audio driver 'alsa09' failed
--- Faccio anche presente che se invece utilizzo il server arts oppure oss
 l'audio funziona. Come potrei fare per riuscire a far funzionare anche
 alsa? Vi ringrazio moltissimo!!!

   Sergio Dogliani
Ciao, per prima cosa sarebbe interessante sapere se usi alsa come sistema 
sonoro della dua linux Box, e quale versione usi (05 o 09?). Spulciando nella 
versione di xine fornita di corredo con mdk8.2 ho notato che esiste un plugin 
apposito di xine che supporta alsa : 
Infatti avendo configurato alsa (05 fornita a corredo della suddetta 
distribuzione) e digitando da shell #xine -A alsa05 
dico al xine di usare il plugin suddetto alsa05. Se tu hai installato la 
versione 09 di alsa, allora credo tu debba cercare un plugin : 
xineplug_ao_out_alsa09.so in rete, o provare a vedere se comunque quello 
fornito con xine funziona anche con la 09. O meglio ancora cercare un rpm 
della versione di xine che hai scaricato che lo contiene.

Ciao Nicola
Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potra' porne uno.
-- Albert Einstein

Re: [newbie-it] cnn con kmail

2002-07-09 Per discussione nicola

Alle 14:36, martedì 9 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 qualcuno mi sa dire come mandare la posta usando il comando cnn (o bcc in
 inglese)? infatti kmail mi da come predefiniti solo i campi a e cc.
 sarò idiota ma non son riuscito a trovarlo!
 help me!
 Vuoi fare a botte? Scarica i nervi su Fight Club! http://fightclub.lycos.it

Quando Scrivi un email, il menù visualizza ti permette di mostrare il campo 
bcc che vuoi tu. 

Ciao Nicola

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potra' porne uno.
-- Albert Einstein

[newbie-it] Problemi col cdrom scsi e KDE3.02

2002-07-09 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Ho installato KDE 3.02 aggiornando la precedente 
versione 3.0 ma ho il seguente problema : quando lancio konqueror il CD viene 
letto regolarmente ma poi non riesco piu' ad espellere il CD a menoche non 
chiudo konqueror e allora viene fuori. Da premettere che no uso supermount e per 
il montaggio e lo smontaggio uso delle icone sul desktop.
Il settaggio e' il seguente:

/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,noauto 0 0

grazie a chi volesse rispondermi


Re: [newbie-it] cnn con kmail

2002-07-09 Per discussione freefred

On Tuesday 09 July 2002 08:36, gigi pinna, talkin' about [newbie-it] cnn 
con kmail wrote:
 qualcuno mi sa dire come mandare la posta usando il comando cnn (o bcc
 in inglese)? infatti kmail mi da come predefiniti solo i campi a e cc.
 sarò idiota ma non son riuscito a trovarlo!
 help me!

Quando ti si apre la finestra di messaggio o di reply,
scegli dal menu view i campi che vuoi vedere.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://web.genie.it/utenti/f/freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] mdk e winXP su notebook...

2002-07-09 Per discussione Max Di Casola

ciao a tutti!
ho un paio di cose da chiedervi dal momento che sto per acquistare un Acer 
Travelmate serie 630 con WinXP Pro:
1. qualcuno ce l'ha e mi sa dire se ci sono problemi di (in)compatibilità 
hardware con Mdk8.x ?
2. dal momento che è presente WinXP preinstallato e che devo anche tenerlo 
perchè uso degli applicativi ancorati irrimediabilmente e senza sostituti a 
ms, volevo sapere se è possibile far convivere XP con Mdk ...
3. essendo presente un unico disco rigido, al momento di installare la 
mdk8.2, il prog di setup può eseguire ripartizionamenti non distruttivi? 
oppure mi devo munire di un prog apposito tipo Partition Magic ed eseguirlo a 

GRAZIE a tutti per l'attenzione, ed in particolare a chi mi vorrà rispondere 
(dal momento che sono notizie che reputo importanti prima dell'acquisto e che 
nessun negoziante da me interpellato mi sa/vuole rispondere!)

* * *
Fratelli, perchè c'è bisogno del leone nello spirito?
Perchè non basta la bestia da soma che rinuncia e venera?
Creare nuovi valori - ciò non può fare ancora
neanche il leone: ma crearsi libertà per un nuovo creare - ciò
può la potenza del leone.
(F. Nietzsche da Così parlò Zarathustra)

Massimo Di Casola

Re: [newbie-it] halt con la mdk 8.2

2002-07-09 Per discussione CyberPenguin

gigi pinna wrote:
 finora non aveva dato problemi, poi improvvisamente da un paio di giorni il mio
 computer ha deciso di non spegnersi più correttamente: quando arriva a dire turn off
 quotas si pianta e rimane così in eterno.
 qualcuno ha avuto questo problema? come lo avete risolto?

Io ho avuto lo stesso problema, ad intervalli piu' o meno regolari Mdk
8.2 mi si piantava in fase di logoff/logout/reboot. 
Quando le girava a lei. 
Ma sempre in fase di chiusura.
Mi ritrovavo di fronte ad un prompt tipo:

Mandrake Linux Release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586
Kernel 2.4.18-6mdk on an i686 / tty1
localhost login:_

...e non c'era piu' nulla da fare! 
Al prompt potevo digitare qualsiasi cosa che non accettava piu' nessun
Al tempo, postai anche in lista ma nonostante i consigli di qualcuno di
Voi e nonostante l'intervento di qualche amico linuxiano, non riuscimmo
a venir capo a detto noiosissimo inconveniente.
Come ho risolto?
Installando e configurando RH 7.3. Che sulla mia macchina, per ora va'
molto bene.
Mdk 8.2 ce l'ho sull'altro disco e, saltuariamente, la uso ancora.
Sembra non piantarsi piu' in fase di chiusura. %-)
Forse perche' la uso meno di prima :-p

Saluti alla lista
Giovanni ;-)

~o)GNU/Linux Powered
Software is like sex ... it's better when it's free ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi col cdrom scsi e KDE3.02

2002-07-09 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 21:33, martedì 9 luglio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Problemi col cdrom scsi e 
KDE3.02, Francesco Speranza ha scritto:
  quando lancio konqueror
 il CD viene letto regolarmente ma poi non riesco piu' ad
 espellere il CD a menoche non chiudo konqueror e allora
 viene fuori. Da premettere che no uso supermount 

proprio perchè non usi supermount, finchè non smonti il cd, non  ti è possibile 
chiudendo konq  lo disimpegni

prova a fare così:
dopo aver letto il cd, chiudi i programmi che lo impegnano
quindi col tasto dx del mouse, fai click sull'icona del cd, e quindi su smonta (o 

oppure da shell dai umount /mnt/cdrom o, ancora più rapidamente 
eject /mnt/cdrom

noterai che se lo stai usando, non lo potrai smontare (e mi pare chiaro...)

 grazie a chi volesse rispondermi



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Re: [newbie-it] cnn con kmail (fwd)

2002-07-09 Per discussione LukenShiro

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 14:53:59 +0200 (CEST)
From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] cnn con kmail

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, gigi pinna esclamo':
 qualcuno mi sa dire come mandare la posta usando il comando cnn (o bcc in inglese)?
 infatti kmail mi da come predefiniti solo i campi a e cc.

Quando crei una nuova mail, se ci fai caso, vedrai un menu 'visualizza'
in cui e' contenuta la soluzione.

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi col cdrom scsi e KDE3.02

2002-07-09 Per discussione elio

Alle 22:41, martedì 9 luglio 2002, miKe ha scritto:

 noterai che se lo stai usando, non lo potrai smontare (e mi pare chiaro...)
Il problema è che una volta montato non si riesce più a smontarlo, anche se 
non lo usi più, fino a che non chiudi tutte le finestre di konqueror aperte 
anche per la navigazione in rete.

[newbie] missing charsets

2002-07-09 Per discussione g2


what caused this?

Gdk-WARNING **: ISO8859-1

Gdk-WARNING **:  charsets in FontSet creation

I already changed my charset in Look and Feel but this continues to

how can I fix this?

Intelligence, acquired; Wisdom, inherent.
RLU # 278414

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-07-09 Per discussione teddy wl

I'm so sorry, I'm newly join this mailing list, and
I'm newbie to in linux.
i use Mandrake8.2/kde 2.2.2 I have KDE3.0 that build
from Mandrake RPM, how to upgrade kde2.2.2 in mandrake
to kde3?
yesterday I try to upgrade but the system look like
not stable,mybe all of you can give me some
alternative, how to upgrade kde2 in mandrake8.2 to
Sorry my English, I'm from Indonesia. but I know, you
understand. Thanks

--- daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 tom brinkman wrote:
  On Monday 08 July 2002 08:55 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 kdemoreartwork-liquid-0.9.5-3plf  rpms for
 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3
 (look for the links at the bottom of the
 I'm curious about something. compared to the
 upgrading of KDE from
 version(s) 1.x.x to 2.x.x the upgrade went rather
 smoothly once you
 had the dependency issued satisfied, however
 upgrading KDE from
 2.x.x to 3.x.x is a real serious PITA. what the
 heck is goin on
 with this do ya think?
  I'm the worst person to ask ;)  Starting with
 Mdk 7.2 beta's and 
  KDE 1.94 all the way thru 8.2/KDE2.2.2, I never
 had any problems with 
  dozens of KDE upgrades.  And I did 'em all. 
 Downside was I never got 
  any good at fixin problems ;) Tryin to go from
 8.2/KDE2 to 8.2/KDE3 
  was nothin but problems, so I stuck with KDE2.
 KDE3 was rushed, it's barely ready now. For the
 most part tho, I 
  would say that Texstar's KDE rpms were always the
  I am usin KDE301 now, but only 'cause it
 installs with cooker 
  8.3/9.0, and all cooker KDE apps are re-built for
 KDE3, gcc 3.1.1, 
  and so on. So it's very stable, but a recent
 attempt to upgrade to 
  KDE302 was more trouble than it's worth (PITA ;) 
 Try'n to use /home 
  from 301 with 302 caused conflicts.  In fairness
 tho, I suspect the 
  main problem was between the keybd/mouse/and chair
  So, IMO, KDE3 on an 8.x system means you're
 mixin KDE2 apps, libs, 
  configs, etc. with KDE3 and you will have problems
 sooner or later. 
  Specially if you try'n save your old /home dir
 (partition). Mandrake 
  was wise not to rush KDE3 into 8.2, it's still not
 quite ready for 
  daily use.  (unless you run a full cooker system
 Thanks for the info Tom. That does shed a bit more
 light on things. I've 
 found kde-3.0.1 and now 3.0.2 stable enough and
 quite usable, but 
 getting it in is the biggest PITA I've ever had to
 experience in my 
 whole Linux experience. I'd really hate to have to
 try and install it on 
 anything other then an 8.2 or better box.
 Registered Linux User 182496
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
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Re: [newbie] Inodes

2002-07-09 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Tue, 09 Jul 2002 06:16, Gene Parsons wrote:
 Is there a way to copy a file using the inode only?

Curious as to why you want to do this.

Perhaps linking is what you are after. It creates a file redirect if i 
understand it correctly.

man ln


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Re: [newbie] Identifying sound server for Xine

2002-07-09 Per discussione Andy Napier

What Southbridge does the Epox EP-6VBA have?  Could be one of  following
VT8231, VT82C686A, VT82C686B, VT8233, VT8233A, VT8233C, VT8235

All but the VT8235 are currently supported, although the VT8233A requires a
new driver to get it working.

Xine can use OSS, ALSA, ESD and ARTSD but I have only used it with OSS (ALSA
emulation).  Check /etc/modules.conf for lines like;

alias char-major-116 snd

alias snd-card-0 snd-card-via (X being the southbridge you have)

alias char-major-14 soundcore

alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0

alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss

alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss

alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss

alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss

alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

This provides the ALSA modules with oss emulation (or should do :)

Try: cat /proc/pci

To get an idea or what hardware is installed.

Hope it helps


- Original Message -
From: Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 7:03 AM
Subject: [newbie] Identifying sound server for Xine

 Unlike others, my stock standard Xine install seems to be running fine...
 except, i have to tell it which sound server i am using.

 I beleive there is more than one sound server choice i could have
 I have a standard install on onboard Epox EP-6VBA (VIA, Apollo, AC-97)

 How do i find which one i am running, and what do i tell Xine it is


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] chkconfig - can't find used secure level

2002-07-09 Per discussione Ross Pearson

When I run chkconfig I get the following:

# chkconfig --add bastile-firewall
Couldn't find used secure level,
You should correct this problem by running /usr/sbin/msec secure level

Although I'm sure that msec is all in order, I run it (level 3) as 
suggested but still get no further with chkconfig.
Trying to start the service from mandrake control panel just hangs without 
starting the service.

Has anyone any pointers please, chkconfig has been working fine up until 
today and It'd be helpful to be reassured that I'm on the right track 
before I dive into msec.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] chkconfig - can't find used secure level

2002-07-09 Per discussione Ross Pearson

On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Ross Pearson wrote:

Sorry all, posted before I had STFW.
Seems its a well known problem.

For reference the solution is at:



 When I run chkconfig I get the following:
 # chkconfig --add bastile-firewall
 Couldn't find used secure level,
 You should correct this problem by running /usr/sbin/msec secure level

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-07-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 09 Jul 2002 8:48 am, teddy wl wrote:
 I'm so sorry, I'm newly join this mailing list, and
 I'm newbie to in linux.
 i use Mandrake8.2/kde 2.2.2 I have KDE3.0 that build
 from Mandrake RPM, how to upgrade kde2.2.2 in mandrake
 to kde3?
 yesterday I try to upgrade but the system look like
 not stable,mybe all of you can give me some
 alternative, how to upgrade kde2 in mandrake8.2 to
 Sorry my English, I'm from Indonesia. but I know, you
 understand. Thanks


Welcome Teddy.

Upgrading to KDE3.0.2 is not too difficult. You do not even need to log out of 
KDE to do it.

1/ Download the latest KDE3.0.2 from an ftp mirror such as
and put in into a dedicated directory
You can just put that ftp line in a konqueror URL and drag and drop the files 
into a directory.
There is a file missing from the mirror called kdeadmin3 You can find a copy 
The additional kdeartwork3 files you will find there are also nice to have.

2/ In a terminal window type 'su'  (without quotes)  to become root user and 
type 'urpmi.addmedia kde3 file://path_to_your_directory'
This will add that directory to the database of RPMs known to Mandrake 
Software Manager. If ever you change the files in that directory you should 
tell Software Manager to 'Reload Lists' to keep the RPM database up to date.

3/ You can now open Mandrake Software Manager and browse or search for the 
kde3 rpms and install them in the normal way.All dependencies will be sorted 
out for you, but make sure you tick for installation all the optional addon 
packages you think you want.

4/ If you are using kdm to start your KDE session  just log out. If you were 
starting KDE directly from boot with autologin, then open Mandrake Control 
CentreBootBootConfig and select 'No I do not want autologin'
 Next time you log in, the drop down list of Window Managers in kdm will 
include an entry called KDE3. Select that and you are done!
KDE2 will still be there and you can still use it if you wish.

Hope I have not forgetton anything important :-)


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] USB digital camera

2002-07-09 Per discussione Len Lawrence

On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Todd Slater wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 08:55:03PM +0100, Len Lawrence wrote:
  A friend has asked me to check out a camera received as a present.
  Any pointers?
  Len Lawrence

 Shouldn't be a problem, Len. I added a line to /etc/fstab:

 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/fuji vfat user,umask=000,noauto 0 0

 I think I ran harddrake with the camera on and connected to figure out
 it was /dev/sdb1. You can probably set everything up right there in
Nope, harddrake cannot identify it.  It comes up under Other
Devices/Unknown with a Bus Type of USB, no device entry.  There is no sdb1
on my system, just sda1, which accommodates a JAZ drive and a scanner.
Does SCSI emulation have to be enabled (somehow) for USB devices?  Does
the sdb1 node have to be created?  This is uncharted territory for me.

Also tried loading usb-storage to see if anything changed.  No.

No more time to experiment - she will have to take the camera to somebody
with a Windows system.  Hate to admit defeat though.  Need to find some
documentation on USB for future reference.

Thanks to everybody for the suggestions.
Len Lawrence

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RE: [newbie] Quake III with nvidia

2002-07-09 Per discussione Tenchi

Thanks for the answer.

(Yes my name means that. Actually Tenchi is my favorite cartoon, I've got
all OAV's, All Tenchi TV and Tenchi in Tokyo, the 3 movies, and episode 12
of GXP :-)My girlfriend calls me like that as she knows my obsession)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Quake III with nvidia

On Monday 08 July 2002 04:19 am, you wrote:

 I've got the Loki version of Quake 3 and it installs well, but doesn't
 to start. I guess the problem is my nvidia geforce2. I have 3d (armagetron
 etc. works) but quake 3 just doesn't want to start. How can I start it?


Hi Tenchi. I've got the Loki version as well, and it worked fine up to v8.2
of Mandrake. From that release on, it lost sound. I could run the game with
sound disabled: +set s_initsound 0

If the game runs for you like this, then it is a sound driver problem.

If you're getting a signal 11 and exiting (when run normally) then go to:


and download:


Its big, like 24-27 megs...

Install it, and it should work fine then.  It worked for me. (thanks to
Fatale for all this info)

IF this is not your problem, then be specific and tell us what is (include
error messages if possible!)

PS Is your nickname from the Japanese word tenchi which means heaven and



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[newbie] remove Mandrake safely

2002-07-09 Per discussione Dave Conroy

Hi Mike,

Monday, July 8, 2002, 8:49:14 PM, you wrote:

MS I recently had to do this myself in order to cleanly reinstall Linux.  After
MS several frustrating attempts to use DOS's FDISD, I went to www.fdisk.com to
MS download their freebie version which works with MD as well as MS.

My original query was about separate Win2000 and MD8.2 hard drives and
LiLo as boot manager. I want to remove the MD8.2 hard drive and site
it in a separate box so I can play around learning Apache. I want my
Win2000 (single partition) to remain happy and safe as I run my
business pretty much off it

Anyway, I'm not sure that my original query has been answered so far
... or rather I don't yet feel comfortable about carrying out some of
the suggestions made. So, did you have a similar set up and after
completing where you left with a happy Win2000 disk? If yes ... PLEASE
let me know exactly what you did.

Thanks to people who have tried to help so far, but you're dealing
with an overworked and slightly paranoid MD newbie here ;-)
With best wishes,


David Conroy MSW
Consultant, Trainer  Management Coach
International Coach Federation, ID 1006660

Charity consulting: http://www.coaching-lab.com
Web development/hosting: http://www.turnkey-coach.com
Coaching for women: http://www.womens-life-coach.com
Coaching via e-mail: http://www.e-coaching-only.com

ICQ 127865569  Phone/Fax +44 (0)1225 314694

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Fw: [newbie] microtek scanmaker 3800 USB

2002-07-09 Per discussione Andy Napier

- Original Message -
From: Andy Napier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] microtek scanmaker 3800 USB


 Goto http://www.mostang.com/sane/ and check if you scanner is
 supportedjust checked and doesn't look like it :(

 Have a look in Mandrake Control Centre / Hardware / Scanner and check the
 list.just looked there as well and it's not supported.

 Only other option is to try the scanner manufacturer and see if they have
 driver (good luck).

 USB scanners are not very well supported in Linux, problem is there is so
 many different manufacturers and models and so few people updating drivers
 for them.

 - Original Message -
 From: Rick Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 1:38 AM
 Subject: [newbie] microtek scanmaker 3800 USB

  Does anyone have any experience making this scanner work with lm 8.2?
  I have this on my w2k machine.  But I would like to attach it to my
  and do away with that w2k box.


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Re: [newbie] remove Mandrake safely

2002-07-09 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 9 Jul 2002 08:09:44 +0100
Dave Conroy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Mike,
 My original query was about separate Win2000 and MD8.2 hard drives and
 LiLo as boot manager. I want to remove the MD8.2 hard drive and site
 it in a separate box so I can play around learning Apache. I want my
 Win2000 (single partition) to remain happy and safe as I run my
 business pretty much off it
 Anyway, I'm not sure that my original query has been answered so far
 ... or rather I don't yet feel comfortable about carrying out some of
 the suggestions made. So, did you have a similar set up and after
 completing where you left with a happy Win2000 disk? If yes ... PLEASE
 let me know exactly what you did.

When I use a separate hd for each OS after installing Win I move that
drive to slave, connect the other drive as Master and install Mandrake
to it.
Lilo will pick up the boot record for whatever version of Win it is.
I personally have dine this with 98, ME, 2K and XP.
The big benefit is that the boot record on your Win disk is never
changed or altered.

If your drives are Win-master and Mandrake-slave and you wish to restore
the 2K bootloader.
IF you only ran the Mandrake installation once and you have not upgraded
your kernel and run lilo, then the best and safest way to restore 2k is
to boot to linux and run:
 /sbin/lilo -u  

This will restore the Last saved version of your MBR, which if you
answered no to the above question will be your 2k boot record.

Before you do anything make sure that you have current versions of your
2K Rescue disk and .etc.
2K can be very fickle.
It will not auto overwrite the MBR when installed nor will it auto
generate an MBR if none exist.


No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection
-- Murphy's Military Laws n°64
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] USB digital camera

2002-07-09 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 11:18:26AM +0100, Len Lawrence wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 08:55:03PM +0100, Len Lawrence wrote:
   A friend has asked me to check out a camera received as a present.
   Any pointers?
   Len Lawrence
  Shouldn't be a problem, Len. I added a line to /etc/fstab:
  /dev/sdb1 /mnt/fuji vfat user,umask=000,noauto 0 0
  I think I ran harddrake with the camera on and connected to figure out
  it was /dev/sdb1. You can probably set everything up right there in
 Nope, harddrake cannot identify it.  It comes up under Other
 Devices/Unknown with a Bus Type of USB, no device entry.  There is no sdb1
 on my system, just sda1, which accommodates a JAZ drive and a scanner.
 Does SCSI emulation have to be enabled (somehow) for USB devices?  Does
 the sdb1 node have to be created?  This is uncharted territory for me.
 Also tried loading usb-storage to see if anything changed.  No.
 No more time to experiment - she will have to take the camera to somebody
 with a Windows system.  Hate to admit defeat though.  Need to find some
 documentation on USB for future reference.
 Thanks to everybody for the suggestions.
 Len Lawrence

Sorry, I'm not on Mandrake right now, so I can't check. But when I was
in the Control Panel, I went to Mount Points with the camera on and
connected, just as if I were going to transfer the images. The camera
showed up as removable media, even told me the correct size of the smart
media card. I was able to name the mount point, and I haven't had any
problems with it since. I'm on 8.1, things may have changed for 8.2.


Todd Slater

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RE: [newbie] Apache DocumentRoot

2002-07-09 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes


Have you set up a .htaccess file? If not try setting one up, or else if
it has one are the settings correct?


-Original Message-
From: Roy Murray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 4:26 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Apache DocumentRoot

- Original Message -
From: Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 10:55 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Apache DocumentRoot


 That is a 403 error, meaning that at some level your permissions are
 up or that you don't have a file named index.html, index.php,
 index.shtml, index.cgi, index.pl, index.htm, Default.htm, or
 Check your permissions all the way from the root directory all the way
 to the folder your web files are located in.  (Ie, if your
documentroot is
 set to /home/www/html, permissions need to be set correctly on /home,
 /home/www, and /home/www/html ).

 Also check permissions on the files under the documentroot.


 Michael Viron
 Project Manager / Primary Developer / Online Operations Manager
 General Education Online

 At 05:13 PM 7/8/2002 +0930, you wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 Thanks for that.
 I have been going through the error_log and access_log and following
 them when I am accessing the pages. The following entry in the access
 log is all that I get - - [08/Jul/2002:17:05:07 +0930] GET / HTTP/1.1 403
 - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; APC)
 I had it working earlier and then decided that I needed to allow
 for user's home dirs as this was not working.
 Any ideas from this error?? It seems weird seeing that the error_log
 shows nothing.

What did you change to try and allow access the user's home directory.
Apache is fairly Security Safe when the defaults are installed,  but can
become complicated when you set it up for different directory
Permissions must be set up for the different directory users.
Roy Murray

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Re: [newbie] Inodes

2002-07-09 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Michael Adams wrote:
 Perhaps linking is what you are after. It creates a file redirect if i
 understand it correctly.

Oh, joy, more new terminology ;-(

What is a file redirect?  

Well, Ok, since you equate it with linking, I suppose I can guess.

But, to satisfy my curiosity, can you tell me where that terminology
came from (I mean, like Windows, Unix, Univac, Dec, ...??)

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] Opera 6.02 and Java

2002-07-09 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne


I have a strange problem. Java has stopped working suddenly in Opera 6.02. It 
was working perfectly before and it is working perfectly in other browsers 
(Konqueror and Mozilla). I have j2re-1.4.0 installed correctly. What happens 
when I try to load a page that has java is this: the Java Console window 
opens and, on the page, I get the usual Loading class something message, 
but the class never gets loaded.

Does anyone know what could be wrong? I have tried removing Opera and 
re-installing it, and also hitting Find Plug-ins in Preferences again (the 
plug-in path is set correctly).

Thanks in advance,

Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] sound problems

2002-07-09 Per discussione tom brinkman

On Monday 08 July 2002 11:55 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 17:38, tom brinkman wrote:
  On Monday 08 July 2002 03:20 pm, john drouhard wrote:
   I need a lot of help. I am very fed up with my aureal card. I
   have everything I can think of. I have a vortex 2 (au8830). I
   have installed the CVS drivers from Sourceforge, and the
   install did not find my aureal card. I had to manually make the
   driver as an au8830. It didn't work after I installed these.
   When I try to use ALSA, it can't open /dev/dsp becasue of an
   invalid argument. I need any help I can get.
 Save your sanity, try to avoid win-hardware in the future,
  blame uncle billy for aureal.  Look here to find a_real sound
  Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

 In defense of Aureal, the hardware itself is excellent.  In all
 probability Aureal would be supplying Linux drivers right now if
 Creative Labs had not pulled a MicroShaft on them, taking them out
 in court over a lawsuit that had no basis in reality.  As a young
 company, Aureal had not developed sufficient resources for an
 extended court battle.  To add insult to injury, Creative Labs
 ended up absorbing Aureal's assets after they forced them out of
 business.  Now everybody walks around extolling the pluses of
 Creative Labs cards, and most don't have a clue about what dirty
 tricks they pulled to get there. AKA M$.

 The Aureal hardware is high quality hardware, and it's no accident
 that Aureal owners are very passionate about their cards.  Aureal
 as a company no longer exists in order to defend itself.  Further,
 I hate to see someone hung for what they may or may not have done;
 AKA Minority Report.  Aureal was the kind of company that would
 have responded to user requests, if they had not been so busy
 battling Creative Labs in court. That choice was forcibly taken
 from them.

 I myself have an Nvidia card, a Via chipset, an HPT370 Raid
 controller, and an Aureal soundcard combo.  According to
 conventional wisdom I should be totally dead in the water;
 however in my experience what I have encountered have been merely
 configuration issues, and Linux Mandrake has been more than able to
 handle the hardware as long as I correctly told it what to do.  Now
 that the hardware curves have been negotiated, I see them as being
 no different from what everybody else has to go through in getting
 accustomed to their hardware's personalities and ideosyncracies;
 that even includes Winblows users -- they have configuration
 problems too.  Even WITH native drivers.

 Winmodems deserve a special spot in hell; however that category
 does not apply to the superb hardware setup I've got now, or any of
 it's peripherals.  They've all got drivers and they all work more
 than satisfactorily.  And yes I think companies should be
 encouraged to support Linux more in regard to their peripherals;
 but not at the expense of a witchhunt against perfectly good
 hardware that works, or the intentional disregard of the minority

 Best Regards,


   Well, your welcome to your opinions. The link I posted is Deno's 
and Civileme's opinions.  Mine are that _any_ hardware that requires 
closed source proprietary drivers to function is WIN_hardware. It 
can't and never will be supported by Linux, the drivers _will_ taint 
your kernel, and possibly (probly) introduce unfixable, untraceable 
conflicts and security issues.  IOW's, reduce a real OS to the same 
quality as those that come out of Redmond.  That's the main reason 
that linux-kernel (and Linus) routinely ignore any bug reports 
involving nVidia drivers, or any win-hardare or closed source 
proprietary software (eg, StarOffice) for that matter. There's also 
the user risk that their hardware will be orphaned and abandoned, as 
is the case with Aureal.

So it's simply a user choice, and not a Linux or Mandrake isssue 
to risk using win-hardware and/or introducing closed source binary 
programs in any form into their system.  Doing so without knowledge 
or acceptance of the pitfalls is just plain foolishness. A user 
error, and a regression to a Winblows mindset.  YMMV
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Opera 6.02 and Java

2002-07-09 Per discussione Rich

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 11:12, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
 I have a strange problem. Java has stopped working suddenly in Opera 6.02. It 
 was working perfectly before and it is working perfectly in other browsers 
 (Konqueror and Mozilla). I have j2re-1.4.0 installed correctly. What happens 
 when I try to load a page that has java is this: the Java Console window 
 opens and, on the page, I get the usual Loading class something message, 
 but the class never gets loaded.
 Does anyone know what could be wrong? I have tried removing Opera and 
 re-installing it, and also hitting Find Plug-ins in Preferences again (the 
 plug-in path is set correctly).

I've had this problem with Java in Opera since 6.0 came out.  I've since
switched to Netscape 6.0 and everything works just fine, albeit a little

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Re: [newbie] sound problems

2002-07-09 Per discussione john drouhard

On Monday 08 July 2002 11:17 pm, you wrote:

 I'll try to help as best I can.  Sorry that the information you've
 gotten so far has not helped; I hope we can get it working.

 Have you tried changing the interrupt that the card resides on?

 And have you managed to get the exact model of the Aureal 8830/8820 that
 you have?  Mine turned out to be a Superquad.

 What is the present IRQ that you card is on?


Okay, I am a little clueless. I do know that my aureal card was set to irq 10
before I installed a sound blaster 16 card. (I needed sound in Linux, but
could NOT get the drivers to work. It is now IRQ 11.)

I don't know how to change an interrupt (sorry to be clueless.)

The exact model I have is an authentic aureal. the win drivers on the cd are
A-3D copyright 1999 Aureal, Inc. On the actual card, it says A-3D and Aureal.
It also has powered by vortex.

John Drouhard
P.S. - maybe I could see your /etc/modules.conf file. Thanks!

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[newbie] mjpegtools error

2002-07-09 Per discussione drwhat

howdy all

trying to get mjpegtools running here...

I get the following errors

[drwhat@tardis video]$ lavrec -f a -i n -R l test.avi
   INFO: Recording parameters:

   INFO: Output format:  AVI
   INFO: Input Source:   Composite NTSC

   INFO: Decimation: 4
   INFO: Quality:50
   INFO: Recording time: 10 sec
   INFO: MJPEG buffer size:  256 KB
   INFO: # of MJPEG buffers: 64
   INFO: Audio parameters:

   INFO: Audio sample size:   16 bit
   INFO: Audio sampling rate: 44100 Hz
   INFO: Audio is MONO
   INFO: Audio input recording level: 100 %
   INFO: Don't mute audio output during recording
   INFO: Recording source: l
   INFO: Level of correction for Audio/Video synchronization:
   INFO: Lost frame compensation and frame drop/insert
++ WARN: Pthread Real-time scheduling could not be enabled.
**ERROR: Setting channel: Inappropriate ioctl for device
**ERROR: getting device capabilities: Inappropriate ioctl for device

mobo: asus a7v133
cpu: amd duron 950
ram: 256M SDRAM
graphics: Matrox G450 video card
vid-cap: geneva pci (generic brooktree878)
os: mdk 8.2

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Re: [newbie] Opera 6.02 and Java

2002-07-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 09 Jul 2002 4:12 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:

 I have a strange problem. Java has stopped working suddenly in Opera 6.02.
 It was working perfectly before and it is working perfectly in other
 browsers (Konqueror and Mozilla). I have j2re-1.4.0 installed correctly.
 What happens when I try to load a page that has java is this: the Java
 Console window opens and, on the page, I get the usual Loading class
 something message, but the class never gets loaded.

 Does anyone know what could be wrong? I have tried removing Opera and
 re-installing it, and also hitting Find Plug-ins in Preferences again (the
 plug-in path is set correctly).

 Thanks in advance,

Yes I've seen this one before, mostly in the beta versions of 6.0

Opera requires that one of the plugin paths should point directly at the java 
directory e.g. /usr/lib/jre-1.4.0/plugin/i386/ns4/  in the beta this had to 
be the first path in the list, but I think that is no longer required.

It may also be a good idea to make sure you have a symlink /usr/bin/java 
pointing to the java executable.  I cannot remember if Opera needs it, but 
lots of other applications do. (Like Limewire)

If still no good the newsgroup  opera.linux ought to be able to help.


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[newbie] small KDE3.02 problem

2002-07-09 Per discussione LtCdData

i installed KDE3.02 most things seem ok except everytime i close a konsole
i get a popup error  KDEInit could not launch 'konsole-noxft' 
i just click the ok button..but how can i fix this ??


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[newbie] html help files

2002-07-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson

A couple of weeks ago someone told me how to convert html help files into 
something more useful  I thought I had saved it but I can't find it.  I think 
it involed LaTeX (sp?)

I'd appreciate seeing the instructions again.



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Re: [newbie] small KDE3.02 problem

2002-07-09 Per discussione Terry Sheltra

I've had that problem as well with KDE 3.0.1.  What I did to try and fix it 
was to right-click on the konsole icon, select preferences, and under the 
execute tab, place a blank space (hit the space bar) between the word 
konsole and -nofxt.  For me, that would work sometimes, but KDE would 
sometimes revert it back.  Other times, I would just recreate the icon on the 
panel manually, and it seemed to work more pemanently.

Hope that helps.


On Tuesday 09 July 2002 12:26, LtCdData wrote:
 i installed KDE3.02 most things seem ok except everytime i close a konsole
 i get a popup error  KDEInit could not launch 'konsole-noxft' 
 i just click the ok button..but how can i fix this ??


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RE: [newbie] html help files

2002-07-09 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes


Have you tried the archive? other than that I don't know, sorry.


-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 5:30 PM
Subject: [newbie] html help files

A couple of weeks ago someone told me how to convert html help files
something more useful  I thought I had saved it but I can't find it.  I
it involed LaTeX (sp?)

I'd appreciate seeing the instructions again.



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[newbie] Re: [newbie-it] flash

2002-07-09 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, LukenShiro esclamo':

Sorry, I sent the message to the wrong mailing-list. It was supposed to
be sent to newbie-it.
My sincere apologizes :((

Bye, Lk

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[newbie] Re: [newbie-it] flash

2002-07-09 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Brunini Alessandro esclamo':
 come mai quando ascolto un mp3 con xmms e contemporaneamente navigo con
 Mozilla/Netscape su un sito che ha qualche introduzione o animazione in
 flash, mi si pianta il browser?

Dovresti provare ad avviarlo dal terminale di testo, per vedere se da'
qualche messaggio illuminante.

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]
Aderisci alla campagna I Savoia-rdi sono, come i panda, a rischio
estinzione, quindi lasciamoli stare nel loro habitat naturale ed
evitiamo di farli sgattaiolare nel nostro Paese ...

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Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

Miark wrote:

I never had one, but I understood they were very good.
But I thought IBM is getting out of the hard drive


Sevatio [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

What's your opinion of IBM Hard Drives?  I was going to continue buying 
them since IBM is a supporter of Linux.  However, some of the customer 
feedbacks I've been reading makes me apprehensive about touching these.

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Basically, stay away.  The new ones are not rated for 24/7 operation. 
 The only decent drives left in IDE seem to be Maxtor, and I have 
returned one of their 60G models this year.


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Re: [newbie] apm --suspend in linux

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

Anand Kumar Kalyanasundaram wrote:

I am using Mandrake 8.2 on an Athlon laptop (I Think it
is via apollo mobo). I am able to suspend the laptop using
apm --suspend but when I resume it (by hitting some key),
the laptop seems to start for a moment but all I get is a
blank screen:I do a hard shutdown after that. Any ideas or
pointers to solve this problem would be greatly appriciated.


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turn off ACPI in the BIOS.  Linux has bare alpha support for ACPI and we 
aren't including it yet.


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Re: [newbie] OT Why HTML mail is bad

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

Todd Slater wrote:

Somewhere I bookmarked pages that explained why HTML email is bad, but
I'll be darned if I can find them now. I recall getting some of them
from this list, so if you've got a page you share with folks to help
explain why HTML mail is bad, could you share it? You can respond
off-list if you like, I'll post a summary.



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Well, HTML mail isn't bad, per se.  It is considered discourteous on 
mailing lists because many list members will be unable to read it with 
their chosen mailer.

When I receive HTML mail on my business account, which I handle with 
KMail with the HTML capabilities turned off, I just delete it.  On these 
mailing lists, where there are newbies who know no better, I use an html 
capable client (mozilla) but I am set to transmit in plain text only.

HTML mail can exploit a header bug in Outlook so that attachments are 
launched as soon as the mail is opened...  Can you kids at home say 
email worm transport?  Good, I knew you could.

HTML is wasteful of bandwidth where the message is meant to be read, but 
is legitimate for business mailings where the message is meant to be 
viewed.  Of course a lot of unsolicited business ads in HTML with lots 
of photos and animations can be very expensive for someone charged by 
the kb or by connection time.  That is one of the reasons that SPAM 
Kings are considered criminals.


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[newbie] Duplex Settings on Network Cards

2002-07-09 Per discussione Travis Crook


I am trying to get two network cards to talk at the same speed in a 
firewall. I used mii-tool and it shows that both NICs are running 
100baseTx-FD but one has flow control on it. How do I disable the flow 

Travis CrookVisions Beyond

Re: [newbie] Posting Help

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

Mike Settle wrote:

Whatever it was, you must've fixed it..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chuck Stuettgen
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: [newbie] Posting Help

 I am posting this from my office e-mail system to see if anyone 
can help me.

I am in need of any suggestions to fix my posting problem.  I 
subscribed to the mandrake lists in early May and all was well.  
In the middle of May my ISP brought their systems in house rather 
than being outsourced like they had been.  Since the switch I 
have been unable to post to any of the Mandrake lists.

I am subscribed to several other mailing lists and can post to 
them without any problem. The only lists that I am having a 
problem with are the Mandrake lists.   My ISP is at a loss and I 
am getting very frustrated.

Below is copy of the mime information from my most recent attempt 
to post. 


Delivery failed 20 attempts: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original message follows.

Received: from cfslaptop [] by entouch.net with ESMTP
  (SMTPD32-7.07) id A3E2D2070090; Sat, 06 Jul 2002 13:07:46 -0400
Subject: Checking to see if can post
From: Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.0.7
Date: 06 Jul 2002 12:10:32 -0500
Message-Id: 1025975432.2518.4.camel@cfslaptop
Mime-Version: 1.0

Checking to see if I can post...

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Sorry, the problem lies with your ISP.  When the mail arrives at the 
list server, it resolves to see that the transmission address is real. 
 If the ISP does not have its nameservices fully set up the response is 
nonsense and the mail is rejected.  This was done to keep spammers off 
the list.

My own computer sends my mail to the list, and I have the nameservices 
set up for it.  It is not a big task.  If your ISP can do no better, 
then find another ISP.


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Re: [newbie] sound problems

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

john drouhard wrote:

I need a lot of help. I am very fed up with my aureal card. I have everything 
I can think of. I have a vortex 2 (au8830). I have installed the CVS drivers 
from Sourceforge, and the install did not find my aureal card. I had to 
manually make the driver as an au8830. It didn't work after I installed 
these. When I try to use ALSA, it can't open /dev/dsp becasue of an invalid 
argument. I need any help I can get.

John Drouhard

P.S. I do have a VIA mobo and an nvidia card, but I tried the extra things to 
change. Thanks for any help.

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If you have a Dell version of that card, it will never work with the 
standard drivers and Dell does not supply linux drivers for it.

Aureal has been out of business for a while, and the drivers from 
sourceforge are just a source wrapper to the old binary, secret driver 
Aureal supplied, which is why it is increasingly difficult to maintain. 
 In order to make it work you have to compile it as a kernel module. 
 This is coverewd in Chapter 14 of the Mandrake Reference Guide, but not 
in any detail.  It is the same as kernel compilation except you just 
make deps then make modules make modules install...  If you can get it 
to work, the sound is as nice as any other sound card, but of course you 
have placed an unknown black box into your system, in a position to run 
privileged and talk directly to the kernel.

Personally, I would never use it (the card) because binary-only drivers 
give me a chill down the spine.


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RE: [newbie] sound problems

2002-07-09 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] sound problems

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] sound problems

john drouhard wrote:

I need a lot of help. I am very fed up with my aureal card. I have everything 
I can think of. I have a vortex 2 (au8830). I have installed the CVS drivers 
from Sourceforge, and the install did not find my aureal card. I had to 
manually make the driver as an au8830. It didn't work after I installed 
these. When I try to use ALSA, it can't open /dev/dsp becasue of an invalid 
argument. I need any help I can get.

John Drouhard

P.S. I do have a VIA mobo and an nvidia card, but I tried the extra things to 
change. Thanks for any help.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

If you have a Dell version of that card, it will never work with the 
standard drivers and Dell does not supply linux drivers for it.

Aureal has been out of business for a while, and the drivers from 
sourceforge are just a source wrapper to the old binary, secret driver 
Aureal supplied, which is why it is increasingly difficult to maintain. 
In order to make it work you have to compile it as a kernel module. 
This is coverewd in Chapter 14 of the Mandrake Reference Guide, but not 
in any detail. It is the same as kernel compilation except you just 
make deps then make modules make modules install... If you can get it 
to work, the sound is as nice as any other sound card, but of course you 
have placed an unknown black box into your system, in a position to run 
privileged and talk directly to the kernel.

Personally, I would never use it (the card) because binary-only drivers 
give me a chill down the spine.


Speaking of which, are there any suggestions for a video card that works as well as an nvidia chipset card, but using open source drivers. I have wasted a few bucks on an Nvidia card and with the new kernel 2.4.18-8.1 I can't get it to work on the d/l'd drivers. It works ok with the drivers that come in ML8.2 but no tuxracer. No way to figure out (for me at least)why so now I am looking for a better vidio card. Better as in opensource. Thanks, 

Dennis M. 

Re: [newbie] html help files

2002-07-09 Per discussione Graham Watkins

There may be other ways but I saved a help page on the web by printing 
it to a file - this gave me a nice postscript file, the only drawback 
being that the links no longer worked. You could then convert it to a 
pdf (with ps2pdf) to save space.

Anne Wilson wrote:

A couple of weeks ago someone told me how to convert html help files into 
something more useful  I thought I had saved it but I can't find it.  I think 
it involed LaTeX (sp?)

I'd appreciate seeing the instructions again.



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Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] Opera 6.02 and Java

2002-07-09 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne

On Tuesday 09 July 2002 13:09, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 09 Jul 2002 4:12 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
  I have a strange problem. Java has stopped working suddenly in Opera
  6.02. It was working perfectly before and it is working perfectly in
  other browsers (Konqueror and Mozilla). I have j2re-1.4.0 installed
  correctly. What happens when I try to load a page that has java is this:
  the Java Console window opens and, on the page, I get the usual Loading
  class something message, but the class never gets loaded.
  Does anyone know what could be wrong? I have tried removing Opera and
  re-installing it, and also hitting Find Plug-ins in Preferences again
  (the plug-in path is set correctly).
  Thanks in advance,

 Yes I've seen this one before, mostly in the beta versions of 6.0

 Opera requires that one of the plugin paths should point directly at the
 java directory e.g. /usr/lib/jre-1.4.0/plugin/i386/ns4/  in the beta this
 had to be the first path in the list, but I think that is no longer

 It may also be a good idea to make sure you have a symlink /usr/bin/java
 pointing to the java executable.  I cannot remember if Opera needs it, but
 lots of other applications do. (Like Limewire)

 If still no good the newsgroup  opera.linux ought to be able to help.


I have one of the plug-in paths pointing to 
/usr/lib/jre-1.4.0/plugin/i386/ns4/ and also have symlinked /usr/bin/java to 
the executable. But thanks for the help anyway. I'm going to try opera.linux.

Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione Belgarius

 Basically, stay away.  The new ones are not rated for 24/7 operation.
  The only decent drives left in IDE seem to be Maxtor, and I have
 returned one of their 60G models this year.


   I've got a 20 gig Maxtor here that I am planning to send back for the
third time, for the same identical problem.  Not long after installing the
OS and assorted goodies, the beast returned a hard drive failure on POST,
sent it back, got a replacement, installed it, and didn't even make it
through the OS install before it exhibited the same problem.  I gave up, and
went back to Western Digital, which I have never had a problem with in the
years I've used them.  (knocks wood)  The Maxtor is now doing a passable job
of serving as a paperweight these days...


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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[newbie] Does Mandrake Support ever answer?

2002-07-09 Per discussione Adrian Burd

I'm just wondering, but does one ever get a reply from Mandrake
Support? I purchased a Mandrake 8.2 boxed set which is means to have
online support. I went to the website and filled out the forms and put
in a request. That was 4 days ago. Should I give up or wait some more?
Has anyone else had any experience with Mandrake support?


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Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione Barry Michels

Maxtor?!?  All but 2 I've been around (at work) have died at one time or
another.  I would never buy a Maxtor or Quantum.


- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

 Miark wrote:

 I never had one, but I understood they were very good.
 But I thought IBM is getting out of the hard drive
 Sevatio [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
 What's your opinion of IBM Hard Drives?  I was going to continue buying
 them since IBM is a supporter of Linux.  However, some of the customer
 feedbacks I've been reading makes me apprehensive about touching these.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Basically, stay away.  The new ones are not rated for 24/7 operation.
  The only decent drives left in IDE seem to be Maxtor, and I have
 returned one of their 60G models this year.


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Does Mandrake Support ever answer?

2002-07-09 Per discussione Anthony Hopkin

They do.  I have logged three calls in a couple of months to open tech
support at mandrake-expert.  Each has had a spot on reply from the
community which helped me figure out the problem.  The last one got a
response in one hour.  

Don't give up hope!

You also might consider asking here?  [;¬)} 


On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 21:50, Adrian Burd wrote:
 I'm just wondering, but does one ever get a reply from Mandrake
 Support? I purchased a Mandrake 8.2 boxed set which is means to have
 online support. I went to the website and filled out the forms and put
 in a request. That was 4 days ago. Should I give up or wait some more?
 Has anyone else had any experience with Mandrake support?

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[newbie] Ksplash/ML and KDE 3.0.2

2002-07-09 Per discussione Terry Sheltra

I just upgraded to KDE 3.0.2 from 3.0.1, and now the KSplash/ML splash screen 
does not work.  It defaults to the standard splash screen, even though I can 
see the configuration for KSplash/ML in the control panel.  Any ideas what 
got messed up?


Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture

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Re: [newbie] Does Mandrake Support ever answer?

2002-07-09 Per discussione et

On Tuesday 09 July 2002 04:50 pm, you wrote:
 I'm just wondering, but does one ever get a reply from Mandrake
 Support? I purchased a Mandrake 8.2 boxed set which is means to have
 online support. I went to the website and filled out the forms and put
 in a request. That was 4 days ago. Should I give up or wait some more?
 Has anyone else had any experience with Mandrake support?

My bet was for some reason they could not reply (like a typo in your e-mail 
address) but what was the problem we would all love to have a real 
problem to chew on...

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Re: [newbie] html help files

2002-07-09 Per discussione robin

Anne Wilson wrote:

A couple of weeks ago someone told me how to convert html help files into 
something more useful  I thought I had saved it but I can't find it.  I think 
it involed LaTeX (sp?)

I'd appreciate seeing the instructions again.

If you have html2latex (it's not on the Mandrake CDs but can be 
downloaded - you will also need a couple of Perl modules like 
HTML::Tree, which are also easily downloadable) you can either import 
the file into LyX (better if you want to edit it) or run html2latex from 
the command line, then run latex on the resulting .tex file, then dvips 
on the resulting .dvi file, then you end up with a nice printable .ps file.

Apologies for the syntax of the last sentence!

Sir Robin

We're clouds over the sea, or flecks of matter
in the ocean when the ocean seems lit from within.
I know I'm drunk when I start this ocean talk. - Rumi

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] Does Mandrake Support ever answer?

2002-07-09 Per discussione Adrian Burd

 et == et  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

et On Tuesday 09 July 2002 04:50 pm, you wrote:
 I'm just wondering, but does one ever get a reply from Mandrake
 Support? I purchased a Mandrake 8.2 boxed set which is means to
 have online support. I went to the website and filled out the
 forms and put in a request. That was 4 days ago. Should I give
 up or wait some more?  Has anyone else had any experience with
 Mandrake support?
et My bet was for some reason they could not reply (like a typo
et in your e-mail address) but what was the problem 

I've double checked that and I got a standard reply back by email when
I registered, so I don't think it can be that. I'll check again though.

et we would all love to have a real problem to chew on...

Well, I asked here a couple of days back and got a couple of replies which
didn't work out unfortunately. 

The problems is this:

System: Dell Inspiron 8100 laptop

I put Mandrake 8.2 Powerpack edition on it as the sole OS (no dual
booting this baby - though I might put VMWare on it later). I must say
that the install was seamless (it even had a pretty recent NVIDIA

The machine came with a CD-ROM installed and a module bay which can
house a CD-RW, a ZIP-250 or a Floppy. I installed Mandrake with the
CD-RW installed. 

If I shutdown, take out the CD-RW and put in say, the ZIP drive, and
reboot, I cannot access the zip drive and attempting to do so hangs
the process (though fortunately not the machine). 

So, the problem of the day is, how to get the machine to recognize
when I plug in a different piece of hardware into the module bay and
have that piece of hardware work. Any ideas?

Thanks for all your help.


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Re: [newbie] Ksplash/ML and KDE 3.0.2

2002-07-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 09 Jul 2002 10:34 pm, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 I just upgraded to KDE 3.0.2 from 3.0.1, and now the KSplash/ML splash
 screen does not work.  It defaults to the standard splash screen, even
 though I can see the configuration for KSplash/ML in the control panel. 
 Any ideas what got messed up?


As of KDE3.0.2 and below the /opt/kde3/bin/startkde script has a bug in it 
which will cause KDE to not find ksplashml. 
To fix it edit startkde so that the relevent stanza reads... 

# Laurent kdebase-2.2.2-7mdk fix conflict with ksplashml 
if [ -e /opt/kde3/bin/ksplashml ]; then 


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[newbie] browser loading speed

2002-07-09 Per discussione Todd Slater

Lately it seems my browsers are starting slowly. Opera takes anywhere from
20-30 seconds to launch, Mozilla takes between 10-20 seconds, and Dillo
takes about 1 second. I'm running MD 8.1, 500MHz AMD, 384MB RAM. Is that
what I should expect? Would switching from ext2 to ext3 have anything to
do with it (I switched a couple months ago, but didn't notice anything
different right off the bat)?


Todd Slater
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My
opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a
bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. (Flannery

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Re: [newbie] Does Mandrake Support ever answer?

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

Adrian Burd wrote:

I'm just wondering, but does one ever get a reply from Mandrake
Support? I purchased a Mandrake 8.2 boxed set which is means to have
online support. I went to the website and filled out the forms and put
in a request. That was 4 days ago. Should I give up or wait some more?
Has anyone else had any experience with Mandrake support?


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Well, give me the incident number and I will make sure you get a reply


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[newbie] AOL CD-RW problem

2002-07-09 Per discussione AOL Systems

Just want to askI have a LG CD-RW I want to used it in my Linux machine
wat software will i need to burn my cd's and does it need a driver
before I can used it?What else will I consider to run my CDRW on my
Linux machine
Thanks! any help will gladly appreciated.

AOL (newbie)

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Re: [newbie] Does Mandrake Support ever answer?

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

Adrian Burd wrote:

et == et  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

et On Tuesday 09 July 2002 04:50 pm, you wrote:
 I'm just wondering, but does one ever get a reply from Mandrake
 Support? I purchased a Mandrake 8.2 boxed set which is means to
 have online support. I went to the website and filled out the
 forms and put in a request. That was 4 days ago. Should I give
 up or wait some more?  Has anyone else had any experience with
 Mandrake support?
et My bet was for some reason they could not reply (like a typo
et in your e-mail address) but what was the problem 

I've double checked that and I got a standard reply back by email when
I registered, so I don't think it can be that. I'll check again though.

et we would all love to have a real problem to chew on...

Well, I asked here a couple of days back and got a couple of replies which
didn't work out unfortunately. 

The problems is this:

System: Dell Inspiron 8100 laptop

I put Mandrake 8.2 Powerpack edition on it as the sole OS (no dual
booting this baby - though I might put VMWare on it later). I must say
that the install was seamless (it even had a pretty recent NVIDIA

The machine came with a CD-ROM installed and a module bay which can
house a CD-RW, a ZIP-250 or a Floppy. I installed Mandrake with the
CD-RW installed. 

If I shutdown, take out the CD-RW and put in say, the ZIP drive, and
reboot, I cannot access the zip drive and attempting to do so hangs
the process (though fortunately not the machine). 

So, the problem of the day is, how to get the machine to recognize
when I plug in a different piece of hardware into the module bay and
have that piece of hardware work. Any ideas?

Thanks for all your help.


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Well, your devices and filesystems must be set up in /etc/fstab.  devfs 
will mount what is there except that the ZIP and the CDRW and the Floppy 
may all be sharing an ide designation., like /dev/hdc.

so, when you boot with CDRW, the append line of your boot should contain

hdc=ide-scsi   (I am guessing on the hdc--never seen a Dell 8100 which 
has other multiple issues with mandrake 8.2 regarding powersaving and 
failure to wake up, thanks to a broken BIOS, but you can get the device 
designator from /etc/lilo.conf

to enable scsi emulation for the CDRW.  ide-scsi works only for CDs, 
DVDs, and CDRWs as does the ide-cd module.

ide-floppy would handle the floppy unless it were a genuine floppy 
interface  (There would be a second plug in the bay)

and ide-scsi of course won't work with the ZIP250.  

OK what you have is a device that is not set up to be switched by 
hotplug or devfs, but which uses a customized version of windows which 
is set to detect and adjust to whatever is plugged in.

You can do that with linux, but it is no small task.  You need separate 
boots for each case and not enough of the system is in at boot to do the 
autodetection and adjustment, so you have to set up the boots yourself 
and select the one appropriate to your installation. Once you have 
booted one of the three, there needs to be a script called before 
/etc/fstab is read which commonts out all but one of the lines below...

/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount dev=/dev/hdc4,fs=auto,sync,unhide 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,sync,unhide 0 0

That third line assumes that the floppy does have a separate connector 
in the bay and is a genuine floppy interface.

Well only ONE of those lines can be present in the /etc/fstab that is 
read, so before it is read, in the file


You need to call a routine (which should reside as a root-executable in 
/sbin, because that is all that is accessible when it is called)
which does the surgery on the file /etc/fstab.

Now this needs to be done before any other filesystems are mounted but 
after / is remounted read/write.

That is very difficult to achieve, because all that is available is the 
shell or a binary at that time, and this is not an easy shell script.

An alternative is to keep all three commented out in /etc/fstab and have 
/etc/rc.local call a script which uncomments the appropriate line and 
also asks for a mount which forces the /etc/fstab entry to promote to 
the supermount table.

I have a sample here which was used to dual-boot a cantankerous CDRW 
that did not want to play audio CDs under SCSI emulation.  The 
principles should apply to the sort of script you need.  There would be 
a couple of hours coding and testing _with_your_machine_ to make sure it 
works corectly.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Flipper program for dualbooting bad CDRWs one as audio
# the other as burner

Re: [newbie] AOL CD-RW problem

2002-07-09 Per discussione Jose Mirles

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 08:08:27 -0700
AOL Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just want to askI have a LG CD-RW I want to used it in my Linux machine
 wat software will i need to burn my cd's and does it need a driver
 before I can used it?What else will I consider to run my CDRW on my
 Linux machine
 Thanks! any help will gladly appreciated.

I also have a LG CDR/RW on my Linux box. Mandrake picked it up with no problems. I 
didn't have to do anything to get it picked up. It also loaded X-CD-Roast. However It 
loaded it twice along with the supporting software. really wierd, I have two different 
version. I guess I will have to go to menudrake and see which version is being used 
and delete the other.

But to answer your question, Mandrake handles LG CDR/RW automatically. You have your 
choice on burning software. 
Try them all and stick with the one you like.

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[newbie] hard disk speed.

2002-07-09 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

For video recording, I have read in many places that speed of HDD should be 
7200 RPM. I have one 8.1GB and 20 GB seagate HDDs. On the label I coudn't 
find anything. Any software to find out?

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[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione Travis Crook

I have never had a Maxtor drive die on me (I have used a dozen or so).  I
have had Western Digitals die on me before.

Travis Crook
Visions Beyond

 Maxtor?!?  All but 2 I've been around (at work) have died at one time or
 another.  I would never buy a Maxtor or Quantum.


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[newbie] kdm configure not working.

2002-07-09 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I have mdk 8.2 with kde3 in /opt. I tried to change kdm settings. Though I 
could change them in dialog, it is not taking reflected when I logout/reboot. 
What to do. I work in kde3.

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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[newbie] sound sever for video programs.

2002-07-09 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

When I use mplayer or ffmpeg, I don't get sound. I tried soundwrapper as used 
for xmms, it also didn't help.  May be it is sound only. How to make sound 
server recognise these video programs?

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] kdm configure not working.

2002-07-09 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

I would guess that you still have KDE2 still loaded on your system.  If so, it is the 
kdm that loads instead of the KDE3 version (which is what you are configuring).  To 
get KDM from KDE3 to load change the last line in /etc/inittab to read:  
x:5:respawn:/opt/kde3/bin/kdm -nodaemon (instead of x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm 
and reboot your machine.  BTW, you need to have root access to edit inittab (either 
login as root or in a terminal window do a su command).


On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 07:12:00 +
L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have mdk 8.2 with kde3 in /opt. I tried to change kdm settings. Though I 
 could change them in dialog, it is not taking reflected when I logout/reboot. 
 What to do. I work in kde3.
 203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
 MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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[newbie] Formatting a Zip Disk

2002-07-09 Per discussione Jerry Van Brimmer

What would be the command to format a 250MB Zip disk in vfat?

I have a 250MB zip disk that I deleted some files from, but df still shows the
old file space as still used.

Thanks for advice,

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Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione dfox

 Maxtor?!?  All but 2 I've been around (at work) have died at one time or
 another.  I would never buy a Maxtor or Quantum.

Well, I admit to having less than perfect luck with the Maxtor 1.6 gig
drive I bought in 1996 - it seems to have developed one or two bad
sectors since installation -- but the previous drive I got back in 1993
is probably still 100% good. I had to take it out because of space
restrictions, but after six or seven years of continuous operation (I
got it in 1993) it was still working perfectly.

I know people with Quantums (Quanta?) who have had several problems, and
also people who have had issues with two different manufacturers drives
in the system. Right now I have the aforementioned Maxtor, plus an IBM
Deskstar 30GB I got in October 2000. The IBM is flawless.

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Re: [newbie] kdm configure not working.

2002-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes

I've gone through and made this change, but I still get KDM for KDE2.x.

If I then try and load KDE3, it gives me IceWM.  I've been using this
webpage to set it up.


I went through and did as it says.  And it doesn't make sense that
merely changing the name in the Session suddenly tells it to load KDE3.

I usually load a machine in init 3.  But since this machine is for other
users, I figured I'd start it in leve 5.  For the life of me, I can't
figure out why it's not loading KDE3's KDM, or why it runs IceWM when I
select KDE3.

 T. Holmes  |  UNIXTECHS.org  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| I would guess that you still have KDE2 still loaded on your system.  If so, it is 
|the kdm that loads instead of the KDE3 version (which is what you are configuring).  
|To get KDM from KDE3 to load change the last line in /etc/inittab to read:  
|x:5:respawn:/opt/kde3/bin/kdm -nodaemon (instead of x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm 
| and reboot your machine.  BTW, you need to have root access to edit inittab (either 
|login as root or in a terminal window do a su command).
| Joe
| On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 07:12:00 +
| L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  I have mdk 8.2 with kde3 in /opt. I tried to change kdm settings. Though I 
|  could change them in dialog, it is not taking reflected when I logout/reboot. 
|  What to do. I work in kde3.
|  -- 
|  L.V.Gandhi
|  203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
|  MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042
| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
| Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] WAS IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione James R. McKenzie

Quantum Bigfoot is a klunker, if you have one of them give it to someone you
really don't like.  The Quantum division Maxtor bought out was a BIG mistake
on their part but I've had great luck so far with the drives Maxtor made for

The brands only I trust are Western Digital, Maxtor AND IBM.  No one else.
My dad just got a new Systemax computer with a Samsung 80 GB 7200RPM ATA 100
HDD in it, so I'll be watching it but still the 3 brands I mentioned are the
only ones I trust.

Don't how relevant this is to the original thread but I refects my 9.5 years
of experience to date.

  T H A N K Y O U

  James R. McKenzie


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

  Maxtor?!?  All but 2 I've been around (at work) have died at one time or
  another.  I would never buy a Maxtor or Quantum.

 Well, I admit to having less than perfect luck with the Maxtor 1.6 gig
 drive I bought in 1996 - it seems to have developed one or two bad
 sectors since installation -- but the previous drive I got back in 1993
 is probably still 100% good. I had to take it out because of space
 restrictions, but after six or seven years of continuous operation (I
 got it in 1993) it was still working perfectly.

 I know people with Quantums (Quanta?) who have had several problems, and
 also people who have had issues with two different manufacturers drives
 in the system. Right now I have the aforementioned Maxtor, plus an IBM
 Deskstar 30GB I got in October 2000. The IBM is flawless.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] hard disk speed.

2002-07-09 Per discussione dfox

 find anything. Any software to find out?

Wouldn't hdparm report the speed? after a brief check, it doesn't
seem to report it. Oh well. You might try the specs on the manufacturer's
web page. Many IDE drives are 7200; it's a common speed, Some are 1,
and a few older ones spin at 5300 or so. 

 203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
 MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Formatting a Zip Disk

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

Jerry Van Brimmer wrote:

What would be the command to format a 250MB Zip disk in vfat?

I have a 250MB zip disk that I deleted some files from, but df still shows the
old file space as still used.

Thanks for advice,

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Open a terminal
su to root
supermount disable
umount /mnt/zip
mkfs -t vfat /dev/(whatever is designated in fstab as dev=)
supermount enable


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Re: [newbie] AOL CD-RW problem

2002-07-09 Per discussione civileme

AOL Systems wrote:

Just want to askI have a LG CD-RW I want to used it in my Linux machine
wat software will i need to burn my cd's and does it need a driver
before I can used it?What else will I consider to run my CDRW on my
Linux machine
Thanks! any help will gladly appreciated.

AOL (newbie)

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Actually all you need to do is install it in your system, drop in the 
install CD1 in your default boot CD drive, and click Expert, Upgrade

Cancel along the way except for X, and the bootloader.  At bootloader 
time, all the new boots should have


in the append line

That is, it will be hdd if you install the CDRW as secondary channel 
slave.  It could be hda, hdb (primary Master/slave) of hdc secondary 
master, depending on how you set it up.  Do NOT use cable select.


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Re: [newbie] hard disk speed.

2002-07-09 Per discussione pascal

On Wed, 10 July 2002, L.V.Gandhi wrote

 For video recording, I have read in many places that
 of HDD should be 7200 RPM.

It's like saying that when you move, you need a 40 cubic
meters truck. It depends on what you have to move.
As for video, it depends on the bitrate of the video
and the rate at which the disk can store data. 

I have one 8.1GB and 20 GB seagate HDDs. On the label
I coudn't 
 find anything. Any software to find out?

Not really a software, but you can try that:
- open a terminal;
- type time dd if=/dev/zero of=junkfile bs=1024k
  (don't type the quotes )

What it does:
 The command time calculates the time during which an
application was run.
 The dd command converts and copies files. Here, the
source is zero, so it keeps copying empty blocks to
the output file.
 The parameters: I asked to copy 100 blocks of 1
so I get the time needed to put 100 megabytes on the
disk (3.15 seconds in my exp). So I can expect to copy
roughly 30 megabytes per second to the disk.

Results:I obtained:

100+ records in
100+ records out

real  0m3.015s
user  0m0.000s
sys   0m0.630s

On another machine, I got 5.65 seconds.

As for your problem (storing video), I guess it will not
depend only on the disk. The example I gave were made
without any other software running.
However, doing the same while running a program that
the filesystem, it took more than 30 seconds to complete
instead of 3.15.

Now it also depends on the bitrate of your video stream.
I would say that in most of the cases, the bit rate is
less than 1 MBytes/s, so even a slow disk can make it.


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Re: [newbie] WAS IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione s

On Tuesday 09 July 2002 10:14 pm, James R. McKenzie wrote:

 My dad just got a new Systemax computer with a Samsung 80 GB 7200RPM ATA
 100 HDD in it, so I'll be watching it but still the 3 brands I mentioned
 are the only ones I trust.

Hi, I have a 4.3gig Samsung that came in an emachine 2 or 3 years ago that I 
have been running in my firewall/gateway machine 24/7 for about a year.  
Lights have blinked here on average of once a month and I've yet to get any 
filesystem corruption or had any problems.  I would almost dare say that they 
don't make bad drives.  I have a cdrw of theirs too that has been a good one.  

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-07-09 Per discussione dfox

 I'm curious about something. compared to the upgrading of KDE from 
 version(s) 1.x.x to 2.x.x the upgrade went rather smoothly once you had 

Agreed that 2.2.x to 3.0 beta was a minor pain, due mostly to a lot of
dependency conflicts. I have found that upgrading the 3.0 beta1 to 3.0.1
and now 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 goes rather smoothly. I just did that this past
weekend, and it was probably the cleanest upgrade I've done in some

After getting all the 8.1 rpms from ftp.kde.org (or a mirror) one
just has to rpm -Uvh lib* then follow that with kdelibs  kdelibs-devel,
kdebase  kdebase-devel, then the rest of the packages. It helps to
include both the base RPM and its 'devel' RPM if present together on
the command line - otherwise you get dependency conflicts.

Going from 2.x to 3.0 was a bit difficult, but not impossible - but
resolving some of the conflicts was somewhat painful. Removing the
old package(s) following a install seems to have been the way to

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[newbie] JDK

2002-07-09 Per discussione aaronfholiday

Hello All!

I'm a Java developer that's recently migrated to Linux from Windows, but I'm not 
making too much progress in some areas.

I'm trying to install J2EE and seem to be hittin' brick walls. I've downloaded various 
files from Sun, but cannot seem to open those that have a '.z' extension, and I'm not 
finding a way to untar them via a terminal. It seems that I have to install the 
standard developer's kit before I can install the enterprise edition. Am I mistaken? 
If so that would make things much, much easier. Also, any advise on setting up the 
shell scripts?

Any input would be wonderful!



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Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

2002-07-09 Per discussione Graham Watkins

I have mixed reports on the Maxtor disks. I've had two die on me within 
their guarantee period.  However, the replacements have worked fine.

Barry Michels wrote:

Maxtor?!?  All but 2 I've been around (at work) have died at one time or
another.  I would never buy a Maxtor or Quantum.


- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] IBM Hard Drives?

Miark wrote:

I never had one, but I understood they were very good.
But I thought IBM is getting out of the hard drive


Sevatio [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

What's your opinion of IBM Hard Drives?  I was going to continue buying
them since IBM is a supporter of Linux.  However, some of the customer
feedbacks I've been reading makes me apprehensive about touching these.

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Basically, stay away.  The new ones are not rated for 24/7 operation.
 The only decent drives left in IDE seem to be Maxtor, and I have
returned one of their 60G models this year.


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Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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