Re: [newbie-it] ancora di driver nvidia

2002-09-18 Per discussione piero

Alle 23:21, martedì 17 settembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 11:47, martedì 17 settembre 2002, piero ha scritto:
  NVIDIA_GLX 1.0_1251.2mdk
  NVIDIA_kernel 2.4.8-26mdk

 se usi il kernel originale mandrake, cerca i driver per QUELLA versione di
 kernel, io consigli sempre di usare i sorgenti e ricompilarli per il
 proprio kernel, non è necessario riscaricare ad ogni modifica...

 ho paura che le versioni non siano per il tuo kernel..

  grazie a tutta la mail list per la pazienza piero
scusa miKe ma i file che ho riportato sono quelli che ho trovato nella 
distribuzione. Cmq ho scaricato l'ultima versione per la 8.1 e il glx lo ho 
ricompilato da un srpm, per sicurezza ho usato anche nvchooser che mi ha dato 
gli stessi risultati a cui ero arrivato io  cmq grazie atutti per il 
Per curiosità, dovesse succere un problema, ripristinando il file xf86 config 
con un copia di backup dovrei ritornate alla situazione precedente o no?

ciao piero

Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-18 Per discussione Arwan

Alle 21:02, martedì 17 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom, Giorgio Griffon hai scritto: 

  In seguito al lancio di uno script (NB: il disgraziato che me l'ha
  fornito e' in lista, si cosparga in capo di cenere e venga a me in
  ginocchio! Lui e i suoi esperimenti :-) ) 

 :-) Lo script incriminato serve a montare automaticamente le MIE partizioni
 FAT: senza dover scrivere ogni volta mount questa qui, mount quella lì,
 le monta tutte e buona notte. Naturalmente è predisposto sulla base dei
 nomi che le partizioni hanno nel MIO fstab; io te l'avevo mandato solo
 perché ci guardassi dentro, non per lanciarlo così com'era. 

Permetti... ma dopo anni passati a _non_ lanciare assolutamente gli allegati, 
adesso mi sfogo... ;-)

(btw: ho un file - binario, credo - .exe per Win$ che vorrei vedere... 
dovrebbe essere una delle solita boiate che circolano in rete, ma sono 
curiosa. C'e' un modo per lanciarlo?)

 La sintassi è
 una banalità unica, perché, dopo aver specificato la shell da usare, c'è
 una serie di righe ognuna delle quali riporta pari pari il comando che
 verrebbe dato in un terminale per montare una singola partizione;

visto, visto... tanto banale che nn  ha nemmeno i riferimenti ai CD... ;-) 

 non c'è nessun riferimento a dispositivi
 diversi da hda, per cui non capisco come abbiano fatto ad incasinarsi i CD

Appunto, come dicevo io! E' questo il bello del misfatto!

 e anche se si fossero incasinati il montaggio dovrebbe valere solo
 fino a che non riavvii il computer. Piuttosto, cosa ci fa nel tuo fstab il
 riferimento a hdb per il lettore CD? Lì ci va hdd! 

Nossignore: nei collegamenti quadrupli dei miei dispositivi, il lettore CD e' 
lo slave del disco primario, quindi hdb. Hdd e' lo slave del secondario, che 
nel mio caso corrisponde al vecchio HD da (ecco! Vi vedo che ridete!) 245 Mb.

 Di più non so dire,
 casomai ti mando il mio fstab in separata sede.

Ummm... sabato/domenica ci lavoro su, poi ti dico.

 Il programmino ciao puoi
 farlo andare tranquillamente, è un programma che serve a salutare.

Ho visto. Ottimo, prima o poi m'insegni... :-)


Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-18 Per discussione Arwan

Alle 21:07, lunedì 16 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom, paolo brusasco hai scritto: 

 non ti arrabbiare con la lista. ognuno fa il suo meglio.
 non ho seguito la storia.
 non prendertela se dico banalità od errori perchè sono suscettibile.

 potrebbe essere un errore dei parametri di boot.
 secondo me devi capire fisicamente quale è il masterizzatore.
 normalmente se hai l'hard disk come hda l'altro dispositivo collegato
 allo stesso cavo ide e' hdb.
 i dispositivi collegati all'altro cavo sono hdc ed hdd.

Come dicevo, i collegamenti mi danno hdb come Cdrom e hdc come masterizzatore.
Il centro di controllo segna il montaggio del cd su hdb (monta su mnt/cdrom), 
e del must su scd0 (monta su mnt/cdrom2). Fin qui e' quello che volevo 
trovare. Ma sotto mnt/cdrom2 c'e' il contenuto del CD... e non posso accedere 
a cdrom!

Pero' mi sorge un dubbio: vista la mia imbranataggine, noto che nel centro di 
controllo non ho la voce hardware... forse guardo nel posto sbagliato?
Ah... Il mandrake control center... aspetta un po'... oddio, me ne da' 
quattro!!! A coppiette di due, uguali... uno su hdc (must, e mi va bene)... 
il secondo su hdb (CD, e anche questo mi va bene)... un CD su scd0 (e qui 
forse nasce il casino)... un must su scd1... forse e' l'emulazione scsi che 
crea il finimondo... provo a modificare il fstab.

Adesso ho:
/mnt/cdrom   /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2  /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd1,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0

E ancora non funzia...


Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-18 Per discussione Arwan

Alle 22:52, lunedì 16 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom, Fabio Manunza hai scritto: 

 Sembrerebbe che il sistema veda ora il masterizzatore in 0,0 ed il cdrom in
 0,1 ; guarda che ti dice cdrecord -scanbus al riguardo ; 

so che la cosa mi dovrebbe dire qualcosa (ma e' passato troppo tempo da 
quando ho letto il manuale, e non riesco piu' a trovare la pagina che avevo 
stampato al riguardo...), se qualche indovino sa interpretare i segni del mio 
pinguino :-)

[arwan@localhost arwan]$ cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.11a15 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg 
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.22
Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
0,0,0 0) 'ASUS' 'CD-S400 ' '2.20' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) 'LG  ' 'CD-RW CED-8080B ' '1.06' Removable CD-ROM
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *

Qui mi sembra tutto a posto...

 prova a ripristinare i link simbolici cdrom e cdrom2 riferendoti a fstab
 (ovvero facendoli puntare a scd0 e hdb); dovrebbe tornare tutto a posto.

Ma mi sembrano gia' come li voglio io...


[newbie] Re: Question - offlist

2002-09-18 Per discussione Miark

Yep, you can add me and my wife to your count.


And for any do gooder  liberals out there I will save you the bother, Yep I guess 
 that I am just a redneck a$$hole, My wife just added she is to. 
 9/17/02 9:05:20 PM, Richard Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 iggy wrote:
 don't try to defend yourself in america.  i'm being charged with assault for 
 striking an attacker with a closed fist.  i'm handicapped, and expected to 
 invite them to tea!  i'f no timely reply, you know that i'm sitting in a 
 stuffy cubicle in county jail... oh, well.
 On Monday 16 September 2002 02:21 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 16 Sep 2002 6:03 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 16 September 2002 12:04 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 16 Sep 2002 4:50 pm, you wrote:
 Here in NZ you are responsible for somebody who injures themselves
 while tresspassing onto your property (even with Private Property,
 Keep Out and/or No Tresspassing signs plastered everywhere).
 Same here in the UK.
 Not being critical here, so if a many-time over thief/criminal trespasses
 onto your property, and while attempting to break into your home and do
 you and yours violent harm, injures themselves, then you are responsible?
 I hope thats not true... :-(
 As I understand it, yes it is true.  Of course, you could sue him for
 damages to you and your kin, but he could and probably would sue you for
 his injury. As far as I can see he would almost certainly get them too.
 Depends which State, I'm sure I have seen a case here where a guy shot 
 an intruder in his property no problem (Dallas area, TX). I must say I 
 agree, if someone breaks into YOUR home you should be able to use any 
 force (upto deadly) to defend yourself and the family. Don't get me 
 started on the case of the farmer in the UK!
 PS getting way off topic fear :-)

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Re: [newbie] ot - file sharing tools

2002-09-18 Per discussione J.M. cogels

You can try eDonkey,

I've tried the GUI on both Mandrake 9 beta 4 and RC-2, and it works
fine. First time connecting is a bit slow though, you may have to add
some servers in the beginning. You can find a list at After that, it works fine. eDonkey is especially
usefull for downloading large files, like ISO's or movies or something.

Don't forget to read the info on the eDonkey website about how to get
the GUI connected to the core, you have to set a username and password
for that.

Good luck.


Op di 17-09-2002, om 21:58 schreef iggy:
 hi, all.
 was wondering is anyone knows if anybody knows of a decent file sharing 
 program.  have been unsuccessful with anything nutella, win or lin, no 
 problems w/ the kazaa network.  is there anybody working on connectivity to 
 side note... i mainly work in kde, for what it's worth.  9.0 rc2
 thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] ot - file sharing tools

2002-09-18 Per discussione J.M. cogels

The serverlist can be found here:
or here:

The client can be downloaded from

FAQ's are here:


Op wo 18-09-2002, om 09:02 schreef J.M. cogels:
 You can try eDonkey,
 I've tried the GUI on both Mandrake 9 beta 4 and RC-2, and it works
 fine. First time connecting is a bit slow though, you may have to add
 some servers in the beginning. You can find a list at After that, it works fine. eDonkey is especially
 usefull for downloading large files, like ISO's or movies or something.
 Don't forget to read the info on the eDonkey website about how to get
 the GUI connected to the core, you have to set a username and password
 for that.
 Good luck.
 Op di 17-09-2002, om 21:58 schreef iggy:
  hi, all.
  was wondering is anyone knows if anybody knows of a decent file sharing 
  program.  have been unsuccessful with anything nutella, win or lin, no 
  problems w/ the kazaa network.  is there anybody working on connectivity to 
  side note... i mainly work in kde, for what it's worth.  9.0 rc2
  thanks in advance
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[newbie] configuring parport modules

2002-09-18 Per discussione chr

Hi guys,

I just add to my PC new I/O parallel and serial port. For serial port 
it well configured on ttyS2 and ttyS3, but for parallel I face 
problem with parport modules (according to its manual),  because it 
haven't installed to my linux. I found partport_pc.c in 
/usr/src/linux/drivers/ and try to configure it but got failed.
I am using Mandrake 8.1, what should I do so I can compile from 
parport_pc.c to be parport_pc.o?

Here are files that available at /usr/src/linux/drivers
ChangeLog init.c   parport_atari.c  parport_serial.c  
TODO-parport Makefile parport_cs.c parport_sunbpp.c
daisy.c   multiface.h  parport_gsc.cprobe.c
ieee1284.cparport_amiga.c  parport_mfc3.c   procfs.c

Thank's guys


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Re: [newbie] Getting to Gnome 2

2002-09-18 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 01:30, Todd Slater wrote:

 Is there a painless way to move up to Gnome 2? I'm currently running 8.2.

If you don't want to move to 9.0, the Mandrake Club has RPMs for 8.2.

It's not quite painless - slight sting in the wallet region - but the
packager has done an excellent job. (Unlike KDE, the installation of a
new version of Gnome is a bit of a shambles, with packages everywhere).

If you are _really_ daring you could try Garnome, which builds Gnome 2
from scratch via some cunningly-devised scripts. I could never get it to
work 100 per cent, though:


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Question

2002-09-18 Per discussione Anne Wilson

 Not being critical here, so if a many-time over thief/criminal
  trespasses onto your property, and while attempting to break into your
  home and do you and yours violent harm, injures themselves, then you
  are responsible?
 I hope thats not true... :-(
 As I understand it, yes it is true.  Of course, you could sue him for
 damages to you and your kin, but he could and probably would sue you for
 his injury. As far as I can see he would almost certainly get them too.

 Depends which State


 I'm sure I have seen a case here where a guy shot
 an intruder in his property no problem (Dallas area, TX). I must say I
 agree, if someone breaks into YOUR home you should be able to use any
 force (upto deadly) to defend yourself and the family. Don't get me
 started on the case of the farmer in the UK!

I wonder if that's the farmer a few miles from here?  :-)  OK - no interest 
to anyone else, so don't bother to answer.


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[newbie] startup file with kde

2002-09-18 Per discussione Rooms Frederic


Is it possible to run a script at the kde startup ? I read on the 
internet  that kde had no .xinitrc file. So, how can I do ?

Thank you,


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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 3:30 am, you wrote:
 Well, I'm finally getting around to writing a little rant about why IE
 isn't the best browser so I can show it to my visitors who use IE before I
 let them see my pages. I would like to keep it short and sweet, and
 thought I'd open it up to suggestions from you folks.

 Here's what I have so far:

 Before I can let you look at [page], I feel that I should warn you that
 Internet Explorer is not the best browser. In fact, it's probably not even
 the third best browser.

 In addition to its well-documented security problems, IE just wasn't
 designed with the end-user in mind; it lacks many of the features of its

 Luckily, there are alternatives to Internet Explorer. Try any of these
 browsers for one week and I guarantee you'll only keep IE around for those
 few sites you really need to use and whose webmasters are assholes who
 only know how to design for IE.

 Galeon (linux)
 Chimera (Mac)

 [bold] I understand that Internet Explorer is a lousy browser that enjoys
 its dominance not due to its features or functionality, but rather due to
 Microsoft's illegal monopolistic practices. Furthermore, I realize the
 security risks involved with using Internet Explorer. [/bold]


 Hee hee!

Todd - just my opinion, ignore if you will.

Generally people take an attack on their habits as an attack on themselves, 
so if you don't want to alienate your visitors, be careful.  I think many 
would go away rather than carry on after this page.

Personally I would go along the 'only trying to help you' line, something 
like 'in view of IE's known security problems I would recommend that you try 
the following browsers, all of which have at least as much functionality 
without the problems'.

Whether you do this or not, why not put all the supported platforms after the 
names - after all this is strange and new to most people.  They probably 
don't know that the first three work equally well in Windows and Linux (I 
don't know if there are Mac versions?)



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Re: [newbie] ot - file sharing tools

2002-09-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Get MLDonkey ( It's a much better
client and GUI than the official ones. It's much faster and it allows you to
connect to multiple servers.

Once that's set up, go over to TheDonkeyNetwork
( for more info and to get some serverlists.

On 18 Sep 2002 09:13:32 +0200, J.M. cogels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The serverlist can be found here:
 or here:
 The client can be downloaded from
 FAQ's are here:
 Op wo 18-09-2002, om 09:02 schreef J.M. cogels:
  You can try eDonkey,
  I've tried the GUI on both Mandrake 9 beta 4 and RC-2, and it works
  fine. First time connecting is a bit slow though, you may have to add
  some servers in the beginning. You can find a list at After that, it works fine. eDonkey is especially
  usefull for downloading large files, like ISO's or movies or something.
  Don't forget to read the info on the eDonkey website about how to get
  the GUI connected to the core, you have to set a username and password
  for that.
  Good luck.
  Op di 17-09-2002, om 21:58 schreef iggy:
   hi, all.
   was wondering is anyone knows if anybody knows of a decent file sharing 
   program.  have been unsuccessful with anything nutella, win or lin, no 
   problems w/ the kazaa network.  is there anybody working on connectivity
   to kazaa?
   side note... i mainly work in kde, for what it's worth.  9.0 rc2
Sridhar Dhanapalan

There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Re: Question -back on list sometime in the past

2002-09-18 Per discussione et

the way we handle this sort of problem where I come form is something I used 
to call playing Mafia. when there no problems, we make lifelong bonds with 
friends we can truly trust, and they can trust us completely. then we make a 
pack that says you watch my (and my flock's) back, and I will watch you and 
yours, no matter what, beyond death. and then we live up to that. the real 
trick is to know whom will be worth that sort of effort. the joy of it is, if 
you screw me over, and I end up behind bars, I will still screw you over in 
return, and I will have a perfect alibi, since I was behind bars. same goes 
if you kill me in a gunfight, you gonna still get killed (by me, even tho I 
am dead). we also have a saying that revenge is best eaten cold

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 02:31 am, you wrote:
 Yep, you can add me and my wife to your count.


 And for any do gooder  liberals out there I will save you the bother,
  Yep I guess that I am just a redneck a$$hole, My wife just added she is
  9/17/02 9:05:20 PM, Richard Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  iggy wrote:
  don't try to defend yourself in america.  i'm being charged with
   assault for striking an attacker with a closed fist.  i'm handicapped,
   and expected to invite them to tea!  i'f no timely reply, you know
   that i'm sitting in a stuffy cubicle in county jail... oh, well.
  On Monday 16 September 2002 02:21 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Monday 16 Sep 2002 6:03 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 16 September 2002 12:04 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 16 Sep 2002 4:50 pm, you wrote:
  Here in NZ you are responsible for somebody who injures themselves
  while tresspassing onto your property (even with Private
   Property, Keep Out and/or No Tresspassing signs plastered
  Same here in the UK.
  Not being critical here, so if a many-time over thief/criminal
   trespasses onto your property, and while attempting to break into
   your home and do you and yours violent harm, injures themselves,
   then you are responsible?
  I hope thats not true... :-(
  As I understand it, yes it is true.  Of course, you could sue him for
  damages to you and your kin, but he could and probably would sue you
   for his injury. As far as I can see he would almost certainly get
   them too.
  Depends which State, I'm sure I have seen a case here where a guy shot
  an intruder in his property no problem (Dallas area, TX). I must say I
  agree, if someone breaks into YOUR home you should be able to use any
  force (upto deadly) to defend yourself and the family. Don't get me
  started on the case of the farmer in the UK!
  PS getting way off topic fear :-)

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[newbie] Linux Mandrake FireWall to restrict NT users to use internet.

2002-09-18 Per discussione Karotu Tannang

Hi Mandrake Users,

I'm planning to implement some kind of 
Linux-Mandrake FireWall so that I could restrict my NT users from accessing the 

What I had in mind was that my NT Users would have 
to use their same NT user details and get charged for it or either get it for 
free depending on their positions.

With many thanks in advance,


RE: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

I would word that better, makes you sound like a fanatic..

perhaps something along these lines.

You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (tm)

Before you proceed onto the site, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't
tell you of the Security flaws inherent in Internet Explorer, so far more
then 20 different methods of stealing your data or damaging your computers
OS have been found and documented for people using Internet Explorer.
Not only that, but Microsoft is encouraging the use of their proprietry
methods which should it proceed as they plan, would result in an internet
that is reliant upon you buying Microsoft products whenever they decide you

As an alternative that is truely open in standards and totally free, pleaes
consider Mozilla.

hows that sound??  :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Slater
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2002 10:31 AM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

Well, I'm finally getting around to writing a little rant about why IE
isn't the best browser so I can show it to my visitors who use IE before I
let them see my pages. I would like to keep it short and sweet, and
thought I'd open it up to suggestions from you folks.

Here's what I have so far:

Before I can let you look at [page], I feel that I should warn you that
Internet Explorer is not the best browser. In fact, it's probably not even
the third best browser.

In addition to its well-documented security problems, IE just wasn't
designed with the end-user in mind; it lacks many of the features of its

Luckily, there are alternatives to Internet Explorer. Try any of these
browsers for one week and I guarantee you'll only keep IE around for those
few sites you really need to use and whose webmasters are assholes who
only know how to design for IE.

Galeon (linux)
Chimera (Mac)

[bold] I understand that Internet Explorer is a lousy browser that enjoys
its dominance not due to its features or functionality, but rather due to
Microsoft's illegal monopolistic practices. Furthermore, I realize the
security risks involved with using Internet Explorer. [/bold]

Accept  Decline

Hee hee!
Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
I believe that the testing of the student's achievements in order to see
if he meets some criterion held by the teacher, is directly contrary to
the implications of therapy for significant learning. (Carl Rogers)

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RE: [newbie] Linux virus wall

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

setup a third mail server, that does nothing but receive mail, scan it and
passes it on to one of the other mail servers...

I suggest postfix, amavisd, and the free Trend filescan. (search the amavisd
archives, I have posted the info on that at least a dozen times.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Belkie, Dan
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2002 11:07 AM
Subject: [newbie] Linux virus wall

Can anyone recomend a good (Prefer Free) virus wall? Somthing like trend
micros virus wall?

What I need this software to do is accept email, scan it and then forward it
onto the mail server if its ok.

I have 2 seperate mail servers. 1 qmail and 1 exchange both on the inside of
the lan. So the software cant run on the mail server it self.

Any ideas?


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RE: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

your forgetting that M$ office preloads libs when you start your PC, just
like IE

so it makes office start faster...  they would have you believe its because
of the special people they are :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Damian G
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2002 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

 I timed OO and it opened in 20 secs. Using 900mhz Duron and a 40gig

uhm we were talking about old ( i.e. Pentium 233 ) machines.. :o)

 Maxtor hd.  Not super fast but not any worse than MSword. Oh, this is on
 9.0rc1.  ML 9.0 seems to be faster than 8.2 anyhoo, just an impression but
 does feel faster.
 Dennis M. linux user #180842


boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

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[newbie] Updating Beta4 to final release 9.

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

Hi guys,

Do you think it will be a problem to upgrade beta4 of mdk9 to the final
release when its out??

I mean when I download the CD's boot from one and select upgrade, am I in
for issues

just thought I'd ask.



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[newbie] Re: [gpl] Input/output error - Alcatel Speedtouch USB hangs up and cannot re-connect

2002-09-18 Per discussione Jordan Elver

There was a thread here the other day regarding a problem similar to this. The 
subject was pipex xtreme or something like that. Richard Morrell mentioned 
something about BT not doing something at their end of the line. Sorry, can't 
remember exactly what :-(
Search the archives, I don't know where they are either though?


Quoting Malcolm Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi all,
 Recently Smoothie has been dropping connection almost every day. Below
 excerpts from the log files.
 Any suggestions would be welcome
 My environment:
 I have a small office running on Smoothie GPL 0.99 patched up to #12.
 13 gave me hassles, so I rebuilt up to 12)
 Smoothie supports 5 workstations that use HTTP and a server that sends
 mail / collects POP3 mail.
 Hardware: Pentium II PC, 32Mb Ram, 2GB hard drive, Alcatel Speedtouch
 For 3 months smoothie behaved itself. Then it started freezing 2-3 days.
 rebuilt from scratch. It continued to freeze. When I plugged in a
 monitor, it only froze 1/week. Had a feeling it had to do with
 power settings - suspend/standby. Checked APM settings in BIOS -
 all suspend/standby.
 After 3 weeks, it started dropping connection almost every night, and
 not reconnect.
 I have to manually connect from the web interface every morning.
 Sample of logs 14/09/02:
 PPP section of log
 19:01:54 pppd No response to 3 echo-requests
 19:01:54 pppd Serial link appears to be disconnected.
 19:01:54 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:54 pppd Connect time 3547.5 minutes.
 19:01:54 pppd Sent 29896654 bytes, received 41627433 bytes.
 19:01:54 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:54 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:54 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:54 pppd write: warning: Input/output error (5)
 19:01:54 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:54 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:57 pppd Connection terminated.
 Smoothwall section of Log:
 19:01:55 smoothwall PPP has gone down on ppp0
 gpl mailing list
 SmoothWall Stash - Buy Our Stuff!

Jordan Elver

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Re: OT: privacy [was: Re: [newbie] Question]

2002-09-18 Per discussione robin

At some point, somebody wrote:

I *will* claim that (too) many Americans are hyper-sensitive to *any*
criticism of their country.

Actually, just about all the Americans I know personally take criticism 
of their country surprisingly mildly.  As one commented wryly (on 
anti-American demonstrations), I see a lot of people burning American 
flags, but I don't see anyone burning Green Cards.

Coming back to the subject of Linux (just for a change), am I right in 
observing that while in Europe Linux is perceived as left-libertarian 
thing, in North America it's seen as a right-libertarian thing (to the 
extent it's seen in political terms at all, that is)?

BTW, I hear the more extreme Bonapartists in MandrakeSoft are splitting 
off to start their own distribution, called Linoux Dirigiste. \end{troll}

Sir Robin

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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RE: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

Use it as you will, I've licensed it as GPL :-)

sorry I didn't spell check it first..  :-)

Also, I would suggest some links pointing to howto pages, rather then
putting the info in the warning.. (to much info for a newbie in one go..)

I probably should have mentioned the 20+ virus's that target flaws in IE as

oh well, that could be next months disclaimer. :-)



-Original Message-
From: Dan LaBine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2002 8:03 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

I Like It! But you spelled truly and please incorrectly! (Grin!
Grin!). Mind if I use it? One other suggestion, you might consider
adding a step-by-step Howto to add Java and Flash to Mozilla, otherwise,
users might switch back to IE.

Just a suggestion.


On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 07:49, Franki wrote:
 I would word that better, makes you sound like a fanatic..

 perhaps something along these lines.

 You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (tm)

 Before you proceed onto the site, I would be remiss in my duties if I
 tell you of the Security flaws inherent in Internet Explorer, so far more
 then 20 different methods of stealing your data or damaging your computers
 OS have been found and documented for people using Internet Explorer.
 Not only that, but Microsoft is encouraging the use of their proprietry
 methods which should it proceed as they plan, would result in an internet
 that is reliant upon you buying Microsoft products whenever they decide

 As an alternative that is truely open in standards and totally free,
 consider Mozilla.

 hows that sound??  :-)



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Slater
 Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2002 10:31 AM
 To: newbie
 Subject: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

 Well, I'm finally getting around to writing a little rant about why IE
 isn't the best browser so I can show it to my visitors who use IE before I
 let them see my pages. I would like to keep it short and sweet, and
 thought I'd open it up to suggestions from you folks.

 Here's what I have so far:

 Before I can let you look at [page], I feel that I should warn you that
 Internet Explorer is not the best browser. In fact, it's probably not even
 the third best browser.

 In addition to its well-documented security problems, IE just wasn't
 designed with the end-user in mind; it lacks many of the features of its

 Luckily, there are alternatives to Internet Explorer. Try any of these
 browsers for one week and I guarantee you'll only keep IE around for those
 few sites you really need to use and whose webmasters are assholes who
 only know how to design for IE.

 Galeon (linux)
 Chimera (Mac)

 [bold] I understand that Internet Explorer is a lousy browser that enjoys
 its dominance not due to its features or functionality, but rather due to
 Microsoft's illegal monopolistic practices. Furthermore, I realize the
 security risks involved with using Internet Explorer. [/bold]


 Hee hee!
 Todd Slater
 Not currently listening to tunes
 I believe that the testing of the student's achievements in order to see
 if he meets some criterion held by the teacher, is directly contrary to
 the implications of therapy for significant learning. (Carl Rogers)


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RE: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

Sorry, missed that part of the thread. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Damian G
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

 I timed OO and it opened in 20 secs. Using 900mhz Duron and a 40gig 7200rpm 

uhm we were talking about old ( i.e. Pentium 233 ) machines.. :o)

 Maxtor hd. Not super fast but not any worse than MSword. Oh, this is on 
 9.0rc1. ML 9.0 seems to be faster than 8.2 anyhoo, just an impression but it 
 does feel faster.
 Dennis M. linux user #180842


boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

Re: OT: privacy [was: Re: [newbie] Question]

2002-09-18 Per discussione John Richard Smith

robin wrote:

 At some point, somebody wrote:

 I *will* claim that (too) many Americans are hyper-sensitive to *any*
 criticism of their country.

 Actually, just about all the Americans I know personally take 
 criticism of their country surprisingly mildly.  As one commented 
 wryly (on anti-American demonstrations), I see a lot of people 
 burning American flags, but I don't see anyone burning Green Cards.

 Coming back to the subject of Linux (just for a change), am I right in 
 observing that while in Europe Linux is perceived as left-libertarian 
 thing, in North America it's seen as a right-libertarian thing (to the 
 extent it's seen in political terms at all, that is)?

 BTW, I hear the more extreme Bonapartists in MandrakeSoft are 
 splitting off to start their own distribution, called Linoux 
 Dirigiste. \end{troll}

 Sir Robin


As far as the UK is concerned I don't think there is any such
political perception at all.  It's seem , that is where it is known
at all, which is not extensively, as a poor man's windblows,
better suited to computer nuts.


John Richard Smith

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(Fwd) Re: (Fwd) Re: [newbie] ISA NE2000 NIC woes

2002-09-18 Per discussione Peregrinf

 On Tuesday 17 September 2002 04:56 pm, you wrote:
  I'm wrasslin' with my thinnet ethernet setup. I have a 16 bit ISA
  ethernet card with BNC (thinnet) connector that worked great on my
  old Novell setup. Well, actually I have two identical ones, but more
  on that in a minute.
  They are pretty standard NE2000 cards, with a dp8390-1A chip. I've
  set the jumpers (they are old cards, not PnP) to io=0300 and irq=3.
  I've disabled the motherboard's ethernet port in BIOS.
  I've edited module.config to read
  alias eth0 ne
  options ne io=0x300 irq=3
  and remarked out the motherboard's eth0 line
  During boot there are no error messages, and dmesg shows that the
  card is seen during boot and the ne module is loading with the
  correct io and irq.
  Typing cat /proc/interrupts shows IRQ3 for eth0 However, there's a 0
  in the second column of that list, if that means anything?
  Typing cat/proc/ioports shows eth0 at 0300, as it should be.
  ping works fine, as does ping the address
  I've assigned.
  But ping from to a workstation on the network
  ( and it fails to get through. Nor does a ping to from get a response.
  Note, this is a thinnet installation, like beads on a string, like
  Using, of course, the usual T connectors and coax for the
  connections, properly terminated at each end. The same wiring and
  connectors have worked fine for years between the WindersWkstas
  running NT and a Novell Netware server where LinuxBox is now, and
  after the server died as a Windows network between them.
  WindersWksta1 can ping WindersWksta2 just fine, and vice versa, so I
  don't think it can be a cable problem. I've swapped the T connector
  to the NIC with another one, also tried both cards, using the same
  IO and IRQ settings to further check for hardware problems with
  connector or card, but the results are the same.
  Anyone have any ideas?
  Dennis Fowler

 what does ifconfig say?

After doing a ping for a few seconds this is what it said
for eth0: 

eth 0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:44:01:1E:36 
 inet addr: Bcast:  Mask: 
 RX Packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
 TX packets:0 errors:32 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:8965 (8.7 kb) 
 Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300 

Dennis Fowler

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Re: [newbie] My 8.2 Stalls on Boot

2002-09-18 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday September 17 2002 07:03 pm, Bob Read wrote:
 Tom:  Updating lilo doesn't solve the problem, but 
 experimenting with it proves that the problem is after it.

Well, there's several files on the floppy, and like booting from the 
HDD (/boot) all need to present/not corrupted.
 floppy$ l
boot.msg*  initrd.img*  ldlinux.sys*  syslinux.cfg*  vmlinuz*

 I thought it might be a first thing to try as I suspected your 
initrd.img or some other img/link(S) might have been mangled.  You'd be 
able to uncompress the kernel, but not boot from it.

 Using failsafe -- or simply changing the linux section of lilo from
 append=devfs-mount quiet
 causes different scripts to run, and either of them will work and
 leave everything appearing to work ok.

Removing 'quiet'  doesn't do anything but let you see the boot 
messages that quiet hides.

 But that's just bypassing the problem, not solving it.

 Since re-installing lilo wasn't the problem, boot from the floppy 
again and and re-install the kernel from the CD 1. You'll need to use 
'rpm -ivh --force kernel.rpm' 

 That will not only re-install the kernel, but it'll also RR (ie, 
the --force option) the initrd, vmlinuz, and other images and links in 
/boot. To be safe, run 'lilo' again.  See if that doesn't fix it (?)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

I found it here: Looks like 7.0 anyhoo,

HTH, Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Richard Gilbert
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

THANKS EVERYBODY who responded to this question, BUT...

I still have some significant problems...

(1) WHERE can I obtain Mandrake 7.0 ??? The site appears to have 8.1

(2) HOW can I install it from a 3.5 floppy? This is my only choice.

Please HELP!

RE: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 12:49, Franki wrote:
 I would word that better, makes you sound like a fanatic..
 perhaps something along these lines.
 You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (tm)
 Before you proceed onto the site, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't
 tell you of the Security flaws inherent in Internet Explorer, so far more
 then 20 different methods of stealing your data or damaging your computers
 OS have been found and documented for people using Internet Explorer.
 Not only that, but Microsoft is encouraging the use of their proprietry
 methods which should it proceed as they plan, would result in an internet
 that is reliant upon you buying Microsoft products whenever they decide you
 As an alternative that is truely open in standards and totally free, pleaes
 consider Mozilla.

The page which lists the N vulnerabilities (N=19 at the time of writing)

Rather than '... 20 different methods ...', I would say 'So far dozens
of security flaws in Internet Explorer have been found which allow a
malicious person to take control of your computer, steal data therein or
damage its operating system; almost 20 of those flaws are currently
unpatched' with the last 2 words linking to the URL above.

Last paragraph:

Alternative browsers include Mozilla or Opera (Linux), Mozilla, Galeon
or Opera (Linux) and Onmiweb*, Chimera** or iCab*** (MacOS).

[People could argue forever about what 'open standards' mean, so I'd
leave it out. Note that Opera and Mozilla are also available on MacOS
but are considered 'clunky': also, that IE is a totally different beast
on MacOS, being developed separately from IE for Windows and containing
valuable facilities that are not in _any_ other browser].





Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[newbie] 8.2 hangs on pcmcia start up at boot

2002-09-18 Per discussione John Silson

I've got a fresh install of 8.2 on my laptop, and it hangs on boot when it
is starting up the pcmcia for the computer.  Anyone else had this problem
before with mandrake, and know of a good fix?  I recall a similar problem
from a different distro that I encountered when upgrading kernels that was
solved by finding a different set of pcmcia modules to use instead, but this
is a fresh install, so I can't switch back to the old kernel. Any

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Re: [newbie] When the final version be released?

2002-09-18 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday September 17 2002 09:28 pm, shane wrote:
 On Tuesday 17 September 2002 5:01 pm, Kyle did speak unto the huddled
 masses, saying:
  I heard it was supposed to be released yesterday(Monday). I didn't
  see any new about it on the site.  Thanks.

 news on the club site posted monday says next few days and i have
 heard the 19th as a positive date.

 consultation of the ruins says the 19th or 20th both look good.  the
 i-ching however says next monday.  ;-)

Yep, only mention on the cooker list has been 'mid to the end of 
[this] week.'  I'm not so sure now tho. There's been only some updates 
for the last two days, but today there's many, some fairly major ones, 
including a new kerenl.  My guess is this weekend to mid next week.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: OT: privacy [was: Re: [newbie] Question]

2002-09-18 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday September 17 2002 04:54 pm, et wrote:

  I think all this pro-/anti-American stuff is a smokescreen to
  prevent people noticing that we are using a French distribution. 
  M. Robin

 by jove. Bonapartists...damn I wish I had percieved such

Actually, recently on the cooker list, someone called Mandrake a 
French distro.  It was quickly pointed out by a few of Mdk's developers 
that the majority of Mdk's business and users are in the USA, so it 
could just as well be called an American distro.

IMO, just about all Linux distros are International, and as such 
political (or religious) hyperbole is best left out of discussions.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] OT: Laughing at myself...

2002-09-18 Per discussione Paul M. Bucalo

Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, I'm Stupid.

That way you wouldn't rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask them 

It would be like, Excuse me...oops...never mind, didn't see your sign.

It's like before my wife and I moved. Our house was full of boxes and 
there was a U-Haul truck in our driveway. My neighbor comes over and 
says,Hey, you moving?

Nope. We just pack our stuff up once or twice a week to see how many 
boxes it takes. Here's your sign.

A couple of months ago I went fishing with a buddy of mine, we pulled 
his boat into the dock, I lifted up this big ol' stringer of bass and 
this idiot on the dock goes,

Hey, y'all catch all them fish?

Nope. Talked 'em into giving up. Here's your sign.

I was watching one of those animal shows on the Discovery Channel.There 
was a guy inventing a shark bite suit. And there's only one way to test 
it. All right, Jimmy, you got that shark suit on, it looks good…

They want you to jump into this pool of sharks, and you tell us if it 
hurts when they bite you.

Well, all right, but hold my sign. I don't wanna lose it.

Last time I had a flat tire, I pulled my truck into one of those 
side-of-the-road gas stations. The attendant walks out, looks at my 
truck, looks at me, and I SWEAR he said, Tire go flat?

I couldn't resist. I said, Nope. I was driving around and those other 
three just swelled right up on me. Here's your sign.

We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. A guy came over to the 
house and drove the car around for about 45 minutes. We get back to the 
house, he gets out of the car, reaches down and grabs the exhaust pipe, 
then says, Darn that's hot!

See, if he'd been wearing his sign, I could have stopped him.

I learned to drive an 18-wheeler in my days of adventure. Wouldn't you 
know, I misjudged the height of a bridge. The truck got stuck and I 
couldn't get it out, no matter how I tried. I radioed in for help and 
eventually a local cop shows up to take the report. He went through his 
basic questioning problem. I thought for sure he was clear 
of needing a sign...until he asked, So, is your truck stuck?

I couldn't help myself!

I looked at him, looked back at the rig and then back to him and said, 
No, I'm delivering a's your sign.

I stayed late at work one night and a co-worker looked at me and said, 
Are you still here?

I replied, No. I left about 10 minutes ago. Here's your sign.

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Re: OT: privacy [was: Re: [newbie] Question]

2002-09-18 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 02:14 pm, robin wrote:
 At some point, somebody wrote:
 I *will* claim that (too) many Americans are hyper-sensitive to *any*
 criticism of their country.

 Actually, just about all the Americans I know personally take criticism
 of their country surprisingly mildly.  As one commented wryly (on
 anti-American demonstrations), I see a lot of people burning American
 flags, but I don't see anyone burning Green Cards.
Well put.

 Coming back to the subject of Linux (just for a change), am I right in
 observing that while in Europe Linux is perceived as left-libertarian
 thing, in North America it's seen as a right-libertarian thing (to the
 extent it's seen in political terms at all, that is)?
I'm dubious that any connection can be made between a person's one's 
political philosophy and their choice of operating system. North America is a 
big place. It includes many nations, peoples, languages and remarkably 
diverse cultures, ranging from tiny Intuit villages to such highly structured 
environments as New York City. About the only safe generalization is that all 
of us are from the same continent.

 BTW, I hear the more extreme Bonapartists in MandrakeSoft are splitting
 off to start their own distribution, called Linoux Dirigiste. \end{troll}
It'll have very ornate packaging, but shuts down on Bastille Day for four 
weeks to go on holiday. :^)

 Sir Robin

-- cmg

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[newbie] DVD playing stutters

2002-09-18 Per discussione Sabin, Matthew
Title: DVD playing stutters

I've been poking at playing DVD's for some time now, and am again out of ideas.

On Mandrake 8.2, running on a Celeron 1.2GHz with 512MB and a 4x DVD-ROM and savage24 motherboard with in-guilt sound and video.

I've installed xine, ogle, mplayer and videolan -- all play DVDs for a few minutes, but the picture and sound get out of sync, or skip, or quit altogether after as little as 2 minutes and as many as 10.

If I download an avi (DivX) from kazaa, and watch it in mplayer, I'm fine -- when I attempt to watch the same movie from my own DVD in mplayer I get the problem.

I've figured our how to check, and the IDE-DVD player is set up for DMA.

My next test will be to rip the files off the DVD and plop them on the harddrive to see if they play any better from there.

What else should I be checking?


Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 08:25 am, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 12:49, Franki wrote:


 The page which lists the N vulnerabilities (N=19 at the time of writing)

 Rather than '... 20 different methods ...', I would say 'So far dozens
 of security flaws in Internet Explorer have been found which allow a
 malicious person to take control of your computer, steal data therein or
 damage its operating system; almost 20 of those flaws are currently
 unpatched' with the last 2 words linking to the URL above.



Wait a couple of days, and you'll get your 20.
-- cmg

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[newbie] Evolution - Empty trash on exit

2002-09-18 Per discussione J.M. cogels


I have selected the 'Empty trash on exit' option in Evolution (version
1.0.8), but it doesn't work. I'm running Mandrake 9 RC-2 now, but had
the same problem with beta 4. Is this a problem with Mandrake or


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Re: [newbie] Re: [gpl] Input/output error - Alcatel Speedtouch USB hangs up and cannot re-connect

2002-09-18 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 08:10 am, Jordan Elver wrote:
 There was a thread here the other day regarding a problem similar to this.
 The subject was pipex xtreme or something like that. Richard Morrell
 mentioned something about BT not doing something at their end of the line.
 Sorry, can't remember exactly what :-(
 Search the archives, I don't know where they are either though?


You can access the mail list archives at:

-- cmg

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[newbie] KDE error on KDE startup

2002-09-18 Per discussione Klemm

I get a message of some sort of internal error of KDE during startup
Also it says to me that I need to make sure the dcopserver is up and running

any hints 
what it means? or what I need to do?

Im using KDE 2.2 (or the one that shipped with MD8.2)


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Re: [newbie] Upgrade of Samba - help!

2002-09-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Do you mean NIS (Name Information Server) or NFS (Network File System)

if NIS, then sorry I do not know, never used it. 

If you mean NFS, then yes. NFS can be a pain if shares are mounted when you 
shut down. You have to unmount the share before shutting down. 8.2 is better 
than 8.1 was, in that if you wait long enough it will time out and shutdown 

I find the best solution is to set 'noauto' in the /etc/fstab file for the NFS 
shares and mount them explicitly when I need them.

As for your Samba issue. There is an additional RPM for Winbind. Did you 
install it?
You should have been able to define Rangers site as a urpmi source. Did you 
get an error when you typed

urpmi.addmedia --update Ranger-8.2 with

in a root terminal?  (that is all one line)

then to install samba with winbind all you have to do is type

urpmi samba-server samba-client samba-winbind

Any dependencies will be found and installed automatically.
(I do not use winbind myself)



On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 5:33 am, Robert W. Dempsey wrote:

 Thank you for your help.  I reinstalled Mandrake 8.2 without Samba and I
 still could not upgrade.  It seems that there are some dependencies that
 I am not aware of.  It gives me a few errors.  However, a more pressing
 PROBLEM is this:  after I install all is well.  after an initial logon,
 when I try to reboot or shut down the server, I get an error like
 Unmount NIS filesystem   [FAILED] and the server hangs.  My hardware
 configuration is as follows:

 3 Ultra 160 17.55GB Fujitsu SCSI Drives
 Adaptec 2110S RAID Card
 RAID 5 Configuration

 Any ideas why the unmount fails?  I don't have this problem on a test
 server with an IDE drive.  The SCSI drives are terminated correctly and
 all of the drives are new, as is the RAID card.  I don't believe that
 there is any hardware conflicts at all.  I appreciate your help.  Have a
 great day.


 Robert Dempsey
 Atlantic Dominion Solutions

 Derek Jennings wrote:
  Ranger has prepared some excellent updated RPMs for Samba which you can
  find here  follow the
  instructions for urpmi access and you can install them using Mandrake
  Software Manager
  BTW: What was wrong with the Samba on the CDs?
  On Tuesday 17 Sep 2002 3:53 pm, tek1 wrote:
 have you tried going to (or, downloading the
 latest .rpm, and installing it using mandrake's package manager?
 At 10:17 02/09/17 -0400, you wrote:
 I am new to Mandrake Linux, and am hoping that someone can help
 me to upgrade to the newest version of Samba on my Mandrake 8.2 box.  I
 appreciate your help, and thank you in advance.
 - Robert Dempsey
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 17:15, Damian G wrote:
 As i stated in an earlier post, i still have not attempted to load
 OpenOffice in my 233mhz/32MB Ram machine. however Word97 runs very 
 acceptably on it.

There are a couple of preloading applications around for OOo: (Gnome) (KDE) (both)
Hancom Office is fast though ugly:


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Updating Beta4 to final release 9.

2002-09-18 Per discussione Charlie M.

Resent to the list due to my brain lock. :-)
On Wednesday 18 September 2002 6:08 am, Franki wrote:
 Hi guys,

 Do you think it will be a problem to upgrade beta4 of mdk9 to the final
 release when its out??

 I mean when I download the CD's boot from one and select upgrade, am I in
 for issues

 just thought I'd ask.



Probably. :-) I have never had an upgrade that didn't have issues, have you? 

On the other hand upgrade install from beta2 to RC2 was a very minor pain. It 
took almost no time either since I was cooker current when I did it. 

If you do it that way the release will probably be 'behind' the cooker install 
in some app versions since cooker won't be frozen any longer.

Just an opinion.

Franki please turn off your Reply To: for mailing lists. I (and probably 
many others) have dedicated folders, and filters, for the various lists we 
subscribe to, and mostly just hit the reply button to respond to a post. 
Your's always get sent direct and I never look at the addressing since my 
reply/compose settings are for the mailing list. Then I wonder why I never 
see my responses on the list, but it's because of the 'Reply-to' setting. As 
well as my never remembering to look. My bad.

Partial headers from the message I intended to respond to:
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:08:27 +0800
Subject: [newbie] Updating Beta4 to final release 9.
In-reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-version: 1.0
X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
Content-type: multipart/mixed;

Thank you.
Registered user 244963 at
Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.
-- Kin Hubbard

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Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 6:25 pm, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 17:15, Damian G wrote:
  As i stated in an earlier post, i still have not attempted to load
  OpenOffice in my 233mhz/32MB Ram machine. however Word97 runs very
  acceptably on it.

 There are a couple of preloading applications around for OOo: (Gnome) (KDE) (both)

 Hancom Office is fast though ugly:


I think the original issue was not How quickly does OO load on a low end 
machine, but Will OO run acceptably on a low end machine

The answer to that question is IMO no.
I have OO on my 233MHz laptop, and it is so slow following mouse and keyboard 
input as to be all but unusable.

By contrast Abiword and Gnumeric are nimble and a pleasure to use.

On my 850MHz desktop OO works just fine.


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Re: [newbie] Can't get rid of menu bar

2002-09-18 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 9:11 pm, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 10:19 pm, you wrote:
 I have a box with Mandrake 8.1 and KDE 2.2.1.  I enabled the desktop
 menu, decided I didn't like it, and now can't get rid of it.  Any ideas
 of how I can get the pesky thing to disapear (I've tried disabling it
 from itself, through KDE control centre and even hunted through the
 config files to see if I could find anything).
 Sir Robin
 Doesn't it turn off with Configuration  KDE  LookNFell  Desktop ? 
  There's a setting on the first tab that on my box turns it on and off.

 No - it goes off for a  second, then comes back on.  It's more
 irritating than that bloddy Microsoft paperclip!

Funny, when I tried it it went off and stayed off.  Teaching your granny and 
all that, but have you tried turning it off, then logging out and back in, to 
make it forget?  Might be a stupid idea, but harmless, I think


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Re: [newbie] Re: [gpl] Input/output error - Alcatel Speedtouch USB hangs up and cannot re-connect

2002-09-18 Per discussione Jordan Elver

Thanks, but I think I copied this message to the wrong list! Doh!

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 3:50 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Wednesday 18 September 2002 08:10 am, Jordan Elver wrote:
  There was a thread here the other day regarding a problem similar to
  this. The subject was pipex xtreme or something like that. Richard
  Morrell mentioned something about BT not doing something at their end of
  the line. Sorry, can't remember exactly what :-(
  Search the archives, I don't know where they are either though?

 You can access the mail list archives at:

 -- cmg

Jordan Elver
Windows - Where do you want to go today? MacOS - Where do you want to be 
tomorrow? Linux - Are you coming, or what?

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Re: [newbie] Can't get rid of menu bar

2002-09-18 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:50 am, Anne Wilson did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 Funny, when I tried it it went off and stayed off.  Teaching your granny
 and all that, but have you tried turning it off, then logging out and
 back in, to make it forget?  Might be a stupid idea, but harmless, I

the menu bar is a save settings on exit issue?  odd.

- -- 
I don't know who said that, but I usually credit Shakespeare.  That guy 
said damn near everything. -me

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione et

I wonder if you have compared how fast OO opens in linux the second time?

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 12:15 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:05:06 +0800

 Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  your forgetting that M$ office preloads libs when you start your PC, just
  like IE
  so it makes office start faster...  they would have you believe its
  because of the special people they are :-)

 Actually, Franki, i have to disagree with that common belief that
 the ONLY reason for MS office to start faster is because it's
 half-preloaded. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't seem true. I agree
 that this is the case fon Internet Explorer and Outlook Express,
 but not for office.

 this is my argument:

 Download and install codeweaver's ( or winehq's if you like it ) Wine.
 install it and tweak it untill you can get a small .exe (let's say notepad)
 in less than 5 seconds. a good way to do this is disable load windows
 registry keys, load global registry keys and set only one directory
 for fonts, instead of four paths that the config seems to request.
 Also, configure just a few drives, say, one for storing the exe files,
 and call that a c:\ .. then a floppy disk and a CD drive. you
 should need no more.

 after that, go into your windows partition and launch Word (word
 97 seems to be the only one that works with these versions of wine,
 so it'll have to be that).

 Linux doesn't preload Microsoft Office, does it? :o)

 However, MS Office under wine still starts up in less than 10 seconds
 ( and even less if i leave out the time that Wine needs for starting
 itself, reading fonts and stuff... )

 while OO can take up to 45 the computer i used for this test. ( a PII 400)

 As i stated in an earlier post, i still have not attempted to load
 OpenOffice in my 233mhz/32MB Ram machine. however Word97 runs very
 acceptably on it.

 About IE and OE, the preloading story seems to be very true. and you
 can feel it especially on low-memory systems.

 when you have only 32MB of RAM, all that libs and half-programs simply do
 not fit into memory, so right after windows boots up, it thrashes
 the harddrive to death. And, stupidly, all that preloading
 goes right into the swap for the OS to work. So when you
 start up IE or OE .. all the preloaded applications have to read
 the preloaded stuff from disk anyway.

 there's when you notice what IE6 and OE6 really are. they are
 just like a big old fat Mozilla 0.0.1 slow as a fat girl
 playing dodge-ball


 PS: This is a note for anyone reading this post:

 I really don't feel like starting a OO vs. MSO war. I think i provided
 enough info for anybody to try this test for themselves, so i suggest
 every reader of this post to try this. It really opens your eyes a bit.
 Don't let the M$ is evil concept blur your intelligence. Be objective
 about this kind of stuff.
I wonder if you have compared how fast OO opens in linux the second time?

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[newbie] re DSL in mandrake

2002-09-18 Per discussione Tony Castro

I ended up reinstalling mandrake anyways and i
configured the dsl while installing the OS. Works
good. Thanks for your help though.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! News - Today's headlines

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Re: [newbie] Can't get rid of menu bar

2002-09-18 Per discussione Bob Read

Just right-click on the desktop, left-click on disable desktop menu.
(Only a single on each)


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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 15:42, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Wait a couple of days, and you'll get your 20.
 -- cmg

I was internally debating this timescale and thought it was probably
right. Although nothing has turned up relating to IE specifically
there've been 4 alerts on the [bugtraq] list today concerning Microsoft
products. Including this (at face value) absolutely horrendous one:

Windows NT/2000/XP do not check execution rights correctly before
allowing 16-bit executables to load. This makes it possible to load and
execute 16-bit files without execute permission. For example, the
command line

COMMAND /c 16BitApp.exe

will always run the application 16BitApp.exe regardless of execute

So someone could bring in CRASH.EXE on a floppy disk and subvert access
control lists and all the other expensive-consultant-set-up Windows
paraphernalia :)

Suppose Linux was:

- occupying 95% of the market;

- widely disliked.

Would such elementary holes be opened up with the same regularity as is
happening with Microsoft products? I have the uneasy feeling that the
answer would be yes.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[newbie] Fwd: [Cooker] rc3

2002-09-18 Per discussione Alastair Scott

For those who have asked.

Nice to see extra time taken to get things _right_. It looked as though
RC2 was going to be the last one before the spotted handkerchief was
dropped, but a number of kernel problems turned up.

I have no burning desire to find more showstoppers; I'm completely
flaked out after four betas and soon-to-be-three Release Clients ;)


-Forwarded Message-

 Subject: [Cooker] rc3
 Date: 18 Sep 2002 22:30:33 +0200
 Soon on mirrors:
 729313280   MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-CD1.i586.iso
 734199808   MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-CD2.i586.iso
 417058816   MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-CD3.i586.iso
 This must be nearly the 9.0 final.
 9.0 should be finalized by the end of the week.
 2 or 3 days for marketting to finish the official announce, and it
 should be released next week.
 Find critical bugs if you are enjoying this testing period and
 want more.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Upgrade of Samba - help!

2002-09-18 Per discussione Robert W. Dempsey


Thank you again.  I had gotten the server to the point where I could 
shut it down with no problem (I believe that I shut off or didn't 
install NFS).  I will try your way though, as I need to get this server 
going on my RAID 5 array.  I also had winbind working correctly except 
for the fact that I couldn't enumerate users or groups.

The main reason that I am asking about all of this is because I was able 
to get a RedHat 7.3 server integrated into my Win2K domain - fully - 
using the latest version of Samba and Winbind.  I am unable to do it 
with previous versions of these two programs.

Also, Mandrake 8.2 is the only Linux OS that I can install on my RAID 5 
setup (Adaptec 2110S - Fujitsu Ultra 160 SCSI Drives) and I like the 
admin tools better than RedHat (not that RH isn't good too).

I will try what you have suggested, and read more of the documentation. 
  Thank you for your help.


Robert Dempsey

Derek Jennings wrote:
 Do you mean NIS (Name Information Server) or NFS (Network File System)
 if NIS, then sorry I do not know, never used it. 
 If you mean NFS, then yes. NFS can be a pain if shares are mounted when you 
 shut down. You have to unmount the share before shutting down. 8.2 is better 
 than 8.1 was, in that if you wait long enough it will time out and shutdown 
 I find the best solution is to set 'noauto' in the /etc/fstab file for the NFS 
 shares and mount them explicitly when I need them.
 As for your Samba issue. There is an additional RPM for Winbind. Did you 
 install it?
 You should have been able to define Rangers site as a urpmi source. Did you 
 get an error when you typed
 urpmi.addmedia --update Ranger-8.2 with
 in a root terminal?  (that is all one line)
 then to install samba with winbind all you have to do is type
 urpmi samba-server samba-client samba-winbind
 Any dependencies will be found and installed automatically.
 (I do not use winbind myself)
 On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 5:33 am, Robert W. Dempsey wrote:

Thank you for your help.  I reinstalled Mandrake 8.2 without Samba and I
still could not upgrade.  It seems that there are some dependencies that
I am not aware of.  It gives me a few errors.  However, a more pressing
PROBLEM is this:  after I install all is well.  after an initial logon,
when I try to reboot or shut down the server, I get an error like
Unmount NIS filesystem   [FAILED] and the server hangs.  My hardware
configuration is as follows:

3 Ultra 160 17.55GB Fujitsu SCSI Drives
Adaptec 2110S RAID Card
RAID 5 Configuration

Any ideas why the unmount fails?  I don't have this problem on a test
server with an IDE drive.  The SCSI drives are terminated correctly and
all of the drives are new, as is the RAID card.  I don't believe that
there is any hardware conflicts at all.  I appreciate your help.  Have a
great day.


Robert Dempsey
Atlantic Dominion Solutions

Derek Jennings wrote:

Ranger has prepared some excellent updated RPMs for Samba which you can
find here  follow the
instructions for urpmi access and you can install them using Mandrake
Software Manager

BTW: What was wrong with the Samba on the CDs?


On Tuesday 17 Sep 2002 3:53 pm, tek1 wrote:

have you tried going to (or, downloading the
latest .rpm, and installing it using mandrake's package manager?

At 10:17 02/09/17 -0400, you wrote:


   I am new to Mandrake Linux, and am hoping that someone can help
me to upgrade to the newest version of Samba on my Mandrake 8.2 box.  I
appreciate your help, and thank you in advance.

- Robert Dempsey

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Re: [newbie] Can't get rid of menu bar

2002-09-18 Per discussione Bob Read

Robin I'm sending a copy to you directly because my earlier 
post to newbie bounced.

Have you tried simply right-clicking on the desktop, then
left-clicking on disable Desktop Menu on the pop-up menu
that appears?

(only a single click in each case)  I tried it and it works,
but if you double click on Disable... it gives the very
symptom you describe. The menu disappears, then comes back in 


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Re: [newbie] Linux on School Network

2002-09-18 Per discussione Sharrea

On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 5:25 pm, Brian Koppe wrote:
I'm trying to get a Mandrake Linux 8.1 server that my friend had set
 up running on my school's network, but unfortunately it is not getting
 an IP address. I've taken the network card and plugged it into my
 Windows box, activated it on the network, and placed it back in the
 server box, so I know that's not it (we're required to accept terms of
 use before it allows our cards to access the internet).  I've also
 re-run the network configuration tool in the Mandrake Control Center and
 it still won't get an IP.  Any ideas?  What other information do you
 need to help?  We don't know what else to try from here.  Thanks.


I had the same problem a while back.  I think all I did was enter the IP 
address and hostname into /etc/hosts.  Note: you must leave the localhost 
IP address in that file as well - just add the new one(s) below it.

The box said Requires Windows 95 or better so I installed Linux.

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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 19:49:25 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would word that better, makes you sound like a fanatic..
 perhaps something along these lines.
 You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (tm)
 Before you proceed onto the site, I would be remiss in my duties if I
 didn't tell you of the Security flaws inherent in Internet Explorer, so
 far more then 20 different methods of stealing your data or damaging
 your computers OS have been found and documented for people using
 Internet Explorer. Not only that, but Microsoft is encouraging the use
 of their proprietry methods which should it proceed as they plan, would
 result in an internet that is reliant upon you buying Microsoft products
 whenever they decide you should.
 As an alternative that is truely open in standards and totally free,
 pleaes consider Mozilla.
 hows that sound??  :-)

Oh, certainly less fanatical!  ;-)

Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately...
education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a
serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence
in Grosvenor Square. (Oscar Wilde)

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RE: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

I don't think the answer would be yes...

60+ percent of the worlds web servers are running the open source GPL

It gets far far less bug hits then M$'s IIS.

Thats just one example.. sendmail used to be a pig for security issues.. now
its matured alot, there are alot less issues.. and the majority of the net
sendmail. its not as secure as Postfix or Qmail. (and probably Exim) but it
had all that many problems of late.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alastair Scott
Sent: Thursday, 19 September 2002 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 15:42, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Wait a couple of days, and you'll get your 20.
 -- cmg

I was internally debating this timescale and thought it was probably
right. Although nothing has turned up relating to IE specifically
there've been 4 alerts on the [bugtraq] list today concerning Microsoft
products. Including this (at face value) absolutely horrendous one:

Windows NT/2000/XP do not check execution rights correctly before
allowing 16-bit executables to load. This makes it possible to load and
execute 16-bit files without execute permission. For example, the
command line

COMMAND /c 16BitApp.exe

will always run the application 16BitApp.exe regardless of execute

So someone could bring in CRASH.EXE on a floppy disk and subvert access
control lists and all the other expensive-consultant-set-up Windows
paraphernalia :)

Suppose Linux was:

- occupying 95% of the market;

- widely disliked.

Would such elementary holes be opened up with the same regularity as is
happening with Microsoft products? I have the uneasy feeling that the
answer would be yes.


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[newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-18 Per discussione Scott Felton

I'm new to Mandrake and fairly new to Linux (ran Slackware for a few months 
back around 3.5-4.0 on a P166)

Now I have a new machine, 1.3g celeron, 384m RAM and two 40g hard drives. I 
have been installing and toying with many distros but Mandrake is the first 
that has my interest for more than a day or two. 

I have Windows XP on the first hard drive (hda) that came with the computer. 
How do (can?) I mount that drive just in case I want to get something off it 
to look at from here in Linux?

I created a /windows directory (as root) and tried.

[root@whitetrash scott]# mount -t ntfs /dev/hda /windows
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda,
   or too many mounted file systems

(gee, I still remember how to cut and paste in Linux :)

AFAIK Mandrake is mounting 3 partitions for Linux on hdb (at least when I 
installed it, I defined 3). I *THINK* lilo is installed on /dev/hda (and not 
in MBR). Should I be able to mount my Windows NTFS?

The Windows HD actually has nothing on it but Windows and I will probably 
ditch it when I settle on a final distro of Linux, but now that I can't mount 
it, I'm curious what my problem might be?  I've installed Windows several 
times (I keep wiping it out during Linux install goofs:) and it SAYS it's 
using NTFS during the install. Looking at the man page for mount I think I 
have the syntax correct and I found nothing in this lists FAQ (although I'm 
not very good at searching it). TIA...

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Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-18 Per discussione Robert W. Dempsey


As far as I know, there is no way to access an NTFS partition if it is 
on the same box as your Linux distro.  The only way to access this drive 
would be to have it on another computer, and share it out, assigning 
appropriate share permissions (which MS feels is all to everyone by 
default).  Good luck.  I am a newbie to this too and enjoy Mandrake. 
Have a good one.

- Robert Dempsey

Scott Felton wrote:
 I'm new to Mandrake and fairly new to Linux (ran Slackware for a few months 
 back around 3.5-4.0 on a P166)
 Now I have a new machine, 1.3g celeron, 384m RAM and two 40g hard drives. I 
 have been installing and toying with many distros but Mandrake is the first 
 that has my interest for more than a day or two. 
 I have Windows XP on the first hard drive (hda) that came with the computer. 
 How do (can?) I mount that drive just in case I want to get something off it 
 to look at from here in Linux?
 I created a /windows directory (as root) and tried.
 [root@whitetrash scott]# mount -t ntfs /dev/hda /windows
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda,
or too many mounted file systems
 (gee, I still remember how to cut and paste in Linux :)
 AFAIK Mandrake is mounting 3 partitions for Linux on hdb (at least when I 
 installed it, I defined 3). I *THINK* lilo is installed on /dev/hda (and not 
 in MBR). Should I be able to mount my Windows NTFS?
 The Windows HD actually has nothing on it but Windows and I will probably 
 ditch it when I settle on a final distro of Linux, but now that I can't mount 
 it, I'm curious what my problem might be?  I've installed Windows several 
 times (I keep wiping it out during Linux install goofs:) and it SAYS it's 
 using NTFS during the install. Looking at the man page for mount I think I 
 have the syntax correct and I found nothing in this lists FAQ (although I'm 
 not very good at searching it). TIA...
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Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-18 Per discussione et

easiest, with GUI; as root, in a text console, without the quotes, 
diskdrake will bring up the same as you saw using the install, if you used 

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RE: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

As far as I am aware.. and I haven't tried it any time recently, If your
kernel is compiled with support for it. (and I am guessing that mandrake is.
but I don't know that as a fact)
you should be able to mount NTFS as read only... support for read/write is
not so good and could corrupt your drive.

A good info page on NTFS in general with a focus on linux is:

hope that helps.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of et
Sent: Thursday, 19 September 2002 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

easiest, with GUI; as root, in a text console, without the quotes,
diskdrake will bring up the same as you saw using the install, if you used

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Re: [newbie] Re: Way OT: Now ET proves @$$hole claim

2002-09-18 Per discussione Marc

9/15/02 10:16:50 PM, et [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sunday 15 September 2002 10:26 pm, you wrote:
 et wrote:
  Capital investment would be the main reason. not everyone is born wealth
  enough to go to college, much less be able to survive and put down the
  Capital to start a business. Not everyone is so low on scruples that
  they would be willing to float a check, and a big one to start a
  company. Some folks even go so far as to believe that if you can't do it
  legal you should not do it, and last I heard, it is still against the
  law to kite checks.

OOHH I am soo sorry you have spent way to much time in school (probably
 a liberal school at that) and much too much time listening to the media, it
 has twisted your mind into beleaving all the BS they have fed you.
   Sorry but a large amount of capital is not needed to start a business and
 a college education is not needed eather.

I am not a college grad, and have had my own business. I am sorry that you 
read into that that i thought only college educated folks should go into 
business... that was not my intent. altho I guess we could both consider not 
buying into a lot of what we hear. 

About 15 years ago I decided I had about all I could take of coperate
 America. One saturday morning I got up early took a drive into Chicago,
 went to a industrial supply dealer, purchased a milling machine with a Visa
 card, also picked up a $150 band saw, rented a U Haul truck Hauled all the
 stuff back home and stuck it in my 2 car garage, in a residential neighbor
 hood. Guess I am one of those law breakers that you aree talking about
 after all I did not have the proper zoneing to run a buisness there. OOHH 
 NO  I also bid not bother to get a business license.

so just hwere do you draw the line with following the law... 

I draw the line where what I consider common sense tells me to draw it.
I tend to lean on Gods 10 commandments to make that sort of decision.

should everyone 
be just like you? 

 Only if they want to be.  This was a  reply to the  first paragraph where you 
implied that it was impossible to start a business without a college education or a 
large amount of investment capitol.

do you truly believe that you are capable of deciding what 
laws are for each person? 

  No but I am capable of deciding what laws are to insane or stupid for me to 
worry about ,  and as best as I can tell what I do on my own property  with my 
own property that has no negative effect on other people is my own business and 
any law that says otherwise has just gone to far. If somebody else belives 
otherwise they can tangle their lives up with as much paperwork as they so desire.

are you capible of decideing who should be allowed 
to give birth, cause I am pretty sure the world needs someone like that... 
keep the poor and un-employeed from reproducing and as some one elso 

   Did I imply any of that? If so that was not my wish to do so.
What I did say was that A large bank roll and college education are in no way 
mandatory for starting a business or having it be successfull  And then went on to 
prove that from my personal experance.  I also implied that people that really 
beleave there are no good jobs or employers to be found can get out and start 
their own business  and that lack of large amounts of capitol or education is a poor 
excuse not to.

out the poor are more likely to become un-employyed and take food from the 
Bosses mouth rather than start a company and produce jobs from thin air, as 
employeers do now, since according to some folks here, it is not customers or 
need that creates jobs and employment, it is the bosses that do that. if we 
could prevent the poor (and stupid, as well as the ignorant) from reproducing 
we could have so much more for thus of us who are employers to eat.
Really I call what you claim as your company a shade tree, not a company. 
Companies have LIc. and Insurance and have to obey the same laws as every 
other company. I was not aware of the enron rule, where really smart people 
get to make up the rules they intend to follow and leave the rest of the laws 
and rules for us poor folks.

 At any rate I wired up
 and leveled all the stuff along with my old miller welder and the following
 Monday I went into business! Oh did I mention that some years I had been
 thrown out of high school half way through my freshman year and never went
 back. Guess me and the public education system just did not see eye to eye.
 I felt that I was wasting my time in school and they felt they were wasting
 their time on me. I feel that I learned much more practical knowlage out of
 school than I ever could have in school Yep thats right started a business
 with next to no money and not a lot of education. 

again you started working under a tree,   Working under a tree?  No I started 
working in MY 2 car garage.  Is there something wrong with starting out small with 

Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-18 Per discussione Royke

Try this
login as root
then enter the command : modprobe ntfs
then look for your ntfs partition reside on /dev/hda?.  To check just run
fdisk /dev/hda then press p to show all your partition in your harddrive.
Then quit without changing anything (press q).
After that you can mount that , for instance if your ntfs partition reside
on /dev/hda2
mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/your_ntfs_mount_point.
or edit your /etc/fstab file.
I have it working without problem .:-)


- Original Message -
From: Scott Felton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 7:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

 I'm new to Mandrake and fairly new to Linux (ran Slackware for a few
 back around 3.5-4.0 on a P166)

 Now I have a new machine, 1.3g celeron, 384m RAM and two 40g hard drives.
 have been installing and toying with many distros but Mandrake is the
 that has my interest for more than a day or two.

 I have Windows XP on the first hard drive (hda) that came with the
 How do (can?) I mount that drive just in case I want to get something off
 to look at from here in Linux?

 I created a /windows directory (as root) and tried.

 [root@whitetrash scott]# mount -t ntfs /dev/hda /windows
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda,
or too many mounted file systems

 (gee, I still remember how to cut and paste in Linux :)

 AFAIK Mandrake is mounting 3 partitions for Linux on hdb (at least when I
 installed it, I defined 3). I *THINK* lilo is installed on /dev/hda (and
 in MBR). Should I be able to mount my Windows NTFS?

 The Windows HD actually has nothing on it but Windows and I will probably
 ditch it when I settle on a final distro of Linux, but now that I can't
 it, I'm curious what my problem might be?  I've installed Windows several
 times (I keep wiping it out during Linux install goofs:) and it SAYS it's
 using NTFS during the install. Looking at the man page for mount I think
 have the syntax correct and I found nothing in this lists FAQ (although
 not very good at searching it). TIA...

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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Keith

With these quotes on education, you may ENJOY reading John Taylor Gatto, 
former 31 year New York City teacher, teacher of the year for the state his 
last two years, last 3 years for the city, then he resigned via a Wall Street 
Journal op-ed piece, saying he could no longer harm children, the educational 
system needs major reform to truly educate.  His books are facinating.

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 05:23 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 19:49:25 +0800

 Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would word that better, makes you sound like a fanatic..
  perhaps something along these lines.
  You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (tm)
  Before you proceed onto the site, I would be remiss in my duties if I
  didn't tell you of the Security flaws inherent in Internet Explorer, so
  far more then 20 different methods of stealing your data or damaging
  your computers OS have been found and documented for people using
  Internet Explorer. Not only that, but Microsoft is encouraging the use
  of their proprietry methods which should it proceed as they plan, would
  result in an internet that is reliant upon you buying Microsoft products
  whenever they decide you should.
  As an alternative that is truely open in standards and totally free,
  pleaes consider Mozilla.
  hows that sound??  :-)

 Oh, certainly less fanatical!  ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione Damian G

 On Wednesday 18 September 2002 9:15 am, Damian G did speak unto the huddled 
 masses, saying:
  PS: This is a note for anyone reading this post:
  I really don't feel like starting a OO vs. MSO war. I think i
  provided enough info for anybody to try this test for themselves, so i
  suggest every reader of this post to try this. It really opens your eyes
  a bit. Don't let the M$ is evil concept blur your intelligence. Be
  objective about this kind of stuff.
 i have to say that while MS is evil, office is (or at least 97 was, haven't 
 used the newer ones) one of the things they do well.  i am very glad to 
 hear about crossover office because it means the only savig grace to bills 
 empire can run in linux.  still they took that saving grace and fscked it 
 up with their file formats.  the size of the files alone should explain 


 on the other foot, most people will never need more than what OO gives.  i 

completely agreed.

 know we could have used it in the school i used to work for.  36 teachers 
 each running office?  you have any idea what that costs a school that has 
 to run hand me down computers?

shane, i was just comparing speed and performance on slow computers.
There's no question whatsoever about OO's usability. (i have switched to it)
there's no question whatsoever about how expensive MS can be, either.

All i was trying to do was to state that, under certain conditions, is a trade-off. Waiting over a minute for startup, having your word
processor playing catch-up with your typing and waiting 5 seconds for a
right-click menu to pop up is not my idea of a 'usable program'.

some years ago i bought a book to learn some modeling in discreet's 3D MAX
program. in one of the first chapters, the author made some statememts
about system requirements for 3D modeling. It was something like:

There's no point for me trying to recommend a processor or type
of computer, as probably by the time you read this, my recomendation
will be obsolete already. but there's an easy way to find out
if your computer is good enough for you, or not: If your workflow
stalls because you are waiting for the computer to finish it's job,
and you realize that your knowledge and ideas could be flowing faster
but your computer is delaying you, then you need a faster computer.

On the other foot ( as you say ;o)) OpenOffice is not the only
word processor available to Linux. Abiword and Gnumeric could
also be enough for an average user, and probably work very well 
on low-end computers. Time and MDK9 will tell.


boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

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Re: [newbie] Help! Installing from ISO

2002-09-18 Per discussione Damian G

 I wonder if you have compared how fast OO opens in linux the second time?

hm.. actually, i haven't... you are right, it does start faster.. but
still i think there's no comparison.. the difference is not that great.


boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

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RE: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-18 Per discussione Nathan Fraser-Chanpong

I had the exact same issue on my comp with XP, and I read up on it a
bit...  For starters, the others offered useful comments.  However, I
read that Microsoft made some changes to the NTFS used in XP since its
rendition in Win2k.  So what you are dealing with is an NTFS v2.0 of
sorts...  which is sadly not easily mountable in linux, while the first
NTFS (v1 if you will), is mountable.  This is why you received the error
that said wrong fs type.

I fixed this problem when I reinstalled windows a month ago by simply
formatting my windows drive with FAT32 instead of NTFS.  You lose the
special NTFS security provisions, but you can easily read/write to the
partition in linux.  

So since you just installed winXP, you might want to reinstall it,
putting it on a FAT32 partition instead of NTFS. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Scott Felton
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:14 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

I'm new to Mandrake and fairly new to Linux (ran Slackware for a few
back around 3.5-4.0 on a P166)

Now I have a new machine, 1.3g celeron, 384m RAM and two 40g hard
drives. I 
have been installing and toying with many distros but Mandrake is the
that has my interest for more than a day or two. 

I have Windows XP on the first hard drive (hda) that came with the
How do (can?) I mount that drive just in case I want to get something
off it 
to look at from here in Linux?

I created a /windows directory (as root) and tried.

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Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-18 Per discussione Michael Notforyou

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 20:13, Scott Felton wrote:
 I'm new to Mandrake and fairly new to Linux (ran Slackware for a few months 
 back around 3.5-4.0 on a P166)
 Now I have a new machine, 1.3g celeron, 384m RAM and two 40g hard drives. I 
 have been installing and toying with many distros but Mandrake is the first 
 that has my interest for more than a day or two. 
 I have Windows XP on the first hard drive (hda) that came with the computer. 
 How do (can?) I mount that drive just in case I want to get something off it 
 to look at from here in Linux?
 I created a /windows directory (as root) and tried.
 [root@whitetrash scott]# mount -t ntfs /dev/hda /windows
   mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /windows
Mandrake puts mount points in /mnt, so it may be /mnt/windows. I use
/dev/hda is the disk, /dev/hda1 is a partition. you want to mount a
BTW, it WILL be read-only. Read-write access is experimental, don't use
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda,
or too many mounted file systems
 (gee, I still remember how to cut and paste in Linux :)
 AFAIK Mandrake is mounting 3 partitions for Linux on hdb (at least when I 
 installed it, I defined 3). I *THINK* lilo is installed on /dev/hda (and not 
 in MBR). Should I be able to mount my Windows NTFS?
 The Windows HD actually has nothing on it but Windows and I will probably 
 ditch it when I settle on a final distro of Linux, but now that I can't mount 
 it, I'm curious what my problem might be?  I've installed Windows several 
 times (I keep wiping it out during Linux install goofs:) and it SAYS it's 
 using NTFS during the install. Looking at the man page for mount I think I 
 have the syntax correct and I found nothing in this lists FAQ (although I'm 
 not very good at searching it). TIA...

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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[newbie] 9.0 RC2

2002-09-18 Per discussione Roland Hughes

For what it is worth I installed rc2 on a dell GXa at work and it was the first 
Mandrake release that detected the video and installed it correctly on the install. 
Looks like it is going to be a great release.

The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or better!
 So I installed Linux!

Linux Counter: 241069

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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-18 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:43:31 -0500
Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With these quotes on education, you may ENJOY reading John Taylor Gatto,
 former 31 year New York City teacher, teacher of the year for the state
 his last two years, last 3 years for the city, then he resigned via a
 Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, saying he could no longer harm
 children, the educational system needs major reform to truly educate. 
 His books are facinating.

I've not read his books, but I'm familiar with the
un-schooling/de-schooling concept, which I'm very seriously considering
for my daughter. I'm particularly fond of Roger Schank and Peter McLaren.
I suppose Ivan Illich is the one who turned me on to the deschooling

It turns out I have JTG's Dumbing us Down on my wishlist.


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[newbie] msec question

2002-09-18 Per discussione Les Henderson

I've been using wvdial on my LM8.1 box to connect to my ISP.  I've not
been able to get a normal user account to be able to use wvdial.  I keep
on getting the error message Device or resource busy.  I can use it fine
if I su to root first.  I've tried setting the permissions of the device
to rwxrwxrwx, but the permissions always are changed to rwxr-xr-x when i
use wvdial.  I am pretty sure that msec is changing the permissions of
the device when pppd is started.  Any idea what changes I need to make to
get wvdial to work for a normal user?

Les Henderson

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[newbie] Kernel Panic Errors

2002-09-18 Per discussione Robert W. Dempsey

Hello - I am unable to resolve this issue and time is of the essence!

Hardware - 1, Adaptec 2110S RAID Controller Revision 380E
3, Fujitsu MAN3184MP Ultra 160 10K RPM SCSI Drives
1, Intel PIII 933 MHz
2, 256MB Sticks Generic PC133 SDRAM

Configuration - RAID 5, Capacity: 35044 MB,  Block Size: 512 Bytes,
 Stripe Size: 64Kb

RAID Card: Termination On, SCSI ID:7
 Drives: SCSI IDs 1-2-3
 Terminator on: 0 (the end of the cable)

Error Messages:

RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
crc error6Freeing initrd memory: 2556k freed
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:03
   1Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 5c1d8bca
   printing eip:
*pde = 
EIP:0010:[c01099af]   Not tainted
EFLAGS: 00010002
eax: dfd5bf58     
        (these  all had numerical and 
alpabetical values)

Stack:  lots of numbers
Call Trace:  numbers in brackets and 

Code: f6 43 07 20 8b 7d 08 be 01 00 00 00 75 01 fb 0b 73 04 ff 75
  0Kernel Panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
In interrupt handler - not synching

After this the machine locks up.  Any help is greatly appreciated! 
Thank you all in advance.

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RE: [newbie] msec question

2002-09-18 Per discussione Franki

as I understand it, one of the current limitations of wvdial is that it
needs root when its used standalone...

you need to look into sudo to get it working as a user.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Les Henderson
Sent: Thursday, 19 September 2002 12:01 PM
Subject: [newbie] msec question

I've been using wvdial on my LM8.1 box to connect to my ISP.  I've not
been able to get a normal user account to be able to use wvdial.  I keep
on getting the error message Device or resource busy.  I can use it fine
if I su to root first.  I've tried setting the permissions of the device
to rwxrwxrwx, but the permissions always are changed to rwxr-xr-x when i
use wvdial.  I am pretty sure that msec is changing the permissions of
the device when pppd is started.  Any idea what changes I need to make to
get wvdial to work for a normal user?

Les Henderson

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Re: [newbie] msec question

2002-09-18 Per discussione Mohammed Sameer

My Inbox Happily Received This From Les Henderson  Wed, 18 Sep 2002 23:00:41 -0500 

 I've been using wvdial on my LM8.1 box to connect to my ISP.  I've not
 been able to get a normal user account to be able to use wvdial.  I keep
 on getting the error message Device or resource busy.  I can use it fine
 if I su to root first.  I've tried setting the permissions of the device
 to rwxrwxrwx, but the permissions always are changed to rwxr-xr-x when i
 use wvdial.  I am pretty sure that msec is changing the permissions of
 the device when pppd is started.  Any idea what changes I need to make to
 get wvdial to work for a normal user?
for me, i just chmod +s /usr/bin/wvdial
but that's the most stupid solution!!! 
and a very insecure thing


-- Katoob Main Developer
Linux registered user # 224950
ICQ # 58475622
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibilities.

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] Kemulator mdk8.2

2002-09-18 Per discussione joe

Has anyone successfully compiled Kemulator using 8.2.? When I run the 
./configure script I get:
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH. Any help would be great!

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