Re: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-19 Per discussione Marcia Waller

This sounds like a good idea. How would one get instructions on how to set 
this up that are very good and step by step?



On Wednesday 19 September 2001 05:56, Franki wrote:
 What about just using Webmin

 it has upload/download apps in there.. so you can move files back and forth
 just using your browser..
 they can be anywhere on your linux box and as long as your webmin login has
 permissions for it,, you will be able to get them..

 Also, its SSL secure, which doesn't hurt either..

 easier then setting up a portal for it..



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[newbie] Kmid /dev/sequencer

2001-09-13 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I downloaded a MIDI file a couple of weeks ago and played it with no problems 
using kmid. Then yesterday I downloaded some .kar files and tried to play 
them and when I tried kmid I got a message that /dev/sequencer could not be 
opened. I then tried the MIDI file that I had played successfully a couple of 
weeks ago and got the same message. I went to the newbie archives for some 
answers but none have helped so far.

My question is why would this have worked at first then all of a sudden not 
work? What can I do to get this working? I have no trouble with sound in any 
other area such as playing CD's, xmms, realplayer,etc. Any help will be 
greatly appreciated. Thank you.



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Re: [newbie] AudioGalaxy

2001-08-26 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Sridhar and TezcatlipocA,

Thanks for the explicit directions. I think I can make this work now. I will 
give it a try as soon as I get a chance and let you know if it worked.


 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 Hi Marcia!
 I had the same question a couple of weeks ago and I asked someone who
 installed the Satellite in the site. He gave me very
 detailed steps 4 a very newbie like me!!! :)
 1. Untar the archive into your home dir.
 2. Create an account.txt file in the Audio Galaxy dir and type your
 Username in the 1st line and your Password in the 2nd.
 3. Create a shares.txt file too and type the address for the dir where you
 are going to store your mp3s:
Something like   /home/you/my music
or specify the one on Windows if you use it too   /mnt/windows/My Music
 4. In a terminal go to the AGSatellite dir and type ./AGSatellite to start
 the Satellite.
 5. Go to web page to log in
 6. Sometimes I get the Satellite not running message too! :( But many it
 does work OK. :)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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[newbie] AudioGalaxy

2001-08-24 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I started an account at AudioGalaxy and thought I had downloaded and 
installed the linux application correctly. It tried to download a song but 
was unsuccessful so when I went back to try again it just told me my 
satellite was not running because of errors in my account.txt file. I have no 
idea what happened. If any of you are using AudioGalaxy could you please tell 
me step by step how you installed, edited the share and account.txt files, 
ran it, etc.? Also, is anyone using the xstat app for the gui? I would like 
to try that. Thanks for any help.



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[newbie] Phex

2001-08-18 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I have been using Phex for awhile however, now I rarely can find any music 
that does not have the .dl extension . Is there anyway around this? Thanks.


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[newbie] Timidity,Kmid and Jazz

2001-08-15 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I am planning to set up my linux box for MIDI in the near future. Has anyone 
here on the list worked with Kmid, timidity, or jazz? Has anyone used Linux 
for MIDI and with certain instruments? If anyone has done this or is doing 
this could you let me know how you have set this up? Thank you very much.



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[newbie] MIDI

2001-08-13 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I will be taking an Intro to MIDI class at the college this autumn. Of 
course, they will be using Windows for the MIDI editing and playing 
instruments I am sure. Has anyone here used Linux for MIDI? Has anyone setup 
a MIDI keyboard to their computer and used Linux  for MIDI? Could anyone help 
me to set up my Linux box this way? Thanks very much. 



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Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,
I agree about using System Commander. I had my hard disk totally go bad 2 
weeks ago and then put in a new one. I almost used fdisk to partition but 
last minute I decided to try my System Commander. It worked absolutely great. 
I was very impressed. I am up and running now without a problem and now I do 
not think I would use anything else for that job. I used fdisk before and I 
definitely prefer System Commander. 


On Wednesday 08 August 2001 13:33, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 This is true of any 2 partitioning programs.
 Always use only 1 for creating, resizing and moving.

 I prefer using either PM or SystemCommader, but not on the same machine.
 Unlike fdisk or DiskDrake PM and SC can handle all partition types.

 The only time I use Diskdrake is to change the file type on  pre-existing
 Linux partitions and I never use fdisk.


[newbie] Internet college classes

2001-07-20 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,
I am considering taking some computer college and/or internet classes. My 
area college has internet instruction using webct software which supposedly 
works with Unix. Does that mean that it would work with Linux?

Unfortunately, they offer no classes teaching linux but several for Unix. 
Linux is my interest but is Unix just about the same thing?

Thanks for your help.


Marcia Waller

[newbie] vmware(trying to install Windows95)

2001-07-16 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I have LM8. I had LM 7.2 and had vmware setup with Windows95 
running on that. Now, I decided to install my vmware on my LM8, which is done 
and hopefully configured. Also, the license key was supposed to be installed 
for me but I had to reinstall it anyway. 

Now, I am following directions to install my Windows 95 with bootdisk and all 
I get is a system disk error when I try to install. Does anyone have any 
suggestions? Thank you very much.
Marcia Waller

[newbie] Sap and Linux

2001-07-15 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear all, My husband says that he works with Sap at his work and he really is 
enthralled with it.  Does anyone know anything about Sap and how Linux can 
work with it? I have done a search on it and found some interesting web pages 
but do not know exactly what Sap is. I am curious.

[newbie] Installing vmware2.04 in LM8

2001-07-13 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,
I had vmware 2.03 installed, working and running Windows 95 just fine in 
LM7.2. After I did the LM8 installation, I cannot get vmware to come up using 
the terminal and vmware command. I know the vmware installation is still 
there because I found the file. What can I do to get this going again? Thanks.

Also, I just downloaded the vmware 2.04 and probably would like to upgrade to 
this version. I just want to make sure the upgrade will work well and I do 
not know if it will if I cannot get my old vmware going. Should I just 
install the 2.04 and it will automatically (like the directions say) will 
find my older installation and go from there? I hope that this goes smoothly 
so I do not want to charge into this without some good pointers. Thanks alot.

Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Java (again)

2001-07-12 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Wednesday 11 July 2001 23:00, Anguo wrote:

 Try one more thing and if it doesn't work, we'll have to ask more advanced
 people for help.
 In the console, type 'which java'.
 $ which java

Dear Anguo,

I typed the 'which java' and I got usr/bin/java which was a surprise. Then 
when I checked the version I got:
Kaffee Virtual Machine copyright 1996-2000, Transvirtual Technologies, Inc., 
Engine: Just-in-time v 3 Version: 1.0.6 Java Version 1.1

This all surprised me since I thought the sun jre1.3.1 was being used. I know 
that it was for awhile. Also, Java is working in some capacities because I 
used Netscape to view some Gimp manuals. They said you needed something in 
Java to view and it came up just fine so something in Java is working. 

My question is how do I get the jre1.3.1 which I definitely have installed 
enabled and used instead of Kaffee? Thanks for your time and help. I 
appreciate it very much.


Re: [newbie] Java (again)

2001-07-11 Per discussione Marcia Waller

 How did you configure it?
 I first tried to use the GUI Konqueror configuration tool, where you can
 put in the path to your java file, but it didn't work for me.

 I then did it manually, using the console and it worked.

 1- open a console
 2- su  to root
 3- cd to /etc/
   in it you have a file named 'profile'. that's where you have to add
 the path to java.
 4- here a very basic knowledge of vi is very handy.
 vi profile
 type 'a' to insert the following line (modify it according to your path and
 type esc to go back to command mode.
 type ':x' to save and exit.
 5- you can type 'cat profile' to check that it's ok.
 restart xwindows.
 the above worked for me.

Dear Anguo,

Thanks for the instructions. I went into the file as root and did what you 
described except I did not know exactly where my entry should go. I put it 
under the other Path entry. It is there now, but nothing has changed yet. I 
am perplexed that this does not work now after working before. Thanks for the 


Re: [newbie] Java no longer working(for chat)

2001-07-10 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 06:37, Anguo wrote:
 ¦b 2001 ¤C¤ë  7 ¬P´Á¤» 04:54¡AMarcia Waller ¼g¹D:
  Dear All, I was able until recently open up a chat help service for
  Peanut with Netscape that uses java. For no apparent reason it no longer
  works. It says it is opening the java applet then if fails. What could
  have caused this? How may I fix this? Any help will be greatly
  appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely,

 Hi Marcia,

 has anyone been able to help you?
 I certainly won't because I know very little.

 Nobody seems to have replied yet: maybe you should ask again but try to
 give more details... err I don't know... like the version of the kernel
 and of your distro, which java version did you install, what did you do
 that could have influenced  java... which browser do you use... Any message
 error appears?

 Can someone else help me to ask Marcia the relevant questions that will
 help her to solve her problem?


Dear Anguo and All,
Thank you for your concern and help. It looks like I will try Konqueror 
instead. I just have to find out how to set it up for Konqueror now. My 
desktop runs LM8 .  I installed jre 1.3.1 or something like that. I think 
there is a new one to download and I probably will get that one. My Phex 
works just fine with the Java I downloaded before. Hmmm. If I get the newer 
Java will I need to do an upgrade install with it for things to work right? 
Java was tricky for me to set up the first time. I will give the new one a 
try. Thanks for your help.

Marcia Waller

[newbie] GinRummy for Linux

2001-07-09 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I am looking for a GinRummy card game to run on my LM8. Does anyone 
know where I can get one? Thank you very much. 

Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] WINE runs Windows proggies! ok?

2001-07-07 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Saturday 07 July 2001 10:18, uli wrote:
 Am Freitag, 6. Juli 2001 17:19 schrieben Sie:
  Dear Jeffrey,
  I am ready to begin installing and running Wine. You are the only one
  that I have seen on this list who has been able to run MSOffice or
  Photoshop, etc, with Wine. Could you explain how you did it for your
  system? I am curious. I have LM8 and I want to install Wine but is the
  one supplied in the distro the latest and best or is there a better one
   How long did it take you to get it to work for you the way you wanted?
  Thanks for your input.
  Sincerely, Marcia

 Dear Marcia,
 I think it's not necessary to compile wine yourself. I use
 codeweavers-wine-20010305-1.i386.rpm with Mandrake 8.0 and Windows 98. It
 works very good with MS-Office and many other windows-apps.
 The installation is very simple.

 Sincerely, Uli

Dear Uli,
I am surprised that you are able to run MSOFFice on it.  I am very much a 
newbie when it comes to WINE. Is your codeweavers-wine-20010305-1.i386.rpm 
different from the program supplied on the LM8 CD? How did you set up Wine 
and the MS-Office? Any help or suggestions you or anyone can give will be 
greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-06 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

Thank you for your suggestions. I think I will tackle installing and using 
Wine. Does anyone know of good documentation or instructions for installing 
and running Wine? This has interested me for some time and now I think this 
video movie thing will motivate me to get Wine going. Thanks for your help 
and suggestions. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] WINE runs Windows proggies! ok?

2001-07-06 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Friday 22 June 2001 16:08, Jeffrey M. Reed wrote:

 read it...learn it...

 i would LOVE to help all you guys figure this out but
 everyone's problems are going to be different. you all have
 different PC's and different setups.

Dear Jeffrey,
I am ready to begin installing and running Wine. You are the only one that I 
have seen on this list who has been able to run MSOffice or Photoshop, etc, 
with Wine. Could you explain how you did it for your system? I am curious. I 
have LM8 and I want to install Wine but is the one supplied in the distro the 
latest and best or is there a better one elsewhere? 

 How long did it take you to get it to work for you the way you wanted? 
Thanks for your input.

Sincerely, Marcia

 as far as WINE and similar proggies are concerned...the
 only thing i can really suggest is that you learn how to
 build/install using tarballs and compile your kernels like
 good girls and boys!

 good luck and don't get frustrated! i've been using linux
 and bsd type stuff for all of a year now and i'm STILL
 learning a lot!

Marcia Waller

[newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-05 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, My brother sent me a video that says vmail.vid.exe. I thought I 
could play it on Linux with RealPlayer but it does not play it. I have 
already played it on my Win98 on my laptop. I was wondering if there is a 
Linux program that would play a video file like this. I have tried xmovie but 
did not work. Thanks for any suggestions. 


Re: [newbie] Playing videos

2001-07-05 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Thursday 05 July 2001 21:47, Dave Sherman wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 Standard comment re: html mail applies... (kmail automatically made my
 reply in html, even though I default to plain text!).

 What is the file format of the video? An exe is not a video format. What
 Windows program did you use to play it?


My brother filmed it with his Logitech QuickCam. I am checking the stats on 
my Windows98 and it says the Inernal name is lvmplay.exe. This is called a 
Logitech Video Email. My brother said I should be able to use RealPlayer to 
play it but that did not work. Yes, I know that the .exe extension usually 
does not mean a video but it seems to in this case. The icon that sits on my 
Windows98 desktop says vmailvid. I would love to be able to run this on my 
Linux box if possible. Thanks for your help. I hope this information helps, 
because I cannot tell what program is playing it on my Win98.

Re: [newbie] Display in LM8

2001-07-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Don  All, Yes, my settings are at 600x400 and I cannot find a way to 
change them. There was no other choice offered in Mandrake Control Center.I 
did it in 7.2 but cannot find out how to do it on this distribution. How may 
I do that? Also, is XF86Setup on this distro? I cannot get it from the 
terminal. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

On Monday 02 July 2001 20:45, D. Hoyem wrote:
   Have you looked at the Configuration -- Other --
 Mandrake Control Panel and in there you can look at
 what the settinfgs are for the display.. From what you
 have said it appears that you display is set to
 600x400 and that display is hard to see like you say.
 Try 800x600 and see if that works better.

 --- Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear All, Since I have had LM8 I cannot get my
  display to the correct config.
  Alot of my programs are cut off at the bottom so
  that I cannot see the OK ,
  Apply, or Cancel buttons. I have a generic S3Virge
  which worked perfectly in
  7 and 7.2. How may I remedy this problem? I already
  did a new config file
  with xf86config. That did not seem to change
  anything. Any help will be
  greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Marcia
  Marcia Waller

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Marcia Waller

[newbie] Display in LM8

2001-07-02 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Since I have had LM8 I cannot get my display to the correct config. 
Alot of my programs are cut off at the bottom so that I cannot see the OK , 
Apply, or Cancel buttons. I have a generic S3Virge which worked perfectly in 
7 and 7.2. How may I remedy this problem? I already did a new config file 
with xf86config. That did not seem to change anything. Any help will be 
greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Marcia
Marcia Waller

[newbie] Logitech Videocam

2001-07-02 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I was just wondering if the Logitech Videocam is supported by LM8 
and  is it easy to setup? Thanks. Marcia
Marcia Waller

[newbie] Chess

2001-07-01 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I downloaded a statically linked program called rgXnetchess_static 
that the author told me should work on my LM8. His instructions were to just 
chmod +x rgXnethchess_static and then I should be done. I have not tried 
this yet, because I was not sure that could be all that I do to get this 
installed. I have never installed anything like this before. Does anyone know 
how to install a program like this? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia
Marcia Waller

[newbie] Java Plug-in for Netscape

2001-06-30 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I had a java plug-in in my Netscape for awhile in LM8. All of a 
sudden it is not there. I used to be able to use this one chat forum that 
used a java plug-in without a problem now it says I do not have the java 
plug-in. I do not know what could have happened. How do I activate this again?
Thanks for your help.
Marcia Waller

[newbie] WordPerfect Install in LM8

2001-06-26 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I have been trying to get my WordPerfect installed for days. I had 
the demo installed and working great in LM 7.2. Now that I have LM 8 I am 
trying to install the WordPerfect  CD I bought from Linux system Labs. I 
downloaded the libc5-1.0-2.i386 src.rpm but have not figured out how to 
install this. I have read everything in the Newbie archives about these and 
studied all of my books but nothing has worked yet.

How does one install the libc5-1.0-2.i386 source rpm? After that is installed 
then how do I install the WordPerfect ? Any help will be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you very much. Marcia
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]No Printing so far

2001-06-02 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Monday 28 May 2001 14:49, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear Alan  All, Thank you Alan so much for your help. I
  have lpd installed and working now. Whew! I had to have
  some printing working. Now that I have it installed it
  reminded me why I was so happy to have cups in 7.2. The
  print is a little too light, wavy, and uneven plus about
  every 5 lines I get print over print so that it is just a
  blur. I had this same problem in 7. How can I improve this
  printing and get rid of the blur?
  Another question. My cups in 7.2 had worked well and looked
  good. Would it be possible to install all of the cups files
  from 7.2 into my LM8? Should that work since the LM8 cups
  files did not work at all for me? I will not consider this
  if I can substantially improve the quality of my lpd.
  Thanks so very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

 Marciasure the 7.2 CUPS should work with 8.0.  Basically,
 reverse the process you just did.  Uninstall the 5 files you
 just installed:

   rpm -e --nodeps lpr-0.50-10mdk.i586.rpm
 rpm -e --nodeps rhs-printfilters-1.76-3mdk.i586.rpm
 rpm -e --nodeps printtool-3.43-2mdk.noarch.rpm (mdk 7.0)
 rpm -e --nodeps control-panel-3.11-17mdk (mdk 7.2)
 rpm -e --nodeps mpage-2.5.1-12mdk (7.2)

 If there are any errors about not being able to delete some
 associated directories because of there still being data in
 them then delete them by hand.  Then install these files from
 the 7.2 Installation CD by first copying them to an otherwise
 empty directory and install them all at once using:

 rpm -ivh *


 Hopefully you'll not run into any dependency errors and this
 will fix up all your printing problems to your satisfaction.
 Good luck!

Dear Alan  All, I have done all of the above, got it installed but I cannot 
figure out how to get the printing going. I know that you cannot set up a 
printer in printerdrake if it is cups. I do not know how to launch kups or at 
least I have not found a way to do so. Is there anyone who can help me to get 
this set up again? Now that I have all of these things installed how to I 
configure and get it going? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]cups printing again

2001-05-31 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 23:49, John David Molina wrote:
 El Jue 24 May 2001 13:16, Marcia Waller escribió:
  Dear All, I cannot print at all now in my LM8 with my Epson Stylus Color
  with cups+gimp driver. I did download the new cups, too. It will printout
  a test page and do the calibration but will not print from any
  application. If I try to print from an app. I just get tons of papers
  going through with sometimes some gibberish color and BW print. When it
  does this, I then go to the terminal to cancel the jobs, but lpstat shows
  that there are no jobs and I cannot cancel them that way. I can from the
  website for cups but that is the only place.

 I don't know if this will work, but... why don't you try the Epson Stylus
 Color foomatic+stcxxxih.upp driver?

I tried another driver for a short while but I am not sure exactly which one 
it was. It did not work any better. I had to totally give up on the cups for 
LM8 but I plan to try the cups I had in 7.2 which worked just fine. When I 
get a chance to do this and if it works I will let you know. I am using Lpd 
now and it does poorly but at least it prints except it won't print from 
internet pages. It prints from kmail and from all other apps but not from the 
internet. That I do not understand. Thanks for your help.

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-30 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 05:24, Dan wrote:
 You shell is probably not looking in the proper path
 for the java command.  In my situation I type in the
 complete path:

 /usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java -jar phex.jar

 This is the path based on Mandrake 8 with the java run
 time environment RPM from the link on the the Phex web

 If the above doesn't work for you, you can find your
 path (assuming installed via RPM) by the following:

 To find out what jre you have installed:

 rpm -qa | grep jr

 take the results of that and type

 rpm -ql results of previous | grep bin/java

 to permanently add that path to your shell(assuming
 BASH) I think the command is (for my example):

 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin

 to vverify it has been added type

 echo PATH$

 it should show up in the list

Dear Dan  All, I followed your instructions and it did the trick. Thank you 
very much. I have been working on this for a couple of weeks. I had to find 
the full path and type it in. I even downloaded a song. It came in however I 
have not found out how to play it. This is very different from gnapster or 
Limewire. How do you play the song? I have no idea where my song is to play.

Also, do I have to use that same command everytime I want to use Phex or is 
there another command to start it?

May I make a desktop icon link to phex?

Thanks so much for your help. I am thrilled that I finally have a way to 
download some music. 

Sincerely, Marcia

 --- Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 29 May 2001 18:33, Dan wrote:
   Can I make a suggestion?  Try Phex.  It was really
   easy to use.  All you need is the
   There's no real installation.  It run right out of
   your home directory.
  Dear All, Thank you for your suggestions. I
  installed the jre and phex then
  used the command java -jar phex.jar and got a long
  error message then it
  aborted. What can I do now. Thanks for your help.


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Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-29 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 18:33, Dan wrote:
 Can I make a suggestion?  Try Phex.  It was really
 easy to use.  All you need is the

 There's no real installation.  It run right out of
 your home directory.

Dear All, Thank you for your suggestions. I installed the jre and phex then 
used the command java -jar phex.jar and got a long error message then it 
aborted. What can I do now. Thanks for your help. Marcia

Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Sunday 27 May 2001 02:42, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Marcia Waller wrote:
  Alan, how do I get my printing to work now with the lpd?
  How do I choose, add, and configure printers with it? Is
  printtools the gui for it? I really do not know the first
  thing to do to get this started. Any help will be
  appreciated. Thank you so much for your detailed
  instructions. It seemed to all get installed. Sincerely,

 Marciajust open a console window, 'su -' to become root
 and execute printtool.  The setup is pretty simple and is
 what you were used to in 7.0 and pervious releases.

Dear Alan  All, Thank you Alan so much for your help. I have lpd installed 
and working now. Whew! I had to have some printing working. Now that I have 
it installed it reminded me why I was so happy to have cups in 7.2. The print 
is a little too light, wavy, and uneven plus about every 5 lines I get print 
over print so that it is just a blur. I had this same problem in 7. How can I 
improve this printing and get rid of the blur?

Another question. My cups in 7.2 had worked well and looked good. Would it be 
possible to install all of the cups files from 7.2 into my LM8? Should that 
work since the LM8 cups files did not work at all for me? I will not consider 
this if I can substantially improve the quality of my lpd.

Thanks so very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Monday 28 May 2001 14:49, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear Alan  All, Thank you Alan so much for your help. I
  have lpd installed and working now. Whew! I had to have
  some printing working. Now that I have it installed it
  reminded me why I was so happy to have cups in 7.2. The
  print is a little too light, wavy, and uneven plus about
  every 5 lines I get print over print so that it is just a
  blur. I had this same problem in 7. How can I improve this
  printing and get rid of the blur?
  Another question. My cups in 7.2 had worked well and looked
  good. Would it be possible to install all of the cups files
  from 7.2 into my LM8? Should that work since the LM8 cups
  files did not work at all for me? I will not consider this
  if I can substantially improve the quality of my lpd.
  Thanks so very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

 Marciasure the 7.2 CUPS should work with 8.0.  Basically,
 reverse the process you just did.  Uninstall the 5 files you
 just installed:

   rpm -e --nodeps lpr-0.50-10mdk.i586.rpm
 rpm -e --nodeps rhs-printfilters-1.76-3mdk.i586.rpm
 rpm -e --nodeps printtool-3.43-2mdk.noarch.rpm (mdk 7.0)
 rpm -e --nodeps control-panel-3.11-17mdk (mdk 7.2)
 rpm -e --nodeps mpage-2.5.1-12mdk (7.2)

 If there are any errors about not being able to delete some
 associated directories because of there still being data in
 them then delete them by hand.  Then install these files from
 the 7.2 Installation CD by first copying them to an otherwise
 empty directory and install them all at once using:

 rpm -ivh *


 Hopefully you'll not run into any dependency errors and this
 will fix up all your printing problems to your satisfaction.
 Good luck!
Dear Alan, Thank you for these great instructions. I will give this a try. 
If I finally get good printing again I will let you all know. Thanks.

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Monday 28 May 2001 21:54, s wrote:
 U really should use a downloader.  Netscape seems to convert binarys to
 ascii or some sh*t.  Anyway, nt webdownloader is a good one.  Go to rpmfind
 and do a search for nt.  It's an easy rpm install and straightforward gui
 controls. -s

I went to several websites and the file was there but when I tried to 
download I got a message that the file no longer exists. I then decided to 
try the however I just do not understand the instructions 
for installing. I have Kaffee installed which I was told would work with 
LimeWire. Can anyone give me step by step instructions for this. I am not 
understanding the classpath at all. I have read all I can about it but just 
do not understand how to figure out what classpath to put in the install 
script. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have LM8 . I have Kaffee 
installed and downloaded. Thanks, Marcia

Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-27 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Sunday 27 May 2001 02:42, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Marcia Waller wrote:
  Alan, how do I get my printing to work now with the lpd?
  How do I choose, add, and configure printers with it? Is
  printtools the gui for it? I really do not know the first
  thing to do to get this started. Any help will be
  appreciated. Thank you so much for your detailed
  instructions. It seemed to all get installed. Sincerely,

 Marciajust open a console window, 'su -' to become root
 and execute printtool.  The setup is pretty simple and is
 what you were used to in 7.0 and pervious releases.

Dear Alan  All, I remember that my printing was not very good in LM7 but it 
was better than what I got from cups in LM8. I just do not remember what I 
did to get it going. I think I used linuxconf which I finally found in LM8. I 
did find printtool and used it, then I found linuxconf and tried to do a test 
page from there but nothing happened. It looks like my printer is setup but 
nothing will print yet. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help. Sincerely, 

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-26 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I thank all of you for giving me the suggestions for my printer. I 
have done most of them and none have improved my situtation.

 I installed all of my cups rpm's from my LM8 again. Nothing is working I
 got everything configured and whenever I try to print it just pours out an
 endless stream of paper with gibberish. When I go to the terminal and do
 cancel or lprm it says that I cannot cancel lp. When I check into lpstat it
 shows nothing. Does anyone have any ideas? How can I cancel these jobs once
 this gets started?

This problem is the same even though I started over and even got the new cups 
1.1.8 installed. With this new cups which I had to use force to install left 
out my cups webadmin choice from my printing selections. Again nothing has 
changed. It does not print anything or just gibberish and sends many papers 
through my printer that will not stop even when I try canceling through the 
terminal. Again lpstat shows nothing even when I have a pending job. This 
printer worked when I first installed even though the printing quality was 
terrible. Once I started changing configurations for resolution, etc., then 
the problems started and still have not stopped. Are there any files I can 
check? I do not know what else to do. I thought of installing LM8 again in 
expert mode so that I do not lose my other files. Does anyone have any other 
suggestions again? Thanks. Marcia

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]cups printingMess(cont)

2001-05-26 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I checked my services that should be running in the Mandrake 
Control Center and there was no cups listed at all. It was before but since I 
reinstalled the cups it is not there. There is nothing for a printer there. 
Is not Cups and lpd supposed to be listed? Why would it not be? 

Also, why will lpstat show nothing. And why can I not cancel my jobs through 
the terminal with lprm or cancel?

Thanks. Marcia

Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-26 Per discussione Marcia Waller

 Marciayou might try removing CUPS completely and going
 back to lpd.  I just did this, as an experiment, in reaction
 to your comtinuing CUPS problems.  Here's how I did it:

 remove the following (since you installed a 1.8 version
 you'll have to allow for the version differences)

   rpm -e --nodeps cups-1.1.6-21mdk
   rpm -e --nodeps cups-common-1.1.6-21mdk
   rpm -e --nodeps cups-drivers-1.0-30mdk
   rpm -e --nodeps kups-1.1-6mdk
   rpm -e --nodeps qtcups-2.1-11mdk

 then delete these directories


 then put the following rpm files in an otherwise empty
 directory and install them all at once using:

 rpm -ivh *

   printtool-3.43-2mdk.noarch.rpm (mdk 7.0)
   control-panel-3.11-17mdk (mdk 7.2)
   mpage-2.5.1-12mdk (7.2)

 if, like I did, you get a dependency error for printtool
 needing rhs-printfilters-with-ppa then add a nodeps to the
 command line like this:

 rpm -ivh --nodeps *

 If you decide to try this, good luck.  lpd is working just
 fine on my mdk 8.0 system.

Dear All, Thank you for your advice on the cups printing however I just could 
not get it to work so I deleted all of the cups and installed as Alan 
suggested the lpd. 

Alan, how do I get my printing to work now with the lpd? How do I choose, 
add, and configure printers with it? Is printtools the gui for it? I really 
do not know the first thing to do to get this started. Any help will be 
appreciated. Thank you so much for your detailed instructions. It seemed to 
all get installed. Sincerely, Marcia

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]cups printing(a mess)

2001-05-25 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Thursday 24 May 2001 12:16, Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear All, I cannot print at all now in my LM8 with my Epson Stylus Color
 with cups+gimp driver. I did download the new cups, too. It will printout a
 test page and do the calibration but will not print from any application.
 If I try to print from an app. I just get tons of papers going through with
 sometimes some gibberish color and BW print. When it does this, I then go
 to the terminal to cancel the jobs, but lpstat shows that there are no jobs
 and I cannot cancel them that way. I can from the website for cups but that
 is the only place.

 Are there some files that I can check on to find out what is going on or to
 get this to work? Again my printing worked fine in 7, 7.2, and works fine
 with my WIn98 on my laptop. I know that it is not the printer itself. When
 I first installed 8 the printer worked but the printing quality was
 terrible and even with changing resolution, etc, nothing improved. After
 trying many suggestions here plus reading on solutions, I just ended up
 messing it all up more. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so
 very much.

 Sincerely, Marcia
I thought I resolved my printer problem last night except for the quality. 
When I went to the web cups admin and changed the resolution, the problems 
only became worse. When I tried a test page it just would pour out paper 
after paper with some print gibberish occasionally. I tried to cancel the 
jobs from both the command line and from the web and neither have worked. The 
jobs will not cancel. I have deleted all of my printers from the web and it 
still does this kind of eternal printing. How do I cancel the jobs now? Also, 
I want to get my printer working correctly. I have tried everything that I 
can think of so far including all of your suggestions. Any help will be 
greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia
Marcia Waller

[newbie] Compressing files with zip

2001-05-25 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I would like to compress a directory with the zip format so that I 
may send it to my Win98 laptop through email. How may I do this by hand?
I need to print out some info and I still cannot get my Epson Stylus Color to 
work with LM8 so I am forced to send the files to my laptop. My laptop only 
has Win98 which is why I want to use the zip format.Thanks for your help. 
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] Compressing files with zip

2001-05-25 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, 
Thank you for your answers about zip. It seems quite easy. I will try this. 
Thanks again. 

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]cups printing(a mess)again

2001-05-25 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Friday 25 May 2001 12:45, Marcia Waller wrote:
 On Thursday 24 May 2001 12:16, Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear All, I cannot print at all now in my LM8 with my Epson Stylus Color
  with cups+gimp driver. I did download the new cups, too. It will printout
  a test page and do the calibration but will not print from any
  application. If I try to print from an app. I just get tons of papers
  going through with sometimes some gibberish color and BW print. When it
  does this, I then go to the terminal to cancel the jobs, but lpstat shows
  that there are no jobs and I cannot cancel them that way. I can from the
  website for cups but that is the only place.
  Are there some files that I can check on to find out what is going on or
  to get this to work? Again my printing worked fine in 7, 7.2, and works
  fine with my WIn98 on my laptop. I know that it is not the printer
  itself. When I first installed 8 the printer worked but the printing
  quality was terrible and even with changing resolution, etc, nothing
  improved. After trying many suggestions here plus reading on solutions, I
  just ended up messing it all up more. Any help will be greatly
  appreciated. Thanks so very much.
  Sincerely, Marcia

 I thought I resolved my printer problem last night except for the quality.
 When I went to the web cups admin and changed the resolution, the problems
 only became worse. When I tried a test page it just would pour out paper
 after paper with some print gibberish occasionally. I tried to cancel the
 jobs from both the command line and from the web and neither have worked.
 The jobs will not cancel. I have deleted all of my printers from the web
 and it still does this kind of eternal printing. How do I cancel the jobs
 now? Also, I want to get my printer working correctly. I have tried
 everything that I can think of so far including all of your suggestions.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia
Dear All,
I just found out there is a new version of cups. It is cups 1.1.8. I 
downloaded the rpm and tried to install. It was conflicting with the 1.1.7 
cups so I went about uninstalling that version with all of its dependancies. 
The problem is it seems there are a never ending amount of dependancies in 
order for me to delete the old and install the new. Is there a better way to 
do this? Thanks for your help. 
Marcia Waller

[newbie]cups printing Mess

2001-05-25 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, 
I have not been able to install the new cups 1.1.8. Has anyone successfully 
installed this in LM8?

I am the one who has been asking for cups printing help for my Epson Stylus 
Color printer on LM8 for days now.

I installed all of my cups rpm's from my LM8 again. Nothing is working I got 
everything configured and whenever I try to print it just pours out an 
endless stream of paper with gibberish. When I go to the terminal and do 
cancel or lprm it says that I cannot cancel lp. When I check into lpstat it 
shows nothing. Does anyone have any ideas? How can I cancel these jobs once 
this gets started?

May I use a whole different printing system other than cups and how would I 
do that? How do I install the lpr system so that I that I do not need cups. I 
would appreciate any help. As of now I cannot print anything from Linux. My 
printing worked well in Lm 7 and Lm7.2.Thanks.
Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-24 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I finally have my Epson Stylus Color printing now that I added xpp, 
however the quality is horrrible. The colors are fine but the BW has banding 
through the letters. I have it configured with the cups+gimp print at 
adaptive hybrid, 360 dpi, and photograph. I tried 720 but that did not print 
at all. Does anyone have any ideas for fine tuning this to get some decent 
BW print? Thanks for your help.

[newbie]printing with Cups in LM8 again

2001-05-23 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

My Epson Stylus color printer does not work at all now. I installed the new 
cups , I did a test page which printed but had alot of bands with the black  
white print. I was able to finally use the calibration for Epson but I cannot 
print anything other than test pages and calibrations pages.When I try to 
print from any application it just eternally runs through paper not printing 
at all. When I tried to cancel through the terminal, it will not cancel my 

I looked into my files and there is the cups 1.1.7 installed but there is an 
alternative file with a file for lpc, lp, lpr, etc. I checked the 
/etc/printcap file and it has lp: and nothing else. Does anyone have any 
ideas? I had great printing in 7 and 7.2 and do have it with my WIN98 on my 
laptop. I am really confused about this. Thanks for any help. Sincerely, 

Re: [newbie] Funky fonts back to normal in 8.0

2001-05-23 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Tuesday 22 May 2001 22:57, Romanator wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I installed all the fonts I could find. And, voila! The web pages look
 normal again. Lucida Console looks kinda nice.

 Thanks all that helped.

How does one install fonts from Windows or Linux in LM8? Thanks.
Marcia Waller

[newbie]printing with Cups in LM8 again

2001-05-23 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I am sending this again since I sent it hours ago and it never showed up on 
the list it seems.

My Epson Stylus color printer does not work at all now. I installed the new
cups , I did a test page which printed but had alot of bands with the black 
white print. I was able to finally use the calibration for Epson but I cannot
print anything other than test pages and calibrations pages.When I try to
print from any application it just eternally runs through paper not printing
at all. When I tried to cancel through the terminal, it will not cancel my

I looked into my files and there is the cups 1.1.7 installed but there is an
alternative file with a file for lpc, lp, lpr, etc. I checked the
/etc/printcap file and it has lp: and nothing else. Does anyone have any
ideas? I had great printing in 7 and 7.2 and do have it with my WIN98 on my
laptop. I am really confused about this. Thanks for any help. Sincerely,


Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-22 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Monday 21 May 2001 21:10, Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear Lanman and All, Thank you for the ftp site and suggestions. I did get
 the new cups. How would I check to see which version of cups is running

 Run the updates first, and delete your Epson printer, then do

  a fresh config for the printer. Assuming that Mars and Venus (?) are in
  proper alignment, and even a small piece of good luck, you should be in

 How, exactly do I delete my Epson printer? This was easy in 7.2 but I
 cannot figure it out in 8. Thank you so much for your great help.
 Sincerely, Marcia
 Dear All, I have done all that has been suggested and now my printer is very 
messed up. It will only print out tons of pages of code now. 

I have deleted the printer in the Webadmin then added again, downloaded the 
new cups although I do not know if it has replaced the old one or not. I 
would like to find out which cups is installed now. How would I find out? 

I have done all of the configuration and it is worse than ever. Any 
suggestions would be great. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Marcia
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-21 Per discussione Marcia Waller

 Dear Lanman and All, Thank you for the ftp site and suggestions. I did get 
the new cups. How would I check to see which version of cups is running now?

Run the updates first, and delete your Epson printer, then do
 a fresh config for the printer. Assuming that Mars and Venus (?) are in
 proper alignment, and even a small piece of good luck, you should be in

How, exactly do I delete my Epson printer? This was easy in 7.2 but I cannot 
figure it out in 8. Thank you so much for your great help. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: Fwd: [newbie]LimeWire

2001-05-20 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 21:34, Robin Regennitter wrote:
 On Wednesday 16 May 2001 05:08 am, you wrote:

 I have installed LimeWire a few days ago with some effort to install with
 Java.  The Static doesnt install very well because of the newer
 artitecture. However if you download sun's java or IBM java, you can set it
 up with the path.  First you make sure you have java installed and download  Next is to install it with the following command:

 /usr/java/jre/bin/java -classpath /home/johndoe/ install

 I used this as the example.   Hope this help.

Dear All, Thank you for all of your instructions for Limewire. Obviously I 
have to get the Java installed first. Where do I get this? How can I check to 
see if I already have it? Also, could someone give me and example of what a 
class path is? Thanks for your help. Marcia
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-20 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Friday 18 May 2001 20:12, s wrote:
 Well, Marcia, I think we ought to quit wasting ink.  Seems our Epson
 printers are also broken in 8.0.  Mandrakesoft is being a little too quiet
 about these problems people are having.  Anyway, our choices - buy a HP, go
 back to 7.2, or do without a printer until maybe it's fixed in 8.1.
 P.S.  I asked this question in a couple of newsgroups and never got any
 answers on how to fix, only confirmation from others that their epsons are
 doing the same thing.  So it's not just us.   :-(   We are as they,

Well, it seems that this could be true. I know that my printer works well 
because it worked great in 7.2 and I tested it with my Windows 98 on my 
laptop and it works just fine. Someone mentioned downloading the latest cups. 
Where may I get that? Also, how do I uninstall the cups that I have and 
install the new cups? Thank you for all of your suggestions. Marcia

[newbie] Archiver

2001-05-20 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I have LM 8 and I just tried to use the archiver. It said sorry 
that it was not in my path. How can I use this again? It worked well in 7.2. 

Also, how does one unzip a file with the .zip on the end by hand? Thank you.
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-18 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 19:49, Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear All,

 I just installed LM 8 after having LM 7.2 for awhile. I am having some
 problems getting decent printing quality with my Epson Stylus Color
 printer. I am using the cups + gimp printer driver which worked great in
 7.2. I have tried to adjust the resolution, etc, but nothing has helped
 much. I get half letters with a band half way through. The color part works
 fine. Does anyone have any ideas for improvement? Thanks very much. Marcia

Marcia Waller
Dear All, I am still having the same problems with the printer. When I try to 
use calibrate-gimpprint nothing will print out, so I cannot calibrate 
anything yet. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Marcia

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] kmail

2001-05-16 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Thank you very much to all of you who helped me with the kmail setup for my 
husband. I actually have it working now. I needed to use the part of his 
email address that was his user name instead of just his name to get it 
working. It is a little different than Netscape's setup but is working like a 
charm now. Thanks again.

By the way, I want to change my background in my kmail to white instead of 
the gray. How do I do that? I tried with the configuration but nothing 
changed. Thanks. Sincerely, Marcia


2001-05-16 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Have any of you downloaded and setup limewire yet? I am trying to 
do this. I have downloaded it but cannot figure out how to install and get it 
going. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sincerely, Marcia

[newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-16 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I just installed LM 8 after having LM 7.2 for awhile. I am having some 
problems getting decent printing quality with my Epson Stylus Color printer. 
I am using the cups + gimp printer driver which worked great in 7.2. I have 
tried to adjust the resolution, etc, but nothing has helped much. I get half 
letters with a band half way through. The color part works fine. Does anyone 
have any ideas for improvement? Thanks very much. Marcia

[newbie] Font problem in LM8

2001-05-16 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, 
I had great looking fonts in 7.2 but some of the fonts on the internet and in 
some apps are almost illegible in my newly installed LM8. What can I do to 
improve this? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

Re: [newbie] kmail

2001-05-14 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I just installed Linux-Mandrake8 and so far so good. I decided to 
use kmail for my email and the Konqueror web browser. I set up my kmail 
successfully but now I am trying to set up my husband's account and it keep's 
telling me I have the incorrect password and/or user name but I know I am 
using the correct one. 

In LM7.2 I successfully set up everything in Netscape and Netscape Messenger 
for us both. Does anyone have any ideas? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] kmail

2001-05-14 Per discussione Marcia Waller

 Ummm, could you add a little detail?  You see, I need to know if he is
 using a different SERVER for his mail...  Are you trying to set up both
 accounts in one user account or different ones.  Either will work, but it
 requires different techniques.

Dear Civilme, I have a separate account for him. I did this in LM7.2 and used 
Netscape at that time. It all worked. Again I have setup an user account for 
him and then I set up kmail for him using all the info from cox cable. He has 
a password from cox cable which I am trying to use. His user password is 
different than that one. In other words he logs in with his name and a user 
password into his Linux desktop then he will go to kmail which should use the 
password from cox cable. It is not accepting this, though. I hope this 
informations helps.
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Paul, Alan, Mark, Thank you for your help. I would definitely agree
that my system is stalling as it's attempting to mount the 'root' file
system in read/write mode.

 I typed the' linux single' and it made no difference. I have not found a
way to get to a console or linuxconf.

 I have read and tried many things and none have worked. I suppose you have
to choose Grub at installation and it is a little late now.

The failsafe did not work with LILO that is for sure. Would I be better off
totally reinstalling Linux Mandrake 7.0? I did do the upgrade install and
that did not change anything either.

I suspect that I did something incorrectly in the fstab file since I was
working on that for the zip drive just before I had problems. I touched
nothing but the zip drive entry. I have been working on that for awhile
trying to get it to work and that never hurt anything before plus it did not
get my zip to work either:)

Thank you for your help. I may just try to start over if I can.

If I decide to reinstall how would I use grub instead?

I appreciate the help. Marcia

Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-27 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Hi Paul, I have not tried booting "linux failsafe". I would like to try
that. I am very much a newbie so could you explain exactly how I would do
that? Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-27 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Paul, I went to the Lilo boot prompt and typed "linux failsafe".I got
back "no such image. [tab] shows a list. I then used the tab key and then I
got : linux windows floppy. I do not know what this means or what to
do now.  By the way how do you exit the Lilo prompt and setup ?

What is the best way to exit setup if it just freezes?
Thank you for your help. Marcia

[newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-26 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I have been using Linux Mandrake 7 for about 5 weeks now.
Everything (almost) was fine until I decided to try a different desktop last
night. I have used different ones before without a problem but last night I
used Xfce(sp?). After I logged out I shut down X and as usual it started the
power down routine. Before it was finished it just stopped somewhere and did
not quite make it to the power off part where you manually shut down your
machine. I had to push reset to get out of it and to turn off my machine.

Today I started Linux. It started as usual and went through the checks, It
showed that it was doing a dev/hda3 check forced and said all was OK. Then
it came to "remounting root filesystem in read-write mode- OK. There it just
froze and would not continue to the Console login. In other words I no
longer can get into Linux. Any suggestions? Your help will be greatly
Thank you. Marcia

[newbie] Linux book

2000-08-22 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Paul, Awhile back you recommended a good linux book to study and
unfortunately I accidentally erased that message. Would you please give me
the name of that book again? Also, I noticed that you seem very familiar
with commands, how to edit, and just about anything else with linux. Are
there places on the web to get that know how? Is it in your recommended
book? Thank you. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Kppp and Networking

2000-08-20 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Yes, I am getting about 3 copies of some posts, too. I prefer it to getting
nothing.:) Marcia

Re: [newbie] Test

2000-08-20 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Yes, it has arrived.:) Marcia

Re: [newbie] laptops

2000-08-19 Per discussione Marcia Waller

From some of your responses it sounds like there are more than a few good
laptops out there for running Linux.

 Are 6.0 gigs of harddrive and 32 megs of memory enough for running Linux
Mandrake and Windows easily? Would I be better off getting at least 64 megs
of memory and 10 or more gigs of harddrive?

Will Mandrake 7.0 or 7.1 be easier to install and use on a laptop? I am
looking for a laptop that installs Mandrake without a problem, detects
everything, and everything else works fine, too.  I need a dual boot system
with Windows, too. Is Partition Magic in 7.1? That worked well for me in 7.0
on my desktop.

Thank you for your help. Marcia

Re: [newbie] laptops

2000-08-19 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Has anyone heard of Linux on the new Emachine notebook called
Eslate or on a KFC notebook? Are these good notebooks? Marcia

[newbie] laptops

2000-08-18 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I know there is a place I found awhile ago where you can find out
about alot of different laptops and how they work with Linux. I just do not
remember where I found that. Anyone know? I am in the market for a laptop
and I am looking for a good used one that can run both Windows and Linux.
What would be an acceptable amount of memory and gigs of harddrive? Are
Fujitsus a good brand? How about Featrons? Thank you for your help. Marcia

Re: [newbie] laptops

2000-08-18 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Ingo, What kind of Toshiba laptop do you have and or like? How many
gigs of harddrive  and rams of memory does one need for a dual boot
system-Linux/Windows? Did the Linux Mandrake install well? Thanks for the
info. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-17 Per discussione Marcia Waller
ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


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<DIV><FONT face=System size=2><STRONG>Dear Anyone, I did look up the zip drive 

in the archives and I really can't seem to find the answer that applies to my 

problem so far. The etc/fstab does have /dev/hdc4 in it. Also, Drakconf says it 

is now mounted (supermount) but I just do not know how to get my zip icon to 

open my zip disk. I know that it is something I am missing somewhere. I have the 

dual system with LinuxMandrake7.0 complete and Windows 95. It is an Atapi 

internal IDE Zip drive. Yes, I think I have it as Vfat for the files. Any 

suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you. 


[newbie] newbie-saving into floppy

2000-08-17 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear all, Usually I have no problem with opening my floppy disk with my
floppy icon until tonight. I tried saving a file into it which just did not
work. I gave up on that. Then I went to my floppy icon and tried to open it
and got an error message that it was already mounted or busy. I must have
caused a problem there. Any ideas?

Also, how do you save a file or document that you create in StarOffice, text
editor, or another program and make sure it is saved in your floppy disk or
zip disk? I am used to doing that in Windows which was quite easy, but have
not figured out how to do it in Linux. Any help will be welcome. Thank you.

[newbie] internal zip drive

2000-08-17 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Anyone, I did look up the zip drive 
in the archives and I really can't seem to find the answer that applies to my 
problem so far. The etc/fstab does have /dev/hdc4 in it. Also, Drakconf says it 
is now mounted (supermount) but I just do not know how to get my zip icon to 
open my zip disk. I know that it is something I am missing somewhere. I have the 
dual system with LinuxMandrake7.0 complete and Windows 95. It is an Atapi 
internal IDE Zip drive. Yes, I think I have it as Vfat for the files. Any 
suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you. 

[newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-14 Per discussione Marcia Waller

I had to subscribe again in order to get any of the emails again. Any help
with the zip drive would be great. I have a dual boot system with Windows 95
and Linux Mandrake 7.0. I have 2 hard drives and an Atapi internal IDE zip
drive. It is supermounted but I do not know how to access and use it. Thanks
for your help. The rest of the needed information for this zip should be
below.  Marcia
- Original Message -
From: Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 10:12 PM
Subject: zip disk drive

 Dear Anyone, First of all, I have not received any emails from this group
 for 2 days now. Is anyone else having this problem?

 Second of all, I finally have my internal  Atapi Zip drive supermounted in
 Mandrake 7.0 but I cannot access it. I click on the zip icon and I get the
 same error message that I was always getting-can't find dev/hdc4 in
 /etc/fstab. How do I create an icon to work with my supermounted zip
 disk?How do I access my zip with or without an icon?  How do I save files
 and place them into my zip disk? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thank
 you very much. Marcia

 P.S. I am very impressed with how everyone is so helpful here. I have come
 long way in a short time with Linux because of this group. Thank you.

Re: [newbie] ISA PNP Modem and Sound Card

2000-08-10 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I have been having problems getting my sound set up and I wrote an
email about it posting all of the error messages I got when I went into
soundconfig and did not receive an answer yet. That was during last weekend
when there were some email dryspells so I am asking again.:)

These are the error messages I got:There is already a file /etc/isapnp.conf
and it will be rewritten and
renamed /etc/isapnp.conf.bak. I kept going and got another error message
saying there is already a file /etc/conf modules and it will be renamed
/etc/conf modules.bak.

I  looked in /etc/isapnp.conf and found that the sound card is there. I have
already tried to set up the soundconfig but just got the failure messages .
Is it possible that it is set up but I just have not accessed it
correctly.The sound card I have was on the list to choose and is supposedly
supported by Linux. The card is a ESS ES 1868 . What can I do next?

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Zip Drive

2000-08-07 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Thank you very much for all of your wonderful suggestions for the
zip drive. I will try them. Also, someone asked me to post my /etc/fstab
file so here it is:/dev/hdc/mnt/zip   msdos
pt3,opt4=2 1 1
Do I go to a terminal window as root to make a new directory? May I make a
new directory for the zip with Drakconf and how would I do it?
Thank you for your help. Marcia

[newbie] Re:Quicken

2000-08-07 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Thank you very much for the gnucash web page and information. I actually was
able to download this within 5 minutes on my Windows side then used
kpackage(within Linux of course) to install it which it did with absolutely
no problem. It looks like it was just what I was looking for. I think this
is the first time something actually worked easily, quickly, and without
much of a struggle with Linux. Thanks again. Marcia

Re: [newbie] No messages for 2 days

2000-08-05 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Yes, I have noticed the dry-spells. I think the problem has gone beyond this
group. My other email was not getting through either. I called Cox Internet
tech service and they were blaming ATT for a routing problem. Marcia
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 8:34 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] No messages for 2 days

 The list does seem to go it "fits and starts" with FLOODS sometimes and
 total dry-spells in between.  Anyone know why?


Re: [newbie] Missing Interfaces(NIC's)

2000-08-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

I am a newbie and I would like to know how exactly would you re-install the
network card driver modules? Thank you. Marcia

[newbie] Soundcard

2000-08-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

I am a newbie and now I am ready to get my sound working. I did go through
the process from the installation guide of Mandrake 7.0 and it did not work
or at least the sound test did not work. My soundcard is ESS Es1868 Plug 
Play Audio Drive and Input is 0800, Output is 0807. I checked and this card
is supposedly supported and was on the list to choose. I wonder if I
actually do have it configured but just do not know how to access it. How
would I check for this? If it is not configured what could I try next? Any
help will be appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

[newbie] Zip Drive

2000-08-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Anyone, I would like to get my zip drive to work now. I installed
Mandrake 7.0 complete, purchased the OS complete with CDs and guides. I used
Partition Magic, Bootmagic, and the supplied graphical installer. My zip is
listed in Lothar. It is an Atapi Zip 100 IDE internal drive. I even put an
icon on KDE for it but it does not access my zip. I did use the directions
in the guide for installation but obviously I did not do something right.
Could someone give me step by step instructions for getting this to work?
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you, Marcia

[newbie] Soundconfig again

2000-08-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear anyone, I went into a terminal window as 'su' to set up my sound
configuration. It tried to do it but I ended up with error messages. One
saidThere is already a file /etc/isapnp.conf and it will be rewritten and
renamed /etc/isapnp.conf.bak. I kept going and got another error message
saying there is already a file /etc/conf modules and it will be renamed
/etc/conf modules.bak. Then I went through the manual setup and came up with
isapnp error /etc/isapnp.conf:46Fatal- IO range check attempted while
device activated /ect/isapnp.conf:46-Fatal-Error occurred executing
request 'IORESCHECK' further action aborted
I have an ESS Es1868 Plug  Play Audio Drive and it was listed to choose.
What do I do to correct this problem? I have Mandrake 7.0 complete and I
have Windows 95. Thank you for your help. Marcia

[newbie] Internal Zip drive

2000-08-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Anyone, I would like to get my zip 
drive to work now. I installedMandrake 7.0 complete, purchased the OS 
complete with CDs and guides. I usedPartition Magic, Bootmagic, and the 
supplied graphical installer. My zip islisted in Lothar. It is an Atapi Zip 
100 IDE internal drive. I even put anicon on KDE for it but it does not 
access my zip. I did use the directionsin the guide for installation but 
obviously I did not do something right.Could someone give me step by step 
instructions for getting this to work?Any help will be appreciated. Thank 
you, Marcia

[newbie] Quicken?

2000-08-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I sent about 3 emails to the 
group yesterday and there must be aproblem since I have received nothing 
from this group including the emails Isent since . I hope it is resolved 
soon.My question : Is there something like "Quicken "already supplied 
withMandrake 7.0 Complete or a place one could get a program like that 
forMandrake? Thank you for your help. 

Re: [newbie] Testing does this work?

2000-07-22 Per discussione Marcia Waller

It works. Marcia

[newbie] Cox Cable ethernet problems

2000-07-17 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Thank you for your help. A different technician came to fix my
ethernet problem. A different card was necessary. I now have cable service
with Windows 95 and will sooner or later set it up in Linux. The technician
said he knows nothing about Linux and wants to learn about it. He said that
Linux will definitely work with their cable service even though someone from
Cox told me otherwise. The new card is a
SMC EZ Card 10 ISA Network Card. Any assistance for setting up this card in
Linux would be appreciated. A very helpful person from your group gave me
step by step instructions for installing cable internet. I am sure they will
work with this card, too. I believe I have all of the necessary information.
The IP address is dynamic. I imagine Kudzu will detect it when I get on
Linux again. I have not used Kudzu before. Any tips? Thank you for your
help. I am looking forward to switching to Linux with the cable service very
soon.  Thank you, Marcia

[newbie] Ethernet problems.

2000-07-16 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Hello again. Can anyone help me find the easiest way to get on
the internet with my newly installed FriendlyNet Asante 10/100 Fast PCI
100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Adapter? The Cox cable technician came yesterday,
installed it for my Windows 95 but could not get it to work in my
Windows 95. He says the driver would not install because I had some
corrupt files in Windows 95. He blamed Linux for it. Personally, I do
not think he really knew why it was not working. I asked him to help me
with the Linux installation but he knew nothing about Linux. He got
started with it and he did something with Kudzu then gave up. I do not
know where he left off. I have gone through all of the archives and info
on the net that I could find about using a cable modem with Linux. I am
a true newbie and I just do not know the first thing about doing this.
All I know is that my the domain name is The IP
Address is automatically assigned by the server each time you log on.
The Outgoing Mail Server is The Incoming Mail
Server is The FTP Server is I
have Linux-Mandrake 7.0 complete with the DrakX graphical installer. Do
you use Kppp for this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Re: [newbie] StarOffice5.1KpackageInstalling

2000-07-06 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Thank you for your help. I found the installation file because
of your input. I still do not know how I go the StarOffice installed
from the kpackage into the /opt/office but somehow I did. I imagine the
other programs need to be installed the same way so I hope I can figure
out what I did.

Could anyone tell me exactly how to install a program from kpackage into
a file? Thank you very much , Marcia

[newbie] StarOffice5.1KpackageInstalling

2000-07-05 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear anyone, I have the Linux-Mandrake 7.0 complete and I thought I
installed it from the CD#3 last night. It shows up in the Kpack window
as installed I believe, but I do not know how to open and use the
program. There is no icon on my desktop. I would like to do this the
easy way if possible such as through KPackage or RPMDrake. Thank you
very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia Waller

[newbie] Two printers in Mandrake 7.0?

2000-07-05 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear anyone, I have Linux-Mandrake7.0 Complete and successfully
configured my Epson Stylus Color printer. I would like to use a 2nd
printer with this-an Okidata Ole 400 laser printer.  I use them both
with my Windows 95.May I do this with Linux? How can this be done? Thank
you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear all, Thank you very much for your help. Because of your help I have
Linux installed and I can actually login now as user and into the root
:). I have a few problems left and I am looking for answers on my own so
far. One problem that I have not found an answer for is this: I have 2
printers hooked up to my computer through the Data Switch. I would like
to use both of them with Linux if possible. If that is not possible then
I would like to configure just one to use - the OkidataOle-400 laser
printer. This is the one that I chose during the DrakX installation but
it only prints out jumbled up letters when I try to print. Has anyone
any suggestions? My other printer is an Epson Stylus Color. Thank you
very much for your assistance. I appreciate it very much.
Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-02 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Larry Marshall wrote:

 that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
 setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
 how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup

 My guess is that you've got an Award BIOS.  Yes, you can change it.  With
 the cursor over this option, hit the page up/page down keys and you'll see
 that you can step through several options.  If you want to boot from the CD,
 simply set it before your C drive and stick the Mandrake disk into the drive
 before rebooting.  Don't forget the F10 Save step before leaving the BIOS.

 next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
 as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
 partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted

 I'm not exactly sure why you want to install through DOS.  Especially if
 you're a newbie, your best bet is to make your CD bootable and insert the
 Mandrake disk.  It'll step you through all the steps of creating not only a
 Linux installation but it'll set up LILO for you and help you make a boot
 floppy in case you need one.

 Cheers --- Larry

Dear All, Thank you for your help. All of your suggestions led me to the right
solution. Yes, I have an Award Bios and the technician was not correct about not
being able to change it. With all of your  help I was able to make the necessary
changes. I am very grateful for your help and everyone seems to have very good
advice. I was actually able to start the installation process and it is almost
done except I chose not to do the root password, I did not know what to do about
my Iomega zip drive and I have a Data Switch hooked up to 2 printers. One of the
printers is connected to my UMAX Astra 610P scanner. One printer is an older
EpsonStylus Color and the other is an Okidata laser printer. I am not sure how
to get these configured. Also, when I got to the desktop page and it asked for
my user name and password of course I supplied it but it claimed they were
invalid. May I go back through the graphic installation program again and
straighten some of these things out without creating a problem with what I have
already installed? I think I have to go ahead with doing the root password, too.
Again thank you very much for all of your help. I was just about ready to return
my Linux to the store after struggling for 1 and 1/2 weeks.

[newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, Thank you everyone who gave me wonderful advice. Unfortunately
I found out that my CD rom is not bootable. In the Bios setup it shows
that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup
screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done
the partitions with Partition magic and I have Bootmagic installed.
Those applications seem to be OK but I cannot get the Linux boot disk or
Linux Installation CD to boot the installation screen so that I may
install Linux. In other words I have bootmagic and partitionmagic on and
the next step was to boot up so that I may install Linux through the CD
next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted
Linux-Mandrake support days ago several times but I have received no
answer. I have looking through everything that I can find in
documentation and other Linux sources but have not found the answer yet.
I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs
of memory and everything else should be compatible from my research. As
a reminder my hard drive is already partitioned through partition magic
and Linux is not installed yet. Thank you very much for your
help.Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Per discussione Marcia Waller


 CMOS (i.e. the motherboard BIOS, what you are referring to as the setup
 screen) -- there are many brands, and they all differ.  TYPICALLY after you
 get in, via DEL or F2 or F10 (the three most common ways) or whatever,
 look at what is displayed for options (perhaps after having to clear a
 warning message).  98% of the time you will find an option to exit without
 saving  use this if you are unsure about the changes you have made.  If
 there is there will also be an option to exit saving changes.  When used,
 either choice will be confirmed with a box upon exit--it can be confusing,
 read it carefully before making a choice.  Some CMOS do not give you an
 option to exit without saving; IN THIS CASE BE VERY CAREFUL.
 How to change your boot order.  You are correct that normally it is
 desirable to seek a floppy first, then the hard drive; for many things
 including installing Linux it is absolutely necessary to seek the floppy
 drive first.  Highlight the boot order field (usually by TABing down to
 it).  F1 will often give you a list of the selections possible.  Changing
 values will cycle through them.  Stop when the one you want is displayed,
 then exit that page and exit CMOS saving your changes.  Read the border
 messages on the CMOS page--It should say "info = F1" or whatever, and "to
 change values PgUp PgDn" or + - or whatever.
 Install through DOS.  No, you don't install Linux through DOS, although
 you can do a text-based install.  You can even install Linux ON the DOS
 filesystem, though that is undesirable for a number of reasons.  Once you
 have made the boot order change so that the motherboard will look at the
 floppy drive first, the disk that you have already made should work just
 fine.  That floppy disc will boot a small version of Linux and then find your
 CD ROM (be sure to have your Mandrake disk inserted when your machine is
 booting up), and it will transfer over to the CD and begin the graphical
 install directly.  Be SURE that you know what partitions are Windows and
 which are to be for Mandrake (assuming you will be dual-booting) as the
 installer may need to mark your new partitions itself [meaning it may find no
 space and want you to delete these partitions to make space, which can be
 easily done within the installation].  Normally one creates "free" or
 "unallocated" space and the installer will divide it and set it up with "auto
 The only time I have been put into text install was when I booted on the
 Mandrake floppy and the CD was not in the drive when the floppy Linux system
 found the drive.  It should go right into the graphical install on its own if
 the CD is in the drive.

 In a message dated 7/1/2000 3:31:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Dear All, Thank you everyone who gave me wonderful advice. Unfortunately
  I found out that my CD rom is not bootable. In the Bios setup it shows
  that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
  setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
  how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup
  screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
  installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
  rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done
  the partitions with Partition magic and I have Bootmagic installed.
  Those applications seem to be OK but I cannot get the Linux boot disk or
  Linux Installation CD to boot the installation screen so that I may
  install Linux. In other words I have bootmagic and partitionmagic on and
  the next step was to boot up so that I may install Linux through the CD
  next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
  as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
  partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted
  Linux-Mandrake support days ago several times but I have received no
  answer. I have looking through everything that I can find in
  documentation and other Linux sources but have not found the answer yet.
  I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
  drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs
  of memory and everything else should be compatible from my research. As
  a reminder my hard drive is already partitioned through partition magic
  and Linux is not installed yet. Thank you very much for your
  help.Sincerely, Marcia

Thank you for your advice. I was able to get into the Bios and it had the save 
exit option or exiting without saving. The F1 does give me the list of boot
sequences but I have not been able to scroll through the list. How do you change
values to cycle through the list? I have used the arrows and nothing happens.
There is a place that shows what F1 is for and other options. The one for modify
is PUPD and it has/+/-. Would 

[newbie] Trying to install Linux-Mandrake 7.0

2000-06-29 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Hello all. I have Linux Mandrake OS 7.0 Complete. I have Bootmagic
installed and Partition magic. The bootmagic screen gives me a choice to
go into Windows 95 or Linux. When I choose Windows it boots fine but
Linux just gives me a black screen that says preparing to open Linux and
just sits there. I am supposed to get the installation screen so that I
can continue with installation. I have made the suggested boot disk but
that does not seem to make a difference here. I have a Pentium 200 MHZ
With 2 hard drives. One drive has 2.5 gigs and the other over 7. I have
96 megs of ram. I am not sure what the video card is. It may be
EPS-VAPCI2Generic PCI SVGA Adaptor 2mb. I am running Windows 95 v.
4.00.950 and want a dual boot system. Would anyone be able to help? I
have emailed for help through the company's support system.. That was
over 4 days ago and I have not heard anything yet. Anyone's help will be
greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Trying to install Linux-Mandrake 7.0

2000-06-29 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Partition Magic has partitioned my HD supposedly. That was done first.
Thank you for your help.Marcia

Re: [newbie] Trying to install Linux-Mandrake 7.0

2000-06-29 Per discussione Marcia Waller

I will check out the website, thank you. Your suggestion sounds good. If
this bootmagic thing does not work I will do what you suggest. Thank you
for your help. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Trying to install Linux-Mandrake 7.0

2000-06-29 Per discussione Marcia Waller

This seems to make sense. Thank you. I will try this. Marcia