2001-08-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

I think I started that thread...

I have done everything I can to make this work, and still can't seem to get
sessions to fail over. I am even using the SessionServlet, which is written
specifically to properly fail over, and it does not work. Others have it
working, so I must be missing something!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Greg Matthews
 Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 4:15 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re:


 did you have to do anything special to get sessions to be
 replicated across
 the cluster?

 there have been several posts recently about people having
 trouble with this

 do you just have to make sure that all boxes in the cluster have the same
 cluster-island id or is something else required?


 - Original Message -
 From: The elephantwalker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 4:03 AM

  Dear Group,
  3. The enterprise application is a distributable forum
 application so that
  if one server goes down, the other server will continue to serve up web
  pages. The users will never know that their server has gone done, since
  session are shared across the cluster. This is unlike another well known

RE: Ant to compile and deploy one file

2001-08-23 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: Ant to compile and deploy one file

with the 1.2 that I used as well. I recall having this problem too. I forget the 
reason. I tried using the tstmp/ as well and that didn't work. What 
should happen is the compiling should only compile classes that have changed. 
Check out your source file-date times and see if they are out of the ordinary. 
Also, you may want to post this to the ANT list..they can probably help you 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi 
  (Chile)Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 12:21 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Ant to compile and deploy one 
  have ant and it recompiles only modified .java files (only one). Are you using 
  the latest ant(I think it's 1.3)?.
-Original Message-From: Nusairat, Joseph F. 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Jueves, 23 de Agosto de 2001 
13:35To: Orion-InterestSubject: Ant to compile and 
deploy one file
Hey if i have one file to update is there an easier way to 
compile it and re jar it??? 
I am using ant ... and if i have one i can only seem to 
recompile them alll which takes some time. 
Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager WorldCom tel: 614-723-4232 pager: 888-452-0399 textmsg: 

RE: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate an ongoin g request..

2001-08-16 Thread Kevin Duffey

You make it sound so simple..yet its not quite that easy. I do keep the
state of the user on the server, of course. But that still wont prevent the
user from stopping a query that could potentially take a long time, then
submitting again, while the original one is still going on. I would love for
you to explain to me what you mean, and how it works, because frankly your
reply was a little vague for me to come up with a resolution out of.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus Rydin
 Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:23 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: SV: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate an
 ongoin g request..

 Just keep the users state server side and you're home.

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Aaron Tavistock
 Skickat: den 14 augusti 2001 02:50
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: RE: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate an
 ongoin g request..

 This is a fairly classic web issue and unfortunately there is
 simply no way
 to tell if the client has hit the stop button.  No matter what
 happens your
 going to be stuck running that long query no way out...

 But on the resubmit issue and using the session to flag a large
 I would worry about this alot.  For one, what if the user really
 didn't want
 that massive query, now they are being penalized until their query is

 Personally I think the Jakarta Struts folks came up with a fairly
 decent way
 of curbing reposters.  Basically they add a hidden field to every
 form with
 a unique token, that token is recorded when the form is submitted, and
 thereafter the same form will not be accepted.  So the user can't just hit
 back and then OK, but they can go through the normal route to
 search again.

 -Original Message-
 From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 1:23 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate
 an ongoin g

 Hi al,

 I am almost positive the answer is no, but I thought I'd see if anyone has
 come up with a solution. All too often, we have some users that submit a
 large query, then hit the STOP button on the browser, then change
 and submit again. In the meantime, their original query is still executing
 on the server-side. Sure..Orion throws an exception when it tries to send
 the response back and the connection to the browser is gone. But I am
 wondering if there is any way at all to just kill that particular request. there some way the app server or web server can send pings every
 say, 100ms to the browser to make sure its connection is still
 alive..and if
 not, just kill the request in some manner. Perhaps by having a special
 interface that an application can implement, so that a particular
 method can
 be called if the server detects that the connection to the browser is dead
 before the response has gone back. In this way, that method call can get
 ahold of the session, and perhaps get ahold of a connection being used,
 close it, etc.

 Ofcourse, you can use some client-side javascript to disable a button
 after its been clicked. We have done this, and we also inserted a
 transition page in particular areas where long queries might occur. In
 this case, the user sees an animated gif and a message that tells them not
 to hit stop or back.'re still going to get those
 users that do
 this. My personal opinion is that if they call in, we tell them they are
 stupid, they should unplug their computer and quit their job because they
 can't follow instructions. Ofcourse..that wont fly, especially if
 they are a
 big money client. Besides, its ethically wrong to screw your clients over.

 So, one possible idea I have had is to do the following. Each user has a
 session when they log in. Upon any request, a flag is set in the session
 of that user, indicating a transaction is starting. If the user hits STOP,
 then submits while that transaction is still going on, the server will see
 the flag is set, and send back a response indicating that a transaction is
 currently happening and they have to wait for it to be done before another
 submit can occur. There is a plus side to prevents any user to
 doing more than one thing. The down side is, it is possible using the File
 - New - Window to open up another window with the same cookie/sessionID
 and the user could actually go to a different module and do MORE
 work at the
 same time. This would allow, for example a large query to be performing in
 one module and they could go do some work in another module. My
 method of a
 flag would prevent this type of multiple-module capability. The solution,
 ofcourse is to allow one flag per module, thus only one transaction per
 module could be performed, which is what I intend to implement to at least

Finding an entity in a Collection returned by findAll()

2001-08-16 Thread Kevin Duffey

Ok..still new to this EJB thing. Got my entity bean stored in the hSQL
table, I am able to iterate over the Collection returned by the findAll()
method. Now the question is, how do I find my one object? More specifically,
I created a simple entity that has a name (primary key), login, and
password. I added a couple of items to the table. Now, like I said I can see
all the items they are being stored. Now I want to search for the
login and password that someone types in. I see the findByPrimaryKey()
method, which would find one item via the primary key of name. But how do I
search by the login and password for one item to see if it exists, or by
those fields to get say..a series of items with the same criteria (for
example, all rows that contain the same login name..assuming its not a not
null column which if I am correct, CMP only makes NOT NULL out of primary


RE: deploying a war file

2001-08-16 Thread Kevin Duffey

First..I will assume your dir is correctly formatted (that is, web-app dir, 
WEB-INF/classes, WEB-INF/lib, WEB/INF/web.xml, and what ever classes, lib files, 
jsp, html, images, etc). So I am assuming you have the .war file. Now, I don't 
deploy in the Orion install dir. So I set up my own folder outside. Lets call 
this c:\myapps. So I have this:


In the 
/orion/config/server.xml file add this at the end:

application name="myapp" path="c:\myapps\myapp" /
web-site path="./myapp.xml"/

In the 
/orion/config/myapp.xml file you'll have:

?xml version="1.0"?!DOCTYPE web-site 
PUBLIC "Orion Web-site" ""

web-site host="[ALL]" port="80" display-name="My 
Web Site"default-web-app application="myapp" name="www" 
access-log path="../log/myapp-web-access.log" 

Finally, in the c:\myapps\META-INF\application.xml 
file, you'll have:

?xml version="1.0"?!DOCTYPE application 
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN" ""

application display-nameMy 
web web-uriwww.war/web-uri 
/web /module 

As far 
as I know..this is all you need to do. There is one thing I have to explain. In 
the above application.xml, you'll see that it says www.war. This would be located in the 
c:\myapps\myapp\www.war But also notice that the www.war has the same name as the www dir in the myapp 
dir. This isn't necessary..just what I do. I generally give the same name to the 
war file as the dir name the web-app is in. This way, I can change the 
application.xml file above like so:

/web /module

little change will now allow me to use the myapp\www folder in expanded form for 
development purposes. With Orion, if you turn on the development="true", your 
WEB-INF\classes\*.class files will auto-reload if any changes to the 
corresponding .java files occur while you edit. I think you have to specify the 
source dir too for that to work. What I do, instead, is use ANT to do all my 
builds and the last target in the build.xml file is touch 
file="c:\myapps\myapp\META-INF\application.xml"/ which Orion notices and 
auto-reloads the application. Just make sure ALL classes that may be stored as 
attributes in the HttpSession implement Serializable correctly including having 
the static final long serialVersionUID = L; in it!

any questions..feel free to ask.

  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John 
  MillerSent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 12:31 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: deploying a war 
  Has anyone done 
  this in Orion before? If so could you tell me how.
  Any advice, tips, info would 
  be appreciated.
  Interactive Investor International is a leading UK 
  Internet personal 
  finance service that provides individuals with the 
  capability to identify, 
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  Interactive Investor Trading Limited, a subsidiary 
  of Interactive Investor 
  International plc, is regulated by the 

RE: Automatic reloading of new class files.

2001-08-12 Thread Kevin Duffey

In terms of reloading an app..none probably. But since I use ANT for all
compile, build, ejb, war, ear, etc, I use it to automatically reload the
app. Just make sure your app is written so that sessions are persistent as

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Martin J.
 Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 8:55 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Automatic reloading of new class files.

  Second, what I prefer, is to leave development=false in place,
  and use ANT
  to do all my builds. At the end of a target, I specifically tell
  it to touch
  the META-INF/application.xml file. Orion automatically redploys
 your site
  when this file is touched.

 Is there any clear advantage to using ANT to build projects instead of
 having development=true?

 Martin Wells

RE: multiple instances of a servlet?

2001-08-07 Thread Kevin Duffey

You are correct..I didn't even consider instance variables such as used for
a request counter to any given servlet. Good point.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joel Shellman
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:43 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: multiple instances of a servlet?

 Not true. Since the spec says only one instance, the programmer could
 assume this and utilize instance variables. This would not work as
 expected (per spec) if there were multiple instances handling requests.
 It is arguably a bad idea, but there are situations where it might be
 useful and would work according to spec but multiple instances would
 break it.

 Joel Shellman
 Full Service Internet Solutions -- Contact us today for a free
 [Design | Flash | eCommerce | Backend | Database | Marketing]
 iKestrel, Inc.

 On 07 Aug 2001 12:28:17 -0700, Duffey, Kevin wrote:
  Even so, an app server utilizing more instances wont break the spec per
  se...meaning, a spec built application will still run just fine. I can't
  imagine that Sun dictates how a vendor must specifical handle
  instances..that wouldn't break any application.

RE: Test

2001-08-05 Thread Kevin Duffey

Got it.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael J.
 Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 12:55 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Magnus Rydin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Test
 Test received...
 Chicago, IL USA
 RCN is the ISP
 Also at 3rd level from Kattare Internet
 Michael J. Cannon, Inc.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Magnus Rydin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: Test
  Another test
  - Original Message - 
  From: Karl Avedal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 12:21 PM
  Subject: Test
   Another test mail, please ignore.

RE: Orion Performance Tuning

2001-07-26 Thread Kevin Duffey the HotSpot 2.0 Server JVM the same thing that comes with the
JDK 1.3.1 in the /bin/server folder? If I install the full JDK 1.3.1, and
not JRE 1.3.1, do I need the HotSpot 2.0?

I know this isn't Orion specific, but since we are on the topic of
performance tuning Orion and using the -server option, I thought I'd ask.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adam Cassar
 Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 10:44 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Orion Performance Tuning

 Enable the undocumented option:


 You will find that with a large number of simultaneous connections
 you will gain a large performance increase. (The sun site claim up to 40%,
 but I have only found a 20-30% depending on the app).




 for a good overview.

 On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 10:51:27AM -0700, Robert S. Sfeir wrote:
  Hello all,
  I've gone through and read most of the information posted from
 this list
  about improving the performance of Orion, and increasing the number of
  threads Orion uses to improve its overall performance under load.
  What I've been able to do so far, and it's helped a lot, is:
  1- Added the -Xms and -Xmx switches to make sure Orion starts
 and uses more
  memory, they're set at 100MB and 300MB respectively, and Orion
 uses 175MB
  as soon as I start it up, and doesn't seem to grow past 177MB
 as the day
  goes one and it gets used.
  2- I added the -server switch in front of the java command so
 we make sure
  we use the Server version of the HotSpot VM. (Boy does this
 thing pick up
  speed when using the -server switch!)
  Is there anything else that can be done, short of clustering,
 to further
  increase Orion's performance?
  My main objective is to make sure we don't get any more weird hangs and
  long wait times in Orion for no apparent reason.  Perhaps
 increasing the
  number of threads Orion uses?  I can't seem to find any
 definite answer on
  Our servlet seems to be fine, but sometimes when clicking
 through a test
  web site, one url request seemed to just sit there and hang, as
 if Orion
  was dead, but I could click and request a different URL and get
  response.  So I assumed it was threads in Orion which were not being
  managed properly.
  After making reading the posts to the list and making the the 2 changes
  above, the problem seemed to have gone away for the most part,
 except it
  still happens from time to time in Netscape, IE doesn't seem to
 have this
  problem.  I can quit Netscape and go back in and the problem is
 gone for a
  while.  There is no specific time frame for it to happen.  It
 does happen
  consistently when I click, then stop for about 30-60 seconds,
 then click
  again or reload, and it just sits there and waits for the world
 to come to
  an end of something.  Very bizarre.
  Any ideas you may have would be of great help.
  Robert S. Sfeir
  Director of Software Development
  PERCEPTICON corporation,
  in Joint Venture With JTransit
  San Francisco, CA 94123
  pw -
  jw -


 Adam Cassar
 Technical Development Manager
 D: +61 2 9641 8609 | F: +61 2 9699 6088
 PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia

RE: Orion's JSP generated code

2001-07-21 Thread Kevin Duffey

I have 
noticed the same thing. There seems to be no way to avoid this. I have no idea 
why they do it does add tons of empty lines throughout the 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sergei 
  BatiukSent: Friday, July 20, 2001 3:25 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Orion's JSP generated 
  Hi forum,
  I have noticed that when I use scriplets or 
  tags in my JSPs, orion puts "\r\n" into the outputstream code for 
  each tag. This results in many blank lines in the generated HTML code. In 
  comparison,PHPscripletsdo not produce these blank lines. 
  Does anyone know how to "beautify" the generated code?
  Thanks in advance,

RE: Please remove me from the mailing list!

2001-07-21 Thread Kevin Duffey

Why? You no longer want to use Orion? Maybe your having some complications I
can help with? Don't leave..stick around.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Uwe
 Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 5:03 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Please remove me from the mailing list!

RE: Session timeout ?

2001-07-19 Thread Kevin Duffey

session timeout is set in the /WEB-INF/web.xml file of each web 
application. session-timeout30/session-timeout is the default. 
30 minutes. Set it to 60 for one hour, try the file and see if that 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kai 
  KramhoeftSent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 1:10 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Session timeout ?
  I am uploading File using a Form-File. It works 
  fine with files which are smaller than 2 mb.
  If I upload 5 mb files, my application does not 
  work anymore. I guess the problem is that
  the session times out. Where can I set the 
  session outtime ?
  Kind Regards, Kai.

RE: Has anyone yet figured out how to use TopLink with Orion?

2001-07-17 Thread Kevin Duffey

What about SmartMode? It got a lot of attention at
JavaOne and looks powerful including EJB 2.0 support.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Montebove
 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 1:19 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Has anyone yet figured out how to use TopLink with Orion?

 I asked to Webgain on May and they said there is no plan to integrate with
 Orion (and JBoss).
 I evaluated the TopLink for Java but wasn't able to integrate it
 with Orion.
 If you can't use the CMP offered by Orion for any good reason
 I can recommend VisualBSF from ObjectMatter. It works fine with Orion (I
 used it in Session Beans with CMT), is simple to use and is cheaper than
 TopLink or CocoBase.


 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: martedì 17 luglio 2001 8.23
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Has anyone yet figured out how to use TopLink with Orion?

 I searched the archive for any references to TopLink, however, most of the
 people are asking as to how they can use TopLink with Orion.  Has any one
 been able to do this?  Would you kindly post your solution?


Does Orion root .jar files interfere with my web-app WEB-INF/lib jar files?

2001-07-15 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hey all,

I am wondering..Orion comes with xerces, parser, jaxp and so on in the
root dir. If I put the latest xerces (1.4.1) into my web-inf/lib dir, put
the soap.jar in there, put parser.jar in there, jaxp.jar, etc..will Orion
load my web-inf/lib versions, the root-dir versions, or both..and in what
order? Should I remove the xerces.jar from orion root, or copy the latest
over the top of the root dir version?

Probably stupid questions, but I have read alot on the soap list about
people using the wrong version of the xerces.jar, putting it in a certain
order in the classpath, etc. I'd like to make sure I am aware of how the
.jar files in Orion interfere or load in what order compared to anything
duplicated in any web application or enterprise application.


RE: Some questions on Orion

2001-07-14 Thread Kevin Duffey

I can answer a phew.

Orion works with any JDBC  driver. OODBMS most likely use a JDBC driver. If
they don't..I imagine any use of OODBMS requires proprietary coding..which I
can't imagine in the world of Java standards would be accepted too
well..especially since OODBMS are not widely adopted at this point.

I believe Orion has a simple O/R tool with it, but most O/R tools shouldn't
have any problems deploying to any J2EE compliant app server. There might be
some special tweaking required. Personally, I use ANT to do all my builds
and deploys..which has nothing to dow ith O/R, but some tools may usually
touch a file after deploying O/R created beans to auto-reload the beans in
the app server. They may be specific to a couple of big-name app servers.

Oracle licensed Orions code..I doubt they will be buying it. I believe Orion
will continue selling its product as is for the same $1500 per server and
continue making it better, support J2EE 1.3 and so on. I am sure you'll
start seeing more tools (like O/R) that work with Orion since Oracle is a
big name and licensed their code. If you download the OC4J components of
Oracle, its almost 100% Orion. The only thing I noticed is that a few .jar
files are different (did a compare on the 1.5.2 branch of Orion with the
OC4J branch). Orion.jar is the main difference with the OC4J being 380K or
so while the Orion is 200K or so. Not sure why the Oracle is so much
larger..I do know that it has its Oracle 9i name in it instead of Orion

I will get my try at LDAP soon and I recall seeing some posts here on LDAP,
so I would imagine it works with LDAP..of what company I have no idea.

Orion is extremly easy to set up, VERY fast (infact..I think Oracle is
touting 2 to 3 times faster than anyone else including Bea, IBM, will be nice to see some performance tests on static pages,
dynamic pages, ejb access, clustering, etc).

Orion is very easy to cluster..although I am not sure how good it is yet. I
know the concept of using islands is a good one. Thus far I am not aware if
any hardware load balancers have any issues with Orion islands, making
sure the right session goes to the right island and properly load balances
between islands. When setting up a cluster, I would want a load balancer
that can handle proper load balancing between ALL islands, and then proper
load balancing between each server in an island, all while maintaining the
right session ids going to the right island. In this way, you can set up one
(or more) islands each only needing two servers. If one server fails, the
other one continues, you are alerted and you replace/fix the server. If you
need high up-time, you keep two islands going, each with two servers. Should
you get a lot of hits, you add one (or more) extra islands of servers. From
what I tried (only a single island of two servers) it took mere minutes to
configure Orion. I have not tried it with hardware load balancers though.

Also, on a side note..I recommend hardware ssl devices in front of the
server farm. First, they cost about $5K or so, and they can allow you to
handle 1000's of SSL transactions per second by decoding/encoding the SSL in
hardware. Even nicer, you never have to worry about setting up Orion (or any
web/app server) with any SSL stuff, therefore you never need to worry about
special SSL sessions, loss of session when going form SSL to normal or vice
versa, etc. Not that Orion has this problem..I don't know. But I have seen
some of these problems posted here in the past year or so.

Hope that helps.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Florian Werner
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 6:51 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Some questions on Orion


I'm currently evaluating Orion for internal use and a customer.
Does Orion support/include:

RMI over JRMP   ?
any OODBMS ?
any ORMapping Tools ?
Realm-Integration  like LDAP, RDBMS ?

Are the any IDEs supporting Orion (beside Kawa from Macromedia) ?

Is ORACLE going to by Orion ?

   Florian Werner

RE: debug jsp pages and where is the source

2001-06-16 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi Melissa,

I didn't get the size for him. To be honest..I cam was working on content
and part of my front-end framework the last few times. I will figure this
out soon for him and let him know.

Next weekend is bad for me to meet two graduations and a special
mothers-day/fathers-day dinner for my parents who are in from Florida. But
sometime during the week, especially Wednesday night or Thursday would be

Site is up.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scot Weber
 Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 5:27 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: debug jsp pages and where is the source


 development=false-- Change this to true

 Then . . .

 Assuming all things are equal and you have a default web app called
 bound to the server you're working with, the persistence (and
 subsequently the .java files
 for the .jsp's) will be in the path:


 will produce the files


 peace - scot

 Wendell Nichols wrote:
  Well I made the jsp page work by explicitly importing
  java.lang.String, as opposed to java.lang.* as I had done for
  other servers.  Because this shouldn't bother other servers I'm ok
  with it.
  I still need to have access to the files for debugging
  purposes before Orion will be an acceptable server for me...

 ... snip ...

   Any help would be appreciated..
   Wendell Nichols
   Amdahl Software Ltd.
   Fujitsu Apserv.


   scot weber - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Given a choice between a folly and a sacrament, one should
   always choose the folly -- because we know a sacrament
   will not bring us closer to God and there's always a chance
   that a folly will. - Erasmus

   The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who
   never does anything. - Theodore Roosevelt.

RE: So, why use Orion?

2001-05-30 Thread Kevin Duffey


That's a tough call. Orion rocks in terms of performance, but they are far
behind most others in documentation and support. JBoss is rock solid on EJB
and has far more developers working on the project at any one time than I
would say any other app server. Documentation is pretty good and you can't
beat the price. The architecture of JBoss is pretty nice too. I think
Orion's strongest points are its performance. Because it integrates the web
server, jsp/servlet engine and ejb engine in a single jvm, its very fast.
Ofcourse, you can run it in two tiers as well leaving one for ejb, and one
for front-end web serving...nothing gigabit networking wont remedy in terms
of network speed as the only difference in performance between running it on
a single box in one jvm.  I am interested in seeing how well Apache 2,
Tomcat 4 and JBoss do as a team. Its a complete solution for web pages,
servlets/jsp, and ejb and its all free and very well supported.

I'd say the only downside to using free or cheap software is most companies
simply wont do it because they are too naive to realize its good quality
software. I still have yet to figure out why it is upper management involve
political crap into the mix when it comes to choosing a good solid platform
to deploy on. For some reason, if they have millions in the bank, they need
to spend millions on the hardware and software otherwise they can't justify

WebLogic 6 is very nice indeed, but you pay a premium, at $17K per cpu per
server for a clustered setup, it can easily cost  $100K for a site with
fail-over and backup at dual co-lo's.

Personally, I would use Apache 2, Tomcat 4 and JBoss for the reason of cost,
documentation, performance and support. Orion still kicks all butts in sheer
performance however.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:02 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: So, why use Orion?


 I'm trying to collect together reasons for chosing Orion over other app
 servers - our company's been doing a lot of research into EJB technology
 over the last few months and currently the favoured choices seem
 to be JBoss
 and Weblogic.

 I can understand JBoss as a target environment - after all it's
 free. But I
 haven't seen a good case (yet) for using Weblogic; as far as I know it's
 pretty expensive and support actually seems a little lacking from
 what I've
 heard from others. From what I know it is pretty feature-rich though.
 Anyway, there's a chance for using Orion in preference (or at least as
 another official environment) given a solid list of reasons...

 Any ideas would be appreciated - performance, scalability, standards
 adherance, reliability, cost, platform availability, support,
 quaility etc. etc. (I've been using it for a couple of months now and
 haven't had any trouble other than the usual learning 'glitches' :-)



RE: My Orion does not want to run the jsp and the servlets

2001-05-30 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: SV: ATM example -> deployment error -> PLEASE some HELP

sure you copy tools.jar to the /orion root folder. Its used to compile jsp pages 
into servlets. It can be found usually in your /jdk/bin (or maybe its 
jdk/jre/bin) folder.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  HasanSent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:56 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: My Orion does not want to run the jsp and 
  the servlets
  have created a web application using JBuilder. I have followed the 
  specification Orion made. I have tried to run the html files and they work 
  However, when I tried to run the jsps and servlets, 
  Orion did not want to run them.
  other files/jars I should copy or CLASSPATH, PATH, etc I should 
  Please help me!!

RE: During development, how to allow only a couple of ips,including my local system, to view the site?

2001-04-10 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hey Daniel,

That is a great idea..DUH! ;) I am using my own simple MVC framework, and I
should just put in a feature in the web.xml that gets read in as an init
parameter that designates ips that are allowed/now allowed to access the
application. Its simple enough to do.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel Lopez
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 3:28 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: During development, how to allow only a couple of
ips,including my local system, to view the site?

Hi Kev,

I had a similar problem but for my production applications. I wanted my
solution to be flexible and server independent so what I did was create
a servlet filter, as someone else has already suggested. I've had it for
production for almost a month and so far so good.
I have to admit that I went a little further down the road and I allowed
to specify the IP/hostnames to be allowed denied through an xml file
that can be read from a file, a URL or a database. That way I got
maximum flexibility.
These are the links that I used to create my filter:

I hope this helps,

Kevin Duffey wrote:

 Hi all,

 I would like to block out ALL ips from viewing my site (using my static
 except for a few ips, which are from co-workers over the internet. Is this
 possible? If so, how? I read in the orion-web.xml.html file about
 tag, and when I tried it, it did block off all ips. But when I added when
 allow it, such as "localhost" or my direct IP, sometimes it wouldn't allow
 it, and other times the browser sat and spun for about 5 minutes, then
 reported a time out.


Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

During development, how to allow only a couple of ips, including my local system, to view the site?

2001-04-08 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi all,

I would like to block out ALL ips from viewing my site (using my static ip)
except for a few ips, which are from co-workers over the internet. Is this
possible? If so, how? I read in the orion-web.xml.html file about ip-access
tag, and when I tried it, it did block off all ips. But when I added when to
allow it, such as "localhost" or my direct IP, sometimes it wouldn't allow
it, and other times the browser sat and spun for about 5 minutes, then
reported a time out.


RE: Using EJBs with Delphi

2001-03-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Your going to have to use CORBA from what I understand.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sergei Batiuk
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 8:27 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Using EJBs with Delphi

Hi EJB gurus,

Does anynone know how to connect to an EJB from a dephi client app?

Thanks in advance,
Sergei Batiuk.

RE: IOException error writing to server..what does it mean?

2001-03-10 Thread Kevin Duffey

yes..I did. I tracked down the problem to be a REQUEST URI IS TOO LARGE
error in the sun code. Just as I suspected. The reason is, as my form grows
each time I add a new row, it adds about 25 new request parameters (and
values) to the request URI. By the time I reach the 12 or 13 row, the
request URI is probably  16K or so, maybe not that large..not sure.
Whatever it is, its too large for Orion to accept, and probably for any
other servlet engine. Therefore, the quick fix is to not send any request
parameters to the JSP page read in (except the jsessionid value so that it
can access the same session the request that came in is using), and instead
tell my users of the framework to use javabeans. Oh well.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert
 Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 3:45 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: IOException error writing to server..what does it mean?

 Have you tried increase the size of the buffer on your jsp page?

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
  Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 9:51 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: IOException error writing to server..what does it mean?
  Can anyone possibly explain to me why this error occurs? I am
  developing an
  online worksheet system which uses between 20 and 70 columns
  built) and any number of rows. It seems as I get to about 11 to 14 rows,
  Orion throws this exception and the application no longer
  responds. This is
  happening when I am transforming dynamic XML output from JSP
  pages into HTML
  via XSL pages. The worksheet works fine up until 11 or so rows,
 then this
  happens. I can only think that maybe a buffer or something is getting
  overloaded? Imagine 12 rows each with 30 columns..that is the
  amount of HTML
  going out. Maybe I need to somehow flush the buffer (response
  buffer)? Or is
  there an automatic way to tell the server to send data back as it
  gets full?
  Thanks. Error writing to server
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
  at com.evermind.server.http.d4.s3(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.http.d4.s1(JAX)
  Exception while trying to transform document. MESSAGE = Error writing to

RE: RE: Any news from Orion yet??

2001-02-13 Thread Kevin Duffey
 more for production environments.
 Openejb and Enhydra have great potential, but they are not ready yet and
 have to prove themselves.  Jonas is OK but I prefer the other open
 source alternatives.
 -Original Message-
 From: Anthony W. Marino
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: 2/11/01 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??
 On another note, can you and/or someone, qualify/quantify what you mean
 the following previously made statement :
 "For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the pack, and the
 speed is stil EXCELLENT."
 In the Apache Tomcat list I asked the following question:
 "Can someone suggest to me what Apache and/or other OpenSource products
 be integrated to compete with functionally and/or considered in the same
 category as BEA WebLogic?
 I don't necessarily need all of what BEA has to offer at this time,
 I would like to know, generally, what it would take to get there without
 big $ price tag."
 Thank You,
 On Monday 15 January 2001 15:20, you wrote:
  On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Jason Boehle wrote:
   WL6 has support for EARs.  They also support all of the EJB 2.0 spec
   except for dependent objects.  In fact, I am currently using WL6 for
   development instead of Orion, due to the apparent lack of
   going on in the Orion team on EJB 2.0.  I had suggested to my boss
   we use Orion, as I had been lurking and following it for several
   and saw that it always met the latest specs first, etc. - now I feel
   for doing so, as they haven't had a new release in several months...
  Of course, this is a little unfair - weblogic hadn't had a new release
  several months, either. They've just had a major release recently,
  makes it seem like they're more active than Orion, when that's not
  necessarily the case. It might be, but that's not implied by the
  at present.
  For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the pack, and the
  speed is stil EXCELLENT. While I'm very much looking forward to a new
  round of released bug fixes, I'm still waiting for some things to
  out before I abandon ship.
   -Original Message-
   From: Santosh Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:57 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??
   Hi kevin,
   As far as i have known WL5.1 or , there is no concept of
   files, does 6.0 include
   that. Doesn't the J2EE mandate (I am not sure!) the use of EAR =
 WAR  +
   JAR + CAR(or JAR)?
   To deploy the JPS1.1.1 on Orion, it is a piece of cake, while
   on WLS, i have to
   unpack the EAR files and dis-integrate them which is contrary to the
   essence of packaging the ear files,
   Even meddling with the ugly frustrates one and
   Is that true with all WLS users?
   Orion is a neat impl of J2EE,  is WLS6.0?
   ----- Original Message -
   From: Kevin Duffey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:07 PM
   Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
I am not one to advocate another product, but WL6 looks nice. It
work with compared to WL5.1. Orion is still the best. JBoss looks
interesting as well.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:26 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Orion-Interest
 Subject: FW: Any news from Orion yet??

 Yes - pls Orion people, publish some news  update Orion ...

 We are looking to buy at least 3 licences over the next few
 weeks if
 everything is ok


 Neville Burnell
 Business Manager Software

 -Original Message-
 From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, 14 January 2001 12:45 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Any news from Orion yet??

 Hi all,

 Has anyone heard from the team lately? I know I saw a post about
 month or
 so ago. Its been about 3 or 4 months since anything has changed
 their site, if not longer and now its getting me worried. I can
 understand them
 trying to organize the company, but did production stop on the
 server? I
 wish there was some news once every couple of weeks or so from
 on their
 site letting us know what is happening.

  Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

RE: Broken Pipe

2001-02-02 Thread Kevin Duffey

My guess would be that the connection to the web browser that the JspWriter
would send output to was broken

Did you look in the WrapperTag at line 70 to see what it says? Post that
maybe for some further help.

 1/31/01 9:42 AM simplica_survey-web: Servlet error
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Problem accessing the JspWriter in
 WrapperTag. IOExecption message was: Broken pipe
   at com.simplica.web.taglib.WrapperTag.doStartTag(
 /survey_template.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page
 line 4)
   at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.w5(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.d1.include(JAX)
   at com.simplica.web.JspView.render(
   at com.simplica.web.MainServlet.doPost(
   at com.simplica.web.MainServlet.doGet(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)

Problem with latest Oracle having similar problems?

2001-01-31 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi there,

We just moved to Oracle 8.1.7 database (or upgraded to it). The new
that is required to use it is causing some odd problems with Orion 1.3.8
that we are running. Specifically, it appears every time we try to connect
to the database it gives a "Stream already closed" error.

Is anyone experiencing similar problems? Will the 1.4.5 version of Orion fix
this? We tried removing the jdbc.jar in the orion folder, and we are only
using Orion for jsp/servlet engine (not yet done any EJB work).


RE: Why javac does not compile servlet?

2001-01-27 Thread Kevin Duffey

you are correct. That is what I do and it works fine with Ant.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of KirkYarina
 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 7:58 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why javac does not compile servlet?

 orion.jar contains the javax.servlet classes, and (somebody correct me if
 I'm wrong) should be used instead of Sun's j2ee or jsdk.

 Add orion.jar to your classpath.  You may want to look at the other jars
 included with orion if you're missing other classes, also.

 Kirk Yarina

 At 09:06 AM 1/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
 You need to install the J2EE JDK 1.2.1 from the
 website.  Since you are using javac to compile your classes, the
 file needs to be in your classpath.
 here's the

Hope this helps...

Tom Pridham
-Original Message-
From: Roland Dong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 4:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Why javac does not compile servlet?

I  have successfully installed orion1.45. It runs great!  What I can not
figure out is how to make javac compile a servlet.  I have put tool.jar
into orion directory and my autoexec.bat look like this:

set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk
set TOMCAT_HOME=C:\tomcat\
set PATH=c:\jdk\bin
set CLASSPATH=c:\jdk\lib\tools.jar;

 When I compile a simple servlet  I got error message.  This is
 the error message when I try to
C:\Web\jsp\jspRoland\WEB-INF\classesjavac package javax.servlet does not exist
import javax.servlet.*;
^ package javax.servlet.http does not exist
import javax.servlet.http.*;

7 errors

Could someone throw me some light?

Thanks very very much


RE: novice question

2001-01-24 Thread Kevin Duffey

in server.xml, point the application to the .war file directly.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter T. Brown
 Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 9:54 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: novice question
 How do I deploy .war files in orion?

RE: Recreating an expired session. PLEASE HELP!!!

2001-01-21 Thread Kevin Duffey

What I do and I have seen alot of people do this, is put an Object in the
HttpSession that indicates if a user is logged in or not. When they log in,
you put that object in. If they log out, you remove it, and if the session
times out, its gone as well. Simply check for that object (either on every
JSP page before its you the option to forward to another
"error" page if the page being displayed is not allowed unless they are
logged in. I use an include file to reuse this functionality on every JSP
page I need protected). Or, if your using a MVC framework, have some logic
in your controller servlet that makes sure only if the object exists can
certain pages be accessed, otherwise forward to the login page.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sergio
 Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 2:44 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Recreating an expired session. PLEASE HELP!!!

   How can I re-create a session once the session
 timeout has been reached and the server has
 invalidated the session. I have a couple of pages that
 require a session, but I need to timeout after five
 minutes of inactivity. If the session has timed out, I
 need to send the user back to a login page. The
 problem is that if I call getSession(true) on the
 request object I get the following exception:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Session was
   at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.w5(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX)
   at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)

 How do I force it to create a new session? Please
 help, I need to resolve this as soon as possible.

 Also if I specify a -1 for session timeout which
 implies that the session never times out, when and how
 does the memory for these session get released once
 the client is no longer interacting with the site.


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

RE: Clusters!!!!

2001-01-18 Thread Kevin Duffey

I have tested Orion in a two server cluster and it worked for the most part
nicely. My HttpSession beans were not all that properly done, so that may
have been the quirks I saw.

You do have to buy a license for each Orion server, 1 per SERVER not per CPU
per server, unlike most applications.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mohit Palhan
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 8:09 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Clusters
 Importance: High

 Hi! there,
 I want to know if

 1 anyone has Orion servers in cluster's?
 2 Has done load balancing ? (which algorithm are you using etc..)
 3 Is there object clustering in Orion? (as in the case of Weblogic .The
 key technology that
 underpins clustered objects in WebLogic Server is the replica-aware
 stub. When you compile an
 EJB that supports clustering (as defined in its deployment descriptor)
 ejbc passes the EJB's
 interfaces through the rmic compiler to generate replica-aware stubs for
 the bean. For RMI
 objects, you generate replica-aware stubs explicitly using command-line
 options to rmic).
 Note:- I have both session and entity beans in my system!(not sure
 but have heard it corrupts
 database any pointers are welcome)
 4 To have clusters do I have to buy multiple licenses ??

 mohit palhan
 Have a nice day :-)
 PS- Any pointers are welcome viz must do's for clustering etc..)


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 of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of AITPL.

RE: Orion as a Win2000 service

2001-01-16 Thread Kevin Duffey

It's a good program with the exception of shutting down the service. For
some reason, it doesn't ever shut down (the service) so you have to manually
stop the service, then restart it (which does work). There may be a newer
version than what I have. My only other complaint is that it always uses
javaw and doesn't allow you to specify java to see a console window for
output, which I then have to specify the output file to Orion and constantly
open to see any output.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 12:51 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: SV: Orion as a Win2000 service

 Search the list for JNt, dont remember but some ppl, posted a
 howto for this
 program, even works when you log off the box ;)


 -Opprinnelig melding-
 Fra: Thomas Pridham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sendt: 15. januar 2001 17:59
 Til: Orion-Interest
 Emne: Orion as a Win2000 service

 Is anyone running Orion as a Windows 2000 service.  I tried to setup the
 service as recommended by but the application
 (RunExecSvc) just dies everytime we try to run it.  Is there
 another way to
 do this?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Tom Pridham
 Software Engineer
 Computer Management Consultants
 6951 Pistol Range Road
 Tampa, FL  33536
 813-935-7332 ext. 165
 813-854-4538 - Fax

RE: Any news from Orion yet??

2001-01-14 Thread Kevin Duffey

I am not one to advocate another product, but WL6 looks nice. It is easy to
work with compared to WL5.1. Orion is still the best. JBoss looks very
interesting as well.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Neville
 Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:26 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Orion-Interest
 Subject: FW: Any news from Orion yet??

 Yes - pls Orion people, publish some news  update Orion ...

 We are looking to buy at least 3 licences over the next few weeks if
 everything is ok


 Neville Burnell
 Business Manager Software

 -Original Message-
 From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, 14 January 2001 12:45 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Any news from Orion yet??

 Hi all,

 Has anyone heard from the team lately? I know I saw a post about a month
 so ago. Its been about 3 or 4 months since anything has changed on their
 site, if not longer and now its getting me worried. I can understand
 trying to organize the company, but did production stop on the app
 server? I
 wish there was some news once every couple of weeks or so from them on
 site letting us know what is happening.


RE: Redirection

2001-01-05 Thread Kevin Duffey

Sure it is. I am not sure if its possible in Servlet 2.1/2.2 to "path map"
to a specific controller servlet, but I think it is. I use extension mapping
myself. But basically you would do something in your web.xml file like:


Now, anytime the /ss/ appears in the request path, it should pass everything
after the /ss/ as path info to the controller servlet its mapped to. Thus,
anytime the /ss/ is in your path, the servlet you map it to is invoked, and
I think the request.getPathInfo() or one of those calls returns everyting
after the /ss/. Therefore, a link like:

a href="/web-app-context/ss/DoThis"Click/a

Should call your servlet, and you would recieve a DoThis as a String
parameter or something.

Once you have that, you call upon your EJB session bean (or some business
logic class) that looks up in the database and returns you a path to go to.
Then you simply do:

catch(Exception e)

That will forward you to the new URL.

Ask if you have any questions..but that should help a bit I hope.

 Hi everyone,

 Since it seems that the list is alive and well, although with very
 little traffic, I would like to ask a question which has been bothering
 me for a while.

 I am trying to do what I would define as dynamic redirection. What that
 means is that if someone writes an URL like http://myserver/name, I
 would like to look for "name" in a database and redirect the user to
 some other URL. This would allow me to avoid modifying manually the
 configuration file every time a mapping is added,removed or modified.

 Is this possible? Any suggestions?

 Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!

 Huibert Aalbers

RE: JSP vs Servlet MVC - CMV

2001-01-05 Thread Kevin Duffey are correct for the most part, but think of it this way. Most
sites you just type in the and hit enter. You don't type a
specific path (that would be mapped to a controller servlet)..for the most
part. There are a lot of sites you do such things..but for the most part,
you type in the company name to get to the site. Now, the first thing that
shows up is index.html (or index.jsp) usually, so in retrospect, the VIEW is
first, then when a link is clicked the CONTROLLER is accessed, then the
MODEL, then the VIEW again. So, it should probably be called VCM.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 7:59 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: JSP vs Servlet MVC - CMV

 it's a circular pattern...
 you access the controller from a view, which is generated by the model...

 all of this brings us back to the important question:

 what was first--- the egg or the chicken?

 My 2c,


 -Original Message-
 From: Johan Fredriksson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 05 de Enero de 2001 9:25
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: JSP vs Servlet MVC - CMV

 I've seen the abbreviation MVC on a lot of places, but shouldn't it be


 for Controller / Model / View

 where Controller receives a request, handles it using model and
 displays it
 using view?

 Not important to me, just wondered... =)

 - Original Message -
 From: "Fyffe Carl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 9:07 AM
 Subject: JSP vs Servlet

  I went to and read the CMP Primer.  Good read.  But it got me
  thinking about a topic that concerns most people that are in large
  development groups.  Seperation of code and html.  Proper MVC calls for
  code to be in the controller while there is little code in the view
  of the application.  This allows the designers to design and
 the coders to
  Were the rules broken for convience or has a new methodology taken over?
  seems to me that the CMP Primer would have been easier to read and
  understand if MVC had been used.
  This one short coming can easily overlooked to find a gem of an article.
  Are there other primers of's caliber?  What are some useful
  that you guys used to get started.

RE: JSP vs Servlet

2001-01-05 Thread Kevin Duffey

I will try my hand at this as soon as my framework is done. I plan to use
the Model 3 approach..which is using Model 2 but instead of forwarding to
JSP, it passes the JSP output (which would be XML tags with dynamic data)
and an XSL to XALAN and transforms it to HTML, then sends that back. In this
way, the tutorial will properly show a clear cut solution to separating data
from logic from the view. It won't be for a little bit don't hold
your breath. I will ask for reviews by this list before I post it, to see if
it makes sense, works, etc.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kemp
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 6:16 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: JSP vs Servlet

 I did address this same question to the folks at
 and their suggestion, which was a fine one, was to create a
 tutorial.  Jollem has a mechanism in place to create tutorials
 (see website).  Since I am not an expert, I would ask if some
 expert (with some spare time) could show us how to create the
 Orion CMP example in a model two format.

 -Original Message-
 From: Fyffe Carl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 2:08 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JSP vs Servlet

 I went to and read the CMP Primer.  Good read.  But it got me
 thinking about a topic that concerns most people that are in large
 development groups.  Seperation of code and html.  Proper MVC
 calls for the
 code to be in the controller while there is little code in the
 view portion
 of the application.  This allows the designers to design and the coders to

 Were the rules broken for convience or has a new methodology
 taken over?  It
 seems to me that the CMP Primer would have been easier to read and
 understand if MVC had been used.

 This one short coming can easily overlooked to find a gem of an article.
 Are there other primers of's caliber?  What are some
 useful URL's
 that you guys used to get started.


RE: Is the List alive?

2001-01-04 Thread Kevin Duffey

I haven't seen too many messages myself, but I am getting some.

  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 2:25 AM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Is the List alive?
 Hi Everybody,
 Happy New Year!
 I haven't received a single message since 29-Dec-2000. Has the service
 gone down, nobody is working on Orion or is it just my link that's gone


RE: JSP vs Servlet

2001-01-04 Thread Kevin Duffey

Interesting point. I agree, and infact I found the CMP primer a bit hard to
read because it wasn't so clean (as far as the code used). However, for the
sake of brevity I am sure they had to cut corners so as not to have a
200-page book. I would have liked to seen a bit more detail and info on the
examples, however. I think a CMP II article should be written, to include
the "latest" MVC model, which is sometimes called Model 3. That is, Using
JSP to return XML output, which is then transformed into HTML, WML or
whatever via XSL, and the output is then returned to the browser. I am
working on just such a thing in my streamlined mvc framework, which I offer
as free source. My framework works very well, and offers some things I
haven't seen in other frameworks, such as auto-population of javabeans used
on the page with support added to handle nested object population within a
javabean. Also, you can choose whether to use auto-population or not on a
per request basis, as well as a very simple to use action class..simply
supply the command=MethodName and implement a public String MethodName()
method in an action class, and its called. I use a small bit of reflection
to call the method in the action class, instead of the command/swtich()
approach often used. Anyways, I have been thinking for quite some time of
creating a small "book" that specifically targets the MVC framework (in
detail) and how to separate the business logic (ejb session beans) from the
controlling logic (controller servlet and instances of action classes) from
the front-end stateful bean (javabean stored in HttpSession), and the JSP
page (view of dynamic data). I just haven't had the time to play around with
it all yet. I am working on my framework to simplify using JSP to return XML
output, and applying XSL to that output to get HTML or something else. When
I am done with this I plan on posting the framework info to this list and
jsp-interest list.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fyffe Carl
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 12:08 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JSP vs Servlet

 I went to and read the CMP Primer.  Good read.  But it got me
 thinking about a topic that concerns most people that are in large
 development groups.  Seperation of code and html.  Proper MVC
 calls for the
 code to be in the controller while there is little code in the
 view portion
 of the application.  This allows the designers to design and the coders to

 Were the rules broken for convience or has a new methodology
 taken over?  It
 seems to me that the CMP Primer would have been easier to read and
 understand if MVC had been used.

 This one short coming can easily overlooked to find a gem of an article.
 Are there other primers of's caliber?  What are some
 useful URL's
 that you guys used to get started.


RE: Load balancing with Orion

2000-12-11 Thread Kevin Duffey

The only thing I can think of...did you specify the WELCOM file of
index.jsp? Otherwise it defaults to index.html I think. That should be in
your web.xml file.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 7:46 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Load balancing with Orion


 i have a problem, i'm tryin to use Orion as Load Balancer
 here is my load-balancer.xml file which is located in

 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion load-balancer"

 load-balancer host="[ALL]" port="80" secure="false"
 user-ip="true" use-session-id="true"
  island id="0"
   backend-server host="" port="80"/
  island id="1"
   backend-server host="" port="80"/

 So basicly what im trying to do is balance traffic between those
 2 servers.
 But for some reason when i request "localhost" it displays me a page that
 is "website/index.html". I wonder why is that happenin.

 Any help is deeply appreciated

 Thank You


RE: Faster encryption

2000-12-11 Thread Kevin Duffey

How about hardware based? I know there are SSL to non-ssl hardware devices
that turn all incoming SSL into non-SSL so your web-app is completely
non-ssl based, but the web browser to the server (ssl device) is secure. I
know there are some that can handle 1000's of ssl transactions per second
(but you'll pay big money for those).

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Ekholm
 Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 1:07 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Faster encryption

 I noticed a TPS drop (transactions per second) of factor four when I
 benchmarked my application using 128 bit SSL encryption (5 client threads)
 compared to non-encrypted benchmarking. I know that the SSL layer is
 pluggable in Orion, I use the standard one that comes with Orion 1.4.0.

 Is there a faster implementation of SSL for Java/Orion out there, maybe a
 native code solution? Or is the standard encryption package already using
 native code for the most critical sections? I guess not, as I
 have used C++
 packages for encryption previously and not noticed such CPU eating


 "The Las Vegas of Online Gaming" David Ekholm
 System Architect
 Hammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholm
 tel: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 11
 mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38
 fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07
 icq: 410993

RE: Anyone heard from evermind?

2000-12-07 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi Karl,Robert,All,

I am in the same boat these days. I have been talking highly of Orion, but
alot of bugs, little documentation and less support these days are taking a
toll. Worse..I was able to install and setup WebLogic 6 beta in less than
one hour..including full Web-app deployment of my app that runs on Orion. It
appears WebLogic is finally getting it right, and with their large market
share and vast resources, it seems, at least for the time being, that
despite their outrageous prices, we will have to go with them. Small
companies with little money will definitely benefit from Orion, but
companies with money and a timeline I think will have a hard time waiting
for least until they get the organization in order and start
producing again, along with support, better docs, and so on.

Im still a strong supporter for Orion..and will continue to use the product,
but I don't know if I can recommend it until I see more commitment that they
will indeed be producing builds, adding support, and so on.

For what its worth..I have faith in the Orion team to do this..but my
superiors don' I don't have much choice.

 Hi Karl,

 good to see you're still alive ;-).


 I will try to keep you posted on these developments and I want
 to reassure you
 that we are not gone, but quite the opposite, we are making a
 move to become
 more aggressive in the future, but it has made us less visible
 for some time
 and has hurt the product development and release cycle, and it
 is likely to do
 so from time to time as we go ahead. A new release with a few
 fixes shouldn't
 be far away now though.

 can we read this as a committment to fixing bugs in available features
 before adding new features (like finalizing EJB2.0 and servlet 2.3
 support)? I don't know about others but we are currently facing a rather
 tough time with the number of outstanding issues regarding stability and
 robustness. If you're admitting that development resources will be short
 for some time to come, then I think/hope that this is the only way to go,
 if you're serious about supporting your current userbase. I'm
 sorry that I
 have to say it this way but anyone in the business knows how hard
 it is to
 convince people to use an underdog product and I've been taking punches
 from customers for a while now.



 Karl Avedal

 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: Java IDE

2000-12-02 Thread Kevin Duffey

UltraEdit 32 ($30 registered) and ANT build system 
(best make facility around..easy to create xml build scripts, including 
deployment, sourcesafe/cvs integration, etc.)

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ervin 
  JakabSent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 2:20 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Java IDE
  I am just learning about EJBs using 
  I would like to ask you allwhich 
  isthe best IDE to use when developing for Orion? Which is the most 
  integrated with Orion (something like JRun Studio and JRun)? Or simply, how do 
  you develop your own EJBs and Enterprise Applications?
  Thank you.

RE: A newbie question - problems with JDBC-connection

2000-11-28 Thread Kevin Duffey

If you don't mind..can you help explain to me how you even got this far? I
just installed Oracle Personal Edition, and I would like to get Orion to
pool connections, use a DataSource, and so on. I don't know about using
entity beans yet..I don't think EJB 1.1 entity is powerful enough yet..but
2.0 should be. Until then, I only have 5 tables to work with, which I will
use SQL for in the EJB session bean.

So if you could possibly explain what JDBC type 4 driver you are using
(where you got it from.URL?), how you got Orion to use it as a DataSource
instead of the Hypersonic SQL one it defaults to, and so on...I would be
much appreciated.



 I am pretty new to applicationservers and thus trying the grasp
 the nuts and bolts.
 I have just finished a sessionbean (via a servlet) which connects
 to a database and reads a specified table.
 Everything works fine the first time a run my servlet. But the
 second time, I get no connection,
 either of the pool or a new one. I run my example, as
 recommended, by ejb-location="jdbc/DefaultEJBDS"
 and I am using from Oracle.

 Can anyone help with this problem and also explain the principals
 behind what is happening below.

 C:\orionjava -Ddatasource.verbose=true -jar orion.jar
 DataSource logwriter activated...
 jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:myInstance: Started
 jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:myInstance: Started
 Orion Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:myInstance: Started
 Orion/1.3.8 initialized
 Created new physical connection: XA XA Orion Pooled
 null: Connection XA XA Orion Pooled
 jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:myInstance allocated
 (Pool size: 0)
 jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:myInstance: Opened connection
 Created new physical connection: Pooled
 Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:SATT: Connection Pooled
 racleConnection@c24c0 allocated (Pool size: 0)
 Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:SATT: Releasing connection
 Pooled oracle.jdb
 c.driver.OracleConnection@c24c0 to pool (Pool size:
 null: Releasing connection XA XA Orion Pooled
 to pool (Pool size: [Ljavax.sql.PooledConnection;@2ba11b)
 Orion Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:myinstance: Cache
 timeout, closing connectio
 n (Pool size: 0)
 jdbc/DefaultEJBDS: Cache timeout, closing connection (Pool size: 0)

 Best regards


RE: OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired

2000-11-27 Thread Kevin Duffey

On the same there any way to FORCE the browser to always go to the
server, even if the BACK button is clicked? We have the "no-cache" settings,
but whenever a user hits the BACK button they always see the "this page has
expired". Isn't there any way at all to force the browser to go to the which case I have code in place that would redirect them to a
specific page that is more user friendly and looks like our site..rather
than the MSIE page?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of J.T. Wenting
 Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 1:11 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired

 response.setHeader("CACHE-CONTROL", "max-age=0, must-revalidate");
 will do the trick.

 Jeroen T. Wenting

 Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Krevs
  Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 05:37
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired
  I am trying to get the browser to display the "this page has expired"
  message when the user hits the Back button on the browser.
  We have the luxury? of only needing to support IE5.5. No matter
 what meta
  tags i use I cant seem to get the browser to display the standard
  "this page
  has expired" message.
  This is especially important in the situation where the user's
 session has
  expired and the user then uses the back button and tries to click on a
  hyperlink on the old page.
  Any ideas?

Can't find DataSource in ejb-jar.xml file???

2000-11-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hello all,

What the heck does it mean when I deploy an EJB .jar file and it says:

Auto-deploying ss.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the previous
deployment)... Error compiling file:/C:/ss/ss.jar: No DataSource found at

My datasource is an Interbase one and I have it set up for that. In
orion/config/data-sources.xml that is where I have the Interbase stuff
mapped. In /confid/application.xml it points to data-sources.xml. So I fail
to see why it is telling me something about HypersonicDS when I have no
mention of it anywhere. If I delete data-sources.xml, orion wont start. So
it must be reading it in. Is Hypersonic being hard-coded into Orion as a
default? Even so..if its reading in mine it should be working.

Any help would be appreciated.


RE: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]

2000-11-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Interesting Rob. I completely agree with you. I think the Orion team is
trying to stay ahead of the big boys by implementing Servlet 2.3 and EJB
2.0, if not any other vendor other than WebLogic. I am curious about one
thing. There are supposedly lots of people paying licenses for Orion,
including my company. At $1500 a pop (US), if they had a few hundred
licenses, that would equate to a pretty darn good piggy bank. Why would they
not be hiring more developers, QA, and support people? I recall last year
they were saying that sales were going pretty good and they planned on
having more than 20 employees by years end, mostly in the support area. Is
there any news of this? When will their web-site look like a professional that they have information about the company, privacy statement,
contact info (actual phone numbers), and so on? These are the things I
question. For over a year I have been supportive of Orion (and still am)
because its a great product at an unbeatable price. But I like yourself am
starting to wonder whats going on. I would think VC funding wouldn't be hard
for them because they are already profitable (or should be) and they have a
killer application. VC funding would give them the money they need to hire
more people and move Orion up a step, in line with SilverStream, GemStone,
and so on. They are still a ways off from WebLogic and WebSphere (in overall
completeness). I still think they should charge more! I hate the idea of per
cpu, but maybe $5K per server, which still puts them below the price of JRun
3.0, WebSphere, WebLogic, SilverStream, iPlanet, OAS, Inprise, and every
other app server that I have knowledge of.

Bah..this seems to be a wasted conversation these days. I had (and to some
degree still have) great hopes for Orion, but it seems they are taking a
long time in getting documentation, support, and so on. Like I said before,
Orion to me is much like linux. Its more of a hacker/developer app server
than it is mainstream. While it can compete in performance with the best of
them (as linux does) and its as stable in most aspects (as linux is), its
not quite ready for the "real" market (linux is getting there). However, I
will continue to hang on to see what comes about. I am betting the farm on
Orion right now because I hope they continue to prosper and grow into a
formiddable opponent of WebLogic. I do agree though..stop the EJB
2.0/Servlet 2.3 support and build upon the existing EJB 1.1, etc. I don't
agree about your clustering thing..I think a good app server should support
clustering from the getgo, which I believe Orion does decently.

 true but we are talking different quality levels. since I've started
 working with oracle 3 years ago I haven't had any showstopping
 bug while I
 have been in very bad situations (even lost money due to project
 we could not keep because of serious bugs that kept the project from
 completion or workarounds that took a lot of manpower) with orion. The
 problem is, it feels like an open source project (great software but no
 real QA) but without the source and I have personally experienced
 that as a
 very dangerous combination. I would be very happy and keep my
 mouth shut if
 orion would just stay the way it is featurewise but really work reliably
 with the features it already has until there is enough manpower
 at evermind
 to do both QA and new features.

 just to give you an example, I first reported problems with the
 exclusive-write-access="false" option (which you need when
 someone else but
 the cmp engine writes to the db, pretty common setup especially with a
 given db schema with cascading deletes) which is seriously broken (I
 switched an existing working app to that option and the simplest things
 would break immediately) at the end of august. even the validity-timeout,
 that can be used as a workaround, was broken (pk checks were still being
 done on cached entities regardless of timeouts). ok, a few days
 later there
 was a new version which removed one problem but broke other stuff related
 to that. about a month later the validity-timeout issue was fixed while I
 had taken the heat from my customer and made all kinds of concessions
 because I didn't want to recode the entire app using sql and kept waiting
 for a fix. up until now (3 months later), the
 exclusive-write-access="false" option is still broken (which I regard as
 one of the most important things in an appserver, it must protect the
 integrity of my data in the most ROBUST way possible). we've managed to
 work around that but it still doesn't feel good and I was disappointed to
 see that the changes in the next version of orion were related to
 implementing servlet 2.3 spec. if that are the priorities
 (features before
 robustness) I don't feel that well about it as a customer who
 uses ejb and
 cmp to just code against a spec and completely rely on the correctness of
 the underlying platform to not worry about many low-level issues 

RE: Can't find DataSource in ejb-jar.xml file???

2000-11-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hey Salaman!

Hmm..that makes sense except for one thing..using a DataSource should be
vendor independent shouldn't it? Or is that a vendor specific setting? I
thought J2EE was all about making a complete app including database free
ties, so you can deploy into any app server. If thats the case, then my
application.xml and web.xml descriptors should be the only things needed.
However, setting the datasource seems to be server specific at this point. I
think J2EE has to mature a bit more before true vendor independent apps can
be built. None the less, in server.xml, it uses application.xml (all in
config folder). In application.xml it uses data-sources.xml. The ONLY
data-source I have listed is the one for Interbase. I don't have anything
related to HyperSonic any longer..I deleted it out of the file. So, I take
it what your saying is that I have to actually change a setting in an
auto-created config file? I don't quite get why any file that Orion
generates at deployment time (if they don't exist), needs to be edited. If I
delete that file and Orion auto-creates it, I have to edit it again. Is
there any "standard" way to this?

 Hi Buck:

 Orion picks the first datasource in the data-sources.xml file, unless you
 tell it explicitly which data-source to use in
 META-INF/orion-application.xml . either make your datasource be the
 first one the file, or read the docs for
 (META-INF/orion-application.xml) so
 you can configure the default datasource to be used by your application...

 An alternate solution is to create "private" data-sources.xml inside your
 EAR... :)

 gotta go to bed!


 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Duffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 4:28 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Can't find DataSource in ejb-jar.xml file???

 Hello all,

 What the heck does it mean when I deploy an EJB .jar file and it says:

 Auto-deploying ss.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the previous
 deployment)... Error compiling file:/C:/ss/ss.jar: No DataSource found at

 My datasource is an Interbase one and I have it set up for that. In
 orion/config/data-sources.xml that is where I have the Interbase stuff
 mapped. In /confid/application.xml it points to data-sources.xml.
 So I fail
 to see why it is telling me something about HypersonicDS when I have no
 mention of it anywhere. If I delete data-sources.xml, orion wont start. So
 it must be reading it in. Is Hypersonic being hard-coded into Orion as a
 default? Even so..if its reading in mine it should be working.

 Any help would be appreciated.


RE: Can't find DataSource in ejb-jar.xml file???

2000-11-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Thanks. What I did was delete the /orion/application-deployment folder of my
app..which seems to work as far as trying to use Interbase. The problem I
get now is below..any ideas?

Auto-creating table: create table com_ss_ejb_login_LoginEntityEJB (loginName
CHAR(255) not null primary key, loginPassword VARCHAR(255) null)
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: interbase/interclient/ErrorKey, method: _$372
nature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V) Expecting to find
object on stack
at interbase.interclient.SQLException.init(
at interbase.interclient.Statement._$121578(
at interbase.interclient.Statement.executeUpdate(
at com.evermind.sql.ak.executeUpdate(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ak.executeUpdate(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.f6.agz(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.f0.agz(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.Application.f9(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.ri(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.apa(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.f9(JAX)

Can't find DataSource at java:comp/env/jdbc/NameOfDataSourceDS..??

2000-11-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi all,

Strange things abrew. I have my Interbase datasource set up as list below. I
thought the way inside of an EJB to find a DataSource would be:

Context context = null;

  context = new InitialContext();
  interbase.interclient.DataSource ds = (interbase.interclient.Datasource)
catch(NamingException ne)

However, through various trial and errors, I found the only way I can get it
is if I do:

Object o = context.lookup("jdbc/myEJBDS");

If I try to typecast it to an interclient datasource, I get a class cast
exception. I am at a loss as to why if this is J2EE standard programming, I
have to be database specific or vendor specific at any point, and why is it
not finding it in java:comp/env?

Thanks for any help.

data-source class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource"
  name="My Data-source"

RE: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]

2000-11-24 Thread Kevin Duffey

I quite agree with you Robert. I love Orion..and tell everyone I know to use
it becuase of its great performance, features and so on. Lately though I
haven't seen either Karl or Magnus on IRC chatting, nor have I seen an email
in the list from them on any regular basis. I know myself and a few others
are offering a good set of frameworks to be shipped with Orion and haven't
heard a response in over a week of submitting the proposal. The frameworks
would benefit Orion in that it would be like the big boys..offering more
than just an app server. We would fully document them, support them, and
they are open-source, so unlike Orion, if anything goes wrong, they are
fixable by the ones using it. I quite agree that Orion should make source
available for the use of allowing us to fix bugs if they crop up, and submit
them for the Orion team to examine and if its a good fix, put it in the next
build. This would require more people however..managing a product like Orion
with lots of bug fixes coming in, merging them, testing them and so on..that
would require alot of managing, and I get the feeling Magnus and Karl would
rather write code than integrate fixes from many other people.

On the other hand, for the original poster..I don't think you'll find a
better Servlet/JSP engine, in terms of performance anyways. I think Orion
has one of the fastest most stable web server engines around.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Krueger
 Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 4:51 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]

 At 11:12 24.11.00 , you wrote:
 I'd like to know, is anyone currently using Orion in a production
 environment? The rather high number of issues people report here bothers
 me because I'd like to get serious with a particular EJB server and my
 opinion was that Orion was the right choice because of it's low cost and
 In addition, I'd like to know if Orion's HTTP server is suitable for
 production work, I really would like to have a unified
 environment instead
 of having a separate web server for my JSPs and servlets.

 yes, we've been using it for the past 6 months in production (mainly
 content management and ecommerce) with over 10 different j2ee
 extensively using servlets, ejb (lots of cmp) so I think I can say that I
 know what I'm talking about. it's a two-edged sword. as you mention, the
 integration of having one consistent all-java j2ee environment is
 of great
 value and orion's deployment concept is very logical and well-designed.
 however there are some serious issues with a number of parts of
 the server
 (check the archives for JMS and a number of issues regarding
 exclusive-write-access settings as examples) some of which have
 brought us
 in very awkward situations, many times having to work around them with a
 lot of effort. I would say that in some areas orion is production
 ready, in
 some it's not well-tested at all. do extensive testing and if
 every feature
 you use works, buy it. it's a great deal for the price. however,
 there is a
 substantial risk involved that you may run into a serious bug in a
 situation when you least need it and then you might be helpless with no
 source and maybe no fix available for a few weeks/months (been
 there). I'm
 not saying this to bash evermind (I sympathize a lot with them actually)
 but I'm simply speaking from experience to help other people make an
 informed decision as I would expect them to do if I asked about a
 product I
 don't know yet.

 my personal opinion on this is that evermind should deliver source (while
 retaining full rights on enhancements and bug fixes) with the product to
 eliminate that risk. other commercial projects like orbaccus
 ( have shown that they still make a lot of
 money despite
 shipping source for more than five years now. I'm sure about 80% of the
 bugs our team has reported would have been fixed by us immediately or at
 least would have been accurately described to the line of source
 code that
 has to be changed.

 I've brought this up to karl and magnus but they don't want to do
 this and
 it simply is their baby and therefore their decision (they probably think
 I'm either a parrot or insane, repeating the same stuff over and
 over again

 It's only for that (having been helpless in many situations when we least
 neded it), that we are seriously considering moving to jboss as soon as
 their cmp support has met a certain level of quality, although
 their server
 is inferior to orion in many regards, especially as far as the overall
 integration is concerned. BUT their main architects/developers take the
 time to answer user questions on their user list every day and if
 there is
 a small bug (one or two line fix typically) you can just make it
 and submit
 it instead of spending 10 times as much effort assembling a test case to
 submit it to the 

RE: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]

2000-11-24 Thread Kevin Duffey

Really? How can they be sued by Sun for their own source? JBoss isn't
getting sued..aren't they open source? I can't believe Sun could sue anyone
for making an open-source application server. Maybe there is something we
don't know...??

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
 Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 10:16 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]

 However I can sympatize with Karl and Magnus. EJB is a very new
 technology. Shipping the source makes it relatively easy for the
 competition to copy the product which of course is the downside. But I
 think shippingg the source would be for the better of the server. Nobody
 is perfect and if all of us have our hands on the source lots of those
 silly bugs should be fixed in much less time. Having to submit a
 testcase makes for a lot of effort on both sides since we have to create
 a testcase which has to be recreated by the orion team and tested. Most
 of these bug however would simply appear running your app through a
 debugger and jumping into the orion source.

 I've run into so many weird and absurd problems in Orion; all it would've
 taken for me to solve the problem and submit a patch would be a
 grep in the
 source tree. Alas, I cannot do this and I am stuck with an application
 server that has many advantages and many disadvantages, which
 more or less
 cancel each other out. Many bugs I post as problems to the mailing list,
 many times without response, forcing me to submit some of them to
 where they go unnoticed.

 Evermind's position, as stated on the FAQ, is that they would be SUED by
 Sun if they made their source code public.

 What?! What is the rationale behind this conclusion???

RE: Can`t deploy Orion-Primer

2000-11-24 Thread Kevin Duffey

What did you use to edit the file? I would use NotePad and look for any
strange characters. I also use WordPad myself (at least on Windows
platform), and save it as a text only file. It's possible an editor you used
inserted some formatting character(s).

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 9:23 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Can`t deploy Orion-Primer


 I followed the orion primer and created the session bean, the descriptors
 and the client servlet. I verified, that everything is correct, but when I
 start up orion I get the following error:

 C:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
 Error instantiating application at
 Error parsing META-INF/application.xml in
 C:\orion\applications\orion-primer: Fatal error at line 4:
 Illegal character
 at end of document, #x3c;.

 Orion/1.3.8 initialized

 I checked the application.xml file, and I found no "illegal

 Thanks in advance

 Martin Lilienthal

RE: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]

2000-11-24 Thread Kevin Duffey

You know..while I would love to see source for the sole purpose of allowing
us to help the Orion team debug and fix problems (not to allow a fork of the
product), I think everyone needs to think about other products. Do you think
WebLogic, Inprise, Oracle, IBM and others are going to release their source
so the committed followers can help them fix bugs. That would be ideal..but
none of them do it. Thus far I don't know of any full J2EE ready app servers
that have released their source. I have heard of JBoss..but I don't know
much about it.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
 Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 1:10 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]

 The Orion FAQ ( actually says
 that they might be sued by Sun if they "offer ... source under a
 Linux-style license", not simply that they provide source (possibly under
 an NDA). Perhaps there are no legal reasons if they choose to do
 the latter
 (and there are with the former), but my inclination is that Evermind
 doesn't want to release source, not that they can't. I respect it, but I
 must disagree for a number of technical and business-related reasons.

 Like someone else said in this list, that there are serious bugs and that
 people using the product are powerless to fix it themselves is enough to
 make one look for an alternative solution. The price is a fair and the
 performance is excellent, but what good is it if it is
 unreliable? This is
 not a word processor or a web browser; a crash a day, week or
 month is not

 At 11:42 AM 11/24/2000 -0800, you wrote:
 Really? How can they be sued by Sun for their own source? JBoss isn't
 getting sued..aren't they open source? I can't believe Sun could
 sue anyone
 for making an open-source application server. Maybe there is something we
 don't know...??
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
   Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 10:16 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: Anyone using Orion in production? [long]
   However I can sympatize with Karl and Magnus. EJB is a very new
   technology. Shipping the source makes it relatively easy for the
   competition to copy the product which of course is the
 downside. But I
   think shippingg the source would be for the better of the
 server. Nobody
   is perfect and if all of us have our hands on the source
 lots of those
   silly bugs should be fixed in much less time. Having to submit a
   testcase makes for a lot of effort on both sides since we
 have to create
   a testcase which has to be recreated by the orion team and
 tested. Most
   of these bug however would simply appear running your app through a
   debugger and jumping into the orion source.
   I've run into so many weird and absurd problems in Orion; all
 it would've
   taken for me to solve the problem and submit a patch would be a
   grep in the
   source tree. Alas, I cannot do this and I am stuck with an application
   server that has many advantages and many disadvantages, which
   more or less
   cancel each other out. Many bugs I post as problems to the
 mailing list,
   many times without response, forcing me to submit some of them to
   where they go unnoticed.
   Evermind's position, as stated on the FAQ, is that they would
 be SUED by
   Sun if they made their source code public.
   What?! What is the rationale behind this conclusion???

RE: Calling EJB in Orion from Resin -Problem,

2000-11-23 Thread Kevin Duffey

I hope this is not the case. That would make binding EJBs Orion dependent. I
think thee is a non-vendor dependent way in doing this..otherwise how would
J2EE apps be portable to other vendors?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lebedko, Oleg
 Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 6:38 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Calling EJB in Orion from Resin -Problem,

 Hi Santosh,
 As I understood, Orion by default binds ejb to JNDI name which is the same
 as ejb's name (ejb-name tag in the ejb-jar.xml) To change that
 you have to
 change binding in orion-ejb-jar.xml (which is in.
 .xml) and
 change location attribute.
 Also when I worked from remote client I could get ejb only using
 as context factory. RMIInitialContextFactory didn't work in my case.
 Also I had to provide orion-cart-client.xml file (which, I guess,
 is used by
 Context Factory ) not to mention remote and home.

 Could you let me know if you succeed, because we would be
 interested in that
 kind of integration too, but
 I've read that RESIN uses some proprietary protocol for EJB
 support, so only
 orion's libraries should be use
 on RESIN side when handling EJBs. I didn't try that myself yet.

   Oleg Lebedko
   Wireless Networks, Technology Development
   2920 Matheson Blvd. E., F7
   Mississauga, ON L4W 5J4
   * (905) 282 - 3263  [150 - 3263]

   -Original Message-
   From:   Santosh Kumar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Thursday, November 23, 2000 4:50 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject:Re: Calling EJB in Orion from Resin -Problem,

   Did'nt work..

   - Original Message -
   From: Montebove Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 1:18 PM
   Subject: R: Calling EJB in Orion from Resin -Problem,


Object boundObject =
Object boundObject =


-Messaggio originale-
   Da: Santosh Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: mercoledì 22 novembre 2000 13.23
   A: Orion-Interest
   Oggetto: Calling EJB in Orion from Resin -Problem,

   Hi All,

  I am onto an interesting task of using resin as the EJB client
 for Orion.
   Everything seems to be in line but i dont know why i get this
 problem when
   i run the orion-primer example EJB with the servlet part executing
 on the

   javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to get home interface:
   javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: expected intermediate context in
   `ejb/HelloHome' at hello.web.HelloServlet.init(

 com.caucho.server.http.Application.loadServlet( at
   com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service( at

 a:142) at

 com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest( at

 va:145) at at
   Servlet code:
   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
 // Get the initial JNDI context using our settings
 Context context;
 try {
context = new InitialContext();
 catch (Throwable exception) {
throw new ServletException(
   "Unable to get initial JNDI context: " +
 // Get a reference to the Hello home interface
 HelloHome helloHome;
 try {
Object boundObject =
helloHome = (HelloHome)

 catch (Throwable exception) {
throw new ServletException(
   "Unable to get home interface: " +
   WEB.xml (which resin specifies to add in its app)
   ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
   classpath id='WEB-INF/classes/orion.jar'/
   classpath id='WEB-INF/classes/mail.jar'/
   classpath id='WEB-INF/classes/ejb.jar'/

RE: Do I miss anything ?

2000-11-23 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hey..I forget how..but I know you have to reference the 2nd ejb inside the
1st ejb descriptor. Look at some examples in the Orion dir, but if one ejb
uses another, it must say so in its ejb-ref descriptor.

On the other hand..I did this and still had a problem.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Edmund Cheung
 Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 8:54 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Do I miss anything ?

 Hi ,

  I try to call the entity bean E1 (user) from the session bean S1 ( user
 manager) .  The deployment of S1 is OK but not OK for the E1. Buf
 if I deply
 E1 outsite the S1, it is OK. So, do I miss to define somthing in
 the web.xml

 Below is my ejb stuff in the web.xml file;

   descriptionuser manager/description




 Thanks a lot,


Interbase DataSource?

2000-11-23 Thread Kevin Duffey

Does anyone possibly know how I can map an Interbase 6 so that Orion uses it
with CMP? Here is the mapping I have based on the help file that shows
Interbase types to java types:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE database-schema PUBLIC "-//Evermind//- Database schema"

database-schema name="Interbase 6" not-null="not null" null=""
primary-key="primary key"
type-mapping type="java.lang.String" name="varchar(255)" /
type-mapping type="int" name="integer" /
type-mapping type="long" name="integer" /
type-mapping type="float" name="float" /
type-mapping type="double" name="double precision" /
type-mapping type="byte" name="byte" /
type-mapping type="char" name="char" /
type-mapping type="short" name="smallint" /
type-mapping type="boolean" name="boolean" /
type-mapping type="java.util.Date" name="date" /
type-mapping type="byte[]" name="blob sub_type 0" /
type-mapping type="" name="blob sub_type 0" /

disallowed-field name="password" /
disallowed-field name="username" /

I am not sure if these are correct..but I am hoping so. do I get the datasource working with Orion? When I start Orion
should I see anything special (maybe in the console window)?

How does entity beans with CMP use datasources? Does Orino automatically
pool connections, and so on?


RE: LoadBalancer truncating large files (65K)

2000-11-23 Thread Kevin Duffey

Shouldn't be the case..but I would suggest a hardware 
load-balancer. A decent one should be only a couple of $K, if that. Make sure it 
supports cookie/session capabilities, and hopefully it supports island 
clustering capabilities. By this I mean, when a request comes in, it should 
identify the session via the cookie (or url rewriting passing session ID), and 
know what island (in Orion terms) the request goes to based on what island it 
originally went to (the first time it came in). It should also be able to 
load-balance between computers in the island.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter 
  DunnSent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 10:29 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: LoadBalancer truncating large files 
  The loadbalancere is truncating large 
  files. Works fine without load balancing, but only the first 65K come 
  through when the loadbalancer is used. Does anyone have a work around 
  for this issue? I can not use the orion's loadbalancer until this issue 
  is fixed?

Security and UserManager and all that?

2000-11-22 Thread Kevin Duffey

Can someone kindly explain to me what is the purpose of using the security
roles, user managers and all that in the descriptor files? I quite honestly
don't understand it. I mean..if I have a web-app that has a login screen
that uses EJB to look up a login name and password in a database to allow
someone in, why would there be server-level security and role facilities?



2000-11-16 Thread Kevin Duffey

I have seen here that JBuilder 4 works well with Orion.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rob Lapensee
 Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 4:10 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: ORION and VAJ?


 I switched to netbeans ( because of exactly that, I could
 not get VAJ to work with Orion.
 Or more accurately I could not get Orion to import into VAJ and run from
 within VAJ, which would have allowed debugging of EJB's
 I got Tomcat to import into VAJ quite nicely...


 Rob Lapensee
 Director of Technology
 Delfour Corporation

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 7:42 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: ORION and VAJ?

 Briefly looking at the archives I saw this question with no real
 please forgive the bandwidth while I ask again.

 Has anyone succeeded in running Orion from within Visual Age Java?

 All comments welcome.
 Date: 15-Nov-00
 Time: 18:39:20

 This message was sent by XFMail

JNDI Properties for Orion and EJB?

2000-11-15 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi there,

I read in my EJB book that CTM's require vendor specific JDNI properties. I
thought EJB was platform/vendor independent? What are these JNDI properties
for? More importantly..when/why are they used? I see in the example EJB's
with Orion that they all have a file, yet I am not quite
sure how to understand them.

I can say this..I tried getting one EJB from another EJB and I kept getting
RemoteException (or maybe it was NamingException). I may have had the
ejb-jar.xml file wrong..but I don't think so. I checked it several times and
did it exactly as the examples do, so I can't see how come in my one EJB
when I did a context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/EJBName") it kept giving me
NamingException. Is it because in an EJB that uses another EJB you must use
the JNDI properties for the context or something?

Anyways..I need to get Entity beans working using JDBC 2.0 (DataSource) so
that I can easily plug in any database I want (if thats even possible).


RE: EJB Basics

2000-11-15 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hmm..something I think I can least to some 

WEB-INF is a dir usually below each Web Apps WWW dir. 
WEB-INF is where you would place your compiled classes (WEB-INF/classes) and any 
3rd party libraries you would use (WEB-INF/lib). You also have a Servlet 2.2 
standard web-app descriptor, called web.xml. This is where you map servlets, set 
up welcome files, and so on. The .WAR file type is really nothing more than a 
www dir jarred up (.jar) but with a .war extension. It includes the www folder, 
and the WEB-INF folder below it, with the compiled classes of the 
servlets/javabeans/core classes, and 3rd party libraries. You can deploy a 
single .war file into any J2EE app server that properly implements the spec. 
Actually, it can be deployed into any Servlet 2.2 container. ServletExec and 
Resin are two engines that are not J2EE app servers, but do manage Servlet 
2.2/JSP 1.1.

META-INF is, as far as I know, where a J2EE standard 
application.xml descriptor goes, and is part of the .EAR file format, which can 
include many web-apps (many www with WEB-INF dirs below each), as well as EJBs. 
A single EAR is considered an application in itself, probably because you can 
deploy EJBs into any J2EE app server using an EAR (if that app server supports 
EARs). I don't know the full gist of EAR but I do know Orion supports it, 
including hot-swap (at least I think it supports hot-swap) of EAR applications. 
I am not sure of the full benefit of EAR over WAR, other than that you can 
contain many WAR files in a single EAR, as well as any number of EJB's. EAR 
stands for Enterprise Application aRchive, whereas WAR stands for Web Applicat 

that sheds a little light on the topic.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark A. 
  RichmanSent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 10:01 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: EJB Basics
  What is the difference between WEB-INF and 
  META-INF? How do these directory structures relate to jar, ear, and war 
  files? Which of these is J2EE, and which is Orion-specific? Maybe 
  I am confusing something with Tomcat...
  - Mark

RE: EJB Basics

2000-11-15 Thread Kevin Duffey

think you simply do a jar myfile.WAR /path or something like that. A WAR and a 
EAR are a JAR with different extensions.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Widmer, 
  KarlSent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 3:39 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: EJB Basics
  I am 
  new to Orion but have experience of Java and have used thejar process 
  several times to archive classes.
  However, has anyone got an example of using jar tocreate a Web 
  Application war file that includes jsp and bean classes.
  Thanks for any help.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin 
DuffeySent: 15 November 2000 08:50To: 
Orion-InterestSubject: RE: EJB Basics
Hmm..something I think I can least to 
some degree.

WEB-INF is a dir usually below each Web Apps WWW 
dir. WEB-INF is where you would place your compiled classes 
(WEB-INF/classes) and any 3rd party libraries you would use (WEB-INF/lib). 
You also have a Servlet 2.2 standard web-app descriptor, called web.xml. 
This is where you map servlets, set up welcome files, and so on. The .WAR 
file type is really nothing more than a www dir jarred up (.jar) but with a 
.war extension. It includes the www folder, and the WEB-INF folder below it, 
with the compiled classes of the servlets/javabeans/core classes, and 3rd 
party libraries. You can deploy a single .war file into any J2EE app server 
that properly implements the spec. Actually, it can be deployed into any 
Servlet 2.2 container. ServletExec and Resin are two engines that are not 
J2EE app servers, but do manage Servlet 2.2/JSP 1.1.

META-INF is, as far as I know, where a J2EE 
standard application.xml descriptor goes, and is part of the .EAR file 
format, which can include many web-apps (many www with WEB-INF dirs below 
each), as well as EJBs. A single EAR is considered an application in itself, 
probably because you can deploy EJBs into any J2EE app server using an EAR 
(if that app server supports EARs). I don't know the full gist of EAR but I 
do know Orion supports it, including hot-swap (at least I think it supports 
hot-swap) of EAR applications. I am not sure of the full benefit of EAR over 
WAR, other than that you can contain many WAR files in a single EAR, as well 
as any number of EJB's. EAR stands for Enterprise Application aRchive, 
whereas WAR stands for Web Applicat aRchive.

Hope that sheds a little light on the 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark A. 
  RichmanSent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 10:01 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: EJB Basics
  What is the difference between WEB-INF and 
  META-INF? How do these directory structures relate to jar, ear, and 
  war files? Which of these is J2EE, and which is 
  Orion-specific? Maybe I am confusing something with 
  The Lightwell 
  12/16 Laystall Street 
  London EC1R 4PF 
  Tel: 020 7843 6720 
  Fax: 020 7843 6721
  This email is confidential and proprietary; 
  all information contained in it must be used 
  only by the addressee in accordance with MetaPack's terms of business and 
  non-disclosure agreement. 
  Disclosure, copying, and distribution to, or use 
  by, anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be 

EJB using core classes?

2000-11-15 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi all,

I am attempting (again) deploying EJB. While I think I have the pricipals
down, (still trying to figure out JNDI properties..what they are for), I am
confused about one thing. I have an application named ss. In Orion I have
set the path to c:\ss. There is the META-INF dir, which I have
application.xml in..that points has module ejbss.jar/ejb /module. It
also has my web module in it that points to www (from ss/www). I
compile my ejb (a simple login ejb) which seems to be ok. In the ss.jar, I
have the META-INF dir with ejb-jar.xml in it accessing my classes. These are Stateless session classes. I
also have in the ejb-jar.xml file the
com/ss/ejb/login/LoginSessionEJB.class, and so on. So when I start up Orion,
it shows its deploying the EJB, says it can't find class
core/login/Login.class. my package, I have ss.core, ss.ejb, and
ss.ui. ss.core.login.Login is a "bean" that I will use in both the EJB
entity class, and my UI javabean class. I don't know if this is the wrong
way to do it, but I figure..why put the same getter/setter methods twice (in
both the UI javabean class that gets/sets the JSP page form info, and the
EJB class that loads/stores the same info). I am not too familiar with EJB
just yet, but I see no reason why this wouldn't work. In my entity bean, I
would somehow reference the core.login.Login class, and use that reference
to load/store the entity. Can that even be done? Or is the only way to get
entity beans via CMP to work is directly have the methods in the entity? I
would think if my methods that are used to load/store the entity use the
reference to get/set the fields of the reference Login, this should be ok.

At any main question here is, the EJB class in the jar file is
referencing the core class. I don't have the core package in the jar file. I
thought if I deployed the jar file into the same web-app as the other
classes were in, it would have access to these classes. I compile classes to
WEB-INF/classes. Is this not the case? Is there some trickery to getting EJB
classes to see the WEB-INF/classes?

Thanks for any help.

RE: Client hits STOP there a way to detect this before sending a response?

2000-11-15 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi again,

Actually..I hashed out your first idea with two other guys and it seems like
it should work. Let me see if I got this straight.

1) When the action class is called..create a timestamp.
2) Create the stateless session class.
3) Get the javabean associated with the series of pages (session scope)
4) set the timestamp in the bean.
5) set the timestamp in the session.
6) do session logic.
7) check to see if the session timestamp and bean timestamp are the same.
8) if so, set the bean reference to the session return results
9) if not, ignore everything else...most likely the connection was lost
10) return jsp page

So in code it might look something like:

  SomeSession ss = new SomeSession();
  SomeBean bean = getBean(); // gets the javabean used by jsp page

  Date date = new Date();

  if(checkDate( ss.getDate(), bean.getDate()) )
bean.setResults( ss.listAllResults() )

Is that good enough? You said something about a race condition. I recall
reading about this in my threading book, but I never was quite clear on it.
My assumption is that it would be possible for two thread/requests to
interrupt one another, thus in the middle of one thread checking the date,
another one could be altering it, or something like that.

Here is why I don't think this would ever happen. First, because each bean
is tied to an HttpSession, on a per-client basis, it would be almost
impossible for a client to submit to the same method in the same action
class at the same time..much less at least seconds apart. It is possible
that the two sessions do different amounts of work..such as one searching
for everything, and one searching for a few items..with both ending up
finishing at the same time. In this case..what to do?

There is one other thing to think about though. By actually fixing this
problem, we introduce another one. By allowing a user to hit STOP on the
browser and submit the form again, each request (at least in our case) will
pull a connection from the connection pool. If you have one user that
submits, stops, submits, stops, etc..and possibly several sessions (not
http..but logic session classes) running on the server for just a single
user..its very possible we will run out of connections in the connectin pool
(our own home brewn class right now). We did add some code that will open
new connections, but until we move to EJB and have the container manage all
of this, it can get quite bad if too many requests from one user keep going.
Ofcourse, at some point the session/logic class thread will be done and the
connection will get returned.

However, my thinking is..a J2EE web app is like an application. The user
shouldn't be prevented from stopping a form right after its submitted..maybe
they see something they forgot, or some wrong info. If it was a desktop
application..they could stop it, change, and restart the transaction (unless
its using RMI or CORBA or something to talk to a logic tier of servers). So,
I think as a web-application, they should be able to do this too. If this
means we should have 1000 connections in the pool (hopefully not), then so
be it..but the end user should never be burdened because we simply only
allow them to do one transaction at a time. We did however allow them to do
one transactio per module on our site..meaning, if they were to send a fax,
and check for an invoice, each one is a separate they could get
away with doing each one of those at the same time.

Anyways..I look forward to what you have to say about my understanding of
what you said in the first email reply, and see if I am on target with
implementing this.

Thanks again.

 On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:

  Thanks for the reply..
  Your idea has some merit..the only problem is, we have so many different
  searches and profile updates that could be happening..I would
 need to keep
  track of each of those separately.
  Here is what I had in mind if there isn't any way to detect
 ahead of time
  that a connection to the browser was terminted.

 I think your proposed solution seems kinda kludgy (either that, or I'm a
 bit slow and don't fully understand it...) also as you said it only tracks
 two references, and can be foiled by starting 2 long running searches,
 aborting them, then doing a quick third one.

 You don't need to keep track of each request, you just need to provide
 very basic tagging of results so they can be verified against requests.

 A slight variant: Instead of passing in the timestamp have the bean return
 one as part of the result, which you could then sanity check to ensure
 that the timestamp in the session is before the time the search bean
 thinks it started. If you get a mismatch, then discard the results as
 they're stale.

 This does leave a race condition, where the critical section is in between
 placing the timestamp in the session and the search bean creating its own

RE: Client hits STOP there a way to detect this before sending a response?

2000-11-15 Thread Kevin Duffey

Thats a good approach to take for things like a "list" of items, such as a
search engine or a list of rows from a table. But what about when your
building up a single transaction, and you need to keep the state of several
pages across requests? While there is even less of a chance of what I am
asking about happening in that could happen.

My worse fear is someone doing a DOS (Denial Of Service) on our
site..imagine 1000 virtual users, and possibly each having the same cookie
passed in so the server sees it as a single session.

You would think though..since when trying to return a response the
application server can throw an exception..there would be some way of
checking if the connection still exists before sending the response back.
That would solve this problem. :)

I did think about using request scope..I just wasn't sure how I could
maintain the other pages info across requests without sending large amounts
of data as part of the query string..and I don't want to use hidden form

 Quick answer - i dont know how to do an 'early detection' of the user
 pressing the stop button. I dont think its possibly - at least I
 dont think
 there is a non-super-difficult way of doing it.

 I think you may need to do more than just put your results bean in the
 session when providing a means to return results to the user.

 For example, what happens if both requests occur successfully

 ie the user
 has 2 browser windows open and does 2 successful searches). Seems
 as though
 whatever search finished first will have its results bean overwritten.

 In our project we almost exclusively use the request scope to put
 our beans
 in. When the user clicks the 'get me more button' we pass extra parameters
 that tell the server to get the next X rows.

 user clicks 'find' - get me the first X rows where 
 user clicks 'more' - get me the first X rows where primary key is  the
 primary key of the last row returned in the previous search.

 Basically then each search is independent of the last and you dont have to
 worry about cleaning up session beans, overwriting session beans etc.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
 Sent: Thursday, 16 November 2000 8:42 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Client hits STOP there a way to detect this before
 sending a response?


 I have a need to find out if the connection back to the browser from a
 servlet is still good or not, before an attempt to send the
 response occurs.
 Is this possible? I know when I do a response.sendRedirect() or
 requestDispatcher().forward() Orion will throw an exception if the
 connection to the browser (or client for that matter) has been terminated.
 The problem is..I want to check for this before an attempt is
 made, so that
 incase the connection is lost, I don't populate the javabean. I'll give a
 reason why this is necessary (and very helpful). I have my code organized
 into JSP pages, ControllerServlet/Action classs, JavaBeans and Session
 classes. Session classes are STATELESS classes, so that I can get ready to
 move to EJB when I get time. Each time a request is submitted, it
 goes to an
 action class method to be handled. The action class instantiates a new
 session class (I am not bothering with a pooled setup for session
 classes at
 this point as EJB will do this for me when I move to it). The
 session class
 performs some logic..usually database acitivty of some sort. The action
 class is then given a result (usually a Vector of some sort of
 objects). The
 action class then sets a bean variable to point to the vector of results.
 The bean is stateful and is session scope (HttpSession). At the end of the
 action, the response is forwarded to a JSP page. That page then uses the
 bean and its reference to results to display them.

 So here is the problem. If a user submits a form ( search for all
 clients) and lets say that search will take two minutes. 10 seconds later,
 the client sees he/she made a mistake on what they were searching
 for. As if
 often the case..they hit STOP on the browser, change their mistake and
 submit the form again. On the server..there are now two threads
 running..because the first one hasn't completed yet (assuming the user
 submitted the form the 2nd time fairly quickly). The 2nd request is populates the javabean reference to a Vector of objects
 say in 20
 seconds. The response is sent back and the user sees a list of
 say 20 items.
 Now, while they are looking over this list, the 1st request they sent is
 still going on. At some point it too populates the SAME javabean with its
 results, which are now different than what the client is actually
 looking at
 on the page. The action tries to return its response but it finds its
 connection was terminated. It throws an exception (which I catch), and
 voila..the client sees nothing. Where the problem lies when the
 first request 

CMP Primer related question..

2000-10-17 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: RE: Deleting cookies with Orion

Hi all,

I got the CMP Orion Primer, but it leaves me in the 
dark on a couple of things (as does the Orion Primer..which shows EJB). It 
appears EJB isn't all that hard, but the primers, and other articles I have been 
looking at, don't clearly state how you can test and develop EJB without having 
to keep on repackaging it into a jar file, deploying it, etc. I can't imagine 
every time you make a change to an entity bean or session bean that you have to 
repackage the thing and redeploy it. Isn't there any way you can develop EJBs as 
you do servlets, javabeans and jsp "open" dir structure. I guess worse 
case scenario if this can't be done, a good script that you run each time you 
make a change that compiles, packages and deploys it would be one 

Also, about Orion..when using CMP, does Orion 
automatically do connection pooling for you (for database connections)? I see 
there is the ability to use a PooledConnection in servlets, but I am unclear if 
when using CMP Orion (and other J2EE app servers for that matter) use an 
internal connection pool that you can set the size of somehow.

Lastly, on our site we currently use our own 
home-brewn persistence layer. It does the job, but a query of 600 station 
objects appears to use about 400MB of memory. I assume our code is very bad..I 
didn't write it..but it doesn't make much since to me as to why a query with 
only 400 objects being created would require so much memory. None the less, alot 
of our queries use joins with other tables. I read somewhere that complex O/R 
mapping wont be available until EJB 2.0, so does that mean I can't do a query of 
an object that requires joins? I am unclear as to how exactly when using CMP you 
would get joins to work. For example, a one to many relationship of a particular 
table...say a user with many transactions. Also, what if each transaction had 
many "sub transactions". Thus, the first table would be many users. Each user 
can have many transactions, and each transaction could have many 
sub-transactions. Is this possible now with CMP, Orion and O/R?


RE: OR mapping of table joins for CMP

2000-09-12 Thread Kevin Duffey


This is to Nick, and anyone else that can shed some light..

 If you did this you would find that Orion would auto-create
 tables that are
 basically identical in form to those that you have, but probably with
 different names.  If you now go into the orion-ejb.xml file that orion
 generates you can change the table and column names to those that you
 already have. When you have done this, you have the two tables linked
 transparently by Orion.  Just asking for a Person will automatically
 retrieve the Job, and from that you can retrieve the job_description.

I would like to learn HOW I can learn this. :) I know nothing of CMP and O/R
at this point, so where do I start learning? I can't just load up Orion and
blindly code this there a good book on CMP and O/R with EJBs? I
realize each vendor has their own implementation of how CMP works, but I
would like to know more about it.

One thing that caught my eye, from what you said, it sounds like you don't
create database tables from a special tool, then write SQL and other stuff
to insert, remove, update and search? Is this the case with O/R and CMP? Do
you define an entity bean class, and the app server automatically generates
a table for you in the database? If that is the case, how exactly does it do
this for any database type? I am using Interbase 6.0 at home, and the SQL
for Interbase (mainly the data types) is different than that of Oracle. I do
see the /config/datasource dir that maps various database data I
am going to take a wild guess and assume Orion uses the information in there
for its mappings.

Anyways, I would like to buy a book, or see some online tutorials on how
this all works, and how I can use it. Also, do modeling tools (UML) work
with CMP and O/R for you? Is it as easy as making some diagrams that
describe the database table(s) and it writes the entity bean for you?


CMP / OR tutorial, info, etc?

2000-09-11 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: RE: classpath for third party tools


I am 
finaly getting ready to make the dive into OR / CMP. To be honest, I don't know 
a whole heck of a lot about it. I do know though that I want to stick to J2EE 
based standards while building my own site. So instead of using JDBC 1, and 
trying to figure out some way to map database tables to my classes, storing, 
searching, deleting, etc..I would like to find out where I can get more info on 
exactly how to use OR and CMP. I would really like to start with the basics as I 
don't know much about designing tables, databases, etc. I need to learn the best 
way(s) to model entity beans after database tables, how CMP works, O/R, etc. So 
any tutorials online, or even a book, would be great.

how does Orion work with these? Is CMP and O/R a standard with J2EE, even though 
each vendor can implement them in their own way?


Session/cookie problems with multiple web-apps in one application

2000-09-11 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: RE: classpath for third party tools


be darned if I thought I had this problem licked. Here is the deal..I am running 
3 web-apps in one application (one instace of Orion). Each web-app has its own 
context if I am not mistaken, which means that one context can not share data 
with any other context that is running. What I need to happen is allow 3 
browsers access the 3 apps. All 3 apps point to the same one www dir on the 
local drive, but each has a context root name of /admin/mediaName where 
mediaName is radio, tv or cable. So, you would type in or 
Now the problem is, each has a database associated with them (we run 3 
databases, one for each media type). A special HttpSession object (String type) 
indicates the media type your in based on the Context path. I use the call 
request.getContextPath() which returns /admin/radio, /admin/tv or /admin/cable 
depending on what was typed, and store the Integer equivalent in the String 
MediaType in the HttpSession. All servlets/actions (using struts framework) use 
this stored value to determine what database to hit to get the data. This should 
work, and does seem to work if I use the same one browser to log in with. If I 
open two windows, and log in to radio, then cable (in the 2nd browser), then 
pull up a query on some stuff that, it seems to show the radio data, even though 
I am using a browser with the /admin/cable context in the URL line. When I run 
the Console and look at the HttpSession data, /admin/cable shows a MediaType of 
3 (Cable) which is correct, yet it still seems to be pulling radio 

what I have figured out is that somehow, when I log in to radio first, then into 
cable, even though a HttpSession is created in the /admin/cable web-app, the 
actual session being retrieved is that of the /admin/radio web-app, which is the 
only way I can explain it getting radio data. The reason this is the only way is 
that the "logic" classes use the MediaType value set when the logic class is 
created (a call to new with its constructor being passed the media type). So, I 
think the problem is, why in a 2nd window, when I clearly log in to /admin/cable 
and the session is created (in the Orion console) in the /admin/cable web-app, 
is it somehow getting the /admin/radio session when the query is 

I wish 
there was some way to test this. I think I have an idea, but it would be kewl if 
the Orion app showed an "access counter" to each object or something..if thats 

Anyways, I just wanted to see if anyone else has ever 
had this problem. Before answering, I do know before Servlet 2.2, that it was 
impossible without some working, to allow multiple browsers of the same type 
(MSIE for example) to have multiple sessions going. I thought I understood the 
Servlet 2.2 spec to read that the context path in the URL of the request 
determines where it looks for the session, then would use the cookie to get the 
proper session for the request. It doesn't appear to be doing this for me, so if 
I am wrong, please enlighten me.


Re: Clustering and load balancing Howto

2000-09-09 Thread Kevin Duffey


Its already out heh..I gotta go get it.

 Where ideally should loadbalancer.jar be executed? Obviously if it is
running on
 one of the machines in the cluster it isn't so good.. sort of defeats the
 fail-safe purposes... So should it have it's own machine? Or am I just

From what Magnus told me ( I think it was he), it is ok to run it on the
same server, but as you said, it defeats the purpose. Ideally, you would run
it on its own box, and have it communicate on the same port/ip multi-cast as
the two or more orion servers for load-balancing.

I have a question on this matter. What if I want one load-balancer feeding
multiple islands? Can this program load-balance properly between multiple
Orion islands? I recall Karl teaching me (and others on the list) about how
Orion can work as mutliple islands. The reason this is helpful is that if
you have 10 servers on one island, each HttpSession of each server is
replicated to all 10 servers. First, this can take a little more time to
send all the objects of each servers HttpSession to the other 9 servers for
replication. Second, the memory of each server would need to be able to
handle the number of objects for all 10 HttpSessions. As Karl pointed out,
using an island with say, 2 or 3 servers, but having multiple islands, will
reduce the memory footprint needed, as well as increase performance since
each island only replicates the HttpSession data within the servers of its
island. So, being that this load-balancer program is Orion aware, is it
possible to set up multiple islands and does it distribute the load evenly
through each island, and each server in each island?

 Excellent! BUT. when I start up the dead server again... it gets
detected by
 the loadbalancer... starts receiving updates from the other server... so I
 of Server #2 it dies... and the counter returns to 1 even though
 counter value DID get passed (listed in the debug messages)... for some
 it creates a new session. Any ideas here?

That worries me. I hope this is just a bug or something.

 In fact after the first successful fail-over ... I can't get it to do it
 without stopping the loadbalancer... and then both servers... then
starting the
 load balancer... then both the servers again. It seems to only work
once... then
 not anymore... even though it LOOKS like it should work.

 Any help is greatly appreciated!

 I am using Orion 1.3.3 since that's what the autoupdate gave me... the
 DOES say to use 1.3.5+ but I don't know where that is.

Really? I thought in 1.2.9 the load-balancer was functional. I haven't tried
it yet, but I was told 1.2.9 is a stable release, and that is what I intend
on doing production with. 1.3.5+ a stable release?

RE: Clustering problems.

2000-09-08 Thread Kevin Duffey

Come on guys, give the team a break. I too am waiting patiently for docs,
but let me tell you all something (I am sure many of you know this), while
Orion may not be as robust as WebLogic, WebSphere and some others, I have
thus far not seen any app server as complete (hell..over complete if you
include ejb 2.0 and servlet 2.3 pre-implementation), as Orion. I have not
been able to touch the ease of setting up Orion (with a little help
sometimes) compared to WebLogic, OAS, WebSphere, IAS and others. I have not
seen the speed from any app server, let alone the full J2EE spec implemented
in any app server out there. Nor have I seen any app server as affordable
that can do 1/2 as much as Orion. Orion is one of the only app servers that
is free to user for everything except production, and it doesn't lock you
out if you don't have a concurrent license servlet or some other security
lock that prevents full use of it.

I think for all of you complaining about the docs taking so need
to understand that these guys have done an amazing job with the product
already, and are on top of bugs, latest specs, and more. They are also a
fairly new company and have already beat the competition by a large margin
as much as I can tell. Sure..this may be my opinion, but I have thus far
only seen one person stop using it, while most have continued to
complain...but still use it.

I started a little documentation initiative a few weeks ago and got no
responses back (ok..maybe one from the guy that runs the
site). I don't have much time either, but for what the Orion team gives you,
how about helping out a little. If you have problems, ask, someone will most
likely help you out..then try writing up a little doc on it. Maybe with all
of us contributing we can help them along. Who knows..if you contribute
maybe you'll get a free license or two to use for your own use. :)

Go Orion!

P.S. Can I get an X-Large t-shirt...that medium makes me look like I am
trying to show off what muscles I pretend to have. ;)

 -Original Message-
 From: Karl Avedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:31 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Clustering problems.

 Hello Dylan,

  (... about lack of documentation)

  And it isn't like it isn't a known problem. Almost every
 review of Orion I have
  seen points out this glaring fact. And this mailing list is
 seething with people
  patiently waiting for something that should be already written.

 Absolutely, documentation is our biggest and most important
 task (as I've pointed out many times on this list)

  How about the whole orion team just STOPS coding for a
 week... (I don't
  care about 1.2.10!!!)... and fill in the gaps in the
 documentation. I think it
  would be a very productive move.

 Well, even though you might not care about getting new
 versions every day (of course noone cares for every update)
 there are many people who are running Orion on their
 production sites serving thousands
 of people, or are in the process of going live, and if they
 find a bug we try to help them with it. We get an enormous
 amount of reports and requests for enhancements and new
 features and if we stopped
 developing for a whole week we would get far behind on
 helping our customers, and believe me, a week of
 documentation isn't enough to improve documentation in that
 many areas that it makes it worth to
 stop responding to everyone.

 All I can say is that we are working on documentation (when
 we're not working on explaining that we are working on
 documentation ;) ) and that we are aware of the amounts of
 documentation that you need
 to work with a product of this complexity. A big problem is
 also that things are moving so fast. We make something
 available as a preview (like EJB 2.0) and of course people
 want documentation and
 examples the day after (understandable), but it's a tough
 task to work that fast.

  Yes, I know the "price is right"... but come *ON*...
 inexpensive means nothing if
  the features you need are available but undocumented.

 Of course. We are working like this: When we have a new
 feature we start out by giving a little documentation on it
 so that everything is at least documented (although very
 briefly) and then we follow
 up with more complete documentation, but those usually take a
 fair bit longer to produce. Examples are SSL, Clustering and
 user management that have had very sparse documentation so
 far (but Clustering
 was improved today), and we are working on providing complete
 tutorials and how-to's about these subjects.

 We understand that you need complete and good documentation
 to work with our product, and if you can not live with the
 state of the current documentation, you should of course look
 at other products
 that fit your needs better. We are doing our best to make
 sure that Orion is the best J2EE server and we certainly are
 working on making sure that everyone can use it, and I 

RE: Orion Difficulities....

2000-09-08 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: Orion RMI Security problem

the original poster..

think you were a bit harsh to say you would remove them from your vendor list. I 
would hope that you don't give up on all tasks that require a little more time. 
Funny thing is, I can't get WebLogic 5.1 to get my site going. I have done a 
number of different things, including a WebLogic tech guy who can't get my 
"easy" J2EE .war formatted web site to run. I finally got JSP pages to compile, 
but then it couldn't find any of my classes. I thought I read that anything in 
the WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib file is supposed to be automatically in your 
classpath by the app server. So, if for example you call upon a class 
com.mycompany.package.Class, and its in the 
/classes/com/mycompany/package/Class.class, you should be able to access it 
without having to do anything special in the environment of the OS your in, or 
adding classpath information when starting WebLogic. Apparently this isn't so, 
and its been a bitch to set up.

give you that Orion has not much in the documentation department, but for the 
most part I was able to easily set it up inside of 10 minutes. It is the only 
app server to fully support J2EE completely, even over WebLogic 5.1. It also now 
supports EJB 2.0 and Servlet 2.3. Yes..they are early, based on the not yet 
finalized specs, but still..

Anyways, its too bad so many people give up so easily 
without realizing what a great product Orion really is. Every product has their 
bugs. The good thing is, the Orion team does a darn good job on fixing bugs 
quickly, within a few days at most.

  -Original Message-From: Richard Landon 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 5:49 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Orion 
  thanks. Perhaps, I'm lame, but that was not obvious in the 
-Original Message-From: Jason von Nieda 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:09 
PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: Orion 
Remove the port (8080) from your ormi URL. The admin port 
is different from the web port and is configured
in orion/config/rmi.xml

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:51 
  Subject: Orion 
  I am have some major problems with the learning 
  curve with this server. I have previously used 
  (1) J2EE RI
  (2) Web Logic 5.1
  (3) IAS
  (4) Silverstream
  (5) Gemstone/J
  I start the server as 
  [C:/orion] java -jar orion.jarOrion/1.2.9 
  I take this to mean the server is 
  I then do a and 
  see the web page.
  (I modified the port since I'm already running 
  Apache on port 80).
  For example, according to the documentation, to 
  shutdown the server:
  [C:/orion] java -jar admin.jar 
  ormi:// admin root -shutdownError: 
  javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading 
  the stream header; nested exception 
  is: Caught EOFException while reading the 
  stream header
  So after two-days, it is not possible to figure 
  out how to shutdown the server.
  I'll try a little bit long, then remove this 
  server from our vendor list.

RE: clustering/load balancing

2000-09-06 Thread Kevin Duffey

Its very easy.

in the /docs folder for clustering info, but basically you do 

/config/server.xml, add the line

cluster id="X" /

X is a unique number on EACH server of the cluster. Thus, each server has Orion 
running on it, X will be different on each of these copies of 

in the WEB-INF dir of a web-app, you'll see an orion-web.xml file, 

cluster-config / to that 

set! The one thing I haven't been able to test yet is if I shut down one 
clustered server, then restart it, if the session data gets replicated to it 
again automatically. It should, but I have yet to see if that 


RE: clustering/load balancing

2000-09-06 Thread Kevin Duffey

Heh..yeah. I have clustered two servers. When I hit one 
IP to one of the servers, the session objects show up in both. However, I did 
shut down on server, then restart it, and the session data no longer shows up on 
that server. Even though I am not using a load-balancer, I would assume that as 
soon as the server starts up, it gets in the loop of that multi-cast thing that 
gets sent out. I also am not sure, but I thought that each server broadcasts 
every so often, like every 15 seconds or something (is this configurable?). So, 
if that is the case, when a new server starts up (whether its an addition to the 
farm, or a server that died and was restarted), it should be picked up by other 
server(s) on the farm (island as Karl called it) and then get session data 
replicated to it automatically. I would think this should work even without 
using a load-balancer, but I could be wrong. I haven't tried the round-robing 
DNS approach, so I am not sure if this is a bug with Orion, it doesn't support 
it, or it requires a load-balancer to properly work.

Mike about it Orion Team? I know I am still waiting for a document 
Karl said would be done last week. Haven't checked the site myself yet but I 
assume by the questions still coming, the document isn't done 


  -Original Message-From: Mike Sick 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 
  11:50 AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: clustering/load 
  I thought it was in interesting question as well. 
  Team Orion, how bout it?
The one thing I haven't been able to test yet 
is if I shut down one clustered server, then restart it, if the session data 
gets replicated to it again automatically. It should, but I have yet to see 
if that works.


RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

2000-09-01 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

Uh..Servlet 2.3 tutorial? Does Orion already implement 
Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2?

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus 
  RydinSent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 11:30 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on 
  home page
  Hi all, im sorry for the broken link to the Tools 
  tutorial. I managed to break 
  it while putting up the link to the new Servlet 2.3 Filter tutorial. 
  The new Filter tutorial is just 
  started, so please give us some days to fill it up with usefull tutorials 
  before flaming our mail about it :)
Message- From:  
Darren Gibbons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: den 1 september 2000 04:33 To: Orion-Interest Subject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home 
Hi Kimberly, 
Not sure if you noticed this 
already, but the link is actually 
First time I've seen it though -- looks useful. Kudos Orion 
-- Darren 
ph: 604.681.0516 Internet 
fax: 604.681.0916 Vancouver, 
 -Original Message- 
Sent: August 31, 2000 6:46 PM 
 To: Orion-Interest  
Subject: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page   
 I've been using Java for some time 
(but not J2EE) and have some  25+ 
years IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new  experience... :-)   I've downloaded just 
about everything relating to Orion I can for  study. On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link 
 to some stuff I would like to read, 
but unfortunately it leads to  a 
"Sorry, page not found" page. The link is:   and is 
pointed to by the "New tools tutorial available" and "...  the GUI Tools tutorial". Any ideas on this 
anybody?   One last note. My newbie question:   I'm currently trapped in 
a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been  given a green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and 
 J2EE. I can't use Linux or Solaris 
unfortunately as that would be  
pushing the envelope a bit too much... :-) In any case, has  anybody gone through this process with Orion before? 
My reason  for asking is that I have 
two Rack Compaqs running the Web-End  
load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster at 
 the back end in a "lights-out" 
environment. The web site is using  
the absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get 
 away with. This raises the question 
of how entity beans running  on the 
web-end communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each  box) representing the same row in the database. It's 
probably old  hat to you guys, but 
I'm drowning in books at present and I can't  seem to find that specific answer.   Kimbo   Ms Kimberley 
Scott  Senior Web Developer 
 Peakhour Pty Ltd 
- my site 
company site  

RE: URLs in web apps

2000-09-01 Thread Kevin Duffey


Is that a HTML 4.0 tag? I never saw that one before.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike Clark
 Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 6:48 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: URLs in web apps

 Alternatively, you could use this syntax...

   base href="%= request.getContextPath() %" /
   a href="file.jsp"click/a

 In general, the servlet engine automatically maps the directory
 name to the
 application, but references to URLs from standard HTML tags are not
 automatically mapped.  When the base href tag is used, all
 relative URLs are
 resolved relative to this value.  If your application is mapped
 to the directory
 "myapp", then in the example above the href would reference


 Kevin Duffey wrote:

  I think your ok..but I use the request.getContextPath() in a "included"
  header file on all my JSP pages. I assign it to a contextPath
 string var and
  use it in all my href tags a href="%= contextPath
  But, I believe the spec allows relative paths to the root of
 the web app.
  So, if your root is /, and the dir is i3-web, and you have a linke to
  /path/page.jsp, it would be from /i3-web/path/page.jsp.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kurt Hoyt
   Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:31 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: URLs in web apps
   I've noticed an inconsistency in how URLs are used within the
   servlet engine
   in Orion. Perhaps I've never had to deal with this since this
 is the first
   servlet engine I've used that supports .war files, server.xml, web.xml
   files, etc.
   I have a web app that is deployed like this:
   server.xml contains this line:
  application name="i3" path="../i3"/
   default-web-site.xml contains this line:
  web-app application="i3" name="i3-web" root="/i3"/
   application.xml contains these lines:
   I expect that absolute URLs used anywhere in my JSPs (and
 that includes a
   href="..", %@ include file="..." %, and
 response.sendRedirect() calls)
   would look like this /i3/rest of URL. However, I've noticed that for
   anything other than a href="..." tags, the /i3 is implied
 and all I need
   is /rest of URL for absolute paths.
   I have two questions:
   1. What does the context-root element do? The servlet and JSP
 specs are
   pretty vague about this.
   2. Should I be calling request.getContextPath() and using it to create
   absolute URLs for a href="..." tags or just try and use
 relative URLs
   within the a href="..." tags?
   Kurt in Atlanta

 //  Mike Clark
 //  Clarkware Consulting
 //  Enterprise Java Architecture, Design, Development
 //  +1.720.851.2014

RE: documentation broken??

2000-08-31 Thread Kevin Duffey

Haha...I thought the very same thing. I was reading the docs and noticed its
like that all over the place. Oh well..its a good product and the price is
right..that is what I keep saying to myself.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duane Fields
 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:35 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: documentation broken??

 Am I going crazy or does the documentation appear to be missing
 the ends of
 sentences everyone? I'm not talking about quality of documentation, I'm
 talking about data appearing to be lost. I redownloaded the zip today to
 make sure, and here a representative excerpt from server.xml.html

  rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" /
   Defines the relative/absolute path to a

 path - The path.

  jms-config path="./jms.xml" /
   Defines the relative/absolute path to a

 path - The path.

 Duane Fields
 Managing Engineer, Web Development

RE: How to Host Multiple domain on orion?

2000-08-31 Thread Kevin Duffey

Oh..ok. Look in the DOCS folder..under orion-web.xml.html. There is an
ability to assing virtual-hosts there for each web-app deployed.

 -Original Message-
 From: devendra orion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 2:41 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: How to Host Multiple domain on orion?


 Actually i want to setup multiple domain names using
 single IP. Like in apache you can do it using
 NameVirtualHost parameter.


 but all websites has same IP address


 --- Kevin Duffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If your talking about where each user of an ISP can
  have their own dir,
  including www dir for their own site, I know its
  easy to do..I just haven't
  done it myself. I recall that its something like to allow access for
  each user.
  Sorry..I don't know how to do it..but its possible.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
  Behalf Of devendra orion
   Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 4:34 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: How to Host Multiple domain on orion?
Hi! i am planning to host all my domains on
   orion. Can anybody help me doing it? I know it is
   possible to have virtual hosting but nothing is
   mentioned about multiple domain using single IP.
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

2000-08-31 Thread Kevin Duffey


I have been given the green light here to move ahead with Orion deployment
as well. Although we are not as sophisticated a setup as you, we will be
moving in that direction shortly. We are moving ahead with Orion while we
evaluate WebLogic and iPlanet to see if we want to pay those outrageous
amounts of money for offering not quite as much as Orion does. However, I
have seen very little problems with most areas of Orion. I have heard from
some friends using it though that the EJB stuff has problems in various
areas. What exactly, I don't know. I have also heard of some success stories
in this list as well. I think one of the problems is that because the Orion
team does such a good job on fixing problems and providing updates, some of
us often go get the latest version. This may prove to cause problems in
other areas. This is just a guess. For the most part, I have only seen a few
bugs crop up that were new with a bug-fix patch.

But other than that, Orion is very easy to use, it WORKS, it actually does
conform to J2EE specs unlike many infintely more expensive solutions, and I
have generally heard great things about it.

For whats it worth, I would be my company on it over other choices.

  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 6:46 PM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page
 I've been using Java for some time (but not J2EE) and have some 25+ years
 IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new experience... :-)
 I've downloaded just about everything relating to Orion I can for study.
 On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link to some stuff I
 would like to read, but unfortunately it leads to a "Sorry, page not
 found" page. The link is:
 and is pointed to by the "New tools tutorial available" and "... the GUI
 Tools tutorial". Any ideas on this anybody?
 One last note. My newbie question: 
 I'm currently trapped in a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been given a
 green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and J2EE. I can't use
 Linux or Solaris unfortunately as that would be pushing the envelope a bit
 too much... :-) In any case, has anybody gone through this process with
 Orion before? My reason for asking is that I have two Rack Compaqs running
 the Web-End load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster
 at the back end in a "lights-out" environment. The web site is using the
 absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get away with.
 This raises the question of how entity beans running on the web-end
 communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each box) representing the
 same row in the database. It's probably old hat to you guys, but I'm
 drowning in books at present and I can't seem to find that specific
 Ms Kimberley Scott
 Senior Web Developer
 Peakhour Pty Ltd - my site company site


RE: URLs in web apps

2000-08-31 Thread Kevin Duffey

I think your ok..but I use the request.getContextPath() in a "included"
header file on all my JSP pages. I assign it to a contextPath string var and
use it in all my href tags a href="%= contextPath

But, I believe the spec allows relative paths to the root of the web app.
So, if your root is /, and the dir is i3-web, and you have a linke to
/path/page.jsp, it would be from /i3-web/path/page.jsp.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kurt Hoyt
 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:31 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: URLs in web apps

 I've noticed an inconsistency in how URLs are used within the
 servlet engine
 in Orion. Perhaps I've never had to deal with this since this is the first
 servlet engine I've used that supports .war files, server.xml, web.xml
 files, etc.

 I have a web app that is deployed like this:

 server.xml contains this line:
application name="i3" path="../i3"/

 default-web-site.xml contains this line:
web-app application="i3" name="i3-web" root="/i3"/

 application.xml contains these lines:

 I expect that absolute URLs used anywhere in my JSPs (and that includes a
 href="..", %@ include file="..." %, and response.sendRedirect() calls)
 would look like this /i3/rest of URL. However, I've noticed that for
 anything other than a href="..." tags, the /i3 is implied and all I need
 is /rest of URL for absolute paths.

 I have two questions:
 1. What does the context-root element do? The servlet and JSP specs are
 pretty vague about this.

 2. Should I be calling request.getContextPath() and using it to create
 absolute URLs for a href="..." tags or just try and use relative URLs
 within the a href="..." tags?

 Kurt in Atlanta

RE: Orion and InterBase

2000-08-30 Thread Kevin Duffey


A couple of things I wanted to ask you (or anyone that knows).

First, while its a bit off topic..I just read up on InterBase 6, and
discovered that it is free, open-source. InterBase is a pretty nice RDBMS,
and I am not sure if its better than say Hypersonic SQL, mysql, and any
other free one, but it is pretty nice for a free one. On that note, would
you happen to know if InterBase 6, because its open-source and free now, is
not as powerful (lacks features maybe) as the 5.5, 5.6 versions? I had the
5.6 version installed and it seemed to have a few other things on the
properties windows that come up that the 6.0 doesn't have. My thought here
is that perhaps they changed the way the windows are..but my main concern it a full featured RDBMS like the commercial product used to be (and
better since its a newer version), or is this free version lacking some
stuff and you have to pay for it, or the licenses for connections?

Second, we place our Oracle JDBC.jar driver in the WEB-INF/lib dir of our
apps. Is there a reason this wont work with InterClient.jar? I would rather
place it in orion/lib so that all apps running have it..but I was just
curious if there is some reason you couldn't do this.

Third, any idea on how to use the driver in the Class.forName() call? I have
the InterBase 6 server running on my box, but I would like to load the
driver in Java and use it. I can't find any instructions on this so far.

Fourth, tied to the third, I only have one server right now, but when I get
a second one, I want to move Interbase to it so that I am not hitting a
local copy of the database server. Is there any differences in how to access
the database? I assume its just //servername/path or something like that.
Here at work we use an IP address to hit our oracle database, passing to it
the password, login, etc. I am wondering if with various databases each
require a different setup, or if there is some "standard" way to access any
RDBMS, no matter what it long as you have the jdbc2.0 .jar for it.

Last, is there any way that you may know of to fail-over InterBase?


RE: Using development=true

2000-08-30 Thread Kevin Duffey

My understanding is that you need to have

orion-web-app development="true" source-directory="drive:path" ... /

Also, any objects stored in the HttpSession must be implementing
Serializable or you'll have problems.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike Clark
 Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 1:58 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Using "development=true"

 Is anyone successfully using the development="true" option for web
 applications where the web application classes and the non-web
 application classes share the same root directory?

 For example, if you have all your classes rooted in
 d:/projects/com/xyz/, you can point the reloading classloader to this
 directory by adding the following to the global-web-application.xml


 classpath path="file:/d:/projects" /

 The servlet engine will automatically compile and reload servlets (and
 referenced beans) contained within this root directory that have been

 However, if you add the same directory to the application.xml file, as

library path="file:/d:/projects" /

 then the standard (non-reloading) classloader will take precedence over
 the reloading classloader used by the web application, and edited
 servlet files will no longer be reloaded.

 I understand that I could break up my directory hierarchy into two
 separate roots, for example


 and use the d:/projects/apps in the application.xml and the
 d:/projects/web-apps in the global-web-application.xml.  I also
 understand that these apps could be deployed as separate JAR and WAR
 files, but this isn't very convenient in development mode.

 It's common to root all classes in a single directory, so I'm
 interested to hear how others may be tackling this problem.


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

RE: Orion and InterBase

2000-08-28 Thread Kevin Duffey


I have InterBase at home (Used to work for Borland on the C++Builder 4 a free copy of it..which comes with InterBase Server 5.5,
Type IV driver, etc). I want to start creating some "generic" SQL scripts
that will work on all databases. These would be to create a database, create
a table(s), and insert data, search, update, delete, etc. Is it possible to
use InterBase at home, but deploy using IBM DB2, Oracle 8i, or even mysql.
The main reason is I want to set up a way to apply schema changes as needed
to any database in a generic standard way.

So, can I set up my site using InterBase, and easily move the schema to any
other database? IS that what JDBC 2.0 does for you. Not sure what the whole
DataSources if for, and how it applies to various app servers. Also, does
the DataSource stuff that Orion is using work on other app servers, or is it
strictly for Orion to work its connection pooling?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of J.T. Wenting
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:31 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion and InterBase

 it works fine. Just copy interclient.jar to /orion/lib
 I use the following schema-xml:

 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE database-schema PUBLIC "-//Evermind//- Database schema"

 database-schema name="Interbase" not-null="not null" null="default null"
 primary-key="primary key" max-table-name-lenght="30"
   type-mapping type="java.lang.String" name="varchar(255)" /
   type-mapping type="int" name="number(20,0)" /
   type-mapping type="long" name="number(20,0)" /
   type-mapping type="float" name="number(20,5)" /
   type-mapping type="double" name="number(30,0)" /
   type-mapping type="byte" name="number(10,0)" /
   type-mapping type="char" name="char(1)" /
   type-mapping type="short" name="number(10,0)" /
   type-mapping type="boolean" name="number(1,0)" /
   type-mapping type="java.util.Date" name="date" /
   type-mapping type="" name="blob" /

   disallowed-field name="password" /
   disallowed-field name="date" /

 which seems to work. Any improvements are welcome ;)

 Jeroen T Wenting
 ICQ UIN #9191966

 It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine (Michael Stipe)

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of A. Gregory
  Sent: 28 August 2000 15:35
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Orion and InterBase
  Has anyone experienced connecting Orion to InterBase 6.0.  I've been
  successful hooking Orion up to several RDBMS via the
  JDBC-ODBC bridge.  With
  InterBase, the InterClient package provides the connectivity
  and the JDBC
  driver.  My data-sources.xml file looks something like the following:
  data-source name="Default data-source"
  connection-driver="interbase.interclient.Driver" username="user"
  password="password" /
  The interclient.jar file is in my classpath, but I get an
  error when I start
  Orion that it cannot locate the DriverManager
  Any ideas?

RE: Using strut with Orion

2000-08-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

I tell you my post (coming up next) on "getting Orion to work".

I'll place in it my server.xml, application.xml, web-site.xml and other
config files to help those along.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Derek Akers
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 12:38 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Using strut with Orion

 ok, here's a really simple question, so I'm hoping that someone
 will be able
 to help...

 Trying to deploy an application using the method described in Orion-Primer
 (  However, that example does not
 containn any html or jsp pages...  My question is this:  in what
 directory/subdirectory (lib, rel, src) do the html and jsp pages go, and
 what modifications need to be made to server, web,
 ejb-jar and build.xml files to reflect the fact that this application hjas
 an index page and other html and jsp pages?

 derek akers.

How to deploy with Orion..including config files.

2000-08-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi all,

I have seen alot of questions on this list about how to get Orion to run. I
have also seen these on other lists (jsp, struts). So I am going to "paste"
my config files that I have on my local box that runs Orion. These are
strictly my settings..there are probably other ways to get Orion to run., the first step is to setup some sort of "start" script. I created a
.bat file (assuming your in MS Windows) that looks like so:

c:\java\jdk13\jre\java -jar orion.jar -console2

This is saved in the c:\orion dir, (that is where i have orion installed).
Create a short-cut on the desktop to this and your ready to start orion (as
an application..not a service). If your using linux, unix, may have
some different way of doing this. Sorry..I haven't tried doing so on a
different platform yet.

Now, there are a few config files you need to "modify". Like I way
of doing it works, but it may not be the same way some other people have
done it.

Here is the paste of server.xml which resides in /config of orion root.


?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD Orion

library path="../lib" /
rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" /
data-sources path="./data-sources.xml" /
principals path="./principals.xml" /
file path="../log/server.log" /
transaction-config timeout="3" /
global-application name="bm" path="c:\\bm\\" /

global-web-app-config path="global-web-application.xml" /

web-site name="bm" path="./bm_web.xml" /
cluster id="124" /

You'll notice that I deleted some things, and I am also not using the
default-web-site.xml file. I chose to do this myself. So, the
global-application MUST be there. I changed it from default to bm, which is
the initials of the company I work for. I also set the path to a local dir,
instead of inside the orion dir. I prefer this because we are still
evaluating app servers and I don't want to be dependent on a specific dir
under an app server. It also allows me to sort of organize a standard dir
for all of our developers so that its in sync if we copy it from one place
to another. Ofcourse we could do this if it was under the Orion folder as
well..but people may install orion in different drives, paths, etc. This
way, the root is always c:\ and its easily changeable. The rest of the tags,
except the web-site.. tag are part of the original server.xml file. I did
add the cluseter id="124" / to cluster my orion app server with another
box for fail-over. I'll write up on that some other time..I have a few more
things to learn about how Orion does this before I can write up on it.
Lastly, web-site name="bm" path="./bm_web.xml" /..I decided to leave the
web-site config file in the /config is an Orion specific config
file, so it won't move to other app servers if we go to another app server.
You can add more of these web-site.. tags if you like if you have other
web sites to deploy under one instance of Orion.

Now, in c:\bm\ I have a few dirs. I run our internal admin site as well as
our www production site with a single instance of Orion, and to
"standardize" and organize our dirs (as well as preparing it for a .ear
format), I have structured the dir like so:


The application name is BM, as depicted in the server.xml
global-application tag. Its path is c:\bm, and thus a META-INF dir must be
present. In META-INF I have one file, application.xml. This is a J2EE
standard application deployment descriptor. Orion creates 3 other files when
an application is deployed that are specific to Orion. These I'll leave for
you to look at. My application.xml config file looks like so:


?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application 1.2//EN"  ""



The only thing I modified was the display-name tag to put the name of my
application BM in there. I also added two module tags. Please read 

Orion clustering..need some detailed info

2000-08-25 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi Orion team (and fellow enthusiasts):

I have asked this before and didn't get a chance to follow up on it. I have
successfully clustered Orion. But I have a few questions that I really need
answered before I can deploy our site on Orion.

First, while clustering it is unbelievably easy, I would love to have a
little more detail as to the use of the id in server.xml cluster id="xxx"
/..what exactly does this do? Is it really just any random number I enter
for each server? Or is there some special way I should derive this value?

Second, the orion-web.xml cluster-config tag. I see three options.
host="some ip address", id="xxx" and port="xxx". I have a general id. But I
would like a little more detail as to how each is used. I understand that
the host and port are the cluster communication route, but can I change
these values to anything? I know the port needs to be a port that ALL orion
servers in the cluster choose (which means, if I have 10 servers, all 10
have this host value set to the same value). But, is this value internal to
the LAN that all servers are on? So, can I set it to say 1, 10, 1000, etc,
and it works? Or is there a specific range that needs to be considered? I
realize port 80 is for http, 21 is ftp, etc. The host ip that a
random ip as well? Our lan range is from where yyy is 0 to
255 and we own that entire range (lease it I should say). IS the default ok
to use at all times? Or should I change it for any reason (if so..why?)?
Lastly, the id. Is this the same id that the server.xml config id="xxx" /
is set to? Or is there another use for this?

Third, I want to work with two tiers. One for servlets, one for EJB. Each is
a clustered tier. If I want to cluster EJB separate from Servlets (which I
assume is the way to do it), can I just change the port setting on one tier
(so ejb tier has each server pointing to say 9128, where as the servlet tier
is 9127), and the host and id is default value..and it works? Or is their
special considerations to getting two separate tiers clustered, but still
able for the servlet tier to get ejb homes and stuff?

Fourth, I have not tested the cluster with a load-balance, but I have two
servers running, clustered. Each has their own ip address. I hit one ip
address and see the site show up. In the console app of BOTH servers in the
cluster, I see the same session id show up under the app (if anyone reading
this doesn't know what I mean by console orion with java -jar
orion.jar console2. You'll see a swing app show up, and you can expand the
http tree to see web-apps that are deployed. You can then expand each
web-app and a sessions tree shows up. Click on that and you'll see the
sessions that exist under that app, and their data for each session (when
you click on a session on the right pane)). The problem is, if I click on
the "other" machines session, it has the same session key name, but the
session data is something lke @bab20 instead of the actual session data
names. What exactly does this mean? I thought that when two or more servers
were clustered, the same session keys AND data were duplicated on all
machines. That way, if the server that created the session data, and it
died, the other server would retain it so that when the next request came
in...the user would still be "active" on the site. Is this not the case?

Fifth, tied to the above, if two or more servers are clustered and I have a
session alive (shows up on both), then I shut down one servers Orion, the
other one should remain active..right? I still see the session data on the
other one. What I am confused about, and maybe this is because I am not
using a load-balancer yet, is if I hit ip, and the session
data is created there and replicated to server. Then I shut
down the .1 server, and I go hit the .2 server (www access), the session
does not exist for creates a new session over there. So what I am
wondering is, if I shut down one server, when the client hits the ip
(load-balancer) does that client still have an active session? Is the data
saved on both servers? Also, when the server that is down starts up again
(or you add a new server to the cluster), does the data on the existing
server get replicated to the other server that just got added? Or does this
not happen automatically? I thought that if for example one server went
down, the client doesn't lose their session information, and that you can
bring up the server that went down (or add one or more boxes to the cluster)
and they all get automatically replicated to. So if someone can explain
exactly how this works that would be great. Do I need a load-balancer in
order to test this? Is there any way, say using DNS round-robbing or
something, that I can test this? Is there a way to set up one server that
will "ping" two or more clustered servers, and alternate between them
sending them requests, and if one is down it sends all requests to the one
server that is 

RE: Orion clustering..need some detailed info

2000-08-25 Thread Kevin Duffey


Haha..these points I brought up I feel are pretty important ones to the
success of clustering. I was told that Orion's clustering capabilities are
no where near as good as big-name app servers, and I fought hard to disagree
with that. But now I need to see proof. While the argument of replicating
sessions to all servers versus a "buddy" setup like WebLogic and
SilverStream do it (only two servers do object replication, thus making it
faster since the traffic on the network to hit every server on the farm is
reduced, as well as object creation time is reduced, as well as memory
overhead (all systems having to have enough memory for all the servers
objects each) ).  My main need is that when a server goes down, then comes
back up, that it immediately gets replicated the rest of the sessions on the
farm, as well as if we add a new server to the mix. I would think Orion
employs some sort of pinging system to every 15 seconds or so ping on the
port and ip, and every server "broadcasts" on the same port. As soon as it
"hears" the other is replicated to or replicated from (which ever
way it may go). The other thing..ofcourse, is to make sure that if we use a
load-balancer and two servers, and one goes down, that the clients session
stays alive and they don't know what is happening..other than maybe a little
drain if there is a lot of activity.

I am anxiously awaiting the replies on these questions..because I can't
deploy on Orion if it can't do this type of session fail-over and automatic
session replication when servers restart or are added.

On the other hand, at least I am getting the chance to deploy on Orion
now..instead of WebLogic. I almost cried when my boss finally agreed to use
Orion, even if its for a time so that we can evaluate iPlanet and WebLogic.
At least it moves us off of IIS/JRUN 2.3, and into the Servlet 2.2/JSP 1.1
domain, along with the ability to start EJB deployment.

 -Original Message-
 From: Dylan Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 9:59 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Kevin Duffey
 Subject: Re: Orion clustering..need some detailed info

 My, god.. you have expressed every single point that we are also fighting
 with over here =) Orion team... you mentioned earlier that there was
 Cluster-Guide in the works... what's happening with it? What's the status?
 When can we view it? Even a draft??

 My company is very seriously considering Orion as our application
 server in
 a high-traffic situation and part of that decision is based on the
 effectiveness of Orion's clustering... and so far we feel like we're
 floundering a little.

 Dylan Parker

RE: Documentation initiative

2000-08-21 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi Karl,

 I will try to make a list of areas where it would be easy to contribute in
 documentation and in source code and get back to this. Of course
 we are not
 expecting you to get nothing out of this yourself if you
 contribute, so there
 should be some kind of reward connected to contributing. Any ideas?

Yea...two. A sort of "credit" page on the Orion ABOUT boxes or in readme
files. Second, free licenses to Orion. I for example would like to do some
web-sites with Orion, but due to cheap as it is..I myself can't
afford it right now. If maybe you can offer in trade of some work (that you
deem worthwhile), licenses for production use of Orion, that would be good.

RE: Performance

2000-08-21 Thread Kevin Duffey

Its impressive, but that depends on what your testing it with, and what the
test is doing. Is it just a simple JSP page return with static html in
it..or are you hitting the database such as a login process?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cory Adams
 Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 9:33 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Performance

 I don't normally send gifs around but this is only 11 kb.

 It shows the orionconsole (1.2.0).  Check the Hits averages for the last
 minute and hour.

 The machine is  a Pentium III 650 (notebook), Orion 1.2.0,  jdk 1.3 with
 two instances of the test app (each running a separate vm on the box as
 well) hitting a modified HelloWorldServlet that does several small

 Does anybody else think that is impressive performance or not?  I don't
 have much to compare against.



RE: Clustering in Orion

2000-08-18 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: RE: Clustering in Orion

are docs in the /docs folder on orion-web and 

brought up a point though that I am not aware of...I have to manually put in the 
cluster-config / in orion-web.xml. Maybe by putting in distributable 
/ in web.xml, Orion automatically puts in the cluster-config / into 
orion-web.xml. orion-web.xml is created by Orion when the web-app is 

I know 
you generally put in the cluster stuff in server.xml, and since I don't change 
anything in the orion-web.xml..i just use the default, I am now not sure if I am 
supposed to do that manually or not. If I delete it, Oroin regenerates another 
orion-web.xml next time i start it..but it doesn't put in the cluser-config 
/ setting again.

don't you have to do some special programming when using the distributable 
/ in web.xml? Any documentation on what it is you have to do when using 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hani 
  SuleimanSent: Friday, August 18, 2000 8:53 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Clustering in Orion
  I'm somewhat confused here 
  My WEB-INF directory has a web.xml file in it. The docs say 
  that to cluster it, it should have distributable / in it. Now, what's 
  the difference between web.xml and orion-web.xml? Which should my webapp have 
  in its WEB-INF directory? In fact, I've noticed the same kind of difference 
  with applications, with orion-application and application. the non orion- 
  versions of the files are documented, while I can't seem to find docs for the 
  orion- ones...
   -Original Message-  
  Behalf Of Kevin Duffey  Sent: Thursday, August 17, 
  2000 6:16 PM  To: Orion-Interest  Subject: Re: Clustering in Orion  
I have clustered 
  Orion, but there is alot I don't know about  it. I 
  have  learned that Orion does session replication 
  to every server  in the cluster  farm. I have not been able to test it with a load-balancer yet. 
  Anyone  happen to know of a "free" software 
  load-balancer that can be  used to test 
   multiple servers with?  
   Clustering with Orion is easy. You just add a 
  cluster id="x" / to  server.xml on each 
  server in the Orion/config dir. x is equal  to a 
  unique  number on each server.   then you add a cluster-config 
  / to each orion-web.xml in  the WEB-INF 
  dir  of a web app. That should cluster it. 
There are a number of 
  issues I am not sure of however. If you  run orion 
  with  the -console2 option, it brings up a SWING 
  based admin  console, and you can  open the http tree and see the web-apps running, then look at 
   sessions in  each of 
  those apps. When I cluster two servers, and hit one,  the session  data appears in both 
  servers. However, on the server that the  session 
  was  not created on, the values of the objects in 
  the session are  not available.  This confuses me because I figured if I hit the other server 
   that has been  
  replicated to, and passed along the session ID  
  (jsessionid=xxx), that it  would automatically 
  make that session available to me.  However, one 
  of our  engineers mentioned that a session is 
  stored via the ip  address being hit. 
   Thus, even though the session data is saved on two 
  servers,  trying to access  the same session from two different ip addresses won't work. 
   My only dilema  here 
  is..if a server goes down (say the one the session data  was created  on), so only one is left, 
  does that automatically take over?  I can't 
  get  this to work because I don't have a load 
  balancer. I assume using a  load-balancer is easy 
  enough and this would work. Anyone from  the Orion 
  team  care to respond..that would be great if you 
  could explain how  this is done.   Thanks.  
   - Original Message -  From: "Joseph B. Ottinger" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   To: "Orion-Interest" 
  "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 9:55 AM  Subject: Re: Clustering in Orion  
 If I had any 
  information about it, sure. I only have one   
  machine; clustering isn't really an option for me. On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Pedro 
  Garcia Lopez wrote:  Hello Joseph,   
  Congratulation for your 
  interesting site about Orion.My 
  question is about clustering ?
 Do you plan to include some help in this issue 
   Regards,  Pedro 

  ---   Joseph B. 
  HOMES.COM Developer   

RE: Clustering in Orion

2000-08-18 Thread Kevin Duffey

That is a good way to test without a load-balancer. Thanks. However, the
other dilema I have..and maybe you can check this in the short-term with an
email or post here, but when you shut down one server, then restart it, does
the session data in the other running server get replicated back to the
newly added (or restarted) server? If long does it take, does it
require any special settings, etc? I ask because when I restarted my server,
Orion started fine, but even after clicking around the site, I only see the
contents of the server I am hitting changing, and I don't see any new
sessions created on the newly started server. I am concerned that if one
server goes down and then then restarts, then the other one went down, the
sessions end up not getting replicated to save them.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joel Shellman
 Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 5:21 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Clustering in Orion

 Quick and dirty "load balancing" is round robin DNS. I just did a quick
 test the other day and set up two machines with our app. Hit the URL
 once and logged in (keeps object in session). Killed the app on one
 machine and hit reload. I was still logged in on the other machine. I
 got some errors as Netscape didn't choose to look at the other IP (in RR
 DNS you specify multiple IPs for a single domain name) right off. But it
 did show that session failover worked.
 Joel Shellman
 Chief Software Architect
 The virally-driven B2B marketplace for outsourcing projects

 Kevin Duffey wrote:
  I have clustered Orion, but there is alot I don't know about it. I have
  learned that Orion does session replication to every server in
 the cluster
  farm. I have not been able to test it with a load-balancer yet. Anyone
  happen to know of a "free" software load-balancer that can be
 used to test
  multiple servers with?
  Clustering with Orion is easy. You just add a cluster id="x" / to
  server.xml on each server in the Orion/config dir. x is equal
 to a unique
  number on each server.
  then you add a cluster-config / to each orion-web.xml in the
 WEB-INF dir
  of a web app. That should cluster it.
  There are a number of issues I am not sure of however. If you
 run orion with
  the -console2 option, it brings up a SWING based admin console,
 and you can
  open the http tree and see the web-apps running, then look at
 sessions in
  each of those apps. When I cluster two servers, and hit one, the session
  data appears in both servers. However, on the server that the
 session was
  not created on, the values of the objects in the session are
 not available.
  This confuses me because I figured if I hit the other server
 that has been
  replicated to, and passed along the session ID (jsessionid=xxx), that it
  would automatically make that session available to me. However,
 one of our
  engineers mentioned that a session is stored via the ip address
 being hit.
  Thus, even though the session data is saved on two servers,
 trying to access
  the same session from two different ip addresses won't work. My
 only dilema
  here is..if a server goes down (say the one the session data was created
  on), so only one is left, does that automatically take over? I can't get
  this to work because I don't have a load balancer. I assume using a
  load-balancer is easy enough and this would work. Anyone from
 the Orion team
  care to respond..that would be great if you could explain how
 this is done.

Cluster stuff..restart of one server doesn't pick up running servers session data...

2000-08-18 Thread Kevin Duffey


Clustering was a breeze, but when I shut down one server, leaving the other
one up, why is it when the restart is done the newly restarted Orion doesn't
get replicated the sessions any longer? This seems to be a bug to me..when
the server starts up in cluster mode, doesn't it ping the other(s) somehow,
so that the other(s) would then replicate thier session info to the newly
started one? On the same page with this would be if I added more hardware
shouldn't when they come up..they get replicated out to?

My thought here is that if I have say 2 or 3 servers, I may like to update
one of them at a time. So I can bring one down, update it, bring it up, then
do the next one, etc. Ofcourse, I would rather deploy the .war file directly
if that is possible, but I am not sure how that affects existing sessions if
one or more objects in an existing session are part of the code that was


Re: Clustering in Orion

2000-08-17 Thread Kevin Duffey

I have clustered Orion, but there is alot I don't know about it. I have
learned that Orion does session replication to every server in the cluster
farm. I have not been able to test it with a load-balancer yet. Anyone
happen to know of a "free" software load-balancer that can be used to test
multiple servers with?

Clustering with Orion is easy. You just add a cluster id="x" / to
server.xml on each server in the Orion/config dir. x is equal to a unique
number on each server.

then you add a cluster-config / to each orion-web.xml in the WEB-INF dir
of a web app. That should cluster it.

There are a number of issues I am not sure of however. If you run orion with
the -console2 option, it brings up a SWING based admin console, and you can
open the http tree and see the web-apps running, then look at sessions in
each of those apps. When I cluster two servers, and hit one, the session
data appears in both servers. However, on the server that the session was
not created on, the values of the objects in the session are not available.
This confuses me because I figured if I hit the other server that has been
replicated to, and passed along the session ID (jsessionid=xxx), that it
would automatically make that session available to me. However, one of our
engineers mentioned that a session is stored via the ip address being hit.
Thus, even though the session data is saved on two servers, trying to access
the same session from two different ip addresses won't work. My only dilema
here is..if a server goes down (say the one the session data was created
on), so only one is left, does that automatically take over? I can't get
this to work because I don't have a load balancer. I assume using a
load-balancer is easy enough and this would work. Anyone from the Orion team
care to respond..that would be great if you could explain how this is done.


- Original Message -
From: "Joseph B. Ottinger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: Clustering in Orion

 If I had any information about it, sure. I only have one
 machine; clustering isn't really an option for me.

 On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Pedro Garcia Lopez wrote:

  Hello Joseph,
  Congratulation for your interesting site about Orion.
  My question is about clustering ?
  Do you plan to include some help in this issue ?

 Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  HOMES.COM Developer

Setting up a separate tier for servlets and ejbs.

2000-08-16 Thread Kevin Duffey


I am wondering how would you set up two separate tiers, each having their
own farm. One would be for the front-end web server and servlets, while the
other would be for the ejb tier. Each would have a cluster of servers.

The front-end would be for session fail-over (load-balanced somehow). The
middle-tier for ejb, logic, etc.

For orion to do this, do I have to set the server.xml cluster id="" / to
the same value on all servers in the same tier? Or do I set that ID to a
different value for each server in one tier, and then we set the host="" ip
multi-cast address to something different for the two tiers? If the latter
is the case, do I just make up any IP I want (one that doesn't exist in our
LAN ip range) and set each tiers servers to that same ip address?


Session fail-over of multiple contexts in one app?

2000-08-16 Thread Kevin Duffey


Yet another question related to fail-over...sorry for so many. I have Orion
clustered, but I have one app with 4 contexts. I set one context to my root
app c:\apps\bm\www, and the other 3 are set to point at c:\apps\bm\admin.
They are /radio, /tv and /cable paths, all set in the same web-site.xml file
to use the same one application. I am not sure why, but the identical
configuration run on two different systems is not working with fail-over. I
have tried setting the host IP to a specific IP address as well as [ALL],
and neither seems to work. I am using Orion 1.2.0, just incase.


RE: Session fail-over of multiple contexts in one app?

2000-08-16 Thread Kevin Duffey

Ok..figured out how to get that clustered..or so I think. The one thing I am
not sure about..does Orion support the ability to re-establish session
replication to a server that went down and comes back up? I see my various
apps generating the sessions on the clustered computers, but when I shut one
down (and everything does still work), then start that server back up, the
session data is not replicated to it anymore. Even after I click around, its
still not replicated. This causes the one problem that if one server goes
down, then comes back up and the other one goes down..the session data will
still be lost. Is this a bug with Orion? Or is there some waiting period
before the server that stayed running replicates is session data to the
server that restarted?


RE: Orion 1.2.0

2000-08-14 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: Orion 1.2.0

there any changes? I don't see anything different in this console compared to 
what I saw in the previous versions.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hani 
  SuleimanSent: Monday, August 14, 2000 9:40 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Orion 1.2.0
  The consoleall I can say is WOW. 
  Now, where do I start reporting bugs against it?! 

Orion and HttpSession fail-over..again

2000-08-08 Thread Kevin Duffey


Sorry to repost..but I didn't get any replies. I am wondering how Orion
handles session fail-over? Does it replicate each session to all servers on
the cluster? Or does it do like WebLogic and SilverStream where it
replicates the session to only a second server for performance gains? If so,
and the "buddy" dies, does it find another buddy to replicate to (probably
via some pinging between the servers every few seconds to make sure they are
all active still). If the main one dies does the buddy take over as the main
session and try to find another buddy? Mostly this is for the front-end
servlet container fail-over. Also, does it automatically load-balance
between the cluster as well?


RE: Orion hardware?

2000-08-07 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: Orion hardware?


We had 
some disaster problems with IBMs NetFinity racks. We had to send all 5 back at 
various times. The HDs died, the systems overheated, etc. They looked nice in 
principal, but in reality they didn't hold up so well. We now use Dell servers 
which kick ass. IBM generally makes good hardware..but these 4000 racks were 
terrible. I think they didn't alot much space for heating. They are small..only 
1.5 ru's and all.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hani 
  SuleimanSent: Monday, August 07, 2000 3:26 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Orion hardware?
  I've almost convinced my company to go with Orion as our 
  choice of application server (vs Dynamo, which is horrific). Now, the intended 
  hardware is a bunch of IBM servers, dual pentium's with 1gb of ram, with an F5 
  load balancer in front. Has anyone experienced any issues with scalability 
  given this hardware? The main concern voiced against Orion is that it isn't a 
  big reliable company that can be held accountable, so I'm concerned on the 
  level of support available. Has anyone had any negative experience 
  Also, in terms of OS choice, is anyone happily running a high 
  load site under linux? 

HttpSession fail-over and Orion?

2000-08-07 Thread Kevin Duffey

Does anyone know how Orion works in a clustered environment with HttpSession
fail-over? I see that SilverStream AND WebLogic both do a "buddy" type of
system, where the HttpSession of one server is failed-over to a second
server only. If one then tries to find another server to be its
buddy. It does NOT replicate each session out to every machine on the n-tier
which allows for much faster performance (assuming the more computers you
add the slower it would get to replicate to every session on every machine).
So how does Orion do it? Is it a buddy type of system..or does it replicate
out to every server? Also, does it store sessions to the HD (local) or is
that configurable to go to a networked drive (one that is presumably failed
over as well).


RE: ServletSession's and Servlet Reloading

2000-08-07 Thread Kevin Duffey

I am not sure, but in WEB-INF/orion-web.xml, did you make sure the setting
for development is set to true? Also, I think ALL session objects must
implement serializable for this to work. I am having problems too. I don't
know why, but my objects implement serializable and whenever I recompile the
code, Orion tries to reload the app but I get class cast exceptions. I
always have to restart.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 9:12 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: ServletSession's and Servlet Reloading

 Orion 1.1.37 (as well as all other versions as far as I remember) lose the
 Servlet Session whenever a servlet is reloaded.

 Why is this?  Is this an issue with how classloaders are used?  This makes
 working with complex sessions very difficult to test and debug since each
 time I recompile a servlet, I'll lose the session when that servlet is
 reloaded.  Other servers do not destroy the session (Websphere
 for instance)
 when reloading servlets.  Have I missed something or is there a
 setting that
 prevents this from happening?

RE: How do you like Orion?

2000-08-04 Thread Kevin Duffey

Hi there,

Let me explain a few things to you that some others have replied to as well.
My company is a small startup (not mine..the company i work for) and we too
have been for many months talking about various app servers. I started
working with Orion in its .7+ stage..long before we started discussing the
use of an app server. Actually..I started using Orion to hopefully replace
our IIS/JRUN solution which badly sucks! Thats another story. None the less,
we hired a CTO, a knowledgeable businessman with some technical experience
behind him. We decided since we were using Servlets to go with an app
server, instead of something like IIS/MTS (I would have left the company if
we went that direction..I can tell you from experience it is no where near
as scalable as an app server, nor not even close as easy to write code for).
I put up Orion right away, even though it was not released was VERY
stable and much faster than IIS/JRUN (7 times faster on static JSP page
return..and that was not under a load..JRUN would crumble under a load (JRUN
2.3+..not sure about the new 3.0 version) ). It got shot down simply because
our "big boys" felt they were too small of a company to rely on being around
in a couple of years. Despite the fact that I already had our site running
on it (not production..but on my local box) and it was extremely easy to
configure, they put WebLogic, WebSphere and Oracle App Server on the
list..that was it. Even though Orion is several times faster than WebLogic,
we would rather spend $150k on WebLogic (cluster..$15K per cpu per server)
than $10K on Orion to do the same thing..yet better. Go figure. Apparently
here we feel that developers will see that we use WebLogic and want to come
work for us. I tried to explain that what we really want to promote is J2EE
development since if you can develop for J2EE it really doesn't matter much
what app server.

None the less, let me tell you what I think about all of this. I have used
Orion for a while now. I also have used IIS/JRUN, Resin, Weblogic and have
seen SilverStream in action. We have chosen WebLogic (for the reasons I
explained above..and that our board members like to see us using a big-name
app server). However, if your company allows you to, Orion is quite a bit
nicer in many ways. The only thing I like about WebLogic is that it owns
WebGain, which distributes a nice development IDE integrated. Visual Cafe 4
integrates with WebLogic server (right now..more will be added for EJB
deployment, etc). It also works nicely with the DreamWeaver 3 which is JSP
1.1 aware (taglibs, javabean drag/drop, etc). Their StructureBuilder is
integrated, and the EJB deployment into the local copy of WebLogic is
seamless. That is the one thing Orion lacks..which quite frankly I could
care less because it does package simple to use GUI tools for packaging web
apps, ejbs, ears, jars, and deployment of them. Quite frankly, if Forte for
Java would fix a few things to make life a bit easier, I would use that free
tool, along with Orion for all my needs. mySql is a nice database for free
which does the job for the most part. So you can almost set up a full blown
enterprise solution for under $3000.

Anyways..I got a meeting to go to. If you can..go with Orion. I say this
from experience..not because I am promoting the product. Its easy to set up,
easy to use, VERY stable and by far the fastest, along with pretty easy
clustering setup.

Feel free to ask questions.

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