
2001-05-22 Thread dosk

Does anyone on this list know anything about the Pentax PZ-5? (Not the ZX-5,
but the Euro-version-only PZ-5, which was never sold new in the States.) I'm
thinking of getting one, but I do have some questions I'd like to ask first
before I do so.
I'm mostly concerned about the changable options. (Such as spot metering
instead of CWt'ed, rewind film leader out or in, etc...) On the PZ-1(p)
these can easily be changed by the camera owner. But specs for the PZ-5 say
these options there can only be changed by an authorized factory rep. So
what happens if the body I get is not set up with the options I prefer? Who
could change it, as Pentax of America says this is not their camera and they
won't support it? (They won't even supply me with a manual for it; it's as
if for them this camera doesn't exist. Which I find a bit strange...)

Any responses here would be greatly appreciated. I did notice on the Pentax
owners list that one person there owns a PZ-5. If that person is still
around perhaps they could clue me in on this camera. (And, of course, anyone
else who's also knowledgable about it...)

Remember though, it's not the ZX-5, or the ZX-5n.
It's PZ-5.

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Speaking for oneself here....

2001-04-05 Thread dosk

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: Big Bad Bill??

 It is unlikely that you'll get in the last word on this one, Bill.
 (We've been there before.) But please understand that the list bears you
 no ill will.

No, I would certainly hope not. But I'm beginning to bear some ill will
against you, Paul. What's with the "WE'VE been there before..?" Aren't you
the same lovely person who responded to an earlier post of mine (that again
wasn't directed personally to you,) with "Skip excreted..."?
Yes, I think so.
And always you hide behind the cowardly "we", as if you've been elected
spokesman for this group, or have taken an off-list poll of members before
I have responded to you before, privately, on this matter, but since you
chose to ignore it I feel the need to post publicly here, the way you do.
No, not quite the way you do; I'm speaking for myself here, and only for
myself. (I would not be so arrogant as to presume to speak for this list.)
If you don't like what I say, fine! I'm an adult. I will not wither. But if
you are going to post negative and subtly character maligning posts about me
and about subjects you know little or nothing about, then at least have the
courage and the common decency to speak for yourself and not assume the
mantle of power as group "spokesman."
That, my friend, is called scapegoating...!

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Re: State of Science -- OT stuff...Sticking Bill

2001-04-04 Thread dosk

Good advice James. Strictly for others, though?

Subject: Re: State of Science -- OT stuff...Sticking Bill

 Perhaps we should limit idle off-topic chat to direct email, or some other
 means. Likewise with slanderous crap leveled at Bill Visser. My generation
 were brought up to respect people, their feelings etc., so when unsure of
 persons intentions, or more aptly have contracted the Ebay mentality, try

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Re: Trust. (Was;; Re: No Sale, Bill...)

2001-04-04 Thread dosk




- Original Message -
From: "Bill Kane" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: Trust. (Was;; Re: No Sale, Bill...)


Do you have a url for Ken-Mar?  Sounds like I'd love to look them up
and see
 if they have anything I 'need.'


 dosk wrote:

  Fr: Skip
  When I stated I would probably now buy 'used' only from eBay and from
  like KEH and Ken-Mar, I inadvertently left out another very much trusted
  resource. And that, of course, is the regular (and not quite so regular)
  members of this list, with whom I believe I could buy from (and sell to)
  with trust and safety.
  I also, on second thought, feel that I have may have been a little too
  sarcastic with some of my comments as to the seller in that recent
  up transaction, and afterwards, also, to Tom.
  My apologies...
  As far as trusted sales places; Ken-Mar has just returned my $63 Kiron
  that first came with a stuck shutter and so was returned to them. It was
  fixed under the store warranty, no charge, mailing or otherwise, so I
  that is a pretty good deal. I doubt if they made any money at all on
  double transaction, and it was nice to see that they deal in good faith
  I would definitely use them again.
   I would have to say the PDML is a great resource for buyers and
   For long-time list members, we have developed a sort of trust, that is
   backed up by the fact that if a dirty deed is done, our own reputation
   be shot.
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Re: Big Bad Bill??

2001-04-04 Thread dosk

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Visser" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:11 PM
Subject: Big Bad Bill??

 Hi Skip,
 Oh well, I tried but I see that you just don't get it. I quote
 your closing remarks in today's reply as follows, (I have highlighted
 your words that are slanderous - again):
 "IMO the next time you want to deal you should be ABOVE BOARD 
 straightforward about it.  In any case, if you were STRICTLY HONEST
 about the whole thing.."
 If that is not personal slander than you tell me what it is.   Choose
 your words carefully.
 Now please go away Skip, you are wasting my time.
 Sorry to the PDML group, this is the last time you'll hear from me on
 this subject, I promise. But again I am forced to defend myself when
 someone chooses to slander me on this forum.

Fr: Skip
I've already explained to you what I consider not being straight forward
here! (ie; You accepting my offer, then telling me you've ALREADY SOLD THE
GOODS we were negotiating on, but this only AFTER I stated I wanted an
escrow transaction...!? )
 Hey, and now you won't even quote me right... Please don't clip my words
out of context! Below is the entire thing I last said to you... If you want
to consider that slanderous, then it's now become your problem and not mine.
(At least, unlike you, I didn't try to slander all of your decent countrymen
So you want to pout now? Go right ahead "Big Bad Bill..."
I've apologized for my part in this mess. If you want to insist on remaining
the saintly victim here, be my guest.
And good luck. You're quite welcome to your resentments.

"IMO, the next time you want to deal you should be more above board and
straight forward about it. In any case, if you were strictly honest about
the whole thing, (outside of your silent dismissing of my prior offer for
the camera,) then what we have here is a case of mishandled communication on
both our parts.
And for my part in it, I do apologize.

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Re: Big Bad Bill??

2001-04-03 Thread dosk

Replies from Skip

 Att: Skip,
 I am replying to your personal public slander of me, which leaves me
 no option but to reply in the same public forum, although this would not
 be my choice.
 I would prefer to deal with you personally.

Skip:   What does that mean Bill?

 Sorry to bore the rest of the PDML members.  No I am not the bad
 defrauding person that has prompted you to warn others of my
 un-substantiated mis-deeds.
 If your aim was to hurt me or get even for some perceived wrong-doing,
 then you have certainly accomplished your goal.
 The following points give my side of the story:
 1)April 3, you wrote to PDML "The way he dropped from 150 to 115 for
 such a pristine SF1N body so very quickly, and then offered a "wild"
 lens to up the amount again, really put me off...  While it looked like
 a good buy, I was never sure it was authentic"
 -  On Tuesday March 27 I listed the camera body at 150usd (or best
 You told me on Thursday March 29, that you had seen an excellent SF1N
 body for sale on KEH for 133 USD and you offered to pay me 115, I did
 not quickly drop the price but agreed with your price of 115 USD.

Skip:  Isn't that what I said You didn't negoiate at all. I knocked down
the price a considerable amount, and you just said, okay great...

 - This "wild" lens was manufactured in Japan under license from
 Zeiss-Jena back
 in the mid sixties with a pentax mount. As an after-thought I offered
 the Zeiss lens w/UV filter and two replacement lithium batteries to you
 at 105 USD extra.
  -You advised me that you would need to check out the Zeiss lens
 with a friend and you are not sure that you want to purchase it and if
 you buy the complete package then it would have to be an escrow type of
 - That weekend I accepted a local offer for the body w/Zeiss lens
 and on Monday I informed you that the camera and lens are no longer for

Skip:   Bill, you are not as entirely innocent here as you make yourself out
to be. We were negotiating a deal. You had an honest offer of $115 from me
for the camera which you accepted right away, but then later decided that it
was not of any importance whatsoever when you sold the camera without
informing me of what your new other offer was. I might have matched or
bettered it... So tell me, why didn't you even try, if you were not
"offended" by an escrow deal?
Also, the main reason we did not go straight ahead with the original camera
deal was your subsequent throwing in of a lens, (for addl' monies by the
way), that I'd never heard of. Which only served to confuse the matter.

 2) On April 2 you wrote to PDML "I mean after all a brand new SF1N and a
 Zeiss-Jena 28-80 zoom f1.4-5(???) lens (which a knowledgeable person has
 told me that he never knew Zeiss-Jena made a zoom), with a skylight
 filter thrown in too, for only $100.00 more?" and "Just don't go and
 offend this cat by mentioning escrow transactions and you should be ok!
 And his address, given only after being requested, Western Canada, is
 not that big a place, right?  Should be able to track him down easily if
 you should get shafted, right?"
- The camera was not "brand new" and at 115usd I considered it a fair

Skip:  I received the pictures of it AFTER I'd offered the $115. And they
startled me; the camera sure looked brand new to me. And SF1n bodies  in
this nice of a condition are going for $200 (USD) and up, at KEH...

 - A similar Zeiss-Jena zoom lens is presently listed on e-bay at
 85usd therefore I consider the 100usd to be a fair price.
 - I was not offended by being asked to make it an escrow deal.
 - My address was at the bottom of the listing to PDML on Tuesday
 March 27

Skip:  After it was requested by someone else on this list. It says (and I
quote) "Located in Western Canada. Will courier at your expense."
That's a BIG address...

 - No, Western Canada is a fairly big place, about 1/3 the area of
 the USA.
 You must be American, is it true that geography (outside of the USA)
 is not
 a required school subject? (sorry if I offended you, but I find your

 observation about the size of Western Canada quite humourous)

Skip:  Insulting the nationalities of people will not help your cause here.
But I'm glad you found the remark humorous. That's what it was meant to be.
I've seen Western Canada...

 - And then what would you do once you tracked me down, if in fact I
 am the
 bad guy you make me out to be?? (just kidding Skip, pleeease
 don't write
 another slanderous letter to PDML, you scare me)

Skip: Another humorous remark. And I said, myself, also, that IF (IF! IF!)
you were not on the level here, how would anyone ever track you down at the
address given,  "Western Canada"?

 3) On April 2 you wrote to PDML, "Now I'm not saying anything was wrong
 Mr Bill Visser's deal. No. But I'd just thought I'd mention it to other
 PDML members"

 - If there was 

Re: PZ1 grip

2001-04-02 Thread dosk

Does it block the availability of the cable release, without unscrewing and
removing the grip? It looks like this in the photos...

- Original Message -
From: "herbet brasileiro" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:24 AM
Subject: PZ1 grip

 Hi guys,
 I just got an e-mail from Dave. According to him the
 grip would be avalailable in 8 weeks or so. It has a
 vertical release, have a look
 It looks good. I just think that a vertical release
 should have a better grip where you could hold on to
 it more firmly.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
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Re: PZ1 grip

2001-04-02 Thread dosk

Re; New PZ1 battery pack

Fr: Bruce Dayton---
 "Perhaps a better question is how fast can it be removed and put back

I agree.
And also could it be usable as only an AA battery pack? Maybe one could
remove  the new vertical release wire and its plug, or at least tuck it back
inside the bottom pack so the camera's remote terminal would then still be

I wonder how well the PZ1p will operate on AA power alone, instead of the
usual lithium? Has anyone checked this out?

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April Pug Comments; Theriault and Brogden

2001-04-02 Thread dosk


"Yin Yang" by Frank Theriault---

I saw this photo just after my partner got herself a book on the paintings
of Vermeer, and I was immediately struck by the similarities of this double
animal portrait to Vermeer's style. (All rich and dark browns and blacks and
whites.) The subjects are quite relaxed and peaceful, and the overall
impression one gets of the shot is one of serenity. The composition is
centered and frame filling, excellently done IMO. I enjoyed the delicate
contrast of the cats' fur against the smooth and plain background, and I
especially like the way the white and dark edges are soft and blending while
the rest of the portrait is sharp.

Three questions:
1)Was the shot taken with a spotlight or a flash against a black dropcloth,
or was the surrounding area blackened in afterwards on a PC?
2)Is the 55/2 Tak you used considered to be a "soft" lens?
3)Did you crop around the frame to enlarge the center? And if so, how much?

Rating: A well done portrait. Would really enjoy having my own portrait
taken in this style!


"Breaking Out" by Chris Brogden---

Playful shot. The black camera in the center really looks like it's jumping
up and out of line, because of the focus. Also reminds me of a famous WWII
photo I've seen somewhere of fighter planes taking off on a carrier deck...
Must've been fun setting it up? I do think it could use a bit more contrast.
It's not  as "arty" as my personal taste prefers, but I also think it has an
excellent marketing sense about it and would make a good commercial shot (if
more contrasty) for a camera ad. Y'know, like "there's always one that wants
to break out of the crowd...", that sort of thing. I would suggest an
improvement though; I feel that the framing would be better served with
perhaps one inch cropped off of the botto so that only the upper third of
the first camera's lens shows...  This is of course but personal taste, and
I would be curious to see if Chris (and any others) would agree with it?

Two questions:
1)How was photo lit? Lighting looks soft and sepia, like natural available
2)What is a "Dental Eye" lens, and why do you use it?

Rating: A playful shot with commercial potential.


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Re: No Sale, Bill...

2001-04-02 Thread dosk

Hey Tom, if you want I'll give you this guy's email address. Yes?

Maybe there wasn't really anything wrong with this guy's deal. (I did leave
that option open, didn't I? You know, that option you ridiculed with your
self righteousness?)

But maybe you could get a better deal from him.
I mean after all, a brand new SF1n for $115 and a Carl Zeiss-Jena 28-80mm
zoom f1.4 - 5 (???) lens (which a knowledgeable person has told me that he
never knew Carl Zeiss-Jena even made a zoom), with a UV and a skylight
filter thrown in too, for only $100 more?
Hey silly, maybe you might even get an almost new PZ1p from him for $150 or
so? (One never knows, right?)

So you go boy and give it a try. And let me know how it works out will'ya? I
wouldn't mind it at all if you proved everything here was on the up and up.
Not at all. The guy has great prices..!
Just don't go and offend this cat by mentioning escrow transactions and you
should be okay! And his address, given only after being requested, Western
Canada, is not that big a place, right? Should be able to trace him easily
if you should get shafted, right?
(Talk about pains in the ass...)

 dosk wrote:
  A Bill Visser (from "somewhere in Western Canada") came on this list to
  things. Checked him out with some of the long-timers here; they'd not
  of him before, or ever recall him posting anything here before.

 Well that certainly means he's suspect if we've never heard of him.

  He sent me pictures of what looked like a brand spanking new SF1n, then
  dropped his asking price to suit me, very very quickly! Then he offered
  also sell me a "Zeiss-Jena" lens (to fit on the Pentax?)


  and two filters,
  all for only $100 more.

 Could be a reasonable deal, depending on the lens.

  And oh man he was all hot for the deal! Ready to run
  with it, he was!
  Too good to be true, man. I was beginning to think this guy was maybe


 You haven't specified the price of the camera, nor what lens and filters
 he was offering.

  But a funny thing happened along the way; right after I said I'd only
  with him via my using an escrow account, suddenly the camera and
  else was "Sorry; just sold it locally..."
  Now I'm not saying anything was wrong here with Mr Bill Visser's deal.

 Yes. You are. Take responsibility for what you say.

 Maybe he sold it, or maybe he just found you to be a pain in the ass. Or
 maybe he was trying to screw you. I don't know, you haven't really made
 a case for it.

  But I'd just thought I'd mention it to other PDML members...


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Re: No Sale, Bill, again..

2001-04-02 Thread dosk

I don't know now. Maybe I was wrong in reporting my transactions with that
seller the way I did.
It's true, the deal just didn't feel right to me... But I thought I tried to
present what happened in a non-slanderous manner. I was (and am now) not
wanting to hurt anyones reputation. I was trying to warn others about a
possible (and only a possible) danger. Perhaps I could've been fairer?

But I also think it's counter-productive to accuse anyone of being a
possible "pain in the ass", (as someone did here),  just because I wanted to
protect myself and go with an escrow transaction! Hell, I never even knew
anything about escrow transactions until I got some (earlier) good advice
from people here on this list! And I don't think people should be
discouraged from protecting themselves...
Strange world sometimes.

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Re: My switch to APS

2001-04-01 Thread dosk

Ah, I'm not dork enough to fall for that one on April 1st. But nice try...
(If you would've said you wer switching to Polaroid from now on though, now
THAT I could've believed...)

Subject: My switch to APS

 I want to let everyone know that I shall no longer be printing my own
 black and white.  I've been quite impressed with some of the recent
 technological innovations which I have seen lately, and I am now taking
 all of my photos with an APS point and shoot and ISO 400 C-41 film.  The
 level of quality from such an instrument is surprising, at least to
 me.  The grain is very pleasing, and evokes fond memories of shooting
 Kodak's recording film, especially when I enlarge the prints.

 I have already bequeathed the majority of my Pentax equipment to select
 list members, so if you haven't received an e-mail from me about it then
 you can safely assume that I don't much care for you.

 I have no regrets.  I've done a lot of BW work in my life, and now I want
 to devote my remaining days to unravelling the mysteries of APS.  What a
 wonderful format!  And I never have to worry again about misloading film.
 Not to mention the three different picture sizes.  I always had trouble
 figuring out how to crop, burn, dodge, and all those other darkroom
 techniques, and now I don't have to.

 Good riddance to bad 35mm!

 Shel Belinkoff
 There are no rules for good photographs,
 there are only good photographs.

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Re: Can't see the LEDs in Bright Light (ZX-5n)

2001-03-30 Thread dosk

Subject: Re: Can't see the LEDs in Bright Light (ZX-5n)

 Maybe it has to do with lens speed?  A F1.4 lens is going to have a much
 brighter image than a F4 lens, so the brighter image of a faster lens
 be what is washing it out?  I'll have to try the ZX-M and my 50mm F1.4
 on a bright day.

Nah, Tod
I don't think that's it... I also lost my ZX-M's viewfinder LED's using an M
75-150 f4.0 on a bright day. But what about batteries? Do you use lithium or
the AA's?  I use AA's in the Fg add-on pack, and I'm now wondering if they
possibly could produce less internal lighting power than the lithium's?

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An improvement for seeing the LEDs in Bright Light ? (ZX bods)

2001-03-30 Thread dosk

Wow, that is just so much different from my experiences with the ZX-M it's
amazing! Did you buy yours recently? I wonder if Pentax has improved this?,
although I find it unreasonable that they would do so without
announcement... I got mine about 6 months ago from BH...
And you say your display "dims" in dim light? While mine gets more brighter
as the outside light grows dimmer? I think you've got yourself an
exceptional ZX body there! I'm envious

And along these same lines, Pentax has told me that the "M" eyecup,
($14.95), will fit on both the ZX-5n and the ZX-M, and can be ordered
directly from them if I can't obtain it from a local camera shop.  (And
someone here has already posted that this eyepiece has improved their ZX-30
viewfinder's LED visibility...) Anyone interested can email me directly, and
I will provide them with the Pentax ordering information.

Subject: Re: Can't see the LEDs in Bright Light (ZX-5n)

 I just went outside with a 50mm F1.7 lens, and no matter what I pointed it
 at I could still read the LED's.  I use AA batteries.

 Some things I have noticed is that the display automatically dims in dim
 light, and DOF preview shuts the display off.


 At 03:00 PM 3/30/01 -0500, you wrote:
 Subject: Re: Can't see the LEDs in Bright Light (ZX-5n)
  Maybe it has to do with lens speed?  A F1.4 lens is going to have a
  brighter image than a F4 lens, so the brighter image of a faster lens
  be what is washing it out?  I'll have to try the ZX-M and my 50mm F1.4
  on a bright day.
 Nah, Tod
 I don't think that's it... I also lost my ZX-M's viewfinder LED's using
an M
 75-150 f4.0 on a bright day. But what about batteries? Do you use lithium
 the AA's?  I use AA's in the Fg add-on pack, and I'm now wondering if
 possibly could produce less internal lighting power than the lithium's?

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Re: Can't see the LEDs in Bright Light (ZX-5n)

2001-03-29 Thread dosk

Same thing with the ZX-M. Viewfinder LED's just disappear in bright light.
Damn dumb engineering is right!

- Original Message -
From: "Alexandre A. P. Suaide" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: Can't see the LEDs in Bright Light (ZX-5n)

 I have the same problem I think it is just dumb engineering
 What I do, sometimes, is press ML button and put my hand in front
 of the lens, than I can see the LCD in the viewfinder (it is also
 a dumb solution, but...)


  Is it just my eyes, or do other people find that it's almost impossible
  see the LEDs in the viewfinder of a ZX-5n when shooting outdoors in
  light? Most of the time I end up guessing what it says. Do I need a
  cloth over my head like a view-camera photographer? Or are my batteries
  starting to fade? Or is this just dumb engineering?
  J. John Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.
  Department of Immunology, B-184
  University of Colorado Medical School
  Denver, CO 80262, USA
  phone: +1 303 315-8898
  fax:  +1 303 315-5967
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 Alexandre A. P. Suaide, Ph.D.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Physics Department
 University of Sao Paulo - BrazilPhone: 1-313-577-5419
 Wayne State University - MI -USAICQ number: 78139605
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PZ-20 vs SF1n?..

2001-03-29 Thread dosk

Which autofocus in general would be considered better? The no-servo,
predictive kind found in the PZ-20, or the continuous/servo, no-predictive
type, as found in the SF1  cameras?
And yes I do know that one can get both options, together, in the PZ-1
cameras, but the PZ-1(p?) is a treat I'm saving for myself for sometime in
the future. (I don't like to leap to the top right away. For me,
experimenting with the intermediate stuff for a while would be more fun!)

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Re: Can't see the LEDs in Bright Light (ZX-5n)

2001-03-29 Thread dosk

You haven't? You must have some special ZX-M then. I have the "M" (and I
like it too), but on a bright sunny day my viewfinder's LEDs all but

 I have never had this problem with the ZX-M.  I don't know why the ZX-5n


 At 08:59 PM 3/29/01 -0500, you wrote:
 Hi John,
 You wrote:
 Is it just my eyes, or do other people find that it's almost impossible
 see the LEDs in the viewfinder of a ZX-5n when shooting outdoors in
 light? Most of the time I end up guessing what it says. Do I need a black
 cloth over my head like a view-camera photographer? Or are my batteries
 starting to fade? Or is this just dumb engineering?
 My comment:
 This has been a major complaint of mine for years with this camera.  I've
 also heard others mention it, and seen it referred to in print in
 Photography.   IMO, it's an oversight that Pentax did not consider in the
 cookie-cutter ZX bodies.

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Re: They ARE out to get me

2001-03-28 Thread dosk

Where there any cows in the area?

Subject: OT: They ARE out to get me

 OK.  That does it.

 I got a 5 gallon propane bottle filled at a hardware store last night on
 way home from work.  Anyway, I went inside to pay and came out 5 minutes
 later. I was parked just next to the propane tank.  I opened the door on
 Montero and smelled a strong gas smell, thinking it was the main propane
 tank.  I dismissed it and was just about to turn the ignition key when I
 heard a hissing sound coming from the back compartment.  I stopped in my
 tracks and went around and opened the rear hatch.  The propane was venting
 and the valve had been left open about  quarter turn!

 I let the vehicle air out for 5 minutes.  The attendant wished me a nice
 and got on his walkie-talkie.

 From here on out I'm reformed, I promise.

 Can anyone recommend a good insurance salesman?

 Tom C.

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Good News! (Oil?)

2001-03-27 Thread dosk

GOOD NEWS arrived yesterday via old Ma Bell... Seems the Kiron 24/2 k-mount
I returned to Ken-Mar Cameras (LI, NYC) can be repaired, and Ken, the man
himself, says his tech will do this thing and I should expect the lens's
return shortly!
Yay!! My $69.00 WA is coming home! (And it will earn it's keep too; I have
all kinds of shots lined up and waiting patiently for it...)
Ken, the man himself, says the problem was "oil on the shutter blades."

So, what's "oil on the shutter blades" mean anyway? I've heard this phrase
before, but why is there oil inside a lens in the first place? Is it needed?
How does it get in there?
(Is it 10W???)

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Re: Your all time favourite lens....

2001-03-26 Thread dosk

Zoom:   The 75-150/f4 M.
Sharp, very versatile, compact, not overly heavy, nice feel to it. Great
daylight lens... Built in hood allows almost no flare ever. Easy to zoom and
focus with one touch. It's not a macro, but 150mm at 24" sure looks close
enough to it. (And it cost me $53!?)

Prime:FA 50/1.4
Very sharp, nice color representation. Quick and easy to focus manually.
It's not cheap, but not bad either at $200. And it just about abolishes
flash! Best in the world, maybe, for natural light at night...

(Actually this was not a very hard question for me to answer, as these are
(currently) my only two lenses...)


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Help with a favorite lens?

2001-03-26 Thread dosk

My favorite zoom is my 75-150/f4 M. Good range for close-up work, and the
one touch manual focusing zoom action is very smooth.
But I'm wondering if sometimes it isn't a little too smooth, as every once
in a while the focal length moves by itself slightly, and I have to readjust
it. (If I don't like the new view the lens has picked for me...)
This doesn't happen all of the time and so is, to me, only a minor nuisance.
But I am wondering whether this is a typical occurance with such older one
touch zooms, or whether mine needs some work?

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Re: Help with a favorite lens?

2001-03-26 Thread dosk

Thanks Bill, but I think I'm probably going to have to live with the
automatic focal length selector. At least on this lens. The M75-150/4  must
be quite different from the A70-210/4, as there's not a bit of rubber on the
M anywhere...

 Skip wrote:
 Every once in a while the focal length moves by itself slightly,
 and I have to readjust it. (If I don't like the new view the lens has
 picked for me...)  

 Of course, this is the automatic focal length selection feature!  :-)
 Seriously, I had the same problem on an A70-210/4 that I picked up
 This is also a one-touch zoom, and it's one heavy bugger -- about a third
 again as long and half again as heavy as the M75-150/4.  Assuming the
 of your zoom is built like mine, you should be able to fix it in the
 following fashion.  Roll up the rubber sleeve around the barrel (the
 closest to the camera body, if I remember) and find a small screw securing
 plastic (nylon?) washer.  This washer rides in a groove milled into the
 outer surface of the lens barrel.  You may even want to replace the washer
 if you can find one the right size.  Tighten the screw to get the desired
 resistance to barrel sliding, then roll the sleeve back down to its

 Hope this helps.

 Bill Peifer
 Rochester, NY

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Re: Help with a favorite lens?

2001-03-26 Thread dosk

- Original Message -
From: "Peifer, William [OCDUS]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: Help with a favorite lens?

 Skip wrote:
 Every once in a while the focal length moves by itself slightly,
 and I have to readjust it. (If I don't like the new view the lens has
 picked for me...)  This doesn't happen all of the time and so is,
 to me, only a minor nuisance.  But I am wondering whether this
 is a typical occurance with such older one touch zooms, or
 whether mine needs some work?

 Hi Skip,

 Of course, this is the automatic focal length selection feature!  :-)
 Seriously, I had the same problem on an A70-210/4 that I picked up
 This is also a one-touch zoom, and it's one heavy bugger -- about a third
 again as long and half again as heavy as the M75-150/4.  Assuming the
 of your zoom is built like mine, you should be able to fix it in the
 following fashion.  Roll up the rubber sleeve around the barrel (the
 closest to the camera body, if I remember) and find a small screw securing
 plastic (nylon?) washer.  This washer rides in a groove milled into the
 outer surface of the lens barrel.  You may even want to replace the washer
 if you can find one the right size.  Tighten the screw to get the desired
 resistance to barrel sliding, then roll the sleeve back down to its

 Hope this helps.

 Bill Peifer
 Rochester, NY

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PZ-20 Info request.....

2001-03-26 Thread dosk

I was going to buy an SF-1(n), but a nice person on this list (and there are
a few) suggested that I look into the PZ-20 first, saying also that it was
"like a smaller PZ-1".
I have looked at it, and I like it...

But I have one reservation. I've learned to use and like the memory lock
feature on my ZX-M. Mostly because the 2 segment AE metering on the ZX-M is
really not all that good when there's lots of shadow contrast... (The center
weighted metering, available with "M" lenses, is much better IMO). So I've
learned to meter FA lenses by aiming a bit into the dark side, then memory
locking, then re-framing. Works very well...

But the PZ-20, at least on Boz's site, does not show as having any memory
lock option? This might be okay with the 6 segment metering that's available
on this camera, but what happens with it's spot metering? If you want to
reframe the picture after spot metering, how do you lock the AE settings? Do
you have to set and lock them completely manually, or is there perhaps some
trick here with the Hyper Manual option that I don't know about, that might
take care of this..?

Also, is the PZ-20's AF similar to the PZ-1's? (ie; one center focus spot,
and continuous AF with predictive at end when set on servo, and an AF lock
when the shutter release is 1/2 down, when set on single?

Thanks for any and all assistance here,

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LX Watch......

2001-03-26 Thread dosk

Spotted. Two LX's for sale, both $400. Also two LX winders...
At:   www.kenmarcamera.com 


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Fw: LX Watch......

2001-03-26 Thread dosk

Subject: LX Watch..

Actually that should read, both $400.

 Spotted. Two LX's for sale, both $400. Also two LX winders...
 At:   www.kenmarcamera.com 

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Re: OT:Definitely a horror tale...

2001-03-24 Thread dosk

Yep, "top of the food chain" would be an apt description for you.  I'd be
careful where I went swimming though; there might be a few sharks who would
contest that claim of yours. They might like to see just how fast you could
"claw your way to the top..."
But seriously though, (if you have a good gag reflex) you should take your
little camera and go to Dodge City Kansas and do a photo essay on the
feeding pens... You could label it, "Why I'm A Real Man And Don't Eat
Broccoli". Or maybe, "Why I'm Proud To Be A Superior Being..."
But be sure and bring a bandanna or something for the stench. Oh, and some
kind of bug spray too. There's lots of flies... (And they aren't scared away
by all those added artificial hormones the cows are fed...)

- Original Message -
From: "Bob Blakely" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: OT:Definitely a horror tale...

 I love it! Keeps the quality of the beef up (controlled moo-vement and
fattening feed)
 while keeping the price down with smaller land requirements. I do love my
beef tender!
 Good management - I'll have to buy more stock. Later this year, I'll be
going up north
 with my M1A to shoot Bambie. He'll be tasty to, and besides, Papa needs a
new pair of
 gloves! Perhaps I'll bring pics. I'd mount a camera to the rifle, but the
lenses can't
 take the recoil.

 My species didn't claw it's way to the top of the food chain through
millions of years of
 evolution to eat only bushes!

 I can't wait for barbeque time. Make mine medium rare please!

 Your village called. They're missing their idiot.

 From: "dosk" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  To all those big shot "investors" and "cattlemen" who are so anxious to
  protect McDonald's integrity:
  I've been not serious here on this matter before, but I'm getting real
  and tired of all you McDonald's cowboys!
  Have you ever been to Dodge City? Well I have. Hundreds of thousands
  (perhaps millions) of head of "prime" cows confined to endless row upon
  of feeding pens so tiny the poor beasts can only stand upright in their
  excrement. Huge earth mover dump trucks arrive constantly with tons of
  grain to fatten these confined creatures for the slaughter house. (The
  amount of grain forced into these poor animals could feed all of the
  poorest nations if used in better ways...)
  The animals' cries are constant and heartbreaking, and the stench rising
  from the entire area is absolutely nauseating!
  (And I won't even mention here what the slaughterhouses are like...)
  You're proud of your investment in this system? In McDonalds? You want
  defend it? I think you should all go away and hang your heads in shame
  perpetuating such an atrocity...!

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Re: OT:Definitely a horror tale...

2001-03-24 Thread dosk

- Original Message -
From: "Doug Brewer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: OT:Definitely a horror tale...

 I've been to Dodge City, seen the pens, shooed the flies. I've also worked
in a chicken processing plant and a pickle plant, and worked in restaurants
and specialty food warehouses. All of these things have something in common.
What do you think it is?

 Not a damn one of them belongs on a Pentax discussion list.


Neither does threatening to "report people" to (of all things!) a
corporation, for what is said here to one another! What kind of fink would
even think of doing something like that? This is still a free WWW, isn't it?
And in a free speech country? (Isn't it...??)
And what's the "OT" here for, anyway?
But okay, I'll drop it, you're probably right. It is probably straying too
far off topic now.

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OT:End of Definitely a horror tale...

2001-03-24 Thread dosk

 It never ceases to amaze me that zealots think the truth
 will change folks minds. Folks know the truth, and still barbecue
 (Got some great barbecue picks too!) Hell, I know what's in a hot dog and
 had several yesterday!

You're right there. Repetitive lying is a much more effective way to mold
people's minds.  And it's being done to us so intensely and frequently by
the big corporations in this world that it's getting harder and harder to
see the reality of our lives underneath all of the bullshit...
But sometimes telling a little of what you see as an alternate, different
kind of truth, helps. Maybe not right away, and maybe not for everyone. But
sometimes some people, in their own time, begin to open their eyes and look
around and then maybe make up their own minds for themselves...
And maybe I am a zealot for a little truth saying now and then. So what? You
don't seem to mind preaching your truths at us either, though you disguise
it under the cover of sarcasm...
But I mean you no personal ill will. And good luck with your beef eating
habits. (Remember James Gardner...?)
EOT for me.
Back to the cameras!

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Re: SF7/SF10 manual

2001-03-21 Thread dosk

Check out the Pentax USA Co.'s website. At their request-for-literature page
they have a 1-800 number to call and order manuals for almost all of their
cameras. They're only $4.00 ea, and they mail them out quickly.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:17 AM
Subject: SF7/SF10 manual

 Where could I find an user manual (from web site or hardcopy) for


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Three Guys With Cameras....

2001-03-19 Thread dosk

Bush, Chaney, and Clinton were walking to OZ on the yellow brick road.
(They were also taking pixtures of the surrounding scenery with their
cameras, which is why this posting is on-topic. Chaney and Bill were using
Pentax PZ1p's, but George had to use a Minolta QTSD...)
They talk-
Bush says, Oh, if I only had a brain
Chaney says, I need a new heart. I'm gonna' ask the Wiz for a heart!
Clinton says, H, -I wonder where Dorothy is...?

Oh well.

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Re: O.T, Rolling blackout in Ca.

2001-03-19 Thread dosk

 . I have a PC operating on
  Windows ME. I'd like to ask members of the list who are more
 knowlegable if
  there is any precaution I can undertake to prevent problems
 that may arise,
  if and when power goes off. .

Good advice from William here..

 Turn your computer off when you are not using it. Nothing bad
 can happen when it is shut down. Windoze works best (I know,
 thats an oxymoron) with frequent reboots anyway. If you are not
 certain of the stability of the power, save files that are open
 and being modified frequently.
 If the power goes off during the day, go for a walk, if at
 night, make love to your wife.
 Always remember, the computer is the enemy. They are vampires of
 William Robb

It's happened to me a few times with Win98. If Bill Gate's boys have not
totally screwed up Windows ME, then generally the worst that will happen is
you lose the latest update of the current file you have open and are working
on. (Which is why it is wise to have frequent "saves" of these files as you
go along.) Then, when the PC comes back on, you get scolded by B. Gates and
Co. for not closing Windows properly, and then the blue screen ScanDisk
maintainence routine runs as the PC boots up. Almost always there is no
serious damage. (At least this is the way it is with Win98, anyway...)

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Re: Worth a Look

2001-03-18 Thread dosk

The Pentax collection is now being readied for sale at Wal-Mart.

(Just kidding, just kidding...  ;}

It's nice tho, how all those cute little Leicas all had all those cute
little babies in all their own cute little boxes
And just think, almost all 21 of them have never had their cute little
shutters fired for them.
(Poor guys.)


 Geez, where is the great Pentax collection? Looks like Leica has all
 the neat commemoratives.

 Bid now - only $50,599.00 and counting.

 Happy Trails,
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Re: ZX-5N vs. PZ1 vs. PZ1p vs. lousy AF???

2001-03-18 Thread dosk

And I too apologize Chris, for snapping at you in return. I have this thing
about criticism from experts that I need to work on, I guess.

But your expertise in the matters that I and some others have been asking
about is much appreciated by me also


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Another one about (Pentax) AF?

2001-03-18 Thread dosk

Okay. Two cameras.
(Both Pentax)

One has lock-on 3-point AF and also spot AF, and each of these (selectable)
options also uses an automatic "predictive" focus change that operates when
the shutter is fully depressed, but this also operates only whenever the
camera chooses to use it.
This camera also has no continuous, or servo, mode.
(Guess which camera?)
(ZX5n, maybe?)

Another camera. This one also has AF, but has no "predictive" automation
whatsoever. However, it does have a servo AF mode that focuses continuously
in order to stay on a moving subject. But of course no "predictive" stuff
kicks in at the last second when the shutter is fully depressed, so you get
only the last view the servo AF focuses on...
(Guess which camera?)
How about the older SFX/SF1 camera?

Now here's the tricky part; forgetting about which may be the best
all-around camera here, which one of these two cameras, IYO, would you
consider as best for capturing fast moving objects?
And if the ZX5n is better, would you still consider the SFX to be a good AF
camera for the purpose? (It doesn't have to be the cream of the crop here.
Just, maybe, good?)

Reason I'm asking is that these SFX and SFXn cameras can now be bought (in
"excellent" condition,) for a song (almost) from KEH...
IY(esteemed)O's, would it be worth it for me to get one (for around $95 to
$133,) just to play around with the AF while I'm waiting for the next best
(camera) thing to come into my life?
So. Another round.

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Re: ZX-5N vs. PZ1 vs. PZ1p vs. lousy AF???

2001-03-18 Thread dosk

 So the MZ-5n will use predictive AF in single-shot mode, but the Z-1p
 won't.  Interesting.  I guess that's due to the relative age of the two
 cameras, since I can't think of any other reason to leave it off the
 Z-1p.  Still pretty odd.

Sort of a kind of focus lock here, maybe? If it is available in continuous
mode, maybe they figured why add it to the single mode too. Let the single
mode stay locked on the last view without the camera adjusting it...?

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Re: SMC A-50mm f1.4 vs FA 50mm f1.4

2001-03-18 Thread dosk

If the used f1.4/50mm A's are now up to $100, it might be worth your dough
now to buy new. A new FA 1.4/50 can be bought currently for about $179 (less
shipping) from both KEH and BH, and Adorama might even be a few bucks
And of course, the FA 1.7/50 goes new for somewhere around $80, which is
gotta' be the best new lens bargain available anywhere!

- Original Message -
From: "Dan Scott" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: SMC A-50mm f1.4 vs FA 50mm f1.4

  Any difference in picture quality between these 2? A
  brand new FA 50mm f1.4 cost US$250 where I stayed, and
  over at eBay a used SMC A-50mm f1.4 can be bought for
  US$50 + US$40 shipping. I'm tempted to go for the
  2nd-hand one at eBay. What do you think?
 Very hard now to find the 50mm 1.4 A lens for
 only $50. They now easily reach $100 on ebay.

 Yep. I'd love to find an  A 50/1.4  for $50. I did find a very nice A
 50/1.7 for $53 on eBay, and an A 50/2.0 for $21, though.

 Dan Scott (another rainy weekend :-(

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Re: Worth a Look

2001-03-18 Thread dosk

 a mere bagatelle! At a Leica specialists in London last year there was
 a Leica formerly owned by Secchiarolo (sp?) the 'original paparazzo'.
 It was on sale for, iirc, GBP60,000- (sixty thousand). That's close
 to one hundred thousand US dollars. For one camera.

 It was on the store's website for a while, but the store and the
 website have now closed following the death of the owner.

Who died from prolonged holding of breath...

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Re: ZX-5N vs. PZ1 vs. PZ1p vs. lousy AF???

2001-03-17 Thread dosk


Well lessee now The ZX5n has only predictive AF, while the PZ1 and PZ1p
have continuous AF, AND predictive AF...!!
Izzat right?
So that means I would like the AF options on the PZ's much better, because
all else being equal, it should be far easier for me to capture my sports
loving grandchildren at their (hard driving) play with the PZ1's than with
the ZX/MZ's. (Even though there's more to photography than capturing fast
moving targets, as some of you have been so kind as to remind me of this
great mountain top secret...)
But I like the shape and feel and look of the ZX/MZ cameras better.
So when does this stupid MZ-S camera come out in the USA anyway? What is
Pentax  waiting for, an engraved invitation?

(BTW, I just recently got a web look at some of the publicity and hoopla
that accompanied Pentax's last great triumphful door busting release, the
MZ5. And this publicity release stated that the camera was going to list in
the USA for $800-$900, and would probably sell discounted for around $600.)
(Sound familiar to anyone?)


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Re: ZX-5N AF again (was Re: ZX-5n - Good price at BH photo: A Question to All....)

2001-03-16 Thread dosk

Re: Pentax ZX-5n AF performance.. I would like to hear some more on this
matter too! (On  the various AF capabilities and comparisons of both the
PZ1[p] and
ZX-5n. Forget the MZ-S; at its projected price that's just not realistic for
me at all...)

I don't understand what you're saying here Ed, about the ZX-5n. Isn't
locking on a subject and staying focused with it exactly what is supposed to
happen in the Spot Focus mode?
And what happens then when you switch over to the Six Segment AF mode?
And what do you mean by "no continuous focus mode"? Doesn't this camera have
something called Predictive AF, which is supposed to be one step ahead of a
moving object[s] in order to keep in focus??

Can you please explain more? Are you using all of the AF modes, or maybe
just sticking with one?
Or does this camera simply not really do what's claimed for it?
(Seriously considering buying one myself... A new ZX-5n goes for $280USD
right now. And a new MZ-S, hey for $800-900USD??  Not in my budget, friends.
Not even close!)

Plus, if you look at the Pentax AF codes, the PZ1[p] uses something called
Safox 1, while the ZX-5n uses Safox IV. Are you saying Pentax's AF systems
have gotten worse as they've updated them???


 Ed Matthews Wrote:
 :I don't find the ZX5N auto focus particularly well suited to moving
 :It has no continuous focus mode, and will lock on and stay focused sooner
 than you like.
 :I'd either wait for the MZ-S or maybe even try a PZ1-P.

 Not what I want to hear ;) I thought the PZ1p got a bad rap for it's "out
 date unPROfessional AF" If this is not the case and other would like
 chime in, please reassure me The way people sometimes talk, the ZX5n's
 AF is better.

 Douglas E Harmon

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Re: pic o' the day

2001-03-16 Thread dosk

How come she only has 4 toes?
Good shot though. Nice texture and grain...

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: ot: pic o' the day

 FA 20-35/4, Tri-X
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Re: ZX-5N AF

2001-03-16 Thread dosk

Hey Eric, what makes you think you could get better answers (or for that
matter, any answers at all) from a dealer? There are so many cameras out
there, many sales people have absolutely no idea at all as to how particular
cameras work. Here, at the PDML, is exactly the place to learn about such
things! (And no, I don't know the answers to your questions either. But I'm
waiting to see what we both get...)

- Original Message -
From: "Eric Lawton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: ZX-5N AF

 Can someone explain how the autofocus works on a ZX-5n.  When you turn the
 camera on (and you are in the AF mode) is the autofocus active?  Does
 pressing the shutter slightly lock the focus so you can recompose without
 the camera focusing on something else? Sorry to ask such basic questions.
 have no dealer nearby to check these things out myself.  How does the wide
 sensor choose what to focus on?  Does it choose the nearest subject in the
 focus zone?


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Re: Tennessee Aquarium

2001-03-16 Thread dosk

Rubber hood method only for flash? No. Absolutely not. You can of course use
this method quite effectively with flash, but I mostly use it without flash,
to prevent reflections in the glass barrier I'm shooting thru...
What would you do, press a lens or a hard hood against the glass of the
exhibit, and risk scratching and sliding?
Or are you planning to stand back away a bit from the exhibit glass? This
works too, but it depends on the way the room is lit. If it's dark all
around you and the exhibit is lit brightly, fine! You'll be okay. But if the
room around and behind you is well lighted, you might well get mucho
reflections in the exhibit glass...
What could possibly be your objections to the rubber hood method? (If the
aquarium will allow you to get that close...)

- Original Message -
From: "Provencher, Paul M." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: Tennessee Aquarium

 Well, that's if you want the flash lighting effect...


 -Original Message-----
 From: dosk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 5:19 PM
 Subject: Re: Tennessee Aquarium

 $5.00 rubber hood, pressed right up against the glass. (If they'll allow
 it...) Cuts out all glare and side light interference. Works like magic on
 museum glass and store fronts and windows also

 - Original Message -
 From: "Provencher, Paul M." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 3:10 PM
 Subject: RE: Tennessee Aquarium

  I have not been to Tenn.  But if it is like Baltimore and Boston, you
  pretty much forget about using flash - everything is behind glass.  You
  might want to contact the aquarium for their rules and regs regarding
  photography.  You can probably use a monopod but not a tripod.  I would
  suggest some fast film for the indoor exhibits and a moderate telephoto
  zoom for anything happening outside.  Since the fish in tanks will not
  the frame (in most cases) you will need to set exposure using a reading
  just the fish, or under expose some to compensate.  You can get some
  shots if you try!
  Paul M. Provencher
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Re: Zenit SLRs?

2001-03-16 Thread dosk

Subject: Re: Zenit SLRs?

Damn thing looks just like a MZ-S.. (How much did you say it was?)

 The one in the auction is a new style, or atleast it looks newer.  It's
 also a K-mount too, and the lens is the only K-mount 58mm I can think of.
 58mm (along with 55mm) used to be popular focal lengths but now it seems
 hardly anyone makes them anymore, and I don't have any idea why.

 Oh, BTW here is an auction for what appears to be the same camera, but M42
 mount.  Probably about the only M42 camera you can buy new nowadays:


 Here's the auction:

 New style or old.  I had a Moscow Olympics commerative edition of a Zenit
 with an Industar lens.  kinda klunky but everything worked and it does
 M42 lenses if that is your objective.  BTW the Industar was a pretty
 lens itself.  The new ones are a bit more modern and I don't know anything
 about them except they are still fully manual.  For not alot of money and
 you need a M42 body it could be fun.

 Jerry in Houston

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Re: Never to be found on ebay

2001-03-16 Thread dosk

And one could always use it for a portable chair when one got tired of
carrying it around. And also cook in it

- Original Message -
From: "David P. Chernicoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:39 PM
Subject: Never to be found on ebay

 and I can't be this enabled:



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Re: Tennessee Aquarium

2001-03-15 Thread dosk

$5.00 rubber hood, pressed right up against the glass. (If they'll allow
it...) Cuts out all glare and side light interference. Works like magic on
museum glass and store fronts and windows also

- Original Message -
From: "Provencher, Paul M." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 3:10 PM
Subject: RE: Tennessee Aquarium

 I have not been to Tenn.  But if it is like Baltimore and Boston, you can
 pretty much forget about using flash - everything is behind glass.  You
 might want to contact the aquarium for their rules and regs regarding
 photography.  You can probably use a monopod but not a tripod.  I would
 suggest some fast film for the indoor exhibits and a moderate telephoto or
 zoom for anything happening outside.  Since the fish in tanks will not
 the frame (in most cases) you will need to set exposure using a reading
 just the fish, or under expose some to compensate.  You can get some great
 shots if you try!

 Paul M. Provencher
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Re: Battery drain :(was: Best shot you _know_ you missed - What do you shoot)

2001-03-14 Thread dosk

Ah, but what electronic circuits are you talking about keeping energized all
the time? I doubt anything is energized in the ZX-M except the LCD (which
probably draws as much power as a digital watch), because the meter on the
body does not come on until the shutter is pressed half way down...
What other circuits are there? I doubt that the winder motor is activated
either; at least not until the shutter is fired. (Why would it be?)
Would good shutter readiness require a constantly energized circuit when the
camera is set to "on"?
(And if so, isn't that just the very reason to leave the camera "on"? And
how much power would this draw? -I'm asking here, not being contentious..,)

I've left the ZX-M on (accidentally) for days at a time in my camera bag,
and it's been up for 3-4 months now with no ill effects.
But of course it has no flash, and I use the FG 4/AA's battery pack, so
those things have to be considered also. But I would bet that this camera's
power, with its switch left on, should easily last as long as a single AA
battery powered clock on a wall...
Anyway, I'm not really talking about keeping the switch on ALL the time!
(Keeping it on in the bag was a mistake, of course...) But if I were at a
sporting event, say a basketball game I was shooting, I most certainly would
keep the camera on constantly whilst it was hanging around my neck!
(And would probably miss my best shot anyway, while changing rolls...)

 On the ZX-10, the autofocus does not work until the shutter release is
 depressed to the first detent (probably the same point where the meter
 energizes on the ZX-M.)  So I would think the battery drain would be the
 same or similar as on your camera.  But I think you underestimate the
 on the battery.  Even though the camera is basically idle, I would think
 keeping all the electronic circuits energized would drain the battery
 rather quickly.  This is the case with all other electronic equipment.

 I know when I first changed to K-mounts, when the MESuper was first
 released, that I accidentally left the battery switch in the on position
 several times.  I was used to my Spotmatics turning the battery switch off
 after making the exposure.  For several months all I did was complain
 the life of the batteries in the MESuper, and use the "sunny 16" rule
 I realized that I needed to ensure that the selector switch was in the
 "Lock" or Off position.  After making a conscious effort to do this my
 batteries would last several months instead of a couple of weeks, while
 shooting several rolls per week.  I don't think the ZX/MZ series of
 have the option of even one mechanical shutter speed.

 We've all missed photos where the camera wasn't turned on, or there was no
 film in the camera, or we had the wrong lens, wrong film, no flash, and
 especially no camera.  My experience indicates that leaving the power on
 not the solution on a camera that needs batteries to operate the shutter.


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Re: FA 50mm f/1.4

2001-03-12 Thread dosk

Yes. Although the DOF, [the part of the picture available just in front of,
or just behind, the focused upon subject] is greatly limited as far as what
one can include in a close-up f1.4 shot.
But this is true with every fast, wide open lens...
And at least the FA 50/1.4 focuses sharp as a tack [at every aperture, tho
some better than others, naturally] on whatever subject matter is included.
And can do so w/o flash, and in very dim light!
I have it, and it always goes wherever my SLR goes...
A must for outdoor night scenes, and interiors in available light!
A fantastic lens!

Subject: FA 50mm f/1.4


 I've read many good comments about this lens. Does it
 perform well in the entire range of aperture settings,
 particular wide open at f/1.4?


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My on-going education here....

2001-03-10 Thread dosk

I find it simply amazing what I can learn here on this list!
Thanks, knowledgeable people!

And having buttered you up thusly, a few more questions. Okay?
(I'm starting to feel like a pest...)

1]  A Tamron Adaptall mount is required to mount certain Tamron lenses (like
the 24mm f2.5 MF) to a Pentax k-mount.
But then, what's a ka-mount?
And which do I need for a Tamron Adaptall to a Pentax ZX series camera?

2]  Also, what brands of lenses are the following mounts used for:
T-mount to Pentax K?
C-mount to Pentax K?

(I think I know what the Universal mount to Pentax K is. A mount for the
older Pentax screw mounted lenses to go onto a k-mount, right?)

Thanks again for your assistance,

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Re: Help! Is this lens busted?

2001-03-09 Thread dosk

With the ZX-M, does the lens open and close when you move the aperture ring
when the lens is mounted on the body? (You can check this better with a
flashlight.) And does the viewfinder lighten and darken in DOF mode when you
move the mounted lens's aperture ring? If so, you're okay. In my case,
nothing happens, so I'm sure the lens is broken...

Subject: Re: Help! Is this lens busted?

 Now I'm worried. I picked up my Vivitar 18-28 PK-A mount from the repair
 shop last week. The front part was a tad loose and they tighten it back
 Now looking through the back of the lens and moving the F stops, the
 aperture stays the same. When I push the small protruding lever with my
 finger, it opens. I tried it both on my ZX-M and MZ-10 and moved the
 F-stops, and the meter responds as it should. Is the meter fooling me (I
 haven't had a chance to run a roll of film throught) or is the camera
 controlling the F-stops properly?
 thnx - Martin
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Last year I bought a Kiron 105/2.8 1:1 macro lens from a mail-order
  It was advertised to be in EX condition. When I tested it mechanically,
  found it to have the exact problem that you have! I took it to my local
  dealer, an extremely knowedgeable camera buff. He advised me that the
  spring that is supposed to close the diaphgram is either missing, out of
  place, or weakened. He added, "Send it back. If the dealer is any good
  all, he'll fix or replace it."
  Sure enough, the dealer was extremely apologetic. All used lenses are
  supposed to be tested, he explained, but this one somehow must have
  through the cracks. One month later, it arrived, repaired.
  It probably helped that I first emailed him in a tone that did not put
  on the defensive. Since it worked so well for me, here is my letter for
  and all; the subject line read, "Kiron PK Macro: Diaphragm Problem":
  "I'm afraid there's a problem with the Kiron PK 100/2.8 macro that I
  up from my Post Office last Tuesday (Nov. 21): The diaphgram won't
  it stays fully open, both on the camera and off. My local dealer
  it and believes the diaphgram spring is missing or loose. He added that
  this could not be a result of an impact (recent or otherwise), because
  there are no scratches or dents anywhere.
  "I discovered the stuck diaphgram over the holiday weekend, when I
  the lens from the SLR and looked through the rear element while rotating
  the aperture ring. On the camera, the lens correctly tells the camera
  aperture it "should" be set at; the shutter speed changes accordingly.
  "I assure you my SLR with the lens on it was cradled in my padded
  camera/lens case until then.
  "I would like to return the lens. Where do we go from here?"
  PS to Pentax discussion list: Quality control wasn't this dealer's only
  deficiency. After instructing him--and later reminding him--to send the
  lens to my work address or I'd be dead meat, he sent it to my home
  Lucky for him, I was able to intercept it at the Post Office. Then,
  repairing the lens, his "shipping department" sent it again to my home.
  least that time I could honestly tell my wife it was a repair job.
  Paul Franklin Stregevsky
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Re: Advice for 'entry level' portrait lens

2001-03-09 Thread dosk

There is also the inexpensive option of buying a 'normal' 50mm and a 2x
teleconvertor. For portrait purposes, I find it works well for me, and also
I then have virtually two different lenses...

- Original Message -
From: "Jaume Lahuerta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: Advice for 'entry level' portrait lens

 Hi everyone,

 I am thinking on a lens that helps my in enhancing my,
 really limited, portrait skills.

 It seems that the best focal ranges are between 80 and
 150mm so I imagine that a manual focus prime in this
 range will be the best starting point. What do you
 (The closest think that I currently have close to this
 range is the 28-70/4 AL zoom)

 What lense would you recommend me that delivers a fair
 quality for a moderated price?
 (if any of you is selling one we can talk about... :-)
 My firt though is the M135/3.5...

 Thaks in advance for your advice,


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Re: respect and cameras (was: First look at MZ-S)

2001-03-09 Thread dosk

Heavy, monstrous, black, deadly looking equipment getting odd looks, that,
anyone can understand... (But who wants to use this awkward stuff? Just to
impress people? I'd rather not get that kind of impression; one gets better
photos without it.)
But, people looking at you differently because you're using one type of SLR
instead of another? That sounds like a mild case of consumerist paranoia to
me. IMO, most people are just not that camera wise; they couldn't care less
what brand you are using...
And some people just generally don't like having their picture taken also.
Have you ever considered that?

Subject: Re: respect and cameras (was: First look at MZ-S)


  I wanted respect for my camrea, not for my pictures, I'd buy a Leica-
  or perhaps a Nikon.
 you'll never get any respect using a Leica. Whenever I use mine people
 completely ignore me and just carry on doing what they were doing
 anyway. They must think I'm just some scruffy old git who can't afford
 a new camera. It's great :o)

 Yes, I found the same thing.

 If I happen to use my Chinon CE5 with the PW530 winder, a large
 Tokina ATX28-85 with a huge hood attached, (large, heavy, black
 equipment, and Chinon can be easily misread), most of the people
 think I must be a pro PJ. They make room for me, etc.

 With my SFXn or K2 and primes, they look at me if I were a poor tourist
 or a retarded photo-student...

 Using an RF camera, things are different: they don't even notice
 me as a photographer. It's useful sometimes as well.

 And at last, when I go out with my really big and heavy Zenit80
 (Russian Hassy) equipment, tripod, handheld light meter and
 the like, they stare at me as I were a Martian, to say the least...
 Some (older) people do recognize it, and they assume that I
 am working on something very important or artistic. Good
 conversations can be started like this..


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My Ideal mini set-up. (Was, Re: WTB)

2001-03-09 Thread dosk

From Skip

Here's what I consider a perfect mini system for me:

(All K-mounts---)
a 24mm fast WA lens. (still in process)
a 50mm f1.4   (have: the excellent Pentax FA version)
a moderate tele zoom (have: a great Pentax 75-150mm f4 M)
a good 2x convertor. (have: a good Tamron 2x)

And oh, a good Pentax body to mount these guys on. (Have: a ZX-M. But am in
process toward's something else good too...) (Pentax, of course!)

As you can see, I only like my zooms in the telephoto and up format. This is
for close-ups of distant stuff, naturally, but also because it's not always
easy to move around something that's farther away, in order to compose it.
But for closer stuff I like prime 'normals' and WA's. I like to move all
around a close subject with my arms, head, hands and feet. (And with even a
camera, sometimes.)
One can still do this with a zoom of course, but then I find myself
unnecessarily fussing with the focal length too, which takes some of the
'decisive' pleasure out of it. (Do you understand this? Best I can put
And I don't think that some of that extra, annoying, (to me, anyway,) zoom
focal length fussing really always gets me a better shot in the long run,
(And please, no flames needed here. That's just dumb kid stuff.  This
perfect personal system is only one guy's opinion, and if you want to differ
I'll be glad to hear about it. But in friendly words...)

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Re: Silver MZ-S/ Re: Imperfect hoods....

2001-03-07 Thread dosk

Read an article in a photomag by an older, experienced writer whom I
respect. He says these new tulip shaped "perfect hoods" are anything but!
Seems their odd scooped-out shapes allow all kinds of flare and glare into
the lens. Man says nothing beats a $5 (imperfect?) rubber lens hood for
I agree... Because IMO, form should always follow function!
But in our modern consumerist culture, if it looks good (sexy?) (-a
machine?) then that's much more desirable even if it can't do the job...

   What's the lens on the silver body?  FA*85/1.4?

 Yes. The hood is impressive.

 Alan Chan

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Good Third Party Lens Site

2001-03-07 Thread dosk

Following site, (thanks be to Daphne,) is an excellent resource for those of
us who like to experiment with third-party lenses


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Re: Primes Vs. Zooms

2001-03-07 Thread dosk

- Original Message -
From: "Jan van Wijk" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 1:42 PM
Subject: RE: Primes Vs. Zooms

 On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 21:14:31 +1000, Rob Studdert wrote:

  Looking at those "Leica versus Nikon" shots I can't help to think the
  difference in brightness is caused by the scanning/adjusting in
  Photoshop much more than by the difference in lenses ...
 Ignoring the colour and tonal range differences the Leica shots are
 more engaging and are simply a better set of shots, don't you think?

 Yes, the choice of subject and framing seems a bit more pleasing too.

 Regards, JvW

It looks like those rigged before and after weight-loss shots The Nikon
pics look seriously washed out and faded, perhaps deliberately
under-exposed? Also they are far less (intentionally?) pleasingly composed.
I would myself tend to think that a Leica or a Carl Zeiss lens would
generally be better than any Nikon stuff, but these tests look deliberately,
and probably unneccesarially, rigged

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Re: Primes, Zooms, and Portraits

2001-03-07 Thread dosk

I absolutely concur on this about the 75-150/f4 M lens. I recently had to
take some shots of damage on my house, and the pictures of a roof 35 feet up
and away are every bit as sharp with this lens as the pictures I took of the
lower part of the house, only five feet away, with my FA 50mm f1.4. (Another
lens also noted for its sharpness...)

 Collected comments on the 75-150:

 George Stanley: "Really, really excellent! Because it has only a 1:2 zoom
 ratio, the designers were able to achieve really superb optical
 performance. Grab it!" Tom Addison: "By keeping the range of zoom low,
 Pentax made a very useful, highly portable, fine quality lens which only
 been replaced in my bag by the 70-210 f/4 A. Even now it has its place,
 when weight is a factor." Dave: "The 35-105 is an outstanding lens, one of
 the best Pentax or any other manufacturer has made, according to my
 experience AND the tests. The other zoom I use without deference to primes
 is the 75-150 F4 M. I just wanted to echo Mike's opinion of the 75-150 f4
 M. Wow! Very sharp for any lens." George Stanley: "I used [another Pentax
 zoom] for many years and the image quality is excellent at f/4 and
 Another excellent choice would be the SMC Pentax-M 75mm--150mm f/4 zoom
 lens, which equals it, and is positively the sharpest zoom lens I have
 used." JCO: "If you dont need wider waist up type shots the SMC-M 75-150
 is also an excellent portrait lens."

 Paul Franklin Stregevsky

 W: (703) 834-4648

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Re: MZ-S Press Release in Japan Part II (Was: Silver MZ-S)

2001-03-06 Thread dosk

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Scott" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: MZ-S Press Release in Japan Part II (Was: Silver MZ-S)

 Thank you Take!
 Dan Scott
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Re: More on being a PUG Commentator

2001-03-06 Thread dosk

I'll try it, for a little while anyway.
Let me know what to do...

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Brogden" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 10:50 PM
Subject: More on being a PUG Commentator

 One thing I never thought to mention and that someone kindly pointed out
 to me: you don't have to be an expert!  You don't have to have any
 training in anything, or live in a certain country, or use a certain kind
 of toothpaste.  If you read this list occasionally and can put three words
 together without embarrassing yoruself, you're elegible!  There is no
 "right" or "wrong" about opinions; you're just saying which parts of each
 photo you like and dislike.  And you can still comment about other photos
 if you want... the more the merrier, as long as you also talk about the
 ones you're supposed to.  :)  That way they all get commented upon, and
 everyone is happy.  Think of it as an elite club if that helps.  :)  I'll
 probably limit it to 30 list members if we ever get up that high, so in a
 way it is.  g  But we're currently sitting at 3 people, so we've got
 some distance to go yet.


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Re: What's a Kiron?

2001-03-06 Thread dosk

Thanks John, Daphne, and Mark for responding to my questions about the Kiron
24/2 lens. I'd been looking for a fast WA and found this one on Ken-Mar
Camera's web site; they're a shop located in Long Island NY. (The web site
itself I initially got from their ad in Shutterbug mag.) The lens is listed
in "excell+" shape, and the shop guy on the phone said they were practically
giving it away for that price. I hope he's right, because I never expected
to get a 24/2 for anything even near that price! (Pentax's FA 24/2, which is
supposed to be very good, costs $400, and is a little rich for my blood...)
Sometimes we just get lucky, I guess. But thanks for telling me about it. I
might not have bought it but for your encouraging information...


 I'll take it, if you don't want it.
 All my Kiron lenses have very good build quality. In my limited
 experience, Kiron's build quality was equivalent to comparable Pentax
 lenses, and certainly equal or better than similar third party lenses
 by Sigma, Tokina, and Tamron.
 I would not hesitate to get a Kiron 24/2 for $69, assuming it does not
 have any major defects. That price is dirt cheap for any 24mm lens -
 and really a bargain for two reasons: first, the Kiron 24/2 lens is
 probably good enough to keep for awhile, and, second, f2 is plenty
 fast for a 24mm lens.

 Happy Trails,
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Re: Back to Pentaxia with questions....

2001-03-05 Thread dosk

So what then is the body of a PZ1 made of?
(It sure looks like plastic to me in its pictures, no?)

Also, the MZ/ZX bodies are not a light "plastic", but some kind of heavy
polycarbonate fusion material. Having owned older metal cameras, (such as
the tank-like 1970's Canon TX,) I believe an MZ/ZX would survive knocks, or
even a fall, with much more safety! IMO where metal severly jolts the
insides of a camera upon impact, the polycarbonate stuff would absorb better
the vibrations of this very same impact!
 (I do not think one should assume that older and heavier metal bodies are
always better. It really depends upon the individual camera, and how well
it's put together...)

And as for durability, well, a ZX5n sure as hell ain't gonna' wear out in my
(My kids can buy their own damn cameras. Probably will too. Digital...)
And a PZ1 has a lot more little buttons and intricate features to it; which
means more stuff to have possible trouble with later on, yes?

The "bigger and heavier" part of the PZ1 interests me though; it might be
easier to hold onto and maneuver than a ZX?


 I am very concern about the quality rather than quantity. When I bought
 Z-1p, I compared the MZ-5n as well. IMHO, the built quality of MZ-5n is no
 match to the Z-1p. Not to mention that all MZ/ZX bodies were made of
 (even the mounts are metal). I reckon the Z-1 share the same chassis so I
 would prefer the Z-1. However, it is significantly bigger than the MZ-5n.

 Alan Chan

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Back to Pentaxia with questions....

2001-03-04 Thread dosk

Seems I have returned from sunny Florida just in time to catch what promises
to be the biggest snow storm NJ has had all year!  (Gotta' do sumthing about
my silly timing here, no?)

My 75-150mm f4 M zoom came in handy recently when I had to take a picture of
some damage on our home's second floor roof edge. The lens put me right up
there for some beautifully sharp close-ups without me having to go near a
ladder! I still think this lens is a bit too heavy for my ZX-M, but as long
as I shoot it at higher speeds the shaking camera syndrome doesn't bother
anything. I was going to sell it but I'm becoming rather attached to it now,
and it really is such a good quality lens.

Can't decide yet  between buying a brand new ZX5n or a used "excellent" PZ1.
Both are about the same price...   5n seems to be winning as I don't need
the extra zoom features the PZ1 has, and its hyper modes with the fancy
wheels don't really do anything that the 5n can't do (in other slower ways)
when you come right down to it. The 5n also has a wider flash field, easier
basic controls, and hot damn it doesn't look like a bath tub toy either. (I
know, I know, I'm a trouble maker...) And another big advantage, to my way
of thinking, is the 5n's AA battery pack.

Things I would miss from the PZ1 though are: 3fps, double exposure
capability, and being able to rewind in mid roll.
Oh well. Se la vie.

Anyone want to offer any suggestions or advice here? Something I'm missing
perhaps, or unaware of?

Also, has anyone here any experience with Sigma's Pentax AF mount, 28mm f1.8
Asp II lens? It's rather reasonably priced for such a fast WA, and I would
dearly love to be able to take pictures of a wide roomful of rambunctious
relatives without using flash...


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The Flagship Direction.....

2001-02-24 Thread dosk

I haven't been much involved with the many MZ-S discussions in Pentaxia,
figuring I didn't want to spend that much for a camera I didn't particularly
want anyway.
But in reading back posts recently, I did notice something that stuck out.
And that is, the new camera's greater resemblance to a ZX5n than a PZ1p
(ie; 1.8fps advance, aperture priority set by physically moving aperture
ring off  "A", shutter priority set the same way with a speed control top

Sounds just like a ZX-5n here, no?
No Hyper P or Hyper M modes?
No Av or Tv dial wheels?

So to me it looks like Pentax is now shifting its R+D priorities over to the
MZ/ ZX line, and away from the PZ's
I wonder why?

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Re: Tech'nal Questions for PZ1p owners....

2001-02-24 Thread dosk

Thanks Gianfranco

Now I understand. (Mostly.) And MTF sounds like a fairly useful feature...
But when you say the PZ1p's MTF mode set-up never selected f1.4 on your F1.4
lens, (I guess because it considered f2 to be the sharper setting), couldn't
that sometimes create problems?
As when you're shooting, hand held, without a tripod, in very dim light that
would require say, f1.4 at 1/30 to be successful, while f2 at 1/15 would be
very risky, and f2 at 1/8 would certainly not do?
(Perhaps, in your own preferred style of shooting, you've never run into
this problem?)

Do you think your PZ1p would NEVER select f1.4 in its MTF mode?
And also, does it ever select f1.7 or f1.8?

Perhaps it is me who is misunderstanding something here?


- Original Message -
From: "Gianfranco Irlanda" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: Tech'nal Questions for PZ1p owners....

 dosk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A few questions;
  1] If one is not using any of the special zoom effects (such as IST), of
  what use is the power zoom? Doesn't it just do the exact same thing you
  also do manually, without draining batteries?

 Hi Skip and all,
 My answers:
 1] Three speeds electrical zooming. Yes (never used the feature);

  2] When one selects the MTF program line, the manual says it makes the
  camera select the aperture on an AF lens "at which that lens is
  Does it select this setting regardless of available light?  IOW, would
  select a lens sharpest (but perhaps inappropriate) f11 for a non-flash

 2] No, it will select the "best" aperture according to the available light
 (with my FA 50/1.4 the MTF program chooses f/2 when the light is very low.
 doesn't choose the max. aperture value).

  3] And what does it do with shutter speeds in this MTF mode?

 3] The speed follows the aperture.

  4] And, if an MTF set-up camera does select the "sharpest" lens
  but also only the one appropriate for the current lighting, isn't this
  simply an aperture priority program line?

 4] Yes and no... The MTF mode surely takes care of the light like a normal
 program mode, but with the plus that it avoids to let the lens shoot wide
 open. The last summer in France I left my Z-1p almost always in MTF mode.
 pictures were all very sharp and I rarely felt the need to switch to
 exposure mode (the most used lenses were the FA 50/1.4 and the FA 20-35/4,
 which are sharp at almost every aperture...)

  And pray tell, what in the world does the "Normal" program line do? I
  what's left for it?

 PS style shooting? ;-)


 You're welcome


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Re: Tech'nal Questions for PZ1p owners....

2001-02-24 Thread dosk

But isn't this because you're using either the ZC (Zoom Clip), or the IST
(Image Size Tracking) modes, also? (PZ1p manual states that these special
zoom control modes require the power zoom feature to be on before it can be
utilized...) In this case, yes, I could see where power zooming would be
very valuable in order to keep certain images in matching size, regardless
of perspective. But in plain ordinary type zooming, it seems to me that the
power feature is completely redundant and wasteful of battery life, no?

 I think the value of the power zoom is often underestimated. As I'm
 as a technician (architect) I find it very usefull. The power zoom
 allow me to photograph many different objects - like a door handle, a
 hinge etc. so that all the shots will come out in the same measure. This
 really nice for documentary work, for reports etc.

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Re: Camera weight/Tech'nal Questions for PZ1p owners....

2001-02-24 Thread dosk

Okay, Gianfranco, thanks again. (Good help from Italy!)
I am especially glad to hear what you have to say about your style of
shooting, as that's just exactly what I enjoy doing also. For some reason I
really like to avoid using flash if it is at all possible
I've found the ZX-M to be a good manual camera for this kind of work. Only
it has one serious drawback for me It's a little light of weight, even
with the battery pack. It works just fine with "plastic" lenses and
"plastic" TC's, and if I stay with my FA 50mm 1.4 and my Tamron 2x TC,
everything works perfectly!
But when I put an older M series moderate zoom on it, (75-150mm,) I get
camera shake (because of my hands), and because the lens is too heavy for
the camera.  Some of these older Pentax lenses I think were really designed
to work with K and P and LX metal bodies; all of which are heavier than
these newer ZX series composite bodies.
But the PZ1p is also quite heavy (heavier than a K body), and this, and the
fact that you say you do not get any camera shake, is welcome news for me...

And my new experiences now are telling me not to knock the newer plastic
lenses. If they work better, (for me anyway), then why should I seek out
heavier, more traditional glass? (Except for price, of course. But a bargain
price means nothing if the equipment is not right for one, yes?)
But with the heavier PZ1p? Well maybe some of the old glass might well be
okay with me, with that camera. We'll see.
Thanks again,

  Needless (or not?) to say that if you need a speed faster then the one
 by the MTF mode you can shift the program line, as you can do with the
 P mode, and then return to the MTF line by pressing the IF button (Ah, the
 beauty and usefulness of the HyP modes...).
 I hope it sounds clearer now.

Yes, it does!


 ps: about my style of shooting, I often use speeds around 1/15, 1/10
 (theatre, available light reportage), and the Z-1p acts really well, no
 shacking or vibrations, although I'm used to the feel of the release
button of
 the LX with winder in such situations (almost no stroke of the button). I
 the MZ-S has, if not the same, a similar feeling.

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Camera Bag......

2001-02-23 Thread dosk

Can anyone recommend a good camera bag that would be large enough (and small
enough) to carry, let's say, a PZ and a ZX body, along with 4 lenses? (I'm
leaving myself some room for future expansion here...)
Something less than $100??

All responses appreciated.

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Rubber Hoods

2001-02-23 Thread dosk

In answer to one of my own earlier rambling questions; I found a good reason
why not to use a rubber lens hood all of the time. On the end of a longish
zoom or tele, they tend to make the lens more tip-heavy and prone to
shaking. My 75-150mm handles far steadier just using its own narrow smallish
hood extension.

I still think that the rubber style is great on my 50mm however, and I think
they would be also perfect for all such shorter barrelled, normal and WA

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More ramblings in Pentaxia....

2001-02-22 Thread dosk

The f4 M75-150mm came in the mail today from KEH. Nice, not-too-heavy, old
timey lens. Easy to operate on my ZX-M. Smooth and easy push-pull zoom and
focus with one hand... Center weight AE metering... No blemishes on either
outside covering or glass, aperture ring clicks as smooth as butter,  and it
was classified as a "bargain"! ($53.00 -Wow!)
View through it is bright and clear, will see how it does its intended work
better after current snowstorm passes here in NJ.
(I still find it hard to believe that such good equipment can be obtained so
inexpensively today...)

This 75-150 lens may well replace my Tamron 2x, FA50mm f1.4 combo for
outside use, although the 2x 50 is still great for interior, low light
conditions. Used this combo (with my ZX-M) to photograph kids playing
basketball in a gym; only four pictures out of focus, out of total 27.
Pretty good for manual focusing of sports action. (Before AF, this was the
way it HAD to be done.)
(But I still will spring for an AF camera, as the FA50 and the 2x will
operate that way also. And I want them ALL to be in focus...!!)

Comparing the FA50 with the FA50 2x TC
Naturally the light was harder to work with the 2x on, as the lens then
became an f2.8. Big difference for ambient light work. Big difference! But I
was also surprised to learn that the focusing became more "delicate", with
seemingly less leeway in lens movement as to focusing it down sharp. (My
imagination here?)

Got some good night shots (with 2x) of an antique shop's interior showcase
thru the window, (rubber lens hood is great for this,) almost macro type
stuff of backlit glasses on shelves. F2.8 100mm is great for close-ups in
low light, even when done via 2x TC. But when I continued on to shoot a
wider rainy night scene of this same street it was a relief to then take the
TC off and use the 50mm's full potential. (Got one beautiful, PUG worthy
shot here...)
One big drawback with F1.4 for close-ups though, is limited DOF wide open.
Not as noticable when focusing on infinity, but with close-up of shelves,
glasses are in focus up front, glasses a foot behind are not...

I don't understand why people complain about, or put up with, flare in
lenses? Rubber lens hoods are great way to eliminate this (at aprox $5 per),
and can usually be put on any lens in place of extending the lens's (too
short) built-in hood. They also fold back when not in use to make great
additional protection for the lens.

Am thinking about getting a used PZ1 body for my AF camera. KEH price for
one in "excellent" condition is aprox the same as a new ZX5n body at BH. I
really don't like the way the PZ's look (like a kid's fake camera, or a
plastic beach toy), and I hate the way people say they eat (expensive)
batteries, but I am intrigued by what they can do... (Especially with the
hyper-program and hyper-manual modes. Although I see no real reason to ever
shoot over 1/2000th sec, since only 1/500th is capable of stopping almost
any damn thing.)
But the PZ's do seem to have some interesting features that the ZX's lack.
And if KEH's "bargain" stuff is so good (as per my "new" M75-150mm), then I
can imagine what their "excellent" must be like...

Don't like the manual VF on my ZX-M. The center focusing-aid ring shines too
bright in the middle of the matte glass when camera is stopped down, or when
DOF option is used, and is quite distracting. I think the clear matte
screens on the AF cameras would probably be even better for manual focusing
than this silly VF that is designed for it...

Enough ramblings. My woman is missing my presence. (Nice, this...). Pentaxia
is closed for the night.

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Re: (OT-OL) ping

2001-02-21 Thread dosk

: Re: ping


Re; ping. 
Re; pong.

Definitely OT,OL, and BS too!


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Re: PZ1 vs. PZ1p. Hmmmmm... ..

2001-02-20 Thread dosk

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Wilkinson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: PZ1 vs. PZ1p. Hm... ..

 On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 00:07:59 -0500 "dosk" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Still looking at good, used Pentaxes. Now noticing the differences 
 between the PZ1 and the PZ1p. ..
 Oh, one more big difference. $100. (Aprox.)
 Just curious - what's the going price for PZ1 and PZ1p bodies?  I have
 used a PZ1 for several years and think it's the best value in a used
 Pentax body.  (I have a second PZ1 body that I am putting on consignment
 at a local photo shop - haven't ever needed it for a backup)
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PZ1 vs. PZ1p. Hmmmmm... ..

2001-02-19 Thread dosk

Still looking at good, used Pentaxes. Now noticing the differences between
the PZ1 and the PZ1p. Main ones seem to be, Z1 has 1fps drive less speed
(NoBigDeal), no red eye reduction(NBD), and no 2 sec mirror lock-up. On this
last one my ignorance shows What is a 2 sec mirror lock-up, and why
would I need, or want, to have it?
Oh, one more big difference. $100. (Aprox.)

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Re: I've been enabled...

2001-02-18 Thread dosk

- Original Message -
From: "David A. Mann" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 2:41 AM
Subject: I've been enabled...

 Well, I did it: I've bought another K2 body, this one with a 50mm f/1.2

  I've turned the body straight over to be serviced:

When you do something like this, where is a good place to "turn bodies
(Pentax bodies of course) over" to?


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Z-5 VS. ZX-5n....

2001-02-18 Thread dosk

Which would you choose:

 Z-5 ?
ZX5-n ?

Leave out price considerations. Which would you choose, based solely on
their features.??

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My New Camera......

2001-02-18 Thread dosk


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Re: Z-5 (Z5, NOT ZX-5) VS. ZX-5n....

2001-02-18 Thread dosk

No Mark,  A Z-5, not a ZX-5.  A Z-5 is probably more similar to a PZ style
camera than a ZX. That's why I'm asking people what they think.
But thanks anyway

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Erickson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Pentax-Discuss" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 12:01 AM
Subject: RE: Z-5 VS. ZX-5n

 I have a ZX-5 and I really like it a lot.  It is missing two useful
 as compared to the ZX-5n:  Auto-bracketing and depth-of-field preview.  It
 is pretty easy to manually bracket exposures.  If you ever intend to use a
 gradient filter for landscape work, depth-of-field preview is a must-have,
 and I really miss it a lot.  I'd buy a ZX-5n over a ZX-5 specifically for
 the DOF preview.


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Re: Pentax glasses are the WORST (for CdI)

2001-02-17 Thread dosk

Bravo Mike! Good reminders here about enjoying yourself and forgetting about

 If you love a lens and some "test" says it sucks, who are you going to

 All lens tests are wrong.


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Re: Are Sigma lenses trash??

2001-02-17 Thread dosk

No, there is no such inverse relationship between the cost of the lens and
the web site Sigma complainers. In fact, most of the complaints seem to come
from advanced amateurs (or "pros") using high end glass, while the defenders
are from the lower priced consumer end. (Which is what I said in my first
post, if you read it again, you'll see that.)
And yes, an entire line damn well can be criticized if the company lies in
its ads, does not respond quickly to damaged goods, and cannot fix what even
they sometimes admit are "products not designed for your type of autofocus
camera", -even after they've previously advertised that they are.!
And there are complaints aplenty, as to these factors, there also...
(Let me find the URL again for this Sigma stuff, and I'll post it so you can
see for yourself as to what I'm talking about...)

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Roberts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Are Sigma lenses trash??

 "dosk" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  "All lens tests are wrong."
 Maybe. But I would like to know about Sigma, for Pentax k-mounts.

 If all lens tests are wrong, then all generalizations about an
 *entire line* of lenses are even more wrong!

 You'd be better off asking about a specific Sigma lens. Perhaps
 every complaint about Sigma on the web site you mentioned is
 true (though that's unlikely), but I doubt *every* lens Sigma
 makes in covered. They make some expensive fast glass that's
 pretty well regarded and some cheap consumer zooms that aren't.
 I'm pleased with the 28-135 Sigma zoom I just bought for
 $210.00, considering what I use it for. But I wouldn't use it
 for my serious photography unless I didn't have another lens
 with me.

 Get the latest BH Photo ad from any photography magazine and
 look at the price range Sigma lenses cover. No go back and look
 at the lenses being bitched about on the web. It won't be 100%,
 but I'd expect there's a strong (inverse) relationship between
 the price and the complaints.
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Re: There's OK, Then There's OT, and Then There's OL (was: PDML rewriting hi...

2001-02-17 Thread dosk

Exactly. Instead of trying to correct the errant behavior of all us
screwball OT characters,  just set your mail program to delete (or not even
download) anything from PDML that has OT in the subject line.  (Or perhaps
you only like some OT themes and not  others? If that's the case, then what
you really want here is censorship and control...)

But maybe we should set up another designation, called WOT. That might solve


 Most e-mail programs will allow you to filter out messages by "OT" in the
 subject line.


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Re: PT (MT (OT))

2001-02-17 Thread dosk

What would you think of using non-shiny old fashioned electrician's tape to
cover up the tops of the silver ZX cameras?
I think it would make them look way cooler. Sort of like a new pebble
grained F100, or MX-S, y'know?

 PT: Pentax topic.
 PRT: photography-related topic
 OT: off-topic
 OL: off-list
 BT: bullshit topic
 TC: trivial comment ("I agree," "thanks," "me too" etc.)
 RBT: really boring topic
 MT: meta-topic, i.e., post in which we discuss the appropriateness of
 various topics.

 P.S. There was a thread on the Leica User Group that went on for hundreds
 posts about camera straps, and a _recurring_ thread about whether one
 use black tape on one's M6 to cover the white letters that say "Leica M6"
 (that one really gets peoples' blood boiling). So things around here could
 be worse.

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Re: What's a Z-5?? (Again.)

2001-02-17 Thread dosk

Phred has lots of interesting specs. Much of which I don't understand. But
However, no picture?! What does a Z-5 look like? (I'm guessing it looks
something like a PZ1p, but I'd like to know for sure...)

 on 2/17/01 8:27 PM, dosk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What's a Z-5?  Not a ZX-5,  just plain, simple, Z-5?





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Are Sigma lenses trash??

2001-02-16 Thread dosk

 "All lens tests are wrong."

Maybe. But I would like to know about Sigma, for Pentax k-mounts. I found
this weird site on the web that is all about Sigma lenses. The first three
quarters of all the postings there are horror stories from people completely
knocking Sigma(s); ie; "they're trash held together by metallic tape, they
fall apart quickly, the company doesn't know how to repair them, they don't
meter or focus correctly with AF cameras, it's all false advertising..."
etc, etc...

The last fourth of the postings are in defense of Sigma, although these
sometimes seem somewhat lame. -"Lenses are great for us non-pros because
they're cheap and do the job, pros are harder on glass, more demanding, they
don't know what they're talking about as Sigmas are actually quite good for
the $$..." etc, etc...

So, in a general PDML consensus, what is the story with Sigma?  (I have a
personal reason for asking in that I want a fast WA, and they have a 28mm
f1.8 that is amazingly low priced...?!?)

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OT: Rewriting pre-history....

2001-02-16 Thread dosk

It's interesting that some on this list are discovering the re-writing of
history. But what about the re-writing of current events so that network
news conforms to corporate and government approval?


IMO the only real news one can get now days that is not some form of
censored entertainment propaganda is either on C-SPAN, or BBC, or PBS radio.
(And possibly still Pacifica, although that outfit is currently embroiled in
a fight for it's life, fighting against a privately financed corporate
take-over designed to reduce, if not silence, its voice...)

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Re: my pics

2001-02-16 Thread dosk

Yes you do have something interesting here. Some really great pics. I
especially enjoyed the train picture, and the one in Rome with the bird and
the man reading the newspaper Actually I thought most all of them were
superb, and especially the Rome pictures

- Original Message -
From: "Timo Hartikainen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:34 AM
Subject: OT: my pics

 and nothing really important or interesting this time, I just want you to
 check out my updated web gallery:


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Lens Ramblings in Pentaxia

2001-02-15 Thread dosk

Wells, I did it. Went for an inexpensive "M" lens.

Was going to get the 3.5 135mm M that KEH had for $79, but by the time I got
back there some @#()*%^ had beat me to it

But say, lookee here Homer, there's a 75-150 f4 M zoom that looks to be
still there, and for only $59. Hmm!  (With my 2x, that's also a
150-300mm, too!)

Check the gray pages (Pentax Lens Reviews) quick Homer!! Hey, some there


So hopefully it's mine. I mean, I ordered it; KEH says they have to still
check to see that it's still in stock before they'll ship it

Any experiences with this lens out there? (I already know Shel doesn't like

And thanks also to everyone out there who helped me with info about older
glass and ZX body compatability. My partner Donna thanks you too, as I
didn't go for the $$ to buy a new AF zoom. (Almost the FA 70-200...)

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Re: OT: Fasten seatbelts: MZ-S price!!

2001-02-14 Thread dosk


Is that okay with you?

 Tell me why it's so curious that I've decided to actually test drive the
MZ-S before passing any serious judgement on it

Whether or not it's "okay" with me makes no difference, does it? The thing I
picked up on was your original choice of wording;- "compelled" to get it...
(Wording which I see you are now lowering in intensity.) And I am curious as
to why you picked those exact words?  And I am not critisizing you. Please!
I myself have some of these very same feelings...!

However I am coming to believe that our world is becoming more and more
controlled by those who create obsessive demands for, manufacture, and then
sell products. (Especially the entertainment and toy industries.)  What I am
amazed about here (in Pentaxia) is the absolute frenzy that seems to be
generated on this list by the simple fact of a corporation producing a new
As someone has already said, it's a camera, not a religion. (Or is it?)

Someone else has also said here (and in approval, not jest, I believe), that
one's machines (alright, a car, they said) soon become the subject of
adoration and worship.
I find that sad, and somewhat foreboding. I am wondering,  how will it  be
when TC's rule the world?  (TC's = Transnational Corporations, not

Anyway, I thought my initial poem/complaint about it (did any here recognize
it as a poem?) was pretty good! (Even if no one else did.) And I will use it
(albeit slightly modified) in a new book I am working on. I consider prose
and poetry about the cultural and social dangers of the new Consumerite
religions and the sad doctrines of their high (CEO) priests, to be far more
pertinent and up to date than the (by now) moldy tackiness of Monty
Python... (Whom I loved when they first came out, but grew tired of after
the 600th episode.)

I've no wish to offend anyone here. I do think that Pentax, after all, does
make the best SLR cameras I've ever used. But I could live without (several
of?) them. (Really I could...) But also I thought this was a forum for
photographers (hobbyists or otherwise) who used Pentax equipment because
they liked it, and not because they worshipped it...

Anyway, IMO all of this does make for good discourse, as it is enlightening
to me. The TC's already seem to know how to capture our minds, and now
they're going after our souls!   (And no, I myself am not particularly
religious. Just scared for my grandchildren...)

Greywoulf. Dosk. Skip (Take your pick...)

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Re: OT: Fasten seatbelts: MZ-S price!!

2001-02-14 Thread dosk

Quite okay! Wish there were some photo shops as accommodating in the NY/NJ
area though. Perhaps there are, but I've never heard of, or encountered any,
that would allow one to run a roll of film through a camera prior to buying.
My loss, this...

- Original Message -
From: "Doug Brewer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Fasten seatbelts: MZ-S price!!


 Lots of camera stores will let you run a quick roll of film through a
camera. It's not exactly a trade secret. But if you simply have to know,  I
spent some of the last season photographing autocrosses for the local
chapter of the SCCA. I'm curious whether the MZ-S will fit in with my
potential plans to shoot the whole season this year. If it's comfortable to
use, and the AF system is quick and responsive, well, maybe you get the
idea. Is that okay with you?

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Re: Metering question, still....

2001-02-14 Thread dosk

May be quite simple, but I still don't understand it, Philippe. Your answer
seems only to complicate it even more for me...
But thanks for trying anyway,

- Original Message -
From: "Philippe Trottier" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: Metering question

 Quite simple point at a light area thrue a black board

 -Center weight will gradually go up and down

 -Spot will "nearly" jump from all to nothing

 Quite simple

 Subject: Metering question

  Can someone tell me what the difference between center-weighted metering
  spot metering is? It seems to me like they would both do the same

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Re: OT: Fasten seatbelts: MZ-S price!!

2001-02-13 Thread dosk

Re the stuff below from Doug and Len.


Why do you feel compelled to buy it? 
And then try to find 
a place to fit 
 it into your world?
Sounds to me 
like you don't really need 
it, do you?

Have you checked that out?

And why has someone 
told you 
that this is "good" attitude?
 Is this someone the firm
by any chance?
   They would think this is 
a reeeallly good 
   I'm sure.
But I for one
do not understand it...
 Do you feel COMPELLED??


  The "I" part of "we" does not feel compelled to be 
  disappointed with Pentax at all. What I feel compelled to do 
  is hold the MZ-S in my hands, use it to make some photos, and 
  then decide where it will fit in my photographic world.
 Now that's a good attitude!
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Re: OT: Fasten seatbelts: MZ-S price!!

2001-02-13 Thread dosk

How are you going to use it to "make some pictures" first then before
deciding where it fits in your world? (If you don't buy it first? Or does
Pentax now have loaners for certain people to actually try out cameras
before they buy them...?)
Also, I wasn't trying to make any decisions for you. Was just curious about
why you were making yours?

- Original Message -
From: "Doug Brewer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Fasten seatbelts: MZ-S price!!

 Did I say I was going to buy it first? I'm compelled (or, as you put it,
COMPELLED) to try it out before making any judgements. I'm compelled to try
it out to see how it feels, to see if the AF works as well as I suspect it
does, to see if it's as ergonomic in design as other Pentax offerings I own,
to see if the build quality is as described.

 And I'm compelled to to try it out in the same way I am compelled to pick
up and look through, focus, =feel= many cameras I run across. We have an old
Nikon F2 in the museum that the planetarium guys use in their work. I had it
out the other day to check it out. I've been compelled to examine F5's ,
Minoltas, EOS models, old Kodak folders, Rolleiflex TLR's, a WWII era
aircraft 4X5, and dozens of other bodies, because I am curious about cameras
and interested in them.

 Now that Pentax has announced a new camera that sounds like something I
might want to add to my set of photographic tools, I am compelled to examine
it and decide if the features and feel it offers will fit into my daily
life, a good portion of which revolves around the use of a camera.

 And =I= will decide what I need and don't need, thanks.


 At 11:58 PM -05002/13/01, dosk caused thus to appear:
 Re the stuff below from Doug and Len.
 Why do you feel compelled to buy it?
 And then try to find
 a place to fit
  it into your world?
 Sounds to me
 like you don't really need
 it, do you?
 Have you checked that out?
 And why has someone
 told you
 that this is "good" attitude?
  Is this someone the firm
 by any chance?
They would think this is
 a reeeallly good
I'm sure.
 But I for one
 do not understand it...
  Do you feel COMPELLED??
 Douglas Forrest Brewer
 Ashwood Lake Photography
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Re: Way OT: Virus Control re Outlook Express...

2001-02-09 Thread dosk

Re; previous message(s) to Dosk:

 Dosk, the truth is out there.

 The main problem is that Microsoft alone has extended HTML with tags
 like IFRAME, which allow automated saving and execution of other code,
 eg. from attachments.

Yes. But as in most cases, the truth is multi-faceted. I still feel that
saying one can get a virus by simply opening an email is an
over-simplification of
a partial truth. What is meant by that statement? Should a person then never
open an email, never preview one, never then open an attachment?
Listen, one cannot get a virus from simply opening a plain text
email in O/E. (So far, at least) it is absolutely impossible, and one should
not scare people into believing otherwise! Plain text code cannot initiate a
virus! Period! (See url link below)


Attachments, as I said before, are another thing and all such should always
screened by a good anti virus program. But to never allow any of these
attachments to
load via your mail program is, IMO, a sorry thing. One misses out on a good
deal of computer fun that way, and it gives the virus creators exactly the
creepy victory they are looking for!

Now, html code is different from plain text. And John Francis did us all a
favor on this list when he gave us his informative link. (Repeated here,
below.) There is good information in this link on how to set up your IE
browser (and also OE) so as not to blindly accept active scripting,
active-x; sneaky stuff that may be imbedded in the html code. Although this
is a rarer way of transmitting viruses (it's a much harder thing to do, for
more doubtful results, for one thing) it does happen and should be protected
against.  (This is also why people get mad when someone transmits an email
message to them in html, when it is just so much safer and easier to do it
in plain text!)

This is John Francis's supplied link, for those who may have missed it...


This site, while containing lots of good info and links, I feel is still a
bit over dramatic about things though. (There are software selling sponsors
on this page looking to make a buck, after all...) One of the
"open-an-email-get-infected" viruses (VB-Forgotten) they describe requires
an OE user to have almost all of his IE browser and OE mail settings to be
set to no security options at all for it to work. This email virus even asks
the potential victim to first go into his browser settings and change them
this way, then re-open the email. (Which by the way has the typical spammer
subject line of  "Financial Security" or some such garbage.) IMO, anyone
falling for this crap is really reaching to become a victim...

Another virus described is the "Kak" virus, which is a more interesting one.
True, it is transmitted via an email signature file, but again it is
embedded in html (not text) code, and again it requires the potential victim
to have his security settings in his browser and email program set on low,
or none!

BTW, the About.com site John Francis gave us also has links to all the
Microsoft patches that eliminate the need for fearing these security holes,
even if one does not have their own IE security settings set on "high".  To
be really safe, one should download and apply these MS patches and then also
set one's IE settings onto "high". Between doing these things, and then
pre-screening all attachments onto disk prior to opening, one need have no
fear (as of yet, of course) in opening email and attachments via IE and O/E

See, I said all of that and not one mention of "paranoid"
Apologies to all, (and especially John Francis,) if my previous postings
where too abrupt. It's been a rough week.

Dosk (Skip)

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Re: Way OT: Virus Control re Outlook Express...

2001-02-09 Thread dosk

Re; previous message(s) to Dosk:

 Dosk, the truth is out there.

 The main problem is that Microsoft alone has extended HTML with tags
 like IFRAME, which allow automated saving and execution of other code,
 eg. from attachments.

Yes. But as in most cases, the truth is multi-faceted. I still feel that
saying one can get a virus by simply opening an email is an
over-simplification of
a partial truth. What is meant by that statement? Should a person then never
open an email, never preview one, never then open an attachment?
Listen, one cannot get a virus from simply opening a plain text
email in O/E. (So far, at least) it is absolutely impossible, and one should
not scare people into believing otherwise! Plain text code cannot initiate a
virus! Period! (See url link below)


Attachments, as I said before, are another thing and all such should always
screened by a good anti virus program. But to never allow any of these
attachments to
load via your mail program is, IMO, a sorry thing. One misses out on a good
deal of computer fun that way, and it gives the virus creators exactly the
creepy victory they are looking for!

Now, html code is different from plain text. And John Francis did us all a
favor on this list when he gave us his informative link. (Repeated here,
below.) There is good information in this link on how to set up your IE
browser (and also OE) so as not to blindly accept active scripting,
active-x; sneaky stuff that may be imbedded in the html code. Although this
is a rarer way of transmitting viruses (it's a much harder thing to do, for
more doubtful results, for one thing) it does happen and should be protected
against.  (This is also why people get mad when someone transmits an email
message to them in html, when it is just so much safer and easier to do it
in plain text!)

This is John Francis's supplied link, for those who may have missed it...


This site, while containing lots of good info and links, I feel is still a
bit over dramatic about things though. (There are software selling sponsors
on this page looking to make a buck, after all...) One of the
"open-an-email-get-infected" viruses (VB-Forgotten) they describe requires
an OE user to have almost all of his IE browser and OE mail settings to be
set to no security options at all for it to work. This email virus even asks
the potential victim to first go into his browser settings and change them
this way, then re-open the email. (Which by the way has the typical spammer
subject line of  "Financial Security" or some such garbage.) IMO, anyone
falling for this crap is really reaching to become a victim...

Another virus described is the "Kak" virus, which is a more interesting one.
True, it is transmitted via an email signature file, but again it is
embedded in html (not text) code, and again it requires the potential victim
to have his security settings in his browser and email program set on low,
or none!

BTW, the About.com site John Francis gave us also has links to all the
Microsoft patches that eliminate the need for fearing these security holes,
even if one does not have their own IE security settings set on "high".  To
be really safe, one should download and apply these MS patches and then also
set one's IE settings onto "high". Between doing these things, and then
pre-screening all attachments onto disk prior to opening, one need have no
fear (as of yet, of course) in opening email and attachments via IE and O/E

See, I said all of that and not one mention of "paranoid"
Apologies to all, (and especially John Francis,) if my previous postings
where too abrupt. It's been a rough week.

Dosk (Skip)

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visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

Re: Way OT: Virus Control re Outlook Express...

2001-02-09 Thread dosk

Re; previous message(s) to Dosk:

 Dosk, the truth is out there.

 The main problem is that Microsoft alone has extended HTML with tags
 like IFRAME, which allow automated saving and execution of other code,
 eg. from attachments.

Yes. But as in most cases, the truth is multi-faceted. I still feel that
saying one can get a virus by simply opening an email is an
over-simplification of
a partial truth. What is meant by that statement? Should a person then never
open an email, never preview one, never then open an attachment?
Listen, one cannot get a virus from simply opening a plain text
email in O/E. (So far, at least) it is absolutely impossible, and one should
not scare people into believing otherwise! Plain text code cannot initiate a
virus! Period! (See url link below)


Attachments, as I said before, are another thing and all such should always
screened by a good anti virus program. But to never allow any of these
attachments to
load via your mail program is, IMO, a sorry thing. One misses out on a good
deal of computer fun that way, and it gives the virus creators exactly the
creepy victory they are looking for!

Now, html code is different from plain text. And John Francis did us all a
favor on this list when he gave us his informative link. (Repeated here,
below.) There is good information in this link on how to set up your IE
browser (and also OE) so as not to blindly accept active scripting,
active-x; sneaky stuff that may be imbedded in the html code. Although this
is a rarer way of transmitting viruses (it's a much harder thing to do, for
more doubtful results, for one thing) it does happen and should be protected
against.  (This is also why people get mad when someone transmits an email
message to them in html, when it is just so much safer and easier to do it
in plain text!)

This is John Francis's supplied link, for those who may have missed it...


This site, while containing lots of good info and links, I feel is still a
bit over dramatic about things though. (There are software selling sponsors
on this page looking to make a buck, after all...) One of the
"open-an-email-get-infected" viruses (VB-Forgotten) they describe requires
an OE user to have almost all of his IE browser and OE mail settings to be
set to no security options at all for it to work. This email virus even asks
the potential victim to first go into his browser settings and change them
this way, then re-open the email. (Which by the way has the typical spammer
subject line of  "Financial Security" or some such garbage.) IMO, anyone
falling for this crap is really reaching to become a victim...

Another virus described is the "Kak" virus, which is a more interesting one.
True, it is transmitted via an email signature file, but again it is
embedded in html (not text) code, and again it requires the potential victim
to have his security settings in his browser and email program set on low,
or none!

BTW, the About.com site John Francis gave us also has links to all the
Microsoft patches that eliminate the need for fearing these security holes,
even if one does not have their own IE security settings set on "high".  To
be really safe, one should download and apply these MS patches and then also
set one's IE settings onto "high". Between doing these things, and then
pre-screening all attachments onto disk prior to opening, one need have no
fear (as of yet, of course) in opening email and attachments via IE and O/E

See, I said all of that and not one mention of "paranoid"
Apologies to all, (and especially John Francis,) if my previous postings
where too abrupt. It's been a rough week.

Dosk (Skip)

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Re: Rep here from Ulan Bator Speaking to you...

2001-02-09 Thread dosk

  Have you heard from our representative in Ulan Bator yet?

That's actual where me is from. And you guys are pissing me and compatriots
offoff. Keep this large BS up and we will never send you MZ5-N, MX-S,
freaking new MZ-S, or any of  large hidden stockpiled film that saving
against digital takeover...
We will then be new Time/Life/People! We will be new Magum! We will be the
only freaking photographers you will have see!!
You have been varned!
Keep your big Yunkeee mouthz shut!!


(Hey you fellows don't tell me such guys really don know people from S.A. be
Americans too?  For shame boyz shame!!)

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Re: Way OT: Virus Control re Outlook Express...

2001-02-09 Thread dosk

Re; previous message(s) to Dosk:

 Dosk, the truth is out there.

 The main problem is that Microsoft alone has extended HTML with tags
 like IFRAME, which allow automated saving and execution of other code,
 eg. from attachments.

Yes. But as in most cases, the truth is multi-faceted. I still feel that
saying one can get a virus by simply opening an email is an
over-simplification of
a partial truth. What is meant by that statement? Should a person then never
open an email, never preview one, never then open an attachment?
Listen, one cannot get a virus from simply opening a plain text
email in O/E. (So far, at least) it is absolutely impossible, and one should
not scare people into believing otherwise! Plain text code cannot initiate a
virus! Period! (See url link below)


Attachments, as I said before, are another thing and all such should always
screened by a good anti virus program. But to never allow any of these
attachments to
load via your mail program is, IMO, a sorry thing. One misses out on a good
deal of computer fun that way, and it gives the virus creators exactly the
creepy victory they are looking for!

Now, html code is different from plain text. And John Francis did us all a
favor on this list when he gave us his informative link. (Repeated here,
below.) There is good information in this link on how to set up your IE
browser (and also OE) so as not to blindly accept active scripting,
active-x; sneaky stuff that may be imbedded in the html code. Although this
is a rarer way of transmitting viruses (it's a much harder thing to do, for
more doubtful results, for one thing) it does happen and should be protected
against.  (This is also why people get mad when someone transmits an email
message to them in html, when it is just so much safer and easier to do it
in plain text!)

This is John Francis's supplied link, for those who may have missed it...


This site, while containing lots of good info and links, I feel is still a
bit over dramatic about things though. (There are software selling sponsors
on this page looking to make a buck, after all...) One of the
"open-an-email-get-infected" viruses (VB-Forgotten) they describe requires
an OE user to have almost all of his IE browser and OE mail settings to be
set to no security options at all for it to work. This email virus even asks
the potential victim to first go into his browser settings and change them
this way, then re-open the email. (Which by the way has the typical spammer
subject line of  "Financial Security" or some such garbage.) IMO, anyone
falling for this crap is really reaching to become a victim...

Another virus described is the "Kak" virus, which is a more interesting one.
True, it is transmitted via an email signature file, but again it is
embedded in html (not text) code, and again it requires the potential victim
to have his security settings in his browser and email program set on low,
or none!

BTW, the About.com site John Francis gave us also has links to all the
Microsoft patches that eliminate the need for fearing these security holes,
even if one does not have their own IE security settings set on "high".  To
be really safe, one should download and apply these MS patches and then also
set one's IE settings onto "high". Between doing these things, and then
pre-screening all attachments onto disk prior to opening, one need have no
fear (as of yet, of course) in opening email and attachments via IE and O/E

See, I said all of that and not one mention of "paranoid"
Apologies to all, (and especially John Francis,) if my previous postings
where too abrupt. It's been a rough week.

Dosk (Skip)

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Re: Cheap zoom wide-angle

2001-02-09 Thread dosk

Eduardo, are you sending postings in html format? I can't speak for everyone
here, but we've just recently been hit with some transmitted viruses on this
list, and I for one would certainly appreciate it if you would change your
submissions to this list to be plain text?
Html is far more liable to be contaminated with a sender's (unknown usually)
Thanks for your consideration in this,


- Original Message -
From: "Eduardo Carone Costa Jnior" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Cheap zoom wide-angle

Thank you all for sharing your insights about this topic. You can be sure
your thoughts will be taken into consideration when I finally place my
As a inexperienced amateur I can only be glad for having the possibility
some "online" lessons.

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OT: Virus Control re Outlook Express...

2001-02-08 Thread dosk

Outlook Express users, do not despair..

Someone has mentioned here on this list that one can get a virus (or worm,
or trojan) just by opening e-mail. This is, I believe, one of the many
unfounded, slightly paranoid, rumors about viruses. (Virii?)

Email comes through to a Microsoft O/S system (such as Windows) as the file
extension, .eml, ONLY. Windows does nothing with .eml extensions except
designate them as words for you to look at.
There is nothing that tells it, "there is code here for the O/S to execute
and do something with".  The same holds true for .jpg extensions, which are
designated as pictures  for you to only look at.

On the other hand, .exe extensions are very dangerous (as are some others),
as when opened they tell the Windows O/S that this is an operating program
and you should do what it says...
(There is a vast difference, within not only Microsoft but all computer
O/S's, between simple readable or viewable data, and operational code.)

In Outlook Express (version 5.0) there is an excellent option available.
Whenever you dbl-click on an email extension a pop-up says, "All email
extensions have the potential for danger" (or something similar to this)
"-do you want to open this now or load it to disk?"  (And when this question
is asked, at this time, and only at this time, OE/5.0 then shows what the
actual file extension is...)

Always answering this question with "load it to disk" takes but an extra few
seconds and allows any of the various virus killer programs (the good ones,
anyway) to check out the file. If it is not a clean file, you should
(depending upon which virus killer program you are using) get immediate (and
pronounced ) bells, whistles, warnings, not to proceed with opening this
extension, and sometimes even automatic deletions. If the file is judged
clean, you get no further messages and can then open it in relative safety.

(Nothing is ever perfect however; on very very rare occasions a new type
virus comes along that the killer programs are not prepared for. (There was
even a virus killer once, a Norton program I think it was, that was released
with a virus in it!) But again, this kind of stuff is extremely rare. Also,
most good virus killers have constant online update options to catch up with
these occasional new things.)

I sometimes think there are more computer problems caused by virus rumors
than there are by viruses... (And definitely more problems caused by knocked
over coffee containers!)

Wishing you (and me) a virus free environment. (Which is a nice way of
saying ,"down with these immature computer creeps!")

(An ex-systems programmer)

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Re: OT: Canon fast lenses (was: Re[2]: AdaptAll?)

2001-02-08 Thread dosk

Previous message:

 BTW, how sharp the A 1.2 is at 1.0 ;-) (the DOF at 1.0 is propably NONE,
 I would say that lens would be actually UNUSABLE for photography! You
 get almost nothing or every time the bad thing in focus. Like tip of
 person's nose, but not their eyes. Perhaps nice for creative effects, but
 at that cost? Canon snobbery, of course!

That's very interesting. Something I hadn't thought of It seems a quite
logical truism, but I would still like to hear from someone who's actual
used a name brand (Leitz, Canon) 1.0 lens to confirm this...

Also, a question; as DOF deepens the more you stop down a lens, would a 1.0
lens, perhaps because of all that much more glass available, have a
proportionately better DOF at say 1.2, 1.4, 1.7, 2.0, etc, etc??

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Re: Way OT: Virus Control re Outlook Express...

2001-02-08 Thread dosk

  Someone has mentioned here on this list that one can get a virus (or
  or trojan) just by opening e-mail. This is, I believe, one of the many
  unfounded, slightly paranoid, rumors about viruses. (Virii?)

 I assure you that both the statements made about being able to get
 infected simply by opening mail were true.  In fact in one case you
 didn't even need to explicitly open the email - Microsoft Outlook
 would automatically open the last email fetched from the post office.
 I don't spread unfounded, inaccurate rumours.

Assure me all you want. Just because you say something is true, doesn't make
it so. I have never seen any proof anywhere, or any article, in PC World or
any other such mags, that such sophisticated viruses exist anywhere outside
of anyone's imagination. In fact, there's a website entirely devoted to
denouncing such wild virus rumors (I'll see if I can get it's URL for you if
you want), and they also claim that many of these so called super viruses
are just so much BS

  Email comes through to a Microsoft O/S system (such as Windows) as the
  extension, .eml, ONLY. Windows does nothing with .eml extensions except
  designate them as words for you to look at.
  There is nothing that tells it, "there is code here for the O/S to
  and do something with".  The same holds true for .jpg extensions, which
  designated as pictures  for you to only look at.

 Much, much, misinformation.   First of all ".eml" is an application-
 specific file type (or extension); if you don't happen to be using
 that specific email program you will never see .eml   (Netscape
 Messenger, for example, stores email in a completely different way)

Yeah, ok, but I was only talking about Outlook Express (and specificially,
version 5.0) here anyway, wasn't I?  How are you helping things by talking
about apples when I'm talking about oranges?

  On the other hand, .exe extensions are very dangerous (as are some
  as when opened they tell the Windows O/S that this is an operating
  and you should do what it says...
  (There is a vast difference, within not only Microsoft but all computer
  O/S's, between simple readable or viewable data, and operational code.)

 Unfortunately this line has got very blurred.  Email can contain embedded
 HTML, which in turn can contain embedded JAVA or JavaScript.
 It's rare to see a virus with a .exe payload extension, too.  The recent
 ones have been attacking other extensions (such as .vbs, .scr, or .pif).
 Add to that the habit of hiding the real extension , and what looks like
 an innocent file name like MeNude.jpg can really be MeNude.jpg.pif

I did say other extensions besides .exe are dangerous too, although not
specifying them, didn't I?  Your .vbs, .scr, pif, warnings are true enough.
But you won't be able to show me a virus that comes thru (to Outlook Express
now, mind you) as an .eml or .jpg. The virus creators are not such
super-brains that they can turn just plain viewable data into operational
code...  Also, O/S-5.0's pop-up box shows the entire file name, even if it
be Nonsense.jpg.pif.exe.vbs..

  In Outlook Express (version 5.0) there is an excellent option available.
  Whenever you dbl-click on an email extension a pop-up says, "All email
  extensions have the potential for danger" (or something similar to this)
  "-do you want to open this now or load it to disk?"  (And when this
  is asked, at this time, and only at this time, OE/5.0 then shows what
  actual file extension is...)

 Outlook Express is actually rather less error-prone than full Outlook.
 But the default install for either of them leaves some options set in
 a way that leaves gaping security holes that script-kiddies are only
 too eager to exploit.  Not that Microsoft is the only culprit, by any
 means; default install options from Eudora, Netscape, or iPlanet all
 have similar weaknesses.  It's just that Microsoft is particularly bad,
 and is most frequently targetted by virus creators (often because that's
 the mail system they are most familiar with, but sometimes simply
 because Microsoft is viewed with contempt by the hacker community).

Hackers are not virus creators. Hackers are avid computer geeks who
sometimes like to break into top security sites (and sometimes leave
messages that they did so) just to prove they have the wherewithall to do
so. Most of them wouldn't be caught dead creating a "simple" virus that
harms everyday people. Your labling of  them (hackers) as virus creators
betrays your one sided beliefs...

  Always answering this question with "load it to disk" takes but an extra
  seconds and allows any of the various virus killer programs (the good
  anyway) to check out the file. If it is not a clean file, you should
  (depending upon which virus killer program you are using) get immediate
  pronounced ) bells, whistles, warnings, not to proceed with opening this
  extension, and sometimes even 

Someone has a ZX-5n for sale?

2001-02-07 Thread dosk

Didn't someone on this list recently say they had a used ZX-5n for sale? I
know someone who might be interested.
(Can also contact me privately at::)

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