[ppiindia] Senjata antimatter

2004-10-16 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Yin, yang. Up-quark, down-quark.  Matter, antimatter. 
Sounds familiar?  Tak salah lagi, Dan Brown dalam
thriller Angels and Demons.  Disitu dikisahkan ada
Illuminati yang mencuri senjata antimatter yang
diambil dari lab particle accelerator CERN di Geneva. 
Dipakai untuk menghancurkan kota Vatican. 
Tapi yang dibawah ini bukan fiksi.  Mohon dibaca.
Sambil menunggu waktu berbuka.

Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons 
Program was touted publicly, then came official gag

- Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer

Monday, October 4, 2004 

The U.S. Air Force is quietly spending millions of
dollars investigating ways to use a radical power
source -- antimatter, the eerie mirror of ordinary
matter -- in future weapons. 

The most powerful potential energy source presently
thought to be available to humanity, antimatter is a
term normally heard in science-fiction films and TV
shows, whose heroes fly antimatter-powered
spaceships and do battle with antimatter guns. 

But antimatter itself isn't fiction; it actually
exists and has been intensively studied by physicists
since the 1930s. In a sense, matter and antimatter are
the yin and yang of reality: Every type of subatomic
particle has its antimatter counterpart. But when
matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate each
other in an immense burst of energy. 

During the Cold War, the Air Force funded numerous
scientific studies of the basic physics of antimatter.
With the knowledge gained, some Air Force insiders are
beginning to think seriously about potential military
uses -- for example, antimatter bombs small enough to
hold in one's hand, and antimatter engines for 24/7
surveillance aircraft. 

More cataclysmic possible uses include a new
generation of super weapons -- either pure antimatter
bombs or antimatter-triggered nuclear weapons; the
former wouldn't emit radioactive fallout. Another
possibility is antimatter- powered electromagnetic
pulse weapons that could fry an enemy's electric
power grid and communications networks, leaving him
literally in the dark and unable to operate his
society and armed forces. 

Following an initial inquiry from The Chronicle this
summer, the Air Force forbade its employees from
publicly discussing the antimatter research program.
Still, details on the program appear in numerous Air
Force documents distributed over the Internet prior to
the ban. 

These include an outline of a March 2004 speech by an
Air Force official who, in effect, spilled the beans
about the Air Force's high hopes for antimatter
weapons. On March 24, Kenneth Edwards, director of the
revolutionary munitions team at the Munitions
Directorate at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida was
keynote speaker at the NASA Institute for Advanced
Concepts (NIAC) conference in Arlington, Va. 

In that talk, Edwards discussed the potential uses of
a type of antimatter called positrons. 

Physicists have known about positrons or
antielectrons since the early 1930s, when Caltech
scientist Carl Anderson discovered a positron flying
through a detector in his laboratory. That discovery,
and the later discovery of antiprotons by Berkeley
scientists in the 1950s, upheld a 1920s theory of
antimatter proposed by physicist Paul Dirac. 

In 1929, Dirac suggested that the building blocks of
atoms -- electrons (negatively charged particles) and
protons (positively charged particles) -- have
antimatter counterparts: antielectrons and
antiprotons. One fundamental difference between matter
and antimatter is that their subatomic building blocks
carry opposite electric charges. Thus, while an
ordinary electron is negatively charged, an
antielectron is positively charged (hence the term
positrons, which means positive electrons); and
while an ordinary proton is positively charged, an
antiproton is negative. 

The real excitement, though, is this: If electrons or
protons collide with their antimatter counterparts,
they annihilate each other. In so doing, they unleash
more energy than any other known energy source, even
thermonuclear bombs. 

The energy from colliding positrons and antielectrons
is 10 billion times ... that of high explosive,
Edwards explained in his March speech. Moreover, 1
gram of antimatter, about 1/25th of an ounce, would
equal 23 space shuttle fuel tanks of energy. Thus
positron energy conversion, as he called it, would
be a revolutionary energy source of interest to
those who wage war. 

It almost defies belief, the amount of explosive force
available in a speck of antimatter -- even a speck
that is too small to see. For example: One millionth
of a gram of positrons contain as much energy as 37.8
kilograms (83 pounds) of TNT, according to Edwards'
March speech. A simple calculation, then, shows that
about 50-millionths of a gram could generate a blast
equal to the explosion (roughly 4,000 pounds of TNT,
according to the FBI) at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. 

Unlike regular nuclear bombs, positron bombs 

Re: [ppiindia] Re: Ada harapan dengan GMO

2004-10-15 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Eropa menolak GMO dengan alasan environment (kaum
Greens) dan etika (gereja) saya kira ada benarnya.
Tapi ada alasan lain, yaitu greed (kerakusan).  Mereka
ingin petaninya tidak terdesak, buktinya? Mereka sudah
membuka GMO bagi jagung dan kedelai, dua jenis crops
yang tidak ditanam petani Eropa.  Jagung memang
ditanam di Hongaria dan Croatia, dua negara yang
petani Perancis begitu tega mengorbankan mereka.


 --- rm_danardono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Maaf, maksud saya:  mas Rahardjo. Kecepatan
 mengetik, keluar huruf 
 kecil (rahardjo).
 RMD Hadinoto
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], rm_danardono
  Betul,mas rahardjo, harapan manusia, terutama
 rakyat sangat 
  di Afrika yang selalu didera serangan hama, sangat
  menanti hasil penterapan GMO ini dalam industri
  Disini ada dua golongan, yang masih sangat
 menentang, pertama 
  golongan Greens yang mengkhawatirkan penularan
 dampak negatif 
  bahan makanan yang dimodifikasi ke manusia dan
  Dalam pemberlakuan methoda ini untuk manusia, juga
 fihak gereja 
  menentangnya. Disini akidah Kristiani bertabrakan
  ilmu pengetahuan. 
  Dilain fihak, perkembangan jumlah penduduk yang
 mengerikan ini, 
  dapat dihadapi dengan pelipatan industri pangan
 sesuai dengan 
  perkembangan itu.
  Secara stapak demi setapak, Uni Europa membuka
 pintu untuk 
  pemberlakuan methoda ini , misalnya untuk tanaman
 jagung dan 
  Mudah2an ini dibaktikan bagi kebaikan manusia,
 yang seperti mas 
  katakan, anugerah Allah bagi kita. Akal.
  RM D Hadinoto
  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], rahardjo
   Seandainya GMO (genetically modified organisms)
   terbukti aman, dunia akan kecukupan pangan.  Dan
   yang semula ladang, dapat ditanami pohon banyak,
   sehingga erosi top soil dapat dihambat. Daun
   akan makan CO2 dalam proses photosynthesis dan
   menghasilkan O2 yang dihirup oleh manusia. Lebih
   berkurangnya CO2 diudara akan mengurangi efek
   kaca yang menyulut global warming.
   Saya percaya pada potensi manusia, yang salah
   adalah intelegensia, dan itu dipunyai oleh
   Indonesia termasuk Anda-anda.
   Selamat menunaikan ibadah Ramadhan besok atau
 GM seeds make their way into 25% of farmland 
   01:32:38 AM ] 
   NEW DELHI: It's been a creeping acquisition.
   Genetically modified seeds are slowly but surely
   taking over larger chunks of farm land across
   globe. For the first time, one out of every four
   hectares in the world growing food, feed and
   crops is now using transgenic seeds. 
   To put that milestone in perspective, around 750
   million acres, or one-third the total land area
   China, is now under GM crops. In India itself,
   area under Bt cotton has doubled within a year.
   next year, the world is expected to grow GM
   cotton and maize on a whopping 100 million
   For GM seed companies, that would mean a cool $5
   billion or more in sales. And with an average
   growth rate of 10%, GM usage is set to only
   further as large food and feed processing
   find they are meeting less resistance from
   and law-makers world-wide. 
   In 2003, 55% of the 76 million hectares of
   planted globally were transgenic, up from 51% in
   Twenty-one percent of the 34 million hectares of
   cotton were GM, up from 20% last year. 
   The area planted to transgenic canola in 2003
 was 16%,
   up from 12% in 2002. Finally, of the 140 million
   hectares of maize grown globally, 11% was GM in
   equivalent to 15.5 million hectares, up
   from 9% or 12.4 million hectares in 2002. 
   If the global areas (conventional and
 transgenic) of
   these four principal GM crops are aggregated,
   total area is 272 million hectares of which 25%,
   from 22% in 2002, was transgenic in 2003. Thus,
   the first time one quarter of the aggregate area
   the four crops, totalling over one quarter
   hectares is GM.

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- 
$9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.

Berdikusi dg Santun  Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg Lebih 
Baik, in Commonality  Shared Destiny. www.ppi-india.uni.cc

[ppiindia] Ditemukan vaksin mencegah penyakit malaria

2004-10-15 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Beberapa tahun terakhir malaria menjadi penyakit
masyarakat lagi di Indonesia.  Padahal dulunya negara
kita sudah dinyatakan bebas, kecuali beberapa tempat
misalnya Irja.

Rupanya penyebab malaria tidak lagi mempan dengan
kinine.  Tapi sayang, vaksin yang ampuh sukar
ditemukan, maklum penyakit ini hanya ada di tempat
tropis, yang penduduknya belum mampu membeli obat
mahal.  Jadi usaha farmasi multinasional enggan
mengadakan riset untuk memperoleh vaksin ampuh.

Untung ada dermawan Bill Gates dan isterinya yang
adalah orang terkaya di dunia saat ini.  Mereka keluar
dana untuk mencari vaksin malaria, seperti mereka
mendanai pemberantasan penyakit masyarakat yang lebih
ganas, yaitu HIV/AIDS.



(The New York Times)

October 15, 2004
Malaria Vaccine Proves Effective
For the first time, researchers say, a vaccine against
malaria has shown that it can save children from
infection or death.

The vaccine, tested on thousands of children in
Mozambique, was hardly perfect: It protected them from
catching the disease only about 30 percent of the time
and prevented it from becoming life-threatening only
about 58 percent of the time.

But because malaria kills more than a million people a
year, 700,000 of them children, even partial
protection would be a public health victory. The
disease, caused by a parasite carried by mosquitoes,
is found in 90 countries, and drug-resistant strains
are spreading.

Dr. Allan Schapira, strategy coordinator for the Roll
Back Malaria campaign at the World Health
Organization, said the trial was good news, and
definitely of great interest for malaria control.

The director of the Malaria Vaccine Initiative, which
is underwriting tests on 15 experimental vaccines with
money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said
the GlaxoSmithKline product tried in Mozambique was
now its leading candidate and had proved that the
concept worked.

We'd all like to see the numbers be higher,
absolutely, said Dr. Melinda Moree, director of the
initiative. But these are still very significant

The results - to be published tomorrow in the British
medical journal The Lancet - were comparable to or
better than other methods of preventing infection in
African villages, like distributing mosquito nets and
insecticides, she said.

A malaria expert not connected with the study, Dr.
Dyann Wirth, director of the Harvard Malaria
Initiative, a program at the Harvard School of Public
Health that is also seeking cures, was more cautious.
She said the findings opened a fruitful area for
further investigation, but needed larger trials. 

Glaxo and the Malaria Vaccine Initiative are planning
such trials. But experts said it would be several
years before the vaccine could be adopted as a
childhood inoculation like those for diphtheria or
measles. It is not yet known how long the vaccine's
protection lasts, whether it is safe for infants and
whether it is compatible with other vaccines.

A trial of the same vaccine among adults in Gambia six
years ago showed that it protected about 35 percent of
them from infection, but that the protection waned
after about two months.

Still, experts noted that children stand to benefit
more from a vaccine. In rural Africa, people can be
infected several times a year. Children who survive to
adulthood become immune. Newborns inherit some
protection from their mothers, but it wears off in a
few months. Young children are the hardest hit, and
many who survive are brain-damaged.

The most recent vaccine test, conducted in two rural
districts in southern Mozambique, where malaria is
endemic during the six-month rainy season, involved
2,022 children ages 1 to 4. Half of them were given
the malaria vaccine; rather than placebos, the other
half got vaccines against hepatitis or bacteria that
cause meningitis.

To ensure that the results were not skewed by other
factors, the control and vaccine groups had roughly
equal numbers of children who slept under mosquito
nets at home and who lived near a clinic. The children
were followed for six months and had home visits with
blood and temperature checks at least once a month.
Those who developed malaria were given immediate
medical attention; the disease can kill in as little
as 48 hours, but it can be cured if it is caught in

To test the vaccine's ability to prevent new
infections, two subgroups of about 180 children each
were given drugs to clear any parasites they might
have had before the trial began. In both subgroups,
most children developed new parasites. But the number
was considerably smaller among those who had received
the vaccine: 123 children in the vaccine group,
compared with 159 in the control group. Over all, 11
vaccinated children developed severe malaria while 26
in the control group did.

Fifteen children died of various causes. None in the
vaccine group died of malaria, while four in the
control group did. Those numbers are too small to have
any statistical meaning.

[ppiindia] Asian Innovation Awards 2004

2004-10-15 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab



(Far Eastern Economic Review)


Bank On This

A home-grown Indian banking solution is keeping tabs
on global financial transactions

By John Larkin/NEW DELHI

Issue cover-dated October 21, 2004

WANT TO START your own bank? You'll need money and an
appetite for hard work. Chances are you'll also need
Rajesh Hukku, the chairman and managing director of
Mumbai-based i-flex solutions. 

This software company sells to banks the part of their
operations that account holders never see. Every bank
transaction sets off ripples of other transactions,
like reporting obligations to regulatory authorities
and fee calculations, which must be handled down the
line by the bank's information-technology set-up.
These back-office requirements vary from country to
country, and more often than not have been in place
for decades. Many have become a patchwork of IT
add-ons over the years as new services cropped up,
resulting in efficiency losses and millions of dollars
in foregone savings.

Some of these packages have been around since I was
in kindergarten, says 46-year-old Hukku. It's like
you have a beautiful body for your car, but the engine
is 20 or 30 years old.

That's where i-flex comes in. Its award-winning
Flexcube software suite does the heavy lifting to help
banks and other financial-services companies
streamline everything from core banking to mortgages,
investment banking, capital markets and mutual funds.
It integrates all this data, enabling banks to monitor
their risk exposure, regardless of location, to
customers in real time across their entire range of
products. That's often not possible at most banks with
less-efficient systems. Flexcube also allows a banker
with no programming expertise to create a new product
within a week, rather than the months of reprogramming
it would otherwise take. It can crunch nearly 7,500
transactions a second according to an audit by Ernst 
Young. For banks, that means a less-expensive way to
deliver better services.

For the past two years, Flexcube has been ranked the
top-selling core banking-software package by the
British International Banking System. It is used at
financial institutions in 88 countries, 15 of which
were added in the financial year 2003-04. Now it can
add to its list of accolades the Global
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Award for 2004, awarded by the
REVIEW, in association with Singapore's Economic
Development Board in recognition of the best
application of technology to a strong business model.

Hukku puts Flexcube's success down to the ease with
which it can be tailored to requirements in different
countries. Nothing is hard-coded, allowing the
customer to fine-tune the software to its own needs.
Hukku even built that concept into the product's
name--Flex stands for flexible. The last three
letters of the name, ube, stand for universal
banking environment. It's a bank in a box, proclaims
Hukku. If you ran into a lot of money and wanted to
start your own bank, you could literally open our
package and start the bank in a few months.

Flexcube has 185 customers, and the number is rising.
Its biggest contract is with Citibank, where Flexcube
is being used to standardize its corporate-banking
operations around the world. That means slashing the
59 existing patchwork versions of Citibank's in-house
IT system down to just one--the biggest such
conversion package ever undertaken, according to
Hukku. Another client is Japan's resurgent Shinsei
Bank, which uses Flexcube as its core system for
retail and corporate banking.

The company has come a long way since its relatively
humble beginnings in a small Mumbai office in 1992,
ironically as a venture partly funded by Citibank. Now
Hukku's mission is to keep the numbers healthy and
eventually turn Flexcube into India's first global IT
brand. It's already the top software-product company
in India. Net income from operations rose from 1.14
billion rupees ($24.87 million) to 2.09 billion rupees
between the financial years 2001-02 and 2003-04. It's
one of the few Indian IT companies to build a business
model based on its own home-grown product. The success
of that endeavour will largely depend on the key
United States market. Hukku is optimistic. Over the
next several years it could be great for Flexcube when
[U.S.] banks decide to change their systems, he says.

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- 
$9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.

Berdikusi dg Santun  Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg 

[ppiindia] Infosys cashes in on outsourcing

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Sekedar pengantar untuk kawan-kawan yang belum tahu. 
Infosys adalah perusahaan software berpusat di
Bangalore, sudah masuk Nasdaq, omzetnya tahun lalu
lebih dari satu milyard dollar.  Didirikan oleh
Narayana Narayana Murthi dengan modal hanya $ 600
dollar, sepulang dia dari Perancis tahun 1960an.

Sekarang Infosys menjadi perusahaan software 3 besar
India yang sudah mendunia bersama Tata Consultancy
Services (TCS) dan Wipro.  Mengenai Wipro dengan Azim
Premji-nya akan saya singgung kalau ada topik yang

Sukses Infosys adalah sukses new economy, yang
bersandar pada frontier technologies (sofware,
biotechnology, genetic engineering, robotics, nanti
bisa ditambah lagi).  Narayana Murthi mulanya sama
sekali bukan orang kaya, tapi dengan ide dan otak
cemerlang dia kini jadi milyarder dalam dollar, jadi
orang no.4 terkaya di India.  Menyalib orang yang
punya pabrik.


Infosys cashes in on outsourcing 

India's Infosys has turned in sharply higher quarterly
profits, helped by new contracts to run other
companies' technical support services. 
The company said net profits for the second quarter
came in at 4.5 billion rupees ($97.1m;£54m), a 49%
increase on the same period last year. 

Sales also rose, climbing 52% on the year to 17.5
billion rupees. 

Chief executive Nandan Nilekani said the firm had
benefited from a mega-trend towards outsourcing. 


Outsourcing - where firms contract out functions such
as computer support to outside companies - has become
an increasingly popular way for major multinationals
to keep costs under control. 

Indian companies - drawing on a highly-educated and
comparatively cheap labour force - have become the
chief beneficiaries of the trend. 

Infosys, which exports software as well as offering
outsourcing services, said it had signed up 32 new
customers during the second quarter. 

Chief operating officer Kris Gopalakrishnan said
public controversy in the US over the jobs impact of
outsourcing appeared to have faded. 

It seems to be behind us, he told the Reuters news

There seems to be less concerns coming close to the
(US Presidential) elections. 

Infosys said it now expected to make full-year profits
of 71.3 - 71.6 billion rupees, up from its previous
forecast of 67.3 - 67.7 rupees. 

It added that it had taken on 5,010 new employees over
the second quarter, lifting its total workforce to


Published: 2004/10/12 06:41:17 GMT

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- 
$9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.

Berdikusi dg Santun  Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg Lebih 
Baik, in Commonality  Shared Destiny. www.ppiindia.shyper.com
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[ppiindia] Translator Rashid careful with words

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Membuat subtitle film bukan pekerjaan mudah.  Sebab si
penterjemah memberi alih bahasa dari dialog,
seringkali bahasa gaul (colloquial), dialognya cepat
pula, mana mungkin ditulis longhand (tulisan biasa)
harus short hand (steno).  Maka itu sering subtitle
jadi janggal, tidak nyambung dengan adegan.  Apalagi
kalau si penterjemah tidak menguasai suatu subject,
jadinya carrier diterjemahkan kapal pengangkut
padahal seharusnya kapal induk.  Atau tidak jarang
acre menjadi are padahal sungguh lain.

Memberi subtitle film Indonesia lebih sulit lagi,
karena perlu kemampuan colloquial English yang
lumayan.  Dari sedikit film Indonesia yang beredar
diluar, saya acungkan jempol pada film Ada apa dengan
Cinta, itu film remaja SMA yang penuh bahasa gaul
anak ABG.


  Print October 14, 2004 

Translator Rashid careful with words 
A. Junaidi, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Local movie viewers will never see the Indonesian
translation of words such as Arab terrorists used in
subtitles for Hollywood films because Rashid Rachman
translates it into kelompok teroris (terrorist group),

The viewers will also not read the proper translation
of make love, f... or have sex along the bottom
of the big screen as Rashid will translate the words
as bercinta (make love). 

He translates other words such as penis and vagina
as kemaluan (genitals). 

Many viewers may grumble at what they perceive to be
Rashid's frequent translation errors. 

Not many people know about Rashid. As soon as a film
ends people usually make a mad dash for the exit. 

Probably, only a few cinema goers have noticed his
name at the end of films in the credits:  ...
diterjermahkan (translated by) Rashid Rahman. 

The 68-year-old Rashid is the most senior among three
translators working for the only film importer, PT
Subtan Film, of the Twenty-One Group. They translate
the dialog from colloquial English into colloquial
Bahasa Indonesia, as far as is possible, within the
limits that cultural differences allow. 

Rashid acknowledged that he also personally imposes a
restriction on sensitive words covered by the
Indonesian acronym SARA (ethnic affiliation, religion,
race and societal groups). The sensitivities behind
these issues are often been deemed to have led to
conflict in Indonesia. 

If I didn't exercise censorship, the film censorship
authority would do it. If they miss something, people
will protest, he said in an interview with The
Jakarta Post recently. 

He said many movie goers might complain that he did
not translate the dialog properly as he simply
translates the film from a copy of the script, without
actually seeing the film. 

He said the scripts arrived often only a week before
the film was due to be screened and he had two or
three days to translate the dialog, which could reach
1,000 pages. 

A film is translated by a translator. It's different
to the translation of television shows, which are
usually done by four people, including an editor. It's
really stressful, he said. 

He added that a film translator had only one day to
edit the translation while listening to the film
soundtrack before it was played in a cinema. 

We just guess the precise words from listening. We
make mistakes sometimes, he said, adding that not
many people are interested in the job because of the
hard work it entailed. 

Besides Rashid, the two other film translators are
Yusuf Adi, 60, and D. Hery R., 54. 

Many applications come in for the job. But many
people quit after trying it. Now it's only three of
us, Rashid complained. 

He declined to discuss the payment he received from
the company, saying that it was based on the number of
films he translated. 

Sometimes, if there are no new films, we have nothing
to do. Some of us even resort to translating films for
video, he said, adding that before the economic
crisis in 1997, he could translate 30 films a month. 

Rashid's interest in watching films started when he
was a young boy. He often spent his pocket money to
watch films together with his younger sister Rachmini,
who is known also as Mien Uno, the director of the
John Robert Powers finishing schools in Indonesia. 

His interest in film translation was prompted after
seeing Desiree starring Marlon Brando, which was
translated by noted artist Asrul Sani in 1962. 

I still remember the film. The translation was very
good; it was beautiful, said Rashid, who is still
single and considers his colleague Hery as his adopted
son. Rashid now lives alone in a modest house in
Baranangsiang, Bogor. 

Rashid's first film translation was I Passed for White
which was produced by Allied Artists in 1963. 

Born the fourth of eight children, Rashid never
planned to become a film translator. I once dreamed
of being a movie actor, he said. 

His educational background is not connected with his
job. He dropped out in the second year of his studies
at the department of agriculture of 

[ppiindia] India shows the world the path to prosperity

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


 India shows the world the path to prosperity! HCL
Technologies creates fastest growing call centers in
the UK!

Sujan Sen, Special Correspondent
October 05, 2004 

HCL is creating magic! Even UK’s Financial Times
agreed on the fact! 

The Apollo Road call center in Belfast has an Indian
outsourcing company to thank for its status as one of
the fastest-growing call centers in the UK. New
Delhi-based HCL Technologies acquired a 90 per cent
stake in the site in 2001 from BT and has since more
than tripled the workforce to 1,100 people by
broadening the range of industries it services beyond

In a trend-bucking move, Indian IT company HCL
Technologies Ltd said on Monday it was creating 250
jobs with the expansion of a call centre in Northern

India's fifth-biggest software services exporter is
receiving 920,000 pounds ($1.64 million) in state aid
through Invest NI for the 1.9 million pounds
investment in its HCL BPO call centre operation in

This investment is especially significant as it
reverses the trend, said Barry Gardiner, a junior
minister in Britain's Northern Ireland Office.  

As Northern Ireland's first inward investment from
India, HCL has become a successful role model for
other Indian technology-driven companies seeking an
attractive location to develop business within the
newly-enlarged European Union.  

In recent years the trend has been in the opposite
direction, with more than 50,000 British jobs,
particularly in call centers, moving to India as
companies cut costs. 
The jobs boost for Belfast will partially offset last
week's announcement from textile firm Fruit of the
Loom that it was cutting 650 jobs on both sides of the
Irish border over the next four to five years as it
switches operations to Morocco. 


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[ppiindia] Love Thy education

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

The Economic Times 
Thursday, October 14, 2004|  Updated at 01:26 hrs  
UK seems ready to go quite a distance in shoring up
its educational equations with India. This is quite
evident with the recent £200-m grant to bolster
India’s Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). 

The SSA has been incorporated in the Constitution to
ensure eight years of elementary education for every
child. UK’s minister of schools, David Miliband, has
also thrown open the doors to foster partnerships
between Indian and British schools. This move has been
initiated across Delhi, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal
to begin with. 

“The £200-m funding is a completely fresh grant
towards backing up the SSA and will spread over four
years. We have also opened a global educational
gateway on the internet to trigger tie-ups between the
UK and international schools. 

We would like India as a strategic partner in this
global exercise,” Mr Miliband said. He was interacting
with the media in Kolkata on Friday. The purpose of
going the whole hog to build bridges between the
school education systems of India and the UK are
largely two-fold. 

The first is to create the platform so that both
countries have access to each other’s knowledge base.
This could help infuse the necessary improvements in
the two systems. 

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[ppiindia] IITan shows how to make locally and sell globally

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


 IITian shows how to make locally and sell globally 
Oct. 9, 2004

For any IITian, working in MNCs for a handsome pay is
the safest and smartest bet. But V Sasi Kumar's
ingenuity was operating on a different plane. Heeding
his own intuition, he started Phoenix Medical Systems
Private Ltd. to make medical equipment for mother and
baby care. Today, in less than two decades, not only
hospitals in India and some Third World countries, but
also medical establishments in Switzerland and the US
have begun to import the Phoenix baby-warmers and
photo therapy units. The product has recently been
approved by the FDI. The company expects the same
response to its other products. At the local level,
many doctors and hospitals have been consulting Sasi
Kumar to set up comfortable ICUs, labour rooms and
other wards. ``I never thought I was going to make it.
It was not easy at all, says Sasi Kumar. He
Phoenix project was inspired by his prototype baby
incubators he had made during his final-year in IIT.
±``Senior paediatricians were thrilled. They
encouraged me to pursue further research in the area.
Nevertheless, when I told my parents and relatives
about it, they thought I was crazy to reject offers
from world's best manufacturing companies, recalls
Sasi Kumar. A determined Sasi Kumar was not ready to
leave anything to chance. He spent several days and
nights in different wards of hospitals to understand
the needs of a child, a doctor, paramedical staff and
attenders. He looked for drawbacks in the existing
products, the difficulties and the comforts they gave.
That was his first RD work for the company. In 1993,
the company came out with an incubator with the
world's first oval-shaped single-mould bed. Most raw
material and spare parts, barring a few electronic
gadgets, were indigenous. Hospitals and many senior
paediatricians found the equipment at least 50 percent
cheaper than the imported ones. ``What's more
important was we signed annual maintenance contracts
with our customers. We were available round-the-clock
and the hospitals found our value-added services like
import of allied equipment attractive, says Sasi
Kumar. At present, Pheonix's customers include
Governments of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh, Escorts (Delhi), Apollo Hospitals Group and
Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital. ``They did not
want an equipment with wires jutting out as it can
horrify the patient. Instead, they asked for one that
could be hidden inside cupboards. A family suite that
would double up as labour ward or a paediatric ICU
that is child-friendly and also a sterile zone.
Sasi Kumar is still aiming higher. He says his dream
is to be a part of the hospital planning team. ``We
will do it some day, he says. Despite the success,
Sasi Kumar is rattled by the lack of legislation to
check the quality of medical equipment. ``A drug has
to go through several rounds of animal and clinical
trials. In contrast, even a tin box can be marketed as
an ECG machine and no authority questions the
manufacturer. In the absence of proper rules, we will
end up playing with more lives, he regrets.


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Re: [ppiindia] Gutten Morgen...

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Nggak mau kalah saya.  Sekarang saya kasih teka-teki: 
cari bilangan kalau dikalikan dengan bilangan itu
sendiri hasilnya;


Saya tunggu jawabnya 30 menit lagi.


 --- Listy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Wah , bener2 keren dech nih angka
 -Original Message-
 Amazing Math... 
 0 x 9 + 0 = 0 
 1 x 9 + 1 = 10 
 12 x 9 + 2 = 110 
 123 x 9 + 3 = 1110 
 1234 x 9 + 4 = 0 
 12345 x 9 + 5 = 10 
 123456 x 9 + 6 = 110 
 1234567 x 9 + 7 = 1110 
 12345678 x 9 + 8 = 0 
 123456789 x 9 + 9 = 10 
 1 x 1 = 1 
 11 x 11 = 121 
 111 x 111 = 12321 
  x  = 1234321 
 1 x 1 = 123454321 
 11 x 11 = 12345654321 
 111 x 111 = 1234567654321 
  x  = 123456787654321 
 1 x 1 = 12345678987654321 
 Another Magic of Math 
 1 x 8 + 1 = 9 
 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 
 123 x 8 + 3 = 987 
 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876 
 12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765 
 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654 
 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543 
 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432 
 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321 
 Then... Check this out  
 1 x 18 + 1 = 19 
 12 x 18 + 2 = 218 
 123 x 18 + 3 = 2217 
 1234 x 18 + 4 = 22216 
 12345 x 18 + 5 = 15 
 123456 x 18 + 6 = 214 
 1234567 x 18 + 7 = 2213 
 12345678 x 18 + 8 = 22212 
 123456789 x 18 + 9 = 11 
 Coba yg ini 
 123456789 + 987654321 = 10 
 1 x 142857 = 142857 (angka sama) 
 2 x 142857 = 285714 (angka sama beda urutan ) 
 3 x 142857 = 428571 (angka sama beda ururan) 
 4 x 142857 = 571428 (angka sama beda urutan ) 
 5 x 142857 = 714285 (angka sama beda urutan) 
 6 x 142857 = 857142 (angka sama beda urutan) 
 7 x 142857 = 99 ( waw..suatu hasil yang
 Fantastis ) 
 ada lagi lho... 
 bilangan sembarang jika dikalikan 9 maka jumlah
 hasilnya = 9 kita 
 1 x 9 = 9 
 2 x 9 = 18, jumlah 1 + 8 = 9 
 3 x 9 = 27, jumlah 2 + 7 = 9 
 4 x 9 = 36, jumlah 3 + 6 = 9 
 dst. sampai tak terhingga ..Ok khan ... 
 ada lagi 
 22 x 9 = 198, .cara cepatnya 2 x 9 = 18, lalu
 selipkan angka 9 
 ditengah, jadi 198ok 
 buktikan sendiri cara cepatnya berikut ini... 
 33 x 9 = 297, cara cepat 3 x 9, selipkan 9 ditengah 
 44 x 9 = 396 
 55 x 9 = 495 
 66 x 9 = 594 
 77 x 9 = 693 
 88 x 9 = 792 
 99 x 9 = 891 
 lalu bagaimana dengan 3 angka kembar yach ??? 
 sama aja tuch tinggal selipkan 99 ditengahnya  
 gak percaya kita buktikan yach... 
 222 x 9 = 1998, cara cepat 2 x 9= 18, selipkan 99
 333 x 9 = 2997 
 444 x 9 = 3996 
 555 x 9 = 4995 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been

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[ppiindia] Militer menarik manfaat dari program ISRO

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


 Defense must gain from India’s civilian space

By NK Pant, Freelance Contributor
October 13, 2004 

Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) flawless
lift off of power packed three-stage GSLV rocket with
the EDUSAT satellite as its sophisticated payload in
the later half of September 2002 heralds a new
eventful chapter in India’s outer space exploration
efforts. EDUSTAT was later successfully placed in
geo-stationary orbit at the height of 36,000
kilometres for beaming educational programs to
thousands of Indian students residing in inaccessible
areas yet keen on continuing with their schooling
through the process of distant learning. Justifiably
termed as a turning point in India’s space efforts,
the invaluable satellite, after the accompanying
ground based software and hardware is fully in place,
should prove to be immensely beneficial to a large
section of student community.  

The previous successful launch of indigenously
developed GSLV-D2 was carried out nearly a year back
from Sriharikota Space Center when the launch vehicle
had placed nearly a two-ton GSAT-2 satellite in the
orbit. The accomplishment proved a clear betterment
over the first GSLV that had soared into the space in
April 2001. The Indian space scientists have also
perfected another smaller workhorse carrier Polar
Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) to facilitate
launching of remote sensing and other scientific
payloads into lower sun-synchronous orbits with
conceivable strategic applications. In October 2003
PSLV rocket had injected Resource Sat-1 into
predetermined orbit 817 km above earth. These
successful launches prove beyond doubt ISRO’s
capability to design, fabricate and successfully
hurtle satellites into outer space for a variety of
applications ranging from development to nation’s
defense and security. 

However, from defense point of view, remote sensing
satellites carry important dual use functions.
Equipped with sophisticated powerful cameras having a
resolution of one meter, the latest remote sensing
space vehicles send clear imageries for accurately
mapping the country in the field of natural resources
providing the planners vital inputs for development
activity. These not only transmit scientific data to
varied fields like forestry, mines, water resources,
agriculture, fisheries, weather forecasting, disaster
management so on and so forth but in addition also
provide much needed reconnaissance system and
operational planning assistance to our armed forces.
Nevertheless, the real importance of these civilian
satellites lies in their military applications –
capability to take high-resolution pictures of enemy’s
strategic and tactical positions across the
international borders thus helping the defense forces
to plan their moves. 

The satellite will help in linking classrooms across
India. India has launched its first satellite to be
used for expanding the country's educational network.
It is indeed creditable to note that ISRO’s remote
sensing satellites have of late kept a close watch
over Tibet where recent land slides have created a
huge artificial lake in the Sutlej basin which if
breached could have caused unprecedented floods in
Himachal Pradesh. The possible alternate function of
these satellites can also be to keep an eye on
surreptitious Chinese troop, aircraft and missile
deployment in the Tibetan Autonomous Region enabling
our forces to take timely appropriate counter
measures. A well-entrenched civilian space program
also carries another strategic fringe benefit for
India’s security, as experts feel that a satellite
launch rockets can easily be adapted for military
purposes. Once the country fully develops proven and
dependable launchers like PSLV or GSLV to place
various kinds of satellites in near or distant space
orbits, these if needed, can also be easily modified
into intermediate or intercontinental range ballistic
missiles (IRBM or ICBM) to act as deterrents. For a
country like ours where funds are hard to come by,
this is the only way through which exorbitantly high
cost of the military missile system can be absorbed by
development of satellite launchers for civilian
applications. Incidentally India spends only $400
million yearly on its space program compared to
China’s $2.5 billion.

Presently GSLV is using cryogenic engines imported
from Russia as the indigenous engine is still under
development. Till India does not have its own
cryogenic engines and more powerful booster rockets,
it may not be able to place heavier communication
satellites in outer space. Incidentally, India’s
biggest rocket payload happens to be 3 tons as against
China’s 9.2 tons and hence the country apparently has
a long gap to cover. However, in medium launch
capability ISRO is doing quite well. That it has
reportedly secured a $10 million contract to launch a
satellite for the European Union using PSLV suggests
emergence of a gainful market for space launches. The
coming years 

Re: [ppiindia] mobil PM india,...

2004-10-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 Mungkin  anda maksudkan mobil Ambassador, ya.  FYI,
di India yang disebut leader itu bukan cuma pemimpin
politik/pemerintahan saja.  Tapi juga dari kalangan
bisnis/industri.  Nah, dari captains of the industri
ini mau saya sebut saja dua orang yang memberi teladan
untuk menghargai isi daripada kulit.

Azim Premji, boss Wipro, adalah orang terkaya no.1,
tapi naik pesawat selalu pilih kelas ekonomi.  Kalau
nginap di hotel, dia tinggal di kamar standard, bukan
suite, itupun hotel bisnis, bukan hotel kelas satu.
Kalau tiba di bandara, dia naik taksi buat ke kantor,
bukan minta dijemput mobil perusahaan.  Di kantornya,
dia menolak disediakan tempat parkir khusus.  Mobilnya
hanya Ford Escort bikinan 1995.  FYI, di India
sekarang berseliweran mobil Daimler-Chrysler, Mercedes
series S, Infiniti, Lexus, dsb.

Narayana Murthy, boss Infosys, adalah orang kaya no.4.
 Infosys bersama Wipro dan TCS, sudah tercatat di
Nasdaq, dan omzet masing-masing tahun lalu diatas 1
juta dollar.  Narayana Murthy juga punya mobil sedang,
bukan mewah, tapi saya tak tahu merk apa.  Di rumahnya
di Bangalore, dia tidak punya pembantu, jadi yang
masak dan ngepel rumah, ya isterinya, yang sama-sama
insinyur.  Anaknya, waktu SMA (sekarang mahasiswa MIT)
naik bus ke sekolah.


--- Aminta Ginting [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 betul sekali bung NIzami,...
 saya jadi inget artikel di KOMPAS tentang PM India
 yeng menolak mobil BMW yang sudah terlanjur diorder.
 dia prefer pada mobil merk apa tuh,.yang banyak
 berseliweran di India itu, lho,..
 yang kalau di Indonesia sering kita bilang mobil
 tuan takur ,..
 body agak kecil dan ada bonnet depan serta ekor
 basic_nya kayaknya dari Fiat 1100 dech, di tahun
 mobil yang sama juga dipakai sebagai mobil yang
 dipukuli, ditabrakkan dan diduduki gajah, terakhir
 menjelam menjadi peugeot 206 itu,..
 jabat erat jangan hemat,
 Message: 24
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 18:03:34 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: RE: Re: Pimpinan MPR Tolak Volvo
 Bung Leo, mobil Volvo pimpinan MPR yang akan
 diberikan itu adalah mobil baru yang harganya bisa
 di atas Rp 1 milyar. Bukan mobil Volvo bekas tahun
 1995...:). Tiap 5 tahun, meski sudah pernah diberi
 mobil Volvo (contoh AM Fatwa sudah punya Volvo yang
 sekarang juga menolak Volvo baru), nanti dapat
 Kalau yang diberi mobil bekas, biar Volvo juga akan
 sering mogoknya dan biaya servicenya besar...:)
 Sebaiknya mobil untuk para pejabat, Kijang juga
 sudah cukup. Harganya tidak lebih dari Rp 200 juta.
 Irit dan bisa memuat banyak orang serta cukup nyaman
 Ayolah kita hargai sikap para pimpinan MPR sekarang
 yang benar2 mewujudkan sikap hidup sederhana dengan
 contoh nyata. Bukan ceramah meminta rakyat hidup
 sederhana, tapi dia sendiri menikmati mobil mewah
 dengan fasilitas uang negara/rakyat.
 Sejahterakan dulu rakyat, baru boleh foya2.

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[ppiindia] Lee Kuan Yew bicara

2004-10-12 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Jangan bilang LKY pro-Amerika. Kalau sudah mengenai
prinsip, dia sering berlawanan dengan Amerika,
contohnya segudang. Nyatanya, dia hanya pro-Singapura.
 Dalam rohnya, dia seorang Anglo-fili sejati, dan
bicara Inggris dengan aksen Cambridge yang pas.

Yang jelas, dia musuh dan memusuhi komunis.  Lawan
komunis adalah orang yang paham Marxisme seperti LKY. 
Waktu di Cambridge, dimana ia selesai dengan magna cum
laude, dia debater ulung di debating club.  Waktu itu
dia jadi kader Labour Party yang waktu itu beraliran
Marxist.  Makanya sekembalinya ke Malaya, dia keras
terhadap kaum komunis yang waktu itu mendominasi
kehidupan politik dan sosial di pulau Singapura.

Tak jarang dia bicara langsung di Congress, seperti
ketika dia mendobrak Jenkins Bill yang mau membatasi
import tekstil.  Menghadapi Congress mudah untuk orang
sekelas LKY dan Abba Eban (sekarang almarhum), tokoh
Israel yang juga sama-sama keluaran Cambridge, juga
dengan summa cum laude.  Mendengar LKY bicara di
Congress atau Abba Eban di PBB, audience mengira
Aldous Huxley yang bicara, karena bicaranya forceful
tapi persuasive.   

Seperti saya pernah posting disini, Muslim di
Singapura adalah Muslim yang positif dan konstruktif.
Di tulisan bawah, LKY mengingatkan apa yang musti
diperbuat menghadapi teroris yang berlomba-lomba satu
sama lain dalam kekejian mereka.  Silahkan baca dengan

OCT 13, 2004
Terrorists outdoing one another in savagery 
By Lee Kuan Yew 

THIS year's presidential election in the United States
has special significance for East Asia. A Pacific
Ocean diminished in size by technology has linked East
Asia's economic future with America's.

Any slowdown in the US spells problems for Asia.
Although intra-East Asian trade has grown by double
digits yearly since the 1990s, the end destination for
about 25 per cent of the region's manufactured
products is still the US.

Asia needs a US administration that supports free
trade and is able to restrain domestic pressures to
protect American jobs by restricting outsourcing.


OF EVEN greater concern to Asia, however, is the
Islamist terror threat. Because globalisation has
brought about a planet-wide focus, suicide bombers now
target Americans and America's friends in Asia. 

In Iraq, besides Americans and Britons, terrorists
have taken Italians, Egyptians, Turks, Nepalese,
Indians, Pakistanis and many others hostage. 

When the Italian government refused to withdraw its
troops from Iraq, terrorists killed the Italian
journalist they were holding. They had expected the
Italian government to yield in the same way that the
Philippines had in order to save its countryman. 

Terrorists in Iraq have also beheaded one Nepali, two
Bulgarians, one South Korean and three Americans,
besides killing many others. The 'Islamic Army in
Iraq' went beyond demanding the withdrawal of foreign
forces; it threatened to kill two French journalists
if France didn't rescind its ban on the wearing of
headscarves by Muslim girls attending French state

Some believe that if the US had not attacked Iraq, the
terrorists would not have become so numerous and so

Escalating terrorist outrages both inside and outside
Iraq show a dynamic independent of what's going on
there. Every new horror is quickly copied, including
coordinated suicide bombings, hostage-takings and
intimidation through the posting of videos of
beheadings on the Internet.

Disparate terrorist groups outdo one another in
extremes of savagery. They are eager to die and take
with them as many victims as possible. Islamists
consider an attack on Muslims anywhere as a crime
against all Muslims. Their websites tabulate massacres
of Muslims in Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, Kashmir,
Mindanao, Ambon, Poso and Palestine, citing all as
atrocities against the Muslim ummah (community).

To influence Indonesia's presidential elections on
Sept 20 and Australia's elections on Oct 9, Islamic
jihadists exploded a huge car bomb on Sept 9 at the
Australian Embassy in Jakarta, killing nine and
injuring 182. 

To their credit, Indonesians and Australians have not
allowed this attack to influence their elections. 

Al-Qaeda has supported disparate Muslim insurgencies
all over the world, providing funds, training and
expertise in the art of mass killing. Chechen
terrorists have bombed a subway station in Moscow,
blown up two Russian planes using suicide bombers and,
in concert with other terrorists, taken more than
1,000 Russian parents, children and teachers hostage
in a school in Beslan. They killed more than 330 in
cold blood at that school - more than half of them,

Extensive preparations and perfect coordination, as
well as the use of suicide bombers, heavy surveillance
and possible rehearsals were the hallmarks of
Al-Qaeda's 9/11 attacks, as noted in the US 9/11
Commission Report. 

The Beslan terrorists had studied the 2002 Moscow
theatre siege, avoiding mistakes made there. Windows
at the 

[ppiindia] Neither fools, nor crooks

2004-10-12 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

  Print October 13, 2004 

(Editorial Jakarta Post) 
Neither fools, nor crooks 

Not so long ago, around the time of the year when
governments are formed, many among our political elite
would be inflicted with a temporary case of AIDS. No,
not that dreadful disease ravaging the world's
population, but a sudden case of vanity while awaiting
the telephone call to confirm their exalted
appointment as Cabinet minister.

An Indonesian acronym for Aku Ingin Ditelpon Soeharto
(I want to be telephoned by Soeharto), AIDS poignantly
described the conceited regard for high appointment --
a get rich scheme which bestowed power and all the
indulgences of political patrimony. There was little
semblance of the awareness that Cabinet posts are
positions of high service, not high privilege. 

In theory, at least, president-elect Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono has begun to put a stop to it. That is not
to say that undesirables are not camping out at
Cikeas -- Susilo's residence -- trying to grab his
attention. But at the very least the president-elect
has introduced a new screening process by personally
interviewing a short list of ministerial candidates
for a particular post. 

For the moment the process has created a media frenzy.
Even SMS (short Message Service) polling is encouraged
by television stations on the respective ministerial
candidates as if it were some hollow reality show.
Watching the circus unfold the public is treated to a
who dunit? mystery, only this time the premise being
who'll get it? 

The way in which a government is selected, organized
and managed will have implications on the procedural
legitimacy that stake holders like the House of
Representatives and the general public, will grant in
policy making. 

Thus in principle, Susilo's selection process deserves
support. We hope that he will remain faithful to his
idea that job interviews will serve as a means to
examine not only the candidates personal competence,
but his or her loyalty to the new president's vision. 

We understand that the interviews may also serve as a
sieve to remove politically sensitive candidates from
the final selection. Susilo at the very least can now
make his choice under the guise of appraising the
interview, and not merely his personal inclination. 

We welcome this move and wholly endorse the selection
of competence over political favor. However, we would
also like to remind our president-elect that in an age
of direct democracy and parliamentary
rambunctiousness, technical competence and scholarly
flair are not the sole proprieties in making a good

Wit and political congeniality are no less important
for an administration likely to be the most
scrutinized in four decades. 

We urge Susilo to define in his own mind the positions
needed to govern and the people he needs to fill them.
He is not bound by stifling bureaucratic traditions in
this case because simply, there are none preceding.
Susilo should proceed with whatever experiments he may
feel necessary for this process without wasting time. 

His goal should be toward forming a team. Each
appointment demarcated by distinctly separate
assignments, yet able to work collegially with one
another. Lone rangers are not welcome. 

The selection should include people who cede to a
democratically elected president, but always those who
are also ever ready to sharpen issues and raise
concerns over dubious policy ambitions. Yes men are
not wanted. 

Finally, and most importantly, it is most desirable
for the Cabinet to include only individuals whose
personal traits protect them from the clamor of the
mob, the allure of power and the charm of riches. We
seek not a Cabinet of fools at the price of gaining a
Cabinet of crooks. 

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[ppiindia] Flaws are normal in development cycle

2004-10-11 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


DRDO = Defense Research and Development Organization. 
Anggaran DRDO tahun lalu Rs 4000 crore atau Rs 40
milyard (rupiahnya kalikan 200).  Punya 51 lab yang

Trishul, Akash dan Nag = rudal

Arjun = tank

Lakshya = pesawat jet tempur

Kapal selam tidak masuk dalam wawancara ini.


  Magazine | Oct 18, 2004  
'Flaws Are Normal In Development Cycle' 
The Arjun project's architect M. Natarajan took over
as DRDO chief in September. He calls the Arjun
battle-ready but the army refuses to operationalise
it. Excerpts from an interview: 

A court of inquiry investigating a Jaguar crash has
faulted the FBRN-4I fuse.
The existing fuse design was reviewed by two
independent teams and both deemed it safe. However,
modifications have been proposed to improve
reliability. Since the impact ballistic mode of
operations fuse FBN-2I already exists with the IAF,
the use of FBRN 4I will be restricted to RTU (Retarded
Tail Unit or a bomb with parachute which explodes
shortly after release) mode. The existing
explosive-filled fuses will be modified to convert the
fuses into retarder mode. Production of the fuses will
be taken up with the modifications.

Is Arjun induction-ready?
Yes. The tanks are being made ready for operational
induction. Certain residual mandatory quality checks
are being carried out by the DRDO and the army now. 

They say Arjun can't be deployed in areas like
Suratgarh and Hanumangarh, that the bridges can't bear
its weight.
The Arjuns are designed as per tactical requirements
of the army. These tanks have been fully 'exploited'
during the user's evaluation in the subject terrain
extensively, even in several declared not-tankable
areas such as the Gurdaspur areas.

The Trishul, Akash and Nag missiles have been delayed.

Akash and Nag are nearing developmental trials to be
fielded for evaluation.

Serious problems are cited with the Kaveri engine.
This comprises its core engine, that is, high-pressure
compressor, combustor and turbine, afterburner and
exhaust system. During the 'resting' of the core
engine for its performance, certain problems were
observed in the fuel control system—common in the
development cycle of aero engines. They are not
expected to affect overall schedules.

What about the Lakshya?
The ADE has supplied five Lakshyas to IAF. They've
done over 32 flights. Two were lost due to
malfunctioning of the parachute recovery systems; the
problem is being rectified. The hal has orders for





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Re: [ppiindia] KTT ASEM usulkan reformasi PBB

2004-10-11 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 --- Sandy Dwiyono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 (Mudah-mudahan Indonesia terpilih sebagai anggota
 tetap DK PBB)

Hehe.  Orang Deplu pasti senang mendengar harapan Mas
Sandy.  Soalnya .


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[ppiindia] Peasants bloom

2004-10-11 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Di China, banyak petani yang semula miskin, sekarang
punya mobil dan jalan-jalan keluar negeri.  Buah China
menggeser buah dari California, Australia dan New
Zealand di super market di Tokyo dan Singapura. Di
Jakarta sudah lama terjadi.

Tidak semua suku China kepintarannya hanya dagang
saja.  Ada suku yang bakatnya tani, dan tidak pintar
dagang.  Ada suku yang bakatnya tukang kayu dan segala
jenis tukang lainnya, dan tidak pintar dagang.  Ada
suku yang bakatnya jadi pegawai, dokter, guru dan
semacamnya, dan tidak pintar dagang.  Dengan adanya
kekhususan itulah, maka China menjadi naga dunia. 
Cerita di FEER kali ini khusus mengenai orang yang
hebat di hortikultura.


(Far Eastern Economic Review)


Peasants Bloom

A revolution in farming practices is bringing wealth
to the Chinese countryside. It is also bringing China
into fierce competition with the world's biggest food
producers, among them the United States


Issue cover-dated October 14, 2004



AT AN AGE when many men in China have eased into
retirement, Song Jiejun, 57, is starting all over
again. The former village police chief has set up home
with an attractive new wife 25 years his junior, he's
become a father again and he's bought his first car. 

 China's growers now produce half the world's
vegetables and melons 
 Export opportunities have been opened by WTO
 Diminishing state control over food production has
allowed Chinese farmers to play to their strengths 

And to support this new lifestyle Song has made a late
career change: he's now a vegetable farmer.

Daybreak finds a tanned and sprightly Song at his
fields in coastal Shandong province supervising
peasants as they pluck okra, a vegetable seldom eaten
locally but a pricey delicacy across the sea in Japan,
where most of the slender pods end up.

In many ways, Song's new lease on life mirrors the
rejuvenation of large parts of China's rural economy.
There's money in farming these days. China has turned
into a market stand for much of Asia, and the upshot
for the world's food exporters could be just as
profound as the impact of China's transformation into
the manufacturing workshop of the world.

We've taken on the Japanese market, boasts Song,
with his keys jangling from one hip and a mobile phone
from the other. In time we'll take on the Americans

Across large swaths of coastal China, traditional
plots for grain are giving way to orchards and
greenhouses. The shimmering light under aircraft
approaching Shanghai's airport, often mistaken by
travellers for the sea, is in fact miles of clear
plastic swaddling rows of vegetables. The crops feed a
swelling population of wealthy city dwellers. And
while only a fraction is exported, it is enough to
challenge major growers in markets they once owned.
Fresh Chinese broccoli now finds its way into Tokyo
lunch boxes, replacing Californian varieties. Apples
from the United States are being shut out of Singapore
and Hong Kong by Chinese exports.

So far, the threat to the world's producers has been
mainly in export markets. China has a long way to go
before it can match international standards for
quality. Its agricultural technology lags badly;
cooling and storage facilities are primitive; farmers
too often saturate crops with harmful pesticides and
overload the exhausted soil with chemical fertilizer.

Yet, as in manufacturing, China is learning fast. Part
of the impetus is coming from export opportunities
opened by China's membership of the World Trade
Organization. Chinese farming is getting better very
quickly, says Richard Herzfelder, executive
vice-president of China Food and Agricultural Services
Inc., a Shanghai-based consultancy. Many assumed it
would take 10 years from WTO accession in 2001 before
China could match the quality of U.S. fruit. The best
farms already can. They're progressing twice as fast
as people thought, Herzfelder says.

In the 1980s, the U.S. was the world's biggest
producer of apples. Now China produces four times as
many. American apple sales to Singapore have halved in
the past five years while Chinese exports have
doubled, giving China almost 60% of the market in the
prosperous city state. Chinese broccoli sales to Japan
have tripled since 1995, while American exports are
down by a third. We're being hammered in certain
markets, says Tracy King, export director of the
Washington Apple Commission.

Much is riding on a struggle among Chinese
policymakers. The traditionalists, obsessed with food
security, want the focus of agricultural policy to
remain on grain self-sufficiency. But those who favour
free trade support the shift toward higher-value
horticulture as a way to raise rural incomes and play
to China's 

[ppiindia] Asia's Pure Genius

2004-10-11 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


(Far Eastern Economic Review)


Pure Genius

Who says Asia fails to innovate? The region's
inventors are hitting back at the critics with sheer
ingenuity and outlandish ideas

By Simon Burns/TAIPEI

Issue cover-dated October 14, 2004

IT'S A POPULAR STEREOTYPE in the West: Asians are not
creative; Asia duplicates, it doesn't innovate. It's a
view usually expressed with a large helping of
condescension, arrogance even, but studies of
creativity have consistently shown Asians lagging
their Western counterparts. 

An August survey by a United States-based business
organization, the Conference Board, showed lack of
innovation amongst staff to be the top concern of CEOs
in Asia. Asian employers need to reward innovation,
and not penalize if they are unsuccessful, says Dr.
Tony Buss, chief executive of Singapore-based MerLion
Pharmaceuticals and one of the judges of this year's
Asian Innovation Awards. Trying and failing, or
making mistakes, is better than not trying to be
innovative, he says.

The REVIEW's Asian Innovation Awards are all about
recognizing and rewarding great ideas. This year we
received 84 nominations from around the region. They
run the gamut from cutting-edge creations, such as
nanotechnology fingerprints to prove a product's
authenticity and micro-flying robots for use in
disaster recovery, to the wacky-sounding process of
turning bananas into electricity, all the way through
to sheer ingenuity, such as using a computer program
and a bar-code scanner to speed up a test for eye

With ideas like these, it's clear to see that Asia is
becoming more creative. Indeed, Lim Kok Wing,
president of the Malaysian Design Technology Centre
and an AIA judge remarked that this year's finalists
reflect more varied use of technology . . .
representing increasing recognition of the value of
technology in Asia.

Forward-looking Asian business and political leaders
have long been aware of the value of innovation. They
have always had Japan's post-war economic resurgence
as a testament to the benefits of rapid industrial
innovation--and rusting shipyards and steelworks in
the West as a monument to the dangers of stagnation.

After the financial crisis in 1997, Asian governments
announced a variety of new schemes to encourage
creative thinking in education and industry.
Meanwhile, in the struggle for corporate survival,
companies were coming up with their own ideas.

Taiwan-based Shuttle Technology, a medium-sized
computer manufacturer, was one. By 2001 its share
price was sliding and market share crumbling under an
onslaught from larger competitors. Shuttle's senior
executives realized the company had to change.

Hence the pressure for new ideas. Shuttle's research
and development team knew that personal computers
contained a lot of something that nobody really
wanted: empty space.

PC components had become a lot smaller, but the big
metal cases that contained them had hardly changed. At
the same time, consumers were becoming more concerned
about appearances; they were putting PCs in their
living rooms, using them to watch videos or play

Shuttle's engineers shrank the PC down to a tiny,
stylish silver cube. Alongside the average PC--a staid
and sturdy beige box--it looked like a Porsche next to
a dumper truck.

They dubbed it the Spacewalker; it was underpowered,
it ran hot and noisy, and it was more expensive than
other PCs. Consumers had never seen anything like
it--it sold so fast the company had trouble keeping up
with orders.

Almost single-handedly, Shuttle had created a new
market for compact PCs, seized the lion's share of it,
and today, continues to hold on in the face of

Shuttle's success came from seeing a need, and
inventing the product to meet it. Similarly, one of
the finalists in this years Asian Innovation Awards,
the Inké ink-jet printer refilling system, is one of
those products that seems so obvious--once somebody
else has thought of it.

The Inké system automatically refills expensive
ink-jet cartridges with a minimum of mess, saving
users plenty of cash in the process.

While Inké offers a perfect solution to reusing
ink-jet cartridges, Toshiba of Japan offers a solution
to reusing paper. The company's e-blue disappearing
ink allows paper to be returned to pristine condition
and reused repeatedly. The ink is erased by a heating

The product, launched in Japan at the end of 2003, is
a contender for the Global [EMAIL PROTECTED] award,
which is running concurrently with the Asian
Innovation Awards. Anil Gupta, a professor at the
Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad and one of
the judges, described it as a revolutionary idea.

While many researchers and engineers, like Inké
creator Tan Kong Cheok, invent products for 

[ppiindia] World Bank akan memutar film dokumenter India keseluruh dunia

2004-10-11 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Film dokumenter ini tentang pelaksanaan otonomi
daerah.  Konon akan diputar di Cambodia, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Mongolia dan Paris.


Deccan Herald
October 12, 2004

World Bank picks up Indian film for world-wide

The Smithsonian Institution in the US is also planning
to screen the film which deals with decentralisation
of power.

The World Bank has evinced keen interest in screening
director Anwar Jamal’s debut feature film Swaraaj: The
Little Republic across the world for its message of
decentralisation of power.

After a recent screening of the film, the Bank has
said it was interested in taking the much-awarded film
to Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia and Paris
for wider dissemination of the subject. 

The Cambodia office of the World Bank, it is
understood, has also sought to dub the film into Khmer

If the project takes off, Swaraaj will probably be the
first Indian film to be taken by the global
institution as a tool to educate people about the
concept of decentralisation of power, which in India
is symbolised by the Panchayati Raj System.

The 90-minute film, which is being commercially
released in several cities starting with Kolkata on
October 15, deals with dalit women’s experience in
grass roots democracy.

Till now it has been shown in 27 international film
festivals, winning the Audience Award at Palm Springs
(US), Special Jury Commendation in Munich and Best
Director and NETPAC (Network for Promotion of Asian
Cinema) Awards in Dhaka. Produced by the Institute of
Social Sciences, it also won the National Award for
the Best Film on Social Issues last year.

The Smithsonian Institution in the United States is
also planning to screen the film at its premises,
highlighting its concept about decentralisation of

The film, written by noted documentary filmmaker Sehjo
Singh, has been able to draw the attention because of
its storyline drawn from a true incident, talking
about power to the grass roots even as the
protagonists’ search for elusive water in Rajasthan’s
deserts has been compared with the great battle of

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[ppiindia] Tenaga listrik di India Selatan

2004-10-10 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 Power equations 
Business Standard / New Delhi October 8, 2004 
Foreigners can be forgiven for wondering at the wonder
that is India. One of the first sectors that the
government sought to reform was the power sector, way
back in 1993.  
But the entire effort, which was quite huge, bombed
because the government tried to pump up generating
capacity without reforming transmission and
distribution. The Maharashtra State Electricity
Board’s agreement with Enron was a perfect testimony
to that. Everyone got into a jam.  
The problem was eventually diagnosed correctly and
amends made via the new Electricity Bill of 2003,
which allowed independent power producers (IPPs) to
sell to whomsoever they liked—retail consumers,
trading companies like Power Trading Corporation or
bulk consumers—and not be tied down to a particular
electricity board.  
The results appear to have been dramatic. Financial
closures have been achieved for nearly 5,000 MW of
additional generating capacity—in nine months. In the
previous 10 years, the private sector had added only
7,000 MW.  
The latest closure has been in respect of the
Mangalore Power Company’s 1,000 MW project in
Karnataka, the twelfth this calendar year. The target
for private sector additions to capacity for the Tenth
Plan is only 7,121 MW. So we are almost there, and may
well surpass the target by a handsome margin.  
Indeed, by the end of the Plan, it should surprise no
one if total private sector capacity is around 20,000
MW. What next?  
The government needs to seize the opportunity that it
now has to fix the emerging market for electricity.
The key, as is now well established, lies in a highly
competitive market that is also well regulated.  
India has done well in the last few years to introduce
competition in many industries—and then it has botched
things up by not allowing it to be free and fair.  
The telecommunications sector is a shining example of
this. This must be avoided in the power sector, where
there are state and central regulators and who between
them have a pretty sorry record so far. In some
states, the government simply ignores the regulator!  
The first step therefore has to be de-politicising
electricity, which in turn requires genuinely
independent power regulators, not ex-bureaucrats
seeking to please the political class by, in the final
analysis, conniving to stifle competition.  
It is also necessary to learn from the mistakes of
others. Should a trading pool emerge—and, given the
nature of the business, it will —care has to be taken
that the pool itself is properly managed.
International experience shows that this is easier
said than done. To quote out of context, the price of
cheap and efficient power is eternal vigilance.  
The fundamental problem, it has been seen
internationally, is lack of transparency on the part
of the major players, be they the producers or the
traders. Indeed, the two usually get together to gyp
the customer. Also, as in any form of trading,
attention tends to be firmly focused on maximising
short-term profits and this can interfere hugely with
the market in the long run.  
In sum, all this adds up to the need to make
procedures flexible by not tying the hands of the
regulator through an excess of legal provisions
seeking to cope with as many contingencies as

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[ppiindia] Stem cells to the rescue

2004-10-10 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Kita belum sempat memikirkan soal stem cells.  Konon,
di Amerika sendiri stem cells terhalang oleh Presiden
Bush, maklum karena dia berasal dari Bible belt. 
Sekarang orang sudah menduga, nantinya stem cells
bukan saja mengganti sel yang cacat, tapi dapat
mereparasi yang sakit, yang nantinya bakal berkembang
jadi sakit jantung misalnya.


Stem Cells to the Rescue  

By Kristen Philipkoski  |   Also by this reporter 
Page 1 of 1 

11:00 AM Oct. 07, 2004 PT

For years, researchers have touted stem cells as
potential replacements for cells damaged by disease.
Now, they're finding that stem cells may not only
replace defective cells, but rescue them. 

The results of a study published in the Oct. 8 issue
of Science show stem cells have special properties
that allow them to rescue, or repair, heart cells.
Scientists injected the stem cells into very young
mouse embryos that had been engineered to develop a
lethal heart disorder. While these pregnancies would
normally spontaneously abort midway through gestation,
half of the approximately 75 offspring were born with
healthy heart.

 Fraidenraich and his team merely hoped to extend the
pregnancies, but didn't expect them to result in
healthy births. 

We were expecting to prolong development for two to
three more days by injection of embryonic stem cells,
Fraidenraich said. But we were surprised that these
mice were born, with 50 percent of those becoming

Stem cells have the ability to become every cell in
the human body, and researchers hope to harness this
ability to cure or treat various diseases. This latest
discovery could provide a new approach to stem-cell
research focusing on cell rescue rather than

A companion article to Fraidenraich's study published
in the same issue of Science suggests that by using
the modern tools of bioinformatics, genomic databases
and microarrays, researchers could discover what
factors are leading to cell rescue. Those factors,
whatever they may be, could be used directly as
treatments, circumventing the need to use stem cells. 

This discovery suggests that embryonic stem cells can
be used to find factors that can rescue lethal birth
defects, and this could also have relevance to a
variety of other defects as well, said Ken Chien, a
stem cell researcher at the University of California
at San Diego, and one of the authors of the companion
article. This does not mean that embryonic stem cells
themselves will have to be the therapy, but rather
since they release many different kinds of factors,
they can be used to identify proteins that themselves
could have therapeutic effects. 

Other researchers have also begun to look at stem
cells as rescuers rather than replacements. In 2001,
John Gearhart, a stem cell researcher at Johns Hopkins
University, led a group that injected stem cells
(taken from voluntarily aborted fetuses) into rats
engineered to exhibit symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease, rendering their
back legs useless. 

The treated mice regained some, but not all, movement
in their hind legs. At the time, Gearhart thought the
stem cells might have turned into replacement cells
that took over for motor neurons damaged by the
disease. But at a stem cell conference in San Diego on
Saturday, Gearhart said he now thinks differently. 

Now we believe the improvement is due to rescue of
the animals' own motor neurons, he said. 

Fraidenraich said he believes both replacement and
rescue are likely important. 

To learn more about the stem-cell rescue phenomenon,
some researchers would like to use therapeutic cloning
technology, also known as somatic cell nuclear
transfer. They'd like to create a clone of, say, an
ALS patient in a petri dish. After the cloned embryo
develops for a few days, they would remove stem cells
from it. Then they would grow the stem cells into
motor neurons, study them to find out exactly what
goes wrong as they develop, and experiment with ways
to interfere with the cell malfunction. 

We would certainly like to use cells derived from
humans with ALS, Gearhart said. 

But research using human embryonic cells in the United
States is limited by President Bush's executive order
that states that the National Institute of Health --
the benefactor of most basic research in the United
States -- can only fund the study of embryonic stem
cells derived before Aug. 9, 2001, the day Bush
declared his plan. 

Ian Wilmut, the researcher who cloned Dolly the sheep
at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, has
applied for a license to perform therapeutic cloning
experiment to study ALS. The United Kingdom has
outlined a plan that allows therapeutic cloning and
study of embryonic stem cells under certain

The new study is a boon for embryonic stem cell
research as a whole, and in particular for the
treatment of heart disease. In my opinion, said UC
San Diego's Chien, this is one of the most
significant papers in 

[ppiindia] Reuters akan pindahkan karyawannya dari UK, New York, Singapura ke Bangalore

2004-10-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Welcome, bapakjewel
  Reuters Plans to Triple Jobs at Site in India

Published: October 8, 2004

LONDON, Oct. 7 - Reuters, the news service and data
company, which is trying to meet stringent
cost-cutting targets, said Thursday it would triple
the number of employees it has in India by the end of
next year. 

As many as 1,500 employees, or a tenth of the
company's total, will be in Bangalore by 2006, company
executives said during a ceremony to open a building
in southern India. Reuters already has 340 employees
in Bangalore, including about 13 journalists. The
company said it planned to move mainly data and
technical jobs to Bangalore. The editorial staff in
Bangalore is expected to increase to 50 by early next
year, Reuters told union representatives. 
The company's chief executive, Tom Glocer, is
embracing outsourcing to reduce costs. He foreshadowed
Thursday's announcement in September at an investor

The amazing thing - and this is the dirty little
secret about outsourcing that people need to talk
about publicly a bit more - not only is the cost
conflation amazing at four, five or even six to one,
but the quality and productivity is better too, Mr.
Glocer said in September. We are flooded. We have 100
qualified applications for every data input person and
these people have qualified accounting degrees. 

The company, which now employs 1,000 data-processing
workers at about 40 sites worldwide, plans to shift
450 jobs to Bangalore initially, mainly from Tiverton,
England; White Plains, N.Y.; and Singapore. 

Analysts said that action fits into the company's
greater strategy. This doesn't surprise me at all,
given the targets they have set for themselves, said
Paul Sullivan, a media analyst at Merrill Lynch in
London. Reuters has pledged to cut costs by £440
million ($782 million) by the end of 2006, and Mr.
Sullivan said the number was considered sacrosanct.
Reuters said Thursday that costs in Bangalore were
about 40 percent lower than in New York or London. 

The Bangalore office supplies information on companies
and debt and equity issues. Later, it will also
provide information on mergers, acquisitions and
equity pricing. 

Union leaders expressed concern about the move, which
they said could impair the quality of news and data
Reuters offers. We're talking about people halfway
around the world from where the news is happening, in
a different continent and time zone, said Peter
Szekely, chairman of the Reuters unit of the Newspaper
Guild of New York.

Reuters executives said that the plan would not result
in job losses in the editorial division.

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[ppiindia] Bahan bakar kendaraan dari sugarbeet

2004-10-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

(The Hindu) 

Ethanol production from sugarbeet 

SUGARBEET (BETA vulgaris) is a biennial sugar
producing tuber crop, grown in temperate countries. It
is a promising alternative energy crop for the
production of ethanol. 

It has now emerged as a commercial field crop in Tamil
Nadu because of favourable characteristics like
shorter duration of 5 to 6 months, moderate water
requirement of 80-100cm, higher sugar content of 12 to
15 per cent, improvement of soil conditioning because
of tuber crop and suitability for saline and alkaline

Variety and duration 

The tropical sugar beet varieties are suitable for
cultivation in Tamil Nadu. (Pasoda, H1 0064 and
Doratea). The duration of these tropical varieties is
5 to 6 months depending on variety and climatic
conditions prevailing during crop growth period. 

Favourable season 

Sugar beet is a cold weather crop (Rabi). Hence,
sugarbeet is sown from October to November and
harvested during April-May. 

Deep ploughing followed by 2 to 3 ploughings to obtain
a good soil tilth condition is necessary for
favourable seed germination and tuber development. 

Seeds and sowing 

To maintain the required plant population of
40,000/acre, use 2 pockets designer seeds. One pocket
contains 20,000 seeds weighing 600g. The recommended
spacing is 50 x 20 cm. The designer seed is dipped at
2 cm depth on the top of the ridges at 20 cm apart at
one seed per hole. The crops should be maintained weed
free up to 75 days. Pendimethalin at 1.5 lit/acre can
be dissolved in 300 litres of water and sprayed with
hand-operated sprayer on 3rd day after sowing,
followed by hand weeding on 25th and 50th day after


Water stagnation at all stages of the plant growth
should be avoided. Irrigation should be based on soil
type and climatic conditions. First irrigation is
crucial for the early establishment of the crop. 

For light textured sandy loam soil, irrigation once in
5-7 days and for heavy textured clay loam soil
irrigation once in 8-10 days is recommended. 

Light and frequent irrigation is recommended for
maintaining optimum soil moisture. Irrigation may be
stopped at least 2 to 3 weeks before harvest. 

Pests and diseases 

Major insect pests that affect the sugarbeet crop are
aphids, tobacco caterpillar, and diamond backmoth.
Integrated pest management programmes have to be
adopted to control these insect pests. 

To control aphids, spray neem oil at 3 per cent or
dimethorate at 2ml/lit with teepol at 0.5 ml/lit, for
tobacco caterpillar, spray endosulfon at 2 ml/lit or
carbaryl at 2g/lit of water. 

Major diseases that affect the crop are rhizoctonia
wilt, powdery mildew, cercospora leaf spot, and
fusarium yellow. To control rhizoctonia wilt, spot
drench with bordeaux mixture at 1 per cent and for
fusarium wilt, drench the soil with carbendazim at 1
per cent. 

To control powdery mildew, spray of wettable powder at
0.3 per cent, and for cercospora leaf spot, apply
mancozeb at 0.25 per cent on 10-14 days schedule.

Dr. O.S. Kandasamy, Dr. A. Balakrishnan  Dr. V.

Centre for Soil and Crop Management Studies 


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[ppiindia] Telpon murah meriah dari Mumbai ke Amerika (hanya Rs 1.60 per menit)

2004-10-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Berarti ambo dapek ngecek samo anak ambo di Dallas
salamo satangah jam, kalua pitih hanyo Rs 48 (limo
ribu rupiah sae).  Rancak bana.



Mumbai-US call to cost Rs 1.60/min

BS Corporate Bureau in Mumbai | October 06, 2004 11:15

World Phone Internet Services Pvt Ltd launched its
World Phone Premium international calling card in
Mumbai on Tuesday that will allow Mumbaites to talk in
the US for Rs 1.60 per minute.

The cards are available in denominations of Rs 100, Rs
250, Rs 500 and Rs 1000 and. It will be available at
600 retail outlets in the city. The calls to countries
in the Western 

Europe or the Far East are priced in the range of Rs 2
and Rs 8. The card was also launched in Goa on

How to call US at Rs 1.60 per minute

Aditya Ahluwalia, chairman WPISPL said,  With an
encouraging response in the cities of Delhi, Punjab,
Haryana and Himachal, we are confident that residents
of Maharashtra and Goa would also appreciate the
benefits of a low priced calling card to the US.

The company's offer is one third of what operators
like Sify, Bharat Sanchar Nigam or Mahanagar Telephone
Nigam offer for calls made to the US.

According to Ahluwalia, This is possible because we
follow a cost plus basis unlike competitors who adopt
the market based pricing.

Ahluwalia assured that low price did not mean a
compromise on voice quality. The company claims to
have a robust back-end support from its US partner
GO2call that provides voice over service to over 200
countries in the world.

The company is also launching the card in the states
of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The marketing strategy
includes a distribution network with over 2000 channel
partners and resellers within the next six months.

The cards would be sold at strategic places like the
malls and outlets such as Archies Gallery. They would
be available online too on websites such as Rediff.

The user has to download the dialer from World
Phones's website -- www.worldphone.co.in and then by
using the card can place an international call,
anywhere from India, from his personal computer.

Alternately, one can also install a branded Internet
Protocol phone or an Analog Telephone Adapter and
place an international call using his account ID

The ATAs are priced between Rs 4,000-Rs 5,000. The
company is negotiating with companies in Korea and
China to manufacture the Analog Telephone Adapters and
sell it for a competitive price of around Rs 2,000.  


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[ppiindia] Teknik pembudidayaan casuarina (pohon sumbangan dari Thailand)

2004-10-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Kemarin di ruang serba guna KJRI Mumbai, Pak Rustam
Effendi, yang setelah pensiun dari Kadin dan APKINDO,
masih aktif membaktikan dirinya untuk masyarakat,
mengadakan pertemuan dengan pegiat terkait di Mumbai
dengan tema afforestation dan reforestation sebagai
usaha masyarakat tanpa mengharapkan dana dari APBN. 
Fakta dibawah ini tidak menjadi singgungan. 



Sci Tech 

Micro-propagation technique for casuarina 

By Our Agriculture Correspondent 

Plants developed through the low-cost
micro-propagation methods have deep rooting systems. 

A LOW-cost micro-propagation technique for mass
multiplication of Casuriana junghuhniana, a fast
growing hybrid, has been successfully developed by a
farmer-scientist, Mr. T. Vengadapathy Reddiar. The
innovative farmer used a combination of growth
promoting and root initiating substances to get higher
percentage of rooting in sprigs and tender shoot tips.

Working in a simple, ingeniously designed laboratory
and mist chambers in his Lakshmi Narayana's Crossandra
Innovation Centre, Koodapakkam village in Pondicherry,
Mr. Reddiar has developed quality, disease-free plants
with long roots within three months. I select the
mother plants and spray them with a micro-nutrient
spray a week before extracting sprigs and tender
shoots. Then I place them in small plastic cups
containing vermiculite, after dipping the lower
portion in 500 ppm (parts per million) Indole Butyric
Acid (IBA), a growth promoting compound. 


They are kept inside a mist chamber to maintain a
temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and a relative
humidity of 70 to 90 per cent, explains Mr. Reddiar. 

In about fifteen days, rooting is noticed in the young
sprigs and tender shoot tips. They are then gradually
conditioned to stand field conditions in the next
three months. Further multiplication can be done from
the selected mother plants from this lot.

To encourage development of more laterals (side
shoots), maleic hydroxide is sprayed after 30 days of
establishment of the young plants, according to him.
The cost of each plant developed through this method
works out to Rs.0.50, and after field conditioning for
three months the vigorous and healthy plants with deep
roots can be sold at Rs. 3 each, according to Mr.

Casuarina junghuhniana is a fast growing and highly
drought-tolerant species, and it is mainly propagated
by vegetative means. The hybrid was introduced in
India in1951. 

About 100 air-layers of this hybrid were received from
the Royal Thai Forest Department, Thailand, and as the
trees bore only male flowers, they could be propagated
only vegetatively, according Mr. S. Kondas, former
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Tamil Nadu,
who had done extensive work on Casuarinas. 

Two techniques 

Air-layering using twigs of pencil-thickness during
the monsoon, and sprig planting in mist chambers were
the two techniques adopted by the forest department to
multiply this fast growing species. 

The robust saplings with good straight stems and
symmetric conical crowns establish quickly in sandy

The hybrid Casuarina is a heavy yielder of biomass,
and it also has symbiotic association with the
nitrogen-fixing organism, Frankia sp. The hybrid grows
tall and is endowed with graceful needles closely
resembling pine. 

© Copyright 2000 - 2004 The Hindu

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[ppiindia] PM Howard terpilih lagi

2004-10-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Agaknya orang luar yang kurang sreg, harus kecewa

(Straits Times interactive on Sunday)
OCT 10, 2004
Aussie PM Howard wins fourth term 
By Stephanie Gartelmann 

AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister John Howard, buoyed by a
booming economy, won a historic fourth term in office
yesterday with a strong showing at the polls.

With more than 70 per cent of the 13 million votes
counted last night, the official Australian Electoral
Commission gave his Liberal-National coalition 52.4
per cent support to Labor's 47.6 per cent.

This was an improvement over the 2001 election results
for the ruling coalition, which won 51 per cent of the
votes then to Labor's 49.

Mr Howard told cheering supporters here last night: 'I
am truly humbled by this extraordinary expression of
confidence in the leadership of...the coalition.' 

His rival, Mr Mark Latham, conceded defeat as he told
downcast party members in western Sydney that while
they fought hard, 'tonight is not our night'.

The ruling coalition held 82 seats in the 150-seat
Parliament, but an Australian Broadcasting Corp
forecast put its likely new majority as high as 87
seats, with Labor down by four to 60.

Both parties had promised tax cuts for high-income
earners, increased medical and education spending and
US$1 billion (S$1.7 billion) child-care packages.

Mr Howard's coalition offered a stronger emphasis on
supporting private education and small business, while
Labor promised to increase support for low-income
individuals and families.

The essential similarities saw many voters undecided
until election day.

But Mr Howard's record, particularly his stewardship
of the economy, appeared to be the deciding factor for
many voters.

'In the end the Australian people have recognised the
economic and security benefits the Howard government
has brought them,' Industry and Resources Minister Ian
Macfarlane told Reuters.

Many Australians are enjoying gains from a buoyant
stock market and a hot property market; interest rates
are relatively low and jobs are plentiful.

Mr Howard, 65, is seen by voters as bland but safe.
The 43-year-old Mr Latham is lively on the stump but,
with just 10 months into the job as Labor leader, is
considered to be lacking in experience.

His criticism of Mr Howard's Iraq policy and his push
for closer ties with Asia failed to sway voters.

Said Mr Alan Murphy, a 58-year-old transport
contractor: 'Liberal means stability.' A record 1,421
candidates competed for 150 seats nationwide.

Among the winners last night was millionaire Malcolm
Turnbull, often mentioned as a potential successor to
Mr Howard.

Anti-immigrant politician Pauline Hanson failed in her
bid for a Senate seat. Another loser was Greens
candidate Andrew Wilkie, a government analyst who quit
in protest against Australia's involvement in the Iraq
war. He lost to Mr Howard in the Sydney seat of

Mr Howard's victory ensures that Australian troops
will remain in Iraq. Mr Latham wanted Australia's 850
troops serving there home by Christmas.

US President George W. Bush, facing a ballot next
month, yesterday congratulated Mr Howard on having
'won a great victory'.


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[ppiindia] Soal pabrik pupuk joint venture ASEAN di Aceh yang mau ditutup

2004-10-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Pabrik pupuk ASEAN di Aceh tidak dapat ditutup begitu
saja, dengan terburu-buru.  Soalnya ada prosedur yang
harus ditempuh untuk membentuk atau membubarkan usaha
patungan itu.  Soalnya, menurut keputusan yang
disepakati di Manila tanggal 15 Desember 1987, COIME
(Committee on Industry, Minerals, and Energy) harus
rapat dan sepakat dulu, kalau sudah kesepakatannya
dibawa ke sidang menteri ekonomi ASEAN dibahas dan
belum tentu disepakati.  Jalannya panjang, dan putusan
Kabinet Mega yang sudah demisioner ini jelas akan
meninggalkan PR pada pemerintahan SBY.

Tentang pasokan gas yang tidak menentu, itu memang
betul.  Tapi ini kan terkait dengan keamanan, atau
tepatnya ngawurnya pengacau keamanan.  Gerombolan Aceh
itu sungguh ngawur banget, masak pesawat Mobil Oil
yang mau mendarat disana ditembaki, dan ini terjadi
sampai dua kali.  Jelas, Mobil Oil tidak mau ambil
resiko mengorbankan orangnya untuk mati sia-sia.

FYI, sumur minyak atau gas sifatnya agak lucu.  Jangan
harap sumur sementara ditutup, nanti dibuka lagi.  Oh,
tidak.  Setelah dibuka lagi, minyak/gas keluarnya
tersendat-sendat bahkan paling sering, tidak keluar
sama sekali.  Ini menurut cerita orang perminyakan
yang saya kenal.  


(Editorial Jakarta Post)
 Print October 08, 2004 

The ASEAN urea plant 

A mouse dying in a rice barn is perhaps the most
suitable adage to describe the dire condition of PT
Asean Aceh Fertilizer (AAF), after the decision early
this week by the outgoing administration of President
Megawati Soekarnoputri to close down the 570,000-ton
capacity urea factory due to an acute shortage of
natural gas feedstock.

The Cabinet's decision is not yet a death sentence for
the fertilizer plant, as the government must first
consult all of the AAF shareholders -- the Indonesian
government has a 60 percent share of the company, with
the other founding members of ASEAN (Malaysia,
Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines) holding the
remaining 40 percent. 

The condition of AAF is nevertheless absurd as it is
located near the Arun gas field in Aceh, one of the
world's single largest reservoirs of natural gas, the
main feedstock for making urea fertilizer. ExxonMobil,
the government-appointed operator of the Arun gas
field, has stopped supplying gas to AAF due to
dwindling gas production. 

The government apparently decided to give top priority
to two state-owned urea fertilizer plants (PT Iskandar
Muda I and II) located near AAF, and PT Arun NGL, the
government-controlled producer of LNG for export to
Japan and South Korea. 

The decision might make economic sense, because the
two Iskandar Muda plants are much newer than AAF,
which is already more than 23 years old. More
importantly, Indonesia's reputation as one of the
world's largest and most reliable exporters of LNG
since the late 1970s must be protected. Hence, gas
supplies to the Arun NGL plant must receive top
priority to enable it to honor its long-term contracts
with power companies in Japan and South Korea. 

Some may also argue that shutting down the AAF plant
will not cause big losses because the shareholders
have likely already recouped their investment. At the
least, after more than 23 years of operation, in terms
of capital costs AAF should have been written off by

However, AAF is not an ordinary factory. It was the
largest and the first of only two joint industrial
projects ever undertaken by the governments of ASEAN
member countries. 

Simply closing down the plant would be damaging to the
spirit of ASEAN cooperation, even more so because the
condition of AAF could be partly blamed on the
Indonesian government's natural-gas policy of focusing
on exports of raw gas at the expense of domestic
industries such as AAF, which create added value and

The proven reserves in the Arun field have been known
since as far back as 1971, when the reservoir was
discovered by Mobil Oil. Hence, the development of
natural gas-based industries such as the NGL plant and
urea factories near Arun should have been designed
according to the supply capacity of the feedstock. 

However, the government allowed the further expansion
of the gas liquefaction and urea plants, accelerating
the depletion of reserves in the Arun field. In fact,
the establishment of the Iskandar Muda II urea plant,
which was completed only this year, shows that the
government, as the majority shareholder, is no longer
interested in maintaining AAF's operations. 

The protracted negotiations between ExxonMobil and AAF
over the pricing of gas for their new sale and
purchase agreement last year, and the subsequent
deadlock that led to the abrupt stoppage of the gas
supply to AAF, further hinted at the government's
intention to simply let AAF die off naturally. The
government should have intervened in the negotiations
if it was serious about sustaining the company. 

The government should have realized that pricing and

[ppiindia] Solely for science -- Bose Institute in Kolkata

2004-10-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


(The Hindu) 

Solely for science 

Formed in 1917, the Bose Institute in Kolkata is a
fitting reminder of the work of Sir J.C. Bose, writes

First of its kind ... the Bose Institute in Kolkata. 

ON March 29, 1904, Sir J.C. Bose accomplished the
enviable — a U.S. patent on the first semi-conductor
the world saw. In his application of September 30,
1901, Bose explained, ... With a glass lens, the
instrument will detect and record lights not only some
way beyond the violet, but also in the regions of
infra-red in the invisible regions of electric
radiation. We may thus style this apparatus a
`tejometer' ... or universal radiometer. 


To celebrate the centenary of Sir J.C. Bose's patent
on the Detector for Electrical Disturbance — the
discovery of lead sulphide (Galena) as the most
efficient wideband semiconductor diode — the Bose
Institute held a symposium this year where eminent
names in science participated. Among them were Prof.
M.G.K. Menon, Prof. V.S. Ramamurthy, S. Krishnan, V.A.
Sheperd from University of New South Wales, R.K. Mitra
from AIIMS, K. Shelgfel from Lindau, Germany. 

The Bose Institute was the first of its kind to be
started by an Indian (Sir J.C. Bose) in 1917 to
further scientific knowledge. With its competent and
seasoned workforce and diverse departments like
Microbiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics, the
institute has carved out a niche of its own in the
scientific community. It also encompasses research
sections dealing exclusively with Plant Molecular and
Cellular Genetics, Animal Physiology, Immunotechnology
and Environment Science. In 1988, the Bioinformatics
Centre was formed to research genetic engineering and
molecular remodelling. 

The library provides state-of-the-art infrastructure
to aid everyday research and development.
Sophisticated analytical instrumentation facilities
make available a range of unique apparatus to
researchers. Additional service units such as the
Central Instrumentation Facility, Distributed
Information Centres and scientific workshops help knit
together the Institute's comprehensive web of

The Institute plans to establish Centres of Excellence
in Bioinformatics, Plant Molecular and Structural
Biology, Myobacterium Research and Astro-particle
Physics and Space Sciences along with a National
Facility in Genomics and Proteomics hoping to extend
the limits of scientific knowledge in keeping with the
traditions of Sir J.C. Bose. 

Twin ideals 

He envisaged the Institution to be not merely a
laboratory but a temple. Eighty-seven years ago, he
set twin ideals for the institution to follow —
advancement of knowledge and comprehensive diffusion
of the fruits of its labour. We are proud inheritors
of his immeasurable scientific vision and foresight,
says Prof. M. Siddiqi, Director, Bose Institute. 

Bose is famous for revolutionising the world of
wireless communication. Within six years, he had done
away with the cumbersome, inaccurate laboratory
equipment of the 1890s and ushered in the 20th Century
with a range of delicate, reliable and easy working
devices in miniature. Although his instruments were
financial and technological marvels, Bose seems unable
to exploit their commercial potential. A man of
science, Bose was solely occupied with posing a unique
catechism to Nature.

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Re: [ppiindia] Perdebatan Soal Agama di milis ppiindia

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 --- Satrio Arismunandar
 Dahsyat! Selama beberapa hari terakhir, inbox e-mail
 saya penuh oleh perdebatan soal agama dari milis
 ppiindia. Jadi, yang menonjol di milis ini ternyata
 bukan soal pendidikan, ekonomi, politik, budaya,
 masalah-masalah besar bangsa kita yang sedang

Saya juga heran, mas Rio.  Masak jauh-jauh datang ke
India perhatiannya masih ke agama melulu.  Mengapa
tidak mau melihat bidang dimana India menonjol, yaitu
sains dan teknologi.  Tak heran, karena mahasiswa
datang kesini maunya dapat S-2 dan S-3 saja, tak
peduli nanti berisi betul atau tidak, bahasa
Inggrisnya masih bahasa Inggris Tarzanpun tidak malu.
Maaf kawan-kawan, saya sebenarnya berat mengeluarkan
kata-kata itu.  Tapi saya merasa sayang kalau kalian
menyia-nyiakan kesempatan emas.  Kalian lebih
beruntung dari saya yang umurnya sekian puluh tahun
lebih tua dari anda-anda.


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Re: [ppiindia] Indonesia Impor BBM dari Singapura Rp 20 Trilyun Per Tahun!

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 --- A Nizami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Dari Data Statistika BPS, Indonesia impor BBM dari
 Singapura sebesar Rp 20 trilyun per tahun.
 Aneh bukan? Bagaimana mungkin Indonesia yang kaya
 minyak, bisa mengimpor minyak setiap tahun sebesar
 Rp 20 trilyun dari Singapura? Ini jelas pemborosan
 Jika Indonesia hanya mengekspor minyak mentah dengan
 harga murah, kemudian mengimpor kembali dalam bentuk
 BBM dengan harga yang lebih mahal, itu adalah
 tindakan yang bodoh. Bukankah lebih baik kita
 mengekspor dalam bentuk BBM? Toh Indonesia sudah
 bisa membangun dan mengoperasikan kilang minyak.
 Disinyalir BBM yang ada di Indonesia yang harganya
 murah diselundupkan ke Singapura untuk kemudian
 dijual kembali ke Indonesia dengan harga
 Oleh karena itu, impor BBM dari Singapura sebesar Rp
 20 trilyun setiap tahun sangat mencurigakan.
 Mudah2an pemerintah SBY bisa menghentikan hal ini.

Terpaksa buru-buru menjelaskan, sebelum timbul kesalah
pahaman lebih lanjut.  Begini:

1.  Berapa crude (minyak mentah) dan jenisnya apa
saja?  Indonesia hari ini menghasilkan crude 1.02
bbl/d, pada puncaknya dulu 1.5 bbl/d.  Kebanyakan
minyak Minas yang dihasilkan Caltex di Riau, yang
berkwalitas baik (artinya sedikit belerang, sedikit
lilin) tapi mahal, dan ini disukai di Jepang dan
pantai barat Amerika karenanya di eksport kesana,
menghasilkan deviza.

2.  Selebihnya dikonsumsi sendiri, karena di Indonesia
kita belum memikirkan minyak yang beroktan tinggi dan
kurang berpolusi.  Kekurangannya kita import dari
Kuwait, yang memang murah.  Sebagian kita suling di
Cilacap, di Pangkalan Brandan dan di Balongan (sering
ngadat, ada cerita tersendiri terkait KKN).  Sisanya
lagi kita import dari kilang Shell di Singapura.

3.  Mengapa kita beli minyak sulingan dari Shell di
Singapura?  Selain refinery sendiri belum mencukupi
kebutuhan dalam negeri, rupanya (hehe)  harganya
juga lebih rendah dari hasil sulingan dalam negeri.

Begitu dulu komentar cepat-cepatan dari saya.


 Import From Ten Major Countries Confined to Five
 Principal Commodities, Indonesia, 2002-2003
 Growth (%) 
 (000 Ton) 
 (Million USD) 
 (000 Ton) 
 (Million USD) 
 Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles
 Internal combustion piston engines and parts
 Motorcycles, scooters , and other cycles
 Flat rolled products not clad
 Civil engineering and contractor plants
 Petroleum products refined
 Ships, boats, and floating structures
 Hydrocarbon and their halogenated, nitrated
 Additive for mineral oils
 Alcohols, phenols, phenol-alcohols and  their
=== message truncated === 

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[ppiindia] Three Americans win Nobel for particle physics

2004-10-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Tadinya saya mengira fisikawan di Tata Institute for
Fundamental Research yang mau dapat hadiah ini. 
Mereka kerja serupa, yaitu unified theory of
everything.  Tapi apa masih ada istilah lain kali, ya?


  Three Americans Win Nobel for Particle Physics Work


Published: October 6, 2004

Three Americans who helped describe the force that
binds together the atomic nucleus were named winners
of the Nobel Prize in Physics yesterday. They are Dr.
David J. Gross of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical
Physics at the University of California at Santa
Barbara; Dr. Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; and Dr. H. David Politzer of
the California Institute of Technology. 
In two papers published in 1973, one by Drd. Gross and
Wilczek and the other by Dr. Politzer, they explained
why quarks, the theoretical constituents of the
neutrons and protons that make up the nucleus, could
never be seen apart from one another. Their work paved
the way for a theory known by the fanciful-sounding
name quantum chromodynamics, part of a suite of
theories known as the Standard Model that explains all
the forces of nature except gravity. It also raised
hopes that physicists might yet find a single unified
theory of nature. They will each get a third of the
$1.3 million prize.

The award had long been anticipated by the scientific
community. Dr. Lawrence M. Krauss, an astrophysicist
at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, said
it was long overdue, adding, How often do you get to
explain one of the four fundamental forces of nature?

In a press conference at M.I.T., Dr. Wilczek said the
award was welcome recognition for the endeavor of
trying to understand nature. It is one of the real
gems of our culture, he said, that we can understand
nature in this way and that you find beautiful

The award harks back to what now seems like a golden
age of particle physics that lasted from the end of
World War II to the 1980's. In a spurt of feverish
activity at particle accelerators and at the
blackboards of theorists, physics arrived at an
understanding of the three fundamental forces in
nature besides gravity: electromagnetism, which is
responsible for light and chemistry; the so-called
weak force, responsible for some kinds of radioactive
decay; and the strong force, which holds together
atomic nuclei. 

According to quantum mechanics, the paradoxical lingua
franca of the atomic world, the forces between
particles are transmitted in a kind of game of catch
by little bundles of energy. For electromagnetism, the
force carriers are bits of light known as photons. For
the weak force, they are the W and Z bosons, which are
brothers, of a sort, of the photon.

By the 1970's, the situation with regard to the strong
force was considerably murkier than for the other
forces. In 1964, the theorists Dr. Murray Gell-Mann of
Caltech and Dr. George Zweig of Harvard each
independently suggested that protons and neutrons, the
constituents of atomic nuclei, were not elementary but
were themselves composites, made up of smaller
particles that Dr. Gell-Mann called quarks.

But quarks were never seen in isolation, suggesting
that the force binding them together was extremely
powerful. Meanwhile, experiments at particle
accelerators indicated that quarks inside protons
seemed to act as if there was no force on them at all.
How could that be?

At first, it seemed like a contradiction, said Dr.

Or as Dr. Robert L. Jaffe of M.I.T. put it: It was
just viewed as absurd that nature was made of
something that was never seen. How could the quarks
not get out? It was upside down to everything we had
seen before.

The 1973 papers, Dr. Jaffe said, translated absurdity
into order, using the theory of quantum
chromodynamics. In the modern version of this theory,
quarks come in six types - fancifully named up, down,
strange, charmed, top and bottom - and three colors,
named red, green and blue. The colors are like
electrical charges that interact by exchanging bundles
of energy called gluons, just as electrical charges
attract or repel by exchanging photons.

In contrast to electromagnetism, however, the gluons
themselves have a color charge - thus the name
chromodynamics - and interact with one another. In a
breakthrough calculation, Dr. Gross, then an assistant
professor at Princeton, and Dr. Wilczek, his graduate
student, found that the force between two quarks would
increase with distance and turn off as they grew
closer. It would be as if the quarks were tied
together by a rubber band that pulled tauter and
tauter as they separated, but went slack when they
came together, a notion known as asymptotic freedom.

They soon learned that Dr. Politzer, then a graduate
student at Harvard, had done the same thing.

Dr. Gross, 63, was born in Washington. Dr. Politzer,
55, and Dr. Wilczek, 53, were both born in New York

Noting that several Nobel Prizes have been awarded for
work on 

[ppiindia] Bill Gates tenang-tenang saja menghadapi outsourcing

2004-10-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


  Gates too casual about outsourcing


01:59:29 AM ] 

NEW DELHI: Debates over outsourcing have evoked mixed
responses across the globe. Recently after Bill Gates'
visit to the US universities, students were thoroughly
disappointed and disgruntled. 

Reason? Gates was silent about US losing hi-tech jobs
to India. It is a little scary for me to see people
thinking of this as a zero-sum game, said he while
speaking to www.computerweekly.com. Students were by
and large disturbed with his responses to questions
about increasing 
competition from China and India. 
Perhaps they expected some words of consolation from
the chairman and chief software architect of
Microsoft. They felt Gates was too casual about the
outsourcing issue as he said, It is not like a war
where you have one winner and one loser. China and
India are the big change engines for the years ahead,
and we should embrace that and understand our new role
in that. 

So what do we get to assume from his statements? Well,
as the Microsoft man himself puts it across, jobs will
continue to move overseas and salaries for computer
engineers will fall as a result of great competition
with countries offering cheap, yet skilled labour. 

The US will have to compete with China and India on
merit and not through protectionism. Gates' comments
brought in good news for India, but not so good news
for those living in the States. 

Needless to mention, not all Americans were happy
about his concerns over the growing number of
engineers in lower-wage countries. A student from one
of the leading US University expressed his surprise
and said, does he actually care from where he hires
his employees? Several others expressed equal
displeasure over his statements. Talking about
computer science on www.computerweeklyc.com , Gates
said there is plenty of work that still needs to be

He also pitched a double major of computer science and
biology as a ticket for a great future career. If we
look at the PC today, it is certainly a glass
half-full in terms of the ease of use, Gates was
quoted saying on the same Website. 

According to him, advances in storing data and in user
interfaces, such as unified storage and speech, will
make PCs better in the future. Also, artificial
intelligence and graphics are major areas of

So instead of paying attention to the number of jobs
shifting to India, Americans should buck up and
rightfully improve their skills on the upcoming


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[ppiindia] Dibawah Manmohan Singh dan Chidambaram, ekonomi tumbuh pesat

2004-10-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

India's economy continues to grow 

India's economy has grown by 7.4% in the first quarter
of the financial year - April to June. 
The performance, which is better than expected, is
said to have been driven by a good showing in
manufacturing and service industries. 

That has helped offset a relatively poor performance
in the agricultural sector of the economy. 

Analysts say an improvement in agriculture is crucial
to sustaining the momentum for growth. 

Agriculture accounts for nearly a quarter of India's
economy with more than half its one billion population
engaged in it. 

The downside is mainly on the agriculture front,
while the good part of the growth story, which is
manufacturing and services, is going strong, Rajeev
Malik, economist at JP Morgan Singapore, told Reuters.

So we believe India's growth story is still on track
for achieving our full-year target of six per cent. 

Manufacturing boom 

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Indusry (Ficci) says it will herald a good beginning
for the current fiscal year. 

Ficci expects that well designed policy interventions
to restrain the impact of oil prices and the rolling
out of the promised reforms will help sustain the
growth momentum into the year, it said in a

Last year, India's economy grew at over eight per
cent, one of the highest in the world and just a shade
lower than its rival Asian economic giant, China. 

Economists had projected a first quarter growth rate
of 6.9% but the latest figures have topped that

While agriculture grew at 3.4% compared to 10.5% in
the previous quarter, manufacturing grew at eight per

Growth in the financial and real estate services
sector was seven per cent. 

Analysts say lower interest rates have meant that more
people are buying cars and houses. 

The strong figures appear to have spurred on the stock
markets with the index of the benchmark 30-share
Bombay Stock Exchange rising to 5581 points at noon,
an increase of more than 60 points. 

(Story from BBC NEWS)

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[ppiindia] Orang IT pada pulang ke kandang

2004-10-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 ZDNet India
IT pros pursue dreams in India

By Prerna K. Mishra, HT Correspondent, 
October 05, 2004
India beckons and Indian professionals living abroad
are returning the call like never before. The promise
of a good job and a good life that the west once held
out is beginning to dissipate. 

Sample this: In July last, 1,000 professionals of
Indian origin attended a job fair held in Santa Clara
by a magazine and offered their resumes to companies
planning to begin operations in India. A job fair
organised by Wipro Technologies in the same city
witnessed similar enthusiasm. In fact, Bangalore alone
has seen over 35,000 nonresident Indians return so

But what is making the flock fly back to their nest?
Booming economy, a stress-free lifestyle, good
salaries to buy comfort, job challenges somewhat
similar to what America offered 20 years ago - the
reasons are varied. Ask Ittiam chairman  CEO Srini
Rajam who left Texas Instruments with six of his
colleagues to form Ittiam Systems in Bangalore in
2001. My decision to leave TI was driven by the
passion to build a world class technology company from

Rajam's conviction that India having done
exceptionally well as a leading software services
country can achieve a world class reputation for
technology and products drove him to form a product
company focused on Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Systems. Today the company is already profitable, has
18 patents filed, and has Sony, TI, ST
Microelectronics on its client list.

In some cases, it was also the fire to rewrite
personal aspirations that goaded professionals to take
up unprecedented challenges back home. Says Avtar
Saini, who left Intel as director-South Asia to join
Topspin Communications - a US-based technology startup
- to set up its research and development centre in
Bangalore. It's all part of growing up and living a
full life. Intel provided challenge, exciting
projects, fame and financial freedom. Topspin is
providing a new leaf of excitement, opportunity to
implement ideas and management beliefs which were yet

Most of these professionals returning to the roots are
leaving behind a legacy of excellence. Meet Sanjay
Sarma, whose role at MIT's Auto-ID Centre in Boston
has earned him the title of father of RFID. He has
worked with early RFID adopters such as Wal-Mart,
Gillette and US Department of Defence. But he gave it
all up to join Bangalore-based Oat Systems as chief
technology officer. He is assisted by a team of
ex-IITians who have globe-trotted for the better parts
of their lives to build radio-frequency
identification-related software.


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[ppiindia] Megawati's long goobye

2004-10-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Kedengaran kubu Mega ada niat untuk menggugat hasil
pilpres, melalui Mahkamah Konstitusi.  Serius, nggak

Sudah baca editorial koran The Jakarta Post hari ini? 
Memang perlu ada jumpa muka SBY-Mega untuk menjamin
lancarnya kontinuitas pemerintahan.  Juga untuk
menjadi pelajaran publik tentang praktek
demokrasi/pemerintahan yang benar.  Dan jangan pada
saat demisioner ini pemerintah masih memutuskan hal
berdampak jangka panjang, seperti rencana menutup
pabrik pupuk ASEAN di Aceh.  Yang terasa nylekit
adalah alinea penutupnya yang saya quote:  It would be
a shame if the memory of Megawati's famous last
words before leaving office were of giving herself
and her vice president a Rp 20 billion (US$ 2.2
million) stipend to buy houses.  Even Soeharto, in
1998, had the decency to return the housing
allowance that was given to him.


  Print October 07, 2004 

Megawati's long goodbye 

The official results of the presidential election may
only have been announced by the General Elections
Commission on Tuesday, but the outcome has been known
for a fortnight. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the
president-elect, there can be no doubt about that.

Outgoing President Megawati Soekarnoputri certainly
has the right to challenge suspected ballot
improprieties with the Constitutional Court, but we
doubt, given the large margin of her defeat, that it
will influence the final outcome. While the letter of
the law provides for such a petition, we do not
believe that it was designed to delay the outcome of
such a decisive election. We hope that the losing camp
will not tarnish the accomplishment of the Indonesian
people in holding a fair, free and safe election by
exploiting judicial loopholes to force what is
effectively a moot argument. 

A concession speech from the incumbent would be
welcome, but more importantly it is Megawati and her
administration's cooperation that should be sought to
ensure a smooth change in leadership. 

Megawati and Susilo will set the precedent for future
changes of president. They are not the followers of
fashion, but makers of a new tradition, setting the
norms and standards for all future administrations.
Never before in our history have we seen this. 

It is imperative for Megawati to help establish
conditions that will ensure procedural legitimacy
during the transition. A meeting between Megawati and
Susilo should be set up by the outgoing
administration. If not, then Susilo should exhort
such a meeting from the incumbent. 

The significance of such a meeting cannot be
underscored enough. First, it would publicly signify
an amiable handover of power from one administration
to the next. Second, it would present a mood of
continuity, promising that there will be no disconnect
in key policies. Third, it would be a public lesson
for the nation in the discipline of democracy. 

Apart from the symbolic significance, there are
substantial issues that would have to be discussed
during such a meeting, and the president-elect would
have to ensure that he received a full briefing from
Megawati on key matters of state. 

It would also be wise for him to gain access to
government intelligence sources, so that on Oct. 20 he
would already be aware of the big picture of the
potential threats and challenges facing the country.
Most importantly, he should extract assurances of
consultations between outgoing and incoming senior

These procedures, if faithfully carried out, would set
the tone for future transitions. It would be a pattern
that was hard to break. 

During the short two weeks before his confirmation as
president, Susilo would be well advised to work out a
strategy to fully exploit his brief honeymoon period.
Susilo needs to hit the ground running. Hopefully, an
orderly transition will facilitate Susilo's desire to
expedite a swift move into office. 

For her part, Megawati has an opportunity to solidify
her legacy. It would be prudent to refrain from making
further decisions that can only be perceived as
opportunist or that upset the policy plans of the
incoming government. It is with some skepticism that
we were informed of the government's intention to
close PT ASEAN Aceh Fertilizer at a time when the
decision-makers are the outgoing authority. Such a
long-term decision probably should have been left to
the charge of the new administration. 

The public has a very short memory, and like her or
not we should all concede that Megawati did bring
about certain positive aspects during her reign, not
least of which were political stability and an
improved macroeconomic outlook. Nevertheless, it is
usually the last dying breaths that linger the

It would be a shame if the memory of Megawati's
famous last words before leaving office were of her
giving herself and her vice president a Rp 20 billion
(US$2.22 million) stipend to buy houses. Even
Soeharto, in 1998, had the decency to 

[ppiindia] Two Israelis and an American won Nobel for chemistry 2004

2004-10-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Tadi malam diumumkan siapa-siapa pemenang Hadiah Nobel
untuk kimia tahun 2004 ini.  Nama-nama mereka adalah
Aaron Ciechnova, Avram Hershko dan Irwin Rose. Dua
orang yang disebut pertama, yaitu Aaron Ciechnova dan
Avram Hershko sama-sama mengajar di Technion (Israel
Institute of Technology) di Haifa.  Sedang Irwin Rose
mengajar di University of California Irvine.


Science Daily   
Source:   The Nobel Foundation 
Date:   2004-10-06 

Nobel Prize In Chemistry: Proteins Labelled For

Proteins build up all living things: plants, animals
and therefore us humans. In the past few decades
biochemistry has come a long way towards explaining
how the cell produces all its various proteins. But as
to the breaking down of proteins, not so many
researchers were interested. Aaron Ciechanover, Avram
Hershko and Irwin Rose went against the stream and at
the beginning of the 1980s discovered one of the
cell's most important cyclical processes, regulated
protein degradation. For this, they are being rewarded
with this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko and Irwin Rose have
brought us to realise that the cell functions as a
highly-efficient checking station where proteins are
built up and broken down at a furious rate. The
degradation is not indiscriminate but takes place
through a process that is controlled in detail so that
the proteins to be broken down at any given moment are
given a molecular label, a ‘kiss of death', to be
dramatic. The labelled proteins are then fed into the
cells' waste disposers, the so called proteasomes,
where they are chopped into small pieces and

The label consists of a molecule called ubiquitin.
This fastens to the protein to be destroyed,
accompanies it to the proteasome where it is
recognised as the key in a lock, and signals that a
protein is on the way for disassembly. Shortly before
the protein is squeezed into the proteasome, its
ubiquitin label is disconnected for re-use.

Thanks to the work of the three Laureates it is now
possible to understand at molecular level how the cell
controls a number of central processes by breaking
down certain proteins and not others. Examples of
processes governed by ubiquitin-mediated protein
degradation are cell division, DNA repair, quality
control of newly-produced proteins, and important
parts of the immune defence. When the degradation does
not work correctly, we fall ill. Cervical cancer and
cystic fibrosis are two examples. Knowledge of
ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation offers an
opportunity to develop drugs against these diseases
and others. 

Aaron Ciechanover, born 1947 (57 years) in Haifa,
Israel (Israeli citizen). Doctor's degree in medicine
in 1981 at the Technion (Israel Institute of
Technology), Haifa. Professor at the Unit of
Biochemistry and Director of the Rappaport Family
Institute for Research in Medical Sciences at the
Technion, Haifa, Israel. 

Avram Hershko, born 1937 (67 years) in Karcag, Hungary
(Israeli citizen). Doctor's degree in medicine in 1969
at the Hadassah Medical School of the Hebrew
University, Jerusalem. Distinguished Professor at the
Rappaport Family Institute for Research in Medical
Sciences at the Technion (Israel Institute of
Technology), Haifa, Israel. 

Irwin Rose, born 1926 (78 years) in New York, USA
(American citizen). Doctor's degree in 1952 at the
University of Chicago, USA. Specialist at the
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, College of
Medicine, University of California, Irvine, USA.

Prize amount: SEK 10 million, will be shared equally
among the Laureates.

This story has been adapted from a news release issued
by The Nobel Foundation.


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[ppiindia] Secrets of smell land Nobel Prize

2004-10-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Secrets of smell land Nobel Prize 

Two US scientists have been awarded the Nobel Prize
for Medicine for uncovering the secrets of the human
sense of smell. 
The way the brain recognises and remembers thousands
of different odours has long baffled scientists. 

Professor Richard Axel, of Columbia University, and
Professor Linda Buck, of Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Centre in Seattle, cracked the problem. 

The Nobel Prize, the most prestigious in medicine, is
worth $1.3m. 

 Until Axel and Buck's studies the sense of smell was
a mystery. 
Professor Sten Grillner  

The scientists discovered a large gene family, made up
of 1,000 different genes that control production of
specialised protein receptors. 
These receptors are found on cells which line a small
area of the upper part of the nose and detect odour
molecules when they are breathed in. 

However, each cell possesses only one type of
receptor, and each receptor can detect only a limited
number of substances. Therefore each cell is highly
specialised for a few odours. 

The cells each send signals along tiny strands of
nerve tissue directly into the area of the brain that
controls the sense of smell - the olfactory bulb.
However, each type of cell connects to a different
area - or glomerulus - within this tissue. 

From here the information is relayed to other parts of
the brain, where the information from several
olfactory receptors is combined, forming a pattern
which is recognised as a distinct odour. 

Professor Axel and Buck first published a joint paper
identifying the key genes in 1991. 

Since then they have worked on a number of studies to
pin down the organisation of the olfactory system from
molecular to cellular level. 

Professor Buck, during a lecture to the Karolinksa
Institute, which decides who should get the Nobel
Prize, said it was thought that humans can
differentiate between up to 10,000 different odours. 

She said: The discriminatory power of the olfactory
system is immense. Even closely related molecules have
different smells. 

Well deserved 

Professor Sten Grillner, one of the panel of experts
who judged the prize, said: Until Axel and Buck's
studies the sense of smell was a mystery. 

Dr Peter Brennan, an expert in smell and behaviour at
the University of Cambridge, said: The discovery of
this large family of genes has revolutionized our
understanding of this major sense. 

Although this work is not directly related to any
major human diseases, it has opened new windows on the
way the brain interprets the world around us and how
this effects behaviour. 

Smell is different from the other senses in that the
sensory cells are continually dying and being replaced
by new cells that have to be wired up correctly in the

Their work, and that of their co-workers, has
increased our knowledge of how the complex patterns of
connections in the brain are formed during

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2004/10/04 10:16:07 GMT


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Re: [ppiindia] Permohonan Turki di UE

2004-10-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 --- Suhiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 pada waktu presiden amrik-roosevelt membujuk raja
 saudi untuk mendukung
 negara israel, dia mengajukan alasan.
 pembantaian nazi di eropa...raja saudi (Faisal?)
 bilang, beri israel tanah
 di eropa bukan di arab, eropa yang menganiaya yahudi
 bukan arab.
 yang wajib memberi belas kasihan adalah yang
 berbuat, bukan orang yang
 tidak bersalah.
 sewaktu diberi alasan, teknologi israel yang maju
 bisa menghijaukan gurun,
 king faisal bilang, pengembangan teknologi itu perlu
 dana besar, dengan
 dana yang besar itu (dari amrik dan eropa) orang
 arab juga bisa
 menguasainya teknologi pertanian tsb, maka beri saja
 dana itu ke orang
 arab unutuk menghijaukan gurun :-)

Negeri Israel tanah Arab?  Check again your history
book, Mas Suhiro.  True, but not until the Khalifah
setelah Kanjeng Nabi s.a.w. wafat bukan?  Sebelumnya
tanah siapa?

Para petani perintis Israel dapat dana dari Barat? 
Check again your history books.  Dananya bukan dari
mana-mana, tapi dari Jewish Agency (mainly dari dua
bersaudara Jewish yang dari kekayaan dan cintanya pada
budaya jadi bangsawan di Inggris dan Perancis, Sir
Rotschild dan Compte de Rotschild).  Jewish Agency
hanya mampu membeli tanah rawa dan gurun di Negev,
karena landed Ottoman Arabs, ogah menjual tanah yang
subur.  Hehehe, ada isitlah Ottoman (Bani Utsmaniyah)
jadi obrolan ini belum menyimpang jauh dari topik
aslinya, yah.  Para pionir yang hidup spartan banyak
yang mati karena malaria di rawa-rawa Ashkelon, Ashdod
dan Jaffa.  Yang digurun Negev terpaksa melambari top
soil dengan terpal agar air tidak merembes ke pasir,
lahirlah pertanian plastik sampai sekarang.

 seperti sekelompok orang yang tiba di kampungkmu dan
 merampas tanahmu dan
 mendirikan kampung baru diatas tanah
 kampungmu...what do you feel?
Ya geram tentunya.  But wait, tanah Palestina itu
bukan 100% milik Arab, ada claim dan counter-claim.
Lihat komentar saya diatas.

RM (orang Indonesia asli)

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2004-10-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Ooops.  60 kali sebulan, berarti rata-rata KBRI Kuala
Lumpur harus melayani 2 studi banding tiap harinya.
Tiap delegasi hampir selalu disertai isteri/suami
bahkan tidak jarang anak.  Berapa banyak uang negara
keluar untuk mengongkosi wisatawan itu?

Sayang yang berani jadi whistle blower, adalah
diplomat non-career seperti Dubes Rusdihardjo ini. 
Sebab diplomat karier takut nanti dihadang DPR waktu
test fit-and-proper waktu diajukan jadi Dubes. 

Para mahasiswa, harap jangan meniru ulah pejabat, DPR,
DPRD dan Pemda, lho.


 --- Tangkisan Letug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 KBRI Malaysia Kerepotan Terima Tim Studi Banding
 Senin, 04 Oktober 2004 | 11:27 WIB 
 TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta:Duta Besar Indonesia untuk
 Malaysia, Rusdiharjo mengungkapkan jumlah kunjungan
 tim studi banding Indonesia ke Malaysia mencapai 60
 kali perbulannya. Menurutnya, mereka adalah para
 pejabat dan anggota DPR dari tingkat pusat hingga
 daerah, yang diongkosi negara. 
 Karena banyaknya kunjungan, KBRI di Kuala Lumpur
 kerepotan menjamu dan menemani mereka 'berdinas'.
 Mereka sering minta dijemput, kadang-kadang mereka
 baru menelepon setelah sampai di bandara, kata
 Rusdiharjo ketika mengikuti Diskusi Kebijakan
 Agribisnis Kelapa Sawit di Jakarta, Senin (4/10).
 Rusdiharjo mengatakan walaupun mereka bertugas
 melakukan studi banding, mereka lebih banyak minta
 diantar ke tempat-tempat wisata. Ia menyatakan, tim
 studi banding itu merupakan bagian dari sekitar
 600.000 wisatawan Indonesia ke Malaysia. Total
 wisatawan asing yang berkunjung ke Malaysia,
 2003 lalu, mencapai 10 juta orang. 
 Mawar Kusuma - Tempo 
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[ppiindia] Dari green revolution ke gene revolution

2004-10-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


Green revolution = revolusi pertanian, yang menjadikan
India kecukupan produksi makanan (gandum, beras,
kacang-kacangan, gula); 

White revolution = gerakan koperasi susu yang
dicetuskan Dr. Kurien, sehingga India sekarang
produsen susu terbesar didunia;

Software revolution = ini istilahnya Thomas Friedman,
manjadikan Bangalore sebagai Silicon Valley kedua,
dengan Wipro, TCS dan Infosys.  Dan Azim Premji dan
Narayana Murthy jadi Bill Gates kecil-kecilan

Gene revolution =  hehe, orang India ini ada-ada saja
bikin istilah.  Itu adalah kemajuan di bidang genetic
engineering atawa molecular biology.


Hyderabad , Oct. 4 

THE Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is
moving forward in functional genomics and has already
formulated a Rs 32-crore project that would initially
focus on the production of transgenic rice variety,
which would be resistant to yellow stem borer,
according to ICAR Director-General, Dr Mangala Rai. 

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an
international symposium, Rice from Green Revolution
to Gene Revolution, on Monday, Dr Rai said the
project would subsequently focus on other aspects of
transgenic rice like salinity, development of
drought-resistant varieties, improvement of yield and
quality, reduction of crop duration and efficient use
of inputs like water and fertilisers. 

Our endeavour is to enhance productivity, reduce
input costs and increase the profit margins of the
producers so that we are competitive in cost as well
as quality, locally and globally. 

Dr Rai said ICAR research trends on rice were
currently associated with genetic improvement with a
special focus on conservation technology. 

The three-day symposium is being held by ICAR with the
participation of the Directorate of Rice Research
(DRR), Hyderabad and the Central Rice Research
Institute, Cuttack on the occasion of the
International Year of Rice. 

Stating that ICAR has also initiated work on organic
farming, Dr Rai said there was a need to conduct a
mass campaign for the production of vermicompost. 

Whether it is organic or inorganic farming, the plant
will accept nutrients only in ionic form. Hence, there
is a need to check the source of the organic matter. 

Dr Gurdev S. Khush, Professor at the University of
California and former Head of Planting Breeding at the
Philippines-based International Rice Research
Institute, said organic farming could be adopted in
limited areas for production of small quantity of
agricultural products for the purpose of export. We
can't think of feeding the entire population of India
with organic agriculture. 

He added that several new technologies were coming up
for increasing productivity and improving the
nutritional quality of rice. 

Currently, research is being conducted for enhancing
photosynthesis process in rice plants. 

In this regard, genes from maize and sorghum - which
have higher photosynthesis - are being injected into
rice. This is expected to increase the rice yields by
nearly 35 per cent. 

He said the `Golden Rice' genes have been now put into
commercially grown rice varieties like IR 20 and
Suvarna in India. 

Meanwhile, tests are being made on the digestive
capability, food safety and environmental safety
aspects of the transgenic `Golden Rice' that contains
betacarotene and thus, would be useful in eliminating
Vitamin A deficiency problems among rice consumers. 

A humanitarian board comprising several scientists and
organisations is also looking into aspect of whether
people who are used to consuming white rice would
prefer to eat `Golden Rice'. 

On the other hand, Dr Khush said, research was also
being conducted through conventional methods for
production of high-yielding rice varieties that would
have high iron content. 

These varieties are non-transgenic and may be
available for commercialisation in 2-3 years. 

Earlier, inaugurating the symposium, Dr Rai said rice
was probably the only crop in the world that was grown
in most fragile ecosystems, adding that a `Gene
Revolution' was possible if pursued persistently.

(The Hindu Group)


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[ppiindia] Bahan formalin di tahu

2004-10-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Hehe.  Anak SMA swasta Gandhi Memorial ini jelas tidak
tahu bahwa soal formalin dalam tahu ini sudah
dipersoalkan oleh Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia tahun
1980-an. Tapi setelah heboh sebentar, soal ini tidak
ada kelanjutannya. Bagaimanapun juga, anak sekolah
tadi mengungkapkan soal ini ke koran Jakarta Post
bukan atas dasar katanya-katanya, tapi dari PR yang
dilakukannya sendiri. Yang menarik adalah sarannya,
agar tahu diawetkan dengan tumeric (ketumbar?) dan
lain-lain bahan alami.  Dia belum tahu soal tahu
Kediri dan tahu Sumedang yang dikasih kunyit sehingga
baunya wangi dan rasanya itu lho, enak.  

Bukan soal tahu saja bermasalah, tapi juga bola bakso
yang diawetkan dengan formalin.  Makin banyak kita
makan bakso dan tahu, makin banyak formalin mengumpul
dalam tubuh kita, padahal formalin sifatnya
carcinogenic atau pemicu kanker.

Bahan pewarna tekstil yang dipakai mewarnai kue,
siroop, dan permen juga pernah dihebohkan.  Seperti
diketahui, bahan-bahan itu dalam jangka panjang
merusak lever dan mengakibatkan gagal ginjal.

Kita tidak usah menunggu sampai kita punya lembaga
seperti FDA.  Dengan perangkat hukum dan lembaga yang
adapun semestinya kita dapat bertindak segera untuk
melindungi kesehatan masyarakat kita.


(Jakarta Post October 06, 2004)
Formaldehyde in 'tahu' 

I am a student in my final year at Gandhi Memorial
International School.

Tahu (soya cake), a basic part of the Indonesian diet,
is said to be the healthiest protein source for our
bodies. However, recently while doing research on the
use of harmful chemical preservatives, I came across
very disturbing information on the Internet that in
some cases, formaldehyde is used to preserve various
type of foods, and that this practice is prevalent in
Indonesia, especially in the preservation of tahu. 

Formaldehyde (formalin) is a preservative that is
normally used for preserving tissue/biological
specimens, with various other industrial uses, and is
carcinogenic. Taking a lead from this, I conducted a
few experiments by myself, with the help of my
teacher, and I found a few alarming results. 

I took some tahu samples from markets and supermarkets
and did find traces of formaldehyde in some of the
samples, though in very minute quantities ranging from
0.1 percent to 0.3 percent. Tahu samples that had
formaldehyde had a very nice smell, unlike the usual
fermented smell that regular tahu (without
formaldehyde) has. 

Taking direct samples from a tahu factory in Jakarta,
my teacher and I discovered that during the process of
adding gypsum, they add very minute quantities of
formaldehyde. They add this harmful chemical, already
diluted thoroughly in water, into the soymilk, just
before it is to be molded. This soymilk is boiled at
high temperatures and the gypsum helps in the curdling
of the soymilk. 

However, it needs to be mentioned here that since the
formaldehyde is very diluted and the soymilk is boiled
at high temperatures, the hazardous effects of the
chemical is marginalized. 

The most surprising element is the lack of awareness
concerning this issue. And it is purely for commercial
reasons that formaldehyde is used in the process, as
the chemical can preserve the product (tahu) for a
longer period of time. 

Some of the market vendors accepted the fact that
formaldehyde is used as a preservative and most of the
vendors were ignorant of the side effects that can be
caused by this chemical. 

Since it is being added in such minute quantities, I
feel that the harmful effects are neutralized once
cooked in boiling water at high temperature. But the
fact still remains that few people are aware of the
harmful effects of using this chemical as a
preservative. I personally feel that traditional and
safer preservatives, such as turmeric, vinegar and
ascorbic acid, can be applied in the production
process to preserve food. 


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[ppiindia] Sektor IT harus kerja keras, kata Narayana Murthy (Infosys)

2004-10-04 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


 Monday, October 4, 2004 
 (Press Trust of India)
 IT sector must work harder : Murthy 
Press Trust Of India / Bangalore October 4, 2004 
Infosys chairman warns against complacency.  
As the Indian Information Technology (IT) juggernaut
rolls on, Infosys chairman N R Narayana Murthy has
cautioned home-grown companies against complacency,
telling them to take up high-end work, maintain cost
efficiency and protect margins with China and emerging
East- Asian IT players vying for a larger share of the
global IT pie.  
With the Indian it industry basking in the glory of
high growth even in a low tech spend last year, Murthy
has given a five-point prescription for India to hit
the $50 billion software exports target and the $80
billion revenue mark by 2008.  
“Today, the Indian IT industry has scripted an
outstanding success story and changed our standing in
the comity of nations. At the same time, however, we
cannot let ourselves become complacent”, Murthy said. 

India is facing competition from East-Asian countries
such as China and the Philippines added to which “in
this globalised world”, customers have access to the
best services anywhere, he said, emphasising, “In this
context, the IT industry in India must work to stay
“We need to ensure that our IT companies move up the
value chain by taking the benefits of the global
delivery model to high-end activities like equity
research and consulting”, Murthy, whose Nasdaq-listed
company was the third to join India’s billion dollar
IT club last fiscal, said.  
“While we continue to scale up and meet growing
demands, we must maintain cost efficiency and protect
margins. Further, we must build brand equity for this
industry globally,” he added.  
The chief mentor of Infosys said, a “number of steps
need to be taken (by both state and central
governments) to meet this target and remain globally
India’s software exports grew by 30.5 per cent to
touch $12.5 billion in 2003-04 and aims to match the
same growth to cross $16 billion this year.  
India, Murthy said, needs to increase penetration in
terms of PCs and communication lines, noting that high
cost of ownership is a barrier towards proliferation
of devices.  
Citing a forecast by Nasscom, the apex body of
software companies, he said the number of Internet
subscribers would increase from 2.46 million now to
7.18 million in 2005, which called for additional
investments in bandwidth.  
He said, the availability of a robust communication
infrastructure is essential for Indian companies to
effectively implement the offshore business model.  
Murthy said, if the level of education in our colleges
is to be improved, an impetus must be given to
improving the level of RD. “We need to ensure an
adequate pipeline of English-speaking graduates,” he
The software industry also requires good
infrastructure and facilities in terms of airports,
roads and electricity supply. He said as India moves
towards a knowledge-based economy, protection of
knowledge capital becomes essential.  
He was also concerned that the software piracy rates
were around 70 per cent.  
I have always maintained that the role of government
needs to be limited to areas like defence, external
affairs, internal security., etc.  
Asked what measures india should take to stay ahead of
china, which he recently said lagged just three years
behind india, murthy said the competition came not
only from china but also from other emerging east
asian it players.  
Murthy said one of the advantages for india over china
was its large english-speaking population but he
stressed that achieving proficiency in english was now
gaining priority in china. In beijing alone, there
were over a thousand language-training centres.  
Additionally, we must invest further in our supply of
knowledge professionals, our basic infrastructure and
our levels of connectivity.  
Observing that while portfolio investments were good
as they leverage the power of the indian enterpreneur,
he said, we need that, but more important is foreign
direct investment, which comes as equity or long-term
If you want to let fdi into india in a significant
way, our people will have to create visible signs of
progress to create confidence in our foreign
investors, something that china is doing. 
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[ppiindia] Nila beribu titik merusak susu sebelanga

2004-10-04 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Saya kehilangan kata-kata untuk mengungkap jengkel
saya.  He !!!


(The Jakarta Post)
 Print October 05, 2004 

To protect and serve? 

On Wednesday, Sept. 29, as we rode our Vespa in the
Blok M area at around 6 p.m., we were stopped by a
policeman who said we were traveling in the wrong lane
(though we later discovered we were not in violation
of any traffic rules).

No doubt, he saw two young foreign women and decided
to take advantage of us. 

When he stopped us, he asked for all appropriate
documentation, including the vehicle registration
(STNK) and drivers license, which we gave to him. He
took the documents and locked them in a box on his

At that stage, we tried to solve the problem by
apologizing and asking for clarification about what we
had done wrong. He asked us for Rp 250,000 for
processing costs. 

We knew this was a hugely exaggerated amount and
refused. He then made us follow him to a quieter
location. We tried to resist and asked why we couldn't
deal with the issue then and there, as we saw no need
to move to a quieter location. But as he had all of
our documents, we had no choice but to follow him. 

When we arrived at the front of Blok M Mall, he again
asked for money, again Rp 250,000 or Australian
dollars. We explained that, as we worked for local
non-governmental organizations, we didn't earn dollars
but rupiah, and offered him Rp 50,000. He refused this

He then became very inappropriate, saying, Kamu
cantik sekali, saya suka sekali sama kamu (You are
very pretty, I really like you). He then asked us
about our marital status and said he wanted to marry
an Australian. At this stage, we began to feel rather
frightened and nervous. 

A senior policeman came over, but then quickly left.
Once his superior had left, the inappropriate
policeman asked us for Rp 100,000 and a kiss! 

In Australia, behavior such as this would constitute
sexual harassment and the policeman would be punished
severely. We were thus left in a very weak position
and unsure of how to deal with the situation. 

We debated the issue back and forth, with the
policeman becoming increasingly sleazy. When one of us
threatened to call our husband to come and assist
us, the policeman quickly resolved the issue, accepted
the Rp 50,000 and returned our documents. 

Unfortunately, he was not wearing a name tag or any
form of identification, and as we were shocked and
scared, we did not ask him for this information. 

In the words of this particular policeman, the police
are here to serve the people. Yet, how can we be
expected to trust the people with power when this
power is abused? 

K.A. SHANAHAN, Jakarta 

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[ppiindia] Western-educated fundamentalists

2004-10-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

(Dari Straits Times interactive)
OCT 4, 2004
Western-educated fundamentalists 
British and US nationals of Pakistani origin spearhead
push for puritanical Islamic state 

KARACHI - A new breed of Islamic fundamentalists who
study at top British and American schools yet abhor
Western values has emerged in Pakistan.

The radicals advocate a pan-Islamic state and favour
the removal of the country's pro-US government.

Militancy and violence are not part of their agenda as
they want to achieve their 'lofty goals' through a
peaceful and non-violent struggle.

But analysts say such men, fired by the passion of an
Islamic renaissance, stand on a thin line dividing
political and violent struggles.

Hizb ut-Tahrir (Liberation Party), an international
Islamic group with roots from England to Central Asia,
is a recent addition to myriad radical organisations
striving to enforce 'true Islam' in Pakistan, a poor
South Asian nation.

The group was outlawed in Pakistan in November last
year, just three years after it started operations,
but its members continue undeterred, distributing
party literature and holding small meetings in efforts
to expand their base.

Pakistan, an ally of the US in the war on terror,
banned several militant Islamic groups but most of
them re-emerged under new names. 

Hizb ut-Tahrir has refused to change its identity
despite the closure of its offices and the arrests of
several members. British and US nationals of Pakistani
origin make up the backbone of this secretive group
formed in Jerusalem in 1953.

It wants to establish a supra-Islamic state on the
model of the caliphate as it existed in the early days
of Islam.

The group came to Pakistan through second-generation
Pakistanis living in the West, Chaudhry, an Interior
Ministry spokesman. 'Its members incite people against
the government through their writings and leaflets.'

But Hizb ut-Tahrir's spokesman Naveed Butt said to
bring about a change, one needed political - not
militant - action.

'We are being associated with militancy because we
preach an alternative ideology,' said Mr Butt, an
engineer from Chicago, where he was first introduced
to the group in the mid-1980s.

'The best barometer of our success is that we were
banned within three years of our activities here.' \--


MR ISMAIL Sheikh abandoned his career as a dentist in
London and moved to Karachi in 1999 to become one of
Hizb ut-Tahrir's pioneer members.

'We advocate unity of Muslims,' said the frail
34-year-old British national of Pakistani origin who
was arrested for distributing pamphlets outside a
Karachi mosque in July.

An anti-terrorism court acquitted him on lack of
evidence last month and he was back doing the group's
work the same day, saying the arrest only strengthened
his resolve. 'They questioned me whether I had links
to Al-Qaeda or I visited Afghanistan,' he said.


MR AHMED Rashid, the author of a book on the Taleban,
said Hizb ut-Tahrir is a movement based in Europe.

'Young Muslims living in the West get exposure to
their culture through religion. I don't think they
have any real popular support. 

'Given the enormous number of Islamic schools and
parties, it is difficult for someone like Hizb, which
is seen as an import from England, to come in the
field and make room for itself,' he said. 

He said that despite its radical ideas, there were no
indications that Hizb was involved in militancy.


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[ppiindia] Buyat lagi: test terpercaya membuktikan bahwa tingkat Hg normal

2004-10-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Bakal mendulang badai kalau saya ungkit lagi soal ini,
saya sadar itu.  Maklum, pendapat yang mengatakan
bahwa Newmont kerjanya bukan sembarangan, itu melawan
arus.  Tapi, apakah yang benar itu, yang sementara ini


 Print October 04, 2004 
(Jakarta Post)

Int'l tests show normal mercury level in Buyat Bay 
Abdul Khalik, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

A laboratory test by Japan's Minamata institute and
the World Health Organization (WHO) shows the mercury
levels in hair samples taken from residents living at
Buyat Bay in North Sulawesi were normal, the Ministry
of Health said on Sunday.

Ministry director general of communicable disease Umar
Fahmi said the level of mercury in the residents' hair
was 2.65 micro grams per gram (æ/g) or around
one-twentieth of the dangerous level of 50 æ/g set by

It indicates a normal level of mercury content in
human body. The level is equivalent with the mercury
content found in healthy Japanese citizens, Umar told
The Jakarta Post. 

Earlier, the results of a laboratory test last July by
the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the
University of Indonesia found that the mercury levels
in the blood of Buyat Bay residents was between 8
micrograms a liter (æ/L), to 21 æ/L. 

Normal mercury levels in the blood of people that do
not eat large amounts of fish are 8 æ/L and studies
show that people do not suffer symptoms of mercury
poisoning until their blood-mercury reaches levels as
high as 200 æ/L, information from the U.S. Food and
Drug Agency says. 

Meanwhile, the Jakarta health office's laboratory test
released on July 28, revealed the same residents had
blood-mercury levels of between 33.75 æ/L and 52.50

The test, however, didn't show a significant content
of mercury in the residents' hair and nails. 

Umar said the tests by the Minamata institute and WHO
also examined the levels of other heavy metals in the
human body and in the environment -- in fish, water
and sediment around the bay, which police said was
polluted by U.S-based mining firm PT Newmont Minahasa

My competence is to only inform you about (mercury)
content in the human body. All I can tell you is that
the levels of heavy metals are higher in Totok Bay
than in Buyat Bay. We will release complete details on
Monday. We will be very careful about this as it is a
sensitive issue, Umar said. 

Buyat Bay and Totok Bay are separated by a
two-kilometer cape. a number of people living in Buyat
Pante village along the Buyat Bay have come to
Jakarta, complaining about pollution-related diseases.
However, none of residents from Ratatotok village
along the Totok Bay have made similar complaints. 

An expert from Japan's National Institute for Minamata
Disease, Mineshi Sakamoto, and a WHO environmental
expert, Jan Speets, conducted research in Buyat Pante
and Ratatotok villages in mid-August. 

They took samples of fish and water, as well as
samples of blood, hair, and finger nail clippings of
residents from the two villages which was tested in

At the end of August, the National Police charged PT
Newmont Minahasa Raya, the only mining company that
operated there, with contaminating Buyat Bay. 

The charges were based on the results of a police
laboratory test on samples of water, fish, soil and
sediments taken from the bay. 

The test concluded that the level of mercury in the
Buyat Bay water was 5.5 æ/L, 4 æ/L, and 3.9 æ/L
respectively in three different locations where those
samples were taken, police said. 

They added that the tested mercury level exceeded the
standard of 1 æ/L set by Ministerial Decree No.
51/2004 on seawater pollution standards, the same
minimum safety standard as set by WHO. 

The police are detaining five six Newmont executives
as suspects in the Buyat Bay pollution case but are
not holding the company's president director, Richard
Ness, citing health concerns. 

Newmont has repeatedly denied all charges, while U.S.
Ambassador to Indonesia Ralph L. Boyce has called for
the release of the detainees because they were
cooperating investigation. 

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[ppiindia] Seeds of invention (Newsweek)

2004-10-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


Sudah saya saksikan sendiri, lab Wockhardt perusahaan
fammasi India di Aurangabad.  Lab ini menghasilkan
obat yang sama sekali baru, dengan molekul baru,
memakai prosedur molecular biology yang in-house.
Setelah test pada tikus, dan terakhir pada pasien
sukarela, sampel dikirim ke FDA untuk pengesahan.  

Juga BASF industri chemicals terbesar didunia punya
RD di Thane, dekat Mumbai, satu-satunya RD BASF yang
diluar Jerman.  Tenaganya semua Ph.D dari India.  


Seeds of Invention

Research: These are boom times for Asian RD. But can
Chinese and Indian scientists get their ideas into the

By Sudip Mazumdar and Melinda Liu

Newsweek InternationalOct. 11 issue - 

The only thing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
did for Amit Nanavati was make him overqualified for
most of the available jobs in his hometown of New
Delhi. So he did what many ambitious Indians did in
the late 1980s: he went to the United States for
graduate school. The move worked wonders on his
career. As soon as he finished his Ph.D. at Louisiana
State University in Baton Rouge in 1996, a fast-rising
start-up called Netscape snapped him up. Nanavati
would have preferred to go back home to India, but
figured he'd have an even tougher time marketing
himself. He was mistaken. In the time it took him to
get his degree, career prospects for engineers and
scientists in India had brightened considerably. By
1998 he found himself back in New Delhi, as a
researcher at IBM's new lab, where he's been ever
since. India is the right place and this is the right
time, he says.

These are indeed boom times for research in Asia. U.S.
and European corporations, in an effort to get closer
to their overseas markets, are pouring money into the
bigger Asian countries like China and India. And
governments are falling over themselves to entice
them, investing billions in their own universities and
big corporate-research parks, like Singapore's

The burning question, though, is to what extent Asia
will be able to turn this unprecedented investment in
intellectual resources into a true engine of
innovation. So far, the rise of Asian RD is only
skin-deep. Asia may boast some topflight talent, but
the best Ph.D. s are still trained in the United
States, say corporate-research executives. It's
difficult to say who will emerge as big winners.
China's rapid growth allows it to attract more
investment from foreign firms, but its researchers
struggle under a Soviet-style autocratic culture that
doesn't lend itself to the freewheeling exchange of
ideas. In this regard, India's British influence may
have served it well, but scientists often face red

Asians are getting a strong dose of market-driven
research priorities from the influx of American firms.
In the past five years more than 100 companies,
including General Motors, Boeing and Mobil, have set
up RD centers in India. General Electric has put its
largest non-U.S. lab in Bangalore, where the company
employs 1,600 mostly Indian researchers. Johnson 
Johnson, DuPont, Procter  Gamble and other firms are
also considering setting up their own labs. The world
has realized that if you don't have an India address
[in RD], you are in trouble, says R. A. Mashelkar,
head of the Council of Scientific and Industrial

India has had some luck in turning this influx into
homegrown success, particularly in pharmaceuticals and
information technology. Start-up firms are beginning
to appear in Hyderabad and Bangalore because of their
talent pool and the many scientific institutions
located there. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, a zoologist,
became the richest woman in India in April when she
floated her biotech company, Biocon, which makes a
cholesterol-lowering drug. But stories like hers are
few and far between. India needs to break away from
imitative to more inventive RD, says Mazumdar-Shaw

In China, scientists have begun to publish their
research in the best Western journals, and each week
brings news of some new research project or
investment. Last week Cisco Systems said it would
spend $32 million on an RD center in Shanghai to
develop new voice technologies. China has targeted
biotechnology (for both agriculture and medicine),
energy and nanotechnology as areas of opportunity.
Scientists, though, are laboring under a political
system that is antithetical to a healthy research
culture. Chinese officials still tend to favor
state-run enterprises, which get first dibs on new
technology, capital and access to markets. The
problems of science and technology in China are not so
much scientific as they are problems of management,
economics and politics, concluded a report by the
U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

The challenge for both India and China in the next few
years is to bolster research at universities and bring
industry into the mix. There's great skills in both
places, says Paul Horn, head of research at IBM,
which has labs in both countries. At the Ph.D. 

Re: [ppiindia] Fruits of science

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

GMC (generically modified crops) memang dilarang masuk
oleh pemerintah-pemerintah di Eropa. Sedang di
Amerika, bukan pemerintah yang melarang tapi para

Mengapa Eropa mati-matian tidak mau menerima GMC? 
Satu, mungkin mereka takut GMC membahayakan kesehatan
dan merusak lingkungan hidup.  Kalau hanya itu
sebabnya, tunggu saja beberapa tahun lagi setelah
terbukti bahwa kekhawatiran itu tidak terbukti, mereka
akan mengijinkan GMC.  Kedua, mungkin Eropa ingin
melindungi petaninya, yang sekalipun prosentasenya
secara demografis kecil tapi sangat berpengaruh dalam
politik.  Seperti diketahui, perselisihan antara
Inggris dan Perancis/Jerman di UE dari dulu sampai
sekarang menyangkut CAP (Common Agricultural Policy)
yang menyedot dana besar-besaran untuk menjamin harga
pangan (gandum, buah dan susu) tetap amat tinggi. 
Tanpa subsidi besar-besaran, petani Jerman dan
Perancis dijamin collapsed.  Lain halnya petani di
Inggris, Irlandia dan Belanda.  Itulah yang dimaksud
dengan kebijakan yang politically-motivated, bukan
kebijakan berdasarkan hard science.

Roma adalah tempat kedudukan FAO (UN Food and
Agriculture Organization).  Jadi sudah tepat kalau
dubes Amerika bicara mempromote penerimaan GMC disana.
 Dengan GMC, food defisit tidak perlu ada dan jutaan
orang lapar di Afrika dapat kenyang.  Dengan GMC,
lahan pertanian di Amerika dan Eropa dapat diciutkan
dan jadi hutan kembali dan effect pemanasan bumi jadi
berkurang.  Tapi sayang, tujuan yang indah dan mulia
saat ini masih dihambat oleh orang yang



 --- Ambon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Biotech food for the hungry 
 Jim Nicholson IHT Saturday, October 2, 2004
 Fruits of science 
 VATICAN CITY The number of people who die of
 starvation dwarfs the number who die from terrorism.
 Last year, 625 people died from terrorism; 10
 million from starvation. Every five seconds someone
 dies for lack of food; 25,000 people will die of
 hunger today. So just as we must explore every means
 to defeat terrorism, we must also explore every
 means to meet the most basic need of every human
 being - food. 
 As the largest provider of food aid in the world,
 the United States is just as committed to the
 struggle to feed the hungry as it is to the struggle
 against terrorism. But we want to do more than
 provide handouts. We want countries to be able to
 feed themselves. 
 With this in mind, the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See
 recently sponsored an international conference in
 Rome to examine the potential of biotechnology to
 help meet this challenge of hunger. Scientists,
 farmers from developing countries, senior government
 officials and theologians spoke in broad agreement
 that biotechnology is an indispensable tool to meet
 the world's growing demand for more food. The
 Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope's
 scientific advisory board, joined with us in trying
 to seek the truth and dispel myths about biotech
 Dr. C.S. Prakash, an Indian-born scientist whose
 research has increased the nutritional value of the
 sweet potato fourfold, told the conference that half
 of sub-Saharan Africans are malnourished today, a
 figure that is expected to increase to 70 percent by
 2010. He said that world population growth has
 reduced the amount of arable land, making greater
 agricultural productivity a necessity: We must
 produce more food with less land, less water and
 less chemicals. 
 Biotechnology can do this. 
 The best assessment of biotechnology's potential
 came from farmers themselves. Sabina Khoza, a South
 African maize farmer, and Edwin Paraluman, a corn
 farmer in the Philippines, told us that their yields
 and incomes are up, and their use of harmful
 pesticides is down. 
 Unfortunately, the ability of farmers such as Khoza
 and Paraluman to take advantage of this new tool has
 been severely restricted in many countries by
 widespread resistance based upon misinformation
 about biotechnology safety - misinformation sown by
 ideologically motivated groups and nurtured by EU
 trade protectionists. 
 These critics continue to claim that biotech foods
 are unsafe despite the fact that millions of
 Americans, Canadians, Australians, Argentines and
 other people have been eating genetically modified
 food for nearly a decade - without one proven case
 of an illness, allergic reaction or even the
 Activists even convinced African governments facing
 drought-induced famine in late 2002 to return tons
 of World Food Program corn because it was produced
 in America using biotechnology. Better to die than
 eat the food that Americans eat every day. 
 For those who question the morality of
 biotechnology, suggesting that it is unnatural, the
 scientists pointed out that mankind has been
 genetically altering food throughout human history.
 In fact, almost none of the foods we consider
 natural today exist in nature; all have been
 genetically modified for human use. 

[ppiindia] Hi-tech humanitarian

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab


 (Dari Technology Review)

High-tech Humanitarian 
Physician and entrepreneur Vikram Kumar founded a
company that makes software to help patients and
doctors manage chronic disease.

By Erika Jonietz
September 30, 2004


Vikram Kumar, president and CEO of Dimagi, received
Technology Review’s annual Technology in the Service
of Humanity award Wednesday at the magazine’s Emerging
Technologies Conference. Kumar, 28, was honored for
the small healthcare informatics company’s work in
developing computer software that helps health workers
and patients manage chronic diseases such as HIV and
diabetes. He was chosen from among the TR100—a group
of 100 innovators under age 35 that the magazine
selected for the potential of their work to transform
the world. 

A resident physician training in clinical pathology at
Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Kumar started
Dimagi while still in medical school. His goal: to
make health information more useful to patients so
that they could be more centrally involved with their
own care. “One of our biggest problems in medicine is
to motivate patients to take a medication, exercise,
improve their diets—very straightforward things,”
Kumar says. He believes that simple, intuitive,
portable, and fun-to-use computer programs can improve
adherence to such regimens. “We are looking at ways we
can give patients data on their conditions, and trying
to create techniques that will get patients to
actually use that information in their own care,” he

“The problems that Dr. Kumar solves seem intractable,”
said Technology Review editor in chief Jason Pontin.
“We were excited to see someone come up with elegant,
simple, cheap technical solutions that have made a
huge difference to people whose lives are very, very

One such solution is HIV Confidant, a PDA-based system
being used in South Africa to encourage people to be
tested for HIV/AIDS. Confidentiality is a big barrier
to testing in Africa, Kumar says, because “patients
don’t trust their data is secure.” Using standard
encryption methods, HIV Confidant allows anonymous
testing in the most remote locations. Healthcare
workers can go into villages and administer HIV tests,
giving patients a card with a unique ID afterwards.
They return later with the results; only after the
patient enters his or her ID does the data become
visible. Dimagi is now working on software to help
AIDS patients manage their disease by monitoring blood
counts confidentially. 

Kumar also helped design a mobile electronic medical
record system that mobile outreach workers are using
in rural India. Working with researchers at Media Lab
Asia and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Dimagi developed the handheld software application to
help standardize healthcare across villages; adoption
of the software has improved data collection,
scheduling of immunizations, and recording of routine
demographic changes in the community. The program has
a special emphasis on care for children and pregnant
women. The software was designed to be easy to use by
someone who has never seen a computer before, Kumar
says. “The nurses trained themselves to use it inside
an hour,” he adds. Healthcare workers now use the
system to record and manage data from more than 70,000

In the long run, Kumar hopes his management systems
will help keep people healthy. Diagnostic tests are
becoming smaller and better, giving doctors
unprecedented amounts of data about patients. “What
we’re lacking,” Kumar says, “is ways to tie all this
new technology into interaction with the patient.”
Dimagi’s software is designed to do just that. And
combined with cheap, easy-to-access diagnostics and
computer models that predict how diseases will
develop, Kumar’s programs may help patients and
doctors achieve his ultimate goal: keeping people out
of hospitals altogether. 

“We’re going to be a millionaire of a different sort,”
Kumar said, accepting the award. “We’re going to try
to affect the lives of a million people.”

Erika Jonietz is a contributing editor to Technology



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[ppiindia] Except in India and China, globalization slows growth, according to ILO

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

(Dari koran The Hindu)

Except India, globalisation slows growth in many

New Delhi, Oct. 1 (PTI): With the major exceptions
of India and China, globalisation has not been
associated with a dramatic increase in economic
growth, says a latest ILO report. 

Globalisation has not been associated with a dramatic
increase in economic growth, as its advocates claimed
it would, and indeed has been associated with a
slowing of growth in many countries, with the major
exceptions of China and India, according to the
report Economic Security for a Better World. 

The 450-page report pointed out that more crucially,
globalisation has been associated with an increase in
economic instability and a greater incidence of
economic crises. 

Observing that social security systems have become
less universal, less solidaristic, less protective and
more differentiated, it said these factors contribute
to the growth of inequality and economic insecurity. 

A major form of income insecurity and impoverishment
is income instability, with large number of people
receiving income irregularly, often after extensive
delay, the document said. 

Referring to work security vis-a-vis occupational
health and safety, the report said risks of injuries
and accidents remained very high, having grown in many
places because of the weakening of institutional

Stress has become a major form of work insecurity,
affecting millions of workers, many of whom are in
affluent countries where labour intensity has
increased, and where time squeeze has become a modern
hazard for many more occupational groups, the report

The chapter on work security also mentions harassment
in and around the workplace in very many countries. 

About human capital, the report said although many
workers feel they lack the skills they need, many
possess skills that are not used in their work. 

Finding an inverse correlation between economic
security and income inequality, the report said that
countries with a highly unequal distribution of income
did significantly worse in terms of providing their
populations with adequate economic security. 

Observing that economic security was only weakly
correlated with economic growth, the report cautioned
that opening up the economy hastily might lead to
social instability and added that economic security
was positively correlated with a national Happiness

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[ppiindia] Except in India and China, globalization slows growth, according to ILO

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

(Dari koran The Hindu)

Except India, globalisation slows growth in many

New Delhi, Oct. 1 (PTI): With the major exceptions
of India and China, globalisation has not been
associated with a dramatic increase in economic
growth, says a latest ILO report. 

Globalisation has not been associated with a dramatic
increase in economic growth, as its advocates claimed
it would, and indeed has been associated with a
slowing of growth in many countries, with the major
exceptions of China and India, according to the
report Economic Security for a Better World. 

The 450-page report pointed out that more crucially,
globalisation has been associated with an increase in
economic instability and a greater incidence of
economic crises. 

Observing that social security systems have become
less universal, less solidaristic, less protective and
more differentiated, it said these factors contribute
to the growth of inequality and economic insecurity. 

A major form of income insecurity and impoverishment
is income instability, with large number of people
receiving income irregularly, often after extensive
delay, the document said. 

Referring to work security vis-a-vis occupational
health and safety, the report said risks of injuries
and accidents remained very high, having grown in many
places because of the weakening of institutional

Stress has become a major form of work insecurity,
affecting millions of workers, many of whom are in
affluent countries where labour intensity has
increased, and where time squeeze has become a modern
hazard for many more occupational groups, the report

The chapter on work security also mentions harassment
in and around the workplace in very many countries. 

About human capital, the report said although many
workers feel they lack the skills they need, many
possess skills that are not used in their work. 

Finding an inverse correlation between economic
security and income inequality, the report said that
countries with a highly unequal distribution of income
did significantly worse in terms of providing their
populations with adequate economic security. 

Observing that economic security was only weakly
correlated with economic growth, the report cautioned
that opening up the economy hastily might lead to
social instability and added that economic security
was positively correlated with a national Happiness

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[ppiindia] Despite India's potential being recognized worldwide, it has a long way to go

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

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Home  Top Stories  Business Saturday, October 02,
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(Dari Indian Express)
India’s potential being recognised worldwide

Vivek Bharati

Posted online: Friday, October 01, 2004 at 1636 hours
Updated: Saturday, October 02, 2004 at 1036 hours IST

 As I settled down in the flight from Bangkok to Hong
Kong last week, I was drawn to a front-page report in
the Asian Wall Street Journal describing how China
and, on a much lower scale, India are pulling away
jobs from advanced countries. Another report in the
same paper compared levels of internet penetration in
Asian markets. Despite the fact that India was at the
bottom of the table, I was pleased that we figured in
the story. 

Why feel good about small mercies, one may argue. But
just a few years ago while the world was busy taking a
hard look at the Asian economic story, particularly
the amazing transformation of China, we found no
mention in newspaper reports. The fact that media has
now begun to take notice is proof of the fact that
India’s economic potential is now being recognised.
Some weeks ago, Newsweek ran a cover story on how
India is emerging as one of the world’s best
investment destination. 

This view is being echoed in other credible global
investor meets across the world. A decade ago,
businessmen abroad would cast a condescending glance
as I exchanged my visiting card with them. Today, they
treat Indians with respect even though they may not
want to be part of India’s cumbersome business
environment. Yet as one travels around Asia, the gap
between what has been achieved by even small countries
in the region and India hits you like a tornado and
one gets that sinking feeling that we continue to be
not years but decades behind. The sheer scale at which
these countries have conceived and built projects
makes one feel small and insignificant. 

The Changi airport at Singapore, built over two
decades ago handles more passengers than all our
airports put together. The 70 km expressway that
connects the international airport at Kuala Lumpur to
the city and built years ago, is as good as one gets
anywhere in the world. The Hong Kong airport is
connected to the city by the world’s longest
suspension bridge, bigger than the Golden Gate. Within
the city, there is a web of quality double-carriage
roads at times crossing each other at three or four
different levels. Hong Kong and Singapore have two of
the busiest ports with perhaps the largest container
terminals in the world. Far more trade is conducted
through these two ports than all our ports put
together. The tourist handling capacity of Bangkok,
Singapore, KL and Hong Kong outstrips that of our
entire country by a multiple of twenty or more.  

The sad part of the story is that we have not begun
thinking on that scale. The highways, ports, airports
that we are building now are not a patch on what you
see in Southeast or East Asia. The fact that we cannot
even build 500 metre flyovers or bridges on time
speaks of our abysmal project management abilities.
The skylines of our cities look puny compared to what
one sees in this region. The Petronas towers in Kuala
Lumpur makes one desperately look for one symbol of
modern urban India that can attract tourists and make
them carry tales of our construction capabilities. 

• Yes, India is now being recognised as an important
investment destination 

• Yet, there’s a feeling that we are far behind other
smaller countries 

• PM’s statement on his government’s first priority
needs to be implemented 

We have not one convention centre that can seat 5,000
delegates while China and its neighbours have these in
good number. There is not one city in the country that
can boast of a taxi service for tourists at par with
our competitors in Asia. One can go on and on. The
short point is that we have a long way to go. The

[ppiindia] Despite India's potential being recognized worldwide, it has a long way to go

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

   Search NewsAdvanced Search 

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Edition [Print] 
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Home  Top Stories  Business Saturday, October 02,
| Nation | World | Business | Sport | Entertainment |
Infotech | 
(Dari Indian Express)
India’s potential being recognised worldwide

Vivek Bharati

Posted online: Friday, October 01, 2004 at 1636 hours
Updated: Saturday, October 02, 2004 at 1036 hours IST

 As I settled down in the flight from Bangkok to Hong
Kong last week, I was drawn to a front-page report in
the Asian Wall Street Journal describing how China
and, on a much lower scale, India are pulling away
jobs from advanced countries. Another report in the
same paper compared levels of internet penetration in
Asian markets. Despite the fact that India was at the
bottom of the table, I was pleased that we figured in
the story. 

Why feel good about small mercies, one may argue. But
just a few years ago while the world was busy taking a
hard look at the Asian economic story, particularly
the amazing transformation of China, we found no
mention in newspaper reports. The fact that media has
now begun to take notice is proof of the fact that
India’s economic potential is now being recognised.
Some weeks ago, Newsweek ran a cover story on how
India is emerging as one of the world’s best
investment destination. 

This view is being echoed in other credible global
investor meets across the world. A decade ago,
businessmen abroad would cast a condescending glance
as I exchanged my visiting card with them. Today, they
treat Indians with respect even though they may not
want to be part of India’s cumbersome business
environment. Yet as one travels around Asia, the gap
between what has been achieved by even small countries
in the region and India hits you like a tornado and
one gets that sinking feeling that we continue to be
not years but decades behind. The sheer scale at which
these countries have conceived and built projects
makes one feel small and insignificant. 

The Changi airport at Singapore, built over two
decades ago handles more passengers than all our
airports put together. The 70 km expressway that
connects the international airport at Kuala Lumpur to
the city and built years ago, is as good as one gets
anywhere in the world. The Hong Kong airport is
connected to the city by the world’s longest
suspension bridge, bigger than the Golden Gate. Within
the city, there is a web of quality double-carriage
roads at times crossing each other at three or four
different levels. Hong Kong and Singapore have two of
the busiest ports with perhaps the largest container
terminals in the world. Far more trade is conducted
through these two ports than all our ports put
together. The tourist handling capacity of Bangkok,
Singapore, KL and Hong Kong outstrips that of our
entire country by a multiple of twenty or more.  

The sad part of the story is that we have not begun
thinking on that scale. The highways, ports, airports
that we are building now are not a patch on what you
see in Southeast or East Asia. The fact that we cannot
even build 500 metre flyovers or bridges on time
speaks of our abysmal project management abilities.
The skylines of our cities look puny compared to what
one sees in this region. The Petronas towers in Kuala
Lumpur makes one desperately look for one symbol of
modern urban India that can attract tourists and make
them carry tales of our construction capabilities. 

• Yes, India is now being recognised as an important
investment destination 

• Yet, there’s a feeling that we are far behind other
smaller countries 

• PM’s statement on his government’s first priority
needs to be implemented 

We have not one convention centre that can seat 5,000
delegates while China and its neighbours have these in
good number. There is not one city in the country that
can boast of a taxi service for tourists at par with
our competitors in Asia. One can go on and on. The
short point is that we have a long way to go. The

[ppiindia] Peluncuran satelit pendidikan Edusat

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab




 Textbook precision launching of Educational
Satellite brings India to the forefront of commercial
space technology ready to compete with Europe, Russia
and America!

Prabash Sachdev, Special Correspondent
September 22, 2004 

India is now ready to compete with Americans. Russians
and Europeans in commercial Space Missions! The GSLV
(F-01) rocket successfully launched the education
satellite, Edusat, into the geosynchronous transfer
orbit from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre here on
Monday. Launched with 'textbook precision', the first
operational flight of the Geosynchronous Satellite
Launch Vehicle took to the skies against a blue
background at exactly 16.01 pm. A little over 17
minutes after the lift-off, Edusat was injected into
the GTO, which in addition to drawing loud rounds of
applause also brought a sigh of relief amongst the
ISRO's top brass. “The first reports have shown that
there is practically no deviation from the set
trajectory,'' said ISRO Director G Madhavan Nair.
“India had shown to the world that it was capable of
doing a complete job with thoroughness and
precision,'' he said. The tenth consecutive successful
launch for ISRO and the third for GSLV, the event
marks a new era in the nation's quest for
dissemination of knowledge. When fully operational,
Edusat would provide connectivity to schools and
colleges, and also support non-formal education and
promote a nation-wide interactive e-learning
initiative. “The satellite has multiple regional beams
and each can cover between 50 to 200 classrooms. This
would be used for teachers training, to demonstrate
costly science and technology experiments, for adult
literacy programmes and also for an interactive,
multi-media, multi-casting system,'' Nair said.  

But for all the success of the day, the launch had
very nearly been called off. “With heavy rains and
high winds over the last two days, especially in the
early hours of this morning, the mission was very
nearly aborted,'' Nair said. However, with the skies
lighting up, the final decision to go ahead with the
launch was taken only around 9.30 am. Added to this
was a new problem. “The new programme called ‘Day of
the Launch Wind Scheme', where a balloon is sent about
20 km into the atmosphere to measure wind velocity,
was delayed. The balloon burst while it was being sent
into the atmosphere, but we got a replacement in
time,'' said G Ravindranath, GSLV project director at
the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre.  

Talking to the media after the launch, Madhavan Nair
said that the development of the indigenous cryogenic
engine was on track as the ground tests have been
completed, and it was expected to be in the
flight-worthy stage in a year's time. Nair said that
the second launch pad at Sriharikota would be
operational for the launch of the next of the PSLV
series scheduled for February next year. “This is
expected to be functional for launches of GSLV class
satellites by mid 2005,'' he added. Regarding the
committee report on the mishap here early this year,
he said that it was a freak incident where a leakage
during the process of casting the solid propellant led
to the accident. Nair said Antrix Corporation, the
commercial arm of the Department of Space, had
achieved a turnover of Rs 300 crore last year, which
is a three-fold increase compared to the previous
year. The company had also earned a net profit of Rs
30 crore. 



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Re: [ppiindia] Permohonan Turki di UE

2004-10-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Meskipun bukan saya yang ditanya, saya pikir tidak ada
salahnya saya sedikit membantu.  Penerimaan anggota
baru (dalam hal ini Turki), ada aturannya atau
mekanismenya, lihat saja di UE constitution.  Selama
ini masyarakat UE keberatan kalau Turki masuk UE,
sebab utamanya ialah:
1. Belum jadi anggota saja, UE sudah kebanjiran orang
Turki (sebagiannya orang Kurdi) baik sebagai pekerja
(Gast Arbeiter), pedagang kecil, dll.  Jadi isunya
adalah soal imigrasi.
2. Masyarakat punya gambaran bahwa Turki ekspansionis.
Ganjalan utamanya adalah apa yang disebut negara
Republik Turki Utara atau TRNC (Turkish Republic in
Northern Cyprus) yang hanya diakui oleh Turki doang. 
Ceritanya, tahun 1974 dengan dalih adanya junta
militer di Yunani, maka Turki mengirim 70,000 tentara
ke Cyprus. Ribuan orang Cyprus asli terpaksa mengungsi
ke sebelah selatan.
 Sampai sekarang, puluhan ribu tentara Turki masih ada
di Cyprus sebelah utara.  UN Peace Keeping Forces
terpaksa mengamankan jalur hijau yang memisahkan kedua
masyarakat.  Sekjen PBB membikin prakarsa untuk
menyatukan kedua masyarakat, tapi belum berhasil
sampai sekarang.  Cyprus ingin masuk UE, tapi EU
mensyaratkan agar Cyprus bersatu dulu, lagi-lagi gagal
karena Rauf Denktash, presiden TRNC ogah.

Rujukan kepustakaan mengenai ini cukup banyak.  Yang
paling anyar adalah tulisan di majalah Economist
tanggal 1 Oktober 2004 berjudul How Terrorism
Trampled Federation.  Juga majalah Euro Business
tanggal 28 September 2004 berjudul Majority of French
opposed Turkey on EU.  Dan jangan lupa mengunjungi
kantor perwakilan EU di Jakarta, pasti mereka membantu
Anda dengan baik.

Nah, selamat berskripsi ria.


 --- Bapao Fazriansyah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 salam Hormat,
 Nama saya fazri saat ini sedang menulis skripsi
 tentang keanggotaan Turki di UE sejak 1987- Mei
 2004.  sebelumnya, saya telah membaca artikel
 tentang Vatikan minta Turki tidak bergabung dengan
 Eropa, yang mana ada sedikit tanya jawab antara Mas
 Danardono HADINOTO dan Mas Satrio pada tanggal 16
 Aug 2004 mengenai artikel tersebut. oleh karena itu,
 saya yang kini sedang membahas hubungan Turki dengan
 UE tersebut sangat mengharapkan bantuan dan
 informasi yang dimiliki oleh Mas Danardono dan Mas
 Satrio apabila bersedia.
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Re: [ppiindia] Where's the outrage?

2004-09-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 --- amartien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

The outrage goes not to the torturer, but to PM Tony
Blair.  That is Stockholm syndrome, friends.



 British hostage Ken Bigley has appeared caged,
 chained and pleading for his life in new video
 In the harrowing recording, shown on the Arab TV
 channel al Jazeera, Mr Bigley renews his appeal for
 Tony Blair to meet the kidnappers' demands and save
 his life.
 He then breaks down in tears as he accuses Mr Blair
 of ignoring his plight.
 He doesn't care about me. I'm just one... he says
 before holding his head in his hands and sobbing.   
 He said his captors did not want to kill him.   
 The family have thanked the captors for allowing
 them the opportunity to see him alive and again
 pleaded with them to show him mercy.  
 In a statement, the family said: We, as a family,
 feel that the ultimate decision to release him rests
 with you, the people who are holding him. 
 We once again ask you, please show mercy to my
 father and release him. 
 Brother Paul said he was relieved that Mr Bigley was
 alive - but was distressed by the images.
 Ken is alive, that is a good thing, he said.  
 It does not look good with him caged like a hound
 but he is alive.
 He went on to say a message he had received on
 Tuesday night, claiming that Mr Bigley would be
 released, was 100% genuine.
 The report said the Tawhid and Jihad group, headed
 by Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi, would
 release him. 
 Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said he was concerned
 about the conditions Mr Bigley was being kept in,
 which appeared to be a gross parody of the cages
 used to hold the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. 
  Mr Bigley is chained and caged
 But he added that it was also a great relief to
 the Bigley family that the engineer was alive.  
 The chairman of the Liverpool Mosque and Islamic
 Institute, Mohammad Akbar Ali, said he was delighted
 at the news.   
 He said: This would seem to offer some further hope
 that he will be released alive.   
 Let's hope that it is true. We look forward to his
 release with great delight.   
 Mr Bigley was kidnapped in Baghdad on September 16
 with two Americans, Eugene Armstrong and Jack
 Hensley, both of whom were murdered.
 But the website message claimed the terrorists were
 going to free the 62-year-old in order to
 humiliate the British Government. 
 However, analysts urged caution over the report,
 pointing out that other claims made on Islamic
 websites had turned out to be completely false. 

 One report said two Italian aid workers had been
 slaughtered - but it emeged last night that they
 had been freed. 
 There has been no firm news of his fate since his
 abductors, led by Abu Musab al Zarqawi, released a
 distressing video of him pleading for Prime Minister
 Tony Blair to save his life last week. 
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[ppiindia] After call centres, now IT departments are off to India

2004-09-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Daripada bertengkar soal politik kekuasaan dan dakwah
melulu, mari membahas soal kemajuan.

Outsourcing to India 

The latest in remote control

From The Economist print edition



After the call-centre, now the IT department is off to

IN A shiny new building in the drab construction site
that is Noida, a Delhi suburb, teams of young Indian
engineers are, in a manner of speaking, managing the
world. A number of America's best-known companies have
entrusted the remote running of part of their global
computing networks to HCL Comnet. This
information-technology services firm is at the crest
of what Gartner, a consultancy, has called “the next
big wave” of Indian outsourcing deals, covering remote
“infrastructure-management services”.

India's outsourcing boom started with software
development and has expanded into a whole range of
business services that can be handled a continent
away, of which the country's hundreds of call-centres
are just the most prominent examples. This takes that
trend one stage further, and shifts offshore much of
the administration and maintenance of a firm's IT
systems. Gartner's Partha Iyengar divides remote IMS
work into three categories: monitoring global network
operations; providing helpdesk support and
maintenance; and administering databases.

It is as yet a small part of India's IT business.
According to NASSCOM, the Indian industry's lobby, the
country's exports from the software, other IT services
and business-process-outsourcing industries grew by
more than 25% to $12 billion last year, of which
infrastructure services accounted for just over $300m.

But the potential is huge. A report by Deutsche Bank
puts the entire size of the global
infrastructure-management market at $86 billion. Firms
have been outsourcing infrastructure management for
years. Arno Franz, of TPI, an outsourcing consultancy,
describes it as an industry created in the 1970s and
1980s by EDS, an American giant that came out of
efforts by General Motors to automate its car plants.
Along with IBM, EDS still dominates the business.
Often these firms would actually buy their clients'
computer systems. Or they would have annual
maintenance contracts. Either way, their customer had
fixed their information-technology costs and were free
to concentrate on their “core competencies”. 

Vineet Nayar, HCL Comnet's chief executive, says this
model was disrupted by three trends that converged in
2001. The recession in the information-technology
industry left many customers locked into fixed-price
contracts and unable to take advantage of falling
costs. Second, information-technology departments,
having invested fortunes over the previous few years,
suddenly found their budgets frozen. And third, the
growth of e-business accustomed firms to dealing with
distant server “farms”. 

India's chance
So there was a move away from the “total outsourcing”
of computer systems, to the “discrete” outsourcing of
parts of it, including those functions that can be
handled remotely. That is where the opportunity lies
for Indian firms, with the telecommunications links
built for their software businesses and the
outsourcing of other business processes. Gartner
estimates that between 60% and 70% of the services
surrounding a data centre can be executed at a
distance. Mr Nayar sees the outsourcing of that work
to India as a “megatrend”. As evidence, he cites his
firm's client list, which includes some of the biggest
names in American business, in fields ranging from
investment banking to software to engines to sporting


The big American firms also offer services out of
India, and other local firms are competing for a share
of the market, notably Wipro. G.K. Prasanna, who runs
Wipro's “technology-infrastructure services” division,
says he has been preaching for the past five years
that this is the next big thing. A recent survey by
the firm of 145 executives in a range of industries
found that about a third had plans to manage some of
their computerinfrastructure offshore. Like Mr Nayar,
Mr Prasanna argues that the advantages for the client
go beyond mere cost savings, offering higher levels of
service—because problem solving is remote, so is
identification. A glitch can be fixed before it is
reported. This is a business, unlike call-centres,
where time differences with America and Europe work in
India's favour.

Cost, however, remains the big factor. One HCL Comnet
client is Extreme Networks, a California-based
switching-technology firm. Paul Hooper, one of its
vice-presidents, estimates that outsourcing the
management of part of his computer infrastructure has
cut the “total cost of ownership” of it by an average
of 40%. That is incentive enough to live with the
risks and drawbacks that come with any type of
outsourcing to India: the country's high rates of
staff attrition and poor civil infrastructure being
the most 

[ppiindia] Indian American wins $500,000 research grant

2004-09-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
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(Siliconindia, Inc)
Indian American wins $500,000 research grant 
IANS Wednesday, September 29, 2004 

WASHINGTON: Indian American Vamsi Mootha is among 23
people who have won do-what-you-want-with-it grants
of $500,000 each from the MacArthur Foundation. 

Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh-born Mootha, an assistant
professor of systems biology at Harvard Medical
School, Boston, is still trying to come to terms with
winning the prestigious annual grant for which
awardees are nominated without their knowledge. 

The grants are considered the pinnacle of achievement
in mainly academic fields and are aimed at enabling
awardees to carry out research or creative work
without any constraints. 


I wasn't having a particularly good day, recalls
Mootha of the day last week when he found out $500,000
was going to be thrown into his lap, in annual
instalments of $100,000 each. 

I was walking in a parking lot when I got a call on
my cell phone from a number I didn't recognise. I
initially thought it was a sales person or a peddler.
Or that someone was playing a prank on me. When I
realised who the person on the other side of the line
was, my first instinct was that of shock and
bewilderment, Mootha told IANS in a telephonic

After being given the good news, 33-year-old Mootha
was sworn to secrecy till Tuesday, when the awards
were announced here. 

I told my parents this morning. They aren't in the
academic circles so they hadn't heard much about the
foundation. But now they are finding out about it and
are obviously very proud of my achievements, recounts

A release from the foundation says, Fellows are
selected for their originality, creativity, and the
potential to do more in the future... The stipend
carries no restrictions. 

While the process may sound simple enough, there is a
catch. No one may apply for the awards, nor are any
interviews conducted, and those who nominate the
awardees are kept confidential (to protect them from
unsolicited nomination requests, says the foundation).

I have no clue who nominated me but it was obviously
someone who was familiar with my work and I am
grateful for their acknowledgement, says Mootha. 

His interests lie in tapping new data from molecular
biology, genetics, and protein chemistry to identify
the cause of, and possible treatment for, metabolic
diseases such as diabetes. He says he is very
interested in energy metabolism and its research

Mootha, who left Indian shores along with his family
when he was six months old, intends on first using
some of the money to take his parents on a vacation.

I haven't really decided yet what to do with all the
money but I am hoping to channel funds into high-risk
research projects that I would have been unable to
undertake earlier. I may also use some of the funds as
seed money for initiatives to back study in my field,
he says.

The youngest of four children, Mootha, a bachelor,
says only his immediate family is in the US. 

My extended family is still in Andhra Pradesh and I
have very close links to home. I last visited India a
year and a half ago and intend on going back this

The MacArthur Foundation has assets of around $4
billion. It was named after John D. MacArthur
(1897-1978), who developed and owned Bankers Life and
Casualty Company and other businesses, as well as
considerable property in Florida and New York.



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[ppiindia] Amar Bose (orang India) in Fortune's Famous Five

2004-09-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

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Write to editor 
Amar Bose in Fortune's Famous Five 
IANS Wednesday, September 29, 2004 

NEW YORK: Amar Bose, chairman of acoustics major Bose
Corp., has been featured by Fortune magazine in its
annual roundup of five visionaries, giving a rare,
personal insight on how he created his name-brand

A former professor of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Bose has been featured along with
Jim Koch of Boston Beer, Catherine Hughes of Radio
One, Anthony Maglica of Mag Instrument and Andy Taylor
of Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

Bose, who still owns most of the $1.7-billion
company, reinvests all earnings into RD. That
approach has created cult-like fans and innovative
products - its wildly successful 'Wave Radio' took 14
years to create, says Fortune.


The only Indian American to figure in the latest
Forbes issue of 400 richest Americans, Bose recalls
how he bought a radio kit when he was all of 12 in
1943 and, in building it, learnt how to read schematic
diagrams and repair radios.

My father, an immigrant from India who used to sell
imported mats and rugs, would go around to the
hardware stores where he used to sell them and talk
them into letting me repair the radios that their
customers would bring in, he says.

It was a good business - no one was making new radios
because of the war effort, and many of the radio
repairmen had been drafted, he says, and adds, I
even hired a couple of employees.

But it was in 1956, when he was finishing his
doctorate at MIT, that he bought his first hi-fi
system, played some violin records and found that the
sound wasn't right.

Either the manufacturer was cheating on the specs, or
the specs were not meaningful. It turned out it was
both, by the way. So I started working in the MIT
Acoustics Lab to find a solution, he recalls. 

He says his first product did not come out until 1965
- a speaker in the shape of an eighth of a sphere that
could fit into a corner and reflect sound around the
room. It eventually evolved three years later into the
company's 901 system.

It was much different from anything that existed - I
was able to patent it, but it was a hard sell at
first. The 901 had no woofers and no tweeters, he
says. The product went on to do well after he made a
seven-minute audio presentation.

Bose, nevertheless, says that the biggest crisis he
ever faced was in the early 1980s, when interest rates
rose to 22 percent, technology companies were going
down, and banks put all sorts of restrictions on

We were in the thick of developing our new car audio
system for General Motors. The situation was pretty
scary because it could have forced us to go public to
raise capital, something I vowed I would never do, he

Recalling how he managed to hang on, Bose says he got
a call to visit Detroit when he told GM that his bank,
which had given Bose Corp. a $14-million loan, was
trying to constrain the company.

The chief financial officer, who loved Bose's
product, said: 'You've been working with us for
almost a year now, and you've never asked for a
cent... you've gone your mile a long time ago; it's
time we go our mile'. 

The GM executive called a bank in Boston and asked
them to assume a loan to Bose Corp. without
constraints, recalls Bose. 

That's what saved us. People just would not believe
that a company as large as GM would do such a thing,
he says. GM also sent equipment worth $700,000 without
expecting Bose Corp. to pay for it.

What is next from Bose's stable? Our latest product
is a new car suspension system, Says Bose. We've
worked on this system and tested it for 24 years now,
and are finally ready to show it to the auto

The 73-year-old professor-entrepreneur, however, says
he has no clue about its market potential. We just
know that we have a technology that's so different and
so much better that many people will want it.



Today's News 
•   Computer Associates to cut 800 jobs 
•   US lifts sanctions against ISRO centers 
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•   MS launches XP lite for Indian market 
•   Convergys to acquire its Indian arm 
•   Indian American wins $500,000 research grant 

•   Hutchison Telecom to spin off India unit 
•   2 more IT parks to dot W Bengal 
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•   CA slashes ex-CEO Kumar's perks 
•   i2 Technologies' new facility beams


•   Indian economy grows 7.4 percent first quarter 
•   Rules eased for issue of fresh equity to foreign
•   Gulf Air launches 'Indian Experience' tourist
•   India's dairy equipment finds growing market
•   Ramco launches operations in Dubai 

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[ppiindia] Pasar IT dalam negeri --- bangkit

2004-09-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

Search Asia Times 


(Asia Times)

India's domestic IT market wakes up
By Indrajit Basu 

KOLKATA - For India's money-spinning
information-technology (IT) industry, the fact that in
2003-04 the performance of its software and
IT-services sector surpassed expectations yet again
and emerged unscathed against a globally challenging
economic backdrop, static IT budgets, and a backlash
against offshoring, is certainly reason to feel

But an even more notable feature in the IT sector is
that for the first time in 10 years, ever since Indian
IT started creating a sensation globally for its
software-services exports, the country's domestic IT
market made gains in catching up. Revenues from the
domestic IT sector leapfrogged by 24% to reach US$7.25
billion from a relatively modest growth rate of 9% in
the previous year (ending March 2003), which almost
equaled the 25% growth figure of its software-services

Indeed, India's IT industry had always been apologetic
about the fact that despite being considered an IT
superpower in terms of software-services exports, its
domestic market - or internal use of IT - had never
been worth talking about. For that matter, barring the
few smaller and less economically developed countries
(Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc), India's
domestic IT use has been among the lowest in Asia. 

But now, says Sunil Mehta, vice president and head
of research of industry lobby the National Association
of Software Services Companies, or NASSCOM, demand
for IT is also growing within the domestic IT
industry, which until recently was dominated by
software-services exports. Consumption of IT has moved
on to the higher growth trajectory. 

For the record, though, even as global IT just managed
to inch ahead (growing at an estimated 4%) in 2003-04,
India's IT industry as a whole recorded a growth of
24% to cross $20 billion. India's software, services
and business process outsourcing exports, the mainstay
of the industry, grossed $12.5 billion, up from $9.6
billion in 2002-03, indicating a growth of 30.5% for
the year, higher than the 26-28% projections and
significantly more than the 25% in 2002-03.
Incidentally, this was the highest growth in the
software and services sector since 2001, says Mehta.
And according to Partha Iyengar, vice president of
research for Gartner India, Indian IT emerged as the
world's fastest-growing IT sector. 

Meanwhile, there were several contributors to the
turnaround of the domestic IT industry, and according
to NASSCOM, the increasing trend of Indian states
toward e-governance is an important one. Already 14
Indian states have launched an aggressive e-governance
plan. If earlier the software-services sector wanted
the government to hard-sell software exports, now it
is counting on it to spend more on e-governance
projects and develop the domestic IT market, says
Kiran Karnik, president of NASSCOM. 

Another interesting trend in the Indian IT landscape
is that Indian companies have definitely started
adoption of using IT as a competitive differentiator
for business, says Radha Basu, chief executive
officer of US-based SupportSoft. This is evident from
the growing trend of IT outsourcing by Indian
companies. In a somersault of sorts, Indian companies
have also started outsourcing to US multinationals
and, as reports suggest, while US companies outsource
non-core activities to India, India Inc's outsourcing
includes core area functions such as finance,
supply-chain management and even procurement. Over the
past few months, a slew of Indian companies including
Bharti Telecom, Bank of India, Tata Steel, ITC, HDFC
Bank, Colgate Palmolive, HLL Ltd and the like have
awarded outsourcing contracts to IT multinationals
such as IBM, Accenture and HP. The value of these
contracts range between $2 million and $750 million
over periods extending up to 10 years. 

But the biggest reason for the increased adoption of
IT domestically has been the steep fall of hardware
prices, along with an improving IT infrastructure.
The decline in hardware prices, which have fallen by
20% to 45% over the past 18 months, has enabled IT to
penetrate into small and middle level enterprises,
says Sunil Mehta. Also the growth in non-PC [personal
computer] devices like handheld phones, cable Internet
etc has helped, along with improving infrastructure
like broadband connections. 

A burgeoning domestic market overall, say experts, is
also yielding some direct benefits for the IT
industry. Because the consumption in the domestic
market has started to assume global scales, we are
finding significant interest from major multinational
manufacturing companies such as Elcotek, Flextronics,
Solectron, etc to set up manufacturing bases here,
says Vinnie Mehta of the Manufacturers Association of
Information Technology. India has become important
not only because the country consumes close to 2

[ppiindia] Hukuman yang fair untuk PRT Indonesia

2004-09-29 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Kita tahu, Singapura strict menjalankan hukum.  Jaman
konfrontasi, dua anggota KKO tetap dihukum gantung
karena melakukan sabotase di negara orang.  Wanita
Inggris pengedar narkoba tetap dihukum mati, padahal
ada permohonan ampun dari Ratu Elizabeth.  Tahun 1995,
PRT Filipina, Flor Contemplacion, tetap dihukum
gantung karena membunuh sesama PRT dan anak
majikannya, tidak peduli dengan huru hara anti
Singapura di Filipina. 

Dibanding itu semua, hukuman seumur hidup bagi
Purwanti dan Sundarti sangat lumayan.  Kita sudah
seharusnya berterima kasih kepada pengadilan Singapura
(pemerintahnya dari dulu beralasan tidak bisa
mempengaruhi pengadilan).  Terima kasih juga kepada
KBRI Singapura yang telah jungkir balik membela sesama
warga negara.  Tapi kita harus ingat timbal baliknya


(Straits Times Asia interactive)  
SEPT 30, 2004
Maid who strangled woman
Jailed for life 
After killing mum-in-law of employer, she slit her
wrist to make it look like suicide 

By Elena Chong 

AN INDONESIAN maid was sentenced to life imprisonment
yesterday for killing her employer's mother-in-law,
who had been harsh with her.

Purwanti Parji, 19, had strangled Madam Har Chit
Heang, 57, in her Tai Keng Gardens home on Aug 4 last
year, then slit her wrist to make it look like a

She is the second maid in a week to be given a life

In his judgment, Judicial Commissioner V.K. Rajah said
that the callous and heinous crime could not be
justified or condoned on the pretext of 'maid abuse'.

It was clear, he said, that she had not acted because
of some grave and sudden or physical provocation.

Instead, she had tried systematically to cover up her
involvement in the killing, which showed that she had
thought through the consequences of her 'diabolical
act', he said.

Like violent and abusive employers, domestic workers
who resort to violence in retaliation should expect
harsh sentences.

Though initially charged with murder, Purwanti pleaded
guilty on Monday to a reduced charge of manslaughter.

As she was below 18 at the time of the crime, she
would not, in any case, have been given the death
penalty if convicted of murder.

Last Friday, another maid, Sundarti Supriyanto, 25,
who killed her employer and razed her office to cover
up the crime in 2002, was sentenced to life
imprisonment by Justice M.P.H. Rubin.

The judge said he had convicted her of a lesser charge
of culpable homicide because she had been abused.

Like Sundarti, Purwanti apologised in court yesterday
to the victim's family, saying she was very remorseful
for what she had done.

But the family refused to accept it. 

Madam Har's older son, Mr Leong Meng Wei, 33, said
that the killing was a 'stupid act'.

Madam Har's husband, Mr Michael Leong Kit Heng, 58, a
businessman, said that while Purwanti may have escaped
the death penalty, the sentence was a firm and fair

'She's a dangerous person,' he said.

Purwanti is appealing against the sentence.

In mitigation, her assigned lawyer, Mr Subhas Anandan,
together with Mr Mohamed Nasser Mohamed Ismail, said
that Madam Har had constantly nagged and cursed at

She made Purwanti wash and rewash soya sauce bottles
if they were not cleaned to her satisfaction.
Purwanti, who has had to care for her three
step-brothers from the age of nine, found herself
working for two households, in Tai Keng Gardens and at
Madam Har's daughter-in-law's home in Woodlands, when
she came to Singapore to work in November 2002.

Madam Har also deprived her of food and would scold
her for eating more than she should, said the lawyer.

She was often given bread to eat by the maid next

That morning, Madam Har had scolded Purwanti for not
cleaning the toilet properly and tried to slap her.

That was the final straw, said Mr Anandan. Purwanti
snapped and decided to kill her tormentor.

'If maids are not treated well, unexpected and
unpleasant consequences may arise,' said Mr Anandan
who urged the court not to impose life imprison- ment
on Purwanti, a first offender.

However, the judge said that she was 'no shrinking
violet unable to fend for herself' or to communicate
her difficulties or distress to the world at large.

She had killed Madam Har because of longstanding

It was, he said, a 'disturbing case' with a number of
aggravating features.

Arguing for a life sentence, Deputy Public Prosecutor
Jaswant Singh said the killing was deliberate and
calculated, not due to any momentary loss of
self-control or sudden rage but motivated by

Purwanti was no simpleton and had tried to cover up
her act by setting up the scene to make it appear as
if Madam Har had committed suicide. 

She even cut her fingernails when she saw the marks
left on the neck of the deceased, he said. 

Copyright @ 2004 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights

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Re: [ppiindia] Allawi-Shalom handshake

2004-09-24 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 --- Faruq Saniyasnain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mr mustadjab,
 i think, as far political event goes, it's
 right to express and to agree/disagree with what he
 sees in the global arena. 

Quite right.  And is it not my right to tell
Indonesian students to think again about political
events, is it? 

 and so far as israeli behaviour and cruelty against
 palestinians are concerned it's widely known that
 muslims as well as nonmuslims people and countries
 condemn what israeli governments has been doing
 against palestinians with its excessive use of
 illegal settlements, unjustified occupations, and
 dominations of extreme right in the israeli

Sir, in 1978 as I accompanied an injured Indonesian
soldier member of the UN peacekeeping forces, I saw
with my own eyes in Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem,
next to his ward was a Palestinian child.  The doctors
and nurses tended the poor Arab child as humanely as
they did to other patients.  I saw no cruelty there. 
And if you think Israel grapped Arab lands in 1948
(after Israel's independence from the British), in
1967 (after the Six Day War) and again in 1973 (after
the Yom Kippur War or the Ramadhan War as the
Egyptians call it), think again, who started those
wars?  Where did you pick up your general statements,
from misled politicians?  Or from Arab nationalists?
 you know what, the cricket team of england refuses
 play with and in zimbabwe based on moral ground
 because zimbabwe president does wrong things to his
 white subjects and his undemocratic rule. the 'moral
 ground' done by england cricket team regarded highly
 by english media. now, what's wrong by agreeing to
 hizbullah opinion condemning the handshake of
 allawi-shalom? is it not based on moral ground, the
 cause that widely praised by english media towards
 england cricket team? is it not what israeli gov.
 doing much more attrocious, cruel, unjustified,
 outrageous, immoral than zimbabwean president has
 to his people?

Governments come and go, that's the way in a democracy
like Indonesia's.  I have a simple question to ask
you.  What will you do if you were a soldier, when you
face a stone throwing mob?  Or worse, to those who
told others to become a walking bomb?

 come on, just open our both eyes and look at the
 with more objective and unbias and
 perspective. not to be afraid to anything. it's just
 discourses. we dont discuss or debate religion here.
 it's just about politic not about religion or
 something like that. and in politic, we agree to
 disagree. in political matters we agree to express
 more freely than, for example, religious matters
 self-restrain is required to avoid unnecessary
 conflict among ourselves.
 cheers and peace,

Peace be upon you too, my friend.


  --- rahardjo mustadjab [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Teman-teman yang mahasiswa, kita sebagai orang yang
 katanya pintar, apa mau menelan begitu saja
 yang dihembuskan oleh kelompok Hizbullah?  Meskipun
 Leo hanya forward tanpa mengatakan apa pendapat dia,
 dengan menyebarkan tulisan berbisa kemana-mana,
 berarti dia sepaham.  Kalaupun PM Allawi tidak
 dengan tidak bersalaman dengan Wakil Tetap Israel di
 PBB, maka sikapnya sangat memalukan orang Islam dan
 itu bakal dilihat orang seluruh dunia secara real
 yang diulang-ulang.
 Jadi Leo, bersikaplah seperti mahasiswa, yang kritis
 sambil tetap menjunjung tinggi agama Islam.  Orang
 Arab ada yang keliru, jangan diamini kalau keliru.
 - Leo Imanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

  Hizb Allah blasts Allawi-Shalom handshake
 Faruq Saniyasnain

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[ppiindia] Malaysia pledges moderate Islamic government

2004-09-23 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Straitstimes Asia interactive)  
SEPT 23, 2004
Abdullah pledges moderate Islamic government 
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi promised on Thursday to implement a moderate
Islamic administration, undercutting the
fundamentalist opposition, and took a swipe at his
one-time rival, former deputy leader Anwar Ibrahim. 

Datuk Seri Abdullah asserted his control over the
ruling United Malays National Organisation (Umno) in a
keynote speech to his first party congress since
taking office a year ago from long-time leader
Mahathir Mohamad and adopting a less confrontational

The five-day congress comes six months after Datuk
Seri Abdullah won his own mandate in general elections
where he promised to implement a moderate form of
Islamic administration for the ethnic Malay Muslim
majority, including mandatory Arabic studies for
school children. 

The delegates endorsed Datuk Seri Abdullah as party
president and Datuk Seri Najib Razak as deputy
president. Both were unopposed. The delegates will
also choose three vice presidents and a new supreme

Datuk Seri Abdullah briefly addressed the Anwar issue
in his speech - intercut with images of riot police in
the streets six years ago as Anwar led huge
anti-Mahathir protests - and vowed to 'bring the full
force of the law against anyone or any group' using
'violence or rioting'. 

He said his programme for Islamic administration,
first floated in the election campaign, would
emphasise economic development and quality of life -
essentially, the party's long-standing programme for
the betterment of Malays wrapped in Islamic packaging.

The programme urges Muslims to acquire knowledge and
be competitive in the global economy -- a far cry from
the harsh brand of Islamic law backed by the
fundamentalist opposition, which advocates cutting the
hands off thieves and stoning adulterers to death.

Umno boasts 3 million members. It has produced every
Malaysian prime minister since independence from
Britain in 1957. -- AP

Read Datuk Seri Abdullah's full speech from The Star

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Re: [ppiindia] Yang Abadi?---Re: Neraka itu tidak kekal dan ada akhirnya (2)

2004-09-23 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Seandainya, seandainya lho, mBah Soel jadi penerjemah
(penafsir Al-Qur'an) beliau akan memberi tafsiran yang
santun, runut (coherent) dan disertai footnotes
(catatan dari kitab sebelumnya) dan dibelakang buku
ada index.

mBah, saya ingin bertanya apa betul neraka itu panas?
Bukankah ruh kita nanti tidak punya wujud fisik, dus
tidak punya indera.  Jangan-jangan penggambaran
surga-neraka itu metafora saja.  Dan cara ampuh untuk
mengatakan neraka tidak enak kepada manusia padang
pasir adalah menggambarkan neraka itu lebih panas dari
api.  Panas, sebaliknya untuk orang Eskimo, adalah
menyenangkan.  Jangan-jangan memang akhir dunia dingin
absolut (nol derajat Kelvin atau -273 derajat Celsius)
dimana tidak ada lagi pergerakan elektron mengelilingi
inti atom.  Ah, iya ya, tataran metafisik kok mau
diterangkan secara fisik.

 --- mBah Soeloyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], djunaedi sahrawi 
  Neraka itu tidak kekal dan ada akhirnya (2)
 Lalu bagaimana dengan satu saja contoh isi
 rangkaian 2 ayat berikut dari bagian awal Qur'an?:
 QS 2:80-82
 Dan mereka berkata: Kami sekali-kali tidak akan
 oleh api neraka, kecuali selama beberapa hari saja.
 Katakanlah: Sudahkah kamu menerima janji dari Allah
 sehingga Allah tidak akan memungkiri janji-Nya
 kamu hanya mengatakan terhadap Allah apa yang tidak 
 kamu ketahui?.
 (Bukan demikian), yang benar, barang siapa berbuat
 dan ia telah diliputi oleh dosanya, mereka itulah
 neraka, mereka kekal di dalamnya.
 Dan orang-orang yang beriman serta beramal saleh,
 mereka itu 
 penghuni surga; mereka kekal di dalamnya.
 Nah jadi ada dua hal yang bertolak belakang dengan
 hasil 2 hal pula. Orang yang sudah diliputi dosa,
 menjadi penghuni neraka dan orang beriman menjadi
 penghuni surga. Dua-duanya tanpa kesudahan, alias
 kekal di pemukiman terakhir masim-masing, bukan?
 Wacana ini mirip dengan yang membicarakan keabadian
 agama itu sendiri. Lebih sepesifik, misalnya ke-
 abadian Qur'an. Padahal yang abadi di alam raya ini
 tidak ada. Semua ada akhirnya. Semua yang menempati
 ruang dan mengenal waktu (terpajan pada waktu) akan
 melenyap. Yang abadi hanyalah pemilik ruang dan
 waktu itu. Dalam bahasa jawanya: Gusti kang tan
 kena kinayangapa. Tan papan, tan prenah, tan wayah
 -[tidak terkenai papan (ruang), arah dan waktu].
 Dalam jagad kecil (dunia manusia selengkapnya)
 yang hampir bersifat itu adalah jiwa atau suksma
 atau nyawa (bahasa arabnya mungkin setara dengan
 yang menjadi bagian dari atma (sankritnya
 Atman di ajaran Hindu (Vedic) karena terpengaruh
 paradigma maskulinitas bangsa Arya, memperoleh per-
 sonifikasi sebagai BRAHMAN di faham-faham lain,
 memperoleh personifikasi macem-macem lagi. Ada Zeus,
 Deo, Tuhan, God dan juga Allah (meskipun ini diakui
 dikenalkan sendiri oleh yang Empunya Nama).
 Ini menarik sebetulnya untuk ditelusuri lebih
 jauh agar tercapai ketenteraman. Dapat mengenali
 dunia kewajaran. Karena dapat dikatakan semua
 agama pada intinya serupa. Pembedanya hanya budaya
 dan bahasa serta alam lingkungan masing-masing.
 Dan di ajaran agama saya, peringatan tentang
 yang ini salah satunya diikat dalam 2 ayat di surat
 yang diletakkan di nomor 103 berjudul Masa: 
 1. Demi masa.
 2. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada 
dalam kerugian,
 3. kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan 
amal saleh dan nasihat menasihati supaya menaati 
kebenaran dan nasihat menasihati supaya menetapi 
 Semua manusia merugi... artinya tidak abadi

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Re: [ppiindia] Allawi-Shalom handshake

2004-09-23 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Teman-teman yang mahasiswa, kita sebagai orang yang
katanya pintar, apa mau menelan begitu saja kebencian
yang dihembuskan oleh kelompok Hizbullah?  Meskipun
Leo hanya forward tanpa mengatakan apa pendapat dia,
dengan menyebarkan tulisan berbisa kemana-mana,
berarti dia sepaham.  Kalaupun PM Allawi tidak ikhlas,
dengan tidak bersalaman dengan Wakil Tetap Israel di
PBB, maka sikapnya sangat memalukan orang Islam dan
itu bakal dilihat orang seluruh dunia secara real time
yang diulang-ulang.

Jadi Leo, bersikaplah seperti mahasiswa, yang kritis
sambil tetap menjunjung tinggi agama Islam.  Orang
Arab ada yang keliru, jangan diamini kalau keliru.


- Leo Imanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 Hizb Allah blasts Allawi-Shalom handshake
 Thursday 23 September 2004, 16:14 Makka Time, 13:14
 The group sees the handshake as an 'insult' to the
 Iraqi people
 Lebanon's Hizb Allah movement has heaped scorn on
 Iraq's prime minister for shaking hands with an
 Israeli delegate at the United Nations.
 Interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi shook hands
 with Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom on
 at the UN General Assembly, where alphabetical order
 put them side by side. 
 (It) is a sign of one of the most dangerous goals
 the American war on Iraq, yanking Iraq from its
 in the Arab and Muslim worlds and sticking it in the
 US-Zionist political cosmos, Hizb Allah said in a
 statement on Thursday. 
 This unacceptable handshake is at once a true
 to the Iraqi people, their history, culture and
 Islamic and national commitment; and flagrant scorn
 for the suffering of Palestinian people and the
 sentiments of Arabs and Muslims, it said. 
 Shalom said the incident was the first official
 contact between Israel and Baghdad since the US
 invasion of Iraq, which Israel attacked in 1981
 claiming it was to destroy a nuclear reactor.
 Iraq fired missiles at Israel during the 1991 Gulf
 war, when Saddam Hussein answered demands to pull
 army out of Kuwait by saying Israel must in turn end
 its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
 Leo Imanov 

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Re: [ppiindia] Bagaimana Cara Mandiri ? Re: Negara Agraris Tanpa Komoditas Andalan?

2004-09-22 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 --- mBah Soeloyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 Yaah, itu kalau gov-nya tetap seperti sekarang atau
 yang dulu. 
 Maka dari itu, mumpung GOV-nya bakalan baru, apalagi
 (meski ada protes, ada pujian, ada macem-macem)
 pernah kuliah program khusus di IPB... ehehehe. 
 Memang sudah banyak fakta bahwa GOV ya begitu itu.
 gov, lha para WARAK (wakil rakyat) gimana? WOng
 juga sudah jadi angguta JK (Jama'ah Korupsiyah...)
 Ideal memang rakyat langsung digerakkan. Tapi rakyat
 kerja sendiri juga membuat pesimis. Parnah ada
 cukup berhasil, pelaksananya (aku yakin) bersih wong
 sahabat dekat yang sama-sama kere hehehe, toh
 tak bisa menarik rakyat. Karena komoditasnya bukan
 makanan pokok atau bahan yang lumrah dikonsumsi
 di daerah pelaksana proyek.
 Bagi saya asal ada kemauan politik, lalu dilakukan
 efisiensi... misalnya berani membubarkan MENRISTEK
 dan BBPT... hehehe, membubarkan Bappenas yang malah
 kebanyakan jadi penilai Proposal berimbalan.
 terus menghindarkan dumpyuk (overlap) pekerjaan
 dan wewenang orang-orang LITBANG dan PENYUL
 berbaik-baik dengan LSM-LSM hijau (maksudnya
 yang bergerak untuk KLH dan pengentasan petani
 dari kemiskinan ke yang layak) saya masih punya
 harapan besar pada negeri saya untuk bisa bangkit.
 Jadi harus menyeluruh. 
 (Wong sekarang ini para peneliti itu tiap tahun
 seperti sedang main sayembara hehehe... bikin
 proposal, lalu diadu di Bappenas kek BPPT kek, 
 DRN kek, Dikti Kek... lalu dapat dana... lalu melak-
 sanakannya lalu potong-potongan hahahaha.

Menurut saya, Mbah Soel, birokrasi harus mengadakan
revolusi internal dulu.  Para menteri memelototi unit
irjen dulu.  Tindak tegas inspektur dan auditor yang
menerima amplop, oleh-oleh, dan dibayari hotelnya oleh
unit yang diperiksa.  Menkeu juga menindak tegas
Dirjen Anggaran dan aparatnya yang memotong proyek
fisik/nonfisik.  Bappenas idem ditto.  BPPT apa perlu
dibubarkan, ya, itu kan tempatnya orang disekolahkan
mahal-mahal lalu dapat Dip. Ing, Ph.D. lalu dolanan
(main-main) akhirnya main politik.
 Coba dana-dana utangan itu langsung
 ke p[ertanian, kehutanan atau perikanan
 sudah berdiri puluhan pabrik kilang sawit, pabrik
 baru, dan PABRIK BERAS NASIONAL. hehe, ini yang
 saya angan-angankan sejak masalah Ketahanan Pangan
 Mengemuka, sementara Pak Kwik Kian Gie malah mimpi
 memborong saham BCA yang kalau tak salah
 nilai yang diimpikan Pak Kwik itu setara dengan
 pangan manusia Indonesia selama 1 tahun penuh!
 Yang kalau dijadikan PABRIK BERAS NASIONAL di
 sentra padi, akan menjamin negeri ini tidak bakalan
 impor, malah ekspor PRODUK OLAHAN BERAS... dari
 rice brand sampai Arak Putih saking melim-
 pahnya beras yang diproduksi. Saking bosennya rakyat
 Indonesia makan nasi, bubur, rempeyek dan lain-lain.
 Yaaa, itu semua hanya otak-atik angka-angka
 yang beredar di media masa tetapi menjadi kancah
 bancakan dan manipulasi. Sedih.
Ehm.  Ppiindia ini kan tempatnya mahasiswa
kebanyakannya.  Tentu harapan Mbah Soel dan kita yang
sudah terlanjur jadi pegawai negeri ini, maksud kita
dengan mengungkapkan kebobrokan birokrasi ini adalah
agar yang muda-muda bersemangat untuk memperbaiki. 
Bukan untuk dicontoh dan dikembang biakkan, lho.


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Re: [ppiindia] Bagaimana Cara Mandiri ? Re: Negara Agraris Tanpa Komoditas Andalan?

2004-09-22 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 --- rm_danardono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Mas Rahardjo: 
 Ehm. Ppiindia ini kan tempatnya mahasiswa
 kebanyakannya. Tentu harapan Mbah Soel dan kita yang
 sudah terlanjur jadi pegawai negeri ini, maksud kita
 dengan mengungkapkan kebobrokan birokrasi ini adalah
 agar yang muda-muda bersemangat untuk memperbaiki.
 Bukan untuk dicontoh dan dikembang biakkan, lho
 Kalau kita perhatikan, mas, struktur di-negara2 maju
 di Uni Europa, 
 maka kita lihat suatu lapisan kelas menengah yang
 tebal sekali (bukan 
 konglo atau koruptor), yang terdiri dari pengusaha2
 tukang roti, tukang kayu, plummers, perusahaan2
 kulit, toko2, 
 perusahaan meubel, dll. Mereka yang menyumbangkan
 porsi terbesar dari 
 pajak, lapangan kerja, juga - inikhas Europa -
 lapangan pendidikan 
 (internship, 3 tahun, mulai 15 tahun sampai 18
 Jarang yang mendambakan menjadi pegawai negeri,
 anggauta tentara atau 
 polisi. Dengan demikian, beban negara agak
 proportional, tidak 
 menjadi pemberi nafkah for the nation.
 Birokrasi disorot terus menerus baik dalam media
 atau oleh lembaga 
 kontrol negara. pelayanan yang tak memuaskan
 langsung disumpah 
 serapah, atau di media cetak atau di TV. Juga adanya
 membandingkan diri dengan perusahaan2 jasa swasta
 (misalnya jawatan 
 kereta api atau angkutan umum, pos dan telkom,
 perusahaan listerik, 
 Mungkin kita dapat mengarahkan generasi muda, untuk
 mandiri, menjadi 
 wiraswasta (consultant, perusahaan jasa, kantor
 arsitektur, dll) 
 ketimbang menunggu karir sebagai pegawai negeri.
 RM D Hadinoto

Setuju.  Sayangnya di ppi-india ini belum pernah saya
katakan begitu.  Tapi di kehidupan nyata, pada anak
saya yang semata wayang, dan kepada keponakan saya
dengan tegas saya katakan: kalau mau hebat jangan jadi
pegawai negeri, termasuk jangan jadi diplomat.
Sekolahlah yang baik, kalau anda bisa kerja sendiri
sebagai professional (dokter, insinyur, akuntan) itu
tandanya anda hebat.  Atau diterima di swasta.

Kemarin dulu, kepada mahasiswa2 dari Pune yang datang
kesini untuk nyoblos di pilpres, saya katakan: kunci
sukses adalah menekuni karier yang kita suka.
Contohnya:  Iwan Tirta adalah SH cukup brillian, tapi
memilih membatik yang dia suka dan tidak jadi
berangkat ke Harvard padahal sudah dapat beasiswa buat
kesana.  Kak Seto memilih menggeluti dunia anak-anak,
tak dinyana sekarang dia punya TK unggulan di beberapa
tempat, dan jadi milyarder padahal bukan itu tujuannya

Sistem kita memang beda jauh dari sistem Perancis dan
Jerman dimana yang dihargai bukan orang bergelar
melulu.  Disana, tukang ahli upahnya bisa jauh lebih
tinggi dari Herr Doctor, betul nggak?  Sama-sama
lulusan sekolah tinggi, yang lebih dihargai adalah
sekolah tinggi khusus.  Lulusan les grands ecoles
lebih dihargai dari lulusan l'universite, bukan

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], rahardjo mustadjab
   --- mBah Soeloyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
   Yaah, itu kalau gov-nya tetap seperti sekarang
   yang dulu. 
   Maka dari itu, mumpung GOV-nya bakalan baru,
   (meski ada protes, ada pujian, ada macem-macem)
   pernah kuliah program khusus di IPB... ehehehe. 
   Memang sudah banyak fakta bahwa GOV ya begitu
   gov, lha para WARAK (wakil rakyat) gimana? WOng
   juga sudah jadi angguta JK (Jama'ah
   Ideal memang rakyat langsung digerakkan. Tapi
   kerja sendiri juga membuat pesimis. Parnah ada
   cukup berhasil, pelaksananya (aku yakin) bersih
   sahabat dekat yang sama-sama kere hehehe,
   tak bisa menarik rakyat. Karena komoditasnya
   makanan pokok atau bahan yang lumrah dikonsumsi
   di daerah pelaksana proyek.
   Bagi saya asal ada kemauan politik, lalu
   efisiensi... misalnya berani membubarkan
   dan BBPT... hehehe, membubarkan Bappenas yang
   kebanyakan jadi penilai Proposal berimbalan.
   terus menghindarkan dumpyuk (overlap)
   dan wewenang orang-orang LITBANG dan PENYUL
   berbaik-baik dengan LSM-LSM hijau (maksudnya
   yang bergerak untuk KLH dan pengentasan petani
   dari kemiskinan ke yang layak) saya masih punya
   harapan besar pada negeri saya untuk bisa
   Jadi harus menyeluruh. 
   (Wong sekarang ini para peneliti itu tiap tahun
   seperti sedang main sayembara hehehe...
   proposal, lalu diadu di Bappenas kek BPPT kek, 
   DRN kek, Dikti Kek... lalu dapat dana... lalu
   sanakannya lalu potong-potongan hahahaha.
  Menurut saya, Mbah Soel, birokrasi harus
  revolusi internal dulu.  Para menteri memelototi
  irjen dulu.  Tindak tegas inspektur dan auditor
  menerima amplop, oleh-oleh, dan dibayari hotelnya
  unit yang diperiksa.  Menkeu juga menindak tegas
  Dirjen Anggaran dan aparatnya yang memotong proyek
  fisik/nonfisik.  Bappenas idem

Re: [ppiindia] Kereta MagLev di China

2004-09-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Sdr. Temie Iswanto dan rekan semilis lainnya,

Saya juga sedikit kesal dengan perangai kita sebangsa
setanah air, yang terlalu banyak ribut soal politik
dan agama melulu.  Kalau begini terus, jangan-jangan
negara kita yang subur makmur ini jadi mandeg atau
malahan mundur karena orang lain maju.

Kembali ke soal Maglev di China itu, sayang komputer
saya gagal menanyangkan link yang Anda sebut itu. 
Tapi kalau saya tidak salah, Maglev (magnetically
levitated trains) yaitu kereta api yang mengapung
diatas medan magnit dan digerakkan oleh motor induksi
linear itu, belum terbukti mendatangkan uang, termasuk
dinegara asalnya, yaitu Jerman.  Jadi peluncurannya di
China kalau berhasil secara ekonomis, merupakan sukses
Maglev yang pertama didunia. 


--- Temie Iswanto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Dear all,
 -Original Message-
 From: Budi Santoso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 17 September 2004 8:34 AM
 Subject: [polman] Balik Lagi
 Dear All,
 Bbrp hari yl karena krn tugas ke China  Jpn saya
 harus un-subcribe dari
 grup ini. Sekarang saya gabung lagi ..
 Mungkin dari rekan-rekan yg pernah berkunjung ke
 China akan sependapat
 dengan saya bahwa dalam hal industri dan
 infrastruktur Indonesia
 ketinggalan sangat jauh dibanding China. Kita
 ribut-ribut soal Trans
 Jakarta, dari bandara Shanghai ke pusat kota sudah
 ada kereta MagLev

 Di komplek industri XuZhou (seperti Cikarang dll)
 jalan utamanya 8 jalur
 (4+4), tertata rapi dan ga ada macet sama sekali.
 Bingung and prihatin... kalo di dalam negri aja
 masih banyak rebutan kursi
 + bom..kapan kita bisa setaraf mereka ya...
 Budi MM80-83
 To be alone is better than (to have) a bad companion
 but a good companion is better than being alone; and
 speaking the good is better than keeping silence but
 silence is better than speaking evil. 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been

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[ppiindia] Globalisasi -- sebuah lamunan sebelum Pilpres besok

2004-09-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Kita yang datang berduyun-duyun ke TPS besok, akan
menyadari betapa kecilnya dunia ini.  Karena pemilihan
presiden Indonesia secara langsung itu akan diliput
oleh televisi BBC dan CNN secara real time dan akan
dilihat oleh orang biasa di Mongolia sampai Timbuktou.
 Itulah wujud globalisasi.

Untuk meminjam Thomas L. Friedman, dunia telah
menyusut tiga kali.  Globalisasi 1.0 terjadi dari
tahun 1492 ketika Christopher Colombus menginjakkan
kaki di Amerika sampai tahun 1914 yaitu ketika
terbunuhnya pangeran Austria-Hongaria oleh seorang
gila di Sarajevo (Bosnia) menyulut Perang Dunia I --
sebenarnya perang Eropa.  Dunia menyusut dari ukuran L
(large) menjadi ukuran M (medium).  Dunia menyusut
lagi dari ukuran M menjadi S (small) dari Perang Dunia
II sampai hebohnya Y2K menjelang berakhirnya abad
ke-20 kemarin, semoga Anda masih ingat. Mengecilnya
dunia dari ukuran M ke ukuran S itu sebut saja
Globalisasi 2.0.  Sekarang, pada abad ke-21 terjadi
lagi Globalisasi 3.0, yaitu ketika proses 
penggantian health insurance di rumah-rumah sakit
Amerika dikerjakan di oleh orang-orang muda India di
Tydal Park di Madras, yang telah saya saksikan.

DPR dan senat hasil pemilihan legislatif 5 April 2004
dan Presiden/Wapres hasil pilpres 20 September 2004
besok mempunyai kedaulatan penuh untuk menentukan arah
perjalanan bangsa lima tahun kedepan.  Mereka bebas
untuk memilih jalan seperti India, yang swastanya
mengembangkan  call centers dimana anak muda melayani
pertanyaan dari seluruh dunia dengan aksen Amerika
atau aksen Inggris menurut kebutuhan. Atau, terserah
mau memilih jalan Saudi Arabia yang mengembangkan
pesantren model Ngruki dengan bahasa yang para
santripun tidak mengerti.

Sebenarnya manusia Indonesia dan manusia Singapura
atau Malaysia atau India sama dan punya potensi yang
sama untuk maju.  Yang membuat kemajuan berbeda adalah
karena sistem yang dipilih.  Menyaksikan Wagah border
dari sisi Pakistan bulan lalu, saya jadi bertanya
dalam hati apa yang menyebabkan beda orang Pakistan
dengan orang India.  Orang Sindhinya sama satu bahasa
dan satu bangsa, boleh dikata DNA-nya pun mirip-mirip
barangkali.  Mereka sama cerdas atau sama tidak cerdas
dengan orang Marathi di Bombay.  Apa mungkin, ya, yang
menyebabkan mereka jadi beda karena tatanan politik
dan sosial dimana mereka dibesarkan?  Sejelek-jeleknya
demokrasi di India, ya, di kabinet ada 8 menteri yang
tidak patut, tapi India ada demokrasi.  Memang ada
ganjalan untuk berdagang dengan India, tapi ekonomi
India terbuka sejak tahun 1991.  Memang mahkamah agung
kerjanya lambat, tapi setidaknya di India ada rule of
law.  Dan seandainya Manmohan Singh gagal, dia bisa
dijatuhkan dalam pemilu.  Itu semua yang tidak ada di
Pakistan.  Sistem di Pakistan tidak memungkinkan
munculnya tokoh swasta inovatif seperti Azim Premji,
Narayana Murthi dan Nanda Nilekani.  Kalau saja
Pakistan memilih sistem yang sama dengan India,
niscaya di Pakistan ada juga swasta setaraf TCS, Wipro
dan Infosys.

Anak Indonesia tidak kalah cerdasnya, terbukti mereka
mampu menggondol beberapa medali emas dalam Olimpiade
Fisika di Beijing. Coba seandainya semenjak 17 Agustus
1945 pucuk pimpinan Indonesia tidak melakukan
avonturisme politik, dan lebih menitik beratkan pada
pendidikan yang sebenarnya adalah inti dari nation
building, maka anak-anak kita jauh lebih beruntung
dari sekarang ini.  Manusia India dapat berjaya
dimana-mana, karena mereka punya beberapa IIT yang
setara dengan MIT, budaya mereka sangat menghargai
pendidikan utamanya matematika dan sains, dan lulusan
sekolah semuanya lancar berbahasa Inggris.  Tapi
mereka tidak dapat lagi mengaku sebagai satu-satunya
penganut demokrasi di Asia, karena sudah ada

Ah, tahu-tahu sudah jam 10 malam.  Selamat menetapkan
pilihan Anda.



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Re: [ppiindia] Berbahasa yang Tepat dengan Orang Lain

2004-09-17 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Wah, salut saya.  Kakak Leni ini jurusan komunikasi,
ya.  Tulisan Anda layak menjadi panduan bagi siapa
saja yang berkomunikasi, presiden kita mendatang atau
diplomat misalnya.

Seperti Anda katakan, dia harus menguasai bahasa
budaya dan pemikiran.  Seorang diplomat yang
ditempatkan di Perancis akan lebih ampuh melakukan
diplomasi Indonesia disana, kalau dia paling tidak
tahu mengenai Balzac, Franz Kafka dan Descartes.
Karena orang yang tidak punya apresiasi pada budaya
dan pemikiran, dipandang bukan equal di Perancis.

Dia juga harus paham bahasa diplomasi politik.  Tanpa
menyadari bahwa sekarang ini orang tidak bisa dikibuli
dengan kata-kata tanpa fakta, dia akan dianggap corong
pemerintah semata dan diacuhkan saja oleh orang.

Bahasa ekonomi juga penting oleh capres atau diplomat.
 Bukankah ekonomi mendasari polah laku negara atau
individu?  Dus, bicara politik melulu adalah kering
tanpa disertai wacana ekonomi.

Bahasa militer juga idem ditto, imperatif untuk
dikuasai oleh capres atau diplomat.  Menyamakan rudal
yang dibeli AU Australia dengan WMD adalah kesalahan
fatal, dan bakal menjadikan kita jadi bahan ketawa.

Saya mau tambahkan satu, Leni, yaitu bahasa science
dan teknologi.  Jaman sekarang, kita dianggap kuper
(kurang pergaulan) kalau kita belum pernah mendengat
hal yang bersangkutan dengan sofware, bioteknologi dan
nanoteknologi.  Untuk tahu semuanya, kita tidak perlu
harus lulusan ITB dulu seperti Pak Anton John Hartomo
di milis ini.

Bravo, Leni.


 --- Leni Harahap [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Kemampuan memahami orang lain dibangun dari
 kekayaan sumber informasi
   tentang orang lain, analisa yang komprehensif dan
 integral atas
   informasi-informasi itu, dan akhirnya penyikapan
 yang obyektif terhadap
   mereka: tidak terlalu meremehkan dan tidak terlalu
 membesarkan mereka.
   Sekarang coba kita banding: berapa banyak pakar
 Indonesia yang ahli
   Amerika, dan berapa banyak pakar Amerika yang ahli
 tentang Indonesia?
   Bukankah Indonesianis asal Amerika bahkan sering
 jadi referensi kita
   dalam memahami masalah-masalah Indonesia? Itu
 karena mereka lebih
   mengerti tentang Indonesia ketimbang kita sendiri.
 Karena itu, reaksi
   mereka terhadap kita jauh lebih akurat dan
 efektif. Untuk kasus yang
   lebih kecil, sekarang ada banyak tesis magister
 dan disertasi doktor
   tentang perkembangan politik di Indonesia --sejak
 era reformasi
   tahun 1998 sampai sekarang-- yang digarap oleh
 beberapa universitas di
   Amerika, Inggris, Australia dan Jepang. Amerika,
 misalnya lagi, telah
   mengerahkan lebih dari 100 doktor untuk
 mempelajari China secara
   komprehensif dan integral untuk dapat menentukan
 sikap secara akurat
   terhadap kompetitor baru mereka.
Kemampuan mengekspresikan diri secara tepat
 dibangun dari pemahaman yang
   mendalam tentang diri sendiri, tahapan kerja
 membangun peradaban sendiri
   dan kemampuan menggunakan semua bahasa terhadap
 orang lain: bahasa
   budaya dan pemikiran, bahasa diplomasi politik,
 bahasa ekonomi dan
   bahasa militer.
Sekarang lihatlah, berapa banyak bahasa yang
 digunakan Amerika dalam
   kasus Afghanistan dan Irak? Ada bahasa budaya
 melalui isu terorisme. Ada
   bahasa diplomasi politik melalui penggalangan
 dukungan perang melawan
   terorisme dan dibuktikan melalui undang-undang
 anti terorisme yang
   dibuat semua negara serta pengaktifan intelijen
 anti teror di
   negera-negara itu.
Ada bahasa ekonomi melalui bantuan finansial
 untuk negara-negara yang
   mendukung perang melawan terorisme. Dan akhirnya
 ada bahasa militer
   dalam invasi atas Afghanistan dan Iraq. Sempurna.
Makin banyak variasi bahasa yang dapat anda
 gunakan, makin efektif pula
   komunikasi Anda. Pesan Anda akan sampai secara
 utuh dan sempurna.
   Bertanyalah, berapa variasi bahasa yang biasa kita
 gunakan untuk
   menyampaikan pesan kita?
Komunikasi adalah gabungan antara kekayaan
 informasi, variasi bahasa,
   akurasi pesan dan efektivitas. Hasilnya adalah
 pengaruh dan kendali atas
   orang lain. Jika kita tidak punya pengaruh dan
 kendali atas orang lain,
   carilah sebabnya pada fakta tadi. Komunikasi kita
 dengan mereka
   --biasanya-- jelek sehingga tidak efektif.
 Artinya, ada komponen
   pembentuk efektivitas komunikasi yang belum kita
Mungkin informasi yang terlalu seadanya, atau
 tidak akurat, atau tidak
   memadai. Mungkin juga sumberdaya kita sangat
 terbatas, sehingga bahasa
   kita selalu tunggal: demo, doa dan sedikit dana.
 Bahasa budaya kita
   mungkin tidak atraktif. Atau kita tidak handal
 menggunakan bahasa
   diplomasi politik. Atau tidak punya bahasa
 ekonomi. Dan juga tidak mampu
   membangun bahasa militer. Mungkin juga pesan kita
 selama ini tidak
   jelas, tidak akurat dan tidak tepat sasaran.
Pada akhirnya, output komunikasi berupa pengaruh
 dan kendali hanya
   mungkin terlihat kalau input berupa sumber daya
 yang memadai. Informasi

RE: [ppiindia] Re: Dari Moderator: Seputar Debat Kusir dan Debat \saintifik\

2004-09-17 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 --- Mohammad-Riyadi Tampubolon
 Saya kok kurang setuju lho Pak..
 kenapa milis ini memilih sekuler (krn saya gabung jg
 atas undangan?!)
 Karena sangat tidak netral sikap seperti itu..
 Kenapa orang-orang yang beragama; baik Protestan,
 Katolik, Hindu, Budha
 Islam,Kong Hu Chu dan lain-lain dipinggirkan kecuali
 hanya orang yang tidak
 memeluk agama saja yang diberi kesempatan??

Ehm.  Bang Tampubolon ini salah rupanya menangkap arti
sekuler.  Bang, sekularisme bukan berarti anti agama. 
Sekularisme hanya mendudukkan agama ditempat
semestinya.  Jangan ditempatkan sejajar dengan
kekuasaan politik.  Itu saja, Bang.

 Bagaimana kita akan dapat saling menghargai kalo
 tidak saling mengenal?
 Mungkin tata kramanya aja yang kurang santun bukan
 perbedaannya yang
 Tidak perlu saling melecehkan karena akan memancing
 emosi dan mengeruhkan
 pikiran aja..akhirnya inbox kita dipenuhin sampah
 -Original Message-
 From: rm_danardono [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 3:03 PM
 Subject: [ppiindia] Re: Dari Moderator: Seputar
 Debat Kusir dan Debat
 Kita sering menyebut diri kita sekuler tapi -- as
 a matter of 
 fact -- ternyata kita tidak. Ini berbeda dg umumnya
 orang barat...
 That's absolutely true!
 Makin sadar kita akan ke-sekular-an bangsa kita yang
 multibudaya dan 
 multietnis ini, makin sedikit benturan yang timbul.
 Dalam berdiskusi nalar, orang Austria dan Jerman
 sering memakai kata 
 pepatah  Lassen wir doch die Kirche im Dorf  -
 arti harfiahnya, 
 Tinggalin kek tu gereja di desa (jangan di-gotong2).
 Arti maknanya 
 adalah, tinggalkanlah masalah keimanan kita dirumah
 (dan dihati 
 sanubari). Ini masalah pribadi.
 Makin sedikit artikel bernuansa dakwah disini,
 ataupun argumentasi2 
 yang me-nyeret2 agama (langsung atau tak langsung),
 makin damai dan 
 rational diskusi2 yang digelar.
 Bravo mas Mario.
 Salam hangat dari Vienna
 RM Danardono HADINOTO
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mario Gagho
  Sdri Fauziah dan rekan-rekan milis,
  1. Apa yg dikatakan oleh Anda benar,bahwa kita
  hendaknya berusaha sekuat mungkin untuk tidak
  terjerumus dalam debat kusir. Ketika kita khilaf
  melakukan hal ini, tentu natural kalau kita
  menyadarinya dan menghentikan sendiri perdebatan
  tanpa harus diingatkan. Namun, mengingatkan juga
  bagus, karena waktu yg dipilih oleh setiap member
  untuk menyadari kekhilafan tidak sama. Jadi fungsi
  'peringatan' di sini adalah untuk menyeragamkan
  momen kesadaran kita. Dalam hal ini, Sdr. Fauziah
  telah melakukan hal yg terbaik.
  2. Soal posting agama, kami sudah ingatkan agar
  tidak dilakukan di sini mengingat status milis ini
  sebagai milis umum, milis nasional. Dg kata lain,
  milis inklusif Indonesia. Terutama yg menyangkut
  postingan berbau dogma/doktrin agama tertentu. Di
  adalah kesempatan kita untuk berdialog
  antar-rakyat,antar-suku, antar-pemeluk agama yg
  terbungkus dalam negara bernama Indonesia. 
  Namun demikian, harus diakui, bangsa Indonesia --
  sebagaimana bangsa Timur yg lain-- bersifat
  whatever it means. Dalam artian, kita selalu
  kesulitan untuk tidak mencampuradukkan segala
  permasalahan dan fenomena yg terjadi dg agama.
  sering menyebut diri kita sekuler tapi -- as a
  matter of fact -- ternyata kita tidak. Ini berbeda
  umumnya orang barat. Untuk itu kita bisa belajar
  cara terus berdiskusi dan saling mengingatkan
  ada kekhilafan. 
  Visi dan fungsi dari milis ini salah satunya
  menjembatani proses pembelajaran itu. Pembelajaran
  untuk hidup dan berpikir dalam konteks
  bukan dalam konteks who's-holier-than-whom. :)
  Buat rekan-rekan milis semua, mohon maaf apabila
  salah kata. Please, ingatkan saya dan rekan-rekan
  moderator yg lain juga.
  a.n. Moderator 

 Berdikusi dg Santun  Elegan, dg Semangat
 Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg
 Lebih Baik, in Commonality  Shared Destiny.


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Re: [ppiindia] Mata uang logam satu dan dua Sen-Euro pelan-pelan dihapuskan di Belanda

2004-09-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 --- Sandy Dwiyono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Mata uang logam satu dan dua Sen-Euro pelan-pelan
 dihapuskan di Belanda  
 Ketika mata uang Euro resmi mulai diberlakukan pada
 tanggal 1 Januari 2002, masyarakat di Eropa berebut
 mendapatkan uang logam Euro, yang terdiri atas
 satu Sen, dua Sen, lima Sen, 10 Sen, 20 Sen , 50
 1 Euro dan 2 Euro. Yang rupanya kini menjadi masalah
 adalah mata uang logam satu dan dua Sen.
 Anda pernah dengar peri bahasa: 
 Siapa yang tidak menghargai yang kecil, tidak patut
 mendapatkan yang besar. 
 Di Belanda orang juga mengenal pepatah itu. 

Ya. Zij die geen klein geld waarderen, vadienen om
geen groot geld te klijgen.  Atau, orang yang tidak
menghargai uang pecahan satu ribu rupiah, tidak patut
dia mendapat uang lima ribu rupiah.  Orang Belanda dan
Swiss, Inggris, Amerika sangat berhitung dengan uang
kecil.  Orang India juga begitu.  Tidak heran kalau
mereka bisa sukses dan kaya.  

 dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidak demikian halnya,
 demikian kata Bart Bartels, manajer supermarket
 Heijn di Woerden, Belanda. Bart Bartels telah
 melakukan eksperimen dengan uang logam satu dan dua
 Uang recehan itu disebar di lantai di supermarket
 Ternyata tidak satu pun pengunjung atau pembeli
 memungut uang satu dan dua Sen itu. Jadi, tampaknya
 uang recehan itu diremehkan sebagai alat pembayaran
 dan dianggap hanya memberatkan dompet.

Belum tentu begitu kesimpulannya.  Coba Meneer Albert
Heijn tebarkan uang kertas denominasi paling kecil
ditokonya.  Kalau tidak ada yang mengambilnya juga,
jangan-jangan itu berarti orang enggan mengambil yang
bukan haknya.

 Jadi mulai 1
 September lalu di Belanda uang recehan satu dan dua
 Sen pelan-pelan mulai dihapuskan. Harga-harga ganjil
 dibulatkan . Misalnya, 4,99 Euro menjadi 5 Euro dan
 4,97 Euro menjadi 4,95 Euro. 
 Bank-bank di Jerman juga ingin meniru contoh di
 Belanda. Sebab, bila uang satu dan dua Sen
 akan mempermudah apa yang dinamakan pembayaran
 uang tunai. Jadi, keputusan tersebut demi memudahkan
 para konsumen ? 
 Ternyata ada alasan lain yaitu sejak satu tahun
 terakhir, banyak toko di Jerman kekurangan uang
 recehan sementara Bank Sentral Jerman tidak mampu
 mencetak uang logam secepat itu. Setiap minggunya
 beredar sekitar 40 juta uang logam baru. Sampai
 tahun ini jumlahnya akan mencapai 1,7 milyar
 diperlukan banyak uang logam. Dan membuat uang logam
 itu tidaklah murah. Mengingat harga baja meningkat,
 produksi uang logam lebih mahal dari pada nilai

Nah, alasan inilah yang lebih cocok.  Uang logam
(amalgam logam mengandung perak) intrinsic valuenya
lebih tinggi ketimbang face valuenya.  Yang rugi bank
sentral atau apa yang menerbitkan uang itu.

 Karena itu Bank Sentral Jerman mengimbau kepada para
 warga agar jangan menyimpan uang logamnya di dompet
 atau dirumah. Kalau bisa uang recehan itu digunakan
 untuk membayar di kasir. Rupanya belum banyak warga
 yang mengikuti imbauan itu. Memang kalau sedang
 di kasir untuk membayar, lebih mudah mengeluarkan
 lembaran kertas dari pada mencari dan menghitung
 recehan satu dan dua Sen di dompet, sementara
 di belakang kita tidak sabar menunggu. Dalam hal
 benar juga pepatah: Time is Money. 
 Sementara para pedagang eceran di Jerman juga tidak
 mendukung gagasan untuk menghapuskan mata uang logam
 satu dan dua Sen. Adalah tugas pemerintah untuk
 menyediakan uang recehan dalam jumlah yang cukup.
 lagi tidak disetujui bila negara atau pemerintah
 campur mengatur harga di toko. Kekurangan uang
 di Jerman hanya dapat diatasi dengan mencetak lebih
 banyak uang logam satu, dua dan lima Sen. Tampaknya,
 keputusan akhir belum diambil. Apakah di masa depan
 masih akan beredar uang logam satu dan dua Sen di
 Jerman ? Apakah kita masih dapat menemukan uang
 satu dan dua Sen di jalan, yang di Jerman dijuluki
 sebagai Glückspfennig, alias Sen-Keberuntungan? 

Waktu saya masih anak-anak, waktu bakdo lebaran saya
selalu sungkem ke mbah-de, sambil jalan kaki ke Jalan
Oro-oro Dowo pinggir kali Brantas Malang.  Karena,
setelah bilang ngger dadio kowe mengko uwong mukti
(jadilah kamu nanti orang disegani/kecukupan), dia
memberi dua uang benggol logam.  Bagi saya uang logam
tebal itu lebih berharga dari uang kertas, dan saya
simpan.  Bagi saya, uang logam itu uang keberuntungan
juga (Gluckspfennig, barangkali, maaf tanpa Umlautt). 


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2004-09-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab

 --- antonhartomo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 fyi only
 --- In ...
 Artikel ini sangat bagus dan baik untuk disimpan
 sebagai referensi. 
 Aku pribadi pernah membaca kiri kanan masalah ini
 sewaktu ke USA awal-
 awal 1980an, dan konklusiku waktu itu persis seperti
 yang diungkap 
 sipenulis ini.
 Ada beberapa koreksi dan penekanan yang ingin saya
 Freemasonry dibeberapa tempat di USA sudah terbuka.
 kelompok ini mirip dengan kebatinan ala Eropa (tidak
 heran kalau 
 Gereja Katholik menentang sangat kuatnya).
 Bandingkan saja dengan 
 masalah kebatinan di Indonesia dan penentangnya. 
 Zionisme dan Agama Jahudi tidak identik. Einstein
 adalah pendukung 
 Zionisme, begitu pula ilmuwan ilmuwan terkenal lain
 (padahal mereka 
 sekular dan tidak pernah mempraktekkan Agama Jahudi
 secara taat). 

Bahkan Ben Gurion pernah mendatangi Einstein di
Princeton, membujuk agar ilmuwan ini mau jadi presiden
pertama, sekedar sebagai father figure (macam Presiden
Abdul Kalam kali ya).  Tapi Einstein menolak tawaran

 Bahkan di New York City sekarang ini ada kelompok
 Agama Yahudi 
 Orthodoks yang menentang Zionisme! Alasannya kitah
 Zionisme yang 
 sekuler itu tidak sesuai dengan Ajaran Yahudi. 

Dan, di kota Jerusalem di quarter Mea Shearim tinggal
Jahudi orthodox yang tidak mengakui negara Israel dan
mengaku jadi kawula negara Jordan.  opo tumon? 
Mengapa?  Karena mereka percaya bahwa negara Israel
yang terbentuk 14 Mei 1948, premature, belum saatnya,
sebagai janji Eloihim.  

Apalagi, Zionisme adalah, seperti kata Pak Anton,
ideologi SEKULER.  Ideologi yang dibawakan oleh
Theodor Herzl dkk itu adalah cita-cita nation-state
cum sosialisme.  Sosialisme?  Ya.  Salah satu
buktinya, di Israel tidak ada pemilikan tanah
pertanian pribadi; semua tanah pertanian sebagian
besar kibbutz (kolektif) dan sedikit yang moshav
(koperasi).  Disana, kaum buruh mendominasi politik
(Partai Buruh), punya bank, angkutan bus kota, bahkan
Palang Merah (Magen David Adom).  Yang anda lihat di
TV ambulans meraung-raung setiap kali habis terjadi
pemboman bunuh diri adalah ambulans Magen David Adom.

Begitu curiganya para rabbi (ulama jahudi) pada para
zionist, sehingga pada masa genting-gentingnya pada
masa perjuangan membebaskan diri dari mandat Inggris,
sehingga para rabbi tidak mengijinkan santrinya,
apalagi anaknya, untuk menyandang bedil bersama Palmah
dan Hagannah.
 kalau orang 
 Indonesia asal 'ngomong', ini menunjukkan
 ketidak-tahuan dan 'anut-
 grubjug'. Dalam hal ini Gereja Kristen dan Katholik
 berperanan besar 
 menyebarkan isu-isu anti-Jahudi ke seluruh dunia.

Maaf bagi yang kristen dan Katholik, ini (dulu) benar.
Pernah, anak boss saya dulu Pak Sudammanto Kadarisman,
waktu nonton film Ben Hur di video, nyeletuk:  Pak,
itu orang yang membunuh Tuhan kita, ya Pak.  Maklum
anak kecil, tapi itu tentunya didikan dari rumah,
bukan?  Memang, Jahudi dulu didzolimi di Eropa. 
Dibunuh dan dibakar dijaman inkuisisi di Spanyol. 
Jutaan jadi korban amuk masa (pogrom) di Rusia,
Polandia dan kerajaan kristen lainnya.

 Meskipun kemudian 
 Gereja menarik kembali isu-isu tersebut (berubah
 cara pandangnya dan 
 lebih positip terhadap agama Yahudi) kotak Pandora
 sudah terlanjur 

Baru Paus Johannus Paulus yang sekarang, yang secara
terbuka meminta maaf atas nama Vatikan kepada pemeluk
agama Yudaisme.  Meskipun, sebelumnya juga ada
pribadi-pribadi yang menentang tindakan Nazi, seperti
kisah nyata dalam film Schindlers List.
Memang benar kata penulis tsb, Islam lebih
 toleran terhadap 
 Jahudi dibandingkan Kristen terhadap Jahudi. Banyak
 sekali sarjana 
 Jahudi yang bermukim di Bagdad pada jaman

Benar.  Pada saat Eropa berada pada abad-abad
kegelapan, di Al-Andalus dan Baghdad (pada masa
Abbasiyah) ilmuwan Jahudi dan Islam bahu membahu
memajukan ilmu, menggali dan menterjemahkan karya ilmu
filsafat dan logika dari Yunani (misalnya
trigonometri).  Eropa waktu itu belum kenal ilmu
Yunani, wong namanya saja Jaman Kegelapan.  Adalah
Padri Santo Thomas dari Italia yang mengenalkan budaya
Yunani ke Eropa yang kemudian jadi Renaissance berkat
perkenalannya surat menyurat dengan dengan Averroes
(Ibnu Rus).  Abbassiyah tidak saja terbuka kepada
Yunani masa silam, tetapi juga mengambil ilmu dari
Persia (Zoroaster) dan Hindu (algorithm dan bilangan
nol dari Nalanda).  Jadi kebesaran Islam masa lalu itu
terjadi pada waktu Abbasiyah yang terbuka.  Sayang
kemudian keterbukaan itu ditutup lagi, sampai

Jahudi merasa aman-aman saja dengan Islam.  Maimonides
justru besar pada masa kebesaran Islam.  Untuk
mengenang Maimonides, Konggres Yahudi Sedunia sampai
masa sekarang ini sering diselenggarakan di  

 Islam terhadap Jahudi adalah fenomena baru abad 20.
 terhadap Jahudi pada awal Islam, Jaman Medinah, saya
 melihatnya dari 
 kacamata ekonomis, bukan eskatologis.
 Lobbi Jahudi di USA memang kuat, juga peranannya di
 media masa USA. 
 Tetapi ini tidak 

[ppiindia] JI claims responsibility

2004-09-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 (The Straits Times interactive) 
SEPT 10, 2004
JI claims responsibility for Jakarta attack 
CAIRO (Egypt) - Jemaah Islamiah has claimed
responsibility for Thursday's deadly car bomb attack
outside the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, saying it
was aimed at punishing Australia for supporting the
US-led war in Iraq. 

An Internet site known for carrying extremist Islamic
content carried statement purported to have been
written by JI in South-east Asia, but its authenticity
could not be immediately verified. 

'We decided to call Australia to account, which we
consider one of the worst enemies of God, and God's
religion of Islam,' the statement said. 'Here we were
able to call it to account today in Jakarta, where one
of the mujahideen (holy warriors) was able to execute
a martyrdom operation with a car bomb in front of the

The attack killed nine people and wounded 180 and came
ahead of next month's general elections in Australia,
whose conservative prime minister has angered many in
the region for running on a pro-American, anti-terror
platform. -- AP 

Copyright @ 2004 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights

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[ppiindia] Bantuan Amerika

2004-09-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
 Surat pembaca ini self-explanatory.  Harap dijawab
dalam hati masing-masing.


 Print September 03, 2004 
(The Jakarta Post)

U.S. aid for Indonesia 
I just read the news about the US$468 million aid
package that Indonesia received for education, health,
water, nutrition and the environment from the U.S., a
country some Indonesians hate the most.

I only have one question: Is there any other country
-- including those rich Middle Eastern countries -- in
this world willing to give such an aid package? 

The U.S. also sends funds to some Asian countries to
help stop human trafficking -- is there any other
country doing the same thing? 

This is a better question: Is there any country in
this world that does not receive any help from the
U.S. in any way? Please name one. 

So please stop bashing the U.S. while, at the same
time, accepting the U.S.' money -- it's my money too
-- and start appreciating what the U.S. does and has
done for the world. 


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[ppiindia] A Show of Unity in France

2004-09-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Petunjuk terakhir mengatakan, bahwa wartawan Perancis,
Georges Malbrunot (Le Figaro) dan Christian Chesnot
(Radio France International) bakal dilepaskan
hari ini, Jum'at waktu Iraq. Demikian penjelasan menlu
Dominique de Villepin. Semula mereka disandra
gerombolan dari luar Iraq.  Diplomat Perancis telah
mengadakan pembicaraan di Iraq dan Jordan.  Gerombolan
penyandera semula menuntut pemerintah Perancis untuk
membatalkan UU yang mulai berlaku hari Kamis kemarin,
yang melarang anak perempuan memakai jilbab di sekolah
negeri.  Ultimatum gerombolan itu untuk menggorok
leher wartawan jatuh Senin lalu tanpa insiden,
ultimatum kedua jatuh hari Selasa juga tanpa insiden. 

Pemerintah Perancis akhirnya menang karena benar, dan
tidak tunduk begitu saja pada ancaman terroris di
Iraq.  Sikap Perancis yang tegas menolak tuntutan
teroris untuk mencabut larangan mengenakan jilbab
disekolah negara atau 2 wartawannya dieksekusi,
membuahkan dua hasil sekaligus.  Bukan saja wartawan
yang diculik dibebaskan, tapi juga dukungan dari ormas
Islam di Perancis terhadap larangan itu.  



September 1, 2004
A Show of Unity in France
(The New York Times)
Major French Islamic groups and the political
opposition have rallied behind the government's
defiance of Iraqi kidnappers who seized two French
journalists last month and demanded that France revoke
its ban on the wearing of Islamic head scarves in
state schools. The display of unity was encouraging.
The head-scarf ban may be ill conceived and
discriminatory, but French education policy should not
be set by terrorists. Islamic leaders in France are
forcefully making that point, too. 

The journalists, Christian Chesnot and Georges
Malbrunot, disappeared on Aug. 20 on the road from
Baghdad to Najaf. On Saturday, the Islamic Army in
Iraq, a previously unknown militant group, said it had
kidnapped them and demanded that France revoke the
head-scarf ban. A group with a similar name is
believed to have killed an Italian journalist, Enzo
Baldoni, last week.

Kidnappers have gone after citizens of several
countries in post-Saddam Iraq, but until now their
demands have almost always been linked to the
withdrawal of troops, as was the case with Mr.

In response to the demand, the French government said
the head-scarf ban would be strictly applied when
classes resume on Thursday, after the summer vacation.
And Fouad Alami, secretary general of the Union of
French Islamic Organizations, recommended that
students observe the ban, which the group opposes. 

This response undercuts the Iraqi militants' attempt
to divide French society and the continent's
reactionary fears about its immigrant populations. We
hope it awakens French society to just how baseless
the widespread anti-Muslim prejudices really are. 

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Re: [ppiindia] Kontrak operasi Exxon di Cepu tak diperpanjang

2004-08-26 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Mas Listy,

Pada jaman Belanda dulu boleh dikata produksi minyak
di Cepu yang ditangani oleh BPM/Shell paling besar di
Indonesia.  Setelah dinyatakan sumur Cepu tidak
menguntungkan lagi, Pertamina menggunakan tempat itu
untuk sekolah tenaga ahli perminyakan.  Sedang
penduduk dibiarkan mengusahakan ladang minyak di hutan
jati, minyak disana banyak kandungan air, lilin (wax)
dan belerangnya.

Setelah cukup lama ladang Cepu dinyatakan kering, pada
tahun 1980an Pertamina menerima penawaran Tommy
Suharto yang bertindak sebagai calo, yang katanya akan
mengelola pengusahaan secondary recovery.  Lantas
Tommy menjual konsesi ke Exxon.

Tahu-tahu, pada tahun 2001 Exxon membikin kejutan. 
Mereka menemukan sumur lagi, dibawah sumur yang
disedot oleh BPM dulu.  Deposit minyaknya bukan
main-main, 600 juta barrel minyak mentah, atau senilai
US $ 20 milyard (kalau dengan harga minyak mentah yang
melonjak sekarang sampai US 46 per barrel, nilainya 
jauh lebih besar lagi).  Kalau sumur Cepu diusahakan,
bakal mendongkrak pendapatan negara dari minyak
sekitar 15%.

Indonesia tidak perlu ikutan dengan seruan OPEC
tanggal 11 Februari 2004 untuk mengurangi produksi
minyak.  Soalnya, produksi minyak Indonesia sudah
dibawah quota yang disetujui bersama oleh OPEC.

Kalau investasi untuk kegiatan mencari ladang baru
tidak ada lagi, dikuatirkan Indonesia tidak lama lagi
akan menjadi net-importer minyak.  Tahun ini,
pendapatan negara dari minyak diperkirakan akan turun
25%.  tahun lalu, Indonesia menghasilkan 1.1 juta
barrel crude per hari, padahal di APBN dianggarkan
1.27 juta barrel crude per hari.  Perlu diketahui, 
bahwa menurut kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing)
yang berlaku selama ini, pemerintah tidak ikut
menanggung biaya eksplorasi.  Artinya, kalau sebuah
perusahaan minyak gagal menemukan sumur (dry well)
perusahaan itu yang akan rugi atau bangkrut.  Kalau
berhasil, yang dibagi adalah hasilnya antara negara
dengan perusahaan minyak (dulu jaman Ibnu Sutowo pelit
sekali untuk perusahan asing 85/15 sekarang 65/35). 
Aneh, dulu perusahaan minyak asing dipeliti, tapi
mereka senang berusaha disini, sekarang ketentuan
dilonggarkan mereka pada ogah-ogahan.

Mari kita kaji, mengapa perusahaan minyak asing yang
masih bercokol disini berpikir dua tiga kali sebelum
mengeluarkan biaya untuk eksplorasi.  Bahkan ada 3
perusahaan minyak Amerika yang angkat kaki dari
Indonesia:  Devon Energy, Kerr-McGee dan Occidental
petroleum.  Pertama, otonomi daerah telah menyebabkan
dua lapis perundingan dan biaya untuk pusat dan
daerah.  Diatas bagi hasil yang telah disepakati,
perusahaan akan memberikan lagi 15% hasil minyak
kepada daerah, Riau misalnya.  Kedua, Pemda dan
masyarakat daerah semakin nekad sekarang.  Mereka
menuntut agar perusahaan mempekerjakan putra daerah.
Bahkan penduduk Riau nekad membakar kendaraan Caltex
dan membakar sumur minyak mereka yang sebenarnya milik
Indonesia juga.  Caltex, yang menghasilkan separuh
minyak Indonesia, sering kehilangan alat-alat yang
mahal ditempat terpencil.  Ketiga, dan ini tak kalah
pentingnya, modal asing khawatir dengan tidak
menentunya kepastian hukum.  Misalnya, Caltex yang
berpegang pada kontrak yang lama, tiba-tiba pada tahun
2001 diberitahu bahwa untuk selanjutnya kontrak
diserahkan kepada Pertamina dan Pemda.  Kontrak Exxon
sendiri di Cepu berdasar kesepakatan lama akan berlaku
sampai tahun 2010, tapi tahu-tahu sudah diputuskan. 
Untung Mobil, Caltex dan Exxon cukup mengelus dada
saja, kalau mereka menuntut Indonesia di pengadilan
arbitrase seperti Karaha Bodas, bagaimana?  Terpaksa
Indonesia akan rugi, bukan?

Jadi Mas, kita jangan terlalu terbawa arus semangat
para pseudo-nasionalis yang sebenarnya ada udang di
balik batunya.  Mereka, para birokrat dan politisi
yang akan untung, tapi Indonesia jadi buntung.


 --- Listy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 alhamdulillah.. berita bagus.. 
 mudah2an menular ke tambang2 yg lain..
 untuk dikelola oleh putra-putri ibu pertiwi..
 bangkitlah bangsaku.. jayalah negeriku.. 
 insya Allah..


 Rabu, 25/08/2004 14:56 WIB
 Kontrak operasi Exxon di Cepu tak diperpanjang 
 oleh : Diena Lestari 
 JAKARTA (Bisnis): Direktur Pertamina Widya Purnama
 menegaskan BUMN itu tidak akan memperpanjang kontrak
 operasi ladang Cepu, Jateng, yang saat ini
 dioperasikan Exxon Mobile. 
 Keputusan ini sangat penting karena justru akan
 menguntungkan republik ini,ujarnya dalam rapat
 dengar pendapat dengan Komisi VIII DPR hari ini. 
 Menurut dia, kontrak yang dilakukan Pertamina harus
 memuat tiga hal. Pertamina harus mendapat untung;
 negara harus untung dan mitra juga harus untung. 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been

Re: [ppiindia] JERUSALEM, SATU KOTA TIGA IMAN Karen Armstrong

2004-08-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Terus\terang, saya belum pernah baca buku Karen
Armstrong itu.  Tapi judul Jerusalem Satu Kota Tiga
Iman mengingatkan saya ke perjalanan saya ke kota
suci itu bulan Februari 1978, jadi 26 tahun yang lalu.
Disana, saya lihat toko-toko souvenir milik orang Arab
(agamanya bisa Islam bisa katholik atau kristen
ortodoks) menjual cinderamata khas Yahudi (bintang
David dan menorah).  Disana juga dijual buku yang
brisi informasi mengenai Via Dolorosa (jalan
penyaliban) dan The Wailing Wall (dinding ratapan).
Bukan itu saja pertanda kerukunan beragama.  Di gereja
Holy Sepulchre, sebelum kebaktian tiap sore, para imam
Kristen Ortodoks (Rusia, Yunani, Koptik Mesir,
Ethiopia), dan Katholik Roma berbaris untuk mengambil
kunci gereja Holy Sepulchre yang disimpan oleh ..
mufti besar Islam dirumahnya !!!  Dan saya yang
beragama Islam boleh masuk kegereja itu dan
menyaksikan segalanya.


 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 CORDOVA Bookstore Online
 Jl. Akses UI No. 40
 (sebelah barat Gunadarma)
 Kelapa Dua, DEPOK
 Telp. 021-70142299; 021-8004760;
 Mobile: 0815-9168232
 Dapatkan buku karya besar Karen Armstrong:
 Penulis : Dr. Karen Armstrong Ph.D
 Sangat Mengagumkan. (The New York Times)
 Isi : 644 halaman; Soft cover
 Penerbit: Risalah Gusti
 Harga Toko: Rp 75.000
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 Lihat katalog lengkap di:
 Mengesankan... begitu jernih dan penuh kesabaran...
 wacana yang sama-sama
 penting bagi penganut Yahudi, Kristen, dan Muslim. 
 (The Washington Post)
 Dipuja sepanjang millenium oleh tiga sistem
 keimanan, tercabik-cabik oleh
 konflik yang tak berkesudahan, ditaklukkan, dibangun
 kembali, dan diratapi
 sekali dan sekali lagi. Jerusalem adalah kota yang
 sakral yang
 kekudusannya melahirkan tragedi yang mengerikan.
 Dalam karya tulis yang
 mengagumkan ini, KAREN ARMSTRONG melacak sejarah
 bagaimana umat Yahudi,
 Kristen, dan kaum muslimin melandasi klaim atas
 Jerusalem sebagai kota
 suci mereka, dan bagaimana ketiga konsep yang
 berbeda secara radikal
 tentang yang kudus telah membentuk dan memberi
 trauma ke kota itu selama
 ribuan tahun.
 Sejarah tentang kota yang paling penting secara
 spiritual di dunia yang
 paling serius dan paling gamblang. (The Baltimore
 Mahakarya yang benar-benar tuntas dan luar biasa.
 (Los Angeles Times
 Book Review)
 Bookstore Online:
 1. MUHAMMAD SANG NABI (Karen Armstrong)
 Isi: 409 hal.
 Cover: Soft Cover
 Penerbit: Risalah Gusti
 Harga: Rp 45.000,-
 2. BERPERANG DEMI TUHAN, Fundamentalisme dalam
 Islam, Kristen, dan Yahudi.
 Penulis: Karen Armstrong
 Isi: 662 hal. (15 x 23,5 cm)
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 Harga: Rp 84.900 HC HVS, dan Rp 69.900 SC HVS
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 Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam Selama 4.000 Tahun.
 Penulis: Karen Armstrong
 Penerbit: Mizan
 Harga: Rp 93.400 HC HVS
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 Harga Rp 99.900,-
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 Wacana Islam
 Oleh: Khaled M. Abou el Fadl
 Isi: 288 hal.
 Penerbit: Serambi
 Harga: Rp 34.900,-
 8. MUHAMMAD   (Martin Lings) Rp 74.900,-Serambi

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[ppiindia] It's national day, today

2004-08-17 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Afternoon Daily, Mumbai 

INDONESIATuesday, August 17, 2004 11:15:22 IST 
It’s national day, today
IT'S the Indonesian national day today and our good
wishes go out to Rahardjo Mustadjab, the consul
general of the Republic of Indonesia, a genial man
with a talent for solving the Mensa puzzles that
appear on this page every Monday. He visited us last
week for a cup of coffee. We were conscious that
Rahardjo came from Java in Indonesia which is known
for its good coffee. And we offered him South Indian
filter coffee with trepidation which he readily
accepted. Two-and-half years in Mumbai has made
Rahardjo adapt quickly to most things Indian.He talked
about Java, his Java, clearing our doubt about the
motorcycle with the same name that he said came from
Czechoslovakia and not Indonesia. He's been in the
foreign service for 27 years and came to Mumbai from
Jakarta. This, sadly, will be his last posting.
Rahardjo is due for retirement at the end of the year.
He has no idea what he will do after this. He did give
some thought to a consultancy for trade fairs. But
there is still time. And he intends to enjoy Mumbai
until then.He is in love with Mumbai, this happy
Indonesian diplomat, he likes the secure feel of the
city. Me and the wife can go about Mumbai at night
unafraid, Rahardjo explained. The wife is Teti, a
woman of Sumatra origin, and she is an Indus member in
Mumbai and active in social work. Their only daughter,
an industrial engineer named Niken, is married and
settled down in Dallas. Life is good to Rahardjo. He
is enjoying his work at the Indonesian mission in
Mumbai. Trade, cultural relations are growing between
India and Indonesia, he rattled off figures to show.
And he is learning so much about India from here.He
likes travelling around the country, he has been all
over Gujarat, Pune, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Chennai and
Goa. He is a Muslim, a practising Muslim, and he goes
every Friday to a mosque for the namaz. Rahardjo
wracked his brain to think of the name of the mosque.
It is near the railway tracks, near Opera House, is
the nearest he came to it. And he is going to
celebrate another Ramadhan here this year. But before
that, is the Indonesian national day celebrations. The
reception is on Monday, August 23, at the Regal Room.
But today at the consulate on Altamount Road, Rahardjo
Mustadjab will raise the Indonesian national flag for
the last time in his diplomatic career.


INDONESIATuesday, August 17, 2004 11:15:22 IST 
It’s national day, today
IT'S the Indonesian national day today and our good
wishes go out to Rahardjo Mustadjab, the consul
general of the Republic of Indonesia, a genial man
with a talent for solving the Mensa puzzles that
appear on this page every Monday. He visited us last
week for a cup of coffee. We were conscious that
Rahardjo came from Java in Indonesia which is known
for its good coffee. And we offered him South Indian
filter coffee with trepidation which he readily
accepted. Two-and-half years in Mumbai has made
Rahardjo adapt quickly to most things Indian.He talked
about Java, his Java, clearing our doubt about the
motorcycle with the same name that he said came from
Czechoslovakia and not Indonesia. He's been in the
foreign service for 27 years and came to Mumbai from
Jakarta. This, sadly, will be his last posting.
Rahardjo is due for retirement at the end of the year.
He has no idea what he will do after this. He did give
some thought to a consultancy for trade fairs. But
there is still time. And he intends to enjoy Mumbai
until then.He is in love with Mumbai, this happy
Indonesian diplomat, he likes the secure feel of the
city. Me and the wife can go about Mumbai at night
unafraid, Rahardjo explained. The wife is Teti, a
woman of Sumatra origin, and she is an Indus member in
Mumbai and active in social work. Their only daughter,
an industrial engineer named Niken, is married and
settled down in Dallas. Life is good to Rahardjo. He
is enjoying his work at the Indonesian mission in
Mumbai. Trade, cultural relations are growing between
India and Indonesia, he rattled off figures to show.
And he is learning so much about India from here.He
likes travelling around the country, he has been all
over Gujarat, Pune, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Chennai and
Goa. He is a Muslim, a practising Muslim, and he goes
every Friday to a mosque for the namaz. Rahardjo
wracked his brain to think of the name of the mosque.
It is near the railway tracks, near Opera House, is
the nearest he came to it. And he is going to
celebrate another Ramadhan here this year. But before
that, is the Indonesian national day celebrations. The
reception is on Monday, August 23, at the Regal Room.
But today at the consulate on Altamount Road, Rahardjo
Mustadjab will raise the Indonesian national flag for
the last time in his diplomatic career.

___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - 
all new features - even more fun

[ppiindia] Seluruh Asia ingin menguasai Bahasa Inggris

2004-08-16 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Dari Indonesia, laporan menggemberikan adalah para
remaja yang memenangkan berbagai hadiah di Olimpiade
Fisika di Beijing bahasa Inggrisnya joss.  Demikian
dilaporkan Anton John Hartomo.  Bukan itu saja, juga
sekolah-sekolah swasta Indonesia-plus ada yang
menggunakan Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar di kelas.
Dan .. ehm, SBY kalau jadi presiden bakalan tidak ada
hambatan bahasa di pertemuan-pertemuan ASEAN utamanya.

Malaysia juga menyadari bahwa daya saingnya
terkorbankan setelah menggalakkan Bahasa Kebangsaan.
Tahun lalu, negara jiran ini mulai lagi menggunakan
bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar untuk mata
pelajaran sains dan matematika di kelas.  Vietnam,
Laos dan Kamboja juga sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu
menggalakkan penguasaan bahasa Inggris, dan hasilnya
mulai kelihatan sekarang.


(The Straits Times Asia interactive) 
AUG 16, 2004
Asia goes back to school to learn English 
By John Newland 

From students to civil servants, English has become
the language of choice among many Asians. The Straits
Times correspondents look at how the trend of learning
 the language of global commerce is hotting up in the

SOUTH Korean high school student Ko Seo Yong rarely
goes home right after classes.

Instead, the 18-year-old, who will sit for the
year-end university entrance examination, heads for a
private institute, known as hakwon, for extra lessons
in English. And she does that five times a week.

'I must excel in English as a good grade is needed to
get into a university, especially a prestigious one,'
she said.

Such determination is not unique to students in South
Korea. Children and adults throughout Asia are putting
their heads down in class and paying big money to
acquire and hone English-language skills.

In a globalised world, governments and individuals in
the region realise the key to prosperity - in fact,
survival - depends in large part on communicating in

A lead player in this drive is Malaysia, where
language is a political powder keg. Any push for
English is seen as a bid to sweep aside the importance
of Malay as the national language and, consequently,
an affront to the Malay community.

Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed, a Member of Parliament from
Johor, typifies the trend towards English. 'I speak to
all my children in English at home. I also emphasise
to them that not only must they master the language,
they must speak it well,' he tells The Straits Times.

But, unlike Datuk Nur Jazlan's children, many
Malaysians still cannot speak English correctly - this
despite the fact that all school examinations and
lessons were in English 20 years ago and the language
is still taught in primary and secondary schools.

The government realised a few years ago that the
drastic slide in English standards would affect the
country's business competitiveness. It also noticed
that many people with poor command of the language
were Malays, and that that prevented them from getting
rewarding jobs.

But last week, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz, Umno's women's
wing chief and long-serving Cabinet minister,
underscored the obstacles faced by the government when
she said that mastering English 'does not make one
less Malay or less Malaysian'.

Education Minister Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein also
pushed the case. 'I don't want to hear excuses. As a
trading nation, our children's competence in English
is a survival skill,' he said recently.

English tuition is now a major money spinner in
Malaysia and is estimated to be a
multi-million-ringgit industry, especially in the
Malay heartland states, where English language centres
are mushrooming.

The renewed emphasis on English began last year, when
schools started using it for science and mathematics
lessons despite criticisms from many Malay

The government in Taiwan, where English proficiency of
adults still trails most Asia-Pacific nations, is
encouraging its 260,000 civil servants to get in the

'Civil servants aged under 40 will be given extra
credits helpful to their job promotions if they pass a
special English proficiency test,' said Mr Lee
Yi-yang, chief of the Central Personnel Administration

Under the CPA's plan, especially targeting some
130,000 civil servants under the age of 40, employees
will be given three years to improve their English.
Those passing the elementary level of the General
English Proficiency Test will be awarded two extra
points in annual performance appraisals.

The move is in line with the government project of
'cultivating e-generation talents' under the Cabinet's
Challenge 2008 National Development Programme.

Those passing the intermediate level test will earn
four extra points, said Mr Lee, but anyone who fails
will not be demoted.

But in the world's second-largest economy,
English-language education has been a flop.

Japan's Education Ministry basically conceded this two
years ago, after millions of 

[ppiindia] Friday the 13th !!!

2004-08-12 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Kalau ada orang yang takut pada Friday the 13th,
sayalah salah satunya.  Waktu lalu Ny. Lakadia
mengundang saya dan istri untuk makan malam dengan
dokter Udwadia di Radio Club, Colaba, Bombay. Hari
yang direncanakan mestinya hari ini, Friday the 13th. 
Saya tolak, jadinya acara diajukan jadi tanggal 10
Agustus yang lalu.  Ya, saya ingat kejadian Semanggi
II yang kejam itu terjadinya juga Friday the 13th. 
Takhayul atau tidak, pokoknya saya menjauhi Friday the

Orang Yunani nekad, membuka Olimpiade pada hari ini
Jum'at, tanggal 13 Agustus 2004.

SA News 
Olympics News 
Other Sports 
Team Sports 
Track and Field 
Water Sports 
Have Your Say 

 Greece not bothered about Friday the 13th 
Henri du Plessis 
August 12 2004 at 10:08AM 

If you suffer from paraskevidekatriaphobia, you should
stay in bed on Friday.

And if that's all Greek to you, don't worry - the term
has its origin in their ancient tongue and refers to
fear of the date Friday the 13th.

Fortunately, while they might know its meaning, the
Greeks do not harbour such fears, and that's why
they're quite happy for the Athens Olympics to start
on Friday.

It is simple really, said a source at the Greek
consulate in Cape Town.

'It was a very clever plot' 
While all other countries fear Friday the 13th, we
don't. So if we start the Olympic Games on Friday,
that is the day when we can win all the medals, she

It was a very clever plot.

The Greeks do have a problem with Tuesday 13th,
however - a superstition said to stem from the fact
that the city of Constantinople officially fell to the
Turks on a Tuesday the 13th in 1453.

According to folklorist David Emery of the United
States, writing on the website urbanlegends.com, the
fear of Friday the 13th is the most widespread
superstition in the world.

In the US, sufferers of paraskevidekatriaphobia may
number as many as 21 million.

'Some people won't go to work on that day' 
Some people won't go to work on that day, some won't
eat in restaurants, many wouldn't even consider
setting a wedding on the date, he said.

He also referred to a study in the British Medical
Journal which said people reported finding themselves
in hospital due to accidents significantly more often
on Friday the 13th than on any other day.

The fear of Friday the 13th is said to have originated
in medieval times, with superstitions surrounding the
last supper of Christ and witchery at its roots.

Paraskevidekatriaphobia is fear of the date Friday
13th, while triskidekaphobia is the fear of the number

Paraskevidekatriaphobia is a term coined by US
psychotherapist Dr Donald Dossey, who said if you
could pronounce it you would be cured of it. 

This article was originally published on page 1 of
Cape Argus on August 12, 2004 

 More Olympics 2004 Stories 
Mulaudzi to carry the SA flag
Olympic secret out - thanks to taxi driver
A first Olympics for Martina, at 47
Schoeman feels like a loner
Greece not bothered about Friday the 13th 

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Re: [ppiindia] Google siap masuk bursa

2004-08-10 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Saya yakin para warga milis ppiindia paham apa makna
Google bagi kita.  Google bagaikan professor kita yang
gratis.  Coba ketik what is bitumen, klik search,
dan kita diberi definisi baku tentang senyawa itu
serta konteksnya.  Coba ketik berapa prosentase pajak
pendapatan dalam apbn, dan kita disuguhi artike;
terpilih tentang APBN.  Coba ketik who wrote darkness
at noon, dan kita dapat jawaban bukan saja tentang
Arthur Koesler tapi juga beberapa literary criticisms
tentang novel sejarah itu.  Pokoknya, bagi mahasiswa
sekarang, Google sangat membantu untuk menyelesaikan
assignment, pembuatan paper, bahkan thesis.

 --- Sandy Dwiyono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Google siap masuk bursa
 ( Google adalah mesin pencari di Internet yang
 populer )
 Bulan Agustus ini, Google, akan masuk ke bursa
 teknologi New York, Nasdaq dan dengan langkah itu,
 Google berharap menjaring dana miliaran Dollar.
 Langkah masuk bursa atau yang didunia saham dikenal
 dengan istilah Initial Public Offering (IPO) yaitu
 penawaran perdana saham, memang sudah lama
 banyak investor. Dengan langkah itu, tidak hanya
 pendiri Google, Sergey Brin yang akan menjadi kaya
 raya melainkan juga banyak pegawai Google sendiri.
 Langkah spektakuler Google masuk ke bursa, diiringi
 dengan penawaran sekitar 24,6 juta saham yang
 dilelang melalui koran-koran utama di Amerika
 Di dalam sebuah presentasi video, pendiri Google
 Sergey Brin sekali lagi memaparkan dasar dan tujuan
 perusahaannya yang sudah sangat populer di kalangan
 masyarakat Amerika Serikat. Istilah ¨google¨
 sudah menjadi sinonim untuk pencarian di Internet.
 Sergey Brin mengatakan bahwa misi google adalah
 meng-organisasi informasi dari seluruh dunia dan
 membuatnya mudah diakses dari mana saja. Ketika kami
 mulai tahun 1998, kami hanya memeriksa sekitar 30
 situs internet. Sekarang., kami memeriksa miliaran
 situs Internet 
 Langkah google masuk ke bursa ternama NASDAQ, juga
 menerapkan strategi baru untuk kalangan bisnis di
 Amerika Serikat. Sekitar 24,6 juta saham
 akan dilelang melalui internet. Dengan demikian para
 investor kecilpun akan mendapat peluang yang sama
 seperti investor-investor besar dari institusi
 keuangan internasional. 
 Sergey Brin menjelaskan satu hal yang jadi tujuan
 mereka adalah membuat proses ini lebih demokratis.
 Jadi jalan yang terbaik adalah dengan melelang
 Kami berharap semuanya berjalan lancar dan sesuai
 dengan kepentingan baik perusahaan maupun para
 Sayangnya, yang bisa ikut dalam pelelangan ini hanya
 mereka yang berada di Amerika Serikat. Sebab siapa
 yang tidak tinggal di Amerika Serikat atau
 tidak punya rekening bank di negara itu, tidak bisa
 ikut pelelangan. Editor senior dari majalah ekonomi
 terkenal  Fortune -Daniel Roth, yakin langkah Google
 masuk bursa akan berhasil baik.
 Daniel Roth berpendapat bahwa hal Ini akan jadi
 besar-besar-an, lebih besar dari apa yang pernah
 dilakukan sebuah perusahaan teknologi sebelumnya.
 Google menjadi semacam pertanda bahwa musim dingin
 panjang di sektor teknologi sudah berlalu.
 Namun ada juga kritik yang muncul dengan rencana
 Google terutama berkaitan dengan harapan antusias
 mengenai keuntungan perusahaan itu. Google,
 yang baru berusia 6 tahun sekarang ditaksir seharga
 sampai 36 miliar Dollar, artinya masih lebih tinggi
 daripada misalnya McDonald. Banyak pengamat yang
 mengingatkan kembali harga terlalu mahal pada awal
 boom perusahaan internet yang kemudian diikuti
 ambruknya pasar.
 Walaupun Google masih merupakan mesin pencari
 yang paling populer yang setiap hari situsnya
 sekitar 200 juta kali, persaingan di masa depan
 diperkirakan bakal semakin ketat. Mesin pencari lain
 yang lebih kecil mulai menawarkan produk-produk
 inovatif. Juga pesaing terbesar Yahoo mulai
 meningkatkan investasinya, sementara perusahaan
 Software raksasa Microsoft juga mulai melirik pasar
 mesin pencari internet. Jadi, investasi di
 Google bukannya tanpa resiko. Google sendiri
 hal itu dan memperingatkan para peminat sahamnya
 tentang resiko ini. Salah seorang pendiri Google
 lain, Larry Page mengatakan dirinya ingin
 bahwa Anda benar-benar menyadari resiko investasi
 sebelum Anda membeli saham Google. Jadi, mohon Anda
 mempertimbangkannya dengan hati-hati. 
 Larry Page memang pebisnis sejati yang tidak ingin
 melihat calon investornya mengambil keputusan
 mempertimbangkannya secara seksama.
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[ppiindia] Gawat, pencurian/penyelundupan kayu dari Indonesia

2004-08-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
  Gawat, pencurian/penyelundupan kayu Indonesia bukan
saja merusak lingkungan tapi sudah menimbulkan
kerugian ekonomi tiada tara.  Kayu jenis bagus, besar
dan lurus diselundupkan terang-terangan ke Malaysia. 
Sisanya yang jelek, kecil-kecil dan tidak lurus
menjadi bagian kita.  Akibatnya, para pengusaha mebel
kita kekurangan bahan baku yang baik dan banyak yang
terancam tutup usaha, buruhnya mau kemana.

Kadin mencak-mencak. Departemen Kehutanan sendiri
sudah angkat tangan, karena pencoleng-pencoleng itu
ada yang melindungi.  Rupanya departemen ini tidak
melihat cara lain, kecuali mengeluarkan siaran pers
No: 5/450/II/PIK-1/2004 tertanggal 5 Agustus 2004 yang
MEMPRIHATINKAN.  Intinya, jumlah kayu yang dicatat
negara pengimport berbeda sangat jauh, lebih dari 16
kali lipat dari jumlah kayu yang dieksport secara

Laporan investigatif yang ditulis oleh Leslie Lopez
dan dimuat di FEER (berita dibawah) menyebutkan bahwa
tengkulak Malaysia mengirimkan hasil curian itu ke
China (sebagian besar), Singapura dan Korea.

Tidak sukar bagi pemerintah Indonesia hasil pemilu 20
September, untuk membuat gebrakan besar disini.   





Save-the-Trees Savvy

Environmental activists, after mapping the trade route
taken by Indonesian timber, are trying to curb illegal
logging by taking aim at Malaysia

By Leslie Lopez/KUALA LUMPUR

Issue cover-dated August 05, 2004

POSING AS A TIMBER BUYER for European furniture
makers, Sam Lawson, a researcher for the London-based
Environmental Investigation Agency, approached several
Malaysian traders last year hoping to gain insight
into the smuggling of hardwood from Indonesia's
fast-depleting forests. 

Eager to please a potential customer, the traders gave
Lawson the lowdown on an estimated $500 million-a-year
timber-laundering business that moves smuggled
Indonesian hardwood to manufacturers in China.

They were actually proud of how cunning and sly they
were in getting around the rules, says Lawson of the
Malaysian and Singaporean timber dealers he met.

The traders described how they easily exploited
loopholes in Malaysian export rules. These middlemen
buy logs and sawn timber shipped from Indonesia and
then organize the necessary documentation from local
Malaysian port authorities before shipping the
processed lumber to Chinese buyers.

In some circumstances, particularly in trades
involving protected hardwoods such as ramin, Lawson
was told that the contraband timber would arrive in
boats at little-policed barter-trade centres that dot
the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, across the
Strait of Malacca from Indonesia. To get around an
Indonesian ban on ramin exports, the traders said,
they arranged for documentation to show that the ramin
was harvested in Malaysia.

The ramin would then be shipped to China, where the
timber is in huge demand because its warp-resistant
nature makes it ideal for making pool cues, baby
furniture and other products for export to the United
States and Europe. China, which imposed a nationwide
ban on domestic logging in 1998, is the world's
fastest-growing market for tropical timber, with
imports soaring 75% last year to $11.2 billion.

Now the EIA is trying to curb international
log-laundering by pressing retailers and consumers in
Europe and the U.S. to boycott wood products from

The EIA's campaign highlights how environmental
groups, including the U.S.-based Nature Conservancy,
are becoming increasingly aggressive and innovative in
their campaign to promote sustainable
forest-management practices in Indonesia, home to
about 10% of the world's remaining tropical-forest
cover and some of the most diverse ecosystems.

Some Indonesian officials have gone so far as to call
for the death penalty for illegal logging, but
enforcing the law hasn't been easy. Says Greg Clough,
communications specialist with the Centre for
International Forestry Research, One of the main
factors underpinning illegal logging is that the
timber-processing capacity is more than 10 times
greater than the Ministry of Forestry's allowable cut,
which is 5.7 million cubic metres in 2004.

The EIA estimates that 5.2 million acres are lost each
year to illegal logging in Indonesia alone. Given
Jakarta's apparent difficulty in dealing with the
problem, the EIA decided to devote its efforts to
Malaysia and force it to clamp down on trade in
illegally sourced timber.

Lim Keng Yaik, a senior Malaysian cabinet minister
with nearly 20 years' experience managing the
country's rich commodity and resource-based economy,
says that Malaysia is being unfairly burdened by all
this finger-pointing.

Still, Kuala Lumpur is taking the boycott campaign

Re: [ppiindia] Profil: Azim Premji, pebisnis IT yg sukses

2004-08-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Azim Premji adalah role model bagi semua orang,
khususnya mahasiswa Indonesia di India.  Nomor satu,
dia pintar tapi juga memintarkan orang lain.  Ditengah
kesibukannya, dia merelakan waktu untuk pertemuan
bisnis/management.  Tanpa bosan dia menjawab setiap
pertanyaan sehingga sang penanya puas.  Nomor dua,
keserhanaanya dan kejujurannya   legendaris.  Meskipun
dia orang terkaya di India, kendaraannya tetap Ford
Escort 1995.  Tiba di bandara Mumbai dari Bangalore,
dia langsung kekantor cabang Wipro naik taksi, bukan
minta dijemput mobil perusahaan.  Di kantor pusat
Wipro di Bangalore dia menolak disediakan tempat
parkir khusus buat dia.  Kalau mau dapat parkir
ditempat strategis, ya datanglah pagi-pagi, katanya. 
Nomor tiga, atasi persoalan segera sebelum jadi besar.
 Penggelembungan biaya perjalanan oleh staffnya
dilihat dari omzet Wipro tidak seberapa, tapi dia
merasa perlu untuk memanggil rapat direksi khusus
untuk itu, karena baginya itu menyangkut soal prinsip.


 --- Khairur Razi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Pengantar: Azim Premji di india ibarat liem sio
 liong di indonesia. sama2 orang terkaya di
 negaranya. bedanya, Azim masuk dalam 200 orang
 terkaya dunia versi majalah FORTUNE karena bisnisnya
 yg global dan kompetitif dan tanpa KKN dan proteksi
 dari siapapun. 
 Yg berminat mengetahui bisnisnya, silahkan buka di
 sini: www.transnationale.org/fiches/1240342537.htm 
 Dia juga membuka yayasan sosial dg nama Azim Premji
 Foundation. silahkan buka situsnya di sini:
 Razi Aligarh
 Azim H. Premji, Chairman, Wipro Corporation
 In a world where integrity purportedly counts for
 naught, Azim Hasham Premji symbolizes just that. The
 55-year-old Wipro chairman made international waves
 in 2000 ever since his group became a Rs 3,500-crore
 empire with a market capitalization exceeding Rs
 500,000 million! If any stargazer had been foolish
 enough to predict in 1966 that a 21-year-old Indian
 at Stanford University would one day achieve all
 this, he'd have been laughed out of business. At
 that juncture, Premji was forced to discontinue his
 engineering studies in the States due to the
 untimely death of his father. Returning to India to
 take charge of a cooking oil company, the youth
 infused new life into the family's traditional
 mindset and trade. 
 Over the years, Premji diversified into sectors like
 computer hardware and lighting, disregarding
 marketing laws that extolled the virtues of core
 competence and frowned on brand extensions into
 unrelated segments. Despite all the success, the
 media-shy Premji maintained a low profile, letting
 his work do all the talking. Until early last year
 the media broke the story that Azim Premji had
 become the second-richest man in the world… In spite
 of his billions, however, he still travels economy
 class and stays in budget hotels. 
 When the man was recently honored with the
 Businessman of the Year 2000 award, he attributed
 his stupendous success to the 12,000 people who work
 for Wipro Corporation. Nor did he forget to mention
 his family. The great man then shared some tips for
 • Have the courage to think big.
 • Never compromise on fundamental values, no matter
 what the situation.
 • Build up self-confidence, always look ahead.
 • Always have the best around you, even if they are
 better than you are.
 • Have an obsessive commitment to quality.
 • Play to win.
 • Leave the rest to the force beyond. 
 Premji the businessman practices what he preaches.
 When it comes to upholding personal values, there's
 no margin for error. Wipro managers speak in awe of
 the time they received a terse message that their
 chairman was flying down to Bangalore for a meeting.
 It was clear that something major was in the offing.
 Premji came straight to the point. A senior general
 manager of the company had been given marching
 orders-because he'd inflated a travel bill. The
 man's contribution to the company was significant;
 the bill's amount was not. Yet he had to go for this
 solitary lapse. It was, Premji stressed, a matter of
 Wipro's code of conduct for employees says it all:
 Don't do anything that you're unwilling to have
 published in tomorrow's newspaper with your
 photograph next to it. 
 It's that kind of integrity that has catapulted
 Premji and Wipro to unprecedented heights.  

 Aligarh Muslim University
 Uttar Pradesh, India
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Re: [ppiindia] Re: Profil: Azim Premji, pebisnis IT yg sukses

2004-08-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
--- Rizqon Khamami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Satu lagi, yang membanggakan, Azim Premji ini adalah
 seorang Muslim. 
 Di tengah mayoritas Hindu yang masih menganggap
 sebelah mata kaum 
 minoritas Muslim, Premji tampil meyakinkan: menjadi
 salah satu orang 
 terkaya di India. 

Benar sekali.  Sekalipun tidak pernah menyebut dirinya
Islam, Azim Premji sebenarnya Muslim Ismailiah
(sumber: The Financial Express, 5 Maret 2004). Bagi
yang sama sekali pernah dengar apa itu sekte Ismailia,
sebut saja Agha Khan, nah itulah Ismailia.

Suatu kali wartawan Amerika bertanya kepada Azim
Premji:  bagaimana rasanya jadi Muslim di India? 
Jawab Azim Premji: I am an Indian first.  If it was\so
difficult being a muslim in India, I wouldn't have
been where I am today  (sumber: Indiainfo.com).

Sebagaimana Agha Khan Award yang sudah mendunia itu,
Azim Premji dengan Azim Premji Foundation ingin
mengamalkan apa yang umumnya orang Islam belum
amalkan: bahwa Islam adalah RAHMATAN LIL ALAMIN.

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], rahardjo mustadjab
  Azim Premji adalah role model bagi semua orang,
  khususnya mahasiswa Indonesia di India.  Nomor
  dia pintar tapi juga memintarkan orang lain. 
  kesibukannya, dia merelakan waktu untuk pertemuan
  bisnis/management.  Tanpa bosan dia menjawab
  pertanyaan sehingga sang penanya puas.  Nomor dua,
  keserhanaanya dan kejujurannya   legendaris. 
  dia orang terkaya di India, kendaraannya tetap
  Escort 1995.  Tiba di bandara Mumbai dari
  dia langsung kekantor cabang Wipro naik taksi,
  minta dijemput mobil perusahaan.  Di kantor pusat
  Wipro di Bangalore dia menolak disediakan tempat
  parkir khusus buat dia.  Kalau mau dapat parkir
  ditempat strategis, ya datanglah pagi-pagi,
  Nomor tiga, atasi persoalan segera sebelum jadi
   Penggelembungan biaya perjalanan oleh staffnya
  dilihat dari omzet Wipro tidak seberapa, tapi dia
  merasa perlu untuk memanggil rapat direksi khusus
  untuk itu, karena baginya itu menyangkut soal
   --- Khairur Razi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
   Pengantar: Azim Premji di india ibarat liem sio
   liong di indonesia. sama2 orang terkaya di
   negaranya. bedanya, Azim masuk dalam 200 orang
   terkaya dunia versi majalah FORTUNE karena
   yg global dan kompetitif dan tanpa KKN dan
   dari siapapun. 
   Yg berminat mengetahui bisnisnya, silahkan buka
   Dia juga membuka yayasan sosial dg nama Azim
   Foundation. silahkan buka situsnya di sini:
   Razi Aligarh
   Azim H. Premji, Chairman, Wipro Corporation
   In a world where integrity purportedly counts
   naught, Azim Hasham Premji symbolizes just that.
   55-year-old Wipro chairman made international
   in 2000 ever since his group became a Rs
   empire with a market capitalization exceeding Rs
   500,000 million! If any stargazer had been
   enough to predict in 1966 that a 21-year-old
   at Stanford University would one day achieve all
   this, he'd have been laughed out of business. At
   that juncture, Premji was forced to discontinue
   engineering studies in the States due to the
   untimely death of his father. Returning to India
   take charge of a cooking oil company, the youth
   infused new life into the family's traditional
   mindset and trade. 
   Over the years, Premji diversified into sectors
   computer hardware and lighting, disregarding
   marketing laws that extolled the virtues of core
   competence and frowned on brand extensions into
   unrelated segments. Despite all the success, the
   media-shy Premji maintained a low profile,
   his work do all the talking. Until early last
   the media broke the story that Azim Premji had
   become the second-richest man in the world… In
   of his billions, however, he still travels
   class and stays in budget hotels. 
   When the man was recently honored with the
   Businessman of the Year 2000 award, he
   his stupendous success to the 12,000 people who
   for Wipro Corporation. Nor did he forget to
   his family. The great man then shared some tips
   • Have the courage to think big.
   • Never compromise on fundamental values, no
   what the situation.
   • Build up self-confidence, always look ahead.
   • Always have the best around you, even if they
   better than you are.
   • Have an obsessive commitment to quality.
   • Play to win.
   • Leave the rest to the force beyond. 
   Premji the businessman practices what he
   When it comes to upholding personal values,
   no margin for error. Wipro managers speak in awe
   the time they received a terse

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