Re: [TMIC] No e-mail

2006-12-02 Thread JHarper33
Something has been wrong for a few days -- when I tried  sending the birthday 
list out, I got a weird bounceback, and when I tried to  e-mail Jim to tell 
him about it, that bounced back, too. I checked the archives  and there had 
been no new mail since Nov. 29th. 
But -- things seem to be working now, thankfully.
Barbara H.

_ ( 

[TMIC] November Birthdays

2006-10-31 Thread JHarper33

I can't believe it is November already! Happy Birthday to you all!

(Please send any additons or corrections to

11-01-59 Ella ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-03-60 Gina ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

11-8 Diane ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-12 Marie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11/13/51 Kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-13-66 Lauren Bresse ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-16 Sandra ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-17-58 Becky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

11/18/48 Drema ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11/20 Cossy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-21-29 Pearl Bernocchi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11/22/51 Judy Hoops ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11/24/57 Cindy in Michigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-25-44 Gunny ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

11-27 Jack McMillan at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

11-30-46 Louise Flagg ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [TMIC] Be Careful When Exercising

2006-10-28 Thread JHarper33

Forgive me, I don't understand the connection -- is TM known 
to lead to osteoporosis? Or do some medications lead to that? Or is it that 
being non-weight-bearing makes one more prone to it? 

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Be Careful When Exercising

2006-10-28 Thread JHarper33

No, I don't think you went overboard at all or sent it to the 
wrong place. As I said, I was just trying to understand the connection. It's 
important information for everyone, especially those who can't walk. I imagine 
those of us who aren't as physically active as others might be affected as 

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/28/2006 7:24:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  In a message dated 10/28/2006 4:28:10 PM Central Standard Time, 
Forgive me, I don't understand the connection -- is TM 
known to lead to osteoporosis? Or do some medications lead to that? Or is it 
that being non-weight-bearing makes one more prone to it? 

Barbara H
  Ok, Barbara - It is my understanding that it 
  is non-weight-bearing people who are prone to extreme osteoporosis because the 
  main fundamental of building bone is weight bearing. In all of my life I 
  had never heard that, but it's true and not simply for those of us with TM who 
  cannot walk, but also for any "wheel-chair-bound" (for lack of better term) 
  I guess I went overboard by submitting such a long email, but 
  also by sending it to the wrong place. It might have faired better sent 
  to a support group for wheel chair users. Who knows, I've never gone to 
  a site like that...maybe testing and treating for severe osteoporosis is 
  common among those of us who wheel it all day.
  I guess that will be my next move because I don't feel as though 
  I've gotten it out of my system.
  So far, in four years, I have yet to shed a tear for my losses 
  from TM, and only now feel like I am going through the anger period. 
  That's not normal, is it? Anyone 

Re: [TMIC] MRI is good

2006-10-28 Thread JHarper33

Great news!

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/28/2006 7:00:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I want to thank everyone for 
  their thoughts and prayers about the MRI yesterday. I couldn't wait til 
  Monday and I found out the results today via my friend at work:
  1) I have a brain
  2) it has no 
  3) it's 
  Now I can go to my halloween 
  party and enjoy myself and have a cocktail to celebrate that at 
  Jill in Chicago

Re: [TMIC] Greetings!

2006-10-26 Thread JHarper33

Welcome back! Sorry about your fall!! Hope you can find a good 
neuro soon.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/25/2006 9:00:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I have been off 
  the list since August as we were doing quite a bit of traveling and it is so 
  difficult to keep up when you don’t have access to a computer. I hope all is 
  well with everyone! I am still trying to find a neurologist who actually cares 
  about my condition. I went off Neurontin and on to 
  I have not had 
  a good experience with the lyrica. Unfortunately, I fell and wound up in a 
  wheelchair when I first decided to switch three months ago. Now that I’m 
  up and around my legs are so numb that I’m completely off balance! So, back to 
  So glad to be 
  back on list! J
  Trudy……. in 
  Virginia where we are having the most awesome autumn days! 

Re: [TMIC] Happy news in NJ

2006-10-12 Thread JHarper33

Hello and welcome, and congratulation on the new little 
addition to your family!

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/12/2006 11:04:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
Greetings,Just a quick note to Paula Lazzeri and everyone to 
  let you know we are doing well- baby included. Encouragement is a good 
  thing.Backround info; My wife, Jennifer, contracted TM out of the blue 
  when she was a teenager which changed her life completely. (Her lesion 
  being near T9.) She rose to her challenge and didn't give much thought 
  to perhaps being married one day, nevermind becoming a Mom. Years later 
  we met and fell in love. Married in 2002, we now have a son who I am 
  glad to report is thriving and quite a handful.It's hard to believe 
  that six months ago we were two worried parents trying to navigate the TM 
  confusion regarding our pregnancy and delivery. Jenny recovered well 
  from her caesarean and has returned to her career etc. She is back to 
  walking with her crutches most of the time. I must say though, it was a 
  blessing to have her chair during the last month of pregnancy and the recovery 
  period afterward. I am adjusting to life as a stay-at-home dad and am 
  thankful that we have that opportunity.Just wanted to say thank you 
  again for your support! We'll keep in touch...--Jonathan 
  (Jenny's husband)

Re: [TMIC] Neuro visit pain questions

2006-10-11 Thread JHarper33

I just wanted to thank you for that post, Rob. I appreciated 
everything you said there, and I agree.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/10/2006 5:38:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
   It is very difficult to truly talk about TM considering no twoof us 
  are effected in the same way. We all have similar conditions butthe degree 
  of the condition is never similar. Of course a large elementis where the 
  lesion is on the spine and probably the size of the lesion.Many TM'rs talk 
  of pain, and I do not. I have "discomfort" 24/7. Thenumbness, pins and 
  needles and banding are always there. Some days arebetter than others but 
  I have major discomfort always. I saw Dr. Kerrlast week for my annual 
  evaluation (my seventh in a row)and I asked himif I was doing better than 
  many others due to the extent TM hit me orbecause I have exercised and 
  worked so hard to be as good as I can. Hisanswer was both. Exercise is 
  very important if for no other reason thanto not go backwards and for our 
  gereral good health. I also asked him ifpatients diagnosed with TM have a 
  shorter life span (considering howhard we work to do the simplest tasks) 
  and hios answer was no. I guess Iam one of the "lucky ones". I can walk 
  without a cane, although not verylong or very far. I have been able to 
  work fulltime the past 9 years.And I push myself to not let TM stop me 
  from almost anything (with theexception of athletics). I try to never feel 
  sorry for myself and Icontinue to exercise everyday almost to the point of 
  exhaustion. I willnot give in to this condition. I am quite certain after 
  seeing Dr. Kerrthat the cure is years not decades away. I hope the people 
  who have themost severe cases especially the children will see a cure 
  first. If Ihave to live with my problem longer or not be cured at all then 
  so beit. To me life is still good anhd TM will not change that for 
  me.  When I read many of the e mails I can feel the 
  frustration andbitterness. I believe many who write are not able to work 
  and thereforehave to deal with the condition minute to minute.I who work, 
  am able toforget it until I get home and then give in to the condition. I 
  do notconsider unsubscribing due to anything anyone says. I glance quickly 
  atevery e mail and if it is not pertinent I just delete...which 
  reallytakes less than a second. If it is pertinent I reply directly to 
  theperson and not the group. I reply only to the group when I think 
  itpertains to most if not all.  As always having 
  grown up in Brooklyn NY I tend to ramble. But aday does not go by where I 
  don't pray for all of us. Let's just all hangin there and help eachother 
  and especially try to help the newcomer whomis normally so confused and 
  afraid.Love to all!Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] Newbies, update, etc.

2006-10-11 Thread JHarper33

Hope Terry's surgery goes well with a full and uneventful 
Enjoy your trip -- it sounds lovely!

Barbara H.

[TMIC] October birthdays

2006-09-30 Thread JHarper33

Is it almost October already??!!
Happy birthday to you all!

(Please send any additions or corrections to

10-3-97 Lauren Graham ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10/4 Neil McNeil ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10-06-64 Jackie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10/08/1974 Rudy Aceves ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

10/11/56 Lori B. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (returned 
-- don't know current e-mail)

10-11 Kate ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10-12 Kim ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

10-12 Diana Gray ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


10/14 Lanora ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10/16/53 Sandy Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10/16/50 Linda Cherpeski ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10 - 21 - 54 Renee A. in CT ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10-21-48 Cody Kidwell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10-22-93 Matthew ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
(Rachel's brother)

10-23-60 Keith ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

10-25 Debby Jones ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10-26-1967 Jim Lubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

10-26-52 Anne Shreve ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10-26-1955 Bernie Pelow ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10/27/63 Robin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10/27 Krissy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10-28 Netta Ganor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

10/29 Joellen Finkelstein (don't know current address)

10/31/72 Jennifer Spence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
10-31 Donna (don't know current address)

Re: [TMIC] today's feat

2006-09-29 Thread JHarper33

Congratulations, Krissy! I remember wondering when and whether 
I'd be able to drive again and contemplating the impact that would have on my 
family. It is so nice to be able to -- gives a great measure of independence. 
Hopefully it will get easier and better for you along the way!

Barbara H.

In a message dated 9/28/2006 3:38:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
I drove today! first time in over a year...was 
  hard and used every muscle in my thigh and my foot slipped sometimes but I DID 
  ~Brightest of 

[TMIC] Dry mouth

2006-09-19 Thread JHarper33

A couple of people have mentioned dry mouth (sorry -- I forget 
who). I just wanted to mention that some medications will contribute to that. 
Ditropan is one -- I would imagine anything else for bladder issues might 

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Re: (OT) Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #185

2006-09-14 Thread JHarper33

I don't know who in the Internet world decided using all caps 
was yelling -- but it's not, in and of itself. If it is being done for emphasis 
it's obvious. 

My mom had arthritis and the skipping that extra step of 
hitting the shift key to capitalize made it a little easier for her to type 
(though after getting scolded about it from other people she switched to writing 
in all lower case). I'm sure that's the case with many on the TM list, though as 
Pam said, some felt all caps were easier to read. Using a bigger font helps with 

I don't see why it can't be one of those "live and let live" 
things. (Shrug.)

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] am i getting worse?

2006-09-07 Thread JHarper33

Yesterday I wanted to scan a picture that was in a 
collage-type frame on the wall, so I took the frame down and left it on the 
table while I took the picture out and scanned it. I got to doing other things 
and didn't get the picture back in and frame up. Later in the day I came 
downstairs and noticed the blank space on the wall, and thought, "What? What is 
supposed to be there? What's missing?" I felt so silly for not remembering I had 
taken the frame down earlier in the day.

Brain foghappens. I don't know why. I agree with whoever 
said it gets worse if you fret about it.

I've had days when my balance is worse, too, to the point 
where I am not too sure about doing what I normally do.

I hope there is some encouragement in knowing that many of us 
experience the same things, even if we don't know why. :-)

Barbara H.

In a message dated 9/6/2006 9:24:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
well, I 
  notice my balance is a little more off balance lately..more so than 
  usual..I know I could get *tipsy* now and again, but especially in the 
  mornings now I am way off balance and sometimes after a longer day I find 
  myself falling into things more...also, my memory is really geting bad 
  now..mostly my short term and its really starting to bother me. I cannot 
  always recall the names of simple things when I was in the cellar 
  asking the boys to help me clean I was pointing to the sleeping bag , snapping 
  my fingers calling it a blue thingthen the other night, my daughter and I 
  did her bedtime prayer and I walked into the other room o get her something 
  and walked back in and said 'lets do prayer" and she said but mama we already 
  did it, and I had NO recollection of doing it I felt like an idiot...I 
  feel like saying wtf is happening to me? Is it early Alzheimer's sheesh, 
  it brings me to tearsis it because I am not getting to the gym to 
  exercise, or on here too much? not outside as much, I don't know...but it 
  seriously is bothering me...Krissy ZoddaTri State Support 
  In pretty Good Shape For the Shape I am in~

Re: [TMIC] am i getting worse?

2006-09-07 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 9/7/2006 3:07:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Hello everybody --- I have been reading your 
  stories. Don't you think that it is the various drugs you are taking 
  that might be causing the balance and especially thememory 

I'm not on any drugs for TM. Synthroid for partial thyroid 
removal due to a benign lump about 17 tears ago, and Toprol for a heart rhythm 
problem -- I don't know ifeither of those are supposed to affect balance 
or memory. At 49, I know some of it is due to getting older. :)

But you're right, there are some drugs that would affect 
balance and memory.

Barbara H.

[TMIC] September Birthdays

2006-09-01 Thread JHarper33

Happy Birthday! Hope you are enjoying some cooler temperatures!!

Please send any additions or corrections to

9/3/42 Buddy Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9/5 Mavis White (Errol's wife) ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

09-06-83 Jake DeGrand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

9-8 Mary Davidson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9/8/45 Terry Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


9-16 Mary Eden Cochran ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9-17-74 Michael ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9-17-57 Bill Wimberly- ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

09/20/47 Rob Pall ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9/23/58 Cathy (Rachel's mom) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

9-23-55 Karen (Mushroo) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9-24 Suzi in Seattle ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9-26 Faye Mansfield ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9-27-58 Dale R. Callaghan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

9/30/53 Patti Enstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [TMIC] Message from Larry Bert Throne

2006-08-27 Thread JHarper33

Larry answered this and apologized for it a few days ago. It 
was accidentally sent, not meant for the TMIC.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 8/27/2006 9:40:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I'm wondering too. What's the deal with this? 
  I'm not clicking anything unless I know what it is.
  Sharon --from Arizona 
  TM 1997 to MS 1998 
  It's not easy taking my problems one at 
  a time when they refuse to get in line. ~Ashleigh Brilliant
  Original Message From: Krissy Z [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 
  7:01:47 AMSubject: Re: [TMIC] Message from Larry Bert Thronebefore 
  I click on a strange lin k..wha is this? I dont want a virus 
  :pLarry Bert Throne [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



Larry Bert Throne just sent you this link: 

1. Click on your link above to activate it. 

2. Complete your info to enter the Web site. 

Larry selected you for this on 08-23-2006 22:52 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Bert Throne) 
initiated this to at 08-23-2006 22:52 Eastern TIme 
on from the IP address If you do not 
know a Larry Bert Throne, use this link to halt reminders about the above link. 
For reference, the address of The Names Database is PO Box 550175, 
Waltham, MA 02455. 

Re: [TMIC] neuro appt.-vent

2006-08-23 Thread JHarper33

"Common sense is not as common as it 
really ought to be."

That is so true! Thanks for a new favorite 

I didn't know they threw out MRIs after 7 years. That means 
mine is gone, too. :-( That's a good reminder to get copies of all pertinent 
medical records.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 8/23/2006 9:52:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I think you and I are seeing the same 
  guy! I thought I had mine figured out but just this week I got a call 
  from him that made me furious. I had another MRI on 7/31. I called 
  4 times for results and no one would call me back. Then on Monday he finally 
  calls and is very abrupt. He announces that I have my first brain lesion and 
  that confirms the diagnosis of MS. He then says that it "doesn't change 
  what we are doing" and tries to end the conversation. Drop bomb get off 
  the phone quick does not work for me. So I say geez since the 
  symptoms during my July attack were the same as my TM symptoms how did the 
  lesion at the C1 look this time? No answer...his pager goes off and he 
  says"I have to answer this page." No mention of I will check and 
  call you back. 
  In talking to the nurse yesterday I find that 
  the report did notmention the cord lesions and also did not compare this 
  MRI toprevious. Soshe asked to get thecomparison 
  done this week.I now know that I must ask for this every 
  time I have an MRI. This is one of those things that my common sense 
  says should be routine. But I always say, "Common sense is 
  not as common as it really ought to be."
  I also found out thatafter 7 years the 
  hospital throws out an MRI!!! So my first MRI that showed TM in 1998 
  isgone! The 2001is still there for a while but then it too 
  is gone. I cant believethey do this whenits a chronic 
  condition. Mynurse saidshe has tried to change the policy 
  but theywill not. I am getting the CD this go round so I can 
  hang on to them myself fromnow on. Evidently even the CDs get tossed after 7 
  The other thing I wanted to tell you is that I 
  try to direct the conversation when I am at the neuro's office by taking in 
  notes. Sometimes two or three pages. I describe everything in detail and ask 
  that they be put into my file. This gives us some topics to focus on and 
  keeps me from forgetting to mention stuff. Plus I think my notes are more 
  complete than fact I know they are. I learned this from someone 
  on the list a few years back and it has made a huge difference in how my appts 
  Take care,
  Sandy in 

[TMIC] Karyne Jenke

2006-08-19 Thread JHarper33

Today was long-time TMIC member Karyne Jenke's birthday, and 
after I sent her a brirthday greeting, I was stunned to receive a reply from her 
husband, Rod, that she had passed away last April. I am copying Rod's comments 
below as they contain a message for you all.

Karyne was always a sweet, bright presence on the list, and 
she will be greatly, greatly missed.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 8/19/2006 3:10:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Hi, I am 
  Karyne’s husband, Rod. I know I 
  should have let every one on the TM list know earlier but Karyne passed away 
  on the 23rd April unexpectedly whilst in hospital having a blood 
  transfusion. At this stage the official cause of death is still unknown but we 
  have been told it was a hemorrhage to her brain 
  Please pass 
  on to all on the list that everyone over the years, whether they emailed 
  Karyne personally or not, were a great inspiration to her and gave her the 
  courage to realize that having TM (in it’s various forms) was not the end of 
  life but just another hurdle to overcome, which she did on many 
  My comfort 
  is that she no longer has these hurdles.
  Best wishes 
  and thanks to everyone.
  Rod  Tyler 

Re: [TMIC] TM Questions for new TM Patient

2006-08-19 Thread JHarper33

Hello, and welcome to the TMIC! I am sorry your mom has had to 
deal with TM -- but glad you were able to find us.

I had some swelling, but not 40 lbs. worth. I was only on 
prednisone for 3 days. I still get a little bit of swelling in my left hand and 
ankles. I did have a heavy feeling in my legs for a long time, but I don't know 
if it had anything to do with fluid or if it was just a weird 

I live with my family (husband and sons), but as far as 
ability goes, I could live alone if needed. I couldn't have the first few months 
after TM, though.

Some dear folks from our church installed hand rails on the 
stairway and in the bathroom. I couldn't have functioned, at least not very 
well, without those at first.

I have had jerky movements with one hand (my left hand was 
affected by TM but the right wasn't) and in other muscles. Since it is not 
frequent or too bothersome I don't take anything for it.

I don't remember how long it took me to go from a walker to a 
cane -- I wish I had kept a journal then. I think it was just 2-3 months or 

I do drive but didn't at first. I could always move my legs, 
but the feeling was inaccurate and the movement hard to control at first, so I 
didn't drive for a while. I don't remember when I started driving again, but it 
was well within the first year, maybe within 6 months.

Hope others chime in with their answers. Hope this is some 
help. :-)

Barbara H.

In a message dated 8/19/2006 10:03:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  HI everyone,This is my first time posting to this group, 
  although I have been a member for a couple of months now. I have a couple of 
  questions I hope some of you can help me with. My mom was newly 
  afflicted with TM 3 1/2 months ago on May 3, 2006. She was originally 
  paralyzed from the waist down. We are told she is improving rapidly, so we 
  hope it continues. We had a setback. A month ago she blew up with 40 lbs of 
  fluid, which was attributed mostly to the predisone, so she's not walking as 
  good as she was. Luckily now thats starting to go down, and she's been weened 
  off from 40 mg of predisone to now 10 and they want to completley ween her 
  down. She has just now after 3 1/3 months went home from the 
  inpatient rehab. But she's continuing her PT/OT through home care. We 
  have a couple of questions that the doctors aren't answering, but we are 
  hoping others with the same disease can. They are:1. How 
  many of you also have fluid problems? Do your legs feel heavy due to extra 
  fluid? I'm on Bumex (duratic) to ge the fluid out. This is what makes her 
  urinate a lot. Does anybody ahve any suggestions in what kind of sheets or 
  other things to use to help this? She does have a vinyl sheet. She 
  has some control, but not completely. 2. How many of you live by 
  yourself without any type of assistant living? If so, what assistant tools do 
  you use (ex. cane, walkers, nothing, etc). 3. What 
  medications do you take to help with the spasticity/pins  needle 
  feelings? 4. Do any of you have jerking movements with your 
  hands?5. Those of you who are walking with canes, how long did 
  it take you to get there from using a walker? 6. Do any of 
  you drive? If so, do you have driving restrictions?Thank you very 
  much! We appreciate any feedback/help with these questions.

Re: [TMIC] Crazy Question

2006-08-08 Thread JHarper33

Yes, it's very normal to have little flare-ups. I would often 
fear another attack was coming on during the first year or two, but in my case, 
it never got quite to the extent the first attack reached. I was seeing my neuro 
often the first several months and he would assure me that it was just a 
flare-up. He said that the TM affects the nervous system in such a way that it's 
like it is oversensitive to stimuli, so even things like not getting enough 
sleep or having a cold or having stress (even "good" stress, like getting ready 
for company to come) could make symptoms flare up a bit. But some times there 
was no reason that I knew of -- things would just get worse for a while. Even 
now, almost 11 years later, though I've kind of reached a plateau, there will be 
some days when I'll wonder what in the world is going on with me. I kind of 
think of it as riding the waves (though I'm not surfer and can't even swim :-) ) 
-- but I try to tell myself, "This is just a flare-up -- just ride it out for a 
while and things will be normal again." Of course, after TM hits, "normal" is 
different from what it was before anyway. :-)

That said, though, don't hesitate to call your dr. if things 
are flaring up to the point where it is scaring you. And ask about different 
medications -- Kathryn mentioned Baclofen. That didn't do much for me, but it 
helps a lot of people. I was on Tegretol for a while -- my neuro said it was 
used for epilepsy patients but had a "quieting effect" on the nervous system in 
general, so was sometimes used for TM patients. It really did help, but they 
have to check your liver functions often when you're on it. I decided to get off 
of it because I was afraid of long-tern liver damage (though that may be 
unfounded, I don't know). But I wouldn't hesitate to try it again if I felt I 
needed it. We all have different body chemistries and different things, or 
different combinations of things, will be helpful to different 

Barbara H.

In a message dated 8/7/2006 11:16:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Although I feel I'm VERY fortunate to be able to walk unassisted, I feel 
  like I have "little flare-ups" from time to time with my left leg and right 
  foot going numb and even feeling like a raw/burning feeling. Is that 
  I also feel like a tingly feeling in my head sometimes? 
  I don't know if it's just driving me crazy and I need an ativan or is it 
  just the TM reminding me that it's there lurking and ready to come back or 
  even turn into MS.
  This has been for about a week or two now. 
  I was diagnosed in Dec. 2005 and have made great strides since then thank 
  36, Chicago

[TMIC] August Birthdays

2006-08-01 Thread JHarper33

August is one of our busiest birthday months!
Happy birthday to all the end-of-summer babies.

(Please send any addtitons or corrections to

8/1 Peachi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8/1/45 Cindy McLeroy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8- 1-74 Stacy Firth ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 

8-3-56, Larry Throne ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

8-10 Sean Indiveri ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8-11-69 Raylene Gökeri ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 

8-11-70 Carrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (user 

8-11-59 Michelle Maricic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

8/12/95 Kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
(Rachel's brother)

8/14/58 Paula ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )


08/17/68 Sandra (Harth) Brassil ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


08/18/64 Corinne "Cookie" Knox ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8-19-41 Saroj ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8-19-66 Karyne Jenke ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

8-21-57 Barbara H. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

8/22/60 - Debi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8-23-00 Cole ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8-23-48 Sharon Knie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8-29 Lisa Baker (Judy's daughter) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]

8-29-76 Kathleen ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 

8- 31-62 Robin in Ontario(Brampton)([EMAIL PROTECTED] )


2006-07-26 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 7/25/2006 3:52:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  hello gang--remember me?

Yes!! Good to see you again!

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] TM and exercise

2006-07-25 Thread JHarper33

I found it here:

It's at the bottom of that page. The lady who put it together 
is Linda Haught, and she's done a number of exercise videos to jazz and 
classical music. This one isn't as professionally done as the others, but it 
does what it bis supposed to.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 7/24/2006 3:39:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I agree, doing some 
  exercise does help in the long run. I couldn't find "Wimp aerobics" via 
  internet search. What is it?
  Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 8:52 AMTo: 
  tmic-list@eskimo.comSubject: [TMIC] TM and 
  I have started occasionally exercising with a video called 
  "Wimp Aerobics." :-) I can't keep up with all the steps, but I can do more of 
  it than I can with a video made for normal people. I feel generally better 
  overall and more energetic when I use it, but afterward my back spasms more 
  and my legs feel weaker. I haven't made the exercise a regular thing yet, more 
  just hit and miss, but I need to do something both for general health 
  and to try to lose weight.
  For those who have incorporated regular exercise into their 
  schedule, do the "negative" effects lessen over time? 
  I know anyone who has been sedentary who tries to exercise 
  will feel sore and maybe even feel worse for a time before they start feeling 
  Barbara H.

[TMIC] TM and exercise

2006-07-24 Thread JHarper33

I have started occasionally exercising with a video called 
"Wimp Aerobics." :-) I can't keep up with all the steps, but I can do more of it 
than I can with a video made for normal people. I feel generally better overall 
and more energetic when I use it, but afterward my back spasms more and my legs 
feel weaker. I haven't made the exercise a regular thing yet, more just hit and 
miss, but I need to do something both for general health and to try to 
lose weight.

For those who have incorporated regular exercise into their 
schedule, do the "negative" effects lessen over time? 

I know anyone who has been sedentary who tries to exercise 
will feel sore and maybe even feel worse for a time before they start feeling 

Barbara H.


2006-07-24 Thread JHarper33

I thought the dye, or "contrast material," was something that 
dissipated over time and vacated the body through urine (I remember wondering if 
that was why my urine seemed to have an odd smell for the first several days 
after TM struck). Once they put it in, I don't see how they could draw it back 
out, because it would be mixed with spinal fluid. 

Anne, I would suspect MS in your case since you recovered well 
and then experienced more problems later on. That's just a guess, of course, but 
it sounds more like MS.

Are you still on a pain manangement regimen? Do you still se a 

Barbara H.

In a message dated 7/24/2006 1:45:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
Hi everyone, I've never said the word "give up" or even thought 
  about writing it. But what do you do when you had tm in 75 at the age of 21, 
  was in the hospital for a little over 3 months where the neuro performed a 
  mylogram (I hope I spelled that right) did not draw all the dye out of my 
  spinal column, but went on to completely recover over a period of about a 
  year. I had no residual effects other than a little problem with urination. 
  Now if you look at a MRI or X-Ray of my spine all you can see are black dots, 
  large and small, that have attached themselves over the years to my spine. My 
  neuro said that over the years they had hardened just like "cement". I have no 
  myelin to speak of at all. No surgeon will touch me. The doctor at the first 
  pain management center was going to give me some sort of pain blocking agent 
  that would have been injected into the spinal area, but, you guessed it, his 
  words were, "I would not even think of attempting this procedure because it 
  could easily paralyze you from the neck down". I was diagnosed with MS 
  and sent to another pain management center where I underwent cruelling tests 
  for 3 days. I was then put on a pain medication regement and made comfortable. 
  I'm not paralyzed, however, I cannot walk one step or stand any longer than it 
  takes me to get out of this hospital bed and get into the power chair. After 
  the tm in 75, I worked again, sometimes 3 jobs at a time, because I was lead 
  singer in a country rock band, remarried in 85 and had another child in 87. 
  But near the end of 94, November to be exact, I felt such pain and then 
  extreme weakness in my legs. By 96 I was using a walker and then the next year 
  I remember getting up to walk to the mailbox with the walker. I opened the 
  door and for the first time I looked at the mailbox and was afraid. My legs 
  were already trembling with weakness standing there at the front door. I don't 
  think I have MS, I just think the doc had no other answers. I'm not in my 
  "pity pool" tonight. I'm just telling it like it happened. I love and 
  appreciate each and every one of you, but maybe now you can understand why I 
  don't get it when you all say "had TM since ..". Thanks for letting 
  me share with you all. God Bless, Anne Shreve, North Carolina 

Re: [TMIC] Hot Weather TM

2006-07-23 Thread JHarper33

I have trouble with both the heat and the cold. I was one who 
was usually hotter than most people anyway, but TM accentuated that. I can 
hardly go to Wal-Mart or the mall without getting hot and sweaty, and then my 
energy is just zapped. I usually have to have one or both feet sticking out from 
under the covers at night.

But in the cold, I do get stiffer. So I try to stay 

Oddly enough, my left arm, which is where the TM symptoms 
first began, will get uncomfortably cold when the rest of me is fine. Sometimes 
when I watch TV I have to have a pillow or throw blanket on that 

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Also....

2006-07-21 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 7/21/2006 11:14:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Agreed. I do want to clear up that I am not for embryonic stem cell 
  research. My main complaint has always been to not hold up the good 
  research or deny funds because of this one part of stem cell research as a 
  whole. The WHOLE issue needs to be addressed and not just one aspect of 
  In other words, don't poop on the rest of the research because you 
  disagree with one part. Cut that part out and APPROVE the other research 
OK, now I get it. Somehow I wasn't comprehending that that's 
what you were saying (I apologize). Yes,I agree, funding should go to the 
other areas of stem cell research that don't involve embryos.

  As far as ATF and the clueless idot part. My apologies to anyone it 
  offended, but like I said before, you have to factor in the emotional side of 
  it. I was clearly upset about it because I have strong emotions about 
  the subject.
  Can we call a truce? Maybe it will spread throughout the 
  worldya never know.

Sure. :-)

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Study shows spinal cord regeneration

2006-07-20 Thread JHarper33

Thanks so much for this, Jim, both for what you said and how you said it. I 
agree on every point you made (and I'm an independent Baptist :-))except that I 
haven't studied what you mentioned in the last paragraph, so i'm not sure what 
my opinion is on that yet.I was never so proud of Bush as when he had 
those children from frozen embryos around him and said, "These are not spare 
body parts."

I do wish those who disagree on this issue wouldn't resort to name calling 
and questioning the motives of those who do believe life begins at conception. 

From what I have read the research on adult stem cells is much more 
promising than the media conveys.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 7/20/2006 8:00:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
(I'm copying this from my replies on another list, so forgive me if it 
  sounds like I'm rambling on)I've never thought of myself as part of 
  the "Moral Majority" as you say (I am 
  a Roman Catholic) but agree with president Bush on this and I will explain 
  way.I do believe that a human egg and human sperm make a human being 
  from the time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains all the 46 
  chromosomes need to be human. It's called an embryo after about 10 days. Being 
  a human, it is entitled to protection to life from the Government. Therefore, 
  the Government should not be funding the destruction of life for the purpose 
  of research.Now your opinion of when a human is a human and entitled 
  to protection obviously differs from mine and president Bush. You can decide 
  for yourself when a human becomes a human that is entitled to protection. Some 
  people thing after birth and not before. I'm against IVF treatments as 
  well because it creates extra embryos in the process, but since they exist 
  then keep them on life support (i.e. frozen) indefinitely. They are not 
  something that should be killed (i.e. by removing stem cells) to possibly make 
  another persons life better. I have a moral problem with taking one life to 
  improve another persons life.As for using those extra embryos in 
  research for the possible benefit of others, just because they are going to be 
  destroyed anyway, following that reasoning, here's my problem with that. A 
  person with a traumatic brain injury or in a coma being kept alive on 
  ventilator will never be completely healed and will die without the 
  life-support, so why not harvest their body parts to improve someone else's 
  life? I see both equally wrong. The Nazi's conducted medical research on 
  the people they were going to kill anyway. I see it as the 
  same.Embryos left over from IVF are not the only source for stem 
  cells. (2006.06.27: Research on Alternative Sources of Pluripotent Stem Cells, )So I 
  feel those sources should pursued since there would be no moral or ethical 
  concerns. I'm all for scientific advancement that does not conflict with my 
  morals and ethics. Now, if scientist want to use stem cells derived 
  from a human egg and another cell, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), I 
  don't consider that a human and have no problem with research on those stem 
  cells. At 12:34 PM 7/20/2006, Alan Junghans wrote:
  I was a little vague 
in the "Kill stem cell research", but he sure is holding back 
progress. If he had TM or Parkinsons OR ANYTHING that could benefit, 
he might tell all of the "Moral Majority" to piss off and do the right 
thing. I didn't want to admit it before, but he is truly a friggin 
idiot who is clueless.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Krissy Z 
  To: Alan 
  Junghans ; TM List ; TMA-New-England 
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:42 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Study shows spinal cord regeneration
  i never voted for him...he repulses me...and to veto this stem cell 
  reseach. something so important to folks like all of us,his brain is not 
  just wired to what priorities should be.
  what goes around
  disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet 
   Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [TMIC] home after being lost for a while

2006-07-12 Thread JHarper33

We'll be more than glad to see your name pop up!! I'm so glad 
you're able to be back and that you're doing better.

My mom passed away a few months ago, too. It's...tough. My 
kids are are the verge of leaving the nest, and I'm 
just-trying-not-to-think-about-it just now! :-)

Good to hear from you,
Barbara H.

In a message dated 7/12/2006 4:13:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Hello All,
  I've been out of touch for quite a 
  while. Lots of reasons that I won't get into too much detail on, most of 
  which have beensome new serious illnesses that are mostly resolved for 
  now and depression. I have missed all of you. I have sort of tried 
  to keep up with the goings on here, but I'm very sure have missed out on quite 
  a bit. 
  It's been probably about a year 
  since I've been activly participating in this list, and as I look back so much 
  has happened in my life. Our children have moved away, along with 
  grandsons. And, now another grandson was born in Florida in April, 
  when we live in California. That's been a big part of the depression, as 
  well as the loss of my mother and otherfamily members, one of which a 20 
  yr old, 
  Iam finding myself 
  evolving out of the depression though, as my family has visited and the older 
  grandchildren have stayed behind with us. 
  I am also feeling somewhat better 
  physically, which is another boom for my mental attitude. I know that 
  the two go hand in hand to some extent, but not entirely in my case. I 
  am hoping to continue my positive rebound, as I totally hated the 
  alternative. I know it wasn'tfun for me or the people around 
  Anyway, I hope to be a contributing 
  member of the group again. So, don't be surprised if you see my name pop 
  up now and then, lol.
  Warm hugs to all, Barbara A in 
  Auburn, CA

[TMIC] July Birthdays

2006-07-01 Thread JHarper33

Happy Birthday!!

(Please send any additions or corrections to

7-5-83 Sumer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

7- 9-5l Vicki Frohna ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

7-14 Julie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

7-15-51 Sandi S. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

7/ 18/ 51 John ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 


7-25-69 Michelle Balliet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

7-27-60 Linda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

7/29/49 Hildred ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

7/30/30 Dex Packard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [TMIC] New Neurologist

2006-06-28 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 6/27/2006 11:40:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
I do/did 
  wonder why some doctors have their patients have yearly mri's orwonder 
  maybe why some patients are able to have access to yearly 

I think a lot has to do with the way 
individual neuros think. When I was first diagnosed with TM, either the Avonex 
type drugs weren't being used for MS yet or at least not widely. When I asked 
about having a follow-up MRI done, my neuro said it wouldn't really be needed 
since my symptoms weren't worsening and any results from the MRI wouldn't change 
how we were treating it (which, again, wouldn't be the case these days, because 
they could start the Avonex drugs to try to prevent another attack). He had had 
a patient who felt she had MS and kept pushing for that diagnosis, and he did a 
follow-up MRI which showed that she did indeed have MS. But when she changed her 
diagnosis, her insurance dropped her. She called him again begging for him to 
change the diagnosis back, but of course he couldn't do that. So with that 
background experience, he was reluctant to give patients an MS diagnosis unless 
it was just unavoidable, and that rendered follow-up MRIs as unnecessary in his 
mind unless the patient was having worsening symptoms. We've moved, so I don't 
see him any more, but he might have changed his stance since there are drugs to 
help with MS. And I don't know if insurance companies would still do 


Re: [TMIC] New Neurologist

2006-06-25 Thread JHarper33

I don't think it's too unusual for a new 
neurologist to want to ask for another MRI to see what, if anything has been 
happening since your onset. I saw my neuro regularly for maybe a year or so 
after initial onset, but he never did a follow-up MRI. When we moved away, I 
didn't get a new neuro since I was pretty much on a plateau as far as recovery 
goes (still some minor improvements 10+ year later, but not as big as the first 
few months). My GP is knowledgeable about TM, so that helps, too. 

But I do know some people whose doctors 
follow up with MRIs from time to time just to check on what's going on. I've 
been curious, myself, but not enough to ask for one. My GP told me he'd refer me 
for one if I ever wanted it.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 6/25/2006 10:09:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I was just wondering about your 
  Two years ago I was "hit" with TM (C-3), spent a 
  couple days in the hospital, refused steroids, left with a cane and went back 
  to work a month later, just living with the stiffness, numbness, burning, 
  fatigue, etc. The two neuorologists who saw me anddiagnosed 
  menever mentioned a follow-up so I just went to my GP.
  Upon recommendation by some on this list to keep 
  in touch with a newologoist, and wishing for something for the fatigue, I went 
  to a neurologist who said I should have had follow-ups by a neuro and we 
  shouldn't just assume my TM is idiopathic but could be a result of MS ( my 
  initial MRI showed no brain lesions). He said I could have gotten more 
  "small" lesions with no further symptoms.
  If so, these small lesions could some day come 
  together and, his quote, "all hell break loose".
  He wouldn't prescribe anything long term for 
  fatigue because he wanted more MRIs. So, tomorrow I will have 
  I almost wish I hadn't gone to him as I don't 
  think I have gotten "worse" but learned to live with the symptoms. Just 
  not sure I agree with his reasoning; haven't really seen this view from this 
  Any thoughts?
  Gary in 

Re: [TMIC] Pain

2006-06-09 Thread JHarper33

I can second what Gilly said. I had some 
pain in one area at TM onset (10+ years ago). That went away. Over the years I 
developed some pain in my back that wasn't there originally, and they think it 
is TM related. But mine is intermittent -- some days it is hardly bearable, but 
other days it is not a problem at all.

My heart goes out to those in constant 

But I agree with Gilly, too, that it's 
best not to worry about it. I know you're not asking out of worry right now but 
just wanting information. But we each have plenty on our plates to deal with 
each day as it is without thinking about what might happen. I have to just take 
each day as it comes and trust God for grace for that day, sometimes just for 
that moment, and trust that that same grace will be there for each day in the 
future. Sometimes I liken it to riding the waves, an analogy I heard once in 
reference to labor -- someone had said that if, during labor, they began 
thinking, "What if I have to do this for 24 hours or more?" it became more 
difficult and they became more tense and upset. But if they hung onto the 
thought that "I only have to get through this contraction for right 
now" they could give all their concentration to it and could get through it 
better. They likened it to riding that one wave at a time and not worrying about 
all the rest that might come. I thought that was a great analogy for life in 
general and TM in particular.

Wishing you all the best, 

Barbara H.

In a message dated 6/9/2006 1:27:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Many of us have had an increase in pain and many have not, so, 
  best not to worry about it until it happens.
  On 09/06/06, Carol 

I was diagnosed with TM 1 year ago, June 
16th. So far, I have only some discomfort in my body and no real pain 
to complain of. My question isis that the way everyone starts out 
and then the pain comes later? Does it make a difference where your 
lesions are? Mine is at T8-T10. Should I be expecting the hammer 
to fall any day? 

Your input would be appreciated.

Carol in Culver, 

[TMIC] June birthdays

2006-05-31 Thread JHarper33

Happy Birthday to those celebrating in June!

(Please send any additions or corrections to

6-5 Tobe Kanon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-11-42 Irene ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6/11/50 Marabeth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-11-51 Sharon Marsden ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-15 Sheila ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-17-46Cheryl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-19 Tom in Delaware ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 

6-19 Debbie Capen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-22 Ann Moran ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-25-43 Errol White ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

6-25-61 Dennis Galvin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6-29-59 Pauline ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6/30/40 Bobby Jim ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [TMIC] Weird feelings around eyes

2006-05-18 Thread JHarper33

You know, I'd forgotten about this until it happened 
yesterday, but I have had other eye involvement beside the drooping eyelid at 
onset. Whenever I sneeze, sometimes it sets off "showers" of twitches in my 

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Weird feelings around eyes/correction

2006-05-18 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 5/17/2006 4:53:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  husband and I are both 49 

Aack!! We're still both 48. I don't turn 49 til 
August. I don't want to rush it!!! :-)

Barbara H.

[TMIC] Weird feelings around eyes

2006-05-17 Thread JHarper33

When TM first came to take up residence, most of my symptoms 
were in my left arm and lower trunk and legs. But there was one very very 
sensitive spot right on top of my head (made getting haircuts interesting -- I 
felt like I was going to jump out of my skin) and one of my eyelids was at 
half-mast. The neurologist I saw the first couple of days was puzzled over the 
eyelid, saying that that was "a brain thing." The MRI and CAT scan showed 
everything was ok with my brain, though. But when I had PT, the therapist said 
her chart listed TM and encephalitis -- but nothing had ever been said to me 
about the latter. I never really went back to question it, though, because I was 
out of the hospital then and on the road to improvement (and it may be that in 
my lists of questions I'd take when I saw the neuro, I just didn't think to ask 
about it).

Eventually my eyelid righted itself, although the sensitive 
spot in my head remained.

It seems like I remember reading here that TM usually doesn't 
affect the head. Is that right? Would symptoms in your face or head indicate 
brain involvement?

Over the past few months I've had these weird feelings around 
my eyes. I'll look in the mirror, squint, wink, etc., and everything seems to 
function -- just feels weird. It isn't constant, but off and on. Then last week 
during one of those weird feelings, one eyelid was a little lower, and the other 
was open way wider than usual (looked very strange). It righted itself within a 
few minutes.

I asked my dr. about it, and it said it must be related to the 
TM. I do have weird little muscle spasm or twitchy things going on in other 
muscle groups.

Do you think this is just one of those TM things or does it 
warrant further investigation? Anyone else experience this?

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Weird feelings around eyes

2006-05-17 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 5/17/2006 2:55:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Your developments almost sound like little strokes. Maybe 
  they are spasms. What do you take for them? Baclofen? 
  Lyrica? ??

That's actually one of the things I'm most afraid of. I don't 
know if this falls within the parameters of little strokes or not. I haven't 
been taking anything for these or muscle spasms of any kind -- I'd rather not 
deal with any side effects. If I know that's all this is, I'm fine and would 
rather get by without medication (unless it gets too bad and impedes everyday 
life). It's the concern that there might be something else going on in my brain 
that bothers me. I've got a doctor's appt. at the end of the month and am trying 
to decide if I need to try to get in before that.

Someone else mentioned the possibility of aging. My husband 
and I are both 49 and are experiencing the effects of gravity on our faces as 
well as everything else. :-) But that's more of a gradual thing, not episodes 
lasting a couple of minutes.

Someone else mentioned GN and myasthenia gravis. Both of those 
were ruled out when TM first hit 10 years ago, but I suppose it's possible that 
they could develop in the mean time.

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question/foods (Quite graphic, but not lewd)

2006-05-09 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 5/8/2006 6:06:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  there are certain foods now that do make me gas up more than they used 

That's true for me, as well, and I also get gassy when I get 
stressed or nervous. :-( 

I think I read that the way Gas-X works is it somehow works on 
the surface tension of the gas bubble so itdissolves the 
bubbleinside. I would guess it would work on any kind of bubble -- whether 
just air or gas. It's worth a try. It's supposed to be one of the safest things 
to take in the world, according to my son's gastroenterologist. You can't take 
it within 4 hours of taking thyroid meds, but I don't know if there are any 
other contraindications.

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] back pain, physiotherapy, medications

2006-05-05 Thread JHarper33

Hi, Kate,

I took Tegretol (Carbamazepine) for a while and it was 
helpful. Pain wasn't my primary complaint, though -- I had more pain then than 
now, and it's intermittent. But it did help with general symptoms. My neuro said 
it helps "quiet down" the nervous system. I stopped taking it because they have 
to keep a watch on your liver functions with it. I don't mean to scare anyone -- 
I don't know what the parameters are for safety and long-tern usage. I know it's 
used by epileptics, so some degree of long-term usage must be ok (best to 
consult with a dr.). But I felt I would rather see if I could get by without 

It's hard to balance when and how far to push the body. 
There's no improvement without some push beyond what feels comfortable. 
But exercise and moving in certain ways can cause some muscles to spasm or 

stiffen or just not feel right. Sometimes -- most often -- that's just a 
temporary thing that settles down after exercise. My PT wanted me to ride an 
exercise bike, but it was extremely uncomfortable. In the beginning, I could 
hardly use my left hand to even to wash my hair. Any exercise I tried with it 
seemed to send it into convulsions of sorts. So it was kind of a back-and-forth 
thing -- working with it a little bit, then backing off, then trying again 
another time.

I was hoping someone might have something more scientific to 
point to. :-) There might be links to some studies about this at the TMA and 
TMIC web sites -- there are tons of resources and articles behind some of the 
links there ( and respectively). I 
need to dash off this morning or I'd take a few minutes and look around, but 
maybe someone else knows of articles about this issue.

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Is Anyone Getting My E-Mails???

2006-05-05 Thread JHarper33

Got it, Anne.

In a message dated 5/4/2006 10:54:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Hi, My name is Anne Shreve. I live in North Carolina. I had tm 
  in 1975 when I was 22. I was hospitalized for 4 months and gradually over the 
  next year or so made a full recovery. There's alot I would like to share with 
  you. If anyone gets this message I would truly appreciate it if someone would 
  reply just to let me know they received it. Take Care and God Bless you 
  all. Anne My e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Thanks 

Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question

2006-05-05 Thread JHarper33

I have problems with that, too. I take Gas-X (or the store 
brand) when I need to be out and about, and it helps, but it's still a problem. 
Especially when trying to teach three boys not to do it in public. 

Barbara H.

In a message dated 5/5/2006 1:42:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  maybe not so graphic and I am sure will make ya giggle or smile BUT I have 
  this issue. I know we all have poop and pee issues and I have learned to deal 
  with them. But I am also farting alot! I bend over, I fart. I lean , I fart. 
  It's not the gassy smelly ones, but just noise, but it still can be loud 
  sometimes and its damn embarrassing! So my question is, is there anything I 
  can do? I am going away in June with friends and would rather not be farting 
  around them...I'd be mortified!Krissy ZoddaTri State 
  Support Group Leader'm In 
  pretty Good Shape For the Shape I am in~

[TMIC] May Birthdays

2006-05-01 Thread JHarper33

It's another short birthday list this month. Happy Birthday to the May 

Please send any additions or corrections to

5/7 Dennis Rabalais ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

5-9-53 Lynn - Rhode Island ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

5-11 -46 Lynn (Rose of Reno 

5- 19 Maureen Wroblewski Hallagan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

5- 26-62 Maria in Tonawanda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

5/27/51 Jim ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [TMIC] TM Journal

2006-04-24 Thread JHarper33
In a message dated 4/24/06 3:23:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hey all..what is ADEM?

From the TMA website:

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)

What is Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis?
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADE) is a neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord caused by damage to the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is the fatty covering, which acts as an insulator, on nerve fibers in the brain. ADE may occur in association with a viral or bacterial infection, as a complication of inoculation or vaccination, or without a preceding cause. Onset of the disorder is sudden. Symptoms, which vary among individuals, may include headache, delirium, lethargy, coma, seizures, stiff neck, fever, ataxia, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, vomiting, and weight loss. Other symptoms may include monoparesis (paralysis of a single limb) or hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body). The disorder occurs in children more often than in adults.

Links to more info. are at

Barbara H.


2006-04-24 Thread JHarper33
In a message dated 4/24/06 4:00:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

remember back a few years ago,there used to be a book that came out about 2 times a year,,from the tma with the listing of all the members names and emails in it.what ever happened to that?i havnt gotten one in years.does the association still do it?

Yes, they do -- one just came in my mail today, and the directory came out a few months ago, I think. I just checked the web site, and there is a form to fill out on the web site at

Barbara H.
(P.S. Sandy, if you're reading -- thanks again so much for all that you do in putting these together and sending them out!!)

Re: [TMIC] Loss of a Friend

2006-04-10 Thread JHarper33

I know of the Gilmurs, but did not know them personally. I am 
so sorry for what the family is going through at this time. I'll be praying for 
them. Thanks for letting us know, Debbie, and thanks Alton for looking up and 
posting the picture.

Barbara H.

[TMIC] I'm back -- didja miss me? :-)

2006-03-30 Thread JHarper33

Sometimes the volume of mail from the list runs a little slow, 
but it slowly began to dawn on me the last few days that I hadn't had 
any TMIC mail for a while. I checked the archives, and lo and behold, 
there were several days worth of messages I hadn't received. Somehow I must've 
gotten kicked off the list -- that's happened occasionally -- so I resubscribed 
and am sending this test message to see if it goes through.

Good to hear our Aussie friends are ok.

Alton -- so sorry to hear about your shoulder.

Barbara H.
Back in the sandbox :-)

Re: [TMIC] weather and TM

2006-03-18 Thread JHarper33

A lot of times, even just watching TV on the couch, I'll take 
a throw blanket to cover my arms, which are cold, but have to leave it off my 
feet, which get too hot. Unless its' really, really cold, I start off at bed at 
night with just a sheet over me and my lower legs sticking out, then some time 
during the night pull the bedspread on and bring my feet in. My thermostat is 
all messed up!

Both the heat and the cold affect me -- the cold makes my 
muscles stiffen up, and heat just drains energy from me.

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Re: Fwd: Fw: save our school children

2006-03-17 Thread JHarper33

That's why I haven't said anything about some of the New Age 
type things you've sent to the list even though I don't agree with a lot of it. 
Whether I agree with it or not, you have a right to say it. I just don't see why 
the Christian God is not welcome and everything else is, why the same 
consideration can't be given.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 3/16/2006 6:46:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  well, problem is, not everyone is christian...not everyone celebrates 
  GOD, some see allah, buddha, the goddess, the, god may 
  help you make it thru the day, but general faith in oneself may make someone 

In a message dated 3/16/2006 5:02:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Dear God,It has come to my attention that you have been 
  sending religious matterial to the TMIC.Several years ago the 
  members agreed that you were not welcome here, 
Wow.That's pretty sad.

Actually it was my understanding that talk about God in a 
natural sense as in relying on God's help to make it through the day was all 
right, because we all talk about what helps us, but general religious 
e-mails weren't welcome.

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Re: Fwd: Fw: save our school children

2006-03-17 Thread JHarper33

In a separate e-mail, Jude pointed out that she had not sent 
the original e-mail in questionto the list, but to a few whom she thought 
might be interested. I don't know why Frank chose to bring it onto the list 
instead of telling her privately that he didn't want to receive it. Jude didn't 
intend to stir up anything on the list or send anything to anyonewho 
didn't want to receive it.

I do think the point stands that has been made since, though, 
that no one person is the "police" of anything on the list (the only person who 
has that right, IMHO, is Jim Lubin since he created and maintains this site, or 
the TMA officers since I think the TMIC is under the auspices of the TMA, but 
I'm not sure about that), and if we're going to allow for mention of New Age or 
Eastern beliefs in the course of conversation about what helps one with dealing 
with TM, then we ought to allow mention of God. That has traditionally been the 
case in the almost8 or 9years I've been on the TMIC. I think by and 
large most people don't send the "religious e-mails" that go around the net 
except privately though one or two slip in here and there.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 3/16/2006 5:02:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  God,It has come to my attention that you have been sending religious 
  matterial to the TMIC.Several years ago the members agreed that you 
  were not welcome here, either.I have designated myself the religion 
  police ever since the past officer passed on[ He has since moved on 
  into heaven: the condo on the corner of Passion and Rosebud 
  streets]Please, realize that religion has killed more people than 
  cigarettes, and only stirs up people's anger.please stop,Yours 
  in HIS memory,frank

Re: [TMIC] Re: Fwd: Fw: save our school children

2006-03-16 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 3/16/2006 5:02:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Dear God,It has come to my attention that you have been sending religious matterial to the TMIC.Several years ago the members agreed that you were not welcome here, either.
Wow.That's pretty sad.

Actually it was my understanding that talk about God in a natural sense as in relying on God's help to make it through the day was all right, because we all talk about what helps us, but general religious e-mails weren't welcome.

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Fwd: not recieving digest

2006-03-16 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 3/16/2006 6:10:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



Several people have had trouble with the digest -- I think there is some kind of kink in the system. In the mean time you can subscribe to the regular TMIC and receive messages every day as they come in. If you haven't done that already, you can do so by sending an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]with "Subscribe" in the subject line. It's automated and will automatically subscribe you (notice it is different from the regular TMIC address that you send mail to.)

Barbara H.


2006-03-05 Thread JHarper33

A few years ago there was a long and heated debate on the list 
about stem cells, and I certainly don't want to start that up again, but I feel 
I need to defend against charges of "ignorance" and not caring about people in 
pain and looking down on the disabled.My objection with stem cell research 
is the objection to using embryos, and I think that's the case with 
mostpeople whohave trouble with stem cell 
research. Believing that an embryo is a human life and not just a mass of cells, 
no matter how much pain I am in or how disabled I am, I couldn't think of ending 
that life to better my own any more than I could do my neighbor in to harvest 
his kidney. I think most peoplecan understand the logic of that, even if 
they disagree with it.

I saw a headline the other day about someone trying to pass a 
law to protect unborn babies, to prosecute someone who harms a woman in a way to 
endanger her unborn child. I thought, how sad it is that whether an unborn child 
is protected or not depends on whether it's wanted.

That said, though, I've seen some very promising studies about 
adult stem cells and stem cells in umbilical cord blood and that kind of thing. 
So, it's not the issue of stem cells themselves that there are problems with -- 
just the use of embryos for it.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 3/4/2006 8:04:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  our best hope of beating this thing just may possibly be stem cells,but 
  remember as long as the govt and the bleeding heart ignorant people who are 
  able to go on with their everyday lives and look down on us and do not have to 
  worry about the problems we face everyday have their hands in it,i dont think 
  youll see the therapy in our country for along time.or at least untill an 
  election year when promises are made but not kept.

Re: [TMIC] Fw: I've lost all of my prednisone weight.....

2006-03-04 Thread JHarper33

Any possible negative effects from fish 

[TMIC] March Birthdays

2006-03-01 Thread JHarper33

Happy Birthday to the March babies!!!

Please send any additions or corrections to

3-3 Marsha Scholes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

03.05.42. Bettie Imus ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3-7-51 Sue Mattis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3-15-1952 Sandra Melville ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3-17-50 Joy S. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3/24/99 Rachel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

3/30/52 Gary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

3-31-39 Jan H ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[TMIC] Re: Happy Birthday, Phyllis!

2006-02-23 Thread JHarper33

Sure -- send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
with the Subject subscribe. When you write notes to the list, the regular 
address is tmic-list@eskimo.combut you have to 
send an e-mail to that first address first to get subscribed.

In a message dated 2/23/2006 12:54:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Thank you for the birthday greeting.
  Can you tell me how to get back on the TMIC list. I have misplaced 
  the email address. Thanks.[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hope you have a great birthday!

Barbara H. from TMIC

The best giftever:

The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 

Re: [TMIC] Bathroom chair w/wheels

2006-02-15 Thread JHarper33

I've not seen anything like that, but I wonder if you 
could get the type of chair designed for people to use in the shower and have 
someone put wheels on it for you. That would also have the advantage of being a 
little on the wider side and sturdy (I don't know about anyone else, but 
stool-type chairs of any height make me feel like I'm going to fall off). Or, 
you could find a chair designed for a vanity at some place like Home Depot or 
Lowe's and maybe do the same thing -- have someone put wheels on it -- though I 
think those usually have backs on them.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 2/14/2006 4:00:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I walk with 
  a walker around the house. I'm able to stand to brush my teeth in the 
  morning and at night time. But there are times that I'm too tried to 
  stand. So, I'm looking for a small chair without a back on it that I can 
  pull out from under the counter and it push up to a wall and set and can put 
  it back under the counter when I'm not useing it. 
  Does anyone know where I 
  can find a bathroom chair with wheels like that?
  Thanks for your time 
  Corpus Christi, TX
  TM  HIV 
  meds April 2002
  HBV September 1989
  Shingles 1988

Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-13 Thread JHarper33

I've had dizziness since TM. It never occurred to me to ask 
whether it was part of TM or not -- I just assumed it was since it came with TM 
onset, and, like most of my other symptoms, has gotten better but still flares 
up from time to time. I've had balance problems since TM onset, so I just 
connected the dizzniess to that -- but that's just guessing on my 

(Got a chuckle when I made a typo and put "fizziness" at first 
instead of dizziness. :-) )

Barbara H.


2006-02-12 Thread JHarper33

Those are the archives from whenthe list started til 
July 1999. As I said previously, it is the archives from July 99- Oct. 2, 2005 
which are missing. Not just the archives are missing, but escribe, the company 
that was holding the archives for those years, is missing. As Jim Lubin wrote 
the other day, the whole company just disappeared from the Internet. The newer 
archives from Oct. 2, 2005 are stored in a different place, but the link is on 
the TMIC site.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 2/12/2006 3:13:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Is this what we were looking for?
  Elyria, Ohio


2006-02-11 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:00:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, 


All the intro stories that had been posting during the time the archives 
were kept on escribe are lost. :-(

Re: [TMIC] are these the archives?

2006-02-10 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 2/10/2006 8:35:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Those are the archives of posts since Oct. 
2, 2005. The archives from Aug. 1996 through July 8, 1999 are available on the 
TMIC web site. The archives from between those -- from July 8, 1999 -- Oct. 2, 
2005 were stored on something called "escribe" which has disappeared. 


[TMIC] Archives

2006-02-05 Thread JHarper33

I knew some of the e-scribe archives were lost, but was looking today and 
it looks like they're all gone. So we have no archives from July 1999 until 
October of 2005? That's sad. :-( 

When things in cyberspace go "poof" they really do disappear...

Barbara H.

[TMIC] February Birthdays

2006-02-01 Thread JHarper33

Happy Birthday!!!

(Please send any additions or corrections to

2/2/63 Ursula ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2/2 Lisa in TN ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2/4/94 Isaac Sargent ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

2-5 Tita in Delaware ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 

2-6-51 Barbara Alma ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

2-7-82 Barbara in Texas ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2-9-41 Frank Trascritt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2-10-55 Sue ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

2/11/55 Mary ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 

02/16/38 David T. Gibson ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

2/16/62 Diane Aja ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


2-20 Norma ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

21/02/47 Phyllis Pollock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


2/27/53 Cindy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [TMIC] stiffness and regression?

2006-01-31 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 1/30/2006 5:31:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  The neuro did say the stiffness and the 
  bowel/urine controls are all assoc. with the nerves and that's fine, I can 
  deal with that. I do see smaller improvements in other areas. But does this 
  regress or seemingly get worse a times?

Yes, it can be worse at times. There were times in the first few years of 
TM that I'd almost think I was having another attack. It can be made worse by 
stress, lack of sleep, illness, and sometimes for no obvious reason at 

Barbara H.


2006-01-31 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 1/31/2006 9:57:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I searched for that online and found a definition in 

"Clonus is repetitive, rhythmic contractions of a muscle when attempting to 
hold it in a stretched state. It is a strong, deep tendon reflex that occurs 
when the central nervous 
system fails to inhibit it. Clonus is not the same thing as myoclonus, which is 
irregular and uncontrollable jerks of a muscle or group of muscles. "

I looked up myoclonus as well, which is defined as:

"Myoclonus describes sudden and uncontrollable jerks of a muscle or a group 
of muscles. The word, "myoclonus", comes from "myo" meaning muscle and "clonus" 
meaning twitch. It can happen at rest (negative myoclonus) or with movement 
(positive myoclonus). Myoclonus can occur infrequently or every few seconds and 
can range in severity from a minor irritation to a disabling symptom that can 
make walking or other activities very difficult. 

Some myoclonic jerks are quite normal - hiccoughs (hippcups) and the twitches 
as you fall asleep are both examples of myoclonus. However, myoclonus is often 
associated with neurological or biochemical conditions including multiple sclerosis, 
Parkinson's disease, stroke, spinal cord injury, kidney or liver failure and 
lipid storage disease. Other forms occur in the absence of any other disease. 
Myoclonus in one or both legs during the night is known as Noctural Myoclonus or 
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and can also occur in the absence of any other 
disease. Myoclonic jerks are often seen during epileptic siezures. 
Although it can be caused by damage to peripheral 
nerves, most forms of myoclonus are caused by problems in the central nervous 
system. The precise mechanisms unlying it are not fully understood and it is 
possible that the different forms may have different causes. Some people 
speculate that it results from a chemical imbalance in neurotransmitters 
causing nerves to become over-excitable. Another theory is that nerve signals 
from the brain, that would normally suppress these primitive reflexes, may be 
prevented from getting through by nerve damage. 
Piracetam, Sodium valproate, Phenytoin and Primidone and several other 
tranquilising or anti-epilepsy drugs are often used to treat myoclonus. "
Myoclonus sounds like what I am experiencing.
Also found an interesting web site at a lot of info. 
on movement-related disorders.
Barbara H.


2006-01-31 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 1/31/2006 11:50:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I get something like that, too -- in the bend between my leg and torso I'll 
get a little twitch that will a second or two later cause myleg to jerk a 
few times. If I rub the area just a little it will prevent it, but if I am out 
in public it is a little awkward to rub that area...

Barbara H.

[TMIC] Muscle vibrations or tremors

2006-01-30 Thread JHarper33

For the last few days I've been experiencing what feels like a sort of 
vibration or trembling feeling in some of my muscles. It seems to travel around 
between my chest, left forearm and thighs. I've experienced it to a smaller 
degree before, but never this much area at one time or for this length of time. 
It isn't painful or uncomfortable, and I'm not worried about it per se. It's 
just disconcerting. Ten years post-TM, I know that these kinds of things come 
and go. 

Anyone else experience this?

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Shellfish vs TM

2006-01-14 Thread JHarper33

My husband, who doesn't have TM, is affected when he eats shrimp. It makes 
him jittery and makes his heart pound. Sometimes it sends him to the bathroom 
with urgency. But he still eats them because he likes them.

I was hit with TM more than 10 years ago and haven't noitced any affect. It 
may be that this man just has a sensitivity to shellfish that wasso slight 
before he didn't notice it but now with TM it affects him more. My neurologist 
told me my system was more sensitive to stimuli in general, so even things like 
not getting enough sleep or having a slight cold affected me in ways it hadn't 
before TM. 

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] test

2006-01-05 Thread JHarper33

It has been pretty quiet. I guess we're all recovering from 
the holidays. :-)

Barbara H.

In a message dated 1/5/2006 1:37:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I haven't 
  received any email since Jan 2. Is everyone asleep or is there just no 

Re: [TMIC] Da list just lost a nuther member

2005-12-29 Thread JHarper33

Thanks for letting us know, Bobby Jim. She was a sweetheart. 
She'll be missed.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 12/28/2005 9:13:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Emogene Edwards passed away early 24 
  We will miss her much.


2005-12-18 Thread JHarper33

Thanks so much for letting us know. We hadn't heard from her in a long 
while, and I had wondered about her many times. She was a sweet, caring soul, 
and I was so sorry that she was hit so hard with TM. 

My mom passed away on the exact same day. Maybe they are getting to know 
each other even now.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 12/17/2005 10:40:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Dear All, If any of you 
  remember Mykella Ribble I am writing this to let you know that she passed away 
  peacefully on December 10th. I wanted to thank you for the support she 
  received from the club, I know how much she appreciated it. My best 
  wishes and thanks to all, Mykella's Mom. 

[TMIC] OT: My mom passed away today

2005-12-10 Thread JHarper33

We just found out this evening that my mom 
passed away this afternoon. She had had heart and other problems for years. It 
seems to have been a massive heart attack, though we haven't received final word 
yet. There was no warning, no shortness of breath, etc. -- just suddenly she was 
gone.We're in the midst of figuring out travel plans to and from Texas 
-- it looks now like we'll be leaving Mon. afternoon and coming back Thursday or 
Saturday. At this point it looks like the funeral will be Wed. At this point, 
also, it looks like my older two sons won't be coming with us, but my youngest 
will be.For those who pray, I have some specific prayer requests for the 
next few days. If you wouldn't mind praying, e-mail me off-list and I will send 

[TMIC] December birthdays

2005-12-01 Thread JHarper33

Happy Birthday to all the December babies!!

(Please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

12-2-74 Meghan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


12- 4-34 Jan Burgess ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

12-8-62 Lori Malloy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

12-10-59 Shirley from UK ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

12-10-77 Lauren in MO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

12-11-47 Donna Hodson ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )


12-15-70 CarolAnn B.L. from South Carolina, USA ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

12-16-60 Rachael ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

12-18-57 Rod Jenke ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

12/23/49 Roger Pratt ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

12-25 Gilly ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [TMIC] Working Properly???

2005-11-19 Thread JHarper33

I've been off and on today with no problems that I know of -- I've 
received8 TMIC e-mails with today's date.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 11/19/2005 4:33:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Hi All,
  Is anyone besides me having trouble using AOL today? I 
  had enormous problems signing on, am registering no email, and am having 
  trouble when clicking on "Settings", for instance.
  I am right here, waiting to hear from someone. If you 
  send email and I have not responded within, say...10 minutes, please use IM to 
  get me.
  Thanks so much for your help.

Re: [TMIC] Help TMA

2005-11-19 Thread JHarper33

I have the Transerve Myelitis Association listed there as my charity of 
choice. I don't know if I've ever heard of the International Disability 
Association -- It sounds a little like Gunny's orgnaization, but I can't 
remember for sure.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 11/19/2005 4:54:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  If any of our folks are thinking about 
  shopping on line for Christmas presents, I would
  like to suggest finding a place to shop 
  that supports our own organization.
  That would be the iGive mall where they 
  have everything from cloths toxylophones to
  well...what ever you can think 
  of. If you go to the site here and sign in,
  and please designate the International Disability 
  Coalition as the placeyou choose
  to have your bonusdollars sent.
  This amount is based on what you buy 
  and later on they will send you a notice of how
  much you have had them donate to this 
  This is the organization that Jim Lubin 
  started and that helps us TMers raise funds
  to support the organization so they 
  don't have to take as much money out of their own
  pockets to keep it going.
  It won't cost you a penny to do this 
  and it sure will help.

Re: [TMIC] Help TMA

2005-11-19 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 11/19/2005 5:03:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I have the Transerve Myelitis Association listed there as my charity of 
  choice. I don't know if I've ever heard of the International Disability 
  Association -- It sounds a little like Gunny's orgnaization, but I can't 
  remember for sure.
  Barbara H.

Oops -- that was International Disability 
Coalition, as Mary Eden said, not Association. I just googled it, and I 
think that is Gunny's organization -- another worthy charity.

Barbara H.

[TMIC] Improvements

2005-11-05 Thread JHarper33

Someone mentioned being told they 
wouldn't have major improvements after a couple of years. I "met" TM personally 
10 years ago, and since that time have not been able to feel cold or pain in my 
right foot (there are myriad other residual symptoms, just mentioning this one 
right now). I can feel touch, pressure, tingling there. But the other day I 
accidentally stepped on a small piece of ice and it registered as COLD! I 
actually had to look at my feet and think, "Wait a minuteis it this foot or 
the other one?" LOL!


Re: [TMIC] November Birthdays

2005-11-01 Thread JHarper33

Just send it to the regular list address at and I'll put 
it on my "master list" from there. We don't have them on the TMIC web site so 
hackers and spammers can't get to them.

Have a good day!

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] November Birthdays

2005-11-01 Thread JHarper33

Oops! Didn't mean for that note to go to the list. Sorry!

Barbara H.


2005-10-26 Thread JHarper33

In a message dated 10/25/2005 11:32:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  (Last week I lost weight, so this week I thought maybe I should add some 
  *vitamins* to my diet: MM's 
  best vitamins made!)
  Hope your husband feels better!
  Take care
  Linda in Bothell, WA

A few minutes after I read the above, I read this in another e-mail:

"According to a recent article I just read on nutrition, they said eating 
right doesn't have to be complicated. Nutritionists say there is a simple way to 
tell if you're eating right. Colors. Fill your plates with bright colors. 
Greens, reds, yellows. In fact, I did that this morning. I had an entire bowl of 
MM's. It was delicious! I never knew eating right could be so easy."

LOL!! I wish!

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Regarding colds and such

2005-10-19 Thread JHarper33

When my kids were babies, the dr. had us use a saline 
solution spray when they had colds. I don't know why it never occurred to me 
that it would be good for adults, too.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/18/2005 8:33:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I heard a report on NPR about nasal irrigation, 
  where a saline solution is sprayed into the nostrils, and said solution tends 
  to minimize the impact of colds, stuffy noses, sore sinuses and the like. Am 
  gonna google a thing or two and report on my findings later.

Re: [TMIC] List email problems.

2005-10-13 Thread JHarper33

I'm not sure why the list address would 
work as forwards and CCs but not as regular e-mailing? But then I'm not very 
technically literate. Hope somebody with more expertise can 

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/12/2005 2:26:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Gina is having a lot of difficulty posting to the 
  list. Her emails are coming back as undeliverable. I too have a 
  lot of problems sending, which is often why I send my posts as 
  forwards.Is there anything that we can do to get her emails 
  through. She could really use all of our support.

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