Re: Mynewt logo - request for input

2015-11-17 Thread Christopher Collins
I think they are all really good, but my preference is for 1 or 2.

I lke 1's font the best, and I like the way the newt's tail wraps around
the y.  So actually I guess I like 1 the best :).


On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 09:49:24AM -0800, aditi hilbert wrote:
> Good point! Doing that now :)
> > On Nov 17, 2015, at 9:47 AM, P. Taylor Goetz  wrote:
> > 
> > Cool!
> > 
> > For the purpose of discussion, it might be a good idea to annotate the PDF 
> > to give each one a number for easier reference. Otherwise we’ll have to 
> > reference them by description (e.g. “The green one with the ‘m’ inside the 
> > newt’s tail.” ;) )
> > 
> > -Taylor
> > 
> > 
> >> On Nov 17, 2015, at 12:32 PM, aditi hilbert  wrote:
> >> 
> >> Thanks, all. I just created MYNEWT-12 
> >> .
> >> 
> >> aditi
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> On Nov 17, 2015, at 9:21 AM, P. Taylor Goetz  wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> Confirming that no attachments were received on your reply.
> >>> 
> >>> Looks like another route is in order. JIRA attachments might be the 
> >>> easiest route.
> >>> 
> >>> -Taylor
> >>> 
>  On Nov 17, 2015, at 12:12 PM, Marvin Humphrey  
>  wrote:
>  On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 7:32 AM, aditi hilbert  wrote:
> > I did attach the document with 4 drawings of “mynewt” to my mail. I am 
> > going
> > to try a second time with the original drawings of 6 “mynewts". Please
> > ignore the first page with drawings of newt on it. The following two 
> > pages
> > should show a total of 6 drawings. Hope you can see them this time!
>  It seems that this emailing list is configured to strip attachments.  As 
>  extra
>  confirmation, I've attached the Incubator's egg logo to this email; I 
>  predict
>  you won't see it, though because of gmail's quirky deduping I probably 
>  will.
>  The easiest way to share an image is probably to open a MYNEWT Jira 
>  issue and
>  attach it there, or possibly just to commit the files to the site svn 
>  repo.
>  For text there are lots of other options such as, Github
>  gists or pull requests, and so on, but for images there's not a perfect 
>  answer
>  that I know of.  The downside is that we won't be able to view them in 
>  our
>  browsers without downloading first because of MIME type issues (unless 
>  you
>  commit to svn and fiddle with the svn properties), but since the target
>  audience is developers, it's not unreasonable to ask us to figure things 
>  out.
>  Marvin Humphrey
> >>> 
> >> 
> > 

Mynewt Windows port

2015-10-27 Thread Christopher Collins
Hi all,

I wanted to share some details about what is planned for the Windows
port of Mynewt.  There is still some work to be done, but here is a
rough description of what is planned.

Thanks to a lot of help from Todd and Ray, we have a Windows port that
is mostly working.  I wanted to provide a summary to see if anyone
anticipates any major issues.  I am certain that I got some of the
docker concepts wrong, so please feel free to correct any of my
misconceptions :).

Rather than create Windows ports of all the necessary components, we
just run Linux versions of all the software in a virtual machine.
Windows communicates with the Linux VM via transient ssh connections.
When the user issues a command intended to run in Linux from a Windows
command prompt, the corresponding Linux command is executed in the Linux
VM.  This allows the user to utilize Linux from within Windows without
having to explicitly mess with VMs.  All commands intended to run in
Linux would need to be prefaced by a script that we provide to ensure
the necessary ssh mechanism is used.

There are a few shortcomings with this solution, as described:
* There is no protection against the VM accidentally becoming
  unusable (e.g., required files getting deleted in the VM).
* Upgrading any Linux tools, in particular the newt tool, requires
  the user to download a complete VM containing the upgrade.

These shortcomings are addressed by a tool called Docker.  When
executed, Docker creates a consistently reproducible and self-contained
environment in Linux.  By creating a custom docker image, a user can
have assurance that a particular set of commands will always execute

In addition, docker images use a layered format.  To receive updates to
one or more of the linux tools, the user just needs to download the
newest layers (similar to applying a patch).

The Windows install of Docker ("docker toolbox") consists of:
* A Windows port of ssh.
* A copy of Oracle VirtualBox.
* A minimal Linux VM that runs in VirtualBox.
* The docker tool.

In addition, we would need to provide:
1. A docker image consisting of an environment with:
* The newt command-line tool
* Go
* A multilib-capable native gcc / glibc
* An arm-none-eabi gcc
* Native gdb

2. A Windows batch file (script) that allows the user to run Linux
   commands from a command prompt.  The batch file would also ensure
   that the VM is running.

Every time the user uses the script to run a command, the following
sequence of events occurs:
1. A new docker environment is created in the Linux VM.
2. The specified command is sent to the docker environment via ssh.
3. The Linux command runs.
4. The output from the command is sent back to Windows via ssh.
5. The output is displayed in the Windows command prompt.

All the user files (C source, yml, .o, .a, .elf, etc.) reside on the
Windows file system, not in the Linux filesystem within the VM.  So, the
user does not need to interact with the VM at all to manipulate any
files related to his or her project.

So that is the proposal for how the Windows port will work.  My main
concern with this solution is that setting up docker in Windows 10 is
problematic.  There are issues configuring the host-only interfaces
required for the ssh connections.  There is a new version of the docker
toolbox to be released shortly (within a week or two) that is supposed
to address these isses, so hopefully it is not something we need to
worry about.

There are a few other issues that I have run into, but it is difficult
to tell how serious they are because of the Windows 10 problems.  So, I
think we are stuck waiting for the next docker toolbox release before I
can determine what we can and cannot hide behind the batch file.

Finally, one annoyance is that this solution only works on an actual
Windows box.  The Linux VM fails to start if Windows itself is already
running in a VM.  I don't anticipate this being an issue for users, but
it creates quite a bit of hassle for people developing the Windows port.

Thanks for reading,

Re: [Chicken-users] GC root gets garbage collected

2015-03-20 Thread Christopher Collins
On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Christopher Collins wrote:
 Hello Chicken users,

 I'm struggling with an issue where a scheme object is being unexpectedly
 garbage collected.

Just to provide an update - the problem appears to be solved.  My mistake was
that I was reusing a reference obtained from CHICKEN_gc_root_ref() for several
calls into scheme.  The fix was to call CHICKEN_gc_root_ref() each and every
time I need to access the scheme object.  Lesson learned :).

Thanks again,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] GC root gets garbage collected

2015-03-19 Thread Christopher Collins
Thanks, Peter.

The C code always uses CHICKEN_gc_root_ref() to obtain the reference
that it passes to the scheme code.

Also, something that I didn't make very clear: after creating the root
as paraphrased in my previous email, the C code successfully passes
the struct reference to a scheme procedure several hundred times.
But, eventually, immediately after the garbage collector runs, the
next call to the scheme function fails.  I can see the relative timing
of the garbage collector via a call to (set-gc-report! #t).

I am not enabling symbol garbage collection, so I don't think that bug
you referenced is the problem.

Anyway, I just mention the above as clarification.  I will do some
more investigation and work on coming up with a self-contained
example.  Thanks a lot for the quick response.


On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Peter Bex wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:21:47PM -0700, Christopher Collins wrote:
 The way I understood it, the returned mystruct instance would never get
 garbage collected until I explicitly call CHICKEN_delete_gc_root().  I never
 actually delete the root (I set a breakpoint on CHICKEN_delete_gc_root in 
 just to be sure), but the object gets garbage collected anyway.  The next 
 I try to pass the instance of mystruct to a scheme procedure, the procedure
 fails because the argument is not of the expected type (when I print the
 argument, I see  #invalid forwarded object).

 Hello Christopher,

 How are you accessing the object?  If it's from C, you need to use GC_root_ref
 to obtain a fresh reference to the object; you can't use a stale reference
 to the object you saved in the GC root.

 I must be confused about how gc roots work.  Am I doing anything that is
 obviously wrong?  I can try to post some real code if that would help.

 It would certainly help if you posted a minimal example of the failing
 situation.  I don't immediately saw anything wrong with the bit you
 posted, but it only showed how you saved the object, not how the rest
 of the code uses it.

 Also, please be aware of; you'll only
 run into that if you enable symbol GC though, which happens when you
 pass -:w to a CHICKEN program or set C_enable_gcweak to nonzero.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] GC root gets garbage collected

2015-03-19 Thread Christopher Collins
Hello Chicken users,

I'm struggling with an issue where a scheme object is being unexpectedly
garbage collected.

To provide some context: my program's main() is in C, and the C code calls out
to scheme procedures.  One of these scheme procedures makes and returns a
struct (via the defstruct extension).  I attempt to store the resulting struct
in a gc root, but the struct gets garbage collected anyway, at some
indeterminate time in the future.  Here is what my code (basically) looks like:


(require-extension defstruct)
(defstruct mystruct foo)

(define-external (new_mystruct ()) scheme-object

/* mystruct.c */

void *
C_word mystruct;
void *root;

root = CHICKEN_new_gc_root();
mystruct = new_mystruct();
CHICKEN_gc_root_set(root, mystruct);
return root;

The way I understood it, the returned mystruct instance would never get
garbage collected until I explicitly call CHICKEN_delete_gc_root().  I never
actually delete the root (I set a breakpoint on CHICKEN_delete_gc_root in gdb,
just to be sure), but the object gets garbage collected anyway.  The next time
I try to pass the instance of mystruct to a scheme procedure, the procedure
fails because the argument is not of the expected type (when I print the
argument, I see  #invalid forwarded object).

I must be confused about how gc roots work.  Am I doing anything that is
obviously wrong?  I can try to post some real code if that would help.

All responses appreciated.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Vim plugin for chicken-docs

2015-03-12 Thread Christopher Collins
This is great.  Thanks, Sergi!

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 4:12 AM, Sergi Mansilla wrote:
 Hi there,

 I have no idea of how many of you use vim to code in chicken (we are quite a
 minority, I think) but I made a very simple plugin that integrates
 chicken-doc with vim:

 I am just getting started with Chicken and I found that integrating the docs
 with my editor makes everything easier. Keep in mind that it is pretty raw
 and simple, but it has enough functionality to be useful already. From here,
 it should be easy to improve.

 Of course, bug reports and contributions are more than welcome! The insight
 of veteran chickenistas would also help a lot to improve.


 Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

[log4perl-devel] a quick suggestion

2014-12-08 Thread Christopher Collins
Mike , Kevin

I really like your Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI  !

I have one small suggestion for the synopsis

  Log::Log4perl::init ( \$config ) ;

  my $logger = Log::Log4perl-get_logger () ;


$logger-warn ($custid, 'big problem!!', $ip_addr);

It tripped me up

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict ;
use warnings ;

use Log::Log4perl;
use Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI;

my $config = q{
 log4j.category = WARN, DBAppndr, SCREEN
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr = Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.datasource  = DBI:mysql:APPLOG
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.username= logger
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.password= ready
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.sql = \
insert into LOG   \
(level, script, message) \
values (?,?,?)
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.1 = %p
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.usePreparedStmt = 1
 #just pass through the array of message items in the log statement
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.layout= Log::Log4perl::Layout::NoopLayout
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.warp_message = 0
 #driver attributes support
 log4j.appender.DBAppndr.attrs.f_encoding = utf8
 log4perl.appender.SCREEN   = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
 log4perl.appender.SCREEN.stderr= 0
 log4perl.appender.SCREEN.layout= Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
 log4perl.appender.SCREEN.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p %m %n

Log::Log4perl::init ( \$config ) ;

my $log = Log::Log4perl-get_logger () ;

$log-warn( $0, 'big problem!!' );


Chris Collins
Programmer Analyst
Phone: 630-282-0361
Mobile: 630-247-6705

Address: 605 Territorial Dr. Bolingbrook, IL 60440


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log4perl-devel mailing list

[Chicken-users] Determine if program has been compiled

2014-07-12 Thread Christopher Collins
Hello chicken users,

Is there a way to determine, in code, whether a chicken program has been
compiled?  I am thinking of something similar to:

(chicken-script ... )

...but with an identifer different from chicken-script.

It is possible that I'm asking the wrong question.  My underlying
problem is: I want my program to behave one way when I load it from
within csi, and another way when I either execute it with csi -script
or compile it and execute the binary.  In particular, to make debugging
easier, I want to skip command line parsing when I load the code in csi.
The cond-expand,chicken-script form lets me determine when the program
was run with csi -script.  However, it does not solve the
compile-and-run scenario; the resulting executable behaves as though it
were loaded into csi.

Thank you,
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Determine if program has been compiled

2014-07-12 Thread Christopher Collins
On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Peter Bex wrote:

 There's a cond-expand identifier called compiling.  See also
 for other identifiers that you can dispatch on with cond-expand.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:

 Maybe can be

Thank you, Peter and Mario.  That does exactly what I need!

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Crash with multithreaded TCP code

2014-07-08 Thread Christopher Collins
Just a quick follow-up-

I tried the above program with a newer version of chicken (, and it
works without issue.  So I am considering the problem solved.

Thanks for the cool piece of software.


On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 8:01 PM, Christopher Collins

 Yeah, it probably would have helped if I included that, wouldn't it? :)

 Here it is:

 #!/usr/bin/csi -script

 (use extras)
 (use srfi-18)
 (use tcp)

 (define num-threads 2)

 (define (connect port)
   (let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect port)))
 (read i)))

 (let loop ((port 9000) (threads '()))
   (if (= (length threads) num-threads)
 (for-each thread-join! threads)
 (loop (+ port 1) (cons (thread-start! (lambda () (connect port)))

 On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Alan Post

 Did I miss the source to threadtest.scm here?  The file that
 contains the variable num-threads?  I don't see it.


 On Sun, Jul 06, 2014 at 05:41:44PM -0700, Christopher Collins wrote:
 Version info:
 ** (c) 2008-2013, The Chicken Team
 ** (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
 ** Version (stability/4.8.0) (rev 091c3d9)
 ** linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
 ** compiled 2013-03-12 on aeryn.xorinia.dim (Darwin)
 I'm encountering a crash with some multithreaded tcp code.** I am at
 loss as to what I'm doing wrong; I was hoping someone else could
 spot my
 Below is a simple program which produces the crash.** When I run it,
 I get
 the following output:
 ** *** Error in `/usr/bin/csi': realloc(): invalid next size:
 0x01c05210 ***
 I run the program as follows:
 1. Start two instances of nc; one listening on [1],
 other on [2]** Redirect a ~1KB file to nc, such
 that nc
 will send the file to whomever connects to it.
 2. Run the scheme script
 ** nc -l -p 9000  ~/tmpfile
 ** nc -l -p 9001  ~/tmpfile
 ** ./threadtest.scm
 If I change the definition of num-threads from 2 to 1, the program
 runs to
 Any ideas?
 Visible links

  Chicken-users mailing list

 my personal website:

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Crash with multithreaded TCP code

2014-07-06 Thread Christopher Collins
Version info:
(c) 2008-2013, The Chicken Team
(c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
Version (stability/4.8.0) (rev 091c3d9)
linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
compiled 2013-03-12 on aeryn.xorinia.dim (Darwin)


I'm encountering a crash with some multithreaded tcp code.  I am at a loss
as to what I'm doing wrong; I was hoping someone else could spot my mistake.

Below is a simple program which produces the crash.  When I run it, I get
the following output:

*** Error in `/usr/bin/csi': realloc(): invalid next size:
0x01c05210 ***

I run the program as follows:
1. Start two instances of nc; one listening on, the
other on  Redirect a ~1KB file to nc, such that nc will
send the file to whomever connects to it.
2. Run the scheme script

nc -l -p 9000  ~/tmpfile
nc -l -p 9001  ~/tmpfile

If I change the definition of num-threads from 2 to 1, the program runs to

Any ideas?

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Crash with multithreaded TCP code

2014-07-06 Thread Christopher Collins
Yeah, it probably would have helped if I included that, wouldn't it? :)

Here it is:

#!/usr/bin/csi -script

(use extras)
(use srfi-18)
(use tcp)

(define num-threads 2)

(define (connect port)
  (let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect port)))
(read i)))

(let loop ((port 9000) (threads '()))
  (if (= (length threads) num-threads)
(for-each thread-join! threads)
(loop (+ port 1) (cons (thread-start! (lambda () (connect port)))

On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Alan Post

 Did I miss the source to threadtest.scm here?  The file that
 contains the variable num-threads?  I don't see it.


 On Sun, Jul 06, 2014 at 05:41:44PM -0700, Christopher Collins wrote:
 Version info:
 ** (c) 2008-2013, The Chicken Team
 ** (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
 ** Version (stability/4.8.0) (rev 091c3d9)
 ** linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
 ** compiled 2013-03-12 on aeryn.xorinia.dim (Darwin)
 I'm encountering a crash with some multithreaded tcp code.** I am at a
 loss as to what I'm doing wrong; I was hoping someone else could spot
 Below is a simple program which produces the crash.** When I run it,
 I get
 the following output:
 ** *** Error in `/usr/bin/csi': realloc(): invalid next size:
 0x01c05210 ***
 I run the program as follows:
 1. Start two instances of nc; one listening on [1],
 other on [2]** Redirect a ~1KB file to nc, such
 that nc
 will send the file to whomever connects to it.
 2. Run the scheme script
 ** nc -l -p 9000  ~/tmpfile
 ** nc -l -p 9001  ~/tmpfile
 ** ./threadtest.scm
 If I change the definition of num-threads from 2 to 1, the program
 runs to
 Any ideas?
 Visible links

  Chicken-users mailing list

 my personal website:

Chicken-users mailing list

[Bug 1319144] [NEW] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Fatal error

2014-05-13 Thread Christopher Collins
Public bug reported:

After installing phpldapadmin on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server I get this
error when trying to load the web page my-site/phpldapadmin

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare password_hash() in
/usr/share/phpldapadmin/lib/functions.php on line 2225

Feel free to contact me for more information. I'll let you have a look
at my server if you want.

** Affects: phpldapadmin (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Fatal error

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: Office may need upgrade

2013-10-31 Thread Christopher Collins
MacPracticve or ExACT/Oasis or Dental4Windows under VirtualBox.


On 31 Oct 2013, at 11:04 pm, Shields E-mail wrote:

 Thanks for having this group you have enabled me to keep my office running. I 
 am currently running a dental office on an iMac purchased in 2000 (yes I am 
 the only Mac owner to have had a y2k problem from translated PC software that 
 could not print on January 1,2000). Originally purchased software in 1992, 
 upgraded in 2000 running on OS9. Need it for billing, insurance forms, and 
 recalls. Have the ability to put appointments on it but prefer an old 
 fashioned book. Charting and X-rays separate. Although I would like to have 
 some newer insurance forms, the system works so easily I would keep it 
 forever. The power button on the iMac is getting glitchy making me nervous 
 that it will die before I have a plan. Zip back up died years ago. Currently 
 I back up to a flash drive but there is only one compatible flash drive I 
 have found. I purchased many others but they did not work. I actually have 
 another old iMac and I connected the two and put one on the other but could 
 not unlock the software and still cannot restart from a backup. I called the 
 software company a few years ago to learn how to restart from a back up but 
 since I have not purchased yearly support they would not help me unless I 
 repurchased the software and upgrade. I can't just get a new Mac since the 
 software is not OS10 compatible. I thought I would upgrade now to a new Mac 
 and get the new software but the company stopped producing in 2008. I don't 
 want to purchase old tech as I tend to keep it long enough to get old on its 
 own! Is it time for me to learn how to work a PC? I envision severe problems 
 with data migration and if that proves true, run the new system parallel to 
 the old one for one full year as long as I have a new system before the old 
 one dies. Every program claims it is so easy but not many are truely 
 intuitive, current program DentalMac really asks you to just fill in the 
 blank (not as good as the 1992 version) they do more but you have to know 
 where to look and my staff is dumb. Any advice desperately sought, thank you 

You received this message because you are a member of the iMac Group, a group 
for those using Apple iMacs and eMacs.
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Re: tmux 1.8 crash on font resize

2013-04-16 Thread Christopher Collins
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Nicholas Marriott wrote:

Can you show the code you changed rather than making me guess? :-)

That would have been a sensible detail to include!  Here is what I changed.
I don't know what this change might break.

--- ../temp/tmux-1.8/screen.c   2013-02-24 04:42:49.0 -0800
+++ screen.c2013-04-16 05:10:49.0 -0700
@@ -366,7 +366,12 @@
 screen_reflow(struct screen *s, u_int new_x)
struct grid *old = s-grid;
+   int diff;

s-grid = grid_create(old-sx, old-sy, old-hlimit);
-   s-cy -= grid_reflow(s-grid, old, new_x);
+   diff = grid_reflow(s-grid, old, new_x);
+   if (diff  s-cy) {
+   diff = s-cy;
+   }
+   s-cy -= diff;

Are you increasing or decreasing the font size when this happens? Ie
does the number of rows shrink or grow?

It happens when I decrease the font size.

I think screen_resize_y should be changed to prevent s-cy going
negative. Obviously something later on (after screen_reflow) is fixing
it up but we shouldn't be relying on that.

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tmux-users mailing list

Re: End of word in copy mode; don't include following character.

2013-02-12 Thread Christopher Collins
Thanks guys for looking into it.  It is nothing more than a minor nuisance,
so I will happily continue using tmux.


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Ben Boeckel wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Feb, 2013 at 09:48:38 GMT, Nicholas Marriott wrote:
  Hmm. We can't change next-word-end because it is used by emacs mode so
  we'd have to add yet another new command for vi cursor movement. I don't
  remember if we deliberately decided not to do this or not.

 I have it on my TODO list to make the word motion movements not do
 one-past if EDITOR contains 'vi' or the keybindings are vi-like. Haven't
 gotten around to any tmux hacking lately though :( .


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 tmux-users mailing list

Free Next-Gen Firewall Hardware Offer
Buy your Sophos next-gen firewall before the end March 2013 
and get the hardware for free! Learn more.
tmux-users mailing list

Re: End of word in copy mode; don't include following character.

2013-02-11 Thread Christopher Collins
Hi Nicholas,

Sorry, I should have mentioned the version number earlier.  I am running
tmux 1.7.


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:00 AM, Nicholas Marriott wrote:


 What tmux version are you using?

 On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 09:52:05AM -0800, Christopher Collins wrote:
 I have noticed an inconsistency among tmux copy mode and vim.* In
 the 'e' key behaves slightly differently.
 Here are the behaviors of 'e' that I have observed:
 *** * tmux copy mode: repositions cursor to end of current word + 1.
 *** * vim:*** repositions cursor to end of current word.*
 Is it possible to configure tmux such that these keys behave like the
 equivalents?* In other words, when I am copying text from a tmux
 pane, I
 usually don't want to include the character immediately following the
 word in the copy operation.
 (The same discrepancy exists for 'E').
 Any suggestions are much appreciated,

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  Buy your Sophos next-gen firewall before the end March 2013
  and get the hardware for free! Learn more.

  tmux-users mailing list

Free Next-Gen Firewall Hardware Offer
Buy your Sophos next-gen firewall before the end March 2013 
and get the hardware for free! Learn more.
tmux-users mailing list

End of word in copy mode; don't include following character.

2013-02-10 Thread Christopher Collins
I have noticed an inconsistency among tmux copy mode and vim.  In
the 'e' key behaves slightly differently.

Here are the behaviors of 'e' that I have observed:
* tmux copy mode: repositions cursor to end of current word + 1.
* vim:repositions cursor to end of current word.

Is it possible to configure tmux such that these keys behave like the vim
equivalents?  In other words, when I am copying text from a tmux pane, I
usually don't want to include the character immediately following the
word in the copy operation.

(The same discrepancy exists for 'E').

Any suggestions are much appreciated,
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tmux-users mailing list

Re: PC keyboard that resembles flat Apple keyboard?

2012-03-25 Thread Christopher Collins
The Apple keyboards will work perfectly well with a Windows based machine.

The only thing to remember is the CLEAR key is NUMLOCK  the APPLE key is the 
WIN key.

Other than that, I have a bunch of clients using  loving them.


On 26/03/2012, at 6:42 AM, Kathy K wrote:

 I'm a lifetime user of Macs, and only recently began using a PC at my new 
 job. IT received a grant to purchase new CPUs from Dell. One of these CPUs 
 will be for me. In addition, I'll be getting new dual monitors, a wacom 
 tablet, and a keyboard. My question is on the keyboard. I'm quite attached to 
 the feel of my Apple keyboard (one of those flat chrome ones with the white 
 keys—came with my dual core iMac) and find the PC keyboard to be rather 
 clunky and cumbersome. Are there any PC keyboards out there that are designed 
 like the Apple ones? I'd consider using an Apple keyboard, but hesitate 
 because I've read there are some quirky things happen with that combo, and 
 also I wonder if there are any keys I'd be missing out on and would need. 
 (Though I really don't know what... since my history with PCs is rather 
 short, I don't know what I 'might' need. My job description is a mix of 
 graphics, admin and some icky database stuff. I use the the Adobe suite, plus 
 Office plus aforementioned icky in-house database stuff.)
 Anyone familiar with flat PC keyboards? Or using an Apple keyboard with a PC?
 Kathy K

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Re: Problem with Toast

2012-03-14 Thread Christopher Collins
It the drive is OK, then the other option is the media.

If a burning program defaults to 2x, then generally the media is only good for 
2x burning.

I know that is how Burn and many others work. Not sure about toast, but I see 
no logical reason why it would not be the same.

What media do you use for burning?


On 09/03/2012, at 2:05 PM, Brian Christmas wrote:

 On 09/03/2012, at 1:52 PM, Dan wrote:
 At 5:45 PM +1100 3/8/2012, Brian Christmas wrote:
 Running Lion 7.3 with Toast 11.
 One of my granddaughters put an SD card into the CD slot, and by the time 
 we managed to retrieve it, I needed a new drive.
 Well, better an SD card than oatmeal.
 Toast will only burn DVD's at 2x now, whereas the old drive burnt at 5x.
 This new drive - exactly what make/model is it?
 Check the drive's capabilities - both by its actual specs and by looking at 
 it with System Profiler.
 Does Toast explicitly support that particular drive at the higher speed?
 Does it burn at faster speeds if you use a different tool, such as Finder or 
 Try different media.
 Try cleaning it...
 - Dan.
 - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
 G'day, and  thanks Dan.
   Firmware Revision:  3AHB
   Interconnect:   ATAPI
   Burn Support:   Yes (Apple Shipping Drive)
   Cache:  2048 KB
   Reads DVD:  Yes
   CD-Write:   -R, -RW
   DVD-Write:  -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
   Write Strategies:   CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
   Media:  To show the available burn speeds, insert a disc and choose 
 View  Refresh
 I tried burning 8 DVD's last night, and had some success after setting the 
 write speed to '8x DVD' twice. it then burnt at 4 to 8 speed, average speed 5.
 The first time, it did not work, but after the second try it did.
 However, closing and re-opening Toast, the setting failed to stick, and it 
 reverted to 2x.

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Re: Lion on 2008 24imac

2011-11-04 Thread Christopher Collins
And the extra 1 hour to first install SL and then Lion isn't worth a lousy $10 
to you?


On 04/11/2011, at 10:03 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

 On Nov 3, 2011, at 2:23 PM, Ben Kernan wrote:
 Recently acquired an awesome 24 imac... came with 10.5.8... how hard will 
 it be to upgrade to lion? 
 Mildly annoying. You will need to 'borrow' a copy of 10.6 to update to 10.6.8 
 so you can download the 10.7 install from the App Store.
 Apple sells 10.7 for more money on a USB thumb drive, which I think 
 will remove the necessity for upgrading to 10.6, but since that's $70, and 
 buying 10.6 apple plus 10.7 from the Mac App store is $'s cheaper to 
 go the annoying route... 10.6 $29.99  10.7 $29.99
 Note that the QA associated with the thumb drive above seems to indicate 
 that you CAN do a new install of 10.7 with the thumb drive, just not an 
 update, so if you have a backup (either Time Machine or CCC or other) of your 
 data, Migration Assistant will handle moving your data over.
 Bruce Johnson
 University of Arizona
 College of Pharmacy
 Information Technology Group

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Re: Upgrading imac, G5 or Intel?

2011-03-07 Thread Christopher Collins
As long as you can get a copy of Leopard to run, the G5 should keep you busy 
for a couple of years. But I would be expecting a 25-50% discount over Intel.


On 03/03/2011, at 6:49 AM, william wrote:

 I am looking for an imac newer and faster than my current G4. My needs are 
 not that great, mostly web browsing and word processing. After a few days 
 following ebay it seems there is quite a price difference between the G5 
 series and the Intel Core 2 Duos. I am tempted to get the cheaper G5 and put 
 off going Intel for now. I seem to recall some discussion long ago of 
 problems with the G5 imacs. Can anyone elaborate on this? What does the group 
 Thanks for any suggestions.

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Re: TechTool Deluxe Froze on Restart

2011-02-21 Thread Christopher Collins
To the best of my knowledge, Disk Warrior is able to do a bit more to try and 
repair the disk. Whereas Repair Disk is fairly minimal.

For Windows users, think of Repair Disk as CHKDSK and DW as Norton Disk Doctor.

Prettier interface and a few extra checks and balances!


On 21/02/2011, at 4:35 PM, Walter Sheluk wrote:

 On 11-02-20 10:30 PM, Christopher Collins wrote:
 It's all a matter of knowing what you are doing!
 True and in effect understanding the problem.
 Is there a difference in rebuilding the directory using DiskWarrior and 
 running repair disk with Apple's disk utility ?

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Re: TechTool Deluxe Froze on Restart

2011-02-21 Thread Christopher Collins
I wouldn't think of Disk Utility as liar, liar, liar just that it has done 
the best that it is able to do, and the drive should work know.

As I mentioned before, Disk Warrior and TTP and just able to do more and 
resolve more problems.


PS I hope this discussion is actually helping people and we aren't just 

On 22/02/2011, at 3:46 AM, Walter Sheluk wrote:

 On 11-02-21 3:07 AM, Christopher Collins wrote:
 To the best of my knowledge, Disk Warrior is able to do a bit more to try 
 and repair the disk. Whereas Repair Disk is fairly minimal.
 Thanks cjc.
 That has been my personal conclusion from some ( very scientific ) testing. 
 For example, when my external firewire drives refuse to boot i have tried 
 using Apple's Disk Utility to  repair disk  and it says something like OK 
 disk repaired but still the said drive will not boot. Then applying 
 DiskWarrior to the problem external drive and that resolves the issue. So  i 
 say : Apple Disk Utility you are a liar!liar!liar! ;-)
 (iMac 2009 edition, MacOS10.6.6)

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Re: TechTool Deluxe Froze on Restart

2011-02-20 Thread Christopher Collins
Any utility (or program for that matter) that can write to your disk, can 
destroy your system for you.

Whether that be TT, TTP or Disk Warrior they can all render a disk unusable.

However, by the same logic, in intelligent hands, they can also save a disk and 
make it work again!

It's all a matter of knowing what you are doing!


On 20/02/2011, at 9:24 AM, Walter Sheluk wrote:

 On 11-02-19 2:52 PM, Christopher Collins wrote:
 There are utilities that can destroy your system.
 How can DiskWarrior can do that ?
 In TTPro selecting wipe data can wipe out the data but what other selections 
 in TTPro can destroy the system ?

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Re: TechTool Deluxe Froze on Restart

2011-02-19 Thread Christopher Collins
Tech Tool Pro, like Disk Warrior etc are not toys to be played with by the less 
technically inclined.

There are utilities that can destroy your system.

If you don't know what they can do to your system, and you don't have a system 
problem, then you really shouldn't be playing with them.

If your system is working fine, then just continue using it and don't play with 
tools that can destroy it.


On 20/02/2011, at 5:38 AM, Al Poulin wrote:

 On Feb 18, 3:15 pm, Dan wrote:
 At 10:52 AM -0500 2/17/2011, Al Poulin wrote:
 24 iMac with Snow Leopard, used AppleCare's TechTook Deluxe 3.1.3
 on bootable DVD to run hardware checks.
 Why?  What exactly was wrong with the computer that you felt the need
 to do this?
 Nothing wrong. I was just curious to see if TechTool Deluxe would
 What happened?  Is there a more graceful way to restart to the hard drive?
 Sounds like that TechTool disc is foo?
 Could be.  I'll burn another DVD and see what happens.
 I'm not a big fan of TechTool, so   (Not to disparage the
 utility; I've just never had it find or tell me anything I didn't
 already know from other obvious symptoms).
 But then, TechTool should be useful for those of us who are less
 technically initiated.
 Al Poulin

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Re: How to make a solid Mac backup plan

2011-01-24 Thread Christopher Collins
If you do a full install from dvd, it lists as about 11GB from memory.

If you do a minimal install, it is possible to get it to a smidgen over 8GB.


On 24/01/2011, at 10:30 PM, Tom Coradeschi wrote:

 At 3:51 PM + 01/18/2011, Jonathan Smith wrote:
 Great article. I love the Magazine, not sure how similar it is here in UK 
 From the article, Excluding system files from your backup can save you a 
 lot of space.
 Does anybody know how much space roughly (Snow Leopard)?
 A get info from the Finder on my particular iMac says about 20GB.
 tom coradeschi

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[Jprogramming] JDB Client/Server example

2010-10-22 Thread christopher collins
The example at worked
fine for J6.02 (32bit) on Windows XP and Vista as long as the client
program and server program are both executed on the same machine.

Can this example execute on two machines, one being the client, the
other the server?

I glanced at the code, experimented a bit, but could not get the
example to work in two machine client-server setup.

Thanks for any help.

For information about J forums see

[Jprogramming] JDB Client/Server example

2010-10-22 Thread christopher collins
Aha! That helps!
Thank you very much, Kenneth.
For information about J forums see

[Jprogramming] J-ODBC to MySQL problems

2010-09-24 Thread christopher collins

Thank you very much for your response.

 Myodbc was too buggy for real-life use the last time I checked a few years
 ago, and browsing its support forum suggested the odbc driver was
 un-maintained. Has it been improved?

I do not know if the quality of MyODBC has improved. I've never used it before.
However, there appears to have been some maintenance activity.
This link gives the maintenance history:

Connector/ODBC (MyODBC) 3.5.x (for MySQL 4.x and before) has changed
from 3.5.11 to 3.5.27 in the interval between January 2005 and
November 2008.
Connector/ODBC (MyODBC) 5.0.x (for MySQL 5.x and after) has changed
from 5.0.5 to 5.1.7 in the interval between June 2006 and August 2010.

 If it crashed during ddcol there might be an issue in the catalog
 field in column definitions that driver returned.  You might do a odbc
 trace and examine the log.

OK. I'll pursue this. I did scan the ODBC trace logs in a desultory
way when doing my 'control' tests vs. J-ODBC.
I didn't notice anything at that time. However, I'll try again.

 I don't think your control tests using python or access etc will use
 equivalent of ddfch. For a fair comparison, instead of ddfch, try using ddfet.
 etc, for each column to find which ones are offending columns.

Thank you! This quickly revealed the following:

sh =: 'select mdate from appts' ddsel ch
   dat =: ddfet sh,5500
   dderr ''
ISI09 Unsupported data type - more error info available (2)

   sh =: 'select mtime from appts' ddsel ch
   dat =: ddfet sh,5500
   dderr ''
ISI09 Unsupported data type - more error info available (2)

Columns defined as 'date' and 'time' types appear to consistently give
the ISI09 error above, in any table using columns defined that way.
Columns defined as 'datetime' appear to work fine.

However, in a table in which every column could be individually
fetched by ddfet, the entire table cannot be fetched using ddfch.
This error results: ISI10 Unable to bind all columns - more error info
available (2)

I will continue to chase this.

Thank you very much for the help.

For information about J forums see

[Jprogramming] J-ODBC to MySQL problems

2010-09-24 Thread christopher collins

Thanks again.
Very helpful and educational.

I now notice that another post previously addressed similar issues
(unsupported data types).

Perhaps it would save you a little explanation time in the future if
something similar to your feedback to me were posted on the wiki in
ODBC section, something that expands along the lines of: and time (91 92?) are not supported. Furthermore blob data type (eg.
 _1 and _4) will never be supported in ddfch, 
 All the supported datatypes can be fetched with (ddfet) only

Please pardon me suggesting more work for you.
Your help is very appreciated.

Thank you.

For information about J forums see

[Jprogramming] J-ODBC to MySQL problems

2010-09-23 Thread christopher collins
Problem summary: J-ODBC access to MySQL DB failing
Environment: Windows XP Pro SP 3(32bit) , Dell 1710 Core Duo, 2GB RAM,
32bit J602a/2008-03-03/16:45, Library 6.02.051, 32 bit MySQL 4.0.1

1) Trying to use J  ODBC to read a MySQL DB (62 tables, 6000 records
in most populous table). This MySQL DB is a production database for a
small commercial application.
2) Created ODBC DSN for MySQL DB
3) Performed 3 successful 'control' tests; connected thru ODBC DSN to
MySQL DB  read tables using OpenOffice Base, MS Access 2003,  lastly
Python 2.7 + PyODBC; This implies (to me) the MySQL ODBC interface is
working properly.
4) Also executed J ODBC with J provided sample (MS Access)...worked as expected.
5) With the MySQL DB successfully used the J ODBC lab statements:
ch=:ddcon 'dsn=tablename' , dderr '' , ddtblx ch
5) A 'crash' occurs after execution of: 'tablename' ddcol ch . This
happens with all the tables I tried.
6) Windows XP displays the message: J has encountered a problem and
needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.
7) The Error Signature is: AppName: j.exe AppVer: ModName:
myodbc3.dll ModVer: Offset: 000128a0

In other tests I avoided the expression: 'tablename' ddcol ch
Instead the following was executed with results reproduced here:
   sh =: 'select * from tablename' ddsel ch
   dderr ''

   ]dat =: ddfch sh,10
   dderr ''
ISI10 Unable to bind all columns - more error info available (2)

This error appears for all except 6 of the 40 tables I tried.
These 6 tables work properly with the expression:  sh =: 'select *
from tablename' ddsel ch
I scanned the column definitions for all the tables looking for a
pattern to the failures / successes; didn't see any pattern.

Any suggestions on how to proceed are very welcome.

Thank you.

For information about J forums see

Re: iMac G3

2010-08-15 Thread Christopher Collins
Has a lot more to do with the age of the hardware than anything else.

895cse would be at least 8-10 years old, which is way past their use-by-date!


On 12/08/2010, at 10:43 PM, GH DOK wrote:

 On 12/08/10, appledude wrote:
 Where are you?  I have a HP Deskjet 895cse that was serviced shortly
 before I retired it, because my stand-along scanner (AFGA 1212u) was
 apparently shorting out my USB ports on my computer - so I upgraded to
 an HP Office Jet 6500, the wired version.  This 895cse is a great
 workhorse, though not as speedy as a newer printer - and ran on 8.6
 and 9.22 on my original 233 rev B IMac -
 Dang, and I thought i could hook up my mom's printer/scanner combo without 
 Seems to be a lot more involved with hooking up plu and play hardware than 
 there is normally in msdos/windows world for us.

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DDR3 1GB Apple SO-DIMMs - Sold As A Pair

2010-01-05 Thread Christopher Collins

Hi Guys and Girls,

Upgrading a bunch of brand new 20 iMacs to 4GB, so I have a heap of  
these original Apple DDR3 1GB SO-DIMMs available for sale.

Suitable for any of the new nVidia 9400 chipset machines (MacBook,  
Macbook Pro, iMac and Mac Mini) they will be sold in pairs for US$50  
per pair.

So far, they all seem to have Samsung chips on them. Chipset numbers  
are: 1GB 1Rx8 PC3-8500S-07-10-B1

Although based in Australia, I will include standard international  
postage to anywhere in the world in that price! I will also happily  
ship them around Australia as well.

They will be supplied individually in small Kingston hard plastic  
covers, but shipped as a pair.

Paypal is my preferred method of payment.

Best regards,

Christopher Collins
Melbourne, Australia 3030

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[Jprogramming] Newbie JDB problem: inserting chars in a 1 column char table gives 'assertion failure'

2009-12-17 Thread christopher collins
Thank you, Mr. Lam and Mr. Rufon and all others for your assistance
and instruction.

For information about J forums see

[Jprogramming] Newbie JDB problem: inserting chars in a 1 column char table gives 'assertion failure'

2009-12-16 Thread christopher collins
Thanks to all for your help, especially Mr. Lam.
Your response, Mr. Lam,  was very instructive.
I used your input to explore a bit more, with a couple of questions arising.

See the questions embedded below:

load 'data/jdb'

ffd =: Open_jdb_ jpath , '~temp'

Drop__ffd 'testdb'
db =: Create__ffd 'testdb'

ht=: Create__db 'tblChar';0 : 0
c1 char

NB. JDB doc says a 'char' column is stored as a character matrix
NB. The next sentence works, even though it inserts a scalar, 'a'
NB. QUESTION: Is this contrary to the JDB doc?
Insert__db 'tblChar';'a'
]shape =. $'a'
NB. Inserts a list of shape 1
Insert__db 'tblChar';,'b'
]shape =. $ ,'b'
NB. Inserts a list of shape 3 1
Insert__db 'tblChar';,.'def'
]shape =. $ ,.'def'
NB. Inserts a list of shape 1 4
Insert__db 'tblChar';,:'ghih'
]shape =. $ ,:'ghih'
Insert__db 'tblChar';3 5 $'123457'
Insert__db 'tblChar';,:'012345678901234567890'
]shape=.$ ,:'012345678901234567890'
NB. A JDB 'char' column allows chars of varying lengths to be inserted
Insert__db 'tblChar';2 100$'1234567890'
Reads__db 'from tblChar'

NB. The insert below causes a failure
NB. After this the table can no longer be read.
NB. QUESTION: Is that behavior intended?
NB. If so, JDB seems a little fragile for the rough, unskilled hands
of newbies like me
NB. This insert, where '01' is a list of shape 2, fails even though an
insert of 'b', a list of shape 1 worked above.
NB. QUESTION: Is this behavior consistent in a way that I am not understanding?
Insert__db 'tblChar';'01'
Reads__db 'from tblChar'

Thanks again for the high quality help  instruction.
For information about J forums see

Re: [Jprogramming] Newbie JDB problem: inserting chars in a 1 column char table gives 'assertion failure'

2009-12-15 Thread christopher collins
Thanks for the help, Mr. Tirrell.

Does JDB have a way to declare the length of the char column?

I've gone through the JDB doc and sample code carefully and can't find
any indication of how to declare the length of the char column.

I've run a few experiments and can't get a JDB database table which
consists of only one char column to accept anything but a single
character in each insert.

Here's the code:

NB. Create a table with only a single char column
Create__db 'tblA';0 : 0
c1 char
NB. Insert a single character
Insert__db 'tblA';'a'
Insert__db 'tblA';'b'
Insert__db 'tblA';'c'
NB. works fine, no problem

NB. Define another table with a single char column
Create__db 'tblB';0 : 0
c1 char
NB. Insert a string of characters
Insert__db 'tblB';'aaa'

|assertion failure: validate
|   1=#~.(#@.)'active';Tcolmap

To summarize: I can't find any doc that outlines how to construct a
table with a single char column  that  accepts multiple characters.
Nor can I find any code samples. Various small experiments have failed.

Thanks in advance for any help.
For information about J forums see

[Jprogramming] Newbie JDB problem: inserting chars in a 1 column char table gives 'assertion failure'

2009-12-15 Thread christopher collins
Thank you Ric, for your suggestions.

I've reviewed the JDB doc carefully as well as all the example code
and haven't found the solution to my trivial problem.
Perhaps its there, but it is invisible to my J disabled cognition.

In my original post on this issue (Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009
10:10 PM), I outlined my situation.
I'm trying to learn J and JDB. I built a trivial table with only a
single character column.
I executed several inserts, each one inserting a single character.
That worked fine.
Then I executed an insert statement that should have inserted a
multi-character string into the same column.
It failed.
(All this is in my original post.)

Jordan Tirrell pointed out that a 'char' column is fixed length and
would not accept the insert of a single character string such as 'a'
and subsequently another insert of a multi-character string such as

So I then (in the post you saw) built a single 'char' column table and
tried to insert  a multi-character string such as 'a'.
That failed.
SoI'm trying to understand how do I insert a multi-character
string such as '' into a table that has only a single 'char'
Of course this is of little practical use. I'm just trying to learn,
starting with the most trivial examples.

I note that other database systems (Oracle, MySQL, etc.) require that
columns of datatype 'char' be specified with a number that defines the
max number of characters accepted.

Does JDB?

If not, how does JDB know how many characters the 'char' column can
maximally accept?


For information about J forums see

[Jprogramming] Newbie JDB problem: inserting chars in a 1 column char table gives 'assertion failure'

2009-12-13 Thread christopher collins
Hi, I'm just starting to learn J and JDB.
I'm starting with the most trivial cases since they are best suited to
my trivial IQ.

I built a table with only 1 column defined as datatype char.

I was successful in inserting a single character with each insert statement.
However, when I tried inserting 2 characters, an 'assertion failure'
was returned.
Also, the table could no longer be read after the 'assertion failure' error.
Thanks for any assistance.
I apologize in advance for moronic mistakes I probably committed.
Here's the code:

   load 'data/jdb'
   fldr =: Open_jdb_ jpath , '~temp'
   db =: Create__fldr 'testdb'

   ht=: Create__db 'tblChar';0 : 0
c1 char

NB. Insert a single character

   Insert__db 'tblChar';'a'
   Insert__db 'tblChar';'b'
   Insert__db 'tblChar';'c'
   Insert__db 'tblChar';'d'
   Reads__db 'from tblChar'
|a |
|b |
|c |
|d |
NB. try to insert a list of 2 characters
   Insert__db 'tblChar';'xy'
|assertion failure: validate
|   1=#~.(#@.)'active';Tcolmap
NB. try to read what, if anything, got inserted
Reads__db 'from tblChar'
|index error: readbase1
|   (rws{.).cls

NB. After the insert error the table can't be read by the same
statement that read it previously

Thanks again.
For information about J forums see

Re: Loading Problems

2009-11-10 Thread Christopher Collins
I just find that using Vienna (I used NNW before they took out  
MobileMe sync) makes it much easier for me to control my feeds and  
makes it a much more enjoyable experience to read them.

Off course, you may find Mail fine. But to me, an e-mail program is  
exactly that. An email program. Designed for reading email. Not Notes.  
Not To-Do's. Not RSS. E-mail.

If you only have 1 or 2 that you check, I guess I can understand  
running it through Mail, but I have basically 50 feeds I check every  
morning. I find much more control available in Vienna and NNW  
(NetNewsWire) than in Mail.

And thats my AU$0.02 worth!


On 11/11/2009, at 8:59 AM, Art wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2009, at 10:52 AM, Dan wrote:
 And check out NetNewsWire - learn how to use RSS feeds.  As you find
 news sources that seem interesting, throw the RSS feed (feed://etc)
 at NetNewsWire.  Then you'll see the new articles in a clean easy to
 read list!  It's MUCH faster than visiting individual web sites!

 Just curious here -- I have my RSS feeds coming directly into Mail  
 (they're listed at the bottom under the mailboxes or I can choose to  
 have any/all shown in the Inbox); is there some advantage to using a  
 separate program, e.g., NetNewsWire for this purpose? Thanks!

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Re: iMac G3 borking my internet?

2009-09-27 Thread Christopher Collins

There is something major wrong there with your IP addresses.

It seems strange to have a router that uses 192.168.254.*. Most of the  
routers I have used over the years default to either 192.168.0.*,  
192.168.1.* or 192.168.2.*.

Belkin are usually the only ones to use 192.168.2.*. Everyone else  
seems to use either 192.168.0.* or 192.168.1.*.

Now having said all that, your iMac and your PC should both have an IP  
address on the same subnet as your router.

So, if your router is, then your PC and your iMac should  
also have IPs that start 192.168.1.*. The same applies for 192.168.0.*  
and 192.168.2.*.

They should also use the same subnet mask (usually

I would reset the router with it's hardware reset, then reconfigure it  
to connect to your ADSL connection. Make sure that is correct and  
working. Then setup your wireless on your router to any SSID you like  
with WPA or WPA2 security.

The reconnect both your iMac and your PC to the new SSID and all  
should be well.

There is something really strange going on at the moment.


On 27/09/2009, at 9:04 AM, Christian Wacker wrote:

 So... I've gotten my iMac to start, it has been fixed (it no longer
 crashes because I have replaced the HDD) the battery is on it's way,
 it's ram is maxed (512mb, could go 1gb if I had the money) and it
 now runs OS 10.3.9, and it is online... but...
 Whenever I try to have it and my PC online, only one seems able to
 connect. If my PC is online and working fine, then my iMac can't do
 squat. If my iMac is doing anything (and I mean anything... even just
 an IM app open) then my PC can't get online until I reset the wifi
 box, reset my wireless adapter, and get a new IP (which usually is the
 same as the old IP)
 My iMac seems to like the IP and my desktop likes, and the box is

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for those using Apple iMacs and eMacs.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Getting Mail to work with two machines

2009-09-08 Thread Christopher Collins

On 08/09/2009, at 9:33 PM, Bill Spencer wrote:

 That's fine as far as it goes, but all of this only addresses the
 Inbox, nothing else. What about the messages I've sent? What about the
 messages I've filed away in specific sub-folders that I've created for
 organizations I am part of, or for messages from my family, or
 whatever? Without a great deal of manual intervention, or unless I can
 get this question resolved, those will only be on machine #1 and never
 on machine #2. That's what I'm trying to deal with. And I'm sorry you
 feel this has gone on far too long. You can stop reading anytime, I
 won't mind. Bill

Set them both to IMAP and upload any messages and folders you want to  
be stored to the server.

Simple really.

If your ISP doesn't support IMAP, then use someone like to  
provide you with a full IMAP email account.


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Re: iMac problems

2009-08-26 Thread Christopher Collins
That sounds like a possible HDD error. Can you boot from your original  
iMac DVD?


On 26/08/2009, at 10:11 AM, Doug wrote:

 When I start it up now all I get is an icon that blinks question  
 mark followed by a Mac symbol followed by a question mark over and  


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Re: iMac problems

2009-08-25 Thread Christopher Collins
Ummm, this may be a stupid question, but what exactly is wrong with it?

You don't actually explain what is wrong.


On 26/08/2009, at 6:44 AM, Doug wrote:

 I have an iMac that, up to a few weeks ago, worked perfectly. I got
 this iMac from my cousin, I just had to get a keyboard and mouse. I
 also bought an Imation super disk drive and it worked well. I put a
 new battery in. How do i go about getting it up and running again. All
 ideas will be welcome.


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FS: Possible Perfect Macbook Pro 17

2009-06-09 Thread Christopher Collins
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if I should list my Macbook Pro 17 here for sale or not.

It's lived in a Speck plastic cover since I bought it new, so is in  
perfect condition without even a scratch or dent.

It's fully loaded and comes with:

2.33GHz Core2Duo Intel CPU
320GB Apple Hard Disk Drive
17 Antiglare Screen (1680*1050 Resolution)
Wireless N and Bluetooth
Original Power brick and Cable

Original Packaging
Original Disks
Leopard Drop In Disk
iLife 08 (Retail)
iWork 08 (Retail)
Speck Plastic Cover
Applecare till 20JAN2010

I've run it with Tiger, Leopard, Windows XP and Linux without any  
problems at all.

The only reason I am selling it is because I have just bought a new  
Unibody 17!

I'm looking for AUS$2750 or US$2175. Thats less than a lower specified  
refurbished Macbook Pro from Apple!

I'm happy to ship it almost anywhere in the world, but you will pay  
for shipping.

I'd like for it to go to an Australian owner if possible, but que sera  

You can email me on or off list for further information if you like!

Christopher Collins
Melbourne, Australia

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Re: Leopard Forgetting Wireless Still

2008-11-20 Thread Christopher Collins

Hi Simon,

I think you are spending far too much time trying to fix this. At this  
stage, I would be resetting the Airport Extreme to factory defaults  
and reconfiguring it with an SSID with no spaces and WPA/WPA2   
security with no spaces.

Then I would be going into each Mac (I think from memory you said  
there were 4), deleting all the existing network configurations under  
System Preferences - Network - Advanced - Airport and then  
reconnecting each Mac to the new Airport network you have just  
created.  Make sure each connects and is able to use the network/ 
internet before moving to the next.

Simpler, less time consuming and more likely to work.


On 21/11/2008, at 5:42 AM, Simon Royal wrote:


 I didnt mean to offend and I did read all the replies, most didnt  
 make any difference and Im still working through the rest.


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Re: Leopard Forgetting Wireless Still

2008-11-19 Thread Christopher Collins

Hi Simon,

Did you put a space in the SSID when you changed it? Many routers and  
computers have trouble handling SSIDs with a space in them.


On 20/11/2008, at 2:07 AM, Simon Royal wrote:


 Everything looks fine, everything was working fine when I had WEP  
 on. Then I changed the SSID and used WPA.

You received this message because you are subscribed to Low End Mac's iMac 
List, a group for those using G3, G4, G5, and Intel Core iMacs as well as Apple 
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Low End Mac RSS feed at feed://

Re: Hello iMac List

2008-11-12 Thread Christopher Collins

And the total stupidity of it all, is that unless I miss my guess, the  
eMac is a G4.

Which makes it suitable for that list.

According to the front page of the list site: Welcome to the G3-5  
List (originally G-List), a Google Group managed by Low End Mac and  
covering all Macs built around G3, G4, and G5 CPUs.

and the important parts is ALL Macs using G3, G4 or G5 CPUs

Nowhere does it state it is a PowerMac only list.


On 13/11/2008, at 10:05 AM, Al Poulin wrote:

 On Nov 11, 5:58 pm, Simon Royal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am joining this list as I was subscribed to the G3-G5 list, but  
 as an eMac owner that I'm not supposed to post on there. So here I  

 You will find some of the same good people here too.  By the way, your
 last post to the g3-5 list generated some interesting comments which
 you may like to see.

 Al Poulin

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[UTBIKECLUB:5373] Reminder -- Camp Eagle MTB Meeting Tonight

2007-08-26 Thread Christopher Collins
Hey -

Just a quick remind that we'll be meeting in the Welch lobby at 7PM for
those interested in attending the Camp Eagle Mountain Bike race next
weekend.  If you'd like to go, but are unable to go, please let me know ASAP
so we can get you the paperwork you'll need to fill out.


Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

[UTBIKECLUB:5372] IMPORTANT: Meeting for first Mountain Bike Race Fall Mountain Bike Schedule

2007-08-24 Thread Christopher Collins
Hey --

If you have plans to attend the first Fall Mountain Bike Race, it'll be held
September 1-2nd at Camp Eagle.  Everyone (including new members) is welcome
to attend.  You need a bike, however, if you're interested in racing and
don't have one, email me and we'll see what we can dig up for you.

In order to get the Rec Sports paperwork taken care of, and figure out
travel plans, we need to have a quick meeting this Sunday.  So, we'll be
meeting at 7PM this Sunday evening in the Welch Lobby (if you don't know
where this is, email me).  I know, the time is kind of weird, but we need to
get this taken care of, and are forced to avoid over-scheduling some stuff.
It would make stuff *much* easier if everyone can attend, however if you
cannot make it (moving in, haven't moved back to Austin yet, have another
something important scheduled), please Email me ASAP so we can get you the
paperwork and get you on the travel roster.

This race should be a lot of fun -- everyone enjoyed last year's race, and
we don't even have to volunteer this time.  We will be camping, and that's
fun too.

The full Calendar for this Fall's MTB season is as follows:

9/1-2: Camp Eagle -- Super-D  TT on Saturday, XC Sunday
9/16: Huntsville -- XC
9/22-23: Rocky Hill Ranch -- XC/?
10/14: BTU -- XC  STXC
10/20-21: S Championships -- TT, STXC,  XC

Most of these races are really close to home, and all of them will be tons
of fun, so mark your calendars now!  We'd really like to get lots of roadies
out to the BTU race -- it's fast, non-technical, and will be lots of fun!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me, or Matt Harold (
[EMAIL PROTECTED]), and we'll get your questions answered!


Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

[UTBIKECLUB:5366] Sunday Mountain Bike Ride

2007-08-22 Thread Christopher Collins
Hey --

This Sunday i'm heading out to Rocky Hill Ranch in Smithville (about 30
minutes from Austin) to pre-ride the course that one of this year's races
will be held at.  I'm going to ride for about an hour and a half, but you're
welcome even if you'd like to ride for a shorter/longer time.  I'll cover
gas, you just have to pay your land use fee ($8).  Anyone's welcome -- new
people, old people, whatever.  Let me know if you'd be interested in going,
and we can figure out a time to leave.

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

[UTBIKECLUB:5361] First Meeting/Info Session, Mountain Bike Races

2007-08-16 Thread Christopher Collins
Hey --

With school starting up in just a few weeks, the UT Cycling officers have
been busy getting everything ready for another successful year!

First off, the Mountain Bike season kicks off in 2 weeks at the Camp Eagle
Classic.  Below are the dates for this Fall's Collegiate Mountain Bike

9/1-2: Camp Eagle Classic
9/16: Huntsville Classic
9/22-23: Rocky Hill Ranch
10/13-14: BTU Power Pedal
10/20-21: S Conference MTB Championships

There will also be a meeting sometime during the week of August 27th for
people who want to attend the first race at Camp Eagle.  You'll need to fill
out your Blue Rec Sports form, and have payed the Fall portion of your dues
to be able to attend, so this is important!  Matt will be sending more
information out about Camp Eagle within the next few days, but as usual,
we'll be paying for all of the transportation, camping (yes -- we'll be
camping, it'll be fun), and entry fees, so plan on coming!

Last, but certainly not least, we've set the date for our first meeting and
info session.  This will be held Monday, September 10th at 8PM in room CPE
2.214.  This meeting will be for *all* members, both new and old.  We'll
have information for people interested in joining, as well as Rec Sports
paperwork for everyone who decides to join.

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your Summer!

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Secretary
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Secretary, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:5355] Mark your Calendars!

2007-08-11 Thread Christopher Collins
Hey --

First off, I hope everyone is enjoying their last few days of Summer before
school starts up again.

I just wanted to let everyone know that the first race of the Fall mountain
bike season will be on September 1-2nd at Camp Eagle.  It's a great race,
and was tons of fun last year!  As usual, the club will pay for gas, entry
fees, and camping, etc.  This is the first week of school, but like I said,
it's a fun race and worth attending.

You will need to fill out your Rec Sports paperwork before you're able to
attend the race (we'll make this available ASAP!).  If you're going to be
new to the club this Fall, we welcome you to come race with us too!  If you
have any questions about joining, you're welcome to send them to me.

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your Summer!

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Secretary, 07-08
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Secretary, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[wn-similarity] Information Content Files

2007-07-05 Thread Christopher Collins

I'm using WordNet 2.1.  Are there any precomputed IC files available?
 Or do I need to make my own/use WN 2.0?



[UTBIKECLUB:5318] ATT Crit: Update -- Please Reply again!

2007-06-08 Thread Christopher Collins

Hey guys --

I have more info now, so if you've already replied, I need you to reply now

Time preference (pick your top 2 pleaserank them!)

Here's how this is working... YOU must register for your race, but after you
finish your volunteer shift, THSJ will give you the entry fee back.  You
also get a T-Shirt, and dinner or breakfast.  You have to volunteer at least
4 hours to get this back.

4-8PM (packet pickup -- only 1 or 2 spots open)



Course Support/Crowd Control:

If you'd like to race Sunday at the Driveway/Sun  Ski sports crit and
volunteer as well, a 3 hour shift gets you free entry there.  Let me know if
you'd like to help out there as well!

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Secretary, 07-08
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Secretary, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:5314] Kit Updates / Website

2007-06-01 Thread Christopher Collins

Hey --

Hope everyone's having a great Summer!  Just a quick update on our kits
since I have been getting quite a few questions on them.  Unfortunately,
they are still not in.  As soon as we know anything more, I will be sure to
pass it along.  If you've earned warmers and a jacket, i'm going to hold off
on distributing those until we receive the rest of the kits to make
everything more organized and easier.  There will be several opportunities
to pick up your kits in Austin, or we will ship them to you if you don't
live in town, so if you're leaving for the Summer, don't worry!

Also, a quick reminder that if you owe the club money for
dues/frames/orders/whatever, you will NOT be able to pick your kit up until
those obligations have been taken care of!

Finally, sorry about the website problems!  Tony's working hard to get them
working again.


Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Secretary, 07-08
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Secretary, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:5288] Walnut Creek Mountain Bike Ride tomorrow

2007-05-10 Thread Christopher Collins

If anyone feels like riding their Mountain Bike (everyone, right?!), i'll be
riding Walnut Creek tomorrow afternoon.  Probably 4:00, and will go for
about an hour and a half.  Easy pace, mostly me working on cornering and
going over...stuff

I promise fun for all that want to come!

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Mountain Bike Team Director, 06-07
Texas Cycling Secretary, 07-08
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Secretary, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:5270] Texas Cycling 2007-2008 Officer Selections

2007-04-25 Thread Christopher Collins

Texas Cycling Members:

As we begin to wind down the 2006-2007 Collegiate Cycling season, it's
already time to begin working towards making next year as much, if not more
of a success!  This begins with the announcement of the 2007-2008 officer
board who will be responsible for working with next year's team.

We would like to thank everyone who applied for all of the positions!
Without all of the enthusiasm for helping out, we would not be able to
continue to be so successful as an organization.  We had extremely qualified
applicants for every position, and had a difficult time deciding on all of
the positions.

The following people will be serving as officers beginning after nationals:

President: Chris Hassler
Treasurer: Whitney Schultz
Secretary: Chris Collins
Mountain Bike Team Director: Matt Harold
Road Team Director: John Hatlelid
Women's Team Director: Tammy Thompson
Sponsorship Director: Peter Carey
SBOBT Director: Tony Petz
Activities Director: Heather Curiel

We are still looking for someone who would be interested in serving as our
Fundraising Director.  This is an extremely important and rewarding position
-- remember, racing bikes is expensive!  If you would be interested in this,
please email Chris Hassler ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]) with a short resume, and a
short statement of why you'd be interested in the position.

Thanks again to all who applied!  Your hard work and support of the club
allows us to continue to get better each season!

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Mountain Bike Team Director, 06-07
Texas Cycling Secretary, 07-08
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Secretary, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:5239] Recovery Ride, Today @ 4:00

2007-04-13 Thread Christopher Collins

Hey --

I'll be leading a recovery ride from Gregory today at 4:00.  Probably 1,
maybe 2 laps of Shoal Creek, no sprinting!

Be prepared to go slow...

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Mountain Bike Team Director, 06-07
Texas Cycling Secretary, 07-08
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:5170] Men's C/Women's B Ride Tomorrow!

2007-03-20 Thread Christopher Collins

To everyone racing Men's C and Women's B this weekend:

We're going to be riding tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5:00 PM.  Meet in front of
Gregory Gym.  We're going to ride up to the Shoal creek loop and do laps, so
if you are unable to meet us at 5:00, feel free to ride up and join us
whenever you're free.

We're going to be practicing C's specific tactics for this weekend, so while
anyone is welcome, the pace of the ride and the tactics probably won't make
non C's happy.

See you guys tomorrow!

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Mountain Bike Team Director
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:5064] Recruiting Changes and Time assignments!

2007-01-30 Thread Christopher Collins

Due to a lack of people's availability, all recruiting this week has been
changed from 11-2.

After last night's pizza meeting, I was able to fill most slots, but if
someone is available to help with recruiting, we still need more people!
It's everyone's responsibility as a team member to help continue to build
the team.

Here are the time assignments:

11-12: Cat Newsom / Matt Harold
12-1: Cat Newsom / Brenna Wozniak
1-2: Chris Collins / Brenna Wozniak

11-12: Daniel Bradley
12-1: Chris Collins / Austin Grossman
1-2: Brenna Wozniak / Austin Grossman

11-12: Heather Curiel / Matt Harold
12-1: Heather Curiel / Frank / Marion Nisseler
1-2: Chris Collins / Marion Nisseler

11-12: Tammy
12-1: Chris Collins / Jonathan Horak
1-2: Jonathan Horak

If you're scheduled for the first or last shift of the day, you'll need to
either pick up or put away the table -- this is pretty easy.  Just tell the
people at the front desk of Gregory you need to either get the table for
cycling, or put it away.  Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I will not
be there any days to help set up, so if anyone has any questions, they can
call me at (512) 680-9082.

Our banner and flyers should be stored in with the tables.

Again, feel free to call me if you have any questions, and we still need
some more help!  If you have time, please step up and help with this!

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Mountain Bike Team Director
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:4958] Greenbelt Ride this Sunday

2006-12-07 Thread Christopher Collins

Hey all -

I'm going to lead a MTB ride down the Greenbelt this weekend.  Going to go
to the end and back (about 14 miles).  It'll be a base pace-ish ride, MTB
alternative to the Jack and Adam's ride.

Going to leave from Gregory Gym at 11:00, or you can meet me at the
trailhead by Barton Springs at 11:30.

Christopher W. Collins

Phone: (512) 680-9082

Texas Cycling Mountain Bike Team Director
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Alpha Iota Chapter
Student Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

[UTBIKECLUB:4923] Congrats to the 2006 UT Cycling Mountain Bike Team!!

2006-11-12 Thread Christopher Collins
Hey -First off, congrats to everyone who participated in this year's Mountain Biking season!! UT had a great showing at conference and was able to take 2nd place in the team standings by a very nice margin!
A special congrats to the following people who podiumed in their respective categories:Andrew Stackhouse - 3rd, Men's AChristopher Collins - 2nd, Men's BJeff Gjertsen - 4th, Men's BBrenda Moczygemba - 2nd, Women's A
Marion Nisseler - 4th, Women's ACat Newsom - 2nd, Women's BGreat job, everyone! I'd like to go out of my way to thank Andrew Stackhouse and Matt Harold, who have been a huge help loaning people bikes, getting people's bikes running again, and working on standings, just to name a few things. A great finish to this year's season would not have been possible without them!!
Also, many thanks to the following people who've been out to race for us at some point this year, you made the team's 2nd place finish possible! (Sorry if I forgot anyone!)Andrew StackhouseAntonio Cervantes
John HatlelidMatt HaroldFrederico CastroJohn ArnoldBrenda MoczygembaMarion NisselerJeff GjertsenBrandon SlaughterAustin GrossmanDaniel BradleyCat NewsomVanessa WhiteBrenna Wozniak
Josh SutherlandAndrew RogersScott WalkerDavid HaaseMichael CareyMario ZambranoMauricio KaneDaniel HolmesCaroline GjertsenEven though this year's season is over, be on the lookout for more rides, and a possible training camp/mountain biking trip sometime this Winter! We're already working towards an even better showing next year!
Thanks again for everyone's hard work and dedication this season, and congratulations!!-- Christopher W. CollinsPhone: (512) 680-9082Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Texas Cycling Mountain Bike Team DirectorPhi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Alpha Iota ChapterStudent Technician - Applied Research Labs, UT

Can Tomcat be used with non-web applications?

2004-06-11 Thread Christopher Collins
I am trying to use tomcat as a container for my program which is not a 
web-application.  I can't see a way of specifying the context to be used, as 
it is automatically selected by web-apps based on their name.  I tried 
configuring the default context for the datasource that my application uses, 
but the application was still unable to connect to the datasource.  Is it 
possible to use tomcat with a program which is not a web-application?

Thank you,
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[FW-1] Unrelated Topic - Help needed

2003-03-05 Thread Christopher Collins

need advice:


we test the development of new web
pages on internal web servers

we confirm that all aspects of the
web pages are working as expected

we then replicate that new
information to the public web servers

we have 2 ways of doing this right
now  both suck.

One is by floppy disk  a major pain
in the @ss.

One is by NETBIOS communication
between the internal and DMZ server (dont flip)

do not like either of these two methods. One is too slow and the other one is
totally insecure. How can we do file transfers between the internal network and
the DMZ without compromising security? Can it be done? We use NG FP3 on Win2K.



2003-02-25 Thread Christopher Collins
Is it possible to use wildcards in the FWM LOGEXPORT command?

Here is what my batch file says:

fwm logexport -i e:\logs\%year%-%month%-%day%*.log -o
e:\logs\%year%-%month%-%day%*.log.txt -n

%year% = current year
%month% = current month
%day% = current day

When I run this command, it says it cannot find e:\logs\2003-02-25*.log

In 4.1, with the FW LOGEXPORT command, this could be done.

Am I missing something that has changed?


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[FW-1] NG FP3 on Win2K questions

2003-02-13 Thread Christopher Collins
Question 1
In SmartStatus, we see the current firewall connection details. These
include CPU usage, memory usage, total number of accepted packets, etc...Is
there a way to log this information for analysis? If not, how would we log
this type of information - Performance Monitor?

Question 2
When using SMTP resources and have the maximum message size set at 5000 KB,
is there a way to customize the reject message that is returned to the


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[FW-1] NG FP3 on Win2K questions

2003-02-12 Thread Christopher Collins
Question 1
In SmartStatus, we see the current firewall connection details. These
include CPU usage, memory usage, total number of accepted packets, etc...Is
there a way to log this information for analysis? If not, how would we log
this type of information - Performance Monitor?

Question 2
When using SMTP resources and have the maximum message size set at 5000 KB,
is there a way to customize the reject message that is returned to the


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Re: [FW-1] AW: [FW-1] SMTP Rule - 4.1 and NG FP3

2003-01-31 Thread Christopher Collins
We block mail relaying at our SMTP gateway. So does having fw-1 check the
destination domain have any value-added features? Is it another layer of
defence, or a waste of fw-1 resources?

-Original Message-
From:   Joerg Fritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   January 31, 2003 6:13 AM
Subject:[FW-1] AW: [FW-1] SMTP Rule - 4.1 and NG FP3


of course you can configure your Check Point FireWall as MTA. DNS does not
handle this issues (SPAM), professional MTAs like MIMESweeper, sendmail or
qMail behind your firewall do. I.e. in sendmail you just have to enter
OURDOMAIN into the acces.db.

I personally prefer having a single point (the mailserver oder relay) doing
all the SMTP-related actions. This makes troubleshooting a lot easier and
saves your firewall rescources.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Christopher Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2003 17:08
Betreff: [FW-1] SMTP Rule - 4.1 and NG FP3

Question 3:
In 4.1, our resource for inbound mail says that only accept mail addressed
to OURDOMAIN. Wouldn't DNS handle this issue, as you would never get a
HOTMAIL.COM email to your YAHOO.COM email server? Can someone clarify this?

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[FW-1] SMTP Rule - 4.1 and NG FP3

2003-01-30 Thread Christopher Collins

I have an SMTP question relating to 4.1 but further down I would like to see
how it would relate to NG FP3, as we will be moving to that shortly.




Rule for outbound mail:
Source  Destination Service

Rule for inbound mail:
Source  Destination Service

Question 1:
In 4.1, could I use MAILSERVER as the destination for inbound mail? Would
the LOCAL.ARP entry for be picked up by the FW and know that
the object MAILSERVER has that address as its Static NAT entry?

Question 2:
In 4.1, should MAILSERVER also be included in the send mail rule along with
MAILSERVER-EXT? Should both objects be there?

Question 3:
In 4.1, our resource for inbound mail says that only accept mail addressed
to OURDOMAIN. Wouldn't DNS handle this issue, as you would never get a
HOTMAIL.COM email to your YAHOO.COM email server? Can someone clarify this?

Question 4:
In NG FP3, Would the rules look as they do in 4.1 or would there be
differences, and if so, what are they?

Thanks much,


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Re: [FW-1] Simple Question for FW-1 4.1

2003-01-17 Thread Christopher Collins
Yes the entry is there.

 -Original Message-
From:   Varughese, Philip (US - Glen Mills) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   January 17, 2003 10:29 AM
Subject:Re: [FW-1] Simple Question for FW-1 4.1

Please check /conf/masters file to if you have an entry for the
Management station.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 10:02 AM
Subject: [FW-1] Simple Question for FW-1 4.1


Management = Windows 2000
Module = Windows NT4
Check Point = 4.1

How do we get the module to automatically send its logs to the
station? I thought it did this by default, but it isn't.


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[FW-1] Inbound Mail Question...NG.FP3.W2K

2003-01-15 Thread Christopher Collins
Hi all,

I have a question concerning incoming mail. Let me explain our environment
and then I will pose the questions.

Our SMTP gateway has two objects in the firewall. Object one uses the
internal address with a static nat, and object two uses the static nat
address only.

I will use the following IPs as examples:



Our current inbound mail rule is:

Source: ANY
Service:SMTP  Inbound_MAIL
Action: Accept

Our Inbound_MAIL resource has the following only:

Mail Server: (SMTP-Gateway Internal Address)
Sender: *
Recipient:  * mailto:*

Here are the questions:

Does this rule make sense? If not, why?

Do we need the resource? If not, why?

Much appreciated,


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[FW-1] NAT question

2003-01-15 Thread Christopher Collins
If I have two objects within NG FP3 W2K

IP Address:
Static NAT:

IP Address:

If I have used the object SMTP-Gateway-External as the destination within a
rule, will the NATing of Check Point know that is NATed to

Or should I be using SMTP-Gateway as the destination, because of the Static
NAT address?

Hope this makes sense,

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Re: [FW-1] CLusterXL on Windows 2000

2002-12-19 Thread Christopher Collins
It was our external router. It was ignoring the Multicast MAC address that
the cluster was sending out. We have added a static ARP entry for it and it
is now working. Thanks for the input.


 -Original Message-
From:   Daniel Fischer (J) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   December 18, 2002 4:59 PM
Subject:Re: [FW-1] CLusterXL on Windows 2000

Try switching to HA New Mode instead of load sharing and if things start
working, then your outside switch is the problem. If it's the case and your
outside switch is a cisco switch, let me know... I've had a discussion with
a good cisco engineer today and we got things working on a 2924, tomorrow I
will try the same thing on a 5505.


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 3:49 PM
Subject: [FW-1] CLusterXL on Windows 2000

Does anyone have any experience running Check Point NG FP3 on Windows 2000
using ClusterXL for Load Sharing?

We have everything working for the internal network and both DMZs but the
external side is not accepting packets.

IE. If we ping our external router, the packet is accepted by the firewall
and with a sniffer on the outside, we see the packet hit the router - which
then responds with an Echo Reply. The firewall never picks up that response.
We have run the same tests with HTTP and the same thing happens.

It seems like there is something misconfigured with the cluster IP or MAC
address of the external NICs. Both firewalls worked perfectly before they
were amalgamated into the cluster.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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Re: [FW-1] Kazaa

2002-11-25 Thread Christopher Collins

If a
client uses a HTTP port program like KazaaHTTP, there are very few options that
you have as it will tunnel the kazaa traffic over HTTP from the clients
desktop. If you have a novice userbase, simply blocking the port of 1214 should

101 deny tcp any any eq 1214

From: Michael Stimson
Sent: November 22, 2002 6:46 PM
To: Collins, Chris;
Subject: RE: Kazaa

Do you
know how to block kazaa??? I am trying to block it from the Cisco router..


Stimson, JR

Air Net


2002-10-11 Thread Christopher Collins

Hello all,

We do not yet have an anti-SPAM relay within our environment.

We see a lot of mail coming in that is sourced from the person it is
destined to. With Outlook messing with the header information, we don't get
a good sense of where it originated but my question is this:

How would you define a rule to stop email from coming in if the source
address is your address? Let's assume my mail domain address is

Thanks for any and all responses.

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[FW-1] Internal client VPN to External VPN box

2002-10-02 Thread Christopher Collins

Is there a way to set up a VPN connection from an internal client's desktop
to an external VPN appliance without having to give the client's workstation
a static NAT? Does that make sense? Is it possible to use the external
address of the firewall while maintaining static port mappings for the VPN

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[FW-1] Static NAT Question

2002-06-04 Thread Christopher Collins

If I have multiple mail servers on the internal network, can
they all share the same NATd external address?

This is NT4, 4.1 SP5.

Re: [FW-1] Static NAT Question

2002-06-04 Thread Christopher Collins

OK. I need multiple addresses. Is there any limit to how
many entries there can be in the Local.arp file? With these additional
addresses, I will be up to almost 30 using a single external NIC. 

Thanks for all your responses.

[FW-1] Origin of in log causing Alert.

2002-05-31 Thread Christopher Collins

Has anybody else seen this
pattern in the log files? This happens to us on an irregular basis. Yesterday
there was 110 entries throughout the day. The only thing that changes between
the entries is the Num, and Time; everything else is the same. 

There is no information to go
on, so I dont know where to start troubleshooting. It is the Accept that
really scares me. 

All other fields not shown here
including rule, proto, src, dst, service are blank. 

Any insight would be greatly


Num  178524

Date May
30 2002

Time 8:34:15


Type  Alert

Action  Accept

Alert  ![alert]

I/f_name daemon

I/f_dir inbound

Re: [FW-1] how to drop messenger

2002-04-22 Thread Christopher Collins

Here you go. If you want any more, let me know.



Yahoo Messenger

Internal Users




YahooMessengerNetwork consists of the following:
Network1: MASK
Network2: MASK
Network3: MASK

MSN Messenger

Internal Users




MSN_Network consists of the following:


Internal Users




ICQ_Network consists of the following:
Network1: MASK

AOL Instant Messenger

Internal Users




AOL_Network consists of the following:
Network1: MASK

-Original Message-
From: Sbiera, Stefan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 7:15 PM
Subject: [FW-1] how to drop messenger

I need to drop the messenger.   It getting out of hand  I am using
checkpoint and used the procedure someone posted not long ago.  However, the
messenger port can be changed.
If you would post some more info, I would appreciate.


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Re: [FW-1] Log Viewer Location

2002-04-05 Thread Christopher Collins

This is for 4.1:


FWLOGDIR is the String Value name

Your new path is the String Value data


 -Original Message-
From:   Butler, William [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, April 04, 2002 2:50 PM
Subject:[FW-1] Log Viewer Location

We just installed a new hard drive into a NT management station.  I wanted
the firewall to start saving the log files to this new drive automatically.
Are there any variables I can change in a config file to perform this task?
Or is my best bet to write a script that does a log switch every 24 hours
and move the files that way?


William Butler

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Re: [FW-1] log viewer origin field pointing to old ip address!

2002-03-26 Thread Christopher Collins

the FW services in NT/2000 fixes that problem. Maybe similar with Nokia

From: Mehta, Phoram
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 3:35
Subject: [FW-1] log viewer origin
field pointing to old ip address!

have nokia IP440/fw 3.4.1 fcs10 acting as fw-1 (4.1 sp5)module and mgmt

we changed the ip address of the internal ip address, but the log viewer still
shows the old ip address in the origin field.






(816) 276 2500 ext: 519

Re: [FW-1] Does anyone know how to block Kazaa, Morpheus and all these paras ites on a FW-1 ?

2002-03-14 Thread Christopher Collins
Title: Message

Point blocks traffic bound for port 1214 by default, so you shouldnt even need
a rule to block Kazaa and Morpheus. You would actually have to have a rule
which allows them access to port 1214 in order for them to work. We have them
blocked and didnt need a rule to do it. You must (inadvertently) have a rule
which is allowing that traffic out. Kazaa and Morpheus are not that smart, so
they wont jump around to different ports looking for an opening. Check and
re-check your rulebase.

From: Serge Vondandamo
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002
12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [FW-1] Does anyone
know how to block Kazaa, Morpheus and all these paras ites on a FW-1 ?

No. This is the highest
rule in the rule-set .

And they are definetely
using Kazaa, I have checked and rechecked the rule and everything si configured

No drop or reject logs.



-Original Message-
From: Stuart Carrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: jeudi 14 mars 2002 17:04
Subject: Re: [FW-1] Does anyone
know how to block Kazaa, Morpheus and all these paras ites on a FW-1 ?

this should do the trick, probably you have
an allow rule higher in the rule-set?


From: Serge Vondandamo
Sent: 14 March 2002 15:10
Subject: [FW-1] Does anyone know
how to block Kazaa, Morpheus and all these paras ites on a FW-1 ?


I have made a
rule rejecting all incoming  Outgoing connections on UDP 1214 and TCP
1214, and I thought that would block KazAa and some of these parasite but it
did not !!!

Users can
still use Kazaa and share files. Does anyone know how to effectively block this
Thanks for your help. 


From: Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: jeudi 14 mars 2002 14:54 
Subject: Re: [FW-1] Source IP change after creating uri 

using FW 4.1 SP5, anyone any idea how to get the FW to broadcast 
 the actual source IP instead of it's int IP after applying a
 resource to a rule ? ie would be nice to know what host was
 your dmz with a codered worm etc... 
There is no way to do this. When a connection passes through the
security server it is proxied and the source becomes the firewall. You would
need to look at the firewall logs to find the source address.


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Re: [FW-1] Messenger

2002-02-14 Thread Christopher Collins

Here is how to block MSN Messenger:

All you have to do is block access to the login servers. If the user can't
login, they can't use IM.

Create 8 different Network Objects (Workstations).


Then create a group called MSN_Network.

Source  Your internal and external access users
Service Any
Action  Drop
Track   Long (or Alert) if you want to slap fingers)

This methodology works successfully for all IM types.

Hope this clarifies the issue.


 -Original Message-
From:   Steve Crume [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, February 13, 2002 5:17 PM
Subject:Re: [FW-1] Messenger

  Yes it is unfortunate that any of your present users can now download the
new MSN messenger and circumvent past port blocking  methods.  You will
either have to port block port 80 going in/out or block all and network addresses.  Almost all the servers MSN uses come from a
multitude of servers on these networks.  If you load the MSN messenger and
log on you can follow the trail of servers that your client will
contact(seldom the same).  Unfortunately I do not know if too many people
are willing to block so many network addresses.  Microsoft is spending allot
of money to circumvent company firewalls making it near impossible to stop
there services from intruding into the corporate world.  Reminds me of SPAM.
What about it Bill? where is that security you promised.

-Original Message-
From: Andrade Guerra, Marcelo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: [FW-1] Messenger

I guru´s of the firewall :P

I need block messenger service, but messenger now use tcp port 80, i need
help please.



Marcelo Andrade Guerra
Gerencia de Software
Sonda S. A.

*   Teatinos 550 3er. Piso
*Fax: 2471031

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Re: [FW-1] Problems on Passing

2002-02-14 Thread Christopher Collins

Also add the entry for the external mail address to local.arp file in State

 -Original Message-
From:   Dirk Boenning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:23 PM
Subject:Re: [FW-1] Problems on Passing


have you add a route and the static arp entry ?

CU, Dirk.

(c)¿(c)¬ JGuevarra wrote:


 I have a mail server having one NIC and an IP Address
 of 10.x.x.x !! I can send emails anywhere. The problem
 is I cant receive emails coming from the outside (WAN)
 but I can recieve emails within the network.

 On my Firewall Policy, I reserve one public IP to my
 mail server and define it in my rule. My public IP
 that I reserve for my Mail Server is 66.x.x.11 !!

 example of rule i did:

 1. dis is for outgoing

 mail server - any - smtp, dns - accept - long -

 2. dis is for incoming

 any - mail server - smtp, pop3, dns - accept -

 I am experiencing problems with number 2 bcause I cant
 receive outside emails. what i did is i just route
 66.x.x.11 to the network where my mail server is
 located. I did not define my 66.x.x.11 to any
 interface (virtual - use the IP for passing packets),
 i just define the ip address in my policy so that it
 will act as the public IP of my mail server and pass
 all the packets to the network where my mail server

 I also add a rule in my NAT Translation Screen

 original translated

 any - mail server - any = original - mailserver -
 66.x.x.11   10.x.x.x

 original - GW

 What will I do so that i can received my outside
 emails? What will I edit or additional route or

 Thank You Very Much,

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[FW-1] FW-1 Logging Inconsistencies

2002-02-07 Thread Christopher Collins

I performed a FW LOGEXPORT on all my *.LOG files for the month of January
converting them to semi-colon (;) delimited text files (*.LOG.TXT).

The first line of each file contains the heading information for that
particular file. Has anyone noticed that these headings are different for
each log file in two ways?

1. The number of columns reported varies from day to day
2. The order of the columns varies from day to day

I loaded the column headings from each day into Excel to perform an analysis
and I had to stop after I got through 15 days. I had not got a single
identical logging format.

Below is an excerpt of my Excel spreadsheet showing the inconsistencies:

DateColumn 29   Column 30   Column 31   Column 32
Column 33   Column 34
9   reason: reason  port:   product additionals:sys_msgs
10  to  message reason  sys_msgs
11  message reason  port:   product additionals:sys_msgs
12  bytes   message icmp-type   icmp-code   reason: reason
13  icmp-code   reason  port:   product additionals:sys_msgs
14  message reason  port:   sys_msgs

This is the first time I have really looked closely at the column headings
and it does not make sense. Is anyone else seeing this?



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Re: [FW-1] FW-1 Logging Inconsistencies

2002-02-07 Thread Christopher Collins

That is pretty much what I thought I was going to have to do. I just wanted
to see if there was a fix for this nonsense.

Thanks again,


 -Original Message-
From:   Ray Lodato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:39 AM
Subject:Re: [FW-1] FW-1 Logging Inconsistencies

I've noticed that, too. When I set up my perl scripts to report on the logs,
I created a function to read the first line and adjust a hash to relate the
column numbers to the headings. Then I use the hash to address the data in
the following lines.

Here are some excerpts:

while (LOGFILE) {

next if (/^$/);


if (/^num;/) {

# Eat any leading blanks

# Split the line into an array separated by whitespace
(@logentry) = split(/;/, $_, $NumCols);

if ($logentry[$TYPE] eq 'log' 
$logentry[$ACTION] ne 'authorize' 
$logentry[$ACTION] ne 'deauthorize') {

# Only accept drop or reject messages
next if ($logentry[$ACTION] !~ 'drop|reject');


close LOGFILE;

sub ReSync {
my ($names) = @_;   # Header line from the log file
my $idx;# Column index
my $name;   # Single column name
my %fields; # Hash of column names to column indices

(@names) = split(/;/,$names);   # Split the names via the
$NumCols = $#names + 1; # Reset column count based on header
$idx = 0;
foreach $name (@names) {
$fields{$name} = $idx++;# Set 'num' to 0, 'date' to
1, etc.
# Now set the global variables
$ACTION   = $fields{'action'};
$SRC  = $fields{'src'};
$DST  = $fields{'dst'};
$SERVICE  = $fields{'service'};
$TYPE = $fields{'type'};# 1.03 - Added fields
$ORIG = $fields{'orig'};# 1.03 - Added fields
$RULE = $fields{'rule'};# 1.03 - Added fields


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 9:40 AM
Subject: [FW-1] FW-1 Logging Inconsistencies

I performed a FW LOGEXPORT on all my *.LOG files for the month of January
converting them to semi-colon (;) delimited text files (*.LOG.TXT).

The first line of each file contains the heading information for that
particular file. Has anyone noticed that these headings are different for
each log file in two ways?

1. The number of columns reported varies from day to day
2. The order of the columns varies from day to day

I loaded the column headings from each day into Excel to perform an analysis
and I had to stop after I got through 15 days. I had not got a single
identical logging format.

Below is an excerpt of my Excel spreadsheet showing the inconsistencies:

DateColumn 29   Column 30   Column 31   Column 32
Column 33   Column 34
9   reason: reason  port:   product additionals:sys_msgs
10  to  message reason  sys_msgs
11  message reason  port:   product additionals:sys_msgs
12  bytes   message icmp-type   icmp-code   reason: reason
13  icmp-code   reason  port:   product additionals:sys_msgs
14  message reason  port:   sys_msgs

This is the first time I have really looked closely at the column headings
and it does not make sense. Is anyone else seeing this?



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Re: [FW-1]

2002-02-07 Thread Christopher Collins

I just
upgraded to SP5 a couple of weeks ago and havent had any problems.

from FW-1 4.1 SP4 to SP5 on NT SP6a.


From: Julio Bretín Díaz
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002
12:10 PM
Subject: [FW-1]


We are
planning to install SP5 but don't know if there is any problem with it.

We have
WINNT 4.0 FW-1 4.1.

a lot.


Re: [JAVA3D] Icon

2001-08-13 Thread Christopher Collins


If your application is of class MyClass, and your icon is myIcon.gif
in the same folder as your class file, you can use the following (for a
class extending JFrame):



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Re: [JAVA3D] mixing Swing w/ Java3D [keyboard issues]

2001-08-09 Thread Christopher Collins


I also had the problem you mention about keyboard accelerators not
working after mouse interaction with the canvas.  It is a focus issue as
far as I can tell.  I worked around this issue using requestFocus() for
the content pane, to get focus back from the canvas after every mouse
click.  It's not really clean, but it works.  I'm not sure if this is
intended behaviour or a bug, but I submitted it nonetheless.  

Attach a FocusListener to the canvas3D and this is the method to regain
keyboard control:

public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == getCanvas3D()) 

This solved my problem for accelerators and also mnemonics for the
JMenuBar items - they always work now.


-Original Message-
From: Copps, Kevin D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:16 PM
Subject: [JAVA3D] mixing Swing w/ Java3D

I realize the issues of mixing lightweight and heavyweight components,
however, I am seeing what is possible...

Can a canvas 3D work as one half of a Swing JSplitPane? I've tried it
and I
can slide the splitter to make the canvas bigger, but not smaller. I'd
to have a JTree as the other half, and the user may want to slide the
pane so as to have more room to read the tree nodes.

The other problem I have is when using JMenu's with keyboard
Once I do some mouse interaction with Java3D objects in the canvas, the
accelerators no longer work. I guess I may need to forward the
from the Java3D context back to the main frame. Is there a good place to
look for more information about this?


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Re: [JAVA3D] confession of a demoralised j3d sucker

2001-07-26 Thread Christopher Collins

Well Markus,

I just saw the movie Final Fantasy (don't bother) and that made me
feel a little inadequate when I saw the amazing 3d animation in that,
compared to my J3D wireframes of simple boats!!  However, my wireframe
boat program is ready for publication, so I don't feel stupid.  :)  Good

Marineering Limited

-Original Message-
From: Joachim Diepstraten
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [JAVA3D] confession of a demoralised j3d sucker

Hi Markus

 Anybody else out there who have invested considerable effort into
learning java3d and feel stupid? Or is it just me!
Nope I just achieved something nice today, so I really can't agree. And
I started working with JAVA3D just 3 months ago.


Realtime Raytracer in JAVA

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Re: [JAVA3D] Memory handling

2001-07-16 Thread Christopher Collins

You can try a trial version of the program OptimizeIt, which will
allow you to track the number of instances of each type of object while
your program is running, and the amount of memory they take up.  This
program helped me out a lot last week.  Just search for OptimizeIt on
any shareware site.  Another way to ensure that your BranchGroups are
being disposed is to make them into a class which extends BranchGroup
and then create a method such as:

private void finalize() {
System.out.println(BranchGroup finalized);

The finalize method, if present, is called by the GarbageCollector
when it is ready to free up memory held by an old unused object.  It is
guaranteed to run before the memory is freed.  If you don't see that
message appear on your output stream, then your BranchGroups are still

You can force the garbage collection somewhat by calling System.gc().


-Original Message-
From: Lan Wu-Cavener [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject: [JAVA3D] Memory handling

I am running into this java.lang.OutOfMemoryError (no trace stack
available) problem when my program detach some BranchGroup objects, and
re-generate them as the user navigates through the graphic scene. The
regenerated BranchGroup objects are not any larger than its previous
counterparts, but they do need quite a bit calculation to generate. My
question is: How do I verify the detached BranchGroup objects are
from memory?

If any one can give me some help, I would appreciate it very much.

Lan Wu-Cavener
Research Associate and Programmer
Dept. of Landscape Architecture

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Re: [JAVA3D] Memory handling

2001-07-16 Thread Christopher Collins


Note my wording:  You can force the garbage collection _somewhat_ by
calling System.gc().

Garbage collection in Java seems to be slow at best, but if objects have
no references remaining and you set them to null, you are likely to get
garbage collection and _if_ garbage collection occurs on an object, at
that point it _is_ guaranteed that finalize will be called, which is
what I said.  GC is not guaranteed, but if it occurs, then finalize is
guaranteed, and through finalize, you can debug and track the gc.  I
have done this for Shapes, BranchGroups, etc, and I found that many of
them are actually being collected by the garbage collector.  The gc is
just a very low priority thread.

Perhaps a Sun person could comment further.  

Have a great day,


From the Java 2 API, System class:

public static void gc()
Runs the garbage collector. 
Calling the gc method suggests that the Java Virtual Machine expend
effort toward recycling unused objects in order to make the memory they
currently occupy available for quick reuse. When control returns from
the method call, the Java Virtual Machine has made a best effort to
reclaim space from all discarded objects. 

The call System.gc() is effectively equivalent to the call: 


-Original Message-
From: Greg Munt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [JAVA3D] Memory handling

This is just not true. Garbage collection is never guaranteed to happen.
Ever. (This means that finalizers are never guaranteed to run, ever.)
System.gc is not guaranteed to do ANYTHING. For this reason, I fail to
the point of its existence, actually.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, July 16, 2001 01:34
Subject: Re: [JAVA3D] Memory handling


You can force the garbage collection somewhat by calling System.gc().

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Re: [JAVA3D] Closing a JDialog

2001-07-16 Thread Christopher Collins

Have your thought about using a JOptionPane?  I think it's better if you
only want a warning message to show.  Something like this has all the
buttons and closing methods built in:

JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(ParentFrame, warnMessage, Warning,
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION );

There are also showErrorDialog, showMessageDialog, etc.  (See the API)
With these you can also specify your own button set and default button
choice, and the method returns the value of the chosen button.

Otherwise, with JDialog, you can add an actionlistener to a button and
then call yourDialog.hide() in the actionPerformed() method to hide your
dialog box.

For example, for JButton jbCancel, with message Cancel:

private void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == jbCancel) 

I use hide, because I want to retain the settings that the user has
entered into the dialog.  If you just want to show a message then
destroy the dialog, you could set the dialog to null when the button is
pressed, and it will be garbage collected, I think.  You can also add a
WindowListener if there are any actions you want to carry out when the
user clicks the x in the upper right corner.  Again, here I use hide
to ensure the dialog isn't trashed:

addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

Good luck,


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Re: [JAVA3D] Memory handling

2001-07-16 Thread Christopher Collins

Oops!  Big mistake!

Of course if I had actually referred to my working code, I would have
recalled the super.finalize() call and the throwable declaration... 

Any text or FAQ can explain finalize and it's use more clearly.  Sorry
for my mistake!

However, I think the following would be better than the revised
suggestion, as super.finalize() should be the last call in the finalizer
method.  Also, to truly override finalize of the Java native classes,
finalize must be declared protected, not private as I formerly stated or
public as in Karsten's code.

protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
// your code / print outs
// watch out not to cause an exception. it will not be reported,
since the system will catch them silently

// this is very important, never forget it. The super class could
free memory of native code

Have a great day,


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Re: [JAVA3D] Update2

2001-07-12 Thread Christopher Collins

Calm down everyone!  We all unfortunately got the attachments.  We all
deleted them.  Will it matter tomorrow?  No.  I think 6 messages is
enough to get the point out about etiquette.

Now we can get on with our lives and have a nice day rather than getting
all worked up and complaining to each other when the sender evidently
isn't even listening.  

:)  There are Java3D issues to be discussed!


OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

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[JAVA3D] Picking exception

2001-07-12 Thread Christopher Collins

Does anyone know about this exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Interp point outside quad

It is occurring when I pick inside an IndexedQuadArray, and I can't seem
to see any consistency to when it occurs.  (ie sometimes it happens and
then I can repeat what I think is the same procedure, and it doesn't
happen).  I can't find any documentation about it in the API.

Here is the offending section of code:

Point3d eyePos = pickCanvas.getStartPosition();
pickResult = pickCanvas.pickAllSorted();
if ((pickResult != null)  (vertexCount  4)) {
for (int i = 0; i  pickResult.length; i++) {
// Get closest intersection results to mouse click, ignoring
PickIntersection pi =
clickVertex = pi.getClosestVertexCoordinates();
intersectPoint = pi.getPointCoordinates();  // !! LINE
[... more processing with clickVertex and

Thanks for any information you can provide,


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Re: [JAVA3D] By reference or by value

2001-07-05 Thread Christopher Collins

Hello Nikolaos,

I'm pretty sure that the appearance is assigned by reference.  I am
using several Shape3D with IndexQuadArrays, all assigned the same
appearance object.  To change the appearance fill state of the entire
scene, I just retrieve one appearance and change the PolygonAttributes,
and that change propagates through all the Shapes.  You do not have to
reassign the changed appearance to see the effect.

The following couple of lines shows how I use this to set the lines/fill
state of the appearance of the Shapes in my scene.  Note that
StructureAppearance extends Appearance and pa is the PolygonAttributes.

Method call which sets fill/lines of all shapes:  This is called on just
one Shape3D:
((StructureAppearance) this.getAppearance()).fill(isFilled);

Implementation in StructureAppearance:
   public void fill (boolean fill) {
if (fill) 

Good luck,


-Original Message-
From: Nikolaos Abatzis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:03 AM
Subject: [JAVA3D] By reference or by value
Importance: High

Hello folks,

Quick question:

When an object is assigned an appearance, does it actually have a link
that appearance or a hard copy?
That is if you change the appearance object does the shape that uses
appearance change as well yes, or no. If not how can you change an
appearance dynamically? Do you have to go and reassign the new
with setAppearance(...)?

Your help is appreciated!


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Re: [JAVA3D] Geometry Array - getColors(index, Color3f[ ])

2000-08-03 Thread Christopher Collins

Hi Shravan,

I experienced this problem in my first week working with Java3D.

Maybe my workaround is incorrect, but I think you have to create the
elements of your Color3f array and Point3f array individually first.  The
getCoordinates and getColors methods do not allocate, they only assign the
values of the fields of the array members.  This code should work for you:


Color3f[] colorArray = new Color3f[2000];
for (int i = 0; i  colorArray.length; i++)
colorArray[i] = new Color3f();

Good luck,


Christopher Collins
Oceanic Consulting Corporation  (709) 754-2357 [home]
Memorial University of Newfoundland  (709) 749-4383 [cell]

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