[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Check your hearing

2006-06-18 Thread highdudgeon

cliveb Wrote: 
 Well, I've not quite got to 50 (I'm 49), but this thread prompted me to
 test myself, and I can still *just* make out 16.8kHz. I don't consider
 myself to have especially wonderful hearing (my wife often complains
 that I don't hear her :-). I've been to my fair share of rock concerts
 (including a Status Quo gig when I was fifteen that left my ears
 ringing for two days). So I think your MD friend is being overly
 pessimistic. Could it be in his line of work, he only tends to
 investigate the hearing of those who report to him with problems?

No, I think those numbers are fairily accurate -- I looked it up on the
web once, on a medical site, and that's what I found.  Again, my own
hearing range is pretty much right there, in the middle.  Remember, as
I said, I think, these are averages or generalized expectations. 
Naturally, some people (like me) will be on the money, some will do far
worse (Pete Townsend), and some (lucky you!) will do far better.

Still -- and because your hearing is exceptional -- it would be
interesting for you to do hearing check.  I'm pretty sure that they can
control volume outputs and plot your hearing range, in +/- db.  If you
ask nicely...!


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Check your hearing

2006-06-17 Thread highdudgeon

Actually, I have it on pretty good authority (an MD), and there is
information out there to back this up, that the average (average) 40
year old male tops off at around 14khz.  That's assuming no lifetime of
regular rock concerts and airport tarmacs.  By age fifty, that number is
cut in half -- you're down to 7khz.  And, from there, it's a continued
nose dive.

When I play a test tone sweep through my speakers, the sound level, to
me, diminishes rapidly as the freq goes higher and then it sputters
into a hiss.  Interestingly, while looking at the computer, the
measurement is still going...and the extreme high frequencies are
measured (I use Fuzzmeasure for the Mac and a DBX mic with Presonus
Firebox audio device, both calibrated).  Oh: I turn 41 in a couple of


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-29 Thread highdudgeon

For some reason, laws against fraud and false advertising seem to miss
the audio industry for a mile. I'd love to see a parts list and English
language explanation.

And, in fact, Stereophile had a bit full of panic a while back when the
New York State AG's office started to look into some of these issues.

It really is all quite shameless.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread highdudgeon

Again...the audiophile version of the Squeezebox, which will be sold
through dealers, is due out in the not-too-distant future.  I think
this is a semi-open secret at this point.   Salient items are a digital
input, improved DAC, power supply,etc.  I'm sure it will be in a sleek,
sexy, metallic case, to help justify a far higher price point.

So, I guess what I'm saying is this: before spending hundreds or
thousands on mods, why not wait a few months?  In the meantime, the SB3
alone can be quite satisfactory.  You won't be pulling out hairs over
poor sound quality.

Much of this is subjective, of course, but there are those on this
forum, inlcuding me (please, no flames, no comments about my
non-revealing system, etc.), who have found the differences between the
SB3 and a high quality external DAC and the SB3 alone to be minimal. 
Ditto for power supplies.  The differences ARE there, to be sure, but
the price per square foot, as it were, is at Manhattan levels.  So...if
Slim Devices, who are obviously a bunch of very smart, very savvy, and
very competent people, come out with an audiophile friendly version,
I think it would be worth checking out.  Fewer boxes, nicer design,
equal or less money.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread highdudgeon

It has nothing to do with how he chooses to describe his widgets.  The
fact is, and I can also speak here with a respectable background in
physics, it is pure baloney.

Of course, you are free to like what you hear.  People also like Tice
Clocks and Mpingo disks and all the rest.  There was, too, that lovely
Stereophile account of a simple test that amounted to placing a pizza
box support, I think painted silver, on top of a CD player.  Listeners,
prompted to the magical quality of the tweak, loved what they heard.

The power of psychology...


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophile Version

2006-05-22 Thread highdudgeon

I'm assuming the audiophile version -- and I've heard that it will come
out from a dealer and I've heard it coyly alluded to --  from a Slim
Devices employee will be the 'real deal.' 

Certainly, I can't find much to complain about.  If the DAC is even a
bit better, it will obviate the need, or perceived need, for an
outboard DAC.  The digital input is a real plus, too, and could send a
lot of people on the road of dumping their existing DACs.  All in one,
you know.

As for the modders, well, they will always have something to sell and
something will always represent a notch below Nirvana to them. 
Speaking of Bolder: for crissakes, they sell mods with (wildly priced
and silly) Bybee products.  I don't begrudge someone making a living,
but let's get this straight: most modders are a rather parasitical
cottage industry.  It will be nice to see a 'straight up' product put
these things to sleep (not that the SB3 doesn't pretty much do that).

Projected cost around two grand.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why not more Squeeezbox reviews in hi-fi magazines?

2006-04-14 Thread highdudgeon

Moreover, maybe also test it not only to something like the ML but with
a more pedestrian DAC, like a Lavry or Benchmark (ie, sub $1,000).


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Lighten up, this is supposed to be fun.

2006-04-14 Thread highdudgeon

dnighorn Wrote: 
 Goodness!  I hope this wasn't aimed at me (as I am the last person to
 post in the 'hi-fi magazines' thread.  It was simply my intent to get
 folks off of JA's back and give him a chance to do a real review.
 On to the fun stuff.  The SB is simply the best entertainment invention
 since the Tivo.  (I don't like sliced bread.  Could live entirely
 without it.)  Not a day goes by that I am not tickled pink to have such
 a high quality playback device in my system.

Hey, better than Tivo -- it's cheaper!


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Top end HiFi vs Squeezebox 3

2006-04-13 Thread highdudgeon

Basically, I think you are right.  As with the other poster, my
personal, semi-subjective is that EAC is akin to using an elephant to
squash a bug.  I've tried it, in the Mac form, and found it a pain.  I
use Apple Lossless and my SB3 output (with and without an external DAC)
sounds every bit as good as a fine CD player.

Congrats on a well-integrated, wonderfully simple, and excellent
system!  When I read descriptions like that, it does give me pause.  (A
lot, actually.  I had 988s but the WAF knocked them out of the house. 
They are simply marvelous speakers and easily rank amongst the very


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Top end HiFi vs Squeezebox 3

2006-04-13 Thread highdudgeon

it's actually a unix (or something akin) with a shell interface for the
mac.  I'll try to find the download page again.  Very, very clunky. 
Get right back to you.
(edit) -- my bad.  I had been in a discussion about EAC and learned
about XACT, which is what I tried.  I was told that it is quite
similar.  Anyway, I just didn't see any advantage to it.

But, hey, now that the Mac OS allows easy dual-booting, maybe I can
give the real thing a try.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Top end HiFi vs Squeezebox 3

2006-04-13 Thread highdudgeon

Speaking of which, anyone have a favorite device for ripping?  I use my
iMac's internal drive and a Lacie D2.  To be quite honest, I've had a
few problems with the Lacie.  I had to rescan a few disks with error
correction on -- read time went from 32x or something to 4 or 5x, but
the new files were clean.

Thoughts?  Recommendations?


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread highdudgeon

opaqueice Wrote: 
 I couldn't agree more.  Although in the case of these power supplies I'd
 be happy if even one person could consistently tell the difference in a
 series of AB/XY blind tests...

Exactly.  The placebo effect is tremendous.  And, money does not buy

A buddy of mine purchased a set of very expensive GamuT speakers --
very expensive. They were touted as wide dispersion speakers designed
for off-axis listening, which immediately put me on alert.  Anyway, I
helped set them up and, within minutes, we both agreed that they
sucked.  Gorgeous, overbuilt, insanely nice as furniture -- but just
awful.  Fortunately, this is a guy largely immune to the placebo

I mean, think seriously about this power supply business: people are
spending two, perhaps, now with the maui thing, thee times the cost of
a Squeezebox on a damned power supply.  Strangely, the stock power
supply works pretty well.  I bought an Elpac, just for curiosity, and
there was no difference.  Want a difference?  Use a really nice DAC and
maybe upgrade your speakers.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread highdudgeon

rajacat Wrote: 
 It was not a personal attack but just a statement that unless a person's
 opinion is based on actual experience it must be regarded accordingly.
 You seem to regard many in the audiophile cottage industry as just
 hucksters but offer no proof just unsubstantiated opinions.

Actually, it was a personal attack.  You stated that -- and without
knowing -- that I had probably not tried any of these things.  Well, in
almost thirty years of audiophile experience, you can rest assured that
I have.  Moreover, my opinion of these PS mods is quite often echoed by
engineers -- they make little or no difference, except to the pocket
book of the purchaser and bank account of the seller.  So, Rajacat, you
show ME a verifiable, controlled, double-blind test of these things. 
Then, describe, in laymans and in technical terms, why they would make
an audible difference.  The burden of proof, and, alas, of civility, is
on you.  After all, you're the one touting the object...


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread highdudgeon

aberdeencomponents Wrote: 
 Hi Patrick, You should know we do not need to spam, any last thing I
 need to do is Advertise, especially here. I can not stop someone from
 posting information, that was sent personally to them, or taken off my
 forum. The unit was made as per my 200+ customer requests. And is made
 for my existing customers ONLY.
 In other words, If YOU wanted one, sorry not available.
 For the people on the forum, that supports, thank you.
 For the Pencil necked geeks, it is apparent you don't have people who
 appreciate your work. Everyone is not like you, who can DIY.
 There is several who would like your work/product, but are too selfish
 and snobby to produce such desired product for others.
 But yet have time to criticize others or doing so. But yet what can we
 expect from these pencil necked text book reading geeks?
 Then you have Highdudgeon who believes his decision making of
 purchasing product , should be done by attendance of a large group of
 people, blindfolded. Is this how you buy a car, your clothes? Is this
 how you choose your wife? If your not capable of making your own
 decisions, why bother voicing your own opinions on these forums?? 
 shouldn't it be from your blind decision makers?  or are they to blind
 to type?

This is truly priceless, down to the horrid grammar, wildly flawed
logic, insulting, playground language, and general lashing out at
everyone.  Reminds me of one or two other modders on this forum, but
worse.  Alas.  How people like this make a living is just beyond me. 
Reporting this to SD isn't the worst idea...


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread highdudgeon

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 If someone who backs these PSU mods/tweaks would just show some
 oscilloscope tracings, I, for one, would be happy! If it reduces noise,
 just run a sin wave through the SB3 and measure the outputs, and prove
 it to us, once and for all.

Nice idea.  Add to that: provide additional proof, say with academic
backing, that such differences as might exist would actually be
audible, to say nothing of dramatic.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread highdudgeon

Incidentally, I would like to clarify something:

I hardly believe all products should be subjected to double-blind
testing.  An obvious case is speakers.  Speakers are highly personal,
vary wildly in their appropriateness for different rooms, and, by gosh,
they even look different.  It is instructive, however, to have good
reviews that include measurements and comparisons.  These, in addition
to listening tests, can help us go in a preferred direction.  I love my
speakers and think they are marvelous; however, they certainly wouldn't
be everyone's cup of tea.  And, if I had to move into a smaller room,
they would be gone in a heartbeat.

Now, where I do think double-blind testing is of value are the areas of
electronics and more ephemeral objects like cables.  From power supplies
to amps to cables, we get gobs of reviews filled with enough elusive
adjectives to make a wine magazine blush.  

And then there matter of marketing hype: amps with damping factors of
8000 having more bass impact than one with a factor of 400 (do the
math; there is not much of a difference, when you take the entire
system into account); minuscule (and irrelevant) distortion figures and
s/n, etc.  Okay, that's amplifiers.

But, when you move into the world of power cords, cables, tweaks
ranging from bybee silliness to mpingo disks to whatever, including
some good tweaks, cables, etc., you're now in a rarefied zone.  These
items are expensive.  They are highly touted by manufacturers, some
devoted users (Tice Clock, anyone?); they can be very expensive; and
the placebo effect is perhaps at its worst.  Why?  Because the system
has been built...and, without the need for more big boxes and such, the
user is now searching for that special thing that with take him or her
to audio nirvana.  This is a powerful force.  This is not made up. 
Medical studies don't make this up.

So, what to do?  Have a more consumer-friendly magazine or group of
audiophiles and dealers try out the various competing power supplies
under these conditions.  Try out cables, power supplies, and other
tweaks under similar conditions.

I mean, I would really love to see this happen.  It would be fun,
instructive, and would shine brightly on those who participate,
whatever the outcome.  It would not shine highly on those that don't. 
I think we can take it for granted, given the defensiveness, that maui
mods would slither off into the world of snake oil and secrecy.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-09 Thread highdudgeon

I would love -- really love -- to see all these exorbitantly-priced
power supply builders to submit their products, along with the
standard-issue or Elpac variety supplies, for a regulated double-blind
test involving enough listeners with such qualities as to establish
statistical significance.  

I mean, this just wouldn't be too hard to do and it would be an
opportunity to establish the product -- assuming it merits
establishment.  You just need a host, a curtained set up, attendants
(off the street student types) who don't know what supply is what,
scoring sheets for the listeners, and, say, a pick of self-described
audiophiles, dealers, whatever reviewer one could find, musicians
perhaps, and laypersons.

Brings to mind the well-known Bay Area Audiophile Society blind test of
power cords: the ability of listeners to distinguish between stock IEC
cords and $1k+ cords was statistically insignificant.  It is a real
shame -- and there is money behind this, of course -- that none of the
prominent audio magazines conduct such tests.

Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One often hears what
one sees and pays for.  Anyway, thought for the day.  This was not
directed at anyone and was certainly not meant to be denigrating of any
particular product.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: simple amp recommendations?

2006-03-29 Thread highdudgeon

A vintage Carver would be very nice and right in the price range -- and
quite competitive with far more expensive audiophile amps.


SB3, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane DEQ60L,
Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: why do we need a DAC ?

2006-03-28 Thread highdudgeon

Skunk Wrote: 
 Have you even read much about the Lawry's? It's touted as a 'feast for
 the senses', probably well worth the money: http://www.lawrys.com/

Bah-rump, tcha!


SB3, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane DEQ60L,
Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-25 Thread highdudgeon


Would SD consider providing an AES/EBU ouput, either as standard or as
an option?


SB3, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane DEQ60L,
Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: OT- Check out THIS guys DIY Media Server!

2006-03-24 Thread highdudgeon

But it does shed some light on the McIntosh product (ridiculous!) and
other 'big box' music servers...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-23 Thread highdudgeon

That's exactly right -- and notice his prominent use of the word
perhaps.  Perhaps.  

And...the Ayre costs $6k, or twenty Squeezeboxes.  And, with all due
respect to the writer, JA specifically disavows blind and double-blind
testing.  Forget about what kind of connection was used; the fact is,
it would be hard for a lot of people to look at the Ayre, then look at
the SB, and not come up with some ephemeral difference.

Besides, there is this, which, again, is hardly worth discussing: a DAC
that fully buffers and re-clocks the incoming signal pretty much renders
the transport, cable, etc., a neutral factor.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-23 Thread highdudgeon

seanadams Wrote: 
 I'm not trying to bash the DAC-1 - as a matter of fact i have tested it
 and found it well designed and exhibiting a very low noise floor and low
 distortion throughout the analog section. But I'm not comfortable
 ignoring other potentially audible effects of ASRC to get the improved
 specs that it yields for such narrow tests as THD+N, jitter immunity

Sean, I was thinking more along the lines of the Lavry DACs (the Blue,
the DA10, etc.).  Check out the papers on the Lavry site and perhaps
get in touch with Robert Greene, the UCLA math prof and Absolute Sound
reviewer, about this; he can go into far deeper detail.  His web site
is www.regonaudio.com

But, believe me -- and it is nice to hear from you -- I find that, for
most of my listening, the SB is one of the most satisfying components I
have ever purchased.  The sheer cost and value of the unit and its
performance, in stock configuration, is unprecedented in the audiophile

One poster wrote that the correct interpretation of JA's review is that
the differences between the SB and other very high-end transports is
tantamount to trivial.  Some people get bent out of shape about
trivial; others learn to be happy.  I'm pretty happy!

Double blind-testing: absolutely.  To publish review after review,
writing about audio components as if writing about wine, talking about
how every new toy or mod is oh-so-much better, is just silly.  Sure,
write some reviews; then, conduct rigorous double-blind tests, under
conditions that would optimize listening, have input from psychologists
as to length of exposure, etc., and give us the results.  

Sean: maybe Slim Devices could conduct some such tests...?!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon

Well, yes and no.  There is no fundamental difference in terms of 1's
and 0's.  However, there is an enormous and fundamental difference in
terms of storage and usability.   It's a shame that Redbook never moved
beyond twenty year+ old technology and that we have the same data format
now as 'back then.'  However (and this is because my background is in
editing, UI design, and the like), sometimes usability is nearly on
par, or on par, with data content.  The fact is that this new
technology use is more flexible, it saves our butts (no more
scratched/destroyed CDs -- at least for those of us with young children
and pets), and it is extremely convenient.  We're saying more or less
the same thing...I just tend to view fundamental globally. 

Now, if they would make a SB that could stream DVD video data from
one's hard drive and throw it into the same package...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon

Amen, brother.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon

JJZolx Wrote: 
  Is it your opinion that the $8 chip in a DAC accounts for so much of
 its characteristic sound that you may as well junk every DAC made more
 than a couple years ago?  I've never seen an even remotely similar
 opinion statement from an audiophile, so it raises an eyebrow...That's
 the sort of thing you read from an engineer that dables in audio.  If
 the spec looks good on paper and on a scope, then it must sound better,

Well, that's largely right, and especially in digital.  If the specs
are right -- low jitter, etc., etc. -- then it should work well.  This
is not like the world of tubes, where you have a bit of black art mixed
with the science (for the record, I have no stomach for tube stereo
amps, but I do have twenty or so tubed guitar amps and more tubes can I
would care to count on any given day).  

And, yes, I think the figure of around 95% is about on target.  It is
in my experience, and I have one of those proverbial revealing
systems and thirty-five years of music training to back up my opinion.
The fact is, and I seem to keep repeating this, the law of diminishing
returns is brutally applied in audio.  Witness yesterday's Stereophile
review: the SB, through a DAC, sounded so close to a $6k CD player,
through the same DAC, that the differences were irrelevant.  It would
be interesting, next, to see the SB with the $6k DAC against the SB with
a more bleeding edge $1k DAC...and then, in a blind test, with no DAC at
all.  I've done this (well, not with a $6k DAC, but with a $4k dac, a
$1k DAC, and no DAC) with friends and the conclusion was that the
differences were minimal...and, with certain recordings or genres,
irrelevant.  The most expensive CD player I've owned is the Audio Aero
Capitole.  I'm just as happy with the Squeezebox and friends who've
heard my system tend to be impressed and leave the door ordering
Squeezeboxes, too.  (Seriously.  A pal of mine is selling off a $4k EC
CDP and keeping a Squeezebox.)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon

Well said.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon


Are you finding significant differences between different transports
when using the same DAC?  Again, and at least technically, if a DAC is
properly buffering and re-clocking the signal, the output will always
be the same, regardless the input.  Just curious.

That would be a fun comparison; wish I could pop in from the left


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon

Amen to all the above.

And, yeah, the 5% can be, well, just 5% or a 5% that really
counts...excellent point!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon

Actually, I imagine that an audiophile SB would be hugely profitable. 
We shouldn't forget that profit margins in the high-end world are just
that -- high-end.

Imagine packaging the SB with a high-endish DAC, beefed up hardware,
metal case and remote, option of balanced outputs  and AES/EBU for the
digital output, etc., and pricing somewhere between $1,000-$1,500. 
Then, compare that to what people are paying for custom power supplies,
various DAC and analog output mods, etc., on top of the price of a new

The killer product, I think, would be a Slim Devices receiver. 
Basically, the SB, as above, packaged with an Icepower/Tripath/Whatever
amp, and an extra analog input or two an a digital out for those who
must experiment, and an f/x loop for equalizer/processors.  Now, sell
*that* for $1,500-$2,500.  Small, cute, reasonably priced, high-end
performance, and all you need.

You know a high-end company, like, say, McIntosh, would charge two or
three times as much.  Hell, they already do, and you don't even get the
amp and you do get a cheesy menu that requires a television.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Heathrow Hi-Fi Show 1/2 April 06

2006-03-22 Thread highdudgeon

Patrick -- NOW I get it.  That's a sexy set up for the Squeezebox and
the amp.  Do you have more pictures and specs anywhere?  Available in
the states, price, etc?  Could be fabulous for a second system or



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-21 Thread highdudgeon

Very nice to wake up to, indeed!   And, honestly and with all due
respect, I wonder if even the wee differences he heard between it and
the CDP, when listening very carefully, are more psychological in
nature than anything else.  Expectations are powerful.  In the end,
though, he rules them irrelevant.  So, there you go: the $300
Squeezebox can, officially, and now not just from the mouths of us,
replace a kilo-buck CD player.

I'm not familiar with the Levinson DAC.  My guess, and this is
something I brought up elsewhere, is that a buffering/re-clocking DAC
like the Lavry and perhaps Mytek would make the point moot.  And,
you're still looking at a lot less money than an audiophile DAC...with
an easy way to upgrade to a later SB or DAC down the road.

Kudos Slim Devices!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-21 Thread highdudgeon

He also called the difference irrelevant for general listening.  Now,
that's saying a lot.

Again, I don't really know much about the Levison DAC.  However, with a
cutting-edge device, such as the Mytek or Lavry, devices that fully
buffer and re-clock the incoming signal, differences in transport --
short of skipping CDs or whatever -- are irrelevant or at least audibly

I definitely noticed a difference when using the Lavry DAC -- and other
DACs, for that matter.  However, my experience was akin to JA's: for
less then really attentive critical listening with certain music
kinds...the differences between the stock SB and SB/DAC became far less
relevant.  To my taste, at least.  I just don't get so buggy about the
finest nuances, I suppose, and I don't chase after them with an open

So much of audio, I think, is akin to bike racing.  With serious road
bikes, a gram of weight costs around a buck.  When  you're talking
about stripping down half a pound somehow, you're talking about a lot
of money.  On the other hand...you can easily lose half a pound working
out hard for a couple or three days.  Ditto with audio: it is a lot
easier, and cheaper, and more effective, to invest time in careful
speaker placement rather than throwing an additional $5,700 at a
fancier transport...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mods for a non-modder: AES/EBU and XLR outputs

2006-03-20 Thread highdudgeon

Tyler, thanks -- this is great.  You're right, of course, about the
internal circuitry, but this is better thank nothing.  I wonder if one
of our locals can do this...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best subwoofer for music under $1000?

2006-03-20 Thread highdudgeon

There's nothing remotely dumb about using subs in mono.  It just depends
on your needs.

Almost all sound in the the 20-40hz octave is in mono in the CD format.
So, if your sub is trolling off your main speakers -- ie, you are
letting your mains run their full range and just adding on the subs --
and you are crossing over the sub at 40-45hz, then mono is just fine. 
It is better, in a way, because you get a boost of some 3db or so. 
Nice if your subs drop quickly from 30/25hz-20hz, or if they distort
when played too loud.

Now, this is NOT the case when you are setting cross-overs for the
mains and subs and when that cross over is above 40-45hz.  At 60, 70,
or 80 hz, you would obviously be loosing stereo information.  With a
system such as TacT (which can be accomplished, closely, without a
TacT), you're using corner woofers -- not subwoofers -- crossed over at
200hz.  You DEFINITELY want that to be in stereo.  

That's about it, really.  For someone to claim that, somehow, you are
missing vital information with mono subs crossed over at 40 hz is
misleading.  And, remember two things: 1) sound in that range is
omniderectional, in the first place, so you're not going to get stereo
imaging, and 2) a lot less than we think actually happens down there!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-20 Thread highdudgeon


I think a subwoofer is essential with the Quads -- the REL is an
obviously and good choice.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon


Those are beautiful speakers, in every way. I've had the 988s and 989s
in my house, but, alas, the family was not pleased.  I barely get by
with the large boxes I now have...but I like them about as well. 
Still, almost nothing images like a Quad.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon

Noisephiles -- That's excellent!  The bottom line isn't just finding a
perfect sound system; it's spending quality time finding and listening
to music.  The more time you fiddle, the less time you get to kick
back, bliss out, and enjoy your system.

Re. external DACs: that is an excellent point.  Using the right DAC
(please, no flames here), assuming buffering, re-clocking, jitter
elimination and a halfway competent output stage, the $300 player (or
squeezebox) an $10k CD player (as transport) will sound the same.

The scary, and pleasing, thing for  me is that the SB is so good on its

Incidentally, for the pure hell of it, I ordered an Alpac (sp?) linear
power supply, just to experiment.  As the SB gurus predicted, there was
absolutely no difference in sound.  There are just so many other
imporant things.

Something I would like to see: AES/EBU output for digital (strongest
signal) and XLR outputs for audio (as above, allowing really long cable
runs).  I wonder if anyone does and can do these mods for a reasonable


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Mods for a non-modder: AES/EBU and XLR outputs

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon

I know, I'm not into tinkering with electronics, I don't buy into into
most power supply and other mods, etc.  Still, there are two things I
would really like to see on a Squeezebox.  They are:

1. Balanced (XLR) outputs.  These provide the safest signal and would
allow for much longer cable runs...something that coule be handy. 
Also, when one does have an entirely balanced chain...

2. AES/EBU (xlr) digital output.  At 24v, this is the strongest signal,
by far.  Again, this would allow for greater cable runs, etc.

Question: given that Slim Devices is probably not going to come out
with something like this anytime soon -- unless they create an
audiophile edition for a lot more money -- I'm wondering if the SB
can be adapted for true balanced operation without costing a fortune. 
Or, whether it can be done at all?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon

We have to be careful of these things.  People talk about veiling the
high frequencies and extended range (beyond 20khz, etc.) a great

What they forget is that an average 40 year old male can hear up to
around 14khz, on a very good day, and that he can expect that to drop
by half (7khz) in the next ten years of life. Not that a lot of music
happens up there, in the first place.

So, there is revealing, and then there is revealing.

What I truly like about the audiophile voodoo crowd (great phrase) is
that they instantly point out that one's system is not revealing enough.
This, of course, without having HEARD one's system or even knowing what
it is.  I mean, you gotta love it.

Still, people buy into all sorts of things, including the belief that
speaker cable really are directional (no flames, please; that is a long
thread), etc.  Given the financial and emotional investment, it is not
surprising to hear that small tweaks make huge differences.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Part 2 of Enjoy the Music SqueezeBox review

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mods for a non-modder: AES/EBU and XLR outputs

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon

Hey, how do you use your attenuators?  Just set them to a fixed setting
and then control the volume on the SB3, I take it?

I'm thinking of ditching my own preamp and going this route.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best subwoofer for music under $1000?

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon

Actually, a major reason for firing them downwards is that it is an
effective way of absorbing higher frequencies.

I use ACI Force subs.  Two of them, but not in stereo.  I have them
crossed over at 45hz (below 40 it's mostly mono, anyway, and using them
summed gets you a bit more gain).  

They are very nice, I think.  The price is right, for starters.  They
are small and discrete, which has much high WAF.  Per my measurements,
they live up to the promise of +/1 3db all the way down to 20hz. 
Adjustments are easy and ACI is kind enough to include a test disc,
instructions, etc.  I have tried them against REL's, TBI's, Velodynes,
you name -- all more expensive by a good margin -- and the ACI don't
give up a thing, and are even better than some.  Oh, imaging:
absolutely no change, except that bass is tighter, more focused, and
more textured.

Did I mention they are reasonably priced, well-built, and discrete? 
They only have 10 drivers, as opposed to the 12 woofers on my harbeth
M40s, and they are far smaller.  They work together well -- a real


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best subwoofer for music under $1000?

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon

I think retail is around seven hundred or so.  I got mine used.  One was
a steal at $425 and another somewhat less so at $500.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best subwoofer for music under $1000?

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon

A test tone at twenty cycles, at volume and for enough time to take a
few measurements with an SPL meter leaves me feeling sick.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mods for a non-modder: AES/EBU and XLR outputs

2006-03-19 Thread highdudgeon


I have adapter cables, too, for another use, and they do work just
fine.  In fact, I had the coax of the SB3 going into one input of my
DAC and an RCA/XLR into the balanced input of the DAC.

The thing, though, is that I really am looking at long runs of
cables...and it might well be helpful to have AES/EBU for the digital

Thanks, though...glad to know other people are thinking about it and
working with it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

Indeed I did.  I would appreciate an apology, too.  This isn't a  flame;
I'm just completely confused as to why you would attack a stranger with
all this sarcasm and snootiness.  Of course, you're not the kind to
take or accept an olive branch, and you're certainly not the kind to


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

SB3-Bel Canto Pre2-Rane DEQ60L-Sunfire 300-Harbeth Monitor 40s on
Skylan stands.

That's about it.  I've toyed around with two or three DACs and thought
the Lavry the best of them.  However, the more I listened for
differences and the more I listened to the SB3 alone...the more I found
it very satisfying and quite enough for me. The operative phrase here
is, of course, for me.

All cables by Blue Jeans Cables of Seattle.  Terrific people, fair
prices, solid products.  Again, YMMV.

I get a kick out of the tiny SB3, alone atop my cabinet (other
components hidden away) in the middle of my rather huge (for me)
Harbeths.  With stands, that's 150lbs per speaker.  The SB3 is simply a
wonderful device.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

Bless you.

As for Dan, apology indeed.   You owe me one.  You simply are not man
enough to own up to your poor behavior.  Belittle work about which I
know nothing?  Actually, I do know quite a bit.  What about what began
this whole thing?  You belitting me, for absolutely no reason other
than being upset for having been kicked off a reputable audio forum by
one of the major forces in audio criticism...point, set, match.  I'm


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

Here's the thing:

Without verified blind tests, it is more or less impossible to get a
hold on these mods.  Think about it: the placebo effect works.  If it
works in medicine, it certainly works in audio, with the expectations
of eagar audiophiles multiplied by the money they have spent.  I've
been there and done it myself.

I keep reminding people of the Bay Area Audiophile Society blind test
of power cords -- judging between generic IEC cords and $1,000
audiophile cords, the hit rate hovered around 50%.  50%, of course, is
statistically meaningless.  In short, get a cheap cord, remember that
there are miles of power grid and house hold wire before your huge
audiophile cord, and call it good.  But that's me.

There are so many things that can be improved in theory or by numbers. 
So often, though, these differences make no audible difference.  An amp
with a published THD of .05% is not worse than one with .008% (just to
name two amps I've owned in the last year or so).

And then, of course, comes the law of diminishing returns.  Sure, lots
of things make subtle differences, and sometimes nice subtle
differences...but, are they worth it?

That is where the die-hard hobbiest or perfectionist diverges from
other audiophiles.   I recently ditched a very excellent DAC because,
really, I'm very happy with the SB3 as it is, I've had transporting
experiences listening to music through it, and I'd rather spent the
extra grand somewhere else (like tickets to see live music, for one).

Peter Lyngdorf (of TacT audio) pulled aside a well-known American
reviewer and brought his ear to within an inch of a tweeter.  Sure
enough, there was a tiny bit of hiss.  This hiss, it happens, is what a
$600 or so power supply upgrade to his unit would remove.

If it is important to you, well, grand.  Others might choose

As if you can't tell...I'm from the objectivist camp...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-17 Thread highdudgeon

I see...I have a pretty good idea of who you are, and that you are a
troll from the regonaudio forum.  

Think Robert woul recommend Bel Canto?  Really?  Quite to the contrary.
And ACI subs?  And a Rane EQ when he recommend TacT (very, very
expensive) or plain jane analogue EQs?   Wow, you are so off base, it's
not even funny.

Whatever.  I have a terrific system and you need an attitude check.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-17 Thread highdudgeon


In case anyone is interested:

Robert Greene, among others, has reviewed the Harbeth M40 in glowing
terms.  Is it one of the best speakers out there?  Yes.  Is it the
best?  No, of course not, because now we get into questions of taste,
room, needs, etc.  A Dali Megaline, which is arguably amongst the very,
very best -- it is scary good -- would not work in a 12x12 room.

However, I have owned speakers ranging from Dali (the Grands), Von
Schweikerts, Spendor, Quad ESL-988 and 989s.  For my needs and tastes,
the Harbeth is easily the more engaging, tonally pure speaker.  Quads
image better, of course, if set up properly and if you sit in just the
right spot.  Harbeths are easier to position and have a warmth and
rightness to the midrange that beat the Quads.  Apples, oranges.

So, this is what I find bizarre about Dan's comments: first, we have no
idea what he uses; second, if someone OTHER than Dan recommends a
component, it must, perforce, be a bad component and the user must be a

Of course, Dan, who hasn't been reviewing speakers on a weekly basis
for twenty years, who has no formal training in acoustics, no PhD in
mathematics, who is not a recorded musician and engineer for
well-received classical recordings, etc., certainly knows better.

Again, I just fail -- utterly -- to understand people who insist on
baiting and insulting strangers.  When that person has no legs on stand
on other than his sarcasm, snootiness, and financial agenda, well, it is
even worse.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-17 Thread highdudgeon


I'm not saying that Dan is always like this -- and, surely, he knows
quite a bit about TacT equipment.  Cables, of course, are a matter of
personal taste and philosophy :)

Having said that, Dan has a well-earned reputation for being a
contrarian and someone who takes delight in baiting, insulting, putting
people down, and otherwise harassing those who do not share his views. 
For this reason, he was booted off of Robert Greene's audio forum, much
to the relief of others.  Some people just let, well, something go to
their heads when they can hide behind the veil of email and web forums
and willy-nilly mistreat others.  In real life, a lot of these people
are, I suspect, rather demure and insecure.  Invisibility brings out
their bravado.

Anyway, look at the style and substance of his posts to and about me. 
Bear in mind that I played no small part, along with half a dozen
others that I know, in getting him booted off that forum for bad
behavior.  Can you say resentment?  I sure can!

Anyhoo, no flames from me and I do appreciate your input.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-17 Thread highdudgeon

Thanks for the refereeing, Kevin -- as always, from your technical
assistance to more personal matters, your input is greatly valued.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-17 Thread highdudgeon

Let's see...ahem.  Okay, now that everyone has read the entire thread:

Who started this?  Who began with the insults, baiting, teasing

That's right.  Dan himself.  Lord, may he get a life.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-16 Thread highdudgeon

Incidentally, if you're really curious, you can read a review of the
Monitor 40s here:


Or log on to avguide.com (worthwhile; these are TAS archives, and TAS
is rather more slanted toward objectivity than Stereophile) and look up
the speaker.  Of course, it really sucks, you know.  Hell, all my
components are just crappy, and very inexpensive, to boot.

In fact, the reason I like the SB3 so much is precisely because it is
reasonably priced and performs so well.  Had a high end company
produced the same thing, you could rest assured that it would cost
three or four times the price, or more, and come in a fancy,
brush-aluminum case.

Now, objectively, and whether people like you choose to believe it or
not, the single most important factor in getting good sound is
optimizing the relationship between the speaker, the room, and
consequently your room.  Dave Wilson famously demo'd a set of Watt
Puppys using an iPod as source.  Famously, a Krell CD player was on the
equipment rack and, famously, reviewers commented on how fabulous the CD
player was.  Don't believe me?  Call Wilson and talk to them about it. 
Very nice and open people -- who make excellent and very, very
expensive speakers.  Amplification, at least in the solid state realm,
is a solved problem and  what differences there are between competent
solid state amps are more marginal, or negligible, than most people
think.  Remember, the placebo effect is powerful.  Ditto for preamps. 
(I like the Bel Canto simply because it is neutral, it has the outputs
and inputs that I need, and, most importantly, a very cool programmable

So, what do you need for good sound?  Preferably, highly directional
speakers (Harbeths; some Spendors; definitely Quads, which are
point-source; line array speakers, like some McIntosh and Dali models;
Gradients; some BWs; etc.).  Next, and probably, you need competent
equalization and/or room treatments.  You need to deal with reflections
with treatments or very careful positioning.  You can additionally deal
with room anomalies and speaker anomalies through EQ.  For this, you
really do need some way to measure frequency response -- whether using
mics and software or an SPL meter, test CD, and graph paper.

Harbeths are the speaker of choice in BBC studios and mastering rooms. 
They also use some Dynaudios -- also excellent speakers -- in some
situations.  The BBC has been at the forefront of speaker design and
technology for god-knows-how-long.

Anyway, after years of trial and error, I more or less nailed the
speaker/room thing to my satisfaction.  It is not the only way to do it

So, the point is, my system is quite revealing.  The SB3's output,
while not the best in the world, is highly competent and perfectly
satisfying for a lot of music.  For solo piano, wild orchestral work,
acoustic jazz, etc., the DAC makes some difference.  For most pop
music, there is little to no difference.

Or course, this is a matter of taste.  As it happens, I can afford to
play around with this stuff, I've been doing it for twenty years, and
I'm pretty happy with what I've got.  I have a background in physics,
too, so I more or less understand what's going on with transports and
DACs, to say nothing of cables and amps.

But, of course, you know better.  Even if I were, say, Peter Lyngdorf
(whose TacT equipment is truly wonderful), you would disagree with me
-- because that's what contrarian, immature, and pretty much
ill-informed chumps like you do.

Have a nice life -- and try to get a grip on your ennui and
free-floating anger and sense of inferiority.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-16 Thread highdudgeon


Yeah, being happy is the thing.

Your point is valid, of course, unless you're using a DAC that buffers
the signal and essentially does away with jitter.  A friend who is an
acoustic engineer at Microsoft measured the Lavry and found that it
pretty much does exactly that, as claimed.  I think the Benchmark and
Mytek DACs come awfully close.

For all intents and purposes, really, and unless you're banging on the
CD player or whatever, the differences are negligible.

But, yeah, the bottom line is being happy.  At some point it is time to
stop chasing after some unobtainable perfection.

Having said THAT...you can bet your last dollar that I will keep
experimenting with DACs.  I just have to!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-16 Thread highdudgeon

The 'garbage in garbage out' thing is mostly dispelled by serious
reviewers.  Why?  Because it is not the case.  The if the speakers are
bad -- ie, incapable of reproducing with any accuracy the signalk --
and if the room interactions are bad, the the sound will be bad.  Of
course, Linn had a product to sell, namely, a very expensive turn table
that is no longer the state-of-the-art -- and he would say as much. 
It's a really nasty phrase, anyway, and it hardly applies to the
digital world.  Read through some issues of The Absolute Sound.  Talk
to Dave Wilson.

Think of it this way.  In most systems, there are two mechanical
devices: the transport and the speakers.  The speakers are, by far, the
worst, least reliable, and harder to control element in the audio chain.
When you introduce a device like the squeezebox, you have eliminated
one mechanical problem; when you introduce a DAC that buffers the
incoming signal and then eliminates jitter, who have essentially
optimized the source.  Most competent sources are actually very, very
good.  If you sit down and really audition, say, a better made Pioneer
CD player against, say, the Audio Aero and other expensive players I've
had, you'd be surprised -- if your mind were open to it -- at how subtle
most differences are.  That doesn't mean they are not worthwhile!

So, what is left?  Taking for granted that, for a reasonable cost (if
you imagine a $300 SB3 and a $1,000 DAC to be reasonable), you can get
very, very close to an ideal source, you need now to deal with your
speakers and room.  If you get your system equalized (manually, with a
TacT preamp or integrated amp, etc.) and deal with reflections with a
combination of treatments and careful placement...you'll be smiling.

For me, then, the priority is to get the speakers and room right.  IF
your sound producing elements are revealing and correct, it then
becomes easy to try out and judge various sources.

Anyway, that is my opinion, and the opinion of others.  Naturally, some
people differ, for their own reasons, and that's fine.  I really
appreciate your posts, by the way.  It is nice to talk about these
things without fighting!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-15 Thread highdudgeon

It is gone already.  I'm not saying there were no differences.  They
were there, yes, and specifically appeared in the area of imaging. 
However, it really varied greatly from music genre to genre and, more
importantly, from recording to recording.

I fully admit to being susceptible to the placebo effect.  This DAC was
supposed to be the latest and greatest, I have a pretty terrific,
well-thought-out system, so I bit.  The fact, though, is that the more
I listened, the more subtle the differences became.  In the end, it is
all about your experience, right?  Last night I listened to Gillian
Welch, Emmylou Harris, and Air.   With my eyes closed, kicked back on
the couch (and family out of the house!) the experience was

What really revolutionized my system (Bel Canto Pre2, Carver amp --
don't laugh, it's every bit as good as my earlier Electrocompaniet and
McIntosh!, and Harbeth Monitor 40s) was the introduction of frequency
response measurement and equalization.  My speakers are quite linear,
but, thanks to room interactions, I have around a 10db peak at 80hz. 
Taking care of *that* and otherwise normalizing response has a huge
effect.  By contrast, the DAC was subtle -- I was wrong -- and subtle
enough that the law of diminishing returns kicked in for me.

Incidentally, I'm using a Rane DEQ60L (mostly because of build quality,
but plenty of people are happy with Behringer; I bought mine as a blem
unit from Musicians's Friend for $500) and Fuzzmeasure software for the
mac, along with appropriate cabling, etc.  Oh, and a pair of ACI Force
subs, crossed over at 45hz (small but effective...and great to crank
for DVDs).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-15 Thread highdudgeon

I know -- that's kind of a gripe.  On the other hand, it uses pretty
high quality pieces.  Moreover, I can't tell when it is in the signal
path -- and none of my friends can, either.

It is easy to toggle between the EQ signal and the straight signal by
putting the EQ in the tape loop.  When set for flat response, you
absolutely cannot tell the difference -- whether it is set to EQ or
Bypass.  Likewise, there is no hit to the sound when it is set to EQ.

I have no idea what jitter is on the thing.  I called Rane, out of
curiosity, and spoke to their national sales manager -- he says they
don't even measure.  Then again, the digital stuff and algorithms were
put together by Ray Miller and his team.  Ray Miller did/does Wadia's
digital work.  Wadia is wy more expensive.

At full retail, it is an expensive device; however, it seems like there
are always overstock bargains around.  

PS, it is built like a tank.  Can't say that about Behringer.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-15 Thread highdudgeon


You're right -- the internal sampling rate is 48hz.  I know that the
DAC chip is an AKM something-or-other (I have it in an email) used by
several high end manufacturers.

Any intuition as to how jittery it might or might not be?

PS, any chance you might come out with a device with balanced outputs
(handy for really long interconnect runs)???


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-15 Thread highdudgeon


Don't know whether I was clear about this...but I am extremely
satisfied with the SB3.  No mods, no external DAC, etc.  It sounds just
great on my system.  Mind you, I'm using mastering studio montors; they
are very expensive and are regarded as some of the best speakers
anywhere, at any price.  The Squeezebox is just that good.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Anyone recommend decent speaker cable?

2006-03-15 Thread highdudgeon

After lots of fooling around with cables -- including fooling around
with very expensive cables -- I just gave up.

I more or less understood (understand) the science behind, but, being a
nervous audiophile, I couldn't help myself.

Now, here's the thing: at best, cable will offer some wee bit
equalization.  A little more in this frequency range, a bit less in
that, etc.  In short, it is a very inexact way to balance one's system.
So, what's best?  Something neutral.  Chuck Hinton, McIntoh's technical
rep, presumably understands something about audio.  He told me that he
uses 14 gauge low-voltage outdoor lighting cable from home depot...and,
what's more, that's the cable that has been used in many McIntosh
demonstrations and reviews.

Personally, my audiophile bug still nagged me, so I ditched the
expensive cables (AP Oval 9's and AZ Satoris, for just two) and ordered
up a pair of 10 gauge cables from Blue Jeans Cables.  Overkill, yes,
but...placebo.  Sometimes I need it.

Anyway, these cables are every bit as good and neutral as any of the

Now, you need to balance your system?  That's where equalization comes
in.  Doesn't matter whether it is the pricey TacT RCS/EQ system or just
a straight-up graphic EQ combined with a reasonable mic and room
measurement software.  It works.  A 3db somewhere meaningful makes far
more of a difference -- and is cheaper -- than playing guessing games
with horrendously overpriced cables.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Part 2 of Enjoy the Music SqueezeBox review

2006-03-11 Thread highdudgeon


Nice rig, by the way.  The short answer is this: if you're using the
coax output to an external DAC that completely re-clocks the incoming
signal, then all of this stuff, including power supply questions, is

Other stuff: look up the well-know Bay Area Audiophile Society blind
test of power cords.  Even with a sales rep present and extolling the
virtues of kilo-buck power cords, over the course of a day audiophile
listeners never really scored better than 50% in guessing the
audiophile cord over a stock IEC cord.

But the best thing about that review isn't the power cord.  It's the
Bybee filter.  When you see those two words together...and can see
someone who has been taken for a ride, wants to be taken for a ride, or
wants to take you for a ride.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-11 Thread highdudgeon


I do agree without -- it is not about the price tag; it is about the
proper and thoughtful integration of the system and the system to

I've also put a great deal of time and effort into this.  The Harbeths
are just wonderul, neutral speakers.  I use treatments, RTA and FFT
room measurements, and equalization, amongst other things, to get it
right -- down to doing some math (well, 2nd grade math, I suppose) to
help my ears, measurements, etc., for speaker placement.

Yes, I can hear the differences, here more than there, sometimes, and
there  more than here, other times.  It does boil down to the to me
question, in the end, and, to me, my system is very satisfying and some
subtle issues bug me less than others.  A lot of these things are
downright subjective, after all.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2006-03-08 Thread highdudgeon

One follow-up:

I had a Lavry DA10 in-house for some six weeks.  I sent it back for a
repair, they are backordered, and now I'm getting a refund.  I guess I
can order another one down the line.

Anyway, here's my take, having heard the Benchmark and, extensively,
the Lavry in my house:  I think the advantages of an ourboard DAC are
minimal, especially once you consider the price.  A thousand dollars is
a thousand dollars and that buys a lot of CDs.  Yes, there was some
improvement -- some -- in imaging and clarity of minute sounds. 
Sometimes I could tell and sometimes I could not. (I had the analog
outs going to one preamp input and the digital out to the DAC to
another preamp input).  Right now I'm living without an outboard
DAC...and not really missing anything.  Electronics by Bel Canto and
Carver, speakers by Harbeth ($9,000 speakers at that).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-07 Thread highdudgeon

I find some of this a little bit funny -- its easy for people to let
numbers go to their heads.  For instance: I happen to use an Apple
computer and my home network includes an AE base station, and, in the
room with my SB3, a Airport Express.  Lovely device, and even easy on
the eyes.

For the heck of it, I have run a Toslink connection from the AE to my
Lavry DAC, along with the RCA coax from my SB3 to the DAC.  This gets
kind of cool, actually, because I also have the Griffin remote. 
Anyway, there is absolutely no difference.  Of course, one would expect
that.  The interesting part, however, is in running a splitter cable
from the AE to my preamp and comparing that to the SB3 going into
another input.  Quite frankly, there is no substantial difference, and
certainly not with most pop music.  So, why a Squeezebox?  Because it's
so damn handy, that's why.

It is a fact, though, that people get into twists over jitter rates,
etc., when they have no substantive proof that they can actually hear
this stuff, that they have done blind experiments (which I actually
have), etc.

Hats off to Atkinson for taking on the project.  The SB is a good tool,
I'm sure it will receive an honest evaluation, and I do hope more people
will become interested in the product.

(Incidentally, I find that, with the Lavry unit, there is some
improvement in imaging and perhaps clarity -- which I can only really
tell with some music -- but the differences are small to negligible. 
Is an outboard DAC worth the extra thousand...?  Good question.  The
same money invested in CDs would probably be more fun.)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Songs out of order (grrrr!)

2006-01-02 Thread highdudgeon

Alas, I use an iMac G5.  No lights going off and on.  Bummer.  Why?

Because when you're rescanning the entire library, at least on my
machine, the server turns off.  To get web access, you have to turn the
server on.  However, turn it on too soon...and it seems to mess up the

There really should be some sort of alert.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Songs out of order (grrrr!)

2005-12-31 Thread highdudgeon

Okay, this has happened with several albums.  I've tried rescanning. 
I've even tried dumping the library and scanning anew.  Here's what

1. On the Slim Server access window, the album's songs are displayed in
order.  Great.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2005-12-28 Thread highdudgeon

How do I go about upgrading the firmware?

Thing is, I've tried out a 24/96 recording and my Lavry DAC still locks
at 44.1 (the lovely thing actually tells you what signal it is

Don't get me wrong -- the sound is terrific and is a definite
improvement over the SB3.  Being a pro audio device aimed at mastering
studios and costing a grand, it had better be good.  Thing is, as I
mentioned, it does not present a particular improvement over my CD
playe.  So, worth a grand?  Hard to say...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2005-12-28 Thread highdudgeon

Just spoke to Kevin -- what a champ.  There are no plans to upgrade the
firmware for greater rates.  In fact, the reason my 24/96 files come
out as 44.1 is that the SB doesn't even recognize the file.  This will
not change in the forseeable future.

I can see there point.  There are not a lot of 24/96 sources in the
commercial sector.  Pity, though.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Quick question: CD's per hard drive

2005-11-27 Thread highdudgeon

That's a lot of replies in a short period of time -- and, yes, I left
out (or assumed) some critical information. My fault there.

1.   I am an Apple user (OS 10.4.3).  So, EAC is not an option for me.
2.   Therefore, I rip using iTunes and Apple Lossless.

Yes, I've heard some criticism, here and there, of Apple Lossless. 
Personally, it doesn't seem like I'm losing anything at all...but
opinions are always welcome; I've only just begun this process.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Quick question: CD's per hard drive

2005-11-26 Thread highdudgeon

Hi -- I just purchased a new Maxtor 300gb (279 usable) HD for use with
my SB3.  Question: how many CDs, of average length, say, will fit on
the thing?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-11-25 Thread highdudgeon

First of all, you have to ask yourself -- hard -- if spending a grand on
a DAC is going to make the system that much better.  In my experience,
the answer is now.

Power supplies: silly me, I bit on that and ordered an Elpac. 
Absolutely no difference.

For the record, my Harbeth Monitor 40s are easily amongst the most
revealing, detailed speakers in the world, and I have them positioned
very, very carefully.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2 directly feeding Nuforces distorted sound and a lot of hiss

2005-11-25 Thread highdudgeon

I think something like Bel Canto's new ICEpower amps (the S-1000s and
S-300s) would be more interesting.

But, to the original poster: great system!  Sunfire is terrific
stuff...and Blue Jeans Cables?  My favorite discovery in high-quality,
humanly-priced cabling made by te nicest folks around!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Signal Strength: ethernet?:

2005-11-20 Thread highdudgeon

Okay, I've dramatically -- dramatically -- improved my signal strength.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Signal Strength: ethernet?:

2005-11-20 Thread highdudgeon

Okay, I've dramatically -- dramatically -- improved my signal strength.

1.  I placed a Dr. Bott omni-directional antenna at my Airport Extreme
Base Station.

2.  In the other room, I placed the Airport Express directly behind --
like an inch -- the SB3.

Voila -- signal strength is 100%

So, the question is this: with the Airport Express and the SB3 so close
together...would things be even better if I just used an ethernet patch
between them?  I'm guessing it's six of one and half a dozen of
another, but, hey, every little improvement counts!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Jhymn, DRM, iTunes 6

2005-11-15 Thread highdudgeon

Okay, flat-out, here's the question/problem:

I stupidly upgraded to iTunes 6.  Then, I bought my SB3.  Then, I
find I can no longer strip DRM.

Anyone know of  a work-around?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jhymn, DRM, iTunes 6

2005-11-15 Thread highdudgeon

Burning to CD and re-ripping will actually work?!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2005-11-14 Thread highdudgeon

Actually, while the Benchmark does trumpet (and performs) exceptional
performance in terms of jitter management...my understanding is that it
does not buffer the incoming stream.  IE, it manages internal jitter.

The new lavry unit (due out in a couple of weeks) buffers the incoming
stream and effectively does away with jitter.

The question, of course, is can we here this?  Personally, I think the
SB3 is just scary good and, at three hundred bucks, the most outrageous
bargain in audio.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Signal Strength -- Ideal

2005-11-14 Thread highdudgeon

Firstly, I'm not having connectivity problems on the order of dropped
connections.  Sometimes, however, the connection does seem to freeze up
or an annoying thing happens where I might press one or more buttons on
the remote, the machine freezes, and then quickly cycles through them. 
In other words, I wonder If my signal is decent enough.

I'm using an Airport Extreme base station (mac) in one room and an
Airport Express in the next to extend my network.  Signal strength, as
seen in the web interface, varies between 40-64%.  Is this fine,
average, etc?

I'm thinking about picking up another base station, placing it where
the Airport Express stands, and then moving the airport express behind
the SB3.  Might be overkill, but, hey...if anything, I should be able
to carry a laptop anywhere in the house.   



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 with high-end system. Mods, alternatives?

2005-11-06 Thread highdudgeon

I've recently started using my shiny new SB-3 with my audio system. 
Harbeth Monitor 40 speakers, Bel Canto electronics, etc.  All in all, a
respectably high-end rig.

All in all, I'm very impressed with the device...even without using an
external DAC, no fancy power supply (it is plugged into a Monster HTS
5100 conditioner) and, shame on me, using the stock interconnects.

I should preface my question by stating that, overall, I don't buy into
mods.  If you really need some improvement, go get it without mucking
around.  In my eyes, no modification to the SB-3 could be equal to
using a top-shelf DAC, like a Lavry (I have one).  The connectors are a
bit flimsy, but that's not to big of a deal.  So, here's the thing: does
anyone suppose there is much, or any, value to using a third-party power
supply?  And, I don't mean theoretical or technical improvement -- I
mean actual, real-world, readily discernable improvement?

This is a fantastic device. I'm sure Slim Devices will soon (wink,
wink) come out with an audiophile version, complete with metal
casing, better power supply, massive connectors, and the rest...and
that it will cost a grand.  In the meantime, this little box is keeping
up with some very expensive CD players...and that's BEFORE putting the
DAC in front of it.


highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB-3 and external DAC

2005-11-06 Thread highdudgeon

I'm wondering how many people have done careful listening comparing the
Squeezebox with and without a high-end external DAC?  IE, is there much
benefit to be gained?  Little?  None at all?

Personally, I think it sounds quite good.  I do have a re-clocking DAC
on order.  Comments, thoughts.

Also, comments and thoughts on an external power supply?  Worth it? 
And, surely, there must be a commercial unit available that would be
cheaper than one of the audiophile versions (ie, Boulder, etc.).


highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17948

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