RE: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Chris
I'm so sorry about Caesar.  But you know, he knew you were there when he
needed you most of all.  You saved him from such a terrible death and this
alone is something you should feel good about.  He knew that you'd always
have a little piece of your heart saved just for him and he knew to claim it
when he needed it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 3:30 PM
To:; Paul Hendel
Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

Hello my beloved group,
I just got the call from the vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that 
were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the 
most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was 
limping.  He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+.  
They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was 
blood in his saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend 
euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from 
the kind of pain he must have been living with.  I still hesitated, I 
still thought maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be any 
doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before we 
left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the 
trap.  His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel 
that comes from flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was angry, but 
he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him and 
told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I had so 
prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this 
afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so sick about 
not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be 
healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that 
he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer 
producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the street 
and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring about a 
special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on 
my heart.
Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I will love you always.

RE: More info

2006-06-19 Thread Chris
Don't ever say 'this is all I can do'--what you're doing is wonderful!
Samantha is loved and well cared for.  That's more than so many kitties
have...  Make her as comfortable as you can, give her lots of hugs--that's
what she needs right now.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julia Hagstrom
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:26 AM
Subject: More info

Nina and Belinda,

I took my kitty to the Cancer Center today, and yes, she saw a 
specialist, a Dr. who was filling in for Dr. Harris while she's on 
vacation, and really knows her stuff.  :)  She made sure that the 
problem is lymphoma, and said it is hiding in her lymph nodes, which is 
why she couldn't see the mass clearly on the X-ray we brought from my 
regular vet (the vet I've been taking her to since I got her).  
Unfortunately, when a tumor gets into the lymph nodes and then the 
bones, it is a death sentence.  I know this because it's also what 
happened to my husband; he died of bladder cancer, when the second 
tumor was in his body cavity, and surgery wasn't an option.  While he 
was trying to decide whether to take more aggressive chemo for it, 
after having the tumor shrunk to the size of a golfball by chemo and 
radiation, the tumor grew back very fast, and got into his lymph nodes 
and bones.  His Dr.s knew that it was the end for him, and he was dead 
within a week's time after that.  That's why I know that, no matter 
what I do, Samantha will die, and I just don't see the point of doing 
the chemo and radiation when it will only prolong her life by a few 
months, not a very long time at all.  If it were longer, I would 
consider it, but I haven't got a job, right now, and so money has to be 
a very big consideration, whether I want it to be or not.  It would 
cost about $1500.00 for just the radiation treatments, because that was 
the estimate they gave me today, on top of the cost of her visit and 
treatment today.  She has been given a short-term chemo injection, and 
will receive 3 more of these, but they won't last very long, and they 
will make her comfortable.  She is also on Children's Benadryl, to 
prevent an allergic reaction to the second injection, and Prednisone.  
I want her to be comfortable for as long as possible, but she isn't 
very strong, and I don't know how long she'll last.  I want to do right 
by her, but this is all I can do.  I won't prolong her life just for my 
own selfish ends, and I won't keep her with me, if she is suffering 
greatly; I'll let her go, and set her free.  Thanks for all the advice, 
I really appreciate it.  I've received quite an education from all the 
Emails I've read from y'all, and will continue to look forward to them.


Re: new to FeLV

2006-06-13 Thread Chris Behnke

Thank you! It is wonderful that there are 
people like you out there who are willing to help a cat who may not be 
'perfect'. It upsets me how many vets would rather put these guys to sleep 
when they can live a healthy life. I think all cats deserve a chance at 
life and love.

Thanks for caring,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:09 
  Subject: new to FeLV
  About a week and a half ago we had a stray come to our house. 
  Because I have a FIV cat I took this guy right into the vets office to be 
  tested. He came back FeLV +, we went ahead and neutered him, I would not 
  hear of putting this little black beauty to sleep, he is a great boy, not 
  feral at all.
  He came home from the vets with a little respiratory issue but we cleared 
  that right up with amoxi. He was just as full of worms as a cat can get, 
  so we've treated him for that but now the diarrhea is really bad and I cannot 
  seem to get if firmed up. He is on Natural Balance, I would like to get 
  him onto raw.
  This boy has not really shown any signs of illness other then what I've 
  mentioned, and the vet seems to think that his health is not really too 
  bad. I guess I don't know my options and my vet just says that he will 
  do whatever I want but I need more options then death by lethal injection or 
  bring home to watch die. Help!
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: My Sign from Bailey

2006-05-12 Thread Chris
like he was always smiling--and Bailey is!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: OT: My Sign from Bailey

  I'm alittle speechless at the moment ... I sometimes turn the news 
on sometimes I don't, this morning something told me to turn it on.  I 
had sent a photo of my KC to use on the pet paws section they use on the 
weather forecast.  They told me they would email and let me know when it 
would be used if they use it, so I don't watch the news every morning.

Just now on the weather forecast they showed a photo of the beach, it 
was overcast and cloudy but in the clouds there was a VERY clear section 
on the right that looked exactly like the outline of a cats face and 
even more looks exactly like a photo I have of Bailey (a close up I took 
several years ago), same tilt of his head, same white mark on the right 
side of his face that made him look like he was always smiling.  And the 
weather forecaster remarked doesn't that look like a cats face, that's 
when I could clearly see it.  I'm going to try and find out when the 
person that sent it in took it.

It looked like the photo in the link below, mostly just the face part 
... it gave me chills!

I thanked Bailey for giving me a sign like I asked him.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: URGENT-Bert needs HELP!!

2006-05-12 Thread Chris

Tad-youre amazing. Not only
would Switters love itthe old guys would probably love for him to have
somebody else to play withIm sure theyd be happy
refereeing and watching!



Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: URGENT-Bert needs

I bet Switters
would like a young boy.. Switters is almost a year old and super active...
Don't let him be euthanized... If no one else will take him and he can get to
we can make space here...


find out location soon. This was a forward from another rescue group.

anyone help this kitty?

From: Becky

Sent: Tuesday,
May 09, 2006 2:48 PM
To: Susan Linker; Sarkosi,Diana A;
Pet Protectors

Subject: URGENT-Bert
needs HELP!!

Bert is a very
sweet FeLV+ kitty who is almost a year old. He is scheduled to be
euthanized soon-he needs help ASAP!! He has been looking for a home since
he was two months old. Here is his story:

HE IS IN DIRE STRAITS!! Bert is a very sweet, friendly little guy who has
tested positive for feline leukemia. Cats with leukemia can still have a good
life, and we hope that this will be the case for poor little Bert. He currently
appears to be in very good health. He is very playful and affectionate, and is
DESPERATELY seeking a home. Bert has been fully vaccinated and neutered. If you
would like to give this sweet little boy a chance to live a good life, please
send an e-mail and request an application, or call the shelter. Don't pass him
by and think that someone ELSE will surely adopt him-LET IT BE YOU
Bert was adopted last year along with his FeLV+ friend Jill by a woman who
turned out to be bi-polar, and he was returned to the shelter. His best
friend Jill was soon adopted out again, leaving Bert behind. Bert is
scheduled to be euthanized soon-PLEASE help him!!

Terrie Mohr-Forker
sites for available Siameses for adoption!

Click Here to Join WASHINGTON
Adopt a Homeless Pet!


RE: What can I do?

2006-05-11 Thread Chris

I can understand what youre
feeling.  My Tucson tested neg when I got her as a kitten and years later tested pos. 
Shed been an indoor cat all her life and not been exposed.  Two vets
told me that the Elissa can produce a false neg in kittens as timing is the key
with kittens.  Anyway, I had 3 other non-vaccinated cats that Tucson lived with all that timetwo
of them had come in after her as kittens.  They all tested neg and I got them
vaccinated.  There was no way I could or would separate the family
and its been OK..



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Ntigat
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:37
Subject: What can I do?

After a year, a female cat that I foster on my home
that was in the first test FELV -, I
retested again and the result was FELV +. I repeat the test because I
notice that in the clinic that I made the first test, some of the
results was FALSE NEGATIVE. They use a kit that never produces FELV +

My question is: what can I do with the rest of the cats of my home?
Retest them? If one of the cat is FELV can I vaccinate him? What
about the FELV +? I can't separate them because I have not space to do that.

Thanks in advance,


LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.

RE: sedative before flying (ACE)

2006-05-11 Thread Chris
I've taken Tucson a couple of times across the country.  I never gave her
ACE---I was prepared for all possibilities---had a backpack that weighed a
ton with food, water, wipes, leash, collars, health cert, toys, towels, and
on and on.  She slept the whole way.  I had to change planes and opened the
flaps on the carrier (Sherpa softsided) so she could see out--she sort of
looked at me like I was insane!  

The only problem I had was that they make you take the cat out of the
carrier when you go thru metal detector.  I had put a harness on her before
we left home and when I had to take her out, I clipped the leash which I
wrapped around my arm.  Then I picked her out of the top of the carrier by
putting a big towel around her and lifting her so tthat it covered her and
she couldn't see all those people looking at her.  Security said something
about having to see the cat so I let them peek as I held her.  Then I just
put her back in the carrier at the end of the xray machine thing-before I
put on my shoes, grabbed my backpack and just got myself together.

I wouldn't use ACE for a flight--they say that the change in cabin pressure
and the ACE are not a good match.  I think that most cats don't like all
those strange people around them and just go off to sleep.  I used a medium
sized soft-sided carrier--fits better under the seat.  At one point, it was
sticking out a bit because airlines had put something or other under the
seat in front of me--steward pointed that out and I asked where they would
like me to put her!  Nobody every bothered me again...

Tucson did a whole lot better on the flight than I did--I suspect that's
about normal!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:21 PM
Subject: OT: sedative before flying (ACE)

Hey folks,

I'm flying to Minneapolis on Saturday, a 2.5 hour flight from LIttle 
Rock, and taking a sweet, energetic young Siamese kitty to his 
owner.  Kitty will ride in the cabin with me.   I've never taken a 
kitty on board with me before, so a new experience.

The vet gave me a sedative, ACE., and am pondering whether to use the 
sedative or not.  Someone said that another option would be Benadryl, 
along with Rescue Remedy.

Any experiences with taking kitties on flights?  With ACE?  Think the 
dosage was 1/2 tablet followed by 1/4 if needed.

Thanks much!


RE: Interesting Reading

2006-05-11 Thread Chris
Bailey was right there watching--he's home and he's healthy!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Reading

   Things are going as well as they can.  We got Bailey's ashes back 
yesterday, Mike made a nice oak box with a spot for Bailey's photo on 
the front.  I also got a pawprint impression and I have some fur from 
the last time I was cutting mats off of him.  I'm going to put his 
favorite toy in with him (he loved those electrical outlet covers).  The 
other kitties seem to be handling it OK, in fact after Mike brought 
Bailey home yesterday and put him up on the shelf with Buddie, Teenye 
and Synder several of them looked up there as if they were looking at 
something.  Yesterday Joey was in my lap laying across my shoulder while 
I was sitting on the couch and he kept looking behind my head like 
someone was there, KC likes to lay there but he wasn't then, I kept 
talking to him and finally he focused on me for a second then looked 
behind me again.  Maybe Bailey was visiting us.   :)


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Diabetic cat seems OK!!!!

2006-05-09 Thread Chris

This is the message Rita posted on another
board soundsl ike good news

Following is an email, I received
from Dr. Lisa Pierson, DVM [EMAIL PROTECTED] kittysaver @ ( 

What a wonderful world it is for
cats with Dr. Pierson in it! Here is Dr. Pierson's Email regarding the Diabetic
kitty that was going to be Euth yesterday:

To all:

I contacted Richard and gave him the
link to my website which has a lot of very valuable information on Feline
Diabetes diet and management.

I am not on several of the groups on
this email list so please feel free to forward
this email to those groups. (Rita...could you forward?) Hopefully, the members
will find benefit in looking at my website:

I just spent 30 min on the phone
with him and Dodger (his cat) is going to get her diet changed and will go on
insulin so euthanasia is NOT being considered.

With any luck, Dodger will end up
being diet controlled and not need insulin as that does happen on occasion. If
not, then insulin will be administered.

Lisa Pierson, dvm

Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of
Feline Nutrition 

Feline Diabetes and Diet: The High
Carbohydrate Culprit

Quality Commercial Canned Foods

Making Cat Food

The Litter Box From Your Cat's Point
of View

Pilling Cats and Dogs - Erosive Esophagitis

Rita Cockrell Wood, Founder

PurrEver Ranch Sanctuary
(A Hospice For Senior Kittizens)


Spring Mewsletter:

BE A RESCUER without ever having to
clean a litterbox or pick up 

a hairball! Sponsor A Senior Kittizen!

If only the waifs, the strays,
the sick, the abused would be 

sure to get entrance to the home,
and anybody could feel at 

liberty to bring in a starved or
ill-treated animal and have it 

cared for without pay, my object
would be attained..

Ellen M Gifford Sheltering Home For
Animals Boston 1884

Saving Just One Cat Won't Change The

But It Will Surely Change The World
Of One Cat.

Please Give...So They Can Live

Raise money for PurrEver
 Ranch Sanctuary just by searching the 

Internet with GoodSearch - - powered 




Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 10:46
Subject: Re: Can we please add
this poor baby to the CLS?

I'm not sure if he/she got rescued or killed. I'm not
sure even if the shelter he is at is a humane euth shelter, MANY of them still
use gas chambers, you know. I hope he was humanely euthed by now... or rescued
and given medical care, one of the two (though I think euth would be kinder). 

I was hoping to get him/her on the CLS in the part
where we pray for healing and comfort to those that are still with us.

I did get several people saying they emailed about
him, but did not get a reply yet. I sent a note to the purrever ranch, they are
the ones who first posted the message, maybe they have more contact info than
was in the post.

Phaewryn (was Jenn, changed name)

Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: 
Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when someone wrapped wire
around his neck to strangle him,
Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find
him a good home!
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera
(for pictures), and more towels! 

Re: Fwd: Interesting Information Please read.....

2006-05-07 Thread Chris Behnke
I had it happen recently and completely burned both my hands.  It was not


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Interesting Information Please read.

 Beg pardon on this but I have had it happen numerous times and so has my least to the point that water has violently boiled over,
 enough to burn someone badly.  It occurs especially when water is
 I, too, thought this was rare but, with all due respect to snopes, I have
 seen it happen too many times.

  If you have men who will
 exclude any of God's creatures
  from the shelter of
 compassion and pity, you will have men who
  will deal likewise with
 their fellow man.
 - Original Message -
 From: Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 2:44 PM
 Subject: Re: Fwd: Interesting Information Please read.

  It can happen but is rare, here is  info on it:
  happiness is being owned by cats ...
  Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
  FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]
  BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: Bailey has gone home

2006-05-06 Thread Chris
Belinda, I'm so very sorry for your loss.  I always liked to hear about
Bailey and he sounded like such a special little guy.  You and Bailey are
responsible for saving countless lives and are both true heroes!  I know you
are missing him terribly... but he will always be in your heart---just like
he'll always be in ours.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 12:54 AM
Subject: Bailey has gone home

Bailey left us at 6:20 this evening.  He took a bad turn for the 
worse late last night and when I took him in this morning for his 
surgery it was evident he wasn't in good enough shape.  We gave him 
fluids for a couple hours because he was dehydrated, his blood pressure 
was 60 and his temperature went from 103 yesterday to 98 today, his 
blood work was normal except his platelet count was low so he wasn't 
clotting and suregery was out of the question unless we could get his 
platelet count up.  After two hours of fluids and a blood transfusion 
his platelets came up but his temperature was now 94, 96 puts kitties at 
risk for heart failure and she couldn't even get a blood pressure.

My vet said we have 3 options, we could continue the fluids and support 
and see if things changed and if they did he could have the surgery 
Go ahead with the surgery and get in and out as quickly as possible or 
she could euthanise him.

I asked her what she honestly thought of his condition, she said she 
though he was leaving on his own, I agreed.  We talked, I asked her what 
to expect if he was going to die and she told me what the likely 
scenarios would be, she gave me a syringe of pain meds incase it got 
really bad for him, it would basically knock him out so he wouldn't 
suffer and pass on his own, she had a dinner engagement but told me to 
call if she was needed.  I had told Bailey it was his decision to stay 
or go, and told him to do what was best for him.  I brought him home on 
the fluids to keep supporting him and if he did turn for the better we 
would consider the surgery later.  His breathing got worse just taking 
him to the car so I knew in my heart we didn't have long.

We had about an hour, he was home with us and we were with him when he 
left.  He is whole now and FeLV free for the first time.  We were so 
lucky to have him for 11 years, his birthday was Monday.  I will miss 
his bouncy, happy personality.  He was so special and I learned so much 
thanks to him.  He was our only positive and the one that was 
responsible for my learning everything I have about FeLV+, he has helped 
me save many positives and for that I thank him.  I miss my little 
Baidely boys so much already ... take care all.  Give your special guys 
and extra special hug for Bailey.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: Bailey has gone home

2006-05-06 Thread Chris
I'm sure he is--getting lots of hugs from all the other little guys whose
time he helped make just that much easier!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: Bailey has gone home

Thank you Chris, atleast he is his bouncy, happy self again.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: Was appropriate calorie in take for a kitty - Now Bailey'sDiagnosis

2006-05-05 Thread Chris
SO sorry to hear that its getting so tough for Bailey...  Keeping toes and
finders crossed for tomorrow


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 2:24 PM
Subject: Re:Was appropriate calorie in take for a kitty - Now

Hi All,
Just got back from the vets.  Xrays show something going on with the 
intestines, they do not look right and are bunched up with the actual 
loops really not disernable, also there is an enlarged lymph node around 
his lung that wasn't there on the last xray.  My vet suspects that he 
now possibly has lymphoma.

He is having surgery tomorrow morning to open his tummy and see if there 
is a tumor or diffused cancer and take biopsies of his intestines and 
since she will have him open she will check the rest of his organs, 
kidney's, bladder, spleen, liver which all look OK on xray.  Obviously 
with him being in the shape he has been in for the last 4 or so months, 
there is a very real possibility he will not survive the surgery, please 
pray that whatever happens he doesn't have any unnecessary pain and that 
he doesn't suffer.  I am going to spend the day with him and let him 
know whatever choice he makes is fine with me and I will be OK ... I 
hope he chooses to stick around for a while longer.

His tube looks OK, no white matter around it to show that there is any 
leakage or that anything has been aspirated and his breathing is normal 
again, so his intestines being bunched up would explain the food not 
going through and him starting to throw it back up.  It would also 
explain why he is so uncomfortable when it is time to feed him, I 
imagine the food just sitting in his tummy and be forced out by his next 
meal can't feel very good.  He does have a fever again and she gave me 
some clinic care to see if that will go through and give him some 
nutrients, his weight is good at 9lbs. 8oz.   Well I'm going to go feed 
him.  Take care all.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: Was appropriate calorie in take for a kitty - NowBailey's Diagnosis

2006-05-05 Thread Chris
You know, you and Bailey know how to 'talk' to each other.  You know him
better than anybody...  The situation you're in is all of our worst
nightmares...  No matter what, Bailey feels your love and your concern...
He knows that you've always done right by him.  The gifts the two of you
have given to each other over these years are what he knows and feels.

There's no such thing as 'handling' such a terrible decision...We make these
sorts of decisions from our hearts not our minds...  and your heart is big
enough to do the right thing.  You can't possibly make a 'bad'
decision--what you feel in your heart is right is the only 'good' decision.

Here's hoping things go better than you're worried about...  Give the little
guy a big hug from all of us... We're all thinking about him--and you!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Was appropriate calorie in take for a kitty - NowBailey's

   Thank you Wendy, it's been so hard these last months seeing him this 
way, he in better health is such a bouncy happy-go-lucky boy, gets along 
with everyone.  It's been hard watching him not feel well for so long 
and not being able to figure out why.  If nothing else we may finally 
understand what has been causing him to feel so rotten for so long.  I 
just pray it is treatable.

I can't tell you how many times on the cancer lists I'm on that someones 
furchild was having surgery that started out optimistically and once the 
vet had their fur child open realized just how bad things really were 
and then with moms/dads input decided not to wake their furchild up.  I 
don't know if I could handle a decision like that, that's why if things 
are really that bad I hope Bailey takes the decision out of my hands ... 
like Buddie did.

I'm one of those people who has a very hard time losing control and 
showing my emotions so I keep everything bottled up and don't deal with 
it, in a way its not good because I distance myself so it won't hurt as 
bad.  And the look on Bailey's face whenever he sees me just tears my 
heart out, but I keep telling myself when he gets better he will forgive 
me and forget all the hard times.  But if he doesn't get better it will 
be hard to deal with ...


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: Question about home test kits-/Chris

2006-05-02 Thread Chris

Its sad but true that a
number of shelters did get monies but somehow never told anybody about itagain,
a minority. I found more often than not that the smaller places didnt know
about monies available.

What about AlleyCat Allies, could they
help you out?



Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 4:38
Subject: Re: Question about
home test kits-/Chris

In a
message dated 5/1/06 11:51:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You know, shelters can
receive reimbursement for all those expenses.. including HW treatment.

wouldn't surprise me one bit if they do know and did get reimbursed

A lot
has changed from the first day I became involved with this shelter, especially
since the founder married. And, due to personal health problems has given
almost all of her involvement over to her spouse.

get me wrong, this is a GREAT shelter/sanctuary. The work they do is
amazing. They've been able to save thousands of poor souls. They have
GROWN. BUT.w/ hubby having so much control, well, things are
really different, and some great philosophies have changed.

personally I DO have a problem with HIM driving around in a
Corvette when her philosophy had always been LIVE SIMPLY SO OTHERS MAY SIMPLY

I'm just old, and burnt out.

heavens, if I'm willing to pay their cost for the kits, foster the animals(
including paying all other expenses), adopt them out and then give THEM the
adoption fee, well, I just don't get it

really does get in your blood.

Maybe I
need a transfusion.


RE: Question about home test kits-esp Nina,lol

2006-05-01 Thread Chris

You know, shelters can
receive reimbursement for all those expenses.. including HW treatment.



Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: Question about
home test kits-esp Nina,lol

here's the story in a nutshell..

yes, I know about SNAP, I know they can be ordered online,I know they're
considered the best.BUT, they are too pricey.

shelter I am affiliated withis a 501(c)3, and Idexx gives us a
shelter discount, which is HUMONGOUS

since we are No-Kill, and it IS kitten season (joy,joy -NOT!!), the shelter is
NOT taking any more cats, not even kittens!!

They will not sanction anyone fostering strays, as they always did
in the past. (Reimbursement for food, meds, vx's, S/N)

Much of
this is due to the fact that they helped in the Katrina rescue effort. A
little overboard, IMO. They made 3 trips, each time with 6 people, and footed
the entire bill, courtesy of the rescue's . And, they stayed at motels, ate
out, you get my point.

they had 42 HW positive dogs they had to treat. You do the math.

don't get me wrong, I was/am very PRO Katrina rescues, but this shelter really
couldn't afford to absorb the cost of 3 trips..

the local homeless/strays have to suffer.

we have been told, that they will not order/provide ANYTHING for us that have
started doing independent rescue. Nice, huh? After 25+
years, I can't even get a single tube of eye ointment!

friend and I, who religiously do the Adoption events EVERY week, are inundated
with cries for help!

How can
I/we say no? Especially when we know what the fate of these
babies will be??

We need
to test all these (un)sanctioned strays, prior to adoptions. Just was
hoping for a more dollar friendly option.



RE: mixing

2006-04-26 Thread Chris

Tad, I absolutely agree with you 
This is essentially a condition that tries to suppress the immune system.  What
kind of shape that immune system is in to begin with is based on so many
factors that its impossible to predict.  Most of these little ones are born to
mothers who were strays and were not getting good food, and warmth, and all
those things they needed.  Kittens born to strays, unfortunately, have got to
be at greater risk irrespective of FELV status.

As for Switters, Im so glad hes
doing welltalk about a survivorthat one got good genes from
somewhere, didnt he!  I bet the old guys are sort of looking at him
waiting for him to come out of that lets play mode 
  I talked to Jean a few weeks ago and she was worried about one of her cats
who had developed a degenerative disc problem.   



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006
1:43 AM
Subject: Re: mixing

I personally don't
believe there is any predictable answer...
I have two mother cats who came here with kittens..
The mothers tested negative but the kittens were positive...
I have vaccinated the mothers but not retested because
they are here to stay anyway but they are both very healthy...
The oldest one has been here almost 3 years... She had two
kittens... One kitten was pos the other neg...
The neg. kitten was good for a couple months then one
morning she was very week... 3 hours later at the vets
office she had a convulsion and died... The pos kitty
is still alive 3 years later... He gets a lot of antibiotics
for his gums and has to be encouraged to eat enough
to keep his weight up but with that he is doing good

It must be a lot more than just being pos... I lost 4 of the
Angel Wings 6 in a very short time and it appeared that
they had made a full recover from their ordeal... The 2 that are
left have no problems at all now... I wonder if any have
gone negative..

PS Switter is doing great so far..Every body likes him and he
give some exercise to the old guys here... He sure is full of life...
I wonder if he has a bit of bengal in him... He does have some spots
on his back

Chris wrote: 

I brought in two kittens
(6 weeks  3 months) after I found my Tucson. My oldest cat was about
1 ½ years old when Tucson came. All four cats lived together for 4+ years
before I discovered Tucson was pos. Theyve all consistently tested
neg; I now get them vaccinated though I hadnt before. I figure if
they havent all come up pos by now, its awfully hard to
catch it! Theyve eaten out of the same dishes, use
the same boxes, groom each other, have their little spats with the usual
scratches, bumps and bruises 



On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006
12:33 AM
Subject: Re: mixing

a year. but I got
my positive unknowingly and both she and another kitten of 3-4 months were
basically like littermates..


carrie chance [EMAIL PROTECTED]

adults, what age do you consider an adult ..

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: mixing

I say mix, no need to vaccinate healthy adult cats. The FELV vaccine is 
MORE apt to
 CAUSE vaccine associated sarcoma (cancer) than it is to improve immunity 
 against FELV
 in adult cats. In other words, there are more BAD things against the 
 there are bad things against mixing adult cats with FELV+ cats.

 And yes, I can back that up with facts if needed.

 That is, of course, MY personal advise, and it will vary between members 

 Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
 Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when someone wrapped 
 wire around
 his neck to strangle him,
 Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to 
 find him a
 good home!
 DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
 camera (for
 pictures), and more towels!

 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.5/322 - Release Date: 4/22/2006


RE: mixing

2006-04-25 Thread Chris

I brought in two kittens (6 weeks  3
months) after I found my Tucson.  My oldest cat was about 1 ½ years old when Tucson came.  All four cats
lived together for 4+ years before I discovered Tucson was pos.  Theyve
all consistently tested neg; I now get them vaccinated though I hadnt
before.  I figure if they havent all come up pos by now, its awfully
hard to catch it!  Theyve eaten out of the same dishes,
use the same boxes, groom each other, have their little spats with the usual
scratches, bumps and bruises   



Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006
12:33 AM
Subject: Re: mixing

a year. but I got my positive unknowingly and
both she and another kitten of 3-4 months were basically like


carrie chance

what age do you consider an adult ..

- Original Message - 
<FELVTALK@FELINELEUKEMIA.ORG>Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: mixing

I say mix, no need to vaccinate healthy adult cats. The FELV vaccine is 
MORE apt to
 CAUSE vaccine associated sarcoma (cancer) than it is to improve immunity 
 against FELV
 in adult cats. In other words, there are more BAD things against the 
 there are bad things against mixing adult cats with FELV+ cats.

 And yes, I can back that up with facts if needed.

 That is, of course, MY personal advise, and it will vary between members 

 Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
 Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when someone wrapped 
 wire around
 his neck to strangle him,
 Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to 
 find him a
 good home!
 DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
 camera (for
 pictures), and more towels!

 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.5/322 - Release Date: 4/22/2006


RE: positive

2006-04-22 Thread Chris

Absolutely agree! By putting so much
emphasis on the test, they also put the idea in prospective adopter that
somehow the cat is doomed to an early death! 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006
12:49 PM
Subject: Re: positive

This is why I wish shelters wouldn't even test.
They put down cats who are probably not positive, and they make people 'think'
a cat is negative due to a test coming up negative while the cat has been
exposed to tons of other cats and just hasn't had time to test positive
yet. My opinion is separate the kittens from the adults (unless it's
mothers and kittens) and treat felv like a 'treatable' disease. Which it

It's not like shelters test their hearts, or kidneys,
or whatever and say 'in the future your cat looks like it may have kidney
problems so let's just euthanize it now.



not sure what the question is--but a cat that tests negative when
you don't know for sure that the cat hasn't been in contact with a
positive cannot be assumed to actually BE negative, because of that
same 120-day window say you take in a cat that's been exposed in
the previous week--might well test negative, but in a month would test
positive so ALL tests, ideally, should be repeated in 120-days:
this hypothetical kitty who got outdoors and mixed with positives
could test negative at day 10 of exposure, positive on day 45, and
have processed the virus out of its body at the 120-day mark.

if you want to od on medical terminology, go to, and type
in FeLV much of the info is way beyond my everyday knowledge,
and a lot of the cites that come up are dated--but there's some neat
stuff there anyway (grabbing medical dictionary and virology text
for next period of nothing-better-to-do time)


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: positive

2006-04-21 Thread Chris

Heres the thingthese viruses
have been around forevertheyre not new. If they were all
that contagious and lethal then there would be NO cats left anywhere.
Back before tests, everybody was mixed and nobody got tested or
vaccinated. Then all of a sudden these tests came out and with them all
this rush to pts any cat that tested positive. Kittens are always at more
risk from anything. No doubt they have the hardest time of all if they have
pre-natal exposure and it is heart breaking to see these little one struggle so
hard and not make it. But pts any cat of any age who is pos is a
travesty! I have two adults who are pos. My vet never batted an
eyelash about mixing. Are there risks? Im sure there are but I
just dont think theyre anywhere near what the big pharmaceutical
companies would have you believe. Are the adults more susceptible to
cancers and blood disorders-sure. But does that mean they cant
have a good, happy lifeof course not! I dont have either of
mine on interferonyoud sort of have to know them to know what a
MAJOR stress that would be for them. I do give them some good food, some
supplements and a whole lot of loving! As for my 3 negs, I do get them
vaccinated though they lived with what I didnt know was a positive since
their own kittenhood and they all remain neg. 

I wish that testing was only used to
determine any appropriate medical treatmentnot to determine whether cat
should immediately live or die; not to determine whether the cat is a death
sentence for any other cats.



Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:20
Subject: Re: positive

yeah, well, that IS the question

70% of adult, healthy cats can be exposed to the virus
and throw it off--it's generally believed to take 90-120 days for that to
happen if it's gonna. therefore, unless you know EXACTLY where (and with whom!)
the cat has been in the previous 90-120 days, you can't really believe either a
negative OR a positive result this means that cats who have been exposed,
but will throw off the virus, will be killed in the shelters/rescues/vet's
offices because they don't have either the information or the facilities to
hold the kitty for retesting; if also means that a stray from the streets who
tests negative may still have been exposed in the recent past and may test
positive later on 

even cats tested positive on the ifa can retest
negative after a time--i'd found a reference once, tho it's no longer where it
was originally!--that in rare cases the time for an IFA to go back to negative
was up to 7 months following exposure. 

i have never heard of a documented case of a
vaccinated negative cat turning positive from living, closely, with

i do know of a number of cats who originally tested
positive (back before people knew to retest) who did indeed test negative
months and even years after they'd gone to live in positive-only
environments--so clearly, they were healthy enough to throw the initial
exposure off, and to remain negative afterward. one specific cat in that
category went through two major bouts of illness that were considered
life-threatening--to the force-feeding stage--and the little brat bounced back
from both those episodes, stayed in the FeLV colony, and two years later, was
found to be negative after all... 

On 4/20/06, carrie chance [EMAIL PROTECTED]

what the heck good is testing and
vaccinating then?

- Original Message - 

From: Hideyo Yamamoto 


Sent: Thursday,
April 20, 2006 6:20 PM

Subject: RE:

I hasn't happened to me
 but statistically it's supposed to have 2/3 of cases  might it
might take a few months to really know it, though. 

On Behalf Of hd cc
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006
3:50 PM
Subject: positive

Okay anyone ever have a positive turn negitive?

or am I screwed!



AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats 
ICQ: 289856892

RE: positive

2006-04-20 Thread Chris

Nothing is ever 100%. Had one who tested neg
as a very young kitten on Elissa5 years later showed positive. Been an
indoor cat her whole lifenot exposed to any other cats except the 3
others I had at the time all of whom were neg then and continue to be neg! Two
vets told me that with very young kittens, its possible to get a neg on snap
test so go figure. I just sort of stopped worrying about itfigure
there are a whole lot more cats out there who are pos than we know about.



Behalf Of carrie chance
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006
7:48 PM
Subject: Re: positive

what the heck good is testing and
vaccinating then?

- Original Message - 

From: Hideyo Yamamoto 


Sent: Thursday,
April 20, 2006 6:20 PM

Subject: RE:

I hasnt happened
to me  but statistically its supposed to have 2/3 of cases
 might it might take a few months to really know it, though.

Behalf Of hd cc
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006
3:50 PM
Subject: positive

Okay anyone ever have a positive
turn negitive?

or am I screwed!


RE: Achilles,Reva and Nike Please add them to the CLS

2006-04-20 Thread Chris


I cant believe what you and the
folks at Crash have gone thru in these last weeks. No matter what, all
these little ones have gotten the love and attention they so deserved from you
and your friends Im so sorry that youve lost them but I
know that theyll always occupy a little space in your heart.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006
10:05 PM
To: Felvtalk
Subject: Achilles,Reva and Nike
Please add them to the CLS

I am crying while I write this,I just received an
e-mail from one of our volunteers and she told us that poor Jen had to send all
three of them to the bridge.Achilles was a fav handsome boy who had fiv and
felv,Reva was one of our hurricane Katrina girls who had chronic breathing
problems from the minute she came to us,but she always seemed happy and enjoyed
the treats that I gave her.And little Nike was a small pretty b/w beauty that
Jen had to put metal pins in both back legs from being hit by a car.She took
her to work with her everyday and home every night for the first month,then she
ended up with infections in her legs and they were going to have to amputate
one of them.Please say a special prayer for Jen she took it so hard today that
she wasn't even up to e-mailing us herself.I sent her a nice little e-mail to
tell her how much I appreciate and admire all that she does for these beautiful
babies.Also prayers are needed for another one of our Crash's kitties Necie I
guess she isn't too well either.THank you all for listening and being here for
me.God Bless you all


New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call
regular phones from your PC and save big.

RE: Transportation question

2006-04-17 Thread Chris

Ive flown twice with my Tucson and had health
certificates each time. Airlines never looked at it but I would never chance
not having one.



Behalf Of gary
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 1:24
Subject: Transportation question

I assume some of the list members
have transported FeLV+ cats to various states, has anyone ever had any trouble
with authorities for transporting a cat without a valid health certificate
across a state line? I know it is illegal to bring animals into my state
without a health certificate and you can't fly animals without one.


RE: Buddy has come to stay

2006-04-15 Thread Chris

My Romeo is a stray I was feeding for a
couple of years. He was always terrified if my hands came near him and yet
would always come running to rub up against my legs. I brought him in when we
expectign sub-zero temps and a major snow storm. He has turned into the most
loving affectionate cat in the brood! I know he was somebodys throw
away cat-hes FELV+  I suspect they threw him out when they found



Behalf Of Becca DuBose
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006
5:20 PM
Subject: Re: Buddy has come to

You're right, to everyone else he'll be just one more
outdoor cat who's disappeared without any warning or explanation. There
were cats all over this neighborhood when we moved to this house 5-1/2 years
ago and they all seemed to live at a house across the endless cycle
of kittens and more kittens. Around the time TorTor died in July 2004, we
realized suddenly that almost all of them were gone. It must have become
a hotbed of disease and death over there. That was TorTor's home [sic]
and we believe Buddy is a close relative.

Buddy was so well behaved at the vet's. He would have preferred not to
have his temperature taken, of course, and he didn't see why he should be still
long enough to get weighed. He is a big boy...11.5#, mostly muscle!
He was so relaxed and compliant for everything else, I just couldn't believe
it. I'd been so sure he was going to put up a fight when they drew his
blood. Sadly, he did test FIV+, but I knew in my heart that he
would. His puncture wounds aren't as bad as I had feared. They've
abcessed outward and there's a little drainage, but the tissue looks clean and
has good color. He has a mild fever and they put him on clindamycin plus
Metacam for pain. We'll have to wait and see how well he recovers from
the infection. Now that I've had a better look at the wounds I think the
big fight must have happened at least a couple of days ago and he's going
through the worst part of the recovery phase right now. We'll neuter him
once he gets past this. Then what, I don't know.

I took him to a new low cost clinic that's nearer my home and has later hours
than our regular doc. I was very pleased and impressed with the clinic
and staff, so this will be our new backup clinic. My original plan was to
take Buddy back there for his surgery but now I want him to see our regular
doc. The more I reflect on our experience with Paassht, the more I trust
her to take the approach with positives (of both kinds).




Bless you for doing the right thing. I know we all
have too many. But sometimes you just have to do what you have to
do. My last addition had been injured outside as well. That was the
last straw and I brought her in.

And I would not worry one little bit about anyone
missing her. They won't.


Becca DuBose


I can't remember whether I've mentioned Buddy on this list. He is the
neighborhood cat we feed from time to time. Picture here:

I don't know where he belongs. We've observed him making rounds but we
have no idea where his actual home, if any, might be. He showed up
yesterday evening with untreated injuries...again. His last set of
scrapes just needed a little Bag Balm. Now he's hurt his leg and the skin
has scabbed over, but it's clearly a deeper wound. This time he's in pain
and I've had it. NO MORE. If someone decides to start worrying now
what's happened to him, too little, too late, too bad. We can't bear the
thought of coming home one day to find him seriously injured or dead. He
is such a sweet boy. He never let us get near him until his friend TorTor
died in 2004. He watched us bury her and he seems to have decided we were
OK after seeing how we took care of her until the very end. We used to
see him sitting near her grave sometimes.

We let him check out the house for a little while then confined him to our
Florida room for the night. After posting this he and I are off to have
the leg checked and test for FeLV/FIV. TorTor had FIV so I'm trying to
prepare myself psychologically. Please send healing thoughts and prayers
his way.

Ollie, Sierra, Kroger, Angel Paassht, Sonic, Chandra, Corky, Io, Angel TorTor
and now sweet Buddy Bear!!

RE: ImmunoRegulin for Chelsea?

2006-04-13 Thread Chris
My Tucson had two episodes where her White Blood Count went way DOWN...  Vet
gave her a series of immuno-regulin and it went back up.  She didn't seem to
have any major side effects--for her that means she kept on eating in her
ususal piggy way (she's a bit of a Porko!)

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:09 PM
Subject: ImmunoRegulin for Chelsea?

  Hi, Any advise would be appreciated greatly.  One of my 11 month old felv+

cats - Chelsea - who has been on a course of clavamox until a couple of days

ago for a slight fever and lethargy has just developed very pale gums.  They

weren't pale 2 weeks ago when she last saw the vet.  I know that pale gums 
are indicative of anemia.  I'm trying to convince a vet to try 
Immunoregulin.  Has anyone had much success with this therapy?  Chelsea 
already gets interferon orally.
  Thanks,  Deanne

RE: Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Chris
Belinda--just a little advice--as soon as you're up to it--WALK!  Stooped
over, shuffling along, but WALK!  Used to go up and down the hallway in my
apt building shuffling along from one end of the hall to the other but it
really paid off--not to be tacky--but it sorts of gets everything back on
track in the old intestinal tract!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: Belinda

   So far so good, just have to try and not over do it, am going to go 
rest now, already been sitting too long ...  It's s good to be 
home   :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Just Needed to Share

2006-04-08 Thread Chris Behnke

Today one of my cats turned 7. Bandit has 
been with us since he was 6 weeks old. He is not Felv+ but he does have 
bad asthma. Two days ago I remembered his brother, Smoky, who did four 
years ago of cancer. Just two days before his birthday. Every year, 
I worry about Bandit getting cancer since the vet thought that Smoky's cancer 
was hereditary. But thankfully each year he is still cancer free. 
Bandit is also the oldest cat in our family and has also beaten my record with 
cats. My very first cat, Sarge, passed away just 5 years after I found 
him. He also had cancer. Then we had to put Moonshadow down 5 years 
after we found him. He was so sick and there was no hope. Then there 
was Smoky. And the most recent lost was my Sylvester who was Felv+ and 
passed away last year, just 2 years after we rescued him. Now I have 2 
cats with Asthma, one also is Felv+, and 11 cats that so far are healthy as can 
be! I am thankful for all the time I am allowed to spend with my "kids", 
even when it is short. Every year on Bandit's birthday, I celebrate the 
good and remember the sad. 

Thanks for letting me talk.


RE: question

2006-04-04 Thread Chris

Listen, I have one who is absolutely
terrorized by the 2 of the others. Thing is that hes a much better
street fighter and the fights with Tucson when she sits on top of him always
end up with her losinghe bites! She still wont leave it alone
Tried felway, rr, etc etc. I think shes partly jealous and partly
afraid---shes better with him around these daysbut he cant
move! The other cat Bumper is just the town bullynone of them pay
attention to her except my Romeo who still hasnt figured out that if he
doesnt run when she charges, shell just back away and go pick on
somebody else I know how stressful it is and how there are times when
yelling is all you can do! 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Terri Brown
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 6:47
Subject: Re: question

believe you.

actually prefer fresh catnip, so I will be getting that soon.

again for your tips!


Original Message - 

From: Marylyn


Sent: Tuesday, April 04,
2006 6:45 PM

Subject: Re:

you freak is part of the game. Honest. Try the Feliway, RR and
really good (fresh plants are nice) catnip. 

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures

from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 

will deal likewise with their fellow man.

St. Francis

Original Message - 

From: Terri Brown 


Sent: Tuesday, April 04,
2006 5:37 PM

Subject: Re:

Marylyn. They've been at it for 2 years. I hope they work it out
soon! I think it stresses me out more than it does them!


Original Message - 

From: Marylyn


Sent: Tuesday, April 04,
2006 6:35 PM

Subject: Re:

It is a
game. Let them work it out. At least if they are not causing injury
to each other. Remember when you were in grade school and you made the
mistake of letting someone know what bothered you.being called a name, a
look etc? The kids picked up on it and the name stuck or you got pestered
or whatever. The more you interfere the worse it will get. However,
with all of them, you can spray Feliway in the house, use good quality catnip
and Rescue Remedy to mellow them out.  

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures

from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 

will deal likewise with their fellow man.

St. Francis

Original Message - 

From: Terri Brown 

To: felvtalk 

Sent: Tuesday, April 04,
2006 2:44 PM

Subject: OT:


I am not able to do it myself no matter how I try, is there anyone on this list
who might be able to tell me why my Siggie is so aggressive with
Guinevere? She is VERY intolerant of him. Anytime he gets near her,
she gets very bent out of shape, and will usually end up running away from
him. Sometimes he will let this go, but other times he will attack her
and bite her.

both FeLV negative, so I'm not worried about that, it's just that I can't seem
to make Siggie understand that his little sisfur Guin really doesn't want to be
pestered by him. I don't get it what it is between the two of them.

sometimes goes for her too, but I get the VERY strong impression that he's just
playing (he's still a kitten, but getting VERY big). She just has no
interest whatsoever in the boys.


Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 6 furangels:
RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=

My Personal Page:
Come check me out on MySpace at

and Family Safe Products!
Nice Offers!

Avon Online!

RE: New journey-laying tile!!!

2006-04-03 Thread Chris
I think it sort of looks easier than it is.  My parents had tile put in
their kitchen  living/dining room.  My father had wanted to do it himself
but we are all sooo glad he didn't try.  The guys came in, did the job
1-2-3, cleaned up, came back the next day to do the grouting, cleaned up,
and left.  It's a real hard job physically and you could eat up a lot of
tile cutting for corners and edges.  Also, they just have the eye for
spacing--every tile evenly spaced.  Last, they did the grouting well so
nothing budged!

I do know that the guy who came recommended large tiles over small ones.
Said it was easier to install and easier to maintain because there are less
seams.  Also, made them buy some extra tiles in case one got damaged
somewhere down the road.  Well, one did when my father dropped something
real heavy on it and it was just a simple thing to have the tile replaced
with one that matched perfectly because it came from the same lot...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:02 AM
Subject: OT: New journey-laying tile!!!

Hey guys,

My husband and I have decided to go with the tile in
replacing our carpet in the living room, hallway and
one bedroom, plus we figure we might as well replace
the kitchen and master bath linoleum while we're at it
as it needs replacing too. We're going to move on this
in the next two weeks, since I'm having foot surgery
on the 25th of April and would like it completed by
then.  There is some beautiful tile out there.  What
stinks is that the labor costs twice as much as the
tile.  So if you have a 10x10 room, and the tile is 2$
per square foot (on average), it's going to cost you
$200 for just the tile.  But the labor is another
$3.25 (HD) or $3.50 (Lowe's) per square foot, so what
we could do for $200 will end up costing us $525-550. 
That's a lot!  And when you're talking about 800
square feet, it gets expensive.  Plus, sealing the
tile is extra (we will for sure do that ourselves),
and tearing up the carpet is extra (we'll do that
too), and floor prep is extra (probably do that
too!!!).  LOL.  So we might possibly lay the tile
ourselves with help from a few friends who have
already done it.  My husband is scared to do it-he
doesn't want to mess our house up.  I am more the
do-it-yourself type, so I'm all for it.  Anyone out
there ever lay tile?  Any thoughts or advice?


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RE: How's Bailey Other Stuff some of it OT?

2006-03-30 Thread Chris
I understand where you're coming from--I just wanted to get it over too!
Are you getting this 'laser' surgery or the regular hyst?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: How's Bailey  Other Stuff some of it OT?

  No I thought about it but I decided I just wanted to get it over with, I
have researched all the different options and with the one other that only
involves minor surgery by just removing the affected areas, if they don't
get it all I may end up getting the hysterectomy anyway and I do not want to
go through this twice.

 Also, have you had a second opinion on needing a hysterectomy 

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: OT - Humiliating experience with my cat

2006-03-30 Thread Chris Behnke
Unfortuneatly I have experienced this.  When my husband and I first moved
into our house, my little furgirl was upset.  She would pee on the bed while
we were gone at work.  Then, a couple of times, she peed on my head while I
was sleeping.  I finally figured out what was wrong- she felt she wasn't
getting enough attention.  Once I started making her my first priority when
I came home, she finally stopped.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:54 AM
Subject: OT - Humiliating experience with my cat

 Hi guys,

 Well, last night I had a humiliating experience with
 our geriatric kitty, Julie, who has hyperthyroidism
 and is on meds for that.  After I got off work, I sat
 down on the couch to eat dinner around 9 pm.  Julie
 jumped up on the couch, backed her little butt up to
 me, and peed all over my back, my hair, and the couch.
  I do believe she did it on purpose, because when I
 shot up off the couch, she ran over to her chicken
 broth bowl in the kitchen and started meowing.  It
 hurt my feelings and made me angry that she would do
 this.  I have never even heard of a cat doing anything
 like this.  Has anyone heard of something like this,
 or had any experience with this type of situation?
 Any thoughts?


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Re: Pics of Maizee Grace

2006-03-29 Thread Chris Behnke

What a precious little girl! She is 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:51 
  Subject: Pics of Maizee Grace
  Hi all I just made this so I could show off my beautiful girl,i cried a 
  bit but I would love for everyone to see what a beauty she was.
  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great 
  rates starting at 1¢/min.

Jackson Co Shelter, MI selling pets for research?

2006-03-26 Thread Chris

This was posted on one of my Katrina
boardsI went to the Website and they do say in their section on euthanization
that for a small fee, they will NOT sell the animal for research! I know
they are not the only animal control facility that does this but for folks in
MI, a heads up!



-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, March
 26, 2006 3:26 PM
Rice; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Kathryn Bloomfield
Subject: [svlegal] Do We Have Katrinas

I just received this email from Peggy, of
my local rottie rescue group. I don't know if they took in any Katrina
pets, but thought I would post just in case.


Sent: Sunday, March 26,
 2006 10:27 AM

Subject: Fw: Animals sold
to research from Michigan shelter

call and write the shelter and any city officials we can find to stop the
selling of shelter animals for experiments...

- Original Message - 

Subject: Purebred senior GSD and other animals sold to research/Michigan

Owners must pay fee up
front to insure their animal is euth'd. Otherwise, it is sold
to reseach lab. I assume all strays end up being experimented
on..Please crosspost everywhere. Thank you! If pets cannot be pulled,
then maybe fees could be called in and paid to have them euth'd. very sad.


Jackson Co. Michigan Animal Control

Jackson, Michigan, 49203

Phone: (517) 788-4464
Fax: (517) 780-4750
Office: Monday through Friday 8 a.m.
 - 5 p.m. 
No money transactions will be started 
after 4:45PM.

Kennel: Monday through Friday 10
 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

(from Co. govt. website)

It has recently been publicized that Jackson County Animal Control Shelter has
a high kill rate and that we sell animals to Class B research facilities. We
wish to re-enforce to the public that we do everything we can to find homes for
the animals that are in our facility. 
As of July 2003 there has been 933 dogs and 1,583 cats turned into the shelter.
Of these animals 560 dogs and 146 cats have been picked up by an Animal Control
Officer. Thankfully, 80 of these animals were claimed/returned to their owners,
and the adoption rate, for animals available for adoption, was at 30% as of
July 2003. This is an amazing figure for Jackson County Animal Control Shelter
since in the previous year the adoption rate for the entire year was 31%.

It costs about
$16.36 dollars to euthanize and cremate a 50 pound dog, which is the size that
is usually taken by research. It cost about $3.42 dollars to euthanize and
cremate a 8 pound cat, which is the size that is usually taken by research. It
is a fact of life, revenue must be generated in order to keep a facility
operational. One way that Jackson County Animal Control Shelter is able to produce revenue is by selling
certain animals to research. By selling select animals to research we have been
able to generate over $4,000 in revenue over the 2002 - 2003 years. Where the
cost of euthanization and cremation would have been over $6,000. 

We at the Jackson County Animal Control
Shelter respect the thoughts and/or feelings of the public on this matter.
Therefore we find it is important to stress that not all animals that come to
the Jackson County Animal Control are sold to research. No animal is sold to
research until all other avenues have been exhausted within the holding period
to find these animals a home including adoption to the public, rescue groups,
US Customs, Paw for a Cause and human societies. Additionally, if an animal is
turned into the Jackson Animal Control Shelter the person dropping off the
animal is given the option of paying a fee to ensure that the animal will not
be sold to research.

We hope you find our website useful. Jackson County Government strives to provide service to the people we are
privileged to serve.

Contact Jackson County Today With Your Comments
or Questions! 


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RE: Jackson Co Shelter, MI selling pets for research?

2006-03-26 Thread Chris

Didnt mean to offend anybody in Michigantoo sadly, I know
they are not uniquejust never quite seen it posted right out there like



-Original Message-
Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:15
Subject: Re: Jackson Co Shelter,
MI selling pets for research?

darling, we in michigan are VERY well aware of this


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: Maizee Grace

2006-03-26 Thread Chris Behnke

Just the other day, I had a good 
missing-my-baby-cry too. Sylvester has been gone since last June and some 
days it still hits me really hard. I also lost a sweet baby about 4 years 
ago (exactly 4 years in just a few days) so this time of the year is still 
really hard for me. Sylvester had leukemia and was only 3 years old. 
My other cat, Smoky, had cancer and was 2 days shy of his 3rd birthday. 

In other words, yeah, I completely 


RE: Need help and prayers for my sister's lost cat

2006-03-25 Thread Chris
-access cat are much different than those used to search for a
missing indoor-only cat! 

When an outdoor-access cat disappears, it means that something has happened
to the cat to interrupt its behavior of coming home. Cats are territorial
and they do not just run away from home (like dogs do). Thus the tactics and
techniques used to search for a missing cat should be different than those
used to search for a missing dog. Lost cat posters will not always help find
your cat if it has crawled under your neighbor's deck and is injured and
silent. We believe that lost cat posters should be used, but that additional
measures should be taken as well. If your outdoor cat is missing, consider
that it may be: 

TRAPPED - Your cat could be up a tree, on a roof, under a house, inside a
neighbor's basement or shed. This would mean that your cat would likely be
within its normal territory, usually a 5-house radius of your home. It is
imperative that you obtain permission from your neighbor to enter their yard
so that you can look for your cat yourself. DO NOT rely on asking your
neighbor to LOOK for your cat-their idea of looking will be to call if
they see your cat sitting on their patio! 

INJURED - The behavior of an injured or sick (or displaced, panicked) cat is
that they will hide in silence. We have called this The Silence Factor and
this behavior KILLS CATS EVERY DAY! Hiding in silence is a protective
mechanism that cats use to protect themselves from predators. What this
means is that before you print up lost cat posters or drive down to your
shelter to look for your lost cat, SEARCH under and in every conceivable
hiding place on your own property and on your neighbor's property! It is
quite possible that your cat is injured and in need of medical attention and
you will need to use a flashlight and crawl under your house in order to
save his life! 

DISPLACED - Cats that are chased from their territory either by dogs,
people, or other cats who beat them up and cats that are panicked by
fireworks will often become displaced into unfamiliar territory. Many of
these cats, once their adrenaline levels have subsided, will work their way
back home, often showing up the next day or a few days later. But many of
these cats, especially those with skittish temperaments, will be so panicked
by the experience that they will hide in fear and will be too afraid to
return home. We've seen many cases where a cat was lost but was actually
just three houses away, crouching and hiding in fear inside a neighbor's
yard! These cats could have jumped a few fences or crossed one street and
yet they behaved like they were feral cats, afraid of humans. Some meowed
and let their owners pick them up-others darted and ran from their owners
and had to be humanely trapped. Understand the critical importance of
conducting an aggressive, physical search for your cat within your cat's
immediate territory (neighbor's yards) in order to determine if your cat is
still within the area. The failure to conduct this type of search is why so
many cats are never found by their owners and end up being absorbed into the
feral cat population. For more information on this behavior, read Kat
Albrecht's book The Lost Pet Chronicles. 



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:36 AM
Subject: Need help and prayers for my sister's lost cat

Hi Everyone,
My sister's (Connie), inside-only tuxedo cat went missing sometime last 
night.  His name is Tux and he's short haired, and about 2yrs, with the 
sweetest little kitten face.  They think he may have snuck out when a 
visitor left the screen door ajar, (the visitor left around 9pm).  They 
didn't miss him until this morning because my nephew thought he was 
sleeping with my sister and my sister thought he was with my nephew.  
They are sick with worry.  Not only has he never been outside before, 
but he's very skittish and they live in coyote territory.  Being out at 
night is a death sentence for any small pets in their neighborhood.  To 
make matters worse, he has short little legs and he can't even jump on a 
counter, let alone scale a wall.  I've set a trap in her front yard and 
they've confined their other cat to the bedroom so they can leave the 
front door open.  She's already put up fliers and tomorrow we'll be 
canvassing the neighborhood door to door with his picture and info.  
Please, please, please take a moment to send out positive thoughts to 
help him find his way home safely.  This is doubly hard on Connie 
because her 17 year old dog just crossed about a month ago.

I called several professional ACs today, but no one has called me back 
yet.  If anyone on the AC group can help contact him we'd be so 
appreciative.  I can only imagine how scared he is and how disoriented.  
I've posted a couple of pictures under Come home Tux, (I

?Crash's Landing Rescue and Placement?

2006-03-22 Thread Chris

I know is considering placing 2 FIV kitties there. They are in Grand
  Rapids, MI. MaryChristine knew something about them.. I was wondering
if anyone had ever dealt with them directly Thanks.

Christiane Biagi



A Stealth
 Volunteer in NY
Join Us  Help Reunite
Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals

RE: ?Crash's Landing Rescue and Placement?

2006-03-22 Thread Chris

Thank you so much The person who is placing 2
cats there rescued a bunch of animal from New Orleans so these are Katrina kitties. Shes found
owners of most of the pets  reunited them. She could not find the
owners of these two. They are both FIV+ and because of her combination of
animals, she just cant keep them. She does want them to go to a
good situation. Initially, she tried to find adoptive homes but you know
how that goes. Shes in Wisconsin, I believe.

Sherry, do you think I could put you two together? I
know Sharon would feel so much better if she actually
talked to someone who had been to Crashs! If you send me your
e-mail off list, Ill give you Sharons, etc. My e-mail addy



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
2:00 PM
Subject: Re: ?Crash's Landing
Rescue and Placement?

Hi Chris,yes I volunteer at Crash's landing and all
the people there are great and very loving.I have 2 fiv cats at my house and I
just love them to pieces. the five cats go to Sids,which is where I volunteer
all the time,it is my home away from home.Have they already spoke with someone
from there?They would have the best care you could ask for. :)


Someone I know is considering placing 2 FIV kitties
there. They are in Grand Rapids, MI. MaryChristine knew something
about them.. I was wondering if anyone had ever dealt with them
directly Thanks.

Christiane Biagi



A Stealth Volunteer in NY
Join Us  Help Reunite
Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals

Yahoo! Travel
great deals to the top 10 hottest destinations!

RE: OT Cat Peeing on Bed

2006-03-14 Thread Chris
Having discovered the shower curtain solution recently when my Tucson
flipped out for a bit  decided my bed looked like a good place to pee--who
know why--I looked at my shower curtain covered bed and said to myself 'who
lives better than us'


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Karolyn Lount
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 4:18 PM
Subject: OT Cat Peeing on Bed

I live on the edge of a park and last Aug. I rescued a 4 mo. old kitten.
He had not been out there to long because he was in very good shape, I
soon discovered why he had been dumped in the park. Several times each
day he would pee on my bed. And YES he also used the litter box. I could
not close the door to the bedroom as I have only one bedroom and three
other cats I learned that a shower curtain was the right size to cover a
queen size bed. First I put down a cloth shower curtain. He peed on that
for a couple of days. About 5% went thru the curtain. Then I put a
plastic liner under the cloth one and I have had a dry bed ever since.

RE: Stinky update

2006-03-10 Thread Chris

Also try something called
Pill Pockets. Not all cats like it but if yours does, its
wonderful. Its a goey treat with a pocket in it to
put in pill. My Tucson wolfs it down without ever noticing the pill. My Romeo,
however, just looks at me like Im crazylike hes not
supposed to know theres a pill in there! 



-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 7:01
Subject: Re: Stinky update

Get a
jar of Gerber's chicken baby food and dip the pill (cover it on all sides) in
the baby food and pill her that way. It makes it go down easier and harder to
spit out, and tastes good to them. It makes a huge difference. you can also use
Nutrical or something like that, but then it sometimes sticks to your finger.


In a
message dated 3/10/2006 1:52:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hasn't been having trouble with her bowles. They
said that when she did have a bowel movement it looked
oily. She does get to come home today. I am a little
nervous because I know she will have medicine to take
and she is terrible to get pills down her. I'm afraid
I will hurt her stomach. We have to wrap her in a
towel. I hold her and my husband pops the pill down
her mouth. It is stressful for all of us.


RE: Stinky

2006-03-08 Thread Chris
I know it may sound silly and your vet has probably already checked, but is
thyroid OK?  Not unusual for cats to develop thyroid problems and one of the
signs is steadily losing weight


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 3:16 PM
Subject: Stinky

I adopted my brother's cat Stinky back in November
2000 after my brother was killed by a drunk driver. 
Stinky doesn't have feline leukemia but over the past
year she has been losing weight.  In January she broke
her elbow and had to undergo surgery to put a pin in
the bone.  She did good after the surgery but kept on
losing weight.  I had blood work done and it came back
normal.  Today I took her to the vet because I could
tell the pin had moved out of the bone somewhat.  He
was concerned over how much weight she had lost so did
a test and he said she can't absorb fat when she eats.
 He is going to get a biopsy of the intestines and he
thinks she may have cancer.  I know nothing about this
does anybody have any experience with this?  He told
me she might not make it through the surgery but if we
don't get this biopsy she won't make it anyway.  She
eats all of the time but doesn't gain any weight.  She
vomits sometimes.


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RE: Stinky

2006-03-08 Thread Chris
Any chance of intestinal parasites?  I know just a wild thought...  


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 3:46 PM
Subject: RE: Stinky

They did a thyroid test last week and it was normal. 
Now I wish it would have been that.  At least that
would be treatable.  She acts like she is starving all
of the time even after she has just eaten.


--- Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know it may sound silly and your vet has probably
 already checked, but is
 thyroid OK?  Not unusual for cats to develop thyroid
 problems and one of the
 signs is steadily losing weight
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of cindy reasoner
 Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 3:16 PM
 Subject: Stinky
 I adopted my brother's cat Stinky back in November
 2000 after my brother was killed by a drunk driver.
 Stinky doesn't have feline leukemia but over the
 year she has been losing weight.  In January she
 her elbow and had to undergo surgery to put a pin in
 the bone.  She did good after the surgery but kept
 losing weight.  I had blood work done and it came
 normal.  Today I took her to the vet because I could
 tell the pin had moved out of the bone somewhat.  He
 was concerned over how much weight she had lost so
 a test and he said she can't absorb fat when she
  He is going to get a biopsy of the intestines and
 thinks she may have cancer.  I know nothing about
 does anybody have any experience with this?  He told
 me she might not make it through the surgery but if
 don't get this biopsy she won't make it anyway.  She
 eats all of the time but doesn't gain any weight. 
 vomits sometimes.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: CLS kids for Belinda

2006-03-06 Thread Chris

So sorry for your loss this weekend



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 12:40
Subject: Re: CLS kids for Belinda

Belinda - unfortunately I have two more this
morning. Hunny Bunny, a little house semi-feral, feleuk
neg and Graybe, age 15, also negative, congestive heart failure. Hunny
Bunny died 3/3 and Graybe 3/4. Thank you.

Tad Burnett

Orange Julius (OJ) Jan 31, 2006 FeLV+
Buffy Feb. 19, 2006 FeLV+

Hi Belinda Thankyou for doing the list for our lost kitties..It does 
help to see them remembered...
And we are all keeping our paws crossed here for Bailey.. May he make a 
and have a good length of time left with you...

Tad and Marie

RE: OT - my feleuk + Katrina kitty

2006-03-03 Thread Chris
Title: Message



  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan 
  LoeschSent: Friday, March 03, 2006 2:40 PMTo: 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: OT - my feleuk + Katrina 
  kittyI can't remember who it was who is working to 
  reunite animals and knew of some missing feleuk kitties from New Orleans - I 
  have pictures to send to you of my feleuk+ calico, Katie Glenn, but can't find 
  what I did with the email with contact info! Please contact me 
  again! Susan

RE: AOL belittles Internet advocates

2006-03-02 Thread Chris

I vote yes for group



-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006
8:50 PM
Subject: Re: AOL belittles
Internet advocates

we are a democratic group, I think we need people to generally agree. And we
probably need the list owner, James, to ok it. Then I think one of us just does
it, via the links in the first alert I forwarded. I would be willing to do it
on behalf of the group, but I need the group and James to approve it
first. So I guess if anyone thinks it is a good or bad idea, please say so.


In a
message dated 3/2/2006 8:48:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Yes I
think that would be a good idea, how do we do that?

RE: Thank You All!!!!!

2006-03-02 Thread Chris
You know, I last talked to your mom during the summer and I remember
thinking that despite her serious medical problems, she was the one of the
most upbeat, full of life persons I'd ever 'met'.  It was a real priviledge
to have known her.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brenda K. Smith
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:22 PM
Subject: Thank You All!

Dearest All,

You have all had such wonderful things to say about my mom, THANK 
YOU!!!  She loved all of you.  She used to talk about all of you at 
different times.  When I first moved back home in 2000, I would come 
downstairs and find her sitting here crying.  I would be worried and ask 
her what was wrong and she would say We lost another of our beloved 
kitty babies.  She loved everyone of your babies as though they were 
her own.

This battle with her health started at the end of July.  She had had a 
cold.  In August she went into Atrial Fibrillation and she had to be 
shocked back into rhythm.  She had about a week of feeling better and 
then started feeling bad again. She went in and out of rhythm until we 
went again between Christmas and New Years to have her shocked again. We 
thought so many things, too much immune suppressant drugs making her 
sick, new drugs they gave her she was allergic too, I racked my brain 
trying to figure it out.  She was very sick, throwing up, lost 22lbs, 
nothing tasted right or very good at all...I could go on and on.

 Little did we know until Saturday the 25th of February that mother had 
been suffering with the hideous melanoma brain cancer disease.  She 
never knew, thankfully and she went very fast, but I was able to tell 
her and she acknowledged, that I loved her, dad loved her, and I would 
take care of all her babies and daddy.  During this time we spent 
practically every minute together.  I cooked, cleaned, served, her and 
tried to absolutely everything I could to make her day better and 
happy.  We had a connection unlike most have ever seen or experienced.  
I lived and breathed for her.  We talked about everything in the world 
and all aspects of  what she would want in case of her death.  I feel 
like part of me is missing, but I smile knowing she now is no longer 
miserable.  My beautiful mother gave me so much!  My father and I have 
so many good memories, we are cherishing them all. 

If at anytime you have questions that I can help you with about the 
feline leukemia cats, I will try, but I am not my mom, though she taught 
me a lot.  I believe, I will be handling the fund, so if anyone wants to 
send something as a memorial for my mom it will be used for the feline 
leukemia fund as she would have wanted.

I would love any of you that have the poems she wrote for your pets to 
email them at anytime.  I will post the one she wrote for me when I had 
my 16th birthday at a future date. 

Thank you to all of you for loving my mom and sharing yourselves and 
your babies with her, Love Janine



The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching yourself. -

Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven.  Heaven Knows We Need Them Here.

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RE: Brenda Smith

2006-03-01 Thread Chris
Oh my  I talked to Brenda last year when I was trying so hard to find a
home for my Big Boy.  We kind of decided to wait until the weather got
better but you know how it goes--he got settled in and here he stayed.

Brenda was just so kind and helpful.  She had a great sense of humor and
such an easy going way about her.  She seemed to live every day to its
fullest and absolutely adored her family, human and animal!  I know that
they will all miss her terribly.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:07 PM
To: FeLV Talk List [New]
Subject: Brenda Smith 

 Hi All,
   It is with deep sadness I must let you all know that Brenda Smith 
passed away this Monday.  Brenda didn't post often so many of you may 
not be familar with her.  She was a wonderful, loving member of this 
group for many, many years and recently adopted two positives Lovey and 
Merry in March of 2005.  She was also in charge of the list emergency 
fund and the FeLV T-Shirts that the group sold, in fact she contracted 
the artist and company that designed and printed them.

I've known Brenda for many years and am going to miss her immensly, her 
passing is a huge loss for the group.  For those of you who did know her 
and would like to offer condolences to her family, you can email her 
address [EMAIL PROTECTED] and her daughter will receive them.  This 
is a very sad week and heaven most definately has a very special angel 
today.  I know she was greeted by many, many pets including her precious 
Suzy Q whose loss she never recovered from.

Brenda enjoy all your babies and we'll all see you soon enough ...

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Angel Paassht

2006-02-28 Thread Chris
I' so very sorry for your loss


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Becca DuBose
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:18 PM
Subject: Angel Paassht

She had fluid on her lungs and was already in respiratory distress.  The 
vet didn't think she would last another night.  We had to let her go.


RE: Belinda and Bailey

2006-02-23 Thread Chris
If nothing else, Bailey sure has spunk!  He's quite a little fighter...  

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: Belinda and Bailey

   Hi Nina,
Bailey is hanging in there, I took him to emergency Sunday night he 
was breathing hard and fast, his nostrils were flaring and it scared 
me.  When we finally saw the vet he was a bit better, and he had a fever 
of 104.2.  She listened to his lungs and said he was getting air at a 
bit of a diminished rate, she said his gums are nice and pink, he was 
slightly dehydrated but she didn't think he was in crisis and said she 
could do an xray to check for fluid or I could wait and take him to my 
regular vet in the morning.  Since he was better already I decided to 
see my regular vet in the morning, the ER vet gave me baytril for the 
fever, she wanted to put him on clavamox, but I didn't want to chance 
diarrhea again after our 2 week ordeal earlier so I asked if we could go 
with something else and she choose baytril.

The next morning his fever was down to 103.4, so heading in the right 
direction, and we did more xrays which showed nothing new, no fluid or 
discernable tumors.  I'm giving him fluids daily now instead of every 
other day.  He is gaining a tiny bit of weight so that is good, I feed 
him every 4 hours (not sure if you know he has a feeding tube).  His 
muscle wasting is not getting any worse, I can't say if it is getting 
better but it isn't getting worse.  In the last couple of days he has 
been moving around a bit more, still sleeps alot but that from what I 
understand is part of this syndrome (official diagnosis is myeloid 
dysplastic).  So I guess we are hanging in there.  We have a vet 
appointment tomorrow to check his temp again, and in two weeks to check 
bloodwork again.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Ginger is gone

2006-02-22 Thread Chris

Im so sorry for
your loss Your note is really a tribute to the love and warmth
that I know Ginger felt from you during these years



-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006
11:15 AM
Subject: Ginger is gone

RE: CLS for Buffy

2006-02-20 Thread Chris
Tad, so sorry to hear about Buffy.  I keep thinking aboutall those poor
little ones from Angel Wings and how so very lucky the 6 who found their way
to your home were...  Winky, Callie, OJ and now Buffy, had, in the last
months of their short lives, the love and care that they so deserved.  Just
giving them happiness for even a short time is a tribute to you and Marie.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 10:42 AM
Subject: CLS for Buffy

  Sadly my Buffy cat passed away early Sunday morning...
She is the 4th of the Angel Wings 6 FeLV+ to go way too soon...
She was always much closer to Marie than she was to me... I guess
she had not been treated well by men before coming to us..
She had always been the sickly one, not very strong and had more
times that we worried about her than the others but with meds she
had always bounced back but this last time it was not meant to be...
She went down right after we lost Callie and then after we lost
OJ just a couple weeks ago she started sleeping on my pillow
which was something new and that's where she was Sunday morning...
Usually when she would stop eating we would syringe a couple CC's
and then she would eat the rest on her own but her last feeding
Saturday night she was very uncomfortable swallowing and we sort
of knew her time was near
We miss our sweet Buffy cat but we know that she is waiting for us
at The Rainbow Bridge with Winky and Callie and OJ
Sleep Well Sweet Buffy
Tad and Marie

RE: And now the good news

2006-02-20 Thread Chris
You have made my day!

Jen is going to be so happy to hear how well Switters is doing.  I talked to
her the day after Switters left and she was still crying.  She felt so bad
because the van came at exactly the same time as the moving van and she had
tried so hard to get some quiet time with Switters before he left!  She will
be real happy to hear how well he's getting along with the other little
ones.  She said he was just so friendly and tried to make friends with her
old cats but they would have none of it and were sort of mean to him!  I
know you'll hear from her as she gets settled in

As for his New Orleans life, Jen found him outside in the rain--totally
emaciated and shivering.  He was so skinny she thought he was only a few
weeks old and only when he plumped up a little did she and the vet realized
that he was a little older than they thought.  She had him neutered,
microchipped and he's had his first shot.  I agree with you about his
spunk--any little one that could survive all of that has some good genes in

And once again and again and again, thanks to you and Marie for giving this
little guy such a wonderful home!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: And now the good news

   Switters is here !!!
Switters is the FeLV+ kitty from New Orleans that was looking for a home
He got to ride all the way to Vermont in a van that was also bringing 
other animals up this way It took several days.. a day longer 
because the
Blizzard of 2006 got in-between here and there...30 inches in NYC and 
across Penn..
Only a 1/2 inch up here He didn't seem particularly stressed but 
wanted out
of his carrier... He kept reaching through the bars and tugging on my 
When we got home I set him on the bed where my cats came by to sniff and
nobody objected so I let him out... He hissed a few times when others 
got too
close but that was it...  Jett took over his blanky bed that came with 
him but
he has tried out all their sleeping places as well and he jumps down and 
his blanky when Jett gets off...
   I had forgotten what its like to get a young cat in such good condition..
All my cat have been homeless short timers for the last 3 years...
Jen did all the work this time...He must have been just a baby when the
hurricane hit and I understand he was still in the flooded part when they
rescued him a long time after the storm so I am sure he wasn't the beautiful
cat that he is now
It would be interesting to hear more of the details of his New Orleans
experience... Don't you wish he could tell his story
He is loved here already and he along with all the rest of my FeLV+ are
a little on the chubby side... I am thinking that is a good sign as all 
the ones
I have lost have not put on weight inspite of a good appetite... I guess 
a sign that there is a cancer in there some where and wouldn't it be 
nice if the
ones I have left now will get a good long life.. Keep the paws crossed...
Tad and Marie

RE: 2 more babies to add to the CLS

2006-02-20 Thread Chris

So sorry for your lossbad news
seems to come in clumpshoping that good things come your way soon. And
good for youfor taking care of some of these older fellowstoo many
times, theyre just lost cause nobody wants to give them half a chance.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
11:45 AM
Subject: 2 more babies to add to
the CLS

Well, I guess sometimeswhen it rains it
pours. Early Saturday morning I lost two more of my fosters, both
negative. Red Man was an older orange tabby who had chronic sinusitis and
asthma. He got a pretty bad URI and it went into pneumonia. Red Man
was the sweetest old fella - sometimes he'd wake me up in the middle of the
night pawing at my face wanting to be petted. Mr. Kitty was
also an older fella - his previous owner of over 10 years got married and the
new wife didn't like Mr. Kitty. They stuck him in a cage at vet clinic
while trying to find a new home and he was so traumatized that the vet said he
was feral and needed to be euthanized. Of course he wasn't the least bit
feral, just scared. He was never a cuddly boy altho he wanted to be in
the same room with me but in the last few weeks he started cuddling up with me
at night as close as he could get and following me everywhere I went.
He'd been fighting renal failure for some time. My house and my heart are
even emptier than they were last week.

RE: 2 more babies to add to the CLS

2006-02-20 Thread Chris

Youre right about the old guys!
Still working on reuniting Katrina pets with owners and it just makes my day
when I can find the owner of an old one! There are so many and its doubly hard
for them to go thru so many changes!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
12:17 PM
Subject: RE: 2 more babies to add
to the CLS

Thanks, Chris. And I love the old kitties, even
though I know I may not have them very long. There is just such a
sweetness about them - it is hard to describe, but it just touches my
heart. I have two super-elderly kitties right now, both from the same
kill shelter - Micah and Mem'ry. Both charcoal gray and both kinda
rickety when they walk. What a joy they are!


So sorry for your
lossbad news seems to come in clumpshoping that good things come
your way soon. And good for youfor taking care of some of these older
fellowstoo many times, theyre just lost cause nobody wants to
give them half a chance.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
11:45 AM
Subject: 2 more babies to add to
the CLS

Well, I guess sometimeswhen it rains it
pours. Early Saturday morning I lost two more of my fosters, both
negative. Red Man was an older orange tabby who had chronic sinusitis and
asthma. He got a pretty bad URI and it went into pneumonia. Red Man
was the sweetest old fella - sometimes he'd wake me up in the middle of the
night pawing at my face wanting to be petted. Mr. Kitty was
also an older fella - his previous owner of over 10 years got married and the
new wife didn't like Mr. Kitty. They stuck him in a cage at vet clinic
while trying to find a new home and he was so traumatized that the vet said he
was feral and needed to be euthanized. Of course he wasn't the least bit
feral, just scared. He was never a cuddly boy altho he wanted to be in
the same room with me but in the last few weeks he started cuddling up with me
at night as close as he could get and following me everywhere I went.
He'd been fighting renal failure for some time. My house and my heart are
even emptier than they were last week.

RE: 2 more babies to add to the CLS

2006-02-20 Thread Chris

How great that you took this little one
in! Im afraid that most FELV+ Katrina kitties did not meet such a
wonderful fate! I know there are a number of people who posted lost reports on
FELV+ cats and if you e-mail privately, we can see if maybe this litte one
could be one of these ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]
). You can imagine that the owners of these cats are really pretty frantic
knowing the fate that awaited most!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
12:57 PM
Subject: RE: 2 more babies to add
to the CLS

Thank you for continuing to work on that. I have
a feline leukemia positive Katrina kitty now - our Director just brought her
back last month. Some insurance adjustors had been feeding her - she kept
going back to what must have been her home ( I need to see if our Dir. got the
address). She is incredibly sweet and calm and loving. We've had a
battle with diarrhea - but lord knows what she had to eat or drink. Once
she is 100% well I will bring her to work with me (AR School for the Blind
Library) and she will be a wonderful Library Cat (will come home at night, tho)
and will get as much attention and loving as any kitty could ever
want. I've started her on interferon.


Youre right about
the old guys! Still working on reuniting Katrina pets with owners and it
just makes my day when I can find the owner of an old one! There are so
many and its doubly hard for them to go thru so many changes!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
12:17 PM
Subject: RE: 2 more babies to add
to the CLS

Thanks, Chris. And I love the old kitties, even
though I know I may not have them very long. There is just such a
sweetness about them - it is hard to describe, but it just touches my
heart. I have two super-elderly kitties right now, both from the same
kill shelter - Micah and Mem'ry. Both charcoal gray and both kinda
rickety when they walk. What a joy they are!


So sorry for your
lossbad news seems to come in clumpshoping that good things come
your way soon. And good for youfor taking care of some of these older
fellowstoo many times, theyre just lost cause nobody wants to
give them half a chance.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
11:45 AM
Subject: 2 more babies to add to
the CLS

Well, I guess sometimeswhen it rains it
pours. Early Saturday morning I lost two more of my fosters, both
negative. Red Man was an older orange tabby who had chronic sinusitis and
asthma. He got a pretty bad URI and it went into pneumonia. Red Man
was the sweetest old fella - sometimes he'd wake me up in the middle of the
night pawing at my face wanting to be petted. Mr. Kitty was
also an older fella - his previous owner of over 10 years got married and the
new wife didn't like Mr. Kitty. They stuck him in a cage at vet clinic
while trying to find a new home and he was so traumatized that the vet said he
was feral and needed to be euthanized. Of course he wasn't the least bit
feral, just scared. He was never a cuddly boy altho he wanted to be in
the same room with me but in the last few weeks he started cuddling up with me
at night as close as he could get and following me everywhere I went.
He'd been fighting renal failure for some time. My house and my heart are
even emptier than they were last week.

RE: Please add to the CLS -Chris

2006-02-20 Thread Chris

Ritas a super person and she 
I have racked our brains to find the owners of a beautiful, clearly owned cat
that she got from K. rescues! She also took in a 17 year old and kept him as a
foster when we found his owners who just could not take him back right away.
She kept in touch with them constantly, had them talk to him on the phone, sent
pictures, etc. Unfortunately, Mr. Gray passed away and Rita was just great in
helping the owners deal with their grief.



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
1:02 PM
Subject: RE: Please add to the CLS

YES! I had some correspondence with her when it
looked like our rescue group was going to Mississippi and then back straight
north thru Memphis. She'd said she could take a few Sr.
kitties. As it turned out the kitties that we were heading down to
rescue were gotten out of MS. earlier (thank goodness) than we could get there
- by a group from somewhere farther east, so we didn't make the trip. I'd
love to go to her shelter and just hold and pet.


You know in my
travels on the Katrina pets, I met a wonderful person in TN who
runs a very small home based shelter for only senior kitties. The two of
you should talk as she goes through the same things you do.. Ever
heard of PurreverRanch?



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006
12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Please add to the CLS

Thank you. I am always going to have a
high death rate, I guess, because I take lots of elderly kitties and feleuks,
including kittens born with it. This was a little much, tho.

Terri Brown

How sad. Big hugs to you. That's a lot to
deal with -- one right after the other.

Goodnight, sweet babies...

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere,
Sammi, Travis, Dori and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth,
Alec  Salome' =^..^=

Furkid Photos!
My Personal Page:

- Original Message - 

From: Susan


Sent: Friday,
February 17, 2006 2:17 PM

Subject: Please add
to the CLS

I sadly have 3 babies to add - all 3 were about 2-2
1/2 years old. My little Jack died on Jan. 21. He was the sweetest
little orange tabby boy, no bigger than a 6 month old kitten. During his
last weeks he was always cold so he always beat me to bed at night and was
waiting under the covers for me. Our vet suspects that he had feleuk in
his bone marrow but we didn't test him - and on the snap tests he repeatedly
tested negative.

On Feb. 8th I lost Cheyenne. She was a little
Siamese baby - small but not as small as Jack. She was definitely feleuk
positive. She came to me at 4 months from a Tx kill shelter -- in fact Gloria
and I read about her on this list - and Gloria went to Tx to pick her up along
with a great big ol' dlh orange tabby boy, Charlie, who is FIV+ -- and
thriving. For the first few weeks I had to make Cheyenne let me hold her
- and then one day in my arms she just sighed this big sigh and relaxed and
became my sweet outgoing little girl.

Then, on Feb 9, Sweet Willie Brown died. He was
a tiny tabby when he came to our rescue group - spent his whole
kittenhood with one sickness or another and the for the last year and a
half was so thin that he looked to be at death's door. He also repeatedly
tested negative and our vet suspects feleuk in the marrow. Just a few
months ago extensive bloodwork showed nothing but a little anemia and a
slightly elevated white count. He finally began to put on weight and I
took him to our Board meeting on the 20th to show off how chubby he was.
He has always been a favorite of everyone in our rescue group- and he spent the
evening sitting on one shoulder and then another. Shoulders were his
thing. I miss that out of nowhere feather touch
as he landed on my shoulder - have shoulder will pounce.

There are now 3 more angels in the heavens and I know
they are playing together, all healthy, at the Rainbow Bridge.

RE: Chris and Katrina Rescue-OT

2006-02-20 Thread Chris
Well our group of volunteers sort of stopped really counting after about
700.  We're sort of a fast and furious mode as time marches on!  HSUS says
they reunited a couple of hundred but most of those were owners who went to
the big receiving center at Lamar-Dixon.

Basically, there has never been any organized effort to find the owners.
Most reunions have been done either by owners who were internet savy, had
the time, and the resources to look on the internet.  Other reunions were
mostly done by volunteers like myself either on their own or as part of
several internet groups that sprung up  There never has been any serious
official effort to reunite pets.

Very conservative estimates are that anywhere from 12,00-15,000 pets were
rescued.  There are approx 15,000 lost reports on pets from the Gulf Coast.
The math is atrocious and the stories of how people came to be separated
from their pets tears your heart out!  


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 1:28 PM
Subject: Chris and Katrina Rescue-OT

Hey Chris,

I am just curious as to how many pets and guardians
you have reunited from the Hurricane Katrina disaster?
 What a wonderful thing to do!


P.S. I hope it's a LOT!!!

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Chris and Katrina Rescue-OT

2006-02-20 Thread Chris
Its not that many when you think about the thousands and thousands of people
who are searching for the pets they were sometimes ordered at gunpoint to
leave behind!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 1:57 PM
Subject: RE: Chris and Katrina Rescue-OT

Wow!  700 is A LOT.  More than I would have imagined. 
Bless you for what you are doing Chris.

--- Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well our group of volunteers sort of stopped really
 counting after about
 700.  We're sort of a fast and furious mode as time
 marches on!  HSUS says
 they reunited a couple of hundred but most of those
 were owners who went to
 the big receiving center at Lamar-Dixon.
 Basically, there has never been any organized effort
 to find the owners.
 Most reunions have been done either by owners who
 were internet savy, had
 the time, and the resources to look on the internet.
  Other reunions were
 mostly done by volunteers like myself either on
 their own or as part of
 several internet groups that sprung up  There never
 has been any serious
 official effort to reunite pets.
 Very conservative estimates are that anywhere from
 12,00-15,000 pets were
 rescued.  There are approx 15,000 lost reports on
 pets from the Gulf Coast.
 The math is atrocious and the stories of how people
 came to be separated
 from their pets tears your heart out!  
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 1:28 PM
 Subject: Chris and Katrina Rescue-OT
 Hey Chris,
 I am just curious as to how many pets and guardians
 you have reunited from the Hurricane Katrina
  What a wonderful thing to do!
 P.S. I hope it's a LOT!!!
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Do Cats Go to Heaven?

2006-02-20 Thread Chris
Title: Message

still laughing!


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wolf, Leah 
  R.Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 5:42 PMTo: 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Do Cats Go to 
  Dear Everybody,
  This is what awaits our kitties when they go to heaven 
  (courtesy of Beliefnet):
  Do Cats Go to Heaven?A cat dies and goes to 
  Heaven. God meets him at the gate and says, "You have been a good cat all of 
  these years. Anything you desire is yours, all you have to do is ask." 
  The cats says, "Well, I lived all my life with a poor family on a farm 
  and had to sleep on hardwood floors."God says, "Say no more." And 
  instantly, a fluffy pillow appears. A few days later, 6 mice are 
  killed in a tragic accident and they go to Heaven. God meets them at the gate 
  with the same offer that He made the cat. The mice said, "All our lives we've 
  had to run. Cats, dogs and even women with brooms have chased us. If we could 
  only have a pair of roller skates, we wouldn't have to run 
  anymore."God says, "Say no more." And instantly, each mouse is fitted 
  with a beautiful pair of tiny roller skates.About a week later, God 
  decides to check and see how the cat is doing. The cat is sound asleep on his 
  new pillow. God gently wakes him and asks, "How are you doing? Are you happy 
  here?" The cat yawns and stretches and says, "Oh, I've never been 
  happier in my life. And those Meals on Wheels you've been sending over are the 
  Leah Wolf

RE: FeLV + test results

2006-02-18 Thread Chris
I think that this is only for FIV vaccine, not FELV... but I may be wrong on


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Karolyn Lount
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:29 AM
Subject: FeLV + test results

I learned something the other day I did not know. If a cat is vaccinated
against getting FeLV all its life it will test positive. So it could
very well be that a rescue cat that tests positive is not. This is what
my new vet told me. I feel this all the more reason not to put down
those that test positive. 

Info on lymphoma in dogs...

2006-02-16 Thread Chris

know that you folks have an awful lot of info on cats who develop lymphoma.
Have a friend whose dog was just diagnosed and is starting chemo. Does anyone
have suggestions on groups, sites, etc. she might go to for info on dogs with
lymphoma? She is really worried and anxious to get as much info as she can in
order to make informed decisions. Thanks.



RE: felv kitty in need

2006-02-16 Thread Chris

Isnt there a place called the
best little cathouse in pa==takes felv+



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Megan M
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006
7:08 PM
Subject: felv kitty in need

I am trying to help an felv positive
kitty. someone found her outside and took her in but she tested positive and
now the woman won't keep her b/c she has other negative cats. the cat is
probably about 3 years old the vet thinks. she is very pretty and now living in
the woman's laundry room. kitty's name is pepper and she is now in the easton,
pa area. if anyone is willing to take pepper in please let meknow. she is

RE: Info on lymphoma in dogs...

2006-02-16 Thread Chris
Many thanks...  thinking of you and Bailey


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: Info on lymphoma in dogs...

  I know nothing about the group because I am a feline mama only but I 
found this doing a Yahoo groups search:

It is for people with dogs who have lymphoma.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Smokey

2006-02-15 Thread Chris
My Tucson has had two episodes of low white blood count.  Vet gave her a
series of immuno-regulin shots; brought it back up.  Just a thought...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Smokey

The bloodwork showed he was anemic, red and white
blood cell count low. The white blood cell count was
at the border of low  normal. He had been on Baytril
for awhile and the vet said she would of thought it
would not have been at that level after being on
antibiotics.  His platelets were low too.  I just
talked to the vet and he didn't seem very hopeful for
Smokey.  I will take him back to vet today to see if
his temp. has spiked again.  After the vet gets his
temp. down he goes about 3 or 4 days and it spikes
again.  I know when I go down there if he has a fever
the vet will recomend euthanasia.  What should I do?

Thank you,

--- Barb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why does your vet say that there's an infection
 somewhere?  Does the bloodwork indicate it?  I know
 that there have been a few people on-list who have
 had FeLV+ kitties with unexplained/idiopathic
 fevers.  How very frustrating for you and your
 family!  Am sending strength and calm for all of
 Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito
 My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should
 impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases
 him, and making me smile. 
- Anonymous
  Yahoo! Mail
  Use Photomail to share photos without annoying

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Smokey

2006-02-15 Thread Chris
He gave her a series of shots.  She had no side effects and I think the
shots were once a week or once every other week--can't remember right now.
As far as other things, well she's had a couple of UTI problems...  

Its tough finding a good vet.  My first vet, who is the one who picked up on
FELV status, readily admitted to me that he had almost no experience but was
willing to work with a NYC med center.  That would have been a little tough
in terms of transport back and forth and I found a vet who was closer to me
who does treat FELV+ cats.  He never batted an eyelash about treating Tucson
and at least had some experience.  I do not have her or Big Boy (my other
FELV) on Interferon but that was more of a judgment call on my part based on
their personalities and overall situation.

One of the ideas for finding more helpful vet is to try to contact local
rescue groups, particularly anyone who takes FELV+.  Also, when I was
changing, I called a number of them to find somebody who was currently
treating FELV cats...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: Smokey

Did your vet give your Tucson the immuno-regulin in a
shot or through an IV?  Did she have to stay at the
vet or get to go home?  I might need to go to another
vet because my conversation today the vet seemed like
we had done all we could do for Smokey.  The fever is
the big thing with him.  He keeps getting a fever
every 3 or 4 days.  I had talked to another vet when I
first found out Smokey was + because one of the vets
where I take my pets gave me the option of finding
Smokey another home or euthanasia.  The other vet I
spoke to told me not to let them put me in a corner
about having Smokey euthanized.  He said they have a
few patients that are +.  I don't want to see Smokey
suffer but I don't know if he is right now.


--- Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My Tucson has had two episodes of low white blood
 count.  Vet gave her a
 series of immuno-regulin shots; brought it back up. 
 Just a thought...
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of cindy reasoner
 Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:19 AM
 Subject: Re: Smokey
 The bloodwork showed he was anemic, red and white
 blood cell count low. The white blood cell count was
 at the border of low  normal. He had been on
 for awhile and the vet said she would of thought it
 would not have been at that level after being on
 antibiotics.  His platelets were low too.  I just
 talked to the vet and he didn't seem very hopeful
 Smokey.  I will take him back to vet today to see if
 his temp. has spiked again.  After the vet gets his
 temp. down he goes about 3 or 4 days and it spikes
 again.  I know when I go down there if he has a
 the vet will recomend euthanasia.  What should I do?
 Thank you,
 --- Barb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why does your vet say that there's an infection
  somewhere?  Does the bloodwork indicate it?  I
  that there have been a few people on-list who have
  had FeLV+ kitties with unexplained/idiopathic
  fevers.  How very frustrating for you and your
  family!  Am sending strength and calm for all of
  Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito
  My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he
  impress.  Merely living his life, doing what
  him, and making me smile. 
 - Anonymous
   Yahoo! Mail
   Use Photomail to share photos without annoying
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 protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
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RE: Rudy - Gone

2006-02-15 Thread Chris

sorry for your lossRudy does indeed sound like a very special cat!
And sounds like you gave her a wonderful 13 years! 



-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006
5:26 PM
Subject: Rudy - Gone

 My baby Rudy passed today at
4: PM. My husband and I stayed with her all day she slept between us, so I know
she was where she wanted to be. She passed so peacefully looking in my eyes. I
have lost a lot of kitties in my life but never one to go so quickly and
easily. A few short breaths, no cries and she was gone. 
 Rudy came into my home 13 years ago and she has been the boss ever
since. I was at my front door one cold night calling my other kitties home and
this pretty little girl that I had never seen before ran in my door straight to
my wash room jumped on my hot water heater and stayed there for 3 days. I loved
her from the first minute I saw her. I knew she was special and meant just for
me. No sharing this one with my hubby. My other kitties were jealous but soon
learned she was here to stay.
 Rudy was what I called my bold protector. She was not afraid of
any cat or dog. If she heard me scolding another cat she would run in and slap
the kitty. My 3 large dogs were also afraid of her. If one would come running
at me to fast she would jump in front of me to protect me and quickly turn them
around. She could be in another room and if I stubbed my toe and cried out she
would come flying in to see if someone was messing with her Mama. 
 She was diagnosed with felv when she was spayed. I guess she was
less than one year old. She was always healthy except she lost all her teeth
but one early on so her tongue was always falling out her mouth. She was hard
to please with food would only eat fancy feast and not much of that. Would beg
for milk and throw it right up if I gave in and gave it to her.
 I still have know good answers as to why kidney failure. The
Vet says it happens in older cats. She was not anemic, but she was running a
low temp. I saw know signs of sickness till Sunday morning when she started to
stumble when she stood up.
 Sorry to go on so long but I needed to say how much I'll miss her
sleeping in my arms, loving me completely and unselfishly. Sheila

RE: Buster update

2006-02-11 Thread Chris

So sorry to hear about Buster when
my Tucson had very low WBC, vet gave her a series of immuno-regulin
shots. WBC came back up pretty quick. Had to do it twice and both
times it worked Both times I knew something was up because she
didnt eatand eating is her very favorite thing to do! I got
her to eat a little something by giving her anything she would swallowham,
tuna water, cottage cheese, a little milk not things I would
normally rely on as nourishment but at that point I just wanted to get
something in her. Luckily, her lack of appetite only lasted a few days so
it was not a major problem.. Didnt know whether you had considered



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kerry Roach
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006
5:12 PM
Subject: Buster update

Buster isn't doing well at all today...I did get him
to eat a little on his own Fri..and drink some water..He went to the box a
couple of times, but is very wobbly..

I got his meds down him early this morning, but now he
won't eat at all...I tried to feed him some of the same thing I did yesterday
and he licked the juice then almost immediately threw up...then I tried
a/d, but he wouldn't touch it...I know I have to get something in him, but he
is very hard to deal with like that..It really stresses him out..I did give him
some pepcid and appetite stimulant transdermal.

I guess Bandy knows he isn't feeling well because I
have never seen Bandy clean him and now I have seen this twice today...Bandy is
staying right with him..

Any suggestions on what I should do since he threw up,
I don't know what to do..I did get a little water in him but not much...I
didn't know if I should try to force feed him or not since he threw up..

I will post his blood work later...I do know that his
WBC is very low and so is the PCV. All liver tests are elevated and all others
are normal..

Keep him in your prayers..

Kerry, Bandy and Buster

Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus
scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

RE: Chris' Tucson - testing neg than pos

2006-02-11 Thread Chris

Well-Tucson came out of that wall; ate and
hasnt stopped eating since!



Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006
7:30 PM
Subject: Re: Chris' Tucson - testing
neg than pos

an amazing story!!
 Took 5 more days and many
holes punched and threats to management to call media but lo  behold
little Tucson  her brother came out of the wall. They were about 6
weeks old and had fallen into an ac duct. Mom who was an incredible cat
must have been dropping food down there while caring for her other kittens on
the roofall this in 100 degree weather! 

-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design) Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Chris' Tucson - testing neg than pos

2006-02-10 Thread Chris

Well theres no doubt Ive
been meownipulated from the start. How I got hermy parents were
visiting my brother in Tucson  rented an apt. First night they were there, a female
cat on the roof howled all night. For 3 nights this went on until my
mother heard very squeaky kinds of meowing inside the wall. Took 5 more
days and many holes punched and threats to management to call media but lo
 behold little Tucson  her brother came out of the wall. They were about 6
weeks old and had fallen into an ac duct. Mom who was an incredible cat
must have been dropping food down there while caring for her other kittens on
the roofall this in 100 degree weather! Most amazing thing,
though, is that as soon as we got both kitties out, she disappeared. I
walked around the complex for days holding Tucson, went around at night
looking for her and never could find her or the other kittens. Its as if
she knew they were safe and she could now move on I always felt
bad that I couldnt find her or the other kitties but somehow, I know she
had some peace that two of her little ones were going to be OK.



Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006
2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Chris' Tucson - testing
neg than pos

I know I'd fall for her in a second! I have such a soft spot for
determined calicos. My girl Ursula has taught me the meaning of
unconditional love. Mine for her, not the other way around!

Terri Brown wrote:

Chris, you've been


=^..^= Terri, Siggie the
Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl,
Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=

Furkid Photos!
My Personal Page:

- Original
Message - 

From: Chris


Sent: Thursday,
February 09, 2006 1:09 AM

Subject: RE: Chris'
Tucson - testing neg than pos

Big, fat, tempermental,
insanely jealous  not the smartest kid on the block! Thats my
Tucson. Ive read that calicos are determined and she
is that! Only thing shes had problem with is low wbc and twice
shes had immuno-regulin and it bounced back up. I know that when
she doesnt wolf down anything you put in front of her, shes
really not feeling well. But basically shes a big mush who just
looks pitiful when she doesnt feel well and all she has to do is look at
me with those big adoring eyes and Im putty in her hands!

RE: Bandy's other buddy - Buster Felv+

2006-02-08 Thread Chris

I know it must be scary, but at 14 it
might just be some of those aches and pains that we all feel I
would think that the fact he is eating and drinking well is a positive
sign. Might be thyroid (since weve been talking about that!)

As for how he got FELVwell, my Tucson tested neg at about 6-8
weeks and 5 years later tested pos. Never been outside since I got her;
never lived with FELV cat; my other 3 (including 2 who came after her as
kittens) all test neg. The two vets I went to both told me she likely had
it since birth (she was born to a stray outside). Periodically, she looks
a little peaked but still manages to stay around 18 lbstrying to get her
to lose some weight but its tough! All but eliminated dry foood but when
all you do is eat and sleep..



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kerry Roach
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006
12:11 AM
Subject: Bandy's other buddy -
Buster Felv+

Hi everyone,

Bandy's other buddy--- Buster was diag. with Felv last
summer when I had them all checked...I have had him since birth and he will be
14 on March 30.

He hasn't shown any symptoms at all. This last
week he seems to be having some problems with his back legs...and just
notacting up to par...So I am taking him for blood work on Thurs...I am
worried that it could be lymphoma, kidneys or anemia...

He has lost a little weight lately, too...He still
eats good and drinks good...No other signs except I am concerned because he
doesn't have the bright pink nose or gums that he should...I also have him on
the supplements along with Bandy...I don't know how he got the Felv because he
was vaccinated yrs ago before Bandy came to us..He also has always lived in the
house since about the age of 2..

Anyway, just wanted you to know..and we will let you
know how things turn out on Thurs...Keep Buster in your prayers that his blood
work is good..

Head butts to all,

Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal

Brings words and photos together (easily) with
- it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: Chris' Tucson - testing neg than pos

2006-02-08 Thread Chris

Big, fat, tempermental, insanely jealous
 not the smartest kid on the block! Thats my Tucson. Ive read
that calicos are determined and she is that! Only thing shes
had problem with is low wbc and twice shes had immuno-regulin and it
bounced back up. I know that when she doesnt wolf down anything
you put in front of her, shes really not feeling well. But basically
shes a big mush who just looks pitiful when she doesnt feel well
and all she has to do is look at me with those big adoring eyes and Im
putty in her hands!



On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006
12:56 AM
Subject: Chris' Tucson - testing
neg than pos

About your Tucson... I had heard that if the felv is not active, not
replicating, (or something to that effect), when testing is done, then it won't
necessarily show. Maybe that's what happened when she was tested as a
kitten. It's esp scary to me since I've only had Timmy tested once, (he
the only neg out of a litter of pos). I don't really care, it doesn't
really matter. I think of him as neg and treat him as if he's pos. 18
lbs, that's a big kitty! I guess it just comes from having so many
animals fall ill and lose weight, but I can't imagine putting anyone on a
diet! I know it's not good for them to be obese though. I've just
sadly, never had a pos that was overweight. Whatever the scale says,
here's to many, many more years of continued health! You're doing
something right, keep it up!

Chris wrote:

I know it must be scary,
but at 14 it might just be some of those aches and pains that we all
feel I would think that the fact he is eating and drinking well is
a positive sign. Might be thyroid (since weve been talking about

As for how he got
FELVwell, my Tucson tested neg at about 6-8 weeks and 5 years later
tested pos. Never been outside since I got her; never lived with FELV
cat; my other 3 (including 2 who came after her as kittens) all test neg.
The two vets I went to both told me she likely had it since birth (she was born
to a stray outside). Periodically, she looks a little peaked but still manages
to stay around 18 lbstrying to get her to lose some weight but its
tough! All but eliminated dry foood but when all you do is eat and

RE: TAD TO THE RESCUE: One last URGENT plea for help...

2006-02-07 Thread Chris

Many thanks.will let you know if we need
help with transportation



-Original Message-
Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006
9:40 AM
One last URGENT plea for help...

yay, for switters!

chris, if you can't find help with delta friends,
contact me off-list--i know of someone who's got a batch of American Airlines
stewards who have offered to help with katrina critters.

On 2/6/06, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah for
TAD He and Jen talked today and little Switters is moving to New England!!! We just need to work
out transp. Jen has someone who works in Delta  is going to see if
she can get a steward to take little Switters. If not, I may have a
contact with a stewards group who had offered to take small pets in Cabin
with them Just little details, how to get from New Orleans to
Vermont . What a tale little Switters will have for his new brothers and
sisters!!! and then the water came, and then I swam, and then I
didn't have any food, and then I went inside to this house, and then I went on
this BIG bird, and now I'm here! 




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006
9:02 PM
Subject: Re: One last URGENT plea
for help... 

Oh Tadyou are a
total hero! I hope transportation can be worked out for little Switters. It's
so great that you've given him the chance of a forever home. Thank you! Kerry 

- Original Message

From: Tad Burnett 


Monday, February 06, 2006 1:06 AM

Re: One last URGENT plea for help...

 I could take him but I am way up here in Vermont...
Is there any way you could get him as far as Albany
or NYC or New England area
I know there were several rescue people from Boston
Mass. area that have been back and forth and brought 
some back with them Don't know if there is any chance
of hooking up with them 


Chris wrote: 

I posted before about
Switters the Katrina kitten found on the street by a New Orleans resident after
the hurricane. I 'met' Jean through group I'm in working to reunite
Katrina pets with their owner. She's nursed him back to health,
domesticated him, chipped him, neutered him and generally brought him back to
health! He is FELV+. She has to move out of state next week and
cannot take him with her. She has contacted every rescue group and feline
organization she could find. She has asked her friends and neighbors but
part of the problem is that those handful of people who have returned to New
Orleans are all taking care of other pets found in the street! ALL
shelters in the Gulf Coast areas are full; almost none are no-kill and almost
all would euthanize Switters because of his FELV. 

Jean, his caretaker,
found a place in Ashville that will take her and her three cats but landlord
would not even consider a fourth catgo figure. Her cats hate Switters
and she really can't just keep them separate. 

Someone told Jean,
Switters' caretaker, about a place called animal rescue in Denver
but she knows nothing about it nor can she afford to fly Switters up
there. Jean has talked to Marley's fund and they are full but put him on
a waiting list. Jean is moving to Ashville. Is there anyone in the
area who could even foster Switters until Marley's fund could take him.
Jean says he really is a people person cat who is very sweet. He tries
with the other cats but they just won't accept him. 

I've got 5 adult cats in
my apt and live with turf wars so adding one more would just put everybody over
the edge. Anybody out there who might be able to help? This little
guy went thru so much to stay alive! This is Switters. 





AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats 
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Hypertension and Julie, our geriatric kitty

2006-02-07 Thread Chris
I think hyperthyroidism is very common in older cats.  They go on tapazole
just like humans and biggest problem is the once or twice a day pill!  Had
one cat who lived to early twenties after years of tapazole...There were no
restrictions on diet or anything.  She had lost some weight and was doing
the midnight howling thing went I brought her in and she snapped right back
after starting tapazole.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 3:48 PM
Subject: Hypertension and Julie, our geriatric kitty

Hi guys,

I took Julie to the vet this past Friday because she
was having pain going to the bathroom the Sunday
before and had a little blood around her genitals.  I
couldn't get her to the vet until Friday so I gave her
Baytril I had left over from Cricket starting on
Sunday, which wiped out whatever bacterial infection
she might have had, and all her renal functions seemed
to be back to normal by Friday.  But I took her in
anyway just to be sure, and they ran a urinalysis and
total blood/labwork on her.  Saturday the vet called
me and said her results showed hypertension (she got a
17 on her T4 results, normal is between .4 and 5.2)
and he prescribed 10 mg of Tapazole/Methimazole daily.
 I have to bring her in in two weeks for further blood
work to see how the drugs are helping her thyroid. 
Does anyone here have any experience with
hyperthyroidism in their kitty, and what did you do
about it?  What does T4 measure?  Did your kitty pass
away from the hyperthyroidism?  Did the drugs reverse
the heart murmur?  What diet would be good for a kitty
with hyperthyroidism?  Any advice is greatly


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RE: Chris-howling

2006-02-07 Thread Chris
That's what my vet said...  of course, that's after I lived with it for a
year or so!  This from a cat who spent her time eating, sleeping, playing,
sleeping and more sleep!  


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 4:04 PM
Subject: Chris-howling

Is the howling a symptom of hyperthyroidism?  Is so,
that makes sense, as Julie has been doing that for a
couple of years.

--- Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think hyperthyroidism is very common in older
 cats.  They go on tapazole
 just like humans and biggest problem is the once or
 twice a day pill!  Had
 one cat who lived to early twenties after years of
 tapazole...There were no
 restrictions on diet or anything.  She had lost some
 weight and was doing
 the midnight howling thing went I brought her in and
 she snapped right back
 after starting tapazole.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 3:48 PM
 Subject: Hypertension and Julie, our geriatric kitty
 Hi guys,
 I took Julie to the vet this past Friday because she
 was having pain going to the bathroom the Sunday
 before and had a little blood around her genitals. 
 couldn't get her to the vet until Friday so I gave
 Baytril I had left over from Cricket starting on
 Sunday, which wiped out whatever bacterial infection
 she might have had, and all her renal functions
 to be back to normal by Friday.  But I took her in
 anyway just to be sure, and they ran a urinalysis
 total blood/labwork on her.  Saturday the vet called
 me and said her results showed hypertension (she got
 17 on her T4 results, normal is between .4 and 5.2)
 and he prescribed 10 mg of Tapazole/Methimazole
  I have to bring her in in two weeks for further
 work to see how the drugs are helping her thyroid. 
 Does anyone here have any experience with
 hyperthyroidism in their kitty, and what did you do
 about it?  What does T4 measure?  Did your kitty
 away from the hyperthyroidism?  Did the drugs
 the heart murmur?  What diet would be good for a
 with hyperthyroidism?  Any advice is greatly
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 protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Chris-howling

2006-02-07 Thread Chris

Well I have a friend whose very
sleepyhead, big cat started doing the same thing a few months ago. When she
took him to vet, sure enough it was his thryroid. She now shares the joys of
morning and evening pilling!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006
10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Chris-howling

Oh LORD!!! I hope not. I've got several
'howlers'. I thought it was something to do with bedtime!



what my vet said... of course, that's after I lived with it for a
year or so! This from a cat who spent her time eating, sleeping, playing,
sleeping and more sleep! 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 4:04 PM
Subject: Chris-howling

Is the howling a symptom of hyperthyroidism? Is so,
that makes sense, as Julie has been doing that for a
couple of years.

--- Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

 I think hyperthyroidism is very common in older
 cats. They go on tapazole
 just like humans and biggest problem is the once or
 twice a day pill! Had
 one cat who lived to early twenties after years of
 tapazole...There were no
 restrictions on diet or anything. She had lost some
 weight and was doing
 the midnight howling thing went I brought her in and
 she snapped right back
 after starting tapazole.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 3:48 PM
 Subject: Hypertension and Julie, our geriatric kitty
 Hi guys,
 I took Julie to the vet this past Friday because she
 was having pain going to the bathroom the Sunday
 before and had a little blood around her genitals. 
 couldn't get her to the vet until Friday so I gave
 Baytril I had left over from Cricket starting on
 Sunday, which wiped out whatever bacterial infection
 she might have had, and all her renal functions
 to be back to normal by Friday. But I took her in
 anyway just to be sure, and they ran a urinalysis
 total blood/labwork on her. Saturday the vet called
 me and said her results showed hypertension (she got
 17 on her T4 results, normal is between .4 and 5.2)
 and he prescribed 10 mg of Tapazole/Methimazole
 I have to bring her in in two weeks for further
 work to see how the drugs are helping her thyroid. 
 Does anyone here have any experience with
 hyperthyroidism in their kitty, and what did you do
 about it? What does T4 measure? Did your kitty
 away from the hyperthyroidism? Did the drugs
 the heart murmur? What diet would be good for a
 with hyperthyroidism? Any advice is greatly
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

TAD TO THE RESCUE: One last URGENT plea for help...

2006-02-06 Thread Chris

Yeah for TAD He and Jen talked today and little
Switters is moving to New
 England!!! We
just need to work out transp. Jen has someone who works in Delta  is
going to see if she can get a steward to take little Switters. If not, I
may have a contact with a stewards group who had offered to take small pets in
Cabin with them Just little details, how to get from New Orleans to Vermont. What a tale little Switters will have for his new
brothers and sisters!!! and then the water came, and then I swam,
and then I didnt have any food, and then I went inside to this house,
and then I went on this BIG bird, and now Im here!




Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006
9:02 PM
Subject: Re: One last URGENT plea
for help...

Oh Tadyou are a total hero! I
hope transportation can be worked out for little Switters. It's so great that
you've given him the chance of a forever home. Thank you! Kerry

- Original Message - 



Monday, February 06, 2006 1:06 AM

Re: One last URGENT plea for help...

 I could take him but I am way up here in Vermont...
Is there any way you could get him as far as Albany
or NYC or New England area
I know there were several rescue people from Boston
Mass. area that have been back and forth and brought 
some back with them Don't know if there is any chance
of hooking up with them


Chris wrote: 

I posted before about Switters the
Katrina kitten found on the street by a New Orleans resident after the
hurricane. I met Jean through group Im in working to
reunite Katrina pets with their owner. Shes nursed him back to
health, domesticated him, chipped him, neutered him and generally brought him
back to health! He is FELV+. She has to move out of state next week
and cannot take him with her. She has contacted every rescue group and
feline organization she could find. She has asked her friends and
neighbors but part of the problem is that those handful of people who have
returned to New Orleans are all taking care of other pets found in the
street! ALL shelters in the Gulf Coast areas are full; almost none are
no-kill and almost all would euthanize Switters because of his FELV.

Jean, his caretaker, found a place in
Ashville that will take her and her three cats but landlord would not even
consider a fourth catgo figure. Her cats hate Switters and she
really cant just keep them separate.

Someone told Jean, Switters
caretaker, about a place called animal rescue in Denver but she
knows nothing about it nor can she afford to fly Switters up there. Jean
has talked to Marleys fund and they are full but put him on a waiting
list. Jean is moving to Ashville. Is there anyone in the area who
could even foster Switters until Marleys fund could take him. Jean
says he really is a people person cat who is very sweet. He tries with
the other cats but they just wont accept him.

Ive got 5 adult cats in my apt
and live with turf wars so adding one more would just put everybody over the
edge. Anybody out there who might be able to help? This little guy
went thru so much to stay alive! This is Switters.




RE: Bailey Update

2006-02-06 Thread Chris
Thinking of you and Bailey...  I know this is a crazy idea, but what about
some sort of intestinal parasites?  Could affect Bailey's ability to absorb


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: Bailey Update

  Hi All,
   I want to thank everyone for your continued prayers and positive 
energy.  Well the xray didn't clear anything up, no tumors or enlarged 
lymph nodes, his lungs are all clear.  and all of the rest of his organs 
look good, so still a mystery ... I did get the anobolic steroids and 
will start those tomorrow, I want to be sure the vet is open just in 
case there is any kind of a reaction.

I didn't get the CLS updated today, I'm sorry I will get it first thing 
for sure tomorrow.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

One last URGENT plea for help...

2006-02-05 Thread Chris

posted before about Switters the Katrina kitten found on the street by a New
  Orleans resident after the hurricane. I met Jean through
group Im in working to reunite Katrina pets with their owner. Shes
nursed him back to health, domesticated him, chipped him, neutered him and
generally brought him back to health! He is FELV+. She has to move
out of state next week and cannot take him with her. She has contacted
every rescue group and feline organization she could find. She has asked
her friends and neighbors but part of the problem is that those handful of
people who have returned to New Orleans are all taking care of other pets found
in the street! ALL shelters in the Gulf Coast areas are full; almost none
are no-kill and almost all would euthanize Switters because of his FELV.

his caretaker, found a place in Ashville that will take her and her three cats
but landlord would not even consider a fourth catgo figure. Her
cats hate Switters and she really cant just keep them separate.

told Jean, Switters caretaker, about a place called animal rescue
in Denver but she knows nothing about it nor can she afford to
fly Switters up there. Jean has talked to Marleys fund and they
are full but put him on a waiting list. Jean is moving to Ashville.
Is there anyone in the area who could even foster Switters until Marleys
fund could take him. Jean says he really is a people person cat who is
very sweet. He tries with the other cats but they just wont accept

got 5 adult cats in my apt and live with turf wars so adding one more would
just put everybody over the edge. Anybody out there who might be able to
help? This little guy went thru so much to stay alive! This is




RE: One last URGENT plea for help...

2006-02-05 Thread Chris

TAD Wheres there a
will, theres a way Its too late (or maybe too early) for me to
call Jen tonight I can call her tomorrow she could get him
to Ashville or there were some Delta staff who had volunteered to fly small
Katrina pets in the cabins with them! Maybe I can find out about that
Whats the best way of getting you and Jen together to talk? Can
she call you? She has a bunch of pictures of Switters she could send
She has his med records, etc.




Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006
2:06 AM
Subject: Re: One last URGENT plea
for help...

 I could take him but I am way up here in Vermont...
Is there any way you could get him as far as Albany
or NYC or New England area
I know there were several rescue people from Boston
Mass. area that have been back and forth and brought 
some back with them Don't know if there is any chance
of hooking up with them


Chris wrote: 

I posted before about Switters the
Katrina kitten found on the street by a New Orleans resident after the
hurricane. I met Jean through group Im in working to
reunite Katrina pets with their owner. Shes nursed him back to
health, domesticated him, chipped him, neutered him and generally brought him
back to health! He is FELV+. She has to move out of state next week
and cannot take him with her. She has contacted every rescue group and
feline organization she could find. She has asked her friends and
neighbors but part of the problem is that those handful of people who have
returned to New Orleans are all taking care of other pets found in the street!
ALL shelters in the Gulf Coast areas are full; almost none are no-kill and
almost all would euthanize Switters because of his FELV.

Jean, his caretaker, found a place in
Ashville that will take her and her three cats but landlord would not even consider
a fourth catgo figure. Her cats hate Switters and she really
cant just keep them separate.

Someone told Jean, Switters
caretaker, about a place called animal rescue in Denver but she
knows nothing about it nor can she afford to fly Switters up there. Jean
has talked to Marleys fund and they are full but put him on a waiting
list. Jean is moving to Ashville. Is there anyone in the area who
could even foster Switters until Marleys fund could take him. Jean
says he really is a people person cat who is very sweet. He tries with
the other cats but they just wont accept him.

Ive got 5 adult cats in my apt
and live with turf wars so adding one more would just put everybody over the
edge. Anybody out there who might be able to help? This little guy
went thru so much to stay alive! This is Switters.




RE: dry food causing problems?

2006-02-04 Thread Chris Behnke

My vet told me that the original thinking
of dry food is changing.  Before it was recommended to only feed dry food.  Now they are finding out that cats do become
obese or have chronic constipation.  Not
to mention that dry food is harder to digest and can slow the metabolism.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Amy Watson
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006
4:39 PM
Subject: dry food causing

I'm reading through Wendy's sick kitty manual, and I
just found this, which surprised me:

Dry food: Not good for cats. Contributes to obesity.
Exacerbates all sorts of health problems.

I wondered if you folks could help me understand why this is? We've been
feeding our cats weight-management hairball-control dry food for years, and I'd
never seen this kind of claim before. Right now we have Eukanuba
Mature Care for our cats that are 9 years old and actually eating. 

Amy K. Watson
Columbus, Ohio 

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RE: Bailey Update

2006-02-04 Thread Chris
I know it may sound stupid but what about A D cream (NOT ointment) for his
bottom... Works on little babies--


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: Bailey Update

Hi Tonya,
   Yes I have changed his diet to ID it is for sensitive tummies and so 
far so good, no diarrhea since Thursday night.  Now if his bottom will 
heal and he wouls perk up a bit.  We went to the vet and they couldn't 
get any blood from his legs, so they had to use his jugular.  My vet 
said he is pretty strong still for a kitty so weak at home.  I will have 
the results tomorrow sometime and of course I'm hoping it will be good 

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Bailey Update

2006-02-04 Thread Chris

Just use the Cream, not
the ointmentthe ointment seems to have other things in it and doesnt
work quite as well. 



-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006
10:35 PM
Subject: Re: Bailey Update

a veterinary oncologist told us to use that on our dog Nubi when she was raw
from diarrhea and anal gland tumors, and it did help.


In a
message dated 2/4/2006 10:29:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

I know it may sound stupid but what about A D cream (NOT ointment) for his
bottom... Works on little babies--

RE: CLS for Orange Julius (OJ)

2006-02-03 Thread Chris
After what OJ and his kitty friends went through in Angel Wings, please take
some comfort in knowing that your love and comfort was the most important
thing that anyone ever gave them.  The love OJ gave back is a measure of the
love he received


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: CLS for Orange Julius (OJ)

I got the date wrong...It was Tuesday but that was Jan. 31, 2006...
He was a very special friend and I haven't been able to put his
passing in writing until now and it still was very hard

Tad Burnett wrote:

 Little OJ has gone to be with his best kitty friends Winky and Callie...
 Those 3 seemed to be close friends when they arrived here from
 Angel Wings and now they are all back together at the Rainbow Bridge..

 Last Tuesday  (Feb. 2,2006) we took OJ to the vet... He cried when
 we picked him up refused to take any food from his syringe...
 The vet said his cancer on his kidney had grown huge suddenly and
 he was in pain and it was time to let him go...

  It was so hard because he seemed to love life and everyone around
 him so much...He sat on the table and watched the doc prepare his needle
 with intense interest and he purred for the tech as she shaved his leg 
 the needle was inserted...

  Little OJ was the kitty from the Angel Wings rescue that when they
 1st examined him at the vets in Tenn. he just flopped on his side...
 At 1st they thought he was too week to stand up but then they realized
 it was because he was so happy to have human touch again...

  The 1st night he was here and I had him in the introduction cage in the
 room with all my cats...When he saw me get in bed he cried and cried
 and looked like he wanted to join me...He had seemed so friendly with
 everyone that I gave in and opened the door and sure enough he made a
 be line for the bed and he has been there right next to me every night

  The FeLV must have already destroyed most of his immune system when
 he arrived here as he had to constantly be on antibiotics to keep URI
 under control and at 1st he would sneeze blood and that was from
 the URI had gotten into the hair bones in his nose... A strong antibiotic
 did take care of that...

  Because of his chronic URI  he never had much appetite and we always
 gave him special attention to get him to eat...
 I know he missed Winky...He was only here for a few weeks...
 Winky just went to sleep and didn't wake up...He was very anemic
 and a bad heart... It was after that that OJ started loosing weight...
 We gave him special food and he was doing better and then Callie
 passed...It was right after that that he started peeing outside his box
 and we had him tested but nothing showed except that his urine was
 watery and we gave him something to make it a little more acid incase
 he was getting crystals build up... He seemed better for a while and
 put a little weight back on but then he started to eat less again but 
 he took
 his A/D  food without complaining from a syringe...With that it seemed 
 he was getting but he was getting skinnyer and skinnyer and we knew it
 was cancer taking him away

 I miss my supper friendly little orange kitty and I do hope I will get 
 to be
 with him again some day.

 Sleep well sweet OJ

RE: Bailey Update

2006-02-02 Thread Chris


I havent posted very much lately
but I just want to tell you that your story about Bailey really gave me
inspiration. Wish I were knowledgeable enough to help more but I know
that the great people here will help you with that. But my thoughts are
with you  Bailey



Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006
12:51 AM
To: FeLV Talk List [New]
Subject: Bailey Update

Bailey is not doing very
good, he is getting 200ccs of food a day but is still wasting away. He is
still getting epo 3X a week, and 20mg of prednisolone split into 10mgs twice a
day. His diarrhea is for the most part gone, although he did just tonight
have a mixture of a solid and runny bowel movement. He is sooo bony
and his muscle is all but gone on him, he is wasting away and I am starting to
think there is cancer somewhere that we haven't found. He has that cancer
look (wasting away). He potties wherever he wants and still just lays
around. I'm really worried about him, he seems so depressed. We are
suppose to do bloodwork in a week but I don't know that I want to wait that
long. Our last option is to add leukeran to the prednisolone he is

He will be laying somewhere and when he gets up there is usually a little poop
there, so it is still coming out of him involuntarily, he doesn't seem to have
any control over it sometimes. Anyone know what may be causing this???

Prayers are really needed, my baby is slipping away from me and I don't know
what to do ...

-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design) Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: URGENT: Switters- Katrina kitty looking for home....

2006-01-25 Thread Chris

Thank you so very much Im in NY but not too
many resources here and nothing left available in the Gulf Region!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006
6:48 PM
Subject: Re: URGENT: Switters-
Katrina kitty looking for home

I'm going to cross post to some local lists in


Hi Chris,
Switters looks so sweet and I'm sure is so very deserving. I wish I could
offer her, you and her previous savior something more than words of
encouragement. I pray she finds her forever home soon, or that her owner
will figure out a way to do what she now believes is impossible and take her

Chris wrote: 

I know everybody is absolutely overwhelmed
and though I havent posted lately (been up to my ears with Katrina
reunification attempts), I have been trying hard to keep up with everything
thats been happening. Its not been a good few months for everyone
and I know that the last thing anybody wants to hear is about another FELV+
kitty running out of time.

This is turning into a pretty desperate
situation. The woman who rescued this little guy has to move by mid
February and absolutely cannot take Switters with her. She rescued this
little guy and brought him back to life and socialized him and she is at her
wits end as to what to do now She posted Switters on bemikitties
but there is no picture Here is Switters!

If anybody has any ideas of rescue groups,
shelters, anything at all. Louisiana shelters will not take him or will
euthanize him. She says he is so sociable that she really would like to
find him a home but would have to settle for a shelter if she has to.

Anyone have any ideasTIME IS OF THE

URGENT: Switters- Katrina kitty looking for home....

2006-01-24 Thread Chris

I know everybody is absolutely overwhelmed and though I
havent posted lately (been up to my ears with Katrina reunification
attempts), I have been trying hard to keep up with everything thats been
happening. Its not been a good few months for everyone and I know that
the last thing anybody wants to hear is about another FELV+ kitty running out
of time.

This is turning into a pretty desperate situation. The
woman who rescued this little guy has to move by mid February and absolutely
cannot take Switters with her. She rescued this little guy and brought
him back to life and socialized him and she is at her wits end as to what to do
now She posted Switters on bemikitties but there is no picture
Here is Switters!

If anybody has any ideas of rescue groups, shelters,
anything at all. Louisiana shelters will not take him or will euthanize
him. She says he is so sociable that she really would like to find him a
home but would have to settle for a shelter if she has to.

Anyone have any ideasTIME IS OF THE ESSENSE!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:10 AM
Subject: Switters- Katrina kitty
looking for home

I cant seem to get post right so if a dupe, I

I tried posting this before but I think it did not go
through I am working with a group trying to reunite Katrina pets
with their Gulf Coast owners. A woman posted that she had
rescued a very young kitten right after the storm. She says he was really
feral when she found him but has become very accustomed to the good life!
She is having to move within a month and is really anxious to find him a
forever home. He is FELV+.

Switters is about 6 months old and when Jean
found him, he was out in the street and emaciated-she guesses he was 8-10 weeks
old. He has been neutered, gotten first shots,  is
microchipped. Jean has posted him in bemikitties and is really anxious to
find him a home. She has to move in a month and cannot take him with
her. She has gone above and beyond for this little guy who she says is
totally asymptomatic and it is breaking her heart that she cannot keep
him. Unfortunately, the options in New Orleans area for shelter for
Switters are pretty dismal and I told her I would post her info. I tried
sending picture of Switters but it may have been too large a post for it to go

I know everyone is full but if you could even give her
some ideas, I know she would be eternally grateful. She has loads of
pictures and he sure does seem to have domesticated pretty well!

Her name is Jean Kottermann, Phone 504-931-9758,
e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

This little one survived a hurricane on the street,
hes got to have a lot of spunk!



RE: URGENT: Switters- Katrina kitty looking for home....

2006-01-24 Thread Chris

Switters is a he Actually, Jean who rescued him placed an ad in New Orleans paper about him and one of the member of
our group (StealthVolunteers) posted it. I followed up with Jean and told her I would post here. Like so many Katrina
victims, she doesnt have too many options and will be moving out of
state. She really went above and beyond for this little guy.
Its likely he was a stray kitten who somehow survived the floods but would not have
survived living out on the post-Katrina New Orleans streets. Jean
said it took a while to get him to come to her but that since hes been
in---well, he enjoys all the comforts of indoor living!

Shes going to be moving to Ashvillecan somebody
help me rememberisnt Marleys Fund somewhere in the Carolinas?



On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006
1:54 AM
Subject: Re: URGENT: Switters-
Katrina kitty looking for home

Hi Chris,
Switters looks so sweet and I'm sure is so very deserving. I wish I could
offer her, you and her previous savior something more than words of
encouragement. I pray she finds her forever home soon, or that her owner
will figure out a way to do what she now believes is impossible and take her

Chris wrote: 

I know everybody is absolutely overwhelmed
and though I havent posted lately (been up to my ears with Katrina
reunification attempts), I have been trying hard to keep up with everything
thats been happening. Its not been a good few months for everyone
and I know that the last thing anybody wants to hear is about another FELV+
kitty running out of time.

This is turning into a pretty desperate
situation. The woman who rescued this little guy has to move by mid
February and absolutely cannot take Switters with her. She rescued this
little guy and brought him back to life and socialized him and she is at her
wits end as to what to do now She posted Switters on bemikitties
but there is no picture Here is Switters!

If anybody has any ideas of rescue groups,
shelters, anything at all. Louisiana shelters will not take him or will
euthanize him. She says he is so sociable that she really would like to
find him a home but would have to settle for a shelter if she has to.

Anyone have any ideasTIME IS OF THE

Katrina Kitty needs home (FELV+)

2006-01-23 Thread Chris

tried posting this before but I think it did not go throughIve
not posted much of anything lately as I have been knee deep working with a
group trying to reunite Katrina pets with their Gulf Coast owners.
A woman posted that she had rescued a very young kitten right after the
storm. She says he was really feral when she found him but has become
very accustomed to the good life! She is having to move within a month
and is really anxious to find him a forever home. He is FELV+.

is about 6 months old and when Jean found him, he was out in the
street and ematiated-she guesses he was 8-10 weeks old. He has been
neutered, gotten first shots,  is microchipped. Jean has posted him
in bemikitties and is really anxious to find him a home. She has to move
in a month and cannot take him with her. She has gone above and beyond
for this little guy who she says is totally asymptomatic and it is breaking her
heart that she cannot keep him. Unfortunately, the options in New Orleans
area for shelter for Switters are pretty dismal and I told her I would post her
info. I tried sending picture of Switters but it may have been too large
a post for it to go thru.

know everyone is full but if you could even give her some ideas, I know she
would be eternally grateful. She has loads of pictures and he sure does
seem to have domesticated pretty well!

name is Jean Kottermann, Phone 504-931-9758, e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

little one survived a hurricane on the street, hes got to have a lot of



Switters- Katrina kitty looking for home....

2006-01-22 Thread Chris

I cant
seem to get post right so if a dupe, I apologize,

I tried
posting this before but I think it did not go through I am working
with a group trying to reunite Katrina pets with their Gulf Coast
owners. A woman posted that she had rescued a very young kitten right
after the storm. She says he was really feral when she found him but has
become very accustomed to the good life! She is having to move within a
month and is really anxious to find him a forever home. He is FELV+.

is about 6 months old and when Jean found him, he was out in the
street and ematiated-she guesses he was 8-10 weeks old. He has been
neutered, gotten first shots,  is microchipped. Jean has posted him
in bemikitties and is really anxious to find him a home. She has to move
in a month and cannot take him with her. She has gone above and beyond
for this little guy who she says is totally asymptomatic and it is breaking her
heart that she cannot keep him. Unfortunately, the options in New Orleans
area for shelter for Switters are pretty dismal and I told her I would post her
info. I tried sending picture of Switters but it may have been too large
a post for it to go thru.

know everyone is full but if you could even give her some ideas, I know she
would be eternally grateful. She has loads of pictures and he sure does
seem to have domesticated pretty well!

name is Jean Kottermann, Phone 504-931-9758, e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

little one survived a hurricane on the street, hes got to have a lot of




2006-01-10 Thread Chris

Wouldnt we all love to get this guy
in a dark alley!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Terri Brown
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006
3:33 PM
To: felvtalk
Subject: OT: DO NOT ADOPT alert

this from my rescue group. Anyone in rescue should be aware of this guy.

Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels:
RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=

My Personal Page:

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006
5:02 PM

This guy is a monster - and he's rumored
to be in my area now! Ack...I will commit his face to memory and make
sure none of my babies go to him.

He's surfaced from FL to OH and usually posts and ad or tells groups
he's looking for a smalldog for his little daughter.

M. RahrigGender: Male
Approximate Age: 30 (around36 yrs old now)
Date of Birth: Mar 26, 1969
Location: Fort Myers, FL (US)


Convicted: Cats mutilated, eyes poked out, paws cut off
Feb 6, 1999 - Columbus, OH (US)
Sentence: 90 days in jail (of which 45 were suspended), 5 years probation,
mandatory counseling and he was forbidden from owning any living thing during
the 5 year probation period.

Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread Chris

This is a Katrina rescue whose owners have
not been found due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing pos for FIV
Anyone here have any ideas 



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Friday, January
 06, 2006 10:50 AM
To: Stealth
Subject: Re: [stealthvolunteers]
>From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

This is cat that needs adoption before it is euthanized: Pretty thing


Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600
From: KittiCo Cat Rescue 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in Desperate

One of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be euthanized on Monday and
we are trying to keep this from happening.

When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, several rescue groups
stepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of them remained with
us). Another group from this area took four cats. We have found the
owners of three of them, but the fourth one has not been reunited. 

Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for feline AIDS. It's a
healthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap cat who loves to hang
out with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But she has AIDS. She's
about 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The only sign of her age is
a few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her go to: She's a beauty! 

The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing cats that have
tested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy because of the 90-
day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue others.
The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep her. They
have given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a place for her
to go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything she's done. Not
because she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along the line, she
picked up feline AIDS. She could possibly have been born with it.

Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not transmittable to
dogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's not likely, but it is
possible. It's normally transmitted by sex or fighting. Cats with AIDS
(FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline leukemia usually have
shortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just like any other cats.
It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary infection - not the AIDS - is
what causes their demise.

Here's how you can help. Call your Aunt who lives alone. Call your
retired cousin and his wife. Call your mom. Call everybody you've ever
known in your whole life. See if they have a place in their heart for a
sweet, loving cat who was rescued from a horrible situation in New
  Orleans, kept in a loving home for several months and is now going to be
killed by her rescuers. It can't hurt to try - and maybe somebody will
come through and save this beautiful girl.

Please email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or call: 214-826-6903, ext. 1,
if you can you help.

Yahoo! Photos
Ring in the New Year with Photo
Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. 

Stealth Volunteer - Washington State
Reuniting Katrina pets with their owners.

Yahoo! Photos
Ring in the New Year with Photo
Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. 


 Visit your group stealthvolunteers
 on the web.
 To unsubscribe from this group,
 send an email to:
 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is
 subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

RE: URGENT!!!--ANYBODY HERE NEAR Grantsville (western Maryland -almost to WV)

2005-12-30 Thread Chris

Well, everybody seems to
be cross posting everywhere. I just talked to Shannonshe says that Amys
biggest worry is the dog that escaped!



-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005
3:27 PM
Subject: Re: URGENT!!!--ANYBODY
HERE NEAR Grantsville (western Maryland -almost to WV)


I just checked and it's at least a3-4 hour drive for me


RE: advice needed re half-adopted cat

2005-12-20 Thread Chris
Title: Message

You know, when I was feeding my strays,
there was a young cat that belonged to a restaurant there. The cat was
always out  the owner said that the cat could come in when he wanted to
but sometimes just didnt want to Of course, when he closed up at
night, he didnt go looking  this poor cat would be out in the
snow. Well, when I picked up the last of the strays, I was tempted to
take the little guy as well but I thought, maybe he wont want to go out
as much if none of the strays are left, theyre going to see me take him,
etc. etc. I checked a couple of times with the owner after that and the
cat was always out but he assured me that he brought it in at
night. Months later I learned the cat had vanished soon after I left
 I have always regretted not taking him right then and there!

People with attitude like that about their
pets dont get them microchipped, they dont even notice the pets
are missing! Go on a weekend and get this cat out of there.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
1:38 PM
Subject: advice needed re
half-adopted cat

Hi guys

The same good friend who
told me about the kitty with litterbox problems that was under threat of pts
(apparently happily resolved, for now at any rate) updated me on another


Misha is a stray that was
sort of taken in by the people who work in a studio at the same business
complex where my friend works. I say sort of because although two of the
workers took her to the vet after she was badly attacked, and although they
feed her, they don't take her home at the weekend: ie no one is actually making
Misha their responsibility. In the summer and fall Misha would be found outside
after they had all locked up and gone home for the weekend. When my friend,
distressed by Misha's situation,offered to try to find Misha a home, the
studio owner (who my friend saysseems to bea reasonable, decent
guy) rejected the proposal, saying that they had adopted her.
Recently -- and it is really cold now--- my friend found Misha miaowing in vain
at the studio door to be let in. My friend knocked on the door, and one of the
other workers (not the owner) opened it. When she explained the cat needed to
come in, the response to her was Haven't you got anything better to

Q--where do we go from

If my friend
justtakes Misha, there's a chance a surveillance camera will record the
action as it's a business location.Also, even if she did that, when she
takes her to the vet, what happens if she's been microchipped by those people?
Is the vet legally/ethically prevented from removing the chip and replacing it?
Obligated to contact the people? My friend would not be keeping Misha as she's
allergic to cats; she'd want my help in placing her in the shelter whereI
have a good contact. Not ideal but she would at least be cared for there.
However, I'd need to know how to resolve the chip situation first.

My friend's proposal was
to talk to the owner again and try to make him understand that someone needs to
take proper responsibility for the cat. My feeling was that ifshe fails,
then she will be the first person he suspects if and when shekidnaps
Misha. And the scene could turn ugly.

Even if I were to find
andrescue the catwhen Ihappen to be passing
by at the weekend the microchip Q still arises. (We don't know if she's
microchipped -- is there a way for a layperson to scan her without vet

All input/info welcome on
how Misha gets the care she deserves---I've no experience in this field---yet.
ButI know some of youheroes do.


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RE: Kitty thrown from car

2005-12-19 Thread Chris
We can only hope that the person who threw him from the car has the very
same thing happen to him!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steph E Caldwell
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 1:46 PM
Subject: Kitty thrown from car

This past weekend I got called into work at the farm where I board, they 
needed a hand and I was avaliable. On my way to the barn I was in a 
hurry, but rounding a curve there was this little tiny kitten in the 
road. I had our full size PU and it's not real manuverable. I swerved, 
but thought I hit it. The car behind me stradled it, thankfully. I 
pulled over, hopped out, and found I hadn't hit it, but it appeared to 
have been thrown from a car judging by his wounds. He was at most 3 
weeks old.

I tucked him into a box with a red mechanics rag (greasy one, I didn't 
have anything to put him in) and took him to the farm with intentions of 
having him euthanized if I couldn't find a home. Called a few people and 
left it at that... One of the training clients adopts ferals and took 
him home Saturday.

I heard this morning he's fat, sassy, and fitting in well. I'm nto sure 
what his injuries are, but he's eating well...


Best Friends...

2005-12-17 Thread Chris
Just to let you know it will likely be a long time before BF contacts this
person...  They really are knee deep in Katrina rescues and finding homes
for animals that are still being rescued every day

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:48 AM
Subject: Tonya-elderly lady

Hey Tonya,

I emailed the email addy on that original email to let
the contact person know about Best Friends.  They
emailed me back and let me know that they had
contacted Best Friends and got a recording that they
were still busy with Katrina rescues and to leave
their information, and they would be contacted as soon
as possible.  I will let you know if I get another
email.  Let us know if you hear anything.  I hope
those kitties and their guardian get help soon!


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Thank you for your responses.  I knew there were
 people here would understand.  We have a girl on a
 list here trying to give away her 4 cats because she
 bought a new car!  Yes, we checked it out.  How
 selfish can people be.  I guess pets are like an old
 pair of shoes to them.  It makes me MAD as much as
 it makes me depressed.

   Also, I have over a hundred emails to go through,
 but hopefully I'll find out some info about the
 elderly lady caring for all of the cats on a fixed

   Sheila and all,
 Keep on writing those letters - to the newspapers
 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
 committed citizens can
 change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that
 ever has.
 -- Margaret Mead, anthropologist
 - Original Message -
 Date: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:59 am
 Subject: Re: Tonya- depression-bridge list addition
  Tonya,I feel exactly the same way. Ever since
 seeing Larry King my 
  has been overwhelming. Maybe I have been wearing
 blinders but I 
  absolutely nothing about this situation and I wish
 I still knew 
  nothing about it. I 
  know that makes me a coward but I can't help it. I
 can't even watch 
  the animal 
  shows where the lions run the poor helpless prey
 down and kill them 
  for food. I 
  can't get the look of fear on the poor babies
 faces out of my mind. 
  cruelty in this world is unbelievable. I still
 can't sleep for the 
  depression. If I 
  could wake up and it would be spring, maybe that
 would help. All I 
  can do now 
  is write letters, sign petitions and try to get my
 friends to do 
  the same. 
  Sheila in SC trying to cope. God bless you for
 your kindness.

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RE: sanctuaries

2005-12-10 Thread Chris

This is the famous (or rather infamous,
EDNAH sanctuary) that among other things got a bunch of dogs rescued in New Orleans area because of
Hurricane Katrina. I believe the Katrina dogs placed there were from Pasado, a
reputable group in Oregon?, not sure, that had done rescue in NOLA. As a second tragedy,
one of the places that some the EDNAH dogs were sent to in Kansas, also just got raided
for exactly the same conditions. 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005
8:58 PM
Subject: sanctuaries

Here is a post I just received. I'm just saying
you have to be extremely careful with sanctuaries. I think ALL of them
are started for the right reasons. People just get overwhelmed and then
we have situations like this. :(

Of course I realize there aremany wonderful
sanctuaries. I think people wanting to get rid of an animal for some
reason just jump on the term 'sanctuary' and leave an animal there thinking
they've done the 'right' thing without doing any checking, etc It's a
shame, but many sanctuaries end up in bad situations.


Animal Rescuers Charged With Cruelty 
GAMALIEL, Ark.  Two owners of an animal
rescue operation were 
arrested after hundreds of dogs, some rescued from
Katrina, were found on the couple's property
groveling for food 
among urine and feces, authorities said Saturday.

Among the stench, sheriff's deputies found one
dead dog, another 
with a broken leg, and many with sores, Baxter
County Sheriff John 
Montgomery said.

Between 400 and 500 dogs were on the two-acre lot,
including 50 pit 
bulls rescued from Louisiana after the hurricane,
Montgomery said. 
About 75 dogs were running loose, he said.

Some of the dogs appeared to be aggressive; others
sat nervously in 
small metal cages.

It's very sad that people depend on this
shelter to take care of 
their animals and you get here and see that the
conditions are just 
unbelievable, Montgomery said.

William Hanson, 41, and his wife Tammy Hanson, 38,
were charged 
Friday with animal cruelty and released on $1,000
bond each. 
Messages left with the couple Saturday seeking
comment were not 
immediately returned.

Volunteers and a veterinarian were tending to the
animals at 
E.D.N.A.H. Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, or Every
Dog Needs A Home. 
Montgomery said the dogs might be sent to other
shelters or rescue 


October 23, 2005 - 7:22 a.m. EDT

Copyright 2005, The Associated Press. The
information contained in 
the AP Online news report may not be published,
broadcast or 
redistributed without the prior written authority
of The Associated 

When it
comes to saving the life of an animal, trust no one other than yourself!!


  pet rescue 
  the world 


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RE: sanctuaries

2005-12-10 Thread Chris

I am a member of a group of volunteers
(StealthVolunteers) trying to reunify Katrina victims with their lost pets
Does your shelter need any help in locating owners? There are about 700+
members and weve had a pretty good success rate! Cats are particularly
hard for owners to find as many are not listed on Petfinder and even if they
are, most are listed as domestic short hair. Also, you need unlimited long
distance to call shelters all over the country and need to have access for
hours of searching on the internet if you even want a chance of finding your
cat! Contact me privately if we can be of assistance.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Saturday,
 December 10, 2005 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: sanctuaries

I just started volunteering for a felv and fiv
rescue,and it is very rewarding knowing that I am helping these sweet beautiful
animals to be happy and loved while they are here.The conditions of the place
is pretty good,there are workers there to clean litter boxes and change water
and dry food bowls all through the day up til around 9 or so.I just got home
from there.The sanctuary is ran by a vet whom I believe is a godsend to these
babies.She also runs another one for the healthy kitties,I volunteer there
too.I know I will be very sad when we lose one,but I just have to remember that
they are loved while they are here instead of out in the streets,I am in
Michigan and it is cold.We have 8 Katrina cats there.



sanctuaries: there is NO substitute for a forever home! at the
sanctuary where i lived/worked, we did NOT take in housecats, only
strays and ferals. housecats just did not do well in our setting, tho
for the cats who had lived on their own, it was wonderful--constant
food, water, a roof over their heads, warmth (or cool, in the summer),
big windows to watch the birds and mice and raccoons through, and
people to love them. did they get enough attention? does any cat? we
knew them all by name, we cuddled with those who wanted it and just
kept an eye out for medical problems in those who did NOT consider
humans a good thing. because of state law, anything upholstered or
carpeted that couldn't be sanitized was not allowed--no comfy
furniture, no ordinary cat-trees. but little tykes furniture and kid's
pools full of blankies and beds work very well--usually, the pool have
more than a dozen cats in them at once. it was their home, but it
wasn't A home

keeping volunteers for a FeLV situation can be difficult: the reality
is that FeLV cats die a lot sooner and more frequently than do FIVs or
the general population cats. finding someone gone in the morning was a
not uncommon occurrence; sometimes we'd known there were going and had
been treating them and keeping them comfortable, but just as often,
there'd been no warning at all. this was VERY VERY difficult for a lot
of outsiders to handle. (not that it was simple for us, but we were
more accepting that it was gonna happen.

a good sanctuary will have a board that has arrangements made in case
the people running it are unable to; a good sanctuary will always let
people come by to see the place before a cat is placed. this is NOT
the same as being open to the public: many sanctuaries are located in
or near the homes of those who run it, and neither they nor the cats
expect to have to deal with a constant stream of people in and out. we
NEVER kept anyone with a legitimate reason to come by from doing
so--but we needed notice, and respect for the fact that, occasionally,
the cats allowed us a few hours to ourselves! most of all, a good
sanctuary will know how to say, No, when they are at capacity. many
of the sanctuaries that have gotten in trouble have done so because
turning down cats is so difficult. all it takes is to have a few cats
too many, and to encounter a problem--personal illness, an outbreak of
an illness in the cats, a loss of volunteers, an unexpected dip in
donations--and the situation can rapidly spiral downward. i'm not sure
why, but i've known a lot of people doing sanctuary work who've found
themselves in a situation that may be temporary, but they don't ask
for help from their boards and people who WOULD help if they knew.
fear of asking YET AGAIN for help? embarassment that they got into a
difficult situation? thinking that the don't need anyone else? who
knows--but it happens too often.

working with FeLVs and FIVs and other special-needs cats was
incredibly hard, and amazingly rewarding--if there's a sanctuary near
you, see if there's any help you can offer them. it's all for these
cats that no one seems to want...



AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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RE: sanctuaries

2005-12-10 Thread Chris

Well, I found the brother
of the woman who lived in the apt from which the cat was taken. He would
not give me her name  said he would ask her to call. Havent
heard but will try again tomorrow. 



-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005
11:48 PM
Subject: Re: sanctuaries


I just
knew you'd chime in about Stealth Volunteers. If you didn't reply w/in
the next day, I was going to forward this to you...The Stealth

I know
with your involvement, you are the cat's MEOW..

luck with your poor little baby.???)


RE: FeLV+ / FIV+ Maine Coon ...

2005-12-07 Thread Chris

Angels Gate on LI takes FELV 
FIV--- they have waiting list though.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Patricia Lamoretti
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005
11:35 AM
Subject: FeLV+ / FIV+ Maine Coon

Hi -- I'm new to the group and hope I'm not breaking
any rules. This is my first experience with an FeLV+ cat who is also
FIV+. There is this beautiful orange and white Garfield Maine Coone that
needs a home. Rescued off the streets of Long Island just before the cold snap,
I initially had a home all lined up for this sweet boy but have found him to be
FeLV and FIV+.The home is no longer anoption. I received a
call from someone that has FeLV+ cats but is reluctant to mix Buddy Boy into
the equation because of his FIV+ status. I'm running a Western Blot to be sure
but what would be the downside of mixing him into her bunch? I guess I always
worried about mixing FeLV into FIV positive homes ... does anyone have any
information? Does anyone know of a FeLV / FIV positive home that has room for
one more? This boy is getting so depressed in a cage. He's at the vet's office
and he must be out by x-mas. Not sure where to look for potential foster,
etc. Thanks for any advice. PAT

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RE: Cat shampoo to recommend...

2005-12-05 Thread Chris
I don't know about taking her out someplace to bathe.  I might consider if I
absolutely fail!  

Big Boy is fine.  I've sort of renamed him Romeo as he is the mushiest, most
loving cat you can imagine and follows around my oldest female like a puppy
until she's had enough and gives him a swat!  Aaaah, true love.  My only
problem remains Tucson's absolute hatred of him and I am out of ideas.  She
cannot see him moving without going balistic.  Thing is, he runs away but if
she pins him down, he's a whole lot better at fighting than she is and she
always ends up with scratches, a couple of bites, etc.  You'd think she'd be
afraid, but not, it just seems to incite her further.  For a lot of reasons,
things have been a little chaotic here as I'm changing some furniture,
cleaning closets, etc. so everybody's a little crowded for a while which of
course does not help.  Once things settle down, I'll try the reintros again
but its tough!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Cat shampoo to recommend...

i'm a coward when it comes to certain things--and bathing fractious
cats is definitely one of those things. therefore, my best answer to
this question is, whatever the really experienced cat groomer wants
to use!

we have a self-serve dog/cat wash facility an hour or so away: fully
equipped spaces to rent with all the accountrements (i guess fully
equipped implies that, tho, doesn't it...)--and, theoretcially,
trained professionals to save the human if required (good
first-aid kits?)

making friends with groomers is always a good thing to do! i
fostered/transported/placed 7 kitties that a groomer had rescued from
an abuse situation--free grooming for life! actually, just learning
the correct way to use clippers without being terrified has been the
biggest dividend

(how's big boy, btw?)


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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