Re: [jQuery] superfish joomla

2010-02-28 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)

You forgot to put ; after }) a couple of times.

IE is a bit strict in that regard.


Eddie wrote:

Hello all at jquery group, superfish menu in joomla works fantastic
but it gives an error in IE8 and my client hates it! the done, but
with errors this is the errordoes anyone know how to fix it!!

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 48
Char: 35
Code: 0

this is the code around line 48:

jQuery(function($){ $(ul.sf-menu).superfish({hoverClass:'sfHover',
pathClass:'active', pathLevels:0, delay:800, animation:
{opacity:'show'}, speed:'def', autoArrows:0, dropShadows:1}) });
jQuery(window).load( function() { jQuery(ul.sf-
menu).superfish_width_mod({ vertical:0, menuWidth:'100%', equalWidth:
0, resizeSeps:0, resizeSubMenus:0 }) })
jQuery.event.special.hover.delay = 100;
jQuery.event.special.hover.speed = 100;


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] tooone7 Can't understand this... Want to make a image appear on active link

2010-02-22 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)

tooone777 wrote:

$(ul#nav_prim a)[i]...

you need to use

$(ul#nav_prim a).eq(i)...
$(ul#nav_prim a:eq(+i+))...

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] tooone7 Can't understand this... Want to make a image appear on active link

2010-02-22 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)
$('selector')[index] returns the actual DOM element, while 
$('selector').eq(i) returns a jquery object (you can see a jquery object 
as some sort of a shell around the actual DOM node that the jquery 
functions work on).

You can only use the jquery .css() function on jquery objects, and not 
directly on DOM nodes. I think it's easiest to explain by using the 
console in firebug:
type $(ul#nav_prim a)[1] and $(ul#nav_prim a).eq(i) into the console 
and you'll see that firebug returns a slightly different result.

As for ($(ul#nav_prim a)[i]==document.URL), I don't think this is the 
proper way to do it, but if it works, great (just don't assume this will 
work in all browsers, test it first).


tooone777 wrote:

Jonathan Vanherpe (Tamp; T NV) wrote:

tooone777 wrote:

$(ul#nav_prim a)[i]...

you need to use

$(ul#nav_prim a).eq(i)...
$(ul#nav_prim a:eq(+i+))...

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

I changed my code to the way you suggested, the error message is now gone
but the background image doesn't change.

However, if it looks like this:

function displayBgImg() {
for (var i=0; i$(ul#nav_prim a).length; i++) {
if ($(ul#nav_prim a)[i] == document.URL) {
$(ul#nav_prim a).eq(i).css(background-image,

it works!

Notice that i only have eq(i) on line 4 but not on line 3.

Do you mind explaining what's happening when i use .eq(i) instead of

Thank you very much for the help Jonathan :)

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] Get font-family from iframe

2010-02-18 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)
I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to do, maybe if you gave us an 
explanation of your overall goal we could help you better. There might 
be other ways to do what you're trying that might not even involve 
javascript and work everywhere.

FWiW, this behaviour is in FF 3.6 too


jordanrynard wrote:

Wow, you're absolutely right -- I didn't even bother to try any other
browsers as it's just the sort of thing I wouldn't think would be the result
of a 'browser issue'.

I tested this code in recent versions of IE, Chrome, Opera, and Safari, and
it works perfectly.
In Firefox 3.5.7 this appears to be a bug... How disappointing - I love my
Firefox, and it's never let me down before : (

Thanks for pointing that out Jonathan - at least I know I can use the code
for now and know it'll work 'most' of the time... and I can stop racking my
brain as to why it wasn't working!
Now if only I can find a workaround to use in Firefox for now that's
preferably not as annoying as having to store fonts in a cookie!!!

If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear it...

Jonathan Vanherpe (Tamp; T NV) wrote:

I didn't see you posted azn example page. When testing it, I found that
both Opera and Chromium returned the correct thing but they format it
differently. Opera alerts Comic Sans MS [microsoft]. I actually like
how Opera alerts the font you're actually using instead of the whole
font stack, this is way more useful information in most cases.

I didn't test in IE, but I guess this is a bug in Firefox.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] Get font-family from iframe

2010-02-18 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)
So you're basically writing a preview window or something for tinyMCE? I 
can't really think of a different way of doing this, unless you want to 
implement autosave and reload the content periodically with AJAX.


jordanrynard wrote:

I have two documents: The parent, and the iframe.

When activated, the parent document dynamically appends an instance of
tinymce to itself. It retrieves the content for the editor (tinymce) from a
selected element in the iframe.

The style of text displayed in tinymce is identical to the style of text
displayed in the iframe by extracting the css style properties from the
element when loading the editor.

So because of this bug in Firefox, the text in the editor isn't being styled
according to the font being used in the iframe. (works in all other browsers
of course, but not the current version of Firefox)

Hopefully that helps explain the situation in which I'm using the
aforementioned method.

I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to do, maybe if you gave us an
explanation of your overall goal we could help you better. There might
be other ways to do what you're trying that might not even involve
javascript and work everywhere.

FWiW, this behaviour is in FF 3.6 too


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] Re: show input field base on selected option

2010-02-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)

maybe something like this?
   var selected = $(this).children().filter(':selected');

This is untested, and can probably be written a lot shorter.

Throw a couple of console.log(); lines in there and I'm sure you'll 
figure out what's wrong. If it still doesn't work, post your page online 


123gotoandplay wrote:

this is what i have now


 $('#type').change(function() {
if($('#type :selected').text() == parttime) {
 } else {

On Feb 17, 2:08 pm,  wrote:

How do i show a input field only when a certain option is selected?
and hide if it isn't selected


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] Get font-family from iframe

2010-02-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)

does every browser do that?

jordanrynard wrote:

I'm trying to retrieve the current font from an element that is within an
iframe... unsuccessfully.

From within the document itself I can retrieve the font just fine using the


var getFontFamily = $(#get_font_of_this).css(font-family);

-- returns (Comic Sans MS, cursive)

But once I try retrieving the same element's font from a parent document as
shown below, I do not get the expected response:

var getFontFamily =

-- returns (serif)

I can seemingly retrieve any other css property through this method, but for
some reason the font returns as a default (serif), or sometimes (Arial, ...,

If anyone can shed some light on this issue, I will be indebted to you.

Thanks in advance!

Example page can be found at

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] Get font-family from iframe

2010-02-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)
I didn't see you posted azn example page. When testing it, I found that 
both Opera and Chromium returned the correct thing but they format it 
differently. Opera alerts Comic Sans MS [microsoft]. I actually like 
how Opera alerts the font you're actually using instead of the whole 
font stack, this is way more useful information in most cases.

I didn't test in IE, but I guess this is a bug in Firefox.


Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T nv) wrote:

does every browser do that?

jordanrynard wrote:

I'm trying to retrieve the current font from an element that is within an
iframe... unsuccessfully.

From within the document itself I can retrieve the font just fine
using the


var getFontFamily = $(#get_font_of_this).css(font-family);

-- returns (Comic Sans MS, cursive)

But once I try retrieving the same element's font from a parent
document as
shown below, I do not get the expected response:

var getFontFamily =

-- returns (serif)

I can seemingly retrieve any other css property through this method,
but for
some reason the font returns as a default (serif), or sometimes
(Arial, ...,

If anyone can shed some light on this issue, I will be indebted to you.

Thanks in advance!

Example page can be found at

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] Re: ajaxsubmit dosn´t send the respons e to the defined target

2010-02-12 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)

And more importantly, does it have the same case?

Marty Jones wrote:

I know this may sound silly but do you have a div element with a id of

On Feb 12, 5:43 am,  wrote:

Dear all,

I´m using ajaxSubmit to send a form (incl. fileuploads) to my server.
Everthings works well but the response from the server will not
displayed in the defined target (div id=Preview). Instead of the
response is display in target=_blank.

What could be wrong???

The submit bind is

$(document).ready(function() {
 $('#store').bind('submit', function() {
   target: '#Preview'
  return false;



Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] Re: how to make this really beautifull pattern

2010-02-10 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T nv)

hno wrote:

hno wrote:

I have seen this pattern in .
there are news menu in the left side . Please visit this site . The
news will be change with a really beautiful pattern in every 5

I think it has been written with jquery but I don't know how can I
make something like this

How can I do so ?

so , How can I do so ?

I'm waiting ... .

How about you just look at the source code?

There's comments and everything

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu nv -

Re: [jQuery] rel=nofollow with jquery.

2010-02-01 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

snowalker wrote:

Hi, I am pretty new in jQuery and I have a dumb (I guess) question:

How will google spider interpret rel=nofollow added to links with
jQuery? or, will consider Google spider nofollow all of those links?


Googlebot does not execute javascript, so it'll just assume the links 
don't have rel=nofollow . It really needs to be in the markup to be 


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Removing percentage after dot - font-size: 30.6207px

2010-01-26 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Mircea wrote:

I have a slider that sets my CSS font-size to a value. The value
itself is accepted by CSS buy I would like to remove the decimals
after the dot.

For example one value is:
font-size: 30.6207px and it should be font-size: 30px
font-size: font-size: 44.2759px; and it should be font-size: 44px

The font-size is set my this function:
$(.ui-selected).css('font-size', maxFont * percentage);

Is there a way I could strip the after dot part?
Thank you.

parseInt(maxFont * percentage,10) should do it.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Reduce Image Quality

2010-01-18 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

German Bortoli wrote:
Hello everybody, I'm getting a problem in my server, for example when 
someone want to upload an image with 5mb of size, on the server side 
is kinda impossible to upload that, max size is 2mb and I cannot 
modify it because is rented host.

Now my question is... there is some stuff on client/browser side to 
reduce the quality of an image converting any size of them in less 
than 1mb ?

Thanks for reading
- Bortoli German -

There are Flash and java applets that can do this for you. You can't do 
this with plain javascript, AFAIK (at least not in all browsers).


--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

Re: [jQuery] Reduce Image Quality

2010-01-18 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

German Bortoli wrote:

2010/1/18 Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

German Bortoli wrote:

Hello everybody, I'm getting a problem in my server, for example
when someone want to upload an image with 5mb of size, on the
server side is kinda impossible to upload that, max size is 2mb
and I cannot modify it because is rented host.

Now my question is... there is some stuff on client/browser side
to reduce the quality of an image converting any size of them in
less than 1mb ?

Thanks for reading
- Bortoli German -


There are Flash and java applets that can do this for you. You
can't do this with plain javascript, AFAIK (at least not in all


-- 		*Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

Nice, could you give me some names about that or some example if is 
possible, I was looking for it on google, and didn't find it.

- Bortoli German -
After googling 
for a few minutes I found this:

I'm sure there are others, but I haven't used any of them, so don't ask 
me which one's best ;-).

--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

Re: [jQuery] Re: Argh!! IE8!

2010-01-12 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

RobG wrote:

On Jan 12, 5:51 am,  wrote:

Hey guys, I have this popup menu that works.. great! In Chrome,
Safari, Firefox AND it USED to work in IE8, until I added just 1 div.


This works in all the browsers great even after I added this div, but
in IE8 it suddenly stopped.

a id=acc class=baritem href=javascript:void(0);div
class=textupMy Account/div/a

Your markup is invalid, div elements don't belong inside a elements.


Is there a fix for this?

Start with valid markup:URL:

Also, if it's not a link, don't use an a element.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: Foreign charachters in .post()

2010-01-12 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)
maybe it's because of the application/json part. I guess that should be 
application/x-www-form-urlencoded or something. Just play with the 
options you find here:


youradds wrote:

Mmm, maybe that didn't work :/

  jQuery.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: ISO-8859-1 , contentType:
application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1});, {
Review_Rating: the_rating,
ID:  theID,
add_this_review: 1,
Review_Contents: contents,
Review_Subject: subject,
Review_ByLine: byline,
Review_GuestName: guestname,
Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
add_review: 1,
SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
SessionID: SessionID

  }, function(response){

setTimeout(finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '+escape
(response)+'), 400);

The script is called ok, but it doesn't pass any of the paramaters -
the POST values passed in are simple $VAR1 = {};  (i.e nothing was
passed it?)



On Jan 11, 3:54 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

actually, putting this once somewhere in your script should fix it:
$.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: ISO-8859-1 , contentType:
application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1});

but still, you'll make your life easier if you just go for a completely
utf-8 workflow.


Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) wrote:

this seems to answer your question somewhat:

although I'd personally recommend to just use utf-8 for everything (so
making your website and database use utf-8)


youradds wrote:

Anyone got any suggestions? This is the last bug I've gotta squish :/



On Jan 11, 9:18 am,  wrote:

I found a way to do this in the .cgi script - but obviously I'd prefer
to do it vai the AJAX submission, instead of having to encode it
properly at the server end :)

my $contents = $IN-param('Review_Contents');
$contents =~ s/([\200-\377]+)/from_utf8({ -string =  $1, -
charset =  'ISO-8859-1'})/eg;
$IN-param('Review_Contents' =  $contents );



On Jan 11, 8:15 am,  wrote:


Got a bit of a weird one here :/

The following code works fine:, {
Review_Rating: the_rating,
ID: theID,
add_this_review: 1,
Review_Contents: contents,
Review_Subject: subject,
Review_ByLine: byline,
Review_GuestName: guestname,
Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
add_review: 1,
SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
SessionID: SessionID
}, function(response){

setTimeout(finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '+escape
(response)+'), 400);

...*appart* from the fact stuff like:


..gets converted to:

ö =
ä =
ü =

I did a little bit of research, and found something about adding this
(but this seems to really be for a different jQuery function - which
is probably why its not working);

contentType: application/x-www-form-

Can anyone suggest how I could fix this issue with foreign



Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: Foreign charachters in .post()

2010-01-12 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)
I'm not sure what else there is, I never change character sets and set 
everything to UTF-8 just to avoid the mess you're having.

The only advice I can give you is to make sure everything's set to the 
same character set (your html, your js, your database, your php source 
files, ...)

Then try to figure out where the conversion happens with firebug (set 
some console.log(var) markers in your code, look at the headers, etc...

Or post a link to a test case that shows the problem so we can have a 
direct look at it.


youradds wrote:

Mmm, changing to that works - but the error is still there with the
unlat charachters :(

On Jan 12, 12:40 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

maybe it's because of the application/json part. I guess that should be
application/x-www-form-urlencoded or something. Just play with the
options you find here:


youradds wrote:

Mmm, maybe that didn't work :/

  jQuery.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: ISO-8859-1 , contentType:
application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1});, {
Review_Rating: the_rating,
ID:  theID,
add_this_review: 1,
Review_Contents: contents,
Review_Subject: subject,
Review_ByLine: byline,
Review_GuestName: guestname,
Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
add_review: 1,
SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
SessionID: SessionID

  }, function(response){

setTimeout(finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '+escape
(response)+'), 400);

The script is called ok, but it doesn't pass any of the paramaters -
the POST values passed in are simple $VAR1 = {};  (i.e nothing was
passed it?)



On Jan 11, 3:54 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (TT NV)

actually, putting this once somewhere in your script should fix it:
$.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: ISO-8859-1 , contentType:
application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1});

but still, you'll make your life easier if you just go for a completely
utf-8 workflow.


Jonathan Vanherpe (TT NV) wrote:

this seems to answer your question somewhat:

although I'd personally recommend to just use utf-8 for everything (so
making your website and database use utf-8)


youradds wrote:

Anyone got any suggestions? This is the last bug I've gotta squish :/



On Jan 11, 9:18 am,

I found a way to do this in the .cgi script - but obviously I'd prefer
to do it vai the AJAX submission, instead of having to encode it
properly at the server end :)

my $contents = $IN-param('Review_Contents');
$contents =~ s/([\200-\377]+)/from_utf8({ -string =$1, -
charset ='ISO-8859-1'})/eg;
$IN-param('Review_Contents' =$contents );



On Jan 11, 8:15 am,


Got a bit of a weird one here :/

The following code works fine:, {
Review_Rating: the_rating,
ID: theID,
add_this_review: 1,
Review_Contents: contents,
Review_Subject: subject,
Review_ByLine: byline,
Review_GuestName: guestname,
Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
add_review: 1,
SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
SessionID: SessionID
}, function(response){

setTimeout(finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '+escape
(response)+'), 400);

...*appart* from the fact stuff like:


..gets converted to:


I did a little bit of research, and found something about adding this
(but this seems to really be for a different jQuery function - which
is probably why its not working);

contentType: application/x-www-form-

Can anyone suggest how I could fix this issue with foreign



Jonathan Vanherpe - TallieuTallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish IE6 dies with opacity CSS attribute

2010-01-11 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Šime Vidas wrote:

It violates the standard and you should avoid such practice.

Proper nesting:


Please, put a demo of the problem online...

It's perfectly ok to omit the ul's in your css selector, but the HTML 
has to be like you posted, yes. It's not exactly clear from his post 
what cubefree did, though.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: Foreign charachters in .post()

2010-01-11 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

this seems to answer your question somewhat:

although I'd personally recommend to just use utf-8 for everything (so 
making your website and database use utf-8)


youradds wrote:

Anyone got any suggestions? This  is the last bug I've gotta squish :/



On Jan 11, 9:18 am,  wrote:

I found a way to do this in the .cgi script - but obviously I'd prefer
to do it vai the AJAX submission, instead of having to encode it
properly at the server end :)

 my $contents = $IN-param('Review_Contents');
$contents =~ s/([\200-\377]+)/from_utf8({ -string =  $1, -
charset =  'ISO-8859-1'})/eg;
 $IN-param('Review_Contents' =  $contents );



On Jan 11, 8:15 am,  wrote:


Got a bit of a weird one here :/

The following code works fine:, {
 Review_Rating: the_rating,
 ID:  theID,
 add_this_review: 1,
 Review_Contents: contents,
 Review_Subject: subject,
 Review_ByLine: byline,
 Review_GuestName: guestname,
 Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
 add_review: 1,
 SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
 SessionID: SessionID
   }, function(response){

 setTimeout(finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '+escape
(response)+'), 400);

...*appart* from the fact stuff like:

ö =
ä =
ü =

..gets converted to:

ö =
ä =
ü =

I did a little bit of research, and found something about adding this
(but this seems to really be for a different jQuery function - which
is probably why its not working);

 contentType: application/x-www-form-

Can anyone suggest how I could fix this issue with foreign



Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: Foreign charachters in .post()

2010-01-11 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

actually, putting this once somewhere in your script should fix it:
$.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: ISO-8859-1 , contentType: 
application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1});

but still, you'll make your life easier if you just go for a completely 
utf-8 workflow.


Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) wrote:

this seems to answer your question somewhat:

although I'd personally recommend to just use utf-8 for everything (so
making your website and database use utf-8)


youradds wrote:

Anyone got any suggestions? This is the last bug I've gotta squish :/



On Jan 11, 9:18 am, wrote:

I found a way to do this in the .cgi script - but obviously I'd prefer
to do it vai the AJAX submission, instead of having to encode it
properly at the server end :)

my $contents = $IN-param('Review_Contents');
$contents =~ s/([\200-\377]+)/from_utf8({ -string = $1, -
charset = 'ISO-8859-1'})/eg;
$IN-param('Review_Contents' = $contents );



On Jan 11, 8:15 am, wrote:


Got a bit of a weird one here :/

The following code works fine:, {
Review_Rating: the_rating,
ID: theID,
add_this_review: 1,
Review_Contents: contents,
Review_Subject: subject,
Review_ByLine: byline,
Review_GuestName: guestname,
Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
add_review: 1,
SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
SessionID: SessionID
}, function(response){

setTimeout(finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '+escape
(response)+'), 400);

...*appart* from the fact stuff like:

ö =
ä =
ü =

..gets converted to:

ö =
ä =
ü =

I did a little bit of research, and found something about adding this
(but this seems to really be for a different jQuery function - which
is probably why its not working);

contentType: application/x-www-form-

Can anyone suggest how I could fix this issue with foreign



Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Need your opinion you ALL!!!

2010-01-07 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Erik R. Peterson wrote:

Hello everyone,

Someone wants me to use FULL DIRECTORY PATHS for every page and script for a website I just 
completed.  I argued that it would slow down the website for users...  I prefer relative paths such 
as /src/ and /img/.

Am I wrong to say this?

Is there really a difference in performance with speed whether I use absolute 
or relative paths?

Love to hear your opinion...



BTW - the website was transferred from WINDOWS SERVER to a UNIX...  I actually 
preferred Windows.  I'm dealing
with a Network Admin that doesn't know web design...

Using relative paths is the way to go, otherwise moving the site or 
changing a domain name will cause you tons of extra work (tell your 
client you'll have to charge more down the road if they ever change the 
domain name). It won't make a difference speed-wise, though.

Note that most Unix systems are case-sensitive (I know Linux is, but Mac 
OS X isn't). So always use lowercase for all your filenames, folders and 
links. is not the same as

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: superfish transparent PNG problem IE (8) when dropdown opens

2009-12-16 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

troop wrote:

did you look at the site with IE8?

the menu doesnt contain images, the maincontent DIV does. and the
transparent PNG of the DIV gets messed up somehow.
I kinda solved it by setting:

animation:   {height:'show'}

now there is no opacity change, and the background PNG of the content
DIV stays as it should, but the whole thing still is odd...

IE's alpha png support basically consists of them applying the IE alpha 
png filter we all know internally by default. So basically the same bugs 
we saw in IE6 show when you try to fade in a png in the later versions too.

You can either avoid fading elements with transparent png's (in IE) or 
you can send IE 8-bits versions of your .png (or a .gif, same thing).


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -
I'm out of the office from 24/12/09 until 05/01/10

Re: [jQuery] Re: Why mootools animations is more smooth than jquery?

2009-12-04 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Karl Swedberg wrote:

On Dec 3, 2009, at 7:31 PM, Dave Methvin wrote:

I refrained from replying because the OP seemed trollish, but he has a
point, IMHO.

It would be great if someone who knew both frameworks could set up a
page that demonstrated a side-by-side case where Mootools has smoother
animations than jQuery. Otherwise it's hard do know what might be
causing the problem, or even whether there's a problem at all.

That's a great idea, Dave.

I wonder how much the easing equation affects people's perception of 
smoothness. It might be worthwhile to try animations using the 
easing plugin and see if any of those equations feel smoother.


Karl Swedberg

ok, I've used some code I had lying around and put dummy content in there:

I actually don't really see a difference on my Ubuntu box (using FF 
3.6b4), but there's a huge difference on a colleague's G4 (OS X 10.4, 
Firefox 3.5.5), so try to find a slow computer to test this on.

Again, this might be the fault of the plugin I'm using, if you have 
another way of doing the same thing in jQuery you can tell me so I know 
for next time. I really prefer using jQuery, but sometimes I just can't 
because of things like this.


--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

Re: [jQuery] Re: Why mootools animations is more smooth than jquery?

2009-12-04 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)
That's why I said you needed to find a slow computer to test it on ;-). 
We need to cater to a diverse audience, and part of that audience is 
using IE6 on a crappy Intel Celeron chip or Firefox on a G4.


Michel Belleville wrote:
Just used your benchmark and I didn't see any significant differences. 
Both had slight jumps from time to time, none felt like there was a 
pattern, I'm using Firefox 3.5 on a iMac pro (last year's edition) 
running snow leopard.

Michel Belleville

2009/12/4 Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

Karl Swedberg wrote:

On Dec 3, 2009, at 7:31 PM, Dave Methvin wrote:

I refrained from replying because the OP seemed trollish, but
he has a
point, IMHO.

It would be great if someone who knew both frameworks could set up a
page that demonstrated a side-by-side case where Mootools has
animations than jQuery. Otherwise it's hard do know what might be
causing the problem, or even whether there's a problem at all.

That's a great idea, Dave.

I wonder how much the easing equation affects people's perception
of smoothness. It might be worthwhile to try animations using
the easing plugin and see if any of those equations feel smoother.


Karl Swedberg

ok, I've used some code I had lying around and put dummy content
in there:

I actually don't really see a difference on my Ubuntu box (using
FF 3.6b4), but there's a huge difference on a colleague's G4 (OS X
10.4, Firefox 3.5.5), so try to find a slow computer to test this on.

Again, this might be the fault of the plugin I'm using, if you
have another way of doing the same thing in jQuery you can tell me
so I know for next time. I really prefer using jQuery, but
sometimes I just can't because of things like this.


-- 		*Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

Re: [jQuery] Re: Why mootools animations is more smooth than jquery?

2009-12-03 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)
I'm not trolling (at least today I'm not ;-)), but mootools' effects are 
smoother in at least some cases. I've switched to mootools for some 
websites just because of that, even though I really prefer working with 

Try using scrollTo() diagonally in both frameworks to see one example 
(ofcourse, this might just be the scrollto plugin's fault).

I refrained from replying because the OP seemed trollish, but he has a 
point, IMHO.


Rey Bango wrote:


Thanks Scott.


Scott Sauyet wrote:

On Dec 3, 11:02 am, Rey Bango wrote:

I think you should consider looking into this yourself. The animations
provided by jQuery, while basic, are quite smooth and perform well. If
you feel that the ones provided by MooTools perform better, then I would
urge you to take the time to investigate it and consider offering
patches should you find a good solution.

How does Rey do that?

Twice I stopped my fingers over the send key on a troll message.
I decided that ignoring it was my best bet.

I never even considered trying to turn it into a positive suggestion.

Sure, Rey, show us all up by being nicer! :-)

-- Scott

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: does JQuery have browser bookmarklet development support??

2009-12-01 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

greghauptmann wrote:

ok, so really just javascript then

What about caching the user credentials - how would you cache this
typically?  (noting the username/password could not be tied to a
particular page/tab, so it would have to be cached at the overall
browser context if this makes sense)

Also re caching the username/password is there a way to cache it after
the browser closes  then starts up, or would it not be possible for
this scenario?


On Dec 2, 4:06 pm, Dhruva  wrote:

A bookmarklet is simply javascript code.
eg.) javascript: alert('Hi!');void(0);

You can create a bookmark in your browser and add that code for it. Whenever
you click on that bookmarklet, it will then execute that code on the current
page and in this particular case alert a message saying 'Hi!'. It's pretty
simple, hope you understand.

Thanks  Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 11:33 AM, greghauptmanngreg.hauptm...@gmail.comwrote:


I want to development some browser bookmarklets (e.g. for firefox, IE,
safari) but I'm not sure where to start.  As an example of what I'm
talking about see:


I'm after a way to allow a user pass a browser link (e.g. the page
they are on) through to my web application  see the bookmarklet
approach a easier/more basic way to achieve this.  They would have to
type in their username/password the first time they use it for the
their authentication to the backend.

QUESTION:  How does one develop these bookmarklets?  Does JQuery have
support or supply a template for this?  Or just any other pointers on
how people do this?


I guess you can use cookies for that, unless you're somehow not allowed 
to use them in bookmarklets.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] jquery-1.3.2.min.js causing 400 bad request

2009-11-27 Thread jonathan antivo
 hello i want to ask only if what websites best for jqueery tutorial

 i wanna learn this ! it seem its good

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 3:16 AM, rbishop wrote:

 Hi there, hoping someone can help a strange intermittent problem.
 Occasionally, I am experiencing 400 bad request errors when trying to
 load jquery-1.3.2.min.js. I have taken the request and response
 headers from firebug during a failure and a success. Does anyone have
 more experience than myself to analyse these for me please? I can see
 the differences but don't know how significant they are (such as the
 failure one saying Content-Type: text/html).

 Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:04:51 GMT
 Content-Type: text/html
 Content-Length: 20
 Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
 Via: 1.1 (Access Gateway 3.1.0-420)

 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/
 Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
 Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
 Keep-Alive: 300
 Connection: keep-alive
 Cookie: __utma=188525673.792568405.1258744191.1258744191.1258911751.2;
 If-Modified-Since: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 03:23:42 GMT
 If-None-Match: 073f8f2a9ec91:6f0
 Cache-Control: max-age=0


 Last-Modified: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 03:23:42 GMT
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
 Etag: 073f8f2a9ec91:6f0
 Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
 Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:06:49 GMT
 Content-Type: application/x-javascript
 Content-Length: 57254
 Via: 1.1 (Access Gateway 3.1.0-420)

 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/
 Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
 Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
 Keep-Alive: 300
 Connection: keep-alive
 Cookie: __utma=188525673.792568405.1258744191.1258744191.1258911751.2;
 Cache-Control: max-age=0

Re: [jQuery] BlockUi - blue ring?

2009-11-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

heohni wrote:


I am using the BlockUI in 2 apps.
In the first, The overlay works fine, but as soon as I go with my
mouse outside the div, into the grey area, my mouse pointer turns to a
blue ring (ring of death).

In my second, I have the blue ring also within my div area.

What am I doing wrong?
Can someone please help?

A link to the page would be nice. Also some information about the 
browser and operating system you're using (I suspect you're on Windows 
as you're using the 'blue something of death' terminology).


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: BlockUi - blue ring?

2009-11-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)
I don't see a busy cursor in Ubuntu, but I do see it in Win 7 and win XP 
(on pretty much any browser). The example page on also seems to do this. So 
I guess this is just a Windows thing.

It doesn't stop you from using your browser or anything so it's mostly a 
cosmetic issue. You could try using something other than blockui to show 
a modal dialog.


heohni wrote:

Well, we are only on localhost right now, but one example is:
if you add the item to the shopping cart, you will see it, too. Inside
the div all is fine, outside, I see the blue ring cursor.
I am on a windows 7 machine, and I have the same behavoir on all
browsers, so I guess, you will see the same effect?

And the same happen on our localhost example, just with the difference
that there I see the blue ring also inside the div area.

On 17 Nov., 09:30, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

heohni wrote:


I am using theBlockUIin 2 apps.
In the first, The overlay works fine, but as soon as I go with my
mouse outside the div, into the grey area, my mouse pointer turns to a
blue ring (ring of death).

In my second, I have the blue ring also within my div area.

What am I doing wrong?
Can someone please help?

A link to the page would be nice. Also some information about the
browser and operating system you're using (I suspect you're on Windows
as you're using the 'blue something of death' terminology).


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: BlockUi - blue ring?

2009-11-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)
this seems like a pretty decent list of modal boxes, or use google to 
find some more:


heohni wrote:

Do you know an alternative to BlockUi?

On 17 Nov., 10:05, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

I don't see a busy cursor in Ubuntu, but I do see it in Win 7 and win XP
(on pretty much any browser). The example page 
on seems to do this. So
I guess this is just a Windows thing.

It doesn't stop you from using your browser or anything so it's mostly a
cosmetic issue. You could try using something other than blockui to show
a modal dialog.


heohni wrote:

Well, we are only on localhost right now, but one example is:
if you add the item to the shopping cart, you will see it, too. Inside
the div all is fine, outside, I see the blue ring cursor.
I am on a windows 7 machine, and I have the same behavoir on all
browsers, so I guess, you will see the same effect?

And the same happen on our localhost example, just with the difference
that there I see the blue ring also inside the div area.

On 17 Nov., 09:30, Jonathan Vanherpe (TT NV)

heohni wrote:


I am using theBlockUIin 2 apps.
In the first, The overlay works fine, but as soon as I go with my
mouse outside the div, into the grey area, my mouse pointer turns to a
blue ring (ring of death).

In my second, I have the blue ring also within my div area.

What am I doing wrong?
Can someone please help?

A link to the page would be nice. Also some information about the
browser and operating system you're using (I suspect you're on Windows
as you're using the 'blue something of death' terminology).


Jonathan Vanherpe - TallieuTallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Basic selectors question

2009-11-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

HB wrote:

I started learning JQuery today.
I got what (EF) selector does but I didn't digest what (E+F) and
(E~F) do.
Thanks for help and time.

They're mostly the same ones as in css and they're all listed here:


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: Nested Accordion

2009-11-16 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)
Use FireBug to see which styles apply to what element and where they're 
defined. If you don't show any code it's hard to help you.


Akbar Ehsan wrote:
Unfortunately, I am working in my development area and can not show 
you the page. In itself it works fine. But when I try to remove/rename 
your container style from the CSS, my CSS navigation container on the 
left disappears.

Could you, please, explain the purpose container and wrapper 
classes play in your CSS and JS. I think if I am able to understand it 
well, I will be able to resolve my issues.

Thanks again,


On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Akbar wrote:

Hi Adriana,

I am trying to use your Side Column nested accordion. I am trying to
use it as right hand navigation.

I am having all kinds of issues with it. It appears that the CSS for
our WWW site may be conflicting with wrapper, container styles of the
CSS for nested navigation. I tried renaming wrapper, container etc in
your CSS , it did not work.

Do you have bare-bones code for your Side Nested Accordion?



On Nov 13, 7:08 pm, Adriana wrote:
 Add this CSS declaration:

 .accordion li {list-style-type:none}

 On Nov 13, 10:21 pm, Akbar Ehsan wrote:

  I have it almost working. You are right nothing other than
JQuery and CSS is
  needed. However, I get the bullet points next to plus and
minuses as well. I
  am not yet sure why? If you have thoughts about it, please
pass it along.



  On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 3:45 PM, MorningZ wrote:
   Nothing jQuery, or anything client side for that matter,
should have
   any sort of server-side requirement

   any HTML that PHP can generate can be done by Perl, Cold
Fusion, .NET,
   etc etc

   On Nov 13, 2:59 pm, Akbar Ehsan wrote:
Hello Adriana,


Does it require PHP? I have no PHP skills.



On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Adriana wrote:
 Hello Akbar,

 Here are two links that provide examples of nested


--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

Re: [jQuery] Re: How to avoid page refresh with jquery in typo3 ?

2009-11-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

chris wrote:

On Nov 6, 5:25 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

I guess you'll just need to add this:
$('div#menu').load($(this).attr('href')+' div#menu');

But I should warn you, this is far from efficient, as you're making 2
requests for the same page this way, instead of the one request it would
take to just load the page normally.

I personally think it's just not worth the effort, but I've told you
that before.

yes i figured that out, also solved the menu highlighting which was
just a CSS div order error on my part. this is how it works for the

script src=;/script
 $('#menu a').click(function(){
$('.submenu').load($(this).attr('href')+' .submenu');
 return false;

in Safari on the mac it works, the pages load and the submenu loads,
however there is a problem with the submenu. on the first click of a
submenu item the page loads/refreshes completely but then when i click
on another submenu item it loads correcrly directly into the div
without refresh, and then alternately, once it loads into the div,
once it refreshes the whole page ..

in Firefox on the mac the first level menu and loading works but the
submenu doesn't appear

In Internet Explorer 8 the first level works 'sort of' on some clicks
it loads a page corrctly and on other clicks it doesn't load at all,
but it's random, i did a series of 10 clicks several times in a row
after cleaning cache each time and everytime it works/doesn't on some
other combination of pages ... after a dozen clicks or so it doesn't
load anything at all anymore ...

Do you have a link we can see this at?

in terms of efficiency and not being worth the effort, could you
elaborate your thoughts on this. the actual page content i am loading
through those calls is only very short text paragraphs (maincontent)
and a 4 item list (submenu). i have three columns:


so i thought my solution would be more efficient than a traditional
refresh can you explain why i got it wrong ? for this site i don't
need bookmarking/history or back button browser functionality ...

Well, even though you're only showing part of the page, the whole page 
gets downloaded by your browser (twice, since you're calling load() 
twice). jQuery will download the whole page, then parse it, throw away 
what is doesn't need, and insert the small chunk you wanted into the 
page. Basically this is slower then just loading the page straight away 
(but I guess you don't see the flicker that's associated with a page load).

thx again for the help !


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

I'd look into something server-side if I was you: is a good option, if you have a 
way of running custom binaries on your server.


m.ugues wrote:

Hallo all.
I found this library ( as someone
suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

What I need now is a more difficult task.
I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

Any idea?

Kind regards


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] .png transparency in IE 6 and jQuery

2009-11-04 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

FranktheTank wrote:

I have been able to successfully apply transparency fixes to
transparent .png images using some jQuery plugins (as well as other
methods).  However, I have a problem in that my design requires that I
have rollover images on those .png files.  The problem is that every
method that I have encountered changes the src attribute in the code
so that it becomes blank.gif or pixel.gif - something like that.  This
is causing problems with other parts of my code where I need the src
attribute to be set to the original value.

Is there any method for achieving .png transparency in IE6 browsers
_without_ changing the image name in the source?


The css rollover method should work fine with most transparency hacks. 
Or just feed IE6 8-bit png's instead. If you're still using IE6 nowadays 
you deserve to only get 1-bit transparency.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] AJAX page working in IE6,7,8 but not in Firefox,Safari and Opera

2009-10-30 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

acetrader wrote:

Hi there,

The problem is that when I assign the dropdown value to a variable called
dropdown in the following line of code var dropdown =
document.getElementById('ddlChannelSelect'); it works in IE but not in the
other browsers, I have debbugged this in FireBug and it seems that the
variable dropdownlist is not actually getting the value of the actual
dropdownlist nad it says 'null' or sometimes 'undefined'. Am I doing
something wrong ? why is it that it is working in IE but not in other
browsers ? can you pls give me a solution with some examples ?


Thank you very much,

My guess is that the html for your selectbox is select 
name=ddlChannelSelect. IE will (wrongly) return this element when you 
call getElmentById, but other browsers won't, because that's not really 
an idea. Just add id=ddlChannelSelect to your select element.

And if you're using jQuery, use $('#ddlChannelSelect') instead of 


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] AJAX page working in IE6,7,8 but not in Firefox,Safari and Opera

2009-10-30 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) wrote:

because that's not really an idea


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: SPAM Messages in the list

2009-10-28 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

apparently Google Groups is a nightmare to keep spam-free, and jquery 
will move to another solution soon (I don't get why Google doesn't put 
the same spamfilter they use for Gmail in front of Google Groups)


Michel Belleville wrote:

Better just tagging it as spam as it deserve.

Michel Belleville

2009/10/28 Shawn

We should refrain from replying to any of these spam messages that
come through.  I agree with the sentiments that the spam is NOT
welcome here, but replying to the thread just adds us as a
confirmed email address.

I honestly believe these messages are not being consciously sent
by anyone, but rather those who do appear to be sending them are
likely suffering a virus/trojan infection.  Or an automated bot is
signed up to the list and harvesting emails to send out as.

I think the right approach here is to simply ignore the messages,
but let the list operators know (via a different thread/message)
that these need to be addressed.

My thoughts.


--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

[jQuery] Re: alter the font size of a dynamic header?

2009-10-27 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

derek allard wrote:

Hello.  We are working within a CMS and we have a dynamic text header
that pulls into the top of the page.  The problem is that there are
certain titles that are too long and are breaking into other design
elements.  I'm thinking there should be a way to count the number of
characters and then dynamically change the font-size of the header.

1. Is this possible?
2. Can you point me in the right direction?



Unless you're using a monospace font the approach of counting characters 
will fail due to the differences in width between characters. I think a 
better way is to find out the width of a certain element using 
$('#title').width(), and then just make the font size smaller until it 
fits (with a loop or something).


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: how to paste image into a web app

2009-10-23 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Margie wrote:

I have a web app (front end jquery, backend django) that allows users
to type commens into a text area.  My users are asking for the ability
to cut and paste images into their comments.  They want to use an
windows app called mwsnap to basically snap images from their desktop,
then ctrl-v to copy the image into my django app.  Does anyone know
what sort of client side support is needed to do this?  I am fairly
adept at jquery/javascript, but haven't seen anything like this though
it does seem like a very reasonable request since they are certainly
able to cut and paste into Outlook this way.  However, when I try to
cut and paste this way into yahoo mail or gmail it doesn't work, so
perhaps this is a hard thing to do in a web app.  Can anyone give me a
pointer on how this could be done or if it can be done?



That doesn't work on the web. The best thing you can do is use something 
like CKeditor and a seperate image upload system that handles rescaling 
of images and stuff.

Maybe you could do this with a Java applet (that's Java, not 
Javascript), but I haven't seen anything like that anywhere so far.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Get url from iframe

2009-10-20 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

rupak mandal wrote:
no because after clicking on any search link, it was redirect to new 
web page. But src remains same.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:45 PM, brian wrote:

I believe you can get it from the src attirbute.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Rupak wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have an ifram in a page. iframe contains (google search).
 from there if the user search for a key word, i and click on a
 link.Is there a way to get the url of newly open page inside the

 Plz help me..


nameofiframe.location ?

--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

[jQuery] Re: fadeIn and Out not working on IE but working on firefox

2009-10-15 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Mr J wrote:

i run into a probelm when i want to use the fadein and out function
for a new dynamic added inputs.
you can add inputs dynamically and i want to do that with fadeIn and
Out. it is working great in firefox but not in IE. i think the problem
is the new added rows are not in the DOM when the page is loaded and
that is why the effect is not working i tried few solutions but i did
not manage to solve the problem.

here is the test page i'm working on it.

any help will be appreciated.

have you tried styling your input fields (border: 1px solid #000)? It 
might have to do with the fact that the page is showing native widgets 
instead of styled ones.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Don't use onclick

2009-10-13 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

RobG wrote:

On Oct 13, 1:34 pm,  wrote:

I don't think it's too hyped.  Having calls to javascript in your
elements defeats the purpose of unobtrusively maintaining and using
libraries like jQuery.

The mechanism frequently used to attach such listeners is to add a
class, id, name or some other attribute value designed to make the
element identifiable specifically to add a listener. How is:

   div class=mySpecialClass ...

hugely different to:

   div onclick=mySpecialListener() ...

when both attributes can be added using exactly the same server logic,
static template or whatever? The only difference is that in the first
case, the client must do extra work to attach listeners that could
have been added on the server directly.

Consider also that in the second case, you don't care about a document
ready or load event, or whether the user must wait for elements to be
enlivened while other content loads. Not hip, not cool or funky, but
very robust and avoids a bunch of issues.

Adding listeners at the client simply because the chosen development
library supports it is not a particularly convincing argument.


For one, you're usually using that class to style something too (a 
class=required can be used for validation and for styling the input 
differently to show the user it's a required field), so you use 
essentially the same markup to hook in both your presentational layer 
and your behavioural layer.

I've rarely used onclick after discovering the unobtrusive way of doing 
js, it's easier to maintain and your code looks cleaner.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: My code is not working for rollover

2009-10-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

use css rollovers instead

jessie wrote:


I had it all working and now its not :(

My problem now lies with the hovering over my 2 classes
ie. .LPButton,.CatMoreBtn  its just not hovering! and i'd like to
make this work for me so i can have not only png's rollover but, gifs
and jpgs but i have no clue where to put the additional code.

Any help would be much much appreciated.

This is what i have for jquery so far.

jQuery(function($) {

function getLeaf(url) {
var splited=url.split('?');// remove all the parameter from url
return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(/)+1);// return file name
without domain and path


  enter: function() {//plugins creation
  return this.each(function() {
var pth = $(this).find(img)[0];
(document.location.href)){// check that the link url and document url
is same
$(pth).attr(src,pth.src.replace(/.png/g, '_active.png'));
} else{
'_active.png'));// mouse over Image
g, '.png'));// mouse out image

$(function(){  // Document is ready

  $(.LPButton,.CatMoreBtn).enter();// call the function


function () { $(this).attr(src, $(this).attr(src).split('-
off').join('-on')); },
function () { $(this).attr(src, $(this).attr(src).split('-
on').join('-off')); }


jQuery(function($) {


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: My code is not working for rollover

2009-10-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

This method seems to work with images off while still keeping 
replacement text (with only minimal extra markup):


jessie wrote:

I would if there were ways to keep my alt text so users can browse
with iimages off.

But there is no work around so i have opted to use jquery.

So is there a way to make this work using jquery?


On Oct 9, 5:15 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

use css rollovers instead

jessie wrote:


I had it all working and now its not :(

My problem now lies with the hovering over my 2 classes
ie. .LPButton,.CatMoreBtnits just not hovering! and i'd like to
make this work for me so i can have not only png's rollover but, gifs
and jpgs but i have no clue where to put the additional code.

Any help would be much much appreciated.

This is what i have for jquery so far.

jQuery(function($) {

function getLeaf(url) {
var splited=url.split('?');// remove all the parameter from url
return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(/)+1);// return file name
without domain and path


   enter: function() {//plugins creation
   return this.each(function() {
 var pth = $(this).find(img)[0];
(document.location.href)){// check that the link url and document url
is same
 $(pth).attr(src,pth.src.replace(/.png/g, '_active.png'));
 } else{
'_active.png'));// mouse over Image
g, '.png'));// mouse out image

$(function(){  // Document is ready

   $(.LPButton,.CatMoreBtn).enter();// call the function


function () { $(this).attr(src, $(this).attr(src).split('-
off').join('-on')); },
function () { $(this).attr(src, $(this).attr(src).split('-
on').join('-off')); }


jQuery(function($) {


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: browser window close

2009-10-06 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Muhammad Arif wrote:

Hello All:
   I'm trying to close a browser window.. using
windows.close().. but its not working...
so can you help me.

I think it's window.close(), and i think you can only do this in popups.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: browser window close

2009-10-06 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Muhammad Arif wrote:

Thanks you very much for your reply.. but if window.close() so for 
popup so then how can we close a browser window


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) wrote:

Muhammad Arif wrote:

Hello All:
  I'm trying to close a browser window.. using
windows.close().. but its not working...
so can you help me.

I think it's window.close(), and i think you can only do this in


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Browsers won't allow you to do that. You can only close a window that 
was created with javascript. Why would you want to close a normal 
browser window? You'd just be annoying visitors this way.


--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

[jQuery] Re: format number

2009-10-06 Thread Jonathan Sharp
Doh...thank you Karl for saving my behind. Parse Int won't
hadn't kicked in yet.
- Jonathan

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Karl Swedberg wrote:

 On Oct 5, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Jonathan Sharp wrote:

 You can run a parseint on the number: var myInt = parseInt( '15,000', 10);
 - Jonathan

 Oops. that's not such a good idea. It'll return 15. ;-)

 There are probably much better ways of doing this, but one way is to use a
 regex replace:
 var someFormattedNumber = '15,000';


 Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Quick question on image loading

2009-10-05 Thread Jonathan Sharp
Hi Eric,
The browser will replace the image first before loading it. What you can do
to preload the image is as follows:

var newBackgroundImage = '/new/image/url.png';
$('img /')
.attr('src', newBackgroundImage)
.bind('load', function() {
$('div').css('background-image', 'url(' + newBackgroundImage + ')');

This starts by creating a new image element and setting the source of it to
the background image which will start loading it in the browser. Then we
bind to the image's load event which is triggered when the image has
finished loading. In the load callback function you can then set the css
background image of your div and the image will already be in the browser's
cache and load instantly.

- Jonathan

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 2:25 AM, Erock wrote:

 My question is, if I have one image as the background of a div, and I
 set the background of that div to another image, will html load the
 new image before replacing the old one or replace the old image with
 something ugly (say just plain white) and then load it.

 The reason I'm asking is, because my site isn't hosted anywhere, it's
 hard to tell what will happen on a non-local connection when the
 images actually have to be loaded.


[jQuery] Re: textContent attribute problem with ie

2009-10-05 Thread Jonathan Sharp
What are you trying to do?

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:37 AM, m.ugues wrote:

 HAllo all.
 This piece of code works fine in FIrefox but does not work in IE.

 The problem is on textContent attribute that in IE is undefined.

 Any workaround?

 Kind regards

 Massimo UGues

[jQuery] Re: How to Add A Callback Function to a plugin

2009-10-05 Thread Jonathan Sharp
$.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {options $.extend({ callback: null },
// Your plugin

   if ( $.isFunction(options.callback) ) {;

callback: function() {
// Your callback code

A better approach might be to simply have your plugin do a
.trigger('pluginevent') which allows for multiple listeners to then use it:
$.fn.myPlugin = function() {
// Your plugin code

.bind('myplugindidsomething', function() {
// Your callback code

- Jonathan

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:10 PM, bittermonkey wrote:

 How do I add a callback function to a plugin so that i can execute
 another function after the plugin completes its own processes.

 Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Underline links of dynamic HTML introduced in the DOM

2009-10-01 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

SmiThiCo wrote:

Hi all,
Till now I din not found and an clean solution for my problem.

I have a button in my web site underline links that changes all the
links and affects its text decoration to 'underline'. From this point
all the links of the website should be underline. The problem is that
I can only make it work for the current DOM. If I introduce new links
into the DOM I need to select them specifically to change its text
decoration. Is there something similar to the live function in
jquery? For instance for every links introduced in the DOM I want to
check if the website is in underline mode. Case its true, the text
decoration will be changed!

Thanks in advance!




style type=text/css
.body a {
text-decoration: underline;

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Underline links of dynamic HTML introduced in the DOM

2009-10-01 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

SmiThiCo wrote:

Hi all,
Till now I din not found and an clean solution for my problem.

I have a button in my web site underline links that changes all the
links and affects its text decoration to 'underline'. From this point
all the links of the website should be underline. The problem is that
I can only make it work for the current DOM. If I introduce new links
into the DOM I need to select them specifically to change its text
decoration. Is there something similar to the live function in
jquery? For instance for every links introduced in the DOM I want to
check if the website is in underline mode. Case its true, the text
decoration will be changed!

Thanks in advance!


I obviously meant:

.underlinelinks a   {
text-decoration: underline;

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Underline links of dynamic HTML introduced in the DOM

2009-10-01 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

well, if you don't underline your links, you only really needed to 
define text-decoration: none once in your css. If you add 
.underlinelinks before whatever the selector you used for that, it will 
be overridden in most cases.

so your css would be something like:

#content a  {
text-decoration: none;  

.underlinelinks #content a  {
text-decoration: underline; 

if you really want to force it, you can use text-decoration: underline 
!important; , but note that internet explorer 6 doesn't know about 


SmiThiCo wrote:

Thanks. I'll give it a try.
I didn't tried this before because in the inner divs of the body I
sometimes override the text decoration value.
So in terms of css priority I not sure if this is going to work. But
I'll tell you later.


On Oct 1, 1:11 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

SmiThiCo wrote:

Hi all,
Till now I din not found and an clean solution for my problem.

I have a button in my web site underline links that changes all the
links and affects its text decoration to 'underline'. From this point
all the links of the website should be underline. The problem is that
I can only make it work for the current DOM. If I introduce new links
into the DOM I need to select them specifically to change its text
decoration. Is there something similar to the live function in
jquery? For instance for every links introduced in the DOM I want to
check if the website is in underline mode. Case its true, the text
decoration will be changed!

Thanks in advance!


I obviously meant:

.underlinelinks a   {
 text-decoration: underline;

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: select cannot check checkboxes' states

2009-09-24 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Xi Shen wrote:


i have a group of check boxes, and i want to iterator over all the
checked ones. i use the following code, but without luck.


can someone give a better solution?

[checked=checked] ?

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: select cannot check checkboxes' states

2009-09-24 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

tried Sam Doyle's response yet? It looks like that might be the proper way.


Xi Shen wrote:

tried, not working ;(

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)  wrote:

Xi Shen wrote:


i have a group of check boxes, and i want to iterator over all the
checked ones. i use the following code, but without luck.


can someone give a better solution?

[checked=checked] ?

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Get rid of long-running script dialog box ?

2009-09-22 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Machin Pouet wrote:

Hello all,

I'd like to know if you have a way to disable the long-running script 
dialog boxes, as one can see many in this article :

I can hardly split my processing into smaller chunks, and cannot ask 
clients to tweak their browsers or registry !

I hope my call for help is in the right section, shouldn't it be the 
case, I apologize, but would appreciate any link to a potential solution.

Looking forward to hear back from you,



From the article you linked:

Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript, is quoted as saying, [JavaScript] 
that executes in whole seconds is probably doing something wrong...

And who are we do argue with him? You're probably using javascript for 
something you shouldn't use it for, or you have some kind of infinite 
loop. Could you give us an idea as to what exactly you're doing?


--   *Jonathan Vanherpe* - - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

[jQuery] Re: unsibscribe without google account

2009-09-17 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Christof Donat wrote:


I'm trying to unsubscribe from this mailinglist and from the developer 
mailinglist. It seems, that I need a google account for that. Actually I wasn't 
planing to create a new account just to unsubscribe from two mailinglists. Is 
there another way?


just send a blank e-mail to:

Google doesn't make it easy to find this method, but it should work.
(the only place you can find it is in the e-mail headers, afaik)


If I don't hear from you I'll assume it worked, i haven't tried 
unsubscribing yet myself.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-17 Thread Jonathan

The REST service requires custom authorization headers, parameters and
various methods (GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE) which is why I can't just
pass a URL.

The earlier solution was better for this.

On Sep 17, 5:33 am, DBJDBJ wrote:
 var myRESTurl = ... ;

     complete: function(xhr, status) {


         $( document.body ).append(iframe src='  + myRESTurl +   '

 /iframe) ;


 }) ;

 Since you are testing REST end point reply, which returns text/xml
 mime type, you can assign it to IFRAME src. In all browsers this will
 show nicely formated and coloured xml.

 Above is the core solution. One can style the iframe, re-use one
 iframe, find some jquery iframe plugin, etc ...

 PS: this is easier solution than using dreaded

[jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-16 Thread Jonathan

I still can't find a solution to simply print out the XML response
from an AJAX call. I'm surprised jQuery can't handle something that
simple, as it can otherwise do so much.

The other js libraries don't seem to have a problem with it, it looks
like jQuery just isn't up to the task, and I can't use it for this


On Sep 14, 11:53 pm, Jonathan wrote:
 I'm re-writing a test page for a RESTful web service with AJAX, and
 need to be able to display the XML or JSON response in a textarea or a
 div. I'm re-writing the web page to work off jQuery, but I'm stuck

 The best response I can get is: [Object XMLDocument]

 I have to set a custom Authorization header, set an HTTP method (get,
 put, post, or delete), send data, and display the raw XML (or JSON,
 depending on the request) response in the page.

 With firebug I see the XML response is there, but I can't figure out
 how to display that raw XML with jQuery. It worked with the prototype
 js, but I'm stumped trying to get it to work with jQuery.

 It seems like a simple enough task, the XML is there, I want to print
 it out on the page. I've spent hours searching through the jQuery docs
 and online examples to no avail.

 Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-16 Thread Jonathan

That did it. I was using success which did not provide access to the
xml as a string I could output, but complete works great. Thanks! Now
I cane easily get the text, the HTTP Response code.

On Sep 16, 1:32 pm, Mike Alsup wrote:
  I still can't find a solution to simply print out the XML response
  from an AJAX call. I'm surprised jQuery can't handle something that
  simple, as it can otherwise do so much.

  The other js libraries don't seem to have a problem with it, it looks
  like jQuery just isn't up to the task, and I can't use it for this

 Try hooking the 'complete' callback and access the responseText
 property of the XHR:

     complete: function(xhr, status) {


[jQuery] AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-15 Thread Jonathan

I'm re-writing a test page for a RESTful web service with AJAX, and
need to be able to display the XML or JSON response in a textarea or a
div. I'm re-writing the web page to work off jQuery, but I'm stuck

The best response I can get is: [Object XMLDocument]

I have to set a custom Authorization header, set an HTTP method (get,
put, post, or delete), send data, and display the raw XML (or JSON,
depending on the request) response in the page.

With firebug I see the XML response is there, but I can't figure out
how to display that raw XML with jQuery. It worked with the prototype
js, but I'm stumped trying to get it to work with jQuery.

It seems like a simple enough task, the XML is there, I want to print
it out on the page. I've spent hours searching through the jQuery docs
and online examples to no avail.

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: each() needs documentation

2009-09-14 Thread Jonathan

Did you really look for it? It's like the 2nd or 3rd link under Core.

On Sep 14, 6:53 am, Jānis wrote:

 I could not find each() in jQuery's documentation. Could it be
 included there, please, as I was browsing all the features to find out
 what exactly is the collection of elements returned by the many JQuery
 functions and how to be able to access and manage each of them
 separately, but could not find a page for each anywhere (which I
 found on some tutorial later).


[jQuery] Re: JCarouselLite - pause scrolling

2009-09-07 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Steffan A. Cline wrote:

on 8/28/09 5:37 PM, Steffan Cline at wrote:

I have a carousel that auto scrolls images. I was asked if there is a way to
make it so that if you mouse over the carousel, it stops and when you mouse
out, it starts up again.

Is this possible?




The plain jcarousel has this option:

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery to see if CSS is disabled.

2009-09-04 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

mumbojumbo wrote:

Hello All,

I'm trying to code a site using progressive enhancement methods. It's
built upon standards-compliant CSS and HTML and JS. I'm using jQuery
on the site to animate some elements on hover etc. Now, when CSS and
JS is disabled, it's all good. But, If CSS is disabled and JS is still
enabled, the js still manipulates the elements and it's not what I
want. I was wondering if anybody knew anything about this. I can't
seem to find anything about this...

I guess you could try to look at a known css property of a known element 
(let's say the background-image property of the element containing your 
sites logo or something even more generic) and check if that has the 
value you expect. I haven't tried anything like that, though.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Preventing browser scrollbars from bumping content in slideDown()

2009-09-04 Thread Jonathan del Strother

Say I have a site that's centered on the page, and do  $
(#some_content).slideDown().  If the appearance of the new content
means that the page no longer fits in the browser window, scrollbars
will appear, and so the available page width decreases slightly, and
so my centered content jumps left while it's sliding down.

Is there a decent workaround for this?  Best I can figure out at the
moment is to persuade the browser to always display scrollbars, which
isn't exactly ideal.

[jQuery] Re: Unsubscribe

2009-09-02 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

amuhlou wrote:

oh, looks like there's also an Unsubscribe button on that same Edit
my Membership page. Have you tried that?

On Sep 1, 8:52 pm, Peter Stulzer wrote:
Thank you amuhlou. That's what I tried first but I still get all the  
mails. Is there another way to unsubscribe or can some moderator just  
kick me out of all the jQuery groups I'm in right now maybe? Thanks  
for any help.


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 01.09.2009 um 22:44 schrieb amuhlou

On the right side of the page, choose Edit my Membership
There, you will be able to choose the No Email option.
On Sep 1, 4:52 pm, Peter Stulzer wrote:

send an e-mail to

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Https mixed content error with ajax

2009-09-01 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Watch the 'net' tab in Firebug, make sure everything that pops up there 
is https:// . If everything /is/ https:// , post the url here (either of 
your site or just a limited test case).


UglySkinnyGuy wrote:

Yes thats all fine. Like I said it only occures when I make an ajax
call out and then inject the returned html into the DOM.

On Aug 31, 3:44 pm, James wrote:

Is the include script to the jQuery library also HTTPs? All external
content (CSS, Scripts, Images) has to be over HTTPs to not create the
mixed content error.

On Aug 31, 5:10 am, UglySkinnyGuy wrote:

Have a wierd issue. It seems that if I use jquery in https and do an
ajax call out and then update the dom with the resulting html I get an
HTTPS unsecure content warning. Now the content is all https and there
are not http calls any where so I'm wondering if this has been seen
before. I've dug very deep looking for the issus and if I take jquery
out of the equation it doesn't give me an error. But I've standardized
jquery as part of the site and don't want to mix straight old
javascript with jquery, if I can avoid it.
So any help would be useful.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Jquery at Sears

2009-09-01 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Erik Reppen wrote:

I should specify. It's not the little guy in the upper left although
it might be worth plugging it into that. It's all the silly ones down

On Aug 31, 11:58 pm, Erik Reppen wrote:

What do you guys think of my precious. I'm not sure how many other
elastic carousels there are out there, but I'm pretty proud of the
auto-margin action. Please don't judge us (the FEDs at Sears) on the
HTML. We don't actually have full control of the front end. It can
scroll full pages but doesn't for other reasons that relate to not
having full control of the front end among other things. I really
liked the whole options hash thing from JQ in action so it's actually
got a few options like switching to vertical for the carousel in our
shopping whose item height is currently misaligned for other reasons
that relate to not having full control of the front end. ;)

Anyway I'm contemplating making a more generic and diversely featured
one eventually and hope to start contributing when I have time.

aww, you guys fixed the bug where you could change the breadcrumbs 
displayed on the site just by changing the GET params. Too bad, that was 
a fun feature ;).

The carousel seems to work pretty well, I'm sure it would be welcome if 
you turned it into a plugin and uploaded it somewhere.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Display DIVs as Multiple Columns

2009-08-24 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

S2 wrote:

How can I display a bunch of DIVs in multiple columns? Like Flex's
TileList component.




You could use float: left;width: 33%; in the stylesheet. No need to use 
javascript for that (as long as your divs have a fixed height).


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: trouble with 'url' in $.ajax

2009-08-24 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

It's kinda hard to tell without seeing the site, but I think you could 
try finding out which url gets loaded and what response you get by using 
something like Fiddler ( ) or Wireshark ( ). Chrome also has a built-in debug thing, I 


ch2450 wrote:

Hi everybody,

I recently updated my website with url rewriting.
What I did was change the htaccess file so that every url is
redirected to an index.php file, which then parts this url ($_SERVER
['REQUEST_URI']) and 'include()' the corresponding files.

Since then, I've had several problems with absolute and relative paths
throughout the whole website, so I hardcoded every url and src tag
inside the code using the absolute path
(instead of path/to/file/).
This has been working fine for every browser running on a Mac (Safari
and Firefox) and for Firefox on PC.
I didn't have the same luck with Chrome, Safari (PC) and IE for which
everything seems to work fine except the ajax requests. After several
days of testing, I am 95 percent sure that the problem comes from the
url's used by the $.ajax requests.
Although I wrote the absolute path for all of them (http://, the above-mentioned browsers don't
seem to find them.

Any idea what the problem could be ?
Any tips on how I could manage the absolute/relative path problem
better (for php and js) ?

Thank you for your help. Best,

Here is the entire content of my htaccess file :
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php

I use Dreamhost, if this is of any help.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-21 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Leonard Martin wrote:

Can someone point me to where I might log a bug with Gecko or Webkit?
I'm fairly new to this whole process.

Thanks again.

On Aug 20, 3:41 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

I see the same thing on Ubuntu, so I guess it's some bug that's both in
Gecko and Webkit (I see it in Firefox and in Chromium, not in Opera).
There's slight differences between the way the artifacts are shown in
both browsers.

Your best bet might be to try and get in touch with somebody that's
working on either Webkit or Mozilla through IRC or something.


Liam Potter wrote:

Might have something to do with cleartype?
Leonard Martin wrote:

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

I see the same thing on Ubuntu, so I guess it's some bug that's both in 
Gecko and Webkit (I see it in Firefox and in Chromium, not in Opera). 
There's slight differences between the way the artifacts are shown in 
both browsers.

Your best bet might be to try and get in touch with somebody that's 
working on either Webkit or Mozilla through IRC or something.


Liam Potter wrote:

Might have something to do with cleartype?

Leonard Martin wrote:

Apologies, I missed the link:

and for an example.

On Aug 19, 2:08 pm, Leonard Martin wrote:

I've been trying to write an extension to the animate function to
allow the animation of elements along a parameterised path (in the
original motivation this was around the diameter of a circle) whilst
keeping use of things like $.easing and $().stop(). I've managed to
put something together that seems to work, except that in the basic
example I have one of the animated elements leaves a trail behind it
as it moves it certain browsers.

It seems to work fine in IE6 and Opera(Win) but leaves a trail in FF
3.5.2, Chrome and Safari 4.02.

I'm assuming it's a rendering engine bug, but it's something I've
never come across before, so if anyone has any sage advice about how
to deal with it, or has any other feedback on the plugin in general
then I'd be interested to hear.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: jquery license - what do my company have to do

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Antoine Blanchard wrote:

Hi everyone,

For the latest project I have lead (which is a java web project) I
have included some jquery,jqueryui and 1 or 2 jquery plugins, knowing
that the MIT license allow us to use it even for commercial use. Now
that the v1 is almost done. We are wondering what exactly we have to
do to be legal.
MIT license says: on the condition that the license is distributed
with that software.
what does that mean exactly?
Do we need to write a line in our docu saying: use jquery,..., which
is under MIT license?
Do we have to write on the pages with our copyright that we use jquery
with the little ©?
Do we have to do something else?
Thanks for the explanations.


if you leave the comment on top of your js file intact, you'll be fine.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Hide function in IE

2009-08-18 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

By IE, I think he means IE6. I haven't tested this, but I think IE7 and 
up can do this fine, as long as you make sure you're applying any png 
hacks you're using to IE6 only with conditional comments.

I could be wrong on this, though.


pmni wrote:

Thank you for the explain.

On 18 Ago, 08:58, Liam Potter wrote:

IE cannot animate the opacity of a png with alpha transparency and there
is no solution to this.

pmni wrote:

I'm building a website, and use your framework to hide/show a div.
This work, but in IE when click to hide/show the div, the background
became black, instead to maintaine the image with alpha properties...
In Firefox, Opera and Chrome works fine.
Why this append?
Thanks in advance, pmni- Ocultar texto citado -

- Mostrar texto citado -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Hide function in IE

2009-08-18 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

That sucks, I didn't know that. I was under the impression that they had 
fixed IE's png support with IE7, but I guess it shouldn't surprise me 
their 'fix' is buggy.


Liam Potter wrote:

Nope, all versions of IE cannot animate the opacity of a PNG without the 
black artifact, regardless of any hacks that are applied. It's really 
quite annoying.

Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) wrote:

By IE, I think he means IE6. I haven't tested this, but I think IE7 
and up can do this fine, as long as you make sure you're applying any 
png hacks you're using to IE6 only with conditional comments.

I could be wrong on this, though.


pmni wrote:

Thank you for the explain.

On 18 Ago, 08:58, Liam Potter wrote:

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Hover function issue

2009-08-13 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Geir wrote:

..rather new to javascript

I'm making a rollover-script for my site.
It works fine for one image, but not for many.
How can I modify it to supprt any number of images?

var sti = $('.ro').attr('src');
var nySti = sti.replace('.png', '_ov.png')
{$(this).attr('src', nySti)},
{$(this).attr('src', sti)}

for image.png  class=ro
hoverstate is image_ov.png


You can do rollovers with just css, which might be a better solution. An 
example is here: (or 
just google for 'css rollover', and you'll find tons of variations)


[jQuery] Re: How to Get Retuned GeoLocation

2009-08-13 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Bluesapphire wrote:

Iam using following JQuery Code:

script type=text/javascript

 ip: ''
,position : true


alert(Data Loaded:  + data);




But Ima unable to get response from the link. When 'http://' is typed in browser's address bar, it
show location correctly, but in above jquery code it doesn't show

Can some one guide me, what Iam doing wrong.

Thanks in advance.

You can't use xmlHTTPRequest across domains (it's a security thing). So 
you need to cache this result on your server before you can get to it 
with javascript.

(there is a way to use json across domains though, apparently:

but I don't think you can do a POST like you're doing)


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Checkbox behaviour

2009-08-07 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

You'll have to run the whole function block within 
$(#show_resolve).click() on load (ie. put it somewhere in 

Make it a seperate function so you can avoid copy/pasting the whole thing


Samuurai wrote:


This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed,
having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result
I wanted very qucikly and easily!

However, I'm having one little niggle...

Here's my code:


$(#show_resolve).click(function () {
if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))





This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div.
However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox
remains ticked, but the div is hidden.

Any ideas how I can make it work reliably?

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and window.print

2009-08-03 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Not really, You pretty much have to tell users to enable the 'print 
backgrounds' feature in their browser.


Mazi wrote:

Thanks a lot Tomas.

I'm trying to test it out.

One question: in my page I have a css that refer for some elements to
soma images.
When I use the window.print function I lose all the background-images.
Is there e way to print them all?

Kind regards


On Aug 3, 11:32 am, Tomáš Kavalek wrote:

I don't know how to do it in jQuery, but it's simple in CSS. You can
transform it to jQuery, using .css().

Insert at the begin of document content:

div id=printheadYour header for printing/div

Insert at the end of document content:
div id=printfootYour footer for printing/div

Create this styles with media=screen:

#printhead {
  display: none;


#printfoot {
  display: none;


Create this styles with media=print:

#printhead {
 display: block;
 position: fixed;
 text-align: center;
 top: 0px;
 left: 0px;
 width: 100%;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #00;


#printfoot {
 margin-top: 25px;
 width: 100%;
 text-align: right;


This example show you, how to print header on each page and footer on
last page. You can modify CSS for print both on each page.

Hope it's help.

On 3 srp, 11:16, m.ugues wrote:

Hallo all.
I need to enhance the window.print function adding an header and a
footer to the page.
Is there any way or suggestion to achieve this goal?
Kind regards

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] input fields and change

2009-07-10 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Is there some better way than change() to check if an input field's 
content has changed?

As you all probably know, change() only fires when you remove the focus 
from the input field, but I want to trigger an event every time the 
content of an input field changes either by typing something, using 
crtl-v, pasting from the selection buffer (middle click on *nix), or 
rightclicking and selecting 'paste'. Is there an existing solution for 
that, or will I need to write something that just checks the field 
periodically using setInterval()?

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: input fields and change

2009-07-10 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) wrote:

Is there some better way than change() to check if an input field's 
content has changed?

As you all probably know, change() only fires when you remove the focus 
from the input field, but I want to trigger an event every time the 
content of an input field changes either by typing something, using 
crtl-v, pasting from the selection buffer (middle click on *nix), or 
rightclicking and selecting 'paste'. Is there an existing solution for 
that, or will I need to write something that just checks the field 
periodically using setInterval()?


Found the answer myself here:
works like a charm (with a small modification)

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Does jquery have a plugin to do this?

2009-07-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

paulswansea wrote:

Hi, I'm looking for a jquery plugin that does the 'rays' effect on i've had a look, but can't seem to find anything,
I was wondering if anyone had come across something like this before?

Looking at the generated code, it's an svg which is being transformed by 
changing the values in rotate().

svg width=700 height=700defsradialgradient 
id=raphael-gradient-0stop offset=0% stop-color=#9ed356/stop 
offset=100% stop-color=#97be63 
fill=url(#raphael-gradient-0) stroke=none style=opacity: 1; 
opacity=1 fill-opacity=1 d=M350.000 350.000 L350.000 350.000 
L700.000 350.000 L694.683 289.223 L350.000 350.000 L678.892 230.293 
L653.109 175.000 L350.000 350.000 L618.116 125.024 L574.976 81.884 
L350.000 350.000 L525.000 46.891 L469.707 21.108 L350.000 350.000 
L410.777 5.317 L350.000 0.000 L350.000 350.000 L289.223 5.317 L230.293 
21.108 L350.000 350.000 L175.000 46.891 L125.024 81.884 L350.000 350.000 
L81.884 125.024 L46.891 175.000 L350.000 350.000 L21.108 230.293 L5.317 
289.223 L350.000 350.000 L0.000 350.000 L5.317 410.777 L350.000 350.000 
L21.108 469.707 L46.891 525.000 L350.000 350.000 L81.884 574.976 
L125.024 618.116 L350.000 350.000 L175.000 653.109 L230.293 678.892 
L350.000 350.000 L289.223 694.683 L350.000 700.000 L350.000 350.000 
L410.777 694.683 L469.707 678.892 L350.000 350.000 L525.000 653.109 
L574.976 618.116 L350.000 350.000 L618.116 574.976 L653.109 525.000 
L350.000 350.000 L678.892 469.707 L694.683 410.777 Z  
transform=rotate(499.793, 350, 350)//svg

So the only thing you really need js for is the animation, which you can 
easily do without even using a framework.

Keep in mind that this thing probably only works in the most recent 
versions of Safari , Chrome and Firefox


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Does jquery have a plugin to do this?

2009-07-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Yeah, I noticed. pretty neat.

Liam Potter wrote:

works in IE as well, using rvml instead of svg.

Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) wrote:

paulswansea wrote:

Hi, I'm looking for a jquery plugin that does the 'rays' effect on i've had a look, but can't seem to find anything,
I was wondering if anyone had come across something like this before?

Looking at the generated code, it's an svg which is being transformed 
by changing the values in rotate().

svg width=700 height=700defsradialgradient 
id=raphael-gradient-0stop offset=0% stop-color=#9ed356/stop 
offset=100% stop-color=#97be63 
fill=url(#raphael-gradient-0) stroke=none style=opacity: 1; 
opacity=1 fill-opacity=1 d=M350.000 350.000 L350.000 350.000 
L700.000 350.000 L694.683 289.223 L350.000 350.000 L678.892 230.293 
L653.109 175.000 L350.000 350.000 L618.116 125.024 L574.976 81.884 
L350.000 350.000 L525.000 46.891 L469.707 21.108 L350.000 350.000 
L410.777 5.317 L350.000 0.000 L350.000 350.000 L289.223 5.317 L230.293 
21.108 L350.000 350.000 L175.000 46.891 L125.024 81.884 L350.000 
350.000 L81.884 125.024 L46.891 175.000 L350.000 350.000 L21.108 
230.293 L5.317 289.223 L350.000 350.000 L0.000 350.000 L5.317 410.777 
L350.000 350.000 L21.108 469.707 L46.891 525.000 L350.000 350.000 
L81.884 574.976 L125.024 618.116 L350.000 350.000 L175.000 653.109 
L230.293 678.892 L350.000 350.000 L289.223 694.683 L350.000 700.000 
L350.000 350.000 L410.777 694.683 L469.707 678.892 L350.000 350.000 
L525.000 653.109 L574.976 618.116 L350.000 350.000 L618.116 574.976 
L653.109 525.000 L350.000 350.000 L678.892 469.707 L694.683 410.777 Z 
 transform=rotate(499.793, 350, 350)//svg

So the only thing you really need js for is the animation, which you 
can easily do without even using a framework.

Keep in mind that this thing probably only works in the most recent 
versions of Safari , Chrome and Firefox


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: error jquery-1.3.2.js(line 3633)

2009-07-08 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Sorry, I didn't see your reply, this list is pretty high-traffic.

I tried it, but it doesn't give me an error. The POST returns a 200 OK. 
What I do notice is that after I click the button, I get a page reload, 
so I think you need to put a 'return false;' in there somewhere to stop 
the form from getting submitted.

It's also a nice idea to use submit() instead of click(), to catch 
people that use keyboard shortcuts and the like.

so use:
instead of


Mark wrote:

Can anybody find anything what i did wrong?
the only code that is not commented out in the handler.php is
To show me what kind of values it gets and how it looks in an array so
i can make an associative of it.

On Jul 7, 3:01 pm, Mark wrote:  for the
main file  for the
handler  for the
css  for the
java sript librarie

You can see all the files here and test what is going wrong.
(the notes u see in the handler.php are in dutch made for my
internship boss so hecan easy can see what i have done but he hasnt
time to help me time = money:s )

On Jul 7, 10:09 am, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

Mark wrote:
Are you sure 'handler.php' exists? 'POST' isn't typically an error,
unless the server returns a 404 or internal server error (500), in which
case Firebug will show it in red.
It would be nice if you uploaded your stuff somewhere (preferably
reduced as a testcase).
Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: error jquery-1.3.2.js(line 3633)

2009-07-08 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

This should stop the form from submitting (untested):

$(f...@myform).submit(function() {
$.post('handler.php', {


return false;


Mark wrote:

I used $(document).ready(function() {
$(from#myfrom).submit(function() {
now it doesn't give an error anymore so far i can see.
So now only try to figure out how to post the value's with out the
reload and then im going to make a callback to a new div and print the
php array thereso i can go on form there

Thank you for your help so far now only hope and pray it will work

On Jul 8, 9:56 am, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

Sorry, I didn't see your reply, this list is pretty high-traffic.

I tried it, but it doesn't give me an error. The POST returns a 200 OK.
What I do notice is that after I click the button, I get a page reload,
so I think you need to put a 'return false;' in there somewhere to stop
the form from getting submitted.

It's also a nice idea to use submit() instead of click(), to catch
people that use keyboard shortcuts and the like.

so use:
instead of


Mark wrote:

Can anybody find anything what i did wrong?
the only code that is not commented out in the handler.php is
To show me what kind of values it gets and how it looks in an array so
i can make an associative of it.
On Jul 7, 3:01 pm, Mark wrote:

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: jCarousel Appears Vertical then Horizontal

2009-07-08 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Sparky12 wrote:

Btw - the problem is the li items are aligned vertically by default
and then after applying the jCarousel script they become aligned
horizontally ?

Any way to resolve this ?

Try editing the css so the container div has overflow: hidden and a 
fixed width/height.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: error jquery-1.3.2.js(line 3633)

2009-07-07 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Mark wrote:

I have 3 drop down menu's where is post the value's bij a
(see code below).
But when i push the button i see an error in fire bug POST
http://localhost/agenda nieuw/handler.php 67ms  jquery-1.3.2.js(line
I looked online for awnsers but couldn't find any. Maybe you guys can
help me. Here is my js code.

Are you sure 'handler.php' exists? 'POST' isn't typically an error, 
unless the server returns a 404 or internal server error (500), in which 
case Firebug will show it in red.

It would be nice if you uploaded your stuff somewhere (preferably 
reduced as a testcase).

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Weird jumping happening with hover-over

2009-07-03 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

I just use a bunch of virtual machines in Virtualbox.
I find that running IE in wine like you are doing has issues. And IE is 
basically the only browser I test multiple versions from. For all others 
I just test the latest one.


osu wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks for doing that, much appreciated. I think it was a glitch at
work - seems to be working everywhere else (I develop on a Mac, so
Safari 3/4, FF 2/3 and Internet Explorer 6 using ie4osx).

Is there an easy way to check all browsers at once? I'm finding it a
real pain trying to keep track of all browsers.



On Jun 29, 10:57 am, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)


Could someone take a look at this website I developed and let me know
what's going on with the footer logos please? It seems to happen on
all browsers on my computer at work (Mac and PC) that the logos jump
about when you hover over them:
It's not happening on my system at home, but can someone confirm
whether it's happening on their as well? Anyone know how I can stop it
if so?

Seems fine in all browsers I tried (Firefox 3, 3.5, Opera 10, Chromium
daily, IE7 and IE8 on Linux and Windows) with the exception of IE6,
where (part of?) the custom title seems to be positioned under the body,
causing the scrollbar to move a bit, but that's hardly noticeable.

It would be nice if you told us which versions of which browsers you're
using on what platforms if the issue is something other than what I'm
seeing in IE6.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Get dynamic width

2009-07-03 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

eewan wrote:

I want to find full width of all elements in one div. Here is example
div id=scroller

$(#scroller p).each(
var elSize = $(this).width();});

I need total width of all p :-)

Thanks in advance

The following seems to work for me:

var elSize = 0;
$(#scroller p).each(

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: down?

2009-07-02 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Vorge wrote:

Is the UI section of the site down? I have a few websites that link to
it and they're all taking forever to load, seemingly hanging when
waiting for

This is the first time I've seen this and am wondering if anyone else
is aware of the problem.



This is on of the reasons why loading scripts from an external server is 
usually a bad idea.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] removing submitHandler

2009-07-02 Thread Jonathan

I have 4 buttons in a form. Save, Back, Submit, Confirm.

The submit does form validation and has a submitHandler and
invalidHandler. If no errors, a modal Confirm screen is shown with
another button of Confirm. This button does the actual post to the
form to complete the process.

The Save and Back buttons need to post the form, but does not have any
validation. The problem is that if I hit Submit and my Confirm modal
pops up and I cancel out the Save and Cancel button now inherit the
submitHandler and invalidHandler of the Submit button. So if i click
on save of back, the Confirm modal pops up.

Ideally, I would like to remove the Handler's if the Save or Back
button are clicked. I've tried unbinding the form and submitting it
myself, but the Modal window still pops up.

I have a working example I can give out individually if required. Here
is my JS:


script type=text/javascript

$(document).ready(function() {


 document.getElementById('save').src = /bttn-


var errorimage = img src=\error.png\ width=\19\
height=\19\ alt=\error\ title=\error\ style=\vertical-
align:top;margin-top:5px;\ /;

$('#submit').click(function(e) {


submitHandler: function() {
  tb_show(, #TB_inline?
height=400width=600inlineId=confirmblock, null);
invalidHandler: function(e, validator) {
 var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();
 if (errors) {
  tb_show(, #TB_inline?
height=150width=250inlineId=errorblock, null);

errorElement: span,
rules: {
additionalinfo: required
messages: {
additionalinfo: errorimage


document.getElementById('td_info').innerHTML =


$('#back').click(function() {

$(#promoForm).attr(action, step6/?

$('#save').click(function() {
$(#promoForm).attr(action, /step7/?


$('#confirm').click(function() {
document.getElementById('promoForm').action = /


$('#attach').click(function() {
tb_show(, #TB_inline?
height=300width=336inlineId=uploadblock, null);



[jQuery] input validation

2009-07-02 Thread jonathan

is there a way to prevent user from adding more characters into a text
input based on a validation rule(eg. you entered more than n words,
you can't enter more, but you can delete or edit)?
I think I'll have to programmatically delete the extra letter(s) that
user just input somehow if the addition causes a violation of the
rule, is this the best way?

[jQuery] class inheritance

2009-07-02 Thread jonathan

var A=function(){

$.extend(A.prototype, {
alert('A init');
var B=function(){


alert('B init');
var p=new A();
var x=new B();

is the above the best way to create class and inheritance in jQuery?
In B's init how do I invoke parent's init (similar to super.init() in
OO languages)?

[jQuery] copy and paste event

2009-07-01 Thread jonathan

I have a text input box, is there  a way to detect a copy and paste
event into the box?  keyup, focus doesn't really do it.

[jQuery] Re: Weird jumping happening with hover-over

2009-06-29 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

osu wrote:


Could someone take a look at this website I developed and let me know
what's going on with the footer logos please? It seems to happen on
all browsers on my computer at work (Mac and PC) that the logos jump
about when you hover over them:

It's not happening on my system at home, but can someone confirm
whether it's happening on their as well? Anyone know how I can stop it
if so?



Seems fine in all browsers I tried (Firefox 3, 3.5, Opera 10, Chromium 
daily, IE7 and IE8 on Linux and Windows) with the exception of IE6, 
where (part of?) the custom title seems to be positioned under the body, 
causing the scrollbar to move a bit, but that's hardly noticeable.

It would be nice if you told us which versions of which browsers you're 
using on what platforms if the issue is something other than what I'm 
seeing in IE6.


[jQuery] Re: Protect images

2009-06-26 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

I guess you could just put an absolutely positioned div with a 100%x100% 
transparent gif/png over your image, but it's my opinion that any kind 
of image protection is useless, and usually easily defeated by just 
dragging the image out of the cache folder.

I personally think it's a waste of time to try to 'protect' media on the 
internet, as there's always a way of getting it. It's better to just 
assume that everything you put online will be copied and either turned 
into a lolcat or a motivational poster.


Mario Soto wrote:

Actually, sorry for not putting a good descrpition. You're right. What
I want to do is to make harder for a visitor to get the immage,
putting a transparent gif or similar in front of the immage. So, the
immage is loaded by ajax, and never has the same address, and cannot
download the image by right clicking and select save image.

Of course, if can crack a password mostly with patiente, it would not
be hard to keep the immage, but, for the average user (mostly my
users) want to make as imposible as I can.

The immage type I'm dealing with are documents, so it should not be
give full access to anyone cappable of right clicking.


On 25 jun, 11:52, Lee R Lemon III wrote:

If by protecting you mean keeping from being downloaded NO...

If you want some watermarking, you could use something like php's gd
function that could aloow for a watermark...

You could also use javascript canvas but that does not work in IE
without a plugin

On Jun 24, 1:49 pm, Mario Soto wrote:

Hi. I want to know if there is a way to protect images that are styled
with an overflow auto. I found a lot of tutorials, scripts and plugins
for that with static images. The big issue here is that the image
can (and is usual) to be resized (two buttons are added for that + and
Any ideas? Will be vary good recieved. Thanks.
Mario Soto

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: how to ask questions

2009-06-26 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

shaded wrote:

its not always practical to post a link. The stuff im working on is
offline for now. including database and php files. but thanks for all
the tips.

You don't always have to post your whole site, you could reduce it to a 
testcase. Just show the minimal amount of html and javascript that 
exhibits the problem you have. Chances are you'll find the root of your 
problem while you're working on the testcase.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: how to ask questions

2009-06-25 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

James wrote: a link to your code, or
better yet, a demo page demonstrating the issue. Code does not show up
formatted very well on Google groups and the emails it send, so keep
it short if you post code here.

I totally agree with this. Link to your code, don't leave us guessing. 
If you just post code, we'd have to paste it into a document ourselves, 
reformat it because it got garbled, and the figure out what might be the 
problem. It's understandable that most of us don't bother with that, 
unless your problem looks really interesting.

If you post a link, we can load the page, take a quick look in Firebug, 
and tell you what the problem was.

This list is also pretty high-traffic, which means that nobody  will 
read all messages. Make sure your subject line is a proper summary of 
your problem.


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Protect images

2009-06-25 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Mario Soto wrote:

Hi. I want to know if there is a way to protect images that are styled
with an overflow auto. I found a lot of tutorials, scripts and plugins
for that with static images. The big issue here is that the image
can (and is usual) to be resized (two buttons are added for that + and

Any ideas? Will be vary good recieved. Thanks.

What exactly do you mean by 'protecting'?

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

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