Re: Apache::Session

2002-02-24 Thread Milo Hyson

On Sunday 24 February 2002 02:43 am, Christoph Lange wrote:
  The session hash is serialized/deserialized in its entirety using the
  Storable module.

 Does this mean, that - after tying the session hash - it is of no
 importance (concerning the amount of time needed) whether I do
 %everything_from_session_hash  =  %session_hash;  # or
 $everything_from_session_hash{element1} = $session_hash{element1};
 I actually thought that the second way saves time since only one value of
 the hash (however big this may be) is extracted from the database.

There is no difference. Behind the scenes, the entire hash is serialized into 
a single scalar and stored in a single database field. In order to retrieve 
any part of the session, the scalar must be read from the database and 
de-serialized. The serialize/de-serialize steps are performed when you 
tie/un-tie the hash.

I found it helpful to take apart the various Apache::Session modules and see 
what makes them tick.

Milo Hyson
CyberLife Labs, LLC


2002-02-23 Thread Christoph Lange


I guess that thisis going to be another 
but I hope somebody will be in a good mood and help 
me out.

I am using Apache::Session with Postgresql. 
Unfortunately I had never worked with a huge 
amount of data 
before I started to program something like 
a(little) webapplication. I happily 
packed everything in the"session"(s-table)
that might be of any use. It hit me hard that it takes a veeey long time to get all the stuff 
out of the
"session"(s-table) each time the client sends 
another request. So I became a little more 
particular about what to store.
My question referrs to how the extraction 
ofdata from the "session"(s-table)works. Ok, I have tied a %session 
and now need
to get 
$session{this}-{is}-{an}-{example}. Will the session module always 
fetch the entire $session{this} or is there a way to get
exactly the reference I want?

Thanks in advance, Chris

Re: Apache::Session

2002-02-23 Thread Milo Hyson

On Saturday 23 February 2002 03:03 pm, Christoph Lange wrote:

 I guess that this is going to be another what-a-bloody-beginner-question
 but I hope somebody will be in a good mood and help me out.

 I am using Apache::Session with Postgresql. Unfortunately I had never
 worked with a huge amount of data before I started to program something
 like a (little) web application. I happily packed everything in the
 session(s-table) that might be of any use. It hit me hard that it takes a
 veeey long time to get all the stuff out of the session(s-table) each
 time the client sends another request. So I became a little more particular
 about what to store. My question referrs to how the extraction of data from
 the session(s-table) works. Ok, I have tied a %session and now need to
 get $session{this}-{is}-{an}-{example}. Will the session module always
 fetch the entire $session{this} or is there a way to get exactly the
 reference I want?

The session hash is serialized/deserialized in its entirety using the 
Storable module. If you have a large structure it's going to get the whole 
thing each time. Personally, I try to never store anything other than object 
IDs in the session. Not only does this reduce the session size but it helps 
to prevent synchronization problems.

Milo Hyson
CyberLife Labs, LLC

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-21 Thread dom

 You've addressed the issue of someone submitting a form with altered fields
 to attack the server, and pointed out some more advantages, but I don't
 think you've addressed the issue of protecting the hidden cleartext data
 from others on the client side.

True. But to tackle these concerns, SSL looks like a better approach
to me. If the client doesn't do any math/crypto/secret stuff at all,
an attacker that is on the same subnet can both spy on secrets (egress
passwords or private data, ingress session IDs or cookies) and take
over sessions (just by changing IPs - no need to even hijack TCP
connections since they are short-lived in HTTP) - and then there is
nothing that the victim could do that the attacker cannot. The point
is, secrets pass over the wire in the clear at a moment or another, so
encrypting them for all transfers but the first one only earns a
marginal amount of security.

This is not to say I don't enjoy using the various state storage
mechanisms described in the thread. They are highly useful but I think
that the encryption part of them only addresses problems on the server
side and are useless under certain forms of site design.

Dominique QUATRAVAUX   Ingénieur développeur sénior
01 44 42 00 35 IDEALX

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

David Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Feb 19, 2002:

 The encoded information is [...] split into reasonable length hidden

Why not put everything in one field? Are there restrictions? Does it
make a difference when using POST?


RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread David Harris

Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  I built and use a module that encodes a session hash into a
  number of hidden fields with a security MD5 sum.

 Sounds a lot like CGI::SecureState.  Have you ever looked at it?

I just installed and played with CGI::SecureState (using the example in the
POD) and it is totally different than my module.

When I used CGI::SecureState it gave the client a non-versioning (more on
that later) key and stored the state information in the filesystem.

My module doesn't need to store any information in a database or in the
filesystem. The entire state is given to the client in hidden form fields,
and is passed back to the server on the next request.

In addition, CGI::SecureState does not tie the state information to the
*page*. With my module (or any method that stores the *data* in a hidden
form field, not just a non-versioning key), state information is tied to the
page. Let me explain:

Imagine a multi-step order process where the user works through pages A, B,
C, and D, (which contain forms) then uses the back button to go back to page
B, changes the form values, and submits the form. With CGI::SecureState,
page C will receive the state information stored by page D (that was
intended for use by page E, we presume), instead of the state originally
stored by page B (that was intended for page C). This is because all the
pages share the same key, and old versions of the state are overwritten by
the new versions and no longer available. When the back button is hit, a
newer version of state may be used where an older version was intended.

With my module, page C always gets the state information stored for it by
page B, since the state is stored in hidden form fields in page B. The
browser is actually storing the state and will always submit that same state
to page C.

(I have mentioned that CGI::SecureState uses a non-versioning key a few
times. A way to make CGI::SecureState tie the state information to the
actual page would be to change the key whenever the state changed, thus
creating a versioning key. The key could be a hash of the state itself. This
potentially means that a huge number of versions of the state would have to
be stored on disk. I think this method would only be helpful if the state is
large and it's not acceptable to pass it back and forth between the client.)

In addition, CGI::SecureState gets fuddled if the user opens a new window
(something I do often) and then starts performing different operations in
each window using the same state key! It has no way of knowing a new windows
exists and generating a new key.

If you just store a customer id, customer name, and other rarely changing
information in the state, these concerns may not matter to you. If you break
a long form or order process into multiple pages, gathering new information
on each page and storing it in the state so that you can process the order
at the end, then this is a likely problem.


Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread Rob Nagler

Hans Juergen von Lengerke writes:
 Why not put everything in one field? Are there restrictions? Does it
 make a difference when using POST?

That's what we do.  There doesn't appear to be a restriction with

For while, we were encoding entire forms in URLs, but the limits got
to us for really large forms.


RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread David Harris

Hans Juergen von Lengerke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 David Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Feb 19, 2002:
  The encoded information is [...] split into reasonable length hidden

 Why not put everything in one field? Are there restrictions? Does it
 make a difference when using POST?

The POST encoding dose not have a limit on data length. Heck, people use
textarea tags with huge amounts of content all the time.

However, I didn't feel comfortable assuming that the HTML parser used by the
browser could easily parse a potentially 20kb attribute. Basically, I didn't
want to make my production application a stress-test for my user's browsers.

It was easy to break the data up into multiple hidden fields, because Base64
encoding breaks the data into multiple lines by default. I simply encoded
each line in one hidden field.

I would *NOT* use my module with a GET form if you expect any size of data.
I've seen the query string get truncated at some arbitrary size limit.


Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

 When I used CGI::SecureState it gave the client a non-versioning (more on
 that later) key and stored the state information in the filesystem.

Okay, I only looked at it briefly and thought it stored the data on the
client.  Your module is actually more like CGI::EncryptForm I think, but
yours may make things a bit more transparent.  Maybe you should polish it up
for CPAN.

I'm well aware of the page-state vs. browser-state problem.  I was recently
bitten by it again when some consultants built a web app for my company that
puts the search results in a session keyed on a cookie.  As soon as the user
opens two windows, it's absolute mayhem.

- Perrin

RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread wsheldah

I can see how your approach adds functionality by performing as expected if
the user uses the Back button or opens the app. in more than one browser
window. The usual objection I've heard to using form fields is the security
risk of people changing hidden fields in ways unforseen before submitting
the form back, or of other people finding confidential data hidden in form
fields if the user walks away and leaves their browser open, or the web
page info gets hijacked somehow. Does your module address this, or is this
yet another tradeoff between security and functionality/convenience?

Wes Sheldahl

David Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/20/2002 09:50:11 AM

To:   Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED], Drew Taylor
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], mod_perl Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  I built and use a module that encodes a session hash into a
  number of hidden fields with a security MD5 sum.

 Sounds a lot like CGI::SecureState.  Have you ever looked at it?

My module doesn't need to store any information in a database or in the
filesystem. The entire state is given to the client in hidden form fields,
and is passed back to the server on the next request.

In addition, CGI::SecureState does not tie the state information to the
*page*. With my module (or any method that stores the *data* in a hidden
form field, not just a non-versioning key), state information is tied to
page. Let me explain:

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread dom

 The usual objection I've heard to using form fields is the security
 risk of people changing hidden fields in ways unforseen before submitting
 the form back, or of other people finding confidential data hidden in form
 fields if the user walks away and leaves their browser open, or the web
 page info gets hijacked somehow. Does your module address this, or is this
 yet another tradeoff between security and functionality/convenience?

No, this just means that input must be validated once again when the
last «really, really sure ?» button is depressed. Conceptually, this
divides the pages of your site into two categories (not unlike the
view vs. controller distinction in Model-View-Controller paradigm for
GUIs): those that just interact with the user and do the navigation,
and those that actually have side effects such as writing data into your
database, sending e-mails, placing orders etc.

Both page types may have form input validation code on the server
side, but in the first case this is just convenience for the user
(warn early and don't say woops after 9 pages and 10 minutes of
typing). The latter MUST have validation for security to hold (even if
this means validating twice). This way, changing hidden fields gains
an attacker nothing, since he will be blocked at the final submit
anyway. Doing things this way also has other advantages
e.g. interfacing: one can write automatisms with wget or
LWP::UserAgent to trigger actions in the database without any further
programming needed on the server side.

Dominique QUATRAVAUX   Ingénieur développeur sénior
01 44 42 00 35 IDEALX

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread wsheldah

You've addressed the issue of someone submitting a form with altered fields
to attack the server, and pointed out some more advantages, but I don't
think you've addressed the issue of protecting the hidden cleartext data
from others on the client side. I guess that's a matter of how paranoid you
think you need to be, and how confidential is the data you're storing.
Looking at CGI::EncryptForm that Perrin mentioned, it appears that that
module would address this concern by storing client-side in a single
encrypted string that gets put in one hidden form variable. That also
avoids having to verify more than once.

Looks like it might worth be taking another look at this approach next time
I start a new project.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/20/2002 11:48:28 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   mod_perl Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

 The usual objection I've heard to using form fields is the security
 risk of people changing hidden fields in ways unforseen before submitting
 the form back, or of other people finding confidential data hidden in
 fields if the user walks away and leaves their browser open, or the web
 page info gets hijacked somehow. Does your module address this, or is
 yet another tradeoff between security and functionality/convenience?

No, this just means that input must be validated once again when the
last «really, really sure ?» button is depressed. Conceptually, this
divides the pages of your site into two categories (not unlike the
view vs. controller distinction in Model-View-Controller paradigm for
GUIs): those that just interact with the user and do the navigation,
and those that actually have side effects such as writing data into your
database, sending e-mails, placing orders etc.

Both page types may have form input validation code on the server
side, but in the first case this is just convenience for the user
(warn early and don't say woops after 9 pages and 10 minutes of
typing). The latter MUST have validation for security to hold (even if
this means validating twice). This way, changing hidden fields gains
an attacker nothing, since he will be blocked at the final submit
anyway. Doing things this way also has other advantages
e.g. interfacing: one can write automatisms with wget or
LWP::UserAgent to trigger actions in the database without any further
programming needed on the server side.

Dominique QUATRAVAUX   Ingénieur développeur sénior
01 44 42 00 35 IDEALX

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread Drew Taylor

I just looked at CGI::EncryptForm and David's module. The thing I like 
right off the bat about C:EF is that you pass a href to encrypt() and get 
back a href from decypt(). Perhaps I missed something, but FormContainer 
takes a string, not a data structure. I prefer the simplicity of just 
worrying about a structure, and not having to worry about converting it to 
a string.

That said, I like the approach that the two modules use. One just goes an 
extra step to guarantee data security. While looking for full-time 
employment, I've been doing some freelance work, which basically is small 
CGI apps. C:EF looks like it would make my life much easier by ensuring 
consistent state w/ small effort on my part, and take care of any security 
precautions as well. Combine that w/ CGI::Application (after I add TT2 
support :-) ), and my life as a freelance CGI guy just got a whole lot easier.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread. I've gotten all kinds 
of neat ideas I'll use in future projects!


At 10:19 AM 2/20/2002 -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  When I used CGI::SecureState it gave the client a non-versioning (more on
  that later) key and stored the state information in the filesystem.

Okay, I only looked at it briefly and thought it stored the data on the
client.  Your module is actually more like CGI::EncryptForm I think, but
yours may make things a bit more transparent.  Maybe you should polish it up
for CPAN.

I'm well aware of the page-state vs. browser-state problem.  I was recently
bitten by it again when some consultants built a web app for my company that
puts the search results in a session keyed on a cookie.  As soon as the user
opens two windows, it's absolute mayhem.

- Perrin

Drew Taylor JA[P|m_p|SQL]H  Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *** God bless America! ***

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread Rob Nagler

 Looking at CGI::EncryptForm that Perrin mentioned, it appears that that
 module would address this concern by storing client-side in a single
 encrypted string that gets put in one hidden form variable. That also
 avoids having to verify more than once.

It is always good to validate the data even if it was encrypted.  It
is also generally a good idea not to give the user any secrets, even
if they are encrypted.  In other words, avoid trusting the user.

 No, this just means that input must be validated once again when the
 last «really, really sure ?» button is depressed. Conceptually, this
 divides the pages of your site into two categories (not unlike the
 view vs. controller distinction in Model-View-Controller paradigm for
 GUIs): those that just interact with the user and do the navigation,
 and those that actually have side effects such as writing data into your
 database, sending e-mails, placing orders etc.

It is MVC.  However, instead of thinking of pages, I like to think in
terms of tasks.  The same task that renders the form also validates
and executes it. In the case of execution, the result is a redirect
described by the site's state machine.  A form in our world has four
states: execute_empty (fill in defaults), execute_ok, execute_other
(e.g., cancel or sub form), and execute_unwind (coming back from a sub
form).  All of these paths go through the same task.


Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Rob Nagler wrote:

  Looking at CGI::EncryptForm that Perrin mentioned, it appears that that
  module would address this concern by storing client-side in a single
  encrypted string that gets put in one hidden form variable. That also
  avoids having to verify more than once.

 It is always good to validate the data even if it was encrypted.  It
 is also generally a good idea not to give the user any secrets, even
 if they are encrypted.  In other words, avoid trusting the user.

  No, this just means that input must be validated once again when the
  last «really, really sure ?» button is depressed. Conceptually, this
  divides the pages of your site into two categories (not unlike the
  view vs. controller distinction in Model-View-Controller paradigm for
  GUIs): those that just interact with the user and do the navigation,
  and those that actually have side effects such as writing data into your
  database, sending e-mails, placing orders etc.

 It is MVC.  However, instead of thinking of pages, I like to think in
 terms of tasks.  The same task that renders the form also validates
 and executes it. In the case of execution, the result is a redirect
 described by the site's state machine.  A form in our world has four
 states: execute_empty (fill in defaults), execute_ok, execute_other
 (e.g., cancel or sub form), and execute_unwind (coming back from a sub
 form).  All of these paths go through the same task.

please take this as interested and not critical.  i was viewing the source:

and i noticed these lines:

- snip 
cellpadding = 2,
cellspacing = 2,
- snip -

this looks like the presentation layer peeking through.

the petshop site is obviously a demo, and therefore does not have the polished look of
a professional site, which is very understandable.  what i wonder is, could a 
web design team make a polished website without involving the programmers?  what
happens when a cell padding of 3 is more desirable for the design?  it seems to me,
that in all of the technologies i have looked at thus far, that attempt to separate the
layer from the model/view, the precision and flexibility needed to graphically 
to the user is more difficult that the standard pagedesign approaches (dreamweaver and 
a little
embperl or other embedded language thrown into the mix) .  phrased another way,
how does bivio or other mvc technology, let web artists design sites as beautiful as or the even more beautiful (cheap 


RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread David Harris

Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 Okay, I only looked at it briefly and thought it stored the data on the
 client.  Your module is actually more like CGI::EncryptForm I think, but
 yours may make things a bit more transparent.  Maybe you should polish it
 for CPAN.

I looked at CGI::EncryptForm. It is used to store data on the client. The
main difference between it and my module is that: (a) it encrypts the data,
while I only prevent users from modifying the data, and (b) it stores the
data in one field, while I store in multiple fields to make double sure that
I don't hit any length restrictions.

 I'm well aware of the page-state vs. browser-state problem.  I was
 bitten by it again when some consultants built a web app for my company
 puts the search results in a session keyed on a cookie.  As soon as the
 opens two windows, it's absolute mayhem.

I wasn't exactly what to call it and if people would recognize it by name,
so I started writing a short description which just grew. :-)


RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread David Harris

 I can see how your approach adds functionality by performing as expected
 the user uses the Back button or opens the app. in more than one browser
 window. The usual objection I've heard to using form fields is the
 risk of people changing hidden fields in ways unforseen before submitting
 the form back, or of other people finding confidential data hidden in form
 fields if the user walks away and leaves their browser open, or the web
 page info gets hijacked somehow. Does your module address this, or is this
 yet another tradeoff between security and functionality/convenience?

My module addresses the first concern of an attacker changing the data in
the hidden fields. On encoding, I hash together the encoded data and a
secret to get a security hash. On decoding, I perform the same hashing and
make sure it matches. Without the secret data no one can generate a security
hash for modified data.

My module does not address encryption. It would be trivial to add. It wasn't
a concern with my application.

By note of comparison, it looks like CGI::EncryptForm addresses both the
encryption and non-user-modifiable concerns for the hidden data.


RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread David Harris

Drew Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 I just looked at CGI::EncryptForm and David's module. The thing I like
 right off the bat about C:EF is that you pass a href to encrypt() and get
 back a href from decypt(). Perhaps I missed something, but FormContainer
 takes a string, not a data structure. I prefer the simplicity of just
 worrying about a structure, and not having to worry about converting it to
 a string.

My module, FormContainer, takes arbitrary data structures like hash
references too. You probably didn't see this because I used my own
serializer module called FreezeThawLite instead of Storable. The lack of
documentation of my module may have also been a problem. :-)

I mentioned that a trivial rewrite to use Storable would be required when I
attached the code. Simply replace FreezeThawLight::freeze with
Storable::freeze and FreezeThawLight::thaw with Storable::thaw. :-)

I agree with you that having to manually serialize session data to a string
would be a real pain!

 That said, I like the approach that the two modules use. One just goes an
 extra step to guarantee data security. While looking for full-time
 employment, I've been doing some freelance work, which basically is small
 CGI apps. C:EF looks like it would make my life much easier by ensuring
 consistent state w/ small effort on my part, and take care of any security
 precautions as well. Combine that w/ CGI::Application (after I add TT2
 support :-) ), and my life as a freelance CGI guy just got a whole lot

See my last message about the security comparisons.

 Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread. I've gotten all
 of neat ideas I'll use in future projects!

Good stuff.


Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Milo Hyson wrote:

 maybe I'm just approaching the problem incorrectly. If one is doing a 
 shopping-cart-style application (whereby someone selects/configures multiple 
 items before they're ultimately committed to a database) how else would you 
 do it? There has to be some semi-persistent (i.e. inter-request) data where 
 selections are stored before they're confirmed.

You can for example send a hidden form object back and forth between
your Client and the app.


Re: Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Rob Nagler

Milo Hyson writes:
 shopping-cart-style application (whereby someone selects/configures multiple 
 items before they're ultimately committed to a database) how else would you 
 do it? There has to be some semi-persistent (i.e. inter-request) data where 
 selections are stored before they're confirmed.

As I understand it, the session data is state which is committed to
the database on each request (possibly).  It would seem to me that
instead of denomalizing the state into a separate session table, you
should just store it in a normal table.  If the data needs to be
expired, then it can be time stamped when it is written.

The point is that it's always simpler to use the existing tables
directly rather than making a copy and storing it in the database
somewhere else.  This usually reduces the code by half or more,
because you don't have to worry about making the copy in the first
place.  Simpler code is more reliable and usually runs faster.

To me, sessions are negativist.  My expectation is that users will end
up clicking OK (making the purchase).  If that is the case, you are
much better off putting the data were belongs right from start.  You
may bind it to an ephemeral entity, such as a shopping cart, but when
the order is complete the only thing you have to do is free the cart
and replace it with an order.  The items, amounts, and special
considerations have already been stored.

If most of your users are filling shopping baskets and walking away
from them, it may be a problem with the software.  Checkout for some ideas on how to improve the ratio.

Often you can avoid any server side persistence by using hidden fields
in the forms.  We use this technique extensively, and we have
encapsulated it so that it is easy to use.  For example, you might
have a sub form which asks the user to fill in an address.  When the
user clicks on the fill in address button, the server squirrels away
the context of the current form in the hidden fields of the address
form.  When the user clicks OK on the address form, the fields are
stuffed back into the original form including the new address.

If you have a performance problem, solve it when you can measure it.
Sessions can mitigate performance problems, but so can intelligent
caching, which avoids statefulness in the client-server protocol.


P.S. For sample sessionless sites, visit and (which runs on a 3 year old 300mhz box
 running Apache and Postgres).

Re: Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

 As I understand it, the session data is state which is committed to
 the database on each request (possibly).  It would seem to me that
 instead of denormalizing the state into a separate session table, you
 should just store it in a normal table.

The typical breakdown I use for this is to put simple state information that
connects this browser to long-term data in the session, and everything else
in normal database tables.  So, I put the user's ID (if this session belongs
to an identified user), a flag telling whether or not this user has given a
secure login so far in this session, and not much else in the session.

Actually, even this stuff could be put into a normalized sessions table
rather than serialized to a blob with Storable.  It just means more work if
you ever change what's stored in the session.

- Perrin

Re: Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Rob Nagler

Perrin Harkins writes:
 Actually, even this stuff could be put into a normalized sessions table
 rather than serialized to a blob with Storable.  It just means more work if
 you ever change what's stored in the session.

This is a tough question.  If you store it in a blob, you can't query
it with an ad hoc SQL query.  If you store it in a table, you have to
deal with data evolution.  On the whole, I vote for tables over blobs.
My reasoning is that you have to deal with data evolution anyway.  We
have had about 200 schema changes in the last two years, and very few
of them have had anything to do with user/visitor state.


Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Drew Taylor

And that is what I am doing for a small project I'm working on now. In my 
case, I'm not sure about the capabilities of the remote server, and I know 
for sure that I don't have a database available, so session information is 
saved via hidden form fields. It's primitive, but was actually a bit of a 
challenge to make sure a (unused) hidden field and a visible form element 
don't appear in the same form. Not my first choice, but it definitely works.


At 11:42 AM 2/19/2002 +, Ged Haywood wrote:
Hi there,

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Milo Hyson wrote:

  maybe I'm just approaching the problem incorrectly. If one is doing a
  shopping-cart-style application (whereby someone selects/configures 
  items before they're ultimately committed to a database) how else would 
  do it? There has to be some semi-persistent (i.e. inter-request) data 
  selections are stored before they're confirmed.

You can for example send a hidden form object back and forth between
your Client and the app.

Drew Taylor JA[P|m_p|SQL]H  Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *** God bless America! ***

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

 And that is what I am doing for a small project I'm working on now. In my
 case, I'm not sure about the capabilities of the remote server, and I know
 for sure that I don't have a database available, so session information is
 saved via hidden form fields. It's primitive, but was actually a bit of a
 challenge to make sure a (unused) hidden field and a visible form element
 don't appear in the same form. Not my first choice, but it definitely

Incidentally, this is mostly the same thing as what Jeffrey Baker mentioned
a few days ago about storing state entirely inside a cookie with a message
digest.  The only difference is that by sticking it in a form element you're
attaching it to a specific page.

- Perrin

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Drew Taylor

At 05:55 PM 2/19/2002 -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
Incidentally, this is mostly the same thing as what Jeffrey Baker mentioned
a few days ago about storing state entirely inside a cookie with a message
digest.  The only difference is that by sticking it in a form element you're
attaching it to a specific page.

True. I was very intrigued by his approach, and might use something like 
that to increase the security of my app by verifying the hidden form field 
contents. I suppose I could follow his approach, but the amount of data I 
need to store could possibly overwhelm the 4KB cookie limit. In this case, 
simple was better - simple application, simple session. And I know I can 
count on every browser implementing forms. :-)


Drew Taylor JA[P|m_p|SQL]H  Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *** God bless America! ***

Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Milo Hyson

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 02:55 pm, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Incidentally, this is mostly the same thing as what Jeffrey Baker mentioned
 a few days ago about storing state entirely inside a cookie with a message
 digest.  The only difference is that by sticking it in a form element
 you're attaching it to a specific page.

That's not a bad idea. I guess if you're paranoid about snooping you could 
always encrypt the cookie.

Milo Hyson
CyberLife Labs, LLC

RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread David Harris

Drew Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]:
 And that is what I am doing for a small project I'm working on now. In my
 case, I'm not sure about the capabilities of the remote server, and I know
 for sure that I don't have a database available, so session information is
 saved via hidden form fields. It's primitive, but was actually a bit of a
 challenge to make sure a (unused) hidden field and a visible form element
 don't appear in the same form. Not my first choice, but it definitely

I built and use a module that encodes a session hash into a number of hidden
fields with a security MD5 sum. The encoded information is serialized,
gzipped, Base64 encoded, and then split into reasonable length hidden
fields. It looks like this:

input type=hidden name=_fc_part000
input type=hidden name=_fc_part001
input type=hidden name=_fc_security

This way, you don't have to worry about creating hidden form fields in your
templates for every variable you need to encode. In your perl, simply call
the session encode and decode methods. You are also assured that nobody
messed with the data.

You can easily pass arbitrarily complex session information from one page
to another without using a database, and the session info is truly tied to
the *page*. Use of the back button, therefore, doesn't break anything.

I've attached some code. To use the code, you'll have to replace the module
FreezeThawLite with Storable. Also, beware the \r\n newlines. (I pulled this
out of CVS on my windows desktop.)



RE: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread David Harris

David Harris [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 I've attached some code. To use the code, you'll have to replace the
 module FreezeThawLite with Storable. Also, beware the \r\n newlines.
 (I pulled this out of CVS on my windows desktop.)

I forgot to actually attach the code


package Fusion::FormContainer;
use strict;

use Digest::MD5 ();
use MIME::Base64 ();
use FreezeThawLight ();
use Compress::Zlib ();

use Carp;

# this respresents a securty hole if we open-source this module.. the securtiy string
# needs to be passed as confguration at that point somehow.

sub _create_security_string
my $string = shift;

my $secret = EOT;
enter your own secret binary of base64 encoded data here
enter your own secret binary of base64 encoded data here
enter your own secret binary of base64 encoded data here
enter your own secret binary of base64 encoded data here

my $ctx = Digest::MD5-new;
return $ctx-hexdigest;

sub encode
my $info = shift;
my $prefix = shift;

my $string = 
$string =~ s/\n$//;

my @array;

push @array, (${prefix}_fc_security, _create_security_string($string));

my $part_number = 0;
foreach my $part ( split \n, $string ) {
my $part_number_string = sprintf(%.3d, $part_number);
push @array, (${prefix}_fc_part$part_number_string, $part);

if ( wantarray ) {
return @array;
} else {
my $html;
while ( @array ) {
my $name = shift(@array);
my $value = shift(@array);
$html .= EOT;
input type=hidden name=$name value=$value
return $html;

sub decode
my $apr = shift;
my $prefix = shift;

my $security = $apr-param(${prefix}_fc_security);

my @string_parts;
my $part_number = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
my $part_number_string = sprintf(%.3d, $part_number);
my $part = $apr-param(${prefix}_fc_part$part_number_string);
last if ( $part eq  );
push @string_parts, $part;
my $string = join \n, @string_parts;

croak tampered or malformed FormContainer: securty string and string don't 
if ( _create_security_string($string) ne $security );



Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

 I built and use a module that encodes a session hash into a number of
 fields with a security MD5 sum.

Sounds a lot like CGI::SecureState.  Have you ever looked at it?

- Perrin

Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-18 Thread Milo Hyson

Like my previous question on object caching, this one is potentially a matter 
of style as well. When it comes to implementing expirations on session data, 
I've encountered two schools of thought on when is best to refresh the 
timestamp/expiration. In that the general idea of expiration is to discard 
information that hasn't been accessed in a while, some feel that updating the 
timestamp is best done during both loading and storing. After all, both are 
considered accessing the data. However, taking into account the general 
pattern of HTTP request processing, I feel that updating only during storage 
is best, especially when using a database for persistence.

Suppose one has a SQL table for saving session data. When a request comes in, 
the session is loaded and its expiration is examined. Assuming the session is 
still valid, one could issue another statement to the database to refresh the 
session's expiration time. That's two database ops before the session is even 
used. If you count the one at the end for storing the session back in the 
database it's a total of three per request. My feeling is that if you're 
going to be writing the session back within (hopefully) a fraction of a 
second anyway, you might as well wait until then to refresh the time-out.

The project I'm working on requires that I design a custom application 
platform for current and future projects. My proposed solution to the session 
management problem is as follows:

1) A fix-up handler is called to extract the session ID from a cookie. 
Assuming a valid ID was found, the session is loaded, de-serialized and 
checked for expiration. If all is well, the a reference to the session is 
stored in pnotes for use by the application.

1a) If for some reason no session was found (e.g. no cookie) a new one is 
created and a new cookie is stuffed in the outgoing headers.

2) During content-generation, the application obtains the session reference 
from pnotes and uses it as necessary.

3) A clean-up handler is called to re-serialize the session and stick it back 
in persistent storage (updating the expiration in the process). The handler 
of course does nothing if the application destroyed the session in step 2.

I'm still fairly new to mod_perl and haven't fully taken apart all of the 
various application servers out there to see how they do it. I would still 
appreciate any feedback anyone may have on the above.

Thanks in advance.

Milo Hyson
CyberLife Labs, LLC

Re: Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-18 Thread Rob Nagler

Milo Hyson writes:
 1) A fix-up handler is called to extract the session ID from a cookie. 
 1a) If for some reason no session was found (e.g. no cookie) a new one is 
 2) During content-generation, the application obtains the session reference 
 3) A clean-up handler is called to re-serialize the session and stick it back

I may be asking the wrong question: is there a need for sessions?
This seems like a lot of work when, for most applications, sessions
are unnecessary.


Re: Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-18 Thread Milo Hyson

On Monday 18 February 2002 07:29 pm, Rob Nagler wrote:
 I may be asking the wrong question: is there a need for sessions?
 This seems like a lot of work when, for most applications, sessions
 are unnecessary.

I don't see how they could be unnecessary for what we're doing. Then again, 
maybe I'm just approaching the problem incorrectly. If one is doing a 
shopping-cart-style application (whereby someone selects/configures multiple 
items before they're ultimately committed to a database) how else would you 
do it? There has to be some semi-persistent (i.e. inter-request) data where 
selections are stored before they're confirmed.

Milo Hyson
CyberLife Labs, LLC

Re: Cookie as session store

2002-02-15 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:35:14 -0500
Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's really a good idea to do this even when the cookie is nothing but a
 session ID.  A standard module for this like the one Jay mentioned would
 definitely be nice.

Apache::Cookie::Encrypted seems to be the one.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cookie as session store

2002-02-14 Thread Jay Lawrence

Jeffrey - interesting point!

What did you have in mind to encrypt the cookie data? Perhaps you could use
Storable to serialize data structure then convert, crypt to scramble and
then MIME64 to text encode?

I agree with you on processing delays - that is probably the biggest
drawback to needing to send cookies as part
of response header. Using Template Toolkit a lot myself, I have to make a
workaround to handle the cookie situation
as well.

I've got a tied interface to Apache::Cookie's mostly completed - it would be
easy to add the encryption that you describe above to
them. See:  for a link to Apache::Tie::Cookie.
Featuring tied interface and lazy (demand) loading of cookie data.


- Original Message -
From: Jeffrey W. Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 3:00 PM
Subject: Cookie as session store

 I have sometimes proposed or recommended schemes of storing session
 information in an HTTP cookie, encoded and protected by cryptographic
 digest.  I know some people on this list have implemented similar
 schemes, but I have never actually had occasion to do so.  Now I am
 doing that, and I realize the chief drawback to this scheme: all session
 information has to be set before generating any HTML output.  The chief
 advantage is no requirement for server-side storage of session.

 For certain applications, saving all output until the session is
 serialized may significantly increase the latency of the first data
 packet in the HTTP response.


Re: Cookie as session store

2002-02-14 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 06:17, Jay Lawrence wrote:
 Jeffrey - interesting point!
 What did you have in mind to encrypt the cookie data? Perhaps you could use
 Storable to serialize data structure then convert, crypt to scramble and
 then MIME64 to text encode?

I am not encrypting the session data in this system, because the
contents are not sensitive.  I base64 encode a gzipped Storable-frozen
object, which contains another Storable-frozen object and the SHA1
digest of itself.

When the cookie is recovered, I simply decode, uncompress, thaw, check
the digest, and thaw the inner object.  The code is simple:

sub realize_session {
my ($foo) = @_;
my ($i, $s);

$i = thaw(uncompress(decode_base64($foo)));

if (sha1_hex($i-{content} . BIG_SECRET) eq $i-{hash}) {
$s = thaw($i-{content});
return $s;

return undef;

sub serialize_session {
my ($s) = @_;
my ($i, $frz, $foo);

$frz = nfreeze($s);

$i = {
content = $frz
  , hash= sha1_hex($frz . BIG_SECRET)

$foo = encode_base64(compress(nfreeze($i)));

return $foo;

It's fortunate that all of these functions are fast.  Base64, Zlib,
Storable, and SHA1 are all implemented in C.

 I agree with you on processing delays - that is probably the biggest
 drawback to needing to send cookies as part
 of response header. Using Template Toolkit a lot myself, I have to make a
 workaround to handle the cookie situation
 as well.

My strategy for document generation is to build a DOM tree and then
create the output by serializing the DOM to XML or HTML.  So, it is
natural in this application to just set everything up before sending the
response.  But I can imagine that if you wanted an intermediate page,
progress indications, and so forth you might have to jump through hoops.

 I've got a tied interface to Apache::Cookie's mostly completed - it would be
 easy to add the encryption that you describe above to
 them. See:  for a link to Apache::Tie::Cookie.
 Featuring tied interface and lazy (demand) loading of cookie data.



Re: Cookie as session store

2002-02-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

 When the cookie is recovered, I simply decode, uncompress, thaw, check
 the digest, and thaw the inner object.

It's really a good idea to do this even when the cookie is nothing but a
session ID.  A standard module for this like the one Jay mentioned would
definitely be nice.

 My strategy for document generation is to build a DOM tree and then
 create the output by serializing the DOM to XML or HTML.  So, it is
 natural in this application to just set everything up before sending the

Since I usually structure my applications to do all the work and then pass
some data to a template, they also follow this order.  The main problem I
see with sending some HTML before the work is complete is that if something
goes wrong later on you have no way to send a nice error page out.  I
sometimes see people having this problem on sites I visit: I get an OK
response and some HTML and then a second set of headers with an error code
and it looks like garbage in a browser.

- Perrin

Re: Cookie as session store

2002-02-14 Thread Issac Goldstand

Perrin Harkins wrote:

When the cookie is recovered, I simply decode, uncompress, thaw, check
the digest, and thaw the inner object.

It's really a good idea to do this even when the cookie is nothing but a
session ID.  A standard module for this like the one Jay mentioned would
definitely be nice.

I dunno... That sounds lie a LOT of overhead for just a session ID 
that's gonna result in server lookups too...


Re: Cookie as session store

2002-02-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

 I dunno... That sounds lie a LOT of overhead for just a session ID
 that's gonna result in server lookups too...

It's really not.  It adds a negligeble amount of time to the request.  As
Jeffrey pointed out, the functions he's using are all in C and very fast.

Why verify session IDs?  To make it hard to hijack sessions.  This way it
isn't enough to just guess someone else's session ID: you also have to know
how to generate the proper digest for it.

This is also useful to prevent people from screwing up your stats with bogus
IDs.  Many people log the session ID for use in calculating people's path
through the site and similar things.  Often this is done for pages that
don't actually retrieve the session data from the backend store.  Being able
to verify that you have a valid session without hitting your data store can
be very useful.

- Perrin

Cookie as session store

2002-02-13 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

I have sometimes proposed or recommended schemes of storing session
information in an HTTP cookie, encoded and protected by cryptographic
digest.  I know some people on this list have implemented similar
schemes, but I have never actually had occasion to do so.  Now I am
doing that, and I realize the chief drawback to this scheme: all session
information has to be set before generating any HTML output.  The chief
advantage is no requirement for server-side storage of session.

For certain applications, saving all output until the session is
serialized may significantly increase the latency of the first data
packet in the HTTP response.


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-18 Thread Jay Lawrence

I register a clean up handler to explicitly untie the session variable. I am
sure how to do this in the setup you have I can't be of much
explicit help.


- Original Message - 
From: Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 1:53 AM
Subject: Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

 On Friday, January 18, 2002, at 12:44 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  In a Mason context, which is where I'm using it, I do this in my
  top-level autohandler (ignore the main:: subroutines, they're just for
# 'local' so it's available to lower-level components
local *session;
my $dbh = ::get_dbh;
my $session_id = ::get_cookie('_session_id');
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
 {Handle = $dbh, LockHandle = $dbh};
  Geez, that's awfully confusing to look at (local and typeglobs is not a
  newbie-friendly combo).  Isn't there a simpler way?  What about putting
  it in pnotes?
 I don't think there's a simpler way.  Putting it in pnotes means that 
 all other components will also have to use $r-pnotes('session'), rather 
 than just using %session.
 Perhaps local(*session) is better than local *session?  It at least 
 looks less like a pointer to local.  ;-)

Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-18 Thread Perrin Harkins

 I register a clean up handler to explicitly untie the session variable.

I have found that it's safer to put things in pnotes than to use globals and
cleanup handlers.  We used a lot of cleanup handlers at eToys to clear
globals holding various request-specific things, and we started getting
unpredictable segfaults.  When I moved them to pnotes instead the segfaults
went away.  I think it may have had something to do with cleanup handlers
running in an unpredictable order and some of them trying to use things that
were already cleaned up, so it was probably my fault, but pnotes just seems
a bit more foolproof.

- Perrin

locking bug in Apache::Session::File

2002-01-18 Thread William White

I've been told this is the place to send questions related to apache perl 

I believe I have discovered a locking bug in Apache::Session::File.

The following code should retrieve an existing session from the file system 
and place an exclusive lock on the session file:

my $locking_args = { 'Directory' = '/tmp/sessions_dir',
 'LockDirectory' = '/tmp/sessions_lock_dir',
 'Transaction' = '1' };

tie(%session, 'Apache::Session::File', $session_id, $locking_args);

The 'locking_args' hash is used to pass parameters to the locking object 
contained by the session object.  According to the Apache::Session 
documentation any true value of Transaction should force the object to 
exclusively lock the session file.  Unfortunately this does not appear to 
work (at least not all the time).

Looking in the TIEHASH I think I've discovered the reason.  The session 
uses a locking object.  In this case the locking object is 
Apache::Session::Lock::File.  This object has two methods which acquire 
locks, aptly named acquire_read_lock and acquire_write_lock.  The first 
method uses flock to acquire a non-exclusive lock.  The second method uses 
flock to acquire an exclusive lock.  TIEHASH checks the value of 
'Transaction' and calls acquire_write_lock if the value is true.  It then 
calls a method named restore.  It does this regardless of the value of 
'Transaction'.  The restore method calls acquire_read_lock.  Again it does 
this without examining the value of 'Transaction'.

Now according to the flock man page if a process requests a lock on a file 
it already has locked, then the new lock will replace the old one.  Thus 
requesting a non-exclusive lock on file which the process already has an 
exclusive lock for will cause the non-exclusive lock to replace the 
exclusive one.

The call to acquire_read_lock in the restore method wipes out the exclusive 
lock on the session file.  This makes it impossible to maintain 
transactional consistency with Apache::Session::File.

I was wondering if anyone else out there has run into this problem.  Is 
there a fix available?  My version of Apache::Session is 1.54 which is the 
newest version that I see on CPAN.  Is there another version out there that 
fixes this problem or should I bring this up with the author?

Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-17 Thread Ken Williams

On Friday, January 4, 2002, at 02:22 AM, Ken Williams wrote:
 For the sake of thread completion, here's a script which demonstrates 
 the bug.  It turns out to be a Perl bug (5.6.1, at least), not an 
 Apache::Session bug.  I'll post to p5p after I post here.

I was surprised to find the it's not a bug, it's a feature defense on 
p5p.  So here's an update.  The following is either a workaround, or the 
proper fix, depending on what you think Perl's proper behavior should 
be. ;-)

   local *session;
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', ...;

The local *session; is the important bit.  It doesn't work to do
local %session;, because %session will still be tied even after it 
goes out of scope, and thus the hash data will never get written to 

In a Mason context, which is where I'm using it, I do this in my 
top-level autohandler (ignore the main:: subroutines, they're just for 

  # 'local' so it's available to lower-level components
  local *session;

  my $dbh = ::get_dbh;
  my $session_id = ::get_cookie('_session_id');
  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
   {Handle = $dbh, LockHandle = $dbh};


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

 In a Mason context, which is where I'm using it, I do this in my
 top-level autohandler (ignore the main:: subroutines, they're just for

   # 'local' so it's available to lower-level components
   local *session;

   my $dbh = ::get_dbh;
   my $session_id = ::get_cookie('_session_id');
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
{Handle = $dbh, LockHandle = $dbh};

Geez, that's awfully confusing to look at (local and typeglobs is not a
newbie-friendly combo).  Isn't there a simpler way?  What about putting
it in pnotes?
- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-17 Thread Ken Williams

On Friday, January 18, 2002, at 12:44 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 In a Mason context, which is where I'm using it, I do this in my
 top-level autohandler (ignore the main:: subroutines, they're just for

   # 'local' so it's available to lower-level components
   local *session;

   my $dbh = ::get_dbh;
   my $session_id = ::get_cookie('_session_id');
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
{Handle = $dbh, LockHandle = $dbh};

 Geez, that's awfully confusing to look at (local and typeglobs is not a
 newbie-friendly combo).  Isn't there a simpler way?  What about putting
 it in pnotes?

I don't think there's a simpler way.  Putting it in pnotes means that 
all other components will also have to use $r-pnotes('session'), rather 
than just using %session.

Perhaps local(*session) is better than local *session?  It at least 
looks less like a pointer to local.  ;-)


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-04 Thread Ken Williams


For the sake of thread completion, here's a script which demonstrates 
the bug.  It turns out to be a Perl bug (5.6.1, at least), not an 
Apache::Session bug.  I'll post to p5p after I post here.

Note that $foo and %bar are cleaned up by refcount, but %foo isn't 
cleaned up until global destruction.  This means there must be some bad 
interaction between tie(), closures, and global variables, I guess.


use strict;

   package Dummy;
   sub new { bless {@_[1,2]} }
   sub TIEHASH { bless {@_[1,2]} }
   sub DESTROY { warn Destroying $_[0]-{name}: $_[0] }

use vars qw(%foo $foo);

   # Will get cleaned up properly
   local $foo = new Dummy(name = '$foo');

   # Will get cleaned up properly
   my %bar;
   tie %bar, 'Dummy', name = '%bar';

   # Won't get cleaned up properly
   local %foo;
   tie %foo, 'Dummy', name = '%foo';

Destroying %bar: Dummy=HASH(0x632c) at line 9.
Destroying $foo: Dummy=HASH(0x641c) at line 9.
Destroying %foo: Dummy=HASH(0x22ccc) at line 9 during global 

Investigating with Devel::Peek suggests that it's a %foo refcount 
problem, it's somehow getting set to 2 after tie(%foo).


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-04 Thread Gerald Richter

# Won't get cleaned up properly
local %foo;
tie %foo, 'Dummy', name = '%foo';

local only make a copy of the original value and restores it at the end of
the scope, so %foo will not destroyed, but restored at the end of the scope.
I guess this is the reason my it still stays tied.

In my experiences there are more weired behaviours with tied hashs and
arrays. (e.g. don't access a tied hash inside of a method of a tied hash,
use FETCH instead, tied hash element doesn't always spring into existence,
like normal hash elements does). You have to use them with some care.

 Investigating with Devel::Peek suggests that it's a %foo refcount
 problem, it's somehow getting set to 2 after tie(%foo).

2 is ok. one for %foo itself and one because it's tied to another object


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925131
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-04 Thread Ken Williams

On Friday, January 4, 2002, at 02:48 AM, Gerald Richter wrote:

# Won't get cleaned up properly
local %foo;
tie %foo, 'Dummy', name = '%foo';

 local only make a copy of the original value and restores it at the end 
 the scope, so %foo will not destroyed, but restored at the end of the 
 I guess this is the reason my it still stays tied.

AMS just posted this small test case to p5p:

 sub X::TIEHASH{bless{}}
 { local %x; tie %x, X } print tied %x ? a : b;

5.004_03 prints b, and 5.004_04 (and higher) prints a.  I think b 
is the proper behavior, at least that's my opinion.


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-03 Thread Ken Williams

Hi Aaron,

I don't have a test case involving Apache::Session yet (I've been out of 
town for a couple days), but here's a simple one in Perl that 
demonstrates the DESTROY order problem:


   package Outer;
   sub new { bless {inner = 'Inner'-new} }
   sub DESTROY { warn Destroying $_[0] }

   package Inner;
   sub new { bless {} }
   sub DESTROY { warn Destroying $_[0] }

   warn refcount destruction:\n;
   my $foo = 'Outer'-new;

warn \nglobal destruction:\n;
my $bar = 'Outer'-new;
$bar-{self} = $bar;

So I think I need to find out why the Apache::Session objects aren't 
being destroyed until global destruction time, i.e. why their refcounts 
aren't going to zero.

This is in the context of testing the new HTML::Mason 1.10, so something 
complicated might be happening with that too.


On Wednesday, January 2, 2002, at 04:15 AM, Aaron E. Ross wrote:
 refcount destruction.  I've declared %session as a locally-scoped
 variable, so it should evaporate before global destruction, unless it's
 got circular data structures or something.  Anyone know what might be
 going on?

  Do you have a simple case we can test yet?

Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-03 Thread Ken Williams

On Thursday, January 3, 2002, at 11:57 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 I don't have a test case involving Apache::Session yet (I've been out 
 town for a couple days), but here's a simple one in Perl that
 demonstrates the DESTROY order problem:

 That's sort of a weird example, since it has a circular reference.  
 Does it
 have problems without the circular ref?

The circular reference was the only way I could think of to force an 
object to be destroyed during global destruction.  I don't know whether 
it has a problem without circularity or not.

 At a guess, I'd say you're making an unintentional closure somewhere.

Hmm, that may be - Mason does create more closures now than it used to.  
It seems like only 'named' closures would create this problem, though, 
and not 'anonymous' closures (since the refcount of the anonymous 
closure itself should go to zero, freeing its contents).  Mason is 
supposed to be using all anonymous closures.

I'm finding the destruction behavior highly unpredictable with the 
'named' closure actually, so maybe I should bring it up on p5p.  Perhaps 
the order of destruction is just random during global destruction, 
because I've seen it happen from the inside out  from the outside in.


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-03 Thread Perrin Harkins

 The circular reference was the only way I could think of to force an
 object to be destroyed during global destruction.

What happens if you use a global?

 Hmm, that may be - Mason does create more closures now than it used to.
 It seems like only 'named' closures would create this problem, though,
 and not 'anonymous' closures (since the refcount of the anonymous
 closure itself should go to zero, freeing its contents).

I was thinking of this situation:

my %session = get_session();

sub transmogrify {

I could be wrong, but I think that will make %session stick around, because
transmogrify() now has a private copy of it.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-03 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, Ken Williams wrote:


 I'm having problems with Apache::Session, the symptom is that none of my
 data is getting written to the database.  It's not the nested-data
 problem, since I'm not using any nested data structures.

 After some investigation, I've discovered that the
 Apache::Session::Store::MySQL::DESTROY routine is getting called before
 the Apache::Session::MySQL::DESTROY routine, so when the latter is
 called it doesn't have any way to write to the database.

 I think Perl is supposed to guarantee that the outer object's DESTROY is
 called before the inner object's, but I think maybe this guarantee
 doesn't extend to the global destruction phase.  So I'm wondering why
 the session is getting cleaned up in global destruction rather than
 refcount destruction.  I've declared %session as a locally-scoped
 variable, so it should evaporate before global destruction, unless it's
 got circular data structures or something.  Anyone know what might be
 going on?

 This is Apache::Session version 1.53.

 Note: this problem isn't related to mod_perl, but IIRC this list is the
 proper place for discussing Apache::Session.


Yeah this is the right list for Apache::Session discussion, and Perrin is
the unofficial guy who answers all the questios, since I don't pay that
much attention.

This seems like a really weird problem.  The Store module is destroyed
while another module still has a reference to it.  Unfortunately for you
and I, the only conclusion I have been able to draw is that Perl's DESTROY
magic is unreliable.  We have modules in my company where things are
randomly undefined in DESTROY subroutines, because the DESTROY of the
referenced thing has already been called.  So, somewhere in Perl there is
a bug, possibly an off-by-one in the reference counting.

Anyway you can work around it.  Explicitly call tied(%session)-save()
when the time is right.


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-03 Thread Ken Williams

On Thursday, January 3, 2002, at 02:02 PM, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
 This seems like a really weird problem.  The Store module is destroyed
 while another module still has a reference to it.  Unfortunately for you
 and I, the only conclusion I have been able to draw is that Perl's 
 magic is unreliable.  We have modules in my company where things are
 randomly undefined in DESTROY subroutines, because the DESTROY of the
 referenced thing has already been called.  So, somewhere in Perl there 
 a bug, possibly an off-by-one in the reference counting.

It's probably not the reference counting, since the global destruction 
phase uses a mark-and-sweep system rather than refcounts (and that's 
where my knowledge ends).

I think that the order of global object destruction is totally random, 
whereas refcount destruction is predictable.  After searching p5p, this 
seems to be known and accepted behavior.

I suppose there could be a refcount bug that's causing %session not to 
be cleaned up until global destruction.

 Anyway you can work around it.  Explicitly call tied(%session)-save()
 when the time is right.

True, I guess I'll do that, but I'd like to figure out a little more 
about it too.


Re: Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2002-01-02 Thread Aaron E. Ross

 Hi Ken,

 refcount destruction.  I've declared %session as a locally-scoped 
 variable, so it should evaporate before global destruction, unless it's 
 got circular data structures or something.  Anyone know what might be 
 going on?

 Do you have a simple case we can test yet?


Apache::Session getting DESTROYed in wrong order

2001-12-31 Thread Ken Williams


I'm having problems with Apache::Session, the symptom is that none of my 
data is getting written to the database.  It's not the nested-data 
problem, since I'm not using any nested data structures.

After some investigation, I've discovered that the 
Apache::Session::Store::MySQL::DESTROY routine is getting called before 
the Apache::Session::MySQL::DESTROY routine, so when the latter is 
called it doesn't have any way to write to the database.

I think Perl is supposed to guarantee that the outer object's DESTROY is 
called before the inner object's, but I think maybe this guarantee 
doesn't extend to the global destruction phase.  So I'm wondering why 
the session is getting cleaned up in global destruction rather than 
refcount destruction.  I've declared %session as a locally-scoped 
variable, so it should evaporate before global destruction, unless it's 
got circular data structures or something.  Anyone know what might be 
going on?

This is Apache::Session version 1.53.

Note: this problem isn't related to mod_perl, but IIRC this list is the 
proper place for discussing Apache::Session.


Apache::Session using Frames

2001-12-09 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

I have been beating my head against this problem for days, to no avail. 
 I have tried google searches, etc., still no dice.  So, I apologize for 
the noise people.

I'm using Apache::Session and cookies to perform session management.  In 
watching the debug messages in my error_log, I can see that the cookie 
is created, the session is created, and all subsequent calls correctly 
loads the session.  However, part of the design for my web application 
requires the use of frames, with several frames containing mod_perl 
generated data.  Each one of those frames relies on using the session. 
 I wouldn't think this would be a problem, except that some of the 
frames cannot tie to the datastore, and as a result create new sessions.

I would think the default behavior would block until the session is 
unlocked, but this doesn't seem to be the case.  I was first using 
Apache::Session::Flex (For easier configuration), but have also tried 
Apache::Session::MySQL, ::DB_File and ::File, all exhibit the same problem.

This site is developed using AxKit and AxKit::XSP::Session, but the 
sessions are created before AxKit is even invoked so that isn't the issue.

Any suggestions?  I'd like to resolve this without loosing my hair. :)

Michael A Nachbaur

Re: Apache::Session using Frames

2001-12-09 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Just to let anyone who was wondering (and for the benefit of the archives),
I ended up ditching sessions all together.  Instead, I'm using
Apache::AuthDBI to do authentication, and am making calls directly to my
database server to maintain state.  Its not the most pleasant way of
maintaining state, but at least it works.

Michael A Nachbaur

Re: Apache::Session using Frames

2001-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

 Just to let anyone who was wondering (and for the benefit of the
 I ended up ditching sessions all together.  Instead, I'm using
 Apache::AuthDBI to do authentication, and am making calls directly to
 database server to maintain state.  Its not the most pleasant way of
 maintaining state, but at least it works.

Then this won't be much help to you anymore, but here are a couple of
things that could have been happening:
- Not getting the cookies sent from all frames.  You may have a race
condition involving when the cookie gets storeed and when other frames
send their requests.
- Not using the locking API correctly.  You didn't post any code, but
the locking options for Apache::Session sometimes trip people up and you
may have had a misconfiguration of some kind.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with writing directly to the database.
Apache::Session is just a convenient hash interface on top of that.

- Perrin

Apache::Session and frames

2001-12-05 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

I have been beating my head against this problem for days, to no avail. 
I have tried google searches, etc., still no dice.  So, I apologize for 
the noise people.

I'm using Apache::Session and cookies to perform session management.  In 
watching the debug messages in my error_log, I can see that the cookie 
is created, the session is created, and all subsequent calls correctly 
loads the session.  However, part of the design for my web application 
requires the use of frames, with several frames containing mod_perl 
generated data.  Each one of those frames relies on using the session. I 
wouldn't think this would be a problem, except that some of the frames 
cannot tie to the datastore, and as a result create new sessions.

I would think the default behavior would block until the session is 
unlocked, but this doesn't seem to be the case.  I was first using 
Apache::Session::Flex (For easier configuration), but have also tried 
Apache::Session::MySQL, ::DB_File and ::File, all exhibit the same problem.

This site is developed using AxKit and AxKit::XSP::Session, but the 
sessions are created before AxKit is even invoked so that isn't the issue.

Any suggestions?  I'd like to resolve this without loosing my hair. :)

Michael A Nachbaur

Re: Apache::Session and frames

2001-12-05 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

 Basic Idea, what is the path argument of the cookie you are using? If the
 called pages are lying underneath different roots then the cookie
 won't be read.
 I even do not loose the session between windows :-)

Thanks for the prompt reply.  The way I have this going, is a file at:
which just performs a redirect to /callisto.xsp (so that it has a chance 
to create the cookie).  /callisto.xsp creates a frameset which loads, 
among other things:

Each one of those sub pages are in their own frames, and each attempts 
to load the session.  Occasionally, one of them successfully loads the 
original session, but the other two end up creating their own sessions. 
  When I call:
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Flex', $id, \%options;
it doesn't return anything in $@, except there is no data inside 
%session.  Therefore, the code that checks for _session_id, thinks that 
this is a new session, and goes ahead to create one.

Any ideas?

Re: Apache::Session and frames

2001-12-05 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:06 PM -0800 12/5/01, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
I have been beating my head against this problem for days, to no 
avail. I have tried google searches, etc., still no dice.  So, I 
apologize for the noise people.

I'm using Apache::Session and cookies to perform session management. 
In watching the debug messages in my error_log, I can see that the 
cookie is created, the session is created, and all subsequent calls 
correctly loads the session.  However, part of the design for my web 
application requires the use of frames, with several frames 
containing mod_perl generated data.  Each one of those frames relies 
on using the session. I wouldn't think this would be a problem, 
except that some of the frames cannot tie to the datastore, and as a 
result create new sessions.

I would think the default behavior would block until the session is 
unlocked, but this doesn't seem to be the case.  I was first using 
Apache::Session::Flex (For easier configuration), but have also 
tried Apache::Session::MySQL, ::DB_File and ::File, all exhibit the 
same problem.

This site is developed using AxKit and AxKit::XSP::Session, but the 
sessions are created before AxKit is even invoked so that isn't the 

Any suggestions?  I'd like to resolve this without loosing my hair. :)

Cookies set in a parent frame are not immediatly accessable to a 
child frames.  It's a fun little bug that requires a full frame 
reload to be detected.  Another thing to watch out for are the cookie 
paths.  I've never used Apache::Session, so I don't know what path is 
set for the cookies, but if the pages loading in the child frames 
have non matching urls, then the session cookies aren't going to come 

Good Luck,


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Apache::Session and frames

2001-12-05 Thread Larry Leszczynski

Hi Michael -

 I'm using Apache::Session and cookies to perform session management.  In 
 watching the debug messages in my error_log, I can see that the cookie 
 is created, the session is created, and all subsequent calls correctly 
 loads the session.  However, part of the design for my web application 
 requires the use of frames, with several frames containing mod_perl 
 generated data.  Each one of those frames relies on using the session. I 
 wouldn't think this would be a problem, except that some of the frames 
 cannot tie to the datastore, and as a result create new sessions.

We had similar problems with a frameset scheme - the browser requests the
page containing the frameset definition and then almost simultaneously
requests each of the pages that must be loaded into each frame, and
confusion ensues.  What worked for us (I don't know for sure if this will
help you) was to turn on the Transaction flag during the session tie,

   tie %s, 'Apache::Session::File', $id {
 Directory = '/tmp/sessions',
 LockDirectory = '/var/lock/sessions',
 Transaction   = 1

which should (depending on the underlying session mechanism) provide
transactional consistency.  In our case it helped prevent data loss that
was occurring while each of the frameset pages was simultaneously
monkeying with the session.

Larry Leszczynski

RE: Apache::Session and frames

2001-12-05 Thread simran

I have 'heard' that in some browsers there is a bug using HTTP/1.1 when they
use Keep-Alive. As they don't necessarily create another explicit tcp
connection for a request (but rather try to keep the connection alive), they
'forget' to send the Cookie headers for subsequent requests in the same
connection. It might not be the problem, but its worth checking what headers
each request (and each connection) is getting/sending...

-Original Message-
From: Robert Landrum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 6 December 2001 10:29 AM
To: Michael A Nachbaur; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Apache::Session and frames

At 3:06 PM -0800 12/5/01, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
I have been beating my head against this problem for days, to no
avail. I have tried google searches, etc., still no dice.  So, I
apologize for the noise people.

I'm using Apache::Session and cookies to perform session management.
In watching the debug messages in my error_log, I can see that the
cookie is created, the session is created, and all subsequent calls
correctly loads the session.  However, part of the design for my web
application requires the use of frames, with several frames
containing mod_perl generated data.  Each one of those frames relies
on using the session. I wouldn't think this would be a problem,
except that some of the frames cannot tie to the datastore, and as a
result create new sessions.

I would think the default behavior would block until the session is
unlocked, but this doesn't seem to be the case.  I was first using
Apache::Session::Flex (For easier configuration), but have also
tried Apache::Session::MySQL, ::DB_File and ::File, all exhibit the
same problem.

This site is developed using AxKit and AxKit::XSP::Session, but the
sessions are created before AxKit is even invoked so that isn't the

Any suggestions?  I'd like to resolve this without loosing my hair. :)

Cookies set in a parent frame are not immediatly accessable to a
child frames.  It's a fun little bug that requires a full frame
reload to be detected.  Another thing to watch out for are the cookie
paths.  I've never used Apache::Session, so I don't know what path is
set for the cookies, but if the pages loading in the child frames
have non matching urls, then the session cookies aren't going to come

Good Luck,


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

RE: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
 My code now includes:
 35:  # Session handler...
 36:  my %session; undef my $session_id;
 37:  use Apache::Session::MySQL;
 38:  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
 39:  { DataSource = 'dbi:mysql:sessions', UserName   = 'db_user', Password
 = 'secret' };
 40:  $session_id = session_id=$session{_session_id};;
 I am using Apache-Session v1.54.
 The above code generates the following error:
 [Thu Nov 22 10:31:38 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't connect(
 HASH(0xbdcf54)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN env var not set at
 E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36 (in cleanup)
 Can't connect(   HASH(0x47e2f14)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN
 env var not set at E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36'

You aren't following the documentation.  perldoc Apache::Session::MySQL.  
It says to pass in connection info for a lock connection.
- Perrin

RE: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-22 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Thank you everyone for the quality of help I've so far received and your
rapid responses.  However...  :-(

My code now includes:

35:  # Session handler...
36:  my %session; undef my $session_id;
37:  use Apache::Session::MySQL;
38:  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
39:  { DataSource = 'dbi:mysql:sessions', UserName   = 'db_user', Password
= 'secret' };
40:  $session_id = session_id=$session{_session_id};;

I am using Apache-Session v1.54.

The above code generates the following error:

[Thu Nov 22 10:31:38 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't connect(
HASH(0xbdcf54)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN env var not set at
E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36 (in cleanup)
Can't connect(   HASH(0x47e2f14)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN
env var not set at E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36'

So, as you can see, I've moved on a little - but still don't have a working
session handler.  Any offers?

Note:  I know how boring it is to keep reading the same thread - I'll drop
it if I don't solve this today.

Kindest regards,

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

:: -Original Message-
:: From: Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:: Sent: 22 November 2001 04:34
:: Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
:: Subject: Re: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum
:: On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 23:23:33 -
:: Jonathan M. Hollin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
::  42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
::  43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};
:: put $sid (session id: undef for fresh) after 'Apache::Session::MySQL'.
:: --
:: Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-22 Thread Paul DuBois

At 10:43 AM + 11/22/01, Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
Thank you everyone for the quality of help I've so far received and your
rapid responses.  However...  :-(

At the rist of making a shameless plug, you can visit and grab the webdb
source distribution there.  This accompanies the book
for which the aforementioned URL is the home site.  Said
book has a chapter on sessions focusing on Apache::Session,
so you may find the example scripts useful for helping
you solve your problem.

My code now includes:

35:  # Session handler...
36:  my %session; undef my $session_id;
37:  use Apache::Session::MySQL;
38:  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
39:  { DataSource = 'dbi:mysql:sessions', UserName   = 'db_user', Password
= 'secret' };
40:  $session_id = session_id=$session{_session_id};;

I am using Apache-Session v1.54.

The above code generates the following error:

[Thu Nov 22 10:31:38 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't connect(
HASH(0xbdcf54)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN env var not set at
E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36 (in cleanup)
Can't connect(   HASH(0x47e2f14)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN
env var not set at E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36'

So, as you can see, I've moved on a little - but still don't have a working
session handler.  Any offers?

Note:  I know how boring it is to keep reading the same thread - I'll drop
it if I don't solve this today.

Kindest regards,

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

:: -Original Message-
:: From: Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:: Sent: 22 November 2001 04:34
:: Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
:: Subject: Re: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum
:: On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 23:23:33 -
:: Jonathan M. Hollin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
::  42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
::  43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};
:: put $sid (session id: undef for fresh) after 'Apache::Session::MySQL'.
:: --
:: Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache::Session Problem

2001-11-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Fellow Perl Mongers,

Can anyone help with my latest programming riddle?

I am trying to take advantage of the session-handling features of
Apache::Session.  My program includes the following code (line numbers added
for clarity):

20: # Session handler (I)...
21: use Apache::Session::DBI;


40: # Session handler (II)...
41: my %session;
42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};
44: my $session_cookie = session_id=$session{_session_id};;


The variables $db_driver and $db_address are imported from a small
configuration file that defines them as mysql and

My program dies when called (via CGI under mod_perl) with an 500 Internal
Server Error with the following line appended to error.log:

[Wed Nov 21 22:25:12 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't locate object method
TIEHASH via package Apache::Session::DBI at
e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/logon.cgi line 42.'

Platform:  Win2K, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL...

Any suggestions (apart from quit programming and take up farming instead)?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

Re: Apache::Session Problem

2001-11-21 Thread Ilya Martynov

 On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 22:49:46 -, Jonathan M. Hollin 

Jonathan Fellow Perl Mongers,
Jonathan Can anyone help with my latest programming riddle?

Jonathan I am trying to take advantage of the session-handling
Jonathan features of Apache::Session.  My program includes the
Jonathan following code (line numbers added for clarity):

Jonathan 20: # Session handler (I)...
Jonathan 21: use Apache::Session::DBI;

Jonathan [..skip..]

Jonathan Platform:  Win2K, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL...

Jonathan Any suggestions (apart from quit programming and take up
Jonathan farming instead)?

I'm not sure why your code doesn't work but why are you using such old
Apache::Session? Take new Apache::Session which provides MySQL support
via Apache::Session::MySQL.

| Ilya Martynov ( ( |
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |

Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Thanks to Ilya Martynov for his response...

I changed Apache::Session::DBI to Apache::Session::MySQL and tried
again.  The following error graced my error log:

[Wed Nov 21 23:01:13 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Died at
E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Generate/ line 40.'

Looking at - line 39, 40 and 41 read as follows:

if ($session-{data}-{_session_id} !~ /^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/) {

I adjusted line 40 to read:

die $session-{data}-{_session_id};

The error log now gets:

[Wed Nov 21 23:07:54 2001] [error] PerlRun: `HASH(0x48acc64) at
E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Generate/ line 40.'


Any ideas?...

[original email follows...]
Fellow Perl Mongers,

Can anyone help with my latest programming riddle?

I am trying to take advantage of the session-handling features of
Apache::Session.  My program includes the following code (line numbers added
for clarity):

20: # Session handler (I)...
21: use Apache::Session::DBI;


40: # Session handler (II)...
41: my %session;
42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};
44: my $session_cookie = session_id=$session{_session_id};;


The variables $db_driver and $db_address are imported from a small
configuration file that defines them as mysql and

My program dies when called (via CGI under mod_perl) with an 500 Internal
Server Error with the following line appended to error.log:

[Wed Nov 21 22:25:12 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't locate object method
TIEHASH via package Apache::Session::DBI at
e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/logon.cgi line 42.'

Platform:  Win2K, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL...

Any suggestions (apart from quit programming and take up farming instead)?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

Re: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

 I changed Apache::Session::DBI to Apache::Session::MySQL and tried

What's the version number of your Apache::Session?  It should be 1.54.

 42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
 43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};

With Apache::Session::MySQL, the docs say you should be passing the user
name and password.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-21 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 23:23:33 -
Jonathan M. Hollin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
 43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};

put $sid (session id: undef for fresh) after 'Apache::Session::MySQL'.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

_session_id-problem with Apache::Session::Store::Postgres

2001-11-05 Thread Christoph Lange


sorry, this is not exactly a mod_perl question but I hope somehow in the
wake of this issue.

Apache::Session::Store::Postgres problem:
After the initial login to my page, I define and tie a  %session which
produces a _session_id that is totally different from what it stores in the
sessions-table. So the next time my page is started (given the _session_id
as a parameter) I get the error-message
Apache/Session/Store/ Object does not exist in the data store

Does anybody know what might cause this strange behavior? I will add the
code I consider important. If you don't have any idea (or the time to think
about it) I would be grateful for some lines of code that show how you use

Thanks for your help, Chris

use Apache::Session::Postgres;
use Apache::Session::Store::Postgres;

sub session
my %session;
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef, {DataSource =
dbi:Pg:$dbrz_name, UserName =$dbrz_ben, Password = $dbrz_pw, Commit =
1} || return (f, Es kann im Moment keine neue Sizung angelegt werden.,
$session{bildrec} = [$_[1]];
$session{rz_benutzername} = $_[2];
 return (s, , \%session);

Apache::Session WindowsNT File Locking problems

2001-10-16 Thread Chui G. Tey


I'm using the 
precompiled binaries of Apache 1.3.20 + mod_perl on WinNT. 
I have grabbed 
Apache::Session 1.54 and nmake test fails at 99dbfile.t.
The test routine 
basically hangs, and the culprit is in one of the last 


It seems to be some 
kind of file locking problem. I stepped through the code and I seem to 
have a 
problem with Autoloader loading Fcntl.
Has anyone else 
experienced this, and could perhaps suggest a way to resolve 


Chui Tey
Software Engineer
Advanced Data Integration
PO Box 660
Spring Hill QLD 4004
Ph:07 3250 5300
Fax: 07 3250 5399

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-12 Thread Gerald Richter

 If you have other things on your mind, that's fine.  That's why I
 suggested you should consider letting someone else maintain it.  I know
 I'm not the only person frustrated by the current state of affairs.

My solution to this problem is, that I have created a package named
Apache::SessionX which subclasses Apache::Session and contains all the
eXtentsion I need (most of them for Embperl, but they are also usefull
outside of Embperl). This also contains a replacement for
Apache::Session::Flex which can be configured via Makefile.PL and make test
is testing if this really works on the system.

The main point why I wrote this is, that Jeff doesn't like to have some of
the functionality in the Apache::Session base class and I can bugfix and
maintain it myself, without waiting for the next release of Apache::Session
(there are also some ways to subsubclass Apache::Session::x:y packages build

It is currently available from and
will be soon released to CPAN


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925131
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-12 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Gerald Richter wrote:

  If you have other things on your mind, that's fine.  That's why I
  suggested you should consider letting someone else maintain it.  I know
  I'm not the only person frustrated by the current state of affairs.

 My solution to this problem is, that I have created a package named
 Apache::SessionX which subclasses Apache::Session and contains all the
 eXtentsion I need (most of them for Embperl, but they are also usefull
 outside of Embperl). This also contains a replacement for
 Apache::Session::Flex which can be configured via Makefile.PL and make test
 is testing if this really works on the system.

See, Gerald is a smart fellow, and I like that he never threatened to take
over my modules.


Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-11 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 01:06:33 -0500 (CDT)
Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jeff, if you're still maintaining this package it'd be nice to put out a
 new release.  If not, it'd be good to give it to someone else.  Hell, I'll
 volunteer if no one more interested comes along.  I don't have any big
 plans for it but I can at least integrate patches and such.
 Apache::Session is in use in a lot of places and it would be good to have
 an active maintainer.

++1. And I don't mind taking over, if nobody else wants to.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache::Session 1.54 released

2001-10-11 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

Apache::Session 1.54, also know as the you impatient bastards release,
has been uploaded to CPAN.  Changes in this release include:

Fix ID validation in Flex
Move from MD5 to Digest::MD5
Include new generators ModUniqueId and ModUsertrack


Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-11 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

 Well, you guys are touchy lot!  My releases are no less frequent than
 releases of DBI or even mod_perl.  So just chill out, I sometimes have
 other things on my mind.

I don't know about touchy so much as frustrated.  Apache::Session is very
widely used but it doesn't feel well supported.

Comparing it to DBI or mod_perl seems a bit silly.  It is not as widely
used as either and is far less complex.

My big concern is that there is a fatal error in Apache::Session::Flex
that makes it completely unusable.  You've known about this for at least
9-12 months but you haven't bothered to release a simple bugfix release
for it.  Its a 3-4 line change!

The only way around it is to constantly patch my local copies or use a
hack work-around code which subclasses Flex to fix the populate method.
This is stupid.

I don't really want to reinvent the wheel or tell people not to use
Apache::Session, but its getter harder to avoid either.

If you have other things on your mind, that's fine.  That's why I
suggested you should consider letting someone else maintain it.  I know
I'm not the only person frustrated by the current state of affairs.


We await the New Sun

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-11 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Dave Rolsky wrote:

 On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

  Well, you guys are touchy lot!  My releases are no less frequent than
  releases of DBI or even mod_perl.  So just chill out, I sometimes have
  other things on my mind.

 I don't know about touchy so much as frustrated.  Apache::Session is very
 widely used but it doesn't feel well supported.

 Comparing it to DBI or mod_perl seems a bit silly.  It is not as widely
 used as either and is far less complex.

 My big concern is that there is a fatal error in Apache::Session::Flex
 that makes it completely unusable.  You've known about this for at least
 9-12 months but you haven't bothered to release a simple bugfix release
 for it.  Its a 3-4 line change!

Then package it up, send me the tarball, and I'll upload it to CPAN.
Repeatedly sending me patches isn't any more likely to get me to pay
attention to it.

Regarding Flex, nobody uses it.  It is for debugging.  If you have a
particular variant of Flex that you use all the time (very likely), you
can code up a 6-line module to make a real implementation like all the
other session modules.

Flex is for debugging, period.

Version 1.54 is uploaded to CPAN so go nuts.


ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Here is Apache::Session::Generate::* variants, which especially
uses Apache standard C-modules.


  uses mod_unique_id for session id.


  uses mod_usertrack's cookie for session id.

Suggestions  patches are welcome.


Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Perrin Harkins

 Here is Apache::Session::Generate::* variants, which especially
 uses Apache standard C-modules.


   uses mod_unique_id for session id.


   uses mod_usertrack's cookie for session id.

This is great!  Good work.  One less piece to write when getting a new
project started...
- Perrin

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

These are now on CPAN, which I've forgotten to mention.

Note that if you try to use these modules functionality,
Apache::Session::Flex should be patched with one included in both


On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 01:30:29 +0900
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is Apache::Session::Generate::* variants, which especially
 uses Apache standard C-modules.
   uses mod_unique_id for session id.
   uses mod_usertrack's cookie for session id.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:

 Note that if you try to use these modules functionality,
 Apache::Session::Flex should be patched with one included in both

I sent a patch to Jeffrey last week or such that (I imagine) covers
the same thing.

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();
more than a billion impressions per week,

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:

 Here is Apache::Session::Generate::* variants, which especially
 uses Apache standard C-modules.


   uses mod_unique_id for session id.



   uses mod_usertrack's cookie for session id.

Don't do that!  mod_usertrack is not meant to be used for secure
session ids.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();
more than a billion impressions per week,

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 17:23:04 -0700 (PDT)
Ask Bjoern Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

uses mod_usertrack's cookie for session id.
 Don't do that!  mod_usertrack is not meant to be used for secure
 session ids.

I know, I know! just an example of using *already tracked* cookie
for newly generated sessions. My another plan is to release
my session id tracking modules, which Apache::Session doesn't do.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 17:22:23 -0700 (PDT)
Ask Bjoern Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Note that if you try to use these modules functionality,
  Apache::Session::Flex should be patched with one included in both
 I sent a patch to Jeffrey last week or such that (I imagine) covers
 the same thing.

Wow, I did almost half a year ago :-)

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:

 Wow, I did almost half a year ago :-)

Yeah, and I think I sent one a year ago, at least.

Jeff, if you're still maintaining this package it'd be nice to put out a
new release.  If not, it'd be good to give it to someone else.  Hell, I'll
volunteer if no one more interested comes along.  I don't have any big
plans for it but I can at least integrate patches and such.

Apache::Session is in use in a lot of places and it would be good to have
an active maintainer.


We await the New Sun

Re: Apache::ASP - using Apache::Session

2001-09-21 Thread Joshua Chamas

Jindo Soul wrote:
 I recently made a decision to adopt Apache::ASP as the template tool for my site.  
The only thing I'd like to find out is whether or not Apache::ASP works with 
Apache::Session.  I read from an online article that Apache::ASP can be  hookied up to 
Apache::Session.  However, I just could not find the instruction on how this can and 
should be done.  Am I mistaken or have I missed something in the online docs?

Note the Apache::ASP mailing list is now at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subscribe by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Integration of Apache::Session is similar to other environments,
except where you put the code.  In Apache::ASP, you can put it
in global.asa Script_OnStart to get run every time, then you
can init the session to look like the ASP $Session.  

The only differences are you don't get the ASP API around $Session, 
like session management with garbage collection/timeouts, events,
or other API calls like Lock(), Abandon(), SessionID().
Also, without using ASP session, you won't get to use
SessionQueryParse cookieless sessions either.

Here is some untested code that you could start with
for using Apache::Session with MySQL:

# in httpd.conf, turn off $Application, $Session
PerlSetVar NoState 1

# in global.asa
use Apache::Session::MySQL; 
sub Script_OnStart { 
  # ... init mysql dbh before 
  my $id = $Request-Cookies(SESSION_ID);
  tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $id, { Handle = $dbh, LockHandle = $dbh }; 
  if($id ne $hash{_session_id}) { 
$Response-Cookies(SESSION_ID, $hash{_session_id}); 
  $Session = \%hash; 
  $Server-RegisterCleanup(sub { untie (%$Session) }); }

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Apache::ASP - using Apache::Session

2001-09-20 Thread Jindo Soul


I recently made a decision to adopt Apache::ASP as the template tool for my site.  The 
only thing I'd like to find out is whether or not Apache::ASP works with 
Apache::Session.  I read from an online article that Apache::ASP can be  hookied up to 
Apache::Session.  However, I just could not find the instruction on how this can and 
should be done.  Am I mistaken or have I missed something in the online docs?

Thanks for your input.



RFC: Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-09 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Announcing the Adapter module which provides a way to use
Cache::Cache subclasses as Apache::Session storage implementation.

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.


Apache::Session::CacheAny - use Cache::* for Apache::Session storage

  use Apache::Session::CacheAny;
  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::CacheAny', $sid, {
  CacheImpl = 'Cache::FileCache',

  tie %size_aware_session, 'Apache::Session::CacheAny', $sid, {
  CacheImpl= 'Cache::SizeAwareFileCache',
  Namespace= 'apache-session-cacheany',
  DefaultExpiresIn = '2 hours',
  AutoPurgeOnGet   = 0,
  AutoPurgeOnSet   = 1,
  MaxSize  = 10_000,

Apache::Session::CacheAny is a bridge between Apache::Session and
Cache::Cache. This module provides a way to use Cache::Cache subclasses
as Apache::Session storage implementation.

You must specify class name of Cache::Cache implementation (like
Cache::SharedMemoryCache) in arguments to the constructor. See the
Apache::Session::Store::CacheAny manpage for details about other
optional arguments.

Apache::Session::CacheAny uses Apache::Session::Lock::Semaphore as its
locking scheme. You can use Apache::Session::Flex to change that.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

the Apache::Session manpage, the Cache::Cache manpage

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFC: Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
 Announcing the Adapter module which provides a way to use
 Cache::Cache subclasses as Apache::Session storage implementation.


Don't take this the wrong way, but what's the purpose of this? 
Apache::Session does very little beyond what Cache::Cache does.  In
fact, the only things I can think of are the tied interface, which is
slower than methods and often confuses people who make updates deep
within the structure that don't trigger a save, and the ID generation,
which is really just a stub and needs to be replaced for any serious

Also, why bother with Apache::Session::Lock::Semaphore at all? 
Cache::Cache already provides atomic updates.  You should be able to use
NullLocker with the same level of safety.

- Perrin

Re: RFC: Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-09 Thread princepawn

Perrin Harkins writes:
  Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
   Announcing the Adapter module which provides a way to use
   Cache::Cache subclasses as Apache::Session storage implementation.
  Apache::Session does very little beyond what Cache::Cache does.  In
  fact, the only things I can think of are the tied interface, which is
  slower than methods and often confuses people who make updates deep
  within the structure that don't trigger a save, and the ID generation,
  which is really just a stub and needs to be replaced for any serious

[ preface: if there were a [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, I think this
discussion would be better received there. can someone make such a list? ]

Above and beyond the efficiency issues you discuss above, could you
comment on what Apache::Session would need to be useful in a serious
project? I have found it very useful in conjunction with CGI::Cookie
to maintain state between forms.

I mean, as far as I can see, it does one job and does it well with no
perceived shortcomings in my eyes. But evidently something in your
experiences leads you to other conclusions. And I would like to hear
about this.

Re: RFC: Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

princepawn wrote:
 Above and beyond the efficiency issues you discuss above, could you
 comment on what Apache::Session would need to be useful in a serious

I was commenting specifically on the ID generation.  The algorithm
supplied does not guarantee unique IDs, especially when you have a
cluster of machines.  The design of Apache::Session makes it possible to
drop in your own replacement for ID generation, which is what you should
do if you're building a large-scale production system.  Last time I
needed to deal with this I used mod_unique_id as my starting point,
which does generate unique IDs across a cluster.
- Perrin

Re: RFC: Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-09 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Sun, 09 Sep 2001 15:24:14 -0700
Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Announcing the Adapter module which provides a way to use
  Cache::Cache subclasses as Apache::Session storage implementation.
 Don't take this the wrong way, but what's the purpose of this? 

To glue Cache::Cache with Apache::Session. That's all :-)

 Apache::Session does very little beyond what Cache::Cache does.  In
 fact, the only things I can think of are the tied interface, which is
 slower than methods and often confuses people who make updates deep
 within the structure that don't trigger a save, and the ID generation,
 which is really just a stub and needs to be replaced for any serious

Cache::Cache is a cache interface for any key-value pairs with
optioinal automatic expire  purge. 

Apache::Session is a framework for persisntent hash data with
unique identifier and automatic serialiization/deserialization for

Why not combine these two? That's all what this module does.
 Also, why bother with Apache::Session::Lock::Semaphore at all? 
 Cache::Cache already provides atomic updates.  You should be able to use
 NullLocker with the same level of safety.

Cache::Cache ensures file-based atomic update. But IMHO
it's not enough for Apache::Session's session transactions, which
should be done exclusively. Session data would get logically
inconsistent when there are multiple concurrent requests with same
one session id.

Off course, you can change that to adopt A::S::Lock::Null with

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFC: Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
 Cache::Cache is a cache interface for any key-value pairs with
 optioinal automatic expire  purge.
 Apache::Session is a framework for persisntent hash data with
 unique identifier and automatic serialiization/deserialization for

To me, they both look like persistent hashes.  Apache::Session assumes
you will be storing a serialized hash in each hash value, and that it
will generate IDs for keys if you don't supply one, but otherwise
they're about the same.

 Why not combine these two? That's all what this module does.

Okay.  Just wondered if I was missing something.

 Cache::Cache ensures file-based atomic update. But IMHO
 it's not enough for Apache::Session's session transactions, which
 should be done exclusively. Session data would get logically
 inconsistent when there are multiple concurrent requests with same
 one session id.

Apache::Session uses shared read locks, so I think you can still have
problems there.  It doesn't gurantee an atomic read-change-modify.

- Perrin

Re: RFC: Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-09 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Sun, 09 Sep 2001 18:33:11 -0700
Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To me, they both look like persistent hashes.  Apache::Session assumes
 you will be storing a serialized hash in each hash value, and that it
 will generate IDs for keys if you don't supply one, but otherwise
 they're about the same.

You're right. The (slight) difference you mention is all that this
module does.

  Cache::Cache ensures file-based atomic update. But IMHO
  it's not enough for Apache::Session's session transactions, which
  should be done exclusively. Session data would get logically
  inconsistent when there are multiple concurrent requests with same
  one session id.
 Apache::Session uses shared read locks, so I think you can still have
 problems there.  It doesn't gurantee an atomic read-change-modify.

Forgot to mention 'Transaction = 1' argument. Thanks for fixing

In fact, the storage model I heavily use is A::S::Store::MySQL,
whick locking scheme is *always* exclusive.

Now, without Transaction = 1 argument, there is no need to use
locking scheme for preventing corrupted data update, because 
Cache::Cache already ensures it, as you wrote.

Should I make Apache::Session::Lock::Cache, using Semaphore or
File only in case of Transacton mode?

  package Apache::Session::Lock::Cache;
  use strict;
  use base qw(Apaache::Session::Lock::Semaphore);
  sub acquire_read_lock { 1 }
  sub release_read_lock { 1 }
  sub acquire_write_lock {
  my($self, $session) = @_;
  if ($session-{args}-{Transaction}) {
  # blah, blah

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache::Session::File and free memory weirdness

2001-08-30 Thread Larry Leszczynski

Hi All -

I'm running Apache, mod_perl and HTML::Mason on Solaris 2.6, and using
Apache::Session::File for session management.  I've been monitoring free
memory as reported by top, and I'm seeing some behavior that is totally
baffling me.  (If you're interested, there's a graph at:  Here's the scenario:

Around 6 AM, when things are relatively quiet, the graph shows about 1.3GB
free memory (out of 4GB total).  As traffic picks up during the course of
the day, free memory drops to about 300MB by 3 or 4 PM.  So far so good,
no big surprise - there's a lot more httpd processes running so you'd
expect more memory in use.

Odd thing #1:  As it gets into evening time, load on the machine drops off
and there are fewer httpd children running, but I am not seeing free
memory return to that 1.3GB level.  At most it comes back up to 400MB or
so.  I don't think the httpd children are hanging on to memory, because
they cycle through pretty quickly - MaxRequestsPerChild is set to 512 and
none of the processes are ever more than a couple minutes old when I look
in.  Is there any reason to think the parent httpd process would hang on
to anything?

Odd thing #2:  (This part seems most bizarre to me.)  At 5:15 AM, we run a
Perl script that finds and deletes Apache::Session::File session and lock
files that are older than 28 days.  Usually there are about 50,000 old
files that get deleted out of about 2,300,000 total.  Almost immediately,
free memory on the machine jumps back up to 1.3GB.  What's up with that?  
If I run the script during the middle of the day, when things are busier,
I still see the free memory jump up although not all the way to 1.3GB -
maybe to 800MB or so.  Because of the rate the httpd children cycle, I
don't think it's possible any of them could be holding open filehandles to
session files that haven't changed for 28 days.

Is there something weird about the way top reports free memory?  The
numbers I get seem consistent with the free column from vmstat.  Why
would deleting a bunch of files free up 1GB of memory?  Any ideas or
explanations would be much appreciated!

Larry Leszczynski

Re: Apache::Session::File and free memory weirdness

2001-08-30 Thread Perrin Harkins

 Odd thing #1:  As it gets into evening time, load on the machine drops off
 and there are fewer httpd children running, but I am not seeing free
 memory return to that 1.3GB level.  At most it comes back up to 400MB or
 so.  I don't think the httpd children are hanging on to memory, because
 they cycle through pretty quickly - MaxRequestsPerChild is set to 512 and
 none of the processes are ever more than a couple minutes old when I look
 in.  Is there any reason to think the parent httpd process would hang on
 to anything?

I have noticed that over time the new processes will spawn with less memory
shared.  I'm not sure exactly why this is, but it does seem to happen.  A
nightly complete restart of the server will reset things, but you may not
have that option.

 Odd thing #2:  (This part seems most bizarre to me.)  At 5:15 AM, we run a
 Perl script that finds and deletes Apache::Session::File session and lock
 files that are older than 28 days.  Usually there are about 50,000 old
 files that get deleted out of about 2,300,000 total.  Almost immediately,
 free memory on the machine jumps back up to 1.3GB.  What's up with that?

Sounds like you're counting the buffers and cache in your used memory.
Depending on what OS you're on, you may want to look at a tool other than
top.  The memory used for buffers and cache will be available to
applications if they need it.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::File and free memory weirdness

2001-08-30 Thread Adi Fairbank

Perrin Harkins wrote:
  Odd thing #1:  As it gets into evening time, load on the machine drops off
  and there are fewer httpd children running, but I am not seeing free
  memory return to that 1.3GB level.  At most it comes back up to 400MB or
  so.  I don't think the httpd children are hanging on to memory, because
  they cycle through pretty quickly - MaxRequestsPerChild is set to 512 and
  none of the processes are ever more than a couple minutes old when I look
  in.  Is there any reason to think the parent httpd process would hang on
  to anything?
 I have noticed that over time the new processes will spawn with less memory
 shared.  I'm not sure exactly why this is, but it does seem to happen.  A
 nightly complete restart of the server will reset things, but you may not
 have that option.

I have noticed this also.  I have a theory about its cause, but I haven't
had the free time to hack with it yet.  My theory is that when the VM
subsystem swaps pages of the mod_perl parent process, those pages become
forever unshared (even after they return to memory from swap).  So I was
going to test the mlockall() Linux system call to see if it made a
difference.  (Search the archives for mlockall).

However, I am using the Linux platform - the VM behavior may be totally
different on Solaris.

If anyone else has some time to play with mlockall() on Linux, I'd like to
know the results.  It'll be a few more weeks till I get a chance.


Apache::Session not updating session

2001-08-14 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

I really hope this isn't a FAQ, but I've lost more hair over this problem
than I really should have, which is why I'm here.

I'm using Apache::Session::File, and am setting a cookie for my sessionid,
and my code is currently running in plain-old CGI mode (one of the libraries
I'm using keeps segfaulting under mod_perl for some strange reason).  When I
visit the CGI, it successfully creates the session file in the /tmp
directory, and all subsequent accesses to the page successfully load the
session information from the right file on disk.  However, my problem is
that any value I set in my session is never updated on disk.  I have tried
explicitly calling tied(%session)-save and delete, to no avail.
Permissions look good, the disk isn't full, and obviously it was able to
access the disk in the first place since it was able to write the session
file to disk.

I'm about to go crazy here, since my application is working with the
exception of this crucial piece.  Any help anyone can provide would be
greatly appreciated.

System config:
Redhat 7.1, with stock Apache/mod_perl RPMs.
Stock RH7.1 Perl.
Apache::Session v1.53

Michael A Nachbaur

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