Re: how would mysqld restart affect dynamically set global variables?

2007-03-14 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Wed, March 14, 2007 9:35, Bing Du said:

 We're running mysql 4.1.20.  If I understand the manual correctly, I can
 change max_connections while mysqld is running without restart mysqld to
 make the change take effect.  But what if mysqld restarts later in some
 other situations, like machine reboot, would my (global) change on
 max_connections remain?  I'm just very clear when to make dynamic changes
 and when is better to put changes in my.cnf.  Please advise.

 Thanks in advance,


Put the changes in dynamically.  If they work change the my.cnf to make
them survive the next time mysql is restarted (for example on a reboot).


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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2007-03-12 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Mon, March 12, 2007 8:04, Neil Tompkins said:
 I've been researching the best method to store credit card numbers in a
 database which are saved encrypted.  My version of mysql is 3.23 therefore
 think the only function I could use is


 I've tried these functions and they appear to work as I want.  I've a
 of questions though, can I use varchar when saving the data and are these
 functions suitable for my requirements ?

use 'Bin' versions of fields since the encoded data may be binary.


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Re: Best Practice: Timezones and web development

2007-03-06 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Tue, March 6, 2007 9:40, Marcus Bointon said:
 On 6 Mar 2007, at 17:12, David T. Ashley wrote:

 Best practice is that all times maintained in a database (or
 anywhere on the
 server) are UTC, and are only converted to local timezone and/or
 adjusted to
 daylight savings time as required to display data for a specific user.

 Exactly right.

 Now, as far as the best way to implement the two paragraphs above
 (especially with DST), I have not a clue.

 I do this using the date extension that was updated in PHP 5.1. I
 store the string representation of the time zone, for example 'Europe/
 London', and set that as the time environment whenever a session is
 started using:
 After that it all just magically works - whenever you call date() and
 friends, it's all corrected for the time zone.

 A slightly harder question is how to get the user's time zone in the
 first place. You can take a wild guess according to their IP, but it
 could well be wrong. Next you could use Javascript to find out the
 local time and get an offset, but then you have no way of getting DST
 info, and it doesn't tell you where they really are. Finally, you can
 just ask - I've made the time zone a user preference, and most
 systems I've seen do the same.

 Marcus Bointon
 Synchromedia Limited: Creators of
Added problem. What if their computer clock is way off.  Before I figured
out session cookies I had cookies disappearing on random computers because
the computer clock was a couple of days off.  FWIW.

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Re: MySQL Daylight Savings Time Patch - easy check

2007-02-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Wed, February 28, 2007 14:10, Ryan Stille said:
 I am on 4.1.20-1.

 Maybe your OS isn't patched?

 Try this:  SELECT @@global.time_zone;
Won't help if you are on debian which is still on 4.0.
 If you get back SYSTEM, then MySQL is looking to the OS for timezone
 data.  And its only loaded when MySQL starts, so if you haven't
 restarted MySQL since you patched your OS, you need to do that.


 Jerry Schwartz wrote:
 What version of MySQL are you using? I'm running 4.1.21, and that check
 doesn't work even after I've updated (I think) the time zone tables.

 I should probably eyeball the output of mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.


 Jerry Schwartz
 Global Information Incorporated
 195 Farmington Ave.
 Farmington, CT 06032

 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan Stille [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 4:28 PM
 Subject: Re: MySQL Daylight Savings Time Patch - easy check

 Ryan Stille wrote:

 Paul DuBois wrote:

 At 4:40 PM -0600 2/20/07, Ryan Stille wrote:

 Is there an easy way to test to see if MySQL already has

 the proper

 tables loaded?


 Yes, reload them. :-)  After that, they're current! ...

 After digging around on the net for a while I found an easy
 way to tell
 if your MySQL installation is ready for the new daylight savings time.

 SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2007-03-11 02:00:00'),
 UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2007-03-11 03:00:00');

 This should return the same value, even though you are feeding it
 different times, because this is when the 1 hr change occurs.
  I get the
 correct result on both of my machines.  On one of them I've run the
 suggested |mysql_tzinfo_to_sql command, on the other, the time zone
 tables are completely empty!

 Any wisdom on these time zone tables - are they ever used, should I
 populate them or not?



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[Fwd: RE: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query]

2007-01-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
Please post to the list not to me personnally.
 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query From:  
 John Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Thu, January 18, 2007 10:24
To:  William R. Mussatto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I optimized every table after I first imported the data.  The tables were
probably in use, off and on for testing, for about a week after the
optimize table was ran on every table before I noticed this problem. I'm
not saying the problem didn't exist within that week, I'm just saying I
didn't notice it ;) .

Another thing.  Does the query optimizer keep any sort of statistics and
use them to make decisions for future queries on the same table?   If so,
then that could be the problem because we have certain fields, containing
only numbers, but were previously setup as varchars for some unknown
reason.   I changed them all to int types but some queries in obscure
parts of our applications are still querying this field as if it were a
character field, using LIKE, etc.  I'm slowly but sure tracking those down
and fixing them, I'm just curious if that could have anything to do with
this strange behavior.


John A.

-Original Message-
From: William R. Mussatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query

Just a thought, did you try running Optimize Table from the MySQL
Administrator.  I'm thinking that when you restarted it re-examined the
table statistics and was able to pick a better index.
On Wed, January 17, 2007 14:31, John Anderson said:

 mysql SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(rb.subscription_id) as

 -   SUM(rb.grace_price) as recurring_cc,

 -   COUNT(sb.subscription_id) as single_cc_count,

 -   SUM(sb.initial_amt) as single_cc

 - FROM customerdetail a

 -   LEFT JOIN recurringbilling rb

 - ON a.subscription_id = rb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN singlebilling sb

 - ON a.subscription_id = sb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN (global.subscriptionExchangeRate as ser INNER JOIN
 global.currencyCodes as cur)

 - ON (a.subscription_id = ser.subscriptionId AND
 ser.billedCurrencyCode = cur.currencyCode)

 - WHERE client_accnum = '12345'

 -   AND a.trans_timestamp

 -   BETWEEN '2007010800' AND '20070108235959';


 | recurring_cc_count | recurring_cc | single_cc_count | single_cc |


 |  4 |   119.80 |   0 |  NULL |


 1 row in set (0.40 sec)

 mysql explain SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(rb.subscription_id) as

 -   SUM(rb.grace_price) as recurring_cc,

 -   COUNT(sb.subscription_id) as single_cc_count,

 -   SUM(sb.initial_amt) as single_cc

 - FROM customerdetail a

 -   LEFT JOIN recurringbilling rb

 - ON a.subscription_id = rb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN singlebilling sb

 - ON a.subscription_id = sb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN (global.subscriptionExchangeRate as ser INNER JOIN
 global.currencyCodes as cur)

 - ON (a.subscription_id = ser.subscriptionId AND
 ser.billedCurrencyCode = cur.currencyCode)

 - WHERE client_accnum = '12345'

 -   AND a.trans_timestamp

 -   BETWEEN '2007010800' AND '20070108235959';



 | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys
 | key | key_len | ref   | rows |



 |  1 | SIMPLE  | a | range  |
 client_idx,trans_idx,accno_trans_idx,accnumactive,accsubactive |
accno_trans_idx | 7   | NULL  |4 |
 where; Using index |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | rb| eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 | |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | sb| eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 | |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | ser   | ref| PRIMARY,billedCurrencyCode |
PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 | |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | cur   | eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 2   | global.ser.billedCurrencyCode |1 |
Using index

Re: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query

2007-01-17 Thread William R. Mussatto
 for the
 customerdetail table which has much better cardinality (almost 1 key per

 The obvious workaround is use FORCE INDEX(accno_trans_idx) in the query
 for now, but I'm beginning to think this may be a bug.  Has anyone else
 had any similar issues?  I haven't found anything like this in the bug
 database though.  If anyone doesn't see anything blatantly wrong with my
 setup, I'll submit this as a bug.

 Further information:

 Here is how MySQL is configured, and the my.cnf I'm using.

 CC=gcc -m64 CXX=g++ -m64 \

 ./configure --prefix=/usr \

 --sbindir=/usr/sbin \

 --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \

 --infodir=/usr/share/man \

 --mandir=/usr/share/info \

 --libdir=/usr/lib64 \

 --enable-shared \

 --enable-static \

 --enable-thread-safe-client \

 --enable-local-infile \

 --with-extra-charsets=all \

 --with-gnu-ld \

 --with-pthread \

 --with-unix-socket-path=/tmp/mysql.sock \

 --with-mysqld-user=mysql \

 --without-debug \

 --with-openssl=/usr \

 --with-big-tables \

 --with-archive-storage-engine \

 --with-csv-storage-engine \

 --with-blackhole-storage-engine \

 --with-federated-storage-engine \

 --with-berkeley-db \

 --with-berkeley-includes=/usr/include \

 --with-berkeley-libs=/usr/lib64 \

 --without-extra-tools \

 --with-mysqlmanager=no \

 --with-ndbcluster \



















 open_files_limit=8192 # Anything higher needs corresponding ulimit entry






































 John Anderson


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: OT: LAMP appliance for non-profit use

2006-12-07 Thread William R. Mussatto
Have you looked at ubuntu distribution of linux.  I think they have a
'school' variant which might be close to what you need.  Also, the people
there might be able to give you more help.  Good luck.
On Thu, December 7, 2006 9:39, Saqib Ali said:
 Hello All,

 I know this is little bit off-topic but I think users of this group
 can give good advice on this topic.

 We have a in-house built application using MySQL + PHP + Apache. It is
 essentially a elaborate collection of online forms that will be used
 for managing school scholarship in the 3rd world countries. The
 student/teachers will either come to the office or fill out the forms

 We have identified few pilot location and would like to deploy this
 application. However due to lack of IT support at the location we have
 decided to use a pre-configured appliance which support the LAMP
 stack. All we want to do is directly ship the appliance to the
 location, and remotely install our app.

 We want the appliance to require minimal maintenance and
 administration, and have a auto-update feature to get security patches

 I had previously worked on a similar project and used Sun Cobalt 550
 servers. But now I think Sun has stopped making them and you can only
 buy them refurbished and the auto-update features are severely

 Any other suggestion??? We want the appliance to cost us $1,000 / unit.


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test email

2006-11-16 Thread William R. Mussatto
Sorry, but I haven't gotten any emails from the list and I'm trying to
determine if there is a blockages. Sorry to disturb the list.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Alter Table Add Column - How Long to update

2006-10-20 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Thu, October 19, 2006 18:24, Ow Mun Heng said:
 Just curious to know,

 I tried to update a table with ~1.7 million rows (~1G in size) and the
 update took close to 15-20 minutes before it says it's done.
 Is this kind of speed expected?

 I don't really understand how the alter table add column is done, but
 when I look at the show processlist I see that it says the state is
 copying into tmp table

 Does the alter table mean that MySQL has to copy the Entire table,
 row-by-row into a temporary table, and add in the additional column (or

 I'm using InnoDB by the way

Basic process for any change which modifies the structure of the table is
to create a temporary table with the new structure, copy the information
from the old table table to the new one (modifying as needed to match the
new structure), drop the old table and rename the new table to the old
tables name.  So the time might be realistic. It depends on the hardware
you are using and what else is going on on the system.

Hope this helps.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Simple JOIN on three tables

2006-10-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Wed, October 18, 2006 12:46, spacemarc said:
 I have 3 tables with the same fields.

 I would want to find the data that they are comprised in the time

 SELECT a.*, b.*, c.*
 FROM tab1 a, tab2 b, tab3 c
 WHERE between '-MM-DD' and '-MM-DD'
 OR between '-MM-DD' and '-MM-DD'
 OR between '-MM-DD' and '-MM-DD'

 But this query returns all the fields duplicated.
 Where it is mistaken?

Well that's what you asked it to do, if you look closely at your query.

How are table a, b, and c related to each other?

Do you want all the information from each of the tables (which are NOT
related to each other) between the specified dates?  If that is the case
you are looking at a UNION rather than a strait JOIN.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Simple JOIN on three tables

2006-10-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Wed, October 18, 2006 13:21, spacemarc said:
 ok, instead I use
 (SELECT * FROM tab1 WHERE mydate between 'the-date1' and 'the-date2' )
 (SELECT * FROM tab2 WHERE mydate between 'the-date1' and 'the-date2' )

 But if I wanted to use a join I can make it however or not?


A JOIN implies that the tables are related, that is, a column (or columns)
in table a has the same value as a column (or columns) in table b.  Thats
what they mean when they call it a RELATIONAL database.  If the tables
don't have such a relationship you are asking for the UNION of the
separate information from table a, where it meets its WHERE conditions,
and the information from table b where it meets its WHERE conditions.  The
fact that both where conditions are the same doesn't matter. Hope this


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Simple JOIN on three tables

2006-10-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
On Wed, October 18, 2006 13:37, spacemarc said:
 2006/10/18, Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 You can join on any row(s) you like. What are you trying to acccomplish?

 I simply want to select the records from my three tables that are
 comprised in time interval.
 Now, the first table comprises the records until to 2004 year; the
 second table unitl 2005 and the third table until 2006.

 If a user select a date (example) between 2005 and 2006 I want to
 select the data from two tables


Then it is really a UNION. I hope you have the date field as an index
otherwise you are looking at a table scan which is always slow.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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RE: RE: How to rewrite query

2006-10-17 Thread William R. Mussatto
Would it not be best to have the field with the fewest repeats (i.e., the
closest to unique) first, or is that what you meant.

On Tue, October 17, 2006 10:12, Jerry Schwartz said:
 I didn't think of that (combinations). You are probably right. Due to my
 background, I tend not to think a lot about multi-column indices.

 I would think that you want field with the most possible values first,
 the next, etc. Is that what you were thinking?


 Jerry Schwartz
 Global Information Incorporated
 195 Farmington Ave.
 Farmington, CT 06032

 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Buettner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:05 PM
 To: Jerry Schwartz
 Cc: mos;
 Subject: Re: RE: How to rewrite query

 I agree that individual fields have relatively few possible values -
 hopefully, when those are combined in a multi-column index, he will
 have a greater number of unique combinations, gaining more out of the
 index.  That's why I suggested putting stype and Is_id as the first
 two fields in the index (though I guess I did not mention that!).

 stype had 6 values, Is_id had 5, so he may have up to about 30
 combinations as the first two fields, which should be enough to help a


 On 10/17/06, Jerry Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would think that with so few possible values for all but
 the ip field,
  indexing the other fields would accomplish nothing. In fact, I'd be
  surprised if the optimizer didn't realize that and do a
 sequential read
  Jerry Schwartz
  Global Information Incorporated
  195 Farmington Ave.
  Farmington, CT 06032
  860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
   -Original Message-
   From: mos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:46 AM
   Subject: Re: How to rewrite query
   At 08:34 AM 10/17/2006, you wrote:
 For the Radius server we're using MySQL cluster and the
   following query
looks too slow:
   select ip from ipaddr
 where pool='INTERNET' and stype='S' and ls_id=3 and
   allocated is null
 limit 1;
 Table ipaddr is small (~6MB, 38000 records). Fields in
   WHERE clause have
few values and no indexes:
 - pool: 2 distinct values;
 - stype: 6 distinct values;
 - ls_id: 5 distinct values;
 - allocated is null for ~3 of records.
 Table type is NDB. If I change it to MEMORY everything
   starts to fly.
 Of course there are a lot of updates to ipaddr table too.
   For every
select there are 3 updates. But updates are of type update
where ip=ipaddr and ipaddr is unique key.
 What can cause slowdown in NDB case? Table is small and is
   in memory
(5.0 cluster). Maybe I can rewrite it in some better form
   for such case?
 MySQL setting are basically default. I did not find
 something in
documentation about improving performance of NDB engine tables.
 Maybe increase read_buffer_size which is currently the
   default 128k?
Server has 4GB of memory and runs x86_64 version of
 CentOS4 Linux.
If your queries are always using those fields, why
   not create a
   single compound index on those fields? This shouldn't slow
   down inserts
   that much, and if they do, you could always use delayed inserts.
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Re: Windows Server Configuration

2006-08-25 Thread William R. Mussatto
Just noticed that you said partitions.  I am assuming that you meat
multiple drives in a raid array.


David Lazo said:
 Thanx again.

 For the time being, we will keep 4 drives with Dan's suggestion.  OS and
 MySQL running from there.

 On 8/25/06 11:03 AM, Dan Buettner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 James, with just 4 drives, you can set up one big RAID 10 disk
 (usually called a logical disk, with Dell PERCs I think it's a
 container), and then partition it for your different needs.

 If you have 4 73 GB disks, you probably have around 135 GB formatted
 capacity with RAID 10; I'd do something like this for my own MySQL
 server in that situation:

 20 GB C partition for OS and software binaries
 10 GB D partition for MySQL temp space
 20-40 GB E partition for MySQL binary logs (if you're using them)
 remainder F partiition for MySQL data directory

 Your needs will vary depending on whether this server does only MySQL
 or other serving as well, how big your databases are, whether you want
 to keep binary logs for some period of time, and how large those
 binary logs are.

 I agree with David's response that you want redundancy for the OS as
 well.  Drives fail, plain and simple.  The single best thing you can
 do with servers is plan for hardware failure.  Having your data on
 redundant disks is great, but if your OS is on a single drive, when
 (not if, when) that one fails, your data is redundant but still

 You may pay a small performance penalty having the OS on the same
 physical drives with your MySQL, but I'd make that sacrifice for the
 redundancy, no question.  On the other hand if you want to add a
 couple of drives and make a separate RAID 1 pair for the OS, go for


 On 8/25/06, JamesDR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: file i/o operations...

2006-08-25 Thread William R. Mussatto
A couple of comments:
- Simultaneous connections can be increased, but at some point the user
than runs the mysqld process will run out of file handles it can allocate
(each table takes 2 or 3).
- If we are talking about a database server and test server being the same
box then what are you trying to test.  Once you exceed the number of
processors on the box, the OS will just queue up the various processes and
that will be the limit of scalablity. Unless you overlap real I/O with
computation there is not much gain beyond a certain point.  When you run
out of memory for processes, its page to disk time (not a pleasent site).

Not sure what you are testing here.

BTW: please expain the 'black hole table'.

Jut my $0.1 worth.


Brent Baisley said:
 Just getting that number of processes running I think would be a
 challenge. A setup I recently worked on runs a few hundred
 processes per box, and that kind of maxes out the CPU.

 Approach 1, been there, done that. Too messy.

 Approach 2, considered it, but you may end up with processes that never
 connect. You would need a queueing/scheduling mechanism.
 Essentially you would be trying to do what an OS does, manage resources to
 make sure every process gets it's turn.

 Approach 3, what we currently use. The processes connect to the db, does a
 bulk insert and then disconnects. We decided to limit
 each process to blocks of 100. Inserting a single record at a time will
 quickly degrade. This setup actually moved the bottleneck
 from the database to the processes doing their job. When each process
 starts, it inserts a record into a table and gets it's id. The
 process then handles the autoincrement value. The unique id for each
 record is then the process id plus the increment value.

 To really scale, you may want to look into the black hole table format.
 Essentially it's a black hole, nothing is saved so there
 really isn't much overhead. But you set it up to be replicated and a
 replication log is generated. An easy setup would be to have
 multiple tables on a master server, each table replicating a black hole
 table from another server. Then create a merge table
 encompassing the multiple tables for easy querying.
 This is the next idea we are pursueing, so it may or may not work.

 - Original Message -
 From: bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 1:12 PM
 Subject: file i/o operations...


 i'm trying to determine which is the better way/approach to go. should
 app do a great deal of file i/o, or should it do a great deal of
 to a mysql db...

 my test app will create a number of spawned child processes, 1000's of
 simultaneous processes, and each child process will create data. the
 will ultimately need to be inserted into a db.

 Approach 1
 if i have each child app write to a file, i'm going to have a serious
 hit on
 the disk, for the file i/o, but i'm pretty sure Centos/RH could handle
 (although, to be honest, i don't know if there's a limit to the number
 simultaneous file descriptors that the OS allows to be open at the same
 time.) i'm assuming that the number is multiples of magnitudes more than
 number of simultaneous connections i can have with a db

 i could then have a process/app collect the information from each output
 file, writing the information to the db, and deleting the output files

 Approach 2
 i could have each child app write to a local db, with each child app,
 waiting to get the next open db connection. this is limited, as i'd run
 the max connection limit for the db. i'd also have to implement a
 process to
 get the information from the local db, to the master db. ..

 Approach 3
 i could have each child app write directly to the db.. the problem with
 approach is that the db has a max regarding the number of simultaneous
 connections, based on system resources. this would be the cleanest

 so... anybody have any thoughts/comments as to how one can essentially
 accept 1000's-1's of simultaneous hits with an app...

 i've been trying to find out if there's any kind of distributed
 parent/child/tiered kind of app, where information/data is more or less
 collected and received at the node level...

 does anyone know of a way to create a distributed kind of db app,
 where i
 can enter information into a db on a given server, and the information
 essentially pulled into the master server from the child server...



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Re: 1 to many relationships

2006-08-16 Thread William R. Mussatto
Gerald L. Clark said:
 Brian E Boothe wrote:
 hey guys ;
it's not Customers Per issue it's the other way around issues per
 i enter in Customer 1 and then down the road i wanna add a issue
 associated with that customer, so goto that customer and Click Add
 the a form Comes up and i add the issue and Click Add issue, i need that
 issue to associate with that customer, every Customer Refrences the same
 issue table
 Then it is many to many.
 Many customers are associated with many issues.
 i have Customers   /Issues as tables,

 Gerald L. Clark
 Supplier Systems Corporation
I beg to differ.  It would be a many to many if several customers were
related to the same issue.
If each customer can have one or more issues, but no issue can 'belong' to
more than one customer then its 1 to many and you can put the customer ID
in the issues table.
If several customers can have the same issue (row) then you will need an
intermediate table which has two columns: customerID and issueID.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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RE: LIMIT Question

2006-06-29 Thread William R. Mussatto
Have your where clause select the customer, sort result by autoincrement
column DESC limit 50

Only problem is the order would be the inverse (i.e., last in first
displayed) from your goal.  Only way I can thing to go around this would
be to select into a temp table and then sort that into the desired
Just a thougth.

Dirk Bremer said:

 That might be close. The rows are inserted with an auto-increment
 primary key, but I have no ready way of knowing what the latest 50-IDs
 are. There are also various date columns, but I won't readily know the
 dates in this scenario.

 The goal of the query, which currently returns all of the results, is to
 find all entries for a given customer regardless of when they occurred.
 I would like no more than the last 50 rows inserted for this customer
 (this could be based upon the auto-increment value) and would prefer to
 have them ordered within the 50-possible results in the order they were
 inserted, from lowest-ID to the highest-ID. This will prevent the query
 from showing possible hundreds of results.

 There are multiple customers in the table.

 Dirk Bremer - Senior Systems Engineer - ESS/AMS - NISC Lake St. Louis MO
 - USA Central Time Zone
 636-755-2652 fax 636-755-2503


 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Buettner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 15:28
 To: Dirk Bremer
 Subject: Re: LIMIT Question

 Depends what you mean by last - you could show the 50 with the
 latest datestamps by ending your query with something like:

 ORDER BY datestampcolumn DESC
 LIMIT 50;

 or the 50 with the highest ID numbers, same thing:

 LIMIT 50;

 only real problem there is then they're sorted highest to lowest, but
 it is still the last 50.


 On 6/28/06, Dirk Bremer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a way to use a LIMIT clause to show the last X
 amount of rows
  or a way to emulate this behavior? For example, a table has
  between 1000 and 2000 rows, but you just want to see the
 last 50. These
  last 50 might be the most recent entries, for example. Can
 this be done
  in single query?
  Dirk Bremer - Senior Systems Engineer - ESS/AMS - NISC Lake
 St. Louis MO
  - USA Central Time Zone
  636-755-2652 fax 636-755-2503


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Connection Pooling

2006-05-08 Thread William R. Mussatto
romyd misc said:
 Hi Everyone,

 I'm developing an application using C# .NET and mysql as database. It's a
 multithreaded application, we open a mysql database connection at the very
 beginning when the application is started and all the database requests
 the same connection. But under stress or when more than one request try to
 access database, i get object reference errors. I don't get this error
 when frequency of database calls is low. Does it sounds like i need to
 implement connection pooling?

 I tried to lookup online, but couldn't find any help under mysql
 documentation. Can someone help me setting up mysql connection pooling

 Thanks in advance,
Your comment about one connection for all of the threads disturbs me.

Your application will have to ensure that each thread is finished with the
connection and returns it to the pool.  Two threads cannot, at the same
time, use the same connection.  Say thread A had performed a select which
returned 2000 row resultset.  Until that thread had read in all 2000 rows,
they would still be in the connection.  If thread B tried to use the same
connection and asked for a different result set when thread A went back
for the rest of its results where would they be?

When you put stress on your application this is more likely to happen.

What a pool does is allow your threads to formally release their
connections back to the pool when they are done with them and re-aquire
them later without the full overhead to going all the way back to the
server to open a connection.  Instead you go to some intermediate point
where a set of threads are already avaiable (in Apache its at the child
level and in java its at the container level).


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Re: New User Setting up MYSQL

2006-04-13 Thread William R. Mussatto
You might want to look get the mysql admin tool.  It will call the query
browser if needed (so don't get rid of that), but its what you use to
supervise the server (set up users etc.)

Hope this helps.
Chuck Wildeman said:

 I am very new to mysql.  In the past I was using Access.  I don't have any
 other experience setting up databases.  I bought a book on MYSQL and
 downloaded the installation file to one of our server and then installed
 using most of the defaults.  I am now at my XP Pro laptop and want to
 the database and start doing things such as importing table from access
 I wasn't exactly sure what to use for a front end so I choose MYSQL Query
 browser.  I am having trouble connecting to the newly created database.
 MYSQL Query Browser comes up with a screen that asks for a couple of
 Under stored connection I put in OCRPDC which is the name we use for the
 server I put this on.  For stored host I put in the IP address of this
 server.  I left the port as 3306 and arranged for this port to be open
 during the installation.  Under username I have tried both root and
 cwildeman.  I thought during the installation it asked for a user ID and
 this is what I plugged in.  For a password I have used both my normal
 windows password which I use for many things and our administrator
 which I thought I used during the installation.  I wasn't sure what to use
 to Default Schema so I just put in test. I keep getting a connection error
 number 2003 stating I can't connect to MYSQL server.  Is there something
 that someone can suggest?




William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: table keys

2006-03-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
fbsd_user said:
 create table members (
 logon_idvarchar(15) NOT NULL,
 email_addr  varchar(30) NOT NULL,
 member_type char(1),
 email_verified  char(1),
 date_added  date,
 last_login  timestamp,
 count_of_logons INT,
 first_name  varchar(30),
 last_name   varchar(30),
 primary key login_id (login_id),
 UNIQUE INDEX email_addr (email_addr));
 When doing a insert row, if the logon_id value is all ready in
 the table I get a dup id msg. This is fine and what I want to

 But when inserting a row with a unique logon_id value that has
 a email_addr that is already used by some other logon_id,
 mysql allows the insert. This is not the action I want.

 I need to be able to do lookup by logon_id or by email_addr
 and retrieve the row. I can do that now, but if 2 logon_id's have
 the same email address I get both rows. I need the email address
 to be unique across all rows.

 How can I change this table definition so email_addr is unique
 across all rows of the table?

 I read the manual about 'unique  index' options, but still don't
 comprehend what the manual says.

 Also as you can see I do not select a engine type, is there some
 engine type better suited and or faster for the way I am
 trying to use the keys?

 Thanks for your advice and help.

Close but you need to specify that the index is UNIQUE (see changes above)


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
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Re: LVM-snapshot + mysqldump -- is this a reasonable backup

2005-09-29 Thread William R. Mussatto
George Herson said:
 James G. Sack (jim) wrote:

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 13:14 -0400, George Herson wrote:

James G. Sack (jim) wrote:

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 12:15 -0400, George Herson wrote:

Dear Jim,

Re: your post at, why bother
 creating the mysqldump if you already have the snapshot?  Why not
 just  backup the snapshot?


The output of mysqldump *is* the backup. If the db goes away, it can
 be restored with (something like) mysql dumpfile.2005-09-01.

The dump operation is run periodically, and some number of back
 versions can be kept around (or offloaded) for archival value.

Yes, but can't you also save your snapshot instead, then, when/if you
 want, restore it,

4. mount the snapshot

 5. load a second database server daemon accessing the db within the
snapshot (with a suitable alternate my.cnf file)

 6. perform mysqldump operation on the snapshot-db ??


George, LVM snapshots are generally intended to be short-lived --




 I didn't word my question quite right because I was only guessing at
 what a LVM snapshot was. Moreover, what you're saying is all correct.
 However, I was not suggesting that the snapshot be kept around once the
 backup is made.

 Let's go to article What is a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) snapshot and
  how do I use it?
  in the RedHat k'base  It says After
 performing the backup of the snapshot partition we release the
 snapshot.  This implies, at least to me, that one doesn't need a 2nd
 database server or to do a mysqldump (your steps 5-7).  Instead, we just
  tar cv /mnt/ops/dbbackup (to use the article's example name for the
 mounted snapshot), save the tape, and dispense with the snapshot.
 Wouldn't that work?  MySQL keeps its data in files already, so why is it
  necessary to mysqldump it?  Are you only trying to avoid having to also
  backup the mysqld version that wrote the data files to ensure that
 these  can be read later?

The LVM snapshot will hold the state of the database as it is written to
the  disk.  However, the database engine may have to write several things
to the disk to ensure consistency (e.g, main table and index). If you take
the snapshot between these two operations the database will be in an
inconsistent state.  Mysqldump locks the tables before performing a dump
to prevent this.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Difference between Blob and varchar binary

2005-08-02 Thread William R. Mussatto
I was storing some 8 bit information in a varchar binary field (encrypted
stuff) and I think its getting corrupted. I thought they were (except for
size) interchangable?  I'm running debian GNU Linux and haven't moved to
sarge so I'm still on 3.23.x but will be moving shortly.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Difference between Blob and varchar binary

2005-08-02 Thread William R. Mussatto
Gleb Paharenko said:

 In my opinion, one of the causes of the problem can be the processing of
 trailing spaces in varbinary fields. See:
Thanks, you may be right since the results are too short.

 William R. Mussatto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was storing some 8 bit information in a varchar binary field
 (encrypted stuff) and I think its getting corrupted. I thought they
 were (except for size) interchangable?  I'm running debian GNU Linux
 and haven't moved to sarge so I'm still on 3.23.x but will be moving


 William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
 Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
 FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Sharing a Database Between Websites

2005-03-23 Thread William R. Mussatto
David Blomstrom said:
 I discovered by accident that I can link any website
 on my reseller account to one database. That would be
 far more convenient than working with six separate
 databases, and it would also cut down on file size
 overall, since there are certain tables that I share
 between websites.

 But my host warned me that a big database could
 increase query time and make it harder to update. I
 want to understand exactly how this works.
The problem would be large tables rather than large database.
Traversing a table is what costs time.

There would be a slight increase in the Operating System finding the files
associated with each table, but this is a factor only with very large
numbers of tables not 100.  This all assumes MyISAM table type.  I don't
know about the others since they do share a single file.
 Suppose I have two database tables and one website
 that's linked to both those tables. Suppose it takes
 one second to query those tables.

 Now if I add 100 tables, but my website still queries
 just two of them, will a query still take one second?
 Or will those additional tables slow things down, even
 though my website doesn't even make any reference to

 And will those extra websites make it take
 increasingly longer to add additional tables or modify
 existing tables?

 I would think my local database ought to be a good
 guide. I have over 100 tables in the same database on
 my computer, and things seem to work just fine. Of
 course, I realize things take longer online. My
 webpages do run a little slow, but I think that's
 because of some sloppiness in designing my database
 tables; that's something I'll just have to refine as I
 learn more about MySQL.


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Re: database pooling problem

2005-03-07 Thread William R. Mussatto
Eric Bergen said:
 Apache 1.3 with php (not sure about tomcat) is a pre forked daemon. Any
 connection pooling numbers will be per child. Try setting your
 connection numbers per child (for most php apps this is 1) and let us
 know what happens. I'm guessing it will create as many connections as
 there are apache children. For more info see the fork() man page.

Actually the connection is on per worker process.  Tomcat response to
apache's children's requests, so it would be, at worst, one connnection
per tomcat worker, which should be a smaller number than apache
children/threads.  There are methods for tomcat workers to also share a
connection pool, but I've never used them.  For my needs dropping and
creating connections has been better (shared servers).

I'd look at the tomcat connection pooling information on the apache site
as a place to start rather than the web-sever.  Hopefully you have
configured tomcat to just handle the .jsp page not ALL PAGES.
 On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 17:04:47 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Scott Purcell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/07/2005 04:59:27

  Thanks Sean,
  I am using standalone Apache/Tomcat 4.1.31
  mysql \s
  mysql  Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.15, for Win95/Win98 (i32)
  Connection id:  184
  SSL:Not in use
  Server version: 4.0.15-max-debug
  Protocol version:   10
  Connection: localhost via TCP/IP
  Client characterset:latin1
  Server characterset:latin1
  TCP port:   3306
  I am using Java to code with and I am using a driver called:
  My connection class is too large to submit to the list, or I would
 submit it.
  I guess what I would like to be able to do is create some type of
 object that I could use to do pooling that is maybe inside the
  I hope this helps,

 It would be happy to try to help if I worked in or on either of those
 platforms (Apache + Java).  I am Win32(IIS), ASP (VBScript/JavaScript)
 using MyODBC as my connection library. Sorry but I can't help in any
 way shape or form. I have CC-ed the description of your operating and
 development environments to the list to see if anyone offers to help.

 Maybe next time!

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 3:48 PM
  To: Scott Purcell
  Subject: Re: database pooling problem

  Scott Purcell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/07/2005
   I am working with a traditional database pooling class basically
 putting connection objects into a Vector.  When I run the code
 from a main, it appears solid. I have run 10s of thousands of back
 to back queries and all is good.
   Problem is when I connect it to a web-app, and reboot the
 webserver a couple of times, I get a message from the driver
 stating Too many connection and I am done.
   Upon thinking about this, I figured my traditional Vector of
 connections, is getting created over and over, each time someone
 bumps the web server with a new class, etc. So I start out with
 10 connections, then another 10 and another 10 and eventually I
 guess the driver has no more connections to give?
   Anyway, this list is possibly the wrong, list, but I would hope
 there are some developers here that may lend a hand or link. So I
 am not happy with what I have created nor the way it works on the
   Does anyone have any ideas how I should handle this? in a
 web-based environment.
  No matter which list you submit to, you need to provide more
  details. Technically what you are asking is a little off-topic (more
 about making a pool work with a web server than just making the
 connection, right?) But if you bring the question to the list,
 someone _may_ be able to pitch in and help.
  Now exactly WHO can help (and to what degree they can help)
  completely depends on WHICH web server you use (there are dozens,
 you know...), HOW you initialize your pool (again many methods
 available), HOW you take and return connections from your pool
 (ditto), and which languages are in use in this entire process
 (again dozens of options). Just telling us that you use a web-server
 did not provide nearly enough information as there are literally
 thousands of combinations of ways to do what you described.
  Please tell whichever list you submit to:
  What OS you are using
  Which web server you are using
  What languages you are using
  And you will need to supply some code examples, too. The list
  members will need to be able to see your code so that they can see
 what is wrong with it.
  Best of luck,
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine


RE: insert data

2005-02-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
Gerald Preston said:

 This is the actual code except for the :

   my $dbh = DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=club', '', '', {
 PrintError = 0 } ) or die $DBI::errstr;
   my $sql = insert into wolfies( group_name, me, daily, item, unit,
 amount, tax, total )
   values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,
 ?,   ? ) ;
   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;

   $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
 $tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST Statement!!\n$DBI::errstr;

 Question?  When I created the database club, is there anything I needed
 to do concerning permissions or anything?

 I am lost here.  I have been writing code on a SUN Oracle systems for
 over five years.


Did you 'grant' user  access to all the tables in database club?

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:29 AM
 To: Gerald Preston
 Subject: Re: insert data

  From perldoc DBD::mysql

use DBI;

$dsn = DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port;

$dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $password);

 So it's not a syntax problem.  Even if it were, we should detect the
 error  long before calling prepare or execute.

 Perl is quite clearly telling you what is wrong.  Originally, you got

Can't call method prepare on an undefined value.

 for the line

my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );

 which means that $dbh is undefined at the time of the call to prepare.

 Now, you are getting

Can't call method execute on an un undefined value

 for the line

$sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
  $tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST

 which means that $sth is undefined at the time of the call to execute.

 Are you showing us select lines of your code, rather than the actual
 code?  My best guess right now is that you haven't taken into account
 that my is  a scoping operator in perl, and in the lines you haven't
 showed us, the  variables in question ($dbh or $sth) go out of scope.


 John Doe wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2005 22.19 schrieb Gerald Preston:

 Hi Gerald

The object used:

  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=club', 'xxx, 'x', {
PrintError = 0} ) or die $DBI::errstr;

 I didn't see this part in your first post :-)

 Hmm... I've never seen a '=' in the first argument passed to

 Here's an functional example I'm using:

 my $db ='database';
 my $host ='hostname';
 my $port ='1234';
 or die $0: $DBI::errstr; }

 So, try using club instead of database=club, and a hostname too.

 greetings joe

 [nothing new below]

-Original Message-
From: John Doe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: insert data

Hi Gerald

I am trying to insert data for the first time using MySQL.  In Oracle
 I used the following:

#  my $sql = insert into bar( group_name, me, daily, item, unit,
 qty, amount, tax, total )

#  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,
  ?, ?,   ? ) ;
  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );
  die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;
  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty,
$tax, $total ) || die Cannot execute FIRST

I keep getting Can't call method prepare on an un undefined value.
  All the name listed are correct by looking at MySQLAdmin1.3\4.

Apart from David Logan's answer:

You have to create the $dbh object first (man DBI); the undefined
 value in

the error message refers to that.



William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: moving DB from one box to another.

2004-12-16 Thread William R. Mussatto
Ian Sales said:
 Randy Paries wrote:

The problem is I get this wonderfully verbose :-( error message
:::ERROR at line 362701

 - MySQL can't parse something on line 362701 of your dump file. One
 possibility is an index named with a keyword, which 3.23.x appears to
 allow but 4.0.x doedsn't. Edit the dump file and see.

 - ian
Or it could be that a table name is now a reserved word.
DIV in my case

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Mysql client that does export and import

2004-12-14 Thread William R. Mussatto
Duhaime Johanne said:

 I have looked at MySql browser and MySqlAdministration and then in the
 mysql lists but I could not find what I was looking for.

 A developper is working with one of the many databasees we have.

 We want to allow him to import and export data from this database
 throught a window client (mysql in on a unix machine). Can someone
 suggest something?

 Thank you in advance

 Johanne Duhaime
Is he at a fixed IP.  If so, create a username @ that IP with proper
permissions.  He can install myodbc on the windows box and then use
The firewall's (if any) will have to be adjusted so that traffic on the
correct port is allowed from only that IP.

Just a thought.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Ok now connector/J doesn't work.

2004-11-22 Thread William R. Mussatto
William R. Mussatto said:
 Mark Matthews said:
 Hash: SHA1

 William R. Mussatto wrote:
 Keith Ivey said:

William R. Mussatto wrote:

I've been googling for 1/2 hr w/o any answers.  sorry if I've missed
 the obvious.
Problem. Fresh install of mysql 4.7.1, AS perl 5.8
DBI and DBD-Mysql via ppm.
 Also new connector/J version

Client does not support authnticaiton protocol

What version of MySQL were you using previously?  If it was 4.1.0 or
 earlier, then this
might be useful reading:

Washington, DC

 Thanks, I'll check it out.  I did the development under linux using
 3.23.xx and perl 5.6 Basically debian stable.

 From the article it looks like I'll have to fall back to a 4.0

 I was hoping, but using a clean install on the windows box to avoid
 these issues.
 I'll try  SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' =


 You'll need a copy of DBD::MySQL that's linked with libmysql from 4.1
 to get around this issue (and use the new server-side prepared
 statements as well). Patrick Galbraith (a MySQL engineer) has pushed
 the required changes into the CVS repo of DBD::MySQL, however that
 hasn't been released yet as a binary by the DBD::MySQL maintainer
 (DBD::MySQL version  2.9015)

 Thanks that worked, now to see what happends when I try w/connector/J

 As long as you're using a recent version of Connector/J (3.0.15 or
 3.1.4), it'll work fine.


 Tried it and now I get connection timed out after three tries.  I'm
 running the testbed using the tomcat buried in netbeans.  Cut and pasted
 the example from the on line docs.  Put the jar in the WEB-INF/lib
 dirctory.  Compiles fine..  I'm using the in line driver registration
 rather than modifying the
 web.xml file.

 Tested user on the same box with command line client using the
 --host=localhost and it connected fine (had run grant all for the
 'username'@'localhost' earlier.  Any thoughts?

 Of course I've been using your old mm version with 3.23.x (to match our
 debian install).

 With 4.7.1 both the old mm connector and the current connector/J both
 time out.  Anythink I should check. And no. there is no local firewll
 installed on the box.
Follow up w/specific error reports:
SQLException: Server connection failure during transaction.
Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
SQLState: 08001
VendorError: 0

 William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
 Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
 FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: [PHP-DB] Upgrading mySQL

2004-11-22 Thread William R. Mussatto
Warning!! Make sure the php module will handle the new password scheme in
4.1.  DBD::mysql from AS will not.  There are work arounds.  I'm having to
fall back to 4.0 because I can't get .jsp to work with 4.1 database (no

GH said:
 What I have been asking for... is that the upgrade does not tell me
 *HOW* to install this upgrade. WHich file I should download etc I do
 not see this under the UPGRADE section... That is what I have been

 Also, it says on the manual (section 2.10) It is a good idea to
 rebuild and reinstall the Perl DBD::mysql module
 whenever you install a new release of MySQL. The same applies to other
 MySQL interfaces as well, such as the PHP mysql extension and the
 Python MySQLdb module. However I do not know how to do this and was
 asking how to for PHP 4.

 On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 15:55:25 +0100, Ingo Strüwing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi GH,

 apart of the contents of the mentioned documents and hints, there is
 nothing else. Just start the new server in place of the old server
 with the same options unless told otherwise in the mentioned

 Am Mo, den 15.11.2004 schrieb GH um 15:06:

  when I go to both 2.10 Upgrading MySQL
  ( and  2.10.2
 Upgrading from Version 4.0 to 4.1
  ( it does
 not tell me how to upgrade it only tells me about important changes
 and recomendation. I am looking for a guide of what commands I need
 to use and so forth. As I said in the inital mailing I made, I am a
 newbie to Linux.
  It also says that
  It is a good idea to rebuild and reinstall the Perl DBD::mysql
 module whenever you install a new release of MySQL. The same applies
 to other MySQL interfaces as well, such as the PHP mysql extension
 and the Python MySQLdb module.  [But now how to]

 Ingo Strüwing, Senior Software Developer
 Office: +49 30 43672407

 Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Ok now connector/J doesn't work.

2004-11-22 Thread William R. Mussatto
Hassan Schroeder said:
 William R. Mussatto wrote:

Tried it and now I get connection timed out after three tries.  I'm
 running the testbed using the tomcat buried in netbeans.

 Frankly, the whole concept of running a server from within an IDE
 sounds so sketchy to me -- but I'm definitely not an IDE kinda guy :-)

 Have you thought of trying this from a standalone Tomcat? Wouldn't take
 long to install and test...

 Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

Dropped back to 4.0.22 server and it works.  I guess I shouldn't have
jumped into 4.1 so soon.  Buried in netbeans is a tomcat 4.06 in my
has all the directories and so forth.  The idea was that you could plub in
someone else's JSP Container and test with that.  I am now breathing a lot
easier.  Still some errors but I'm going to bring over a clean copy of the
stuff and try to see what's going on.  Thanks

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Re: Ok now connector/J doesn't work.

2004-11-22 Thread William R. Mussatto
Mark Matthews said:
 Hash: SHA1

 William R. Mussatto wrote:

Tried it and now I get connection timed out after three tries.  I'm
 running the testbed using the tomcat buried in netbeans.  Cut and
 pasted the example from the on line docs.  Put the jar in the
 WEB-INF/lib dirctory.  Compiles fine..  I'm using the in line driver
 registration rather than modifying the
web.xml file.

Tested user on the same box with command line client using the
--host=localhost and it connected fine (had run grant all for the
 'username'@'localhost' earlier.  Any thoughts?

Of course I've been using your old mm version with 3.23.x (to match
 our debian install).

With 4.7.1 both the old mm connector and the current connector/J both
 time out.  Anythink I should check. And no. there is no local firewll
 installed on the box.

 Follow up w/specific error reports:
 SQLException: Server connection failure during transaction.
 Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
 SQLState: 08001
 VendorError: 0

 What is the error message with the _new_ version of Connector/J (it
 should have more information in it, as the code that throws the
 exception you give looks like this:

 throw new SQLException(
 Server connection failure during transaction. Due
 to underlying exception: '
 + connectionException + '.
 + (this.paranoid ? 
  : Util.stackTraceToString(
 connectionException)) + \nAttempted reconnect 
 + this.maxReconnects +  times. Giving up.,


 That 'underlying exception' bit will be important for anyone who is
 trying to figure out why you're having problems!

 - --
 Mark Matthews
 MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Client Connectivity
 Office: +1 708 332 0507
Dropped back to server version 4.0.22 and it works (at least to the extent
of getting normal jsp errors rather than connection errors).  I'll try to
look at it later, but I've lost about a week w/4.1 connectivity issues so
I have to get what works out.
? I thought I was using the latest current stable version of connector/J.
? Do you want me to try it with the development version?


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Ok now connector/J doesn't work.

2004-11-21 Thread William R. Mussatto
Mark Matthews said:
 Hash: SHA1

 William R. Mussatto wrote:
 Keith Ivey said:

William R. Mussatto wrote:

I've been googling for 1/2 hr w/o any answers.  sorry if I've missed
 the obvious.
Problem. Fresh install of mysql 4.7.1, AS perl 5.8
DBI and DBD-Mysql via ppm.
Also new connector/J version

Client does not support authnticaiton protocol

What version of MySQL were you using previously?  If it was 4.1.0 or
 earlier, then this
might be useful reading:

Washington, DC

 Thanks, I'll check it out.  I did the development under linux using
 3.23.xx and perl 5.6 Basically debian stable.

 From the article it looks like I'll have to fall back to a 4.0

 I was hoping, but using a clean install on the windows box to avoid
 these issues.
 I'll try  SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' =


 You'll need a copy of DBD::MySQL that's linked with libmysql from 4.1 to
 get around this issue (and use the new server-side prepared statements
 as well). Patrick Galbraith (a MySQL engineer) has pushed the required
 changes into the CVS repo of DBD::MySQL, however that hasn't been
 released yet as a binary by the DBD::MySQL maintainer  (DBD::MySQL
 version  2.9015)

 Thanks that worked, now to see what happends when I try w/connector/J

 As long as you're using a recent version of Connector/J (3.0.15 or
 3.1.4), it'll work fine.


Tried it and now I get connection timed out after three tries.  I'm
running the testbed using the tomcat buried in netbeans.  Cut and pasted
the example from the on line docs.  Put the jar in the WEB-INF/lib
dirctory.  Compiles fine..  I'm using the in line driver registration
rather than modifying the
web.xml file.

Tested user on the same box with command line client using the
--host=localhost and it connected fine (had run grant all for the
'username'@'localhost' earlier.  Any thoughts?

Of course I've been using your old mm version with 3.23.x (to match our
debian install).

With 4.7.1 both the old mm connector and the current connector/J both time
out.  Anythink I should check. And no. there is no local firewll installed
on the box.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: What changed in 4.1.7 to break DBD::Mysql

2004-11-16 Thread William R. Mussatto
Michael Stassen said:

 Rudy Lippan wrote:

 On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Patrick Galbraith wrote:


I'm not sure about this, because it involves windows/active state, and
  those ppm packages used for active state perl are pre-compiled to
 run.  I'll talk to the current maintainer about this and see if he
 knows  about how active state packages their DBD ppm, or if he's heard
 of this  issue (I haven't before)

 Interesting. When this comes up on the linux/bsd/unix side of things,
 I just tell people to either recompile against the latest mysql client
 libraries, or  set the mysql server to accept the older passwords.

 But now with active state, it probably gets a little more complicated.
 My guess is that active state is packaging DBD::mysql with an older
 version of the mysql libraries, and I don't know if the new client
 libraries will talk to older versions of MySQL (Can anyone confirm
 this)?, but if it is the case that the newer mysql client libraries
 can't talk to the older versions of mysql, then active state would
 have to release two version of DBD::mysql, one compiled to talk 4.1.7
 and one to talk to everthing else.  Or activestate just says that you
 have to use the old passwords with 4.1.7 (Oh, and what about the
 shutdown  changes?)


 New clients can talk to old servers.  This is documented in the manual


Yes I know NOW. Its a problem with DBD being an OLD client. I also asked
the question from the other direction on the DBI maillist and I don't know
if the DBD::mysql maintainer was aware of the implications.  He was
focusing on stored procedures (a 5.x option I thougth).  A warning should
go into the Perl interface section of the manual (~~Temporarily you will
have to use OLD_PASSWORD until DBD::mysql is updated~~ or some such). 
Once you know what the problem is you can look in the correct section of
the manual, but until then I didn't know where to look. But it was Monday.


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Re: Mysql-4.1.7 and client library - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

2004-11-16 Thread William R. Mussatto
 They are successful to install mysql-4.1.7 on o.s. solaris 8 thanks to
 the suggestions of Gleb Paharenko. Now when use webmin (last version
 1.170) o phpmyadmin (last version -2.6.0-pl2) I have this problem:

 DBI connect failed : Client does not support authentication protocol
 requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

From shell it works all the solution to the problem exists? Or it
 is better install the version 4.0.21?

I had a similar problem with DBI/DBD.  The solution I used was to create
the passwords using OLD_PASSWORD('plaintextPassword') function
Look at for the
details as well as work arounds.  When they update DBD::mysql this should
go away.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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What changed in 4.1.7 to break DBD::Mysql

2004-11-15 Thread William R. Mussatto
I've been googling for 1/2 hr w/o any answers.  sorry if I've missed the
Problem. Fresh install of mysql 4.7.1, AS perl 5.8
DBI and DBD-Mysql via ppm.
Client does not support authnticaiton protocol

DBI connect('cjuhsdinfo','{username}',...) failed: Client does not support
authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL
client at stdconfig.
ph line 2
DBI::__ANON__[C:/Perl/site/lib/]('undef', 'undef')
called at C
:/Perl/site/lib/ line 662
DBI::connect('DBI', 'dbi:mysql:cjuhsdinfo', '{username}',
'{password}') called
at line 2

Any thoughts on how far I need to fall back to get around this?

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: What changed in 4.1.7 to break DBD::Mysql

2004-11-15 Thread William R. Mussatto
Keith Ivey said:
 William R. Mussatto wrote:

I've been googling for 1/2 hr w/o any answers.  sorry if I've missed
 the obvious.
Problem. Fresh install of mysql 4.7.1, AS perl 5.8
DBI and DBD-Mysql via ppm.
Client does not support authnticaiton protocol

 What version of MySQL were you using previously?  If it was 4.1.0 or
 earlier, then this
 might be useful reading:

 Washington, DC
Thanks, I'll check it out.  I did the development under linux using
3.23.xx and perl 5.6 Basically debian stable.

From the article it looks like I'll have to fall back to a 4.0 version.

I was hoping, but using a clean install on the windows box to avoid these
I'll try  SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('mypass');

Thanks that worked, now to see what happends when I try w/connector/J

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: What changed in 4.1.7 to break DBD::Mysql

2004-11-15 Thread William R. Mussatto
Mark Matthews said:
 Hash: SHA1

 William R. Mussatto wrote:
 Keith Ivey said:

William R. Mussatto wrote:

I've been googling for 1/2 hr w/o any answers.  sorry if I've missed
 the obvious.
Problem. Fresh install of mysql 4.7.1, AS perl 5.8
DBI and DBD-Mysql via ppm.
Client does not support authnticaiton protocol

What version of MySQL were you using previously?  If it was 4.1.0 or
 earlier, then this
might be useful reading:

Washington, DC

 Thanks, I'll check it out.  I did the development under linux using
 3.23.xx and perl 5.6 Basically debian stable.

 From the article it looks like I'll have to fall back to a 4.0

 I was hoping, but using a clean install on the windows box to avoid
 these issues.
 I'll try  SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' =


 You'll need a copy of DBD::MySQL that's linked with libmysql from 4.1 to
 get around this issue (and use the new server-side prepared statements
 as well). Patrick Galbraith (a MySQL engineer) has pushed the required
 changes into the CVS repo of DBD::MySQL, however that hasn't been
 released yet as a binary by the DBD::MySQL maintainer  (DBD::MySQL
 version  2.9015)

 Thanks that worked, now to see what happends when I try w/connector/J

 As long as you're using a recent version of Connector/J (3.0.15 or
 3.1.4), it'll work fine.



 - --
 Mark Matthews
 MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Client Connectivity
 Office: +1 708 332 0507
Thanks, I figured I just hit it at the wrong time (4.1.7 out but DBD not
yet updated).   the connector/j just came down from so it should
be current.  I do most of my production work on debian linux but wanted to
give this client the current stuff.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: What changed in 4.1.7 to break DBD::Mysql

2004-11-15 Thread William R. Mussatto
Patrick Galbraith said:

 What was the error that you had specifically? Did you use a precompiled
 version of DBD::mysql like a RPM, or did you build it yourself? I don't
 know if this is a DBD version issue that you are experiencing, because
 nothing was changed in authentication protocol. The main thing that
 I've coded into the newer version of DBD::mysql is support for prepared


The DBD::mysql is from Active State's repository via the ppm auto install
process.  The version they supply supports only the older short passwords.
Since I missed the change in 4.1.x to longer passwords I was unable to
connect to the newly installed mysql using the DBI interface.  I'm not
sure of clean way other than what I did (force the use of old_password's. 
I have other boxes which run older mysql which have to support the old
interfaces.  The only think I can think to do (assuming you can't ask
which version is supported) is to try the long and then the short version
of the passwords, or to allow the default behavior of the DBI- connect
function to be altered by a parameter.
 On Nov 15, 2004, at 5:14 PM, William R. Mussatto wrote:

 Mark Matthews said:
 Hash: SHA1

 William R. Mussatto wrote:
 Keith Ivey said:

 William R. Mussatto wrote:

 I've been googling for 1/2 hr w/o any answers.  sorry if I've
 the obvious.
 Problem. Fresh install of mysql 4.7.1, AS perl 5.8
 DBI and DBD-Mysql via ppm.
 Client does not support authnticaiton protocol

 What version of MySQL were you using previously?  If it was 4.1.0
 or earlier, then this
 might be useful reading:

 Washington, DC

 Thanks, I'll check it out.  I did the development under linux using
 3.23.xx and perl 5.6 Basically debian stable.

 From the article it looks like I'll have to fall back to a 4.0

 I was hoping, but using a clean install on the windows box to avoid
 these issues.
 I'll try  SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' =


 You'll need a copy of DBD::MySQL that's linked with libmysql from 4.1
 get around this issue (and use the new server-side prepared
 statements as well). Patrick Galbraith (a MySQL engineer) has pushed
 the required changes into the CVS repo of DBD::MySQL, however that
 hasn't been released yet as a binary by the DBD::MySQL maintainer
 (DBD::MySQL version  2.9015)

 Thanks that worked, now to see what happends when I try

 As long as you're using a recent version of Connector/J (3.0.15 or
 3.1.4), it'll work fine.



 - --
 Mark Matthews
 MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Client Connectivity
 Office: +1 708 332 0507
 Thanks, I figured I just hit it at the wrong time (4.1.7 out but DBD
 yet updated).   the connector/j just came down from so it
 be current.  I do most of my production work on debian linux but
 wanted to
 give this client the current stuff.

 William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
 Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
 FAX. 909-608-7061

 Patrick Galbraith Senior Software Developer

 Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. Whatever
 standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues  --
 Bhagavad Gita

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Re: MySQL 4.0 and concat

2004-10-11 Thread William R. Mussatto
A bit of a warning, if the fields are DATETIME rather than DATE, add the
appropriate hours:minutes:seconds to the test
WHERE datetimefield '1999-02-01 23:59:59'. When comparing DATETIME fields
with date strings '00:00:00' is assumed and that can cause problems if one
forgets that.
 Have you considered NOT comparing dates as strings but rather as date
 values?  That will avoid the use of CONCAT() completely.

 FROM sampletable
 WHERE datefield = '1999-01-12' and datefield '1999-02-01'

 This example query will get all of the records from sampletable that
 were  entered after January 11th and before February 1st. It will also
 be  **very** fast if the column datefield is indexed.

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

 Alfredo Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2004 09:43:14 AM:


 I have a problem in that all statements that include concat execute

 slowly. For instance, if I have three fields in string format  that
 a year, month and day, and want to issue a select like:

 select * from cxcmanpag where contact
 (year,month,day)=stringYear+stringMonth+stringDay (simplified), then
 take a long time, againts a table with only around 100,00 records. If
 I  rewrite the statement to read:

 select * from cxcmanpag where year=stringYear and month=stringMonth
 day=stringDay, it will execute considerable faster, but will not
 produce the
 same results.

 I have looked in the manual, and also read High Performance MySQL
 from Zawodny
 and Balling, and MySQL from Paul Dubois, but none of them seem to
 this issue.

 Can somebody point me to a URL or book that I should be reading to
 this, or how to avoid using concat altogether?

 Thank you.

 Alfredo J. Cole
 Grupo ACyC - - SolCom

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: bad quot;too many connectionsquot; error (os x)

2004-09-01 Thread William R. Mussatto
Michael Winston said:

 On Sep 1, 2004, at 9:10 AM, V. M. Brasseur wrote:

 Michael Winston wrote:
 We've been running into a pretty serious problem for the past several
  versions of mysql 4.0 running on OS X (both client and server).
 Every once in a while we wake up to find the too many connections
 error coming up.  There really aren't too many connections (we have
 our max set to 99) - it's the type of message that appears when a
 wrong password is used too many times (and I'm 100% sure this isn't
 Now, the problem is that once this message starts appearing we can't
 even connect with mysqladmin as root.  That extra connection that
 mysql promises doesn't exist.  The only way we can shut down mysql is
  to perform a 'kill -9' (then restart the server and repair all the
 And we can't reproduce this problem at will.  This is driving us
 nuts. Before I report this as a bug I wanted to know if anyone else
 has  seen something like this or has any suggestions of how to narrow
 down  the problem.

 We've run into this problem ourselves, also using 4.0 but on a 64bit
 AIX.  The problem we found was that some queries were firing off
 threads which never ended.  These threads blocked other threads, which
  blocked other threads...  A logjam resulted with all connections
 ended  up being used by the offending threads.

 The fix was to *ahem* fix our queries so they'd close their database
 connections once they were complete.  You may wish to do a code
 inspection and verify that every open connection has a matching close.

 Hmmm.  All of our connections are coming from php-generated web pages.
 PHP automatically closes the connection at the end of the script.
 Unless I completely misunderstand how this stuff works.  Plus, this
 problem only happens once every few weeks.  If some of our queries are
 causing this, I would expect the problem to occur more often.

 I'll look into this, though.

Actually php may be using connection pooling which will NOT close off the
connections.  It can be configured either way in the apache php
configuration file.  I use squirrelmail, which is a php based webmail
system with MySQL holdin configuration information and those connections
never close, they just go inactive.  There is one connection for each
apache child. Since apache doesn't use the same child the answer the query
each time, on a busy server you may end up with quite a few connecitons. 
Just a thougth.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: ANNC: MySQL Administrator 1.0.11

2004-08-26 Thread William R. Mussatto
Alfredo Kengi Kojima said:

 MySQL Administrator 1.0.11 has been released.

 MySQL Administrator is a GUI management console for MySQL, with support
 for tasks such as managing users, configuring MySQL, performing backups,
 editing table definitions etc.

 More information at:

 You can download sources and binaries for Windows and Linux from:

 This release contains a few bug fixed relating to user administration
 and the table editor.

 Alfredo Kojima, GUI Developer
 Buenos Aires, Argentina

You should warn people that it doen't support 3.x series I believe.  Since
that is all that is in the Debian std. release this is an issue.

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Re: Problem with Mysql 4.0.18 + Debian

2004-08-03 Thread William R. Mussatto

 Thanks for the two responses.

 William Mussatto said:
 Are you running mod_perl?

 Yes I am, with Perl 5.8.3.

 Victor Pendleton said:
 What does mysql show processlist look like?

 Here is what it looks like currently, but the system is not in its
 unresponsive phase right now.  I can't force it to go all wonky on me,
 it will probably be tomorrow before the process count explodes again.

 | Id | User| Host  | db  | Command | Time | State | Info

 |  8 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 0|   | NULL

 | 71 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 2192 |   | NULL

 | 72 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 2141 |   | NULL

 | 78 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 1503 |   | NULL

 | 79 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 1503 |   | NULL

 | 87 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 741  |   | NULL

 | 88 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 730  |   | NULL

 | 89 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Sleep   | 607  |   | NULL

 | 95 | citidel | localhost | citidel | Query   | 0| NULL  | show
 processlist |

 Ryan Richardson said:

 -Original Message-
 Sent: 8/2/04 9:16 AM
 Subject: Problem with Mysql 4.0.18 + Debian


   I posted this before but I have not gotten a response.  I have a
 (woody) server running a good sized database (7.2GB of db files),
 Mysql 4.0.18.  I am running Apache 1.3.29 + perl and using mysql as
 the backend.  In my.cnf, I have max_connections=300.

 Here's the problem.  I had the site up several days, with everything
 running perfectly.  Ordinarily there would be about 11 mysql processes
 running.  However, after a few days of running smoothly, the number of
 mysql processes increases to over 170, and the site crashes.  Formerly
 get errors like

 DBI connect('yada yada, ...) failed: Too many connections at
 line 25

 However once I set max_connections to 300 (default is 90), mysql will
 still accept connections, but it is still way too slow to be usable,
 so the website becomes unreachable.

 I've read on this list that people running MySQL w/ FreeBSD can have
 similar sounding problems.  I am wondering if there is a connection.

 I know that the site is getting virtually no traffic, so the problem
 is not that it is being overloaded.  I have tried this scenario at
 least a dozen times, and the same thing always happens.


While I am not a mod_perl expert it does create a connection for each
child.  I'm not clear on the pooling of these connections but you might
check the number of apache children next time it goes un-responsive.  Do
each of your perl scripts include an explicit ' $dbh-disconnect;'?  That
may be needed to return things to the pool.  You might also make sure that
the $dbh is 'my'ed and that its scope is less than the entire program. 
For example putting it inside of set of { } and ensuring that the program
flow falls out the bottom so the $dbh goes out of scope.  I run in a
multi-virtual host environment so mod_perl is conter productive for us so
my experience is limited.  I'd look at mod_perl and $dbh connection
pooling on google.  I'd be interested in what you find.  We have a php
mail system and I've had to increase the number of connections because of
its connection pooling.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: InnoDB TableSpace Question

2004-08-03 Thread William R. Mussatto
Jeff Mathis said:
 my understanding is that the datafiles are created when the server
 initializes, and this this is the designed and expected behavior. Most
 other database products use a similar model. Your scenario cannot
 happen. You specify how many innodb data files and how large in your
 config file. when the server starts, it allocates all the space you
 requested. if the server cannot find the space at startup, you get an
 error. if during an import the file size is exceeded, you get an error
 and the import stops. you cannot overrun your disk.

 I agree with David.  If there is no present way to recover unused
 InnoDB  tablespace, then we (as a community) seriously need to create
 a tool to do  just that. How have we gone so long without it? I always
 assumed it was  possible (I guess I have been just lucky enough to not
 need to do it  yet)

 What if, during the course of a major data import, I try something
 that  creates a working table that expands my datafile to fill my
 available disk  space. I might have made a logical error or not.
 Regardless of why it  filled up, without the ability to reclaim that
 room, an entire server  could be royally scr***d (assuming a server
 that supports a mix of InnoDB  and other table types).

 Please tell me there is something other than a dump-delete-import that
 can  be used to shrink InnoDB tablespaces.

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

 David Seltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/03/2004 12:42:03 PM:

Thanks Marc,

Is there really no way to reclaim unused space in an InnoDB table


not, why is this not considered a tremendous limitation?

-Dave Seltzer

-Original Message-
From: Marc Slemko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 12:31 PM
To: David Seltzer
Subject: Re: InnoDB TableSpace Question

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 10:07:25 -0400 , David Seltzer

Hi all,

I've been searching the archives  mysql documentation for a while


can't seem to find an answer to my question -

Is there a way to force InnoDB to shrink its filesize? I just dropped



table, but it hasn't freed up the disk space and I need it back. From


I've been reading, a restart will cause this to happen, but I'm in a
 production environment, and I'm afraid that InnoDB will take its


while my users are holding their breath.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

No, a restart will not shrink it.

Currently the only option I can think of is to do a dump and restore,
 using mysqldump (since innodb hot backup just copies the data file, it
 won't be of any use in shrinking it).

A number of products allow the extants to be added onto automatically when
the initial assignment is exceeded. I thought one of the newer versions of
MySQL did that as well but I don't know if its in a stable release yet.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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RE: Problem with Mysql 4.0.18 + Debian

2004-08-02 Thread William R. Mussatto
Victor Pendleton said:
 What does mysql show processlist look like?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: 8/2/04 9:16 AM
 Subject: Problem with Mysql 4.0.18 + Debian


   I posted this before but I have not gotten a response.  I have a
 (woody) server running a good sized database (7.2GB of db files), Mysql
 4.0.18.  I am running Apache 1.3.29 + perl and using mysql as the
 backend.  In my.cnf, I have max_connections=300.

 Here's the problem.  I had the site up several days, with everything
 running perfectly.  Ordinarily there would be about 11 mysql processes
 running.  However, after a few days of running smoothly, the number of
 mysql processes increases to over 170, and the site crashes.  Formerly
 get errors like

 DBI connect('yada yada, ...) failed: Too many connections at line

 However once I set max_connections to 300 (default is 90), mysql will
 still accept connections, but it is still way too slow to be usable, so
 the website becomes unreachable.

 I've read on this list that people running MySQL w/ FreeBSD can have
 similar sounding problems.  I am wondering if there is a connection.

 I know that the site is getting virtually no traffic, so the problem is
 not that it is being overloaded.  I have tried this scenario at least a
 dozen times, and the same thing always happens.


Are you running mod_perl?

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Problem with Mysql 4.0.18 + Apache

2004-07-21 Thread William R. Mussatto

   I posted this before but I have made some changes since then (not that
 they helped much).  I have a Debian (woody) server running a good sized
 database (7.2GB of db files), Mysql 4.0.18.  I am running Apache 1.3.29
 + perl and using mysql as the backend.  In my.cnf, I set
 Here's the problem.  I had the site up for weeks, with everything
 running perfectly.  Ordinarily there would be about 11 mysql processes
 running (according to ps).  However, when I switched my domain name over
 to this server, immediately the number of mysql processes increases to
 over 150, and the site crashes.  Formerly I'd get errors like

 DBI connect('yada yada, ...) failed: Too many connections at line

 However once I set max_connections to 300 (default is 90), mysql will
 still accept connections, but it is still way too slow to be usable, so
 the website becomes unreachable.

 I know that the site is getting virtually no traffic, so the problem is
 not that it is being overloaded.  I have tried this scenario at least a
 dozen times, and the same thing always happens.  Is this a known issue
 with Apache + mysql 4.0.18?


Are you using mod_perl by any chance?  You might check to make sure that
you are calling 'disconnect' at the end of each call.  With mod_perl
connections may stay open.  I see a similar problem with php.  Also,
mod_perl will cause the children to be larger.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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RE: Where are BLOBs / TEXTs stored?

2004-06-17 Thread William R. Mussatto
 for ISAM storage or internals.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:00 AM
 Subject: RE: Where are BLOBs / TEXTs stored?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 17/06/2004 15:35:36:

 I am curious about this, too. However, I don't think that you answer
 original question.

 Are BLOBs stored as separate files, one file per object? Are they
 into a single large BLOB file? are they aggregated into several medium
 sized files? Answering  where are they stored on the disk may be a
 response as the docs state that they are not stored in the MyISAM
 itself but as separate objects (which means what, exactly?)

 This is not how I read the section of the manual. Normally, a database
 is a single Object within the MyISAM file, whcih contains many
 Objects. Successive numeric fields will be stored in adjacent words of

 the MyISAM file in exactly the order you see them when you do a SELECT
 *. If you want to access this record, then only one disk seek is needed

 to fetch it. However, because large BLOBs are rarely involved in
 rather than creating a single huge record with the BLOB embedded in it,
 the BLOB is stored elsewhere *in the same .myd file*, with only a
 to the position of the blob within the file.

 The upside of this is that for searches not involving the BLOB field,
 after the indexes have been exausted, only the relatively small non-BLOB

 needs to be read and checked. The downside is that if the search
 the BLOB field, or if the BLOB field needsw to be fetched, then a second

 disk access is required, reducing performance.

 That is how I understand it: if anybody knows better, feel free to
 me - one learns by ones mistakes.


There are certain performance advantages if the rows in a table are fixed
length.  If blobs/text fields are moved to a separate table then the
varchar fields can be stored as char.  Also, you will no have to clean up
the database after large numbers of deletes/updates/inserts because the
space in the file will not become fragmented.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: DBI and last_insert_id()

2004-06-15 Thread William R. Mussatto
Garth Webb said:
 You might have better luck with this on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list,
 re: why this doesn't work.  This works for me though:

 $pk = $dbh-{mysql_insertid};

 On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 21:42, Daniel Kasak wrote:
 Hi all.

 I'm writing an app in Perl / Gtk2, and I'm having trouble with DBI's
 last_insert_id() function.
 I have so far:

  eval {
  $sth-execute (@bind_values) || die $dbh-errstr;
  # If the above failed, there will be something in the special
  variable $@
  if ($@) {
  # Dialog explaining error...
  my $dialog = msgbox(
 Error updating recordset!,
  Database Server says:\n .
 $dbh-errstr, 1
  warn Error updating recordset:[EMAIL PROTECTED] . $@
  return 0;
  $pk = $dbh-last_insert_id();

 The statement executes successfully, and the data is inserted. However
  the above line that fetches the last_insert_id value from MySQL
 always  returns undef. The table has an auto_increment column. What's
 going on?

($pk) = $dbh-selectrow_array('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()');
BTW this also works in java.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: load data into 2 tables and set id

2004-06-09 Thread William R. Mussatto
J S said:

 I need some help please! I have 60GB of proxy logs to parse and load
 into a  mysql database. I've written a parsing script but I'm stuck now
 on how to  load the data in.

 I have a database called PROXY_LOG with 2 tables:

 user_id   date_time   url_id   size


 url_id   url   category

 The data values I have for each record are:

 user_id   date_time   size   url   category

 for example:

 u752359   2004-04-02 12:33:04   3403

 The problem is I'm not sure how to load the data into the 2 tables and
 set  the url_id. Could anyone point me in the right direction please?

 Many thanks,


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What language did you use to do the parsing.  If it was perl I'd recommend
looking at using perl's DBI interface and doing it progromaticaly.
Do you have any idea of how many different url's you have.

Basic steps:
   Get record,
   check to see if url is in database, if it is get the url_id.
   if not insert it and get the generated url_id.
   insert the user record using the url_id you now have.
repeat until you run out of records.

Not elegent but it will get the job done.  Note look into documentation on
how to get the new url_id after you do an insert.  Its in the DBD::mysql
for perl.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: load data into 2 tables and set id

2004-06-09 Thread William R. Mussatto
J S said:

  I need some help please! I have 60GB of proxy logs to parse and load
 into a  mysql database. I've written a parsing script but I'm stuck
 now on how to  load the data in.
  I have a database called PROXY_LOG with 2 tables:
  user_id   date_time   url_id   size
  url_id   url   category
  The data values I have for each record are:
  user_id   date_time   size   url   category
  for example:
  u752359   2004-04-02 12:33:04   3403
  The problem is I'm not sure how to load the data into the 2 tables
 and set  the url_id. Could anyone point me in the right direction
  Many thanks,
 It's fast, it's easy and it's free. Get MSN Messenger today!
What language did you use to do the parsing.  If it was perl I'd
 recommend looking at using perl's DBI interface and doing it
 progromaticaly. Do you have any idea of how many different url's you

Basic steps:
Get record,
check to see if url is in database, if it is get the url_id.
if not insert it and get the generated url_id.
insert the user record using the url_id you now have.
repeat until you run out of records.

Not elegent but it will get the job done.  Note look into documentation
 on how to get the new url_id after you do an insert.  Its in the
 DBD::mysql for perl.

 Thanks for your reply William. I am using a perl script. If I have to
 insert  these records one by one it's going to be really slow isn't it?
 Maybe the  quickest way is to parse the logs twice i.e. fill the
 URL_TABLE first using  your procedure above, then on the second run,
 create a LOAD file for  USER_TABLE?

How will you get the information for the url-id's?  I can see splitting
the logs and using a load file for the url_table (if you can eliminate
duplicates).  You can save some time, if you can build a perl hash with
$url{urlvalue} = url_id. Test that and only do inserts if you need to.
Hash look up is faster than db query, but you will have to have the hash
in memory.  You can use the hash to prepare the USER_TABLE and then load
infile that.
Just thought, url is going to have to be a unique key? You can speed up
the initial inserts by inserting without that key (using the perl hash to
avoid collisions) and then altering table to add the key in.  However,
question comes back to do you have enough memory for the hash in perl?
Notice also, that you don't have a rowID equivalent in the USER_TABLE

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Re: Unable to Programatically Create DB Connection

2004-05-25 Thread William R. Mussatto
Scott D. Spiegler said:
 I am trying to programatically connect to my DB, but I
 am not sure what the connection string should be. I am
 using this statement:

 conn =


  I am getting this exception message:

  SQLException: No suitable driver

  SQLState: 08001

  VendorError: 0

  Any idea as to what the correct, connection string
  might be?

  Thanks, Scott

 We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are.
 --Anais Nin
Ok, we are still stuck bck on the old mm.mysql series of drivers and its
java 1.3.1 but I think you can just subsitute the current stuff
1st you must 'register the driver' then you need a slightly different
connection setup.

// we register the driver, use the new driver string here
this.conn =

where DBUrl is a string like jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/+this.dbname;
and dbuser and dbpasswd are the strings containing the username and password.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

PS. we'd update the driver, but is a shared server environment and we have
lots of jsp contects and they all have to change at once..

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Re: MySQL and NPTL

2004-05-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
Sasha Pachev said:
 Steve Meyers wrote:
 Has anyone else experienced this bug?

 We've been seeing this problem on several of our servers (see the last
  comment to the bug).  MySQL just hangs occasionally, it happens about
  3-4 times per month.  We have 13 database servers, so that
 unfortunately  increases our odds.

 I just wondered how many other people have seen it, and if the
 suggested  export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5; mysqld_safe  has worked
 for anyone. In  order to turn that on, I will need to take our site
 down completely,  which is (of course) not desirable.


 I have not heard much good about NPTL threads when used with MySQL at
 least :-)  If LD_ASSUME_KERNEL trick does not do the job, I would
 recommend compiling a  virgin 2.4 kernel from and putting it
 on all of your servers. That  might actually be a good idea anyway even
 if the trick does work. In three years  of doing MySQL support I have
 learned this simple formula:

 RH kernel from 7.0 and newer + MySQL + high load = highly probable

 Sasha Pachev
 Create online surveys at
Any particular reason to use 2.4.x vs 2.6.x from kernel for base?

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Backups with version 4.1

2004-05-17 Thread William R. Mussatto
Mauricio Pellegrini said:
 Hi I'm using, Mysql version 4.1.1 with InnoDB under SuSE linux 8.2

 I don't know if this is the right place to ask. If not please point me
 in the right direction.

 I'm performing nightly backups of the datadir. So my backups include a
 database and the Mysql databases themselves ( also I think there are
 somo innodb files, I think.

 For this porpouse I'm using tar and then gzip.

 So every backup leaves .tar.gz file containing  the whole datadir.

 My questions are:

 1- Are these backups usable in case I need to restore the datadir ?

 2- As they are Full backups, I'm starting to think in doing some kind of
 incremental backups in order to use less space for storage, is that
 possible ?

 Thank you

Databases in general, hold some information internally and the files
themselves may be in an inconsistent state.  You can of course, stop the
database engine, run the backup and then restore it.  This will ensure
that the files are consistent.  However, I prefer to dump each of the
databases and then backup that.  Since I have many smallish databases this
seems to have minimal impact.  Since all my databases use myisam tables I
can 'cheat' and use the following script:

echo -n 'Dumping at '
cd ../mysql
for d in `find -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | sed 's/^\.\///'`
mysqldump -u root --password={your mysql root password here}
--add-drop-table -l $d  ../mysqlback/$d.dmp

Obviously for a linux setup.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: MySQL Website

2004-04-26 Thread William R. Mussatto
Robert A. Rosenberg said:
 This is a re-submission of a 4/21 reply that was bounded by the list.

 At 09:14 -0400 on 04/21/2004, Lou Olsten wrote about Re: MySQL Website:

I have not been able to access the server for about a day and
 a half now from my office.  From home, it's fine.  There have been rare
 occasions in the past when our provider had dropped (or very slow)
 connectivity with certain nodes on the Internet.  My understanding
 there is limited, but I know that there are really only a handful of
 actual back-bone providers out there for the 'Net, and if a main
 provider has problems with one of those points, it can take down (or
 slow) access to vast geographical areas.  I believe that's what's going
 on with our provider at present. However, getting them to troubleshoot
 it is another matter altogether.  It usually starts with Did you
 restart your modem? and degrades from there. I can get to every other
 site that I normally visit without problems.  Still no MySQL as of
 9:14am EST.


 If you suspect congestion of this type, the simplest way to checj is  to
 issue a traceroute command from terminal
 (Unix/Linux/MacOS X/etc) or command prompt (Windows).

 Here is an example of the result.

 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
   1 (  10.328 ms  10.437 ms  8.338 ms
   2 (  21.551 ms  8.186
 ms  9.024 ms
   3 (  19.871 ms  18.958
 ms  10.331 ms
   4 (  9.319 ms  10.649 ms
 9.271 ms 5 (  13.937 ms
 11.543 ms  11.162 ms 6
 (  12.278 ms
 11.309 ms  12.097 ms
   7 (  78.67 ms
 79.595 ms  79.875 ms
   8 (  80.005
 ms  79.479 ms  80.273 ms
   9 (  80.498 ms
 81.079 ms  79.937 ms
 10 (  82.225 ms  111.405 ms  82.783 ms 11 (  80.431 ms  80.987 ms  80.576 ms

Note: under windows its tracert not traceroute.

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Re: files stored in fields

2004-04-21 Thread William R. Mussatto
adrian Greeman said:
 Please excuse a very simple inquiry from a near beginner

 If I wish to store a complete Word file or similar (Open Office perhaps)
 or an archive file - is that possible and what kind of field do I need
 for it?  How do you insert a file into a table if so?

 I know that you can store pictures - what field do I need for those and
 again how to insert?


Yes you would need to use a 'blob' type field.  However, please consider
writing the information to the file system and then storing the address on
the file system in the database.  Last time I checked fixed length
database records process much faster.
What computer language are you using to do the work.  That would help in
answering the rest of the question.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: DateDiff function in SqlServer ... How do it in MySql ?

2004-03-09 Thread William R. Mussatto
Michael Stassen said:

 Gabriel Alessandria wrote:

 I am a user of Microsoft Sql Server and use very much the function
 Datediff (interval, fecha1, fecha2) to extract differences between two
 dates, in years, days, months, hours, etc

 I am a beginner with MySql and i can't see the way to do this function
 .. How can I extract for example difference of hours between two given
 dates .. someone help me please ?

 Thanks in advance

 Not quite sure what it means to get the difference between two dates in
 months or hours, but mysql does have a DATEDIFF function:

DATEDIFF() returns the number of days between the start date expr and
 the end date expr2. expr and expr2 are date or date-and-time
expressions. Only the date parts of the values are used in the

 For more date functions, see the manual:


For finergrain accuracy:
This gets difference in minutes.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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RE: InnoDB, mysqldump/mysql timeout dropping table (disaster recovery)

2004-02-27 Thread William R. Mussatto
How about if you dumped to a compressor and stored the result?
Steve Williams said:

 The problem with doing a myqldump to a file (via cron) is that at some
 point it will hit the filesize limitiations.  By streaming it over the
 network, that problem is avoided on both ends of the pipe.

 The idea of doing the scp of the mysql data directory is not a bad
 one, but would require the shutting down of the database (production).
 The shutting down of the disaster recovery one isn't a problem...  I may
 resort to it, but I'd prefer to just figure out which timeout is causing
 the problem.

 Steve Williams

 -Original Message-
 From: dan orlic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 3:52 PM
 To: Steve Williams
 Subject: Re: InnoDB, mysqldump/mysql timeout dropping table (disaster

 perhaps you would get a better response from doing scp... which runs
 over ssh... or doing the mysqldump in a cron job, so it will
 already be complete for transport by ssh.  I still think scp is the more
  proper way to go.

 dan orlic

 Steve Williams wrote:


We have a (pre-existing) disaster recovery/backup script that uses =
 mysqldump, ssh, mysql to backup an existing database.  One of the
 tables = is rather large (1 Gig or so), and the time that it takes to
 DROP = TABLE on an already loaded  recover server causes a timeout.
 I have = confirmed tested by creating an empty database on the recovery
 server  = the mysqldump loads fine.  The second time I run it, it gets
 a timeout = error.

The basic logic is:

mysqldump ... somedatabase | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql ...

This technique is because only the SSH port is open to the recovery =

mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
 when = dumping table 'Item' at row: 1539

real 3:10.4
sys 0.0

I just do not know which timeout is causing the problem.

  mysql show variables like '%timeout%'
  - ;
  | Variable_name| Value |
  | connect_timeout  | 5 |
  | delayed_insert_timeout   | 300   |
  | innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50|
  | interactive_timeout  | 28800 |
  | net_read_timeout | 30|
  | net_write_timeout| 60|
  | slave_net_timeout| 3600  |
  | wait_timeout | 28800 |
  8 rows in set (0.06 sec)

Or is it a timeout associated with mysqldump??

Can anyone shed some light??

Steve Williams

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Re: order by: more that one field

2004-02-13 Thread William R. Mussatto
Mike Mapsnac said:
 Have some questions about Order By:

 Can a mysql query be order by more than  one field?

 If this two queries will give different result or not?
 #1 select * from t1 Order by id, username;
 #2 select * from t2 Order by id

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William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: mysqld hangs with no CPU activity...

2004-01-30 Thread William R. Mussatto
Ware Adams said:
 Paul Stearns wrote:

As reported under the subject Random Database Slowdowns... on the
 win32 list, our database still hangs on an average of 1-2 times per

I can find no error messages or logs associated to the problem. It
 affects both IIS ADO connections as well as local connections from
 tools such as mysqlcc, mysqladmin and command line tools such as mysql.

I see no CPU activity associated with the hangs. I cannot stop and
 restart the service, but most of the time a reboot will resolve the
 problem. Sometimes the problem will reoccur within a few minutes of a
 reboot, other times it takes hours.

 I can't swear it's the same problem, but we had very similar symptoms
 some time ago (version was around 4.0.8 or so).  This was also on Mac OS
 X Server 10.2.x.

 Seemingly random queries would just not finish.  They were queries we
 had run before and could even run at the same time from a different
 client.  But this process would just not finish.

 It would sit in show processlist forever.  If it was the only query
 running the mysqld cpu load would drop to around zero.  There was no i/o
 activity if it was the only query running.  Any temp files associated
 with the query wouldn't grow.  Sometimes it was a small query, sometimes
 a big one.

 If you tried to kill the process from within the command line client or
 mysqladmin it would show up as killed in the process list but never die.
 Issuing mysqladmin shutdown wouldn't shut down the mysqld server b/c it
 couldn't kill off the queries either.

 Even kill -9 mysqld pid would hang the machine.  The only solution was
 rebooting while mysqld was running b/c we couldn't shut it down.

 We tried moving to InnoDB and got the same situation (and show innodb
 status\G revealed no work was being done within InnoDB).

 We tried swapping RAM, swapping hard drives, changing drive formats
 (HFS+ to UFS), installing Yellow Dog Linux on the machine, etc

 I was pretty certain it was just a MySQL on the Mac issue, but then I
 pulled the drives and RAM and put them in an identical Mac.  Same
 drives, same RAM, same data, same OS, same MySQL...the problem

 We sent the machine back to Apple (it was new) and they replaced the
 mother board.  That machine would show random errors even in just
 desktop use, so though the solution seems onerous we really didn't have
 much choice.  If you can, I'd try running the queries on a different

 Good luck,
If moving to new hardware solved the problem, it was the hardware.  Had
similar problem with Linux kernel compilation a few years ago. Drove us
crazy for a while since on that process failed.  Turned out bad cache chip
on motherboard. Moral: if you can't trust the hardware, all bets are off.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: ISP and users

2004-01-19 Thread William R. Mussatto
Donald Henson said:
 On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 17:05, Bryan Koschmann - GKT wrote:

 I run an ISP where our web customers have access to the MySQL server.
 When they want a database, they request it through me and I add it. I
 was just curious if this is the common way it is done, or if there is
 a safe way they can add their own?



 That's the way my ISP does it. Of course, that doesn't make it right.

 Don Henson

I too run an ISP and normally run it that way.  We have one customer who
can use a web page to create databases so they meet certain criteria, but
giving direct create and destroy rights to our customers is a bit of a
security hole IMHO.  And yes the web page is on a secured server.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: What does this Mean

2004-01-12 Thread William R. Mussatto
Chris L. White said:
 C:\MySQL\binmysql show

 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user: 'ODBC'@'localhost' (Using


 C:\MySQL\binmysql show -u root

 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user: 'root'@'localhost' (Using

Your musql setup requires a password for root and you didn't include the 
-p so that mysql client will ask you for the password on the next line.

 C:\MySQL\binmysql show -u root -p

 Enter password: **

 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user: 'root'@'localhost' (Using

Did you enter the password which was configured or mysqld that you are

 C:\MySQL\binmysql show -u administrator -p

 Enter password: **

 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user: 'administrator'@'localhost'
 (Using p

 assword: YES)
Administrator is windows OS equivalent to *nix 'root' but mysql expects
its all powerful user to be called 'root' NOT administrator.


Ah you are on widows.. on the right of the bottom bar (the one which can
be hidden) is an icon which looks like a traffic signal(should have its
green light on). Click on it and then click on 'Show Me' in the popup Go
to the my.ini Setup tab and look for the root password.

 Also here is my.ini file below:


 # set basedir to your installation path


 # set datadir to the location of your data directory


 # Example mysql config file.

 # Copy this file to c:\my.cnf to set global options


 # One can use all long options that the program supports.

 # Run the program with --help to get a list of available options

 # This will be passed to all mysql clients





 # Here is entries for some specific programs

 # The following values assume you have at least 32M ram

 # The MySQL server





 set-variable   = key_buffer=16M

 set-variable   = max_allowed_packet=1M

 set-variable   = table_cache=64

 set-variable   = sort_buffer=512K

 set-variable   = net_buffer_length=8K

 set-variable   = myisam_sort_buffer_size=8M

 server-id   = 1

 # Uncomment the following if you want to log updates


 # Uncomment the following rows if you move the MySQL distribution to

 # location

 # basedir = c:/mysql/

 # datadir = c:/SQLData

 # Uncomment the following if you are NOT using BDB tables


 # Uncomment the following if you are using BDB tables

 #set-variable = bdb_cache_size=4M

 #set-variable = bdb_max_lock=1

 # Uncomment the following if you are using Innobase tables

 #innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:400M

 #innodb_data_home_dir = c:\ibdata

 #innodb_log_group_home_dir = c:\iblogs

 #innodb_log_arch_dir = c:\iblogs

 #set-variable = innodb_mirrored_log_groups=1

 #set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3

 #set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=5M

 #set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M



 #set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=16M

 #set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=2M

 #set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=4

 #set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50



 set-variable   = max_allowed_packet=16M



 # Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL



 set-variable   = key_buffer=20M

 set-variable   = sort_buffer=20M

 set-variable   = read_buffer=2M

 set-variable   = write_buffer=2M


 set-variable   = key_buffer=20M

 set-variable   = sort_buffer=20M

 set-variable   = read_buffer=2M

 set-variable   = write_buffer=2M








 Chris L. White
 Network Administrator
 Coe-Truman Technologies, Inc.

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RE: What Does This Mean

2004-01-12 Thread William R. Mussatto
Chris L. White said:
 You know what is even more screwed up now.   I did this command and when
 it prompted me for the password I just hit enter and wallah look what I
 got. But I am sure there is other stuff messed up now:

SET YOUR ROOT PASSWORD it its blank it will behave as you describe.
Sorry for the shouting but this is a safety issue.

 C:\MySQL\binmysql -u root -p

 Enter password: **

 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user: 'root'@'localhost' (Using


 C:\MySQL\binmysql -u root -p

 Enter password:

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version:

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 Chris L. White
 Network Administrator
 Coe-Truman Technologies, Inc.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: select lock - How reliable?

2004-01-09 Thread William R. Mussatto
Hassan Schroeder said:
 Roger Baklund wrote:

Maybe I don't understand connection pooling, then. Isn't its purpose
 to allow a client -- say, a webapp running in Tomcat -- to multiplex
 requests for *multiple* end users over a single connection?

 Almost... except for the 'single connection' part. It will maintain a
 pool of connections, thus the name 'pooling'.

 Of course -- I was trying to simplify for the purpose of discussion...

 A sensible connection pooling implementation would do something like

 - accept a client connection
 - if a free database connection is in the pool:
   - return it to the user
 - otherwise if the pool is full:
   - return error message to user too many connections, retry later
 - otherwise
   - create a new database connection
   - add it to the pool
   - return it to the user

 Once a user has got a connection, he keeps it for the entire session,
 that usually means untill the program ends or the connection is
 explicitly closed.

 OK, but the user here is the servlet container (Tomcat), *not*
 the human end user.

 There may be other ways to implement connection pooling, but I would
 say an implementation allowing separate statements from separate users
 intermingeled on the same connection was... well, at least special, if
 not broken. Besides LAST_INSERT_ID(), user variables would also be
 broken in such a system.

 As would temporary tables, which is why I stopped using them for
 request-specific data :-)

 Related to this, does each process in the query log match to a single
 active connection? Or is that connection-pool-implementation dependent?

 Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

dream.  code.
On a related note.
You should always close the connection before ending the jsp, not depend
on the garbage collector to do it for you.
In the case of a connection pool setup this will return the connection to
the pool and in the case of a direct connection setup, release the
connection to mysql.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Sleeping Processes

2004-01-06 Thread William R. Mussatto
 - Byte Magazine

 Given infinite time, 100 monkeys could type out the complete works of
 Shakespeare. Win 98 source code? Eight monkeys, five minutes.
 -- NullGrey

I have one php application with php and mysql where php is imbedded in the
apache children and when connection pooling is on, there is a connection
for each apache child process.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: OT: MySQL amp; NAT

2003-11-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
gerald_clark said:
 If you are going out throught NAT to the mysql server, there should be
 no problem.
 If you are trying to come into the server through NAT you will need port

 adburne wrote:

 Someone can make nat with mysql? I can do it with apache without
 problems, but mysql client freeze trying to connect.

 Thanx, Alejandro.

You might also remember that unless you limit the outgoing connection to a
specific NIC, there is no way that I know of to limit which stations
inside the NAT can use the external mysql server, i.e., the 'host' address
will be the public IP of the NAT firewall.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: max_user_connections problem after upgrading

2003-11-12 Thread William R. Mussatto
Joe Lewis said:
 We're experiencing the same issues, but not neccesarily after an
 upgrade.  We're using MySQL 4.0.12 and FreeBSD 4.7 Release.  We're
 getting max'd connections only on specific users, and the show
 processlist is returning only the show processlist process.  the
 results of netstat show absolutely nothing.

 What I think is happening is the connections are not properly getting
 closed.  The users are allowed to connect after a flush user_resources
  is run.  Is there a bug in the particular version of MySQL (4.0.12)
 where the user connections are not getting decremented when a
 connection is closed?


 Henrik Skotth wrote:

 I'm mostly using mytop, and that's the way that I see that there are
 no (are almost no) connections when the server claims that it is above
 the connection limit... So I guess that there's something seriously
 wrong then... Any ideas what?

 -- Henrik

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pete Harlan) skrev:

What does show processlist say when the connections are maxed out?
 (You may have to leave a client logged in to reserve a slot so you can
 submit this query.)

If it shows only a few connections, then there's something seriously
 wrong.  If it shows a ton of idle connections, it should tell you
 which machines they are coming from and which users, and that should
 help you track down who's holding connections open.


On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 01:15:54AM +0100, Henrik Skotth wrote:


I have tested this now, and that isn't the case. Any other ideas?

-- Henrik

Michael McTernan skrev:


Have you tried netstat -a on the box with the MySQL server?  This
(Linux) will show what is connected to where, and will help you
 double check
that there really aren't any open connections to the server.



-Original Message-
From: Henrik Skotth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 November 2003 18:54
Subject: Re: max_user_connections problem after upgrading

That's new for 4.0? Hadn't noticed it... Anyway, it's set to 0 so


no limit to exceed.
Also, we aren't getting the error messages ALL the time, they start


appear after a day or two and gets more and more frequent untill I
mysql. Any other ideas?

-- Henrik

gerald_clark skrev:

Are you sure you are net exceeding the setting for
maximum connections per hour for that user?

Henrik Skotth wrote:


What I meant was that even if there are currently only two user
 connections being used, and the limit is 300, we still get the

more than max_user_connections error...

-- Henrik

gerald_clark skrev:

Henrik Skotth wrote:

Hello all,

We recently upgraded to 4.0, it went
very well and the performance gains have been great.
But now the server has started to act strangely. Every few


server starts to refuse connections, saying

that there is already more than max_user_connections, but there


really only one or two active connections and our


is 300. I have to take down and restart the server to solve the


and it keeps happening over and over again every few days...

Am I the only one having this problem? Any suggestions?

-- Henrik Skotth,

Are there 298 or 299 inactive connections?
If so, why are they not being closed?
Is the user running show processlist allowed to see all processes (e.g.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: aes encryption bug

2003-11-07 Thread William R. Mussatto
Paul DuBois said:
 At 15:29 -0800 11/6/03, Herb Rubin wrote:

I did try VARCHAR(16) BINARY and it still failed to INSERT in a NOT
 NULL column.

The encrypted string seems to be equivalent to the NULL value even
 though it visually looks like some kind of data.


 Okay, I investigated this further and I believe I know the cause of the
 problem.  The solution is to use a TINYBLOB NOT NULL rather than

 Here's what's going on:

 - The particular encrypted value you calculate ends with 0x20.  That is,
the same value as a space character.
 - Trailing spaces are trimmed from values stored in VARCHAR columns. -
 That means when you retrieve the value, it's 15 bytes long, and is no
longer a legal encrypted value.
 - AES_DECRYPT() returns NULL for illegal encrypted values.

 Can you instead use CHAR(16) instead of VARCHAR(16)? No, because
 the trailing space would still be trimmed *when the value is retrieved*,
 and you'd still get NULL from AES_DECRYPT().

 Use a TINYBLOB instead.  Trailing spaces won't be trimmed when the value
 is stored, or when it is retrieved.  AES_DECRYPT() will work.

 In general, you shouldn't try to use CHAR/VARCHAR for encrypted values
 or other forms of binary data. Use BLOB columns instead.

  Please reply to the list, not to me directly, so that others can
 follow this discussion.  Thanks.

  At 14:54 -0800 11/6/03, Herb Rubin wrote:

Yes, I get the same, now try and decrypt it, it will turn out to be
 NULL. So, you cannot insert this into a NOT NULL column. It will
 reject it.

  Your message (below) appears to be reporting a problem with
  AES_ENCRYPT(). It states that you get a NULL return value from that

  You now appear to be saying something else.

  I don't understand what problem you're trying to report.

  My result from decryption:

  mysql select AES_ENCRYPT('551850040',
  +--+ |
 AES_ENCRYPT('551850040', '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561') |
 +--+ |
 k\ÎúVÀàÿxû÷Ò  |
  +--+ 1
 row in set (0.00 sec)

  mysql select
   - '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561');
  | AES_DECRYPT(AES_ENCRYPT('551850040',
  '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561') |
  | 551850040
  1 row in set (0.07 sec)

  Are you reporting that you get NULL only in the context of inserting
 and retrieving the value from the id column?

  If so, please try using TINYBLOB rather than VARCHAR and see what

we are on 4.0.14

   At 14:03 -0800 11/6/03, Herb Rubin wrote:

I am trying to use aes_encrypt and I get a NULL value with a
 specific string:

`id` = AES_ENCRYPT('551850040',

my field 'id' is VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL

If I change the value or the encryption string it works. But this
 combination turns out to be null and it refuses to insert.

   With MySQL 4.0.14, 4.0.16, and 4.1.1, I get:

   mysql select AES_ENCRYPT('551850040',
 | AES_ENCRYPT('551850040', '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561') |
k\ÎúVÀàÿxû÷Ò  |

   What version are you using?



 Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
 Madison, Wisconsin, USA

 Are you MySQL certified?
So a char(16) binary would work fine as well?

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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RE: Multiuser Programming

2003-10-29 Thread William R. Mussatto
Chris said:
 I'm not familiar with that function in MS SQL, and you're a bit unclear,
 but it looks like you might be able to use temporary tables.

 Temporary tables are on a per-connection basis, and are unique per
 connection (each connection can have a temporary table that won't
 conflict with others). Temporary tables are dropped as soon as the
 connection is dropped.


 -Original Message-
 From: William IT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:01 PM
 Subject: Multiuser Programming

 I am doing transfer from MS SQL.
 In MS SQL while I connect as USER1 my table will be create as
 User1.TableName. This will avoid conlict with other user.

 Now, how do I do that in Mysql? Or, maybe there is such system in Mysql.
 Is there any Mysql reference talk about this matter?

I thought this list wanted bottom posting?  Sorry if I've got it backwards.

How does connection pooling figure into this?  I would assume a drop table
command would be needed since from MySQL's point of view, the connection
never gets dropped.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: What are the effects of key_buffer on a dedicated slave [also]

2003-09-30 Thread William R. Mussatto
Jeremy Zawodny said:
 On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 01:11:23PM -0700, Dathan Vance Pattishall wrote:
 ---Original Message-
 --From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 11:51 AM
 --To: Dathan Vance Pattishall
 --Subject: Re: What are the effects of key_buffer on a dedicated
 slave --[also]
 --On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 11:36:30AM -0700, Dathan Vance Pattishall
 -- Yes, I use a custom mytop (sent my patches in to you). In fact
 I'm -- making a signed java applet to simulate mytop, just to be
 fancy ;) as
 -- well as not having to ssh into a central box that can reach all
 my -- servers.
 --Really?  Which patch?  Have I integrated it yet? :-)

 Patch Contained SLAVE / Master Positions as well as which databases
 are ignored or slaved, and a full list of possible keys Command (E). I
 can resend another patch; I've made some changes since.

 Please do, it sounds useful.  I'd like to roll it into version 1.5
 before I release it.

 Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

 MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 16 days, processed 590,020,855 queries
 (404/sec. avg)

Have you tried mytop with debian and 3.23.49 -- version in Debian stable?
we keep getting core dumps.  Does it have to be run as root? Sorry if OT

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: InnoDB / Linux

2003-09-29 Thread William R. Mussatto
Marvin Wright said:

 I'm in the process of setting up a new database server that will run on
 redhat linux.
 The machine will be dual processor with 4GB ram and about 16GB disk.

 The machine is going to be used purely with InnoDB tables and will have
 a few very large tables acting as cache data.
 The amount of data I want to store will be between 2 and 4 GB to start
 with but might grow larger.

 I've been reading alot on how to set up InnoDB and have come across the
 2GB limit problem.
 There is actually 2 problems here.

 1. From reading many articles Linux may or may not support files larger
 than 2GB.
 2. There is a problem with glibc that a process may become unstable if a
 process allocates more than 2GB.

 The 1st one isn't a problem, I can have 2 data files of 2GB, but I would
 like to overcome this issue.

 The second is where I'm stuck on, the InnoDB configuration page gives a
 nice formula that you should use so that you can calculate how much
 memory you should use.  It gives an example configuration but this
 exceeds the 2GB limit even with only 200 concurrent connections.  I
 really need to get the connections to something like 1000 without going
 over the limit.

 What configuration can be used and how can this be achieved ?

 Additionally I have read that each linux thread has a stack of 2MB, this
 is taken into account in the formula, this can be changed as I
 understand by changing a #define somewhere and recompiling the kernel
 and then recompiling the mysql server.

 Any input would be greatly appreciated.

 Best Regards,

 Marvin Wright

Depends on: your version of Linux, File system and processor.  I believe
that the basic 2 GB limit is gone in Linux 2.4 with ext2 or ext3 file
system.  You may have to turn on some flags or define an estimated table
size to cause mysql to use large enough pointers, but I thought that
InnoDB could use multiple extants each of which could be up to 2 GB.

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Re: last_insert_id()

2003-09-24 Thread William R. Mussatto
R.Dobson said:

 Is it possible to obtain the last_insert_id() for a particular column in
  a particular table?
 eg, say i wanted to obtain the last insert id of a column called id in
 table reference, something along the lines of:


 The reason I ask is because I want to initially insert values into two
 tables and then insert values into a third using the last_insert_id()
 from the first two tables. Obviously, the last_insert_id from the first
 insert is replaced by the last_insert_id from the second insert. This is
  all done in a perl script and I could store the first last_insert_id in
  a variable but I thought their might be a more elegant way round it?

last_insert_id is connection specific and contains the value of the
auto-increment column for the last record you inserted using that
connection.  The sequence is
- do insert of record with auto-increment column
- get value of last_insterted_id (i.e., the value asigned to the
auto-increment column to that record).  There is only one column so there
is no need for figuring out which column.

If you do two inserts you must get the last_inserted_id BETWEEN the
inserts.  If the second table also has a auto-increment column you will
have to get its value after that insert.

Hope this helps.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: How much user LOAD can Mysql bear???

2003-09-03 Thread William R. Mussatto
Tariq Murtaza said:
 Thanks Fortuno, Adam

 Actually, I was thinking about concurrent users that mysql can handle,
 provided with reasonable hardware.
 Looking for comments / suggestions.



 Fortuno, Adam wrote:


Check the list's history - this is actually a frequent question. The
 answer everyone is about to give you is generic. MySQL's ability is
 havily based on the hardware and OS it runs on. Therefore, a
 multi-processor machine with lots of memory can handle more than a
 single processor workstation with 256 MB of RAM. The faster the machine
 the faster MySQL... etc.

Be more specific, whats the hardware and software. How much information
 are you storing in the DB? Any replication?


-Original Message-
From: Tariq Murtaza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: How much user LOAD can Mysql bear???

Hi All!

How much user LOAD can Mysql bear before die.


You haven't changed the question. The number of concurrent users is the
same as the number of connections...if they are TRUELY concurrent.  That
is is they all hit the submit button at the same time.  You set the number
on connections.  Each connection takes up a bit of memory, even if idle
(php and mod_perl hold open connections.  .jsp may or may not.
Your response time (how long is acceptable) will depend on you actual
database and questions you ask it as well as the hardware.  It might help
if you told us what hardware you are planning to use or what kinds of
questions or environment it will support.  Then the list can get more

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Too many hours - brain not working.....

2003-08-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
Mike Morton said:
 Hey y'all - I have been at this too long today - this is driving me

 Date (y-m-d),amount (decimal),dealercode

 I am looking for a query that will give me the sum of each of the
 distinct dealercodes for a specific date range.

 Something to the effect of:
 Select (distinct dealercode),sum(amount) as total where date between
 'this' and 'that'

 The trouble that I am running into is that I cannot seem to get that
 done in one query - splitting it up into 2 is easy enough - do the
 distinct dealercode, then loop through those to do the sum between date
 query - but ideally I would like to do it in one query. If this is
 possible to do - how?



 Mike Morton

 * Tel: 905-465-1263

 Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to describe the history of the
 computer industry for the past decade as a massive effort to keep up
 with Apple.
 - Byte Magazine

 Given infinite time, 100 monkeys could type out the complete works of
 Shakespeare. Win 98 source code? Eight monkeys, five minutes.
 -- NullGrey
Welcome to 'Group By'
Table: Date (y-m-d),amount (decimal),dealercode
select sum(amount),dealercode from table where date  'date1' and date 
'date2' group by dealercode

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Atomicity of a SELECT/UPDATE

2003-07-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
Andy Jackman said:
 I want to get any one of a number of rows that matches some criteria and
 update it so that it is marked as 'mine'. How can I do this safely?

 Given something like this table:

 create table tbl_new (
   t_value varchar(16) primary key not null,
   dt_used datetime,
   l_pid int(9)

 I want to get any t_value WHERE dt_used is null and then set dt_used to
 prevent anyone else getting the same t_value.

 If I use locking (but I'm using C and I don't see any locking functions)
 (nor a START TRANSACTION?) I could:

   lock the tables,
   select t_value from tbl_new where dt_used is null;
   update tbl_new set dt_used = now() where t_value = 'whatever';
   unlock the tables;

 Without locking I could do something like this: (assume my-pid is unique
 between all users of this application at any one moment)
 while (1)
   select t_value from tbl_new where dt_used is null;
   update tbl_new set dt_used = now(), l_pid = my-pid where t_value =
 'whatever' and l_pid is null;
   select l_pid from tbl_new where t_value = 'whatever';
   if (l_pid == my-pid)
   // Else someone grabbed that record before us, go round and do it again

 This sounds long winded to me. Anyone got a better suggestion?
You almost have it.  Look up 'Lock Tables' in the manual.
Unlike most database engines, mysql allows various types of tables.  The
defaults is myisam which does not support transactions; however, InnoDB
does.  Please see docs for details.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: [Q] about AUTO_INCREMENT...

2003-07-25 Thread William R. Mussatto
Write a Friend said:
 When using AUTO_INCREMENT, is there a way to set the starting


where TABLENAME is your table.

Of course this resets it so the next use of auto increment will generate a
1 for the table.  I use is right after deleting the contents of the table
and any related tables.  (Its for a conversion program and I delete
everything if the conversion fails).

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Java API to mySQL

2003-07-17 Thread William R. Mussatto

 I want to know if there is java API to mySQL like its available for C
 and C++.


 SMS using the Yahoo! Messenger;Download latest version.
Look for Connector/J on the MySql site.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: How can I display images from a mySQL Database in a web page?

2003-07-15 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I think there is a way to insert binary image data in your html, but is
 there any particular reason you need to do that?

 First you would need to encode it in some ascii equivalent (check, I think) ...and it would increase the size of your html page
 while rendering the browser's image cache useless...

 This will both increase the page's load time and your server's bandwidth
 requirements, as well as possibly being a pita to implement :-/

 I would suggest you store the image filenames in the table, and paste
 that into your html...


 On 7/15/03 1:25 PM, Dan Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have created a BLOB field to store images.  Is there any way to
 embed them within HTML with something like:

 image start: jpeg

 Thanks in advance,

blob datatype.  But again why do this. use a file system and put the
file's address in the database.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: !!! NEWBIW !!! how to start? !!! NEWBIE !!!

2003-07-14 Thread William R. Mussatto
 Hello everyone,

 Im extremaly newbie with using MySQL under Linux.
 Im using:  mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.51, for slackware-linux-gnu
 (i386) - ( btw - should i uprgade this or its enough to learn ? )

 My question is:

 How to start mysql deamon?
 When i type: mysqld
  then apear:
 ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

 Whats wrong?
 Its a default installation

 I have a little experience with MySQL under MS Windows ( run mysqld then
 open MySQLadmin and thats it ), but i wish to use database under

 If any one can help then o would be in debt forever.

 Best regards,
Did you try typing 'ps aux | grep mysqld' ?  You should get three lines
(plus sometimes the grep line) if the server is running.
Normally you will start a safe_mysqld rather than mysqld
Alternatively you would start it with mysqladmin

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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2003-07-14 Thread William R. Mussatto
 What's wrong with the following query?  The application used to use
 Access via ODBC, now running MySQL 3.23.xx, MyISAM table, accessed via
 MyODBC 3.51.01.

 // Return last 20 searches
 SELECT TOP 20 h.historyid, h.searchstring, h.serverid, s.shortname FROM
 history h
   INNER JOIN servers s ON h.serverid = s.serverid
 WHERE h.employeeid = 9
 ORDER BY h.historyid DESC

 Works fine once I remove the TOP 20 from the query.  If this isn't
 supported, is there an equivalent?


remove TOP 20 from front, add 'limit 20' to back.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Mysql - Dual Xeon or Dual Opteron

2003-07-10 Thread William R. Mussatto
 On Monday 07 July 2003 15:18, Florian Weimer wrote:
 Konstantin Yotov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  2x1GHz Intel, 1GB RAM, 40GB WD 7200 8MB cache.
  We are going to uprade our server but I'am wondering
  between new Opteron (1.4GHz)and Xeon (2.4).

 Can't you get a machine for testing before you buy it?  Xeon
 processors aren't necessarily a significant win over Pentium 3s, even
 with the noticeable difference in clock speed.

 But they are capable of more than 2-way...
 Get yourself a quad Xeon-board, and start with two CPUs, adding more as
 you go  along...

 Andreas D. Landmark / noXtension

You mean they have solved the problem of having to used matched CPU's. 
Used to be that you had to throw out the old CPU's and get all new.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
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Re: date and time

2003-07-08 Thread William R. Mussatto

 can someone explain me the avantage of using date and time, and also can
 i set time + XX minutes??

Short answer is: You can use the date and time functions and formats.
There is one or just use '+' or '-'  See chapter 6 in the ref. manual.

If you need both date and time use the datetime field type since you will
simplify sorting and conditionals.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Newbie SELECT problem

2003-07-02 Thread William R. Mussatto
 Hello everyone,

 I have the following select statement

 SELECT  DISTINCT sessionID, userID, date, time
 FROM sti_tracking
 WHERE userID = 999

 What I want is to have only records with the userID of 99 and where the
 sessionID is distinct (meaning only on of each session id).  Neither
 sessionID nor userID are keys or unique.

 Obviously this isn't working.

 Can someone suggest how this should be done?

 Tim Winters
 Creative Development Manager
 Sampling Technologies Incorporated
Had a similar experience, and I've been doing it long enough to know
better. 'DISTINCT' would work only if date and time returned the same

Are '999' and '99' supposed to be the same?
Let me see if I can rephrase what you are looking for:
a.  For user '999' give me the information where there is only one record
with a given SessionID?

b.  For user '999' for each sessionID give me the unique Date and Time

c. something else entirely.

Also, are you running this in a procedureal language (e.g., perl, java)?
This will give us other options.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Newbie SELECT problem

2003-07-02 Thread William R. Mussatto

 Assuming that in your ealier posting the 99 was supposed to be 999, then
  the solution given by Mike Hillyer is excellent and should work.
 However, when I read your new posting, I seem to get confused. The
 scenario sounds totally different - excuse me - from the earlier one and
  would therefore need a different solution. You might help us by giving
 sample data.

 Or is this what you mean by But I don't want duplicate session numbers
 (one is enough)? == In a single session (sessionID) user 999 (userID
 999) may visit 3 pages. This results in three inserts being made into
 table sti_tracking all having same sessionID and userID. Correct? When
 retrieving you do not want to retrieve all these three records. Correct?
  You just want one of the records. Which one? The first, second or third
  because they each probably have a different time and pageName (even
 date!!). If you did not want the date, time and pageName then the
 solution is simple SELECT DISTINCT userID, sessionID FROM sti_tracking
 WHERE userID = 999.

 If you do not care which of the entries (3 in my example) is returned
 and you still want the date, time and pageName (my guess is the first
 will be returned), then you need to generate all the distinct userID and
  sessionID pairs using the above SQL. Then for each pair (use a loop)
 run  SELECT userID, sessionID, date, time, pageName FROM sti_tracking
 WHERE  userID = {provide from loop} AND sessionID = {provide from loop}

 Peter Aganyo

 Tim Winters wrote:


Very sorry to everyone about the confusing message.  I should have read
 it over again before pressing send.

First of all I'm looking for userID 999.  A typo in the message not in
 the code.

The table is set up like this.

Table name sti_tracking

hitID (primary key) (autonumber)

What it's for is a simple page tracing counter for a FLash site.  Each
 time a section is accessed a new row is written in the table.

userID identifies the user. So if the user comes to the site today and
 comes back again tomorrow the userID will be maintained.

sessionID identifies 1 visit to the site.  During 1 visit a user may
 view many sections within the site but as long as he doesn't close the
 browser the session number remains the same.  Date and time will always
 be different (as will the hitID obviously).

So what I want to be able to do is single out a user (999) and retrieve
 all the sessions he was involved in.  But I don't want duplicate
 session numbers (one is enough).

Make any more sense?

Tim Winters
Creative Development Manager
Sampling Technologies Incorporated
While I was trying to figure an elegant solution to this I noticed that
you have a separate date and time field.  Is there a reason for this.  It
would be easier to get single row for each sessionID if they were one
field.  Otherwise I think you will have to go with the method Peter
proposed above.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Newbie SELECT problem

2003-07-02 Thread William R. Mussatto

 Assuming that in your ealier posting the 99 was supposed to be 999,
  the solution given by Mike Hillyer is excellent and should work.
 However, when I read your new posting, I seem to get confused. The
 scenario sounds totally different - excuse me - from the earlier one
  would therefore need a different solution. You might help us by
 sample data.

 Or is this what you mean by But I don't want duplicate session
 numbers (one is enough)? == In a single session (sessionID) user 999
 (userID 999) may visit 3 pages. This results in three inserts being
 made into table sti_tracking all having same sessionID and userID.
 Correct? When retrieving you do not want to retrieve all these three
 records. Correct?
  You just want one of the records. Which one? The first, second or
 third because they each probably have a different time and pageName
 date!!). If you did not want the date, time and pageName then the
 solution is simple SELECT DISTINCT userID, sessionID FROM sti_tracking
 WHERE userID = 999.

 If you do not care which of the entries (3 in my example) is returned
 and you still want the date, time and pageName (my guess is the first
 will be returned), then you need to generate all the distinct userID
  sessionID pairs using the above SQL. Then for each pair (use a loop)
 run  SELECT userID, sessionID, date, time, pageName FROM sti_tracking
 WHERE  userID = {provide from loop} AND sessionID = {provide from
 loop} LIMIT 1.

 Peter Aganyo

 Tim Winters wrote:


Very sorry to everyone about the confusing message.  I should have
 it over again before pressing send.

First of all I'm looking for userID 999.  A typo in the message not in
 the code.

The table is set up like this.

Table name sti_tracking

hitID (primary key) (autonumber)

What it's for is a simple page tracing counter for a FLash site.  Each
 time a section is accessed a new row is written in the table.

userID identifies the user. So if the user comes to the site today and
 comes back again tomorrow the userID will be maintained.

sessionID identifies 1 visit to the site.  During 1 visit a user may
 view many sections within the site but as long as he doesn't close
 the browser the session number remains the same.  Date and time will
 always be different (as will the hitID obviously).

So what I want to be able to do is single out a user (999) and
 all the sessions he was involved in.  But I don't want duplicate
 session numbers (one is enough).

Make any more sense?

Tim Winters
Creative Development Manager
Sampling Technologies Incorporated
 While I was trying to figure an elegant solution to this I noticed that
 you have a separate date and time field.  Is there a reason for this.
 It would be easier to get single row for each sessionID if they were one
 field.  Otherwise I think you will have to go with the method Peter
 proposed above.

--Somedays I just need more tea.. ok how about this:
select sessionID,max(concat(idate,' ',itime)) from test group by sessionID

Note I thought date and time were reserved so I substituted..

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Upgrade from mm to Connector/J under tomcat

2003-06-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
I've googled, but haven't got a hit, so please excuse if this has been
covered many times before.

System: linux, (debian for what it matters)
tomcat 4.0
java  1.3.1
mysql 2.23.x

Curently we are using the older drivers.

We support many different sites which use .jsp pages and bean.

If we move the drivers into the local lib directories


and compile the beans with the driver.

Can we upgrade one context at a time to Connector/J or must we shut down
the server and upgrade them all at the same time?

Anyone done this?

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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RE: RAID hardware suggestions/experience

2003-06-17 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I have heard good thing about 3Ware, but I would suggest looking at the
 8500-4 in combination with Western Digital's Raptor drive
 ( The Raptor is
 a 10,000 RPM SATA drive  which, combined with the 8500-4 SATA Raid card
 should give excellent performance at a great price. I would also look at
 Opteron based servers if you are looking for performance for a good

 Mike Hillyer

 -Original Message-
 From: David Griffiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:59 AM
 Subject: Re: RAID hardware suggestions/experience

 Anyone had any experience with 3Ware 7500-4 IDE RAID or the Promise
 IDE RAID cards? Specifically for Linux. Heard bad things about Promise,
 about 3Ware.

 - Original Message -
 From: Patrick Shoaf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:40 AM
 Subject: Re: RAID hardware suggestions/experience

 I am using 4 120G IDE Drives with an Adaptec IDE RAID Controller on
 Linux providing 240G of RAID 5 storage.  While not quite as fast as
 have found this to work very well.  You should be able to pickup a
 dual processor XENON 2.4Ghz system w/1G Ram and IDE RAID loaded with
 Linux ES for around $4,000.

 At 12:25 PM 6/17/2003, you wrote:
 Hi there,
 Our databank with all tables and idices is about 130GB big. The
 limitations we encounter are on the I/O side.
 Therefore we are willing to update our data storage system to a RAID
 (RAID 0+1, RAID 5, or RAID 10).
 Has anyone experience with such RAID systems?
 What should we buy?
  From whom should we buy (We are located in New York City)?
 Do you have any experience you want to share?
 Thank you very much for your help and support!

 Patrick J. Shoaf, Systems Engineer

 Midmon Internet Services, LLC
 100 Third Street
 Charleroi, PA 15022
 Phone: 724-483-2400 ext. 105
 Fax:   724-489-4386

A significant question remains for SATA: basic drive reliability.  Related
to that is length of time drive will remain available.  A dirty secret of
RAID is that when a drive goes it must be replaced you must replace it
with the same drive (please..please tell me I'm wrong).  So, unless you
have a spare in the back you will end up replacing 3 drives (assuming Raid
5).  That may be why the WD model has such low capacity compared with the
normal IDE drives.

Just my 2 cents worth.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
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Re: Java/JDBC - Connection refused on Linux

2003-06-17 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I can't access MySQL using Java on Linux!  It's killing my project.   I
 can access that very MySQL from PHP just fine.   I have the same
 database running on Windows so I can develop what I need to.  Just
 can't run anything for our users!!!

 I don't think it's the firewall because I get the same error when I run
 locally on the box.

 Anyone face this before?   I need HELP.

How are you trying to connect?  You need a JDBC connector.  You must
register the connection.. The current connector is Connector/J (see

Basically you need to have it in the class path of java compiler (i.e, the
user who runs javac either explicitly or tomcat for .jsp pages. Its
similar to having to get pear going in php.

If you can be more specific the list can be of more help.  I'm  currently
using an earlier version of the driver so you will have to subsititute
connector/J equivalent:

for a bean:

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Statement;

this.DBUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/+dbname;
try {
this.conn =
catch (Exception e) {

Hope this helps..

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Which version do I install?

2003-06-12 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I am used to using P3 and P4 machines with the x86 download.

 I just got myself a Dual Xeon 2.60 Ghz machine.  Does this still use the
 x86 download, or is there a better binary to use (ie IA64)?

 Any other tips for someone new to the Xeon chip family with linux would
 be nice too.

This is a x86 (32 bit) chip.  It may or may not have 'hyperthreading'
where it can act as two processors.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: MySQL Connector/J

2003-06-10 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I am using MySQL Connector/J JDBC Driver to support the=20
 ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE. I am using J2sdk 1.4 Tomcat 4.1.1 with =

  I am using a jsp file to use the Driver. After running the JSP file =
 following Error has been generated.=20
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: =;
   at =
   at =

 Thanks for your help.
 eff. Usman
Somehow you are still using the older drivers not
connector/J.  When I asked many moons ago I was told that they could not
both be used at the same time by Tomcat even in separate contexts, but

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Why does auto increment not take into account deleted rows?

2003-06-03 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I have one column as an auto increment for adding numbers:


 If i delete row 3 then add a new row and view the results i get:


 As you can see 3 has been deleted and its now added 6!

 Is this normal?.  How can i get it to always display numbers in this
 column in sequence.

I'm assuming you inserted a new record after deleting record 3 and are
wondering why it didn't reuse '3'.
Yes.  Auto-increment columns are frequently used to link tables in a
relationship.  If you reused '3' the associated records would think the
originial record was still there not that a new one had been substituted.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Join problem

2003-05-31 Thread William R. Mussatto
 O. I've got a headache trying to understand joins. I'm definitely
 NOT a database guru.

 Why in the world doesn't this work?

 SELECT dacspriv_name
 FROM dacspriv
 WHERE dacspriv_id not in (SELECT dacspriv_id
 FROM dacs_access JOIN users
 ON dacs_access.user_id=users.user_id
 WHERE users.username='sator')

 Susan Ator
 Online Services Engineer
 National Public Radio
 Distribution Division
Short answer is mysql does not do sub-selects (i.e., a select inside of a
select). The join part is not this issue.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Join problem

2003-05-31 Thread William R. Mussatto
 Short answer is mysql does not do sub-selects (i.e., a select inside
 of a select). The join part is not this issue.

 Wouldn't this depend on the version... I thought the newest versions,
 4.x+, supported sub-selects.


 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

I sit corrected, 4.1x but its alpha from the manual:

Subqueries are supported in MySQL version 4.1.

I run a production IPP so we run debian with is very far BACK from the
bleeding edge.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
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RE: Join problem

2003-05-31 Thread William R. Mussatto
 Well, I'm running 3.23.54 on Red Hat 7.3. Given this, how in the world
 do I accomplish the following:

   I have these tables:
   dacspriv - with dacspriv_id,dacspriv_name,short_name
   users - with user_id,username
   dacs_access - with dacsaccess_id,dacspriv_id,user_id

 I need to be able to return a list of dacspriv.short_name where
 user.user_id IS NOT in dacs_access but ONLY for that user_id (I have
 over 1700 users with multiple mappings in dacs_access).


 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan McDougall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 12:11 PM
 To: mysql
 Subject: Re: Join problem

 Short answer is mysql does not do sub-selects (i.e., a select inside
 of a select). The join part is not this issue.

 Wouldn't this depend on the version... I thought the newest versions,
 4.x+, supported sub-selects.


Ok let's see:

select dacspriv_name,short_name from dacspriv,users
LEFT JOIN dacs_access on dacs_access.user_id = users.user_id where
dacs_access.user_id is NULL and users.user_id = WHATEVER

The key is dacs_access.user_id is NULL   While I haven't tried it with
your data, I've used this in the past.  For speed recommend user_id's in
all tables be indexed.  Obviously replace 'WHATEVER' with the userID

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Migrating to Connector/J

2003-05-30 Thread William R. Mussatto
We run Tomcat4.  Currently we are using the older mm- drivers.  Is there
anyway to move to connector /J one context at a time rather than all at

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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RE: Storing Images in MySQL

2003-03-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I assumed to store the data in mysql you did something like uuencode and
 inserted that data into the db?
 Could the decode method be different on redhat 7.3?

 -Original Message-
 From: vernon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 2:19 PM
 Subject: Storing Images in MySQL

 Hey all,

 I'm using phpNewsAds and am wanting to store images in MySQL. I have
 working on my Red Hat 7.2 Box and am moving to a new server running Red
 7.3 and of course, after moving the database the images are not being
 dispalyed. The database, however, is working.

 I'm assuming that maybe something in MySWL needs to me turned on and I
 no idea what that is. Anyone have any ideas?


Why not just store it in a binary field?

That said, if you are going to use any programming language, why not store
the pointer in the database and the image on the disk?  Only case where
this would be a problem would be if the numbers of images were so large
that the file look up mechanism of the file system began to be a factor. 
In cases like that I use a tree of subdirectories tied to something like
ISBM number.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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RE: Slow Inserts

2003-03-27 Thread William R. Mussatto
 I've tried it both as fixed (char) and variable (varchar). Interestingly
 when I set is as char when building the table, MySQL changes it to
 varchar sometimes (but not always).

 Here's a structure dump:
 CREATE TABLE soldierMain (
   id int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   timeadded varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
   lastupdate timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
   name varchar(50) default NULL,
   email varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
   status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
   PRIMARY KEY  (id)

 Here's what it looked like when I ran the import:

 CREATE TABLE soldierMain (
   id int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   timeadded varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
   lastupdate timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
   name char(50) default NULL,
   email char(40) NOT NULL default '',
   status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
   PRIMARY KEY  (id)

 Incidentally - I waited a long time to post my own issue to this list
 and I'm quite pleased by the responsiveness and ideas I'm getting.
 Thanks to all that are consider the issues I'm having.


 -Original Message-
 From: Victor Pendleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:40 PM
 To: 'Dan Wright'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Slow Inserts

 What does the table DDL look like. Is the table a fixed or dynamic

 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:08 AM
 Subject: Slow Inserts

 I've been having trouble with some large tables getting what seems to be

 Here's the situation:
 I have several tables that have 3 million to as much as 7 million
 records. I have a process that I run against those tables that pulls out
 a record based on specific criteria (select id,name from table where
 name !='' and status=0) does something in Perl and then changes the
 record it just pulled to a status of 9. So basically - every time I run
 this process, every records is scanned and many (90%) are changed to the
 status of 9.

 Well - on a newly imported list, it screams through that and I can get
 upwards of 3 million per second. Each time I run the process, it gets
 slower, however.

 I've used myisamchk and optimize table and neither seem to have any
 affect on the performance. The only thing that seems to work is
 mysqldumping the whole table, dropping the table and reimporting the

 I've read up on the site and have found a lot about what could be
 causing this and have tried many things. Now that I've found what's
 wrong and how to fix it, I'm happy, but I'd rather not have to dump and

 I'm running MySQL 4.0.11 on RHL 7.2. I'm using the huge my.cnf file
 with some minor tweaks. The tables I'm speaking of have no indexes in
 it. They had them, but I dumped them and that gave me a huge insert
 performance gain, but I'm still seeing slowdowns the more I run the
 process on the file.

 Thanks in advance,

If you have a varchar, text, or blob type field then MySQL silently
converts all character fields longer than one character to varchar.  This
may be why you see it sometimes converting the fields.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
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Re: Foreign keys and being FIRST index

2003-03-06 Thread William R. Mussatto states that there must be an
 index where the foreign key and the referenced key are listed as the
 FIRST columns. Will this restriction be lifted soon? It is incredibly
 frustrating. I don't see why they have to be indexes, and more
 importantly, I don't see why they have to be FIRST! Ugh.

Major performance hit would be a guess. Otherwise the database would have
to do a table scan. Think about how it would find the related record.  I
think is a requirement of db2 as well

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Temporary Tables

2003-03-04 Thread William R. Mussatto
 At 23:19 + 3/4/03, Mamatha Balasubramanian wrote:
Thank you once again.

I have a web-interface that does search on a given text and I would
 have a script that creates a temporary table. So according to you,  in
 my script, I just to need
create a temporary table and not have to worry about another client
 using the same web interface (and thereby using the same program).  Can
 you please elaborate a little more on this?


 You are incorrect. :-)

 That is, you're making an assumption that cannot necessarily be made. If
 you can guarantee that the web script will establish a new connection,
 and the connection will terminate when the script ends, you can indeed
 do what you describe above.

 But you *cannot* do that if you're running your script in an environment
 that uses persistent connections that may be used by successive
 instances of the script.  PHP persistent connections fall into this
 class, for example.  Several requests might be served by the same
 instance of the web server process, and you don't know that one request
 won't be getting the connection used by a previous request.  In that
 case, the connection won't have closed, and the TEMPORARY table won't
 have disappeared.

 You can guard against this by issuing this query before creating the


Probably even better to have the Drop Table at the end of the script that
used it.

To: Mamatha Balasubramanian
Subject: Re: Temporary Tables
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 17:06:30 -0600

At 23:00 + 3/4/03, Mamatha Balasubramanian wrote:
I would like to know how MySQL handles multiple temporary tables?

1. Can multiple temporary tables be created at the same time?
2. If so, how does MySQL differentiate them - do we need to
explicitly give them different names inorder to identify them or
 does MySQL provide a timestamp (or use some other means) to
identify the tables?

You can create multiple temporary tables, but they must have different

A TEMPORARY table can have the same name as a non-TEMPORARY table. The
 non-TEMPORARY table is hidden to the client that creates the TEMPORARY
 table as long as the TEMPORARY table exists.
A second TEMPORARY table with the same name cannot be created.

This is on a connection-specific basis.  Two clients each can create a
 TEMPORARY table with the same name.  Only the table created by a given
 client is visible to that client.

I use MySQL 4.0.7 on Red Hat.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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RE: MySQL or PostgreSQL

2003-02-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
 Since you're posting on a MySQL list, you could probably expect some
 biased responses.  Could you post more about what you need to use a
 database for, i.e., what are your needs, wants, what kind of data are
 you handling, connection rates, serving platform, code base, etc.

 Here are a few URLs I was able to google up for your specific question:
These link seems to be a bit dated.  I know they contain obsolete
information on mysql.

 -Original Message-
 From: InfoSysNCA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 11:24 AM
 Subject: MySQL or PostgreSQL

 Hi! I've just started working in Linux, but I'd like to know which
 database is better to use, MySQL or PostgreSQL. Which one would be
 better in the long run?


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Re: count rows

2003-02-28 Thread William R. Mussatto
 Here's a nice MySQL simple returning records query question!

 I want to return a staement saying 'number of records shave been
 for your

 so presumably this is a simple row count based on the the returning


 Either with PHP or C you can use mysql_num_rows()
In perl:$numRows = $sth-rows;
Note the following warning from the DBI man page:
 Generally, you can only rely on a row count after a non-SELECT execute
(for some specific operations like UPDATE and DELETE), or after fetching
all the rows of a SELECT statement.


William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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