Re: [newbie-it] modem e masterizzatore

2001-09-19 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 23:39, lunedì 17 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao io non riesco ad installare il modem e il masterizzatore sotto
 mandrake 8, il modem è un v.90 56 kb della motorola SM56

 masterizzatore invece è un plexter cd w
 qualcuno di voi ha queste marche
 mi potete aiutare?
 se vi serve altri dati più specifici ve li darò.

il modem interno è sempre una mezza fregatura (indipendentemente da Linux). 
Controlla sul sito se il tuo modello è in grado di 
funzionare col pinguino oppure no. Se ne hai la possibilità, ti consiglierei 
di cambiare questo modem per un modello esterno.
Per quanto riguarda il masterizzatore, potresti essere più precisa? Che 
problema incontri?


Re: [newbie-it] spegnere il computer.

2001-09-19 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- brain [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  non puoi, a meno di dare il permesso all'utente.
 Si puo`, se non erro basta aggiungere il suo nome in
 (che man shutdown sia con te), ma ho risolto in
 altro modo: ho 
 inserito nel ~/.bashrc due righe:
 alias halt='su -c /sbin/halt'
 alias reboot='su -c /sbin/reboot'
 in questo modo da utente si puo` spegnere dando
 'halt' e poi 
 digitando la password di root. 
 ***Ovviamente questo non puo` esser fatto su un
 sistema che deve 
 essere spento / riavviato da piu` utenti... e` una
 comodita` solo per 
 uso domestico :PPP
Io, sul mio sistema casalingo, ho risolto il problema
dando il permesso s al comando shutdown per
qualsiasi utente:

  chmod a+s shutdown

In questo modo qualsiasi utente diventa root per il
periodo di esecuzione del comando shutdown. Forse e'
poco ortodosso, pero' funziona!

Ciao. Steo.

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Re: [newbie-it] modem e masterizzatore

2001-09-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Daniele Micci wrote:

 Il 23:39, lunedì 17 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Ciao io non riesco ad installare il modem e il masterizzatore sotto
  mandrake 8, il modem è un v.90 56 kb della motorola SM56
  masterizzatore invece è un plexter cd w
  qualcuno di voi ha queste marche
  mi potete aiutare?
  se vi serve altri dati più specifici ve li darò.

 il modem interno è sempre una mezza fregatura (indipendentemente da Linux).
 Controlla sul sito se il tuo modello è in grado di
 funzionare col pinguino oppure no. Se ne hai la possibilità, ti consiglierei
 di cambiare questo modem per un modello esterno.
 Per quanto riguarda il masterizzatore, potresti essere più precisa? Che
 problema incontri?


credo che per i motorola i driver per linux siano offerti direttamente
dalla casa.
Collegati al sito del produttore e da qualche parte trovertai addirittura
la dicitura driver per linux.
Lo ho fatto per  un amico, se lui si ricorda quale e' il sito giusti te lo

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
 Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

Re: [newbie-it] bash: directory o file inesistente

2001-09-19 Thread Marco

... il messaggio di errore ti dice che non c'è uno script che si chiama
configure nella directory da dove lanci il comando ... quindi ... parto
dall'inizio e provo ad immaginare:
Credo tu ti riferisca ad un programma sorgente con estensione tar.gz (o
Se è così il primo passo è quello di decomprimere il file con il
tar xzvf nomedelfile.tar.gz (o tar xjvf nomedelfile.tar.bz2)
a quel punto viene creata una directory (o almeno dovrebbe se il
pacchetto è stato creato con un po' di pietà nei confronti dei poveri
utilizzatori) col nome del file (es. nomedelfile) dove, all'interno
dovrebbe trovarsi il fatidico script configure ...
a quel punto ti devi quindi spostare nella directory con:
cd nomedelfile
e da lì lanciare:

e quindi
make install

(ovviamente da root)



[newbie-it] Due problemi

2001-09-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale

Salve a tutti ho due problemini:

1) Se lancio kmix (ma anche qualche altra applicazione)  tutto funziona ma
becco anche il messaggio:
 Xlib:  extension RENDER missing on display :0.0.
che cosa e' e come si aggiusta?

2) Da ieri (mi sembra di non avere modificato nulla, ma evidentemente mi
sbaglio) quando lancio noatun il programmino crasha.
   Ho provato cosi' a lanciarlo come root  funziona ed il messaggio e' il

Xlib:  extension RENDER missing on display :0.0.
Launched ok, pid = 2347
read on not open file want:1
direct virtual call OutputStream::writeInfo
ImageXVDesk::freeImage - no image was created!
direct virtual call OutputStream::writeInfo

Fatemi sapere se ci capite qualcosa.

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
 Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

Re: [newbie-it] spegnere il computer.

2001-09-19 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 10:41, mercoledì 19 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Io, sul mio sistema casalingo, ho risolto il problema
 dando il permesso s al comando shutdown per
 qualsiasi utente:

   chmod a+s shutdown

 In questo modo qualsiasi utente diventa root per il
 periodo di esecuzione del comando shutdown. Forse e'
 poco ortodosso, pero' funziona!

 Ciao. Steo.

magari sto per dire una corbelleria, ma così non ottieni che - se il tuo PC 
non fosse 100% sicuro e qualcuno riuscisse ad entrare - chiunque possa 
spegnere il tuo PC via Internet?


Re: [newbie-it] su raggiunta la dimesione massima del file !?! Colpa di Bastille!

2001-09-19 Thread max

 Trovata la soluzione !!!
 Nella dir:  /home/max/.xauth/refcount ci sono tante cartelle quanti sono
 gli utenti del sistema.
 Il problema era dovuto alla presenza di grossi files (c.a. 97 M) dal nome
 unix:0_max ecc (uno per ogni utente)  in queste cartelle, eliminati i file
 è tornato tutto a posto.Ho provato ad aprire i files con kedit e konqueror
 ma sono andati in crash.

 Sarebbe bello capire che cosa è successo..



Sembrava risolto ma dopo un paio di su bisognava rieliminare il file dalla 
dir xauth.
Ora ho risolto davvero ed ho trovato anche il colpevole;-)

Il colpevole è Bastille che, in alcuni casi dipendenti dal grado di 
protezione desiderato, attiva un limite sulla taglia dei files.
Per eliminare l'incoveniente editare il file /etc/security/limit.conf 
aggiungendo un # all'inizio della riga che contiene fsize 10 (o poco più 
o meno).

Scusate questa disquisizione con me stesso (sono sempre io che mi rispondo..) 
ma potrebbe essere utile per qualche altro no a che serve 
la lista?

Saluti e pace


Re: [newbie-it] spegnere il computer.

2001-09-19 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Il 10:41, mercoledì 19 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 magari sto per dire una corbelleria, ma così non
 ottieni che - se il tuo PC 
 non fosse 100% sicuro e qualcuno riuscisse ad
 entrare - chiunque possa 
 spegnere il tuo PC via Internet?
Credo di si, perche' in questo modo il comando
shutdown e' eseguibile da tutti. Pero' se succedesse
una cosa del genere, questo intrusore non avrebbe
comunque i diritti dell'utente con il quale sono
collegato ad internet (e quindi il diritto ad usare

-Non e' una domanda retorica, e' proprio un mio


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[newbie-it] Scambio di hard disk

2001-09-19 Thread Stefano Salari

Ciao a tutti,

  Avrei bisogno di una conferma... Ho un Linux
installato sull'hd master del secondo controller
(/dev/hdc per intenderci...) Ora pero' vorrei spostare
l'hd come master del primo controller (/dev/hda). Dal
punto di vista Linux dovrebbe essere sufficiente
modificare l'fstab sostituendo i riferimenti a
/dev/hdc con /dev/hda, giusto?

Grazie 1000. Steo.

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Re: [newbie-it] spegnere il computer.

2001-09-19 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 10:41:43 +0200 (CEST)
Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Io, sul mio sistema casalingo, ho risolto il problema
 dando il permesso s al comando shutdown per
 qualsiasi utente:
   chmod a+s shutdown
 In questo modo qualsiasi utente diventa root per il
 periodo di esecuzione del comando shutdown. Forse e'
 poco ortodosso, pero' funziona!
Io invece ho usato SUDO, un tool che permette di far eseguire un comando
root ad UN SOLO utente.
In pratica posso digitare halt o reboot ed i comandi vengono
eseguiti, senza che i veri eseguibili siano suidati.


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] Schedaaudio ES1969

2001-09-19 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 14:29:17 +0200 (CEST)
Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve a tutti:
 Ho un problemino con la scheda audio:
 Sono costretto a tenere il volume del microfono a 0 perche' altrimenti
 computer comincia a fischiare in modo orribile. (non parliamo del
 funzionamento del winmodem che ne consegue).
 Eccovi la parte del module.conf che la riguarda
 Non son io l'autore. Qualcuno dalla mailing list e' stato cosi'
gentile da
 mandarmi questo pezzo gia' sistemato.
 ___Estratto del modules.conf--
 # ALSA portion
 alias char-major-116 snd
 options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
 alias snd-card-0 snd-card-es1938
 # OSS/Free portion
 alias char-major-14 soundcore
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
 alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
 alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
 alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
 alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
 alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
 post-install snd-card-es1938 modprobe snd-pcm-oss
A cosa serve questa riga?
Non so se e' la causa del tuo problema ma non capisco a cosa serve visto
che il pcm-oss fa gia' parte dell' emulazione oss (vedi 3 righe sopra).
Sicuro che ci vuole?

Riferendomi all' altra tua mail in cui parli di kmix, se hai installato
anche le utils di alsa prova ad usare alsamixer che funziona sempre ;-)

Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] modem e masterizzatore

2001-09-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Daniele Micci wrote:

 Il 23:39, lunedì 17 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Ciao io non riesco ad installare il modem e il masterizzatore sotto
  mandrake 8, il modem è un v.90 56 kb della motorola SM56
  masterizzatore invece è un plexter cd w
  qualcuno di voi ha queste marche
  mi potete aiutare?
  se vi serve altri dati più specifici ve li darò.

Correggo il mio mail precedente.
Dovresti i driver mi sembra siano direttamente sulla pagina
Mi fai sapere se funzionano?
ciao ciao

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
 Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

[newbie-it] Informazioni su prozilla

2001-09-19 Thread Alberto Zanoni

Il 17:28, domenica 16 settembre 2001, hai scritto :
 ti consiglio di usare un downloader, come nt (downloader for x), o caitoo.
 Se hai gia' usato getright sono praticamente uguali.
 Altro programma molto interessante e' prozilla (che ora ha pure
 un'interfaccia grafica, a parte).
 E' un downloader multithreaded, cioe' ti spezza il file in piu' parti e le
 scarica contemporaneamente.

ho provato a scaricare prozilla da


L'installazione non dà problemi. Volevo chiedere:

- Consigli sul file di configurazione /etc/prozilla.conf ? (ho un modem 56k)
- Dove posso trovare l'interfaccia grafica ?

Grazie anticipate,

[newbie-it] GCC, qualcuno ci capisce qualcosa?

2001-09-19 Thread CaMiX

Mi sapreste dire come posso fare ad ottenere un buon funzionamento di gcc? Mi
spiego: quando lancio un qualunque ./configure appare il messaggio: c
compiler cannot create executables. Il ./configure lo lancio sempre da root.
Come è possibile. Ho il sosppetto che sia successo tutto da quando ho
installato il 3.0. Allora l'ho rimosso e ho rimesso (scusate il gioco di
parole ;-)) il 2.96 che si trova con la Mdk 8.0. Qualcuno mi può dire come
agire? Devo cambiare in qualche modo la configurazione di gcc? E se sì, come?

Il problema ce l'ho pure con la 3.0, altrimenti non l'avrei rimossa...

Un saluto speranzoso


[newbie-it] partizione ntfs

2001-09-19 Thread OKreZ

Ciao a tutti, qualcuno saprebbe indicarmi la maniera di montare una 
partizione ntfs in modo che l'utente ne abbia i permessi di scrittura ?

-- OKreZ -- --

[newbie-it] Per Daniele Micci

2001-09-19 Thread Laura

Ciao Daniele, allora il masterizzatore è un Plextor CD R PX-W1610A
Per il modem cercheròma mi sa che lo cambieròanche perchè
non va granchè nemmeno sotto Windows.mi sai consigliare una buona
marca? e che riconosca il linux???
Grazie a presto
- Original Message -
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] modem e masterizzatore

 Il 23:39, lunedì 17 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Ciao io non riesco ad installare il modem e il masterizzatore sotto
  mandrake 8, il modem è un v.90 56 kb della motorola SM56
  masterizzatore invece è un plexter cd w
  qualcuno di voi ha queste marche
  mi potete aiutare?
  se vi serve altri dati più specifici ve li darò.

 il modem interno è sempre una mezza fregatura (indipendentemente da
 Controlla sul sito se il tuo modello è in grado di
 funzionare col pinguino oppure no. Se ne hai la possibilità, ti
 di cambiare questo modem per un modello esterno.
 Per quanto riguarda il masterizzatore, potresti essere più precisa? Che
 problema incontri?


[newbie-it] GCC, qualcuno ci capisce qualcosa?

2001-09-19 Thread CaMiX

Mi sapreste dire come posso fare ad ottenere un buon funzionamento di gcc? Mi 
spiego: quando lancio un qualunque ./configure appare il messaggio: c 
compiler cannot create executables. Il ./configure lo lancio sempre da root. 
Come è possibile. Ho il sosppetto che sia successo tutto da quando ho 
installato il 3.0. Allora l'ho rimosso e ho rimesso (scusate il gioco di 
parole ;-)) il 2.96 che si trova con la Mdk 8.0. Qualcuno mi può dire come 
agire? Devo cambiare in qualche modo la configurazione di gcc? E se sì, come?

Il problema ce l'ho pure con la 3.0, altrimenti non l'avrei rimossa...

Un saluto speranzoso 

Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 18:14:22 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hope you have broad shoulders.  I am getting no where and
 it may be your fault. You are helping me, because of  the
 problems you are dealing with.
 Is it possible to have more than one desktop?

Of course. GNU/Linux is all about choice :-)

 KDE bye, bye.  The help section is beautiful. As I get to
 items such as type in the following command, it is unreadable.
 (special code?!!)
 I have no internet hook up on the linux yet.  Checking out
 Gnome, I visited there site.  Is the version you downloaded
 the one that has all the Java capabilities?

Java has nothing to do with the desktop environment. You can get a Java Runtime
Environment at

 Is it possible to log in as su at localhost instead of user?

Localhost is your computer name, not a user name. You _can_ log in directly as
root (that's the superuser's name), but it is recommended that you do everything
as a user and su (switch user) to root only when you need to (e.g. when
installing RPMs).

 I am getting lazy.
 I too have the CD's.  I noticed when checking out the rpm's
 installable, installed windows nothing that I have installed is
 If the RPM is on your system doing an upgrade manually
 will ignore or override RPM?  I guess we are to assume
 that the RPM and manual installs if done correctly will place
 files in the same locations on the file system?
 I did find a site that explained the drawbacks of using RPM.
 Do you know of a way to get the items off of the CD's
 without using RPM's?

I'm not too sure what you mean here. If you want to look _inside_ RPM packages,
you can do this with mc (Midnight Commander), a console file manager. Tools like
Mandrake's Software Manager, GNOME's gnoRPM and KDE's KPackage all interface
with the RPM system, and so can correctly install RPMs. Upgrading Mandrake as a
whole (e.g. from the CDs) respects the existing RPM database, and upgrades
rather than replaces it. Also, you can use the console RPM app to install
 Peter Rymshaw wrote:
  The serious problems with gnome seemed to be fixed (I
  did find still another gnome RPM. Maybe that did it I
  still can't understand why it was necessary to do it
  manually, though.
  --- Peter Rymshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've decided that I like Gnome more than KDE and
   to learn and begin using it. But I'm having problems
   beyond the normal (like getting CD  floppy access
   from the desktop or panel. I won't have to manually
   monunt/unmount will I?)
   That's not the problem. When I try to select many
   the Gnome features, the computer
   I have to turn the power off and on (which I worry
   about each time).
   I've found that some of these problems have gone
   after I've installed more gnome files from the RPMs
   CD-ROM, so that might be the heart of the problem
   also what I would consider a serious bug in the
   program). But I have installed everything that  I
   find named gnome and there are still problems. (And
   shouldn't the initial installation of Gnome from the
   install CD have worked even without what I've done?)
   What I've done now is gone to the Ximian signt and
   downloaded their gnome files (and also gnuCash which
   had tried to install earlier without success). I
   figure I should install -core- first, then perhaps
   -applets-, -libs-, -utils- and the others I found.
   Ximian says that it is based on gnome 1.4, and
   instructions are that it is not necessary to first
   remove regular gnome installation--that it will
   automatically upgrade files. My hopes are that
   whatever files are giving me problems will be
   and most if not all of my problems solved. But I
   seem to remember having read somewhere that
   installation of Ximian must be on a sound gnome
   Do I need to find and fix my gnome problems before
   installing Ximian? That's the key question.
   Sorry to go on so long with this. Anyone know? Just
   occurred to me, I should ask Ximian, even though
   is the free download I'm talking about.
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Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] fetchmail pine not receiving (still, again, always)

2001-09-19 Thread WCBaker

Hi Mark (and anyone else who might be entertained by/curious about this

Today I did a complete re-install of Mandrake 8.0 and the picture below
represents my current state.   I
will yet try again on the morrow!  I recently got a message from Postfix
(YEAH!) from
the system.   So I get internal mail now.

First, here is my .fetchmailrc file:
= SNIP =
set postmaster WeAreUs
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties 
poll proto POP3 via eth0
   user 'WCBaker' there with password 'xxx' is WeAreUs here
= SNIP =

Issuing  fetchmail with -v flag:
message that comes back is:   fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

Issuing  from the console: fetchmail
message that comes back is:   fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

Issuing  from the console: fetchmail
message that comes back is:   fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

For all the attempts above, I watched both the status lights on the ethernet
card attached to the cable modem and also the desktop Network Monitoring
tool, and fetchmail does appear to be doing the DNS query (well, it is
certainly doing something on the net but I have no certainty about what it
is doing).

Neither my host name nor my domain name on the Linux box are
(which I figure would really shoot me in the foot, or even higher up).  I
did call myself, if that is ok??

It does appear that there's something scwewy going on awound here!   Those
wascawy winux pwobwems. . .

Thanks to all for tolerating this continuing (seemingly forever) thread. . .


-wowen (that's warren if you are not a bugs bunny fan)

- Original Message -
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] fetchmail  pine not receiving (still)

 WC, try typing the fetchmail command and use the -v flag and post the
 results of the attempt. It sounds as though you're not telling fetchmail
 the correct information, or theres something scwewy going on awound here!


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Re: [newbie] freezes rendering 3d with my nVidia drivers

2001-09-19 Thread Robert MacLean

a few things that might help.
I'm away from my box right now so i don't have specifics. will check
there is a setting to set yout agp usage. it defaults to 3 with the
new drivers. mine only works if i set it to 1.
next i assume you had installed mesa before the drivers. i found that
if you install the drivers then mesa nothing works.
I have the problem that if i try to run anything with mesa full screen
it dies. So i run every thing in a window (chromium, tuxracer, quake
3, UT all have options for it, gears is a good check for this as it
only is in a window)
also are there any warnings or errors in the XFree log file?

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] freezes rendering 3d with my nVidia drivers

  I hate to say it but I had the same problem and with the exception
Chromium have never been able to play an GL based games or run any of
mesa demos without a total lock-up.
I even corresponded directly with Nvidia for about two weeks trying
everything to get them to work and it was all for nothing.
My card is PCI perhaps that has something to do with it. Nvidia never
yes, no or possibly with regards to the fact of the card being PCI.

  Good luck,


At 03:42 PM 9/18/01 -0400, you wrote:
Ok, I've installed both the tar balls and later the src rpms of the
latest nVidia drivers. I am running Mandrake 8.0 freq 2.

I still get the same problem. Computer starts successfully (with
logo). Launching a 3d accelerated program (e.g. gears or tuxracer)
freezes the computer. I cannot even log out the a command line or
restart x.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 16 Sep 2001 11:23:31 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Sunday 16 September 2001 06:27 am, Paul Rodríguez escribió:
   Did the earlier versions supprt 3d acceleration?
   I'm concerned about using the rpms.  I was told that using them
   make my problem easier to troubleshoot.  However, if they were
   compiled on a different kernel version than the one I am using
   (almost certyainly since I am using Freq 2), can this cause me
   probelms?  This won't change my kernel will it?
  Many people have the mistaken belief that tarballs are always
  source.  The nVidia tarballs are nothin more than archive (.tar),
  compressed (.gz) wrappers around secret, closed source, nVidia
  The src.rpm's are the same, but add in the increased ability to
  remove them when/if the nVidia closed binaries break your system.
  they will, sooner or later.
Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA
  Admiral Yamamoto:  I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
   sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve.
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] what is wrong with dependencies

2001-09-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 18:21:10 -0500, Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I know dependencies are a pain, but so is Windows when some program being 
 install takes it upon itself to update various DLLs that a new app needs, but 
 breaks existing apps in the process.  It's such a problem that evidently XP 
 has given up on the shared DLLs and each app will now have them in their own 

This is a VERY BAD idea. All it does is lead to resource (drive space, memory,
CPU usage, etc.) wastage. Why is The GIMP only about 20MB when inatalled, while
Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro can take up hundreds of megs? Because The
GIMP relies on what's already there. The developers don't have to bother with
reinventing the wheel; they can use shared libraries like libjpeg and libpng to
do simple things like displaying images, giving coders more time to improve
their own app. If you upgrade your libjpeg (which can display JPEGs) and libpng
(which can display PNGs), you will be upgrading _all_ the applications that use
those libs, including Mozilla and Konqueror.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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[newbie] PPP connection commandline

2001-09-19 Thread AOL Systems

Can pls help me how to connect and configure PPP using the commandline
including PAP secrets I really have no knowledge on it.My modem by the
way is a US Robotics cause they said that their are optimal
configuration regarding this modem.

Thanks and any help we gladly appreciated.

Thanks and God Bless!


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Re: [newbie] Digital Cameras

2001-09-19 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Price varies depending on where you get it.
MSRP is $1099 (but don't pay that!!)
 you can find them from many online resalers for $700-800
Not cheap, but this is a 4.1 MgeaPixel , 3x Zoom camera, with exceptional

I'm not even worried about getting gimp to recognize it. I can mount it as a
scsi device, and just go get the pictures as a regular file. No sweat, no
problems, no need to aquire the source.
It's a USB device, so you need to run modprobe usb-storage to initialize the
device. After that it's available to mount, with (in my case):   mount
/dev/sda1 -t vfat /mnt/cam
From there, the files in the camera are available under /mnt/cam
So easy it hurts. forget trying to get gimp, or gphoto to recognize the
camera, it just doesn't need to!

Ok.. With SOME cameras it does. Some cameras do require special drives to make
them available. It's a failing of many of them. The Olympus S4040 does NOT.

It makes life just that little bit easier. :)



Hmm... I must like this camera, I sound like a fsck'ing salesman!   :)
Now I just need to get a good, inexpensive photo printer to go with it.

Charles A. Punch wrote:

 I have a few questions. What's the price (I'm window shopping for future
 reference)? And How do you get The GIMP to recognize it?


 Elder PCUSA
 Registered Linux user #217118

 Barth's Distinction: There are two types of people: those who divide
 people into two types, and those who don't.

 Ric Tibbetts wrote:

  I just thought I'd pass this along.
  Over the weekend I picked up the new Olympus S4040 Digital Camera
  (impressive little camera!). If any one is interested in these
  cameras, rest assured, it worked with Linux right out of the box! I
  just hooked it up to the USB, and mounted the device (/dev/sda1 in my
  It was identified as a SCSI emulated mass storage device. Very very
  simple to hook up  use. So even though it's not on the hardware
  compatability list, it does work.
  BTW: I'm running MDK 8.0, on an intel box.
  Now I just need to get gphoto to recognize it. Not too much luck
  there, but I really don't care too much, gimp will do.
  Anyway, just thought I'd pass that along.
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Re: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-19 Thread Mohammed Arafa

was just looking at the linux drivers page at .. guess waht they
now have a download for the source files for both the kernel and the glx.
guess that means they went open source?

personally i need to compile the source for my lm8.1rc3...its stuck in text
- Original Message -
From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 3:27 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Video cards

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 8:55 PM
  To: Dennis Myers
  Cc: Newbie Linux-Mandrake
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Video cards
  I don't know what I am doing different, but I have an nVidia
  GeForce II on
  an card made by Asus (I think it is the V7700), and I have
  problems with it; in fact, I followed the directions that I found on
  nVidia's page, and on MUO, and voila, fait accompli!  I have
  nice gfx, can
  run OpenGL apps beautifully and couldn't be happier with it (which is
  good, since I bought it very shortly after the GeForce II was
  when it was VERY expensive, and would be FURIOUS if I WAS having
  Anyways, I was just posting this to let people who are on the
  market know
  that the GeForce II DOES work with LM8 (beautifully in fact),
  and to give
  hope to those I have seen posting here that they have had
  and have relegated their GeForce II based vid cards to paper weights.
  As an aside, I did NOT use the drivers that came with LM8,
  but downloaded
  them from either nVidia or Asus site (I can't remember).  I
  have both the
  src.rpm and the rpm, for both the kernel module and the
  driver, and they
  are all labelled as being for LM7.2, so what I did is:
  rpm --rebuild ladida.src.rpm

 But the the same will not work if you upgrade to 8.1.
 Read some of the Cooker post regarding the Nvidia drivers
 or try running the same card in other distros.

 I am glad you are happy with your card and congratulate you in being
 successful in getting the driver to work on your system.
 But even if they worked in most cases, which they do not, I would still
 not recommend that card for use in Linux.

 I do not mind having to configure hardware for it to work but I'll be
 if I am going to have to build drivers for it with no guarrantee that they
 will work just because the microsoft of the hardware world is too paranoid
 and such an ahole that they will only release binaries.

 I consider my GeForceII paperweight an educational tool from which
 was obtained and I intend to continue passing that knowledge to others.

Charles  (-:

 Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.
 And for too many there are now no tomorrows.

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Re: [newbie] Nimda virus

2001-09-19 Thread chris swain

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 04:45, you wrote:

  I caught the tail end of an FBI warning on NPR today that said the Nimda
 virus affects all Internet computers. That rubs me the wrong way because,
 as I read later at CNet, it doesn't affect our penguins (as usual). I think
 the popular media needs to be more careful the way they report these

This would be great but it isnt possible :)  But take heart it happens to 
everybody, not just linux.  Our local TV recently reported on the dealy 
mennigoccocal virus!  The media arent really interested in factual 
information. The trick is to take what you read lightly and find reliable 
sources of info.

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Re: [newbie] fetchmail pine not receiving (still, again, always)

2001-09-19 Thread etharp

not to seem to dense... but for sure you only have 1 network card in this 

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 02:20, you wrote:
 Hi Mark (and anyone else who might be entertained by/curious about this

 Today I did a complete re-install of Mandrake 8.0 and the picture below
 represents my current state.   I
 will yet try again on the morrow!  I recently got a message from Postfix
 (YEAH!) from
 the system.   So I get internal mail now.

 First, here is my .fetchmailrc file:
 = SNIP =
 set postmaster WeAreUs
 set bouncemail
 set no spambounce
 set properties 
 poll proto POP3 via eth0
user 'WCBaker' there with password 'xxx' is WeAreUs here
 = SNIP =

 Issuing  fetchmail with -v flag:
 message that comes back is:   fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

 Issuing  from the console: fetchmail
 message that comes back is:   fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

 Issuing  from the console: fetchmail
 message that comes back is:   fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

 For all the attempts above, I watched both the status lights on the
 ethernet card attached to the cable modem and also the desktop Network
 Monitoring tool, and fetchmail does appear to be doing the DNS query (well,
 it is certainly doing something on the net but I have no certainty about
 what it is doing).

 Neither my host name nor my domain name on the Linux box are
 (which I figure would really shoot me in the foot, or even higher up).  I
 did call myself, if that is ok??

 It does appear that there's something scwewy going on awound here!  
 Those wascawy winux pwobwems. . .

 Thanks to all for tolerating this continuing (seemingly forever) thread. .


 -wowen (that's warren if you are not a bugs bunny fan)

 - Original Message -
 From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] fetchmail  pine not receiving (still)

  WC, try typing the fetchmail command and use the -v flag and post the
  results of the attempt. It sounds as though you're not telling fetchmail
  the correct information, or theres something scwewy going on awound here!

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Re: [newbie] Is this a joke?

2001-09-19 Thread etharp

damn, I bet you wish you had read the directions, since if you had, it would 
have warned you NOT to use the UPDATE to update a kernel. now you can either 
reinstall, or compile a new kernel. let me ask you, did you take the time to 
learn how to drive, or read the drivers handbook they give you before you 
decided you could drive a car, or did you not have time for that either? I 
always like the sign I have over my desk that says how can there be not 
enough time to do the job right the first time, if there has to be time to go 
back and do it right as warrenty?  

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 03:17, you wrote:
 Hi all,

   running Mandrake 8.0.
 Yesterday I UPDATED the kernel (Using the MandrakeUpdate utility)
 to be 2.4.3-20

 All at a sudden, iptables is not working (cannot share internet
 and ALSO the DHCP does not work...). But what is worst, my
 beloved modem does not work anymore (well, KPPP is guessing
 that ppp is not supported by the kernel...)

 I am now in the position of not being able to use my Linux machine
 which was hosting the FATS Modem as well as the PRINTER.

 Is this a joke or a nightmare?

 I am a user, not a guru. I have no time to read and study
 the Kernel howto and so on.

 Which is the QUICKEST AND SAFEST way to have a system working again?

 Thanks a lot indeed.


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[newbie] laptops

2001-09-19 Thread chris swain

Hi all I know the topic of video cards has been breached many times but id 
like an opinion.  Laptops offered today usually offer a ati radeon card or an 
nvidia geforce II.  Which one might be better, I have heard about troubles 
with both.  I plan to be running lm8 and win4lin on it.

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Re: [newbie] PS, HMTL and Web page design

2001-09-19 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 00:42, you wrote:
 On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:49:34 -0400, Andre Dubuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I have produced five booklets of 56 to 100 Postscript pages that I would
  like to place on a website, with the intent that persons could download
  them, or view them. The pages are heavily formatted (I used Ventura 4.11
  in my Windoze days). I'm a total newbie in Web page design.
  Prior to embarking on another steep learning curve, I wonder if someone
  might offer some suggestions as to pitfalls I'm certainly going to
  I have a few questions that will expose my woeful ignorance:
  1. Is there a program that could convert the PS files to HMTL? (Is this
  a real newbie question, or what!) All my original document files are in
  .doc Word for Windows 2.0c and StarOffice doesn't recognize this file
  format. I've since converted everything to sdw files, except of course,
  the PS files.

 At a terminal, type man xxx, where xxx is one of:

 ps2ascii  ps2frag   ps2pdfps2pdf13  ps2pk
 ps2epsi   ps2lwxl   ps2pdf12  ps2pdfwr  ps2ps

 Most notably, you can convert PS to ASCII (plain text) and PS to PDF
 (thanks to Free Software, you don't have to pay Adobe $$$ to make PDF
 files!). Converting PS to ASCII will allow you to import the output into a
 word processor or HTML editor for editing and embellishment.

  2. I've discovered Screem but have yet to use it. Is this a good
  program to use in creating web-pages? Does it accept PS files? Could
  you recommend anything better?

 Screem is good, but it doesn't accept PS files (neither do other editors).
 You should also try Bluefish and Quanta+. Also, take a look at Amaya

  3. I would like to give people the option to d/l each booklet in either
  PS (preferrred) or HMTL format. Each booklet runs anywhere from 1.6MB to
  2.2MB. Which (or both) would you suggest?

 Here's what I would do:

 1. Use ps2ascii to convert each PS booklet to plain text.
 2. Use a word processor or HTML editor to turn the ASCII text into a HTML
 page. 3. Either use ps2pdf to turn the original PS files into PDFs, or
 'print' the HTML pages to PS files (most apps can do this) and then use
 ps2pdf on those. The latter should ensure that both the HTML and PDF files
 look the same.

  4. Could you suggest some links that would ease me into this project

 Everything I mentioned is included in Mandrake (except Amaya). No other
 links are necessary :-)

  Thanks for any help,

Thanks for the great info. I was beginning to despair about the project. 

Btw, Screem freezes on KDE (locks on Creating desktop), and is usable (sort 
of) only in Gnome. Probably some dependency that is missing. I'll try 
Bluefish and Quanta+ instead.

Thanks again for the thorough information,
Regards, Andre

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Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-19 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

Use Ximian is you are going to use GNOME.  Makes life easier.

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Peter Rymshaw wrote:

 I've decided that I like Gnome more than KDE and want
 to learn and begin using it. But I'm having problems
 beyond the normal (like getting CD  floppy access
 from the desktop or panel. I won't have to manually
 monunt/unmount will I?)

 That's not the problem. When I try to select many of
 the Gnome features, the computer freezes--completely,
 I have to turn the power off and on (which I worry
 about each time).

 I've found that some of these problems have gone away
 after I've installed more gnome files from the RPMs on
 CD-ROM, so that might be the heart of the problem (and
 also what I would consider a serious bug in the
 program). But I have installed everything that  I can
 find named gnome and there are still problems. (And
 shouldn't the initial installation of Gnome from the
 install CD have worked even without what I've done?)

 What I've done now is gone to the Ximian signt and
 downloaded their gnome files (and also gnuCash which I
 had tried to install earlier without success). I
 figure I should install -core- first, then perhaps
 -applets-, -libs-, -utils- and the others I found.

 Ximian says that it is based on gnome 1.4, and
 instructions are that it is not necessary to first
 remove regular gnome installation--that it will
 automatically upgrade files. My hopes are that
 whatever files are giving me problems will be replaced
 and most if not all of my problems solved. But I also
 seem to remember having read somewhere that
 installation of Ximian must be on a sound gnome base.
 Do I need to find and fix my gnome problems before
 installing Ximian? That's the key question.

 Sorry to go on so long with this. Anyone know? Just
 occurred to me, I should ask Ximian, even though this
 is the free download I'm talking about.

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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[newbie] incoming telnet connection

2001-09-19 Thread Valerie Cheng

how do i allow my box to allow incoming telnet connection?

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[newbie] Best NAT Internet Sharing program

2001-09-19 Thread Kevin Fonner

What is the best, simple Internet Sharing program to use that shares 
it's internet connection with NAT?


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RE: [newbie] SQL database for patient information

2001-09-19 Thread Mark Johnson

Hmm, I would doubt that you could find a generic application that you could
for your purposes.  Of course you could find something that was close and
extend it to suite your needs but I would think the time and effort of
understanding how the application was constructed and applying your
customizations you'd be better off building it from scratch.  It would take
you the same amount of time and ultimately be more suited for your needs.

For the most part what you want to do is quite easy, and you could have a
rudimentary frontend working in about a week or two by just learning a
little bit of PHP, HTML, and MySQL. The hard part of this project would be
the automatic callbacks and label printing.

Is this something that you could work on during the day or would you have to
work on it at home during off hours?  If you could pay a little for its
development you might consider putting an ad in the paper looking for an
open-source contractor (or anyone that wants to try). This would be a great
job for a student or a person that would like to get some programming
experience who has none. 

Have you searched freshmeat too see if there is something close or if there
is callback and printing software that you could plug in?

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Rodríguez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 3:22 PM
 To: newbie
 Subject: [newbie] SQL database for patient information
 I'd like to create a simple SQL database and frontend for doctors to
 store patient information and automate callbacks, backups, and label
 Of course I would like this to be an open source project.  (GPL'd too,
 as much as possible).  Having had no experience with SQL, I'd like to
 know the groups opinions/experiences to help choose between the
 different SQL possibilities.  (i.e. mySQL, PostgreSQL)
 But most importantly, I'd like to learn how not to recreate the wheel.
 You see, I'm sure at least most of the backend work (while maybe not
 specifically written to store patient information) may already be
 written for some other purpose.  In the end, it's just a 
 simple database
 like any other, a few simple fields such as name, address, contact and
 insurance info, and a few user customizable fields (mostly 
 for history).
 I've already looked at the open source medical software options and
 didn't find anything that really suited my needs.  
 Where can I find the information I need to make my efforts as 
 as possible?  
 Thanks everybody!
 -Paul Rodríguez
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[newbie] panel resets every time I reboot

2001-09-19 Thread Manuel Drake

Hi - not too new to Gnome, but a bit clueless.

I add apps launchers to my Gnome Panel, to make life easier on me.

Everytime I reboot, I lose *nearly* all of my additions, though for some
reason, a couple of hanged on.

Any ideas appreciated!

I tried saving the session before I reboot, perhaps it's not a session
issue though.

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Re: [newbie] Best NAT Internet Sharing program

2001-09-19 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II


On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Kevin Fonner wrote:

 What is the best, simple Internet Sharing program to use that shares
 it's internet connection with NAT?


Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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Re: [newbie] incoming telnet connection

2001-09-19 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Valerie Cheng wrote:
 how do i allow my box to allow incoming telnet connection?

There is a telnet-server package in Mandrake 8.0 which must be installed
and of course if there is a firewall between ssh client and server it
must allow telnet acces.

However, telnet is insecure because authentication info is sent
unencrypted over the network. Openssh is a secure replacement 
for telnet. HTH,


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Re: [newbie] gnome desktop icons after nautilusi

2001-09-19 Thread Charles A. Punch

I have had problems with Nautilus, so I used GMC for my desktop. I'm 
just curious about these error messages I get when I run nautilus from a 
terminal. Any ideas what kind of a can of worms I'm opening here?

Eel-WARNING **: GConf error:
  Object Activation Framework error:
 OAF problem description: ''

Gdk-WARNING **: Missing charsets in FontSet creation

Gdk-WARNING **: ISO8859-1

Gdk-WARNING **: ISO8859-1

Segmentation fault
[chal@localhost chal]$


Registered Linux user #21711

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

Load gmc and look for the desktop section in its preferences. When finished,
save your session in the way you would like GNOME to be whenever you load it up.
You can run the command save-session --gui to do this.

On 17 Sep 2001 10:52:59 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Will using gmc repopulate my desktop icons?  How do I turn gmc desktop
control on and off?  

Running gmc does not set desktop control on, right?

-Paul Rodríguez

On 18 Sep 2001 00:02:50 +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

On 17 Sep 2001 09:21:35 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After starting up Mandrake 8.0f2 in Gnome, I opened nautilus (from a
terminal), and deselected Use Nautilus to draw the desktop.  This than
made my screen blink for a second, and viola, handed control of the
desktop back to the gdm.  Fine, but where are my icons?  Does anybody
know how to repopulate a Gnome desktop with icons (i.e. trash and home)?


-Paul Rodríguez

Use Nautilus to draw the desktop means that Nautilus will manage what is


your desktop, including icons. You can either turn that back on, use GMC


old GNOME default file manager) instead, or have nothing at all (as you have

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[newbie] Staroffice 5.2 and M8

2001-09-19 Thread Stewart Taylor

Hi All

I have a problem that is driving me mad.I tried installing StarOffice 5.2 
whilst logged in as root. It works fine when logged in as root but will not 
work from my user session. I tried altering the permissions but they will not 
stick. I tried un-installing SO5.2 which it told me it had done. I then tried 
re-installing but this time from a user session. It then tells me that it is 
still installed. No matter what I try I can't resolve this problem. Can 
someone please tell how do I get rid of StarOffice completely so that I can 
start again and then how can I get it to work from a user session.



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Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)

2001-09-19 Thread Mark Johnson

This is not a gripe, just an observation, but it seems like for most people
(including me) their linux system is usually in a constant state of
broken-ness, or in some way always marginally handicapped.  Why is that?  I
realize that software is difficult to write just in general and operating
systems and things like desktops are even more difficult, but it appears
that there is a fundamental problem with how software deals with exceptions.

From my point of view when I install a piece of software and it breaks
something that's ok -- i understand things happen, but what infuriates me is
when the software says, in effect, nope can't do it.  Then I have to spend
a week pouring through documentation until usually I give up because I just
can't afford to spend that much time tweaking my system, in what seems to
be, in vain and I just leave that part broken.  It seems to me that the
software should know or at least guess better than me about why it can't run
and could possibly offer some suggestions.  (I realize there is syslog and
log files, which are meant for programmers and sysadmins to decipher and not
for common users). A lot of the time I find software complains that it can
work because of a permission problem, I wish it would just tell me that.  In
this day with most linux users having internet access why not develop an
online problem resolution module that can be plugged into most software
projects so when a problem occurs the software itself can query a trouble
shooting database to help the user out.  Possibly, if embedding this type of
functionality is not possible in the actual software an external tool that
references this database would work.

There is a wealth of information burried in newsgroup and mailing list
archives but it's very hard to extract and very time consuming. If this
knowledge base could be (albeit slowly) uploaded to a trouble shooting
database in about 2 or 3 years there would be a nice repository of info.
Things like bugzilla and it's cousins are nice but a lot of work is put on
the user to know how to find stuff. This is troubling because the software
(i.e. the programmer) knows better than the user, why can't the software
trouble shoot itself?

It would be great if after you installed the lastest distribution of
Mandrake a tool (built-in?) is provided that it would automatically check
Mandrake's errata database and synch your system against it.  Why not?  A
lot of work, but certainly doable.

When the ordinary user community bellyaches that linux is too hard the
linux community bellyaches back about how users are dumb and they (the
Lusers) should be more savvy about computer things.  My position is if
linux software requires a more savvy user, linux software should coach users
into this state of enlightenment.  There is too much secret knowledge just
about computers in general and even more surrounding linux.  We all don't
have time to become sysadmins and programmers; the time is shortly
approaching when linux should recognize this fact.

(ps: sorry, I guess this turned into a gripe -- but with all the best
intentions and love for Mandrake and Linux, mind you!)

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Is this a joke?
 I have experienced the exact same problem.  The only way I have been
 able to get around it is to re-run the Internet Connection 
 Sharing script
 on the Mandrake Control Center.  That seems to solve the 
 problem.  I have
 also been experiencing a stop in services recently with ICS.  
 The machine
 just stops forwarding packets and again, I have to re-run the 
 script.  Tried
 it on 3 machines now with no luck.
 Try to run the wizard again and see if that helps.
 At 09:17 AM 9/19/2001 +0200, you wrote:
  running Mandrake 8.0.
 Yesterday I UPDATED the kernel (Using the MandrakeUpdate utility)
 to be 2.4.3-20
 All at a sudden, iptables is not working (cannot share internet
 and ALSO the DHCP does not work...). But what is worst, my
 beloved modem does not work anymore (well, KPPP is guessing
 that ppp is not supported by the kernel...)
 I am now in the position of not being able to use my Linux machine
 which was hosting the FATS Modem as well as the PRINTER.
 Is this a joke or a nightmare?
 I am a user, not a guru. I have no time to read and study
 the Kernel howto and so on.
 Which is the QUICKEST AND SAFEST way to have a system working again?
 Thanks a lot indeed.

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[newbie] panels get worse!

2001-09-19 Thread Manuel Drake

Little help please, having trouble with my Gnome panels, they won't save
changes I make.

When I logged in last, I just got duplicates of my panels, and when I
removed the dupes, and logged back in, I lost one of the two.  Still not saving
any changes I *mean* to make either.

Sorry for my stupidity, but any help appreciated.

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2001-09-19 Thread Paul

In reply to ëíó's words, written Wed, 19 Sep 2001 11:35:08 +0600



I could not agree more.

Blessed are the Geeks, for they shall internet the earth. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.2

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Re: [newbie] freezes rendering 3d with my nVidia drivers

2001-09-19 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Robert MacLean wrote:
 a few things that might help.
 I'm away from my box right now so i don't have specifics. will check
 there is a setting to set yout agp usage. it defaults to 3 with the
 new drivers. mine only works if i set it to 1.
 next i assume you had installed mesa before the drivers. i found that
 if you install the drivers then mesa nothing works.
 I have the problem that if i try to run anything with mesa full screen
 it dies. So i run every thing in a window (chromium, tuxracer, quake
 3, UT all have options for it, gears is a good check for this as it
 only is in a window)
 also are there any warnings or errors in the XFree log file?
 Robert MacLean

Hi Robert. AFAIK, kdm causes the full-screen problem. I had it also. Setup
your system so that you don't do the graphical logon, but do a startx from a
command line. Then, all your full-screen 3D-accelerated software should work
fine. Thats how it worked for me... ;-)


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[newbie] ftp server: maintenance in progress

2001-09-19 Thread Rooms Frédéric

Hi everyboddy,

Since I upgraded to linux mandrake 8.0 my ftp server is unreachable. 
When I try to connect by ftp to my machine, I got the following message:

500 FTP server shut down (Maintenance in progress).

I checked in the DrakConf the services who where running.  Proftpd
(1.2.2-0.rc1.3mdk) and xinetd ( where running.  I
tried the proftpd -t command to check if the were syntax errors in my
config file but everything worked properly. 

Has anybody a solution ?

Thanks a lot.


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Re: [newbie] Is this a joke?

2001-09-19 Thread lloyd

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RE: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-19 Thread Mark Johnson

 -Original Message-
 From: civileme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:28 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Peter Rymshaw
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?
 On Tuesday 18 September 2001 17:16, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
  That's not the problem. When I try to select many of
  the Gnome features, the computer freezes--completely,
  I have to turn the power off and on (which I worry
  about each time).

 Well, you need to select a GNOME menu for GNOME and forget 
 our integrated 
 menu structure.  
 But actually your freezes are most likely related to a bad 
 default theme from 
 nautilus.  Use the security update feature of Software 
 Manager to update 
 mandrake_desk and the problems should vanish.  No need to DL 
 Ximian for that.
Another thing is you might test to see if you have bad memory.  I had the
same symptoms plus constant crashes whenever I ran something bigger than a
terminal windows.  When I ran a thorough memory test I found that I had a
bad stick.  When I removed that stick everything ran much better...

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RE: [newbie] incoming telnet connection

2001-09-19 Thread Mark Johnson

you ought to use ssh (daemon is sshd) instead of telnet; however, i don't
know off hand what port that is. Either way you'll need to open a port on
your firewall if you have one, if you don't have you, your full open

If you want to go the telnet route open port 23...

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 2:33 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] incoming telnet connection
 No !!You could get hacked!!!
 Valerie Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how do i allow my box to allow incoming telnet connection?
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[newbie] Postfix relayhost problems

2001-09-19 Thread Jamie Kerwick

Right i have on my linux box postfix setup to send mail, which worked  fine 
but with one snap, i'll explain,
If i used linux to send all mail, the email would go in and out of our 
internet gateway gathering our internet providers banners on the way out and 
then back in again.
i changed it to use a relay host of our Exchange server to send non-linux 
username mail, because the linux box will be used for our intranet.
This works fine, linux users get their email correctly, exchange users get 
their email properly, the only problem now is external (ie 
non-linuxnon-exchange) emails don't work, they are being bounced from the 
exchange server as receipient unknown.
I suspect this may be solved by changing the exchange server config. 
However, i don't have access to it so what i wanted to do was to set the 
linux box the relay non-linux user's email except when sent from certain ip 

Is this possible to do? If so how do i go about doing it?
any other suggestions on how i might do this??



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2001-09-19 Thread etharp

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 17:02, you wrote:
 In reply to ëíó's words, written Wed, 19 Sep 2001 11:35:08 +0600


 I could not agree more.
as Sly says Abibsoooluutlly.

 Blessed are the Geeks, for they shall internet the earth. - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.2

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Re: [newbie] Is this a joke?

2001-09-19 Thread Scott

I have experienced the exact same problem.  The only way I have been
able to get around it is to re-run the Internet Connection Sharing script
on the Mandrake Control Center.  That seems to solve the problem.  I have
also been experiencing a stop in services recently with ICS.  The machine
just stops forwarding packets and again, I have to re-run the script.  Tried
it on 3 machines now with no luck.
Try to run the wizard again and see if that helps.

At 09:17 AM 9/19/2001 +0200, you wrote:
 running Mandrake 8.0.
Yesterday I UPDATED the kernel (Using the MandrakeUpdate utility)
to be 2.4.3-20
All at a sudden, iptables is not working (cannot share internet
and ALSO the DHCP does not work...). But what is worst, my
beloved modem does not work anymore (well, KPPP is guessing
that ppp is not supported by the kernel...)
I am now in the position of not being able to use my Linux machine
which was hosting the FATS Modem as well as the PRINTER.
Is this a joke or a nightmare?
I am a user, not a guru. I have no time to read and study
the Kernel howto and so on.
Which is the QUICKEST AND SAFEST way to have a system working again?
Thanks a lot indeed.

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Re: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-19 Thread Marcia Waller

This sounds like a good idea. How would one get instructions on how to set 
this up that are very good and step by step?



On Wednesday 19 September 2001 05:56, Franki wrote:
 What about just using Webmin

 it has upload/download apps in there.. so you can move files back and forth
 just using your browser..
 they can be anywhere on your linux box and as long as your webmin login has
 permissions for it,, you will be able to get them..

 Also, its SSL secure, which doesn't hurt either..

 easier then setting up a portal for it..



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Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

A login is a core OS function, and has nothing to do with what you have
installed. Have you configured a firewall? I know that the Bastille firewall
setup process gives the option of denying direct logins to root as a security
precaution. That way, a cracker must crack a user account before they can
attempt to get root access. What security setting did you choose when you
installed Mandrake? I think the medium setting (the default) does not lock out
direct root access, but the higher settings do.

I would strongly suggest that you keep things as they are. A root login is not
recommended at all, and most experienced users _never_ log in as root. It is far
more secure to log in as a user and then use the su command to switch users to

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 02:51:54 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You assume correctly.  I would type in the root information,
 in the localhost login screen.  Super user name, then
 super user password and receive Login Failed.  I am going
 to strip all and reinstall.  It may have a lot to do with
 dependencies.  I think I only checked KDE, upon initial
 installation and even parts of that were unchecked.  I
 could of unchecked what I needed.
 So it's best to reinstall, and If I find something I don't want
 later. . .
 Thank you so much for the help!
 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  I assume that by localhost you mean the login prompt. If so, you need to
  in as root, not su. su is a console command which stands for switch
user; it
  is not a user in itself.
  On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 22:36:15 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You answered all my questions and It hinders on
   one factor only.  Initial installation I left almost
   all checkboxes unchecked.  I did not want items
   installed that I do not need.  So I must assume
   when I cannot log in at localhost as the su,
   something is lacking. So it is best to add all
   then go back and remove.  I assumed doing it
   the other way would work.  A good learning
   Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 18:14:22 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hope you have broad shoulders.  I am getting no where and
 it may be your fault. You are helping me, because of  the
 problems you are dealing with.
 Is it possible to have more than one desktop?
Of course. GNU/Linux is all about choice :-)
 KDE bye, bye.  The help section is beautiful. As I get to
 items such as type in the following command, it is unreadable.
 (special code?!!)
 I have no internet hook up on the linux yet.  Checking out
 Gnome, I visited there site.  Is the version you downloaded
 the one that has all the Java capabilities?
Java has nothing to do with the desktop environment. You can get a Java
Environment at
 Is it possible to log in as su at localhost instead of user?
Localhost is your computer name, not a user name. You _can_ log in
root (that's the superuser's name), but it is recommended that you do
as a user and su (switch user) to root only when you need to (e.g.
installing RPMs).
 I am getting lazy.
 I too have the CD's.  I noticed when checking out the rpm's
 installable, installed windows nothing that I have installed is
 If the RPM is on your system doing an upgrade manually
 will ignore or override RPM?  I guess we are to assume
 that the RPM and manual installs if done correctly will place
 files in the same locations on the file system?
 I did find a site that explained the drawbacks of using RPM.
 Do you know of a way to get the items off of the CD's
 without using RPM's?
I'm not too sure what you mean here. If you want to look _inside_ RPM
you can do this with mc (Midnight Commander), a console file manager.
Mandrake's Software Manager, GNOME's gnoRPM and KDE's KPackage all
with the RPM system, and so can correctly install RPMs. Upgrading
  as a
whole (e.g. from the CDs) respects the existing RPM database, and
rather than replaces it. Also, you can use the console RPM app to

 Peter Rymshaw wrote:

  The serious problems with gnome seemed to be fixed (I
  did find still another gnome RPM. Maybe that did it I
  still can't understand why it was necessary to do it
  manually, though.
  --- Peter Rymshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've decided that I like Gnome more than KDE and
   to learn and begin using it. But I'm having problems
   beyond the normal (like getting CD  floppy access
   from the desktop or panel. I won't have to manually
   monunt/unmount will I?)
   That's not the problem. When I try to select many
   the Gnome features, the computer
   I have 

Re: [newbie] what is wrong with dependencies

2001-09-19 Thread Joseph Braddock

I agree 100%.  I was simply trying to point out that auto-updating 
dependencies would create the problems that Window$ has.  To solve a real 
problem (incompatible DLLs), Microsoft has opted to go the hardware route -- 
hard drives are cheap.  Unfortunately, it still doesn't solve the problem, 
and unless you use all Windows XP apps you still will be faced with the 
problem (but that's probably part of M$ marketing campaing).

Apple OS X and Linux/Unix have approached this problem from a different angle 
and is much preferred.

While having to deal with dependencies can be frustrating, at times, 
installing a new app doesn't break existing ones (well, unless you use 
--force :)).


On Tuesday 18 September 2001 11:55 pm, you wrote:
 On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 18:21:10 -0500, Joseph Braddock

  I know dependencies are a pain, but so is Windows when some program being
  install takes it upon itself to update various DLLs that a new app needs,
  but breaks existing apps in the process.  It's such a problem that
  evidently XP has given up on the shared DLLs and each app will now have
  them in their own 


 This is a VERY BAD idea. All it does is lead to resource (drive space,
 memory, CPU usage, etc.) wastage. Why is The GIMP only about 20MB when
 inatalled, while Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro can take up hundreds of
 megs? Because The GIMP relies on what's already there. The developers don't
 have to bother with reinventing the wheel; they can use shared libraries
 like libjpeg and libpng to do simple things like displaying images, giving
 coders more time to improve their own app. If you upgrade your libjpeg
 (which can display JPEGs) and libpng (which can display PNGs), you will be
 upgrading _all_ the applications that use those libs, including Mozilla and

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Re: [newbie] Me, Linux, or my !@#$%^ ISP

2001-09-19 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 16:38:47 +0100
ai4a [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

 I am running LM 7.2 with netscape (the one that comes with LM 7.2). I
 have been running this version for about 10 months. 
 For the last 2 months I have been having trouble connecting to internet
 sites. Before the trouble started, everything worked AOK for about 8
 months! I can connect to my ISP OK. I just cannot connect to internet
 sites. Some sites I can connect to  some I cannot. The problem started
 out where I could not connect to internet sites using windows or linux.
 Now the ISP has gotten Windows working ok, but linux still will not
 work. Sometimes I cannot access any internet sites, and sometimes I can
 access some sites but not most sites.
 At the moment I can access the following:
 I cannot access:
 My ISP tells me the problem must be mine (because I use linux, which
 they cannot even spell). They say I am the only one having problems. I
 am probably the only linux user they have (it is a small world where I

Here's a guess.  Because you had the problem originally with both OS, I
think your ISP may have changed the DNS.  Ask them to give you two dns#'s
and compare them to what you have in /etc/resolv.conf  If they're
different, edit /etc/resolv.conf to reflect the one's your ISP provided
you with.  You MUST do this either su or logged in as root.

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Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-19 Thread ddcharles


For the internet, stick with RGB;  most browsers don't support displaying
CMYK images (correctly or at all).  Also, most browsers support a very
limited colour palette, so even though RGB covers a smaller portion of the
colour spectrum, it is MORE than adequate for the amount of colours
supported by browsers.

David Charles

On 19 Sep 2001, Paul [ISO-8859-1] Rodríguez wrote:

 Thanks, David.  That clears that one up, I've had that question for a
 long time.  How about for graphic design on the internet?  Is there a
 quality or other difference between RGB and CMYK?

 -Paul Rodríguez

 On 19 Sep 2001 00:15:35 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I quite often work with Photoshop (have been for years), and can tell you
  that a LOT of graphics/printing/publishing professionals use Photoshop.
  As for Cyan Magenta Yello blacK (CMYK) it is 4 colour seperation process
  used for making films that are used when printing (not bubble jet/laser
  jet printing, but printing press printing) high quality images/colour
  layouts for magazines, colour papers, lithographic reproductions of art,
  etc.  NO professional in ANY publishing/graphics field would EVER use RGB
  when making films for pre-press/production.  RGB (Red Green Black) has
  major limits pertaining to decent reproduction of the colour
  Anyways, this is just to let you know, that CMYK is NOT just something
  that never is needed;  like I said before, it is the ONLY way to go when
  producing any works (that are to be taken seriously by professionals).
  David Charles
  On 18 Sep 2001, Paul [ISO-8859-1] Rodríguez wrote:
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Re: journaling and upgrading (Re: [newbie] a filesystem question)

2001-09-19 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Charles A. Punch wrote:

 Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Monday 17 September 2001 10:57 am, Matt Greer escribió:

 on 9/17/01 10:20 AM, Tom Brinkman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 but I'd recommend switching to a journaling FS ASAP. You should
 have already.

 What exactly is a journaling file system? What does it mean that it

 Also, with 8.1 around the corner, what does it take to upgrade? If I
 were to upgrade 8.1 over my 8.0 system, do most things remain intact?
 Do I need to reconfigure everything? Anything to watch out for?

   I never upgrade. I always do fresh installs.
 I have never upgraded either. It seems that all the experts on this list 
 are against it, but you can also do a fresh install without formatting 
 your home partititon. I've only done it that way once and I'm not sure 
 what you want to remain intact. I think any apps that you replace will 
 have to be reconfigured. The advantage to me, was to keep my data intact.

OS Upgrades are evil, and should be avoided. Even on my large enterprise 
servers, when it's time for a new OS, I do fresh installs.
Some things I've done to aid this:

I use seperate filesystems for all major areas of the system. When it's 
time to re-install, I can save many of my apps, and my home directories. 
Then the install only affects the system portions of the disk. A 
typical cross section of one of my systems might look like:

| Systems area.
| A seperate disk if possible

(where I install apps. Very often an NFS mount)
(for apps specific to a particular box)
(for source code, and kernels)
(um.. home directries. Normally an NFS mount)
(just a stash. A place to store stuff)

- and so on -

When I do an install, the only area(s) that get reformatted are /, /usr, 
/var,  /tmp
The rest I leave alone. This has been a very successful approach for me.
Also, by keeping the system on a seperate (small) disk, you will see 
some performance improvements, and less loss in the case of a disk failure.

  There is the occational app that might need re-installing, or 
rebuilding because of large changes in libs. But as a whole, it works 
out very well for me.


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Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-19 Thread Matt Greer

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 20:04, you wrote:

 For the internet, stick with RGB;  most browsers don't support displaying
 CMYK images (correctly or at all).  Also, most browsers support a very
 limited colour palette, so even though RGB covers a smaller portion of the
 colour spectrum, it is MORE than adequate for the amount of colours
 supported by browsers.

That is incorrect. RGB supports more color than CMYK does, by a rather large 
margin. CMYK is generally a poor, but required, color space.

This page has a good breakdown of the two gamuts, and the differences between 
additive and subtractive color.


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Re: [newbie] PS, HMTL and Web page design

2001-09-19 Thread Paul

In reply to Andre's words, written Wed, 19 Sep 2001 07:58:25 -0400

Btw, Screem freezes on KDE (locks on Creating desktop), and is usable (sort
of) only in Gnome. Probably some dependency that is missing. I'll try 
Bluefish and Quanta+ instead.

Screem dies on my machine also. Quanta works really nice, so I stick with

Blessed are the Geeks, for they shall internet the earth. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.2

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Re: Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)

2001-09-19 Thread Altaira

The hardware drives the software.
I am an X-Electronics employee. Greedy, time equals
money, perfection a must.  QUALITY suffers.
Many a time items are shipped off to market that are
not what they claim to be.  A mistake made in a
production line.  A deal made with the next in line,
(no charge).  A niche made in the market or packaged
in a box that it really does not belong to.
It is a game of chance by the consumer.

Mark Johnson wrote:

 Do you think if someone or a group could provide a framework dedicated to
 supporting this scenario it could help open-source developers and users in
 terms of both time and money? Or do you think it wouldn't have a very
 significant effect on these inherent hurdles?  Do you think such a framework
 is even feasible?

 Are most open-source developers self trained or do most have some sort of
 educational background like a university or tech school? (Not that there are
 probably too many universities or tech school that teach good software

 I wonder if a payed subscription to this type of framework would be
 effective. Would people pay to subscribe to a automatic trouble shooting
 repository. I'm guessing not...

  -Original Message-
  From: civileme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 11:05 AM
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mark Johnson;
  Subject: Re: Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)
  This is not a gripe, just an observation, but it seems like
  for most people
  (including me) their linux system is usually in a constant state of
  broken-ness, or in some way always marginally handicapped.
  Why is that?  I
  realize that software is difficult to write just in general
  and operating
  systems and things like desktops are even more difficult, but
  it appears
  that there is a fundamental problem with how software deals
  with exceptions.
  Well, the real story is that we don't spend enough money on
  software.  If you
  want good error messages, it has to come from the programmer.
   The programmer
  needs time and training for this to happen.  Right now, we
  are against a wall
  with people regularly working 14-hour days just to get a
  distro to you.  Bugs
  cannot be solved because the model of inspection is proven
  not to work, by no
  less than Microsoft where every programmer is shadowed by a tester.
  Proper design is needed so the job gets done right the first
  time--then the
  level of bugfixes will be lower, the interaction of various pieces of
  software will be lesser, and the initial product will be much
  better.  This
  requires training, and this training is _VERY_ expensive.  Take 30
  programmers out of action for 3 weeks to train them, make
  another three weeks
  by magic for them to plan out the activities of the distro,
  add another 5
  weeks to get the text of error messages meaningful and right
  and translated
  into 40 odd languages, and pay for a couple of trainers
  (peanuts compared to
  the lost time expense) then somehow by magic keep up with the
  while you are missing half your between distro programmer time.
  It is expensive to have good programmers.  We have the best
  because many are
  here because this is free software, but still the amount of
  time required for
  this job is enormous and most work grueling hours.  So it is
  So if enough people really want more informative error
  messages and better
  wizards and tools, it can be done.  The obstacle is really cost.

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Re: [newbie] LM8.1 B3

2001-09-19 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Richie de Almeida wrote:

 I have no idea as I've never had to try!  My best guess is that when a New
 user logs on to KDE, there must be some script that creates a few of the
 basic system folders ('.kde' and Autostart for example) and symbolic links to
 log on a user to KDE.  Perhaps you could tweak that script (if it exists or
 what its name is if it does exist I have no clue!).  Try lurking around the
 KDE mailing lists maybe there's someone over there who know how to help.

Hi. U guys aren't talking about /etc/skel, are you? Thats a generic setup for
new users, AFAIK.


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Re: [newbie] Staroffice 5.2 and M8

2001-09-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 17:15:11 +, Stewart Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi All
 I have a problem that is driving me mad.I tried installing StarOffice 5.2 
 whilst logged in as root. It works fine when logged in as root but will not 
 work from my user session. I tried altering the permissions but they will not 
 stick. I tried un-installing SO5.2 which it told me it had done. I then tried 
 re-installing but this time from a user session. It then tells me that it is 
 still installed. No matter what I try I can't resolve this problem. Can 
 someone please tell how do I get rid of StarOffice completely so that I can 
 start again and then how can I get it to work from a user session.

There is a flag you need to put on the end of the command to initiate the
installation. I think it is -net.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] gnome desktop icons after nautilusi

2001-09-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Are you using any 'exotic' fonts? Try switching the font settings in the GNOME
Control Centre to something ordinary, like Helvetica or Times. If that doesn't
do it, try the following.

Edit /etc/gconf/1/path. This is what mine looks like. You should be able to just
copy and paste this into your file:

  # This file stores the addresses of config sources for GConf
  # When a value is stored or requested, the sources are scanned from top to 
  # bottom, and the first one to have a value for the key (or the first one 
  # to be writeable) is used to load/store the data.

  # See the GConf manual for details

  # Look first in systemwide mandatory settings directory
  # (commented out until xml backend knows how to be read-only for users)

  # Now see where users want us to look - basically the user can stick
  # arbitrary sources in a ~/.gconf.path file and they're inserted here
  include $(HOME)/.gconf.path

  # Give users a default storage location, ~/.gconf

  # Finally, look at the systemwide defaults
  # (commented out for now)

Ensure you have a /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults dir set up
with the right permissions:

  chmod -R 755 /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults

Be sure you have no applications depending on GConf (e.g. Galeon 0.12+) running
and then run:

  gconftool --shutdown

GConf will then restart when it is required.

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 12:56:02 -0400, Charles A. Punch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have had problems with Nautilus, so I used GMC for my desktop. I'm 
 just curious about these error messages I get when I run nautilus from a 
 terminal. Any ideas what kind of a can of worms I'm opening here?
 Eel-WARNING **: GConf error:
   Object Activation Framework error:
  OAF problem description: ''
 Gdk-WARNING **: Missing charsets in FontSet creation
 Gdk-WARNING **: ISO8859-1
 Gdk-WARNING **: ISO8859-1
 Segmentation fault
 [chal@localhost chal]$
 Elder PCUSA
 Registered Linux user #21711
 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 Load gmc and look for the desktop section in its preferences. When
 save your session in the way you would like GNOME to be whenever you load it
 You can run the command save-session --gui to do this.
 On 17 Sep 2001 10:52:59 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Will using gmc repopulate my desktop icons?  How do I turn gmc desktop
 control on and off?  
 Running gmc does not set desktop control on, right?
 -Paul Rodríguez
 On 18 Sep 2001 00:02:50 +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On 17 Sep 2001 09:21:35 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 After starting up Mandrake 8.0f2 in Gnome, I opened nautilus (from a
 terminal), and deselected Use Nautilus to draw the desktop.  This than
 made my screen blink for a second, and viola, handed control of the
 desktop back to the gdm.  Fine, but where are my icons?  Does anybody
 know how to repopulate a Gnome desktop with icons (i.e. trash and home)?
 -Paul Rodríguez
 Use Nautilus to draw the desktop means that Nautilus will manage what is
 your desktop, including icons. You can either turn that back on, use GMC
 old GNOME default file manager) instead, or have nothing at all (as you

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] different user permissions for 'guest account' query

2001-09-19 Thread bascule

hi etharp,
i'm not worried about guests having their own permanent storage, i just want 
to give them internet facilities if they visit andi i was worried that 
creating a new user with the same privileges as my normal user might be too 
risky given that i installed as 'security=low', i guess the question could be 
rephrased as 'what can an ordinary user do to the system in a low security 
setting that s/he can't do in a high security setting?', then i would try to 
disable those things that weren't internet related for the new user only


On Wednesday 19 September 2001 1:51 am, you wrote:
 the major diff. as I see it, is that the user guest will have it's own
 home directory and all the users guest will share the hard drive space
 and settings. if they each have their own account, each user will be
 assigned a secure space on the hard drive, just accessable by them and
 root, and they will have a choice about letting other users see their work
 and desktop, etc.

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Re: [newbie] MODEM

2001-09-19 Thread Dean Morrell

At 16:30 9/18/2001 -0400, you wrote:


sounds to me like there is probably an auction at eBay selling an ISA USR
V.Everything, being sold by a guy named Dean (wink) :P

Hrm... Seems I should have been more clear on this.  I just got mine from ebay for 20 

Seriously though, with Win98, pretty much ANY modem will do, and if you
want to use the same modem when dual booting with LM8, you definitely do
NOT need to spend anywhere NEAR USD$170 - USD$250.  Just find ANY decent
(i.e. NOT winmodem) well-known (i.e. 3com/USR/etc.) PCI modem (easier
time with PCI than with ISA/EISA), many of which you can get for WELL
UNDER USD$100 (and if you are looking for used items on eBay, then you can
probably find a beaut for approx usd$25).

Thats just MY USD$0.02...

David Charles

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Dean Morrell wrote:

If you have an available ISA slot, check out USRobotics V.Everything at ebay.  These 
are business class modems that sell for US $170 for internal and US $250
for external.  They are great modems.

At 12:10 9/17/2001 +1200, you wrote:

 I would appreciate any suggestions as to a suitable modem for a dual boot
 setup. Using Windows 98 and Mandrake 8.
 Thank you
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When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.
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Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.
- Voltaire

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Re: Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)

2001-09-19 Thread civileme

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 18:18, you wrote:
 Do you think if someone or a group could provide a framework dedicated to
 supporting this scenario it could help open-source developers and users in
 terms of both time and money? Or do you think it wouldn't have a very
 significant effect on these inherent hurdles?  Do you think such a
 framework is even feasible?

 Are most open-source developers self trained or do most have some sort of
 educational background like a university or tech school? (Not that there
 are probably too many universities or tech school that teach good software

 I wonder if a payed subscription to this type of framework would be
 effective. Would people pay to subscribe to a automatic trouble shooting
 repository. I'm guessing not...

Software engineering of the type required for a whole distro simply isn't 
taught.  The production of such requires small-group dynamics and use of 
statisitcs and consensus-building tools so everyone can feel creative and a 
winner.  Without that, you might as well try to herd cats.


  -Original Message-
  From: civileme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 11:05 AM
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mark Johnson;
  Subject: Re: Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)
  This is not a gripe, just an observation, but it seems like
  for most people
  (including me) their linux system is usually in a constant state of
  broken-ness, or in some way always marginally handicapped.
  Why is that?  I
  realize that software is difficult to write just in general
  and operating
  systems and things like desktops are even more difficult, but
  it appears
  that there is a fundamental problem with how software deals
  with exceptions.
  Well, the real story is that we don't spend enough money on
  software.  If you
  want good error messages, it has to come from the programmer.
   The programmer
  needs time and training for this to happen.  Right now, we
  are against a wall
  with people regularly working 14-hour days just to get a
  distro to you.  Bugs
  cannot be solved because the model of inspection is proven
  not to work, by no
  less than Microsoft where every programmer is shadowed by a tester.
  Proper design is needed so the job gets done right the first
  time--then the
  level of bugfixes will be lower, the interaction of various pieces of
  software will be lesser, and the initial product will be much
  better.  This
  requires training, and this training is _VERY_ expensive.  Take 30
  programmers out of action for 3 weeks to train them, make
  another three weeks
  by magic for them to plan out the activities of the distro,
  add another 5
  weeks to get the text of error messages meaningful and right
  and translated
  into 40 odd languages, and pay for a couple of trainers
  (peanuts compared to
  the lost time expense) then somehow by magic keep up with the
  while you are missing half your between distro programmer time.
  It is expensive to have good programmers.  We have the best
  because many are
  here because this is free software, but still the amount of
  time required for
  this job is enormous and most work grueling hours.  So it is
  So if enough people really want more informative error
  messages and better
  wizards and tools, it can be done.  The obstacle is really cost.

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[newbie] linux live

2001-09-19 Thread Robert MacLean


Next week starting Monday on Linux.coms Linux live is beginner week.
There will be a thing on installing red hat 7.1 and a thing on
configuring a fire wall. Thought it might help some people ;)

Robert MacLean

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Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-19 Thread civileme

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 17:16, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
 I've decided that I like Gnome more than KDE and want
 to learn and begin using it. But I'm having problems
 beyond the normal (like getting CD  floppy access
 from the desktop or panel. I won't have to manually
 monunt/unmount will I?)

 That's not the problem. When I try to select many of
 the Gnome features, the computer freezes--completely,
 I have to turn the power off and on (which I worry
 about each time).

 I've found that some of these problems have gone away
 after I've installed more gnome files from the RPMs on
 CD-ROM, so that might be the heart of the problem (and
 also what I would consider a serious bug in the
 program). But I have installed everything that  I can
 find named gnome and there are still problems. (And
 shouldn't the initial installation of Gnome from the
 install CD have worked even without what I've done?)

 What I've done now is gone to the Ximian signt and
 downloaded their gnome files (and also gnuCash which I
 had tried to install earlier without success). I
 figure I should install -core- first, then perhaps
 -applets-, -libs-, -utils- and the others I found.

 Ximian says that it is based on gnome 1.4, and
 instructions are that it is not necessary to first
 remove regular gnome installation--that it will
 automatically upgrade files. My hopes are that
 whatever files are giving me problems will be replaced
 and most if not all of my problems solved. But I also
 seem to remember having read somewhere that
 installation of Ximian must be on a sound gnome base.
 Do I need to find and fix my gnome problems before
 installing Ximian? That's the key question.

 Sorry to go on so long with this. Anyone know? Just
 occurred to me, I should ask Ximian, even though this
 is the free download I'm talking about.

Well, you need to select a GNOME menu for GNOME and forget our integrated 
menu structure.  

But actually your freezes are most likely related to a bad default theme from 
nautilus.  Use the security update feature of Software Manager to update 
mandrake_desk and the problems should vanish.  No need to DL Ximian for that.


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RE: Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)

2001-09-19 Thread Mark Johnson

Do you think if someone or a group could provide a framework dedicated to
supporting this scenario it could help open-source developers and users in
terms of both time and money? Or do you think it wouldn't have a very
significant effect on these inherent hurdles?  Do you think such a framework
is even feasible?

Are most open-source developers self trained or do most have some sort of
educational background like a university or tech school? (Not that there are
probably too many universities or tech school that teach good software

I wonder if a payed subscription to this type of framework would be
effective. Would people pay to subscribe to a automatic trouble shooting
repository. I'm guessing not...

 -Original Message-
 From: civileme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 11:05 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mark Johnson; 
 Subject: Re: Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)
 This is not a gripe, just an observation, but it seems like 
 for most people
 (including me) their linux system is usually in a constant state of
 broken-ness, or in some way always marginally handicapped.  
 Why is that?  I
 realize that software is difficult to write just in general 
 and operating
 systems and things like desktops are even more difficult, but 
 it appears
 that there is a fundamental problem with how software deals 
 with exceptions.
 Well, the real story is that we don't spend enough money on 
 software.  If you 
 want good error messages, it has to come from the programmer. 
  The programmer 
 needs time and training for this to happen.  Right now, we 
 are against a wall 
 with people regularly working 14-hour days just to get a 
 distro to you.  Bugs 
 cannot be solved because the model of inspection is proven 
 not to work, by no 
 less than Microsoft where every programmer is shadowed by a tester.
 Proper design is needed so the job gets done right the first 
 time--then the 
 level of bugfixes will be lower, the interaction of various pieces of 
 software will be lesser, and the initial product will be much 
 better.  This 
 requires training, and this training is _VERY_ expensive.  Take 30 
 programmers out of action for 3 weeks to train them, make 
 another three weeks 
 by magic for them to plan out the activities of the distro, 
 add another 5 
 weeks to get the text of error messages meaningful and right 
 and translated 
 into 40 odd languages, and pay for a couple of trainers 
 (peanuts compared to 
 the lost time expense) then somehow by magic keep up with the 
 while you are missing half your between distro programmer time.
 It is expensive to have good programmers.  We have the best 
 because many are 
 here because this is free software, but still the amount of 
 time required for 
 this job is enormous and most work grueling hours.  So it is 
 So if enough people really want more informative error 
 messages and better 
 wizards and tools, it can be done.  The obstacle is really cost.

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Re: [newbie] Same install many PC's

2001-09-19 Thread Norman

Thanks for the reply.
I have been looking at my test PC which also has Mandrake Linux 8 on it.
In total df shows just under 1.8Gig used. At that size I might only need
one CD and a controlling floppy.

I am wondering if it would be practical to tar and bzip2 the partitions,

which are /   /home  /usr  /var 

and set up a floppy and CD, or even a bootable CD to clone the first PC.
At the moment I think I need to partition and format the disc and 
mount the partitions then unpack the various compressed files to
the correct places then run lilo to end up with the copy.

I expect I will need to learn quite a bit such as how to partition
the discs without user intervention but is it practical?


Michael D. Viron wrote:
 During an expert installation of MandrakeLinux 8, it should ask if you want
 to create a replication floppy--at least it does with 7.2 not sure about
 8.0 or 8.1.  I'm not sure how exactly it works, but it should be pretty
 close to what you want.
 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida
 At 12:46 PM 09/19/2001 -0400, you wrote:
 I recently installed MandrakeLinux 8 for a school
 and set up Squid as a proxy server for their Win98 PC's
 They are now interested in having Linux for a number of
 their Desktop PC's. I would be happy to install it but,
 as many of them are identical, I wondered if it would
 be possible to install on one then create a cd with
 a copy of it and have some means of automatically
 reinstalling the identical configuration on the others.
 I realise that it would need things like host names to
 be different on each one but I think it should be possible
 to write some small script to allow that sort of question to
 be asked. Does anyone have any idea how I could go about this?
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Re: [newbie] Sleeping monitor

2001-09-19 Thread Scott

At 02:58 PM 9/19/2001 +1000, you wrote:
On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 01:17:37 +0200, The Spider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After a certain amount of time of inactivity, my monitor enters power
  saving mode and then sleep mode.
  How can i change this? (LM8.0)

The KDE control panel has power settings for that. 

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Re: [newbie] Is this a joke?

2001-09-19 Thread civileme

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 09:17, Stefano POGLIANI wrote:
 Hi all,

   running Mandrake 8.0.
 Yesterday I UPDATED the kernel (Using the MandrakeUpdate utility)
 to be 2.4.3-20

 All at a sudden, iptables is not working (cannot share internet
 and ALSO the DHCP does not work...). But what is worst, my
 beloved modem does not work anymore (well, KPPP is guessing
 that ppp is not supported by the kernel...)

 I am now in the position of not being able to use my Linux machine
 which was hosting the FATS Modem as well as the PRINTER.

 Is this a joke or a nightmare?

 I am a user, not a guru. I have no time to read and study
 the Kernel howto and so on.

 Which is the QUICKEST AND SAFEST way to have a system working again?

 Thanks a lot indeed.


First of all INSTALL the old kernel from your CDs

Next READ the security advisory about the kernel.  It says you will break 
your system if you use Update.

Then download the kernel and install it 

rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.7-12.3mdk.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh kernel-headers

This will work and will give you a new boot point, without disturbing your 
old system.  There is no supermount in this kernel.


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RE: [newbie] incoming telnet connection

2001-09-19 Thread shadowoan

No !!You could get hacked!!!

Valerie Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

how do i allow my box to allow incoming telnet connection?

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Re: Polite software (was RE: [newbie] Is this a joke?)

2001-09-19 Thread civileme

This is not a gripe, just an observation, but it seems like for most people
(including me) their linux system is usually in a constant state of
broken-ness, or in some way always marginally handicapped.  Why is that?  I
realize that software is difficult to write just in general and operating
systems and things like desktops are even more difficult, but it appears
that there is a fundamental problem with how software deals with exceptions.

From my point of view when I install a piece of software and it breaks
something that's ok -- i understand things happen, but what infuriates me is
when the software says, in effect, nope can't do it.  Then I have to spend
a week pouring through documentation until usually I give up because I just
can't afford to spend that much time tweaking my system, in what seems to
be, in vain and I just leave that part broken.  It seems to me that the
software should know or at least guess better than me about why it can't run
and could possibly offer some suggestions.  (I realize there is syslog and
log files, which are meant for programmers and sysadmins to decipher and not
for common users). A lot of the time I find software complains that it can
work because of a permission problem, I wish it would just tell me that.  In
this day with most linux users having internet access why not develop an
online problem resolution module that can be plugged into most software
projects so when a problem occurs the software itself can query a trouble
shooting database to help the user out.  Possibly, if embedding this type of
functionality is not possible in the actual software an external tool that
references this database would work.

There is a wealth of information burried in newsgroup and mailing list
archives but it's very hard to extract and very time consuming. If this
knowledge base could be (albeit slowly) uploaded to a trouble shooting
database in about 2 or 3 years there would be a nice repository of info.
Things like bugzilla and it's cousins are nice but a lot of work is put on
the user to know how to find stuff. This is troubling because the software
(i.e. the programmer) knows better than the user, why can't the software
trouble shoot itself?

It would be great if after you installed the lastest distribution of
Mandrake a tool (built-in?) is provided that it would automatically check
Mandrake's errata database and synch your system against it.  Why not?  A
lot of work, but certainly doable.

When the ordinary user community bellyaches that linux is too hard the
linux community bellyaches back about how users are dumb and they (the
Lusers) should be more savvy about computer things.  My position is if
linux software requires a more savvy user, linux software should coach users
into this state of enlightenment.  There is too much secret knowledge just
about computers in general and even more surrounding linux.  We all don't
have time to become sysadmins and programmers; the time is shortly
approaching when linux should recognize this fact.

(ps: sorry, I guess this turned into a gripe -- but with all the best
intentions and love for Mandrake and Linux, mind you!)

Well, the real story is that we don't spend enough money on software.  If you 
want good error messages, it has to come from the programmer.  The programmer 
needs time and training for this to happen.  Right now, we are against a wall 
with people regularly working 14-hour days just to get a distro to you.  Bugs 
cannot be solved because the model of inspection is proven not to work, by no 
less than Microsoft where every programmer is shadowed by a tester.

Proper design is needed so the job gets done right the first time--then the 
level of bugfixes will be lower, the interaction of various pieces of 
software will be lesser, and the initial product will be much better.  This 
requires training, and this training is _VERY_ expensive.  Take 30 
programmers out of action for 3 weeks to train them, make another three weeks 
by magic for them to plan out the activities of the distro, add another 5 
weeks to get the text of error messages meaningful and right and translated 
into 40 odd languages, and pay for a couple of trainers (peanuts compared to 
the lost time expense) then somehow by magic keep up with the competition 
while you are missing half your between distro programmer time.

It is expensive to have good programmers.  We have the best because many are 
here because this is free software, but still the amount of time required for 
this job is enormous and most work grueling hours.  So it is expensive.

So if enough people really want more informative error messages and better 
wizards and tools, it can be done.  The obstacle is really cost.


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[newbie] Me, Linux, or my !@#$%^ ISP

2001-09-19 Thread ai4a

I am running LM 7.2 with netscape (the one that comes with LM 7.2). I
have been running this version for about 10 months. 

For the last 2 months I have been having trouble connecting to internet
sites. Before the trouble started, everything worked AOK for about 8
months! I can connect to my ISP OK. I just cannot connect to internet
sites. Some sites I can connect to  some I cannot. The problem started
out where I could not connect to internet sites using windows or linux.
Now the ISP has gotten Windows working ok, but linux still will not
work. Sometimes I cannot access any internet sites, and sometimes I can
access some sites but not most sites.

At the moment I can access the following:

I cannot access:

My ISP tells me the problem must be mine (because I use linux, which
they cannot even spell). They say I am the only one having problems. I
am probably the only linux user they have (it is a small world where I

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Same install many PC's

2001-09-19 Thread Michael D. Viron

During an expert installation of MandrakeLinux 8, it should ask if you want
to create a replication floppy--at least it does with 7.2 not sure about
8.0 or 8.1.  I'm not sure how exactly it works, but it should be pretty
close to what you want.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:46 PM 09/19/2001 -0400, you wrote:

I recently installed MandrakeLinux 8 for a school

and set up Squid as a proxy server for their Win98 PC's

They are now interested in having Linux for a number of

their Desktop PC's. I would be happy to install it but,

as many of them are identical, I wondered if it would

be possible to install on one then create a cd with 

a copy of it and have some means of automatically 

reinstalling the identical configuration on the others.

I realise that it would need things like host names to

be different on each one but I think it should be possible

to write some small script to allow that sort of question to

be asked. Does anyone have any idea how I could go about this?



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[newbie] Problems with Imac DVSE and Mandrake 8

2001-09-19 Thread Brian

Hello List!

I am new to Mandrake, but have been using other distributions for about 5
years. I am a *nix sys admin for an ISP and this one has me stumped. I have
a iMac DV/SE with a 400mhz PPC G3 Proc, 256mb Ram, 10gb drive and DVDRom
drive. The install went great, X works and everything seems good.. But:

When In X the screen is shifted about 1 inch to the right. MacOS had a
control panel to fix this but I can't seem to find anything similar in
Mandrake. I checked list archives, a google search turned up nothing... I am

Any help is appreciated.



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[newbie] Re: [newbie] , !

2001-09-19 Thread Oleksiy Dushyn



  - Original Message - 
  ëíó úíë 

  Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 8:35 
  Subject: [newbie] åÓÔØ ÔÕÔ ËÔÏ, ÇÏ×ÏÒÑÝÉÊ 

[newbie] Netgear FE411 PCMCIA support

2001-09-19 Thread S.F.


Can someone please tell me if Netgear FE411 PCMCIA card is supported by
Mandrake 8.0 ?

If so, can anyone tell me how to install/configure it? I spent 4 hours
straight trying to make it work, still no result...
Any help is greatly appreciate it?
P.S. I am 99% new to Mandrake and Linux..


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Re: [newbie] panel resets every time I reboot

2001-09-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 09:32:09 -0400 (EDT), Manuel Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi - not too new to Gnome, but a bit clueless.
 I add apps launchers to my Gnome Panel, to make life easier on me.
 Everytime I reboot, I lose *nearly* all of my additions, though for some
 reason, a couple of hanged on.
 Any ideas appreciated!
 I tried saving the session before I reboot, perhaps it's not a session
 issue though.

I had this problem pop up from out of nowhere when I was using the GNOME from
Mandrake 8.0. The problem went away after upgrading to Ximian GNOME.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] LM8.1 B3

2001-09-19 Thread Richie de Almeida

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 07:22, Mohammed Arafa wrote:
 richie thanks a bundle it worked :))
Glad I could help!

 umm now how do i do it for ALL the other users without going into each and
 every /home/user/.kde/Autostart dir?

I have no idea as I've never had to try!  My best guess is that when a New 
user logs on to KDE, there must be some script that creates a few of the 
basic system folders ('.kde' and Autostart for example) and symbolic links to 
log on a user to KDE.  Perhaps you could tweak that script (if it exists or 
what its name is if it does exist I have no clue!).  Try lurking around the 
KDE mailing lists maybe there's someone over there who know how to help.

In the meantime, don't go changing any scirpt until you positively know what 
to do!



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[newbie] blocking??

2001-09-19 Thread Franki

Hi all,

Does anyone know a way using shell/perl scripting and ipchains to block all
urls that request cmd.exe, root.exe, admin.dll and all the others??? (from
port 80 of course)

I am getting thousands of sustained requests from infected NT/2000 servers
and its chewing alot of bandwidth..

I may have to shutdown my server for a couple of days if it doens't stop as
its bound to cause a spike in usage and my bill..

anyone got any ideas???



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