Re: Problemi con CD audio - Era:Re: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-02-01 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Scrive Simone:
 (Thursday, January 31, 2002, ore 12:32:58 PM, a
 proposito di [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3)
 Prendo spunto da questa mail per aggiungere un paio
 di richieste.
 S Ho finalmente provato ad ascoltare gli MP3,
 S funziona! xmms è stupendo!
 Ehm... non so ch programma ho usato, ma risco a
 leggere gli mp3
 anch'io! (Vi sembra banale? Per me non lo e' - non
 ancora, almeno!)
Probabilmente hai Kde come desktop manager (e'
l'impostazione predefinita di Mandrake) e clikkando su
un file .mp3 ti ha avviato il player di kde (mi sembra
che si chiami kmp3).

 Io invece vorrei mettere dei brani mp3 su un Cd
 audio (in modo da
 ascoltarlo sullo stereo). Sono riuscita a
 masterizzare il mio primo Cd di dati, ma con gli
 audio nisba.
Che problemi hai avuto?

 Non solo: come si fa a montare un Cd audio? Che tipo
 di filesystem ha?
I Cd audio non sono da montare. Devi utilizzare un
player apposito, come ad esempio xmms.

Ciao! Steo.


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[newbie-it] kernel mandrake 8.1

2002-02-01 Thread Fabio Manunza

Probabilmente questa domanda era già stata fatta, ma tra le mie vecchie non
la trovo; scuse eventuali per la ripetizione...
Come posso ricompilare il kernel 2.4.8-26mdk? La directory /usr/src/linux
non esiste. C'è una strada alternativa? Guardando il Software Manager, tutto
quello che riguarda il kernel sembra già installato
Grazie per l'eventuale aiuto

[newbie-it] Smart Link HAMR5600 AMR

2002-02-01 Thread GregorSamsa

Ho trovato i driver ( )  ma non riesco 
assolutamente a far funzionare il modem nonostante le istruzioni (che sono 
per SuSE). Qualcuno mi da una mano? La mia distro è MDK 8.1
Senza modem devo stampare tutti i docs che mi servono per imparare, dovrei 
disboscare mezza italia per la carta :( Datemi una mano plz :)
Ringrazio anticipatamente :)

Nicholas Wieland

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:

Telefonini, lettori Mp3, videocamere a… 
mille lire: succede solo su!
Clicca qui:  

[newbie-it] MandrakeOnLine

2002-02-01 Thread Giorgio Carrara

salve a tutti
ho dovuto reinstallare Mandrake8.1 ex novo ed ora non riesco più a collegarmi 
con Mandrakeonline che mi aggiorna i mirrors dai quali trarre gli 
aggiornamenti. e' anche vero che non riesco a collegarmi a MandrakeExpert, 
mandrakesoft ed in genere con tutti i siti di mandrake. eccettuato Mandrake 
c'è qualcuno che può provare e poi dirmi qualcosa.
grazie in anticipo

[newbie-it] configurazioe di un USB ISDN TA

2002-02-01 Thread Fabrizio Imperio

Ciao a tutti sono un nuovo utente di 
utilizzo la distribuzione MANDRAKE 8.1 e sono alle 
prese con la configurazione del mio "modem" USB ISDN TA (suppongo della Trust 
Sto passando le notti davantigli HOWTO ma ho 
trovato poco riguardo agli USB ISDN TA
Ho gia' controllato il sito senza 

Sul sito della SuSE ho trovato questa 

You want to use a USB ISDN terminal adapter with 
SuSE Linux. Procedure:The following BIOS options have to be set: USB 
enabled USB IRQ enabled PnP OS installed disabled The variable 
"START_USB" in the file /etc/rc.config must be set to "yes". Easiest way to 
change this value is to use YaST1:  - System 
administration - Change configuration file

After a system restart the following modules should 
have been loaded: usbcore usb-uhci or usb-ohci You can check this 
with the command lsmod as superuser root. Now configure your ISDN modem with 
YaST1. Therefore open the following dialogue: 

 - System 
administration - Network configuration - 
Configure PPP network

Now you are in the Wvdial configuration menu. 
Please select "Autodetect modem". Now your modem should be detected. A standard 
analog modem would have been configured correctly at this stage and only the 
provider has to be specified yet under "Configure the current profile" or you 
choose one of the preconfigured call-by-call provider. But ISDN modems (also 
called terminal adapters) don't act like analog modems and they need a special 
initialization string. This has to be set with 

 - Configure the current 
profile - Expert menu

Select "(Standard-Analog-Modem/non-ISDN) Modem 
Type" for your terminal adapter. If you don't find an entry for your device, you 
must search at your terminal adapter manual for an AT command, that switches on 
the point-to-point-transfer mode. Mostly it can be found with the keyword 
"syncPPP". Type in this init string as "Init String 2 (sent to modem after 

ma non trovo il file rc.config
e i moduli usbcore e usb-uhci sono abilitati anche 
se appare la dicitura (unused)

scusate la lunghezza del 

spero che potrete indirizzarmi per la retta 


[newbie-it] non vede il modem...winmodem??

2002-02-01 Thread A3nImA

Ciao a tutti
Tenendo presente che non ho molta 
famigliarità con i comandi di linux chiedo aiuto a voi!
Alloraho installato MNDRK8.1 e ad 
installazione finita mi sono accorto che il modem non era riconosciuto,credo sia 
stato messo in other devices (credo sia lui)
Icasi sono 2 ! o ho un winmodem o non 
ho capito nulla di quello che ho letto nella documentazione !...cosa 
Il modem è un Mentor e il modello è 
ITU-V.90 utilizza un driver della Motorola
Ho gia cercato sul sito delle case ma non 
ho trovato nulla di interessante.
Se questo può essere d'aiuto vi posso dire 
che anche sotto winzows ha bisogno del suo drive.
come si fa' per sapere se è un 
e se lo è che devo 
Vi ringrazzio gia da ora sia che me lo 
spieghiate sia che mi rimandiate a qualche documentazione.
Ma vi prego datemi un mano perché da solo 
non riesco a cavarne nulla.

Ciao tom

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: clicca qui 

Auto, telefonini, computer, viaggi… quello che cerchi, lo trovi su!

Clicca qui 

[newbie-it] Informazione su LISa

2002-02-01 Thread Natalo

Ciao a tutti
Il mio problema e' il seguente:
Sono riuscito in casa mia a creare una piccola rete lan tra il pc ed il
Su entrambi ho installato la mandrake 8.0 con la viva intenzione di
metterli in rete come gia' ho fatto con il simpaticissimo Windows!!!
Per ora su linux,  ho la condivisione della stampante,di internet e
samba con la possibilita' accedendo via portatile sotto windows di
usufruire anche del file system  linux sul fisso!!!
Ma torniamo al mio problema!!!
Come ben sapete se apriamo la cartella home dal desktop di KDE ad
esempio vediamo sulla sinistra l'iconina dei due computer con scritto
rete locale..bene
Io avrei il desiderio di riuscire a configuare l'ambaradan in modo tale
da gestirmela come windows...clicco sopra e vedo cosa c'e' sull'altro
Scusate se sono molto terra terra nelle definizioni ma ho la
frustrazione di chi ha perso molte ore su una cosa che alla fine non
riesce a fare funzionare!!
Sono sicuro che mi capirete!!!
In ogni modo questo e' il tutto!!!
Se qualche anima buona sa' fare luce sulla situazione fara' felice un
tapino informatico!!!

Ciao a tutti!!!


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di leafnode, pacchetto rpm

2002-02-01 Thread Simone

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:47 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Installazione di leafnode, pacchetto rpm

 Non capisco cosa sbaglio, ho provato ad installare leafnode,
 rpm -ivh /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/leafnode-1.9.18-4mdk.i586.rpm
 ed il messaggio d'errore è stato:
 error: failed dependencies:
 inn conflicts with leafnode-1.9.18-4mdk

In QuickEasy configuration HOWTO ho letto

Se necessitate di creare newsgroup locali per la vostra LAN o
avete bisogno di maggior potenza e opzioni, rivolgetevi a INN, [...]
Non potete usare contemporaneamente due demoni che cercano
di controllare la stessa porta, quindi nel caso abbiate INN o altri
newsserver, commentate la riga apposita all'interno di /etc/xinetd.conf
e riavviate

Ma quale riga devo modificare? Non riesco a capire, questo
è il mio xinetd.conf:

# Simple configuration file for xinetd
# Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/

instances   = 60
log_type= SYSLOG authpriv
log_on_success  = HOST PID
log_on_failure  = HOST
 cps   = 25 30

includedir /etc/xinetd.d

Chi mi aiuta? Vorrei riuscire a leggere le news off-line,
come posso fare?
ICQ #147054457
Bye byte, Cerchietto

Nessuna arte può leggere in un
volto ciò che lo spirito va costruendo
(Shakespeare - Macbeth, atto I scena IV)

Re: [newbie-it] non vede il modem...winmodem??

2002-02-01 Thread Simone

- Original Message -
From: A3nImA
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 8:37 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] non vede il modem...winmodem??

 Ciao a tutti
 Tenendo presente che non ho molta famigliarità con i
 comandi di linux chiedo aiuto a voi!
 Alloraho installato MNDRK8.1 e ad installazione
 finita mi sono accorto che il modem non era riconosciuto,
 credo sia stato messo in other devices (credo sia lui)
 I casi sono 2 ! o ho un winmodem o non ho capito nulla
 di quello che ho letto nella documentazione !...cosa probabbile.

Se è un modem interno allora è un winmodem.
Anch'io avevo un modem interno, per Linux ne ho dovuto
comprare uno esterno, ne ho preso uno qualsiasi, il
più economico che ho trovato, e funziona benissimo.
Adesso mi ritrovo con due modem collegati, ma
anche sotto win utilizzo quello esterno, è più leggero.

Tra i modem interni, forse alcuni si possono far
funzionare sotto linux, non sono sicuro.

ICQ #147054457
Bye byte, Cerchietto

Nessuna arte può leggere in un
volto ciò che lo spirito va costruendo
(Shakespeare - Macbeth, atto I scena IV)

Re: [newbie-it] non vede il modem...winmodem??

2002-02-01 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 23:44, venerdì 1 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 - Original Message -
 From: A3nImA
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 8:37 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] non vede il modem...winmodem??

  Ciao a tutti
  Tenendo presente che non ho molta famigliarità con i
  comandi di linux chiedo aiuto a voi!
  Alloraho installato MNDRK8.1 e ad installazione
  finita mi sono accorto che il modem non era riconosciuto,
  credo sia stato messo in other devices (credo sia lui)
  I casi sono 2 ! o ho un winmodem o non ho capito nulla
  di quello che ho letto nella documentazione !...cosa probabbile.

 Se è un modem interno allora è un winmodem.
 Anch'io avevo un modem interno, per Linux ne ho dovuto
 comprare uno esterno, ne ho preso uno qualsiasi, il
 più economico che ho trovato, e funziona benissimo.
 Adesso mi ritrovo con due modem collegati, ma
 anche sotto win utilizzo quello esterno, è più leggero.

 Tra i modem interni, forse alcuni si possono far
 funzionare sotto linux, non sono sicuro.

Per vedere se un modem interno è in grado di funzionare con Linux o no, il 
sito di riferimento è ... In ogni caso, se se ne ha 
la possibilità, è sempre meglio sostituire il modem interno (comunque 
problematico) con un modem esterno su porta seriale.


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di leafnode, pacchetto rpm

2002-02-01 Thread d9widgi

On 1 Feb 2002, at 18:47, Simone wrote:

 Non capisco cosa sbaglio, ho provato ad installare leafnode,

 ed il messaggio d'errore è stato:

 error: failed dependencies:
 inn conflicts with leafnode-1.9.18-4mdk

devi disinstallare inn

rpm -e inn (classico)
urpme inn (mdk style)


Re: [newbie-it] non vede il modem...winmodem??

2002-02-01 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 20:37, venerdì 1 febbraio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] non vede 
il modem...winmodem??, A3nImA ha scritto:

 come si fa' per sapere se è un winmodem?

se il modem è esterno non ci sono problemi
se è interno, quasi sicuramente è un softmodem

 e se lo è che devo fare?

se fosse un softmodem, prova a cercare su
per vedere se il modello è supportato

- -- 


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Problemi con CD audio - Era:Re: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-02-01 Thread Corrado

Il gio, 2002-01-31 alle 22:43, Arwan ha scritto:

 Io invece vorrei mettere dei brani mp3 su un Cd audio (in modo da
 ascoltarlo sullo stereo). Sono riuscita a
 masterizzare il mio primo Cd di dati, ma con gli audio nisba.

Provato con gnome-toaster? Oppure con un programma per la sola creazione
di cd audio come cdrdao (magari con l'ausilio dell'interfaccia grafica


Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] often]

2002-02-01 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

How come many of you have server up times of many days and even months?
I find that after approx. 2-3 days I need to reboot my MDK 8 box else
the modem will not respond when I use kppp and the Software Manager only
partially displays. I have 64 Mb of RAM and a separate 32 Mb video card.

What's up?

Hylton Conacher on KDE
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows 95 user
More hardware info on request

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RE: [newbie] C-compiler

2002-02-01 Thread Robert Todd

The one that ships with Linux, GCC. =)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of ege7
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] C-compiler

What is the best c-compiler? 

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[newbie] xmgrace under mandrake 8.0

2002-02-01 Thread Frederic Rooms


Does anyone have the xmgrace 5.1.4 package for mandrake 8.0 ? I could
only find the version for the 8.1 which requires the glibc 2.2.3 (on
Mandrake 8.0 the 2.2.2 version is installed). I don't want to install
the new glibc version because I fear problems.

Thank you


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Re: [newbie] Network Resources

2002-02-01 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On 31 Jan 2002 10:14:25 -0600
Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 07:57, Paul Kraus wrote:
  How do I access network resources in a windows workgroup? How do I share
  a folder?
 To integrate Linux networking with Windows, you need the Samba suite of
 applications for Linux. These generally include 3 packages (rpm's)
 called samba-common, samba-server, and samba-client. Mandrake 8.1
 includes all of these, at version 2.2.2 if I remember correctly.
 You only need samba-common and samba-client to access shares on other
 computers. If you want to create shares that others can access from
 Windows (or Linux), then you also need samba-server.
 Once Samba is installed, there is ample documentation included to help
 you get started.
 Beware of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup.

to have gui for mounting network shares im using komba2 (somebody suggested 
linneighborhood but i dont know that app). to share directories, you have to modify 
your samba.conf. the mandrake installation contains the samba-doc package which 
contains an excellent e-book in starting with samba. or you could try the SWAT 
approach (http://localhost:901), if you have it installed, to create shares.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] Startup sound in KDE?

2002-02-01 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Hi Mick

If you like KDE startup sound, try this :

In /etc/lilo.conf edit (as root) the append-line as follows :
devfs=nomount (remember to run lilo when done).

That little no fixed it for me.

Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] Evolution

2002-02-01 Thread brockie

Can someone please let me know where I can download a copy of Evolution 
1.0 from

Thanks :)

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[newbie] Evolution

2002-02-01 Thread brockie

Can someone please let me know where I can download a copy of Evolution 
1.0 from

Thanks :)

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[newbie] Having trouble accessing USB Zip drive

2002-02-01 Thread brockie

Can someone please let me know how I access USB Zip drives using linux

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Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-02-01 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) wrote:
 Here is my entire FSTAB:
 /dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
 iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,user,exec,codepage=850,nodev 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
 e 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdb1 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdd /mnt/zip auto nosuid,exec,user,noauto,nodev 0 0
 I see the ZIP drive line at the bottom, but it's quite different than the
 example you gave. I've modified it to the following:
 /dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 Is this correct? How do I tell my system to use this new, edited fstab?

Hi Andrew. Okay, that looks like mine (now). Rebooting will, of course
initiate the changes in /etc/fstab, but its easier just to do (as root):

mount -a

That should reread /etc/fstab and remount all your listed drives.

Don't forget to right-click on your Zip icon under KDE (not sure about Gnome?)
and pick properties, then check to make sure its pointing to /dev/hdd4.

Hope this helps!


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Re: [newbie] Ogle GUI

2002-02-01 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Jim Dawson wrote:
 Yes, I linked /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd. I never can remember which order to place the 
arguments in...

Me either - thats why I wanted to make sure! grin

 I *Did* see the Animated version of Lord of the Rings on DVD recently, but I assume 
you were refering to the live action version. My guess is that they will release it 
next fall in order to (1) cash in in the Christmas buying season, and (2) so everyone 
can re-watch LOTR:FOTR before going to see LOTR:TTT. Then I expcet them to release a 
boxed set containing all three films plus aditional material so we'll all buy it 

Yes, thats what I meant. I know you're right about the business end of the
tactics they will use but I love that story so much, and the movie was so good
(IMHO) that I will pay to have it at home... ;-)



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Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-02-01 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Mel Roman wrote:
 I don't have to reboot after adding that,
 or execute any special commands
 to get Linux to re-read fstab,
 do I? I DIDN'T!
 I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I've
 always assumed that fstab was read once when Linux
 boots, and didn't look at it thereafter.  If that's
 the case, then you'd have to reboot for your new entry
 to take effect...

Hi Mel. To save from rebooting, you can (as root) issue a:

mount -a

and your system will reread /etc/fstab and mount the drives again.

Hope this helps! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2002-02-01 Thread Kenn Yahoo

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 7:22 AM
Subject: [newbie] Evolution

| Can someone please let me know where I can download a copy of Evolution
| 1.0 from
| Thanks :)

| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
| Go to

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[newbie] java 1.4.0

2002-02-01 Thread Eric McClure

Java 1.4.0 final or release candidate as they call it is out.

Just a note for anyone who's interested.

take care,
eric l. mcclure

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Re: [newbie] traceroute

2002-02-01 Thread Cyril Vassilchenko

Just type tracerour host... If /usr/sbin is excluded from your profile,
/usr/sbin/traceroute host
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] traceroute

 On Thursday 31 January 2002 4:18 pm, you wrote:
  any one know the bash command for trace route?

 I found that on my machine it works when you run tracepath as root.

 Time's fun when you're having flies.
 -Kermit the Frog - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.0

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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2002-02-01 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Viernes 01 Febrero 2002 10:52, escribió:

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 7:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Evolution

 | Can someone please let me know where I can download a copy of Evolution
 | 1.0 from
 | Thanks :)

Just remember to download MDK rpms:


Good luck

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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2002-02-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 21:22:37 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone please let me know where I can download a copy of Evolution 
 1.0 from

Any cooker mirror:

Sridhar Dhanapalan

My girlfriend always laughs during sex -
no matter what she's reading.
-- Steve Jobs

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Re: [newbie] Having trouble accessing USB Zip drive

2002-02-01 Thread Michael Scottaline

I just plug it in and it is automagically detected, a mount point is
automagically created and believe it or not /etc/fstab is automagically
edited to reflect the new device.

On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 08:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone please let me know how I access USB Zip drives using linux

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] often]

2002-02-01 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Friday 01 February 2002 10:58, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

 How come many of you have server up times of many days and even months?
 I find that after approx. 2-3 days I need to reboot my MDK 8 box else
 the modem will not respond when I use kppp and the Software Manager only
 partially displays. I have 64 Mb of RAM and a separate 32 Mb video card.

Actually, the uptime a server (perhaps running only text-mode apps) can 
achieve is completely irrelevant to that of a desktop machine that runs X, 
a window manager, and loads up a new app every few minutes. Bragging 
rights, that's all. 

But you can restart X (ie exit to the login screen, then restart X and 
reload the window manager) without rebooting. That will most likely get 
rid of  any zombie programs still using up memory and the uptime counter 
will keep right on ticking.

Once the Pan newsreader froze my X screen solid. *Nothing* worked - except 
CTL-ALT-F1 which put me in a console from where I could issue a killall 
pan. CTL-ALT-F7 then put me right back in a smoothly working X screen, 
with Pan gone. Now with a, shall we say, lesser OS that would have been a 
reboot for sure.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

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[newbie] glibc change

2002-02-01 Thread Frederic Rooms

Hi everyone,

What's the safier way to install the more recent glibc libraries ?  I
just want to know how to upgrade from the glibc of MDK8.0 to those from

I have already try to upgrade my system with the CD's but I lost my
system. So I won't try again

Thanks a lot,


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Re: [newbie] Word processing on IBM Aptiva 2168.

2002-02-01 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Thursday 31 January 2002 23:30, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Brian Durant wrote:
   2) We have a multilingual family. We need spell checking in Danish,
   French, German and Spanish. I might be interested in seeing Russian
   spell checking as well, though I don't use my Russian much these
   days. Does AbiWord provide all of this?

 Brian, I don't recall seeing any GNU word-processor (ABI, KWord) with
 built-in spell checking for danish. 

My version of Kword (d/led from cooker 2 days ago) can be set to use 
either aspell or ispell, and Danish is available for both. How good the 
dictionaries are I have no way of judging, but they are right here on my 
system. You'll also need to install the danish locales rpm.
Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

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[newbie] probs after kdeutils update

2002-02-01 Thread da an

i'm a newbie, so u have been warned!!! i think i have done something really 
stupid with my mandrake 8.1

i saw the other day that karchive didn't work and i wanted to get 'a new 
version'. i searched the internet and saw that this karchive tool is to be 
found in the package kdeutils. therefore i decided to install a newer 
version of kdeutils.

the installation program said me 'i hadn't got some libraries', but one way 
or another i forced the installation, resulting in a not working kdeutils. 
(as i said, i am a newbie and didn't read any readme files as i am not used 
to that in windows) so now i have a new kdeutils with the rest of my kde in 
an older version. :(

(i also want to mention that i did an installation with mandrakeupdate
during that very same session. it could be that i have done an update of a 
part of the kernel without knowing it, i assumed everything would be ok as 
it was an automatic mandrakeupdate, or something...)

the result is that my networkconnections are lost and that my windows-,
floppy- and cddrive-mounts are gone. so my question is can i undo this
change? or is my only hope for recovery a reinstallation?

thanx in advance,


MSN Foto's is de eenvoudigste manier om je favoriete foto's te delen, te 
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[newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig

2002-02-01 Thread Johnson, David

How do people get their current uptime info into their e-mail signature?

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0: can't install rpm files

2002-02-01 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Monday 28 January 2002 03:17, you wrote:

From your description it sounds like something has become knackered in the 
Mandrake 7.0 configuration.  You should not be encountering architecture 

If you're inclined, the first thing I would try is backing up all pertinent 
data on the Mandrake partition that you need to keep, then reinstalling from 
scratch.  That may solve your problem without upgrading.

However, if it was me, I would get Mandrake 8.1 if I was going to reinstall.  
This is without a doubt the best Linux distro I've tried yet.

 Hi all,

 here are some specs.
 *Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz-133
 *Intel 845E Chipset
 *512 MB RAM
 *80GB IDE HardDrive
 *TNT2 – M64 32mb Video Card

 *Linux Mandrake 7.0
 *Linux-kernel 2.2.14

 *I recently purchased a new PC and installed linux
 Mandrake 7.0 using DrakeX.  The PC has been
 partitioned as follows.
 Win98 partition 5Gbytes
 / 17Gytes
 swap 1024Mbytes
 /home about 50Gbytes (the rest)

 Description of Problem

 When I try and install any additional packages within
 linux using any one of the rpm package manages (i.e.
 kpackage, drakerpm etc) I get an error reading:
 ‘package name’ is for a different architecture.

 I’ve tried many packages that came within the CDs
 (including i586 rpm files).  The same error was given
 following each attempt.  In addition I uninstalled
 several packages already installed during the DrakeX
 installation and attempted to reinstalled them.  I got
 the same problem.

 I need to install additional packages in order to run
 a research software package.

 I don’t understand why I’m getting this architecture
 incompatibility problem.  Is the Intel 845E chipset
 incompatible with mandrake 7.0?   Do I need to upgrade
 to Linux Mandrake 8.1?

 I eagerly look forward to a reply.
 Manuel - My Yahoo!
 - It's My Yahoo! Get your own!

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RE: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-02-01 Thread FLYNN, Steve


/etc/fstab is read by mount everytime it needs to mount something. Additions
are no problem. Edits may necessitate unmounting and remounting that device
(say if you changed the mount point  from /mnt/zip to /mnt/zipdrive for

 -Original Message-
 From: Ronald J. Hall [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 1:38 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?
 Mel Roman wrote:
  I don't have to reboot after adding that,
  or execute any special commands
  to get Linux to re-read fstab,
  do I? I DIDN'T!
  I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I've
  always assumed that fstab was read once when Linux
  boots, and didn't look at it thereafter.  If that's
  the case, then you'd have to reboot for your new entry
  to take effect...
 Hi Mel. To save from rebooting, you can (as root) issue a:
 mount -a
 and your system will reread /etc/fstab and mount the drives again.
 Hope this helps! ;-)
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Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-02-01 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Todd,

Just received your message today (Feb 1st!). In the meantime, I dumped the 
LM8.0 versions of Apache/PHP and tried source. Not much better.

Anyway, I re-installed LM8.0 versions and, yes, in commonhttpd.conf there are 
those lines which I uncommented. Now, either as user or root, with the test 
file in /var/www/html, I still get text. 

So, how did you activate php? What did you do if you wanted to run a test to 
see if it was working? Where did you do it from (and did you try as user with 
permissions to the group apache? What should I expect to see? Unfortunately, 
I've trashed Netscape's mime-types after trying manually to insert the type: 
whenever I try a php file, it asks me where I want to save it. If only I 
could remember where I deleted entries like that in Netscape . . . :

This has gone beyond an obsession. I've sort of lost track exactly why I want 
php installed, if the installtion causes so much grief, what about when it's 
in use?

Anyway, thanks for the tip. If you've got any other suggestions to get this 
php thing php-ing, I I love to hear them!


On Tuesday 29 January 2002 17:15, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 29 January 2002 03:20 pm, Andre Dubuc wrote:
  The problem with my LM8.0 configuration for Apache is that it doesn't
  have those lines AddType in any of the .conf files! I wondered what
  they were talking about -- and I have checked them all!
  In desperation, I finally decided to go source. I d/l the binary from
  Apache, and after my first attempt, I still cannot see my test file. I'll
  have to check my PHP config.

 I think my version of Apache is pretty recent. You don't have a file
 commonhttpd.conf in /etc/httpd/conf? Maybe do a find?

 This is about half-way through my commonhttpd.conf, and I just uncommented
 the last two lines:

  # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or
 to # make certain files to be certain types.
  # For example, the PHP 3.x module (not part of the Apache distribution -
 see # will typically use:
  #AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
  #AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
  # And for PHP 4.x, use:
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

 I guess the nice thing about installing it from Mandrake disc is that it's
 already configured. I didn't touch any PHP file. Is moving up to 8.1 (or
 soon, 8.2) an option?

  Perhaps, that's the problem: I'm unclear where any files that I make
  should go. Are they supposed to be put in the /htdocs area in apache's
  directory? Will they work from elsewhere? I've also set up a /public_html
  directory in personal home directory.

 My web files go in /var/www/html. If your root is /htdocs, that's where I
 would put them. I'm not sure but what you may need to give permission to
 normal users to use PHP.

 Maybe try alt.os.linux.mandrake, a PHP or Apache group.


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RE: [newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig

2002-02-01 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Combination of a pipe, backticks and an email reader which lets you run a
program or script to determine the contents of the sig.

Which email reader do you use?

 -Original Message-
 From: Johnson, David [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 5:12 PM
 Subject:  [newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig
 How do people get their current uptime info into their e-mail signature?
   File: message.footer  

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recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email  
the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
take/retain/distribute any copies.

Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
Member of the Association of British Insurers.

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[newbie] Installed Applications

2002-02-01 Thread JSheble

There appear to be literally thousands of applications that get installed 
when you install Mandrake 8.1.  I chose the expert level install, and 
thought I was being real good about choosing which packages to install and 
which one not to install.  But now I'm not so sure...  it appears I missed 
some I needed and installed others that don't seem to do anything.

So all this aside, my question then is this:  How do you decide what to 
install and what not to install?  is there anyone that actually knows what 
all these applications do?

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Re: [newbie] glibc change

2002-02-01 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Friday 01 February 2002 12:08, you wrote:

Glibc is the core of the Linux operating system.  When you tinker with that, 
you are basically tinkering with just about everything in the system.

I won't say that it can't be done, mainly because I've done it...with 
previous distros.  But I will tell you that you're getting into a can of 
worms here.  The dependencies will thread through a whole _bunch_ of packages 
on your system.  To nutshell it, you will be using the --force option with 
rpm quite a bit.  And of course, whenever you do that, you know that carries 
a large amount of risk with regard to the working state of all packages 
involved.  Which basically involves almost everything.

I'm not trying to discourage you here; in fact, I think you ought to try it.  
There may be someone here who has had direct experience with glibc upgrades 
and the Mandrake 8.0 distro; if so, I hope they will come forward.  For 
myself, however, because of the snake bites I've had in the past with glibc 
upgrades, I prefer to move to the next distro in line; in this case, Mandrake 

If you want a memorable experience, go the glibc upgrade route.  If you want 
a time saving experience, go the route of the next highest stable distro.

Good luck...and maybe someone else here has a glibc magic wand for you.  
Hopefully, anyway.

 Hi everyone,

 What's the safier way to install the more recent glibc libraries ?  I
 just want to know how to upgrade from the glibc of MDK8.0 to those from

 I have already try to upgrade my system with the CD's but I lost my
 system. So I won't try again

 Thanks a lot,


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[newbie] Getting many crashes on

2002-02-01 Thread marvin

I`m still on an older version konqueror 2.2.1 this a problem for
people on later versions.

I usually get a crash with no backtrace symbols.

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[newbie] USB ISDN TA configuration

2002-02-01 Thread Fabrizio Imperio

Hi to all of you I am a new user of Linux and I am 
busy in the configuration of my USB ISDN TA (Trust Thecnology I suppose). 
I use the distribution MANDRAKE 8.1  I have read many 
HOWTO about the modem configuration but few speaks about the USB ISDN TA. 
I have given a look to the threads in this mailing-list but I have not found 
anything that could resolve my problem.  I hope that someone 
of you can help me!  Fabrizio

Re: [newbie] Getting many crashes on

2002-02-01 Thread bascule

konqueror 2.2.2 on kde2.2.2 
had to restart kde from console via ctrl-alt-f1
what is that site?


On Friday 01 February 2002 6:45 pm, you wrote:
 I`m still on an older version konqueror 2.2.1 this a problem for
 people on later versions.

 I usually get a crash with no backtrace symbols.

He felt as if he'd been shipwrecked on the Titanic but in the nick of time 
had been rescued. By the Lusitania.

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Re: [newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig

2002-02-01 Thread Oliver L.Plaine Jr

On Friday 01 February 2002 12:12,(Johnson, David, typed:
 How do people get their current uptime info into their e-mail
Friday 01 February 2002  -- 13:49  68degF cloudy

Here is a piece of a message I ripped from Tom to do mine with David...


Tom Said:
You can create a text file and 'chmod -x' it to run any suitable
executable, eg, /usr/bin/uptime.  I do this with kmail by making my
executable and placing   /usr/games/fortune  in it as the last line.
while it probly varies with email clients, it should be easy to do.

  my sig:
echo  Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_

here is my complete executable file in /home/olly/sigprog 
   #this is a ollymade sig file for e-mail
echo Olly P. Biloxi  Mississippi     Linux MDK 8.0 and
 echo  2.4.3-20 mdk Kmail 2.1.1
echo ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram

just put the path to this script in your kmail...
here is the result ...neat huh?
pay attention to (echo)

Ps...I did not have anything to do with Johnsons came from 
fortune just as it is grin

Olly P. Biloxi Mississippi  Linux MDK 8.0 and
2.4.3-20 mdk Kmail 2.1.1
ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram

Johnson's law:
Systems resemble the organizations that create them.

  2:01pm  up 4 days,  1:04,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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RE: [newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig

2002-02-01 Thread Johnson, David

I'm using Evolution right now.

-Original Message-
From: FLYNN, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig

Combination of a pipe, backticks and an email reader which lets you run a
program or script to determine the contents of the sig.

Which email reader do you use?

 -Original Message-
 From: Johnson, David [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 5:12 PM
 Subject:  [newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig
 How do people get their current uptime info into their e-mail signature?
   File: message.footer  

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recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email  
the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
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Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
Member of the Association of British Insurers.

For further Enquires 01603 622200 

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[Fwd: Re: [newbie] Word processing on IBM Aptiva 2168.]

2002-02-01 Thread Kaj Haulrich

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [newbie] Word processing on IBM Aptiva 2168.
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 21:28:13 +0100
From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michel Clasquin wrote:
 On Thursday 31 January 2002 23:30, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
   Brian Durant wrote:
2) We have a multilingual family. We need spell checking in Danish,
French, German and Spanish. I might be interested in seeing Russian
spell checking as well, though I don't use my Russian much these
days. Does AbiWord provide all of this?
  Brian, I don't recall seeing any GNU word-processor (ABI, KWord) with
  built-in spell checking for danish.
 My version of Kword (d/led from cooker 2 days ago) can be set to use
 either aspell or ispell, and Danish is available for both. How good the
 dictionaries are I have no way of judging, but they are right here on my
 system. You'll also need to install the danish locales rpm.
 Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)

Thanks Michel, I didn't know that (either ;-)). Perhaps I should have
mentioned to Brian another reason for my choice of Star Office : My wife
owns the first partition on my hard disk (hda1) for her windows-stuff,
because she refuses to know the first thing about computers. But
nevertheless she uses Star Office for windows (it's on the same CD as
well). This means that the rest of the family (all linuxer's) can acces
stuff on her windows-partion (i.e. spreadsheets, letters etc..) so we
all have acces to some common files on hda1. But not vice-versa. That
way she can't - even accidentially - destroy anything on our
linux-partitions. This setup has proven itself very handy when windows
crashes (which happens every now and then), 'cause we use a
linux-partition for backups. Everyone's happy.

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Uptime in e-mail sig

2002-02-01 Thread Spencer Collyer

On Friday 01 February 2002 17:12, you wrote:
 How do people get their current uptime info into their e-mail

Set up a script to be run as your sigfile, then include something like 
the following (taken from my sigfile):

echo $( uptime )



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[newbie] OT mandrake-hp

2002-02-01 Thread shane

ok, is this just a wild zdnet rumor is is mandrake really going to be 
supported on HP desktops?,14179,5102495,00.html

The only people who like Microsoft are those who don't understand.  When 
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Re: [newbie] OT mandrake-hp

2002-02-01 Thread Pena Family

Yes, HP is going to support Linux-Mandrake on both desktop and laptop.
Including paid support for users.

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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread shane

On Friday 01 February 2002 23:49, you spoke unto me thusly:

 Hi All,
 Does anyone know if Star Office comes in RPM format ?

i doubt it, but ya never know

 if not, then would someone please tell me ( in steps) how to install it ?

well the simple way is to download it, open it with archiver (assuming you 
use kde you can right click and simply choose archiver from the pop-up) then 
extract it (kinda like using winzip, fairly self explanitory, but if not 
repost with new questions) change to the directory where you extracted to, 
and run the setup executable.

having said that, you might prefer open office, most people so far have.  it 
is based on the same code but new and improved over star 5.2.  if you have 
the beta staroffice 6, you basically have openoffice.

and don't be scared off by the beta part.  that just means it will run 
about like microsoft releaseware.  ;-)

 I'm a newbie ( as I'm still posting here in this list :-) )

hey i post here and i have been using mandrake since 7.1 came out all fresh 
and new.  guess some of us just know how little we actually know.   ;-)

i usually learn things here too.

The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do it 
yourself.' That's it.  -L. Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Having trouble accessing USB Zip drive

2002-02-01 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Michael Scottaline wrote:
 I just plug it in and it is automagically detected, a mount point is
 automagically created and believe it or not /etc/fstab is automagically
 edited to reflect the new device.

Just out of curiosity, and to be clear...that is under 8.1 *with* devfs
enabled, correct?

See, that would not work on my setup, because I had to disable devfs. With
devfs enabled, I can't use my CDRW... ;-(


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[newbie] Help with TV out...

2002-02-01 Thread Ronald J. Hall

I've got an Nvidia Geforce 2 Titanium with 64 megs of Ram, running under
Mandrake v8.1 and I'm wondering if I can use the TV-out port on the back of
this video card.

I did a search of nvidia and tv out in the mailing list archives but came
out empty handed.

I also did a search on Google, and found a web page with some references but
TBH, it looked olderish...

Anybody done this, and if so what software/references can you point me to?

Thanks a million! ;-)


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[newbie] Another web site crash with konqueror

2002-02-01 Thread marvin

enter a state and city

Press the back arrow to go back to the previous page.

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Re: [newbie] Having trouble accessing USB Zip drive

2002-02-01 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Fri, 01 Feb 2002 22:38:40 -0500
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

Michael Scottaline wrote:
 I just plug it in and it is automagically detected, a mount point is
 automagically created and believe it or not /etc/fstab is automagically
 edited to reflect the new device.

Just out of curiosity, and to be clear...that is under 8.1 *with* devfs
enabled, correct?

See, that would not work on my setup, because I had to disable devfs.
With devfs enabled, I can't use my CDRW... ;-(

Aahhh..., I run Mandrake here at home, but i forgot which list I was
responding to.  At work, my two laptops and my desktop run RH 7.2.  My
above comments refer to my experiences with RH 7.2 NOT Mandrake 8.1. Mike

Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there.
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century

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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2002-02-01 Thread Vincent A. Primavera

If you are using 8.1, I suggest that you install Red Carpet from the
same site first and use that to install.  I was having a rough time
installing/upgrading Evolution but now that Red Carpet supports 8.1 it
makes the installation a breeze since it handles all of the dependencies
which there are many.

Good luck,

Vincent A. Primavera

On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 13:52, Kenn Yahoo wrote:
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 7:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Evolution
 | Can someone please let me know where I can download a copy of Evolution
 | 1.0 from
 | Thanks :)
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Re: [newbie] know a utility tha lets you send fax via the internet ?

2002-02-01 Thread nagaraj.b

- Original Message -
From: Hanan Z. AL-Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:51 PM
Subject: [newbie] know a utility tha lets you send fax via the internet ?

 I need a utility ( like the ones that come wit the communication SW of
 modems ) that allows me to send faxs, only I want to send them via the
 internet  any idea anybody ??


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2002-02-01 Thread marvin

KDE seems to take a lot of memory.

I have a 128MB machine, it`s a pure workstation with no servers.  Mandrake
8.1, KDE 2.2.1. I have :-

kmail 1.3.1 in desktop 1
konqueror 2.2.1 in desktop 2
terminal/shell in desktop 4

Once it`s booted up and I use top, I see 120MB in use and 4.6MB swap used.

Yes, I know ram is cheap but I`m wondering why so much ram is used.

Looking at my old trusty Amiga, obviously with a full GUI, with the YAM
(mailer) plus voyager (web browser) and shell plus top, I see it using only
3.8MB and it`s running ntp in addition to comparable stuff on Mandrake e.g.

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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Saturday 02 February 2002 09:49, Hanan Z. AL-Shargi wrote:
 Hi All,
 Does anyone know if Star Office comes in RPM format ?
 if not, then would someone please tell me ( in steps) how to install it
 ? I'm a newbie ( as I'm still posting here in this list :-) ) and have
 never installed any thing other than RPM's  !!
but I think that may be a little dated.

But really, installing  either OpenOffice or StarOffice from the 
installation binary is about as hard as clicking on install.exe in a 
windows system. You should not need to install either from source.

1. go to

2. follow instructions there to download install641_linux_intel.tar.gz

2a. Go make several cups of coffee - this is a big file!

3. Open a terminal and use cd to go to the directory where you downloaded 
the file , for example
cd /home/a_user/downloads ENTER

4. untar and gunzip the file (use the winzip-like kab application if you 
like, otherwise just use 
tar -xvzf install641_linux_intel.tar.gz ENTER 
from the command line, without the quotes of course). A directory called 
install with lots of files in it will be formed. cd to it:
cd install ENTER

5 Now run the command
./setup ENTER

6. Follow the on-screen instructions

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
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All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

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Re: [newbie]

2002-02-01 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Saturday 02 February 2002 02:16, marvin wrote:
 KDE seems to take a lot of memory.

 I have a 128MB machine, it`s a pure workstation with no servers. 
 Mandrake 8.1, KDE 2.2.1. I have :-

 Once it`s booted up and I use top, I see 120MB in use and 4.6MB swap

 Yes, I know ram is cheap but I`m wondering why so much ram is used.

Short answer: Linux always uses all the RAM you have on your system. 
Whatever is available is used for caching. Don't worry about it.

Anyone feel like giving the long answer?
Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Saturday 02 February 2002 06:48, Michel Clasquin wrote:

 4. untar and gunzip the file (use the winzip-like kab application if you
 like, otherwise just use
 tar -xvzf install641_linux_intel.tar.gz ENTER
 from the command line, without the quotes of course)

oops there were quotes in there originally ...

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

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Re: [newbie]

2002-02-01 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 01 February 2002 18:16, you wrote:
 KDE seems to take a lot of memory.

 I have a 128MB machine, it`s a pure workstation with no servers.  Mandrake
 8.1, KDE 2.2.1. I have :-

 kmail 1.3.1 in desktop 1
 konqueror 2.2.1 in desktop 2
 terminal/shell in desktop 4

 Once it`s booted up and I use top, I see 120MB in use and 4.6MB swap used.

 Yes, I know ram is cheap but I`m wondering why so much ram is used.

 Looking at my old trusty Amiga, obviously with a full GUI, with the YAM
 (mailer) plus voyager (web browser) and shell plus top, I see it using only
 3.8MB and it`s running ntp in addition to comparable stuff on Mandrake e.g.
This is one of those frequently asked questions, and that is as it should be 
cause people migrating from other OSs don't see this at all.  Linux does not 
like a void and will use RAM for caching data  on your system.  A bad 
explanation but check out the last few days in archives. There was a very 
good explanation just a day or two ago on how linux uses  RAM and frees it up 
as needed. HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] Is mail to the list for some, or all, people moderated ?

2002-02-01 Thread marvin

I`m curious as my posts take can take up to Four hours to appear.  

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[newbie] Harddrack

2002-02-01 Thread Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos

I am with problems to use hardrack. Always that I go to use it the computer



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Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil

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[newbie] /opt and /initrd directories

2002-02-01 Thread shanon loveridge

Hello all,

   I am currently going through my file system in
order to learn more about linux and I have come across
these two directories that are empty.



I was wondering if someone could tell me what they are
for and if it will break anything if I remove them.



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[newbie] Install Problems Compaq 700T

2002-02-01 Thread Plexishex

Recently, went out and brought 8.1. This is my first jump into linux, so I 
installed next to WinXP. Install goes fine, but after i tell linux to boot in 
LILO the computer just restarts. All options led to the same effect. WinXP 
was unbootable, so I wiped the drive clean, still the same problem. Any help?

Compaq Laptop 700T
850 Duron Chip
Three linux partitions: /root, /usr, /home


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Re: [newbie] Install Problems Compaq 700T

2002-02-01 Thread nagaraj.b

to restore winxp for time being

start the comp with windows startup disk
and in command prompt type c:\fdisk /mbr
after restarting it will boot windows ...

then try installing linux with the installation guide
 Recently, went out and brought 8.1. This is my first jump into linux, so I
 installed next to WinXP. Install goes fine, but after i tell linux to boot
 LILO the computer just restarts. All options led to the same effect. WinXP
 was unbootable, so I wiped the drive clean, still the same problem. Any

 Compaq Laptop 700T
 850 Duron Chip
 386MB RAM
 18GB HD
 Three linux partitions: /root, /usr, /home


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[newbie] solution to ebda too large error?

2002-02-01 Thread Scott Anderson

I'm dual booting Mandrake 8.1 and Windows XP.  When I installed
Mandrake, I let it write LILO to the MBR, and it worked great.  I could
boot into either one without any problems.  Then, I installed some
security patches using the software updater thing, and suddenly I can't
get into Linux anymore.  I can get into Windows just fine, but when I
choose Mandrake, it says: ebda too large and just hangs.  I searched
for this error message and found some people that had it saying that it
was because the kernel was too large.  They didn't suggest any solution
though.  It's funny that a security update could some how make my kernel
too large...anyway, somebody know what I should do to fix this?

Thank you.

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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread Hanan Z. AL-Shargi

Thank you Michel,

I downloaded star office in binary format from Sun's  website, and as you 
said installing it was as easy as clicking on a .exe  

But since this was brought up, would any of the list gurus please kindly post 
a short list clearifying how do u know how to install the diffirent types of 
files  ?

I mean something like a small list : 
- file.rpm   will be installed by the rpm - option  command  
- file.bin with  bla bla command
- when to use the ./ , when do u need to chmod the file before u install  

Many thanks in advance to any volunteer :-)

 But really, installing  either OpenOffice or StarOffice from the
 installation binary is about as hard as clicking on install.exe in a
 windows system. You should not need to install either from source.

 1. go to

 2. follow instructions there to download install641_linux_intel.tar.gz

 2a. Go make several cups of coffee - this is a big file!

 3. Open a terminal and use cd to go to the directory where you downloaded
 the file , for example
 cd /home/a_user/downloads ENTER

 4. untar and gunzip the file (use the winzip-like kab application if you
 like, otherwise just use
 tar -xvzf install641_linux_intel.tar.gz ENTER
 from the command line, without the quotes of course). A directory called
 install with lots of files in it will be formed. cd to it:
 cd install ENTER

 5 Now run the command
 ./setup ENTER

 6. Follow the on-screen instructions

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Re: [newbie] Install Problems Compaq 700T

2002-02-01 Thread Plexishex

Yup, thats where I am now =D. Though Compaq never did send me just a windows 
cd, I got a 3 cd compaq install, so anything normal window fixes hadn't 
worked. Found and XP bootdisk image on the web, and went from there. Very 
strangely the first 2 times I had done fdisk /mbr, the computer restarted 
displaying only garbage symbols. *The trick was to fall asleep the third 
time, in which I woke up to the awful windows tune, strange but true*

I am not concerned with running windows at the moment. I just want to get 
Mandrake up and running. Also just a note, I tried grub that had no luck.


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Re: [newbie] /opt and /initrd directories

2002-02-01 Thread Ashley Reynolds

Hi Shanon,

Here is the definition of the /opt directory, straight from the Filesystem
Hierarchy Standard 2.2:

/opt is reserved for the installation of add-on application software

If you are interested in learning about the Linux filesystem, the FHS
document is a worthwhile read.  You can find it at:

..As for /initrd - I'm not quite sure. :)

I hope this helps.


Ashley Reynolds - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who
does not ask remains a fool forever.

On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, [iso-8859-1] shanon loveridge wrote:

 Hello all,

I am currently going through my file system in
 order to learn more about linux and I have come across
 these two directories that are empty.



 I was wondering if someone could tell me what they are
 for and if it will break anything if I remove them.



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Re: [newbie] Install Problems Compaq 700T

2002-02-01 Thread nagaraj.b

booting linux in windows style

4.1 Step One:
Edit (or create) config.sys on the root of Drive C. The contents should be
similar to the following:

menuitem=Linux, Mandrake Linux 7.2
menuitem=Win98, Windows 98
menudefault=Win98, 10

If your system already has a config.sys file, put those contents under the
[win98] section. The [linux] section is left blank intentionally.

4.2 Step Two:
Edit (or create) autoexec.bat on the root of Drive C. The contents should be
similar to the following:

goto %config%

call c:\linux.bat


As above, if you aready have an autoexec.bat file, put those contents under
the :win98 section.

4.3 Step Three:
Create a file called: linux.bat. Putting it in the root of Drive C is as
good as place as any (but it can go anywhere so long as you reference the
path or location). The contents should be similar to the following:

@echo off
c:\loadlin c:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro

The above example assumes that loadlin.exe and vmlinuz are located in the
root of Drive C (or C:\) and that linux is installed on the /dev/hda3
partition. Your configuration may be different.

The important thing here is to make sure that loadlin and your linux kernel
file are properly referenced. Finished!

That should work for you, as that is how I have things set up on my system,
which dual boots with Win98.

 Yup, thats where I am now =D. Though Compaq never did send me just a
 cd, I got a 3 cd compaq install, so anything normal window fixes hadn't
 worked. Found and XP bootdisk image on the web, and went from there. Very
 strangely the first 2 times I had done fdisk /mbr, the computer restarted
 displaying only garbage symbols. *The trick was to fall asleep the third
 time, in which I woke up to the awful windows tune, strange but true*

 I am not concerned with running windows at the moment. I just want to get
 Mandrake up and running. Also just a note, I tried grub that had no luck.


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