Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento

2002-03-24 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 01:49, venerdì 22 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Domanda da niubbo totale
 ho Mandrake 8.1
 x aggiornarmi alla 8.2 posso farlo in qche modo automaticamente o devo
 cancellare quella vecchia installare quella nuova ecc ecc?

ogni installazione prevede la possibilità di updatare la precedente 
versione ancora sul disco. Però (o almeno così era in passato, non so se 
l'ultima Mandrake abbia risolto) l'update spesso lascia qualche problemino 
irrisolto. Quindi credo convenga farsi un backup ed una nuova installazione 
da zero.


Re: [newbie-it] floppy

2002-03-24 Thread Tommaso Leddi

19:28, sabato 23 marzo 2002, Lele:
 Guarda che scandisk non brucia il file mbr dove c'è grub, comunque un
 dischetto di avvio ci vuole. Purtroppo non so consigliarti niente per
 crearne uno da win , sono un principiante anch'io.

In tutti i primi CD delle distribuzioni ci sono istruzioni e programmi per 
creare un dischetto di avvio sotto dos. Se il computer è bloccato puoi anche 
andare a farlo da un amico...
Comunque sul primo CD di Mandrake 8.1 trovi istruzioni in italiano nel file:



[newbie-it] notifica lettura email

2002-03-24 Thread Giuseppe

buongiorno o amorevole mailinglist,
volevo sapere se su kmail c'è un modo per attivare tutte le opzioni da 
maniaco di outlook come sapere se l'email inviata a qualcuno è stata letta.
Se kmail non lo fa, qualche altro programma per linux contiene queste opzioni?
Grazie in anticipo ^_^

[newbie-it] unscribe me

2002-03-24 Thread Lino Garbellini

unscribe me

Re: [newbie-it] floppy

2002-03-24 Thread root

tom wrote:
 Salve a tutti
 Ho un problema non da pocoil floppy non funziona benee non ho un dik
 di boot!
 quindi vorrei rimediare prima che winzow mi faccia partire uno scandisk e mi
 bruci il GUB
 In poche parole non riesco ne a scrivere ne ad aprire i floppy in linux,
 con win mi fa scrivere con dificolta(solita schermata blu ma poi i dati sono
 salvati)e legge normalmente.
 Mi sapreste dire che potrei fare per creare un dico di boot da scrivere sotto
 grazie per gli eventuali consigli
 Ciao , Tom
se non riesci amontare il floppy (è questo il problema ??) metti nelle
opzioni di avvio nobiospnp senza virgolette

Re: [newbie] Default OS and Internet Problems

2002-03-24 Thread John Lynch

I am so sorry that your entire computer screwed up.
It is good you found out now that Windows was broken while it was still in 
warranty though.

I'm not too sure what you mean by  output of the ipconfig command on both 
machines, Sorry, I do not know much about computers, it's best if you use 
easy english

This is what the ipconfig menu says in more detail.

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Bigpond:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix.:
IP Address.: (Numbers)
Subnet Mask: (Numbers)
Default Gateway: (Numbers)

Ethernet adater LAN:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix.:
IP Address.: (Numbers)
Subnet Mask: (Numbers)
Default Gateway: (blank)

ALL of the numbers are different, even the IP Addresses and Subnect Mask are 

I hope this answers your question.
If not, would you mind giving me instructions to find out the data you need.

Again, I'm really sorry about your computer.

Thankyou for all your help.

(sorry for the delay I can only play on the computer at night.)

From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Default OS and Internet Problems
Date: 24 Mar 2002 17:13:16 +1100


First an apology for the long silence.  As I said in the last message I
needed to boot XP to refresh my memory on what to see you to look for.
Went to do that and bang - dead system disk.  Nasty rattles and not much
else.  So I am yet another victim of the now infamous IBM Deskstar

Now it's back at the supplier for warranty replacement and I have just
got my system rebuilt to the point where I can access e-mail again.  So,
where were we?

Oh yes - your ipconfig response does answer the question and verifies
that we are good to go.  Now, how are your addresses set up?  i.e. What
is the output of the ipconfig command on both machines?  Once I have
that, we can get into making them do something useful through linux.


On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 22:55, John Lynch wrote:
  I'm sorry, but I can't check my network card connections.
  A giant cupboard is in the way, and I can't get to it.
  I am 80% sure this is how I am connected.
  1 network card in each.
  telstra modem is connected to WINXP/LINUX, WINXP/LINUX is then connected 
  just got an idea.
  okay, when I go to the DOS prompt and type in ipconfig
  it says
  Windows IP Configuration
  Ethernet adapter Bigpond:
  Ethernet adater LAN:
  I HOPE that answers your question.
  From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Default OS and Internet Problems
  Date: 23 Mar 2002 22:42:05 +1100
  Let's check the network card connections first.  Follow the cable from
  the Telstra modem back to your computer.  Where it connects wil be one
  network card.  There is presumably another network card close by with a
  similar cable which connects to yet another network card in your W98
  XP/Linux box -- W98 box
  Telstra modem
  I now need to boot XP to refresh my memory on where to tell you to look
  next - happens so rarely these days I'm getting rusty on Windoze - and
  loving it!
  Verify we are right so far while I do that.
  On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 22:26, John Lynch wrote:
Thanks a lot Brain for helping btw.
THIS is going to take a lot, due to the fact i know NOTHING about
(but I've gotten this far and learnt a lot, the main thing I've 
how little I know about computers, lol)
- Yup I have 2 computers.
NO IDEA about the network cards, how I do check that?
is it important?
- I have a cable modem. and Yes the lights are on, on my special 
telstra supplied (or else this e-mail would be a miracle)
- I don't think I have a hub (I've seen one before and I'm pretty 
sure I
don't have one). I only have 2 computers so I am 99% sure my Dad 
  got a
crossed cable between the 2. (I do know that my Windows XP/Linux
has to be on for my Windows 98 computer to work =( it's annoying).
Hope that's a help.
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK John,

Let's take this a step at a time.  First let's establish what you 
please correct any mistakes:

- 2 computers, one with 2 network cards installed and the other 
- a cable modem or adsl modem connected to a line and with lights 
- a hub to whci both computers are connected, or a crossed cable
the computers.

Since I know you are in Sydney - same time zone as me - let's just
establish that much first and go from there.


Re: [newbie] Adding Text Input in a SELECT drop-down list

2002-03-24 Thread Michael

First off: This is an HTML problem not a Mandrake one.

Second: The usual proceedure is to have an other option followed by an

INPUT TYPE=text ...  

You can save yourself the greif and follow the usual method, or not :)

New Zealand

Andre Dubuc wrote:
 I have written, in an html form, a drop-downlist that uses SELECT:
 i.e. SELECT NAME=state
 OPTION// and so on
 I would like a text input as the last option so that a user can type in a state 
(non-USA) and have this variable passed on. Is there any way of accomplishing this 
using html or php?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Yes, I've now got this nice little apartment in New York, one of those
L-shaped ones.  Unfortunately, it's a lower case l.
-- Rita Rudner

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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-24 Thread shipahoy

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 00:48:47 -0500
sda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think it's intended to be anything but well, Scribus. You're not
 kidding about being in the early stages - have you actually tried it?
 It's quite `rough', and if it's trying to emulate PageMangler than
 that's just too bad. PageMaker is not a bonafide publishing app, and is
 targeted towards more of the office secretary market. Adobe has InDesign
 as their flagship layout app - not bad, v2 is quite elegant and
 intuitive, especially if one is used to Illustrator. I like it, but then
 I like Illustrator.
 I don't think Scribus is going anywhere in the next five years, if I
 remember correctly there's only one guy working on it. I gave it a
 workout a couple months ago - terrible, I'd rather use TeX. ;)

I did try it briefly. I tried to import a text file and it hung. 

It might one day be quite useful for small businesses and home users who
only need basic features.

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Re: [newbie] usb camera

2002-03-24 Thread Lee

On Saturday 23 March 2002 08:24 am, Lee wrote:
And the correct answer was (in this case) edit fstabs and change default to 

I know I didn't give enough info for anyone to take a stab at it.  Figure I 
only have 12 hours invested in this one...I'm getting better.

8.2 smokes!


 I know I have seen the answer to this, but I can't find it in my notes

 I get the error message that says only root can mount /camera, and indeed
 root can open it nicely.  I changed ownership to lee but still only root
 gets to see the pictures.

 What did I miss?



Registered Linux abuser #223705

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with 

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Re: [newbie] eroaster

2002-03-24 Thread Derek Jennings

 Though I am  sure I added cdwriter to groups for user 'curt' (I'm the only
 user) when I run 'cdrecord --scanbus' It tells me:
 No such file or directory exists. Cannot open SCSI driver
 For possible targets try cdrecord -scanbus.  Which gives the same

This is a good clue Curt. It is exactly what I got as well when I first tried 
using my burner. It seems for 'some' cd-writers you must diasable devfs 
before cdrecord will work. 

To disable devfs edit the file /etc/lilo.conf  find the line that includes
devfs=mount   and change that to devfs=nomount

save the file and then as root type

It will then write the boot record. If you get an error message at this point 
you have probably got a typo in the lilo.conf file. DO NOT reboot until this 
command works without an error or else you may not be able to boot again!

Now after a reboot you will (hopefully) be able to run cdrecord successfully.

Disabling devfs may have an impact on desktop icons for scanners/zip drives 
etc. You may need to create the icons again. If you need help doing this let 
us know. Also check out that you can still play audio CD's OK.



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[newbie] KMail 1.3 Mail Status

2002-03-24 Thread _nasturtium

Is there any way to make Kmail automatically et the Status of a message to 
Read? (done m,anually by right-clicking, then selecting Set Status-Read). 
I know this is a bit counterintuitive to disable it, but I like a nice clean 
screen :-/ I currently have 33000+ posts in my Newbie folder so pressing 
K to select all and set status takes a while.


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[newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-24 Thread Donald Everett Gulmire, Jr.

I just installed the new and improved Mandrake 8.2.  It was harder to get 
my DSL up than with the 8.1.  I've only been running Linux for about three 
weeks.  I like the CDRom icons, but there is one problem.  My Floppy, and my 
two CDRoms are locked.  Even to super user.  I thought it was a permission 
problem, but I can't get in.  What should I do.  By the way, thanks for 
answering my questions without flaming the heck out of me.  I guess I'm used 
to some ruff newsgroups.



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Re: [newbie] eroaster

2002-03-24 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 24 March 2002 01:15 am, you wrote:
 On Sunday 24 March 2002 12:07 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Take a look in package manager and make sure that  cdrecord and some of
  it's associated files are installed. Just to be sure.

  cdrecord, cdda2wav, cdparanoia, mkisofs and readcd are what I was told
 should be there - they all are.
 Should there be others?
Nope, I think that is all you need. BTW even after permissions are set and 
cdwriter added to my groups, eroaster starts ok but then crashes when I try 
to do anything.  So something else is not connected right. I think I will 
stick with gnome-toaster, I can get that to work.
Dennis M. registered linux user #180842

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[newbie] [Newbie] Help With Gateway/Router

2002-03-24 Thread Chris Howe

Hello I have just been switched over from DSL 
broadband to PPPoE service and I am not able to get a working setup. I have 
tried Mandrake SNFno go I have tried Smoothwallno go and I have tried 
E-Smiths gateway and again no go. with SNF I wasn't able to get onto the 
internet at all. with E-smith the box I was setting up was on but none of my 
internal machines could access the net. there is obviously something wrong in 
what I am doing... here is all the detail I can think of to give...

my box is:

K6-2 300Mhz, 32MB or 64MB Ram, 3.2GB HD,no floppy 
drive(controller is dead), no cd-rom (I do use one when installing though), a 
tulip 10mbps Ethernet card, a 3Com 3C905b 10/100 Ethernet card, no mouse 
(serialcontrollers are dead), a Number Nine S3 base Video card, and of 
course a keyboard. I know what your first thoughts will be.OMG why would you 
use such a machineDead Floppy,dead serial LOL and I know it sounds crazy but 
I do not need any of those things working anyways if it is a dedicated router. 
all I need is external access to it via SSH and I'm good to go..if I have a web 
base management tools that's cool too.

any suggestions as to what I should try next? 
please send me some help and if any more info I will gladly send it off. Oh I 
can connect to all three machines from my internal LAN and access the web 

thanks a million


Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-24 Thread Robin Turner

On Sunday 24 March 2002 16:35, Donald Everett Gulmire, Jr. wrote:
 I just installed the new and improved Mandrake 8.2.  It was
 harder to get my DSL up than with the 8.1.  I've only been running
 Linux for about three weeks.  I like the CDRom icons, but there is
 one problem.  My Floppy, and my two CDRoms are locked.  Even to
 super user.  I thought it was a permission problem, but I can't get
 in.  What should I do.  By the way, thanks for answering my
 questions without flaming the heck out of me.  I guess I'm used to
 some ruff newsgroups.

We're a bunch of kittens here ;-)

Check /etc/fstab

For your floppy you should have a line something like

/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,exec,--,user 
0 0

(that should all be one line, BTW)

Note that's only a suggestion - things may be different in 8.2.

Alternatively, open the Mandrake Control Centre, click Hardware - 
Mount Points - Removable Media - Options and check you have user 
and supermount checked.  If that doesn't work, disable supermount 
and see if you can mount it manually.


Edit as necessary.
Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-24 Thread Tim Holmes

Did you try to unmount the devices?

Make sure you're not currently accessing something on either one, then run
the commands:

umount /mnt/floppy

That should unmount the floppy so you can eject it manually.  The eject command
will unmount the CD, if it was mounted, before it ejects it.

From there, put the floppy back in, and run the command:

mount /mnt/floppy

Then try to access the contents of the floppy.

Similar steps with the CD-ROM.  Insert the CD:

mount /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom
ls -a 

I'm not sure how the automount works in 8.2.  It may need to be tweaked a bit.

But now I have a question.  Why did you upgrade to 8.2?  If 8.1 was working,
and you weren't having any problems, why did you upgrade to 8.2?

It seems a lot of people think that as soon a new revision comes out, they have
to upgrade to the new rev.  That's not the case.  In previous revs that was 
needed.  There was a good sized jump in kernel capabilities and hardware additions
from 7.2 to 8.0. So there was a need to upgrade there.  But from 8.1, to 8.2, I
don't believe there is.

I've noticed, more so this time then with the last two Mandrake revs, that people
are upgrading merely because there's a new version.  Micro$HAFT has conditioned
people to think that a new version is out, and you have to upgrade.  This is not
the case with Linux.

If you keep your apps and patches up to date, there's no need to upgrade.  There
are still people on the list that run on Mandrake 7.2.  In my opinion it's still
the most stable of Mandrake's releases.  If you upgrade the kernel and apply safty
patches and the like, there's still no need to upgrade.  At the time I only went
to 8.0 because of better hardware support.

Hope my suggestions helped.

  T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| I just installed the new and improved Mandrake 8.2.  It was harder to get 
| my DSL up than with the 8.1.  I've only been running Linux for about three 
| weeks.  I like the CDRom icons, but there is one problem.  My Floppy, and my 
| two CDRoms are locked.  Even to super user.  I thought it was a permission 
| problem, but I can't get in.  What should I do.  By the way, thanks for 
| answering my questions without flaming the heck out of me.  I guess I'm used 
| to some ruff newsgroups.
| Thanks,
| Don
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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-24 Thread shipahoy

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 16:00:37 +0200
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BTW, anyone here used TeXmacs?  It claims to be much better than LyX 
 and totally WYSIWYG (if recent /. posts are anything to go by) but 
 I'm skeptical. 

TeXmacs is very, very impressive, but it is aimed squarely at the
hard-core maths and science folks. 

Its similar to LyX in having classes such as book, article, letter etc,.
and it does itemise, enumerate, description, tables etc just like LyX but
without the easy to use pull-down menu.

One thing that does stand out, compared with other Linux apps
and especially LyX, is the interesting way it handles fonts.

I haven't tried to use it to write a large text document, and from what I
have seen, it would not be as easy to do it in TeXmacs as in LyX.

Still, its one to keep an eye on, even if you are not a mathematician.
Definitely give it a try.

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Why upgrade? [was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!]

2002-03-24 Thread Robin Turner

On Sunday 24 March 2002 17:34, Tim Holmes wrote:

 But now I have a question.  Why did you upgrade to 8.2?  If 8.1 was
 working, and you weren't having any problems, why did you upgrade
 to 8.2?

 It seems a lot of people think that as soon a new revision comes
 out, they have to upgrade to the new rev.  That's not the case.  In
 previous revs that was needed.  There was a good sized jump in
 kernel capabilities and hardware additions from 7.2 to 8.0. So
 there was a need to upgrade there.  But from 8.1, to 8.2, I don't
 believe there is.

 I've noticed, more so this time then with the last two Mandrake
 revs, that people are upgrading merely because there's a new
 version.  Micro$HAFT has conditioned people to think that a new
 version is out, and you have to upgrade.  This is not the case with

 If you keep your apps and patches up to date, there's no need to
 upgrade.  There are still people on the list that run on Mandrake
 7.2.  In my opinion it's still the most stable of Mandrake's
 releases.  If you upgrade the kernel and apply safty patches and
 the like, there's still no need to upgrade.  At the time I only
 went to 8.0 because of better hardware support.

Point taken (and I agree that 7.2 was a damn fine distro).  Of 
course, if you take the trouble to upgrade your apps (and the 
necessary libraries) and choose the best kernel for them (not always 
the latest!) then you have no pressing reason to upgrade. OTOH, once 
you do that, you are in effect creating your own Linux system anyway. 
 I usually upgrade my most-used apps to the point that I start 
getting serious conflicts, then upgrade the whole distro.  It's just 
easier that way.  I'd rather spend an hour upgrading my whole system 
than spend weeks tinkering with it.

As for the analogy with Microsoft upgrades, I think if there's one 
thing MS taught me, it was _not_ to upgrade!  Apart from my Linux 
box, the machines in my office run MS Office 97 on Win 98SE, except 
for one which is still on Win95 (in fact the upgrades to 98SE weren't 
my idea - they came when we had a hardware upgrade).


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Re: [newbie] Eroaster

2002-03-24 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 22 March 2002 05:04 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
 Burner's an IDE, I don't care for SCSI drives in a desktop PC.
  I've turned off devfs a few times but only to test.  I reckon
  devfs is here to stay, so I try and make things work with it. 
   or get different things ;)

 Tom, can I butt in on this thread and ask why you don't like SCSI
 drives? I've got a DVD and CDRW that are both SCSI. It made it much
 easier to do disk to disk dupes since programs found the 2 devices
 on the chain easier. Also, when playing games, the SCSI's seem to
 outperform my old IDE CD-ROMs by far. (no powering down, then
 taking what seems like forever to spin backup). Of course, if you
 don't play any games then... ;-)

That spin up/down you're citing is indicative of the marketing 
hype Civileme mentioned about the belief that faster is better, eg, 
52x Cdroms vs. 8x.  All Cdroms, burners, and HDD's, whether SCSI or 
IDE run on the 33 Mhz PCI bus. 

 I was just curious about your reasons...Thanks!

  Sorry, poor choice of words on my part.  I should'a just said 
'I prefer IDE for a desktop PC'.  Probly just prejudice on my part, 
but I don't believe the little real world performance increase (yeah, 
I know that _theoretically_ it's almost 20% increase), justifies the 
increased cost and the need for SCSI controllers.  Surely SCSI is a 
good choice for production server systems, but many are run with IDE 
drives and provide near equal performance and reliability at lower 

  That's mostly HDD's tho. As for burners, a SCSI isn't gonna 
turn out CD's any faster than an IDE.  Specially since I believe 
media (CDr's) are the limiting factor.  If you want reliable CD's, 
don't burn 'em faster than 8x. When I make copies of Mandrake CD's 
for friends, I burn at 4x after 'dd'ing the iso to a HDD first. Now 
if you're working in a shop making 1000's of CD's, you should probly 
use a SCSI burner, but still have the source iso on a HDD ;
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Apache: /cgi-bin/test-cgi Forbidden

2002-03-24 Thread Roger


I can't get Apache to serve cgi pages on my 8.2 installation.  

Pointing Konqueror to http://localhost/  serves up the default Apache welcome 
page, but pointing it to http://localhost/cgi-bin/test-cgi yields the 
Forbidden -  You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/test-cgi on this 
server message.  

I have not modified any of the /etc/httpd/conf files, seems like the defaults 
should work.  I have changed the permissions of test-cgi to 755.

Anyone know the minimum required configuration changes to run the test-cgi 
script under 8.2?



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Re: [newbie] kernel

2002-03-24 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 09:10:18 -0300
Rodrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all, I need help.
 I am running mandrake 8.1 and I installed the 8.2's kernel through rpm 
 -ivh the following package:
 Also I had to upgrade mkinitrd and findutils to satisfy dependencies with:
 rpm -Uvh mkinitrd-3.1.5-28mdk.i586.rpm
 rpm -Uvh findutils-4.1.17-3mdk.i586.rpm
 Everything seems to be working fine but I get the following message when 
 it starts booting:
 unknown bridge resource 0: assuming transparent

I have just the same in LM8.2. I think it means the kernel does not have 
to setup that bridge.

 After that, it boots without any error.
 The other problems is that swap is not working. The fstab is below.
 /dev/hdb6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/WindowsME vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/Windows2000 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdb5 noneswap exec,dev,suid,rw 0 0

I have: /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
I think it's a difference between 8.1 and 8.2. Swap is not part of the 
filesystem (or maybe you should see it as a kind of very specialized filesystem
(see 'man fstab'). It's not mounted but turned on or off (see 'man swapon') :)

 If I run the control center on kde, it will show my swap partition is mounted but If 
I type mount it is not shown as mounted.

'partions' mentions under mountpoint for swap: swap. Note: _no_ preceeding '/' .
I think it's just a bit confusing GUI. 'mount' doesn't show swap on my system.

 Running process management I got a none tag in the swap field.

I have the same, maybe it just means none of the swap space is used?
Try 'top' and 'cat /proc/meminfo' to see swap.

 mount -a doesn't solve the problem and the same problem occurs when I boot the old 
kernel (2.4.8-26).
 What is wrong ? Do I have to upgrade some additional packages ?
 Thanks in advance,

I don't think anything is wrong :) HTH,


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Re: [newbie] Vaio 505 install reaches 1st base - more questions...

2002-03-24 Thread Randy Kramer

Wally wrote:
 Would any of these editors have some sort of macro system, perchance? 

Nedit is the one editor I know of that has a macro system, and is my
favorite editor in Linux for that and some other reasons (soft wrap
(called continuous wrap), regular expression search and replace, some
other things I don't recall right now).  I'm trying to remember if I've
actually recorded a macro -- I guess not, but here are some pages that
might help (they are pretty rough -- the second reflects some things I
did, the first is a copy of a post from the nedit mailing list):

Like I said, nedit is my favorite editor on Linux, but it has its share
of quirks.  First of all, its appearance is based on lesstif | Motif,
and it looks a little clunkier than I'd like.  There is help, and more
up to date help on the Nedit website, but, if you are a Windows refugee
like me, you may find it (like a lot of Linux documentation) uses
terminology and phrasing that doesn't immeditately make sense to you.

I'd be
 particularly interested in something that will let me painlessly record
 quick'n'dirty keystroke macros. 

There is a Learn Keystrokes selection under Macro.

 How about some drop-down text mode menus


 way of making the colours look nice?

Ahh, that's what I forgot to mention -- there is syntax highlighting in
color, so I presume there are ways of adjusting the colors.  Some things
have to be done by doing something with the X resources (IIRC) -- I've
never tried this. 

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Vaio 505 install reaches 1st base - more questions...

2002-03-24 Thread Randy Kramer

PS: Forgot to mention:
   * Nedit is on the download CDs -- at least it was for 7.2, and I
expect it is on since then -- I (accidentally) did not install it by
default on my 8.1 installation, and have not looked for it yet.
   * I'm almost certain mc is midnight commander, because mc is the
default name of the midnight commander executable.

Randy Kramer

Randy Kramer wrote:
 Wally wrote:
  Would any of these editors have some sort of macro system, perchance?
 Nedit is the one editor I know of that has a macro system, and is my
 favorite editor in Linux for that and some other reasons (soft wrap
 (called continuous wrap), regular expression search and replace, some
 other things I don't recall right now).  I'm trying to remember if I've
 actually recorded a macro -- I guess not, but here are some pages that
 might help (they are pretty rough -- the second reflects some things I
 did, the first is a copy of a post from the nedit mailing list):
 Like I said, nedit is my favorite editor on Linux, but it has its share
 of quirks.  First of all, its appearance is based on lesstif | Motif,
 and it looks a little clunkier than I'd like.  There is help, and more
 up to date help on the Nedit website, but, if you are a Windows refugee
 like me, you may find it (like a lot of Linux documentation) uses
 terminology and phrasing that doesn't immeditately make sense to you.
 I'd be
  particularly interested in something that will let me painlessly record
  quick'n'dirty keystroke macros.
 There is a Learn Keystrokes selection under Macro.
  How about some drop-down text mode menus
  way of making the colours look nice?
 Ahh, that's what I forgot to mention -- there is syntax highlighting in
 color, so I presume there are ways of adjusting the colors.  Some things
 have to be done by doing something with the X resources (IIRC) -- I've
 never tried this.
 Randy Kramer

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[newbie] pilot-link

2002-03-24 Thread Dan B

I have been trying to get pilot-link correctly installed on working on my 
system for a week.  I also updated everything on the Mandrake side making 
sure I had the most recent Kernal.  Still no luck.  When I tried to follow 
the directions for the developer I am getting feedback that means nothing to 

[root@tower pilot-link-0.10.99]# ./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... no
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking host system type... i586-pc-linux-gnuoldld
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
[root@tower pilot-link-0.10.99]:

I wiped out my whole system before trying this above and I even formatted my 
Linux partition and started over I had so many crap files I lost track.  Now, 
I don't have access to CVS anymore, and other little problems.  I am using 
su.  What have I done?  What have I done wrong?  Maybe I should just wait for 
a release that will have software that will automatically sync a palm over 

Dan B

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 on Dell laptop

2002-03-24 Thread Edward and Lada Nowacki

i also have a dell laptop but i have no sound are you having this problem?

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Re: Why upgrade? [was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!]

2002-03-24 Thread Lee

On Sunday 24 March 2002 10:51 am, Robin Turner wrote:
 On Sunday 24 March 2002 17:34, Tim Holmes wrote:
  But now I have a question.  Why did you upgrade to 8.2?  If 8.1 was
  working, and you weren't having any problems, why did you upgrade
  to 8.2?
  It seems a lot of people think that as soon a new revision comes
  out, they have to upgrade to the new rev.  That's not the case.  In
  previous revs that was needed.  There was a good sized jump in
  kernel capabilities and hardware additions from 7.2 to 8.0. So
  there was a need to upgrade there.  But from 8.1, to 8.2, I don't
  believe there is.
  I've noticed, more so this time then with the last two Mandrake
  revs, that people are upgrading merely because there's a new
  version.  Micro$HAFT has conditioned people to think that a new
  version is out, and you have to upgrade.  This is not the case with
  If you keep your apps and patches up to date, there's no need to
  upgrade.  There are still people on the list that run on Mandrake
  7.2.  In my opinion it's still the most stable of Mandrake's
  releases.  If you upgrade the kernel and apply safty patches and
  the like, there's still no need to upgrade.  At the time I only
  went to 8.0 because of better hardware support.

 Point taken (and I agree that 7.2 was a damn fine distro).  Of
 course, if you take the trouble to upgrade your apps (and the
 necessary libraries) and choose the best kernel for them (not always
 the latest!) then you have no pressing reason to upgrade. OTOH, once
 you do that, you are in effect creating your own Linux system anyway.
  I usually upgrade my most-used apps to the point that I start
 getting serious conflicts, then upgrade the whole distro.  It's just
 easier that way.  I'd rather spend an hour upgrading my whole system
 than spend weeks tinkering with it.

 As for the analogy with Microsoft upgrades, I think if there's one
 thing MS taught me, it was _not_ to upgrade!  Apart from my Linux
 box, the machines in my office run MS Office 97 on Win 98SE, except
 for one which is still on Win95 (in fact the upgrades to 98SE weren't
 my idea - they came when we had a hardware upgrade).


Sport.Some play football..some upgrade

8.2 seems faster on my box, but my car runs better after a wash, too

Registered Linux abuser #223705

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[newbie] Major problem with 8.2- crashing on internet connection

2002-03-24 Thread Peter Nguyen

My problem is that having just installed Mdk  8.2 whenever I connect to the 
internet the computer either freezes or reboots. I can connect to my ISP fine 
but whenever I try to access a website almost as soon as it starts to 
retrieve information my system freezes. This happens regardless of what 
browser I am using.

I deinstalled M8.2 and went back to M8.1- no problem. I then reinstalled M 
8.2 using the upgrade packages option-same problem. I then rebooted using 
the oldlinux option in LILO- no problem. 

Has anyone had this problem? Is it a problem with the new kernel. Can anybody 


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Re: [newbie] KMail 1.3 Mail Status

2002-03-24 Thread shane

On Sunday 24 March 2002 06:42 am, _nasturtium opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

   Is there any way to make Kmail automatically et the Status of a
 message to Read? (done m,anually by right-clicking, then selecting Set
 Status-Read). I know this is a bit counterintuitive to disable it, but I
 like a nice clean screen :-/ I currently have 33000+ posts in my Newbie
 folder so pressing K to select all and set status takes a while.

you could create a filter that marks everything, or select things as read 
but i don't think there is a switch to do it.

If someone tells you they possess the truth, listen carefully.  If they 
tell you they possess the *only* truth, run for your life.

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Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-24 Thread Spencer Collyer

On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 11:02:02 -0500, Todd Slater wrote:
 I think you either have to use a shell script and use Kmail for your
 MUA, or you'll have to use a cron job to write the uptime to your .sig
 file every X seconds. I went around with this a while back, cause I like
 Sylpheed better than Kmail. In Kmail I used a simple script that does
 exactly what you want, but Sylpheed doesn't allow you to use a script
 for a signature, so I forgot about it. Now I use gensig, and I suppose
 if I knew C I could get it to insert the uptime or some other output.


If you use Sylpheed-claws you can use scripts in the sigfile. That's what I'm using 
right now. You just have to add a pipe '|' character to the start of the sigfile name 
and it will get executed rather than copied-in.



 Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines 
5:33pm up 45 days, 1:48, 5 users, load average: 0.00, 0.07, 0.22
Registered Linux User #232457

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[newbie] 8.2 and konq cursor oddity

2002-03-24 Thread shane

ok, i have seen this on two machines now and read about it from two other 
people, so i am just curious as to the extent/cause.

if you are running 8.2 open konqi  anything browser or file manager or what 
ever.  now choose open location so you have a text input box.  type 
anything.  does it leave small cursor shadows behind as you type so that 
your text looks kinda like th|is| t|e|xt| do|e|s???

now choose any other window, or change desktops.  go back.  is it all fixed?

cool redraw, but why, and is this everyone or certain hardware or what?

i have a fresh exept i kept home install and an ATI radeon.  anything 
that may effect this?

The only people who like Microsoft are those who don't understand.  When 
people understand what Microsoft is up to, they're outraged. - Tim O'Reilly

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] Re: [OT] [never-was-on] Living in someother world

2002-03-24 Thread shane

On Sunday 24 March 2002 08:33 am, Robin Turner opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 On Sunday 24 March 2002 13:53, john rigby wrote:
  ** In a word, no. They were essentially manufactured by
  the West, the USA in particular. I did spend a considerable time
  going in and out of the country many years ago. Very simple people
  the Japanese. It was and is a feudal system. The economic

 Maybe John has more experience of Japanese culture, so I'm reluctant
 to pitch in here, but simple is the last word that comes to mind.
 Traditional Japanese culture is feudal in a sense, but we shouldn't
 forget that the word refers to a very specific social system in
 Europe, and doesn't transplant well. Japanese culture was heavily
 influenced by Confucianism, which incorporates some but not all

add to that taoism as it filtered in by way of zen and combine it with the 
homegrown animism that is shinto and you get a wide mix.

once again john has managed to skim only the thinest surface of something 
and proceeded to explain everything from his sample.

 As for the marketing side - well again I'm no expert.  All I remember
 is that when I was a kid, Made in Japan was almost synonymous with
 shoddy, whereas now it's a byword for quality,

there is an old story about a computer manufacturer who gave the early 
japaneses chip plants a try, but with a twist.  they asked that only 1% of 
the chips have defects.  at the time that was an outrageous thing to ask 
for, most american plants couldn't come close to that.  when the shipment 
came it had a note with it that said we don't understand why you want 1% 
of your chips to not work, but we packaged them seperatly for you.

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and konq cursor oddity

2002-03-24 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 23 March 2002 08:33 am, you wrote:
 ok, i have seen this on two machines now and read about it from two other
 people, so i am just curious as to the extent/cause.

 if you are running 8.2 open konqi  anything browser or file manager or what
 ever.  now choose open location so you have a text input box.  type
 anything.  does it leave small cursor shadows behind as you type so that
 your text looks kinda like th|is| t|e|xt| do|e|s???

 now choose any other window, or change desktops.  go back.  is it all

 cool redraw, but why, and is this everyone or certain hardware or what?

 i have a fresh exept i kept home install and an ATI radeon.  anything
 that may effect this?
My system does not exhibit the above phenom.  I did the same fresh but kept 
home. No idea what causes that. Sorry.
Dennis M.  linux user #180842

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[newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread Skippi

Greetings -- I have modified my prompt with the following code:

# prompt with colour
PS1==\n\033[1;32m\]\d \t \n\033[1;31m\]\W\[\033[1;33m\]\n \u $  

I like this, except for one thing -- for the directory it only shows one level.  so if 
I am in /home/skippi/0data/csu my prompt looks like:

Sun Mar 25 05:34:21

What I want is:

Sun Mar 25 05:34:21

anyone know how to do this?

thank you

  On The Fly Photography
Meditation -- Yoga -- Linux -- Muffins
  The Secrets of Life
  Version: 3.12
GAT d-(?) s: a C++ L++(+++) P E- W++ !N o? K- w--- o M+ PS+ PE++ Y+
PGP- t++ 5+++ X++ R+ tv-- b++ DI D+ G e+ h+ r- y++

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Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-24 Thread FemmeFatale

We're rough... to idiots. :)

Webster won't agree with me on the definition of idiot but:

(noun) person who won't help themselves; to whit, someone who whines 
bitches about said software but refuses to help himself with it  find a
(verb) usage of the word Idiot with regards to said Noun(s).
(adverb) used to describe the behaviour of the above Noun(s).
(adjective) description of the Noun above. 



Donald Everett Gulmire, Jr. wrote:
 I just installed the new and improved Mandrake 8.2.  It was harder to get
 my DSL up than with the 8.1.  I've only been running Linux for about three
 weeks.  I like the CDRom icons, but there is one problem.  My Floppy, and my
 two CDRoms are locked.  Even to super user.  I thought it was a permission
 problem, but I can't get in.  What should I do.  By the way, thanks for
 answering my questions without flaming the heck out of me.  I guess I'm used
 to some ruff newsgroups.
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Re: [newbie] Support?

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

El dom, 24-03-2002 a las 02:57, sda escribió:
 On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 03:59:55PM -0300, Damian wrote:
  criticism is out of order here, if you don't like something about
  Limux-Mandrake, we do not need to hear it, and it's probably not really
  up to us to change it. if you want to tell someone how bad you feel
  about this distro, it's not the users you have to bitch at.
  you could send a letter to mandrakesoft or whatever. you 
  won't get flamed by them.
 Who do you think you are? You have no right what-so-ever to say what's
 allowed here. Only the list mom does, and that's not you.

i started my post with something like i'm gonna say just what i
think.  it's not my intention to TELL people what they can do or not.

on the other hand, think about it. what was this place meant for?


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and konq cursor oddity

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

El sáb, 23-03-2002 a las 11:33, shane escribió:
 ok, i have seen this on two machines now and read about it from two other 
 people, so i am just curious as to the extent/cause.
 if you are running 8.2 open konqi  anything browser or file manager or what 
 ever.  now choose open location so you have a text input box.  type 
 anything.  does it leave small cursor shadows behind as you type so that 
 your text looks kinda like th|is| t|e|xt| do|e|s???
 now choose any other window, or change desktops.  go back.  is it all fixed?
 cool redraw, but why, and is this everyone or certain hardware or what?
 i have a fresh exept i kept home install and an ATI radeon.  anything 
 that may effect this?

hmm.. doesn't happen here.. by the way, konqueror is working much better
in 8.2 than it did in 8.1 .. now i can use it to display webpages
containing Flash/Shockwave content, which used to cause an infinite
flood of popups in 8.1

oh, just an idea. have you reconfigured your mouse settings? 
and didn't reboot since then? i noticed some really weird mouse behavior
in some cases. for example my vmware draws only what's under the cursor
and i have to move it all around until i figure where i am. this 
dissapeared if i rebooted after configuring my mouse...

( my mouse has a wheel so i had to change it from 2-button to
ms-intellimouse compatible )

use mandrake control center to configure/reconfigure ( it has happened
to me also that mouse settings were not remembered after installation
and i had to re-check it on first boot ) and then reboot. 



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[newbie] Interesting FAQ

2002-03-24 Thread civileme

This is now outdated slightly, but still contains information that was 
true in late 2000 though it has been superceded by information generally 
more favorable to GNU/linux and the Open Source business models today. 
 The one area is business models.  Some folks have decided since the dot 
coms went down and took confidence in Silicon valey with them, that the 
backlash of that into linux is proof that none of the open-source 
business models work, sidestepping the fact that the closed source linux 
companies have either lost money on linux and made money on other 
operations or have had to have a fairly hefty ($45 million) bail-out by 
some who depend on them for linux systems services.  So is born the more 
modern FUD that linux can't survive as long as its code base is free. 
 As a matter of fact, the Silicon Valley depression is affecting all 
companies dealing with computers to a greater or lesser degree, and 
those who have never been starving are dealing less well with it than 
those who know how to cut costs.


Read the FAQ then decide for yourselves which posts here might qualify 
as FUD.

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Logitech Clicksmart 510 ......... WAS [newbie] [BUG?] [SOLVED?] opl3sa2 ISA PnP soundcard in 8.2 - yeah, I changed it!

2002-03-24 Thread David

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 12:31:56 -0700
Miark said onto me:

 Just a quick note to say I'm glad you got this working.
 Goes to show you that if Linux newbies exhibit the same 
 patience you have, the answers will come.  Many others 
 would have given up by now.


And do what, go back to the dark side?  Forget about it.  There is no way!  I loved my 
Mandrake even withOUT sound.  What gets me is that the answer was right under my nose 
the entire time.  Even under 8.1, I could of had sound.  I remember the alsa driver 
modules for my als4000 card being present on my system then.  The modules were in the 
/etc/modules.conf file just not in /etc/modules!  Simple!  

Next time on As my Linux Install Evolves...Webcams. 

Now all I got to do is get my webcam/digicam working and I can zap the other part of 
my dual-boot for good.  


I have a USB Logitech ClickSmart 510 webcam/digital camera.  

Gphoto has no support for any Logitech devices.  Gphoto2 has support for the 310 model 
but no other Logitech devices.  

Logitech themselves do not give support for their cameras for Linux.  

I have done multiple Google searches with various keyword combinations.  The only help 
I found there were articles telling how to compile a kernel w/ USB support.  I have 
working USB.  

Are there any other app for working with webcams?  Does anyone out there have this 
same model of camera?  Working?  Does anyone have a webcam working that was not 
officially supported?  


Mandrake Linux  8.2 Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk
KDE  2.2.2  Sylpheed  0.7.4claws

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

 On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 20:57:11 -0500, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
  Thank you so much for your post.  I now have sound on my machine too.  That is one 
  step for me to being ms-free...  
  On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 00:15:11 +0100
  Frans Ketelaars said onto me:
   After a fresh 'recommended' install of LM8.2 I got no sound and noticed this:
   [root@amd frans]# cat /etc/modules.conf
   alias usb-interface usb-ohci
   alias eth0 3c59x
   alias sound-slot-0 ad1848
   I edited this file to read:
   [frans@amd frans]$ cat /etc/modules.conf
   alias usb-interface usb-ohci
   alias eth0 3c59x
   #alias sound-slot-0 ad1848
   alias sound-slot-0 opl3sa2
   After rebooting I have sound support :)
   pnpdump says:
   # $Id: pnpdump_main.c,v 1.27 2001/04/30 21:54:53 fox Exp $
   # Release isapnptools-1.26
   # Trying port address 0273
   # Board 1 has serial identifier 81 ff ff ff ff 20 00 a8 65
   # (DEBUG)
   (READPORT 0x0273)
   # Card 1: (serial identifier 81 ff ff ff ff 20 00 a8 65)
   # Vendor Id YMH0020, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x81.
   # Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.0
   # ANSI string --OPL3-SAX Sound Board--
   # Logical device id YMH0021
   I had the same problem with LM8.1 and 'modprobing the ALSA driver' worked
   in 8.1 and 8.2. But now a simple edit of /etc/modules.conf seems enough :)
   Btw, neither DrakConf (complained about an isa-pnp module while ISA PnP 
   support is compiled into the 'standard' kernel) or 'sndconfig' was able to
   get me sound support :(  
   Btw2, I'm impressed by the ease of installing LM8.2, with a 'recommended' 
   install, I just had to answer a few simple questions to get on the internet!
  Mandrake Linux  8.2 Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk
  KDE  2.2.2  Sylpheed  0.7.4claws
  David L. Steiner   
  Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] LM8.2 - ScannerDrake and XSane

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

ehmEl sáb, 23-03-2002 a las 17:22, Joseph Braddock escribió:
 I just used the new scannerdrake with LM8.2 and it installed my old Mustek 600 III 
EP Plus without a hitch.  Thanks Mandrake! I reported in Beta 1 that it didn't work 
and you guys fixed it!  Kudos!
 My questions/problem is that after it installed the scanner, it installed Xsane, 
just like one would expect, but I can only run it as root (to which Xsane gives a 
warning against doing so).  I noticed under /root, there was a .xsane directory, so I 
copied it to my home directory, but that didn't fix it.
 It works great as root, but I want it to work great as my userid.  Anyone know what 
config file or permissions I need to change?

well.. did you change permissions to that .xsane directory and all it's
contents? sometimes a permissions problem is reported as a file not


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[newbie] REAL Newbies: looka here! AND Helpers

2002-03-24 Thread john rigby

Hi folks,
At Sridhars prompting - I went back to looking around - don't know WHY I
never found this Site before - perhaps as I always searched mandrake.COM.
DOCS!!  General discussion etc.
Tons of stuff to help you that has already been asked and answered many
times in a very useable form for beginners.

For you REAL Helpers - it would be good to remind new, new Users about this
avenue. Would save you lots of repeats. (Searching archives is always
daunting, even for experienced Users - they are never library organised by
their very nature.)


For Microsoft to succeed, it is only necessary for the rest of us to merely
remain silent
modified from whatisname.

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Help With Gateway/Router

2002-03-24 Thread FemmeFatale

U... K

You give new meaning to Headless/zombie Gateway !  Sheesh! 
Frankenstein would be proud!

You don't say if you have:

- A HUB/Switch/Router to the other terms on the LAN.

- Speed of your preferred LAN *may be irrelevant, i'm just trying to CMA
*Cover my ass*

- What your current LAN topology looks like.  Please diagram in detail 
write usa  Ph.D. ;)


 Chris Howe wrote:
 Hello I have just been switched over from DSL broadband to PPPoE
 service and I am not able to get a working setup. I have tried
 Mandrake SNFno go I have tried Smoothwallno go and I have
 tried E-Smiths gateway and again no go. with SNF I wasn't able to get
 onto the internet at all. with E-smith the box I was setting up was on
 but none of my internal machines could access the net. there is
 obviously something wrong in what I am doing... here is all the detail
 I can think of to give...
 my box is:
 K6-2 300Mhz, 32MB or 64MB Ram, 3.2GB HD,no floppy drive(controller is
 dead), no cd-rom (I do use one when installing though), a tulip 10mbps
 Ethernet card, a 3Com 3C905b 10/100 Ethernet card, no mouse
 (serial controllers are dead), a Number Nine S3 base Video card, and
 of course a keyboard. I know what your first thoughts will be.OMG
 why would you use such a machineDead Floppy,dead serial LOL and I
 know it sounds crazy but I do not need any of those things working
 anyways if it is a dedicated router. all I need is external access to
 it via SSH and I'm good to go..if I have a web base management tools
 that's cool too.
 any suggestions as to what I should try next? please send me some help
 and if any more info I will gladly send it off. Oh I can connect to
 all three machines from my internal LAN and access the web interface.
 thanks a million

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Re: [newbie] Apache: /cgi-bin/test-cgi Forbidden

2002-03-24 Thread Miark


I'm having the same problem. I think the test is actually printenv,
but that's not working either, despite 755 permissions. I'm looking 
through the conf files now--I'll let you know if I find the answer.
Please let me know ASAP if you find the solution first!


On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 09:32:27 -0700, Roger [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Anyone know the minimum required configuration changes to run the test-cgi 
 script under 8.2?

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Re: [newbie] kernel

2002-03-24 Thread Rodrigo

Thank you Frans !
Your explanation clarified things to me. I corrected fstab and using the 
other tools I verified  swap is there, on and working fine. Nothing is 
wrong :-)


Frans Ketelaars wrote:

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 09:10:18 -0300
Rodrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all, I need help.
I am running mandrake 8.1 and I installed the 8.2's kernel through rpm 
-ivh the following package:


Also I had to upgrade mkinitrd and findutils to satisfy dependencies with:

rpm -Uvh mkinitrd-3.1.5-28mdk.i586.rpm
rpm -Uvh findutils-4.1.17-3mdk.i586.rpm

Everything seems to be working fine but I get the following message when 
it starts booting:
unknown bridge resource 0: assuming transparent

I have just the same in LM8.2. I think it means the kernel does not have 
to setup that bridge.

After that, it boots without any error.

The other problems is that swap is not working. The fstab is below.

/dev/hdb6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/WindowsME vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/Windows2000 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb5 noneswap exec,dev,suid,rw 0 0

I have: /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
I think it's a difference between 8.1 and 8.2. Swap is not part of the 
filesystem (or maybe you should see it as a kind of very specialized filesystem
(see 'man fstab'). It's not mounted but turned on or off (see 'man swapon') :)

If I run the control center on kde, it will show my swap partition is mounted but If 
I type mount it is not shown as mounted.

'partions' mentions under mountpoint for swap: swap. Note: _no_ preceeding '/' .
I think it's just a bit confusing GUI. 'mount' doesn't show swap on my system.

Running process management I got a none tag in the swap field.

I have the same, maybe it just means none of the swap space is used?
Try 'top' and 'cat /proc/meminfo' to see swap.

mount -a doesn't solve the problem and the same problem occurs when I boot the old 
kernel (2.4.8-26).

What is wrong ? Do I have to upgrade some additional packages ?
Thanks in advance,


I don't think anything is wrong :) HTH,


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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread Jussi Aalto


Try this:

 PS1==\n\033[1;32m\]\d \t \n\033[1;31m\]\${PWD/~}\[\033[1;33m\]\n \u $  


On Sunday 24 March 2002 17:44, you wrote:
 Greetings -- I have modified my prompt with the following code:

 # prompt with colour
 PS1==\n\033[1;32m\]\d \t \n\033[1;31m\]\W\[\033[1;33m\]\n \u $  

 I like this, except for one thing -- for the directory it only shows
 one level.  so if I am in /home/skippi/0data/csu my prompt looks like:

 Sun Mar 25 05:34:21

 What I want is:

 Sun Mar 25 05:34:21

 anyone know how to do this?

 thank you

   On The Fly Photography
 Meditation -- Yoga -- Linux -- Muffins
   The Secrets of Life
   Version: 3.12
 GAT d-(?) s: a C++ L++(+++) P E- W++ !N o? K- w--- o M+ PS+ PE++ Y+
 PGP- t++ 5+++ X++ R+ tv-- b++ DI D+ G e+ h+ r- y++

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Re: [newbie] Major problem with 8.2- crashing on internet connection

2002-03-24 Thread FemmeFatale

Try a fresh install, keeping /home if you must :)

Works better it seems.


Peter Nguyen wrote:
 My problem is that having just installed Mdk  8.2 whenever I connect to the
 internet the computer either freezes or reboots. I can connect to my ISP fine
 but whenever I try to access a website almost as soon as it starts to
 retrieve information my system freezes. This happens regardless of what
 browser I am using.
 I deinstalled M8.2 and went back to M8.1- no problem. I then reinstalled M
 8.2 using the upgrade packages option-same problem. I then rebooted using
 the oldlinux option in LILO- no problem.
 Has anyone had this problem? Is it a problem with the new kernel. Can anybody
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Re: [newbie] Support?

2002-03-24 Thread ed tharp

On Sunday 24 March 2002 00:57, you wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 03:59:55PM -0300, Damian wrote:
  criticism is out of order here, if you don't like something about
  Limux-Mandrake, we do not need to hear it, and it's probably not really
  up to us to change it. if you want to tell someone how bad you feel
  about this distro, it's not the users you have to bitch at.
  you could send a letter to mandrakesoft or whatever. you
  won't get flamed by them.

 Who do you think you are? You have no right what-so-ever to say what's
 allowed here. Only the list mom does, and that's not you.
no butt...
I am (however) the self appointed list A$$hole, and my wife and children told 
me I could all you other Kinder just cut it out, or I am going to 
tell my wife. (you think the list mom is a pain) no body else better try 
and be a bigger a$$hole than me

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Re: [newbie] error message on boot up

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

El sáb, 23-03-2002 a las 22:55, Song Sourisak escribió:
 I saw in the mail archive a question from you asking about the followin error 
 at the boot:
 change root to /initrd: error -2
 I was wondering if you have any idea to solve it. In the archive, the person 
 that answer your question was pkoch and told you to do a search in the 
 I tried but didn't find nothing..
 If you did find that mail, may i ask you to forward to my email address?
 Thank you in advance.

well, an error 2 is file not found .. you you have a /initrd dir?



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Re: [newbie] Vaio 505 install reaches 1st base - more questions...

2002-03-24 Thread FemmeFatale

Well... Now you're asking for the world aren't you!?  Just
weren't happy with what I gave ya were you!

Sheesh*grumbles about unrepentant users*

K.. Well heres the QD response. Yes. ;)

Basically they are all available on the CD's.  Kate installs as a
default editor *as does the Advanced Editor* In KDE.

Joe is on the Cd's.  powerful program so I understand  imitates things
like wordstar should you wish.

Cooledit is on there too, again more power, more hassle though.  You've
been warned.

You want the ultimate in Macros  Stuff use Vi or Emacs.  Personally, I
gag on both.  I hate em, too complex for what I need.  However most
linux geeks use one or the other of those last two.  Why? I haven't the
faintest clue...well, I do have a clue:  Bragging rights. ;p


Wally wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I so far use Kate or Advanced editor.  Joe is good *but I have yet to
  figure it out*  So is cooledit.  *Ditto*.
  Midnight commander has an editor too...reminiscient of WP 5.x or so.
  Very nice, WSYWIG  doesnt' crash.
 Are all of these available in the set of RPMs that come in the 3-CD
 download? Haven't gotten around to installing RPMs at the command line, but
 it'll happen soon. Managed to read/write to mnt/windows, and also got the CD
 drive mounted, so I don't need to dump stuff to the windows partition to
 install. (I also fiddled with the NIC settings, got dongle lights, and
 managed to ping the cable modem - this is good!)
 Would any of these editors have some sort of macro system, perchance? I'd be
 particularly interested in something that will let me painlessly record
 quick'n'dirty keystroke macros. How about some drop-down text mode menus and
 way of making the colours look nice?
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Re: [newbie] Webmin Other tools

2002-03-24 Thread FemmeFatale

OK I asked this Q once, never got an answer or my ISP ate the email.
*likely the latter, I will have to kill them soon I think.*.

I need to know only this:

If I use say, Komba2 or SAMBA or whatever for my LAN, do I *need*
webmin/swat/whatever to help run it???

Any  all URLs/help/donations of a monetary nature accepted *sorry no
tax receipts, I'm not a charitable organization...yet. :)*


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[newbie] Nvidia drivers and Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-24 Thread Gregorio Pérez Aguilera

Hi everybody,
When using Mandrake 8.1 I was able to install and use the Nvidia drivers 
from NVidia site for my GeForce2 GTS using the usual method explainded 
in the Nvidia README file:
- Downloading the source files.
- Compilling and installing:

$ tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz
$ cd NVIDIA_kernel
$ make install
$ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
$ make install
- And modifying the X config file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 with:
Device section and replace the line:
Driver nv 
Driver nvidia 
In the Module section, make sure you have:
Load   glx
You should also remove the following lines:
Load  dri
Load  GLcore
if they exist.

I recently installed Madrake 8.2 and this method didn't worked for me. 
All these steps worked fine with no error messages. I restarted the X 
(via the Control + Alt + Backspace keys) and the nvidia screen was 
displayed before the X restarted. After this the X started and worked 
fine. So the nvidia driver worked.

The proble is when rebooting the computer: The X was not unable to start.

Does anyone knows how to solve this problem???



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Re: [newbie] Support?

2002-03-24 Thread FemmeFatale

Ed I replied to your last email offlist, did you receive it!?  Or do I
strangle my ISP!?


ed tharp wrote:
 On Sunday 24 March 2002 00:57, you wrote:
  On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 03:59:55PM -0300, Damian wrote:
   criticism is out of order here, if you don't like something about
   Limux-Mandrake, we do not need to hear it, and it's probably not really
   up to us to change it. if you want to tell someone how bad you feel
   about this distro, it's not the users you have to bitch at.
   you could send a letter to mandrakesoft or whatever. you
   won't get flamed by them.
  Who do you think you are? You have no right what-so-ever to say what's
  allowed here. Only the list mom does, and that's not you.
 no butt...
 I am (however) the self appointed list A$$hole, and my wife and children told
 me I could all you other Kinder just cut it out, or I am going to
 tell my wife. (you think the list mom is a pain) no body else better try
 and be a bigger a$$hole than me
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[newbie] Laptop suspend problems

2002-03-24 Thread Peter Nunn

Hi again folks,

just wondering if anyone has got suspend and standby working reliably on
their laptop?

I'm trying to get it going on a Dell Latitude CPi and it works about 50% of
the time.

If I trigger it with the lid closing, about every second time it goes into
suspend, the other 50% into standby.

If I trigger it by a button press or by apm --suspend, about 50% of the time
it works, the other 50%, X seems to hang and eventually (after about 5
minutes) it wakes up briefly, and then suspends.

Anyone got any clues for me?

Thanks folks.


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Re: [newbie] Sheesh already--

2002-03-24 Thread john rigby

Hello Civilme  folks,

You are a good supporter of the system, Civilme, and a good techo, you are
also an atrocious psychologist/philosopher - a true Geek! :-)
BTW: Do you know what this symbol means?  :-)  I keep forgetting many people
don't, especially Geeks for some reason

Now, if you were to re-read your post to me carefully and calmly, you would
find that it precisely supports my contention!
E.G. The partial-joke quote from Voltaire: He wasn't the first to use it -
it is thousands of years old - Indian in origin, just like the Desiderata.
THIS was and is, the substance of my contention. Freedom of Speech.
Only those without substance cannot, will not listen to reason ... in
case they become convinced and thus valueless because they were wrong.
Another old quote from the Ku a'la

Yes, the one thing Mr Gates DOES understand is marketing, as does Mr Jobs.
It should be mandatory for all Geeks to read a couple of books before
espousing the proven unworkable tenets of Communism/Socialism. (Anarchy has
a better chance.)
I am happy from my own area of experience to suggest some eye-opening
fascinating stuff, if anyone is interested. My contribution toward a bridge
of understanding between two alien-to-each-other cultures.

But please, no more rhetoric. Evidence. Like I produce. A case to put
forward and answer. Reason, not gratuitous insults to intelligent discourse.

By the way, in international activity, only the Laws of France are
considered as unjust as most 3rd World States in my humble opinion
and in my professional peer group majority.

BTW:  The wonder of it all is that with today's technology, we can,
individually, elect not to associate with anyone specifically for whatever
I do. A year or so ago, I simply stopped receiving information from a couple
of people on this very list. Not just because I disagreed with their ideas,
but because I could see that they were unreasonable people - fanatics as we
call them.
But I still have some fascinating correspondence with a man who stoutly
maintains that the Holocaust never happened. He is also a devout
Christian/Catholic. He would like to see Barbara Thering crucified and
burnt.. She is an heretic, admittedly...

It is a beautiful morning here in paradise, the birds are singing, the
display of the rainbow Lorrikeets outside my study is distracting I
think I'll go for a walk in the morning sunshine. Bless you all.



- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 5:53 AM
Subject: [newbie] Sheesh already--

 OK, I fail geek 101--my filter didn't work. Why oh why do I always take
 the bait?

 Yes, John, make your own group off the list where you can all agree with
 each other.  If your ideas do not find immeduiate acceptance here and
 people do disagree with you or even dispute your possession of the
 facts, it would be safe for you to make your own group, where you can
 filter anyone who decides to dispute your rhetoric.  Of course you can
 do that here as well, but then you cannot refute their replies because
 you can't see them.

 BTW, more correctly, I may not agree with what you say, but I will
 defend to the death your right to say it.  (Tr from French) -- Voltaire
  And whence does Mandrakesoft originate...  That same hotbed of radical
 liberty-seekers, France.  That might be a clue why you will not be
 removed from this list.  Now if list members trash you, you probably
 didn't substantiate your claims to their satisfaction.  Don't ask us to
 interfere with their freedom, either.  You will receive the same answer
 those who thought you should not be on this list were given.

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread Wally

So, what's the equivalent of autoexec.bat? Where can I do tweaky stuff?

I'd like to get ls to remember my preferred settings (colour, wide dirinfo
display), but it wouldn't take a set command from the command line. How can
I make this kind of thing stick?

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers and Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-24 Thread Dave

I had the same issue. After alittle searching on the net. I found this
answer and it worked for me.

For the folks having issues with the module not inserting. If so, can you
change /etc/modules.conf to read /dev/nvidia* instead of /dev/nvidia/*?

- Original Message -
From: Gregorio Pérez Aguilera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 8:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] Nvidia drivers and Mandrake 8.2

 Hi everybody,
 When using Mandrake 8.1 I was able to install and use the Nvidia drivers
 from NVidia site for my GeForce2 GTS using the usual method explainded
 in the Nvidia README file:
 - Downloading the source files.
 - Compilling and installing:

 $ tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
 $ tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz
 $ cd NVIDIA_kernel
 $ make install
 $ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
 $ make install
 - And modifying the X config file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 with:
 Device section and replace the line:
 Driver nv
 Driver nvidia
 In the Module section, make sure you have:
 Load   glx
 You should also remove the following lines:
 Load  dri
 Load  GLcore
 if they exist.

 I recently installed Madrake 8.2 and this method didn't worked for me.
 All these steps worked fine with no error messages. I restarted the X
 (via the Control + Alt + Backspace keys) and the nvidia screen was
 displayed before the X restarted. After this the X started and worked
 fine. So the nvidia driver worked.

 The proble is when rebooting the computer: The X was not unable to start.

 Does anyone knows how to solve this problem???



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Re: [newbie] Webmin Other tools

2002-03-24 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 24 March 2002 07:47 pm, you wrote:
 OK I asked this Q once, never got an answer or my ISP ate the email.
 *likely the latter, I will have to kill them soon I think.*.

 I need to know only this:

 If I use say, Komba2 or SAMBA or whatever for my LAN, do I *need*
 webmin/swat/whatever to help run it???

 Any  all URLs/help/donations of a monetary nature accepted *sorry no
 tax receipts, I'm not a charitable organization...yet. :)*

Komba2 doesn't need webmin either. But Komba2 won't show you windows shares 
without SAMBA, so in order to KOMBA you gotta SOMBA.  Ha, sometimes I just 
kill myself. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: COMMUNITY: Re: [newbie] Support? - a Solution ?

2002-03-24 Thread Carroll Grigsby


Enough, already! This list is NOT intended for philosophical discussions of 
Life, the Universe and Things Like That; it is a _technical_ support list for 
Mandrake newbies. (Source: Mandrake home page -- pretty damn authoritative, 
IMHO). If you wish to examine your navel, or someone else's navel, or engage 
in other meaningless activities can find plenty of other places on the web to 
do so. This is not the place. (You might try slashdot [snicker, snicker]). 
Yes, we do sometimes wander from time to time, and I'll admit to more than my 
share of transgressions. But, John, these great long diatrabes of yours are 
totally out of place.

We aren't stupid, and we aren't wandering around in the wilderness looking 
for a saviour. So stop wasting our bandwidth. (Just in case you didn't know, 
many of the people on this list are on metered service -- every damn byte 
that comes down the pipe hits them in the wallet in addition to wasting their time.)

Like you, I've got some miles on the odometer. I'm a retired mechanical 
engineer; I worked for both very large and very small companies. I spent some 
of those years in management. As a consequence, I've had to sit through way 
too many really stupid presentations, and I've been forced to engage in way 
too many stupid programs. Two side effects of all of that wasted time are 
that (1) I regard Dilbert as not satire, but reality and (2) I begin to shake 
and tremble whenever I hear words like paradigm. John, you may not have 
used those exact words, but your postings are sufficiently close to bring 
back those awful memories. Cease and desist!

OK, I'll admit that you may have accomplished one useful purpose: I've 
resolved to learn how to set up e-mail filters. But then, I've never 
felt the need for them until now.

Nasty flame to follow.

-- cmg

On Sunday 24 March 2002 04:28 pm, john rigby wrote:
 Hi Damian,
 A reasonable comment:
 BUT if the people do not speak up - out of fear of reprisal - how is change
 ever going to happen?
 The Newbie list *IS* the only place to have reasonable discourse on the
 It is NOT supposed to be a Geekfest.

 Maybe a good solution would be to have an internal code on Replies:
 COMMUNITY  ( for community discussion)

 Then fanatics could avoid any challenge to their tiny world, Geeks could
 talk unintelligbly away from the rest of us real Newbies :-) , Users could
 get simple help on getting it to go usably and those good souls who like to
 help, as distinct from those here to display their
 arrogance/cleverness/oneupmanship, could dip into the anguish of the User
 area and help real beginners who have never cooked anything except lunch.

 It could work you know, with a bit of  support.

 The Geeks have no idea how off-putting and terrifying the complex matters
 typical on this list are! Users cannot even understand the questions, much
 less the answers and for many it is the very first exposure outside the
 MS/Apple GUI world.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 4:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Support?

 El sáb, 23-03-2002 a las 10:02, john rigby escribió:
  Hello Sal,
  NOW you'll get it!
  Rule #1 on this list has become :

 --note: what i'm going to say here may apply to you or not, i'm
 just going to say what i think about some very recent 'angry' posts
 made by several ppl.

 well.. this is a newbie list, it's supposed to be a place where
 you ask questions, get answers, read questions, and give answers.

 criticism is out of order here, if you don't like something about
 Limux-Mandrake, we do not need to hear it, and it's probably not really
 up to us to change it. if you want to tell someone how bad you feel
 about this distro, it's not the users you have to bitch at.
 you could send a letter to mandrakesoft or whatever. you
 won't get flamed by them.

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Re: [newbie] For the brazilian fellow looking for comp parts.

2002-03-24 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

TKS, anyway!

If I change my mind to Asus ;-)

thanks again for the time and effort!

Ricardo Castanho

I got an answer  it was mostly for Asus motherboards

Couldn't find out much else. Sorry

Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user

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Re: [newbie] Support?

2002-03-24 Thread shane

On Monday 25 March 2002 11:35 am, Carroll Grigsby opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 I don't want to appear argumentative, but you aren't even close. The top
 1. John Rigby
 2. John Rigby

checking my own list i have Ed at #15 (often informative a$$hole) does that 
sit well with everyone else?  ;-)

If I admit I was wrong, I am only saying I am wiser today than yesterday.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread Michael

Well Wally: investigate alias, it is a part of bash man bash. Several
already exist in your ~/.bashrc

definition of ~/.bashrc
~ = Your home directory
~/ = inside your home directory
. = any file starting with a period is a hidden file

Wally wrote:
 So, what's the equivalent of autoexec.bat? Where can I do tweaky stuff?
 I'd like to get ls to remember my preferred settings (colour, wide dirinfo
 display), but it wouldn't take a set command from the command line. How can
 I make this kind of thing stick?
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We can embody the truth, but we cannot know it.
-- Yates

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[newbie] Printerdrake freezing??

2002-03-24 Thread Linus Drouhard

Hi everyone,
To open, I really like Mandrake 8.2.  I've been a Mandrake user since 8.0.  
It's the best out there.  8.2 installation was a breeze but for one point.  

To start, I have an AMD K6-II running at 420 MHz, in an Asus P5A motherboard, 
two Maxtor 20 gig hard drives, 160 MB of RAM, TNT2 video card, SB 16 
soundcard.  Also, I have an *ancient* sIDE-4HP multi-port card that I use for 
a parallel port  connected scanner in Windows (don't have any Linux drivers 
for it), plus a Lucent Windmodem (also only for faxes in Windows).  (BTW, I 
hate Windows.  I'm about 99.9% independent of Windows.)

I did not have my printer connected when I installed Mandrake, shouldn't be 
a problem, I thought, I'll run Printerdrake later.  I cannot get 
Printerdrake to run.  It starts up, asks for Disc 1, churns for about 30 
seconds and then freezes my computer solid. Only the reset button responds.  
Has anyone had a similar experience?  any suggestions?  any thoughts on my 
parallel port card?


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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers and Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-24 Thread s

On Saturday 23 March 2002 07:48 am, you wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 When using Mandrake 8.1 I was able to install and use the Nvidia drivers
 The proble is when rebooting the computer: The X was not unable to start.

 Does anyone knows how to solve this problem???



when it falls back to console, so a lsmod and see if NVdriver is loaded.  If 
not, modprobe NVdriver as root.  Then startx as user.  If that's it, put:  
NVdriver  in your /etc/modules file.  

if this don't do it for you, let us know.

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[newbie] 8.2 msec question

2002-03-24 Thread s

What can I do to get msec not to change the autologin to no in 
/etc/sysconfig/autologin everynight on 8.2 running bastille?  

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[newbie] Kmail Phantom account

2002-03-24 Thread Linus Drouhard

Hi all,
I did something during the install of 8.2 that left me with a phantom 
account in Kmail.  It has no name, but will not allow me to modify or delete 
it.  Whenever I check mail, it asks for the password for this account, but 
since it doesn't exist, I just click cancel and go on.  Any ideas on how to 
clear out this phantom account?



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[newbie] Printerdrake freezing??

2002-03-24 Thread Linus Drouhard

Hi everyone,
To open, I really like Mandrake 8.2.  I've been a Mandrake user since 8.0.
It's the best out there.  8.2 installation was a breeze but for one point.

To start, I have an AMD K6-II running at 420 MHz, in an Asus P5A motherboard,
two Maxtor 20 gig hard drives, 160 MB of RAM, TNT2 video card, SB 16
soundcard.  Also, I have an *ancient* sIDE-4HP multi-port card that I use for
a parallel port  connected scanner in Windows (don't have any Linux drivers
for it), plus a Lucent Windmodem (also only for faxes in Windows).  (BTW, I
hate Windows.  I'm about 99.9% independent of Windows.)

I did not have my printer connected when I installed Mandrake, shouldn't be
a problem, I thought, I'll run Printerdrake later.  I cannot get
Printerdrake to run.  It starts up, asks for Disc 1, churns for about 30
seconds and then freezes my computer solid. Only the reset button responds.
Has anyone had a similar experience?  any suggestions?  any thoughts on my
parallel port card?



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Re: COMMUNITY: Re: [newbie] Support? - a Solution ?

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

 On Sunday 24 March 2002 04:28 pm, john rigby wrote:
  Hi Damian,
  A reasonable comment:
  BUT if the people do not speak up - out of fear of reprisal - how is change
  ever going to happen?

 i made my post as an answer to someone complaining about people
 not being able to post because they are afraid of getting flamed.  or
 something like that. i absolutely agree with you, but my point is that
 no one with a genuine problem and looking for a solution is ever going
 to get flamed here. 

people looking for help should most certainly NOT be afraid to ask. 

i just think this is not the place for complainig, but for asking.

  The Newbie list *IS* the only place to have reasonable discourse on the
  It is NOT supposed to be a Geekfest.

of course not. this is a newbie list after all.

  Maybe a good solution would be to have an internal code on Replies:
  COMMUNITY  ( for community discussion)

well, not quite... geeks usually have better answers for newbie
questions. so i would mix user and geek together

  Then fanatics could avoid any challenge to their tiny world, Geeks could
  talk unintelligbly away from the rest of us real Newbies :-) , Users could
  get simple help on getting it to go usably and those good souls who like to
  help, as distinct from those here to display their
  arrogance/cleverness/oneupmanship, could dip into the anguish of the User
  area and help real beginners who have never cooked anything except lunch.
  It could work you know, with a bit of  support.
  The Geeks have no idea how off-putting and terrifying the complex matters
  typical on this list are! Users cannot even understand the questions, much
  less the answers and for many it is the very first exposure outside the
  MS/Apple GUI world.

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Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-24 Thread s

On Sunday 24 March 2002 09:28 pm, you wrote:
 *shrugs* Whatever guy.

 Ya i'll tone it down just was excited  having fun

 in the event you still don't like my posts, don't read em.

 I'm just enjoying myself  if I sound 14, oh well...Sorry that bugs you.


Well, I've noticed that you respond to just about every thread there is, and 
many many times you say, well, I can't help or I don't know, but what is 
the weather like in Australia or something equally as relevant; and I wonder, 
'why is she even posting then'.   Or you butt in and ask what is something 
that you would be better off googling about.  You have been getting on my 
nerves too.  You act like this is the femmelist or something.  And yeah, I 
too was shocked to see a professed newbie - who can't really help - posting 
on the expert list.  I realize you're all proud of yourself and all getting 
linux up and running - but who the hell can't get mandrake 8.x going?  We're 
not impressed with you.

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Re: [newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-24 Thread Todd Slater

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 17:35:07 +
Spencer Collyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you use Sylpheed-claws you can use scripts in the sigfile. That's
 what I'm using right now. You just have to add a pipe '|' character to
 the start of the sigfile name and it will get executed rather than

Awesome, thanks!


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Re: [newbie] error message on boot up

2002-03-24 Thread Song Sourisak

Hi Damian,

Thank you for responding to my message. For your question, no i dont have a 
/initrd dir... I heard that doing so, the error is gone...hip hip houray
Can you tell me the way to do so.
Thank you in advance

The error was exactly (at the boot) :
change root to /initrd: error -2 
Is the minus 2 (-2) the same??
It all started when i update my kernel- on a ML 8.0.

Le Dimanche 24 Mars 2002 16:15, vous avez écrit :
 El sáb, 23-03-2002 a las 22:55, Song Sourisak escribió:
  I saw in the mail archive a question from you asking about the followin
  error at the boot:
  change root to /initrd: error -2
  I was wondering if you have any idea to solve it. In the archive, the
  person that answer your question was pkoch and told you to do a search in
  the newsgroup.
  I tried but didn't find nothing..
  If you did find that mail, may i ask you to forward to my email address?
  Thank you in advance.

 well, an error 2 is file not found .. you you have a /initrd dir?



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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread Miark

What's the difference between /etc/rc.d/rc.local and /etc/rc.local ?


On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:53:08 -0900, civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Wally wrote:
 So, what's the equivalent of autoexec.bat? Where can I do tweaky stuff?
 I'd like to get ls to remember my preferred settings (colour, wide dirinfo
 display), but it wouldn't take a set command from the command line. How can
 I make this kind of thing stick?
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 Go to
 Hmmm, well you have many choices...
 For systemwide stuff, edit /etc/rc.local.
 For local, try ~/.bashrc

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread s

On Sunday 24 March 2002 11:41 pm, you wrote:
 What's the difference between /etc/rc.d/rc.local and /etc/rc.local ?


/etc/rc.local is a symlink to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

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Re: [newbie] Support? - a Solution ?

2002-03-24 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Sunday 24 March 2002 16:28, Damian wrote:

 well.. this is a newbie list, it's supposed to be a place where
 you ask questions, get answers, read questions, and give answers.
 criticism is out of order here

I see no reason why criticism should be considered out of order (not 
that I have any, by the way. I have 8.1 and enjoy it very much).

Criticism can generate fruitful discussion just like questions can. If 
people make unfair criticisms, they will be shut up by many people 
refuting them. On the other hand, if the criticisms are justified, then 
we have identified an area that needs more work, and that is 

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread Miark

Next time I'll do a ls -l (emphasis on -l) before asking.


On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 23:45:50 -0600, s [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 On Sunday 24 March 2002 11:41 pm, you wrote:
  What's the difference between /etc/rc.d/rc.local and /etc/rc.local ?
 /etc/rc.local is a symlink to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

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Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-24 Thread FemmeFatale

Fine.  I'll just lurk  shut my mouth

End of story


s wrote:
 On Sunday 24 March 2002 09:28 pm, you wrote:
  *shrugs* Whatever guy.
  Ya i'll tone it down just was excited  having fun
  in the event you still don't like my posts, don't read em.
  I'm just enjoying myself  if I sound 14, oh well...Sorry that bugs you.
 Well, I've noticed that you respond to just about every thread there is, and
 many many times you say, well, I can't help or I don't know, but what is
 the weather like in Australia or something equally as relevant; and I wonder,
 'why is she even posting then'.   Or you butt in and ask what is something
 that you would be better off googling about.  You have been getting on my
 nerves too.  You act like this is the femmelist or something.  And yeah, I
 too was shocked to see a professed newbie - who can't really help - posting
 on the expert list.  I realize you're all proud of yourself and all getting
 linux up and running - but who the hell can't get mandrake 8.x going?  We're
 not impressed with you.
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Re: [newbie] ftp to share files

2002-03-24 Thread Brian Parish


You can find out if it's running with the command (as root):

service bastille-firewall status

If it is and you want to try stopping it:

service bastille-firewall stop

(and of course .start to restart it)

I suspect that this is not the problem however.  How are your IP
addresses and subnet masks set up?  Oh, and there are much better ways
than FTP - Samba would be the way to go.


On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 14:16, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 Hi everyone
 I have a fe questions here:
 I would like to be able to access the files on the LM 8.1 machine from the w2k 
 machine ( 2 machines are on a LAN  sharing DSL connection with Linux machine 
 being gateway )
 I read a few days ago a post about somebody using FTP to share files in a 
 similar situation, and somebody else saying that this would be a security 
 threat ( because of the 2 machines being on the net ) yet I understand ( and I 
 really dont understand much about these things ) that there is an option you 
 can set in your firewall that makes the ftp unaccessable from the net ( dont 
 ask me why I just heard ) !!
 My question is :I would like to use ftp to share files between the 2 
 machines, but the first bump is that I cannot ping the linux machine from the 
 w2k and I'm assuming this have to do with a firewall setting.
 Now, I stopped the tiny firewall from my system ( by allowing everything 
 through the firewall, I couldnt find an option to stop it all in all , so i 
 just allowed everything )  to see if it is causing this ping problem, but 
 still i cant ping !!
 Could there be another firewall running ?
 In /etc/Bastille there are the following files:
 but I dont remember setting any Bastille firewall ever since I installed  LM 
 8.1  !! is it set by default ?
 how do I know If there is a firewall running ?!?!
 excuse the stupidity
 Best Regards,
 Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] error message on boot up

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

El lun, 25-03-2002 a las 02:40, Song Sourisak escribió:
 Hi Damian,
 Thank you for responding to my message. For your question, no i dont have a 
 /initrd dir... I heard that doing so, the error is gone...hip hip houray
 Can you tell me the way to do so.
 Thank you in advance

you mean how to make /initrd dir? just su to root and make it, it's
all there is to it.

[user@localhost user]#su
Password:  ( enter your root password here )

[root@localhost user]#  ( notice the prompt, you are root now )
[root@localhost user]# mkdir /initrd

note: i just checked, i looked at my /initrd ( done this before
long time ago, just didn't remember ) it has a file on it
README.WARNING which reads 

(mkinitrd) Don't remove this directory, it's needed at boot time,
in the initrd, to perform the pivot_root.

i hope this solved your problem. ;o)


 The error was exactly (at the boot) :
 change root to /initrd: error -2 
 Is the minus 2 (-2) the same??
 It all started when i update my kernel- on a ML 8.0.

hmm should be the same.. dunno honestly.

 Le Dimanche 24 Mars 2002 16:15, vous avez écrit :
  El sáb, 23-03-2002 a las 22:55, Song Sourisak escribió:
   I saw in the mail archive a question from you asking about the followin
   error at the boot:
   change root to /initrd: error -2
   I was wondering if you have any idea to solve it. In the archive, the
   person that answer your question was pkoch and told you to do a search in
   the newsgroup.
   I tried but didn't find nothing..
   If you did find that mail, may i ask you to forward to my email address?
   Thank you in advance.
  well, an error 2 is file not found .. you you have a /initrd dir?
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Re: [newbie] Printerdrake freezing??

2002-03-24 Thread civileme

Linus Drouhard wrote:

Hi everyone,
   To open, I really like Mandrake 8.2.  I've been a Mandrake user since 8.0.
It's the best out there.  8.2 installation was a breeze but for one point.

To start, I have an AMD K6-II running at 420 MHz, in an Asus P5A motherboard,
two Maxtor 20 gig hard drives, 160 MB of RAM, TNT2 video card, SB 16
soundcard.  Also, I have an *ancient* sIDE-4HP multi-port card that I use for
a parallel port  connected scanner in Windows (don't have any Linux drivers
for it), plus a Lucent Windmodem (also only for faxes in Windows).  (BTW, I
hate Windows.  I'm about 99.9% independent of Windows.)

I did not have my printer connected when I installed Mandrake, shouldn't be
a problem, I thought, I'll run Printerdrake later.  I cannot get
Printerdrake to run.  It starts up, asks for Disc 1, churns for about 30
seconds and then freezes my computer solid. Only the reset button responds.
Has anyone had a similar experience?  any suggestions?  any thoughts on my
parallel port card?



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It is not likely your parallel port card per se, but I would recommend 
INSTALL the printer completely before running it.  It could be a problem 
reading the CD.

If it is your parallel port card, the thing most likely is an attempt to 
share an ISA Interrupt, but I would worry about 14 Megs of install 
first.  The foomatic driver package plus CUPS plus drivers is huge.


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 msec question

2002-03-24 Thread civileme

s wrote:

What can I do to get msec not to change the autologin to no in 
/etc/sysconfig/autologin everynight on 8.2 running bastille?  

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Set your msec level a little lower, ore modify the msec scripts that do 


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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-24 Thread civileme

Miark wrote:

What's the difference between /etc/rc.d/rc.local and /etc/rc.local ?


On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:53:08 -0900, civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

Wally wrote:

So, what's the equivalent of autoexec.bat? Where can I do tweaky stuff?

I'd like to get ls to remember my preferred settings (colour, wide dirinfo
display), but it wouldn't take a set command from the command line. How can
I make this kind of thing stick?

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Hmmm, well you have many choices...

For systemwide stuff, edit /etc/rc.local.

For local, try ~/.bashrc


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/etc/rc.local is a symlink to /etc/rc.d/rc.local  Check your directory 
with ll


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Re: [newbie] error message on boot up

2002-03-24 Thread Song Sourisak

Just to be sure: do I create the /initrd dir in the /boot dir?
Would it matter if i have the same your README.WARNING file in it?
Maybe i don't get it but why is a simple text file in /initrd would take that 
error message away? Is it related to the fact that i changed the kernel for a 
new one (kernel- on ML 8.0)

Le Lundi 25 Mars 2002 01:08, vous avez écrit :
 El lun, 25-03-2002 a las 02:40, Song Sourisak escribió:
  Hi Damian,
  Thank you for responding to my message. For your question, no i dont have
  a /initrd dir... I heard that doing so, the error is gone...hip hip
  houray Can you tell me the way to do so.
  Thank you in advance

 you mean how to make /initrd dir? just su to root and make it, it's
 all there is to it.

 [user@localhost user]#su
 Password:  ( enter your root password here )

 [root@localhost user]#  ( notice the prompt, you are root now )
 [root@localhost user]# mkdir /initrd

 note: i just checked, i looked at my /initrd ( done this before
 long time ago, just didn't remember ) it has a file on it
 README.WARNING which reads

 (mkinitrd) Don't remove this directory, it's needed at boot time,
 in the initrd, to perform the pivot_root.

 i hope this solved your problem. ;o)


  The error was exactly (at the boot) :
  change root to /initrd: error -2
  Is the minus 2 (-2) the same??
  It all started when i update my kernel- on a ML 8.0.

 hmm should be the same.. dunno honestly.

  Le Dimanche 24 Mars 2002 16:15, vous avez écrit :
   El sáb, 23-03-2002 a las 22:55, Song Sourisak escribió:
I saw in the mail archive a question from you asking about the
followin error at the boot:
change root to /initrd: error -2
I was wondering if you have any idea to solve it. In the archive, the
person that answer your question was pkoch and told you to do a
search in the newsgroup.
I tried but didn't find nothing..
If you did find that mail, may i ask you to forward to my email
address? Thank you in advance.
   well, an error 2 is file not found .. you you have a /initrd dir?
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
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Re: [newbie] Support? - a Solution ?

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

El lun, 25-03-2002 a las 02:51, Bryan Tyson escribió:
 On Sunday 24 March 2002 16:28, Damian wrote:
  well.. this is a newbie list, it's supposed to be a place where
  you ask questions, get answers, read questions, and give answers.
  criticism is out of order here
 I see no reason why criticism should be considered out of order (not 
 that I have any, by the way. I have 8.1 and enjoy it very much).
 Criticism can generate fruitful discussion just like questions can. If 
 people make unfair criticisms, they will be shut up by many people 
 refuting them. On the other hand, if the criticisms are justified, then 
 we have identified an area that needs more work, and that is 

yeah..but i guess it's more complex than it seems.. 

there are different kinds of criticism. OT topics are never gonna
dissapear and most of the time i enjoy them, but when some guy starts
the mandrake sucks because it didn't recognize my third wheel on my
second mouse on my new computer, so linux is crap way, it's hard to
make fruitful discussion out if that.

yes, you can get that ppl to shut up eventually, when/if they start
getting the proper response to those posts... 

i would change a thing or two about the looks of MDK myself, but
if i should ever decide to do something about it, i don't think
my first step would be to make a pissed-off post about how crappy
this or that looks. 

criticism can be good. that is perfectly true. but sometimes you get to
read opinions that hardly qualify as criticism... they are rather
bitching and this is what i think is useless and a total waste of time
especially to this, a support list.

i think i said about enough. feel free to disagree with me, i'll drop
the discussion here. ( kinda feel it got too long )


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RE: [newbie] REAL Newbies: looka here! AND Helpers

2002-03-24 Thread Dalton

thanks for the help

john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks,
At Sridhars prompting - I went back to looking around - don't know WHY I
never found this Site before - perhaps as I always searched mandrake.COM.
DOCS!!  General discussion etc.
Tons of stuff to help you that has already been asked and answered many
times in a very useable form for beginners.

For you REAL Helpers - it would be good to remind new, new Users about this
avenue. Would save you lots of repeats. (Searching archives is always
daunting, even for experienced Users - they are never library organised by
their very nature.)


For Microsoft to succeed, it is only necessary for the rest of us to merely
remain silent
modified from whatisname.

Dalton Roberts Jr

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convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape!

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Re: [newbie] error message on boot up

2002-03-24 Thread Michael

This is obvious to an old hand. When a directory name starts with / that means
the top directory. It is the one that contains /bin, /etc, /home, /root and
/var. That is why you can only write a new directory in it as root or su (super


Song Sourisak wrote:
 Just to be sure: do I create the /initrd dir in the /boot dir?
 Would it matter if i have the same your README.WARNING file in it?
 Maybe i don't get it but why is a simple text file in /initrd would take that
 error message away? Is it related to the fact that i changed the kernel for a
 new one (kernel- on ML 8.0)
 Le Lundi 25 Mars 2002 01:08, vous avez écrit :
  El lun, 25-03-2002 a las 02:40, Song Sourisak escribió:
   Hi Damian,
   Thank you for responding to my message. For your question, no i dont have
   a /initrd dir... I heard that doing so, the error is gone...hip hip
   houray Can you tell me the way to do so.
   Thank you in advance
  you mean how to make /initrd dir? just su to root and make it, it's
  all there is to it.
  [user@localhost user]#su
  Password:  ( enter your root password here )
  [root@localhost user]#  ( notice the prompt, you are root now )
  [root@localhost user]# mkdir /initrd

Anti-trust laws should be approached with exactly that attitude.

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Re: [newbie] error message on boot up

2002-03-24 Thread Damian

El lun, 25-03-2002 a las 03:21, Song Sourisak escribió:
 Just to be sure: do I create the /initrd dir in the /boot dir?
 Would it matter if i have the same your README.WARNING file in it?
 Maybe i don't get it but why is a simple text file in /initrd would take that 
 error message away? Is it related to the fact that i changed the kernel for a 
 new one (kernel- on ML 8.0)

nope, initrd is in the root dir ( / ) so that's why you type 
mkdir /initrd ( note the slash at the beginning of the dir's name )

my comment about that textfile was just to ensure the need for this 
dir. simply disregard it if you found it confusing. you just
need that directory on your /.


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Re: [newbie] Apache: /cgi-bin/test-cgi Forbidden

2002-03-24 Thread Miark


I found the culprit. Near the beginning of the commonhttpd.conf, you'll
find a section that sets directory options for the website as a whole:

  Directory /
[blah, blah]
Deny from all

The Deny from all tells Apache to disallow anybody to connect from
anywhere unless individual directories specifically allow it. By default, 
the HTML directory is set to allow everybody in, and it looks like the
cgi directory is too--except Apache assumes you'll put your stuff in
/var/www/perl rather than /var/www/cgi-bin. No idea why. The cgi-bin 
directory is still set to deny from all. So there are two possible 

1) If you're not worried about security, you can replace the deny 
with allow in that in the Directory / section. 

2) The better method is to replace the deny with allow in the 
Directory /var/www/cgi-bin section.

Either way, don't forget to

  /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd reload

as root after you make the change.


On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 09:32:27 -0700, Roger [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 I can't get Apache to serve cgi pages on my 8.2 installation.  
 Pointing Konqueror to http://localhost/  serves up the default Apache welcome 
 page, but pointing it to http://localhost/cgi-bin/test-cgi yields the 
 Forbidden -  You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/test-cgi on this 
 server message.  
 I have not modified any of the /etc/httpd/conf files, seems like the defaults 
 should work.  I have changed the permissions of test-cgi to 755.
 Anyone know the minimum required configuration changes to run the test-cgi 
 script under 8.2?

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Re: [newbie] REAL Newbies: looka here! AND Helpers

2002-03-24 Thread civileme

Dalton wrote:

thanks for the help

john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks,
At Sridhars prompting - I went back to looking around - don't know WHY I
never found this Site before - perhaps as I always searched mandrake.COM.
DOCS!!  General discussion etc.
Tons of stuff to help you that has already been asked and answered many
times in a very useable form for beginners.

For you REAL Helpers - it would be good to remind new, new Users about this
avenue. Would save you lots of repeats. (Searching archives is always
daunting, even for experienced Users - they are never library organised by
their very nature.)


For Microsoft to succeed, it is only necessary for the rest of us to merely
remain silent
modified from whatisname.

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Don't forget that there are a thousand or more articles on MandrakeForum 
( ) as well.  Many are HOWTO, and many are 
discussions on the same topics as here.  Of course the forum is more 
appropriate, but there is some moderation present--uninteresting posts 
can be moderated down by readers, and abusive posts/trading flames are 
occasionally elimitnated.  For example, one group yelling, GNOME 
sucks! and Another saying, When did they start allowing 3-year-olds to 
post? both got cut off one discussion.  But generally, the OT stuff 
here is welcome there because we don't have a lot of list members paying 
a metered rate for email over there, since it is a web site.

And has a number of experts registered who 
sometimes answer questions.  I seem to recall the figure was at 700.  I 
am not there since 700 was about the number of questions I was seeing 
per day.  You can even offer to pay for a guaranteed answer, or just 
take your chances on the goodwill of others.


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Re: [newbie] Can't get openoffice to install with 8.2

2002-03-24 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 24 March 2002 18:00, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 00:21:54 +
 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to

  There is an RPM for OpenOffice on the 8.2 discs. That should go in OK


 What's the font support like in the OpenOffice package on the Mandrake Cd?
 I've seen a noticeable difference between OpenOffice and Star Office as far
 as doc appearence on screen where the fonts are concerned.

I have installed both OO and SO6beta and on my machine the fonts were 
identical. Maybe you observed a difference because you had imported your 
system fonts with one product and not the other?

To import your system fonts in SO6
as a user
cd ~/staroffice6.0  (or whatever your local directory is called)

select fonts and add from your /usr/share/fonts directory  select softlinks 
to avoid wasting disc space.

To add fonts in Open Office cd to ~/.openoffice  and do the same thing.


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Re: [newbie] Adding Text Input in a SELECT drop-down list

2002-03-24 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Michael,

I stand slapped and corrected :

Perhaps it was lack of sleep, but I sort of figured I should try another list, but 
everyone seems so helpful and knowledgeable on the newbie list.
Sorry about that!

At any rate, I've tried what you suggested -- and from other lists, I found that it 
can't be done. Sigh.

Thanks for your idea, though.


On Sunday 24 March 2002 06:05, you wrote:
 First off: This is an HTML problem not a Mandrake one.

 Second: The usual proceedure is to have an other option followed by an

 INPUT TYPE=text ... 

 You can save yourself the greif and follow the usual method, or not :)

 New Zealand

 Andre Dubuc wrote:
  I have written, in an html form, a drop-downlist that uses SELECT:
  i.e. SELECT NAME=state
  OPTION// and so on
  I would like a text input as the last option so that a user can type in a
  state (non-USA) and have this variable passed on. Is there any way of
  accomplishing this using html or php?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=message.footer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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[newbie] Koffice in catalan language?

2002-03-24 Thread Joan Tur


I'm using catalan language (-ca) under kde but koffice appears in english 
because no koffice-i18n-ca package exists.  It doesn't make me worry but i'd 
prefer koffice to use spanish language instead of english (and 
koffice-i18n-es is installed).

Thanks!  ;)
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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RE: [newbie] Can't get openoffice to install with 8.2

2002-03-24 Thread Peter Nunn

Thanks guys,

the speed of response is amazing.

I've now installed the rpm, should I now continue on with the install and
update to the newer version, or is this dangerous?



 -Original Message-
 From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, 24 March 2002 1:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't get openoffice to install with 8.2

 On Saturday 23 March 2002 05:36 pm, you wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I just tired to follow the directions to install openoffice on a new 8.2
  installation from the .tar file and the setup failed with a
 message saying.
  glibc version: 2.2.4
  /tmp/sv001.tmp/setup.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or
  Any idea how I fix this please.
 You can also go to and get the libstdc rpm file and
 install it
 first. Then install open office. That's the way I did it and it
 works ok, but
 the rpm on the d/l discs installs to the Kpanel and puts icons in
 the right
 places. HTH
 Dennis M.  linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Kmail Phantom account

2002-03-24 Thread Derek Jennings

Try editing ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc by hand


On Monday 25 March 2002 04:04, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 Hi all,
   I did something during the install of 8.2 that left me with a phantom
 account in Kmail.  It has no name, but will not allow me to modify or
 delete it.  Whenever I check mail, it asks for the password for this
 account, but since it doesn't exist, I just click cancel and go on.  Any
 ideas on how to clear out this phantom account?



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