Re: [newbie-it] I capricci di Harddrake

2002-05-13 Thread syd

Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:

A titolo di cronaca, questi difetti con la SuSE Linux 7.3 non
si verificano (sebbene utilizzi un kernel più vecchio della Mdk 8.2).

Il corretto funzionamento dei tools grafici non c'entra
nulla con la versione del kernel.

Ringrazio anticipatamente chi vorrà  darmi una soluzione su harddrake e
la imprecisione sul rilevamento della memoria.

Harddrake è il tool più malandato della mdk. Quando usavo la 8.1
risolsi i miei problemi accantonando l'idea di usarlo!
Piuttosto potresti riportare i bugs che riscontri agli sviluppatori
poco motivati così magari avranno più materiale su cui lavorare.
Sinceramente non ho soluzioni da proporti a parte quella di
verificare da console.



Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

2002-05-13 Thread ku68

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

 Hash: SHA1
Ti ringrazio dell'aiuto. Ho creato la chiave (che scadrà il 22 maggio prox),
il certificato di revoca (come lo invio ad un keyserver?)... e adesso?
Come faccio a inviare a inviare la mia chiave  a qualcuno o a importarla?
Non dirmi da terminale. ;-)
Le chiavi ci sono ho controllato con list key e la chiave creata compare.
Stranamente il prg gpgp in modo grafico ora non funziona più
Se lancio $gpg compare la scritta scrivi messaggio una volta che scrivo
che faccio? Non c'è un sistema per confermare ciò che ho scritto?
Infine  c'è differenza tra gpg e gpgp?

 ok, a questo punto devi avere la chiave pubblica di qualcuno... e tu
 ovviamente devi spedirgli la tua...
Praticamente sono fermo a questo punto.. ;-)
Casomai te la posso inviare?
 spero di esserci riuscito...
Praticamente sì.anche se ancora un piccolo aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] I capricci di Harddrake

2002-05-13 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

syd wrote:

Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:


A titolo di cronaca, questi difetti con la SuSE Linux 7.3 non
si verificano (sebbene utilizzi un kernel più vecchio della Mdk 8.2).


Il corretto funzionamento dei tools grafici non c'entra
nulla con la versione del kernel.


Ringrazio anticipatamente chi vorrà  darmi una soluzione su harddrake e
la imprecisione sul rilevamento della memoria.


Harddrake è il tool più malandato della mdk. Quando usavo la 8.1
risolsi i miei problemi accantonando l'idea di usarlo!
Piuttosto potresti riportare i bugs che riscontri agli sviluppatori
poco motivati così magari avranno più materiale su cui lavorare.
Sinceramente non ho soluzioni da proporti a parte quella di
verificare da console.




Grazie di tutto syd per l'indicazione, istallerò dinuovo la mdk8.2 
(l'avevo tolta nel frattempo dalla mia partizione dedicata su  hardisk) 
e voglio verificare da console che, nella delusione di harddrake non ho 
pensato di fare anche perchè nemmeno KDE me l'ha rivelata nel modo 
giusto indicandomi sempre i fatidici  900 MB e la versione è più recente 
della SuSE, anche se forse nemmeno KDE centra su questo.   La tua 
risposta sul kernel ha aumentato la mia confusione, mi si devono 
perdonare certe affermazioni da ignorante, i più esperti conoscono bene 
questi argomenti e da parte mia sebbene con Linux sappia usare un po di 
comandi, destreggiare nelle istallazioni, partizioni e armeggiare un po 
i file di configurazione, sono solo agli inizi e troppo abituato con 
Windows dove non devi pensare a niente. Confesso che non ho ancora le 
idee chiare su tante cose, quindi volevo chiederti a te e a chi altri 
vorrà rispondermi questo:

 - Le routine di riconoscimento hardware sono inserite solo nei tool 
grafici di controllo come Harddrake o YaST2 per esempio ?
- Aggiornare allora un kernel cosa significa ?
- KDE dove le prende certe informazioni  hardware del suo centro di 
controllo ?

Queste sono solo alcune delle infinite domande a cui devo dare una 
risposta.  Confesso che con Linux sto scoprendo tutta la mia ignoranza 
ma che mi si prospetta di recuperare e di imparare molto, sempre 
ovviamente che chi sa si renda disponibile e abbia la pazienza di 
sopportarmi da parte mia metterò il massimo impegno. Ormai Linux mi ha 
conquistato e dove c'è da imparare la ci sarò io, almeno fino a quando 
mi sarà consentito.

Saluti e grazie da Giuseppe.

Rif: Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

2002-05-13 Thread jv

 Data: 13/05/2002 08:58
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 5:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp
  Hash: SHA1
 Ti ringrazio dell'aiuto. Ho creato la chiave (che scadrà il 22 maggio prox),
 il certificato di revoca (come lo invio ad un keyserver?)... e adesso?
 Come faccio a inviare a inviare la mia chiave  a qualcuno o a importarla?
 Non dirmi da terminale. ;-)
ebbene si!
dai, che non è poi così male...
anzi, hai il pieno controllo delle tue azioni..

stasera ti invio la mia...
quando ti arriva: 
$gpg --import-key miagpgkey.asc 
poi verifichi e segni..

 Le chiavi ci sono ho controllato con list key e la chiave creata compare.
 Stranamente il prg gpgp in modo grafico ora non funziona più
 Se lancio $gpg compare la scritta scrivi messaggio una volta che scrivo
 che faccio? Non c'è un sistema per confermare ciò che ho scritto?
 Infine  c'è differenza tra gpg e gpgp?

uso gpg e non ho mai usato gpgp, quindi onde evitare di dire stuidate...

quando digiti gpg dovrebbe seguire un comando..
la logica è che tu crei un file (ipotizziamo di testo) e poi decidi di firmarlo, 
o se te ne arriva uno di verificarlo o decrittarlo..

  ok, a questo punto devi avere la chiave pubblica di qualcuno... e tu
  ovviamente devi spedirgli la tua...
 Praticamente sono fermo a questo punto.. ;-)
 Casomai te la posso inviare?
come no!
manda pure in privato!

  spero di esserci riuscito...
 Praticamente sì.anche se ancora un piccolo aiuto
allora praticamente ci sei...

se proprio non ce la fai ad aspettare fatti un giro qui
nella sezione 3.


- jv -


Re: [newbie-it] X CD Roast

2002-05-13 Thread Marco Canapicchi

Fabio Manunza wrote:
 Alla lista, vale.
 Ho installato la mdk8.2 e ho riscontrato dei problemi con il programma in 
 questione in fase di registrazione di brani musicali su HD; questo è il 
 messaggio che ricevo quando tento di trasferire il brano in una cartella 
 della mia home:
 cdda2wav: Operation not permitted. cannot set posix realtime scheduling policy
 ??/??/??/???   0%Fatal error:  did not drop group privilege.
 8/10/ 7/   2352   1%child reader sem request failed
 W Child exited with 1

XCDroast su mdk 8.2 e' buggato:
e' stata però rilasciata la versione corretta e 
puoi upgradare con mdk upgrade.
installala e vedrai che sara' tutto ok.


Re: R: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-13 Thread LukenShiro

On Mon, 13 May 2002, Biss wrote:
  7) copiare il kernel [arch/i386/boot/bzImage] e la mappa dei simboli
  ( nella directory /boot
 Scusate se mi inserisco: a cosa serve copiare la mappa dei simboli? Non
 l'avevo mai sentita questa. Io non l'ho mai fatto e non mi sembra di aver
 avuto problemi però forse sbagliavo ...

Probabilmente sei stato fortunato o, se hai ricompilato, non hai
modificato piu' di tanto la struttura del kernel e dei moduli (= viene
tenuto buono il originale).

La mappa dei simboli contiene, in formato testuale, l'elenco e la
posizione dei vari simboli utilizzati dal kernel stesso, senza i quali
AFAIK potrebbero verificarsi errori di simboli irrisolti.
In considerazione del fatto che ogni mappa tendenzialmente e' abbinata e
legata ad un particolare kernel (= come e' stato compilato _quel_ 
bzImage), e' meglio copiarla in /boot con un nome diverso,, e creare
come link simbolico di questo.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [newbie-it] ancora icq

2002-05-13 Thread Germano

Hai provato con GnomeICU 0.98.2?
A me non dà nessun problema, ha meno caratteristich di LICQ ma mi è sembrato 
più stabile (per chi si trova dietro un firewall)

Ciao, Ge

Il 00:23, sabato 11 Maggio 2002, skyheart hai scritto:
 dalle mail precedenti è emerso che Licq dà un po di problemi per un
 cambiamento fatto dalla mirabilis, ho provato quindi a usare gnomeicu
 perchè qualcuno aveva detto che funzionava meglio, ma nulla inserendo
 il mio vecchio numero di icq mi ha autenticato 1 volta su 3 e quando ho
 tentato di aggingere un amico alla lista è andato in crash 2 volte su 2 (ho
 usato la versione che sta sul cd dell 8.2).

 Se così stanno le cose qualcuno mi dà un consiglio: quale client usare? Sul
 cd della 8.2 ce ne sono un po'che si dichiarano universali... quali sono le
 vostre esperienze? Grazie a tutti.

[newbie-it] kde3 urpmi e software manager

2002-05-13 Thread Beppe

buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist!
sì lo so, in questi giorni ho troppi dubbi ^_^. il punto è che dopo essere 
finalmente riuscito a installare kde3 sul mio computer sto provando anche su 
quello di mia sorella ma la situazione che mi si para davanti è quanto meno 

i cd di mandrake non vengono riconosciuti dal software manager nonostante 
siano gli stessi che ho usato per installare mandrake pochi minuti prima sul 
suo computer e nonostante software manager sul mio li riconosca 
perfettamente... sono quindi assolutamente sicuro che funzionino. 
qualcuno quindi ha un'idea del perchè nel momento in cui vengono richiesti da 
software manager questo non riconosca alcun supporto nonostante 
l'installazione di mandrake vada assolutamente liscia? e perchè questo 
succede solo sul suo computer?

non perdendomi d'animo ho specificato come fonte un mirror per il download 
degli rpm della 8.2 e ho disabilitato i 3 cd... alcuni pacchetti che urpmi 
dice di dover usare sembrano non esistere sul sito, o almeno curl dice così. 
Ma la lista dei pacchetti disponibili non viene calcolata in base alla reale 
presenza degli rpm sulla fonte? 

non ancora abbastanza scoraggiato vado a vedere il man di urpmi e vedo 
un'opzione che sembra perfetta per risolvere i problemi se non del mondo 
intero quanto meno miei: urpmi.update -a... immagino sia il comando giusto 
perchè urpmi alla fine della fallita installazione mi aveva consigliato di 
aggiornare la lista dei pacchetti o qualcosa di simile (non ricordo le parole 

lancio il comando il quale si vanta di aver aggiornato la lista degli rpm 
sulle fonti, tutto contento riprovo urpmi * dalla cartella dove ho scaricato 
kde3 ed il problema con i pacchetti si ripresenta assolutamente identico

io ho finito le idee... qualcuno ne ha di nuove? ^_^

ciao ciao!

Re: [newbie-it] kde3 urpmi e software manager

2002-05-13 Thread LukenShiro

On Mon, 13 May 2002, Beppe wrote:
 lancio il comando il quale si vanta di aver aggiornato la lista degli rpm 
 sulle fonti, tutto contento riprovo urpmi * dalla cartella dove ho scaricato 
 kde3 ed il problema con i pacchetti si ripresenta assolutamente identico

Ho qualche leggero sospetto che il software manager sia _ancora_ bacato 
(vedi un thread precedente iniziato da Daniele Micci su errori 
variabilmente ricorrenti nell'aggiornamento delle fonti).
Le fonti del 'software manager', che si appoggia a urpmi, sono elencate
in /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg; puo' darsi che il mirror, che ti dice essere
stato aggiunto, in realta' non lo sia.
Vedo un'unica via d'uscita (piuttosto brutale, ma efficacissima): non
usare quale programma ;) recuperi gli .rpm che ti servono con un
download manager [ne dico uno a caso, che e' poi quello che uso: wget],
scarichi e/o sposti tutto in un unica directory e poi installi tutto con
rpm -Uvh *.rpm; se manca qualcosa scarichi cio' che serve.
Tanto per rinfrescare la memoria, evita rigorosamente di installare un
pacchetto (a maggior ragione un window manager completo) quando il
predecessore e' in attivita', opta invece per il piu' volte ricordato
'init 1' o 'init 3'.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-13 Thread tom

Alle 21:46, domenica 12 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Be', diciamo che la terapia d'urto in linux forse e' la migliore se si
 vuole imparare seriamente :P E' anche vero pero' che il kernel, in
 quanto a compilazione, non segue lo standard della sequenza da impartire
 per ottenere il risultato; quindi probabilmente ti conviene iniziare con
 un pacchetto qualsiasi di sorgenti in formato .tar.gz o .tar.bz2.

Grazie per le risposte..
Si decisamente.partire con il kernel non mi pare una buona idea!
Al primo errore mi fumo il kernel (ne sono sicuro) e ciao!! via a ri 
installare tutto!
Qualcuno mi puo indicare un programma con relativo sorgente?
magari anche leggero da poter scaricare.
oppure ne ho in quantita industriali nei cd?(mdk8.2)

Ciao , Tom 

Re: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-13 Thread LukenShiro

On Mon, 13 May 2002, tom wrote:
 Qualcuno mi puo indicare un programma con relativo sorgente?
 magari anche leggero da poter scaricare.
 oppure ne ho in quantita industriali nei cd?(mdk8.2)

Non mi ricordo se nei cd sono presenti anche i sorgenti (di sicuro no
nel set da 3CD), in ogni caso li troveresti come .src.rpm che dovresti
installare normalmente, ritrovandoli in un pacchetto tar/gzippato in
/usr/src/RPM/SOURCES e poi procederesti nello stesso modo.
Credo che su e su potrai trovare diversi
pacchetti compressi utili sia a scopo didattico che da usare.
Scompattali nella tua $HOME, magari in una subdirectory ad hoc e parti 

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

R: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-13 Thread luca

 Grazie per le risposte..
 Si decisamente.partire con il kernel non mi pare una buona idea!
 Al primo errore mi fumo il kernel (ne sono sicuro) e ciao!! via a ri
 installare tutto!
 Qualcuno mi puo indicare un programma con relativo sorgente?
 magari anche leggero da poter scaricare.
 oppure ne ho in quantita industriali nei cd?(mdk8.2)

A me viene in mente fromdos, un programma di 3 righe in croce il cui unico
scopo è convertire file di testo in formato dos.
Oppure R (sito ) un ambiente di calcolo con istruzioni
per la compilazione tra le più dettagliate che abbia visto.

Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

2002-05-13 Thread ku68

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

 Hash: SHA1

  Qualcuno sa darmi qualche dritta in tal senso?
 spero di esserci riuscito...

Ho capito come firmare la posta cioè direttamente da evolution o kmail.
Però mentre con kmail ho cifrato completamente il msg con evolution riesco
solo a firmarlo,
mi spiego ho creato una chiave corrispondente ad un  mio indirizzo
e volevo provare a mandare un messaggio ad un altro mio indirizzo
x@it  il prg segnala
che non è possibile cifrare (mentre la firma è ok) il msg perché non ho la
firma di x. non è strano?
Non mi comunque ancora chiaro come posso inviare/ricevere la firma di
qualcuno tramite mail e come
inviare eventualmente un certificato di revoca né a chi inviarlo
Grazie del prezioso aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

2002-05-13 Thread freefred

On Monday 13 May 2002 09:31, ku68 wrote:

 e volevo provare a mandare un messaggio ad un altro mio indirizzo
 x@it  il prg segnala
 che non è possibile cifrare (mentre la firma è ok) il msg perché non
 ho la firma di x. non è strano?

mh, se ho capito bene: tu hai la chiave pubblica del tuo amico?
e' con quella direi che ti viene chiesto di cifrare il msg.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] kde3 urpmi e software manager

2002-05-13 Thread Beppe

buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist ^_^
alla fine sono riuscito ad installare i pacchetti usando il comando urpmi 
--force nome-di-ogni-singolo-pacchetto-che-mi-serviva ed il kde3 funziona 
finalmente anche sul computer di mia sorella. l'interrogativo sul perchè 
software manager si comporti così però rimane. 
su quel computer è sempre stato impossibile utilizzare i cd anche se per certo 
non sono danneggiati (per rispondere alla domanda di Leonardo con non li 
riconosce intendo che nel momento in cui mi viene richiesto di inserire un 
cd ed io eseguo lui si comporta come se non potesse leggere il cd e ripete la 
richiesta) anche se prima non me ne ero mai preoccupato perchè il mirror 
forniva tutto il necessario (e comunque il computer su cui c'è il problema 
non è il mio :-P).
A questo punto, però, sono curioso sul comportamento del software manager e se 
qualcuno ha qualche ipotesi su come si possa risolverlo vi imploro di farmi 

comunque grazie per tutto l'aiuto che mi avete dato!
ciao ciao!

Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

2002-05-13 Thread ku68

Il lun, 2002-05-13 alle 23:32, freefred ha scritto:
 On Monday 13 May 2002 09:31, ku68 wrote:
 mh, se ho capito bene: tu hai la chiave pubblica del tuo amico?
No è un altro mio indirizzo era per provare a spedirmi un msg cifrato
cosa che con kmail riesco a fare.
 e' con quella direi che ti viene chiesto di cifrare il msg.
 Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
 Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
 ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] ancora icq

2002-05-13 Thread Martina

Io uso gaim versione 0.57 non sarà come licq ma almeno nn mi dà problemi.
Ciao, Martina

 Il 00:23, sabato 11 Maggio 2002, skyheart hai scritto:
  dalle mail precedenti è emerso che Licq dà un po di problemi per un
  cambiamento fatto dalla mirabilis, ho provato quindi a usare gnomeicu
  perchè qualcuno aveva detto che funzionava meglio, ma nulla inserendo
  il mio vecchio numero di icq mi ha autenticato 1 volta su 3 e quando ho
  tentato di aggingere un amico alla lista è andato in crash 2 volte su 2
  (ho usato la versione che sta sul cd dell 8.2).
  Se così stanno le cose qualcuno mi dà un consiglio: quale client usare?
  Sul cd della 8.2 ce ne sono un po'che si dichiarano universali... quali
  sono le vostre esperienze? Grazie a tutti.

[newbie-it] ATA 133

2002-05-13 Thread Luigi Cilea

Ho provato ad installare la Mke 8.2 su un compiuter con MB Abit KR7A Raid
con Controller ATA 133 HPT 372 senza successo. Tutto si blocca con un kernel
Panic in quanto non riconosce il controller. Quacuno mi sa dare una

Re: [newbie-it] ancora icq

2002-05-13 Thread skyheart

Il Mon, 13 May 2002 18:50:52 +0200
Martina ha scritto:

 Io uso gaim versione 0.57 non sarà come licq ma almeno nn mi dà problemi.
 Ciao, Martina

E' compatibile con icq?

Linux user 
cognitive dissident

[newbie-it] mail client

2002-05-13 Thread Pollo

qualcuno saprebbe consigliarmi un buon mail client grafico simile ad
evolution ma compatibile sia con l'ambiente kde che con gnome?

Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp

2002-05-13 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 15:31, lunedì 13 maggio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Pgp o gpgp, ku68 ha 

 Ho capito come firmare la posta cioè direttamente da evolution o
 kmail. Però mentre con kmail ho cifrato completamente il msg con
 evolution riesco solo a firmarlo

cioè, hai nel tuo 'portachiavi' la chiava pubblica dell'account al quale spedisci il 
messaggio che vorresti crittare?

 mi spiego ho creato una chiave corrispondente ad un  mio
 indirizzo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 e volevo provare a mandare un messaggio ad un altro mio indirizzo
 x@it  il prg segnala
 che non è possibile cifrare (mentre la firma è ok) il msg perché
 non ho la firma di x. non è strano?

per firmare un messaggio basta la tua chiave (privata), tutti possono leggere essedo 
sicuri della provenienza;
per crittografare invece ti serve la pubblica del destinatario, in modo che solo lui 
potrà leggere digitando la propria segreta 

quindi se non hai la pubblica del destinatario, non è strano..
strano sarebbe se tu riuscissi a crittarla con altre chiavi,
il destinatario non potrebbe leggerla (ne sappiamo qualcosa, eh, JV? ;-)

 Non mi comunque ancora chiaro come posso inviare/ricevere la
 firma di qualcuno tramite mail 

per inviare la tua chiave puoi allegarla ad un messaggio,
usando una via diversa per verificare il fingerprint (vedi il man, non voglio andare 
troppo avanti, ci vorrebbe mezz'ora..)

idem, puoi ricevere le chiavi ed importarle 

 e come
 inviare eventualmente un certificato di revoca né a chi

esistono poi dei keyserver
cioè delle macchine pubblicamente accessibili alle quali mandare le proprie chiavi ed 
alle quali richiedere quelle degli interlocutori.
Generare un certificato serve a revocare chiavi non scadute ma compromesse o smarrite, 
Generare un certificato è semplice, ma ti rimando di nuovo al man,
se vuoi ti posto un howto, è più lungo a dirsi che a farsi..

 Grazie del prezioso aiuto


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie] Samba is not working in 8.2

2002-05-13 Thread Beastie


I've just installed new 8.2 from Linux Format 

My machine is a Pentium II 350MHz that I would like 
to install as
DNS Server
SMB server (File Server for networked Windows 
Print Server.

I used to have another machine running Windows 2000 
Server that served the above purposes, the problem was that the machine was 
constantly under attack and in the end was defeated and became 

I hope that by installing Linux, I could get away 
with some of the problems I was facing.

After installing 8.2 I setup DNS and Firewall, 
these work fine. But not Samba, I can see the Samba server when browse Network 
Neighbourhood only when I click to open this server the error was "Network path 
not found".

I tried to set system security to lower level, 
thinking that these might be the problem but to no avail.

What can I do now ?

Re: [newbie] Samba is not working in 8.2

2002-05-13 Thread Derek Jennings

On Monday 13 May 2002 7:23 am, Beastie wrote:

 I've just installed new 8.2 from Linux Format DVD.

 My machine is a Pentium II 350MHz that I would like to install as
 DNS Server
 SMB server (File Server for networked Windows machines)
 Print Server.

 I used to have another machine running Windows 2000 Server that served the
 above purposes, the problem was that the machine was constantly under
 attack and in the end was defeated and became unusable.

 I hope that by installing Linux, I could get away with some of the problems
 I was facing.

 After installing 8.2 I setup DNS and Firewall, these work fine. But not
 Samba, I can see the Samba server when browse Network Neighbourhood only
 when I click to open this server the error was Network path not found.

 I tried to set system security to lower level, thinking that these might be
 the problem but to no avail.

 What can I do now ?

Well first you made a good choice when you decided to switch to Linux  :-)

Two suggestions
1/ Are you trying to run Samba through the 'protected' interface on your 
Firewall? If so you need to poke a few holes in it for Samba. This article 
tells you how to do it on the command line
If you install the InteractiveBastille pack you can get a little GUI to do 
the configuration for you.

2/ Did you configure any directories for Samba to share? An easy way to set 
up Samba is to use Webmin. Install webmin rpm and then in a browser on the 
local or a  remote computer enter https://hostname_or_IP_address:1
(Note https not http) Also Samba must know about the Windows 
username/passwords which are allowed to access directories. Again you can set 
this up with webmin.
If you prefer a command line setup then just read the samba config file 
/etc/samba/smb.conf  It contains lots of example configurations you can just 



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[newbie] XcdRoast config problems....

2002-05-13 Thread db

I installed the CDRW, the lilo.conf settings appear to be correct.
I launched xcdroast (ver 0.98alpha9) the first time as superuser and made
the initial configs (or thought I did...).  When I tried to run it as normal
user from the command line, I got these command line warnings:
Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/mkisofs
Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/readcd

and this X-cd-roast popup: 
No configuration file found Please enter setup.

the first two sound like some kind of permission problem.
I don't know why it says no config file found ...

Can anyone tell me what these error messages mean?

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Re: [newbie] XcdRoast config problems....

2002-05-13 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 17:19, db wrote:
 I installed the CDRW, the lilo.conf settings appear to be correct.
 I launched xcdroast (ver 0.98alpha9) the first time as superuser and made
 the initial configs (or thought I did...).  When I tried to run it as normal
 user from the command line, I got these command line warnings:
 Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/mkisofs
 Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/readcd
 and this X-cd-roast popup: 
 No configuration file found Please enter setup.
 the first two sound like some kind of permission problem.
 I don't know why it says no config file found ...
 Can anyone tell me what these error messages mean?
I answered this one on expert.  It's probably a good idea to cross post
only if you get no useful answers.  Lot's of people only look at one
list and therefore won't know it's been handled elsewhere.  ...or see
both, get pissed off by the repetition and answer neither.


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Re: [newbie] UPDATE Can't even get beyond user name!!!

2002-05-13 Thread Dave Conroy

Hi folks,

DC I will try to 'startx' and tell you what happens.
Ok ... all went as usual to the command line. Took 8 minutes for the
blue progress bar to reach end and shift to user/password screen. That
is way too slow and why I'm considering faulty HD.

Anyway, entered startx and got a load of stuff scroll up screen. Main
error message I could make out was fatal server error: no screens

Then did a dmesg and again only thing I could make out as an error

/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0: I/O error: dev 08:09 Sector 0

With best wishes,


David Conroy MSW
Consultant, Trainer  Management Coach
International Coach Federation, ID 100666

Voluntary sector support:
Coaching via e-mail:
Coaching for women:
Web development/hosting:

ICQ 127865569  Phone/Fax +44 (0)1225 314694

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Re: [newbie] UPDATE Can't even get beyond user name!!!

2002-05-13 Thread Derek Jennings

On Monday 13 May 2002 8:32 am, Dave Conroy wrote:
 Hi folks,

 DC I will try to 'startx' and tell you what happens.

 Ok ... all went as usual to the command line. Took 8 minutes for the
 blue progress bar to reach end and shift to user/password screen. That
 is way too slow and why I'm considering faulty HD.

 Anyway, entered startx and got a load of stuff scroll up screen. Main
 error message I could make out was fatal server error: no screens

 Then did a dmesg and again only thing I could make out as an error

 /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0: I/O error: dev 08:09 Sector 0


 With best wishes,

Well 8 minutes to boot up is right out of order. Perhaps you should worry 
about that first before worrying about getting a graphical system working.

That message about SCSI is worrying. You do not have a scsi adapter fitted so 
the only other time you should see messages about SCSI is if you have a CD-RW 
fitted. (A CD-RW is always configured as SCSI even if it is IDE)
You do not mention a CD-RW in your kit list so I am wondering if the root of 
your problem is the Highpoint370 hardware RAID controller on your Abit 
KG7-RAID motherboard.

To give you a bit of background - The KG7 like many modern MB's supports this 
RAID feature which most Linux people regard as a 'gimmick'.  It is not really 
hardware at all, and offers inferior performance to the RAID built into the 
software of Linux itself. (Linux can do Raid without one of these 
controllers)  However the fact is these 'hardware RAID' MB's exist and so 
Linux must coexist with them. Mandrake 8.2 will install on a 'hardware RAID' 
MB, but I do not have personal experience of doing it.

These links may help you.
Discussion on the Mandrake User board about installing on RAID MB's
Page on Abit-KG7-RAID including comments on installing Linux
Highpoints driver update page for the RAID controller

Another thing you can do is during boot hit Ctl+Alt+F12
This will give you a progress report during boot and you can see which 
function is taking all the time.

Of course. It could also be your Maxtor HD is defective. Did you know it 
worked before you started using it on Linux?


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Re: [newbie] ISO to data CD Writing

2002-05-13 Thread John Richard Smith

On Sunday 12 May 2002 17:17, you wrote:

 You can do it with cdrecord...this works for me:

 cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,0,0 filename.iso

 If your CD burner isn't listed as 0,0,0 you can find out what it is
 listed as by issuing the following command

 cdrecord -scanbus



Thanks Roger,
It worked for me too, though I added -eject as well.

Just a little curious though, no -dao or -tao option , no -data 
option and obviously cdrecord just know's what to do with ISO files 
without instruction .
Any other variations that ought to be known about ?

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] XcdRoast config problems....

2002-05-13 Thread John Richard Smith

On Monday 13 May 2002 08:19, you wrote:
 I installed the CDRW, the lilo.conf settings appear to be correct.
 I launched xcdroast (ver 0.98alpha9) the first time as superuser
 and made the initial configs (or thought I did...).  When I tried
 to run it as normal user from the command line, I got these command
 line warnings: Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on
 /usr/bin/mkisofs Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on

Easy enough, go to /usr/bin, and for each file right mouse click into 
properties, and set the uid and guid with  | X | in the boxes.

 and this X-cd-roast popup: 
 No configuration file found Please enter setup.

The second is easier still , if you haven't already got a kstart menu 
symlink to /usr/bin/xcdroast create one, but click on it and open 
xcdroast the first thing you have got to do is set all your 
configurations in SETUP . Save and exit. 

 the first two sound like some kind of permission problem.
 I don't know why it says no config file found ...

 Can anyone tell me what these error messages mean?

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] X and Mouse related problem

2002-05-13 Thread Derek Jennings

On Monday 13 May 2002 9:23 am, Balajee Shrikanth wrote:
 I have a Pentium II 450 MHz machine with 512 MB RAM and 40 GB Harddisk. It
 has a AGP Riva TNT2 32MB Display Card,
 US Standard Keyboard and a 2 Button PS/2 Mouse.

 X Version -

 XFree86 Version 4.2.0 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
 Release Date: 23 January 2002

 I have installed Mandrake 8.2 from the CD and during installation the mouse
 works perfectly fine during installation process. Once the
 installation is complete and when I startx from command prompt, the system
 freezes when I move the mouse. At that point
 the keyboard is also locked and i am not able to even do a numlock or a
 caps lock.

 If I start X and ensure that the mouse is not touched, I am able to
 navigate with the keyboard. If I use the mouse, the system freezes.

 I suspected problem with mouse and I have tested with another one. I
 suspected problem with distribution - so tried RH7.2 and
 ASPLinux7.2. Both are similar - mouse works fine during installation (From
 ISO CDs) and once I startx after logging in, the system
 freezes. If it is a hardware problem, then my reasoning is that the mouse
 should not work during installation as well.

 I have tried it with gpm enabled and disabled. I have tried different types
 of mouse including wheel mouse. I have tried all
 combination in mouseconfig and Xconfigurator. I am not able to see any
 error in the XFree86 log found in /var/log.

 I have tried KDE, GNOME, ICEWM - all have the same problem.

 Can any one give me an idea of what could be wrong? I  have been grappling
 with this problem for last 2 weeks and searches
 in google/user groups dont help me much.

 Thank you,

 Kind Regards,
 Balajee Shrikanth

Assuming you have already tried selecting a basic 2 button mouse, then my 
next guess would be an IRQ conflict.
Try going to a console (Ctr+Alt+F2) log on and take a look at the interrupts

'more /proc/interrupts'  (without the quotes)

You can then play with your BIOS to try to reassign interrupts. Moving cards 
to different slots can sometimes help too.



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Re: [newbie] DVD-ROM Recognition in XCDROAST

2002-05-13 Thread John Richard Smith

On Sunday 12 May 2002 19:10, you wrote:
 i don't have a dvd so i'm guessing but maybe you have some dvd
 specific prog loading at bootup that requires /etc/dvd in which
 case devfs may not necessarily create it for you, assuming that
 there is no /dev/dvd try making a link from there to /dev/scd0 or
 whichever is the dvd, as root: #cd /dev
 #ln -s scd0 dvd

 you could instead make a link to the correct device under /dev/scsi
 that devfs creates but that stuff is still confusing me!

You were right again Bascule,
Of course, I have Xine,(haven't yet succeded to get ogle to work)  
I went to load the files and it refused.
Instead I did,

]#ln -s scd0 /dev/dvd

Immediately loaded the dvd files and now reboots cleanly.

Only question now is how do I correct my faux pas
I mean the   ]#ln -s hdc dvd
 ]#ln -s scd0 dvd
 ]#ln -s scd1 dvd ,  
is it easy to remove them. perhaps they don't do any harm anyway.



John Richard Smith

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[newbie] X and Mouse related problem

2002-05-13 Thread Balajee Shrikanth

I have a Pentium II 450 MHz machine with 512 MB RAM and 40 GB Harddisk. It 
has a AGP Riva TNT2 32MB Display Card,
US Standard Keyboard and a 2 Button PS/2 Mouse.

X Version -

XFree86 Version 4.2.0 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
Release Date: 23 January 2002

I have installed Mandrake 8.2 from the CD and during installation the mouse 
works perfectly fine during installation process. Once the
installation is complete and when I startx from command prompt, the system 
freezes when I move the mouse. At that point
the keyboard is also locked and i am not able to even do a numlock or a 
caps lock.

If I start X and ensure that the mouse is not touched, I am able to 
navigate with the keyboard. If I use the mouse, the system freezes.

I suspected problem with mouse and I have tested with another one. I 
suspected problem with distribution - so tried RH7.2 and
ASPLinux7.2. Both are similar - mouse works fine during installation (From 
ISO CDs) and once I startx after logging in, the system
freezes. If it is a hardware problem, then my reasoning is that the mouse 
should not work during installation as well.

I have tried it with gpm enabled and disabled. I have tried different types 
of mouse including wheel mouse. I have tried all
combination in mouseconfig and Xconfigurator. I am not able to see any 
error in the XFree86 log found in /var/log.

I have tried KDE, GNOME, ICEWM - all have the same problem.

Can any one give me an idea of what could be wrong? I  have been grappling 
with this problem for last 2 weeks and searches
in google/user groups dont help me much.

Thank you,

Kind Regards,
Balajee Shrikanth

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[newbie] 8.1 Sound Config Won't Stick

2002-05-13 Thread Bryan S.Tyson

I am using a Creative PCI 128 sound card with Mandrake 8.1. When the 
system boots, sound does not work. The example error message below is 
from xmms, but the problem is not limited to xmms.

Couldn't open audio.
Please check that:
1. You have the correct output plugin selected
2. No other program is blocking the sound card
3. Your sound card is configured properly.

If I then go into HardDrake and configure the sound, it works. However, 
next time I boot, it once again does not work, and once again I can 
restore it with Hard Drake, but it does not stick between boots.

Thanks for any advice.

Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.1
KDE 2.2.1KMail 1.3.1

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] 8.1 Sound Config Won't Stick

2002-05-13 Thread bascule

i remember having something like this with my sblive in 8.1, istr that part 
of what i did was to delete the sound entries that were in my 
/etc/modules.conf and then run  harddrake, if you are not sure what entires 
those are you can post your file here and we will tell you - backup the file 
first! - 


On Monday 13 May 2002 1:36 pm, you wrote:
 I am using a Creative PCI 128 sound card with Mandrake 8.1. When the
 system boots, sound does not work. The example error message below is
 from xmms, but the problem is not limited to xmms.

 Couldn't open audio.
 Please check that:
 1. You have the correct output plugin selected
 2. No other program is blocking the sound card
 3. Your sound card is configured properly.

 If I then go into HardDrake and configure the sound, it works. However,
 next time I boot, it once again does not work, and once again I can
 restore it with Hard Drake, but it does not stick between boots.

 Thanks for any advice.

 Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.1
 KDE 2.2.1KMail 1.3.1

 Bryan S. Tyson

The truth isn't easily pinned to a page. In the bathtub of history the truth 
is harder to hold than soap, and much more difficult to find...

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[newbie] default browser

2002-05-13 Thread Bill Winegarden

I have decided to use Galeon as my default browser. I had no problem 
changing preference in Control Centre. However, if I click on an embedded 
link in email, most times the page fails to open. Galeon starts up but in the 
url location box I see something like 


when the link I was trying to open was...

Looks like kde is doing some translating. How can I get my default browser to 
open embedded links?

Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] Samba is not working in 8.2

2002-05-13 Thread Jan Wilson

* Beastie [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020513 06:10]:
 I've just installed new 8.2 from Linux Format DVD.
 My machine is a Pentium II 350MHz that I would like to install as
 Firewall/Router DNS Server SMB server (File Server for networked
 Windows machines) Print Server.

You probably know this, but if security is a concern, it would be much
better to have one old linux computer that does nothing but act as
firewall.  It is more difficult to set up good security with things
like Samba and NFS running on the firewall machine.  However ...

 I used to have another machine running Windows 2000 Server that
 served the above purposes, the problem was that the machine was
 constantly under attack and in the end was defeated and became

How can anyone concerned about security take seriously an operating
system (W2K) that by default hides known file extensions from users,
and stuffs Outlook down your throat  ;-)

 I hope that by installing Linux, I could get away with some of the
 problems I was facing.

You can.

 After installing 8.2 I setup DNS and Firewall, these work fine. But
 not Samba, I can see the Samba server when browse Network
 Neighbourhood only when I click to open this server the error was
 Network path not found.

I spent most of the weekend fighting with the same problem.  I found
that the bastille-firewall was interfering with Samba, so I disabled
it and loaded firestarter.  Same thing.  Samba worked fine if I
disabled either firewall.  I think it has to do with it blocking
netbios TCP.

Anyway, I took a more manual approach and used one of the sample
firewalls from the iptables-HOWTO and it works fine.  Now my Mandrake
8.2 server tolerates my Win2K workstation.

 I tried to set system security to lower level, thinking that these
 might be the problem but to no avail.

Not a bad guess, though.

 What can I do now ?

I know this seems very difficult, but one illusion we have to overcome
is that networking can be simple.  As soon as you connect one computer
to the Internet, you have full-blown sysadmin problems on your hands.
For example:

Are you using encrypted passwords?

Have you looked at the Using Samba book that comes with Samba?  Pretty
well written, but it's still complicated as heck.

Do you have a fixed IP number (connecting to the outside) or using
DHCP from an ISP?

Are your internal (probably private) IP numbers, your netmasks, your
netbios names, your domain/workgroup names all correct?

There are so many different configurations that it is a major problem
to get all this working properly, especially with Microsoft trying to
make it harder, not easier.

Perhaps you could provide more details, and then maybe one of us could
help you build a firewall that works with your situation.  It would be
nice if it worked out of the box but that just isn't going to
happen, at least in my experience.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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[newbie] OT leaving for a while

2002-05-13 Thread Roman Korcek

Hi Femme and guys,
Since the exam time is starting and won't finish at least until June
14th I am temporarily unsu... oops, I almost used the U-word.
So I wanted to say thank you too all the ones I didn't thank and to
all the ones I did, too.
Even though I think HTML is a poor document format, can't imagine
having headers or footnotes there... anyways, at least I found out
about the .   religion. IMHO the two spaces don't look good. Just my
two Eurocents.
(Will write to you Miark one day, don't forget me ;-)

So, thanks to all, and will see you.

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Re: [newbie] Configuring AC-97 sound

2002-05-13 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On 13 May 2002 00:14:03 -0400
Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to configure AC-97 sound for my MSI KT3 Ultra motherboard.
 Unfortunately HardDrake doesn't know that the ALC650 chip by Realtek is
 supported by the AC97 sound driver, and didn't install any sound.
 If someone could walk me through how to set this up I'd greatly
 appreciate it.
 Nelson Bartley

Well, I don't think there is an ALC650 driver on the Mandrake CD's.

There is a Linux driver dated 2002/4/16 at: 
AFAIK it's a modified ALSA driver. It should come with instructions.

I think one of the future ALSA releases will support the ALC650. And I think
the next Mandrake release will just automagically support your card :) HTH,


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Re: [newbie] 8.1 Sound Config Won't Stick

2002-05-13 Thread Kristjan Klementi

I had a similar problem with (OPTi Audio 16) card
but that one was isa-pnp 
did not work after boot and so on. same story every boot.

I got it work by changing BIOS to NO PNP OS
after that I had sound always.

Maybe that could also help you.

good luck

 i remember having something like this with my sblive in 8.1, istr that part 
 of what i did was to delete the sound entries that were in my 
 /etc/modules.conf and then run  harddrake, if you are not sure what entires 
 those are you can post your file here and we will tell you - backup the file 
 first! - 
 On Monday 13 May 2002 1:36 pm, you wrote:
  I am using a Creative PCI 128 sound card with Mandrake 8.1. When the
  system boots, sound does not work. The example error message below is
  from xmms, but the problem is not limited to xmms.
  Couldn't open audio.
  Please check that:
  1. You have the correct output plugin selected
  2. No other program is blocking the sound card
  3. Your sound card is configured properly.
  If I then go into HardDrake and configure the sound, it works. However,
  next time I boot, it once again does not work, and once again I can
  restore it with Hard Drake, but it does not stick between boots.
  Thanks for any advice.
  Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.1
  KDE 2.2.1KMail 1.3.1
  Bryan S. Tyson
 The truth isn't easily pinned to a page. In the bathtub of history the truth 
 is harder to hold than soap, and much more difficult to find...

Teatri- , kino- ja kontserdipiletid nüüd hiirekliki kaugusel!

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[newbie] Printing to Window$ domain printers using CUPS and Samba

2002-05-13 Thread Terry S.

I'm still having trouble getting printing to work using MDK 8.2 using
CUPS and Samba.  I think I may have narrowed down the problem though. 
When I add a SMB shared printer using the wizard in KUPS, I have noticed
that CUPS tries to use my laptop's integrated network card (eth0)to send
the printing through.  I am using a wireless network card (eth1) for my
networking.  Is there a way I can tell CUPS to use eth1 instead of eth0?

Thanks for the help!


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Re: [newbie] Configuring AC-97 sound

2002-05-13 Thread Nelson Bartley

No, It's in the kernel ac 97 sound driver (I checked the patch, it's
been there since .17).

I'm currently running cooker at any rate, so the CD's really don't
matter to me :)

If you could please post a basic AC97 configuration, what goes in
modules.conf, etc... that would be great.


On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 09:47, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On 13 May 2002 00:14:03 -0400
 Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need to configure AC-97 sound for my MSI KT3 Ultra motherboard.
  Unfortunately HardDrake doesn't know that the ALC650 chip by Realtek is
  supported by the AC97 sound driver, and didn't install any sound.
  If someone could walk me through how to set this up I'd greatly
  appreciate it.
  Nelson Bartley
 Well, I don't think there is an ALC650 driver on the Mandrake CD's.
 There is a Linux driver dated 2002/4/16 at: 
 AFAIK it's a modified ALSA driver. It should come with instructions.
 I think one of the future ALSA releases will support the ALC650. And I think
 the next Mandrake release will just automagically support your card :) HTH,

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Re: [newbie] semi OT redhat battles the evil empire?

2002-05-13 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Sat, 2002-05-11 at 16:27, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 I don't understand the controversy/hype here.  You can go to 
 Cheapbytes and buy either a 3 CD set of ML8.2 or RH7.3 for ~$6 
 delivered to your front door. So for example, a discount on $60 for 
 RH personal seems like a trap for the gullible to me (?).  More power 
 to 'em if it snags some winblows users.
  Personally I've been thinkin of tryin RH again after a several 
 year hiatus from it. Since I don't have a dialup worthy of the task 
 to d/l it for free, I'm damn sure I'd spend $6 rather than opt for a 
 minor discount on $60. As always, Y'all'sMMV  ;)
 Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

Two or so months ago my brother had a system (running a cyrix) that
would not run 586 Mandrake.  So I downloaded Red Hat and installed that
on the system.  I saw it as an excellent way to recycle that older 200
mhz system into something useful.

I remember the installer being very clean looking and impressive in a
functional way.  I was in the wierd position of truly liking the new Red
Hat, but not really having any reason to run it back in the shop, since
Mandrake was still more functional and aimed at the desktop.  I'm
another one of those that thinks it was a really el-stupido move for Red
Hat to publicly state that Linux would never make it on the desktop,
while Mandrake continues to make massive inroads into that arena.

Nevertheless...the distro is a beaut.  I was favorably impressed with
it's desktop performance, notwithstanding what they publicly say. 
Also, my old linux compadres still use Red Hat for their desktop works,
in defiance of what their favorite company states about RH.  

They've never run Mandrake, though.  :)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] OT leaving for a while

2002-05-13 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 09:10, Roman Korcek wrote:
 Hi Femme and guys,
 Since the exam time is starting and won't finish at least until June
 14th I am temporarily unsu... oops, I almost used the U-word.
 So I wanted to say thank you too all the ones I didn't thank and to
 all the ones I did, too.
 Even though I think HTML is a poor document format, can't imagine
 having headers or footnotes there... anyways, at least I found out
 about the .   religion. IMHO the two spaces don't look good. Just my
 two Eurocents.
 (Will write to you Miark one day, don't forget me ;-)
 So, thanks to all, and will see you.

Spoken like a true Liberal.  The government indoctrination centers are
doing their job  :)  

(tongue in cheek)

Good luck to you.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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[newbie] Logoff Sound

2002-05-13 Thread Brian Koppe

Is there any way to make the KDE exit wait for the logoff sound to be 
played before exiting?  When I exit KDE, I barely ever hear the sound 
because it exits so fast.  (I suppose this is a good problem to have 
compared to Windows taking forever :-P)  Nonetheless, I've looked around 
and cannot find a solution.


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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread Damian G

On Mon, 13 May 2002 11:27:52 -0400
darklord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm just curious, and would like to get everyone's input on Supermount. After 
 running so long without it under v8.1, and now using it again under v8.2, 
 well - I'm just about ready to disable it again. Can everyone just comment on 
 whether or not they are using it, and maybe some pros and cons? Thanks!

i'm using it, works retty good. found only a couple of bugs, for example if
you click on the cdrom icon on the KDE desktop to browse a CD, i will
have to close that Konqueror session if i want to eject that CD, no matter
if i'm still browsing it or not...

but it works good enough for me, of course much better than in 8.1. i have to say
it saved me a lot of mount/umount
work  a couple of times i had to copy files into 20 diskettes...


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[newbie] This is an example of why....

2002-05-13 Thread Charlie

I hate to read anything by anyone connected to any distribution; or even 
any user/user group, that Linux will never be the desktop. With license v. 
2 MS has shown they have the arrogance and the potential to cut their own 
throats where it counts. With teachers and especially with kids.

My own 17 year old son has a teacher at his high school that is a 'Draker 
and I feel having an instructor such as that (while probably rare) will give 
him an enormous advantage in future. Having dear old dad Windows free 
doesn't hurt either I s'pose.

The article is worth a read, and I do hope the management team at Mandrake 
and other distributions take heed. This isn't the first example of the 
bullying schools are subject to, and I'm certain it won't be the last.


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Re: [newbie] Configuring AC-97 sound

2002-05-13 Thread Frans Ketelaars

You can just 'modprobe module_name' I think and if all works adding the 
line 'alias sound-slot-0 module_name' to /etc/modules.conf should make 
sure the driver gets loaded automatically after a reboot. I think you mean the 
via82cxxx_audio module. There is also the i810_audio module for the AC'97 
codec on the Intel i810 etc. chipsets. Good luck!

On 13 May 2002 10:37:47 -0400
Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, It's in the kernel ac 97 sound driver (I checked the patch, it's
 been there since .17).
 I'm currently running cooker at any rate, so the CD's really don't
 matter to me :)
 If you could please post a basic AC97 configuration, what goes in
 modules.conf, etc... that would be great.
 On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 09:47, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
  On 13 May 2002 00:14:03 -0400
  Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I need to configure AC-97 sound for my MSI KT3 Ultra motherboard.
   Unfortunately HardDrake doesn't know that the ALC650 chip by Realtek is
   supported by the AC97 sound driver, and didn't install any sound.
   If someone could walk me through how to set this up I'd greatly
   appreciate it.
   Nelson Bartley
  Well, I don't think there is an ALC650 driver on the Mandrake CD's.
  There is a Linux driver dated 2002/4/16 at: 
  AFAIK it's a modified ALSA driver. It should come with instructions.
  I think one of the future ALSA releases will support the ALC650. And I think
  the next Mandrake release will just automagically support your card :) HTH,
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[newbie] ADSL in Norway

2002-05-13 Thread Birger

 Hi there i cant connect to internet in Linux Mandrake 8.2
Im sure its because im a newbie and never used linux before.
Im on a norwegian company Telenor (which could not help)
using ADSL


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Re: [newbie] ADSL in Norway

2002-05-13 Thread adrian


How do you connect to the internet? By a network card or a modem? 

if you use a  network card, type ipconfig in a shell and see what it says, 
try and ping your gateway and see if that works,

make sure u have filled in ur IP adress and ur gateway and subnetmask and 
atleast 1 DNS server


On Monday 13 May 2002 20.13, you wrote:
  Hi there i cant connect to internet in Linux Mandrake 8.2
 Im sure its because im a newbie and never used linux before.
 Im on a norwegian company Telenor (which could not help)
 using ADSL


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Re: [newbie] ADSL in Norway

2002-05-13 Thread adrian

errr type ifconfig (not ipconfig) in a shell as root

On Monday 13 May 2002 22.21, you wrote:

 How do you connect to the internet? By a network card or a modem?

 if you use a  network card, type ipconfig in a shell and see what it says,
 try and ping your gateway and see if that works,

 make sure u have filled in ur IP adress and ur gateway and subnetmask and
 atleast 1 DNS server


 On Monday 13 May 2002 20.13, you wrote:
   Hi there i cant connect to internet in Linux Mandrake 8.2
  Im sure its because im a newbie and never used linux before.
  Im on a norwegian company Telenor (which could not help)
  using ADSL

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Re: [newbie] Networking

2002-05-13 Thread Marcia

Dear Brian,

On Sunday 12 May 2002 07:48 pm, you wrote:

 I have seen some replies to this, but don't think any of them have yet
 touched on a crucial point:  Your laptop is running W98, so would
 therefore be much more safely disposed sitting behind your linux box in
 internet terms.

I agree with you here. I would like to do this but am a newbie here and 
really do not know how to do that. I have been reading for months about it, 
however, it has taken awhile to approach this for me.

 Does the laptop have an ethernet port, or can it be added? 
Yes, the laptop has an ethernet port and 2 USB ports. My new Toshiba DOCSIS 
cable modem has both an ethernet port and USB port so I hooked up my desktop 
with LM8.2 to the ethernet port and my laptop with dualboot Win98/LM8.2 is 
hooked up to the modem through USB. They both connect to the internet just 
fine and to my surprise even the LM8.2 is on the internet through the USB. I 
have been able to ping from LM8.2 on my desktop to Win98 on my laptop. I have 
not tried pinging from LM8.2 on my laptop to LM8.2 on my desktop yet. I 
thought of using VNC to use the Powerpoint program on my LM8.2 desktop if 
that is possible. My husband prefers using the desktop and wishes to become 
proficient with Powerpoint for his work.

 mind the best scenario would be for the laptop to be connected to the
 linux machine via ethernet - just a crossover cable between the two
 would do this.  Then you set up internet connection sharing and firewall
 on the linux box.  Add samba and you have the laptop able to share the
 cable connection from behind a firewall, and move files/share printers
 between the two machines.

I would love to do this and probably can right now if I figure out how to set 
it up.

 Assuming that neither box has a network card (as you indicated the cable
 modem is connected via USB), total cost for this would be almost nothing
 for a NIC for the desktop and somewhat more for the laptop.  Like my

Actually both computers have a network card. The desktop also has a dial up 
modem which I do not use and the laptop has 2 dial up modems.  I am able to 
use the cox cable internet from LM8.2 on the laptop through the USB 
connection. That was a pleasant surprise. 

My goal here is to be able to network all of my systems and to possibly use 
ipmasquerade so that Win98 can be used on the net through Linux. These are 
the things I need help with since I do not know exactly what to do yet. 

Thanks very much for your suggestions and help.



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Re: [newbie] ADSL in Norway

2002-05-13 Thread Birger

well its working now the funny thing is i just started mozilla
and wops i was in im actually using  ximian evolution
right now writing this mail

im happy

man, 2002-05-13 kl. 22:21 skrev adrian:
 How do you connect to the internet? By a network card or a modem? 
 if you use a  network card, type ipconfig in a shell and see what it says, 
 try and ping your gateway and see if that works,
 make sure u have filled in ur IP adress and ur gateway and subnetmask and 
 atleast 1 DNS server
 On Monday 13 May 2002 20.13, you wrote:
   Hi there i cant connect to internet in Linux Mandrake 8.2
  Im sure its because im a newbie and never used linux before.
  Im on a norwegian company Telenor (which could not help)
  using ADSL

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Re: [newbie] ADSL in Norway

2002-05-13 Thread adrian

Sweet! hehe :0)

On Monday 13 May 2002 21.40, you wrote:
 well its working now the funny thing is i just started mozilla
 and wops i was in im actually using  ximian evolution
 right now writing this mail

 im happy

 man, 2002-05-13 kl. 22:21 skrev adrian:
  How do you connect to the internet? By a network card or a modem?
  if you use a  network card, type ipconfig in a shell and see what it
  says, try and ping your gateway and see if that works,
  make sure u have filled in ur IP adress and ur gateway and subnetmask and
  atleast 1 DNS server
  On Monday 13 May 2002 20.13, you wrote:
Hi there i cant connect to internet in Linux Mandrake 8.2
   Im sure its because im a newbie and never used linux before.
   Im on a norwegian company Telenor (which could not help)
   using ADSL
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Re: [newbie] ADSL in Norway

2002-05-13 Thread Birger

yeah it says im ofline and connection failed, but im online
man, 2002-05-13 kl. 23:54 skrev adrian:
 Sweet! hehe :0)
 On Monday 13 May 2002 21.40, you wrote:
  well its working now the funny thing is i just started mozilla
  and wops i was in im actually using  ximian evolution
  right now writing this mail
  im happy
  man, 2002-05-13 kl. 22:21 skrev adrian:
   How do you connect to the internet? By a network card or a modem?
   if you use a  network card, type ipconfig in a shell and see what it
   says, try and ping your gateway and see if that works,
   make sure u have filled in ur IP adress and ur gateway and subnetmask and
   atleast 1 DNS server
   On Monday 13 May 2002 20.13, you wrote:
 Hi there i cant connect to internet in Linux Mandrake 8.2
Im sure its because im a newbie and never used linux before.
Im on a norwegian company Telenor (which could not help)
using ADSL
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   Go to

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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

On Monday 13 May 2002 08:27 am, you wrote:
 I'm just curious, and would like to get everyone's input on Supermount.
 After running so long without it under v8.1, and now using it again under
 v8.2, well - I'm just about ready to disable it again. Can everyone just
 comment on whether or not they are using it, and maybe some pros and cons?

My experience is bad. I have problems with it. Somehow the system gets 
confused wether the floppy is mounted or not. I get in a situation inwhich it 
would not unmount a floppy saying it is busy when Konqueror is closed and 
there is no applications running. It is just horrible in 8.2 just like 8.1.


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Re: [newbie] Configuring AC-97 sound

2002-05-13 Thread John Richard Smith

On Monday 13 May 2002 15:37, you wrote:
 No, It's in the kernel ac 97 sound driver (I checked the patch,
 it's been there since .17).

 If you could please post a basic AC97 configuration, what goes in
 modules.conf, etc... that would be great.

At a pure guess it will be something similar to mine, 
I have a MSI k7t266 pro2 MOBO, with a sound chip 
called via8233

alias char-major-116 snd
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-via8233

try substituting ALC650 instead of via8233, worth a try
It will either work or not.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Monday 13 May 2002 10:49 pm, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 On Monday 13 May 2002 08:27 am, you wrote:
  I'm just curious, and would like to get everyone's input on Supermount.
  After running so long without it under v8.1, and now using it again under
  v8.2, well - I'm just about ready to disable it again. Can everyone just
  comment on whether or not they are using it, and maybe some pros and
  cons? Thanks!

 My experience is bad. I have problems with it. Somehow the system gets
 confused wether the floppy is mounted or not. I get in a situation inwhich
 it would not unmount a floppy saying it is busy when Konqueror is closed
 and there is no applications running. It is just horrible in 8.2 just like


Same here. Supermount is confused especially by floppies. Furthermore I 
suspect it for not being able to play an ordinary music-CD (KDE CD-player at 
least), because CD's don't have to be mounted while playing. I'm going back 
to 8.1 if I can't figure out how to disable it. 

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread David

Kaj Haulrich said onto me:  
 | I'm going back to 8.1 if I can't figure out how to disable it.

drakconf - mount points - [cd rom/cd burner/dvd rom] - options - uncheck 
supermount, click OK - Done, click OK
 |Kaj Haulrich


David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.5claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage:

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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread Robin

On Tuesday 14 May 2002 01:37, John Richard Smith wrote:
 On Monday 13 May 2002 17:54, you wrote:
  On Mon, 13 May 2002 11:27:52 -0400
  darklord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm just curious, and would like to get everyone's input on
   Supermount. After running so long without it under v8.1, and now
   using it again under v8.2, well - I'm just about ready to disable
   it again. Can everyone just comment on whether or not they are
   using it, and maybe some pros and cons? Thanks!

 No complains so far.


I've not used it under 8.2 because I haven't been able to get 8.2 to work on 
my PC (see previous whiny posts).  I've used it on 8.0 at home for a long 
time, and on 8.1 at work (afteer some hacking).  No complaints whatsoever. 
IMHO, manual mounting is pointless.  I mean, if you want to open a file or 
list a directory, then presumably you also want to mount the dirve where it's 
found, so why not do it automatically (supermount was not enabled by default 
in 8.1 because of some bugs in the then current version of supermount; AFAIK 
this problem has been resolved in 8.2).

Sir Robin (now back on 8.0, but at least I don't have to post with Interent 

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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread LtCdData

On Monday 13 May 2002 8:15 pm, you wrote:
guess what I use supermount :-)) works fine for me everytime

 On Monday 13 May 2002 09:27 am, darklord wrote:
  I'm just curious, and would like to get everyone's input on Supermount.
  After running so long without it under v8.1, and now using it again under
  v8.2, well - I'm just about ready to disable it again. Can everyone just
  comment on whether or not they are using it, and maybe some pros and
  cons? Thanks!

 Hi dark;

 Not using it. Won't install it on anyone else's box that I load MDK on; nor
 will those I help with install since I won't tell them it's there. It's the
 third thing I do (disable it) after running Bastille and connecting them to
 the 'net.

 I hate it; won't use it; it drives me to distraction, it's never worked
 correctly on this old crate of mine. In any version from 7.1 to the present

 I have no idea why, just that I've had better luck with manually
 mounting/umounting things.

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Question Re: [newbie] Samba is not working in 8.2

2002-05-13 Thread D. Olson

On Monday 13 May 2002 02:23 am, you wrote:

 I've just installed new 8.2 from Linux Format DVD.

Ohh So... The latest Linux Format DVD has Mandrake 8.2 on it? Does it 
have anything else? Or just Mandrake? And is it a bootable DVD, or does it 
just have ISOs on it? This would be handier than the 3 CDs...

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread Derek Jennings

  On Monday 13 May 2002 09:27 am, darklord wrote:
   I'm just curious, and would like to get everyone's input on Supermount.
   After running so long without it under v8.1, and now using it again
   under v8.2, well - I'm just about ready to disable it again. Can
   everyone just comment on whether or not they are using it, and maybe
   some pros and cons? Thanks!

Supermount is working perfectly for me under KDE.
Not working under XFce where it interferes with XFTree
Not sure yet about under Fluxbox.  xwc sometimes does unexpected things. I 
think supermount may be the cause.


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[newbie] 8.2 DVD

2002-05-13 Thread Dave Conroy


Monday, May 13, 2002, 11:56:46 PM, you wrote:

DO Ohh So... The latest Linux Format DVD has Mandrake 8.2 on it? Does it 
DO have anything else? Or just Mandrake? And is it a bootable DVD, or does it 
DO just have ISOs on it? This would be handier than the 3 CDs...

Installs straight from DVD and it has a lot of other stuff on it.
Check magazine out for details.
With best wishes,


David Conroy MSW
Consultant, Trainer  Management Coach
International Coach Federation, ID 100666

Voluntary sector support:
Coaching via e-mail:
Coaching for women:
Web development/hosting:

ICQ 127865569  Phone/Fax +44 (0)1225 314694

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Re: [newbie] Supermount survey...

2002-05-13 Thread John McQuillen

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 01:27, darklord wrote:
 I'm just curious, and would like to get everyone's input on Supermount. After 
 running so long without it under v8.1, and now using it again under v8.2, 
 well - I'm just about ready to disable it again. Can everyone just comment on 
 whether or not they are using it, and maybe some pros and cons? Thanks!
I had all kinds of trouble with supermount,then discovered autofs. It is
so much easier and works perfectly. Here's how:

(As root):

supermount -i disable

urpmi autofs (it may already be installed)

You will then have three files in /etc. auto.master, and
auto.misc. autofs by default mounts under /misc, but I like it to mount
under /mnt as I am used to. So I made the following modifications to
these files:

My auto.master looks like this:
/mnt/etc/auto.misc  --timeout=10
/net/etc/   --timeout=10

My auto.misc looks like this:
cdrom -fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev,user  :/dev/cdrom
cdrom2-fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev,user  :/dev/cdrom1
win   -fstype=smbfs,rw,nosuid,nodev,username=x,password=x 

My is not changed from the default.

So now I just type ll /mnt/cdrom and automount kicks in! Yay! :)

Only thing is that /mnt is empty until the mountpoint is mounted by
autofs. So in a programs file dialog you will usually have to navigate
to /mnt then manually type cdromtab or cdromenter to have the
mountpoint mounted and see the contents of the dir.

With autofs being so easy, I have no idea why so much effort has been
put in to supermount in the first place. As I said, it works perfectly
for me.

I hope this helps, let us know how you go...



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[newbie] Using RPM for Python on Mandrake 7.1

2002-05-13 Thread MikeT

I am trying to use the python-2.2-9mdk.i586.rpm to upgrade my Python 
version.  This appears to have  PyQt-2.5-1mdk.src[1].rpm and

Both of the RPMs above have dependencies, I can understand this but do 
not understand and cannot find some of what they are looking for.

libpython2.2 is a dependency of python-2.2-9mdk.i586[1].rpm. so when I try 
to install libpython2.2 it has dependancies of rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) 
= 4.0-1and
 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1  What are these and how can I 
satisfy this dependency.

Thanks for any help.


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[newbie] Mozilla RC2 anyone?

2002-05-13 Thread Charlie

Just wondered if anyone else has tried Release Candidate 2 of Mozilla 1 yet. 
I 'updated' it today and it doesn't really seem to be too terribly much 
better than RC1 was. There are a few bugs that I noticed immediately so if 
you don't like broken toys it may be a good idea to hold off.

Nothing that really screws up function just small idiosyncrasies. Like the 
cursor not advancing across the form when searching on Google and other fun 
Charlie, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Mandrake 8.2
Registered Linux user 244963,
Win98 error 006: Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue.

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[newbie] Updates

2002-05-13 Thread Robin

In my ongoing attempts to get 8.2 on my system, I've tried an update 
packages only install, which produces the same problem (freezes when I try 
to open a webpage or download anything), setting the Software Manager to my 
8.2 CDs (does nothing) and trying urpmi on the CD (does nothing).  Is there 
any way in 8.0 I can install stuff from an 8.2 CD set without going on the 
kpackage dependcy trail?

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] XcdRoast config problems....

2002-05-13 Thread Carlos Arigós

Try the new xcdroast alpha 10 at (no more 'No set-uid bit 
on'). Of course, run first as root, and then as user.

Some new features are: Creates Data, Audio, Mixed-Mode, Multisession.
Data-DVD writing

You need this files:


El Lun 13 May 2002 04:19, escribió:
 I installed the CDRW, the lilo.conf settings appear to be correct.
 I launched xcdroast (ver 0.98alpha9) the first time as superuser and made
 the initial configs (or thought I did...).  When I tried to run it as
 normal user from the command line, I got these command line warnings:
 Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/mkisofs
 Installation problem?  No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/readcd

 and this X-cd-roast popup: 
 No configuration file found Please enter setup.

 the first two sound like some kind of permission problem.
 I don't know why it says no config file found ...

 Can anyone tell me what these error messages mean?

Carlos Arigós
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.2 - Kmail 1.3.2
Las computadoras son como los aire acondicionado:
Andan (bien) hasta que uno abre las Ventanas.

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[newbie] Evolution 0.13 mail program thank you nag screen

2002-05-13 Thread Dave my reiser fs files system to work and decided to
try a new mail program.evolution..which I am using now. It
has a thing that is bugging the hell out of me

Everytime i start evolution.i get a nag box that says thanks for
downloading blah blah blah. and I would really  really like to get
rid of it.

I looked through all the file edit view actions etc on the toolbar, yet
either I overlooked it...or it is somewhere else..or I can't turn it
off.(which ...because this is linux and not windows...I
seriously doubt the last one.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)



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Re: [newbie] Evolution 0.13 mail program thank you nag screen

2002-05-13 Thread Damian G

On 13 May 2002 20:56:16 -0500
Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: my reiser fs files system to work and decided to
 try a new mail program.evolution..which I am using now. It
 has a thing that is bugging the hell out of me
 Everytime i start evolution.i get a nag box that says thanks for
 downloading blah blah blah. and I would really  really like to get
 rid of it.
 I looked through all the file edit view actions etc on the toolbar, yet
 either I overlooked it...or it is somewhere else..or I can't turn it
 off.(which ...because this is linux and not windows...I
 seriously doubt the last one.)
 Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

you are using the old ( alpha ) release. get a newer release
from Mandrake mirrors.


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Re: [newbie] XcdRoast config problems....

2002-05-13 Thread db

Try the new xcdroast alpha 10 at (no more 'No set-uid bit 
on'). Of course, run first as root, and then as user.

Some new features are: Creates Data, Audio, Mixed-Mode, Multisession.
Data-DVD writing

Does it work any better?  
I guess you would have to update/recompile 8.1 in order to use it?

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 DVD

2002-05-13 Thread D. Olson

Thanks for replying! I think I may pick this up. Sounds good.

Question... Is there a way to burn it to CDs if required? Or is this not 
something that would work?

On Monday 13 May 2002 07:04 pm, you wrote:

 Monday, May 13, 2002, 11:56:46 PM, you wrote:

 DO Ohh So... The latest Linux Format DVD has Mandrake 8.2 on it? Does
 it DO have anything else? Or just Mandrake? And is it a bootable DVD, or
 does it DO just have ISOs on it? This would be handier than the 3 CDs...

 Installs straight from DVD and it has a lot of other stuff on it.
 Check magazine out for details.

 With best wishes,


D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

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[newbie] Apache Uninstall / Reinstall

2002-05-13 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu

I'm having some troubles w/ Apache.  Specifically, I'm
having problems installing scripting languages like
PHP  ASP.  I think Apache is corrupt.

What's the best way of uninstalling Apache?  Blowing
away the directory?



Do You Yahoo!?
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

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Re: [newbie] Simple line in recording

2002-05-13 Thread dfox

 What would be the simplest way to do a recording using the line in on my 
 soundcard? I'm using 8.2 with a SBLive 5.1 Platinum (with Live!Drive, but 

You'll likely need a 1/8 male-to-male stereo adapter cable (the stereo
nes have two rings on the 'business' end of the cable AFAIK) and plug
one in to the sound card and the other to the line out jack on the 
source. Most stereo stores (radio shack for instance) will stock most
adapter cables.

Use a gui mixer (kmix for instance) to experiment and set levels etc. 
'rec' is about as good as any for recording audio; all you have to do
is set the # channels and file type, and then record -- hit ctrl-C to
finish the recording. Use a 'temp' file (i like wowie). The neat thing
is that you can simply recall the last 'rec' command used in the shell
if you need to do repeated trials.

There are some OK editing s/w packages out there (I've used mxv with
some succuss) but I'd just play with rec (and play) now - once you got
the recording down pat you can play with the editing stuff.


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Re: [newbie] XcdRoast config problems....

2002-05-13 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Mar 14 May 2002 00:21, escribió:
 Try the new xcdroast alpha 10 at (no more 'No set-uid bit
 on'). Of course, run first as root, and then as user.

 Some new features are: Creates Data, Audio, Mixed-Mode, Multisession.
 Data-DVD writing


 Does it work any better?

Yes, under MDK 8.2 it's rock solid, at least here.

 I guess you would have to update/recompile 8.1 in order to use it?

Oooops! Yes, you need 8.2. Install 8.2! It's a lot better. (After 2 years, 
my UMAX Astra 2000p is flying with MDK.)

Carlos Arigós
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.2 - Kmail 1.3.2
Las computadoras son como los aire acondicionado:
Andan (bien) hasta que uno abre las Ventanas.

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[newbie] deny access to su

2002-05-13 Thread Stormjumper


i'm running mandrake 8.2.

i would like to deny certain user groups
from running su.

eg, if i create a group project,
and wanna deny all users of project
from being able to su.

how do i do it?

i've tried manually removing users from
the wheel group, in /etc/group,
but somehow the users can still su.
am i doing something wrong?


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Re: [newbie] deny access to su

2002-05-13 Thread Michael Viron

Change the group ownership on su to root:wheel .
Next, remove execute permission from other on su.


Michael Viron
Core System Administration Team
Simple End User Linux

At 12:23 PM 5/14/2002 +0800, you wrote:

i'm running mandrake 8.2.

i would like to deny certain user groups
from running su.

eg, if i create a group project,
and wanna deny all users of project
from being able to su.

how do i do it?

i've tried manually removing users from
the wheel group, in /etc/group,
but somehow the users can still su.
am i doing something wrong?


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Re: [newbie] deny access to su

2002-05-13 Thread civileme

Stormjumper wrote:


i'm running mandrake 8.2.

i would like to deny certain user groups
from running su.

eg, if i create a group project,
and wanna deny all users of project
from being able to su.

how do i do it?

i've tried manually removing users from
the wheel group, in /etc/group,
but somehow the users can still su.
am i doing something wrong?


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Nope, you aren't

If you want to keep users from using su, then don't give them the root 
password.  Instead, those who need to be su'ed for a while should be 
added to


using visudo as the editor.

and use their own password to be superuser equivalent for the commands 
you decide to permit.

But nothing short of moving/removing su from the system will prohibit 
users from attempting to su.  Naturally if they don't know the root 
password (or don't know that you moved su to /sbin) then they cannot 
become su.


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Re: [newbie] Evolution 0.13 mail program thank you nag screen

2002-05-13 Thread Dave

On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 22:15, Damian G wrote:
 On 13 May 2002 20:56:16 -0500
 Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: my reiser fs files system to work and decided to
  try a new mail program.evolution..which I am using now. It
  has a thing that is bugging the hell out of me
  Everytime i start evolution.i get a nag box that says thanks for
  downloading blah blah blah. and I would really  really like to get
  rid of it.
  I looked through all the file edit view actions etc on the toolbar, yet
  either I overlooked it...or it is somewhere else..or I can't turn it
  off.(which ...because this is linux and not windows...I
  seriously doubt the last one.)
  Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
 you are using the old ( alpha ) release. get a newer release
 from Mandrake mirrors.

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I went to :

and followed the instructions..Man that was WAY to easy! Thanks for
the tip.. Works perfectly so far :)  Was interesting the way you
download and install thishad never done a install that way.

Thanks again.


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