Re: [newbie-it] boot da partizione HD, cerco how-to

2003-11-05 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 00:46, mercoledì 5 novembre 2003, alfredo ha scritto:
 posto un computer senza CD-rom ma con un HD con due partizioni, una
 fat32 ed una ext2, voglio trasportare per intero il cd di installazione
 di una distribuzione nella fat32, con un CD-ROM esterno, e poi fare un
 floppy di boot da cui far partire l'installazione del sistema operativo
 sulla partiz ext2.

non fai prima ad installare dal CD-ROM esterno ?

 Qualcuno sa dirmi come trovare un How to per fare ciò?

In genere è spiegato nei file INSTALL e README che trovi nel
primo CD di ogni distro.
Per la Mandrake tieni conto che le traduzioni italiane non  sono
aggiornate. Quindi guarda i testi inglesi

 La procedura è sempre la stessa o varia da distro a distro?

fondamentalmente si.
probabilmente, cambierà però il nome dell'immagine da
caricare sul floppy e qualche altro particolare.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] UID e GID - Risolto!

2003-11-05 Thread Eraser Head
On Tuesday 04 November 2003 18:36, Fabio wrote:
 Sperando di ave capito il problema: se fai il login da un client come root,
 non riesci ad accedere al server co ni  privilegi di root
 Questo è normale per le directory esportate con nfs. Infatti nel file
 /etc/exports , nelle varie directory esportate, dovrebbe esserci l'opzione
 root_squash ovvero trasforma l'uid e gid nello user anonimo.
 E' un buon sistema di difesa per non permetere al root locale di avere
 privilegi di root sulla macchina server (pensa se uno si aggancia alla tua
 rete con il proprio computer e conosce quindi la propria password di

In realta' quello che voglio io e' proprio che anche root si possa loggare (il 
fs che devo montare e' piuttosto minimale, e necessita di talmente tanti 
aggiustamenti che per il momento per forza devo potermi loggare come root). 
Infatti in /etc/exports avevo messo tra le opzioni no_root_squash.
Controllando il suddetto file ho pero' notato che la directory era esportata 
ad everyone:
/typen  (no_root_squash,rw)

Nel dubbio, l'ho esportata alla macchina client:

e magicamente gli utenti (root e un utente chiara che avevo creato durante i 
vari tentativi) hanno ricominciato a funzionare come si deve! =)

Grazie mille per l'aiuto!
Ora posso finalmente passare al problema successivo... =)


Darei la vita per essere morto...

(Della Morte Dell'Amore)

[newbie-it] problema root nfs

2003-11-05 Thread Eraser Head

Ho un problema con il netboot della root.
Il mio file fstab facente parte del filesystem nfs e' il seguente:

# Begin /etc/fstab
# filesystemmount   fs-type options  dump fsck-order  /   nfs defaults0 0
proc/proc   procdefaults0 0
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy autonoauto,sync 0 0
# End /etc/fstab

Proc viene montato regolarmente, ma quando init passa a montare gli altry 
filesystem mi viene visualizzato questo errore:

Mounting remaining file system...
nfs warning: mount version newer than kernel
NFS: mount program didn't pass remote address!
mount: Mounting on / failed: invalid argument e' il server, e il mount che uso e' quello di busybox.
Il server nfs e' quello incluso nel cd della Suse8.1, della quale non ho 
ricompilato il kernel.
Il kernel che viene usato dal client e' invece il kernel 2.6-test6 (ho dovuto 
usare questo perche' avevo bisogno del supporto integrato nel kernel per la 
mia scheda di rete pxe).
Qualche suggerimento su quale potrebbe essere il problema?

Grazie in anticipo!


Darei la vita per essere morto...

(Della Morte Dell'Amore)

[newbie-it] Router DLINK dsl500

2003-11-05 Thread EFFE.ELLE
Ciao,qualcuno di voi lo usa gia'?Dalle recensioni che ho visto è buono e 
dato che me lo hanno proposto a un prezzo niente male...e ci stavo 

p.s Ho una serie periferiche da qualcuno è interessato zona 
Milano mail in pvt


Re: [newbie-it] Quanta: era Problemi con dcgui

2003-11-05 Thread Nevermind
Alle 22:42, martedì 4 novembre 2003, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:
 Perdona la supponenza, ma posso assicurarti che con quanta + kwrite si può
 fare davvero tutto quello che si vuole in fatto di pagine web, a meno che
 non si vogliano usare le tabelle per incasellare testo e immagini.
 Si tratta di abituarsi a uno strumento un po' spartano ma estremamente

Non metto in dubbio, Giorgio, che lo strumento sia estremamemnte flessibile. 
Ma converrai con me che quando hai da scrivere righe e righe di codice, 
inserire immagini, tabelle, e quant'altro, è molto più versatile e veloce 
farlo con un editor wysiwyg che non con uno testuale.
  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

[newbie-it] x session su netboot

2003-11-05 Thread Eraser Head
Ciao a tutti!
Ho (ovviamente) un altro problema con il linux netboot: non riesco a far 
partire x.
Riesco a fare correttamente il boot in runlevel 3, ma quando provo a lanciare 
startx lo schermo diventa completamente nero e resta li' in eterno, o per lo 
meno fino a che non schiaccio ctrl-alt-del e ctrl-alt-backspace svariate 
volte, al che ritorna sulla prima console, ma non posso piu' fare niente, 
posso solo riavviare brutalmente il computer.
L'ultima schermata e' la seguente:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:root]$ startx
Using authority file /root/.Xauthority
Writing authority file /root/.Xauthority

XFree86 Version 4.3.0
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.18-24.8.0smp i686 [ELF]
Build Date: 06 March 2003
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Wed Nov 5 16:57:40 2003
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config

Il file /root/.xinitrc contiene:

xterm -geometry 80x25+0+0
xclock -geometry 60x60-1+1 
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/twm

Allego anche il file di log.

Il file XF86config e' lo stesso della macchina server, visto che le due 
macchine sono identiche (hanno anche lo stesso monitor). Potrebbe essere che 
in realta' non sono proprio identiche e quindi x non funziona? Oppure 
potrebbe essere la configurazione di mouse e tastiera (che sono diverse tra 
server e client)?

Oppure sto sbagliando tutto e non e' cosi' che si puo' far partire una 
sessione x su un linux netboot con root filesystem nfs? Magari devo 
configurare un qualche server grafico sul server stesso?
Ho provato a cercare un po' in internet, ma continuo a non trovare niente...

Grazie mille a tutti!


Darei la vita per essere morto...

(Della Morte Dell'Amore)

XFree86 Version 4.3.0
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.18-24.8.0smp i686 [ELF] 
Build Date: 06 March 2003
	Before reporting problems, check http://www.XFree86.Org/
	to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Wed Nov  5 18:01:28 2003
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(==) ServerLayout Layout[all]
(**) |--Screen Screen[0] (0)
(**) |   |--Monitor Monitor[0]
(**) |   |--Device Device[0]
(**) |--Input Device Keyboard[0]
(**) Option Protocol Standard
(**) Option XkbRules xfree86
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) Option XkbModel pc101
(**) XKB: model: pc101
(**) Option XkbLayout us
(**) XKB: layout: us
(==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
(**) |--Input Device Mouse[1]
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/URW does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/misc does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/100dpi does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/Type1 does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin7/75dpi does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/baekmuk does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/japanese does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/kwintv does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/uni does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/misc does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/75dpi does not exist.
	Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/100dpi does not exist.

Re:[newbie-it] x session su netboot

2003-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nel dubbio che il mio problema risieda nel file XF86Config, ho rinominato il
suddetto file ed ho provato a far testare a xfree il mio hw:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:root]$ XFree86 -probeonly

XFree86 Version 4.3.0
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.18-24.8.0smp i686 [ELF]
Build Date: 06 March 2003
Before reporting problems, check http://www.XFree86.Org/
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Wed Nov 5 18:57:46 2003
(EE) Unable to locate/open config file
(EE) Error from xf86HandleConfigFile()

Fatal server error:
no screens found

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send the full server
output, not just the last messages.
This can be found in the log file /var/log/XFree86.0.log.
Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Che significa no screens found? Che non riesce a riconoscere il monitor?
Quindi il fatto che mi da' schermo nero quando lancio startx e' dovuto a questo?
Ma perche', se il file di configurazione e' quello del server, che ha lo stesso
Sigh, aiutatemi per favore...



Re:[newbie-it] Sempre Open Office

2003-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Utilizzando il foglio di calcolo di Open Office 1.1 ...
 Dato che la tabella creata è abbastanza lunga come posso fare per tenere la
 1 riga, ovvero l'intestazione, fissa, in modo tale che quando scorro i dati
 con la scrollbar ho sempre l'intestazione della tabella di riferimento
 bloccata in alto, altrimenti mi perdo...

 Grazie ciao ciao Davide

Dalla Guida OOo:
«Fissa righe o colonne come intestazione

Se avete righe o colonne di dati piuttosto lunghe, che si estendono oltre l'area
visualizzabile del foglio elettronico, potete fissarle in modo che siano sempre
visibili mentre scorrete la parte restante dei dati.
1.Selezionate la riga sottostante o la colonna a destra della riga o della
colonna da includere nella regione fissa. Tutte le righe soprastanti o tutte le
colonne a sinistra della selezione rimarranno fisse.
Per fissare le righe e colonne sia orizzontalmente che verticalmente,
selezionate la cella sotto la riga e a destra della colonna che volete rendere
2.Attivate il comando Finestra - Fissa.
Per disattivare, scegliete nuovamente Finestra - Fissa.»



Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-11-05 Thread beo
Il Thu, 30 Oct 2003 06:18:19 +
Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 E adesso direte che sono veramente un disastro. Non riesco a
 installare Mozilla 1.4: ho la 1.0 su, ho recuperato un tar.gz; lo
 scompatto, leggo le istruzioni e c'e' scritto solo di lanciare
 ./mozilla, dopo essersi posizionati nell'apposita cartella. Cosi' il
 moz 1.4 parte, ma se lancio normalmente mozilla mi va la vecchia 1.0.
 Ho pensato dunque che sarebbe bastato cercare una cartella con tutti
 i file del moz per sostituirli, ma non e' cosi', perche' sono
 sparpagliati in piu' directory... che cacchio devo fare?

non so cosa intendi per normalmente, ma creando un link al nuovo mozzillo sul desktop 
o sulla barra ottieni lo scopo desiderato


[newbie-it] Re: [Milug] stampante di rete

2003-11-05 Thread kudega
On 05.11.2003 15:08, Marco D'Amico wrote:
Ciao a tutti,
ho installato da poco Red Hat 9 sul mio portatile, salutando
definitivamente XP.
Confesso di essere un neofita di Linux... ma un passo alla volta... ;-)
Ho un piccolo problema, ho una stampante di rete che vorrei utilizzare ma
non so come configurarla.
La stampante è una Samsung e il Print Server è della Netgear.
Qualcuno è così gentile da darmi una dritta, per favore?!

Ciao e grazie!!!
Ciao Marco, allora per installare una nuova stampante basta andare sul  
menù K in basso a sx, l'equivalente a Avvio per WindozZz poi scegli  
Impostazioni di sistema ed infine Printing !
A questo punto se non sei root ti verrà chiesta la password, digitala e poi  
configura tutte le stampanti che vuoi!
Però se è in rete... mi sa che hai bisogno anche di Samba.
Samba ti permette di condividere file e cartelle con macchine Windows.
Tu prova poi fammi sapere..
Ciao ciao Davide

PS: Se devi configurare Samba c'è online, sul sito della RedHat un bel  

Re: [newbie-it] Sanner LG Studioworks 600U

2003-11-05 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Alle 00:01, martedì 4 novembre 2003, Corrado ha scritto:
 Prova con il comando

ecco il risultato : 
 # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
  # you have loaded a SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

found USB scanner (vendor=0x0461, product=0x0346) at /dev/usb/scanner0
  # Your USB scanner was detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports can't 
  # detected by this program.

  # You may want to run this program as root to find all devices. Once you
  # found the scanner devices, be sure to adjust access permissions as
  # necessary.
Se il mio pessimo inglese non mi tradisce, mi sembra che riconosca
uno scanner, ma dice anche che non e' supportato??? 

Cosa mi consiglite di fare Oltre che non prendere piu' uno scanner LG??
Se le bombe che lanciano gli americani sono 
tanto intelligenti però colpiscono i mercati... 
vuoi vedere che sono cretini quelli che le lanciano! 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] Creare un server

2003-11-05 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Alle 22:07, lunedì 3 novembre 2003, miKe ha scritto:

 ti servono un dominio registrato (quindi un dns che risolva il tuo nome)
 e  una macchina sulla quale far girare apache , una macchina non dico
 blindata ma quantomeno configurata in modo decente per resistere ai
 probabili problemi che si possono trovare su internet;
 infine una _bella_ linea,

 direi un bell'hosting e risolvi..

Ok, messaggio ricevuto, ma giusto per curiosita' (e perche' sono una testa 
dura), dove posso trovare un po' di documentazione?

Se le bombe che lanciano gli americani sono 
tanto intelligenti però colpiscono i mercati... 
vuoi vedere che sono cretini quelli che le lanciano! 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] boot da partizione HD, cerco how-to

2003-11-05 Thread alfredo
scusami, mi sono spiegato male, il problema non mi si pone con mdk, che 
ha proprio l'iso del cd-rom esterno, mi sono incasinato quando ho 
tentato di installare su un veccho portatile: Debian/Libranet, il cui 
manuale di istruzioni sulla installazione da HD è criptico (almeno per 
me) per questo mi chiedevo dove posso imparare le procedure standard al 
fine di trovare una via (una cosa tipo: procedura spiegata passo passo).

Andrea Celli wrote:
Alle 00:46, mercoledì 5 novembre 2003, alfredo ha scritto:

posto un computer senza CD-rom ma con un HD con due partizioni, una
fat32 ed una ext2, voglio trasportare per intero il cd di installazione
di una distribuzione nella fat32, con un CD-ROM esterno, e poi fare un
floppy di boot da cui far partire l'installazione del sistema operativo
sulla partiz ext2.

non fai prima ad installare dal CD-ROM esterno ?

Qualcuno sa dirmi come trovare un How to per fare ciò?

In genere è spiegato nei file INSTALL e README che trovi nel
primo CD di ogni distro.
Per la Mandrake tieni conto che le traduzioni italiane non  sono
aggiornate. Quindi guarda i testi inglesi

La procedura è sempre la stessa o varia da distro a distro?

fondamentalmente si.
probabilmente, cambierà però il nome dell'immagine da
caricare sul floppy e qualche altro particolare.
ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Consiglio

2003-11-05 Thread Matteo Villani

vorrei un consiglio su politiche di 
Ho un fileserver samba su linux al quale acedono 
più di 100 macchine, in contenporaneo ho attivato un altra macchina speculare al 
fileserver ma con nome diverso (logico). Faccio la copia di tutte le aree samba 
nella macchina slave, in questo modo. Monto le aree sullo slave e poi con uno 
script lanciato da cron le copio in locale con lo stesso percorso della macchina 
master in modo da avere una situazione completamente uguale nel caso di rottura 
del master.
La domanda è la seguente, esiste un modo migliore 
per ottenere lostesso risultoto? Via ftp è meglio o rsync? Datemi un 
Grazie ciao

Re: [newbie-it] nmap (BO????)

2003-11-05 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Alle 22:04, lunedì 3 novembre 2003, miKe ha scritto:

 il loopback...




 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.22--jl12 @ ASUS S1N 1330c
 R.U.219755 - S.R.U.705 - R.M.110932 - MajaGLUG Member

 Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Se le bombe che lanciano gli americani sono 
tanto intelligenti però colpiscono i mercati... 
vuoi vedere che sono cretini quelli che le lanciano! 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] Sanner LG Studioworks 600U

2003-11-05 Thread Corrado
Il mer, 2003-11-05 alle 18:34, Santarella Benedetto ha scritto:

 found USB scanner (vendor=0x0461, product=0x0346) at /dev/usb/scanner0
   # Your USB scanner was detected. It may or may not be supported by
   # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

 Se il mio pessimo inglese non mi tradisce, mi sembra che riconosca
 uno scanner, ma dice anche che non e' supportato??? 

Ti dice che ha rilevato uno scanner, che potrebbe o non potrebbe essere
supportato da sane e ti consiglia di lanciare scanimage con l'opzione
Una cosa forse un po' scontata, ma che non ho chiesto: hai provato a
configurarlo tramite scannerdrake? Lanciato come root, naturalmente.
Poi comunque dovresti provare a controllare il file /etc/sane.d/dll.conf
e verificare che il backend del tuo scanner (il suo nome dovresti
trovarlo sul sito di Sane) sia presente e non abbia il # davanti (nel
qual caso dovresti toglierlo e poi salvare il file).

Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-11-05 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro beo, perche' ho le 
prove, il mercoledì 05 novembre 2003, alle 17:33 hai scritto: 

 non so cosa intendi per normalmente, ma creando un link al nuovo mozzillo sul 
 desktop o sulla barra ottieni lo scopo desiderato

Da qualche parte mi sembrava d'aver risposto... cmq, il fatto che Moz
avesse sparpagliato i suoi file, durante la prima installazione, in
diverse cartelle, mi aveva fatto sospettare che ci fosse bisogno di
piu' di un semplice link. Btw disinstallato il vecchio Moz e ho messo
su il firebird che mi hai passato ;-)

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie] Audio streams

2003-11-05 Thread Raffaele Belardi
Yes, seems you are right. It was something I did not know, sound can be 
played from the IDE directly to the soundcard:

Seems there is also something to do with scsi emulation, but that's 
outside of my limited knowledge.


The only exception to your exposition is that you state on your system
you have to have an audio cable to make Grip play audio CD, it would
seem I don't, I can both rip and play a CD in Grip from the DVD without
an audio analogue cable, that is via the IDE cable, but then I do have
my DVD scsi-emulated, possibly that is the reason ?

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Re: [newbie] Why do I have to start KDE manually?

2003-11-05 Thread John Richard Smith
I don't believe you answered the question:-

Possibly you don't have kde available as an option in the dropdown list 
, and that is your real problem ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Error loading .wav in Rezound

2003-11-05 Thread John Richard Smith
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Tuesday 04 November 2003 03:47 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

By means of employing   gramofile I have created a set of .wav files
from an audio tape.
When I come to load the .wav files into Rezound I get an error message,

error reading audio data from /tmp/track01.wav
-- file missing data
-- read 13320192 frames, should be 26460
-- keeping what was read
but the rezound blue slider bar gets stuck at 5%

seems that resound doesn't like what gramofile has created.

Since I haven't yet figured out how to get rezound to create .wav files
from audio tape I need to know what I can do with the .wav files
gramofile created so that I can manipulate them in rezound. The short
bit of .wav that resound has accepted plays badly, very garbled, rough,
as though half the audio stream has been clipped away.
Is there anything I can do about it , does anyone have the experience to
advise me.

John, are you sure that you let Gramofile walk thru all its steps and complete 
the .wav process? Just a thought...


Thanks everyone for your replies,

Oh yes, I'm quite sure that gramofile completed OK, and indeed the .wav 
files play OK in xcdroast, well I have to check what I find, before 
writing to disc.

The main concern here is to remove the burps and clicks at beginning and 
end which is the tape deck starting and stopping. I know you are ging to 
say , don't start gramofile before the tape has got going, but believe 
me the time slots between tracks on many tapes is quite small and it's 
exacting to time it precisely right each time, and in any case these 
sound manipulation apps are there to do just such a tidying up 
opperation, and that and other things is what I want them for.

I already have audacity on, but I'm getting all kinds of error spiel in 
the terminal window,
** (audacity:28211): CRITICAL **: file pango-layout.c: line 2002 
(pango_layout_get_extents): assertion `layout != NULL' failed

 big snip )

** (audacity:28211): CRITICAL **: file pango-layout.c: line 727 
(pango_layout_set_text): assertion `layout != NULL' failed

** (audacity:28211): CRITICAL **: file pango-layout.c: line 2002 
(pango_layout_get_extents): assertion `layout != NULL' failed

(audacity:28211): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: file gobject.c: line 1337 
(g_object_unref): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

Although the .wav files do load OK, and play reasonably well too.
But cannot figure out just yet how to cut surplus sound track. I tell
a lie , just found out how to do that.
A few questions, what is,
White noise ?
Sine Oscillator ?
What would be the best way to filter tiny blips out ?

I notice audacity creates new files ,

track01_data  3.3MB
track01.aup 21.0 kb
but how do these relate to

the original track01.wav of 50.8 MB,which appears unchanged.

neither  -data , nor .aup can actually be the audio files as such, far 
too small.
Seems like they refer to the alterations, but don't actually alter the 
main .wav file ?

Rather more questions than answers but progress nevertheless.

I will have to contact the author of rezound. will do so presently.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] USB V.90 Modem Problem

2003-11-05 Thread John Richard Smith
Rico Zuñiga wrote:

It's a WebExcel USB modem, can't get it to work, though Mandrake seems 
to have detected it, the driver (USB Modem Ambient Tech...) is listed 
in the 'other' section of the hardware list. I am very new to linux 
(and mandrake) and have been trying to correct this for days, I think 
it's time now to ask for some help from the community.
Thanks in advance...

USB modems are software modems , if you have a linux driver best to 
contact the author as he will know how it can be made to work.

A better solution is to throw your usb modem away and buy an inexpensive 
Hardware controlled modem, which has built in control chips , so all you 
have to do is get your OS to recognise it's existance.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Some questions with Mandrake 9. 2 and ASUS A7N8X-deluxe

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 9:24 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everybody ,

 I have some questions and any help is appreciated.

 I have installed Mandrake 9.2 on my Asus A7N8X - Deluxe mainboarded ,athlon
 2500 system with ASUS FX 9560 - video suite graphic card.

 now the questionas are

 1) I can not get sound from my SPDIF out. I opened the sound mixer panel ,
 I also got all sound output buttons on. and again no sound. !!  How can I
 get this SPDIF work ??

Are you using the ALSA driver? (It will begin with 'snd-' )
Also take a look at alsamixergui  There are a gazillion controls there. One 
could be for SPDIF.
It might also help if you run alaconf.  Install the alsa-utils (and newt) RPMs 
with your Mandrake Software Installer, then type alsaconf in a root terminal.
Alsaconf will rewrite your /etc/modules.conf file which defines your drivers, 
so you must make a backup, and reinsert all the non sound lines by hand 

 2) My graphic cards chipset is Geforce FX 5600 but linux loads by default
 driver module for Nvidia geforce 4 . I run hardware configuration tool , I
 choose Geforce FX there and the tool window asks me to restart X server ,
 in order to configuration to work. But I do this re log on X-server and see
 that There is still the same old driver setting.
There are only 2 types of Nvidia driver, the OpenSource 'nv' driver which 
supports *all* Nvidia products for 2D graphics, but cannot handle 3D 
graphics, and the closed source 'nvidia' driver which supports 3D graphics 
for *all* Nvidia products.

Because the nvidia driver is closed source Mandrake cannot put it into the 
fully GPL download edition. However it is in the Powerpack edition, and is 
available for download from Mandrake Club as an RPM.

You can also get it from the Nvidia website. There is an installer script to 
install it for you. When you download the script you must make it executable 
first (Right click in konqueror and select 'Properties'), and you must have 
the 'kernel-source' RPM installed **for the version of kernel you are 

 3) My Asus graphic card is also a Video in and Video out type. How can I
 get, that video out works easily. Is there an on the fly  tool or script
 or a small applet or a program that makes this configuration for me.

Never used it, but I think 'yanc' is what you are looking for. It is probably 
on a 'contrib' mirror. Go here and 
follow the instructions to add 'contrib', 'plf', and 'updates'  as online 
software sources. Then you can search with your Software Install GUI and 
download apps.

 4) Is there a Power vcr or Win dvr like program that I can use with my VGA
 Cards' video input and watch TV on my computer with composite input from my
 satellite receiver. And Should I install a driver or module like a WDM
 capture driver  on  windows ???
Sure, but I have no experience. Someone will point you to the solution.

 Thanks in advance..




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[newbie] Fw: Soundcard at ASUS P4S533-X

2003-11-05 Thread Anisio Rodrigues Neto

 i´m new at the list and inlinux as well...
 i installed the mandrake 9.1 on my pc, the motherboard is an ASUS P4S533-X,
 the mandrake recognize my sound card but it doensn´t work at all.
 i tried other alsa drivers but i don´t know how to use them.

 Does anyboy had the same problem and can help me?
 i´m not a linux user but i´m trying to be, i tried already the red hat 9
 connectiva 9 (a brazilian distribuition), and the mandrake was the only one
 that recongnized my soundcard... i tried the volume as well... the´re up,
 but no sound at all...

 thanks folks.


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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread HaywireMac
On Tue, 4 Nov 2003 21:35:05 -0800
E. Hines [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 (Debian 3rd).

are you quite mad?! the only reason Debian isn't wiping the floor with
Mandrake is the lack of a dead-simple graphical installer and a central
software-management and config tool like MCC.

sorry, but apt-get is an absolute killer package-management tool, the
only one that beats/matches Mandrake's. And you can install from
Unstable (In Debian's own peculiar language) and have all the newest
goodies like Mandrake.

The only reasons I stick with Mandrake are:

I'm part of the community, whether it wants me or not eg


I plan to make it part of my business plan to wipe out the use of
Windows in the Greater Toronto Area, later the world EG, and I ain't
gonna do that with Debian (yet).

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
If little green men land in your back yard, hide any little green women
you've got in the house.
-- Mike Harding, The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac

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Re: [newbie] USB V.90 Modem Problem

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 5:10 am, Rico Zuñiga wrote:

 It's a WebExcel USB modem, can't get it to work, though Mandrake seems to
 have detected it, the driver (USB Modem Ambient Tech...) is listed in the
 'other' section of the hardware list. I am very new to linux (and mandrake)
 and have been trying to correct this for days, I think it's time now to ask
 for some help from the community.

 Thanks in advance...

I do not have a USB modem but Google is my friend.
Have you seen this?

Essentially it is saying you need to be using the acm driver.
You can check if the driver is being automatically loaded with 'lsmod' in a 
root terminal.
If it is not being loaded automatically, then 'modprobe acm' will load it.

Then look in /dev/ to see if you have the device /dev/usb/ttyACM0
If not create it, if it is there configure your kppp to use it.




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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread Carl Creason

On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 14:22:50 +0100, Anders Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 10:13:17 -0700
Carl Creason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry for the ignorance but what is portsystem.
I googled, but the few pages I found were in German
and seemed to be about FreeBSD.
Yes, it is the packagesystem in FreeBSDit downloads, compiles and 
installs with only one command


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Re: [newbie] OT Qcad

2003-11-05 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 1:24 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
 In my neverending quest to rid myself of win2k I am embracing Qcad
 ilo autocad.

 I can't figure out how to adjust the thickness of a line.  All else
 is an improvement from the cumbersome autocad commands.


Could you add a line or two about this on the TWiki, under desktop 

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] Full Version VMWARE?

2003-11-05 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Tue, 4 Nov 2003 23:17:21 -0500
Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 04 November 2003 10:57 pm, Karl Krauter wrote:
  Can anyone tell me if the full version of VMWARE is included in
  the Mandrake 9.2 PowerPack package?  I am contemplating buying
  the 9.2 powerpack package but want to find out more about what
  comes with the 7 cd's.  Any information would be greatly
 I am pretty sure it is a 30 or 45 trial.  Same as you can get from
 VMWare directly.  Fully functional though, just timed out.  I
 can't imagine VMWare would let a $300 package go out in a $70 box
 of a Linux distro.-- 
 Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
 a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx
You can easily purchase VMware on ebay for 125.00 US, download the
latest demo from their site, plug in your SN from your purchased
package, and VM your heart out.


User #223705 Linux Counter,

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Re: [newbie] OT Qcad

2003-11-05 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 13:46:05 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 1:24 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
  In my neverending quest to rid myself of win2k I am embracing
  Qcad ilo autocad.
  I can't figure out how to adjust the thickness of a line.  All
  else is an improvement from the cumbersome autocad commands.
 Could you add a line or two about this on the TWiki, under desktop
 Registered Linux User No.293302
 Have you visited yet?
Sure, when I finish my first drawing.No sense wasting the
bandwidth while I'm fumbling.

Right now I need to figure out how to get a line more than 1 pixel
wide.  Makes for hard reading.


User #223705 Linux Counter,

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RE: [newbie] 4 speakers linux - ATTEN: Anne Wilson

2003-11-05 Thread Tango Echo
-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 4 speakers  linux

On Monday 08 Sep 2003 1:28 pm, Tango Echo wrote:

 I had a hard time with rear sound on my SB Live 5.1
 card.  It isn't fun. But fortunately I found a fix.
 Here's what I did to fix it:

 Start alsaguimixer
 Mute the SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack item
 Control the volume of the rear speakers by the
Wave Surround Item.

 I played with it a little - lowered the front and
 raised the rears.  Finally it worked great!  Is
 new info or of any help?

I don't think this is on the TWiki page about sound:

If you could add it, I'm sure it would help others. 
If you need help, 
the attached is an intro to TWiki editing.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?
tp:// yet?

Hi Anne,

I was cleaning out my newbie list folder when I
realized you had hoped I would post this fix to Twiki.
Better late than never?  =)

This is my first post ever to Twiki so if you don't
mind, could you look it over to see if it's
satisfactory/sufficient? Do I need to add any more
info?  It's located at the spot you requested.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Elsewhere in the news

2003-11-05 Thread Franki
Tom Brinkman wrote:

snip /
   So y'all can help, or give up. One or the other, no free rides. 
Join the Club, but also,
  tom $ cat /etc/mandrake-release
  Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Cooker) for i586  
   got goin yesterday. Install an test it, specially those with ready 
made marginal hardware (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, any laptop, etc). 
Subscribe (lurk) on the cooker and change log lists, contribute when 
you can. When it's done in a few months, you can feel proud that you 
helped ... or you can resort to being one of those that sings the 
same old song 'Mandrake hasn't been a good release insert prior 
release, this one should'a had more work an testing'  

It's up to y'all.

I'd soo love to run cooker on my laptop...  (i5150) but I have to 
settle for 9.2.

Reason is that ADSL in Australia really sucks and if I was to sync 
cooker from 9.2 right now, chances are that by tomorrow I'd have done my 
months bandwidth allocation...

However, I am working on it..   we have a server network over here, WAIX 
that all the ISP's in the area use and don't change if you download 
from.  (I just got the 9.2 CD's from them.)

I am going to see if I can get them to mirror cooker so I and anyone 
else interested can get our updates for free (bandwidth wise).



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[newbie] teething problems with 9.2

2003-11-05 Thread Aidan Holmes
I have just upgraded from 9.0 to 9.2 and My computer is now running
about as well as when I ran windows :o(

Firstly, In lilo if i select linux 9.2 boots ok, but into text mode.
The nice pretty GUI has gone and I don't know how to start it again. If
I reboot and select old_linux, the computer boots into 9.2 with a
working GUI. Is this major reason for concern? If not, how do I
re-configure lilo to boot old_linux as the default?

Secondly, I cannot use GnomePPP to connect to the internet (does the
fact that I operate in KDE have anything to do with it?) GnomePPP dials
ok and then says that it's connected, but a few seconds later spits out
an error message saying it's unexpectedly quit.
When I go through the mandrake control centre and use DrakConnect things
work OK (hence this email!). Is there an easier way to launch
DrakConnect, or is there a way I can get KPPP back again?

Sorry about asking so many questions,
I hope somebody can help.

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Re: [newbie] teething problems with 9.2

2003-11-05 Thread lduvall
When you are in command line/text mode, does the GUI start if you type


 I have just upgraded from 9.0 to 9.2 and My computer is now running
 about as well as when I ran windows :o(

 Firstly, In lilo if i select linux 9.2 boots ok, but into text mode.
 The nice pretty GUI has gone and I don't know how to start it again. If
 I reboot and select old_linux, the computer boots into 9.2 with a
 working GUI. Is this major reason for concern? If not, how do I
 re-configure lilo to boot old_linux as the default?

 Secondly, I cannot use GnomePPP to connect to the internet (does the
 fact that I operate in KDE have anything to do with it?) GnomePPP dials
 ok and then says that it's connected, but a few seconds later spits out
 an error message saying it's unexpectedly quit.
 When I go through the mandrake control centre and use DrakConnect things
 work OK (hence this email!). Is there an easier way to launch
 DrakConnect, or is there a way I can get KPPP back again?

 Sorry about asking so many questions,
 I hope somebody can help.

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Re: [newbie] Error loading .wav in Rezound

2003-11-05 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 05:05 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Thanks everyone for your replies,

 Oh yes, I'm quite sure that gramofile completed OK, and indeed the .wav
 files play OK in xcdroast, well I have to check what I find, before
 writing to disc.

 The main concern here is to remove the burps and clicks at beginning and
 end which is the tape deck starting and stopping. I know you are ging to
 say , don't start gramofile before the tape has got going, but believe
 me the time slots between tracks on many tapes is quite small and it's
 exacting to time it precisely right each time, and in any case these
 sound manipulation apps are there to do just such a tidying up
 opperation, and that and other things is what I want them for.

You're not letting Gramofile record the whole side then split the tracks? It 
worked great here, never failed once on about a dozen or so cassettes (all 
commercial though).


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Re: [newbie] teething problems with 9.2

2003-11-05 Thread Greg Meyer
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 09:41 am, Aidan Holmes wrote:
 I have just upgraded from 9.0 to 9.2 and My computer is now running
 about as well as when I ran windows :o(

Sounds to me like you have an nvidia video card and when you upgraded your 
kernel, you hosed your nvidia driver install.  Does this sound right?

If so, you have two options. 1) is to get the nvidia driver rpms from Club 
Commercial Downloads, or 2) head over to the nvidia website and grab their 
Linux driver installer.  Option 2 requires you to have the kernel-source 
package installed, as well as some development tools like gcc and 
autoconf/automake.  Don't worry if that sounds scary, there is loads of info 
on the web on how to do this and there are many on this list that would be 
willing to help.


 Firstly, In lilo if i select linux 9.2 boots ok, but into text mode.
 The nice pretty GUI has gone and I don't know how to start it again. If
 I reboot and select old_linux, the computer boots into 9.2 with a
 working GUI. Is this major reason for concern? If not, how do I
 re-configure lilo to boot old_linux as the default?

 Secondly, I cannot use GnomePPP to connect to the internet (does the
 fact that I operate in KDE have anything to do with it?) GnomePPP dials
 ok and then says that it's connected, but a few seconds later spits out
 an error message saying it's unexpectedly quit.
 When I go through the mandrake control centre and use DrakConnect things
 work OK (hence this email!). Is there an easier way to launch
 DrakConnect, or is there a way I can get KPPP back again?

 Sorry about asking so many questions,
 I hope somebody can help.


Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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[newbie] Help: I need my mouse back

2003-11-05 Thread Phan N. Thu
Hi everybody

My mouse (a USB MiniWheel Logitech) had been detected at install of 9.1 and working 
perfectly for about a month.Then I got ambitious and went to Harddrake and added 
'Logitech' to the default setting of USB / WHEEL. Ever since, no more mouse.
I know it isn't the mouse 'cause it  continues to work perfectly under Windows 
(dual-boot) but I don't know enough CLI commands to restore the original mouse 
The info I got when I do 'harddrake2' in the console is for the mouse: USB WHEEL  
5BUTTONS so I presume therein lies the trouble? It's a regular 2-button wheel mouse. 
I need to know the proper configuration file: is it /etc/devfs/conf.d which had 
usbmouse.conf in it. This is where I committed the second mistake by deleting 
usbmouse.conf and haven't been able to restore it.
Help is urgently requested and will be gratefully received. 

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[newbie] Smbclient lm9.2

2003-11-05 Thread Pat Patterson
I have been setting up 9.2 and it has been going pretty well but I am 
having a Samba problem. I can access the linux box from all of my other 
machines a mix of w98, w2k, and a laptop with XP home.

My problem is with accessing some of the other machines from linux. I have 
lisa running. It will find all the machines.
pwpatter (itself) hp (laptop with xp) jp (w2k and my gateway) shop 

I can browse pwpatter,hp, and shop running lm9.2.

jp and shop running w98 get a message unknown host

from shop I can access jp with lisa.

I have checked and rechecked passwords in linux and samba. I can ping by 
name and number.  I have logged in on both machines with the user and 
password that works on hp. What am I missing??

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Re: [newbie] Elsewhere in the news

2003-11-05 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 08:38 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:

What's next, only time will tell. IBM has been a strong
 Linux supporter for several years. To the tune that they put
 about $75Mil into SuSE a year or so ago. Now that's been
 acquired by Novell, also a strong Linux support group, an the
 reason they split from SCO some time back. BUT, SuSE, IBM, and
 Novell also have current an prior relationships and
 agreements. IBM is ante'g up $50 million into these
 Novell/Ximian/SuSE collaboration efforts. SuSE came out
 smellin like a rose. I believe so did Novell.

So I just view it as circlin the wagons in a more concerted
 effort for OSS/GNU/Linux to take over the Net and enterprise.
 Fsck M$ et al. The money involved is relatively peanuts anyhow
 for Novell, not even pocket change for IBM. For an indicator, notice that Apache's (on Un*x) gain,
 mirrors M$ loss. BTW, IBM involvement is significant to me.
 They're about 19 on the world's largest companies. For
 perspective, Microsoft is somewhere in the 170's.  BUT...

   So we're still here, just the 1 or 2% of the desktop users
 runnin Linux. RedHat wants to go enterprise only. No surprise
 they always considered regular users as a nuisance (which they
 are) for a commercial distro. Realistically there's only two
 major community sponsored choices left, Mandrake an Debian. I
 ain't goin anywhere, but there's much less than 1 or 2% left.
 What to do? 

Well said, Tom. Personally I'm not afraid of IBM taking over 
Mandrake eventually.

The reason is that IBM here in Denmark displays a very positive 
attitude toward linux. They even offer free courses in linux to 
developers and sysadmins, provide test-versions of their 
WebSphere etc., etc

And, as long as they respect the GPL, I think they can push linux 
onto the desktop in a big way here. IBM is by far the biggest 
provider for the public administration in Denmark and cost-savvy 
politicians can't ignore Open Source Software any longer - 
especially with the almost weekly breakdown of their 
Windows-systems due to worms, Trojans and vira.

And I think the HP people look better wearing red hats, whereas 
the button-down, blue suits at IBM look better wearing top hat  
tails ;-).

Kaj Haulrich.
*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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Re: [newbie] Smbclient lm9.2

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 8:00 am, Pat Patterson wrote:
 I have been setting up 9.2 and it has been going pretty well but I am
 having a Samba problem. I can access the linux box from all of my other
 machines a mix of w98, w2k, and a laptop with XP home.

 My problem is with accessing some of the other machines from linux. I have
 lisa running. It will find all the machines.
 pwpatter (itself) hp (laptop with xp) jp (w2k and my gateway) shop

 I can browse pwpatter,hp, and shop running lm9.2.

 jp and shop running w98 get a message unknown host

 from shop I can access jp with lisa.

 I have checked and rechecked passwords in linux and samba. I can ping by
 name and number.  I have logged in on both machines with the user and
 password that works on hp. What am I missing??

In your samba config file /etc/samba/smb.conf  find the setting
wins server
set it to yes and restart samba 
(service smb restart in a root terminal)



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[newbie] kde

2003-11-05 Thread philip
Hi I am running 9.1. On boot it boots into Gnome which is fine but I
want to boot into kde as default. In the log off option I chose to have
it go into kde as default, but nothing happened, so it still boots into
Gnome. How can I change it so that it boots straight into kde. 
Thanks Philip (novice)

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Re: [newbie] Help: I need my mouse back

2003-11-05 Thread Aronsmith
On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 08:29, Phan N. Thu wrote:
 Hi everybody
 My mouse (a USB MiniWheel Logitech) had been detected at install of 9.1 and working 
 perfectly for about a month.Then I got ambitious and went to Harddrake and added 
 'Logitech' to the default setting of USB / WHEEL. Ever since, no more mouse.
 I know it isn't the mouse 'cause it  continues to work perfectly under Windows 
 (dual-boot) but I don't know enough CLI commands to restore the original mouse 
 The info I got when I do 'harddrake2' in the console is for the mouse: USB WHEEL  
 5BUTTONS so I presume therein lies the trouble? It's a regular 2-button wheel mouse. 
 I need to know the proper configuration file: is it /etc/devfs/conf.d which had 
 usbmouse.conf in it. This is where I committed the second mistake by deleting 
 usbmouse.conf and haven't been able to restore it.
 Help is urgently requested and will be gratefully received. 
use mousedrake  and set mouse to generic wheel mouse
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Re: [newbie] Smbclient lm9.2

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 8:00 am, Pat Patterson wrote:
 I have been setting up 9.2 and it has been going pretty well but I am
 having a Samba problem. I can access the linux box from all of my other
 machines a mix of w98, w2k, and a laptop with XP home.

 My problem is with accessing some of the other machines from linux. I have
 lisa running. It will find all the machines.
 pwpatter (itself) hp (laptop with xp) jp (w2k and my gateway) shop

 I can browse pwpatter,hp, and shop running lm9.2.

 jp and shop running w98 get a message unknown host

 from shop I can access jp with lisa.

 I have checked and rechecked passwords in linux and samba. I can ping by
 name and number.  I have logged in on both machines with the user and
 password that works on hp. What am I missing??

Sorry in my last post that should be
wins support=yes



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Re: [newbie] Help: I need my mouse back

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 4:29 pm, Phan N. Thu wrote:
 Hi everybody

 My mouse (a USB MiniWheel Logitech) had been detected at install of 9.1 and
 working perfectly for about a month.Then I got ambitious and went to
 Harddrake and added 'Logitech' to the default setting of USB / WHEEL. Ever
 since, no more mouse. I know it isn't the mouse 'cause it  continues to
 work perfectly under Windows (dual-boot) but I don't know enough CLI
 commands to restore the original mouse configuration. The info I got when I
 do 'harddrake2' in the console is for the mouse: USB WHEEL  5BUTTONS so I
 presume therein lies the trouble? It's a regular 2-button wheel mouse. I
 need to know the proper configuration file: is it /etc/devfs/conf.d which
 had usbmouse.conf in it. This is where I committed the second mistake by
 deleting usbmouse.conf and haven't been able to restore it. Help is
 urgently requested and will be gratefully received.

Log into a text console ( Ctl+Alt+F1 ) as root
and enter

(Ctl +Alt+F7 to get back again)



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Re: [newbie] Help: I need my mouse back

2003-11-05 Thread Aronsmith
On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 08:29, Phan N. Thu wrote:
 Hi everybody
 My mouse (a USB MiniWheel Logitech) had been detected at install of 9.1 and working 
 perfectly for about a month.Then I got ambitious and went to Harddrake and added 
 'Logitech' to the default setting of USB / WHEEL. Ever since, no more mouse.
 I know it isn't the mouse 'cause it  continues to work perfectly under Windows 
 (dual-boot) but I don't know enough CLI commands to restore the original mouse 
 The info I got when I do 'harddrake2' in the console is for the mouse: USB WHEEL  
 5BUTTONS so I presume therein lies the trouble? It's a regular 2-button wheel mouse. 
 I need to know the proper configuration file: is it /etc/devfs/conf.d which had 
 usbmouse.conf in it. This is where I committed the second mistake by deleting 
 usbmouse.conf and haven't been able to restore it.
 Help is urgently requested and will be gratefully received. 
I spoke to soon try

configuration--enter root password --Harddrake
click on mouse
run config tool (at bottom of right window ) set mouse to Generic wheel
mouse in the pop-up window.
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When you're being mugged..a handgun is more comfort than an ACLU lawyer

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[newbie] Weird sound problem

2003-11-05 Thread Sebastien Plante

I have a weird sound problem.
I am running Mandrake 9.1 on a new Dell desktop. My sound card is an 
original Sound Blaster 16 PCI (that I bought separately). After installing 
Mandrake, the sound card has been detected (es1371) and the module is loaded 
(when I check with lsmod)automatically. However, no sound and the volumes 
are NOT mutted. Here is the weird stuffs. Each time I run draksound, and 
after choosing the right module, the sound is now working, but after a 
reboot, no more sound. I have to rerun draksound to have sound.

What could be the problem?


Sébastien Plante

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] 4 speakers linux - ATTEN: Anne Wilson

2003-11-05 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 2:17 pm, Tango Echo wrote:

 I was cleaning out my newbie list folder when I
 realized you had hoped I would post this fix to Twiki.
 Better late than never?  =)

Absolutely.  And it looks fine to me.

 This is my first post ever to Twiki so if you don't
 mind, could you look it over to see if it's
 satisfactory/sufficient? Do I need to add any more
 info?  It's located at the spot you requested.

It's clear enough as it is.  If you think of anything else to add you 
can do that later - no problem.  Thanks for taking the time.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] kde

2003-11-05 Thread Greg Meyer
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 12:03 pm, philip wrote:
 Hi I am running 9.1. On boot it boots into Gnome which is fine but I
 want to boot into kde as default. In the log off option I chose to have
 it go into kde as default, but nothing happened, so it still boots into
 Gnome. How can I change it so that it boots straight into kde.
 Thanks Philip (novice)

There is a /etc/sysconfig/desktop file which specifies this preference.  You 
can also have a ~/.desktop file which overrides the choice for individual 

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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[newbie] Organizing bookmarks

2003-11-05 Thread Trey Sizemore
I have accumulated bookmarks in each of 3 browsers (Mozilla, Firebird,
and Galeon) over time and I'm ready to clean house.  I'm looking to
either import from one into another or find some way that they can all 3
share a common set of bookmarks.  I tend to use Firebird the majority of
the time, so I wouldn't mind just consolidating there.

I'd appreciate any ideas from someone who's done this.


There is an innocence in admiration;
it is found in those to whom it has not yet occurred
that they, too, might be admired some day.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Elsewhere in the news

2003-11-05 Thread robin
Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Tuesday 04 November 2003 04:24 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

On Tuesday 04 November 2003 04:05 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Tuesday 04 November 2003 09:05 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

According to this article, Novell has just purchased Suse
for $210 million: -- cmg
   I think this is A Good Thing for Linux. Not so good for
Red Hat or Mandrake's enterprise efforts. But, the first thing
that crossed my mind (actually Novell - SuSE acquisition has
been rumored for a while), is how will this affect the SCO
fiasco?  Novell has rights to Unix code licensing, and can
amend SCO's rights, which are subordinate. Or so Novell
claims, and SCO is reluctant to admit.
And now, what's next ? - IBM buys Mandrake ?

Kaj Haulrich.

   What's next, only time will tell. IBM has been a strong Linux 
supporter for several years. To the tune that they put about $75Mil 
into SuSE a year or so ago. Now that's been acquired by Novell, also 
a strong Linux support group, an the reason they split from SCO some 
time back. BUT, SuSE, IBM, and Novell also have current an prior 
relationships and agreements. IBM is ante'g up $50 million into these 
Novell/Ximian/SuSE collaboration efforts. SuSE came out smellin like 
a rose. I believe so did Novell.

   So I just view it as circlin the wagons in a more concerted effort 
for OSS/GNU/Linux to take over the Net and enterprise. Fsck M$ et al.  
The money involved is relatively peanuts anyhow for Novell, not even 
pocket change for IBM. For an indicator, 
notice that Apache's (on Un*x) gain, mirrors M$ loss. BTW, IBM 
involvement is significant to me. They're about 19 on the world's 
largest companies. For perspective, Microsoft is somewhere in the 
170's.  BUT...

  So we're still here, just the 1 or 2% of the desktop users runnin 
Linux. RedHat wants to go enterprise only. No surprise they always 
considered regular users as a nuisance (which they are) for a 
commercial distro. Realistically there's only two major community 
sponsored choices left, Mandrake an Debian. I ain't goin anywhere, 
but there's much less than 1 or 2% left. What to do? 

   So y'all can help, or give up. One or the other, no free rides. 
Join the Club, but also,
  tom $ cat /etc/mandrake-release
  Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Cooker) for i586  
   got goin yesterday. Install an test it, specially those with ready 
made marginal hardware (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, any laptop, etc). 
Subscribe (lurk) on the cooker and change log lists, contribute when 
you can. When it's done in a few months, you can feel proud that you 
helped ... or you can resort to being one of those that sings the 
same old song 'Mandrake hasn't been a good release insert prior 
release, this one should'a had more work an testing'  
I've never done any distro testing, since I only have a 4GB hard drive, 
and it's currently 93% full.  However, I should be getting a new box in 
a few weeks' time, with enough space for a an extra Linux partition, and 
enough speed to make it worthwhile compiling RPMs (I've only done that 
once, for LyX, but I can relearn how to do it pretty quickly).  I'll be 
happy to test anything that doesn't blow up my monitor (remembering the 
good old days when you edited a modeline and said a prayer before typing 

Sir Robin

Certitude is possible for those who only own one encyclopedia.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Elsewhere in the news

2003-11-05 Thread Aronsmith
On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 11:04, robin wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Tuesday 04 November 2003 04:24 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Tuesday 04 November 2003 04:05 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday 04 November 2003 09:05 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 According to this article, Novell has just purchased Suse
 for $210 million: -- cmg
 I think this is A Good Thing for Linux. Not so good for
 Red Hat or Mandrake's enterprise efforts. But, the first thing
 that crossed my mind (actually Novell - SuSE acquisition has
 been rumored for a while), is how will this affect the SCO
 fiasco?  Novell has rights to Unix code licensing, and can
 amend SCO's rights, which are subordinate. Or so Novell
 claims, and SCO is reluctant to admit.
 And now, what's next ? - IBM buys Mandrake ?
 Kaj Haulrich.
 What's next, only time will tell. IBM has been a strong Linux 
  supporter for several years. To the tune that they put about $75Mil 
  into SuSE a year or so ago. Now that's been acquired by Novell, also 
  a strong Linux support group, an the reason they split from SCO some 
  time back. BUT, SuSE, IBM, and Novell also have current an prior 
  relationships and agreements. IBM is ante'g up $50 million into these 
  Novell/Ximian/SuSE collaboration efforts. SuSE came out smellin like 
  a rose. I believe so did Novell.
 So I just view it as circlin the wagons in a more concerted effort 
  for OSS/GNU/Linux to take over the Net and enterprise. Fsck M$ et al.  
  The money involved is relatively peanuts anyhow for Novell, not even 
  pocket change for IBM. For an indicator,
  notice that Apache's (on Un*x) gain, mirrors M$ loss. BTW, IBM 
  involvement is significant to me. They're about 19 on the world's 
  largest companies. For perspective, Microsoft is somewhere in the 
  170's.  BUT...
So we're still here, just the 1 or 2% of the desktop users runnin 
  Linux. RedHat wants to go enterprise only. No surprise they always 
  considered regular users as a nuisance (which they are) for a 
  commercial distro. Realistically there's only two major community 
  sponsored choices left, Mandrake an Debian. I ain't goin anywhere, 
  but there's much less than 1 or 2% left. What to do? 
 So y'all can help, or give up. One or the other, no free rides. 
  Join the Club, but also,
tom $ cat /etc/mandrake-release
Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Cooker) for i586  
 got goin yesterday. Install an test it, specially those with ready 
  made marginal hardware (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, any laptop, etc). 
  Subscribe (lurk) on the cooker and change log lists, contribute when 
  you can. When it's done in a few months, you can feel proud that you 
  helped ... or you can resort to being one of those that sings the 
  same old song 'Mandrake hasn't been a good release insert prior 
  release, this one should'a had more work an testing'  
 I've never done any distro testing, since I only have a 4GB hard drive, 
 and it's currently 93% full.  However, I should be getting a new box in 
 a few weeks' time, with enough space for a an extra Linux partition, and 
 enough speed to make it worthwhile compiling RPMs (I've only done that 
 once, for LyX, but I can relearn how to do it pretty quickly).  I'll be 
 happy to test anything that doesn't blow up my monitor (remembering the 
 good old days when you edited a modeline and said a prayer before typing 
 Sir Robin
Thank god  I'm to new for that :-))
When you're being mugged..a handgun is more comfort than an ACLU lawyer

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Re: [newbie] Elsewhere in the news

2003-11-05 Thread robin
Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 08:38 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:


  What's next, only time will tell. IBM has been a strong
Linux supporter for several years. To the tune that they put
about $75Mil into SuSE a year or so ago. Now that's been
acquired by Novell, also a strong Linux support group, an the
reason they split from SCO some time back. BUT, SuSE, IBM, and
Novell also have current an prior relationships and
agreements. IBM is ante'g up $50 million into these
Novell/Ximian/SuSE collaboration efforts. SuSE came out
smellin like a rose. I believe so did Novell.
  So I just view it as circlin the wagons in a more concerted
effort for OSS/GNU/Linux to take over the Net and enterprise.
Fsck M$ et al. The money involved is relatively peanuts anyhow
for Novell, not even pocket change for IBM. For an indicator, notice that Apache's (on Un*x) gain,
mirrors M$ loss. BTW, IBM involvement is significant to me.
They're about 19 on the world's largest companies. For
perspective, Microsoft is somewhere in the 170's.  BUT...
 So we're still here, just the 1 or 2% of the desktop users
runnin Linux. RedHat wants to go enterprise only. No surprise
they always considered regular users as a nuisance (which they
are) for a commercial distro. Realistically there's only two
major community sponsored choices left, Mandrake an Debian. I
ain't goin anywhere, but there's much less than 1 or 2% left.
What to do? 

Well said, Tom. Personally I'm not afraid of IBM taking over 
Mandrake eventually.

The reason is that IBM here in Denmark displays a very positive 
attitude toward linux. They even offer free courses in linux to 
developers and sysadmins, provide test-versions of their 
WebSphere etc., etc

And, as long as they respect the GPL, I think they can push linux 
onto the desktop in a big way here. IBM is by far the biggest 
provider for the public administration in Denmark and cost-savvy 
politicians can't ignore Open Source Software any longer - 
especially with the almost weekly breakdown of their 
Windows-systems due to worms, Trojans and vira.
grammarnazi It's viruses, not vira. Vira would be the plural of 
virum, not virus. Virii is also wrong (it would be the plural of 
virius). Viri would be possible, though I've never seen it in a 

And I think the HP people look better wearing red hats, whereas 
the button-down, blue suits at IBM look better wearing top hat  
tails ;-).
I think this will push Linux in two directions, both of which have their 
advantages. One is small, community distros like Debian.  The other is 
projects supported by hardware companies (or other organisations such as 
universities and government bodies).  We need both ends of the spectrum, 
I think. Hardware companies like IBM can be trusted to support the GPL 
simply because they are hardware companies - they make their money by 
selling actual _things_, and the software is only there to sell the 
machines.  Look at how Star Office only released its source code after 
it was bought by Sun.

Sir Robin

Certitude is possible for those who only own one encyclopedia.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Help: I need my mouse back

2003-11-05 Thread qhwang
Just like what derek said, run 'mousedrake as root to reconfigure your
mouse. I run into the similar condition several weeks ago.



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RE: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread Grant

 On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 10:13:17 -0700
 Carl Creason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry for the ignorance but what is portsystem.
  I googled, but the few pages I found were in German
  and seemed to be about FreeBSD.

 Yes, it is the packagesystem in FreeBSDit downloads, compiles
 and installs with only one command


Has anyone considered Gentoo?  Their Portage updating system sounds awesome.
Here's some info:

- Grant

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Re: [newbie] Elsewhere in the news

2003-11-05 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 07:16 pm, robin wrote:

 grammarnazi It's viruses, not vira. Vira would be the
 plural of virum, not virus. Virii is also wrong (it
 would be the plural of virius). Viri would be possible,
 though I've never seen it in a dictionary./grammarnazi

Acknowledged, sir Robin. Naturally Latin doesn't have a plural 
form of virus (the Romans were happy). However, viruses is 
the anglicized version and thus appropriate here. In Denmark we 
use vira although I don't know why. Thanks for the correction.

Kaj Haulrich.
*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 11:14:44 -0800
Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Has anyone considered Gentoo?  Their Portage updating system sounds
 awesome. Here's some info:

Ya, if you enjoy a 3 day install process so you get 5 more FPS in
Quake... ;-)

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished:
if you're alive, it isn't.

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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread robin
Carroll Grigsby wrote:
On Tuesday 04 November 2003 07:17 pm, HaywireMac wrote:

Oh, and *wow*, it will automatically dual boot with Windows, MDK has
been doing that since, what, 9.0?

errr... my first crack at Mandrake was 7.0, and it did the dual boot tango 
I started with 7.0 too, and it was enough to make me switch from RedHat 
I only tried it because we had this weird box that wouldn't do a network 
install of RH or Slack, and I gave up reading the Debian installation 
manual after around page 250 ;-)

Haywire makes a good point when he says it's the kernel and the other 
packages that are important, more than the distro.  the important 
factors in choosing a distro are ease of installation, distro-specific 
configuration tools and, most importantly, community support.  Mandrake 
does pretty well in all three areas.

Sir Robin

Certitude is possible for those who only own one encyclopedia.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] xconfig

2003-11-05 Thread Oder
Thanks, thank you very much indeed for your information. Oder.

- Original Message - 
From: Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] xconfig

 On Wednesday 05 November 2003 07:58 am, Oder wrote:
  I can open menuconfig but I can't open xconfig. What do I need ? Thanks
  in advance, Oder.

 I have been unable to use xconfig since at least 2.4.21 and all my posts
 cooker went ignored.  There must be a bug somewhere, but I don't know
 to find it.  This actually brought me to the benefits of make oldconfig,
 which process your old config file and only asks you questions about the

 Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
 a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 21:49:11 +0200
robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Haywire makes a good point

I made a good point?!

Drugs must be wearing off...

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and
robbers there will be.
-- Lao Tsu

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RE: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread Grant

 Drugs must be wearing off...

I hate that.

- Grant

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Re: [newbie] Organizing bookmarks

2003-11-05 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 01:44:51PM -0500, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 I have accumulated bookmarks in each of 3 browsers (Mozilla, Firebird,
 and Galeon) over time and I'm ready to clean house.  I'm looking to
 either import from one into another or find some way that they can all 3
 share a common set of bookmarks.  I tend to use Firebird the majority of
 the time, so I wouldn't mind just consolidating there.
 I'd appreciate any ideas from someone who's done this.

I use Bookmark4u, a php/sql solution for managing bookmarks online.
It'll import bookmarks from IE, Opera, Netscape/Mozilla (so I assume
Firebird and Galeon as well), and can export them as well.

I no longer use browser bookmark feature, except for Mozilla's keyword
search which is really handy, because I'm on several different computers
and browsers each day. Bookmark4u manages them nicely.

If you'd like to give that a shot, I can set you up with an account--let
me know off-list.


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Re: [newbie] Weird sound problem

2003-11-05 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 12:29 pm, Sebastien Plante wrote:

 I have a weird sound problem.
 I am running Mandrake 9.1 on a new Dell desktop. My sound card is an
 original Sound Blaster 16 PCI (that I bought separately). After installing
 Mandrake, the sound card has been detected (es1371) and the module is
 loaded (when I check with lsmod)automatically. However, no sound and the
 volumes are NOT mutted. Here is the weird stuffs. Each time I run
 draksound, and after choosing the right module, the sound is now working,
 but after a reboot, no more sound. I have to rerun draksound to have sound.

 What could be the problem?

If you have both onboard sound on the motherboard and the SB 16, it is 
possible that Linux is activating both but deferring to using the onboard 
sound as the active device and thus bypassing the SB16 until you run 
draksound and select the driver and then it activates the second device.

I think that if you have multiple sound devices, you actually end up with 
multiple /dev/sound/dsp? devices on your system and since /dev/dsp is 
actually just a symbolic link to a dsp device in the /dev/sound directory, 
you should be able to pick and choose which one you want to be the primary 
device simply by changing the link in /dev to point to the right dsp device 
in /dev/sound.

Can you do a ls /dev/sound and tell us what the results are?

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread Aronsmith
On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 11:49, robin wrote:
 Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Tuesday 04 November 2003 07:17 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 Oh, and *wow*, it will automatically dual boot with Windows, MDK has
 been doing that since, what, 9.0?
  errr... my first crack at Mandrake was 7.0, and it did the dual boot tango 
 I started with 7.0 too, and it was enough to make me switch from RedHat 
 I only tried it because we had this weird box that wouldn't do a network 
 install of RH or Slack, and I gave up reading the Debian installation 
 manual after around page 250 ;-)
 Haywire makes a good point when he says it's the kernel and the other 
 packages that are important, more than the distro.  the important 
 factors in choosing a distro are ease of installation, distro-specific 
 configuration tools and, most importantly, community support.  Mandrake 
 does pretty well in all three areas.
 Sir Robin
When a friend gave me my first Mandrake distro he described it as Red
Hat that works. worked for me.
When you're being mugged..a handgun is more comfort than an ACLU lawyer

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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
 Has anyone considered Gentoo?  Their Portage updating system sounds
 awesome. Here's some info:

Yes its great if you don't mind waiting 5 days for everything to compile
(even on a relativly fast machine like my dual 1Ghz wintel box - unless
of course you decide to skip having KDE, Mozilla and OO):-Z

Ohh and did I mention that you need to keep everything upto date or it
all falls over, and you will have to wait/spend a long time for that to
be all sorted out, if indeed you don't break it in the process...

Trust me I've been there done it and have the scars to prove it!

  John Willby
  Registered Linux user number 321644
  ICQ: 92791912
  YIM: vicarofwibley
  Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
 21:00:46 up 1 day, 12:58,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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RE: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread Grant
  Has anyone considered Gentoo?  Their Portage updating system sounds
  awesome. Here's some info:
 Yes its great if you don't mind waiting 5 days for everything to compile
 (even on a relativly fast machine like my dual 1Ghz wintel box - unless
 of course you decide to skip having KDE, Mozilla and OO):-Z
 Ohh and did I mention that you need to keep everything upto date or it
 all falls over, and you will have to wait/spend a long time for that to
 be all sorted out, if indeed you don't break it in the process...
 Trust me I've been there done it and have the scars to prove it!

I believe you, but *everything* is updated with a single command.

- Grant

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[newbie] 9.1 does notproposes to reboot

2003-11-05 Thread tsmets
I upgrade my 9.0 to 9.1  raised the security level from normal from 
I now cannot find anything looking like a reboot entry in the menus... 
I had to access another console  invoke the REBOOT option !
Is that a mistake of mine or is it for a special purpose ...  ?
I now have to reboot at the end of every session otherwise my wife will 
not be able to reboot by herself !
Annoying !



Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Brussels
Tel. : +32 (0)2 742 05 94
GSM : +32 (0)497 44 68 12

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 does notproposes to reboot

2003-11-05 Thread Paul
On 11/05/2003 10:11 PM, tsmets wrote:

I upgrade my 9.0 to 9.1  raised the security level from normal from 
I now cannot find anything looking like a reboot entry in the menus... 

Doesn't Ctrl-Alt-Delete still work? It does here (although my security 
is not 'high')


The world needs more people like us and fewer like them. - Linux Mandrake - Thunderbird 0.4a

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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread tsmets

Correct but if you are doing a runner up then you may change distro
every new release because one comes with always the latests nicest,
collest tools (for the next two weeks). Suze is greate but there are
drawbacks too. While attending a course @IBM, they provided me a Suze
9.0 which was not all that beautifull... Eventhought their KDE 3.x
looks REALY nice MDK matches it up or just about !


finalfiler wrote:
I know
this is a MDK list, but having just read
... I'm tempted.

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Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Brussels
Tel. : +32 (0)2 742 05 94
GSM : +32 (0)497 44 68 12

Re: [newbie] Weird sound problem

2003-11-05 Thread Sebastien Plante
The onboard sound card is normally off in my BIOS...

Here is the ls /dev/sound  result:

$ ls /dev/sound -l

total 0
crw---1 plante   audio 14,   3 Dec 31  1969 dsp
crw---1 plante   audio 14,  19 Dec 31  1969 dsp1
crw---1 plante   audio 14,   2 Dec 31  1969 midi
crw---1 plante   audio 14,   0 Dec 31  1969 mixer

Sébastien Plante

From: Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Weird sound problem
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 15:48:43 -0500
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 12:29 pm, Sebastien Plante wrote:

 I have a weird sound problem.
 I am running Mandrake 9.1 on a new Dell desktop. My sound card is an
 original Sound Blaster 16 PCI (that I bought separately). After 
 Mandrake, the sound card has been detected (es1371) and the module is
 loaded (when I check with lsmod)automatically. However, no sound and the
 volumes are NOT mutted. Here is the weird stuffs. Each time I run
 draksound, and after choosing the right module, the sound is now 
 but after a reboot, no more sound. I have to rerun draksound to have 

 What could be the problem?

If you have both onboard sound on the motherboard and the SB 16, it is
possible that Linux is activating both but deferring to using the onboard
sound as the active device and thus bypassing the SB16 until you run
draksound and select the driver and then it activates the second device.
I think that if you have multiple sound devices, you actually end up with
multiple /dev/sound/dsp? devices on your system and since /dev/dsp is
actually just a symbolic link to a dsp device in the /dev/sound directory,
you should be able to pick and choose which one you want to be the primary
device simply by changing the link in /dev to point to the right dsp device
in /dev/sound.
Can you do a ls /dev/sound and tell us what the results are?

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer
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[newbie] Re: kde

2003-11-05 Thread Greg Meyer
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 03:25 pm, you wrote:
 thanks Greg for your swift reply, but a little patience is needed with
 me. I do not have any idea what you are talking about with the
 where is this found and how do i do it... sorry as this says i am a
 newbie in every respect.I will not give up on linux i think it is brill
 but al this typing in stuff is over my head.

I am happy to help.  Within the filesystem, there is a directory called /etc 
that holds all the configuration info for your machine.  Within that, there 
is a directory called sysconfig that holds config files related to the 
machine preferences.  Within that directory, there is a file called desktop 
that holds the default desktop preference.  You can learn a lot about your 
system by simply exploring the /etc directory.

Are you using autologin?  If so, just open Mandrake Control Center and go to 
drakboot, which is in the boot section.  Just change the default desktop and 
save and you should be good to go.

If you are not using autologin, to make KDE the default for your user, just 
type the following at a command prompt while you are in your home directory:

echo DESKTOP=KDE .desktop

Step by step to get you through it.

1) exit GNOME or whatever window manager you are in so you are looking at the 
graphical login prompt.

2) hit the ctrl-alt-F1 key combo to get to a console

3) log in as the user you want to set the default for

4) type 'echo DESKTOP=KDE .desktop' without the quotes

5) logout by typing 'logout'

6) hit alt-F7 to return to the gui, and try to login using the default as the 
desktop choice.

I am copying this back to the newbie list so that others might benefit from 
reading it now, or from scanning the archives later.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Weird sound problem

2003-11-05 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 05:09 pm, Sebastien Plante wrote:
 The onboard sound card is normally off in my BIOS...

 Here is the ls /dev/sound  result:

 $ ls /dev/sound -l

 total 0
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,   3 Dec 31  1969 dsp
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,  19 Dec 31  1969 dsp1
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,   2 Dec 31  1969 midi
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,   0 Dec 31  1969 mixer

Okay, so you have a dsp device and also a dsp1 device.  Possible that dsp1 is 
the SB16 and that dsp is the mainboard sound.  So, do a ls -l /dev/dsp and if 
the link is pointing to dsp, then you might want to relink it to dsp1 and 
then see if you can hear sound.  If you can, then we know that is what the 
problem is and we just have to make sure that harddrake is not overwriting 
the link to the device each time you are rebooting.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Weird sound problem

2003-11-05 Thread Jozef Riha
Bryan Phinney wrote --- napsal::
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 05:09 pm, Sebastien Plante wrote:

The onboard sound card is normally off in my BIOS...

Here is the ls /dev/sound  result:

$ ls /dev/sound -l

total 0
crw---1 plante   audio 14,   3 Dec 31  1969 dsp
crw---1 plante   audio 14,  19 Dec 31  1969 dsp1
crw---1 plante   audio 14,   2 Dec 31  1969 midi
crw---1 plante   audio 14,   0 Dec 31  1969 mixer

Okay, so you have a dsp device and also a dsp1 device.  Possible that dsp1 is 
the SB16 and that dsp is the mainboard sound.  So, do a ls -l /dev/dsp and if 
the link is pointing to dsp, then you might want to relink it to dsp1 and 
then see if you can hear sound.  If you can, then we know that is what the 
problem is and we just have to make sure that harddrake is not overwriting 
the link to the device each time you are rebooting.

note that cards like for instance SB Live! has two dsp devices (mine for example /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1).

-- joe

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[newbie] Looking for good digital image manager

2003-11-05 Thread Trey Sizemore
I'm looking for something like PixiePlus for categorizing and editing
digital photos.  PixiePlus is pretty good, but I'm looking at
alternatives.  I've also tried GQview.

So what are the favorites out there?



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Re: [newbie] Writing scripts (small) in MDK

2003-11-05 Thread Bela Markus
As a former C programmer I was looking for easy, fast and portable 
solution to develop some SQL/WEB/etc. applications for my own. Tried 
PERL but personally do not like it (my problem) and moved to PYTHON. I 
really like and enjoy it. Easy to use, there are good libraries and 
also, I can run and develop the code on WINDOWS or LINUX without taking 
care on the op system. What is more important, I was able to develop 
solutions during few nights which would take few minth in C.

This is strictly a personal view, however worst to spend few days with 

Regards... Bela

Johan wrote:

Kindly suggest a script language to use and maybe to difficult to learn.
This come to mind  -  phyton   -  perl  -  ???
At this time I use text gedit for * dos batch like files *
May this be a good day for learning
Registered Linux user # 330034

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 does notproposes to reboot

2003-11-05 Thread Richard Urwin
On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 9:11 pm, tsmets wrote:
 I upgrade my 9.0 to 9.1  raised the security level from normal from
 I now cannot find anything looking like a reboot entry in the menus...
 I had to access another console  invoke the REBOOT option !
 Is that a mistake of mine or is it for a special purpose ...  ?
 I now have to reboot at the end of every session otherwise my wife will
 not be able to reboot by herself !
 Annoying !

Anything above normal is targeted at servers, rather than workstations. You 
should be able to shutdown -r now from a root prompt.

Richard Urwin

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[newbie] Red Hat Linux is dead

2003-11-05 Thread Miark
I'm not sure if everybody noted the context of Szulik's comments 
noted in the Redhat = traitors??? thread. But here it is: Red
Hat is dropping its consumer line altogether.
   Red Hat yesterday unveiled its answer to the vexed question of 
   what it should do about its consumer line - dump it.

I dunno what to think about this. My first thought is that it's 
a bad thing for Linux, but a good thing for Mandrakesoft. Hmmm.


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Re: [newbie] Weird sound problem

2003-11-05 Thread Sebastien Plante
Here is the result:

# ls /dev/dsp -l
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   10 Nov  5 01:20 /dev/dsp - 

So I have changed the link to dsp1:
# ln -s sound/dsp1 /dev/dsp
# ls /dev/dsp -l
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   10 Nov  5 07:10 /dev/dsp - 

but still no sound after reboot... I still have to do a draksound to get 
sound... like I said... weird!

Sebastien Plante

From: Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Weird sound problem
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 17:53:01 -0500
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 05:09 pm, Sebastien Plante wrote:
 The onboard sound card is normally off in my BIOS...

 Here is the ls /dev/sound  result:

 $ ls /dev/sound -l

 total 0
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,   3 Dec 31  1969 dsp
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,  19 Dec 31  1969 dsp1
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,   2 Dec 31  1969 midi
 crw---1 plante   audio 14,   0 Dec 31  1969 mixer
Okay, so you have a dsp device and also a dsp1 device.  Possible that dsp1 
the SB16 and that dsp is the mainboard sound.  So, do a ls -l /dev/dsp and 
the link is pointing to dsp, then you might want to relink it to dsp1 and
then see if you can hear sound.  If you can, then we know that is what the
problem is and we just have to make sure that harddrake is not overwriting
the link to the device each time you are rebooting.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer
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[newbie] Download Mandrake and make discs

2003-11-05 Thread Thinker
Hello All,

 I wish to download Mandrake 9.2 and make installation CD's so that I
can install it on two of my machines at home and one at work. I noticed
on the homepage that 9.2 is available for download. 

When I get to the information page I can't seem to find the location of
the ISO's. ( )

  All I am seeing on any mirror is the contents of the directory. Am I
supposed to download all of this and burn it to disk? If so, is there
some special way I should go about burning the contents of the directory
to make the disk bootable?

I would much rather have the ISO's (since that is what I used last time)
if they are available.

Thanks in advance,


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[newbie] Strange happenings in my PC

2003-11-05 Thread L.V.Gandhi
Yesterday I have worked (mdk 9.1)and properly shutdown my PC.
But in the evening when I started my PC, it was giving errors for filesystems 
for ext3 and vfat. Totally I couldn't work. I tried upgrade from mdk cd1. 
That also didn't solve the problem. I saw /var/log/messages.
normally file closes with this line during exit
localhost exiting on signal 15
and starts with the following line
localhost syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
But in my log I had a few lines as follows in between these lines.
acm 0x0003 0x2238 0x1005 0x  0x00 0x00
adiusbadsl  (some numbers as above)
-- many lines like this
What does this indicates. I have adsl connection. Has somebody sneaked into my 
machine? if so what ports are to be closed. What ports I need to open. It is 
only a desktop connected to internet. I do browsing, get ans send mail and 
use ftp. I don't want to give access to others from outside. May be in local 
net in future I will connect my laptop.
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Re: [newbie] Elsewhere in the news

2003-11-05 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 02:04 pm, robin wrote:

 I'll be
 happy to test anything that doesn't blow up my monitor (remembering the
 good old days when you edited a modeline and said a prayer before typing

 Sir Robin

It's not an LG monitor, is it?
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Download Mandrake and make discs

2003-11-05 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 08:24 pm, Thinker wrote:
 Hello All,

  I wish to download Mandrake 9.2 and make installation CD's so that I
 can install it on two of my machines at home and one at work. I noticed
 on the homepage that 9.2 is available for download.

 When I get to the information page I can't seem to find the location of
 the ISO's. ( )

   All I am seeing on any mirror is the contents of the directory. Am I
 supposed to download all of this and burn it to disk? If so, is there
 some special way I should go about burning the contents of the directory
 to make the disk bootable?

 I would much rather have the ISO's (since that is what I used last time)
 if they are available.

 Thanks in advance,

You need to wait a few more days. They are delaying the release of the iso 
images due to the LG problem.  The iso's will have the solution already in 
the OS and should cause no one any problems. That is just my take on what has 
been happening and messages I have seen.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] SHould I get SuSe

2003-11-05 Thread David Filion
HaywireMac wrote:
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 11:14:44 -0800
Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

Has anyone considered Gentoo?  Their Portage updating system sounds
awesome. Here's some info:

Ya, if you enjoy a 3 day install process so you get 5 more FPS in
Quake... ;-)

Yea, and stupid things like a kernel and apps compiled specifically to 
your hardware for maximum efficiency.

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Re: [newbie] Download Mandrake and make discs

2003-11-05 Thread Jason Greenwood
Mandrake has wisely delayed the release of the ISO's until later in the 
release cycle (to encourage more people to purchase it or join the 
Club). In the past, it was avilable on the mirrors before retail!! That 
was not good for sales of course ;) Club Members can download it early 
via BitTorrent and of course there is retail. You can also go to 
CheapBytes etc. if you want them now. Alternatively, join the Club to 
show your support and then you'll have access that way.



Thinker wrote:

Hello All,

I wish to download Mandrake 9.2 and make installation CD's so that I
can install it on two of my machines at home and one at work. I noticed
on the homepage that 9.2 is available for download. 

When I get to the information page I can't seem to find the location of
the ISO's. ( )
 All I am seeing on any mirror is the contents of the directory. Am I
supposed to download all of this and burn it to disk? If so, is there
some special way I should go about burning the contents of the directory
to make the disk bootable?
I would much rather have the ISO's (since that is what I used last time)
if they are available.
Thanks in advance,



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