Re: [newbie] Reload Xinetd

2001-11-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

'/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinet restart' from the command line as root.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:46 AM 11/22/2001 +0800, you wrote:
How do I reload xinetd under LM 8.1 ? thanks.

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Re: [newbie] Mounting new HDD and creating new partitions.

2001-11-21 Thread Michael D. Viron


First, you need to create the new partition(s) on it.  You can do this from
the command line by doing fdisk /dev/hdx --where x depends on where it is
on your ide cable (ide0 primary is hda, ide0 slave is hdb, ide1 primary is
hdc, ide1 slave is hdd).

After that, you need to create the filesystem by doing an mke2fs or
mkreiserfs depending on whether you want to use reiserfs or ext2.

Finally, you need to add a line in your /etc/fstab, and do a 'mount -a' --
make sure that your mount point in /etc/fstab exists and is not being used
by another partition--you can check which partitions are mounted by doing a
'df -h' or checking /etc/mtab.

At that point, once it has been mounted, you are ready to copy files to it.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:34 AM 11/21/2001 -0600, you wrote:

I have installed a new hard drive on my box, but I don't know how to mount
it in permanent way and then how to creat new partitions. I don't use KDE or
GNOME so I need command lines to do it.

Thanks for help,



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Re: [newbie] Security warning?

2001-11-21 Thread Michael D. Viron


This is part of the e-mail that cron sends on completion of the 'logcheck'
entry in /etc/cron.daily .  Basically these are items to let you know that
something changed since the last time it ran.  It is not a good idea to
disable it, and in fact is a good idea to check on the items it is
'warning' about.  If you have more specific questions, don't hesitate to
send an e-mail to the list.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:32 PM 11/20/2001 -0500, Chris Ashmore wrote:
 Sorry this is so long   but what does this mean? I am very very new to this.
Security Warning: Change in World Writeable Files found : 
   - Added writables files : /home/samba 
   - Added writables files : /tmp/.ICE-unix/9451 
   - Added writables files : /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 
Security Warning: There is modifications for port listening on your
machine : 
   -  Opened ports : tcp0  0 *:netbios-ssn   *:*
  LISTEN  13541/smbd 
   -  Opened ports : tcp0  0 *:6000  *:*
  LISTEN  9363/X 
   -  Opened ports : udp0  0 Linux:netbios-ns*:*
   -  Opened ports : udp0  0 *:netbios-ns*:*
   -  Opened ports : udp0  0 Linux:netbios-dgm   *:*
   -  Opened ports : udp0  0 *:netbios-dgm   *:*
   -  Opened ports : udp0  0 localhost.localdo:32818 *:*
   - Closed ports  : tcp0  0 *:netbios-ssn   *:*
  LISTEN  1579/smbd 
   - Closed ports  : udp0  0 Linux:netbios-ns*:*
   - Closed ports  : udp0  0 *:netbios-ns*:*
   - Closed ports  : udp0  0 Linux:netbios-dgm   *:*
   - Closed ports  : udp0  0 *:netbios-dgm   *:*
Security Warning: World Writeable files found : 
   - /home/ftp/upload 
   - /home/samba 
   - /home/windows 
   - /lib/dev-state/dri 
   - /lib/dev-state/dri/card0 
   - /lib/dev-state/log 
   - /tmp 
   - /tmp/.ICE-unix 
   - /tmp/.ICE-unix/9451 
   - /tmp/.X11-unix 
   - /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 
   - /tmp/.font-unix 
   - /tmp/.font-unix/fs-1 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/blues 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/classical 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/country 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/data 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/folk 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/jazz 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/misc 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/newage 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/reggae 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/rock 
   - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/soundtrack 
   - /var/apache-mm 
   - /var/lib/texmf 
   - /var/lib/texmf/ls-R 
   - /var/spool/samba 
   - /var/tmp 
Security Warning: these home directory should not be owned by someone else
user=squid(23): home directory is owned by nobody(99). 

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Re: [newbie] Question about installing a .tar.gz file

2001-11-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

Typically a .tar.gz file isn't directly installed.  Instead, you usually:

1.  run 'tar -xzvf whatever.tar.gz' from the command line
2.  run './configure' (to configure it)
3.  run 'make' (to compile)
4.  run 'make install' (to install)

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 08:38 PM 11/21/2001 -0800, you wrote: 

I'm really new to linux and  I have no  clue  what to do  with these types
of files.  I right-clicked and opened  it with Archiver and extracted it
to a directory I made but  after that point I'm  simply  stumped.  Any and
all help would be greatly  appreciated. 

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Re: [newbie] Reload Xinetd

2001-11-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

There are not -- actually, there is one 'script' /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd
which calls /usr/sbin/xinetd to either start or stop it.

/usr/sbin/xinetd is the actual xinetd binary.
At 12:59 PM 11/22/2001 +0800, you wrote: 

   many thanks. that worked, but may I ask why are there 2 differing
versions   of xinetd ?

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Re: [newbie] Proper rpm procedure for cross-dependency?

2001-11-20 Thread Michael D. Viron

A better route would be to do 'rpm -Uvh --test kernel-*.rpm iptables-*.rpm'
which would deal with the 'catch-22' situation.  --nodeps should be a last


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:41 AM 11/20/2001 -0500, you wrote:
I've found that in situations like this the --nodeps option helps, which
causes any dependencies to be ignored.

- Kathy

Mitchell, Edmund wrote:

 Hello all

 So I thought I'd be all Tom Brinkman-like, and get the latest kernel. :)
 Did an rpm -Uvh --test, and it says iptables = 1.2.4-1 conflicts with
 the 2.4.13 kernel.
 So I got the latest iptables rpm, and --test 'ed it, too, and it says
 it needs the 2.4.13 kernel.

 So I'm stuck in a catch-22, and I'm wondering what's the
 proper voodoo to make everyone go home happy.

 All this is happening on a (more or less) stock LM 8.1.

 Thanks for any help


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For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a
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Re: [newbie] linux facts for presentation

2001-11-18 Thread Michael D. Viron

I've implemented linux for a local group called 'Web Spinners' out at the
University of West Florida, initial install was back in 1997, although
we've been slowly 'tweaking' things since then.

Cost was a big issue for this project, since funding was either
non-existant or consisted of less than $1,100 of funding.

1997-1998 - $0 budget
1998-1999 - $330 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees
1999-2000 - $650 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees
2000-2001 - $1065 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees
2001-2002 - $50 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees, $150 alumni donation

Our first linux server was a P75 w/ 32 MB ram and a 540 MB hard drive
(upgraded to 48 MB ram / 3.2 GB hard drive in 1998), next was a P133 w/ 128
MB ram, and 2 hard drives (a 1.2 GB and a 2.0 GB) loaned by a member in mid
1998.  This lasted until mid 1999, at which point we switched over to a
486/100 w/ 128 MB ram, and a 4.0 GB hard drive.

The latest one, we purchased the parts for and built it ourselves (figure
we saved around $200) for around $600 .  The current configuration (a
little different from what we originally built) has cost us around $800 -
$900 (between the original $600 for the original equipment, and around $200
- $300 for upgrades since then).

The main server is a Celeron 400, 256 MB ram, 3 hard drives (1 6.4 GB, 2 20
GB) which is serving as the groups mail server, web server, database
server, samba server (which also handles domain logins--something I just
finished today), and ftp server (I'm sure we're using it for more, but I
can't remember everything off the top of my head)

Total cost of the main server to date has been between $800 and $900 US.

If we had gone with the NT/2k server option, we were looking at anywhere up
to $30,000 US to start (in 1998).  We've initially saved between $10,000
and $29,000 US using linux instead.

Total savings since 1998 have been somewhere around the $70,000 - $80,000
US range.

If you would like more info, please don't hesitate to e-mail me directly.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:32 AM 11/18/2001 -0800, you wrote:
   I have the opportunity to deliver a presentation (probably StarOffice 
presentation method) on the linux operating system. What I would like from 
the list is some information on linux facts ...more to point, some 
instances of successful implementation in industry and institutions such as 
small to medium community colleges. Cost benefits, installation and training 
issues shouldn't be missed. 

Now that I have my laptop fully functional I will be using Mandrake to 
showcase Mandrake.

If anyone has done a similar presentation and has some tips, I'm all ears.

Please note, I'll be delivering to a group that is referred to as a 
Technology Advisory Committee that has been thoroughly indoctrinated in MS.

Presentation length is approximately 20 minutes.

I have no problem putting together the presentation, I just need the backup 

Thanks for this and all previous that got me this far,

Bill W. it true that MS uses linux to run its msn mail server?

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Re: [newbie] Installation and config of apache + php 4 + mod_ss

2001-11-18 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 11:52 AM 11/19/2001 +0800, you wrote:
Hi All People,

I am going to build  apache + php 4 + mod_ss  on Mandrake 8.1 to experience 
their installation and configuration and expecting to receive some advice 
from the list.

I found follwoing components in the CDs.









I suppose all of them being necessary for my application.  If I am wrong 
please correct me, thanks.  Any missing ?

My questions are :

1) I selected standard installation of Mandrake.  I am not quite sure 
whether some of them having been installed.  How to check them ?

do an 'rpm -q packagename' from the command line for each package you want
to check on.

2) To install those components which should come first
This depends on what kinds of dependencies each package has.  Basically,
put all the rpms you need in a single directory by themselves and do an
'rpm -ivh *.rpm' from the command line.

3) Installation starts from KDE Application -- System -- Package Manager 
or RPM each of them in Console Window.  Which will be more convenient ?

I've found doing these things from the console window (command line) is
much more informative.

4) To configure those components to make the server works.  Which of them 
should be configured first.
You should not have to configure anything (unless you've got virtualhosts,
aliases, etc that you want to add).  I've got an 8.1 testbox, and the
entire set was ready to go as soon as I booted into it the first time.

5) Are their configuration guides in the Man file or some other place.

The docs can either be found from your local hard drive or from the
following websites:

Apache =
OpenSSL =
Mod SSL =

(not sure where the mm, modperl, and imap websites are, use google or try

6) What are the difference between openssl-0.9.6b-8.i386.RPM and 


The openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide
various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES,
RSA and SSL. (basically, openssl provides encryption libraries for use with
various other programs--in and of itself, it is not very useful).

Ssh (Secure Shell) a program for logging into a remote machine and for
executing commands in a remote machine.  It is intended to replace
rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between
two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.  X11 connections and
arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.

OpenSSH is OpenBSD's rework of the last free version of SSH, bringing it
up to date in terms of security and features, as well as removing all
patented algorithms to separate libraries (OpenSSL).

This package contains the secure shell daemon. The sshd is the server
part of the secure shell protocol and allows ssh clients to connect to
your host.
By the way, the above descriptions came straight from doing an 'rpm -qi
packagename' from the command line.  If you aren't sure what a particular
package does, that is the best place to start.  You can, of course, also do
'man rpm' if you want more information regarding rpm's command line options.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

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Re: [newbie] Help

2001-11-16 Thread Michael D. Viron

You need to burn the .iso image, not the individual files.  If you do so,
you will have problems.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:55 PM 11/16/2001 -0800, you wrote: 

I downloaded the mandrake 8.1 ISO from one of your  FTP sites. I used
winimage to open the ISO and extract the contents to a empty  folder. I
need burned all of the contents to a CD. When I try to boot from the  CD it
tells me searching for boot record : None found  I can't seem to get this
installed,  HELP! 

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Re: [newbie] packer program

2001-11-15 Thread Michael D. Viron

There are gzip, bzip2, tar, and zip that come to mind...


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 01:42 PM 11/15/2001 -0800, you wrote:
I believe you already have such a program that will compress / decompress
files, called GZIP. In a terminal window, run MAN GZIP and see if that is
what you seek. Otherwise, try apropos zip and see what programs come up.

At 10:14 PM 11/15/2001 +0100, you wrote:
Hi folks,

after installing mandrake 8.1 (it runs - yeah) I need a packer program
like winzip or winrar to download someware - but - not in a packed
Someone a adress?



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o o o o o o o o  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  o _ 
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  .][__n_n_|DD[  _  |   | 
_/oo O oo`  ooo   ooo  'o!o!o o!o!o` 

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Re: [newbie] Set PATH and CLASSPATH?

2001-11-15 Thread Michael D. Viron

Typically PATH / CLASSPATH are set in /home/username/.profile , although
they can also be set in .bashrc .


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:40 PM 11/15/2001 -0500, you wrote:
you can add the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables to /etc/profile 
(for all users) or to /home/username/.bashrc (for username).

At 21:47 01/11/15 -0500, you wrote:
How do I setup the path and classpath for java?

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Re: [newbie] password samba

2001-11-14 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 11:35 AM 11/14/2001 -0700, you wrote:

Not sure I understand completely, but let me give it a shot.  As I
understand it, you created an account in your linbox named user and you
want the two pc's networked for printer and file sharing.  If so, you have
two alternatives.  One, is to name your winbox user and provide a password
for it, which needs to be the same as the password you are using in your
user account in your linbox.  Second alternative, if your winbox has a
different name, you can still get it to work by associating the name of
the winbox with the account in linux.  You can accomplish this correlation
by adding the following line to your smb.conf file under global settings:
Nope--the network name of the windows box has absolutely nothing to do with
accessing samba network shares.

If you have a different username on your windows box than on the linux box,
you must indicate the 'mapping' in /etc/smbusers, by adding:

linux_username = windows_username

You must then, using your text editor, add a line to your /etc/smbusers
file consisting of the following information:

your linbox account name = name of your winbox
Again, the name of the winbox has absolutely nothing to do with samba,
unless you are trying to mount a windows network share on the linux box.

Again, the password for  your winbox must be the same as the password for
your user account.

It does not need to be, but it simplifies getting access to network shares.

That should read 'the password for your windows username should be the same
as the password for your linux username'.

I am not sure why you added or had to add the line linux user = samba
user but I would at least comment the line out.

Nope--you need the line, if you are using a different username on the
windows machine from the one on the linux box.  Otherwise, you will get an
'invalid username' type error, and will have no access to the linux box.
This of course, is all explained in the samba docs available from
or from your local hard drive.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Mounting EXT2 Floppy

2001-11-13 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 02:23 PM 11/13/2001 -0500, you wrote:

Michael D. Viron wrote:
 Make sure that the user is a part of the 'floppy' group.  Otherwise you
 will not be able to mount the floppy as a non-root user.

How do you do this?

edit /etc/groups, and add the username after the last : in whatever group
that user needs to be a part of.

Or, edit the user via linuxconf, and add as many groups as you want in the
'Supplementary groups' field.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] global login scripts?

2001-11-09 Thread Michael D. Viron

Depends on which shell they are using.

Bash - edit /etc/profile and / or /etc/bashrc
csh - edit /etc/csh.cshrc and / or /etc/csh.login
zsh - edit /etc/zshrc


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:52 AM 11/09/2001 -, you wrote: 

global login scripts? 

If I wanted all users to have the same environment vars set when they
login, is there a central file I can stick this stuff into? 

Many thanks 

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Re: [newbie] tar.bz2

2001-11-09 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 11:05 PM 11/08/2001 -0800, you wrote:

tar -xvjf *.tar.bz2


That will work if he is using Mandrake 8.0 or later, on 7.2 the command
would be 
'tar -xvIf whatever.tar.bz2' .

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Postfix mail server question.

2001-11-04 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 08:34 AM 11/04/2001 -0800, you wrote:
I have a Domain and a static IP. I also so setup my Web server runs
behind a router which support NAT function. I open port 80 for WEB and I
think I have to open 2 more ports which are #25 and #110 for mail
server, is that right?

No, you actually only need to open port 25, unless you plan to access your
e-mail via pop3 from outside your local network.

 How can I setup Postfix to listen those 2 ports
(for sending and receiving mails)? 

Postfix only needs port 25 (which is SMTP) -- port 110 is pop3, which is a
totally separate piece of software and a different protocol.  Postfix is a
'mail transport agent' (MTA), and handles transporting e-mail from the
source address to the destination address.

If I setup an account on Postfix,
i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] , do I have to add user name ME on my server
user name ME has to either be added as a normal user or must be an alias in
/etc/postfix/aliases .

To use client mail program like Outlook to  send and receive mail via my
mail server, what do I need to setup on Postfix and what program I need
run at startup (i.e. POP3 IMAP.!!??). 

For postfix, you need to configure it to allow access from whatever client
machine you are using so that you can send e-mail through it from your mail
user agent (MUA) such as Outlook, Eudora, etc.  As for receiving e-mail,
you don't have to do anything.

To have a fully functional mail server, you need to be running postfix (or
sendmail) and either imap or pop3 or both.

Do I need to tell Postfix
which ports to listen to or by default it will listen on ports #25 and

No -- by default Postfix listens only to port 25 (SMTP) -- it doesn't
listen to port 110, which is a totally different protocol (which is handled
by a different piece of software.

Thank you,

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Re: [newbie] Installations under root

2001-11-04 Thread Michael D. Viron

Yes, all programs, unless permissions specifically prohibit it, can be used
by any user on the system.  For audio with a user, make sure that the user
is a part of the  'audio' group in /etc/group -- if not, then add the
account to the audio group, otherwise the non-root user will not be able to
use the audio device.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 03:14 AM 11/04/2001 -0800, Robert wrote:
My question is when I install RPM packages is this installed through the 
system such as security and fixes along with lets say I install a plugin for 
Netscape for Flash Player all of the accounts with Netscape will have the 

If I add XMMs through root will this also be in my regular user account?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] What do I nedd for compiling c++ code?

2001-11-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 03:50 PM 11/03/2001 -0800, you wrote:
When I try c++ or g++ I get message: command not found. :-(

You most likely don't have the c++ add-in for gcc and / or the standard c++
libraries installed.

You may want to verify that you have:

[mviron@wsdodev mviron]$ rpm -qa | grep c++
[mviron@wsdodev mviron]$

the above packages installed.  Of course, depending on what you are trying
to compile, you may need to install additional packages.  The error will
then tell you what additional libraries and / or headers you'll require, do
a search on on the name of the library or header, and it will
tell you which package you'll probably be able to find it in.  Try to avoid
using non-Mandrake specific packages (the rpm names for mandrake packages
usually end in mdk.i586.rpm, as opposed to the other rpm-based distributions).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] just what does that restore session thing do anyway?

2001-11-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

It basically means that if you've left something open (such as an xterm,
mozilla window, etc) when you logout, that, the next time you log in, it
will still be open.


At 06:49 PM 11/04/2001 -0800, you wrote:
If I check the box restore session the next time you log in the only 
difference that I notice is that it takes longer to reboot. It seems to be 
one more step added to the loading of kde. I haven't checked it off lately 
because I haven't found an advantage in using it.

Things are only useful if you know what they're useful for.


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Re: [newbie] Problems with KDevelop 1.3 installation

2001-11-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

First, please try using larger fonts -- the below font is very difficult to
read as it is 6pt or less.

Make sure that you have XFree86-devel installed--if it isn't, it will not
find the XFree86 header files.


At 06:35 PM 11/03/2001 -0800, you wrote: 

When I run configure I get error message: 

 checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check
  your installation and add the correct paths! 

What this means and how can I correct the problem?

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Re: [newbie] Problems with KDevelop 1.3 installation

2001-11-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

Try installing qt-devel (if it isn't already).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 08:41 PM 11/03/2001 -0800, you wrote: 

I have installed XFree86-devel and that part is ok,  now I get some strange
 checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (= 1.42 and  2.0) (headers and
libraries) not found.

How come it can't find qt, I have qt-1.44 installed.

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Re: [newbie] AOL newbie sendmail problem

2001-11-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 01:44 PM 11/04/2001 +0800, you wrote:
I've installed sendmail in my linux box .then i want to send e-mail.What
is the command to receive and get mails in sendnmail program.

Sendmail automatically picks up on e-mails being sent to an account on your
machine (unless you have a dynamic IP, in which case things are handled a
little bit differently).  All you have to do is make sure that sendmail is
running, by typing '/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail status' at the command line
as root.  You do not use sendmail to check for new e-mail.  It is used to
'transport' e-mail from one location (domain) to another (much as one uses
a car to get to and from work, but not to do work).

how will i
know if got mail and how will i read it.
Typically, when you login, it will tell you that you have new e-mail.  The
other way of course, is to check it via an e-mail client (such as Eudora,
Outlook, pine, mutt, etc) depending on where you are checking it from.
You'll read it from directly within the e-mail client -- how depends on
which one you use.

and how will i know if it is PAP
or IMAP that i installed.

There is no server called PAP -- you have a choice of either POP or IMAP.
To check to see if it is installed, do an 'rpm -q imap' from the command
line.  If it is, then pop3 and imap are available, although you may have to
enable them from within the services configuration menu.

Pls help me  i need answers.pls..
Any help will be gladly appreciated

Thanks and God Bless!

AOL /autonotix

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Question about accessing windows mount

2001-11-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

I would guess that linux does not yet have support for whatever NTFS is
included with XP, since the last I heard, read / write support for NTFS 4
was still very experimental, and NTFS 5 support was virtually non-existant.
 Since NTFS is a proprietary binary-only filesystem, linux does not support
it very well yet.  Of course, with the DMCA, it is probably illegal to even
try to reverse engineer it.

You may want to see if he has the option of converting a small part of the
hard-drive to fat32, which linux has much better support for.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:35 AM 11/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
I finally got my brother-in-law installed with linux. He is dual booting 
Linux and WindowsXP. For some reason linux didn't automatically pick up the 
windows NTFS partition. How do I go about setting up the mount point for his 
windows partition? I'll have to talk him through it on the phone so using 
linuxconfig or a GUI would be best.
The two things I am stuck on is what partition the windows is on and what 
should the file system be? vfat or do I put in NTFS? 

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Re: [newbie] password in network

2001-11-01 Thread Michael D. Viron

Are you trying to connect from a windows PC to a linux samba server?

If you are, you must make sure that either your windows username is mapped
to your unix username in /etc/smbusers (or possibly /etc/samba/smbusers,
depending on which version of samba / Mandrake you are using on the server)
or a valid unix username.  The password is then the same as the one for
your unix user account (which, if you want to make things easier, should be
the same as your windows user password).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:29 AM 11/01/2001 +, belcoop wrote:
After reconfiguring many times the network, suddenly the computer appears on 
the screen oof the windows network. 

To access however, he asks for passwords. Where do I find/install them? 



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Re: [newbie] logfile location?

2001-10-31 Thread Michael D. Viron

As far as where the logfiles are located, they are usually either directly
under /var/log, or in one of the subdirectories.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:55 AM 10/31/2001 -0600, you wrote:
I posted a few weeks ago RE: getting my USR Sportster ISDN 128k internal ISA
modem working. No one responded.
After attempting to get it to work via HardDrake by configuring it from
there, I get an unable to connect error. If I punch the log button, a text
screen pops containing the events leading to the error and the specific
error itself. My question is, where is this logfile deposited? The window
that pops has no title  I'm unable to cut/paste the contents. Also, is
there anyone else out there with this same modem that has gotten it to work
successfully w 8.1 (or any other previous version)? What other configuration
do I need to do, if any, in addition to the HardDrake stuff? I'm completely
new to Linux so I'm pretty lost in trying to get this to work. I've been
hammering at it for 3 weeks now and I'm about ready to throw in the towel
and crawl back to MS with my tail between my legs;-(. Without Internet
connectivity it's a waste of time. Again, ANY insight at all would be most
appreciated. Thanks

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Re: [newbie] No sound as user!

2001-10-31 Thread Michael D. Viron

Try checking to make sure that your user account is part of the 'audio'
group.  If it isn't, you will not be able to use sound as a user (although
it will work perfectly fine as 'root').  It's yet another 'security' feature.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 05:13 PM 10/31/2001 -0800, you wrote:
Two possibilities.  Usually if something works as
root, but not a user, then it's a permissions problem.
 However, another thought - mixer and volume settings
are set for each user (root is a user too!), so you
might find that it's simply that the sound IS working,
but just defaulted too low for your user. 


--- ZekeVarg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I just made a fresh install of Mandrake 8.1 and
 everything went fine 
 exept for logging in as a user the sound doesn't
 work (gnome), it works 
 logged in as root.
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Re: [newbie] and MS in general.

2001-10-30 Thread Michael D. Viron

I might be wrong -- not saying ms was right to block browsers -- but I
thought that ms was concerned about css, not javascript. You're approach
addresses javascript, not css. I'm sure you know this, but I'll say it just
to make my point clear: For css, you have to check for browser type, not
for javascript objects. While css and javascript can be combined they are
two seperate things, and if you think that your page won't *display*
properly due to css issues, then you should check for browser type. That's
what I do. Oftentimes you need a css sheet for netscape and another css
sheet for internet explorer. (I'm new to linux, so not sure if I'll need
yet another for unix systems.)

Actually, I have never had to have 'separate' stylesheets for the different
browsers.  I take the time to develop a template that will work properly in
all browsers (or at the very least, Netscape 4.7x, Netscape 6.x, Mozilla
.9x, and Opera on a variety of platforms).  For other browsers, I make sure
that my website will 'degrade gracefully' (ie, making sure that the website
is actually readable in text based browsers (such as lynx, links) and
earlier versions of netscape and IE).

Granted, that such attention makes a prototype take longer to develop.  The
last one I did that was cross - browser / cross - os took me about 4-5
months to design, develop, and perfect.  However, using php or jsp or for
that matter cfm, I can have a single template -- meaning that all I have to
do, is include the template with each page, and therefore have content /
layout / style independence (ie, the styles are all in a stylesheet, layout
is handled in a template file, and content is added to another file (where
the 'template' is included).  After that, I can add content to my hearts
content, or for that matter, change out the template for a new design
within a matter of minutes.

By the way, for those who are wondering, I've been dealing with web design
/ development for over 6 years now.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] how to extract bz2 files

2001-10-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

run tar xjf ...


'tar xjf filename' will work on 8.0 and above, it does not work on previous
releases 7.2 and below.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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RE: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-26 Thread Michael D. Viron

Linux still have a long way to go, compared to where microsoft is... So,
learn from the strength of microsoft, and combine both to win ppl over...
and not argue among urselves, and accomplish nothing except to maybe plant
seeds of disunity...
If Linux really rise up to the occasion, I am willing to bundle linux as the
OS in OEM computer... but that is Linux rise up to the occasion.

That may be true, but you seem to indicate that it is not user-friendly at
all yet, which is hardly the case.  I'm not sure how long you've been using
some version of linux, but the first one I installed was slackware 2.5 --
it was hardly 'user-friendly' at that point.  Want to add a user?  Well,
you better learn the adduser command.  Want to configure bind, apache, or a
host of other servers?  Better learn to edit the configuration files
directly.  Want to have networking available?  re-compile the kernel.  Want
to use kde or gnome?  Compile them.

Slackware was certainly not user friendly -- at least, much less so than
things are today.  Basically anything that you wanted to do, you had to
compile / configure by hand from the command line, since there were
virtually no pre-compiled binaries.

Today, you've got distributions like Redhat and Mandrake where you can
configure virtually everything on the system from a GUI.  You don't even
have to compile most software anymore -- you just go to rpmdrake or any of
the other rpm guis, select a package that you want to install, and it takes
care of the rest of it for you.  To me, that is at least as user friendly
as Windows is, in some cases even more so.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] How can I determine if I'm root in a script

2001-10-23 Thread Michael D. Viron

You could try 'whoami'.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:18 AM 10/23/2001 -0500, you wrote:
I'm trying to write a bash script to install some files but it must be run
as root.  Is there a way that I can get my script to check to see if it has
root priviledges and if not exit out?

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Re: [newbie] Circular dependancies?

2001-10-23 Thread Michael D. Viron

[root@pengo packages]# rpm -i libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
GConf = 1.0.4 is needed by libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk

Is this my fault for trying to install from the 8.1 RPM's or should I be
to do this?

Get around it by doing an 'rpm -i libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
GConf-*.rpm'  I've seen this with several packages, and have found that the
above is the easiest way to solve it.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-22 Thread Michael D. Viron

One of the things about the Mac that caught my
attention was that its new OS X is basically another
Unix variant.  Aside from being more stable than
Windows, Im hoping that each machine would be able to
easily mount the others file systems. Has anyone tried
this?  I would expect it to be simply a matter of
starting up an NFS service.  I know that you can
similarly use SAMBA to serve files to a Windows
client, but I understand that this would be more
limiting (the linux box cant write to the Windows
partitions, etc...).

Yes, a linux client can write to a samba mounted share, regardless of the
windows filesystem type.  As a matter of fact, one backup measure I take on
a weekly basis is to write a copy of .tgz'ed backups to a smb mount that
uses the NTFS5 filesystem--primarily so that a copy of the backup files can
be burned to CD -- they wouldn't allow me to put the CDRW in the linux server.

Of course, since I'm not really sure what you mean by 'the linux box cant
write to the Windows partitions, etc...', I could be missing the point.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] more books please

2001-10-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

Try, which contains all the linux documentation
(Guides, Howtos, etc).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:17 AM 10/21/2001 -0500, you wrote:
  I need free books (I hope in pdf or ps) about Programing with Shell in 
Linux and Operating System

  This books are for my class at the University, and I'll be grateful a lot 
if you can help me

thanks 4 everything
   | M. Paúl Mancheno H. |
| Linux User Registered #232544  |

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Re: [newbie] How to make a Upgrade

2001-10-01 Thread Michael D. Viron

It's pretty much no different than an install -- reboot, pop the CD in, go
step by step through the screens, and you are all set.  The last time I did
an upgrade was from 7.1 to 7.2 -- it ended up taking nearly 6 hours to
finish.  I did a clean install of 7.2, and had the machine up and running
within 3 hours.

Of course, you are typically much better off to do a clean install as
opposed to an upgrade.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:40 PM 10/01/2001 -0400, you wrote:
Hello List.
I have a simple question:
How i can to upgrade Mandrake 8.0 to 8.1


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Re: [newbie] fetchmail

2001-09-29 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 07:35 PM 09/29/2001 -0600, Admin wrote:

I understand fetchmail is an email retrieval system, which will obtain
from a remote email server and distribute them to the local network.  
Currently, I have a two pc lan, where my second pc is a win98 box.  Does 
anybody know if fetchmail will work with outlook express?  Meaning, is it 
possible to configure fetchmail so it will go to the proper email server,
the emails and if necessary send the appropriate emails to my outlook
client in my win98 box?  Thanks...

Fetchmail by itself will not, fetchmail + pop3 or imap will.

Fetchmail is a client that connects to an e-mail server -- to the best of
my knowledge, it will not forward such messages to your outlook express

The basic setup would be to create a user for e-mail.  In that users
crontab, you'd add a line to call fetchmail to check for new e-mail every x
minutes (where x is how often you want it to check for e-mail on the remote
e-mail system).

The next step would be to enable the pop3 or imap server for your linux
server, such that outlook express can connect, and download new messages on
a regular basis.  Make sure that you turn off HTML e-mail in Outlook
Express (I seem to remember that it is enabled by default) and that it is
not set to delete e-mail from the server.

Depending on how much security you want in place for this, you can also
enable ipchains (or iptables depending on kernel / distribution versions),
adding a rule to only allow pop3 (or imap, depending on which one you
choose) access from the IP of the Win98 box.  This will prevent anyone
outside your LAN from connecting (or attempting to connect) to the pop3 /
imap server on your linux box.

I'm sorry that I'm being so general on this post, but without knowing the
specifics (ie, kernel version, distribution version, and so forth), I can't
give you much detail.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] xinetd

2001-09-25 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 09:48 PM 09/25/2001 +0100, you wrote:

I installed a few security updates via Mandrake Update to my MDK 8.0 system 
over the weekend.  One of them was an updated xinted.  All seemed to go 

Tonight I found the need to telnet to my machine, and couldnt, no telnet 
service.  I tracked it down to the fact that xinetd wasnt running.  Further 
investigation found that the binary in /usr/sbin was called xinetd-version 
number and not just plain xinetd.

Renaming it now has it starting up again from cold boot.  

Anyone else come across this, or is it old hat?

It isn't just on Mandrake 8.0 -- I had the same problem on 7.2 .

I made /usr/sbin/xinetd a symbolic link to
/usr/sbin/xinetd-version_number, and it works fine now (not that I use
xinetd for much, since I've turned off most of the services it provides).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] ipchains? iptables? iproute2?

2001-09-25 Thread Michael D. Viron

iproute2 is the way for kernel 2.4.x to handle IP source routing. (See docs
at for information)

ipchains and iptables are roughly equivalent to one another in that they
both have the same end result -- configuring a firewall.  ipchains is the
firewalling utility from the 2.2.x kernels (although still supported  under
2.4.x), while iptables is the kernel 2.4.x replacement for ipchains.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 08:55 PM 09/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:
I setup sharing my internet connection under Mandrake Control Center on 
MDK 8.  It installed ipchains, iptables, and iproute2?  Are all these 
programs used for the internet sharing or does it install some of these 
for a just in case senerio?  What are they all supposed to do?


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Re: [newbie] Checking on port 80 scans?

2001-09-22 Thread Michael D. Viron

It'll be in your error_log and access_log files in /var/log/httpd/ .
(unless each site has its own set of log files).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 08:28 AM 09/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:
I'm running Mandrake 8 and Apache to host a couple of small web 
sites.  I'd like to find out the amount of port 80 scanning that's 
going on as a result of the Nimda virus.  Anyone know what tool to 
use or where this might be logged?


Andy Miller

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Re: [newbie] question regarding man and xmodmap

2001-09-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 17:55:40 -0500
From: Michael D. Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] question regarding man and xmodmap

At 12:45 AM 09/22/2001 +0200, you wrote:
I've been running Red Hat Linux 7.0 with 2.4 kernel
for a couple of months now, very happily. Two weird
things have recently happened:

1) when I try to use man I get an error that says

gzip: stdout: No place left on the device
Error executing formatting or display command.

et.c. et.c.
It would be useful to see your partition information.

Run df -h, and post the output.

Also, try updating to the most recent man rpm, available from

Sorry...that should have been:

(They just released the update today)

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] question regarding man and xmodmap

2001-09-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

There are a few things you can do:

1.  Repartition the drive (which pretty much means a re-install) as follows:

/ approx 600 - 700 MB
/usr approx 3.5 GB (gives you a little more room in case you decide to load
more programs down the road)
leave your swap size the same
give the rest to /home.

2. Take a look in /var/log, and see if there are any .[1-9] files or .gz
files.  If so, they can be deleted (since they are nothing more than old
copies of your log files).  Also check in /var/spool/mail, and do an ls -al
to see how large your mail spool files are getting.  The 'root' user
account gets a lot of e-mail from various cron jobs that occur regularly
(if the machine is on 24/7) and so therefore might be kind of large.

3.  Try to figure out where it is trying to uncompress the man files (I
think /var/tmp maybe? or /var/cache) and make that a symbolic link to a
similarly named directory on /home (where you have plenty of room).


At 01:12 AM 09/22/2001 +0200, you wrote:

thanks for the advice. Gee, I'm really Newbie!
ok, so var is full and I guess that's where the 
man would decompress... Is it easy to change the space
allowed for var or do I need to repartition the HD?

the output is

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 486M   50M  411M  11% /
/dev/hda5 3.8G   14M  3.6G   1% /home
/dev/hda6 2.9G  938M  1.8G  34% /usr
/dev/hda8  45M   46M 0 100% /var



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Re: [newbie] Same install many PC's

2001-09-19 Thread Michael D. Viron

During an expert installation of MandrakeLinux 8, it should ask if you want
to create a replication floppy--at least it does with 7.2 not sure about
8.0 or 8.1.  I'm not sure how exactly it works, but it should be pretty
close to what you want.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:46 PM 09/19/2001 -0400, you wrote:

I recently installed MandrakeLinux 8 for a school

and set up Squid as a proxy server for their Win98 PC's

They are now interested in having Linux for a number of

their Desktop PC's. I would be happy to install it but,

as many of them are identical, I wondered if it would

be possible to install on one then create a cd with 

a copy of it and have some means of automatically 

reinstalling the identical configuration on the others.

I realise that it would need things like host names to

be different on each one but I think it should be possible

to write some small script to allow that sort of question to

be asked. Does anyone have any idea how I could go about this?



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RE: [newbie] apache question .htaccess file and httpd.conf settings relating to it.

2001-09-16 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 05:03 PM 09/16/2001 +0800, Franki wrote:
also, do you have the paths to the document root set correctly in

if you are trying to serve pages from the servers root directory, it will
give that result...

if its not set to serve root...

take a look in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

look in the directory listings...

ie Directory

inside them (particularly your html directory), you should have a line like
AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit Options

That will allow your web server to accept htaccess files...

in your .htaccess file, (which goes in the web diectory you want to protect)

you should have something like this:

Options All
AuthType Basic
AuthName Protected Access
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/somedirectory/somefile.access
Limit GET
require valid_user
Actually, the user file should be somewhere above the html root
directory--otherwise a direct request could be made for it if someone knows
what the filename is, and therefore would then be able to get a list of
valid users.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] File access- Me?,Machine?, Manual?

2001-09-14 Thread Michael D. Viron

What you said makes sense. Except for one item,
Root directory - key word is directory not root.
The one item is if I am SU, does this automatically open
the root file or the directory?  
Assuming I have it set for all access.

If you 'su' without the dash, you become the root user (ie, user
'root'--basically the account which has all privileges) but it does not
change to root's home directory (/root).  (as stated in the man page for
su:  Change the effective user id and group id to that of USER.)  

for example:

mviron@wsdo ~ $ pwd
mviron@wsdo ~ $ su
[root@wsdo mviron]# pwd
[root@wsdo mviron]# whoami
[root@wsdo mviron]#

whereas with su - (or -l or --login)

mviron@wsdo ~ $ pwd
mviron@wsdo ~ $ su -
[root@wsdo /root]# pwd
[root@wsdo /root]#

If you use -, -l, or --login username su acts as if you had just logged
into the machine directly as username.

There are three different 'root's on a unix platform which mean 3 totally
different things:

1.  The root directory (/) under which all other directories connect.
2.  The root user, also known as the Super-User, which has permission to
do whatever you want to do (including removing all files on the hard
drive), and is typically used for system administration (adding users,
editing configurations and so forth).
3.  The home directory for the root user (/root/) under which root's shell
initialization and configuration settings are stored.

The question then becomes which root are you talking about?  As far as I am
aware, there is no root file (unless you are considering the /root/
directory as a file).



Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Mandrake 8.0

2001-09-10 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 01:11 PM 09/10/2001 -0500, you wrote:
on 9/10/01 12:41 PM, Mr Cripps at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's my main question - if I install on F: and the disk is reformatted by
 Linux, how will I get Windows to eventually claim it back? Will it be easy,
 or am I committed? Will Win still recognise the HD as F:?

When you install mandrake, it will replace window's MBR with lilo. Lilo will
allow you to choose whether you want to run windows or linux at boot.

When removing mandrake, one thing you'd need to do is restore your windows
mbr. The mbr is the master boot record, which is what the system looks to in
order to load an OS when the system is booting. To restore your windows mbr,
type in a DOS window:

fdisk /MBR

Now, to kill of mandrake, just run fdisk from a DOS prompt, and reclaim the
partition as fat32 (or fat16, whichever you're using). When rebooting
Windows should recognize the partition, when you try to access the drive
Windows will say it needs to be reformatted. Just reformat it as Windows
directs and the drive will be back to what it originally was (sans any files
it had on it).


Matt and original poster,

In a single word--no.

Actually, you won't be able to remove the ext2 partitions with windows
fdisk--what you've done if you clear the mbr first is provide yourself no
way to get into linux (other than via a boot disk) to remove the ext2
partition information.  What needs to happen is boot using something
similar to tom's root / boot disk (link should be off the distribution
page of or into your linux install, run linux fdisk as root,
remove all ext2 partitions.  Boot into windows, run 'fdisk /mbr' (note,
this is windows fdisk), reboot using the floppy, and repartition the drive
using windows fdisk, setting up partitions for a FAT16 or FAT32 partition -
if it is a large drive, choose FAT32 (FAT16 has a limit of 2 GB per
partition), then format.

This is, of course, the same set of instructions that have been sent to the
list countless times either by civilme or myself or others for that matter.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Mandrake 8.0

2001-09-10 Thread Michael D. Viron


sorry for you having to post it again - is there an archive of this list


The list is archived at for newbie and for the expert list.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Uninstall Linux ?

2001-09-09 Thread Michael D. Viron

There is no uninstall method, except to fdisk  format the drive.
'fdisk /mbr' (from a DOS prompt -- boot from a Win98 boot diskette) will
get rid of LILO, and 'fdisk' will allow you to delete your non-DOS
partition(s) and create one or more DOS partitions. You then need to
format each partition (again in DOS, using a Win98 boot diskette) to
make them usable. If your boot diskette's version of 'format' will not
support fat32, then you can always convert to fat32 after Windows is


Dave, Michael S, and original poster,

Actually, you won't be able to remove the ext2 partitions with windows
fdisk--what you've done if you clear the mbr first is no way to get into
linux (other than via a boot disk) to remove the ext2 partition
information.  What needs to happen is boot using something similar to tom's
root / boot disk (link should be off the distribution page of
or into your linux install, run linux fdisk as root, remove all ext2
partitions.  Boot into windows, run 'fdisk /mbr' (note, this is windows
fdisk), reboot using the floppy, and repartition the drive using windows
fdiskm, setting up partitions for a FAT16 or FAT32 partition - if it is a
large drive, choose FAT32 (FAT16 has a limit of 2 GB per partition), then

This is, of course, the same set of instructions that civilme sent to the

In the next few days, I'll have finished a FAQ relating to questions (using
my answers) that have been posted to this list and the expert list--if
nothing else, civilme, myself, and the other experts on the list can post
the url for the person to look at instead of sending the same instructions
to the list every time -- I've seen at least 3 or 4 posts concerning
uninstalls, for example.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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2001-09-09 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 03:24 PM 09/10/2001 +1200, Ivor Westwood wrote:
Hi All

I have a 17Gb hardrive  partitioned into three.  C. 2.5Gb,  D. 6.55Gb  E. 
6.55Gb. I had this partitioning done when I was going to install BiOs, but 
the computer shop installed Windows in all three partitions. I really 
wanted  Windows only in the 1st partition.

Now my question is this. Can I delete D and E and format them with Linux 
leaving C with Windows 98 intact.? This would save me a great deal of 
installation of Windows programs I  have to use, if I deleted the whole

You'd be ok, provided no Windows files were installed to D / E.  Also, make
sure that your swap file, application files (the stuff under Program
Files), and any data files are on C.  Then it is a simple matter of going
into windows fdisk, and removing the windows partitions for D and E.

Once you've removed those, then run the Linux install and partition as you


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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[newbie] Re: Re[2]: [expert] httpd as root

2001-09-09 Thread Michael D. Viron


If you really want to open up that can of worms, yes, you'll have to
re-compile apache from source.  If this is a box with an internet
connection, that isn't behind a firewall, I would strongly suggest
continuing to run apache as the apache user.  If it's behind a firewall
which blocks outside access to the box, then go ahead.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:39 PM 09/10/2001 +0700, you wrote:
Hello Michael,

Monday, September 10, 2001, 11:18:27 AM, you wrote:

MDV It would help to know what version of apache, what your error log says
i installed it from Mandrake 8.0 rpm package.

MDV (/var/log/httpd/error_log), and what line(s) in the apache configuration
[root@starwars conf]# service httpd start
Starting httpd-perl: Error: Apache has not been designed to serve
pages while
running as root.  There are known race conditions that
will allow any local user to read any file on the system.
If you still desire to serve pages as root then
add -DBIG_SECURITY_HOLE to the EXTRA_CFLAGS line in your
src/Configuration file and rebuild the server.  It is
strongly suggested that you instead modify the User
directive in your httpd.conf file to list a non-root
Starting httpd: Error:  Apache has not been designed to serve pages while
running as root.  There are known race conditions that
will allow any local user to read any file on the system.
If you still desire to serve pages as root then
add -DBIG_SECURITY_HOLE to the EXTRA_CFLAGS line in your
src/Configuration file and rebuild the server.  It is
strongly suggested that you instead modify the User
directive in your httpd.conf file to list a non-root

MDV file you are trying to change.
in /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf :
### Common server configuration
User apache
Group apache

... do i have to download tgz package, and compile a new apache..? :(

Best regards,
 Mulusmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] FAQ was re: Uninstall Linux ?

2001-09-09 Thread Michael D. Viron


Although the FAQ hasn't been completely finished, it can be viewed at .  Keep in mind, that
this is still very much under development, so all of the 200+ postings that
I've made probably aren't covered by the FAQ yet.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, don't hesitate to let
me know.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 03:25 PM 09/09/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Please post a link to the faq on 'completion'?

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Re: [newbie] apache htdocs and error

2001-09-08 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 06:17 PM 09/08/2001 -0400, you wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format...


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

what do i need to chmod on this

chmod 600? 755? what I worked till i think my boss chmod 600


Brandon Caudle
15yr Old Avid Unix User (HP-UX,FreeBSD,Linux)
Larkhaven Golf Course
Charlotte, NC


Directories must be at least 755 (read/write/execute by user, read and
execute for everything else).

Individual files (such as .gif, .png, .jpg, .php, and .htm*, excluding perl
and/or cgi scripts) can be 644 (read / write by user, read-only by everyone

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Network Cards

2001-09-07 Thread Michael D. Viron

I do want to start using Mandrake, and I'm willing to pick up a new
network card if that's what I have to do.  If I do, I was wondering if
there was a list somewhere that I could bring into a shop so I would
choose a card that Mandrake would recognize.

If you can't get the dlink card to work (and I remember having problems
with dlinks and the ne cards), you should pick up a 3com card.  I've never
had any problems with everything from the early 3c509's to the newer 3c905's.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Need some some file/directory system structure.

2001-09-07 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 02:40 PM 09/07/2001 -0700, you wrote:
I'm overwelmed with the combination of newness and
choice in this Linux world, although it's generally
what I hoped for and I assume that it will just take

But one thing that I think is getting in my way is the
file system structure. First, I can't identify what
kind of file something is by its extension. 
Linux files actually don't have extensions (or at least not the 3 character
extensions that dos is famous for), unless they are shell scripts
(typically .sh), web files (usually .php, .html, or .css), image files
(.gif, .jpg, .png), audio files (.mp3 or possibly .ogg), or archives
(.tar.gz, .tgz, .bz2, or .zip)

Second, I
don't know what kinds of files belong in etc say, or
bin, or whichever. If it's an executable, should be be
in home/bin, user bin, home/peter, ...? 

/etc is typically used for system initialization scripts (/etc/rc.d/*),
configuration files (.*rc and *.conf, and sometimes conf.*), and home
directory skeletons for the useradd command (/etc/skel/*).

Executables are placed into many directories, which include /bin, /sbin,
/usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin, /opt, and sometimes
under /usr/X11/bin and /home/$user/bin.

/usr/local is the suggested place for software that you've compiled
yourself from source .tar.gz or .tgz files, although some people also place
this under /home/$user/bin .  /usr/X11 is usually used only for GUI based
Xwindows programs (not always true, but usually), while the other bin
directories (/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/sbin, and /sbin) usually contain command
line oriented programs.

Then you have /var which contains log files for various servers (/var/log)
and spools stuff for various servers (such as incoming and outgoing e-mail
and so forth -- /var/spool), and which sometimes contains the web server
root directory (/var/www/)

/tmp is a global temporary directory, /dev is a directory with a lot of
device files (stuff you don't want to delete), /root is the super-user's
home directory.

And what is
Lib? I thought at first that this was a library
section for documents, but see that it seems to be for
certain kinds of executables (files that other files

/usr/lib and any other lib directories contain library (.so) files which
allow you to run other programs.  They are roughly equivalent to window
.dll files.

Docs are available for most everything -- they can be found under /usr/doc,
or /usr/share/doc or you can visit the website which has all
the HOWTo's, guides, and FAQs you could really ever want to read.  If you
want reading beyond that, I'm sure there are a lot of people on list that
can suggest a number of books to read.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Need some some file/directory system structure.

2001-09-07 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 05:29 PM 09/07/2001 -0700, you wrote:
Thanks for all the information and pointers, and my
apologies to all for all the verbal handwringing.

I have just one specific question.  Since these
directories *are* standardized (although moved around
a bit from one distr to the next, I think) does that
mean that when I install a software package that all
of the files will automatically go to their correct
directories, and that I don't need to worry about
this? I was under the impression that that was true
(and a big advantage) of RPM packages, which would
imply that it isn't true for others. Do I need to
worry about this?

Yes, when you install an rpm package, it will automatically place your
files appropriately.  If, on the other hand, you compile from source,
you'll have to run:

./configure --with-prefix=/usr/local
make install

before the files will be in the correct places.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Setting up for autorun

2001-09-06 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 06:33 AM 09/06/2001 GMT, you wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format...


 Hello, been lurking a bit and had a question that the gurus can help me 
 with.  I recently installed MySQL from source code and thusly, didn't get 
 everything entered automagically into my etc/rc.d/init.d folder for 
 execution at bootup.  I copied the  mysql.server file into init.d and ran 
 the command in start and stop to verify it worked, which it did.  My 
 problem do I get it to autostart on reboot?  I tried rebooting to 
 test it and no go.  I'm sure it has to do with the other rc.1, etc. 
 folders, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it.

Depends on whether you boot runlevel 3 or 5.
You need a symlink in /etc/init.d/rc3.d or /etc/init.d/rc5.d for it to run
automatically. (Names of dirs may be off, not at my linux box at the moment)


More specifically, you'll need a symlink in /etc/rc.d/rc[3-5].d/ .

The usual link for mysql in Mandrake is S90mysql which should be a link to
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql -- so you'll do 'ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
S90mysql' from inside /etc/rc.d/rc3.d, /etc/rc.d/rc4.d, and /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
without the quotes.

Finally, you'll need to add two kill links (so that when it reboots or goes
into runlevel 1, it'll correctly stop mysql), so you'll do 
'ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql K90mysql' from inside /etc/rc.d/rc1.d and
/etc/rc.d/rc6.d without the quotes.

Needless to say, you'll have to be root to do so.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Unattached inode 418928 UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY

2001-09-05 Thread Michael D. Viron

Which drive / partition is it complaining about?

The command would be e2fsck /dev/hd[a,b,c,d][1-9]

For example, if it says unexpected inconsistency on /dev/hdb1, the command
would be 'e2fsck /dev/hdb1' (without the quotes).

After doing this, type exit.  This will put the machine into an automatic
reboot, after which you should be able to start the machine as normal.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:02 PM 09/05/2001 -0700, you wrote:
I have Linux installed in my second hard drive and the
kernal seems to be hdc1. Should I use hdc or hdc1 (I
think the swap is hdc5, don't know of any other

--- Chris Huston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you run fsck /dev/hda/
 /dev/hda being your hard drive.[it may be
 read the docs..
 check the 
 man fsck 
 info fsck
 for the options available
 don't be afraid..
 On 5 Sep 2001, at 10:55, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
  To do some work from boot, I logged out of my
  KDE session and then loged in as root. When KDE
  finished reloading, it left the screen entirely
  frozen--keyboard did not respond at all. The only
  thing I could do was restart the computer.
  It now makes it only part of the way through the
  and it finds that there is a error in the system.
  Messages include:
  Unattached inode 418928
  I'm told to RUN fsck
  That doesn't do any good. But I AM able to access
  Linux by entering the root password. But then I
  know what to do.
  HELP! I'm completely out of business, but don't
  I should reinstall (and lose all previous
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Re: [newbie] file sharing Linux to Linux

2001-09-02 Thread Michael D. Viron


Try nfs.  Or use the mount command with the -t smbfs option.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:22 AM 09/02/2001 +0100, you wrote:
I am running samba on a Linux server, file serving to my windows clients
across the LAN. This was easy to set-up in Mandrake with the gui's provided.

The problem that I have is that I now want to convert my main client to
Linux too but how can I connect to the Linux server containing my data?

Any advise would be great.

Paul Upton

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Re: [newbie] SSL, Webmin and Apache frustrations, help!

2001-08-29 Thread Michael D. Viron

By default, it will deny all connections except those user / password
combinations that are either in the group groupname (from any domain), or
are listed in the require user line -- user1, user2, and user3 from any

This .htaccess example does work, as I am using one almost identical to the
one below right now on an apache virtual host to protect a work in
progress from being accessed by the public at large.

The closest analogy would be the difference between a mostly open and a
mostly closed firewall.  In a mostly open firewall, you basically allow
connections on any protocol unless you specifically deny it.  In contrast,
a mostly closed firewall denies connections unless you specifically allow
it.  This .htaccess would be roughly equivalent to a mostly closed firewall.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:52 PM 08/29/2001 -0500, you wrote:
On Tuesday, Aug 28, 2001, Michael D. Viron wrote:

 Here's a working .htaccess file
 deny from all
 AuthName YourNameHere
 AuthType Basic
 AuthUserFile /path/to/userfile.txt
 AuthGroupFile /path/to/groupfile.txt
 require group groupname
 require user user1 user2 user3
 satisfy any

Kind of new to .htaccess too, but wouldn't that 'deny from all' deny
connections from anywhere?  There is no 'allow from mydomain' lines or
anything... or 'order deny,allow' or anything similar either.

Paul Cox paul at coxcentral dot com
Kernel: 2.4.7-12.3mdk  -  Uptime: 8 days 20 hours 34 minutes.

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Re: [newbie] tar.bz2 -- thanks!

2001-08-29 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 12:38 PM 08/29/2001 +0200, you wrote:
what does the -k on man do?
normally i use just man topic

Robert MacLean

Doing a man man, shows the unelightening:

-k equivalent to apropos

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Re: [newbie] Init process

2001-08-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 01:08 PM 08/28/2001 -0300, you wrote:

  After installing InterBase for Linux in Mandrake 8.0, I would like to make
it a service that runs as start up.

  It's not clear to me where should I put the initialization command (as if
it were an autoexec.bat, excuseme for the old DOS slang).

  Should I put it in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file ?
  Should I put a link in the /etc/rc.d/rcX.d to start  stop the service?
(where X stands for the run level i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6)

Thanks in advance



The convention is usually to put the script (with start / stop / restart)
in /etc/rc.d/init.d, then put links to it with capital S (for start, I
think) or a capital K (if you want to stop it) in the different run-levels.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Not prompted for other cd's during installation

2001-08-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

Anguo and Isaac,

Usually this is because it is part of a single CD install distributed with
a magazine (not always, but usually).  If this is the case, and you have a
fast enough connection plus a cd burner, download the iso's off the ftp
site and burn them to CD.  If not, buy them from one of the online
e-tailers for cheap ( usually $5 or $6 US).

I've installed Mandrake 7.2 and 8.0 on everything from a P75 up to a PII,
and it has always asked after the second CD, so it's not because of the


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:14 PM 08/28/2001 +0800, you wrote:

I had the same problem as you. 

On a pentium 120mhz 32mb ram, the install didn't ask for the second cd. I
run mandrake but many applications were missing and software manager
run on such low resources.

On a duron 750mhz 256mb ram, I had no such  problem.

I guess there's no way around it. Just install manually what you need on
old box. 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] banged on their keyboard and produced the following 
arrangement of letters:
- I'm reinstalling 7.2 on a pretty old box (Eve - 266 MHz PII, 32MB Ram,
 junker - Everex Monitor, etc) and I am not getting asked whether or not I
 have the other - cds (I have the boxed version with 7 cds).  I started an
 install on the - computer right beside it (Speedy Gonzalez - 866MHz PIII,
 256 MB Ram, etc) and - I got prompted about the other cds right off without
 any trouble.  So my - problem is I can't install all the packages and
 software I want and need - because it doesn't ask me for the other cds that
 are ready and waiting to be - used.  Two points of note:
- 1.  It did the same thing the first time I installed it (on Eve, Speedy
 was - and has always been fine), I just want to take advantage of this
 reinstall to - get it right.  (original install was a week or so ago, for
 what it's worth) -
- and 2.  I get warned about being low on system resources at the beginning
 of - the install, but I completed it with the graphical installation when I
 - originally installed the system, even tested X a few times without ever -
 hanging.  I can go through a text install but I don't get prompted for it
 there - either.
- Any ideas?
- Regards,
- Isaac
- We are convinced that freedom without socialism is privilege and
 injustice, - and that socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.
- - Mikhail Bakunin (

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Re: [newbie] SSL, Webmin and Apache frustrations, help!

2001-08-28 Thread Michael D. Viron


Here's a working .htaccess file

deny from all
AuthName YourNameHere
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/userfile.txt
AuthGroupFile /path/to/groupfile.txt
require group groupname
require user user1 user2 user3
satisfy any

This also pre-supposes that your apache httpd.conf file has allowoverride
enabled for .htaccess files enabled for the directory you are trying to

My guess is that the problem lies with not having the require user /
require group lines and the deny from all in your .htaccess file, and /
or with not having allowoverride set properly in your httpd.conf file.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:08 PM 08/28/2001 -0400, you wrote:
Ok, I am trying to setup my webserver with webmin, ssl enabled. I have my 
.htgroup and .htpasswd setup, htgroup has all the users names, .htpasswd has 
the user name and password, in /var/www/
Then I have .htaccess in /var/www/media/stuff/ so inorder to go beyond stuff 
users should have to put in a password. Well they don't, it just lets them 
through. Here is the .htaccess file, have it got it wrong?

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /var/www/htgroup
SSLVerifyClient none

Any help would be apriciated.

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Re: [newbie] tar.bz2 -- Thanks II

2001-08-28 Thread Michael D. Viron


This depends on which version of Mandrake you are using.  If you run
Mandrake 7.2, the command would be 'tar -xvIf filename.tar.bz2' (without
the quotes).

If you run earlier versions of Mandrake, they may not support doing it as
one step, so the commands would be 'bunzip2 filename.tar.bz2; tar -xvf
filename.tar' (without the quotes).

With some earlier versions of Mandrake, you could run 'tar -xyvf
filename.tar.bz2' and it would work in one step.

Finally in 8.x, you'd use 'tar -xvjf filename.tar.bz2' (without the quotes).

So, as far as uncompressing it, it all depends on which version of Mandrake
you are trying to do it on.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 05:39 AM 08/28/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Dear friends:

Here is a third command sent by another list member for uncompressing
files. I will try all three later and see which one works.

 tar -xvvIf filename.tar.bz2

Thanks again, everyone.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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Re: [newbie] tar.bz2 -- thanks!

2001-08-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

tar xvif filename.tar.bz2

As an fyi, the 'i' (lowercase) option to tar (at least in ver 7.2 of

'-i, --ignore-zeros ignore blocks of zeros in archive (normally mean EOF)'

This comes from the man page.  This is different from 'I' which says:

'-I, --bzip2 filter archive through bzip2, use to decompress .bz2 files'

in the man pages.  So there is a difference.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] tar.bz2 -- thanks!

2001-08-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

while the  'j' switch will: 
   -j, --bzip
  filter the archive through bzip2
  which is what I reckon you want to do Benjamin

This of course, will only work in Mandrake 8.0 or later, not in the 7.x


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Deleting Netscape .snm files?

2001-08-27 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 09:51 PM 08/26/2001 -0700, you wrote:
 There are too many folders and sub folders for me to delete each *.snm
 file via the GNOME file manager so I thought I'd resort to the Linux

Use find to locate the files, and then do an rm on what files it finds.

find . =name *.snm | xargs rm

A shorter way:

rm `find . -name *.shm`

That should probably be rm -f, since without the f (unless rm is aliased
that way), you'll be asked whether or not you want to delete every file it
finds.  If it's 3 or 4, it isn't such a big deal--but if it is 50 or so, it
gets time consuming.

Just a thought,


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] File set up

2001-08-27 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 12:13 PM 08/27/2001 -0400, Scott Parks wrote:
Just a simple question, how are most of you setting up your file systems
for install?

or are you doing one big /

Coming from BSD we did the first with all the different partitions.


With a big enough hard drive (or if it is multi-drives), I usually set up a
/, /usr, /var, /home, /backup, and /tmp if it's going to be a server.  For
a workstation, you'd be okay with just a /, /home (for all your user
files), /usr/local (for custom compiles), and possibly a /archive (for
backup copies).

The last install I did was Mandrake 7.2 on a testbox that has 2 hard
drives, both with less than 2 GB of space, so I did a / on the small 820MB,
and a /usr on the larger 1.2 GB drive -- and managed to fit everything,
with space left over (/ was only 12% full, /usr was around 50% or 60%
full).  Of course, I'll have to re-do it again anyways, since the 2 4 GB
drives in our server will get swapped out for 2 20 GB drives soon.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Changing permissions on mount umount commands

2001-08-26 Thread Michael D. Viron

Is there a simple way to change permissions on mount and umount ?
I would prefer to have the ability to use device icons for my zip,
cdrom, and floppy drive, from the desktop, and logged on as a normal
user. Will chmod do it, or do I have to complicate matters? Is sudo
another option for this?

For the cdrom and floppy, you have to add the user to the following
groups--'floppy' and 'cdrom' in /etc/group -- not sure about the zip.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Sharing files with windows 9x

2001-08-25 Thread Michael D. Viron

In this case, I just disable the firewall temporarily while 
I share the file or printer, then restart the firewall.

That's ok if you are right there at the machine (or within a few minutes of
its location).  However, if you are trying to remotely administer a
machine, that becomes less acceptable.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Multiple sites with one IP address

2001-08-24 Thread Michael D. Viron


simply add the second name to dns, then add it to apache's virtual host
configuration file.

At 09:59 PM 08/23/2001 -0700, OOzy Pal wrote:
Hello guys

How can I run two site with one IP address. I am
running apache.


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Re: [newbie] ETerm RPM

2001-08-23 Thread Michael D. Viron


First, stop sending HTML e-mails--if you send in plain text, you are more
likely to get an answer.

As for installing eterm, provided you have v8.x (or one of the freqs), you
can do 'rpm -ivh packagename.rpm' to install.  If you are on 7.x, it isn't
likely (at least not at this point), that the Eterm provided in 8.x is
backward compatible (since it was built for rpm 4.x, while Mdk 7.x comes
with various versions of rpm 3.x).

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 03:44 PM 08/23/2001 +0100, Olly Marshall wrote: 

Does  anyone know the instructions for install the eterm rpm that (might
off) come  with Mandrake v8 ??   Olly Marshall IT Manager
size=2 Absolute Internet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [newbie] Mounting Drives on other machines?!

2001-08-22 Thread Michael D. Viron

Start the NFS service after restarting Linuxconf's service handler...

Then service nfs restart.

In order to run NFS, you must also run portmap.  Before you try service nfs
restart, check on the status of portmap '/etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap status'.

You can, of course, also find the NFS howto on .


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] synchronize user account

2001-08-21 Thread Michael D. Viron


Configure nis / nis+ -- you'd need both a master and a slave, if you're
wanting to have a similar scenario to PDC / BDC.  The HOWTO is off of


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:50 PM 08/21/2001 +0800, Jhun Bacala wrote:

I windows you can have a Primary Domain Controller and a Backup Domain 
were user accounts in PDC will synchronize to BDC. And when PDC crushes you 
can promote PDC.

How do I do that in Linux Mandrake scenario were in I have two Linux box 
and I want to sync their user account.


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Re: [newbie] staring samba at boot time.

2001-08-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

 In the lower version of Mandrake I manage to start samba at boot time. 
 now in version 8.0
 I'm confused, I can't seem to find the inetd.conf which is needed to
 start samba at boot time.

If you are talking about samba, then you'd start it by it's own startup
script (as it has been since at least 7.0) by typing '/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb
start' -- you can configure this to start automatically at boot-time via
linuxconf (if you want GUI) or you can add via chkconfig (do man chkconfig
for info).

If you are talking about swat (samba's web admin tool), then you'd have to
have a file named swat in /etc/xinetd.d/ -- since as of version 7.2,
Mandrake switched from inetd, to xinetd.

The swat file would need to contain:

service swat
port= 901
socket_type = stream
wait= no
only_from = localhost
user= root
server  = /usr/sbin/swat
log_on_failure  += USERID
disable = no


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] rpm problem??

2001-08-21 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 09:18 PM 08/21/2001 -0400, Kevin Fonner wrote:
I decided since I wanted to learn more about what was going on 
undernieth the system that it would be fun to upgrade just the packets I 
want to on corporate server.  Any ways I keep getting a wierd error 
message from rpm command.

only packages with major numbers =3 are supported by this version of rpm

what exactly does this mean and any ideas how to fix it?


  This means that corporate server is using rpm 3.x and that you've chosen
a package that was built for rpm 4.x (or later).

The only way to get around it (maybe) is to rebuild from srpm, which may
involve fiddling with the .spec file or upgrade to rpm 4.x, which will
cause more problems than it is worth.

You'd be better off using the update packages under 1.0.1 (in the updates
directory), or using packages built for 7.x.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] ftp still

2001-08-17 Thread Michael D. Viron

Do an 'rpm -qa | grep ncftp' (without the quotes) to see if you have ncftp
installed.  If not, you can find it on your CDs.

At 01:22 PM 08/18/2001 +0800, chris swain wrote:
This is what occurs

type 'ncftp'

ncftp: no such command

type 'cd (anything)'

must be connected to do that

So I still need to connect somehow but?

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Re: [newbie] ftp

2001-08-17 Thread Michael D. Viron

Try ncftp.  Connect, change to the directory above the one you are
interested in, and then run get -R -T dirname (where dirname is the name of
the directory).  This will get all available update packages at one time.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:41 AM 08/18/2001 +0800, chris swain wrote:
I have never used ftp before and I am having trouble downloading some
packages which seem to be in ftp format. All I get is a list of files ( in 
this case .rpm s)  which I can down load one at a time. Is there an easier 
way to do this?

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Re: [newbie] php and apache

2001-08-14 Thread Michael D. Viron


Install mod_php-*, and you should no longer have the problem.

By the way, 4.0.3pl1 has some problems--you may want to think about getting
the 4.0.4pl1 rpms from any of mandrake's update sites.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 05:24 PM 08/14/2001 -0500, Mark Johnson wrote:
Ok, i installed php ( rpm -ivh php-4.0.3pl1-1mdk.i586.rpm ) and created  an
index.php and when I try to hit it, the web browser prompts me as if I was
tryint to download a file.

In my httpd.conf I have:

   DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm index.shtml index.cgi
Default.htm default.htm index.php3
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml .php
   LoadModule php4_modulemodules/
   AddModule mod_php4.c

is this wrong, or is there some other setting that i need to try?

I can run php from the command line just fine...

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Re: [newbie] Fw: Cron root@tbird run-parts /etc/cron.daily

2001-08-14 Thread Michael D. Viron


Yep...that's the problem.  Remove the second syslog entry, and you should
stop getting the message.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:45 PM 08/14/2001 -0400, Paul wrote:
It was Mon, 13 Aug 2001 06:41:24 -0400 when Paul wrote:

 error: syslog:181 duplicate log entry for /var/log/syslog

I checked some more and found this in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog:

/var/log/syslog {
rotate 5
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd

And a bit further down:

/var/log/syslog {
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd

So this one is there double. Could this be the problem? (Still wonder how it
got there if it is!)


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 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
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Re: [newbie] Fw: Cron root@tbird run-parts /etc/cron.daily

2001-08-13 Thread Michael D. Viron


This can be 2 things:

Either you have multiple syslog logrotate config files under
/etc/logrotate.d/, in which case you delete one.

Or you have more than one sylog logrotate config in the same syslog file
under /etc/logrotate.d/, in which case you edit the syslog file such that
it contains only one.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 06:41 AM 08/13/2001 -0400, Paul wrote:
Hi everyone,

Since a few days I get this message from Cron:

 Begin forwarded message:

 Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 04:02:52 -0400 (EDT)
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
 Subject: Cron root@tbird run-parts /etc/cron.daily

 error: syslog:181 duplicate log entry for /var/log/syslog

I've looked in the syslog file, and at times I encounter a line like this:

 Aug  5 08:43:44 tbird last message repeated 10 times

Is this what the cron daemon is complaining about? Anyone know where this
comes from? And how to fix it? I don't feel it is system threatening, but it
is a bit annoying.

The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough 
leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not.
-George Bernard Shaw - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
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Re: [newbie] Postfix VS. Sendmail

2001-08-12 Thread Michael D. Viron

I installed Webmin but I don't know how to use Webmin to configure Sendmail. 


First, make sure webmin is in fact running by typing
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin status' (without the quotes, as root).  If it is,
it should show something like 
' (pid x) is running...' -- if not, it will show
' is stopped'.

If webmin isn't running, type '/etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin start'
You should see a line stating
'Starting Webmin[  OK  ]'

You do not need to run webmin start if webmin is already running.

Next, connect to https://localhost:1/ if you are on your machine.  If
not, it will be https://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:1/ (where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is
your IP).

A login box will popup on the screen.  Type in 'root' as the user name and
your root password in the password box.  Click on ok.

Next, click on the 'Servers' tab.  Select 'Sendmail configuration'.  This
will bring up all the different sections of sendmail configuration.  These are

1.  Sendmail options - mail delivery and reception options (mail
forwarding, local delivery, sending e-mail, and so forth)

2.  Mail Aliases - edits the file /etc/aliases, allows you to configure
which pseudo accounts get re-directed to which real accounts (for
example, you can redirect webmaster to user).

3.  Local Domains - useful if you have purchased the rights to a domain and
are hosting it on your machine.  Basically these are the domains for which
this box will accept e-mail.

4.  Domain Masquerading - This allows you to set the domain from which an
e-mail sent from this server appears to come from (instead of

5.  Trusted Users - If a local user tries to send email, sendmail will only
allow the user to provide a different From: address if the user is on the
Trusted user list. The restriction exists to prevent users from forging
email with faked From: addresses originating from your system.

6.  Address Mapping - Unless you have a domain (such as,
you will not need to configure this.  This allows you to set things up such
that either any e-mail going to the domain is redirect to
your actual e-mail account, or allows you to redirect

7.  Spam Control - This controls which machines can send e-mail through
your system.  You can also add entries to discard e-mail from addresses
which are sending you unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam).

8.  Relay Domains - You can configure which domains you will allow e-mail
to go to on your mail server.  Again, unless you purchase multiple domains
(, and, you will not need to configure this.

9.  Mail Queue - Tells you whether or not any e-mail is queued and
awaiting delivery.  This isn't particularly useful, except perhaps to
troubleshoot problems.

10.  User Mailboxes - Tells you which users have e-mail.  Again, not
terribly useful information.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] ./ ?????

2001-08-09 Thread Michael D. Viron

  also, I'm not seeing anything in this discussion about path.
You need to cd to the directory the binary is in to use './binary',
or you need to execute '/path/to/the/binary'.

eg,/usr/bin/tuxracer  or  /usr/local/bin/lame or
  /home/tom/src/mprime -m

   In these examples the './' isn't used  
With some of the binary paths (which include /usr/bin, /bin, /sbin,
/usr/sbin, and possibly /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin), you would not
need to use the full path to the binary.

The PATH variable in Mandrake (for the non-root user) includes:

/bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin/X11, /usr/X11R6/bin, /usr/games,
and /home/username/bin

As root, by default, you have:

/sbin, /usr/sbin, /bin, /usr/bin, and /usr/X11R6/bin

Anyways, you do not need to use the full path to a binary unless it is in
some unusual place (such as /opt, or installs to some directory not already
included by default).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] portmap services

2001-08-07 Thread Michael D. Viron


Before you remove the scripts, change portmap from auto starting on
bootup, to manual start.  This will make sure you aren't running portmap,
and hence won't have any problems when shutting down (since if it isn't
running, linux will not try to stop it.)


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:00 AM 08/07/2001 +0500, James S Bear wrote:
One of my machines, an AMD 1.2 ghz processor box with 256 mb of ram, a SCSI 
drive, two NICs, and an optical logitech mouse(It's just fun to give specs, 
okay?)Has problems shutting down.

It always hangs on Shutting Down Portmap Services.

I've got a hunch it has to do with two NICs.  Regardless, I don't use
services and have no need to shut it down.  Where can I find the shutdown 


Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

2001-08-07 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 11:23 AM 08/07/2001 -0300, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
Hi...In my college we are going to install in about 20 PC's one Linux
distribution. I believe that LM 8.0 is the best one i ever seen so far
for the purposes we had... Another persons think that SuSE 7.1 is the best,
another ones think that RH 7.2 is better, and so on

RH 7.2 is in beta right now, and hasn't been officially released.  7.1 is
the latest stable Redhat release.


Re: [newbie] Mail question

2001-08-05 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 07:37 PM 08/05/2001 -0500, Matt Greer wrote:
On Sunday 05 August 2001 19:32, Tuan Duc Tran wrote:
 Can any tell me the difference between Sendmail and Fetchmail?

Sendmail is for sending mail, typically to send your outgoing mail over to 
your isp so they can then send it to the recipient from there. 

Actually sendmail (especially on static-IP mail servers) is bidirectional,
in that it is used not only to send but also to receive e-mail.  This
is different than the protocol used to check e-mail (be it pop3, imap, etc).

mail programs like pine, elm and mutt don't actually connect to your isp's 
mail server to get mail, they just look in the local mail folder. So you
to use fetchmail in order to use these types of mail programs.

Pine, at least, can be configured to check for e-mail via pop3 (not sure
about imap).  So yes, it can connect to an isp's mail server.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

RE: [newbie] copying files from one to another

2001-08-05 Thread Michael D. Viron

You export the mount points of the devices you want to share, start
NFS and on the other machine mount the remote machine...

In order to run NFS, you must start portmap first, otherwise remote
mounting of the nfs share will not work.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Cannot su

2001-08-05 Thread Michael D. Viron


This sounds as if you have user or disk quotas enabled, and have exceeded
one of the hard limits.  As root, open linuxconf, config--File Systems --
Disk Quotas.
Either relax them (ie, increase the default values) or disable disk quotas.
 Also check to make sure that your drive(s) aren't full.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:50 AM 08/06/2001 +, Hugh Cecil wrote:
I've been using Mandrake 8.0 for a few months and enjoy it very much.

However, today I find I cannot su to root anymore from a user account.
In a terminal I su, type in root password, and get this:
[user@localhost user]$ su
File Size Limit exceeded
[user@localhost user]$

Similarly, when I try KDE su in File Manager (Super User Mode) I get an
alert box which says:
Conversation with su failed

My security level has always been set at 3. I did recently have a play
with InteractiveBastille, but I'm not sure whether that caused it.

Any enlightenment appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Linux-Mandrake 8.0

2001-08-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 05:03 PM 08/03/2001 -0600, Miark wrote:

Actually, steps 3 and 4 must come before 1.  In order to remove ext2
partitions you must boot into some version of linux such as Tom's Root Boot
and use linux fdisk, not the windows fdisk.

Then boot using the win98 startup floppy, run fdisk /mbr, etc.

1. Boot to your Win98 startup floppy disk.

2. Then type:  fdisk /mbr
   This will cause Win98 to boot as it used to.
3. Then run the fdisk program with:  fdisk
4. Delete the partitions.
5. Create FAT partitions in their place.
6. Reboot to your Win98 startup disk again.
7. This time do a: format x:
   where x represents the re-created FAT partition drive
   This will make the partitions available to Win98.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Another about Uninstalling Mandrake Linux 8.0

2001-08-03 Thread Michael D. Viron

doesn't matter the flavor of Win the proceedure is the same. Use a windows 
boot disk to boot into dos and fdisk and delete  the partition reformat to 
a fat32 and all the rest and linux is gone, although that is the backwards 
way of doing it, you need to delete windows IMHO. : -)

Actually, the correct (and somewhat safer) procedure is:

1.  Boot into linux (toms rootboot, or other single floppy distro)
2.  Login as root, if required
3.  Run linux fdisk, delete all ext2 partitions (windows fdisk usually does
correctly recognize ext2 partitions, and hence doesn't delete the partitions)
4.  Reboot to a windows boot disk.
5.  Run fdisk /mbr.
6.  Reboot to a windows boot disk, run fdisk, create fat32 partition(s) as
you want.
7.  Reboot to windows, format the partition(s) you just created.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] 2 questions about web server

2001-08-01 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 10:45 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote:
1. How do I get password protected site going? I know I need htaccess and 
htpasswd files? How do I make them and where do I put them?
You need three files...

These are .htaccess (in the directory you wish to protect, which also
protects all subdirectories off of that directory), htpasswd and htgroup
(which should be in /var/www).

They should look like:

deny from all
AuthName WhateverYouWant
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /var/www/htgroup
require group groupname
require user username1, username2, etc
satisfy any

groupname: username1, username2, etc

The htpasswd file is generated by /usr/bin/htpasswd.

To create it, do 'htpasswd -c htpasswd username1' (from /var/www, and
without the quotes).  This will create the file, and add username1 to it.

2. I would like people to be able to upload files to my computer. How do I
about that?

This depends on whether you want an ftp upload, or a web upload.  If you
want an ftp upload, you can setup an anonymous ftp server with an incoming
directory.  For a web upload, you'll have to do a search somewhere like to see if any web upload software is available (either perl
or php).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Thread Michael D. Viron

Try editing /etc/resolv.conf directly.

At 08:16 AM 07/31/2001 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:


I installed Mandrake 8.0 using incorrect DNS server dot quad IP
addresses. I used the Linuxconf KDE gui to reconfigure it. It worked
fine until I rebooted the system. On rebooting, the DNS setting reverted
back to the old incorrect setting I gave on initial install. How do I
make the system do permanent changes to DNS configuration?



Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron

 Is there educational software out there for children?

Sorry, can't help you there.

Try looking at, the Education subgroup of Simple
End User Linux (  They list quite a few pieces of


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Sr Systems  Administration Consultant, Web Spinners, University of West
Sr Member, Simple End User Linux

Re: [newbie] portmap services \Kmail

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron


I would have to say that Kmail has nothing to do with it, since portmap is
not needed for pop3 / imap / sendmail / postfix.  In fact, you do not need
to run portmap if you are not running nfs / nis AFAIK (nfs is roughly the
unix equivalent to samba, nis is the equivalent to a primary domain
controller for NT--central server for managing user accounts across
multiple machines).  You should be able to turn off portmap entirely
without any ill effects.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:51 AM 07/31/2001 -0700, jennifer wrote:

I am frequently reinstalling Lm8 for various reasons,
but I have noticed that on 2 occasions my system
hangs while halting the portmap services on every
shutdown. On both of these occasions I chose to use
Kmail as opposed to Netscape mail.  

In short, my question is this...could someone give me
a base understanding of portmap services and whether
it is reasonable for me to blame kmail for these
portmap shutdown errors? Is there a portmap or
shutdown log somewhere that might also assit me in
fixing/avoiding this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Registered Linux User #221463 
Yahoo IM: jlynn2k

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Re: [newbie] cups.h and language.h missing?

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron


Verify that you have cups-devel, which is what provides cups.h -- not sure
what provides language.h .


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

cups.h comes from cups-devel
At 02:02 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Marchetti, Peter wrote:
I downloaded Samba, got it to make, and it reported not being able to find
the last 2 files...cups.h and language.h.

I checked, and sure enough, they aren't there.  Where can I find just these
two files?


Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron


There's a few things wrong here:

#1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in the
httpd.conf Alias /media /var/www/media/ (without the quotes), or move it
under /var/www/html.

#2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
/var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
http://ip_number/var/www/media/, is in fact attempting to find the
file /var/www/html/var/www/media/ (which isn't there).

The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
#1), would be http://ip_number/media/

The answer to the question Is this because of directory permissions?
would be no, at this point.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:34 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote:
Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But
do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
/var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
message when i click on the link, my link is:
http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Re: [newbie] urpmi error message

2001-07-29 Thread Michael D. Viron


It would help to know which version of Mandrake you are using.  If it's
8.0, you should be fine.  If it is 7.2, you can't install the cooker rpms
since they are built for 8.0 not 7.2.  There are now several ongoing
threads on the expert list to try to get cooker rpms / srpms that work with
7.2--we're currently in the b's.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:40 PM 07/29/2001 -0700, D. Hoyem wrote:
Hi all,
  I'm trying to update my gcc package to resolve a
dependency problem when I do a a urpmi XFree86-4.1.0.
 This is what I get:  [root@localhost /root]# urpmi
gcc-2.96-0.58mdk unknown data associated with db3 at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/ line
1048, F line 39.
  I have also tried urpmi gcc.
  I have also tried to use the Software Manager, to
update different programs i.e. xchat and the Software
Manager is also hosed up.
  Does this mean that my urpmi is crapped up and if so
how do I fix it.

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Re: [newbie] Shared /home directory

2001-07-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 09:26 AM 07/28/2001 -0400, alex wrote:

When using a shared /home directory in Mandrake and Libranet, will a new
user name that is created in one system be available in the other
No, the user names will not be available cross-distro, because you will not
have the same /etc/passwd, and /etc/shadow, since I wouldn't suggest using
the same / partition for both distros.

  And, if a new application is added to the /home directory in
one system, will it be available in the other system?
If you are talking about software, not necessarily.  It depends on whether
or not the libraries are the same between the two distros.

Further,  during the installation of the two systems with a shared /home
directory, what happens when their individual /home directories are
installed into that shared directory?  Isn't the first /home partition 
wiped out by formatting during the installation of the second system?

Unless you choose to format /home, no.  Before you install the second
distro, boot into Libranet (which I would suggest installing first, since
I'm not sure how it behaves during installation), and write down what
partition (/dev/hd[a-d][1-10]) the /home partition is on.  This should be
in the /etc/fstab file.  When you install Mandrake, select that partition
as the /home, and make sure it is de-selected when it asks which partitions
you want to format.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] make command not found - where is it?

2001-07-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

This means that you haven't installed the make-*.i586.rpm, which should
be included on your CD(s).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:42 PM 07/28/2001 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 Complete on my PC, it works so far.

I now wanted to install a new application I got from the internet as tar
file. After untaring it I followed the installation instruction. The first
step was to type 'make'. And what happened? I got the error message:

 'bash: make: command not found'

I issued a find to look for the make command, but there is no make command.
I tried the same on a RedHat installation I have and it worked there and by
the way the make command there is under /usr/bin.

But under Mandrake there is nothing.

I think I must be doing somethin wrong, I don't believe, that it is not
possible to install applications using make under Mandrake Linux complete.

Can somebody help?

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading RPMs with source

2001-07-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 01:33 AM 07/29/2001 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would say you'd be much better off if you found the 2.1 SRPMS and did a
 rpm --rebuild, then installed the resulting rpms.

True, but what if only had the pure .tar.gz source code?

In that case, you can try running rpm -t filename.tar.gz --it doesn't
always work, but would be much better in the long run.

 I would not suggest
 compiling from source unless there is a way to point it to /usr/local
 that it wouldn't overwrite any existing information you have).

But isn't the whole purpose of upgrading to overwrite the current
I always point my upgrades to /usr in a deliberate attempt to
overwrite/ugprade (i.e. ./configure --prefix=/usr).

If you are going to upgrade like that, then you should make sure that you
have a backup of the entire /usr before you compile kde from scratch.  This
way, if something goes wrong, it is much easier to restore the system to
whatever condition it was in prior to the compile.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Upgrading RPMs with source

2001-07-28 Thread Michael D. Viron

I would say you'd be much better off if you found the 2.1 SRPMS and did a 
rpm --rebuild, then installed the resulting rpms.  I would not suggest
compiling from source unless there is a way to point it to /usr/local (such
that it wouldn't overwrite any existing information you have).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:27 AM 07/29/2001 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If, for instance, I have the KDE 2.0 packages (RPM, of course)
installed...and I download the KDE 2.1 source code (instead of the RPMs),
what should I do?

Should I uninstall (rpm -e) the KDE 2.0 packages *before* compiling 
installing the 2.1 source code (but then wouldn't any new app's RPMs
for *only* KDE 2.1 and above, refuse to install because KDE 2.1 doesn't look
like it's been installed, to the RPM program?)?

Or can I just compile  install the 2.1 source over the RPMs (but wouldn't
RPM get confused or annoyed?)?.

I am asking these questions because some of my recent upgrades (including
4.0.3, xmms, KDE 2.2, sawfish etc.) have been exhibiting unusual behaviour,
to say the least.  These were installed by just overwriting the current
installation and not telling RPM.


Re: [newbie] THat stuck message from Kmail - again.

2001-07-27 Thread Michael D. Viron


Install fetchmail-* from the CDs--that should clear up #1.  I'm not sure
about kcron, since I've never used it.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:38 PM 07/27/2001 +1000, John Rigby wrote:

Hi there and thanks for info,
1. fetchmail in all variants is command not found
2. kcron does start - comes up with multiple errors then KMail locks 
up ( loses all text, cannot be killed and requires reboot) 

I think now my Distro is seriously flawed.  



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