Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi siete dei maghi pero'...

2003-01-25 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 6:39 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] ragazzi siete dei maghi pero'...

 Grazzissime per le istruzioni per far ripartire quella maledetta
scheda madre
 del P120 che, in virtu' di un resettaggio del bios, non ne voleva
sapere di
 partire. Ordunque: ho seguito passo passo tutto quello che uno di voi
mi ha
 scritto, cioe' smontato tutto e rimeso a posto un pezzo alla volta,
 riavviando ad ogni aggiunta. La scheda e' resuscitata. Questo, devo
 e' un ottimo punto di partenza e mi solleva alquanto il morale, ma mi
 incartata un'altra volta. Si', perche' adesso fa il test della
memoria, in
 teoria - credo - fa un check del sistema, non trova la tastiera e si

vorrei tanto sapere chi è l'idiota che ha scritto nel programma di
gestione del bios
errore di tastiera o tastiera assente, premere F1 per continuare;
sono una quindicina d'anni, ma non ho capito come mai se premo F1 a
tastiera staccata il pc non se ne accorge .

Che sia perche' al primo riavvio dopo lo smontaggio della CPU la
 tastiera non c'era, e s'e' settato in autoatico cosi'? Cheddevofa'?

 PS: ho provato ad avviare un P100 funzionante senza tastiera, e il
boot si
 blocca quando non trova la periferica. Nel P120, invece, oltre alla
riga di
 avviso che manca la tastiera aggiunge sotto un CMOS (insomma, quella
 li' simile...) error.
 PPS: ho provato a intercambiare le tastiere del P100 e del P120,
nisba: tutto
 funziona sul P100 mentre nulla va sul P120.

la tastiera funziona; se premi canc prima di avviare, ti dà il
caratteristico beep da tastiera premuta con buffer pieno?


[newbie-it] Xvidtune

2003-01-25 Per discussione Luigi

non riesco a capire come funziona xvidtune

se per esempio volessi impostare i seguenti valori per il monitor, come dovrei agire?

freq. horiz. 46,9 khz
freq. vert.  75,1 hz

potete mandarmi magari una schermata via email?
Luigi Beltramini

Re: [newbie-it] swapon

2003-01-25 Per discussione Gaetano
Alle 22:53, venerdì 24 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:

 correggi fstab e
 facci sapere...

Grazie mille miKe,
ho fatto quelle modifiche e adesso tutto ok, ovviamente
ci sono anche le cartelle degli user con relative sottocartelle e file!
Stavo gia pensando di reinstallare Linux.
Ma secondo te quale può essere stato il problema che ha causato
tutto questo scombussolamento di fstab?
Io non ho fatto niente di particolare o di diverso dal solito, anche perchè
lo uso solo per scrivere programmino in c, ed ultimamente ho usato un po'
tutto sempre in modalità testo.

Cmq. l'importante che si è risolto non ti rompo + con queste domande :-),

grazie ancora e ciao

[newbie-it] Proprietario di un file

2003-01-25 Per discussione Santarella Benedetto
Qual'e' la differenza tra un proprietario reale e quello effettivo???

Se non erro, uno dovrebbe essere il creatore del file, e l'altro 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] OO TTF

2003-01-25 Per discussione CyberPenguin
miKe wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Alle 08:34, giovedì 23 gennaio 2003, CyberPenguin ha scritto:

devi usare il tool delle stampanti [spadmin]
e indicare il percorso dei nuovi font


1000 TNX miKe.

di nulla
se vuoi sapere come appllicare lo smooting dei font su OO
sia sui menù, sia sui font, chiedi!

Hem ... forse ... prima ...
desidererei conoscere a cosa corrisponde lo smooting dei font :-(

Bye ;-)
//\Membro del FoLug -
V_/_Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
There is no system other than GNU. And Linux is one of its kernels.

[newbie-it] un altro [ot] informatico

2003-01-25 Per discussione Arwan
E' da un pezzo che voglio chiedelo, ma non ne avevo ancora avuto l'occasione. 
La faccenda e' la seguente: negli ultimi tempi mi capita con facilita' di 
recuperare pezzi di computer vecchiotti, se non PC interi. Ora, riempito il 
giro di amici che ne avevano bisogno e che non avevano la possibilita' di 
fare l'acquisto nuovo, a me restano in casa dei componenti datati ma 
funzionanti. C'e' qualche gruppo o associazione che li recupera per regalarli 
magari a ragazzini meno abbienti, a extracomunitari o che semplicemente li 
utilizzerebbe per organizzare dei corsi di informatica gratuiti? I miei 
colleghi mi prendono in giro per questa mia idea: ma vivo proprio cosi' fuori 
dal mondo? Mi dispiace buttar via roba funzionante se c'e' qualcuno che ne ha 


Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi siete dei maghi pero'...

2003-01-25 Per discussione carmine de pasquale
 oltre alla riga di
 avviso che manca la tastiera aggiunge sotto un CMOS (insomma, quella
 li' simile...) error.

alcune tastiere DIN (spinotto largo) hanno uno switch XT, ST, AT.
forse il bios si è autosettato come ST (non credo XT)


Re: [newbie-it] un altro [ot] informatico

2003-01-25 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 12:24 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] un altro [ot] informatico

 E' da un pezzo che voglio chiedelo, ma non ne avevo ancora avuto
 La faccenda e' la seguente: negli ultimi tempi mi capita con facilita'
 recuperare pezzi di computer vecchiotti, se non PC interi. Ora,
riempito il
 giro di amici che ne avevano bisogno e che non avevano la possibilita'
 fare l'acquisto nuovo, a me restano in casa dei componenti datati ma
 funzionanti. C'e' qualche gruppo o associazione che li recupera per
 magari a ragazzini meno abbienti, a extracomunitari o che
semplicemente li
 utilizzerebbe per organizzare dei corsi di informatica gratuiti? I
 colleghi mi prendono in giro per questa mia idea: ma vivo proprio
cosi' fuori
 dal mondo? Mi dispiace buttar via roba funzionante se c'e' qualcuno
che ne ha


li mando in eritrea o aggiusto vecchi pc e il ricavato va in eritrea.
sto vicino latina


[newbie-it] supporto linguistico per l'alfabeto geez-fidelat

2003-01-25 Per discussione carmine de pasquale
un topic mi ha ricordato (grazie arwan, chi ti prende in giro lo fa solo
per invidia) un'esigenza che avevo un po' trascurato.
In eritrea ed etiopia si usa l'alfabeto geez-fidelat, noto anche come
aramaico per le lingue oromo, tigrigna, tigrei e amarico, sillabico e
non letterale come il nostro (ogni simbolo rappresenta una sillaba e non
una lettera, quindi i caratteri sono circa 300), col vantaggio che, a
differenza di cinese, giapponese, coreano e arabo, si scrive da destra a
esistono font liberamente distribuibili.
per i curiosi, spero tanti:
ora il supporto il bill ghezz l'ha fatto, ma costa un centinaio di euro
a licenza e questo costringe gli enti locali a informatizzarsi in questo
da cosa del genere vorrei farla per linux e o quest'estate o la prossima
vorrei organizzare lì un corso per linux, limitando il triplo problema
di dover imparare, oltre all'informatica anche l'alfabeto latino,
l'italiano e l'inglese per usare un oggetto semisconosciuto.
se questi partono da linux non si automonopolizzeranno sul pinguino.

cosa devo fare, e soprattutto, da dove devo partire?
so i risultati che voglio, ma non ho la più vaga idea di come ottenerli

Re: [newbie-it] pgp in chiaro [era Appuntilinux]

2003-01-25 Per discussione syd
* miKe wrote:
  E' la mia firma digitale. Molti usano apporla in chiaro in
  quanto postano con client non completamente abilitati altri lo
  fanno per scelta (ed in questo caso sbagliano).
 perchè dici che sbagliano?
 se attraversi un qualsiasi filtro  (molti gestori di ML ad 
 esempio) e  ti ritrovi l'allegato piallato.. come fai?

In effetti mi venne il dubbio quando affrontai l'argomento pgp; il fatto
e' che sia sui vari manuali pgp che nell'help in linea di mutt si parla
della firma in chiaro come di una pratica fortemente _deprecated_.
Decisi quindi per la firma in allegato come impostazione di default
riservandomi di firmare in chiaro nel caso di liste con filtri
particolarmente _stretti_ (con mutt ti fai una macro e passi da
un'impostazione all'altra al volo). Naturalmente resto col neo che
l'unico modo che ho per individuare queste liste e' quello di perdere la
prima mail e comunque di liste del genere non ne ho ancora incontrate).
Ora che mi hai stuzzicato mi sono fatto un ulteriore giro nell'infinito
help di mutt ed ho trovato l'indicazione di questo comando


  Type: boolean
  Default: no

  If set, signed and encrypted messages will consist of nested
  multipart/signed and multipart/encrypted body parts.

  This is useful for applications like encrypted and signed mailing
  lists, where the outer layer (multipart/encrypted) can be easily
  removed, while the inner multipart/signed part is retained.

Ne sai/sapete nulla? Chi utilizza mutt ha nel suo .muttrc qualcosa del

syd - LU 285930 * LM 167646

ps ma questo mutt proprio non ti prende ehh? Eppure davanti a quei
   bucatini mi sembrasti un po'.. propenso.. quando ne parlammo ;-)

Description: PGP signature

[newbie-it] installazione da rete

2003-01-25 Per discussione luigi pinna
Hash: SHA1

Ciao a tutti, ieri stavo facendo opera di plagio su un'amica per 
convincerla a passare a Linux, cosa fattibile se non fosse che devo 
prima risolvere dei problemi tecnici e di cui vi chiedo aiuto:
- - Il portatile e`  vecchio di 6 anni e non ha il lettore CD neanche 
esterno, come e cosa devo fare per fargli cercare di fare il boot da 
remoto?( userei un altro portatile con Linux installato per fargli 
vedere i CD d'installazione)
- - Lei ha bisogno di usare Word e quindi ha necessita` di Open Office, 
che risorse minimi richiede? Nel suo caso e` meglio OO 1.0 o Star 
Office 5.2? Girera`? Tenete conto che il problema principale di questo 
computer e` di avere solo 500MByte di HD!

Grazie a tutti chissa` cosa ne esce fuori...
- -- 
Le ballerine sono coraggiosissime! Quante donne conoscete in grado di 
gettarsi tra le braccia di un omossessuale sperando che lui le afferri?

Rita Rüdner

chiave pubblica disponibile sul keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] un altro [ot] informatico

2003-01-25 Per discussione syd
* Arwan wrote:
 C'e' qualche gruppo o associazione che li recupera per regalarli 
 magari a ragazzini meno abbienti, a extracomunitari o che semplicemente li 
 utilizzerebbe per organizzare dei corsi di informatica gratuiti?  

Dai un'occhiata a questo link

Io sono iscritto anche alla relativa lista. Sono un gruppo di ragazzi
che si danno parecchio da fare tra corsi di alfabetizzazione informatica
e invio di pc in paesi del terzo mondo: proprio in questi giorni e'
partita la loro ultima spedizione per un popolo del _deserto_ in Africa
(non scherzo). Naturalmente accettano qualsiasi elettrodomestico che
abbia anche solo lontanamente una qualche possibilita' di essere
utilizzato in campo informatico.. insomma fanno del vero e proprio
trash-informatico. Se non vuoi iscriverti alla loro lista ti posso
mettere direttamente in comunicazione con qualcuno di loro.
Fammi sapere nel caso fossi interessata.

syd - LU 285930 * LM 167646

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie-it] scheda video ATI Rage 128 Pro

2003-01-25 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon

 Ho la stessa scheda, ed anch'io ho riscontrato questi problemi, che poi,
 all'atto pratico, sono di nessun conto.
 La 9.0 riconosce perfettamente la scheda; prendi in considerazione l'idea
 di upgradare il sistema.

E' una ragione in più per fare il passaggio.
Mmmmhhh... ora che ci penso? Qualche suggerimento per passare a mdk 9 senza 
reinstallare tutto quanto da zero?
Grazie, ciao

Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi siete dei maghi pero'...

2003-01-25 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Saturday 25 January 2003 09:57, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi 
siete dei maghi pero'... (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), carmine de 
pasquale ha scritto: 

 vorrei tanto sapere chi è l'idiota che ha scritto nel programma di
 gestione del bios
 errore di tastiera o tastiera assente, premere F1 per continuare;
 sono una quindicina d'anni, ma non ho capito come mai se premo F1 a
 tastiera staccata il pc non se ne accorge .

Scusami... mi sto rotolando dal ridere... e' esattamente quello che ho pensato 
anch'io! (mi viene in mente quando pativa scandisck e Win$ mi diceva: se non 
vuoi che parta scandisk chiundi Win$ in modo corretto... cazzo, s'e' 
inchiodato lui, mica l'ho spento io! Ma questa e' molto piu' bella.)

 la tastiera funziona; se premi canc prima di avviare, ti dà il
 caratteristico beep da tastiera premuta con buffer pieno?

L'esc, intendi... no. (Gia' c'e' c'ero ho provato sia con canc che con esc.) 
Da il bip classico, quello di ogni avvio, e poi appare la scritta:
Keyboard error or no keyboard present
CMOS checksum error - default loaded

(come ci parlo, io con questo?)

Seguo il consiglio, press del to enter setup? :-(


Re: [newbie-it] Installzazione da hard-disk

2003-01-25 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Saturday 25 January 2003 19:21, a proposito di [newbie-it] Installzazione 
da hard-disk (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), Pollo ha scritto: 

 Sto cercando di installare linux mandrake 8.1 da hard-disk su un vecchio
 486dx4. Non avendo un lettore cdrom e non essendo collegato in rete,
 sono costretto ad installare da hard-disk. 

Senti un po'... ;-)

Ho un vecchio 486 anche io, con 8 Mb di ram e un Hd piccolino... ma potrei 
pomparlo un po'. Ho rinunciato alle installazioni classiche proprio perche' 
mi manca il CDRom, e ci ho messo su un vecchio dos. Come sei messo con le 
risorse di sistema? Ti bastano? Io pensavo (prossimamente ma non so quando) 
di mettere quella versione di linux distribuita in due floppy...


Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi siete dei maghi pero'...

2003-01-25 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Saturday 25 January 2003 10:08, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi 
siete dei maghi pero'... (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), carmine de 
pasquale ha scritto: 

  oltre alla riga di
  avviso che manca la tastiera aggiunge sotto un CMOS (insomma, quella
  li' simile...) error.

 alcune tastiere DIN (spinotto largo) hanno uno switch XT, ST, AT.
 forse il bios si è autosettato come ST (non credo XT)

Ho provato a mettere la tastiera che sto usando ora (e dunque funzia!) che ha 
un attacco per PII... PS2, se non ricordo male. Nisba lo stesso!
La corrente alla tastiera arriva, visto anche prima del bip tradizionale di 
boot si accendono tutte le lucette.


Re: [newbie-it] swapon

2003-01-25 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:40, sabato 25 gennaio 2003, Gaetano ha scritto:
 Alle 22:53, venerdì 24 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:
  correggi fstab e
  facci sapere...

 Grazie mille miKe,
 ho fatto quelle modifiche e adesso tutto ok, ovviamente
 ci sono anche le cartelle degli user con relative
 sottocartelle e file! Stavo gia pensando di reinstallare
 Ma secondo te quale può essere stato il problema che ha
 causato tutto questo scombussolamento di fstab?

guarda, mandrake non la uso da un bel pò,
non vorrei che avessero incluso qualche tool sul tipo di kudzu o 
harddreke, che rigenerano, oltre a modules.conf anche fstab...

in quel caso un problemino nell'identificare la tabella delle 
partizioni potrebbe generare il caos che avevi nel tuo..

ora hai modificato,
se dovesse ricaitare una cosa del genere,
annota data e ora di modifica di fstab

per ora puoi solo spulciare i log alla ricerca di qualche 

certo, è strano (e pericoloso)

 Cmq. l'importante che si è risolto non ti rompo + con queste
 domande :-),

l'importante è che hai risolto..

 grazie ancora e ciao



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] installazione da rete

2003-01-25 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:35, sabato 25 gennaio 2003, luigi pinna ha scritto:
  - Il portatile e`  vecchio di 6 anni e non ha il
 lettore CD neanche esterno, come e cosa devo fare per fargli
 cercare di fare il boot da remoto?( userei un altro portatile
 con Linux installato per fargli vedere i CD d'installazione)

se ha una scheda di rete, ho hai una pcmcia,
puoi avviare creando un set di dischi
in genere il boot è normale,
il root anche
e si genera un disco col supporto pcmcia

avvii e al momento di far partire il setup, dichieri di voler 
installare via nfs

il secondo portatile dovrà essere server nfs ed esportare il 
cdrom (un consiglio, al momento di indicare il numero di cd, 
metti solo il primo, non potrai infatti fare il cambio cd in 
fase di installazione, i pacchetti mancanti li installerai dopo)

 - Lei ha bisogno di usare Word e quindi ha necessita` di Open
 Office, che risorse minimi richiede? Nel suo caso e` meglio OO
 1.0 o Star Office 5.2? Girera`? Tenete conto che il problema
 principale di questo computer e` di avere solo 500MByte di HD!

il problema è anche e soprattutto relativo alla potenza del 
scordati gnome e kde...
potrai limitarti a un xvwm95 o ad un fluxbox
anche windowmaker, come massimo

in 500 Mb poi potrai metterci ben poco (di quello che hai nelle 
attuali distribuzioni, s'intende)

siccome credo che non abbia oltre 32 mb di ram, OO e SO puoi 

usa abiword, altrimenti con i tempi di caricamento di OO/SO la 
tua amica scappa e torna a win$

come distribuzione, non puoi andare oltre una  mandrake 7.2
mettere una 9 con le librerie che si tira dietro sarebbe inutile 
e controproducente,
(considera seriamente di mettere una RH 6.2 o una slack 7.0)

 Grazie a tutti chissa` cosa ne esce fuori...



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] swapon

2003-01-25 Per discussione francesco.melo
miKe wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:40, sabato 25 gennaio 2003, Gaetano ha scritto:

Alle 22:53, venerdì 24 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:

correggi fstab e
facci sapere...

Grazie mille miKe,
ho fatto quelle modifiche e adesso tutto ok, ovviamente
ci sono anche le cartelle degli user con relative
sottocartelle e file! Stavo gia pensando di reinstallare
Ma secondo te quale può essere stato il problema che ha
causato tutto questo scombussolamento di fstab?

guarda, mandrake non la uso da un bel pò,
non vorrei che avessero incluso qualche tool sul tipo di kudzu o 
harddreke, che rigenerano, oltre a modules.conf anche fstab...

in quel caso un problemino nell'identificare la tabella delle 
partizioni potrebbe generare il caos che avevi nel tuo..

ora hai modificato,
se dovesse ricaitare una cosa del genere,
annota data e ora di modifica di fstab

per ora puoi solo spulciare i log alla ricerca di qualche 

certo, è strano (e pericoloso)


Cmq. l'importante che si è risolto non ti rompo + con queste
domande :-),

l'importante è che hai risolto..


grazie ancora e ciao



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



harddrake inserisce di default  un  harddrake  on boot 
che , come faceva kudzu  verifica che non ci sia nuovo hardware 
installato o che non sia stato cmabiato
è di norma attivato come servizio .

ciao francesco

forse può servire

# harddrakeThis scripts runs the harddrake hardware probe.
# chkconfig: 345 05 95
# description: This runs the hardware probe, and optionally configures \
#changed hardware.

# This is an interactive program, we need the current locale

[[ -f /etc/profile.d/ ]]  . /etc/profile.d/

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions


case $1 in
# We (mdk) don't support updfstab (yet)
#action Updating /etc/fstab /usr/sbin/updfstab

   gprintf Checking for new hardware
/usr/share/harddrake/service_harddrake 2/dev/null
   if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
action  /bin/true
  action  /bin/false
   # We don't want to run this on random runlevel changes.
   touch $SUBSYS
#[ /etc/modules.conf -nt /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.dep ]  
touch /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.dep 2/dev/null /dev/null || : 
   exit $RETVAL
  if [ -f $SUBSYS ]; then
  gprintf Harddrake service was run at boot time
  else gprintf Harddrake service was not run at boot time
   # dummy
rm -f $SUBSYS
gprintf Usage: %s {start|stop}\n $0
   exit 1


Re: [newbie-it] un altro [ot] informatico

2003-01-25 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] un altro [ot] informatico

 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 13:14, sabato 25 gennaio 2003, carmine de pasquale ha

   magari a ragazzini meno abbienti, a extracomunitari o che
   semplicemente li utilizzerebbe per organizzare dei corsi di
   informatica  gratuiti? I
  li mando in eritrea o aggiusto vecchi pc e il ricavato va in
  eritrea. sto vicino latina

 senti, visto che anche io sono di quelle parti, perchè non ci
 non raggiungeremo mai quelli del golem, ma ci possiamo provare..

nessun problema, io sto a ferriere e tu (se ricordo bene da un vecchio
post) a priverno.
metà strada dovrebbe essere (più o meno) borgo san michele



 - --
 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi siete dei maghi pero'...

2003-01-25 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] ragazzi siete dei maghi pero'...

 Alle Saturday 25 January 2003 10:08, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it]
 siete dei maghi pero'... (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), carmine
 pasquale ha scritto:

   oltre alla riga di
   avviso che manca la tastiera aggiunge sotto un CMOS (insomma,
   li' simile...) error.
  alcune tastiere DIN (spinotto largo) hanno uno switch XT, ST, AT.
  forse il bios si è autosettato come ST (non credo XT)

 Ho provato a mettere la tastiera che sto usando ora (e dunque funzia!)
che ha
 un attacco per PII... PS2, se non ricordo male. Nisba lo stesso!
 La corrente alla tastiera arriva, visto anche prima del bip
tradizionale di
 boot si accendono tutte le lucette.

non so tu, ma io ricomincerei daccapo cominciando dal montaggio della

[newbie-it] linux ripristinato perfettamente (spero, ma non vi auguro, possa servirve a qualcuno)

2003-01-25 Per discussione carmine de pasquale
grazie a mike e a chi ha sviluppato la iso di partimage (scaricata in 31'12 
in isdn 64) ho potuto fare un hardbackup (non file per file, ma cluster per 
cluster) backup della partizione linux, correggere gli errori che si erano 
creati nella tabella dell'hdb, ripristinare tutto (linux è passato da 24 a 30 
M e swap da 250 M a 2G); per 2,14 G di dati ci sono voluti 42 min per il 
backup e 7 per il ripristino su pentium 2 300. il file risultante (che qlo) è 
692M, giusto giusto per mettere al sicuro il mio backup su un cd
piccolo bug, ho detto di salvare su /mnt/lin.gz, ma ha salvato come 
lin.gz.000, il che mi ha fatto venire una piccola crisi di panico.

panico quando al riavvio anzichè il lilo ho visto una serie infinita di 99 
sullo schermo che scrollavano allegramente;

ho quindi preso il cd 1 di mandrake, istallato in modalità esperto, dando 
annulla alle opzioni di config di mouse, tastiera, formatta, rete, serverx; 
istallato 1 sol pacchetto a caso (free pascal compiler, che sicuramente non 
ha modificato nulla, ma senza questo accorgimento non funzionava, vuole 
almeno l'aggiunta di un pacchetto), inserito un utente (diverso da quelli 
noti) e reistallato il lilo.
funziona alla grande, sembra più veloce (almeno il doppio); ma, forse per un 
bug del programma tutto il filesystem aveva permessi di lettura scrittura ed 
esecuzione solo per root, per cui ho dovuto ripermessare tutta le 
resta il problema del doppio avvio del KDE (dopo il boot si blocca il 
pennello), ma credo sia un bug di xinerama; con un sol monitor non lo fa

[newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Benjamin Jeeves
Hi all

Has anyone get firewire to work on mdk9.0 I have look at and read and done what it says to do but still not work

anyone help

sorry for the spelling have a problem and can not spell what it is


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Re: [newbie] Searching 101

2003-01-25 Per discussione et

 Ok, you guys brought up good points.
 NM then, hehe.

 But then again there are those emails like the one for and 5
 others replied with or  These are the type of
 things that is kinda look for yourself and come back and tell us what you
 found type situation.

yep, and the breivity and completeness makes those answers just pefect, IMHO.

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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione et
On Saturday 25 January 2003 08:16 am, Benjamin Jeeves wrote:
 Hi all

 Has anyone get firewire to work on mdk9.0 I have look at and read and done what it says to do but still not work

 anyone help

 sorry for the spelling have a problem and can not spell what it is

I ain't all that sure about how well it works (not much to connect to it to 
test differnt stuff) but for me, my Audigy ieee1394 port was found and setup 
by the installer out of the box, with a clean install... can you try and 
describe your poblem? or post your /var/log/dmesg.

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[newbie] Installation fault

2003-01-25 Per discussione Keith Powell
I have just spent about two and a half hours downloading a package and all its 
dependencies, using MCC Install Software.

When it tried to install the packages, it couldn't, saying that there was an 
installation fault. It then abandoned the installation.

How can I find out what the fault was, please, in the hope that I can prevent 
it happening in the future?

Secondly, /var/cache/urpmi/rpms is now empty. Does this mean that I have to 
start all over again with another two and a half hours download? This second 
download may be faulty as well.

Five hours downloading is half the weekly length of time I can be connected!

For information, the package was the Texstar Phoenix. I have heard some good 
reports about Phoenix and would like to try it.

I am feeling very frustrated at the failure of the installation!

Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] Installation fault

2003-01-25 Per discussione David Robertson
On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 14:05, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have just spent about two and a half hours downloading a package and all its 
 dependencies, using MCC Install Software.
 When it tried to install the packages, it couldn't, saying that there was an 
 installation fault. It then abandoned the installation.
 How can I find out what the fault was, please, in the hope that I can prevent 
 it happening in the future?
 Secondly, /var/cache/urpmi/rpms is now empty. Does this mean that I have to 
 start all over again with another two and a half hours download? This second 
 download may be faulty as well.
 Five hours downloading is half the weekly length of time I can be connected!
 For information, the package was the Texstar Phoenix. I have heard some good 
 reports about Phoenix and would like to try it.
 I am feeling very frustrated at the failure of the installation!
 Many thanks

Did the installer not give you a reason for the failure of the
installation, such as a package conflict? I am afraid you will need to
download again, but you could do this from the command line and add the
--noclean option: that way, the downloaded packages will stay in
/var/cache/urpmi/rmps. For example, as root:

urpmi phoenix --noclean



Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur

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Re: [newbie] KDE Panel Customization questions

2003-01-25 Per discussione robin
Chuck Burns wrote:

On Wed, January 22 2003 12:58 pm, mycal62 wrote:

they are located in /usr/share/icons.

right click on one and choose properties, and click the icon button it
displays, then change to your heart's content.

The only thing on the KDE menu is Move Remove Menu Editor and Panel 
Menu  There is NO properties.

True - you need to find out which icon it uses (I thought it would be 
something like /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/go.png , but that didn't 
work).  Once you've done that, you can back it up and put a different 
icon in it's place, edit it with your favourite graphic tool or whatever.

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Installation fault

2003-01-25 Per discussione et
what program were you trying to install? 

On Saturday 25 January 2003 09:05 am, Keith Powell wrote:

 I have just spent about two and a half hours downloading a package and all
 its dependencies, using MCC Install Software.

 When it tried to install the packages, it couldn't, saying that there was
 an installation fault. It then abandoned the installation.

 How can I find out what the fault was, please, in the hope that I can
 prevent it happening in the future?

 Secondly, /var/cache/urpmi/rpms is now empty. Does this mean that I have to
 start all over again with another two and a half hours download? This
 second download may be faulty as well.

 Five hours downloading is half the weekly length of time I can be

 For information, the package was the Texstar Phoenix. I have heard some
 good reports about Phoenix and would like to try it.

 I am feeling very frustrated at the failure of the installation!

 Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Peter Watson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 13:16, Benjamin Jeeves wrote:
 Hi all

 Has anyone get firewire to work on mdk9.0 I have look at and read and done what it says to do but still not work

 anyone help

 sorry for the spelling have a problem and can not spell what it is


I have an audigy soundcard with a 1394 port which works fine under 9.0. I 
use it to upload and download DV video from my Panasoic DV camera using 

To get it working I had to add


to my /etc/modules



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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Peter Watson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 14:52, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 13:16, Benjamin Jeeves wrote:
  Hi all
  Has anyone get firewire to work on mdk9.0 I have look at and read and done what it says to do but still not work
  anyone help
  sorry for the spelling have a problem and can not spell what it is

 I have an audigy soundcard with a 1394 port which works fine under 9.0.
 I use it to upload and download DV video from my Panasoic DV camera
 using Kino.

 To get it working I had to add


 to my /etc/modules

PS /etc/modules.conf already contained the following line

alias ieee1394-controller ohci1394


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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Gil Katz
Yes i got Firewire IEEE1394 working on my mdk9.0
you should install 
libavc1394, libraw1394, libraw1394-devel.
after you do that you should modprobe raw1394 and video1394
i got adaptec card and Sharp MiniDV and it works fine
On Saturday 25 January 2003 16:06, et wrote:
 On Saturday 25 January 2003 08:16 am, Benjamin Jeeves wrote:
  Hi all
  Has anyone get firewire to work on mdk9.0 I have look at and read and done what it says to do but still not work
  anyone help
  sorry for the spelling have a problem and can not spell what it is

 I ain't all that sure about how well it works (not much to connect to it to
 test differnt stuff) but for me, my Audigy ieee1394 port was found and
 setup by the installer out of the box, with a clean install... can you try
 and describe your poblem? or post your /var/log/dmesg.


Fair well and thanks for all the fish

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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 2:52 pm, Peter Watson wrote:

 To get it working I had to add


 to my /etc/modules

Pete - do your front panel connectors work?  Aux in and midi?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Installation fault

2003-01-25 Per discussione Keith Powell
et  asked what package I was trying to install.

Thanks for your reply. It is Phoenix from the Texstar site.

On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 2:14 pm, David Robertson wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 14:05, Keith Powell wrote:
  I have just spent about two and a half hours downloading a package and
  all its dependencies, using MCC Install Software.
  When it tried to install the packages, it couldn't, saying that there was
  an installation fault. It then abandoned the installation.
  How can I find out what the fault was, please, in the hope that I can
  prevent it happening in the future?
  Secondly, /var/cache/urpmi/rpms is now empty. Does this mean that I have
  to start all over again with another two and a half hours download? This
  second download may be faulty as well.
  Five hours downloading is half the weekly length of time I can be
  For information, the package was the Texstar Phoenix. I have heard some
  good reports about Phoenix and would like to try it.
  I am feeling very frustrated at the failure of the installation!
  Many thanks

 Did the installer not give you a reason for the failure of the
 installation, such as a package conflict? I am afraid you will need to
 download again, but you could do this from the command line and add the
 --noclean option: that way, the downloaded packages will stay in
 /var/cache/urpmi/rmps. For example, as root:

 urpmi phoenix --noclean




Thanks for your reply and the --noclean information.  

I have done some investigating, and it appears that Phoenix and Phoenix-java 
were not installed. The other packages it needed, were installed.

So, I have downloaded just these two again and installed them separately. The 
Phoenix package installed, but the java package wouldn't install. It said 
that there was a size mismatch - whatever that means.

Phoenix now runs, but I assume that it is without Java. I haven't had a chance 
to use it and find out.

The installer did not mention any package by name, it merely said that there 
was a download error.

I hope that Phoenix is worth trying, after all this trouble!



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Re: [newbie] OT - Spam at it's greatest

2003-01-25 Per discussione Roger Sherman
On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:

 On Friday 24 Jan 2003 10:31 am, Franki wrote:
  I'd agree, except that some of them get killed from it..
  they try to get you to come over to help get things moving and when you
  get there
  they put a gun to your head and make you withdraw every cent you have and
  hand it over..
 OK - I haven't heard of that happening, but of course that's 'not acceptable'.

Yah. It's in the category of comedy when they lose their cash, but 
definitly tragedy when they lose their lives.




Do we really need to waste money and resources killing the retarded when
sending them into a hedge maze would be just as effective?

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[newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Larry Williams
Hi All.

I'm new to this list, and I've checked the archives and tried all the 
suggestions I've found, but I am still unable to printfrom either of my two 
Win98 boxen.

My Mandrake 9 machine has most of the packages installed but none are upgraded 
yet.  I'm using 
samba 2.2.6-1.0pre2.2mdk
CUPS 1.1.16-0.4mdk

The network and firewall functions - all machines can use the internet  
connection on the Linux box - but pings to the linux box fail.  I don't know 
if it's related, I doubt it, but just in case...

I've created smb.conf based on a message in November by Anne Wilson, and my 
cupsd.conf is based on several messages found here and elsewhere.  I can 
provide them if you like.

The error I get is in cups/error-log.  It states it is unable to convert file 
0 to printable format even though a raw file is sent and 
application/octet-stream is enabled in both mime.* files.

Any thoughts?  Should I consider PDQ or find and install some other lp daemon?  
If so, what print system should I define in Samba?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 4:50 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
 Hi All.

 I'm new to this list, and I've checked the archives and tried all the
 suggestions I've found, but I am still unable to printfrom either of my two
 Win98 boxen.

 My Mandrake 9 machine has most of the packages installed but none are
 upgraded yet.  I'm using
   samba 2.2.6-1.0pre2.2mdk
   CUPS 1.1.16-0.4mdk

 The network and firewall functions - all machines can use the internet
 connection on the Linux box - but pings to the linux box fail.  I don't
 know if it's related, I doubt it, but just in case...

 I've created smb.conf based on a message in November by Anne Wilson, and my
 cupsd.conf is based on several messages found here and elsewhere.  I can
 provide them if you like.

 The error I get is in cups/error-log.  It states it is unable to convert
 file 0 to printable format even though a raw file is sent and
 application/octet-stream is enabled in both mime.* files.

 Any thoughts?  Should I consider PDQ or find and install some other lp
 daemon? If so, what print system should I define in Samba?

 Thanks in advance,

Hi, Larry.  It's usually best to fix one problem at a time :)  So, which is 
most urgent for you?

I don't know much about firewall issues - my router takes care of that for me, 
so someone else will advise you there.  It sounds to me as though that might 
be a good part of the issue.

Also, is the printer physically attached to the linux box or some other?  Can 
you print from the local printer?  Is there no success at all, or is it 
networked printing that's the problem?  What model printer is it. and how did 
you install it?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] emails i am not getting

2003-01-25 Per discussione ThinKer
I just looked at the archives... I am not getting all of the messages
either. (I though everyone was just ignoring my questions :-))

Also, whenever I post to the list I get a bounce message from the list

What would cause these issues?


On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 07:36, Robert Wideman wrote:
 I dont know about you guys but i am not getting half the emails that are
 shown on the mailing list archives.  Like the one on SO6...i didnt get
 anything after i replied on that issue. and same for the ones that i just
 emailed out.
 Anyone else have this problem?
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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Peter Watson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 15:32, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 2:52 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
  To get it working I had to add
  to my /etc/modules

 Pete - do your front panel connectors work?  Aux in and midi?


I don't have any front panel connectors, at the back I have 1394, mic., 
line in and audio out sockets, these all work fine.



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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 5:27 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 15:32, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 2:52 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
   To get it working I had to add
   to my /etc/modules
  Pete - do your front panel connectors work?  Aux in and midi?

 I don't have any front panel connectors, at the back I have 1394, mic.,
 line in and audio out sockets, these all work fine.

Ah - I forgot that there was a back firewire connector.  Ah well, all in good 
time :)

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[Fwd: NDN: Re: [newbie] emails i am not getting]

2003-01-25 Per discussione ThinKer
Below is the bounce I am getting when I post. My messages are still
being posted.

-Forwarded Message-

From: Mailer-Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: NDN: Re: [newbie] emails i am not getting
Date: 26 Jan 2003 01:17:51 +0800

Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:

linux-mandrake newbie,emc (The name was not found at the remote site.
Check that the name has been entered correctly.)

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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Larry Williams
On Saturday 25 January 2003 09:11, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 4:50 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
  Hi All.
  I'm new to this list, and I've checked the archives and tried all the
  suggestions I've found, but I am still unable to printfrom either of my
  two Win98 boxen.
  My Mandrake 9 machine has most of the packages installed but none are
  upgraded yet.  I'm using
  samba 2.2.6-1.0pre2.2mdk
  CUPS 1.1.16-0.4mdk
  The error I get is in cups/error-log.  It states it is unable to convert
  file 0 to printable format even though a raw file is sent and
  application/octet-stream is enabled in both mime.* files.
  Any thoughts?  Should I consider PDQ or find and install some other lp
  daemon? If so, what print system should I define in Samba?
  Thanks in advance,

 Hi, Larry.  It's usually best to fix one problem at a time :)  So, which is
 most urgent for you?

 I don't know much about firewall issues - my router takes care of that for
 me, so someone else will advise you there.  It sounds to me as though that
 might be a good part of the issue.

 Also, is the printer physically attached to the linux box or some other? 
 Can you print from the local printer?  Is there no success at all, or is it
 networked printing that's the problem?  What model printer is it. and how
 did you install it?


Hi Anne.

The printer is more urgent since all three computers can access the Internet.  
I just included the ping bit in case it was related.

The printer is attached to the Linux box on /dev/lp0, it's an HP Deskjet 540.  
I installed it first during installation, where it was automatically 
detected.  I didn't make any drastic changes to the pre-definied settings 
except to force grayscale.  It does print locally and has always printed test 

According to the Mandrake Control Center (drakconf), wherein I've removed and 
reinstalled the printer without any problems, the printer is using the 
recommended Ghostscript + hpijs driver, but I've also tried the 
CUPS+GIMP-Print v4.2.2 (en) and Ghostscript + [cdj|djet]500 drivers with the 
same results (local print works, remote from Win doesn't).

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 4:50 pm, Larry Williams wrote:

I didn't notice the model number in your header.  I'm sorry to say that I 
think you are unlucky here.  HP are pretty good at providing linux drivers, 
but mainly from the 600 series onwards.  Check it out at

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Larry Williams
On Saturday 25 January 2003 09:43, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 4:50 pm, Larry Williams wrote:

 I didn't notice the model number in your header.  I'm sorry to say that I
 think you are unlucky here.  HP are pretty good at providing linux drivers,
 but mainly from the 600 series onwards.  Check it out at


Hmm.  I kind of thought that.  Do you know if there is an alternative to CUPS 
then?  I guess I can use PDQ, but I'm not sure how to tell Samba to use it.


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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 5:40 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
 According to the Mandrake Control Center (drakconf), wherein I've removed
 and reinstalled the printer without any problems, the printer is using the
 recommended Ghostscript + hpijs driver, but I've also tried the
 CUPS+GIMP-Print v4.2.2 (en) and Ghostscript + [cdj|djet]500 drivers with
 the same results (local print works, remote from Win doesn't).

This is better news.  Mandrake must be providing a suitable driver.  OK - when 
I tried to print over the lan, only a couple of weeks ago, I had much the 
same problem.  I eventually got as far as having a readable file in a spool 
directory, but still couldn't get it to print.  On the advice of Stephen 
Kuhn, I installed the windows driver on the windows machine, saying that I 
wanted to install over the network.  I can't recall the exact sequence, but 
it then allows you to browse to the printer on the host machine, in my case 
it's //anne-linux/printer.  Go throught the whole normal installation, but 
don't print a test page.  Take the re-boot, then call up the printer in the 
usual My Computer/Printers folder, and print a test page from there.

It worked for me

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 5:40 pm, Larry Williams wrote:

 According to the Mandrake Control Center (drakconf), wherein I've removed
 and reinstalled the printer without any problems, the printer is using the
 recommended Ghostscript + hpijs driver, but I've also tried the
 CUPS+GIMP-Print v4.2.2 (en) and Ghostscript + [cdj|djet]500 drivers with
 the same results (local print works, remote from Win doesn't).

BTW, I would recommend sticking with the Ghostscript + hpijs driver - I've had 
problems with others, and they generally seem to be reliable.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Larry Williams
On Saturday 25 January 2003 09:47, Anne Wilson wrote:
 This is better news.  Mandrake must be providing a suitable driver.  OK -
 when I tried to print over the lan, only a couple of weeks ago, I had much
 the same problem.  I eventually got as far as having a readable file in a
 spool directory, but still couldn't get it to print.  On the advice of
 Stephen Kuhn, I installed the windows driver on the windows machine, saying
 that I wanted to install over the network.  I can't recall the exact
 sequence, but it then allows you to browse to the printer on the host
 machine, in my case it's //anne-linux/printer.  Go throught the whole
 normal installation, but don't print a test page.  Take the re-boot, then
 call up the printer in the usual My Computer/Printers folder, and print a
 test page from there.

 It worked for me


Hi Anne.

Yes, I've done this as well.  Before I installed Mandrake 9 I was using Red 
Hat 7.3.  It came with lprng and CUPS, and I couldn't get CUPS to work then 
either.  But lprng worked just fine.  I thought I could go get lprng and put 
it on Mandrake, but I ran into roadblocks: The source won't compile because 
(I believe) I'm not using an ANSI C compiler (just gcc that came with 
Mandrake) and the RPM is too specific to Red Hat and I couldn't get the 
dependencies to load (one was older than an existing package and the two 
necessary libraries aren't part of the new package).

So unless I can upgrade my printer (which may happen in the next month along 
with a system upgrade), I'm open to alternative print spoolers, or PDQ if I 
can properly configure Samba.


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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 5:57 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
 On Saturday 25 January 2003 09:47, Anne Wilson wrote:
  This is better news.  Mandrake must be providing a suitable driver.  OK -
  when I tried to print over the lan, only a couple of weeks ago, I had
  much the same problem.  I eventually got as far as having a readable file
  in a spool directory, but still couldn't get it to print.  On the advice
  of Stephen Kuhn, I installed the windows driver on the windows machine,
  saying that I wanted to install over the network.  I can't recall the
  exact sequence, but it then allows you to browse to the printer on the
  host machine, in my case it's //anne-linux/printer.  Go throught the
  whole normal installation, but don't print a test page.  Take the
  re-boot, then call up the printer in the usual My Computer/Printers
  folder, and print a test page from there.
  It worked for me

 Hi Anne.

 Yes, I've done this as well.  Before I installed Mandrake 9 I was using Red
 Hat 7.3.  It came with lprng and CUPS, and I couldn't get CUPS to work then
 either.  But lprng worked just fine.  I thought I could go get lprng and
 put it on Mandrake, but I ran into roadblocks: The source won't compile
 because (I believe) I'm not using an ANSI C compiler (just gcc that came
 with Mandrake) and the RPM is too specific to Red Hat and I couldn't get
 the dependencies to load (one was older than an existing package and the
 two necessary libraries aren't part of the new package).

 So unless I can upgrade my printer (which may happen in the next month
 along with a system upgrade), I'm open to alternative print spoolers, or
 PDQ if I can properly configure Samba.

Don't give up yet.  Some of our most experienced posters will be around, 
probably this evening.  There could be much better advice.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione Andrew
Hello all,

Is it possible to convert mpeg2 to .avi with any linux programme
like mencoder


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Re: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione Ralph Slooten
On Sat, 25 Jan 2003 18:13:41 +
Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,
 Is it possible to convert mpeg2 to .avi with any linux programme
 like mencoder

Yeah, with mencoder (part of MPlayer)


I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
but I don't always agree with them. - George H. W. Bush

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Re: [newbie] Installation fault

2003-01-25 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 25 January 2003 04:24 pm, Keith Powell wrote:

   For information, the package was the Texstar
   Phoenix. I have heard some good reports about
   Phoenix and would like to try it.
   I am feeling very frustrated at the failure of the
   Many thanks

 I have done some investigating, and it appears that
 Phoenix and Phoenix-java were not installed. The other
 packages it needed, were installed.

 So, I have downloaded just these two again and installed
 them separately. The Phoenix package installed, but the
 java package wouldn't install. It said that there was a
 size mismatch - whatever that means.

 Phoenix now runs, but I assume that it is without Java.
 I haven't had a chance to use it and find out.

 The installer did not mention any package by name, it
 merely said that there was a download error.

 I hope that Phoenix is worth trying, after all this




Keith, out of curiosity I just downloaded Phoenix from 
Texstar. I just issued the command (as root) : 
urpmi phoenix
and watched the text scroll by. No problems whatsoever.
Then, I ran Phoenix, it seems a bit meager and not 
noticeable faster then Mozilla, but certainly slower then 
Konqueror and Opera. Then, trying to view a 
java-*enriched* page, it stopped and prompted me to 
download java, although java already resides on the box. I 
did that nevertheless ( must be done as root ! ) and again 
without any glitches. Now I have two java plugins ;-)

However, I intend to get rid of it again.


Kaj Haulrich
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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[newbie] xawtv config and recording

2003-01-25 Per discussione magnet
Hi all, just installed xawtv on my system running mandrake 9 with a win-tv go 
card installed. Picture quality and sound is fine, could be improved with a 
better signal though, but I need a good reference website or manual to suss 
out how to configure it better to get recording to harddrive working and 
possibly scripts to allow this machine to become a virtual VCR.

Registered Linux User: 281659
Registered machines: 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
6xAthlon 1.2GHz all running some flavour of Mandrake.

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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RE: [Fwd: NDN: Re: [newbie] emails i am not getting]

2003-01-25 Per discussione Robert Wideman
I have the same problem if i do not send from the correct email account.
Actually it is an email from Sympa asking for authorization to send it since
my other accounts arent part of the list.

 -Original Message-
 From: ThinKer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 11:34 AM
 Subject: [Fwd: NDN: Re: [newbie] emails i am not getting]

 Below is the bounce I am getting when I post. My messages are still
 being posted.

 -Forwarded Message-

 From: Mailer-Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: NDN: Re: [newbie] emails i am not getting
 Date: 26 Jan 2003 01:17:51 +0800

 Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:

 linux-mandrake newbie,emc (The name was not found at the remote site.
 Check that the name has been entered correctly.)

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RE: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione Robert Wideman
Yes.  I have not personall done it.  But i am also in the process of
learning how to backup all my DVD's on Linux.  There are many programs that
are legal for windows boxes b/c they are closed source.  I have actually
DLed all the needed libraries from and installed them.
I have ripped a DVD with DVD::Rip but for the rest of the program and other
ways of ripping it is all confusing from that point on.  I have read like 5
different tutorials and nothing goes into detail on anything.

Good luck


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ralph Slooten
 Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 12:44 PM
 To: Mandrake-Newbie
 Subject: Re: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

 On Sat, 25 Jan 2003 18:13:41 +
 Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello all,
  Is it possible to convert mpeg2 to .avi with any linux programme
  like mencoder

 Yeah, with mencoder (part of MPlayer)


 I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
 but I don't always agree with them. - George H. W. Bush

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RE: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Robert Wideman
Not that its a big deal but Apple owns the Trademark/Patent for the use of
the word Firewire and anything else can use the word IEEE 1394 compliance.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Benjamin Jeeves
 Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 7:16 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

 Hi all

 Has anyone get firewire to work on mdk9.0 I have look at and read and done what it says to do but still not work

 anyone help

 sorry for the spelling have a problem and can not spell what it is


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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 7:16 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:
 Not that its a big deal but Apple owns the Trademark/Patent for the use of
 the word Firewire and anything else can use the word IEEE 1394

Sure, but Hoover and Kellogs are tradenames, and everybody knows what you mean 
:-).  I can't see this as a pass-off.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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RE: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Robert Wideman
THe was a tidbit of info, kinda like an FYI if you wanna get technical about
it.  Yes i use Firewall terminology for anything 1394 as well.

What are you talking about a pass off?  I am not passing anything off.  I
just dont know anything about it or use it.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anne Wilson
 Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 1:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

 On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 7:16 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:
  Not that its a big deal but Apple owns the Trademark/Patent
 for the use of
  the word Firewire and anything else can use the word IEEE 1394

 Sure, but Hoover and Kellogs are tradenames, and everybody knows
 what you mean
 :-).  I can't see this as a pass-off.

 Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] Geforce Driver

2003-01-25 Per discussione Russ
Hi All,

I would like to install the drivers form my Nvidia Geforce 2 card but I
think I may need a little help before I totally foul things up.

I assume I need the AMD64 driver (AMD Athalon 1ghz)
Do I need both:
GLX Tar File
Kermel Mode Tar File

How do I know which version of XFree I am running? (MD 9.0 with all


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[newbie] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux (again)

2003-01-25 Per discussione ThinKer
Sorry to be a pest by asking this again but this is really important in
my Linux Evolution. One of the last steps in being windows free in my
daily computing is my ability to sync my contacts, to-do and calendar
with my PDA.
I searched Google for Treo USB to sync with Linux and I found nothing

 I am running Mandrake 9 (2.4.19-16mdk kernel) on a 500 Mhz PIII with
256MB RAM. I am using KDE 3.0.1 Desktop, Evolution 1.2.1 and would
ultimately like to sync my Treo 180 USB with Evolution. I have Jpilot
and KPilot installed but I haven't been able to sync with either of
these programs.

My PDA is a Handspring Treo 180 (GSM phone/PalmOS PDA hybrid). The Treo is running 
Palm OS 3.5. 
I need to use the USB connection to connect with my PC. 
According to WebMin, my USB is set to start at boot and is currently running. 
(MandrakeSoft, : usb,v 1.44) but I am not 100 % sure it is running.   

Any help/guidance/instruction on this would be greatly appreciated. 
A step-by-step set of instructions from begining to end would be a wonderful thing.

Thank you,


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[newbie] OT Hardware weirdness 2

2003-01-25 Per discussione
Okay... I tried every trick in the book (and outside of it). And it is
still a riddle.
I just about took the entire machine apart again, put it back together
with basically just the video card and the mainboard. No CDRom, no
soundcard, no nothing. Standing upright it collapses within 15 minutes.
Most of the time I only had to wait 1 or 2 minutes, which helped speed
up the experiments. *wry grin*
I tried every card combination, took the power supply apart (nothing
strange in there), and still I come up with the same thing. At the
moment the PC is on its side again and it runs. Since 5 minutes now, but
I am confident that it will stay up.

I am at my witt's end with this.
Thanks for all the help and suggestions. I have the impression that this
PC will remain on its side for the rest of its life, unless someone can
come up with the ultimate solution. I just hope I can burn legible CD's
with this setup, for backup reasons.


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Re: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 7:53 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:
 THe was a tidbit of info, kinda like an FYI if you wanna get technical
 about it.  Yes i use Firewall terminology for anything 1394 as well.

 What are you talking about a pass off?  I am not passing anything off.  I
 just dont know anything about it or use it.

Here in the UK a 'pass-off' is when someone is unfairly using a name, 'passing 
it off' as being the same product, rather than a similarity.  That is, 
deliberate trade name infringement with a desire to defraud.

I just meant that while I have sympathy where this truly is the case, I have 
none where using the weight of the law is ridiculous.  It was not meant as an 
attack on you :)

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] OT Hardware weirdness 2

2003-01-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 8:00 pm,  wrote:
 Okay... I tried every trick in the book (and outside of it). And it is
 still a riddle.
 I just about took the entire machine apart again, put it back together
 with basically just the video card and the mainboard. No CDRom, no
 soundcard, no nothing. Standing upright it collapses within 15 minutes.
 Most of the time I only had to wait 1 or 2 minutes, which helped speed
 up the experiments. *wry grin*
 I tried every card combination, took the power supply apart (nothing
 strange in there), and still I come up with the same thing. At the
 moment the PC is on its side again and it runs. Since 5 minutes now, but
 I am confident that it will stay up.

 I am at my witt's end with this.
 Thanks for all the help and suggestions. I have the impression that this
 PC will remain on its side for the rest of its life, unless someone can
 come up with the ultimate solution. I just hope I can burn legible CD's
 with this setup, for backup reasons.

There's only one solution, then.  Pretend your tower was a desktop all along 

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] How to bring Galeon to the front when clicking in Evolution?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
I have set up Evolution 1.2.1-2 to open a new tab in Galeon when a link
is clicked.

However, I would like to bring Galeon automatically to the front or
active window after clicking the link.

Is there any way to do it?

My .gnome/Gnome is setup as:
http-show=galeon --new-tab %s
   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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Re: [newbie] OT Hardware weirdness 2

2003-01-25 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Anne's mail, d.d. Sat, 25 Jan 2003 20:10:26 +:

There's only one solution, then.  Pretend your tower was a desktop all
along :)

Woohahahahaa!!! It is a tower with a bad back! ;)

Thanks for the grin.

The more we live by our intellect,
the less we understand the meaning of life.
-Leo Tolstoy - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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[newbie] dhcpd problem stop at Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net

2003-01-25 Per discussione ivo jorris
I'm using 2 NICs and trying to make dhcpd working on
when I start dhcpd using dhcpd -d -f, it stops at
Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net just like

Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
Listening on LPF/eth1/.
Sending on   LPF/eth1/.
Listening on LPF/eth0/.
Sending on   LPF/eth0/.
Sending on   Socket/fallback/fallback-net

my /etc/dhcpd.conf is:

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
#option domain-name-servers,;
#option domain-name;
ddns-update-style ad-hoc;

shared-network 192_168_29 {
  subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;

subnet netmask {}

thanks for advance


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RE: [newbie] Firewire e.g. 1394

2003-01-25 Per discussione Robert Wideman
  about it.  Yes i use Firewall terminology for anything 1394 as well.
Firewall should be Firewire.  Guess i typed too fast to realize it.


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Re: [newbie] Geforce Driver

2003-01-25 Per discussione Charlie
On Saturday 25 January 2003 01:00 pm, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I would like to install the drivers form my Nvidia Geforce 2 card but I
 think I may need a little help before I totally foul things up.

 I assume I need the AMD64 driver (AMD Athalon 1ghz)
 Do I need both:
   GLX Tar File
   Kermel Mode Tar File

 How do I know which version of XFree I am running? (MD 9.0 with all

Russ since my NVidia based card is so old I've never bothered with the 
proprietary drivers. That would mean I'll be of no help. It's a Creative 
Graphics Blaster 16 MB, good in it's day but Yes you'll need both the 
kernel and GLX driver files to install as well as editing the XF86-4 
configuration file you'll find in /etc/X11. The instructions on the NVidia 
site used to be fairly clear but it's been a while since I helped anyone 
install the drivers, sorry.

A better site to get the correct drivers may be Ranger's. He's one of the 
developers that helps build what we're playing with here, you know, Mandrake? 
Here's the url:

To find the version of XFree you have the easiest way is probably to use the 
keys (simultaneously) crtl-alt-F1 and you'll drop back to the console login 
screen. The information should be there. To get back to your desktop use the 
same keys except substitute F7 for F1. HTH

Registered user 244963
Ignorance must certainly be bliss or there wouldn't be so many people
so resolutely pursuing it. 

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Re: [newbie] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux(again)

2003-01-25 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
I have just reinstalled Mandrake 9 and this is the first time that I am
going to sync my Palm with Evolution. Even when you PDA is different
from mine, I guess this procedure should also work for you.

I will give you every single step that I take:

First of all, when I do a ls /dev/usb the only active USB port shown
is hid, the one used by the mouse.

When I do a ls /dev/usb after placing the Palm on the cradle and
pressing the hotsync button, then two entries are shown: hid and

I make sure to create as root the symbolic link /dev/pilot with:
ln -s /dev/usb/tts/0 /dev/pilot

Subdirectories 0 and 1 of tts only appear when you hit the hotsync
button on the cradle.

Next step is going to Evolution-Tools-Pilot Settings. A wizards
appears. Answer that this is the first time your going to use the
software with the Pilot. Press Next and press the hotsync button on the
cradle. It will recover the name and user id from the pilot. If it
fails, try again. Sometimes it takes three or four times to get this
info from the Pilot.

After passing previous step, you should see an open window where you can
define your conduit settings. Enable synchronizing ToDo, Calendar,
Contacts (I also enable Memos) and that's it.

Now, press again the hotsync button on the cradle and you should get the
data transfered to evolution.


On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 15:57, ThinKer wrote:
 Sorry to be a pest by asking this again but this is really important in
 my Linux Evolution. One of the last steps in being windows free in my
 daily computing is my ability to sync my contacts, to-do and calendar
 with my PDA.
 I searched Google for Treo USB to sync with Linux and I found nothing
  I am running Mandrake 9 (2.4.19-16mdk kernel) on a 500 Mhz PIII with
 256MB RAM. I am using KDE 3.0.1 Desktop, Evolution 1.2.1 and would
 ultimately like to sync my Treo 180 USB with Evolution. I have Jpilot
 and KPilot installed but I haven't been able to sync with either of
 these programs.
 My PDA is a Handspring Treo 180 (GSM phone/PalmOS PDA hybrid). The Treo is running 
Palm OS 3.5. 
 I need to use the USB connection to connect with my PC. 
 According to WebMin, my USB is set to start at boot and is currently running. 
(MandrakeSoft, : usb,v 1.44) but I am not 100 % sure it is running.   
 Any help/guidance/instruction on this would be greatly appreciated. 
 A step-by-step set of instructions from begining to end would be a wonderful thing.
 Thank you,

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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[newbie] Installing an exe with WINE

2003-01-25 Per discussione Russ
Hi All,

OK, what kind of hoops do I have to jump through to install a win3.1
program to work under WINE.

I typed in wine and then the file but got alot of errors. Is there
something I need to do prior to installing it or what. Does WINE create
the necessary directories on first install or do you have to do it



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Re: [newbie] Geforce Driver

2003-01-25 Per discussione MG
safest bet is the IA32, thats what I used on my system which is a Athlon 1.5 
XP, but view the readme first before downloading, I think the differences are
32bit and 64 bit processors but not sure. I am a newbie my self. The readme 
was not to hard to follow for me, and I dont follow so good!  LOL

(IA64=Itanium or Itanium II processors)
(AMD64=AMD's Hammer chips)
version: 1.0-4191

I used the src rpms because wasn't all that sure which rpm to use I'm running
MDK8.2 on a Athlon 1.5 on an ECS board with a Geforce4 agp.

 I pretty much followed the Readme at:
on building and installing the kernel and glx drivers,
then editing the XF86Config or on my system XF86Config-4 file.
also instructions on useing tar also.
I did all in console with the X server not running as they instructed
and worked out nice.
A forum to check also is:


On Saturday 25 January 2003 01:00 pm, you wrote:
 Hi All,

 I would like to install the drivers form my Nvidia Geforce 2 card but I
 think I may need a little help before I totally foul things up.

 I assume I need the AMD64 driver (AMD Athalon 1ghz)
 Do I need both:
   GLX Tar File
   Kermel Mode Tar File

 How do I know which version of XFree I am running? (MD 9.0 with all

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[newbie] WINE or something similar??

2003-01-25 Per discussione Chuck Burns
Here's the deal.. I have a pure Mandrake 9.0 system on this box.. No windows 
partition at all.. now.. lets say I wanted to make a disk image inside my 
current linux setup, and run win apps.. and I want it to be opensource.. NOT 
rugged, adj.:
Too heavy to lift.

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Re: [newbie] WINE or something similar??

2003-01-25 Per discussione Aaron Mehl
my experience has been that the only open source option is wine, however
wine is not so stable and requires a lot of fiddling to get it to work,
and it is not so fast.

VM ware is not for everyone, if you are testing on many OSes it probably
is the best choice.

I don't know all thats out there but for explorer and similar apps
Crossover office works fine.

From what I have read on this list Win4Lin is much faster and runs more

If you must have it open then have fun with wine
On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 16:49, Chuck Burns wrote:
 Here's the deal.. I have a pure Mandrake 9.0 system on this box.. No windows 
 partition at all.. now.. lets say I wanted to make a disk image inside my 
 current linux setup, and run win apps.. and I want it to be opensource.. NOT 

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[newbie] 9.0 screensavers?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Okay, I'll give. I tried searching KDE's web site, the Mandrake mailing list 
archive, and Texstar...

so...where are screen savers for version 9.0? I didn't have but 4 with the 3 
CD download edition, which is understandable...but the same 4 with the 
powerpack? What?-not enough space on 7 CD's? grin

Thanks all.


 Dark Lord

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[newbie] StarOffice setup

2003-01-25 Per discussione Chris
When installing Star Office 6.0 what is the preferred method, Workstation or 
Local install?  I remember this thread from quite aways back and searched the 
archives but can't find the msg I'm looking for that explained the 
difference.  I think the correct way was to start the install as root, select 
workstation which will allow users other than root to access SO.  Could 
someone enlighten me again.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  4:09pm  up 6 days, 22:40,  3 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.10, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 screensavers?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Saturday 25 January 2003 04:00 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Okay, I'll give. I tried searching KDE's web site, the Mandrake mailing
 list archive, and Texstar...

 so...where are screen savers for version 9.0? I didn't have but 4 with the
 3 CD download edition, which is understandable...but the same 4 with the
 powerpack? What?-not enough space on 7 CD's? grin

 Thanks all.
Hey Ron, look at this googlelinux search page
see what comes up there. HTH
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Ralph Slooten wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jan 2003 18:13:41 +
Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hello all,

Is it possible to convert mpeg2 to .avi with any linux programme
like mencoder


Yeah, with mencoder (part of MPlayer)


What if the mpeg2 is a large .mpg file on the haddrive.
What sort of command line would achieve conversion to .avi in mencoder ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione Ralph Slooten
On Sat, 25 Jan 2003 22:44:22 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What if the mpeg2 is a large .mpg file on the haddrive.
 What sort of command line would achieve conversion to .avi in mencoder

Hiya John,

Well, again you would need to know the bitrate required to get your
final size (divxcalc for example). Then you would rip it just like you
would a DVD, but instead of mencoder-dvd 1 options, you would
mencoder mpeg_file options... nothing different ;-)


Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice setup

2003-01-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

Chris wrote:
| When installing Star Office 6.0 what is the preferred method,
Workstation or
| Local install?  I remember this thread from quite aways back and
searched the
| archives but can't find the msg I'm looking for that explained the
| difference.  I think the correct way was to start the install as root,
| workstation which will allow users other than root to access SO.  Could
| someone enlighten me again.
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Hi Chris,

The best way to install StarOffice is when issuing the install command
from the commandline to use the /net argument. That makes the program
accessible to all users on the system. That way, when you start the
program for the first time as a user you can do the workstation
install and the program copies only a few files to the user's home

	./setup /net

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Re: [newbie] Win98 - Samba - CUPS - HPDJ540 fails

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 04:48, Larry Williams wrote:
 On Saturday 25 January 2003 09:43, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 4:50 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
  I didn't notice the model number in your header.  I'm sorry to say that I
  think you are unlucky here.  HP are pretty good at providing linux drivers,
  but mainly from the 600 series onwards.  Check it out at
 Hmm.  I kind of thought that.  Do you know if there is an alternative to CUPS 
 then?  I guess I can use PDQ, but I'm not sure how to tell Samba to use it.

Sometimes you can use WEBMIN to bypass the BS with either LPD or CUPS
printing...and it does have it's own proprietary drivers - and works
like a charm - WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS...

HTBH !!!

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 11:15:00 +1100
 11:15am  up 9 days, 20:58,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.04, 0.19
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Marge:  Homer, remember you promised you'd try to limit pork to six
servings a week?

Homer:  Marge, I'm only human.

   Principal Charming

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Re: [newbie] Installation fault

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 01:05, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have just spent about two and a half hours downloading a package and all its 
 dependencies, using MCC Install Software.
 When it tried to install the packages, it couldn't, saying that there was an 
 installation fault. It then abandoned the installation.
 How can I find out what the fault was, please, in the hope that I can prevent 
 it happening in the future?
 Secondly, /var/cache/urpmi/rpms is now empty. Does this mean that I have to 
 start all over again with another two and a half hours download? This second 
 download may be faulty as well.
 Five hours downloading is half the weekly length of time I can be connected!
 For information, the package was the Texstar Phoenix. I have heard some good 
 reports about Phoenix and would like to try it.
 I am feeling very frustrated at the failure of the installation!
 Many thanks

What I've seen - and found - is that sometimes a package THINKS it's
broken when in fact it's really not - same with dependencies - a
package, if it can't necessarily FIND it's dependencies will assume it
needs them (again) and will TRY to put itself together accordingly.

In order to fully bypass this issue, I always (recommend) that the
library paths are checked in the /etc/ file - and a re-run of
ldconfig be done prior to getting further.

The file, /etc/ contains the library paths - which programs
are dependent on. If the particular library path is NOT being searched,
logically, the program decides it can't go further.

My /etc/ file looks like this:


...the most important to have in here are /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib -
aside from the other directories. Once modifications have been made to
this file, you must run ldconfig to rebuild the path cache. If you can
get to that point, then you can try your package again and see if it
works better - or at least with few dependencies.

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 10:00:00 +1100
 10:00am  up 9 days, 19:43,  4 users,  load average: 2.37, 1.47, 0.78
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

'An appointment is an engagement to see someone, while a morningstar is a large lump 
of metal used for viciously crushing skulls. It is important not to confuse the two.'
(Men at Arms)

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Re: [newbie] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux(again)

2003-01-25 Per discussione ThinKer
 When I tried to run 'usbview' I got command not found.

 I tried your method. Please See results inline

 First of all, when I do a ls /dev/usb the only active USB port shown
 is hid, the one used by the mouse.
 When I do a ls /dev/usb after placing the Palm on the cradle and
 pressing the hotsync button, then two entries are shown: hid and

This worked. I got the 'tts' when I typed 'ls /dev/usb' after I pressed
the hotsync button.

 I make sure to create as root the symbolic link /dev/pilot with:
 ln -s /dev/usb/tts/0 /dev/pilot

Did this(as root).

 Subdirectories 0 and 1 of tts only appear when you hit the hotsync
 button on the cradle.
 Next step is going to Evolution-Tools-Pilot Settings. A wizards
 appears. Answer that this is the first time your going to use the
 software with the Pilot.

The wizard is giving me two options.
1. Yes, I've used sync software with this pilot before.
2. No, I've never used sync software with this pilot before.

If I click the No option, it gives me a slot to put a User Name and ID.
I am assuming I should use the 'Yes' option, since I have syncronized my
Treo with the Palm Desktop software it came with on my Windows macine,
and the device already has a username.

  Press Next and press the hotsync button on the
 cradle. It will recover the name and user id from the pilot. If it
 fails, try again. Sometimes it takes three or four times to get this
 info from the Pilot.
 After passing previous step, you should see an open window where you can
 define your conduit settings. Enable synchronizing ToDo, Calendar,
 Contacts (I also enable Memos) and that's it.

After I answered OK to this final screen, I got the error message,
Could not examine the port for Cradle(/devt/pilot). The port should
point to a USB serial port. No such file or directory (2)

When I go back now and type 'ls /dev/pilot' I get No such file or

My Treo keeps displaying the error message The connection between your
handheld computer and the desktop could not be established. Please check
your setup and try again.

 Now, press again the hotsync button on the cradle and you should get the
 data transfered to evolution.

I got nothing. Well, I am getting a little frustrated, but that doesn't
count. What should I do now?



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Re: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 05:13, Andrew wrote:
 Hello all,
 Is it possible to convert mpeg2 to .avi with any linux programme
 like mencoder

Have you tried Audacity ? Works wonders mate.

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 11:35:01 +1100
 11:35am  up 9 days, 21:18,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity.  Another man's, I mean.
-- Mark Twain

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Re: [newbie] xawtv config and recording

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 06:03, magnet wrote:
 Hi all, just installed xawtv on my system running mandrake 9 with a win-tv go 
 card installed. Picture quality and sound is fine, could be improved with a 
 better signal though, but I need a good reference website or manual to suss 
 out how to configure it better to get recording to harddrive working and 
 possibly scripts to allow this machine to become a virtual VCR.

Is it safe to assume that you've already been to the XAWTV homepage?

Or try:

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 11:40:00 +1100
 11:40am  up 9 days, 21:23,  4 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.07, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Some scholars are like donkeys, they merely carry a lot of books.
-- Folk saying

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Re: [newbie] Geforce Driver

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 07:00, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,
 I would like to install the drivers form my Nvidia Geforce 2 card but I
 think I may need a little help before I totally foul things up.
 I assume I need the AMD64 driver (AMD Athalon 1ghz)
 Do I need both:
   GLX Tar File
   Kermel Mode Tar File

Yes - and you have to install the GLX driver before you install the
actual kernel mode driver. It's best to do it OUTSIDE of XWindows - so
if you can rig yer system to boot to a console login, do it from the
console - so you can trouble shoot any possible issues without freaking
out your entire system...(hit CTL-ALT-BACKSPACE when your login screen
comes up)

 How do I know which version of XFree I am running? (MD 9.0 with all

If you don't remember which option you chose when you were setting up
your system, it's probably defaulted to the newer version.

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 11:40:00 +1100
 11:40am  up 9 days, 21:23,  4 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.07, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Some scholars are like donkeys, they merely carry a lot of books.
-- Folk saying

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Re: [newbie] emails i am not getting

2003-01-25 Per discussione ThinKer

 32.) Solar flares cause magnetic fluctuations in the Van Allen Belt's,
 hence interrupting with normal data transmission. This is solely the
 fault of the sun, and although a trouble-ticket was put in on this
 product, there has not been any resolution of the issue as of yet.
 Projected ETA ranges from 5 to 8 billion years.
 12.) Spies have infiltrated the list and are controlling who gets what
 and when they get it.

You flatter me in your assumption that my questions are valid enough to
be blocked by spies. I think I will take the Solar Flare explanantion
and attempt to troubleshoot from here (although, seeing that I can't
even sync my Palm Device with Evolution, I don't feel that I will be
effective in blocking the sun).


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Re: [newbie] How to bring Galeon to the front when clicking inEvolution?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 07:14, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 I have set up Evolution 1.2.1-2 to open a new tab in Galeon when a link
 is clicked.
 However, I would like to bring Galeon automatically to the front or
 active window after clicking the link.
 Is there any way to do it?
 My .gnome/Gnome is setup as:
 http-show=galeon --new-tab %s

I believe that you're crossing over into the realm of window manager
behaviour. Being that Galeon and Evo are based on Gnome, you're going to
have to make modifications the Metashitty, er, Metacity - unless you can
manage to get Sawfish substituted for it - which is much much easier to
configure for such.

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 11:45:00 +1100
 11:45am  up 9 days, 21:28,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.07, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

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Re: [newbie] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux(again)

2003-01-25 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 20:35, ThinKer wrote:
  When I tried to run 'usbview' I got command not found.
  I tried your method. Please See results inline
  First of all, when I do a ls /dev/usb the only active USB port shown
  is hid, the one used by the mouse.
  When I do a ls /dev/usb after placing the Palm on the cradle and
  pressing the hotsync button, then two entries are shown: hid and
 This worked. I got the 'tts' when I typed 'ls /dev/usb' after I pressed
 the hotsync button.
  I make sure to create as root the symbolic link /dev/pilot with:
  ln -s /dev/usb/tts/0 /dev/pilot
 Did this(as root).
  Subdirectories 0 and 1 of tts only appear when you hit the hotsync
  button on the cradle.
  Next step is going to Evolution-Tools-Pilot Settings. A wizards
  appears. Answer that this is the first time your going to use the
  software with the Pilot.
 The wizard is giving me two options.
 1. Yes, I've used sync software with this pilot before.
 2. No, I've never used sync software with this pilot before.
I have tried both options and they have worked nicely. Anyway, try the
YES option.
 If I click the No option, it gives me a slot to put a User Name and ID.
 I am assuming I should use the 'Yes' option, since I have syncronized my
 Treo with the Palm Desktop software it came with on my Windows macine,
 and the device already has a username.
Don't worry. There must be a button Get From Pilot or Get from PDA.
Just press this button.
   Press Next and press the hotsync button on the
  cradle. It will recover the name and user id from the pilot. If it
  fails, try again. Sometimes it takes three or four times to get this
  info from the Pilot.
  After passing previous step, you should see an open window where you can
  define your conduit settings. Enable synchronizing ToDo, Calendar,
  Contacts (I also enable Memos) and that's it.
 After I answered OK to this final screen, I got the error message,
 Could not examine the port for Cradle(/devt/pilot). The port should
 point to a USB serial port. No such file or directory (2)
 When I go back now and type 'ls /dev/pilot' I get No such file or
It has happened to me sometimes. Just recreate it with ln -s ... and
try again.

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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Re: [newbie] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux(again)

2003-01-25 Per discussione John McQuillen
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 06:57, ThinKer wrote:
 Sorry to be a pest by asking this again but this is really important in
 my Linux Evolution. One of the last steps in being windows free in my
 daily computing is my ability to sync my contacts, to-do and calendar
 with my PDA.
 I searched Google for Treo USB to sync with Linux and I found nothing
  I am running Mandrake 9 (2.4.19-16mdk kernel) on a 500 Mhz PIII with
 256MB RAM. I am using KDE 3.0.1 Desktop, Evolution 1.2.1 and would
 ultimately like to sync my Treo 180 USB with Evolution. I have Jpilot
 and KPilot installed but I haven't been able to sync with either of
 these programs.
 My PDA is a Handspring Treo 180 (GSM phone/PalmOS PDA hybrid). The Treo is running 
Palm OS 3.5. 
 I need to use the USB connection to connect with my PC. 
 According to WebMin, my USB is set to start at boot and is currently running. 
(MandrakeSoft, : usb,v 1.44) but I am not 100 % sure it is running.   
 Any help/guidance/instruction on this would be greatly appreciated. 
 A step-by-step set of instructions from begining to end would be a wonderful thing.

The following is a post from the Evolution list. I know nothing about
this (I don't have a PDA), so if you need more help, try joining the
Evolution List at

Note that the author reports success syncing with jpilot, which you say
fails for you, so perhaps you need to recompile the kernel with support
for this before moving on. At least you know it does work... :)

Now... let me see if I can remember how i did it ;-)

1. Syncing already worked between treo and jpilot, so the kernel
and pilot-link support was there and working... (that enough for
other e-mails).

2. downloaded gnome-pilot-0.1.71 source

3. applied the patches that came with the source rpm

3. ./configure

4. make

5. make install

even though I got errors on this... it did put a fresh gpilotd
up in /usr/bin

Note! I told tools/Pilot Setting/Devices that my device was a
device NOT a USB device ... go figure

Then I fired up evolution, attached the treo, hit the hotsync
fired up /usr/bin/gpilotd (as myself... not as root)... and
watched all
my contacts, todo's and calendar items update!


I hope this helps.



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Re: [newbie] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux(again)

2003-01-25 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 20:35, ThinKer wrote:

 After I answered OK to this final screen, I got the error message,
 Could not examine the port for Cradle(/devt/pilot). The port should
 point to a USB serial port. No such file or directory (2)

Also, at this point, you have to make yourself sure that the PDA is
trying to synchronize. In other words, press the cradle hotsync button
just before answering OK.

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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Re: [newbie] OT Hardware weirdness 2

2003-01-25 Per discussione g


 moment the PC is on its side again and it runs. Since 5 minutes now, but
 I am confident that it will stay up.

knowledge of your back broke desktop/tower contents would be helpful.

if it is still running, i would suggest 3 possible problems to go after first.

#1 = power supply:
 does fan stop?
 do you lose all voltages?

#2 = heat:
 are you testing with covers on or off?
 do you have good air circulation?
 cpu have correct heat sink and fan?
 is memory over heating?
 does mainboard have heat sensors?

#3 = harddisk:
 is drive new? if used, was it previously mounted flat or on side?
 if drive is flat and stops, flip upside down, still run?
 if drive on side and stops, flip to other side, still run?
 if drive is flat and stops, turn to side, still run?
 if drive on side and stops, turn to flat, still run?

peace out.


 think green...
save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
 send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] How to bring Galeon to the front when clicking inEvolution?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 20:47, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 I believe that you're crossing over into the realm of window manager
 behaviour. Being that Galeon and Evo are based on Gnome, you're going to
 have to make modifications the Metashitty, er, Metacity - unless you can
 manage to get Sawfish substituted for it - which is much much easier to
 configure for such.
I guess I can live without it for a while. Now I am in the realm of
upgrading to kernel-2.4.20 (2 fresh reinstalls of MDK9 until now).
Working for fun in the weekend.
   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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Re: [newbie] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux(again)

2003-01-25 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
What version of Evolution are you using? I have version 1.2
   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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[newbie] Anyone have a working supermount cdrom?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Charlie

I've been fighting with beta2 for so long I think I may have gone into 
terminal brainf@rt mode. I finally have it recognizing the cdrom, the cdrw 
and the floppy at boot (no mount point errors) but I can't for the life of me 
remember how to leave supermount enabled and still have a user accessible 
removable media drive. All three drives in fact. 

I have managed to mount the cdrom manually with the install disks inserted; 
which is weird since supermount is supposed to be on. Some of my backup data 
files are hangovers on CD-R from when I still dual booted Windows and I can't 
make the drive read them. Images saved from the past, a few directories of 
MP3s, etc.

That may be a beta problem but I won't know unless I can get consistent drive 
performance otherwise. I'll need a peak at someone's fstab (working 
supermount) to stimulate the gray matter in order to complete the job. If 
it's a beta bug I'll be able to find what so I can make a bug report.

Can anybody throw an old dog a bone? Thanks.

Registered user 244963
Monogamy is the Western custom of one wife and hardly any mistresses.
-- H.H. Munro

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[newbie] Moving to HTTPS

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stefano Pogliani

What should I do to start using HTTPS **in addition to** HTTP on my site ?
I installed SquirrelMail in order to access to my mails from everywhere. But would like to do it in a secure way.
So, I installed mod_ssl. 
In Konqueror, when using HTTPS, it issues some alert but allows me to continue. In Mozilla, this does not happen (I am not able to access my site using HTTPS).

I had a quick look at the certificate and it speaks about something for testing only.

Could someone point me to some HowTo or complete description of the process I should follow ?

Thanks a lot in advance. Best regards


Re: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione Pilagá
El Sáb 25 Ene 2003 21:39, Stephen Kuhn escribió:
 On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 05:13, Andrew wrote:
  Hello all,
  Is it possible to convert mpeg2 to .avi with any linux programme
  like mencoder

 Have you tried Audacity ? Works wonders mate.

Hola Stephen. I think that Audacity can only handle (convert) the audio 
track, but not the video track of an mpeg2 file. Am I wrong?

Anyway, it's a very friendly app, and I use it a lot to 'rip' my olds LPs.

GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
10:07pm up 2:56, 4 users, load average: 0.02, 0.07, 0.02

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Re: [newbie] OT Hardware weirdness 2

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 11:56, g wrote:
  moment the PC is on its side again and it runs. Since 5 minutes now, but
  I am confident that it will stay up.
 knowledge of your back broke desktop/tower contents would be helpful.
 if it is still running, i would suggest 3 possible problems to go after first.
 #1 = power supply:
  does fan stop?
  do you lose all voltages?
 #2 = heat:
  are you testing with covers on or off?
  do you have good air circulation?
  cpu have correct heat sink and fan?
  is memory over heating?
  does mainboard have heat sensors?
 #3 = harddisk:
  is drive new? if used, was it previously mounted flat or on side?
  if drive is flat and stops, flip upside down, still run?
  if drive on side and stops, flip to other side, still run?
  if drive is flat and stops, turn to side, still run?
  if drive on side and stops, turn to flat, still run?

What if there is a mercury switch in either the PSU or somewhere within
the casing itself that would cause this?

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 12:20:00 +1100
 12:20pm  up 9 days, 22:03,  4 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.17, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

And if you wonder,
What I am doing,
As I am heading for the sink.
I am spitting out all the bitterness,
Along with half of my last drink.

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Re: [newbie] How to bring Galeon to the front when clicking inEvolution?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 12:10, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 20:47, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  I believe that you're crossing over into the realm of window manager
  behaviour. Being that Galeon and Evo are based on Gnome, you're going to
  have to make modifications the Metashitty, er, Metacity - unless you can
  manage to get Sawfish substituted for it - which is much much easier to
  configure for such.
 I guess I can live without it for a while. Now I am in the realm of
 upgrading to kernel-2.4.20 (2 fresh reinstalls of MDK9 until now).
 Working for fun in the weekend.

...and here I thought I was being a stick in the mud by setting up a
mail server/Samba server for a client along with trying to figure out a
good IMAP server...geez...guess I'm not the only boring person
here...but in reality, the kernel install does sound a bit more fun...

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 12:20:00 +1100
 12:20pm  up 9 days, 22:03,  4 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.17, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

And if you wonder,
What I am doing,
As I am heading for the sink.
I am spitting out all the bitterness,
Along with half of my last drink.

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Re: [newbie] MPEG2 to .AVI conversion

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 12:16, Pilagá wrote:
 El Sáb 25 Ene 2003 21:39, Stephen Kuhn escribió:
  On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 05:13, Andrew wrote:
   Hello all,
   Is it possible to convert mpeg2 to .avi with any linux programme
   like mencoder
  Have you tried Audacity ? Works wonders mate.
   Hola Stephen. I think that Audacity can only handle (convert) the audio 
 track, but not the video track of an mpeg2 file. Am I wrong?
   Anyway, it's a very friendly app, and I use it a lot to 'rip' my olds LPs.

You're right. I was thinking audio again instead of thinking video -
bad me...

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 12:20:00 +1100
 12:20pm  up 9 days, 22:03,  4 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.17, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

And if you wonder,
What I am doing,
As I am heading for the sink.
I am spitting out all the bitterness,
Along with half of my last drink.

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Re: [newbie] How to bring Galeon to the front when clicking inEvolution?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 21:23, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 ...and here I thought I was being a stick in the mud by setting up a
 mail server/Samba server for a client along with trying to figure out a
 good IMAP server...geez...guess I'm not the only boring person
 here...but in reality, the kernel install does sound a bit more fun...

I am drowning in READMEs, sites, tips, tricks, Docs and, of course,

Now I am trying to figure out why after setting up the 2.4.20 the
processor jumps to a steady workload of 100%. Lot of fun!

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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Re: [newbie] How to bring Galeon to the front when clicking inEvolution?

2003-01-25 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 12:31, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 21:23, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  ...and here I thought I was being a stick in the mud by setting up a
  mail server/Samba server for a client along with trying to figure out a
  good IMAP server...geez...guess I'm not the only boring person
  here...but in reality, the kernel install does sound a bit more fun...
 I am drowning in READMEs, sites, tips, tricks, Docs and, of course,
 Now I am trying to figure out why after setting up the 2.4.20 the
 processor jumps to a steady workload of 100%. Lot of fun!

My Answer: I would tend to think that there is a module problem - and if
it doesn't turn out to be a module/driver issue, then maybe something in
the architecture it was compiled for? What settings did you choose for
kernel types/arch and all that jazz? Did you choose the defaults, or did
you make changes to MMX emulation and all that cool stuff? (BTW, what
kinda processor is it on the target machine?)

Microsoft Answer: It must be some third party software you've installed
and therefore we are not able to support you or answer your question.
(It's a feature, not a bug)

Sun, 26 Jan 2003 12:35:00 +1100
 12:35pm  up 9 days, 22:18,  4 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.09, 0.07
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Practice yourself what you preach.
-- Titus Maccius Plautus

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