Re: [otrs] Installing other software on OTRS machine

2014-02-07 Thread Rory
Anything outside the VirtualHost tags will affect all websites of the
apache webserver. Any line starting with a hash '#' is a comment.
Here's the content from the otrs.conf configuration file;

# --
# added for OTRS (
# $Id: apache2-httpd.include.conf,v 2011/03/20 08:37:54 mb Exp $
# --

# activate this if you are using an Oracle database
#SetEnv ORACLE_HOME /path/to/your/oracle/

DocumentRoot "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"
ServerName support
ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/otrs-error_log"
CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/otrs-access_log" common

# agent, admin and customer frontend
ScriptAlias /otrs/ "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"
Alias /otrs-web/ "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"

# if mod_perl is used

# load all otrs modules
Perlrequire /opt/otrs/scripts/

# Apache::Reload - Reload Perl Modules when Changed on Disk
PerlModule Apache2::Reload
PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec

# set mod_perl2 options

#ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/
ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
PerlOptions +SetupEnv
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# directory settings

AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -Includes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000


On 7 February 2014 16:17, Rory  wrote:

> I have done this previously by using Virtual Hosts in the apache
> configuration.
> I set up the apache web server to handle virtual hosts as normal. I then
> created a separate config file for otrs (otrs.conf) and added this to the
> httpd.conf using the Include directive of the httpd.conf (Include
> conf/extra/otrs.conf)
> I'll send a follow up mail with the content of the otrs.conf which I used
> as it may get caught by spam filters and you'd miss out on the little bit
> of info in this mail.
> Kind regards,
> Rory Clerkin
> On 7 February 2014 15:04, James Carroll wrote:
>>  I'd like to install some other things on my OTRS host (namely Nagios and
>> a Maven repository) and am concerned about conflicting ports and services,
>> etc.
>> Anyone have any insights or done this before?  Anywhere that I can get
>> more details on how OTRS is configured from a webserver/port perspective so
>> I can avoid conflicts?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> James Carroll
>> Newark, DE
>> O: 888-687-0436 x709
>> C: 302.339.2703
>> F: 917.591.1525
>> E:
>> W:
>> --
>> The information contained in this email message and any attachment may be 
>> privileged, confidential, proprietary or otherwise protected from 
>> disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you 
>> are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of 
>> this message and any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received 
>> this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the 
>> message and permanently delete it from your computer and destroy any 
>> printout thereof.
>> -
>> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
>> Archive:
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Re: [otrs] Installing other software on OTRS machine

2014-02-07 Thread Rory
I have done this previously by using Virtual Hosts in the apache

I set up the apache web server to handle virtual hosts as normal. I then
created a separate config file for otrs (otrs.conf) and added this to the
httpd.conf using the Include directive of the httpd.conf (Include

I'll send a follow up mail with the content of the otrs.conf which I used
as it may get caught by spam filters and you'd miss out on the little bit
of info in this mail.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 7 February 2014 15:04, James Carroll  wrote:

>  I'd like to install some other things on my OTRS host (namely Nagios and
> a Maven repository) and am concerned about conflicting ports and services,
> etc.
> Anyone have any insights or done this before?  Anywhere that I can get
> more details on how OTRS is configured from a webserver/port perspective so
> I can avoid conflicts?
> Thanks,
> --
> James Carroll
> Newark, DE
> O: 888-687-0436 x709
> C: 302.339.2703
> F: 917.591.1525
> E:
> W:
> --
> The information contained in this email message and any attachment may be 
> privileged, confidential, proprietary or otherwise protected from disclosure. 
> If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby 
> notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this message 
> and any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message 
> in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and 
> permanently delete it from your computer and destroy any printout thereof.
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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[otrs] Reply Headers

2011-12-13 Thread Rory
Hi All,

Does anybody know of a setting that will enable the headers in a reply mail?

For example, I'd like to have the following in my replies

From: "" 
To: Recipient 
Subject: I've a support request and need some help
Date: 2011-12-13 00:27:02

Currently I only get;

13/12/2011 00:27 - wrote:

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin
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Re: [otrs] help me

2011-10-29 Thread Rory
What user are you logging into the database as? It looks as if the
user you are using does not have th correct database permissions.
Make sure the user that you are using to log into the database has
been granted the correct permissions

OTRS (3.0) docs for Database installation (scroll down to the section
"Installing the OTRS database manually")

Postgres grant statement

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 29 October 2011 15:22, Ekram  wrote:
> Hi,
> When i am running the database check i found the following error. It is a
> fresh installation on debian6.
> root@newotrs:/opt/otrs# perl -w /opt/otrs/bin/
> DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  permission denied for relation valid at
> /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/ line 553.
> ERROR: Perl: 5.10.1 OS: linux Time: Sat Oct 29
> 16:15:26 2011
>  Message: ERROR:  permission denied for relation valid, SQL: 'SELECT * FROM
> valid'
>  Traceback (21481):
>    Module: /opt/otrs/bin/ (v1.3) Line: 64
> DBD::Pg::st fetchrow_array failed: no statement executing at
> /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/ line 616.
> No initial inserts found!
> Please help me.
> -
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Re: [otrs] how to disable email for new tickets to customers?

2011-10-26 Thread Rory
Hi Wagner,

Open the Admin section and select "Auto Responses <-> Queues"
Click the queue name in the list and select the Auto Responses that
should apply to that queue. Select the hyphen ( - ) for no response to
be sent.

I hope that helps.


On 26 October 2011 17:08, Wagner  wrote:
> Actualy I need to disable all e-mails to customers, is there a way to
> configure to send e-mail only to the agents?
> Thanks
> -
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Re: [otrs] Generic Agent

2011-10-13 Thread Rory
Try running that again but this time run it as the super user and
specify that you want to see your otrs users entries;

sudo crontab -u fireline -l

If it still returns nothing then the crontab for your otrs user is empty.

To get what should be the content of your otrs users crontab firstly
go to the following directory (assuming that OTRS is installed at

cd /opt/otrs/var/cron

Now run the following command to export the content of the crontab
into a file called crontab.txt located in /opt/otrs

 ls -d * | grep -v '.dist'| grep -v '.rpm'| grep -v CVS | xargs cat >

Now to import that file into the otrs users crontab do the following;

sudo crontab -u fireline /opt/otrs/cronfile.txt

That should add the contents of the file your created to the crontab
(this is what the script does, we're just doing it manually
Now check the contents of your crontab again

sudo crontab -u fireline -l

If that *still* doesn't work check if the files /etc/cron.allow and
/etc/cron.deny exist. If they do exist then the otrs user must be in
cron.allow and not in cron.deny.
If these files do not exist then you must be the super user (root) to
run the crontab command. sudo should work for this but if not switch
to root and try the above again, this time leaving out the word sudo
in the commands.

Let us know how you get on with that.

Kind regards,

On 12 October 2011 21:24, Garabed Yegavian
> I went through the instructions and for some reason it is still not working. 
> If I do crontab -l after all of this I do not get anything, it does not say 
> no cron jobs but it doesn't display anything?
> Thank you,
>  Garabed Yegavian
>  323.465.6772 x3414
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Re: [otrs] Generic Agent

2011-10-06 Thread Rory
Hi Garabed,

We can see now that your Cron jobs are running correctly from this line;
Oct  5 08:55:01 support CRON[32664]: (fireline) CMD (date)

So the next thing to do is get the OTRS cron jobs included in the crontab.

Firstly log in as your otrs user, fireline.
List the current items of the crontab and save them to a file (in case
you need to keep anything that is currently in the OTRS user's
crontab) e.g.

crontab -l > /opt/otrs/20111006_cronbackup

When you run the otrs script it will overwrite whatever is
currently in your crontab for the otrs user.
Switch to the OTRS bin directory;

cd /opt/otrs/bin

The syntax for running the script as root is as follows

sudo ./  

For your system you would run;

sudo ./ restart fireline

Once the script has run check that the crontab for the otrs user has been filled

crontab -l

Once done, review your crontab backup file for any entries you might
want to restore to you otrs users crontab and add them as necessary.

Last thing is to make sure the generic agent crontab entry is enabled.
List the contents of your crontab and look for the section about the
Generic Agent.
Make sure the following line does not have a hash symbol (#) at the
start of the line which sould comment it out;

*/10 * * * *$HOME/bin/ -c db >> /dev/null

If the line is commented out with a # then open the crontab for
editing and remove it. Save the changes and you are done.

>From this point on the crontab should be working correctly. If the script still didn't run for some reason let us know.
The next thing to check is that your generic agent has run. Check the
otrs log file when you expect your Generic Agent to have run to
confirm that it worked.

Let us know how you get on.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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Re: [otrs] Generic Agent

2011-10-04 Thread Rory
Edit to my last mail:

If cron is not running start it with the command

/etc/init.d/cron start


On 4 October 2011 09:54, Rory  wrote:
> Hi Garabed,
> You'll need to make sure your crontab is working. Reading this
> document will help you understand how jobs are entered in the crontab.
> Log into your Ubuntu server command line as the OTRS user using telnet
> or ssh (I use putty which is great
> )
> Once logged in type the following command to edit your crontab;
> crontab -e
> This will bring up a text editor that allows you to add entries to
> your crontab which will be executed by the Cron daemon. The text
> editor used depends on what your default text editor is set to. I
> believe Nano is the default and works more or less like notepad in
> windows but you need to press Ctrl-o to save (writeOut) and Ctrl-x to
> exit.
> Add the following line to output the date and time every minute
> */1 * * * * date
> Save the file and exit the editor.
> Check if cron is running using the following command
> /etc/init.d/cron status
> If cron is not running start it with the command
> /etc/init.d/cron status
> If it is running it is no harm to restart it
> /etc/init.d/cron restart
> Cron will normally log to the syslog file. You will want to watch this
> log file to see that it runs your date command in the next minute.
> Use the following command to clear the screen and then watch the
> syslog file for new entries;
> clear; tail -n 30 -f /var/log/syslog
> Th above command clears the screen then shows the last 30 lines of the
> file /var/log/syslog and forces it to stay open.
> The next time cron runs you should see the log entry pop up at the
> bottom of the list.
> To exit the tail view of the syslog hit Ctrl-c
> Let us know what you get in your syslog for cron and that will confirm
> whether or not it is working correctly.
> Rory
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Re: [otrs] Generic Agent

2011-10-04 Thread Rory
Hi Garabed,

You'll need to make sure your crontab is working. Reading this
document will help you understand how jobs are entered in the crontab.
Log into your Ubuntu server command line as the OTRS user using telnet
or ssh (I use putty which is great )
Once logged in type the following command to edit your crontab;

crontab -e

This will bring up a text editor that allows you to add entries to
your crontab which will be executed by the Cron daemon. The text
editor used depends on what your default text editor is set to. I
believe Nano is the default and works more or less like notepad in
windows but you need to press Ctrl-o to save (writeOut) and Ctrl-x to
Add the following line to output the date and time every minute

*/1 * * * * date

Save the file and exit the editor.

Check if cron is running using the following command

/etc/init.d/cron status

If cron is not running start it with the command

/etc/init.d/cron status

If it is running it is no harm to restart it

/etc/init.d/cron restart

Cron will normally log to the syslog file. You will want to watch this
log file to see that it runs your date command in the next minute.
Use the following command to clear the screen and then watch the
syslog file for new entries;

clear; tail -n 30 -f /var/log/syslog

Th above command clears the screen then shows the last 30 lines of the
file /var/log/syslog and forces it to stay open.
The next time cron runs you should see the log entry pop up at the
bottom of the list.
To exit the tail view of the syslog hit Ctrl-c

Let us know what you get in your syslog for cron and that will confirm
whether or not it is working correctly.

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Re: [otrs] Generic Agent

2011-09-30 Thread Rory
Here's a page where the Crontab is explained. The Cron daemon (crond)
runs tasks at scheduled times.

(Assuming you're using linux) First switch to your otrs user
Type: crontab -l
This should give you lots of information about tasks for OTRS. If this
is empty you need to add the correct information which is described in
the documentation.

Second make sure the Cron Daemon is running. Type the following;
ps -ef | grep crond

You should get at least two results, one for "grep crond" but others
for just "crond" on its own.

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Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields

2011-09-26 Thread Rory
That's great, glad you got it working.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 26 September 2011 13:28,  wrote:

> No. There were some customers included myself which weren`t updated in the
> AD ( Phone number field ). So it didn`t display the phone field at all if it
> was blank.
> Now that we have updated the phone number in AD all i in order.
> Regards,
> *
> Paul Andurnache **
> *
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Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields

2011-09-26 Thread Rory
That's great. Did you need to change the settings in SysConfig?


On 26 September 2011 13:15,  wrote:

> It worked. Thank you very much :-)
> Regards,
> *
> Paul Andurnache **
> *
>  *Rory *
> Sent by:
> 26.09.2011 15:10
>  Please respond to
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
>   To
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> cc
>   Subject
> Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields
> Sorry, I thought were saying it was fixed.
> Have you tried creating a new ticket for a customer and then checking if
> the details are shown?
> Also, in the Admin section, go to the SysConfig.
> In there choose "Ticket" from the drop down list.
> Choose the "Frontend::Agent" Subgroup
> Have a look at the options "Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoCompose" and
> "Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoZoom". I have both of these set to "Yes".
> Kind regards,
> Rory
> On 26 September 2011 12:13, 
> <**>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> That`s just it. It isn`t fixed :-). I cannot see the information (
> phone number of the customer ) when i open a customer ticket logged in as an
> agent.
> The improvement i`ve noticed is that it is being imported by LDAP
> from AD and i can see it in the Customer specific window.
> Regards,*
> Paul Andurnache *
>   *Rory <*** *>*
> Sent by: ** 
> *26.09.2011 13* <26.09.2011%2013>:51
>   Please respond to
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." <**
> >
>   To
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." <**
> >
> cc
>   Subject
> Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields
> I'm happy to hear that you got it working Paul. Glad I could help.
> Kind regards,
> Rory
> On 26 September 2011 11:20, 
> <**>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I`ve made the modification and now i have the required field as
> well for the telephone number. I`m afraid that i maybe i wasn`t clear enough
> about the issue :-).
> The screen where i want the information displayed is in the ticket
> details.
> So when an agent checks a tickets` detail i want the phone number
> of the customer that posted the ticket, displayed ( bottom right ).
> Regards,*
> Paul Andurnache *
> Email secured by Check Point
> -
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> **<>
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> **<>
> -
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> **<>
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> **<>
> Email secured by Check Point
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Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields

2011-09-26 Thread Rory
Sorry, I thought were saying it was fixed.
Have you tried creating a new ticket for a customer and then checking if the
details are shown?

Also, in the Admin section, go to the SysConfig.
In there choose "Ticket" from the drop down list.
Choose the "Frontend::Agent" Subgroup

Have a look at the options "Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoCompose" and
"Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoZoom". I have both of these set to "Yes".

Kind regards,

On 26 September 2011 12:13,  wrote:

> Hello,
> That`s just it. It isn`t fixed :-). I cannot see the information (
> phone number of the customer ) when i open a customer ticket logged in as an
> agent.
> The improvement i`ve noticed is that it is being imported by LDAP
> from AD and i can see it in the Customer specific window.
> Regards,
> *
> Paul Andurnache **
> *
>  *Rory *
> Sent by:
> 26.09.2011 13:51
>  Please respond to
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
>   To
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> cc
>   Subject
> Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields
> I'm happy to hear that you got it working Paul. Glad I could help.
> Kind regards,
> Rory
> On 26 September 2011 11:20, 
> <**>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I`ve made the modification and now i have the required field as
> well for the telephone number. I`m afraid that i maybe i wasn`t clear enough
> about the issue :-).
> The screen where i want the information displayed is in the ticket
> details.
> So when an agent checks a tickets` detail i want the phone number
> of the customer that posted the ticket, displayed ( bottom right ).
> Regards,*
> Paul Andurnache *
> Email secured by Check Point
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields

2011-09-26 Thread Rory
I'm happy to hear that you got it working Paul. Glad I could help.

Kind regards,

On 26 September 2011 11:20,  wrote:

> Hello,
> I`ve made the modification and now i have the required field as
> well for the telephone number. I`m afraid that i maybe i wasn`t clear enough
> about the issue :-).
> The screen where i want the information displayed is in the ticket
> details.
> So when an agent checks a tickets` detail i want the phone number
> of the customer that posted the ticket, displayed ( bottom right ).
> Regards,
> *
> Paul Andurnache **
> *
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Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields

2011-09-26 Thread Rory
Try adding the following at the end of your customer config (I have
this in mine as well as the 'AuthSyncModule' section). The part you
are most interested in is the "Map" near the end.
Separate the items in the map using tabs to make it easier to read.
Take note of the 4th and 5th columns which are "shown" and "required".
Its the usual 1=True and 0=False

As I understand it this section of code is used when an agent is
looking up the details of a customer. The other section
"AuthSyncModule" is used when the customer is logging in to the
customer frontend.

$Self->{CustomerUser} = {
Name => 'LDAP Datasource',
Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
Params => {
Host => 'server.myDomain.local',
BaseDN => 'ou=Users,dc=myDomain,dc=local',
SSCOPE => 'sub',
UserDN => 'CN=LDAP
UserPw => 'LookupPassword',
AlwaysFilter => '(objectclass=user)',
Params => {
port => 389,
timeout => 120,
async => 0,
version => 3,

CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
CustomerID => 'mail',
CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'sn', 'cn', 'mail'],
CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'sn', 'mail'],
CustomerUserSearchPrefix => '',
CustomerUserSearchSuffix => '*',
CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 250,
CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
CustomerUserExcludePrimaryCustomerID => 0,
AdminSetPreferences => 0,
Map => [
# note: Login, Email and CustomerID needed!
# var, frontend, storage, shown, required, storage-type
[ 'UserSalutation', 'Title',
'title',1, 0, 'var', '', 0 ],
[ 'UserFirstname',  'Firstname',
'givenname',1, 1, 'var', '', 0 ],
[ 'UserLastname',   'Lastname', 'sn',
 1, 1, 'var', '', 0 ],
[ 'UserLogin',  'Login',
'sAMAccountName',   1, 1, 'var', '', 0 ],
[ 'UserEmail',  'Email',
'mail', 1, 1, 'var', '', 0 ],
[ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID',
'mail', 0, 1, 'var', '', 0 ],
[ 'UserPhone',  'Phone',
'telephonenumber',  1, 0, 'var', '', 0 ],
#[ 'UserAddress',   'Address',
'postaladdress',1, 0, 'var', '', 0 ],
[ 'UserComment','Comment',
'description',  1, 0, 'var', '', 0 ],

I hope that sorts it out for you.


On 26 September 2011 10:45,  wrote:
> I tried to add from the manual the following options but with no changes ( 
> even if i restarted the server ). Since the mentioned fields weren`t in the 
> i manually added them at the end of the user configuration section.
>  [Kernel/]
>    # ShowCustomerInfo*
>    # (show customer user info on Compose (Phone and Email), Zoom and Queue 
> view)
>    $Self->{ShowCustomerInfoCompose} = 1;
>    $Self->{ShowCustomerInfoZoom} = 1;
>    $Self->{ShowCustomerInfoQueue} = 0;
>    [...]
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Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields

2011-09-26 Thread Rory
I was just trying to dig up the same thing from my own config.
Once you add all the telephone details into your LDAP config for each user
you can use

 UserPhone  => [ 'telephoneNumber' ],

to get this information to display in each ticket for a customer.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 26 September 2011 10:13, Phil Bieber  wrote:

> Hi!
> You can use the UserSyncMap Feature to achive just that, at least when you
> have the data in your LDAP.
> In your otrs\Kernel\, you have configured the LDAP connection.
> After That, just add the UserSyncMap, just like the following:
> $Self->{"AuthSyncModule1"} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::Sync::LDAP';
> $Self->{"AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Host1"} = [ '' ];
> $Self->{"AuthSyncModule::LDAP::BaseDN1"} = "dc=example, dc=com";
> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN1'} = '
> ';
> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw1'} = 'securepw';
> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UID1'} = "sAMAccountName";
> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Die1'} = 1;
> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::AccessAttr1'} = "member";
> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserAttr1'} = "DN";
> #   $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups1'} = [
> 'users', ];
> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncMap1'} = {
> UserFirstname  => [ 'givenName', 'initials', ],
> UserLastname   => [ 'sn' ],
> UserEmail  => [ 'mail' ],
> #UserSalutation => [ 'salutation' ],
> UserTitle  => [ 'title' ],
> UserPhone  => [ 'telephoneNumber' ],
> UserFax=> [ 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' ],
> };
> Just adapt it to your needs!
> Cheers
> Phil.
> --
> It might be just possible, by lying very still in a cellar somewhere,
> to get through a day without committing a crime. But only just. And,
> even then, you were probably guilty of loitering.
> - Terry Pratchett: Feet of clay.
> GPG KEY ID (Philipp Bieber): 0x0185E301
> FINGERPRINT: CA81 28C2 E63F DAF8 5ED4 DACB 7C26 EE5B 0185 E301
> Philipp Bieber -
> 2011/9/26 
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for the reply. I get them by LDAP from AD.
>> Regards,
>> *
>> Paul Andurnache **
>> *
>>  *Rory *
>> Sent by:
>> 26.09.2011 12:05
>>  Please respond to
>> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
>>   To
>> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
>> cc
>>   Subject
>> Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields
>> Hi Paul,
>> What do you get your customer details from? LDAP or OTRS DB?
>> Kind regards,
>> Rory Clerkin
>> On 26 September 2011 09:25, 
>> <**>
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>Is there a way to add the Phone Number of a customer into it`s
>> details so it can be visible in the requests ?
>> Regards,
>> *
>> Paul Andurnache *
>> -
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>> **<>
>> Email secured by Check Point
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Re: [otrs] Add details to customer fields

2011-09-26 Thread Rory
Hi Paul,

What do you get your customer details from? LDAP or OTRS DB?

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 26 September 2011 09:25,  wrote:

> Hello,
>Is there a way to add the Phone Number of a customer into it`s
> details so it can be visible in the requests ?
> Regards,*
> *
> *
> Paul Andurnache **
> *
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
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Re: [otrs] LDAP: Looking at two OUs

2011-08-30 Thread Rory
You could also search recursively in the 'company' OU and have a requirement
for users to be in a specific Group to authenticate.

I use the following lines in my
$Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} =
$Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';
$Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';

On 30 August 2011 15:59, Gerald Young  wrote:

> (|(ou=1*)(ou=3*))
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Lars Jørgensen  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have users in two different OUs that I need to be able to authenticate
>> to OTRS. What's the easiest/best way to accomplish that?
>> It's like this:
>> company
>>  |-1
>>  |-2
>>  |-3
>> I want to authenticate users from OUs 1 and 3, but not 2.
>> --
>> Lars
>> --**--**-
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> -
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Re: [otrs] Otrs with lighttpd + fastcgi

2011-08-30 Thread Rory
You're welcome. I kept thinking of extra bits of information that I felt
were useful and after a while it turned out the message was huge and needed
a summary! I hope some of it was useful.

The script will iterate through all the tables in each database of the mysql
server. It could easily be modified to ask for a database name and only
optimize for that database.
I'm sure you're right about the tables generally not needing to be
optimized, I'm only good for pretty basic DBA tasks and the OPTIMIZE TABLE
task seems like a good idea. I don't know too much about the database
activity other than the obvious tables which will continue to grow.
I wasn't aware of the performance issue with large databases. It might be
best to hardcode the username and password into the script and run it as an
out of hours cron job.
I also came across the following when reading about the OPTIMIZE TABLE
command which may, or may not, be useful.

For InnoDB tables, OPTIMIZE
mapped to ALTER
TABLE <>, which
rebuilds the table to update index statistics and free unused space in the
clustered index. This is displayed in the output of OPTIMIZE
you run it on an
InnoDB table, as shown here:

mysql> OPTIMIZE TABLE foo;
| Table| Op   | Msg_type | Msg_text
| | optimize | note | Table does not support optimize,
doing recreate + analyze instead |
| | optimize | status   | OK

 You can make OPTIMIZE
on other storage engines by starting
*mysqld* <> with the
--skip-new or 
In this case, OPTIMIZE
TABLE <> is just
mapped to ALTER TABLE<>


On 30 August 2011 15:17, Michiel Beijen  wrote:

> Hi Rory, but all your script does is OPTIMIZE TABLE for all OTRS tables,
> right?
> Actually, typically the only tables that need OPTIMIZEing are the
> sessions table and maybe the web_upload_cache tables; but you can also
> use the FS backends for session and web upload cache; then you don't
> have this issue, right? Or, in other words, most sites never optimize
> and don't have (real) issues.
> Also a fair word of warning, if you have InnoDB as the storage backend
> on MySQL; if you have deleted a large number of tickets (which would
> be the main reason for OPTIMIZEing) the statement creates a lock on
> the database and it can take a long time to complete; I've seen +1
> hour with total database sizes of 20-30 GB when I deleted half the
> number of tickets, on moderate hardware. So while there can be reasons
> to do an OPTIMIZE it's generally not so much needed, and IF you need
> it, for example when you deleted lots of tickets; it can lock up your
> database so you really want to do this inside a maintenance window.
> There's also this script that you could use (at your own risk) if you
> need to do it on-line:
> --
> Mike
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Re: [otrs] Otrs with lighttpd + fastcgi

2011-08-30 Thread Rory
 part of the command as input;

grep -v Tables_in_

Grep is a pattern matching tool. You can use it to search line by line to
find a string in a file or in this case a string in the output of another
command. The '-v' option tells grep to invert the results. So if the string
*is* found on a line then *do not* return the line and if the string *is
not* found on the line then *do* return the line.
So in the  grep command from the script it will return every line that does
not contain the string Tables_in_
So the output will be;



This results in only the list of tables being returned and no extra lines
that are not tables.

For your question about how to call the script there are a few different
elements to this to understand what's happening.

Firstly, I'm assuming you're doing everything from a shell prompt/command
line and not through a GUI.
The script is a shell script i.e. you could write it out in the Linux shell
and it'd work. It's just put in a script for convenience.
A shell script will normally have the extension .sh, i.e.
To make the script below usable you create a file using a regular editor
such as 'vim' or 'nano', paste in the code and save with an appropriate name
and extension, (you don't *need* the .sh extension, it'll
work without it, but it helps to have it for when you are looking at a list
of files)
Before you can run the script you need to make it executable. This is a file
permission and in Linux these can be edited using the command 'chmod'. It is
used in the following format;


The  are things like -R for recurrsive.
The  can use wildcards i.e. *.sh
The  is something that needs a bit more detail. Have a look at
this webpage which gives some detail on how Unix permissions are written and
how to set them using the chmod command;

When calling a script often you won't need to do anything more than just
enter the filename. So just entering at the shell prompt
might work. This would work because there is an entry in you PATH for .
(just a dot on its own).

Aside: This is actually a security risk so hopefully it is not in your PATH.
Consider if a malicious site downloaded a file called ifconfig to a folder
on your machine. If your working directory was the same as the location the
file was downloaded you would run the malicious ifconfig instead of the real
one which would allow it to do whatever it likes as your user. Especially
dangerous if you're logged in as root e.g. it could run "rm -rf /" deleting

In order to be specific about the file you wish to run you can use the
relative or absolute path.
The relative path uses your current working directory as the starting point
to find the file you want to run.
The absolute path is the full location of the file you want to run from the
root directory.

Your current working directory is specified by a dot on its own. So if you
entered whats between the commas here 'cd .' you would be telling the system
to change directory to your current working directory.
If you entered 'cd ./scripts' then you're telling the system to change to
the scripts directory which is a sub directory of your current working

Lets say your script is located at /home/user1/scripts/
And your current working directory is /home/user1/scripts

To run the script using a relative path you would use

To run the script using the absolute path you would use

If you run the script using the absolute path then it doesn't matter what
your current working directory is. Because of this it is best to use
absolute addressing when writing a script that references any outside files.



echo "Enter DB User: "
read user
echo "Enter DB Password: "
read -s pass

if [ -z "${user}" ];
echo "Username is blank. Exiting script"
elif [ -z "${pass}" ];
echo "Password is blank. Exiting script"

for db in $(echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | mysql -u$user --password=$pass | grep
-v -e "Database" -e "information_schema")
echo "Switching to database $db"
TABLES=$(echo "SHOW TABLES;" | mysql -D$db -u$user --password=$pass
|  grep -v Tables_in_)

for table in $TABLES
echo -n " * Optimizing table $table ... "
result=$(echo "OPTIMIZE TABLE $table" | mysql -D$db -u$user
--password=$pass 2>&1)
if [[ $result == *ERROR* ]]

Re: [otrs] Otrs with lighttpd + fastcgi

2011-08-26 Thread Rory
That's a great little optimisation script.
I hope you don't mind that I made some changes to it.
I've added code to ask the user for the DB username and password rather than
include them in the command line. I don't want my passwords to be readable
in plain text just by looking at the shell history. Also the password is not
echoed to the terminal in this version. If either username or password is
blank the script exits.
I added the database to the mysql command where appropriate to reduce the
number of commands run once the mysql client was started as an optimization.
This probably makes no difference.
I also added in a success or failed keyword depending on whether or not the
term "ERROR" is returned from the OPTIMIZE TABLE mysql command which then
displays the Error returned.



echo "Enter DB User: "
read user
echo "Enter DB Password: "
read -s pass

if [ -z "${user}" ];
echo "Username is blank. Exiting script"
elif [ -z "${pass}" ];
echo "Password is blank. Exiting script"

for db in $(echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | mysql -u$user --password=$pass | grep
-v -e "Database" -e "information_schema")
echo "Switching to database $db"
TABLES=$(echo "SHOW TABLES;" | mysql -D$db -u$user --password=$pass
|  grep -v Tables_in_)

for table in $TABLES
echo -n " * Optimizing table $table ... "
result=$(echo "OPTIMIZE TABLE $table" | mysql -D$db -u$user
--password=$pass 2>&1)
if [[ $result == *ERROR* ]]
echo "FAILED"
echo " $result"
echo "Success"



On 26 August 2011 10:39, Rudolf Bargholz  wrote:

> Hi,
> ** **
> You do not mention if you use MySQL. For our setup it was not apache that
> was the bottleneck, rather MySQL. There were a few things we did to speed up
> OTRS dramatically:
> ** **
> **1)  **Follow through all the steps mentioned in the OTRS support
> module
> **2)  **Restart all services (MySQL, Apache and OTRS)
> **3)  **Next optimize all tables in your MySQL database:
> ** **
> We have a script “optimizetable” with the following contents:
> ** **
> #!/bin/bash
> for db in $(echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | mysql -u$1 --password=$2 | grep -v -e
> "Database" -e "information_schema")
> do
> TABLES=$(echo "USE $db; SHOW TABLES;" | mysql -u$1 --password=$2 |
> grep -v Tables_in_)
> echo "Switching to database $db"
> for table in $TABLES
> do
> echo -n " * Optimizing table $table ... "
> echo "USE $db; OPTIMIZE TABLE $table" | mysql -u$1
> --password=$2 >/dev/null
> echo "done."
> done
> done
> ** **
> This is called using the following call:
> cd /root/Desktop
> ./optimizetable root EnterPasswordHere
> ** **
> ** **
> **4)  **Another useful tool I found was “”:
> . Google for the name, and download the
> perl script to your OTRS MySQL server. In essence it reads the log files of
> MySQL and makes recommendations how to improve the performance of MySQL.
> Your MySQL needs to be running quite some time in production for the
> recommendations to be accurate. We normally run the script, make appropriate
> modifications to the MySQL config, restart MySQL, reorganize all tables,
> then restart all services (OTRS, Apache, MySQL) and then let the server run
> in production for one or two weeks. Then we follow the same steps as above.
> After two weeks in normal production you have enough info in the log for the
> tool to make decent recommendations.
> ** **
> The perl script is called using:
> ** **
> cd /root/Desktop
> perl --user root --pass EnterPasswordHere
> ** **
> The above steps dramatically improved the performance of OTRS.
> ** **
> Hope this helps.
> ** **
> Regards
> ** **
> Rudolf Bargholz
> ** **
> *Von:* [] *

Re: [otrs] Can't delete originally merged tickets

2011-08-09 Thread Rory
Hi Muhammad,

When a ticket is merged to another it does not create a copy of any of the
All that happens is a reference is created in the database to tell the
system these 2 tickets are now related i.e. parent and child tickets.

When 2 tickets are merged the original tickets are still valid and are
needed to display all the information. If you delete the child ticket then
you will lose the information that ticket contains and so it will not be
available in the parent ticket.
Going by your experience that nothing happens suggests that the system will
not allow this relationship to be broken in this way.

I'm guess that to delete the tickets you would first need to break the Merge
(the split option I think).


On 9 August 2011 12:45, Muhammad El-Sergani  wrote:

> Dear list,
> I'm trying to delete tickets from my system that were merged into others.
> So I created a Generic Agent job, and set the Subject to "Ticket Merged",
> and chose "Delete Messages" ... but nothing happens.
> Is it possible to delete such tickets? And how please?
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Muhammad El-Sergani.
> -
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Re: [otrs] Merging multiple Tickets

2011-08-05 Thread Rory
In the database there are the following tables that are relative to merged

The 'ticket' table has, among others, columns called 'id' and 'tn'.
The 'id' column holds a number used in the database as a reference.
The 'tn' column holds the ticket number as displayed in the web interface.

The 'link_type' table has columns called 'id' and 'name'
The 'id' column holds a reference number for the entry in this table
The 'name' column holds the text describing the entry.

The 'link_relation' table has columns called 'source_key', 'target_key' and
The 'source_key' holds a reference to a ticket 'id' in the 'ticket' table
The 'target_key' holds a reference to a ticket 'id' in the 'ticket' table
The 'type_id' holds a reference to the 'id' in the 'link_type' table

Each entry in the link_relation table has only one source id and one target

>From your example tickets A, B and C all continue to exist in the database
even after they are merged.
When C is merged to B an entry is entered in the link_relation table using
the link_type id of 2 ... ParentChild ... With B as the source and C as the
When B is subsequently merged to ticket A a second entry is created in the
link_relation table using the id of 2 again. This time A is the source and B
is the target.

When a reply is received for ticket C the ticket number is stripped from the
subject and a database lookup retrieves the 'id' from the 'ticket' table
used in the database.
This id is then checked against the 'target_key' column of th
'link_relation' table. If an entry is found then the corresponding
'source_key' is retrieved to identify the parent ticket.
In this way the system identifies that B is the parent of C.

Taking a leap of faith here (and going by your experience), I do not think
it does any subsequent check to see if B has a parent.

This would explain why replies to C are added to the ticket B and not A.


On 5 August 2011 09:50, Dion van Adrichem  wrote:

> Ticket B does exist, or at least its TicketID. If this ticket is opened it
> does normally not have any messages attached, only the message that it is
> merged.
> But when I merge Ticket C with B, and then B with A. Then a new email with
> ticketID C will be attached to ticket B and not to ticket A.
> Dion
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Frank Thommen
> Sent: vrijdag 5 augustus 2011 10:43
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Merging multiple Tickets
> > If Ticket C is merged to Ticket B.
> > And afterwards Ticket B is merged to Ticket A.
> >
> > Is it normal that when an extra email arrives for Ticket C that it will
> > be added to Ticket B?
> After I've merged "B" into "A", there is no "B" anymore where mail could
> be added to...  How comes you still have a ticket "B"?
> frank
> -
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Re: [otrs] Ignore message with a certain string in the subject

2011-08-02 Thread Rory
Hi Paul,

In the Admin section you should be able to create a Postmaster filter using
a regular expression that will filter mails like that to the junk queue. I'm
not sure if you can simply discard the mails.

More info on filtering at;

Kind regards,

On 2 August 2011 10:15,  wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there an option to ignore certain e-mails from users ( automated
> responses, out of office etc... ) ?
> The subject would have a certain string in it " out of office " and
> we would like for the OTRS to ignore those messages ( not to create new
> tickets ).
> Regards,
> *
> *  Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
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Re: [otrs] out of memory

2011-08-02 Thread Rory
Hi Fabio,

As you said you are not out of system memory. What is likely happening is
that you running out of the memory assigned to either Perl, Apache or MySQL.
>From the OTRS log it looks like it might be Perl but check the logs for
apache and mysql to see if there is any indication there.

Here's some places with info

Kind regards,

On 1 August 2011 22:25, Fabio Flores  wrote:

> Hello,
> For some reason my OTRS installation stops sending e-mail and
> according to the log files, its a "out of memory" issue. My server
> doesnt have memory issues as you can see bellow:
>  free -m
> total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
> Mem:  3330   3238 92  0170   1367
> -/+ buffers/cache:   1700   1630
> Swap: 2055  0   2054
> Software version: CentOS Linux 5.5, apache 2.2.3-45, perl v5.8.8, otrs
> version 3.0.9-01
> Logs:
> [Fri Jul 29 23:20:02 2011][Notice][Kernel::System::PID::PIDCreate]
> Can't create PID GenericAgent, because it's already running
> (!
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:14
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::FilterGet][199]
> ERROR:  out of memory
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 8160.
> , SQL: 'SELECT f_type, f_key, f_value, f_name, f_stop FROM
> postmaster_filter WHERE f_name = ?'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::SystemAddress::SystemAddressQueueID][322]
> ERROR:  out of memory
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 8160.
> , SQL: 'SELECT queue_id FROM system_address WHERE valid_id IN ( 1 )
> AND LOWER(value0) = LOWER(?)'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::SystemAddress::SystemAddressQueueID][322]
> ERROR:  out of memory
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 8160.
> , SQL: 'SELECT queue_id FROM system_address WHERE valid_id IN ( 1 )
> AND LOWER(value0) = LOWER(?)'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::Queue::QueueLookup][475] ERROR:  out of
> memory at character 16
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 28.
> , SQL: 'SELECT id FROM queue WHERE name = ?'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::Queue::QueueLookup][482] ERROR:  out of
> memory at character 18
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 28.
> , SQL: 'SELECT name FROM queue WHERE id = ?'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::CustomerUser::DB::CustomerSearch][310]
> ERROR:  out of memory
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 8160.
> , SQL: 'SELECT login , first_name, last_name, email FROM customer_user
> valid_id IN (1)  LIMIT 250'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCheckNumber][261] ERROR:
> out of memory at character 16
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 28.
> , SQL: 'SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE tn = ? LIMIT 1'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::Queue::QueueLookup][482] ERROR:  out of
> memory at character 18
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 28.
> , SQL: 'SELECT name FROM queue WHERE id = ?'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::State::StateGet][223] ERROR:  out of
> memory
> DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 8160.
> , SQL: 'SELECT,, ts.valid_id, ts.comments, ts.type_id,
>,  ts.change_time, ts.create_time  FROM ticket_state ts,
> ticket_state_type tst WHERE ts.type_id = AND = ?'
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCreate][405] No StateID for
> 'new'!
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:15
> 2011][Error][/opt/otrs/bin/][136] Can't process
> mail, see log sub system! at /opt/otrs/bin/ line
> 116.
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:16 2011][Error][Kernel::System::DB::new][181]
> expected authentication request from server, but received c
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:16
> 2011][Error][/opt/otrs/bin/][136] Got no DBObject at
> /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/ line 101,  line 57.
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:16 2011][Error][Kernel::System::DB::new][181]
> expected authentication request from server, but received c
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:16
> 2011][Error][/opt/otrs/bin/][136] Got no DBObject at
> /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/ line 101,  line 57.
> [Sat Jul 30 00:10:16 2011][Error][Kernel::System::DB::new][181] FATAL:
>  out of memory
> Could you please poin

Re: [otrs] How to remove news widget from dashboard?

2011-07-26 Thread Rory
Yes you can do this too.

Go to the Admin section and choose the 'Sysconfig' option.
Type in 'Dashboard' to the search box and hit enter.
This will list all subgroups which reference Dashboard.
Select the option "Frontend::Agent::Dashboard" from the 'Framework' group
This page lists different elements that can be applied to the Dashboard and
the attributes
The name of the elements, as they appear on the dashboard, are listed  in
the 'Title' attribute.
Disable the relevant dashboard elements by clearing the checkbox for that


On 26 July 2011 13:51,  wrote:

> Thank you!
> I wasn't specific enough I understand. I want to remove the news widgets
> så agents cannot use it all, they should not be able to add it or have it
> on the Dashboard to start with.
> Is that possible?
> Cheers,
> Niklas
> > Hi Niklas,
> >
> > On the Dashboard, in the top right there is an item called 'Settings'.
> > Click here to reveal a number of check boxes. Clear the check boxes for
> > the
> > items you don't want displayed.
> >
> > Rory
> >
> >
> > On 26 July 2011 11:00,  wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I would like to remove the news widget from the dashboard. Does anyone
> >> know how to do that?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance!
> >>
> >> /Niklas
> >>
> >> -
> >> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> >> Archive:
> >> To unsubscribe:
> >>
> > -
> > OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> > Archive:
> > To unsubscribe:
> -
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> Archive:
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Re: [otrs] How to remove news widget from dashboard?

2011-07-26 Thread Rory
Hi Niklas,

On the Dashboard, in the top right there is an item called 'Settings'.
Click here to reveal a number of check boxes. Clear the check boxes for the
items you don't want displayed.


On 26 July 2011 11:00,  wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to remove the news widget from the dashboard. Does anyone
> know how to do that?
> Thanks in advance!
> /Niklas
> -
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Re: [otrs] making sysconfig work from web gui

2011-07-26 Thread Rory
Hi Robert,

Regarding Sysconfig, on the left hand side of the display there should be a
drop down box.
Select 'Ticket' from the drop down and you'll be shown all the subgroups
that contain options relating to Tickets.
Click on one of the subgroups and you be shown the options for that
particular subgroup. Make your changes and click Update at the bottom.

When I send an email through OTRS there's an entry in the System Log (Viewed
through the Admin section). Something like the following
Mon Jul 25 12:32:26 2011 notice OTRS-CGI-14 Sent email to 'Username <>' from 'IT Support '. HistoryType =>
SendAnswer, Subject => Re: Sent Items Missing [Ticket# -- 201107251437];
Do you get this much?


On 26 July 2011 02:51, Robert Woodworth  wrote:

> I finally got this thing up and working with OTRS3 on Ubuntu10.
> Incoming mail created tickets in the raw queue.
> Im happy about that.
> 2 more problems:
> First, how do I use the "sysconfig" option from the web gui ?
> When I click on it, I get this:
> SysConfig
> Result
> Please enter a search term to look for settings.
> Powered by OTRS 3.0.9
> Where am I supposed to enter a search string?
> There isn't any place I can find.
> Other problem:
> I can manually send mail, no problem, but OTRS cant.
> No errors in the mail log, in fact no mention that it even tried in the
> mail
> log.
> Im running postfix with sasldb authentication.
> As I said, mail works from command line.
> I must have missed something in the OTRS config?
> -
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Re: [otrs] Active Directory integration with multiple OU

2011-07-20 Thread Rory
Hi Paul,

You can use the OU that is the parent to all the OUs containing the
customers. When the LDAP lookup occurs it will search recursively through
all the Child OUs.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 20 July 2011 15:40,  wrote:

> Hello,
> How can i add customers from multiple OUs in the OTRS ? In the
> file as i`ve seen you can only add one OU from which the users
> are fetched using LDAP.
> Regards,
> *
> Paul Andurnache **
> Junior Security Officer
> Aviva Group Romania*  Tel: +4 021 2038300
> Fax: +4 021 2038301
> Email:
> *Aviva Asigurari de Viata SA *- str. Buzesti 76-80, et. 1-3, sector 1,
> Bucuresti, cod 011017 - Tel. 021-203.83.00, Fax 021 203 83 01*
> Aviva Societate de Administrare a unui Fond de Pensii Privat* - str.
> Buzesti 76-80, et. 4, sector 1, Bucuresti, cod 011017 - Tel. 021 203 84 00,
> Fax 021 203 84, 02
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> Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not
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> Prezentul mesaj poate contine informatii confidentiale. In cazul in care nu
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> -
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Re: [otrs] Send email to customer

2011-07-07 Thread Rory
When you have a ticket open you can reply by email by clicking the drop down
list with "reply" in it.
Select the "Empty Answer" option and write your email.
Click "Submit" to send.

In the Admin section you can create Responses with the content of an email
you might send regularly.
You can then add a particular Response to one or many queues.
When you click on the Reply drop down list in the ticket the new Response
you have added will be available.
Note: the ticket must be in the queue with the Response added for the
Response to show in the drop down list.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 7 July 2011 16:30, Rogerio F Cunha  wrote:

> Dear Sirs,
> It is possible to automatically send an email to the customer with the
> contents of a note added to the ticket? This possibility would serve to
> ask a customer more information about the opened ticket, without the need to
> contact him by phone.
> Roger.
> -
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Re: [otrs] New tickets -- only email or phone?

2011-07-01 Thread Rory
I agree that the phone ticket option is the most appropriate of what's

Though I would prefer more options in this regard. I think a single 'new
ticket' option that opens the ticket input form. Within that form there
would then be a drop down for source that could be populated with user
specific items which are added through the configuration.
While by no means essential I wouldn't mind knowing how most people prefer
to approach my IT team (a small 2 person outfit).


On 1 July 2011 18:40, Robert Woodworth  wrote:

> If someone walks up to me with something that needs a ticket, its almost
> indistinguishable from a phone call, so Id vote 
> for using the new phone call when someone tags me in a meeting, a hall,
> breakroom or corners me in my cube (grin)
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of
> *Gerald Young
> *Sent:* Friday, July 01, 2011 7:05 AM
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] New tickets -- only email or phone?
> ** **
> :) I'm all about removing the choice myself. :) Using a phone ticket should
> be adequate for this purpose, don't you think?
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Charles  wrote:
> Hello :-)
> Sometimes tickets are initiated by a personal visit to our offices or in a
> meeting.  The TICKETS drop down list includes "New email ticket" and New
> phone ticket".  Can we extend the list?
> Best
> Charles
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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> ** **
> -
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Re: [otrs] Bricked install

2011-06-30 Thread Rory
Hi Robert,

I've generally used the red-hat type distros myself so I may be making
suggestions that might not work with Debian type installs.

Have you been able to send mail outbound from the Turnkey server using any
mail application?
If you have that working but otrs will not send mail then it would be worth
trying the fetchmail method. I've not used the fetchmail method myself so I
won't be much help in that regard.

This may not be useful but if not maybe somebody in future will have use for
I believe building OTRS 3.x from source will work for Turnkey. I'm not sure
if Muhammad was talking about doing this or building a .deb file.
It might not be much help at this stage as you're under pressure to get a
completed product but the following is the basic procedure.

Install Perl and all the necessary modules listed at the above link.
Install an SQL database, normally mysql.
Install a web server, normally apache, and the necessary modules for it to
use the database and the Perl engine.
Install OTRS from the latest tar.gz ( 3.0.8 at this time )

The benefits of doing things this way is that you can build a more tailored
system with more up to date releases of the different elements. Considering
that you're using a pretty unique setup it might suit you better. It is more
time consuming mind you, especially the first time as you work out
dependancies for the different elements.

I've included below the otrs.conf I use with my apache server to have OTRS
as a Virtual Host on this server. Maybe you know all this already but using
Virtual Hosts in my web server allows me to run other websites on the same
server using unique hostnames for each (my OTRS install is reached using
support.mydomain.local and I've a cacti install at cacti.mydomain.local.
Both point to the same webserver which picks the website to display based on
the URL entered in the browser)

I hope something there is useful,

otrs.conf  --- included from the httpd.conf where the settings to enable
Virtual Hosts are configured.

DocumentRoot "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"
ServerName support
ServerAlias support.mydomain.local
ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/otrs-error_log"
CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/otrs-access_log" common

# agent, admin and customer frontend
ScriptAlias /otrs/ "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"
Alias /otrs-web/ "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"

# if mod_perl is used

# load all otrs modules
Perlrequire /opt/otrs/scripts/

# Apache::Reload - Reload Perl Modules when Changed on Disk
PerlModule Apache2::Reload
PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec

# set mod_perl2 options

#ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/
ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
PerlOptions +SetupEnv
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# directory settings

AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -Includes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000

# MaxRequestsPerChild (so no apache child will be to big!)
MaxRequestsPerChild 4000


On 30 June 2011 09:20, Muhammad El-Sergani  wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> Why not build your own source code? Or better, use another OS, such as
> free CentOS and download its available rpm?
> This is very well documented and is easy to setup the whole thing
> including the OS well under 3 hours.
> I'm not so experienced with Ubuntu, though I've tried it once, but
> I've found it to be something rather lame compared to RedHat-like
> distros... just my opinion guys :)
> On Thursday, June 30, 2011, Robert Woodworth 
> wrote:
> >   Mixture of resultrs.Ive now lost count how many times Ive wiped the
> machine and started from scratch. I finally found the missing piece of sasl,

Re: [otrs] Bricked install

2011-06-29 Thread Rory
Hi Robert,

You've really gone all out in creating a unique bespoke system. Its great to
see that you've gotten everything working with the mail server, relaying
mail against it and hopefully you'll get OTRS working with it too. The only
concern I'd have for such a system is that any issues you need to resolve in
future may be quite difficult because of the lack of others doing the same

I'm sure you've looked over this part of the documentation plenty of time
but anyway, the OTRS docs for mail configuration are at

I use entries in the system crontab for fetching mail from a remote server
*/3 * * * *$HOME/bin/ >> /dev/null

There are also entries in the crontab for using fetchmail which I have
commented out
#*/5 * * * * [ -x /usr/bin/fetchmail ] && /usr/bin/fetchmail -a >> /dev/null
#*/5 * * * */usr/bin/fetchmail -a --ssl >> /dev/null

I set up my crontab using the script in the OTRS bin directory
(/opt/otrs/bin/ for me).

If you can't adapt any of the methods in the documentation to use with your
own install then maybe you could work around it.
A previous installation I worked with before (mail server was qmail and OTRS
was on a seperate RHEL 3 server) work in the following method;

* Mail was sent to a specifc 'support' mailbox on the mail server i.e.
* Mail received to the support mailbox was automatically forwared to the
otrs user on the OTRS server using the servers FQDN i.e.
otrs@otrsserver.mydomain.local (the forward sent the mail without changing
the envelope info such as the TO or FROM address, essentially a relay)
* OTRS then took the mail from the local mailbox (I can't remember if it was
through POP or fetchmail)
* Sending mail was then done by using the local sendmail via the qmail

Unfortunately I wasn't the one who configured it at the time so I can't
really be more specific.

I hope that helps somewhat,

On 29 June 2011 03:37, Robert Woodworth  wrote:

> ** **
> I finally gave up, nuked the machine and reinstalled.
> ** **
> Someone pointed out that Turnkey is an old version.
> I used Turnkey because it is a very lightweight install.
> It doesn’t saddle me with a ton of cruft.
> I DID however run aptitude upgrade and it freshened everything that DID get
> installed,
> So Im no longer running such an ancient version.
> ** **
> Im purposely not doing a lot of setting up until I get mail working.
> ** **
> Our central mail server runs ESMTP which thwarts normal mail installs and
> it took me weeks to figure out how
> to make a server exchange mail with it.  I finally managed to make sasldb
> authenticate it successfully on other servers.
> ** **
> This machine is proving a challenge.
> ** **
> On my other machines, machines that send just need to have a sasl_passwd
> hash and saslauthd running to work.
> The few machines that send have fetchmail to retrieve.
> ** **
> From what I can tell, I should have OTRS handle this via its own internal
> cron system and NOT a crontab entry under /var/spool/cron ?
> ** **
> One of the things driving me mad is an error in the mail logs about no
> valid method which USUALLY meant I misspelled “plaintext” in
> /etc/default/saslauthd but this time that is not the case and Im baffled.*
> ***
> ** **
> Ive been trying off and on a few months now.
> Each time its something different, it never works, and I get disgusted and
> pout it away a few weeks before trying again.
> ** **
> Im almost frustrated enough to throw in the towel and just use a Microsoft
> product which will probably work 1st crack out of the bag.  Id really
> rather use open source, but Im running out of time & patience.
> -
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Re: [otrs] Bricked install

2011-06-27 Thread Rory
The following is a bit long winded but might work

Firstly, back up your database and, if you can, test restoring to another
database to ensure you've gotten a good backup. It would be best to take a
backup of your config files too.

Attempt 1:
 * Stop web and database services on your production server.
 * Rename the file (I always use date/time stamps when doing
this, i.e.
* The file may be generated on restarting services (I assume its
generated because the file is not included in the source tar.gz downloads)
* Restart web and database services and attempt to connect via web browser
* Check the Kernel/Config/Files/ directory for the file to
confirm if the file is/isn't there

 Attempt 2:
 * Stop web and database services on your production server.
 * Rename the file
* Create a new, blank, file i.e. touch
* Set the appropriate ownership and permissions on this new file
* Restart web and database services and attempt to connect via web browser

Attempt 3:
 * Stop web and database services on your production server.
 * Rename the file
* Create a new, blank, file i.e. touch
* Set the Global write permissions on this new file i.e. chmod 777
* Restart web and database services and attempt to connect via web browser

Attempt 4:
* Download the same version of OTRS that you're running from the FTP
* Install to a different location (or different computer if possible as you
could maintain the same database name/username etc.).
* I'm not sure at which point the file is generated but you may
need to complete the inital configuration.
* Double check the permissions and ownership of the on this new
* On your original production server stop the web and database services.
* Rename the file
* Copy the from the temporary install to the production server
* Restart the necessary services and attempt to connect via web browser.

If you can, try to maintain a structured approach to your trouble shooting.
Only try one thing at a time and take a note of each change and whether it
was successful or failed.

I hope that helps,
Rory Clerkin

On 24 June 2011 18:48, Robert Woodworth  wrote:

>  That’s what I thought.
> So I created the missing target that the link pointed to and copied the
> permissions (otrs & www-data) from the other Auto file and THAT’S what
> bricked my system.
> ** **
> I tried backing it out and the system is STILL bricked.
> ** **
> I can login with command line and that’s it.
> ** **
> My question is whether this a recovery possible or whether I have to
> reinstall the whole sorry thing.
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of
> *Michiel Beijen
> *Sent:* Friday, June 24, 2011 5:15 AM
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] Bricked install
> ** **
> Please note that you're using an old OTRS version, we released the 3.x
> series in November last year. You really should try that instead, it's much
> nicer.
> If you find it too much work to install OTRS either sign up for
> or hire us to do it for you. Turnkey at this point
> is just a great way to try out an old version of OTRS; and apparently it has
> some other issues too, now.
> --
> Mike
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 09:41, Nils Leideck 
> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> ** **
> both files have to be writeable by the webserver.
> ** **
> Cheers, Nils
> ** **
> On 24.06.2011, at 07:46, Robert Woodworth wrote:
> ** **
>   Please take a look at this and tell me if there is any way to recover.**
> **
> I think I bricked my install.
> I installed the Turnkey Linux OTRS appliance.
> It seemed to install OK.
> Connecting to the admin dashboard was a pain because this system didn’t
> follow the documentation but I got around that.
> My problems started when I started troubleshooting why mail wasn’t arriving
> and opening tickets.
> I noticed an error about bad permissions on
> "/usr/share/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/"
> This turned out to be a link to /var/lib/otrs/Config/ and the
> target wasn’t there.
> I thought I would be brilliant and just touch the file and copy the
> permissions from
> /var/lib/otrs/Config/
> Suddenly, when I clicked on the Admin icon on the webpage I got:

Re: [otrs] Permission denied errors on in admin section

2011-06-01 Thread Rory
Hi Jefferson,

This is unlikely but, by any chance are you accessing the OTRS site through
a proxy? If so, do you have the option of bypassing the proxy?

It certainly seems like the user that runs the webserver is having
permission problems. Are you running a Windows or Linux version?
What type of installation did you run? Was it the pre-built package or the
source package?

If it was the source package it may be that you need to give the webserver
user permissions to the OTRS install directory as well as the OTRS user.
You've probably already done this but just in case
e.g. /opt/otrs --otrs-user=otrsuser

Kind regards,

On 31 May 2011 17:27, Jefferson Davis  wrote:

> --
> *From: *"Jefferson Davis" 
> *To: *"User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> *Sent: *Friday, May 27, 2011 9:47:58 AM
> *Subject: *[otrs] Permission denied errors on in admin section
> Various items will not allow access any longer since migrating to 3.0.x,
> I've run the otrs.SetPermissions script multiple times, no joy.  No problems
> getting at sysconfig, but editing/deleting queues, responses, etc are
> blocked with "You don't have permission to access /otrs/ on this
> server."  Interestingly I AM able to add new, just can;t edit or delete.
> WTH?
> I now have an issue with new ticket notifications being duplicated.
> Where else can I look?
> We are running/forcing to https via apache redirect, if thaht's germain,
> though I've also tried it in http and same results, so I am kind of
> discounting THAT as the issue.
> I'm somewhat open to doing a fresh install, migrating only the agent and
> customer LDAP stanzas from my 2.x config, but would prefer to NOT go through
> that effort if possible.
> Checked the DB permissins as well, the otrs user has full rights to the
> entire DB.  apache error logs have been inconclusive.
> I really like this system but upgrading/moving it could be easier.
> --
> Jefferson K Davis
> Technology and Information Systems Manager
> Standard School District
> 1200 North Chester Ave
> Bakersfield, CA 93308
> 661.392.2110 ext 120 (office)
> 661.392.0681 (fax)
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> --
> Jefferson K Davis
> Technology and Information Systems Manager
> Standard School District
> 1200 North Chester Ave
> Bakersfield, CA 93308
> 661.392.2110 ext 120 (office)
> 661.392.0681 (fax)
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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Re: [otrs] Auth LDAP but erro in customer backend

2011-05-19 Thread Rory
Hi Leonardo,

I've recently had to work through a very similar issue. I had everything
configured correctly but I got the same error as you when trying to log in

What I found was happening was that the ldap authentication suceeded but it
wouldn't sync the data elements from the ldap tree to the database.

What I did to fix it, with the help from others here, was to use a very
basic configuration for customer ldap authentication.

Here's a link to the conversation thread I had which eventually lead to the
fix. The link is to the middle of the thread where Shawn gave me a basic
config that worked for him and also worked for me when I used it. I then
enabled each extra setting one by one after that and it all worked.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 19 May 2011 01:30, Gerald Young  wrote:

> Yes, it means your user list doesn't match your authentication list. The
> Wiki and the documentation and the forums all have good information on this.
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Leonardo Couto 
> wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I'm new user in the system otrs and am really enjoying its features, I'm
>> on a project and think it will deploy the company in otrs where I manage 
>> computer
>> systems and computer networks. Well my problem is: I set up the customers
>> to be able to log in using the database ldap but when I try login with my
>> ldap user I get the following error:
>> *“Authentication succeeded, but no customer record is found in the
>> customer backend. Please contact your administrator.”*
>> * *
>> *Someone have some a idea to solution this problem?*
>> Thank,
>> Leonardo Conrado.
>> -
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>> Archive:
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> -
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Re: [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous

2011-05-13 Thread Rory
Well this is annoying ... I've added each extra line one by one from the old
config to new one and after I inserted a new line I tested it to see if it
broke the ldap lookup.

My config is now back to its original state as I listed in my first mail ...
every line is in the same place, every variable is the same, I've even added
the extra elements into the user map. It works.
I thought may it was because I was using a user who was now populated in the
database so I used a whole new user and it still worked.

The only thing I can think of is that there must be some kind of variable
cache somewhere, in OTRS or the PERL module maybe, and this cache must be
cleared or updated which I did by using the stripped down config which Shawn
sent i.e. the variables I now was not using were reset to zero or blanked.
I've checked th file and it hasn't changed.
That's only speculation but it's all I can think of which makes sense.

Oh, and I can confirm that you don't need to restart the webserver for the
changes to to take effect. You just need to call the
or file again which will then complie the on the fly.

I hope this helps sombody in the future because it has me baffled.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 13 May 2011 16:40, Rory  wrote:

> Thanks Shawn!
> I've implemented your config and it works.
> I'm going to go through the different items that I have extra in my own
> config to see what breaks it.
> I do want to have features such as the user is required to be in a group.
> This is great though, I'm delighted to have some progress on this.
> I'll update this thread with the items I find that break the LDAP login, it
> may be useful to somebody else in the future.
> Thanks again,
> Rory Clerkin
> On 13 May 2011 15:56, Gadow, Shawn  wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity use mine and see what happens (obviously change what
>> you need to change) but you seem to have some extra un-needed stuff in
>> there.. worth a try anyway
>>   $Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
>>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} =
>> 'ODDC-01.ocusd.local';
>>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
>> 'cn=testuser,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'test123';
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} =
>> 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'ODDC-01.ocusd.local';
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'cn=
>> testuser,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'test123';
>>   $Self->{CustomerUser} = {
>> Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
>> Params => {
>>   Host => 'ODDC-N1.ocusd.local',
>>   BaseDN => 'dc=ocusd,dc=local',
>>   SSCOPE => 'sub',
>>   UserDN => 'cn= testuser,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local',
>>   UserPw => 'test123',
>> },
>> CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
>> CustomerID => 'sAMAccountName',
>> CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
>> CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
>> CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
>> CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
>> Map => [
>>   # note: Login, Email and CustomerID needed!
>>   # var, frontend, storage, shown, required, storage-type
>> #   [ 'UserSalutation', 'Titl

Re: [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous

2011-05-13 Thread Rory
Thanks Shawn!

I've implemented your config and it works.
I'm going to go through the different items that I have extra in my own
config to see what breaks it.
I do want to have features such as the user is required to be in a group.
This is great though, I'm delighted to have some progress on this.

I'll update this thread with the items I find that break the LDAP login, it
may be useful to somebody else in the future.

Thanks again,
Rory Clerkin

On 13 May 2011 15:56, Gadow, Shawn  wrote:

> Just out of curiosity use mine and see what happens (obviously change what
> you need to change) but you seem to have some extra un-needed stuff in
> there.. worth a try anyway
>   $Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} =
> 'ODDC-01.ocusd.local';
>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
> 'cn=testuser,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>   $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'test123';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} =
> 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'ODDC-01.ocusd.local';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'cn=
> testuser,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'test123';
>   $Self->{CustomerUser} = {
> Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
> Params => {
>   Host => 'ODDC-N1.ocusd.local',
>   BaseDN => 'dc=ocusd,dc=local',
>   SSCOPE => 'sub',
>   UserDN => 'cn= testuser,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local',
>   UserPw => 'test123',
> },
> CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
> CustomerID => 'sAMAccountName',
> CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
> CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
> CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
> CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
> Map => [
>   # note: Login, Email and CustomerID needed!
>   # var, frontend, storage, shown, required, storage-type
> #   [ 'UserSalutation', 'Title', 'title', 1, 0, 'var' ],
>   [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'givenname', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>   [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'sn', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>   [ 'UserLogin', 'Login', 'sAMAccountName', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>   [ 'UserEmail', 'Email', 'mail', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>   [ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID', 'mail', 0, 1, 'var' ],
>   [ 'UserPhone', 'Phone', 'telephonenumber', 1, 0, 'var' ],
> #   [ 'UserAddress', 'Address', 'postaladdress', 1, 0, 'var' ],
>   [ 'UserComment', 'Comment', 'description', 1, 0, 'var' ],
> ],
>   };
> Shawn Gadow
> Network Administrator
> Oregon CUSD 220
> *“Security is when everything is settled*. *When nothing can happen to
> you. Security is the denial of l**ife*.” – Germaine Greer
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of
> *Rory
> *Sent:* Friday, May 13, 2011 9:49 AM
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous
> Hi Shawn,
> Yes, I restarted the httpd service (I'm using CentOs 5.5 btw with OTRS
> built from the tar.gz download, latest stable apache webserver, latest

Re: [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous

2011-05-13 Thread Rory
Hi Shawn,

Yes, I restarted the httpd service (I'm using CentOs 5.5 btw with OTRS built
from the tar.gz download, latest stable apache webserver, latest stable
mysql database, perl installed via Yum, some per module installed via Yum
and some through CPAN, Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory as the LDAP

Commenting out the settings in the ZZZA* files made no difference. I've also
reinstated the customer Authentication into the file.

I'm still getting OTRS trying to bind to LDAP using the user  (Which
I'm assuming is an anonymous user).

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 13 May 2011 15:33, Gadow, Shawn  wrote:

> Did you restart the services after you made the config change? I wouldn’t
> think you would have to but it’s worth a shot if you didn’t
> Shawn Gadow
> Network Administrator
> Oregon CUSD 220
> *“Security is when everything is settled*. *When nothing can happen to
> you. Security is the denial of l**ife*.” – Germaine Greer
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of
> *Rory
> *Sent:* Friday, May 13, 2011 9:32 AM
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous
> I'm seeing some strange behaviour now.
> After changing the SearchUserDN to the Users container I noticed that it
> was still using the previous setting.
> This reminded me to check the SysConfig options under System Administration
> in the Admin panel. In the Frontend::CustomerAuth module it was still
> showing the old Customer Auth LDAP settings. (it must have pulled them in
> from somewhere as I didn't set them)
> I cleared all the checkboxes and set the other options to their defaults.
> This put lines of the following format in the and
> files for all the settings I un-ticked;
> delete $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'};
> When the script authenticates now it doesn't use any user
> details, just "".
> Can anybody tell me which settings take precedence?
> I'm going to try commenting out the lines from the and
> files (even tho I probably shouldn't)
> Any more help, ideas or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Rory Clerkin
> On 13 May 2011 14:52, Rory  wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
> Thanks for your reply, I'll see how it works out in the container instead.
> Kind regards,
> Rory Clerkin
> On 13 May 2011 14:25, Gadow, Shawn  wrote:
> Ok I could be wrong because I don’t know your AD structure but take a look
> here..
>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=LDAP
> Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Dept,DC=mydomain,DC=local';
>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'mypw123';
> Mine looks like this
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
> 'cn=testaccount,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'test123';
> What I have is the user account test witch which is located in the users
> directly under the base DN.. the folder it’s located in needs to be a
> container not an OU I believe this is where your issue lies once again I
> could be wrong however
> Same applies with
>  UserDN => 'CN=LDAP Lookup,OU=Service
> Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Dept,DC=mydomain,DC=local',
>  UserPW => 'mypw123',
> Shawn Gadow
> Network Administrator
> Oregon CUSD 220
> *“Security is when everything is settled*. *When nothing can happen to
> you. Security is the denial of life*.” – Germaine Greer
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of
> *Rory
> *Sent:* Friday, May 13, 2011 8:00 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous
> Hi All,
> I'm having an issue while authenticating a Customer user against our
> windows Active Directory tree and I hope somebody can help me.
> I've been watching the network traffic on the AD server with Wireshark to
> see exactly what's happening. Here's the steps:
> 1. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using a specified user "CN=LDAP
> Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=EFC,DC=mydomain,DC=local".
> 2. LDAP se

Re: [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous

2011-05-13 Thread Rory
I'm seeing some strange behaviour now.
After changing the SearchUserDN to the Users container I noticed that it was
still using the previous setting.
This reminded me to check the SysConfig options under System Administration
in the Admin panel. In the Frontend::CustomerAuth module it was still
showing the old Customer Auth LDAP settings. (it must have pulled them in
from somewhere as I didn't set them)
I cleared all the checkboxes and set the other options to their defaults.

This put lines of the following format in the and
files for all the settings I un-ticked;

delete $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'};

When the script authenticates now it doesn't use any user
details, just "".

Can anybody tell me which settings take precedence?

I'm going to try commenting out the lines from the and files (even tho I probably shouldn't)

Any more help, ideas or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 13 May 2011 14:52, Rory  wrote:

> Hi Shawn,
> Thanks for your reply, I'll see how it works out in the container instead.
> Kind regards,
> Rory Clerkin
> On 13 May 2011 14:25, Gadow, Shawn  wrote:
>> Ok I could be wrong because I don’t know your AD structure but take a look
>> here..
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=LDAP
>> Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Dept,DC=mydomain,DC=local';
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'mypw123';
>> Mine looks like this
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
>> 'cn=testaccount,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'test123';
>> What I have is the user account test witch which is located in the users
>> directly under the base DN.. the folder it’s located in needs to be a
>> container not an OU I believe this is where your issue lies once again I
>> could be wrong however
>> Same applies with
>>  UserDN => 'CN=LDAP Lookup,OU=Service
>> Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Dept,DC=mydomain,DC=local',
>>  UserPW => 'mypw123',
>> Shawn Gadow
>> Network Administrator
>> Oregon CUSD 220
>> *“Security is when everything is settled*. *When nothing can happen to
>> you. Security is the denial of l**ife*.” – Germaine Greer
>> *From:* [] *On Behalf
>> Of *Rory
>> *Sent:* Friday, May 13, 2011 8:00 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous
>> Hi All,
>> I'm having an issue while authenticating a Customer user against our
>> windows Active Directory tree and I hope somebody can help me.
>> I've been watching the network traffic on the AD server with Wireshark to
>> see exactly what's happening. Here's the steps:
>> 1. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using a specified user "CN=LDAP
>> Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=EFC,DC=mydomain,DC=local".
>> 2. LDAP server accepts the bind.
>> 3. OTRS searches for the username.
>> 4. LDAP server returns the correct user
>> 5. OTRS searches for the group with the condition that the user is in the
>> group
>> 6. LDAP server returns the correct group
>> 7. OTRS unbinds from LDAP
>> 8. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using the login user that was returned in
>> step 4.
>> 9. LDAP server accepts the bind
>> 10. OTRS unbinds from LDAP server
>> So far this is good and shows that the initial authentication succeeds.
>> The next few steps are where OTRS tries to retrieve the customer attributes
>> from LDAP
>> 11. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using "".
>> 12. LDAP server accepts the bind
>> 13. OTRS searches the specified OU's subtree for the attributes listed in
>> the map
>> 14. LDAP server gives an error "04DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906E8, comment:
>> In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on
>> the connection., data 0, v1db1"
>> The problem seems to be that OTRS tries to acce

Re: [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous

2011-05-13 Thread Rory
Hi Shawn,

Thanks for your reply, I'll see how it works out in the container instead.

Kind regards,
Rory Clerkin

On 13 May 2011 14:25, Gadow, Shawn  wrote:

> Ok I could be wrong because I don’t know your AD structure but take a look
> here..
>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=LDAP
> Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Dept,DC=mydomain,DC=local';
>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'mypw123';
> Mine looks like this
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
> 'cn=testaccount,cn=Users,dc=ocusd,dc=local';
>   $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'test123';
> What I have is the user account test witch which is located in the users
> directly under the base DN.. the folder it’s located in needs to be a
> container not an OU I believe this is where your issue lies once again I
> could be wrong however
> Same applies with
>  UserDN => 'CN=LDAP Lookup,OU=Service
> Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Dept,DC=mydomain,DC=local',
>  UserPW => 'mypw123',
> Shawn Gadow
> Network Administrator
> Oregon CUSD 220
> *“Security is when everything is settled*. *When nothing can happen to
> you. Security is the denial of l**ife*.” – Germaine Greer
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of
> *Rory
> *Sent:* Friday, May 13, 2011 8:00 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous
> Hi All,
> I'm having an issue while authenticating a Customer user against our
> windows Active Directory tree and I hope somebody can help me.
> I've been watching the network traffic on the AD server with Wireshark to
> see exactly what's happening. Here's the steps:
> 1. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using a specified user "CN=LDAP
> Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=EFC,DC=mydomain,DC=local".
> 2. LDAP server accepts the bind.
> 3. OTRS searches for the username.
> 4. LDAP server returns the correct user
> 5. OTRS searches for the group with the condition that the user is in the
> group
> 6. LDAP server returns the correct group
> 7. OTRS unbinds from LDAP
> 8. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using the login user that was returned in
> step 4.
> 9. LDAP server accepts the bind
> 10. OTRS unbinds from LDAP server
> So far this is good and shows that the initial authentication succeeds. The
> next few steps are where OTRS tries to retrieve the customer attributes from
> 11. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using "".
> 12. LDAP server accepts the bind
> 13. OTRS searches the specified OU's subtree for the attributes listed in
> the map
> 14. LDAP server gives an error "04DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906E8, comment:
> In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on
> the connection., data 0, v1db1"
> The problem seems to be that OTRS tries to access the LDAP tree as an
> anonymous user in order to retrieve the customer attributes. Everything I've
> tried has not made any change to this part of the process.
> Here are some of the things I've tried;
> * The customer config format, in the manual, at the following link which
> authenticates but doesn't have details to map customer data
> * The customer config format, in the manual, at the following link which
> authenticates but fails to map customer data
> * Using both the above config formats at the same time.
> * Copying the Customer Config details into the file which seemed
> to work for another user.
> * Using different attributes of the LDAP user to search and authenticate
> with e.g. sAMAccountName and userPrincipleName.
> * Using the domain suffix as part of the search and authenticate settings.
> I've included my customer config below which isn't working (and is
> currently written in the file).
> I've sanitised the domain and password details but otherwise the config is
> exactly as on my server.
>   # Start Customer LDAP config copied over from
>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} =
> 'Kernel::System::Custo

[otrs] Customer LDAP Auth Issue - not anonymous

2011-05-13 Thread Rory
Hi All,

I'm having an issue while authenticating a Customer user against our windows
Active Directory tree and I hope somebody can help me.

I've been watching the network traffic on the AD server with Wireshark to
see exactly what's happening. Here's the steps:

1. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using a specified user "CN=LDAP
Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=EFC,DC=mydomain,DC=local".
2. LDAP server accepts the bind.
3. OTRS searches for the username.
4. LDAP server returns the correct user
5. OTRS searches for the group with the condition that the user is in the
6. LDAP server returns the correct group
7. OTRS unbinds from LDAP
8. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using the login user that was returned in
step 4.
9. LDAP server accepts the bind
10. OTRS unbinds from LDAP server

So far this is good and shows that the initial authentication succeeds. The
next few steps are where OTRS tries to retrieve the customer attributes from

11. OTRS requests to bind to LDAP using "".
12. LDAP server accepts the bind
13. OTRS searches the specified OU's subtree for the attributes listed in
the map
14. LDAP server gives an error "04DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906E8, comment:
In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on
the connection., data 0, v1db1"

The problem seems to be that OTRS tries to access the LDAP tree as an
anonymous user in order to retrieve the customer attributes. Everything I've
tried has not made any change to this part of the process.

Here are some of the things I've tried;

* The customer config format, in the manual, at the following link which
authenticates but doesn't have details to map customer data

* The customer config format, in the manual, at the following link which
authenticates but fails to map customer data

* Using both the above config formats at the same time.

* Copying the Customer Config details into the file which seemed
to work for another user.

* Using different attributes of the LDAP user to search and authenticate
with e.g. sAMAccountName and userPrincipleName.

* Using the domain suffix as part of the search and authenticate settings.

I've included my customer config below which isn't working (and is currently
written in the file).
I've sanitised the domain and password details but otherwise the config is
exactly as on my server.

  # Start Customer LDAP config copied over from

 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} =
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} =
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} =
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';

# Check if the user is allowed to auth in a posixGroup
# (e. g. user needs to be in a group xyz to use otrs)
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} =
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';
# for ldap posixGroups objectclass (just uid)
# $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'UID';
# for non ldap posixGroups objectclass (full user dn)
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';

# The following is valid but would only be necessary if the
# anonymous user does NOT have permission to read from the LDAP tree
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=LDAP
Lookup,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Dept,DC=mydomain,DC=local';
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'mypw123';

# in case you want to add always one filter to each ldap query, use
# this option. e. g. AlwaysFilter => '(mail=*)' or AlwaysFilter =>
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::AlwaysFilter'} =

# in case you want to add a suffix to each customer login name, then
# you can use this option. e. g. user just want to use user but
# in your ldap directory exists user@domain.
# $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UserSuffix'} =

# Net::LDAP new params (if needed - for more info see perldoc
 $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Params'} = {
 port => 389,
 timeout => 120,
 async => 0,
 version => 3,

$Self->{CustomerUser} = {
  Name => 'LDAP Datasource',
  Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
  Params => {
 Host => 'svr004.efc.local',
 BaseDN => 'ou=EFC,dc=mydomain,dc=local',
 SSCOPE => 'sub',
 UserDN => 'CN=

Re: [otrs] Cron jobs : what to change to make the refresh quickier?

2010-01-25 Thread Rory
Hi Sebastien,

When using a Windows Server you can use Windows Task Scheduler to run
the same file.
Cron is a linux program that you can compare to windows task
scheduler. The line in your mail (*/10 * * * *
$HOME/bin/ >> /dev/null) is not in the file. It goes in the crontab file and tells the cron
program to run the $HOME/bin/ file every 10
minutes (*/10 * * * *) and discard any output (>> /dev/null).

What you need to do is create a scheduled task in windows that does
the same thing. You may have to tell windows task scheduler to execute
the following program;

perl  $HOME/bin/

where $HOME is the location you have installed OTRS on your windows
machine. Create this task to run every 10 minutes or less if you like.

Kind regards,
Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2010/1/25 Sebastien Bory :
> Hi Florian
> I have the same problem,
> OTRS is install on a Windows Server 2003 , it use the Mail server about our 
> FAI (send and receive mail work fine) but I don't see in the 
> file the line :
> # fetch emails every 10 minutes
>     */10 * * * *    $HOME/bin/ >> /dev/null
> To change this parameters could you help me
> Thanks
> Sébastien  Bory
> Administrateur réseaux
> NCI-les centres d'affaires
> Bienvenue chez vous - Just welcome !
> 59 Rue des Petits Champs 75001 Paris
> Tel  33(0) 1 73 77 53 41
> Fax  33(0) 1 73 77 55 56
> Port: 33(0) 6 78 93 28 66
> Mail
> Web:
> Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont établis a l'intention exclusive 
> de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par 
> erreur, merci de le détruire et d'en avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur. 
> Toute utilisation de ce message non conforme à sa destination, toute 
> diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf 
> autorisation expresse. L'internet ne permettant pas d'assurer l'intégrité de 
> ce message, NCI décline toute responsabilité au titre de ce message, dans 
> l'hypothèse ou il aurait été modifié. This message and any attachments are 
> intended solely for the addressees and is confidential. If you receive this 
> message in error, please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use 
> not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole 
> or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. The internet can not 
> guarantee the integrity of this message. NCI shall not therefore be liable 
> for the message if modified.
> -Message d'origine-
> De : [] De la part de 
> Florian Houel
> Envoyé : vendredi 22 janvier 2010 10:59
> À : User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Objet : Re: [otrs] Cron jobs : what to change to make the refresh quickier?
> Hi,
> I’m new on the list, we’re working on using OTRS to manage our customer’s 
> questions and requests.
> I understand that Philippe doesn't use fetchmail as these lines are commented 
> out.
> According to your crontab, OTRS mails are coming from these lines :
>     # fetch emails every 10 minutes
>     */10 * * * *    $HOME/bin/ >> /dev/null
> So, mails are received every 10 minutes. You can change that to something 
> like 5 or 3 minutes.
> You told about more than 15 minutes delay, part of the delay may come from 
> the Exchange/Outlook side.
> Hope this helps,
> Florian.
> -Message d'origine-
> De : [] De la part de Ralf 
> Hildebrandt
> Envoyé : vendredi 22 janvier 2010 10:35
> À :
> Objet : Re: [otrs] Cron jobs : what to change to make the refresh quickier?
> * Martignier, Philippe :
>> Hi there,
>> I want to speed up the frequence of refresh (= an email arrives in
>> Outlook and then OTRS looks in the mail box if there is a mail it
>> deletes that email and create a ticket inside OTRS)
> Well, don't use fetchmail, but feed OTRS directly via SMTP.
> --
> Ralf Hildebrandt
>  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
>  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
>  Campus Benjamin Franklin
>  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
>  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
> |
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe: h

Re: [otrs] running checkmodules command

2010-01-06 Thread Rory

perl otrs.checkModules

Which will explicitly call the perl interpreter.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2010/1/6 dnk 

> Hey,
> case sensitive?
> It is checkModules.
> D
> On 2010-01-06, at 8:16 AM, Michael Mitchell wrote:
>  When I am trying to check to see if I have correct modules installed I
> run the command otrs.checkmodules in otrs\otrs\bin  but when I hit enter a
> word document file opens up what am I doing wrong?
> *Michael D Mitchell*
> *Sixth Avenue** Electronics*
> *Help Desk / Tech*
> *973-924-8669 Office*
>  -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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Re: [otrs] what command do I type for perl modules

2009-12-18 Thread Rory
Try the following;


It might not work as you're running on a windows system but you should be ok.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/12/18 Michael Mitchell :
> I need to check to see if I have the correct perl modules loaded I’m trying
> to execute the script otrs.checkmodules from the command line now I go into
> this directory c:\program files\otrs\otrs\bin what command do I type after
> this to see if the correct modules are loaded I’m doing this off of our
> helpdesk server which is a windows server 2003 environment .
> Michael D Mitchell
> Sixth Avenue Electronics
> Help Desk / Tech
> 973-924-8669 Office
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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Re: [otrs] (no subject)

2009-12-17 Thread Rory
Is this running on a Linux server?
If it is it would be good to see if there is anything in the system
messages log at the same time (this is in /var/log/messages if you're
not familliar).
If it is a windows server check the event viewer for other errors.
Is the server only being used to host OTRS or are you using it for
other services too?

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/12/17 Ilya Kornev :
> Hello.
> I noticed that Apache sometimes causes errors on the OTRS server (there 
> appears a Windows standard message
> 'Application has crashed'), however, the Apache service keeps running and 
> OTRS keeps working without any
> visible problems.
> In the Apache error log I found these lines created just about the time when 
> the error appears:
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:18 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.10 (Win32) mod_perl/2.0.4-dev 
> Perl/v5.10.0 configured --
> resuming normal operations
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:18 2009] [notice] Server built: Oct 10 2008 12:39:04
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:18 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3148
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:33 2009] [notice] Child 3148: Child process is running
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:34 2009] [notice] Child 3148: Acquired the start mutex.
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:34 2009] [notice] Child 3148: Starting 64 worker threads.
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:34 2009] [notice] Child 3148: Starting thread to listen on 
> port 8080.
> [Thu Dec 17 16:42:51 2009] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 
> 3221225477 -- Restarting.
> Can somebody explain what is happening to Apache and how it could be fixed?
> Cheers,
> Ilya
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Re: [otrs] OTRS and Agent LDAP login

2009-12-11 Thread Rory
Sorry, I should say that I'm talking about the parameter;


should be just;


All the best,
Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/12/11 Rory :
> I think it might simply be that you need to remove the comma before
> the closing bracket.
> I expect that because of the comma it is passing the data through as
> an array and doesn't like it.
> I hope that helps,
> Rory Clerkin
> --
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/12/11 Dave Lageweg :
>> Some more info (sorry it was line 279)
>> Here the code from and line 279 in bold.
>> - -
>>     if ($UserSyncInitialGroups) {
>>                         my %Groups = $Self->{GroupObject}->GroupList();
>>                         for ( @{$UserSyncInitialGroups} ) {
>>                             my $GroupID = '';
>>                             for my $GID ( keys %Groups ) {
>>                                 if ( $Groups{$GID} eq $_ ) {
>>                                     $GroupID = $GID;
>>                                 }
>>                             }
>>                             next if !$GroupID;
>>                             $Self->{GroupObject}->GroupMemberAdd(
>>                                 GID        => $GroupID,
>>                                 UID        => $UserID,
>>                                 Permission => { rw => 1, },
>>                                 UserID     => 1,
>>                             );
>>                         }
>> - -
>> Best,.
>> Dave
>> On 11 dec 2009, at 11:25, Dave Lageweg wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have setup LDAP for Agent login almost successfully.
>> Login is working but when i use this code in my to add the user
>> standard to the group users.
>> - -
>>     $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups'} = {
>>         'users',
>>     };
>> - -
>> I receive the following error when a user tries to login for the first
>> time..
>> - -
>> Software Error:
>> Not an ARRAY reference at /opt/otrs//Kernel/System/Auth/Sync/ line 27
>> - -
>> IUser is created but not added to the group.
>> I'm using OTRS 2.4.5. does anyone have any idea what this could be?
>> Thanks!
>> Best,
>> Dave
>> -
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Re: [otrs] OTRS and Agent LDAP login

2009-12-11 Thread Rory
I think it might simply be that you need to remove the comma before
the closing bracket.
I expect that because of the comma it is passing the data through as
an array and doesn't like it.

I hope that helps,
Rory Clerkin
Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/12/11 Dave Lageweg :
> Some more info (sorry it was line 279)
> Here the code from and line 279 in bold.
> - -
>     if ($UserSyncInitialGroups) {
>                         my %Groups = $Self->{GroupObject}->GroupList();
>                         for ( @{$UserSyncInitialGroups} ) {
>                             my $GroupID = '';
>                             for my $GID ( keys %Groups ) {
>                                 if ( $Groups{$GID} eq $_ ) {
>                                     $GroupID = $GID;
>                                 }
>                             }
>                             next if !$GroupID;
>                             $Self->{GroupObject}->GroupMemberAdd(
>                                 GID        => $GroupID,
>                                 UID        => $UserID,
>                                 Permission => { rw => 1, },
>                                 UserID     => 1,
>                             );
>                         }
> - -
> Best,.
> Dave
> On 11 dec 2009, at 11:25, Dave Lageweg wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have setup LDAP for Agent login almost successfully.
> Login is working but when i use this code in my to add the user
> standard to the group users.
> - -
>     $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups'} = {
>         'users',
>     };
> - -
> I receive the following error when a user tries to login for the first
> time..
> - -
> Software Error:
> Not an ARRAY reference at /opt/otrs//Kernel/System/Auth/Sync/ line 27
> - -
> IUser is created but not added to the group.
> I'm using OTRS 2.4.5. does anyone have any idea what this could be?
> Thanks!
> Best,
> Dave
> -
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Re: [otrs] LDAP Sync Does NOT work! v2.4

2009-10-28 Thread Rory
It looks like your details from the ldap tree are not being copied to
your OTRS DB.
Here's my config for LDAP on 2.4 which successfully authenticates
users from Active Directory to OTRS

# LDAP Authentication Options
$Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = '';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=example, dc=com';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';

# This is the user that is used to run LDAP queries as.
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=OTRS
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'PassW0rd';

# LDAP Auth DB sync options. This copys the data from LDAP to the OTRS DB
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::Sync::LDAP';
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'ldap://';
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=example, dc=com';
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=OTRS
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'PassW0rd';
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncMap'} = {
# DB -> LDAP
UserFirstname => 'givenName',
UserLastname  => 'sn',
UserEmail => 'mail',

Try that on your system and see if it works for you.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/10/28 Josh Higgins :
> Agent LDAP Sync doesn't appear to work at all in OTRS 2.4! This worked
> great in 2.3, but appears completely broken in 2.4, even when following
> the *exact* sample config shown in the admin book, or using a known-good
> configuration that worked in 2.3.
> After upgrading to 2.4, new users are not able to log. They get the
> error:
> Panic, user authenticated but no user data can be found in OTRS DB!!
> Perhaps the user is invalid.
> I've seen others post on the list with similar errors, and none of those
> problems were resolved to my knowledge.
> Users: Do NOT upgrade to OTRS 2.4 if you use LDAP sync for agents,
> because it will not work no one will help you!
> info to help troubleshoot or debug the problem.
> Does anyone know if the old LDAP module from 2.3 can be used with 2.4?
> Thanks,
> Josh Higgins
> -
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Re: [otrs] Install issues...

2009-10-09 Thread Rory
What does the apache log say?
Its probably in the /var/log/ directory.
Have you configured apache to be able to use perl files? (I think you
need the mod_perl module set up )


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/10/9 john espiro :
> Hello all...
> I have been hoping I wouldnt have to post here, but alas, after a wek, I
> feel I must.  I am stuck...  Here's my situation:
>  - CentOS 4
>  - Apache/2.0.52
>  - Perl:  v5.8.8
>  - Installed OTRS: otrs-2.4.4-01.noarch.rpm
>  - Created the OTS user, and the database manually following the directions
> in the Database readme.
> I verified that all of my perl mods are installed (even the optional ones).
> I ran the set perms script.
> When I go to my web server's, I get the following error:
> Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
> to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator, r...@localhost and inform them of
> the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have
> caused the error.
> More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
> When I go to /otrs/, I get the same thing.
> What can I do to start troubleshooting this?
> Thanks,
> John
> -
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Re: [otrs] E-mail problem

2009-10-05 Thread Rory
You will find the details you need in the documentation;

Start with section 4 and try things out as you go. If you don't understand
what the documentation is telling you we'll try to clear things up for you.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/10/5 benjamin anamoah 

> Hi,
> I want to know how i can add more users to the otrs system.
> I am now using the default settings and only one user can be added and the
> e-mail is popping up as an error. How can i add more users.
> Secondly, how can different e-mail be set for different customer<->users
> and customer<->groups
> Please i need some more explanation.
> Benjy
> -
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Re: [otrs] OTRS 2.4.3 installation in existing MYSQL and APACHI

2009-10-05 Thread Rory
Firstly you need to install a Perl interpreter on your server and
configure apache to use it.
You can get Perl for windows at either of these links;

Personally I've used activeperl and I found the Perl Package Manager
(ppm), that is part of it, very easy to use. I havn't used the
Strawberry perl version so I don't know how that is to work with.

Here's a couple of guides for configure Perl with Apache on a Windows system;

I find it useful to have the bin directory of the Perl install in the PATH.

Once you have Perl configured to work with Apache your work is almost
complete. Download the latest OTRS version in .tar.gz format. Extract
this to a directory where you want apache to serve the website from
and configure the directory in the apache conf file.

Have a look at this documentation page, it's for a linux system but
the steps are almost the same. You mostly just need to use windows
file paths.

Let us know how you get on and ask any questions you need.

All the best,
Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/10/5 Pradeep Kumar :
> Hi,
> Windows 2003 server
> Regds
> Pradeep
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Rory  wrote:
>> Yes you can do this but first you need to let us know is it a windows
>> or linux based system?
>> Rory
>> --
>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>> 2009/10/5 Pradeep Kumar :
>> > HI,
>> > I have mysql and apachi installed in my system. Now I want to install
>> > OTRS
>> > 2.4.3 in existing mysql and apachi. How I can do this? Can I get any
>> > step by
>> > step guide.
>> > Regds
>> > Pradeep
>> >
>> > -
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>> >
>> >
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Re: [otrs] OTRS 2.4.3 installation in existing MYSQL and APACHI

2009-10-05 Thread Rory
Yes you can do this but first you need to let us know is it a windows
or linux based system?

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/10/5 Pradeep Kumar :
> HI,
> I have mysql and apachi installed in my system. Now I want to install OTRS
> 2.4.3 in existing mysql and apachi. How I can do this? Can I get any step by
> step guide.
> Regds
> Pradeep
> -
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Re: [otrs] Troubles setting up OTRS agent group and queues to work the way I want it to...

2009-09-21 Thread Rory
Unfortunately I've never used the customer interface to any great
degree so I'm not sure of how it hangs together from the customer
interface point of view. I imagine its pretty similar but I can't say
any more than that.

A useful exercise is to bash out a visio diagram of what you currently
have and what you want, in terms of Queue's, Groups, Roles and Users.
I found it best to do a Roles to Groups relationship and a Roles to
Users relationship seperately. I'm sure you could add a diagram from
the customer interface point of view.
I found this very helpful when I was redesigning, made it easier for
me to keep track of what I had to do and it was good documentation for
management and future reference/training.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/18 Isaac Weissenberger :
> Thank you for your help Rory, I haven't had a chance as of yet to try this 
> setup but it looks good. The only thing I am confused about is where the 
> customer users group fits into this scenario? That was a problem I was 
> having, if I assigned a queue to a different group other that the "ACE 
> Employees" default user group, no one could see the queues in the customer 
> interface. What do I do about that?
> Thank you!
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of Rory
> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:32 PM
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Troubles setting up OTRS agent group and queues to work 
> the way I want it to...
> Hi Isaac,
> I've worked with a similar setup before and this is what I did (Ascii
> art version :);
> For Queues I used the following model, (Permissions in brackets)
> Role 1
> |__Group 1 (rw)
> |...|__Queue 1
> |...|__Queue 2
> |__Group 2 (rw)
> |_Queue 3
> Role 2
> |__Group 1 (r)
> |...|__Queue 1
> |...|__Queue 2
> |__Group 3 (rw)
> |__Queue 4
> |__Queue 5
> For Users I used the following model
> Role 1
> |__User 1
> |__User 2
> |__User 3
> Role 2
> |__User 2
> |__User 4
> |__User 5
> |__User 6
> So to explain that lovely diagram;
> The Roles I mention in both the Queue and the User model are the same
> entity i.e. User 1 and Group 1 are assigned to the same Role.
> Any User in Role 1 has access to any Group in Role 1 and hence any
> Queue in Role 1 (depending on the rights you give Role 1 over the
> Group)
> You cannot apply a Role to a Queue so you must apply it to a Group.
> You must apply a Group to a Queue.
> In this way you apply a Role to a Queue. You can apply more than one
> Role to a Group which means you can have one Role with Full access and
> another Role with read only access.
> Using my example above,
> Users 1 and 3 have Read/Write access to Queues 1, 2 and 3.
> Users 4, 5 and 6 have Read access to Queues 1 and 2 but have also
> Read/Write access to Queues 4 and 5.
> User 2 has Read/Write access to all Queues.
> When you apply a Role to a User there is only 1 box to tick. When you
> remove the User from the Role, only one box to un-tick.
> I found this model the easiest to administrate for and it also allowed
> me to create a Role under special circumstances when needed that gave
> access to only the Queues I wanted it to.
> You should group your Queues by department as this is usually the
> clearest breakdown i.e. If a person can see one IS Queue its usually
> ok for them to see all IS Queues.
> Administrating Roles can get a bit messy if you don't name them
> clearly. It can be difficult to tell whats a Group and what's a Role.
> To get over this I prefix all Roles with r_
> Some example of roles would be;
> r_finance
> r_IT
> r_IS
> r_managers
> r_reports
> I also do the same with groups;
> g_finance
> g_IT
> This way everything stays clear and organised making it less like
> you'll make a mistake that could take hours to correct.
> I hope that's the kind of thing you're looking for.
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/18 Isaac Weissenberger :
>> Hey everyone,
>> I setup OTRS in our environment about a year and a half ago and have been
>> administrating it since. It worked real good for what we have been using it
>> for. Which we only had 1 group of agents and then a group the all the
>> Employees to be automatically added to. However now there is another
>> department that wants to be added to OTRS as agents with their own separate
>> que

Re: [otrs] Troubles setting up OTRS agent group and queues to work the way I want it to...

2009-09-18 Thread Rory
Hi Isaac,

I've worked with a similar setup before and this is what I did (Ascii
art version :);

For Queues I used the following model, (Permissions in brackets)

Role 1
|__Group 1 (rw)
|...|__Queue 1
|...|__Queue 2
|__Group 2 (rw)
|_Queue 3

Role 2
|__Group 1 (r)
|...|__Queue 1
|...|__Queue 2
|__Group 3 (rw)
|__Queue 4
|__Queue 5

For Users I used the following model

Role 1
|__User 1
|__User 2
|__User 3

Role 2
|__User 2
|__User 4
|__User 5
|__User 6

So to explain that lovely diagram;

The Roles I mention in both the Queue and the User model are the same
entity i.e. User 1 and Group 1 are assigned to the same Role.
Any User in Role 1 has access to any Group in Role 1 and hence any
Queue in Role 1 (depending on the rights you give Role 1 over the

You cannot apply a Role to a Queue so you must apply it to a Group.
You must apply a Group to a Queue.
In this way you apply a Role to a Queue. You can apply more than one
Role to a Group which means you can have one Role with Full access and
another Role with read only access.
Using my example above,

Users 1 and 3 have Read/Write access to Queues 1, 2 and 3.
Users 4, 5 and 6 have Read access to Queues 1 and 2 but have also
Read/Write access to Queues 4 and 5.
User 2 has Read/Write access to all Queues.

When you apply a Role to a User there is only 1 box to tick. When you
remove the User from the Role, only one box to un-tick.

I found this model the easiest to administrate for and it also allowed
me to create a Role under special circumstances when needed that gave
access to only the Queues I wanted it to.
You should group your Queues by department as this is usually the
clearest breakdown i.e. If a person can see one IS Queue its usually
ok for them to see all IS Queues.

Administrating Roles can get a bit messy if you don't name them
clearly. It can be difficult to tell whats a Group and what's a Role.
To get over this I prefix all Roles with r_
Some example of roles would be;


I also do the same with groups;


This way everything stays clear and organised making it less like
you'll make a mistake that could take hours to correct.
I hope that's the kind of thing you're looking for.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/18 Isaac Weissenberger :
> Hey everyone,
> I setup OTRS in our environment about a year and a half ago and have been
> administrating it since. It worked real good for what we have been using it
> for. Which we only had 1 group of agents and then a group the all the
> Employees to be automatically added to. However now there is another
> department that wants to be added to OTRS as agents with their own separate
> queues. This is how I want it to be setup, can you please help me with this?
> As follows:
> “ACE Employees” is the group for all customers.
> I have 2 separate roles and queues for the 2 different departments “IS” and
> “IT”.
> We have 3 “IT” queues and 7 “IS” queues that want customers to be able to
> see all 10 queues.
> I want only IT agent users to see the tickets in the IT queues, and only the
> IS agent users to be able to see the tickets in IS queues.
> I want agents to be able to move tickets to the other groups queues if they
> feel the ticket was submitted to the wrong place.
> I think that pretty much covers it. If someone could give me some insight on
> this I would be so appreciative!
> Thanks!!
> Isaac Weissenberger
> Network Operations Specialist
> Ace Communications Group
> 507.896.6236 phone
> 507.429.9367 cellular
> -
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Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-18 Thread Rory
Hi Lev,

I'd agree with Nathan that the windows implementation on IIS6 isn't
difficult, (and not easy either!) but at the same time you're close to
completing the  OTRS/MYSQL/Apache configuration. The only real trouble
you're having is switchin gto the older version.

Again, the reasoning behind the suggestions I made before was;

1. You'd have a similar test system compared to your live system. The
only difference being OS
2. You'd have a platform from which you can test upgrade procedures
3. You'd have a platform you can backup your database to where you
will not have to modify the database backup.

If you were to implement on IIS6 you would lose the first 2 points above.
Nathan's suggestion is a good one and if it suits your needs then it
an option for you. It would require a rethink of how to go about it
but don't let that put you off.

Getting back to the problem at hand. I think it would be worth a try
to download the 2.2.5 tar.gz file from the ftp server and extract that
to your OTRS directory (the tar files don't contain the apache, perl,
cron or mysql installers. Its just the OTRS application).
Once that's in place try to bring up your apache web server.
If it works then copy over your file and see if you can
start the webserver again.

Take it easy,

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/18 Nathan Campbell :
> It might be better to say that OTRS setup on Windows with MSSQL / IIS isn’t
> difficult – “easy” would be too generous. There are some extra steps that
> you must perform to get it up and running but it isn’t too bad.
> However, seeing what it is that you want to do, what about this
> configuration:
> Windows XP
> The reasons I would opt for MySQL in this case: cost, easier integration as
> a backup solution, consistency with live environment.
> If you went with MSSQL on the Windows box, then you would have to deal with
> restoring MySQL database into MSSQL and who needs that hassle?
> Once you have your Windows OTRS working, your failure-over process should be
> a snap. Granted, I am not a MySQL person; but I would expect that your
> process could be to take automatic backups of your live database and save
> them to a file share or some other location not on the live server. Could
> take the backup every 15 minutes, hour, whatever is best for your needs. If
> a failure occurs, simply take the backup and restore it to the Windows MySQL
> instance and you’ll be all set. It’s all about the database – once it’s all
> setup, you shouldn’t have to deal with modifying anything on the web server
> side when restoring a backup.
> Nathan Campbell
> Dallas Symphony Orchestra
> From: [] On Behalf Of Lev
> Davidovich
> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 3:27 AM
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> Thank you Nathan - I appreciate your input - sometimes a late intervention
> can be the most decisive one! ;-)
> You have raised an issue that I must admit I had not considered until now..
> Thinking about it, the only possible reason would be because our live
> version runs on Apache (on a Linux platform). However, all we really want to
> do is have a backup of our tickets on the Windows (or, as I have now
> realised, a Mac OS) machine and if that can be achieved with IIS rather than
> Apache I would certainly look into it.
> In your opinion, how easy would it be to set up OTRS on a Windows machine
> which would then be able to import the database dumped from our live version
> 2..2.5 running on Apache/Linux?
> Many thanks again
> From: Nathan Campbell 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Thursday, 17 September, 2009 22:31:27
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2..5 on Windows XP machine
> I’m kind of coming into the conversation a bit late in the game, but if you
> are running on XP, is there any particular reason to be married to Apache?
> You could try IIS and see how that works.
> If you need some documentation to setup OTRS on Windows (I am run two
> instances of OTRS on W2K3 / MSSQL 2005 / IIS6) let me know.
> Nathan Campbell
> Dallas Symphony Orchestra
> From: [] On Behalf Of Lev
> Davidovich
> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 4:27 PM
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> Hi Michiel I have t

Re: [otrs] otrs-fetching mails from mail server

2009-09-18 Thread Rory
Glad I could help.


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Re: [otrs] otrs-fetching mails from mail server

2009-09-17 Thread Rory
Hi Karthick,

The documentation you are looking at is at
There are 2 directories for you to consider;

1) /opt/otrs/var/cron
2) /opt/otrs/bin/

In directory 1 there is a list of files ending in .dist. These files
contain details for scheduling different functions of the otrs system.
If you have configured your e-mail through the PostMaster Mail Account
menu in the otrs web interface (not throught the config files) you
will be interested in the postmaster_mailbox.dist file.
This file will be used to add a crontab entry for the perl script which gets your mail and puts it into
your database.
You need to change the filename postmaster_mailbox.dist to postmaster_mailbox
This will cause the the postmaster_mailbox settings to be included in
your crontab later.

Open the postmaster_mailbox file for editing.
Look for the line;

*/10 * * * *$HOME/bin/ >> /dev/null

This is the standard syntax for a crontab entry. Change the "10" to a
"1". This will tell the system you want to execute the script
mentioned every 1 minute (instead of every 10). If you want to do
something different then look up how to write a crontab entry for more
Save and close the file.

You have now prepared what you want to be added to crontab.
The next step will over write your current crontab so it would be best
to list the contents (crontab -l) and back them up.

Change to your otrs user if  you are not already that user (usually
just otrs), su - otrs
Once you are the otrs user change to directory 2, /opt/otrs/bin/
Now execute the command;

./ start

This will add the details from the file in directory 1 to your
crontab. Check your crontab to make sure what you want to be there is
actually there (crontab -l)
If your entry for the is there then your job is
scheduled and will run every minute.
Test it by sending a mail to the otrs account you created.

I hope that works for you,


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/17 Karthick  B :
> HI Rory
> Am working in RHEL 5.3 and otrs also installed on the same machine
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Re: [otrs] fetchmail job error

2009-09-17 Thread Rory
The script contains the following code;

# create pid lock
if ( !$Opts{f} && !$CommonObject{PIDObject}->PIDCreate( Name =>
'PostMasterMailbox' ) ) {
print "NOTICE: is already running (use '-f 1'
if you want to start it ";
print "forced)!\n";
exit 1;

There may be a file that has the PID of the PostMasterMailbox process
in it which you will need to remove.
Unfortunatley I don't know where this might be. i would assume
somewhere in the OTRS directory structure. Look out for files like
PostMasterMailbox, pid and lock.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/17 Marco Vannini :
> As posted in other thread for the same problem did you also read the log
> file generated by adding -d 2 switch ?
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 3:47 AM, hpsbigcat  wrote:
>> Hi,
>>     I did not found any record relatd to postmaster.
>> 2009/9/16 Marco Vannini 
>>> did you tried to fetch record in process_id on your otrs's mysql box ? if
>>> there is a record related to postmaster try to remove it
>>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:57 AM, hpsbigcat  wrote:
>>>> Hi Rory,
>>>>     The host was running more than 3 weeks, but the problem is still
>>>> exist after reboot it.  I just found " -f 1" no other
>>>> processs. If any way would check this?
>>>> 2009/9/15 Rory 
>>>>> It sounds like the process hung when it was running.
>>>>> Check your running processes and see if it is there and how long it
>>>>> has been running.
>>>>> Rory
>>>>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>>>>> 2009/9/15 hpsbigcat :
>>>>> > Hi All,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >    I‘m using OTRS 2.4.4 on Centos5.2.  I'v setup
>>>>> > to
>>>>> > fetch mail every 1 minute and works fine before today.  But now, the
>>>>> > system
>>>>> > did not fetch the mail until I run " -f 1" to
>>>>> > force
>>>>> > recive them.  And I found some logs as :
>>>>> >   [Notice][Kernel::System::PID::PIDCreate] Can't create PID
>>>>> > PostMasterMailbox, because it's already running
>>>>> > (!
>>>>> >
>>>>> >   Have someone to help me
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Hpstiger
>>>>> >
>>>>> > -
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>>>>> > Archive:
>>>>> > To unsubscribe:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> -
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>>>>> Archive:
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>>>>> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
>>>> --
>>>> Hpstiger
>>>> -
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>>>> Archive:
>>>> To unsubscribe:
>>>> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
>> --
>> Hpsbigcat
>> -
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>> Archive:
>> To unsubscribe:
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> -
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Re: [otrs] otrs-fetching mails from mail server

2009-09-16 Thread Rory

Are you working on a Linux system or a Windows system?


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/16 Karthick  B :
> HI
> I'm new to otrs.i have installed otrs and configured.everything is working
> fine.i can able to fetch the mails from mail server via postmastermail
> account.
> now i want to fetch the mail for every minute.
> i read the otrs doccument.but i can't understand..can any1 tell me how to
> do..pls tell me which file to edit and which service should i start so i can
> fetch my mails for every minute.
> --
> Regards,
> B.Karthick.
> -
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Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP mach ine - error message "can’t open crontab.txt "

2009-09-16 Thread Rory
Hi Lev,

I'm not quite sure exactly why you're having the issue. I guess its
because the config from the unix system is trying to use the crontab
(which is the unix way of scheduling tasks. The Cron service on your
windows system which OTRS installs is not quite the same thing).

I believe its the incoming mail service that uses the crontab
functionality, i.e. check the mail account for new mail every 2
Its probably also used by the generic agent too.

See if you can find where the crontab.txt file its looking for is. (I
don't use a cron service, I installed each component individually and
use the windows scheduler). It's probably under your "program
files\OTRS" program directory somewhere. Compare the's (and
maybe the's) from both the linux and windows machines
looking for entries relating to cron. See how they differ.
Try to make the linux fit the syntax of the windows

I hope that helps,

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/16 Lev Davidovich :
> Hi I am getting this message on the Windows command prompt when I try to
> restart OTRS Services
> “can’t open directory crontab.txt No such file or directory”
> and Apache fails to start.
> Below are the steps I have taken to reinstall version 2.2.5 from our live
> Apache server to the latest Windows installation (2.4.4) on our Windows test
> machine.
> i) downloaded the latest version of the Windows
> installer of OTRS 2.4.4 - DONE
> ii)   dropped the mysql database - DONE
> iii) loaded dumped database from live server – DONE
> iv) turned OTRS Services (Cron, Apache, MySQL) off - DONE
> v)  cleaned the /otrs/otrs directory of 2.4.4 - DONE
> vi) replaced with 2.2.5 version of the same directory – DONE
> vii)   copied from the live server to Windows box –
> viii)  added the following line
> $Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::DoNotSendEmail';
> ix) also, on, changed paths “$Self->{Home} =
> '/opt/otrs’” to “$Self->{Home} = 'C:/PROGRA~1/OTRS/OTRS';” and
> “$Self->{'LogModule::LogFile'} = '/var/log/otrs.log';” to
> “$Self->{'LogModule::LogFile'} = 'C:/PROGRA~1/OTRS/OTRS/var/log/otrs.log';”
> x)  try to turn OTRS Services back on – Error message comes
> up
> If I then drop the 2.2.5 live database, reload the 2.4.4 database, turn OTRS
> Services off, restore the original 2.4.4 otrs/otrs directory, there is then
> no problem turning OTRS Services back on and logging in to 2.4.4.
> Clearly there is something about the database import it doesn't like - any
> ideas?
> Thanks a million
> Lev
> P.S. I originally sent this request under the previous thread I was involved
> with but it hasn't appeared so I have sent it again under a slightly
> different thread title. My apologies therefore if this appears twice!!
> -
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Re: [otrs] fetchmail job error

2009-09-15 Thread Rory
It sounds like the process hung when it was running.
Check your running processes and see if it is there and how long it
has been running.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/15 hpsbigcat :
> Hi All,
>    I‘m using OTRS 2.4.4 on Centos5.2.  I'v setup to
> fetch mail every 1 minute and works fine before today.  But now, the system
> did not fetch the mail until I run " -f 1" to force
> recive them.  And I found some logs as :
>   [Notice][Kernel::System::PID::PIDCreate] Can't create PID
> PostMasterMailbox, because it's already running (!
>   Have someone to help me
> --
> Hpstiger
> -
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> Archive:
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Re: [otrs] Fw: perl migration script help

2009-09-14 Thread Rory
Great news!
Glad I could help :)


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/14 Emily Flynn 

> Many thanks for your help Rory... silly I should have thought of trying
> that.
> Got it working using command line anyways, thanks again!
>  From: Rory  To: "User questions and discussions about
> OTRS." 
> Date: 11/09/2009 18:59
>  Subject: Re: [otrs] Fw: perl migration script help Sent by:
> --
> MySQL thinks the is an sql file and is trying to
> run it as such. Its not qsl rho so that's why you're getting the
> "error in you SQL syntax" response. You need to run the file from the
> command line.
> Try this,
> perl
> You might need to use the full path to the perl.exe if its not in your
> path.
> Once that's run log back into your mysql and run the
> DBUpdate-to-2.4-post.mysql.sql the same as the first .sql script.
> Hopefully that will get the DB updated for you.
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/11 Emily Flynn 
> >
> > Hiya,
> >
> > Thanks a million for your reply.. I'm still having a problem and I
> suspect it is to do with something else.  Here is what I input into MySQL
> Query Browser, logged in as root to otrs:
> >
> > use otrs;
> > source "C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\";
> >
> > and this is what I get no matter what I type in..
> >
> > You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
> to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near "'C:\Program
> Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\'" at line 1
> >
> > I have tried a couple of variations on the code but still no luck :(
> >
> > Emily
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Rory 
> > To:
> > "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> > Date: 11/09/2009 14:45
> > Subject: Re: [otrs] Fw: perl migration script help
> > Sent by:
> > 
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Yes, $HOME_OTRS should be the full path to the OTRS directory. On my
> > windows machine this is C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS
> > You could either use quotation marks around the entire path e.g.
> > source "C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql";
> >
> > The perl script should run just fine as you have to have a perl
> > interpreter to run otrs in the first place.
> > I'm not sure if it will work on Windows tho as I think the upgrade
> > scripts were written for Linux based machines.
> >
> > Take it easy,
> > Rory
> >
> > Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2009/9/11 Emily Flynn 
> > >
> > > Sorry, just bumping this... really need the help!
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hiya,
> > >
> > > Sorry I'm doing this on an XP box just to test the upgrade process...
> prod box is on Windows Server 2003.
> > >
> > > I am using MySQL Query Browser to run these scripts, I log into it
> using root, and then I can browse to the actual SQL script to run that and
> that is ok...
> > >
> > > But as far as the Perl script goes, I don't know what to do with that
> as MySQL Query Browser won't run Perl... and I have no Perl experience so am
> really not sure how to go about it!
> > >
> > > On a side... below where you write source
> $HOME_OTRS/scripts/DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql; do you mean me to paste that
> directly into the browser or do I amend $HOME_OTRS to the actual path, and
> if so, what it the best way to write this, i.e, the 'program files' bit?
> > >
> > > Apologies for my silly questions and thanks.
> > >
> > > Emily
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Sent by:
> > >
> > > 09/09/2009 17:55
> > >
> > > Please respond to
> > > "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> > >
> > > To
> > > "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> > > cc
> > > Subject
> > > Re: [otrs] perl migration scr

Re: [otrs] Fw: perl migration script help

2009-09-11 Thread Rory
MySQL thinks the is an sql file and is trying to
run it as such. Its not qsl rho so that's why you're getting the
"error in you SQL syntax" response. You need to run the file from the
command line.
Try this,


You might need to use the full path to the perl.exe if its not in your path.
Once that's run log back into your mysql and run the
DBUpdate-to-2.4-post.mysql.sql the same as the first .sql script.
Hopefully that will get the DB updated for you.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/11 Emily Flynn 
> Hiya,
> Thanks a million for your reply.. I'm still having a problem and I suspect it 
> is to do with something else.  Here is what I input into MySQL Query Browser, 
> logged in as root to otrs:
> use otrs;
> source "C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\";
> and this is what I get no matter what I type in..
> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to 
> your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near "'C:\Program 
> Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\'" at line 1
> I have tried a couple of variations on the code but still no luck :(
> Emily
> From: Rory 
> To:
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> Date: 11/09/2009 14:45
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Fw: perl migration script help
> Sent by:
> Hi,
> Yes, $HOME_OTRS should be the full path to the OTRS directory. On my
> windows machine this is C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS
> You could either use quotation marks around the entire path e.g.
> source "C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql";
> The perl script should run just fine as you have to have a perl
> interpreter to run otrs in the first place.
> I'm not sure if it will work on Windows tho as I think the upgrade
> scripts were written for Linux based machines.
> Take it easy,
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/11 Emily Flynn 
> >
> > Sorry, just bumping this... really need the help!
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > Hiya,
> >
> > Sorry I'm doing this on an XP box just to test the upgrade process... prod 
> > box is on Windows Server 2003.
> >
> > I am using MySQL Query Browser to run these scripts, I log into it using 
> > root, and then I can browse to the actual SQL script to run that and that 
> > is ok...
> >
> > But as far as the Perl script goes, I don't know what to do with that as 
> > MySQL Query Browser won't run Perl... and I have no Perl experience so am 
> > really not sure how to go about it!
> >
> > On a side... below where you write source 
> > $HOME_OTRS/scripts/DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql; do you mean me to paste that 
> > directly into the browser or do I amend $HOME_OTRS to the actual path, and 
> > if so, what it the best way to write this, i.e, the 'program files' bit?
> >
> > Apologies for my silly questions and thanks.
> >
> > Emily
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sent by:
> >
> > 09/09/2009 17:55
> >
> > Please respond to
> > "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> >
> > To
> > "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> > cc
> > Subject
> > Re: [otrs] perl migration script help
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hey,
> >
> > just login into your mysql as 'root' and then do the following.
> >
> > use otrs;
> >
> > source $HOME_OTRS/scripts/DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql;
> >
> > source $HOME_OTRS/scripts/;
> > Here you´ll get some error´s just ignore them and go on with the following 
> > command.
> >
> > source $HOME_OTRS/scripts/DBUpdate-to-2.4-post.mysql.sql;
> >
> > Then you can quit from mysql and restart the services. Now just login into 
> > your OTRS System with an administrators account, go to the Admin panel and 
> > click on the sysconfig.
> >
> > Have fun ;)
> >
> > Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
> > Markus Moj
> > IT Infrastructure & Services
> >
> > TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH
> > In der Steele 2
> > D-40599 Düsseldorf
> > Tel: +49 211 88 26 80 14
> > Fax: +49 211 88 26 

Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-11 Thread Rory
Actually, it might be in the Somebody else may correct me
but the setting should be in the file as the
values overwrite the values.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/11 Rory :
> Hi Lev,
> If you havn't updated the the to the windows path then do. I
> remember having to make the same change when I was setting up the
> server here.
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/11 Lev Davidovich :
>> I imported the file from my Unix system.
>> It contains definitions of paths as follows
>> Line 745
>>  $Self->{'Home'} = '/opt/otrs';
>> Should I change this to a Windows path. Would that be
>> C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\
>> ??
>> From: Ralf Hildebrandt 
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, 11 September, 2009 16:34:56
>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
>> * Lev Davidovich :
>>> Thanks I tried that and message I get on the command line is
>>> ERROR:  /opt/otrs/RELEASE does not exist! This file is needed by central
>>> system parts of OTRS. the system will not work without this file.
>>> Died at C:\Program Files\Kernel\Config\ line 2143
>> Why is the file missing?
>> I wonder why it would try Unix Paths on a Windows system...
>> --
>> Ralf Hildebrandt
>>   Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
>>   Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
>>   Campus Benjamin Franklin
>>   Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
>>   Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
>> |
>> -
>> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
>> Archive:
>> To unsubscribe:
>> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
>> -
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>> Archive:
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Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-11 Thread Rory
Hi Lev,

If you havn't updated the the to the windows path then do. I
remember having to make the same change when I was setting up the
server here.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/11 Lev Davidovich :
> I imported the file from my Unix system.
> It contains definitions of paths as follows
> Line 745
>  $Self->{'Home'} = '/opt/otrs';
> Should I change this to a Windows path. Would that be
> C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\
> ??
> From: Ralf Hildebrandt 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, 11 September, 2009 16:34:56
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> * Lev Davidovich :
>> Thanks I tried that and message I get on the command line is
>> ERROR:  /opt/otrs/RELEASE does not exist! This file is needed by central
>> system parts of OTRS. the system will not work without this file.
>> Died at C:\Program Files\Kernel\Config\ line 2143
> Why is the file missing?
> I wonder why it would try Unix Paths on a Windows system...
> --
> Ralf Hildebrandt
>   Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
>   Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
>   Campus Benjamin Franklin
>   Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
>   Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
> |
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
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> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
> -
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Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-11 Thread Rory
If you look into the bin directory under your otrs directory you will
find the file otrs.setPassword.
Its a perl file so you need to run it through a perl interpreter i.e.
Strawberry Perl that was installed by the OTRS installer.
Go to the otrs bin directory and try this from the command line;

"c:\Program Files\OTRS\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin\perl.exe"
otrs.setPassword r...@localhost 

That should do it.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/11 Ralf Hildebrandt :
> * Lev Davidovich :
>> thank you - please tell me what the code is for changing the password for 
>> r...@localhost.
> Use otrs/bin/otrs.setPassword to change the password for r...@localhost
> like Michiel said.
> --
> Ralf Hildebrandt
>  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
>  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
>  Campus Benjamin Franklin
>  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
>  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
> |
> -
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Re: [otrs] Fw: perl migration script help

2009-09-11 Thread Rory

Yes, $HOME_OTRS should be the full path to the OTRS directory. On my
windows machine this is C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS
You could either use quotation marks around the entire path e.g.
source "C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql";

The perl script should run just fine as you have to have a perl
interpreter to run otrs in the first place.
I'm not sure if it will work on Windows tho as I think the upgrade
scripts were written for Linux based machines.

Take it easy,

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/11 Emily Flynn 
> Sorry, just bumping this... really need the help!
> Hiya,
> Sorry I'm doing this on an XP box just to test the upgrade process... prod 
> box is on Windows Server 2003.
> I am using MySQL Query Browser to run these scripts, I log into it using 
> root, and then I can browse to the actual SQL script to run that and that is 
> ok...
> But as far as the Perl script goes, I don't know what to do with that as 
> MySQL Query Browser won't run Perl... and I have no Perl experience so am 
> really not sure how to go about it!
> On a side... below where you write source 
> $HOME_OTRS/scripts/DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql; do you mean me to paste that 
> directly into the browser or do I amend $HOME_OTRS to the actual path, and if 
> so, what it the best way to write this, i.e, the 'program files' bit?
> Apologies for my silly questions and thanks.
> Emily
> Sent by:
> 09/09/2009 17:55
> Please respond to
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> To
> "User questions and discussions about OTRS." 
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [otrs] perl migration script help
> Hey,
> just login into your mysql as 'root' and then do the following.
> use otrs;
> source $HOME_OTRS/scripts/DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql;
> source $HOME_OTRS/scripts/;
> Here you´ll get some error´s just ignore them and go on with the following 
> command.
> source $HOME_OTRS/scripts/DBUpdate-to-2.4-post.mysql.sql;
> Then you can quit from mysql and restart the services. Now just login into 
> your OTRS System with an administrators account, go to the Admin panel and 
> click on the sysconfig.
> Have fun ;)
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
> Markus Moj
> IT Infrastructure & Services
> TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH
> In der Steele 2
> D-40599 Düsseldorf
> Tel: +49 211 88 26 80 14
> Fax: +49 211 88 26 70 14
> eMail:
> Geschäftsführer: Jens Thiermann, Gunther Matzaitis
> Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 34489
> Emily Flynn ---09.09.2009 18:48:07---Hello! I am trying to upgrade from 2.3.4 
> to 2.4.3, and I'm a bit lost on what to
> From:
> Emily Flynn 
> To:
> Date:
> 09.09.2009 18:48
> Subject:
> [otrs] perl migration script help
> Sent by:
> Hello!
> I am trying to upgrade from 2.3.4 to 2.4.3, and I'm a bit lost on what to do 
> for running the perl migration script
> I have MySQL Tools installed and so have used MySQL Admin to backup and 
> restore, and MySQL Query Browser to run the first upgrade script 
> (DBUpdate-to-2.4.mysql.sql ). I am not sure how to run the Perl migration 
> script, can someone please give me a couple of pointers?
> Thanks in advance
> Emily-
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Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-11 Thread Rory
1) Yes, its the apache service that you need to stop. You minght also
want to stop the Cron Service as that could also be accessing files
and prevent you from deleting them.
Have a look at the system log in your event viewer to see what the
error is when you try to stop the apache service. If you can't stop
the service its not a big deal, it just one less thing to consider if
something doesn't work.
The commands for stopping and starting services from the command line are;

net stop 
net start 

You can get the service name from looking at the properties of the
service. Its the very first line that you can't edit in the
properties. You might find the runas command useful too, the syntax

runas /user:\ ""

It will then ask you for your password and the command will run as the
user you specified.

2) It doesn't really make much difference whether you copy from the
live or if you extract the fresh download. The only reason I'd suggest
a copy from live is that you have an exact copy of your live system.
But if you havn't made any changes other than the then it
doesn't matter.

3) I'm not sure why you were haveing the problem deleting files from
your home machine. Maybe it was because the apache, mysql and cron
services were running. If you have this trouble again I can tell you
how to change the directory that apache server looks in for your files
so that you can copy/extract the files to a different directory and
still have everything work.

It does sound like your IT department has set you up with permissions
that are almost but not quite administrator.
Try to add a user to the machine yourself and add put them into the
administrator group. That way you're sure to have local administrator
rights. If you can't do that then you don't have full admin rights.

Take it easy,

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/11 Lev Davidovich :
> Thanks a lot Rory - thanks to you and the others the finishing line seems to
> be in sight!
> Just a couple of things to clarify:
> 1) Is it the "Apache" server I am supposed to stop in "Services" of
> "Administrative Tools" of "Control Panel"? I tired to stop it but am given a
> message that I have no access although our IT department was supposed to
> have given me full admin rights on this machine. Is there a way of doing
> this through the command line using my admin password? In any case I have
> asked IT to reexamine my admin rights so they are in the process of doing
> so.
> 2) My base otrs directory seems to be C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS which
> contains all the subdirectories you mention. When you say
> "Now you can copy the same directory from the live server and drop it in
> here."
> Is this better than doing what Michael said which was to download the 2.2.5
> version from the download servers and unzip it in that directory - or is it
> virtually the same thing?
> 3) As a trial run I tried to delete the directories from the copy of OTRS in
> my laptop at home (Windows) but got messages that I could not delete certain
> files like "" - is this likely to happen now and or is that also a
> matter of permissions which should hopefully be sorted out by our IT
> department? And if I do get such messages should I carry on regardless with
> copying everything else over or should I stop and restore the original
> version?
> Thanks so much! :-)
> From: Rory 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Friday, 11 September, 2009 9:23:32
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> I think you can be pretty confident that the dump worked. 93 tables is
> pretty promising.
> You could run a select query on the first 50 tickets in both the live
> and test databases and see that the output is the same.
> SELECT tn,title FROM ticket LIMIT 50;
> That should be enough to confirm that you have the right list of
> tickets loaded. You can always leave out the limit or increase it if
> you want more. In fact if you leave out the limit it will tell you the
> number of rows output at the end. You could do that on both to make
> sure you have the same number of tickets.
> To clear out the files of otrs application firstly make sure your web
> server is stopped then simply remove everything from the base otrs
> directory. For me this is F:\wwwroot\otrs-2.4.1\ on my windows server.
> The sub directories are bin, doc, Kernel, scripts, var. Delete or move
> everything from there.
> Now you can copy the same directory from the live server and drop it in
> here.
> Remember, as Michiel said,
>>Copy from the server

Re: [otrs] FW: Funny Apache Errors..

2009-09-11 Thread Rory
Check the permissions of the directories or the parent directories.
There might be a sticky bit set that sets the owner of any file
created within those directories to be the same as the parent.

The permissions might look something like this;


The t at the end is the sticky bit. The user that apache runs as may
not have permission to access the files if they're created with the
same owner as the parent directory.
To change the behaviour you'll need to change the permissions of the
directory with the sticky bit set.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/11 Doug Hall :
> Further to yesterdays email about it wanting to down load the .pl files, 
> every morning I have to run these commands...
> /opt/otrs/bin/ --otrs-user=otrs --web-user=www-data /opt/otrs
> chmod 777 /opt/otrs/var/tmp/ -R
> chmod 777 /opt/otrs/var/article/ -R
> service apache2 restart
> Any ideas why??
> From: Doug Hall
> Sent: 10 September 2009 11:08
> To: ''
> Subject: Funny Apache Errors..
> OTRS = Good times.! Installed it about 18 months ago, and has been used full 
> on since..
> Database is now 2.2Gb.. The server it WAS on was struggling a little.
> Now I created a monster server with shed loads of space, power and memory..
> Installed Ubuntu 9.04 server, Apache2 with Mod_Perl etc etc.. reinstalled 
> otrs 2.4.4, and move the DB across..
> Now I have these few niggly problems..
> Sometimes, randomly, when browsing to 
> http://helpdesk/otrs/, it attempts to download 
> the .pl file instead..
> Also, I am constantly getting these errors in the apache2 error.log:-
> [Thu Sep 10 10:56:28 2009] -e: Use of uninitialized value in hash element at 
> /opt/otrs//Kernel/Output/HTML/ line 1559
> Millions of them...
> Any help clearing up the niggles will be most appreciated..
> Thanks in advance..
> Doug Hall
> IT Operations Manager
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Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-11 Thread Rory
I think you can be pretty confident that the dump worked. 93 tables is
pretty promising.
You could run a select query on the first 50 tickets in both the live
and test databases and see that the output is the same.

SELECT tn,title FROM ticket LIMIT 50;

That should be enough to confirm that you have the right list of
tickets loaded. You can always leave out the limit or increase it if
you want more. In fact if you leave out the limit it will tell you the
number of rows output at the end. You could do that on both to make
sure you have the same number of tickets.

To clear out the files of otrs application firstly make sure your web
server is stopped then simply remove everything from the base otrs
directory. For me this is F:\wwwroot\otrs-2.4.1\ on my windows server.
The sub directories are bin, doc, Kernel, scripts, var. Delete or move
everything from there.
Now you can copy the same directory from the live server and drop it in here.

Remember, as Michiel said,

>Copy from the server to your Windows box
>but make sure you add the following line to it:
>$Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::DoNotSendEmail';

Once you've done that start up your webserver and try to connect. With
any luck you'll be able to log in straight away with the same username
you use on the live server.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/10 Lev Davidovich :
> Hi Rory the MySQL Dump version is 10.9 and the Create Database line was not
> there in the dump file.
> I created the database named otrs and then imported the dump. I think it has
> worked because when I did a
> 'show tables from otrs'
> query from the command prompt on my test machine  93 tables were displayed.
> How do I test to make sure that the import has worked?
> How do I now go about cleaning the otrs/otrs directory before unzipping the
> 2.2 version there as per Michael's instructions?
> Thannks a lot
> Best
> Lev
> From: Rory 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Thursday, 10 September, 2009 15:24:33
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> Have a look at the otsr.sql file in notepad (or a better text editor
> if you have one).
> I just did a dump from my own otrs DB and this is the start of the file;
> ##
> -- MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 5.1.35, for Win32 (ia32)
> --
> -- Host: localhost    Database: otrs
> -- --
> -- Server version    5.1.35-community-log
> /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
> /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;
> /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
> --
> -- Current Database: `otrs`
> --
> CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `otrs` /*!40100 DEFAULT
> CHARACTER SET utf8 */;
> USE `otrs`;
> --
> -- Table structure for table `article`
> --
> Firstly my version of mysqldump is 10.13 so if you're using an earlier
> version it might do things a little differently.
> Secondly there's the line to CREATE DATABASE `otrs` if it doesn't
> exist. Is this line in your dump?
> If its there it should create the database but maybe its acting up. If
> its not there then you'll have to create the database and then tell
> mysql to use it when you are importing the database i.e.
> mysql -D otrs -u root -p < C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql
> Note: The option to specify the database is -D for the mysql command
> but it is -B for mysqldump. I keep getting those confused.
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/10 Lev Davidovich :
>> Thank you so much Rory.
>> The deletion of the 2.4.4 database and the dump of the live database went
>> pretty smoothly.
>> But I have got stuck trying to import the dump (which is called
>> "otrs.sql").
>> I have gone to the bin directory of the mysql install and typed
>> mysql -u root -p < C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql

Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-10 Thread Rory
Have a look at the otsr.sql file in notepad (or a better text editor
if you have one).
I just did a dump from my own otrs DB and this is the start of the file;

-- MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 5.1.35, for Win32 (ia32)
-- Host: localhostDatabase: otrs
-- --
-- Server version   5.1.35-community-log

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;

-- Current Database: `otrs`

CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `otrs` /*!40100 DEFAULT

USE `otrs`;

-- Table structure for table `article`

Firstly my version of mysqldump is 10.13 so if you're using an earlier
version it might do things a little differently.

Secondly there's the line to CREATE DATABASE `otrs` if it doesn't
exist. Is this line in your dump?
If its there it should create the database but maybe its acting up. If
its not there then you'll have to create the database and then tell
mysql to use it when you are importing the database i.e.

mysql -D otrs -u root -p < C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql

Note: The option to specify the database is -D for the mysql command
but it is -B for mysqldump. I keep getting those confused.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/10 Lev Davidovich :
> Thank you so much Rory.
> The deletion of the 2.4.4 database and the dump of the live database went
> pretty smoothly.
> But I have got stuck trying to import the dump (which is called "otrs.sql").
> I have gone to the bin directory of the mysql install and typed
> mysql -u root -p < C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql
> was asked for and typed my password and got message "Error - no database
> selected".
> So then I typed
> mysql -u root -p otrs< C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql
> was asked for and typed my password and got message "Error - unknown
> database 'otrs' ".
> Do I need to create a database called otrs first and then import the dump
> into it?
> Thanks a lot
> Lev
> From: Rory 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 15:48:30
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> If I remember correctly, you access mysql  from the command line i.e.
> mysql -u root -p
> Once you've done that type,
> show databases;
> This will give you a list of databases in your database server. Pick
> the otrs one (I think its just called otrs)
> Type in,
> drop database otrs;
> This will delete your otrs database.
> Once that is done go to your live server.
> At the command line type (again check the database name first),
> mysqldump -B otrs -u root -p > otrsdump.sql
> This will dump your otrs database to the file otrsdump.sql. The nice
> think about the dump file is that it is full of sql commands to
> recreate your database. So you simply need to run it through mysql on
> your test server to recreate your database.
> So copy the otrsdump.sql file to your test server.
> Now at the command line of your test server type,
> mysql -u root -p < otrsdump.sql
> The -p option to the mysql and mysqldump commands means you're using a
> password. If the -p is followed by a space it will ask you for the
> password on the next line so you can't see it written on the command
> line for security.
> The mysql and mysqldump commands may not be in your path. In that case
> change to the bin directory of the mysql install and run the command
> from there using the absolute path for the output/input file.
> Let us know how you get on with that.
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/9 Lev Davidovich :
>> "What you could do is download the latest version of the Windows
>> installer of OTRS, drop the mysql database, and load your backup
>> database from live, clean the /otrs/otrs directory and unzip the 2.2
>> version you would like to use there."
>> Please explain to me in more detail how to "

Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-09 Thread Rory
If I remember correctly, you access mysql  from the command line i.e.
mysql -u root -p
Once you've done that type,
show databases;
This will give you a list of databases in your database server. Pick
the otrs one (I think its just called otrs)
Type in,
drop database otrs;
This will delete your otrs database.

Once that is done go to your live server.
At the command line type (again check the database name first),
mysqldump -B otrs -u root -p > otrsdump.sql

This will dump your otrs database to the file otrsdump.sql. The nice
think about the dump file is that it is full of sql commands to
recreate your database. So you simply need to run it through mysql on
your test server to recreate your database.
So copy the otrsdump.sql file to your test server.

Now at the command line of your test server type,
mysql -u root -p < otrsdump.sql

The -p option to the mysql and mysqldump commands means you're using a
password. If the -p is followed by a space it will ask you for the
password on the next line so you can't see it written on the command
line for security.
The mysql and mysqldump commands may not be in your path. In that case
change to the bin directory of the mysql install and run the command
from there using the absolute path for the output/input file.

Let us know how you get on with that.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/9 Lev Davidovich :
> "What you could do is download the latest version of the Windows
> installer of OTRS, drop the mysql database, and load your backup
> database from live, clean the /otrs/otrs directory and unzip the 2.2
> version you would like to use there."
> Please explain to me in more detail how to "drop the mysql database, and
> load your backup database from live".
> Is this something I do after the installation, or during it?
> Thank you
> From: Michiel Beijen 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 11:12:31
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> Lev,
> Yes, there are no longer windows INSTALLERS of 2.2 otrs available,
> because of issues with one of the bundled components.
> On the download servers you can download every source version back to 0.5
> beta!
> []
> What you could do is download the latest version of the Windows
> installer of OTRS, drop the mysql database, and load your backup
> database from live, clean the /otrs/otrs directory and unzip the 2.2
> version you would like to use there.
> Copy from the server to your Windows box
> but make sure you add the following line to it:
> $Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::DoNotSendEmail';
> this because your copy system will not be sending escalations out for
> tickets that are long closed on live ;-)
> (available since otrs 2.2.6)
> and you should probably also look into how OTRS fetches mails from the
> server on your live system. If you use pop or imap as defined in the
> Admin web user interface, you might want to edit crontab to NOT run
> Regards,
> MIchiel
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Lev Davidovich
> wrote:
>> Thanks Michael. I am inclined to go down the VMWare route that both you
>> and
>> Rory and others suggest but I am not having much luck convincing the
>> decision makers here!
>> The consensus seems to be that it is OK as a long term project but that in
>> the short term what we need is a quick database dump followed by import
>> into
>> a copy of OTRS running on Windows.
>> Just to be clear about what you are saying -
>> are you saying it is no longer possible to download  versions of OTRS
>> earlier than 2.3 x and install them on Windows? Or is it only AUTOMATIC
>> installers that it is no longer possible to download?
>> Where can I find an automatic installer for version 2.3 x?
>> I could still download version 2.2.5 from and
>> install it manually (using the instructions that Afshar Mohebbi has posted
>> )
>> - is that correct?
>> Thank you
>> From: Michiel Beijen 
>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
>> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 10:36:46
>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
>> Hi Lev,
>> Due to licensing issues there are no longer old Windows installers
>> earlier than 2.3.x available for download.
>> Afshar Mohebbi has posted instructions for setting up OTRS o

Re: [otrs] OTRS Training.

2009-09-09 Thread Rory
Nice. I wish I'd had that to hand when I was doing my initial setup on windows.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/9 Shawn Beasley :
> Dear List (in case not known),
> In order to help answer some of the daily questions that are found in the
> lists. I have taken it upon myself to do some demonstrations of everyday
> tasks. These are free to watch, download, and criticizes ;) Please have fun
> watching.
> --
> Shawn Beasley
> Computers make work that one would  not have without them  go faster!
> -
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> Archive:
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OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine

2009-09-09 Thread Rory
Hi Lev,

I manually installed OTRS on Windows Server 2003 about a month or
maybe 2 ago. It was tricky (Mainly because I used IIS and not apache)
but it works. So I'd recommend that you try the manual install first
to get the same version running on your test machine. Ask whatever
questions you need and you should be able to get the answers here.

Afshar's guide may not be much help to you as he uses Vista, IIS 7 and
MS SQL. I would advise you read it tho as it might help you think of
questions you need answered.

First off, install Mysql on the test machine. Try to get the same
version as the live server.
Second install active state perl (there's also a program called
Strawberry Perl which might work) I think I used active state perl.
Third install Apache, again, same version as your live server. You'll
need apache to recognise the perl interpreter so look up how to  add a
perl module to your apache config. This will probably be on both the
activestate website and the apache website.
Thirdly extract the otrs-2.2.5.tar.gz into the htdocs folder of your
apache folder.

Try navigating to the setup file, I think its the /bin/cgi-bin/ file

I had to add a bunch of extra stuff for Perl from CPAN to get it
running so don't be worried when it doesn't run properly at first.
(when you've installed activestate perl and the install directory is
in your path just type ppm at the command line)


Just reading Michiel mail. His approach may be better by using the
installer and then changing the DB and OTRS distributed files.
You will have different versions of apache and mysql is the only difference.

Let us know how you get on.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/9 Lev Davidovich :
> Thanks Michael. I am inclined to go down the VMWare route that both you and
> Rory and others suggest but I am not having much luck convincing the
> decision makers here!
> The consensus seems to be that it is OK as a long term project but that in
> the short term what we need is a quick database dump followed by import into
> a copy of OTRS running on Windows.
> Just to be clear about what you are saying -
> are you saying it is no longer possible to download  versions of OTRS
> earlier than 2.3 x and install them on Windows? Or is it only AUTOMATIC
> installers that it is no longer possible to download?
> Where can I find an automatic installer for version 2.3 x?
> I could still download version 2.2.5 from and
> install it manually (using the instructions that Afshar Mohebbi has posted )
> - is that correct?
> Thank you
> From: Michiel Beijen 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 10:36:46
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> Hi Lev,
> Due to licensing issues there are no longer old Windows installers
> earlier than 2.3.x available for download.
> Afshar Mohebbi has posted instructions for setting up OTRS on Windows;
> (but this is with Microsoft SQL Server, you should just install MySQL
> instead)
> I guess it would be good to also have instructions for manual
> installation on Windows...
> Depending on your situation you could also install VMWare on your XP
> workstation with linux, just as on your server. Then you would have a
> real test environment; which you can also use to test out upgrades or
> so.
> VMWare Server is available at no charge. VMWare workstation costs a
> little more but has lots of good features.
> Myself, I use VMWare server ;-)
> Regards,
> Michiel.
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Lev Davidovich
> wrote:
>> Hi I want to install OTRS 2.2.5 on a Windows XP test machine as that is
>> the
>> version we have on the live server.
>> The automatic installer on the following page
>> is only for the latest version.
>> Is there an automatic installer I can find for installing 2.2 on Windows?
>> Rory was kind enough to point out the following page with downloads of
>> earlier versions
>> but downloading 2.2.5 from here would require a manual install on Windows.
>> I can't seem to find instructions to manually install version 2.2 on
>> Windows.
>> I have, however, found instructions to manually install version 1.3 on
>> Windows on the following page.
>> Is there a page with similar inst

Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS

2009-09-08 Thread Rory
Yes, it would still be best to install version 2.2.5 because you will
still learn some things about upgrading from this version even if it
is a different OS.
If you have the same version software on each machine (mysql, apache
and otrs) you minimise the impact that the different OS will have.
There may still be some problems though.

You should consider the VMware approach. Its a lot of extra work but
cant give you a great test environment that you can reset again and

VMware Server 2 is free and (in case you don't know about it) will let
you install linux on your windows XP machine.
Have a look at some of the VMware Server documentation and see if you
can get your head around the idea of how it sits together.
If you did this you could have your linux install without having to
get involved with what IT support.

A linux install is a little daunting if its the first time you've done
it but its not that difficult.
If you want to go down that road then feel free to keep asking your
linux questions in this thread and I'll answer what I can.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/8 Lev Davidovich :
> Thanks a lot Rory and Stephan.
> My test machine is Windows and live is Linux.
> I am afraid it is not an option to install Linux on the test machine as it
> is not supported by our IT department.
> Do you still think I should install the same version of OTRS as live (2.2.5)
> on the test machine?
> From: Stephan Lang 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Tuesday, 8 September, 2009 14:32:50
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
> Hi,
> I'd like to use VMware to test stuff.
> In this case you could use VMware Converter to create a virtual copy of your
> live server, but I haven't tried doing that with a Linux OS (what's your
> live server OS btw.?).
> With the live server duplicated and VMware snapshots you can test until
> everything works and by pretty sure that the live server will act the same
> way.
> Yours sincerely
> p.p. Stephan Lang
> System Administrator
> OTRS: 2.4.4 (rpm) and FAQ 1.6.4
> OS: openSUSE 10.3 no X
> DB: MySQL 5.0.45
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of Rory
> Sent: Dienstag, 8. September 2009 15:22
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
> The link,
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/8 Rory :
>> You can get the older versions from the FTP.
>> If I remember you can do the install from the tar.gz file on windows.
>> Rory
>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>> 2009/9/8 Lev Davidovich :
>>> Actually I will be required to make a fresh install of OTRS on the
>>> test machine ( a new Windows XP machine).
>>> Is it possible to install the same version of OTRS (2.2.5) as the
>>> live version? All that seems available on the download page
>>> ( is the latest version (2.4.4).
>>> From: Rory 
>>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
>>> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2009 16:05:30
>>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of
>>> OTRS
>>> Hi Lev,
>>> I would suggest that you rebuild the test machine to the same version
>>> as your production machine. Once done, dump the live database and
>>> then import it to the test DB and copy over your configuration. Once
>>> this is in place perform the upgrade procedure on the test machine
>>> taking note of any steps you needed to do that were out of the
>>> ordinary. It would be a good idea to isolate the machine on the
>>> network so that you don't send out test spam to your clients as Lars
>>> said. You could do that at the firewall or simply have a private
>>> network between your machine and the server.
>>> Once you successfully complete the update process on your test box
>>> you have your upgrade path. You can now be confident that you can
>>> successfully upgrade your production server.
>>> Once you have upgrade the production server to the same level as the
>>> test serve

Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS

2009-09-08 Thread Rory
The link,


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/8 Rory :
> You can get the older versions from the FTP.
> If I remember you can do the install from the tar.gz file on windows.
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/8 Lev Davidovich :
>> Actually I will be required to make a fresh install of OTRS on the test
>> machine ( a new Windows XP machine).
>> Is it possible to install the same version of OTRS (2.2.5) as the live
>> version? All that seems available on the download page
>> ( is the latest version (2.4.4).
>> From: Rory 
>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
>> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2009 16:05:30
>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
>> Hi Lev,
>> I would suggest that you rebuild the test machine to the same version
>> as your production machine. Once done, dump the live database and then
>> import it to the test DB and copy over your configuration. Once this
>> is in place perform the upgrade procedure on the test machine taking
>> note of any steps you needed to do that were out of the ordinary. It
>> would be a good idea to isolate the machine on the network so that you
>> don't send out test spam to your clients as Lars said. You could do
>> that at the firewall or simply have a private network between your
>> machine and the server.
>> Once you successfully complete the update process on your test box you
>> have your upgrade path. You can now be confident that you can
>> successfully upgrade your production server.
>> Once you have upgrade the production server to the same level as the
>> test server you are in a position to do some reliable backups, you
>> could even swap the servers if needed.
>> For the DB backup, mysqldump is a very good tool but you will have
>> trouble if you try to use it the way you've described. You would have
>> to edit the dump file and delete all the data in the live database
>> after each backup. I can see it being very laborious.
>> What you could do is this;
>> 1. Create a second database on the test server i.e. otrs2
>> 2. Dump the current live database to the otrs2 database.
>> 3. Clear out the live database.
>> 4. Perform future dumps to the first test database.
>> This way you will have a current backup of the production server and a
>> historical backup of the database that you can connect to if you need
>> to.
>> When the performance of the production server is degraded again you
>> could create a 3rd database on the test server and repeat the above
>> steps with it. This would leave you with a current production backup
>> and 2 historical backups.
>> Its not a nice way of doing things but it would do what you were looking
>> for.
>> There's always the alternative of getting new hardware to run the
>> production server on :)
>> I hope that helps,
>> Rory Clerkin
>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>> 2009/9/7 Lev Davidovich :
>>> I see.
>>> So there is no way to, say, dump the data, import the dump into the
>>> backup,
>>> delete the backed up data from the live system and then import only the
>>> new
>>> data into the backup a few months later?
>>> From: Lars Monsees 
>>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
>>> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2009 14:49:26
>>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
>>> Hi Lev,
>>>> Why is it not a good idea to do a dump every few months? Is it because
>>>> the whole process is very time consuming? Or are there too many risks
>>>> attached?
>>> depending on the size of your DB, it can be very time consuming.
>>>> Where can I find more information about replication?
>>> Lars
>>> -
>>> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
>>> Archive: http://lis

Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS

2009-09-08 Thread Rory
You can get the older versions from the FTP.
If I remember you can do the install from the tar.gz file on windows.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/8 Lev Davidovich :
> Actually I will be required to make a fresh install of OTRS on the test
> machine ( a new Windows XP machine).
> Is it possible to install the same version of OTRS (2.2.5) as the live
> version? All that seems available on the download page
> ( is the latest version (2.4.4).
> ____
> From: Rory 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2009 16:05:30
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
> Hi Lev,
> I would suggest that you rebuild the test machine to the same version
> as your production machine. Once done, dump the live database and then
> import it to the test DB and copy over your configuration. Once this
> is in place perform the upgrade procedure on the test machine taking
> note of any steps you needed to do that were out of the ordinary. It
> would be a good idea to isolate the machine on the network so that you
> don't send out test spam to your clients as Lars said. You could do
> that at the firewall or simply have a private network between your
> machine and the server.
> Once you successfully complete the update process on your test box you
> have your upgrade path. You can now be confident that you can
> successfully upgrade your production server.
> Once you have upgrade the production server to the same level as the
> test server you are in a position to do some reliable backups, you
> could even swap the servers if needed.
> For the DB backup, mysqldump is a very good tool but you will have
> trouble if you try to use it the way you've described. You would have
> to edit the dump file and delete all the data in the live database
> after each backup. I can see it being very laborious.
> What you could do is this;
> 1. Create a second database on the test server i.e. otrs2
> 2. Dump the current live database to the otrs2 database.
> 3. Clear out the live database.
> 4. Perform future dumps to the first test database.
> This way you will have a current backup of the production server and a
> historical backup of the database that you can connect to if you need
> to.
> When the performance of the production server is degraded again you
> could create a 3rd database on the test server and repeat the above
> steps with it. This would leave you with a current production backup
> and 2 historical backups.
> Its not a nice way of doing things but it would do what you were looking
> for.
> There's always the alternative of getting new hardware to run the
> production server on :)
> I hope that helps,
> Rory Clerkin
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/7 Lev Davidovich :
>> I see.
>> So there is no way to, say, dump the data, import the dump into the
>> backup,
>> delete the backed up data from the live system and then import only the
>> new
>> data into the backup a few months later?
>> From: Lars Monsees 
>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
>> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2009 14:49:26
>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
>> Hi Lev,
>>> Why is it not a good idea to do a dump every few months? Is it because
>>> the whole process is very time consuming? Or are there too many risks
>>> attached?
>> depending on the size of your DB, it can be very time consuming.
>>> Where can I find more information about replication?
>> Lars
>> -
>> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
>> Archive:
>> To unsubscribe:
>> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
>> -
>> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
>> Archive:
>> To unsubscribe:
>> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
>> ht

Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS

2009-09-08 Thread Rory
Hi Lev,

I've added some comments below

2009/9/8 Lev Davidovich :
> Thanks Rory (and Lars) - that is brilliant - it achieves the main objective
> (clearing out the live database while having an archive backed up)!
> I have some questions:
> 1) My test machine is Windows and live is Apache - is that going to create
> any problems?

I'm a little confused, do you mean IIS and Apache or Windows and
Linux. Either way there could be a problem here. When you perform the
upgrade on the test machine you don't know if it will work the same on
the live machine. If both machines have the same OS then you should
set up the test machine using apache too.
I know it could be a pain but if you have a different OS on the test
machine I would recommend you rebuild it with the same OS if you can.

> 2) My live version of OTRS is 2.2.5 and my test version is 2.3.3. So I
> should install 2.2.5 on my test machine prior to importing the database
> dump?

Yes that would be best approach. It would be a good idea to to make
sure that the database is the same version for both the live and test
too. This probably wouldn't cause a big problem as your live version
is quite recent but its best to do it so you can be prepared for any
unwelcome surprises.

> 3) You said “There's always the alternative of getting new hardware to run
> the production server on :)”. What did you mean by this?

I meant you could buy a new server or maybe a new harddrive and move
the database onto the new harddrive. Have you money to spend? :)

> 4) I like the idea of having more than one database in the archive. But what
> about, say, a ticket which was closed before a dump and then reopened after
> it, or the tickets which are still open when the moment arrives for the live
> database to be cleared out? How do we archive such tickets?

This is the tricky bit and I'm not quite sure what the best approach
would be. You'll need to research what is possible with mysqldump.
Maybe you can dump after a certain date only i.e. dump everything
older than 1 month. I don't know if that is possible though.
It would be a good idea to research the different backup methods for
mysql. There is a lot of learning to be done here but it is the kind
of thing that you can use with every mysql database you ever work with
so it is valuable to do.

For open tickets at the time of the archive  you could use a
generic agent to close all tickets 1 month or older (that would be
very old if you're working in an IT department). Then you could dump
everything in the database older than 1 month.

For tickets that are reopened after the dump  If the ticket was
closed and the user send wants to open the ticket again it could be ok
to open a new ticket, the original was closed after all. You could
always put in a brief description of what happened in the previous
ticket, add its ticket number too if you have it, and note that it had
been backed up.
I can't see any ideal solution here tho.

I hope that helps,

> Many thanks again for your kind support.
> Lev
> From: Rory 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2009 16:05:30
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
> Hi Lev,
> I would suggest that you rebuild the test machine to the same version
> as your production machine. Once done, dump the live database and then
> import it to the test DB and copy over your configuration. Once this
> is in place perform the upgrade procedure on the test machine taking
> note of any steps you needed to do that were out of the ordinary. It
> would be a good idea to isolate the machine on the network so that you
> don't send out test spam to your clients as Lars said. You could do
> that at the firewall or simply have a private network between your
> machine and the server.
> Once you successfully complete the update process on your test box you
> have your upgrade path. You can now be confident that you can
> successfully upgrade your production server.
> Once you have upgrade the production server to the same level as the
> test server you are in a position to do some reliable backups, you
> could even swap the servers if needed.
> For the DB backup, mysqldump is a very good tool but you will have
> trouble if you try to use it the way you've described. You would have
> to edit the dump file and delete all the data in the live database
> after each backup. I can see it being very laborious.
> What you could do is this;
> 1. Create a second database on the test server i.e. otrs2
> 2. Dump the current live database to the 

Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS

2009-09-07 Thread Rory
Hi Lev,

I would suggest that you rebuild the test machine to the same version
as your production machine. Once done, dump the live database and then
import it to the test DB and copy over your configuration. Once this
is in place perform the upgrade procedure on the test machine taking
note of any steps you needed to do that were out of the ordinary. It
would be a good idea to isolate the machine on the network so that you
don't send out test spam to your clients as Lars said. You could do
that at the firewall or simply have a private network between your
machine and the server.

Once you successfully complete the update process on your test box you
have your upgrade path. You can now be confident that you can
successfully upgrade your production server.
Once you have upgrade the production server to the same level as the
test server you are in a position to do some reliable backups, you
could even swap the servers if needed.

For the DB backup, mysqldump is a very good tool but you will have
trouble if you try to use it the way you've described. You would have
to edit the dump file and delete all the data in the live database
after each backup. I can see it being very laborious.

What you could do is this;

1. Create a second database on the test server i.e. otrs2
2. Dump the current live database to the otrs2 database.
3. Clear out the live database.
4. Perform future dumps to the first test database.

This way you will have a current backup of the production server and a
historical backup of the database that you can connect to if you need
When the performance of the production server is degraded again you
could create a 3rd database on the test server and repeat the above
steps with it. This would leave you with a current production backup
and 2 historical backups.

Its not a nice way of doing things but it would do what you were looking for.
There's always the alternative of getting new hardware to run the
production server on :)

I hope that helps,
Rory Clerkin

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/9/7 Lev Davidovich :
> I see.
> So there is no way to, say, dump the data, import the dump into the backup,
> delete the backed up data from the live system and then import only the new
> data into the backup a few months later?
> From: Lars Monsees 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2009 14:49:26
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Move data from live server to local version of OTRS
> Hi Lev,
>> Why is it not a good idea to do a dump every few months? Is it because
>> the whole process is very time consuming? Or are there too many risks
>> attached?
> depending on the size of your DB, it can be very time consuming.
>> Where can I find more information about replication?
> Lars
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
To unsubscribe:


Re: [otrs] Using LDAP and DB Customer Backend and Authentification

2009-08-26 Thread Rory
Hi Stephan,

> When switching the positions in the having DB at the end, the DB 
> Customer login works

This result gives the impression that whichever AuthModule is second
in the config is overwriting settings from the first AuthModule.
It might be worth comparing the 2 parts of the config side by side.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/26 savitra sirohi :
> Stephan,
> I think you need to make sure the configurations for ldap and db can
> be identified uniquely, you could add a suffix to all lines, something
> like this below.
> Thanks,
> Savitra Sirohi
> Nucsoft OSS Labs
> #Enable DB authentication for Customers / Users
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule1'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::DB';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::DB::Table1'} = 'customer_user';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::DB::CustomerKey1'} = 'login';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::DB::CustomerPassword1'} = 'pw';
>>     #CustomerUser DB
>>     #(customer user ldap backend and settings)
>>     $Self->{CustomerUse1r} = {
> For LDAP
>>     #Enable LDAP authentication for Customers / Users
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule2'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host2'} = 'bockw2k8dc1.bock.lan';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN2'} = 'ou=
>> structur,dc=bock,dc=lan';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID2'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>>     #The following is valid but would only be necessary if the
>>     #anonymous user do NOT have permission to read from the LDAP tree
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN2'} = 'domain\user';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw2'} = 'password';
>>     #CustomerUser1 LDAP
>>     #(customer user ldap backend and settings)
>>     $Self->{CustomerUser2} = {
> On 8/26/09, Stephan Lang  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That's what I'm having in the for testing:
>>     #  #
>>     # Config for Costumer DB Backend and Auth SL 240809    #
>>     #  #
>>     #Enable DB authentication for Customers / Users
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::DB';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::DB::Table'} = 'customer_user';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::DB::CustomerKey'} = 'login';
>>     $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::DB::CustomerPassword'} = 'pw';
>>     #CustomerUser DB
>>     #(customer user ldap backend and settings)
>>     $Self->{CustomerUser} = {
>>       Name => 'Datenbank',
>>       Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::DB',
>>       Params => {
>>          Table => 'customer_user',
>>       },
>>     # customer unique id
>>     CustomerKey => 'login',
>>     # customer #
>>     CustomerID => 'customer_id',
>>       CustomerValid => 'valid_id',
>>     CustomerUserListFields => ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'],
>>     CustomerUserSearchFields => ['login', 'first_name', 'last_name',
>> 'email'],
>>     CustomerUserSearchPrefix => '',
>>     CustomerUserSearchSuffix => '*',
>>     CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 250,
>>     CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['email'],
>>     CustomerUserNameFields => ['first_name', 'last_name'],
>>       CustomerUserEmailUniqCheck => 1,
>>     Map => [
>>        # note: Login, Email and CustomerID needed!
>>        # var, frontend, storage, shown (1=always,2=lite), required,
>> storage-type, http-127
>>        [ 'UserSalutation', 'Salutation', 'salutation', 1, 0, 'var', '', 0 ],
>>        [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'first_name', 1, 1, 'var', '', 0 ],
>>        [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'last_name', 1, 1, 'v

Re: [otrs] users vs "customer users"

2009-08-19 Thread Rory
In my point of view Agent Users  are representatives of the company
and Customer Users are not.
Have a look at the demo system on the otrs website to get a feel for
what the customer user interface is like,

Otrs can be used right across the company. Give each department its
own queue and assign members of those departments to the groups of the
queues. Now when a user from the Marketing department logs in to the
Agent interface they'll see their Marketing queue.
Now, when you get a request to your IT support queue that's more
marketings remit you can add a note to it and then move it to the
Marketing queue and they can add details and reassign it as necessary.

I don't think customer users can manipulate a ticket like this, I
think they can only add updates to it, but I'm not sure as I don't use
the customer users.

I hope that helps,
Rory Clerkin

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/19 Alan McKay :
> Hey folks,
> I've got perhaps a bit of unique situation.
> I'm the head of the IT team in our small company with about 20
> employees, and I plan to use OTRS for internal requests from the
> people that our team supports.  For this I have a queue "Internal
> Support" and an email address
> But I also plan to use it for our external customers, with a queue
> "External Support" and email
> So I want to set up accounts for everyone in the company, and I'm
> thinking they should all be "Users" and not "Customer Users".  Even
> though they will be MY customers for the tickets the open into my IT
> group.  However, any tickets coming in from external customers may end
> up getting assigned to just about any of them.  So this seems to make
> sense to me.
> Only, I don't really know what the differences are "under the hood"
> between "User" and "Customer User"
> Does anyone forsee a problem with this?
> thanks,
> -Alan
> --
> “Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV”
>         - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
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Re: [otrs] Software error message "Invalid argument at /opt/otrs/bi n/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 83, line 4."

2009-08-18 Thread Rory
This is just a guess but it may have had something to do with the fact that
32000 is not a multiple of 1024. 32 * 1024 = 32768
Again, just a guess.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/18 Lev Davidovich 

> Thank you Shawn -following your hint I added the line
> "$Self-{'LogSystemCacheSize'} = 4*1024;"
> which I copied from Config/
> # system log cache size for admin system log (default 4k)
> # Note: use bin/ before you change this
> # $Self->{'LogSystemCacheSize'} = 4*1024;
> to and OTRS is back - thank you so much !! :-)
> As you can see the relevant line is commented out in and there
> is a note to use bin/ before changing the parameter - can anyone
> shed any further light on this. And yes - on why the whole system came
> crashing down when all I did originally was change the parameter in the
> Admin sysconfig from 4096 to 32000???!!
>  --
> *From:* Lev Davidovich 
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 18 August, 2009 10:09:33
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] Software error message "Invalid argument at
> /opt/otrs/bi n/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 83,  line
> 4."
>  Dear Shawn
> In response to your point on the "SSH" thread, re: why I want to change the
> Kernel/Config/Files/ file, I will refer you to the following
> threads:
> 1)  "Software error message "Invalid argument at /opt/otrs/bi
> n/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 83,  line 4",
> 2)  “remove the shared memory segment and rebooting OTRS” and
> 3)  “System Log”.
> To briefly recap, I changed the value of the "LogSystemCacheSize" parameter
> in the “Core::Log” sub-group of the Framework group of Sysconfig in the
> Admin interface from 4096 to 32000. I was told on this forum that this would
> allow me to see more of my system log. Ever since then, we have been unable
> to log in to OTRS and are confronted with the above error message ("Software
> error message "Invalid argument at /opt/otrs/bi
> n/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 83,  line 4", ) whenever
> we try to.
> LQ Marshall then pointed out that admin control panel changes are stored in
> the “” file so if I could remove the line in the file relating to
> the LogSystemCacheSize change I might be able to have OTRS working again.
> I decided to test this on the native version of OTRS on my Windows PC. I
> changed the value of the LogModule::LogFile::Date: parameter from “no” to
> “yes”, updated Sysconfig and logged out of OTRS. I then logged in to OTRS to
> check that the parameter was now “Yes” and indeed it was. I logged out
> again. I then went into “Kernel/Config/Files/” and commented out
> the line “$Self->{'LogModule::LogFile::Date'} =  '1';”. I saved the file,
> closed it and logged back into OTRS. I went into the “Core:Log” subgroup of
> the Framework group of the Sysconfig in the Admin interface and, sure
> enough, the LogModule::LogFile::Date: parameter had reverted back to “No”.
> So clearly editing out the change made in Sysconfig from the  “”
> file DID cause that parameter to revert to the default defined in the
> “” file.
> Now are you saying that this is not going to work for the
> "LogSystemCacheSize" parameter in the version of OTRS (2.3) on our Apache
> server, once I have been able to SSH the changes to the “” file?
>  If so, please inform me how to make the changes I need to Kernel/
> and I will be forever grateful to you.
> Best
> Lev
> From: Lev Davidovich 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Monday, 17 August, 2009 9:49:03
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Software error message "Invalid argument at
> /opt/otrs/bi n/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 83,  line
> 4."
> Thanks.
> Do you mean  I should download the file, edit the downloaded file using an
> editor, and then upload the file using SSH from the command line (or do I
> need an SSH client)?
> From: Michiel Beijen 
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. 
> Sent: Monday, 17 August, 2009 8:59:50
> Subject: Re: [otrs] S

Re: [otrs] SSH

2009-08-17 Thread Rory
You should do stand up. You'd be a cult hit :)

2009/8/17 Lars Monsees 

> nice list, only I would propose "less" instead of "more" =)
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
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Re: [otrs] SSH

2009-08-17 Thread Rory
You might be on a steep learning curve here so I'm gonna give you a quick
run down on some stuff which might help you on your way into linux. Forgive
me if I've misinterpreted your linux/unix ability but you seem to be very
new to this.

SSH is a connection method, it stands for Secure SHell.
To connect to a server using ssh it first has to be able to accept ssh
First thing to do is open the command line on your linux server that OTRS is
on (I assume you have a keyboard and monitor directly connected). Run this
command to see if the ssh daemon is running;

ps -ef | grep sshd

If you only get one line back you've probably just found your own search for
sshd. You should get 2 lines back. One for "grep sshd" and one for "sshd".
A daemon is a service that runs in the background waiting for things to
happen that it can respond to. The ssh daemon is what waits for ssh
connections and its called sshd.
I'll explain the command above as it might help you in future to know this

"ps -ef" lists all the processes running on your server. Its a big list so
we usually want to search through it for the specific process we're
interested in. "ps" is the program and "-ef" are options

"grep sshd" searches for the string sshd. Grep is a pattern matching program
which can search through files and input data for a paticular string of
text. In this case we're using the output of the ps program as the input for
the grep program.

Which brings us to the pipe symbol.
The pipe symbol "|" is used to take the output of one program and use it as
input in another program. You take the output from the command on the left
of the symbol and use that as the input for the command on the right of the
symbol. (On my keyboard the pipe is down by the "z" key but its sometimes up
by the number 1 key or over by the return key).

These 3 things, ps, grep and pipe, are individually and collectively some of
the most used commands in a unix system. Other useful commands are;

more - This displays a file one screen at a time, space for another screen
full, q to quit.
cat - displays a fail all at once
head - the first 10 lines of a file
tail - the last 10 lines of a file (good for checking last entries ina log
file for example)
vim - a mode based text editor. You are either in insert mode or not. In
insert mode you can edit the file, if you're not in insert mode you can
search through it for particular pieces of text. Press i to enter insert
mode, press Esc to exit insert mode.
man - a program for displaying the manual of a program. Typing in "man more"
will tell you how to use the more program.

That should get you on your feet as far as working with basic text files in
a unix system.

Good luck!

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/17 Lars Monsees 

> > Is SSH the only way of making changes to the
> > Kernel/Config/Files/ file? Or are there other connection
> > methods I can try?
> SSH should be the best way, but I guess you will need to learn a little bit
> about Linux systems.
> Editing with vim is not that easy for a beginner, so check the man pages =)
> As Michiel wrote, you should ask further questions that are not OTRS
> related in a Linux forum.
> Lars
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
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Re: [otrs] LDAP tls authentication Fun

2009-08-07 Thread Rory
Another question about the group sync.
What is the AccessAttr and what are the possible parameters?

 $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'memberUid';

Is the parameter for this setting an ldap attribute?


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/7 Rory :
> Nuts, hit send too early.
> So I've added the following to the config;
>   # Sync LDAP group to role in OTRS
>   # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
>   $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition'} = {
>       # ldap group
>       'CN=IT,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=Departments' => {
>               # otrs role
>               'r_IT' => 1,
>       },
>   };
> I prefix  all my roles in otrs with r_ to try to keep things clear
> (group with g_ too)
> Does the ldap group use the baseDN specified in the Agent LDAP Auth config
> Do I need to use the attributes specified for  group syncs when syncing roles?
> i.e.
>    # Attributes needed for group syncs
>    # (attribute name for group value key)
> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'memberUid';
>    # (attribute for type of group content UID/DN for full ldap name)
> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'UID';
> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/8/7 Rory :
>> Hi Michiel,
>> Thanks for the info. I'm trying to use the SyncRolesDefinition and
>> I've added the following to the config;
>>    # Sync LDAP group to role in OTRS
>>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
>>    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition'} = {
>>        # ldap group
>>        'CN=IT,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=Departments' => {
>>                # otrs role
>>                'r_IT' => 1,
>>        },
>>    };
>> I prefix  all my roles in otrs with r_ to try to keep things clear
>> (group with g_ too)
>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>> 2009/8/7 Michiel Beijen :
>>> Hi Rory and Mauricio,
>>> Let me first state that if you have configured the AuthSyncModule the
>>> OTRS will sync agent data every time a user logs in to OTRS. If you'd
>>> change the user properties in active directory; they would be updated
>>> in OTRS as soon as the agent logs in.
>>> And of course, if the account is disabled in the AD, the user will not
>>> be able to log in to OTRS.
>>> the UserSyncInitialGroups can be used to define a standard group for
>>> every user from a certain source. For instance, you could define it so
>>> that every LDAP user is automatically put in the groups Users and FAQ.
>>> If you would like to manage your OTRS groups from your LDAP source,
>>> that is also possible. Please look into the file, under
>>> UserSyncGroupsDefinition: modify, unquote and put into your
>>> Regards,
>>> Michiel
>>>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition
>>>    # (If "LDAP" was selected for AuthModule and you want to sync LDAP
>>>    # groups to otrs groups, define the following.)
>>> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition'} = {
>>> #        # ldap group
>>> #        'cn=agent,o=otrs' => {
>>> #            # otrs group
>>> #            'admin' => {
>>> #                # permission
>>> #                rw => 1,
>>> #                ro => 1,
>>> #            },
>>> #            'faq' => {
>>> #                rw => 0,
>>> #                ro => 1,
>>> #            },
>>> #        },
>>> #        'cn=agent2,o=otrs' => {
>>> #            'users' => {
>>> #                rw => 1,
>>> #                ro => 1,
>>> #            },
>>> #        }
>>> #    };
>>>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
>>>    # (If "LDAP" was selected for AuthModule and you want to sync LDAP
>>>    # groups to otrs roles

Re: [otrs] LDAP tls authentication Fun

2009-08-07 Thread Rory
Nuts, hit send too early.

So I've added the following to the config;

   # Sync LDAP group to role in OTRS
   # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
   $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition'} = {

   # ldap group
   'CN=IT,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=Departments' => {
   # otrs role
   'r_IT' => 1,


I prefix  all my roles in otrs with r_ to try to keep things clear
(group with g_ too)
Does the ldap group use the baseDN specified in the Agent LDAP Auth config

Do I need to use the attributes specified for  group syncs when syncing roles?

# Attributes needed for group syncs
# (attribute name for group value key)
#$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'memberUid';
# (attribute for type of group content UID/DN for full ldap name)
#$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'UID';
#$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/7 Rory :
> Hi Michiel,
> Thanks for the info. I'm trying to use the SyncRolesDefinition and
> I've added the following to the config;
>    # Sync LDAP group to role in OTRS
>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
>    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition'} = {
>        # ldap group
>        'CN=IT,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=Departments' => {
>                # otrs role
>                'r_IT' => 1,
>        },
>    };
> I prefix  all my roles in otrs with r_ to try to keep things clear
> (group with g_ too)
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/8/7 Michiel Beijen :
>> Hi Rory and Mauricio,
>> Let me first state that if you have configured the AuthSyncModule the
>> OTRS will sync agent data every time a user logs in to OTRS. If you'd
>> change the user properties in active directory; they would be updated
>> in OTRS as soon as the agent logs in.
>> And of course, if the account is disabled in the AD, the user will not
>> be able to log in to OTRS.
>> the UserSyncInitialGroups can be used to define a standard group for
>> every user from a certain source. For instance, you could define it so
>> that every LDAP user is automatically put in the groups Users and FAQ.
>> If you would like to manage your OTRS groups from your LDAP source,
>> that is also possible. Please look into the file, under
>> UserSyncGroupsDefinition: modify, unquote and put into your
>> Regards,
>> Michiel
>>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition
>>    # (If "LDAP" was selected for AuthModule and you want to sync LDAP
>>    # groups to otrs groups, define the following.)
>> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition'} = {
>> #        # ldap group
>> #        'cn=agent,o=otrs' => {
>> #            # otrs group
>> #            'admin' => {
>> #                # permission
>> #                rw => 1,
>> #                ro => 1,
>> #            },
>> #            'faq' => {
>> #                rw => 0,
>> #                ro => 1,
>> #            },
>> #        },
>> #        'cn=agent2,o=otrs' => {
>> #            'users' => {
>> #                rw => 1,
>> #                ro => 1,
>> #            },
>> #        }
>> #    };
>>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
>>    # (If "LDAP" was selected for AuthModule and you want to sync LDAP
>>    # groups to otrs roles, define the following.)
>> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition'} = {
>> #        # ldap group
>> #        'cn=agent,o=otrs' => {
>> #            # otrs role
>> #            'role1' => 1,
>> #            'role2' => 0,
>> #        },
>> #        'cn=agent2,o=otrs' => {
>> #            'role3' => 1,
>> #        }
>> #    };
>> --
>> Michiel Beijen
>> Software Consultant
>> +31 6 - 457 42 418
>> Bee Free IT +
>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 16:08, Rory wrote:
>>> 2009/8/6 Mauricio Tavares :
>>>>        I have no problems if

Re: [otrs] LDAP tls authentication Fun

2009-08-07 Thread Rory
Hi Michiel,

Thanks for the info. I'm trying to use the SyncRolesDefinition and
I've added the following to the config;

# Sync LDAP group to role in OTRS
# AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition'} = {

# ldap group
'CN=IT,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=Departments' => {
# otrs role
'r_IT' => 1,


I prefix  all my roles in otrs with r_ to try to keep things clear
(group with g_ too)

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/7 Michiel Beijen :
> Hi Rory and Mauricio,
> Let me first state that if you have configured the AuthSyncModule the
> OTRS will sync agent data every time a user logs in to OTRS. If you'd
> change the user properties in active directory; they would be updated
> in OTRS as soon as the agent logs in.
> And of course, if the account is disabled in the AD, the user will not
> be able to log in to OTRS.
> the UserSyncInitialGroups can be used to define a standard group for
> every user from a certain source. For instance, you could define it so
> that every LDAP user is automatically put in the groups Users and FAQ.
> If you would like to manage your OTRS groups from your LDAP source,
> that is also possible. Please look into the file, under
> UserSyncGroupsDefinition: modify, unquote and put into your
> Regards,
> Michiel
>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition
>    # (If "LDAP" was selected for AuthModule and you want to sync LDAP
>    # groups to otrs groups, define the following.)
> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition'} = {
> #        # ldap group
> #        'cn=agent,o=otrs' => {
> #            # otrs group
> #            'admin' => {
> #                # permission
> #                rw => 1,
> #                ro => 1,
> #            },
> #            'faq' => {
> #                rw => 0,
> #                ro => 1,
> #            },
> #        },
> #        'cn=agent2,o=otrs' => {
> #            'users' => {
> #                rw => 1,
> #                ro => 1,
> #            },
> #        }
> #    };
>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition
>    # (If "LDAP" was selected for AuthModule and you want to sync LDAP
>    # groups to otrs roles, define the following.)
> #    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncRolesDefinition'} = {
> #        # ldap group
> #        'cn=agent,o=otrs' => {
> #            # otrs role
> #            'role1' => 1,
> #            'role2' => 0,
> #        },
> #        'cn=agent2,o=otrs' => {
> #            'role3' => 1,
> #        }
> #    };
> --
> Michiel Beijen
> Software Consultant
> +31 6 - 457 42 418
> Bee Free IT +
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 16:08, Rory wrote:
>> 2009/8/6 Mauricio Tavares :
>>>        I have no problems if otrs cannot edit ldap. What I would like is to
>>> be able to define which group someone belongs to in ldap and then otrs will
>>> see the groups memberships and then grant the said user rights according to
>>> the memberships.
>> I'm kinda guessing here but you may be able to find more with a quick google;
>> I think the following piece of config will add any user, who logs in
>> for the first time, to the specified group in OTRS
>>    # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups
>>    # (sync following group with rw permission after initial create of
>> first agent
>>    # login)
>>    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups'} = [
>>        'users',
>>    ];
>> But that could be syncing groups from ldap to the DB. I know I've seen
>> more about this in the docs or on this list but I havn't found it yet.
>>>        Well, what I have found so far (I might be wrong) is that the user
>>> has to be in the local db; the password can be kept in ldap but you have to
>>> create an user in otrs. What I did was after setting ldap up, I tried to
>>> login as one of the users from the ldap group (cn=users) I gave otrs as the
>>> GroupDN. It cheerfully ignored that user. THen I created an user with the
>>> same username inside otrs but did not give a password. I was able to login
>>> as the said user.

Re: [otrs] Installing PHPMyAdmin alongside OTRS

2009-08-06 Thread Rory
Yeah, it looks like your Apache server doesn't know what to do with
.php files so its just displaying them as it would any other file.
Have a look at this bit of documentation on the PHP website. It might
help you out;


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/6 Glossop, Andrew :
> I'm using Apache 2.2 on Windows Server 2003, but I assume the config is
> similar for other OS.
> In the httpd.conf file, add something like this:
> DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.cgi
> and
> Alias /phpMyAdmin "D:/phpMyAdmin"
> Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI -Indexes
> AllowOverride All
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> DirectoryIndex index.php
> #ScriptInterpreterSource registry
> I'm no Apache expert, so I'm sure others will correct anything that's wrong, but this works for me.
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> David Holder
> Sent: 06 August 2009 14:50
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Subject: [otrs] Installing PHPMyAdmin alongside OTRS
> Hi chaps,
> I'm trying to install phpmyadmin alongside OTRS for easier management of the
> DB.
> I've installed PHP and put the PHPMyAdmin directory into my htdocs folder in
> OTRS/Apache, but when I try to open http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php
> I'm just greeted with the actual PHP code in my web browser.
> Anyone got any ideas what I need to do?
> Thanks,
> David
> -
> OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage:
> Archive:
> To unsubscribe:
> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
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Re: [otrs] LDAP tls authentication Fun

2009-08-06 Thread Rory
2009/8/6 Mauricio Tavares :

>        I have no problems if otrs cannot edit ldap. What I would like is to
> be able to define which group someone belongs to in ldap and then otrs will
> see the groups memberships and then grant the said user rights according to
> the memberships.

I'm kinda guessing here but you may be able to find more with a quick google;
I think the following piece of config will add any user, who logs in
for the first time, to the specified group in OTRS

# AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups
# (sync following group with rw permission after initial create of
first agent
# login)
$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups'} = [

But that could be syncing groups from ldap to the DB. I know I've seen
more about this in the docs or on this list but I havn't found it yet.

>        Well, what I have found so far (I might be wrong) is that the user
> has to be in the local db; the password can be kept in ldap but you have to
> create an user in otrs. What I did was after setting ldap up, I tried to
> login as one of the users from the ldap group (cn=users) I gave otrs as the
> GroupDN. It cheerfully ignored that user. THen I created an user with the
> same username inside otrs but did not give a password. I was able to login
> as the said user.

That's fits with how I understand this to work. If you don't have the
sync config added it doesn't know to pull the user from ldap so it
can't find them in the DB and fails. Once you create them in the DB
you're golden.
The sync has the benefit that you can pull across some extra info into
the DB e.g.;

$Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncMap'} = {
# DB -> LDAP
UserFirstname => 'givenName',
UserLastname  => 'sn',
UserEmail => 'mail',

I wonder if that can be used to pull across the group info too?

>> My ideas on this are all open to questioning tho as I don't know this for
>> fact.
>        Do you think I do? =) I am still figuring this program out.

I was kinda hoping somebody was gonna come along and tell that I was right :)

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Re: [otrs] LDAP tls authentication Fun

2009-08-06 Thread Rory
2009/8/5 Mauricio Tavares :

>        So, otrs is only using ldap to check the passwords? Is the
> access/ownership info (i.e. who belongs to which group and can do what kind
> of harm) stored in the local DB then?  I guess it has to since the
> documentation states otrs only does read only access to ldap.

Effectively yes, its just checking the passwords.
I'm not too sure about groups, I havn't gone so far as to mess with
that yet but I have seen some config entries that relate to groups. I
think you can pull a users group info from ldap but you cannot make
changes to the ldap groups from otrs.
I don't think otrs is as strict when it comes to using the DB or ldap
for groups tho.

>        After reading it, I began to wonder if it meant that once it gathers
> the data it will use the local DB entirely instead of ldap. If that is the
> case, wouldn't it mean that it should be able to lookup user info on both
> local db and ldap at the same time?

This line from the doc makes me believe its still checking the ldap
directory to authenticate even tho it has all the details in the DB;

"Allthough the data can be synched into the local OTRS database the
LDAP directory is the last instance for the authentification, so a
inactive user in the LDAP tree can't authenticate to OTRS even when
the account data are allready stored in the OTRS database."

So as I understand it, the sync will pull user details from ldap if a
user tries to login who is not in the local db but is in the ldap
directory. Once it has sync'd to the local db it will then verify only
the users password against the ldap directory and not the entire user
data, so less ldap queries.

My ideas on this are all open to questioning tho as I don't know this for fact.

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Re: [otrs] LDAP tls authentication Fun

2009-08-05 Thread Rory
I had some confusion with this recently too.
As I understand it, you can have either DB or LDAP authentication for
agents, not both.

The way OTRS authenticates is by checking the user against its own
database. Once the user exists in its database it will authenticate
the user against the LDAP directory.
In order for the local DB to have the same user details in the otrs DB
as in the LDAP directory. To do this you need to configure OTRS to
sync its data from the LDAP directory. The data is sync'd the first
time the user logs in. Have a look through the following doc for the
sync config settings;

The "first bind failed" TLS error you are getting means that your LDAP
server needs to have a TLS secured connection.
Make sure you have the correct Perl package for TLS installed on your
system. You may or may not need to do somthing like this;

$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'ldaps://';

I hope that helps,


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/5 Mauricio Tavares :
>        I am trying to have otrs to have some of my agents defined in ldap.
> So, I set  /etc/otrs/Kernel/ as follows:
>    # Authenticate agents against LDAP backend
>    $Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
>    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = '';
>    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=domain,dc=com';
>    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'uid';
>    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} =
> 'cn=users,ou=Groups,dc=domain,dc=com';
>    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'memberUid';
>    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'UID';
>    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Params'} = {
>             port => 389,
>             timeout => 120,
>             verify => 'require',
>             cafile => '/etc/ssl/certs/root.pem',
>             # async => 0,
>             version => 3,
>        };
> When I try to login, either as a previously defined (in its database, and
> that includes root) otrs user or as one of the ldap users, it seems to be
> looking for them in ldap:
> ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: linux Time: Wed Aug  5 12:09:54 2009
>  Message: First bind failed! TLS confidentiality required
>  Traceback (32329):
>   Module: Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP::Auth (v1.46) Line: 191
>   Module: Kernel::System::Auth::Auth (v1.29) Line: 121
>   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.34) Line: 192
>   Module: /usr/share/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ (v1.87) Line: 47
> What should I tell otrs to look for users in its own database there and then
> for ldap users, well, in ldap? And, what would this "TLS confidentiality
> required" error be trying to tell me?
> -
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Re: [otrs] FAQ pictures taking longer to load for customers

2009-08-05 Thread Rory

350KB is quite big for web based images. That's almost 1MB just for
your images. If the customers are coming in over a WAN this could be
effecting things. You could firstly try to reduce them by saving them
with either jpeg or png compression.


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/5 Emily Flynn :
> (OTRS version 2.3.4, FAQ version 1.5.4)
> Hi all,
> I created an article in our FAQ that makes use of three GIF's embedded using
> the WYSIWYG editor, the Gif's are roughly 350KB each.  The article was
> external (customer) from the start.  When I browse to the FAQ through the
> Agent login, the pictures load up fine, but when I browse to the FAQ
> throught the customer login, the pictures take a minute or two to load.  I
> have
> Any suggestions on what I could do to resolve this?
> Thanks
> Emily
> -
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Re: [otrs] Installation otrs 2.4.1

2009-08-05 Thread Rory
Your webserver doesn't recognise this as a file that it can process
and so it is just returning the file itself.
What webserver are you using? Apache?

Have a look at the Apache doc to set this up;


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/5 Davis, Sam :
> Greetings,
> I am experiencing a problem with the installation of OTRS 2.4.1.  I have
> installed the web server and need to implement the database but everytime I
> execute in a browser http://localhost/otrs/ .  I get the error
> the extension .pl is unknown and wants to download the file.  Does anyone
> has any suggestions.
> Best Regards,
> Sam Davis
> ___
> Sam Davis
> System Adminstrator
> AAIPharma
> c/ Rosa de Lima, 1-bis, Edificio Alba
> 28290 Las Matas (Madrid)
> Tel: +34 91 372 6065 (Direct)
> Fax: +34 91 372 6060
> ___
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Re: [otrs] locked ticket to System OTRS

2009-08-05 Thread Rory
Hi Neil,

One thing you could do is change the owner directly through the mysql database.
You'll need the ticket number, in the ticket zoom view it looks like this;

[ Zoom Ticket#: 200907316363 ]

You just want the number from the string above.
Firstly login to your database on the command line as a user who can
update tables.

Now, get the id of the person who you want to own the ticket, replace
 below with the actual login name that the person uses to
log into otrs;

SELECT id,login FROM users WHERE login="";

Then, using the id returned from the above statement, update the
ticket using the ticket number to make sure you're updating the right
one. Replace  with the id number you just got and replace
 with the ticket number from the ticket;

UPDATE ticket SET user_id="" WHERE tn="";

Now go back into your OTRS and check the ticket.
It should have the user you selected as the owner.

Hope that helps,

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/5 Gator SLP :
> Hello all,
> just joined the group and hope you can help me out.
> I am admin for our OTRS but seem unable to do anything with a ticket that a
> user accidentally changed owner to blank.  Due to her changing owner to
> blank, it is now assigned to "n/a (System OTRS)".
> I can't move it to spam, close it, do anything to it.  Always says im not
> owner and so cant take this action.  She can also not touch it, same error
> about not being owner.  I assume you can't login as system otrs user so
> unsure what to do.
> all i want is to either close or remove this ticket.
> any help much appreciated.
> Neil
> -
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Re: [otrs] Mail relay on windows

2009-08-04 Thread Rory
Nuts, I was afraid of that. I thought I was using a valid From
address. I'll have to look into this a bit more. It may be our Surf
Control that's giving the message in this case as IIS is just a relay.
I didn't think it did any in dept sanity checking on the mail
addresses such as the spoofing.

I'll look at it tomorrow. Thanks for the help guys.

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/4 Michiel Beijen :
> Please make sure that you'd configure a valid 'from' address in OTRS... the
> message is indeed coming from your IIS configuration.
> Regards,
> --
> Michiel Beijen
> Software Consultant
> +31 6 - 457 42 418
> Bee Free IT +
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 16:04, Ralf Hildebrandt 
> wrote:
>> * Rory :
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I'm having lots of trouble getting outbound e-mails to work on a windows
>> > setup.
>> > I have the system reading in mails from IMAP.
>> > But when I try to send an e-mail reply to a ticket I keep getting the
>> > error "553 The Sender is Spoofed"
>> > I'm trying to use the windows SMTP service through IIS. Is this error
>> > coming from IIS or is it coming from OTRS?
>> It's coming from the SMTP server
>> --
>> Ralf Hildebrandt
>>  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
>>  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
>>  Campus Benjamin Franklin
>>  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
>>  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
>> |
>> -
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>> NEW! ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION - Get more information NOW!
> -
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[otrs] Mail relay on windows

2009-08-04 Thread Rory

I'm having lots of trouble getting outbound e-mails to work on a windows setup.
I have the system reading in mails from IMAP.
But when I try to send an e-mail reply to a ticket I keep getting the
error "553 The Sender is Spoofed"
I'm trying to use the windows SMTP service through IIS. Is this error
coming from IIS or is it coming from OTRS?

Has anybody gotten this working before? Do I just need to tell OTRS
not to check e-mail address syntax?

Any help would be hugely appreciated.

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Re: [otrs] OTRS LDAP Agent Authentication

2009-08-04 Thread Rory
Before you implement the LDAP Auth config you need to create a user
for doing ldap lookups who is in both your AD and your DB.
You need to have this user, (or another user who is in both the AD and
the DB) promoted to Admin before you implement the Ldap Auth config.
To get yourself an admin login simply comment out all the Ldap Auth
config so that you are back tp DB authentication, login as
r...@localhost and promote one of the users into the Admin group.
Re-apply the Ldap config and then login as the user you have promoted
and you should now have admin access with this user.

Let us know if that works,

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/4 David Holder :
> Hi again,
> Managed to sort this issue out, now I have all my agents authenticating into
> OTRS via LDAP. Thanks for your help.
> Just a quick thing, Once an agent logs in they dont have access to the Admin
> section of OTRS, nor can i log in as r...@localhost.
> Is there a way either to give them access to the admin section or log in as
> r...@localhost?
> Thanks,
> Michiel Beijen wrote:
>> Try:
>> $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'myserver.domain.local';
>> (without the ldap:// bit)
>> --
>> Michiel Beijen
>> Software Consultant
>> +31 6 - 457 42 418
>> Bee Free IT +
>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 22:13, David Holder > <>> wrote:
>>    Hi Michiel,
>>    Thank you for your quick response, I thought the LDAP sync was a
>>    performance enhancement rather than a necessity, cheers for
>>    pointing that out.
>>    Unfortunately I'm still having issues with it, it seems my OTRS
>>    installation is very sensitive to that extra bit of code, I just
>>    implemented the below and I was unable to even get into the logon
>>    page. Therefore to prevent any major damage I thought I would post
>>    it to see where I'm going wrong:
>>        # agent data sync against ldap
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::Sync::LDAP';
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Host'} =
>>    'ldap://myserver.domain.local/';
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=domain, dc=local';
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'UID';
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=OTRS
>>    Searcher,OU=OTRS LDAP Searcher,DC=domain,DC=local';
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'myotrspassword';
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncMap'} = {
>>            # DB -> LDAP
>>            UserFirstname => 'givenName',
>>            UserLastname  => 'sn',
>>            UserEmail     => 'mail',
>>        };
>>        [...]
>>        # AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups
>>        # (sync following group with rw permission after initial
>>    create of first agent
>>        # login)
>>        $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups'} = [
>>            'users',
>>        ];
>>    Any thoughts as to what I'm doing wrong?
>>    Thanks,
>>    David
>>    On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Michiel Beijen
>>>> wrote:
>>        You'd need to also configure LDAPSync (and, map attributes
>>        from LDAP to OTRS) in order for the accounts to automatically
>>        synchronize. See the part under "AuthSyncModule" in the Manual:
>>        Kind regards,
>>        --
>>        Michiel Beijen
>>        Software Consultant
>>        +31 6 - 457 42 418
>>        Bee Free IT +
>>        On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 21:06, David Holder
>>>> wrote:
>>            Hi Chaps,
>>            I'm trying to authenticate agents on my OTRS
>>            implementation (OTRSforwin) by adopting the LDAP template
>>            like so: (Windows Server 2003 Active Directory domain
>>            controller)
>>               ## Start of LDAP Config ##

Re: [otrs] Hiccup with setting up ldap Auth

2009-07-29 Thread Rory

Thanks for the pointers Michael. I've set up the sync and it will
authenticate properly now. The docs cleared up my questions about the
sync and how it works.

The only issue I'm having is that not all users have their e-mail
address included in their AD account.
We use Novell Groupwise so the e-mail address field is pretty much
ignored in AD.
There's not really much way around it I guess. An Agents e-mail
address is an essential part of otrs for notifications, etc.

As this is going to be a largely internal system I guess I can set up
ldap customer access through the same AD.
If I do that will I still be able to create customers who are not in
AD, only in the otrs DB?
I intend this to be an internal IT support tool but we will probably
use it to manage external issues with third party suppliers who
obviously won't be in our AD.

Thanks for the help so far,


Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/7/29 Michiel Beijen :
> Hi Rory,
> You can let the system do the syncing for you. Use 'UserSyncLDAPMap'.
> Here some pointers:
> * The manual; look under 'agent data sync':
> * A mail with a complete and working configuration. The poster initially
> thinks he has an issue with his setup; turns out only the email address is
> missing in AD.
> Let us know if this helps you.
> Regards,
> --
> Michiel Beijen
> Software Consultant
> +31 6 - 457 42 418
> Bee Free IT +
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 14:56, Rory  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've gotten otrs up and running (on IIS6 with mysql 5.1 and Activeperl
>> 5.10).
>> I've attempted to set up ldap authentication with Active Directory for
>> Agent users. The config seems to have gone reasonably well except for
>> this error I get when I try to log in;
>> Panic, user authenticated but no user data can be found in OTRS DB!!
>> Perhaps the user is invalid
>> Do I need to sync my AD to the OTRS DB?
>> I think I read the how-to doc for that somewhere.
>> The otrs.log file gives the following;
>> =
>> [Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009][Notice][Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP::Auth]
>> User: roryc (CN=Rory
>> Clerkin,OU=Users,OU=IT,OU=Departments,DC=,DC=com)
>> authentication ok (REMOTE_ADDR: ).
>> [Wed Jul 29 13:16:50
>> 2009][Error][Kernel::System::User::UserLookup][680] No UserID found
>> for 'roryc'!
>> [Wed Jul 29 13:16:50
>> 2009][Error][Kernel::System::User::UserLookup][680] No UserID found
>> for 'roryc'!
>> [Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009][Notice][Kernel::System::User::GetUserData]
>> Panic! No UserData for user: 'roryc'!!!
>> =
>> And the otrs.log.error gives the following;
>> =
>> ERROR: OTRS-CGI-63 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009
>>  Message: No UserID found for 'roryc'!
>>  Traceback (5476):
>>   Module: Kernel::System::User::UserLookup (v1.93) Line: 680
>>   Module: Kernel::System::Auth::Auth (v1.41) Line: 196
>>   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 192
>>   Module: F:\wwwroot\otrs-2.4.1\bin\cgi-bin\ (v1.88) Line: 49
>> ERROR: OTRS-CGI-63 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009
>>  Message: No UserID found for 'roryc'!
>>  Traceback (5476):
>>   Module: Kernel::System::User::UserLookup (v1.93) Line: 680
>>   Module: Kernel::System::Auth::Auth (v1.41) Line: 258
>>   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 192
>>   Module: F:\wwwroot\otrs-2.4.1\bin\cgi-bin\ (v1.88) Line: 49
>> ==
>> I was able to create a user for ldap lookups in the otrs DB before I
>> added the ldap auth config and this user exists in AD using the same
>> credentials.
>> With this user I can log into the system as they're in both AD and the
>> OTRS DB it seems.
>> So do I have to sync AD to the otrs DB? It would seem kinda strange if
>> I did. I think that pretty much defeats the purpose of having an ldap
>> login because I've no longer got a central point of administration.
>> What would happen if I added a new user to AD?
>> Any help would be hugely appreciated,
>> Rory Clerkin
>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>> www

[otrs] Hiccup with setting up ldap Auth

2009-07-29 Thread Rory

I've gotten otrs up and running (on IIS6 with mysql 5.1 and Activeperl 5.10).
I've attempted to set up ldap authentication with Active Directory for
Agent users. The config seems to have gone reasonably well except for
this error I get when I try to log in;

Panic, user authenticated but no user data can be found in OTRS DB!!
Perhaps the user is invalid

Do I need to sync my AD to the OTRS DB?
I think I read the how-to doc for that somewhere.

The otrs.log file gives the following;

[Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009][Notice][Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP::Auth]
User: roryc (CN=Rory
authentication ok (REMOTE_ADDR: ).
[Wed Jul 29 13:16:50
2009][Error][Kernel::System::User::UserLookup][680] No UserID found
for 'roryc'!
[Wed Jul 29 13:16:50
2009][Error][Kernel::System::User::UserLookup][680] No UserID found
for 'roryc'!
[Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009][Notice][Kernel::System::User::GetUserData]
Panic! No UserData for user: 'roryc'!!!

And the otrs.log.error gives the following;

ERROR: OTRS-CGI-63 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009

 Message: No UserID found for 'roryc'!

 Traceback (5476):
   Module: Kernel::System::User::UserLookup (v1.93) Line: 680
   Module: Kernel::System::Auth::Auth (v1.41) Line: 196
   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 192
   Module: F:\wwwroot\otrs-2.4.1\bin\cgi-bin\ (v1.88) Line: 49

ERROR: OTRS-CGI-63 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 29 13:16:50 2009

 Message: No UserID found for 'roryc'!

 Traceback (5476):
   Module: Kernel::System::User::UserLookup (v1.93) Line: 680
   Module: Kernel::System::Auth::Auth (v1.41) Line: 258
   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 192
   Module: F:\wwwroot\otrs-2.4.1\bin\cgi-bin\ (v1.88) Line: 49

I was able to create a user for ldap lookups in the otrs DB before I
added the ldap auth config and this user exists in AD using the same
With this user I can log into the system as they're in both AD and the
OTRS DB it seems.

So do I have to sync AD to the otrs DB? It would seem kinda strange if
I did. I think that pretty much defeats the purpose of having an ldap
login because I've no longer got a central point of administration.
What would happen if I added a new user to AD?

Any help would be hugely appreciated,

Rory Clerkin

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