Re: Re: Image stabilizers on Pentax

2003-07-08 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

awake in the situation where there would be only some amateur class third
party lenses for their bodies. As a result less people would want to buy
such a poorly supported bodies (no matter how good would they be) and Pentax
35 mm system would soon end like Olympus OM system - just slowly die...
I hope I am wrong - I hope something should change soon...

Sigma is so far the only 3rd party producer which offers lenses with USM motors. But 
you expressed my fears. It's an unusual approach for you - where has your innate 
optimism gone?:)

=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Re: Re: Lenses without aperture rings (WAS: Re[2]: Lens compatibility in pe=

2003-07-07 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: onet.poczta

Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

Firstly, the MZ-models will be gone while the *ist is still around. 

So far the MZ-models ARE still around and there are no information about their 

 Secondly, you can call it something else than entry level if it pleases you. 

I do, so what? What Pentax does is important, as it reflects the approach to the 

 Entry level means that camera will apeal to first time slr buyers without lots of 
 lenses. This is the 
 target for the *ist.

No way. The MZ-60 or MZ-30 are the cameras you're talking about. First time slr buyers 
don't buy the cameras packed with features - like the *ist. Beginners often buy them 
with lenses like 28-200 and that's a starting point for them... This is completely 
different market. Almost none of such buyers cares for features like P-TTL, HSS, 
wireless control, Servo AF, spot metering, MLU, even DOFp. Zounds of the AF sensors 
are unnecessary for them too. They usually need something inexpensive and fully 
automated - over time their needs change of course, but that's what they need at the 
Pentax filled its base class SLR segment too much. They don't have room for anything 
below the *ist, unless they call it the camera for monkeys

Re: Vs: Lens Mount Progress

2003-06-21 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: Vs: Lens Mount Progress

 In terms of features, no doubt Minolta 7 wins the game. But in terms of 
 built quality, I have yet to strip down a MZ-S to be certain. You can't 
 judge the quality from the shell only.

Of course. My point is that the MZ-S is overpriced - that's all.

Re: Re: Lens Mount Progress

2003-06-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik fastpat [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Robert, if you think the MZ-S is overpriced, compare it to similarly-priced
cameras in terms of build quality, as well as features.  It\'s built to a
noticeably higher standard than any other 35mm in the present Pentax line.
I have to agree with another list member (I\'ve forgotten his name) who found
no desire at all to use his MZ-5n, now that he has an MZ-S.  The difference
in feel and quality is that obvious.

Yes, but even if the MZ-S is well built, is't not built well ENOUGH to justify the 
high price - it isn't sealed. So if one doesn't use the camera as a hammer, can easily 
go for a regular plastic body - it'll surely survive to the next moment of getting a 
new one.

As for features, it has all most people need.  More features does not always
mean more useful features.  When shooting beside someone with a D100, see
how they envy the better low-light AF of the MZ-S, just for starters.

But more features for the same or less money is more fair than less features for more 
money, don't you think? MZ-S is a great camera but could have been a better one if it 
was cheaper or have some more features (vide: Dynax 7)

Re: Re: Lens Mount Progress

2003-06-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
From: Raimo Korhonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Vs: Re: Lens Mount Progress

 MZ-S is a bit overpriced but it has all the features I need and more.
Great camera, all who have tested it have liked it.

That is something beyond any dispute. I do not deny that it's a great camera
overall. However, there are cameras that are better value for money.

Re: Re: *ist SLR and K-mount lenses

2003-06-06 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Nick Zentena [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

But that\'s not an open aperture M42 lens I don\'t think.  Don\'t you have to 
meter stopped down?

Nope, you're right. It's a stopped down aperture lens - I missed the word open.
OTOH, how can one use automatic diaphragm of an m42 lens on any K-mount body? I 
haven't heard of any adapter that allows such operation. Is there any?

Re: Re: *ist SLR and K-mount lenses

2003-06-06 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Anthony Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
IMHO the advances in TTL metering are attempts to become as good as quality
hand-held meters.  

Of course

It\'s also MHO that multi segment metering calculates an
xposure that is correct most of the time but not every time, and the
photographer isn\'t likely to know just what skew the meter\'s interpretive
feature has put on the exposure.  

By all means - that's why I dislike using the matrix metering. I really dislike the 
feeling of being unsure of both the factors the matrix takes into account and the 
final results. I prefer using c/w and spot metering.

OTOH a hand-held meter used with
experience and skill gets the correct exposure every time, and its workings
are completely transparent.  Centre-weighted averaging TTL is almost as good
as external metering if you use manual exposure or a memory-lock in auto, it
is arguably even better when a very long lens is up front.

Absolutely. IMHO external meters outperform any built-in meter in terms of the 
precision of metering, reliablity and consistence of results. Especially incident 
light meters...

TTL metering is for speed of working where that\'s essential, or convenience
whether to avoid the purchase of an external meter or to carry less gear.
It\'s a compromise whose price is ultimate accuracy.

Of course. It seems that you've gotten me wrong. What I want to say is that one 
doesn't buy such a modern and well-equipped camera only to buy the external meter and 
leave the 16-segment meter aside. 

It\'s unreasonable to expect full backwards compatability from a CHEAP camera
like the *ist, which is chock-full of bells and whistles for first time 35mm
SLR users or those prepared to accept limitations when using obsolete
lenses.  At least you\'d be able to use those lenses.  

Then what about the MZ-6? It is also full of features, it's even cheaper that the 
*ist, it's also destined for the amateur market, yet the compatibility is maintained. 
No, I don't agree with you - it's the Pentax strategy that has changed. It's all about 
decreasing the 2nd-hand market and selling more FA lenses(or especially the unfamous 
FA J lenses). Actually it's good from the marketing point of view... although those 
Pentax users, who are get used to the famous Pentax backward compatibility, suffer...

Good luck fitting
old-mount Canon or Minolta lenses to the current bodies of those brands.
Pentax has cameras in its current lineup for old lens owners, and most
likely will have suitable future offerings when the higher level *ists (or
the mythic New LX) come out.

Yes, that's why I wrote I was waiting for the MZ-5n/3 successor.

Re: The *ist camera

2003-06-06 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
Subject: Re: The *ist camera

 I doubt that very much. Implementing IS/VR inside the body is not a very
 practical solution imho.

There's more IMHO...
There is NO, and I mean NO, sign of implementing image stabilisation or/and
USM motors from Pentax in any reasonably near future. Such implementation
exists only in the virtual reality of our list, it's nothing but our wishful
thinking. Yet the signs of abandoning the compatibility are VERY strong. So
far the only bodies which didn't support the compatibility were MZ60/50/30 -
the very simple bodies, with no bells and whistles. One may call the *ist
crappy and cheap but can't deny, that it's more advanced than the
MZ-10/7/6, even the MZ-5n/3 (I disregard the Z-series bodies now). That is
unusual and I don't agree with anybody claiming that one shouldn't expect
the beginner camera to support the compatibility - *ist is NOT the usual
Pentax entry level one.
And now the crippled mount goes much higher - into the *ist D. This fact
makes me depressed. I've already informed a few of my friends that Pentax is
about to release the only DSLR that accepts good old and inexpensive K-mount
lenses. As other *ist D parameters aren't that impressive (no full frame
sensor, 6,1 Mp which is OK but no more, USB 1.1 only) this was the thing
that particularly impressed them. Without such compatibility the *ist D will
have difficulties to beat the Sigma SD7 for example...
The evidences of the end of traditional Pentax era are clear. They have
obviously started walking the Nikon-like path. But i fear that they are
abandoning their old strengths without having the new ones.
The next camera will be the answer...
It seems, however, that the MZ-S is the last real Pentax camera:(

Re: Re: *ist D revisited

2003-06-06 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Roland Mabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

We don\'t know yet if this lens mount really is crap. It might have support 
for IS and USM. It\'s too early to tell. *If* it has support for USM and IS, 
then I doubt that Pentax is going to tell anyone before they have released 
IS and USM lenses. Simply because if they tell it before the lenses exist, 
this might hurt sales on the existing lenses.

But as they say nothing, it may as well make their users doubtful and reject the 
newcomers as it seems that Pentax is getting rid of its strengths, giving nothing in 

As so often with Pentax, we just have to wait and see what happens.

Yes, but I don't think many people from outside the Pentax fans camp are willing to 
wait if they need to make the choice now.

Re: Re: The *ist camera

2003-06-06 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Roland Mabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

Pentax has patented a KAF3 lens mount with support for IS and USM lenses. 

Don't feel offended but calling for the patents we saw many times in the past years 
make me laugh. We saw NOTHING more than them...

They also have patented IS and USM technology. This is old news, Pentax has 
had the patents for a long time. It seems like their changing their lens 
mount now (the electrical aperture protocol seems to have changed, for 
example) and this may be a sign of IS and USM.

Yes - only may be. But none can be sure in any way about it. Moreover, there are no 
signs of it...

The entry level MZ-60 is in many ways more advanced than the first MZ - the 
midmarket MZ-5.

I can see no such way.

The MZ-60 has, for example, auto bracketing and exposure memory lock. The 
MZ-5 hasn\'t.

Compared to the things the MZ-60 has NOT, the superiority of the MZ-5 is obvious

If you compare the MZ-60 with the entry level Z-70, or Z-10 - the MZ-60 is 
way more advanced. So, I say that it does not exist such a thing as usual 
Pentax entry level. Everyone of them has been quite unusual in my opinion.

No way - MZ-60 is crappy little thing. It has no cable release socket, doesn't accept 
any macro accessories, not even the A-series lenses, for example. ANY Z-series camera 
is better than the MZ-60

In Sweden, the *ist with FAJ 28-80 will sell for the same price as the 
MZ-6/ZX-L with FA 28-90.

Yet the MZ-6 offers the compatibility. Who cares for 16-segment matrix - the 6-segment 
one does its job very good. Who cares for the 11-point AF - most of the Pentax users 
use only the central sensors and recompose...

The MZ-5n is more expensive. So, the *ist replaces the entry level MZ-6/MZ-7 
and Pentax may abandon the entry-entry level market (or lowering the price 
of the MZ-6 so that it replaces the MZ-60).

Sincere thanks to Pentax for such a replacement for the MZ-6. I don't think I'll have 

We don\'t know how the *ist D performs yet. Pixels aren\'t everything.
Sigma SD9 is 3.3Mp if I remember correctly now, but thank\'s to it\'s Foveon 
technology - it has 10 million photo sensors. Fuji claims that their 3Mp 
cameras outputs 6mp... thank\'s to the Super CCD technology. There\'s more to 
a camera than no. of Mp. So, let\'s wait with the judgement until we actually 
can try the camera and see how it performs in real life. One shouldn\'t judge 
cameras by technical sepcifications only.

Of course there's a lot more to the digital camera - like, say FireWire interface in 
the SD9. Or the ability to use IS/USM lenses on the D60...

Re: Re: *ist D revisited

2003-06-06 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
Subject: Re: Re: *ist D revisited

 To most people outside the Pentax circle, Pentax has been out of the game
 for a long time.

In other words, Pentax sells its stuff to the long time Pentax users mostly.
Do you think it's good? Don't you think things should change? Do you think
the current policy is the right way to such changes?

Re: Re: *ist SLR and K-mount lenses

2003-06-05 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Nick Zentena [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

   I can\'t see too many people having K-mount lenses and not having an 
external meter.

Actually I do. There's no problem with built-in meters when using K-mount lenses with 
any Pentax camera except for the MZ-60/50/30 and *ist, so the external meter is not 

Spotmatic F isn\'t that the last camera with full backward compatibilty? Hard 
to find new.

You know what I meant, I'm sure:)
I need a camera which allows me to use AF lenses along with m42 ones and for example 
my Zenitar-K 16mm f/2,8 Fisheye. I'm waiting for the MZ-5n/3 successor...

Re: *ist SLR and K-mount lenses

2003-06-05 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
From: Nick Zentena [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: *ist SLR and K-mount lenses

 But the MZ-5n doesn't meter right with open aperture M42 lenses. Or does

I had no problem when using my Mir 20-M 20mm f/3,5...

 If it's just stopped down then it's not really much of an improvement over
 the *ist.

It appears (I base my opinion on Harold's report) that the *ist works with
the K-mount lenses more or less like the MZ-50 (although in more messy
way). So it's not as bad as the MZ-30 (not to mention the MZ-60). However, I
need the camera that works with such lenses without complications, because
for example I cover (or going to cover) various unusual focal lenghts with
russian lenses (Zenitar 16/2,8 Fisheye, Mir 20/3,5, Arsat 35/2,8 Shift
etc) - I just can't afford the orginal ones by Pentax. But that's no
problem - most of the Pentax cameras do fine for me. I was just curious...
As I said - I'm waiting for the MZ-5n/3 successor

Re: *ist SLR now available in UK

2003-06-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Harold Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

A courier firm delivered an  *ist SLR this morning.

Please try some plain K-mount lenses (if you have any) on it in various modes. Many 
people wait impatiently for  the incompatibility of the *ist with plain K-mount lenses 
to be confirmed or denied.

Some technical questions (may be silly)

2003-05-31 Thread Artur Ledchowski
I've been recently reading the KMP for the who-knows-what time... but this
time paying special attention to some details. There are several things I
don't fully understand and so I need a bit of enlightement (I wasn't able to
find the answers on the KMP).
1) the dental close-up lens and dental macro lens - you don't try to tell me
they are supposed to take photos of one's teeth, do you? what is so special
about them, that makes the name dental necessary? aren't they just
ordinary close-up lenses and macro lenses?
2) auto bellows (identical with auto bellows M and auto bellows A) - is
auto bellows a common name for auto bellows M and auto bellows A or
rather the 3rd kind of the bellows - more like, say, auto bellows K (just
like the lens series).? Does the auto bellows A support the A-series lenses'
features, like KA-bayonet and A position on an aperture ring?
3) bellows unit III, macro focus rail III, copy stand III (and IIIp) - what
does the III mean? Is it somethink like, say, Mk. III or something?
4) floating elements - the feature that appears several times with certain
lenses. It has something to do with improving lens' performance at close
distances but what exactly is it?
5) the AF/MF clutch in the SMC FA* 24/2 AL (IF) - I held this lens once and
didn't notice any AF/MF switch (I might have missed it of course) so where's
that clutch and what is it supposed to do?
6) the preset diaphragm in K 28/3,5 Shift - what does it mean? how does it
I'll be more than happy if some of You can provide the assistance...

Re: Re: ARSAT 35 mm Tilt Shift lens

2003-03-30 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Peter Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

They seem to be available in screw mount I\'d go for that if I could find one.

They ARE available in m42 mount. Cost about 650PLN (~$160) in Poland. The K-mount 
version is a bit more expensive (not much) and the Nikon version is a lot more 

Re: RE: DSLR - No meter needed

2003-03-25 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Nagaraj, Ramesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

IMHO as uncertainty reduces things become less exciting; so photography may not be so 
much exciting. 
This may vary from individual to individual and also whether you are pro or ameture. 
I have not used any digital 
camera. I would like to hear from other digital user\'s.

As I shoot both film and digital (E-20p) I notice that the latter makes the 
photographer lazy. No need to think a lot, because one can always discard a bad photo 
and shoot another one (and so on) until it's good. The LCD is far from being perfect 
but mostly it's useful enough to see whether the photo is correctly exposed and well 
However, I don't agree with a common opinion that the digital photography makes 
virtually everyone a good photographer. The general, as well as specific, rules and 
principles still must be known to obtain good results and if one doesn't know them, 
the digital won't be of any help...

Re: Reply from Pentax UK.

2003-03-14 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Roland Mabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

Pentax UK answered:
Dear Roland,
The *Ist SLR can take all auto focus Pentax lenses.

Hmm, I wonder if this is a sort of a standard answer for a standard customer. I 
can imagine that the majority of current Pentax users can't tell the plain K-mount 
from the KA-mount and even don't use any manual focus lenses (as they buy their 
cameras in kits) and when they say K-mount, they actually mean Pentax and 
3rd-party KAF and KAF2 lenses, so the Pentax dealer may have this kind of answer for 
The other thing is that the history prooves that even the official dealers don't know 
everything about Pentax products.
This actually has been one of the major Pentax weakness for many years IMHO...

Re: Plastic lens mount on the FA J 18-35?

2003-03-03 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

It is probably going to be cheap then. The FA J lenses seems to be strictly entry 

That silver ring, however, together with the tulip lens hood, make this lens look 
quite pro-like, don't you think?:))
BTW, I've always thought that such hoods can be used only on IF lenses. The 18-35, 
however, isn't claimed to be IF...

Szukasz banku bez prowizji ? 
mBank - za konto

Just thinking...

2003-02-25 Thread Artur Ledchowski
I just think to myself...
Is it justified to expect Pentax to show more new stuff at the PMA? Even the DSLR? I 
mean Pentax has already presented a new SLR, 2 new lenses and 2 DPS - that's quite a 
lot, isn't it?. If they have new stuff that is ready to be introduced, they'd rather 
do it at the consecutive big shows, just to maintain the market's interest. I think it 
wouldn't be wise to hit the market with all the new stuff at once...

Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: *ist Custom Functions list

2003-02-20 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
From: jcoyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: *ist Custom Functions list

 Lawrence - let me have a guess for you:

  There are a few which I do not quite understand (those with ?)
  Note #3, Matrix metering linked to AF point.
 The selected focus point will also be the principal metering point.  The
 ability to disable this option means you can still use full matrix
 either centre-weighted or spot as usual.  My guess is that this would give
 effective weighting towards the selected AF point and the area adjacent to
 it: alternatively, it is a roving spot facility - could be very useful.

  and #12, 2-second self timer with mirror lockup.
 Same as the MZ-S, you can have a long or short delay before the self-timer
 fires the shutter.  The 2-second delay may be useful when you are using
 MLU aspect of the self-timer.

Actually I don't think these are the CF's Lawrence doesn't understand. It's
rather CF #15 and #17, because he put ? there, not here:))


Tanie bilety lotnicze!

RE: The *ist: good name or bad?

2003-02-19 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Rob Brigham [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Why don\'t we have model numbers AND names like in so many other
products?  Look at planes like the F14 Tomcat, F15 Eagle or F4 Pahntom
for example.  

I don't really like the idea of giving the cameras stupid names like Kiss, Sweet, 
Teddybear, Pussycat, Barbie etc:))
However, I have nothing against giving them the names of, say, ancient goddesses:)

Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Heads up a FdP PZ-1p grip on german ebay and for sale sort of.

2003-01-17 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Leon Altoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

I'm looking for the Grip Strap Fdp for my Z-1p so I'm interested in your offer.

Pentax SMC K24:2.8
Very good+ condition with Hoya multicoated filter.

Pentax FA28:2.8
I don't think I've ever taken a photo with this lens. Like new in box
except for the lack of a genuine Pentax front lens cap (it found a home
on the 43).

Any idea of an approximate price of the above lenses? At least something to start 

Grip Strap X 2
One in box one not. Both in good condition, slight marks around tripod

This is the main item of my interest... You've written Grip Strap so I assume it's a 
grip with that nice leather strap - unlike that grip listed on the E-bay, right? If 
so, I think we might talk about it:))


Chcesz oszczdzi na kosztach obsugi bankowej ?
mBIZNES - konto dla firm

Re: Re: Heads up a FdP PZ-1p grip on german ebay and for sale sort of.

2003-01-17 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Leon Altoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

I'm looking for the Grip Strap Fdp for my Z-1p so I'm interested in your offer.

Pentax SMC K24:2.8
Very good+ condition with Hoya multicoated filter.

Pentax FA28:2.8
I don't think I've ever taken a photo with this lens. Like new in box
except for the lack of a genuine Pentax front lens cap (it found a home
on the 43).

Any idea of an approximate price of the above lenses? At least something to start 

Grip Strap X 2
One in box one not. Both in good condition, slight marks around tripod

This is the main item of my interest... You've written Grip Strap so I assume it's a 
grip with that nice leather strap - unlike that grip listed on the E-bay, right? If 
so, I think we might talk about it:))


Chcesz oszczdzi na kosztach obsugi bankowej ?
mBIZNES - konto dla firm

Re: Heads up a FdP PZ-1p grip on german ebay

2003-01-16 Thread Artur Ledchowski
I'm looking for tis item, but I'd like to have a strap, too... This one apparently 
lacks it:(


Chcesz oszczdzi na kosztach obsugi bankowej ?
mBIZNES - konto dla firm

Re: Re: Pentax 67II limited edition!

2003-01-16 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik Thomas Heide Clausen

is suitable for railroad photographic set-up
Hmmm, how so? Do train move in 1/2EV increments or what?:)


Chcesz oszczdzi na kosztach obsugi bankowej ?
mBIZNES - konto dla firm

Re: Is one f-stop worth thousands of dollars?

2003-01-15 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
From:  W. Krasowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Is one f-stop worth thousands of dollars?

 Hello to everyone,

Hello Waldek:) It's nice to meet another PDML-er from Poland. Where are you
from?:) Let me invite you to (unless, of course,
you already know it:))

 Another thing that makes me very surprised is that lenses as fast as 2,8
 thousands of dollars more expensive than 4,5 - is this one f-stop really
 so much money? Especially when I can get this one f-stop buying faster

This is an interesting point. Actually having a faster lens is worth extra
money but the question is if this have to be *so much* extra money. I think
the fastest lenses are destined to be sold to professional photographers
working for agencies or something - anyways to those who can easily afford
them. For us amateurs there are different lenses and if we want to have the
fastest stuff, we need to pay professional price:)
One of the application of having one f-stop extra is when we want to use a
teleconverter with a given lens and still be able to see the scene and focus
properly (or have enough light for the AF to work).


Chcesz oszczedzic na kosztach obslugi bankowej ?
mBIZNES - konto dla firm

OT: Technical resources

2003-01-12 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Can anybody point me to websites containing serious informations about
various technological aspects of the photographic equipment construction?
I'm looking for some serious stuff, not the popular one which can be found
on an average site for beginners.


Chcesz oszczedzic na kosztach obslugi bankowej ?
mBIZNES - konto dla firm

Re: A standard zoom dilemma

2003-01-05 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Thanx, guys, for your responses. I have to think all things over and
calculate a bit:))


Super tanie kwatery narciarskie.
Od 300 zl/osoba/tydzien

A standard zoom dilemma

2003-01-03 Thread Artur Ledchowski
As I've just sold my trusty SMC FA 28-105/4-5,6, I need a standard zoom to
replace it. I want it to be optically at least as good as the lens I sold
and preferably a bit faster. It doesn't have to be AF. I'd also like it not
to be too light, as I'm get used to counterbalance the weight of my Z-1p
with it.
So far I've picked up:
SMC M 35-70/2.8-3.5 (quite fast, isn't it?)
SMC F 28-80/3,5-4,5 (a grade of 3,3 on Photodo)
SMC F 35-135/3,5-4,5 (actually only a grade of 2,5 on Photodo but of a very
interesting focal range)
SMC FA 28-70/4 AL (I know it's a very good performer, but I'm afraid it's a
bit too light)
Any opinions on these lenses? Any other suggestions?


Super tanie kwatery narciarskie.
Od 300 zl/osoba/tydzien

Re: smc a 50/2 ?

2003-01-03 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
Subject: smc a 50/2 ?

  what do folks have to say about the smc a 50/2

I had the SMC M 50/2 and was very satisfied with its performance. I believe
they both have the same optical formula and glass..

 is it worth $40 us?

IMHO it is.

 and yes I am in a very poor phase in my life right now.

So am I


Super tanie kwatery narciarskie.
Od 300 zl/osoba/tydzien

E-bay language:))

2002-12-30 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Not sure if it has already been posted to the PDML (sorry if it has), but I
really like it:))
Taken from the pl.rec.foto.

Antique.older than the dealer old as the dealer
Early.younger than the dealer old as the dealer's oldest kid
Collectible..for sale
Modern..used by the dealer's kid, too complicated to explain
User..not completely broken
Sophisticated.too complicated to use, too hard to hold
Ergonomic.too complicated to use, but easy to hold
Uncommonone of the few the dealer has left pay way too much, see also temporary insanity acquire at auction by simply leaving one's hand
the entire time sell something awful with shame or remorse snatch up a great piece for almost nothing,
then disappear pay less than you expected pay more than you expected
Steal..see scarf, unless you actually did steal it
Temporary insanitya purchase wich results in instant regrets, see also
acquire search for, to no avail

New, in the box almost new, with a box
New..almost new without a box
As new.used, but sold as new
Like new...used, but not engraved
Mint..not heavily used or engraved
Ex+++..not heavily used, may be engraved
Ex+..heavily used and engraved
Exstill recognizable as a camera longer recognizable as a camera
Very good.may not be a camera

C10...anything Ex or above
C9 or less..anything below Ex

Restorable.badly broken
Restoredcleaned by dealer
Brassingworn out
Ding...bashed repeatedly
Cleaning marksany scratch, gouge, or chip in the lens
Fungus..mushrooms growing between elements
Hazy, foggylens cleaned with steel wool and
Inop...badly broken
Sluggishsomething moves, but not in a useful

Daguerrean equipment.any wooden camera, pre-1900
dry-plate camera.any other wooden camera
wet-plate camera.any other wooden camera found in the
Pacific Northwest
Museum pieceowned by the dealer's parents
Early no longer available
Collectible Polaroid... a lie
Leica copy...not a wooden camera



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Weird FA 28-80/3,5-4,7???

2002-12-29 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Perhaps I miss something but I can't locate this lens on the KMP. Moreover,
look at the box on the picture - the second aperture is actually f/5,6, not
the claimed f/4,7.
Or maybe this is the FA 28-80/3.5-5.6 AL but in different colors?


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mBank - zaloz konto 

Re: OT: Polska (Was: A joke from Cotty)

2002-12-23 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Uytkownik mike wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

Artur asked if anyone spoke Polish. My answer - male. Which
doesn't read correctly without the proper characters.

I think I understand it w/o the proper character:)

Mishka wrote:

 Rozmowiam troche -- zaraz slucham Czerwone Gitary :)

So you have obviously never heard SBB, who would blow them off
the stage.

Maybe you speak Polish just a little, but apparently understand a lot:) Yes, I like 
SBB too. 
Some say there were two main music streams in the seventies: one led by The Beatles 
and the other led by the Rolling Stones. Czerwone Gitary and for example Trzy Korony 
rather belong to the former, while SBB, Blackout etc.. belong to the latter (which I 


Nice nickname:))


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Re: MZ-S Focus Lock

2002-12-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
Subject: Re: MZ-S Focus Lock

 Artur, the MZ-S does lock focus when you depress the shutter button
 half-way, unless the AF slider switch is set to AF.C (continuous), rather
 than AF.S (single).

Perhaps I made myself unclear, sorry for that.
Of course it locks focus in the AF.S mode. What I wanted to say is that when
I tried to lock it, I often took accidental shots before the lock, because
of lack of the clear stop in the half way down of the release button. Of
course it happened because I wasn't used to this (as for an AF camera of
course) and everything is the matter of habit anyway.


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Re: Re[2]: MZ-S Focus Lock

2002-12-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
From: Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re[2]: MZ-S Focus Lock

 the one you tried had been abused on the shutter button (easy to do
 with a demo) and was damaged?

Yes, I think this could've been possible. I'll try to check it out once
again soon..

Jupiter-9 85mm f/2

2002-12-13 Thread Artur Ledchowski
I wonder if anyone has any experience with this lens. I think of it as a
portrait lens, of course - at least untill I have enough money to get one of
the Pentax 85mm's (or the 77mm Ltd). I expect flare control not to be great
(although if it isn't worse than that of the Mir-20M 20mm f/3,5 then I can
live with it) but how about the overall sharpness and contrast?


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mBank - zaloz konto 

Polaroid back for 645?

2002-12-12 Thread Artur Ledchowski
What is it? 

Masz do pacenia prowizji bankowi ?
mBank - za konto 

A nice baby:)

2002-11-28 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Check this out, guys:))
The price is PLN 2, which is about $5000

A new toy

2002-11-27 Thread Artur Ledchowski
I've just received a Super A, which I bought from Bojidar:) The camera has
replaced my Program A, which suffered a metering damage. I really enjoy the
new (to me) camera, especially a tiny gadget - an iluminated LCD, which I
really missed when working with the Program A. TTL-flash is also a nice
The main controlling switch is not as easy to operate as the one of the
Program A, but it's not a big problem.

Re: AP (16/11) - Pentax UK Confirms digital SLR launch plan

2002-11-12 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Dan Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Who decides these things, btw? Is this something the 
manufacturer sets up or what?

These things are decided by the market or to be more precise - by two factors: first - 
something known as the public opinion, second - by the mass media (mostly the photo 
magazines). The market is all about the competition and it's obvious that the customer 
compare the cameras, that are of similar specifications. The magazines do the same. 
One can complain about how more or less objective various tests are but cannot deny 
the fact that they shape the customers' opinions. So no producer can ignore these 
factors unless wants to be out of the competition (which actually happened to Pentax 
to some degree:)).
Mind that I wrote the MZ-5n/3 is CONSIDERED to be a rival:))
But don't you think the advanced amateurs need some fresh air from Pentax?:) MZ-S is 
not the least expensive beast and I know there is a need for a camera that would be as 
simple yet advanced and affordable - just as the MZ-5n/3 was for recent years.
All above is of course IMHO:))

Lighting advise needed

2002-10-30 Thread Artur Ledchowski
Recently I decided to make use of my AF500FTZ as a studio flash. I want to
take a few shots of my wife. I plan to set up the lighting as following:
- the AF500FTZ mounted on a tripod, in the Manual and Slave modes, its head
turned backwards firing into a silver umbrella - all on one side of the
- the Sunpack MZ440AF mounted on my Z-1p in of course the TTL (what else:))
mode, its head up bouncing the light from the ceiling
- a small silver reflector on the other side of the model
- the distance between the model and the AF500FTZ set-up is about 2 m, which
means that the appropriate flash settings (according to the manual and my
calculations) are: 1/4 of power, zoom at 28mm
- the film will be B/W
My questions are:
- how big is the light loss due to bouncing the light off the umbrella? how
much more should I open the aperture - 1/2 stop. 1 stop, more?
- how can the flash from the AF500FTZ affect the camera TTL-flash metering
of the burst from the Sunpack? I presume that it may fool the camera making
it underexpose its metering but I want the Pentax flash to be the key light
and the Sunpack to fill the shadows and maybe bounce a little of light off
the ceiling onto the models hair...

Re: What lenses do you have? (poll)

2002-10-27 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message - 
From: Paul Eriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: What lenses do you have? (poll)

 What lenses do you have?

SMC FA 28-105mm f/4-5,6 Power Zoom
SMC F 70-210mm f/4-5,6
SMC A 50mm f/1,7
SMC A 28mm f/2,8
20-M Mir 20mm f/3,5
Zenitar-K 16mm f/2,8 Fisheye

and my wish list contains:
SMC F or FA 50mm f/1,4 or 1,7 or even beter FA 43mm f/1,9 Ltd
Arsat 35mm f/3,5 Shift
Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6,3 RF
SMC A 135mm f/2,8
some 50mm prime in the m42 mount for my recently bought bellows

Re: how many bodies do you own

2002-10-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
From: ukasz Kacperczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: how many bodies do you own

 I'm just curious how many 35mm slr (or maybe not necessarily slr) you own.
 And what is the lowest number that makes you feel safe.

Currently I have 2 bodies: Z-1p and Program A and this is the number that
makes me comfortable. However there are bodies I'd like to have just to
experience different cameras. I plan to buy: SFXn, K2 and MX. I'd also like
to replace my Program A with the Super A or preferably with the LX.
I also have to buy the MZ-6 for my wife:))

Re: Going to start the PDML FAQ, please read me! (was Re: fisheye)

2002-10-17 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message -
Subject: Re: Going to start the PDML FAQ, please read me! (was Re: fisheye)

  - another trick: flash compensation with TTL flashes (other that
  and MZ-5/5n/3/S

 Sure, although I have no idea what this is..

Exposing for the ambient light in M mode with the exposure compensation
applied - in this case the latter affects only the flash output. Pretty slow
operation but also effective...

  - the most important names in the Asahi stuff (up-to-date)
 Can you explain what you mean?

As I wrote in another e-mail - it's a typo:)) I mean of course staff, not
Sorry for that

Re: Going to start the PDML FAQ, please read me! (was Re: fisheye)

2002-10-17 Thread Artur Ledchowski
- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: Going to start the PDML FAQ, please read me! (was Re: fisheye)

 OK, but can you explain by what you mean in regards to important names in
 the staff? Like the CEO, etc?

I thought it would be interesting...

Re: May I be the first to whine?

2002-10-16 Thread Artur Ledchowski

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Soames Wetmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: May I be the first to whine?

 If Pentax goes all-digital I will very sadly abandon the brand.

I, on the other hand, will keep on using my Z-1p:))

Dual six-segment metering

2002-08-29 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I'm not sure if this was talked through - if so, please excuse me...
I have two questions on the subject:
- is it true that every Pentax camera, that is equiped with a 6-segment
metering, has actually two 6-segment matrixes, or is it only the 645N/NII
that has it?
- what is exactly all about this dual six-segment metering? How does it
work? Is it something of a kind of 3D metering? etc etc...

R.I.P. Z-1p

2002-08-21 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Rest in peace (or maybe rust in pieces?) dear Z-1p - once a respected and
praised camera, recently found bulky, bulbous, uncomfortable etc etc etc..
You've died in disgrace.
It's amasing how easily Z-1p has fallen from the very top to the very
Just a thought
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Re: Re: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-20 Thread Artur Ledchowski


Your knowledge is wothy of respect, but don't assume that 
every one of your judgements constitutes a fact.

This is exactly, what I tried to express.
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Re: Re: Odp: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-20 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Alan Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Different opinions are expected, as always, just don't take it personal. :)

Sometimes it's very hard not to take it personal. 
I wonder if I'm really the only one PDML'er who thinks that Z-1p is user friendly and 
easy to master, the only one who feels that MZ-S is not as good as it could and should 
have been. I wonder if all those loads of user's good opinions on Z-1p written on the 
Photography Review, Camera Review, PhotoZone and the similar sites are worth nothing.
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Odp: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-19 Thread Artur Ledchowski

- Original Message -
From: Pal Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

 Medium format is the most popular format for landscape photography on a
global basis. This is the market Pentax is catering for. The studio market
is crowded and Pentax have never shown much interest in it.

That's why Pentax will never get close to Mamiya or Hasselblad...

 The only dead end MF market is the studio settings as most are switching
to digital. So far, digital hasn't made much impact on landscape

Make a digital back and there you are in business

  Z-1p beats easily Dynaxx 7 (I don't know Dynaxx 9 from my personal
  experience) in terms of ergonomy and convenience of use. I

 Not true.

Say not true again, and I'll say true again, and so on...
I can say that because I know both cameras from my personal experience. For
me it is as I stated above...

 It is one of the
  most ergonomic, well designed and user-friendly camera ever.

 Not true either. Even Pentax describe it as complex.

*No, not true at all! No...:|*
I don't care what Pentax says - it's more important what the users think. Do
you think I'm the one who claims that? If so, then you're greatly mistaken.
Just read individual reviews on the Net.
But of course those review may seem meaningless to you, because you think
something else. That's OK but don't question the facts.
HyperProgram is user friendly, built-in flash compensation is user friendly,
Pentax Functions are user friendly. You need a list of PF's for the MZ-S -
Z-1p tells you, what the actual PF is all about. You need one touch of your
finger to switch between HyP, Av and Tv in Z-1p. You can set the flash
compensation w/o taking your eye away from the viewfinder in Z-1p.
You tell me it isn't user friendly and complex? Come on! I managed to master
my Z-1p and configure it's PF's in less than an hour and since then never
looked back to the manual
I don't know from what point of view you are speaking, but it's completely
opposite to mine...
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Re: Vs: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-19 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Uytkownik Raimo Korhonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
The MZ-S owners manual does not mention any contradictions. Can you elaborate?

I can.
What is contradictory about MZ-S is that the camera, that is claimed to be a successor 
of Z-1p on the flagship position, is both more and less advanced than Z-1p. It has 
great stuff like brand new SAFOX version, P-TTL, HSS, MRC, data imprinting, magnesium 
housing, BG-10, wireless flash. On the other hand it has slower shutter and flash 
sync, forces the user to control apertures with the ring only, thus making the 
implementing of the HyP impossible, amateur class fps rate with no option to boost it 
as well as amateur exposure compensation and autobracketing precision of 1/2EV, no AF 
sensor of a cross-type, no trailing curtain sync with the RTF only, no built-in flash 
compensation, which means also also no flash compensation with the RTF.
The Pentax flagship has been strengthen on one side, but seriously weaken on the 
other. If we compare MZ-S to the other flagships, it appears like a destroyer against 
battleships - a very capable vehicle, but too weak to hurt them seriously.
For me the existence of MZ-S makes sense only if it was meant to pave a trail for 
something stronger, because it is too much an experimental product. It's a good camera 
- good enough for me and other intermediate to advanced amateurs, but no more. It 
can't even be, say, a back-up pro body.
And one more thing - my subjective view on the Pentax cameras development. MZ-S is 
very much like the whole MZ/ZX series - the odd mixture of pros and cons, ups and 
downs. From K through Z/PZ series each and every series was internally consistent and 
logically both separated and connected to the previous series. They were all like 
generations. Each of them has a key feature (or features) that justifies its 
existenxce as the separate family, as well none of them is overloaded with different, 
yet very similar bodies. MZ/ZX series appears to me as a total chaos. There are too 
much bodies in it and these bodies doesn't differ from one another in a logical way, 
but because of random selection of features. There is no visible strategy in the 
introduction of the new bodies. MZ-S crowns the whole mess well.
I'm really sorry to write it, because I'm a serious Pentax fan and I want my favourite 
to prosper well. But the hope is the only thing that left for me.
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Odp: Re[2]: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski

- Original Message -
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

 Indeed. But I think that the majority of the MF cameras are being used in
 studios. IMHO this is where Pentax strategy is quite inconsistent. Most
 the field photographers prefer to use 35mm or digital cameras because of
 their convenience: such cameras are lighter or at least their equipment
 lighter (most of all - lenses), they usually have better parameters (say
 example:  flash sync speed), much more lenses of different kinds and
 lengths to choose from, easier and cheaper processing. Pentax is unique
 terms of the compact size of its MF cameras but is also the only major MF
 producer that hasn't introduced interchangeable backs so far. You're
 saying that the place that they do well is in field cameras, but heading
 this segment only is in fact heading for the dead end. IMHO Pentax will
 forced to introduce interchangeable backs to settle among studio
 photographers or else they will be floating around as a satellite. AFAIK
 (I'm not an MF shooter yet:)) Bronica produces digital backs. This will
 the issue even more important for Pentax...

 I don't know your definition of field camera. But for landscape at least,
 is much better than 35mm due to larger film format. And I sure prefer 120
 for landcape if I can afford to.

Have you read my posting? Yes, I know very well that the larger format, the
better image quality - you didn't surprised me. Mind, however, that the
digital market is not the only one that developed fast in recent years. 35mm
films became so good that it is no problem to get big enlargements of good
quality, or at least quality that is good enough to use them in magazines,
calendars, books etc. I repeat: most of
the field photographers prefer to use 35mm or digital cameras because of
their convenience: such cameras are lighter or at least their equipment is
lighter (most of all - lenses), they usually have better parameters (say for
example:  flash sync speed), much more lenses of different kinds and focal
lengths to choose from, easier and cheaper processing. That you prefer 120
for landscape doesn't mean that thousands of other photographers do - no,
they use 35mm or digital. Just search the National Geographic for example...
No, the main role for the MF is studio/fashion/commercials/nude (:))
photography, where polaroid or digital backs , as well as another film backs
are important. The field photography is a dead end for MF if the producer
focuses mostly on it...

 Personally, I don't see how classic style, elegance, convenience of
 control, ergonomy, backward compatibility could be serious weapons. These
 factors are 2nd consideration at most. Besides, I don't think Z-1p can
 compete with Minolta 7 or 9.

If you don't see it, then perhaps you should turn to Minolta. You seem to
appreciate Minolta very much. I'm not sure if you realize, that you've just
questioned main reasons, for which many (if not most) people are Pentaxians.
Add the SMC and IMHO you will actually have the ONLY reasons to stay with
Besides, good marketing can make advantages from everything, even from
disadvantages (vide Canon)
Z-1p beats easily Dynaxx 7 (I don't know Dynaxx 9 from my personal
experience) in terms of ergonomy and convenience of use. It is one of the
most ergonomic, well designed and user-friendly camera ever. Of course it
lacks advanced flash metering, has outdated AF, DOF previev is mechanical.
But equip it with P-TTL, HSS, SAFOX VII, electronic DOFp and magnesium
housing and no Minolta will be a match for it also in terms of features. But
you seem to dislike Z-1p...
Meanwhile, Dynaxx 7 beats MZ-S because it offers more for the same or less

 Any modular system is expensive, and I doubt it will ever happen. Besides,
 if this is important to anyone, why wait for Pentax when Nikon has the F5
 now? Just doesn't make sense.

This is the only statement I agree with. It doesn't make sense and is too
expensive. So there is another way for Pentax: the Leica-like way. Pentax
will be producing classic, durable, outdated and expensive cameras (one
model every, say, 5 years) and equally expensive, rare limited lenses (of
course, of high quality) for a limited group of people. Or maybe will focus
on compact cameras only...
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Odp: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski

- Original Message -
Subject: Re: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

 If I am not mistaken, P645 and P67 system were designed for field use
 polaroid backs aren't important. Also, the relatively affordable P67
 are big plus.

As I have written in another posting, field use is but a side application of
MF cameras.

 But the digital technology has been developing so fast we might not know
 soon it will equal the 35mm format in terms of quality.


 Good products alone mean nothing. Minolta have many great products too but
 still no match to Nikon and Canon. To really compete with them, Pentax
 needed many significantly better products as well as total commitment to
 their service support which will cost them a fortune. Not to mention they
 need to raise their image too. A gambling if you ask me.

Minolta again and again... We have totally different wiev on the Pentax
advantages and disadvantages and you seem to give up.

 Unfortunately, to most newbie, Nikon and Canon are all they care.

And who is responsible for it, if not Pentax itself, huh?
Besides the situation begins to change. Newbies ask about MZ-6 more and more

 The appearance of Z-1p is so similar to other cameras in its era, people
 just didn't notice it.  :(

Yes, but it is Pentax to blame for it. Which doesn't mean it should give up,
unless it has already planned to quit from the market.
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Re: Re: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Uytkownik Paul Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

If thats the new way the bring back the old way! 

Ditto!:) Give ma a piece of the NPH 400 and I'll make much better shots with my Z-1p 
and AF500FTZ...
BTW, a new version of NPH 400 is going to appear soon...
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2002-08-14 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I've just sold my wife's MZ-7+SMC F 35-80mm f/4-5,6.
Moreover, I've just acquired a Z-1p in very good condition:) *applause*
Since I have an AF500FTZ, I'm even more happy because it'll be a very
powerfull combo.
My MZ-5n goes now to my wife but just for a while, since she cries for an
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Re: Question: flash compensation

2002-07-11 Thread Artur Ledchowski

- Original Message -
Subject: Re: Question: flash compensation

 This isn't what you asked, but I've noticed that your site does not
mention that all MZ series bodies can do flash compensation in full manual
mode only.  I have only tried this with my 5n and the RTF, but it definately
works and I have heard others say that is works on other MZ series bodies
as well (except the MZ-M of course).

I have an AF500FTZ and a Sunpack MZ440AF and often use flash compensation in
Manual mode of my MZ-5n. However, it seems not to work with my wife's MZ-7.
The whole idea is to manually set exposure parameters metered for ambient
light and then apply ordinary exposure compensation, which will affect only
the flash output and not the parameters. It means that the camera must allow
user to use its exposure compensation feature in Manual mode. The MZ-5n and
3 do that since they are controlled manually (by rings and switches). The
MZ-7, on the other hand, is controlled electronically and its exposure
compensation feature DOESN'T WORK in Manual mode. Thus, one cannot apply
manual flash compensation with this body and most probably with any other
one that is controlled in the same way (MZ-50, MZ-30, MZ-10 etc.).
Correct me if I'm wrong...
I wonder, however, if the flash compensation (the real one, NOT the one
described above) is possible with AF360FGZ and any  MZ camera other than
MZ-S and MZ-6, as the flash has this feature built-in.
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OT: Studio flash (slightly long)

2002-07-10 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Me and my friend are going to buld a small studio in his house's cellar.
It's a room of about 6m l., 4m w. and 2,3m h. We decided to buy monolights -
there are some cheap ones available on the market. We decided to buy 3
units: for key light, fill light and for back/background light. The
monolights we want to buy come as systems - there are diffusors, spots,
softboxes, barndoors and filters dedicated to them. They also have modelling
lights. They can be triggered by sync. cords or by built-in photocells. They
also have adjustable flash output - either in 1 and 1/2 stops (cheaper
units) or fluently (more expensive units).
I decided to put all things together as following:
|  A   |
|B   |
|  |
| O  |
|  |
|  |
|  |
|  |
|  |
| C ^   D  |
|  |
|  |

A - background
B - back- (on the ceiling) or background light (on the floor)
C - fill light (on a high tripod)
D - key light (on a high tripod)
O - model(s)
^ - camera
The camera will be my MZ-5n (MZ-7 and Z-50 as backup bodies), but I hope to
add Kiev 88 (6x6) soon and 645 N II in the future.
And now the questions:
1) What do you think about the studio layout I presented? Would you suggest
some corrections?
2) As I'm going to trigger the monolights with my camera's built-in flash,
is there any danger of affecting the light balance by the triggering light?
Should I, perhaps, cover the built-in flash with a piece of paper or
3) Are flashmeters capable of meter the flash triggered from photocells i.e.
wirelessly? If so then which ones and how they do it (I mean that as there
are no wires connecting them to monolights, how would they know when to
start and stop the metering)?
4) How should I interpret Wattseconds? I mean what does 100Ws mean? When I
need to know how powerful a flash is, it is its GN that concerns me.
However, all I hear and see is Ws. Are there any formulas that calculate
GN's from Ws? If not, then how can I estimate if a given number of Ws is
powerful enough to provide me with the amount of light I need? As I plan to
use basicly ISO 100 films at f/8, I need to get shutter speed of at least
1/30 - 1/60 for portraits (1/100 is the limit for the MZ-5n of course) and
the monolights I'm going to buy are of 100Ws or 200Ws.
I'd appreciate your input on the matter. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Big announcement coming up

2002-06-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I agree that IS and/or USM will put Pentax on the map somehow but I doubt 
it will make much difference in real life. Minolta have recently announced 
USM (SSM) lenses but this hasn't yet caused a stir and no Canon user have 
announced that they are switching.

Yes, I heard about the SSM lenses. As they have recently announced it, the time is too 
short for the users to switch systems, don't you think? But they will, I 
assure you. Dynaxxes 7 and 5 are sold at VERY interesting/competitive prices and once 
customers are able to mount SSM lenses on them, they will go for it...

This will be rather pointless as all the heavy weight camera users will go 
digital. Pentax should rather concentrate on connoisseur stuff in tune with 
the Limited lenses.


In other words, Pentax should retire. This is what your words mean - at least its 35mm 
SLR line.
Well, what can I say?
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Re: Big announcement coming up

2002-06-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski

The size is a deliberate marketing ploy. Big sells. It looks expensive and 
desirable. The unsuspecting consumer thinks he get more for the money if 
the product is larger.

Doesn't he? I think he does...

The Z-1p lack of success was due to the fact that nobody could figure out 
why they should buy one instead of a Canon or a Minolta or whatever.

And who was responsible for talking the consumers into buying it, huh? I think Pentax 
was - but for some mysterious reasons wasn't able or didn't want to 
do it... And as the Z-1p model growed older, even the market competition was against 

Yes, if by marketing strategy you mean the marketing strategy behind the 
camera design. The Z-1's design philosophy and market ploy was automation 
with photographer control which happens to be completely identical to 
canons design and marketing strategy.

No, by proper marketing strategy I mean the ability to convince customers that the own 
product is better than the others and that they should buy it. A firm 
may rely either on advanced technologies (like Canon, Nikon) or on fame of being 
classic (like Leica). Pentax used to be among the former but lost its 
place - it cannot, however, claim to be classic. Minolta is in a very similar 
situation but, unlike Pentax, it was able to begin succesful restoration with the 
introduction of Dynaxxes 9, 7 and 5. Mind that I also notice a beginning of the same 
restoration on the Pentax side and I hope it will prove succesful...

Why should they update a camera that didn't meet their sales goal and whose 
market position wasn't appreciated by the consumers?

Ah, yes:) They probably thought the same way... Why should we do anything to convince 
the customers to buy our cameras if they don't want to? OUR 
market position wasn't APPRECIATED! We are offended Other producers, however, weren't 
offended and exploited the chance... Pentax don't do 
cameras for a charity purposes but to profit by them, remember?:) Why should they have 
updated the camera that didn't meet their sales goal? To finally 
meet it. And they should have let all the people know that they updated it and that 
they care for their customers...

I don't think they should make a camera similar to Nikon and Canon because 
the world don't need more Nikon and Canons. I do not either subscribe to 
the theory that if a camera is not like Nikon or Canon then it can't be 

I DON'T mean they should make clones of EOS-1v or F5. And no, the world doesn't need 
more Nikons and Canons. But Pentax proved that it has it's own 
style and features and I assure you that such a pro Pentax camera would be still 
unique. You seem to fear that it wouldn't be, though, which means that 
you don't believe in Pentax abilities. Think it over...

The MZ-S is just as much a pro level camera as the Nikon F100 and more so 
than the Canon EOS3.

I'd rather compare the MZ-S to EOS5 and something between F100 and F80. But OK.

Claiming the Z-1p is pro level camera and the MZ-S is not is with all 
respect silly. The Z-1p was neither designed or marketed as a pro grade camera.


Oh, but it was... Here in Poland as well as in other places, as it was written in 
another mail.
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Re: two cameras on one neck

2002-05-23 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I carry my two cameras - MZ-5n and Program A - very often. I usually do it this way: 
my main camera is the MZ-5n, so I hang it on my neck. The Program A (mostly a back-up 
body) is, on the 
other hand, hanged on my left shoulder, NOT on my neck and together with my bag. I 
don't like to put both cameras on my neck as they tend to hit each other whatever the 
lenght of the 
Hi there,
this Saturday I'm going to have to wear two cameras on my neck, and I'm
trying to figure out the best way to do it. I guess one strap should be
shorter than the other, but I can't get the combination right. I realize
it's a matter of personal preference, but I would like to know how other
people deal with carrying two ready to shoot cameras. In my case it's going
to be a Canon P with a 50mm and a Pentax MX with a 135mm and a winder. An
'Oh Lord' Crumpler camera bag is going to hang on my shoulder.
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Re: what is P-TTL?

2002-05-15 Thread Artur Ledchowski

   Only in plain vanilla TTL mode. P-TTL is a recent addition in
   Pentax repertoire, meaning the actual flash is preceded by a
   shorter, lower intensity pre-flash, intended to allow the camera to
   measure reflectivity of different parts of the scene in order to
   compute more efficiently the effective flash burst duration. 

I read somewhere that the pre-flash is triggered about 1/15 sec before the main flash

   capable of detecting and correctly exposing for off center
   subjects, something one had to manually compensate for in older TTL
   mode. As to date, MZ-S and MZ-L (ZX-6) paired with 360FGZ are the
   only P-TTL capable combinations.
   Servus, Alin

I wonder if the newest Pentax - MZ-60 is capable of doing the P-TTL and HSS features. 
I also read that the MZ-60 has MLU (with 2-sec. timer). Anybody knows anything about 
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Re: Odp: Re: Odp: Polacy na PDML (was Re: )

2002-05-13 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Great idea! What about next week (saturday evening)???
Best regards

Unfortunately next weekend I'm going fishing...
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Re: Odp: Polacy na PDML (was Re: )

2002-05-10 Thread Artur Ledchowski

From what know there are less then 10 people from Poland. 

 Yes:) There is quite a lot of us here:)) I'm from Warsaw:)

Guess it would be kind of nice if we could get together for some 
shooting somehow.


That's a great idea, Maciek:) Count me in! We may start a disscussion on the location 
of the Polish PDML Meeting:)
BTW, does any of you Poles take part in Polish Internet galleries like FotoTok, Plfoto 
or Onephoto?

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Re: Odp: Polacy na PDML (was Re: )

2002-05-10 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Yes, that would be something really nice. The only problem is to find date
equally good for everyone. But we should think about it! BTW I live in
Warsaw and thought about visiting Kazimierz Dolny - really beatiful place
for taking lot's of photos - especially during spring (my 1/2 has been there
- I haven't yet :-)
Best regards
Sylwester Pietrzyk

So you live in Warsaw?:) So do I. Where exactly do you live?
As for Kazimierz - I've already been there several times lately:) The Polish Internet 
gallery FotoTok, in which I take part, organized meetings there. Such a meeting is 
taking place there this 
weekend, too, starting from today's evening:)) But there's a nice restaurant in 
Kazimierz, called U Fryzjera. They serve delicious Jewish food :))

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Re: Odp: Re: Odp: Polacy na PDML (was Re: )

2002-05-10 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I guess, that due to the fact that most of the Polish PDML-ers 
are from Warsaw it would be easiest to do a meeting there. But 
I'm open to every other idea.


I'm not sure if most of the Polish PDML-ers are from Warsaw, but if the meeting is 
organized in this city, the we can meet in the Rybie Oko pub. It's name (Fish Eye 
for those, who don't 
speak Polish) speaks for itself:)) - it's actualy a photographic pub with a pretty 
nice atmosphere: old cameras hanging on the walls, photo exhibitions, the bar 
iluminated by light coming from 
enlargers (Krokus 3 AFAIR):)). Beer (Tyskie, Lech) is at a reasonable price. The pub 
is located in the very center of the Warsaw - in one of the Poniatowskiego Bridge 
pillars on the left Vistula 

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Re: pro or hobby

2002-04-10 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I'm doing it as a hobby

So am I, but I sincerely believe that I'll be able to have my own photographic 
business someday:))
So far I put much money into it far too much..:)
Ah, after all, who cares...?:))



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2002-04-08 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I have an opportunity to buy an AF500FTZ in like-new condition for about 40% less 
than the normal price. I have an MZ-5n and a Sunpack MZ440AF. I wonder 
what I'll gain if I buy the Pentax flash and what I'll lose if I buy an MZ-S 
someday... In other words, considering the possibility of buying the MZ-S, considering 
the fact 
that the Sunpack is just a fully automatic, only-TTL flash, that serves me well so far 
and considering the fact that I my camera is the MZ-5n, I'd like to receive some 
advice from you, guys: does it make any sense to buy it? Or should I get on with the 
Sunpack until I buy the MZ-S and then buy an AF360FGZ?
I know that if I buy the AF500FTZ, I'll get:
- contrast control
- slave
- strobo
- motorized zoom
- flash output reduction
But will I also get trailing curtain sync? And how about the flash compensation? In 
fact, these two features are the most important ones for me in this case...


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Re: AF500FTZ

2002-04-08 Thread Artur Ledchowski

 And how about the flash

No, not like on a pz-1p. Of course you can set your ambient exposure 
manually then use your comp dial to reduce flash output like on the 
5n. This is how I work, even when I was using pz-1p's. 

All right, so what should I do to get, say, -1EV flash compensation with my MZ-5n and 
the AF500FTZ? 
You see, I'm asking about it because with my Sunpack I'm not able to do ANY manual 
operations and so I don't have any experience with the problem

I wouldn't be surprised if we see a AF500FTZ upgrade sooner or later 
that includes the features of the 360.


Yes, I'm sure we will but how much will it cost?:) I'm an amateur with an amateurish 
budget:)) And I'm married - I think most of you know what it means:)
I think that getting the almost new AF500FTZ for about 40% less than normally is quite 
a bargain... But I'd like to know how complicated is the manual 
compensation? How long does it take to do some nice -1EV fill flash with the MZ-5n?
The flash has the possibility to manually reduce its power output - does it work with 
the MZ-5n?


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Re: AF500FTZ

2002-04-08 Thread Artur Ledchowski

The exposure compensation will have no effect on your shutter speed 
or aperture because you've set them manually. The -1 will just affect 
the flash output.

Am I making sense? It's very easy but might sound a little harder 
than it actually is.

You are, thanks:) It is actually VERY simlple.

The Sunpak is ttl, right? The trick will work with it too.

Yes, it is TTL. Well, I've never thought of using it this way

For me it meant divorce.

Come on! I'm married for just 6 months:)
Besides, truth to say my wife is pretty forbearing anyway. And she's just gotten 
involved in phtography, too - right after I had given her my previous camera - the 

It takes a split second longer than having a separate flash 
compensation control, but I find it to be pretty easy.

It is both easy and fast so good to me. Thanks:)

The flash has the possibility to manually reduce its power output -
does it work with the MZ-5n?



I  have never fully understood the difference between the flash compensation and the 
power reduction. I've always thought that if I set the -1EV compensation 
OR reduce the power output to 1/2, it would mean the same effect. Am I right or wrong?


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RE: New lens

2002-04-08 Thread Artur Ledchowski

As usually the PDML-ers provided the solution for my problem - THANKS:)
Of course I did the same thing you did:)) I removed the filter, thinking why the 
^%$^% it should be there:) After putting the filter back on the lens, everything 
fine, of course:)
BTW, so why the ... this filter is needed to focus on infinity? What's the idea?

Are you sure you have the filter attached at the back? I had the same when I
thought to be smart and remove it to reduce any more glass then what is
really needed. In this case, it is really needed.

Frits Wüthrich


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Re: Pentax direction the last decade (WAS: OT: An interesting evening - sorry, long)

2002-04-03 Thread Artur Ledchowski

How do you know that?! I was totally surprised... You say Pentax made IS lenses 12 
years ago? And haven't introduced them into production so far? Then what's 
the idea? The Pentax marketing, I'm sorry to say that, is blind.
Don't tell me they have already made ultrasonic AF drives...
However, eye-controlled AF sucks, so I'm glad they don't sell it. Besides, what's good 
of it with any SAFOX below VII?
Perhaps you could give some examples of cameras that didn't come out of the prototype 
phase... That would bring me down even more...:)

It's hard to say what Pentax will release. The fact is that Pentax design 
all kinds of nice cameras that never see the light of day. Their engineers 
make all kinds of nice things like Z-1p replacement, a replacement of the 
replacement of the Z-1p, an LX replacement, eye controlled AF. Image 
stabilizing lenses (12 years ago!), Image stabilizing converters, lots of 
lenses. Unfortunately, the marketing people or the board say no to most of 
the nice things; they are more concerned about short term profits. However, 
the fact that Pentax did consider marketing a 6000USD digital slr, and in 
fact had production line ready for it, but dropped it in the last minute at 
least gives hope that Pentax are now willing to take some chances.



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Re: How is Russian glass?

2002-03-20 Thread Artur Ledchowski

 Can somebody offer up
opinions on the quality of these lenses?  While I'm on
it, is there an online resource for reviews and specs
on non-Pentax glass made for K-mount?

Thank y'all all,
Deb in TX

The two Russian lenses that I know pretty well, are: Zenitar 16mm f/2,8 FishEye and 
Mir 20mm f/3,5 - I have both of them (Zenitar in K-mout and Mir in m42). For 
the price payed they're simply superb! They have great contrast and sharpness. Mir has 
surprisingly little distortion - FAR less than most zooms at 28 or 24mm. 
Their coatings aren't perfect, of course (surprisingly the Zenitar is more resistant 
to flare than the Mir) - no match for the SMC - but I'm sure there are no better 
lenses for the price. Their fully metal casings are IMHO yet another advantage.
Another lenses worth trying are IMHO: Peleng 8mm f/3,5 FishEye (circular) and Arsat 
35mm f/2,8 Shift. Both have good opinions in the March issue of Practical 


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Re: Comments please...

2002-03-20 Thread Artur Ledchowski

For those who comented my pic - thanx a lot. It was very helpful to me. The suggested 
changes and croppings really do well.


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Re: my favorite March PUG entries

2002-03-20 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I usually do this a lot earlier in the month, but I've been a bit tied
up this month. Anyway, here are my favorites, in no particular order.

 Fishing boats  by  Artur Ledóchowski - love the mood, and the
contrast of the colorful boats against the muted background

Thanks, Amita:) I'm glad you like it:)


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Comments please...

2002-03-18 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Could you take a look and comment this photo: 
The writings on the wall are important to the meaning of the photo and as they are in 
Polish, Iet me translate them for you. 
The sculptured woman is the personification of one of the (classic) Arts - Sculpture 
and so the word Rzezbiarstwo, carved below her feet, means exactly 
Sculpture. However, somebody painted on the plinth a slogan: Your body is a 
battlefield and, as you'll probably find it out, the slogan was painted by some 
member of a youth subculture...
The whole image struck me and I thought it had a symbolic meaning... But what do you 
think of it? Is the symbol clear to the audience? Can you interpret it in your 
own way? Or is it too muddled?
The equipment was: MZ-5n, SMC FA 28-105 f/4-5,6 Power Zoom, Kodak T400CN


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A new toy

2002-03-17 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I've just bought a K-mount Zenitar 16mm f/2,8 Fish-Eye:))
Looking forward to taking it for a walk:))


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Re: 28-70 vs 24-90 vs 28-105

2002-03-15 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Lets not forget that the FA* 28-70/2.8 AL is compromised by NOT sporting 
IF. Lets not forget either that the 31 Limited has eight (8) AL elements.


Heh, indeed:) And therefore 31 Ltd. is cheap, isn't it?:)


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Re: 28-70 vs 24-90 vs 28-105

2002-03-14 Thread Artur Ledchowski

If I were you, I'd go for 28-70 if I needed to save some money. It's really a great 
lens with constant aperture (a tiny bit faster than the 24-90 at the long end), 
although it has no IF. On the other hand, if money weren't a problem I'd definitely go 
for 24-90, since it's a great lens too and it has IF and bayonet mount lens 
hood. I'd avoid buying the 28-105, since, of course if i'm not mistaken, this is the 
lens based on the Tamron construction. I don't mean it's crap - no, it's good too 
(has AL, IF and bayonet mount lens hood), but using the aperture ring is really a pain 
in the butt - it's very small and too hard to reach and operate comfortably. It 
may be no problem with your Z-1p, since you control the aperture from the body, but if 
you ever mount it on MZ-5/3/S or any manual focus body, it'll be a problem. 
I'd also consider Sigma 28-70 f/2,8 - its price is very attractive and the quality is 
pretty good:)
I'm thinking about buying a good and not too expensive normal range zoom
lense to use on my Z1-p. There is the SMC-FA 28-70 mm/4,0 AL which I have
seen. It seems to be quite good and not too pricy. There are also two newer
lenses, both with more tele-range:
1) SMC-FA 24-90mm f/3.5-4.5 AL [IF] and
2) SMC-FA 28-105/3,2-4,5 AL [IF]
At leastv here in Sweden the 24-90 is more expensive than the other two
lenses. Is it worth the extra money?
What is your opinion (humble of course) of these lenses? Any
recommendations? Have you seen any test results for the new lenses?

Peter Smekal


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Re: super-wide-angle options?

2002-03-12 Thread Artur Ledchowski

With the above options in mind, here are my questions: 

 1) Are the MIR or Vivitars even worth considering? 

Yes, yes, yes
I recommend the 20-M Mir MC 20mm f/3,5. I have it (an m42 version) - it's great!
Those pics below were taken with this lens:


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Re: super-wide-angle options?

2002-03-12 Thread Artur Ledchowski

They weren't altered at all:)
I was surprised, when I first saw those pics, about how little distortion this lens 
has... It has also pretty good coating - I had no problem with flare and contrast 
when shooting against the street lights...However, I haven't tested it against the sun 
I'm sold, this el cheapo lens has less distortion (
assuming the images were not altered ) than my 28-105
sigma when set to 28mm or my older 28mm vivitar.


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Re: Ilford Pan 400 + Foma Rodinal

2002-03-09 Thread Artur Ledchowski

AL The Pan family are the cheapest Ilford b/w films. There is ISO 100, 200 and 400 
(I'm not sure if there's
AL anything faster). AFAIK, this is something like Kodak
AL Academy, since it lacks an anti-reflection layer. It's, however, of much better 
quality (great tonality,
AL sharpness etc) than the Academy. It costs about half the
AL price of HP5+ in Poland.

Iso 200 ? I have never seen a Pan 200 - are you sure? It's just over
the border and all we get is just 100 and 400 !

No, I'm not sure, to be honest... I thought I saw it on the photographic market that 
takes place in Warsaw every Sunday. I, however, don't use ISO200 films 
(for they are neither sharp enough to match ISO100 and 50, nor fast enough to handhold 
a camera with a slow zoom), so my eyes could've misguided me:)

lacking anti-reflection layer? You mean anti-halation layer?

I seriously doubt it, Artur, as all films (except the infra - Kodak
HIE) have anti-halation layer. Otherwise, you would get pretty crappy
pictures in any kind of backlight or high contrast situation - exactly
these situations I shoot Pan 400 pushed at.

I've written AFAIK:)) I heard that Pan films lack that anti-halation layer but the 
rumours may be wrong. However, I'm pretty sure the Kodak Academy lacks 
this layer, since it behaves exactly in the way you've written:) No way to shoot it in 
backlight situatoins and some say it has NO contrast AT ALL:))) That's 
pretty crappy piece of material, very bad thought of here in Poland - but it's cheap, 
so it can be used to test film avance in a camera or something:)

I don't know the Academy, but I can only second your statement -
Ilford Pan 400 is second only Tri-X and HP5+, by a very little margin, and
the dev times are same for both 100 and FP4+ and 400 as HP5+, so they in
all probability are at least very similar films to their more
expensive brethern. However, the price isn't so good anymore - now I
get bulk Pan 400 at only ~33% less the price of bulk HP5+ (although
when buying film in 36 exp boxes, it's about 50% difference. I never
buy 36 exp film if I don't have to though). Sad thing is that Ilford
prices almost DOUBLED over the last three years! I remember
HP5+ at around 85Kc now it costs nearly 160Kc per 36exp ! Similar for
boxed Pan 400. (although the prices are still managable when buying
bulk rolls of film - did I tell you that I can get bulk rolls of HP5+
which makes the film 40% (sic!) cheaper than buying 36exp boxes G?)

Well, in Poland Pan 400 costs about 9,90 PLN per box (36 exp) while 36 exp box of HP5+ 
costs about 19,90 PLN, so it's about 50% difference. As for bulks - 
25 m of Pan 400 costs about 136 PLN which gives you even cheaper 36 box (if I'm 
correct thinking that 36 exp film is about 1,5m long...) - about 8 PLN. Bulk 
HP5+ (25m) costs well over 300 PLN, so the price ratio is maintained for the bulks 
Of course, there are different locations in Warsaw, where those films cost much higer 
- but the point is to find a reliable, yet cheap source of films, right?:)
To privide some reference point: 1 $ = about 4 PLN; 1 Kc = about 0,1 PLN

   let us know what are the results using the R09. Does Foma still
   cooperate with Poland chemistry plant? There were several
   things they made together I think.
Good light,
   Frantisek Vlcek

AFAIK, Foton - the biggest Polish chemical and photographic industry works is stiil 
part of the Foma Group, or whatever it is called...


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Re: I want LX!

2002-03-09 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I want a second one ;-)) Don't let the Brotherhood of Bloat sway
you... Get a good LX and you will be fine for life. OTOH, a 67,
hmmm :) Nah, I will get a Pentacon 6, at least for it I have
several lenses already...

Good light,
   Frantisek Vlcek

67 is too big for me:) But 645 N II? Yes:) I think of it seriously. But it's for the 
I thing of buying LX as a long step forward from my Program A. But I also think of 
buying Z-1p or MZ-S or whatever will come from Asahi Opt. Co. in the future, as 
upgrade from my MZ-5n.
So, how much does the LX (body only) cost in Czech? Is it easy to get one? And is it 
easy to get additional LX equipment (screens, winders, grips etc)?


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Ilford Pan 400 + Foma Rodinal

2002-03-08 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Anybody knows how long I hould develope Ilford Pan 400 in Rodinal made by Foma? 
Dillution 1:40, temp. 20 - 21 deg. C
Don't tell me to use Ilfosol or something:))) I want to use THIS combination:)


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RE: Ilford Pan 400 + Foma Rodinal

2002-03-08 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Well, fortunately I've just found an instruction that came with the bottle of the 
developer and there is written that Ilford Pan 400 should be developed 21 
minutes in the 1:40 dillution at 20 deg. C. So my problem is solved.:))
But thanx anyway, Shel, for your answer. BTW, let me try to explain some points you 

Although it's reasonably well known that there are several formulas for
Rodinal, and most are quite similar, I've not heard of a Foma Rodinal. 
Is there any difference between  its formulation and that of other
Rodinal formulations?  Is it like the original Agfa Rodinal, or the
contemporary Agfa Rodinal, or like another formulation?

Well, I don't know the subject very well, but I heard that these are pretty similar 
formulas. The basic dillution in the instruction, that came with the bottle, is 1:40. 
Since you are a lot more experienced in the subject, perhaps you'll be able to guess 
it's formula from the developing times of the different films, presented in the 
instruction (1:40, 20 deg. C): 
- Kodak T-Max 100 - 8-10 min
- Kodak T-Max 400 - 10-11 min
- Kodak Tri-X Pan - 15 min
There is also written on the bottle, that it contains 5% p-aminophenol and 4% 
potassium hydroxide.

Now, about the film.  Ilford Pan 400 is not one with which I'm
familiar.  Is it local to your area, or do you mean another film, like
HP5+, which is the 400 speed Ilford with which most of us are familiar? 
You don't mean Delta 400, or 400 Delta, do you?

No, I mean neither Delta 400, nor HP5+:))) I mean Pan 400:))
The Pan family are the cheapest Ilford b/w films. There is ISO 100, 200 and 400 (I'm 
not sure if there's anything faster). AFAIK, this is something like Kodak 
Academy, since it lacks an anti-reflection layer. It's, however, of much better 
quality (great tonality, sharpness etc) than the Academy. It costs about half the 
price of HP5+ in Poland.

Finally, why do you want to use this particular combination?  I'm just
curious.  Is there some set of characteristics that you're looking for? 
Is it just what you have on hand g?

The latter:)) Just because I'm lazy:)))
One more question - the temperature of the distilled water that I keep in my room is 
always 21 deg. C. It's easier for me to develope in this temperature, than to 
lower it by 1 deg (it's hard for me to maintain such precision). So what do you think 
- what correction I should apply to the developing time if the enclosed 
instruction tells as stated above: 21 min. in 20 deg. C (dil. 1:40) and I want to use 
21 deg. C?


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Re: Comments on PUG photos

2002-03-06 Thread Artur Ledchowski

My 2-cents worth of opinion on this month's offerings . . .

The following caught my eye:

Artur Ledochowski - Nice color, nice subject well composed.


Thanx:) I'm glad you like it:)


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Re: PMA report on Pentax

2002-03-05 Thread Artur Ledchowski

They write: The Digibino DB-100 is a combination of 7x zoom binoculars with a 0.8 
megapixel (1024 x 768) CCD sensor, it can take a 1024 x 768 or 640 x 480 
image of the image viewed through the binocular eyepieces (it actually uses a third 
lens system in the center of the unit)
Don't you think it's a prototype of the stuff that Luke Skywalker used in the Star 
Wars: A New Hope when he tried to track R2D2, who (which?) just 


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Re: I've decided that I don't like Supra 800

2002-03-05 Thread Artur Ledchowski

It's not THAT bad:)) Try Konica:))
However I agree with you in general. I'd recommend either Fujipress 800, or Supra 400 
pushed +1. Supra 400 is claimed that it can be pushed to 1600 with good 
results - I didn't check it out yet, but I often use the Supra 400 pushed +1 and I'm 
happy with it...
However, a lab can be responsible for big grain, too.
It is mainly the grain. In the past I've shot it at 1600 to 3200

Can anyone (who has done actual comparisons) recommend an ISO 800 with
less grain? My only other experience with 800-speed films is NHGII 800,
which I have shot (also in museums) at 1600 and 3200. It, too, is
grainy, but I prefer its overall rendition.




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Re: MZ-6 (ZX-L) hands-on

2002-03-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski

   I tried this new pentax in shop yesterday, few thoughts:
   2) it's cheap, meaning physical features. The viewfinder is one of
   the ugliest I have ever looked through, including Nikon's F60
   viewfinder!!! It's like the vision of the light at the end of

Is it worse than the MZ-7's viewfinder? Is it dark or not contrasty enough or both?

   The finder delegates it to crap department, though. YMMV. The lens
   it comes with (28-90) is nothing stellar too, more crappy than the
   camera even!

What else do you expect from an amateurish standard zoom?:) This lens seems to replace 
the FA 28-80/3.5-5.6, so the casing must be crap. This, however, not 
necessarily aplies to its optical quality:)

Good light,
 Frantisek Vlcek


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Re: MZ-6 (ZX-L) hands-on

2002-03-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I expected as much, it has been said this may replace
the MZ-5n but now I don't think it will. 

I believe it replaces the MZ-7 - this way I can imagine a body replacing MZ-5n/3 
(together) that would be a bridge between MZ-6 and MZ-S in terms of features - it 
would for example feature HSS, P-TTL, DOFP, matrix, c/w and spot metering, 
AutoBracketing, the fastest shutter of 1/6000 sec, sych = 1/180 and SAFOX VII 
but no (for example) MLU, MRC, Hyper, magnesium casing etc...
There must come something between the MZ-6 and the MZ-S - the SAFOX VII, HSS and P-TTL 
hasn't been invented for just two bodies:) I also thing there will be 
something above the MZ-S:))


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Re: MZ-6 (ZX-L) hands-on

2002-03-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski

   But please remember I have just recently (3 weeks ago) upped my
   viewfinder standards significantly - from K2DMD and SFXn to LX ;-)
   so I am not objective at all! YMMV.

We do understand :DD

   Ótherwise, the body felt quite small and with well-placed controls,
   the good thing was ability to control the aperture from the body
   even in manual mode (with lens on A), or aperture-priority in A
   mode by controlling the aperture from the body. 

I like this feature in my MZ-7 and prefer it to the manual operation in my MZ-5n, but 
I can live w/o it...

   The spot metering
   button (AE-L plus PF #5) is not well thought I think, as it locks
   the exposure, you have to press it again to unlock it, and press it
   once more to get another spot reading and lock it, that's just too
   many presses for me, I would preffer a PF#12... to allow for simple
   hold operation, like on older pre-AF bodies (hold to take reading
   and lock it, release to clear reading, press and hold again to take
   second reading/lock,...).

Yes, putting the spot metering among the PF's wasn't a good idea, I think...

   For casual shooting I would seem to like the
   body, except the viewfinder (but as I said earlier, I dislike
   almost all new viewfinders on most new brands bodies)

There's always a problem of a dark viewfinder when mounting cheap zoom lenses with the 
maximum aperture of 4 or 5,6:((( I can see the difference between 
my MZ-5n+SMC FA 28-105mm/4-5,6 and my Program A+SMC A 50mm f/1,7:)

Good light,


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Re: The most under-rated Pentax body

2002-03-02 Thread Artur Ledchowski

I was kinda joking, but frankly it was/is a bit - at least its 35mm stuff:)
I don't want to complain but I think the Pentax marketing strategy contributed a lot 
to this fact...
Hmmm, would we dare to say that ALL the Pentax cameras are underrated?:)

You mean Pentax was underrated in general?

Alan Chan


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Another try - Strange bokeh on 80-200 f/4,7-5,6

2002-03-02 Thread Artur Ledchowski

As I wrote earlier, I try now to send the URL from another e-mail client. I hope it 
won't change it:|
So, here it is:
Again, I wonder where such bokeh came from? The pic loks like taken with a mirror 
lens, and actually it was taken with a SMC FA 80-200mm f/4,7-5,6, which 
had never performed this way until that day... I dropped the lens on a concrete floor 
before but there was no sign of any damage, except for a shattered Hoya UV 
filter. Could it have anything to do with the bokeh (I don't think so...)?
PS: Yes, it's me on the pic:)
Sorry for the mess once again. I'll try to send it from another client later
 I hope somebody will check the pic out anyway...


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Odp: MZ-5n -- AutoBracketing?

2002-02-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski

On 3-02-2002 at 11:47 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Familie Scheffler) 

 Hi Artur,
 would you like to explain bracketing and 18%-rule 
and AutoBracketing
 feature, please?!

Bracketing - suppose you're about to shoot a scene with 
difficult light or lot of contrasty elements or something. 
You're not sure what the final effect will be if you shoot the 
scene relying on parameters chosen by your camera. So you take 
several shots of the scene (usually two, three) - the first shot 
based on the camera reading, the next one(s) compensated.
AutoBracketing - if you bracket manually, you have to set 
different parameters for each shot with by yourself and this is 
time-consuming. When using the AutoBracketing feature, the 
camera sets all the compensations for you - you only have to set 
the range, increments and direction for it (which is usually 
done with one or two simple moves) and then just press the 
button. The MZ-5n provides the AutoBracketing feature - three 
consecutive exposures can be done within the range of 
compensation of +3 to -3 EV and with 1 or 0,5 EV increments. It 
is controlled by two switches on the left side of the control 
18% grey rule - each and every built-in light meter is 
calibrated in a certain way. It assumes that the measured light 
is reflected by elements of average tonality - 18% grey. Thus, 
if the photographed scene consists of such elements, or of both 
the dark and bright elements in about the same numbers (which is 
usually the case), the overall reflected light is close to the 
average level and the metering is correct. However, if the scene 
is dominated by the bright or dark elements, the final reading 
will be incorrect because the meter will be fooled - it will 
underexpose in case of bright elements domination and overexpose 
in case of dark elements domination. In other words, it'll make 
white snow as well as black cat appear grey. The solution is to 
compensate for the bright or dark elements - in + in the first 
case, in - in the second case.
This rule applies to each metering system. However, matrix 
metering tries to simplify our life and compensate for such 
cases. Unfortunately, the matrix algorhytms aren't perfect and 
are also often fooled this way. Thus their exposures should be 
bracketed (or AutoBracketed:)) in case of difficult scenes, at 
least until the matrix behaviour is fully known to its user.

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Odp: Beginner's darkroom

2002-02-04 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Dnia 4-02-2002 o godz. 20:37 Marc Schlotthauer napisa(a):
 OK - darkroom has been approved by the spousal unit.
 I need help determining what all I need for a basic BW setup -
 make/model, paper, equipment, etc. If this has been beaten to 
death here
 previously, please refer me to the appropriate thread. 

I asked about almost the same thing not long ago - well, it was 
more like about a developing process:) I'll be watching this 
thread carefuly:)
I'm going to do my first developing this night. I've got a roll 
of the exposed Fomapan 400 which I'm going to put into Rodinal 
(by Foma), then stop with vinegar dilluted in water (1+9) and 
fix with Fomafix. The next in the row will be HP5+:)
I'll present my efects as soon as I finish.

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My PUG pic(k)s...

2002-02-03 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Fir the first time I decided (read: had time) to view all of the 
PUG submissions and pick up some of them... So here they are:

Gates of the Valley  by  Dick Jones - I like the use of the 
foreground elements (stones) to provide balance for the 
composition and lead my eye into the very subject. 

 Butterfly near Tucson, AZ - Nov. 7, 2001  by  Ann Sanfedele - 
nice colours and tonality, also good composition and the use of 
DOF. I especially like the way all hues of the elements work 
together. Browns and yellows really compose together well:)

 G.G. and Mari, Thanksgiving 2001  by  Mike Johnston - very 
good family portrait. Feelings and emotions are clearly 
readable. Besides, I like sepia toned images:)


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Odp: Re: MZ-5n

2002-02-01 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Dnia 1-02-2002 o godz. 20:41 alex napisa(a):
 1 : I see that in automatic mode, speed can be set to lower 
than 2 seconds, 
 but how can i set it so in manual mode, without using B 
setting ? I ask 
 this because my MZ-50 can do it.

Now that's the one thing I don't like in the MZ-5n. The answer 
is: you can't:( Neither in the M, nor in the Tv mode... I know 
your pain, since I had an MZ-7 (actually, I still have it but 
the MZ-5n became my primary body), that let me set anything from 
1/2000 to 30 sec. in any mode.

 2 : What combinations aperture/speed does the Program mode use 
for each EV 
value ? My manual does not say it, while the MZ-50 gives it. 

No idea so far...

 3 : What do you use the weighted center meter for ?

Mostly if you were accustomed to this kind of metering or 
disliked the matrix metering for one reason or another... IMHO 
it's good to know the c/w metering in case of mounting older 
lenses on your camera. The metering in the MZ-50 is very much 
like the c/w one - it's a matrix, but with only 2 segments...

4 : How does the predictive autofocus work ? (Ie exactly when 
does it go 
into action ? (I now it must some motion speed, but how exacly 
is that 
calculated and through what sensors ?) 

Don't know...

 5 : Do you have a trick to use the Snap-in focus feature with 
an FA lens ?

I don't and AFAIK this feature is only possible with manual 
focus lenses and a cable release

 6 : What are the ponderation that the multizone metering 
system uses and 
 where are the zones that are measured ?

Your manual should contain the pattern of the matrix segments. A 
complete list of the ponderation you mentioned knows the Asahi 
Opt. Co., I guess:) The camera should recognize backlight scenes 
and bright skies for example and compensate for them. It doesn't 
compensate for the scenes that have large bright or dark areas - 
it acts in accordance with the 18% gray rule. Therefore the 
exposure compensation is necessary in such cases. In case of 
doubts - bracket the exposure. Fortunately you get the easy-to-
use AutoBracketing feature with the MZ-5n...

 7 : Is there a way to prevent the camera to rewind completely 
in order to 
 have some film hanging out ?

You have to watch the frame counter while rewinding. As soon as 
it reaches 0, open the camera back. Alternatively you may want 
to use a special puller...

 8 : In the same spirit, is there a way to rewind the film by 
only one 
 frame, to do multiple expositions ?

Nope. The only way of doing it, that came to my mind, was to 
rewind the film completely, leaving or pulling the film leader 
out and then winding it to the desired frame. However there's a 
great risk of misplacing the consecutive frames.

 9 : What do you use the 100 flash speed setting for, since it 
seems any 
 lower speed is OK ?

1/100 is the top sync speed. It isn't VERY fast after all... but 
allows to freeze some faster movement. However, I usually use 
the shutter speed between the 1/30 and 1/60, in order to gather 
more ambient light...

 10 : Where can i find a cheap replacement for the eyepiece 
cover and flash 
 holder cover ? The previous owner seems to have lost them. 
BTW, how not 
 using the eyepiece cover can result in a bad exposition ?

In a bright day it can affect the exposune a lot, especially 
with the sun behind the camera. No problem in the night...

 11 : The back of the camera is not totally rigid, i.e. when i 
push on the 
 upper part, it makes some noise, like the noise you get when 
you press a 
 metallic bottle cover. (See what i mean ?) Is that a problem ? 
I do not get 
 that on my MZ-50.

It could be a problem. Perhaps you should have the camera 
examined by some authorized service... You wouldn't like your 
camera suddenly opened while shooting, would you?

 12 : How resistant have you found your camera to humidity and 
dust ? More 
 generally, what should i avoid doing with it ?

Taking a shower with it - that's for sure:) The camera isn't 
sealed in any way. As long as you use it in the way you did with 
your MZ-50, everything should be OK.

 Of course, i do not expect any of you to answer ALL the 
questions, but 
 could you keep them all in your answers so that somebody who 
catches the 
 thread latter can answer ?


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Odp: MZ-5n

2002-01-29 Thread Artur Ledchowski

Dnia 29-01-2002 o godz. 21:56 alex napisa(a):
 I have the opportunity to get a used one with an AF 50mm 1,7 
lens, but it 
 feels more difficult to manipulate than my MZ-50. Price would 
be 325 euros 
 (about $300), do you think that is OK, given there is a 6 
month warranty ?

No, it isn't more difficult:) Not at all. Trust me - I've just 
added the MZ-5n to my MZ-7 and Program A. You'll master all the 
controls in less than 15 min, without the instruction - I have 
no doubt about it:) Get it definitely, it's a real bargain, as 
it comes with such a great lens...

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Start-up B/W kit

2002-01-22 Thread Artur Ledchowski

So it finally got me:) I decided to enter the blackwhite world... I've alre
ady bought a developing tank but I don't know what film and chemicals I shou
ld get at the beginning - Ilford, Agfa, Kodak (no, you won't talk me into us
ing the Kodak Academy:)) What are their pros and cons?
What do you think?
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