Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone)

2021-11-25 Thread david moskovits
order from India

From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2021 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone)

Do I need a prescription for this?

When I went to Amazon, I got a list of a lot of other things, not this.  A 
compounding pharmacy said it required a prescription.

From: "pc" 
Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2021 9:05 am
Subject: Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone)
Jean - if you go to ... 
lots of info and also where to buy.

Ive been taking it for years ... got off for a bit when I recently had knee 
surgery and having some trouble
getting the dosage back up to 3 mg.  I'm at 1.5 now.  Major difference in my 
immune system .. I used to have pneumonia several times a year .. Not had it at 
all since taking ldn.  lots of other benefits .. My understanding is that it is 
more effective if taken at night .  you will have to research it.
Patricia Cassidy

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 12:30 AM Jean Baugh <> wrote:
I used to be on a list called the LDN (low dose Naltrexone).  It was 
fascinating and very informative, but like the Chemtrail list, one day it 
disappeared, never to be seen again.

Before it was 'disappeared', I'd researched a bit and found it offered for sale 
by River Pharmacy in Canada.  Not sure why I originally ordered it but think it 
had to do with it balancing your immune system, as needed.  The first time I 
ordered it, the package was gobbled up by customs and they resent the package.  
Then I realized this was something to stock up on.  It was not illegal in any 
sense of the word, but apparently had some very good side effects.  I remember 
hearing a TV anchor saying, "If they found a cure for cancer, our economy would 

Low and behold if this didn't come up today on Dr. Mercola.

The way I used it, brand Nodict, was one pill dissolved in 50cc of water but I 
always used colloidal silver, then the dose was started at 2.5cc and raised to 
about 4.5cc.  Some people reported they were very sensitive at even 1/4cc but 
some I suspect were trolls.  Never to be hesitant, I took the 4.5cc right off 
and it did have an effect on me and that was technicolor dreams that were 
interesting.  For one thing, I took it first thing in the morning because it 
seemed to make it harder to fall asleep if taken late in the day.

What is REALLY interesting about the LDN list being disappeared is, the list 
was discussing using it at much higher rates, and bam, it was gone.

If I remember right, addicts or alcoholics, were guinea pigged up to 5 pills a 
day, so apparently it was safe.

There were so many stories from the list members that it seemed as if was a 
miracle drug.  Off patent so they couldn't charge big bucks.  I did notice they 
used this and something else together, to use to lose weight.  How that works 
is, the same way it works in druggies and alcoholics.

Here is the link if they haven't taken it away:


Re: CS>US Supreme Court ruled mRNA Covid VAX is NOT a VACCINE, is UNSAFE and must be AVOIDED

2021-11-20 Thread david moskovits
read the other articles from the website ... it seems its not true

From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2021 10:35 PM
Subject: CS>US Supreme Court ruled mRNA Covid VAX is NOT a VACCINE, is UNSAFE 
and must be AVOIDED

I still need to CONFIRM this -- if TRUE, Fantastic . . .

BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is 
Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has 
canceled universal vax - best news 

BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Path...


Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer

2021-10-27 Thread david moskovits
Wouldnt it be great if the truth would come out on everything 

From: Jean Baugh 
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer


I clicked on my link about Ivermectin and cancer and it opened.  It might very 
well be opposed by a lot of people, who stand to lose a lot of money.  What 
would I have given to know this back in 2005?  My Mother was lost to 
chemotherapy and greed.

Passing on that link was hopefully helpful to others who are dying because they 
represent lots of money.  I heard a TV anchor say, If we found a cure for 
cancer, our economy would crash.  He spoke the truth!

May I suggest you use Duckduckgo to search for those terms?


On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:43 PM Rick>> wrote:
For me it says The Conversation Requested Could Not Be Loaded

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:50 PM p c>> wrote:
Yes   Me too.   My doc won’t prescribe ivermectin - he likes 
hydroxychloroquine. But also said crack down on drs writing scripts.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 27, 2021, at 4:41 PM, Smitty>> wrote:

I got a message.
*Not able to download*
Censored. ??
Does Anyone have this problem ?

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:27 AM Jean Baugh>> wrote:


2021-10-12 Thread david moskovits

Sources: VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required 
Sources: VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing 
BREAKING: During an interview with Stew Peters, Dr Jane Ruby provided Breaking 
information, corroborated by multiple sources, that a Vaxxed Delta Airlines 
pilot died in flight within the last two weeks, an emergency landing was 
forced, and the company is covering it up!

Re: CS>

2021-08-30 Thread david moskovits
its easy just pretend you have a criminal mind and want to get as many sheeple 
to follow orders.

From: Greg Kentwell 
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2021 5:30 PM
To: pal joey 
Subject: Re: CS>

I agree and would go as far as to say that this is highly likely.
Some weeks ago there was a msm article about a group of people the received 
saline shots “in error”.
They wanted those people to come back and get the correct shot.
How could this possibly happen if they did not have the saline shots lined up 
ready to administer.
It was almost like they were telling us of this possibility. ( saline instead 
of poison).



> On 29 Aug 2021, at 5:09 am, pal joey  wrote:
> Not saying I know this is happening,  but there is some talk of some people 
> get a saline shot instead of the real vaccine. And the motive is a guess, but 
> theories include creating a segment of the group that won't have problems, or 
> become magnetized because they got saline. They would then be pro "vaccine", 
> (look, nothing happened to me).  Yes, it is far out speculation,  I agree, 
> but this entire event is like something out of a sci fi horror movie, so 
> anything is possible.  If I got the "vaccine", I would look into the d- dimer 
> blood test for blood clots,  and then look into non toxic treatments to 
> alleviate them as well as any possible antidotes, until this is all sorted 
> out. If the blood tests showed all clear, I'd still plan to get more later, 
> and continue to look at antidotes. Then, if all was still clear, I'd consider 
> whether I got the saline.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

2021-08-05 Thread david moskovits
New strain will be called Hellta.

From: V 
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

Good point! Also someone else pointed out the Delta choice of name being 
Delta brainwaves are associated with being completely unconscious, and in this 
state we do not remember or know anything.
Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal 
mind and the collective unconscious. This is where you can receive Information 
that is unavailable at the conscious level.

On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 8:35 AM Neville Munn,>> wrote:
Whoops, here's an edit or an addition.

Remember when this crap first started they called it  - Novel - well "they" 
were stomped on, they had to stop using that Novel label because Novel means 
New​, and this is Not new, there's the giveaway for an engineered 'disease'.  
For some they think it is some 'strange Coronavirus' or a somehow it's 
something new, when in fact it's not.  Now it's mutated so now "they" call it 
the Delta Strain, LOL, I wonder what "they" will call it when it mutates AGAIN?


From: V>>
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2021 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

Yup every person who says they have or had it, by what test do you assert that 
as fact? I have had nasty flu in the past way pre scary so called novel virus. 
I am not saying people were sick. I am asking what test? And what are they 
really finding ? Fragments. Jon Rappaport and I and just a few others I guess 
not buying any of the numbers or narratives.

Re: CS>TROLLS...!!!

2021-07-27 Thread david moskovits

What a joke

History tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they if do 
occur, they usually happen within the first two months.

History what history from 6 months?

From: Max 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS>TROLLS...!!!

this statement in the link below is blatantly false;  "mRNA vaccines. The 
vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to 
deliver a message to your immune system with instructions on how to fight the 
coronavirus infection."   It can be forgiven only because the article is a 
fluff piece written by an unknown for god knows what motive.  The few decades 
of research with mrna vaccines against corona viruses was a failure.

It must be increasingly embarrassing to call all of the dissenting 
professionals nutjobs.  Can you get better credentials than the likes of John 
Ioannidis,  Sucharit Bahkdi, Peter McCullough?

Its hard to believe the incredible narrative these people are exposing, as it 
seems so unbelievable.  Even if they are wrong on half of it, the scam is about 
as bad as it gets.  But when you look at history, mankind has always engaged in 
heinous atrocities.

I dont have a problem with people ignoring those they deem trolls, but nor do I 
have a problem exposing their false narrative.  Ive got scientific references 
for days



The new vaccines from mRNA have been studied about 30 years but you think using 
shady links to ivermectin crap is a better solution, you are a conspiracy 

Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

2021-03-25 Thread david moskovits
why would anyone willingly take a gene therapy that failed when tested on 
animals 10 years ago. . The ceo of Liezer wont take it and Liezer been fined 
countless times for fraud? Besides f you got covid you have a 99.97 chance of 
recovery with this gene therapy ?  chance of recovery.

From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear 
or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

Congrats to the DUMMY you are a ticking time bomb people are dying daily after 
these shots from hell are WILLYFULLY IGNORANT
On Thursday, March 25, 2021, 05:52:02 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 

I got mine. I was not afraid nor was I coerced. I was smart!

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 9:33 AM Gmail>> wrote:

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Lord Acton

Re: CS>

2021-03-11 Thread David Snowdon

Hi RaVen,

It doesn't have to be Crystal Springs, most distilled (and/or ozonated) 
water should OK to use.


RaVen Sequoia wrote:
I couldn't find Crystal Springs Steamed Distilled Water in my local 
stores nor in Amazon. Suggestions in where I can find this? 


On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 12:28 PM David Snowdon <>> wrote:

Mike's website is still available using the WayBack machine:



Warning: there are some rather gruesome pictures showing how bad
shingles can affect the body.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>

2021-03-11 Thread David Snowdon

Mike's website is still available using the WayBack machine:


Warning: there are some rather gruesome pictures showing how bad
shingles can affect the body.


--- wrote:


Remember Mike Monnet ?  He made some good contributions to our quest and 
I believe that shingles is what drove him.  The higher ionic value is 
really counts when we talk about transdermal application.

Best regards,


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Covid Nasal Spray -- anti-Covid ACTIVE Ingredient -- similar to CS (Colloid of Silver)

2020-12-17 Thread David Bearrow
Hi Victor,
I agree with you that a mask doesn’t help the person wearing one from catching 
the virus. However I myself wear a mask and encourage others to also because if 
you’re infected it does help you prevent transmitting the virus. Since most 
people don’t get tested and you could be walking around infected, transmitting 
the virus and not even know you’re infected. Also it appears that average 
intelligence people (IQ = 100 or less) seem to have a hard time understanding 
the data that proves the mask doesn’t help you from catching the virus. 
Therefore it would serve no purpose for me to argue with them about it. Since 
it doesn’t harm them or us to wear a mask then why waste time arguing with 
someone about it. The wise man would tell the facts once and walk away when the 
fool he was talking to either refuses to listen or is incapable of 

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
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 On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, Victor Cozzetto  

Cyndiann,Stop your nonsense fear mongering and go away.Most people probably 
learned to block your emails by now, but I allow them to come through so that I 
can help protect people from your disinformation.
You can see on the CDC website that most people dying from COVID wear 

If anyone is still listening to all the nonsense, you can dismiss it by 
understanding the math. Lots of videos like this by people that actually know 
what they are talking about - there has been no change in all cause global 

If you prefer a more legal perspective, you should know that there is a global 
legal initiative led by Reiner Fuellmich and others (including Robert F. 
Kennedy Jr.) that already concluded their fact finding to determine that 
COVID-19 is largely a fraud, and they are pursuing the players behind the 
scenes for crimes against humanity. Thousands of highly respected lawyers, 
doctors, and scientists from around the world are behind it. Videos get taken 
down, but try this one:

Fear kills far more people than COVID every will.Eat well, breath fresh air, 
get sunshine, exercise, socialize, etc., and drink colloidal silver ;-)Victor

Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

2020-08-14 Thread David Snowdon
I find that fasting for 3 to 5 days helps in reducing or ridding the 
body of piles.


Reid Harvey wrote:
I just turned 70 and that seems to be around the time the body begins 
giving out.  Does EIS/ CS help with hemorrhoids?  For other reasons the 
Beck Protocol seems to make sense as well.  Silverlisters, you are the 
salt of the earth.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

2020-08-14 Thread david moskovits
I use coconut oi relieves the pain and swelling fast .

Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

There is a natural product called 'Collinsonia Root" that has a good track 
record for
treating hemorrhoids.  I like the Standard Process product.  I think you can 
check out
the reviews on Amazon and you can purchase the root from them.  Many start to
experience relief in just a few days/weeks.

I always start off low and slow with any new product and work up to a full dose.
Sufferers sometimes work with their doc who may prescribe anywhere from 4 to 9
caps per day in divided doses.  As always do your own due diligence and

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 09:10:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

Prep H and a "butt plug" to hold things in a relaxed not under pressure without 
support state where they should be while it heals up

On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 12:22 AM Reid Harvey>> wrote:
I just turned 70 and that seems to be around the time the body begins giving 
out.  Does EIS/ CS help with hemorrhoids?  For other reasons the Beck Protocol 
seems to make sense as well.  Silverlisters, you are the salt of the earth.

Re: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol in danger

2020-06-26 Thread david moskovits

thanks I will sign and forword it to my Whats app groups many Alt medicine 
people there

From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol 
in danger

david moskovits wrote: thanks wonder if anything can help



You (and others) might be surprised by the power of petitions. I used to think, 
"Why bother?" until I heard reports from the organizations that sponsor the 
petitions. They told us petition signers that all those signatures really do 
make a difference--and that on a given issue, the bully agency (whichever one 
it happened to be at the time) backed down because it was flooded by so many 

Bullies need to know that others will stand up to them. It's the basic "power 
in numbers" principle.

So don't despair. Your signature DOES make a difference.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases

NEW 5th Edition<>

NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop:

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment

Re: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol in danger

2020-06-26 Thread david moskovits

thanks wonders if anything can help

From: Jim 
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 6:41 AM
Subject: RE: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol 
in danger

Thanks Nenah

From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 4:25 AM
To: Nenah Sylver 
Subject: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol in 

The Alliance for Natural Health has prepared petitions for three vitally 
important issues. Please consider signing them.

1) Pharmaceutical executives getting high-ranking jobs in the FDA; former FDA 
employees going to work for Big Pharma. This revolving door between regulator 
and industry is the very definition of the “fox guarding the henhouse.” This 
cronyism is putting Americans lives at risk and it needs to stop. Action 

2) There is a bill in Congress, the Rural Broadband Acceleration Act, which 
would direct the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to accelerate an FCC 
program designed to bring broadband to rural communities and small businesses. 
Separately, the FCC passed an order to make it easier for companies to install 
5G in rural communities by streamlining the process to upgrade existing towers 
to 5G. Action 

3) Estriol and other bioidentical hormones have been nominated to the FDA’s 
Demonstrably Difficult to Compound List; items that appear on the list when it 
is final will no longer be able to be made at compounding pharmacies. We need 
to let the FDA know that we’re watching. Action 

Also, for those who can: On July 1, the National Academy of Sciences, 
Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is holding a webinar to release their report 
on the “clinical utility” of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement 
therapy. We expect the FDA will use this report as ammunition to ban estriol 
and other bioidentical hormones from pharmacy compounding. It is critical that 
consumers attend this 
 to let the FDA know that we’re watching them.

Thank you.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

[Avast logo] 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS>Off topic list.

2020-04-11 Thread David Bearrow
I don’t believe health topics are considered off topic to this list by most of 
the members. Off topic would be conspiracy theories and the like. Just use your 
best judgment.

 On Saturday, April 11, 2020, p c  wrote:

Sam , I am interested in everything you have to say.  I do some of the things 
you mentioned.  Please, if there is a forum you can freely post on, let us 
know.  Or mention CS at the  beginning of every sentence. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 10, 2020, at 11:47 PM, Sam L.  wrote:
> Is the off topic list even active anymore? Their is many health and world 
> topics to talk about. 
> I have many topics to talk about but not on the silver list. Example is 
> Xilitol, is great for the teeth, makes a great mouthwash. I buy it by the 
> pound and make my own. I also swish with CS, I make my own toothpaste, I make 
> my own pesticide (non Toxic) are many off topic topics. I make my own simple 
> zappers. The first zapper that I ever made was very basic and out of 
> desperation, it did solve one problem plus another one that was unexpected. 
> Is a long story.  
> -- 
> A government big enough to give you everything you want will take
> everything you have.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Also, take the conspiracy stuff to the off-topic list where it belongs

2020-04-08 Thread David Bearrow
I agree with Dan. Take all non CS related posts to the off topic list.

David Bearrow 

 On Wednesday, April 8, 2020, James Osbourne Holmes 

Define "conspiracy stuff" and I will comply.  Has Mike made you a moderator? 
What precedes "Also"? 
James Osbourne Holmesa/k/a Red Pill MediaThe American States AssemblyNew Mexico 
 Assembly Deputy CoordinatorThe Santa Fe County  Assembly Coordinator
http://signinamerica.comThis private email and any attachment(s) is covered by 
the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 USC 25-10-2521 and is for the 
sole use of the intended recipient and contains privileged and/or confidential 
information. No monitoring of my email or other means of surveillance, 
electronic and otherwise, is permitted and I reserve all my rights, without 
recourse and without prejudice, nunc pro tunc.  I do not consent to anyone 
tampering with, altering or delaying any incoming or outgoing communication.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 3:48 PM Dan Nave  wrote:

Also, take the conspiracy stuff to the off-topic list where it belongs

Re: CS>

2020-03-26 Thread david moskovits

dont click

From: Karis Cromartie 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:33 PM
To: silver list 
Subject: CS>



Re: CS>Coronavirus

2020-03-17 Thread david moskovits
recommendations for a good nebulizer?

From: Reid Harvey 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 3:58 PM
To: Silverlist Post 
Subject: Re: CS>Coronavirus

If I get the gist of this discussion correct I have a question:  If EIS works 
in nebulizing why would it not work orally, periodically taking a teaspoon?

On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 9:25 AM Neville Munn>> wrote:
Sorry Teri, I found an article which states this Coronavirus *IS* gram 
negative.  Yes, I know, there are a million articles rabbiting on about Corona, 
the Internet is full or crap, but going deeper I actually found one such 
article stating its negative.

A Jean-Louis Vincent, M.D., Ph.D., at Erasme Hospital states it in an article I 
found.  God knows who or where he hails from?

Quote: "So far, it seems to be Gram-negative than Gram-positive organisms in 
patients with COVID-19" end quote.

Have I misunderstood that?


From: Teri Kavakos>>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2020 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Coronavirus

This is a virus.  It is bacteria that is either gram positive or gram negative

Re: CS>Milky EIS

2020-03-16 Thread David Bearrow
Sounds like you don’t mind turning blue.
David Bearrow
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
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 On Monday, March 16, 2020, Da Darrin  wrote:

Why worry about that?Can you imagine what it looks like after mixing with the 
acids and also the hydrogen water that are already in your gut?Worry brings on 
stress which exacerbates many dis-eases.Dave

On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 5:38 AM PT Ferrance  wrote:

Hi,I grabbed a glass last night for my nightly EIS dose which had been used for 
drinking hydrogen water.  When I put the EIS in the glass it turned a milky 
translucent color. 
Anyone know what is going on?Wasn't sure so I didn't drink it.
Thanks. PT

Re: CS>Does silver lodge in organs?

2020-01-13 Thread David Bearrow
If you are ingesting silver in any form please be sure to also ingest the 
mineral selenium. Selenium is used by the body in disposing of excess silver . 

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
Get the new AOL app:
 On Monday, January 13, 2020, Rowena  wrote:

A couple of months ago I attended a new doctor, a complementary physician. As 
one of a number of tests, a 'heavy metals' test was run. Mercury was as high as 
it could go (Had all amalgam out years ago, but did not get it out of body 
tissues) and also at max was 'silver' though nothing was said about it.  I  
have only just started taking silver again after a long time without. 

On 14/01/2020 3:25 am, Ken & Nancy Bagwell wrote:
 Hi all, 
  It has been several years since I posted here. 
  I have a Facebook friend who claims colloidal silver might be bad because it 
is foreign to the human body, and like mercury can lodge in the brain, silver 
can lodge in organs when taken internally. Is this true, or are there any 
studies talking about that or if it is dangerous somehow?
  -Ken Bagwell 
 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

RE: CS>question

2019-11-09 Thread David Bearrow
Whenever I wake with a cramp (about once a month, usually my foot or big toe), 
I limp into my kitchen and fix myself a glass  of  a product called calm. 2 
teaspoons contains 325 mg of magnesium and it gets rid of the cramp within 5 
minutes. I really rely on this product .

Best regards,
David Bearrow
On Saturday, November 9, 2019, Nenah Sylver  wrote:

Christel wrote: With all the knowledge on this list. Can someone tell me what 
causes these excruciating cramps I get in my lower legs every night? I do not 
know what causes them nor what to take to eliminate them Any suggestions would 
be appreciated even if it is not silver related


Most people are deficient in magnesium, which can lead to muscle cramps. Take a 
mixed magnesium complex supplement orally. Before bedtime, it will help you 
sleep. Magnesium "oil" can be rubbed into the sore areas topically.


Nenah Sylver, PhD


Holiday combination packs will save you money!

The Rife Handbook NEW 5th Edition

Rife Therapy DVD set

Sauna Book  


NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop: 

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment

Re: CS>Colloidal gold

2019-06-09 Thread David Bearrow
Hello Jean,
I am by no means an expert nor am I qualified to give medical advice. If you go 
to the link in my last email it addresses your colloidal gold questions.
If I had a dental injury that was infected and leaking puss I would make a 
strong  batch of colloidal silver(10 to 30 ppm) and mix it 10 to 1 with some 
DMSO. I would then soak a cotton ball with the solution and attempt to keep it 
on the infected spot as long as I was able. I would do this 3 times a day for 
at least 5 minutes for 2 weeks.The DMSO has the ability to drive the silver 
into the tissue. This is what I would do (have done in the past) for myself.

best regards,
David Bearrow from my cellphone)
 On Sunday, June 9, 2019, Jean Baugh  wrote:

Hi David, Several questions please.
Which colloidal gold machine is best for a novice, but good?  How much is it?
I have a niece who had a root canal on one of her front teeth many years ago 
and now it is leaking pus and giving her migraine headaches.  Is there anything 
that would stop the infection?
Thank you,

On Jun 9, 2019, at 1:53 PM, David Bearrow  wrote:
It takes high voltage to make safe quality colloidal gold. Your cs generator is 
not powerful enough to do gold. You need a high voltage arc to produce it.

best regards,
David Bearrow from my cellphone)
 On Sunday, June 9, 2019, Jean Baugh  wrote:

I would be willing to buy a couple of1/10 oz gold coins and wrap them with the 
silver strip ends.  Just out of curiosity.

On Jun 9, 2019, at 9:47 AM, Airwick  wrote:

I'm thinking that depending on how the generator is constructed, perhaps steel 
wires of the the appropriate gauge might be substituted for the silver ones, 
and alligator clips could be attached to them to grasp the coins.

I'd try it myself, but I don't want to waste a couple of gold coins for an 

Small ones would work but the process would likely take longer due to their 
smaller surface area.
 On 6/8/2019 5:27 PM, Jean Baugh wrote:
This is an interesting idea.  Then surely someone could sell golden wires, to 
connect to the generator?
  How about platinum?  Why not? 


All one needs is a colloidal silver generator and a couple of . or .999 
fine gold coins and you can make your own.  Since gold is so expensive I'd use 
smaller ones like 1/10 oz.
 On 6/8/2019 3:55 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
 Hi Folks,  
  There use to be a person who made colloidal gold on this list and I use to 
get it from him years ago. Does anyone remember who that person  was and how I 
might get in contact with him? In need of getting some of the product. 
  Thanks much in advance, 

Re: CS>Colloidal gold

2019-06-09 Thread David Bearrow
It takes high voltage to make safe quality colloidal gold. Your cs generator is 
not powerful enough to do gold. You need a high voltage arc to produce it.

best regards,
David Bearrow from my cellphone)
 On Sunday, June 9, 2019, Jean Baugh  wrote:

I would be willing to buy a couple of1/10 oz gold coins and wrap them with the 
silver strip ends.  Just out of curiosity.

On Jun 9, 2019, at 9:47 AM, Airwick  wrote:

I'm thinking that depending on how the generator is constructed, perhaps steel 
wires of the the appropriate gauge might be substituted for the silver ones, 
and alligator clips could be attached to them to grasp the coins.

I'd try it myself, but I don't want to waste a couple of gold coins for an 

Small ones would work but the process would likely take longer due to their 
smaller surface area.
 On 6/8/2019 5:27 PM, Jean Baugh wrote:
This is an interesting idea.  Then surely someone could sell golden wires, to 
connect to the generator?
  How about platinum?  Why not? 


All one needs is a colloidal silver generator and a couple of . or .999 
fine gold coins and you can make your own.  Since gold is so expensive I'd use 
smaller ones like 1/10 oz.
 On 6/8/2019 3:55 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
 Hi Folks,  
  There use to be a person who made colloidal gold on this list and I use to 
get it from him years ago. Does anyone remember who that person  was and how I 
might get in contact with him? In need of getting some of the product. 
  Thanks much in advance, 

Re: CS>Water filter

2018-09-29 Thread David Bearrow
Hi Jean,

Glad you’re doing well. 

I recommend a large distiller. You may have to save up for it or buy with 
income tax return but it is worth it. 2 years ago i bought the durastill 30. I 
slso bought a 25 gallon stainless steel tank and a water pump with pressure 
switches to turn it on and off on demand. The still can produce about 8 gallons 
distilled water a day. This goes into the tank. Using float sensors everything 
is automatic. Once the 25 gallon tank is full its turns off. I ran a small 
waterline ftom the tank, through the pump, into the attic, across the house, 
down into the kitchen, and supplied the fridge (for ice and water) then brought 
it around inside the back of the cabinets and brought a spigot at the end of my 
kitchen where i get water for cooking. I never run out of distilled water. Its 
pure enough to make sklver slso. I know cause i use a silvergen which tests 

Best regards,

David Bearrow
Anagogic Beachbum

On Saturday, September 29, 2018, Jean Baugh  wrote:


I am using 'Clearly Filtered' counter top pitcher/filter to take out glyphosate 
and many more poisons, then pouring this filtered water into a ‘Turapur’ 

My conclusion is, the water definitely tastes good.


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Re: CS>leg cramps

2018-07-16 Thread David Bearrow

Whenever I wake with a cramp (about once a month, usually my foot or big toe), 
I limp into my kitchen and fix myself a glass  of  a product called calm. 2 
teaspoons contains 325 mg of magnesium and it gets rid of the cramp within 5 
minutes. I really rely on this product .

Best regards,

David Bearrow
Anagogic Beachbum

On Monday, July 16, 2018, Helena Hughes  wrote:

Dear Folks,

Can anyone help?  I use colloidal silver but my issue right now is leg cramps 
that wake me up several times a night.  I take magnesium but maybe  not the 
right type, brand? Any advice?
I do leg stretches, but I’m in a bad place with this right now.  I have an 
underlying condition of bronchiectasis and sleep is so important for me.
Any answers, advice, opinions,  gratefully received.
Thank you,

Re: CS>zapper application

2018-07-06 Thread david moskovits
How long do you leave it on? thanks

From: Shirley Reed 
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 7:21 PM
Subject: CS>zapper application

I cut off the top 5 or 6 inches of a black sport sock and put my leg through it 
up to about my knee.  Then just put the zapper inside, turn it on and  let 'er 

Re: CS>osteoarthritis

2018-07-05 Thread david moskovits
Do you think this would help with MS? how long and where do you apply? thanks

From: Shirley Reed 
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 3:40 PM
Subject: CS>osteoarthritis

  Silver seems to be good for nearly everything.  But a Don Croft zapper has 
taken down the osteoarthritis in my hands for  20 years now.  No pain, no 
disfigurement of the hands and fingers, no heat or redness for 20 years.  No 
meds either.  And 9 volt batteries last for 60 or  70 hours or so and are 2 for 
a dollar at the dollar store.  Don't know about fibro but suspect it will do 
the same for it.  My son's acne was gone in 3 days.  Extreme fatigue on my part 
took a couple of weeks to greatly resolve and longer to be completely gone.

Re: CS>OT - making H2O2 gel

2018-06-01 Thread David Bearrow

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
Get the new AOL app:

On Friday, June 1, 2018, PT Ferrance  wrote:

Does anyone here know how to make a gel out of hydrogen peroxide?  Silver won't 
do it in this case... is the the O molecule I am after.

From: Gmail 
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 6:05 AM
Subject: CS>Colloidal Silver Cures MRSA Report

No society is ever murdered—it commits suicide.  Lawrence Lowell, Harvard 

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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HELP...I am loosing my sense of taste...

2018-05-11 Thread David Bearrow
Hello Debbie,

I’m certainly no expert nor a doctor but I notice you started losing tastes 
just about as spring came around and all the plants and trees started spewing 
pollen into the air. Might it be that allergies have gotten to you and enflamed 
your sinus which can effect your taste?
If you think this might be true I recommend you cleanse your liver.

Dr Hulda Clark gave this simple recipe for cleaning the liver. It works. Its 
truth. I have mitigated my lifelong horrible alergy to grass using this method.

There is a forum at

David Bearrow
On Friday, May 11, 2018, STEVE LEVINE <> wrote:

Hi Debbie,

That doesn't sound like normal aging to me. It could be a pinched nerve going 
to the taste buds in the upper cervical vertebrae. A good chiro could take care 
of that if that is the issue. If it is pathogenic/parasites then a zapper and 
antiparasitics would be helpful.



On May 11, 2018 at 8:32 PM Deborah Gerard <> wrote: 

Can you all comment for me please,

I am going to be 67 next month and in the last year or more I have really 
noticed a dive in my ability to taste things. Is this normal part of aging? I 
eat real clean no gmo's, no wheat, no diary, no processed foods, filter my 
water that is all I drink, take all the vitamins and minerals and make CS and 
take that hair dye no deodorant no non-stick cookware.
I cut out sugar and I notice if I eat at someones house say a desert I am 
totally miserable the next day all day with incredible pressure in my 
head...could I have parasites maybe?

Thanks tons in advance,

Debbie...Happy Mother's Day to all you ladies too

Re: CS>Sodium Carbonate and "reducer" to make colloidal silver rather than ionic

2018-03-22 Thread david moskovits

How do you make cs? thanks

From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 8:53 PM
Subject: CS>Sodium Carbonate and "reducer" to make colloidal silver rather than 

Adding anything to pure distilled water used to make CS is counterproductive.

Making CS is a KISS process.

Re: CS>Mouth wash

2018-03-12 Thread david moskovits
Your supposed  to use steam distilled water to make silver anything else will 
have impurities in it .

From: Carlos Pérez 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 8:56 PM
Subject: CS>Mouth wash

Dear friends.

A good friend of mine on my suggestion bought a Silver Puppy several years ago 
and he and his family have been using very successfully EIS produced with it.

A relative of my friend uses daily at his home sea water, preparing an isotonic 
solution with it in order to drink it, mouthwash, gargle and other purposes. He 
is very much interested in finding out if there is any incovenient in mixing 
EIS and Isotonic Sea Water for tose purposes. ¿Would there be a reaction 
producing some type of salts that would destroy the bactericidal efect of EIS?

Thank very much for any suggestions you may have.



Re: CS>OT - Lugol's solution 7%

2017-07-27 Thread david moskovits

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

anyone have a link?

From: RaVen Sequoia 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - Lugol's solution 7%

Here is a link to Terry's instructions about making colloidal silver:


2015-12-23 Thread Debra &amp; David

Just testing. (More often than not, my postings don't appear.)

Mike, did you see the Kangaroos and Colloidal Silver post? Any reason it 
was rejected?


On 24/12/2015 8:30 AM, wrote:

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CS>Silverpuppy ppm numbers

2015-12-12 Thread Debra &amp; David
As long as that right hand light on your 'puppy is ON, then you are 
adding silver to the water.

Ten extra hours in a pint adds about 80 ppm. Plus the 12 ppm you 
initially added in auto mode gives a total of about 92ppm.
But thats 92 ppm of TOTAL silver. (i.e Ions AND particles). But the 
meter can only read the ions, because only they are conductive. There 
are occasional exceptions but usually maximum ionic content in a jar 
will hover around 10 to 20 uS and reduce over time as the ions combine 
with non -conductive particles and 'disappear' off the meter.  You still 
have 92 ppm in the jar but the meter cant read it.

Meters don't measure silver, they just measure the conductivity of the 
water. The conductivity is roughly equivalent to the amount of silver 
ions you have in the water.


Re: CS>Silver Puppy "ppm" numbers
Jerry Durand <>
12/12/2015 5:29 AM


Out of curiosity, I ran a pint batch with the Silver Puppy set to 10 
ticks on the manual mode.  I started with distilled water (0-1 uS by my 
meter) and the next day when it was done it only read 14 uS.  I left it 
sit for a few days and then it read 12 uS.   Seems awfully low for 
running that long.

A normal auto run on the Silver Puppy gives a reading of 10 uS.

CS>Silver Puppy "ppm" numbers

2015-12-11 Thread Debra &amp; David

A Faraday calculation of volume/current/time provides the answer.

The 'puppy has controlled current (about 1 mA at the electrodes) so a 
Faraday calculation using current, volume and time can provide an answer.

In a pint each EXTRA hour adds about 8ppm. In a quart its about 4 ppm 
per hour.

But note that the water has to be conductive. (i.e. if you are using 
distilled water you have to have already run the 'puppy in auto mode).

In a pint, 42,000 ppm would take about 5250 hours.


On 11/12/2015 6:41 PM, wrote:

CS>Silver Puppy "ppm" numbers
Jerry Durand <>
10/12/2015 6:28 AM

"" <>

I had someone ask me for the "ppm" number if I run the Silver Puppy 
way into overtime like 12 hours or so. I know that almost all people 
are reading the ppm number off a tds meter that's calibrated for table 
salt, getting people to understand calibration is a losing battle.

I just picked up a batch that's been sitting around for a while and it 
reads 14 uSeimens, so for that batch what should I tell them?

Or do I just do like the eBay marketers and make up a number? "It's 
42000 ppm, it's REALLY good stuff!"  :)

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar,
tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886

CS10 days between digests?

2015-04-06 Thread Debra David

Silverlist #110: March 25.
Silverlist #111 : April 5.

Thats about 10 days between lists and combined they had just 7 posts.

Mike, this list in in serious trouble.


On 7/04/2015 2:14 AM, wrote:

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List Owner: Mike Devour

CSSalts and silver compounds.

2015-02-23 Thread Debra David

Re: CSSalts and silver compounds.
John Popelish
23/02/2015 1:01 PM

  citric acid and citrate ions do not fall into that class of 
things, I think.

The only risk would be producing silver ions in a citrate solution to a 
very high concentration of silver, which is possible, since the citrate 
ions electrically balance the silver ions, keeping them from forming 
neutral silver particles. 


That is not what I have found. When I make experimental CS in citric 
acid (of varying strengths) I produce a very strong TE and no increase 
in the uS. (a uS decrease is more often the outcome.)

If I am not mistaken this indicates that the ions ARE forming 
particles/compounds. They are NOT remaining in solution as ions. We 
would see an increase in the uS (i.e. the conductivity) if that was the 

But I could be wrong. I'm not a chemist.

David (In australia)

CSSalts and silver compounds.

2015-02-22 Thread Debra David

Jason said...
Regarding using salts:  When you add salt to the water, the reason the 
solution can hold more silver is that salt changes the solubility. 
Seawater has about 35,000 PPM of salts, so you can easily (for example) 
create a silver solution in the hundreds. 

You get more 'suspension' perhaps but not more 'solution' as far as I 
can tell. When I've made CS with distilled water and salt, added to a 
strength of 200 and 400 uS, (as an experiment)  I get no uS (ionic) 
increase but a I do see a very heavy TE indicating its all in suspended 
silverchloride particles.  This is what puzzles me about my tap water 
experiment. When I use tap water the silver really does seem to stay in 
'solution' (minimal TE) even though the uS is similarly around 400uS. I 
wish i could get a scientific analysis of my tap water.

Jason said ...
I personally have no interest in silver compounds outside of EIS, but 
if I were going to take mega doses of concentrated silver, it wouldn't 
be unknown compounds with limited effectiveness made from tap water, it 
would most certainly be silver citrate. 

I'm certainly not recommending using compounds. I was just responding to 
the implication that 'Only CS is good and all other silver compounds are 
bad' when theres very little evidence for the latter. (Unless one was to 
consume to excess of course).

Heres a list of over 100 documents showing that silver compounds have 
antimicrobial properties...


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour

CSI'm almost speechless.

2015-02-22 Thread Debra David

Tony, almost everything you say below is wrong and I feel dumber for having 
read it.



Hallo David.

You fell into that one quite well. !

It works. You cannot argue with that. You can poo-poo it  in any way you like, 
but you are a
fool if you think you can make the fact go away by denigration.

Have you had a think about why my weak EIS should work?
Have you had a think about why your strong EIS is not working?  I assume that 
yours is not
working because you seem to be chasing some newer, stronger method.

There is sometimes a need for high ppm silver but that is not something I'm 

I think you have an unscientific grasp of what ppm means.
Let me enlighten you; ppm is not quantity, ppm is a measure of concentration, 
ppm stands
for parts per million. : If I have stuff which has a concentration of 1 lump 
per million of the mix
and I want to have 2 lumps then I must scoop out 2 million of the mix.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSAd-hominen attacks.

2015-02-21 Thread Debra David

When I asked for an example of my 'ad-hominen, unkind' attacks the best Malcolm 
could provide was this...

You Strongly suggested that Tony was a fool, using his own attempt to provide the information that in 
using CS on animals, the animals are not usually susceptible to the placebo effect. in doing so you used a 
straw man argument, thus employing both the kill the messenger and the ad
hominem rhetorical ploys combined. QED.

Please look at what I really said to Tony...

(But first,this is what Tony said regarding the surprise news that his CS is 
only 0.54ppm)...

Now the important thing is that this stuff works as I said. It's not just placebo, 
I COULD FOOL MYSELF, but I doubt that one can fool cats, dogs and chickens all the 
time... Tony

My answer was this (and ONLY this)...

Well I'm sorry to say it Tony but yes you probably are fooling yourself. Half a ppm 
isn't going to do anything in my opinion

That didnt seem too harsh to me. I could have said more. I could have said No you 
can't fool the animals but you could be fooling yourself that the health of the animals 
is due to the CS, or something like that, but I figured my brief response was 

But the sad thing here is not really Malcolms overblown sophistry. Its the fact 
that a regular poster on here, handing out advice to other members and newbies, 
is claiming that half a ppm (probably dissolved in gallons of water) is 
performing great things on himself, cats, dogs and chickens. But no-one but me 
questions it! Instead, I'm accused of being a (whatever Malcolm meant) for 
pointing it out!

David (In Australia)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSHighly ionic CS

2015-02-20 Thread Debra David

Re: CSHighly ionic CS.
Tony Moody
20/02/2015 6:03 PM

I'm interested to see what ppm your Faraday comes up with. 250 ml, 1mA, 2 
electrode area = 1 square inch.  ( 0.0006 sq meter)

The answer is 0.54 ppm. That's half a ppm. (If you meant to say 2 hours instead 
of 2 minutes the answer is 32.20 ppm.)


CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-20 Thread Debra David

-Enlighten me- if you are starting with tap water, it will test x number 
of ppm before you make the IS. Then you test it after production and you can't really 
know the ppm silver you have, can you? Is it your final ppm no. Minus the ppm you started 

I'll give you an example. Tap water 400us. Faradays law says I add 200ppm. 
After brewing the batch its 500 uS, so 100 uS is measurable by the meter. The 
other 100 ppm has 'disappeared. (i.e. the particles are so small they create 
virtually no TE). I'm trying to find out whats happening.

Incidentally. If you are using distilled water to make CS you should not 
subtract the initial reading from final reading. Thats a myth too. In fact you 
should probably add it on.

 And- aren't you concerned about what is in that water that can be 
combining with your silver?

1. No I'm not. In spite of the hype you may have read theres no evidence that 
silver compounds are harmful. In fact theres evidence that every tested form of 
silver kills bacteria.  2. Thats not really the issue anyway. My interest is in 
the 'puzzle' of whats happening in the water.

- Not to nitpick but silver DOES NOT dissolve in water. --

Yes it does. A little low voltage current creates Ag+ ions. Thats basic stuff.

 As to no TE in tap water and  200ppm Colloidal SilverBull. Have a lab 
(that knows what they're doing) check your stuff.

I dont need a lab test to see that I have no TE. Just shine a laser through it. 
And the amount of the ppm is calculated using Faradays Law. (Einstein had a 
picture of Faraday on his wall. He was that good). If my uS meter agrees with 
Faraday, well that just a bonus.


CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-20 Thread Debra David

  I could fool myself, but... ''

Well I'm sorry to say it Tony but yes you probably are fooling yourself.

Half a ppm isn't going to do anything in my opinion.


Re: CSHighly ionic CS
Tony Moody
21/02/2015 6:59 AM


OK, Thanks DAvid,

Yes 2 minutes.

Now the important thing is that this stuff works as I said. It's not just 
placebo, I could fool
myself, but I doubt that one can fool cats, dogs and chickens all the time.


On 21 Feb 2015 at 1:24, Debra  David wrote about :
Subject : CSHighly ionic CS

Re: CSHighly ionic CS.
20/02/2015 6:03 PM

I'm interested to see what ppm your Faraday comes up with. 250 ml, 1mA, 2
minutes, electrode area = 1 square inch.  ( 0.0006 sq meter)

The answer is 0.54 ppm. That's half a ppm. (If you meant to say 2 hours
instead of 2 minutes the answer is 32.20 ppm.)


CSThis forum - and Highly ionic CS.

2015-02-20 Thread Debra David
A major problem with this forum is that threads get so broken up that 
they are soon misunderstood and become almost incoherent. (Probably only 
Jason has read and understood my posts about this subject right from the 
beginning). If every post was kept intact and read in sequence then 
things would go smoother. But of course that cant happen here.

Anyway I've cut and pasted a few things. (It only took an hour).

Phil said...
Faraday's Law does not work for making CS.  Faraday's Law can measure 
how much silver was lost from the electrodes, but it can not tell you 
how much remains suspended in solution.

It does work for making CS as long as you understand it. Faradays law 
tells us exactly how much silver was dissolved into the water. I didnt 
say it could tell us how much STAYS dissolved. Basically my original 
question was this... 'If 200 ppm is dissolved into the water, but only 
100 uS is measurable with a meter, where's the other 100 ppm gone if its 
not showing up in a TE or lying on the bottom of the jar.?' My musing 
(comments welcome because I am not an expert on lasers) was that it may 
be creating particles so small they do not show up in the frequency of a 
red laser.
(Part of the answer may be in a study of saturation points and 
solubility levels. Why does silver have a saturation point in pure water 
of only about 24 ppm while salt has a solubility level of 360,000 ppm?).

Phil said...
Using Faraday's Law to measure PPM in CS is a waste of time and silver.

Me. ..
Well thats just silly. In fact its the ONLY way to accurately determine 
how much total silver is in the water. (Even the best lab instruments 
have shortcomings).

Malcomn said..
Re. your #1;  consider silver nitrate, a known poison. Nitrogen composes ~80% 
of our air.  Ammonia, NH3, a gas, is present in small amounts just about 
everywhere that e.g. ammonium fertilizers  are used, etc.

Silvernitrate in trace quantities is no problem. Even in strong doses it has 
been used in medicine. Look up silvernitrate on Wikipedia. Anyway, my lack of 
concern was with compounds likely to be formed in filtered domestic tap water. 
(People have already been doing that for decades by the way, with no problems, 
argyria aside).

Malcom said..
Using a nebulizer to inhale ~200ppm CS is likely to cause inflammation and 
scarring of your bronchi and lungs.  I've inhaled 27 ppm CS made with good 
'distilled' water.

'Likely' to cause inflammation' is a big call based on a survey of one. Maybe 
thats your experience but its not mine. I've never had a problem inhaling CS. 
But if you really want a good story about inhaling CS ask Jason.

Malcolm said...
Your attitude toward any experimentation, yours or others, is cavalier.

This is really where the chaotic structure of this forum gets annoying. 
I have not at any stage advocated the use of high ppm CS, ionic or 
otherwise. I simply made some observations about batches I had made, 
mentioned them on here, and invited comments. Gail asked for an example 
of where highly ionic CS might be useful and I suggested a possible use. 
The only 'experiments' I have suggested to members is to make some CS 
using tap water and a low current (1mA) generator and observe what happens.

Malcolm said..
Your rejection of suggested checks on your own work has been ad-hominem 
and unkind. You clearly can do better, you're intelligent.

Whats checks did I reject? What unkind, ad hominem,  comments have I 
made? Please cut and past examples. Perhaps you are confusing me with 
someone else. About the worst I have said, as I recall, is to call some 
members 'inflexible' regarding the future format of this forum.  Now you 
are painting me as some kind of argumentative troll. I invite you to 
provide examples or apologise.

David (in Australia)

RE: CSImportant question about the new SuperBug 2015 CRE

2015-02-20 Thread david moskovits
CS may help his tumor also .

Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 13:57:24 -0500
Subject: Re: CSImportant question about the new SuperBug 2015 CRE


As far as I know, there is no superbug that is immune to CS since
the hospitals don't ever use it (plus it is likely that immunity is
impossible anyway.)


On 2/20/2015 1:22 PM, Judy Knowlton wrote:


A friend must
  have throat-larynx surgery
  very soon for a tumor (operated upon 5 years ago) the
  tumor has
grown back. He
  is more concerned about
  the new Superbug that is killing 50% of those who get
  it, since the tests will
  be taken with tools that are likely to have CRE (His
  immune system is low as
  well.) He is a professional story teller, and losing
  his voice seems like  losing
  his life.
Any information
  from you folks on facing
  CRE and surgery?
Judy Down Maine


CSForum - some hard truths.

2015-02-19 Thread Debra David

On 19/02/2015 12:38 AM, M.G. Devour wrote:

... whatever platform you choose, I would strongly recommend that
email notifications remain an optional feature. The ideal system will
provide multiple communication methods, in order to reach/satisfy the
largest potential audience.

The largest potential audience is best reached by a having a user 
friendly forum. Not by having a forum that is stuck in a deep rut due to 
the inflexibility of a few dwindling members. The growth of vBulletin 
forums for even the most esoteric subjects should be a lesson here.

(Mike, did you see Uncle Bens comment about why he posted once, then 
gave up?).

The list serves those who are comfortable with it just fine. I get that.
It is not, however, doing fully what it was intended to do, which is
bring the collective wisdom of our community to new people as well as
foster technical discussions and development.

Sadly the 'collective wisdom' of this community is significantly less than it 
was 10 years ago. So much knowledge has passed through this forum, never to be 
seen again, that it is truly tragic. A couple of days ago I posted a message 
claiming I had discovered how to make crystal clear 200 ppm CS that was 50% 
ionic and 50% colloidal with particles smaller than Mesosilver. 10 years ago 
this would have brought a storm of questions, skepticism and ridicule. Today it 
passed without comment by anyone except Jason.  Earlier in the week Floyd 
couldn't even get an answer to some pretty simple questions about his basic 
system. (My answer never appeared). More time has been spent discussing why he 
didnt get an answer than actually answering him.

Anyway Mike, good luck with the search for a new format but I think you are 
barking up the wrong tree. Despite not having an email digest vBulletin is a 
proven success and has all the features you really need (including pictures!). 
You already have a license so why not give it a try as a parallel forum? If you 
do, my first post on it will be instructions on how to make that 'Super CS' I 
mentioned above.


CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-19 Thread Debra David

Hi David:
Did you run the batch with a meter in-line to verify the stability of 
the current?


I'm using a Silverpuppy/Silverwell. Current controlled to 1mA, give or 
take a few microamps. (I have a meter running in line with a batch right 
now. Says .969 mA. Close enough I'd say.


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Re: CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-19 Thread Debra David

On 20/02/2015 12:17 PM, Jim Holmes wrote:

According to Brooks, 3 to 5 PPM/mg/l is highly effective.

That might work in a test tube perhaps, but there are no clinical trials 
that support that in real practice. Anyway I think theres just as much 
anecdotal evidence to suggest the stronger the better.

I have my doubts that a mouthful of 3ppm is going to do much for an 
infection in an extremity...  for example an infection in a big toe.


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-19 Thread Debra David

Hello Jason

I understand your comment but my main interest is how and why I'm 
getting this result. (I'm not actually recommending that people 
regularly drink highly ionic or colloidal silver.) But I am intrigued 
that I can dissolve 200 ppm of silver into this water and still have no TE.

As you know the search for highly ionic, measurable, CS has been a 
passion for some people. But the quest has always been founded on using 
pure water.  But trying to dissolve CS into pure water to achieve a 
measure higher than 20 to 30 uS is very difficult. I'd suggest its 
almost like trying to defy gravity. Ionic silver has a saturation point 
of about 24 uS (24ppm) in pure water and theres no way around that.

For some reason the silver stays 'ionic' in this water that I am using. 
I can even measure a uS increase corresponding to the predicted silver 
content. Does it have something to do with the high salt content or is 
it something else? Or am I just misreading the signs? I am trying to 
find out.

David (In Australia)

20/02/2015 12:45 PM

Hi David:

Interesting.  However, I won't even bathe in tap water around here, and 
wouldn't drink the water even if it were basically filtered. For that 
reason, I'm out! :o)  The water I use is always 50 uS or below.

Best of luck, though!


CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-19 Thread Debra David


I didn't set out to make 200 ppm CS that is 100 ppm ionic and 100 ppm 
colloidal, yet remains crystal clear. It was an accident. And I still 
have experiments to do that may prove that I am completely wrong. (I 
probably am, but so far so good)

In my opinion, strong CS is generally better than weak CS but strong CS 
usually turns into large particles, so its not really 'strong' at all.

An example of where I would use it:  For a serious condition such as 
emphysema you need to inhale CS, but you can only inhale a tiny amount 
in each breath (and nebuliser only holds about 5mls of CS anyway). In my 
opinion it would be far better to inhale 5mls of 200 ppm CS than 5mls of 
15 ppm CS (as long as the CS is ionic or very small particles).

Of course argyria could become a problem but thats another issue. If I 
had emphysemsa, argyria would be the least of my worries.



I must have missed your post about making the 200ppm CS yesterday. .
Anyway, if this goes through, I hope you will answer my question about 
the 200 ppm CS.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-19 Thread Debra David

Jason and Tony.

I'm reluctant to mention the medium because it will sound completely 
crazy and I wanted to experiment for a bit longer but here goes... Its 
my ordinary tap water.

Its ordinary fluorided, chlorinated, filtered mains water of about 440uS 
or 250 ppm. It varies in quality from day to day but the important thing 
to note is that it has been filtered to remove all particles. It has no TE.

I've made a number of very high ppm batches in this stuff. Various sizes 
from 250 mls to 2 litres. My (Faraday) calculated ppm is usually at 
least 200 ppm (sometimes much higher) but the water remains crystal 
clear, does not go yellow, grey or black even sunlight.  I NEVER GET A 
significant T.E. and and the uS has increased by up to 100 uS.

I understand this is counter-intuitive. Impure water has been a no no 
for a long time. The usual expected result is that the silver ions will 
rapidly combine with the dissolved salt to create silver chloride 
particles and a white mess. And yes that is what happens if you use too 
much current, such as 3 batteries or a 12v wall wart.  But I'm using a 
constant 1mA or less (thats very important)  and for some reason the Ag+ 
is not combining with with the Cl-.

I believe that for some reason the saturation point of Silver in this 
medium is far higher than in distilled water.  I dont know if its unique 
to my water its or its a common phenomenon.  I'm now experimenting using 
distilled water with various levels of salt added.

Please try the experiment yourself in your own filtered town water (or 
any non distilled water) if you have a constant VERY LOW current 
generator. I'd be very interested to hear your results.


Right, I'll bite!

For a start :

 * What size rods are you using?
 * and what volume of water?

 * What is the water quality?


On 20 Feb 2015 at 0:17, Debra  David wrote:

Hi David:
Did you run the batch with a  meter in-line to verify the stability of
the current? ~Jason

I'm using a  Silverpuppy/Silverwell. Current controlled to 1mA, give or
take a few microamps. (I have a  meter running in line with a batch
right now. Says .969 mA. Close  enough I'd say.


CSHighly ionic CS.

2015-02-18 Thread Debra David


To put it simply, there's 214 ppm of silver in this 750 ml jar of 
crystal clear solution but it has absolutely no TE. Where's it gone? 
Seems to me its gotta be totally ionic or the particles are too small to 
'see' (checked with 3 lasers), and that would make the particles even 
smaller than Mesosilver).

By the way the Faraday calc is this ... It ran for a total of 40 hours 
at a constant 1mA. In 750 ml this adds 5.37 ppm per hour. Total is 214.8 
ppm. (Faraday's law is supposed to be absolutely reliable).

And another interesting point. A batch of this has been sitting on the 
window ledge in bright sun for 2 days and its still totally colorless.

I think the key is the very low current.  If I tried this with a '3 
nines' or some other uncontrolled power source it would be white and 
cloudy almost instantly.


Re: CSJasons comments (and high ppm silver).
18/02/2015 11:54 AM


Jason wrote.

As far as the case of the missing 100 uS silver, that's interesting. You 
may have to use another method for determining the total PPM in solution 
to see if the silver is actually there; TEM would work ok... you can 
also compare the Faraday equation results to determine if any of the 
silver is plating out.

As far as colloidal particles too small for visibility using a laser, 
I'd be interested in thinking about that.  I'm not sure there are 
colloidal particles small enough to not scatter laser light, at least, 
not in the normal state sense.  If you get into the shadow realm of 
ORMES who knows.

A Malvern Nano Zetasizer would no doubt pick up on those particles if 
they do exist.


RE: CSElectrode cleaning?

2015-02-18 Thread david moskovits
Mary,I don't have a unit yet and I would consider buying your old silver gen.  
Thanks   Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 07:42:16 -0800 From: 
Subject: RE: CSElectrode cleaning? To:   Jason, I 
just received a new Silver gen, my old one was 18 yrs old and worked perfectly, 
but my kids decided I needed a new one, so the new Silver gen has flat 
electrodes is this good? It was hard to talk to the maker of the product as he 
does not like to talk much so I know nothing about these flat electrodes.   
Any information would be helpful. Thank You  
Mary On Tue, 2/17/15, Neville wrote:   Subject: RE: CSElectrode cleaning?  To:  Date: Tuesday, February 17, 
2015, 6:46 PM#yiv0707868960  #yiv0707868960 --  .yiv0707868960hmmessage 
P  {  margin:0px;padding:0px;}  #yiv0707868960 body.yiv0707868960hmmessage  
{  font-size:12pt;font-family:Calibri;}  #yiv0707868960 Sorry  Jason, don't 
know anything about flat electrodes.   Praps I shouldn't have said anything.  
You know the  old saying, Rather not say anything and let people  think 
you're an idiot, than open your mouth and remove  all doubt...LOL.  Thanks 
for your insight regarding  pads.  Well here's  one hypothesis, the 
suspected poor quality DW used on that  occasion, in combination with the stir 
bar spinning action,  may have developed a situation whereby whilst in 
storage  some silver was pulled to the centre where the stir bar  spun?  
Cross contamination?  I know silver is not  magnetic, but who knows if other 
unknown contaminants in the  DW may have combined to encourage that end 
result?  I  don't know, perhaps a magnetic field was created, again  with the 
combination of impurities in that particular batch  of DW, created an 
opening/situation for some  reaction? or agglomeration or  something? to 
take place, and to take place  *only* where the stir bar was situated?  What 
confounded me was the fact that  it not only occurred once, it occurred twice 
after filtering  and cleaning that storage vessel out?  Another of life's 
mysteries I  guess.  Cheers  N. Date: Tue, 17 Feb  2015 17:50:02 
-0800   From:   To:   
Subject: Re:  CSElectrode cleaning?  Hi Neville:  I remember 
reading your initial post and  being puzzled by it, but nothaving  
anything of value to contribute.  As far as scrub pads contaminating 
pure  silver, since silver is waysofter  than steel, risk fo 
contamination is low unless you think cleaning the silver is a sanding  
project.  You make  my point.  I myself use a plastic scrubber for my 
   straight/rounded electrodes, and have no  problem.  The point of using an 
abrasive is to eliminate or reduce the electrode  degradation, which is 
asignificant  issue in my opinion, as far as it effects the brewing
process.  You might be able to get away  with using a paper towel to
clean  electrodes, but you also might be surprised at the amount of 
jagged edges are actually created on  the silver electrode in the
standard  home brew setup, over time.   Cleaning my Silvergen SG7 
electrodes  is much more involved.  Luckily,the  degradation of the 
electrodes is very minimal due to the  reversepolarity used and the 
rapid  water circulation.  I have to use makeupremovers, which are made 
from a dense  cotton, similar in shape to Q-Tips.  Since these are 
flat electrodes, ***the  silver oxide particles that dobuild  up*** on 
the electrodes provides enough abrasion to  reproduce acompletely smooth 
surface  on the electrodes, thanks to the perfectdesign of the electrode 
configuration.  ~Jason  
  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
Colloidal Silver.   Rules and Instructions:  
 Off-Topic discussions: List Owner: 
Mike Devour   

CSRO membranes.

2015-02-17 Thread Debra David

I dunno much about RO systems but its not simply about the membrane. It 
also takes a lot of pressure to make them work. Is a bit of electrical 
current going to draw a silver ion through a membrane? I have my doubts.

'Ion exchange' deionising and demineralising systems are interesting too.


John Popelish
18/02/2015 12:33 AM

As I understand, silver ions are about 0.13 nanometers in diameter and 
that is right in the range of pore size in reverse osmosis filters. 
Clusters of hundreds to thousands of silver atoms would be much larger, 
in the 10s to hundreds of nanometers in diameter.  So R.O. membranes 
should do nicely.

On 02/17/2015 07:15 AM, asifnathekar wrote:

Could a RO membrane perform a similar function?

 Original message 
From: John Popelish


I think these ideas could be tested by placing a
semipermeable membrane between the electrodes that would
pass silver ions, but have too small pore size to pass
colloidal particles.  Then a laser beam could find out where
the visible colloidal particles are concentrated.


CSJasons comments (and high ppm silver).

2015-02-17 Thread Debra David

Hi Jason.

I'm aware of the pH issue but I'm using low voltage and low current. (1mA)

To make highly ionic CS the emphasis in the past has always been to use 
pure distilled water. (Mike Monnet was almost obsessed by it and 
believed the problem could be solved by ensuring everything was ultra, 
ultra clean. He never succeeded as far as I know).

The problem is that CS in pure water has a saturation point of about 24 
ppm. Try as we might, nothing is going to change that. Its a 
chemical/physical barrier thats impossible to breach. The quest to make 
highly ionic CS in pure water is probably a waste of time.

I believe the answer is to find a conductive liquid medium that 
facilitates the electrical dissolution of silver but has a much higher 
saturation point so it does not force the silver ions to combine into 

I'm experimenting with something at the moment. Dissolving 100 ppm of 
silver into this common liquid raised the conductivity 100uS (exactly as 
predicted by a Faraday calc). Dissolving a further 100 ppm into the 
batch did not raise the uS by another 100 but it still didnt create a TE 
either. So where did the silver go?

100ppm raised the uS by 100 as predicted. (My assumption is that its 100 
ppm of ionic CS). The other 100ppm 'dissappeared'. One thought I have is 
that it made particles so small they do not show in the frequency of a 
red laser.

Comments welcome.


Hi David:

That is interesting.  One thing to check:  pH.

I spoke with an associate who claimed to be making high PPM silver 
solutions, but I strongly suspect that it was silver nitrate produced 
from using HVAC, pulling nitrogen from the air into the distilled water.

If you can start with a neutral pH distilled water, and end with close 
to a neutral distilled water, that would be very fascinating to me.

Interesting stuff!


On 2/16/2015 7:31 PM, Debra  David wrote:
Jason said  I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on
the silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks
Bradley. ...  I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious
about how I personally tested this theory or how they can test to see
the difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
need to clean the electrodes. 

Hello Jason

I now how you feel but I'm guilty of not responding myself. Its too hard
and I wonder anyone will read it anyway.

By the way, I've recently been making high ppm CS.  The total ppm is 200
as calculated by (Herx's) Faraday equation. The ionic strength is 100
(measurable with a uS meter) and the other 100 ppm is colloidal but the
particles are so small they do not show in a red laser beam. Its crystal
clear and very interesting! I'm laughing to myself that this is Frank
Key's Mesosilver and Mike Monnet's high ppm ionic CS all in one! Older
members would laugh of the irony of that.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2015 #51

2015-02-16 Thread Debra David

On 17/02/2015 8:31 AM, wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSRe: Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Debra David

Oops!  I won't be 80 until October. 

The average age of this list is probably WAY WAY above 50. I'd like to 
think thats thanks to the amazing, life prolonging, properties of silver 
but I suspect its because this list is so unnappealing in format and 
appearance to younger viewers that they take one look and run away.


Re: CSUnidentified subject! Judy Down Maine responds
Judy Knowlton
17/02/2015 6:32 AM

Oops!  I won't be 80 until October.  I haven't pitched in lately, but 
I trust this list implicitly. I also trust my Silver Puppy and make CS 
for several people.
It is a service for friends my age  and perhaps a dite (Maine 
slang) older. I charge $3 a pint.  Also provide darling cobalt blue 
glass dropper bottles for carrying in purse.

We are a  healthy bunch, here in cool -- well, frigid -- Maine!
Judy Down Mine

RE: CSForum

2015-02-16 Thread david moskovits
Just because people dont respond doesn't mean they didnt get  the  ideas you 
are posting, and learning new things. I still dont have a silver generator but 
Im learning a lot from the posts. Keep them coming we all care even if we are 

 Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 18:36:32 -0800
 Subject: Re: CSForum
 Hi Dan:
 It's not that it is a big deal (or desireable even) it's about the 
 creativity and exploration.
 The idea of a slow burn is a favorite amongst some of the old timers (no 
 longer part of the list, I believe)... brewing silver according to moon 
 cycles, and other more ancient patient practices.
 What was noticed was that via this slow burn, the silver ions or 
 particles deeply penetrated the glass container forming complex crystals 
 in the glass itselfway to deep into the glass to even sand away.
 I would greatly like to see a TEM of what the silver particles look like 
 via this process, but I no longer have access to this equipment.
 We know that the FAST burn method (HVAC) creates larger, very jagged 
 crystalline silver particles via the work of Ole Bob Berger.
 I'm wondering if the slow burn process creates much more refined and 
 non-chaotically organized colloidal crystalline particles.
 On 2/16/2015 10:56 AM, Dan Nave wrote:
  Time for your yearly post on cleaning electrodes.  Frankly, I seem to
  have missed it...
  I would also be interested in hearing about the crystallization
  effects of the slow brew process.
  On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason wrote:
  Hi Gail/David:
  Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.
  The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
  when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
  few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
  freaks that thrive in such a setting.
  I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
  dynamic exchanges of ideas.
  I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
  means stagnation.
  I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
  silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
  before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks
  I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
  discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
  of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
  crystallization effects.
  Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
  largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
  cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.
  I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
  personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
  difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
  need to clean the electrodes.
  I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
  electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.
  ...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent,
  and I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity
  reversal and water-pump driven water circulation.
  On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
  Hi David,
  Do u think a new forum will really help?
  Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
  many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People
  be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost
  as I'm busy with other things.
  This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
  would go on as usual.
  Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
  knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.
  I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to
  say and
  some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
  Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.
  Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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CSRe: Uncle Ben

2015-02-16 Thread Debra David

On 17/02/2015 12:26 PM, wrote:

CSUncle Ben
Reece Maxey

Seen a couple of mentions about Uncle Ben. See there is a Ben Taylor 
associated with Utopia Any connection? Opa 

No, not the same Ben.  Uncle Ben was a long time member of the Yahoo 
Silver group. When Yahoo messed up the format about 18 mths ago he, like 
many other members, gave up on it.  Pity he didn't stick around here 
though. He would have been interesting. But I didnt expect him to last 
long here... its too 'chaotic' for want of a better word.


CSJasons comments

2015-02-16 Thread Debra David
Jason said  I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on 
the silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last 
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks 
Bradley. ...  I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious 
about how I personally tested this theory or how they can test to see 
the difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no 
need to clean the electrodes. 

Hello Jason

I now how you feel but I'm guilty of not responding myself. Its too hard 
and I wonder anyone will read it anyway.

By the way, I've recently been making high ppm CS.  The total ppm is 200 
as calculated by (Herx's) Faraday equation. The ionic strength is 100 
(measurable with a uS meter) and the other 100 ppm is colloidal but the 
particles are so small they do not show in a red laser beam. Its crystal 
clear and very interesting! I'm laughing to myself that this is Frank 
Key's Mesosilver and Mike Monnet's high ppm ionic CS all in one! Older 
members would laugh of the irony of that.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


2015-02-15 Thread Debra David


A few points...

1. Technology is going to kill off this list sooner or later. (Probably 
sooner). Its becoming increasingly difficult to even view it these days. 
'Thunderbird' on some new PC's won't even display the digest  without 
clicking each individual post. And responding is getting harder all the 
time as has been mentioned about a thousand times.

2. As a list for the dissemination of info about silver its starting to 
fail because no thread nowadays proceeds beyond the most basic level.  
Threads or questions get broken or jumbled up so fast they soon become 
incoherent.  It seems that most threads on this list are now not about 
silver at all, and the ones that are are so basic that few members have 
much enthusiasm for answering them.

3. Your most experienced and knowledgeable members are posting less and 
less. (And potentially valuable new members dissappear as fast as they 
appear. How long did Uncle Ben last?)

4. A new forum will be a big success if you support it and eventually 
shut this one down.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSSilverlist - a forum for the

2015-02-11 Thread Debra David

Hello Mike,

I wouldn't touch Yahoo or Google forums with a bargepole. You would 
always be at their mercy.

Personally I think the email option is completely overrated - possibly 
by members who are not familiar with the ease and speed of looking at a 
proper web based threaded forum. It may be handy to receive a digest but 
if its too confusing to navigate or follow a thread then whats the 
point? I get the digest daily but these days I rarely look at it. Its 
too messy. Complaints about having to log in or use passwords are also a 
bit lame. You can save the password so it only has to be done once.

I'm a member of many forums.  The first 4 that I looked at today all use 
various versions of vBulletin.

I've always found them to be very easy to use, with ample features 
including the ability to POST PICS. (How handy would that be! You can 
also run ads which would help cover the cost.

They can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make them.


David wrote:

How this forum has survived is a miracle. Its just too complicated. Its
  time this list moved to a more stable and user friendly, website based
  platform. Only Mike can do that. He has the loyalty of the members.

I agree! However there is one need I've never seen satisfied by any of
the options I've examined and would otherwise like -- preserving the
e-mail option for receiving and contributing to the list. Every time
I've looked into changing it, members have emphasized their desire or
need to continue to use e-mail to receive the list. I prefer it myself,
so I understand, but apart from this or other e-mail reflector systems,
I've yet to see a complete implementation.

The model of how to do this seems to be Yahoo! lists. They have a
not-entirely-awful web interface, plus you can sign up for e-mail
delivery, just like here. The downside would be becoming just another
Yahoo! group, and the loss of ownership/control represented by putting
ourselves under the management of a massive, faceless corporation. If
they ever decide we're unwelcome, we're gone and there's not a thing
anybody could do about it.

I haven't checked in about a year, but so far I've never seen an add-on
for any of the Forum software packages like phpBB or V-bulletin that
integrates e-mail subscription and posting. I think something could be
custom built under a system like Drupal by making a bunch of existing
modules work together, but I haven't managed to climb that learning
curve yet. And it seems that nobody has tried very hard to duplicate the
Yahoo! model in any open source project, so I must be fairly rare in not
really wanting to trust them. grin

Even just building a web interface to reliably handle subscriptions on
top of this or other e-mail reflector software would be an improvement.
If I could bring the archives under the same roof it would be even
better... but by then you're approaching the complexity of implementing
Yahoo's model.

Whatever the solution, I'd like to preserve the flexibility that would
allow me to migrate our group to some ISP or rent-a-slice provider
offshore if something happened to Eskimo or some domestic (US) agency
ever decided to crack down on folks like us.

So, that's where I'm at on this. If I were an accomplished web coder, I
could build something that satisfies everybody, but I'm not and I
haven't. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, options, or know a coder
who would work for cheap or free, please lay it out there! I'd love to
improve the platform.

Be well,

Mike D.
list owner

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSRe: Help - for the Silverlist.

2015-02-09 Thread Debra David
I responded to Floyds original question but my post did not appear. Many 
of my posts don't appear. This one probably wont either. (Or maybe it 
will - twice). I've directed  hundreds, if not thousands, of people 
towards this list but their names rarely appear. How this forum has 
survived is a miracle. Its just too complicated. Its time this list 
moved to a more stable and user friendly, website based platform. Only 
Mike can do that. He has the loyalty of the members.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSRe: Test post.

2015-02-03 Thread Debra David



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSWhat are MS crystals??

2015-01-02 Thread David Snowdon

123 456 wrote:

HiI just found an older msg that I somehow missed...definitely
missed the reference regarding the cataracts.
I've been told that I have one forming on one of my eyes.
How can I find the information on this older thread.
Nothing is found on this thread.
Thx and Happy New Year

Hi Tara,

Below are a number of messages from November 2011 and July 2009
regarding the issue of eye cataracts:


Subject: Fw: CSRe Cataracts
From: vicki hood
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 17:01:23 -0800

I did my own.  Years ago I did the research and took the best of the
research.  tried it on myself and then dogs in need. Worked every time.
Start 3 or 4 times a day, cut back according to severity of the
cataracts.  Go figure -- if it doesn't work (and it always does) it
cannot hurt you.  Buy gentle eye solution (non-sting) add 15% MS
crystals.  That would be 1 teaspoon for each ounce of eye solution.
Thats not perfect measure but close enough.   Keep everything clean as
you can.

Each eye,  1 or 2 drops RAW flax oil (not from caps but from the fridge
at the health store --- Barleans is good).  5 mins to half hour later
drop or 2 of eye solution. The dogs I treat often have this goober grub
in the corner of their eye after about 3 or 4 days.  Cataracts come off
in layers.  Now this does not correct the nearsight or farsight like
lens implant surgery.  Sure does take that piece of white sheet off of
dogs and my eyes.

I like to keep it up for maybe 6 weeks after i have cut back to couple
times a week.  Even longer if you want.  Save a dogs life.  Many people
cannot afford surgery for their dogs.  The last dog I did was 16.  It
made a whole new tailwagger.  I could see it.  Dogs with pressure behind
eye (glaucoma) usually have bulging eye.  That hurts like the worst of
migraine and needs meds from a vet.  Please do not let them suffer.
Cataracts and glaucoma are 2 different things.  I am not medically
trained.  I love the best of the research I do.  Just passing it on if
you care to try.  It worked for me and mine. 

- Original Message -
From: PTFerrance
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: CSRe Cataracts

Hi Brickey,

What did you do with the flaxseed oil?  Did you put it in your eye?  Do
you have any literature?  How did you come upon this?



From: []

In a message dated 11/11/2011, writes:

 I am frantically searching for non-surgical solutions that can advert
 surgery all together or delay

I controlled my cataracts for several years using flaxseed oil. Actually
I used linseed oil bought from the local hardware paint department,
linseed oil is another name for flaxseed oil but it was not food grade.
It delayed surgery for 5 or 6 years. Since I receive Medicare and
cataract surgery is covered I had the surgery.

Has anyone tried mixing aloe vera and CS to get the CS past the stomach
acids?  Nutritional Living said that was a way to control Candida yeasts
in your intestines.


Subject: RE: CSRe Cataracts
From: PTFerrance
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 21:42:52 -0500

Hi Vicki,

What are MS crystals?  Also, if you don't mind, what did you use as an eye
dropper for the flax oil?  Also, which variety of Barleans did you use.  I
have used it before and there are a variety of mixtures.

Thanks for your help.


Subject: CSRe cataract typo its MSM
From: vicki hood
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:30:49 -0800

I did a typo on the cataracts information.  It is MSM not MS.  Also use
pure MSM and not from Caps.  Caps sometimes  have fillers.  99point
something is good and available at feed and supply store.  Horse supply.
Not to waste it is good for many things itis a supplemental food
sulphur.  A good healer.

Subject: CSCS with MSM,cataracts
From: Harold
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:08:32 -0800

I have used regular MSM powders and caps with so so results. I would
suggest you go to the link below and get the Pure Organic Sulfur
Crystals [Methyl Sulphonyl Methane]. At least look into it. Other than a
satisfied user of said product, I have no monetary involvement with Hesh


These messages are from 2009 regarding the use of NAC and DMSO:

Subject: CSEye Health Research Report
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:16:27 -0400 (EDT)

Because of the quite positive results we have achieved in some limited,
but definitive, investigations ... I am moved to call two supporting
substances to the attention of list members. From among a number of
candidates addressed in searching for the most economical/effective
modalities for attenuating / preventing cataracts 

Re: CSWhat are MS crystals??

2014-10-30 Thread David Snowdon

Hi Larry,

The MS crystals that Vicki refers to is for MSM.  Here is Vicki's reply 
in November 2011, which

corrects her original post:

Subject: CSRe cataract typo its MSM
From: vicki hood
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:30:49 -0800

i did a typo on the cataracts information.  It is MSM not MS.  Also use pure
MSM and not from Caps.  Caps sometimes have fillers.  99point something is
good and available at feed and supply store.  Horse supply. Not to waste it
is good for many things it is a supplemental food sulphur.  A good healer.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


2014-10-19 Thread Debra David

Re: CSRe: Conundrum

 I make the distilled water myself and it has a 0 reading with my 
TDS meter.

Three thoughts...

1. Are you using a charcoal or similar 'post-filter' on your distiller? 
If so, remove it. They add particles that will be visible in the laser.

2. Your distiller is faulty. Possibly its deteriorating inside the 
outlet pipe. Or its gunked inside the outlet pipe and its coming out 
into the distilled water.

3. Yes, your making jar needs a real good clean. Try pouring your 
distilled water into a nice clean drinking glass and lasering it.

  I wouldn't have thought there would be enough particles left to 
cause a Tyndall effect though...dee

A few sparkles would not be unusual but a continuous solid laser line is 
a little unusual I would think.


On 20/10/2014 6:33 AM, wrote:

CSRe: Conundrum

2014-10-18 Thread Debra David
The answer is simple. Neither your tap water nor your distilled water is 
pure. Mains filtration plants are very good at removing particles, hence 
you will often see no laser line. On the other hand it probably still 
contains plenty of dissolved salts (invisible to a laser) so if you used 
a meter in the mains water you would get a significant reading.

If your distilled water is displaying a laser line it contains fine 
particles, so its either not distilled in the first place or its being 
contaminated after distilling. Unless your glass jar is obviously 
unclean its not likely to add significant particles to the water.


*From:* Dee
*Sent:* Saturday, October 18, 2014 7:02 AM
*Subject:* CSConundrum

I shone a laser through my distilled water and I got a distinct Tyndall 
effect, just the same as I get through my finished CS.  Can anyone 
explain this? If I shine it through tap water there is nothing...dee

Sent from my iPad

On 19/10/2014 5:36 AM, wrote:

CSNew Generator choice of three?

2014-10-03 Thread Debra David

Top Dog
30/09/2014 4:18 AM

3.  Silver Lungs:  Watched the videos and read a few websites that 
tout the commercial like nature of this machine and it's reliability.  
I do like the bigger silver rods as it should keep from having to buy 
a new set for a while.  Like the polarity reversal function to keep 
the rods evenly used.  Also not sure if having the water a higher PH 
does really make a difference although it sounds plausible.  This unit 
is high on my list but it does show that it is 4 weeks on backorder 
which makes me wonder if there is a supply problem or just that popular.

The Silverlungs presentation is nice but 

 -  It has no manual over-ride so you can't make it stronger than 20ppm.

-  It seems you are stuck with a fixed jar size, and it has to be a beaker.

-  The high '10' pH claim is dubious. Basically it makes colloidal 
silver the same way as any other machine but 'somehow' the pH comes out 
much higher! It doesnt really add up. See the reports for many ionic 
silver products at and you'll see that the pH is 
always around 5 to 7. (Not that it really matters anyway. A mouthful of 
CS is hardly going to change your body's alkalinity).

-  It makes a litre of 10ppm in about 90mins. This is almost too quick. 
1 mA at the electrodes is generally considered to be the ideal current 
to produce the smallest particles. To make CS that fast would require a 
much higher current.. and consequently produce larger particles. I'd 
like to see a proper particle size report, not that TEM stuff on their 
site.  (This report explains why TEM images for colloidal silver are 
extremely misleading...


CSSomething interesting for the chemist or physicist?

2014-10-03 Thread Debra David

On 30/09/2014 8:04 PM, wrote:

Re: CSSomething interesting for the chemist or physicist?
yousouf eydatoula

 I am also not
familiar with the units KCL uS.  I have a meter that reads
out microsiemens per centimeter (uS/cm).

uS is microsiemens, .. a measurement of the conductivity of the water. 
KCL is potassium chloride (a calibration adjustment)  but its actually 
irrelevant when measuring conductivity because conductivity is just a 
unit of measurement, like a volt or an inch. Its always the same 
irrespective of what is being measured.  ... unlike 'ppm' which is 
really just the meter making an informed guess about what 'might' be in 
a liquid that 'might' be water.

The earlier COM 100 meters offered ppm (parts per million)  in 3 
different calibrations...NaCl, KCL or 442. These calibrations also 
'inadvertently' appeared on the screen when the meter was in uS 
(conductivity) mode, even though they were unnecessary. Later COM100 
meters do not display NaCl, KCL or 442 when the meter is in uS mode.



2014-08-07 Thread David Valencia Hidalgo

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #93

2014-05-22 Thread David AuBuchon
Hi AJ,

I take 2 fl oz of CS, then take just a dap of powder.  I stick my index finger 
in a jar of cayenne, and just the specks that stick to my finger are enough.  I 
put those in the CS, then shake it up for a minute, then strain out the specks 
through a funnel covered with a paper towel soaked in CS.  Finished.  No actual 
brewing needed.  This came out just about right for me.  Adjust accordingly 
depending on how much burning is comfortable to you in the nostrils.  
Measurements of cayenne are as small as being on the scale of finger dabs.


CSCayenne and silver nasal spray argyria risk?

2014-05-20 Thread David AuBuchon
I made myself a cayenne nasal spray that seems to finally be something that 
works to open up my nostrils before bed.  I made it in CS to help keep it 
sterile.  But now I am wondering if the silver may react with the cayenne in 
such a way that snorting the silver may be a long turn argyria risk?  Any ideas?


Re: CSAcne

2014-01-22 Thread dAVId
I have a compromised immune system, leukemia, so I use this product as a
mouth wash, gargle and sinus flush.
I add approximately ten percent DMSO to it and apply it to any skin
problems. It is antibacterial, antivirual and antifnngal.  I do not buy
this rather expensive product, rather from the pet supply store, buying it
in concentrate
for less then fifteen dollars a gallon.  One ounce is added to a gallon of
distilled water, so last for years. Great for candida suffers.

DMSO allows it to absorb into the pores of the skin and kill any infection.
including dandruf, ringworm, or any skin eruption.  In acne the problem is
deep in the pores, an infection, this stuff kills everything and the dmso
gets it there through the skin.  It should be in everyone's medicine
cabinet, david lubbock tx.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:

 Bvitamins should help.  I knew someone years ago that took baker's cake
 yeast and the acne got better.  Just don't mix it with anything that has
 sugar, like juice.

  *From:* RaVen
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:47 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSAcne

 Vitamin B5 is supposedly to help with acne - along with vitamin C and
 Find out if allergic to dairy - or other allergic foods.

 On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:50 PM, wrote:

  My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this
 list know what can be done to help this condition?

Re: CSAcne

2014-01-22 Thread dAVId
Jess, if it is caused by bacteria, viral or candida/fungal it will work
well.  Most skin problems are caused
from inside the body, mostly fungal in some form.  So Jess it will be money
well spent. david lubbock tx.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Jess wrote:

 David, Would this work on itchy skin sores?  Thanks, Jess

 *From:* dAVId []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 22, 2014 7:17 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSAcne

 I have a compromised immune system, leukemia, so I use this product as a
 mouth wash, gargle and sinus flush.

 I add approximately ten percent DMSO to it and apply it to any skin
 problems. It is antibacterial, antivirual and antifnngal.  I do not buy
 this rather expensive product, rather from the pet supply store, buying it
 in concentrate

 for less then fifteen dollars a gallon.  One ounce is added to a gallon of
 distilled water, so last for years. Great for candida suffers.

 DMSO allows it to absorb into the pores of the skin and kill any
 infection. including dandruf, ringworm, or any skin eruption.  In acne the
 problem is deep in the pores, an infection, this stuff kills everything and
 the dmso gets it there through the skin.  It should be in everyone's
 medicine cabinet, david lubbock tx.

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM, PT Ferrance

 Bvitamins should help.  I knew someone years ago that took baker's cake
 yeast and the acne got better.  Just don't mix it with anything that has
 sugar, like juice.


 *From:* RaVen
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:47 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSAcne

 Vitamin B5 is supposedly to help with acne - along with vitamin C and

 Find out if allergic to dairy - or other allergic foods.

 On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:50 PM, wrote:

 My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this
 list know what can be done to help this condition?


RE: CSRe: CS Faraday Cage

2014-01-02 Thread David Bearrow
An excellent faraday shield can be made using copper screen:


David Bearrow



From: Phil Morrison [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:54 PM
Subject: CSRe: CS  Faraday Cage



One can build a fair radiation cage or shield using several layers of double
foil radiant insulation available at Lowe's or Home Depot. 

Re: CSOT: Help! need IsoCort!

2013-12-16 Thread dAVId
Wow, Lena, I did a search on google, seems it has been discontinued, or so
about five places had zero on hand, seen discussion, they changed formula
for animal to vege, yam.  Getting late for me, so will check around
david lubbock tx.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:22 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 For several years, I have used Bezwecken's IsoCort to support my adrenals
 that had been pretty much fried by decades of Lyme. I've gone from dragging
 listlessly to feeling energetic and can-do by slowly ramping up to 4
 pellets a day. The top dose is 8 pellets a day, but I've done well on 4.
 IsoCort has supported my adrenals and in doing that, things pointing to
 thyroid issues have eased. I've been very happy with this product.

 Hair-on-fire HELP!

 It's now not available! Everyone's out of stock! Rumors of recall. Dunno
 what's going on. I have one bottle left, but it won't last forever and I'm
 wondering what else works in a similar fashion for some of you out there
 who may be supporting your poor adrenals.

 I'd be so grateful to go into the new year knowing I've got my future
 supplies covered somehow.
 If anyone knows what's going on; if this situation temporary, or, if not,
 what works like Isocort, I'd  really appreciate whatever info you have.

 Darn! One gets a system that works and then someone 'fixes' it! Hardly
 seems fair. Thanks for any help you can offer.

 Be well,

Re: CSLugols burn

2013-12-13 Thread dAVId
Silvia is dead on, I make a lot of iodine, it is composed of potassium
iodide and iodide salt. Normally mixed
half iodide, and 2x potassium iodide. It is the amount of iodide that your
iodine contains that burns the skin and causes it to peel like a sunburn.
Iodide is very unstable and will suck up all the potassium in your skin to
be stable. That again dries it out and it peels. I most likely will leave
this world wondering why we bother mixing the two ingredients to make
iodine, as the iodide will immediately grab potassium and then it becomes
potassium iodide. I take iodine orally
and feel certain the iodide grabs potassium atoms within moments of
reaching the stomach and it instantly turns to potassium iodide.  I think
Dr. Lugol who invented iodine which he put on cuts etc to disinfect had
good results with iodide in killing germs. david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Deborah Gerard devorah...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Thanks Silvia,

 I didn't know I could dilute it, thanks for that. No itching, just felt
 like a bad sunburn. I have stopped it until the area heals and stops
 peeling. Is R.O. water okay to dilute with or do I have to use distilled?


   On Friday, December 13, 2013 1:16 PM, Silvia Messmer
   Were you taking companion nutrients while you were taking the trans
 dermal iodine?  Your body needs the companion nutrients while taking any
 form of iodine, that's when people can run into trouble.  BTW my
 mother-in-law got thyroid nodules and never took iodine so it does not
 neccessarily mean the nodules were caused by the iodine.  Some doctors just
 look for something to blame instead of looking for the real reason.

 Regarding iodine burning the skin.  There are people that are alergic to
 iodine. Did you have itching as well?  It can also be that the Lugol's you
 used was too strong for your fragile skin and maybe a lower concentration
 would help your skin not to burn.  Yes, as we age our skin gets thinner and
 more fragile than when we were younger. You can try diluting it by half or
 more with water but apply it to a different area until the skin is well

 Be well.

 -Original Message-
 *From:* PT Ferrance []
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 12, 2013 4:47 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSLugols burn

 I had an on-and-off low thyroid for years.  I would paint the iodine on my
 skin on my arm and it would disappear in minutes so I started painting it
 over my throat.  One of my practitioners decided I needed to have an
 ultrasound and the nodules showed up.  I was told they were probably from
 painting the iodine over my throat.
 If you haven't had an ultrasound you might want to talk to your
 practitioner about getting one before you start painting the iodine on your
 throat... especially if you are having a reaction.
 Good luck.

   *From:* Deborah Gerard
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 12, 2013 6:14 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSLugols burn


 Can you tell me more about what you went through?
 Thanks much,

  On Thursday, December 12, 2013 6:00 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
   I would like to share that I have been told that painting iodine on my
 neck probably contributed to my developing thyroid nodules.  Just sharing
 as I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what I went through.

   *From:* Deborah Gerard
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:35 PM
 *Subject:* CSLugols burn

   Would anyone be kind enough to comment on why Lugol's would burn my
 skin? I stopped using it for awhile but started up painting on my lower
 throat area. Had to stop because the skin became really tight and hurt just
 like a it is peeling exposing fresh soft skin.
 I am 62 would age factor in since my skin is getting thinner?

 Thanks in advance,


Re: CSUnbelievable!

2013-12-06 Thread dAVId
Certainly I shall add in 200mcg of selenium, I do have it readily
available, thank you BB very muchly, david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

 Brooks, as usual, you are golden! Thanks for this great info!
 Be well,
 On Dec 6, 2013, at 3:54 PM, Brooks Bradley wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: dAVId
 Date: Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 3:01 PM
 Subject: Re: CSUnbelievable!

 Hey, this is no BS, just use gymena sylvestre extract, I use a 55 percent
 from, bout sixty bux a pound on your doorstep, they pay
 about twenty from India, but we have to make a living. Anyhoo, I take a
 little less then a level teaspoon twice a day, mixed in aleo vera juice,
 DMSO a teaspoon, an ounce of nopal juice, hundred mgs of iodine
 and grit my teeth and get it down, taste like old coffee with charcoal in
 it. Knot everyone would take it raw.
 But it has lowered my chloresterol, triglicerides, lost about twenty
 pounds in six weeks, awesome at keeping my blood glucose at 100
 thereabouts, I have done my research and do not find a down side. Just
 awesome stuff.
 Most important it removes the biofilm from candida, and perhaps cancer,
 tumors, so medication, I take two teaspoons of CS, 500PPM, which kills
 candida. I had a severe case of systemic candida, because of leukemia, some
 of my skin
 has peeled.  Do a christmas present for yourself. and get some, if you are
 over fifty, have a disease, you have candida and may not know it, but it
 will kick your butt all the way to the grave,
 david lubbock tx.

 On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Gladys Williams gwms...@optonline.netwrote:

  Just one modifying-comment--we have prosecuted considerable research

 addressing the parameters outlined by David's post.  All of the substances
 he mentioned have
 in fact--demonstrated to be of positive consequence.  I can do no
 better than to suggest
 a single modification to his basic protocol.  To wit:  we discovered,
 relatively early-on in our
 evaluations (circa 2005), that the addition of 200 mcg of selenium
 daily...resulted in an
 approximately 50% protocol effectiveness.  Our supposition was that the
 selenium effect on the
 iodine component was largely responsible for the positive effects increase.
 Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley/

 Lena--  I also have Candida.  Have heard a bunch about diet, etc.  Am a
 new vegetarian.

Re: CSUnbelievable!

2013-12-05 Thread dAVId
Hey, this is no BS, just use gymena sylvestre extract, I use a 55 percent
from, bout sixty bux a pound on your doorstep, they pay about
twenty from India, but we have to make a living. Anyhoo, I take a little
less then a level teaspoon twice a day, mixed in aleo vera juice, DMSO a
teaspoon, an ounce of nopal juice, hundred mgs of iodine
and grit my teeth and get it down, taste like old coffee with charcoal in
it. Knot everyone would take it raw.
But it has lowered my chloresterol, triglicerides, lost about twenty pounds
in six weeks, awesome at keeping my blood glucose at 100 thereabouts, I
have done my research and do not find a down side. Just awesome stuff.
Most important it removes the biofilm from candida, and perhaps cancer,
tumors, so medication, I take two teaspoons of CS, 500PPM, which kills
candida. I had a severe case of systemic candida, because of leukemia, some
of my skin
has peeled.  Do a christmas present for yourself. and get some, if you are
over fifty, have a disease, you have candida and may not know it, but it
will kick your butt all the way to the grave,
david lubbock tx.

On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Gladys Williams gwms...@optonline.netwrote:

 Lena--  I also have Candida.  Have heard a bunch about diet, etc.  Am a
 new vegetarian.

Re: CSReply

2013-12-05 Thread dAVId
This is a page to a godzilla, we used to make years back for such things,
it is simple and easy to make.
I used it for an infected tooth and prostrate infection works well for
those things.
We used a six volt dry lantern battery, two wires with alligator clips
which goes to the batter, other end connected to a six pennie finishing
nail, inserted into half a car wash dampened sponge, you must alternate
ankles, wrist, jaw, with equal time.  I found CS works just as well, so I
have not used it for some time. david lubbock tx.
this page looks close to what we made.

On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 7:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

 cleaning the blood of crapola, scum, bugs, and fuzzies that don't beling in
 maybe better from
 whatever, you know what i'm talking about

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 10:59 AM
  Subject: Re: CSReply
  ... blood of bacteria,?
  care to elaborate on what  blood of bacteria, is and isn't ?
  - Original Message -
  From: bob Larson
  Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:46:40 PM
  Subject: RE: CSReply
  ...blood energizer ?
  care to elaborate on what energized blood is and isn't ?
  the Beck device, which this IS, is supposed to kill microbes
  that pass through the electric current path, CLEANING the
  blood of bacteria, virus, etc hopefully, by killing them.
  what it can do to blood is damage it if used too much.
  read into the history of the Beck Protocol and Sota
  Instruments and believe what you will. i wouldn't again
  waste a couple hundred $ on a Sota Mag Pulser or any other
  that isn't much more powerful and oscillating field with
  controlloble frequency (like a Doug Coil). the Sota Mag
  Pulser meets the Beck requirements which are inadequate
  generally to do much real work beyond selling Sota products.
  From: Phil Morrison []
  Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 9:47 AM
  Subject: CSReply
  Sota Instrument silver pulser is a blood energizer.
  Blood cells might be under performing.
  Pulser whips cells back to normal again.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:
  Off-Topic discussions:
  List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSWeb site question

2013-12-02 Thread dAVId
GSE, knot grapefruit extract, but rather gymema sylvestre Extract, great
I take two grams twice a day thirty minutes before meals, 55 percent from david lubbock tx.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:55 AM, dAVId wrote:

 I have chronic leukemia, aka lymphoma, a compromised immune system and
 systemic candida.  I am take GSE which removes the biofilm protecting
 itself from medications, it removes the biofilm, and taking two teaspoons
 of store bought 500PPM CS.  I am pleased with my results, but some friends
 and relatives are concerned about negative affects of CS.
 I have been doing this protocol for a month, should I continue or should I
 fear turning grey?  david lubbock tx.

 On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Neville wrote:

 Haven't got a website, but there are a few things on the Net one can
 read.  It must be remembered though that care should be taken with the
 interpretation of any reading material.

 Vincent Goetsch has a downloadable piece of information titled -
 Colloidal Silver (An Analytical - Investigative Report and Theoretical
 Overview) if you wish to read this.

 Ronald J Gibbs - Silver Colloids, Do They Work?.  Remember here that
 this article is NOT about the so called Colloidal Silver, it's about the
 Predominantly Ionic Silver solution, which is what can be made in your
 kitchen.  He believed he was writing about 'Colloidal Silver' at the time
 when in fact he was writing about an Ionic Silver Solution, so bare that in
 mind if you read it as this specifically relates to what we make in our

 Not all writings are relevant to all things.  There is a difference
 between what we produce in our homes using LVDC to what is purchased from
 the shop, Re: Colloidal silver {of which most are not as they do not
 satisfy accepted literature's definition of what constitutes a 'colloidal'
 product} and the Predominantly Ionic Silver solution {the home kitchen

 Accepted and popular literature states that a colloidal substance should
 contain *over* 50% of the solute in particulate form in the solvent, an
 Ionic substance contains less than 50% of the solute in particulate form
 and over 50% in the *Ionic* form in the solvent.

 Collect as much information as is possible, then weed out the wheat from
 the chaff, the facts from the fiction, pick the bones fairly clean, then
 after all that, you will still have to make some of your own determinations
 or decisions on what information is worthy and what is not g.


 Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 18:14:48 -0800
 Subject: CSWeb site question

 I am looking for a web site that I can give to friends who don't know
 anything about EIS, to help properly educate them about it, when I give
 them some EIS as a gift.  Does anyone have a suggestion?  This silver-list
 would be too complicated for the uninitiated!  I was wanting to search
 this list in case this topic had already been talked about in the archives,
 but did not know what to search for.  If you have some search suggestions
 for this topic, that would be helpful too.  FYI, I am pretty new to the
 colloidal silver subject also, so you may need to spell things out pretty
 clearly for me!!


Re: CSWeb site question

2013-12-02 Thread dAVId
I have chronic leukemia, aka lymphoma, a compromised immune system and
systemic candida.  I am take GSE which removes the biofilm protecting
itself from medications, it removes the biofilm, and taking two teaspoons
of store bought 500PPM CS.  I am pleased with my results, but some friends
and relatives are concerned about negative affects of CS.
I have been doing this protocol for a month, should I continue or should I
fear turning grey?  david lubbock tx.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Neville wrote:

 Haven't got a website, but there are a few things on the Net one can read.
  It must be remembered though that care should be taken with the
 interpretation of any reading material.

 Vincent Goetsch has a downloadable piece of information titled -
 Colloidal Silver (An Analytical - Investigative Report and Theoretical
 Overview) if you wish to read this.

 Ronald J Gibbs - Silver Colloids, Do They Work?.  Remember here that
 this article is NOT about the so called Colloidal Silver, it's about the
 Predominantly Ionic Silver solution, which is what can be made in your
 kitchen.  He believed he was writing about 'Colloidal Silver' at the time
 when in fact he was writing about an Ionic Silver Solution, so bare that in
 mind if you read it as this specifically relates to what we make in our

 Not all writings are relevant to all things.  There is a difference
 between what we produce in our homes using LVDC to what is purchased from
 the shop, Re: Colloidal silver {of which most are not as they do not
 satisfy accepted literature's definition of what constitutes a 'colloidal'
 product} and the Predominantly Ionic Silver solution {the home kitchen

 Accepted and popular literature states that a colloidal substance should
 contain *over* 50% of the solute in particulate form in the solvent, an
 Ionic substance contains less than 50% of the solute in particulate form
 and over 50% in the *Ionic* form in the solvent.

 Collect as much information as is possible, then weed out the wheat from
 the chaff, the facts from the fiction, pick the bones fairly clean, then
 after all that, you will still have to make some of your own determinations
 or decisions on what information is worthy and what is not g.


 Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 18:14:48 -0800
 Subject: CSWeb site question

 I am looking for a web site that I can give to friends who don't know
 anything about EIS, to help properly educate them about it, when I give
 them some EIS as a gift.  Does anyone have a suggestion?  This silver-list
 would be too complicated for the uninitiated!  I was wanting to search
 this list in case this topic had already been talked about in the archives,
 but did not know what to search for.  If you have some search suggestions
 for this topic, that would be helpful too.  FYI, I am pretty new to the
 colloidal silver subject also, so you may need to spell things out pretty
 clearly for me!!


Re: CSWeb site question

2013-12-02 Thread dAVId
Lena, if my memory serves me right, you use a device called a silver puppy,
is that the safe and best way to make a good safe product?  david lubbock

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:

 Hi David,
 They are misinformed (and propagandized by big pharma, which can't profit
 from CS). If you're using properly-made CS, from distilled water with a
 good CS generator, there's nothing to fear and much to gain. I've been
 using CS for 6 years now and except for a few gray hairs, (LOL) no gray
 anywhere else. I use it for mouth rinse, ear-drops, eye-drops, mist it up
 into my sinuses, use for topical wounds, take as abx when challenged by
 virus, wash my produce in it, wipe my counters with it, put it in my dog's
 water, and and share it with friends who soon become fans. Great stuff!

 I personally use Cream of Tartar for candida. I make my own (00) caps, and
 take 4x a day. It's supposed to 'drown' candida, and It has definitely
 lessened mine considerably. Not a doc, only a Lymie lab-rat, speaking from
 my personal experience. Everyone's different.
 Be well,

 On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:55 AM, dAVId wrote:

 I have chronic leukemia, aka lymphoma, a compromised immune system and
 systemic candida.  I am take GSE which removes the biofilm protecting
 itself from medications, it removes the biofilm, and taking two teaspoons
 of store bought 500PPM CS.  I am pleased with my results, but some friends
 and relatives are concerned about negative affects of CS.
 I have been doing this protocol for a month, should I continue or should I
 fear turning grey?  david lubbock tx.

 On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Neville wrote:

 Haven't got a website, but there are a few things on the Net one can
 read.  It must be remembered though that care should be taken with the
 interpretation of any reading material.

 Vincent Goetsch has a downloadable piece of information titled -
 Colloidal Silver (An Analytical - Investigative Report and Theoretical
 Overview) if you wish to read this.

 Ronald J Gibbs - Silver Colloids, Do They Work?.  Remember here that
 this article is NOT about the so called Colloidal Silver, it's about the
 Predominantly Ionic Silver solution, which is what can be made in your
 kitchen.  He believed he was writing about 'Colloidal Silver' at the time
 when in fact he was writing about an Ionic Silver Solution, so bare that in
 mind if you read it as this specifically relates to what we make in our

 Not all writings are relevant to all things.  There is a difference
 between what we produce in our homes using LVDC to what is purchased from
 the shop, Re: Colloidal silver {of which most are not as they do not
 satisfy accepted literature's definition of what constitutes a 'colloidal'
 product} and the Predominantly Ionic Silver solution {the home kitchen

 Accepted and popular literature states that a colloidal substance should
 contain *over* 50% of the solute in particulate form in the solvent, an
 Ionic substance contains less than 50% of the solute in particulate form
 and over 50% in the *Ionic* form in the solvent.

 Collect as much information as is possible, then weed out the wheat from
 the chaff, the facts from the fiction, pick the bones fairly clean, then
 after all that, you will still have to make some of your own determinations
 or decisions on what information is worthy and what is not g.


 Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 18:14:48 -0800
 Subject: CSWeb site question

 I am looking for a web site that I can give to friends who don't know
 anything about EIS, to help properly educate them about it, when I give
 them some EIS as a gift.  Does anyone have a suggestion?  This silver-list
 would be too complicated for the uninitiated!  I was wanting to search
 this list in case this topic had already been talked about in the archives,
 but did not know what to search for.  If you have some search suggestions
 for this topic, that would be helpful too.  FYI, I am pretty new to the
 colloidal silver subject also, so you may need to spell things out pretty
 clearly for me!!


Re: CSCS strength and PPM.

2013-11-14 Thread dAVId
New at using CS, had a twenty year problem with candida, faulty immune
system, dock had me on two script anti candida meds for two months,
systemic candida, I felt much better.  Then started taking four teaspoons
CS from
CS 500ppm, fourth day, really was suffering from I assume die off, after a
couple days added silver biotics, two tablespoons 10ppm.
Another three days of die off.
At present I take two teaspoons of 500ppm and three tablespoons of 10ppm
It seems the pharma medications had an impact, but was not totally
I have discovered if I drink a glass of coca cola, caffiene and sugar, the
candida begins to itch, at my current
condition, I only get a very small amount in my inner ears and moustache
Perhaps taking too much, but I was very desperate at the time.
I plan to learn how to make this stuff, but thusfar I have spent less than
a hundred dollars, which was well spent.
Any thoughts would be well received here, david lubbock tx.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 9:30 AM, wrote:

 I have a question
 Three days ago, my daughter developed shingles in the eye and side of the
 head.  She tried lots of c/s but it is not working and neither is it
 working on the rash on the face.  She never had chicken pox as a kid but
 where she works she is under EXTREME stress, I feel this is the cause of
 the shingles.  she is working even though she is contagous, I do not know
 what to do. How can she get the c/s to work?
 I had shingles and it worked great on me.

  *From:* Ode Coyote
 *Sent:* Thursday, November 14, 2013 5:59 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSCS strength and PPM.


 At 06:46 AM 11/14/2013 -0500, you wrote:

 I have a question about CS strength and PPM.  If you have a 10 PPM CS and
 mix and equal amount of plain water with it, does it turn it into 5 PPM CS?

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSAuto-immune disease and CMO

2013-10-25 Thread dAVId
I am under the impression to treat Hashi, iodine and LDN are very helpful.
david lubbock tx.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Theresa Widmer tlwid...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 Hello all -

   I was wondering if anyone had had any success in taking CMO to help with
 auto-immune diseases such as Hashimoto's?  I basically gave it to myself by
 following bad advice and using Lugol's on top of Iodoral.  Yeah, I know -

 *Theresa *


2013-10-01 Thread dAVId
My spin on LDN, I have been using it some six years for chronic leukemia,
it modulates the immune system, morning or night dosage is acceptable. I do
morning as nightmares were more then I could handle,  In my case it raised
my white blood cells from three thousand to four thousand.  Improved my
lymphocytes and neutriphils significantly, that is via lab tests.  For some
folks it raises portion of the immune system and others it lowers where
parts of the immune system is overactive.  4mgs is close to the upper level
I read in colitis, and some system inflammation may be caused by too many
neutriphils which attack pathogens and cause a lot of inflammation.
Personally I take curcumin curcuminoids for inflammation, systemic, works
and protects some from overactive neutriphils. MD Anderson recommends Dr.'s
Best for reasons I do not know.
But it really helps me.
It takes me five days to rev up, to max numbers on my immune system, and
five days to come back for my immune system. Some folks have to adjust
their dosage to suit their best health and some have to go to every other
day dosage.  Naltrexone, ie LDN, excites the immune system, then must clear
the body, then hopefully do it again the next day. But if your body is not
clearing it out, then space out dosage. Doing that must be done through
trial and error.  I am extremely fortunate, it just keeps on working at
4mgs for me.  david lubbock tx.

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Jaxi Schulz wrote:

 I will send you info tonight from home (am at work right now).  If I
 forget (yeah getting to be that age) please send me a reminder later this
 evening.  There are like three thousand some emails in my gmail inbox
 despite me deleting about 200 a day so sometimes things get lost for me too.


 On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:31 AM, PT Ferrance ptf2...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 Thanks, Jaxi.  Would you give me the name of the list and website?  I
 read to take it in the am but actually would rather take it at night.  I'm
 taking it for Fibro/Myofascial Pain Complex and general systemic

  *From:* Jaxi Schulz
 *Sent:* Tuesday, October 1, 2013 12:07 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSOT-LDN

 LDN helps your own body's immune system work better.  It is typically NOT
 a fast change but a more gradual one over a few weeks to months depending
 on what you are treating.  I am using it for ulcerative colitis and chronic
 back pain.  It also helped with allergies and other GI issues.  I saw a
 slow improvement such that by the time I was using it for 6 months I was
 able to slowly get off all the other meds (and there were a LOT of them) to
 the point where LDN is the only med I currently take.  I take 4 mg at night
 before bed.  The early info indicated night time between about 10 pm and 1
 am was the ideal time to take it.  Currently they are more flexible with
 that and there are even some doing 2 times a day dosing but I forget what
 specific issues that was meant to address.  The LDN list was too busy for
 me so I went to web only for that one and no longer get the daily emails.

 Good luck,


 On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:57 AM, PT Ferrance ptf2...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 So I have my LDN and took 1.5 ml this morning.  My question is, how do I
 know if it is working to remove systemic inflammation?  In what ways do
 people feel better and how long does it take to take effect?

Re: CSarthritus -- avoid foods

2013-08-12 Thread dAVId
I worked in dietetics for many years, so I know what it takes to lose
weight and keep it off.  My hat is off to you,
I saw a late night MD lecturing, and he seems to think low hormones, low
thyroid and low vitamin D, are the culprits.
david lubbock tx.

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Judy Knowlton

 Don't forget to avoid the nightshades.
 Potato, tomato, eggplant, green pepper, paprika  and cheddar cheese!
 Judy Down Maine

 JOY Is Lovely Liquid Light
 is a quote from my biography
 Patched, A Spiritual Memoir
 Written by me, Judy K.
 Happily available on Amazon.
 -Original Message-
 *From:* Alan Jones []
 *Sent:* Monday, August 12, 2013 10:24 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSarthritus

I recently discovered a book called The Virgin Diet.  Don't worry,
 it's not what you think, the author's name is JJ Virgin.

 The book advocates basically a Paleo diet, but also addresses food

 The 1st 3 weeks you eliminate the 7 most likely candidates:  gluten, corn,
 soy, dairy, eggs, peanuts and sugar.  (I actually haven't read the entire
 book so I'm not an expert, but for sugar I think fruit is still OK and
 small amounts in things like ketchup are still OK.)

 After the 3 weeks are over you have challenge weeks which re-introduce one
 of these foods at a time, if you want to, that is.

 I've been trying this for a week so it's still early, but have had no
 arthritis pain (or any other pain; I often get random abdominal pains)
 since I started.  My arthritis was not severe, it only occasionally gave me
 minor pain, but my Dad had it pretty bad and I want to address it before it
 gets bad.

 You absolutely cannot cheat during this 3 weeks or it's all a waste of
 time.  For some reason knowing this has made it easy for me so far, I've
 not even had the slightest urge to cheat.


 On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Gary Hilt sobertogod1n...@gmail.comwrote:

  Its me again. i have been active everyday lost 48 pounds. i have tried,
 borage oil ViteE, potassium,sveral others calium/magnesium etc. i stillhave
 this annoying achesin hips and shoulders. i have used dmso and caposaisin
 australian dream cream.
 Any other ideas ??? MSM dont set with me so im looking for any
 i also use cayenne internally.
 Thanks a lot!

 Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the
 Lord Jesus Christ.
 Gary  Lennie

 Alan Jones

 The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
 prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
 to the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CSCandida....Borax

2013-07-25 Thread dAVId
*Logically you have diabetes when you have an overgrowth of candida, but
not by american medical definition*.
A Paleo Diet, mostly meat and vege's will help, but the body will still
change those food items to glucose, so the body has glucose to use as
energy. If that glucose is not controlled with insulin in the blood, we
still have a problem.
*So in my opinion, an overgrowth of candida is the first symptom of diabetes
*.  That is the bottom line, but why treat the cause when medics can treat
the symptoms your entire life. Don't become a Milk Cow for big pharma...
So how much damage will you suffer from too much glucose, too much candida
before you either treat it by suppressing glucose, or suffer the
consequence. Metformin has given me life, It is not known to cause
hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, I play golf three times a week, and cannot
take but half a pill, two fifty mgs before doing so, or I run out of gas
about hole sixteen of eighteen, david lubbock tx. .

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 8:57 PM, wrote:

 So u have to have diabetes to get it for candida?  Lol


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jul 24, 2013, at 6:44 PM, Marshall wrote:

 It is a prescription drug for diabetes II.


 On 7/24/2013 8:49 PM, wrote:

 Isn't metformin a prescription drug or can u buy over the counter?


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jul 24, 2013, at 2:58 PM, dAVId wrote:

  Interesting about Boron, an austrailian chemist, moved from one area to
 another there, in the new location, he developed arthritis, he began
 supplementing his diet with boron twenty five mgs daily, and his arthritis
 went away.
 He began advertising such and big pharma published that boron was toxic
 and could cause health issues, they shut him down. Anyhoo, my friend and I
 tried boron for our arthritis and saw no improvement.
 I believe the body uses candida to use up excess glucose the body does not
 need, the liver produces more glucose than the pancreas can produce insulin
 to get it into cells, candida then uses all left over glucose so it does
 not harm organs.  To counteract candida, I use metformin, five hundred mgs
 twice a day which slows down glucose produced by the liver, thus starving
 out candida, metformin is good for weight loss, lowering LDL and
 It has little or no side affects at such a low dose and been around for a
 hundred years to treat type II diabetes. .  However each person may adjust
 their dosage to fit their needs.  I started two fifty twice a day and
 worked up.
 david lubbock tx. .Knot certified to give medical advice, just my

 On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:18 PM, M.G. Devour wrote:

 I've been putting a slightly rounded tablespoon of 20 Mule Team Borax in
 5 gallons of water and drinking a quart and a half or so each day for
 several months, amounting to about a quarter teaspoon per day. No
 problems here. I'm hoping for the long term benefits promised for boron
 supplementation, including making it harder for the candida.

 I got that dosing info from the same site Alan just posted...

 Be well,

 Mike D.

 On Wed, 2013-07-24 at 14:56 -0400, wrote:
  I have a question if someone would be so kind as to provide an answer.
  I bought 20 Mule Team Borax this weekend at the store.  On the side
  panels there is a warning about ingesting this product.  It warns if
  you ingest this Borax that you should contact a doctor immediately.
  Is this warning because they don't want people to know that this
  product can provide a cure for this candida?  Or will I get deathly
  ill if this is taken internally?  Thank you .. Judy

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour


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Re: CSArthritus

2013-07-25 Thread dAVId
The best prevenative for me is using magnesium bicarbonate, wahoo, great
for all aches and pains.  Mix three tablespoons of milk of magnesium,
plain, in one liter/one quart of Selzer water, shake and leave in refrig
for about thirty minutes, drink about one third bottle daily.  Wally world
has both for a small charge.  This mix really puts a tremendous amount of
magnesium into the body and will strengthen muscles.  Magnesium causes
muscles to relax, Potassium constricts muscles, we generally get enough
potassium from foods, mag is hard to get as there is none in our soil since
nineteen ninety, so we sleep much better, no more restless leg syndrome and
magnesium is a very great anti pathogen.  MoM is a laxative so spread out
your dosage to twice a day, david lubbock tx.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Gary Hilt sobertogod1n...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi to all: im back again to find some wisdom.
 i have 2 bad shoulders both worked on rotator etc. and both hips. i try to
 walk with the aid of a rolling walker and i ride a bike.
 im using Capsaisin which affords some relief and i have used DMSO little
 help. i also use Capsaison capsules and ginger. Any ideas for Arthritic
 pain and soreness. im 65
 Thank You

 Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the
 Lord Jesus Christ.
 Gary  Lennie

Re: CSArthritus

2013-07-25 Thread dAVId
Selzer water, aka, soda water, is fused with carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide
works synergistic with magnesium and helps the body absorb it.  Cramps are
a side affect of a lack of magnesium, I can have cramps and within twenty
minutes of drinking this water with MoM, they are gone.  david lubbock tx.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Anne Ney wrote:

 Why selser water?

 Sent from my iPad

 On Jul 25, 2013, at 10:56 AM, dAVId wrote:

 The best prevenative for me is using magnesium bicarbonate, wahoo, great
 for all aches and pains.  Mix three tablespoons of milk of magnesium,
 plain, in one liter/one quart of Selzer water, shake and leave in refrig
 for about thirty minutes, drink about one third bottle daily.  Wally world
 has both for a small charge.  This mix really puts a tremendous amount of
 magnesium into the body and will strengthen muscles.  Magnesium causes
 muscles to relax, Potassium constricts muscles, we generally get enough
 potassium from foods, mag is hard to get as there is none in our soil since
 nineteen ninety, so we sleep much better, no more restless leg syndrome and
 magnesium is a very great anti pathogen.  MoM is a laxative so spread out
 your dosage to twice a day, david lubbock tx.

 On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Gary Hilt sobertogod1n...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi to all: im back again to find some wisdom.
 i have 2 bad shoulders both worked on rotator etc. and both hips. i try
 to walk with the aid of a rolling walker and i ride a bike.
 im using Capsaisin which affords some relief and i have used DMSO little
 help. i also use Capsaison capsules and ginger. Any ideas for Arthritic
 pain and soreness. im 65
 Thank You

 Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the
 Lord Jesus Christ.
 Gary  Lennie

Re: CSCandida....Borax

2013-07-24 Thread dAVId
Interesting about Boron, an austrailian chemist, moved from one area to
another there, in the new location, he developed arthritis, he began
supplementing his diet with boron twenty five mgs daily, and his arthritis
went away.
He began advertising such and big pharma published that boron was toxic and
could cause health issues, they shut him down. Anyhoo, my friend and I
tried boron for our arthritis and saw no improvement.
I believe the body uses candida to use up excess glucose the body does not
need, the liver produces more glucose than the pancreas can produce insulin
to get it into cells, candida then uses all left over glucose so it does
not harm organs.  To counteract candida, I use metformin, five hundred mgs
twice a day which slows down glucose produced by the liver, thus starving
out candida, metformin is good for weight loss, lowering LDL and
It has little or no side affects at such a low dose and been around for a
hundred years to treat type II diabetes. .  However each person may adjust
their dosage to fit their needs.  I started two fifty twice a day and
worked up.
david lubbock tx. .Knot certified to give medical advice, just my

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:18 PM, M.G. Devour wrote:

 I've been putting a slightly rounded tablespoon of 20 Mule Team Borax in
 5 gallons of water and drinking a quart and a half or so each day for
 several months, amounting to about a quarter teaspoon per day. No
 problems here. I'm hoping for the long term benefits promised for boron
 supplementation, including making it harder for the candida.

 I got that dosing info from the same site Alan just posted...

 Be well,

 Mike D.

 On Wed, 2013-07-24 at 14:56 -0400, wrote:
  I have a question if someone would be so kind as to provide an answer.
  I bought 20 Mule Team Borax this weekend at the store.  On the side
  panels there is a warning about ingesting this product.  It warns if
  you ingest this Borax that you should contact a doctor immediately.
  Is this warning because they don't want people to know that this
  product can provide a cure for this candida?  Or will I get deathly
  ill if this is taken internally?  Thank you .. Judy

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCandida....Borax

2013-07-24 Thread dAVId
Unfortunately Metformin is a prescription drug, but I purchase it from
I had a full load of candida, so although my blood glucose measures up to
two hundred for several hours after I eat a full meal, my AlC tests say I
am fine, so dock will not help.
Metformin has helped me rid myself of a full load of candida, I even had it
inside my ears, yucks, I thought I was dieing slowly. I did all the script
anti candida drugs, and all the home remedies known, but it always came
I sometimes get frustrated with american medicine, if there is no money to
be made, noone cares.  All my medical professionals like to treat the
symptoms, and not the disease.  thanks for asking, david lubbock tx.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 7:49 PM, wrote:

 Isn't metformin a prescription drug or can u buy over the counter?


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jul 24, 2013, at 2:58 PM, dAVId wrote:

 Interesting about Boron, an austrailian chemist, moved from one area to
 another there, in the new location, he developed arthritis, he began
 supplementing his diet with boron twenty five mgs daily, and his arthritis
 went away.
 He began advertising such and big pharma published that boron was toxic
 and could cause health issues, they shut him down. Anyhoo, my friend and I
 tried boron for our arthritis and saw no improvement.
 I believe the body uses candida to use up excess glucose the body does not
 need, the liver produces more glucose than the pancreas can produce insulin
 to get it into cells, candida then uses all left over glucose so it does
 not harm organs.  To counteract candida, I use metformin, five hundred mgs
 twice a day which slows down glucose produced by the liver, thus starving
 out candida, metformin is good for weight loss, lowering LDL and
 It has little or no side affects at such a low dose and been around for a
 hundred years to treat type II diabetes. .  However each person may adjust
 their dosage to fit their needs.  I started two fifty twice a day and
 worked up.
 david lubbock tx. .Knot certified to give medical advice, just my

 On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:18 PM, M.G. Devour wrote:

 I've been putting a slightly rounded tablespoon of 20 Mule Team Borax in
 5 gallons of water and drinking a quart and a half or so each day for
 several months, amounting to about a quarter teaspoon per day. No
 problems here. I'm hoping for the long term benefits promised for boron
 supplementation, including making it harder for the candida.

 I got that dosing info from the same site Alan just posted...

 Be well,

 Mike D.

 On Wed, 2013-07-24 at 14:56 -0400, wrote:
  I have a question if someone would be so kind as to provide an answer.
  I bought 20 Mule Team Borax this weekend at the store.  On the side
  panels there is a warning about ingesting this product.  It warns if
  you ingest this Borax that you should contact a doctor immediately.
  Is this warning because they don't want people to know that this
  product can provide a cure for this candida?  Or will I get deathly
  ill if this is taken internally?  Thank you .. Judy

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

CSDissolving pure silver in citric acid?

2013-07-11 Thread David AuBuchon
What would happen if I drop a pure silver coin into a saturated solution of 
citric acid?  Would it by any chance dissolve over time?  It occurred to me 
that the cost of silver needed to maintain a pool with silver citrate 
(should by experiments succeed) would be much cheaper if the source of 
silver could be coins rather than silver oxide powder.  Any ideas?

Otherwise, I figured electrolysis in saturated citric acid would cause silver 
citrate to go until saturation and then precipitate powder, an the powder can 
be dried, weighed, and saved.  And the silver in solution can be calculated as: 
[(initial weight of electrodes - final weight of electrodes) - (silver in the 
precipitate)].  The electrodes could just be run until they are almost totally 

Today I've increased my bucket experiments from 10ppb, 30ppb, and 70ppb to 
become 100ppb, 200ppb, and 500ppb respectively.  


CSSwimming Pool Silver Wxperiment Update:

2013-07-08 Thread David AuBuchon
I've been conducting an experiment to see if silver can maintain a swilling 
pool standalone.  I have 8 buckets, each 4 gallons in size.  Four of the 
buckets have water taken from the pool (chlorinated).  The other 4 are tap 
water.  I have added no silver, 10ppb silver, 30ppb silver, and 70ppb silver to 
each of the four buckets, for both tap water and pool water cases respectively. 
 There is also a 9th bucket with tap water plus 10ppb silver plus 2.4ppm 

The source of silver used is silveroxide powder dissolved in concentrated 
solutions of citric acid, forming presumably silver citrate.  Measuring silver 
down to the ppb takes some work and some serial dilution.  It was quite a pain. 

It has been about 3 weeks into the experiment now.  Thus far, none of the 4 
pool water buckets has obviously visible scum growing.  However, all 5 of the 
tap water buckets show sign of some green junk (I guess algae) growing in the 
bucket.  The tap water with no added silver does clearly have much more scum 
growing in it than the other buckets, so there is clearly a substantial benefit 
to the silver.  One strange thing is that the bucket with tap water and 10ppb 
silver has the least growth as compared to tap water with higher concentrations 
of silver (30ppb and 70ppb).  The tap water plus 10ppb silver plus 2.4ppm 
peroxide also has more growth in comparison.  I am taking both of these last 
two observations to be a fluke.  

We allowed junk to just fall into the bucket.  So there are some dead flies, 
plant debris etc.  Every few days we had to add tap water to make up for 

The question is what to do now?  The obvious thought is to add silver at much 
higher concentrations and wait for an obvious reversal of the growth to be seen 
upon doing so.  How high a silver concentration would one be willing to swim 
in?  It would probably be therapeutic to swim in 10PPM silver!  I presume most 
of the silver is forming clumps of silver compounds like silver chloride and 
staying in colloidal suspension.  Swimming in high concentrations of such 
silver should not pose argyria risk, wouldn't you think?  

My plan has been to find a functional level, then just add some silver each 
month - enough so you are sure it makes up for any lost silver that last month. 
 Then do a worst case calculation for seeing how high the lifelong silver 
content in the pool could go, and conclude that even that upper bound is safe.  

Comments appreciated.  I would really like this work in swimming pools.  I have 
a dream of turning a swimming pool into a functional water storage that could 
be further processed to make it drinkable.  


CSRE: hello

2013-05-13 Thread david bearrow

david bearrow
Meanwhile, those of us who can compute can hardly be expected to keep writing 
papers saying I can do the following useless calculation in two seconds, and 
indeed what editor would publish them? -- Oliver Atkin

CSPlease delete earlier message titled hello

2013-05-13 Thread david bearrow
It appears someone figured out my yahoo password and sent out a spam email to 
people in my contacts list in my name. Please accept my apology. I have changed 
my password. Hopefully this ends it.

David Bearrow

CSMy yahoo account was compromised

2013-05-13 Thread david bearrow
My yahoo account was compromised and the 16 unfortunate people in my online 
contact list received a spam email from me. I have changed my password. Please 
accept my apology. Lets hope I have fixed it now.

David Bearrow

CSsilver test strips from 2ppm to 50ppm:

2013-04-21 Thread David AuBuchon

Apparently such strips are available. If they are cheap and accurate,
this may be another option besides conductivity meters.

I was looking into this for possible application with silver in a
swimming pool, but no one seems to sell strips below 50ppb, which is
the range most relevant to swimming pools.

After reading all I can, I am setting up some buckets with a variety
of experiments to see if silver citrate by itself, or in combination
with peroxide can effectively maintain our swimming pool.  At the
moment, I am optimistic that it can, and it would only cost a few
bucks per month.  Will know more in month.


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