Re[2]: The Bat! won't send or receive after waking from hibernation (Windows 2000)

2001-07-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Lars,

Thursday, July 12, 2001, 6:16:16 PM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal to write:

LG Hi Christian, On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, at 16:34:02 -0500 you wrote:

CD I have a strange problem: After my Windows 2000 laptop wakes up
CD after hibernation The Bat! won't send or receive mail. It hangs on
CD connecting to the mail server(s). I have to abort the process
CD through the connection center.

LG My connection usually just times out after some time.

CD All other software using either my dial-up or LAN connections work
CD fine. I can do my www, my icq and my irc without problems, but I
CD have to reboot to get mail delivered and collected with The Bat!.

LG Confirmed here, exactly the same symptoms, but it happens not only after
LG returning from hibernation but also after returning from suspend to ram.
LG Most of the time it goes back to normal after a while (about 3 minutes),
LG but a reboot helps instantly.

I have the same thing, but I just start IE, hit a web page (not on my
ThinkPad), and alt-f2 to check again.  Works every time.  I never
considered it, but you are right, it is a bug that should be fixed...

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Outbox post processing rule?

2001-07-13 Thread Tim Musson


  I run NetZero when away from the office, and they block port 25
  (smtp).  Can I create a rule that will move a message from my Outbox
  to another folder (NetZero Outbox) after attempting to send?  Could
  that rule (or another one in the other account) issue a send
  command on the NetZero account when the message hits the Outbox?

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Re: Friday the 13th bug?

2001-07-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Thomas,

Sunday, July 15, 2001, 6:09:57 AM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal to write:


TF The following happened to me, and I don't have an explanation.
TF However, I would like to know whether someone has made the same
TF experience when downloading from Myrealbox with TB.

TF On Friday in the office, I downloaded my ML stuff (from the account
TF just fine, leaving mail on server as usual. When I
TF got home, I couldn't download to my home machine.

TF Connection Center opened, connected to server, got number of messages,
TF and started to download message 1/67, 2882 byte. Speed showed 70 cps.
TF All of 43 bytes of the first message were downloaded, and the download
TF seemed to hang, but speed still showed 70 cps. This was reproducable
TF and still is up to now.

TF During each mail session, TB creates litterally hundreds of files
TF bat.tmp in the Windows\temp directory, with  being a hex
TF number in sequence (! - not random as usual). Size of the files is 0.
TF I just counted: 70 such files were created with the time stamp 15:29
TF today.

TF I delete task or abort the ConCenter (after ten minutes or so, still
TF being at byte 43), and the size of the file to download makes some
TF weird jumps in the display, 2075 - 3856, 2595 etc for a few seconds
TF until the ConCenter really shuts down. I can imagine that these are
TF the sizes of subsequent messages, but don't know.

TF I connected with the mail despatcher instead, in order to just delete
TF the first message. The mail despatcher needs a very long time (over 10
TF minutes) until it shows me a list of headers with the From, subject,
TF etc information missing (unkown). This is funny because when I try
TF to download straight, the sender of the first message is actually
TF shown in the Connection Center.

TF I tried to delete the first message from server. Take the tickmark off
TF the receive tickbox but leave it in the delete tickbox. Next time
TF I try to download messages, the first message is still the same one,
TF no deletion has happened.

TF I used the telnet application and connected to the smtp server on port
TF 110, and all went well: LIST showed the message list (only the
TF message sizes for some reason, but that can be their setup). RETR 1
TF shows me a listing of the first message, with headers and all. DELE 1
TF is my command. Then QUIT.

TF I hit F2 in TB, and TB is again trying to download the same first
TF message. I has not been deleted.

TF OK, webmail. I log in to . The newest messages
TF are shown first, no problem, I read them. I get back to the older
TF ones, and at almost the last page (each page containing a listing of
TF 10 mails), it hangs again. When the pages downloaded into my browser
TF very fast, suddenly I nothing moves anymore. I stop download and try
TF to backtrack or even logout, but my options are down to just closing

TF It appears that only messages received on Friday the 13th cause the
TF problem.

TF Since the POP protocol does not allow skip the first 15 messages,
TF and I have no way of deleting them, my only way out was to create a
TF new account (this one here). I have no problems whatsoever retrieving
TF incoming messages.

TF Does anybody have any explanation?

Unfortunately, it looks like you have had some of the problems MRB was
expecting during their upgrades.  MRB is actually how Novell is
testing their NIMS product, and they sent out a message during the
week last week (I got one in each of my MRB accounts, but on different
days).  Basically, they are upgrading to the new version which should
have lots of new features, but this will mean potential problems and
unavailability for all of July and possibly part of August (I think
they said 30 days.).

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Outbox post processing rule? (2)

2001-07-16 Thread Tim Musson


How do I create a rule that will move a message from my Outbox to another
folder (Another account's Outbox) after attempting (and failing) to send?

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Re[2]: Synching The Bat! address book with Palm

2001-07-17 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Nick,

Tuesday, July 17, 2001, 12:08:35 PM, my MUA believes you used
Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.53k/iKey1000) D916F-9A79F to write:

NA On July 17, 2001, at 1:32:09 AM -0700, Jim Daniels wrote:

 Anybody else doing this address book synch between The Bat! and Palm
 Pilot devices via File Links, and if so, discovered any issues or

NA I'm thinking of purchasing a Palm Device, but was hesitant because
NA TB does not support synchronisation with the Palm. Obviously you
NA were successful in getting it to work via a CSV file. What fields
NA did you include, or have to include so that the information as
NA given in TB! is represented as such in the Palm?

You should be able to include any fields that you like.  Palm Desktop
software has LN,FN,Title,Company,Work,Home,Fax,Other,
E-Mail,Street,City,State,Zip,Country,01/6/26,Custom 2,
Custom 3,Custom 4,Note,0,TBtest.  I got this from an export
of a test entry where each field has the field name as the data.

NA I trust the process to synch the Palm with say Outlook is a lot
NA easier. I've heard that all you have to do is put it in the cradle
NA and voila! Is that correct?

Yes, with 3rd party software, it is very easy to sync with M$ Lookout.
One version ships with the m500 series Palm's

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Re: Synching The Bat! address book with Palm

2001-07-17 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jim,

Tuesday, July 17, 2001, 4:32:09 AM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.51) Personal to write:

JD Hi BatFans,

JD A couple weeks ago I did an archives search on synching The Bat!
JD address book with Palm devices. (I have a Palm IIIx) All I found
JD was info on synching email messages with Palm.

JD Palm Desktop 4.x has a File Link feature that allows you to
JD synchronize csv (comma-separated variable) files with a Palm
JD device. I used The Bat's Export command in Address Book to
JD create a CSV file, and using a File Link in Palm Desktop, the
JD address book entries came right in to my Palm IIIx, and life is
JD good. I'm not sure if the File Link thing is new in Palm Desktop
JD 4, but it works nice.

JD I did have to map the fields thru a fields dialog, but then the
JD data came right in. Palm wants to assign all items brought in this
JD way to a special category, so I assigned them to a new
JD bataddress category.

JD Anybody else doing this address book synch between The Bat! and
JD Palm Pilot devices via File Links, and if so, discovered any
JD issues or caveats?
Interesting, I had not thought of that approach for syncing the
address book. There is no sync involved really. What is happening is
the export file from TB! is continuously kept up to date on the Palm.
ie, each time the TB! export file changes, the the data on the Palm is

Jim, I was wondering how you did the Field map? I don't recall if you
can use a .TPA file to assist with the mapping. I have worked on some
perl code to pull an address book from LDAP (my client's directory)
and pull it into my palm, and used the TPA file - which automates the
field mappings (you can look at c:\palm\LOTUS20.TPA and I think you
can search Palm's site for TPA or something like that - there is a
page or 2 defining the file).

The way I have found to best Sync is vCard, but the Palm Desktop
adds a new entry even if it is identical to an existing entry. Kudos
to TB!, it does not add the record if it is identical - what can you
expect from such a great piece of software, eh?

Using The Bat! ( eMail v1.53d
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Re[2]: Synching The Bat! address book with Palm

2001-07-19 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Mars,

Thursday, July 19, 2001, 7:57:14 AM, my MUA believes you used
QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1 to write:

MD Reminds me, how come an archive search for Palmpilot turned up
MD nothing.  I  thought this odd, and the list must have been around
MD for a long while.

I don't think it was ever called Palmpilot during discussions on the
list, and the name changed a few years ago to just Palm. Try looking
for palm...

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Re[2]: Spacebar

2001-07-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Avenarius,

Friday, July 20, 2001, 9:39:16 PM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal to write:

A A Bat-fellow, Mars Descent, wrote on Thursday, July 19, 2001 at
A 06:30:45 (GMT +00-02),  which was 8:30 a.m. in Bratislava --

A What I miss is the option to move backwards using the spacebar as
A well as forwards. Couldn't SHIFT+SPACEBAR (or, better still, ALT
A GR+SPACEBAR) be used to navigate the message list upwards, while
A SPACEBAR would continue to navigate it downwards?

A Until something like this is implemented, the navigation of
A messages in the Bat will remain uncomfortable for me, inferior to
A Forte Agent, Pegasus, the Opera mailer, or even Outlook.

MD How come you want to move backwards?  I can't see what it helps.

A When you're reading a long message, there is no way to return to a
A previously read section of the long message. But it's often necessary
A to do that if you need to read a message carefully, rather than just
A skim its content.

A Currently you first need to press TAB to transfer the cursor to the
A message body, and then use PAGE UP.

A As soon as you do that, though, you cannot immediately move to the
A preceding / next message (the CTRL+UP and CTRL+DOWN shortcuts
A unexplicably do not work in preview message bodies), nor can you move
A or copy the message into another folder (the CTRL+V and CTRL+C
A shortcuts unexplicably do not work in message bodies).

Not sure I have followed the entire thread, but, I frequently use
Alt+Down/Up Arrows.  I realise this does not move a full screen of
text at a time like the space bar, but it seems to do what you want
without shifting your view to the message...

Using The Bat! ( eMail v1.53d
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 1)
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Re[2]: Outbox post processing rule? (2)

2001-07-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Raj,

Friday, July 20, 2001, 9:11:16 AM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal to write:

TM How do I create a rule that will move a message from my Outbox to another
TM folder (Another account's Outbox) after attempting (and failing) to send?

R What  do  you  mean  by  failing  ??  Are  you referring to 'bounced mail' - In 
which case

No, my home ISP blocks port 25.  So I can only send to their SMTP
server.  From the internet (attached from work) I can't hit my ISP's
SMTP server...  So, I have 2 accounts, 1 - my primary (which I can't
send from home), and 2 - my backup which I can't send with at work!)

So, when dialed in from home, my Send fails (port 25 blocked).  I
would then like a rule to move the Outbox contents to the Outbox of
another account...  I have created an Outbox rule that changes the
color, and moves the messages, but only when I run it manually.  I was
hoping to have the messages move when I get
   Date, Time: SEND  - Could not connect to the server
in the log file...

Using The Bat! ( eMail v1.53d
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 1)
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Re[2]: Outbox post processing rule? (2)

2001-07-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Matthias,

Saturday, July 21, 2001, 10:48:16 AM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/3) Personal to write:

MA On Saturday, July 21, 2001, 22:02:08 (04:02:08 at my hometown),
MA Tim Musson wrote:

MA [...]

 So, when dialed in from home, my Send fails (port 25 blocked).  I
 would then like a rule to move the Outbox contents to the Outbox of
 another account... [...]

MA What do you think about using a local smtp server

Would still not work when a SMTP server sends mail, it sends it on
port 25 - which is my problem, NetZero blocks it!  It is free
however... :-)

MA  having two rulesets.
MA One for home, the other for work. No idea which one you can use, but
MA I've heard about xray ( Maybe that fits your
MA needs.

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Re: configure iPAQ for 'theBat' ??

2001-08-05 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Ken,

Wednesday, August 01, 2001, 6:59:36 AM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.53bis) Personal to write:

KS Hi all,

KS   I have just got hold of a Compaq iPAQ and would like to configure it
KS   to sync with 'The Bat' rather than MS Outlook email.

KS   Anyone know how to achieve this ??

Did you get an answer to this Ken?  If not, I can ask some of the
people I work with that have them.  Do you know if it will sync via
MAPI?  That is how the Palm devices do it.

Using The Bat! ( eMail v1.53d
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Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.

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Re[3]: configure iPAQ for 'theBat' ??

2001-08-07 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Ken,

Monday, August 06, 2001, 3:47:27 AM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.53bis) Personal to write:

KS Hi Tim,

KS No answer to date - any help would be really appreciated.
KS Not sure about the MAPI aspect - what are the alternatives ??

   The answer I got from my friends that run iPAQ's is that you should
   be able to sync to a MAPI mail client, but I don't know how, let
   me know if you find out...

   I don't think you have an alternative for syncing mail between the
   iPAQ and TB.  As far as I know the only way to sync to TB is via

Using The Bat! ( eMail v1.53d
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Re-Scan msg base for Attachment status?

2001-10-24 Thread Tim Musson


  I have a folder that has messages with attachments (mostly code
  examples) and I have removed most of the attachments from the
  Attach dir.

  Is there any way to update the Attachments icon to indicate that I
  can delete that message without having to look at each message?

  I usually have a couple thousand to scan every few months and even
  arrowing down the list at 3-4 per second takes time, and is hard on
  the wrist g.

  Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Using The Bat! eMail v1.53d
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Re[3]: IMAP4 settings and Exchange Server

2002-02-08 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Nancy,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Educational
to write the following on Friday, February 08, 2002 at 3:31:41 PM.
NH Hello Peter,

NH Friday, February 08, 2002, 2:36:36 PM, you wrote:

PP If IMAP-Server accepts plain text logins there should be no problem.
PP The Bat! don't care about your NT-UserName (regarding to
PP MailBox-access), so you can enter the login data freely in The Bat!
PP account settings.

NH Thanks for your answer but I am afraid I still don't understand.

NH When login to the server, I need to tell it:

NH my mailbox name (I put this under user box)
NH my NT login name
NH my NT password

NH When I configure the connection to the server, there is only two boxes
NH (user and password).  My question is: Is there a way of sending the
NH three different informations into the two boxes ?

I have used TB IMAP4 to get mail from an M$ Exchange 5.5 Server, and
only gave it the mailbox name and password.  Have you tried it?  Are
your mailbox and login ID's different?  Domain/AD?  What ver of Exch?
Did you try POP3 (you may not like TB's current IMAP implementation, I
haven't found it to be better than POP...)?  Have you asked your Exch
Admin's how to IMAP or POP you mail?  They would probably have better

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Address book help please...

2002-02-27 Thread Tim Musson

Hey all,

I am in the process of switching to a new ThinkPad. Here is what I
1. export of the RIT part of the registry
2. a replace on 'C:\\Program Files' with D:\\
3. import the modified .REG file to my new Win2k install
  (old ThinkPad was Win2k sp1)
4. copy entire 'The Bat!' dir from c:\Program Files to d:\
5. Start TB - everything seemed in place...

This AM I needed an address from my Address Book, but it seems to be
missing!  Any suggestions on what I can do to recover it?

Thanks in advance!

Using The Bat! eMail v1.53d
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Re: Address book help please...

2002-02-27 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Tim,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal
to write the following on Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 7:41:45 AM.
TM Hey all,

TM I am in the process of switching to a new ThinkPad. Here is what I
TM did:
TM 1. export of the RIT part of the registry
TM 2. a replace on 'C:\\Program Files' with D:\\
TM 3. import the modified .REG file to my new Win2k install
TM   (old ThinkPad was Win2k sp1)
TM 4. copy entire 'The Bat!' dir from c:\Program Files to d:\
TM 5. Start TB - everything seemed in place...

TM This AM I needed an address from my Address Book, but it seems to be
TM missing!  Any suggestions on what I can do to recover it?

TM Thanks in advance!

Sorry, got it.

In the Address Book, File \ Open Address Book...

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Re: Address book help please...

2002-02-27 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Lars,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/44) Personal
to write the following on Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 7:32:28 AM.
LG Hi Tim, On Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 07:41:45 [GMT -0800],
LG you wrote:

TM Cannot open file C:\Documents and Settings\Timothy L Musson\My
TM Documents\http\OneLiners.txt

LG It seems that something besides your address book was lost during the
LG transfer... :-)


Missed that one.  Thanks for the note. all better now.

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Re: How to temporarly stop Periodecally check

2002-03-04 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Hans,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal
to write the following on Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 9:34:13 AM.
HHS Hello Tim,

HHS Saturday, March 02, 2002, 2:55:14 PM, you wrote:

HHS I wish, too, there was a central place to select/deselect that option
HHS for all accounts in one go, but it seems you have to do the following
HHS for each and every account:
HHS Account - Properties - Options. Checkmark's at the top of options
HHS window.

TM I do this by going to Options\Network and Administration

TM If you select 'Dial-up networking connection' with 'No automatical
TM dial for periodic checking' checked, it does not check if the dial
TM connection is not active.

HHS Thanks for letting me know.
HHS I have ADSL now, so I don't really need to deselect.
HHS Just trying to be helpful.

HHS But if I wanted to, how would I do it?
HHS (The option you mention is grayed out because I have ADSL).

Which option are you referring to? Do you have LAN selected?  If so,
the DU net options are all not available...

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
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Re: outbox problem

2002-03-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Luc,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d)
to write the following on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 8:04:34 AM.
L Hi list,

L   i have a message in my outbox folder, that keeps sitting there: i'm
L   unable to delete or to send it.

is the message parked?

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
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Re: Agenda companion to The Bat!

2002-03-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jean-Baptiste,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d)
to write the following on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 1:25:34 PM.

JBL That looks a good idea. A few weeks ago I saw a thread discussing
JBL synchronising TB! with a palm. Unfortunately at that time I was not
JBL concerned and I did not keep the info.
JBL Anybody knows how to perform address book sync?
JBL Thanks.

Unfortunately there is not a good solution that I am aware of.  About
all that is done is mail sync at this point (until someone writes a

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Bad command or file name!  GO stand in the corner.


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Re: How can I automate Folder -- Kill Dupes?

2002-03-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Daniel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Educational
to write the following on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 3:01:58 PM.

 Is there a 'kill dupes in all folders' selection in your 'folder' menu?

DG No there isn't.

As you can see below, I am using the current version (1.53d) and I
found it in Folder\Kill dupes in All folders...

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Who is they anyway?


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: How can I automate Folder -- Kill Dupes?

2002-03-16 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Daniel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Educational
to write the following on Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 11:33:52 AM.
DG Hi Tim,

DG on Friday, March 15, 2002, 3:59:11 PM, Tim Musson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Daniel,

 My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Educational
 to write the following on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 3:01:58 PM.

 Is there a 'kill dupes in all folders' selection in your 'folder' menu?

DG No there isn't.

DG The menu item is Kill Dupes.  Since other menu items are folder
DG specific, I assumed that Kill Dupes is folder specific too.  Isn't it?

 As you can see below, I am using the current version (1.53d) and I
 found it in Folder\Kill dupes in All folders...

DG I'm using 1.53d too.

DG --

DG Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA
DG homepage:

Second from bottom, just above properties...

Note: if you put a space char after the -- in your sig, the default
reply-to template will strip out your sig, which doesn't really need
to be in the replies...

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
When in doubt, think.


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: How can I automate Folder -- Kill Dupes?

2002-03-16 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Dwight,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/49) Personal
to write the following on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 5:06:45 PM.
DAC On Friday, March 15, 2002, 2:59:11 PM, Tim Musson wrote:

DG No there isn't.

 As you can see below, I am using the current version (1.53d) and I
 found it in Folder\Kill dupes in All folders...

DAC key board short cut is alt-f  | L

Alt-F | U on mine... g  'L' doesn't do anything in the Folder pull
down (which is what Alt-F does here...)

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
My software never has bugs; it just develops random features.


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: How can I automate Folder -- Kill Dupes?

2002-03-18 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Dwight,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/49) Personal
to write the following on Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 8:52:42 PM.
DAC On Saturday, March 16, 2002, 6:06:56 PM, Tim Musson wrote:

 Hey Dwight,

 My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/49) Personal
 to write the following on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 5:06:45 PM.
DAC On Friday, March 15, 2002, 2:59:11 PM, Tim Musson wrote:

DG No there isn't.

 As you can see below, I am using the current version (1.53d) and I
 found it in Folder\Kill dupes in All folders...

DAC key board short cut is alt-f  | L

 Alt-F | U on mine... g  'L' doesn't do anything in the Folder pull
 down (which is what Alt-F does here...)

DAC I'm posting to both lists because of the newly -to me at least- change
DAC in the menu contents, in case it was accidental.

DAC I just pulled down the folder menu and discovered that it does not
DAC have the keyboard shortcuts underlined. This is very strange because
DAC it's the first time I've noticed this. When and why did they
DAC disappear?

DAC Since the shortcuts aren't marked like they used to be, maybe I'm
DAC wrong in remembering the shortcut. But I just tried it and L kills
DAC dups in all folders and U compresses all folders in 1.54. i don't have
DAC a 1.53 installation anywhere any more.

I just found that if I pull down the Folder menu with the Mouse, it
does not have the short cut underlined, but if I pull it down with
Alt-F, it does!  First time I have noticed _that_!  I do know there is
a setting in Win2k that will turn off the shortcut underlining, but
don't recall what it is and can't figure out why you would want to (I
think I did once and had to live with it because I could not figure
out how to get it back g).

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Keep honking while I reload. 


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Re: How can I automate Folder -- Kill Dupes?

2002-03-18 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Daniel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Educational
to write the following on Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 12:45:07 PM.
DG on Saturday, March 16, 2002, 7:08:54 PM, Tim Musson wrote:

TM Is there a 'kill dupes in all folders' selection in your
TM 'folder' menu?

DG No there isn't.

DG The menu item is Kill Dupes.  Since other menu items are folder
DG specific, I assumed that Kill Dupes is folder specific too.  Isn't it?

TM  Second from bottom, just above properties...

DG Tim, let me explain.  Since my retirement, reading often is in my job
DG description.  Since my retirement, fully scanning lists from top to
DG bottom seldom is in my job description.  LOL

DG --

DG Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA
DG homepage:

TM Note: if you put a space char after the -- in your sig, the
TM default reply-to template will strip out your sig, which doesn't
TM really need to be in the replies...

DG Thanks Tim.  Before I began this reply, I tried putting a space in
DG after the -- in my signature file. My signature appeared at the bottom
DG of this message anyway, so I deleted the signature by hand.  I will
DG try to remember to delete my signature on my future posts too.

No, you can put your sig in.  What I was talking about is my auto
reply stripping out your sig (which it did this time...)

Hit reply to this message and if you have not changed your Reply-To
template, *my* sig will not be included. g

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: How can I automate Folder -- Kill Dupes?

2002-03-19 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Peter,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/49) Personal
to write the following on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 10:48:37 AM.
PP Hello Tim,

PP On Monday, March 18, 2002 at 4:21:52 PM you wrote in
PP msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in part):

TM I do know there is a setting in Win2k that will turn off the
TM shortcut underlining, but don't recall what it is

PP Go to 'Display Settings' in your system (right click on desktop /
PP 'Properties') and choose 'Effects'.

PP 'Hide keyboard navigation indicators until I use the Alt key'
PP deactivated will do the trick.

Thanks!, count on the great people on the TBUDL list to know where
those irritating little M$ switches are hiding! G

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
GUYS: No shirt, no service.  GALS: No shirt, no charge.


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: Palm Synch

2002-04-22 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Rick,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Personal
to write the following on Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 9:19:05 AM.
RR On Friday, April 12, 2002, 6:11:02 PM, Stephen Thomas wrote:

ST Are you looking for address book sync. or email sync.?  I'd love
ST to have an address book sync. but have not found anything that
ST will  work, short of exporting all Palm addresses to a vcard and
ST importing  into TB.  TB has a great address book that  Iwould love
ST to sync., if anyone know how.

RR One of the ways that worked was a bit of a pain but it did work.
RR It's been a while since I did it so I might be a bit off here but
RR I was able to export the bat address book info as comma delimited
RR I believe. Then I used my yahoo account's import feature to import
RR the comma delimited file (you have to configure the mappings of
RR what goes where, but it didn't take that long). Next step was to
RR then use intellisynch (free also) to synch yahoo's address book
RR with the palm. Not one of those operations you'd want to do on a
RR nightly basis but it did work.

Just curious, why did you import the csv file into Yahoo, then sync to
Palm?  Palm does offer a feature to import csv into the address book.

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
According to my dogs, the devil is alive and well and living in my vacuum cleaner.

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Re: Palm Sync'ing

2002-04-25 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Michael,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60) Business
to write the following on Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 1:04:26 AM.
MTA I'm a rabid Palm User and I'd rather see RIT Labs develop the
MTA conduit over using Intellisync. Intellisync is going to rely on
MTA an API from RIT anyway and it's a shame that the user will have
MTA to spend $40 for a program that just syncs e-mail and addresses.

MTA Most e-mail sync solutions are free (except for Mac users) and having
MTA to pay $40 just to sync mail I think will just keep users from trying
MTA the Bat!, which as we all know is a fantastic e-mail client.

MTA I'm not totally against paying for a solution, but I think it should
MTA come from RIT and not Intellisync. So, RIT can either sell it as an
MTA add-on product, or they can include it in their Business class product
MTA - or both!

I agree with Michael on this one. I am a Palm fanatic (left it at home
today, and feel like I left both hands...) and have used and like the
Intellisync product.  However, I would prefer the AB sync to come from
RIT (I have no problems with the current Mail sync).

MUA = TB! v1.53d (
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.

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1.60h seems *much* faster...

2002-04-28 Thread Tim Musson


  Wow, I am impressed (always have been, but more so now...)

  I had not noticed TB! being slow, but I sure did notice a speed
  increase after loading 1.60h! It used to take a few seconds on my P3
  1.2Ghz processor, but now it is like .5 sec to load!

  Other features are also faster.

  Way to go RIT Labs guys!  

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60h
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Don't get old, you will live to regret it.

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Re: How to do a Reply to sender

2002-04-29 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60d/iKey1000)
to write the following on Monday, April 29, 2002 at 5:55:39 AM.

 How do I do a Reply to the From address? e.g. to send a reply to
 the sender of a list message, instead to TBUDL.

 Try a right-click on the From field.

MDP Or use Ctrl-F4.

Always learning new cool tip's from this list!

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Don't get old, you will live to regret it.

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Re: Questions

2002-04-29 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jerry,

My MUA believes you used THOR 2.6a (Amiga;TCP/IP)
to write the following on Monday, April 29, 2002 at 11:04:36 AM.
J Hi there

J I have tried using The Bat and I like it. I miss 2 features, maybe
J I just can not fint them:

J 1. Is there a way to start it automatically under Windows?

Put a shortcut to TB in the Startup folder...

J 2. Is there a way I can make the X close window to just iconify,
J like Becky mailer can? I know I can iconify, but I forget... Then I
J close the mailer not iconify it...

Options | Preferences... | Minimize to the System Tray

J 3. Is there a way to make custom toolbar? I miss having functions
J like MARK ALL READ and change view from ALL to UNREAD somewhere
J handy...
J 4. Is there a way that the Bat would start with the view of SHOW
J ONLY UNREAD as default? Whenever sI start it, I see all messages?
J Maybe even for each folder?
J 5. Is there any plan to integrate offline news viewer with the Bat?
J I found Bat a s good mailer, I have yet to find a good newsreader
J program for the Windows :-( I know I am complicated person, but...
J Having both in one program is a feature also, because you can
J simply send emails and news articles with the same program.

3,4,5 - I don't know, but don't think so...

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why are you wasting time reading taglines?

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Re: 1.60h

2002-04-30 Thread Tim Musson

Hey syv,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Educational
to write the following on Monday, April 29, 2002 at 5:36:49 PM.
s Hi tbudl,

s What's new in 1.60h? I did not see a mention in the readme
s file.

Check out the What's New link at

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What's brown and sticky? A stick!

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Re: Dragging Folders and misc.

2002-05-02 Thread Tim Musson

Hey mocha9mail,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Personal
to write the following on Thursday, May 2, 2002 at 1:14:56 AM.

mmc 1. How do you drag a Account to a different location? I created a
mmcCommon $Known$ folder. It was put at the bottom of the Account list.
mmcI managed to drag it to the top so it is the first account in the
mmctree. Now I want to put it between Account 2 and 3; and I have no
mmcluck in changing the order. It refuse to budge from the top. I know
mmcyou drag by holding down the Alt key. Where do you drag the cursor
mmcto? And when do you release the mouse and the Alt key?

In my exp. you hold down the Alt key and drag the folder/account.
When you drop it, if you were going down, it lands below what you
dropped it on in the list.  If you were dragging it up, it lands above.
If you want it to become a sub-folder of another folder, I think you
need to use another key (I forget which)...

mmc 2. I jumped from v1.53 to 1.60c.  Is there a way in this version to
mmcset the default view to only unread messages  so that I don't
mmchave to do View | Display | Only Unread messages every time I
mmclaunch The Bat?

I think the answer to this was addressed a few days ago.  I believe it
was a 'no'.

mmc 3. What does SmartBat (under Tools) do?

What ever you want g.
Actually, it is a fairly cool notepad/clipboard/'place to keep notes',

mmc Thanks in advance

mmc JM

mmc Using The Bat! 1.60c
mmc Under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

If you start your sig with a dashdashspaceenter (see below)
the default TB! reply templates auto trim your sig and make it easier
for others replying to you.

Have a good one!

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
MS Windows -- From the people who brought you EDLIN! 

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Re: 'dink' wav sound on some actions

2002-05-02 Thread Tim Musson

Hey David,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Personal
to write the following on Thursday, May 2, 2002 at 6:52:58 AM.
DS Hello,

DS Whenever I get a failed connection in the CC for whatever there's
DS that 'dink' wav sound played (as it does when you want to mark all
DS mail read!).

DS With about 30 accounts 'dinking' every few minutes this morning due to
DS a failed network somewhere in Europe I'm going 'dink' crazy. Is there
DS a way to turn it off as it tends to intrude on any music I'm playing
DS as I work!

DS I was going to delete the wav file like I did with that annoying IE
DS 'refresh a page' sound but I may need a 'dink' one day!!!

Account | Properties | Sound
Does that do it?

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
May I please be excused? My Brain is full. 

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Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-03 Thread Tim Musson


  I seem to be having an odd problem with a QT I think...

  It is called perl, and consists of the following:

  The Problem:

  I got a message from my father, and did a reply to all.
  Next I checked the addresses.
   dad was in the To: field and a bunch of others was in the CC:
   field.  I deleted all but one from CC, and moved him to To: and
   hit Ok (then I went back in and checked!).
Sent the message.

  Now as I am checking my Perl list folder, there is my message!
  Looking at the headers, it has [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the CC: field!
  Checking my sent folder shows the same addressees.

  This is not the first time I have inadvertently sent to that list
  (and the problem is only with that list).

  Anyone have any thoughts?  Thanks!

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60h
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
GUYS: No shirt, no service.  GALS: No shirt, no charge.

Current Ver: 1.60h
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Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-03 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60d/iKey1000)
to write the following on Friday, May 3, 2002 at 9:15:10 AM.


MDP Hi Tim,

MDP @03 May 2002, 08:59:49 -0400 (13:59 UK time) Tim Musson wrote in

   This is not the first time I have inadvertently sent to that list
   (and the problem is only with that list).

   Anyone have any thoughts?  Thanks!

MDP Yes. Get rid of all and any folder templates!

Oops, I should have mentioned that my 'Perl' template is not a folder

Another question... How do I tell if I have folder templates? I did a
right click | Properties on a number of my folders, and checked the
'Template' tab.  The are all the same, and look like this:



Using The Bat! eMail v%TheBatVersion
%WindowsPlatformName %WindowsMajorVersion.%WindowsMinorVersion.%WindowsBuildNumber 

Because of how the %Cookies line looks I am led to believe that this
is filled in from somewhere.  I just recently got a new ThinkPad and
put the OneLiners.txt file on D, old ThinkPad had it in My Documents
on C.

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What else can you do at 3:00 am?

Current Ver: 1.60h
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Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-03 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60d/iKey1000)
to write the following on Friday, May 3, 2002 at 12:22:16 PM.

MDP I'll wager that's your account default template... mind you, that's
MDP just the New message template.


MDP How about the reply one?

They all look like this.  Are the folder templates filled in from the
Account templates?  That is where I defined this.

Hey %OFromFName,

My MUA believes you used %SETPATTREGEXP=(?im)^(X\-Mailer)\:\s(.*?)$%-
X-Mailer: (X-Mailer not set)%-%SUBPATT=2
to write the following on %ODateEn at %OTimeLongEn.


MUA = TB! v%TheBatVersion (
%WindowsPlatformName %WindowsMajorVersion.%WindowsMinorVersion.%WindowsBuildNumber 

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
I was the next door kid's imaginary friend.

Current Ver: 1.60i
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Bug Reports:

Re: connection centre

2002-05-03 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jonathan,

My MUA believes you used (X-Mailer not set)
to write the following on Friday, May 3, 2002 at 10:18:20 PM.

Ctrl-Shift-A brings up the log.

JA Isn't there an option in the menus somewhere to view the log files?  I
JA think TB! keeps a 'temp' log file.  Maybe that is what you are looking
JA for?  I'd give you a menu to where it is... but I'm at home, using Pine.
JA ;)

 How could I review the Connection Centre stats after mail check?

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Current Ver: 1.60i
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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-04 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60d/iKey1000)
to write the following on Friday, May 3, 2002 at 10:43:32 PM.


MDP Hi Tim,

MDP @04 May 2002, 22:26:28 -0400 (03:26 UK time) Tim Musson wrote in

 They all look like this.  Are the folder templates filled in from
 the Account templates?  That is where I defined this.

MDP snip

MDP Okay - that makes sense and matches. I still think you have a
MDP rogue Reply template in the properties of one of your folders.

That was my thought, but couldn't find anything.

MDP Or perhaps it leaked into an address book entry?

Will look around there some.  I did find in my [EMAIL PROTECTED] add
book entry that I had previously filled in the templates, but they
were un checked and all grayed out.  I deleted them, so will monitor
things -- My biggest problem is it only happens once a month or so.


MDP NB: %WRAPPED=%Quotes will only wrap the first paragraph of the
MDP quotes...

I wondered about that, is there a way to reflow all the paragraphs?

Did you know you seem to be missing the space on your sig?

MDP - --
MDP Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
MDP SB! v1.60d/iKey1000-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
MDP Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (MingW32)

MDP iD8DBQE800rWOeQkq5KdzaARAor7AJ9/hfGcwbc/jMdrehF7WOTQ8IB/+QCgnjKh
MDP sFR/lkszax0yHJ+i/kmNS/I=

MDP Current Ver: 1.60i
MDP Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MDP Bug Reports:

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What goes around usually gets dizzy and falls over.

Current Ver: 1.60i
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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-10 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60d/iKey1000)
to write the following on Friday, May 3, 2002 at 10:43:32 PM.

 They all look like this.  Are the folder templates filled in from
 the Account templates?  That is where I defined this.

MDP Okay - that makes sense and matches. I still think you have a rogue
MDP Reply template in the properties of one of your folders. Or perhaps
MDP it leaked into an address book entry?

Ok, it happened again (BCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] == cut from kludge)
and was almost a big problem this time (financial info included). I
was saved because the list thought the msg was too big.

Is there any easy way for me to check through everything for a string?
for instance [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

I am having no luck looking around manually (not even sure what I
would be looking for, but have been looking for [EMAIL PROTECTED]).


MUA = TB! v1.60h (
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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-10 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60d/iKey1000)
to write the following on Friday, May 10, 2002 at 5:01:51 PM.

 I am having no luck looking around manually (not even sure what I
 would be looking for, but have been looking for [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

MDP How are you with GREP? Or some kind of file search tool.

been a *nix admin (NetWare  M$ Win too) for the last 15 years or
so...  grep is very much my friend (vi too g).

MDP Look for BCC in your ABD files and your CFG files at a raw
MDP level if you can. Context may show you what's going on there.

That is what I was looking for (which files) - thanks, will check it

[as I put this msg in the outbox and check the kludges...]

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why don't you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?

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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-10 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jonathan,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Personal
to write the following on Friday, May 10, 2002 at 4:10:25 PM.

JA Are you using folder templates, or address book templates?

As far as I know, neither...  I only ever did anything with the
templates in the Account Properties window.

I do however have a Quick Template called 'perl' that looks like this
so how/what is putting [EMAIL PROTECTED] in a BCC field is beyond me.

JA Is it only your dad's address causing this problem, or is it all of
JA them?

Nope, this thread started because I replied to my dad and put my
brother's address in the To field also, but today I gen'd a new msg to
two people from my address book and it did the same thing.

Also, I checked each person's templates and could find nothing...


MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why don't you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?

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Bug Reports:

Re: comments and a request

2002-05-10 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Dave,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Personal
to write the following on Friday, May 10, 2002 at 5:17:59 PM.

 I further request that you add a raw SMTP\POP3 tool that can let me
 get down-n-dirty with my mail server.

DG Unless I'm missing something, there is no need for such a tool. Just
DG use your browser like this: telnet://your_mail_server:25 for smtp or
DG :110 for pop3, and you can have all the raw interaction you want.

Interesting, I never saw anyone do telnet://your_mail_server:25 from a browser
before...  I tried it and all it did is launch the native telnet
application (which is what I usually do).  Does it do something
different on your machine?  I used Win2k... (I tend to use Putty as
Mrten also indicated - *much* better than the native telnet).

I can't recall the RFC, but I made some notes ages ago on this.  Here
they are for any interested.  The RFC gives the available commands and
what the response codes indicate.

# Notes by Timothy L Musson 1998/11/04
# telnet to a machine that responds to smtp on port 25 
telnet 25 
# issue the HELO command to start. 
# issue the mail from command ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is what ever string you want) 
mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
# issue the rcpt to command (this should be a valid address) 
# now the data command will allow you to do the rest.. 
# Subject:the text you want on the subject line on the first line for a subject... 
# other text here goes into the message body. 
# end the mail message with a . on a line by itself. 

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?

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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-10 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jonathan,

My MUA believes you used (X-Mailer not set)
to write the following on Friday, May 10, 2002 at 9:54:13 PM.

 I do however have a Quick Template called 'perl' that looks like this
 so how/what is putting [EMAIL PROTECTED] in a BCC field is beyond me.

JA This may be a really really stupid question.  But doesn't that macro clear
JA the TO field, set it to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and clear the CC field?

Not a stupid question g
And, yes it does clear both the To: and Cc: fields, then put
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in the To: field.

JA If so, why would you want to use this on an account template, and
JA not just create an address book template just for

because I usually do a reply to a message (kind of like this one), not
a new message from the address book.

Here is an example cut from the kludges (with names  add's changed to
protect somebody or other... :-)

...Reply-To: not set like on TBUDL...

JA Or have I completely missed the functions in this macro?

I know, it sounds odd, but it has to do with the list software and how
it is configured... For some reason (and yes, the moderators and users
are in agreement on this... - the 'why' question pops up every few
months, and I seem to recall RFC's or some such being quoted) that
comunity (and may others like it from what I understand) have the
default reply to listed as the person who sent the message to the
list! So if I want to reply to the list, I need to clear the To: field
(and frequently the Cc: filed) and address it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JA As for it dropping the address into the BCC, I have absolutely no
JA idea ;)

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Buffet.  A French word that means Get up  get it yourself!

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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-10 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Tim,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Personal
to write the following on Friday, May 10, 2002 at 9:34:02 PM.

 I am having no luck looking around manually (not even sure what I
 would be looking for, but have been looking for [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

MDP How are you with GREP? Or some kind of file search tool.

MDP Look for BCC in your ABD files and your CFG files at a raw
MDP level if you can. Context may show you what's going on there.

TM That is what I was looking for (which files) - thanks, will check it
TM out.

I checked all files in my TB folder, my TB/Mail folder, and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] folder.  No luck finding any BCC string
associated with a perl string...  A lot of the files are binary or at
least not ascii, so I am not sure the search was all that through.  I
used grep and TextPad to search.

Any other ideas? or am I back to searching the properties of a hundred
folders, etc.?

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
How do you make Windows faster ? Throw it harder

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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-10 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jonathan,

My MUA believes you used (X-Mailer not set)
to write the following on Friday, May 10, 2002 at 10:29:49 PM.

 Not a stupid question g
 And, yes it does clear both the To: and Cc: fields, then put
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the To: field.

JA Gotcha... Doesn't that make more work on your part if you just wanted to
JA reply to say your dad?  I mean, you have to go ahead, strip out the list,
JA readd your dad's email etc etc.  Or does he have a special AB template?

Nope, dad is not on the perl list or even associated with it - that is
part of the problem.  I sent him a message, and when it went out it had
the perl list in the bcc field!  And today, I sent a msg to some
people at my church (again not associated with the perl list and that
msg had a bcc to the perl list!) - this one had financial info
attached.  Fortunately, the perl list has a size limitation and
rejected it!

I only use the 'perl' QT when repling to the messages on the perl
list.  I do my reply, put the string 'perl' on a blank line, then with
the cursor on the same line hit ctrl+space and it fixes the
To:/Cc: fields...

JA But you can set reply templates as well.  I use them on here, and on other
JA lists (even ones that don't have the reply-to set)

Will look into that, I seem to recall asking on TBUDL and this was the
solution that was presented.  Probably 18m - 2yrs ago.

JA Can you not create an AB template (for Reply) for [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
JA then in that template, get it to clear everything?  I'll test it on Monday
JA on one of the lists I'm on, but I cannot see a reason it wouldn't work if
JA say you hit the REPLY-ALL button, instead of just the reply... but I could
JA be mistaken on how that kind of setup would work.  I'll give it a go ;)

Will look at it next time I get on my ThinkPad, time for me to shut
down. g


MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Junk: stuff we throw away. Stuff: junk we keep. 

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Bug Reports:

Re: MAPI problem

2002-05-11 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Roberto,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Personal
to write the following on Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 8:21:30 PM.

RB I  began  using  The  Bat!  not  long ago, and I must say it's a
RB pretty amazing program. The only problem I have is with the MAPI
RB interface.

RB I  have  a  Palm  V handheld, and I use the mail synchronization
RB feature  in  HotSync.  It  seems  that the program is failing to
RB 'say'  that a message isn't new, so it'll download every message
RB in  my inbox time and time again, taking a long time to do that.
RB I  had Eudora before going to The Bat!, and it worked perfectly.
RB Anyone knows how to fix that?

Not sure I follow what the problem is.  I have a v505 and I expected
to get all messages in the Inbox on my Palm, and do.  Are you
expecting to only get the unread messages on the Palm?  Is there a
setting you changed to make it do that (I like keeping both Read and
Unread, but am curious).

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Do or Do not, There is no try - Master Yoda


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Bug Reports:

Re: Quick Template problem...?

2002-05-11 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60d/iKey1000)
to write the following on Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 4:35:54 AM.

MDP Slight jingle jangle of distant bells here... This is reminiscent of
MDP the address book setting to Add secondary addresses to BCC... Could
MDP the records for your dad / someone at your church have the perl
MDP address in it as a secondary?

anything is possible, but...
I just checked the address records for all 4 people that were
associated with the 2 messages I had this problem with, and there was
only one email address in the E-Mail Address(es) field of each.

I also did a search in the address book tool for and found
only the one entry.

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
How come wrong numbers are never busy?


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Bug Reports:

Re: MAPI problem

2002-05-12 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Roberto,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Personal
to write the following on Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 8:24:04 AM.

RB I expect to get all messages too, but once the message is in the
RB handheld,  I  don't  see  a  reason  to transmit it again to the
RB unit.  Somehow my old messages that have already been transmited
RB to  the  handheld  are  being  send  to the handheld everytime I
RB synchronize the device.

Guess my brain is not functioning this week... g

How can you tell that all the mail is being sent to your palm each
time?  Is there a log that lists each msg that is sync'd?

I have noticed a couple of oddities

1. You want to have TB the active window during the mail sync, or it
   is 4-5 times slower. I think this is an issue with how TB has
   implemented MAPI? but am not sure.

2. The read/unread flag on the Palm device is changed to match what is
   the TB Inbox.  Kind of a pain, but I haven't needed that
   functionality recently, so have not pursued it.
MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.


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Bug Reports:

Re: MAPI problem

2002-05-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Roberto,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Personal
to write the following on Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 8:08:38 PM.

 How can you tell that all the mail is being sent to your palm each
 time?  Is there a log that lists each msg that is sync'd?

RB By  the  timings I took with both Eudora and The Bat!, using the
RB same mailbox (all messages are read, deleted all messages in the
RB Palm unit before hotsync'n w/ each email proggie).

RB Eudora 1st hotsync: 3min17s
RB Eudora 2nd hotsync: 2s
RB The Bat! 1st hotsync: 3min18s
RB The Bat! 2nd hotsync: 3min18s

RB That's  why I think that I'm having every message sent everytime
RB I hotsync with The Bat!.

Was TB the 'active' 'top' application on the desktop?
How much mail is being synced?
I usually have 30-40 msgs, and it only takes a couple of seconds to
update each time (but it is generally over a min *if* TB is not the
active application).

 I have noticed a couple of oddities

 1. You want to have TB the active window during the mail sync, or it
is 4-5 times slower. I think this is an issue with how TB has
implemented MAPI? but am not sure.

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.


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Bug Reports:

Re: Attachments

2002-05-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Adam,

My MUA believes you used (X-Mailer not set)
to write the following on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 12:07:53 PM.

A How do you select many attachments to save?

If you right click an attachment, you can choose to save all, then I
think there is an option of saving some or all.

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
A day without sunshine is like a day in Seattle.


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Bug Reports:

Re: Smart Bat??

2002-05-16 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Pete,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60k) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
to write the following on Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 2:15:57 PM.

PM   Another simple question:

PM   I can't seem to find anything out about this.  What is itSmart Bat?

Kind of a cool editor thingy. g  Check the Archives for the last
month or so...

Hey Marck, is it time to add this question to the FAQ?  Seems to be
asked about Frequently

I would go with something like...

Q. What the heck is SmartBat?
A. SmartBat is a hotkey (f6) accessible notepad replacement that
   functions similar to TB message editing. It keeps it's text in
   %TBdir%\Mail\SmartBat.TXT (settings in SmartBat.INI). Also, it
   saves each time you exit.

You could also include some info from the archives.  I found Roberto
Machorro's messages listing what he uses it for...

MUA = TB! v1.60h (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Bad command or file name!  GO stand in the corner.


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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Miguel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Business
to write the following on Monday, May 20, 2002 at 4:15:50 PM.

MAU Hello Tim,

 Note, the UserID and PW need to be the same as you have on your POP
 server because there is not a place to put different credentials.

MAU Yes, there is. Click on the Use specific settings radio button and
MAU you will get where to enter UserID and PW for SMTP authentication.

G...  The hassle I have been through keeping 2 ISP PW's in sync
for my wife!  No longer g

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Miguel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Business
to write the following on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 3:41:48 AM.

 G...  The hassle I have been through keeping 2 ISP PW's in sync
 for my wife!  No longer g

MAU You owe me a beer then ;-)

next time you are in Michigan drop me a note and we can hook up! g

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn.

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Bug Reports:

Re: TB 160m readme

2002-05-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Paul,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60k) Personal
to write the following on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 8:09:05 AM.

PC [+] Added an ability to sess whether an addressee has personal template in address 
PC is that SEE ? I'm not sure I understand what that feature does,
PC anyone?

I believe you can replace 'sess' with 'figure out'.  I have that
translation stuck in my head from somewhere... g  Can't find it in
my new websters though.

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Buffet.  A French word that means Get up  get it yourself!

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Bug Reports:

Re: Cookies wanted!

2002-05-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Csaba,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m)
to write the following on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 2:48:06 PM.

CK Hi,

CK I am looking for funny cookies for my signature. Can someone send some
CK collections?
or just

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Who is they anyway?

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Bug Reports:

Re: Cookies wanted!

2002-05-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Csaba,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m)
to write the following on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 3:14:04 PM.

TM or just

CK It is certainly impressive quantity but I did not find a single funny
CK one after 5 minutes of random browsing.

You could go to and search for taglines.  That is
where I got the above.  If you want, eMail me direct, and I will send
you my file.  Not nearly as big as Costas' though! :-)

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Keep honking while I reload. 

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Bug Reports:

Re: Link catching, was Re: Cookies wanted!

2002-05-22 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Krister,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) Personal
to write the following on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 7:17:08 AM.

KE Hi Tim, It so happened that On Tue, 21 May 2002, at 15:00:14 [GMT
KE -0400] (which was 21:00 in my corner of the world)  ,you typed:

TM or just

KE You know, it's at times like these that i wish that the bat had a
KE feature to save urls in favorites or a special file or whatever, so
KE that one didn't have to save a whole message just to extract an url.
KE One could even make this a plug-in so that those who wanted it could have
KE it and those who didn't want it could just select not to DL the
KE plug-in.

I wished for that too, then came SmartBat!

F6 to open, Ctrl-N and point it to a .txt file you want to have handy
to store your URL's in.  Now you have SmartBat with a tab at the
bottom just for your URL's!

BTW, the link I put in above took just a few seconds to find at, I didn't know it before looking there.  However, as Csaba
Kiss mentioned in another message, I was not very impressed with the
taglines there.  I like to grab the ones I find appropriate or amusing
from other eMails that come in - ie. build your own.

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
May I please be excused? My Brain is full. 

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Bug Reports:

Re: Auto-Wrapping Question

2002-05-22 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Chris,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) Personal
to write the following on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 1:29:33 PM.

CM When editing a message initially with Auto-Wrap turned on, text
CM wraps fine. But if I then add more words to a line, it extends
CM beyond the original column setting where wrapping normally occurs.
CM I can't figure out how to re-wrap the added text. Is there a way
CM to re-format lines so that they auto-wrap after text is added?


MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Editor issue

2002-05-22 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Allie,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) 
to write the following on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 7:36:41 AM.

ACM There are also some other very nifty capabilities like column vs
ACM stream vs linear text selection modes, the ability to indent
ACM whole text blocks and paste text indented.

How do you switch the text selection modes?

I found myself in 'block' (possibly called column?) selection mode the
other day. I didn't want it for that message, but I use other editors
(TextPad  Vim mainly) because I can do that. If I can use SB
instead g

Also, how do you ndent whole text blocks and paste text indented?
Another feature I use all the time in my other editors.

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why don't you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?

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Bug Reports:

Re: Link catching, was Re: Cookies wanted!

2002-05-22 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Krister,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) Personal
to write the following on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 2:10:59 PM.

KE And you know what, your MUA was right!:-)


KE But smartbat doesn't make those urls clickable, or does it?

I just tried, and it didn't :-(
This should probably be a feature request...

KE If so, I really have to test it out even more. Second wish for
KE today, I really wish there was a help file or such for SB so that
KE one could learn more about it. It looks really great.

I just noticed that if you right click it pops a menu of lots of cool
stuff!  I should have known...

KE I wonder if one could have it act like a tag line stealer? Yes,
KE you probably could.

I use it that way, not automated, but better than what I was doing.
Now I just 'copy' F6 to SB Ctrl-Tab to the Tab/File I want 'paste' F6!

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Link catching, was Re: Cookies wanted!

2002-05-23 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Dierk,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60k) Personal
to write the following on Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 3:15:59 AM.

 But smartbat doesn't make those urls clickable, or does it? If so, I
 really have to test it out even more.

DH SmartBat should only be the container to transfer different URLs from
DH various e-mails into a text file or your browser. TB! is *not* a
DH browser.

I don't disagree that TB or SB is not a browser, and I am even on the
fence of displaying html mail...

However, I would argue that it would be useful to have SB launch your
associated browser when you double click the link the same way the
message viewer  editor do.

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
The software said it required Windows 3.1 or better so I installed Linux.

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Re: Link catching, was Re: Cookies wanted!

2002-05-23 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Clive,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) Personal
to write the following on Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 2:22:54 AM.

TM F6 to open, Ctrl-N and point it to a .txt file you want to have handy
TM to store your URL's in.  Now you have SmartBat with a tab at the
TM bottom just for your URL's!

CT Brilliant. This is a wonderful find of yours -- perfect for collecting
CT and saving scraps of info from different sources. Any more gems like
CT this?

I agree, but I can't take credit...  I got most of these ideas from
the resourceful people on this list!

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
The software said it required Windows 3.1 or better so I installed Linux.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Editor issue

2002-05-24 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Allie,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) 
to write the following on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 2:38:59 PM.

TM How do you switch the text selection modes?

ACM Three ways:


TM Also, how do you ndent whole text blocks and paste text indented?

ACM To indent text blocks
ACM To paste text indented

Again, Thanks, I need to read the shortcut page I think...

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
If you drink, don't park.  Accidents cause people.

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Re: SMTP servers

2002-05-24 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Allie,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) 
to write the following on Friday, May 24, 2002 at 11:21:00 AM.

RD How can I configure TB to 'Send all queued email in all Outboxes
RD via the smtp of the ISP which we are connected to'?

ACM Your best bet would be to use your own SMTP server.
another snip/
ACM Freeware that immediately comes to mind is Mercury/32.
yet another snip/

I have also seen a ref to on this list.  the
web site says it was written as a companion to TB!.

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What's brown and sticky? A stick!

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Bug Reports:

Auto size columns?

2002-05-25 Thread Tim Musson


  I was just going through some folders and changing column size... Is
  there a way to auto size them (similar to double clicking the
  header separator in the evil applications like -dare I say it- M$

  Note, I don't want to change any of the current behavior, just add
  the option of auto sizing...  I have gotten used to the ease of
  changing the width to fit the longest cell.

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60k
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Don't check any accounts option

2002-05-29 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Ben,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Business
to write the following on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 6:10:18 PM.

BK What does everyone think about an option when you
BK right click TB task tray icon called 'Stop all auto checks' which
BK would temporarily stop the bat checking the mail accounts that are
BK marked to be checked for mail on a regular basis.  Perhaps the task
BK tray icon could change too (show a cross through it or something?)

BK This would mean I could play games online without lag spikes (due to
BK mail being checked in background) but I wouldnt have to shut TB down.

I would find this useful also.  I have the auto mail check on all the
time, but when I have my ThinkPad at home, I am not connected - I
could just disable the auto-checking instead of Options|Net|Change to
Dial up checking.

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
If you drink, don't park.  Accidents cause people.

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Bug Reports:

mid: links [was Re: Drafts]

2002-05-31 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Allie,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) 
to write the following on Friday, May 31, 2002 at 6:53:09 AM.


ACM Miguel A. Urech [MAU] wrote
ACM ...
MAU That is exactly what I suggested to Adam in my
MAU what I do.

ACM Yes.. I did read the message but didn't make the connection. :-)

ACM I'm utterly in love with 'mid:' links. Reviewing your message was
ACM so easy when you provided the link. :-)))

Now that is *very* cool.  Is there an easy way to gen a mid: link?

I know I can F9, and cut/past the contents of the 'In-Reply-To:'
kludge, but that takes effort (not much, but I expect TB! will be able
to use a QT or some such thing to easily gen one.) g

Thanks for any suggestion.

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What are you doing?!? The message is over,GO AWAY!

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Re: Palm Sync.

2002-06-12 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Rick,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60) Personal
to write the following on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 7:47:55 PM.

FF There was a thread a few months ago about someone writing a
FF conduit to synchronize The Bat! address book with Palm devices.

RR Yes, I remember that thread also. I think he(she) was going to see
RR about teaming up with a company maybe that is already doing synch
RR software? Can't be certain of that, though. Regardless it was a
RR while ago now.

I believe 'he' was going to try to get the ab format from RIT and
write the conduit himself. (The sync software mentioned was Intelisync
which I have used before with no problems, but I think the consensus
was to not go with something like that. Instead have a RIT solution or
something especially written for TB)

I have also been trying to help along those lines, Stefan did tell me
the last time this came up that he would try to write up the info
need, but I don't think he has had a chance to (and in the scheme of
things, the people that want to sync their Palm's and the TBab are a
fairly small number of registered TBers...)

RR Certainly would be great to synch up my palm contacts with the bat
RR though.

In a perfect world, eh... My project load has lightened a bit at work
so maybe I can spend some time trying to get this coordinated...
Unfortunately I only program in Perl, so I won't be writing the
conduit (if it were in Perl, you would have to have Perl installed as
it is a 'run time' language), but will help out any way I can...
Probably best to write it in Delphi - the same as TB.

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Do or Do not, There is no try - Master Yoda

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Bug Reports:

Re: New Thread Button? (was RE: IMAP, moving to TB

2002-06-12 Thread Tim Musson

Hey John,

My MUA believes you used Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
to write the following on Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 2:15:44 PM.

 a New Thread button

It's called the 'New' button ;)

JB Well yes, but it doesn't prefill the to field.  Sometimes getting the
JB to field filled in properly takes longer than it should -- mainly due to
JB fat fingering on my part and such.  I suspect the reason that this
JB happens often is that it is quick.  I'd still like a customizable button
JB :)

I think someone could probably write a QT for this...

And please don't post HTML... not very
pretty, and generates a whole load of over head that wasn't needed.

JB I know.. unfortunately because I am reading and posting from work and
JB through an Exchange server it is impossible for me to post in plain
JB text.

Try choosing Format\Plain Text, before sending your msg from M$ Lookout.

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Luxuriantly hand-crafted from only the finest ASCII. 

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Bug Reports:

Re: New Thread Button? (was RE: IMAP, moving to TB

2002-06-12 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60q)
to write the following on Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 3:11:48 PM.

 I think someone could probably write a QT for this...

MDP That's not possible because the thing that makes a reply part of a
MDP thread are the References and In-Reply-To headers. There is no way to
MDP affect these values with a macro. The damage has already been done
MDP :-(.

Ah, yes, I do recall people complaining about that before...

JB I know.. unfortunately because I am reading and posting from work and
JB through an Exchange server it is impossible for me to post in plain
JB text.

 Try choosing Format\Plain Text, before sending your msg from M$

MDP HTML formatting is *not* a server side function. It is client side and
MDP you should be able to set Outlook to not send HTML.

My point exactly.  In the MS Outlook msg composer window there is a
Format pull down menu, and that has 3 options - Plain Text, HTML, and
Rich Text.  If you select Plain Text, that msg goes out as such.  I
tested before sending my previous msg.

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

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Bug Reports:

Re: Palm Sync.

2002-06-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Joseph,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Business
to write the following on Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 1:01:58 AM.

RR I, as well, know plenty of people that won't switch to The Bat since it
RR doesn't synch to the Palm.

It doesn't sync the address book to the Palm, the Palm-TB! MAPI mail
sync works just fine in my exp. As a matter of fact, in the 1.60 set
they improved it! Used to be that you needed to have TB! the active
app, but now TB! has taken care of it for you. Also, it is faster I
think (never timed it) - My Palm inbox has 230 msgs, and it only takes
a couple of seconds to sync the mail (Pentium III 1.2, and USB port sync).
 Below cut from What's new in The Bat! 1.60?
 [-] Focusing problem upon MAPI calls
 [-] Some bugs in the MAPI support subsystem
JN First, TB!'s inbox can go into the Palm. It's not designed to do
JN that, and the conduits won't support it,

The Palm conduits support using MAPI to sync your mail, so it is
supported, but don't bother asking Palm for support getting it set
up... g

JN but Tim Musson (whose name I hope I didn't misspell too badly)

Nope, got it right on, but can you pronounce it correctly? g

JN has instructions in the Bat! archives

It is also in the FAQ that Marck maintains.

JN on how to set the user configuration file to load TB! into a Palm.
JN I do it all the time and it works.

Me to, but I have a separate account for my Palm - looks like it came
from this one though g isn't TB! the best!

JN The AB is different. Personally, I would prefer to have something
JN fully integrated like Outlook or Notes, but Outlook is not a good
JN PIM, and Notes is only for larger or more complex organizations
JN than I am. So I use Lotus Organizer, which is a really good PIM,
JN and combine it with TB! Simple MAPI should make the Org AB work
JN seamlessly in TB! (as it does in Eudora and Becky), but no such
JN luck. So I import it into TB! But I also synch Organizer directly,
JN so what results is this:

JN My Palm has all my contacts and it has my inbox (sometimes
JN attachments, too, but that's another story), as well as tasks,
JN etc. TB! also has my contacts. It all works together very well,
JN but it requires a love for this geeky stuff or else a clearly
JN written guide.

Not a bad solution, but still manual to get in and out of TB! AB...

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Your mouse has moved. Windows must now reboot. Click OK to continue.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Palm Sync.

2002-06-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Rick,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) Personal
to write the following on Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 12:32:38 AM.

TM (and in the scheme of things, the people that want to sync their
TM Palm's and the TBab are a fairly small number of registered
TM TBers...)

FF I do not know how many Palm users there are in The Bat! world,
FF but I would be willing to bet that there are plenty! Also, having
FF a Palm conduit to TB's address book gives me one more very useful
FF reason to recommend TB to other users. It would really help.

I agree, I want it enough to pay for it. What I meant is my guess at
the number of Palm/TB users is less than 5-10% the number of TB users.

RR I, as well, know plenty of people that won't switch to The Bat
RR since it doesn't synch to the Palm.

TB has 2 things that match apps on the Palm - mail and AB, so I
wouldn't say that TB doesn't sync to the Palm. It just doesn't sync
the AB.

RR More and more people like having all their devices integrated.

I am one of them.

RR That's one advantage Outlook
RR has in the market right now. It's very frustrating that I have one
RR set of contacts in my palm and then another in the bat (then
RR another in my cell phone..but that's not the Bat's fault:) and yet
RR none of them synch with each other.

I am trying to get something coordinated, but, I don't program in
anything that would be appropriate (perl is my language), so about all
I can do is hope/push/facilitate/coordinate/whatever... g

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
The days of the digital watch are numbered.

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Bug Reports:

net telnet:// RUL function...

2002-06-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey All,

I was reading What's new in The Bat! 1.60? and came across:

[*] More URL types added: telnet, gopher, snews and file://

So thought I would give it a try...


both work, but I get 2 windows!  I double click on the telnet:// line
and get 2 telnet sessions.  I double click on the File:// line and get
2 notepad's!

Any one else see this?

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
I'm planning to be spontaneous tomorrow.

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Bug Reports:

Re: net telnet:// RUL function...

2002-06-13 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Peter,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 9:16:41 AM.

TM double click on the telnet:// line
TM Any one else see this?

PP Yes. In PTV (Plain Text Viewer) I get 2 windows too. When viewing
PP your mail in RTV a single click opened exactly one window per
PP link.

Yep, that was it, I never much liked the RTV.  Interesting bug in the
PTV window though...  Will submit it when I get a chance.

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
GUYS: No shirt, no service.  GALS: No shirt, no charge.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: BatPost

2002-06-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marcus,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 6:10:17 AM.

MO On Friday, June 14, 2002, 07:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah! The instructions are in another language. Can anyone tell me
 how to set this thing up, or if there are English instructions? It
 looks like it needs a domain entered. Does that mean my IP? Help!

MO Another interesting thing would be the registration fee. When starting
MO Batpost it tells me I have 26 days left of 30, but not a word about what
MO happens after this period or how I register.

MO Maybe the info is to be found somewhere in the non-english
MO documentation...

I got it running, but haven't been able to do anything...

Marck, wondering if this should go to TBOT? or is it ok here. Also,
does anyone know if there is a list for BatPost?

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Inbox - Known Folder?

2002-06-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Alan,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 10:43:56 AM.

AL Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195

AL I just upgraded to 1.60q, and it created a folder named Inbox -
AL Known in each of my accounts, just above the Inbox standard folder.
AL What is this for? I can't find anything about it in the documentation.

From What's new in The Bat! 1.60?
[+] The Known incoming mail filter for moving messages from known
senders to a special folder so the Inbox can be left for unknown
senders and spam :-)

Basically, you have a default filter that will move any message with
an entry in your add book to it.  You do have to turn on the filter...
It is called Known and I believe it is supposed to be last.

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?

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Bug Reports:

Re: Inbox - Known Folder?

2002-06-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Jonathan,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:16:22 AM.

JA As this question has been asked several times... might it not be a
JA nice addition to add to the FAQ (whoever maintains it?) ;)

Not a bad idea...


MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why get even, when you can get odd?

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Bug Reports:

Re: BatPost

2002-06-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Marck,

My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60q)
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:35:59 AM.

MO Maybe the info is to be found somewhere in the non-english
MO documentation...

 I got it running, but haven't been able to do anything...

 Marck, wondering if this should go to TBOT? or is it ok here. Also,
 does anyone know if there is a list for BatPost?

MDP I don't know of a list for BatPost. TBOT is a bit of a stretch, but
MDP TBTECH seems an appropriate place for such a conversation.

TBTECH it is then...

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Out of my mind...Back in five minutes. 

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Re: Full-width preview pane bug?

2002-06-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Costas,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 3:10:52 PM.

CP Hello tbudl,

CP I have the split-mode view settings as full-width Preview pane.
CP If I maximise the preview pane,

How do you do this?  I run with the full-width preview pane also, so
to check, I pulled the separator bar all the way to the top, then had
no problem pulling it back down to where I wanted it.

CP thus hiding completely the folder tree and the message list
CP windows

and all buttons

CP , then I can no longer drag down the preview pane in order to
CP reveal the folder tree and message list window. The only
CP workaround is to change the split view mode and then reset it to
CP the full-width preview pane.

CP This is quite annoying and I wonder if there's a better solution.
MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Stare at people.  ItÂ’s cheap entertainment.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:


2002-06-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Miles,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 3:03:31 PM.

TM [+] The Known incoming mail filter for moving messages from
TM known senders to a special folder so the Inbox can be left for
TM unknown senders and spam :-)

MJ Well I've been trying to figure this out ever since it was
MJ implemented, seen all kinds of people upset about this... It
MJ boggles the mind that several WEEKS after this (potentially very
MJ useful) feature is implemented there's still NOTHING on the
MJ updated program's FAQ.

RIT does not maintain the FAQ, it is maintained from this list.

MJ This begs the question:
MJ WHAT on earth are these good folks THINKING?

No answer for you there, other than that is how it always has been.

MJ And please, please don't tell us that they don't have enough
MJ resources to hire a full-time,. professional help/FAQ writer. If
MJ TB truly has millions of users, by now Ritlabs is extremely
MJ wealthy, especially considering the exchange rate of western
MJ currencies for theirs...

Um, ~$30 US for each copy [over the years]...  I don't know the
exchange rate, but ...

MJ Lo and behold, this morning I also get a message from Ritlabs
MJ stating the changes since 1.53. Wow, how many weeks has it been
MJ since the first iteration of 1.60 and we're getting this NOW?

The change list they sent out this AM is the same one that has been in
every 1.60 dl...

MJ I'm sticking to 1.53... Do others feel the same way?

N, 1.60 has way too many cool features!
SmartBat being one.
And check this one out, I key 54*23=
then with my cursor on one of those chars I do a shift+ctrl+= and it
changes it to.54*23=1242
Now I don't need to grab MS's horrible calculator...

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What could possibly go wrong?

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Full-width preview pane bug?

2002-06-14 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Costas,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 3:52:31 PM.

CP I  missed  something out. The problem actually occurs when you
CP move on to read a second message in the preview pane by pressing
CP Alt-Ctrl left (or right) arrow.

I still did not have a problem.

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
How do you make Windows faster ? Throw it harder

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Bug Reports:

Re: Full-width preview pane bug?

2002-06-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Costas,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 4:12:46 PM.

CP Do you mean that you can drag the divider back down to its normal
CP position? I cannot do that once I change from one message to
CP another in the preview pane, unless I change the Split Mode to
CP something else and then back to full-width Preview pane.

Yep, I put the divider as far up as possible, then went to another
msg, then pulled it back down.  No problem.

Just did it again, still no problem.

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
How come wrong numbers are never busy?

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: How do I tell TheBat! which programs to start for Telnet and FTP links?

2002-06-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Daniel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Educational
to write the following on Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 10:01:39 AM.

DG I have more than one program that can handle Telnet, and more than
DG one that can handle FTP. Wouldn't you know it, TheBat! starts the
DG wrong program for each type of transfer.

DG How do I tell TheBat! which program to start for Telnet and what
DG program to start for FTP?

I think TB will be using the system default. (the same one IE is
configured for)

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Who is they anyway?

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Bug Reports:

Re: The bat 1.60q suggestion

2002-06-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey utomo,

My MUA believes you used Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.2616
to write the following on Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 12:10:03 AM.

u Hi,

u I have some suggestion for the bat:

Ok, but this is a User discussion list, no guarentee that the authors
are reading... (they do sometimes though)  I think the correct place
for Feature Requests is the Bug Reports: link at the bottom

u 3. Add NAV and McAfee virus checking plugin 

As I recall, it is the AV software company that writes the plugin...

u 4. Add more help/explanation about PGP, now I think not enough.

More documentation is frequently asked for, and it is much better than
it has been.  Did you also check out the FAQ?  I don't use PGP, but a
number of people on this list do, so you could ask here.

u 5. Add option to configure toolbar, including the icon so more
u familiar to new user.

I think this feature request is in already.

u 6. Add Function to auto route the smtp according to our active ISP.
u Look at Auto route from mailutilities. So we did not need to change
u the setting when we change the dialup. Others

u Another suggestion:

u Please add [TheBat] or [TUBDL] title in the subject of the mailing
u list message, so we can easily manage the message.

Look in the TBUDL Mission Statement you got when you joined the
list, or I think you can also get it from the FAQ.  You don't need
[LIST] to manage, that is just how one type of list does it.

u And please if possible release the Beta version of the Portable Bat

u Regards,

u Utomo


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MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to 
the idea.

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Bug Reports:

Re: The bat 1.60q suggestion

2002-06-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Luigi,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 10:55:52 AM.

LR A single INBOX for every account in some cases is useful,
LR expecially when you don't care about separating the inbox.

I don't do it for *every* account, but I have 3-4 that I set up a
quick filter to move everything into one account's inbox.


So for Act23, you just set up a filter to move mail into Act1's
inbox.  Quick and easy to do if that is what you want (v1.60 even
updated how attachments are handled [if they are not stored in line
with the message]).

From What's new in The Bat! 1.60?
[*] Moving messages with external attachments across accounts with
adjusting location of the attachments

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
The days of the digital watch are numbered.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: How do I tell TheBat! which programs to start for Telnet and FTP links?

2002-06-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Adam,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60p) Personal
to write the following on Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 1:25:07 PM.

DG How do I tell TheBat! which program to start for Telnet and what
DG program to start for FTP?

TM I think TB will be using the system default. (the same one IE is
TM configured for)

A Would you have any idea how to change it?

A I can't see where IE sets either program.

Now that I look, I can't find it either.  S, speculating here...
TB probably calls 'telnet' and whatever is in the path first

Nope, just checked (I like putty).

I put putty.exe in the first dir
of my path and renamed it to telnet.  Then I brought up a cmd window
and ran 'telnet' and as expected, up came putty.

I then created this link telnet:// and double clicked.
Unfortunately, it ran c:\WinNT\System32\telnet.exe :-(

So, now I am guessing it calls telnet from %OS% or some such thing.

I wonder if anyone else has any thoughts?

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
MS Windows -- From the people who brought you EDLIN! 

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Newsreader

2002-06-15 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Peter,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 3:19:46 PM.

PM Hi Pete,

PM on Sat, 15 Jun 2002 12:23:25 -0600GMT (15.06.02, 20:23 +0200GMT here),

PM I use Opera newsreader, it is quite basic, all I do is read and post.

PM Any other suggestions?

PM I don't use newsgroups too often, but when I do I find Gravity 2.50
PM fulfilling all my needs. It is great for downloading and reading news
PM offline. It isn't supported by the developers any more, and I don't know if
PM it's still on any server, so all I can offer is to send you the .zip file
PM (~1MB) via PM.

First link on Google for 'news gravity' is

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
How do you make Windows faster ? Throw it harder

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: How do I tell TheBat! which programs to start for Telnet and FTP links?

2002-06-16 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Steve,

My MUA believes you used (X-Mailer not set)
to write the following on Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 4:04:25 PM.

SC Saturday, June 15, 2002, 12:17:39 PM, you wrote: 


DG How do I tell TheBat! which program to start for Telnet and what
DG program to start for FTP?


 So, now I am guessing it calls telnet from %OS% or some such thing.

 I wonder if anyone else has any thoughts?

SC I did some poking around in the registry.  At least on W2K,
SC it appears to be in

SC   HKCR\telnet\shell\open\command

SC for telnet and probably similarly for ftp.

Hmm, that is set to

 rundll32.exe url.dll,TelnetProtocolHandler %l

and I don't really know what that is saying, or how we would go about
changing it to run a different telnet app...  Any thoughts?  I will
ask at work monday (I work with a handfull of MSIE's...)

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
How do you get holy water?... Boil the hell out of it!

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Import from MS Outlook

2002-06-18 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Mark,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Personal
to write the following on Monday, June 17, 2002 at 6:03:23 PM.

MW I had a similar problem once upon a time. I finally managed to get
MW past the initial error and then got lots of other errors on various
MW folders. The only thing that worked was renaming the folders from
MW within Outlook. I changed all the spaces to underscores and shortened
MW the longer names.

Too many folders to make that feasible...  In that case, I would
probably just take an archive file (much as I would hate to have to
taint my pc with M$Ol to access).

MW I'm not sure what it was about the import process
MW that was choking, but that seemed to do the trick for most messages.
MW There were some that were still unimportable, but I just resigned
MW myself to that.

Maybe it will get fixed in a future version.  That would work for me
as I will only need it when my current contract ends.

TM The import did create the folder structure as expected, but no
TM messages. (the import tool did say it would take a while, but I
TM figured 60min was too long for 8-10 msgs g).

MW BTW - if you subtract ten from eight msgs you're left with negative
MW two. I'm not sure how long I would expect -2 messages to import g.

ROTFL - then shouldn't it be done *before* it starts...

MUA = TB! v1.60q (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why get even, when you can get odd?

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: 1.60 broke????

2002-06-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Paul,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 8:18:57 AM.

MDP I'd like someone with a .his file that causes it to file a
MDP report on the BugTraq and upload the file as evidence.

PC well, I turned the history back on, tried to create a NEW message

PC I did a search and didn't find a .his file in my TB folders,

There should be \The Bat!\MAIL\history.his
and (one each)  \The Bat!\MAIL\'YourAccount\account.his
I don't know which one is used for this (they both seem to have
address history information)...

PC and I couldn't find the link on the ritlabs page to report a bug.

It is in the footer of each TBUDL message. g see below (last line I

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
I was the next door kid's imaginary friend.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: 1.60 broke????

2002-06-21 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Paul,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 8:41:27 AM.

PC um, well I went to that page, logged in anonymously, but the font
PC is unreadable ( language?)using Opera 6.03:

I saw the same thing when using anon  I logged in as me though,
and could read it.  Try [ signup for a new account ] ?

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
When in doubt, think.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Adding Entry to AB

2002-06-22 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Peter,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
on Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 2:12:54 PM.

PC When I want to add a sender's email address to my default
PC addressbook, I use ctrl+w and the dialogue box for AB
PC entry pops up.  And when I go to check the AB, I cannot find
PC this same entry.  So I though if I close TB! and reopen, it
PC would help.  Nothing.

PC I've also used menu options special -- add sender to ab
PC to no avail.

PC Am I doing something wrong.

I think I had a similar prob after upgrading to 1.60...  Turns out my
default AB was set wrong.  Check the General tab of Account

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Hang up and drive. 

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: filter to delete HTML attachments

2002-06-24 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Zachary,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
on Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 11:57:28 PM.

ZR I subscribe to a mailing list where almost all of the members send
ZR messages with HTML formatting. If you ask me, HTML in email is a
ZR waste and an epidemic.

A number of people on this list agree with (me included).

ZR But this mailing list is not computer related


ZR I have a folder made for all the messages to this list, but I'm
ZR wondering if there's a way to set a filter to delete the 'attachment'
ZR - that is the HTML formatting - from each message to the list.

Not easily, but you can look in the archives to see if there is
something usefull for you.

,- [ From the archive (I searched with 'delete HTML attachment' ]

Note, it would be nice if you used a 'dash dash space cr' cut mark/sig
delimiter, as that will allow automatic trimming of your sig and the
message footers. Here is a cut from part of the FAQ at

,- [ Cut Mark description ]
| Now comes the sign off. It starts with a cut mark:
| -- 
| This is a special sequence that starts on a new line and consists of
| two dashes (minus signs) and a space followed by another new line.
| NewLinedashdashspaceNewLine
| This cut mark is recognised by many email programs and is used as a
| cut off point for signatures. That way, when someone replies to one of
| your messages, your signature (anything below the cut mark) is
| removed. Likewise, when you reply to a message from someone that
| includes cut mark, The Bat! will remove anything below the cut mark
| from the text you quote.

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
CATS:  The Other White Meat.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-24 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Joyce,

My MUA believes you used Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.
to write 004101c21b9c$31751500$920e08d5@joycesala">mid:004101c21b9c$31751500$920e08d5@joycesala
on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 12:28:36 PM.

 One common reason for such behaviour is that one message in your
 mailbox is infected with a virus and a virus scanner prevents TB!
 from creating the temporary file.

JS Or are you saying it's a virus attacking my ISP server??

Close, he is saying that the first msg TB is trying to DL is possibly
infected, so NAV is locking the temp file.  Now TB is stuck...

JS For Two Weeks?? (msgs are since Jun 14), hardly: this ISP is the
JS biggest in the country!

yep, the msg will sit there until you remove it... Try using the
dispatcher to delete the first msg, or possibly set up another test
account at one of the free mail services (for example

 Try the mail dispatcher (Account - Dispatch messages on
 server - All messages) to have a look at your messages on the

JS I did that now: but other than being able to read the contents, I
JS cannot save nor can I see any virus notification. What was I
JS supposed to glean from that?

JS Excuse me for my ignorance...

We are here to help g

btw, you said in a previous msg see 003501c21b99$98513400$920e08d5@joycesala">mid:003501c21b99$98513400$920e08d5@joycesala
that you did not have access to your c:\windows\temp dir. If this is
the case, are you having other problems too? Lots of programs use

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Bad command or file name!  GO stand in the corner.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-26 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Paul,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 5:09:37 PM.

PW Miguel provides a perfect solution for that in

should have been
Oops, forgot the mid: part g

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
You're just jealous because the voices are talking to ME, not you!

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-26 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Thomas,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 2:08:10 AM.

TF May I just add that Stefan also said he will write the newsreader
TF as a plugin - so if you don't want to use it, you don't even need
TF to load the extra code. :-)

Good to hear, I was wondering if that would be the case.

Thanks for the info...

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Your mouse has moved. Windows must now reboot. Click OK to continue.

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:


2002-06-26 Thread Tim Musson

Hey tracer,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60m) Personal
to write mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 8:28:12 PM.

t Cleanout your tempdir
t It could be full

Not in Windows...  The temp directory is a directory, and if it is
full, then the disk is full and Joyce has already indicated that there
are GB of free disk space (003501c21b99$98513400$920e08d5@joycesala">mid:003501c21b99$98513400$920e08d5@joycesala).

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
My wife keeps complaining I never listen to her ... or something like that.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-26 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Daniel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Business
on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 8:43:44 AM.

DvRC Run MSConfig.exe (rightmost tab), to temporarily stop NAV from
DvRC launching at startup.

What is this tool? Where do you find it? I did a search on my system
and didn't come up with it...

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why is abbreviated such a long word?

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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-26 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Daniel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Business
on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 9:55:34 AM.

DvRC I think it comes with Win98.

That would explain it, I have 2k.

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What else can you do at 3:00 am?

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