Re: [Texascavers] GPS Recomendation

2009-04-24 Thread Don Arburn

I love my Garmin CSX 60

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 24, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Thomas Sitch wrote:

Dear Friends,

The time has come for me to ask for your help.

The last time I was seriously doing any orienteering was in the  
military, and before that digging through USGS drawers at the local  
sporting goods store hoping to find the topo maps I wanted.

I now find myself starting a business where I need a nice hand held  
GPS, and I obviously want it to do double duty on caving trips and  
karst walks.

I'm looking to spend around $300, but can go higher if there's a  
really good model I should own.

What do you recommend?  Which models have served their owners well,  
and which ones have looked pretty and then broken down with the  
slightest abuse?

My Best Regards,


[Texascavers] Grotto meeting for 4/29

2009-04-19 Thread Don Cooper
I have a somewhat off-topic speaker arranged for the next grotto meeting,
but I'm pretty sure that no one will object.
This should be quite interesting.
It's been sanctioned by Gary Franklin already and I'm quite stoked about it.

The speaker has asked me if he can use his own laptop.
I'm pretty sure he can, but I'm just checking.


Re: [Texascavers] Grotto meeting for 4/29

2009-04-19 Thread Don Cooper
Apologies for unspecific nature of post -
That would be the UT Underground Grotto for Everyone...

On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 8:35 PM, R D Milhollin rdmilhol...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Which grotto are you referring to?

 -Original Message-
 From: Don Cooper
 Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:12 PM
 To: Cavers, Texas
 Subject: [Texascavers] Grotto meeting for 4/29

 I have a somewhat off-topic speaker arranged for the next grotto meeting,
 but I'm pretty sure that no one will object.
 This should be quite interesting.
 It's been sanctioned by Gary Franklin already and I'm quite stoked about it

Re: [ot_caving] Squeez Bacon

2009-04-09 Thread Don Cooper
I tried a search for squeeze sausage but all I found were porn sites

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Charles Goldsmith wo...@justfamily.orgwrote:

 LOL, click on the link like you are buying it, Thinkgeek does several jokes
 every April 1st :)

 You've been fooled

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Louise Power power_lou...@hotmail.comwrote:

  No, not an April Fool's joke. Comes from Real stuff.

 Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 16:38:08 -0500
 Subject: Re: [ot_caving] Squeez Bacon

 It's an april fool's joke :)

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Louise Power power_lou...@hotmail.comwrote:

 Has anybody seen or used Squeez Bacon? Can you get it in the store or does
 it have to be ordered online? Check out this website.

[Texascavers] Chris Thibodeaux

2009-04-06 Thread Don Cooper
This is a call out to
Chris Thibodeaux -I'd like to get in touch with him, Thankx!


Re: [Texascavers] Travel Advisory for Mexico 2

2009-03-25 Thread Don Arburn
We just drove to Belize from San Antonio. We weren't a target, too  
many Lexus and Mercedes and Navigators to bother with my dirty old  
Superduty towing a crappy old trooper. Totally uneventful drive.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 24, 2009, at 10:10 AM, Gill Ediger  

At 11:22 AM 3/16/2009, Geary Schindel wrote:
If you'll be traveling in Mexico, it might be a good idea to take  
some of the contact information located at the bottom of the  
advisory with you.

I didn't read it yet but I just got back from 3 weeks in Mexico  
yesterday. Went in by myself through Laredo in about 10 minutes,  
maybe 12. Got the green light both times. Another 10 or 15 got me  
out of town without being shot by drug lords. Neither went through  
nor saw any checkpoints all the way to Victoria. Did not get stopped  
by cops in Monterrey. Came back via Monterrey, Saltillo, and Piedras  
Negras (requiring many hours in the state of Coahuila, once again  
all alone). Neither went through nor saw any checkpoints that whole  
   Was stopped by local police 2wice in Saltillo, after dark,  
for bribes but talked (with a good bit of help from Monica) my way  
out of both of them.
   By far the biggest change I've noticed in Mexico in a long  
while is that since all the cops have acquired radar they are very  
intent on enforcing speed limits--especially on main highways  
through small towns. If the sign says 40 km/h, you need to be damned  
near 40 going through there, not 70 mph like everyone used to do.

Now, let me have a look at those advisories.


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Re: [Texascavers] More on Heated Bat Houses for WNS

2009-03-06 Thread Don Cooper
  I sortof like the scenario of bats developing into a co-dependent
 relationship with humans - like a parallel of the wolf's transformation
 into dogs - how about Chiroptera Familiaris?

 Imagine the range of Chihuahua to Great Dane
 applied to flying mammals!

 Look - I taught my bat to catch a frisbee!


On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Minton, Mark wrote:

Nancy Weaver said:

 How on earth have bats managed to survive so long without thoughtful
 human intervention?  Or any other part of nature?  Good thing we can now
 remedy nature's poor planning.

   It might not have been nature's poor planning.  No one knows where
 WNS came from.  We don't know if it the fungus associated with WNS is the
 cause of the problem or a symptom, merely taking advantage of bats
 distressed by some other factor.  If something else is weakening bats in the
 first place, it could be something manmade, like a pesticide.  If we caused
 the problem, it is not unreasonable for us to try to remedy it, although
 obviously heated bat houses do not address the root cause, whatever it is.
 For another article on the heated bat houses see

 Mark Minton
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[Texascavers] [Found on web] [Bat Box Heaters Could Save Animals' Lives]

2009-03-05 Thread Don Arburn

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Re: [Texascavers] well rescue in Mexico

2009-03-04 Thread Don Cooper
WHY does this story repeat itself?
In striking similarity - has this not happened at least a couple of other
times in recent years?

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Antonio Aguirre Alvarez wrote:

  Last monday, ppl from the Mexican Red Cross and Espeleo Rescate Mexico
 from San Luis Potosi and Queretaro were called to rescue 6 ppl who died
 inside in a well.
 Two workers were tryng to dry a tunel with a gasoline powered pump. They
 died fast because the CO. The owner and his wife tried to rescue them but
 died too. The emergency groups were called then. So, 3 ppl enter the well. 2
 firefighters and a 1 paramedic from Red Cross. Just 1 fireman scape from the
 inside. The other 2 rescuers died.
 The crew begins to work at tuesday 3am. The rescue was successfull the same
 day at 1600hrs.
 here is a note in english with some inaccuracy:

 Soon, ofical report and pics in the ERM web site.

 Windows Live™: Life without walls. Check it 

[ot_caving] I DARE you not to laugh...

2009-02-26 Thread Don Cooper
Turbo Heather - High Performance Radio Controlled Southern

Love Hurts - Cupid In Real Life

Colour Me Beautiful - Exercise Guru Jennifer Kenny Get's *Very*

Emma's Dilemma - A beginning with a disturbing confession ends with a
sinister plot twist

Created for the
Savannah College of Art and Design by
The Dandy Dwarves

Re: [Texascavers] The East--West--Texas--East--The West

2009-02-24 Thread Don Arburn

WTF is a Shinner!?

On Feb 24, 2009, at 7:19 PM, wrote:

Ah shoot, I'll make it all real simple. If it ain't in Houston,  

its a suburb of Houston  ...  ; )   ... anybody got another Shinner?

Later, ~F~

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Re: [ot_caving] Urine or You're Out - Another Perspective

2009-02-23 Thread Don Cooper
What strikes me most significantly is how people who've never been poor,
disabled or otherwise challenged can make such broad, sweeping,
self-satisfying judgment calls about such things they know nothing about.
It seems that so many people that call themselves Christian have no
problem at all determining which people don't live up to their particular
standards, and therefore do not qualify to be part of the human race.  (I.E.
the complete antithesis of everything  J.C. 'son o God' was said to teach.)
Rather than empathize with the grungy unpleasant-looking people begging for
change at the intersection, it is too easy for many to assume that these
people actually choose to live that way,  But... I don't think ONE of us
would be willing to actually walk in those same shoes, because without what
we have (social, material, financial) - it is impossible to imagine the
nightmare of attaining a decent standard of living after having lost all of
the above.
And there's a whole lot wrong with a society that believes in equal rights,
but just for those that deserve it.
In this system - ONE strike and you're essentially OUT.  Loose your credit
rating - get into a little trouble with the law - loose your spotless
employment record and THEN see how easy it is to get back on top of the
So - for those who - in the name of financial expediency, pontificate
ignoring and further disenfranchisement of those who don't follow all the
rules - there should be a special place in hell waiting for them.  (But 'm
an atheist - so I guess karma will suffice).


On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Justin Shaw idv8justinc...@gmail.comwrote:

  (Whoever wrote this one down deserves a HUGE pat on the back!)
  Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I
  pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In
  order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test
  which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the
  of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
  Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I
  have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no
  with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand,
 have a
  problem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing drugs, while I
  work. . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people
  to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?
  I guess we could title that program, 'Urine or You're Out'.
  Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all
  will pass it along, though. . Some thing has to change in this country
  and soon!!!


   Actually, some people do have to subject themselves to this type of
 draconian barbarism to receive much needed assistance. My mother for
 one, who suffers from rather extreme fibromyalgia, and is therefore
 prescribed narcotic medications with extreme side effects including
 permanent liver damage, permanent kidney damage, lack of cognitive
 thought process, an increases in blood pressure - oh lookie, they have
 a drug for her high blood pressure too, and lookie, it has side
 affects too…

   Now because my mom is on permanent disability, she cannot work, not
 even just this weekend for you watching your kids, because if the
 government finds out, she's out of assistance and on the streets.
 What's even more draconian is the fact that she had to sign an
 agreement that she can be randomly drug tested at any time.

   Fibromyalgia is a disease that affects the connective tissue of the
 human body. Marijuana is an herb that has been proven in many studies
 (mostly outside of this country) to dramatically decrease the brains
 perception of non-localized (and localized) pain, among many other

   In short, my mom CAN take narcotic medications that make the
 pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and politicians rich, have major
 side affects, and provide minimal relief without a constant increase
 in dosage. - Remember, this isn't like when you break something and
 get scrip for two weeks. My mother is expected to live the rest of her
 life this way, which will be greatly shortened by the medications she
 is taking.

   She CAN'T smoke a couple hits of marijuana, supporting a local
 cottage industry, and relieving her pain without any known or
 suspected side affects. If she did this, she would be out of pain, and
 able to get a good nights sleep, unfortunately she might not have a
 roof to sleep under, or a way to afford food.

   Due to an agenda established by the Food and Drug Administration
 and with banners carried forward by those ever two faced and
 illiterate fundamentalist Christians (if they were literate they would
 read that the bible actually says god provided all seed 

[ot_caving] It must have been because of Vista O/S...

2009-02-23 Thread Don Cooper
Microsoft is requesting refund from overpaid severance issued to laid-off
(as irony meshes with karma...)

[ot_caving] Austin Area Cavers - Request for Participation

2009-02-22 Thread Don Cooper
If you are scratching your head, wondering what to do with yourself today,
please consider dropping by 3017 Burleson Road and assisting us with the big
yard cleanup!

[ot_caving] Brick Robbery at 3017 Burleson Rd

2009-02-20 Thread Don Cooper
Not a big deal at all.  Actually, in case you didn't know already - we're in
the process of eliminating a whole lot of the accumulated junk and building
materials from the back yard - but this afternoon, we noticed that while we
were away, a large stack of fire-brick that Vico saved from a remodeling
site had mysteriously dissappeared.
The problem is that we don't know WHO it might have been.  To whomever took
it away - we're cool with it, but we just would like to know that it's
someone WE KNOW and not some random outsider pilfering our resources.
Know what I mean?
Otherwise, it appears that further security measures might be in order -
we'd rather not go through the hassle of installing fences and stuff...

[ot_caving] Weird Television off the internet.

2009-02-19 Thread Don Cooper
Has anyone (else) heard of Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show?  Apparently
a parody of a Japanese variety show.
I just checked out Hulu which I'd seen promoted at the
end of 30 Rock and located very odd content distributed by Sony
Taming of the 
a highly condensed twist on similarly named Shakespeare.   Pretty
but it works on several levels - strangely attractive and amusing - even
without drugs.  But that might help.


(I advise against use of recreational drugs, since Nazis might keep you from
getting welfare and food stamps if you use them.  Additionally, perhaps
anyone who smokes cigarettes should be denied insurance and not allowed a
driver's license if they ever drink alcohol in any quantity since they might
also subsequently drive while intoxicated)

[Texascavers] [Why Aren't Grottos Represented in the T.S.A.?]

2009-02-12 Thread Don Arburn

Individuals are, shouldn't Grottos be?

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Re: [Texascavers] [Why Aren't Grottos Represented in the T.S.A.?]

2009-02-12 Thread Don Arburn

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2009, at 8:37 PM, Andy Grubbs wrote:

that was the way it was done back in the early - mid 70s.  It was
scrapped for one caver one vote
cant go back,


it aint broke,

Are you serious?

dont mess with it


Don Arburn wrote:

Individuals are, shouldn't Grottos be?

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Re: [Texascavers] Loghorn Cavern?

2009-02-09 Thread Don Arburn

Loghorn Cave?

Re: [ot_caving] global warming

2009-02-07 Thread Don Cooper
What if...
And I don't mean to be a party pooper - but what if it is already too late?
The situation is indeed dire, a problem of magnitude which its victims have
never imagined in their worse nightmares - and its been going on for so long
in an unsustainable state that the conclusion is unavoidable. Infrastructure
Brought to you by those overseers of our economic rules and highway
bridges... Our little social system has not had the eyes to see ahead nor
the brain to consider what's coming.


On 2/7/09, Quinta Wilkinson wrote:

  I know I have not heard this on the news. Wonder why not?


 In his his first interview since taking 
 Energy Secretary Steven Chu didn't hold back on what's at stake for
 California if the nation doesn't act to stop global warming: vanishing
 vineyards, fading farms, and major cities abandoned.

 Why so dire? Because some of the anticipated impacts of climate change
 include water shortages in the Upper Midwest and West, which could decimate
 California's agricultural production -- the largest in the nation. One worst
 case scenario he described would have 90% of the snowpack in the Sierra
 Nevada mountain range -- one of the state's major storehouses of fresh water
 -- disappearing as global temperatures rise.

 His talk with the Los Angeles Times echoed two recent reports -- one,
 released in January, projected global crop 
 shortages a result of 
 climate change. A study last year by UC Berkeley researchers
 suggested that about $2.5 trillion of the state's real estate is at 
 including land used for agriculture.

 I don't think the American public has gripped in its gut what could
 happen, Chu said. We're looking at a scenario where there's no more
 agriculture in California...I don't actually see how they can keep their
 cities going, either.

 So what will he do about this as Secretary of Energy? Chu wants to see:

 - Public education on global warming;

- Billons of dollars invested in alternative energy research and

 - A national standard for electricity generated from renewable

 - Cap-and-trade legislation to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

  He said the threat of warming is keeping policymakers focused on
 alternatives to fossil fuel, even though gasoline prices have fallen over
 the last six months from historic highs. But he said public awareness needs
 to catch up. He compared the situation to a family buying an old house and
 being told by an inspector that it must pay a hefty sum to rewire it or risk
 an electrical fire that could burn everything down.

 I'm hoping that the American people will wake up, Chu said, and pay the
 cost of rewiring.

[ot_caving] Cavers for Beer Saturday?

2009-02-05 Thread Don Cooper
The first Saturday of the Month, The Independence Brewery holds an open
house and welcomes legal enthusiasts to come and have a free taste or two.
A contingency of Austin Cavers will be not forgetting about it this weekend
- So if you didn't know about it already and would like to glom onto the
group - please come.


Re: [ot_caving] Need TV advice

2009-01-29 Thread Don Cooper
I too bought a Vizio 37 TV.  Its cool except that it advertises VISIO all
the time.
I could put a piece of electrical tape over it - it goes from white to
orange when its shut off.
Mine is a 740p/1080i unit - I paid 550 for it as new, opened box from a
distributor in North Austin who liquidates returns from Walmart and Target
on Ebay.  (Luckily I had to pay no freight.  I picked it up at the warehouse
in Vico's chick magnet custom 1989 Toyota truck.)

Its a great unit except mine had no old-style rca outputs for audio - the
only output other than the speakers behind the plastic grillwork was a fiber
optic port - compatible with Digital Dolby 5.1 so I spent another $70 for a
modern, used Aiwa A/V receiver off eBay - now it sounds great too!

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Louise Power power_lou...@hotmail.comwrote:

  I'm thinking about buying a new TV and have been looking at the Vizio. I
 don't want anything big or expensive, but want a good picture and decent

 I've looked at Target, Costco and Walmart sites and see good ratings on the
 Vizio 22 and 32. Does anybody have any experience with Vizios--either
 positive or negative. Before I chunk out three or four hundred dollars I'd
 like to hear from people I know.

 If you haven't bought a Vizio, what have you bought recently that you
 either like a lot or thought was a real loser?

[ot_caving] Nasa Sees The Dark Side of the Sun - (caught my eye)

2009-01-26 Thread Don Cooper


(there is no dark side of the Sun really... as a matter of fact it's all

Re: [Texascavers] Viewpoint 2

2009-01-20 Thread Don Arburn
And so, my fellow cavers, ask not what the Caver can do for you - but  
what can I do for the Caver!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 20, 2009, at 9:57 AM, Gill Ediger wrote:

At 05:38 PM 1/19/2009, Geoff Hoese wrote:

The TSA exists to serve the interests of its members.

Yes. But that's sorta like saying that motherhood is a good thing.  
It's pretty much unqualified.

There are a couple of sides to that argument, of course. One is  
completely selfish; the other is benevolent and fulfilling.

Over simplifying here, I will say that one only addresses the What  
can I get for myself out of this organization? Then gimme it! What  
they have in mind and what they get is pretty much an inanimate  
object in the form of The TEXAS CAVER. Their dues and that tangible  
object are related in their minds--one begats the other and vice  
versa. That the TSA never does anything else for them (or that they  
never expect for the TSA to do anything else for them) is of little  
consequence. In their minds one is the other. Aside from the pride  
and prestige of being a member--for whatever that's worth--they  
expect little more than The CAVER and infrequent (mostly non-caving)  
events where they can see old friends, sit around a campfire  
drinking beer, and telling war stories. Pretty exciting and  
fulfilling, huh?

Then there is the practical side of the What can the TSA do for  
me? contingent. They are the ones who are interested in the TSA  
'making caving better for them and, benevolently, other cavers,' not  
just sending them a fancy publication. They ask several questions:
   How is the TSA working to solve problems caused by new or  
independent or non-cavers that affect my access to many caves?

   What is the TSA doing to prevent bad publicity?
   What is the TSA doing to encourage and promote good publicity?
   How is the TSA educating cavers to improve cave and landowner  

   How is the TSA promoting safe cave exploration?
   What is the TSA doing to educate non-cavers as to the dangers of  
cave environment and ground water polution?
   How is the TSA reaching out to new cavers to encourage them to  
join their fellow cavers in the TSA?
   What is the TSA doing to educate new cavers about established  
techniques and equipment and all cavers in timely advances in those  

   How is the TSA promoting the discovery of new caves?
   How is anything the TSA is doing contributing to making caving  
better for me and my friends and, even, for cavers I will never know  
or come in contact with?

   In short, how is the TSA affecting my caving positively?

These--and more--are the questions that caver members of the TSA  
could claim that the TSA ought to be responding to for its members.  
In numbers there is strength and the more caver-members that the TSA  
has the larger the caver base and collective skills and knowledge  
and man power it has to pursue its goals and purposes--all to the  
benefit of each other and the various entities of the 'association'-- 
not just the narrow me, me, me mentality of newsletter only  
members. And that is something not so tangible as The TEXAS CAVER  
but much more valuable as a service to cavers and caving in the long  
run. The TSA--the Texas Region--was formed by cavers who strived to  
attract all (or as many as posible) cavers into a common-interest  
group which could better address mutual caving problems (landowner  
relations, safety, training, creature comforts) and increase a  
caver's sphere of acquaintences within the caving community--again  
to members' individual and mutual benefit. It was so important that  
they wrote that into their first constitution as a part of their  
goals and purposes. You can read that as a benefit: more friends  
means more opportunity to go on more trips to explore more caves and  
more and diverse knowledge about caves and equipment and techniques  
and all sorts of other intangible but significantly valuable perks  
that most cavers would appreciate. That (or those) would seem to me  
to be the sort of things that the TSA should pursue in order to  
serve the interests of its members. Understand, for sure, that The  
TEXAS CAVER is an important vector in that pursuit of those goals  
and purposes. It is chock-full of excactly the kind of information  
that the new and independent caver ought to be receiving from the  
TSA in pursuit of it's goals and purposes--and those of our fellow,  
but unknown, cavers. But if they don't receive The CAVER, if they  
aren't attracted to join the TSA, how will they know? How will that  
serve the interests of its members?

While The TEXAS CAVER is a valuable, tangible tool of the TSA in the  
pursuit of its goals and purposes, it is the intangible tools that  
the TSA provides (or should provide) its members that give it the  
ability to serve the interests of its members which, ostensibly,  
is the pursuit of caving. So long as someone is 

[Texascavers] Re: Texas Caver

2009-01-20 Thread Don Arburn

Um, guys, trim your cc's. I'm getting two and three of everything.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 20, 2009, at 11:32 AM, wrote:

Thanks, Terri.

The more Gill, the better!

The TSA could use more folks like him and him as a member. I'm working
on that!


-Original Message-
From: Terri Sprouse []
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:33 AM
To: Gill Ediger; Don Arburn; Alman, Mark @ IRP
Cc: Texas Cavers List
Subject: Texas Caver

Mr. Chairman,

I think you have done a great job so far on getting the Texas Caver
published in a timely manner. You certainly deserve kudo's for that! I
am somewhat concerned about the online access, but I am more concerned
about ensuring that the Texas Caver continues to be published.

I will support your being Editor as long as you want to be the Editor,
and continue to provide the published Texas Caver in a timely manner.

Just offering to help if you need it. Sounds like Gil has big plans  

your new TSA agenda.


--- On Tue, 1/20/09,

It's Chairman, Terri, and I kind of like
doing the Caver.  8^)

Thanks, though!


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Re: [Texascavers] A bit of history for everyone :

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn

It was suggested as far back as 2003.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:18 AM, Lyndon Tiu wrote:

On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 07:20:24 -0600 wrote:

The TC going electronic was covered well in the minutes,

The TC going eletcronic was suggested at last year's (Jan. 2008)  
winter meeting (at CBSP) but was never acted on until it was brought  
up again this year.

Lyndon Tiu

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Re: [Texascavers] A bit of history for everyone :

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn

It's clearly not that simple.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:24 AM, Lyndon Tiu wrote:

On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:23:09 -0600 wrote:

It was suggested as far back as 2003.

Then, it's about time we acted on it then.

Lyndon Tiu

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Re: [Texascavers] A bit of history for everyone :

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn

Way back when, I thought we did poll the membership.

Personally I don't see a huge issue here:

1) A .PDF is practically a byproduct of digital editing.

2) Our publication is thought to be public sensitive, IOW some worry  
about copyright. However there are many methods to protect online  
documents. My favorite example was used by a company to protect online  
digital books I used to purchase and read: the password to get the  
book downloaded was your credit card number. You weren't going to  
share it. (clearly there are reasons nowadays NOT to use this method).

3) it had been discussed at one point that only back issues would be  
available online.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:52 AM, John Brooks  

I agree. It is clearly not so simple. This has been an ongoing topic  
for yearsand like the Land Fund issue , it is something that  
many have a strong opinion might have been a prudent  
idea to poll the membership prior to taking action.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:35 AM, Don Arburn wrote:

It's clearly not that simple.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:24 AM, Lyndon Tiu wrote:

On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:23:09 -0600 wrote:
It was suggested as far back as 2003.

Then, it's about time we acted on it then.

Lyndon Tiu

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Re: [Texascavers] Apathy, Entitlement, and Participation

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn

What she said!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Linda Palit wrote:

At this point you can get hard copies of the Caver by mail or get  
internet copies instead by signing up.  If you do not sign up, you  
will continue to get a hard copy.  The internet site is not  
accessible except to members, in theory.

Funny how organizations don't do what you want or read your mind.   
Most of us cannot attend every TSA meeting, but attending when you  
can means you have a voice that matters and that influences the  

At some times TSA has a some difficulty finding Caver editors,  
finding people to run for office, and finding members to fill  
committee posts.  But it is very easy to find members with opinions,  
and cavers who think it is all being done wrong.

TSA is a member organization, and business is carried out in  
meetings.  Because members don't want to come to meetings, TSA is  
spending quite a bit of money yearly to hold elections by mail so  
members do not have to come to vote at TCR or at the meeting.  I am  
not convinced that is money well spent.  And I certainly do not  
think more business should be carried out by polling the membership  
in some way other than in a meeting.

TSA members have the right to participate, influence policy, and  
vote.  All they need to do is come to the meetings.  Or we can carry  
out long conversations about how things should be done by sending  
emails and hope the officers feel pressured to do what we want.

I am gratified to see people care about the TSA and about the  
Caver.  But I am weary of this conversation, and suggest people  
attend the Spring TSA meeting in Kerrville to make their views heard.

Re: [Texascavers] why join the TSA?

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn

A vote in TSA affairs should be pretty high on the list.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 17, 2009, at 2:10 PM, Mixon Bill wrote:

What else am I getting?

Cave acquisition and management?



Cave files and book publications?

Public relations?

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Re: [Texascavers] why join the TSA?

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Joe Ranzau wrote:

Mixon elegantly cuts to the bone for us...  I've been pondering this  
for years, ever since my time as an offer, when someone asked me  
what their membership in the TSA got them.  Aside from the Texas  
Caver, there is not much that is not already being done well by  
another organization.  The projects stood out as something the TSA  
facilitated.  Taking a closer look, the projects need the TSA a lot  
less than the TSA needs the projects.  Any project in existance now  
and the recent past would exist easily without TSA.  This past year  
the TSA has funded repairs at Honey Creek, donated to TCMA and  
donated to the ICS, none of which are TSA projects.  The spring  
convention is a great thing but TCR proves it is easily possible  
without the TSA.

So then what is the TSA?  Well, quite frankly it is whatever you  
make it.  YOU being the key!  I recall a good turnout at the TSA  
meeting including several of the vocal posters infavor of  this  
here, but most people were not there.  What does that mean? Well, it  
pretty much means that you don't get a say until the next meeting or  
election.  Tough cookies.

Gill has noble intentions of including everyone, sounds great and  
might even work in the world of PDF, it damn near bankrupted TSA  
last time he was incharge.  Something about not collecting dues from  
anyone and then getting bailouts from the Grottos...  Printing was/ 
is expensive...

But, the thing is Gill did it, made the TSA into his vision.  Mark  
ran unopposed for election and I suspect if the election were today  
no one would run.  Basically the TSA is whatever Mark and the other  
officers decide it should be.  Sure, they are accountable to the  
membership, but until the membership is willing to do something, our  
opinions don't mean much.

I have a close friend who called to complain about all of this, they  
want their printed caver, which is all fine and good, are they going  
to do anything besides complain, doubtful.

I actually disagree with Mark, I want a printed caver, but I'm not  
willing to pay much more and I'm sure as hell not going to run for  
office or editor so I don't have many options other than to offer  
advice and deal with it.

My advice mirrors Mixon, if we go digital then we need to  
drastically cut dues.  $5 or $10 sounds good to me...

So, other than wasting more electrons, my point is if this bothers  
run for office, or deal with it.



On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Mixon Bill wrote:
It's a pretty sad state of affairs in Texas if the Texas Caver's  
circulation is so low that it can't go bulk rate. Hell, when I was  
in Chicago, the _grotto's_ newsletter was sent bulk rate.

With all due respect (and then some) to brother Gillum, _my_  
membership in the TSA _is_ primarily a subscription to the Texas  
Caver. What else am I getting?

Cave acquisition and management? There are two (well, one and a  
half) other groups in Texas I can support to do that.

Fellowship? That's done better by TCR. As Gill points out, it could  
perhaps be done better by the TSA, too, as far as unaffiliated  
cavers are concerned, but that needn't cost money.

Education? Well, there's the spring convention, but that's meant to  
be self-supporting; there isn't even a TSA member discount.

Cave files and book publications? The Texas Speleological Survey  
does that.

Public relations? Well, there are things to be done there in the  
fields of conservation, etc., but the TSA couldn't spend $2000 a  
year on that if it tried.

If the expense of the Texas Caver is eliminated by going on-line,  
then reasonable TSA dues seem to me to be about $5 a year, based on  
the money I can see it spending usefully without duplicating what  
other groups are doing (or simply passing on my money to those other  

Actually, to cut costs I wouldn't mind at all if the Texas Caver  
were produced less expensively, without the color covers, the saddle- 
stitching, and all that. It's the material in it that counts. But  
some contributors might be lost if the quality of production  
declined. The fact that any copy I print myself will be of less  
printing quality than what I'm getting now doesn't bother me  
particularly. (Gill may have an 11x17 color laser printer and a  
saddle-stapler, but I don't.) But if I'm paying for it, I want it.  
-- Mixon

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[Texascavers] [Bitching the Caver]

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn
Granted no agenda was published for the meeting, but this has been an  
issue for years. Mark, put this issue in the Caver and an agenda for  
the next meeting of the TSA.

Don't bitch if you don't vote.

Apathy is what happened to the TSA.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: [Texascavers] [Bitching the Caver]

2009-01-19 Thread Don Arburn
Wonderful suggestions all. Remember them (and all the others from  
decades past) at the next TSA meeting.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Lyndon Tiu wrote:

On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:11:11 -0800 wrote:

Go to the TSA
Store and purchase a subscription.

I figure from what Lee Jay said at the TSA meeting about traffic  
being very low at the TSA Store. I suppose we can solve two problems  
at once by using the TSA store for TC hard copy subscriptions ...

Lyndon Tiu

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[Texascavers] [For David][Researchers develop higher-efficiency LEDs]

2009-01-14 Thread Don Arburn

Researchers develop higher-efficiency LEDs

Re: [ot_caving] FW: Neil Armstrong

2009-01-09 Thread Don Cooper


(the eternal skeptic)

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Fritz Holt fh...@townandcountryins.comwrote:

  What a GREAT short story. If true, Mrs. Gorsky must have been physic or
 was in no hurry.



 *From:* Chris Young
 *Sent:* Friday, January 09, 2009 10:56 AM
 *To:* ''; 'Mark Davis'; 'Jonathan Appel'; Fritz Holt
 *Subject:* FW: Neil Armstrong

 Pretty funny!

 *Christopher E. Young, CPCU CIC**
 **Town  Country Insurance Agency**
 **10575 Katy Freeway Suite 150**
 **Houston**, Texas 77024**
 **Phone (713) 461-8979**
 **Fax (713) 464-2674**
 **Email ***

 *Thank you for doing business with Town  Country Insurance.*


 *From:* Jay Cooley []
 *Sent:* Friday, January 09, 2009 7:06 AM
 *To:* Chris Young; Dad; lee ball; Mike Olmstead; Richard Waters; steve
 *Subject:* FW: Neil Armstrong

 -Original Message-
 *From:* L. D. Simon Jr. []
 *Sent:* Thursday, January 08, 2009 7:06 PM
 *To:* Tim Dockal; Linda Fischer; Lance Self; Jay Cooley; Doug Lozano;
 Cheryl (Sissie) Smith; Bonnie Schmidt; Barbara Landry(home)
 *Subject:* Fw: Neil Armstrong

 - Original Message -

 *From:* Sarah Adams

 *To:* Sarah Adams

 *Sent:* Thursday, January 08, 2009 9:13 AM

 *Subject:* Neil Armstrong

 Subject:  Neil Armstrong















Re: [ot_caving] Palin vs. Kennedy

2009-01-09 Thread Don Cooper
I liked the parody of the MCain / Palin poster:  *Geezer / Dingbat*.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Gill Ediger wrote:

 At 03:01 PM 1/9/2009, Louise Power wrote:

 I believe Palin's 15 minutes are up.

 Naw! We haven't seen the end of her. She's still good for many more laughs.
 Her clock only has 15 minutes on it; it keeps going around and around--just
 as she does.

 Blessed are those who go in circles, for they shall be called the Big


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[ot_caving] LED Question

2009-01-05 Thread Don Cooper
Does anyone understand what the lumen output would be for 1mcf, 5mm,
white LEDs?
I'm examining the possibility of creating a 1000 LED array, estimating a
power usage of 30watts.

Re: [ot_caving] computer news - memory prices

2009-01-02 Thread Don Cooper
I remember that I thought I was getting an incredible deal when I found one
for $19.99, 18 months ago.  Maybe at the time it was...


On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Alex Sproul wrote:

   In the fast-disappearing Circuit City stores, I found a 2-GB SD Memory
 Card, MSRP $39.99, for...$2.96.  I bought several!


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Re: [ot_caving] computer news - memory prices

2008-12-31 Thread Don Cooper
ANOTHER Caveat -
And this especially applies to VISTA (Oh, I forgot they call it Mojave
Many peripherals have no drivers written (yet) to handle 64 bit operating
One of the presents my brother gave to himself and his home entertainment
system on Xmas was a new HP computer to go with his 42 HP plasma flat
screen panel.
He got gobs of memory, and to be able to address those gobs, he had the
computer pre-installed with Vista 64  to handle 5 or 6 gigs. (one gig, I
believe is dedicated to video shadowing)
As his flat screen did not come with a broadcast HD receiver (ATSC
compatible or something like that?) he figured he'd finally overcome that
shorfall with a HD TV card in his 'television computer'.   So after months
of furtive dismissal of my dissaproval of Vista (and I've never been a
microsoft fan) now he's got egg on his face.  Maybe he'll have better luck
with a Hauppage card - but the one he bought flat out didnt work and the
customer service reps he reached didn't seem to understand the issue.
The internal BlueRay player - made by LG - did work.  However, older
releases of movies seem to employ 'dithering' to hike that resolution up to
1240 x 1080p - so the disk might BE B.R. but if you look close enough you
can tell that bit by bit - its only been extrapolated from DVD format.
-Happy New Year

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Charles Goldsmith wo...@justfamily.orgwrote:

 For most computer users, 2 gig of ram seems to be the sweet spot, this
 applies to most power users.  The only caveat to that is anyone doing
 a lot of graphic or  work, photoshop, etc need a lot more.

 And you are correct, XP (32 bit) which is most of the XP installs, can
 only address a max of 3.5gb of ram.  Anything more is a huge waste.
 This applies to all operating systems that are 32 bit.  Also, before
 you run out and upgrade your XP or Vista to 64 bit, keep in mind, your
 motherboard/processor have to support 64 bit as well, or things won't
 work as you want.

 Mac users need not worry, OSX is all 64 bit :)


 On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 2:44 AM, David wrote:
  Check out some of these memory prices on a 1 gig stick of DDR2:
  Most are in the $ 15 to $ 20 range.
  I don't quiet understand how RAM is not affected much by inflation.
  If you bought a desktop computer a year or 2 ago, it probably
  only came with 1 gig of DDR2.Right?
  At those prices, why not put 4 gigs of RAM in your computer.
  It is a very simple upgrade.
  I believe that most computer users of XP will not be able to use
  more than 4 gigs, and probably wouldn't need to anyways.
  Just 10 years ago, I was doing computer drafting at a research
  engineering company and my PC only had 128 kilobytes of RAM,
  and we were excited when the company doubled the RAM to 256 K.
  David Locklear
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Re: [ot_caving] Dental Tourism in Mexico ?

2008-12-30 Thread Don Cooper
Do you mean 'dentist' or do you mean DENTIST?   Oh - you mentioned molars
By 'molars' I'm sure that you don't mean that you want your MOLARS
Yes.  Much cheaper on either end


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:46 PM, David wrote:

 I am considering visiting a dentist in Mexico.

 Does anybody know anybody who has tried this?

 I would think it would be safer and cheaper to travel deep into Mexico
 and not use a dentist
 at the border.Maybe San Luis Potosi ?

 I need to have what is left of my back 2 molars removed.

 I should at least get them x-ray it and clean them and get an estimate.


 David Locklear

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Re: [Texascavers] Strange Christmas letter

2008-12-30 Thread Don Cooper
Was it something about how an assistant accompanying a reformed alcoholic
who would fart and drool and do other gross things to illustrate the
depravity of unbridled hedonism???
I've been sent one like that once...


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Ron Miller wrote:

 I got the strangest Christmas letter that is obviously made up to be
 humorous and sent anomalously. It is mailed from Fort Worth to me at my
 current Driftwood address. The only lists I am on is the Texas Cavers
 membership and NSS list. It is composed using a typewriter and has a photo
 of a house. It is signed Billy Earl, SR.

 Anyone else get this greeting also?

 Ron Miller

Re: [ot_caving] OT - Radio Flyer Wagon

2008-12-29 Thread Don Cooper
No.  I put a piece of foam rubber in it though.  It made rides down the hill
more comfortable.
Me and my brother figured how to steer it from sitting inside it with the
'tow handle' turned backwards and we'd ride it down the biggest hill within
a mile of our house.  It was fun as hell, fast and dangerous.  Eventually we
tore the suspension from the bottom.  My grandfather welded it back together
with bracing and made it about 10lbs heavier.

I never could figure out WHY it was called Radio Flyer.  It could only
momentarily fly in the first moments of the very worst accidents and it had
no freakin' radio!!

We made a joke out of it.  We'd call the pet turtle radioactive wings, the
sandbox frequency stratosphere and the dog oscillating airhead.


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 12:38 AM, David wrote:

 Do you remember your little red wagon from your childhood?

 Did it have cup-holders, upholstered seats, iPod dock, speakers,

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[Texascavers] Not Exactly Cave Related, But Mexico and Geology Related...

2008-12-24 Thread Don Cooper
About the distance between Uvalde and Del Rio, west of Del Rio - there's a
concentration of what appear to be volcanic craters.
I was doing a 'satellite geology field trip' of the Del Rio area and noticed
what looks very much like craters and possible calderas.
I hoped that perhaps someone familiar with this part of northern Mexico
might know a little about this area.
Is this an igneous region or it possibly a mix of limestone and extinct

Fwd: [Texascavers] Lebanon's Jeita Caves on list for New 7 Wonders of Nature :

2008-12-22 Thread Don Cooper
Lech is a wonder all right.  But don't you think this wonders of the world
is just a bit shaded by touristical B.S.?
Trying to get this thing nominated or that thing recognized seems an awful
lot like a form of politicizing to me.
I mean, who designated this thing or that thing as the fifteenth wonder of
the world, anyway?

Any thoughts, Mr. E?


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Matt Turner wrote:

 What about Lechuguilla?? It's not even on the list. I've just submitted it,
 but still I'm surprised it's not in there. I was also surprised that Cueva
 de los Cristales wasn't as well and have nominated it as well

 Matt Turner

 It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
 without accepting it. - Aristotle

 Empty pockets never held anyone back.Only empty heads and empty hearts can
 do that.- Norman Vincent Peale

 *From:* Quinta Wilkinson
 *Sent:* Monday, December 22, 2008 10:23:59 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Texascavers] Lebanon's Jeita Caves on list for New 7
 Wonders of Nature :

  The Grand Canyon is the top US wonder just now. We need to vote for
 Mammoth Cave as it is way down the list. It also does not have official
 support at this time. There is a way to start an official support group.

Re: [Texascavers] minor cave rescue in the news

2008-12-20 Thread Don Cooper
Sounds like a caver to me.
He was in a freakin' cave wasn't he?

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:46 PM, David wrote:

 Here is a minor story in the news about a person stuck in a cave

 Was it a caver?

[ot_caving] Bad TV On the Internet Tonight - or whenever you want

2008-12-11 Thread Don Cooper
Ah, trailer parks.  As I'm writing this, on My Name is Earl the set is a
trailer park.
But that's not what I'm writing about.
While trying to fall asleep (WAY before my usual bedtime) in Houston a while
back at my brother's house over thanksgiving,
channel-surfing - I snagged on a movie called The Trailer Park Boys - The
Wondering, the other day, who these people are and what the series the movie
was based on - I stumbled across something perhaps uniquely Canadian and
irritatingly entertaining.   At least for me anyway.  I guess I just have a
long, unquenchable fascination for Canadian subculture.
So if you're bored, love mocumentaries, have high speed internet and enjoy
the irreverent, irrelevant and absurd, CHECK OUT the goings on in the
fictional Nova Scotia Sunnyvale Trailer

Re: [Texascavers] OT - price of gas

2008-12-11 Thread Don Cooper
My thinking is that part of the reason it's so low now is because so many
financial hedge funds were betting that it would stay high.  Part of the
reason it's cheap now is because it was paid forward when it was so
unreasonably high.  When we were all getting ripped off where did all that
money go?  It's now paying for unreasonably cheap gasoline.  But has anyone
else noticed that diesel is a WHOLE lot more *now* than it was the
*last*time gasoline was $1.50 a gallon?
At that point, diesel was only $1.60 to $1.70.  Something stinks here!

And speaking of OIL - this really is a burr in my craw... I had to pay $14
for 5 quarts of decent motor oil at Wally Whirled the other day.  Man!  That
used to be THE cheapest place for motor oil.  Auto zone is just about the
same price.   WHAT IS *THAT *about???


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Fritz Holt fh...@townandcountryins.comwrote:

  I was generally referring to imported oil prices and profit margins as
 that is where most of it comes from.



 *From:* Brian Riordan []
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2008 3:43 PM
 *To:* Fritz Holt
 *Cc:* David; Texascavers Mailing List
 *Subject:* Re: [Texascavers] OT - price of gas

 It all depends.  A classic Texas gusher takes nothing to get a lot.
 Deepwater fields cost a certain amount to initiate, produce and transport,
 if the current price doesn't offset that, they lose, while the Texas gusher
 may still make money.  Canadian Oil Sands require even more to upgrade the
 oil (besides, who the hell wants to work in Northern Alberta, just take a
 look at housing prices!
 it takes so much energy to produce the crude oil here, that without a high
 oil price, it doesn't make sense to dig it up.  If a company initiates a
 project because it became economical at 80 bucks a barrel, they may lose
 money on that field for every day of production under 80 bucks/barrel, while
 the Texas gusher STILL makes money.  To oversimplify...

 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Fritz Holt

 Oil companies are complaining because oil has dropped from $140. a barrel
 to below $50. Some years back when oil was at or below $20. they said if
 only the price could get back to $30. Although, I have read where the oil
 companies/refiners do not make a higher percentage of profit when oil prices
 are high. There are advantages and disadvantages when oil and Gasoline
 prices are high. I personally prefer it at the current price of $1.48 at

 -Original Message-
 From: David []
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:26 PM
 To: Texascavers Mailing List
 Subject: [Texascavers] OT - price of gas

 I saw gas for $ 1.34 yesterday.

 I heard one analyst say that if the economy continues at its current pace,
 gas could fall to 99 cents per gallon in some places.

 Where I live, there does not appear to be a decrease in demand for gas, so
 me the huge price drop of $ 2.50 per gallon seems surprising.I am not
 to complain though.

 I feel that someone illegally profited from the sale of gas this past
 summer when
 gas prices were at an all-time high. Maybe it wasn't illegal, but
 certainly greedy,
 or something like price-gouging.

 David Locklear

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[ot_caving] Re: Call The President - URGENT

2008-12-10 Thread Don Cooper
As I perceive the current administration to be totally indifferent to the
disadvantaged - I don't have any hopes of influencing the way things are -
not until Barrack Obama actually takes office.

In the 'war against drugs' I feel that the *most* of those arrested are
victims of the state.  I do not feel that it is right to punish people who
have this problem - no matter what moral pulpit one stands behind!  For the
most part, the current policies only serve to further victimize those who
suffer from the disease of addiction.

Specifically, the Solomon-Lautenberg
perhaps one of the most disgraceful attacks against the common people
this country which has ever been devised.  Ever wonder why so many 'celebs'
are charged for driving with a suspended license?  It is because of this
amendment which makes a mandatory suspension of one's license statutory for
drug conviction - that so many people are driving without a license.  (And
you mostly only hear about this happening to people who otherwise have the
means to have other people drive them around!!!)


On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Quinta Wilkinson qui...@clearwire.netwrote:

  They do work for us and we do have the right and need to tell them how we
 feel. If we do not then how can we complain?


[ot_caving] Re: [Texascavers] Refrigeration over Fire

2008-12-10 Thread Don Cooper
It reminds me of a natural gas powered refrigerator my grandfather had in
his welding shop.
It looked just like any other refrigerator, but the energy that ran the
thing came from a little gas burner in the back of it.

-Don C

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Andy Zenker wrote:

 But most likely likely it's what someone else said - the Einstein
 refrigerator, a single-pressure absorption refrigerator.

 Just like anything else, energy is required to run it.  Heat is energy so
 it makes sense.

 Andy Zenker
 Texas Caver

[ot_caving] Fwd: [Texascavers] Refrigeration over fire?

2008-12-10 Thread Don Cooper
I think it works like a Reverse ETF, which is a stock that goes up in price
when the price of stocks is covers goes down!  *(And Vica (of course) Versa)


2008/12/10 Matt Turner

 I'm really curious on how this works. I keep thinking  it's April 1st.

 Matt Turner

 It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
 without accepting it. - Aristotle

 Empty pockets never held anyone back.Only empty heads and empty hearts can
 do that.- Norman Vincent Peale

 *From:* Jon Cradit
 *To:* Mary Thiesse;
 *Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2008 3:42:55 PM
 *Subject:* RE: [Texascavers] Fw: [greater_houston_grotto] Harry Walker

  I remember when I first started caving and listening to stories told by
 Harry and Charles and wishing some day to grow up to have stories like

 Please pass along my deepest condolences to Harry's family and the awe
 which I held him in.

 Jon Cradit

 *From:* Mary Thiesse []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2008 3:26 PM
 *Subject:* [Texascavers] Fw: [greater_houston_grotto] Harry Walker

 I believe there are a number of other texas cavers that would like to know
 this as well.

 Mary TZ

 - Forwarded Message 
 *From:* Kevin McGowan
 *Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:22:09 AM
 *Subject:* [greater_houston_grotto] Harry Walker


 Those of us in GHG that have been around a while remember Harry Walker. I'm
 sorry to say that Harry passed away suddenly, yesterday after a long battle
 with Alzheimer.

 David Locklear informed me that there will be a service for Harry at the
 Crowder Funeral Home in Dickenson TX at 2pm this Saturday.

 Crowder Funeral Home 851 Hwy. 517 @ 646 Dickinson, TX 77539. Phone:(281)

 I called to confirm this. This is a link to their site:
 http://www.crowderf uneralhome. com/default. 

 Harry hiked many of the 14ers and had always been and avid outdoorsman. He
 went with us into Honey Creek to look around when he was 80 years old. He
 was also one of the founding members of GHG.

 His wife, Dorothy survives him. Many of us remember the parties at Harry
 Dorothy's. We enjoyed their pool and wonderful hospitality. Harry will be
 missed and I can only hope that I have ½ his energy when I'm in my 80s. He
 was a real inspiration to enjoying life for as long as you can.

 Kevin McGowan Photography

 5250 Gulfton, Suite 2F

 Houston Texas 77081

 Studio: 713-665-3818

 Mobile: 281-433-2474

 kevin@kevinmcgowan. comb kevin%40kevinmcgowan.comb

 web: www.kevinmcgowan. com

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Re: [ot_caving] huge flat screen TV

2008-12-08 Thread Don Cooper
There are some similar on I71between my house and work.  I hate them!
The one close to Manchaca is so f*in bright, that at night it makes it hard
to see anything else near the road!!!

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 5:30 AM, Quinta Wilkinson qui...@clearwire.netwrote:

  I imagine there will be one in all the major cities within a year or so.

 I wonder if this could bring back the drive-in movie?

 My understanding is that they cannot have flashing items and they must keep
 the same photo for at least a minute. I saw it on the news and not sure if
 it was over the rules for our city or not. I am pretty sure it was on our
 local news.I was as usual heating up a cup of tea at the time.


Re: [Texascavers] NSS Business pages

2008-12-06 Thread Don Cooper
I hope I'm not committing an impropriety or violating the NSS's trust, but
would someone who is NOT a current NSS member (and who has had no NSS member
using their computer to access the website) please try and access
the NSS business pages with this URL?
Please report.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Philip L Moss wrote:

 Alex and all:
 I have to agree with Mixon on this one.  Even if other organizations
 don't put their budget, agenda, and minutes online for the public to see,
 that is no reason for us not to do so.  Personally, I find this a very
 tiresome argument.  I often hear that we are the premier caving
 organization (and this in spite of the NSS used as a negative example of
 cave management by the US Fish and Wildlife service in the
 not-too-distant past).  Does that mean we strive to be no better than
 other conservation organizations?

Re: [Texascavers] NSS Business pages

2008-12-06 Thread Don Cooper
Ok!  Thanks everyone.
Results indicate that the NSS site does use cookies and just 'hopping over
the fence' doesn't grant everyone access to the business page.  I guess its
good to see that their web coordinator is quite competent.  I do however
miss the point as to why the information is protected. (But better to be
secure than promiscuous, I guess.)

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Don Cooper wrote:

 I hope I'm not committing an impropriety or violating the NSS's trust, but
 would someone who is NOT a current NSS member (and who has had no NSS member
 using their computer to access the website) please try and
 access the NSS business pages with this URL?
 Please report.

 On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Philip L Moss philipm...@juno.comwrote:

 Alex and all:
 I have to agree with Mixon on this one.  Even if other organizations
 don't put their budget, agenda, and minutes online for the public to see,
 that is no reason for us not to do so.

Re: [Texascavers] guano question

2008-12-05 Thread Don Arburn


	• A fall or slide of a large mass, as of feces or guano, down a  
	• A massive or overwhelming amount; a flood: received an avalanche  
of crap.

v., -lanched, -lanch·ing, -lanch·es.

To fall or slide in a massive or overwhelming amount of poo.
To overwhelm; inundate in shit.

[French; akin to Provençal lavanca, ravine, perhaps ultimately from  
Latin lābī, to slip.]


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Re: [Texascavers] Bexar Grotto Holiday Party

2008-12-05 Thread Don Arburn

No ROOFS!? Bummer. I'll behave this time.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 5, 2008, at 6:10 PM, Geary Schindel wrote:


The Bexar Grotto Holiday Party is scheduled for Saturday, December  
13 starting at 6:00 PM at the Geary, Sue, Graham, and Aspen Schindel 
’s house located at 11310 Whisper Dawn, San Antonio, Texas 78230.  P 
hone number at the house is 210-326-1576.  ALL cavers and friends ar 
e welcome to attend.  It will be a pot luck gathering so bring a dis 
h and come on down.  We will be spreading the holiday cheer to celeb 
rate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, winter solstices, and  anything els 
e folks want to celebrate so dress accordingly (casual is better).

Rules of the Game:

If you bring a dish, you need to leave with a dish, not necessarily  
your dish, just a dish (we have enough dishes left over from last  
year – you can take one of those also).

There will be refreshments but if you have specific tastes, bring  
your own beverage of choice.

No drinking directly from whiskey bottles – we’re trying to run a  
class establishment here (beer bottle are ok).

If you have a food allergy, bring an epi-pen – actually, bring two p 
ens, some Benadryl, medic alert bracelet, etc.  Be aware that we don 
’t have a defibulator at the house but would be happy to try the new 
 taser on you- It could work – maybe.

Please leave your varmints at home unless they’re on a dish – I  
already have two varmints, thanks anyway.

Stay off the roof, and stay off my neighbor’s roof.

Please make an effort to keep all bodies and bottles within the  
property boundaries.

There will be a white elephant gift exchange so bring an appropriate  
gift (not an elephant).  All gifts must go home with someone.

There will be a TCMA board meeting on Sunday so if you would like to  
come to the party and spend the night, you’re welcome to stay at the 
 house and help clean up on Sunday morning.  Just let me know so we’ 
ll reserve you some space.

We’ll be fixing breakfast for anyone that doesn’t make it home  
– OK, anyone that stays at the house.

Geary and Sue Schindel

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[Texascavers] [Guanoslide Etymology] Wanusliden, Labwanu, Lapswanu

2008-12-05 Thread Don Arburn
I'm no linguist or wordsmith and I prolly got it all wrong but this  
seemed fun, and so I tried:

Guano (from the Quechua 'wanu', via Spanish) is the excrement (feces  
and urine) of seabirds, bats, and seals.[1] The word guano  
originates from the Quichua language of the Inca civilization and  
means the droppings of sea birds. Incas collected guano from the  
coast of Peru for use as soil enricher. The Incas assigned great value  
to guano, restricting access to it and punishing any disturbance to  
the birds with death.[3]


slide  (sl

[Middle English sliden, from Old English sl

1. A mass movement of earth, rocks, snow, or ice down a slope. Slides  
can be caused by an accumulation of new matter or of moisture in the  
overlying material, or by erosion within or below the material. They  
are often triggered by an earthquake or other disturbance such as an  

Wanusliden or Guano Slide


Root: lab-, laps-   English: slide, slipLatin: labi, lapsus

Lab+wanu = Labwanu
Laps+wanu = Lapswanu


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Re: [Texascavers] Guanological question

2008-12-04 Thread Don Arburn

American Heritage perhaps from the French word for ravine: lavanca

Go from there

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 4, 2008, at 6:54 PM, Gill Ediger wrote:

At 03:33 PM 12/4/2008, Geary Schindel wrote:
So, if you had a mountain of guano fall on you, would it be a  

My immediate reaction was that we could, as a philosophical group,  
do better than that. Up front I will offer the following with the  
caveat that I think these two are not even close to the potential.

defacalanché (with accent on the e, just for effect)--def a ka launc 
h hey, the launching of some defacant (too generic for me).

A varient would be guanalanché to be more cave specific.

guarumbe (again pronouncing the final e)--gwa room bey, from guano  
and derumbe, the Spanish word for rock falls or landslides.

Those, of course, are all nouns. Shouldn't there be an active verb  
form for the movement of the stuff? Three of the 4 team members  
were badly guarumbéd when they passed beneath the Ceiling Chute.

I think the creative juices within the readers of CaveTex oughta be  
able to come up with several other possibilities. Then we should  
vote and put it into use in current publications and send it in to  
Mr Webster.

Riding high on that success, we would be well within our rights to  
come up with a word for the poor sap who gets buried by the  


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Re: [Texascavers] Philosophical question

2008-12-04 Thread Don Arburn


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On Dec 4, 2008, at 9:29 PM, Devra Heyer wrote:

Would it be a craptastrophe?

--- On Thu, 12/4/08, Geary Schindel  

From: Geary Schindel
Subject: [Texascavers] Philosophical question
To: Texas Cavers
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 3:33 PM

In Texas, it has been pretty rare to obtain any sizable snows on  
steep slopes with any sizeable population present to create a  
situation where there might be a mass movement of snow which would  
be defined as an avalanche.  Colorado and Wyoming are different  
stories as there are serious safety issues with avalanches each year.

There are a number of areas where there is sufficient cliffs for  
rock falls in Texas.  One of the better examples is at Big Bend  
National Park where you can see the fresh rock face from the rock  
fall that occurred on the cliff near Dog Canyon, north of the park  
headquarters.  However, Yosemite is probably better known for having  
large pieces of rock break off and fall and occasionally squash  

If you have sufficient amounts of soil, trees, rock, and water, you  
may have a land slide.  I would assume that there have been a number  
of landslides or slope failures on steep slopes in west Texas and  
this might be an issue.  I would assume that it is a fairly unusual  
geohazard.  However, California is famous for their landslides and  
mud slides.

However, there is one geological hazards which I believe is most  
probably in Texas (with the exception of the US Capitol steps).   
During the last mapping trip in Punkin Cave, we were in some vents  
that contained a fair amount of bat guano at an angle which could  
results in mass movement of the material.  Actually, the material  
probably reached the lower levels of the cave by slumping as there  
were no active or old bat roosts directly above the material.  Our  
group was having a philosophical discussion on this issue.  So, if  
you had a mountain of guano fall on you, would it be a crapalanche?


Re: [ot_caving] Personal Hygiene Tip - NO MORE DEODORANT

2008-12-04 Thread Don Cooper
Aw come on David!  Be a man!
I used to have some skin tags in that area - but I (somehow) managed to snag
one and tear it.  That did hurt for a while but only because it was a
protracted 'wound' until it finally crusted up and I yanked the rest of it
off with a pair of tweezers.
The other two or three, I cut off with small diagonal cutters ('dikes' or
wire cutters).
Actually, using wire tools to cut skin off your body without anesthetics is
You think it's really REALLY going to hurt, but almost as a bodily
over-compensation - you'll probably feel quite a rush of endorphins
They'll bleed for a little while but they won't grow back.  And it doesn't
really hurt that much.
(Get them now before they get much larger.)

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:08 PM, David wrote:

 Here are some pretty armpit photos:

 I have some very tiny skin protrusions growing under my arms that are
 I have always believed they were related to deodorant as I don't have them
 anywhere else.  I believe these are called skin tags.

 I hope to get them removed someday, however, I don't have a lot of faith
 in dermatologist. One used liquid nitrogen on a small wart on my finger
 years ago, and it has hurt every day since. I would have been better
 off to cut it myself with a knife.

 My other concern is that I scar easy and usually get kelloids when I cut

 I would think an underarm cut would not heal easily.

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Re: [Texascavers] guano question

2008-12-04 Thread Don Arburn
Surveying up through the center of Punkin. Every move threatened us  
with death by drowning in guano.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 4, 2008, at 9:40 PM, David wrote:

I am just curious which cave passages have you experienced your
worst encounter with bat guano.

For me, it was the last pit in Emerald Sink, but I heard someone tell
me that there is a pit off the main route of the cave which is the  

they have ever seen.

Another time near Ocampo in the Sierra Madres, we were in an open
air pit and on some ledges was what appeared to be vampire guano,
but we didn't have to get near it.

I guess being in Bracken or Frio at the peak of the guano freshness
would be another place.

I have also been in water that had a high concentration of bat poop.
The wet entrance of Carrizal can be like that.

I don't think I have ever been waste deep in a slurry of bat guano,
but nearly was on a trip to a pit ( Sotano Molino ? ) just outside of
Gomez Farias.   But I seem to recall reading about someone who has.

David Locklear

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Re: [ot_caving] computer news - Intel

2008-12-03 Thread Don Cooper
I'm more like the guy that brags on the fact that never mind the car takes
an hour to get to 100mph, I built it for only $1000 and it gets 50mpg.

I think it's IDIOTIC to drool over the biggest, fastest and most expensive
shiny phallic object. Which - if you are really ok with yourself - you
probably don't need or want it.
Attempting to discover the greatest values at the lowest cost is financial
efficiency (which seems to be completely ignored by the 'gotta haves')...

(I pity the fool!)
Mr WaV T

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Louise Power power_lou...@hotmail.comwrote:

  They build them for the same reason they build muscle cars that go from 0
 to 120 in 1.2 seconds (or whatever). Even though you can't drive them like
 that, there's always somebody out there that wants one so they can bore
 everybody at the next party by telling them that their car will do 0 to

  Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 20:56:10 -0600
  Subject: [ot_caving] computer news - Intel

  According to this story today, computer geeks have broken a record
  for desktop computer speed at 5 1/2 gigahertz:
  They used the new Intel motherboard ( X58 ) and the new Intel
  chip - the i7.
  The base model of the X58 with the i7 is currently available at Fry's
  for $ 600, so you too could start building a computer with
  the potential for having the fastest processing speed you have
  ever imagined.
  But why?
  What I need my computer to do is to make my life simpler. I need
  it to boot quicker, to never crash or lock up, to easily connect to
  any gadgets that I have, especially the printer and the scanner.
  I am not yet familiar with accessing the Internet before the computer
  boots. Anybody out there using this new feature?
  I want to be able to sit down at the computer and immediately start
  working on something without having to worry if I have the program
  for that task. Meaning it would be nice if things like AutoCAD and
  Photoshop, Games and Music were somehow already on my computer.
  I think that is where the Internet is going to fill a gap, but I haven't
  tried using on-line programs yet.
  I wish broadband access were not so expensive.
  It appears someone could inexpensively build a quad-core computer
  using AMD stuff, especially if you go with Linux. It may not have all
  the bells and whistles, but it would still be faster than what most
  people had 2 or 3 years ago.
  David Locklear
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[ot_caving] Personal Hygiene Tip - NO MORE DEODORANT

2008-12-03 Thread Don Cooper
(I know this is a topic which most people would typically keep to
themselves, but as far as airing personal issues in public - but I wouldn't
be the first to do so...And this has some positive information that others
might actually benefit from!)
You've probably seen a post or article somewhere on the net about a link
between breast cancer and underarm deodorant.
Well, I know I have.
As it would happen, the other day I'm chatting with my neighbor - who asked
me what I'd been doing today - I'd just got back from buying groceries and
it struck me - crap, I forgot about something.   I told him I just got back
from shopping - but darnit - I forgot to buy deodorant - I'm out.  He said
- I never use that stuff.  WHAT?  I'm like - how do you get away with
that?  I've never ever been able to smell you from a distance!   He said -
No, I use limes.  One lime can keep me from being stinky for two or three
So I looked it up on the net and didn't find anything except for lime
scented deodorants.
Undaunted, I bought 14 little key limes at HEB for $1 and decided to give it
a try.
After showering, I cut one tiny lime in half - squeezed the juice out of one
half in the palm of my hand - rubbed the juice between my hands and then
slathered my armpits in lime juice.
That's been a couple of weeks ago and I haven't put one microgram of
aluminum chlorhydrate under my arms.  I think this is great!
I'm not sure which is cheaper - but I'm pretty darn confident that raw,
unadulterated lime juice is way better to use on your body than a pasty
stick composed of a chemical cocktail. Plus - you can always find limes in

Re: [Texascavers] Tennessee cave fatality

2008-12-02 Thread Don Cooper
Eternally a caver now!
What a grim exit strategy!

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 1:22 PM, David wrote:

 Were these 2 guys cavers?

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Re: [ot_caving] computer news - Intel

2008-12-02 Thread Don Cooper
Try 'Naked DSL' from ATT.  I'm paying only $34 a month for access that
usually tests downloading at about 2.5Mb/sec and uploads at 410 Kb/sec (
I think Naked DSL is also available at about 800 Kb/sec for $18/ month (But
then you'd probably not *even* be able to watch full screen HD streaming

Oh yeah - using a quantum pre-fetch add-on appliance on the backplane of the
golden idol power matrix, your applications can load before you even start
the computer.  Access is instantaneous, but due to temporal distortions,
users of this device have complained of being revisited by puberty and dead
relatives.  It only costs 35 billion dollars, but since money doesnt
actually exist beyond the quantum continuum - you can easily afford it, (but
only if you don't wish for it or go on and on trying to gauge opinions of it
by bystanders who couldn't possibly care less).

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 8:56 PM, David wrote:

 According to this story today, computer geeks have broken a record
 for desktop computer speed at 5 1/2 gigahertz:

 They used the new Intel motherboard ( X58 ) and the new Intel
 chip - the i7.

 The base model of the X58 with the i7 is currently available at Fry's
 for $ 600, so you too could start building a computer with
 the potential for having the fastest processing speed you have
 ever imagined.

 But why?

 What I need my computer to do is to make my life simpler.I need
 it to boot quicker, to never crash or lock up, to easily connect to
 any gadgets that I have, especially the printer and the scanner.

 I am not yet familiar with accessing the Internet before the computer
 boots. Anybody out there using this new feature?

 I want to be able to sit down at the computer and immediately start
 working on something without having to worry if I have the program
 for that task.  Meaning it would be nice if things like AutoCAD and
 Photoshop, Games and Music were somehow already on my computer.
 I think that is where the Internet is going to fill a gap, but I haven't
 tried using on-line programs yet.

 I wish broadband access were not so expensive.

 It appears someone could inexpensively build a quad-core computer
 using AMD stuff, especially if you go with Linux. It may not have all
 the bells and whistles, but it would still be faster than what most
 people had 2 or 3 years ago.

 David Locklear


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Re: [Texascavers] news story about National Forest

2008-12-01 Thread Don Arburn

Speak for yourself.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 1, 2008, at 9:54 AM, Diana Tomchick 

And how were we any different? We watched episodes of Gilligan's  
Island over and over and over again...


And kids today seem to watch the same episode over and over and  
over again like

a bunch of zombies.

David Locklear

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Re: [Texascavers] kill you for the new Hummer Truck

2008-11-25 Thread Don Arburn

Amen brother!

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 25, 2008, at 7:28 PM, Gill Ediger wrote:

Running scarred of the unknown is an unwarranted and undignified  
activity; there is, however, no really workable substitute for using  
good judgement and being careful. Bad luck, on the other hand, can  
only be viewed as providential. Say your prayers.


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Re: [Texascavers] OT - the new Hummer Truck

2008-11-25 Thread Don Arburn

On Nov 25, 2008, at 12:30 PM, David wrote:

Would you go to a remote area of Mexico in a $ 50,000 vehicle?

Yes, and I have, and with as many as 10 cavers and all our crap.  
However mine is a ranch truck, not a Lincoln, Lexus or Hummer. 

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Re: [Texascavers] OT - the new Hummer Truck

2008-11-25 Thread Don Arburn

They would kill you for your wallet.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 25, 2008, at 1:54 PM, Fritz Holt  

Some Banditos would still kill you for it.

-Original Message-
From: Don Arburn []
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:36 PM
Cc: Texascavers Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - the new Hummer Truck

On Nov 25, 2008, at 12:30 PM, David wrote:

Would you go to a remote area of Mexico in a $ 50,000 vehicle?

Yes, and I have, and with as many as 10 cavers and all our crap.
However mine is a ranch truck, not a Lincoln, Lexus or Hummer.

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Re: [Texascavers] Blind Mexican cave fish research applications :

2008-11-20 Thread Don Cooper
Evolutionary progress might need to be rethought from the top down when
considering epigenetics.
Imagine things that you've done to yourself, directly effecting your
offspring (even that of your own 'clone)!
Epigenetics (possibly) introduces a mechanism into evolution that has
nothing to do with selection!!!

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:26 AM, CaverArch wrote:

  Mary's comments were quite interesting and. indeed, clarifying.  I have
 one slight quibble, however:  improvements to the sensitivity of these
 organs or structures in blind cave fish will be the result of evolutionary
 selection processes.  The analogy to a blind person's 'learned' hearing
 improvement skills is therefore not quite appropriate.

 Yes, the point is minor, but a blind person hones his or her hearing
 intentionally, and any analogy that implies intention or design in
 biological evolution is a scientific pitfall that should be avoided.

 Roger Moore

 In a message dated 11/18/08 09:53:36 Central Standard Time, writes:

  This article suggests that the cupulae are unique to blind cave fish. I
 think there needs to be some clarification made here. All fish have what is
 termed a *lateral line* running along the trunk and tail and I think also
 project up along the side of the head. This is basically a sensory system
 that is sensitive to hydrostatic pressure and other receptors for
 temperature and electrical charges. The sense organs of the lateral line
 system are the *neuromasts* which are bundles of cells (not unlike taste
 bud clusters).The neuromast cells secrete a substance which is referred to
 as *cupula.* Each sensory cell has a hairlike projection which is
 surrounded by the gelatinous cupula which plays it's part in the sensory
 input to the brain. There are also isolated neuromasts on the head which are
 referred to as *pit organs* which are also sensory organs. Remember that
 these things are common to all fish. It seems to me that in blind cave fish
 these sensory organs are more highly developed as say in a blind person who
 develops a heightened sense of hearing or other senses. It seems like a
 reasonable correlation to me.
 Mary TZ

 *Sent:* Tuesday, November 18, 2008 2:58:05 AM
 *Subject:* [Texascavers] Blind Mexican cave fish research applications :

  Blind Cave Fish Research Blind cave fish research may lead to new
 applications. By David Alderton

 **[image: blind cave
 fish - SPAN id=]Astyanax mexicanus src=; width=200
 Blind cave fish.
 *Photo courtesy JohnstonDJ.*Blind cave characins (*Astyanax mexicanus*)
 have long fascinated fishkeepers, thanks to their apparent ability to see,
 even though they are totally blind. These blind cave fish occur only in the
 San Luis Potosi cave system in Mexico, where their ancestors became cut off
 by changes in the water level thousands of years ago.

 The appearance of the blind cave fish has been modified, as a result of
 their isolation in this subterranean world. They rely on a remarkable
 sensory system to guide them when swimming, which scientists at the Georgia
 Institute of Technology in Atlanta have recently been studying.

 Blind cave fish have tall, plate-like structures called cupulae along their
 bodies, which sense changes in water movement in their vicinity. These
 connect to bundles of specialized cells which in turn convey the information
 to the brain. This means that as a fish swims past an object, it can
 instantly detect its position by the water flow around its body helping it
 to gauge its distance and avoid a collision, or escape from a predator.

 Professor Vladimir Tsukruk, who leads the research team, built
 corresponding cupulae by using droplets of a polymer applied to flow
 sensors. He discovered that these modified sensors were far more sensitive
 than the basic sensors currently in use. This means they could have
 applications in many different areas, ranging from tsunami detection to port
 security. It's a simple but robust demonstration of the potential of
 bio-inspired design in solving difficult engineering problems, he said.

 These modified sensors may also be valuable as a replacement for sonar in
 some situations, helping to protect marine life. More widespread underwater
 use of sonar by the world's navies is believed to be the major reason as to
 why whales are now beaching themselves in increasing numbers.

 The next step is to develop sufficient computing power to interpret the
 data coming from groups of these sensors. This, of course, is something that
 the blind cave fish already does as it swims through its dark environment.


Re: [ot_caving] natural gas driven hybrid Camry

2008-11-19 Thread Don Cooper
So you still have your Honda Hybrid?  Is it ill?  Still driving it?
I always meant to ask if it made any sign that it was using the electric
motor as a brake as opposed to the energy wasting/dissipating type of

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:06 PM, David wrote:

 Even if Toyota only builds a handfull of these, it should help the
 environment in the towns were they are driven.

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Re: [ot_caving] politics and more personal opinions

2008-11-19 Thread Don Cooper
Responsible fiscal spending seems to be the most important matter.
I believe the entire problem currently being experienced is based on the
simple fact that so many are living beyond their means.
Way too much money is being wasted, but you can't say it's wasted on
entertainment values (sports) -  I agree that it is an area that's gotten
way out of hand.  Too much money is going into the hands of too few
participants.  But many people are employed by the expenses of the
entertainment arena - but I would wager that the guy behind the $5 hot dog
is NOT making $1 for every dog he sells! (and I think that's very wrong).
When I hear people yammering about money spent on far-flung research I
cringe.  If we're not advancing science through finding better ways to blow
up people, places and things - we're not moving forward unless we're
spending billions on space travel, telescopes mega-colliders and medical
research!  That is as important as infrastructure maintenance.  And all
these items have trickle-down benefits to the everyday man and or woman. The
unconscionable  skimming  of megadollars by CEOs and their golden shower
parachutes - That Has To STOP.  That is a tax paid by the most productive
persons in organizations which brings the house down (as we've been seeing).
But above all, I feel like increasing our population is something more wrong
than anything else that we're doing.  To maintain our planet, our children's
children's children's  quality of life we - need to scale back the
population by 10% every decade.  (And NOT just the conscientious among us!
Call it immoral if you will, but what could be moral about writing debts
upon our planet that it can not pay!?)

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Fritz Holt fh...@townandcountryins.comwrote:

 I agree with you that the money spent on professional sports for the
 pleasure of man is crazy and wasteful. But hey, it's everyone's choice as to
 how they spend their money. But, only those who partake should bear the cost
 of stadiums and all of the related costs, not taxpayers. If this could
 happen, sports would play a much less important role in all of our lives.
 Just the opinion of a geezer. Bah! Humbug!
 -Original Message-
 From: David []
 Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 9:22 PM
 Subject: [ot_caving] politics and more personal opinions

 The present economic situation is partly due to the high cost of
 living versus the
 income most people are making.  Look at how many Americans are
 making $ 9 per hour and raising a family. They can't spend money to
 help the wheels of our economy turn.

 It seems like one solution to some of our problems may be to put a
 on certain things that are having a negative impact on the economy.

 For example, we could put a moratorium on aggressive revenue collecting
 by municipalities that are raising money to build new sports stadiums.

 We could put a 1 year moratorium on the arrest of individuals caught with
 a small amount of marijuana, or the arrest of a prostitute, or other

 We might need to temporarily eliminate the sales tax on certain things
 in certain
 states.  Maybe on sub-compact cars.

 We might need to encourage people to eat out, maybe by putting a moratorium
 on dinner taxes, or free downtown parking.

 We need to find a way to encourage tourism, yet the high cost of travel is
 interrupting that, and then you have the tourist who say, hey I like it
 in the U.S. - I think I will stay. So tourism is kind of a double
 edge sword.

 We need to outsource our CEO's.  Let's use cheapy CEO's from Darfur to
 run GM, Ford, and Chevrolet. I bet they would gladly do the job
 for $ 20 bucks
 per day.

 Instead of having the Superbowl every year, we should have it every four
 like the Olympics.The money that people throw away on the Superbowl
 be used to manufacture some product that we need like hybrid car batteries.
 Wouldn't it be really stupid if we held the Olympics every year?
 What a waste
 of resources that would be?

 NASA and other space agencies are simply going to have to start
 turning a profit,
 or the plug is going to have to be pulled on them.  I would love
 to see us send
 a man or woman or chimp to Jupiter, but why not make a profit while doing

 It seems we need to address the tollway system and make it more
 efficient.   Under
 its current operation, it is wasteful and the money does not get
 properly used.   Sure
 it makes sense for the user to pay the primary cost of the road, but
 at the same time,
 isn't it wasteful to have so many dead end jobs were people stand
 around all day
 providing little productivity to our economy.

 The scarey thing is there really are no solutions that are going to
 make everybody
 happy.Our population has grown to much in certain areas that the
 area can no longer
 support that population.  In 

[ot_caving] Re: [Texascavers] Mexican cave swallows Massachusetts coast :

2008-11-19 Thread Don Cooper
Man - that guy REALLY has a thing about watching birds, don't he?!

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:05 AM, wrote:

  *Cave swallows invade Massachusetts coast *

 Published: November 15, 2008 03:48 am
 Words on Birds
 Steve Grinley

 With the colder weather arriving, it may be hard to remember back to August
 when thousands of swallows were gathering on the Parker River Wildlife
 Refuge (Massachusetts) to head south. After a few weeks of congregating
 there in great numbers, fattening up on berries and insects for their
 journey, they headed south. A few lingering swallows may have followed in
 September, but by October most all the swallows have migrated through.

 About six years ago, a new phenomenon began whereby cave swallows, which
 are not from our area at all, have been migrating through Massachusetts in
 November. These are birds of Texas and Mexico that have ended up in the
 Northeast, following southwest and westerly winds in early November. They
 then migrate south along the coast to get back to their winter residence in
 the Caribbean and Central America. Cave swallows invaded coastal
 Massachusetts this week, and were reported from Salisbury to Cape Cod.

 (remaining article not reproduced here)

 Get the Moviefone 
 Showtimes, theaters, movie news  more!

Re: [Texascavers] OT - recent computer news - supercomputers

2008-11-19 Thread Don Cooper
I would agree with all that you say on that, Charles.
I'm using something right now that just might have knocked the socks off of
the Cray Multimillion Whateveritwas of 25 years ago.
I think it cost me less than $200 to build (with recycled hard drives, CD
and DVD devices).
I don't imagine there's much push to go beyond the 4Ghz level, (if that's
where the bar is now - I haven't checked lately)
but puttering along at 2.5Ghz seems to do just about everything I need.  I'm
not sure if there's another technical barrier in going faster, but it would
seem that the bottleneck now is situated on the I/O buss, memory access and
stuff such as that...
It will be interesting to see how large scale multicore networking will
evolve - Modeling the human brain might give way to a sentient and
self-aware system within the lifetimes of many who are around now.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Charles Goldsmith wo...@justfamily.orgwrote:

 10 to 15 years ago, a supercomputer was much slower than our current
 computers, so saying that we will have supercomputers in dorm rooms in
 10 years is kind of misleading.  We have them in our houses today,
 even our cell phones are more powerful than some of the earlier

 My quad core mac has more power than supercomputers built 7 years ago,
 so its all a relative point.

 It will be amazing how well computers scale in the next 10 years.  The
 megahertz/gigahertz race is basically over, they aren't making them
 faster in that aspect, they are adding more core's, parallel
 processing and upping the bus speeds that the cpu's communicate with
 the rest of the computer (memory, video, hard drive, peripherals).

 Unless you are doing very processor intensive things, more than a
 dual-core is a waste.  Most modern applications don't even use more
 than 1 core, video/audio encoding or computational research is about
 the only thing that you can do to tax your home computers processor.
 I say a dual-core, because of the modern Windows O/S, it's handy to
 have one core for it, and the 2nd core for your application.  More
 than 2 are really wasted unless you are utilizing it for a specific
 reason.  Of course, this is all my opinion and observations :)


 On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:42 AM, David wrote:
  I am posting this off-topic here because nearly everybody on Cavetex
  uses computers,
  and a few Cavetex posters are computer enthusiast.
  ( please reply by subscribing to: )
  Supercomputers are back in the news again.
  IBM's new RoadRunner claims to be the fastest, by breaking
  the petaflop barrier, but Cray is already claiming they beat that.
  Meanwhile, wealthy computer users can purchase their very
  own supercomputer.,2845,2334950,00.asp
  While the starting price is $ 10,000, there are computers out there
  now in the $ 5,000 range that claim to be able to challenge
  on certain task.
  It would seem probable that college students will have supercomputers
  in the dorm rooms in 10 years, well at least grad students and computer
  science majors.
  I bet there is a caver out there with the Apple 8 core computer.
  And if that isn't fast enough for you, Apple plans to make it faster next
  David Locklear
  Fort Bend County Armchair Cavers Association ( FBCACA )
  Visit our website:
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: [Texascavers] OT - recent computer news - supercomputers

2008-11-19 Thread Don Cooper
Isn't much of what goes on in the 'basement' of the Mac OSX, actually a form
of unix/linux?

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Diana Tomchick wrote:


 In the scientific computing world, quad core Macs rule! I have just been
 reading a lengthy and lively discussion/debate on my protein crystallography
 listserve about the relative merits of Linux vs. Mac OSX vs. Windows. The
 Mac OSX quad core is favored due to it's ease of setup and the ability to
 run multiple computing jobs in the hopes of hitting on the best combination
 of refinement variables in the least amount of time. The fact that one could
 actually be doing state-of-the-art scientific computing while simultaneously
 preparing PowerPoint slides for tomorrow's lecture, read CaveTex and write
 the next paper using Word all on the same machine is truly amazing. What
 hasn't caught up is the human now it's back to work for me, I'm
 wasting too much time reading my e-mail...


Re: [Texascavers] RE: Filling in a spring w/rocks and gravel

2008-11-13 Thread Don Cooper
And the goal of this is to *WHAAAT*

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Jim Kennedy wrote:

 In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, Whatta maroon!

 From: Jules Jenkins []
 Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:46 PM
 Subject: [Texascavers] Filling in a spring w/rocks and gravel to prevent
 flow? HUH?

 The City of Salado used a tractor to dump rocks and gravel back into
 the spring.
 Mayor Merle Stalcup said he acted in the community's best interest.

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[ot_caving] If you go to church - you would probably not like this post.

2008-11-13 Thread Don Cooper
(Unless you're a Unitarian,  Buddhist or something very secular.)
I found a video on YouTube with audio and video which pretty much sums up
what I feel about religion:
It's a catchy little tune.

Re: [ot_caving] ultracapacitor flashlight

2008-11-12 Thread Don Cooper
Ultracapacitors are what's used in the shake and shine flashlights.
Remember those?  Maybe not so ultra - but a capacitor, neverthesless

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 7:35 PM, David wrote:


 That post was the most interesting to ever appear on OT ( IMHO ).

 However, I always thought the problem with the ultra-capacitors was
 size, and that the unit would never fit
 into the housing of a flashlight.

 Let's hope it works and lets hope somebody builds a headlamp.

 On a related note,

 Sports Authority is now selling a fully waterproof LED flashlight
 suitable for mounting on the side of the helmet,
 and suitable for all the extremes of wet caving - waterfalls,
 whirlpools, duck-unders, rapids, etc.It was $ 58
 I think and not only is it a bright yellow neon color, but the
 headpiece glows in the dark.  Again, I ask, why
 not in a headlamp?  This is a new Pelican product.

 Academy is selling a frickin bright new T4 by Streamlight. It was
 $ 80. It is probably too big to mount on
 the side of a helmet, unless you are going to Golondrinas or Guaguas.

 David Locklear
 Fort Bend County Armchair Cavers Association ( FBACA )

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Re: [Texascavers] NSS Fellow in Texas

2008-11-11 Thread Don Cooper
David, are you an NSS member?

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 9:02 PM, David wrote:

 I would like to informally nominate several Houston cavers:

Re: [ot_caving] FW: Internet Virus Alert - from Texas Sen. Dan Patrick

2008-11-11 Thread Don Cooper
CRIPES Fritz!  Do you also believe Barack Obama is a communist socialist
terrorist muslim because some hack emailed you with something that *said he
was*?  If you'd CHECKED 'snopes' you would have found there ain't nothing
new about this 'virus'.

Although it is a real virus - somewhere out there - keep your pants on.
It's nothing new, and is nothing quite like it is described as.

Simply don't open any emails with attachments from people you don't know.
Better yet, don't open attachments from people YOU know either.  And
WHATEVER you do - don't download any 'free software' promising to eliminate
spyware from your computer or 'clean your registry'.  If you try and view a
video file and get an offer for a upgraded video codec - run away - close
your browser and stay away from that nasty site.  Above all - NEVER, EVER
ingest any excecutable that you didn't ask for!

Once again - an internet hoax worse than ANY possible virus!!!

Well...  except for the Good Times Virus!
Do NOT open any email with the title Good Times

Goodtimes will re-write your hard drive. Not only that, but it will
scramble any disks that are even close to your computer. It will
recalibrate your refrigerator's coolness setting so all your ice cream
goes melty. It will demagnetize the strips on all your credit cards,
screw up the tracking on your television and use subspace field
harmonics to scratch any CD's you try to play.

It will give your ex-girlfriend your new phone number. It will mix
Kool-aid into your fishtank. It will drink all your beer and leave
its socks out on the coffee table when there's company coming over. It
will put a dead kitten in the back pocket of your good suit pants and
hide your car keys when you are late for work.

Goodtimes will make you fall in love with a penguin. It will give you
nightmares about circus midgets. It will pour sugar in your gas tank and
shave off both your eyebrows while dating your current boyfriend behind
your back and billing the dinner and hotel room to your Visa card.

It will seduce your grandmother. It does not matter if she is dead, such
is the power of Goodtimes, it reaches out beyond the grave to sully those
things we hold most dear.

It moves your car randomly around parking lots so you can't find it. It
will kick your dog. It will leave libidinous messages on your boss's
voice mail in your voice! It is insidious and subtle. It is dangerous and
terrifying to behold. It is also a rather interesting shade of mauve.

Goodtimes will give you Dutch Elm disease. It will leave the toilet seat
up. It will make a batch of Methamphetamine in your bathtub and then
leave bacon cooking on the stove while it goes out to chase
gradeschooles with your new snowblower.



Fritz Holt

*From:* Jane Parker
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:06 PM
*To:* Katy Office; Galveston Dept
*Subject:* FW: Internet Virus Alert - from Texas Sen. Dan Patrick

*From:* Bill Brooks []
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:27 AM

*Subject:* Internet Virus Alert - from Texas Sen. Dan Patrick

Guess we had better heed this one and be careful.

*From:* Dan Patrick []
*Sent:* Monday, November 10, 2008 7:23 PM
*Subject:* Internet Virus Alert

To my friends.  I jsut got this e-mail from our internet tech person.  If
you have a PC you need to be on extra alert for this.

 *Subject: Please read and advise as many as possible

Re: [ot_caving] Gay historical note

2008-11-10 Thread Don Cooper
I gotta wonder what the stats are for same sex...
Seems like these folks have a whole lot more in common right from the start.
I wish I could imitate through email, that mildly irritating smarmy voice of
Pat Robinson who I saw on Teevee this morning:  the problem with these
gay marriages - these unions cannot result in procreation...   *WELL DUH!*
[Man, them christian televangelists have it all figured out!]

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Gill Ediger gi...@worldnet.att.netwrote:

 At 11:04 AM 11/10/2008, David wrote:

 Did you guys know that shortly after the telephone was invented, that
 the divorce
 rate worldwide, almost quadrupled within a few months of getting phone

 I don't think that I was around then.

 I did notice some years ago that something like 2 outa 3 marriages end in
 divorce. Certain church leaders have called it a divorce crisis. I also
 noticed that those people who never get married also never get divorced.
 Seems like the logical and simple solution to the divorce crisis is to never
 get married. Telephones or not. But then I guess if 'Correlation does not
 imply causation', the whole idea can be thrown out the window, huh

 Back in Baltimore the town was plastered with huge billboards with photos
 of a loving couple and the admonition that, MARRIAGE WORKS. I was tempted
 at every one of them to climb up there with a can of paint and add the
 caveat, 1/3 OF THE TIME. I regret that I never got over my fear of


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Re: [ot_caving] Gay historical note

2008-11-10 Thread Don Cooper
Oh yeah -
I regularly watch Pat R.  For a few minutes at a time, I love it.  Sometimes
I can't get enough of his totally skewed point of view.  It so defies logic
and sensibility that I find it more entertaining than just about any
blasphemous comedian.   I love to hear him talk about ...the liberals...
as though people who think differently than himself walk around with their
pants on their heads.

I can tell you one thing:  based on everything I ever read about 'Jesus' -
God Jr. would be one left/leaning gay tolerant humanistic secularist!   IE.
Jesus would be one of those 'liberals' that people like Pat R. endlessly
berate.  Based on the episode with the money changers in the temple - Jesus
would probably go haywire kicking the asses of Pat Robinson, Kenneth
Copeland, Benny Hinn and the like...

-WaVy, Amen!

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Scott Nicholson

 Pat R. is, in my humble opinion, a bigoted-ignorant fool.  He  Jerry
 Falwell are cut from the same cloth...and should be, for the betterment of
 all humankind, rendered incapable of procreation.  Would that, by Pat's
 definition, make his marriage a problem...??

 Fallwell, you may remember, claimed 9/11 and AIDS were God's punishment for

 I'll digress brieflythe alignment of the republican party, over the
 last decade or so, with the radical evangelical right-wing wackos (see Pat 
 Jerry above) turned me into a flag-waving Libertarian.

 sorryback to work.

 Scott Nicholson

 - Original Message 
 From: Don Cooper
 To: Gill Ediger
 Cc: OT Texas Cavers
 Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 12:58:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [ot_caving] Gay historical note

 I gotta wonder what the stats are for same sex...
 Seems like these folks have a whole lot more in common right from the
 I wish I could imitate through email, that mildly irritating smarmy voice
 of Pat Robinson who I saw on Teevee this morning:  the problem with
 these gay marriages - these unions cannot result in procreation...   *WELL
 [Man, them christian televangelists have it all figured out!]

 On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Gill Ediger gi...@worldnet.att.netwrote:

 At 11:04 AM 11/10/2008, David wrote:

 Did you guys know that shortly after the telephone was invented, that
 the divorce
 rate worldwide, almost quadrupled within a few months of getting phone

 I don't think that I was around then.

 I did notice some years ago that something like 2 outa 3 marriages end in
 divorce. Certain church leaders have called it a divorce crisis. I also
 noticed that those people who never get married also never get divorced.
 Seems like the logical and simple solution to the divorce crisis is to never
 get married. Telephones or not. But then I guess if 'Correlation does not
 imply causation', the whole idea can be thrown out the window, huh

 Back in Baltimore the town was plastered with huge billboards with photos
 of a loving couple and the admonition that, MARRIAGE WORKS. I was tempted
 at every one of them to climb up there with a can of paint and add the
 caveat, 1/3 OF THE TIME. I regret that I never got over my fear of


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Re: [ot_caving] Gay histo 2

2008-11-10 Thread Don Cooper
Or society, in general?

Yeah - we'll show you how pro life we are when we eventually gleefully
execute those 'saved babies' that end up on death row!

(Demographics indicate a decrease in violent crime 20 years post Rowe vs
Wade was indeed due to a decrease in unwanted and hence badly treated


(If you want the data cited - go to WikiPedia and look it up.  I've got to
go pay my phone bill.)

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Gill Ediger wrote:

 What about the adoption option hyped up by Robinson and his
 co-conspirators? Don't forget about of all the drug addicted babies of
 meth-mothers that didn't get aborted and now will become ADD misfits and
 burdens on society. The question is  who's gonna suffer the most--the
 adopters or the adoptees?


[ot_caving] I need four 1/4 steel balls

2008-11-10 Thread Don Cooper
I measured a difference of 6mm between AA and AAA batteries.
In order to charge L-ion AAA batteries in my AA charger, I need four
conductors to take up the slack.
I figured 6mm is about .2456.  Brass, Bronze or Copper would also work.

[ot_caving] Re: I need four 1/4 steel balls

2008-11-10 Thread Don Cooper
I meant .235.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:53 AM, Don Cooper wrote:

 I measured a difference of 6mm between AA and AAA batteries.
 In order to charge L-ion AAA batteries in my AA charger, I need four
 conductors to take up the slack.
 I figured 6mm is about .2456.  Brass, Bronze or Copper would also work.

[ot_caving] Poem for Palin

2008-10-31 Thread Don Cooper
Sarah Palin, a lipstick pig
Obama didnt, but I just did
Crystal Meth state, Mayor of six
This is who the Elephant picks
Bridge to Nowhere, that's her career
Thanks, But No Thanks, it just ain't your year
This job's too big for this mom to handle
Life too full of its own SCANDALS...

(Wish I could claim it)

[ot_caving] Halloween Earthquake this AM near Dallas

2008-10-31 Thread Don Cooper
USGS reported that just after midnight, a 2.6 magnitude earthquake was
Epicenter - almost dead center between Dallas and Fort Worth.

Re: [ot_caving] Halloween Earthquake this AM near Dallas

2008-10-31 Thread Don Cooper
Thanks for the info!
There were at least two within 30 miles of Palmer/Wasilla when I was up in
Alaska summer before last that were close to that magnitude - I didnt feel
them at all.
-Don C

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Charles Goldsmith wo...@justfamily.orgwrote:


 On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 7:01 AM, Don Cooper wrote:
  USGS reported that just after midnight, a 2.6 magnitude earthquake was
  Epicenter - almost dead center between Dallas and Fort Worth.

[ot_caving] Re: Halloween Earthquake this AM near Dallas

2008-10-31 Thread Don Cooper
More info:

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 7:01 AM, Don Cooper wrote:

 USGS reported that just after midnight, a 2.6 magnitude earthquake was
 Epicenter - almost dead center between Dallas and Fort Worth.

Re: [ot_caving] Gills reply THE COLONEL AND LINCOLN

2008-10-31 Thread Don Cooper
Who was that Colonel?  Colonel Linguist?
A fine southern gentlemen - appreciated by almost all the southern belles in
small doses.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Quinta Wilkinson qui...@clearwire.netwrote:

  Thanks for the reply to the hate mail. And if the same stuff had been
 sent for McCain I would still call it hate mail! I think it is actionable.


2008-10-30 Thread Don Cooper
This post brings to mind a particular quote from Albert Einstein:

Great spirits have always encountered violent *opposition* from *mediocre


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Fritz Holt fh...@townandcountryins.comwrote:


 *From:* Dianne West
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:31 AM
 *To:* Kevin  Michele West (; West, Jason T; Rita
 tax Service; Fritz Holt; Sharp, Mary A.;; Judith
 Wichman; Linda Higdon

 Dianne K. West

 Administrative Assistant

 Town  Country Insurance Agency

 10575 Katy Freeway, Ste #150

 Houston, TX 77024

 713-461-8979 phone

 713-464-2674 fax


 SAY AT THE END. WOW! 33 Senators Voted Against English as America's Official
 Language on June 6, 2007.

 On Wed. 6 June 2007, Colonel Harry Riley, USA, Ret. wrote:


 Your vote against an amendment to the immigration Bill 1348to make
 English America's official language is astounding.

 On D-Day, no less, when we honor those that sacrificed in order to secure
 the bedrock, character and principles of America, I can only surmise your
 vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens. I don't much care where you come
 from. What your religion is. Whether you're black, white, or some other
 color...male or female..Democrat, Republican or Independent... But I
 do care when you are a United States Senator representing Citizens of
 America ...and Vote against English as the official language of the United

 Your vote reflects Betrayal. Political Surrender. Violates Your Pledge of
 Allegiance. Dishonors historical principle. Rejects Patriotism. Borders on
 traitorous action and, in my opinion, makes you unfit to serve as a United
 States Senator...impeachment... RecallOr other appropriate action is
 warranted, or worse.

 Four of you voting against English as America's Official Language are
 Presidential Candidates: *Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd and
 Senator Obama. (HOW SURPRISING)*

 Four Senators vying to lead America, but won't, or don't, have the courage
 to cast a vote in favor of English as America's Official Language when 91%
 of American Citizens want English officially designated as our language.

 This is the second time in the last several months this list of Senators
 have disgraced themselves as 'political Hacks'. Unworthy as Senators and
 certainly unqualified to serve as President of the United States.

 If America is as angry as I am, you will realize a backlash so stunning it
 will literally 'rock you out of your socks'. And preferably totally
 out of the United States Senate. The entire immigration bill is a farce...
 Your action only confirms this really isn't about America ... it is about
 self-serving politics..despicable at best. It has been said: 'Never
 argue with an idiotThey'll drag you down to their level!'

 PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN SAID: 'Congressmen who willfully take actions
 during wartime that damages morale and undermine the military are saboteurs
 and should be arrested, quickly tried and hanged!!!'









 * *



 This e-mail message has been scanned for Viruses and Content and cleared by
 *MailMarshal *

Re: [Texascavers] Video of TCR dogs

2008-10-22 Thread Don Cooper
Yes, and any video or photos of people would also be appreciated!
I brought my camera but never even took it out of its case.  I asked several
people who had 'em out if they'd be kind enough to upload them somewhere
public, but so far have not seen or heard a word of it.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Sheryl Rieck wrote:

  There were some really nice guys videoing TCR and the dogs.  I was
 supposed to give them an address to mail me a copy of the production, but I
 never made it over there.  Does anyone know who these guys were and how I
 could get hold of them?



 There is no reason that the universe should be designed for our
 John D. 

[Texascavers] Re: TCR cooks - thanks!!!

2008-10-18 Thread Don Cooper
Oh great is the gratitude for everyone that stopped by to chat peel, chop
and knash!

Lacking specialized commercial food processing equipment, human food
processors were integral.

people who were not only there to serve but also stopped by
 during the day to randomly chop and stir things. Thankyou! If I miss you
 off the following list I'm sorry (and please email me), but my brain was
 almost in meltdown at that point :-D


[Texascavers] Auction Item for TCR

2008-10-12 Thread Don Cooper
Unpacking my car - I found a charger that goes with an item I donated to the
Afterward, I forgot all about the auction.  I don't know if the item sold or
I would appreciate a response from whomever ended up unsold items, or from
the person that bought it - so that I can get the item back together with
its charger.

Re: [ot_caving] the current financial slump - part of my opinion

2008-10-12 Thread Don Cooper
The only LOSERS in the blame game, are the ones that don't do anything to
effect change.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:53 PM, David wrote:

 I see people and cavers are finally talking about the economy.

 I don't see any political candidate talking about anything specific
 or detailed issue.

 I don't see either candidate, especially their vice presidents as
 being good president's, nor being able to turn the financial situation
 around in 4 or 8 years.

 I think people are not looking at the big picture and trying to only blame
 the bad loans for the crisis.   The loans went bad because the
 borrowers failed to plan for the potential of inflation, the rising
 cost of living etc.

 But the rising cost of living is due to dozens of factors.

 I believe Alan Greenspan purposely lied to everybody the entire
 time he was in office.  He knew what was really going on in
 the world, but it would have wrecked havoc had he told everybody
 about it.

 I believe the Baby Boomer Generation is partly to blame.As far back
 as the early 60's they were already setting the forces into motion.

 Too many people in our economy are generating money without
 actually creating anything.  Baseball players, sports announcers,
 racecar drivers, tele-evangelist, crack dealers, prostitutes, bank
 robbers, tow-truck drivers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, judges,
 and even good minded non-profit workers, and the list goes on.
 Our economy is interwoven with all of these careers.

 Many americans like myself, have never purchased anything in
 their life that was ever made in the U.S.A.  All of my disposable
 income, goes to Chinese made LED lights and foreign made
 gas-sipping cars.  I am to blame.

 Bill Gates is to blame. He has put a stranglehold on the
 computer industry with his methodology.   How can an old
 version of Windows in a box sell for $ 299.  When a new
 version of Linux is practically free?

 Globalization and the war on Globalization has been a negative
 effect on the U.S. Economy.  How can a factory worker
 in the U.S. working under OSHA and EPA, and paying for
 health care, compete with a sandal wearing rice-farmer working
 in a factory in Yong-Bong-Doh?

 The relentless controversery over abortion is holding America
 back like a ball and chain.  This is a very inefficient use
 of our money.

 The Big 3 are to blame. 30 years of producing crappy
 cars and finally the big gas guzzling SUV's.  That drove
 at least one nail into our coffins if not 2 or 3.

 The media portrayal of George Bush.   I heard a person who is unknown (
 at least to
 me ) pretending to be a celebrity on the Dave Letterman show,
 this week call Bush a Jackass, or something to that effect.The
 has never assaulted a president's moral like they have with Bush.  This
 doesn't help our situation.

 George Bush.  He has had a rough presidency.  You can't blame
 him for 911, or Katrina, or Hurricane Ike. However, he doesn't seem
 very presidential now, does he?   But I think we can blame him for
 not coming out on day one of the war in Iraq, and telling us that this
 would cost us billions of dollars, and the loss of 5,000 young americans.
 I think if he did, we would have impeached him then just for suggesting
 the crazy idea.

 Harley-Davidson is to blame.  They have been building expensive,
 crappy, noisy, gas guzzling death machines for years, so serious
 bikers have
 had to turn to Suzuki to get a real road machine - The Suzuki Bergman 650,
 or to even BMW.

 Bill Clinton is too blame.   Instead of focusing his attention on
 americans, he was sliding his penis in and out of the mouth a young intern.

 The terrorist are to blame.  They are clearly costing lots of money to
 spy on them, and kill them.

 Ronald Reagan is to blame.  He told Gorbachev to tear down the wall.
 Now all of America wants to spend billions of dollars building our own
 Can't our leaders see that these kind of events are like dominoes in a
 domino chain?

 The relationship with industry and unions is to blame.  This constant
 battle just wrecks havoc on our economy.  A person with no skills
 on an assembly line does not need to be making $ 30 an hour, nor do
 the bosses need to be treating them like slaves.

 The high CEO' packages.   This has clearly been a major factor
 in he destruction of the free-market economy, which will soon be considered
 a theory that didn't work very well. At least one nail in our coffin.

 There are dozens if not hundreds of other factors.

 I would like to add that my grandparents when they were living in their
 in the 70's, had no air-conditioning in the heat of Dallas.  They never
 a cell phone, or a fax machine or the internet.  How much does the
 american spend per month on cell phone expenses ( not just the bill ), the

Re: [ot_caving] andrew basevich

2008-10-09 Thread Don Cooper
AMEN, brother!
You are 100% correct!
WHY use more than you need?  It's our birthright.  Bullshit.
It's like diminishing the future of your children to impress the neighbors.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Scott Nicholson

 A guy I wouldn't normally read (he's too conservative for my general
 tastes), Andrew Basevich, said something smart lately.  Basevich is a
 Vietnam/Gulf War vet, retired colonel, West Point grad, Johns' Hopkins
 professor, etc

 He said he couuld trace our current financial crisis on our mistaking
 freedom for consumerism.

 I agree with him...  We've shifted to a mindset wherein it is our
 birthright as Americans to rabidly consume...often beyond our means.  We
 live our lifestyle on the soulders of the rest of the world  Our #1
 industry is now credit servicing;  in the early 70's it was manufacturing.
 Our entire cultural midset has devolved into rampant comsumerism..

 The housing fiasco, greed on Wall St., everyone credit-carded to the's downright scary!  And sorta sad to see our great country
 wallowing in a Huge Mess that was forseeable/preventable (at best)
 and probably repeatable (at worst).
  Scott Nicholson, Broker
 KW Commercial
 Discovery Realty Group

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Re: [ot_caving] FW: Homeowners in crisis need relief now

2008-10-08 Thread Don Cooper
Same goes to putting yourself all in hock over the biggest, shiny most gas
guzzling thing on four wheels.  For what, vanity?
Do *I* feel sorry for people who spend as much for their monthly energy
bill, with their 5,000 square foot houses - as *I* do for my monthly rent?
And what ABOUT people who bought huge houses with tiny yards way out in the
'burbs just because they felt they were entitled to'?   NO SYMPATHY for
living beyond their means - not from me.  Not at all.  And banks apparently
encouraged this waste and
I don't know if that lady I saw on PBS is still living in that tiny little
300 square foot house built on a car trailer - but I think THAT is
honorable.  Probably more affordable than my 1000 square foot apartment too.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:18 PM, Louise Power power_lou...@hotmail.comwrote:

  Yes, Fritz, but what they did do was encourage people to live beyond their
 means. That's the result of people not knowing the difference between what
 they need and what they want.

 Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:19:58 -0500
 Subject: RE: [ot_caving] FW: Homeowners in crisis need relief now

  The *congress* and lenders are not all to blame but did encourage and
 entice people to buy homes that couldn't afford them. The normal increases
 in taxes and insurance premiums which annually increase escrow payments
 would have made it impossible for many to meet their obligation even without
 the mortgage crisis. I can't imagine why these same people vote democratic



 *From:* Scott Nicholson []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:51 PM
 *To:* Fritz Holt; Off Topic
 *Cc:* Russ K Johnson
 *Subject:* Re: [ot_caving] FW: Homeowners in crisis need relief now


 I guess I'm S.O.L. since I've been making my house payments all these

 Too bad I lived within my means and tried to be responsible about how much
 house I purchased...

 I wonder if it's too late for me to miss a few payments so I can be in a
 position to get some $$ from Uncle Sam if this plan gets instituted

 Vote Libertarian.!


 - Original Message 
 From: Fritz Holt
 To: Off Topic
 Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 2:41:52 PM
 Subject: [ot_caving] FW: Homeowners in crisis need relief now


 *From:* Dianne West
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:04 PM
 *To:*; Higdon, Mike; West, Jason T; Sharp, Mary
 A.;; Rita tax Service;;
 Tabby Andrews; Fritz Holt ; Bob Rathbun ; Jane Parker; Pam Courtney; Jody
 *Subject:* FW: Homeowners in crisis need relief now

 Dianne K. West

 Administrative Assistant

 Town  Country Insurance Agency

 10575 Katy Freeway, Ste # 150

 Houston, TX 77024

 713-461-8979 phone

 713-464-2674 fax

 *From:* John McCain []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2008 1:27 PM
 *To:* Dianne West
 *Subject:* Homeowners in crisis need relief now

 My Friends,

 Millions of Americans on Main Street are feeling the effects of our current
 economic crisis largely brought on by corruption and greed at Fannie Mae,
 Freddie Mac and Wall Street. Our next president must come into office with a
 plan to address the very root the failing housing market.

 Last night, during my debate with Senator Obama, I announced my plan to fix
 the root of our problem and I'd like to share a little more with you today.

 If elected president, I will direct my Treasury Secretary to implement an
 *American Homeownership Resurgence 
 * to keep families in their homes, avoid foreclosures, save failing
 neighborhoods, stabilize the housing market and attack the roots of our
 financial crisis.

 America 's families are bearing a heavy burden from falling housing prices,
 mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures, and a weak economy. It is important
 that those families who have worked hard enough to finance homeownership not
 have that dream crushed under the weight of the wrong mortgage.

 For those that cannot make inflated payments or their mortgage exceeds the
 value of their home, mortgages must be re-structured to put losses on the
 books and put homeowners in manageable mortgages.

 This Resurgence Plan would purchase mortgages directly from homeowners and
 mortgage servicers, and replace them with manageable, fixed-rate mortgages
 that will keep families in their homes.

 By purchasing the existing, failing mortgages the resurgence plan will
 eliminate uncertainty over defaults, support the value of mortgage-backed

Re: [ot_caving] More DTV update Public Service Announcement

2008-10-07 Thread Don Cooper
The funny and ironic thing about the ad:
When she says Will it bring Jack Benny back?  I have to wonder if the
program selection committee for KEYE-SD (42-2) saw that Spike Feresten spoof
ad  They mostly air RTV (Retro TV) and for the first time in over 40
years I got to see - you guessed it The Jack Benny Program.   They show
two of his programs back to back starting at 10:00am.  I think I remember it
from the early 60s - but I would never have believed just how funny some of
the material was - Like a parody of how Steven Foster wrote many of his
songs while suffering from writer's block - I didnt realize they GOT so
silly back then - it was totally off the wall - hilarious

What's VCR Plus?


On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Bill Bentley wrote:

 Try that ... no, it is a satire...
 I been in the cable television business for 25 + years.. this is not far
 from the truth in dealing with the elderly... remember VCR plus?

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Louise Power
 *To:* Bill Bentley
 *Sent:* Monday, October 06, 2008 5:56 PM
 *Subject:* RE: [ot_caving] More DTV update Public Service Announcement

 Getting into the site requires a login and password.

 Does it talk about getting the equipment with an analog pass through?
 Apparently a lot of small stations and repeaters will continue to broadcast
 analog for the time being.


 Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 17:37:55 -0500
 Subject: [ot_caving] More DTV update Public Service Announcement

  Some tips for the Digital transition
 Click Here for Tips Regarding the DTV 

Re: [ot_caving] More DTV update Public Service Announcement

2008-10-07 Thread Don Cooper
Oh yeah - that ran for what - about a year?  Yeah - I remember the codes
printed in a box at the bottom of television listings in the newpapers.
Wow - yeah, before on screen programming it wasn't too easy to program a
VCR, was it?  Rather than on screen I seem to remember using a LCD display
on the front of the VCR.
But my old VCR was pre- VHS plus.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Bill Bentley wrote:

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Don Cooper
 *To:* Bill Bentley
 *Cc:* ;
 *Sent:* Tuesday, October 07, 2008 1:43 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [ot_caving] More DTV update Public Service Announcement

 The funny and ironic thing about the ad:
 When she says Will it bring Jack Benny back?  I have to wonder if the
 program selection committee for KEYE-SD (42-2) saw that Spike Feresten spoof
 ad  They mostly air RTV (Retro TV) and for the first time in over 40
 years I got to see - you guessed it The Jack Benny Program.   They show
 two of his programs back to back starting at 10:00am.  I think I remember it
 from the early 60s - but I would never have believed just how funny some of
 the material was - Like a parody of how Steven Foster wrote many of his
 songs while suffering from writer's block - I didnt realize they GOT so
 silly back then - it was totally off the wall - hilarious

 What's VCR Plus?


 On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Bill Bentley wrote:

 Try that ... no, it is a satire...
 I been in the cable television business for 25 + years.. this is not far
 from the truth in dealing with the elderly... remember VCR plus?

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Louise Power
 *To:* Bill Bentley
 *Sent:* Monday, October 06, 2008 5:56 PM
 *Subject:* RE: [ot_caving] More DTV update Public Service Announcement

 Getting into the site requires a login and password.

 Does it talk about getting the equipment with an analog pass through?
 Apparently a lot of small stations and repeaters will continue to broadcast
 analog for the time being.


 Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 17:37:55 -0500
 Subject: [ot_caving] More DTV update Public Service Announcement

  Some tips for the Digital transition
 Click Here for Tips Regarding the DTV 

Re: [Texascavers] photo

2008-09-30 Thread Don Cooper
It stated that it was done in one exposure.  Hmm... I guess that doesn't
rule out one exposure - doctored.  I'd accept that it was extremely fast
film or hypersensitive superconductive-chilled sensor or something.
But like Stephan said - it's hard to swallow.  It looks a bit unnatural. .

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Brian Riordan

 I too am interested in how it was created and if it was photoshopped- not
 to discredit any art involved, but to ease my mind.  There is no way, at any
 film iso speed that my camera can operate at anyhow, that I could that much
 light from the Milky Way into my sensor without getting motion streaking.  A
 confirmation that it was photoshopped, would satiate the itch to buy a
 better camera.


 On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Joe Ranzau wrote:

 At least for me, I just want to know how the hell he did it so I can
 reproduce it.  Short of finding the photographer to ask dissecting it is
 probably the next step.

  On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Nancy Weaver wrote:

 It seems so sad to me that such a drop dead gorgeous photo should be
 dissected in terms of how it was taken.  Is anyone just enjoying it?

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[ot_caving] Largest Hadron Collider - EVER!

2008-09-11 Thread Don Cooper
At 17 miles, its not as long as what the Superconducting Super Collider
would have been - at 54 miles.
Actually before it was the Large Hadron Collider in the same facility
existed the Large Electron-Positron Collider.
Part of the CERN facility is a natural cavern.
But I guess they ran out of experiments to run on it and graduated to
smashing Hadrons.
The Large Hadron Collider in France/Switzerland sounds like it's less
energetic in terms of the collisions compared to the planned
Superconducting Super Collider in Texas.
I think Large Hadron Collider makes a maximum collision of 14 TeV energy,
and the SSSC would have had two
20 TeV beams for a total of 40 TeV.  Apparently either way, both may have
proven or disproven the standard model and verify the existence of the
Higgs Bozo.  ALL THAT for proof of a Quark?  I hope they can also invent new
materials for kitchen cookware or something.
I have to wonder:
Had the effort in Waxihatchie been completed - would the CERN LHC have made
the SSSC obsolete, or would it have been built, even?

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