Cluster session sync question (from documentation)

2009-05-06 Thread lightbulb432

I have a question about the section from the documentation below:

Distributed locking and pages using frames Tomcat does not keep session
instances in sync across the cluster. The implementation of such logic would
be to much overhead and cause all kinds of problems. If your client accesses
the same session simultanously using multiple requests, then the last
request will override the other sessions in the cluster. 

How, for example, would a client be able to access the same session
simultaneously? (Because for non-simultaneous requests, wouldn't each
request's changes to the session be replicated to all nodes in the cluster
before the next request?)

Could someone give examples of the unwanted consequences of this overriding
of existing sessions from new requests? I'm just not really wrapping my head
around this.

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RE: Cluster session sync question (from documentation)

2009-05-06 Thread lightbulb432

Let me see if I understand this correctly, in the case of non-sticky
sessions. Request 1 goes to node 1. Am I correct in saying that as long as
Request 2 reaches node 2 before the session from node 1 has fully replicated
over, the the inconsistent session problem exists? 

Am I also correct in thinking that depending on the order of replication
completion (whether the session from node 1 replicates over to node 2 first
or vice-versa), the session that persists would be either the session from
node 1 or from node 2, but absolutely not both?

Since it seems that sticky sessions are the way to go to ensure greater
application consistency, this leads to the question that with all the
benefits of sticky sessions, using what criteria would anyone decide against
using them? What's the tradeoff here?


Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 []
 Subject: Cluster session sync question (from documentation)
 How, for example, would a client be able to access the same session
 If a page includes multiple resources (e.g., frames, pictures), a browser
 will normally generate at least two requests in parallel for those
 resources.  If those parallel requests are for dynamic content, it's up to
 the servlets involved to synchronize updates to the common session object. 
 That's relatively easy in a non-clustered environment, but much trickier
 with clustering - unless using sticky sessions in your load balancer.
 With sticky sessions configured in your load balancer, the concurrent
 request problem devolves to the same one you already have in a
 non-clustered environment.
  - Chuck
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RE: Cluster session sync question (from documentation)

2009-05-06 Thread lightbulb432

I just thought of something with regards to multiple requests from a given
page - let's assume the browser doesn't generate multiple requests for
dynamic content by way of frames or images. Are AJAX requests treated any
differently from regular requests, whereby multiple AJAX requests from one
page would somehow always be routed to one node even in the absence of
sticky sessions? (Or could all those AJAX requests still end up modifying
different session instances on different nodes, even though all requests
were from the same page? Because that's a very likely scenario for most
rich web applications these days.)

I ask this out of curiosity, I suppose - after all, it seems like sticky
sessions are the way to go and that would preclude the above issue

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 []
 Subject: RE: Cluster session sync question (from documentation)
 Request 1 goes to node 1. Am I correct in saying that as long
 as Request 2 reaches node 2 before the session from node 1 has
 fully replicated over, the the inconsistent session problem exists?
 That's my understanding - which is why the doc says to use sticky
 the session that persists would be either the session from
 node 1 or from node 2, but absolutely not both?
 using what criteria would anyone decide against
 using them? What's the tradeoff here?
 Potential performance imbalance is the only thing I can think of.  If one
 of your clients creates a lot of requests, they'll all have to be
 processed on a single node, leaving the others relatively idle.  I doubt
 that this is much of a concern in the real world.
  - Chuck
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Add URLClassLoader search path to default context classloader

2007-12-21 Thread lightbulb432

In a web application that loads resources expecting them to be available on
the classpath (e.g. ResourceBundle.getInstance(resource)), is there a way
to alter what locations the web context classloader includes?

I'd like to add a URL to the search path of the web context classloader, so
that in the above example, from some URL is seen by the
web application. I know that URLs can be made available to a classloader by
using URLClassLoader. However, I don't know how I can include the search
path of that classloader in the web application's classloader provided by
Tomcat. How can I do this?

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Re: Where to store classpath resources outside of WAR

2007-12-20 Thread lightbulb432

Similar to how you can specify an mycontext.xml in conf/Catalina/localhost to
specify the context without having to modify prepackaged WAR files, can you
so something like place files in context-specific folders (i.e.
conf/Catalina/localhost/mycontext/ that would be
accessible from the classpath of the web app?

If it doesn't exist, would it be a good feature request? It would accomplish
multiple things:
- Wouldn't expose the classpath resources to more web applications than
intended (which would be the case if you put it in CATALINA_HOME/lib).
- Would allow deployers to not have to modify the web.xml and place the
classpath resource in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib.
- Would prevent developers from having to code using absolute filenames.

First of all, is a feature similar to what I'm suggesting available in
Tomcat? If not, what do you think of such a feature request?


lightbulb432 wrote:
 When deploying a WAR file whose code uses information stored in classpath
 configuration resources, where should you store these configuration files
 if outside of the WAR file?
 If you want to keep these configuration files outside of the WAR file to
 make for easier deployment in multiple environments, isn't the only other
 classpath available to Tomcat within its own lib folder? And in that case,
 the configuration file would be available in all contexts. So where should
 such a file be stored (i.e. available to the webapp as a resource but not
 available to all contexts)?

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[OT] Where to store classpath resources outside of WAR

2007-12-18 Thread lightbulb432

When deploying a WAR file whose code uses information stored in classpath
configuration resources, where should you store these configuration files if
outside of the WAR file?

If you want to keep these configuration files outside of the WAR file to
make for easier deployment in multiple environments, isn't the only other
classpath available to Tomcat within its own lib folder? And in that case,
the configuration file would be available in all contexts. So where should
such a file be stored (i.e. available to the webapp as a resource but not
available to all contexts)?

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log4j when using Bootstrap not command-line startup

2007-12-15 Thread lightbulb432

I'm running Tomcat not from the command-line but from the Bootstrap class's
start() method. When I start it using the command-line, a logs/tomcat.log is
created in CATALINA_BASE, but not when I start from the Bootstrap class. In
fact, I get the log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log message in the output.

What is the catalina.bat file doing differently that makes properly
initializes log4j? There are a few things relating to setting
java.util.logging properties, but that shouldn't make a difference because
I'm using log4j. I'm using Tomcat 6 and following the directions at for log4j.

I imagine I've followed those directions properly because the logs are
appearing when I run it from the command-line. And ideas of what might be
causing this, or what should I try next?

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Re: log4j when using Bootstrap not command-line startup

2007-12-15 Thread lightbulb432

Placing log4j's JAR into jre/lib/ext didn't cause the logs to appear. (I
should mention that the logs I'm trying to control with log4j are Tomcat's
internal logs, rather than web application logs.) The following command from
the command line outputs the log as expected, as does calling startup.bat,
or catalina.bat run:

java -cp tomcathome\bin\bootstrap.jar
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

The logs aren't created, however, when starting Tomcat from within an IDE
(Eclipse), in the following two cases:
- The Tomcat plugin that points to the same tomcathome as in the
command-line snippet above
- The main method of a class that uses the Bootstrap class, in the following

Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
bootstrap.init(new String[] { -config, path/to/server.xml });

mgainty wrote:
 to quote-
 Log4j does not have a default logging target.
 It is the user's responsibility to ensure that all categories can inherit
 appender. This can be easily achieved by attaching an appender to the root
 If you place log4j.jar in the jre/lib/ext
 /**COMMONS-LOGGING.PROPERTIES located on classpath
 */ has these entries for Log4J
 /***LOG4j.PROPERTIES located on classpath (WEB-INF/CLASSES)
 ***/ has these entries
 log4j.rootLogger = WARN, stdout
 log4j.appender.stdout = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
 log4j.appender.stdout.Threshold = WARN
 log4j.appender.stdout.Target   = System.out
 log4j.appender.stdout.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
 log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern = %d{ISO8601} %-5p [%F:%L]
 - Original Message -
 From: lightbulb432 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 7:06 PM
 Subject: log4j when using Bootstrap not command-line startup

 I'm running Tomcat not from the command-line but from the Bootstrap
 start() method. When I start it using the command-line, a logs/tomcat.log
 created in CATALINA_BASE, but not when I start from the Bootstrap class.
 fact, I get the log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
 log message in the output.

 What is the catalina.bat file doing differently that makes properly
 initializes log4j? There are a few things relating to setting
 java.util.logging properties, but that shouldn't make a difference
 I'm using log4j. I'm using Tomcat 6 and following the directions at for log4j.

 I imagine I've followed those directions properly because the logs are
 appearing when I run it from the command-line. And ideas of what might be
 causing this, or what should I try next?

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What gets reloaded on Tomcat automatic reload

2007-12-12 Thread lightbulb432

When a context is set with reloadable=true and a change is made to one of
the appropriate folders, causing a context reload, what is and isn't
undeployed and redeployed?

I ask because, surprisingly, a static variable kept its state across the
automatic reload. Is this expected behavior? I thought it would be a
completely fresh, new deployment that's the equivalent of stopping and
restarting the server, with regards to the context with which you're

However, stopping and restarting the server does, of course, clear the
static variable's state, but that's not the case with the automatic reload -
or am I probably just doing something wrong?

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RE: See command-line output with startup errors in Windows

2007-12-10 Thread lightbulb432

I'm getting the output I expect if I don't comment out the first line in
catalina.bat. However, if I comment out @echo off as you suggested, I get
output where every line in the batch file seems to be executing on its own
line, executing as a command - why might this be happening?

e.g. commandline set CMD_LINE_ARGS=

If catalina.bat run accomplishes the same thing, what's the purpose of
startup.bat? Are there cases where you would want to use it?
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Specify context path when context.xml is in META-INF

2007-12-09 Thread lightbulb432

Is there a way, when you have your context.xml in META-INF rather than
specifying the Context element in server.xml or elsewhere, to customize the
context path?

I'd like to use context.xml in META-INF because of the benefits of this
approach, but there seems to be no way to change the context path, which is
always the name of the folder underneath appBase. For example, if appBase
contains a folder called webroot, then the context will be called webroot.
(It's not possible to change the name of this folder for some internal

The documentation seems to indicate that a path attribute cannot be present
in the Context element when context.xml is in META-INF - is there another
way to achieve the effect I've described? If not, is there a strong reason
why context.xml in META-INF couldn't read and use the path attribute of

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See command-line output with startup errors in Windows

2007-12-09 Thread lightbulb432

When starting Tomcat from the command-line in Windows using the startup
command, the first command-line window opens up another one. This second
window displays an error message but closes too quickly to tell what the
error message read.

If I place a pause statement after :end in the last line of either
startup.bat or catalina.bat, the output of the first window is paused, but
not the second. How can I view the output in the second command-line window
(I'm not talking about any kind of command-line output redirection) - is
there somewhere I can put a pause statement to view the output?

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RE: Specify context path when context.xml is in META-INF

2007-12-09 Thread lightbulb432

Based on what I've read, I've learned that the least ideal approach is to
place the context information in server.xml.

What I don't know, though, is how the remaining options stack up to each
other. What are the tradeoffs (apart from the path naming issue) of placing
context.xml in META-INF versus as conf/Catalina/[host]/[appname].xml? For
what reasons is one approach better than the other?

I don't have as much experience deploying to Tomcat as some of you might, so
I'm hoping you could outline the advantages and disadvantages of either

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Specify context path when context.xml is in META-INF
 Is there a way, when you have your context.xml in META-INF rather than
 specifying the Context element in server.xml or elsewhere, to 
 customize the context path?
 No - the path is taken from the name of the .war file or directory.  The
 only way to accomplish what you want is to place the Context element
 in the conf/Catalina/[host]/[appname].xml location, in which case the
 [appname] is the path.  The application should not be placed in the
 Host appBase in this case, or you risk double deployment.
 If not, is there a strong reason why context.xml in META-INF
 couldn't read and use the path attribute of Context?
 Primarily to avoid ambiguities and extra, unwanted deployments.
  - Chuck
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Application state in ServletContext

2007-10-28 Thread lightbulb432

There's a requirement to allow code anywhere throughout the application to
store and access application-wide state by using a class as shown below. The
code cannot directly touch the ServletContext class, but may do so through
an interface (shown below).

public class ApplicationState {

  private static MapString,Object stateValues;

  public static Object getStateValue(String key) {
return stateValues.get(key);
// return servletContext.getAttribute(key);


However, I noticed that because the class above is being initialized in a
context listener, would you even need to bother using ServletContext? Can't
I just take advantage of the fact that the class is being loaded by the
application's classloader, and therefore all code within the application
(and not other applications) will be able to access the static state of this

Are there any tradeoffs with using my proposed approach over backing the
above class with a ServletContext? Anything to do with the way Tomcat loads

Would the answer be different if that class weren't initialized in a context
listener, but rather with the first access of ApplicationState happening in
a servlet?

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Re: Race condition with values displayed across redirects

2007-10-04 Thread lightbulb432

Redirects are used so that users don't encounter the resubmit warning by the
browser when they refresh the page, and so that page refreshes don't result
in the POST being resent to the server. While it's a smaller consideration
when messages for invalid values are displayed, it's a bigger consideration
in cases where you're displaying a success message (and must do a redirect
for usability reasons - e.g. seeing a new URL as opposed to the servlet's
URL, no browser warnings on refresh) - then you would use the redirect.

Passing the message in the request parameter (suggested by Mark) doesn't
seem like the ideal solution, because (assuming a parameterized message
based on submitted POST values) you'd need to pass the actual message in the
query string. Not only would you have an ugly URL, but also someone could
visit that page with their own message by changing the query string.

Is there an ideal way to tell servlet S (one way I can think of is request
attributes - anything else?) not to execute its filter when a redirect has
been performed (i.e. to perform no further execution of its thread because
the request has redirected away from it)? That way, am I correct to say you
have a good solution - no race condition, no messages in query string, and
you can use redirects as desired?

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Mark Thomas wrote:
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 I have a question about whether there is a race condition with the
 technique for displaying messages across redirects.
 Yes there is.
 If you submit a form with an invalid value on page P1 and the receiving
 servlet S redirects to another page P2, you'd like page P2 to contain a
 message saying You entered an invalid value. You can only put the
 value in
 the session (not the request, because it's a redirect, not a forward),
 session.setAttribute(message,You entered an invalid value).
 Why not pass the information to P2 using a request parameter on the
 Or, better yet, why use a redirect at all? Then you don't have to mess
 with the session. Most post/validate/error flows I've seen all execute
 within the same request. Don't respond with a redirect; just redisplay
 the input form with the error messages attached. Then you don't have to
 worry about cleaning-up the session.
 - -chris
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Re: Race condition with values displayed across redirects

2007-10-04 Thread lightbulb432

I know people like to avoid those, but get real: refreshing a failed
 POST ought to re-POST the data (that will fail again). You should really
 only redirect on success.

Agreed, it's a much bigger consideration on success than failure. But once
you figure out a good way of approaching the issue on success, I imagine
it'd be just as easily applicable on failure?

 Passing the message in the request parameter (suggested by Mark) doesn't
 seem like the ideal solution, because (assuming a parameterized message
 based on submitted POST values) you'd need to pass the actual message in
 query string. Not only would you have an ugly URL, but also someone could
 visit that page with their own message by changing the query string.
 Oh, no! Someone could mount an XSS attack on themselves! :p

:) Good call - I guess the ugly URL would be the main reason here, if any.

 Is there an ideal way to tell servlet S (one way I can think of is request
 attributes - anything else?) not to execute its filter when a redirect
 been performed (i.e. to perform no further execution of its thread
 the request has redirected away from it)? That way, am I correct to say
 have a good solution - no race condition, no messages in query string,
 you can use redirects as desired?
 Um, dispatcher?

So would the following be a good way of approaching this using filter
mappings (where the filter is as described in the OP)?
- No filter on all servlets that can, upon success or failure, redirect to
another page
- Filters on all JSPs with a ${message} anywhere in their markup

In what ways could I use the dispatcher element to enhance the setup

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Implementing HttpSession

2007-10-03 Thread lightbulb432

Rather than using Tomcat's own HttpSession, I may be implementing HttpSession
to write to shared storage or to the client. (Or if for no other reason,
then to learn something.)

Do you know of any HttpSession implementations that are publicly available,
as the task of storing session state in places other than web server memory
is common enough that I'd hope others have already done so? A quick web
search didn't reveal anything too exciting.

There are a couple of methods I'm having trouble understanding how to
implement. The first is isNew(). Looking through the StandardSession code, I
can't tell exactly when to set this to true and false - all I know is that
initially upon session creation on the server (e.g. in
ManagerBase.createSession()), the new property is set to true. In what
cases is it set to false, and how would a web application developer use this

How can you tell Tomcat to use your implementation of HttpSession, so that
when you call request.getSession(), it returns that object?

In the above case, would Tomcat take care of calling setMaxInactiveInterval
and providing a value for getServletContext()?

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Race condition with values displayed across redirects

2007-10-03 Thread lightbulb432

I have a question about whether there is a race condition with the following
technique for displaying messages across redirects.

If you submit a form with an invalid value on page P1 and the receiving
servlet S redirects to another page P2, you'd like page P2 to contain a
message saying You entered an invalid value. You can only put the value in
the session (not the request, because it's a redirect, not a forward), with
session.setAttribute(message,You entered an invalid value).

In page P2, you'd display ${message}. But to ensure that the message doesn't
remain in the method upon every access to page P2, including when valid
information is submitted, you'd create a filter that applies to servlet S
with the following code:


This method seems to work, but is there a race condition? My understanding
is that when a servlet does a redirect, the redirect occurs in a new thread
and the rest of the current servlet execution continues (including filters)
to completion in the current thread. Couldn't the filter on servlet S
complete execution (and remove the message attribute) before page P2
renders, thereby leaving ${message} empty?

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Re: Servlet Redeployment in Production

2007-09-18 Thread lightbulb432

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 What does Tomcat do when, in production, a new version of a WAR file
 currently being accessed is deployed? I've heard generally that you don't
 enable the auto-deployment feature in production, but assume you're
 for a five-nines environment and the requirement is hot redeployment of
 I would argue that autodeploy doesn't help much in this case, but we'll
 stick with that assumption for this discussion.

I realize it wouldn't help for things like database changes, but what about
changes to the structure of the HttpSession map, or the cookie structure, or
something that has to do at the web application?

I'd start with org.apache.catalina.StandardContext (and, specifically,
 the reload method), since that's the thing being reloaded.

Where could I find the code where Tomcat stores its definitive list of all
the current, active HttpSessions? (Where's the structure that Tomcat adds a
newly created HttpSession to, and from which it removes timed-out or
invalidated HttpSessions, and the code that manipulates it?)
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Servlet Redeployment in Production

2007-09-12 Thread lightbulb432

What does Tomcat do when, in production, a new version of a WAR file that's
currently being accessed is deployed? I've heard generally that you don't
enable the auto-deployment feature in production, but assume you're aiming
for a five-nines environment and the requirement is hot redeployment of the

So here's the scenario: users are accessing a given context continually. An
administrator literally drops into the webapps folder a new WAR file with
the same name as the context above. What happens from a technical
perspective, in terms of synchronization, consistency of existing sessions
that were on the old webapp, and much more?

Before spoiling the surprise for me, can anyone point me to the relevant
classes/methods in the Tomcat source code to take a look at? (Then when I
can't figure it out, I'll come back and ask you to spoil the surprise :) I'd
like to get better at looking through a code base and figuring these things
out, so hopefully someone can guide me in this.

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Re: Concurrency with HttpSession

2007-09-08 Thread lightbulb432

I'm not talking about EJBs, but rather about any Tomcat-specific passivation
that is done for HttpSessions that haven't been accessed in a while (just a
memory use optimization).

Regarding my question in general, I'm wondering (maybe this is more of a
serialization question in general), if the container decides to serialize to
disk a session with 10 attributes, and the following happens, wouldn't it
result in an inconsistent serialized session? The container's thread
finishes writing the first 5 attributes to disk, then a request's thread
updates two session attributes (one from the first 5, one from the next 5),
then the container writes the next 5 attributes to disk.

You'd have an inconsistent serialized view, right? With only one of the two
attribute updates reflected in the session. Sure, you'd assume that once a
request accesses the session, the passivation would stop. Nonetheless, what
thread-safety issues might arise with Tomcat in this case and others?

I'm asking more for learning than any particular issue I'm having.

mgainty wrote:
 I found this doc applicable
 You can pass the HttpSession as parameter to an EJB method, only if all 
 objects in session are serializable.
 This has to be consider as passed-by-value, that means that it's read-only 
 in the EJB.
 If anything is altered from inside the EJB, it won't be reflected back to 
 the HttpSession of the Servlet Container
 More to the point of your test scenario:
 The pass-by-reference can be used between EJBs Remote Interfaces, as they 
 are remote references.
 While it is possible to pass an HttpSession as a parameter to an EJB
 it is considered to be bad practice in terms of object-oriented design.
 This is because you are creating an unnecessary coupling between back-end 
 objects (EJBs) and front-end objects (HttpSession).
 In any case could you post an the aforementioned where the session 
 attributes are being modified so we can look at it..
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 - Original Message - 
 From: Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 10:33 PM
 Subject: Re: Concurrency with HttpSession

 lightbulb432 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I'm reading some book concurrency books that talk about potential thread
 safety issues with HttpSession. Specific cases follow:

 - When the web container passivates an HttpSession while a user's
 modifies it

 Should be rare, but I don't see anything in the TC code to prevent it
 happening on edge cases.  If someone can construct an example, I'd be
 than happy to look into it.

 - When the web container replicates an HttpSession while a user's
 modifies it

 I believe that with pessimistic locking, this shouldn't happen.  But I'm 
 not an expert on the TC replication code :).

 - When multiple quick, successive requests from the same user access the
 same HttpSession

 Could somebody explain how Tomcat deals with the first two, and what 
 web application developers need to take to avoid concurrency problems 
 all three cases above? Is it guaranteed that the passivated/replicated
 object is always a consistent view of the HttpSession?

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Concurrency with HttpSession

2007-09-07 Thread lightbulb432

I'm reading some book concurrency books that talk about potential thread
safety issues with HttpSession. Specific cases follow:

- When the web container passivates an HttpSession while a user's request
modifies it
- When the web container replicates an HttpSession while a user's request
modifies it
- When multiple quick, successive requests from the same user access the
same HttpSession

Could somebody explain how Tomcat deals with the first two, and what steps
web application developers need to take to avoid concurrency problems with
all three cases above? Is it guaranteed that the passivated/replicated
object is always a consistent view of the HttpSession?

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Re: Single-sign on without form-based authentication

2007-08-30 Thread lightbulb432

Views would definitely allow me to keep the two tables separate, but then I'd
have to authenticate against the two source tables separately (i.e. each
application would point to the source table rather than to the view). If
pointing both applications to the common view, then doesn't the original
problem exist?

But that requirement is only justification for authenticating with more than
two credentials. From a technical point of view, what would you have to
override to get this to work? In a previous post, I said the following:

I took a look at JAASRealm and its authenticate method only takes two
parameters (username and credentials, which is really just a single
password string). 
 Is it possible to pass my other credentials to the JAASRealm so that I can
 pass everything at one time (username, password, other credentials) to the
 stored procedure, rather than - if I've interepreted this correctly -
 authenticating once through the JAAS username/password, then again through
 my stored procedure to cancel out the previous authentication.

So if not JAASRealm, perhaps I need to look at something else to customize?
I could of course implement my own authentication, but if I can get around
this one shortcoming of the credentials concept being considered a
password String rather than a generic Collection of multiple Objects, then I
think I might be able to use Tomcat authentication.

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 The requirement doesn't accept having two tables (i.e. userTableA and
 userTableB), partly because increased maintenance, the possibility of
 definitions going out of sync, etc.
 CREATE VIEW, anyone?
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Re: Single-sign on without form-based authentication

2007-08-30 Thread lightbulb432

Wow, those are good suggestions. I was thinking about the String
concatenation, but didn't think it was worth considering further until you
just mentioned it. So let me see if I have this straight:

Anytime I want to use more than two credentials, I have to provide my own
Realm implementation. But the only time I need to do the String
concatentation is when at least one of the additional credentials (i.e.
beyond username and password) is provided at request-time by the user,
rather than at deployment-time?

So for the example you gave with the appId property on my Realm
implementation, I wouldn't need to do String concatentation because the user
is only providing two credentials? But if the user were specifying what
application they wanted to log into, then I'd have to concatenate that
before passing to the authenticate method because Realm hasn't been
instantiated with that information?

If your HTML form has a j_username, j_password and myThirdCredential,
where would you concatenate j_password and myThirdCredential? I'm guessing
you'd also have to override the servlet pointed to by j_security_check - if
I'm correct, how would you override this? (My guess is the servlet class
pointed to by the text j_security_check is hardcoded somewhere within

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 Views would definitely allow me to keep the two tables separate, but then
 have to authenticate against the two source tables separately (i.e. each
 application would point to the source table rather than to the view). If
 pointing both applications to the common view, then doesn't the original
 problem exist?
 Don't do that. Create separate views for each of your applications, and
 use the app-appropriate view for authentication.
 If you think this sounds like too much trouble, you're right. Just
 remember that Tomcat implements the simplest thing that could possibly
 work wrt authentication. If you don't like it, you can always override
 the authentication mechanism with something else (securityfilter!) or
 hand-roll your own realm.
 I took a look at JAASRealm and its authenticate method only takes two
 parameters (username and credentials, which is really just a single
 password string). 

 Is it possible to pass my other credentials to the JAASRealm so that I
 pass everything at one time (username, password, other credentials) to
 stored procedure, rather than - if I've interepreted this correctly -
 authenticating once through the JAAS username/password, then again
 my stored procedure to cancel out the previous authentication.
 Uh, you could always pass a concatenated credential which includes
 more than just the password. For instance:
 JAASRealm.authenticate(username, appId + : + hash(password));
 Then, in your stored procedure, tear apart the credential and use part
 of it as the app identifier. Or, put the appId into the username.
 Whatever you want to do. There are lots of options.
 So if not JAASRealm, perhaps I need to look at something else to
 I could of course implement my own authentication, but if I can get
 this one shortcoming of the credentials concept being considered a
 password String rather than a generic Collection of multiple Objects,
 then I
 think I might be able to use Tomcat authentication.
 You can still use Tomcat's authentication mechanism... you just might
 have to use your own Realm implementation. Frankly, the
 org.apache.catalina.Realm interface is baffling to me.
 One option is to create a Realm that extends JDBCRealm (or, better yet,
 DataSourceRealm) and override the authentication method to do your own
 SQL queries, but keep all the configuration options provided by the
 superclass. You can even add a configuration option by adding a mutator
 and accessor to specify the app's id. Then you can do something like
 this in your context.xml:
   Realm   // extends JDBCRealm
   appId=application-1 /
 Just make sure you have setAppId and getAppId methods on your Realm
 implementation, and then use them when you build your SQL query to
 verify a login.
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Re: Single-sign on without form-based authentication

2007-08-29 Thread lightbulb432

Here's the case where three credentials are necessary: there is a requirement
to host multiple applications on a single database, and data such as users
are in a single, shared table. Therefore, someone logging into app A would
enter username and password of user1 and pass1, and someone else logging
into app B could also enter username as password user1 and pass1, but still
be two separate entities.

In the single database, the authentication table would have [User,Pass,App]
as (user1,pass1,A), and (user1,pass1,B), which are two different and
unrelated records.

So even though the users are only entering two credentials into their
respective applications' user interfaces, the application itself
authenticates with Tomcat using three credentials. How could I make this

The requirement doesn't accept having two tables (i.e. userTableA and
userTableB), partly because increased maintenance, the possibility of table
definitions going out of sync, etc.


Gregor Schneider wrote:
 however, i do not see any sense at all passing more tha two
 credentials (user, pass) to authenticate
 therefore, i suggest first thing you should do is to re-think the
 design of your application.
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Re: Authentication and authorization questions

2007-08-29 Thread lightbulb432

Great response. Follow-up questions below:

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 When you login using form-based authentication, where invalid login
 redirect to the form-error-page, how do you add a custom message to
 page saying Login Failed? I ask because common practice is to send the
 user to the same login page rather than a different page.
 You can do whatever you want, since you get to control the pages for
 login and login-error.

But if the login and login-error pages are the same page (meaning that when
someone fails an access check they get redirected to the login-error page,
which is actually the login page where they must re-enter their credentials)
how could you put information into the request or session scope to be
accessed by the page?

In my login/login-error page, I could have a ${loginFailedMessage} printed
in bold, red text, but where would I set this text in the first place for a
generic message like Login failed? The loginFailedMessage variable
wouldn't be set when the login page is accessed through a GET, but would be
when forwarded/redirected to by Tomcat upon login failure. 

In fact, how could I add all sorts of state to the request so that the
message could read Login failed for page ${failedPageName} or some other
parameterized text?

In fact, I don't much care for the TC implementation of the whole
 authentication thing anyway, so I have opted to dump it and use
 securityfilter instead. Primarily, it allows me to do direct logins
 (submit to j_security_check even when no protected resource has been
 requested), and I can write my own authenticator that isn't tied to
 Tomcat's implementation in any way. That allows me to switch TC versions
 or to another vendor entirely without changing a single thing in my
 implementation. But that's just me.

I agree completely. I've been having a lot of problems with Tomcat
authentication and authorization, and would like to use a custom solution.
The only thing that deters me, and which applies to securityfilter as well,
is the lack of SSO across contexts. Although I don't see an immediate need
for SSO across contexts, I wouldn't want to have to rewrite an entire
security architecture if the need arises. (And it may well arise if you
decide to split up a large website's modules into different contexts.)

The securityfilter projects says they're looking into SSO, but the project
looks inactive enough that I'm not going to hold my breath. I tried looking
for other Java servlet security products or projects, but nothing really
came up.

Any thoughts on this all?
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Re: [OT] Session replication vs stateless

2007-08-28 Thread lightbulb432

That sounds about right. Don't forget that you can't be stateless if you
 need logins of some type (unless you use BASIC auth, which looks ugly
 from a user point of view).

Why is this? Others who answered to this thread and discussions in general
around web applications describe statelessness as an option for
fully-functional webapps, which I imagine includes login functionality.

I'm not convinced you can reasonably do authenticated transactions
 (using Tomcat's auth) without stateful connections. You can hack around
 with storing login cookies or doing your own auth management, but I like
 the simplicity of using J2EE auth.

Could you describe the limitations of statelessness as it relates to
Tomcat's authorization? If you use your own custom login functionality then
I see how there's no problem (just check the cookie or database for the
current session ID for the right credentials, then allow access), but is the
same mechanism not possible or available when trying to use the Tomcat or
standard Servlet authentication mechanism?

Pretty much nothing, unless you get lots of people who login and then
 walk away from their computers, and for some reason all of the
 walk-aways get assigned to one server, while all the other (active)
 users end up on another server. Then, you'd have one server with lots of
 load and one that's basically idle. This is unlikely, though.

What's Tomcat's algorithm for load-balancing while taking into account
session affinity?

I remember in the response to another of my threads on this list people
saying that it's generally outdated to use connectors and front Tomcat with
Apache. I just want to confirm that it's the connector mechanism by which
load balancing is possible with Tomcat, right?

On what machine is the connector software usually on? If you have 5 machines
with Tomcat on each, would you have the load balancer on one of those, on a
dedicated machine, or would you have some other setup? What's generally done
in production for high-availability sites?
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Authentication and authorization questions

2007-08-28 Thread lightbulb432

I have several questions about authentication and authorization in Tomcat
below, so answer only what you can :) Thanks.

Where does Tomcat authentication fit into the request processing lifecycle?
Does it happen before even the very first filter gets called? What happens
just before and just after authentication?

Where does the role-based authorization fit into this process?

When you login using form-based authentication, where invalid login attempts
redirect to the form-error-page, how do you add a custom message to that
page saying Login Failed? I ask because common practice is to send the
user to the same login page rather than a different page.

Is it configuration whether Tomcat uses redirects or forwards after
successful or unsuccessful attempts? What's the default for both?

How can you use JDBCRealm or DataSourceRealm with foreign keys from roles
table to user table, rather than requiring the roles table to duplicate
whatever field (e.g. username, email address) will actually be entered into
the login screen? I ask because using simple text-matching rather than using
the primary key of the user table seems a bit inefficient, but more
importantly it may be disallowed from data standards in some organizations.

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Re: [OT] Session replication vs stateless

2007-08-27 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks for your response. So it sounds like session replication is out for
sure - you confirmed my initial feelings about it.

Let me see if I have my options straight - stateless app tier and no session
affinity, or stateful app tier (i.e. HttpSessions) with session affinity?

The former allows you to forward the next request to any available web
server because of no session affinity and to have failure without relogin,
both of which seem like huge pluses. However, the downside is having to
maintain that state elsewhere - either in the database (which as you pointed
out is messy) or being sent back and forth to the client. Which of these
options seems better at first glance to you?

If I were to go with a stateful app tier (i.e. HttpSession with session
affinity but no session replication), what's the overhead of session
affinity? I realize that if there's no requirement for failure without
relogin then this option could be better, but from a pure performance
perspective, how big is the overhead caused by session affinity having to be
resolved upon every request?

Is there ever a benefit, from a Tomcat perspective or other, to having a
stateless app tier but WITH session affinity, or would that be completely

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 How are you designing your current applications, and what
 implications has the choice that you might not have expected - would
 you do anything differently if you could?
 (For the record, I am not using session replication.)
 It all comes down to what is most important for your application.
 If it is unacceptable to have users re-login if the server to which
 their session is tied (session affinity: no replication), then session
 replication is one of your only options.
 If it's okay to have users re-login when they switch servers due to
 failover, I'd highly recommend it since session replication is pretty
 heavy in terms of network use. Why waste all that time passing session
 information around?
 I ask because I'm still unsure about whether to decrease memory usage
 by increasing database usage (or bandwidth usage if sending state
 back to the client) by going stateless at the application tier.
 You don't necessarily have to go stateless. Using a session is fins as
 long as it's okay for users to re-login when they switch servers.
 Are there any people using stateless application tiers with
 transactions that are inherently stateful, such as wizard-type
 screens or other business processes or workflows? How'd that turn
 I have some flows that are sort-of stateless (that is, I have lots of
 hidden input elements on those pages). I use those for when I want the
 wizard to be able to continue in the middle if the session times out
 when a user is halfway through the flow. Yes, the user has to login
 again, but they pick-up the flow where they left off.
 Did you choose to move this state to the client (through cookies) or
 to the database?
 I don't like using the database for scratch work. First of all, it ties
 up valuable database resources. Second, it pollutes your schema with
 what amounts to temporary data. Lastly, you have to clean up after that
 scratch data at some point so you don't fill up your database with
 useless junk. I think it's easier to simply allow aborted transactions
 (meaning multi-page flows) to die along with the session under which
 they were running.
 With session replication between 2 machines, are you effectively
 reducing the capacity of each server, at least in terms of memory, by
 No. You're only reducing the amount of memory available for sessions
 by half. You can help yourself out a lot by using objects with transient
 fields so you don't transmit huge objects across the network and waste
 memory on a server that might not get used. Instead, use lazy
 instantiation to reconstitute those objects from the database (or
 wherever) when they are needed. Only replicate what is absolutely
 necessary to recover your state. (This only works well when you are also
 using session affinity).
 Hopefully I'm looking at it the wrong way, because it not, I'm not
 really liking the session replication idea if I'm decreasing hardware
 usage by half.
 I'd have to say that I would rarely recommend session replication just
 because the memory, CPU, and network overhead doesn't outweigh the minor
 (and hopefully rare) inconvenience of having to re-login when you switch
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Re: Use JMX to manage applications

2007-08-24 Thread lightbulb432

In addition to my questinos below, is mbeans-descriptors.xml a
Tomcat-specific file or part of JMX in general? I can't tell - it seems to
appear in links like the following:

But its DTD is under - so is this specific to an Apache
JMX implementation, part of JMX, or something else?

lightbulb432 wrote:
 The following link describes using JMX with Tomcat. Step #4 talks about
 the mbeans-descriptors.xml file, but it seems to make no difference when
 using it. If I don't include elements in that file that I do in MBean
 interface, it still works in JConsole properly - and the descriptions
 entered don't seem to show up in JConsole either.
 Also, things like the writeable property and the type property that
 are specified in this file could easily be determined from the MBean
 interface, from return types, whether a getter has a corresponding setter,
 etc. Then what is the use of this file if updating it to keep in sync with
 the MBean interface makes no difference? Is it necessary to begin with?
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 How, from a web application deployed to Tomcat, can you customize the
 behavior of your web application based on attributes specified in an
 MBean? The link
 talks a lot about Ant tasks, but that's not really what I'm looking to
 How can you get programmatic access to MBeans? And how do you deploy
 MBeans to Tomcat?
 I'm pretty confused here...hopefully someone can clarify. Thanks.

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[OT] Session replication vs stateless

2007-08-24 Thread lightbulb432

Although the debate between session replication vs stateless can't be
definitively solved and depends on the application, I'd like to hear about
your experiences with both. How are you designing your current applications,
and what implications has the choice that you might not have expected -
would you do anything differently if you could?

I ask because I'm still unsure about whether to decrease memory usage by
increasing database usage (or bandwidth usage if sending state back to the
client) by going stateless at the application tier.


Are there any people using stateless application tiers with transactions
that are inherently stateful, such as wizard-type screens or other business
processes or workflows? How'd that turn out? 

Did you choose to move this state to the client (through cookies) or to the

Session replication

For session replication in Tomcat 6, what's the ideal replication group size
in general? Would you ever want to set it to more than 2 instances? (Because
for any more, then you'd have a lot more overhead in transferring state back
and forth to even more other instances...)

With session replication between 2 machines, are you effectively reducing
the capacity of each server, at least in terms of memory, by 50%? Hopefully
I'm looking at it the wrong way, because it not, I'm not really liking the
session replication idea if I'm decreasing hardware usage by half.

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Re: Use JMX to manage applications

2007-08-23 Thread lightbulb432

What is the preferred API for accessing MBeans from within servlets or JSPs?

MBeanServerConnection jmxServerConnection = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new


MBeanServer server = (MBeanServer)
AttributeList list = server.getAttributes(new

They both have roughly the same amount of code and do the same thing, so I'm
wondering which is the preferred way. Unfortunately, you can't really
abstract away the mechanism of getting the MBeanServer because one uses a
MBeanServer while the other way uses the MBeanServerConnection object from
which to perform other methods.

The only tradeoff I can see is that the first way requires knowing the JMX
connection URL which may need to be changed if, for example, the JXM port
number is changed. However, the second way may return multiple MBeanServers,

In the second way, would you ever expect a List with more than one
MBeanServer to be returned? If so, how would that happen, and how would your
code deal with it?


lightbulb432 wrote:
 How, from a web application deployed to Tomcat, can you customize the
 behavior of your web application based on attributes specified in an
 MBean? The link
 talks a lot about Ant tasks, but that's not really what I'm looking to do.
 How can you get programmatic access to MBeans? And how do you deploy
 MBeans to Tomcat?
 I'm pretty confused here...hopefully someone can clarify. Thanks.

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Re: Use JMX to manage applications

2007-08-23 Thread lightbulb432

The following link describes using JMX with Tomcat. Step #4 talks about the
mbeans-descriptors.xml file, but it seems to make no difference when using
it. If I don't include elements in that file that I do in MBean interface,
it still works in JConsole properly - and the descriptions entered don't
seem to show up in JConsole either.

Also, things like the writeable property and the type property that are
specified in this file could easily be determined from the MBean interface,
from return types, whether a getter has a corresponding setter, etc. Then
what is the use of this file if updating it to keep in sync with the MBean
interface makes no difference? Is it necessary to begin with?


lightbulb432 wrote:
 How, from a web application deployed to Tomcat, can you customize the
 behavior of your web application based on attributes specified in an
 MBean? The link
 talks a lot about Ant tasks, but that's not really what I'm looking to do.
 How can you get programmatic access to MBeans? And how do you deploy
 MBeans to Tomcat?
 I'm pretty confused here...hopefully someone can clarify. Thanks.

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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-26 Thread lightbulb432

When I asked this question I had in mind a few potential downsides to one 8
GB Tomcat. One is memory leaks: if Tomcat starts to leak memory (not sure if
this happens too often, if ever, but I'm speaking purely hypothetically)
then you'd rather not want your single Tomcat to eat up all the memory. If
you had two Tomcat instances running the exact same application, then the
memory leak is only affecting up to 4 GB?

The other is high-availability - if you have a huge 8 GB box and it's
because you decide not to have 4 x 2 GB smaller boxes, then you definitely
cannot get high-availability against hardware issues - but say you're
pushing out an upgrade to the application (i.e. the WAR file). If you have
two Tomcats, couldn't you bring one down while the other continues to serve
requests, push out the upgrade, bring it back up, then do the same with the
other application? With only one instance, you must have downtime right?

The last is at the following link, several performance graphs for Linux show
a slight or sharp decrease in performance for a given Tomcat instance beyond
a certain number of users! Why is this? Wouldn't these diminishing returns,
if true, severly cripple one 8 GB instance serving 2*n users compared to two
4 GB instances serving only n users?

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 If you have a gigantic server with something like 8 GB of memory, what
 be the best way to run Tomcat 6 on it? One instance, multiple instances,
 divide it up into two or more virtualized servers each with one instance?
 Unless you have concerns about stability of TC6 or your own application,
 one big JVM with a ton of threads would be my recommendation.
 Virtualization or multiple TC instances only adds overhead with no other
 real benefit. (If you run multiple applications, multiple TC instances
 might make sense).
 Is Tomcat meant to run as one instance with that much memory, or is it
 optimized for a different amount of memory?
 Tomcat shouldn't care. I think that thread synchronization is faster
 than full context switching, but that can be very sensitive to the
 platform, OS, and tuning parameters you might have (in the OS). Java is
 perfectly happy to run with 8GB.
 I realize with the options I mentioned above there are implications
 regarding high-availability and performance, but I'm not sure exactly
 they'd be. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of this kind of stuff
 If you trust your operating system (I would trust any UNIX and UNIX-like
 OS, and Windows is somewhat dependable if you don't ask it to do too
 many things), then a single instance of the OS on a lot of hardware is
 just fine: go for it.
 If you are concerned about your OS's stability, then by all means run
 multiple instances of the OS and load balance between. From a strict
 performance standpoint, less is more, so stick to one OS and one Tomcat
 instance on that big, fat machine.
 - -chris
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Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-25 Thread lightbulb432

If you have a gigantic server with something like 8 GB of memory, what would
be the best way to run Tomcat 6 on it? One instance, multiple instances, or
divide it up into two or more virtualized servers each with one instance?

Is Tomcat meant to run as one instance with that much memory, or is it
optimized for a different amount of memory?

I realize with the options I mentioned above there are implications
regarding high-availability and performance, but I'm not sure exactly what
they'd be. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of this kind of stuff could

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What to put in Linux filesystem for Tomcat?

2007-07-23 Thread lightbulb432

What is the minimum set of folders and files needed for Tomcat to run on
Linux? I ask because if you dedicate a server for Tomcat and nothing else,
you must want to minimize the size of the filesystem, disable/delete all
extra services, and more to increase the performance and decrease memory
utilization of Linux, correct?

I'd like to put something together, but don't know where to begin. Do any of
you run Tomcat on a Linux machine that is dedicated only for Tomcat? If so,
could you please comment on what's necessary and what is extraneous to
Tomcat on Linux?

Potentially how small could you make your OS filesystem size, not including
the size of your WARs and the Tomcat JARs themselves?

I realize this might be leaning towards more of a Linux question than a
Tomcat question, but who knows Tomcat better than Tomcat users! Your help is
greatly appreciated.

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[OT] Re: Character encoding

2007-07-08 Thread lightbulb432

That was a really great set of answers, thanks! These follow-ups are somewhat
off-topic to Tomcat, but you really know this stuff well so I hope you don't
mind addressing them:

POST requests always use the request's body encoding, which is specified
 the HTTP header (and can be overridden by using 
 request.setCharacterEncoding). Some broken clients don't provide the 
 character encoding of the request, which makes things difficult sometimes.

What determines what's specified in the HTTP header for the value of the
encoding? Is it purely up to the user agent, or can Tomcat provide hints
based on previous requests how to encode it - or is it something up to the
end user to set in their browser (in IE, View - Encoding)?

In what cases would you call request.setCharacterEncoding to override the
value specified by the user agent? Shouldn't you trust the user agent rather
than trying to guess? (Or is this only used in cases where the user agent is
broken, like you said - but then how would you know you're dealing with a
broken client to begin with...aah, complicated!)

You shouldn't have to worry about cookie encoding, since you can always
 call request.getCookies() and get them correctly interpreted for you.

What do you mean by this? Does it mean (pardon the surely messed up use of
the API below) in your response.addCookie(), you add a cookie where the
value has cookie.setValue(new String(charByteArray,UTF-8)) then you read
it back using responseCookie.getValue().getBytes(UTF-8)? (Where UTF-8 is
whatever encoding you're using internally in your application.)

Finally, what's the default encoding used by the response when
response.setCharacterEncoding(myEncoding) isn't called? Am I correct to
assume that if that default is not the default Java String encoding of
UTF-16, then you MUST call convert all the Strings you've outputted to that
encoding? (...because the HTTP header expects whatever the default is, but
Java is outputting UTF-16 encoded text to the actual response bytes)

Am I speaking rubbish here, or am I thinking about these concepts in the
right way?

Thanks a lot.

P.S. How did you learn all of that?!

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 Why is the URIEncoding attribute specified on the connector rather than
 on a
 host, for example?
 Because the host doesn't handle connections... the connectors do.
 Does this mean that the number of virtual hosts that can
 listen on the same port on the same box are limited by whether they all
 the same encodings in their URIs?
 Yes, all virtual hosts listening on the same port will have to have the
 same encoding. Fortunately, UTF-8 works for all languages that I know of.
 Now that I think about it, wouldn't it be
 at the context level, not even at the host level?
 If you had a connector-per-context, yes, but that's no the case.
 In Tomcat 6, should the useBodyEncodingForURI be used if not needing
 compatibility with 4.1, as the documentation mentions? 
 I would highly recommend following that recommendation.
 To see if I have things straight, is HttpServletRequest's
 get/setCharacterEncoding used for both the request parameters from a GET
 request AND the contents of the POST?
 No. GET requests have request parameters encoded as part of the URL,
 which is affected by the Connector's URIEncoding parameter. POST
 requests always use the request's body encoding, which is specified in
 the HTTP header (and can be overridden by using
 request.setCharacterEncoding). Some broken clients don't provide the
 character encoding of the request, which makes things difficult sometimes.
 How are multipart POST requests dealt with?
 Typically, each part of a multipart request contains its own character
 encoding, so a multipart POST would follow the encoding for the part
 you're reading at the time.
 And HttpServletResponse's get/setCharacterEncoding is used for the
 of the response header and the meta tags?
 Only for the header field, not META tags. If you want to emit META tags,
 you'll have to do them yourself.
 Does it also encode the page content itself? 
 Nope. If you change the character encoding for a response after the
 response has already had some data written to it, I think you'll send an
 incorrect header. For instance:
 PrintWriter out = response.getOutputWriter();
 Your client will not receive a sane response. Setting the character
 encoding only sets the HTTP response header and configures the
 response's Writer, if used, but only /before/ calling getWriter the
 first time.
 What about the encoding of cookies for both incoming requests and
 See the HTTP spec, section 4.2 (Message Headers). It references RFC
 822 (ARPA Internet text messages) which does not actually specify a
 character encoding. From what I can see, low ASCII

Character encoding

2007-07-05 Thread lightbulb432

Why is the URIEncoding attribute specified on the connector rather than on a
host, for example? Does this mean that the number of virtual hosts that can
listen on the same port on the same box are limited by whether they all use
the same encodings in their URIs? Now that I think about it, wouldn't it be
at the context level, not even at the host level?

In Tomcat 6, should the useBodyEncodingForURI be used if not needing
compatibility with 4.1, as the documentation mentions? 

To see if I have things straight, is HttpServletRequest's
get/setCharacterEncoding used for both the request parameters from a GET
request AND the contents of the POST? How are multipart POST requests dealt

And HttpServletResponse's get/setCharacterEncoding is used for the contents
of the response header and the meta tags? Does it also encode the page
content itself? 

What about the encoding of cookies for both incoming requests and outgoing

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RE: HttpSession questions

2007-07-01 Thread lightbulb432

I did notice the getServletContext() of the servlet classes, but in this case
the code is in a custom class that was forwarded to by the servlet - I don't
have access to the servlet in this class.

If however, I were to change my code and pass the return value of Servlet's
getServletContext() to my class, would a session still be created, as
happens using the request.getSession().getServletContext() approach?

Out of curiosity, why is there a getServletContext() on HttpSession? Pardon
my ignorance, but that just doesn't seem right - if it's there as
convenience, then shouldn't it be on the HttpServletRequest class as well?
If that's just the way it is, then that's fine... But is there some design
reason you can think of that the method is in the session but not request
object? Am I missing something here?

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: HttpSession questions
 Why is it that you need an HttpSession in order to get a 
 You don't - since your code is in a class that extends HttpServlet, just
 call getServletContext() directly; it's defined under
  - Chuck
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Filters and getLastModified

2007-06-30 Thread lightbulb432

Could somebody explain when in the request process getLastModified is called
on a servlet? Is it before everything - all servlets, filters, listeners,
anything else?

If you have multiple filters, how does this fit into the process - are they
all guaranteed to see the process through before the getLastModified call
occurs on the servlet? (i.e. Can you count on the filtering to have occurred
before the code in your getLastModified runs?) 

I ask in the case that your getLastModified is more than a simple file
system last modified timestamp check, and where you're using some kind of
controller servlet rather than servlet-per-path - in which case your one
getLastModified method in the controller servlet could become complex,
having to deal with multiple getLastModified semantics of multiple pages
that map to one servlet?

With what request methods is it called (GET, POST, etc...)? The servlet spec
gives only a slight indication that it's for GETs, but doesn't really

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RE: Where to find session cookies

2007-06-26 Thread lightbulb432

How can I configure Tomcat to use permanent cookies as opposed to session
cookies? One of the reasons I'd like to know is to see the behavior of
method isNew() of HttpSession, which I can do if I'm able to disable
cookies. As the Javadoc for HttpSession says:

A servlet should be able to handle cases in which the client does not
choose to join a session, such as when cookies are intentionally turned

Fargusson.Alan wrote:
 Session cookies are not stored on disk.  This is why they are more secure
 then cookies (non-session).  Since they only exist in RAM (ok, maybe in
 swap files) nobody else using that machine can find them, and they go away
 when the browser ends.
 -Original Message-
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 12:15 PM
 Subject: Where to find session cookies
 When testing my application that uses sessions, I don't seem to see a
 with domain localhost in my browser's cookies folder. Does Tomcat use some
 internal folder to put its cookies, or am I just doing something else
 I do have cookies enabled, so it's not writing the session id to the URL,
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Re: In-Process Tomcat

2007-06-25 Thread lightbulb432

Any web application that needs to scale wouldn't use httpd (or
 anything else) in front of tomcat, so the question in- or out-process
 tomcat doesn't matter. From 5 high performance application I know the
 details of, 1 is still using apache in front; more out of habbit,
 rather than by need. Others are using a hw loadbalancer in front of x
 tomcat servers, and some servers for static content (which can be
 apache httpd, but is mostly something different) which are parallel to
 the tomcat servers. So the loadbalancer decides which server to ask
 for specific content type.

You're actually the first person I've heard to say that apps that need to
scale would not use HTTPD. I've read the exact opposite on multiple
occassions, but as I'm a relative newbie to Tomcat I'm hoping people on this
mailing list can correct me. Could you expand on your point further?

How would hardware load balancers go about handling sticky sessions? Or
would you have to design for a stateless web tier so that any Tomcat
instance will do upon the next request?

You mention that when you use a static content server, it's generally
something other that HTTPD. Is there a particular reason for that? What
static servers have you generally seen in use apart from HTTPD - are there
things that just work better in the setup you described than others?
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Multiple instances vs multiple hosts

2007-06-25 Thread lightbulb432

In production, for organizations that run multiple web applications, would
they run it on different instances of Tomcat (1 instance per web application
or group of related web applications), or all web applications as different
hosts on one instance of Tomcat? (Not taking into account clustering, where
everything in whatever setup is chosen would be duplicated.)

What are the tradeoffs in terms of performance, resource usage,
maintainability, etc, and what are your comments based on past experience?
What's common in production and what isn't as much?

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Re: In-Process Tomcat

2007-06-25 Thread lightbulb432

 You mention that when you use a static content server, it's generally
 something other that HTTPD. Is there a particular reason for that? What
 static servers have you generally seen in use apart from HTTPD - are
 things that just work better in the setup you described than others?

Without using hardware load balancers, how could you implement the
architecture whereby (as you described) lighttpd serves static content,
Tomcat serves dynamic content, but with the two sets of servers (lighttpd
and Tomcat) in parallel rather than lighttpd fronting Tomcat?

Would you be required to, in your JSPs, include all links to static content

What are all the available options to implement this setup? Thanks.
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Use JMX to manage applications

2007-06-25 Thread lightbulb432

How, from a web application deployed to Tomcat, can you customize the
behavior of your web application based on attributes specified in an MBean?
The link talks a lot
about Ant tasks, but that's not really what I'm looking to do.

How can you get programmatic access to MBeans? And how do you deploy MBeans
to Tomcat?

I'm pretty confused here...hopefully someone can clarify. Thanks.
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RE: Is ThreadLocal safe to use in servlets

2007-06-24 Thread lightbulb432

To conserve resources when multiple Connector elements are configured.
 No point in having a multitude of idle threads when some Connectors
 are only lightly used or the usage pattern varies with time.

Is it safe to assume that this is the way to go, or are there ever, ever any
times when it would be less desirable to go this route than the default
thread-pool-per-connector element? (I ask in terms of performance or other
production characteristics, rather than the initial extra few minutes to
configure that element and figure out how to correctly use it...?)

Also, using this method can threads only be shared between Connectors
associated with a single Engine (because Executor is a child of Service, not
Server), rather than being shared between every request to all web
applications on this instance of Tomcat?

I have another question about using ThreadLocal as an instance variable in a
threadsafe Singleton. If the Singleton has 5 instance methods, each of which
requires use of the value stored in the ThreadLocal, I see one option:

- Start each method with a call to a private method that returns the value
in the ThreadLocal

void method1of5() {
  String myString = getStringFromThreadLocal();

Is there another alternative, which would reduce the duplication of that
first line for each of the five methods? One thing I thought of (though it's
not possible, but maybe you can suggest other alternatives) is to somehow
have an instance variable that stores the value of that call, that each
method could use directly?

String myString = getStringFromThreadLocal();

void method1of5() {

Of course this isn't possible the way I've shown, because the myString
instance variable is only initialized once, and shared between all users of
the Singleton. (Though it does simplify each of the 5 methods, making them
oblivious to the fact that they're dealing with ThreadLocals, and that's
what I'm hoping you might be able to suggest a way of doing...)
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In-Process Tomcat

2007-06-24 Thread lightbulb432

I read a few things that explained the difference (in configurations where
you must front Tomcat with Apache HTTPD) between in-process Tomcat and
out-of-process Tomcat, and have a couple of questions.

It said that in-process Tomcat will reduce latency (which I understand) but
decrease both stability and scalability - why will it decrease both of these

How can you set up an in-process Tomcat? I couldn't find anything related at or by doing a web search. Do both
options make use of the mod_jk connector to HTTPD, and it's just a matter of
configuring it appropriately, or does Tomcat somehow have to be compiled
into Apache, or something else?

In general, what conflicts arise from an integrated Tomcat and HTTPD setup,
whether in-process or not? Both Tomcat and HTTPD have configuration related
to URL rewriting, authorization/authentication, logging, etc. In general
terms, what's the most reasonable way to configure your integrated setup so
that the resulting installation doesn't leave security holes, or break due
to URL rewriting, or any other results? An strategies or best practices
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RE: In-Process Tomcat

2007-06-24 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks for your detailed response. See questions below.

In-process Tomcat is to have Tomcat running in the same process space as
 Apache HTTPD, IIS, or other web server.  Since most of the web servers
 are implemented in C/C++, you will have to use JNI to integrate with
 Java-based Tomcat, and create a mod_tomcat like module for Httpd.

So there's no standard prepackaged installation of the two combined, or no
standard connector plugin or something that's distributed with either
Tomcat or HTTPD, which is why I'd have to create it myself? Is the
in-process approach that uncommon?

Definitely the in-process setup improves performance, since
 communication between Tomcat and web server occurs via memory-based data
 exchange.  It will be less stable since if something went wrong with the
 Tomcat, it would affect the web server directly.  It will also be less
 scalable, since this setup won't support high-availability and
 clustering of Tomcat servers.

Why does the in-process approach render high-availability and clustering
impossible? From a technical/implementation perspective, what is it about
the in-process approach that causes this specific functionality to not be

In any case, if clustering features don't work then it's definitely no
surprise that any web application that needs to scale wouldn't use this
approach...unless it is being used in some way by such web applications in
production - anybody know?
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RE: Port-based virtual hosting

2007-06-24 Thread lightbulb432

The question's more of a general one to help me understand some elements in
server.xml. Maybe I'll start with this question first, though:

If you somehow have multiple contexts (within the same Host or Service, or
within different ones in your Tomcat instance) that point to the same WAR
file or docBase, are there multiple instances of that web application
running, or are the multiple entry points to that application (based on it
being specified in multiple hosts) really pointing to the same instance of
that webapp?

If this doesn't make sense, I can clarify. Thanks.

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Port-based virtual hosting
 Is there any functional difference between the two
 options - if they're both even possible? Which would
 you go with?
 - 1 Service element with 5 HTTP connectors (each on a 
 different port) and one Engine with 5 Hosts
 (Host, Host, etc...)
 - 5 Service elements, each with 1 HTTP connector and one 
 Engine with only 1 Host
 Not sure I understand your requirements.  Are you trying to implement
 multiple virtual hosts that are segregated by port number rather than
 DNS name?
 Your first option is not likely to work, since the port number is
 stripped off before comparison with the Host name is done.  (Also,
 since the Host name is used as a directory name in the underlying file
 system, the colon won't be allowed on many platforms.)
 The first option would use less resources than the second one, but I
 think it would require that you write a Valve to forward each request
 to the proper Host.  I think the second one will work without any
 additional coding (but I haven't tried it).
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Re: Is ThreadLocal safe to use in servlets

2007-06-23 Thread lightbulb432

You mention the use of filters, which leads me to the question of where is it
safe to start using a request-scoped object stored in a ThreadLocal? Would
it be safe to use in a filter, listener, or only once request processing
gets to the servlet?

A different way of asking this question is where/when does Tomcat start the
Thread that handles a given request, and what is executed in the context of
that thread? (e.g. filters, listeners, other things, servlets of course)


Leon Rosenberg-3 wrote:
 they are absolutely perfect to reduce parameter pumping through many
 layers of code. But you should set and reset them properly, best in a
 On 6/2/07, lightbulb432 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are ThreadLocal variables safe to use with servlets? There are some cases
 where it could really simplify my code if used correctly, but first I
 to make sure there aren't any horrible problems with doing so. (I've read
 that the implementation of ThreadLocals has gotten much better with the
 few releases of Java.)

 Has anyone had experience using them successfully, or even
 If so, please share your insights.

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RE: Is ThreadLocal safe to use in servlets

2007-06-23 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks for that great answer! I'm hoping you could help clarify my
understanding and answer some more questions that your response brought

Based on the behavior you specified of ThreadLocals sticking around after
the webapp is undeployed, is it correct to say that the thread pool you
mentioned is global to ALL webapps in Tomcat, rather than multiple thread
pools, one for each webapp in the same Tomcat instance?

Is it also correct to say that this could be a security problem, where a
user in another webapp could inadvertently see something left around in a
ThreadLocal from another user in the same webapp - or from another user in a
different webapp?

Do you see any problems with creating one or more ThreadLocals as the first
operation in the first filter defined for a webapp, and closing them (i.e.
nulling them out) as the last operation in that same filter? This would
thereby ensure that the ThreadLocal is there for the entire scope of the
request. Do the garbage collection problems you mentioned apply in this

(This next question is more to see whether my thought process is correct
rather than to bash the servlet spec or Tomcat.) I can understand how any
context listener methods aren't guaranteed to be called in the same thread
as a request, because it's a completely unrelated concept. But am I correct
to say that it's a limitation that session listeners (both attribute-binding
and creational listener methods) aren't guaranteed to be run in the same
thread as the request that created it? 

After all, each of those operations happens directly because of and in a
given request, so wouldn't it be a better design for those methods to be
called by the same thread? That way, you could use ThreadLocals to obtain
values in the session listeners that are inserted elsewhere in the same
request that created/invalidated a session, or bound/unbound a session

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Re: Is ThreadLocal safe to use in servlets
 A different way of asking this question is where/when
 does Tomcat start the Thread that handles a given
 request, and what is executed in the context of that
 thread? (e.g. filters, listeners, other things, servlets 
 of course)
 Tomcat utilizes a thread pool for processing requests; the same thread
 is used for the duration of the request through the entire
 filter/servlet chain (required by the servlet spec), including data base
 and other external resource access.  However, since the threads are
 pooled, you can't count on ever seeing the same thread twice in a given
 servlet, so ThreadLocal objects are best created and destroyed during
 individual request handling; trying to keep them around longer runs the
 risk of their continuing to exist even after a webapp has been stopped
 or undeployed, resulting in garbage collection problems.
 Since Listeners are not associated with a specific request, there's no
 guarantee that the thread running through any Listener code will ever be
 used for a request for the associated webapp, and there's no guarantee
 it won't.
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RE: Is ThreadLocal safe to use in servlets

2007-06-23 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks again. This has been a very enlightening thread (no pun intended).

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 Normally, there's a thread pool per Connector.  Tomcat 6 introduces
 the ability to share thread pools across multiple Connectors, via the
 Executor element.  (I haven't tried it.)

When might an advanced Tomcat user need to play with this Executor element?
In what ways could you potentially make use of sharing a thread pool between
all connector versus for only a single connector? What kinds of requirements
would make someone place an Executor element in their server.xml?

Yes, that's another reason to restrict the lifetime to that of a single
 request.  Exposure across webapps would be difficult to exploit unless
 the class definition of the object cached via ThreadLocal were visible
 to both webapps.

Good point. If the same class definition were in fact placed in the
classpath of both applications, wouldn't this still not work though -
because they'd be loaded by the web context-specific classloaders and
therefore not be the same class? (i.e. because they'd fail the instanceof
test) If that's the case, would it work if the class were placed in the
CATALINA_HOME/lib instead?
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Port-based virtual hosting

2007-06-23 Thread lightbulb432

Was just thinking about this, and am curious to know (though it's pretty
trivial)... Is there any functional difference between the two options - if
they're both even possible? Which would you go with?

- 1 Service element with 5 HTTP connectors (each on a different port) and
one Engine with 5 Hosts (Host, Host, etc...)

- 5 Service elements, each with 1 HTTP connector and one Engine with only 1
Host (i.e. the following repeated 5 times)

I'm just trying to wrap my head around the server.xml file, and I believe
asking questions like this (though they may seem to be pretty pointless)
will help me understand better.

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Save sessions across restarts

2007-06-17 Thread lightbulb432

During development, I'd like my sessions to stick around while I reload the
context or restart the container, so that when I make a change to a servlet,
for example, that requires a context reload, I don't have to relogin in the

I notice the saveOnRestart attribute, which is supposed to be enabled by
default. Why is it that I must relogin every time? Do I need to make some
other change to the default server.xml or web.xml, which I haven't done?
(Haven't done anything with regards to manager or store configuration

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Directory listings on a per-context level

2007-06-13 Thread lightbulb432

I've set listings to true on TOMCAT_BASE/conf/web.xml's DefaultServlet, but
that allows directories to be seen for all contexts. Is there a way to set
directory listings for certain contexts but not others?

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2007-06-09 Thread lightbulb432

Can requests potentially arrive at a servlet before the
ServletContextListener's contextInitialized method has completed? I ask
because the method occurs as a notification once the servlet context is
ready to accept requests. Is there a chance, then, that a request could
begin being served while your contextInitialized method is being carried out
(especially if it's long-running)?

Is contextInitialized suitable only for things like logging the fact that a
context is ready, or can it be used for setup that MUST occur before the
first request is accepted? If not the latter, what can be used to serve this
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Is ThreadLocal safe to use in servlets

2007-06-02 Thread lightbulb432

Are ThreadLocal variables safe to use with servlets? There are some cases
where it could really simplify my code if used correctly, but first I want
to make sure there aren't any horrible problems with doing so. (I've read
that the implementation of ThreadLocals has gotten much better with the last
few releases of Java.)

Has anyone had experience using them successfully, or even unsuccessfully?
If so, please share your insights.

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Connection Pool and Connections

2007-06-01 Thread lightbulb432

When using the tomcat-dbcp DataSource, when my web application code gets a

myConnection = myDataSource.getConnection();

then executes multiple separate statements

myStatement1 = myConnection.createStatement();

myStatement2 = myConnection.createStatement();

then close the connection


Is it possible that myStatement1 and myStatement2 would be run using
different physical database connections, or are they absolutely guaranteed
to be executed using the same connection?

Or is connection pooling only for not actually closing the physical database
connection on myConnection.close(), instead returning it to the connection

A different way of asking this is does connection pooling pool connections
within an application connection (myDataSource.getConnection() and
myConnection.close()), or between application connections?

If this question doesn't make sense, I can clarify. Thanks a lot.
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Where to find session cookies

2007-05-29 Thread lightbulb432

When testing my application that uses sessions, I don't seem to see a cookie
with domain localhost in my browser's cookies folder. Does Tomcat use some
internal folder to put its cookies, or am I just doing something else wrong?

I do have cookies enabled, so it's not writing the session id to the URL,

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Questions about Contexts

2007-05-29 Thread lightbulb432

How are extremely large web applications divided up into contexts (as I’d
imagine these applications don’t reside within just a single WAR)? Let’s say
you have different functional areas, like user registration, search, file
management, etc, could each of those be divided up into its own context, or
is that too fine-grained?

Do any of you manage applications that, while logically being one
application, are actually deployed to multiple contexts? If so, could you
share some of your experiences in doing this – the benefits and limitations:
not only with single sign-on (which Tomcat makes easy), but things like
session management, concurrency to the data layer, and things that I can’t
even think of…

Or is dividing up one WAR into multiple WARs or the other way around as
simple as cutting and pasting the appropriate JSPs/Servlets/JavaBeans and
tweaking the web.xml files accordingly? I’d imagine there’s much else that
needs to be watched out for.

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RE: Excluding JSP compiler from Tomcat

2007-05-25 Thread lightbulb432

In your production environment have you disabled or excluded the actual
Tomcat piece that does the JSP compilation, to decrease the size and memory
usage (no matter how small) of the production Tomcat install? The part of
the JSP spec that I referred to in my original post seemed to indicate that
it might be possible depending on your container. As Tomcat is the RI, I'm
wondering whether this capability is available.

Lakshmi Venkataraman wrote:
 In our development environment we compile JSPs on the fly.
 In our production environment we have precompiled JSP classes.
 In the PRODUCTION environment, webapps/WEB-INF/web.xml have 
 servlet and servlet-mapping defined for every JSP page.
 For example:
 The precompiled JSP classes are placed inside WEB-INF/classes/jsp. I
 guess you can also probably archive
 these files in a WAR file. 
 -Original Message-
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 10:31 AM
 Subject: Excluding JSP compiler from Tomcat
 The JSP spec says that if you precompile JSPs you can reduce the JSP
 container footprint by excluding the JSP compiler. How can this be done
 in Tomcat?
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Re: Single-sign on without form-based authentication

2007-05-24 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks for pointing me to that class. How can I specify my overriden version
in a configuration file or programmatically so that it can be used?

Also, I was looking into how to solve the problem from my original post, and
came across the concept multiple times of providing my own Realm
implementation. Could somebody describe the difference between your
suggestion and implementing Realm? Are they mutually exclusive concepts? Are
they unrelated to each other completely?


Gregor Schneider wrote:
 You could call the authenticate()-method from Tomcat's FormAuthenticator:,%20org.apache.catalina.HttpResponse,%20org.apache.catalina.deploy.LoginConfig)
 However, this will work in Tomcat only, and I'd rather implement a
 formbased login than to frickle (German expression for a quick 
 dirty solution) my own solution.
 what's puzzlin' you, is the nature of my game
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RE: Reloadable attribute not working

2007-05-24 Thread lightbulb432

I tried looking through the startup.bat file for standalone Tomcat and still
cannot seem to figure out what the difference is between what that file is
doing to startup Tomcat properly, and what I'm doing wrong with embedded
Tomcat from my class below. (It's calling the same startup classes that I'd
be calling, right?)

Any thoughts?

lightbulb432 wrote:
 I know the cause of the problem - my use of embedded tomcat. When I tried
 it with the standalone Tomcat, it works fine. What I'm confused about,
 then, is how to fix the following code to make it work like standalone
 Tomcat. I'm using Tomcat 6.
 I'd be very surprised if this I'm not doing something wrong and this is a
 limitation of embedded Tomcat.
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
   try {
   bootstrap.init(new String[] {-config,conf/server.xml});
 catch (Exception e) {
 Also, nothing is appearing underneath
 CATALINA_BASE/work/Catalina/localhost/myapp, regardless of the number of
 servlets or JSPs I've deployed and accessed, and regardless of whether
 it's with standalone or embedded Tomcat.
 Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: RE: Reloadable attribute not working
 There's no folders under CATALINA_BASE/conf
 Not having run an embedded Tomcat, I don't know if that's normal or not.
 I'm using the invoker servlet - could that be a reason, or 
 does it have nothing to do with this? 
 Don't know - the invoker servlet should never be used.  It's only there
 for compatiblity.
 Also, could it be why no .java and .class files are generated 
 in my work directory?
 They're only generated for .jsp files; do you have any in your webapps?
 What other effects might one expect using the invoker servlet?
 Security holes all over the place.  It's really a bad idea.
  - Chuck
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Re: Single-sign on without form-based authentication

2007-05-24 Thread lightbulb432

I'll try to avoid the hack method if possible.

Let me clarify the two requirements that my authentication process must
meet. It must use an existing stored procedure that will return a login
success/fail response, and it needs additional credentials (username,
password, and at least one other field, if not more.)

Which of the two suggestions should I be looking at? (JAASRealm or
FormAuthenticator?) I can't tell the conceptual difference between these
classes, and which can solve my problem.

Also, is it correct to say that both suggestions are Tomcat-specific?
(Realms and FormAuthenticator.)


Gregor Schneider wrote:
 in $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/catalina.jar there's a file
 There your will find the following entries:
 Replace either Basic or FormAuthenticator with your own, put your jar
 into $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib, restart - voilá
 had to do that once, however, it's a bad hack
 On 5/24/07, lightbulb432 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 implementation. Could somebody describe the difference between your
 suggestion and implementing Realm? Are they mutually exclusive concepts?
 they unrelated to each other completely?
 That would be a better solution, though, however, I'm not sure if that
 could work with the architecture you described in your former post.
 what's puzzlin' you, is the nature of my game
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Single-sign on without form-based authentication

2007-05-23 Thread lightbulb432

Is it correct to say that you lose the ability to have single-sign on across
multiple contexts if you go with a custom login solution (e.g. checking
login form fields in a servlet and, if correct, setting a “login” session
attribute to true) as opposed to standard form-based authentication?

How can I programmatically customize the form-based authentication, so that
I can retain my current login mechanism while still telling Tomcat to use
these credentials at a web container level rather than just at the web
application level?

I’d imagine there’d be ways to customize this, as developers would like to
perhaps customize the login process (requiring more than just a j_username
and j_password).

How can I do this?

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RE: Reloadable attribute not working

2007-05-20 Thread lightbulb432

I know the cause of the problem - my use of embedded tomcat. When I tried it
with the standalone Tomcat, it works fine. What I'm confused about, then, is
how to fix the following code to make it work like standalone Tomcat. I'm
using Tomcat 6.

I'd be very surprised if this I'm not doing something wrong and this is a
limitation of embedded Tomcat.

public static void main(String[] args) {

Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
try {
bootstrap.init(new String[] {-config,conf/server.xml});
catch (Exception e) {

Also, nothing is appearing underneath
CATALINA_BASE/work/Catalina/localhost/myapp, regardless of the number of
servlets or JSPs I've deployed and accessed, and regardless of whether it's
with standalone or embedded Tomcat.

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: RE: Reloadable attribute not working
 There's no folders under CATALINA_BASE/conf
 Not having run an embedded Tomcat, I don't know if that's normal or not.
 I'm using the invoker servlet - could that be a reason, or 
 does it have nothing to do with this? 
 Don't know - the invoker servlet should never be used.  It's only there
 for compatiblity.
 Also, could it be why no .java and .class files are generated 
 in my work directory?
 They're only generated for .jsp files; do you have any in your webapps?
 What other effects might one expect using the invoker servlet?
 Security holes all over the place.  It's really a bad idea.
  - Chuck
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Reloadable attribute not working

2007-05-19 Thread lightbulb432

When I update a servlet class and it gets compiled automatically into
WEB-INF/classes, my context does not reload automatically. It is only when I
restart Tomcat that the changes to the servlet are viewable.

I am using Tomcat 6 and have set reloadable to true in context.xml in my
META-INF/context.xml file.

I'm running Tomcat 6 embedded, where I use the Bootstrap class to start the
server initially.

Why might this not be working?

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tomcat-dbcp from Maven

2007-05-19 Thread lightbulb432

The tomcat-dbcp library doesn't seem to be available from the Maven
repository for Tomcat at or I just missing another maven repository that I should
be looking at, or must I manually install this JAR into my own local

Also, when will the latest version of the JARs (later than 6.0.10) be
uploaded to the repository at - what's the process for
deciding when it's appropriate to upload Tomcat releases to the Maven
repositories for Tomcat?

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RE: Reloadable attribute not working

2007-05-19 Thread lightbulb432

There's no folders under CATALINA_BASE/conf, but I have a guess as to what's
going on and perhaps you could comment.

I'm using the invoker servlet - could that be a reason, or does it have
nothing to do with this? 

Also, could it be why no .java and .class files are generated in my work

What other effects might one expect using the invoker servlet?

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Reloadable attribute not working
 I am using Tomcat 6 and have set reloadable to true in 
 context.xml in my META-INF/context.xml file.
 Does a conf/Catalina/[host]/[appname].xml file exist? (I don't actually
 know if embedded uses a conf directory.)  Such a file would override the
 one in META-INF/context.xml in a non-embedded Tomcat.
  - Chuck
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What changes require a redeploy?

2007-05-16 Thread lightbulb432

I noticed that in my exploded WAR file, if I make changes to a Facelet
(similar to JSP) or stylesheet while Tomcat is running, I see the change
when I navigate to that page in my browser.

What changes are automatically picked up, and what requires a redeploy?

Things include changes to the server's web.xml, server.xml, libraries, and
the context's web.xml, faces-config.xml, Java classes, etc.

Could somebody please describe what the mechanism going on here is, that
allows for immediate updating in some cases but not others?

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Re: What changes require a redeploy?

2007-05-16 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks again for your thorough answer.

Do contexts that are deployed as exploded (as opposed to archived) WARs not
produce a work folder then? I deploy with exploded WARs and don't see a work
folder anywhere, but I'm not sure whether that's how it's supposed to be -
it could be somewhere but I just don't know where to find it, as my folder
structure (Tomcat home, Tomcat base, application files, etc) is all over my

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 When you mention the configuration to automatically reload the context,
 you mean WatchedResource?
 If you set reloadable to true in the context configuration, that should
 care of WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes, and they don't need to be
 in WatchedResource - is this correct?
 I think these resources are automatically watched. You can certainly
 configure others.
 The default context.xml file (at least, I /think/ it's the default)
 found in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/context.xml in my TC 5.5.23 specifies
 WEB-INF/web.xml file as a watched resource, but does not mention the lib
 or classes directories.
 Let me amend my earlier statement about TC's reloading of the context
 when a class changes: TC will only trigger a context reload when a class
 that has /already been loaded/ is changed. I believe that if you replace
 an as-yet-unused class with a newer version, TC does nothing.
 You could think about it like TC adding a WatchedResource for every
 class file it ever has to load.
 Note that this is completely the opposite of what you were originally
 asking about: re-loading a specific resource without re-loading the
 entire context (a la JSP).
 Also, for static content like stylesheets that are within the WAR, a
 to the stylesheet was immediately viewable in the browser - I found that
 surprising. Does Tomcat not do something like caching its static content
 resources so that even if you change a file, that change isn't
 in the work folder? 
 I don't believe Tomcat does any significant static content caching in
 its default configuration. I'm sure you can configure it to do some
 caching, though I'm not sure how useful that is. Reading bytes off the
 disk is pretty fast. The reason Tomcat caches class files (really it's
 Java that is keeping those in memory) is that re-loading a class is time
 consuming. Same thing with JSPs... compilation is a time-consuming
 process, and so re-loading a JSP for every request would be silly.
 Changes to JSP source files typically trigger a re-load of that
 particular JSP /only/. This is mainly a benefit to developers so that a
 .jsp file change doesn't require a re-load of the entire context.
 Context loading and configuration is time-consuming and should be
 avoided in production whenever possible.
 (I thought the concept of a work folder was essentially a cache... - if
 what is its purpose?)
 The work folder basically contains just the exploded WAR file. A WAR
 file is compressed using ZIP-style compression. Reading things out of a
 WAR file is time-consuming since the file must be opened, decompressed
 (to a certain extent), the TOC needs to be read, the target data
 located, then loaded and decompressed, etc. It's much faster to rely on
 the filesystem to locate files by path and then serve the bytes directly.
 You can (I think) avoid the work directory entirely by specifying
 unpackWARs=false in your Host configuration. I think this will serve
 only to slow down your webapp (but save some disk space, I suppose).
 - -chris
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RE: What changes require a redeploy?

2007-05-16 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks for your thorough answer.

What should be considered when making a decision between running with
unpackWARs to true (running out of the exploded WAR in appBase) or false
(forcing it to run out of the work directory)?

What are the tradeoffs or considerations, in terms of performance,
maintenance, etc? In either case a work directory is still generated, right?
- So what's the advantage to setting unpackWARs to true in a production

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Re: What changes require a redeploy?
 I think these resources are automatically watched. You can certainly
 configure others.
 This is dependent on the reloadable attribute of the Context element;
 the lib and classes directories are monitored only if the value is true,
 which is not the default.  Note that setting it to true results in
 measurable overhead.
 You could think about it like TC adding a WatchedResource for every
 class file it ever has to load.
 Again, only if reloadable is true for the Context.
 I don't believe Tomcat does any significant static content caching in
 its default configuration.
 This is a function of the DefaultServlet.  It does do some caching, but
 this can be overridden by the browser.  Look at the serveResource()
 method in org/apache/catalina/servlets/
 I'm sure you can configure it to do some caching
 I'm not aware of any config params for that, nor did a quick scan of the
 code reveal any (doesn't mean they're not hiding somewhere).
 The reason Tomcat caches class files (really it's
 Java that is keeping those in memory) is that re-loading
 a class is time consuming.
 The real reason is that classes have state, and so cannot be safely
 changed without removing all references to both the classes and
 instantiated objects.  Also, some JVMs load .jar files into memory, and
 won't notice that you've updated the one on disk.
 The work folder basically contains just the exploded WAR file.
 Only when unpacking the WAR is inhibited by Host or Context
 attributes or the .war is deployed in some location other than the
 Host's appBase directory; by default, a .war in appBase is unpacked
 into the appBase directory.
 You can (I think) avoid the work directory entirely by specifying
 unpackWARs=false in your Host configuration.
 No, this forces use of the work directory; setting unpackWARs to true
 allows the unpacking to occur in the appBase directory.  Nothing is run
 directly out of a .war file.
 The work directory is also used to hold translated and compiled JSPs and
 serialized sessions.
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Tomcat and Maven2

2007-05-14 Thread lightbulb432

I looked at the embedded distribution, and can't tell what JARs are required
for a basic Bootstrap embedded setup. In the lib folder there are 16
JARs...are they all required?

At the following link I can't tell whether there's one Maven project that is
the one I'm looking for, or whether I'll have to specify many different
artifacts as dependencies (i.e. is there one artifact that lists as its own
dependencies everything that's needed for an embedded distribution?)

David Smith-2 wrote:
 This is partially going to depend on what feature you use (or don't 
 use).  I would download the embedded tomcat .zip and take a look at the 
 jars provided in server/lib, common/lib and bin directories.
 lightbulb432 wrote:
 I'd like to use Tomcat for in-place development, which can be done by
 the Tomcat JARs itself. Of course the scope dependency would be something
 like provided for when the app is actually deployed, but for the
 of development what JARs are needed to run an embedded bootstrap Tomcat?


 David Smith-2 wrote:
 Could you post more details?  Most Maven project only ever need the 
 servlet api (and optionally jsp api) declared in dependencies as:


 I can't imagine a need for tomcat specific jars in any project.


 lightbulb432 wrote:

 I'd like to obtain Tomcat JARs using Maven, but I don't know which of
 JARs from the following URL are required:

 Which of those JARs are required for Tomcat?

 Could somebody who uses Maven with Tomcat comment on how they use it
 obtaining Tomcat JARs?


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 David Smith
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 Cornell University
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 Ithaca, NY 14853
 Phone: (607) 255-9571
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Re: Embedded Tomcat 6

2007-05-14 Thread lightbulb432

Thanks for your response.

How can I get Tomcat running from my Java code, now that bootstrap.jar is
not in the Tomcat distribution for 6? I'm used to the pre-Tomcat 6 API of
the Bootstrap class...has this changed in the latest version? (Bootstrap
isn't available in any of Tomcat 6's JARs.) 

Could somebody point me to the documentation that explains how to take
advantage of this with Tomcat 6?

Bill Barker-2 wrote:
 lightbulb432 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Why is there no embedded Tomcat download for Tomcat 6, while there is for
 Tomcat 5.5?

 In TC 6 (at least with the default configuration) there really isn't much 
 difference between embedded and regular TC (except, of course for the 
 bootstrap.jar in regular TC).
 What's the difference between regular and embedded Tomcat, in terms of
 functionality and what the distributions come with?
 Regular TC is configured using server.xml, and embedded is configured
 your Java/JMX code.
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Embedded Tomcat 6

2007-05-13 Thread lightbulb432

Why is there no embedded Tomcat download for Tomcat 6, while there is for
Tomcat 5.5? 

What's the difference between regular and embedded Tomcat, in terms of
functionality and what the distributions come with?
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RE: Seamless transition between application updates

2007-05-11 Thread lightbulb432

You describe a good solution. Is there a way to have multiple versions of an
application on one server, as opposed to having to divide up versions of the
application per server?

I ask because if your users tend to have long sessions, then in the Tomcat
cluster you'd like to disable you could be waiting hours for all those
sessions to die, in which case you're wasting hardware and overburdening
the version of the server with your new application.

I'm hoping there's a way to do this...


Tim Lucia wrote:
 At my company, we have a weekly application update.  Sometimes it is more
 frequent than that.  We have Apache/httpd + mod_jk and three clustered
 Tomcats.  Updating the Tomcats one at a time causes no loss of service as
 the other two pick up.  Of course we do this during the periods of lowest
 usage, and you cannot get away with incompatible session attribute
 I have an ant deploy rule which iterates over a list of Tomcat hosts and
 undeploys-the-old/deploys-the-new using the Tomcat manager / deploy tasks.
 One alternative is to use mod_jk (or load balancer / traffic router of
 choice) to partition the Tomcats in to 2 clusters: TC1 and TC2
 TC1 has V2.0.5 of /yourapp
 TC2 has V2.0.6 of /yourapp
 Enable/start the workers on TC2
 Disable each worker on TC1 and wait for the count to go to zero 
 Upgrade TC1 to V2.0.7 of /yourapp 
 Move traffic from TC2 to TC1
 I've tested the latter and it worked during testing, but we've not had
 sufficient need to make use of it in production.
 -Original Message-
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:03 AM
 Subject: Seamless transition between application updates
 What are the strategies you might use to update an application running on
 multiple Tomcat instances (clustered with Apache mod_jk) with a seamless
 transition for somebody who's using the application at the time the
 application is redeployed? I've always wondered how web applications that
 cannot afford downtime do it.
 In my naive understanding I'd simply shut off all servers, redeploy the
 updated applications, then turn all the servers back on. In this case,
 pretty straightforward to understand what would happen. However, users
 experience downtime (or at least a non-seamless transition). In
 that have requirements not to make users relogin everytime a change is
 how would applications that provide smaller, more frequent updates
 How would you go about doing this, specifically, in a clustered Tomcat
 environment? What things should I keep in mind when figuring out how to
 do this?
 Problems that I foresee include someone who's POSTing from his current
 to a just-updated version of a servlet on this case, what the
 user expects to happen might not be what is expected, due to the servlet
 update. In the best case the user has to relogin due to an error. In the
 worst case the operation goes through successfully but modifies the data
 some unexpected way.
 Your insight on this matter is greatly appreciated.
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Multiple Tomcat 6 instances with catalina.base

2007-05-10 Thread lightbulb432

What can I do to get multiple Tomcat instances running under Tomcat 6? I've
installed Tomcat, set CATALINA_HOME environment variable, and in my startup
script I say the following:

startup -Dcatalina.base=pathToBaseDir

Right now the baseDir that I point to in the startup script is completely
empty. I was hoping that Tomcat would populate it with some defaults, but I
guess not. What do I need to copy over - the following, or any more/less?

- conf
- logs
- temp
- webapp
- work

Also, when I execute the startup script as mentioned before, the logs in
CATALINA_HOME are populated and the server starts up successfully,
regardless of the fact that I told it to use another catalina.base.
Shouldn't it be giving an error rather than silently reverting to the
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Context Descriptors

2007-05-10 Thread lightbulb432

The following regarding Context Descriptors is in the documentation for
Tomcat 6. I'm wondering why the included contexts such as /examples, /docs,
/host-manager, and ROOT (/) don't have Context Descriptors generated as
described below. 

The locations for Context Descriptors are; 


If a Context Descriptor is not provided for a Context, Tomcat automatically
creates one and places it in (1) with a filename of [webappname].xml
although if manually created, the filename need not match the web
application name as Tomcat is concerned only with the Context configuration
contained within the Context Descriptor file(s). 

The only one that I see one for is /manager, which leads to my next
question. Why, under /manager, do I see the following in

Context docBase=${catalina.home}/server/webapps/manager
 privileged=true antiResourceLocking=false

  !-- Link to the user database we will get roles from --
  ResourceLink name=users global=UserDatabase


And the following in /manager/META-INF/context.xml? Why the presence of two
context descriptors?

Context antiResourceLocking=false privileged=true /

And finally, why do I see the docBase as
${catalina.home}/server/webapps/manager in the previous manager.xml, when
the default Tomcat 6 installation doesn't even have a server directory? What
confuses me is how it still works even when that directory isn't there or
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Which Tomcat JARs are required?

2007-05-09 Thread lightbulb432

I'd like to obtain Tomcat JARs using Maven, but I don't know which of its
JARs from the following URL are required:

Which of those JARs are required for Tomcat?

Could somebody who uses Maven with Tomcat comment on how they use it for
obtaining Tomcat JARs?

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Re: Which Tomcat JARs are required?

2007-05-09 Thread lightbulb432

I'd like to use Tomcat for in-place development, which can be done by using
the Tomcat JARs itself. Of course the scope dependency would be something
like provided for when the app is actually deployed, but for the purposes
of development what JARs are needed to run an embedded bootstrap Tomcat?


David Smith-2 wrote:
 Could you post more details?  Most Maven project only ever need the 
 servlet api (and optionally jsp api) declared in dependencies as:
 I can't imagine a need for tomcat specific jars in any project.
 lightbulb432 wrote:
I'd like to obtain Tomcat JARs using Maven, but I don't know which of its
JARs from the following URL are required:

Which of those JARs are required for Tomcat?

Could somebody who uses Maven with Tomcat comment on how they use it for
obtaining Tomcat JARs?


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Application auto-redeploy

2007-05-09 Thread lightbulb432

How can I tell Tomcat to automatically redeploy an application when any file
within it is updated? I realize that this happens for new WARs or JSP
updates without needing an application redeploy.

But what I'm asking is if I update a Java class file within an application's
folder, how can I tell Tomcat to undeploy that application and redeploy that
application, rather than having to do these steps manually?

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Keep session alive

2007-04-28 Thread lightbulb432

Is it possible for a Tomcat session keep the session alive for a certain
period of time (say, 2 hours), but remove all objects within it after a
default period of time (like half an hour)? This way the user doesn't have
to re-login as per your usual session timeout but their session state
doesn't eat up Tomcat memory.
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Re: Keep session alive

2007-04-28 Thread lightbulb432

What would the cookie store? Username and password, just username, or
something else? How can this be done in such a way as to prevent the user
from changing the value within the cookie?

Could you elaborate on what you meant by sessions not working when the
browser caches a page? If a user submits a form in a cached page, wouldn't
they still be directed to their same session on the server? (Whether the
session ID is stored in URL, cookie, or hidden form field.)


Rashmi Rubdi-2 wrote:
 On 4/28/07, lightbulb432 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible for a Tomcat session keep the session alive for a certain
 period of time (say, 2 hours),
 The session timeout interval is adjustable, see session-config under
 Max inactive interval can also be specified in HttpSession object,
 with setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval)
 Additionally HttpSessionListener captures the event when the session
 is about to be
 invalidated -- according to JavaEE 5 API.
 but remove all objects within it after a
 default period of time (like half an hour)? This way the user doesn't
 to re-login as per your usual session timeout but their session state
 doesn't eat up Tomcat memory.
 I would consider setting a Cookie instead of storing login info in
 HttpSession in this case.
 One drawback with sessions is that, a session will not work if the web
 page gets cached by the browser. So, in order to keep the session
 alive, it is also important to prevent the caching of a page.
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Measurement and monitoring

2007-04-26 Thread lightbulb432

A lot of industry-standard measurement and monitoring tools/applications
seem, from my uninformed perspective, to not integrate with Java but rather
things like PHP, Perl, etc. As I’m sure some of you manage large web
applications that require such measurement and monitoring, how do you go
about doing so from Tomcat?

Examples of pieces of software include RRDTool, in particular. How might you
use such programs and things built on top of it from within a Java/Tomcat
environment? Is it possible?


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Seamless transition between application updates

2007-04-25 Thread lightbulb432

What are the strategies you might use to update an application running on
multiple Tomcat instances (clustered with Apache mod_jk) with a seamless
transition for somebody who's using the application at the time the
application is redeployed? I've always wondered how web applications that
cannot afford downtime do it.

In my naive understanding I'd simply shut off all servers, redeploy the
updated applications, then turn all the servers back on. In this case, it's
pretty straightforward to understand what would happen. However, users would
experience downtime (or at least a non-seamless transition). In environments
that have requirements not to make users relogin everytime a change is made,
how would applications that provide smaller, more frequent updates survive?

How would you go about doing this, specifically, in a clustered Tomcat
environment? What things should I keep in mind when figuring out how to best
do this?

Problems that I foresee include someone who's POSTing from his current page
to a just-updated version of a servlet on this case, what the
user expects to happen might not be what is expected, due to the servlet
update. In the best case the user has to relogin due to an error. In the
worst case the operation goes through successfully but modifies the data in
some unexpected way.

Your insight on this matter is greatly appreciated.
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RE: Sticky sessions not changing servers

2007-04-22 Thread lightbulb432

I realize that sticky sessions always send requests from the same session to
the same Tomcat instance. However, if my sample application isn't using a
session (i.e. no cookies, URL rewriting, or hidden form fields), wouldn't
every request be seen as a new session and distributed among Tomcats on a
per-request basis (because in this case a session only lasts one request
from the point of view of the servers).

Of course once I've enabled some sort of session handling, then I'd expect
to see the behavior I see now. Correct me if I've misunderstood, but this is
why I believe I'm not seeing expected behavior and am likely doing something

Also, how might I view the load balancing of different sessions in action?
I've cleared cookies and opened up a new browser window (even though I don't
think it's necessary in this case because I'm not using sessions), but it
still goes back to the same server.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

Tim Lucia wrote:
 Sticky sessions means exactly that.  Stick the session to a particular
 tomcat.  If you shut down that tomcat, it should fail over to the other
 tomcat(s) if you have properly set up your cluster.  
 If you use synchronous replication you don't need sticky sessions as all
 tomcats should have the session updates before the response is sent.
 -Original Message-
 From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 5:49 PM
 Subject: Sticky sessions not changing servers
 I've configured mod_jk and have sticky sessions, but every request is
 to the exact same Tomcat instance and not the other instance. I've tried
 setting the loadbalancer method to both Request and Busyness, but they
 do the same thing.
 It works as expected when sticky sessions are disabled.
 Does this have to do with the fact that my Tomcat WAR isn't doing
 with cookies? Really the WAR in each Tomcat instance only has static
 and images, not really any dynamic stuff going on.
 Nonetheless, why am I not seeing even split in the jkstatus page of the
 sticky session requests when I create a new request? For example, if I
 up a new browser window and delete browser cookies and make the same
 request, it still goes to the same instance. How else can I tell my setup
 that it's a new session that shouldn't remain sticky to the previous
 Thanks a lot.
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Sticky sessions not changing servers

2007-04-21 Thread lightbulb432

I've configured mod_jk and have sticky sessions, but every request is going
to the exact same Tomcat instance and not the other instance. I've tried
setting the loadbalancer method to both Request and Busyness, but they both
do the same thing.

It works as expected when sticky sessions are disabled.

Does this have to do with the fact that my Tomcat WAR isn't doing anything
with cookies? Really the WAR in each Tomcat instance only has static pages
and images, not really any dynamic stuff going on. 

Nonetheless, why am I not seeing even split in the jkstatus page of the
sticky session requests when I create a new request? For example, if I open
up a new browser window and delete browser cookies and make the same
request, it still goes to the same instance. How else can I tell my setup
that it's a new session that shouldn't remain sticky to the previous Tomcat

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Trailing slash added

2007-01-17 Thread lightbulb432

I want to get rid of the trailing slash for style issues (really a small
concern) and also to learn about customization within Tomcat as well as URL

Regarding URL rewriting, did you mean the following?

noteTesting trailing slash./note

Perhaps that works rather than a to value of (.*)

Are you sure about what you said: URL Rewriting will not help in
eliminating the trailing slash because it's the browser that does the URL
translation. The way I interpreted Len's comments were that it's the server
that does the URL creation/translation, and the browser that does URL
resolution...two different concepts...

Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
 Could you explain to us, why you want to get rid of the trailing slash ?
Could anyone please expand a little more on what's meant by the two
statements below?
Len Popp wrote:
 It doesn't matter if it's done by URLRewriteFilter or some other
 method because it's the browser that interprets the relative URLs, not
 the server. 

 URLRewriteFilter is an application that allows you to rewrite URLs, that
 means, for example if you have a URL like
 http://localhost:8080/page.jsp?param1=499amp;param2=333  , with URL
 rewriting you can represent it anyway you want with a regular expession
 that means you can represent it like this
 http://localhost:8080/page/499/333/  , or any other pattern.
 But what Len is saying (and I verified that he's right), is that URL
 Rewriting will not help in eliminating the trailing slash because it's the
 browser that does the URL translation.
 I tried URL rewriting with this pattern to test your case:
 noteTesting trailing slash./note
 When I tried http://localhost:8080   , instead of http://localhost:8080/ 
 it didn't work, just showed a blank screen.
 I had to delete the URL rewriting rule, only after that it worked.
 If the containing page's URL looks like a file when it's
 really a directory, the browser will get them wrong.
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Re: Trailing slash added

2007-01-15 Thread lightbulb432

Could anyone please expand a little more on what's meant by the two
statements below?

Len Popp wrote:
 It doesn't matter if it's done by URLRewriteFilter or some other
 method because it's the browser that interprets the relative URLs, not
 the server. 

 If the containing page's URL looks like a file when it's
 really a directory, the browser will get them wrong.
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Trailing slash added

2007-01-13 Thread lightbulb432

I noticed that Tomcat adds a trailing slash automatically when it detects
that the requested resource points to an existing directory. While I know
that Apache web server offers plenty of configuration options to control and
customize this behavior, I'm unfamiliar with similar customization
capability within Tomcat. (Where is this trailing slash behavior specified
for Tomcat? Or is it a compiled-in setting function that cannot be changed?)

How can I customize this and other Apache-like settings? Is the only option
to front Tomcat with Apache?
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