Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-05 Thread mortod
esbrewer - try doing the sweep again, though you should be able to see anything odd by comparing the sweeps in Audacity. BTW - I have found a way of graphing the freq responses *with* mic calibration. Attached are the same graphs as before (blue original measured, light blue Minimal RC measured,

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-05 Thread muski
mortod;232798 Wrote: BTW - I have found a way of graphing the freq responses *with* mic calibration. Can you please provide more info on how you did this? Thanks, muski -- muski SB3-Bryston BP25DA-Bryston 4B SST-Wilson Watt Puppy 7 Transporter via XLR-Headroom Max Balanced Headphone

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-05 Thread nuhi
Isn't your final filter, for example normal.wav, exactly that, with mic correction and applied filter? -- nuhi nuhi's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-05 Thread mortod
I was plotting the NoCorrection TestConvolution, but looking again I'm not so sure that that is the same as the measured impulse response with mic correction (you would expect the NoCorrection filter to be a flat line but it is not). So what is the purpose of the NoCorrection filter? -- mortod

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-05 Thread muski
My understanding is that the NoCorrection filter does freq response correction only (ie no phase correction). Also, I believe that the TestConvolution files don't apply mic correction. An earlier post mentioned that the REQW developers might add a feature to apply a mic cal file to an imported

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-04 Thread esbrewer
Just noticed (after finally doing some listening after all this grunt work) that the HF response in the right channel only is way down - to the point where I thought I had possibly blown a tweeter running the sweeps. When set DRC to None - the HF comes right back to the right speaker. Perhaps

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread mortod
inguz;229908 Wrote: No, sweep with EQ runs the whole processing pipeline. I think you may be hitting up against the inaccuracy of EQ bands at low frequencies (where, essentially, the EQ filters aren't long enough for the slopes to reach the EQ strength you want). I have other people

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread tonyptony
Nice to see this is working. I'd be curious to know how you think the 17-band EQ sounds compared to Minimum. It looks like Minimum provides a somewhat flatter response across the mid-band. -- tonyptony tonyptony's

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread mortod
You're right - just listening to David Gilmour, his voice sounds fuller with correction, I guess because some of those lower frequencies are relatively higher. -- mortod mortod's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread tonyptony
Isn't this stuff great? :-o I remember years ago being so unhappy that I couldn't afford an Audio Control C-101 equalizer. Times sure have changed! -- tonyptony tonyptony's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread mortod
Sure is. Another one for the wish list. Is there anything that can be done about cpu usage? One thought, could we have the option of streaming in WAV over the wire(less) (rather than converting back to flac)? I assume that would save some cpu. Are there any more light weight tools that we could

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread esbrewer
I ran new measurements without the sub in my system, and the large dip around 130hz went away. The crossover must have been doing something odd - thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys. But DRC is still not acting on the upward trend in the HF. Attached are my new measurements

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread htrd
esbrewer;232504 Wrote: But DRC is still not acting on the upward trend in the HF. Attached are my new measurements (measured response, minimal, normal, insane). Any suggestions as to why? I suggest reviewing the target curve file (PSPointsFile) and mic calibration file (MCPointsFile).

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-02 Thread tonyptony
esbrewer;231946 Wrote: I checked the pspoints file, and it is indeed set to the bk-3-spline target. I have no explanation as to why DRC is allowing the HF increase to remain. It is my understanding that the HFs are rolled off to varying degrees in the bk target files. I've been reading

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-02 Thread esbrewer
tonyptony;232034 Wrote: Hmm, possible. I assume you're using an ecm8000 mic correction file? I wonder if you take a new Sweep w/EQ capture, using one of the corrections that you've shown us here, whether you'd get a similar actual response. I believe all of my .drc files refer to the

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-01 Thread esbrewer
tonyptony;231155 Wrote: Hmm, that's the Normal test convolution? In the Inguzaudio\Tools directory find the normal.drc file and open it in Notepad or similar editor. Look for PSPointsFile; see what's after the equals sign. If it's bk-3-spline.txt then I'm not quite sure why it isn't

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-30 Thread muski
mortod;230718 Wrote: DRC applies mic calibration to the filter, not the TestConvolution which means that all those frequency responses are without mic calibration and *are* comparable. Thank you -- an explanation that makes sense! Now I understand why my normal flat Test Convolutions look

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-29 Thread mortod
Something looks odd at 150Hz - perhaps a crossover for a sub? You're asking RC to do a lot to correct that. Normally a poor room leads to resonance (ie higher peaks) at certain low frequencies. DRC would have to add a lot of gain at 150Hz to correct that which would cause a lot of clipping. I

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-29 Thread tonyptony
Hmm, that's the Normal test convolution? In the Inguzaudio\Tools directory find the normal.drc file and open it in Notepad or similar editor. Look for PSPointsFile; see what's after the equals sign. If it's bk-3-spline.txt then I'm not quite sure why it isn't correcting the slope of the high end

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-29 Thread Toby Dickenson
tonyptony wrote: I agree with mortod that you could probably do better by trying to correct that dip with moving the speakers around or maybe trying some room treatment. Or maybe moving the microphone/listening position. ___ audiophiles mailing

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-29 Thread esbrewer
Thanks for the input. My Paradigm Studio 20s run off the high pass out of a BW ASW600 sub. It sounds reasonable that the crossover may be causing that nasty dip at 130, and contributing to the clipping problem. I guess I'm asking DRC to make too large a correction in that area. The Studio 20s

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-28 Thread htrd
Describing a trace as accounting for mic calibration is imprecise, because it depends on your frame of reference. The key factor is whether any trace represents an in-room response, or the response as seen by your sound card ADC (after being filtered by an imperfect mic) I think mortod's

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-28 Thread tonyptony
mortod;230718 Wrote: Hang on - both Inguz's test and my own observations make sense. DRC applies mic calibration to the filter, not the TestConvolution which means that all those frequency responses are without mic calibration and *are* comparable. I don't know, mortod. According to Hugh in

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-28 Thread mortod
tonyptony;230390 Wrote: I agree that's a head scratcher. If Hugh is right that means your measured curve should look quite a bit different. Hang on - both Inguz's test and my own observations make sense. DRC applies mic calibration to the filter, not the TestConvolution which means that all

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-28 Thread esbrewer
I played with REQW and think I have my impulse response measured and normal test convolution file in a form you can all get a good look at. These measurements were generated using a flat target file. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, Inguz DRC has improved my system dramatically, but I'm

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread tingtong5
inguz;230255 Wrote: Sounds like a great question :) So I ran a little experiment. I set CrazyMicCal.txt to this (plus some intermediate points): 100.00 -20 110.00 0 5010.00 0 5020.00 -20 and the result below (octave smoothed): green is the Measured_Impulse_Response, purple is

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread tingtong5
inguz;230275 Wrote: Well, there's no way to get a really true reading with an uncalibrated microphone. And I don't have a calibrated mic. So that's my next step... I got mine calibrated a while ago and my advice would be: It should be the first step! :P -- tingtong5

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread mortod
I'm somewhat confused. Look at this graph again. Green is MinimumTestConvolution and Red is MeasuredWithEQ. They are almost exactly the same (apart from a 2db shift due to my global gain of -18). Surely, if the TC line is with mic calibration and the measured without, then they should be

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread inguz
htrd;230307 Wrote: No, I think you were right all along. drc believes that your mic is 20dB down at 5020Hz. drc sees that the measured impulse response is relatively flat (green), and deduces that your speaker+room system must be 20dB up. Therefore it produces a filter with 20dB

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread tonyptony
That's great news, mortod. Yeah it will make REQW a bit more tweaky, and users will have to be a bit more careful with it, but I think it will be a big help to us. :-) I'd actually vote for that feature to be able to be switched on or off for each individual response which is imported. That way

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread esbrewer
tonyptony;228920 Wrote: Hmm, okay, this may be a bit complicated, but if you look through this thread (which I started, BTW! :-) ) you'll see some of us have posted the frequency reponse curves of our own measurements and resulting correction curves. All of the WAV files created by Inguz

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread Chinanico
esbrewer;230657 Wrote: If the only practical way for me to post is just buckle down and learn REQW myself say so, and I'll try to find some time. Esbrewer, I think you can use REWQ. Franckly speaking I struggled a little bit to get my measurements and in particular to generate the filters,

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread mortod
Chinanico;229961 Wrote: - I didn't get my final license yet, so those were just trials For consistency, don't - what you see in REW is also ignores the mic calibration (BTW I am using a bk3spline target [you asked earlier], but the lack of mic calibration makes that irrelevant when viewing REW

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread tonyptony
mortod;229964 Wrote: For consistency, don't - what you see in REW is also ignores the mic calibration (BTW I am using a bk3spline target [you asked earlier], but the lack of mic calibration makes that irrelevant when viewing REW responses as the RSSPL has such steep drop offs). Are you

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread mortod
I might be mistaken, but I thought the ImpulseResponseMeasured and various TestConvoultions were before mic correction (you only see the mic correction data being used in prep.log, after the creation of the ImpulseResponseMeasured). Plus my frequency responses seem to follow the mic curve. The

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread tonyptony
mortod;230083 Wrote: I might be mistaken, but I thought the ImpulseResponseMeasured and various TestConvoultions were before mic correction (you only see the mic correction data being used in prep.log, after the creation of the ImpulseResponseMeasured). Plus my frequency responses seem to

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread inguz
Sounds like a great question :) The Impulse_Response_Measured doesn't take account of the microphone calibration file. It's just the measurement. But the _TestConvolution files do. They're the result of processing Impulse_Response_Measured with the DRC correction filter - they should pretty

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread tonyptony
I know I should know the answer to this, but now what do we do? -- tonyptony tonyptony's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread inguz
Well, there's no way to get a really true reading with an uncalibrated microphone. And I don't have a calibrated mic. So that's my next step... -- inguz inguz's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread muski
tonyptony;230274 Wrote: I know I should know the answer to this, but now what do we do? I'm right there with you tonypony (at least I feel like I'm in good company on this one), This has been in the back of mind since I got my ecm8000 calibrated, but I was afraid to ask because I thought it

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-26 Thread htrd
inguz;230255 Wrote: the mic response is not 20dB down at 5020Hz, it's 20dB *up*). No, I think you were right all along. drc believes that your mic is 20dB down at 5020Hz. drc sees that the measured impulse response is relatively flat (green), and deduces that your speaker+room system must be

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-25 Thread mortod
OK, I have attached three graphs: 1. Original measurement, plus Minimal TestConvolution, 2. Minimal TestConvolution plus Minimal measured, 3. Original measurement, plus 17 band low frequency equalisation measured. First of all, the Minimal RC predicted and measured are almost exactly the same.

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-25 Thread tonyptony
Chinanico, your curves look great, even accounting for the high frequency reflections and that dip in the left channel. It looks like you and mortod both checked the real response by doing a Sweep w/EQ and regenerating the Impulse Response. mortod, are using using the flat profile in the

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-25 Thread Phil Leigh
I have never heard of TACT (for example) cautioning against RC with certain speaker designs. The idea is counter intertuitive. The RC is correcting what is arriving at the listening position. It really shouldn't matter exactly how it got there... I've heard TACT with Quad Electro's and Linn

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-25 Thread tonyptony
Granted, the Isobariks were interesting (I remember hearing them at Innovative Audio when they were in Brooklyn), but I guess it's not so much that maybe an RC shouldn't be used in certain cases, but whether there's enough information for omni (just to use an efficient term) speakers in a

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-25 Thread inguz
mortod;229692 Wrote: I suspect that playing the sweep 'with EQ' ignores the equaliser settings, and only allows testing of RC... could you confirm? No, sweep with EQ runs the whole processing pipeline. I think you may be hitting up against the inaccuracy of EQ bands at low frequencies

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-25 Thread tonyptony
inguz;229908 Wrote: No, sweep with EQ runs the whole processing pipeline. Interesting. mortod, without having this info cloud your judgement, what did you hear when you implemented the 11 band equalization? -- tonyptony

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-25 Thread Chinanico
I just made my first measurements with Audiolense, and wanted to share my findings. The 2 graphs below read as follow: first is the frequency response curves (right= blue / left=red) made with audacity/inguz/REWQ, second is frequency response made with Audiolense. They don't really look

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread tonyptony
Chris, do you need to XO version to do things like creating target curves or correcting small ranges of suckouts or bumps? Also, does it do phase as well as gain? -- tonyptony tonyptony's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread krzys
For tweeking the target curve and make notch filters in the curve you don't need the XO version, even the basic version has it. I must confirm with Brent at juicehifi but I think that to presonalize the filter creation process like frequency limitation or windowing you do need the XO version

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread Chinanico
Hi Chris, As a matter of fact, I would appreciate if you could share some of your experience as a tester, not sure how to import the Inguzprep measurement files into Audiolense, or how to make measurements directly by sending the signal into the squeezebox. Thanks Nicolas -- Chinanico

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread krzys
Chinanico;229471 Wrote: Hi Chris, As a matter of fact, I would appreciate if you could share some of your experience as a tester, not sure how to import the Inguzprep measurement files into Audiolense, or how to make measurements directly by sending the signal into the squeezebox.

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread mortod
I found in an older thread here a suggestion from Inguz which enables some very crude 'notch' filters to be implemented. I used REW to identify the peaks and amount of excessive gain, below around 150Hz. I then

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread tonyptony
mortod, you wouldn't happen to have a before and after sweep that you could post? Would love to see what happened. -- tonyptony tonyptony's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread mortod
tonyptony;229515 Wrote: mortod, you wouldn't happen to have a before and after sweep that you could post? Would love to see what happened. Planning to do one - just waiting for a suitable quiet (family out) period to test. -- mortod

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread Chinanico
I don't resist to post my new set of measurements. This time I centered well the mike, and I didn't move it between measures. I went far into the night to lower the background noise: Shanghai, where I live, is a bustling city and that comes with its audiophile burdens... The first graph (1/6

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-23 Thread krzys
I think that the editing of the target curve and the limitation of the filter frequency range can be easily done using the Audiolense software from . This software generates RC filters and has a very nice user interface. The target design is much easier than with DRC since the

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-23 Thread tonyptony
Wow, AudioLense looks great. Seems to provide a whole lot of flexibility in tweaking the correction curves. Might be worth it. -- tonyptony tonyptony's Profile: View

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-23 Thread Chinanico
tonyptony;229243 Wrote: Wow, AudioLense looks great. Seems to provide a whole lot of flexibility in tweaking the correction curves. Might be worth it. That's right, might be the solution. But not free, on their web site they say it has been tested with Inguz, anyone heard about it? --

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread mortod
I would recommend anyone using Inguz/DRC to use REW to check just what is going on. I had a lot of problems getting ImpulsePrep to produce a good impulse response, due it turns out to a bug (now fixed) in ImpulsePrep - but I could only tell a bad impulse response from a good one by using REW. As

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread Phil Leigh
That 15dB suckout at 650kHz should be quite audible. Do you have access to the Alan Parsons Soundcheck CD? The 1/3rd octave sweeps should show that up if it's actually there. I notice that there is a lot of HF roll-off, corrected and uncorrected - is that right? You're way down at 10kHz... I

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread Robin Bowes
Phil Leigh wrote: That 15dB suckout at 650kHz should be quite audible. To a bat, maybe. :) R. ___ audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread Phil Leigh
Ooops - sorry I meant 650Hz Thanks Robin :o) -- Phil Leigh You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/ ain't what you'd call minimal... ...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some very expensive cables ;o)

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread mortod
Phil Leigh;228966 Wrote: I notice that there is a lot of HF roll-off, corrected and uncorrected - is that right? I assume that that is due to the graphs not being corrected for the mic calibration? I'm using a RS SPL which rolls off steeply at low and high frequencies. There's a feature in

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread tonyptony
Well, I have both REQW and TrueRTA, and now with Hugh having included an uncorrelated Pink Noise test signal into Inguz I plan to use TrueRTA to compare predicted to actuals. In my case I have a Behringer ECM8000, so even if I don't use any cal corrections for the speaker there shouldn't be too

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread tonyptony
Hmm, I shouldn't have said that. I just looked at the ECM cal file I use when I use REQW to actually make measurements. It has some pretty noticable falloff at either end of the band. The one used by DRC has similar characteristics. I'll have to figure out what to do when I use TrueRTA. The cal

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread darrenyeats
Nice to see I've stirred up a hornets' nest. Muahaha. My work here is done! If a sound occurs in a room e.g. a note from a loudspeaker, the brain is able to distinguish the directly radiated sound from the reflection *if they arrive at sufficiently different times*. This is one reason why

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread tonyptony
darrenyeats;228997 Wrote: Omnipole and dipole advocates work on the above premise, namely reflections happen so work with it not against it. I think a really short Executive Summary would be by creating natural and familiar acoustic conditions in the listening space, the brain can do its DSP

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread Phil Leigh
You may already know this, but an anechoic room sounds awful! It's simply not natural. Anyway this isn't all about reflected vs direct sound. There are other issues such as standing waves and room modes. I haven't tested RC with non-direct radiating speakers but I have experimented with speaker

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread muski
tonyptony;228991 Wrote: I got a line on Audiocircle of someone who calibrates these mics, but I never got a response to my email. I would like to get a cal for my own mic. I had my ECM8000 calibrated by Cross-Spectrum Labs (cost $50,

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-22 Thread Phil Leigh
I'm getting the feeling there's some slightly odd logic in play here. When you listen to a good recording of (say) an acoustic guitar you are hearing the sound of an instrument in a room. What you want to hear is that instrument in that room, since that is what was recorded - okay so it will

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread darrenyeats
tonyptony;228789 Wrote: Chinanico, I have seen very similar things in expected versus actual response. In your case the extreme predicted curve shows a steady downward slope as frequency increases, while the actual shows a similar downward motion, but with changing slopes as you go from

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread haunyack
Richard Vandersteen's take on EQ/RC : Things are never as simple as they seem. We humans are very good at differentiating between the source of sound and the effect of a room. Put your best friend in 10 different rooms with very different sonic characteristics and he or she will still always

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread Phil Leigh
Well Mr Vandersteen is entitled to his opinion - even if it is wrong! :o) His metaphor is wrong. The human brain+ear is specifically adapted to speech recognition and also for discriminatary recognition of acoustic spaces (the old bear in a cave thing) Loudspeakers in a room are producing an

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread mortod
Chinanico;228785 Wrote: IIs there a way to parameter things in order to have a very strong correction in the bass (let's say below 200 Hz) and keep things untouched above, and if there is, is it desirable? I was going to raise the same question. This paper on RC by Meridian suggests that one

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread Phil Leigh
I'm rather surprised at Meridian coming out with this... whats this nonsense about trying to control the high frequencies will only affect a tiny area? That's BS. I don't need to be sitting anywhere special to hear those HF's...I certianly don't need to be in a sweet spot. I like Meridan. They

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread Robin Bowes
Phil Leigh wrote: I'm rather surprised at Meridian coming out with this... whats this nonsense about trying to control the high frequencies will only affect a tiny area? That's BS. I don't need to be sitting anywhere special to hear those HF's...I certianly don't need to be in a sweet spot.

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread Phil Leigh
Robin, Ah. Well, HF's certainly are MORE directional...but I still don't understand what directionality has to to do with the efficacy of RC? If I'm off-axis it still sounds great to me. RC isn't better or worse just is what it is (stereo imaging is a whole different ballgame,

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread Phil Leigh
Robin Bowes;228865 Wrote: haunyack wrote: Richard Vandersteen's take on EQ/RC : [snip] I don't think he quite gets it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but RC (hint: Room Correction) as I understand it doesn't really touch the original signal, it simply takes away the effect of the room.

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread Robin Bowes
haunyack wrote: Richard Vandersteen's take on EQ/RC : [snip] I don't think he quite gets it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but RC (hint: Room Correction) as I understand it doesn't really touch the original signal, it simply takes away the effect of the room. e.g. Standard system:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread esbrewer
I'm with mortod on focusing on notch filters rather than boost (maybe as an option?). Inguz DRC has dramatically improved my system, but clipping does become a problem. I am at -20db right now, and still have significant clipping due to many newer recordings being mastered too loud. My

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread tonyptony
esbrewer;228896 Wrote: Everyone contributing to this thread has a greater command of technical aspects of DRC than I do (I've probably failing to understand something as I write this), but it does seem to me as if DRC further dulls the already flat, compressed sound of newer recordings. For

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread esbrewer
I'd be happy to post the files, but I'm not quite sure exactly which files you're referring to, and what form (if any) they need to be converted to to be viewable. I really just followed Inguz's instructions to the letter to set things up - but don't truly understand what each component of the

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread tonyptony
Hmm, okay, this may be a bit complicated, but if you look through this thread (which I started, BTW! :-) ) you'll see some of us have posted the frequency reponse curves of our own measurements and resulting correction curves. All of the WAV files created by Inguz and DRC can be viewed in an

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-20 Thread inguz
Hi Chinanico, glad you're liking it. WAV is just fine. Actually it's the most CPU-efficient; if your music is stored as FLAC then it goes through a decoding process first, before processing, then gets re-compressed to FLAC afterward. And -20dB gain to stop clipping is fine too. -- inguz

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-19 Thread Chinanico
Finally got my UL122, made my measurements, took a lot of time to understand and run the DRC, and got a result. The recording looks fine (well, maybe the recording level is a bit low more around -12 than -6db), but it looks like strange results as far as the response (first is filtered, second

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-19 Thread tonyptony
Doesn't look strange to me. My uncorrected response looks similar. It looks like you're using REQW. Did you convert the impulse response to Stereo 16 bit PCM to get it to load into REQW? If so, is the measured response the average of the two channels? You should probably also post it with 1/6

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-19 Thread inguz
tonyptony;228164 Wrote: It's really not as bad as it looks. Most of the curves you see in magazines are at 1/6 or even 1/3 octave smoothing. I've always wanted to ask Hugh which level of smoothing best matches the interpretation of what we hear. There's no single easy answer (unfortunately)

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-19 Thread Chinanico
I just wanted to say, of course there is more than the curves... the difference in the sound is very big. I think on most tracks it is to the better, much more clarity and lisibility. On pink noise, the difference is impressive, but the only problem is I don't have much more experience of

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-18 Thread muski
Octave success... Phase Response at 5ms. Guess this is why things sound so much better with InguzEQ. My listening room really is an acoustic nightmare. What does the big spike at 1.25Khz mean? +---+ |Filename:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-18 Thread opaqueice
muski;227721 Wrote: Octave success... Phase Response at 5ms. Guess this is why things sound so much better with InguzEQ. My listening room really is an acoustic nightmare. What does the big spike at 1.25Khz mean? Sound only travels around 1.5m in 5 ms, which means (if I understand

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-18 Thread muski
Sorry, my description of the graph was wrong. It is Unsmoothed phase response, using a 5ms Blackman window. -- muski SB3-Bryston BP25DA-Bryston 4B SST-Wilson Watt Puppy 7 Transporter via XLR-Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp-Balanced AKG701s HD650s

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-17 Thread inguz
IR1 impulse center shouldn't be 1. Can you email me the LUncorrected.pcm and the Impulse_Response_Measured.wav files? Thx - -- inguz inguz's Profile: View this

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-17 Thread muski
P.S. Line 81 of createdrcplots is: # Creates the oversampled impulse responses ir1os = rf * iupsample(ir1([ic1-irp:ic1+ira]),rf,rfl,rcf,rat); -- muski SB3-Bryston BP25DA-Bryston 4B SST-Wilson Watt Puppy 7 Transporter via XLR-Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp-Balanced AKG701s

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-17 Thread muski
Oops, typo = wrong parameter... octave:12 createdrcplots(ru,01, L Uncorrected,rc,-1,L Corrected,./tmp,R); second parameter should be -1, not 01... Sorry, muski -- muski SB3-Bryston BP25DA-Bryston 4B SST-Wilson Watt Puppy 7 Transporter via XLR-Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp-Balanced

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread tonyptony
Hugh, I've been doing quite a bit of measuring, using a number of different tools. Recently I've been frustrated with the apparent lack of consistency between TrueRTA and REQW, which I use to look at the average of the two impulse response channels which I get out of the measured impulse response

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread inguz
Were these measured with the microphone in the exact same position? Even with a very small offset from the original measurement position, you'll notice comb-filtering effects at high frequencies. You can hear this really clearly if you move your head a few inches while playing mono pink noise -

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread tonyptony
inguz;227475 Wrote: Were these measured with the microphone in the exact same position? Mic was in the exact same spot the whole time. inguz;227475 Wrote: To measure the in-room overall frequency response with both channels (rather than a single speaker), you're best to use uncorrelated

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread inguz
Latest ImpulsePrep also adds some subsonic filtering. So if you re-run against your sweep measurements, you should be able to see better long-reverb graphs. -- inguz inguz's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-15 Thread tonyptony
So as I noted either in this thread or another, I've been recapturing the sweep responses. I looked at the impulse response and compared it to the one I got in May, which was the one I used to create the filters I'm using now. I don't understand why there is a difference like this between the

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