[newbie-it] Logout grafico Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-12 Per discussione giorgio big william
Qualcuno mi sa dire come si chiama il processo che avvia la finestrella di dialogo intitolata "Fine della sessione per """ e che possiede i 2 pulsanti "Termina la sessione" e "Annulla" (questa finestrella viene aperta quando si esce dalla sessione grafica attraverso il menu K, selezione voce "Termina la sessione di "...") ? Questo perchè ho notato che l'installazione della Mandrake 9.1, se fatta dicendogli di impostare l'avvio automatico di una sessione utente (senza che quindi ci venga richiesto il login), all'atto del logout si ha la sequenza sopra citata e si esce in modo regolare da Linux (ossia si ripresenta il login grafico, con la possibilità di uscire da Linux). Se invece si lascia la possibilità di avere il login grafico all'avvio di Linux, quando si effettua il logout non si ha più la sequenza sopra citata, anzi mette il pc in stand-by (ossia lo spegne lasciando solo la ventola di raffreddamento accesa).Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro Anti-spam

[newbie-it] script

2003-09-12 Per discussione Rev.Ferris
Hash: SHA1

Ciao a tutti; stavo scrivendo uno script in modo che mi automatizzasse 
le operazioni di ripping di un dvd.
Ora dopo la prima operazione di estrazione del sonoro lui mi estrae 
delle informazioni utili per la compressione video.
Quel che voglio fare e` fargli estrarre queste informazioni in un file e 
fargli prendere come parametri per la compressione video.
E` possibile fargli scrivere questo file con l'output finale(penso che 
basti un semplice file)ed estrarre queste informazioni in modo lo 
script successivo le abbia come parametri?
Il problema e` solo che il ripping e` un'operazione molto lunga e poter 
automatizzire tutto in un unico comando lanciato attraverso at o cron 
mi permetterebbe di non dover impiegare tutta la giornata appresso a 
questa operazione!
Grazie e ciao!!
- -- 
TASSISTA (1) - Esattore.

TASSISTA (2) - Zoologo specializzato in tassi.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Compilare kernel

2003-09-12 Per discussione kudega
On 2003.09.12 10:19, Rev.Ferris wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Alle 01:38, venerdì 12 settembre 2003, kudega ha scritto:
 Premetto che non ho mai compilato il kernel quindi non ne so  un
 tubo, o quasi...
 Volevo solo chiedere... Arrivo ad un punto dove devo scegliere i
 pacchetti da inserire nel nuovo kernel. Non esiste un file od un
 elenco che mi dica i pacchetti che sono installati ora nel kernel
 In modo da copiare pari pari quei pacchetti e quindi scacciare la
 paura di veder apparire un bel kernel panic! causato da una mia
 dimenticanza, ma soprattutto in modo di levarmi la palla di andarmi
 leggere pacchetto per pacchetto a cosa serve per poi sapere se
 inserirlo o no.
 Spero di essermi spiegato..
 Grazie ciao ciao Davide!
Dovresti trovare chiamato config nella directory di boot.
La copy nella direcctory dei sorgenti del kernel ed il gioco e` fatto
(e` la tua attuale configurazione del kernel).
Buona ricompilazione!
Allora un passo alla volta... il file c'è e si chiama /boot/config-
2.4.20-8 ma non ho capito dove lo devo copiare... qual'è la directory 
dei sorgenti del kernel? Questa.../usr/src/linux-2.4.20-8 ??
E perchè la devo copiare lì?
Io pensavo che quando sarei arrivato al punto dove mi avrebbe chiesto 
che pacchetti installare sarei andato a richiamare quel file (config-
2.4.20-8)... sbaglio??
grazie ciao Davide

Re: [newbie-it] Compilare kernel

2003-09-12 Per discussione Rev.Ferris
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:05, venerdì 12 settembre 2003, kudega ha scritto:
 Allora un passo alla volta... il file c'è e si chiama /boot/config-
 2.4.20-8 ma non ho capito dove lo devo copiare... qual'è la directory
 dei sorgenti del kernel? Questa.../usr/src/linux-2.4.20-8 ??
 E perchè la devo copiare lì?
 Io pensavo che quando sarei arrivato al punto dove mi avrebbe chiesto
 che pacchetti installare sarei andato a richiamare quel file (config-
 2.4.20-8)... sbaglio??
 grazie ciao Davide

Allora copia il file config-2.4.20-8 in 
rinominalo .config
lancia xmenuconfig/menuconfig e ti troverai già caricata la tua 
configurazione del kernel (se esplori i vari menù troverai molte voci 
già attivate) a questo punto personalizzi.
Ricordati che il kernel standard è configurato per funzionare su buona 
parte dei sistemi: elimina le funzioni che non usi, modularizza quel 
che vuoi (qui ci son varie correnti di pensiero sul kernel 
Dopodiché prosegui con i vari comandi per la compilazione (scusami ma a 
memoria non li ricordo!)
Buona configurazione!
- -- 
101 frasi da evitare quando si vuole rimorchiare una ragazza - 
 del Zuse:
(111)  Conosco un paio di locali in cui vorrei portarti...  Se sono
   cari?  Oh, no, no, anzi...  Pagherebbero molto bene...
(112)  Ciao!  E' vero che il tuo istinto di sopravvivenza ti impone di
(113)  Mi prude l'uccello, me lo gratti con la tua [censura]?
-- Andrea `Zuse' Balestrero, Piccoli feti continuano a
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] sopprimere kget all'avvio

2003-09-12 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 02:45, venerdì 12 settembre 2003, kudega ha scritto:
 Chi sa come NON far partire in automatico kget all'avvio di KDE ??

dovresti toglierlo da una directory tipo Autostart, .autostart, .kde/Autostart
della tua $HOME

 Utilizzo una RH9...

Allora sei un po' OT. Usa una distro un po' migliore :-)

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Intel 865 pe

2003-09-12 Per discussione Massimo Bichicchi
Ciao, un mio amico ha acquistato un nuovo computer, la sua scheda madre ha il 
chipset INTEL 865PE.
Qualcuno di voi ha installato Mandrake 9.1 su computer simili? con quali 
risultati? Posso installarlo o meglio aspettare la 9.2
Ciao e grazie   Bik

Re: [newbie-it] Compilare kernel

2003-09-12 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* kudega ha scritto:
 Allora un passo alla volta... il file c'è e si chiama /boot/config-
 2.4.20-8 ma non ho capito dove lo devo copiare... qual'è la directory 
 dei sorgenti del kernel? Questa.../usr/src/linux-2.4.20-8 ??
 E perchè la devo copiare lì?
 Io pensavo che quando sarei arrivato al punto dove mi avrebbe chiesto 
 che pacchetti installare sarei andato a richiamare quel file (config-
 2.4.20-8)... sbaglio??
 grazie ciao Davide

Se vai al seguente indirizzo:
troverai il sommario della Official RedHat Linux Customizatione Guide
Potrai leggerti tutte le informazioni che vorrai riguardo la compilazione 
del kernel e dei src.rpm.

Ciao, Giuseppe. 

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie] eMac Video Card Config. Problem

2003-09-12 Per discussione Gabriel Morales
Two more quick questions:

The installation instructions tell me to leave the linux partition as 
Free Space using a partitioning utility in Mac OS, but can I also use 
UNIX File System? Can the Mandrake OS use this? See, I can't see the 
partition when running under Mac OS X, but the UNIX File System is a 
supported format, so I reckon it would see that.

BTW, what are all these Short Message Delivery Report e-mails I'm 
getting each time I post?


Gabriel Morales http://Gamoe.net/

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading glibc on mdk8.1? Possible?

2003-09-12 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 19:21:59 -0400
Eric Caron [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 What is the limit to the upgrade process before you have to upgrade to
 a newer distro?

Your whole system is built on that version of glibc. AFAIK, there is no
way to upgrade glibc without upgrading every single package on your
system, hence the term glibc barrier.

Ya, you need to upgrade.

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Nothing is as simple as it seems at first
Or as hopeless as it seems in the middle
Or as finished as it seems in the end.

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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file

2003-09-12 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 21:27:00 -0700
Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I am trying to dl Knoppix so I can try it on a laptop we have.
 However, it gets to about 20 secs left to go then tells me that there
 is not enough disk space left. I am dl it to my home directory which
 is 19gigs (mostly free), the file is only 650megs.
 Can anyone tell me why this won't let me do it?
 I am using Mozilla dl manager if that matters.

try wget.

see man wget for more info.
Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Don't stop to stomp ants when the elephants are stampeding.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file

2003-09-12 Per discussione Liechti
 try wget.

Or read the topic picture download tool:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A,jpg http://SiteWanted'sAdress without the quotes.
for gif's or png's change appropiately.
It'll create it's own directory structure.


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 20:47:15 -0700
rikona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Heather/Femme,
 HF For now, seeing seniors use linux or any segment of the population
 HF that is of the mindset a comp shold be like a toaster (it just
 HF works), is a pipe dream.
 Actually, The seniors I know are rather sharp and need less care than
 the younger crowd (excluding teen gamers, of course). Many have more
 time to learn than the two-jobs-to-keep-alive group. One even does
 computer security consulting on the side.
  rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OK OK I pissed of the wrong group! Put the walkers  canes down
slowly... jeez!  I got the message. :D

Pissing off seniors everywhere,

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:03:43 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 11 September 2003 11:18 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
  but is that compatible with windows Winamp  stuff?  Ogg is not
  standard afaik to. so why use something most ppl don't use ?
  or am I missing something...?
  Space Lieutenant Femme
 Ogg is a pretty widely accepted/recognized standard. I send Oggs to my
 Windows owning/Winamp using friends all the time. They don't have
 problems with it, AFAIK.
 So lemme get this straight:

you can't rip directly to MP3 in linux at all?? Only OGG? (which I am
still leery about using...)...

That seems very odd if I'm right.


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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:08:24 -0400
Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 11 September 2003 11:05 pm, Miark wrote:
   Fine  for playing on your 'puter but don't know of a portable Ogg
  They're comin'. I know of a few that'll be out within the month. But
  granted, if Femme is looking into encoding for a portable player,
  she's stuck with MP3.
 Is there a place to find out about these so called portable ogg vorbis
 players?  I'm in the market and have been looking at the machines by
 iriver.  Supposedly they are going to be offering a firmware upgrade
 to provide vorbis support, but I cannot find anything new on the
 status of this.-- 
 Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
 a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx
saw a review on IRiver ... IIRC its either going outta business OR just
got a bad bad review... I'll have to look to be sure though.

Rio  the iPod are the best.

and fwiw, ya I wanna put this stuff onto um... little things, looks like
a mini casette but its not... damnit... I hate being stoned..

anyway Iwanna putit on that...so mp3 is my only option...

Flying Femme

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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 22:40:32 -0700
Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to dl Knoppix so I can try it on a laptop we have.
  However, it gets to about 20 secs left to go then tells me that
  there is not enough disk space left. I am dl it to my home directory
  which is 19gigs (mostly free), the file is only 650megs.
  Can anyone tell me why this won't let me do it?
  I am using Mozilla dl manager if that matters.
 I can't remember: does mozilla dl manager download directly to you
 desired location, or does it do the dl to tmp then move dance?
Use Kget.  It rox!  It is an awesome little utility. :D

Funky Femme

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Re: [newbie] Article: 9/11-themed viruses hit the Net

2003-09-12 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 12 September 2003 03:46, Eric Huff wrote:
  Just gets worse, don't it?

 So, does that mean that in windows a jpg can contain a virus, too?

I think they're refering to the attachment itself which probably has a double 
extension like xxx.jpg.pif
Most ppl's wincomps don't show the second extension, and away they go.

I suppose you could hide some executable code in a picture  but AFAIK 
you'd need at minimum some sort of code like .html to start it.

Someone correct if I'm cutting corners here, I've  never tried it:o)

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file

2003-09-12 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 12 September 2003 06:27, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am trying to dl Knoppix so I can try it on a laptop we have. However,
 it gets to about 20 secs left to go then tells me that there is not
 enough disk space left. I am dl it to my home directory which is 19gigs
 (mostly free), the file is only 650megs.

 Can anyone tell me why this won't let me do it?

 I am using Mozilla dl manager if that matters.


Had a topic on this one on the expert list on the rc2 iso downloads.

The crux was/is you can use rsync to download the missing  or broken parts so 
you will not need to download the whole thing.

Here's the link to a nice howto, that'll work for the knoppix Dload to if 
changed appropiately.


Works like a charm.

Good luck,

Btw for dloading I always have excellent results with konqueror.
I use 2 panes side by side, one /home/triade/dloads/ and the other the remote 
ftp site.
Then it's simply dragdrop and copy here!:o)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from Cd's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 12, 2003 12:53 am, Heather/Femme wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:03:43 -0400

 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 11 September 2003 11:18 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
   but is that compatible with windows Winamp  stuff?  Ogg is not
   standard afaik to. so why use something most ppl don't use ?
   or am I missing something...?
   Space Lieutenant Femme
  Ogg is a pretty widely accepted/recognized standard. I send Oggs to
  my Windows owning/Winamp using friends all the time. They don't
  have problems with it, AFAIK.

  So lemme get this straight:

 you can't rip directly to MP3 in linux at all?? Only OGG? (which I am
 still leery about using...)...

 That seems very odd if I'm right.


Heather, repeat after me: 

MP3 is technically _not_ open source, has been for years a freely 
licensed proprietary compressed audio format, but the patent holder has 
the right to change that at anytime. Think license fees. Per copy. Or 
even per use if they can prove it. 

The old software models are broken, all the software companies that 
have no true innovation to offer are going to milk what they have for 
all they're worth. Maybe the bone heads should stop playing with models 
and concentrate on business? Just a thought.

Ogg is open source, free (speech and beer both) there are plug-ins for 
most of the newest PDAs and multi-media phones and even players for 
Windows, the Apple portable players are now available even though 
they're outrageously expensive, and others are coming on the market 
before Christmas. Cheaper ones. OK? Ogg also gives a better 
reproduction than mp3. It just sounds better to me.

You can encode MP3 from CDA format, you just need the right tools. The 
plug-ins are available for most of the rippers on the disks you have 
and the KDE (KAudiocreator) app actually gives you a choice of Ogg or 
MP3. I just looked. Grip does as well as far as I know, just look in 
the config tab for encoder and decide which you like. I've used it 
both ways, works brilliantly. Hint, mine shows lame, bladeenc, a few 
others, mp3 and ogg.

Scrape yourself off the ceiling and actually *look* at the tools you 
have at hand kid, you can do this.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-7mdk
00:58:42 up 11:17, 1 user, load average: 0.25, 0.56, 0.58
If your mother knew what you're doing, she'd probably hang her head and 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Heather/Femme wrote:

OK I have here:


gstreamer-lame-0.6.0-1.plf (I am not enamoured of plf stuff ... they
seem to fubar my *stable* system...dunno why. but bear with me pls)
notlame-3.93.1-2.1plf  notlame-3.93.1-2plf (a .1 release? whats that
mean? bugfix?..again plf)
notlame-mp3x-3.93.1-2.1plf  notlame-mp3x-3.93.1-2plf



K which of these do I want for ripping music from some CD's  making
them into Mp3's?  Ideas pls?  Helps?  I've never ripped music
before...but I know LAME *in the windows world* is the best
encoder/ripper/decoder out there.  Is this true for linux?

Once you have lame installed ( check you don't already, by doing in a 
rpm -qa | lame   and see what it says. I think you will find it already 
installed) install the attatched  bash script wav2mp3 somewhere the 
system can find it like /usr/bin,  or /usr/local/bin and follow the 
instructions in wav2mp3command file attatched.

This script has ripped and encoded to mp3 for me, not that I use it much 
, it's just to get my daughters .wav files on their CD's onto their mp3 
mobile players, so much more stable than those mobile CD players, or so 
they tell me. I only play CD's myself and don't store any music on my 
hard drive.


John Richard Smith


CD to directory sources of wav files

wav2mp3 *.wav
wav2mp3 bob\ dylan*


WAV2MP3 Install
Requires lame /usr/bin/lame


Copy wav2mp3 bash script to /usr/local/bin
give everyone permission ,   /usr/local/bin properties-x-boxes

chown root:root /usr/local/bin/wav2mp3


[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# chown root:root /usr/local/bin/wav2mp3
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /mnt/cdrom/dvd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dvd]#wav2mp3 *.wav

  WAV-2-MP3 conversion script

Enter full path to Output directory (Default=/root/tmp)
Press Enter for default. Answer:

... Converting *.wav
to /root/tmp/*.mp3
Could not find *.wav.


Finished decoding file/s
# Simple Script to convert WAV to MP3 files
# Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] 16/12/2002

QUALITY=192 #Quality of the mp3 files

if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
  echo Usage:  `basename $0` wav/wav's 12
  exit 1

echo   WAV-2-MP3 conversion script

echo -n Enter full path to Output directory (Default=$HOME/tmp)
Press Enter for default. Answer: 
read _answer

case $_answer in

# Check if output directory exists, else warn and exit

if [ ! -d $_answer ]; then
echo -e \033[1;31m-= Output directory does not exist! 
exit 0


# Convert mp3's to wav!
while [ -n $1 ]; do


mp3name=$(echo ${wavname} | sed -e 's/.[Ww][Aa][Vv]/.mp3/g')

echo -e ... Converting \033[1;33m$wavname\033[m
to $OUTPUT_DIR/\033[1;32m$mp3name\033[m

# lame -b $QUALITY ${wavname} $OUTPUT_DIR/${mp3name}
lame -b $QUALITY --cbr -h ${wavname} $OUTPUT_DIR/${mp3name}

echo Done



echo Finished encoding file/s
exit 0Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] linux world magazine resource DVD with mandrake 9.1 on it

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 18:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone have this? i do and i it won't boot from the dvd drive and
  when i make a boot disk it dosn't regognize the DVD as the install CD
  and tells me to insert the install CD. Any solutions?
 I'm betting you need to burn an ISO that is on the dvd to a CD...so the
 cd will boot.
 most distros on DVD are like that...
 actully it has a ISO for a floppy i did that it dosn't regonize the DVD as 
 the installation CD.
 I don't think so,,, the iso should not be a floppy, since ISO stands
 for iso9660 and that is the filesystem for a CD
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] linux world magazine resource DVD with mandrake 9.1 on it

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 18:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone have this? i do and i it won't boot from the dvd drive and
  when i make a boot disk it dosn't regognize the DVD as the install CD
  and tells me to insert the install CD. Any solutions?
 I'm betting you need to burn an ISO that is on the dvd to a CD...so the
 cd will boot.
 most distros on DVD are like that...
 actully it has a ISO for a floppy i did that it dosn't regonize the DVD as 
 the installation CD.
 and if you connect via a dialup AI bet you won't be able to connect
 once you have it installed 
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Only in Australia...

2003-09-12 Per discussione HaywireMac


Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Circumstances rule men; men do not rule circumstances.
-- Herodotus

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 23:47, rikona wrote:
 Hello Heather/Femme,
 Thursday, September 11, 2003, 10:44:15 AM, you wrote:
 HF Have to agree with Anne.  Till linux becomes more pervasive, ppl
 HF who can only turn the comp on  nothing else (and most don't want
 HF to know more) won't use linux nor is it feasible for them to be
 HF using it.
 It might depend on what they do. If they're clueless and insist on
 messing with the computer, there will be problems for Win or linux. If
 they just surf, email, etc and either don't want to or are not allowed
 to mess with it, either might be fine. Win is probably not as
 satisfactory because of the viruses, spyware, etc - these tend to ask
 too many questions and need a slight amount of knowledge and
 maintenance. Not good for this crowd.
 HF For now, seeing seniors use linux or any segment of the population
 HF that is of the mindset a comp shold be like a toaster (it just
 HF works), is a pipe dream.
 Actually, The seniors I know are rather sharp and need less care than
 the younger crowd (excluding teen gamers, of course). Many have more
 time to learn than the two-jobs-to-keep-alive group. One even does
 computer security consulting on the side.
in the days of y-modem downloads, and BBS,,, I tried to setup a 286 in a
hospice, that would allow the folks to connect to my BBS, but as soon as
the connection was established, the first message that flashed (in text)
on the screen was Connect 9600... Error Correction Protocol
As soon as almost anyone say the 'error' message, they went for the plug
in the wall, only the more savvy ones tried the power-button, and NONE
waited to see what would happen. 

Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] linux world magazine resource DVD with mandrake 9.1 on it

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 06:22, ed tharp wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 18:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does anyone have this? i do and i it won't boot from the dvd drive and
   when i make a boot disk it dosn't regognize the DVD as the install CD
   and tells me to insert the install CD. Any solutions?
  I'm betting you need to burn an ISO that is on the dvd to a CD...so the
  cd will boot.
  most distros on DVD are like that...
  actully it has a ISO for a floppy i did that it dosn't regonize the DVD as 
  the installation CD.
  and if you connect via a dialup AI bet you won't be able to connect
  once you have it installed 
Lets try that again...
and if you connect via a dialup to AOL, I bet you won't be able to
connect once you have it installed.

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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file

2003-09-12 Per discussione David
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 11:39, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Russ wrote:
  Hi All,
  I am trying to dl Knoppix so I can try it on a laptop we have. 
  However, it gets to about 20 secs left to go then tells me that there 
  is not enough disk space left. I am dl it to my home directory which 
  is 19gigs (mostly free), the file is only 650megs.
  Can anyone tell me why this won't let me do it?
  I am using Mozilla dl manager if that matters.

I think mozilla actually downloads into a /tmp (noticed log time ago -
this may have changed since) and then moves it to the location you told
it to once complete. This does cause problems for the larger downloads.
wget is what I use for anything bigish.


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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione RichardA
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:53:27 -0600, Heather/Femme
  So lemme get this straight:
 you can't rip directly to MP3 in linux at all?? Only OGG? (which I am
 still leery about using...)...
 That seems very odd if I'm right.

No, you can rip to mp3. Presumably Mandrake don't include lame because
there are licensing issues.

Sounds like your best bet is get lame from plf and use grip.

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Miark
Rio Karma: Has a 20GB capacity, it's an ethernet device, and plays Ogg and Flac


On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:08:24 -0400, Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 11 September 2003 11:05 pm, Miark wrote:
   Fine  for playing on your 'puter but don't know of a portable Ogg
  They're comin'. I know of a few that'll be out within the month. But
  granted, if Femme is looking into encoding for a portable player, she's
  stuck with MP3.
 Is there a place to find out about these so called portable ogg vorbis 
 players?  I'm in the market and have been looking at the machines by iriver.  
 Supposedly they are going to be offering a firmware upgrade to provide vorbis 
 support, but I cannot find anything new on the status of this.
 Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
 a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file

2003-09-12 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Friday 12 September 2003 12:27 am, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am trying to dl Knoppix so I can try it on a laptop we have. However,
 it gets to about 20 secs left to go then tells me that there is not
 enough disk space left. I am dl it to my home directory which is 19gigs
 (mostly free), the file is only 650megs.

 Can anyone tell me why this won't let me do it?

 I am using Mozilla dl manager if that matters.


I would check the space on the /tmp directory.  You can also set this, I think 
in the environment variables for your shell.  Still, nothing beats having 
enough /tmp space.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Friday 12 September 2003 02:53 am, Heather/Femme wrote:

  So lemme get this straight:

 you can't rip directly to MP3 in linux at all?? Only OGG? (which I am
 still leery about using...)...

No, they are suggesting you use OGG instead of MP3 but you can use MP3 if you 
like.  I do myself, I know that OGG is better but if I want to send a file to 
someone, the only way I can be sure that they can use it is to use MP3.  
Also, If I want to play these in my standalone DVD player that supports MP3 
files, I can't use OGG.  

In Grip, you can go to the configure tab and tell it what encoder to use.  If 
you tell it to rip to .mp3, it will encode to mp3.  At least it does on my 
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 05:59, Miark wrote:
 Rio Karma: Has a 20GB capacity, it's an ethernet device, and plays Ogg and Flac
Only trouble is  it's not AFAIK linux compatible for one will not pay
$399.00 for a player that only works with Win$ux

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[newbie] USB memory stick

2003-09-12 Per discussione Brooks3J
Hi, I saw the thread about USB mass storage devices, but I'm not sure if what I'm 
talking about is the same thing, so I apologize if it is.  I'purchased one of those 
USB memory sticks (made by GE) and it works great for my laptop (WinXP; sorry, I need 
to keep a Win machine for school) but I cannot get my desktop (M9.1) to read it.  I 
know the usb ports are working because I've plugged in other things, but it won't 
recognize the memory stick.  Can I do anything or am I s-o-l?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] USB memory stick

2003-09-12 Per discussione RichardA
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 10:41:39 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I saw the thread about USB mass storage devices, but I'm not sure
 if what I'm talking about is the same thing, so I apologize if it is. 
 I'purchased one of those USB memory sticks (made by GE) and it works
 great for my laptop (WinXP; sorry, I need to keep a Win machine for
 school) but I cannot get my desktop (M9.1) to read it.  I know the usb
 ports are working because I've plugged in other things, but it won't
 recognize the memory stick.  Can I do anything or am I s-o-l?
 Thanks in advance,

It should work. What do you mean by 'won't recognise'?

Does /mnt/removable get created? If so, try to mount it: mount

As root, Run tail -f /var/log/messages and plug it in. Does something
happen? (CTRL-C to end this).

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file

2003-09-12 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
David wrote:

On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 11:39, John Richard Smith wrote:

Russ wrote:


Hi All,

I am trying to dl Knoppix so I can try it on a laptop we have. 
However, it gets to about 20 secs left to go then tells me that there 
is not enough disk space left. I am dl it to my home directory which 
is 19gigs (mostly free), the file is only 650megs.

Can anyone tell me why this won't let me do it?

I am using Mozilla dl manager if that matters.


I think mozilla actually downloads into a /tmp (noticed log time ago -
this may have changed since) and then moves it to the location you told
it to once complete. This does cause problems for the larger downloads.
wget is what I use for anything bigish.

If it did before it doesn't now.  I downloaded all three RC1 discs 
(1.9GB) at the same time using Mozilla and my /tmp directory is only 400MB.

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 | http://counter.li.org/
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
12:10:01 up 5 days, 23:26,  1 user,  load average: 0.59, 0.43, 0.38
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
Heather/Femme wrote:

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:08:24 -0400
Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thursday 11 September 2003 11:05 pm, Miark wrote:

Fine  for playing on your 'puter but don't know of a portable Ogg

They're comin'. I know of a few that'll be out within the month. But
granted, if Femme is looking into encoding for a portable player,
she's stuck with MP3.

Is there a place to find out about these so called portable ogg vorbis

players?  I'm in the market and have been looking at the machines by
iriver.  Supposedly they are going to be offering a firmware upgrade
to provide vorbis support, but I cannot find anything new on the
status of this.-- 

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

saw a review on IRiver ... IIRC its either going outta business OR just
got a bad bad review... I'll have to look to be sure though.
Rio  the iPod are the best.

and fwiw, ya I wanna put this stuff onto um... little things, looks like
a mini casette but its not... damnit... I hate being stoned..

anyway Iwanna putit on that...so mp3 is my only option...

Flying Femme

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 | http://counter.li.org/
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
12:15:00 up 5 days, 23:31,  1 user,  load average: 0.38, 0.39, 0.37
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Strange use for multiple desktops

2003-09-12 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
Lee Wiggers wrote:

snip, major

Thank you all.

I love this community as much as the os.

The real beauty is that everyone is willing to take a stab at it, no
matter what.  That's a rare thing in real life.
Brant's input was exactly what I wanted.  It let me distribute the
oo files across the 11 desktops so that I can have every module
ready for display before the lecture begins, without the annoying
jump to the next set with oo hanging out on the projector.
I haven't tried anything yet in mdk that didn't have several working
approaches.  Amazing stuff.
If my last two windows problems would go away, I would switch the
whole office in a heartbeat..Act! and Quickbooks.
Next year will see a server based replacement for both that works,
but not just yet, AFAIK.

Glad you got it working.

Another way to switch between windows that are grouped together is by 
middle-clicking on the group in the taskbar.  It will cycle through them 
in the order they were opened (I think).

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 | http://counter.li.org/
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
12:20:00 up 5 days, 23:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.41, 0.39, 0.36
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] nvidiactl permissions

2003-09-12 Per discussione Max . Benitz

Is there a significant difference between

chmod 666 /dev/nvidia1
chmod 0666 /dev/nvidia1?


Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED]@linux-mandrake.com on 09/11/2003 03:17:13 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


To:mandrake newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Re: [newbie] nvidiactl permissions

Serge wrote:

to get 3d back you have to type as toor in a shell:

chmod 0666 /dev/nvidia*
chown root /dev/nvidia*

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Miark
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 06:45:05 -0700, Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 05:59, Miark wrote:
  Rio Karma: Has a 20GB capacity, it's an ethernet device, and plays Ogg and Flac
 Only trouble is  it's not AFAIK linux compatible for one will not pay
 $399.00 for a player that only works with Win$ux

True. Unlike the Nomad which is a USB plug 'n play filesystem, the Karma
needs specific software. I talked to the head of technical support at
Rio and he said they're looking at the possibility of making Linux
software for it, but there are no concrete plans at the moment. 


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[newbie] Desktop icons (kde)

2003-09-12 Per discussione Jonesy
Exists there somewhere a collection of misc. desktop icons for KDE?
I'm an OS/2 user slowly moving into the Mandrake world, and I've
started trying to implement the functionality of my OS/2 desktop in
my mdk boxen (8.2 and 9.1).  One feature I use are desktop, and/or
folder-included objects, to dial, hangup, kill, and restart the
InJoy dialer over on my OS/2 gateway machine (via rsh.)  
The on-board choice of icons in MDK\KDE is thin and un-inspiring.

Barring no public collection of icons, is there an icon conversion
tool to convert the 3,000+ OS/2 icons I've gathered over the years?

  | Marvin L Jones   | jonz |  W3DHJ   |  OS/2
  |  Gunnison, Colorado  |  @   |  Jonesy  |  linux   __
  |   7,703' -- 2,345m   |   config.com |  DM68mn SK

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Re: [newbie] nvidiactl permissions

2003-09-12 Per discussione Richard Urwin
On Friday 12 Sep 2003 5:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a significant difference between

 chmod 666 /dev/nvidia1
 chmod 0666 /dev/nvidia1?

man chmod says Any  omitted  digits  are assumed  to  be leading 

So no, they are identical.
(The fourth digit is where the setuid, setgid and sticky bits live)

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] USB memory stick

2003-09-12 Per discussione Brooks3J
RichardA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It should work. What do you mean by 'won't recognise'?

Does /mnt/removable get created? If so, try to mount it: mount

As root, Run tail -f /var/log/messages and plug it in. Does something
happen? (CTRL-C to end this).


By not recognize I mean, I get nothing from the computer showing the memory stick.  
/mnt/removable does not get created (not that I can see, anyway) and here are the 
results of trying the mount command per your instructions:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] brooks]# mount /mnt/removable
mount: can't find /mnt/removable in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

I tried the tail command you listed and something happened at first (I received a 
message showing that the memory was plugged in).  However, before I could paste the 
message result in this email, I copied the results from the mount command, thus losing 
the results of the tail command.  SO, when I tried the tail command again and plugged 
in the memory stick, I got nothing.  When I looked at the port to make sure the stick 
was plugged in, I noticed that it's not even getting power now (there's a light on it 
that should come on) and so I might have a hardware problem...

Either way, it is definitely not creating /mnt/removable .   Could it be an issue with 
Gnome?  I'm using Gnome2.2  (How can I upgrade to 2.4?  If you've got an extra minute 
to answer that one as well, that'd be great.)


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Re: [newbie] linux world magazine resource DVD with mandrake 9.1 on it

2003-09-12 Per discussione DrewMartin

 You want to 
check that the DVD has the .iso files on it.In the UK quite often you have to 
copy the .iso images of the DVD on to your H/D,then burn them to CD to install 
the OS.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:22 
  Subject: [newbie] linux world magazine 
  resource DVD with mandrake 9.1 on it
  Does anyone have this? i do and i it won't boot from the 
  dvd drive and when i make a boot disk it dosn't regognize the DVD as the 
  install CD and tells me to insert the install CD. Any solutions? 

[newbie] Help with video card drivers.

2003-09-12 Per discussione d2ci1fj g1nf24
I'm having a problem with my video card driver. I'm using a ATI Radeon 9800 
video card. I installed Mandrake 9.1 and set the video configuration for, 
video card- vesa, monitor- 1280*1024 @ 60hz, display- 1024*768 @70hz 24b. I 
then tested the configuration and it worked fine. I use the vesa driver 
because it's the only driver that will work with my card that is on the list 
of drivers. There are a few problems when I use vesa. When I try to logout, 
shutdown, or restart the computer goes blank when it is trying to shut down 
startX. I have to reboot manually, recheck the file system at startup and 
fix the file system.
I installed the ATI 9800 drivers two times and I could not log into the 
desktop. I installed the drivers correctly and ran the driver config file. 
Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Re: [newbie] Desktop icons (kde)

2003-09-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 11 Sep 2003 7:17 pm, Jonesy wrote:
 Exists there somewhere a collection of misc. desktop icons for KDE?
 I'm an OS/2 user slowly moving into the Mandrake world, and I've
 started trying to implement the functionality of my OS/2 desktop in
 my mdk boxen (8.2 and 9.1).  One feature I use are desktop, and/or
 folder-included objects, to dial, hangup, kill, and restart the
 InJoy dialer over on my OS/2 gateway machine (via rsh.)
 The on-board choice of icons in MDK\KDE is thin and un-inspiring.

 Barring no public collection of icons, is there an icon conversion
 tool to convert the 3,000+ OS/2 icons I've gathered over the years?


Check out http://www.kde-look.org/
lots of icon sets available there.


BTW: could you remove the reply to  field in your mail client please.
It is not necessary and makes it awkward when replying to a mailing list.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Re: USB memory stick

2003-09-12 Per discussione Björn Lundin

 Hi, I saw the thread about USB mass storage devices, but I'm not sure if
 what I'm talking about is the same thing, so I apologize if it is. 
Did you check the thread 'USB key drives and linux' on the
exper list?

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Re: [newbie] linux world magazine resource DVD with mandrake 9.1 on it

2003-09-12 Per discussione TAKane2
  Does anyone have this? i do and i it won't boot from the dvd drive and
  when i make a boot disk it dosn't regognize the DVD as the install CD
  and tells me to insert the install CD. Any solutions?
 I'm betting you need to burn an ISO that is on the dvd to a CD...so the
 cd will boot.
 most distros on DVD are like that...
 actully it has a ISO for a floppy i did that it dosn't regonize the DVD as 
 the installation CD.
 I don't think so,,, the iso should not be a floppy, since ISO stands
 for iso9660 and that is the filesystem for a CD
excuse me i ment .img

[newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-12 Per discussione Aron Smith
Have been trying to get 9.2rc2 up on a spare box . however the MD5sum
that whe website has does not match the sum generated by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
aron]$ cd distros
[EMAIL PROTECTED] distros]$ md5sum MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
9725a5942d84390c691d78f95084b5ee  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso

So what am I doing wrong?

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Re: [newbie] Linksys WMP11 Wireless PCI

2003-09-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 12 Sep 2003 8:23 pm, Russell W. Behne wrote:
 I have a headache. I'm trying to find out how to get a Linksys WMP11
 Wireless PCI card working in my host. I've looked at the howtos, which
 all look like greek to me. Isn't there a simple howto that tells me
 where to begin - on this card only, and not a thousand others? If not
 can someone walk me through the steps?

Have you tried going through the Wizard in Mandrake Control CentreNetworking 
According to this site 
WMP11 uses the prism chip set and so should be detected by the wizard,
although there is a comment that later versions uses a Broadcom chip set for 
which there is no Linux driver.


BTW: Could you remove the reply to in your mail client please.
It is not necessary and a pain when replying to a mailing list.

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[newbie] Laptop memory not recognized

2003-09-12 Per discussione Noah A Hicks
I just purchased a 256mb memory chip from ebay, physically installed in my
laptop and booted the computer.  When I run the system monitor it still
showes exactly the same amount (128mb).  Is there a way to fix this?
My hardware is as follows:
Dell Latitude LS 400
PIII 400Mhz

Thanks alot

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Re: [newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 12, 2003 01:01 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Have been trying to get 9.2rc2 up on a spare box . however the MD5sum
 that whe website has does not match the sum generated by
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] aron]$ cd distros
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] distros]$ md5sum MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
 9725a5942d84390c691d78f95084b5ee  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] distros]$

 So what am I doing wrong?

Hi Aron;

Navigate to the directory where you saved the ISOs and the .asc file in 
a terminal use this command:

md5sum -c 9.2rc2.md5sums.asc enter

You'll have to wait for it, it takes a few minutes.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-8mdk
14:27:10 up 2:36, 1 user, load average: 1.09, 0.32, 0.16
Information Center, n.:
A room staffed by professional computer people whose job it is to
tell you why you cannot have the information you require.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Laptop memory not recognized

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 12, 2003 02:19 pm, Noah A Hicks wrote:
 I just purchased a 256mb memory chip from ebay, physically installed
 in my laptop and booted the computer.  When I run the system monitor
 it still showes exactly the same amount (128mb).  Is there a way to
 fix this? My hardware is as follows:
 Dell Latitude LS 400
 PIII 400Mhz

 Thanks alot

Noah, does your BIOS see it during POST? If not that's where you need to 
start. If it does and you're still having trouble with the system not 
recognizing it, at the lilo boot screen hit Esc and type

linux mem=the corrected amount

and try that. It should work. I hope.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-8mdk
14:29:44 up 2:39, 1 user, load average: 1.28, 0.43, 0.21
Win98 error 002: Insufficient diskspace. You need at least 300 GB free 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Help with video card drivers.

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:33:01 +
d2ci1fj g1nf24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having a problem with my video card driver. I'm using a ATI Radeon
 9800 video card. I installed Mandrake 9.1 and set the video
 configuration for, video card- vesa, monitor- 1280*1024 @ 60hz,
 display- 1024*768 @70hz 24b. I then tested the configuration and it
 worked fine. I use the vesa driver because it's the only driver that
 will work with my card that is on the list of drivers. There are a few
 problems when I use vesa. When I try to logout, shutdown, or restart
 the computer goes blank when it is trying to shut down startX. I have
 to reboot manually, recheck the file system at startup and fix the
 file system. I installed the ATI 9800 drivers two times and I could
 not log into the desktop. I installed the drivers correctly and ran
 the driver config file. Does anyone know what the problem is?

When using the vesa driver:
 boot with vga=normal or edit your lilo.conf and set vga=normal
 Do not use dm
 Boot to init 3 and use Xtart to launch your wm (this will correct
your log-out problem)

I am running cooker and use the fglrx driver with a Radeon 9600 without
If you use the fglrx driver you need to get either
fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-3.2.5.i586.rpm from ATI or glx1_linux_X4.3.zip from 
Both are the same rpm but the zip file also contains the check.sh a
file.list and a README.

I have attached a walk-through for running fglrxconfig that I had done
for another, this should assist you in its proper set-up.


1.79 x 10^12 furlongs per fortnight -- it's not just a good idea, it's
the law!
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel-2.4.22-7.tmb.1mdkenterprise http://www.eslrahc.com

Description: Binary data

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] how to find files and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Merlin Zener

I wonder if it's possible to make the find files look everywhere
*except* in the /mnt directory? I notice that it takes ages to find
anything, and it seems to be when it get to the /mnt part of the search
- it rattles the floppy and click-clicks the CDRW, even though there's
no disk in either. I just thought is might speed things up a bit if I
could tell it not to even try...


Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] importing contacts into Evolution?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Merlin Zener
On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 02:13, Merlin Zener wrote:

Hello all,
I've been offline for a few days, due to a monumental lack of
communication between my domain name registrar, my old web hosting
provider, my new web hosting provider, and myself - resulting in my
domain name not resolving...
[insert appropriate expletives here] g

Still, I've checked the archives of this list on the mandrake site, and
I see there has been no answer to this question; I wonder if maybe
someone might like to give me even just a place to start reading about
what might be the cause...

I'm trying to import my contacts from Outlook into Evolution. I've
exported the contacts to a .CSV file and followed the instructions to
convert to file to a vcard file but this is the error I get:

 bash: csv2vcard.pl: command not found 

It happens no matter if I try it as myself or if I su to root.
I can see that the file exists if I search for it using find files -
it is sitting in file:/usr/bin.

Could it be the .pl on the end?
If so, what to do about it - rename the file, or modify the command?
[I pasted it directly off the web page...]

TIA for any help:)

Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how to find files and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charles-Roberts
Merlin Zener wrote:

I wonder if it's possible to make the find files look everywhere
*except* in the /mnt directory? I notice that it takes ages to find
anything, and it seems to be when it get to the /mnt part of the search
- it rattles the floppy and click-clicks the CDRW, even though there's
no disk in either. I just thought is might speed things up a bit if I
could tell it not to even try...

Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer
Try the -xdev option. See 'man find'.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how to find files and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On 13 Sep 2003 03:50:36 +0700
Merlin Zener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder if it's possible to make the find files look everywhere

Try using slocate instead of find

If you have not used it before su to root and then
# updatedb

After it has completed you can drop back to user and
$ slocate name


Before I knew the best part of my life had come, it had gone.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel-2.4.22-7.tmb.1mdkenterprise http://www.eslrahc.com

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-12 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
John Richard Smith wrote:

Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

HaywireMac wrote:

On Sun, 07 Sep 2003 11:43:14 -0300
Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

my day for list Nazi duty.

please set your mailer to wrap at less than 80 characters please!

thank you, come again! :-)



Actually, it's a good question really. I set mine at 68 and still 
find it stretching out too far to the right sometimes, then 
inadvertently my finger slips and I return prematurely,which does 
not make for good layout.

I'm beginning to thing I need something even less than 68, what do 
other folk use ?



And do you think that works well?
72 characters is still quite wide , isn't it. It means that by the 
time 3 or 4 replies to a list question is applied the wrap has become 
quite small . I know that ought not to matter since the auto wrap 
shortens it for you provided that it was all one continuous stream in 
the first place. But if you are like me you sometimes unintentionally 
, return to stop the composer carrying on out of sight of the 
composer window. So you say widen the composer window, but a composer 
window set to 72 characters to display all without it disappearing of 
the screen to the right is quite a wide window. So I wonder whether 
something around the 60 mark might not be more appropriate for a 
composer window, after all the list window will just wordwrap to it's 
requirements, but by having a smaller composer window and fewer 
characters I'm less inclined to inadvertantly hit the return key and 
thereby spoil the continuous word flow.


I've never had any complaints.  It's the default for Mozilla.

As far as the inadvertant return -- I can't really account for 
mistakes others may make while composing messages.  That's their battle.

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 | http://counter.li.org/
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
17:10:00 up 6 days,  4:26,  1 user,  load average: 0.18, 0.24, 0.26
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Help with video card drivers.

2003-09-12 Per discussione d2ci1fj g1nf24
Thanks for the help. Would you send the walk-through in .txt for Windows? 
Also, do I need to do something to the vesa driver before I install the 
fgrlx driver?
There is monitor configuration file that came with my monitor, I put it as 
an attachment. I don't know if it will help with driver installation. I 
understand some of it but not all of it. If it will help would you explain 
it to me? I do not know how to get to the X86 configuration folder and what 
settings I should change.

From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help with video card drivers.
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 16:51:14 -0400
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:33:01 +
d2ci1fj g1nf24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a problem with my video card driver. I'm using a ATI Radeon
 9800 video card. I installed Mandrake 9.1 and set the video
 configuration for, video card- vesa, monitor- 1280*1024 @ 60hz,
 display- 1024*768 @70hz 24b. I then tested the configuration and it
 worked fine. I use the vesa driver because it's the only driver that
 will work with my card that is on the list of drivers. There are a few
 problems when I use vesa. When I try to logout, shutdown, or restart
 the computer goes blank when it is trying to shut down startX. I have
 to reboot manually, recheck the file system at startup and fix the
 file system. I installed the ATI 9800 drivers two times and I could
 not log into the desktop. I installed the drivers correctly and ran
 the driver config file. Does anyone know what the problem is?
When using the vesa driver:
 boot with vga=normal or edit your lilo.conf and set vga=normal
 Do not use dm
 Boot to init 3 and use Xtart to launch your wm (this will correct
your log-out problem)
I am running cooker and use the fglrx driver with a Radeon 9600 without
If you use the fglrx driver you need to get either
fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-3.2.5.i586.rpm from ATI or glx1_linux_X4.3.zip from
Both are the same rpm but the zip file also contains the check.sh a
file.list and a README.
I have attached a walk-through for running fglrxconfig that I had done
for another, this should assist you in its proper set-up.

1.79 x 10^12 furlongs per fortnight -- it's not just a good idea, it's
the law!
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel-2.4.22-7.tmb.1mdkenterprise http://www.eslrahc.com
Need more e-mail storage? Get 10MB with Hotmail Extra Storage.   
5. Linux Monitor Installation Procedure

1)Linux Install Procedure

  In order to execute the X-window, you have to make the XF86Config file 
which is
  the system setup file. Your monitor also can setup through this file.
  Also this file is generated by executing the XF86config.

   After execute the xf86config, press Enter at first and second 

   At third display, you can see the display of installation of mouse

   At this time you have to setup your mouse according to your mouse 

   And next display is the installation of Keyboard.

   You have to setup your keyboard according to your keyboard.

   From now on , the monitor installation will be come out.

   At first, you have to setup the Horizontal frequency. Select the number 
which you want to setup.
And also you can type the frequency directly.  See monitor user's 

   And then you have to setup the Vertical frequency. Following is the 
same as Horizontal frequency.

   Type the name of monitor. This name is not related to X-window 

   Now the monitor setup is completed

   Complete the other hardware setup.

   If you complete all hardware setup, save the configuration file.

   Now execute the X-window.
Even though you setup all above procedure, the X-Window can't run.
If the X-window doesn't run properly, you have modify the x86config 
file as follows.

 Linux Modification Items 

Replace the # with the value of Bandwidth refer to user's manual

Modify the other additional hardware modification.

At last, you have to select the video mode.

Now run the X-Window.

2)Monitor Installation Tip

  Explanation and Concept regarding the display monitor 

   The related the document is located at dm/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/Video 
Mode.doc and read the readme.txt.

   Horizontal Sync. Frequency (Unit Khz)
 This is the Dot Line per 1 seconds. And if you setting the H-Frequency 
incorrectly, it causes to make the
 problem at monitor hardware. you have to set the H-Frequency 

   Vertical Sync Frequency(Refresh Rate,  Unit Hz)
 This is the frame number per 1seconds. And if you setting the 
V-Frequency incorrectly, it cause to make flicker.
 If you work long time with this stituation, your eye will be tired. In 
order to 

Re: [newbie] how to find files and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Merlin Zener
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 04:17, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On 13 Sep 2003 03:50:36 +0700
 Merlin Zener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wonder if it's possible to make the find files look everywhere
 Try using slocate instead of find
 If you have not used it before su to root and then
 # updatedb

I think there is something broken somewhere - all I get is:
bash: updatedb: command not found
bash: slocate: command not found

The same thing happens when I try that other command I was asking about
in the importing contacts into Evolution question.

I'm guessing, but maybe it's some sort of PATH: not set?
How would I find out?

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Re: [newbie] how to find files and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Merlin Zener
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 04:06, Charles-Roberts wrote:
 Merlin Zener wrote:
  I wonder if it's possible to make the find files look everywhere
  *except* in the /mnt directory? I notice that it takes ages to find
  anything, and it seems to be when it get to the /mnt part of the search
  - it rattles the floppy and click-clicks the CDRW, even though there's
  no disk in either. I just thought is might speed things up a bit if I
  could tell it not to even try...
  Merlin Zener
  Piano, Synthesizer
 Try the -xdev option. See 'man find'.

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to make any difference. I tried both
-xdev and -mount [from the man page - thatnks for the pointer btw] but
it still accesses the CDRW and the floppy whenever I start the search
from /.

Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from Cd's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 01:51:45 -0600
Charlie M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I can make you laugh with my lunacy in the condition you seem to be
 in I've had a good day. Too bad it started Saturday
 You must really need to get horizontal sweetheart. The apps I
 mentioned are NOT command line tools, they're GUI. You know, pointy
 and clicky???
 You were the one picking all us old farts earlier, remember? G
 Just kidding.

ummm ya... I finally peeled myself off the ceiling... ya I was
very very stoned... lol! sorry Charlie.

I'm gonna try taht stuff today or tommorow  Ty all for your help. 
Sorry if I was a PITA to anyone ... ugh did I really say that about
seniors? Damnit... can I plead heavy meds? Or take the 5th or something?


Grounded Femme

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[newbie] how to find out the speed the modem connects to the ISP at?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Merlin Zener
Hi there,

I'm using KPPP to connect to the internet [because it was hanging off
the start menu, labeled connect to the internet and it worked first
time... :) ]. But it reports that I'm connected at 115200, which I
expect is the speed my UART is talking to the modem at...
Is there a way I can find out what speed the modem has connected to the
ISP at? Often, it seems to connect slowly because of line noise due to
rain etc, in windoze I could see it if I hovered the mouse over the
little icon in the system tray. I expect there's some way in Mandrake,
but I don't know what word to search for

TIA again :)

Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 09:19:47 +0100
RichardA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:53:27 -0600, Heather/Femme
   So lemme get this straight:
  you can't rip directly to MP3 in linux at all?? Only OGG? (which I
  am still leery about using...)...
  That seems very odd if I'm right.
 No, you can rip to mp3. Presumably Mandrake don't include lame because
 there are licensing issues.
 Sounds like your best bet is get lame from plf and use grip.
 Get up and turn I loose

ya thats the impression I got too.  Ty Richard.

Unstoned Femmey

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[newbie] Apache woes...

2003-09-12 Per discussione Trey Sizemore
I had Apache2 working on my 9.1 box, but just had to go and upgrade it
from Cooker.  Now it will not start.  I should say that MCC says it's
running (set to start at boot), but pointing to http://localhost takes
my to the clever Australian hosting company.  When I stop and restart
via MCC, a message is displayed that a verifiable hostname could not be
found.  I have looked at the http.conf file and it has localhost set as
the server name.  Where else should I be looking to ensure that
everything is set correctly.  An explicit Apache2/PHP4/MySQL tutorial
would be good (emphasis on Apache2 as it's changed quite a bit since


At a given moment I open my eyes and exist.
And before that, during all eternity, what was there?
- Ugo Betti

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from Cd's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 12, 2003 03:51 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 ummm ya... I finally peeled myself off the ceiling... ya I
 was very very stoned... lol! sorry Charlie.

 I'm gonna try taht stuff today or tommorow  Ty all for your help.
 Sorry if I was a PITA to anyone ... ugh did I really say that about
 seniors? Damnit... can I plead heavy meds? Or take the 5th or


 Grounded Femme

I don't think anyone was really offended, but I could be wrong. I think 
we all share the opinion that it's fun to pretend to be offended 'cause 
it's such good fun to watch you squirm. g

You can't take the fifth, it's against the rules!

But I'll share a quart with ya. LMAO

Have fun Femme.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-8mdk
15:55:24 up 4:04, 1 user, load average: 0.22, 0.17, 0.12
The best thing about being bald is, that, when unexpected company 
arrives, all you have to do is straighten your tie.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:00:05 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Once you have lame installed ( check you don't already, by doing in a 
 rpm -qa | lame   and see what it says. I think you will find it
 already installed) install the attatched  bash script wav2mp3
 somewhere the system can find it like /usr/bin,  or /usr/local/bin and
 follow the instructions in wav2mp3command file attatched.
 This script has ripped and encoded to mp3 for me, not that I use it
 much , it's just to get my daughters .wav files on their CD's onto
 their mp3 mobile players, so much more stable than those mobile CD
 players, or so they tell me. I only play CD's myself and don't store
 any music on my hard drive.
Ty!  so just install lame  put this script into /usr/bin ... run Lame
and it does the rest is that it?

sorry I'm reaally new to this stuff so.. um forgive the idiotic

oh  btw I guess its not possible to rip 2 cd's @ once is it?  With 2
separate devices?  IE: I have a dvdrom  a cdwriter...can I rip cd's
from both of those all at once?  Saving me some time?  or is that


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Re: [newbie] Linksys WMP11 Wireless PCI

2003-09-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 12 Sep 2003 9:33 pm, Russell W. Behne wrote:
   Vendor: ?Broadcom Corporation
   Bus: ?PCI
   Bus identification: ?14e4:4301:1737:4301
   Location on the bus: ?0:a:0
   Description: ?BCM4301 802.11b
   Module: ?unknown
   Media class: ?NETWORK_OTHER

Bad news.
You have the new version with the Broadcom chip set for which there is 
apparently no Linux driver at present. (Enter BCM4301 in google.com/linux )

I can only suggest taking it back and getting another card.

   I thought I had already done that. I just now checked pine's
 config and there's no line for a reply-to. If it happens again please
 let me know.

Its still there. You also seem to be asking for Read receipts which is 
probably not a good idea on a mailing list.

Reply-To: Russell W. Behne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linksys WMP11 Wireless PCI
Return-Reciept-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read-Reciept-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 09:03:25 -0400
Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 12 September 2003 02:53 am, Heather/Femme wrote:
   So lemme get this straight:
  you can't rip directly to MP3 in linux at all?? Only OGG? (which I
  am still leery about using...)...
 No, they are suggesting you use OGG instead of MP3 but you can use MP3
 if you like.  I do myself, I know that OGG is better but if I want to
 send a file to someone, the only way I can be sure that they can use
 it is to use MP3.  Also, If I want to play these in my standalone DVD
 player that supports MP3 files, I can't use OGG.  
 In Grip, you can go to the configure tab and tell it what encoder to
 use.  If you tell it to rip to .mp3, it will encode to mp3.  At least
 it does on my system.
 Bryan Phinney
 Software Test Engineer

Ty.  You're in the same boat I am then Bryan.  Shrugs I know I can use
ogg, but I would rather not as it isn't practical to me.  And in the
state I was in yesterday was getting massively confused by the
(seemingly) conflicted answers.  Yours is straight to the point  well
I'm not stoned now so I get it. :D

thx.  I have a minidisc player  wanna use that later... mp3 will work
on it but I doubt ogg would...so thats my reason for needing mp3.

ty ;)


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Re: [newbie] Apache woes...

2003-09-12 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:00:54 -0400
Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I had Apache2 working on my 9.1 box, but just had to go and upgrade it
 from Cooker.

I think that was a bad idea. The Apache Cooker packages would depend on
other Cooker packages, no?

I'm surprised it even did the install without a complaint...you know,
the whole dependency thing.

Or are you saying you upgraded your whole system from cooker?

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
There is no sin but ignorance.
-- Christopher Marlowe

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from CD's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 12:18:31 -0400
Brant Fitzsimmons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brant Fitzsimmons

Mini Disc

found its name...finally..after coming down. sigh


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Re: [newbie] Laptop memory not recognized

2003-09-12 Per discussione Michael Scottaline
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:19:29 -0500 (CDT)
Noah A Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

I just purchased a 256mb memory chip from ebay, physically installed in my
laptop and booted the computer.  When I run the system monitor it still
showes exactly the same amount (128mb).  Is there a way to fix this?
My hardware is as follows:
Dell Latitude LS 400
PIII 400Mhz

Did you remove the 128 and put the 256 in that slot, then add the 128??? 
Humor an old man and give that a try if you didn't do it that way.

The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: [newbie] Help with video card drivers.

2003-09-12 Per discussione d2ci1fj g1nf24
Thanks for the help. Would you send the walk-through in .txt for
Windows? Also, do I need to do something to the vesa driver before I
install the fgrlx driver?
There is monitor configuration file that came with my monitor, I put
it as an attachment. I don't know if it will help with driver
installation. I understand some of it but not all of it. If it will
help would you explain it to me? I do not know how to get to the X86
configuration folder and what settings I should change.

From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help with video card drivers.
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 16:51:14 -0400
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:33:01 +
d2ci1fj g1nf24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a problem with my video card driver. I'm using a ATI Radeon
 9800 video card. I installed Mandrake 9.1 and set the video
 configuration for, video card- vesa, monitor- 1280*1024 @ 60hz,
 display- 1024*768 @70hz 24b. I then tested the configuration and it
 worked fine. I use the vesa driver because it's the only driver that
 will work with my card that is on the list of drivers. There are a few
 problems when I use vesa. When I try to logout, shutdown, or restart
 the computer goes blank when it is trying to shut down startX. I have
 to reboot manually, recheck the file system at startup and fix the
 file system. I installed the ATI 9800 drivers two times and I could
 not log into the desktop. I installed the drivers correctly and ran
 the driver config file. Does anyone know what the problem is?
When using the vesa driver:
 boot with vga=normal or edit your lilo.conf and set vga=normal
 Do not use dm
 Boot to init 3 and use Xtart to launch your wm (this will correct
your log-out problem)
I am running cooker and use the fglrx driver with a Radeon 9600 without
If you use the fglrx driver you need to get either
fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-3.2.5.i586.rpm from ATI or glx1_linux_X4.3.zip from
Both are the same rpm but the zip file also contains the check.sh a
file.list and a README.
I have attached a walk-through for running fglrxconfig that I had done
for another, this should assist you in its proper set-up.

1.79 x 10^12 furlongs per fortnight -- it's not just a good idea, it's
the law!
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel-2.4.22-7.tmb.1mdkenterprise http://www.eslrahc.com
Need more e-mail storage? Get 10MB with Hotmail Extra Storage.   
Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] USB memory stick

2003-09-12 Per discussione RichardA
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 12:57:22 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By not recognize I mean, I get nothing from the computer showing the
 memory stick.  /mnt/removable does not get created (not that I can
 see, anyway) and here are the results of trying the mount command per
 your instructions:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] brooks]# mount /mnt/removable
 mount: can't find /mnt/removable in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
 I tried the tail command you listed and something happened at first (I
 received a message showing that the memory was plugged in).  However,
 before I could paste the message result in this email, I copied the
 results from the mount command, thus losing the results of the tail
 command.  SO, when I tried the tail command again and plugged in the
 memory stick, I got nothing.  When I looked at the port to make sure
 the stick was plugged in, I noticed that it's not even getting power
 now (there's a light on it that should come on) and so I might have a
 hardware problem...
 Either way, it is definitely not creating /mnt/removable .   Could it
 be an issue with Gnome?  I'm using Gnome2.2  (How can I upgrade to
 2.4?  If you've got an extra minute to answer that one as well, that'd
 be great.)

I don't think Gnome is the issue (this stuff is happening at a lower
level than the window manager)(and I think upgrading to 2.4 is
nontrivial, unless you wait for the mandrake release which has it).

Try drilling down through /dev/scsi/. I had 
/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/disc and part1 (my CD writer was on

To see what was in /var/log/messages, do cat /var/log/messages, which
will put the whole thing into the terminal. Shift-Page-Up to find the
bit you need.

That power thing sounds like a showstopper -- can you test it on another

I've just got back from a wedding reception in Sheffield, and I'm drunk,
so I'll leave it there -- have a mess about and tell us what happened.

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] importing contacts into Evolution?

2003-09-12 Per discussione RichardA
On 13 Sep 2003 03:50:31 +0700, Merlin Zener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm trying to import my contacts from Outlook into Evolution. I've
 exported the contacts to a .CSV file and followed the instructions to
 convert to file to a vcard file but this is the error I get:
  bash: csv2vcard.pl: command not found 
 It happens no matter if I try it as myself or if I su to root.
 I can see that the file exists if I search for it using find files -
 it is sitting in file:/usr/bin.
 Could it be the .pl on the end?
 If so, what to do about it - rename the file, or modify the command?
 [I pasted it directly off the web page...]

Is the directory in your path (almost certainly, use the full path), and
is the script executable? (use ls -l).

And here's something from the web: The best way to import Outlook .pst
files into Evolution is to install Mozilla on your Windows system and
use Mozilla to import the.pst files and then use Mozilla to export the
mail to mbox format. Evolution can then import these mbox files.

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] how to find files and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-12 Per discussione RichardA
On 13 Sep 2003 04:20:54 +0700, Merlin Zener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I think there is something broken somewhere - all I get is:
 bash: updatedb: command not found
 bash: slocate: command not found

Not sure if slocate is installed by default. Try urpmi slocate.

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-12 Per discussione Chris
On Friday 12 September 2003 06:37 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:

  What is the difference between shredding a file/dir in konqueror and
  deleting it?

 shred overwrites those sectors on the hard disk where the file was
 multiple times thus preventing someone from being able to reconstruct
 the info you just shredded with forensic tools.  IT writes a number of
 times over where your file was stored with 1's  0's... usually 8 passes
 IIRC.  Military shredding does like 25 or something...


Thanks for all the replies everybody.  I 'assume' then that when shredding 
file(s) that there is no fragmentation such as there is in the windows os 
and that the freed space can/is immediately available to be written to?

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774 http://counter.li.org
  6:49pm  up 3 days, 21:55,  3 users,  load average: 0.41, 0.41, 0.27

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Re: [newbie] Apache woes...

2003-09-12 Per discussione Trey Sizemore
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 18:24, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:00:54 -0400
 Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I had Apache2 working on my 9.1 box, but just had to go and upgrade it
  from Cooker.
 I think that was a bad idea. The Apache Cooker packages would depend on
 other Cooker packages, no?
 I'm surprised it even did the install without a complaint...you know,
 the whole dependency thing.
 Or are you saying you upgraded your whole system from cooker?

No, but perhaps I'll give it a try.  What's the command again to update
everything if I have Cooker sources?



The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with
composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he
does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
- Aristotle

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Re: [newbie] how to find files and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 13 Sep 2003 12:41 am, Merlin Zener wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 05:47, RichardA wrote:
  On 13 Sep 2003 04:20:54 +0700, Merlin Zener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I think there is something broken somewhere - all I get is:
   bash: updatedb: command not found
   bash: slocate: command not found
  Not sure if slocate is installed by default. Try urpmi slocate.

 bash: urpmi: command not found


 Merlin Zener
 Piano, Synthesizer

You need to be root user to use urpmi
Enter 'su' in a terminal to become root.

Alternatively do it the 'GUI' way and use the Software Installer in your 
Mandrake Control Centre to install slocate.

While you are there install anacron as well and your system will then do daily 
housekeeping tasks including keeping the slocate database up to date.

slocate is *very* fast. I think you will like it. The downside is, it will 
only find files which have been 'indexed', so it will not find newly 
installed files.


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Re: [newbie] Apache woes...

2003-09-12 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 20:29:26 -0400
Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 No, but perhaps I'll give it a try.  What's the command again to
 update everything if I have Cooker sources?

If *all* your sources are cooker, IIRC,

urpmi --update --auto-select

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
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Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it didn't help
the rabbit.
-- R.E. Shay

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[newbie] Mouse Config from CLI ?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Bob Read
I recall seeing command line settings for mouse
functions such as repeat delay/speed etc.  But
I don't remember them, or where to find them.
If someone could point me in the right direction
it will be much appreciated.
Bob Read  // Registered Linux user #287118
Soli Deo Gloria-Solus Christus-Sola Gratia-Sola Fide-Sola Scriptura

The Church of The Master [Baptist]
Providence, Rhode Island

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Re: [newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-12 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Friday September 12 2003 02:01 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Have been trying to get 9.2rc2 up on a spare box . however the
 MD5sum that whe website has does not match the sum generated by
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] aron]$ cd distros
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] distros]$ md5sum MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
 MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso [EMAIL PROTECTED] distros]$

 So what am I doing wrong?

   These are the correct ones

9725a5942d84390c691d78f95084b5ee  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
78374f7ff4335f5b46b3cd7d8e2f3e94  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD2.i586.iso
70de3baa4a1e3f3c0229bed38b237d8a  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD3.i586.iso

If you have   9.2rc2.md5sums.asc   with these sums, and the 
three ios's all in the same directory, then   
  'md5sum -c 9.2rc2.md5sums.asc'   in that directory will do the 
checks for you, an should just output 'OK' for each file. Check 
again after you burn 'em, as some GUI apps for cdrecord can screw 
things up. Or just burn the iso's on the CL with 
  cdrecord -v -eject speed=4 dev=0,0,0 -dao iso
. The most important part being  -dao.   Check the CDr's with
   md5sum /dev/scd?   
(replace ? with the dev number for your CD-RW)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-12 Per discussione Mathieu Frenette
 Thanks for all the replies everybody.  I 'assume' then that when shredding 
 file(s) that there is no fragmentation such as there is in the windows os 
 and that the freed space can/is immediately available to be written to?

As for fragmentation, it should not make a difference whether you use
delete or shred, the same basic process happens, as far as file
allocation is concerned, and fragmentation will still occur.


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Re: [newbie] Mouse Config from CLI ?

2003-09-12 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 20:52:06 -0400
Bob Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I recall seeing command line settings for mouse
 functions such as repeat delay/speed etc.  But
 I don't remember them, or where to find them.
 If someone could point me in the right direction
 it will be much appreciated.

see man xset

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
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It is Fortune, not Wisdom, that rules man's life.

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[newbie] IP address of DNS?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Trey Sizemore
How do I find the IP address of a DNS?


The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with
composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he
does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
- Aristotle

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Re: [newbie] Downloading a huge file - burning an ISO

2003-09-12 Per discussione Russ
The answer to this is yes. It downloads it to a tmp directory in /. I 
only have 691 megs of free space there and the file is 694. I couldn't 
figure out how to bypass the temp file transfer.

I remember someone saying something about Konquerer being able to act 
like a file transfer over the net (with split windows). I tried that and 
it worked flawlessly (he was right, Konquerer rocks). Konquerer will 
even resume a failed download whereas Mozilla dl manager does not. The 
reason I do not use Konquerer as my main web browser is that some of the 
links appear in yellow and vry hard to read. I cannot figure out how 
to fix it (any ideas?).

Anyway, how do I burn an ISO image in Linux?

Eric Huff wrote:

I can't remember: does mozilla dl manager download directly to you
desired location, or does it do the dl to tmp then move dance?

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Re: [newbie] Article: 9/11-themed viruses hit the Net

2003-09-12 Per discussione Eric Huff
  So, does that mean that in windows a jpg can contain a virus, too?
 I think they're refering to the attachment itself which probably has a
 double extension like xxx.jpg.pif
 Most ppl's wincomps don't show the second extension, and away they
 I suppose you could hide some executable code in a picture 
 but AFAIK you'd need at minimum some sort of code like .html to start

Ok, that makes sense. I thought i might have to add to my list yet
another way in which windows could mees people up.

As for hiding extensions, that is one choice i often wish people didn't
have...  (i hate when i have to help a coworker who has that turned on)

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Re: [newbie] how to find out the speed the modem connects to the ISP at?

2003-09-12 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Friday 12 September 2003 05:53 pm, Merlin Zener wrote:
 Hi there,

 I'm using KPPP to connect to the internet [because it was hanging off
 the start menu, labeled connect to the internet and it worked first
 time... :) ]. But it reports that I'm connected at 115200, which I
 expect is the speed my UART is talking to the modem at...
 Is there a way I can find out what speed the modem has connected to the
 ISP at? Often, it seems to connect slowly because of line noise due to
 rain etc, in windoze I could see it if I hovered the mouse over the
 little icon in the system tray. I expect there's some way in Mandrake,
 but I don't know what word to search for

 TIA again :)

 Merlin Zener
 Piano, Synthesizer

Adding ATW2 as the secondary initialization string in the kppp modem setup 
works here. Once you're connected, you can verify connection speed by 
clicking on the kppp bar (it's probably called something else -- mine is 
labeled Earthlink). Clicking on Details will show a graph of recent 
activity, but it's a big. For a display that doesn't take up much screen 
space, gkrellm is cool.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-12 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 13 September 2003 01:05 am, Mathieu Frenette wrote:
  Thanks for all the replies everybody.  I 'assume' then that
  when shredding file(s) that there is no fragmentation such
  as there is in the windows os and that the freed space
  can/is immediately available to be written to?

 As for fragmentation, it should not make a difference whether
 you use delete or shred, the same basic process happens,
 as far as file allocation is concerned, and fragmentation will
 still occur.


I have to disagree. Deleting a file removes it entry in the 
allocation table, so the system can't find it. But it is still 
there, right on your harddisk. Shredding a file overwrites all 
the inodes with random 0's and 1's . I suppose one can set the 
number of overwrites to anything to ones hearts content. I'm 
quite sure, that if I *shred* this text, say 10 times, it'll 
require some effort in a high-tech laboratory to recover it.

In Linux - as in all Unixes - fragmentation is a *non-issue*. If 
one uses a genuine  *nix filesystem ( like ext2, ext3, XFS, JFS 
or ReiserFS) there's no need whatsoever to do any 
defragmentation.  A possible exception is - according to 
Civileme - JFS which is derived from OS/2 and hence inherited 
some compromises from way back when DOS/Windows was hot.

Anyway - I recently had to buy a PC for my daughter. It came with 
something called WindowsXP preloaded. The filesystem was called 
NTFS, which - so I'm told - should combine some of the benefits 
of UNIX and OS/2. It was heavily defragged even on the first 
boot, and every attempt to defrag it was futile. At least, under 
OS/2 one could set up the config.sys to defrag the whole 
filesystem (HPFS) automatically on boot.  Under this XP-thingy 
everything seems to be messed up permanently.

Kaj Haulrich. 
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1  kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdk
Sent to you from a 100 % MicroSCOft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-12 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Friday 12 September 2003 07:54 pm, Chris wrote:

 Thanks for all the replies everybody.  I 'assume' then that when shredding
 file(s) that there is no fragmentation such as there is in the windows os
 and that the freed space can/is immediately available to be written to?

Unless you are using either JFS or XFS (sorry, I can't remember which), forget 
about defragging; it is not an issue in Linux. Should you run the appropriate 
fsck for your filesystem, it will probably report something on the order of 
3% fragmentation. Ignore it. Run it a month from now and you'll get a similar 
result. We never said Linux is perfect, just that it's pretty damn good.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-12 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 13 September 2003 04:21 am, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

 Anyway - I recently had to buy a PC for my daughter. It came
 with something called WindowsXP preloaded. The filesystem was
 called NTFS, which - so I'm told - should combine some of the
 benefits of UNIX and OS/2. It was heavily defragged even on
 the first boot, and every attempt to defrag it was futile. At
 least, under OS/2 one could set up the config.sys to defrag
 the whole filesystem (HPFS) automatically on boot.  Under this
 XP-thingy everything seems to be messed up permanently.

In reply to my own reply : the damned thing was not *defragged* 
on delivery. On the contrary : it was heavily *fragged*.

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1  kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdk
Sent to you from a 100 % MicroSCOft-free computer. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-12 Per discussione Chris
On Friday 12 September 2003 09:28 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Friday 12 September 2003 07:54 pm, Chris wrote:
  Thanks for all the replies everybody.  I 'assume' then that when
  shredding file(s) that there is no fragmentation such as there is in
  the windows os and that the freed space can/is immediately available to
  be written to?

 Unless you are using either JFS or XFS (sorry, I can't remember which),
 forget about defragging; it is not an issue in Linux. Should you run the
 appropriate fsck for your filesystem, it will probably report something
 on the order of 3% fragmentation. Ignore it. Run it a month from now and
 you'll get a similar result. We never said Linux is perfect, just that
 it's pretty damn good. -- cmg

Oh, I'm not worried about defragging, I got rid of that problem a long time 
ago :) I just really wanted to make sure that 'shredding' a file(s) would 
not somehow or another mess the system up and not somehow take away 
available space.  Thanks to all who answered this simple sounding question.


  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774 http://counter.li.org
  9:31pm  up 4 days, 36 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.37, 0.39

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[newbie] FWD; by Ed Tharp; Dear EFF Supporter:...

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
Dear EFF Supporter:

This is astounding - in the first 24 hours, over 6,000 people have
our petition to stop the Recording Industry Association of America's
nationwide rampage against average Americans.  Rather than working to 
create a rational, legal means by which its customers can take advantage
file-sharing technology and pay a fair price for the music they love, it
has chosen to sue people like Brianna LaHara, a 12 year-old girl living
New York City public housing.  Take a stand against the RIAA's tactics
signing our petition:


Brianna, and hundreds of other music fans like her, are being forced to
thousands of dollars they do not have to settle RIAA-member lawsuits -- 
supporting a business model that is anything but rational. This crusade
generating thousands of subpoenas and hundreds of lawsuits, but not a 
single penny for the artists that the RIAA claims to protect. 

Copyright law shouldn't make criminals out of 60 million Americans, and 
it's time for a change.  Congress is going to hold hearings; we need
help to make sure that the public's voice is heard.  Tell Congress that 
it's time to stop the madness:


We'll deliver the petition to Congress once we've hit 10,000 signatures.
This is a grassroots campaign - please take the time to tell your
and family about this issue. Thanks for support!


Ren Bucholz
EFF Activist
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] Using LAME for ripping audio from Cd's

2003-09-12 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Friday 12 September 2003 05:51 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:


 Or take the 5th or something?


 Grounded Femme

In the USA, liquor is commonly sold by the fifth. (Before metrification, 
Canadians referred to the same size bottle as a 26er). In view of the other 
chemicals that you've been taking, I'd advise against it. YMMV.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] FWD; by Ed Tharp; Dear EFF Supporter:...

2003-09-12 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 13 September 2003 02:38 am, ed tharp wrote:


 Thanks for support!


Good posting, Ed ! - I agree wholeheartedly, but unfortunately I 
don't live in the *land of the free and the home of the brave*, 
so what shall I do ???

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1  kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdk
Sent to you from a 100 % MicroSCOft-free computer. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Apache woes...

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 18:00, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 I had Apache2 working on my 9.1 box, but just had to go and upgrade it
 from Cooker.  Now it will not start.  I should say that MCC says it's
 running (set to start at boot), but pointing to http://localhost takes
 my to the clever Australian hosting company.  When I stop and restart
 via MCC, a message is displayed that a verifiable hostname could not be
 found.  I have looked at the http.conf file and it has localhost set as
 the server name.  Where else should I be looking to ensure that
 everything is set correctly.  An explicit Apache2/PHP4/MySQL tutorial
 would be good (emphasis on Apache2 as it's changed quite a bit since
what does your /etc/hosts file say for localhost?

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Re: [newbie] IP address of DNS?

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 21:23, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 How do I find the IP address of a DNS?
telephone your ISP, or leave it blank and it will fill in automagicly if
you get an IP number via dhcp

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Re: [newbie] Mouse Config from CLI ?

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 21:12, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 20:52:06 -0400
 Bob Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I recall seeing command line settings for mouse
  functions such as repeat delay/speed etc.  But
  I don't remember them, or where to find them.
  If someone could point me in the right direction
  it will be much appreciated.
 see man xset

or mousedrake
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Re: [newbie] FWD; by Ed Tharp; Dear EFF Supporter:...

2003-09-12 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 12, 2003 08:38 pm, ed tharp wrote:

Yeah I'd sign the petition except for a minor point. Americans not 
currently living in the U.S. and not maintaining a permanent residence 
there are non-entities. Apparently the EFF feels the same way about 
that as the politicians.

Screw the RIAssofA. They get nothing from me, ever again.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-8mdk
20:58:09 up 9:07, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.19, 0.26
Paul Lynde to block...
- -- a contestant on Hollywood Squares
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] FWD; by Ed Tharp; Dear EFF Supporter:...

2003-09-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 23:01, Charlie M. wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 September 12, 2003 08:38 pm, ed tharp wrote:
 Yeah I'd sign the petition except for a minor point. Americans not 
 currently living in the U.S. and not maintaining a permanent residence 
 there are non-entities. Apparently the EFF feels the same way about 
 that as the politicians.
 Screw the RIAssofA. They get nothing from me, ever again.

Yep I should have noted that for those of us still stuck. anyway those
that can speak up should, IMHO, and it may not be that he eff feels that
way, but the folks they are talking to have pretty much made it clear
they don't want to hear anything, much less those who can not influence
their voting block.
I wonder which will happen first, if I will breakdown and install XP, or
buy something from a member of the RIAA. 

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[newbie] monitor configuration

2003-09-12 Per discussione d2ci1fj g1nf24
There's an attachment to this email about configuring a monitor. I don't 
understand most of it. Would somebody be to able explain it to me?

How do I read a .bz2 file from the text login screen?
Express yourself with MSN Messenger 6.0 -- download now! 

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Re: [newbie] Apache woes...

2003-09-12 Per discussione Trey Sizemore
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 22:49, ed tharp wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 18:00, Trey Sizemore wrote:
  I had Apache2 working on my 9.1 box, but just had to go and upgrade it
  from Cooker.  Now it will not start.  I should say that MCC says it's
  running (set to start at boot), but pointing to http://localhost takes
  my to the clever Australian hosting company.  When I stop and restart
  via MCC, a message is displayed that a verifiable hostname could not be
  found.  I have looked at the http.conf file and it has localhost set as
  the server name.  Where else should I be looking to ensure that
  everything is set correctly.  An explicit Apache2/PHP4/MySQL tutorial
  would be good (emphasis on Apache2 as it's changed quite a bit since
 what does your /etc/hosts file say for localhost?   localhost


At a given moment I open my eyes and exist.
And before that, during all eternity, what was there?
- Ugo Betti

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