Re: [PyMOL] settings

2013-06-03 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Robert,

you got the levels right.

The cmd.get method actually doesn't support querying atom level settings, even 
though you can set them with cmd.set.

Atom settings are not state specific, unless you have a discrete object.

Scenes do not store settings, so using spectrum_states overrides scene colors.

Hope that helps.


On Jun 3, 2013, at 8:34 AM, Robert Hanson wrote:
 I'm trying to understand settings. I see that there are at least these levels 
 of settings:
 - global
 - object
 - state
 - unique atom/bond
 Are there more?
 I'm unclear on when one overrides another. It looks to me that the general 
 getSetting methods have the option of up to three levels of settings, but 
 there are four here. 
 Thus, for example:
 If I have unique settings for a bond and then apply the sort of script that 
 Sid recently was interested in, that might change stick_color, would that 
 unique bond setting be overridden?
 If a state's color is set using, does that override 
 already-set scene colors? Or is it incorporated into defined scenes then?

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] scenes and states

2013-06-03 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Bob,

it's the object-level state setting:

fetch 1nmr 1d7q, async=0
set state, 3, 1nmr
set state, 10, 1d7q

And since scenes do not store settings, this cannot be stored with a scene.


On Jun 3, 2013, at 10:41 AM, Robert Hanson wrote:
 [[sorry -- not  used to a list that requires reply-all to go back to the 
 What you describe there is a way to load a specific file into a specific 
 state, I think. I meant, once you have a set of multi-state objects, can I 
 select to compare two different states, one from one and one from the other?
 and then could I make a scene that does that? -- without viewing all states
 On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
 Hi Bob,
 The answer is yes to all.
 fetch 1ubq, state=3
 fetch 6lzm, state=10
 The representations (e.g. surface) do have states in the sense that the each 
 state gives a different surface. But whether the surface is shown or not is 
 controlled globally. It is not possible to have the surface representation 
 only in one state, such that looping over the states, the surface would 
 suddenly pop up for one. 
 Hope it helps,
 On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
 Can two objects be in two different states -- object1 in state 3 and object2 
 in state 10, for instance, at the same time? If so, how is that set up? How 
 is that then incorporated into a scene?
 Do CGO, measurements, mesh, and volume objects have states as well?

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] defer_builds_mode

2013-05-23 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Daniel,

this memory leak is fixed in PyMOL 1.6 (latest open-source).


Daniel Mann wrote, On 05/23/13 17:56:
 I just wanted to leave a short note on a possible bug I've observed.
 When I stop PyMOL from caching the geometry of my trajectory in RAM by
 set_defer_builds_mode, 3
 and load a rather short trajectory (ca. 100 frames) of a protein that is 
 shown in Cartoon-representation PyMOL starts eating my RAM gradually.
 As the trajectory loops several times more and more is stored to RAM, 
 even worse the reinit command doesn't get rid of the cache, whatever 
 is cached to RAM there...
 This doesn't seem to happen in lines-representation, but also for sticks.
 (PyMOL, Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit)

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Label by selection identifier

2013-05-21 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jordan,

use the first operator:

PyMOL label first foo, foo

or for the first CA atom in foo:

PyMOL label first (foo and guide), foo


Jordan Willis wrote, On 05/21/13 11:07:
 Yes thank you!
 I meant to post that as my solution considering it works pretty good.
 It preserves depth and position.
 On May 21, 2013, at 3:45 AM, Folmer Fredslund wrote:
 Hi Jordan,

 As a workaround you can label just the CA's (so this doesn't answer
 your question exactly, but might be usefull):

 label foo and n. CA, foo

 Hope this helps,

 2013/5/21 Jordan Willis


 This should be straightforward,

 Is it possible to label selections by their name?

 If I have a selection named foo and I say label foo, foo, it
 of course labels all the atoms. Is it possible to get one label
 for the entire selection without using pseudoatoms?

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] How to install Psico module for pymol with window 7

2013-05-10 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Stephane,

psico requires python 2.6 or 2.7. I also made a python 2.5 backport [1]. But 
PyMOL 0.99rc6 is way too old, it ships with python 2.3.



On May 10, 2013, at 8:20 PM, ABEL Stephane 175950 wrote:
 I have downloaded the Psico module of T. Holder to use the command supercell. 
 I have followed the wiki and
 I did the followings: 
 1) Installed the ccbtx and numpy librairies
 2) Dowloaded the Psico archive from 
 3) Copied the Psico directory in my C:\Program Files (x86)\DeLano 
 4) Lauched pymol (0.99rc6) and typed import import psico.fullinit
 But i obtain the following error   
 File C:\Program Files (x86)\DeLano 
 Scientific\PyMOL/modules\psico\, line 10
 from . import init
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
 What's wrong ?
 Thanks for your help

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Secondary structure labeling

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Bishwa,

can you be more precise what you mean by label? If the secondary
structure is defined in the header of your PDB file, PyMOL can show
cartoon representation, show text labels on C-alpha atoms and color by
secondary structure.

PyMOL as cartoon
PyMOL label name CA, ss
PyMOL color red, ss H
PyMOL color yellow, ss S


Bishwa Subedi wrote, On 05/08/13 13:33:
 Hi All,

 I am using Pymol to make figures for my publication. I am not sure if
 there has been a discussion earlier but I would like to know how we
 can label the secondary structures (helices and strands) using Pymol.
 I have them defined in my header file using DSSP.

 Thank you in advance.

 Bishwa Subedi

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Pymol error

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Dear Rhitankar,

I should point out that Schrödinger also sells pre-compiled PyMOL with
easy to use installers.

Open-Source PyMOL was always targeted to power-users who are familiar
with compiling software themselves.

Regarding your question: It will most likely not be possible to compile
and install open-source PyMOL with the system python on Mac, because OSX
ships with an incompatible Tkinter library. So Pmw won't be your last

With macports it should work fine if you do this (see also David's answers):

sudo port install tcl -corefoundation +threads
sudo port install tk -quartz +x11
sudo port install pymol

Hope that helps.


Rhitankar Pal wrote, On 05/08/13 18:01:
 Dear Thomas,
 Even after I installed the Pmw1.3 which should be compatible with
 python2.7 and reinstalling the pymol, I am still the following error
   File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pymol/, line 450,
 in launch_gui
   File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line 22,
 in module
 from PMGApp import *
   File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line 33, in
 class PMGApp(Pmw.MegaWidget):
 /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/, line
 131, in __getattr__
 /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/, line
 89, in _initialise
 raise ImportError(msg)
 This is preventing it from opening the GUI. Do you have any idea what
 should I do to avoid this. 
 Thanks for your help. 
 On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Thomas Holder wrote:
 Hi Rhitankar,
 looks like you installed the python3 version of Pmw which is not
 compatible with python 2.7.
 Rhitankar Pal wrote, On 05/03/13 21:16:
  Dear Pymol developers,
  I have recently installed pymol 1.6.x in MAC OS X 10.8.2 and have the
  following error while opening the GUI
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/,
 line 35,
  in run
File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line 325,
  in __init__
File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line 251,
  in runSkin
  line 3661, in setup
  line 3634, in createInterface
  self.balloon = Pmw.Balloon(self.root)
  line 28, in __init__
  Pmw.MegaToplevel.__init__(self, parent)
  line 982, in __init__
  super().__init__(parent, tkinter.Toplevel)
  TypeError: super() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
  As a result it never opens the The Pymol Molecular Graphics System
  window. Can anyone help to find out what might be wrong.
 Rhitankar Pal
 Postdoctoral Researcher,
 Dept of Chemistry, Yale University
 New Haven, CT 06511

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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their applications. This 200-page book is written by three acclaimed 
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Re: [PyMOL] Pymol error

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Rhitankar,

this depends which python you used and which arguments you passed to I assume you used system python and no arguments, then just
remove these:



Rhitankar Pal wrote, On 05/08/13 18:46:
 Dear Thomas,
 Thanks for the informations. I think I am able to use port to install
 the pymol1.5 version but I would also need to remove the existing 1.6
 version. Can you tell me the command to uninstall the existing version
 and then do a fresh installation? 
 Thanks again
 On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Thomas Holder wrote:
 Dear Rhitankar,
 I should point out that Schrödinger also sells pre-compiled PyMOL with
 easy to use installers.
 Open-Source PyMOL was always targeted to power-users who are familiar
 with compiling software themselves.
 Regarding your question: It will most likely not be possible to compile
 and install open-source PyMOL with the system python on Mac, because OSX
 ships with an incompatible Tkinter library. So Pmw won't be your last
 With macports it should work fine if you do this (see also David's
 sudo port install tcl -corefoundation +threads
 sudo port install tk -quartz +x11
 sudo port install pymol
 Hope that helps.
 Rhitankar Pal wrote, On 05/08/13 18:01:
  Dear Thomas,
  Even after I installed the Pmw1.3 which should be compatible with
  python2.7 and reinstalling the pymol, I am still the following error
File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pymol/, line
  in launch_gui
File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/,
 line 22,
  in module
  from PMGApp import *
File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line
 33, in
  class PMGApp(Pmw.MegaWidget):
 /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/, line
  131, in __getattr__
 /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/, line
  89, in _initialise
  raise ImportError(msg)
  This is preventing it from opening the GUI. Do you have any idea what
  should I do to avoid this.
  Thanks for your help.
  On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Thomas Holder wrote:
  Hi Rhitankar,
  looks like you installed the python3 version of Pmw which is not
  compatible with python 2.7.
  Rhitankar Pal wrote, On 05/03/13 21:16:
   Dear Pymol developers,
   I have recently installed pymol 1.6.x in MAC OS X 10.8.2 and
 have the
   following error while opening the GUI
   Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/,
  line 35,
   in run
 File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/,
 line 325,
   in __init__
 File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/,
 line 251,
   in runSkin
   line 3661, in setup
   line 3634, in createInterface
   self.balloon = Pmw.Balloon(self.root)
   line 28, in __init__
   Pmw.MegaToplevel.__init__(self, parent)
   line 982, in __init__
   super().__init__(parent, tkinter.Toplevel)
   TypeError: super() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
   As a result it never opens the The Pymol Molecular Graphics
   window. Can anyone help to find out what might be wrong.
 Rhitankar Pal
 Postdoctoral Researcher,
 Dept of Chemistry, Yale University
 New Haven, CT 06511

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
Graph Databases is the definitive new guide to graph databases and 
their applications. This 200-page book is written by three acclaimed

Re: [PyMOL] Secondary structure labeling

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Bishwa,

what you want is to label one representative atom per secondary
structure element. So figure out chain and residue number of those
atoms, and label each of them individually:

PyMOL label A/42/CA, beta1
PyMOL label A/117/CA, alpha1
PyMOL label A/147/CA, alpha2

For changing label font, size, color etc., see:


Bishwa Subedi wrote, On 05/08/13 21:50:
 Dear Thomas,
 Thank you. The one you said is to show molecule as cartoon and color
 according to the secondary structure. But I would like to label/name the
 alpha helices as alpha1...and beta strands as Beta1 and so on. Can that
 be done using Pymol. 
 Bishwa Subedi, M.Sc Bioinformatics
 University of Turku
 On May 8, 2013, at 5:33 PM, Thomas Holder wrote:
 Hi Bishwa,

 can you be more precise what you mean by label? If the secondary
 structure is defined in the header of your PDB file, PyMOL can show
 cartoon representation, show text labels on C-alpha atoms and color by
 secondary structure.

 PyMOL as cartoon
 PyMOL label name CA, ss
 PyMOL color red, ss H
 PyMOL color yellow, ss S


 Bishwa Subedi wrote, On 05/08/13 13:33:
 Hi All,

 I am using Pymol to make figures for my publication. I am not sure if
 there has been a discussion earlier but I would like to know how we
 can label the secondary structures (helices and strands) using Pymol.
 I have them defined in my header file using DSSP.

 Thank you in advance.

 Bishwa Subedi

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
Graph Databases is the definitive new guide to graph databases and 
their applications. This 200-page book is written by three acclaimed 
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PyMOL-users mailing list (
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Re: [PyMOL] Pymol error

2013-05-04 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Rhitankar,

looks like you installed the python3 version of Pmw which is not
compatible with python 2.7.


Rhitankar Pal wrote, On 05/03/13 21:16:
 Dear Pymol developers,
 I have recently installed pymol 1.6.x in MAC OS X 10.8.2 and have the
 following error while opening the GUI
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line 35,
 in run
   File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line 325,
 in __init__
   File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pmg_tk/, line 251,
 in runSkin
 line 3661, in setup
 line 3634, in createInterface
 self.balloon = Pmw.Balloon(self.root)
 line 28, in __init__
 Pmw.MegaToplevel.__init__(self, parent)
   File /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/,
 line 982, in __init__
 super().__init__(parent, tkinter.Toplevel)
 TypeError: super() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
 As a result it never opens the The Pymol Molecular Graphics System
 window. Can anyone help to find out what might be wrong. 
 Rhitankar Pal
 Postdoctoral Researcher,
 Dept of Chemistry, Yale University
 New Haven, CT 06511

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] extra bonds

2013-04-30 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jianghai,

by default PyMOL does a distance based bonding (basically when the VDW
radii of two atoms overlap, they get connected). To prevent that, you
need two settings:

# before saving the correctly bonded but distorted structure
set pdb_conect_all

# before loading
set connect_mode, 1


Jianghai Zhu wrote, On 04/30/13 02:39:
 In my trajectory movie, there are some minor distortions of some of
 the residues, but the sticks presentation in pymol seems fine.
 However, after I loaded the trajectory pdb file use discrete=1, extra
 bonds would be shown in sticks in those slightly distorted residues.
 Is there is way to avoid those extra bonds?  Thanks a lot.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Transparency of VASCo surfaces

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Gianluigi,

that surface is a CGO object, so you need:

set cgo_transparency, value, object

Hope that helps.


Gianluigi Caltabiano wrote, On 04/22/13 18:49:
 Hi all,
 I often use  VASCo surfaces and I am experiencing a strange behaviour on
 transparency settings as VASCo surfaces do not respond to:
 set transparency, value, object 
 Not from the command line, not from the plugin itself. Pymol's surfaces
 get transparent but not the object corresponding to VASCo surface.
 I am not sure but I would say it worked to me before. 
 I am on pymol on a Macbook pro 2011 (Pymol Hybrid).

 Am I missing something? 
 thanks and regards

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Fwd: Translate command seems to translate along an arbitrary axis

2013-04-17 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Kyle,

the translate command has a camera argument, which controls whether
the vector is in camera space (default) or in model space. You want
model space, so you need:

PyMOLtranslate [1, 0, 0], glycan*, camera=0


Kyle Sutherland-Cash wrote, On 04/17/13 19:47:
 Hello everyone,
 I've been trying to write a script to orient two particular molecules
 with respect to one another. I do this by calculating a translation
 vector between the two and then using cmd.translate to move the second
 object to the desired location. However, this didn't seem to have the
 desired effect and moved the second molecule somewhere else.
 I investigated further and tried using a translation of [1, 0, 0], which
 I supposed would just alter the x coordinate of my molecule. Instead it
 translated the molecule by 1A (I checked the magnitude of the actual
 translation to be sure) along an arbitrary axis. This axis also changed
 after deleting and recreating the object with its original coordinates.
 Am I doing something wrong, or did I not understand properly how
 translate works? I've pasted some sample input/output just below.
 First time:
 PyMOLiterate_state 1, glycan* and id 1, print x, y, z
 3.3945341 1.4326853 -0.0
  IterateState: iterated over 1 atom coordinate states.
 PyMOLtranslate [1, 0, 0], glycan*
 PyMOLiterate_state 1, glycan* and id 1, print x, y, z
 3.77618098259 2.14793467522 -0.585493266582
  IterateState: iterated over 1 atom coordinate states.
 Second time:
 PyMOLiterate_state 1, glycan* and id 1, print x, y, z
 3.3945341 1.4326853 -0.0
  IterateState: iterated over 1 atom coordinate states.
 PyMOLtranslate [1, 0, 0], glycan*
 PyMOLiterate_state 1, glycan* and id 1, print x, y, z
 2.96896576881 2.08610153198 -0.626740753651
  IterateState: iterated over 1 atom coordinate states.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] CGO fixed in space

2013-04-16 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Steve,

yes, the scene command has a message argument:

PyMOL scene ?
Usage: scene [ key [, action [, message [, view [, color [, active [,
rep [, frame [, animate [, new_key [, hand [, quiet 


PyMOL scene 001, store, Your Message Here


Soisson, Stephen M wrote, On 04/16/13 14:43:
 Is there a way to associate a wizard message with stored scenes so that the 
 message changes with each scene?

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Precog is a next-generation analytics platform capable of advanced
analytics on semi-structured data. The platform includes APIs for building
apps and a phenomenal toolset for data science. Developers can use
our toolset for easy data analysis  visualization. Get a free account!
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Re: [PyMOL] Reset Default Carbon Color

2013-04-11 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Wilson,

interesting question and actually there is no command to control this.
Howevery, it's possible, there is a setting which doesn't have a name.
In the latest 1.6alpha, you can do:

# reset color cycle
cmd.set(239, 0)

In older PyMOL versions, this should work:

# reset color cycle
_cmd.set(cmd._COb, 239, (2, (0,)), '', -1, 1, 0)

Some related notes:
- auto and current are color names which correspond to the cycle
- You can also disable the color cycling: set auto_color, off


Wilson Omesiete wrote, On 04/10/13 09:03:
 I noticed that the default carbon color for loaded objects is set to
 cycle from green to pink and then repeat to differentiate models. I have
 a lot of models being loading and deleted within one session, and it
 would be very useful to be able to reset that cycle, So that the first
 model after a reset will have green carbons, the second will have cyan
 carbons, and so on. This way my coloring patterns would be consistent.
 The reset function does not affect the cba* cycle, and I know that I
 could manually call the cba* variants after every file is loaded to
 force this functionality, but I would rather avoid that if possible.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Precog is a next-generation analytics platform capable of advanced
analytics on semi-structured data. The platform includes APIs for building
apps and a phenomenal toolset for data science. Developers can use
our toolset for easy data analysis  visualization. Get a free account!
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Re: [PyMOL] conect records?

2013-04-11 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Boris,

can you be more precise with your question? What file type did you load
(pdb?), which connections (I assume you mean bonds) are wrong?


Boris Kheyfets wrote, On 04/09/13 19:30:
 Hello PyMOL users,
 I study system which has 160919 residues, and 217021 atoms (it is
 initially a gromacs' gro file). Is there a way I can display conections
 correctly in PyMOL?
 With great respect,

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Precog is a next-generation analytics platform capable of advanced
analytics on semi-structured data. The platform includes APIs for building
apps and a phenomenal toolset for data science. Developers can use
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Re: [PyMOL] export sequence alignment

2013-04-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Joel,

you can save alignment objects to clustalw format with the save
command. Creating alignment objects with cealign is supported since
version The latest 1.6alpha also fixed swapped mobile/target
arguments for creating alignment objects (only matters if aligning more
than 2 structures).

PyMOL fetch 1oky 1pkg 1t45, async=0
PyMOL remove not chain A
PyMOL cealign 1oky, 1pkg, object=aln
PyMOL cealign 1oky, 1t45, object=aln
PyMOL save alignment.aln, aln

Also keep in mind that this is a all-to-one alignment, not a real
multiple (all-to-all) alignment.


Joel Tyndall wrote, On 04/08/13 01:05:
 Sorry forgot to add, I want to use multiple structures
 Hi folks,
 Sorry if this has already been asked but can I export the sequence
 alignment from PyMOL? I am looking to use cealign to do this (on
 windows) and I need the structural alignment based sequence alignment.
 Other tools maybe? I have mustang already

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] movie for morphing

2013-04-06 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jianghai,

if your morph has 30 states, this short script will y-rock at the
beginning, the middle, and the end or the morph:

mset 1 x51 -15 x61 -30 x51
movie.rock 1, 40
movie.rock 76, 115
movie.rock 151, 190

Instead of movie.rock, you can also use movie.nutate of course.

See also:


Jianghai Zhu wrote, On 04/05/13 20:59:
 I have a pdb containing the morphing. I can play the movie with the 
 loaded pdb file. Now I want to start the movie with rocking the
 first state for a few seconds and end the movie with rocking the last
 state for a few seconds. How do I do that? Can I rock or nutate a
 state in the middle for a few seconds as well?

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] How do you list H-bonds in pymol?

2013-04-06 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Mina,

Badoo Mina wrote, On 04/05/13 16:49:
 This is my first post to the group. I hope it would be a great experience :)

I hope so too :)

 I am trying to compare the H-bonds in two NMR strcutures. So, I need to
 calculate H-bonds with a cutoff 2.5 and angle 35 angestrom that are
 availbale in 10 structures out of 20. I run as below:
 list_hb, selection1, cutoff=2.5, angle=35
 but it doesn not meet what I want.

Can you be more precise why it does not meet what you want? What result
do you get, and what result do you expect? I would use the hb_list
script like this:

PyMOL fetch 2m1c, async=0
PyMOL split_states 2m1c, prefix=s
PyMOL list_hb s_0001, cutoff=2.5, angle=35, hb_list_name=hb1
PyMOL list_hb s_0002, cutoff=2.5, angle=35, hb_list_name=hb2
PyMOL list_hb s_0003, cutoff=2.5, angle=35, hb_list_name=hb3

 I want to look at inter and intra
 H-bonds (between two complexes of the protein and in each chain, too).
 How can I do that when I have splitted the ensemble to the 20 structures
 in pymol?

Actually I would be prefer PyMOL's distance command for such a job, it
works on all states at once, so you don't need to split states.

PyMOL fetch 2m1c, async=0
PyMOL set h_bond_max_angle, 35
PyMOL distance hbAB, chain A, chain B, 2.5, mode=2
PyMOL distance hbAA, chain A, chain A, 2.5, mode=2
PyMOL distance hbBB, chain B, chain B, 2.5, mode=2

This doesn't print the H-bond pairs to the console output. If you need
that, use this script:

See also:

Hope that helps.


Thomas Holder
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[PyMOL] PyMOL Testing Framework

2013-04-03 Thread Thomas Holder
Dear PyMOL users,

We created a Python unittest framework for PyMOL. Our goals are to
have complete test coverage of PyMOL's Python API and to have a
regression test for each bug report. We made this openly accessible
via Github. Now you can clone the repository, write some tests, and
share them with the PyMOL community. So, please feel free to jump in
and contribute!

The code and basic directions can be found on Github:

Happy testing!


Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] loadDir script

2013-04-02 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi James,

please try, after loading the files:

PyMOL order *, yes


James Starlight wrote, On 04/02/13 19:28:
 thanks for suggestion.
 I've tried to use loadDir with the pdb's subset where each file had name
 like 001.pdb 002.pdb ... 055.pdb but when the sotring have been still
 wrong :(
 also is loadDir script I found block
 for c in glob( g ):
 if ( group != None ): group, basename(c).split(.)[0], add )
 what should I change here to sort files correctly?

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Problem with h_add hydrogens in sequence viewer

2013-03-26 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Matt,

use the sort command after adding atoms:

PyMOL h_add 1ycr
PyMOL sort

See also:


Matthew Baumgartner wrote, On 03/26/13 13:59:
 When I fetch a new structure (1YCR, for example) then run 'h_add 1ycr' 
 the hydrogens are added to the structure as expected, but they are put 
 in the sequence viewer as their own residue with the same chain.
 This is problematic for several reasons, one is that it breaks 
 selections, when I click on a heavy atom of a residue (in residue 
 selection mode) only the heavy atoms are selected and not the 
 hydrogens.  Also, if I save the structure to an pdb file, all of the 
 hydrogens for the whole structure are placed at the beginning or the end 
 of the structure, which makes them difficult to be interpreted by other 
 programs (babel, chimera, namd, etc).
 I am using Pymol (I will be updating to 1.6 soon).
 Any suggestions for settings to change or a workaround (possibly 
 involving other programs, if necessary), would be greatly appreciated.

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Color changes during a morph

2013-03-25 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Max,

you use a named color newcolor and change it's values at each
iteration, but all states refer to this same color. Before I show you
how to fix your script, could you give spectrum_states from the
PyMOLWiki a try? It's a script which does exactly what you want:

PyMOL run
PyMOL spectrum_states resi 430-572, surface sphere, green magenta


Max NANAO wrote, On 03/25/13 21:27:
 Hi All,
 Can anyone tell me how I might change the colors of a specific 
 selection during the course of a rigimol generated morph?  I would like 
 one domain to go from purple to green, and have so far been unable to 
 figure out how to do it.  I tried coloring the different start/final 
 states before rigimol-ing but that did not work.  I have also tried to 
 script the state coloring, as described 
 The problem is that cmd.set(surface_color, newcolor, resi 
 430:572, a) for example, where a is the state, does not seem to work at 
 all.  i.e. the color is not changed.  The idea was to change the colors 
 as follows:
 states = 30
 for a in range(0,states):
  incr = 1.0/(states-1)
  r = 1.0-a*incr
  g = a*incr
  b = 1.0-a*incr
  col = [+str(r)+,+str(g)+,+str(b)+]
  print COL state +str(a+1)+: +col
  cmd.set(surface_color, newcolor, resi 430:572, a)
  cmd.set(sphere_color,newcolor, resi 430:572, a)
 ugly, I know!  this is 64 bit pymol eval for linux.  Thanks in 

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL 1.6 pre-release announcement

2013-03-25 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Christoph,

thanks a lot for the patches.

Regarding your suggestion for pymol.bat: I guess this will not work if
you install with a custom prefix, since you make assumptions where to
find pythonw.exe and the pymol module.

I suggest to discuss this off-list, since it's quite specific.


Christoph Gohlke wrote, On 03/25/13 18:11:
 On 3/24/2013 3:02 AM, Thomas Holder wrote:
 Dear PyMOL users,

 The pre-release version of PyMOL 1.6 has been pushed to the open
 source repository on SourceForge. Besides several minor fixes and
 improvements, this version should complete the transition to
 shader-based rendering for all on-screen drawing. For non-integrated
 chipsets this typically means higher quality and quicker rendering.

 Please also note that the URL of the SVN repository changed due to an
 upgrade of the SourceForge website:

svn co svn://

 As always, we welcome bug reports and positive feedback.


 - The PyMOL Team at Schrödinger

 Please consider the attached changes for building with msvc on Windows.
 Also, the latest changes to vmdir.h don't compile with msvc.
 Opening absolute paths does not work on Windows (e.g. C:\1bna.pdb):
 Index: pymol/modules/pymol/
 --- pymol/modules/pymol/ 4025)
 +++ pymol/modules/pymol/ copy)
 @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
  if not isinstance(finfo, basestring):
  handle = finfo
 -elif ':' in finfo:
 +elif '://' in finfo:
  import urllib
  handle = urllib.urlopen(finfo)
 The launch script, Scripts\pymol.bat, seems overly complicated and
 doesn't always work for binary installers. Suggestion:
 Index: pymol/
 --- pymol/ 4025)
 +++ pymol/ copy)
 @@ -119,9 +119,7 @@
  with open(launch_script, 'w') as out:
  if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
 -out.write('set PYMOL_PATH=' + pymol_path + os.linesep)
 -out.write('%s %s' % (python_exe, pymol_file))
 -out.write(' %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9' + os.linesep)
 +out.write(r'@%~dp0\..\pythonw.exe -m pymol.__init__ %*')
  out.write('#!/bin/sh' + os.linesep)
  if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Own the Future-Intelreg; Level Up Game Demo Contest 2013
Rise to greatness in Intel's independent game demo contest.
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[PyMOL] PyMOL 1.6 pre-release announcement

2013-03-24 Thread Thomas Holder
Dear PyMOL users,

The pre-release version of PyMOL 1.6 has been pushed to the open source 
repository on SourceForge. Besides several minor fixes and improvements, this 
version should complete the transition to shader-based rendering for all 
on-screen drawing. For non-integrated chipsets this typically means higher 
quality and quicker rendering.

Please also note that the URL of the SVN repository changed due to an upgrade 
of the SourceForge website:

  svn co svn://

As always, we welcome bug reports and positive feedback.


- The PyMOL Team at Schrödinger

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL 1.6 pre-release announcement

2013-03-24 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Michael,

I haven't tagged that commit. It's svn revision 4025. For the final 1.6.0 
version we will upload a tar.gz archive to sourceforge.


On Mar 24, 2013, at 1:18 PM, Michael Banck wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:02:08AM +0100, Thomas Holder wrote:
 The pre-release version of PyMOL 1.6 has been pushed to the open
 source repository on SourceForge. Besides several minor fixes and
 improvements, this version should complete the transition to
 shader-based rendering for all on-screen drawing. For non-integrated
 chipsets this typically means higher quality and quicker rendering.
 Please also note that the URL of the SVN repository changed due to an
 upgrade of the SourceForge website:
  svn co svn://
 As always, we welcome bug reports and positive feedback.
 Great!  Is there some pre-release version number assigned to that
 commit, like 1.6.0pre1 or 1.6.0rc1, assuming a final 1.6.0 will
 follow at some point?
 Best regards,

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Mesh Cavity Mode?

2013-03-23 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jared,

how about:

PyMOL as surface
PyMOL set surface_cavity_mode, 1
PyMOL set surface_type, 2


Sampson, Jared wrote, On 03/22/13 23:31:
 Hi all - 
 Is there a way to show internal cavities as meshes instead of surfaces?
  Something like `set surface_cavity_mode, 1` except with mesh?
 Thanks in advance for responses.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] (no subject)

2013-03-20 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Nina Marie,

I haven't tested that thoroughly, but for me Incentive PyMOL
runs fine on Windows 8.


Wolf, Nina Marie wrote, On 03/19/13 21:11:
 I recently upgraded my computer to windows 8. Since then, pymol will not
 open. Is the latest version of pymol incompatible with windows 8? Or is
 there something I can do to get it working on my computer?

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Error while running a python script

2013-03-20 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Bharat,

you should run python scripts from within PyMOL using the run command:

Or follow these examples if you really need to launch PyMOL from a
python session (not recommended for beginners):


bharat gupta wrote, On 03/20/13 03:23:
 I am a newbie in python scripting from pymol. I am getting the following
 error while using the command cmd.load :-
 from pymol import cmd
 print Current PyMoL Directory:, cmd.pwd()
 cmd.load (1A73.pdb)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 5, in module
 cmd.load (1A73.pdb)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymol/, line 872,
 in load
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymol/, line 79, in
 if (thread.get_ident() == pymol.glutThread):
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'glutThread'

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] [Pymol] plugins won't intitialize

2013-03-18 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Yarrow,

I assume you don't have the latest PyMOL version (1.5), which has
improved plugin support and should not raise such an error.

I don't know but it looks like it has not been written as a
plugin, but just a normal PyMOL/python script (again, PyMOL 1.5 will
not make such a strong differentiation). Try to load the script with the
run command on the command line:

PyMOL run

Hope that helps.


Yarrow Madrona wrote, On 03/16/13 02:10:
 Does anyone know why plugins wont initialize. I get the following message
 when trying to install into pymol1.5:
 Exception in plugin 'movs' -- Traceback follows...
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /Applications/,
 line 320, in initializePlugins
 TypeError: module.__init__() argument 1 must be string, not instance
 Error: unable to initialize plugin 'movs'.
 I guess there is something wrong with the code but this seems strange. It
 looks o.k. Thanks.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] How to ray trace clipped image without clipping spheres.

2013-03-11 Thread Thomas Holder
Along those lines: The script SelectClipped from the PyMOLWiki does a good 
job here, at least for spheres.

Example (after having loaded the script or installed it with the plugin 

PyMOL select_clipped
PyMOL hide everything, not clipped
PyMOL clip atoms, 2, clipped


On Mar 11, 2013, at 4:38 PM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
 # Hey :)
 # Here is a work around...
 # First import the numpy module
 import numpy
 # Then store the viewing matrix as 6 by 3 numpy array.
 # Now place a pseudoatom at the position of the camera
 # Turn off autozoom to keep the view
 set auto_zoom, 0
 # The dummy can now be used to hide all spheres within a cutoff distance. E.g.
 hide spheres, all within 150 of dummy
 # You may need to play with the distance to get the right effect.
 # It is possible to use the distances of the original clipping planes,
 # by extracting those from the viewing matrix.
 # The 'scale' parameter can be used to adjust the effect.
 # If scale  1, the dummy is placed behind the camera, which may be
 # required for a proper planar cut.
 # On the other hand, you can set it to  1, to put the dummy closer to
 # the scene and cut out a spherical region.
 # Note that you can change the view after this operation and have a
 nice sideview
 # of a clipped system, or use it to clip a system multiple times from
 different sides.
 # Enjoy!
 # Cheers,
 # Tsjerk

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] refinement in morph

2013-03-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jianghai,

you need to fix the jumping atoms before doing the refinement. Lets say you 
want to fix all chloride ions, it would look like this:

# morph without refinement
rigimol.morph(rin, rout, refinement=0, async=0)

# get rid of the default movie

# fix chlorides and run refinement
cmd.flag(fix, elem CL)
rigimol.refine(5, rout)

Hope that helps.


On Mar 7, 2013, at 8:28 AM, Jianghai Zhu wrote:
 If I turn on the refinement option in morph, the non-covalently bonded atoms 
 like metals and waters are moving around a lot.  However, if I turn off the 
 refinement, there are some distortions in my protein.  Is there a way to make 
 the non-covalently bonded atoms just move along the transition path? 

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
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Re: [PyMOL] running pse file in batch mode

2013-03-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jon,

there is no need to convert the pse file into a script, just write a short 
script which loads the pse file in the beginning.

load session.pse
scene 001, recall
viewport 800, 600
png scene001.png, ray=1

You can run that in batch mode.


On Mar 6, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Jonathan Grimes wrote:
   I've have a pse file with a number of scenes defined.   i would like to 
   run the pse file without the gui…..but then select scenes via the external
   gui window….and render……
   can i do this akin to batch mode ???   or can i convert the pse file into 
   a pmol script ??
   each scene will take 30mins to render
   i would also like to write out the scene as a vrml file…...i gave up after 
 an hour 
   at the graphics machine.
many thanks for your help
 Dr. Jonathan M. Grimes, 
 NDM Senior Reseach Fellow
 University Research Lecturer
 Division of Structural Biology
 Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
 University of Oxford
 Roosevelt Drive,
 Oxford OX3 7BN, UK
 Email:, Web: 
 Tel: (+44) - 1865 - 287561, FAX: (+44) - 1865 - 287547   

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and remains a good choice in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
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Re: [PyMOL] [PyMol] How to visualize surface within a given radius

2013-03-03 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Yarrow,

should be as simple as:

PyMOL hide surface
PyMOL show surface, (organic around 8.0)
PyMOL set transparency, 0.3
PyMOL set two_sided_lighting

See also:

Hope that helps.


Yarrow Madrona wrote, On 03/03/13 18:34:
 Does anyone know how to visualize a surface within a given radius from a
 ligand binding site? In chimera you can limit the display surface within
 0-X angstrom of a ligand. This allows you to see the surface surrounding
 the ligand without the rest of the protein.
 I guess you could create a new selection of residues around a ligand and
 show this surface but I wondered if there are any other ways of doing

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] symmetry operation to generate the whole virus particle

2013-02-28 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Yeping and Troels,

symexp is unlikely to give you the REMARK 350 biomolecule, it is for
generating neighboring symmetry mates of the crystallographic packing.

The following scripts from the PyMOLWiki can read REMARK 350 and
generate the biological unit: - biomolecule command

Remember that you can also fetch the biomolecule as type=pdb1 for most
structures. Example:

fetch 2cas, type=pdb1, async=0
as ribbon
set all_states

Hope that helps.


Troels Emtekær Linnet wrote, On 02/28/13 11:38:
 You are probably looking for this:
 Or else you can do it in CCP4.
 Coordinate utilities - Edit PDB file -Use pdbset - generate chains
 via symmetry operations
 Troels Emtekær Linnet
 Ved kløvermarken 9,
 2300 København S
 Mobil: +45 60210234
 2013/2/28 yp sun
 Dear pymol users:
 Usually pymol can show only one chain when you open a pdb file of
 virus particles (such as 2buk,1sva, etc.). I am trying to create the
 whole virus particle and I know it may need applying symmetry
 operations. And these symmetry operation has been given in the pdb
 files. For example, the follow is the symmetry operation of 2buk:
 But I don't understand how to do symmetry operations. Can pymol do
 these or other software is needed? Please help.
 Yeping Sun
 CAS Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbiology  Immunology
 NO.1 Beichen West Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100101,china

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Increase sphere size for heavy element

2013-02-26 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Martin,

PyMOL alter elem W, vdw=2.0
PyMOL rebuild


Martin Hediger wrote, On 02/26/13 08:38:
 Hi PyMOL users
 If I display these coordinates
 HETATM   38  C   LIG 2   1.535   2.288  -4.156  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   39  C   LIG 2   2.284   1.535  -3.066  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   40  O   LIG 2   3.406   2.362  -2.714  1.00  0.00   O
 HETATM   41  C   LIG 2   1.426   1.234  -1.850  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   42  S   LIG 2  -0.260   0.689  -2.100  1.00  0.00   S
 HETATM   43  C   LIG 2   1.886   1.450  -0.593  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   44  S   LIG 2   0.838   1.262   0.813  1.00  0.00   S
 HETATM   45  C   LIG 2   3.318   1.872  -0.336  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   46  C   LIG 2   4.139   1.803  -1.624  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   47  W   LIG 2  -1.132  -0.004   0.041  1.00  0.00   W
 HETATM   48  O   LIG 2   0.155  -1.665   0.118  1.00  0.00   O
 HETATM   49  C   LIG 2   0.721  -3.870  -0.567  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   50  C   LIG 2   0.384  -2.594  -0.826  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   51  C   LIG 2  -5.606  -3.611  -1.000  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM   52  O   LIG 2  -6.664  -4.080  -0.564  1.00  0.00   O
 HETATM   53  N   LIG 2  -4.607  -4.417  -1.426  1.00  0.00   N
 using Preset/Ball-and-stick, the tungsten atom is drawn with a very 
 small radius. Can this radius be increased?

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Display style for partial bond

2013-02-26 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Martin,

only distance measures can draw dashed lines in PyMOL, so try this:

unbond elem W, elem C
show sticks
show sphere, elem W
distance transbonds, elem W, elem C
hide label
set dash_round_ends, off
set dash_radius, 0.2
set dash_length, 0.4
set dash_gap, 0.15

The dashes will display as nice cylinders when ray traced and also with
the new shader rendering in PyMOL 1.5 (set use_shaders).


Martin Hediger wrote, On 02/26/13 09:57:
 Dear PyMOL Users
 If you load these coordinates in PyMOL
 HETATM1  W   LIG 1  -1.357  -0.079   0.052  1.00  0.00   W
 HETATM2  C   LIG 1  -0.713  -1.686   1.008  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM3  C   LIG 1  -0.323  -1.855  -0.270  1.00  0.00   C
 HETATM4  H   LIG 1  -0.664  -2.180   1.970  1.00  0.00   H
 HETATM5  H   LIG 1  -0.441  -2.597  -1.043  1.00  0.00   H
 you'll see that a bond between W and C is drawn. However, this is 
 supposed to be a transition state, so a dashed bond would be more 
 appropriate. Can this somehow be drawn?

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] About by Dr. Robert Campbell

2013-02-21 Thread Thomas Holder
in the most recent version of PyMOL, which can render measurement objects with 
shaders, you can also use the distance command to get a similar result:

set use_shaders
set dash_gap, 0
distance sele and n. CA, sele and n. CA


On Feb 21, 2013, at 10:11 PM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
 If you want to draw all bonds for all pairs between two selections,
 you can just use bond:
 bond sele and n. ca, sele and n. ca
 Hope it helps,
 On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Robert Campbell wrote:
 Hi Anasuya,
 On Thu, 21 Feb 2013 17:10:40 +0530
 Anasuya Dighe wrote:
 I have been trying to use the script at to view links
 between each pair of c-alpha atoms present in an atom selection.
 Once I load a PDB (1q16.pdb) and make an atom selection, lets say :
 PyMOLselect pk1, name CA in resi 5+10+15+12+16 and chain C , on the
 PyMOLcommand-line in pymol, I
 do : PyMOLrun
 I wanted to visualise links between all pairs of calpha atoms present in
 the atom selection, pk1.
 However I am unable to do that using
 I am doing: PyMOL draw_links pk1
 How can I do this using
 Where am I going wrong?
 Perhaps the instructions are not clear enough, but the script is not
 designed to automatically draw links between all pairs of C-alphas in a
 selection. It expects two different selections and it will draw links
 between the first residue of each selection and then the second and so on.
 It doesn't therefore make sense to give it the same selection for both
 because, in your example, it draws a zero-length link between residue 5 and
 residue 5, and another between residue 10 and residue 10 and so on.
 You will have to run the script multiple times to get the links you want:
 draw_links name CA  resi 5 and chain C, name CA  resi 10 and chain C
 draw_links name CA  resi 5 and chain C, name CA  resi 15 and chain C
 draw_links name CA  resi 5 and chain C, name CA  resi 12 and chain C
 Sorry that it doesn't quite do what you were expecting!  I designed it for
 the situation where I have two structures that exhibit a conformational
 change and I wanted to show how the C-alphas were moving so then it made
 sense to have the two selections be the same atoms, but in different

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] constant distances over states

2013-02-20 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jordan,

distance measurements actually should be multistate by default. Do you
create those with a script and provide the state argument?

# create multi-state measurement (default)
distance test, pk1, pk2, state=0

# create only for state 1
distance test, pk1, pk2, state=1


Jordan Willis wrote, On 02/21/13 06:46:
 Hi everyone,
 I was wondering if there is an easy way to show distances as a
 function of state. As you show each state (using the play button or
 mplay), can you show the distance measurement changing? For now it
 just keeps the distance of the first state shown.  I could script
 this but first would like to ask the users group if there is an
 easier alternative.

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] VMD module in Rev 4019-4020 break build

2013-02-18 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Quyen,

sorry for that, I added the missing file in rev 4020.


QT wrote, On 02/16/13 00:58:
 Dear pymol users,
 Revision 4019 added a bunch of changes to the VMD module and three
 files require gmplugin.h that is missing from the module src directory
 moldenplugin.c:38:#include qmplugin.h
 basissetplugin.c:43:#include qmplugin.h
 gamessplugin.c:160:#include qmplugin.h
 Please fix =)

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[PyMOL] and VMD plugins updated

2013-02-18 Thread Thomas Holder

this is a quick announcement about the latest commits to SVN regarding
the build system.

 - is no longer needed, this is all done by now

 - experimental support for parallel and incremental build

 - VMD plugins enabled by default

 - new install options --pymol-path and --bundled-pmw

Please report any bugs or problems that you encounter.


Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Path problem when running a script

2013-02-12 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jens,

the run command is not identical to the python import statement. It
does not search sys.path but takes an absolute or relative (from the
current working directory) file name.

Both of these will work:

PyMOLrun /opt/pymol/scripts/

PyMOLimport align_all

See also:


Thomas, Jens wrote, On 02/12/13 10:47:
 I'm trying to run the script
 ( in
 PyMol running on Linux.
 I've put the script in /opt/pymol/scripts, and in my .pymolrc file, I
 have the following:
 and if I print sys.path in the pymol command line, I get the following:
 PyMOLprint sys.path
 ['', '/opt/pymol/modules',
 '/opt/pymol/ext/lib/', '/opt/pymol/ext/lib/python2.5',
 '/opt/pymol/ext/lib/python2.5/site-packages', '/opt/pymol/scripts']
 However, if I try running the script, I get the following:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 338, in parse
   File /opt/pymol/modules/pymol/, line 455, in run_file
 IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
 If I run the full path to the script it works:
 PyMOLrun /opt/pymol/scripts/
 And I can then use the command.
 Is there any obvious reason why it's not looking in the
 /opt/pymol/scripts directory, even when this is in the sys.path?

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] problem setting up morph under eMovie

2013-02-05 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Michael,

have you tried to use the command line for morphing? Have a look at the
example section of

Regarding the eMovie button, I'll forward the question to the eMovie
author, he should know the answer.


Michael L Oldham wrote, On 02/04/13 15:18:
 My institution a subscription to incentive PyMol. In the past, I have
 used the morph that appeared under the list of eMovie commands but
 now it does not appear. I am not sure what i am missing: a vaild
 rigimol file, the wrong version (currently using Version
 Regardless I also need instructions for how to embed the morph in the
 list of commands. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [PyMOL] rainbow coloring from the N to C terminus of multiple backbones shown as ribbons

2013-02-04 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Ali,

paste this into the PyMOL command line:

unset ribbon_color, (*)
set ribbon_color, default
for name in cmd.get_object_list(): \
  cmd.spectrum(selection=name +  and polymer)

This will do rainbow coloring on each object separately.

The ribbon_color setting will override atom colors, that's the reason
why selecting color/rainbow from the menu has no effect in your session.

Hope that helps.


Muhammad Naqvi wrote, On 02/04/13 18:38:
 Hi Folks,
 I have about 2000 pdb files loaded into one session, with their
 backbones shown as ribbons, that have been aligned by select residues
 ranging from 15-19 using the align_all command.
 The problem I have is coloring, right now I have to manually color in
 rainbow into all of the residues by using the command:
 set ribbon_color, color name, resi __#__
 but the transitions are not smooth.
 In addition, selecting color/rainbow using the all entry does not do
 anything to the color. Changing the color manually for each entry,
 however, works well. I can manually select the color button on each of
 the pdb entries and select rainbow, but its not feasible to do for 2000
 I was wondering if there is an automated way of coloring each ribbon end
 to end in the same rainbow. 
 Best Regards,

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] default settings

2013-01-30 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Adam and Nat,

a few clarifying remarks on this topic:

 - The leading dot is optional, so everything that starts with
   .pymolrc or pymolrc will be found by PyMOL. Files with dot
   take precedence over files without dot.

 - Files ending on .py (or .pym) will be parsed as python scripts,
   files ending on .pml (or .p1m) or without suffix will be parsed as
   PyMOL command syntax.

 - Several directories are searched, in order:
   - $HOME
   - $HOMEPATH + $HOMEDRIVE (on Windows)

 - PyMOL will even load multiple pymolrc files, however only either
   with dot or without dot, and only from the same directory.

I'll update the PyMOLWiki with that information.

A handy script for saving the current set of changed settings to a
pymolrc file is available here:


H. Adam Steinberg wrote, On 01/30/13 20:37:
 1st, thank you for your patience and help.
 2nd, for those who end up trying to also do this… Apple now hides all files 
 in the user folder that start with a period. Therefore, the minute you hit 
 enter after changing the name to .pymolrc, the file disappears. You have to 
 run a third party app that allows you to see the hidden files. I used 
 This works and solved the problem! Thanks!
 On Jan 30, 2013, at 12:59 PM, Nat Echols wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:56 AM, H. Adam Steinberg 
 You are correct, if I put the pymolrc.pym file in the user folder, MacPyMol 
 does try to read it when it starts up.

 However, it errors every time.

 If I put just this one command in the file and start up PyMol, it comes 
 back with:

 File /Users/adam/pymolrc.pym, line 1
set auto_zoom = 0
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 That's because you're using the wrong file name:

 On a linux-type system, this file will be located in 


Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Hight-quality visualisation

2013-01-26 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi James,

to decrease the width of the contour line, render the image with a larger size 
and then eventually scale it down again with some image manipulation tool 
(photoshop, imagemagick, ...).

ray 1600, 1200


On Jan 26, 2013, at 8:03 AM, James Starlight wrote:
 Dear PyMol users!
 I wounder to know about all possible options of high-quality image's
 visualisation by means of Ray command. Below you can see list of
 commands which I've already tried
 set ray_trace_mode, 3;
 #set ray_trace_fog,0
 #set ray_shadows,0
 set antialias, 2
 ray 800, 600
 In particular I wounder to know how I could decrease width of contour
 black line (appeared in set ray_trace_mode) ?
 Also I'd like to show more examples besides those which I found here

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Saving setting in PyMol

2013-01-26 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi James,

PyMOL itself does not install a .pymolrc file, but you can create your own and 
put it in your home directory. On startup, PyMOL will search a couple of places 
for the .pymolrc file (current directory, home directory, PYMOL_PATH) and take 
the first that is found.

Hope that helps.


On Jan 26, 2013, at 7:14 AM, James Starlight wrote:

 Recently I've tried to find pymolrc but couldn't do it ( I have pymol
 1.5 installed from binarries package manager )
 own@starlight ~/Desktop $ locate pymolrc
 own@starlight ~/Desktop $ locate .pymolrc
 own@starlight ~/Desktop $ locate *.pymolrc
 How I could locate it ?
 Akso I'm looking for detailed options of the possible settings in that
 file ( e.g I didnt find how to set maximum quality of images as the
 default option )
 Thanks for help

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] echo colour

2013-01-23 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Joel,

the color is stored as a numeric atom property, you can use iterate to
get it.

PyMOL iterate (first objX), print color

If you need the name of the color, get the index to name mapping as a
dictionary from PyMOL like this:

PyMOL = dict((i,c) for (c,i) in cmd.get_color_indices())
PyMOL iterate (first objX), print[color]

Last but not least, there is the psico.querying.get_color function in
the PSICO module :)


Joel Tyndall wrote, On 01/23/13 02:04:
 Hi list,
 With the myriad of colours in Pymol, I tend to forget which shade of
 what I have used. Is there a way/command to print the colour I have used
 to colour object X?
 Joel Tyndall, PhD
 Senior Lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry
 National School of Pharmacy
 University of Otago
 PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
 New Zealand  
 Skype: jtyndall
 Ph: +64 3 479 7293

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] How do I get current selection name from python?

2013-01-23 Thread Thomas Holder

Quote: If delete is true (the default), the file is deleted as soon as
it is closed.


Boris Kheyfets wrote, On 01/23/13 14:47:
 It prints the selection all right. Why then save wouldn't save it:
 def bk_saves_unique_pdb(Selection = None):
 Takes current selection (or all -- if nothing selected) and saves it 
 as a uniquetly named pdb file (Frame_Selection_RandomString.pdb) in the 
 current working directory.
 if not Selection:
 Selection = cmd.get_names('selections', 1)
 if Selection:
 Selection = Selection[0] # it was a list
 Selection = 'all'
 tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.curdir, 
 prefix={frame:03d}_{sel}_.format(frame=cmd.get_frame(), sel=Selection) , 
 print, Selection # prints righteous file name and selection 
 name (though not in quotes), Selection) # but still saves nothing
 cmd.extend(bk_saves_unique_pdb, bk_saves_unique_pdb)

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] Renumber Script problem

2013-01-21 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Alex,

the renumber script only sets the residue number, it does not reorder
atoms internally. Just type

PyMOL sort

to sort internally based on the new residue numbers.

See also:


Alex Truong wrote, On 01/21/13 19:21:
 Hi All,
 I've been having a bit of trouble recently with the renumber script. I
 have a pdb file that I'm trying to renumber, but unlike the other times
 I've used it, it is renumbering incorrectly. The numbers are usually
 spaced out 5 residues apart, but I have one number right near the
 beginning that is 6 residues down from the previous one. Needless to
 say, this is screwing up the rest of the count. Is there any idea why?
 I've provided a screenshot.

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Renumber Script problem

2013-01-21 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jordan,

nice script, but it does not do the same like the renumber script from
the PyMOLWiki ( Try this: set
all residue numbers to 1, the renumber script will not care because it
walks along the bonds and increases the count whenever it passes a
peptide bond. The Biopython parser however will read just one residue.


Jordan Willis wrote, On 01/21/13 19:53:
 Does it have to be a pymol script. Renumbering pdbs is the bread and butter 
 of biopython pdb module:
 import sys
 from Bio.PDB import *
 from optparse import OptionParser
 import warnings
 def main():
 usage = %prog input.pdb output.pdb
 parser= OptionParser(usage)
 parser.add_option(-n,dest=start,help=residue number to start with, 
 default is 1,default=1)
 parser.add_option(--preserve,dest=preserve,help=preserve insertion 
 code and heteroflags,default=False, action=store_true)
 parser.add_option(--norestart,dest=norestart,help=don't start 
 renumbering at each chain, default=False,default=False, action=store_true)
 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 PDBparse = PDBParser(PERMISSIVE=1)
 struct = PDBparse.get_structure(args[0][0:3],args[0])
 residue_id = int(options.start)
 chain_id = 
 for residue in struct.get_residues():
 chain = residue.get_parent()
 if(chain_id != chain.get_id() and not options.norestart):
 chain_id = chain.get_id()
 hetero =[0]
 insert =[2],residue_id,insert)
 else:' ',residue_id,' ')
 residue_id +=1
 if __name__ == __main__:

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] DNA ligand presentation in PyMOL

2013-01-10 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Amna,

 DNA molecule has internal HBONDS too.. how can i see the hbonds made
 between just ligand and DNA, ???

If there is nothing else than DNA and ligand, this should probably work
(otherwise, be more precise with the selections...):

PyMOL distance hbonds, (polymer), (organic), mode=2

 how can i show just  interacting residues of  DNA with ligand
 i am unable to create this presentation..

PyMOL show sticks, (polymer) within 5 of (organic)

Again, if polymer and organic are ambiguous, replace them with more
explicit selections like (chain A and resi 34).


Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] get_dihedral for multiple files(states of a movie)

2013-01-10 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Tasneem,

for state in range(1, cmd.count_states() + 1):
angle = cmd.get_dihedral(58/N, 58/C, 58/CA, 58/CB, state)
print state, angle
python end


Tasneem Ali wrote, On 01/10/13 17:08:
 Hello all,
 I have generated a movie of 300 snapshots (MD simulation trajectory).
 How can i calculate dihedral angles for same four atoms across the
 trajectory (or a movie)??
 I mean get_dihedral 58/n,58/c,58/ca,58/cb values 300 times for each

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
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Re: [PyMOL] DNA measurement help require by sculptor

2013-01-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Briony,

this sounds like a very cool project!

Regarding question 1: If your PDB DNA model is long enough, you can use
cafit_orientation from the psico module (a PyMOL extension) to draw
the axis. It determines the axis by least-square linear fit on the
backbone atoms. This requires a recent PyMOL version and numpy.

If the helix is not long enough, cafit_orientation will most likely
result in a slightly skewed axis, but I think you need a perfect axis,
right? If you are interested, I could customize the script to take the
bases orientations into account when interpolating the axis. Just let me


Briony Marshall (Personal) wrote, On 01/07/13 17:43:
 Apologies - Slightly off topic request for collaboration from a
 sculptor, but it does relate to how Pymol works
 Dear all, 
 I am a sculptor working on an ambitious bronze sculpture of DNA and I am
 looking to find out some more detailed measurements of ideal B-DNA which
 I am having difficulty getting from Pymol.
 You can see my previous work on my website:
 The sculpture I am making represents a single turn of ideal B-DNA at a
 scale of 500 million times life size, i.e. it will be 1m wide by 1.66m
 tall. Each atom is represented by a small human figure made of bronze,
 with the bonds between them represented by the arms and legs of the figures.
 (this is a much more complicated version of this sculpture I did
 previously based on the structure of
 I studied biochemistry at Oxford in the mid-90s and did a specialisation
 in DNA dynamics so I am not altogether wet behind the ears, but as I
 spend most of my time now with plaster and clay, my in depth DNA
 knowledge is a bit weak and I'm new to Pymol. I have been working from
 the ideal B-DNA PDB file for all my measurements.
 I am at the stage that I have made all 20 bases, and 20 sections of
 sugar phosphate backbone in bronze, and I am about to start constructing
 my double helix around a stainless steel central access.
 1. I haven't worked out how to get the central axis of B-DNA to appear
 on Pymol. Is there a way to do this? 
 If not, I would need a scale drawings of both base pairs with the
 central axis point (of B-DNA) marked. This would allow me to make
 various measurements to ensure I put the bases and sugar phospate
 sections together accurately.
 (In particular I need to know the distance between the central axis and
 the N of each base pair that attaches to the backbone, and the angle
 between these two lines within each base pair 'rung')
 2. I was looking for advice on whether I can safely ignore the base pair
 axis inclination (as this is only 1.2° I think so) and the propelor
 twist of the base pairs (I was less sure about this). I think I can
 straightening up the base pairs but ensure that where they attach to the
 backbone stays in the same place. I'm hoping the only effect might be on
 the length and orientation of the hydrogen bonds.
 3. Final question for now - is there a standard colour convention for
 representation of bases like there is for atoms? FYI, I had contemplated
 doing the patina (colouring) of  the sculpture according to the atomic
 colour code, but with about 1000 atoms, this would be a very fiddly long
 job. I am now considering colouring each base a different colour and was
 wondering if there was a standard, such as Adenine is always represented
 blue, etc..
 Many thanks in advance for any help you can give.
 Briony Marshall - Sculptor my mailing
 or like me on facebook:
 UK mobile: +44 (0)7956 107 893
 Pangolin London Sculptor in Residence

Thomas Holder
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Re: [PyMOL] Pymol visualization problem

2013-01-08 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Abida,

thanks for the PDB file that you sent me off-list.

It is a naming conflict, you have more than one chain A which have
overlapping residue numbers and even IDs. You can still load them like this:

PyMOL set retain_order
PyMOL load complex.1.pdb
PyMOL as cartoon

I also suggest to fix the chain identifier:

PyMOL alter complex.1 and rank 3578-, chain=B
PyMOL util.cbc

And for the second file:

PyMOL set retain_order
PyMOL load complex.5.pdb
PyMOL as cartoon
PyMOL alter complex.5 and chain A and rank 1322-, chain=C
PyMOL util.cbc

Hope that helps.


Abida Siddiqa wrote, On 01/08/13 16:58:
 Thomas and Martin I have tried both suggestions. Still it did not work out.
 Subject: Pymol visualization problem
 Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 10:12:46 +0500
 I have docked one protein named 'L1'( 450 amino acid)  with another protein
 named 'E2'(68 amino acid, Chain A) and used  pymol-v1.3r1-edu-Win32.msi to 
 the complex. my system is  windows 7 , 64 bit. The problem is, i am unable
 to see the sequence of 'E2' protein and so as its structure. In order to
 confirm, if it is docking problem or visualization problem, i have used
  swiss pdb viewer. it has shown me sequence and structure of both proteins. i
 wonder why can not i see it in pymol.
 secondly, i docked L1 and E2 ( this time used chain A and B of it), and
 visualized the complex in pymol. i was only able to see L1, and chain A of
 E2 (both chain A and B are alike).  Then in order to see if it is docking
 error or visualization error, i rendered the complex in swiss pdb viwer and
  saw the L1 and E2 (both chain A and B).
 Thirdly, i changed the docking software and generated a complex using
 another software, this time i still was unable to visualize complete complex
 in pymol.
 Any help will be much appreciated.
 Kind regards

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Building of the Carbon lattice

2013-01-04 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi James,

just calculate the coordinates and write them out in PDB format, quite
simple task. Try the attached script.


James Starlight wrote, On 01/04/13 09:14:
 Hi Mike,
 Chimera can build such lattices by means of it's build structure
 module. On other hand I want to build such 2D lattices
  made from SP3 carbons as the nodes via some automatic script to
 obtain lattices with desired dimensions.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor
from numpy import array

s = 'HETATM %4d  C03 UNK 1%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f  0.00  0.00   C  '
c = array([[ 0.064,   2.851,  -1.085 ],
   [ 0.260,   1.969,   0.159 ]])
x_shift = array([ 1.67441517, -0.91605961,  1.66504574])
y_shift = array([-0.69477826, -0.40578592,  2.40198410])

out = open('lattice.pdb', 'w')

i = 0
for x in range(10):
for y in range(10):
for v in (c + (x-y/2) * x_shift + y * y_shift):
i += 1
print  out, s % (i, v[0], v[1], v[2])


from pymol import cmd
except ImportError:
print 'Please load lattice.pdb with PyMOL'
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Re: [PyMOL] Regarding electrostatic potential mapping

2013-01-04 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Soumya,

can you send me (off-list) the map file and pdb file?


Soumya Lipsa Rath wrote, On 12/29/12 13:41:
 Dear Users,
 I am trying to calculate the electrostatic potential of my protein using
 Delphi software. However, when I load it to pymol, I see the red colour
 at the centre and blue in the rest of the part even if I vary the scale.
 It appears to me as if it is coloring based on the distance from the
 These are the steps after loading it to pymol:
 1) load myfile.pdb
 2) load myfile.phi, map
 3) ramp_new e_lvl, map,
 4) set surface_color, e_lvl, myfile
 I have attached the Delphi log file for reference also. I would really 
 appreciate any help in this regard.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Building of the Carbon lattice

2013-01-04 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Mike,

I simply measured x_shift and y_shift from a cyclohexane fragment. Use
the graphical Builder or the fragment command to load stuff from the
fragment library.

PyMOL fragment cyclohexane


Mike Marchywka wrote, On 01/04/13 15:44:
 Where do you get the x_shift and y_shift values? I ended up writing a program 
 take bond lengths and directions relative to select coord systems to generate 
 periodic or
 almost periodic things. Right now polyenes but extensible. Is there some 
 program that
 does this easily? This allows me to write a simple TcL script and reorient 
 the whole
 molecule by changing one parameter . I don't currently have a way to include 
 items, like say a methyl group, and I was debating about doing this in python
 but I wanted to have easy access to lapack etc for later extensions.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] which code actually executes to load axplor file? Debugstatements not executing.

2013-01-03 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Mike,

I guess you are on Linux with Open-Source PyMOL, right? Can you send me
the xplor file that causes PyMOL to segfault? From your backtrace it
looks like the problem is related to crystal symmetry information.

If you want to load some format which is not yet supported by PyMOL, the
easiest solution is to convert it to some already supported format on
the fly and feed that to PyMOL, if possible.


Mike Marchywka wrote, On 01/02/13 17:01:
 I'm trying to load a self-generated xplor file and pymol keeps segfaulting. I 
 wanted to debug the
 problem but can't get my debug statements to execute. The only thing that 
 greps for xplor
 is a few pymol modules and plugin called edmplugin. If I rebuild the plugin 
 and relink pymol
 nothing seems to change. Is this the right code? I also wanted to add a 
 loader for other
 formats of density or vector fields and maybe do some rendering (I have an 
 old viewer I wrote
 with glut and thought I may be able to salvage parts of that for use here).

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] test for bonded atom

2012-12-27 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Krisztina,

 I wonder if there is any way to list atoms an atom is bonded to?

Use the neighbor selection operator:

PyMOL select newsele, neighbor (othersele)

See also:

 I would
 like to list H bonded pairs but the available scritps (,
 or only check for distance and angle between heteroatoms,
 but not if any of them is actually connected to a hydrogen. As a result
 two carbonyl atoms are listed too.

Have you also tried the distance command? It is very similar to

PyMOL distance hbonds, all, all, mode=2

There is no direct way to list these pairs, but you can use
get_raw_distances script from the PyMOLWiki:

Hope that helps.


Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] can not label my selection, very weird

2012-12-21 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi grid bird,

the label command is parsed in literal mode, which means the semicolon
is not recognized as command separator. Try this instead:

/usr/bin/pymol -d 'fetch 1D5R, async=0; show_as cartoon; spectrum b;
select t0, (resi 30); color red, selection=t0; show spheres,
selection=t0; label t0, test message' -d 'save t0.pse'


grid bird wrote, On 12/20/12 17:49:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to use PyMol version 1.2r1 to do one test but I always
 failed to label my selection.
 the command line I used is the following:
  /usr/bin/pymol 1D5R.pdb  'show_as cartoon; spectrum b;  sele t0, (resi
 30);  color red, selection=t0; show spheres, selection=t0;  label t0,
 test message; save t0.pse;'
 I always got the error message as the following. Actually , I just want
 to label my selection t0 with one string message.  Any ideas ? thank you.
 Spectrum: range ( 9.77000 to 117.74000).
  Selector: selection t0 defined with 7 atoms.
  Executive: Colored 7 atoms.
   File string, line 1
 label=test message; save t0.pse;
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  Label: labelled 0 atoms.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Memory not released after load and delete of structure

2012-12-21 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Gianluigi and Martin,

thanks for reporting, this is a serious issue and we are looking into it.

As far as we can reproduce, it's related to the undo feature. Adding this to 
your scripts should help:

cmd.set(suspend_undo, 1)


On Dec 21, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Gianluigi Caltabiano wrote:

 I have the same problem since pymol 1.5, mainly with the hybrid (I can reach 
 10GB of ram memory with relatively small sessions). I'm on MAC OS 10.7.5 and 
 pymol version
 I had to renounce working with Hybrid unless I really need some plug-in.
 Da: Jason Vertrees
 A: Martin Hediger 
 Inviato: Giovedì 20 Dicembre 2012 17:05
 Oggetto: Re: [PyMOL] Memory not released after load and delete of structure
 That sounds like a memory leak in v1.3. Can you try a newer version of
 PyMOL and let us know if it still happens? We've fixed lots of bugs
 since v1.3.
 Also, is your script simply iterating over structures and deleting
 them when done? You sure you're not missing a cleanup step somewhere?
 (Any chance we can see the script or a stub of it?)
 -- Jason
 On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Martin Hediger wrote:
  Hi Jason,
  I'm using PyMOL 1.3.
  Best regards
  On 20.12.12 15:53, Jason Vertrees wrote:
  Hi Martin,
  Which version of PyMOL are you using?
  -- Jason
  On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:37 AM, Martin Hediger wrote:
  Dear PyMOL users
  In a directory are PDB files of combined size equal to around 3MB. When
  I load all files into PyMOL, I observe that the required RAM of PyMOL
  (MacOS X 10.6) increases by roughly this amount.
  When I delete all objects, the RAM requirement remains the same and when
  I then reload all structures, the RAM requirement increases even further.
  I'm currently using PyMOL to batch process a number of files where a
  structure is loaded, modified and then deleted again from the objects
  list. This then results in RAM requirements of over 1GB and together
  with other applications, I run out of memory.
  Is there a way I can prevent PyMOL from behaving this way?
  Best regards and thanks for any help
 Jason Vertrees, PhD
 Director of Core Modeling Product Management
 Schrödinger, Inc.
 (o) +1 (603) 374-7120

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] setting the cutoff radius that determines when atoms are bonded

2012-12-06 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Rye,

only discrete objects have per state bonding information. Try this:

load multistate.pdb, discrete=1

Hope that helps.


Rye Terrell wrote, On 12/05/12 18:20:
 I'm loading a movie file now and it appears that the bonds determined in
 the first frame are used throughout the entire movie, even if atoms move
 further apart than the cutoff. Is my perception correct here? If so, can
 I make the bonds be calculated for each frame?

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Possible (minor) bug

2012-12-03 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Joel,

thanks for the report. This will be fixed in the next PyMOL release.


Joel Tyndall wrote, On 12/03/12 02:53:
 Hi Jason/all,
 Possible bug. When measuring distances around coordinated metals, I then
 wanted to change the colour of the resulting dashed line. The colour
 change would only appear when you turn the object off (or another).
 Happens with RNA and protein.
 Joel Tyndall, PhD
 Senior Lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry
 National School of Pharmacy
 University of Otago
 PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
 New Zealand  
 Skype: jtyndall
 Ph: +64 3 479 7293

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] pymol contact_map_visualizer plugin

2012-11-26 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Balaji,

the latest incentive builds (since v1.4, as far as I know) from
Schrödinger are shipped with python 2.7. If you are looking for the
open-source version, Christoph Gohlke has Windows builds with python2.7
as described on the PyMOLWiki:


Ban Arn wrote, On 11/26/12 18:10:
 Dear Thomas
 Which version of pymol has python 2.7.
 Is it free for academics or I have to purchase license from schrodinger.
 Kindly advice.
 Many Thanks

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] morphing 3-states

2012-11-25 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jordan,

morpheasy creates 30 states, which are mapped to 80 frames (forward 
play, pause, backward play). If you have multiple conformations, do 
morphs for each transition and join the results with create.

Consider this example which morphs 1 - 2 - 3 - 1

# align conformations
align conf2, conf1
align conf3, conf2

# do the morphs and forget about the movie frames
morpheasy conf1, conf2
mstop; mset
morpheasy conf2, conf3
mstop; mset
morpheasy conf3, conf1
mstop; mset

# append morph02 and morph03 to morph01
create morph01, morph02, 0, 31
create morph01, morph03, 0, 61
delete morph02 morph03

# if you want pauses between the morphs, use movie frames
mset 1-30 30x10 30-60 60x10 60-90

Hope that helps.


On 11/25/2012 02:36 AM, Jordan Willis wrote:

 I have 3 different conformations of the same structure and I was
 wondering what is the easiest possible way to morph 3 conformations.

 Morpheasy works fantastic for two conformations, and this makes
 around 80 frames. I can then reinitialize and do the other two
 states. I have no idea how to link the two.

 Does anyone have any ideas or documentation on this?

 Thanks, Jordan

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] was: Mobile PyMOL Problem and Solution/ Now: pdb or related libraries

2012-11-25 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Mike,

you can fetch molecular files from any web address with the load
command. Examples:

File type recognized from file extension:

PyMOL load

File type given with format argument:

PyMOL load,

Also, Mobile PyMOL (for the iPad) has it's own server capabilities,
including support for PubChem, PDB, Dropbox, etc.


Mike Marchywka wrote, On 11/25/12 17:26:
 I was trying to figure out what to eat today so naturally I started looking 
 for PDB libraries 
 with food components.  I was looking for garlic related chemicals when I came 
 across this,
 which seems to have many pdb files. My question I guess is, what does pymol 
 for an API to get molecule structures from various locations or do you just 
 have an
 interface for
 Besides deciding on what to eat today, I was curious if
 pymol has more generalized means of finding structure files. 
 note new address
 Mike Marchywka 2295 Collinworth Drive Marietta GA 30062.

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] MacPyMOL 1.4 vs 1.5 problem with color

2012-11-23 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Adam,

this seems to be not yet fully implemented with the new shader
rendering. So you may turn shaders off for now:

PyMOL unset use_shaders

Ray tracing is not affected, so you still can generate high quality
figures with correct colors:

PyMOL ray

Hope that helps.


H. Adam Steinberg wrote, On 11/20/12 03:40:
 Hi all,
 If you run the script below to get a nice blob type surface (great for 
 illustrations) in 1.4 it all works perfectly, and you can color the new map 
 surface any color you want.
 If you run the same script in 1.5 it all works perfectly too, but no matter 
 what you do you cannot change the color of the new map surface from the 
 default white to any other color. Not via the settings, the command line, nor 
 the gui menus.
 Is there a command I can add to the script below that will allow me to change 
 the color of map surface (surfA)? or are there new commands that I should use 
 in this script to make this work in 1.5? or is this now broken in
 set surface_quality, 1
 alter all, b=50
 alter all, q=1
 set gaussian_resolution,5
 map_new mapA, gaussian, 1, sele or pdb, 6
 isosurface surfA, mapA
 Thanks in advance for the help!
 H. Adam Steinberg
 7904 Bowman Rd
 Lodi, WI 53555

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Peptide location mapping onto protein 3D structure

2012-11-23 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Sri,

if you have your structure loaded into PyMOL, you can make named
selections for your peptide sequences like this:

select pep1, pepseq RMFLS
select pep2, pepseq KGHGK
select pep3, pepseq ALSDL

There are also scripts available for pattern matching, for example:

Highlighting the selections with colors:

color white
color red, pep1
color blue, pep2
color green, pep3

You can query these selections on various properties:

# (approximate) surface area
set dot_solvent
get_area pep1

# secondary structure
print [ for a in cmd.get_model('pep1 and name CA').atom]

Doing this on a large number of structures is possible if you write a
python script, which requires general programming skills. All the
commands shown above are accessible from the PyMOL python API. Examples:

from pymol import cmd'pep1', 'pepseq RMFLS')
cmd.color('red', 'pep1')
print cmd.get_area('pep1')

Hope that helps.


Sri Ramarathinam wrote, On 11/22/12 08:16:
 Hi All
 I am very new to using Pymol. I am wondering if anyone can point me towards 
 the right direction with the following:
 1) I have a list of peptides and would like to know what their location is on 
 their respective proteins which already have structures in PDB (surface 
 exposed, buried, helix, loop or beta sheet?)
   I guess I could do it manually but the peptide list could go into 
 hundreds and would be nice to see if there a command line or a script I could 
 2) Can i ask Pymol to show the peptide's location on the 3d structure of the 
 protein? perhaps in a different colour to highlight location?
   Manually I would select on the sequence and show as whatever I want but 
 is there a command to automate a huge list?
 Is it possible to do these tasks with Pymol or is there any other software I 
 could be using?
 Thanks very much for your help, 

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Controlling colors in volume object

2012-11-23 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Per,

you may check the volume_esp function here:

As Jason said in that earlier thread, the volume API is work in progress
and will probably change soon.


Per Larsson wrote, On 11/21/12 19:01:
 Following up myself on this. I did some more digging on Google, and
 putting together bits and pieces this is what I have currently.
 It works, but does not (yet) allow me to scale the colors according to
 eg. the max and min values of my density (which I do not know how to
 I guess that means I have a new question about accessing details about
 the density-object.
 load density.dx, d
 bg_color white
 from pmg_tk.skins.normal.ColorRampModel import ColorRamp
 r = ColorRamp(nColors=256)
 ramp_colors = r.getRamp()
 21 nov 2012 kl. 17:30 skrev Per Larsson:
 Hi pymol-users

 I have previously been able to make quite nice visualizations of my
 volume object, containing the time-averaged density of atoms from a
 For making even more improvement, I'd like to be able to use a script
 (either python or pml) to control which regions of density gets which

 I've found this thread

 that suggests it to be possible, but understanding how to use that for
 my case is unfortunately (yet) a bit beyond my current pymol-skills.
 Ideally I would want to have a solution that allows me to load in my
 volume-file (in .dx format), assign colors to different regions of
 density systematically (the Volume-GUI is great, but somewhat tricky
 to make quick changes with), and display the result on screen.

 Is such a thing possible?


Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] assigning secondary strux to artificial AAs

2012-11-23 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jonny,

I think it should be sufficient to have the atom names along the
backbone correct (CA, N, C) and to have increasing residue numbering. If
you like you can send me your file and I'll have a look.


Johnny Pham wrote, On 11/15/12 09:41:
 I was wondering if I have unnatural amino acids in beta sheet mimicking
 peptides, is there a way to have them show up as a beta sheet in the
 cartoon representation? I understand the code:
 alter 1-11/, ss='S'
 as an example of assigning residues 1-11 as a beta sheet but how do I
 tackle artificial amino acids. Thanks!

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] fuse two proteins by a peptide bond

2012-11-19 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Sheng,

you can do this interactively in Editing Mode. Choose Mouse  3
Button Editing from the menu or click the lower-right panel in the main

In Editing Mode, you can pick single atoms into named selections (pk1,
pk2, ...). So for your peptide bond, pick the N and the C, type fuse
and hit enter. To adjust the torsion angle, you can CTRL+Drag with the
left mouse button.

If you want to fuse non-interactively (using a script), you can select
the endpoint atoms using PyMOL's powerful selection language:

PyMOL fuse last (obj01 and name C), first (obj02 and name N)

Hope that helps.


Sheng wrote, On 11/19/12 02:55:
 I'm a new user.
 I wonder how to fuse two proteins by a peptide bond using pymol  ? (from
 2 .pdb files into 1 file)
 I found the following description in user manual.but I don't know how to
 select a single atom.
 I know it sounds silly, but I really don't know how to do this step.
 I  really appreciate your help!

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Field lines representation

2012-11-16 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Quentin,

this is called gradient in PyMOL. Just load your map into PyMOL and 
then click A  gradient  default or use the gradient command on the 
command line.

Hope that helps.


On 11/16/2012 08:20 AM, Quentin Delettre wrote:
 Dear Pymol users,

 I would like to know if there is a way to display field lines in the
 same way that vmd does. I know that pymol APBStools2 plugin offer the
 possibility to display field lines but it's too complex compared to vmd

 (see and


Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] selecting certain residues within X angs of a point/residue

2012-11-15 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi John,

here is something to start with:

# put everything in state 1 (convert states to objects)
split_states capsid
delete capsid

# specify the fixed residue
select fixedresidue, capsid_0001 and chain D and resi 30

# select residues of interest within given radius
select s1, chain A+B+C and resi 23+45+46
select s2, s1 within 40 of fixedresidue

# highlight result
color blue
color yellow, s2

See also:


On 11/15/2012 10:47 AM, Jonathan Grimes wrote:

 i am wanting to highlight a number of residues on a virus capsid.  i have 
 states (objects), and wanted to only select particular residues (say resi 
 23,45,46 from 3 chains across all
 60 objects) that are within say 20A or 40A from a fixed point (or 

 could i get advice on what scripts i could use/edit to get this done.


 Dr. Jonathan M. Grimes,
 NDM Senior Reseach Fellow
 University Research Lecturer
 Division of Structural Biology
 Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
 University of Oxford
 Roosevelt Drive,
 Oxford OX3 7BN, UK

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Re: [PyMOL] Fwd: contact_map_visualizer pymol plugin

2012-11-15 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Balaji,

you need to upgrade your PyMOL installation. The 0.99rc6 version has a 
quite old version of python build-in and does not use your python-2.7 


On 11/14/2012 06:58 AM, Ban Arn wrote:
 Dear Pymol Users

 I am using pymol v-0.99rc6 (in windows).

 I'm trying to install and work on the plugin.

 I am using python-2.7and installed all dependecies as mentioned in the
 plugin site.

 Initially, I had image module error and later looking into the link;
 I sorted out the above error.

 I installed the script using plugin and getting the following error

 *Exception in plugin 'Contact_Map_Visualizer' -- Traceback follows...*
 *Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *  File C:\Program Files\DeLano
 Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pmg_tk\, line 156, in initialize_plugins*
 *  File C:\Program Files\DeLano
 Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pmg_tk\startup\, line
 * finally:*
 *   ^*
 * SyntaxError: invalid syntax*
 *Error: unable to initialize plugin Contact_Map_Visualizer*

 I tried running the script using the command lines

contact_map_visualizer test.png

 and its shows the same error

 *Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *  File C:\Program Files\DeLano
 Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pymol\, line 285, in parse*
 *  File C:\Program Files\DeLano
 Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pymol\, line 407, in run_file*
 *  File, line 291*
 * finally:*
 *   ^*
 * SyntaxError: invalid syntax*

 Could you please help me to sort out this error.

 Kindly advice.

 Many Thanks

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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Re: [PyMOL] Angle between two structure upon alignment

2012-11-01 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Appu,

if I understand you correct then you have a structure with at least two 
domains. If you align two conformations of that structure, one domain 
does not get superposed nicely. Right?

The psico module provides the command angle_between_domains, which 
is what you are looking for I guess.

Example: (tilted domain spans residues 100 to 150)

PyMOL align s1, s2
PyMOL select d1, s1 and resi 100-150
PyMOL select d2, s2 and resi 100-150
PyMOL angle_between_domains d1, d2

This requires numpy and psico installed.

Download psico:

Hope that helps.


Appu kumar wrote, On 11/01/12 04:50:
 Dear user
Can you please help me in finding the angle
 between two structure upon alingment. I have aligned two structure and
 one structure is not perfectly aligned on other. There is domain of two
 structure tilting outward upon alignment. IS there any way to find the
 angle between two structure. Thanks in advances.

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Re: [PyMOL] visualise NOEs

2012-10-31 Thread Thomas Holder

Hi Krisztina,

check the attached script (strongly modified). It doesn't use a regex 
anymore, but uses a split function which takes parentheses into account. 
Also it doesn't parse name and resi, but passes the selection string 
directly to PyMOL (which understands most of CNS selection syntax!).

Your example selects segidA, since PyMOL will strip off whitespace 
from the segid, you might need something like this to fix it before 
calling plot_noe:

PyMOL alter all, segi=segi.rjust(4)

Hope that helps.


On 10/31/2012 04:36 PM, Krisztina Feher wrote:

Dear All

thanks to Thomas for the modfication on the It turns out
that the CNS .tbl file can have different formats, the one I used only
includes residue ID and atom name, but soemtimes it also inlcudes
segment ID as well, see on the attached file. How do I have to modify
the noe_regex pattern so that it is recognised?

Thanks in advance,

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen
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Re: [PyMOL] visualise NOEs

2012-10-29 Thread Thomas Holder

Hi Krisztina,

I slightly modified the script, see attachment. The regular expression 
is modified and I replaced search by match.

The script could be further optimized (exception handling etc.) but with 
your example file it works fine now.


On 10/29/2012 04:06 PM, Krisztina Feher wrote:

Sure, thanks for looking at it!

--- On *Mon, 10/29/12, Thomas Holder wrote:

From: Thomas Holder
Subject: Re: [PyMOL] visualise NOEs
To: Krisztina Feher
Date: Monday, October 29, 2012, 4:04 PM

Hi Krisztina,

can you send me the restraints file and PDB file as well?


On 10/29/2012 04:00 PM, Krisztina Feher wrote:
  Hi Thomas,
  thanks a lot for your reply! Now I was running the script from
  line and executed it: it did not display anything on the structure. I
  inserted a couple of print statements into the script (attached),
but it
  seems that the noe_regex is not being found in the variable
line by
  the .search method (see the output below: match is None). The pdb
  does have residue 433 and all the listed atom names. The
noe_regex looks
  sort of complicated, I have no idea how to fix it. If anyone had
an idea
  how to fix it, I would very much appreciate it.
  ps. If this script works for on your system, please write me too!

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
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Re: [PyMOL] red_white_blue palette color bar

2012-10-29 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Yamei,

you can create a dummy color ramp:

PyMOL ramp_new colorbar, none, [-5, 0, 5], [red, white, blue]

There is also the spectrumbar script:


Yamei Yu wrote, On 10/29/12 16:46:
 Hi all,

 Do any know how to generate a color bar for red_white_blue? Thank you
 very much!


Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
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Re: [PyMOL] Custom menus and shortcuts?

2012-10-24 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Boris,

Boris Kheyfets wrote, On 10/23/12 19:28:
 But I want bk_hides_W to be a toggler. So I need a way to set a state of
 my defun.
 If I do

 def bk_toggles_W ():
 Hides W molecules.
  if cmd.get(bk_toggles_W):
  cmd.hide(all), not (resn W))
  cmd.set(bk_toggles_W, 0)
  else:, resn W)
  cmd.set(bk_toggles_W, 1)

 pymol is upset -- I think it is because it doesn't know bk_toggles_W

If you need a global variable, use pymol.stored:

from pymol import stored
stored.bk_toggles_W = 0
def bk_toggles_W ():
  Hides W molecules.
  if stored.bk_toggles_W:
  cmd.hide(all), not (resn W))
  stored.bk_toggles_W = 0
  else:, resn W)
  stored.bk_toggles_W = 1


Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] How to rotate entire section of structure relative to rest

2012-10-24 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Alex,

sculpting is not the right tool for your task. PyMOL has all the basic 
editing features like rotating around a bond etc. Enter Editing mode, 
pick a bond with the mouse and rotate around the bond by pressing CTRL 
and click-dragging a second atom.

You can enter Editing Mouse Mode by clicking on the lower-right panel.

Hope that helps.


On 22.10.2012 22:27, Alex Truong wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm relatively new to this software, and even though I've been using it
 for a few months, I haven't really had to use some of the more advanced
 options yet. This would be my first foray into actual manipulation.

 That being said, I'm trying to figure out how to move a small section at
 the N-terminus of my protein while keeping the rest static. That is, I'd
 just like to be able to rotate one bond and fix the relative positions
 and structures of the entire rest of the protein. I did some googling,
 and there was something about a Sculpting feature, but when I tried it,
 sections lit up that I was not interested in, and I was basically moving
 tiny sections at a time without preserving the structures I wanted. Is
 there a way to just manipulate the angle so I can swing that section out
 and away from its current position? I'll deal with the positions of
 those individual residues if this cannot method cannot resolve my problem.


Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] Tab completion using object names, not filesystem files?

2012-10-17 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Ron,

tab completion is controlled by the cmd.auto_arg variable, which is a 
list of dictionaries.

For all arguments which do not have an entry in auto_arg, the default is 
to auto-complete file names. For your purpose you need to define 
something like this:

import glob
cmd.auto_arg[0]['save'] = [
   lambda: cmd.Shortcut(cmd.get_names() + glob.glob('*')),
   'filename or object name', '']
python end


Ron Jacak wrote, On 10/17/12 22:25:
 I'm wondering if there's a way to make the tab completion engine use
 the currently loaded (or visible) object names rather than (or in
 addition to) the files in the filesystem?  I usually have sessions
 with very long object names that I want to include in custom selection
 expressions and the tab completion doesn't work because oftentimes the
 PDB files are not in the same directory as the session.  I found the
 function complete() in modules/pymol/ that seems to be what
 figures out how to complete the command that's been entered.  I think
 if I just added a list of the currently loaded objects to the list
 obtained by globbing the filesystem, it would do what I'm looking for.
  Any ideas on the best way to do that?

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] Make sure zoom is viewed from surface

2012-10-09 Thread Thomas Holder

Hi Troels, Jason, Edward,

nice little problem and nice layouts by Jason and Edward. Let me 
contribute some code, it follows Edwards approach.

See attachment. Requires psico.


Edward A. Berry wrote, On 10/08/12 20:57:

Jason Vertrees wrote:

Hi Troels,

I've run into this problem a few times, too, but never took the time
to solve it correctly.

A quick plan might look like:
   * cmd.orient on the selection
   * store the view vector (
   * let C1 = count the number of atoms behind the view vector, using
something like (
   * invert the view vector
   * let C2 = count the number of atoms behind the view vector, using
something like (
   * compare C1 to C2, choosing the
   * if C2  C1 then flip the view

You could use other tricks. I'm sure the community has other ideas.

Calculate center of mass or average of all coordinates
calculate vector from that to point of interest
rotate view so that vector points toward front/camera
translate so point of interest is centerd

maybe reverse the last two steps?


-- Jason

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Troels Emtekær Linnet  wrote:

Hi pymolers.

I am generating a list of residue ID's from some calculations.
Now I want to make a little script that select the residue and sticks it
and then zoom and make .png file.

How do I make sure that the zoom, is viewed from outside the protein for
each residue/.png file?


Troels Emtekær Linnet
Ved kløvermarken 9,
2300 København S
Mobil: +45 60210234

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen
from pymol import cmd, CmdException

def zoomoutside(selection, ref='', state=-1, operator='byobject',
quiet=1, **kwargs):

Zoom the given selection and orient such that the object center of
mass is behind the selection center of mass.


zoomoutside selection [, ref [, state ]]


selection = string: atom selection to zoom on

ref = string: reference selection to orient behind selection
{default: byobject selection}


zoom, orient
from chempy import cpv
from psico.querying import centerofmass

state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet)

if not ref:
ref = '%s (%s)' % (operator, selection)

com_sele = centerofmass(selection, state)
com_ref = centerofmass(ref, state)

view = list(cmd.get_view())
camera_rotation = [view[0:3], view[3:6], view[6:9]]

vec = cpv.sub(com_sele, com_ref)
vec_camera = cpv.transform(camera_rotation, vec)

axis = cpv.cross_product(vec_camera, [0.,0.,1.])
angle = cpv.get_angle(vec_camera, [0.,0.,1.])

rotation = cpv.rotation_matrix(angle, axis)
view[:9] = [x
for row in cpv.multiply(rotation, camera_rotation)
for x in row]

cmd.zoom(selection, state=state, **kwargs)

cmd.extend('zoomoutside', zoomoutside)
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Re: [PyMOL] bond connection file

2012-10-05 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Vishwas,

atom connectivity is the same for all states unless you have a 
discrete object. Try this:

PyMOL set connect_mode, 1
PyMOL load file.pdb, discrete=1


Vishwas Vasisht wrote, On 10/05/12 08:59:
 Hi Thomas,
  Thanks, it works for single frame. But when I use multiple frame 
 MODEL and ENDMDL), the connections which i specified in the first frame 
 is retained for rest of the frames. Am I doing some mistake in the way I 
 my PDB file?
 2012/10/4 Thomas Holder
 Hi Vishwas,
 you can use PDB format with CONECT records. You need to set
 connect_mode=1 before loading the PDB file into PyMOL.
 Hope that helps.
 Vishwas Vasisht wrote, On 10/04/12 16:52:
 I want to feed in a coordinates of atoms along with bond
 connection information. Since the bonding is based on some
 calculation I do, I need to include this information by hand.
 I tried to output the trajectory from my analysis in .mol format
 (following some example .mol file), but particles are
 overlapping on each other.
 Can somebody suggest me a better way to feed in coordinates and
 bonding information
 to pymol.

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] bond connection file

2012-10-04 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Vishwas,

you can use PDB format with CONECT records. You need to set 
connect_mode=1 before loading the PDB file into PyMOL.

Hope that helps.


Vishwas Vasisht wrote, On 10/04/12 16:52:
 I want to feed in a coordinates of atoms along with bond connection 
 information. Since 
 the bonding is based on some calculation I do, I need to include this 
 information by hand. 
 I tried to output the trajectory from my analysis in .mol format 
 (following some example 
 .mol file), but particles are overlapping on each other. 
 Can somebody suggest me a better way to feed in coordinates and bonding 
 to pymol.

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL Model player

2012-10-02 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Martin,

the player cannot run backwards, but you can map states in reverse order 
to movie frames with mset. Or choose from the menu:

   Movie  Program  State Sweep

Or use the corresponding command:

Hope that helps.


On 10/02/2012 02:31 PM, Martin Hediger wrote:
 Dear PyMOL Users
 Is it possible to let the PyMOL model player go back and forward,
 instead of jumping from the end to the start, once it reached the last
 loaded model of an object?

 Thanks for hints.

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] Doubt with using APBS electrostatics in PyMOL

2012-10-02 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Mohan,

can you please provide some more information, like:

  * what parameters did you choose on the website

  * what representation in PyMOL did show the distorted structure

  * was that a public available PDB structure so that we could try
to reproduce your result

Does it help if you check Add/keep chain IDs in the PQR file with the 
PDB2PQR Server? If your structure has multiple chains, then PyMOL will 
show incomplete cartoon representation if the chain ids are missing.

You can also try:
PyMOL set retain_order
PyMOL load file.pqr


Mohan Pradhan wrote, On 10/02/12 18:36:
 When I load the pqr file of the structure in PyMOL for creating the 
 electrostatic surface using APBS, I see the distorted structure.
 I have generated this site using the PDB2PQR module 
 Can someone explain why it is so.

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] Adding hydrogens

2012-09-25 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Martin,

do you have retain_order set to 1? This is not the default. Try:

unset retain_order
save file.pdb


Martin Hediger wrote, On 09/25/12 18:24:
 Dear PyMOL list
 I'm adding hydrogens to a crystal structure. Upon saving, however, I 
 realize all hydrogens have been added to the beginning of the PDB file. 
 Can PyMOL be configured such that the hydrogens are placed at the 
 intuitively appropriate place in the PDB file?
 Thanks for any hints.

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] Label entire movie

2012-09-24 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Anke,

Rasbach, Anke wrote, On 09/24/12 13:08:
 [...] Is it also possible to change font and box color?

no, that's not possible. The colors are hard-coded.


Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] Label entire movie

2012-09-21 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Anke,

you can use the message wizard to place a text box to the upper left 
corner of the viewport.

PyMOL wizard message, Some free text


Rasbach, Anke wrote, On 09/21/12 13:35:
 Hi everyone,
 we have generated a quite complex pymol movie and would like to include 
 a label that is always located in the lower right corner throughout the 
 entire movie. We have already labeled a pseudoatom positioned at the 
 lower right corner but due to camera motions the text is flying around 
 as well. Is there the possibility of adding a global text box not 
 specified to a x,y,z position? Or an easy way to move the pseudoatom 

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] question

2012-09-19 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Mona,

 I am very interested to here if it is possible to align a stick
 structure with a cartoon strucrture in Pymol?

structure alignment is independent of visual representation. So yes, you
can align a stick structure to a cartoon structure.

 Is it possible to put the short aa code or name in the peptide 
 structure in pymol?

you can add labels to atoms. So to label each residue with its name
(resn), just label all CA atoms:

PyMOL label name CA, resn


Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] movie help, rotating around an objects own center of mass.

2012-09-17 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Jordan,

the rotate command has a camera argument. Does it help if you set 
that to zero?

rotate [0,0,1],360, object=3hmx_ant, origin=3hmx_ant, camera=0


Jordan Willis wrote, On 09/17/12 02:55:
 I'm making a movie, and I think I really got it down! However, I'm having 
 trouble with independent rotations. 
 I have nine independent objects, of which three I'm trying to get to rotate 
 their own z-axis. Is this possible? Let me show you what I mean :)
 frame 30
 rotate [0,0,1],360, object=3hmx_ant, origin=3hmx_ant
 rotate [0,0,1],360, object=2b1a_ant, origin=2b1a_ant
 rotate [0,0,1],360, object=2xwt_ant, origin=2xwt_ant
 #store all views
 mview store, object=2b1a_ant
 mview store, object=2b1a_h
 mview store, object=2b1a_l
 mview store, object=2xwt_ant
 mview store, object=2xwt_h
 mview store, object=2xwt_l
 mview store, object=3hmx_ant
 mview store, object=3hmx_l
 mview store, object=3hmx_h
 mview reinterpolate, object=2b1a_ant
 mview reinterpolate, object=3hmx_ant
 mview reinterpolate, object=2xwt_ant
 The problem is that the rotate command uses the entire scenes y-axis rather 
 than the objects. I understand you can supply an axis vector, but I have no 
 idea how to do this. Essentially I want to do what movie.roll would do, but 
 just to one object independently of the entire scene.

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] movie help, rotating around an objects own center of mass.

2012-09-17 Thread Thomas Holder

Hi Jordan,

I guess you actually do want the axis in camera space, not in object 
space. Unfortunately the origin argument will pick the origin of object 
coordinate space and not it's geometric center.

Check the attached script, which I modified slightly. I defined a 
my_rotate command which takes care of the origin.

Hope that helps.


Jordan Willis wrote, On 09/17/12 18:13:

Hi Thomas,

I was crazy not to see that option. Although it did change the axis,
it is not using the objects axis, but an unidentified axis I can't
quite put my finger on. By changing the origin= option, it does not
seem to have an effect. Is it possible that I'm putting the wrong
command into the origin option?

If you would like to look, my .pml file and the pdbs I loaded I have
attached. I guess I still can't figure out how to use the selected
objects center of mass. Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks, Jordan

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen
set matrix_mode, 1
set movie_panel, 1
set scene_buttons, 1
set cache_frames, 1
set movie_auto_interpolate, off
config_mouse three_button_motions, 1

import glob, os
path = /Users/jordanwillis/workspace/specificaim3/msd_movie/files/
if not os.path.exists(path):
path = 'files/'
l1 = glob.glob(path+*A*.pdb)
l2 = glob.glob(path+*B*.pdb)
l3 = glob.glob(path+*C*.pdb)
for j in l1[:10]:
for g in l2[:10]:
for d in l3[:10]:
cmd.load(path+2b1a.pdb, A_bb)
cmd.load(path+2xwt.pdb, B_bb)
cmd.load(path+3hmx.pdb, C_bb)

from psico.querying import centerofmass
except ImportError:
centerofmass = lambda s: [(a+b)/2 for (a,b) in zip(*cmd.get_extent(s))]

def my_rotate(angle, object, axis='y'):
com = centerofmass(object)
cmd.rotate(axis, angle, object=object, origin=com)

cmd.extend('my_rotate', my_rotate)
python end

bg white

hide lines

#object creators
create 2b1a_ant, A_bb and chain P
create 2xwt_ant, B_bb and chain C
create 3hmx_ant, C_bb and chain A
create 2b1a_l, A_bb and chain L
create 2xwt_l, B_bb and chain B
create 3hmx_l, C_bb and chain L
create 2b1a_h, A_bb and chain H
create 2xwt_h, B_bb and chain H
create 3hmx_h, C_bb and chain H

set_view (\
-0.987339199,   -0.147254646,0.058693748,\
-0.130136862,0.541538239,   -0.830523551,\
 0.090512969,   -0.827677608,   -0.553851545,\
 0.000551268,0.000143198, -327.257324219,\
21.386798859,  -23.021564484,   12.119427681,\
   176.506362915,  478.079681396,  -20.0 )
### cut above here and paste into script ###

select antigens, chain C + chain A + chain P
select light, chain B + chain L
select msd_residues, A1 + B1 + C1
select heavy, not msd_residues and chain H
color grey20, heavy
color forest, antigens
color sand, light
spectrum b, blue_white_red, msd_residues

#show sticks, msd_residues 
show surface, 2b1a_ant + 2xwt_ant + 3hmx_ant + 2b1a_l + 2xwt_l + 3hmx_l + 
2b1a_h + 2xwt_h + 3hmx_H
show cartoon, 2b1a_h + 2xwt_h + 3hmx_h
set transparency, .5

translate [-60,0,0], object=2b1a_ant
translate [-60,0,0], object=2b1a_h
translate [-60,0,0], object=2b1a_l
translate [60,0,0], object=3hmx_ant
translate [60,0,0], object=3hmx_l
translate [60,0,0], object=3hmx_h

mset 1 x160
frame 1
color magenta, antigens 
mview store, object=2b1a_ant
mview store, object=2b1a_h
mview store, object=2b1a_l
mview store, object=2xwt_ant
mview store, object=2xwt_h
mview store, object=2xwt_l
mview store, object=3hmx_ant
mview store, object=3hmx_l
mview store, object=3hmx_h

frame 40
translate [0,10,0], object=3hmx_ant
translate [0,10,0], object=2b1a_ant
translate [0,10,0], object=2xwt_ant
mview store, object=2b1a_ant
mview store, object=2b1a_h
mview store, object=2b1a_l
mview store, object=2xwt_ant
mview store, object=2xwt_h
mview store, object=2xwt_l
mview store, object=3hmx_ant
mview store, object=3hmx_l
mview store, object=3hmx_h

frame 50
color forest, antigens
color magenta, light
#translate [0,-10,0], object=3hmx_ant
#translate [0,-10,0], object=2b1a_ant
#translate [0,-10,0], object=2xwt_ant

my_rotate 180, 3hmx_ant
my_rotate 180, 2b1a_ant
my_rotate 180, 2xwt_ant

#rotate [0,0,1], 180,object=2b1a_ant,camera=0,origin=2b1a_ant
#rotate [0,0,1], 180,object=2xwt_ant,camera=0,origin=2xwt_ant

mview store, object=2b1a_ant
mview store, object=2b1a_h
mview store, object=2b1a_l
mview store, object=2xwt_ant
mview store, object=2xwt_h
mview store, object=2xwt_l
mview store, object=3hmx_ant
mview store, object=3hmx_l
mview store, object=3hmx_h

frame 90
translate [-10,0,0], object=3hmx_l
translate [-10,0,0], object=2b1a_l
translate [-10,0,0], object=2xwt_l
mview store, object=2b1a_ant
mview store, object=2b1a_h
mview store, object=2b1a_l
mview store, object=2xwt_ant
mview store, object=2xwt_h
mview store, object=2xwt_l
mview store, object=3hmx_ant
mview store, object=3hmx_l
mview store, object=3hmx_h

frame 100
color sand,  light

Re: [PyMOL] Question about mutagenesis wizard

2012-09-14 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Maurício,

what you describe here is called homology modeling. Although PyMOL has 
some modeling capabilities, I'd strongly recommend to use a real 
homology modeling tool such as MODELLER to do this.

Hope that helps.


Maurício Menegatti Rigo wrote, On 09/14/12 19:44:
 Dear Pymol users,
 I'm  a begginer  with command lines in Pymol.  I'm trying to
 complete  the following task through a pymol  script:
 1) Write a file named file1.txt with an aminoacid sequence (e.g.
 2) Open  a .pdb molecule (file2.pdb) with the same number of
 residues, but with a different sequence (e.g. ALTWSIK)
 3) Write a code where the pymol will pick each residue of the
 file2.pdb (I believe that this could be made by the mutagenesis
 wizard command) and mutate for the respective aminoacid written in
 my file1.txt
 4) Save the new filein .pdb format (file3.pdb)
 I'll be very greatful for any help!
 Thanks  in advance,
 M.Sc. Maurício Menegatti Rigo
 Núcleo de Bioinformática do Laboratório de Imunogenética
 Departamento de Genética
 Instituto de Biociências
 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Campus do Vale
 Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 - Bairro Agronomia - Prédio 43323 M
 CEP:91501-970 Caixa Postal 15053
 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
 Tel: +55 51 3308 9938 tel:%2B55%2051%203308%209938

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] how to create a custom rainbow according to residue number

2012-09-04 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Afonso,

this should do the job:

PyMOL run
PyMOL spectrumany resi, lime green forest, chain A+C+E
PyMOL spectrumany resi, lightblue blue density, chain B+D+F

Hope that helps.


Afonso Duarte wrote, On 09/04/12 15:15:
 Dear All,
 I'm using Pymol1.4 in windows and I have a protein build-up by 6
 domains organized in pairs in an anti-parallel fashion ( i.e. if A and
 V are the domains:  AV AV AV) (the domains are structurally homologous
 but the sequence is different).
 I want to color the two domains in different colors (i.e. A green and
 V blue) but then I want this colors to be in a gradient according to
 the sequence (i.e. A should be colored from light green to dark green
 and V colored from light blue to dark blue).
 As I understood one cannot create new color schemes in the spectrum
 command (if yes I would just color them individually) am i right?
 For that reason I'm thinking of creating a ramp that I would color
 with that color scheme, for this i need to create a selection
 containing the residue number of the residues involved. Is there a way
 to directly create a list of residue number in Pymol ?
 Afonso Duarte

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL Visualization Query

2012-09-03 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Spyros,

so you want to visualize how often each atom matches your GREP query? 
You could put that count number as b-factor and then do a spectrum 
coloring. Example:

# load one of the homology models

# set b-factor to zero for all atoms
cmd.alter('all', 'b=0')

# increment b-factor for each GREP line
for line in open('output.txt'):
 line = line.split(':', 1)[-1]
 name = line[12:16]
 resi = line[22:26]
 cmd.alter('resi %s and name %s' % (resi, name), 'b=b+1')

# show spheres, colored from yellow to red according to count
cmd.spectrum('b', 'yellow_red', quiet=0)
python end


Spyros Charonis wrote, On 08/31/12 17:21:
 Dear PyMOL community, 
 I have a python script that reads a directory of ~500 homology models 
 generated from a pipeline (I used a PDB file as a template to generate 
 the models). 
 It extracts residues that have charge-bearing atoms on them. When using 
 GREP/EGREP to query a specific coordinate (e.g. 29.010) against the dataset
 and to determine which and in how many homology models it is present, 
 the output looks like so:
 ./tem1_mod445.pdb:ATOM CE1 HIS A 130  -3.832  -1.260  29.010 
 ./tem1_mod446.pdb:ATOM CE1 HIS A 130  -3.832  -1.260  29.010 
 ./tem1_mod461.pdb:ATOM CE1 HIS A 130  -3.832  -1.260  29.010 
 ./tem1_mod179.pdb:ATOM NZ  LYS A 151 -12.607   8.920  29.049 
 ./tem1_mod180.pdb:ATOM NZ  LYS A 151 -12.607   8.920  29.049 
 and so forth. 
 The ./tem1_mod string refers to the specific homology model file 
 that contains the atom. 
 Once I have collected all atoms that I possess z-coordinates values 
 within a range (29 - 54), Is there a way to map these onto a template PDB 
 structure (in my case 3NY8 - adrenergic receptor). In other words, 
 having collected hundreds of atomic coordinates (all from charged 
 residues and 
 all with z-values between 29.000 - 54.000 angstroms) across several 
 different homology models (my dataset contains ~500 models) 
 is there a way to visualize (using the z-coordinate spatial value as the 
 criterion) them on a single PDB file? 
 The reason I would like to do this is to observe any patterns in the 
 occurrence of charge throughout the transmembrane region of receptor 
 Many thanks in advance.
 Spyros Charonis   

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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Re: [PyMOL] colouring states independently

2012-08-31 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi John,

what you need is a discrete object, not only because of the coloring, 
but also because you say the number of particles is not the same for 
each state.

Try to apply two modifications:

  1) discrete argument for load:
  cmd.load(file, movie, discrete=1)

  2) state argument for select:, id +str(particle_index+1), state=i)

I hope this will work :)


John Russo wrote, On 08/31/12 09:14:
 I have been fighting with this problem for some time now,
 and I think it is time to try to ask to more experienced users.
 What I want to achieve is really simple. I want to make a movie
 with only spheres. At every frame each sphere has also a scalar
 property (e.g. local density) which is used to color the sphere
 So my input are a series of xyz files, and a corresponding series
 of files holding the value of that scalar for each particle.
 What I'm doing now is:
 *) loading all the xyz file into different states
 *) creating a frame from each of these states
 *) loop on the different frames and color the spheres
 according to the field
 My problem is in this last point, as I cannot find a way to
 tell pymol to colour each sphere only for that frame, and
 I always end up with a movie where the colour of the spheres
 is fixed by the last frame.
 Here is some pseudo code for what I'm doing:
 for file in file_list:
 cmd.mset(1 -%d % cmd.count_states())
 for i in range(1,cmd.count_states()+1):
  name=%d % (i)
  for particle_index,s in enumerate(scalar):,id +str(particle_index+1))
 One last thing, the number of particles is not the same for every state.
 I hope somebody can help me. Thanks,

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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Re: [PyMOL] APBS problem

2012-08-30 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Warren,

run pdb2pqr with the --whitespace argument to make sure the columns
are separated with whitespace.

If you still want to adjust the coordinates, you can use the
alter_state command in PyMOL.

alter_state 1, all, (x,y,z)=(x+100,y+100,z+100)


Warren Gallin wrote, On 08/30/12 06:54:
 I am having trouble running APBS on a structure, and it appears to be
 because some of the coordinates are -100 or more negative.  This
 leads to APBS reading numbers from adjacent columns as concatenated
 strings because there is no space between the columns.
 This is happening either if I use the plugin or run PDB2PQR and APBS
 as stand-alone applications.
 If I can adjust the co-ordinates such that the relative positions of
 the atoms do not change but the coordinates stay greater than -100 I
 think that the problem would be solved.
 Has anyone ever encountered this problem, and is there a simple
 solution in PyMol to adjust the coordinates and then save a simple
 PDB file with the corrected values?
 Warren Gallin

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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Re: [PyMOL] pymol plugin with subprocess thread

2012-08-28 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Ed,

you need to put 2# and 3# into the function foo() and call foo_async().

If you like you can send me your plugin and I'll have a look at it.


Mister Vanhalen wrote, On 08/28/12 18:02:
 Many thanks for you answer Thomas!
 But I feel I didn't explained clearly my problem.
 With your code, my problem is now to know when my program finished.
 My plugin is organized like that : 
 1 # here it is the main of the plugin 
 2 # launch of my external program
 3 # treatment of result of program to load new structure in PyMoL 
 This part has to wait the end of program. If I wait - I can use PyMoL 
 and If I put in daemon it will be execute without result of my program
 So my question is to know how can I wait the result of my program but 
 with the possibility to use PyMoL. And when it is finished, to go on 
 lines programming in the plugin...
 Thank you again for your help,
 On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Thomas Holder 
 Hi Ed,
 this is possible. Example:
 def foo(a, b, c):
   command = ./myprogramm arg1 arg2
   process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
 def foo_async(a, b, c):
   import threading
   t = threading.Thread(target=foo, args=(a, b, c))
 Hope that helps.
 Mister Vanhalen wrote, On 08/28/12 17:33:
 Hi PyMoLers,
 I need to launch an external program through a plugin. When I
 launch my program by my button in my interface (the plugin)
 through this usual code :
 command =  ./myprogramm arg1 arg2
 process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
 PyMol waits the end of the program to screen a windows with my
 result and load new structure and cgo in PyMol, that's normal.
 Is it possible that PyMol can go on and only when my program has
 finished, my plugin screens the results and load new structure
 in PyMoL.
 I would like that we can use PyMoL in the meantime that my
 program is running.
 Is it possible? I don't know how to put the thread for that...
 Thank you for your help,

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Re: [PyMOL] Ca sphere size from b-factor value

2012-08-02 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Doug,

scaling to the range of observed values:

stored.b = []
iterate n. CA, stored.b.append(b)
stored.min = min(stored.b)
stored.range = max(stored.b) - stored.min
alter n. CA, vdw = (b - stored.min) / stored.range * 4 + 1

However, since the b-factor scales to the mean square displacement of 
the atom, you might also want to alter vdw radius like this:

alter n. CA, vdw = (b / (8 * 3.14**2))**0.5 * 3


Douglas Kojetin wrote, On 08/01/12 22:47:
 Hi Jason,
 Thanks -- is there any way to add some limits to the scaling, say to alter 
 the vdw radius from a value of 1 to 5 based on a b-factor range of values?
 On Jul 31, 2012, at 4:44 PM, Jason Vertrees wrote:
 Hi Douglas,

 You can do something as simple as this:

 # fetch a protein

 fetch 1ejg, async=0

 # show as spheres

 as spheres, n. CA

 # set the vdw radii = some factor of the b-factor

 alter n. CA, vdw=b/5



 -- Jason

 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Douglas Kojetin wrote:
 Hi All,

 I would like to set the sphere size for each Ca atom proportional to the 
 b-factor value (the larger the b-factor the larger the sphere size) and 
 also color the sphere based on the b-factor value.  Is there an easy way to 
 adjust the sphere size according to b-factor value?


 Jason Vertrees, PhD
 PyMOL Product Manager
 Schrödinger, LLC

 (o) +1 (603) 374-7120

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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