Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Descent into madness

2014-05-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Descent into madness

[[wow]] Dankovich, I didnt realize there was a n audio walkthru of the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Descent into madness

2014-05-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Descent into madness

I dont ever remember there being a walkthru of the game available.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-06 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

I guessed the ships had slightly different Ai from their descriptions, so well see. Ill look forward to trying the game and seeing what gets added to it in the future.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] PC Gamer article on cheating

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: PC Gamer article on cheating

Interesting article though Im inclined to agree with the conclusion. Ive also noticed that in indi games that are run fairly there are indeed few to no cheaters even when the games are competitive.Also I confess I freely use cheats in many single player graphical games just as the CO of the cheats company said, to insure the games are a fun rather than frustrating experience, for example I often use skip level cheats in 16 bit era games which didnt have save functions to restart at the last level I finished. Heck some of the access options Ive seen offered in indi graphical games verge on cheats, eg, disabling time limits, slowing game speed for understandable reasons.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

The underwater lab is on level 2 on the eastern side. if I remember rightly the lab itself isnt locked but there is a gate across it that prevents you from getting the computer part and a button to press to move the gate. The problem is being under water things are slightly different in terms of movement. I remember that was one of the points in the game I ran into slight trouble but not once I got where things were. It also helped to use the x command in the lab to get the full description, though id recommend doing this anyway just because the descriptions are rather nice.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

The underwater lab is on level 2 on the eastern side. if I remember rightly the lab itself isnt locked but there is a gate across it that prevents you from getting the computer part and a button to press to move the gate. The problem is being under water things are slightly different in terms of movement. I remember that was one of the points in the game I ran into slight trouble but not once I got where things were. It also helped to use the x command in the lab to get the full description, though id recommend doing this anyway just because the descriptions are good and add atmosphere to the game. You can even get the training area rooms described as well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

There are six parts. As I said earlier the three levels are all pretty much the same layout, with a part on the west and east sides, and a terminal on the north and south. As to how you get them, well thats really the point of the game so you should try for yourself first.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Moderation! As Audiogamer101 said, this isnt actually announcing a new release so doesnt belong in the New releases room. Imm therefore moving the topic.As regards the game intercepter, I was fairly intreagued by Dentins mention of that myself,but Im sure just as with Steller Aeon Dentin will let us know when there is some news, after all Dentin is more than familiar with this forum and with audeasy list and is always active with anouncements of new goings on on alteraeon.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

You can get to level 2 by just going north from the terminal at the far north side of level 1. I believe there is a terminal you have to input a code into, but its easy to work out by listening to the bleeps in the background and matching them to the tones on the terminal, (ie the tones you get when you push numbers on the key pad). Of course you shouldnt go that way until youve got both main computer parts from level 1, sinse you need all the computer parts at the end of the game. Hth. Btw, there was no need for a second post, please edit your previous one if you want to add a question like the last one. The edit post link is under each post.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

[[wow]] sounds interesting, I like the idea of a strategic combat game with that length of play, and Ill look forward to trying it out myself.Just one question, sinse you have developed the game in BGt I assume it is on windows, (though your mention of voiceover scripts is a trifle confusing), sinse last I checked Bgt couldnt be used on either of the systems (mac or Ios), that used the voiceover screen reader, unless by voiceover scripts you mean something else.speaking of screen readers, is the game fully self voiced or does it output to screen readers or sapi.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

I do see where the confusion came from if you werent aware that the in built screen reader for apple machines is also called voiceover, though sinse Im on windows myself Im not worried about running the game. Ive looked at the site and the instructions for the game. The concept does look fascinating. Ive always myself found turn based combat interesting when you must look at what your enemy does, way pup possibilities and then take appropriate action rather than just forming a correct equipment set and blasting away, so good thoughts on that. My only slight concern is that with a limited number of enemy ship types there will be something of a lack of variation in gameplay, though how serious this is is difficult to judge without playing the game. However I do hope the possibility to maybe create some alternative ships to fight might be one youd considder for a future update, perhaps with different types of enemies (after all there 
 are always criminals and pirates ready to prophit from wars).It would also be nice given the rich history in the game to have a little more in universe detail of the conflict than just level numbers, eg ongoing missions given to you each level to progress the plot and advance the setting, indeed this might be a nice way to encounter the different alien races, for example hearing that a sprak ship detected a hidden grey patrol and being sent to take them out. Ill look forward to giving this one a try. Any idea on probable pricing?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

I do see where the confusion came from if you werent aware that the in built screen reader for apple machines is also called voiceover, though sinse Im on windows myself Im not worried about running the game. Ive looked at the site and the instructions for the game. The concept does look fascinating. Ive always myself found turn based combat interesting when you must look at what your enemy does, way pup possibilities and then take appropriate action rather than just forming a correct equipment set and blasting away, so good thoughts on that. My only slight concern is that with a limited number of enemy ship types there will be something of a lack of variation in gameplay, though how serious this is is difficult to judge without playing the game. However I do hope the possibility to maybe create some alternative ships to fight might be one youd considder for a future update, perhaps with different types of enemies (after all there 
 are always criminals and pirates ready to prophit from wars).It would also be nice given the rich history in the game to have a little more in universe detail of the conflict than just level numbers, eg ongoing missions given to you each level to progress the plot and advance the setting, indeed this might be a nice way to encounter the different alien races, for example hearing that a sprak ship detected a hidden grey patrol and being sent to take them out. Ill look forward to giving this one a try, and indeed seeing your other games. Having a series of games set in the same universe is quite a unique idea and both of your titles in development sound like interesting ideas though I know development can be a tricky business. Btw, if youd like any extra lines voiced I wouldnt mind helping with this project. Ive voice acted in some other games, including the update of sarah from pcs, Airic the clerric and 3D velocity, and have a digital rec
 order as wel as some on stage experience, albeit Im primarily a singer rather than an actor. i also enjoy making up weerder alien voices.Any idea on probable pricing?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

I am technically not totally blind sinse I still have some working vision, but thanks for the nice comments about the forum, we are here to help.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bop it Beats

2014-05-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Bop it Beats

I do remember the extreme had some weerdness with the switch for spinitt, sinse if you span either too fast or not fast enough the switch would either not engage or engage at the wrong time, and also if you knocked the spinner while reaching for one of the other controls youd obviously lose. This took a little getting used to. I do think though with this being a more complex boppit Ill have to give it a try.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

Im afraid I just tend to use the dolphin curser. I did talk to the developer of winfrtoz about fixing the sapi so it is interuptable, but he obviously hasnt done that yet which is irritating.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

Hi AndréWelcome to the forum. I dont believe anyone has made an audio walkthru of the game, but if you let people know which bit your stuck on Im sure we could give some advice.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

What exactly do you mean trouble playing level 1?is it the controls? is it finding specific objects? is it knowing where your going. Im afraid its a little difficult to make any suggestions when Im not sure exactly what your problem is.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

Ah, well André, that is much easier to explain. Each level has a fairly simple layout. The rooms are layed out like a circle, with you starting on the south side of it near the terminal, the chance to get a part on both the east and west sides, and another terminal at the far north. So in level 1 you start at the terminal and can go either west to the room with the sound flowers, or east to a room with sound cannons, youll have to go through both and solve both puzzles sinse you need both computer parts, the question is which way you go first. As regards the sound flowers, well you need to turn those three tone wheels to the same tones in the sound flowers three note tune. So begin with the lowest note and set one wheel, go to the next wheel and set the next note, then go to the final wheel and set the highest note and the door will open. One thing which you should keep track of in terraformers is the coordinates of objects. There is no way on the object scanner to distinguish one tone wheel from another, theyre all called tone wheel, so what I would recommend is keeping track of the coordinates of each wheel and move between them like you would move on a chess board, actually in terraformers with its much slower gameplay and emphasis on puzzles this works well. HtIm afraid I dont remember which tones exactly you need to set on the wheels, sinse I am used to remembering music I just remembered the tones the sound flower played, though you could also try recording them if you get stuck.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terraformers help

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terraformers help

Hmmm, what do you mean by code locks? if you mean the three tone wheels, as I said they need to be the three tones the sound flower plays, so set one tone wheel to the lowest tone of the flower, then move on to the next wheel and set it to the middle tone, and then move on to the last wheel and set it to the highest tone and the door will open. That is the only locked door I believe on level 1.Btw, instead of posting twice why dont you use the Edit post link just under your posts and change what you initially said, this stops cluttering up the board, and makes what you said easier to read for everyone.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

Internet explorer 4? sinse version 6 was the version that first came with xp Im not surprised 4 would cause problems.The current versions of Ie are 8 which is the latest that runs on an xp machine and which Im running, 9 and 10 on windows 7, and I believe 11 on windows 8 though I am not certain of that. Ive never seen ie actually change a file when downloaded, though I have sometimes seen if Im not careful and just click the file rather than selecting to save it sometimes windows will try to open it as is with a random program, which can be whackyOf course microsoft might have buggered this up in later versions of ie,but Id be surprised if it changed that much.One question however when you download the file are you just clicking it and expecting it to download, or rightclURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

2014-04-30 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

@Camochek, go and check the database entry for Winfrtoz, there is information about the game and an Nvda plugin there. @Chris,Lash is an odd game but Ive played it several times. Basically, the first part is treasurehunting the house and finding as many items as possible. Ive not got all the items in this part, for example I never found the code to the musical lock. Then you get the diary and can read about the war, and eventually find the code to the other door where the time machine is. When you get transported back in time, you will find yourself then playing as a slave girl and living a day in her life. There are various things you can do (and again Ive not discovered the answer), but ultimately there are two possible outcomes, either you escape along the underground railroad, or you get sold down the river.Basically if I remember rightly you need to talk to mammy, Matthew and some of the other slaves and do what they sugges
 t, though bare in mind characters can wander around, heck dont hang around in the guys bedroom unless you want a really nasty surprise. Depending upon what happens when you finish the slave section when you get back to reality you have two principle choices whos affects will be different. You can go to the front and type airlift, or you can try to leave the compound, actually i discovered that by accident. I dont know if there is more you can do before then, but certainly either of those options will give you one ending to lash. Actually I confess one reason I enjoyed lash so much is that as opposed to most other If Ive played I was able to get through with comparatively little trouble. While I know I missed some extras like that musical lock, (I worked out how to play it but couldnt find the right tune), I did get through and get a satisfactory ending, indeed two of them which made for an ultimately really nice game, indeed I
  love all the contrasts of freedom and slavery and the fact your commanding a robot, even the idea of a text based interface is worked into the game which is awsome!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

2014-04-30 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

I thought 1812 was only a beata of a sinse discontinued audio game and was exclusively in Russian?The gladiator game you mention however is called epical gladiators. Its another one of those automatic fighting, get more stats, equip gear and grind type games, though it has nice music, albeit Im a little disappointed with the lack of things to do and the fact that beyond the names of some armor there arent really any roman elements, heck your gladiator doesnt even get killed if he loses.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

2014-04-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

Well it depends upon what you mean.Inquisitor and time adventures (and graille to the thief it it gets finished), are likely your best bet as far as fully researched historical periods are concerned in a game with complete audio. There is then time of conflict, where you can actually have regular maps of real battles from the 2nd world war such as the battle of britain and play them in a truly historical sense, it is also possible that with the map builder other famous historical battles may be created in the future such as azincort or the battle of trafalga (that would be awsome!). similarly when we come to battle audio games, sikim jidai, a strategic resource management and battle game which is based on the warring states era of Japan, and uses some of the social ideas and weapons of that period, but plays out on many different created maps and doesnt as far as I know actually replicate any of the battles or geography unlike time of conflict, thoug
 h as I know far less about Japanese history I could be wrong. That is about it for audio games unless you count grizly gulch or the wild west pinball tables but personally i dont sinse they are more set in a fantasy western world than anything historically accurate relative to what actually went on in America in the past. There are however a hole bunch of games using text that are accessible. Firstly, as has been said 1 ad and similar stratogy games where you can have armies of romans, vikings etc, some of these are obviously fantasy themed but by no means all. then I would strongly advise looking into some of the choiceofgames and hosted games titles built with games script, sinse several of those have very well researched historical themes, such as choice of the vampire taking place in new new orleans in the 19th century. There are further games in development, such as the very cool vendetta set in 1920s chicargo a
 round the Italian maffia, and a game involving roman politics. There are then some gamebooks on other sites, for example the fighting fantasy project site has a gamebook called thw word fell silent, a gamebook set in judea around the time of christ (though what the gamebook is about Im not sure not having played it). Lastly, there is a huge range of historical interactive fiction puzzle style games, just go and check on the if archive under historical. one of the best Ive played of this genre was paul obrians lash, which, though it began in the future after a nuclear war, quickly took another turn and had you experiencing historical events on a plantation in the times of slavery in America. That one was historically accurate,  though so accurate it was pretty shocking in places sinse it didnt flinch from portraying the way slaves were actually treated, or opinions at the time.There are doubtless many others but Ive n
 ot looked heavily through much interactive fiction to check, sinse I found myself getting fairly disappointed with a good few games. Hopefully this gives a reasonable selection to choose from.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

2014-04-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

Well as I understand it inquisitor wasnt created because the developers wanted to write a game about the inquisition, so much as a reference to the book series about the inquisitor character. Similarly, if anyone ever created a detective mystery game about brother cadfile, the 13th century british monk who is also something of a detective and has featured in books and tv series, well that would obviously involve a lot about the church as well.Whether a game about the reformation itself would be interesting would for me depend upon more whether it was a good game than anything else. Btw, I also forgot the inspector cindy mystery games, which use a combination of sapi spoken text and sound and are definitely in the adventure gamebook genre from 7-128, sinse if anyone is talking historical, those definitely count.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

2014-04-27 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

With the swipes in papa1 and nightjar, one problem I always found was that I never seemed to get the degree of turning right, I either turned too much or not enough, with either a complete swipe or just a little touch, frequently Id be hammering away at the swipe trying to turn myself away from an incoming nasty so I can run in the right direction, indeed this combined with the fact thatsomethinelses muffled audio for stuff behind you isnt always as clear as it should be is why Ive not yet got pastthe cargo hold level with the flame thrower in nightjar,  I can get all the eggs but Lways end up running the wrong way when going for the exit door which is a little frustrating, actually I wonder if gyro would make that sort of challenge easier.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone played the spring thing games?

2014-04-25 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone played the spring thing games?

I have heard of the spring thing competition. Im not sure what you mean by some games being text and some like alteraeon sinse as far as I was aware it was purely an interactive fiction competition intended for games written in inform, glulx and other standard if languages. I have nothing against the competition at all and have played several games from past comps, such as pythos mask by emily short, however as far as I know the games are mostly standard puzzle style if rather than having any rpg elements sinse as weve said before people in the main if community tend to like those sorts of guess the verb complex puzzles and dont enjoy rpg mechanics , complex combat or puzzles soluable just by exploring. So yes I know about the comp, but whether any games from it would tickle my own interest is another question. What are these games like? do they have standard if mechanics? do they ha
 ve incomprehensible puzzles?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone played the spring thing games?

2014-04-25 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone played the spring thing games?

Well irrispective of the language, whether theyre inform, tads, glulx, adrift, some custom language or whatever its the style of the thing that makes a difference, check the genres page in the db for an explanation of what counts as interactive fiction.As I said for me it is the thing about having puzzles and guess the verb situations like the original games from infocom like zork that defines what things are.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] web browser games: interesting or boaring?

2014-04-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: web browser games: interesting or boaring?

Funnily enough shut eye Im exactly the oposite. Id love to play a single player civ or exploration stratogy game, but I have no interest in building something just for it to be destroyed by another player, but as I said this is why there isnt particularly a one word answer or brwoser games sinse it depends very much on what each person wants in a game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Echo Here to play IOS game

2014-04-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Echo Here to play IOS game

I actually believe there was a topic about this in new releases room a while back, but I dont think people checked it out, I know I didnt. Actually from your detailed description the game sounds reat. Sixth sense is a very standard arcade game, but the analogue control with the finger sliding makes it much more unique, I suspect this ecco game you mention is the same. Ill have to give it a try sinse it certainly sounds well worth the price, heck here in the Uk 69 pence (which is what I guess the Uk price to be), is roughly what you would spend on a mars bar, and the game sounds like more fun than a mars bar .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Echo Here to play IOS game

2014-04-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Echo Here to play IOS game

I dont remember the description in that topic being as detailed however Aaron, sinse I dont remember hearing the game had game center support, different types of levels and enemies to avoid etc. From the original topic I just thought it was a fairly basic arcade game without much by way of extras or special features, which is obviously not the case.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

2014-04-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

Well while Ive not yet sat down and run seriously through papa2, I can say the gyro mode worked fine on my Iphone 5, though I have not tried any other I devices so cant speak for those. I thought it was one of the main features of the game. Indeed Id be disappointed if audio zombi arena or some of somethinelse other future titles didnt have it as an option. I am a little surprised that blind testers of the game found the gyro mode of control less appealing, sinse one thing I like about it myself is the better simulation of realistic spacial positioning and the way I can use physical orientation of my body to add clues about positionin the game, eg, when Im facing forward, right etc. I also found it far closer to movement in reality using sound, and I wouldve thought that people who made even more extensive use of sound in regular dayly navigation than I do wouldve found it even more natural.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-23 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

No ideas what the game will have yet Hanif. All I know is that its being developed by Dentin, founder and main developer of Alteraeon, and is to have a random generation system of some sort as well as a full scale spaceflight. Actually some words about the game from Dentin would be appreciated.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] web browser games: interesting or boaring?

2014-04-23 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: web browser games: interesting or boaring?

Well really it depends upon the game and the player, different games have different strengths. Puppet nightmares has a great combat system, core exiles has very complex trading missions and economics, kingdom of loathing has the humour, metroplexity has a good story and setting, freerice is great for a quick blast and very charitable too etc. you really cant some up web browser games in one sentence sinse they vary so much in type.@Burak Im a little surprised that you say you like gamebooks and yet you dont care about the content in browser games, sinse for me the games Ive spent most time on like kingdom of loathing or even sryth play more like gamebooks with more complex mechanics.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

I dont know if oriol will create another mushZ for stelleraeon, sinse he already has a huge amount of work maintaining the mushZ for alter and goodness knows what kinds of rewrites a new MushZ would require even from the same developer as Alteraeon, though well see, sinse it might turn out at least some of the code is transferrable. Still if nothing else the thing will always be playable with standard interpreters like vipmud.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bop it Beats

2014-04-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Bop it Beats

Well maybe Ill get one for my birthday sinse as you said it sounds very different to previous boppits especially with the reverse commands and more complex timing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about mush-z

2014-04-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: question about mush-z

To give a bit more information. MushZ is very specifically used for playing alteraeon. Alteraeon is an extremely good mud with many blind players and fixes. MushZ is a pack that has been created to add sounds, easy commands and lots of other things to make playing both atmospheric and easier. Id recommend giving it a try, see the alteraeon page in the database for more details.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] hunter download link

2014-04-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: hunter download link

Of course it shows file not found precisely because! bsc have closed their doors and there is no where to download the game anymore unfortunately.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

@Aaron well well have to see when the game is actually developed. Even if it is a case of changing triggers and sounds there are likely to be lots of them, of types that dont occur in alteraeon. and will need custom adding, heck if you just look at the alteraeon changelog you can see how much work Oriol has put into things, so well just have to see on that one.@Conner, one thing which will be true with pvp in steleraeon is that it will be opt in only as I said, so as long as your fast enough to take out npcs that shouldnt make a difference, though i suspect with the great spam filters that alteraeon already has as a default there will be similar spam filters for the space game, heck we dont even know what kind of combat mechanics the game will have anyway indeed I would myself appreciate a little news from Dentin of what the game is actually going to contain rather than going on a lot of random speculations, sinns. About the only thing I 
 do know about Steleraeon is that it is being build from the ground up by Dentin, as opposed to using any of the standard codebases that miriani or other space games use.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

As to what programs, well there are various direct x type things such as the turrican system I mentioned which I suspect is due to direct x, not to mention dos games like Eamon which simply wont run on 64 bit hardware. Regarding thunderbird, well when I did my long trial of windows 7 I tried out thunderbird and while it was better than microsofts default, it stil didnt hav say a handy contacts list or a convenient way of viewing attachments and still seemed heavily reliant on auto complete for adding names, although its display of the actual e mails themselves was indeed much more workable than windows silly default.AlsoI actually have! heard of a lot of games that no longer run on windows 8, for example bscs titles, although others such as jim kitchins are okay. Im not even certain as to whether winamp will run on windows 8 though I know it does on 7. Just to clarrify I never actually said microsoft should carry on sup
 porting xp, only that if they are dropping support for xp they should offer something with the same functionality as an alternative ie backwards compatibility and interface so that the average user will want! to upgrade and not lose out by doing so. That they have not done, and until they do people wil likely continue using xp anyway however many tales of doom microsoft persistantly spread about security. This isnt to say that I think security is a laughing matter, however I do think Aprone is correct in terms of the inflating of the situation.[ a-t ] Arq, if youve found a decent and accessible way to run console window stuff on a 64 bit machine I think people would very much want to know, sinse it is a shame that games like Eamon deluxe, Fallthru and braminar cant be just streight off run on a windows 7 machine without an emulator such as dosbox, an emulator which is also unfortunately inaccessible.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Puppet nightmares Updates worth checking out

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Puppet nightmares Updates worth checking out

Interesting. I confess I played through a lot of puppet nightmares and last I checked was mid ways through episode 4. There were lots of pretty awsome systems and tactics in the game from the adventure system to highering mercinaries. Also for a game with limited donation monthly items puppet nightmares was very good about giving people chances to find limited edition soul puppets from previous months, indeed I had several. The reason I sort of stopped was that comapred to the huge amount of tactics necessary for a lot of the game, the amount of text and atmosphere was a bit low on a long period. Battles for example just says puppet x uses skill on puppet y or attacks for x damage without any atmospheric description. Similarly only very few parts of the game told you about what sort of environment you were in. This likely was not an issue for sighted players who could see the art work, but I just found myself wanting more in
 formation on say what the desert of misery or the dead mans colon looked like, especially for the relative amount of complexity I had to go through in the game. I might well go back and give things another try at some point, sinse it is probably the best battle system Ive seen in a brower game I just wish there was a little more by way of atmospheric text, but unfortunately last time I asked the gm said he considdered such writing to be a blind only thing, and while he was happy to add alt tags etc, he wasnt making a specifically vi gam,  obviously hes not heard of interactive fiction muds or gamebooks. Still as a basic tactical game there was a great deal to recommend it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] audio games, translated to hebrew

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: audio games, translated to hebrew

Well translating all! games might be a tall order, but you could start with some of them such as topspeed, rail racer and pontes backgammon which have the ability to be translated and already have several other language packs in many languages, indeed I believe there is already a russian pack for one of the topspeed games though not anything in hebrew, and as there are obviously people who play audio games who speak Hebrew such translations would be helpful.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] materia magica trial of wisdom help?

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: materia magica trial of wisdom help?

If I remember rightly the trial is a little like jim kitchins guess the number game or that tomb puzzle in swampp. When you hit all four pillars you get lights for which one is in the correct place, by looking at how many lights you get you can then work out what the correct order is.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

Im rather looking forward to it myself, as someone who loves exploring Ive always wanted to play a space mud, but sinse one thing Ive not found yet is a decent space mud with a pvp opt out option, heck even wayfare doesnt have one. I believe this is why Dentin is thinking of the procedurially generated world so that people will always have more space to explore, though whether such generation will be used for all in game elements Im not sure, for example itd be a bit dire if you started the game and could only find level 30 planets and enemies around you. Im also not sure if jsut because it will feature auto quests and missions this means there wont be any building at all, either way its something Im really looking forward to.Btw, interestingly enough, explorable randomly generated wilderness and auto generated missions are for me the one thing that is lacking in alteraeon, sinse it makes grinding and 
 exploring a lot more interesting if your wandering into a huge area not knowing what you might find, or continually getting random targets of little jobs, even basic mob kill type ones, as opposed to just running into the same areas again and again to slaughter the same mobs until your high enough level to move somewhere tougher. For all I had issues withh materiamagica (especially how you could become too higher level for quests), this was one aspect it had that I thought was good. Well see however, both what happens with stelereaon, and where alteraeon goes in the future, indeed Im rather enjoying being back on alteraeon myself at the moment. Of course the only slight downer with steleraeon is that well miss out on mushZ .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

Im rather looking forward to it myself, as someone who loves exploring Ive always wanted to play a space mud, but sinse one thing Ive not found yet is a decent space mud with a pvp opt out option, heck even wayfare doesnt have one. I believe this is why Dentin is thinking of the procedurially generated world so that people will always have more space to explore, though whether such generation will be used for all in game elements Im not sure, for example itd be a bit dire if you started the game and could only find level 30 planets and enemies around you. Im also not sure if jsut because it will feature auto quests and missions this means there wont be any building at all, either way its something Im really looking forward to.Btw, interestingly enough, explorable randomly generated wilderness and auto generated missions are for me the one thing that is lacking in alteraeon, sinse it makes grinding and 
 exploring a lot more interesting if your wandering into a huge area not knowing what you might find, or continually getting random targets of little jobs, even basic mob kill type ones, as opposed to just running into the same areas again and again to slaughter the same mobs until your high enough level to move somewhere tougher. For all I had issues withh materiamagica (especially how you could become too higher level for quests), this was one aspect it had that I thought was good. Well see however, both what happens with stelereaon, and where alteraeon goes in the future, indeed Im rather enjoying being back on alteraeon myself at the moment. Of course the only slight downer with steleraeon is that we wont get mushZ for its great soundscape, music and handy shortcuts which definitely enhance the playing of alter, indeed I tend to think that when playing with MushZ Alteraeon is pretty close to being a full audio rpg.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi Aprone. From all the efforts Ive seen including running Eamon deluxe in its default configuration which uses dosbox, dosbox is utterly inaccessible because the text that is output doesnt use the windows text system that screen readers latch onto. I am not sure exactly of the technical details but I know the developer of Eamon deluxe has been looking into this for a long time, sinse as the Eamon games are written in apple basic there physically isnt a way to run them without running them in a console, which means either xp or dosbox.Dos games are only part of the xp thing of course, stupidity of interface which isnt changeable, lack of components like outlook express, and other games make a difference as well. Plus I confess I dont really like the idea of not being able to create what folders I want on the C drive to store stufff either (it always seems silly to me to have a folder called my documents and then expect
  to put music in it), albeit I could probably get used to some other system if the explorer interface was workable, which was another of my issues with windows 7.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

I thought in windows 7 you couldnt create folders on the C drive. So for example I have a C:\ music folder and a C:\audio folder, as well as others for things like storing my text games.Regarding the interface and programs, well yes there are other programs to use, I mentioned thunderbird for example, but nothing Ive seen mail wise has quite as good a convenience factor, or at least nothing Ive tried thus far.This seems partly to do with an interface convention. IN the xp era it was usually to have a standard set of menus and to tailer the output of a given program to what the user was doing, eg showing and hiding different elements, alowing display as lists etc. The modern convention which also exists in Itunes seems to be to have everything on screen and rely upon the users visual scanning to pick out what they want which screen reader wise is much less convenient. This is exactly what I found with windows 7 and thunderbird. Not of co
 urse that I couldnt get used to the thing, indeed after my initial experiment with windows 7 I went back and tried again and came to the conclusion it would be usuable but more difficult, however why should! I bother taking the time to learn a new interface if its not getting me anything and indeed it going to take more wangling to make older programs work if indeed they will.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

I thought in windows 7 you couldnt create folders on the C drive. So for example I have a C:\ music folder and a C:\audio folder, as well as others for things like storing my text games.Regarding the interface and programs, well yes there are other programs to use, I mentioned thunderbird for example, but nothing Ive seen mail wise has quite as good a convenience factor, or at least nothing Ive tried thus far.This seems partly to do with an interface convention. IN the xp era it was usually to have a standard set of menus and to tailer the output of a given program to what the user was doing, eg showing and hiding different elements, alowing display as lists etc. The modern convention which also exists in Itunes seems to be to have everything on screen and rely upon the users visual scanning to pick out what they want which screen reader wise is much less convenient. This is exactly what I found with windows 7 and thunderbird. Not of co
 urse that I couldnt get used to the thing, indeed after my initial experiment with windows 7 I went back and tried again and came to the conclusion it would be usuable but more difficult, however why should! I bother taking the time to learn a new interface if its not getting me anything and indeed it going to take more wangling to make older programs work if indeed they will, particularly when this couldve been solved had microsoft just maintained some interface customization options along with tools like outlook express instead of forcing everyone to take what theyre given and like it. This is why as I said I suspect Ill probably move away from windows to mac with virtual xp,  either that or just keep xp running anyway until something actually better comes along, ie something that lets me do what I do with a computer more easily and efficiently and would warrent me learning a new system. This happened in terms of a portable system wi
 th ios as opposed to an xp laptop, but for a desktop it hasnt happened yet.I personally do hope microsoft come to their collective senses both regarding compatibility and regarding interface, though I suspect not.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

I dont know what real is, but I do also have confidence in Dentins design. One thing he might do which materiamagica had with their wilderness was have the procedural generation specific to areas. So for example you have a level 1-10 star system, a level 10-20 etc. All of the content in those star systems is of a given level so you always know where youa re. The one thing that concerns me with that sort of system is that it can lead to a situation where progress sort of doesnt mean anything sinse practically the elements used to create lower level areas are the same as the ones used to create higher level areas, for example you might fight a blackstar spacepirate ship at level 5, and then get the same ship with the same description and abilities crop up at level 15, just with higher combat stats. Then again a simple way around this is to level limit the elements that can be used in creating different areas, say making the black star only crop 
 up in level 1-10 star systems so that you dont fight it again later. Another concern I do have is additions to the game in terms of abilities, areas, elements added to the random generator etc. Sinse even the biggest set of random generators might need some more ingredients added to the mix occasionally, which could be difficult if there arent going to be any area builders or people to maintain the mud on an ongoing basis.However he manages it though, I do have infinite confidence in Dentins ability with the game design, heck hes done a good enough job with the alter mechanics.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi Tom. If microsoft were a small company or hobby developer I would agree with you. For example, it would be unreasonable to expect david greenwood to take the time and trouble to make the newer time of conflict 2.0 compatible with older time of conflict version 1 save files. however, microsoft is a massive company with millions of customers and millions to spare for development. They could! put millions of dollars into supporting their older components and building that support into future windows because frankly they have that kind of money, indeed they did this with xp after the initial release broke compatibility with windows 9x and dos. I dont dispute the fact that better languages than vb6 or better components than vb net could be created, however with the shear amount of software developed, developed with the components and tools that microsoft themselves recommended as you yourself said, they really should be responsable, particularly considdering that 
 not all the developers creating software in the early 2000s, software which still runs and is still being used are around anymore or able to do a complex rewrite of all their programs just because microsoft cant be bothered to support them anymore.a good example of this is the graphical Turrican windows remake T2002. It was developed in as you would imagine 2002, modified in 2006, however it was the student project of several German developers. Not only does it recreate many original Turrican style levels (with the original graphics, mechanics and gameplay thanks to a good word from the games creator), but it also comes with a level editer. People have been using this editer to create level packs, some of which are virtually separate games in their own right. There are now close to 70 of these and new ones are still being written.However on windows 8 T2002 does not run properly. I suspect this is a direct X issue but have no idea, however it ha
 s severely irritated a lot of people that a tool developed in 2002 which has sinse been used to create a massive corpus of in many cases quite exceptional work has just been effectively killed by microsoft.Its odd actually, sinse this is something console developers learnt pretty quickly. I still own a snes and a mega drive, however if I ever did! decide to buy a Wii, I would not be the least worried about losing out on my games sinse nearly the entire cannon is available for the Wii via virtual console. There is a very small charge, (about 5 usd for nes games and 10 for snes games), which I suspect exists to cover the hosting, but certainly this is a case where even when the hardware is 20 years old Nintendo, sega etc have listened to the customers, and thus original Marrio brothers, mega man etc can all be played on modern machines. Microsoft really should take lessons .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bop it Beats

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Bop it Beats

I know there are lots of boppits, though how much the gameplay of some of them differs I am not sure. this one however sounds different enough to the extreme to be interesting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mush-Z update error

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mush-Z update error

Well the command prompt did confuse me a bit, but once I hit enter on the screen it seemed to work okay with no errors, so cross fingers on that one.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi Tom. If microsoft were a small company or hobby developer I would agree with you. For example, it would be unreasonable to expect david greenwood to take the time and trouble to make the newer time of conflict 2.0 compatible with older time of conflict version 1 save files. however, microsoft is a massive company with millions of customers and millions to spare for development. They could! put millions of dollars into supporting their older components and building that support into future windows because frankly they have that kind of money, indeed they did this with xp after the initial release broke compatibility with windows 9x and dos. I dont dispute the fact that better languages than vb6 or better components than vb net could be created, however with the shear amount of software developed, developed with the components and tools that microsoft themselves recommended as you yourself said, they really should be responsable, particularly considdering that 
 not all the developers creating software in the early 2000s, software which still runs and is still being used are around anymore or able to do a complex rewrite of all their programs just because microsoft cant be bothered to support them anymore.a good example of this is the graphical Turrican windows remake T2002. It was developed in as you would imagine 2002, modified in 2003, however it was the student project of several German developers. Not only does it recreate many original Turrican style levels (with the original graphics, mechanics and gameplay thanks to a good word from the games creator), but it also comes with a level editer. People have been using this editer to create level packs, some of which are virtually separate games in their own right with many extremely well put together levels. There are now close to 70 of these and new ones are still being written.However on windows 8 T2002 does not run properly. I suspect this is a d
 irect X issue but have no idea, however it has severely irritated a lot of people that a tool developed in 2002 which has sinse been used to create a massive corpus of in many cases quite exceptional work has just been effectively killed by microsoft.Its odd actually, sinse this is something console developers learnt pretty quickly. I still own a snes and a mega drive, however if I ever did! decide to buy a Wii, I would not be the least worried about losing out on my games sinse nearly the entire cannon is available for the Wii via virtual console. There is a very small charge, (about 5 usd for nes games and 10 for snes games), which I suspect exists to cover the hosting, but certainly this is a case where even when the hardware is 20 years old Nintendo, sega etc have listened to the customers, and thus original Marrio brothers, mega man etc can all be played on modern machines. Microsoft really should take lessons .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about alter eon

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Some questions about alter eon

Glad you got it fixed, and hope you enjoy Alteraeon.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi Tom. The reason I stated ego was that blind n dangerous didnt give any reason about why he liked windows 7 or what good it was, he basically said xp is old so people should stop using it that sort of reasoning I have encountered before, people just want the latest thing because it is the latest, irrispective of any bennifits it has or anything people would lose out by abandoning the what came before. As I said previously I am quite aware that different people may bennifit from the new os, but simply because it is new is not to me a valid bennifit at all, likewise because it is old isnt a reason to use or not use something.As regards xp, and newer weindows, well if microsoft created a windows with a customizable interface and compatibility with older systems, Id be the first person to upgrade, indeed I upgrade Ios regularly for that reason sinse I do see the point in performance improvements e
 tc, however it is what is being lost with xp that is the issue and frankly microsoft should do a better job at backwards compatibility both in terms of software and in terms of interface, eg, allow lists and the start menue, keep outlook express, carry on support for stuff that ran on xp etc.As regards security I wasnt saying it is not important and have as I said discussed this with avg tech support, however the amount of histeria Ive seen on the question is quite ridiculous, again though security wouldnt be an issue if microsoft had done their job properly and actually made a newer os that did all the things xp does thus meaning people would not have a problem upgrading. Ill say apple do seem far better at this than microsoft in terms of not breaking either compatibility or interface elements or randomly mucking up the way things are done. Hopefully microsoft will take the hint, but hay if not Ill just carry on using xp anyway :d.

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi Tom. Well with respect to the different pc configurations etc, to be honest I have no sympathy for microsoft at all. They have more money to throw into development than any other software developer on the planet, and more staff working on their systems, during the days of xp anything would pretty much run on anything because of the service packs etc, its just this move to 64 bit and the fact that microsoft themselves have dropped support for all the things they used to recommend to developers, indeed it seems microsoft are expecting the developers to do the work upgrading their programs they themselves cant be bothered to in terms of compatibility, and the plane fact is with 14 years of work on an operating system that is a lot of software, not to mention all the previous windows and dos stuff, indeed I find it quite amazing that I could now go and download a copy of the original dos hunt the wumpus from 1979 and run it on my xp machine, but something d
 eveloped with even a five year gap like shades of doom wont run properly on windows 8.I do very much hope microsoft come to their senses on this and stop being so high handed about just giving people what they think is good and then forcing everyone to upgrade by not providing drivers for the older systems, indeed the fact that they have had! to maintain support for xp for so long should dam well tell them something, indeed Avg told me that theyre maintaining security fixes specifically created for Xp sinse they have so many customers who are still running it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi Tom. Well with respect to the different pc configurations etc, to be honest I have no sympathy for microsoft at all. They have more money to throw into development than any other software developer on the planet, and more staff working on their systems, during the days of xp anything would pretty much run on anything because of the service packs etc, its just this move to 64 bit and the fact that microsoft themselves have dropped support for all the things they used to recommend to developers, indeed it seems microsoft are expecting the developers to do the work upgrading their programs they themselves cant be bothered to in terms of compatibility, and the plane fact is with 14 years of work on an operating system that is a lot of software, not to mention all the previous windows and dos stuff, indeed I find it quite amazing that I could now go and download a copy of the original dos hunt the wumpus from 1979 and run it on my xp machine, but something d
 eveloped with even a five year gap like shades of doom wont run properly on windows 8.I do very much hope microsoft come to their senses on this and stop being so high handed about just giving people what they think is good and then forcing everyone to upgrade by not providing drivers for the older systems, indeed the fact that they have had! to maintain support for xp for so long should dam well tell them something, indeed Avg told me that theyre maintaining security fixes specifically created for Xp sinse they have so many customers who are still running it. If my desktop exploded tomorrow it would actually be a toss up whether I would replace it with a mack with some varient of virtual xp, or just get another xp machine, (my nice local computer shop still very much sell them or can acquire them, I bought an xp laptop off them last year), I certainly would not get windows 7, and would be unlikely to get windows 8.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about alter eon

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Some questions about alter eon

As I said Kenzon, the in game help is very handy. Type help mana or help light and youll get a very good explanation.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Well its interesting that you say it wouldnt take too much maintaining of xp to continue support, sinse maybe that is what microsoft should do if theyre too much lazy arses to actually make propper backwards compatibilityy, just continue supporting the thing and offer a supported vm. They did do this for a while with vista and I believe earlier versions of 7, but then seemed to have flaked out. I disagree xp was a perfect system, but it was around for so long that though it had some inadequacies people found good ways around those, plus with customizable interface and compatibility back to dos days it really does give the maximum access to available software, something which microsoft really ought to get through their collectively thick skulls, albeit listening to customers doesnt seem to be much of a modern business practice for many coorporations.mac with xp in a vm might be where Ill end up unless windows 9 is very surprising regardin
 g backwards compatibility and customizable interface, though Id have to balance the bennifits of using a mac vs the inconvenience of having to run a vm which is not something Ive tried before and sounds a bit convoluted from everything Ive heard, this is one reason Im eager to have a play with a mac at some point, just to see if it does do any standard computer type things in a more helpful way than xp.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mush-Z update error

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mush-Z update error

Hi. Hmmm, this is an odd error, however one idea might be to try and update the updater. ON the MushZ page which can be Here there is a free copy of the updater file which you can run just in case youve got an older version of MushZ. of course if your really stuck, you could just reinstall the thing. Actually I did that myself this afternoon by mistake sinse I thought there was a problem with the updater with how it was bringing up the windows command prompt,  then realize there wasnt one after Id done a reinstall .Still at least Ive now got the latest version with all the latest music etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mush-Z update error

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mush-Z update error

Hi. Hmmm, this is an odd error, however one idea might be to try and update the updater. ON the MushZ page which can be Here there is a free copy of the updater file which you can run just in case youve got an older version of MushZ. Sinse the music files are also identified by name or area you could also try to find the appropriate file yourself and remove the older copy, though mush updater shouldve done this already (I have seen some area music changes in the game already).of course if your really stuck, you could just reinstall the whole dam tthing, sinse obviously all your actual game progress is online anyway. Actually I did that myself this afternoon by mistake sinse I thought there was a problem with the updater with how it was bringing up the windows command prompt,  then realize there wasnt one after Id done a reinstall .Still at least Ive now got the latest version with all the latest music etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mush-Z update error

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mush-Z update error

Hi. Hmmm, this is an odd error, however one idea might be to try and update the updater. ON the MushZ page which can be Here there is a free copy of the updater file which you can run just in case youve got an older version of MushZ. Sinse the music files are also identified by name or area (theyre in a folder called music in the worlds/alter aeon folder), you could also try to find the appropriate file yourself and remove the older copy, though mush updater shouldve done this already (I have seen some area music changes in the game previously), and sinse you want updater working properly in future it might ebe worth looking at fixing the problem rather than the symtom.of course if your really stuck, you could just reinstall the whole dam tthing, sinse obviously all your actual game progress is online anyway. Actually I did that myself this afternoon by mistake sinse I thought there was a problem wit
 h the updater with how it was bringing up the windows command prompt,  then realize there wasnt one after Id done a reinstall .Still at least Ive now got the latest version with all the latest music etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bop it Beats

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Bop it Beats

sounds rather unique. I admit Ive only got two of the boppit games. the boppit extreme, the one with the four handles and headphone jack, and what I believe was called the boppit blast, which has just two handles and three commands, but has a different beat and the light bop mode. Its a while sinse I bought one so I might give another a try, albeit my mum rathe dispared sinse I managed to finish both games within about 48 hours of her buying them for me as presents,  indeed she now rather commically refuses to ever buy me a boppit game again :d.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bop it Beats

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Bop it Beats

sounds rather unique. I admit Ive only got two of the boppit games. the boppit extreme, the one with the four handles and headphone jack, and what I believe was called the boppit blast, which has just two handles and three commands, but has a different beat and the light bop mode, (WHICH WOULD UNFORTUNATELY BE INACCESSIBLE FOR SOMEONE WHO COULDNT SEE THE LIGHTS ON THE CONTROLS). Its a while sinse I bought one so I might give another a try, albeit my mum QUITE dispared sinse I managed to finish both games within about 48 hours of her buying them for me as presents,  indeed she now rather commically refuses to ever buy me a boppit game again :d.iM ACTUALLY LAD THAT IT SOUNDS LIKE THEYVE GONE BACK TO MAKING THEM BASICALLY AS HAND HELD GAMES. tHERE WAS A POINT WITH THE BOPPIT DOWNLOAD WHEN THEY GOT A BIT CONVOLUTED IN TERMS OF DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT AND NET CONNECTIONS AND STUFF, NICE IF THEYVE JUST GONE BACK TO SOMETHING SIMPLE WHIC
 H FOR a TOY LIKE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANt. The flipping sounds rather fun actually. One odd thing Ive always found with boppit is that while there are obviously various computerized versions, nothing quite beats the real controls and the dexterity required which is often a nice challenge to the fingers as well as the timing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Well blindenddangerous, that just doesnt make sense to me. Why get rid of something just because it is old when there isnt a better newer alternative? Im all for trying new things, but just getting the latest this that and the other to satisfy your ego seems rather shallow to me. Myself, Id prefer a computer that actually does the stuff I want it to as easily as possible. At the moment that is still xp, that might not be the case in the future, but getting court up in the craze of fashions wont help, neither will becoming histerical about the some mythical security bogie man that hasnt materialized when there are perfectly normal security safeguards that can be taken.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Well blindenddangerous, that just doesnt make sense to me. Why get rid of something when there isnt a better newer alternative? Im all for trying new things, but just getting the latest this that and the other to satisfy your ego seems rather pointless to me. Myself, Id prefer a computer that actually does the stuff I want it to as easily as possible. At the moment that is still xp, that might not be the case in the future, but getting court up in the craze of fashions wont help anyone accept microsoft get rich, neither will becoming histerical about the security bogie man when there are perfectly normal security safeguards that can be taken.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] adventure audio games

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: adventure audio games

Well choice based games in audio havent had many entries, but there are some, indeed I believe there are more on the Iphone. as well as the games from Bavisoft and descent into madness, code factory also produced some of that type of game, namely private detective school and time adventures, though getting hold of these is pretty difficult, especially private detective school. On the Iphone however there is codename signas which is a spy based audio game that works exactly as you describe. There may be more Im not certain, sinse there are some games like blindside and soul trapper that I havent investigated myself yet and Im not sure whether theyre interactive audio dramas or full on first person games similar to papasangre.Then of course, there are many games like this available in text. There are all of the gamebooks on the fighting fantasy project site, as well as some others (though some require rolloing dice), and
  most recently there are the choiceofgames titles, some of which can be played on their own site but which are best played in Ios or android. True these dont have sound, but in game terms theyre awsome!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terreformers registration

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terreformers registration

Well if you [url="" this license from the terraformers homepage[/url] and unzip it into the prefs folder of your terraformers directory youll have a registered game. Btw camochek, why didnt you chek the database page for terraformers? the instructions re there and indeed thats where I downloaded this file from.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] terreformers registration

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: terreformers registration

Well if you Download this license from the terraformers homepage and unzip it into the prefs folder of your terraformers directory youll have a registered game. Btw camochek, why didnt you chek the database page for terraformers? the instructions re there and indeed thats where I downloaded this file from.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about alter eon

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Some questions about alter eon

Hi. the light version will have no music and fewer sounds, but should work, though I very much recommend getting all the music and such with the full version or the updater if you can because it is very cool and adds a good bit to the game.Once you run mushZ go to the file menue and hit the item called open world you should find a world file called alteraeon inside the world folder, run that and all the connection will be automatic, you can then start setting up a character and what not. Id also recommend checking the readme of MushZ as well, sinse a lot of handy startup information is included there which you might want to have a look at. Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] adventure audio games

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: adventure audio games

True I forgot about Ians adventure creator and the shadowgate game already made with it. As to graille to the thief, well that would be awsome if it gets released.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] games FPS download link

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: games FPS download link

If you go to the front page of the site there is a link called search archive. This will let you sort the database into different categories, including fps, each page has its own download link so you shouldnt have problems finding them, though obviously some like shades of doom are commercial games, but you can still download and try the demos. hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-16 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Well Tom, I can see the difference in priorities if you actually have an interest in the technology for its own sake, which is fair enough, plus of course as someone who has played with a lot of different operating systems irritating factors in the user interface will not be as much an issue to you sinse you wont have specific ways of doing different things. However for myself and a lot of other xp users, it is the fact that post xp windows essentially changes everything and then gives very little in return that is the issue,  that and the fact that compatibility is getting more difficult to maintain what with all these new security features, lack of libraries problems with support of older versions of direct x etc. Im sure there are probably logical reasons for this, for example microsofts uac thing being a security fix, and the lack of 16 bit support being a consequence of 64 bit hardware, however those advantages just wont mean muc
 h to most casual computer users such as myself. Plus of course, with xp being around for such a long time, there are already some great solutions to xps problems. For example, sinse buying Avg pc tuneup and regularly running its various fixes for things like the registry, Ive noticed that my pc has had far fewer errors and the speed has massively increased. So if you say to me well windows 7 doesnt have errors like xp on its own it doesnt practically mean much. Of course this is directly at odds with what you or another person interesting in the basic running on the os would think sinse Id imagine you take an interest in the fact that the registry is more secure from errors in future windows, however as you said this is the difference between seeing your computer as a tool as opposed to a general interestit also seems that where in xp microsoft made a conscious effort to maintain both program compatibility and
  interface compatibility with windows 9x, none of this remains in post xp windows. Program compatibility takes a degree of wangling to work (and in some cases wont at all), and with the interface you get what your given and like it as far as microsoft are concerned, after all it was up to a freeware developer to create classic shell, and even that doesnt fix things like the lack of outlook express or a propper windows explorer. I myself have ways of organizing my shortcuts and files that Ive developed and been using for 16 years, including all the practical time Ive been doing actual computer stuff such as playing games, and while I could of course change this at the same time Id want a good reason to. I had this reason with Ios which is why I no longer use a laptop for a portable computer system, but Ive yet to have this reason with post xp windows.Then of course, for a visually impared computer userr, due to lack of an instan
 t skim read of information there is the simple fact that interface changes are more of a pain. There has been a modern convention over the past few years, instead of using menus, submenus, lists etc, to simply throw lots of icons on the screen. This makes sense for sighted users sinse it is easier to have everything you want constantly visible, but for vi users is a severe step backwards sinse it gives you far too much on screen clutter to sort through. A perfect example of this is contrasting windows live mail in post xp windows and outlook express, where in post xp windows your entirely reliant on auto complete and dont have a handy list of contacts, much less be able to hide a lot of interface elements and just have three fairly usable tabs. In xp there were always several interface options, for example arranging things by icons, tyles, lists etc, not anymore.Any interface can be got used to eventually of course, and if there was no loss in terms of program compatibi
 lity and some interesting new features doubtless people would just take the time to make the change, but the fact is that just hasnt happened, or at least it hasnt for a lot of casual users. This is why I suspect myself we wont see a change from xp until some new interface tool comes out, such as touch screens for desktop, and even then it is a tos up whether microsoft or Apple will have the better implementation.I personally do hope all this negativity about the metro thing will persuade microsoft to create an xp 2 or at least release xp drivers for newer hardware, but listening to customers does not seem to be microsofts strong point.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-16 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Well Amineel, %70 is a guestimate more than a real number it is true, however equally if you look at the major landmark developers of accessible games, a good proportion of them have written or are still writing in vb6. David greenwood, Jim Kitchin, Aprone and I believe spoonbill, as well as several older games like Bsc and light tech who arent updating their games anymore though they are still kicking around,though of course equally both David and jim have included the necessary components to run vb6 applications on post xp windows. So while the %70 figure might be debatable tthere is no denying that there are a lot of titles.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

This is exactly why Im not updating my windows until I have a good reason to. If Im going to be running xp in a virtual machine anyway in order to get most of my games to run, well I need a dam good reason for all the hassle and microsoft just havent given me one yet Ive not really seen any practical bennifit to all these newer windows indeed from a purely functional perspective Id be losing outlook express and getting a much more annoying interface with no advantages to any other things I do like web browsing, playing dvds or audio or word processing.Frankly microsofts backwards compatibility is crappy and they should be shot. When you considder I can run dos programs on xp that were written in the late 70s, and no, I dont accept all the excuses about hardware sinse with the sort of money and time microsoft have they should be able to develop a better system, its shear laziness and going for flashy interface
 s over function and forcing people to upgrade by breaking compatibility.Of course that doesnt help for the future, and I do hope some sort of component emulator is created, either that or we all move to mac with virtual xp to run legacy games which is likely what will happen if microsoft continue not to give people any good reasons to move to future versions of windows, and by good reasons I mean practical bennifits such as things that cant be done in xp not just scares about the security bogyman or bigger numbers of this that and the other.This is why I personally believe well not see many members of the Vi community moving to newer os until the actual interface changes, for example I can imagine some major bennifits to a desk top touch screen for accessible games, however failing microsoft fixing their compatibility or developing xp for modern hardware I dont think were going to see a change in the near future whatever microsoft says. Certainly if my desktop broke tomorrow Id likely buy another xp machine, or at most a mac with virtual xp, rather than windows 7 or 8.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

This is exactly why Im not updating my windows until I have a good reason to. If Im going to be running xp in a virtual machine anyway in order to get most of my games to run, well I need a dam good reason for all the hassle and microsoft just havent given me one yet. Ive not really seen any practical bennifit to windows 7, and I dont hear much different about windows 8, indeed from a purely functional perspective Id be losing outlook express and getting a much more annoying interface with no advantages to any other things I do like web browsing, playing dvds or audio or word processing.Frankly microsofts backwards compatibility is crappy and they should be shot. When you considder I can run dos programs on xp that were written in the late 70s, and no, I dont accept all the excuses about hardware sinse with the sort of money and time microsoft have they should be able to develop a better system, its she
 ar laziness and going for flashy interfaces over function and forcing people to upgrade by breaking compatibility.Of course that doesnt help for the future, and I do hope some sort of component emulator is created, either that or we all move to mac with virtual xp to run legacy games which is likely what will happen if microsoft continue not to give people any good reasons to move to future versions of windows, and by good reasons I mean practical bennifits such as things that cant be done in xp not just scares about the security bogie man or bigger numbers of this that and the other.This is why I personally believe well not see many members of the Vi community moving to newer os until the actual interface changes, for example I can imagine some major bennifits to a desk top touch screen for accessible games, however failing microsoft fixing their compatibility or developing xp for modern hardware I dont think were going to see a change in
  the near future whatever microsoft says. Certainly if my desktop broke tomorrow Id likely buy another xp machine, or at most a mac with virtual xp, rather than windows 7 or 8Whether this will change with 9 I dont know, but not by the trend Microsoft have been following ever sinse 7..URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

This is exactly why Im not updating my windows until I have a good reason to. If Im going to be running xp in a virtual machine anyway in order to get most of my games to run, well I need a dam good reason for all the hassle and microsoft just havent given me one yet. Ive not really seen any practical bennifit to windows 7, and I dont hear much different about windows 8, indeed from a purely functional perspective Id be losing outlook express and getting a much more annoying interface itd be necessary to take time learning with no advantages to any other things I do like web browsing, playing dvds or audio or word processing.Frankly microsofts backwards compatibility is crappy and they should be shot. When you considder I can run dos programs on xp that were written in the late 70s, but windows 8 struggles to run things that were developed even five years ago, and no, I dont accept all the excuses about
  hardware sinse with the sort of money and time microsoft have they should be able to develop a better system, its shear laziness and going for flashy interfaces over function and forcing people to upgrade by breaking compatibility.Of course that doesnt help for the future, and I do hope some sort of component emulator is created, either that or we all move to mac with virtual xp to run legacy games which is likely what will happen if microsoft continue not to give people any good reasons to move to future versions of windows, and by good reasons I mean practical bennifits such as things that cant be done in xp not just scares about the security bogie man or bigger numbers of this that and the other.This is why I personally believe well not see many members of the Vi community moving to newer os until the actual interface changes, for example I can imagine some major bennifits to a desk top touch screen for accessible games, however failing micr
 osoft fixing their compatibility or developing xp for modern hardware I dont think were going to see a change in the near future whatever microsoft says. Certainly if my desktop broke tomorrow Id likely buy another xp machine, or at most a mac with virtual xp, rather than windows 7 or 8Whether this will change with 9 I dont know, but not by the trend Microsoft have been following ever sinse 7..URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

This is exactly why Im not updating my windows until I have a good reason to. If Im going to be running xp in a virtual machine anyway in order to get most of my games to run, well I need a dam good reason for all the hassle and microsoft just havent given me one yet. Ive not really seen any practical bennifit to windows 7, and I dont hear much different about windows 8, indeed from a purely functional perspective Id be losing outlook express and getting a much more annoying interface itd be necessary to take time learning with no advantages to any other things I do like web browsing, playing dvds or audio or word processing.Frankly microsofts backwards compatibility is crappy and they should be shot. When you considder I can run dos programs on xp that were written in the late 70s, but windows 8 struggles to run things that were developed even five years ago, and no, I dont accept all the excuses about
  hardware sinse with the sort of money and time microsoft have they should be able to develop a better system, its shear laziness and going for flashy interfaces over function and forcing people to upgrade by breaking compatibility.Of course that doesnt help for the future, and I do hope some sort of component emulator is created, either that or we all move to mac with virtual xp to run legacy games which is likely what will happen if microsoft continue not to give people any good reasons to move to future versions of windows, and by good reasons I mean practical bennifits such as things that cant be done in xp not just scares about the security bogie man or bigger numbers of this that and the other.This is why I personally believe well not see many members of the Vi community moving to newer os until the actual interface changes, for example I can imagine some major bennifits to a desk top touch screen for accessible games, however failing micr
 osoft fixing their compatibility or developing xp for modern hardware I dont think were going to see a change in the near future whatever microsoft says. Certainly if my desktop broke tomorrow Id likely buy another xp machine, or at most a mac with virtual xp, rather than windows 7 or 8Whether this will change with 9 I dont know, but not by the trend Microsoft have been following ever sinse 7..Of course for people who enjoy fiddling with operating systems for their own sake or programming with the latest components that might be different, however for the majority of casual Vi users I dont see a major change occurring whatever microsoft say they are or are not supporting, and heck, avg have already confirmed that with their internet  security system xp will be fine for the conceivable future.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: The Eventual Famine

Good to hear vb6 will still work on modern windows, though to be honest if it is more hassle to run that still begs the question , why bother upgrading windows anyway? Look at what Aprone has done quite recently in vb6, as I said just because microsoft wants everyone to use these modern tools and newer interfaces and the like doesnt mean people should, though if you prefer to for your own reasons thats fair enoughh.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

2014-04-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

Yep, describing zombie  exidous as just some text game is like describing swamp as just some action game .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] LaHuida

2014-04-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: LaHuida

Is the game just in spanish or is there an English version.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] virtual pet, and other ideas.

2014-04-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: virtual pet, and other ideas.

Well camochek I personally disagreeabout Ios and the touch screen sinse there are distinct advatnages to the system, such as instand access and spacial information that you dont get with a standard interface. Likewise, I have played lots of browser games that are fun. I personally dont imagine a virtual pet game would work without online capability and updates, sinse the point of a virtual pet is to be there in the background much of the time and then be something for you to echek and put time into, and something which gives you updates of status, for example you use it every day. That would be harder to work out with a basic program which is likely why the existing models are on browsers or Ios which has such a lot of online capability and use of notifications. Id personally suggest you try and look at what is currently available. @Claudio, I dont know if hatchy virtual pet is also out for android, though it is 
 likely if not someone will create a virtual pet game for the platform, though whether it is accessible could be another question.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] virtual pet, and other ideas.

2014-04-10 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: virtual pet, and other ideas.

Well not a ad idea in principle, but your chances of getting funding for such a device and marketing one are not high, plus if one was! made itd likely cost goodness knows how much.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

2014-04-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

Well I havent heard that its called anything different on Android to what it is on Ios, Ie, Zombie Exodus. I dont know how the google play store works, but on Ios the developer is listed as hosted games, although you should just be able to find it from the title. if your really stuck and want direct links, try Here on the choiceofgames site Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

2014-04-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

2014-04-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

Well ive now found and comleted the oil platform. Actually i did it first time which surprised me sinse I was expecting it to take a couple of goes what with the time limit but obviously i got lucky (though having a big physical score and being awsome with the cavalry sword helped). Im going to see if I can finish the game now and then go on to more choiceofgames titles.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

2014-04-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

I was a little surprised how i hit on the right way through the oil platform first off, sinse I did fully expect to fail the first time particularly as there were several choices that seemed like time wasters. As to the other games, well I pretty much want to try all of them eventually, Choice of the star captain was fun and quite ironic, and I liked the ship stats, broadsides and dragon were fun for what they were and I particularly want to try some of the achievements in Dragon, though there are many more to try. Tinstar I have downloaded and bought ecause people were recommending it so highly.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] king of dragon pass help

2014-04-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: king of dragon pass help

There is a tribal page which lists all your obligations to different clans who are members of the tribe. If you dont balance these pretty carefully you can end up in real trouble sinse people dont like making promises and them going the wrong way, which can also have a knock on effect at your relation to other clans as well.Then again, as usual in Kodp, mariages gifts and favours are your friends in terms of clan relations, and the betterover all relations you have with individual members of your tribe, the less unreasonable theyll be.I dread to think what the long game is like WHERE YOU NEED TO COMBINE TRIBES OF CLANS INTO A KINGDOM, thus far Ive only got through the short one.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Papa Sangre II, how the f*** do you get past some of these damn levels

2014-03-30 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Papa Sangre II, how the f*** do you get past some of these damn levels

There is a full audio walkthru on Im not sure how much of the game they play or whether they skip levels though I suspect not. Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Roguelike Radio ep on designing for VI

2014-03-30 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Roguelike Radio ep on designing for VI

Does your display show a block of text rather than a single line? I could see that helping a lot with roguelikes, though Ive never heard of a display like that.  of course the real problem with braille is that the technology is just so dam expensive, and for most things that arent roguelikes audio is an easier and cheaper method, indeed this is why I could see braille vanishing in the next 30 or so years unless a far cheaper interaction with informational technology comes along.One idea that has never been explored yet is the possibilities of using a touch screen display. If you could configure the speech correctly to show you each tyle and have fine enough motor control you could get spacial information directly from that, though how much could be shown finger wise with accuracy Im not sure, (I dont think itd work on something as small as an Iphone screen for example).As
  for audio maps, well the methods to show maps in text description are pretty standardized now if you were writing a game from scratch, look at something like time of conflict. The problem is simply informational content similarly to braille. thinking about it, it could be interesting if someone did write a roguelike client for vi users that gave actual information descriptively much like the map in an audio game or the board review in a grid based puzzler, though sinse this would effectively be nearly as complex as writing an entire screen reader its likely writing a custom game would be easier, and if were back to custom games we may as well look into random generating text rpgs instead.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Roguelike Radio ep on designing for VI

2014-03-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Roguelike Radio ep on designing for VI

Yep, The console reading is awsome, its one reason Ive found angband plus graphics so useful from a low vision perspective. Im not sure what you mean by vertically in braill Sebiy, unless it is possible to configure your braille display to show a column instead of a line, though even then the amount of information you get per examination vs the amount of information on the total map is a bit huge. Myself, I still like the idea of nested maps, with a larger dungeone xploration ala entombed (though with environmental features), with combat working similarly to tactical battle on a nested map, though getting the coherence with the two modes would be damnably difficult.Adom actually does! use nested maps, as well as being more a true rpg than a rgouelike, although unfortunately the nested maps are still rather too huge to be practical on an informational basis.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Roguelike Radio ep on designing for VI

2014-03-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Roguelike Radio ep on designing for VI

Yep, The console reading is awsome, its one reason Ive found angband plus graphics so useful from a low vision perspective. Im not sure what you mean by vertically in braill Sebiy, unless it is possible to configure your braille display to show a column instead of a line, though even then the amount of information you get per examination vs the amount of information on the total map is a bit huge. Myself, I still like the idea of nested maps, with a larger dungeone xploration ala entombed (though with environmental features), with combat working similarly to tactical battle on a nested map, though getting the coherence with the two modes would be damnably difficult.Adom actually does! use nested maps, as well as being more a true rpg than a rgouelike, although unfortunately the nested maps are still rather too huge to be practical on an informational basis.Though all this being said, Im very interest
 ed in work thats being done with Kerkerkruip and the choose your own dungeon game (its not really an appropriate name), sinse by removing the sexplicitely spacial elements of the gameplay and replacing with if style descriptions you have something that is %100 accessible from any angle, and lots of fun. Id love to see one of those project make for a larger game, or a full Angband style engine with a scripting file where people could customize with their own monsters, item affects and names, dungeon features etc. I also admit I enjoy the real descriptions a bit more from an atmospheric point as well, indeed quests were one thing I rather missed in Angband, particularly sinse in Angband at least the optimum playing somewhat prohibits the exploration and finding of new things, though that of course is more a matter of mechanics than anything else.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Problem with Smugglers IV and V

2014-03-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Problem with Smugglers IV and V

This is sort of a known bug. In smugglers 4 it used to always occur when your enemy used reflect or focus shields. Generally it doesnt matter. In s5 Im less sure on the circumstances, but try reporting it, sinse both S5 and S5 invasion are still being worked on, indeed a patch for s5 to version 2.1 just came out recently so try installing that sinse I do know it fixed some bugs.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mind Sports

2014-03-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mind Sports

Well that is true about connect 4 and tick tack toe, however dont confuse those with chess or even draughts, sinse both are very different and far more complex games, indeed Im not sure how easy it would be to learn chess just from a computer as opposed to playing an actual human with the board in front of you. Backgamon I like because of the mix of random elements and need for stratogies mixed together, which proves a fairly addictive combination, while card games I enjoy for the forward planning. If your looking for something strategic Id strongly suggest some of the trick taking varients of games such as hearts or whist.To be honest that ninite thing sounds more like a solution needing a problem to me. If you find it helpful fair enough, but to be honest installing never seemed a bother to me. I keep the setup files of the games I want in specific folders per developer, and so reinstalling is
  fairly easy, particularly sinse I only tend to install new copies of things when i fancy playing them. Indeed this laptop at the moment has only got Vipmud installed on it in terms of games, and that basicaly because I wanted to play wayfar.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Super Airik, Airik the Cleric 1.7

2014-03-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Super Airik, Airik the Cleric 1.7

Sounds great, I hope the xp bug is fixed so I can finally try the game, though whether it is or not Ill be glad tcontinue o voice acting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

2014-03-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

Well regarding Solara I confess I never particularly paid enough attention to the battles to sit and learn the sounds sinse I tended to just go on the descriptions of abilities and order, but then again I admit I am less a fan of any game with automatic battling whatever the access is like, simply because I have played far too many online and am more interested in games where I actually have to react to what my opponent is doing at the time (one thing that has really improved in the new smugglers).This probably also explains why I would like information on monster kingdom battles live, that and of course the knowing who I am fighting. I could see the game being possible if you knew the level and type of monster you were fighting and then would know what attacks he/she had, what their level and damage would be? Is there a way to see the enemys team in battles?Regarding visual intigrationk, as with most of my life it
 ;s frequently a case of making full use of all possible information available from any source, for example there is are sections in super castlevania where though I can see where simon belmont and the ledges are , I cant see the bats attacking at all and simply had to learn their position relative to where simon was, ie, if I walk this far and jump and hit Ill hit the bat before it gets me.As to older rpgs, well that would be cool, though from what Ive seen all the emulators I know still wrender text as graphics not using the api of the host system, which is a pest for screen readers and very annoying sinse there are games I would definitely play if I could get past the text. I did try vo on my brothers Ipad in hopes that Id get secret of mana, but no such luck.Of course the really annoying thing is that this would! be fixable if the developers chose to, though I am not sure that is likely.

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

2014-03-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

Well regarding Solara I confess I never particularly paid enough attention to the battles to sit and learn the sounds sinse I tended to just go on the descriptions of abilities and order, but then again I admit I am less a fan of any game with automatic battling whatever the access is like, simply because I have played far too many online and am more interested in games where I actually have to react to what my opponent is doing at the time (one thing that has really improved in the new smugglers).This probably also explains why I would like information on monster kingdom battles live, that and of course the knowing who I am fighting. I could see the game being possible if you knew the level and type of monster you were fighting and then would know what attacks he/she had, what their level and damage would be? Is there a way to see the enemys team in battles?Regarding visual intigrationk, as with most of my life it
 ;s frequently a case of making full use of all possible information available from any source, for example there is are sections in super castlevania where though I can see where simon belmont and the ledges are , I cant see the bats attacking at all and simply had to learn their position relative to where simon was, ie, if I walk this far and jump and hit Ill hit the bat before it gets me.There are even bosses in mega man games Ive been able to kill completely without sight just as a challenge to see if it is possible, although the knolidge of where their attacks go which I used to do that was of course gained mostly from vision, and its not possible to do levels this way unfortunately due to the fact there are no audio indicators for most objects or enemies.As to older rpgs, well that would be cool, though from what Ive seen all the emulators I know still wrender text as graphics not using the api of the hos
 t system, which is a pest for screen readers and very annoying sinse there are games I would definitely play if I could get past the text. I did try vo on my brothers Ipad in hopes that Id get secret of mana, but no such luck.Of course the really annoying thing is that this would! be fixable if the developers chose to, though I am not sure that is likely.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Giving Haypy monster a try

2014-03-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Giving Haypy monster a try

Okay, Ill try that. What was confusing me is that I got the monster name (which clicking on brought up its info page), then the unlabled button, then a button called pethouse or something like that which could be selected or deselected, but selecting that button didnt seem to do anything unless it is for performing functions on some monsters such as a group heal or group delete, but as the only option I had was delete I didnt want to try that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mind Sports

2014-03-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mind Sports

Thanks bladestorm I was wondering about that.Generally I tend to find dice games less complex than card or board games and dont tend to play them as an interlectual exercise as much, though I dont know if this was me trying the wrong games or is because of the larger set of numerical possibilities provided by cards as opposed to dice.Then again, backgammon I do enjoy and that definitely requires use of the dice strategically.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Giving Haypy monster a try

2014-03-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Giving Haypy monster a try

Okay, Ill try that. What was confusing me is that I got the monster name (which clicking on brought up its info page), then the unlabled button, then a button called pethouse or something like that which could be selected or deselected, but selecting that button didnt seem to do anything unless it is for performing functions on some monsters such as a group heal or group delete, but as the only option I had was delete I didnt want to try that.Edit: okay, I had an hour and a half on the train this afternoon and spent it having a poke around the game and interface. I believe I now see the issue with the monster select. I tis actually quite logical, monster name and stats selecting the monster, and the pet add button either being enabled for free slots or disabled for full ones, however for some weerd reason draco is perminantly stuck in my first slot. I can change out the second monster fine, but 
 I just cant get draco out of the first slot at all, if I attempt to change draco, it changes the second monster instead, just as if Id hit that monsters button. Ive noticed an unlock or unloc 2 button in the monster profiles, Im not sure if this is a slot fix option or not though it doesnt work the same way for the second monster. On the plus side I am getting the inventory a bit more. The train button was a little loopy sinse there were lots of buttons labled  Mailest and which i believe refer to the nests, with numbers after them, however the training option in the town help icon button (which seems to be some sort of pvp option), has an utterly different interface and gives the levels of paid vip status needed for the game which is odd. I am also a little confused about the leaves lock buttons I keep seeing, som
 e on the jungle select screen, some on the monsters page, sinse Im not sure if these related to locked levels, captured monsters or what. On the plus side however I get the inventory system and have at least had a poke at several shops and other town options, and that end does seem relatively straight forward. While tunnels annoyingly got in the way of my connection to the net, I fight a couple of battles and I think Im getting how the interface works. What was confusing me in terms of seal cards was that you can either have the fighting interface or! the seal interface up at either time. The fighting gives the technique buttons with names, however the sealing give percentage chances which correspond to seal card items, either paid or unpaid depending upon the chances involved as you said. It also deos help because the seal interface tells you the name of the target even if vo
 sp; misses saying it when it appears which is likely easier in catching monsters.the one thing I am looking for at the moment is some sort of general manual or basic mechanics and activities, sinse the tutorial was a little none specific particularly with how it very much only gave you one button to press for each step of the way meaning you got no idea of the interface at all sinse vo couldnt interact with anything. I presume there is one somewhere but all the icon helper buttons seem to lead to random other parts of the game, which is a little confusing.I think a basic knolidge of the game and what things are supposed! to do might help make a bit more sense of the more incomprehensible lables on buttons. The ones (as with the inventory), which as you said work via label near the button are fine sinse you can ignore the buttons, however others such as the training screen and some information
  on the zone intro screen is less clear.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mind Sports

2014-03-16 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mind Sports

@Assault freak, I would not describe fighting games as the same category of stratogy or requiring the same skills as bridge, whist or even chess, sinse what is required in those games is judgement based, or reactive stratogy in a real time action environment. While you can annalize fighting games to the frame of amination and the pixel of spacial positioning required, you can also simply pick them up and play (well you can if your sighted and dont le need to learn all the sounds, speed of movement etc), and in a fighting game, no matter how strategic you are your reactiosn to threats and ability to think on the fly as you put it is still your primary focus, however my attention you put into the theoretical end of the game, it still needs execution. In games such as bridge, chess, and to an extent whist or backgammon, what is required is the assesment of a limited number of moves and forward planning and there are no real
  time elements involving reaction. Your stratogy indeed has to have both proactive and reactive elements, and though you still must make judgement calls, the judgements are based on your over all understanding of the rules of the system and your extrapolation of those rules, not an instant split second decision.Both are valid forms of entertainment and mental exercise but the skills required for each have some very fundamental differences. @casta, I dont really see your problem with spoonbill. Send them an E-mail for what games you want and Ian Humphries will send them very quickly indeed. He does this because he personally wants to get to know his players rather than having a faceless download, and as hes spent the time coding the games and putting them out for free I dont see this as unreasonable. Likewise, to me saying oooh but I have to install them individua
 lly is a little like saying Oh I want a pint of milk but cant be bothered to walk to the shops and buy oneFor the spoonbill games, id also recommend checking the db and the spoonbill site itself sinse all the games have very detailed and informative instructions. I cant speak for the playroom, but the Rs client also has some very detailed instructions on each game, so you can find out exactly what 1000 miles is about by looking there. Regarding varients on games, well solitare games (or patience as theyre known in the Uk), simply means any solo player game with a single pack of playing cards. The generic term solitare has come to mean the 7card stack  clondike form of the game, however there are numerous other  Solitare games many of which, (like the Poker Solitare or cribbage solitare), do not have the same 
 pattern at all. Again, check any individual games instructions for details. I confess sinse most of that style of game is pretty spacial I tend to not be a fan of them myself, though I did enjoy the accordian solitare in the Gma cards pack, and indeed Kings corner which is a two player game with some of the principles of standard stack solitare.While I know there are many draughts or backgammon variants out there when i speak of the games I simply mean their traditional mode, ie, the draughts move in diagonals across the board and take peaces by jumping them, and the backgammon objective is to get all 6 checkers to the end squares and bare them off, indeed the only backgammon Ive ever played has been with the Pontes version, though I have sinse bought a tactile backgammon board in case I ever meat a friend who knows how to play and would like a game as I did find it enjoyable. We
  also have not spoken about games on the Iphone either. One game which I would certainly recommend as a perfect brain exercise is lost citties. With elements of both stack solitare and uno, its a very unique game and requires some definite planning and risk assessment, I also like the fact that being on the Iphone I can pull it out and take a turn when I want.Of course various other games involve stratogy elements not reliant on real time action, such as the recently released smugglers invasionn with its new skills system (indeed I spent close to 36 hours playing smugglers 3 once, getting entirely lost in the trading and economic calculations), however I personally would say for pure mental exercise its best not to have too much by way of external distractions, and also to have a game with rules that are easy to apply.URL:

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