Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Questions about CVS locations and GID...

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 12:14:30AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:00:12 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Beyond that, there is the shebang issue which can be addresses via a 
 | combination of automated scans/fixes, and fixing bugs as it's hit.  
 | Hardcoded vars in scripts for the path to a binary are an issue also, 
 | although again, scans can be done to at least check for it.
 This one's a far bigger issue than might be initially obvious. It would
 involve rewriting a whole load of autotools innards...
Clarify.  My knowledge of autotool innards is that it relies on $PATH 
for lookup of the tools it uses.

 | Leaves mangling the build process so that the build framework of the 
 | package uses the prefix offset files, rather then / .  For c/c++ 
 | source, usual trick from fink afaik involves a mangling of cflags
 | with -I tacked in.  Kinda ugly, although I'd expect there is a better 
 | route.
 Again, autoconf tinkering.
Statement above is from digging through generated configure script.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Questions about CVS locations and GID...

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 12:38:35AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:22:37 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 12:14:30AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 |  On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:00:12 -0500 Brian Harring
 |  wrote:
 |  | Beyond that, there is the shebang issue which can be addresses
 |  | via a combination of automated scans/fixes, and fixing bugs as
 |  | it's hit. Hardcoded vars in scripts for the path to a binary are
 |  | an issue also, although again, scans can be done to at least
 |  | check for it.
 |  This one's a far bigger issue than might be initially obvious. It
 |  would involve rewriting a whole load of autotools innards...
 | Clarify.  My knowledge of autotool innards is that it relies on $PATH 
 | for lookup of the tools it uses.
 It does in some places, it doesn't in others. It especially doesn't for
 things that aren't normally found via PATH. It's a hell of a mess.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Questions about CVS locations and GID...

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 01:13:53AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:40:46 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  It does in some places, it doesn't in others. It especially doesn't
 |  for things that aren't normally found via PATH. It's a hell of a
 |  mess.
 | Examples?
 Of stuff in PATH? /bin/sh is assumed throughout to be a Bourne
 compatible shell (and SHELL and CONFIG_SHELL aren't universally
 honoured). uname, hostname and sed are called with hard paths (with
 various fallbacks) in several early on stages. Of stuff not in path?
 There's no standard and widely used way of digging up where libexec
 tools are.
What's being raised here is issues with making ebuilds handle prefix 
_perfectly_.  Where are the portage issues, so that people can 
actually jump in and start testing out actual solutions, rather then 
conjecturing about what may or may not break?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Questions about CVS locations and GID...

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 02:23:47AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 20:17:40 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  The issue is that you need to fix autoconf before you can claim that
 |  any non-trivial test case works correctly.
 | And how are you going to verify autoconf works perfectly without 
 | testing it?
 Can't. Dead easy to verify that it will break without testing it,
 though. Just look at the source.
Break is a bit heavy, considering autoconf's usage of /bin/sh is 
pretty limited in terms of syntax.  Looking at the source, it'll 
revert to / for certain bins.  

A forced autoreconf with a patched autoconf/autotools 
is required, but again, doesn't do jack with out testing.

 | The point I'm making is that the only thing required of *portage*, is 
 | the prefix var being used internally, and handed down to the ebuilds.
 | Ironing out the ebuild cruft is left to those who want it.  Again, 
 | where is the hold up for *portage*?
 That's rather short-sighted... Portage is irrelevant without the

And ebuilds are irrelevant without portage.  Point?
My point experimentation can start for addressing the issues you keep 
pointing at still stands.

 | What's the problem?  Why the 101 holes before they even can attempt 
 | it?  If you're after shooting the idea down (as I suspect), state so 
 | rather then death by a thousand cuts.  Saves us time, really.
 | Hell, haubi's patch already lays the ground work for testing it.  I'm 
 | not seeing why you're being negative about people even working on it.
 Because a botched solution is worse than no solution at all. You've
 seen the mess we end up with when people start working with a
 half-arsed initial setup.

Well plan the sucker out then, as you advocated, or sit back and let 
them jump in and start working it out.

Perhaps they'll decide it's completely unworkable (I doubt it, 
considering the fact fink's crappy handling of building has made it 
this far), or perhaps they'll get it working and you won't have as 
many holes to point at.

Regardless, it's their time to spend working on it.  Either chip in, 
or offer _constructive_ advice, or plain step back and let them try to 
get it working.

Note the constructive.  Stating it won't work and pulling a new reason 
why isn't constructive, pointing out each issue as you see it so they 
can address it (if it's an issue) is a bit more constructive.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Questions about CVS locations and GID...

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 02:40:58AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 20:32:20 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Portage is considerably less work than the tree. Saving as much effort
 as possible from an ebuild perspective should be a major consideration,
 even if it makes the portage side more complicated. Think of how all
 the ebuild-related problems are going to be solved first. Don't leave
 it as an afterthought.
Round and round we go.

The ebuild related problems aren't going to be solved in portage till 
someone has a general solution that can be pushed into 
portage/ base template.  That's something that requires 
people diving in and screwing with it.

 | My point experimentation can start for addressing the issues you keep 
 | pointing at still stands.
 The sensible place to start experimenting is by adapting existing
 ebuilds and tinkering with, not by adding something which may
 or may not end up being relevant to portage proper.

Bluntly, what the hell do you think we're talking about here?  In case 
you haven't caught on, there *are* portage modifications that have to 
go with it, meaning more then

Regardless, I'll backport haubi's patch to stable if anyone is after 
screwing with it, unless michael's has a version that applies cleanly 
to .53_rc4.  Enough dancing, would rather hand it off to those who are 
interested, and see what they come up with rather then fencing via 
email (and accomplishing nothing).

Michael, got anything I can mold to .5*, or just backport the 2.1 mod?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Questions about CVS locations and GID...

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 03:01:12AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 20:48:26 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  The sensible place to start experimenting is by adapting existing
 |  ebuilds and tinkering with, not by adding something which
 |  may or may not end up being relevant to portage proper.
 | Bluntly, what the hell do you think we're talking about here?  In
 | case you haven't caught on, there *are* portage modifications that
 | have to go with it, meaning more then
snip lots of you're doing something I think is dumb/I don't 
agree/slams at pvdabeel/lv/others who have attempted things in the tree

Clarification of two things.

First- this is external, including the patch.  So comparing it to 
attempts that were done in a live tree is a bit of 
intentional bullshit/rhetoric.  

The entire intention of this is to work it out, *outside* of the tree, 
something those involved know.  You seem to be out of the loop, not 
surprising considering your attitude towards this whole attempt.

Second- Not having a clue about what the full set of modifications are 
going to be until you solve the ebuild side of it is *exactly* why 
people have to jump in and actually test the damn thing.  You can solve 
as much of it up front as you know will be an issue, testing will reveal the 
additional issues.  Under your suggested route, nothing is 
accomplished (potentially the reason you're suggesting all issues up 
front be addressed regardless of whether or not if they'll actually 
_be_ issues).

What you're offering as a proposed/sane route is a route that produces 
nothing due to the fact you think everything must be solved up front, 
regardless if it turns out to be an issue or not (let alone 
identifying everything that may or may not be an issue) .  Get the 
basic portage support up, they iron out the base mods initially needed, 
and jump in and identify the bugs that crop up further.

Essentially, lets see how well this actually works out, rather then 
listening to you run your mouth about how it's a bad idea whenever it 
comes up, and all of these things will be issues (/bin/sh usage isn't 
an issue for the initial test target of osx).

Either way, they're doing the work, you aren't, and you really don't 
have *any* say over their efforts until they finalize a solution 
and bring it to *devs* (not just you) for merging into mainline.

So bluntly, shut up and let those who you think are being retarded, 
be retarded.  Discussions on this list regarding those attempts 
shouldn't be heckled unless you're contributing to those efforts (and 
I truly mean *contributing*, not trying to punch holes in embryonic 
efforts that are trying to get off the ground addressing the major 
issues up front).

Regardless, your points (repeatedly restated in the varying forms) 
have been noted, and those who are interested have no reason to not 
move forward with ironing out an implementation, and testing it.

I suggest you sit quietly and let them do their work, rather then 
riding their asses.

You might be surprised at what they come up with. 

If/When they push for inclusion, the merits of their efforts their 
solution (and outstanding issues) will be evaluated then.  Back 
off and let them do their work, it's not affecting you in anyway, so 
again, you really don't have any say in it till they push for 

So... yeah.  I'll post the prefix support backport patch once it's 
done, few days I'd expect since there is a fair amount of autotooling 
to deal with also.

Those interested, I suggest you chip in, whether to spite ciaran 
(good or bad reasons, doesn't matter, result does :), or to get this 
feature you want realized.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Questions about CVS locations and GID...

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 02:14:32PM +1000, Finn Thain wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Kito wrote:
  My first question would be how to identify ebuilds that respect ${prefix}?
  A separate profile/keyword seems wrong.
  ICANINSTALLTO was the best idea presented, but that implies it would be 
  a list of known working prefixes, which seems unrealistic.
 What problem was ICANINSTALLTO intended to solve? IIRC, it was discussed 
 on -dev in the context of vim plug-ins. Apart from vim plugins, has anyone 
 found other problem packages?
 I'm wondering, would a constraint to the effect that certain deps of pkg 
 foo must be on the same prefix as foo suffice for the vim plugin case?
 Or maybe that would work better if expressed, pkg blah can not satisfy a 
 dep from any pkg on a different prefix. Such constraints would be 
 possible to implement with a new file in the profile (say, package.local).
That gets into more of ciaran's HOME installation target feature.
Current form for global prefix offset is
DOMAIN=root offset , with offset == prefix offset.

If an ebuild doesn't have DOMAIN=offset, and you're doing a prefix 
offset, it's unusable.  No question of can I use a dep from another 
prefix, with prefix offset you're doing the deps full in an offset.

As stated earlier in this mess of a thread, HOME crap is being left to 
those who want it, it'll be implemented by those who want it after 
global prefix is ironed out (if it is accepted also).

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[gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] bug 107770 ebuild screwing up A when executing phase by phase

2005-10-04 Thread Brian Harring
Quicky description of the bug is that A was being defined to '' in the 
ebuild env; due to the fact automatically stomps the current 
passed in env with the previous env (it's bad, we know it already :), 
this resulted in A getting auto set to a bad value, and the value 

Attached is a patch that fixes this particular issue.  Old bug from 
the looks of it also, since that declare's been there for quite some 

Already in svn also, posting for those interested, and those affected.
Index: bin/
--- bin/   (revision 2082)
+++ bin/   (working copy)
@@ -1733,8 +1733,10 @@
-declare -r PORTAGE_TMPDIR
+   [[ ${!x-UNSET_VAR} != UNSET_VAR ]]  declare -r ${!x}
+unset x
 # Turn of extended glob matching so that g++ doesn't get incorrectly matched.
 shopt -u extglob

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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] bug 107770 ebuild screwing up A when executing phase by phase

2005-10-04 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 09:17:22AM -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
Responding to myself, because I'm an idiot, attached is the correct 
Index: bin/
--- bin/   (revision 2082)
+++ bin/   (working copy)
@@ -1733,8 +1733,10 @@
-declare -r PORTAGE_TMPDIR
+   [[ ${!x-UNSET_VAR} != UNSET_VAR ]]  declare -r ${x}
+unset x
 # Turn of extended glob matching so that g++ doesn't get incorrectly matched.
 shopt -u extglob

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Re: [gentoo-dev] lights on internals

2005-10-03 Thread Brian Harring
On Sun, Oct 02, 2005 at 11:07:13PM +0200, Francesco R wrote:
 The ready to cut ebuild at the bottom print it's environment (variable
 and functions) to a bunch of files into /var/tmp/fakebuild/.
 May be useful for who want to have a look at what and when is
 avaible during the various emerge phases (but not limited to).
 print_env() {
 local fakebuild_output_dir=/var/tmp/fakebuild
 mkdir -p ${fakebuild_output_dir} || die
 [[ -z ${fakebuild_progr} ]]  fakebuild_progr=100
 fakebuild_progr=$(( $fakebuild_progr +1 ))
 export fakebuild_progr
 local fakebuild_ext=${1}.${fakebuild_progr}
 # not sorting, break multiline vars
 einfo ${fakebuild_output_dir}/env_${fakebuild_ext}
 env \
 # Remove egrep and sort to see the source of every fx
 einfo ${fakebuild_output_dir}/fxlist_${fakebuild_ext}
 typeset \
 | egrep '^\b.* \(\)' \
 | sort \

This won't work as you expect.  Env is a binary, it only gets 
the exported env.

Elaborate on the what and when bit also, since the env that's dumped 
to varies depending on a lot of things.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Interactive emerge

2005-10-03 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 07:39:05PM +0200, Jan Kundr?t wrote:
 Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
  On Mon, 3 Oct 2005 23:15:37 +0900 Georgi Georgiev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  | Does it seem like it is time for RESTRICT=interactive. Such ebuilds
  | would refuse to emerge if stdout is not a tty. If only there was
  | use-flag based RESTRICT...
  No, because then that would encourage even more people to abuse the
  system and write incorrect ebuilds.
 IMHO this could be enforced by some policy (don't use
 RESTRICT=interactive unless you really need it and some_group has given
 you the ok)...

Ebuilds are non-interactive compile/install... that's the design, and 
intention of them.

I don't like opening the possibility for people to use it, mainly due 
to the fact
A) give me an instance when it's required for compile
B) interactive build scripts are idiotic (writing expect scripts for a 
tinderbox setup is proof enough of this)
C) 15 hour upgrade/build, hanging an hour into it is going to be an 
ass biter.

Yes, we can slap some warning into the UI tools for C, but people will 
still miss it on occasion, and it'll piss them off something fierce 
(just the same as a single failure in building results in emerge 

It's a bad idea from where I sit.

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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] EAPI cleanups and fixes

2005-10-03 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 01:06:35AM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
 Don't like the size of this patch, but it's quite repetitive so...
Wouldn't worry on the repetitive, it's repetitive due to the fact the 
*dbapi classes don't (ab|)use inheritance...

 * Make all aux_get() functions return a list of strings again
Why is this a good thing for EAPI?

 * Move the EAPI validity check into a separate function
 * Raise a specific UnsupportedAPIException instead of plain Exception
 * Mark metadata of unsupported EAPIs as INVALID rather than -1

This doesn't really fly imo. You mark it as invalid, and _no_ portage 
version (regardless of it's ability to handle that EAPI) will _ever_ 
regenerate that entry.

An old portage version updating the cache would make certain nodes 
never usable.

The -1 is wrong, should be -EAPI.  This however is getting back into 
the eapi should be freeform, not just ints, which I thought I 
clarified why it should be ints (or people shut up instead of 
listening to me argue it). :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] EAPI cleanups and fixes

2005-10-03 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 08:27:09AM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
 On Tuesday 04 October 2005 03:30, Brian Harring wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 01:06:35AM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
   Don't like the size of this patch, but it's quite repetitive so...
  Wouldn't worry on the repetitive, it's repetitive due to the fact the
  *dbapi classes don't (ab|)use inheritance...
   * Make all aux_get() functions return a list of strings again
  Why is this a good thing for EAPI?
 Consistency. There is no mapping of names to types so any tool that uses 
 aux_get to enumerate values and assumes that they are strings (as they have 
 always been and still are for every other key) would break.

What tools are querying EAPI via aux_get already?  I'm not much for 
making it a string purely because everything else is strings.

   * Move the EAPI validity check into a separate function
   * Raise a specific UnsupportedAPIException instead of plain Exception

 No problem with these two?
Cleaner, so nope, no complaints.

   * Mark metadata of unsupported EAPIs as INVALID rather than -1
  This doesn't really fly imo. You mark it as invalid, and _no_ portage
  version (regardless of it's ability to handle that EAPI) will _ever_
  regenerate that entry.
  An old portage version updating the cache would make certain nodes
  never usable.
  The -1 is wrong, should be -EAPI. 
 So negative numbers signals invalid cache entries in the scheme?

sort of.  Indication of what EAPI capable portage is needed that is 
capable of regenerating that entry correctly.

This gets back to why the original patch was doing =0 tests.

  This however is getting back into 
  the eapi should be freeform, not just ints, which I thought I
  clarified why it should be ints (or people shut up instead of
  listening to me argue it). :)
 The only reasoning that I recall without checking is that it wouldn't 
 complicate certain code paths. That's not a valid reason, in my opinion.
 Can leave that debate alone though. s/INVALID/\-1/ in the patch works for me.

-EAPI... -1 implies 3.x would be capable of regenerating it (may not 
be the case).

It was partially code simplicity, but moreso it's sanity from where I 
sit.  Refinements of specs, packages, projects, whatever, is numerical 
and increasing to indicate later revisions.
EAPI=the horny toad ain't going to happen (nor should it), imo.

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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Improved user information and communication

2005-10-01 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 11:57:01PM +0200, Daniel Stiefelmaier wrote:
 man emerge provides information on possible options, why should there 
 not be a way to get information on an ebuilds option???
 because emerge is the tool, not the object. You wouldn't expect the 
 openoffice documentation to cover examples for different kinds of 
 letters, would you?
 err.. i think you got me wrong... i do not expect emerge to have a 
 built-in list of use flags.
 The description should be in the .ebuilds or metadata.xml
 But i hope you do agree, that eix or emerge are the appropriate tools to 
 dig such information.

Nope, I don't agree.  

 (maybe eix more than emerge)
 Just like emerge -vv will print information about the ebuild 
 maintainers in future release, if i got that right.

Lifted from metadata.xml .

Jamming a 'built-in list of use flags' into ebuilds/metadata.xml first 
of all is vague, second of all is going to jack up the tree's size, 
third of all will lead to a buttload of redundant information across 
the tree.

So... nail it down, instead of the vague eix/emerge should do this.
If you're suggesting it read use.* info from profiles/use.*, state so.

 The useflag xprint sounds like printing support, but doesn't tell 
 if you need it if you use cups or the kde-printing system or... 
 ~ $ grep xprint /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc
 xprint - Support for xprint,
 what do you need more?
 - ease of use
 - elegance
Eye of the beholder, not an objective point
 - not need to know about every portage file (especially if new to gentoo)
 - time efficiency (for dozens of flags)
for x in flag1 flag2 flag3; do grep /usr/portage/profiles/use.*; done
 - non-global flags
See above.

 eix also provides only information that you could grep in a more or less 
 elegant way.
 or using google...

Portage does you mean, since eix is just a tool that read directly 
from portage underlying files (and is going to get boned by portage 
changes to the underlying cache at some point).

Use ufed, is my opinion on this, or write a tool/extension of existing 

 Why do you think just because YOU don't need it, noone will?
 This is not a personal debate. The most important reason I see against 
 this idea is that portage is a package manager, not a documentation 

What you're not groking here is that people work on 
A) what they find interesting
B) what they think *needs* to be done.

Via that ordering, the subjective bit you're throwing out is nulled; 
use flag display is minor compared to fixing portage's screwups from 
where I sit.

Additionally turning the question,
Why do you think just because YOU think it's needed, others will?

 most programs, even those for gurus, print information about their 
 option or AT LEAST how to GET information. still, these programs are 
 not a documentation center.

This makes no sense.

 Why should the ebuild contain links to documentation? To be honest, 
 not even the HOMEPAGE info is needed, it's just for the user's 
 even emerge is just for the user's convenience
 even distributions are just for the user's convenience, who needs them?
 i never heard someone argueing that a feature is needless because it is 
 features are there to be convenient.

Stretching the example to the extreme doesn't prove your point (don't 
do it if you want people to actually respond).

 I tend to refer to the UNIX principle: The right tool for the right 
 job. For your problem, google (or any other search engine of course) 
 is the right tool.
 what should i say? don't you have bookmarks of good sites? do you always 
 google for them?
 of course you will get what you want in many cases but not always.
 another unix principle is that everybody can do everything the way he 
 likes. in this case, i prefer to have a readers choice instead of 
 googling and digging the perls.

You've got the unix principle slightly wrong there- implicit is that 
if no alternative exists, the person persuing the alternative 
*implements* it themselves rather then riding others to do it.

 also, i agree that emerge may not be the right tool for that. may be 
 eix or a new one.
 what this is about, is including additional information (only one link 
 that will not hurt you) in the ebuilds or metadata.xml

Guessing you're not aware of the cache, nor the dtd for metadata.xml
Slapping stuff into the cache requires portage modifications, both for 
the package and for the rsync cache generation.

It can be done, but the question before doing it is exactly what this 
is going to yield, is it really the right route, and what is going to 
be broken by this (since tools *do* read directly from cache entries 
even if it's daft to do so).

 Do you think we're all sadists?
 No, but hard to believe that you are not ignorant against people
 - that like to have features you personally find useless
 - that may be not using linux since 

[gentoo-dev] deprecation of SANDBOX_DISABLED

2005-09-28 Thread Brian Harring

Subject says it all; SANDBOX_DISABLED functions as (essentially) 
RESTRICT=sandbox, except sandbox is left on for pkg_setup .

This is pretty much redundant, considering it's usage.  People stick 
it in the global scope; if you _must_ turn off the sandbox for a 
specific phase, use SANDBOX_ON=0/1 instead.  If you need to disable 
sandbox across the board, restrict=sandbox is your friend.

Since there are still ebuilds in the tree that would be schmooked by 
it, it's not going to hit in the coming version, but I'd expect it to 
be dead next version after unless people have a really good reason why 
it should live on.

So... thoughts?  Yes it's minor, but it's a matter of cleaning 
up/simplifying portage code, and removing redundancy.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] How to create SRC_URI from messed-up URL?

2005-09-28 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 12:46:36AM -0400, Dave Nebinger wrote:
 Hey, folks.
 I'm trying to write an ebuild, not my first, but definitely something
 that is relatively new to me.
 Anyways, I've got the following URL that pulls down the source package:
 The file that gets downloaded is fpdf153.tgz.
 Well, that messed up dl.php?... stuff results in the file
 /usr/portage/distfiles/dl.php?v=153?f=tgz rather than the fpdf153.tgz
 that I need it to be called.
 So how do I 'trick' portage into downloading the file from the given
 link to the fpdf153.tgz file I want to have?
You don't.  It would require addition of ${FILE} to the 

 Or am I stuck with the fetch restriction and have the end-user download
 the file manually?
Note in the bug that you submit this ebuild in, that the file needs to 
be downloaded and uploaded by a dev (with the SRC_URI changed over to 
mirror://gentoo/fpdf153.tgz).  Please don't attach the src for the 
pkg, just tag the url for it into the bug :)

It sucks, but it's the usual way of dealing with screwy upstream urls.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Dirt: To shove under the rug or not shove under the rug? (aka another round of USE_EXPAND)

2005-09-27 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 09:07:00AM -0500, Kito wrote:
 [Portage devs please don't throw rocks at me]
All out of rocks :/

 My impression of the userland, elibc, and kernel use expanded vars is  
 it was a quick way to sidestep some of the issues with GLEP22... it  
 would seem the full keywords have still not been taken advantage of.  
 From the ebuild perspective, if the profile has a keyword of x86- 
 fbsd-bsd-fbsd, there is no clean way to just do a conditional based  
 on a 'Keyword Fragment' as there are obviously namespace collisions.
 Ideal to me would be syntax something like:
   kernel !fbsd  foo
   libc glibc || bar
   userland darwin  boof

Bash side of it's pretty easy to implement however needed, the problem 
here (and why imo USE_EXPAND came into existance) is getting those 
conditional nodes into the dep syntax evaluation without trampling 
other use vars.

And *-*-*-fbsd as a conditional node sucks in depends, is ugly, oh so 
ugly.  :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] default logger

2005-09-27 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 08:27:34AM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 10:39 +0200, Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 10:31:04AM +0200, Jan Kundr??t wrote:
   our documentation [1] lists syslog-ng as the default system logger
   while current profiles uses metalog (except embedded, default-macos/ppc,
   default-darwin and sparc32). What should be changed, Handbook or profiles?
  I think we should recommend syslog-ng over metalog, both in
  documentation and in profiles, due to the fact that most software,
  howtos and tutorials expect the system log to be located in

Most software howtos, and tutorials about init scripts don't apply to 
_our_ init scripts.

Nor do any howtos/tutorials for other pkg formats, apply to _our_ pkg 
manager. ;)

 Agreed.  It should be syslog-ng.  If nobody objects, I'll change it in

Objecting, obviously ;)

Basically... why?

I'm neither advocating being different to be different, nor following 
others so howtos about their stuff fit to ours.  I'm after 
the underlying reasons why general users should be using syslog-ng over 
metalog in contrast to the fact we've recommended metalog as long as 
I've been around.  That and I happen to like metalog's layout, 
strangely enough ;)

I'd rather see reasons listed as to why syslog-ng is a superior 
default for users who (most likely) don't care, then we lack 
/var/log/messages :)

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Re: [gentoo-dev] default logger

2005-09-27 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 01:47:49PM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 September 2005 01:29 pm, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
  On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 11:57 -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
   I'd rather see reasons listed as to why syslog-ng is a superior
   default for users who (most likely) don't care, then we lack
   /var/log/messages :)
  Besides the /var/log/messages thing, which I think is a non-argument,
  there is syslog-ng's ability to be usable by anyone.  It works great for
  servers, it works great for desktops.  It works as a loghost.  It works
  for remote logging.  Essentially, it has all of the features that users
  would want.  It also has all of the features that administrators would
  want.  It is flexible and powerful.
 how exactly is this an argument for syslog ?  metalog has all these features 
 (and more) except for remote logging ...

Additionally, metalog (afaik) won't be depending on glib, like 
=syslog-ng 1.9.

Keep in mind I'm talking only defaults here (iow, use whatever is best 
for your needs).

Re: it being a temporary change that should be undone, it's been 
around long enough I won't call it 'temporary' at this point.

Merits vs well, we recommend/did this a while back and were going to 
reverse it mainly.

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[gentoo-dev] portageq in global scope == die

2005-09-27 Thread Brian Harring
Hola all.

The short version of it is that there is no good reason to be using 
has_version/portageq in the global scope; it's slow, it's not allowed, 
and any attempts to change metadata via it screw up the build plan.  

It's really a no go... so next version of portage will trigger an 
immediate die whenever portageq is called in the global scope.  Won't 
be possible to pull it off globally, in other words.

The logic for this comes down to the reasons raised above; mainly, 
it's a snake in the grass for bugs.

Those affected by it I've filed bugs against (check your email iow); 
in the meantime, giving people a heads up on this one.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Commercial software in portage

2005-09-22 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 09:30:20AM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
 On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 17:55 -0500, Lance Albertson wrote:
  Is this just a one-off implementation until GLEP 23 is implemented, or
  something that will complement it? Whats going to happen to this data
  after GLEP23 gets implemented? I'd hate to see something added simply
  because its a quick one-off solution to make something work. I'd rather
  see people focus on the actual GLEP and moving it along. Of course, if
  this data will just be an added feature of GLEP23, I don't see a problem.
 This really has nothing to do with GLEP23, as it isn't related to any
 kind of grouping, or ACCEPT_LICENSE.  It is simply a marker to say to
 our users: Hey, you have to buy this for it to work.  That is
 something that GLEP23 does not provide for in any way.

Actually, it does have to deal with glep23, and you already stated in 
one of you emails (an interim solution *now* since I've not heard 
anything from GLEP23 for some time).

Further, where do you think you're going to migrate the check for this 
license to?

FYI, accept_license checks have been sitting in svn/cvs for about a 
month, same as use deps.  No, you can't use them now in a released 
portage, but that's not much of a reason to introduce a fake license
I'm sitting.  Further, a better approach instead of people adhocing 
yet another band aid in the tree would be to chip in- you want glep23?  
help bring the *proper*, agreed upon solution to a stable portage, not 
taking the easier route.

The suggested intention of this fake license is also a bit daft imo; 
what is LICENSE, the metadata?  The license the underlying pkg is 
released under.  Commercial is supposed to be mean it costs money, 
well, how are you going to deal with opera?  Flip off the commercial 
license now?

The original proposed angle (glep23 implementation isn't here) is 
jumping the gun, and the angle of it indicates it costs money isn't 
proper either.

You want to indicate that this *specific* pkg costs money 
(something not related to the license it's released under I might 
add)?   Stick it in metadata.xml or DESCRIPTION.

License has a specific meaning- aside from the fact you're shoving an
additional license requirement on people when glep23 hits, you're also 
blocking anyone from using that as a license group do to the fact you 
already introduced a psuedo license in instead of a *proper* groupping.

So... my 2 cents?  No (was obvious already, wasn't it? :)

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Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] C++ herd proposal

2005-09-20 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 10:01:39AM +0300, Alin Nastac wrote:
 Georgi Georgiev wrote:
 maillog: 20/09/2005-09:37:23(+0300): Alin Nastac types
 Georgi Georgiev wrote:
 - that package in my overlay that has net-wireless/gnome-phone-manager
  in its *DEPENDs to work for as long as needed
 gnome-phone-manager can be found in portage tree under app-mobilephone
 So that's why my overlay got screwed up!
 But seriously, this only supports my point -- category moves are evil.

 portage isn't supposed to offer eternal functionality status for
 personal overlays.

 what if an eclass gets obsoleted and eventually is
 removed from the tree?
Pull from viewcvs.  I assume you're talking about portage =2.1 
capabilities, since you *cannot* remove an eclass from the tree once 
it's been added currently.

 the only problem is binary packages screw up.
Binpkgs should be running from their own env, they should be stand 
alone not requiring even a tree.

Back on subject... I *really* don't like categories.  Single vdb, 
single repo, single binpkg, it's not horrible.  Multiple true, 
standalone repos, with the occasional binpkg repo used?  It makes 
doing the category move *really* rather hard, since you need to track 
down exactly which repository and ebuild came from.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Resolution - GTK Useflag Situation

2005-09-19 Thread Brian Harring
On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 03:48:43PM +, John N. Laliberte wrote:
 * but you are taking away choice! - If a program has both GTK2 and GTK3
 interfaces, there are many ways to allow for testing of the experimental
 interface.  For instance, package.mask with a revision number.

package.mask isn't a perfect fit  from where I sit; if it's already merged 
(say for development), but the developer has masked gtk-3, all pkgs 
that prefer gtk-3 will continue linking against it till gtk-3 is 
unmerged regardless of the masking.

Part of the reason I prefer use flags here; aside from that, use flags 
aren't features, strictly conditionals (intentionally vague) :)

 * use the proper, built in methods for this: add =x11-libs/gtk+-1* to

If merged, need to unmerge it to block any further linking to it if 
using || () deps.

Issues above aren't blockers at all, just pointing it out since it 
does have a minor downside, one that should be mentioned in any 
documentation that tells people how to migrate from gtk(N-1) to gtkN.  
There are some downsides that should probably be made clear.

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[gentoo-portage-dev] PATCH glep31 checking

2005-09-19 Thread Brian Harring
Hola. the details the bug -- the patch

Attached the patch also; one additional tweak is that file.size is now 
a fatal check, since the tree seem's to finally be clean.
Index: repoman
--- repoman (revision 1992)
+++ repoman (working copy)
@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@
 sys.path = [/usr/lib/portage/pym]+sys.path
+allowed_filename_chars_set = {}
+map(allowed_filename_chars_set.setdefault, map(chr, range(ord('a'), 
+map(allowed_filename_chars_set.setdefault, map(chr, range(ord('A'), 
+map(allowed_filename_chars_set.setdefault, map(chr, range(ord('0'), 
+map(allowed_filename_chars_set.setdefault, map(chr, map(ord, [., -, _, 
+, :])))
 import string,signal,re,pickle,tempfile
 import portage
@@ -21,6 +28,8 @@
 import portage_dep
 import cvstree
 import time
+import codecs
 from output import *
 #bold, darkgreen, darkred, green, red, turquoise, yellow
@@ -85,6 +94,8 @@
filedir.missing:Package lacks a files directory,
file.executable:Ebuilds, digests, metadata.xml, Manifest, and 
ChangeLog do note need the executable bit,
file.size:Files in the files directory must be under 20k,
+ name must be composed of only the following 
chars: %s  % allowed_filename_chars,
+   file.UTF8:File is not UTF8 compliant,
KEYWORDS.missing:Ebuilds that have a missing KEYWORDS variable,
LICENSE.missing:Ebuilds that have a missing LICENSE variable,
DESCRIPTION.missing:Ebuilds that have a missing DESCRIPTION 
@@ -146,7 +157,6 @@
@@ -663,6 +673,29 @@
stats[file.executable] += 1
+   for y in checkdirlist:
+   for c in y.strip(os.path.sep):
+   if c not in allowed_filename_chars_set:
+   stats[] += 1
+   fails[].append(%s/%s: char '%s' % 
(checkdir, y, c))
+   break
+   if not (y in (ChangeLog, metadata.xml) or 
+   continue
+   try:
+   line = 1
+   for l in, r, utf8):
+   line +=1
+   except UnicodeDecodeError, ue:
+   stats[file.UTF8] += 1
+   s = ue.object[:ue.start]
+   l2 = s.count(\n)
+   line += l2
+   if l2 != 0:
+   s = s[s.rfind(\n) + 1:]
+   fails[file.UTF8].append(%s/%s: line %i, just after: 
'%s' % (checkdir, y, line, s))
if isCvs:
@@ -799,6 +832,13 @@
stats[file.size] += 1
str(mystat.st_size/1024) + K) +x+/files/+y)
+   for c in y.strip(os.path.sep):
+   if c not in allowed_filename_chars_set:
+   stats[] += 1
+   fails[].append(%s/%s: char 
'%s' % (checkdir, y, c))
+   break
if ChangeLog not in checkdirlist:

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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] PATCH glep31 checking

2005-09-19 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 04:12:08PM -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
 Attached the patch also; one additional tweak is that file.size is now 
 a fatal check, since the tree seem's to finally be clean.
Dropped the file.size becoming fatal change on the bug, and intend to 
for the final version.

Either tweak the patch yourself, or gank it from the bug... it's a one 
line reversion. :)

Pls test, kthx.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] first council meeting

2005-09-17 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 11:28:03AM +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
 The 30-day could be calculated from the $Header: of ebuilds that have
 no UNSTABLE, or where it's empty.

Doesn't work for N arches keywording, or ebuild dev doing minor 
syntax touch ups.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] first council meeting

2005-09-16 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 08:14:08PM +0200, Martin Schlemmer wrote:
 On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 19:42 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
  On Friday 16 September 2005 00:20, Mike Frysinger wrote:
   actually this is came up in the meeting as something we would like to see
   spelled out explicitly ... either as a GLEP itself or as a policy update 
   current stabilization practices
   the GLEP was approved on the grounds that we need an x86 team and that it
   needs to be treated as any other arch ... arch team interaction with
   maintainers should be spelled out clearly rather than part of a single
   sentence '... or make individual arrangements with the x86 arch team.'
  Ok, I do think that we will need a way for the maintainer to indicate that 
  package is stable. I'd be happy to leave stabilizing out of my hands, but I 
  wouldn't want my packages to be stabilized before I deem it stable.
 File a bug if the arches (or main ones at least) haven't picked it up
 yet?  Will make the problem of missing some or other keyword minimal
 (especially for some obscure package not often used).
I would prefer this route, personally.

Jamming a maint keyword into the ebuild is kind of ugly from where I 
sit :)

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Clarification of packages cd's for 2005.1

2005-09-16 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 08:23:47AM +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
 Thanks for the clarification Chris.
 On a semi-related matter I was looking for the catalyst .spec files, and
 see a thread pointing at cvs, however I believe that as a non-dev mortal I
 can't get access to gentoo cvs. Is that so? If it is then how does one get
 the spec files? The old catalyst howto seems to have disappeared too. 

Is a start ;)

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Council meeting, Thursday 15th, 1900 UTC

2005-09-14 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 04:38:04PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:42:43 +0200 Thierry Carrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Before debating if the QA team should have more power to enforce,
 | let's just have a proper QA project. Apparently not much devs want to
 | do QA, not sure telling them they will do QA+police will help in
 | motivating them.
 Part of the problem with that is that people who *would* normally do QA
 think it's pretty much futile right now anyway, since the worst
 offenders just carry on breaking things no matter how often they're
 asked to stop...

I'd agree; this is the reason I stopped auditing eclasses a year back.

We've had bugs where flat out invalid deps (DEPEND dependant on 
has_version calls) sat for 2 years, *despite* QA/portage devs laying 
it on thick that this is totally invalid.

That's not even getting into user complaints.

There are people doing QA, the problem historically has been getting 
people who don't care to fix their stuff.  That's a *really* quick way 
to burn out people doing QA; the fact that there is a problem, but 
they have no means beyond nagging to get the offender to fix their 
mess.  There's only so much nagging one can do before they say screw 
it, and wander off to do something a bit more productive.

If QA actually had some power beyond a pissed off member complaining 
to devrel, I'd expect you would see those burnt out by past attempts 
starting again.  I'd be game for resuming auditing of eclasses, 

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Bug 80905

2005-09-13 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 03:24:38PM +0200, Frank Schafer wrote:
 this bug is from 2005-02-05. It was reported again (in this thread)
 2005-02-10. I hit the same behavior 2005-09-08.
 internal compiler error: segmentation fault during emerge Xorg
 The bug is simply reproducible (emerge Xorg) at the same line of code.
 The bug is still marked as NEW. Donnie Berkholz replied 2005-02-10 with:
 Could you humor me and try with a vanilla kernel?
 My questions here: Does someone have a look at this? I think a not
 installable Xorg is severe enough to mark it as CRITICAL.
 Does someone know if it's worth a try with the vanilla and if vanilla
 here means a really vanilla from or if it's sufficient to get
 the (too patched and thus not so vanilla) vanilla-sources.
 Please be kind with me regarding to the fact that I'm posting here. On
 the gentoo mailing list I get only replies like: You probably have
 faulty memory. If THIS would be the fact the bug would show up randomly
 in different ebuilds or at least at different lines of code.

Granted Donnie is a miserable so and so, but his advice is 

To get an ICE (what you're getting) requires either
1) faulty hardware.  proc going nuts, mem going nuts
2) faulty kernel
3) faulty toolchain

Reproducability of a failure across reboots kind of indicates 1 as not 
being the case, leaving 2, and 3.

ICE's are pretty much *never* the fault of the source; the source may 
expose a toolchain bug, but it's not the sources fault.  

You don't blame an email for crashing your email client, you blame your 
email client for horking up and segfaulting, instead of gracefully 
failing in the face of potentially wrong input.

Note I'm not stating the source is the fault here, just trying to 
clarify that ICE's pretty much are indicative of 
hardware/kernel/toolchain being nuts, not the source that's being 

So... try his suggestion.  Yes it's annoying, but frankly addressing 
your issues here pretty much requires poking at the options above, 
seeing if one of them makes compilation stop ICE'ing.  If it does, 
then you back track and figure out what changed... etc.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Council meeting, Thursday 15th, 1900 UTC

2005-09-13 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 05:02:45PM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
 On Tuesday 13 September 2005 04:43 pm, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
  Mike Frysinger wrote:
   this side note is unrelated to the point being made and really belongs in
   the previous discussions on the devrel list
   besides, is this a bad thing ?  i'd prefer to have devs settle crap
   themselves than ever contacting devrel :P
  It's very relevant, because it supports the idea of QA taking care of
  technical issues on its own. QA can work faster since it's less objected
  do and doesn't need endless committees and documentation -- the
  documentation is the broken code.
 QA team does not care at all about inner workings of devrel
 QA team identifies a misbehaving dev who refuses to change and then hands off 
 the name/relevant data to devrel ... QA team then is pretty much done with 
 the issue and the rest is up to devrel to resolve

Pretty much is what I'm after; just want to ensure no more scenarios
where stuff gets left broken for 18 months (actual example) due to QA 
having no means to force people to fix their cruft.

This need a proposal, or can the council just do a make it so ?

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Portage log suggestion

2005-09-12 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 02:13:43PM +0200, Frank Schafer wrote:
 I fought with a stage1 install during this weekend. Today in the morning
 I succeeded.
 I had to move a lot in /var/log/portage.
 For the content of this directory I'd suggest the following:
 Remove the 4 digit number from the log file names.
They're relevant to portage stable; down the line it'll likely be 
mtime based.
Right now that 4 digit number is an internal incrementing counter 
that's tagged into the log file name.

 It is a good idea to have 2 files for each package. One with the output
 of make and one with the messages for the installer. Name the former
 package-version.log and the latter package-version.msg

Doesn't work that way, and what you're after (restating your 
'installer' as enotice/ewarn/einfo) is elog, something that'll be in 
the next major version.

You're seeing two logs due to the fact you have FEATURES=buildpkg 
on; effectively, portage build's the binpkg (log 1), then merges it 
(log 2).  This is inneficient though, since it builds up one $IMAGE 
dir, binpkg's it, then dumps it to another dir and installs from that.

That's an old annoyance that should die a miserable death soon enough.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 41: Making Arch Testers official Gentoo Staff

2005-09-12 Thread Brian Harring
Top posting, since trying to make a point here in relation to 
everything that follows from your email.

define exactly how one proves themself, and in what context.

It's the arguement against (essentially) having AT's on the same level 
as ebuild devs, so it best be defined.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 04:14:34AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 23:01:20 -0400 Alec Warner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | I'm not confusing anything here.  Arch Devs ( ala members of arch
 | teams ) and Arch testers should be equal in terms of developer
 | status.
 Why? Arch testers *aren't* full developers. They may become them, but
 they haven't yet demonstrated that they're capable of being a full
 | voting previleges
 Again, why? They have not yet demonstrated their understanding of
 complex technical issues. Voting should be restricted to people who
 know what they're doing. Arch testers have not yet proven themselves.
 |  Assuming by arch dev you mean arch tester, then:
 |  Experience, commitment and (at least in theory) recruitment
 |  standards.
 | Commitment first:
 | IMNSHO, it is rude to assume that an Arch Tester is less commited to
 | their work than an Arch Team member.  All developers should be doing
 | their part and should hopefully ( we don't live in an ideal world here
 | after all ) be commited to doing their work well.  A lack of
 | commitment that results in shoddy work should get them removed from
 | any developer role, Arch Team member or otherwise.
 An arch tester has not committed himself to the project for the same
 length of time as a full developer.
 | Being a Gentoo developer isn't ( or I should say, shouldn't be ) all
 | about what happens in CVS.  There are many people who support other
 | portions of gentoo forums/bugs/devrel/testing/user
 | relations/ and some sort of stupid elitism
 | about being a better dev or a dev that has better skillz because
 | said dev has commit access is simply stupid.  Devs with commit access
 | may be skilled in the workings of the tree ( and there are certainly
 | devs with commit access that do not possess such a skillset ), but
 | that should be why they have commit access, because they possess the
 | skills to manage the tree.
 Uhm... Different people have different skill levels. Some of this is
 down to natural ability, some of it is down to experience. Arch testers
 have not yet proven themselves. Full developers have (at least in
 | Personally I would rather see people's CVS commit access by
 | herd/package/section than just generic tree access.  Commiting
 | something outside your Role becomes then contacting someone who knows
 | what they are doing and who can look over your work (good!).  The bad
 | part being when no one is around who has commit access.  A resolution
 | for this situation would need to be required.  Expections would need
 | to occur as well ( tree-wide commits, and other things that happen
 | from time to time ).  However I'd like to see more input on things
 | like this ( along with say, council approval? :) ).
 Take a look at the branches proposal that's been floating around. It's
 basically what you suggested with fewer holes and a more realistic view
 of how development gets done.
 Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Shell tools, Fluxbox, Cron)
 Mail: ciaranm at
 Web :


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Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 41: Making Arch Testers official Gentoo Staff

2005-09-12 Thread Brian Harring
With the 'proven' definition being repeated contributions, and 
explicit in the previous email the view AT's are lesser, but can move 
'up' to the level of an ebuild dev, back to this email...

On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 04:14:34AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 23:01:20 -0400 Alec Warner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | I'm not confusing anything here.  Arch Devs ( ala members of arch
 | teams ) and Arch testers should be equal in terms of developer
 | status.
 Why? Arch testers *aren't* full developers. They may become them, but
 they haven't yet demonstrated that they're capable of being a full

Arch devs != ebuild devs != ATs
They're different roles.  

Stop intermixing them, unless you're going to start throwing portage devs, 
doc devs, infra, and devrel in.

There _is_ a common subset to portage devs, arch devs, ebuild devs, and ATs, 
but that does not mean they're equal in requirements and roles.

Each has a role, don't blur the AT definition into ebuild devs unless 
you've after eliminating AT positions (something I doubt going by your 
previous QA threads); if you're after that, state so please.

 | voting previleges
 Again, why? They have not yet demonstrated their understanding of
 complex technical issues. Voting should be restricted to people who
 know what they're doing. Arch testers have not yet proven themselves.

Have doc devs demonstrated their understanding of complex technical 
issues?  Portage devs?  Infra?

Your metric frankly is rather vague.  Come up with one applicable to 
AT's rather then vague terms impying AT's are not of the 'elite' 
ebuild dev standard please.

Additionally, Note that those proposing the glep utilize AT's in their 
arch; they may have a different view of role/ability of the AT's then 
you do, and of their abilities.

IOW, nail down your metric, then apply it to the existing AT's (since 
they are what we have to work with), and then re-raise your views that 
they don't know what they're doing.

Back to the complex technical issues, point I'm getting at is that 
the problem domain of both differ, even if they may have a common 

 |  Assuming by arch dev you mean arch tester, then:
 |  Experience, commitment and (at least in theory) recruitment
 |  standards.
 | Commitment first:
 | IMNSHO, it is rude to assume that an Arch Tester is less commited to
 | their work than an Arch Team member.  All developers should be doing
 | their part and should hopefully ( we don't live in an ideal world here
 | after all ) be commited to doing their work well.  A lack of
 | commitment that results in shoddy work should get them removed from
 | any developer role, Arch Team member or otherwise.
 An arch tester has not committed himself to the project for the same
 length of time as a full developer.

This is mild BS, since it's a common issue to all classes of gentoo 
volunteers.  Further, stats provided (as were requested) I'd posit are 
actually better then ebuild dev stats, although worth noting the 
sampling period differs.

 | Being a Gentoo developer isn't ( or I should say, shouldn't be ) all
 | about what happens in CVS.  There are many people who support other
 | portions of gentoo forums/bugs/devrel/testing/user
 | relations/ and some sort of stupid elitism
 | about being a better dev or a dev that has better skillz because
 | said dev has commit access is simply stupid.  Devs with commit access
 | may be skilled in the workings of the tree ( and there are certainly
 | devs with commit access that do not possess such a skillset ), but
 | that should be why they have commit access, because they possess the
 | skills to manage the tree.
 Uhm... Different people have different skill levels. Some of this is
 down to natural ability, some of it is down to experience. Arch testers
 have not yet proven themselves. Full developers have (at least in

Not much for the natural ability bit/elitist stuff; the question is 
what they've demonstrated, the work done.  Doesn't matter if it 
takes a person 20 hours, or 1, it's the end product people see, 
and what ultimately matters (as you've pointed out in re: to QA).

Beyond that, I don't agreew with the Arch testers haven't proven themselves.  
They wouldn't be marked as AT's by the arch if they hadn't demonstrated
some form of worth, just the same as ebuild devs aren't recruited if 
they haven't shown some form of worth (this includes ability to stick 
around for more then a month).  Screwups happen, but the stats offered 
are a pretty good indication they've got that angle addressed imo.

The only bit I'd actually disagree with on the glep is the 2 weeks 
period for conversion of an AT to an ebuild devs; the two roles (imo) 
are seperate, those handling ebuild devs should set the requirements 
themselves, just the same as those handling AT devs should set the 
requirements they perceive as needed.

My 2 cents?  They're doing work for gentoo. 

Re: [gentoo-dev] Comparing Openpkg with portage

2005-09-07 Thread Brian Harring
Icky on the html email :P

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 05:45:16PM -0700, m h wrote:
 I'm investigating the similarities between portage and openpkg.  More
 specifically I was wondering if it is possible to take portage and
 install in on top of an existing linux installation in its own sandbox

This is what fink does, and what gentoo-osx is moving towards.

 (similar to what openpkg does).  I've done some googling and found the
 documentation about the gentoo sandbox
 ([1], but this seems to be a
 tool for checking that ebuilds behave correctly.

Moreso protection, then ensuring they behave correctly; if they do 
something they shouldn't they get blocked from what they're 
attempting.  It's an active tool, rather then a 'check' of the ebuild 
(that and it's limited to linux, no *bsd implementations).

Akin to depriving, although depriving is more effective- one can 
sidestep the sandbox, can't sidestep being de-prived aside from priv 

 I've read through
 the developer documentation and didn't find anything there.  Google
 hasn't necessarily been very useful either
 So, is it possible to sandbox a portage installation on top of say a
 debian or fedora install?  If so, can anyone point me in the right

With current ebuilds, nope.  There's no global prefix offset in the 
code for it (root is merge offset, not runtime prefix offset).

 Do any of the devs out here have experience with openpkg?

Pretty much an extension of rpm spec's, afaik.
Beyond that? Heh, nope :)

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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] PATCH: initial EAPI awareness

2005-09-02 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 10:53:05AM +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
 On Friday 02 September 2005 08:04, Brian Harring wrote:
  Like I've said, EAPI is ebuild specific.  Ebuild is a format; eapi
  defines revisions of it, in my mind a minor revision of the ebuild 1
  format.  Any form of loss of backwards compatability *should* be a
  different format, .ebuild2 for all I care.
 The new proposed format loses backwards compatibility. If there is 
 backwards compatibility no new format or api version is needed. EAPI 
 should work on the python level, not only on the level.

The two are utterly intertwined.

Doesn't matter if portage thinks it's eapi 1 or 2, what matters is if the 
ebuild*sh env *creates* an eapi 1 or 2 env for execution.  Python side 
just behaves a bit differently, ebuild*sh is where all of the actual 
execution occurs (and varies dependant on eapi).

  Trying to use EAPI to allow for N different formats into one format is
  wrong from where I sit; you would need a container format for it,
  which ebuild wasn't designed for (nor is it easily extensible to be
  made so I posit).
 No it would state that the eclass is 100% compatible with both by the 
 formats overlapping and the ebuild not threading outside the overlapped 

And how is this going to work when it's more then just a split of a 

I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm saying it *shouldn't* be done.  
It's begging for screwups; relying on portage to pick and choose 
between eapi levels for an ebuild's execution env dependant on an 
eclass *requires* the ebuild to be fully compatible to those 
eapis, same for the eclass author.  That's not so easy to do, and will 
lead to a buttload of case tests of EAPI, which isn't going to improve 
the code (imo).

People aren't going to do it, is my opinion.  It's unnecessarily 
complex with minimal gain; the gain being decreased due to the 
inherent complexity of 
A) pulling this off in portage
B) comprehending *exactly* what portage will do in each case
C) the ebuild/eclass author not only managing to get usage of *one* 
   eapi correct, getting potentially N eapi's correct.
D) eclasses that inherit eclasses requiring the same eapi 
   compatability checks
E) within two bodies of code, devs  keeping seperated in their mind the 
   differences between each eapi, and *never* blurring them.

Note I'm not pulling the everyone else is ignorant crap that popped 
up on -dev ml; I'm stating that writing to an api is manual work, and 
people will screw up on it, just the same as in writing the
implementation of that api, *we* will screw up on it.

Bugs per line, it's unavoidable.  Not advocating that we dumb 
everything down, advocating we don't add something that (assuming we 
get it right in implementation) is one hell of a pandora's box from 
the standpoint of complex ebuilds combined with complex eclasses.

That's also not even getting into the fact that what you're proposing, 
effectively greping EAPI from the file is 

A) helluva lot slower on regen
B) trying to turn ebuilds into a container format.  They're not a 
   container format, nor should they be (kitchen sink shouldn't be 
C) core's more then capable of supporting seperated formats; the 
   'container' should be the repository, not jammed within the package 
D) It's a helluva lot easier, and less chance for screwup to just 
   define a new format, use a new extension, and have the repository 
   implementation use a different pkg format for that file.
E) New, non eapi=1 style change with a different extension wouldn't 
   even be *seen* by the noncompliant repositories.  Helluva lot 

Not advocating we define a new format every day; I'm advocating that 
we define a format (v1), we do tweaks to it, and define a new 
*seperate* format when we need stuff that is beyond the keen of the 
existing format.  Shifting away from declarative syntax, moving away 
from bash syntax, etc.  If it isn't akin to our existing 
definition of an ebuild, it's not an ebuild and should *not* be jammed 
into the ebuild format.

It's a new beast, and should be seperated.

That's also ignoring the additional interaction of elibs thrown into 
the mix.  If what you're suggesting is implemented, eclasses *and* 
ebuilds would be litered with 

if [ $EAPI == 2 ]; then
eapi2 specific stuff
elif [ $EAPI == 1]; then
eapi1 specific stuff
general, all eapi stuff

Note that the code above also has a nice hidden bug in it that's not 
obvious till you think about it; there is no way to predict at the 
time of the ebuilds writing that EAPI3 will work for the else block, 
yet logic structures of that sort *will* exist if you open up the N 
EAPI compatibility for an ebuild/eclass.  Any bumping of the potential 
eapi's for an ebuild/eclass will expose it.

That and I'd hope if it were ever implemented, devs would be using 
functions within the logic block; even with, any non-trivial bit

Re: [gentoo-dev] proposed shift of files in the tree of non profiles files into seperate dir

2005-08-30 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 03:42:25AM -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
 Hola all.
 Straight to the point, I'm proposing that the following files-

Addition to this list: thirdpartymirrors .


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] PATCH: initial EAPI awareness

2005-08-30 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 07:46:24PM +0200, Marius Mauch wrote:
 On 08/29/05  Brian Harring wrote:
  That and the fact the 2.1 state should be decided, if we're going to 
  have (effectively) two branches of development going at once, vs 
  developmental line and maintenance branch.
 Well, basically I wanted to deploy elog and Jason mentioned some other
 changes as well, and while talking about it we couldn't find much in
 head that we didn't want out. Unfortunately you weren't around at that
 time. Also I think we could use 2.1 to add all the hacks we need for
 transitioning (like the EAPI and Manifest stuff).

I'd rather tag the hacks into stable release, as what the EAPI 
patch is intended to do.  Reasoning is pretty straightforward; I trust 
stable code to hold less user visible bugs now, then what 2.1 would 
hold- stable has been shoved through the ringer; 2.1 hasn't been 
shoved through a comparable ringer.  Further, if we're tagging 
compatibility hacks for 2.0.51 - 3.0, the thing that matters is the 
compatibility additions, not extra (potentially buggy) features.

Don't get me wrong- I'm still watching 2.1 bugs, but mainly for 
correction of stuff w/in rewrite.

2.1 *could* be made into a full release line, I just am convinced the 
time to do so has come and gone already.  Rewrite isn't complete, 
but the base of it is saner then 2.x's, and people (beyond me) are 
actively working on it.

Further, people are sniffing around re: capabilities the rewrite has 
natively, N portdir's for example for the -osx crew.

My 2 cents, at least.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-core] gtk/gtk2 USE flag annoyances

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 07:58:05AM +0200, Marius Mauch wrote:
 On 08/26/05  Brian Harring wrote:
  On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 11:44:44AM -0400, Dan Meltzer wrote:
   Hows the upgrade path RE: end-user useflag changes? Will everyone
   that has gtk in their make.conf die a horrible death if they don't
   see the upgrade notice? when will they see the upgrade notice? 
   Would it make sense to leave the gtk flag for a while at least, to
   ease the end user into an upgrade?
  Not saying it's a clean idea, but aside from making a lot of noise 
  about the change over (which should be delayed till that noise has 
  been made), a base/profile.bashrc trick of substituting gtk in when 
  gtk1 is detected would work.
 Hell no. Don't need to add more confusion to the use flag confusion.
Instead, confuse the hell out of users who don't religiously follow 
-dev/-user/-gwn, and suddenly get bit by the gtk flag losing it's 

That said, it won't work anyways; the aliasing has to occur within the 
python side else it'll screw up the depgraph (realized that just a few 
seconds ago) :)

So... back to making a lot of noise, or some python side support for 
aliasing use flags.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] proposed shift of files in the tree of non profiles files into seperate dir

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 08:17:39AM +0200, Marius Mauch wrote:
 On 08/27/05  Brian Harring wrote:
  Straight to the point, I'm proposing that the following files-
  be moved out of the profiles directory in the tree, and into the
  existing  metadata directory personally, due to the fact that the
  files above are  essentially repository metadata.  Why move them *now*
  when they've  been around forever?
 Don't mind moving them, BUT
 - metadata is a stupid location for them for several reasons
metadata already holds global repository information, time of 
repositories generation, pregenerated cache, glsa set...
It holds global metadata for the repository.

 - don't really like adding more cruft to the regen script
Agreed.  That said, users bitching when the don't upgrade their tools, 
and said tools start breaking isn't fun.

 - why move them now and then move/redesgin them again when someone
 finally makes a sane profiles design (yeah, I've talked about that for
 months now :-/)
Anyone after redesigning profiles has their hands full.  Do this 
change now, profile redesign isn't burdened with dealing with this 
mess.  This change over as indicated in other postings to this thread 
also would prepare for allowing full capabilities to standalone 
repositories, rather then coming up with a hack that pulls the data 
from profiles.

The change over can be done pretty cleanly, and organizes stuff as it 
should be, in preparation of upcoming tweaks/capabilities/whatever.

I'd rather nip this now, rather then when it starts creating problems 
down the line.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-core] crap use flags in the profiles

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 12:56:35PM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
 On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 05:01 -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
 Basically, you've taken then 2005.1 profile and made it useless, since
 the stages weren't built against it anyway.
Via that logic (don't change it lest it negates a release), we would 
never be able to do changes, or would be forced to do changes strictly 
whenever y'all are doing a new release.

Profiles aren't bound to the releases, despite how people may view it 
and/or the current profile maitnainer's usage of 'em.

  My point is pretty simple,
 why should we spend a bunch of time maintaining something that is
 designed from the start to be customized, and most likely won't even be
 used anyway?
That's the issue; the profiles in their current form are customizable 
only in the ability to negate a collection of flags.
Negating the whole beast is another story due to the desktop cruft 
being shoved into the arch subprofiles.

 I would much rather stick with the 2005.1 profile
 meaning what we used to build 2005.1 than having it mean some
 variation of 2005.1 is below here and using this profile is minimal and
 likely won't do what you expect.
Again, releases may be bound by available profiles, but available profiles 
are not bound by available releases.

Aside from that, the comments about variations/minimal/not doing what 
you expect, what do you think USE=-* user's actual desired flags 

Profile customization occurs, /etc/portage/profiles exists for this 
reason; the 2005.1 profile (fex) is probably *rarely* ran exactly as 
y'all have it specified considering we do have user level use flags, 
tweaking the hell out of '05.1.

Aside from mild disagreement on views, as was stated in previous 
emails, multiple inheritance I tend to think is required to minimize 
the work for y'all; what I want you guys to do (or I'll do myself) is 
chunk the suckers up so people after a minimal base for running 
it themselves, or building up their own subprofile can do so.  Not 
after jamming maintenance nightmares on you, which without multiple 
inheritance, might be a bit.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] proposed shift of files in the tree of non profiles files into seperate dir

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 01:27:34PM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
 This could still be done under profiles.  Personally, I like the idea of
 something more like this:
 project/os/arch/version for profiles
 This would give us something like this:

I like...
That's pretty much what I'm aiming for; not after forcing *you* to do 
server/etc, just would prefer to see it structured so that others can 
do so.

That said, initial email was worded a bit strongly, so pardon ;)

  Two scenarios for how this will result in visible issues for people- 
  1) CVS users, aka, devs.  Devs *should* be running latest portage, 
 which would know about the shift.  If they're running an older 
 portage version and aren't willing to upgrade, they tag the 
 symlinks themselves.  It's a minor annoyance frankly; assuming they 
 read -dev (like they're suppossed to :P ), they'll know in advance 
 it's coming.
 Many devs use the latest stable versions of packages rather than testing
 versions.  I tend to find this to be a good thing as there are often
 bugs in particular combinations of package versions that aren't
 necessarily spotted when running all ~arch.
 Also, devs are not required to read or even be subscribed to -dev.

Agreed.  Implicit in all this is that I'm going to have to make a bit 
of noise (and probably attempt and get it shoved out via gwn) prior to 
doing it, so that I don't have ~100 devs who didn't hear the news 
looking in my direction.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] proposed shift of files in the tree of non profiles files into seperate dir

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 05:48:20PM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
 What other changes are you guys thinking of regarding profiles?

That would be Marius's department.  I'm not willing (personally) to
look at revamping profiles till rewrite is finished.

At that point, new profile's should be able to be just plugged in; I 
don't care to bite off any more then I already have ;)

Offhand, I'd expect the removal of package filtering in the packages 
files (package.mask provides this already), probably a bit of renaming 
of packages also.

Why?  Packages is vague.  Stupid reason to change it I realize, but 
packages makes sense in a single set, 'system' set view.  Rearrange it 
so that packages isn't auto assumed to be system, stick it in a subdir 
fex, and you would give profiles the capability to arbitrarily define 
their own sets.

Aside from that, the parent implementation could stand a tweak or two.  
Further, assuming metapkg goes through, virtual is obsoleted.  The 
inclusion of GRP_STAGE23_USE also bugs me a bit; yes it works right 
now, but what happens when you need to push more info in?  Seems like 
it should be contained on it's own.

Either way, just a couple of things off the top of my head.  My main 
push for it is cleanup for stand alone repositories, and ensuring 
anything people attempt with profiles doesn't have side effects on the 
raw repositories metadata.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-core] crap use flags in the profiles

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 05:43:35PM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
Re: not shoving work onto you, complicating your job, etc, I agree, 
and actually is what I was getting at in the badly worded section 

My point is pretty simple,
   why should we spend a bunch of time maintaining something that is
   designed from the start to be customized, and most likely won't even be
   used anyway?
  That's the issue; the profiles in their current form are customizable 
  only in the ability to negate a collection of flags.
  Negating the whole beast is another story due to the desktop cruft 
  being shoved into the arch subprofiles.
 Sorry, but this didn't make a bit of sense to me.  Perhaps you could
 reword it?
Basically stating that if I want the minimal 2005.1 x86 profile to 
build my own server profile off of, I can't really use the existing 
default-linux/x86/2005.1 ;

Why?  Mainly due to the fact that I would be forced to reverse a *lot* 
of stuff, use flags mainly, to get it back down to a minimal profile.  
That's what I mean by lack of customization; it can be done, but it's 
not optimal, vs say inheriting a base default/x86/2005.1 that holds 
just system defaults (pam, cflags, etc).

If I were to implement a server profile from existing, I'd probably 
tag in -* to the use, and add the use flags I explicitly want; that's 
not really the best way to use the profiles inheritance capabilities 
though :)

  Profile customization occurs, /etc/portage/profiles exists for this 
  reason; the 2005.1 profile (fex) is probably *rarely* ran exactly as 
  y'all have it specified considering we do have user level use flags, 
  tweaking the hell out of '05.1.
 You would be surprised at the number of people that use GRP and rarely,
 if ever, change their USE flags.  I wish I had numbers, but I don't.
 Anyway, the default set of USE flags seems to be a pretty perfect mix
 for most people.  It gives packages that work as expected, and is geared
 toward a desktop system.  Without any more specific examples of what
 you're trying to point out, I'm just not seeing it.
Key thing to note, neither of us have figures :)
Beyond that, I'm not after castrating the defaults that exist, I'm 
after sticking a level of indirection, a subprofile into the releng 
profile inheritance chain so that if I *want* a minimal profile (as 
you use), I can get it without having to resort to -* and tracking all 
of the changes myself.

It's a time saving effort; add multiple inheritance in, and it's easy 
to do (win/win).

  Aside from mild disagreement on views, as was stated in previous 
  emails, multiple inheritance I tend to think is required to minimize 
  the work for y'all; what I want you guys to do (or I'll do myself) is 
  chunk the suckers up so people after a minimal base for running 
  it themselves, or building up their own subprofile can do so.  Not 
  after jamming maintenance nightmares on you, which without multiple 
  inheritance, might be a bit.
 I know that I won't be spending *my* time making any profile other than
 the defaults used for building the release.  Anyone is welcome to build
 profiles for anything else that they might want, but since the release
 team doesn't use it, we shouldn't be forced to waste our time on it.

Agreed, although I'd posit that when/if multiple inheritance is added, 
y'all take advantage of it (break up the settings into base and 
desktop) so that others can use your base work instead of reinventing 
the wheel.

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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] PATCH: initial EAPI awareness

2005-08-28 Thread Brian Harring
On Sun, Aug 28, 2005 at 02:31:24AM -0700, Zac Medico wrote:
 Brian Harring wrote:
 Please test this out; if you want to test the EAPI checking, tag 
 EAPI=1 into an ebuild, and try making emerge bail.
 I needed to patch so that EAPI would be parsed.  It bails out 
 properly now.
Crud, didn't include that file.
Should be echo `echo ${EAPI:-0}` actually

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[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-core] crap use flags in the profiles

2005-08-27 Thread Brian Harring
Note, sending to dev only, not cc'ing core; the inital -core post was 
to make sure those who aren't watching dev ml see the email (annoying, 
but it's an old habit I've yet to kick despite needing to).

On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 04:48:26AM -0500, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
 Brian Harring wrote:
 I don't recall having kde/gtk crap turned on by default when I first 
 showed up.  Maybe I'm missing something; regardless, the defaults 
 (which should be minimal from my standpoint) are anything but.
 I think you recall wrong, then. The default USE flags have been set so 
 that the majority of systems will work properly without modifications, 
 not so that they're the minimal set.
Already stated that it's entirely possible my memory is whacked, that 
said my point still stands.

 The purpose of being able to negate USE flags in lower cascaded profiles 
 is pointless if each level is the minimum. I think it makes more sense 
 to have each level be a reasonable default that most people would 
 prefer, then have weird exceptions subtract it.

Note I'm not advocating every level of the profile be bare minimal, 
with the end nodes having tons jammed into it; I'm advocating exactly 
what you're stating.  Chunk the sucker up, shifting stuff around just 
the same as you would if you were designing base classes to be 

The thing to note is that if you're relying on negation, it's going to 
bite you in the ass without efforts.  A server subprofile pulling from 
a parent that holds desktop cruft will be forced to either
A) reinvent the wheel (maintain their own USE list), as a sizable 
   chunk of users do via -* usage
B) or very carefully watch people screwing around with the parent, 
   tagging in a new desktop USE var, and adding the matching negation.

What I'm advocating is that the '05 profile (fex) tag in the defaults 
for that profile release, desktop/server agnostic, *system* 
defaults, eg toolchain, pam, nptl, etc.  The subprofile the user 
chooses (the desktop or server target) building upon those base 

Multiple inherits for profiles is the main reason I'm not pushing on 
this; shifting desktop cruft out of the bases (my definition of base 
mind you) requires pulling from (fex) x86/2005.1 + desktop/2005.1 .

My 2 cents at least.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] proposed shift of files in the tree of non profiles files into seperate dir

2005-08-27 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 01:17:50PM +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
 On 27/8/2005 10:42:25, Brian Harring ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  Hola all.
  Straight to the point, I'm proposing that the following files-
  be moved out of the profiles directory in the tree
 Not sure about package.mask.  I thought that was part of the profile,
 as different profiles might package.mask separately.  I know I use it
 in /etc/profile to postpone updates.
Rough filtering stack-
/etc/make.profile/package.mask (incremental through subprofiles)
users package.mask, and users package.unmask

Ordered it in that fashion to show that it's effectively repository 
filtering, profile filtering, user filtering; if you view it as 
seperate entities with filters stacked up (how the rewrite implements 
it), package.mask being repository metadata becomes clear.

Basically, think of it this way; what files/data *must* stay with a 
repository?  If I'm using (say) gentopia ebuilds, the p.mask they use 
is specific to _their_ repository; my official gentoo repository 
should not be p.mask'ing there stuff, it should only affect itself, 
and any repository that is slaved to it (overlays, which aren't stand 

At least that's what I think :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] proposed shift of files in the tree of non profiles files into seperate dir

2005-08-27 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 01:32:33PM +0200, Fernando J. Pereda wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 01:17:50PM +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
  Not sure about package.mask.  I thought that was part of the profile,
  as different profiles might package.mask separately.  I know I use it
  in /etc/profile to postpone updates.
 In fact the arch teams use it to mask packages that won't work on a
 particular profile/arch. If package.mask is removed from the profiles
 directory does it mean we won't be able to do that anymore ?

You're masking occurs within the profile itself, not globally.
Global masking usually is for introduction of new ebuilds that need 
testing and shouldn't be hit by normal arch testers (portage early 
release candidates for example); if you're blocking valgrind on arm 
(fex), you *should* be blocking it in profiles/default-linux/arm, not 
profiles/package.mask ;)

If it's profile specified files, relax, not targeted :).
Strictly after getting the global data out of there, and into a 
directory reflecting that data's actual role within the repository, 
and makes sense in a more flexible, non single 

Aside from that, see my other email re: the seperate levels of 
filtering :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] proposed shift of files in the tree of non profiles files into seperate dir

2005-08-27 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 03:29:32PM +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
 On 27/8/2005 13:34:15, Brian Harring ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  Rough filtering stack-
  /etc/make.profile/package.mask (incremental through subprofiles)
  users package.mask, and users package.unmask
  Ordered it in that fashion to show that it's effectively repository 
  filtering, profile filtering, user filtering; if you view it as 
  seperate entities with filters stacked up (how the rewrite implements 
  it), package.mask being repository metadata becomes clear.
 Would it make sense to simply relocate the global package.mask
 and package.unmask to the base profile from which all profiles
 derive (haven't checked that they all do)?
No global unmask;
What you're proposing is actually exactly what I'm against; if I 
choose to use my own profile that's not bound to the tree's profile, I 
should still have my repository masked by the global profile.mask 
that's in it.

Shifting it to base profile forces me to either copy the package.mask 
(or symlink it, which isn't possible in remote), or do without it 
(bad, able to hit packages with security holes and stuff that 
shouldn't be used).

repository package.mask is a seperate filter from profile filter.mask, 

 Users's data could be placed in the users profile at
 /etc/portage/profile instead of /etc/portage, and the concept of
 global package mask/unmask as repository metadata would go away.
global p.mask is a seperate thing from profile specific p.mask, which 
is the basis of me wanting it moved out of there :)

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Re: [gentoo-dev] EBUILD_FORMAT support

2005-08-26 Thread Brian Harring
Pardon the delay, been putting this one off since it's going to be a 
fun one to address, and will be a bit long :)

On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 12:34:00PM +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
 What I mean is compatibility with current portage versions. Current 
 versions do not understand EAPI. There would be a good chance that they 
 could choke on packages with all kinds of new features, even in the sync 
 phase. A different extension would ensure that those portage versions 
 would still work (crippled) on a new tree. Of course such an extension 
 change should only be done once. Once the API versions are available this 
 is not an issue.

General portage stance towards EAPI is unset EAPI == 0 (current stable 
ebuild format); if EAPI  then portage internal EAPI, unable to merge, 
which should be able to be detected during buildplan.

Current portage doesn't know about EAPI; boned in that respect I'll 
admit, but it's the case for all new features rolled out- three options 
for dealing with this
1) Usual method, deploy support, N months later use support.
2) tweak stable so it's aware and can complain.  Still requires 
   people to upgrade, just makes it so that they're not forced into 
   upgrading to 3.x; this is mainly a benefit for those who may don't 
   care to try the first few releases of 3.x when it hits (akin to 
   people dodging the first release or two of a gcc release).

Worth noting that one rather visibile aspect of EAPI=1 is that 
(assuming the council votes on it, and yay's it) glep33 *will* result 
in current eclasses being effectively abandoned w/in the N months 
after an EAPI capable portage is released.

Sound kind of bad, but people will have to upgrade for the 
capabilities.  If EAPI was pegged into portage/ebuilds already 
it wouldn't be an issue, issues could be detected prior.  
Unfortunately it's not, and introduction of it (and use of it) is 
going to involve a few road bumps.

Plus side, once it's in, portage *will* know if the ebuild is 
incompatible with the pythonic/bash ebuild code, and portage/the UI 
can act accordingly.

Meanwhile, the changes that are being pushed into EAPI are addition of 
configure phase (broken out from compile), elib addition, and eclass2 
support (same beast, different rules due to env save/restoration).

The potential for horkage on sync'ing isn't there due to the fact 
that's purely python side; ebuild*sh doesn't play into it.

Re: regen, issue isn't really there either; if you try and merge an 
eapi=0 on a non eapi aware portage, it works, same as it did before.
If you try to merge an eapi=1 ebuild you hit either an issue with 
inherit, or a bail immediately in src_compile, due to the fact eapi=1 
ebuilds will seperate configure out from compile (eapi=0 portage won't 
know to call it; no configure == failed compile).

That said, there also quite likely is a change coming down the pipe to 
the tree's cache; the change will shift the rsync'd metadata cache 
over to a key/val based cache.

Why oh why, yet another cache change?  Simple.  The change moves away 
from list based format to key:value pairs; in short it's a change that 
once made, means keys can be added to the cache from that point on 
without causing cache complaints on sync'ing.  Last cache breakage, I 
swear :P

EAPI addition being the next key tagged in; stable (not surprising) 
needs to be released with a version capable of reading both old and 
new format; once that's done, time for the usual yo, upgrade people, 
something's coming down the line.  Same version that supports 
old and new cache format can also include rudimentary eapi awareness.

At least that's what I'm thinking.  It's roughly inline with the 
previous forced cache breakages, just in this case slipping in some 
extra support in the process.

Notices obviously would go out prior to moving on this also, along 
with a good chunk of waiting.

   ps. I would also suggest requiring that EAPI can be retrieved by a
   simple line by line parsing without using bash. (This allows for
   changing the parsing system)
  No, that yanks EAPI setting away from eclasses.
 If the eclasses follow similar rules that would be easilly parseable. 
 (taking inherit ...) into account is easy as long as the inherit line is 
 on one line of it's own. (unconditionally) These rules that would 
 allready be followed out of style reasons would make various kinds of 
 parsers able to parse them.

while it's insane, people *can* use indirection (eg inherit $var) for 
inherit's as long as it's deterministic, always the same inherit call 
for that ebuild's data.  Don't see a good reason to ixnay that, which 
means we'd have to parse the whole enchilada, eclasses and the ebuild.

Effectively, raiding a single var out wouldn't fly; eclasses could 
override an ebuild's eapi setting for example, just like any other 
metadata key (imo).

A *true* format change, moving away from bash for example or moving to 
an executing design of ebuilds would require an 

Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] EAPI

2005-08-26 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 03:49:35PM -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote:
 On the EAPI subject Brian just brought back, I had this idea that we
 could use the same approch XML took with HTML.
 The ebuild could define which EAPI to use, but instead beiing a version,
 the EAPI would be an ebuild API definition. The equivalent to the XML's
 dtd. The ebuild could point to a directory named
 $PORTDIR/eapi/eapi-name/ which would contain a python script named If not already loaded, that plugable eapi would be
 loaded before processing the ebuild.
 That way, there is no outdated ebuild format. There is just a default
 format which is the actual format.
 It could also be an XML defining the ebuild's build sequence and other
 particularities a group of ebuild could have.
Few questions; 
A) what does xml bring to the table explicitly that is needed?
   remember portage doesn't have a hard dep on xml parsing libs yet, 
   this would add it (livecd/stage* potentially needing adjustment as 
   a result).
B) EAPI is pretty much bash env template switching; xml/python plugins 
   don't help in that respect, although a python plugin for that eapi 
   level may be added at some point (right now it's not required for 
   the eapi v0/v1 python side components).

I am worried, long term mind you, in tracking the differences between 
eapi levels and keeping the code clean.  My thought for way down the 
line when an eapi level has long since gone unused is to break it out 
of portage and into it's own package as a plugin.
Specifics of it haven't yet gotten to, mainly because it's not worth 
sweating over till rewrite is usable (priorities), but that's the long 
term intention for EAPI.

Beyond that, the question of what needs to be tracked outside of 
python/bash code (what would be stuck in the suggested xml) should 
also be clarified, since I'm not seeing what all would be jammed in 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] EAPI

2005-08-26 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 03:02:13PM -0700, Drake Wyrm wrote:
 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  B) EAPI is pretty much bash env template switching
 Perhaps the EAPI handling could be implemented using eclasses, rather
 than something in the deep, dark, python-based internals.

Effectively the implementation is essentially an eclass, but won't 
wind up in $PORTDIR/eclass due to the fact it's also slightly bound to 
python side.
For example, the ebuild build operation class knows not to command the 
ebuild processor to execute the configure phase for eapi0, 'coz that 
hook doesn't exist.  For eap0, it commands it.  That's about the 
extent of python side awareness at this point, beyond checking min/max 
eapi support.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] future restrictions to DISTDIR access from the ebuild env

2005-08-25 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 12:05:11PM +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
 Why not create that directory in the /var/tmp/portage/package/ directory. 
 It would also safeguard against packages using files that they did not 
 request. Maybe in the future a similar thing could be done for patches 
 (when ebuilds finally get to specify which files from the files dir they 
using $PORTAGE_TMPDIR/portage/$CATEGORY/$P/distdir atm
Note the additional $CATEGORY dir; unless people scream, it's wise 
from where I'm sitting- it avoids potential $PORTAGE_BUILDDIR 
Yes they're unlikely, but why allow for it?

Re: patches, would be game, just not sure of a clean way how.

And for the truly paranoid, had thought about transfering $FILESDIR in 
during verification.  That's a bit much for local trees, but for 
remote tree's $FILESDIR will be $PORTDIR/$CATEGORY/$P/files simply 
because a place is needed to slap the files on the local fs.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Package version requiring sse

2005-08-25 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 01:41:00PM +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
 On Wednesday 24 August 2005 15:23, Martin Schlemmer wrote:
  Same thing (and probably better option) if you put it in pkg_setup()
 Isn't pkg_setup run too when just building a binary package (-B) (then the 
 check shouldn't be performed), and just before installing a binary 
Yep, something that's rather unclean.
Reinitializing the env for the local box I have no issue with, I just 
dislike re-running pkg_setup which also set's up vars for building.

Alternatives welcome mind you...

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] crap use flags in the profiles

2005-08-24 Thread Brian Harring
Hola all.

Out of curiousity, since for once my portage installation is *not* 
filtering out all flags but my own, I'm wondering why it is that the 
system default now holds a lot of use flags that aren't really related 
to the system set of packages.

See, from my standpoint cascaded profiles exist for the sake of being 
able to build up chunks, and merge them together.  If you want a 
desktop profile, hey, easy, just point it at the default, and import 
that.  If you want a server profile that doesn't have the crap 101 use 
flags that are defaulted, you just define a profile there.

The common point between the two being that you depend on a minimal, 
this is the base profile that is the common points, and overload 
what you need to in the specialized profile.  Iow, you jam all of the 
crap use flags into a desktop profile, rather then forcing people to 
do -*

So, fex, the following flags are rather desktop specific-
emboss (why the hell is European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
  a profile default?  Seems extremely specialized)

That's pretty much the entire list of flags in the defaults.

Again, returning to the USE=-* arguement, yes, they can go that 
route.  It's also kind of a crappy arguement dodging out of the fact that 
progressive bloat going into what is effectively a base release 
profile, when subprofiles would be better suited.

You use the capabilities cascaded profiles give you, and you can serve 
both camps; those who want bloat, those who don't.

Question is why aren't we?  Yes work is required, but everything 
requires work- is there some stumbling block that makes the work 
involved excessive?

Personally, I run with -* not due to filtering out profile crap, but 
for filtering out autouse; I'm a bit disgusted by what the -* has been 
protecting me from.  In bug 93067, it's described that our default has 
always been to aim for desktop; well, depends on your definition of 

I don't recall having kde/gtk crap turned on by default when I first 
showed up.  Maybe I'm missing something; regardless, the defaults 
(which should be minimal from my standpoint) are anything but.

So... again.  What is holding us back from using existing capabilities 
to seperate this?  If it's not perfectly clean doing it, what do you 
require to make it easy/clean to do so?

Granted this phrase has been beat to fricking death, but we are about 
choice.  Again, yes, -* is a choice, it's also a rather nasty choice 
since the user must watch the profile's themselves and duplicate the 
use flags from there if they want the 'true' defaults.  That's shoving 
work off onto users when an alternative approach (subprofiles) could 
handle it globally.

So yeah, subprofiles, reasons why not?

My slightly flamey 2 cents

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Re: [gentoo-dev] crap use flags in the profiles

2005-08-24 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 08:50:58PM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
 On Wednesday 24 August 2005 08:04 pm, Brian Harring wrote:
  Again, returning to the USE=-* arguement, yes, they can go that
  route.  It's also kind of a crappy arguement dodging out of the fact that
  progressive bloat going into what is effectively a base release
  profile, when subprofiles would be better suited.
 not sure what you mean by 'progressive bloat' ... most of those flags have 
 been there since before i was a dev (so like before the 1.2 release)
 the default profile has always been a 'desktop' target and really i think 
 that's OK by me
Reasons against sticking a level of indirection in?
More then willing to assume I've been a tool and missed it, but with 
cascaded profiles there really isn't a good arguement against tagging 
a level in so that anyone after it can just use minimal, or derive a 
server profile off of it.

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] future restrictions to DISTDIR access from the ebuild env

2005-08-24 Thread Brian Harring
Hola all.

robbat2 made the suggestion, and after a bit of playing I think it's 
best- in short, to support multiple DISTDIR's, we need either 
intelligent querying of portage from bash side as to a files true 
location, or a directory full of symlinks pointing at the ebuild's 
stated files.

Latter is easiest imo, and a bit cleaner for a dev to be able to look 
at it and see why things are breaking; upshot, adding this indirection 
allows portage (with sane fetcher(s)) to do N DISTDIR, and it also 
causes any ebuild that has unstated SRC_URI deps to bail.

The forced bail pretty much makes it so that an ebuild dev can't 
easily screw up, they hit the unpack failure rather then a commit and 
a user hitting it.

If you've got issues with it, give a yell; just added this in the 

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] portage rewrite snapshot (was RFC - Gentoo on the Lab)

2005-08-24 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 06:58:53PM -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote:
 Yeah, I'd really like having a snapshot, even if I'd prefer having
 cvs/svn access. You can send me it by mail or make it available
Pardon the delay, wanted to iron out building code before 
pushing the snapshot up- it's available at

anonsvn is in the air, but in the interim I'll be doing snapshot's as 
stuff comes in.

/me notes again, that it is not usable yet.
You can build packages with it, but the classes for merge operations 
aren't in place, meaning no merge.
Bugs probably exist up the ying yang also; if you want to hack on it, 
then by all means go for it, otherwise kindly wait (general disclaimer 
that one).

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] How to tell 2.1.8 20030601

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 08:23:24AM +0200, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
 I have written an ebuild for pam_krb5, based on the version found in fedora, 
 since the one from sourceforge which is currently in portage is way 
 However, even after reading all the ebuild docs, I can't figure out how to 
 tell portage that version 2.1.8 is newer than 20030601. The only way I 
 could convince portage to replace pam_krb5-20030601-r1 with pam_krb5-2.1.8 
 was to mask the former.
There's no way for portage to know that 20030601 is newer then 2.1.8, 
without knowing when 2.1.8 was released (that metadata ain't going to 
be jammed in either)
boned. :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gstreamer + Use Flags

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 09:21:50AM +0200, Fabian Zeindl wrote:
 Since nobody except Diego replied on my mail a week ago: 
 Is there another way besides filing bugs and mailing the list to make a
 proposal which gets investigated? I think many users are concerned about that
 gstreamer oddness, and I didn't find one good reason while reading through
 bugzilla of not doing this the way I proposed.
As stated in 100872, any solution involving centralizing the use flags 
on gstreamer requires use deps.

Can't centralize the use flags on gstreamer till they're available, 
without doing something QA has every right to wedgie you for 
(build_with_use die's in pkg_setup).

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Re: [gentoo-dev] EBUILD_FORMAT support

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 03:20:16PM +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
 To allow for this to work with current portage versions, perhaps it would 
 be an option to introduce a new extension for .ebuild scripts that use 
 it's functionality. That would allow all non-EAPI aware portage versions 
 to automatically ignore ebuilds that use this.
not much for .ebuild? in the tree, personally.
Why?  Cause portage *should not* ignore those ebuilds.  If the user 
wants to merge something that is a later ebuild api then they have, at 
least portage chucks an exception that the UI can wrap into upgrade 

With what you're proposing, we instead get bugs about portage missing 

 ps. I would also suggest requiring that EAPI can be retrieved by a simple 
 line by line parsing without using bash. (This allows for changing the 
 parsing system)
No, that's yanks EAPI setting away from eclasses.

Only time this would be required is if we move away from bash; if that 
occurs, then I'd think a new extension would be required.

As is, shifting the 'template' loaded for an ebuild can be done in 
ebd's init_environ easy enough, so no reason to add the extra 

My 2 cents, at least ;)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC - Gentoo on the Lab

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 12:25:03PM -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote:
 On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 15:39 -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
  That and help would always be welcome :P
 Then where do I find the code (I'm an official dev yet, so I only have
 access to what's in the mirrors and the patchs on mailing lists)
Timing mildy sucks; just switched over to svn, making our anoncvs 
access pointless for the rewrite.

So... after anon svn to replace loss of anoncvs provided by carpaski.
Meantime, anyone who wants snapshots can scream at me and I'll post 
them- anon svn if it is agreed to be implemented infra wise, once it's 
up the info will be posted in gentoo-portage-dev ml, and tagged into 
/topic in irc (the norms).

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC - Gentoo on the Lab

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 12:25:03PM -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote:
 On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 15:39 -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
  That and help would always be welcome :P
 Then where do I find the code (I'm an official dev yet, so I only have
 access to what's in the mirrors and the patchs on mailing lists)
If you're after a snapshot, give a yell; right now still waiting for 
svn crap to straighten out (mainly for the rewrite to be moved fully 
to svn), but once done I can point you at wherever I dump it in my 
devspace till anonsvn is up.

No clue on eta of anonsvn, that's infra's thing unfortunately.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC - Gentoo on the Lab

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
Lot of text left inline, pardon, just scroll and deal with it :P

On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 12:28:08PM -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote:
 Here is my recent communication with Pieter:
 On Sat, 2005-08-13 at 21:59 +0200, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote: 
  On 13 Aug 2005, at 19:16, Kristian Benoit wrote:
   I've heard that you might be the last to know something about
   portage-ng. What's the actual status,
  Here's what I've done so far:
  I've build upon Andreas' Zeller idea of using Smolka's feature logic  
  for software configuration management. Zeller's approach was ok for  
  determining consistency/inconsistency of software configurations. In  
  his phd thesis he described the algorithm involved and discussed time  
  complexity (which goes to NP if you allow for quantification). My  
  impression after implementing his idea was that for automated  
  construction there were a few things that were lacking, and some  
  things were incorrect. I revisited Zellers feature logic, and ended  
  up with a clean implementation of a declarative language which has  
  some very desirable properties for automated software construction.  
  I'd say my approach is closer to the spirit of Smolka's feature logic  
  than Zellers approach. My non-destructive feature unification has a  
  worst case time complexity of O(n x m) where n is the length of the  
  feature term describing your system, and m is the length of the  
  feature term describing the component to be added. In practice  
  performance is very good. An emerge --vp --emptytree kde with the  
  regular portage takes about 55 seconds on my Open Desktop Workstation  
  and produces a list of 200 packages. A similar action using my  
  Total time: 14.55 seconds
  Predicate   Box Entries =Calls+Redos Time
  vunify/4341,900 =  341,900+072.6%
  $garbage_collect/1  326 =  326+013.6%
  lists:append/3  684,320 =  684,320+0 4.0%
  genterm/2   520 =  520+0 3.9%
  hunify/4520 =  520+0 3.3%
  is/2342,420 =  342,420+0 1.8%
   /2 342,160 =  342,160+0 0.8%
  buildsystem/2 1 =1+0 0.0%
  val/3 5,200 =5,200+0 0.0%
  unify/3 260 =  260+0 0.0%
  % 9,531,861 inferences, 13.96 CPU in 14.55 seconds (96% CPU, 682798  
Stating it as nicely as possible, without knowing what that's doing, 
stats can be construed several ways; faster backend access (both vdb 
and ebuild/cache), dodging/caching virtuals, etc; language 
implementation is a point of curiousity also.

Faster implementation doesn't surprise me- stable portage is fricking 
*absolutely* retarded about caching, parsing of deps and cpvs, loading 
of profile, etc.  Either way, interest remains in seeing it :)

  The search space is kept as small as possible because I've introduced  
  lazy feature evaluation and both multi valued and open features.  
  Those concepts are missing in Zellers approach. Comparing current  
  portage and my implementation performance-wise is difficult. In  
  general mine is faster, but current portage doesn't use sql either.  
  What is for sure is that mine allows you to express various  
  constraints. You can prevent a dependency from being built with a  
  specific use flag. My implementation automatically solves 'blockers'.  
  Circular dependencies are also solved correctly. For instance, if you  
  want to install unixodbc with the qt use flag enabled and you want to  
  install qt wit the unixodbc use flag enabled, my portage knows that  
  it needs to:
  emerge unixodbc without qt
  emerge qt with unixodbc
  remerge unixodbc with qt support
  So it makes revdep-rebuild unnecessary basically.
revdep-rebuild is still necessary, regardless of use deps or full 
state graphs- anyone doubting that should take a look at the breakage 
that has occured whenever mysql/ssl have decided to change their 
soname while maintaining compatibility.
Need a bincompat metadata attribute to kill off revdep-rebuild.

  Once I was done implementing this new declarative language in which  
  for instance ebuild concepts can be easily expressed (but also rpm,  
  deb, fink, darwinports).

This sounds a lot like my restriction subsystem in the rewrite (code's 
available to anyone after it).

With the restriction setup, anyone who wants it could just plugin a 
different repo/pkg plugin, and have deps based on sonames fex; granted 
anyone doing 

Re: [gentoo-dev] stripping implementation in portage

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
First, sidenote (mild ot to this thread also), pardon the dupe posts, 
thick fingered typing dumping an old message :)

On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 01:34:33PM -0400, Olivier Crete wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-23-08 at 11:16 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
  As an aside to this. Does anyone know how debug information can be changed 
  to have a different basedir. My idea was to create a custom strip 
  wrapper that would create external debugging files (like now possible 
  with gdb/binutils) and point them to a location 
  in /usr/src/packagenameplusversion. For that it would be necessary to in 
  some way hack the source location in the debug information.
 There is already a patch [1] in bugzilla that does that.. And in bonus
 to keeping the debug files (currently in libpath/.debug/
 but that can be changed) . It can also keep the source files
 in /usr/src/debug so they can loaded by gdb (pretty useful when
 debugging into libraries). 
 It creates 3 new features, keepdebug, keepdebugbin and keepsources
Would rather implement those as filters as described above; short 
version is that features is chunked up in the rewrite, so it's options 
on the component you're configuring moreso.  That said, still will map 
from old make.* to new format (on the fly, no forced config upgrades), 
but I'd rather see it implemented as I've proposed.

Reasoning is that if you build with debugging crap on, you've got 
maximal flexibility in your choice of what your binpkgs/vdb winds up 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] stripping implementation in portage

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 01:58:46PM -0400, Olivier Crete wrote:
 I havent looked at your new implementation (does it exist).. but yea
 what you wrote seems to make sense... except that I keep the source code
 too.. so it would bloat binary packages.. I think it should be done
 before the packages are made.. or maybe use separate debug and have
 separate debug packages like RedHat does.

Your choice of what goes into the binpkg is just that, your choice, 
just the same as your choice of what ultimately hits the livefs.

Bit of a shift in terms of how things are designed; repositories are 
base objects, things like package.* filtering and changing 
(package.use) is implemented as wrappers of the repo.  Wrapper base is 
implemented, as is the filtering wrappers; for what's discussed above, 
just need to design an appropriate contents filter.

Re: does it exist, yes (in cvs, and now living in svn), better 
question, is it usable yet, no; core was yanked, rebuilding it.  This 
is a sizable chunk of why feature requests are on hold- either more 
crap gets duct taped into portage, or design is corrected so 
features/additions/tweaks/whatever is easier to do.  Long term 
maintenance/extensibility vs short term gain is the crux of it.

What you're after can be pulled off, and the specification of what 
type of stripping to do can be left to the user's config for that repo; 
intention is to allow you to strip sources for binpkgs fex, while not 
stripping sources for livefs merge.  

Just a question of how you define your config; the restriction/depends 
bit referenced in the other thread relates to this, you define the 
classes needed and define your config to use them, using alt. formats 
should be possible (exception: OE format I don't see any way to 
support of what I know).

So... the sources concern is moot.  Hell, via the wrapper approach if you 
wanted you would be able to define your own wrapper that splits a pkg 
into chunks, or have the repo do it.  Don't really care what you do, 
just care correcting underlying issues, and having the remaining beast 
flexible so people can do whatever crazy crap they want instead of 
directly hacking portage innards.

Sidenote, wrapper approach is how install_mask/no{man,info,doc} will 
be defined, rather then jamming crap into the core.  Define it as 
seperate chunks, and you can arbitrarily arrange it, doing whatever 
the hell you want.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] download problem in ebuild

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 12:11:19PM +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
 On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 04:41:49 +0200
 Marius Mauch wrote:
  Nope. You have three options:
  a) bug upstream to fix that crap
  b) use RESTRICT=fetch
  c) assuming the license permits it, repackage it
 So am I being told that you can't change stuff from make.conf per ebuild?
 That would fix it I think.
Can't vary fetchcommand per pkg, since it's a completely seperate 
thing from the ebuild env.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] download problem in ebuild

2005-08-23 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 12:34:41PM +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
 Thanks to all of you, thats now very clear.
 The message i have is that it will work, but its not allowed.
Wrong interpretation- it won't work within an ebuild.
It requires exteneral user intervention to make the ebuild work, 
*every* time.

Won't work == not allowed in this case, cause it... won't work for 


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC - Gentoo on the Lab

2005-08-22 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 01:49:14PM -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote:
 On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 16:38 +0200, Marius Mauch wrote:
  Anyway, I hope you realize that your project doesn't only involve
  hacking on portage, but rewriting almost all of it for the client part.
  Actually I'd rather suggest you start from scratch
 I do agree with that, portage probably need a rewrite/better
 modularization anyway. There is/was a project called portage-ng () you
 might want to have a look at. I did a little in that direction recently,
 and it seems that there is not too many people working on it since
 drobbins left, but you can contact Pieter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I might
 get on that too at some point in the future too.

Portage-ng never resulted in anything tangible (read: code), further 
the doc wasn't really useful for anything then jotting down what's 
desired.  Unless something's changed, that doc should've been yanked 
down.  She's dead, jim.

Regarding modularization of portage, it requires that, but 
fundamentally it requires a rewrite of the core; there is no internal 
package abstraction, repository abstraction, hell, even a clean config 
abstraction (let alone cache abstraction).

The 2.1 code that was pushed out for inspection addresses the cache 
issue mostly, and modularization as much as possible.  Everything else 
falls to the rewrite which is underway- I'd suggest contacting portage 
devs, since what you're after is pretty much what's been designed to 
allow for, without requiring hacks to portage- just would be plugins.

That and help would always be welcome :P

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[gentoo-dev] stripping implementation in portage

2005-08-22 Thread Brian Harring
Hola all.

Short version, the nostrip feature is a bit funky as an option.  What 
I'm after is effectively building all packages *with* debugging 
information as default, and leaving it up to the repository you're 
merging the package to, to decide on stripping or not.

IOW, if you prefer stripped binaries on your livefs, the stripping occurs 
while merging to the livefs- this leaves you the option 
of having binpkgs that *do* carry non-stripped binaries/libs.  
Situation can be reversed also, for the embedded crowd.

Downside, for people who flat out want stripping across the board, 
it's a bit more flipping it on, although that's addressed via inherit 
support within the underlying config (just take my word on that one :)
Also involves a bit more logic, but that's just implementation voodoo.

So... thoughts?  I'd be particularly curious about any package where 
this wouldn't be viable.

Aside from that, cc'ing both lists, would prefer the discussion on dev 
since the implementation can go either way; preference of if that 
flexibility is desired or not is a user thing, so we discuss it in 
their ml.

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[gentoo-dev] removal of vars from ebuild env

2005-08-22 Thread Brian Harring
Fair warning, 

To anyone relying on the vars BUILD_PREFIX, BUILDDIR to be available 
in the ebuild env, they're going to be yanked down the line; right 
now, going by scans nobody relies on them- so... please keep it that 


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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Environment Whitelisting

2005-08-22 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 11:33:23PM +0200, Marius Mauch wrote:
 Theoretical discussions about this are pointless IMO without
 numbers/facts to back things up.
I'd posit theroetical discussions about this are pointless without 
getting ebuild dev's to give a yay/nay on whether they want it or not; 
not much for trying to force it down their throats if they don't want 
it (more work, essentially).

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Bugzilla handling for maintainer-wanted things

2005-08-20 Thread Brian Harring
On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 01:13:37PM -0400, Nathan L. Adams wrote:
 Chris Gianelloni wrote:
  Reviewing an ebuild has nothing to do with inclusion.  For inclusion  in
  the tree, it also needs to be tested.
 You don't take the slightest look at an ebuild (the code) before
 including it? Anyhow, whether its testing or code review, it is time
 better spent than cooking up conspiracy theories about me vs. the games
 team and posting it to the mailing list.
Bleh, word play/this isn't needed, as spanky said it's a waste.

Inclussion == commit to the tree, available via rsync.  Review, and 
testing are both required.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Local USE defaults

2005-08-19 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 12:10:44AM -0700, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
 Brian Harring wrote:
 | Yeah, but the angle I'm pushing for default IUSE's use is
 | eliminating no* flags, and giving ebuild maintainers more flexibility
 | in breaking the package down into conditionals.
 | I really don't see -* being all that useful long term frankly, since
 | the major usage of it I've seen is either within cascaded profiles, or
 | nuking autouse; people do block profile use flags also, but killing
 | autouse falls in with killing profiles :)
 I don't think that having -* not actually do -* is a good idea. And most
 people adding local flags don't really consider the -* case so creating
 no* flags isn't a major concern.
 ~From my POV, -* is expected to not work well, but it should do what it
 suggests: subtract everything.
-* 's meaning right now is to nuke all USE flags that portage tries to 
'help' in adding.  Having it nuke all default use seems wrong, since 
people *currently* use -* to block autouse crap, and -* isn't what 
they signed up for initially.

Different flag imo seems wise, rather then grandfathering people into 
it; nuking what the profile offers should be available, but I don't 
think nuking default IUSE should be nuked as an added bonus of trying 
to disable auto-use/profile cruft.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] ebuild design issue regarding some {I need the lib and api only}-DEPENDs

2005-08-18 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 11:37:05AM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
 Other distributions are also binary-only, so there's no real comparison
 here.  While I think having client and server type USE-flags is
 really a bad idea, I don't see a problem with providing a library.
 I 100% disagree with splitting the package into client and server, but
 don't think it would be bad to have it like this:
 You'll notice that there is no server package.  The dev-db mysql package
 should be the entire distribution.  Splitting out a separate library for
 client-only shouldn't be too bad, but I still disagree with it, for the
 most part.
Splitting it out is just as bad as breaking it into server/client 
chunks from the added QA and maintenance standpoint, thing is, in this 
case splitting out the lib *is* breaking it up into subpackages, so 
it's no better :)

Best solution in my opinon? Two use flags address this, client, and 
server.  Regardless of the setting of the two, you get the library; 
from there, you just set client and server as defaulting to on, and 
packages use dep on whatever chunk of it they need (quite likely no 
use dep in this case, since they probably only need the lib).

Better tweak to it is not the usual use.defaults addition, but 
specifying the default state of the USE flag in IUSE, as proposed by 

Kind of curious about people's opinion on the IUSE default use flag 
thing, initial syntax was (using the above example)
IUSE=+client server
with client defaulting to on unless the user's config disables it- 
note, strictly enabling from IUSE, no auto-negation.
I forgot to add this, but it's a 10 line change if people still view 
it as worthwhile.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Local USE defaults

2005-08-18 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 09:08:51AM -0700, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
 Brian Harring wrote:
 | Kind of curious about people's opinion on the IUSE default use flag
 | thing, initial syntax was (using the above example)
 | IUSE=+client server
 | with client defaulting to on unless the user's config disables it-
 | note, strictly enabling from IUSE, no auto-negation.
 | I forgot to add this, but it's a 10 line change if people still view
 | it as worthwhile.
 Yes, very. Saves us from hacky local USE flag handling by naming them
 no* or adding them to profiles.
Which then raises the question of whether or not -* in a users USE 
should disable it.
I say no, since -* is mainly for killing off auto-use crap and 

Note that explicitly disabling a flag (-client fex) would disable the 
default use there; question is whether or not some form of -* should 
exist for default IUSE; the existing -* is profile/autouse specific, 
and sholdn't be reused for disabling default IUSE imo.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Local USE defaults

2005-08-18 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 01:16:05PM -0400, Alec Warner wrote:
 As long as there is a way provided disable the 'default use flags' in 
 this case referring to the IUSE=+foo stuff, with a big warning that 
 says crap generally isn't expected to work great with that setting on, 
 then thats fine.  I can see something like a profile setting for this, 
 since embedded may not want the same IUSE defaults as AMD64 
 multilib...this also saves the profiles from becoming huge with Hi turn 
 this default flag off, and that flag off, and this flag on... crud.
See... -* shouldn't affect default IUSE.  Why?  Because if you make it 
flip off the ebuilds default use flags, you're forcing the ebuild to 
start using no* flags instead.  Ebuilds are unconfigured- there are 
default IUSE serves purely as a way for the ebuild maintainer to allow 
the ebuild to be broken down further- they can do it now, by adding a 
crapload of no* flags.

Allowing -* to castrate default IUSE forces them back into no* flags.

Literally, for the embedded example, they already probably have all of 
the no* flags flipped on if needed- an action was taken, you just 
change it so it's USE=-theflag rather then USE=noflag.  Either 
way, the work involved is effectively the same.  Either way, profiles 
shouldn't be screwing with the ebuilds in that fashion imo.

Note this assuming this feature isn't used as a way to do 'suggested 
deps', where you start flipping on by default a lot of functionality 
the user didn't explicitly request (ala autouse).  A default of +perl 
on mysql I'd view as wrong, for example.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Local USE defaults

2005-08-18 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 01:18:17PM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
   Yes, very. Saves us from hacky local USE flag handling by naming them
   no* or adding them to profiles.
  Which then raises the question of whether or not -* in a users USE
  should disable it.
  I say no, since -* is mainly for killing off auto-use crap and
 doesnt matter to me one way or the other ... may be confusing to users though 
 who do `USE=-* emerge blah -pv` and see flags enabled
Yeah, but the angle I'm pushing for default IUSE's use is 
eliminating no* flags, and giving ebuild maintainers more flexibility 
in breaking the package down into conditionals.

I really don't see -* being all that useful long term frankly, since 
the major usage of it I've seen is either within cascaded profiles, or 
nuking autouse; people do block profile use flags also, but killing 
autouse falls in with killing profiles :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] ebuild design issue regarding some {I need the lib and api only}-DEPENDs

2005-08-18 Thread Brian Harring
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 06:24:03PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 10:56:06 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Best solution in my opinon? Two use flags address this, client, and 
 | server.  Regardless of the setting of the two, you get the library; 
 | from there, you just set client and server as defaulting to on, and 
 | packages use dep on whatever chunk of it they need (quite likely no 
 | use dep in this case, since they probably only need the lib).
 We went over this already.
Englighten me, since the issues I'm groking from this I'm fairly sure 
I already stated/covered :)

 We can't have client and server USE flags
 because the meaning is totally different for every package. Plus the
 'probably' really isn't good enough, since there are some packages that
 have more specific dependency and the current die in pkg_setup stuff
 is a real pain -- do we really want to see that becoming a regular

You're a bit vague in the 'die in pkg_setup' bit; if you're 
referencing doing the changes now, and sticking a die in, I already  
explicitly stated the responsible party would need a wedgie if it was 
done; the lets check for use flags on our deps in pkg_setup is evil 
as hell, and *only* should be used when absolutely explicitly required. 
iow, wait for use deps unless you've got some damn good reason to 
fall back to the kludge while waiting.

Other angle I see is if you're referencing naming the vars in 
mutually exclusive use flags; if that's the case, I'll just point 
out that the use flag names in the suggested solution aren't mutually 

Re: probably, it's a comment on the packages that depend on mysql; 
will they 'probably' require the library (meaning no use dep with the 
flag configuration above), or will they require the client and/or 
server chunks (requiring use flags on).
Not advocating loose depends if that's how you read it, just added 
bonus for most packages that dep on mysql that it's use configuration 
wouldn't require use deps.

 We can't have client and server USE flags
 because the meaning is totally different for every package.
Meh, I disagree without counter examples provided of where 
client/server breaks down as a global use flag :)
Either way, in this case it *does* make sense, and going with any 
*only style route makes the flags mutually exclusive (bad).  So the 
alternative names would have to be...?

One comment on mutually exclusive use flags/confutils bit- I've asked 
before and never gotten a decent response, but I'd like to see mutually 
exclusive use flags represented somehow in an ebuild- preferably a 
seperate metadata key, and probably requiring the addition of an 
xor operator to dep syntax.

Pretty much just represent the conflicts, and what flags are dependant 
on one another.  Bit ambivalent about that latter part however, since 
I gtk/gtk2 interaction is a sore point in the tree from where I'm sit.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] ebuild design issue regarding some {I need the lib and api only}-DEPENDs

2005-08-18 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 01:06:35AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 13:13:56 -0500 Brian Harring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | You're a bit vague in the 'die in pkg_setup' bit; if you're 
 | referencing doing the changes now, and sticking a die in, I already  
 | explicitly stated the responsible party would need a wedgie if it was 
 | done; the lets check for use flags on our deps in pkg_setup is evil 
 | as hell, and *only* should be used when absolutely explicitly
 | required. iow, wait for use deps unless you've got some damn good
 | reason to fall back to the kludge while waiting.
 For how many years have we been waiting for USE deps? I'd say that this
 discussion is pretty much pointless. In the distant future when we do
 get USE deps we'll no doubt have a whole different set of issues to
 figure out.
USE deps have been sitting in core rewrite's cvs since monday.

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Re: [gentoo-dev] ebuild design issue regarding some {I need the lib and api only}-DEPENDs

2005-08-18 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 05:30:42AM +0200, Christian Parpart wrote:
 On Thursday 18 August 2005 17:44, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
  On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 10:17 -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
   2) ebuild maintenance will be a nightmare- every new version will
  require again walking the source to see if the lines you've drawn for
  dividing the source are still proper.
 minimize the duplication by a mysql eclass, just like we do for apache e.g. 
 (and lots of others) that prevent us from code duplication.

Point was you would have to inspect each release to ensure it still 
fits.  If upstream does this for you, it's not any more of an issue 
then normal QA.
Yes this is being anal (re: the verification), but it's proper QA ultimately.

  I'd see no problem with this in mysql, if, for example, mysql's Makefile
  had a make libmysqlclient target.  In that case, I would make it a
  separate package. 
 Having a look at the already provided libmysqlclient ebuild [1] it obviousely 
 (and for our luck) looks like upstream supports this installation types.
Multiple configure/builds required- also is worth verifying that 
building the client/server against the lib does just that, uses 
existing on disk lib rather then rebuilding.

 Why? What package would depend on the server in particular? If the user wants 
 the server to be run on localhost, than he would just have to add it to his 
 emerge args as well. I see no problems there - instead: it would be a great 
 enheancement. (IMO)
  All in all, I think it isn't worth even attempting at this time.
 read above. do you still think so? If so, why?
Increased configuration run time per upgrades, two packages two 
maintain; why is that an issue?
1) dev-db/mysql must dep on the matching lib version.  $PV address 
   this, mostly.
2) 2 packages to handle in p.mask and for doing keywording changes
3) 2 packages to handle at the user side of things for 

Real strong points I'm sure; key thing about all of this is that it's 
increased A) work, B) manual steps required (read: points of screwup).  
All of the args come down to that, extra complexity/work.

If I saw mysql as being loosely bound between it's server and lib 
components, I'd think it was good to potential chunk into two 
packages.  I don't, obviously. 

Use conditionals exist *exactly* for user choice like this (iow you've 
got the tools already to keep it contained as one).  That's honestly 
the strongest arg I can make; the limiting factor is that you're 
stuck waiting since use dep's aren't available yet.

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[gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] sane USE_EXPAND + IUSE check

2005-08-16 Thread Brian Harring
basically, use_expand'd vars need to be exempted from IUSE checks, as 
long as the USE_EXPAND var is in IUSE.
This does that.
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/bin/,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.201.2.40
---   9 Aug 2005 11:25:44 -
+++   17 Aug 2005 00:50:27 -
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
if [ -f ${T}/environment ]; then
source ${T}/environment /dev/null
+   USE_EXPAND=$(echo ${USE_EXPAND} | tr A-Z a-z)
 if [ -n $# ]; then
@@ -130,7 +131,19 @@

# Make sure we have this USE flag in IUSE
if ! hasq ${u} ${IUSE} ${E_IUSE}  ! hasq ${u} ${PORTAGE_ARCHLIST} 
selinux; then
-   echo QA Notice: USE Flag '${u}' not in IUSE for 
+   local x
+   local invalid=1
+   for x in ${USE_EXPAND}; do
+   if [ ${u:0:${#x}} == ${x} ]; then
+   if hasq ${x} ${IUSE} ${E_IUSE}; then
+   unset invalid
+   fi
+   break
+   fi
+   done
+   if [ -n ${invalid} ]; then
+   echo QA Notice: USE Flag '${u}' not in IUSE for 
+   fi
for x in ${USE}; do

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Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Next major version

2005-08-13 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 12:04:34PM -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote:
 I remember, when I started using Gentoo, reading that portage is a stand
 alone tool, it is not bind into Gentoo in anyway, someone could use it
 on redhat, debian, lfs...
Nice intention, but impossible with stable/alpha code- the 
abstractions are missing.  No config abstractions, but more 
importantly no format abstractions; no true package object.

 Back then I was using lfs so I thought portage could be the way to go on
 lfs, but I realized that Gentoo fit my needs and I did'nt have to
 compile everything by hand anymore and still have everything compiled by
 my machines :) OH JOY !!!
Heh, came via the route I did...

 But 5 years or so later, the only official place to get portage releases
 is still in the gentoo mirrors. There is no RSS feed or anything like
 that. I still believe that portage has the potential to be so powerful
 that redhat, debian, ... could be building their packages using portage,
 managing their own tree, having night build.
 The problem is see, is that the initial portage vision (or perhaps my
 initial vision, a vision I still have) has not been carried along with
 it's developpement.
The vision got blocked by the implementation.  Try busting all of the 
globals out of portage, then abstracting all ebuild specific actions 
(doebuild) behind package apis, so that different formats can be 
swapped on the fly.  Hell, binding dbapi and *tree classes together 
into one, and having them properly inherited from a base is required, 
rather then lots of duplicated code.

From there, how do you represent the *depends of a package, so that 
the resolver can be reused across different configurations of package 
format (this box being rpm, that being ebuild fex); need to break it 
down into restrictions, handing the actual depends matching off to 
repositories, with the resolver shifting sets of returned 
packages/restrictions around to build up a graph.
Either way, look at 
gentoo-src/portage/portage and 

Work is underway, help is needed, jump in and start digging :)
The design *should* allow for lots of crazy crap, although anyone who 
sees a flaw please speak up now :)

 Having an official web site, doc, ... will help getting visibility and
 effort from the rest of the world thus we'll have better tools and
 eventually extend portage beyond Gentoo.
API for tools, a *sane* api moreso :)


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Modular X plans

2005-08-09 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 07:36:31AM -0500, Caleb Tennis wrote:
 On Monday 08 August 2005 08:14 pm, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
  If you could bring up some specific examples, we could discuss them.
 Sure.  Qt has optional support for xkb, tablet, fontconfig, xrender, xrandr, 
 xcursor, xinerama (already a use flag), xshape, and xsm.
 I'd really hate to add 8 more use flags for those things.  I find it fairly 
 hard to believe that a user would want to, for example, configre xrender and 
 xcursor but not xrandr.
 My *thought* here is why not let the Qt ebuild rely on the base packages of 
 and if these other packages are also installed ahead of time, then configure 
 support for them as well, but don't make them use flag deps.
 Something like:
 if xcursor is installed
   turn on xcursor support
 I'm sure someone will cast me as a heretic, but I think this is much more 
 elegant than 8 more use flags.
Yep, you're a heretic. :)
How would you propose that DEPEND information make it's way up the 
portage stack, and ultimately affects the depgraph?

What you're suggesting is effectively suggested deps, which are a 
bit backwards considering we have optional deps, the 8 flags you 
dislike :)

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: where goes Gentoo?

2005-08-05 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 10:59:23AM +0200, Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen wrote:
 On Friday 05 August 2005 03:40, Brian D. Harring wrote:
  On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 05:31:43PM -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
   It's not an overnight thing, glep19 (stable portage tree) addresses a
chunk of concerns when/if it's implemented, but I'm a bit more
interested in the the other tools people desire alongside.
  Offhand, responding to my own snippet, I'd love to know what's going
  on with glep19...
 Not much lately I'm afraid:-/ If anyone is willing to help out I guess a mail 
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] might get it all (re)started.
Might be better stating what's needed...
A) people know what they're inadvertantly getting themselves into
B) something might be bloody simple to somebody, and they pick it off 
   when they may not have been willing to take the time and poke and 
   find out what's up
C) alternatives might be proposed...

So... spill the beans. :P

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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Enterprise deployment tools

2005-06-21 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 08:35:52PM +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 I don't say that it cannot be done, and I don't ask what's the best way
 to do it. I just ask *if* we should try to provide higher-level tools
 (and/or doc) to help in doing so. It's not obvious (especially for
 non-developers) how to proceed in that situation, even if a lot of
 people have designed their own solution in their corner.
Best way to do it?  Scary notion, not the way we're doing it 

Push mode is preferable imo, 'cept no code exists to support that.  
Someone could write the necessary client/server code, but that would 
have issues when bound into existing portage apis...

  With automatic deployments, would we run into difficult-to-solve
  etc-update problems ? Should/could the ServicePack system take care of
  that ?
   I wouldn't use etc-update for this on a enterprise rollout personally.
 If you need config cfengine does a nice job, as well as using
 Again, the technology is out there, it's just not tightly integrated.
 Should we leave it as-is and let everyone design his own tools to
 connect the dots or should we ?
Not sure if the technology persay is out there honestly.  If it were a 
cluster, cloned boxes, I'd say minimalize CONFIG_PROTECT, and 
(assuming you write the client/server cruft above) slip in config pkgs 
that get installed alongside... or, just jam the config changes into 
the pkg (not clean but it's possible).  Or just trigger 
staggered reboot's on the boxes if you've got a fast network and pxe 
boot + imaging setup (I like the other method a bit more however :)

If you're managing a half dozen servers, each server running it's own 
customized httpd.conf, I don't see an easy way to handle that 
(would love to hear any ideas people have on that one).

Basically, kind of curious of how one could easily handle config 
management of multiple boxes, with config's potentially being wildly 
different from system to system (talking about a bit more then just 
/etc/conf.d/net.* and /etc/hostname differences here).  I suspect just 
wrapping the config changes into a bingpkg, and sliding them out 
alongside on a push would suffice, but that's just one possible 

  Even in a simpler setup (preprod  production) we don't have the tools
  to push a software configuration change from a test machine to a
  production one.
  What exactly are you looking for here?
 Should we provide high-level software that defines an update pack (new
 binaries + configuration changes), allows to test it on a preproduction
 system and (once tested) to push it to registered production systems ?
 Or let everyone write his own treefreezing + network mounts + shell
 scripts + cfengine / CVS magic combo to do it ?
How do you push it?  I don't mean, what protocol/underlying, I'm 
asking how do you actually push _portage_ to do what you want?  Either 
you try and abuse the craptastic api in stable to pull it off, or you 
probably resort to a catalyst akin trick of calling emerge via system.

Neither is a proper solution.  Api is required, further, preferably 
portage innards being designed such that you can swap in your own 
remote subsystem (whether cache tree or config) so it's a matter of 
pushing commands down the client/server pipes, with the portage 
config/installation on that box pulling what it needs (remote tree == 
having to pull all relevant files if building, binpkg is easier 

Portage needs work; I know the devs are working on it, I know there
  are other people who are doing there own things.  I see a lot of
  portage-2.1 features that greatly simplify what you are trying to do (
  repositories, config rewrite..etc.. ).  I think portage and what it
  covers is a big part of this.  Recollecting a conversation with jstubbs
  about portage he mentioned that he wouldn't want the portage-team to
  maintain a Enterprise-like distribution program, but that the new API
  would be great to write one against ;)
 I don't think it should be the role of the portage-team either.

I draw a slightly finer line... portaged, some hypothetical 
client/server ap, not our business to implement, just provide an api 
for them to use.  Thing is, if they're going remote, they'll either 
need to be able to trigger sync's on the boxes local tree 
(innefficient as all hell), or the tree is remote.  If the tree is 
remote, that falls on portage devs head to provide a framework so the 
tree can be remote, in other words abstraction/framework design.

Further... if you're pushing updates out, you need some method to 
query the vdb from the target- even if you're dealing with pushing 
updates down to a set of identical installations, you need to identify 
(easily/cleanly) what needs to be built, and what needs to be pushed 
down the line.  Dancing around it, but you need access to the vdb for 
that system definition, which probably would be stored locally... in 
which case, the system targets 

Re: [gentoo-dev] Bugzilla Bug 79337 make repoman complain if DEPEND and RDEPEND are not set.

2005-06-01 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 11:25:00PM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
 I'd be for having RDEPEND required to be set manually. ;)
As would I, actually...

Granted it's a useful convenience, but it also makes nailing the deps 
down much harder.  Personally down the line, I'd like to see packages 
that require compilation actually stating the virtual/gcc dep, and 
RDEPEND=${RDEPEND-${DEPEND}} kind of screws with that.

 But seeing that it would be a huge task and there aren't the resources or 
 support to do it at this time,
Question is which is preferable.

Changing half the tree is a pita granted and not something to be done 
drop of the hat, but that doesn't mean can't decide to change how 
things are done, and work towards it gradually.

Writing out a helper script wouldn't be too hard, nor would a script 
that does the actual changes- just lift it from (RDEPEND and 
E_RDEPEND are kept seperate till post sourcing).

 Anyway, not much point in increasing an already overflowing workload at this 
 point in time.

I'm mainly interested if people agree with the convenience feature 
being worthwhile to keep; I don't think so, but I also occasionally 
have strange ideas :)

Again, note, if people did agree rdepend=${rdepend-${depend}} was 
evil, it's not a massive treewide commit to change it; just would 
require gradually adding explicit rdepend into ebuilds till it's 
done, then ixnaying the convenience feature.  Same type of changes 
gradually rolled out for use and has's verbosity (making them no 
longer echo the result)...

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] Treewide metadata.xml

2005-05-27 Thread Brian Harring
On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 01:47:37PM +0200, Danny van Dyk wrote:
 Hi Brian
  What's the gain, aside from implication of  collapsing it into a 
  single file?  Honestly my only use for metadata.xml is looking up who 
  I get to poke about fixing broken ebuilds...
 The gain is:
 ... that you portage people could use it for emerge -s instead of using

'you portage people' ? :)

 ... we don't need to find the metadata.xml file before parsing it.

Portage's emerge -s doesn't use metadata.xml.  Guessing you meant 
emerge -S (--searchDesc), but that too, doesn't use metadata.xml.

So, a few implications in what you mean/are after then.
1) This global description cache would have to be duplicated, and 
recreated on cvs-rsync runs.  Why?  Unless you're padding extra bytes 
in the description cache, updates _will_ kill performance.  
Personally, I'm not much for it because there is a minimal window for 
cvs-rsync infra-side to get it's thing done, and this will jack up 
the runtime.

2) You're still doing entry by entry.  Y'all are assuming having this 
data shoved into one file is going to make it quicker for reads (in 
reality, you're still reading 19000+ records, just your solution is 
out of a single file).  This may be quicker due to syscall overhead, 
but I posit the drawbacks aren't worth it.

3) This complicates the hell out of cache updates, and still suffers 
the same issues eix/esearch suffer- namely that it's not sensitive to 
cache updates.  If we make it sensitive to cache updates, you're 
looking at regen runtimes going through the roof (see #1 comment on 
updates).  This is regardless of if it's a duplication approach or 
description is stored in it's own db outside of the normal flat_list 
cache files.

4) This proposal breaks the cache up into seperate chunks.  That's 
the cache backends decision frankly, and _cannot_ be imposed onto the 
cache backend implementation from above.

I moved eclass data into the cache backend in cvs head explicitly 
for the purpose of allowing the cache to be effectively standalone, 
and able to be bound to a remote tree.  You force this change from 
above, it breaks the cache design (pure and simple), and ultimately 
isn't what you're after (see below).

Frankly, any comments that this is going to make things faster are 
ignoring the existing code.  Why is emerge -S so damned slow?

Better question, why is it that a mysql cache backend _still_ is so 
damned slow on emerge -S?  That should be hella fast compared to 
opening 19000 files, right?

Because the current stable cache design allows *only* for individual 
record lookups.  In other words, even with an rdbms implementation, it 
goes record by record.  What is needed is a way to hand off to the 
cache hey you, give me all cpv's that have metadata that matches this 

Move the lookup/searching into the cache backend, which is already 
built into the cache refactoring I wrote for cvs head.

If you want to collapse all of the description data into some faster 
lookup, fine, do so _strictly_ within that cache backend, and modify 
that class so that it has an appropriate get_matches lookup that's 
able to do a specific metadata lookup faster.

People are free to disgaree mind you, but this talk of speed gains 
frankly seems to be missing the boat on how our cache actually works, 
let alone the issues with it.

Collapsing all metadata down into a single file, yeah that would be 
nifty from the standpoint of less files/wasted space on fs's.  
Centralized DESCRIPTION cache implemented in xml?  Eh...

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] new glep draft: Portage as a secondary package manager

2005-05-24 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 11:07:54AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Tue, 24 May 2005 11:53:30 +0200 Michael Haubenwallner
 | Variables to be set by portage:
 | PREFIX=/home/haubi
 | AFFIX=home/haubi/ (not used here)
 Hrm. So what do we use for finding out where our non-home deps are
 installed then?
add a bash func that abuses the ebd pipes to query 
portage directly.  
get_installed_prefix ${atom} might fly, although naming/ironing out 
semantics is required.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Another call for BugVoting on

2005-05-17 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 09:58:43AM +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 Stefan Schweizer wrote:
  Many bugs in bugzilla have ebuilds contributed, the work is done,
  there is just no developer to add them to the tree and review them.
  Bugvoting would allow other developers to see where they can help. For
  example I am using kde but dont read all kde bugs, so if I would know
  there is a kde bug with many votes I would maybe look at it.
 I have mixed feelings about this.
 Voting would be useful to judge which package gathers sufficient
 popularity to be added to Portage for example. Currently only packages a
 developer cares for are added, voting would help to get user opinion.
 On the other hand, on base system bugs for example voting would be more
 a pressure tool that might not help much...
 We could enable voting on a New Ebuilds section and see how it goes ?
Seems like a good approach in my opinion.  Most of the nays have 
basically come down to I don't want people voting on stuff I'm 
working on, I know what needs to be done, don't need extra input to 
discern it.
Ebuild submissions fall squarely outside of that arguement, and would 
be a good test run of it.

Personally, I'd be interested in it for actual portage bugs; that 
said, I'm not totally sure if I'd want it enabled _now_ since there 
are internal changes needed rather then more feature bloat, so voting 
would be ignored till internal bits are done.

My 2 cents...
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: New category proposal

2005-05-11 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 10:59:42PM -0700, Duncan wrote:
  Since our tree layout is based upon category, if you tried shifting the
  focus of it to packages_in anyway_, you would explicitly disallow same
  name packages, different category.  Doesn't matter how you structure the
  tree, if you do lookup into the tree based on package, not category, you
  disallow same named packages.
 While I'm not a flat tree supporter per se, duplicate packages are IMO a
 bad thing in any case, for two reasons.
 1) Human.  It's frustrating to do emerge sudo and have it tell you to
 specify, when there's only /one/ normal sudo.  The /other/ sudo should
 be vim-sudo or whatever, as you mention later.

Yeah, it's usually something I hit everytime I build a new box- it is 
valid though, and I think it makes sense.  app-vim/sudo 
makes sense in the context of the category, just the same as 
app-admin/sudo does.  While frustrating, I still posit it's not a huge 
problem.  The actual number of conflicts I haven't looked up, but I 
would expect it's not huge in comparison to the # of packages we have.

 2) Bin-pkgs.  As currently structured, we have a de-facto flat bin-pkgs
 layout anyway, since the tree is simply a bunch of symlinks pointing to
 the $PKGDIR/All dir that /all/ the packages land in.  Clashing packages is
 NOT a good thing, as I'm sure you are aware.  /Something/ really needs to
 be done about this one.  Any possible light at the end of the tunnel here?

Binpkgs implementation sucks.
The current slap em all in a dir and abuse symlinks 
bit can be dodged down the line.

 BTW, it'd be very handy to have slotted bin-pkgs as well, slotted as
 in allowing me to do things like test a gcc4 created package, without
 erasing my gcc-3.4 created bin-pkg, in case something doesn't work, and
 without having to remember to manually copy/move the existing bin-pkg
 first to keep that backup.  A feature to enable some arbitrary identifier
 in the binpkg name, or an arbitrary string as a binpkg subdir path
 fragment, would be very helpful.  Something like FEATURES=binpkg-name then
 enabling a BINPKG-NAME=gcc4, to then either create a $PKGDIR/gcc4 subtree,
 or $PKGDIR/All/package-version.gcc4.tbz2 type package and appropriate
 symlink.  One could then just remember to change the $BINPKG-NAME entry in
 make.conf whenever one runs gcc-config, or whenever one triggers whatever
 switch and desires a corresponding binpkg-slot change.  Anything like this
 in the works?
Umm.  yes?
Cleanup of stuff in general is in the works, including (done when it's 
done) binpkg handling being tweaked, which may or may not cover the 
huge-ass block of requests above :)

  Should I file an enhancement bug?  Maybe the ability is
 there already and I just don't know it, as with the very cool make.conf
 source feature I saw mentioned on the amd64 list?
 BTW2, does the . shortcut work in make.conf?  I can envision a make.conf
 that's simply a half dozen or so lines of source
 /etc/portage/, . /etc/portage/make.useflags.conf, etc.
 Is that documented anywhere, yet?  When (version) was it introduced?

Source works, not sure when it was added, but it's not source in the 
sense of bash's source; it just makes the make.conf 
interpretter/parser (it's not bash based) go and read whatever it's 
pointed at. has it at least, possibly earlier.  '.' however doesn't fly, 
from what I can see source wise at least.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-core] dev-lang/icc and dev-lang/ifc candidates for removal

2005-05-11 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 10:11:32AM +0200, Danny van Dyk wrote:
 Fine, fine this means i can remove them as soon as i pout the new
 versions in :-) I'm now going to package mask all of icc/ifc.
Hmm.  mm'kay, get cracking, they'll still get flagged in my script :)
  These fetching failures are the only reason I even noticed xtv was
  gone, and the ebuilds have begun collecting a fair amount of open bugs
 I've only noticed around 10, are the probably even more ?
Nope, that's probably about it.  Just 10 bugs, with no updates for 
about a year... :)
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New category proposal

2005-05-11 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 06:01:17PM +0900, Georgi Georgiev wrote:
 maillog: 11/05/2005-03:40:04(-0500): Brian Harring types
   On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 09:46:03AM +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
   Here's my suggestion, for what it's worth :)
   The layout on disk and the semantics of categories do not need to be 
  Yes and no.  You're assuming that people don't use the layout on disk for 
  around without calling portage.  Personally, I do.
   I like the idea of using the first character of a package name as the 
   sub-directory name.  This can be extended more deeply as and when 
   necessary to 
   avoid over-large directories which cause problems on some filesystems.  
   for sudo you get s/sudo and vim-sudo v/vim-sudo.  This is 
   architecture-neutral, rsyncable, scalable, and not too difficult for 
   users to 
   parse manually (see later for searching through categories).  If the 
   portage would use to locate a package is such that it doesn't mandate the 
   (i.e. tries package, p/package if p/ exists, p/a/package if 
   exists) then overlays can have a different depth to the rsync tree; if 
   you only 
   have a few packages in overlay then they need not be in subdirectories at 
  Re-asserting that the fs layout *does* matter, how is that more intuitive 
  when trying 
  to track down the ebuild for dev-util/diffball ?
 The fact that the directory where diffball is is easily deducable by its
 name. As it is, I'd be a bit lost if I had to guess whether diffball is
 in app-arch or dev-util. Even if I remembered it was something
 dev-related I'd still be inclined to look in sys-devel.
dev-util is accurate (it's a compressor, but a specialized variant, 
same as patch is).  From it's current fs location/layout, we get thus- 
quick lookup on the atom, and inference of it's intentions.  This is 
why we have xml at the category level, for example.

One thing that's being unstated also- it's implicitly stated that this 
directory structure is somehow easier to look up a package.  If you 
know the _exact_ package name, maybe.  Otherwise, you're falling back 
to a search tool (which defeats to some degree the whole arguement for 
flattened namespace).
Some quicky python, grouping by first char of the package name, and 
you wind up with (top 8)-
421, 521, 571, 582, 657, 663, 664, 746
Seperate directories within an individual directory.  Say 'd' for 
example, and we'll pretend 746 is the count of packages that start 
with 'd'.  That's a butload of directories to go digging in.

The response would be, well then extend it to the first two chars 
after the first dir.  You narrow it down, but add another layer of 
dirs, again, for what gain?

See, the thing I find odd about this thread/request is that 
essentially breaking it down to first letter groupping, is being 
argued as being _easier_ for people, while allowing multi cats, or 
just flat out dropping the category aspect.  The example above, imo, 
proves otherwise.

Keep in mind at this point, the discussion is whats easiest for 
_humans_.  What's easiest for code/comp is another matter, and (within 
limits) can work with anything that's thrown at it.

  How many directories deep would I have to go before I reached the
 Does it matter? You know the path exactly. It's p/portage. It's
 not ... was it sys-apps/portage or app-portage/portage?
I know the path as sys-apps/portage already though.  Doesn't that 
count for something? :)

Or, a bit more likely case, I know the type of the package, the 
category, but don't recall it's exact name.  What y'all are proposing 
forces the user to use a tool, rather then just a quicky ls.

   Having said that, some things could be done now.  If a flat package 
   is desirable, the existing package name clashes could be resolved by 
   the few packages that clash.
  74 packages, roughly, out of 9429 roughly.
 76/9295, which is not that bad, considering about half of them are
 emacs/xemacs related.
'cept either you, or someone else was proposing a totally flat 
namespace, no cats in the atoms.  That means the count of changes (the 
76 above is just # of conflicting packages) is around 19000, plus a 
fairly large amount of portage modifications.

Category could be added as a field in 
   metadata.xml, so that a package could belong to multiple categories.
The query/search tools could be enhanced to scan this metadata (perhaps 
   the current category directory as an implied entry in the metadata.xml).
  If that's the goal of the belong to N categories thread, strictly 
  sure, although I don't like it.  It can't become an atom for *DEPEND due to 
  the cpv 
  nonconflicting bit.
 I personally want to see the category part *disappear* from the *DEPEND
 which is one of the reasons to advocate a flat tree. If the category (or
 part of it) goes in the package name, so

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New category proposal

2005-05-11 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 11:11:02AM -0400, Alec Warner wrote:
 Yes and no.  You're assuming that people don't use the layout on disk for 
 around without calling portage.  Personally, I do.
Not need to be related, but shouldn't be related.  In essence this
 allows people to put the tree where-ever, as long as that storage
 mechanism supports the database operations required ( stuffing
 everything in a SQL db fex ).  I don't know why someone wouldbut hey ;)

Not a valid arguement for dropping categories however, since I'm 
playing with sqlite based repository module atm locally :)
(don't ask for it, it's not even remotely ready for any use beyond
destroying things locally on my box at the moment)

Category is just a bit of info used for looking up a node (category=xyz 
and package=abc).  Shouldn't isn't applicable here; in this case, 
category *is* required due to our atoms, unless people manage to push 
flattening the namespace through. :)

 The fact that the directory where diffball is is easily deducable by its
 name. As it is, I'd be a bit lost if I had to guess whether diffball is
 in app-arch or dev-util. Even if I remembered it was something
 dev-related I'd still be inclined to look in sys-devel.
  dev-util is accurate (it's a compressor, but a specialized variant, 
  same as patch is).  From it's current fs location/layout, we get thus- 
  quick lookup on the atom, and inference of it's intentions.  This is 
  why we have xml at the category level, for example.
  One thing that's being unstated also- it's implicitly stated that this 
  directory structure is somehow easier to look up a package.  If you 
  know the _exact_ package name, maybe.  Otherwise, you're falling back 
  to a search tool (which defeats to some degree the whole arguement for 
  flattened namespace).
  Some quicky python, grouping by first char of the package name, and 
  you wind up with (top 8)-
  421, 521, 571, 582, 657, 663, 664, 746
  Assuming the directories are ordered by letter, ( a,b,c,d ) and
 subdirectories if present as well, a bsearch wouldn't be bad.  Both are
 ordered sets and you can quickly determine the location of a package in
 log(n) time.  I don't see a big deal here.

Dodging my point though.  I was pointing out that the categories 
approach decreases the number of directories/packages within each 
grouping, while first letter approach jacks up the # of dirs w/in dirs 
(in some cases, of course).  basically, a category fs layout is easier 
on the human who is digging in if they don't know what they're exactly 
hunting for, point still stands. :)

Regarding bsearch, ehh.  listdir returns a list (not an iterable over 
the (open|read|close)dir syscall), so you'd have to either resort to a 
linear search, or sort then bsearch it.  Like I said, the issue isn't 
how we code things to make it speedy, my concern outlined above is 
purely the human factor in dealing with the proposed tree 

  I know the path as sys-apps/portage already though.  Doesn't that 
  count for something? :)
  Or, a bit more likely case, I know the type of the package, the 
  category, but don't recall it's exact name.  What y'all are proposing 
  forces the user to use a tool, rather then just a quicky ls.
   *tongue in cheek* and what is ls but another tool for listing the
 contents of a directory :)

ls does no good if you're trying to see all packages of a category, 
under this proposal, which is what I'm driving at.  It forces the user 
to use scripts/tools to do querying.

 I personally want to see the category part *disappear* from the *DEPEND
 which is one of the reasons to advocate a flat tree. If the category (or
 part of it) goes in the package name, so be it, but at least there will
 be no package moves to break older ebuilds or outdated overlays.
  Frankly, you need to give a *really* damn good reason for why this is 
  better.  I don't think it is, convince me otherwise.
  What do we gain from a flat namespace?
  Right now, I can infer an atom out of a DEPEND string's purpose to 
  some degree, based upon it's category.  To head off the well you 
  don't need to know the category, you should know the packages 
  intentions if you're modifying the ebuild, that dodges the point; via 
  the category portion of an atom, I can infer at least -intention- of a 
 The CPV a big fix :(
  Ignoring changes required (have stated them already, no point in 
  sniping ya over it), what _exactly_ do we gain from the change?

So... what do we gain?  Like I said, ignore for a second that massive 
overhaul required; if work is required to gain something, and what's 
gained is worth it over the work, sure.  I'm not seeing the gain 
though :)

The original request was having a package turn up in multiple 
categories for searching, right?  I don't like it, but metadata.xml at 
the package level could probably be extended for that, *strictly* for 
searching.  It cannot, 

Re: [gentoo-dev] Tests for eclasses

2005-05-10 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 09:54:33PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 Is there a standard way of handling testing for utility-type eclasses?
 For versionator I currently have a __versionator__test_blah function
 included in the eclass (source versionator.eclass works, it doesn't have
 any portage-specific code), but this is going to get a bit messy when I
 add in another few dozen tests...
 Maybe a simple test harness could be added as an option for the new
 eclass / elib setup?
Elaborate on the tests...
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New category proposal

2005-05-10 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 08:04:04PM +0900, Georgi Georgiev wrote:
 maillog: 10/05/2005-11:28:21(+0200): Martin Schlemmer types
  On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 13:07 -0400, Aron Griffis wrote:
   Georgi Georgiev wrote:[Sun May 08 2005, 08:19:20PM EDT]
Would it be inappropriate to start bitching (again) about a flat
tree where each package can go in multiple categories?
   That's something I'd love to see eventually...  I mean the flat tree,
   not the complaining ;-)
  Problem with flat tree, is the search times might then suck even more,
  as last I heard, too many dirs/files in one directory have a huge speed
 The flat tree does not imply a flat hierarchy on disk. Files and
 directories can still be organized in a more optimized manner. For
 example -- put each package in a directory of its first letter. Maybe
 even two letters if you think that the winner 'g' with 736 packages is
 too many.
This would basically require a totally seperate rsync module for newer 
portage versions that would handle it.  Or portage would have to 
support both, which (frankly) is something of a no go; it's too 
fricking ugly imo.

Beyond that, drop the optimized manner in reference to speed; 
addressed below.  Optimized for human readability?  not so sure, 
digging through debian's directory structure to dig out certain files 
has always drove me slightly insane while doing so...

 This is only true when the portage tree is stored on a filesystem. I
 recall some effort being made in making portage support reading the
 portage tree from a zipfile, so we may eventually see some other
 backends that would not suffer from this problem.
Down the line, viable (should be able to basically go nuts in terms of 
how you store the tree, locally, remotely, etc).  Now?  eh, tiz a ways 

Regarding speed comments about look up in the tree, frankly it's a bit 
minor imo.  Initial installed package scan is a heavier hit (it's 
required for even an emerge --help).  The bits in this thread about 
using xyz fs for the tree are trying to address the effects, not the 
cause of potentially slow cp_list/cp_all lookups; if the tree were 
marked as frozen (non-modifiable, iow users don't modify an ebuild 
here and there), and portage had frozen support (working on it), you 
could work directly from the cache instead, which would be a bit 
faster (at the very least, less syscalls, (open|close|read)dir, 
stat'ing, etc).

The speed portion of the arg in other words, I don't think is valid.  
Better to focus on what benefits the poor human who has to go digging 
through the tree manually, then try to make portage go faster via it 
w/ dir structuring/underlying fs.

Re: having a package claimed by multiple categories... eh.  yeah, 
that's a bit valid although I'd think it's either A) an indiciation 
our categories need to be adjusted a bit, or B) (hopefully) a rare 
case. :)

My 2 cents, at least.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New category proposal

2005-05-10 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 01:27:46PM +0900, Georgi Georgiev wrote:
 As to whether the categories are good or not... think about it. If they
 were good, would we still be seeing packages moving around the tree?
 That's why I think that multiple categories are a necessity. Unless of
 course, packages stop getting moved around and Gentoo can gurantee that
 all packages will stay at their current location.

Keep in mind the tree is in constant flux, new packages added, 
packages removed, etc.  Of course there will be a bit of 
reorganization, unless we add every possible category under the sun 
(even then, $10 on some weird esoteric category being requested 
shortly after such a change) ;)
Point I'm getting at is that the need for a better groupping occurs 
depending on the packages being added. 

One thing that just clicked in the skull on why flat-tree has issues; 
currently it's possible to have a package with the same name, yet a
differing category (app-vim/sudo vs app-admin/sudo).

Since our tree layout is based upon category, if you tried shifting 
the focus of it to packages_in anyway_, you would explicitly disallow 
same name packages, different category.  Doesn't matter how you 
structure the tree, if you do lookup into the tree based on package, 
not category, you disallow same named packages.

 What about the Mozilla suite. What in the world is it doing in
 www-client? After all, the Mozilla suite is
 - a www browser (www-client)
 - a mail client (mail-client)
 - a calendar
 - an html composer
 - an irc client (net-irc)
 Might as well go to net-misc :-/

This is why I commented that there are exceptions, question is if the 
exceptions are annoying enough the level of change required, is 
implemented (I posit no, but that's cause I see issues w/ the 
resulting namespace, and am lazy).

 - I hate the moves of packages between categories which causes enough
   problems as it is. I also find the arguments of where to put what
   pointless. Who cares if it is mail-client/mutt or net-mail/mutt as
   long as it stays in one place and is accessible by its name mutt. If
   you think that mail-client is more descriptive than net-mail,
The category labelling of it matters for those who go groking for an 
app to use, but don't know the possibilities.  Example: well, lets 
see what mail clients exist, and pick one of 'em for use based upon 
the description, since I've had it with my current mail client...

then add
   keywords (for those who hate the idea of multiple categories) to the
   metadata of each package and let emerge -s search by keyword. Does
   mutt not belong to net-mail? It does, but mail-client is better.
   Still, that is no reason to remove its relation to net-mail.  Cache
   the keyword information to make the search as fast as possible and
   you're done with the searchability part. You can now safely forget
   about this thing called categories as they become irrelevant, and
   hopefully never move another package.
 - I also hate being unable to find exactly the package that I need right
   away. I want to check mutt's ebuild... cd /usr/portage/... what next?
   Is it at the same place that I remember it was the last time I
   checked? Do I *have* to know what category it belongs to? Of course I
   can do cd /usr/portage/*/mutt, but shell completion on the mutt part
   won't work on this one. Mutt's not quite the example for the necessity
   of completions, but it gets worse with longer names like

Re: yeah, it's fricking annoying, agreed.  I'd state a faster tool is 
rather then a reorganization (imo).

See above about why flattening the tree so it's package-centric rather 
then category-centric has issues.  The consequence is that you 
have to start moving category specific metadata into the package 
name when valid conflicts occur- the sudo/vim example above, would 
require vim-sudo or vim-plugins-sudo.

Debian does this, they (ab|)use a flattened namespace.  I strongly 
dislike it, even compared to the consequences of our N category 
approach.  Granted they lack (afaik) category data, but the 
consequences of flattening the namespace still stands imo. :)

So... next possibility is doing the additional categories via 
extra metadata (xyz is *primarily* cat a, but also is cat b and c).  
Complaints over speed would easily triple if this was added; if you 
don't find a package within a (on disk dir) categories namespace, you 
have to walk the metadata for *all* ebuilds to verify that there isn't 
another package that has allegance to that category.  Yes, this can be 
cached, but it is a pita and is added complexity (in other words, 
gains needs to offset this extra cost).

 - Personal overlays. I think this a point that's clear enough. Gentoo
   devs may have scripts that keep the tree in sync after the
   loved-by-all move of a package, but that doesn't apply to us, mere

Got me there.  Would need an active translation layer, cpv was 

Re: [gentoo-dev] new glep draft: Portage as a secondary package manager

2005-05-09 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 03:46:57AM +0300, Marius Mauch wrote:
 Brian Harring wrote:
 Clarify please :)
 Offhand, I don't see why a bin repo for a home target isn't viable, 
 along with a vdb repo in the same location.  It's a bit trickier, but 
 I suspect it might be a bit more flexible in the long run.
 I don't think that's possible without a lot of hacking for many packages 
 as $HOME will be expanded at build time and might be included in the 
 resulting binaries. Or in other words: If it works, we don't need 
 $PREFIX support at all as packages could be relocated at merge time.
Was referencing per home binrepo's; basically (if desired by the 
admin/user), binpkg backups of per user home targets.

End result is per user FEATURES=buildpkg support, with the binpkgs 
safely tucked away within $HOME of the user.  If we're already doing 
the dep calculation of what nodes are needed, and where (home prefix, 
or global, etc), don't see why that info can't be tucked away and used 
as a restriction for the binpkg generated for that particular user...
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Cutting down on non-cascaded profiles

2005-05-09 Thread Brian Harring
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 10:12:03PM +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
 What about adding a panic mode to portage which, when confronted with a 
 missing profile, (and after confirmation) continues to upgrade portage to the 
 latest version it can find with some default settings that should allways 
Can't see any tenuable way to pull it off; without the profile, 
keywording can be something of a crapshoot (consider p.mask'ed portage 
versions, which do, and will continue to, occur).

Depends on your definition of default though I spose; I'd expect it 
would require a portage modification though :)
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] dev-lang/icc and dev-lang/ifc candidates for removal

2005-05-09 Thread Brian Harring
Unless someone steps up, the intel compiler toolchain 
packages dev-lang/icc (intel cc) and dev-lang/ifc (intel fortran 
compiler) are prime candidates for removal from the tree; open bugs, 
primary maintainer is retired, and no devs have moved in to pick up the 
packages, let along touched the changeslogs in around a year.

So, any takers?

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