Re: PGT003 error

2010-09-08 Thread David Boyes
Check to make sure you haven't overlaid your page space with a minidisk.

I just took a hit on my DEV LPAR which brought it down the error was:

PGT003 Explanation: The DASD page slot being released was not previously 
allocated, or the slot address is incorrect.

Has anyone seen this before and if so what were the issues.

Re: Removing SSL Support From z/VM 4.4

2010-09-07 Thread David Boyes
 We have a z/VM 4.4 system which was setup to use Sine Nomine's Linux
 guest to provide SSL tn3270 support.
 It has broken, and I would just like to remove the feature so that
 z/VM TCP/IP would just use regular tn3270.

What version of the guest? We have maintained it over time, so if you've got an 
old one, you may want to upgrade. 

 Where would I find the directions to remove the SSL function?

TCPIP Administrators Guide. Reverse the steps to enable it. 

-- db

Re: Removing SSL Support From z/VM 4.4

2010-09-07 Thread David Boyes
 I didn't think you guys were still maintaining it for the older
 systems (z/VM 4.4 on MP3K).

We sure are. We just aren't doing one for the new systems that no longer use 
the Linux-based SSL (because, well, they don't use it). 
It still can't fix the basic scalability design problems with the early SSL 
code (OCO, anyone?), but the newer versions are a little lighter weight for 
what it does. 

You can still get support, too. 

--d b

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-07 Thread David Boyes
The key trick to getting around this with PDFs is to have access to a full copy 
of Acrobat and regularly run 'pdfindex' to generate an index file for all your 
PDF documents. You can give that index file to the PDF reader, and your 
searches will work more like the Bookie ones (cross-book and intra-book).  I'd 
distribute my index file, but pdfindex generates a file with absolute paths in 
it, so you'd have to organize your books the same way I do for it to be useful.

-- db

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Jonathan R Nolting
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: BookManager format softcopy

I agree. The bookshelf search is something that I use all the time as well. I 
can't seem to get similar search results using the other documentation media.

Re: Moving On

2010-09-07 Thread David Boyes
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
 Behalf Of Richard Troth
 This month, I will be leaving Nationwide Insurance and taking up work
 with Velocity Software.

At this rate, expect the (hostile?) take-over bid for IGS any day now.

Congrats, Rick. 

-- db

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-07 Thread David Boyes
More feedback (1 = gotta have it now, 4 = when you have a lot of free time)

 - TOC simplification and consistency (avoid useless divisions of

3. We're used to it by now, and the PDF manuals don't really exhibit this 
problem too badly. 

 - PDF bookshelf and search enhancements


 -  Better education within the context of the Library on how to
 effectively access it with available tools.  I mean, I had just learned
 about the Advanced Linguistic Plug-in a few days before Michael Forte
 others posted on the subject..  Who knew?

4. Stop inventing custom tools for this. Stick to common stuff like PDF and 
ePub. Everyone else has. 

 - A Linux version of the Information Center

4. If you must. BTW, there is a open-source Linux version of pdfindex. 

 - Better bulk packaging of the Library so that it is easily moved

2. A write-locked USB drive or SD card format would be handy. A 32G SD card 
will hold the entire z/OS and z/VM (and most of the z/VSE) libraries 
(recommended accessory before you go out in the field, Alan...). 

 - New formats for mobile and e-book devices.  There oughtta be an app
 that, eh?

1. There are very good PDF and ePub readers already out there. 

 - Tools to transform BOOK files into reasonable PDFs, even if only a
 meager EXPORT function in BookManager READ.

Can I wish for a LIST3820 to PDF converter too? Even if it produces crappy 
rasterized 200 dpi page images in the PDF, there is a need. 

 and that it might be good to have some of these addressed before BOOKs


FW: Ohio LinuxFest 2010 - Registration extended

2010-09-03 Thread David Boyes
Just a reminder that there will be a VM and Linux track at OLF on Saturday. 
Speakers will include Rick Troth from Nationwide, me, and other people you've 
always wanted to interrogate. Fun for all ages. Sept 10-12. 

-- db

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 12:31 PM
 To: David Boyes
 Subject: Ohio LinuxFest 2010 - Registration extended
 Columbus, Ohio -- September 1, 2010 -- Registration for the 2010
 Ohio LinuxFest has been extended through September 8th, and the
 registration contest has also been extended until the 1,000th
 registration has been reached.
 One lucky registrant will win an upgrade to the Supporter Pass, or a
 Professional Pass registration for Ohio LinuxFest 2011 worth $350,
 at the choice of the winner. Full details are available at
 Sign up today and have a chance to win!
 Online registration also qualifies attendees for door prizes and
 giveaways the day of the conference.
 As always, the main schedule takes place on Saturday. The schedule
 kicks off with a keynote from GNOME Foundation Executive Director
 Stormy Peters, followed by five tracks of talks from open source and
 Linux experts like Taurus Balog, Amber Graner, Catherine Devlin, Dru
 Lavigne, Paul Frields, and Jon 'maddog' Hall. This year's OLF also
 features a special medical track for those interested in the use of
 free and open source software in medicine.
 The final keynote will be a real treat for Linux and open source
 enthusiasts interested in free media. Christopher Monty
 Montgomery of will be talking about next generation open
 source media formats.
 Once again the Ohio LinuxFest is free to all, but space is limited.
 Sign up today at If you want to
 support OLF, the organizers have made a supporter package available
 for $65 that includes lunch and an OLF t-shirt. For those who want
 to attend Friday's OLF University sessions, a professional pass is
 also available for $350.
 The Ohio LinuxFest is a grassroots conference for the open source
 community that started in 2003 as an inter-LUG meeting and has grown
 steadily since to become the Midwest's largest open source event.
 It's an annual event for Linux and open source enthusiasts to
 gather, share information, and socialize.
 Best regards,
 The Ohio LinuxFest team

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-03 Thread David Boyes
Sounds like a plan. I'd actually omit the Information Center docs too -- 
they're almost impossible to use, really. 

 The z/VM Information Center and PDF files would still be produced.

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-03 Thread David Boyes
 I'm curious. I have a KindleDX expressly so that I can easily read PDF
 books which are US Letter or A4 sized. Given the upswing in other,
 smaller, ebook readers (and things like iPod touch and smartphones),
 would a mobi format be useful? 

ePub format would be generally about as helpful as PDF, and it's better behaved 
on the smaller devices (eg, iPhone/Android, etc). The mobi format would 
probably screw up the railroad-track diagrams something awful. If you can 
create PDF, creating ePub from PDF is pretty simple. 

 Or perhaps even a PDF book which is
 formatted to A5 size instead of A4? Or, heavens!, even publish the
 documents in Linux docbook format and let us create the book in
 whatever format we like using docbook tools. OK, this last is likely
 going too far as IBM starts to lose some of its control over content.

Bookie source used to be available for some manuals. Or if you have the .BOO 
and Bookmaster/READ, you can produce the source with a few contortions.  That's 
how I converted the VM/XA docs to PDF. 

Rather than Docbook specifically, how about SGML? That would still allow 
formatting with SCRIPT if necessary (DCF can handle SGML docs) and also allow 
processing with Docbook if IBM made the DTD available...

-- db

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-03 Thread David Boyes
 The Information Center is very nice in that regard.  You can download
 run it on your workstation if you like, or you can use the Internet
 version.  Learning curve is nil.

Are there any docs on how to use it better? I find it really confusing and hard 
to work with. 

-- db

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-03 Thread David Boyes

With regard to your mention of PDF search capability, have you downloaded and 
tried the IBM Advanced Linguistic Search  Plug-in for searching enabled PDFs 
and across PDF extended shelves with the same (or nearly same) search quality 
as BookManager?

PDFs don't give me problems. It's the Info Center stuff that makes me want to 
chew nails.   I have the full Acrobat package and I just index the PDF 
documents and I'm done.  No muss, no fuss and it just works. Regardless of 
platform, connectivity or what release of Java I happen to have on the machine 
in question. Which none of the other formats can claim, BTW.

With regard to the information center, the biggest contributing factor to the 
organization of the content is that the z/VM library is organized using a book 
methodology and not broken down in such a manner that lends well to article 
based documentation (the information center is article based). I know those who 
work on the z/VM documentation are continuously improving the organization of 
the documentation and have the desire to improve the user experience. Just 
takes time with so few hands.

To be blunt: don't fix it. It ain't broke. Article based docs are inordinately 
hard to use unless you have the same mental map as the author. I have yet to 
find anyone else as demented as I, so that's pretty hard to do.

Aside from that, there are newer versions of the Eclipse subsystem -- that 
drives the heart of the information -- that we continuously evaluate and 
migrated to. These newer versions improve the functionality and speed.

None of that will fix a basic disconnect in how people use the docs. It's just 
lipstick on the pig.

This biggest benefit to producing information centers is that the content can 
be updated much quicker and more easily. If we can round the infrastructure 
bend then enables that, we might see the end of the days where to use version X 
release Y of a product one needs to read the release specific documentation, 
APAR documentation, and possibly a subsequent release documentation (all 
because updates are not easily made between releases or as service is release 
to the service stream).

Ugh. I WANT release-specific docs. You released it at a point in time, and the 
docs should apply ONLY to what you released. I don't want to figure out what 
you've added since you released something - we already have that problem on 
your other platforms, where the same problems noted above apply.

(PERSONAL OPINION) Some exciting functionality I'd like to see in the future 
involves commenting and user contributed documentation. After all, the users 
really know the product and what others would look for the most.  If you'd like 
to see a newer implementation of an information center, navigate to the IBM 
Ration Team Concert information center 
( You'll notice 
the organization is much different and the load time is less.

The last thing I want is other people writing in my manual margins. It's hard 
enough figuring out what YOU meant, let alone random yutzes who we don't know 
at all and have no way to evaluate whether they know spit or not. User 
contributed docs are what Redbooks are for, where they get some sane editing 
and some fact checking done before you put your logo on them.

-- db


2010-09-03 Thread David Boyes
I think someone mentioned this recently, but one way to do this is to put only 
the system-owned volumes in the online-at-ipl statement, and then vary on and 
attach the appropriate volumes in AUTOLOG1 (or your equivalent) before you 
start autologging machines. It's easier to modify the list there instead of the 
somewhat cumbersome process of messing with SYSTEM CONFIG (and possibly 
creating a unbootable system).

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 6:30 PM
Subject: DEVICES Statement in SYSTEM CONFIG


On my system all of the devices come online at IPL time. So if I only want 
certain devices to come online on certain LPARS can I do something like this 
where since all of the devices come online at IPL can I vary them all offline 
and then come back and issue the online command for only the volumes I want 
online for this LPAR.

If there is a better way please by all means let me know!


Devices ,

 Online_at_IPL 037B 5100-512E 5130-5179 5195 5198-519A 519C-519F,
   51A0-51AE 51B0-51FF 5400-5403 5500-5507

Thank You,

Terry Martin
Lockheed Martin - Citic
z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
Office - 443 348-2102
Cell - 443 632-4191


Re: Duplicate VOLID's

2010-08-27 Thread David Boyes
I’ve always liked Vn, where n is the order of acquisition in your 
organization, eg V1 for the first volume acquired, V2 for the second, 
etc. The V is there to not confuse commands that need a volser as input into 
thinking they’re dealing with a real address (once had that problem with a 
system that had all numeric userids --- ick), and I’ve never rolled over within 
the same complex during my time there.

If you stick to decimal numbering most people don’t confuse them with 
addresses, and if you go through a lot of disks (as I assume Visa does), you’re 
still unlikely to replace 99,999 at a time.  Works with LPARs, VM, z/OS, pretty 
much any situation you come to.

On 8/27/10 10:45 AM, Schuh, Richard wrote:

Also, if you have dasd that is EMIFd to n LPARS, how do you know (a) whether a 
disk is spare or in use if all of the dasd have volsers ZL, and (b) if in 
use, by which LPAR? IO can see using VM as an indicator that a volume has 
not yet been deployed, but once it has, it needs to be labeled using another 
convention. Since we seem to replace our DASD farm every 2 or 3 years, device 
number has no place in the scheme other than to denote a spare volume.
Richard Schuh

Re: Duplicate VOLID's

2010-08-27 Thread David Boyes
On 8/27/10 1:38 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 But I could imagine something like this in SYSTEM CONFIG:
 CP_Owned Slot 1 6X0RES ID 2105.000.IBM.13.3737504EE.0D0A
 CP_owned Slot 2 6X0TD1 ID 2107.900.IBM.13.29839621A.0D0A
 CP_owned Slot 3 6X0PG1 ID 2107.900.IBM.13.4924295DC.0D0A, (yes, there are
 two IDs for slot 3)
   2107.900.IBM.13.0358113AA.0D0A  (..choose in the
 order given)

Meh. Kinda has the same problem that ATM addresses had -- too much detail
stored as context. 
 Hmmmorwhen IPL has finished, CP could write the found UUIDs to the
 warm start area and use those in preference to any other on a subsequent
 IPL.  For PPRC pairs, write both UUIDs and allow either.   If a volume
 with the needed UUID is not available, then (based on configuration) ask
 which RDEV to use a la z/OS, or just take the lowest-numbered one
 available.  In either case, update the UUID in the warm start area.

Much better. 

Re: Duplicate VOLID's

2010-08-27 Thread David Boyes
Who’s using it is a different issue, and with the size of systems we’re 
starting to see, the name of the disk isn’t going to tell you anything 
worthwhile anyway. 6 characters just isn’t enough to overload with any useful 
meaning beyond a fairly small environment. I manage that problem in the change 
management system — OTRS is really quite nice for that. 8-)

On 8/27/10 7:21 PM, Schuh, Richard wrote:

Order of acquisition will stay static. Is V04371 a spare or is it used by one 
of the n LPARS? If the latter, which one?

Re: Coupling TN3270E sessions to VTAM

2010-08-26 Thread David Boyes
On 8/26/10 4:02 AM, Dieltiens Geert
 I can do the same using the TN3270E server in VM: I can connect a
 TN3270E session to VM/VTAM using the DIAL VTAM command (manually, or
 from SCEXIT) which creates a Non-SNA-session on which I can show an
 USSTAB menu. This does require a DEFINE GRAF  3270 for every session
 that DIALs to VTAM.
 I tried that and it works, but can I use this DIAL-method for several
 thousands of TN3270E sessions? Is there a limit to the number of
 sessions? Or are there better ways for coupling a lot of VM/TN3270E
 sessions to VM/VTAM?

You should also check out using PVM (and the associated PVM gadgetry) as
your target for the DIAL command. The PVM gateway code to VTAM is a bit
nicer than having a non-SNA terminal type, and PVM presents a nice menu of
systems that can be connected in lots of different ways (even multiplexed
over NJE connections, if you actually had to do that...).

PVM was designed to handle very large numbers of sessions and deal with
dialed terminals. 

Re: RSCS Messages

2010-08-17 Thread David Boyes
 There is/was a school of thought that says
 shouldn't be TOO easy for someone to get more privileges; that there
 should be a ceremony of some sort that TPTB would notice.

Commonly known as the bonfire of the vanities. 

Please let it be Friday, somewhere... 

--d b

Re: SAMBA: memory problem

2010-08-17 Thread David Boyes

Mark's question was WHY are you building from source?  Why not use the 
pre-built code that came with your distribution?
One common reason is that AFAIK neither distribution yet builds the necessary 
components for autoassigning uid values if you are integrating a Linux system 
into an AD domain using winbind. The source is there in the source RPMs, though 
- it's a lot simpler to make it from that instead of the source tarballs.

Re: Report CPU utilization under Z/VM

2010-08-17 Thread David Boyes

We wrote a sample EXEC here, with the Help of this list (of course), that gove 
a CP IND commands from time to time (each 5 minutes), and then write this data 
on a CMS file.
This process run very well, because We can see the CPU utilization from all 
times of the day (Online , and Batch at midnigth).
But, We also have here, the VM Performance Tools, and now, the boss here, ask, 
if is not possible get a report from this Product, and if this is better.

Perfkit is a lot more sophisticated, and it certainly supports far more 
statistics than just CPU usage. It also uses a more system-friendly means of 
collecting the data (via the system monitor services).

So, We are putting this question here for apreciate by gurus VM, and , see what 
is the better.
If someone understand that VM Performance Tools is the better, have a way for 
us extract data from there?

All Perfkit-collected performance data is written to files, which are available 
in daily, weekly and monthly summary form in CMS files maintained by the 
PERFSVM virtual machine. The record layout is documented in the Perfkit manual. 
If you have 3270-graphics compatible terminals (or GDDM) you can produce very 
nice graphs and reports without writing any code at all.  It also has a WWW 
interface that's pretty nice.

I would suggest using Perfkit. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than 
do-it-yourself methods, and somebody else supports it. It is also SFS friendly, 
so you can access the SFS directory while it's running, and do your custom 
reporting if you can't get Perfkit to do what you want.

Re: SAMBA: memory problem

2010-08-17 Thread David Boyes
On 8/18/10 12:57 AM, Alain Benveniste wrote:

 Ok. I understand now... but I don't have a linux... Can't it be done without
 having one ?

There is a very old port of Samba that can run in OpenEdition/VM, and there
is an IBM product that might still be available (LANRES/VM) that can provide
some SMB-based file service. The modern versions of Samba haven't been
ported to CMS, so you'll need to front-end the CMS NFS server with a Linux
guest (Debian would be no-cost and the tools are easy to set up there) to
get CIFS/SMB support for CMS files.

If you really need a CMS Samba port, lets talk offlist. Neale Ferguson did
the old Samba port, and could probably do it again.

-- db

Re: How to copy a disk using a z/Linux guest

2010-08-16 Thread David Boyes
On 8/16/10 10:37 AM, Macioce, Larry wrote:

 What about Bacula? Dr Boyes could speak could speak on this point better
 And you always want to shutdown the guest to get a good backup

Long term, setting up Bacula would probably be a Good Thing, but probably
doesn't help much in this scenario, other than to give you a convenient way
to dump and restore the contents of the filesystem onto a new disk that
doesn't have the missing VTOC problem.

The question in my mind is whether the last cylinder of the pack is actually
in use and/or whether the filesystem could be resized online to be 180K
smaller (so as to free up the last cylinder). DDR is smart enough to be able
to relocate the disk image (eg, restore it to cyl+1 on another disk), but
that won't fix up any internal references to the filesystem size or LVM
magic that might be there, and you will get Weird Failures that you really
don't want to try to track down. If it can't be resized or is part of a LVM,
then you're SOL on that solution.

Ultimately, if you want to keep using DFDSS (and I'll point out that you
have been EXTREMELY lucky if you haven't had failures of your backups) the
solution is to allocate a new pack with a proper VTOC in cyl 0, and follow
the instructions on to migrate the filesystem from the current
disk to the new disk. Short of that, you'll have to use DDR for those two
packs (if you use CMSDDR, you can store those two disks as CMS files on one
of the other packs, and then restore them back to real DASD from there).
That's probably the only way you'll be able to do this quickly enough for
your DR test. Larry's suggestion of Bacula is a better long term solution,
but that takes a bit of planning you probably don't have time to do now.

-- db

Re: How to copy a disk using a z/Linux guest

2010-08-16 Thread David Boyes
On 8/16/10 10:49 AM, McKown, John wrote:

 Wouldn't doing a dd in the running Linux guest to a separate disk, then
 backing up that disk result in a good backup? Assuming that the application
 has synced its data, of course.

If you unmount the filesystem you dumped to, yes. But, you have to have as
much free disk as you have primary disk for that to work well (and if you're
using LVM, that still gets tricky in terms of consistency sets on restore).
That's where Amanda and Bacula come into play.

-- db

Re: How to copy a disk using a z/Linux guest

2010-08-16 Thread David Boyes
On 8/16/10 11:10 AM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) wrote:
 First, we do not count on Full pack backups for our restores normally we
 use FDRUPSTREAM to backup the guests file systems on a daily and weekly
 basis, however the guests are still running when this is done other than
 the Data Base backups where the guest is shutdown and a full backup is
 taken of the Oracle data base using FDRUPSTREAM.

OK, if you're running the FDR/Upstream agent inside the guest, you probably
are going to be OK. That satisfies the requirement of backing up the systems
from within the guest, so the backup will likely be reasonably consistent.

 Second, for this exercise there is no LVM involved these are just ECKD
 devices. So synchronization will be less of an issue for these guests
 and for this test.

*whew* LVM is a PITA for this sort of stuff. Necessary, but a PITA.

Still, once you get back, it's probably smart to fix those two packs.

-- db

Re: Disaster Recovery TCPIP Address Issue

2010-08-12 Thread David Boyes
 Would this be done with the SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER statement in the SYSTEM CONFIG 

For the SYSTEM CONFIG changes, yes. for SYSTEM NETID, you need to make the 
changes on MAINT 490 and then DDR 490 to 190. Note: disruptive, so do during a 
maintenance window. 

 and if so, how do I find my current model and cpuid?
 Looks like the 'q cupid' will give it to me.

Yep. Read the notes in the CP Commands manual. 

Note that multiple CPUIDs can map to the same node id in the case where you 
could end up on one of several CECs at the recovery site.  

Re: EMC, Celerra and FCP

2010-08-10 Thread David Boyes
By whom? FCP is pretty much FCP these days; it may not be approved by the 
manufacturer, but it certainly works (and with much less sophisticated 
hardware). The only issue I can think of is whether your switches support NPIV, 
which is pretty much required to effectively use FCP storage in z/VM. 

Can your SAN folks tell you what errors they're seeing? In most cases, it's 
getting the WWPN and NPV settings right, and you should be good to go. 

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf Of 
Michael Simms []
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 10:28 AM
Subject: EMC, Celerra and FCP

Our Windows folks have a large EMC Celerra NS-960. We have a z10BC. We ha
genned our IOCP to have 2 FCP channels. Now we are trying to connect via

switch to the EMC box. We are now being told that this connection is not

Has anyone done anything like this?
Thoughts? Hints?

Linux on Z and z/VM Track at Ohio Linuxfest, 9/10-12

2010-08-04 Thread David Boyes

There will be a Linux on Z and z/VM track at Ohio Linuxfest on September 10-12, 
2010 in Columbus, Ohio. The track will include FREE intros to z/VM and Linux on 
Z, open source tools for z/VM and Linux on Z, and many other large-system 
related topics.  Many of the fine people on this list will be present in 
person, and there's a special QA free-for-all scheduled to get one-on-one 
consulting help with your deployments and issues. The show is free, but if you 
want to attend the Big Systems Track (size does matter...8-)), you need to 
check the box on the registration form. Registration is available at

I'll be giving a presentation on Nifty CMS Tools You Didn't Know Existed, But 
Should Install Right NOW!, and if there is enough interest, there'll be cool 

See you there!

-- db

David Boyes
Sine Nomine Associates

Re: z/VM OSA with z/OS guest

2010-07-30 Thread David Boyes
If you want to stick to dedicating the adapters, you¹ll need to use
different real addresses (eg, 7D0,7D1,7D2, 7D3, 7D4, 7D5, etc), but dedicate
them to the same virtual address (eg 7D0, 7D1, 7D2) in the CP directory for
the zOS guests. 

In the directory for z/OS 1:


(the easy case). 

In the directory for z/OS 2:


(z/OS 2 still sees addresses 7D0-7D2, but the real hardware uses a different
OSA triplet so everyone plays nice).  Do the same with z/OS 3.

If you¹re willing to experiment and get a MUCH niftier way of doing it
(dedicating devices is SO old-skool z/OS... Sniff), use a VSWITCH.

Define the VSWITCH with real device 7D0 as  the real device in DEFINE
VSWITCH. Grant ZOS1, ZOS2, and ZOS3 access to the VSWITCH. Then in the CP
directory use NIC statements for 7D0 connected to the VSWITCH. Slick, easy
to manage, and MUCH more flexible in how you use the hardware.

 At current time, I have each z/OS guest with his own triplet of unique OSA
 addresses. Each one will work fine UNTIL they are all up and running, at which
 time, we start seeing ³console hangs² and what appears to be machine lockups.
 Some times they will eventually clear themselves, sometimes not.   And it
 rotates as to which z/OS guest system hangs.

This sounds more like resource exhaustion than a network-related issue. Look
at the recommendations for system resource management sessions that are in
the Linux guides and in the running guest OS manual. A lot of the problems
are similar (but zOS is even more ill-behaved in some ways). 

Re: z/VM OSA with z/OS guest

2010-07-30 Thread David Boyes
On 7/30/10 12:02 PM, Ray Waters wrote:

 I believe you have your DEDICATE statements backwards:


It's been that sort of day. You are correct. Please transpose in my

Re: Replacing old solution OpenConnect SNA Printer Server

2010-07-29 Thread David Boyes
NJE Bridge, RSCS NJE license and SNAPRSIM (originally written at University of 
Maryland, and still available from various VM Workshop tapes).   SNAPRSIM lets 
you provide acquirable printer LU devices in VTAM and turn them into VM spool 
files. RSCS ships the files over to NJE Bridge running on Linux, and Linux 
provides printing via CUPS with lots of nifty enhancements.

Re: New standard for networking help

2010-07-19 Thread David Boyes
 The point was not the format, but that the information was organized,
 complete, and easy to read.
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

I think you missed the intent of the suggestion. Often we see that people don't 
know what information might be useful to solve a problem. If there is some key 
information that makes solving problems easier, then having a guideline often 
helps people collect the right stuff to get the problem solved the first time 
around. Others have suggested a automated way; that's cool, but you have to 
define what you (IBM) need before you can automate anything. Then the REXX and 
Pipe fiends will take over and find a way to collect it. 8-)

Returning to the report in question, if that's the paradigm that you find 
useful, gut it of customer details, and let's see it. If nothing else, it will 
make a good example of what kind of things need to be collected. 

-- db

Re: New standard for networking help

2010-07-16 Thread David Boyes
  My friend, Chuckie, whispered to me that all World-Class Systems
  Programmers would undoubtedly like to know about and adhere to this
  Standard of Excellence, so I immediately thought of you all.  :-)  I
  to being anxious to see how others will improve upon this standard
  as by including chocolate)!

Perhaps Chuckie would like to create a template for submitting networking 
problems that demonstrates this new artistic movement? 

Sort of a Jackson Pollock paint-by-number kit...


PS - *grin*

[no subject]

2010-07-12 Thread David Boyes

Sounds like somebody finally listened to Cowlishaw.

--d b

(BTW, almost done with a port of Regina to Android.)

Re: Second screen in a z/VM CMS session

2010-07-07 Thread David Boyes
 I'll second what Mike said about TRACEXEC.  It's a great tool.  It's
 going to do what you envisioned originally as far as working with two
 screens, but you should consider TRACEXEC anyway.

If you do go the two-userids-with-SFS route, also consider SESSION. It allows 
you to log into one userid, run SESSION name PFx, and then you can switch 
sessions with a PF key. You can have lots of named sessions, each on a 
different userid. Again, not exactly what you wanted, but enormously handy for 
those moments when you need to check something on another id without having to 
start a whole new session. 

Re: RSCS in the base VM

2010-06-23 Thread David Boyes
As far as I can remember, only the LPR/LPD functions were cost-free. The
other RSCS functions (ie, any NJE function, IP SNA or CTC) required a

The General Info manuals would probably have that information, or you could
look at the announcement letters on IBMlink.

On 6/23/10 4:33 PM, Paul Nieman wrote:

 We are running z/VM Version 4.3.  What functionality of RSCS was
 included in the base at that point?  Where can I go to find this?
 Paul Nieman

Re: CICS and z/VM

2010-06-23 Thread David Boyes
On 6/23/10 6:51 PM, Rich Smrcina wrote:

 On 06/23/2010 05:43 PM, Howard Rifkind wrote:
 A friend of mine stated that CICS can run native under z/VM with z/OS
 being present.

There was a CICS/VM about 20 years back that did not require a guest OS,
however it was withdrawn ages ago. There are apocryphal stories that it was
withdrawn because there were fears in IBM that if such a thing existed, it
would somehow hurt CICS sales on the other operating systems.

I still have paper manuals for it, and it was very popular with universities
in the Higher Ed Software Consortium because it was a lot less difficult to
use to teach CICS programming with it, and it was dirt cheap compared to
running a VSE or MVS guest. You also could only crash your own virtual
machine, instead of screwing up everybody's work...

-- db

Re: Issuing VM commands from z/OS...

2010-06-22 Thread David Boyes
AFAIK, there's still no IBM-supported way to do this. VSE put the VM interfaces 
in ages ago, but they've always been a bit smarter about playing nice with 

There's a nice mod on the SHARE mods tapes that teaches JES to CP CLOSE spool 
files via DIAG 8 and also provides a utility that will do CP commands read from 
a input dataset, also via DIAG 8.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Frank M. Ramaekers
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:29 AM
Subject: Issuing VM commands from z/OS...

...I know that I can do this easily from z/VSE, but what about z/OS?

Re: Issuing VM commands from z/OS...

2010-06-22 Thread David Boyes
NJE connection to RSCS or NJE Bridge would also work (without having to
write any code). 

Re: what is a 'full pack' minidisk?

2010-06-18 Thread David Boyes
I usually use the following terms, but they are by no means standardized.

0-END is full pack. 1-END is Entire usable disk

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 5:06 PM
Subject: what is a 'full pack' minidisk?

Are there different terms for a minidisk that is defined from 1-END as opposed 
to 0-END ?I keep having to clarify which I mean every time I use the phrase 
'full pack minidisk'.

Is there a more succinct way to refer to them separately so I don't have to 
parenthetically explain what I mean?   (1-END)

Thanks from a befuddled old man ..

Scott Rohling

Re: I hate to ask -- VM passwords authenticated against AD?

2010-06-16 Thread David Boyes
I have most of the piece parts done (IUCV driver, PAM driver, Kerberos and LDAP 
interfaces, Linux guest to do the heavy lifting) to enable VM to use any 
authentication sources supported by PAM, including AD. The remaining part is 
the necessary CP modules to normalize all the entry points to CP into a 
documented interface that doesn't require rebuilding CP, then convincing IBM to 
either ship VM with the RACF interface modules prebuilt, plus a dummy RACF 
lite that implements the defaut defer behavior, or agree on what the 
external interface should be in terms of service access points and ship that. 
I'd actually donate the service code if IBM would accept it. 

As you might imagine, the last part is the hardest. If someone wants this badly 
enough to pay for it, then I can probably have a beta-ready version available 
in a month or so. 

-- db

Re: I hate to ask -- VM passwords authenticated against AD?

2010-06-16 Thread David Boyes
 In this case, however, both IBM and CA offer products for sale in this
 space.  I would rather see the requirement levied against the various
 to provide this function since that's where it logically belongs.
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

I'd make a counterargument that if IBM intends to position z/VM only as a Linux 
hosting environment, then the current setup that requires the user to have the 
skills to rebuild CP to enable an ESM (which Chuckie usually recommends) is 
highly user-hostile, and needs to be resolved at the CP layer, not in 
third-party products. Every ESM shouldn't have to invent the CP interface 
wheel. A cleaner, less intimately entwined, set of security interfaces would be 
good for everyone, including the IBM products, and with the enormous amount of 
work going into z/VM, this would be a good time to architect it in. 

The rest of the functionality (resolving userid validity, credential mapping, 
etc) are all user-space pieces, and I'd totally agree that that's where they 
belong -- in the ESM logic.

But, that's the issue I mentioned. If there's consensus that this would be 
useful, and if IBM would consider adding it to z/VM, I'm willing to do the 
work. I just don't want to create Yet Another Way to do it, which perpetuates 
the current situation. 

Re: I hate to ask -- VM passwords authenticated against AD?

2010-06-16 Thread David Boyes
 When building an ESM, you have some fairly complex challenges. At the
 of the list, the ESM
 1. Cannot be simply or easily circumvented (even by a sysadmin [as
 to sysprog] ),
 2. Must enforce a limited set of operations when the ESM server is down
 sufficient only to get the ESM server back up and running or to declare
 The ESM's dead, Jim.
 3. Must recognize and differentiate system initialization activities
 'steady state' stuff
 4. Must generally support the idea the CP is the enforcement point.
 may be derived from a server, but CP is where the Real Decisions are
 and where it is understood that, sometimes, the policy does not apply
 is a Really Bad Idea in some cases.
 That's impossible to do if all the logic is in the server.

Something tells me we're actually agreeing with each other but using different 
words. I'm not arguing against any of those points. I am arguing that the 
current implementation makes implementing code (both for the programmer and the 
user) that exploits the existing interfaces unnecessarily complex (and release 
dependent), thus increasing everybody's cost of operation and ownership. 

I'm arguing that we don't have to reinvent that consolidation piece to present 
a way to connect a ESM to CP. But, never mind. Just an idea. If somebody wants 
it, they'll holler. 

-- db

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-02 Thread David Boyes
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
 Behalf Of Alan Altmark
 Natch.  One must always challenge a flawed finding.  Likewise, one must
 accept the valid ones.  Wisdom is knowing the difference.  [With
 to Dr. Niebuhr.]

I tend to fall into the discretion is the greater part of valour camp, but 
again, YMMV. I guess I've reached the point in life where crusades are less fun 
than they used to be. 

 No, key lock is not reported, being a completely local phenomenon.  I
 thinking along the lines of the host causing the emulator to enable the
 workstation's (or its own) lock program just by sending a special order
 structured field.  When the user types a password, the data flows back
 the host for validation.  Kind of like an http challenge.

It would have to be inside the terminal emulator itself. Screen lock in most 
desktop systems is separate from individual applications and you wouldn't have 
the ability to modify/trigger it. 

Too bad about the key lock. That would have been elegant. VM -- just turn the 

 Of course, VM's ability to disconnect the session from the virtual
 accomplishes the same thing, but it's rather heavy handed.

I've always found auditors to err on the side of the solution that has the 
potential to annoy the most number of people with the least likelihood of being 
traced back to them. 8-)

-- db

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread David Boyes

This may have been asked before but I was wondering the best way to 
Automatically log off a CMS user after a designated time frame. This is to 
address an Audit finding.

If your users log in via tn3270, you can use idle timeouts in the TCPIP virtual 
machine to kill idle connections, and let the CP READ time bomb take care of 
it.   Otherwise, if you have PERFKIT or something similar, there is a idle 
timer in those products where you can use the information gathered by the 
performance monitor to determine when a user has been idle for a period of 
time, and take a useful action (eg, detach devices and then force them off).

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread David Boyes
 With care, as an idle terminal does not imply an idle virtual machine.

Indeed, although I suspect his auditor is whining about terminals left 

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread David Boyes
 On Tuesday, 06/01/2010 at 09:51 EDT, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) wrote:
  This may have been asked before but I was wondering the best way to
  Automatically log off a CMS user after a designated time frame. This
  address an Audit finding.
 You opened the door, Terry, so I will walk through it:   What policy
 drive an auditor to create such a finding? I just have trouble with a
 policy that says After a CMS user has been logged on for [n] minutes,
 them off.  To what end?  And is it really only CMS users?  In Linux
 systems the CMS users are the admins and SVMs, none of whom should be
 logged off (IMO).  (I might buy FORCE DISC, but not logoff.)

Many orgs have a policy that unattended sessions be automatically terminated 
after X minutes of inactivity, regardless of OS. Most if not all US govt 
agencies have such policies. For other OSes, that means logoff (or equivalent), 
since most of the other OSes don't have a disconnect/reconnect option (other 
than using screen...). 

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread David Boyes
   With care, as an idle terminal does not imply an idle virtual
  Indeed, although I suspect his auditor is whining about terminals
 Back in 1970 we had no other solution.  Things have progressed somewhat
 since then and a properly mandated and managed end station screen lock
 will suffice.

Depends on the auditor. For some, it will. For others, it won't. YMMV.

 I say somewhat since I think that the 3270 datastream is ripe for the
 host to be able send an enable/disable/query screen lock to the
 emulator, independent of any OS-level locks, and potentially
 to the specific application.  (Some apps access more sensitive data

I don't remember -- is the state of the key lock reported? If so, you could 
probably overload the screen lock state onto that 3270 state without having to 
reengineer stuff. 

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread David Boyes
I'm with Marcy on this one. You could argue it, but it's trivially easy to do 
with several methods, so save the effort for something bigger.

-- db

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

Yes, I would be arguing with the auditor (and I have actually won a few (but 
lost more)) ..   since anyone with a laptop can also run a keystroke generator 
to foil inactivity monitors - the security should exist at the workstation 
level (locking screensaver).   If you can't control it (monitoring of 
inactivity as a security measure) -- it's not secure and not worth any effort.


2010-05-26 Thread David Boyes
 as i know the signal is ignored. If you deactivate a running z/OS Lpar, the 
 z/OS in this LPAR does just die.

Well, boo. That seems to be an integrity issue -- if that signal appears and if 
the time remaining is non-zero, z/OS ought to at least TELL you that it 
happened, even if it doesn't let you do something about it.  It shouldn't just 
die horribly, it should try to do something if it can.  

Guess it's time to pull out my requirement pen. 

Re: IFL Problem

2010-05-25 Thread David Boyes
 Sounds like a requirement to me. After all, what else runs on an IFL?

z/VM itself




2010-05-25 Thread David Boyes
In another discussion, the question of what z/OS does with a LPAR shutdown 
signal (the hardware equivalent of SIGNAL SHUTDOWN) by default came up. Does 
anyone know? Does it generate a message or  trigger a START command or does it 
just die horribly? Can it be trapped and used to initiate some useful action?

Re: OS390 Guests using GRS and Sharing DASD with virtual RESERVE/RELEASEbgggtggncv under z/VMnjxjgj

2010-05-23 Thread David Boyes
Klaatu Baratu Nicto?

On May 23, 2010, at 2:49 AM, Alain Benveniste wrote:

Ccghhjjkkjjkkjvjhjjklknbvvbbbvvknbkbbbnbs:.. WkfbbSfffjjh

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 22 mai 2010 à 22:30, Kris Buelens
 a écrit :

Re: Shutting Down Linux Guest

2010-05-21 Thread David Boyes
If you're using SYSVINIT:


On 5/21/10 11:28 AM,

 do u have a example

Re: Shutting Down Linux Guest

2010-05-20 Thread David Boyes
We wrote a tool to do this (SYSVINIT). You can define groups of virtual 
machines, specify dependencies so things come up in order, etc, etc. Free to 
the world.

or search for it on 

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
 Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:17 PM
 Subject: Shutting Down Linux Guest
 New Member
 I have ten Linux guest running under z/vm on z/os
 5 are production and 5 are test is there away to bring down
 all the production with one command then let the shutdown command
 bring down the test guest.

Re: Shutting Down Linux Guest

2010-05-20 Thread David Boyes
Darn; I was sure I fixed that.  Oh, well. One of these days I'll get a minder 
to worry about such things.

And I am Marie of Roumania.

-- db

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: Shutting Down Linux Guest

Actually - it's at:

Sounds nice ..  I'll be checking it out -- wrote something similar for internal 
IBM systems --

Scott Rohling
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 3:32 PM, David Boyes wrote:
We wrote a tool to do this (SYSVINIT). You can define groups of virtual 
machines, specify dependencies so things come up in order, etc, etc. Free to 
the world.

or search for it on www.sinenomine.net

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
 Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:17 PM
 Subject: Shutting Down Linux Guest

 New Member

 I have ten Linux guest running under z/vm on z/os

 5 are production and 5 are test is there away to bring down

 all the production with one command then let the shutdown command

 bring down the test guest.


Re: z/VM 5.4 and RHEL 4.6

2010-05-13 Thread David Boyes

We are converting to z/VM 5.4 on our new z10. We have one set of z/Linux guests 
that still run RHEL 4.6. Does anyone know of any issues running RHEL 4.6 under  
z/VM 5.4?

No, that works just fine with the following exception:

If you are running with dedicated OSA ports, RHEL 4.6 has trouble with the 
OSAExpress3 adapters (doesn't know how to initialize them). Workaround (and 
general best practice): use VSWITCH to drive the real adapters and attach 
guests to the vswitch).

Also is there anything to watch out for running either z/VM 5.4 or z/Linux RHEL 
4.6 or 5.2 on a z10?

See above.  VM is fine. As usual, apply current service, but it should run fine.

Re: Actions at Midnight

2010-05-07 Thread David Boyes

VMUTIL is since ages no longer part of the base VM system; WAKEUP is, but the 
execs around it forming VMUTIL are no longer there.

Guess that shows how long I've been at this. I've been carefully nursing a copy 
of VMUTIL since SP5. 8-)
Maybe I need my brain flushed. I suspect IBM would pay for it if I quit messing 
up their marketing plans. 8-)
-- db

Re: Actions at Midnight

2010-05-07 Thread David Boyes
 I should have mentioned that VMUTIL was not part of VM/Sp but was
 included in an licensed add-on package called (I think) ISPF.

VM/IPF, later CMS Utilities. 

Re: Windows Enabler Appliance on System z Now Available

2010-05-07 Thread David Boyes
 Can I just add one caveat. One of the types of licence Microsoft
 provides is
 an OEM licence. In the case of a desktop OS an OEM licence is NOT
 TRANSFERABLE and dies with the hardware its installed on. 


You're responsible for supplying a legitimate Windows license for the appliance 
according to the terms of your agreement with MS, whatever that might be, just 
as you would be for physical hardware, or any other situation where you would 
use a Windows license. 

I had intended this to be primarily for server OSes, but apparently there is a 
lot more interest in desktop OSes than I had thought. Right now, I'd still say 
that's a release 2 issue, but I've put it onto the list of things to try out. 

Re: Actions at Midnight

2010-05-06 Thread David Boyes
VMUTIL is part of the base system, and does tasks like that.  If you use it, 
set it to fire a few moments before or after midnight - longstanding issue of 
losing events precisely at midnight.

Re: DDR Back-up with verifying Tape label

2010-05-06 Thread David Boyes

What do you mean 'the version of DDR that works with CMS Pipelines'?

It's been out there for almost 2 years now. I don't know why it isn't the 
default version of DDR by now. Too much other stuff to do, I guess.

 coud you give me sample DDR procedure or program to verify TAPE Label during 
 DDR Pack-dump?

Read the description of the FILEDEF and LABELDEF commands in your CMS 
documentation to define the label information you want to use and the list of 
volumes you want it to use (essentially this is the same as any other OS 
simulation multivolume SL tape operation).  You then feed the DDR module from 
the DRPC package a prebuilt file containing standard DDR statements as 
documented in the DDR help file and pipe it to TAP1, eg PIPE DDR fn ft fm | 
TAP1 SL The CMS OS sim processing kicks in to actually handle the tape 
labels, and it's just like any other labeled tape.

If IBM wants more detail, I'm always open to contracting. After all, you guys 
are getting paid for this.

-- db

Re: Windows Enabler Appliance on System z Now Available

2010-05-06 Thread David Boyes
No, it is not related to Mantissa's work at all.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of O'Brien, Dennis L
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: Windows Enabler Appliance on System z Now Available

Interesting.  Is this related to Mantissa's z86VM project?

Re: FTP of Nomad database files from VM to VM

2010-05-05 Thread David Boyes
Try TYPE E, MODE B. You need both to preserve CMS file structure.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Tracy, David
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 2:16 PM
Subject: FTP of Nomad database files from VM to VM

   I am attempting to FTP Nomad Database files from a VM(5.3) system to another 
VM(5.4) system. I have tried binary and EBCDIC without success... Has anyone 
had success doing this that you would like to share?
Thank you in advance...

Re: VMTAPE Command

2010-05-05 Thread David Boyes
 I'd be somewhat surprised that a hardware provider has a requirement
 for a
 very specific software vendor's tape library product (e.g. CA's
 IBM's Tape Manager for z/VM product, etc.).

In fact, since the interface for manipulating library changer hardware is not 
documented, most call out to DFSMS/CMS to do the deed. 

Re: VMTAPE Command

2010-05-05 Thread David Boyes
 How the library manager is controlled depends entirely upon the
 manufacturer.  When we had an IBM ATL, we indeed used RMSMASTER.

Ah, right. I keep forgetting about the STK stuff -- I guess the therapy finally 
took 8-). In any case, the point still stands that the tape managers call 
something else to control the library automation. 

Maybe you should add NJE to your Linux systems? If we could agree on a command 
protocol, you might end up defining how to get channel-attached tape usable in 

-- db

Re: full-pack dedicated volumes vs full-pack minidisk volumes

2010-05-05 Thread David Boyes

In our shop, we have Linux guest machines defined as dedicated volumes (this 
was a holdover from the days before we got z/VM).  Some other Linux machines 
are also using full-pack minidisks.
Is there an advantage to using one over the other?  What about performance?

Fullpack minidisks are potentially eligible for MDC. Dedicated volumes aren't 
AFAIK. There are also some optimizations that are available to DEVNO and 
dedicated devices that aren't available to minidisks, but I'm not sure it's 
worth the management hassle unless you're doing really tight deadline OLTP.

Re: performance - on modern hardware, the difference is still measurable, but 
it's a lot smaller than it used to be. Use your performance monitor to see what 
it's like on your box.

Now that you have VM, start using cyl 1 to x minidisks and let VM worry 
about the labels and real cyl 0. Makes DR and rearranging disk ENORMOUSLY 

Re: DDR Back-up with verifying Tape label

2010-05-04 Thread David Boyes
 If you mean the volser of the tape, no.  DDR uses unlabeled tapes.

Or use the version of DDR that works with CMS Pipelines (NOT PIPEDDR) and have 
the TAPn stage manage the labels. Works nicely.

Do I need to do a requirement for IBM to ship the version of DDR that supports 
this as the default DDR? It'd be real nice if the CMS file support was also 
added to the standard one...

-- db

Re: DDR Back-up with verifying Tape label

2010-05-04 Thread David Boyes
Kewl. ++good, citizen. 8-) I'll write up the CMS part just in case.

-- db

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Eric R Farman
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: DDR Back-up with verifying Tape label

Hi Dave,

Can't speak to CMS file support, but the existing requirement for DDR/PIPES is 
sufficient for us to complete that work.


Eric Farman
z/VM I/O Development
IBM Endicott, NY


David Boyes




05/04/2010 07:56 AM


Re: DDR Back-up with verifying Tape label

Sent by:


 If you mean the volser of the tape, no.  DDR uses unlabeled tapes.

Or use the version of DDR that works with CMS Pipelines (NOT PIPEDDR) and have 
the TAPn stage manage the labels. Works nicely.

Do I need to do a requirement for IBM to ship the version of DDR that supports 
this as the default DDR? It'd be real nice if the CMS file support was also 
added to the standard one...

-- db

Re: VMTAPE Command

2010-05-04 Thread David Boyes
VMTAPE is a product currently owned by CA. It's not part of the base system.

-- db

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Mario Izaguirre
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 10:25 AM
Subject: VMTAPE Command

Hi listeners,

I wanted to know if the command CMS VMTAPE is supported in z/VM 5.4?

I give  HELP VMTAPE  with the user MAINT and don't show me the help panel on 
the command.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Mario Izaguirre
Mainframe System Programmer
Barcelona, Spain

Re: Converting Text to XLS

2010-04-21 Thread David Boyes
 That is what I have been providing for them. It makes no difference
 whether the file is banana.txt or banana.csv, it will be opened
 properly by Excel.

As much as I dislike dealing with XML in general, the XML suggestion is 
probably the best one so far. That would let you generate both data and 
formatting in one pass, and it should Just Work for J Random Luser. Create the 
sheet the way you want it to look once in Excel, and then Save, open with a 
text editor, and chop out the data bits. Also would work beautifully for 
OpenOffice; the structure should be pretty similar. 

I wish someone would port Xerces to CMS. Then we'd have a standard XML library 
to work with, and writing a pipe stage to generate stuff would be easy. 

-- db

Re: RSCS: Printing to Ricoh Copier with LPR

2010-04-06 Thread David Boyes
On 4/6/10 8:42 PM, Les Geer wrote:

 My question:
   Is there any way to get RSCS to send the usercode?  What PARM
 statement would I use?
 Which RSCS LPR exit are you using?  LPRXONE does not currently include
 the -o record in the control file sent to the printer.  You would need
 to modify the exit to add it.  Unsure if the printer would accept
 a usercode via a PCL or postscript command.  If so, then you could add
 it via the prefix eparm.

If you're willing to set up a Linux guest between RSCS and the printer, CUPS
has a concept of an instance, which is basically a package of options for
a particular printer. The neat thing is you can use plain LPR (which RSCS
does speak without problem) to talk to cups-lpd, and RSCS can specify the
printer name as printer/instance, and you get the job options added to
the job when it passes through.

You set up the instances on the Linux side with lpoptions, including the
magic user code, and on the RSCS side, you point it at the Linux guest and
the printer name is printer/instance, and you're done. No mods, no fuss,
and users can modify the instances if you put them in the lpadmin group on
the Linux guest. Also adds IPP support, encrypted printing, authentication,
and a whole bunch more good stuff that RSCS will probably never get.
This trick works really well for signature fonts or doing forms flash over
output from RSCS, BTW.

Would anyone find an appliance to do this useful? I could probably whip
something up. 

-- db

Re: HiperSocket UCBs

2010-04-05 Thread David Boyes
Create a Linux guest as a L2 bridge between a VSWITCH and the hipersocket. Only 
one HS UCB used, and you still get separation. You can use VLANs to separate 

Re: HiperSocket UCBs

2010-04-05 Thread David Boyes

Are there any performance implications with doing it this way as opposed to 
HiperSocket directly to each guest?

Yes - I'll leave it to others to quantify it exactly, but it will use a 
non-zero amount of 390 CPU to do the packet forwarding between interfaces. 
Since there is no external connection to the hipersocket, you can't offload the 
routing or switching to a non-390 CPU.   (Another reason IBM should have 
convinced Cisco/Nortel to produce a bus-attached router similar to the chassis 
router module they developed for the BladeCenter to put in a Z. )

Another option is to use a dedicated 10G OSA for this traffic on both LPARs and 
connect the two physical ports to an external dedicated switch. That has a much 
smaller internal CPU overhead, but it's certainly not cheap.  The CPU used to 
drive the adapters and do the data moving is accounted against CP, not a 
individual virtual machine, AFAICT.

Hipersockets  (and any attached device strategy) doesn't work well for massive 
scale. You just can't install enough of them for a big farm, so you have to 
start using virtual tricks.

You're probably on a z10, so here's another idea - try defining a L2 VSWITCH 
using a hipersocket device - I faintly remember reading somewhere that 
hipersockets got L2 capabilities at some point. I don't know if it'll 
work(never tried it), but if if will, then use that instead of individual UCBs 
attached to guests. Define 2-3 UCBs to the VSWITCH just in case (although if a 
HS device fails, you're already in deep something), and use VLANs to separate 
the traffic.

n  Db


Re: HiperSocket UCBs

2010-04-05 Thread David Boyes
 The VSWITCH does not support attachment of HiperSockets.

You should fix that. Where's my requirement pad? 8-)

-- d b

Re: [?? Probable Spam] Re: Perfkit SAMPLE CONFIG size too small

2010-03-31 Thread David Boyes
WAVV requirement WRIBDB12 submitted to increase the default MONDCSS size to
accommodate the maximum supported configuration for a VM system.

-- db

On 3/30/10 2:51 PM, Barton Robinson wrote:

 very large mondcss segments do not impact performance, only small ones

Re: ACM award

2010-03-30 Thread David Boyes
On 3/30/10 5:50 PM, Mike Walter wrote:

 I can understand modern computing organizations being ignorant of
 historical modern computing environments such as z/VM -- but the ACM?

Doesn't surprise me at all. The ACM has gotten progressively more myopic wrt
to doing their homework on stuff like this even if the work was published in
*their* journals. I've been campaigning to replace some of the bozos at the
top with some people who actually have a historical background of what
actually happened in the computing field, and who RTFJs they publish rather
than blither about the crap they choose to publish in the current TACM.
An organization supposedly representing the computing industry that is
seriously debating whether *any* hardware course is necessary in the
standard curriculum?

Doomed, I tell you. Doomed.

Check out IEEE Computer. Much more active, and they're actually doing their
homework. Transactions on the History of Computing is a fascinating read,
and you can get it in paper or PDF form. IEEE also does a nifty trick with
RSS feeds to notify you of when new journals are available, click, and it's
on your desktop ready to read. Nice.

-- db

Re: ACM award

2010-03-30 Thread David Boyes
On 3/30/10 5:42 PM, Chip Davis wrote:

 Aside from the run multiple OSes on the desktop part, shouldn't we be

Oh, it gets better. Check this out (from the press release):

Software System Award (sic) honors an institution or individual(s)
recognized for developing a software system that has had a lasting
influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance,
or both. This award carries a prize of $35,000. ***Financial support for the
award is provided by IBM .*** (emphasis mine)

Talk about someone that ought to know better Although I guess the out is
that it's a yearly award and the commercial acceptance clause is slick
enough to slide by. Then again, *how* many copies of PROFS were there? I
guess IBM can't give the prize to itself, though (for inventing the office
productivity suite).

-- db

Re: ACM award

2010-03-30 Thread David Boyes
On 3/30/10 10:34 PM, David Boyes wrote:

 Talk about someone that ought to know better Although I guess the out is
 that it's a yearly award and the commercial acceptance clause is slick
 enough to slide by. Then again, *how* many copies of PROFS were there? I
 guess IBM can't give the prize to itself, though (for inventing the office
 productivity suite).

Correction: *publicizing* the office productivity suite. Amoco (IIRC) gets
the invention prize for that little gem. 

Ok, I'm confused now...

2010-03-29 Thread David Boyes

Setting up LPR support in RSCS on 5.4. I’ve added the


line to PROFILE TCPIP, and recycled TCPIP and RSCS to ensure that they’re 
picking up the updated PROFILE  TCPIP. I’ve defined a LPR link in RSCSTCP 
CONFIG, and when I print to it, I still get:

10:26:02 DMTLPR012I Link VA1P8 exit routine LPRXPSE loaded at 01FD0470
10:26:02 DMTLPR181I Link VA1P8 ready for session initiation
10:26:02 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered
10:26:02 DMTLPR193I Link VA1P8 connecting to host port 515 printe
r va1p8
10:26:02 DMTLPR083E Socket error on link VA1P8 request=Bind
10:26:02 DMTLPR083E return code=- 1 error number=13 (Permission denied)
10:26:02 DMTLPR183I Link VA1P8 session terminated
10:26:02 DMTMAN002I Link VA1P8 deactivated
10:26:03 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered
10:26:03 DMTAXM500I 1 file(s) closed on link VA1P8

The destination host is running LPD, and I can print to it with the CMS command 
line LPR with no problems.

What did I miss?

-- db

Re: MTU on Hipersocket

2010-03-29 Thread David Boyes

We just found out that the defined MTU's differ, and I always heard that MTU 
sizes should be identical:

Unless path discovery is active on both ends of the link, the sizes should be 

Might this be an explanation?  How comes it works fine (most of the time) with 
apparently different MTU values?

Nothing sent a packet big enough to cause one end to need fragmentation, so you 
got lucky. It broke when you got a very large packet that needed to be 
fragmented, Path MTU discovery was off, and the sending side kept trying to 
send and got rejected.  Since you're running DRDA, that would be an easy 
scenario to do, since the results of queries would be different sizes.

Re: Ok, I'm confused now...

2010-03-29 Thread David Boyes
 You forgot that the LPR *client* doesn't use port 515, but ports 721-
 inclusive (per RFC 1179).  The SECURE=NO recommended by others
 the need to reserve those client ports for RSCS.


Thanks, Alan. My mind is going. 

-- db

Re: Ok, I'm confused now...

2010-03-29 Thread David Boyes
No. Here are the parm statements:


These worked with 4.4 on the same host, no changes in the print server or 
firewall settings. Will try SECURE=NO, though.

I thought the PROFILE TCPIP entry was the key to not having to mess with 

n  Db


Can you post the RSCS LINKDEFINE and PARM statements you coded?  Did you 
specify SECURE=NO on the PARM statement?


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of David Boyes
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 11:34 AM
Subject: Ok, I'm confused now...

Setting up LPR support in RSCS on 5.4. I've added the


line to PROFILE TCPIP, and recycled TCPIP and RSCS to ensure that they're 
picking up the updated PROFILE  TCPIP. I've defined a LPR link in RSCSTCP 
CONFIG, and when I print to it, I still get:

10:26:02 DMTLPR012I Link VA1P8 exit routine LPRXPSE loaded at 01FD0470
10:26:02 DMTLPR181I Link VA1P8 ready for session initiation
10:26:02 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered
10:26:02 DMTLPR193I Link VA1P8 connecting to host port 515 printe
r va1p8
10:26:02 DMTLPR083E Socket error on link VA1P8 request=Bind
10:26:02 DMTLPR083E return code=- 1 error number=13 (Permission denied)
10:26:02 DMTLPR183I Link VA1P8 session terminated
10:26:02 DMTMAN002I Link VA1P8 deactivated
10:26:03 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered
10:26:03 DMTAXM500I 1 file(s) closed on link VA1P8

The destination host is running LPD, and I can print to it with the CMS command 
line LPR with no problems.

What did I miss?

-- db

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread David Boyes
 You know the old virtualization saying, Never depend on the kindness
 Alan Altmark

One might be entertaining angels unaware...8-)

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread David Boyes
On 3/24/10 1:53 PM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) wrote:

 I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new z/Linux
 guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily include
 all steps but, 
 Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
 Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
 Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes specifying
 the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.

Unless you are giving the guest the real cyl 0, you need to do the format
for at least real cyl 0 with ICKDSF (what CPFMTXA runs under the covers) to
put a real volume id on the pack. I find that even if you are giving the
guest the real cyl 0, the extra step of running DSF on the entire real
volume eliminates any past uses that may confuse system operation later on
(think about what would happen if you accidentally gave a guest what used
to be a VM paging pack, and forgot to clip the allocation bitmap to remove
the page space. Bad Things Ensue.  Kickstart and VM paging space are NOT
compatible. Things Go Boom. Trust Me.)

So, if you are giving the guest the full physical volume, you don't HAVE to
do the DSF run, but it's an extra safety measure that it doesn't cost much
to do, and you'll be grateful for if you ever need it.

 If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory
 entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share DASD
 between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that guest
 only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE statements from
 MDISK statements?

DEDICATEs tie you very firmly to specific physical configurations. Does your
DR configuration have exactly the same device addresses for real devices? If
not, then you'll have to update the directory when you move to to DR vs just
changing volume labels which aren't bound to specific device addresses. You
can do search/replace in both cases, but it's a lot easier to relabel packs
when you restore your stuff on them than have to screw around with
addresses, especially if it's a REAL emergency and you may not get your
normal DR configuration because of a sudden influx of companies needing DR.
 My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
 guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
 initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?

It shouldn't, but why introduce another variable? CP and z/OS have been
getting along well for decades now. It's a one-time step, and it doesn't
take that much longer. You can also shortcut the process (if you have
Flashcopy) by keeping a blank formatted volume around, flashcopy it to the
new disks, and then just run DSF on cyl 0 to relabel the pack. That's almost
instantaneous, and you get the best of both worlds.

-- db

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread David Boyes
On 3/24/10 2:40 PM, Marcy Cortes wrote:

 You can DEDICATE by label rather than by real address.
 But I still don't like Linux having cyl 0 :)

Nice to know. I'd missed that in the help files. Still, safer to let CP and
z/OS duke that one out, and let Linux get on with doing useful stuff. 


2010-03-18 Thread David Boyes
 VM/ESA 2.4 had QDIO support (in fact it was the last release to have that 
module delivered with source).  2.3 might have had it, but I can't remember.

I suspect it would work, but can't try it (no longer have a IPLable 2.4 system).

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Kris Buelens
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: VM/ESA TCP/IP and VSWITCH

To use a VSWITCH, the guest must support QDIO, and I'd be surprised if a that 
old VM/ESA would know about QDIO


2010-03-17 Thread David Boyes
Drawing a blank here, and no docs handy. On 5.4, what disk is FCONAPPC on?

Re: VMUTIL PARM Question

2010-03-16 Thread David Boyes
On 3/16/10 10:05 AM, Bill Munson wrote:


Wow. And I thought I was behind the times by occasionally running VM/XA and
VM/SP5 HPO guests

Thanks for the blast from the past...8-)

--- db

Re: GCS Session managers

2010-03-11 Thread David Boyes
PVM would be a pretty good choice. I have a Linux agent that allows PVM to
connect to Linux guests as well.

Re: z/OS and UFT(D)

2010-03-10 Thread David Boyes
On 3/10/10 2:39 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:

 I set up UFTD years ago. Of course, our old favorite SENDFILE works seamlessly
 with it for VM-to-VM file transfers. Alas, without RSCS we have no NJE
 connections to z/OS for situations where we'd like them to TSO TRANSMIT (for
 example) files to us. Having them use FTP to a VM's reader would work, with
 the big downside being the exposure of a VM userid and password in the
 process. The transfer process would be greatly simplified if something on z/OS
 knew how to talk to UFTD.

There are other alternatives for TCPNJE than RSCS.

-- db

Re: z/OS and UFT(D)

2010-03-10 Thread David Boyes
On 3/10/10 3:46 PM, Thomas Kern wrote:

 also (somewhere) a single connection TCPNJE server not using RSCS at all.

Part of that alternate solution. Neale cons'ed that up to provide a VM spool
interface for the NJE Bridge. Not free, but very cheap.

Re: Zombie RDR file

2010-03-10 Thread David Boyes
Check the directory entry for MUCOPER and if the CONSOLE statement has the
word MUCOPER on the end of it, remove it and log MUCOPER off and on. It will
stop spooling it's console, and that file will go away and never come back.

Re: Question aboout DDR Backup Question

2010-03-09 Thread David Boyes
Use the pipe-capable DDR, and dump to standard label tapes via the TAP SL 
stage. If you do that, normal multi-volume tape processing is done, and you 
specify the volumes in the LABELDEF for the output tape DD.

Works well.

FW: WAVV200904

2010-03-09 Thread David Boyes
FYI to the community. No standards-based monitoring for VSWITCH in the near 
future, sad to say. 

 David, we have received the following response to your WAVV200904
 Add SNMP metric retrieval support to VSWITCH
 User Group Number - WAVV200904
 Document Status - Suggestion
 Title - Add SNMP metric retrieval support to VSWITCH
 IBM will use this request as input to planning but no commitment is
 made or
 implied. This request will not be updated.

Re: Question aboout DDR Backup Question

2010-03-09 Thread David Boyes
 It would indeed be nice if IBM or some other vendor would provide a DDR
 program with full tape label support, but my head got too bloody from
 beating on that wall 25 years ago.

They did. The PIPE-capable DDR lets the TAP stage handle it. Then you don't 
care about tape length, or label management or any of that stuff. 

Re: Question aboout DDR Backup Question

2010-03-09 Thread David Boyes
 That is the DRPC package (see

That's it. Thanks, Bruce. 

Re: Question aboout DDR Backup Question

2010-03-09 Thread David Boyes
 For those wondering:  Great!   But where do I find The PIPE-capable

Except that's not the one I'm referring to. 

IBM made available a version of DDR that directly supported PIPE input and 
output. It was a summer project by an intern, and they released it from one of 
the VM developer pages. It used the standard DDR format instead of the PIPEDDR 

I'll see if I can find the information about it. It was posted to this mailing 

-- db

Re: Question aboout DDR Backup Question

2010-03-09 Thread David Boyes
  That is the DRPC package (see
 That's it. Thanks, Bruce.


Attach a tape drive to your id at virtual address 181 (and one at 182 if you 
want it to alternate drives)

Attach the disk you want to dump at virtual address 1FFF (remember, the virtual 
machine owning the disk should be logged off while you're doing this)


Respond to the FID prompt with a OS dataset name, eg 

Respond to the VOLID prompt with a couple of tape volume names (these are SL 
tapes, so your TMS should get involved if you have one, otherwise you have to 
keep track of which tapes you used in some way. Note that if you use CRDTE and 
EXDTE on the LABELDEF, you can tell which tapes are available by mounting the 
tape and using TAPE DVOL1 (TAP1 to look at the label information outside of the 



Where the file DUMPALL DDRIN A contains: 

 (blank line)

And watch the fun. For the next disk, update the LABELDEF for the next FSEQ 
number with the CHANGE operand, and rerun the PIPE DDR step. 

Repeat for all volumes. 

Presto. Tape label checking in DDR that works with bare CP or with a TMS, and 
it won't let you mount the tapes in the wrong load or in the wrong sequence. 

The same approach works with TCP sockets and netcat on a Linux box, and it's 
nicely restorable if you run the DDR stream through FBLOCK as well.

I wish IBM would ship the DRPC DDR as the standard one.  Then all we would need 
to do is produce a PIPE-friendly SPXTAPE, and presto! Tape free z/VM. 

-- db

Re: CP's Parm Disks

2010-03-07 Thread David Boyes
 The real problem is that the third-party vendors do not all comply with
 the standard.

I'll second that. If this is the future strategy, then one of the things that 
needs to happen ASAP is that IBM needs to aggressively provide education to 
vendors and users alike on how to package stuff properly to fit in with this 
scheme. I've tried. It ain't easy, and it ain't well documented, and loaning 
out Tammy Z isn't a scalable solution. 

Do a session at SHARE or WAVV on how to do SES packaging. Or if you'll provide 
an instructor, I'll host it. There's enough folks in the DC area who develop VM 
software that it'd be worth it. 

-- db

Re: CP's Parm Disks

2010-03-05 Thread David Boyes
On 3/5/10 3:33 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 2. Renames CPLOAD to CPLOLD on the CF2, erasing any previous CPLOLD in the

I find the concept of IBM automatically deleting ANYTHING on my SYSTEM
CONFIG somewhat troubling unless I explicitly ask for it.

How about just renaming it (similar to what Mike's example does), please?

Re: An SFS aid

2010-02-26 Thread David Boyes
On 2/25/10 5:51 PM, Ian S. Worthington wrote:

 -- Original Message --
 Received: 05:24 PM COT, 02/25/2010
 From: Alan Altmark
 Subject: Re: An SFS aid
 Abbreviations are for humans, not programmers.
 This 'ere programmer is human.  Or at least I've been so programmed to

I'm not. 

-- db

(who spent last night watching Life of Brian after a really awful trip to
the dentist.) 

Is id Friday yeth? 

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