Vietnam News Dec 28

2000-12-28 Thread heikki sipilä

  Hanoi Party Congress opens

 Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Phu Trong 
   delivers a report at the congress.

Hanoi opened its 13th Party Congress yesterday morning with the
participation of 401 delegates representing more than
150,000 local Party members.

Politburo Member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Phu
Trong, in his political report delivered at the
Congress, said that Hanoi would promote age-old culture and its Heroic
title while stepping up industrialisation and
modernisation to build a more prosperous, civilised and modern city. His
report also highlighted important achievements
recorded by the city in many fields. The city's economy has developed with
pretty high growth rate. The economic structure
has seen positive changes toward industrialisation and modernisation. Hanoi
is one of the localities having high growth rate
in all sectors and areas with its annual gross social products growth rate
of 10.6%.

The political, security and defence situation has been maintained. The
infrastructure construction and the city's management
have seen much progress. Achievements have also been made in the social
culture with the title 'The City for Peace' given to
Hanoi by UNESCO.

Apart from the achievements, Mr Trong also pointed out the city's
weaknesses and shortcomings concerning unstable
economic development, slow settlement of the resolved burning issues on
social evils, slow process of administrative reform
and weak Party building work.

Regarding the orientation for socio-economic development over the next ten
years, Mr Trong said that Hanoi strives to obtain
a rapid and sustainable economic growth rate.

He also put forth main targets of the five year plan: the annual average
GDP growth rate of between 10% and 11%, the
industrial production value increases by about 14.5 to 15.5%; service
sectors, 9% to 10%; export turnover, 16 to 18% and
about 4,500 to 5,000 people will be admitted to the Party each year.

Meanwhile in the opening speech, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party
Committee Pham Loi said that on the City's Party
Congress, the capital's people and army have strengthened the patriotic
emulation movement. Hanoi has overfulfiled the
socio-economic targets this year. Activities to celebrate the Thang
Long-Hanoi founding anniversary have ended in success.
He also said that the Hanoians' happiness and pride have been multiplied
many times when Hanoi was awarded 'Heroic
City' title by the Party and the State. Particularly the Politburo has
recently issued a Resolution on orientations and tasks to
develop Hanoi over the next ten years. This, he said, is a great honour and
also creates favourabe conditions for the congress
to discuss and map out plans and tasks for the city's development in the
coming time.

Prominent among those attending the congress were Party General Secretary
Le Kha Phieu, Advisors to the Party Central
Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, Prime Minister Phan Van
Khai, National Assembly Chairman Nong
Duc Manh, Permanent Member of the Politburo Standing Board and President of
the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland
Front Pham The Duyet and Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh.

  Hanoi, the heart of country: Party leader

Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Le Kha Phieu has laid emphasis
on the development of Hanoi as the core in
Vietnam's national construction and defence strategy in the on-going
process of industrialisation and modernisation.

Addressing the 13th Hanoi Party congress, which was opened on December 27,
in the presence of Advisors to the Party
Central Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, Prime Minister Phan
Van Khai, National Assembly Chairman
Nong Duc Manh and others, Mr Le Kha Phieu said :

The development and political stability of Hanoi has helped accelerate the
growth and political stability of the northern region
and the whole country and raise Vietnam's position.

It has also helped gain our friends' love for and trust in Vietnam, the
Party chief recalled.

He lauded Hanoi's Party Committee and people, saying that Hanoi is worthy
of being the capital city of a millennial
civilization, the national political nerve-centre, and a major economic,
cultural, scientific, educational and international
exchange centre. It is worthy of being the heroic capital of a heroic nation.

Hanoi is the heart of Vietnam's socialist system and a socialist stronghold
of the whole country. It also symbolises the
Vietnamese people's persistent political stance and has contributed to
creating and multiplying the vitality of the country's
political, economic, ideological and cultural policies, Mr Phieu said.

The Party leader stressed that any vague viewpoints and hesitant attitudes
towards Vietnam's path of national independence
and socialism in all areas should be criticized frankly and openly.

Hanoi posted a high GDP 

Life, Work Gardens in Havana-Jan 5-NYC

2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä

From: NY Transfer News [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News That Doesn't Fit

 Please forward or repost

   The Brecht Forum and NY Transfer News

Accidental Internationalist


A Talk by Mike Fuller

 Friday, January 5, 2001 - 7:30 p.m.

Brecht Forum - 122 West 27 Street, 10th Floor
 between 6th and 7th Avenues, New York City

Mike Fuller is a United States citizen who has been living and working in
Cuba since 1994, despite the U.S. government's blockade of and restrictions
on travel to that island.

Fuller will offer some insights on living and working in Cuba and being a
full-fledged participant in the day-to-day social and economic life of the
island. This translator, editor, interpreter and English teacher will
reflect upon his jobs, family life and peak experiences over the last six
years of massive transformations in Cuba. Tracing his personal history in
U.S. and international progressive movements, he will discuss recent
activities on that island and search for common spaces with participants.

Fuller's talk is not meant to be a highly theoretical analysis, but rather
an easy-going conversation about one person's life as a modest melody of
resistance and an invitation for others to sing along.

In addition to discussing his personal experiences in the Revolution, Fuller
will also speak about the new Urban Garden Movement presently taking form in

Since the collapse a decade ago of the Soviet Union, and the subsequent
shortages of fuel, fertilizers and pesticides, the Cuban government has
gradually made a shift from conventional growing of food crops to organic
farming. Cuba is the only country in the world where the use of organic
methods is national agricultural policy.

As part of this policy, the government has also encouraged the development
of a widespread urban gardening movement, to help provide Cuba's city
dwellers with a reliable supply of fresh organic produce. Mr. Fuller will
speak about this popular activity and will give a slide presentation showing
the work being done in some of Havana's varied community gardens.

Mike Fuller currently collaborates in Havana with Prensa Latina, a Cuban
news agency; the Jose Marti International Journalism Institute; Infomed, the
Ministry of Public Health telecommunications system; the National
Translation and Interpretation Team; and, a travel agency set
up by former CIA officer Philip Agee, designed to encourage Americans to
resist the blockade and travel to Cuba.

Suggested admission to this talk is on a sliding scale of $6-$10. Proceeds
will benefit the new Urban Gardening Project at the Jose Marti Journalism
Institute in Havana. A wine-and-cheese reception will follow the talk.

Learn more about Cuba's Gardens at and click on
the Accidental Internationalist link.

For more information, call the Brecht Forum: 212-242-4201
or email NY Transfer News: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Vietnam News Dec 27

2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä

Party leader reaffirms ties with Laos

Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) General Secretary Le Kha Phieu has assured
Laos's National Assembly Chairman Samane Vignaketh of Vietnam's unceasing
efforts to constantly develop its ties with its neighbour.
Vietnam always attached importance to further consolidating and developing the
Vietnam- Laos relations for the benefit of each nation and for peace,
stability, co-operation and development in the region and the world, Mr Phieu
said while receiving the Lao National Assembly Chairman in Hanoi on December

Mr Phieu praised the result of the working sessions between the two National
Assembly delegations, saying they were a positive contribution to developing
the special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between the two

He also expressed his belief that the Lao people would continue with new and
greater achievements in making Laos a peaceful, independent, democratic,
united and prosperous country.

Mr Samane Vignaketh, who is on a week-long visit to Vietnam, reaffirmed the
Laos's National Assembly's resolve to persistently strengthen and develop the
special friendship and multi-faceted co-operation between Laos and Vietnam.

He said he believed that the Vietnamese people would continue to record new
and bigger successes through renovation and their industrialisation and
modernisation programme to create a wealthy people, a prosperous country and
an equitable, democratic and civilised society. (VNA)


President Luong meets PM Zhu Rongji

Vietnam highly appreciated China's experience in socio-economic development
and thought it useful to its own national construction and renovation,
President Tran Duc Luong told Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji in Beijing on
December 26.
President Luong, who is making a five-day official visit to China, also spoke
highly of the Chinese government's effective help and co-operation with the
Vietnam government in economic development, investment, trade and tourism.

He believed the results from the comprehensive co-operation between Vietnam
and China would continue to develop and in so doing meet the aspirations of
the two Parties, governments and peoples, while promoting prosperity and
happiness between the two countries and contributing to peace, stability and
development in the region and the world.

Prime Minister Zhu Rongji welcomed the outcome of the talks between President
Jiang Zemin and President Tran Duc Luong, and their shared view about the
important orientation for bilateral co-operation between the two countries in
the 21st century.

Prime Minister Zhu appreciated the joint effort of China and Vietnam to expand
economic, commercial, tourism, scientific, technical, educational and

He said that he hoped this co-operation would be effectively expanded for the
benefit of the two peoples. (VNA)


Vietnam, China to boost legislative co-operation

President Tran Duc Luong (left) meets Chinese Chairman
of the National People's Congress Li Peng.

Both Vietnam and China hoped their legislative co-operation would be
increasingly consolidated and expanded in many fields.
The hope was expressed by visiting Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong and
Chinese Chairman of the National People's Congress Li Peng during their
meeting in Beijing on December 26.

The two parties held that the development of bilateral legislative ties would
contribute to boosting the friendship and co-operation between the two
Parties, States and peoples and meeting the aspirations and interests of both
peoples, for peace, stability, co-operation and development in the region and
the world at large.

President Tran Duc Luong expressed his delight at the fine development of the
relationship between the two countries in general and between the two
legislative bodies in particular. He said that such relationship has helped
each country perfect its own legal system and build a rule of law of the
people, by the people and for the people.

President Luong also expressed his joy at the great achievements recorded by
the Chinese people in their open-door reform and socialism construction which
was imbued with Chinese characteristics. He said he hoped that the Chinese
people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, would
successfully build a prosperous country with an increasing role and position
in the international arena.

Chairman Li Peng, for his part, thanked President Luong for his fine
sentiments toward China and its people. He welcomed positive steps of
development in the China-Vietnam relations in the recent past, especially
since the historic Beijing meeting between Chinese Party General Secretary
Jiang Zemin and his Vietnamese counterpart Le Kha Phieu, who defined the
guideline of "neighbour friendship, comprehensive co-operation, 

Turkey. Lies in the Turkish media about the Death Fast.

2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä

From: dhkcbureau [EMAIL PROTECTED]


LIE NO.1: "The lie that the Death Fast and the Hunger Strike have ended."
"In Edirne 'F' Type Prison, those who wanted to carry out hunger strikes and
Death Fasts soon abandoned their attempts." (Akit, December 23) LIE! In
Edirne, Sincan, Kocaeli 'F' Type prisons and Bakirkoy prison for women and
children, in Usak Prison where the political prisoners have not yet been
sent to other prisons, and in all the hospitals where the Death Fast
Akit, which is an Islamist newspaper: in these days of fasting: how can such
lies be appropriate? (It is currently Ramadan in the Islamic world.) You can
break your fast by drinking the blood of 30 revolutionaries (normally this
is done by drinking water). Water does not suit you, the blood of
revolutionaries does.

LIE NO.2: "Ercan Kartal and Sadi Ozpolat, who were transported to Edirne 'F'
Type Prison, have broken off their hunger strike." (Hurriyet and Milliyet,
December 23) The resisters Ercan Kartal and Sadi Ozpolat are continuing
their hunger strike. Those who create such news, write such news, have such
news written and consent to having such news transmitted are COMMON LIARS.
They are slanderers who strangers to decency, dignity, honour and respect.
Again, the same newspapers write, "The stubborn attitude of the authorities
caused them to be subjected to a body search and then be given a Number Zero
haircut." This is not a stubborn attitude, this is torture! Look at Lie No.
1 by Akit, and Lie No. 2 by Hurriyet. Islamic Akit and the very secular
Hurriyet are united in the way they tell lies. How much they are side by
side with the state when it slaughters revolutionaries, how much they labour
to defend the slaughter of revolutionaries. Hurriyet is known to be the
newspaper of MIT and most of its headlines are saturated with the
contra-guerrilla mentality. Everyone remember Hurriyet's photographs at the
time of the Ulucanlar massacre, captioned "Five minutes before the riot
started." Of the sources given above, Hurriyet has the most previous
convictions in this regard.

LIE NO. 3: Ecevit said, "In this way, death actions have been removed in the
whole of Turkey," (Statement dated December 22). "The Death Fast was fake"
(Headline in Milliyet newspaper, and various writers) It is unnecessary to
say too much about this. The reply to this comes every day from hospitals
where it is declared that "those on the Death Fast are refusing medical
treatment". The basic answer will be in the form of our deaths. What will
those who say now that "the Death Fast is fake" say when it is shown that
they themselves are the FAKERS? In 1996, Sevket Kazan also said, "They are
eating," and then they started to die. Twelve prisoners died. Nobody
believes what Sevket Kazan says any more. Everyone who is now like Kazan was
then will be shown to be contemptible.

LIE NO. 4: "The state knew what the situation was in the prisons before it
went in. It knew that the prisoners were not on the "death fast". (Aksam,
December 23, Emin Pazarci) Finally they are really doing badly. They are
dreaming up new lies to cover their old lies. But there are so many lies
that they cannot save themselves from the contradictions in them. So the
state also knew that there was no Death Fast in the prisons. So why was it
stated that the operation was aimed at "returning the prisoners to life"?
Because the Health Minister is a member of the MHP and said on TV, "Let them
kick the bucket," it cannot be expected that such a person would say
something humane. Those people who continue to utter these lies have the
same mentality as those who say "let them kick the bucket".

LIE NO. 5: "The lie that 'we could not go into the prisons for 10 years'",
"Those prisons we could not enter for 10 years." (All the daily newspapers
and columnists which support the murderous assault share this same lie). The
prison administration protocols, documents on the results of roll calls and
search warrants are held by the Justice Ministry. All these documents must
be revealed. The statements by protective custody officials, former
prosecutors and justice ministers are available. When it became clear that
such statements were too far-fetched to be believed, the Justice Minister
said, "Actually we went in, carried out searches but it was never
 completed." This lie that they could not go into the prisons for 10 years
had two aims. First, it made a massacre appear justified. Two, this gave the
opportunity for the system parties to engage in infighting and blame the
DYP-SHP government.

WARNING TO THOSE WHO ARE TELLING LIES! What will you do if they stopped
telling these lies and proceeded to come up with other explanations?
For example, before the December 19 operation it was said to be an
"operation to save the lives of the Death Fasters", now they are saying the
"state knew there was not a Death Fast". Do not defend this state 


2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "dhkc bureau" [EMAIL PROTECTED]












The addresses of our DHKC Bureaux:

DHKC Bureau, England


Telephone and fax numbers: Telephone: 0044 207 254 1266 Fax: 0044 207 254 1288

Address: BM Box 8253 London WC1N 3XX.

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E-mail addresses: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet site -
Telephone and fax numbers: Tel: 0032 2 2802228 Tel/Fax: 0032 2 2300866 Fax:
0032 2 2802229
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Press Agency Ozgurluk - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet site:
Telephone and fax numbers tel/fax 0031 20 676 1745

Address: Dusartstraat 38 1072 HT Amsterdam

Also, in connection with the resistance, there is the Internet site of the
prisoners' families in Turkey (TAYAD) as well as the IKM site in Europe
(Committee For Struggle Against Torture Through Isolation), and information
can also be obtained from these.

IKM in Turkish -

IKM in English -

To support the resistance and protest against fascism in Turkey's 'F' Type
prison policy, faxes can be sent to the following institutions:

Republic of Turkey Prime Minister's Office: Tel 0090 312 417 0476, Fax 0090
312 434 2110

Republic of Turkey Justice Ministry: Fax :0090 312 414 6257

Republic of Turkey Interior Ministry: Tel: 0090 312 425 4080, Fax: 0090 312
418 7696


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Havana Radio news Dec 26. A Brecht Forum talk

2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

subject: Havana Radio news Dec 26A Brecht Forum Talk
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 26 December 2000









Havana, December 26 (RHC)--The National Assembly of the People's
Power approved a resolution to recognize the Cuban people's struggle
during this past year.

In an article published in Tuesday's Granma daily, the National
Assembly says that with days away from the 42nd anniversary of the
triumph of the Cuban Revolution - when the country's independence was
finally achieved - the Cuban people over 2000 continued their
struggle, in patriotic unity and resistance.

The battle for the return of Elian Gonzalez to the custody of his
father, when millions of men, women and children expressed their
condemnation over the illegal detention of the Cuban child, was a
concrete example of the country's unity.

The Cuban people, cites the National Assembly resolution, maintained
their struggle during 2000 with their continued condemnation of
Washington's anti-Cuba policy and demanded an end to the criminal
Cuban Adjustment Act.

The island's continued economic recovery is also attributed to the
Cuban people's efforts in developing the country.

This and many other reasons prompted the National Assembly to
congratulate its people for the historical victories achieved during
the year.

The National Assembly Resolution ends by saying that the Cuban
Revolution enters a new millennium firm and secure. The Cuban people
walk confident towards the future.


Havana, December 26 (RHC)--Cuba's trade exchange surpassed $5 billion
with the involvement of over three thousand firms from 50 countries,
according to the President of Cuba's Chamber of Commerce Antonio Luis

He added that among some of the sectors that have improved on the
island are oil, nickel, gas, steel and electricity. The Cuban
official pointed out that there are currently over 4500 economic
joint ventures with foreign investment, mainly with Spain, Canada,
Italy, Britain and France.

Referring to foreign trade the capacity to purchase increased
although the figures that the island had in the 1980's still surpass
the current situation. He said that ties with Latin America and the
Caribbean represent between 25 to 30 per cent of the total exchange
although priority is on CARICOM member nations.


Havana December 26 (RHC)--The recent torrential rains that hit Cuba
over the last four days have provoked the death of two people,
injured four, and brought about the collapse of 135 homes rendering
over 600 people homeless in Havana alone.

In the central province of Villa Clara some 400 homes and
multifamily buildings were damaged due to serious leaks. Potato and
tobacco plantations were also damaged in the province.

According to the island's Meteorological Institute the major rain
fell in the town of El Santo in central Ciego de Avila province with
509 millimeters, Cayo Coco with 321 millimeters, Sagua la Grande with
306, and Baracoa Beach with 2477 millimeters.

In Havana strong winds registering up to 60 kilometers per hour have
also inflicted damage to the city. Experts predict less rain in the
coming days.


Havana, December 26 (RHC)--The Adolfo Guzman Song Contest kicked off
on Monday at Havana's Karl Marx Theater with the participation of
Cuban composers and singers.

During the first night of the competition 17 singers performed the
songs of Cuban newcomers and professional composers, which were among
over 800 pieces that competed to reach the finals.

For the Radio and Television Institute, which co-sponsored the
national contest along with the Karl Marx Theater, the contest was a
complex challenge after having been postponed for a period ten years.

This national song contest gives newcomers as well as renowned
composers the chance of having their songs first heard among the
Cuban people.

The Adolfo Guzman Song Contest will resume Tuesday night and the
winners will be announced on Wednesday.


Havana, December 26 (RHC)--Cuba's women's volleyball team, which is
three time Olympic champion and Grand Prix winner, was selected as
the island's Best Team for the year 2000.

Awards also went to volleyball as sports of the year, individual
sports with relevant results were boxing, track and field, judo and a
special mention to wrestling and taekwondo.

The Cuban Sports Institute and Sports Journalists Association also
awarded Olympic gold 

Indonesia. Police break up hotel strike on Christmas day - protests needed now

2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä


Forward from mart.

Subject: [gangbox] Urgent: Police break up hotel strike on Christmas day -
protests needed now]

LabourStart -
*** Please forward this message to everyone you know; post it to other
mailing lists and newsgroups.  Thank you! ***

Indonesian police have stormed the five-star Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta in
order to break up a peaceful, legitimate strike by hotel workers -- on the
morning following Christmas Day.  We have received an urgent appeal for
worldwide trade union protests and information directly from the hotel
workers and will be updating throughout the day at our special full coverage
page of the events in Jakarta:

Please make sure to visit the page, link to it, send protest emails and
faxes urgently.  Thanks.

Eric Lee


GANGBOX homepage:

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Korean Central News Agency Dec 27

2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.27.2000 Juche 89)


   * Removal of concrete wall demanded

   * Successful art exhibition

   * Plan to hurl police into scene of sit-in strike blasted

   * Anniversary of Korean Buddhists Federation marked

   * Reception given at Chinese consulate general

   * Rodong Sinmun on north-south joint declaration

   * Papers call for giving full play to advantages of Korean socialism

 For Spanish-speaking people

* comite preparatorio nacional de peru por nacimiento de dirigente kim jong

* periodicos subrayan necesidad de desplegar superioridad de socialismo

Removal of concrete wall demanded

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The All India Indo-Korean Friendship
Association and the Indian
Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification issued a joint statement on
December 19 demanding the
removal of the concrete wall. The statement said:
The Korean nation's desire for reunification is daily mounting after
the north-south summit and the
publication of the north-south joint declaration, but there still remains
the concrete wall built by the South
Korean authorities in the area south of the military demarcation line on
the Korean peninsula.
The concrete wall is a symbol of national division and the
confrontation between the north and south and
a product of the united states' "two Koreas policy" as it stands as a
physical barrier keeping the blood ties of
the nation severed and the country divided into two.
It is only the Korean nation on our planet that is undergoing all sorts
of misfortune and sufferings due to
its split caused by outside forces.
The All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association and the Indian
Committee for Supporting Korea's
Reunification strongly demand that the concrete wall built in the 20th
century be pulled down as early as
possible for the reunification of Korea.

Successful art exhibition

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- An exhibition of art works of Kim Song
Min, Kim Il Sung Prize
winner, people's artiste and labour hero, is going on at the Pyongyang
International House of Culture. He
created a portrait of President Kim Il Sung with a sunny smile on his face
in July Juche 83 (1994), thus
winning the admiration of the world.
Displayed at the exhibition are more than 50 works including figure
paintings and landscapes, etc.
His works draw particular attention of visitors for the depiction of
people of diverse character, masterly
strokes representative of the spirit of the times, striking contrast in
colours, dynamic rhythm and daring
Among them is a Korean painting "Smelters In the Past" which was
appreciated as the best Korean
painting in the 1980s. This was his maiden work that entered the national
The work truthfully depicts the slave labour of smelters to show how
the Korean people were driven
hard like beasts of burden under the Japanese imperialists' military
Also on display there are paintings listed as national treasures such
as "A Flash Lightning Over Lake
Chon On Mt. Paektu," which vividly portrays the majestic and beautiful view
of Lake Chon and a strong
flash lightning over it. Over the past 25 years he has produced more than
600 Korean paintings, enriching the
treasure house of the Juche fine art.
At present he is deputy director of the Mansudae Art Studio and
chairman of the central committee of the
Korean Painters Union.

Plan to hurl police into scene of sit-in strike blasted

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The Trade Union of Banking Industry of
South Korea in an
emergency statement on Dec. 23 demanded that the authorities withdraw at
once a plan to hurl police into the
scene of the sit-in strike called by unionists of the national bank and
housing bank, a Seoul-based radio report
said. Recalling that among at least 20,000 members of the bank trade unions
now on strike are more than
8,000 women, the organization warned that the authorities and the bank
management will be held responsible
for all the consequences to be entailed by the police crackdown.

Anniversary of Korean Buddhists Federation marked

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting took place here yesterday to
mark the 55th anniversary
of the Korean Buddhists Federation. Present there were office-bearers of
the central committee and
provincial, city and county committees of the federation, chief priests of
temples across the country, monks
and believers in Pyongyang and guests from different organizations.
Pak Thae Hwa, chairman of the c.c, the Korean Buddhists Federation,
made a report.
He said that they are greeting the anniversary of the federation at a
time when all the fellow countrymen
are working hard to achieve national unity and the reunification of the
country after the Pyongyang meeting
and the publication of the June 15 north-south joint declaration.
He reviewed the work done by the federation over the last 55 years and


2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Arlene Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My understanding is about this situation from sources who are more
knowledgeable than I am about this region is that Milsosevic was supported
by the US but then the US ceased supporting him. So, now, Kostunica was made
president. The US controls nearly every election beginning with Italy in
1947 so it is just a matter of course, that the US especially control your
election and make it impossible for the people to elect the one that they
feel would be better because people's minds are manipulated by my
government, the US. If an election takes place such as the recent on in
Haiti did in which the best candidate wins, it doesn't take very long before
that person is deposed by my government. The last time Jean Bertrand
Aristide was elected he lasted in power only a few months.

This is the reality right now. However, last night, I provided the password
to access my entire periodical online by many people throughout the world
because I do not tolerate what my government is doing to people throughout
the world.

One relatively secret organization wants to make the Balkan states the next
Third World region. I suspect that was the reason why the various wars took
place. None of us wants that so when we all come together, we will prevent
that from happening because no country should be a Third World nation and no
country should have war.

I will say the password here again because it is vitally important. We have
a new regime coming into the White House as everybody knows. The man is a
common criminal. Most of you probably realize that his grandfather supported
Hitler during the Second World War. You no more want his grandson to be in
the White House than you wanted war in the Balkans.

The password to my unique periodical is the word "freedom" without the quote
marks for the first four quarterly editions. My periodical will hopefully
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Havana Radio Dec 22. More Coups

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 22 December 2000




Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- The 6th Ordinary Session of the Cuban
Parliament wound up Thursday night after a one-day meeting. The 545
deputies approved the state's budget legislation plus the guidelines
of the economic and social project for the year 2001.

The state budget includes over 6.2 million dollars for educational
and health programs, retirement benefits and social assistance.

During the Parliamentary sessions, Cuban Economy and Planning
Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez said that despite the unfavorable
economic situation in the world, Cuba's Gross Domestic Product has
grown to 5.6 of instead of the predicted 4.5.

The Cuban Parliament granted recognition to the Cuban people for
their battle for Elian Gonzalez' return to Cuba and they agreed to
continue in their battle of ideas. The Cuban Parliament's also
supported the extradition of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and his
accomplices who are detained in Panama for entering the country with
false documents and attempting to assassinate Cuban President Fidel
Castro during last month's Ibero-American Summit.


Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- Cubans are celebrating, Friday, Teacher's
Day in commemoration of the literacy campaign, which was launched by
the Cuban government in the early days of the Revolution with the
participation of dozens of thousands of young people in the

Meanwhile, Cuban Health Minister Carlos Dotres congratulated the
sector's professors for their role in the well being of the Cuban

The Cuban official presided at the national activity for Teacher's
Day at the Victoria de Giron School of Medicine in Havana in which
118 professors from the country's health system took part.

He added that despite the lack of resources resulting from
Washington's blockade against the island, the people's health is the
one of the Cuban government's priority.


Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- Cuban scientists developed, for the first
time, reagents for the laboratory diagnosis of cholera.

According to Gilberto Moya Justiz, specialist in microbiology and
head of the investigative team, the production of the reagents
represents a saving of a quarter million dollars in imports.

Speaking to Prensa Latina news agency, Moya Justiz explained that
until now Cuba has imported the cholera reagents at a price ranging
between 18 and 36 dollars for every milliliter, or about 30 drops.

The Cuban reagents will guarantee that the national laboratory
network will have enough of the diagnostic materials in the event of
a cholera outbreak.


Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- The Local Human Development Program
underway in Cuba was characterized Wednesday in Havana as a
cooperation project that has gone beyond expectations during a three
party meeting with representatives from Italy, Cuba and the United
Nations Development Program.

All three parties are attempting to strengthen the mechanisms
and instruments for local economic development, particularly with the
generation of jobs in Old Havana, western Pinar del Rio and eastern
Granma province.

Thanks to the Local Human Development Program in the western province
of Pinar del Rio local authorities have achieved the restoration of
an aqueduct in the region of Minas de Matahambre, while work has been
done to combat the drought in the eastern part of the island.
In Old Havana, the cooperation project are dedicated to hygiene,
medical emergencies and public lighting.

(c) 2000 Radio Habana Cuba, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved.
  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rhc-eng-234672000-Dec-22 23:49:33 " JC


subject: One Coup follows another: The end of What?
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 02:43:11 -0500
Subject:  One Coup Follows Another: the End of WBAI?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

One Coup Follows Another: the End of WBAI?
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
source: Mitchel Cohen mitchelcohen @
23 December 00:30

Dear Folks,

Just received a call (followed by 20 emails) that Pacifica National
Board Director Bessie Wash is right now at WBAI 

Havana Radio Dec 23-24. Culture-Information

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 23-24 December 2000








Havana, December 23rd (RHC)- Due to its excellent results in the
education sector Villa Clara, in Cuba's central province, will be the
site for the national celebration event for Teacher's Day on

Luis Ignacio Gomez, Cuba's Education Minister, affirmed that this
province forged the path leading to quality of education and teaching
plus a high level of scholarship with high academic results.

In Villa Clara school attendance surpasses 98 percent, and many
schools have been restored by the teacher's own efforts. This
resulted in classes starting with a maximum of 20 students per class
in primary schools and 30 in secondary school classes. It has
guaranteed, without doubt, say observers, a better educational


Havana, December 23rd (RHC)-- Today's monthly concert performed by
the Elementary School of Music, Manuel Saumell, will be dedicated to
the 42nd anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

This traditional musical event will also celebrate the coming of the
New Millennium and with it, the end of the year 2000 and the 20th

Piano and saxophone students joined by the chorus from the School of
Music will give the performance.


Havana December 23 (RHC)--The Cuban Parliament has approved a 755
million dollar Food Subsidy for the year 2001.

In an editorial in today's newspaper Granma, the government's aim is
to maintain stable prices for basic food products, it was affirmed.

The paper recalls that despite the adverse circumstances and
the ever-tightening U.S. economic war against Cuba, the island's
government has never abandoned its policy of subsidizing in key
sectors, such as the food industry.

Granma points out that due to the Helms-Burton Law and
other extraterritorial U.S. anti-Cuba legislation preventing U.S.
farmers from selling their products to Cuba, the island has to pay
over 100 million dollars extra annually to buy food products that
could be purchased at significantly lower prices in the United

Finally, the editorial recalls that 89 percent of calories, as well
as 93 percent of proteins and the 80 percent of the fat that Cubans
consume every year come from the national market and state subsidies.

Other subsidized sectors in Cuba include energy and transportation,
while others such education and health are totally free-of-charge.


Havana, December 23 (RHC)-- The President of the Cuban-Arab
Friendship Association, renowned Cuban orthopedist Dr. Rodrigo
Alvarez Cambras, demanded Israel's compliance with UN resolutions,
calling for the withdrawal of all Israeli troops from the occupied
Palestinian territories.

Speaking to the press in Havana, Alvarez Cambras also condemned the
U.S.-led blockade against Iraq.

The Cuban-Arab Friendship Association works jointly with Cuba's
Arab Association, assisting numerous students from the Middle East
who are taking courses here in Cuba.


Havana, December 23rd (RHC)--The Inglaterra Hotel, which opened its
doors on December 23rd, 1875, will celebrate its 125th anniversary
this Saturday with several activities, including the launch of their
new winter menu.

The hotel, designed and built by Cubans, incorporates many artistic
features by top Cuban artists and craftspeople, which reflect the
Island's commitment to combine tourism and culture.

The four star hotel with 83 rooms is going into its 125th anniversary
having fulfilled its main economic projections and contributing the
equivalent of more than 100 thousand dollars in hard currency to the
Cuban economy.

This is the Havana's oldest hotel. It has cultural, historical
and architectural value, which won it national monument status in



Cuba's national educational system has been developed to guarantee
complete training of all of its citizens, while actively expanding
their cultural horizons. The Cuban Revolution began its social
endeavors with this as its principal task. And this work, reinforced
over the last four decades, has more force and emphasis than ever

This constant improvement of the level of public 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 25

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.25.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 2752

   * Kim Jong Il sees art performance of KPA merited choir

   * Agreement signed between DPRK and Yugoslavia

   * Yang Hyong Sop meets Chinese state sport delegation

   * 2001 protocol on sport exchange signed between DPRK and China

   * Lecture held by Chongryon

   * New Korean documentary film released

   * Russian paper on Korean socialism

   * Evening gala held

   * Colorful functions held abroad

   * Wreath laid before Kim Jong Suk's bust

   * Mammoth sit-in strike in S. Korea

   * Celebrations held

   * UN appeal for aid package

   * Land leveling and rezoning progress apace

   * Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work marked

Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 2752

Pyongyang, December 25 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on
December 24 inspected unit no.
2752 of the KPA honored with the title of "O Jung Hup's 7th regiment."
Looking round the historic site of the unit twice honored with
on-the-spot guidance of the President Kim
Il Sung, Kim Jong Il noted with great satisfaction that soldiers have
tended forests in the area they are
stationed with good care to create a beautiful landscape.
He went to a training ground and a technical lecture room of the unit
and saw a drill of its soldiers.
Greatly satisfied to see all the soldiers fully prepared as
a-match-for-a-hundred combatants capable of reliably
defending the socialist homeland by thoroughly carrying out the policy of
the Worker's Party of Korea on
training, he set forth highly important tasks which would serve as a
guideline in further strengthening the
people's army into invincible revolutionary armed forces.
Then, looking round a servicemen's hall, education and bed rooms, a
entertainment and supply service facilities, he took warm care of the
living of the soldiers as their fathers
would do.
He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the unit has not
only built all the supply service facilities
needed for the living of the soldiers but also created good conditions for
meals through meticulous supply
services and highly appreciated their achievements.
Saying that the commanding officers of the unit have made signal
successes by paying deep attention to
managing the unit as those of the anti-Japanese guerrillas did, he told
that all the units should follow their
He gave a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle to the unit as
gifts and had a picture taken with its
He was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political
department of the KPA, Kim
Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the KPA, Kim Il Chol, Minister of
the People's Armed Forces, and
general officers of the KPA.
The visiting party also included Ri Yong Chol, Pak Song Bong and Jang
Song Thaek, first vice
department directors of the WPK Central Committee.

Kim Jong Il sees art performance of KPA merited choir

Pyongyang, December 25 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il enjoyed
an art performance given
by the merited choir of the KPA together with KPA officers and men on
December 24.
Seeing the performance together with him were Jo Myong Rok, director of
the general political
department of the KPA, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the
KPA, Kim Il Chol, Minister of the
People's Armed Forces, Ri Yong Mu, vice-chairman of the DPRK National
Defence Commission, and
general officers of the KPA.
Also in the audience were Choe Thae Bok and Kim Kuk Thae, secretaries
of the WPK Central
Committee, department directors and first vice department directors and
other leading officials of the WPK
Central Committee, senior officials of the press, senior writers,
journalists and editors.
The KPA merited choir honored with "Kim Il Sung Order" put on the stage
numbers including "Comrade
Kim Jong Il Is Our Supreme Commander," "Desire of Soldiers," "March of
Soldiers" and "Long March for
Army-first Revolution."
The performers sang praises of the immortal feats of Kim Jong Il who
has ushered in a new era of a great
turn in the history of building a prosperous and powerful nation by leading
to victory the Juche-based cause
of army building and the cause of socialism with his experienced and
seasoned revolutionary guidance.
He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the artistes of the
merited choir gave an excellent
performance of high ideological and artistic value, which represents the
faith and will of Korea and the
revolutionary spirit of soldiers.
Saying that the KPA merited choir has instilled matchless strength and
valor into the people's army and
people advancing under the uplifted red flag by taking the lead in the
march in the era of army-first revolution
over the past five years, and thus greatly contributed to accomplishing the
revolutionary cause, he highly
appreciated their success and expressed thanks to them.


China. People´s Daily Dec 26

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä


   Tuesday, December 26, 2000, updated at 13:21(GMT+8)

   China to Build 18,000 km West Region Rail Network in
   5 Years

   During the "10th Five-year Plan" period, China will
   invest nearly 100 billion yuan in railway
   construction in China's west regions and the railway
   network in these areas will be extended from the
   current 16,000 km to 18,000 km by 2005, said Sun
   Yongfu, vice-minister of Railways, at the National
   Railway Working Conference concluded in Beijing on
   December 24.

   Sun pointed out that since the "Eighth Five-year
   Plan", though rapid development has been made to the
   railway construction in the west region, the railway
   network in these areas is still small, technological
   level is low, the number of lines connected to the
   eastern regions and to other parts of the world is

   During the "10th Five-year Plan" period, China will
   invest about 100 billion yuan in the construction of
   28 railways in the west area, accounting for 40
   percent of the total investment in large and
   medium-sized capital construction projects
   nationwide. A total of 2,600-km-long new railways
   including 1,300-km-long double-track railways and
   500-km-long electrified railways will be hopefully
   completed by 2005 and the railway network in China's
   west will be expanded to 18,000 km.

   It's reported that the Ministry of Railways will
   focus on the following points during the "10th
   Five-year Plan" period, first, the construction of
   passageways linking the west with the east of China,
   including the double-track railways of Baoji-Lanzhou
   and Zhuzhou-Liupanshui, the Nanjing-Xi'an Railway and
   the Suining-Chongqing-Huaihua Railway; second, the
   construction of railway lines in the west region
   including Neijiang-Kunming Railway, the Shenmu-Yan'an
   Railway and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. In addition,
   the reconstruction to existing railways will also be

   By PD Online Staff Deng Gang

   Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 20:18(GMT+8)

   China, Viet Nam Sign Joint Statement for Future

   China and Viet Nam issued a joint statement in
   Beijing Monday, December 25. The following is the
   full text of the statement:

   Joint Statement on All-round Cooperation in the New
   Century Between the People's Republic of China and
   the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

   The People's Republic of China and the Socialist
   Republic of Viet Nam (hereafter referred to as the
   "two sides") are socialist neighbors with
   long-standing traditional friendly relations. since
   the establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years ago,
   the relations between China and Viet Nam have
   continued to grow and develop.

   Since the normalization of relations in 1991 and on
   the basis of the principles enshrined in the Joint
   Communiques and Joint Statement issued during the
   meetings of high-level leaders in 1991, 1992, 1994,
   1995 and 1999 respectively, the traditional friendly
   relations of mutual trust, equality and mutual
   benefit between the two counties have developed
   rapidly in all fields and there have been frequent
   exchanges between departments at all levels.

   In February 1999, the General Secretaries of the two
   Parties set the principle guiding the development of
   this bilateral relationship in the 21st century,
   namely, "long-term stability, orientation towards the
   future, good-neighborliness and friendship and

Vietnam News Dec 26

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

President Tran Duc Luong welcomed in Beijing

President Tran Duc Luong and his entourage arrived in Beijing on December 25
morning, beginning an official friendly visit to China.

The visit is being made at the invitation of the Chinese president, Jiang

President Luong was given a red carpet welcome at the People’s Great Hall in
Beijing and received by President Jiang Zemin who invited him to review the
Guard of Honour.

The Chinese president then introduced his guest to Deputy Prime Minister Qian
Qichen, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and other Chinese senior officials at
the welcoming ceremony.


President holds talks with Chinese leader

Talks held between Vietnamese and Chinese delegations.

Vietnam's President, Tran Duc Luong, held talks with China's President, Jiang
Zemin, in Beijng on December 25.

President Tran Duc Luong, who is leading a high-ranking delegation on an
official five-day visit to China, had his private meeting with Jiang Zemin
soon after arrival.

In the friendly, sincere and frank atmosphere, the two Presidents briefed each
other about the socio-economic development of their countries, and discussed
at length ways to deepen the friendship and comprehensive co-operation between
them to a new height of development in the 21st century.

President Jiang Zemin welcomed President Tran Duc Luong's official visit to
China on behalf of the Chinese Party, State and people, saying it was of
significant importance as it would help boost friendship and all-round
co-operation between the two countries.

In reply, President Tran Duc Luong thanked the Chinese Party and State leaders
and people for their warm and friendly welcome.

He expressed his delight at visiting a beautiful country, where he had seen
with his own eyes the great achievements recorded by the Chinese people since
the People's Republic of China was founded 50 years ago, particularly in the
20 years of pursuing the policy of reform and openness.

He wished to see the Chinese people, led by the Communist Party of China (CPC)
and with President Jiang Zemin playing the core role, successfully complete
resolutions mapped out at the CPC's 15th congress, and in so doing, continue
to win greater victories in the cause of economic development that would help
raise the international role and prestige of China and take great China into
the 21st century.

President Jiang said that he appreciated the major achievements recorded by
the Vietnamese people through Doi Moi, Renovation, industrialisation and
modernisation to realise the goal of "a wealthy people, a strong nation, a
fair and civilised society" under socialist-oriented line.

He wished to see the Vietnamese people, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam
(CPV), obtain further major achievements in welcome of the new millennium and
the forthcoming CPV 9th congress.

The two Presidents noted with satisfaction the strong and deeper development
of neighbourly friendship and comprehensive co-operation between their two
countries, particularly after the historic meeting between CPV General
Secretary Le Kha Phieu and CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin in Beijing in
February 1999.

The signing of the joint statement setting the framework for all-round
Sino-Vietnam co-operation was the materialisation of the motto "neighbourly
friendship, comprehensive co-operation, long-lasting stability and
future-oriented thinking" that was creating a driving force taking the
friendly and co-operative bilateral ties to a new height.

Presidents Luong and Jiang agreed that the signing of the Border Treaty
between their countries last December and the Agreement on the Demarcation of
the Territorial Waters, Exclusive Economic Zones and Continental Shelves in
the Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf confirmed during President Luong's visit to Beijing
would help create pre-conditions for the making both the land and Gulf borders
into borders of peace, friendship and long-lasting stability.

This would in turn strengthen mutual trust and understanding, facilitate the
development of each country and make an important contribution to the cause
for peace, co-operation and development in the region and the world.

The two Presidents lauded the new, encouraging steps between the two countries
in the development of economic and commercial relations and shared the same
important views about detailed orientations for further promoting economic,
commercial and investment co-operation commensurate with the aspirations and
potentials of both peoples.

They reaffirmed continued encouragement and assistance to localities, sectors
and the commerce of their countries to accelerate co-operation and joint
ventures, particularly in economy, trade, science-technology, tourism, culture
and education.

The two Presidents reaffirmed the policy to accelerate the trend for peace,
co-operation and development in Southeast Asia, the Asia-Pacific and other

ML Update , Vol:3; No.51; 27- 12- 2000. 1/2

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä


ML Update

A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-3; No.-51; 27-12-2000


Let the New Year Hasten the
Total Rout of the Sangh Parivar

If the end of 1999 had been marked by the IC-814 hijack episode, Y2K comes to
an end with the stunning strike by a section of Kashmiri militants on the Lal
Qila. While the NDA government's Kashmir and Pakistan policies alternate
between cold war and hot pursuit, between the so-called soft and hard options
ranging from Vajpayee's bus diplomacy through Kargil war to the latest gesture
of ceasefire, it is evident that the NDA government remains as clueless
regarding Kashmir as ever. Meanwhile, for all the hard/effective state
rhetoric of Advani and other Sangh Parivar ideologues, Y2K will also be
remembered for the humiliating spectacle of the Indian state being held to
ransom by the sandalwood smuggler Veerappan.

The saffron regime is, of course, trying hard to project an image of India's
growing international stature with displays of strategic proximity to the US.
Internally, the might of the Indian state is sought to be demonstrated through
systematic persecution of the minorities and bulldozing of the sources of
livelihood and other democratic rights of the weak, disadvantaged, toiling
masses. The BJP is however desperate to camouflage its barbarity in the guise
of benevolence. Having all along denounced the 'individual' cult in the
Congress and all other personality-based parties, the BJP now projects the
Prime Minister as a benevolent emperor, who celebrates his birthday by doling
out welfare schemes for his hapless subjects like rural roads project (Rs.
60,000 crore Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana), additional food subsidies (Rs.
2,300 crore Antyodaya Anna Yojana) and literacy plans (Netaji Subhash
Saksharta Mission).

All these 'new clothes' are however only accentuating the emperor's nakedness.
The BJP's pretension to be a party with a difference, its claim to liberate
the society from terror, hunger and corruption, has all been exposed as a
cruel and ugly fraud on the nation. Consequently, resentment runs high among
vast sections of the society and in every corner of the country. Faced with
all round exposure and resistance, and with Assembly elections round the
corner, the BJP has returned to the magic wand of Ayodhya. The VHP and all
other Sangh Parivar vandals are readying for yet another bloodbath.

Vajpayee of course maintains that his government would abide by whatever the
court says. The nation has once paid the price for misreading this deceptive
legalism of the fascists. The history of the rise of the Sangh Parivar has
been replete with instances of saffron transition from the parliamentary to
the extra-parliamentary and vice versa, of combination of independent
assertion with united front tactics. If once again the Sangh Parivar is
indicating its readiness to hit the streets, the secular-democratic resistance
must not lag behind. The RSS has remained banned for several years, often the
saffron zealots have been banished to political wilderness. But the Sangh
Parivar is yet to be handed over a decisive and comprehensive defeat.

Let the new year hasten the process of a total rout of the saffron fascists.
Let the nation take a lesson from its biggest enemy within. If the Sangh
Parivar has been able to survive periods of isolation and partial defeat, it
is because of the opposition's uncritical reliance on legalism, and
confinement of popular resistance to narrow parliamentary confines. Beyond the
parliamentary world of shadow-boxing and the routine noise of third front, let
secular-democracy prevail over the fascists in the battle of the barricades.
Let the first year of the new century be a year of more resolute resistance
and more resounding victories.

Party Launches
"Lutera Bhagao, Krishi Bachao" Agitation

Party has appealed to all secular democratic forces to thwart the heinous
conspiracy of Sangh Parivar commanders like Vajpayee, Advani, Sudarshan,
Laxman and Uma Bharati through their web of false and misleading statements
and called for country-wide observance of December 31 as "Oust Saffron, Save
the Nation" day by burning the effigies of Atal Bihari Vajpayee in every
village and every nook and corner of the country.

The extension of the ongoing economic reforms to the agricultural arena has
landed the country into an unprecedented agrarian crisis. Even as the
foodgrains rot in FCI godowns, millions of Indians languish in absolute
poverty, malnutrition and even sheer starvation, and large sections of small
farmers are being forced into distress sale, the government is effectively
subsiding the nexus of traders and millers or the foreign consumer. Against
this backdrop CPI(ML) will spearhead a "Lutera Bhagao, Krishi Bachao" (Oust
the Looters, Save Agriculture) campaign with a view to forging a militant
solidarity of the agrarian labourers and deprived farmers. The Party will
press for large-scale introduction of 


2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" HUNGER STRIKERS CAN DIE



  25 DECEMBER 2000 Monday

Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk said that amnesty is an opportunity
to improve the prison system in Turkey. ''Efforts will be speeded up
to transfer the ward system into room system in all prisons,'' said

A group of high ranking military officials from France came to Turkey
last month. French military officials asked their Turkish counterparts
when Turkey will be ready for EU. Turkish military officials said that
the preparations can last for 10 years.

Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk staged a press conference at the
Justice Ministry about the interventions in 20 prisons held between
December 19-22 that were called ''Operation Return to Life''. Turk
said that the operation would always be mentioned as one of the great
successes of cooperation among state units. Turk said that security
forces and gendarmerie had successfully concluded this perfectly
organized operation by respecting human life.

Selcuk KozagaclI, a lawyer who visited Sincan F type prison yesterday
said that the condition of nearly 70 hunger strikers is very critical.

''Mass deaths are coming,'' he said claiming that some inmates might
have died because of the strike and this could have been hided from

Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk called on those who are on hunger
strike and death fast to give up their protest. Before the operation
return to life was staged, 290 of inmates were on death fast and 800
of them were on hunger strike. Now the former increased to 353 and the
latter increased to 2,184.

ISTANBUL - The bomb attacks staged on two Automatic Telling Machines
(ATMs) of banks caused material damage in Istanbul on Sunday.

Unknown assailants placed a bomb in ATM of Pamukbank in Sisli district
which later exploded. No casualties were reported, but there is
material damage in the ATM. Experts said that the bomb was a hand
made, time bomb.

A molotov cocktail was put in the ATM of Demirbank branch in Esenler
district. The fire that broke out due to the explosion was
extinguished by citizens.

Police started an investigation in the two districts to capture the

Meanwhile other assailants placed bombs in a bank and in front of the
garage gate of a flat in Maltepe district. The explosions caused
material damage in both buildings.

Officials said that the target of the attack can be the Liberal
Democrat Party's Maltepe centre which was beside the garage.

Experts said that the bomb was hand made and pipe bomb.

ISTANBUL/KADIKOY - Twelve more inmates who were injured and
hospitalized during the operation return to life staged in Umraniye
prison were discharged from hospital on Sunday.

The inmates who were treated at Haydarpasa Numune Hospital were
discharged from hospital and sent to another prison.

The treatment of nine other inmates in the prison continues.

Tight security measures have been taken by police in Haydarpasa Numune
Hospital and relatives of patients are not still allowed to enter the

IZMIT - Number of inmates who have been transferred to the F type
prison in northwestern Kocaeli province following last week's
intervention in prisons, increased to 357.

Sources told the A.A correspondent on Monday that transfer of 357
members of terrorist organizations from Bayrampasa, Bursa, Gebze,
Canakkale and Umraniye prisons to F type prison in Kocaeli was

The F type prison in Kocaeli has a capacity of 368 inmates.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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China. People´s Daily Dec 27

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä


   Wednesday, December 27, 2000, updated at 09:33(GMT+8)

   Jiang on Anti-corruption Campaign
   Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Communist Party
   of China (CPC) Central Committee, Tuesday called on
   governments at all levels to continue to fight
   against corruption with a firm hand in the new era to
   safeguard the achievements of reform and development.

   Jiang, also Chinese president and chairman of the
   Central Military Commission, made the remarks while
   addressing the CPC Central Commission for Discipline
   Inspection's fifth plenary session.

   Wei Jianxing, member of the Standing Committee of the
   Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and
   secretary of the CPC Central Commission for
   Discipline Inspection, presided over the session.

   The session was also attended by other senior Chinese
   Party leaders Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu
   Jintao and Li Lanqing.

   Jiang reviewed the country's efforts to fight
   corruption during the past years, saying that
   important experience has been obtained. He urged all
   Party members to bear the awareness of the importance
   of the anti-corruption campaign and persevere to
   carry through the drive.

   He also noted that the endeavor to fight corruption
   and build a clean government is a long-lasting and
   arduous task, which should be carried out in the
   whole process of reform and opening up.

   He stressed that three major jobs in the drive should
   be done well, namely, educating officials of
   self-discipline, investigating major cases and
   correcting the malpractice in various departments and
   sectors. Problems which the masses complain about the
   most should be dealt with in time, Jiang reiterated.

   Jiang also reviewed the nearly 80 years of the CPC's
   history. In the first 28 years, the Party led the
   people to fight for the founding of New China. In the
   latest more than 50 years, the CPC has played the
   role of a ruling party, leading the people for
   socialist construction.

   Jiang emphasized that the shift of the position and
   responsibility of the Party and those of Party
   members have brought up a new task for Party

   Jiang warned that it is more difficult for the party
   in power to improve Party building and management,
   and this has been proved by both history and

   He urged Party members to guard against the negative
   effect of the shift in position and always adhere to
   the Party's tenet to maintain the Party's vigor.

   Jiang noted that the prominent problem for a party in
   power is how to ensure that Party members and
   officials have a correct understanding of interests.

   He said that a qualified Party member should serve
   the people heart and soul, and never act against the
   will and benefit of the masses.

   The Party's anti-corruption drive represents the will
   of the broad masses. Party committees at all levels
   should actively seek effective ways and methods to
   supervise officials and educate them in an effort to
   prevent the occurrence of corruption from the source,
   he said.

   Jiang also called for more stringent enforcement of
   laws and regulations, pointing out that
   anti-corruption should be considered during the
   promulgation of major reform policies, laws and
   regulations, and the socialist democratic political
   system and legal system should be strengthened.


   Tuesday, December 26, 2000, updated at 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 26

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.26.2000 Juche 89)


   * Bouquets laid before bust of Kim Jong Suk

   * Kim Jong Il sends gifts to officials of Chongryon

   * Over 120 works of Kim Jong Il brought out

   * Sports tournament for Osandok Cup closes

   * Christmas masses held

   * Japanese reactionaries' tampering with history

   * Many publications computerized

   * Dismantlement of concrete wall urged

   * County well known to nation

   * Federal formula, most reasonable way of Korea's reunification

   * Japan urged to drop its wrong attitude towards its past crimes

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * miembros de embajada de cuba depositan ramo de flores ante busto de
 camarada kim jong suk

   * editadas mas de 120 obras de dirigente kim jong il

Bouquets laid before bust of Kim Jong Suk

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Jose Manuel Inclan Embade, Cuban
ambassador to the DPRK,
and members of the embassy laid bouquets before the bust of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim
Jong Suk at the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong on December
25 on the occasion of her
83rd birth anniversary.
After placing bouquets, they paid a silent tribute to her who made an
immortal contribution to the sacred
struggle for the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Kim Jong Il sends gifts to officials of Chongryon

Pyongyang, December 24 (KNS-KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Tokyo on
December 23 to convey the
new year gifts sent by the great leader Kim Jong Il to the officials of the
General Association of Korean
Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and the patriotic traders and industrialists.
So Man Sul, first vice-chairman of the central standing committee of
Chongryon, said in a speech that the
gifts are associated with the deepest trust and the greatest expectation of
Kim Jong Il for the officials of
Chongryon and the patriotic traders and industrialists. He extended the
highest glory and the warmest thanks
to the leader.
Referring to the successes made in the work of Chongryon, he said that
they are the result of the devoted
services the Chongryon officials, patriotic traders and industrialists and
compatriots have made, deeply
convinced that they are sure to win if they trust and follow Kim Jong Il only.
He called on the officials of Chongryon and compatriots to
energetically carry out the patriotic work of
Chongryon in the new year Juche 90 as intended and wished by the leader.

Over 120 works of Kim Jong Il brought out

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- The great leader Kim Jong Il published
many works indicating the
road to be followed by the Korean revolution and the world revolution, a
result of his outstanding ideological
and theoretical activities in the 1990s.
The Worker's Party of Korea Publishing House has brought out at least
120 works out of them.
Kim Jong Il clearly proved the inevitable triumph of socialism as a
science at a time when socialism
collapsed in a number of countries due to renegades of revolution in the
early 1990s, taught a historical lesson
in building socialism and set out tasks and ways to defend and glorify
Korean-style socialism. This was an
immortal contribution to saving the cause of socialism from a crisis and
triumphantly advancing it.
Typical of those works are "Socialism Is a Science", "the Historical
Lesson in Building Socialism and
the General Line of Our Party", "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable", "Our
Socialism Centred on the
Masses Shall Not Perish" and "Socialism Is Lifeline of Our People."
When the President Kim Il Sung demised, the nation's greatest loss, Kim
Jong Il published "the Great
Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Is Always With Our People", "Let Us Always Hold
the Great Leader in High
Esteem and Accomplish His Cause" and other famous works, thus inspiring
them to implement his last
instructions in order to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche.
Kim Jong Il also authored many other famous works clearly teaching the
truth of the great Juche idea and
ways to embody it and giving lucid answers to the issues arising in
political, military, economic, cultural and
all other fields.

Sports tournament for Osandok Cup closes

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- A sports tournament for Osandok Cup
which was opened on
December 20 to mark the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk
Its participants competed in at least 20 events including basketball,
volleyball, table-tennis and marathon
in Pyongyang and various local areas.
They displayed to the full their own sport methods and high technique.
Prizes were awarded to the sports teams and athletes, who distinguished
themselves, at a closing
ceremony held in Chongjin on December 24.

Christmas masses held

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Christmas masses was held at Pyongyang
Pongsu Church
Present there were Rev. Kang Yong Sop, chairman of the c.c., the Korean

China. People´s Daily Dec 25

2000-12-25 Thread heikki sipilä


   Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 12:39(GMT+8)

   Vietnamese President Arrives in China for Official

   Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong arrived in
   Beijing Monday (Dec. 25) morning for a five-day
   official goodwill visit at the invitation of Chinese
   President Jiang Zemin.

   Jiang is to hold talks with Luong later today.

   This is Luong's first China tour after he assumed the
   presidency. Besides Beijing, he will also tour
   Shanghai and Xiamen.

   Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 10:07(GMT+8)

   Chinese State Councilor Concludes Visit to Iraq

   Chinese State Councilor Ismail Amat and his
   accompanying delegation concluded a three-day visit
   to Iraq and is expected to leave Baghdad for home
   December 24 evening.

   During his meeting with Iraqi President Saddam
   Hussein on Saturday morning, Amat expressed "deep
   sympathy from the Chinese government and people for
   the Iraqi people under sanctions."

   "We are willing to continue to make efforts for an
   early settlement to the Iraqi issue," he said.

   China cherishes the friendly and cooperative
   relations with Iraq and is willing to expand
   bilateral cooperation in political, economic,
   cultural and other fields, said Amat.

   Amat also handed over a letter from Chinese President
   Jiang Zemin to Saddam Hussein.

   For his part, Saddam reiterated Iraq's long-term
   policy of developing relations of friendship and
   cooperation with China, and expressed belief that
   there will be broad prospects for bilateral

   The Chinese official also held separate talks with
   Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan and Deputy
   Prime Minister Tareq Aziz on Saturday, and visited a
   children's hospital in Baghdad to have a better
   understanding of the sufferings of the Iraqi people
   under decade-old U.N. sanctions.

   Iraq has been under stringent United Nations
   sanctions ever since it invaded neighboring Kuwait in

   Amat and the 70-member delegation arrived in Baghdad
   Friday afternoon by plane, which also brought 10 tons
   of humanitarian aid to the sanctions-stricken

   Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 10:21(GMT+8)

   "One Country, Two Systems" Successful in Hong Kong,

   The success of China's "one country, two systems"
   policy in Hong Kong and Macao proves the policy is a
   great one, said Russia's consul-general in Hong Kong,
   Konstantin Vnukov. "The policy is proceeding smoothly
   in Hong Kong and Macao, leading to an obvious
   improvement in Macao's social security and growth in
   its economy for the first time in four years," said

   He has just returned to Hong Kong from Macao where he
   attended the celebrations marking the first
   anniversary of the Special Administrative Region

   He said the successes in Macao show the "one country,
   two systems" policy, under which two different social
   systems co-exist and complement each other, is a wise
   and healthy strategy.

   Hong Kong is an international commercial, financial
   and IT centre, Vnukov said. "To continuously push
   forward the relationship between Hong Kong and Russia
   is of great importance to the future development of
   both sides," he said.

   Figures show that since the founding of the Consulate
   of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong in 1994, trade
   between the two has grown by 40 per cent each year.

Vietnam News Dec 25

2000-12-25 Thread heikki sipilä

 President leaves for China on a state visit

State President Tran Duc Luong leaves Hanoi today for an official visit to
China at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart,
Jiang Zemin.

The president is accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Cong Tan;
Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien; Head of the
Presidential Office Nguyen Canh Dinh; Minister of Planning and Investment
Tran Xuan Gia; Minister of Fisheries Ta Quang
Ngoc; Acting Head of the Home Affairs Department of the Party Central
Committee Pham Quoc Anh; Deputy Minister of
Industry Le Quoc Khanh; Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and
Environment Hoang Van Huay; Assistant to the
President Nguyen Van Thanh; General Director of the Vietnam News Agency Ho
Tien Nghi; Chief Negotiator of the
Governmental Delegation on Vietnam-China Border Issues Le Cong Phung and
Vietnamese Ambassador to China Bui Hong

   Christmas celebrated nationwide

   Mr Pham The Duyet meets Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung.

Christmas has been celebrated with great joy these days throughout the country.

Mr Pham The Duyet, permanent member of the Politburo Standing Board of the
Communist Party of Vietnam and president
of the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee paid
Christmas visits to the Episcopal Council and the
northern Protestant General Council in Hanoi on December 23.

At the Episcopal Council, Mr Duyet met with Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung, head
of the council. Mr Duyet conveyed Christmas
greetings from Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu, President Tran Duc
Luong, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and
National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh to Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung and
Vietnamese Catholics nationwide.

He wished the cardinal and the Catholic community a merry Christmas. He
praised the Catholics for their practical
contributions to national construction.

He said he hoped that the cardinal and the Episcopal Council would continue
to encourage the Catholics to make more
contributions to the country.

Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung, on behalf of the Catholic community, thanked the
Party and State for the attention to the
community and promised to encourage the Catholics to take an active part in
the course of national construction.

Mr Duyet paid visits to the northern Protestant General Council, the Hanoi
Protestant Council, visited the family of the late
Shepherd Bui Hoanh Thu, former deputy head of the Protestant General
Council and Shepherd Hoang Kim Phuc, head of
the Protestant General Council.

In Hanoi, a delegation of the municipal Party and People's Committees and
Fatherland Front headed by Nguyen Phu Trong,
Politburo member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Hanoi
Party Committee, paid a visit to the northern
Protestant General Council.

Mayor Hoang Van Nghien also called on Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung, head of the
Vietnam Episcopal Council and Archbishop
of Hanoi's diocese.

On this occasion, the municipal Committee for Solidarity of Vietnamese
Catholics reviewed three years implementing the
movement 'Building good Catholic parishes, good life and fine religion'
among the Catholics. It also encouraged Catholics
in 62 parishes in Hanoi to live the gospel amidst the nation and
participate in all movements launched by the municipal

In Ho Chi Minh City, tens of thousands of Catholics and Protestants in more
than 200 Catholic parishes and 40 Protestant
councils organised various activities to celebrate the day.

A delegation of Ho Chi Minh City Fatherland Front and a delegation of the
Board for Religious Affairs made well-wishing
visits to Catholics and Catholic dignitaries in the city.

The Women Union chapter visited and presented gifts to nuns in the city.

Meanwhile in Phat Diem diocese in northern Ninh Binh province, more than
138,000 Catholics celebrated Christmas in their
parishes as the headquarters, the Phat Diem Church is under repair.

The provincial Party and People's Committees, and Fatherland Front visited
local priests on this occasion.

This year's Christmas celebrations were serves as the preparations for the
marking of 100th anniversary of Phat Diem
diocese on April 19, 2001.

Christmas was solemnly held in other localities in the country.

  Ho Chi Minh City Party Congress closes

Ho Chi Minh City closed its seventh Party Congress on December 23, after
five days of sittings.

The congress, which drew 400 delegates, representing more than 101,560
local Party members, agreed to the city's main
goals of yearly 11% GDP growth in the next five years and a per-capita
yearly income of US $2,000 in the year 2005.

Other targets include a 13% yearly increase from the industrial and
construction sectors, 9.5% from services and trade and
20% from export turnover.

The congress elected a 51-member executive committee of the city's Party
Committee, seventh tenure, with Nguyen Minh
Triet as secretary and Vo 

U.S., British Planes Hit Iraq

2000-12-25 Thread heikki sipilä


U.S., British Planes Hit Iraq

.c The Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - U.S. and British warplanes struck targets in southern
Iraq on Friday, and Baghdad said the attack killed one person and injured two

The U.S. Central Command headquarters said in a statement that the warplanes,
patrolling the no-fly zone in southern Iraq, attacked a radar system and
anti-aircraft sites with precision-guided weapons.

The command, based in Tampa, Fla., had no report of casualties and still was
assessing the damage. ``We go to great lengths to avoid injuries,'' said Maj.
Jeff Blau at MacDill Air Force Base.

An Iraqi military spokesman said the warplanes struck ``civil and service
installations in the provinces of Basra and Nasiriya, resulting in the
killing of one civilian and the injury of two others,'' according to the
Iraqi News Agency.

``Our heroic (anti-aircraft) missile units confronted the enemy warplanes,
forcing them to leave our skies for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,'' the
unidentified spokesman said. The report did not say where the casualties

Basra is 340 miles south of Baghdad and Nasiriya is 248 miles south of the

The U.S. Central Command said the sites ``were targeted to further degrade
Iraq's ability to jeopardize coalition pilots and aircraft.''

U.S. and British jets have been patrolling no-fly zones over northern and
southern Iraq in a program designed to protect Kurdish and Shiite groups
against government forces. Baghdad has been challenging the planes since late
1998, saying the zones violate its sovereignty and international law.

AP-NY-12-22-00 1625EST


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Hungerstriking prisoners in Turkey left to freeze

2000-12-25 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" Hungerstriking prisoners in Turkey left to freeze


  24 DECEMBER 2000 Sunday


Lawyers who visited F type prisons in Sincan and Edirne said that the
first group death-fasting inmates had been sent to F type prisons and
those people were left to death in cells. Noting that there was a
serious chaos in prisons, lawyers said many death-fasting inmates were
about to die. Lawyers said that heating system in prisons did not
work, and inmates who wore sheet were brought to rooms to speak with
them were facing the risk of being frozen to death. Noting that they
observed that inmates had been exposed to torture, lawyers claimed
that death toll was more than 40.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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2000-12-24 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We translated this because we did not see this message in any other paper.


AMSTERDAM – The United Nations, after political pressure, stopped
an investigation into the ties between Turkish terrorism and organised
crime. "The political sensitivities are to great that even the writing of a
confidential report would cause diplomatic problems”, according the
narcotics chief the UN, Pino Arlacchi. He writes this in a letter, of
October 16, to the Dutch UN-ambassador in Vienna. “Given the
circumstances, it is advisable not to write a report at all”, he continues.
Justice spokesmen in parliament want clarity from the ministers of
Foreign Affairs and Justice.

An official of the Terrorism Department of the UN was  in the
Netherlands, at the end of August, also for investigating the Turkish ties
with organised crime. In a letter of November 28, from the head of judicial
and police co-operation, the department of Foreign Affairs writes to the
Dutch experts involved: “Thanks for your co-operation”. But the
investigation was halted. CDA-spokesperson W. van de Camp (Christian-
Democrats) says it is unacceptable that a UN-office stops investigating
because of fear for diplomatic turbulence. “That’s giving in to organised

The D66-parliamentarian B. Dittrich (Social-Liberals) speaks of an ostrich-
policy and demands clarification from the minister of Foreign Affairs.
According to Dittrich, there have been clues earlier that high circles in
Turkey were involved in criminal practices and it cannot be that now
there is pressure from this circuit to stop such an investigation. The
Green-Left delegate F. Halsema wants Foreign Affairs to demand an
explanation from the UN and says that stopping the investigation
“cannot be accepted like that”.

Also the PvdA-delegate E. Kalsbeek (Social-Democrats) assumes that
the minister will come with an explanation for the Chamber, although she
does not have the “illusion that he will do so in public”.
According the VVD-spokesperson J. Niederer (Conservative Liberals),
such an UN-investigation can only be stopped if Turkey shows that
“aspects of state security are involved”.

During a lecture in Washington, in the autumn, the Dutch criminologist
F. Bovenkerk showed once again how close elements of the Turkish
state are linked with organised crime. Other investigators share this view,
as was shown in a recent paper, published by the Department of Justice.
The directorate of the UN-Drug Office, which last week criticised the
Dutch policy of tolerance, was not available for comments. Insiders point
to the fact that investigations into ties between the Turkish Mafia
organisations and the Grey Wolves meet with great resistance usually.
Investigations which stumble upon such ties are frequently stopped
because of “sensitivities”.

The recent investigation of the prosecution and the police in Amsterdam,
involving a raid in a mosque, is therefore called courageous by them, and
very remarkable. The investigating judge last night ruled that eleven of
the original 23 detainees in this case will remain in custody. The
investigation is now also spreading to possible fraud with subsidies by
Turkish institutions and attempts by criminals to in infiltrate mosque

Kurt van Es and Jos Verlaan

Het Parool. December 8, 2000


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World 'progress' under US brutality. Cuba

2000-12-24 Thread heikki sipilä

subject: World 'progress' under US brutality. Cuba
  (My Xmas present to 'christian' Washington -JC)
   At last, we know that the US is NOT a democracy. Its Black/poor
population lives in fear or in jail mainly for smoking marijuana but
either way they are abused and deliberately forced away from the
polling stations and from those jobs that robots can do

   My earliest teenage memories of US music came from the African
wonderfully talented Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Billie Halliday,
Ellington, Count Basie blues and Dixieland jazz. Now we have re-made
videos of them from the 1920's, in which the scene shows their
brothers-sisters and the KKK white-slave cotton bosses and the
popularity of this music. Now we know how and why US presidents are
unable to show any concern for black labor, its education and health
care. The KKK is still powerful, as are extreme-right, mafia-
corrupted politicians.The blacks can eat in jail or the Marine corps.

 It is possible that US hospitals/doctors can charge up to $50,000
for an operation, just because the surgeon is 'very talented' and
rarely makes a mistake. Did you know that in Cuba no-one pays for
health and education, the 118 specialist professors can do the same
operations and teach at one of 21 Medical Universities on the island.
Next years's budget for educational and health programs, retirement
benefits and social assistance will cost $6billion (Six!). The
hospitals and schools maintenance is included in 'social assistance.

  But here there are no trillionaires, billionaires, or even
moderately rich people like millionaires.And there is no advertising,
no corrupted greedy politicians, no starvation, no waste -the sugar
cane produces sugar, paper -but also 52 other value-added assets. On
the other hand, the intelligence-limited USA, when thinking of Cuba,
can only think of murder and deliberate withholding of a few food
products, and special medical drugs.  Is that envy on a huge scale?

  Perhaps, if it were a sign of remorse, all US corporation CEO's
based at home or in foreign lands should jump out the top windows, as
they did in 1929, but weighed down this time by all their fortunes
melted into gold to make sure they stay down?

   Shakur says "the whole cultural imperialism that is going on today
where people whether they're in Senegal, South Africa, Indonesia, are
looking at this USA vision of the world that is totally distorted,
totally unreal, that really diminishes and minimalises the cultural
values and wisdom of people all over the world, and sells this kind
of McDonald-ized vision of the world that everybody is supposed to
aspire to.

   British PM, Tony Blair dropped a bombshell in Warsaw by announcing
that Europe should have its own Rapid Reaction Force (RRF). The great
lover of American brutality and its nuclear umbrella that protects
Europe (from what?)-Thatcher the Iron Lady -was aghast at his plans
to allot 12,500 British troops for that force.

"We are in a new era. Today we have to deal with those problems we
inherited from that time -the boom and bust economics, the social
division, the chronic under-investment in our public services. A
sensible, modern attitude to Europe is what we need." On BBC radio he
is quoted as clarifying words "more money for social justice
-education and better health for the people.  This of course is what
Fidel Castro's people are trying in vain to help all nations to
understand, that people cared for and educated do not need armaments.

The Americans are furious of course. The US Pentagon, CIA,
corporations and politicians have laid out plans for all the 200 or
so foreign nations. Peace, protection of the environment, the air,
the rivers, forests, birds, insects and seas have no place in their
sordid, greed-drunken, criminal terrorist thoughts and actions.

  It seems to me that Europe has begun to realise what a dreadful
waste of resources and people NATO and the other US-led, probably-
corrupted leaders, brought to Europe via the Balkans. Albania and
Bulgaria had socialist leaders until the money bags arrived. Some EU
leaders have been found out with up to $500 million in private banks
-goodness knows how much they have in Swiss banks and Caymen islands.
German and Turkey presidents have a lot to answer for, but so has
Israel, Chile, Peru, Kazakstan, Argentina, Guatemala, Panama, El
Salvador and many others.

Turkey will be admitted to NATO because the US needs them there, not
so much for their good looks, but because the Kurdish section in
Turkey will have to be totally genocided in case they start to bomb
the chosen US oil pipeline passing through Moslem Turkey from Central
Asia, Caspian area. The US allows them to have NO human rights.

Germany's Minister Fischer should have known better about US General
Savimbi's situation in Angola, not to have promised German loans as
soon as Angola stops the war. Then, with no knowledge of Africa and
its recent history, he goes off to 

Turkish prison strike continues

2000-12-24 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 04:43:58 +0100
From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sunday, 24 December, 2000, 23:34 GMT
Turkish prison strike continues

Anti-prison reform protesters clashed with the police The Turkish
Government says more than 350  prison inmates are still refusing food, five
days after the security forces launched raids on jails across the country
to end the protest.

Troops regained control on Friday of the last of 20  prisons, leaving a
total of 26 prisoners and two police officers dead.

The inmates want to stop transfers to new maximum security prisons where
they say they will exposed to attacks by guards, who are often accused of
committing abuses.

Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk warned that the government would not back
down from the transfer plans.

Dead end

Mr Turk said that following the storming of the jails, 1,005 prisoners were
transferred to three of the new prisons and that nearly 400  had quit their
hunger strike.

He said the jails had been raided to "rescue the prisoners" - many of whom,
he insisted, had been forced to fast by extreme left-wing groups.

Mr Turk said that 353 continued their two-month long "death-fast", and that
more than 1,600  others were carrying-out a hunger strike of solidarity,
taking just minimal amounts of sugar.

"Some inmates continue their acts in the trap of fanaticism into which they
had fallen," he said.


The minister urged the strikers to put an end to their protests and to
realise that they had reached a dead end.

"If their condition deteriorates we will do whatever is necessary for
medical intervention," he warned.

The European Commission has expressed concern over the crackdown.

Turkey's attempt to gain membership of the EU depends on improving its
human rights record and democratic institutions.

Human rights groups have also condemned the assault.

Amnesty International has called for a full and independent inquiry into
the raids.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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Turkey. DHKC Statement: 136

2000-12-24 Thread heikki sipilä

From: dhkcbureau [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: December 23, 2000Statement: 136

Those who are uttering victory chants over our dead bodies are rejoicing in

The authorities are celebrating over our dead bodies. Before the eyes of the
entire world, our country has witnessed one of the most comprehensive
attacks in its history. We are replying to this attack with one of the
biggest acts of resistance in our history. Thousands of revolutionary
prisoners and every single one of our comrades in the wrote pages in the
history books on December 19. Hundreds wrote their heroic names in the
legend of the December 19 resistance.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and police, equipped with heavy weaponry as
though they were launching a military operation against the beaches of
Cyprus, killed, threw people in cells but did not make people surrender.
Victory is ours from this day forward. With something like 30 martyrs,
hundreds wounded and on the 65th day of hunger, we are continuing our march
towards death and victory, with hundreds more resisting the murderous attack
by starting hunger strikes and Death Fasts.

The massacre was not just directed at the prisoners but at the whole people.

The resistance which began on October 20 as an Indefinite Hunger Strike and
was converted into a Death Fast followed all the classical patterns since
that time that are characteristic of such actions.

The authorities, who do everything on the orders of the imperialist
monopolies, who take on new roles in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus
in the name of imperialism, want to create an environment in which the
imperialists and monopolies can easily engage in plunder, and this cannot be
done without defeating the opposition forces. The opposition which is part
of the system was not a problem for them, in the final analysis.

So it was the revolutionary and democratic opposition which had to be
annihilated. The prisons were always a priority target for having a special
place in the material and moral conception of our revolutionary struggle.
The prisoners from our front gave the appropriate response to this attack.
The resistance was started on October 20, the announcement of the Death Fast
by 100 Free Captives on November 19 marked a new escalation in the
resistance. In connection with this we saw the democratic opposition grow
step by step. This was the point at which the plans of the imperialists and
the oligarchy came to nothing. The resistance had spread beyond being a
prison resistance, and people were starting to say "the system is
disintegrating". The oligarchy, to get back the initiative, prepared for a
massacre and began to play games about intervening. They tried to create
conditions for this with propaganda about "pressure from organisations".
At this point, from trade union confederations to legal political parties,
various democratic associations said "Quit," not to the authorities but to
the revolutionaries, and they tried to create "pressure from public opinion"
so the situation was such that the authorities could intervene.
In this way the authorities found the circumstances needed to carry out an
intervention and massacre.

They saved the day for themselves today, but tomorrow belongs to those who
have resisted. On December 19 the authorities went over to the attack and
carried out the most comprehensive prison operation in the history of the
Republic of Turkey. The state behaved with insane boldness in massacring
hundreds of prisoners. We were up against a government that can run nothing
and has no authority anywhere but wants to prove itself by carrying out a
slaughter. It burned, destroyed and killed.

The authorities showed their true face. However, they showed that they can
conduct bans, repressions, slaughter and violence. They tore down and burned
their own prisons, saying, "I made them surrender, I conquered."
Is this anything other than an image of powerlessness? What could be simpler
than slaughtering human beings who were already behind the four walls of
prisons? The authorities are shouting their victory chants. True, if
destroying their own prisons is a victory, they won a victory.

True, if slaughtering dozens of prisoners behind prison walls is a victory,
they won a major victory. But this is not a victory that any government can
profit from. Today they saved themselves, tomorrow they will lose.
The revolutionaries were right. Today everyone is admitting that the
revolutionaries turned out to be right. They were right. Because they
recognise this government for what it is. From life, they recognise those
who have worked to organise the people's fight for liberation. They know
that in this country there is fascism, both secret and open. Various mass
organisations, trade unions, chambers and intellectual circles have erred or
simply been deceived into not recognising this reality, or despite knowing

Korean Central News Agency Dec 24

2000-12-24 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.24.2000 Juche 89)


   * Commemorations held

   * Commemorative seminars held abroad

   * Epic praising feats of Kim Jong Suk created

   * Papers observe anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as KPA Supreme

   * Wreaths laid

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * 9 aniversario de eleccion de dirigente kim jong il como comandante
 supremo de epc

Commemorations held

Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- An evening gala of the Ministry of the
People's Armed Forces was
held at Jonsung Square on Dec. 23 on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of
the great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army.
It was attended by Jo Myong Rok, director of the KPA general political
department, Kim Yong Chun,
chief of the KPA general staff, Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's Armed
Forces, leading officials of the
People's Armed Forces, KPA generals, officers and soldiers.
The square turned into a veritable sea of soldiers dancing to the tune
of such songs as "Glory to the Dear
Leader," "Song of Best Wishes," "Song of Three Prides," and "the Guerrilla
March," etc, vice marshals and
generals of the KPA joined dancers, thus bolstering up the festive atmosphere.
A music and dance performance was given by the song and dance ensemble
of the Ministry of People's
Security at the Ponghwa Art Theatre on the same day on the occasion of the
9th anniversary of his election
and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist revolutionary fighter
Kim Jong Suk.

Commemorative seminars held abroad

Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Seminars were held in different
countries from Dec. 10 to 15 to
commemorate the 9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election
as Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong
The seminars were sponsored by the Peruvian Association for the Study
of Revolutionary Activities of
Comrade Kim Jong Suk, the Peruvian Committee for Supporting the Independent
and Peaceful Reunification
of Korea, the Association for the Study of Self-reliance of Pakistan, the
Egyptian Committee for the Study of
the Juche Idea and the Catania branch of the Italian Committee for the
Study of the Juche Idea.
Present there were prominent figures of political, social and academic
circles in those countries, among
them Victor Oliva Miguel, secretary general of the revolutionary socialist
party of Peru.
Akrak Aktar Hamidi, chairman of the Association for the Study of
Self-reliance of Pakistan, said that
Kim Jong Il is a veteran and seasoned political leader, an outstanding
military strategist and iron-willed
Amata, chief of the Catania branch of the Italian Committee for the
Study of the Juche Idea, noted that
Kim Jong Il's army-first politics is a lifeline of the Korean people in
their struggle for the building of a
powerful socialist nation.
Teresa Otidiano, chairperson of the Peruvian Association for the Study
of Revolutionary Activities of
Comrade Kim Jong Suk, said that it is a great pride and glory for the women
revolutionaries around the
world to deeply study the revolutionary history of Kim Jong Suk,
comrade-in-arms intensely loyal to the
great leader Kim Il Sung and an anti-Japanese heroine. Her revolutionary
feats will shine long with history,
she stressed.

Epic praising feats of Kim Jong Suk created

   Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- An epic "the Cause of Kim Jong Suk Will
Be Everlasting" (written
by Li Pom Su) was published on the occasion of the 83rd birth anniversary
of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
Singing of Kim Jong Suk's feats for the building of the army, the epic
says that her cause of building the
army will shine for all ages.
After the liberation of Korea she, true to the idea and line of the
army building advanced by the great
leader President Kim Il Sung, led officials to build the army in a Korean
way, by rooting out flunkeyism and
dogmatism, it notes.
She was always with arms in her lifetime and was the first to hold
aloft the banner of devotedly
defending the leader.
Learning from her spirit, many devoted guardians have grown up, the
epic says.
It tells about the motherly love shown by her for soldiers, which is
carried forward by the respected
marshal Kim Jong Il.
The greatest feat she performed for the revolution is that she gave
birth to Kim Jong Il, successor to the
cause of the Korean revolution. In the crucible of the hard-fought
anti-Japanese war she brought up him as a
son of guerrillas and commander, it says.

Papers observe anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as KPA Supreme

Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Papers here today editorially observe
the 9th anniversary of the
great leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean
People's Army.
Rodong Sinmun, the organ of 

Turkish press gets coup jitters

2000-12-23 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" Turkish press gets coup jitters


Saturday, 23 December, 2000, 11:03 GMT
Turkish press gets coup jitters


Police used water cannon to break up leftist protests The Turkish
Government's decision to use force to end the stand-off with striking
inmates in the country's prisons has caused increasing unease in parts of
the press.


A number of left-leaning papers expressed concerns about the government's
handling of the prison crisis, with at least one commentator suggesting
that the ground was being prepared for a military coup.

"Turkey is falling apart at the seams," a columnist wrote in the centrist
mass-circulation Milliyet.  "In the wake of the incidents over the amnesty
bill, F-type prisons, and the hunger strikes, there is growing doubt about
the strength of the government."

Writing in the liberal mass circulation Sabah, Cetin Altan said recent
events were familiar.

"Casting an oblique glance around us, we too are coming to the conclusion
that the ground is being prepared for the introduction of a military
diktat," he wrote.

"It is always the same:  first comes utter chaos and then a military
diktat.  Today's developments instill such a fear in our minds, whether we
like it or not."

Global impact

Mr Altan said the Turkish state had been slow in coming to grips with the
impact of globalisation.

"After the transition to a military diktat, a schism could be created in
the country and after a bloody shock wave similar to a civil war, Nato and
US forces could intervene to pacify the country.  Then it would be easier
for the country to change the status quo," he wrote.

"The new cadres to come to power would speedily solve the Cyprus and the
Aegean problems, as well as the problem of the southeast, that is, the
Kurdish problem."

"We should not have let the 20th century pass us by with such a shameful
fiasco," Mr Altan concluded.

No conspiracy

A columnist in the mass-circulation left-wing Cumhuriyet appeared to agree.

Ilhan Selcuk said that in times of grave national events Turks always say
that 'Our country is experiencing the biggest crisis of the history of the
Turkish Republic'.

"When you start hearing this said over and over again, it is not a prophecy
that something will happen...  Turkey is experiencing a crisis as big as
any in the past," Selcuk wrote.

"The hidden forces of the state swing into action...  the urge to live
takes over.  Are we at that point again?"

But writing in Milliyet, Hasan Cemal took a less apocalyptic view.

"Is it a conspiracy?  ...  Please don't bother with conspiracy theories.
We should well know that the cure for such poison is the transparency of a
democratic regime and a government clearly under the rule of law," he


A number of papers pointed to what they saw as confusion in leading
government circles over the events leading up to the decision to launch
theown, as well as to discrepancies in the official casualty toll.

"For instance, Internal Affairs Minister Sadettin Tantan denied anyone was
on a hunger strike while Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk said the
protests had reached a critical point and the operation was unavoidable,"
Melik Asik wrote in Milliyet.

Radikal newspaper reported that, according to Eren Keskin, the chairman of
the Istanbul Human Rights Organisation, 54 prisoners had apparently "gone
missing" during the course of the operations.

"We asked the chief prosecutor where these people were.  He said he did not
know," the paper quoted Mr Keskin as saying.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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Vietnam News Dec 23

2000-12-23 Thread heikki sipilä

 President visit to China to strengthen Vietnam-China co-operation: FM

The visit to China by President Tran Duc Luong scheduled for December 25-29
will create a new impetus for further
strengthening the mutual trust, co-operation and friendship between Vietnam
and China.

So said the Foreign Ministry's spokesperson Phan Thuy Thanh at a regular
news briefing in Hanoi on December 21,
announcing to local and foreign reporters the coming official visit to
China by President Tran Duc Luong.

During the visit, President Luong will meet with his Chinese counterpart,
Jiang Zemin, Chairman of the National People's
Congress Li Peng and Premier Zhu Rongji.

A joint statement on the framework of co-operation in the 21st century
between the two countries will be signed during the

The two sides will also sign an agreement on the Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf
delineation, an agreement on fishing co-operation in
the Bac Bo Gulf, an agreement on co-operation in the use of atomic energy
for peaceful purpose, and an agreement on
co-operation between Vietnam News Agency and Xinhua News Agency of China.

President Luong's coming visit to China, Ms Thanh said, will take place in
the context of strong and intensive steps of
development in the relationship between the two countries, especially since
the China visits by General Secretary of the
Communist Party of Vietnam Le Kha Phieu in February 1999 and by Prime
Minister Phan Van Khai in September this year,
and the Vietnam visit by Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji in December 1999.

The coming visit to China by President Luong reflects Vietnam's consistent
policy to attach importance to its comprehensive
co-operation with China, maintain and boost the positive and stable
development of the two countries' relations. The visit
will translate the line of good neighbourliness, comprehensive
co-operation, long-lasting stability and looking towards the
future into concrete areas of co-operation between the two countries in the
21st century, she added. (VNA)

   Vietnam, Ukraine promote scientific co-operation

President Tran Duc Luong, on December 22, requested Ukrainian scientists to
continue giving training assistance to
Vietnam, which, he said, would contribute considerably to Vietnam's
industrialisation and modernisation.

The State leader made the request while receiving Academician B E Paton,
president of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences
and president of the International Union of Academies of Sciences, in Hanoi
on December 22.

Scientific co-operation between the two countries has proved fruitful for
years as a number of Vietnamese scientists who
studied in Ukraine are now holding important positions in scientific
research and educational institutions in Vietnam. The
East European country has helped Vietnam in mechanics, material technology
and transferred to Vietnam bio-technology and
chains of medicine production, which Mr Luong described as of practical

Academician B E Paton, in turn, pledged to continue assistance to Vietnam's
scientific and technological establishments
despite Ukraine's own difficulties.

On this occasion, an accord on social science co-operation between the
National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities
of Vietnam and the Ukraine Academy of Sciences was signed. (VNA)

Christmas message asks Catholics to serve the people's happiness 

 The Committee for Solidarity of Vietnamese Catholics has called upon all
Catholics to continue participating in the
emulation movement "Let's unite to build a new healthy life in residential
areas and live up to religious teachings and a good

In its letter of greetings to the Catholic community of this year's
Christmas Day, the committee asks Catholics to live the
Godspel amidst the nation to serve the people's happiness.

The letter also calls on each sect of the Catholic community to reaffirm
their mission of "living, witnessing and announcing
happy news" according to the teachings of the Vietnam Episcopal Council.

Meanwhile, the Ho Chi Minh City Women's Union on December 20 and 21 made
well-wishing visits to major Catholic
orders in the city.

Other activities including a get-together of 260 priests and Catholics in
Ho Chi Minh City's Tan Binh district. (VNA)


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Korean Central News Agency Dec 22

2000-12-23 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.22.2000 Juche 89)


   * For. guests visit exhibition of mementoes on Kim Jong Suk's activities

   * Exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk lauded

   * Cuban ambassador hosts reception

   * Foreign diplomats visit exhibition and museum

   * Singing gathering of youth and students held

   * National fine art exhibition opens

   * Letters carved on rock on Mt. Kumgang

   * Japan's arms buildup plan under fire

   * Preservation of national character called for

 For Spanish-speaking people

* embajador cubano ofrece banquete

* tercera ronda de conversaciones de expertos militares norte-sur

For. guests visit exhibition of mementoes on Kim Jong Suk's activities

Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Women of various embassies and
missions of international
organizations here visited the Exhibition of Mementoes on the Revolutionary
Activities of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk on December 21 on the occasion
of her 83rd birth
anniversary. They were deeply moved to look round photos showing
revolutionary activities of Kim Jong
Suk, woman commander of Mt. Paektu, and books dealing with her ideological
and theoretical exploits.
The wife of the Lao ambassador said that Kim Jong Suk set a noble
example in devotedly defending the
leader by dedicating herself to safeguard the headquarters of the
revolution during the historic "arduous
march" in the period of the hard-fought anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
The acting representative of the UNDP noted that Kim Jong Suk was a
great revolutionary fighter who
devoted all her life to the victory of the Korean revolution.
The wife of the Syrian charge d'affaires ad interim said that the
revolutionary exploits she performed for
the sacred cause of the country's liberation and the freedom and happiness
of the people will be immortal.

Exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk lauded

Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Yehiya Jakariya Hairallah, chairman of
the Egyptian Committee
for the Study of the Juche Idea, issued a statement on Dec. 16 on the
occasion of the 9th anniversary of the
leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's
Army and the 83rd birth
anniversary of the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk. In
the statement he said that in the
DPRK the revolutionary cause of President Kim Il Sung is being fully and
creditably carried forward thanks
to the immortal feat of Kim Jong Suk for the country and people.
The Korean people led by Kim Jong Il, successor to the president, are
now dynamically advancing along
the road chosen by themselves, meeting all challenges of history, he said.
M.M. Verma, director of the Indian Centre for the U.N. Studies, in his
statement on Dec. 14 said:
The DPRK has defended socialism in fierce confrontation with the
imperialists and laid a solid
foundation for the building of a powerful nation. It is a victory of the
great army-first politics of Kim Jong Il.
The KPA led by him will always emerge victorious.

Cuban ambassador hosts reception

Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Jose Manuel Inclan Embade, Cuban
ambassador to the DPRK,
yesterday hosted a reception at the embassy on the occasion of the 9th
anniversary of the leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army. Invited to the
reception were Kim Il Chol,
Minister of the People's Armed Forces, Pak Kyong Son, vice department
director of the Central Committee
of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kung Sok Ung, Vice-Minister of Foreign
Affairs, generals and officers of
the KPA.
Jose Manuel Inclan Embade in his speech said Kim Jong Il's election as
Supreme Commander of the
KPA was the greatest historic event.
We will make positive efforts to boost the friendly relations between
Cuba and the DPRK true to the
intention of the two leaders, he said.
Kim Il Chol said in his speech that Cuban brothers and sisters' joining
the Korean people in celebrating
the significant day makes them feel once again how profound the Cuban
people's reverence and trust in Kim
Jong Il are and how particular and deep the class and comradely ties
between the two armies and peoples are,
and went on:
We will as ever make positive efforts to steadily boost the traditional
relations of friendship and
cooperation with Cuba, true to the noble intention of Kim Jong Il.

Foreign diplomats visit exhibition and museum

Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- The military attaches' corps here
yesterday visited the exhibition of
gifts of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces and embassy officials in
charge of cultural and friendly
relations the revolutionary museum and the exhibition of the ministry on
the occasion of the 9th anniversary
of the leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean
People's Army and the 83rd birth
anniversary of the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
Displayed at the 

Vietnam News Dec 22

2000-12-22 Thread heikki sipilä

Vietnam, Laos to promote relations

Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) General Secretary Le Kha Phieu says the
Vietnamese Party and State wants to see the close relations between Laos and
Vietnam further strengthened in the interests of the two peoples.
At a reception on December 20, Mr Phieu told Lao Deputy Prime Minister and
Foreign Affairs Minister Somsavat Lengsavad, that a stronger development of
Vietnam-Laos bilateral relations would also benefit peace, national
independence, democracy and social progress in the world.

Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad, who is also a member of the Lao
People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee (LPRP CC) is leading a
delegation from the LPRP CC's External Relations Commission on an official
visit to Vietnam.

Mr Phieu praised efforts made by the CPV's Commission for External Relations
and its Lao counterpart in implementing the tasks assigned by the two Parties.

He said the efforts had made positive contributions to the development of the
special friendship and solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between the
two countries.

After briefing the General Secretary about talks held earlier with officials
from the CPV's Commission for External Relations, Somsavat Lengsavad pledged
that Laos would do its best to promote the special ties.

At the talks, the guests and hosts exchanged views about regional and
international issues of common concern and the two Parties' co-operation

Mr Somsavat Lengsavad and the director of CPV's Commission for External
Relations, Nguyen Van Son, signed a co-operation programme for 2001 by which
Vietnam and Laos will broaden the exchange of information, experience,
Party-related documents and studies. (VNA)


President praises Lao achievements

President Tran Duc Luong spoke highly of Laos's socio-economic achievements,
particularly in agriculture, and its enhanced international status when
receiving Lao National Assembly Chairman Samane Vignaketh in Hanoi on December
The president also expressed his appreciation of the unceasing development of
the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation
between the Parties, States and peoples of Vietnam and Laos.

In response, the Lao NA chairman thanked the Vietnam government, State and
people for their help to Laos's national construction.

He said that he hoped the time-honoured traditional friendship and
comprehensive co-operation between the two peoples would be further
strengthened in the 21st century.

Earlier, a high-ranking delegation from the Lao National Assembly, led by
Chairman S Vignaketh, paid floral tributes to President Ho Chi Minh at his
Mausoleum. The delegation also held working sessions with Minister of Planning
and Investment Tran Xuan Gia and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Le Huy Ngo.

The delegation will leave Hanoi on December 23 for the northern mountain
provinces of Tuyen Quang, Ha Giang and Yen Bai. (VNA)


NA chairman receives foreign MPs

National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh received in Hanoi on December 20 the
heads of five foreign parliamentary delegations, who took part in a December
18 and 19 seminar on reforming parliamentary organisations and operations.
Chairman Manh said he wanted to learn from their experiences and hold further
in-depth meetings, in a bid to lift the performance of the NA's functional

He added the seminar had been an excellent opportunity to promote mutual
understanding between the highest legislative bodies in the five countries,
namely Sweden, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, the Republic of Korea, and Vietnam.

The heads of the visiting delegations told Chairman Manh that they were
impressed with the growing bilateral ties between legislative offices in
Vietnam and those of their respective countries.

Chairman Manh suggested that future seminars should be organised to allow a
greater variety of workshops to be held, covering a wider range of
parliamentary activities.

He asked the Swedish and Cambodian head delegates to convey his thanks to the
Swedish Speaker Brigitta Dahl for inviting him to visit Sweden, and the
Cambodian Parliamentary Speaker Prince Norodom Ranariddh for inviting him to
attend an international peace conference to be sponsored by the Cambodian
Parliament at the end of next month. He said he gladly accepted the
invitations. (VNA)


Defence Ministry meets foreign military attaches

The Defence Ministry gave a reception to foreign military attaches in Hanoi on
December 21 for the 56th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People's
Army (December 22).
Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu thanked the
military attaches and ambassadors for their promotion of friendship 

China. People´s Daily Dec 23

2000-12-22 Thread heikki sipilä


   Saturday, December 23, 2000, updated at 12:20(GMT+8)

   UNFPA Official Inspects South China Region

   An official of the United Nations Populations Fund
   (UNFPA) said that she was satisfied with the results
   of the program fund utilized in the Guangxi Zhuang
   Autonomous Region in south China.

   Julia Taylor, program official of the UNFPA made the
   remarks during her inspection of this autonomous
   region in south China.

   Accompanied by officials from Chinese Academy of
   Social Sciences (CASS), the UNFPA official inspected
   Tian'e County on December 19 to increase her
   understanding of the childbirth health situation of
   women in the area.

   The UNFPA program, which aims to improve women's
   health and the local economy, has been implemented in
   15 counties in China's 13 Provinces and autonomous

   Tian'e County received 490,000 yuan (59,000 U.S.
   dollars) in funds in July this year, and offered
   health awareness sessions to 1,000 women.

China to Foster National Defense Awareness among People China's legislature
started Friday, December 22, to promote a newly proposed law on national
defense education among people nationwide, with a view to improving their
awareness of national defense.

When explaining the draft law to the 19th plenary meeting of the National
People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, which opened Friday morning,
Defense Minister Chi Haotian said that every citizen should learn a basic
knowledge on national defense.

China's national defense education will focus on patriotism, heroism and
dedication to the motherland, said Chi, also vice-chairman of the Central
Military Commission (CMC).

According to the draft law, the State Council will be responsible for the
education of all civilians, while the CMC will oversee the education of
service men.

The draft law also sets September 7 as the National Defense Education Day.
China signed the humiliating Xinchou Treaty with the Western forces on
September 7, 1901.

Primary and middle schools, as well as colleges and universities should
include the national defense education into their overall education
programs. In addition, students in high schools and universities must
receive military training during their campus life.

Meanwhile, various newspapers, radio and television stations are urged to
promote knowledge on national defense, Chi said.

Nationwide museums, memorial halls, cultural organizations and other
institutions should provide any convenience possible to visitors for the

Hegemonism and power politics still exist in the world, warned Chi, citing
that necessary education on national defense is extremely important for
enhancing cohesion among the people.

Unauthorized Gold Marketing Not Permitted: BOC Without authorization from
the State Council and Bank of China, no companies or organizations are
entitled to set up gold exchange markets, said a spokesman from BOC Friday
in Beijing, adding that various online deals and local activities to set up
gold markets on their own must be stopped immediately.

Referring to some media releases on China's developing gold marketing, the
spokesman said reform of gold administration system is the intrinsic demand
and due course of developing a market economy. But it involves many
critical issues regarding gold production, circulation, administration,
reserve, and taxation. The setting up of a gold market, in particular,
directly concerns the interests of enterprises engaged in gold production,
circulation and consumption, therefore full preparations must be made.

Presently close study and market investigations are still needed for
certain policies to back up market reform. Before new reform plans and
administrative policies are launched, all activities concerning gold
production, circulation and consumption must be conducted in accordance
with "Regulations of the People's Republic of China With Regards to Control
of Gold and Silver" as well as other related regulations, he emphasized.


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Turkey. Guardian article on prison crackdown, and DHKC letter in response

2000-12-22 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:58:00 -
Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" Guardian article on prison crackdown, and DHKC letter

The article on page 12 of "The Guardian" on December 22, "400 inmates make
last stand in Turkey" by Suzan Fraser, read like the pure product of a
Turkish government press briefing.
The article says soldiers shouted through megaphones to prisoners to get
them to surrender, "Think of your parents waiting in front of the prison".
Since these same soldiers and police have frequently assaulted the relatives
of prisoners over the years, especially during prison visits, it is doubtful
whether they enjoy much credibility.
The government has done its best to stress its alleged lack of control in
the prisons to justify its assault now, which a number of human rights
organisations like Amnesty International have criticised. In fact, wardens
could search prisoners' compounds when they wished to. The government's real
problem is that thousands of highly politicised prisoners are concentrated
together. In the end the government is targeting the political ideas the
prisoners hold. That is why it wants to put the prisoners in isolation
The article claims the prisoners have little support. But hundreds of people
have been arrested in Turkey for demonstrating against the assault by state
forces, and it is in fact dangerous to be a supporter of the prisoners. In
London, where the same degree of repression does not exist, protests and
demonstrations, including the occupations on the 20th which attracted some
British media attention, have involved a significant section of the
Turkish-speaking community in this country.
The article only mentions the DHKP-C, which stands for "Revolutionary
People's Liberation Party-Front", not "Army-Front" as given in the article.
In fact prisoners from the Communist Party of Turkey (Marxist-Leninist) or
TKP(ML), and the Communist Workers' Party of Turkey (TKIP) were also on the
Death Fast, and TKP(ML) prisoners are certainly among those known to have
been killed. Incidentally, the death toll is far higher than the official
figures given.
You cite Turkish newspaper claims (hardly the most reliable source) that
senior DHKP-C members live in Britain and Belgium. In both countries, there
are active DHKC Information Bureaus. Our Bureau in London has publicised the
state in Turkey's use of torture and disappearances for years and our office
even has a sign and a flag outside. When the press in Turkey makes claims
about our organisation in Europe, it often happens that European police
forces then raid homes, offices and associations. We hope that so liberal a
newspaper as "The Guardian" is not lending itself to such a shameful
We consider the US and European governments to be accomplices in the crime
of the authorities in Turkey.

DHKC (Revolutionary People's Liberation Front)
London Information Bureau
97 Kingsland High Street, Dalston, E8 2PB.
(0207) 254 1266

400 inmates make last stand in Turkey

Government approves amnesty to cut overcrowding in jails as protests at all
but one prison are crushed

Suzan Fraser in Ankara
Friday December 22, 2000

Soldiers pressed defiant inmates to end their standoff in the last Turkish
prison holding out against authorities, after more than 150 left-wing
inmates in another jail
Prisoners across the country had embarked on a two-month hunger strike to
protest at plans to move them from huge, packed prison wards to small cells.

After three days of raids on more than 20 prisons, 400 inmates remained
barricaded in Istanbul's Umraniye prison. The standoff at Canakkale prison
in western
Turkey ended earlier yesterday, with the interior ministry saying that two
more prisoners had been found dead, taking the official death toll in the
raids to 19 inmates
and two soldiers.

NTV television showed some of the Canakkale inmates jumping out of a hole
soldiers had smashed in a prison wall and crawling towards the heavily armed

Earlier, soldiers shouted "Life is beautiful" and "If you are not thinking
of yourselves, think of your parents waiting in front of the prison" through
megaphones, the
daily Milliyet reported.

Parliament yesterday approved an amnesty that will nearly halve the
country's prison population of 72,000 and help end overcrowding. Parliament
passed the
amnesty bill for the second time after President Ahmet Necdet Sezer had
previously vetoed it. Turkish presidents cannot veto a bill twice.

Officials have said it is vital for Turkey to reduce jail numbers as it
struggles to regain control of prisons where inmates often live in wards
that house up to 100

Political groups frequently run wards like indoctrination centres and bar
warders from entering. Poorly paid 

Havana Radio Dec 21.

2000-12-22 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [CubaNews] Havana Radio Dec 21.

subject: Havana Radio Dec 21. Migration. Kirsty killed
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 21 December 2000








Havana, December 21 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro presided on
Wednesday over the main activity to mark the 78th anniversary of the
Federation of Cuban University Students, FEU, held in Havana.

During the activity, Fidel highlighted the important role being
played by Cuban students, especially those who make up the recently
constituted social work brigades. He stressed that those students are
involved in extraordinarily humane work, made possible by Cuban

Addressing over 3000 university students, President Castro commented
on recent statements by U.S. President Bill Clinton, regarding
Washington's blockade of Cuba. The Cuban leader said that the U.S.
president wasn't being honest when he claimed that it had been
impossible to improve relations with Cuba during his mandate because
of the incident involving two small U.S. aircraft in 1996. Fidel
recalled that the two planes -- belonging to the Miami-based
terrorist organization known as Brothers to the Rescue -- were shot
down after Cuban authorities had repeatedly warned the White House
and the intruders that Cuba would no longer allow violations of its

President Castro termed as "foolish" Clinton's allegations that his
party's defeat in the recently held presidential elections was due to
the support given by the U.S. government to the return to Cuba of
six-year-old Elian Gonzalez. He commented that the elections rather
than being lost were actually stolen. The Cuban president stressed
that the entire electoral process was rife with irregularities and
fraud and that it was the direct action of the Miami-based Cuban-
American National Foundation.

Referring to rumors in the United States that the younger generations
of Cubans are preparing for a post-Castro Era, Fidel affirmed that
Cuba is actually preparing for a post-Bush, post-Imperialism Era,
since the powerful northern empire lacks both strength and
intelligence to destroy the Cuban Revolution.


Havana, December 21 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro granted the
Jose Marti Order to Prima Ballerina Absoluta Alicia Alonso for her
contribution to the creation of the Cuban National Ballet School and
for a life dedicated to training the younger generations of Cubans in
the highest artistic and patriotic values.

Upon receiving the distinction, the highest granted by the Cuban
Council of State, Alicia said that it was an honor to be granted an
order that bears the name of such a brilliant personality.

President Castro, for his part, stated that Alicia Alonso is a glory
of Cuban Culture and praised her contribution to the development of
ballet in Cuba.


Havana, December 21 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro is
participating in the 6th Ordinary Session of the Cuban Parliament
that began Thursday at Havana's International Convention Center.

This is the last session this year of the Cuban Parliament, also
known as the General Assembly of People's Power. Cuban lawmakers are
debating the national budget and the economic and social plans for
the year 2001.

Prior to this plenary meeting, the Cuban Parliament's ten Permanent
Work Commissions met earlier in the week with the top authorities in
various Cuban ministries and institutions, such as the Ministries of
Planning and the Economy and Finances and the National Bank.


Havana, December 21 (RHC)-- Experts from the United Nations
Development Program, the UNDP, met in Havana with representatives
from Cuba and Italy to complete the third phase of a human
development program, implemented on the island by the UNDP and Italy.

The project, which runs until next year, includes the creation of new
jobs in Old Havana and the provinces of Pinar del Rio and Granma.

Thanks to UNDP cooperation, the Minas de Matahambre aqueduct in
the westernmost province of Pinar del Rio was started up again. The
UN program has also played a crucial role in the eastern province of
Granma helping to alleviate the impact in drought-stricken areas.


Migratory issues will be at the center of world attention in the
beginnings of the third millennium and they will be a 

Granma: Political dialogue with Putin

2000-12-22 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

Subject: Granma: Political dialogue with Putin

subject: Granma: Political dialogue with Putin.
ONLINE EDITION -  December 18, 2000

   Political dialogue paves way for economic cooperation
¥ Wreath for national hero Jose Mart'i
¥ Tour of Biotechnology Center ¥ Rest in Varadero

   BY MIREYA CASTANEDA (Granma International staff writer)
Putin, president of the Russian Federation, affirmed that one of the
results of his official visit to Cuba is the reactivation of
political dialogue which is paving the way for economic cooperation.
 The Russian head of state gave an anxiously awaited press 10th
conference in just a half an hour, due to the pressures of a Ibero-
American tight agenda; immediately afterwards he was to leave for a
tour of the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center.

 Putin arrived at the press conference in a room at the Palace of
(available only the Revolution, after placing a wreath at the Jose
Marti monument and touring the memorial dedicated to the life of the
Cuban national hero.
The dialogue began with the almost obligatory question as to
Putin's general appraisal of the results of his official visit at
the invitation of President Fidel Castro.

The Russian leader said that although he had previously spoken on
that aspect, he could offer further details.

"Unfortunately, in recent years relations with Cuba have been

characterized by political and economic stagnation," he stated

directly, "but I would say that this visit is the first step in

activating bilateral dialogue in both spheres, as well as to

facilitate Russia's relations with Latin America, where many

countries wish to see a more active position on our part," he

observed, in reference to the current unipolar world.

"I would like to note that there are no problems between Russia and
Cuba in the political sphere; on the contrary, they are close in
terms of international solutions," Putin emphasized.

In the context of economic relations, the Russian president spoke of
the need to appreciate the legacy of some years back, in a clear
reference to the Soviet stage, commenting that there are still many
problems dating from that period to be solved.

He noted that an analysis was needed of what to do with
unfinished projects in which millions of dollars have been invested,
giving the example of the Juraguay nuclear energy plant, where
"Russia has invested $30 million USD just for its conservation. We
have to discuss whether our investment will be for maintenance or to
make it fully operational," he commented.

Continuing on the economic theme, the Russian president stated that
they are disposed to assess new possibilities like


Asked about the Cuban debt with Russia, Putin responded that the

issue is in the hands of experts and, while it has not been
resolved as yet, this will take place in a spirit of friendship.

He added that there is a willingness to offer Cuba the most
beneficial payment plan within international norms.

The previous afternoon the Russian leader, accompanied by
President Fidel Castro, visited the Electronics Operations
Center. Also taking part in the tour were Marshal Igor Sergeev,

who is Russian defense minister, and General of the Army Ra¦l


The base has been functioning for some time now and does so in

line with international standards, Putin noted, going on to say

that it is an information center servicing Russia's defense
system and, to an extent, Cuba's as well, and as it is
functioning well, both countries have agreed to maintain it.

A Canadian journalist had two questions for Putin, the first on

what she perceived as a Russian-Cuban alliance against the United

States and another on his imminent visit to Canada.

"I regret that your analysis is misdirected," Putin
replied incisively, "because Russia and Cuba have no alliance
whatsoever against any third country."

In relation to the United States, he explained that known
discrepancies do exist, reiterating as examples attempts to
change the anti-ballistic missile defense treaty, matters related

to international security, that Russia and Cuba do not consider

the concept of humanitarian intervention as correct, and the need

to take into account the issue of poor countries, so as to attain

a balance in the current world.

In response to the second question, Putin said that Canada is a

neighboring country in the northern hemisphere with which Russia

shares problems and maintains a positive dialogue, although trade

relations are as yet insufficient.

A large group of Russian journalists accompanied the official

delegation that traveled with President Putin, and they made use

of the press conference to discuss national issues, among them

the new budget ("passing it is a positive sign, the important

thing is to fulfill 

Vietnam News Dec 21

2000-12-21 Thread heikki sipilä

Talks held between Vietnamese and Lao NA delegations.

Laos's National Assembly Chairman Samane Vignhaketh held talks with his host,
Chairman Nong Duc Manh in Hanoi on December 20 to further boost co-operation
between two countries.

Host and guest expressed their joy and happiness at both their personal
meeting and at the constant development of relations between their countries,
relations they described as "comprehensive and time-honoured".

National Assembly Chairman Manh said his Lao counterpart's visit was a step
forward in the bilateral relationship and an opportunity to discuss both
bilateral and multi-lateral relations.

The National Assembly and people of Vietnam always treasure the co-operative
ties with Laos and will try their best to preserve that special relationship
eternally, Said he.

Mr Samane Vignhaketh said his visit was a manifestation of the friendship and
co-operation between the two parliaments and the two peoples.

He believed that the time-treasured multifaceted co-operation would help the
two countries, side by side, firmly advance towards the new millennium despite
challenges ahead. (VNA)

Vietnam attends Greek Communist Party Congress

A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by Pham Van Tho,
member of the Party Central Committee, visited Athens for the 16th Congress of
the Greek Communist Party from December 14-17.

The head delegate extended greetings from the CPV Central Committee to the
congress and best regards from CPV General Secretary Le Kha Phieu to General
Secretary Aleka Papariga and Honorary President Harilaos Florakis of the Greek
Communist Party.

The delegation held working sessions with senior officials of the Greek
Communist Party.

They congratulated Aleka Papariga on her re-election as general secretary of
the Party.

The delegation also exchanged views with international delegates at the
congress. (VNA)

Mongolia honours Vietnamese

Mongolia's Silver Star for Peace medal has been presented to the president of
the Vietnam-Mongolia Friendship Association, Hoang Minh Thang, and its former
president, Nguyen Quang Sang.

The medals were presented by the president of the Mongolia Union of Peace and
Friendship Organisations, Chuluun Batjargal, at a ceremony in Hanoi on
December 20.

Present at the ceremony were acting President of the Vietnam Union of
Friendship Organisations Vu Xuan Hong and Mongolia's ambassador to Vietnam,
Avaadorjiin Tsolmon .

Hoang Minh Thang expressed his thanks at receiving the precious award and said
he would do his best to contribute to developing friendly relations between
Vietnam and Mongolia. (VNA)

Deputy minister visits Belgium, Luxembourg

Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Tran Chien Thang paid working
visits to Belgium and Luxembourg on December 17 and 18.

While in Belgium, he worked with the general high commissioner in charge of
international relations of the French-speaking Belgian community, P Suinen on
cultural co-operation between the two countries.

He was also received by Brussels Mayor Marion Lemesrer.

In Luxembourg, Thang held working sessions with officials of the Ministry of
Culture and the University of Teaching and Research and discussed future

He toured a number of cultural establishments in the two capitals. (VNA)

Hanoi party chief meets Catholic cardinal

Hanoi Communist Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong and other senior officials of the
city, on December 19, visited Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung, president of the
Vietnam Episcopal Council, to mark Christmas and the ending of Holy Year -

The city's Party leader said he hoped Episcopal Council and Vietnamese
Catholic priests and believers would continue to promote the tradition of 'God
Respect and Patriotism,' joining hands with all residents to build a civilised
and beautiful Hanoi.

Mr Trong, who is also a Politburo member of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Central Committee, also briefed the Cardinal on the city's success in
socio-economic development this year.

Cardinal Tung told the city's leader about the Catholics' preparations for
Christmas and the Episcopal Council's annual meeting, slated for early next
year. (VNA)


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Joint message of solidarity. Please distribute widely.

2000-12-21 Thread heikki sipilä

Dear comrades and friends,

This is a draft text of a protest letter in
support of the political prisioners
in Turkey. Because of the urgency of the
matter we need to act very fast. If you
like to be included in the list of
signatures let me know on or off-list
as soon as possible.

If you would like to send your own
protest messages you can use these
FAX numbers:

Staatspräsident Sezer, Türkei: Fax: 0090 312 427 13 30

Ministerpräsident Bülent Ecevit: Fax: 0090 312 417 04 76

Justizminister Hikmet Türk: Fax: 0090 312 418 5667,

Innenminister Sadettin Tantan: Fax: 0090 312 418 1795

Generaldirektor der Haftanstalten Ali Suat Ertosun:
  Fax:  0090  312 414 63 01,

For communision
Sven Buttler, Marxist-Leninist List

Protest letter

We are very concerned about the recent massacres
carried out by police forces in prisons all over
Turkey. The prisioners that have been under
attack for several days now embarked upon a
hungerstrike in order to protest the inhuman
conditions in Turkish prisions.

The Turkish authorities want to silence the
prisioners and indeed the whole Turkish
people to uphold the cheap pretence of being
a democratic state. We condemn the recent
undemocratic and coward actions against the
prisoners and demand an immediate moratorium
of attacks.

Stop the fascist attacks!
For a democratic and free Turkey!

Signatures so far:

International relations
Communist Party  of India (Marxist_Leninist)

Sven Buttler, Germany

Alan Dover, New Zealand

Charles F. Moreira

Javad Eskandarpour, USA
Per Rasmussen, Denmark


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Solidarity with the Turkish people

2000-12-21 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "Bill Howard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Solidarity with the Turkish people  [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 23:59:49 -

Solidarity with Turkish people and youth
From Communist Youth of Greece, 22/12/00 12:01:25

Athens, December 21, 2000

Press release of KNE

Solidarity with the Turkish people

KNE denounces in the most vehement way the murderous attack of the Turkish
repression forces that led in the assassination of lots of political
prisoners. It denounces the more general authoritarian and anti-democratic
decline of the Turkish regime, which receives the all-sided support of the
American and European imperialists.

These developments constitute the natural evolution of the "European
course" of
Turkey, that was recently reconfirmed once more, in a period that the
construction of
the European Union becomes more reactionary day by day.
The German - inspired origin of the so-called "white cells", does not leave
the smallest doubt on this very fact.
The Government of PASOK, the same government that handed over Ochalan and
opened the way to NATO in the Balkans, bears serious responsibilities
because it supported this "European course" on the name of the false
"Greek- Turkish rapprochement".

KNE calls upon the youth and its mass structures to express their
solidarity with the struggle of the Turkish people and youth ; to demand
the freeing of all political prisoners, the restoration of the democratic
rights and freedoms. To further strengthen the solidarity and common
struggle with the Turkish youth and people against the "new order".

KNE invites the youth to participate massively in the demonstration that is
to be held on Friday, December 22 in Athens

Athens, December 20, 2000
The press bureau of the CC of KNE

Communist Youth of Greece
11, Kotopouli str - Athens 10432
tel: +301-5282523 / fax: +301-5241526


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2000-12-21 Thread heikki sipilä









1. I am calling to express my outrage with Governor Janklow's meeting with
President Clinton, opposing clemency for Leonard Peltier.
2. According to the LA Times, the President found Governor Janklow to be a
"credible important point of view"
3. Janklow has a long standing reputation as being anti-Indian.  In fact,
Janklow is well known for his comment, "the only way to deal with the Indian
problem in South Dakota is to put a gun to the AIM leaders' heads and pull
the trigger."
4. Janklow was condemned by the United States Commission on Civil Rights for
spreading misinformation to the media and public about the shoot-out.  Most
of what he reported was found to be totally false.  He is not a reliable or
a neutral source.
5. The tribal council of the Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Nation has
consistently supported clemency for Peltier.  The president elect, John
Yellow Bird Steele, and President Salway have written the president in
support of clemency.  These are the truly credible and important points of
view which should be taken into account.
6. I want to encourage the President to base his decision on the merits of
Peltier's case, which fully justify clemency, and not on the biased
misinformation of Janklow.

NOTE: We do not know if Pres. Clinton is truly leaning toward a denial.
According to an interview he did last night with Dan Rather, he has not yet
made up his mind.  DO NOT give up hope!  Please keep up all of your great
work.  Let's reach out to as many as possible to broaden our base for the
phone call campaign. Thank you! --LPDC

Clemency for Peltier Likely to Fail
  Pleas: Clinton is leaning toward rejecting a pardon for the killer of two
FBI agents, officials say. Case underscores the rift between the president
and Freeh.

By ERIC LICHTBLAU, Times Staff Writer

  WASHINGTON--President Clinton appears ready to reject convicted killer
Leonard Peltier's bid for clemency, but the debate over the Native American
activist's future has inflamed already tense relations between the White
House and FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, officials said Wednesday.
  Freeh has been lobbying hard for Clinton to reject pleas from
Native American groups and civil rights leaders for a pardon for Peltier,
is imprisoned for the murders of two FBI agents on a South Dakota Indian
reservation in 1975.
  But White House sources said that Clinton is leaning strongly toward
rejecting the clemency request within the next week or so--not because of
Freeh's recommendation but in part on the basis of information from others
familiar with the case.
  Native Americans said they remain confident that Peltier will be freed
because he is an innocent man.

  Friend Sees Defeat Setting Back Relations
  Ernie Stevens Jr., a close friend of Peltier who is on the executive
committee of the National Congress of American Indians, said that pardoning
Peltier would remove a "black eye in an ugly era" that many Native Americans
hope to move past. If Clinton rejects that bid, "I think it really sets us
back in tribal-United States relations," said Stevens, who lives in
  In fact, Clinton and White House staff members were so unimpressed by
Freeh's recommendation--and the manner in which it was leaked to
congressional Republicans--that the advice has been virtually discarded,
according to a senior White House official familiar with the clemency
  "Freeh's credibility on this issue is not particularly high and his
ability to sway the president is not particularly high," said the official,
who asked not to be identified by name. "The manner in which [Freeh] offered
his advice, by leaking it through [Capitol Hill] rather than by even
bothering to send it over here to the White House, was just small-minded."
  An FBI spokesman denied the White House version of events, saying that
Freeh's recommendation on clemency was hand-delivered to the White House on
Dec. 5.
  But the fact that Clinton and Freeh have had trouble working together
an issue as fundamental as a presidential pardon indicates that, in the
closing weeks of the administration, relations between the two are even more
fractured than many realized.
  The tension is attributable in large part to Freeh's repeated position
that an independent counsel should have 


2000-12-21 Thread heikki sipilä

From: New Worker Online [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the hundred and twenty first anniversary of Stalin's birth ANDY BROOKS
takes a brief overview of his life and achievements

THE TWENTIETH century was one of great upheavals, world wars and
revolutions. It was the century of great revolutionary changes; popular
movements inevitably linked with the leaders thrown up by their times --
Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Kim II Sung, Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro. It
was the century in which the ideas of Marx and Engels were put into
practice, the century when torch of the Paris Commune lit the flames of
revolution across the globe.

 The memory of all these leaders is subjected to denigration and abuse by
the hired hands of the bourgeois media and academic world. The unholy
alliance of bourgeois politicians, social democrats, Trotskyites and
revisionists stoke fires of their own every day to produce a seemingly
endless torrent of lies about the great revolutions that shook the world
and the people who led them. The name of Joseph Stalin heads the list.

colossal achievements

 Their hatred of Stalin should not surprise us. He led the world's first
socialist state from 1924 until his death in 1953. During those decades the
Soviet Union was the hope of working people across the world.

 The colossal achievements of the Soviet Union led by Stalin was living
proof of the validity of the socialist system. The Soviets swept out the
capitalists and land-owners and unleashed the immense potential of the
workers and peasants to build a new life for themselves.

 While the economies of the imperialist world crashed the people of the
Soviet Union saw their living standards rise twelvefold. While the
imperialists prepared for another world war, against themselves and
eventually against the USSR, the Soviet Union worked tirelessly for
collective security and peace.

 While the imperialists mercilessly plundered Africa and Asia the Soviet
Union helped the world communist cause and the national liberation movement.

 The oppressed nations or the Czarist empire were freed and lived as equals
in a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which guaranteed everyone work,
education, science and culture. The socialist system created new men and
women who rebuilt the country after the destruction of the Civil War; who
struggled to create the industries needed for the future; who sacrificed
themselves by the millions to defend the Soviet Union and defeat fascism in
the Second World War.

early days

   Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili was born on 21 December 1879 in the
town of Gori in the Czarist province of Georgia. He came from humble
origins. His father was a peasant who later worked in a shoe factory in the
Georgian capital, Tbilisi. His mother came from a peasant family. Neither
could read or write.

   But Joseph Vissarionovich was brilliant at primary school. He was
recommended for admission into the leading school in Georgia which was run
by the Georgian Orthodox church.

   The Tbilisi Seminary was a centre for Georgian nationalism and
opposition to the Czar's regime. Here the young man turned to Marxism and

   "My parents were uneducated, but they did not treat me badly by any
means. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary
which I was then attending. In protest at the outrageous regime and the
Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and
actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really
revolutionary teaching," he said later.

   In his second year at the seminary, when Stalin was just 15, he made
contact with underground Marxist circles. Three years later, in 1897, he
joined the first socialist organisation in Georgia. Stalin started by
setting up Marxist   study groups for students and workers. In 1899 he was
expelled and became a full-time revolutionary worker.

   He called hirnself "Stalin" -- meaning "Steel" in Russian -- most
Bolsheviks adopted movement names to work underground.

  The Caucasus was seething with discontent. The Georgians and other
peoples of the region were doubly oppressed by the Russian colonial and
largely feudal administration and the Russian and local exploiters who were
plundering the new industries in the province. Tbilisi was an
administrative and railway centre serving the oil-town of Baku, on the
Caspian Sea.

   Stalin plunged into militant revolutionary activity. In 1901 he was
elected   to the first Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour
Party. He organised illegal strikes. He was sent to Siberia many times,
escaping twice to   return to the Caucasus.

  In 1905 Stalin first met Lenin at the Bolshevik Congress in Czarist
Finland. In 1912 at the Prague Conference which led to the final break
between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks within the Russian Social-Democratic
Labour Party, Stalin was chosen to head the Bolsheviks' Russian Bureau. He
published the first edition of Pravda and organised the new 

NATO Forces Kill Civilians In Kosovo

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: NATO Forces Kill Civilians In Kosovo [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


14:18 2000-12-19


A serious incident took place on Saturday night in
Leposavic, northern Kosovo, between Serb civilians and
Belgian forces from the NATO Kfor peacekeeping force.
The incident was provoked by the imprisonment of a
Serb by Kfor forces. The NATO barracks were surrounded
by a furious group of Serb civilians, who have accused
NATO of favouring the Albanians and discriminating
against the Serbs. In the middle of the disturbance,
Belgian soldiers in the NATO force opened fire,
killing one civilian (Milan Jokovic, 20 years old)
outright and seriously wounding another (Mladen
Obradovic, 19), while a third civilian (Trifun
Milenkovic, 42) died of a heart attack.
Meanwhile in southern Serbia, the Albanian terrorist
group U«PMB continues to launch attacks on Serbian
targets from their strongholds deep within Kosovo.
NATO has proved useless in controlling the Albanians
and the case was taken to the United Nations
Organization, which has decided to launch a series of
ìdebatesî on the issue.
The Yugoslav and Serbian authorities have decided to
launch a massive operation against these terrorists,
in case the UNO does not manage to react. Judging from
past experience, it would seem better to launch this
operation now, because waiting for the United Nations
Organization to perform, when unauthorized to do so by
NATO, is a lost cause.
The situation in the Balkans can be blamed fair and
square on NATO. In a gross error of judgement, a very
serious miscalculation of the situation was made when
it was decided to enter Kosovo, sovereign territory of
the state of Yugoslavia, freeing the Albanian eagle to
fly all over the Balkans, something which 500 years of
history had been trying to prevent.
The incidents of last weekend were certainly not
premeditated murder by NATO troops, but rather acts by
frightened young soldiers, out of their element and
too deeply involved in conflicts and cultures which
have nothing to do with them. Nobody expects NATO to
understand the Balkans, but nobody asked them to
What is totally unacceptable is that civilians have to
pay the price of death for demonstrating against the
terrorists who are destroying their country and
stealing their livelihoods.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

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China. People´s Daily Dec 21

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä


   Thursday, December 21, 2000, updated at 10:45(GMT+8)

   Jiang Zemin Receives Credentials of DPRK Ambassador

   Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of
   China has received credentials from Choe Jin Su,
   newly appointed DPRK Ambassador to China, Xinhua
   reports today (Dec.20,2000).

Hu Jintao Urges More Efforts from Youth for Modernization Vice President Hu
Jintao Wednesday, December 20, called for the Communist Youth League of
China (CYLC) to earnestly mobilize young people to exert their enthusiasm
and creativity towards the country's modernization drive.

When speaking at the fourth plenum of the CYLC Central Committee, Hu, also
a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist
Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that the youth, as the most
active and vigorous force in the country, are playing a more and more
important role in economic development as China speeds up the reform and

The CYLC should guide young people to show their utmost fortitude and
bravery to unswervingly make effort for the country's economic and social
development, Hu said.

Hu also stressed that the youth groups focus on the work of cultivating
skilled young people, helping them improve their professional level and
enrich their experience.

Meanwhile, the youth groups should establish a smooth system for
supporting, awarding and promoting skilled young people, Hu said.

The young people were also urged to be firmly rooted with patriotism,
collectivism and socialism, and have correct outlook on the world, life and

In addition, Hu encouraged the youth groups to devote themselves into the
grassroots of the mass and solve practical problems for them.

Before the plenum, Hu met with leaders of CYLC local committees,who were
awarded by the CYLC Central Committee this year, and the annual ten most
outstanding young people nationwide.

UN to Look into Human Rights Violations by Israel Against Palestinians The
United Nations has set up a three-member commission of inquiry to gather
information on human rights violations by Israel in the occupied
Palestinian territories.

According to a UN press release Tuesday, the inquiry commission will begin
its work soon and present its conclusions and recommendations in an effort
to prevent a repetition of such violations.

"The inquiry commission is expected to complement the various efforts being
undertaken towards establishing a just and lasting peace in the Middle East
by contributing to the cause of promotion and protection of human rights,"
the commission said.

The three members are appointed on the basis of their independence and
objectivity, the press release said. They are John Dugard of South Africa
at Leiden University, Holland; Richard Falk of the United States of
America, a professor of International Law at Princeton University, USA; and
Kamal Hussein of Bangladesh, former Foreign Minister of Bangladesh.

The inquiry commission was set up in accordance with a resolution entitled
"Grave and massive violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people
by Israel," which was adopted by the Commission on Human Rights at its
fifth Special Session and endorsed by the UN Economic and Social Council on
November 22, 2000.

Official: Beijing to Improve Public Safety Beijing should give top priority
to improving public safety for its bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, said
Jia Qinglin, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese
Communist Party, Wednesday.

The focus of the improvements should be on the prevention of crime, said
Jia at the municipal work conference on politics and law held Wednesday.

The police along with other departments should strive to maintain a secure
environment and social order to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games and to
implement the 10th Five-Year Plan, said Jia.

The Beijing municipal government has focused on building a strict,
efficient, and capable police force to ensure public safety, he said.

The secretary also called on all Beijing citizens to make contributions to
public security by enhancing campaigns against crimes.

On April 7, 1999, the Beijing Olympic Bid Committee formally presented
Beijing's bid report to Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) at the IOC's Lausanne-based


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wwnews Digest #206 1/2

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

WW News Service Digest #206

 1) Turkish Police Deadly Assault on Prisoners
 2) Movement Responds to Anti-Peltier Campaign
 3) California Energy Crisis: Free Market Failure
 4) U.S. Mercenaries March into Colombia
 5) An Ode to the Old Year and New
 6) Big Layoffs Announced Just Before Holidays

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 28, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto

At 4 a.m. on Dec. 19 the Turkish government sent police and
army riot squads armed to the teeth into 20 prisons where
over 1,100 political prisoners were conducting a hunger
strike. Almost 300 prisoners were on a death fast. As of 7
p.m., the assault had left 20 people dead, including 18
prisoners and two police, according to BBC News.

The prisoners were protesting plans to separate inmates into
individual cells--the so-called Type-F prisons. They
demanded to remain in dormitory prisons where they could
continue to have contact with each other.

While the regime presented the assault as an attempt to stop
the hunger strikers from dying, other reports say troops
opened fire on some of the prisoners and beat many more.
Police were armed with explosives and heavy weapons,
according to reports from Turkish revolutionary groups.

In some prisons the fasting prisoners set themselves on
fire. In all places they fought back against the vicious
attack from the Turkish state.

According to Turkish Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk, two
prisoners in Istanbul's Bayrampasa prison died after setting
themselves on fire. A third inmate was shot and killed by
soldiers in Istanbul's Umraniye prison after setting himself
on fire and rushing toward soldiers, he said. Prisoner or
prisoner-support sources have not yet verified Turk's
statements as to how the prisoners died.


The revolutionary and anti-imperialist prisoners have been
on a hunger strike since Oct. 20 to stop their transfer to
Type-F prisons. The new prisons are modeled on U.S. maximum-
security, behavior-modification prisons. These impose high-
tech total isolation in order to break down prisoners'
morale and control them politically.

This total isolation of all prisoners combines physical and
psychological torture.

Members of three leftist groups in Turkey started this
hunger strike. Imprisoned members of the Revolutionary
People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C), the Communist
Party of Turkey-Marxist-Leninist (TKP-ML) and the Communist
Workers Party of Turkey (TKIP) have called for the death

These groups were followed by other organizations with
political prisoners, including the Kurdish Workers Party
(PKK). And the action has spread outside the prisons.

About 12,000 of the almost 72,000 prisoners in Turkey are
political prisoners. These include members of different
communist organizations, Kurds, writers, journalists and
members of Muslim groups.

The Turkish state imposes truly horrible conditions on the
leftist and Kurdish political prisoners, turning prisons
into centers of torture. Prison guards and soldiers
frequently murder prisoners. Last year prison guards and
soldiers attacked political prisoners in Ulucanlar prison,
killing 10 of them.

According to a Reuters report from Istanbul, an official of
the Human Rights Association, which closely monitors
prisons, said she knew of at least five deaths from self-
immolation or gunshot wounds during raids on several jails.
"The so-called life-saving operation by the Justice Ministry
is causing deaths," she said.

Relatives of leftist prisoners gathered outside Bayrampasa
and denounced the raids and the transfer plan, as well as an
amnesty law that would mostly release non-political
prisoners. "The goal is clear: they want to kill my
children," one woman said.

Turkish immigrants in Western Europe have already
demonstrated support for the prisoners. An Italian
organization has called a demonstration before the Turkish
embassy in Rome. Prisoner-support groups have called upon
the European left to demonstrate solidarity with the

Turkey, a NATO member, is a client state of the Western
imperialist powers and has especially close ties to the
United States and Germany. Both Western powers supply
weapons and training to the Turkish army even as it crushes
the movement in Kurdistan. The Pentagon used Turkish air
bases to launch air attacks on Iraq and Yugoslavia.

For these reasons, the Turkish left also holds West European
and U.S. imperialism responsible for the crimes of the
Turkish state.

- END -

(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 

Call for Jakarta Conference June 7-10, 2001

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:35:58 -0500 (EST)
From: Socialism From Below [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Call for Jakarta Conference June 7-10, 2001

ìFighting Neo-Liberalism in the Asia-Pacific.î
Jakarta, Indonesia
7-10 June, 2001

Come to Jakarta in June 2001!
Join the struggle to globalise resistance to the neo-liberal offensive!

The conference will be held between June 7-10, 2001 and will be
organised by  the Indonesian Centre for Reform and Social Emancipation
(INCREASE ). The conference will be held in the city of Jakarta. From
within Indonesia, the conference will be supported by the affiliates of
INCREASE, namely, the National Student League for Democracy (Liga
Nasional Mahasiswa untuk Demokrasi, LNMD), the National Peasant Union
(Serikat Tani Nasional, STN), the Indonesian National Front for Labour
Struggle (Front Nasional Perjuangan Buruh Indonesia, FNPBI), the
People's Cultural Network (Jaringan Kerja Kebudayaan Rakyat, JAKKER),
the People's Youth Movement (Gerakan Pemuda Kerakyatan, GPK), and the
People's Legal Aid Foundation (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Rakyat, LBHR).

Aims of the Conference

INCREASE sees the conference as having several complimentary aims.

First, INCREASE intends the conference to raise awareness within
Indonesia about the nature and role of neo-liberal ecnomic policies, as
well as the role of the international financial institutions - such as
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) - in forcing neo-liberal policies upon the
peoples of the Third World in general and Indonesia, in particular. In
this context INCREASE hopes the conference will provide a forum whereby
Indonesian organisations waging campaigns to improve the welfare and
empowerment of the people can come to see their campaigns as linked to
the generalised fight against neo-liberalism.

Second, INCREASE hopes that the discussion among Indonesian
organisations, intellectuals and activists at the conference as well as
between the Indonesian participants and overseas participants will help
advance the process of the progressive movement in Indonesia being able
to develop its own alternatives to the IMF prescribed neoliberal
strategy being enforced at the moment.

Third, INCREASE wished the conference to also function as a vehicle for
deepening the cooperation between progressive forces in the Asia Pacific
region. Where feasible we also hope that it can help develop cooperation
between the Asia Pacific and other major areas, such as Europe, North
America and Latin America. At the moment, we have commitments from
partner movements in South Korea, the Philippines, Pakistan, East Timor
and Australia that they will attend and speak at the conference. We also
have confirmations of attendance from activists in the United States and
the Netherlands. We expect further confirmations in the next few months.
INCREASE hopes that concrete measures to deepen and concretise
cooperation will develop out of the conference.

Fourth, INCREASE wishes to introduce the international participants to
the struggle for reform and social empowerment, for fundamental social
change, in Indonesia. In addition to panels and workshops on a range
themes relevant to the general analysis and struggle against
neoliberalism, there will also be many panels and workshops that will
relate these issues to Indonesia. There will be speakers from all
sectors of society and from the progressive political parties and
currents in Indonesia. We intend that some of the affiliates sectoral
organisations of INCREASE will organise 7-10 exposure programmes in
their areas of activity immediately after the conference.

Conference themes

Some of the specific themes of the conference will include:
* The nature of the current crisis in liberalism
* Why is neo-liberalism the capitalists current preferred solution
* The nature of the international financial institutions
* Relations between (a) Europe and Asia-Pacific and (b) the US and
* The impact of neo-liberalism in developed as well as developing
* The role of the military in defending neo-liberal regimes
* Strategies for fundamental social change: democratic revolution;
popular power;
 socialism etc
* How to achieve international collaboration in struggle
* The role of feminist struggle
* The social economic crisis and the environmental impact
* Trade union organising and worker mobilising
* Peasant union organising; land issues; and peasant campaigning
* Political strategies and mass mobilising
* Culture and struggle

The conference will be an open, public, live-in conference. The agenda
will be decided by the INCREASE conference organising committee, in
consultation with partner organisations. INCREASE is, of course, in
hearing suggestions for additional themes and topics.

There will be a strong cultural component in the conference programme.



2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "dhkcbureau" [EMAIL PROTECTED]



At all of Turkey's prisons the state has started to massacre by using
weapons and bombs.
In all the prisons where the Death Fast resistance is taking place, this
morning an assault by the police and the military was started at 4 am.
This inhumane attack in the prisons where the Death Fast has been taking
place for 61 days will cost hundreds of lives.
Against the attack all the political prisoners started to resist. Until now
the state has only succeeded in Ankara Ulucanlar Prison where two political
women prisoners were on the Death Fast. They were taken to hospital by using
excessive force. All the other prisoners in Ulucanlar have been transferred
to the other prisons. The attack of the state has not succeeded so far in
the other prisons.
After the attack was launched, particularly in Umraniye Prison, the Death
Fast resisters have started to burn themselves to death. On December 16,
they had already announced that if an attack has launched by the state they
would burn themselves to death. The bloody face of fascism in our country is
once again revealed clearly with this attack aimed at massacre. Fascism
could never have the courage before for such an attack.
All the countries and institutions which supported and pumped courage into
the Turkish state to launch this attack, are responsible of the massacre.
The European Union and European Parliament, which have started to welcome
Turkey as a candidate member, supported this massacre directly or
We call upon all our people and everyone who considers herself/himself a
human being to condemn the state in Turkey and do whatever they can do.
We are on Hunger Strike in many cities of Europe. We had said that these
Hunger Strike tents would be converted into funeral parlours with the news
of each new martyr.

In Holland: Eendrachtsplein, Rotterdam.
In Belgium: DHKC Brussels Information Bureau
In Britain: Manor House, London

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Vietnam News Dec 19

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

Party leader visits residents in HCM City

Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu yesterday visited residents in quarter 4
in Binh Thach district and Ho Van Hue tenement in Phu Nhuan district, Ho Chi
Minh City.

This was part of his trip to the city to attend the seventh Congress of the Ho
Chi Minh City’s Party Committee.

General Secretary Phieu heard reports on achievements recorded by the people
of the quarter 4, an outstanding quarter, for the past five years.

He also inquired after their heath and livelihood and praised their spirit of
mutual assistance. He said he wished that the quarter would obtain sustainable
developments towards prosperity and civilisation.

Mr Phieu called on and presented gifts to Cham ethnic minority people in the
quarter and visited Ho Van Hue tenement.

President values Heroic Mothers’ contributions

President Tran Duc Luong expressed profound gratitude of the Party and State
to the sacrifices and devotions by Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and families with
contributions to the struggle for the national independence.

During a meeting with Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and contributors to the
country from the Central Highlands province of Dac Lac in Hanoi on December
18, President Luong inquired after their health and living conditions and was
happy at the mutual assistance of people of ethnic minority groups in the
province, which helped many families to get out of hunger and poverty.

The president also asked the provincial authorities to pay more attention to
the spiritual as well as material life of the Vietnamese Heroic Mothers,
families, and of the war invalids and families of war martyrs.

The Heroic Mothers expressed their gratitude to the Party, State and President
Luong’s attention paid to them. They further affirmed to continue encouraging
and educating their offspring to follow the revolutionary tradition, thus
making a contribution to the national renovation and building a richer and
stronger country.

Vietnam treasures co-operation with Iraq, says president

President Tran Duc Luong receives Iraqi Trade Minister Mohammed Mehdi Saleh.

Vietnam always treasures its friendship and co-operation with Iraq, said
President Tran Duc Luong while receiving Iraqi Trade Minister Mohammed Mehdi
Saleh in Hanoi on December 18.
President Luong thanked the Iraqi government and people for their support to
Vietnam and expressed the Vietnamese people's solidarity with the Iraqi people
in their just struggle for national independence and territorial integrity.

He expressed the hope that the Vietnam-Iraq traditional friendship and
co-operation would be further developed to their mutual benefit and for peace,
stability and development in each region.

President Luong asked Minister Saleh to convey his best regards to President
Saddam Hussein and expressed his wishes that under the latter's leadership the
Iraqi people would continue overcoming every difficulty and obtaining greater
achievements in their national defence and construction.

Trade Minister Saleh expressed joy at the achievements of the Vietnamese
people in the past struggle for national independence and in national

He briefed President Luong about Iraq's political and socio-economic situation
and affirmed the Iraqi people's determination to continue with their struggle
for national independence and territorial integrity while constantly boosting
co-operation with Vietnam. (VNA)

Cu Chi’s excellent pupils presented scholarships

PM Phan Van Khai presents scholarships to excellent pupils in difficulties.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai participated in a ceremony to present
scholarships granted by the Governmental Office, the Ha Tien Cement Company No
1 and others donors to 400 excellent pupils in difficulties of Cu Chi
district, Ho Chi Minh City on December 17.

The prime minister urged the pupils to learn harder in order to become good
citizens, thus making active contributions to national construction, deserving
to be children of a locality that has  revolutionary traditions and made great
achievements during the country’s resistance wars. More than 10,000 martyrs
died on the land of Cu Chi so that their children can be able to go to
schools, the prime minister stressed.

The authorities and people of Cu Chi have always attached importance to
education and training work. Since 1996, the district has set up an Education
Sponsoring Fund with the participation of 82 donors to help excellent pupils
in difficulties.

The Vietnam Unilever group has announced a two-year educational sponsoring
programme worth over VND 3 billion for the district. The programme includes
providing US $50,000 as scholarships to study abroad to Cu Chi’s young talents
in the 2000-2002 period and building a modern kindergarten worth VND 2.5
billion in An Nhon Tay, a poor village of the district.

Other units such as Kymdan Company, the Association for Poor Patients also
sent gifts to Cu Chi’s excellent pupils.

INDIA : ML Update, Vol:3; No50; 20 12- 2000. 2/2

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "cpiml" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... In US strategy India fits in as a counterveiling force against China.
Indian foreign policy response is quite vague on this quuestion. Though, of
late, Sino-Indian relations have considerably improved, there is a strong
pro-US lobby in India which raises the bogey of China's expansionist designs,
makes a hue and cry over the Tibet question, presents China as India's main
trade rival etc.

We did welcome India's refusal to sign NPT and CTBT because, as a sovereign
country, India should have the freedom to decide its course and not succumb to
US dictates. But the threat of a nuclear race hotting up in South Asia is
looming large before us. Despite the Gujral docrine promising good neighbourly
relations and despite making a beginning in talks with Pakistan, nothing
concrete is expected to emerge. Outstanding problems between India and
Pakistan, including the Kashmir dispute, can only be solved within a broader
framework of cooperation that includes developing SAARC as a powerful regional
economic bloc and concluding a bilateral NPT with Pakistan. India should also
explore the potential of strategic cooperation with China in order to
accelerate the process of multi-polarity. But it is highly unlikely that
India's present ruling dispensation, attached as it is with numerous overt and
covert ties with West, will tread this path.

The impact of globalisation is already being felt in Europe where the
unemployment rate has gone up to 11% (in absolute tems 20 million persons are
without jobs), a figure comparable to that of the pre-Seond World War Great
Depression. France, where the unemployment rate has reached 12%, is the worst
hit. This coupled with a drastic reduction in social welfare has given rise to
waves of protests and strikes. ...

The crisis of neo-liberalism is also evident in country after country in
Africa, Latin America and Asia. This has given rise to a lot of dissension
among the high priests of neo-liberal orthodoxy and Japan has reprotedly begun
to quesion the wisdom of the neo-liberal package of macroeconomic
stabilisation and structural adjustment. ...

Unemployment in the USA remained at the rate of 6% but the proportion of
low-wage service sector jobs has increased. Jobs are being created but many
are temporary jobs without any security and without a future. Japan which till
recently was paraded as a model of economic progress -- and Indian capitalists
missed no opportunity to preach to their workers about the cooperative
attitude of the Japanese workers that is supposed to have worked wonders in
Japan -- has lost much of its shine.

The Asian 'tiger' economies, assidously projected as the model for developing
countries, are now caught in a web of crises. ... The Tigers have started
showing signs of tiredness and in the coming years militant working class
actions are bound to intensify.

In fact, a run on Third World currencies and sudden flight of capital
resulting in a debilitating impact on the economy, first witnessed in a very
acute form in the case of Mexican meltdown, is becoming a wider phenomenon
rendering many Third World economies highly vulnerable in the era of
globalisation. On the whole, in seven years of globalisation the growth record
of the world economy has remained lacklusture -- the average growth rate in
this period being lower than the rate in the 1970s.

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CP of Greece. Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in Athens meeting

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

Subject: CP of Greece, Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People
taken in
Athens meeting

The purpose of the Solid Net ( Solidarity Network ) is to inform on the
activities as well as the ideological and political views of different
Communist and Workers Parties on National and International issues.
All articles in the SolidNet are the responsibility of the authors and in no
way commit this Web Site.

 CP of Greece, Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in
 Athens meeting
From: Communist Party of Greece, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in Athens meeting

We representatives of Communist and Workers Parties of the Southern and
Eastern Mediterranean, the Gulf Region and the Red Sea, meeting in
Athens on 16th December 2000 at the fringes of the 16th Congress of the
Communist Party of Greece, declare our condemnation to the Israeli
bloody aggression on the Palestinian people, and confirm our full
support with their legitimate just struggle for independence and
national sovereignty and the return of the Palestinian refugees
according to the resolutions of the international legitimacy and condemn
the American policy that take the side of its strategic ally Israel.

We salute the just struggle of the Palestinian people and its heroic
steadfastness and great sacrifices in facing the Israeli aggression, and
we appeal to all peace-loving and freedom forces all over the world to
accelerate their solidarity activities with the Palestinian people to:
1.  Stop the Israeli aggression and its bloody crimes and lift the
Israeli military, economic sanctions imposed on the Palestinian people.
2.  Continue the struggle and pressure on all levels to force the
Israeli government to abide to the international legitimacy especially
resolutions 242,338,194 and implement them to ensure the complete
Israeli withdrawal from all Arab territories in Syria and Lebanon
occupied since the 5th of June 1967, and demolish all its settlements
and  establish the Palestinian independent sovereign State with Eastern
Jerusalem as its capital.
3.  Provide immediate international Protection to the Palestinian People
to ensure their security until  their independence.
4.  Form international investigation commission to investigate the
Israeli occupation, and punish the criminals according to the
International Law and Geneva agreement.
5.  Demand the UN sponsor to the future negotiations to brake the
American monopoly in leading the negotiations, due to the American role
in taking bluntly the side of Israel in its aggression.

Athens, 16th December  2000

Egyptian Communist Party
AKEL of Cyprus
Communist Party of Greece
Tudeh Party of Iran
Iraqi Communist Party
Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
Communist Party of Israel
Jordanian Communist Party
Lebanese Communist Party
Palestinian Peoples Party
Communist Party of Sudan
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party

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Iraq brands future US secretary of state as war criminal.

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

 Iraq brands future US secretary of state as `war criminal`

 BAGHDAD, Dec 18 (AFP) - An Iraqi government newspaper on Monday
 branded the US secretary of state-designate, retired General Colin
 Powell, as a "war criminal" and said his nomination was a sign that
 American diplomacy was in decline.

 "The choice of Colin Powell, an arrogant military man who understands
 nothing of how to manage political affairs, ... proves the new US
 administration has nothing new to offer, except for continued
 against the will of independent peoples," charged Al-Jumhuriya.

 It accused Powell of being a "war criminal," apparently for his
 leading role in the 1991 Gulf conflict which evicted Iraqi occupation
 forces from Kuwait.

 "All the indications are that American diplomacy is in a state of
 decline in the face of the forces defying the agressiveness of the
 United States," said the Iraqi daily.

 On Saturday, US President-elect George W. Bush nominated Powell, a
 Gulf War hero for the United States and former chairman of the joint
 chiefs of staff, as his secretary of state.

 Powell promptly delivered a blunt warning to Iraq's leadership.

 "Saddam Hussein is sitting on a failed regime that is not going to be
 around in a few years' time ... We are in the strong position, he is
 in the weak position," said Powell.

 "We will work with our allies to re-energize the sanctions regime,"
 which has been in force since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, he added.

 An Iraqi information ministry spokesman said Sunday Powell had
 "ignored the fact that the (US-led Gulf War) coalition has fallen
 apart" and that only Britain continued to support the hard line
 against Iraq.

 "The current international mood is against US policy and maintaining
 the embargo," he said.

 Iraq shrugs off warning from Colin Powell

 BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (AFP) - An Iraqi military official on Sunday shrugged
 off a warning from US secretary of state-designate Colin Powell that
 President Saddam Hussein's rule was coming to an end.

 "Powell's threats do not frighten us and they will not make us bow,"
 the commander of Iraq's air defences, General Shahin Mohammad Yassin,
 said at a news conference in Baghdad.

 "Let him make threats. Others have done the same before him," Yassin
 said, referring to the outgoing administration of US President Bill
 Clinton. Such threats only "make us (Iraq) more determined."

 On Saturday, president-elect George W. Bush, who is to take office in
 January, nominated Gulf War hero and former chairman of the joint
 chiefs of staff, retired General Colin Powell, as his secretary of

 Powell, joining a team that also includes vice president-elect Dick
 Cheney, who was defence secretary during the 1991 war against Iraq,
 promptly delivered a blunt warning to Iraq's leadership.

 "Saddam Hussein is sitting on a failed regime that is not going to be
 around in a few years' time," he said. "The world is going to leave
 him behind, and that regime behind", Powell added.

 "I don't know what it will take to bring him (Saddam) to his senses,
 but we are in the strong position, he is in the weak position,"
 Powell said.

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brbWhich is a totally accurate description of the General who said/b
brb"The number of dead (Iraqis) don't interest me."nbsp; This is the
brbwho proudly buried thousands ofnbsp; Iraqis alive in the desert,
brbprevailed over the infamous "Highways of Death."nbsp; It is also/b
brban appropriate and accurate definition of our vice president elect,/b
brbour current president and his secretary of state, his nationial
brbadvisor and the secretary of defense (i.e. secy. of war), just as
it is of our/b
brbnotorious Mr. Kissinger, all of whom will never see their day/b
brbin an international court ofnbsp; justice for their war crimeswhich
brbexactly WHY the US will not sign on to the court.nbsp; The Guarantee
that our/b
brbwar criminals have total immunity is their license to continue killing
brbdestroyingnbsp; the powerless and defenseless around the world
brb"gung ho" American enthusiam and "pride."/b
pFrancisco Javier Bernal wrote:
blockquote TYPE=CITESTOP NATO: iexcl;NO PASARAN! - a
p=== ListBot Sponsor ==
brStart Your Own FREE Email List at a

Havana Radio news/views Dec 18.Panama releases terrorists?

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

Subject: Havana Radio news/views Dec 18.Panama releases terrorists?

subject: Havana Radio news/views Dec 18. Panama releases terrorists?
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 18 December 2000







Matanzas, December 18 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro
officially inaugurated the ENERGAS plant and the Cardenas-Matanzas
oil pipelines on Sunday, located in Matanzas province. The Cuban
leader stated that the installations are an example of what is
currently being done to improve the island's economy.

The plant -- which produces electricity, gas, sulfur and solvents --
is a Cuban-Canadian joint venture with high-level technology, all in
compliance with environmental protection.

Speaking to the workers of the ENERGAS plant about the island's
energy situation, the Cuban leader pointed out that the country's oil
production has already reached the figure of three million tons,
adding that next year it will reach four million.

President Fidel Castro added that the Cuban-Canadian plant is of
great importance. He said it shows us the way we should go to
continue producing electricity -- something that is decisive for the
economic and social development of the country.

The Cuban president also inaugurated the Cardenas-Matanzas oil
pipelines -- with an extension of 75 kilometers and a capacity of up
to two and a half million tons of heavy oil a year.


Havana, December 18 (RHC)-- Burundi's Minister for Foreign Relations
and Cooperation, Severin Ntahomuvukiye, is currently visiting the
island. On Monday, the Burundi official placed a floral wreath before
the monument of Cuba's National Hero, Jose Marti.Cuban Deputy Foreign
Minister Jose Guerra Menchero accompanied the African nation's
foreign minister.

The Burundi foreign minister arrived in Havana Sunday night. During
his stay, he will meet with Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque
and other government officials.


Havana, December 18 (RHC)-- Ten working commissions of the Cuban
Parliament will wind up two days of meetings and exchanges prior
opening parliamentary sessions, scheduled to begin on Thursday in the
Cuban capital.

The working sessions included discussions about life on the island,
the Cuban economy, press and communications.

During Thursday's Parliamentary sessions at Havana's
International Convention Center, parliamentarians will discuss and
approve the guidelines for the 2001 economic and social budget.

Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Jorge Bolanos told reporters on Sunday
that the island has diplomatic relations with 171 countries, with 101
missions abroad.

Speaking before the Cuban Parliament's International Relations
Commission, Bolanos emphasized the importance of the island's
membership in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group, the ACP --
which enjoys a privileged economic relationship with the European

Bolanos stressed this year's victory at the United Nations General
Assembly when the U.S. blockade against the island was condemned by
157 of its member nations. The Cuban official said that this was a
good example of the international community's condemnation of
Washington's anti-Cuba policies.


Havana, December 18 (RHC)-- An interactive Web site on the 1961 Bay
of Pigs invasion has been inaugurated in Havana. The event was part
of activities to commemorate the 40th anniversary of that crucial
episode in the history of relations between the United States and

The Web site includes full information on the mercenary invasion and
Cuba's defense operations, as well as videos, photos and interviews
with some of those involved from both sides. It also includes a call
on experts and officials in the United States and Cuba, who were
involved in the historical circumstances that led to the Bay of Pigs
invasion. They have been invited to participate in a scientific
conference entitled "Giron: 40 Anos Despues" ("Bay of Pigs: 40 Years
Later"), to be held March 20th through the 25th here in Havana. The
Web site address is:

Jose Ramon Fernandez, President of the Organizing Committee of
Activities on the 40th Anniversary of the Bay of Pigs Invasion,
explained that the interactive Web site is the result of the joint
work of four Cuban institutions: Cuba's History Institute, the Center
for Studies on the United States, the State Security Research Center
and the Center for 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 19

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.19.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il directs land realignment project in South Hwanghae Province

   * U.S. Army secretary's remarks flayed

   * Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander commemorated

   * Remark of U.S. ambassador to S. Korea

   * Three principles of Korea's reunification

   * History of 20th century indicts Japan

   * DPRK boasts edifices bearing word "youth"

   * Brilliant life of Kim Jong Suk

   * WPK praised as ever-victorious party

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * kim jong il dirige sobre terreno arreglo de tierra de provincia de
 hwanghae de sur

   * historia de siglo 20 acusa a japon

Kim Jong Il directs land realignment project in South Hwanghae Province

Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on
Monday gave on-site guidance
to the land leveling and realignment project in South Hwanghae Province.
He went round Yonan and Chongdan counties and other parts of the
province and acquainted himself in
detail with the progress of land realignment project.
Feasting his eyes on the vast expanse of standardized fields, he was
greatly satisfied to note that
soldier-builders and people intensely loyal to the party and the revolution
have done a lot of work in such a
short span of time by fully displaying the revolutionary spirit of
fortitude, the revolutionary spirit of soldiers,
and highly praised their proud feats.
Then he advanced highly important tasks that would serve as a guideline
in accelerating the socialist rural
construction including land realignment and bringing about a radical turn
in agricultural production.
Saying that the land leveling and rezoning project started by our party
is an important work to obtain new
arable land for increased grain output and realize the comprehensive
mechanization of agriculture, he stressed
the work should be dynamically pushed forward without a let-up through a
mass drive.
Now that rich experience has been gained through the land realignment
projects in Kangwon, north
Phyongan and south Hwanghae provinces it is possible to realign the land
across the country in a short span
of time if the organizational and political work is conducted among the
masses in keeping with a high degree
of their revolutionary enthusiasm, he said, urging all the provinces,
cities and counties to work hard to finish
the land realignment by their own efforts.
He also set forth tasks to be fulfilled to increase the grain output in
the realigned paddy and non-paddy
Learning about the specific agricultural situation of the province, he
said it is very important to boost
agriculture in the province, the largest granary of the country. And he
urged industrial establishments and
other relevant units to satisfactorily supply necessary farm materials to
it in time.
The province is favorable for double cropping as its soil is fertile
and climate mild, he said, pointing out
that no portion of this precious land should remain idle and double
cropping should be introduced on a large
scale with main stress on grain.
Then he put forth tasks to be carried out to build all rural villages
well as befitting socialism.
Noting that officials and agricultural workers in the province have
done a lot of work to implement the
"theses on the socialist rural question in our country", he earnestly
called for turning all the rural villages into
modern socialist villages good to work and live in so as to hand them down
to posterity.
Accompanying him were secretary Kim Kuk Thae, department director Jong
Ha Chol and first deputy
department directors Pak Song Bong and Jang Song Thaek of the Worker's
Party of Korea Central
Committee and generals of the Korean People's Army Hyon Chol Hae and Pak
Jae Gyong.
On the spot he was received by vice marshal of the KPA Ri Yong Mu,
chief secretary of the south
Hwanghae provincial committee of the WPK Kim Un Gi, Col. Gen. of the KPA
Sim Myong Su,
vice-Minister of Agriculture Choe Sang Byok and leading officials of the
province and counties.

U.S. Army secretary's remarks flayed

Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Measure Committee on
the Mass Killings of
Civilians in Rogun-ri released a statement on December 15 denouncing U.S.
Army secretary Caldera for
having denied the shooting orders related to the case, the Seoul-based
"Yonhap News" (internet) reported.
The statement noted that Caldera made remarks distorting the truth
despite evident testimonies of U.S.
Korean War veterans.
His remarks are intended to evade or downplay the U.S. military and
government's responsibility for the
massacres and water down and distort the case. They are a sinister behavior
to shift the blame onto war
veterans, it held.
The statement urged the South Korean authorities to announce the
results of the investigation into the
case at once and take a strong counteraction against the U.S. side seeking

China. People´s Daily Dec 20

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

   Tuesday, December 19, 2000, updated at 21:09(GMT+8)

   China Still Faces Grim Population Situation

   China can hardly be optimistic about its population
   situation in the coming five years, with its
   population increasing by 10 million annually, said
   Zhang Weiqing, minister in charge of the State Family
   Planning Commission Tuesday, December 19.

   Whether the low birth rate can be stabilized is a
   matter of great importance and it will affect the
   overall situation, Zhang said at a press conference
   held by the Information Office of the State Council.

   Zhang said that the comparatively low education level
   of the population as a whole can not be changed
   within a short period of time. With the increasing
   pressure on employment and an aging population, the
   contradiction between population, socio-economic
   development, resource utilization and environmental
   protection would appear to be an acute one.

   He said that the society in China is not yet fully
   aware of the importance of solving the population
   problem, without a considerable number of people
   entirely changing their concept of childbearing.

   The family planning management system, working style,
   the quality of service delivery as well as the
   quality of family planning workers cannot fully meet
   the requirements of the current situation. Therefore,
   there is an urgent need to speed up the reform and
   improvement of the program, said Zhang.

   When explaining China's future population policies,
   Zhang said that it is essential to stabilize the low
   birth rate and improve the health of the new born.

   Policy decisions should be made with the integration
   of the population and development. Decisions should
   bring the population and family planning program in
   line with the overall plan for socio-economic
   development. In accordance with the main family
   planning policy, a series of auxiliary policies
   favorable to the sound implementation of the family
   planning program have to be formulated, said Zhang.

   He stressed that legislation is an urgent need for
   the implementation of the population and family
   planning program. It is necessary to speed up the
   formulation of relevant national laws and
   regulations. Efforts should be made to set up a
   relatively complete legal system in the population
   and family planning field in the coming five years,
   so that the program could be managed in accordance
   with the law.

   A breakthrough is to be made in implementing the
   population and family planning program in west China
   during the large scale development of the region,
   said Zhang.

   In addition, quality services for family planning and
   reproductive health are to be offered, and activities
   for promoting new marriage customs are to be further
   carried out throughout the country.

   Zhang added that it is necessary to strengthen the
   control of migratory population with better services
   and pay more attention to the aging of the

   Wednesday, December 20, 2000, updated at 11:55(GMT+8)

   "One Country, Two Systems" Be Adhered to as
   Indivisible Concept: Jiang

   President Jiang Zemin said December 20 at a meeting
   marking the first anniversary of Macao's return to
   China that the "one country, two systems" should
   continue to be adhered to as a basic principle in
   handling Macao affairs.

   "`One country, two systems' is an indivisible
   concept," he said. The term "one country" means two

The Militarization of the European Union: A civilizational mistake.

2000-12-18 Thread heikki sipilä


Subject: The Militarization of the European Union: A civilizational mistake

Network members -

Here is an excellent analysis by Jan Oberg of the EU's drive to
militarize itself in the wake of the war in Kosovo. Important links are
made here between military and economic motives.

Steve Staples

The Militarisation of the European Union: A civilisational mistake
PressInfo # 107

December 7, 2000
By Jan Oberg, TFF director

 It was quite predictable that the EU would militarise itself. In fact,
one of the world's leading peace researchers, TFF adviser Johan Galtung,
predicted that in his book about the EU from 1972, "A Superpower in the
Making." It is not in the nature of big powers to see greatness in
nonviolence, dialogue, tolerance or in playing the role of one among
many. The EU - - whose main players are former colonial powers and
present nuclear powers and/or culturally violent - - began their
militarisation some ten years ago with the French-German military
co-operation, and it got another boost with the French-British agreement
in 1998 in Saint Malo.

 And today's EU Nice Summit is likely to put the militarisation of EU on
an irreversible path, most likely to a new Cold War.

 Today it is the so-called Eurocorps which is formally in charge of
NATO/KFOR in Kosovo. Internally, the EU struggles with ever deeper
vertical integration, i.e. more and more standardisation and
harmonisation of ever more areas, and with horizontal integration of
more and more countries. Externally, it decided a year ago at its summit
in Finland to become a world player by setting up a sizeable military
Rapid Reaction Force by the year 2003.

 There are various proposals in the direction of a "United States of
Europé" (USE), there is a common currency, a common foreign and security
policy, common or harmonised laws, a structure with functions that look
increasingly like a super-state with a President. There is a stepped up
civilian and military industrial integration and rationalisation. And at
its summit in Nice in southern France, beginning December 6, a European
Charter is on the table.

 Rhetoric and reality

 We are told that a European "Army" is not in the offing. But can the EU
really move on with integration in virtually all other regards and not
end up having something that looks surprisingly much like an integrated
military? If so, it will be unique in history. Isn't it in the nature of
defence and military matters that they require more centralisation,
central control, harmonisation, interoperability, standardisation and
integration than most civilian spheres?

 The Headline Goals for the force in the year 2003 was planned a year
ago at 60.000 troops. Already committed, however, are almost 70.000.
With reservists this will add up to 225.000 under arms. And not exactly
traditional peace-keeping arms. Among other resources, Sweden for
instance has assigned AJS 37 Viggen fighters, a submarine, corvettes and
a mechanised battalion. Britain has pledged 18 warships and up to 72
combat aircraft.

 Ministers tell the citizens that it is for disaster relief,
humanitarian aid, natural catastrophes, mine clearing and peacekeeping.
It will serve as a back-up for diplomacy and it will only be used as a
last resort when everything else has been tried to avert conflicts from
erupting into violent struggle. But if it is modelled upon the case of
Kosovo, that is the example par excellence of the failure of preventive
diplomacy, of diplomacy backing up force.

 The civilian aspects of crisis management

 We are also told that the EU's most important part is civilian and that
civilian crisis management, coupled with early analysis, early warning
and violence-preventive diplomacy is the main thing; however, the
present structure and balance of resources does not bear out that point.

 Earlier, the Commission has developed an inventory of 25 categories
(encompassing 300 specific actions) for civilian crisis management.
Among them we find virtually anything such as counter-terrorism
operations, support to free media, training of intelligence and judicial
staff as well as conflict resolution training centres. So, some
priorities had to be set up.

 According to the documents from the EU Feira European Council summit in
June this year, an Interim Committee for civilian aspects of crisis
management had its first meeting only three days before the Summit (June
16) and could hardly have developed much of an identity.

 Appendix 3 of the Feira document approaches the civilian aspect in this
manner: "The reinforcement of the Union's capabilities in civilian
aspects of crisis management should above all, provide it with adequate
means to face complex political crises by:

 - acting to prevent the eruption or escalation of conflicts;

 - consolidating peace and internal stability in periods of transition

 - ensuring complementarity 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 18

2000-12-18 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.18.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to Slovene Prime Minister

   * Kim Jong Il praised as captivating leader

   * Establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK and UK hailed

   * Secretary of U.S. Army denies shooting orders for Rogun-ri mass

   * Anti-reunification remarks condemned

   * Many films produced

   * Repeal of SL urged in S. Korea

   * Removal of concrete wall urged

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * comunicado conjunto de cuarta ronda de conversaciones a nivel de

   * vana ilusion de japon

Greetings to Slovene Prime Minister

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, on Dec. 15 sent a
message of greetings to Janez Drnovsek upon his reelection as Prime
Minister of the Republic of Slovenia.
The message wished him greater success in his responsible work.
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to
his counterpart of Slovenia
Dimitrije Rupel.

Kim Jong Il praised as captivating leader

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- The Egypt-Korea Friendship Association
published a bulletin on
Dec. 10 to mark the 9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army.
Kim Jong Il is a brilliant commander possessed of far-sighted wisdom
and matchless courage and will,
the bulletin said, and went on:
His organizing ability and commanding art are very extraordinary.
The iron discipline and perfect order in which the whole army and
country and all people act as one on
the instruction of the Supreme Commander have been established in the DPRK.
And the revolutionary
commanding system and military discipline have been established and the
strong sense of organization and
discipline has prevailed within the people's army. All these would have
been unthinkable without his
distinguished leadership ability.
Benevolent and army-first politics is his peculiar political mode. What
attracts particular attention is the
policy of giving priority to the army.
He is, indeed, an ideal statesman and fascinating leader perfectly
possessed of literary and military

Establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK and UK hailed

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary hails the recent
opening of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the United Kingdom.
This event is a result of the independent foreign policies and
activities of the two countries, the
commentary observes, and goes on:
Independence, peace and friendship are the idea of the consistent
foreign policy of the Worker's Party of
Korea and the government of the DPRK.
Guided by this idea, the DPRK has developed friendly relations with
different countries of the world
advocating independence and invariably maintained the stand to develop
friendly relations with those capitalist
countries that respect the DPRK's sovereignty and are friendly to it.
The normalization of relations between the DPRK and countries of the
European Union will positively
help expand and develop relations with them in various fields and ensure
peace and security in northeast Asia
and, furthermore, in the rest of the world.
There is increasing concern of the international community for the DPRK
and it has become an
irresistible trend of the times for different countries to improve
relations with the DPRK.
The DPRK government will as ever develop the relations of friendship,
cooperation and
good-neighborliness with all countries of the world that advocate
independence, respect the DPRK's
sovereignty and are friendly to it.

Secretary of U.S. Army denies shooting orders for Rogun-ri mass killings

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Caldera, secretary of the U.S. Army,
when interviewed by a U.S.
Daily on Dec. 14 denied shooting orders related to the mass killings of
civilians in Rogun-ri, according to the
South Korean "Yonhap News" (internet).
He said that an investigation of Rogun-ri case that occurred in the
summer of 1950 has been made for
over 1 year but did not find conclusive evidence that the then u.s.
soldiers had orders to shoot civilians.
"Yonhap News" recalled that McCloskey, member of the U.S. private
advisory panel in charge of
supervising the investigation of Rogun-ri case, had noted in early December
he strongly disagrees with the
hazy conclusion of an investigation team of the U.S. Army that they did not
find enough evidence that the
U.S. soldiers had orders to shoot civilians.
McCloskey, saying that the Pentagon was too quick to dismiss the
testimony of U.S. Korean war
veterans, asserted that there is no question that there were orders,
"Yonhap News" held.

Anti-reunification remarks condemned

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Some countries surrounding Korea
recently made remarks harmful
to Korea's reunification to throw a wet blanket over the 

China. People´s Daily Dec 19

2000-12-18 Thread heikki sipilä


   Tuesday, December 19, 2000, updated at 12:23(GMT+8)

   Jiang Zemin to Arrive in Macao for Anniversary

   Chinese President Jiang Zemin is scheduled to arrive
   in Macao by special plane Tuesday afternoon to attend
   the celebrations of the 1st anniversary of the
   establishment of the Macao Special Administrative
   Region (SAR).

   Jiang, who is also General Secretary of the Central
   Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and
   Chairman of the Central Military Commission, will fly
   into Macao from Beijing in the company of SAR Chief
   Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah.

   During his December 19-21 stay in Macao, Jiang is
   scheduled to attend a banquet later Tuesday and a
   grand gathering celebrating the SAR's first
   anniversary Wednesday morning, and meet with some
   local celebrities.

   Jiang's upcoming visit to Macao has become a hot
   topic for local residents and hit the headlines of
   major local newspapers. Large red lanterns and
   banners with welcoming words for Jiang are seen in
   downtown areas in the coastal city with strong
   festive flavor.

   Macao returned to the motherland on December 20,
   1999, when Jiang attended a ceremony here and
   declared that China resumed the exercise of
   sovereignty over Macao.


Top 10 Chinese News Events of 2000
The editor-in-chiefs and deputy editor-in-chiefs of 11 major Beijing-based
newspapers, 2 national news agencies and 2 national radio stations December
18 selected China's Top 10 News Events of the year 2000.

The following are the events in descending order of significance:

1. The 5th Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist
Party of China held during October 9-10 mapped the blueprint for the
country's development in the 2001-2005 period.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin pointed out at the plenary session that in
the new century China will build a well-to-do society in an all-around way.

2. A State Council meeting on developing China's western regions was held
from January 19-22. The meeting urged all localities to take every
opportunity to accelerate economic development in China's western regions.
The meeting also initiated the developing the west movement all around the

3. The China-Africa Cooperation Forum -- Ministerial Conference Beijing
2000 was held from October 10-12 and was attended by nearly 80 ministers
from African countries and leaders of about 20

international and African regional organizations.

The documents adopted at the forum mapped out the development course for
the long-term, stable and mutually-beneficial Sino-African partnership in
the 21st century. The forum provided a good opportunity for China and
African countries to coordinate their positions on the challenges of
globalization, promoting world peace and development, and protecting the
interests of developing countries.

4. China wrapped up its amazing Olympic run on October 1 in Sydney with 59
medals, including 28 golds, 16 silvers and 15 bronzes, finishing third
behind the United States and Russia.

5. Cheng Kejie was executed on September 14 by the No.1 Intermediate
People's Court of Beijing after the confirmation and approval by China's
Supreme People's Court.

Cheng, former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National
People's Congress, was found guilty of accepting huge sums of bribes, in
collaboration with his mistress Li Ping.

6. Twenty-five separate cases of multi-billion-dollar smuggling scams in
the east China port city of Xiamen were openly handled on November 8.
Fourteen people involved in the cases were sentenced to death.

Investigations found that the Lai Changxing smuggling group and others had
smuggled refined oil, vegetable oil, cars and cigarettes worth 53 billion
yuan (approximately US$6.4 billion) and evaded customs duties of up to 30
billion yuan since 1996.

7. China has basically reached its three-year object of turning its large
and medium-sized state-own enterprises (SOE) from losing money into
profit-making ones, thanks to the government's "pro-active fiscal policy"
and various reform measures, declared Sheng Huaren, minister in charge of
the State Economic and Trade Commission, on December 11.

SOEs are expected to see a yearly profit of 230 billion yuan (approximately
US$28 billion) in 2000; most of the 14 industries such as textiles,
petrochemical, machinery, electronic, 

Iraq. The Biggest Robbery Of The Century.

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "Francisco Javier Bernal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Biggest Robbery Of The Century

  by Rafiq A Tschannen

  Daily Star (Bangladesh), 9th December

  DURING the gulf war 1991 the USA has destroyed the water

  system of Iraq and thereby violated the Geneva war convention.

  recently an American High School teacher submitted a study which

  proved that the wilful destruction of a whole country was carried

  out with a strategic calculation. Nearly ten years later the whole

  population of Iraq continues to pay the price of the stubbornness

  the USA and Iraq's leader Saddam Hussain. There is no end in sight

  in this situation. On the contrary during the US election campaign

  both candidates were eager to outdo each other in their anti-Iraq

  feelings. And quietly the robbing of Iraq continues as the work of

  the UNCC United Nations Compensation Commission shows, an obscure

  entity, which sucks off one third of all Iraqi export earnings.

  The UNCC has existed for the last ten years and remains nearly

  unknown to the public. But actually this discretely operating

  institution is one the most important instruments in the

  strategy against Iraq. The economic sanctions against Iraq are

  being covered by the media. We see on TV malnourished children and

  hospitals where the most basic items are missing. We see a whole

  country and a whole culture being permitted to deteriorate

  further and further. But hardly any journalist seems to be

  in the work of the UN Compensation Commission and in their

  legality and their dubious practices. And this in spite of the

  that since December 1996, 11 billion dollars, approximately one

  of the export earnings of Iraq, have flown into the coffers of


  In April 1991, shortly after the defeat of Iraq, the UN security

  council decided that according to international law Iraq will be

  liable for all losses, damages which other states,

  or foreign corporations have had as an immediate result of the

  Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait. For the determination of

  such damages the UN compensation commission was created. The board

  of this commission is made up of representatives of the 15 members

  of the UN security council. The executive council, which has been

  dominated by its US members right from the start, is supposed

  to inform the commission, although disinform would be the more

  appropriate term.

  The method chosen by the Security Council is without parallel in

  history at least not since the Versailles Agreement at the end of

  World War I, which laid the foundation for the Second World War.

  In article 231 of the Versailles agreement Germany was made to

  Hitler took advantage of this agreement that went too far. It was

  easy for him to point out that "enough is enough". The United

  had not ratified the Versailles agreement, but today is carrying

  in the same way "Iraq will pay!" How will this time?

  Iraq is not even recognized as a defendant party". Every petty

  criminal has the right of defence but the country of Iraq has no

  say in how and how much the country is bled. Every year 50 million

  dollars are being deducted from the Iraqi export earnings to

  finance the activities of the commission. Excellent salaries of

  commission members and their travelling arrangements in business

  class are financed. For the first time in the history of countries

  since the Second World War a state has absolutely nothing to say

  about a juristic case that directly relates to it.

  Iraq has no right to vote at the UN because it did not pay its

  At the same time the USA is in arrears for over one billion

  Just another small example of the double standards prevailing

  One law for the super power and another law for the rest of the

  No doubt Iraq does have a duty to provide compensation. But how
can a

  law case be fought and presented without giving the other side a

  to present their own case? For instance: The state of Kuwait had

  presented a claim for 21.6 billion dollars in 1994. Baghdad was

  a summary of the claim five years later in 1999. The Iraqi

  was given a dateline of 19th September 2000. Iraq requested

  to use some fund out of the commission's funds actually Iraq's own

  export earnings! to pay for a legal office to scrutinize all the

  documents. The commission refused. After a long discussion finally

  Iraq was given one hour on 14th December 1999 to present its point

  of view. One hour to treat a 20 billion dollar claim! In spite of

  Russian and French reservations the compensation was fixed at 15.9

  billion dollars.

  The UN Secretary General had recommended in 1991 that Iraq "be

  about all claims and to be given the right 

Turkish prisoners reported near death in hunger strike

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Turkish prisoners reported near death in hunger strike

The Associated Press

ANKARA, Turkey (December 17, 2000  6:16 a.m.  EST - A prisoners' group said Saturday that dozens
of prisoners on a 58-day hunger strike are near death.

Some 250  prisoners linked to left-wing groups are refusing everything but
water to protest transfers from their dormitory-style open wards to one- or
three-person cells.

The prisoners say the cells would leave them vulnerable to abuse by

Mediation efforts ended Friday over what Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk
called the prisoners' "unacceptable" demand to be housed in 20-person
rooms.  The government wants to break up large wards, which it cannot
control and where riots and hostage-takings are frequent.

"Only hours are left till death," a statement from Ozgur Tayad, a
solidarity group for prisoners' families said.  It said the prisoners would
not abandon the strike until their demand is met.

Umit Erkol, head of an Ankara-based physicians' association whose members
have visited some of the prisoners, said "we can expect the worst now."

The independent Human Rights Association said about 20  prisoners were in
critical condition.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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Havana Radio news/views Dec 16-17

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

subject:Havana Radio news/views Dec 16-17.
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - Weekend News Update - 16-17 December 2000









Havana, December 16 (RHC)-- Cuba has every legitimate right to cut
direct, long-distance telephone calls from the United States. During
a special roundtable discussion, aired live on Cuban radio and
television last night, a panel of journalists and experts on
international affairs examined the decision to cut the cord on direct
communications, which went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Friday.

One panelist on the roundtable -- Eduardo Dimas, a political
commentator on radio and television in Havana -- recalled that since
1966, Cuba has maintained telephone links with the U.S. despite the
fact that payments were never made. Dimas said that Cuba did not
receive a single cent for the phone service and that the money was
frozen in U.S. bank accounts until 1994.

Journalists taking part in the televised program Friday night noted
that in 1999, a judge in Miami ordered that the frozen funds be used
to pay the families of four members of the terrorist group Brothers
to the Rescue. The four were shot down, despite repeated warnings
that they were violating Cuban territorial airspace, on February 24,
1996. It was revealed that Judge Lawrence King is in the pay of the
right wing Cuban-American community in southern Florida.

After warning that telephone service would be cut if the bills were
not paid to ETECSA, a Cuban-Italian joint venture, it was announced
that phone service would be disconnected beginning on Friday,
December 15th.

Several panelists pointed out that the right-wing Cuban-Americans in
Miami are now raising hell -- claiming that Havana has unilaterally
taken this measure at a time when relatives in southern Florida want
to call their families on the island and wish them a Merry Christmas.
Reinaldo Taladrid, a television commentator, said that the Miami
mafia is not reporting on the long history of stormy relations in
communications between the two countries... trying to make it seem
like Cuba is cutting the cord on telephone calls at this time of year
to punish the families of Cubans on the island. Taladrid pointed out
that when one doesn't pay their bill, services are terminated. And he
pointed out that even in the United States, if one doesn't pay their
gas bill, their heat is turned off -- even in the dead of winter,
right around Christmas-time. The right-wing campaign coming out
of Miami and Washington, designed to make Cuba into the bad guy, was
quickly dismissed as nothing more than a weak propaganda effort.

During the roundtable discussion on Friday, panelists also examined
the desperate attempts by Miami to try to free international
terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who is being held in Panama for
planning to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro. The
participants pointed to the campaign -- led by an attorney and former
attorney general of Panama -- who has been paid to try to defend
Posada Carriles and his accomplices. It was noted that attempts to
defend the jailed terrorists in Panama and free them on
bail purposefully ignore the long history of Luis Posada Carriles in
attacks against the Cuban Revolution.


Havana, December 16 (RHC)-- Delegates to the First National and
Regional Conference on Health Promotion have granted Cuban President
Fidel Castro the Health Activist Diploma "for his tireless efforts
and his active participation in the promotion of adequate and high-
quality health care assistance not only for his people, but also for
all peoples of the world."

The First National and Regional Conference on Health Promotion,
which concluded on Friday here in the Cuban capital, gathered
representatives from nine countries, including Mexico, other nations
from Central America and the Caribbean. For two days, participants in
the conference exchanged their experiences in the fight against
tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction. Experts also reviewed current
national programs against sexually transmittable and other
preventable diseases.

Other Cuban personalities who were also given the diploma for their
active participation in health promotion are Dr. Carlos Dotres,
Health Minister, Vilma Espin, President of the Cuban Women's
Federation and Juan Contino, National Coordinator of the Committees
for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs).

The President of the Conference Organizing Committee, Dr. Jose
Pinon, pointed to Cuba as a vivid example of what can 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 16

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

December.16.2000 Juche 89


   * Greetings to President of Niger

   * Commemoration function held in Nigeria

   * Delegation of south side leaves

   * Joint communique on 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks

   * Kim Jong Suk's feats praised

   * Ethiopian President supports Korea's reunification

   * Women's meeting for earlier opening of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations

   * "Theory of principal enemy" denounced

   * Japan's intention to place SDF on war footing

   * S. Korean organizations call for repeal of SL

   * Halt to U.S. forces' firing exercise demanded

   * Abolition of SL in S. Korea called for

   * China will support Korean people's struggle

   * KCNA on sinister plot of Japanese reactionaries

Greetings to President of Niger

   Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The south side's delegation headed by
Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu left here today after participating in the
fourth round of the inter-Korean ministerial talks.
It was seen off at the airport by delegates of the north side to the

Commemoration function held in Nigeria

Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The fourth round of the north-south
ministerial talks, which opened in Pyongyang amid the expectation and
concern of the public at home and abroad, closed today.
At the talks, both sides reviewed the work done for the implementation
of the historic north-south joint declaration and reached an agreement on
the proposals made from the viewpoints of reconciliation, cooperation, unity
and reunification.
At the talks, heads of the delegations of the two sides signed the
agreements on the protection of investment between the two sides, on the
prevention of double taxation on the income between the two sides, on the
settlement of accounts between the two sides and on the procedures for the
settlement of disputes between the two sides which were reached at the
second working-level contact for north-south economic cooperation held on
Nov. 10.
A joint communique on the 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks
was released at the talks.
The communique says:
The 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks was held in Pyongyang
from Dec. 12 to 16, Juche 89 (2000).
At the talks the two sides reviewed the last six months' work for the
implementation of the historic north-south joint declaration and agreed as
follows after sharing the understanding that they are committed to
positively implement the joint declaration, greeting 2001:
1. The north and the south agreed to form and operate a committee for
the promotion of north-south economic cooperation with a view to ensuring
the balanced development of national economy and co-prosperity.
This committee will be made up of 5-7 members to be headed by
vice-minister-level official from each side and have its first round of
contact in Pyongyang around December 26, 2000. It will take up and solve
such practical matters arising in the immediate economic cooperation as
cooperation in the field of power industry, the issue of relinking railways
and roads, the construction of an industrial district in Kaesong and the
issue of pushing ahead with the project for the prevention of flood damage
in the area along the River Rimjin.
2. The north and the south agreed to cooperate with each other in the
field of fisheries. As regards the proposal made by the north side to offer
part of its fishing ground in the east sea of Korea to the south side for a
certain period, those officials concerned of the authorities of the two
sides agreed to have a contact in the area of Mt. Kumgang at an early date
to discuss the matter.
3. The north and the south agreed to recommend a contact between
Taekwon-do organizations of the two sides to discuss the exchange of
Taekwon-do demonstration teams.
4. The north and the south agreed to conduct on an experiment basis the
work of confirming whereabouts of separated families and relatives and
exchange of correspondence. The work will involve a hundred persons from
each side in January and February, 2001 and about 300 persons from each side
will write to each other in march, 2001.
5. The north and the south will exchange the third visiting groups of
separated families and relatives, 100 persons from each side, in late
February, 2001.
6. The north side will send a team to tour Mt. Halla in March, 2001 and
an economic study team in the first half of 2001.
7. The north and the south agreed to separately go through the
formalities for the effectuation of the agreements on the protection of
investment between the north and the south, on the prevention of double
taxation on the income between the two sides, on the settlement of accounts
between the two sides and on the procedures for the settlement of 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 17

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.17.2000 Juche 89)


   * New feature film produced

   * Seminars held in Tanzania and Ethiopia

   * Pyongyang declaration's vitality increases

   * Japan's claim to Tok Islet rejected

   * Punishment of Japan's war criminals called for

   * Repeal of SL demanded

   * Japan urged to drop its bid to sit on UNSC

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * farsa de intriga de fuerzas conservadoras de japon

   * exhibicion de fotos y proyeccion filmica

New feature film produced

Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Some days ago the April 25 Film Studio
of the Korean People's
Army produced part 4 (Choe Hyon) of the multi-part feature film "the Nation
and Destiny" part 53.
The film depicts the heroic battles fought by Choe Hyon and KPA
servicemen behind the enemy lines to
protect the safety of the supreme headquarters after it went over to a
counterattack from the entire front line
under the preeminent operation plan of the President Kim Il Sung during the
Fatherland Liberation War (June
1950-july 1953).
It truthfully represents the indomitable fighting spirit of the first
and second generations of the revolution
who devotedly defended the party and the leader and stresses that comradely
love and the sense of obligation
centered on the leader serves as a source of inexhaustible strength of the
revolutionary armed forces.
A preview of the film took place at the People's Palace of Culture
Senior party and state officials and other cadres and Pyongyangites saw
the film.

Seminars held in Tanzania and Ethiopia

Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Seminars were held by the Tanzanian
National Coordinating
Committee of the Juche Idea Study Groups and the Addis Ababa Group for the
Study of the Juche Idea of
Ethiopia on December 8 and 9 separately to mark the 9th anniversary of the
great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the 83rd
birth anniversary of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
The chief of the Addis Ababa Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of
Ethiopia in his speech said that
world politicians are now praising him as a general type statesman. He went on:
The DPRK considers the military affair as the most important state
affair and gives top priority to
strengthening the army. This politics is the political mode which can be
created only by Kim Jong Il, general
type statesman.
Only victory and glory are always in store for the Korean people guided
by Kim Jong Il, general type
politician with literary and military accomplishments.
The secretary general of the Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee
of the Juche Idea Study Groups
in his speech said: The world records many heroines, but no great woman
performed such great exploits as
Kim Jong Suk did.
What occupies the most important place in her history of revolutionary
struggle and her feats was that she
ensured President Kim Il Sung's safety and brought about the future of
modern Korea by giving a steady
continuity to the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Pyongyang declaration's vitality increases

Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang declaration "Let us
defend and advance the cause
of socialism" has gives a strong impetus to progressive parties and people
around the world in their struggle
for socialism with great attraction.
The Pyongyang declaration was adopted by leaders and representatives of
progressive parties including
communist parties and workers' parties of many countries in April Juche 81
(1992). This declaration
represented the resolution of the communist parties and workers' parties to
fight it out for the future of
humankind with firm confidence in the cause of socialism.
No sooner had the declaration been published than over 150 media of
more than 60 countries gave wide
publicity to it.
The number of political parties which signed the declaration at the
time of its adoption was 70 and it
reached 170 one year after its adoption. 251 political parties have signed
it up to this date.
The progressive parties including communist parties and workers'
parties of various countries took the
Pyongyang declaration as the charter of socialism and their action program
and are working hard to put it into
The political parties of various countries including Russia and Romania
keep pace with each other in the
movement for rebuilding socialism, boosting their relations on the basis of
the declaration.
Many progressive parties including the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation, the Norwegian
Communist Party and the New Communist Party of Great Britain sent their
delegations to the DPRK to learn
from experience in its party building and socialist construction.
A gathering of officials of progressive parties from more than 20
countries took place in Moscow to mark
the fifth anniversary of the publication of the declaration. It adopted a

Vietnam News Dec 16

2000-12-16 Thread heikki sipilä

President praises public security force

President Tran Duc Luong praised the public security force for its
contribution to the national revolutionary cause while he made a speech at the
56th meeting of the force held in Hanoi on December 14 and 15.

The meeting was to review the work of the force in 2000 and prepare for 2001.
Mr Le Minh Huong, member of the Politburo and minister of public security
chaired the meeting.

Participants reviewed the work they have done in 2000 in providing security
services to activities of the State and in preventing and fighting crimes as
well as fighting with other counter revolutionary forces and the "Peaceful
Evolution" movement.

The president said the year 2001 will bring a lot of challenges to the public
security force and urged the force to be more vigilant, especially in the
fight against crimes and drug trafficking. He also urged each officer and man
of the force to improve political capacity and professional skills to meet the
increasing demand of the job in the new situation.

PM values donors' assistance to Vietnam

The Vietnamese government highly valued the assistance of international donors
reserved for Vietnam, said Prime Minister Phan Van Khai during a meeting in
Hanoi yesterday with delegates to the Consultative Group Meeting for Vietnam
held in Hanoi on December 14 and 15.

Prime Minister Khai said that since the first Consultative Group Meeting for
Vietnam held in Paris in October, 1993, to date, Vietnam has received US $17
billion in credit aid from international donors through their eight meetings.

Thanks to that, Vietnam has seen positive changes in infrastructure, education
and health care. This has also helped to narrow the gap between the rural and
urban areas, eradicate hunger and reduce poverty for people in mountainous
areas as well as create more jobs for labourers.

Mr Khai expressed his belief that with the coming credit supported from
international donors together with efforts made by the whole nation, Vietnam
would surely fulfil the socio-economic development plan set for the next ten
years, including doubling GDP by 2010.

The prime minister thanked donors for their successful organisation of this
year's meeting in Vietnam.

Donors to support Vietnam US $2.4 billion

Donor countries and international development organisations have indicated
about US $2.4 billion for Vietnam's hunger eradication and poverty reduction
and development programme at the closing session of the Consultative Group
Meeting for Vietnam in Hanoi on December 15.

The donors also agreed to meet Vietnamese leaders next year to discuss the
five year plan of the Vietnamese government for the 2001-2005 period and to
set up a joint programme for the plan to provide donations to Vietnam.

During the two-day meeting, delegates expressed their support for the
Vietnam's programme to continue eradicating hunger and reducing poverty, speed
up economic reform and ensure the improvement of people's living standard in
the 21st century.

The donors focused their discussions on long-term strategic issues crucial to
Vietnam's future, which were mentioned in the Vietnamese government's report.

The delegates congratulated Vietnam's achievements in restoring the high
growth rate and supported reforms adopted by the Vietnamese government. They
also welcomed Vietnam's progress in building co-operative relations for the
benefit of the country.

Prominent among people attending the closing session were permanent Deputy
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Xuan
Gia, director of the World Bank in Vietnam, Andrew Steer, and representatives
from the Asia Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United
Nations Development Programme and concerned ministries and branches of

Vietnam, China meet on border issues

Assistant to the Foreign Minister and leader of the Vietnamese government
delegation to the negotiation of the Vietnam-China territorial borders, Le
Cong Phung, and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, met in Hanoi from December
At the friendly, frank and mutual understanding talks, the two discussed
concrete measures to fulfil the borderline demarcation with a view to the
signing of an agreement on the Tonkin Gulf demarcation within this year, as
agreed by their top leaders.

Vietnam and China have basically completed the substantial issues relating to
the border demarcation.

Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien warmly received Assistant to the Foreign
Minister of China Wang Yi on December 15. (VNA)

Vice president announces victory in polio fight

Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh announced that Vietnam had eliminated polio at
a ceremony held in Hanoi on December 15.
The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Phan Van Khai; Shigere Omi and San
Tae Han, Director and Honorary Director of the Western Pacific Region of the
World Health Organisation, WHO; Director of the Western Pacific Region of the

wwnews Digest #204 1/2

2000-12-16 Thread heikki sipilä

WW News Service Digest #204

 1) Economic bad news: Can nothing be done?
 2) Gov't vs. Mumia advocate: Clark Kissinger jailed
 3) Protesters defend WBAI against Pacifica management
 4) Day of Rage in West Bank, Gaza
 5) Taking credit for Yugoslav coup
 6) Cuba set to cut phone service to U.S.

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 21, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gary Wilson

It's hard to compete with the election news, but bad
economic news is starting to make some headlines.

The question is, what does it mean and can't something be
done about it?

The reports range from grim to grimmer. A study by UCLA's
Anderson Business Forecast says there is a 60 percent chance
of a sharp recession in 2001. The study says that the
downturn will sweep all sectors of the economy, including
the "seemingly untouchable" high-tech industries.

Another report goes even further. The current Esquire
magazine has a report titled "Nine Signs We're Already in a
Recession." According to's Paul Farrell,
the signs listed in Esquire are convincing; a recession has
already begun.

The Wall Street Journal had an in-depth report Dec. 4
titled: "Despite New-Economy Tools, Overcapacity May Loom."


Overcapacity is another way of saying overproduction, the
term used by Karl Marx to describe the source of capitalist
economic crises.

The Wall Street Journal report is very detailed in showing
that not only is there a looming crisis of overproduction,
but the old capitalist boom-bust cycle is rearing its ugly
head. In fact, it never went away, no matter what they said

"Vehicle factories from Detroit to Newark, Del., sit idle as
the industry struggles with bloated inventories," the
Journal reports. "On Friday the Big Three auto makers
reported their weakest sales so far this year. A broader
survey of purchasing managers released the same day shows
that U.S. manufacturers ranging from textile makers to paper
mills slowed their pace in November for the fourth
consecutive month."

The Journal says: "During past booms, business executives
tended to get carried away, building too many new stores and
factories even as demand for their goods softened. That
worsened the blow when the bust finally came and they were
forced to shutter their unused capacity.

"This time around was supposed to be different," the Journal

"New technologies, such as sophisticated software programs
that track sales, inventory and supply lines, were supposed
to give companies better, more timely information about
their markets. That was going to let them fine-tune
production to demand, and thus smooth out--or even eliminate-
-the old boom-bust cycles.

"Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, for one, has
repeatedly espoused this theory," the Journal continues.

"Yet new pockets of overcapacity emerge each passing week."

The Journal adds, "It sounds a bit hauntingly like Japan,
where corporate titans confidently expanded through the
1980s, proclaiming a new era of higher growth. When
financial and property markets collapsed and consumer demand
plunged in the early 1990s, companies were stuck with far
more capacity than needed, helping deepen an economic
quagmire from which Tokyo has yet to emerge."


A capitalist recession can have a devastating effect on the
working class. Factories and offices are closed; workers are
laid off. Homelessness and hunger spreads.

This is not something that anyone wants. So why does it
happen? Why can't the new high-tech methods prevent

The problem is built into the way capitalism works, so there
is no way to prevent it without putting an end to capitalism
and replacing it with socialism.

Here's what happens and why the problem is built into

As Marx noted, the unique feature to the capitalist economy
that makes it different from all previous economies--and the
future socialist economy--is that all commodities produced
for a capitalist economy are made to be sold for money.
Before capitalism, anything produced was made to meet a

The possibility of a capitalist crisis comes from the fact
that a commodity may fail to be sold.

Marx wrote: "A man who has produced does not have the choice
of selling or not selling. He must sell. In the crisis there
arises the very situation in which he cannot sell or can
only sell below the cost price or must even sell at a
positive loss." ("Theories of Surplus Value," Part 2, p.

Attempts to "plan" capitalist production in order to prevent
such a crisis from happening have all failed.

Planning isn't the problem. The new technologies certainly
make the 

wwnews Digest #204 2/2

2000-12-16 Thread heikki sipilä

Even the New York Times, no friend of the Palestinians,
noted this determined response. "As this long period of
violence produces a mounting toll of death, injury and
property damage," the Times wrote Dec. 10, "the Palestinian
population grows steadily angrier and the voices of
moderation get even quieter...A fresh wave of rage is
breaking on the shores of accumulated humiliation and

"Three years of progress [in the Palestinian economy] have
been wiped out in two months of conflict," said Terje Rod
Larsen, the UN special coordinator for the Middle East, who
presented the UN report in Gaza on Dec. 4.


Israeli restrictions on Palestinian goods and workers have
cost the Palestinians more than $500 million in lost wages
and sales since the new uprising, the Al-Aqsa Intifada,
began Sept. 28. Unemployment has tripled.

About 190,000 Palestinians have lost their jobs, and 760,500
dependents no longer have regular household incomes. Close
to half of the population live on $2 a day or less,
according to the UN.

Palestinian economic activity has been cut in half, with an
estimated $388 million drop in local economic output.

Israel is barely transferring tax payments to the
Palestinians from custom duties and other taxes on goods
bought and sold in Palestinian territories. These payments,
which usually average more than $50 million a month, meet
the entire Palestinian government payroll, including
doctors, teachers and police. In the past seven weeks the
transfers came to no more than $8 million.

Excluded from the UN's estimate of financial damage to the
Palestinian economy is the tens of millions of dollars in
damage to Palestinian "buildings, infrastructure and
vehicles, due mainly to the Israeli Army's use of heavy
weapons, including rockets, tank shells and high-caliber
automatic weapons," according to the report.

In the first six weeks of the Palestinian uprising Israeli
attacks resulted in the partial or total destruction of 431
private homes, 13 public buildings, 10 factories and 14
religious buildings, the UN said.


On Nov. 20, for example, Israeli missiles fired from
helicopters wrecked Gaza police stations, TV studios and
office suites. The Israeli Army bulldozed fields of
eucalyptus trees and fruit orchards. Barak called this "a
broad operation against Palestinian Authority infrastructure
in Gaza." (New York Times, Nov. 22) He visited Gaza the next
day to personally assess its results.

According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights,
Israeli bulldozers destroyed about 600 acres of agricultural
land in the Gaza Strip alone. But this Israeli "bomb and
destroy" campaign reaches beyond Gaza. When the West Bank
town of Beit Jala was bombed and strafed from U.S.-supplied
Cobra helicopters in mid-November, a factory was hardest

Israeli rockets have also targeted greenhouses, under the
guise that these plastic-covered wooden frames provide
shelter for Palestinian snipers. Olive groves have been
destroyed with the same excuse.

And Israeli settlers, acting as an unofficial arm of the
military, have been firing on Palestinians in the West Bank
trying to harvest their olive crops. (Wall Street Journal,
Nov. 7)

This year saw a bumper crop of olives after two years of
drought. Many Palestinians who survived by selling their
olives were in serious debt and dependent on this crop to
remain solvent. For other Palestinians, olives are a
subsistence crop, one of the few things to be relied upon in
lean times.

On Nov. 1, Israeli tanks fired more than a dozen rockets at
the Oasis Casino complex in Jericho, also hitting the new
Intercontinental Hotel there. Jericho, the crossroads
between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian territories, was
being developed as a tourist center. Two months ago, it had
2,500 visitors daily and its casino was thriving. Now this
has stopped.

Additionally, the Palestinian Health Ministry reports that
out of the 10,000 Palestinians injured by Israeli soldiers,
more than 900 sustained serious physical or neurological
injuries requiring long-term health care. Many Palestinians
feel that this maiming is deliberate, and meant to place
lifetime burdens on the families of those who will care for
the seriously wounded.


The Israeli Army uses the U.S.-made M-16 rifle, which has a
range of more than a mile. According to Palestinian doctors,
a major source of the maiming injuries is using these high-
velocity bullets at close range.

Washington not only supplies the weapons used to kill and
maim, U.S. aid of $10 million a day actually keeps the
Israeli state afloat. The U.S. views Israel as a battering
ram against the Arab revolution, securing Wall Street's grip
on Middle Eastern oil.

Even now, while sponsoring a new commission to "establish
peace" in the Middle East, Washington is far from an "honest
broker" in the region. While providing the weapons used to
pummel the 

Havana Radio news/views Dec 15. Terrorism

2000-12-16 Thread heikki sipilä

subject: Havana Radio news/view Dec 15. Internat'l Terrorism
 Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 15 December 2000









Havana, December 15 (RHC)--Cuba has characterized as a very important
step its membership in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group, ACP.

Cuban Minister without Porfolio, Ricardo Cabrisas explained that
the announcement in Brussels that the island had been accepted to
join the organization on Thursday, had not been a surprise due to the
fact that the Caribbean nations had been working together to have
Cuba accepted into the ACP group for a long time.

The Cuban official said that the changes made in the organization are
aimed so that the work and focus of the ACP group is not exclusively
limited to its relation with the European Union, but more towards a
North-South relationship.

Cabrisas recalled that Cuba is part of the Caribbean with the
region's nations maintaining good ties with Havana, the development
of which, said the Cuban Minister, is the island's priority. He
stressed that the Caribbean nations have reiterated their
condemnation of Washington's blockade against the island and defend
Cuba as part of the Caribbean family.

Ricardo Cabrisas pointed out that Cuba will also continue to
strengthen its ties with African and Pacific nations.

The Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group is made up of former
European colonies.


Havana, December 15 (RHC)-Agricultural specialists from the U.S.
state of North Carolina currently visiting the island, met with
members of Cuba's Chamber of Commerce and local members of the
Ministry of Tourism on Thursday in the western province of Matanzas
to explore trade possibilities.

The Cuban authorities offered first hand information on investment in
the island to the 25 tobacco, pork, poultry and sweet potatoes
producers from North Carolina.

State Senator Allen Wellons who heads the delegation praised the
excellent tourist conditions at the province's Varadero Beach Resort
where the group spent some time.


Havana, December 15 (RHC)-- Cuban and US students urged on Thursday
in Havana for the normalization of relations between their two

The participants of the Second Exchange Meeting between Cuban and
U.S. students discussed the U.S. blockade and referred to the issue
of the U.S. Naval base in eastern Guantanamo.

John Tredway, professor and director of an exchange project between
Cuban and U.S. students from Oregon, said that the group's objective
is to promote dialogue between the two countries leading to bilateral
peace and friendship.


Havana, December 15 (RHC)-- Cuba's Vice President Carlos Lage
announced on Friday that the island's economy will expand by 5.6
percent this year despite the hike in oil prices and the fall of
sugar prices on the international market.

Speaking before the Fifth Congress of the Association of Cuban
Economists, Lage explained that this has been a difficult and complex
year. He pointed out that despite the difficulties, the main economic
figures have not deteriorated. The island's industries are working
more efficiently, showing a marked decrease in energy consumption in
important sectors of the economy such as nickel.

Carlos Lage said that with the steady growth of the island's GDP
there is exists a general optimism in the country's development.


Havana, December 15 (RHC)--A book entitled "Alicia Alonso, Reality
and Myth" by writer Miguel Cabrera will be launched on December 26th
at the Melia Varadero Hotel, in Varadero Beach resort.

The book covers the artistic life of the General Director of Cuba's
National Ballet Company, Alicia Alonso.

The book will also includes excerpts of pieces dedicated to Cuba's
prima ballerina by some of the island's top writers such as Dulce
Maria Loynaz, Lezama Lima, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Marinello and
Nicolas Guillen.

At the time of the launching, Cuba's National Ballet Company will
announce the schedule of their performances in Varadero Beach resort.


Havana, 15 Dec (RHC)--The juries of the 22nd Festival of New Latin
American Cinema announced their category winners at a Press
conference this morning in Havana. The main awards are 

China. People´s Daily Dec 17

2000-12-16 Thread heikki sipilä

   Sunday, December 17, 2000, updated at 11:41(GMT+8)

   Chinese Province to Close Polluting Enterprises

   East China's Anhui Province will, on January 1, close
   enterprises that fail to reach the national effluent
   standards during an upcoming provincial inspection of
   industrial enterprises.

   "Reaching the national effluent standard is the
   lifeline for enterprises," Vice Governor of Anhui
   Huang Yuezhong said.

   According to Huang, by the end of this November, the
   total amount of industrial pollutants in Anhui was
   the same as that of 1995, and 6,110 of the 6,275
   industrial enterprises due to reach the effluent
   standard this year have so far achieved the goal.

   Huang also indicated that much remains to be done
   since there are still some enterprises lagging behind
   in curbing pollution.

   The inspection will be conducted on December 20-28.

   Sunday, December 17, 2000, updated at 10:39(GMT+8)

   Palestinian, Israeli Officials Meet on Reviving Peace

   Senior Israeli and Palestinian officials met late
   Saturday as part of the underway contacts between the
   two sides to revive the Palestinian-Israeli talks,
   Israel radio reported.

   The meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo
   Ben-Ami and caretaker Prime Minister Ehud Barak's
   senior advisor Gilad Sher on the one side, and chief
   Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat and chief of the
   Palestinian Preventive Security in Gaza Strip Col.
   Mohammad Dahlan on the other, was held at an
   undisclosed location in Israel.

   Ben-Ami met late Thursday night with Palestinian
   leader Yasser Arafat at the Erez checkpoint between
   Gaza and Israel and discussed ways of returning to
   the negotiating table.

   During their four-hour talks, Arafat hoped a final
   status agreement can be reached before U.S. President
   Bill Clinton leaves office in January next year.

   Also on Saturday, Erekat said that the Palestinian
   side wants to hold a summit with Israel and the
   United States to reach an accord on the final status
   of the Palestinian territories.

   Palestinian and Israeli officials have resumed
   contacts since last week which had stopped by the
   ongoing bloody clashes between Palestinian protesters
   and Israeli forces that broke out on September 28.

   Saturday, December 16, 2000, updated at 22:47(GMT+8)

   Government Solicits Public Opinion on Five-Year Plan

   The State Development Planning Commission (SDPC)
   Saturday, December 16, invited representatives from
   all walks of life across the country to voice their
   suggestions and advice on the drafting of the
   2001-2005 Five-Year Plan.

   Participants include academicians, entrepreneurs,
   professors, servicemen, farmers, and officials at
   grassroots levels, representing more than 4,000
   writers of suggestion letters, of whom the oldest is
   86 and the youngest only 10.

   The discussions focused on the manufacturing sector,
   diversified ownership, marine development strategy,
   people's lives, agriculture and the rural economy,
   scientific and technological innovations, the
   strategy to develop western China, and herbal

   SDPC Minister Zeng Peiyan and other officials
   attended the meeting. "Public involvement and
   transparency in the process of codifying the
   Five-Year plan is not only conducive to scientific
   and democratic decision-making, but also to the
   implementation of the plan," Zeng said.

   In October, the SDPC 

China. People´s Daily Dec 16

2000-12-16 Thread heikki sipilä


China Hopes Bush Extends Good Ties
China believes the US policy towards China previously followed by the two
major political parties will continue after George W. Bush assumes the

Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan made the comment Friday during a meeting with
former US Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger.

Tang said Sino-US relations are currently at an important juncture.

Developing relations with China is a common theme between Republicans and
Democrats in the US. Administrations of each party all adhere to the one
China policy, Tang was quoted as saying by a foreign ministry spokesman.

Tang said he highly values the progress achieved by the two states in the
development of bilateral relations in the past decade.

During the Republican administration of President Nixon, China and the US
opened the gate to developing relations and made a historic breakthrough in
bilateral relations, Tang said.

In addition, he said that during the Democrat administration of President
Carter, China and the US established diplomatic relations and in the later
administrations of presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton, Sino-US relations
have witnessed further development.

We believe that after Bush's election as president, the US bipartisan
China policy will continue, Tang said.

The foreign minister said it is important to maintain stability and develop
Sino-US relations.

We are looking forward to working with the new US Government to promote the
development in a sustained, sound and stable manner based on the three
China-US Joint Communiques, Tang said.

Stressing that the Taiwan question has always been the most important and
sensitive question in Sino-US relations, he said the US Government should
honor previous commitments.

It should support the peaceful reunification of China, which is of vital
importance to overall Sino-US relations and for stability in the Taiwan

Eagleberger said that the US shoulders, as does China, responsibility for
improving and developing bilateral relations.

Eagleberger said the US-China relationship is now the key and most
important of all its bilateral relations.

He said that he would make every effort to improve and develop Sino-US
relations.(China Daily)

Ministry Declares War on Gangsters
Cracking down on gangsterism will be a major task for the Ministry of
Public Security (MPS) in the next two years, said a high-profile official
from the ministry, showing the ministry's firm determination to eradicate
criminal gangs.

Jia Chunwang, minister of public security, made the statement at a
teleconference held last week in Beijing.

Together with the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's
Procuratorate and the Ministry of Justice, Jia's ministry has declared war
on criminal activities involving gangs.

The MPS hopes that such activities will be brought under control within the
two-year timeframe.

Cai Shaoqing, an expert on the history of gangsterism in China, from
Nanjing University, estimates that there are currently tens of thousands of
gang members in the country.

Such criminal activities severely endanger public security and constitute
a menace to peaceful life, the MPS says.

Gang members always employ atrocious means by which to tyrannize common
people and have become local dictators in some places.

Some gangs even collude with overseas counterparts, according to an
official with the MPS.

In some places, cases of government officials conspiring with criminal
gangs have also been reported.

Police sources also indicate that many criminal groups in Beijing involve
students aged between 14 and 16.

Most crimes committed by gangs are serious offenses such as robbery,
kidnapping, trafficking in narcotics and smuggling.

In September, the police in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality
shattered a gang which made a series of bank-robberies in Chongqing, Wuhan,
and Changsha.

The gangs are being charged with murdering 28 people and severely injuring
21 others in tens of cases since 1992. (China Daily)

West Municipality Stresses Pollution Control The mega city in southwest
China Chongqing has intensified its efforts to control pollution by
shutting down four industrial polluting sources on December 15 in the city.

The four polluting sources that were closed down were an old cement mill,
an asphalt refinery, a chemical pulp manufacturing workshop of a
copperplate paper mill and two old generator units of the Chongqing Power

Situated in the upper reach areas of the Yangtze River, China's largest,
Chongqing has long been famous for its long-term foggy weather all year

Foggy weather makes frequent appearances in the city due to huge daily
emissions of industrial soot and dust, which intermingle with rich vapor
rising from two rivers, the Yangtze and its tributary Jialing River
confluent at Chongqing.

In recent years, the city's government issued the Chongqing Environment
Protection Regulation, the Regulation 

Libya News and Views Dec 15

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

Friday, 15 December, 2000: Sixty-seven countries have signed up to the UN
convention against organized crime, signaling their agreement to crushing
cross-border criminality but two protocols, one of which outlaws human
trafficking, are proving a sticking point for many states. The 67 states,
including the European Union, signed the agreement in a gathering in Palermo,
Italy, over the past two days. During conference plenary sessions, Libya's
delegation denounced "more or less official crimes ... committed by certain
big powers", such as "the bombing of peaceful villages," and international
financial organizations which allegedly "starve people." [AFP]


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Striking Vorkuta miners ask for solidarity now!

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 06:21:06 EST
Subject: Striking Vorkuta miners ask for solidarity now!

from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ISWoR web-site  -

URGENT APPEAL! - 15 December 2000

Yesterday, mineworkers at Europe's largest mine "Worgaschorskaya" in the
Vorkuta region have gone on indefinite strike. The strike is organised by the
all-Russia trade union, Zaschita. The striking workers have occupied the
surface areas of the mine. As workers of other shifts arrive for work, they
are joining in the occupation.

The basic demands of the Zaschita strikers are simply payment of their wages
for October and November, as the winter weather bites deeper. The miners
declare they will fight to the end!

Zaschita appeals to the workers movement in Russia and the world over to
immediately send protest and solidarity messages, faxes, telegrams, e-mails.

007-82151-76675 (faxes for  both protest and solidarity letters)
 - Vorkuta, settlement mine(shaft) "Worgaschorskaya", administration (protest)
 - Vorkuta, settlement mine(shaft) "Worgaschorskaya", trade union «Zaschita»

007-82151-56104  -  The telephone of trade union "Zaschita" s.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

E-mail messages of solidarity to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be forwarded to the
Zaschita office. The Russia Info-List will get a detailed report as soon as
it is available.


puts out information and analysis from a wide range of sources.
ISWoR takes no responsibility for the accuracy of reports.
If you want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact:
Box R,  46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England



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Vietnam News Dec 15

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

Brass Ho Chi Minh statues presented

The Army’s Party Committee, the Defence Ministry held a presentation ceremony
of brass Ho Chi Minh statues to ministries, branches, sectors and
organisations at the central level in Hanoi on December 14.

Politburo member and director of the Vietnam People’s Army General Department
of Politics, Senior Lieutenant General Pham Thanh Ngan addressed the ceremony,
highlighting that on the 110th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh and
in line with the aspiration of officers and men of the Vietnam People’s Army,
the Army’s Party Committee, the Defence Ministry has cast brass Ho Chi Minh
statues to present them to ministries, sectors, branches and provinces
nationwide. This is a work of deep political and ideological significance, of
spiritual value and long lasting with time. This also expressed the
remembrance and deep gratitude of the entire Party and people to Uncle Ho.

PM praises Youth Union for its activities

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai praised the Youth Union Central Committee for
their effective organisation of activities this year, the Young People’s Year.

He affirmed that through these practical and useful activities, the Youth
Union’s movements have been developed with the higher number of the
outstanding Youth Union’s members admitted to the Party than the previous

Working with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee on the
result of the work in the Young People’s Year 2000 in Hanoi on December 14,
Prime Minister Khai asked the Youth Union Central Committee to map out more
suitable and effective measures of education and training, thus being able to
meet the demand of the new period. One of the most important task, he said,
was to educate revolutionary ideal, tradition and virtue for the youth, making
each young person always proud of the Vietnam Communist Party and the nation’s
glorious tradition. He added that the youth should also have a thorough grasp
and mastery of the scientific and technological advance. With these
conditions, the young people could shoulder the heavy responsibility to
successfully build socialism and fulfil the national industrialisation and
modernisation. The prime minister also asked the Youth Union to co-ordinate
with concerned agencies to resolutely push back social evils, especially drug
issues among young people, build a cultural life for young people,
contributing to creating a healthy social environment.

Mr Vu Trong Kim, first secretary of the Youth Union Central Committee informed
the prime minister about the deployment and implementation of the programmes
and targets set in the Young People’s Year for young people nationwide. These
programmes include young people’s volunteer movements to help the poor and the
mountainous and remote areas, their participation in the construction of Ho
Chi Minh Highway. Although, the movements have brought fruitful results in
many fields, many problems are still unresolved.

Consultative Group meeting for Vietnam opens

Deputy PM Nguyen Tan Dung addressing the meeting.

The Consultative Group (CG) for Vietnam opened its meeting in Hanoi on
December 14.
Participants at the two-day meeting include Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan
Dung, and representatives of the World Bank (WB), 41 bilateral and
multilateral donor organisations and nations, and many observers.

This year's CG Meeting is the eighth of its kind since Vietnam resumed its
relationship with the international donor community in 1993. It is an
opportunity for the donor community and the Vietnamese Government to assess
and exchange views on Vietnam's socio-economic development in the past year
and development plans for the coming time. Donors' policies and views will be
presented to the participants.

Discussions at the meeting will focus on an economic framework and an
institute for rapid and sustainable development in Vietnam until 2010,
development of human resources, infrastructure, rural and environmental
development, partnership relations in the coming decade, and official
development assistance (ODA) demands and commitments.

In recent years, ODA to Vietnam has risen each year despite a fall in ODA
around the world. In the last seven years, the world community has pledged ODA
worth US $15.4 billion. In the 1996-2000 period alone, Vietnam disbursed more
than US $6 billion to develop its socio-economic infrastructure and implement
its poverty alleviation and hunger elimination programme.

Addressing the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said that
Vietnam has devised a five-year plan (2001-2005) and a socio-economic
development strategy for the coming decade, and was determined to continue
accelerating economic renovation and realising national industrialisation and
modernisation in a bid to avoid being left behind in the regional and global
development process.

He asked the meeting to spend proper time discussing Vietnam's socio-economic
development strategy for the next 

Turkey. DHKC 133

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 16:21:03 +0200

Date: December 13, 2000  Statement: 133



On December 11, 2000, the Prime Minister of Turkey, ECEVIT, gave the
to attack. The MHP (Nationalist Movement Party - "Grey Wolves") were
used as
a strike force in these attacks. All governing parties took a share in
plan of attack. On the one side, Ecevit's government was giving the
impression to public opinion, both domestic and international, that they

were sensitive and wanted a solution, while on the other it gave the
to launch an assault. On December 11, Ecevit's real face was revealed.
Ecevit threatened everyone who supported the Death Fast resistance -
the press, everyone. He said, "While public opinion remains interested
this Death Fast resistance, it will not come to an end." The meaning of
is that "nobody should engage in democratic opposition and nobody should

react to anything, and no media organs should write or say anything
the Death Fast." This reality must not be expressed, and any massacre
torture can take place in complete silence. People could be put in the
Type prisons, be tortured there, have their minds destroyed and nobody
know about it. The press would have no power and they would be in the
of taking orders from the murderous authorities and engaging in
counter-propaganda in the interests of the system. The people would be
starved of information except for a series of lies concocted about the
Fast resisters.
But the reality was a death-bed. Those who were marching towards death
also speaking. No demagogy and lies can be more effective than this
towards death. The resisters exposed the real face of the authorities
their power. This state which places no value on people or the country
helpless, fearful and mendacious. It was trying to smear the Death Fast
resisters. The state was saying to the Death Fast resisters: "Don't pity

yourselves." But none of the Death Fast resisters listened to the
call. They have no beliefs and values to die for, unlike the Death Fast
resisters. The Death Fast resisters want nothing for themselves. They
want a democratic and independent country. They were not engaging in
demagogy and they were not telling lies. They never engaged in
blackmail. In
every statement on their deathbeds, they repeated, "WE WILL DIE BUT WE
NOT SURRENDER TO FASCISM." There is no other light, power or reality in
world than this. That is why Ecevit and the lies recorded by his fascist

partners in government lost credibility, not in days but even within
Those who are accustomed to telling lies and demagogy call what they do
"psychological warfare", and their litany of lies is endless. They
deceitfully called upon the Death Fast resisters' families, talking
endlessly of the value of life and humanitarianism and claiming they
defending the lives of the prisoners. Themselves stupid and illiterate,
tried to make other people the same. It was as though these prisoners'
families did not live in this country, as if the authorities had not
massacred thousands of people - old and young, men women and children -
without discrimination. They massacred, made people disappear, tortured,

detained and then again massacred those that they had put in prison.
was steeped in blood. The prisons in Turkey were filled to the brim with

revolutionaries. And now, these same people were appealing to the
and fathers of prisoners. Those making such calls, whether in government
opposition, have massacred and tortured us. They are murderers and
torturers, and everything is clearly visible. The families of the
knew very well that this was the naked reality. They couldn't bribe,
couldn't deceive any of the families. The attacks on the Death Fast
on December 12, taking a form just like those before the September 12,
coup, during the Nationalist Front government. Ecevit, together with the
fascists, to break the Death Fast resistance attacked the families and
relatives and other forces of the people supporting them. During this
attack, the police and the MHP organised in the ranks of the police were
real architect of the attacks. It was just like the Nationalist Front
when the fascists attacked the people together with the police. Together

they destroyed the buildings and offices of the parties which are on the

side of the people. These official and civilian fascist attacks went on
hours in full view of the world's media. And here the government had the

same role as in the Nationalist Front before September 12. Fascist
and massacres were not limited to this. Outside Turkey, in many European

countries there are actions to support the Death Fasters and hunger
are taking place in tents; the MHP fascists abroad 


2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä


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Colombia News 12/8 2/2

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

the Colombian government and a leading paramilitary force, the United
Colombian Self Defense Leagues (known by its Spanish acronym, AUC) which
the FARC has been fighting. The meeting was held ostensibly to gain
release of a group of congressmen kidnapped by paramilitary forces last
month. The FARC has claimed that in meeting with paramilitary leaders,
the Colombian government shows a lack of interest in curbing
paramilitary terrorism.

FARC spokesmen even accused the half-dozen congressmen reportedly
kidnapped last month by the AUC of having staged their own kidnappings
in order to facilitate the meeting between Interior Minister Humberto de
la Calle and AUC head Carlos Castano.

But the FARC also places blame on U.S. policy in the region and said its
decision to cut off peace negotiations was influenced by the U.S. Plan
Colombia. Though the U.S. calls that absurd, it's clear that the future
of the peace process will have a serious impact on the success or
failure of the counter-narcotics campaign .

Warring factions have not spared U.S. representatives from their
terrorizing activities, either. A bomb was found along the road last
week hours before U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., and U.S. Ambassador
Anne Patterson were to visit the notoriously violent town of
Barrancabermeja, in what officials called an apparent assassination

The peace freeze came as the U.S. also announced it was delaying the
implementation of the Plan Colombia until January and a high level State
Department delegation visited Bogota to finalize points in the plan.

Originally the plan was expected to start early this month.
Undersecretary of Defense Brian Sheridan in Bogota said U.S.  and
Colombian authorities had agreed to postpone the plan until January,
when 33 of 60 helicopters included in the $1.3 billion aid package
approved by Congress will arrive in Colombia and will be available for
the Colombian armed forces.

Fierce fighting between guerrillas and paramilitaries has raged
throughout the last two months in Putumayo, where most of Plan Colombia
will be concentrated. Hundreds of residents have fled for Ecuador, since
all roads to central Colombia are dangerous and controlled by one side
or the other. Some who haven't left remained trapped by the rebels or
the paramilitaries.

Putumayo was selected as the primary site of Plan Colombia because an
estimated 216 square miles are planted with high-yield coca plantations,
and over half of the entire Colombian coca production is harvested in
this province.  About 300,000 people are employed in jobs related to
cocaine production.

"Putumayo is the FARC's Wall Street," said a foreign diplomat.  "This is
not an area of small plantations, but of heavy cultivation."

The area has practically been a war zone since Sept. 21, when
paramilitaries took over important coca producing towns, killing those
citizens they knew were guerrilla collaborators. In La Dorada, a key
drug-producing town, the paramilitaries had killed up to 40 people
suspected of leftist sympathies as of late October. U.S. and Colombian
officials say the drug traffickers who depend on the crops produced in
Putumayo had grown unhappy with the guerrillas and their control over
the coca production prices. "The narcos brought the paramilitary because
they didn't like the FARC controlling the market," said a U.S.
government official.

The area's residents have been living at the mercy of the warring
parties. The government has airlifted supplies, but the needs are still
greater. It took 56 days after the guerrillas took over Pasto Mocoa
highway for the Colombian army to reopen it. The road, an important one
that connects Putumayo with the rest of the country, was littered with
abandoned vehicles left after combat had stopped their owners on their
routes. Even after the army asked for the vehicle owners to return, the
cars remained.

Plan Colombia is expected to unleash the biggest military offensive to
date in Southern Colombia. Fumigation planes protected by helicopters
will spray bountiful coca plantations in the region, which is controlled
by the FARC. Colombian mobile military units, trained by the U.S., will
push into the territory and try to clean the area.

But how well the Colombian military will fare is not known. They have
faced several military setbacks recently. The guerrilla ambush that left
53 soldiers dead and one destroyed Black Hawk helicopter last month has
left foreign diplomats and Colombian military experts wondering what
they can expect in the next few months, when the war is expected to get
worse. "Putumayo is going to be one of the toughest areas militarily,"
according to Alfredo Rangel, a respected military analyst who advises
the Colombian armed forces.

"When the army goes into that area to fight the FARC and end the coca
plantations it will ignite the conflict beyond anything we have seen,"
he added.

Looming in the background of the decision to freeze negotiations are
reports that all 

Colombia News 12/8 2/2

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

the Colombian government and a leading paramilitary force, the United
Colombian Self Defense Leagues (known by its Spanish acronym, AUC) which
the FARC has been fighting. The meeting was held ostensibly to gain
release of a group of congressmen kidnapped by paramilitary forces last
month. The FARC has claimed that in meeting with paramilitary leaders,
the Colombian government shows a lack of interest in curbing
paramilitary terrorism.

FARC spokesmen even accused the half-dozen congressmen reportedly
kidnapped last month by the AUC of having staged their own kidnappings
in order to facilitate the meeting between Interior Minister Humberto de
la Calle and AUC head Carlos Castano.

But the FARC also places blame on U.S. policy in the region and said its
decision to cut off peace negotiations was influenced by the U.S. Plan
Colombia. Though the U.S. calls that absurd, it's clear that the future
of the peace process will have a serious impact on the success or
failure of the counter-narcotics campaign .

Warring factions have not spared U.S. representatives from their
terrorizing activities, either. A bomb was found along the road last
week hours before U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., and U.S. Ambassador
Anne Patterson were to visit the notoriously violent town of
Barrancabermeja, in what officials called an apparent assassination

The peace freeze came as the U.S. also announced it was delaying the
implementation of the Plan Colombia until January and a high level State
Department delegation visited Bogota to finalize points in the plan.

Originally the plan was expected to start early this month.
Undersecretary of Defense Brian Sheridan in Bogota said U.S.  and
Colombian authorities had agreed to postpone the plan until January,
when 33 of 60 helicopters included in the $1.3 billion aid package
approved by Congress will arrive in Colombia and will be available for
the Colombian armed forces.

Fierce fighting between guerrillas and paramilitaries has raged
throughout the last two months in Putumayo, where most of Plan Colombia
will be concentrated. Hundreds of residents have fled for Ecuador, since
all roads to central Colombia are dangerous and controlled by one side
or the other. Some who haven't left remained trapped by the rebels or
the paramilitaries.

Putumayo was selected as the primary site of Plan Colombia because an
estimated 216 square miles are planted with high-yield coca plantations,
and over half of the entire Colombian coca production is harvested in
this province.  About 300,000 people are employed in jobs related to
cocaine production.

"Putumayo is the FARC's Wall Street," said a foreign diplomat.  "This is
not an area of small plantations, but of heavy cultivation."

The area has practically been a war zone since Sept. 21, when
paramilitaries took over important coca producing towns, killing those
citizens they knew were guerrilla collaborators. In La Dorada, a key
drug-producing town, the paramilitaries had killed up to 40 people
suspected of leftist sympathies as of late October. U.S. and Colombian
officials say the drug traffickers who depend on the crops produced in
Putumayo had grown unhappy with the guerrillas and their control over
the coca production prices. "The narcos brought the paramilitary because
they didn't like the FARC controlling the market," said a U.S.
government official.

The area's residents have been living at the mercy of the warring
parties. The government has airlifted supplies, but the needs are still
greater. It took 56 days after the guerrillas took over Pasto Mocoa
highway for the Colombian army to reopen it. The road, an important one
that connects Putumayo with the rest of the country, was littered with
abandoned vehicles left after combat had stopped their owners on their
routes. Even after the army asked for the vehicle owners to return, the
cars remained.

Plan Colombia is expected to unleash the biggest military offensive to
date in Southern Colombia. Fumigation planes protected by helicopters
will spray bountiful coca plantations in the region, which is controlled
by the FARC. Colombian mobile military units, trained by the U.S., will
push into the territory and try to clean the area.

But how well the Colombian military will fare is not known. They have
faced several military setbacks recently. The guerrilla ambush that left
53 soldiers dead and one destroyed Black Hawk helicopter last month has
left foreign diplomats and Colombian military experts wondering what
they can expect in the next few months, when the war is expected to get
worse. "Putumayo is going to be one of the toughest areas militarily,"
according to Alfredo Rangel, a respected military analyst who advises
the Colombian armed forces.

"When the army goes into that area to fight the FARC and end the coca
plantations it will ignite the conflict beyond anything we have seen,"
he added.

Looming in the background of the decision to freeze negotiations are
reports that all 

Havana Radio news/views Dec 13-14. US 'democracy'

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

From: John Clancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Havana Radio news/views Dec 13-14. US 'democracy'

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
  Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 13 December 2000







*Viewpoint: DEMOCRACY ... US STYLE


Havana, December 13 (RHC)--Cuba has been placed among the 23
countries in the world with the highest life expectancy of 76 years,
according to Cuba's Health Minister Carlos Dotres. The Cuban Health
official made the statements during the inauguration of the first
national conference of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.

With the participation of some 300 delegates from nine countries,
Dotres offered a master conference that outlined the universal
character of the free and accessible Cuban public health care system.

The Cuban Health Minister also added that the island was placed among
the first 19 nations in the world with the lowest infant mortality
rate despite Washington's almost 40-year old economic blockade
against the island. Dr. Leonardo Perez, representative of the
International Health Promotion and Education Association, said that
the conference included exchanges of experience and knowledge between
doctors, nurses, technicians, teachers, journalists and other

Other participants to the event include the President of the
Federation of Cuban Women, the coordinator of the Committees for the
Defense of the Revolution, and Dr. Gabriel Montalvan, representative
of the World Health Organization in Cuba, among other important


Havana, December 13 (RHC)-- The president of the Russian
Federation, Vladimir Putin, is due to arrive in the Cuban capital
late Wednesday night, leading a delegation of more than 80 business
representatives. The Russian leader is visiting Cuba at the
invitation of his Cuban counterpart, President Fidel Castro.

Earlier this week, during an interview in Moscow, Vladimir Putin
stated that his country's relations with Havana are excellent and
will be even better with this visit to the island. The Russian
president added that he always thought the deterioration of relations
some ten years ago between Russia and Cuba was a mistake and called
for a renewal of those traditional relations. And the Russian leader
called for an immediate end to the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba.
Putin stated that Washington's blockade cannot be rationalized from
any point of view -- emphasising that U.S. sanctions are illegal
according to international law.

The Russian president told reporters in Moscow that Cuba is his
country's principle trading partner in Latin America and that he has
intentions of reenforcing those ties during his visit to Havana.


Havana, December 13 (RHC)-- Cuba will continue to denounce
terrorism practiced by the United States against the island. During a
speech at the United Nations on Tuesday, Cuba's Ambassador to the
world body, Bruno Rodriguez, called on all member-nations to fight
against terrorism -- specifically pointing to U.S.-sponsored
terrorist activities against the island.

The UN ambassador spoke in favor of a resolution against all forms
of terrorism. Cuba voted in favor of the resolution, which was passed
by an overwhelming majority. Bruno Rodriguez put the issue of
terrorism in its proper context -- condemning the terrorist
activities of Luis Posada Carriles and noting that he had received
training and assistance from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

Following the Cuban ambassador's comments, the U.S. delegation asked
for the floor and said that Cuba was out of order. The U.S.
representative, Robert B. Rosenstock, claimed that the Cuban
ambassador was falsely accusing Washington of sponsoring terrorism.
He said that Washington was tired of hearing what he called "the same
old diatribes" from Cuba.

UN Ambassador Bruno Rodriguez responded with a heated response,
listing -- with facts and specific dates -- exactly when Luis Posada
Carriles and his terrorist accomplices were in the United States and
received aid and assistance from numerous U.S. administrations.
Rodriguez said that Posada Carriles had received direct support from
the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations.

The United Nations moderator of the discussion interceded after
the ten-minute limit expired, asking that Cuba's ambassador wrap up
his speech. Bruno Rodriguez 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 15

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.15.2000 Juche 89)


   * Remark of director general of Japan Defence Agency

   * South side's delegation feted

   * Photo exhibition and film show held

   * Review of six months after adoption of June 15 inter-Korean joint

   * Concert wins acclaim

   * DPRK praised by British political figure

   * Improper attitude of U.S. denounced

   * U.S. anti-personnel mines massively laid

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * balance de 6 meses posteriores a la publicacion de la declaracion
 conjunta norte-sur

   * acto conjunto de participantes en gran simposio de obreros de norte y
 sur de corea

Remark of director general of Japan Defence Agency

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Director general of the Japan Defence
Agency Saito at a press
interview underscored the "need to increase Japan's military capability,"
asserting that "North Korea is
maintaining and strengthening its military muscle."
In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary observes:
Saito's utterance reflects evil practices of the Japanese reactionaries
to justify their wrongdoings by
faulting others.
It is the Japanese reactionaries who justify their militarist moves by
hurling mud at others, the
commentary notes, and goes on:
Their call for "increased military capability" under the pretext of
"threat from North Korea" is just like a
thief crying "stop the thief."
The threat of war and destruction is coming not from the DPRK but from
Japan to the Korean peninsula.
The enactment of the law related to a war which restores the right of
belligerency and the right to
participate in a war, expansion of armaments, deployment of "Self-Defence
Forces" in the western area and
frequent military exercises staged under the simulated conditions of an
"emergency on the Korean peninsula"
and so on clearly indicate what Japan seeks in its moves.
What the Japanese reactionaries are now doing only adds to the crimes
committed in the past.
The Korean people will bear this in mind and surely force them to pay
for them.

South side's delegation feted

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Senior councilor of the DPRK cabinet
Jon Kum Jin, head of the
north side's delegation to the north-south ministerial talks, hosted a
reception at Pyongyang Koryo Hotel
yesterday for the south side's delegation to the fourth round of the talks.
Invited to the reception were members of the south side's delegation
headed by Unification Minister Pak
Jae Gyu.
Present there were Jang Jae On, chairman of the central committee of
the DPRK Red Cross Society,
Song Sok Hwan, vice-Minister of Culture, Kim Jong Ung, vice-Minister of
Public Health, Choe Yun Sik,
vice-chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, officials concerned
and members of the north
side's delegation.
Speeches were made at the reception.

Photo exhibition and film show held

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Trade
arranged a photo exhibition
and film show on December 14 to mark the 9th anniversary of the great
leader Kim Jong Il's election as
Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the 83rd birth
anniversary of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
Invited there were economic and trade officials of various embassies in
The participants looked round photos showing the energetic external
activities conducted by Kim Jong Il
to bring about a turning phase of the struggle for the country's
reunification and the final victory of the
Korean revolution.
Also on display were photos on the Korean people's proud achievements
made in the efforts to glorify
the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea as a grand festival of
The participants watched a documentary film on the on-site guidance
given by Kim Jong Il to
revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu.

Review of six months after adoption of June 15 inter-Korean joint

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Six months after the historic
Pyongyang meeting and the
publication of the north-south joint declaration evidently show who, in
Korea, truly hopes for reconciliation,
unity, peace and reunification and has been faithful to the joint
declaration and who has been seeking to bring
the inter-Korean relations back to confrontation, going against the
This is stressed in an article titled "Nothing can stop nation's
advance towards 21st century, century of
independence and reunification" published six months after the adoption of
the declaration.
The article says:
In the past six months the North Korea has made all its possible
efforts with sincerity to smoothly
implement the agreed points clarified in the inter-Korean joint
declaration. But, some political quarters of the
south have engaged themselves in the moves to put the brake on its
Citing facts to fully disclose such 

wwnews Digest #203 1/3

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

WW News Service Digest #203

 1) Election Battle Exposes Fraudulent System
 2) Oklahoma's Death-Row Double Standard
 3) Turkish Repression Made in USA
 4) Racist Attack on Voting Rights Looms Large
 5) Solidarity Delegation Meets with FARC L:eader
 6) Thousands March in NYC for Mumia  Peltier

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 21, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

The accidental deadlock between George W. Bush and Al Gore
has brought to the surface the ugly underside of capitalist
election politics. It should be a good beginning lesson to
the masses of people about how fraudulent the whole process

To begin with, Bush lost the popular vote by 300,000 and won
the presidency.

Second, he won the vote in Florida, and perhaps elsewhere,
by a racist Republican conspiracy to exclude thousands and
thousands of votes by African Americans. This conspiracy
also affected Jewish voters and other poor and working-class
voters who lived in heavily Black districts in Florida.

Third, he won by the timely intervention of a one-vote
reactionary majority of a reactionary institution, the U.S.
Supreme Court.

Fourth, the saintly high court, which is supposed to be
above getting involved in partisan capitalist politics, was
rolling around in the political mud fighting a tooth-and-
nail partisan battle.

Fifth, the people just found out that state legislatures
have the power to override any popular vote by simply
choosing their own electors to the Electoral College.


These are only some of the more glaring surface problems
that appeared. While various pundits were describing the
struggle as a battle over great legal principles or precepts
of democracy, the real character of the struggle was
described by Business Week in its Dec. 11 issue.

"Let's be honest here," wrote this mouthpiece of big
business. "The dispute over whether George W. Bush or Al
Gore won Florida, and thus the presidency, is not about
great Constitutional issues. It's not about federalism, or
the separation of powers between the courts and the
legislatures, or even a correct reading of the Florida
Election code. At this late state of the game, it's about
just one thing: who can best manipulate the levers of power
to win...And once again, wrapped up in this naked power
struggle is the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Gore is at a great disadvantage in this," continued
Business Week. "He has the support of some local election
officials and a few Florida judges. But Bush has hooks
everywhere. He has Florida Secretary of State Katherine
Harris, who certified his election two weeks ago and who
just happened to be his state campaign co-chairman. He has
his brother, the governor of Florida, to certify a slate of
Bush electors... He has both houses of the Florida
legislature and the U.S. House of Representatives...And, it
seems, he has five justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, all
of whom were either appointed by his daddy or by Ronald
Reagan, his daddy's old boss."

So much for all the legal niceties. Justice Antonin Scalia
and his grouping stopped the recount ordered by the Florida
Supreme Court on the grounds of "irreparable harm" to Bush.
Losing the vote by counting is "irreparable harm" to be
sure. But then again elections do involve counting votes and
winners and losers.

Both sides of the court agonized over "equal protection
under the law" and "due process" without ever bringing up
the publicly known and thoroughly documented massive
disqualification of voters in African American precincts.
This has been a non-subject in the court proceedings, in the
campaigns of both Bush and Gore and in the mainstream
capitalist media.


The Gore forces rallied under the slogans "count every vote"
and "every vote should count." But they steadfastly refused
to challenge the disenfranchisement of voters in majority
Black districts, whose ballots were rejected at a rate of
one in five, compared to voters in majority white districts
whose ballots were rejected at a rate of one in 14. This is
prima facie evidence of discrimination on a massive scale.

To the Gore forces, as part of the ruling-class
establishment, the prospect of opening up a struggle against
racism was worse than the prospect of losing the election.

It is pure hypocrisy for the Bush forces to talk about
"equal protection under the law" when this racist governor
of Texas has sent people to death whose lawyers slept
through their trials; who executed Shaka Sankofa (Gary
Graham), whose innocence was virtually proven on television
and in the print media; and whose brother outlawed
affirmative action in Florida.

Nor did Clinton and Gore care much 

Vietnam News Dec 14

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

Party chief underscores unity and democracy

Vietnam Communist Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu has stressed the
importance of ensuring solidarity, unity and democracy within the Party,
saying the nation would be stronger only if each Party cell was united and

Mr Phieu was speaking with senior officials as part of a working visit to
mid-land Vinh Phuc province on December 13.

Underscoring democratic centralism, criticism and self-criticism, Mr Phieu
said that the Communist Party's goal was to struggle and work for the interest
of the people and the nation. All Party members should have a single ideal and
work for a common goal, putting aside individualism and partialism, he said.

Praising Vinh Phuc province for having achieved significant economic growth,
Mr Phieu called for more concerted efforts from the province's Party officials
to make it a more wealthy and prosperous. Vinh Phuc is now preparing to hold
its provincial Party congress. (VNA)

Government plans to tighten ODA management

The government had devised a plan to revise its regulations for the management
and use of Official Development Assistance, ODA, to meet donors' requests and
conform to Vietnam's regulations governing investment and construction,
Investment and Planning Minister Tran Xuan Gia has told the Dau Tu
(Investment,) newspaper.

Interviewed by the newspaper as a prelude to a donors' consultative group
meeting to be held in Hanoi on December 14 and 15, the minister emphasized
that the meeting would be of special importance because it would review
Vietnam's achievements in a decade of renovation and its management and use of
ODA since 1993.

Mr Gia said the participants planned to take a more longer-term view than
usual and focus on Vietnam's strategy for the coming decade, while discussing
the country's needs and guidelines for ODA in the next five years.

The government and donors had signed ODA agreements worth about US $12.4
billion or 82% of the total package pledged by donors in 1993-99, in a bid to
effectively use the aid by the end of last October.

Mr Gia said about US $1.68 billion of ODA had been disbursed so far this year,
but greater efforts must be made to quicken disbursement and remove such
impediments as re-settlement and ground levelling. The amount of pledged ODA
rose from US $1.81 billion in 1993 to US $2.1 billion, excluding US $0.7
billion in support of economic reforms, this year.

Completed ODA projects had helped develop socio-economic infrastructure and
accelerate poverty alleviation and hunger elimination programmes.

In addition, the government had used ODA to boost agricultural and rural
development as well as expand medical and educational services, transport and

About 25% of ODA was used to develop the electricity sector. (VNA)

Vietnam, China friendship associations boost co-operation

The friendship associations of Vietnam and China have pledged to strengthen
their co-operation so as to help develop comprehensive relations between the
two countries.
Acting President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations, Nguyen Xuan
Hong, and Deputy Chairman of the China Association for International Friendly
Contacts, Zhu Liang, have just discussed co-operation between the two

Zhu Liang led a working delegation to Vietnam from December 5-10. The
delegates were received by member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central
Committee (CPVCC) and Director of the CPVCC's Commission for External
Relations, Nguyen Van Son.

They also had working sessions with officials of the CPVCC's Commission for
Culture and Ideology, friendship associations and officials of Ho Chi Minh
City and northern Quang Ninh province. (VNA)

Dong Thap provides VND 32 billion for flood relief

The southern province of Dong Thap has spent VND 32 billion drawn from its
budget to overcome the flood consequences.

To date, 17,000 households, which had to evacuate in the flood, have returned
to their homes. People have step-by-step stabilised their lives and restored
production. Units in the province have helped rebuild about 250 collapsed
houses. As for people killed by the flood, the province has supported the
family with one dead person with VND 2 million as stipulated by the

Tidal waves pull down houses in Quang Ngai

Tidal waves encroached over 100 metres deep in the land and pulled down 11
houses in Pho Thach commune, Quang Ngai province on December 12.

The tropical depression was responsible for the tidal waves.

The local administration asked the relevant sectors to provide emergency
relief aid in a bid to help these affected households buy food and arrange
temporary houses for them.


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wwnews Digest #203 3/3

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

smaller than Vermont and New Hampshire combined. Colombia
itself is roughly the size of Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma

The meetings took place in a FARC encampment some distance
from San Vicente del Caguan. A FARC official known as Lucas
picked up the visitors and drove them to the camp. He had
formerly worked as an accountant in one of Colombia's large

Lucas said that in the mid-1980s he had run for public
office as a member of the Patriotic Union party. Somehow he
managed to survive three right-wing assassination attempts.
Rather than die a useless death, he decided to join the
revolutionary army and fight for social change. The most
painful thing was not being able to see his children grow

Lucas is also a singer-songwriter. During a cultural
activity in the evening, he sang a number of songs in a
startlingly clear and appealing voice. His songs, both
romantic and political, were interrupted at 7 p.m. The
assembled young soldiers turned on the television news, as
they do daily. They laughed at the predictable references to
themselves as "drug traffickers."

During the day, the visitors had seen yucca and plantain
cultivations and chicken coops and pigpens, of which the
soldiers were extremely proud. "This is what they refer to
as our 'drug crops' on the news," a guide told the group
with amusement.


What led the government to recognize the demilitarized zone?

On many occasions during the decades-long conflict, rebel
groups have called for a negotiated settlement or a
political opening to allow them to participate in a peaceful
political process.

The government response until recently had been either a
flat rejection, treachery, or a military ambush followed by
annihilation of revolutionaries who were branded as "armed

The most extreme example of this phenomenon came during the
mid-1980s, when a broad coalition of groups representing the
rural and urban working classes of Colombia formed a legal
opposition party to contest local and national elections.
The need for this kind of representation was so great that
within months, the Patriotic Union was on its way to
election victories at every level, from city council posts
to the national presidency.

However, within a few years, over 4,000 leaders of this
group were assassinated. They ranged from small-town mayors,
trade-union leaders and rural community leaders to senators
and presidential candidates. This left no opening for
political opposition other than the path of armed struggle.
Colombia had become a democracy of assassins.

With all other options for political representation closed,
many Colombians and leaders of popular organizations turned
to the FARC as a realistic alternative. As support for the
revolutionary movement has grown, the government of Colombia
was finally forced to agree to the FARC's demands for peace
talks aimed at a political solution.


Part of the FARC's approach to the peace talks has been to
set up regularly scheduled hearings where people from all
over the country can present issues they want FARC
negotiators to raise on their behalf in talks with the
government. This includes everything from money for building
the local infrastructure in San Vicente to a halt to
compliance with International Monetary Fund demands for
privatizing the administration of health care and social

A major concern raised at these hearings has been the danger
of spraying Fusarium Oxysporum. This is a fungus the
Pentagon has already been using in Colombia, supposedly
aimed at wiping out coca plant cultivation. Plan Colombia
intends to implement the spraying of this fungus on a
massive scale.

Environmental scientists who spoke with the delegation
stated that the consequences of such a campaign could be
devastating and far-reaching.

The department of Putumayo and other areas where initial
massive sprayings are anticipated are Amazon Basin
watersheds. They said it is impossible to predict the
results of the widespread introduction of an alien fungus
into one of the planet's most biologically diverse


San Vicente del Caguan is a town of approximately 30,000
people. Their main source of work is the many cattle ranches
in the area.

During the period of demilitarization, a number of dramatic
changes have occurred. Residents said that prior to the
demilitarization, between nine and 15 homicides took place
in the town per week. Some said they were mostly due to
barroom fights and personal disputes. Others said that many
of the deaths were at the hands of right-wing paramilitary
squads who killed people suspected of sympathizing with the
revolutionary cause.

After the zone was cleared of government troops,
paramilitary squads and police, the homicide rate dropped to
zero. Residents attributed this turnaround to a new climate
of optimism and confidence.

The visitors arrived in San Vicente on a Tuesday 

U.S. war crimes in Korea: Call for people's investigation grows

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

To: "International" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 19:34:46 -0500


People's Investigation of U.S. War Crimes Against Korea Grows

International Grass Roots Groups Organize for June 23rd NYC War
Crimes Tribunal


Since September of 1999, evidence of 160 instances of US led
military attacks on Korean non-combatants during the Korean war
have surfaced. Hundreds of thousands of children, women, and aged
people are believed to have been massacred as a result of orders
from U.S. military brass.  Because of the right wing atmosphere
whipped up during the McCarthy era, an anti-war response in the
United States never came about, and these horrific crimes never
reached the U.S mass media. Consequently, Washington and their
long series of south Korean client regimes have been able to suppress
the Korean people’s cry for justice.

On June 23rd, 2001 south Korean activists (including some who are
survivors of such attacks), and Koreans from Japan, the United
States and other Korean communities around the world, will meet in
New York City to take part in a war crimes tribunal. The tribunal will
be the culmination of a people’s investigation of the role of the US led
military during the war. The investigation has included a series of trips
to south Korea during which activists visited massacre sites,
interviewed survivors, and saw evidence that refuted the U.S.
contention that the numbers of those Korean civilians killed by US led
troops during the war have been exaggerated, and that any killings
were the result of panic or poor training of troops.  They also
attended demonstrations against the continued division of Korea and
against the continued presence of 37,000 U.S. troops.

They will be joined by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark
and other progressive and anti war activists. Representatives from the
15 other countries that participated in the war will also be present.
They will put the Washington DC war-makers on trial for their crimes
against the Korean people.

TO ENDORSE THE CALL for the June 23rd War Crimes Tribunal e-
mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and type Korea War Crimes
Tribunal in the subject line.


In September of 1999, the associated press began publishing a series
of articles that were the results of a long investigation of an incident
that took place at the south Korean village of NoGun-ri in July of
1950. Hundreds of villagers were pinned beneath a bridge for 3 days
as US military forces strafed them from aircraft, raked them with
machine gun fire, and fired mortars at them. It is believed that some
400 villagers were massacred. This My Lai-like episode was only the
most prominent among many that were brought out by the AP in the
ensuing months. There is evidence that the mass executions of
perhaps 100,000 prisoners by the south Korean regime was done with
the complicity of their sponsors in Washington DC.  What emerged in
the AP series and from other sources was not “mistakes by panic
stricken troops” as the current US investigation of NoGun-ri implies –
but rather a systematic campaign of extermination that targeted the
broad and progressive Korean resistance movement. This movement
was fighting against the U.S. imposed division of their 5,000 year old
culture, and against being colonized by the United States after they
had fought so long and hard to be free of Japanese imperialism. Like
the Palestinian Intifada, and like the people’s movement of Colombia
today, the Korean people wanted self-determination.

The International Action Center, and the Korea Truth Commission to
Investigate U.S. War Crimes have jointly called for this important war
crimes tribunal in order to expose the true nature of the U.S. war
against Korea. This call for action is not for the sake of posterity –
but to strengthen the worldwide struggle for self-determination today.
What happened in Korea is scarcely different than the U.S. bombing
of a pharmaceutical factory in August of 1998 in Sudan, or the
carnage at the Highway of Death during the U.S. war against Iraq in

Only a people’s campaign in solidarity with the Korean fight for self-
determination and justice can end the continued U.S. presence and
domination of northeast Asia. We hope that your organization can
endorse this very important organizing effort and can join with us on
June 23rd in New York City.

TO ENDORSE THE CALL for the June 23rd War Crimes Tribunal e-
mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and type Korea War Crimes
Tribunal in the subject line.

Or fill out the following form:
___ Yes, add my name/my organization's name to the endorsers' list
for June 23rd.
Name: __
Name of organization: ___ (* if for
identification purposes only)

 Yes, I can contribute to help this mobilization (suggested
donation for endorsing organizations: $100, $50, or $25 depending 

Fascism and Police working together in Turkey

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" Fascism and Police working together in Turkey


Police clamp down on prisoners in Ankara

ANKARA, Dec 12: At least five people were injured and 66 were detained on
Tuesday when Turkish riot police violently clamped down on two rival
groups of protesters demonstrating here over controversial prison
reforms, the Anatolia news agency reported.

Our coment: all people arrested are non-fascist

Violence erupted when police refused to allow some 300 protestors to
march from Kizilay square in downtown Ankara to the nearby justice
ministry to protest planned prison reform, which has prompted a
nationwide hunger strike in the country's troubled jails.

When the group, mainly prisoners' relatives, refused to disperse,
truncheon-wielding police officers moved in on the protestors and used
water cannons and tear gas to end the protest, Anatolia said.

Footage broadcast on the all-news NTV channel showed riot police hitting
and kicking protestors, including women, who had fallen down during the

Two journalists, two police officers and an unspecified number of
protestors were injured during the clashes, Anatolia added.

Meanwhile, a second group of protestors, making the signs of the infamous
extreme-right "Grey Wolves" youth movement and chanting slogans in favour
of the prison reform, attacked the anti-reform protestors, who

The two groups threw stones and attacked each other with metal bars for
two hours, after which riot police, helped by dogs, moved in to separate
them, the agency said.

The windows of some shops, public buildings and cars were also smashed
during the fighting, while some shopkeepers opted to close their business
for the day, Anatolia said.

NTV said that officers once again resorted to water cannons and even
fired shots into the air to restore calm.

Once police had arrived, the anti-reform protestors took refuge in the
buildings of two minor left-wing parties, whose windows were stoned by
the other group.

Police later searched the party buildings and detained 66 people, the
report said.

Tension over the government's much-disputed prison reform has been
increasing since more than 200 prisoners went on a hunger strike 54 days
ago to protest the plans.

The plan involves the opening of new jails with cells for up to three
people, replacing the existing large dormitories that sleep up to 60

The prisoners fear that being split up will socially and physically
isolate them and may lead to maltreatment and torture.

Source:  AFP

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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Turkey. Mainstream Bullshit

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä


A leading Turkish news agency says that some left-wing prisoners
have given up their hunger strike against prison reform.

Under a government directive they must be taken to hospital for

Members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party PKK, who are among
two-hundred-and-fifty prisoners refusing food, gave up their
hunger strike as many became dangerously ill.

The leftist prisoners have been refusing food -- some for nearly
fifty days -- over government plans to move them from open
wards to small cells. On Tuesday about two-thousand police
marched through Istanbul to demand better protection against
guerrilla attacks.

The protest followed a machine-gun attack on a police bus on
Monday night, in which two policemen were killed and several others

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

our comment: PKK is not involved in this  hungerstrike

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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Korean Central News Agency Dec 14

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.14.2000 Juche 89)


   * 1st day sitting of 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

   * Greetings to Macedonian Foreign Minister

   * Joint soiree of north-south workers held

   * "International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Guinean minister

   * Japan's call for "regional cooperation" dismissed as deceptive trick

   * Probe into death of S. Korean woman called for

   * Guinean President meets DPRK delegation

   * Kim Jong Il praised as sun of humankind

   * Exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk praised

   * Korean pro-boxer retains his world championship

   * Grand gymnastic display and artistic performance praised

   * Exhibition of Koryo medicines and medicinal herbs

   * Implementation of three-point charter of national reunification called

1st day sitting of 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The first day sitting of the 4th round
of the north-south ministerial
talks was held in Pyongyang on December 13 amidst growing expectation and
concern of the people at home
and abroad for the implementation of the north-south joint declaration.
Present there were the members of the north side's delegation headed by
Jon Kum Jin, senior councilor
of the cabinet of the DPRK, and its suite members and the members of the
south side's delegation headed by
Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu and its suite members.
At the talks both sides reviewed the implementation of the June 15
joint declaration for half a year after its
publication and exchanged views on the matters which would serve as a
lesson in implementing it.
The talks will go on.
On the same day, the south side's delegation saw the demonstration of
Taekwon-do instructors and
players of the north side at the Taekwon-do Hall and enjoyed a performance
at the Pyongyang Circus

Greetings to Macedonian Foreign Minister

Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, Foreign Minister of the
DPRK, sent a message of
greetings to Srdjan Kerim upon his appointment as Foreign Minister of the
Republic of Macedonia.
Extending warm congratulations to him, the message expressed the belief
that the friendly and
cooperative relations between the two countries would further develop on
good terms in the future.
It wished him great success in the performance of his new duty.

Joint soiree of north-south workers held

Kosong, December 13 (KCNA) -- A joint soiree of participants in the
north-south workers' grand
seminar for reunification was held on Mt. Kumgang today.
Present at the soiree were members of delegations of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea,
the Federation of South Korean Trade Unions and the South Korean
Confederation of Trade Unions who
participated in the north-south workers' grand seminar for reunification.
At the soiree workers of the north and the south were pleased to share
the will for reunification and
patriotism and have a clear-cut goal of struggle at the first grand seminar
for reunification and expressed their
determination to demonstrate the wisdom and stamina of the working class,
in the future, too and open up a
new history of a reunified country.
They sang songs reflecting the faith and will of working class and
other people of Korea to put an end to
the tragic division and achieve the reunification of the country in the
spirit of independence and great unity of
the nation, demonstrating that they are united in thought and desire for
They intermingled with each other, singing songs, dancing and reciting
poems, stirring up strong desire
for reunification.
Earlier, members of the south side's delegations visited sea-Kumgang
and lagoon Samil in Mt. Kumgang
and appreciated a circus performance.

"International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Guinean minister

Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- "International Kim Il Sung Prize" was
awarded to Dorank
Diasseny Assifat, Minister of National Defence of the presidency of Guinea,
who is also director general of
the African Regional Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea.
The prize was instituted to meet the ardent desire of the world
progressive figures and people to glorify
forever the immortal exploits performed by the President Kim Il Sung for
It has been awarded since Juche 82 (1993) to prominent political and
public figures and followers of the
Juche idea of the world who have ardently espoused the immortal Juche idea
founded by Kim Il Sung and
worked hard to embody it and made outstanding contributions to achieving
global independence and world
Dorank Diasseny Assifat received a diploma, a gold medal and a souvenir
at a ceremony held in Conakry
on December 8.
Congratulatory speeches were made there by Lamine Sidime, Prime
Minister of Guinea, Moussa Solano,
Minister of Land Administration and Decentralization and Security, who is
chairman of the Guinean 

China. People´s Daily Dec 15

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

   Friday, December 15, 2000, updated at 09:58(GMT+8)

   Iran Offers Plan to Resolve POW Issue with Iraq

   Iran has proposed a plan to resolve the thorny issue
   of prisoners of war (POWs) that is still blocking the
   normalization of ties with Iraq 12 years after their
   bloody war, an official said on Thursday, December

   The plan was welcomed by the Iraqi side during a
   recent meeting between officials of both countries,
   said Brigadier General Abdollah Najafi, head of
   Iran's commission for POWs.

   However, Najafi did not give details of the plan or
   disclose the date and place of the meeting, the
   Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

   He said the Iraqi side has pledged to study the plan
   and inform Iran's Foreign Ministry of its views in

   The Iraqi delegation also expressed hope that the
   plan would be accepted by high-ranking Iraqi
   officials, he added.

   Iran and Iraq fought a devastating war from 1980 to
   1988, claiming some 1 million lives on both sides.

   Since the end of the war, the two countries have
   released more than 90,000 POWs through the help of
   the International Committee of the Red Cross. But
   both sides still accuse the other of holding
   thousands of others.

   Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi paid a
   landmark visit to Baghdad in mid-October and held
   talks with Iraqi officials, during which the two
   sides agreed to reactivate all joint committees set
   up more than a year ago to resolve the lingering
   problems of the war.


   Friday, December 15, 2000, updated at 09:58(GMT+8)

   Arafat, French FM Discuss Situation in Palestinian

   Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met with visiting
   French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine on Thursday,
   December 14, to discuss the latest development of the
   situation in the Palestinian territories and ways of
   saving the peace process.

   During the meeting, Arafat stressed the necessity for
   France and the European Union (EU) to play a more
   effective role in helping promote the Middle East
   peace process, Palestinian Planning Minister Nabil
   Shaath said after the meeting.

   Vedrine, whose country is holding the rotating EU
   presidency, arrived in Gaza earlier in the day after
   a short visit to Egypt. He will further hold talks
   with Israeli officials.

   Shaath said that Arafat and Vedrine agreed on the
   necessity to adhere to the peace process and to exert
   every possible effort to help push the process

   The Palestinian minister urged France to play an
   active role in helping stop the bloody clashes in the
   Palestinian territories and realize a just, lasting
   and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.

   The Palestinian territories have been rocked by
   nearly 11 weeks of clashes between Israeli troops and
   Palestinians, sparked by Israeli violation of Islamic
   holy sites in Jerusalem. The violence has left more
   than 310 people dead, most of them Palestinians.

   Vedrine expressed deep concern over the situation in
   the occupied Palestinian territories, noting that
   there were strong reactions in the European public
   opinion to the current situation.

   "I will discuss, upon my return home, a number of
   ideas with EU Mideast peace envoy Miguel Moratinos to
   find a way out of the current misery," he said.

   The French minister stressed EU's readiness to make
   every possible effort to help bring the peace process

People's Voice Articles -- December 1-31, 2000 1/2

2000-12-13 Thread heikki sipilä

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed



(The selected articles below are from the December 1-31/2000 issue of
People’s Voice, Canada’s leading communist newspaper. Articles can be
reprinted free if the source is credited. Subscription rates in Canada:
$25/year, or $12 low income rate; for U.S. readers -- $25 US per year;
other overseas readers -- $25 US or $35 CDN per year. Send to: People’s
Voice, 706 Clark Drive, Vancouver, Canada, V5L 3J1.)


In this Issue:



PV Ontario Bureau

The Nov. 27 election stopped the bid by the far-right Canadian Alliance
(CA) to extend its electoral base beyond Western Canada, according to
Miguel Figueroa, leader of the Communist Party.

The ruling Liberals actually increased their majority in Parliament, taking
more seats in Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. The CA made some small
gains and retained their status as official Opposition, but failed to break
the Liberal hold on Ontario, winning only two of the 103 seats in that

Both the Tories under Joe Clark and the New Democrats, led by Alexa
McDonough, suffered losses, and barely managed to keep their parliamentary
party status. The Bloc Quebecois also dropped a number of ridings to the

“The results clearly show that the Canadian people in the main rejected the
right-wing policies advanced by Stockwell Day and the CA, and blocked their
advance the only way they could -- by voting Liberal,” Figueroa said on
Nov. 28.

“The efforts of Day and the Alliance to peddle increased tax cuts and a
get-tough law and order agenda completely fell flat with most Canadians.
Their thoroughly reactionary economic and social policies -- which the
Alliance had tried to conceal from public view -- were in large measure
exposed during the campaign.”

Alliance policies in favour of privatizing the Medicare system, dismantling
the Old Age Security pensions for seniors, and removing Aboriginal rights
were widely criticized, as were the fundamentalist, anti-feminist,
homophobic and racist positions of Day and other leading CA members.

“The Liberals were the primary beneficiaries of the anti-Alliance tide, but
they hardly merited the people’s support,” said Figueroa. “In fact, the
posturing of the Chrétien Liberals as the only force capable of defending
public health care and the rest of the social safety net from right-wing
attack, was a cheap lie.

“The Chrétien government has done more over the past seven years to erode
and privatize public services, to cut taxes for the corporations and the
wealthy, and to subordinate Canada more completely to U.S. economic and
military control than any other government in Canadian history.

“The fact that so many Canadians felt compelled to vote Liberal is an
indictment of the `first-past-the-post’ electoral system. We need to build
a broad grassroots campaign for a system of proportional representation, or
mixed-PR/constituency-based voting.”

Figueroa noted that corporate interests are generally pleased with the
Liberals’ re-election, although they would have preferred a stronger
showing for the Alliance, and possibly even a minority government which
could be pressured to move more aggressively to introduce right-wing,
pro-corporate policies.

“Big business will likely now pressure Chrétien into retiring, so that he
might be replaced as Prime Minister by Paul Martin, an even more obedient
flunkey of Bay Street.”

The losses suffered by the NDP resulted by two main factors, according to
the CPC leader. “First, there was the impact of polarization, which drove
millions of working class and progressive voters to the Liberals to block
any Right advance.

“Closely related to the first factor was the failure of the NDP leadership
to put forward a clear left-wing alternative which could have galvanized
working class enthusiasm and support. As a result, workers could see no
appreciable difference between the Liberals and the increasingly
right-leaning NDP.

“The attempt during the final moments of the NDP’s campaign to sharpen its
anti-corporate message was welcome, but it was too little, too late.”

The CPC’s own campaign marked a big victory for the Party, Figueroa said.
“Considering all of the obstacles we faced -- our own lack of resources,
the minimal exposure given to us and the other smaller parties by the

Demonstration against Nazi killers in Rotterdam 17 December

2000-12-13 Thread heikki sipilä


Subject: Demonstration against Nazi killers in Rotterdam 17 December
Mime-Version: 1.0

[please, forward this to others. Come, if you can. If you cannot come,
please consider sending a message of sympathy and comfort to the
family/friends of the young person killed by the Nazis, to Antwerp at

Demonstration against Nazi killers in Rotterdam 17 December

There will be a big demonstration against the Turkish Gray Wolves and other
violent Nazis in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, on Sunday 17 December. The
demonstrators will gather at 13 h. [1 p.m.] at the Conradstraat exit of the
Rotterdam Central Railway Station. People will come from many cities to
Rotterdam. E.g., the demonstrators from Leiden will gather at 12.30 in the
Central Station hall of Leiden. Please, bring anti-Nazi signs.

This demonstration is in memory of Cafer Dereli, 22 years old, a hunger
striker, political refugee from Turkey to Antwerp (Belgium), killed in
Rotterdam by the Gray Wolves. Cafer was co-organizer of anti-fascist
concerts in Antwerp. His young life was full of action against wars [of
NATO against the Kurds and Yugoslavia] and social injustice [like promoted
by the IMF and WTO].

Thousands of Rotterdam people were killed by Hitler's Nazis 1940-1945
[bombing of the city May 1940, deported Jews, resistance fighters, others.]
Do not allow the Nazis to repeat their bloody history in Rotterdam, or

Turkish Nazis murder in The Netherlands

On Saturday 9 Dec. 2000, Turkish human rights activists held a hunger
strike with local council permission, next to the town hall of Rotterdam,
The Netherlands, to protest against torture of political prisoners in Turkey.

After a [musical] Group Yorum concert in Rotterdam at the hunger strikers'
place, they were attacked by a violent gang of "Gray Wolves", Turkish
extreme Rightists, who stabbed to death one person and severely wounded
three others [who will live, as we know now].

The Gray Wolves were founded by Colonel Türkes, an admirer of Adolf Hitler,
during the Second World War. They claim the "Turkish race" is supposedly
superior to, e.g., Kurds. They have a record of violence in Turkey, The
Netherlands, and many other countries. They are part of a network of
extreme Right violent groups like NPD in Germany, CD and Voorpost in The
Netherlands, Ustasha in Croatia, Vlaams Blok in Belgium, KLA/UCK in Kosovo.
A week ago, Amsterdam police has found that Gray Wolves play a big role in
narcotics traffic, and has seized illegal drugs and weapons at the
Amsterdam Gray Wolves headquarters, including the Ulu mosque, in the
Zeeburg area.

Nevertheless, some authorities in The Netherlands subsidize or otherwise
support Gray Wolves. One factor here is their common support of NATO. The
Gray Wolves are in the Turkish coalition government, and are big supporters
of NATO, e.g., during the 1999 Yugoslavia war; when leftist Turks and Kurds
in The Netherlands helped to organize peace demonstrations.
The Dutch Ministers of Defence and Foreign Affairs, during the 1999 war, as
now, were Messrs. De Grave and Van Aartsen, both members of the VVD party.
This party this year held a meeting at the Gray Wolves' Ulu Mosque [see the
local newspaper report, in Dutch, at

That party meeting claimed the Gray Wolves were not really bad. However,
soon after this, the police found evidence of drugs, weapons, and trade in
women forced into prostitution at the Ulu "mosque". Some Gray Wolves
leaders had to be arrested. And now, the unprovoked murder of human rights
activist/hunger striker Cafer Dereli.

His photo and more information at web site [maybe at more sites by now] [Dutch]

and [French]

After the killing in Rotterdam, more supporters of the hunger strike
rallied against the Nazis by surrounding the hunger strikers, to protect
them from more Nazi violence. Sunday afternoon 10 December, there already
was a demonstration to commemorate Cafer. Even though it was very short
notice, over 400 people [according to Dutch TV, which broadcast images;
1000 according to organizers] marched against the murder in Rotterdam. A
spokeswoman said that the hunger strike in Rotterdam in solidarity with
Turkish political prisoners would continue, as would other actions.

Do not let 1933-1945 return into the 21st century! Never again!

Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
Herman de Tollenaere
My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:

See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:


P.O. Box 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 13

2000-12-13 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.13.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to congress of Communist Party of Greece

   * DPRK ambassador to China appointed

   * Kim Jong Il praised

   * South side's delegation to north-south ministerial talks feted

   * Japan's revised "agreement on mobilization for public security"

   * Historical dictionary to be reprinted

   * Protest of Koreans in Tokyo

   * Measure committee for reinstatement and home visit formed

   * Mounting anti-U.S. feelings in S. Korea

   * Denunciation of Japan's crimes called for in S. Korea

   * U.S. refuses to apologize for massacre of S. Koreans

   * 2nd meeting of young Koreans in China

   * Removal of concrete wall called for

   * U.S. accused of derailing negotiations

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * "movilizacion de seguridad" es salida a ultramar

Greetings to congress of Communist Party of Greece

Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea today sent
a message of greetings to the 16th congress of the Communist Party of Greece.
The message extended warm congratulations to the congress and a
comradely salute to all members of the
It wished the Communist Party of Greece great success in its congress,
expressing the belief that the
good friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties would grow
stronger and develop in the joint
struggle for independence and socialism against imperialism.

DPRK ambassador to China appointed

Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Choe Jin Su was appointed as Korean
Ambassador E.P. to China,
according to a decree of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly.

Kim Jong Il praised

Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Political figures of different
countries are highly praising the great
Kim Jong Il as the leader of the world revolution.
Serei Kosal, deputy general secretary of the Funcinpec Party of
Cambodia, said that Kim Jong Il has
confidently pushed ahead with the grand march to let the Korean people
become Kim Il Sung's nation, the
most proud one in the world, and build a reunified, prosperous and powerful
nation with the most seasoned
leadership in human history.
Chaivat Sinsuwong, head of the delegation of the Palang Dharma Party of
Thailand, said that it is thanks
to the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il that the DPRK has firmly defended and
consolidated socialism despite
rigorous trials.
Kim Jong Il has protected the destiny of socialism emerging from all
difficulties and ordeals of history
and he is the great sun of humankind, he stressed.
Ivan Rodriguez, chairman of the central committee of the Dominican
Worker's Party, said: The DPRK
has firmly defended the national sovereignty and steered the struggle for
global independence under the
leadership of Kim Jong Il. This reality is a source of great strength and
encouragement for humankind.
Kim Jong Il is a veteran statesman in the present times, who is
advancing the human cause of
independence, the cause of socialism, with rare wisdom, outstanding
strategy and matchless grit and the great
sun who will glorify the 21st century.

South side's delegation to north-south ministerial talks feted

Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the
Pyongyang City People's
Committee, hosted a reception at the People's Palace of Culture on Tuesday
in honor of a south side's
delegation to the 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks.
He in a speech at the reception said that the talks will become more
meaningful as they are resumed in
Pyongyang half a year since the historic Pyongyang meeting and the adoption
of the north-south joint
declaration last June and at the turn of the century.
He underscored the need for the north and the south to pool strength
and make joint efforts to put an end
to the disgraceful history of distrust and confrontation in the 20th
century, which is drawing to its end, and
make the upcoming 21st century a glorious century that will witness
national reunification and the prosperity
of a reunified country.
Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu who is chief delegate of the south
side's delegation in his speech said
that he set store by the June 15 joint declaration and reclarified his
fixed will to successfully implement it and
bring about south-north relations of peace, reconciliation and cooperation.
Kang Nung Su, Minister of Culture, Kim Su Hak, Minister of Public
Health, Jon Kum Jin, senior
councilor of the cabinet of the DPRK who is heading the north side's
delegation to the talks, An Kyong Ho,
director of the secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification
of the Fatherland, officials
concerned and delegates of the north side to the talks were present there.

Japan's revised "agreement on mobilization for public security" assailed

Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Japanese Defence Agency and the
National Public Safety
Commission sought a 

China. People´s Daily Dec 14

2000-12-13 Thread heikki sipilä

Extracts. Thursday, December 14, 2000, updated at 10:32(GMT+8)

   Premier Zhu Rongji on Economic Issues
   Premier Zhu Rongji said next year China will cement
   and extend its achievement in getting State-owned
   enterprises (SOEs) out of difficulties and SOE
   reform, and attach more importance to the status of
   agriculture as the foundation of the national

   During a recent inspection tour to east China, the
   premier also urged to accelerate the improvement of
   the social security system,and regulate the market
   economy order in order to achieve faster economic
   growth next year.

   Zhu inspected rural financial reform, enterprise
   reform and future development, social security
   system, and market economy order in Jiangsu and
   Zhejiang provinces from December 7 to 13.

   He noted that as the economy takes a major turn for
   the better, the adjustment of agricultural structure
   could not meet the demand of the economic situation.
   There has been a slow increase in farmers' income and
   in some major grain-producing areas, farmers even
   earned less.

   He urged that the problems be solved immediately to
   avoid negative impact on the stability and
   development of China's rural areas, or even the
   national economy.

   He asked governments at all levels to vigorously push
   ahead the readjustment of the agricultural and rural
   economic structure; develop planting, breeding and
   high-yield agriculture suited to local conditions;
   try every means to extend the channels of raising
   farmers' income; further reform the circulation
   systems of agro-products; actively promote the rural
   fee-to tax reform and fundamentally reduce the
   burdens on farmers; and step up infrastructure
   construction in agriculture and rural areas to
   improve farmers' production and living conditions.

   On the Rural Credit Cooperative (RCC), the premier
   said that full play should be given to RCC's role as
   the main force in rural finance and the bond linking
   farmers. The RCC should adhere to its principle of
   serving agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

   The RCC reform has achieved some positive results and
   quite a few problems are yet to be solved, Zhu said.

   The premier hailed as a remarkable achievement that
   China has basically realized its target to deepen the
   SOE reform and pull most of the large- and
   medium-sized SOEs out of difficulties within three

   The SOEs, however, need to transform their management
   mechanism, and raise their innovative capabilities,
   competitiveness and profitability, Zhu said, adding
   that there is still a long way to go for SOE reform
   and development.

   He encouraged large- and medium-sized SOEs to adopt a
   shareholding system by getting themselves listed, a
   move he said will help pool funds, transform
   management mechanisms, and place the operation of the
   SOEs under public supervision.

   He said that every entrepreneur should have a
   pioneering spirit and determination to blaze new
   trails to make a success of their enterprise.

   On the building of the social security system, the
   premier said that it is a major issue that impacts on
   China's reform, development and stability.

   He promised that laid-off workers of SOEs and retired
   workers will have their basic allowances and pension
   distributed adequately and punctually. The central
   government will make public information of allowance

Vietnam News Dec 12

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

PM honours devotion of Heroic Mothers, revolutionaries

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai honoured the devotion, sacrifices and
contributions made by Vietnam Heroic Mothers and veteran revolutionaries
during the past struggle for national liberation and current national
construction and defence.

He was speaking at a reception extended to 73 Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and
veteran revolutionaries from district 6, Ho Chi Minh City in Hanoi on December

After inquiring after health and living conditions of the Heroic Mothers and
veteran revolutionaries, Prime Minister Khai briefed them about socio-economic
achievements recorded after 15 years of implementation of the country's

He also said he hoped that the Heroic Mothers and veteran revolutionaries
would make more contributions to building a Vietnam of a rich people, a strong
country and a just, democratic and civilised society.

The Heroic Mothers and veteran revolutionaries expressed their feelings,
aspirations and happiness at the achievement recorded in the national
renovation process. They also promised to contribute their efforts and minds
to successfully implement the Resolution set out by the district's Party
Committee Congress.

Vietnam attends 13th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting

Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, who is also president of the ASEAN
Standing Committee, is attending the 13th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting which
opened in Vientiane, Laos on December 11.

The two-day meeting drew foreign ministers from the 10 members of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and ministers of the European
Union (EU).

In their opening speeches, Lao Prime Minister Sisavat Keobounphan and French
Co-operation Minister Charles Josselin expressed satisfaction that the meeting
had been held in the Lao capital on schedule.

Lao Prime Minister Sisavat Keobounphan welcomed the delegates to the
conference and expressed his thanks for the trust and assistance given by
members of ASEAN and EU in helping Laos organise the conference. He said that
the conference illustrated the political ties and mutual understanding in
ASEAN-EU relations, thus supporting the ASEAN-EU long-term plans to overcome
the challenges in the new millennium.

The two parties discussed measures to boost co-operation in economics, trade
and security, and the prospect for ASEAN-EU relations. EU partners were
informed about the recent changes in ASEAN, particularly the implementation of
the Hanoi Plan of Action in an effort of building ASEAN into a region of
peace, prosperity and equal development.

The European Union is the third most important economic partner of ASEAN after
Japan and the United States, with exports from the EU exceeding US $45 billion
in 1997. The EU imported goods worth over US $46 billion from the ASEAN in
that year. However, bilateral trade dwindled somewhat during the Asian
economic crisis, although it has gradually bounced back in recent times
through increasing trade and investment.

China Party delegation visits Vietnam

A delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) led by Zheng Bijian, member
of the CPC Central Committee and deputy director of the Central Party School,
is visiting Vietnam from December 10 at the invitation of the Communist Party
of Vietnam (CPV).
The Chinese delegation paid floral tributes to President Ho Chi Minh at his
mausoleum and visited his residence and office.

The delegation was received by Nguyen Duc Binh, Politburo member and director
of the Ho Chi Minh National Politics Institute on December 11.

Mr Binh, who is also chairman of the Central Party Theoretical Council,
expressed his appreciation of the exchange of opinions and experiences in
theoretical and ideological work between the two Parties.

He described it as useful for studying and solving problems arising during the
process of renovation and open reform, thus contributing to building socialism
in each country.

Mr Binh reaffirmed that the Vietnamese Party, government and people have
always attached importance to strengthening and developing the Vietnam-China
relationship guided by "neighbourly friendship, comprehensive cooperation,
long-term stability, and future-oriented thinking" as defined by Party General
Secretary Le Kha Phieu and his Chinese counterpart, Jiang Zemin.

For his part, Zheng Bijian expressed his belief that Vietnam would
successfully implement the Resolution of the eighth National Party Congress
and organise the ninth National Party Congress early next year, thus firmly
entering into the 21st century.

The Chinese delegation also had working sessions with the Party Central
Committee's Commission for External Relations, the Commission for Culture and
Ideology, the Ho Chi Minh National Politics Institute, and visited the
northern border province of Quang Ninh and Ho Chi Minh City. (VNA)

British State minister ends visit

The State Minister for the Foreign Ministry of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland John 

ML Update. Vol:3; No.49; 13- 12- 2000. 2/2

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

The rally was attended among others by Party PB member Com. Swadesh
Bhattacharya, CC members Com. Swapan Mukherjee and Kumudini Pati, Member of
Central Secretariat Com. Ranjit Abhigyan, Delhi Party leaders including Com.
Ranjan Ganguli, Rajiv Dimri, Santosh Rai, NN Thomas, Jita Kaur, Sunita and
BKSingh Gautam and AISA leaders Com. Kavita Krishnan and Sunil Yadav. Delhi
State Party Secy. Com. Rajendra Pratholi in his speech lambasted the senseless
privatisation drive of the Delhi government in electricity, transport and
water sectors and announced plans to intensify agitation against Master Plan
and privatisation.


From Seattle to Nice : No to Globalisation

The 15 European states' summit was held in Nice of France, the stronghold of
extreme French rightists. The summit was aimed to reach an agreement on a
legislation to create a common European army which would serve common
imperialist interest and suppress the rights of EU workers. Without much
trouble it mandated the creation of a rapid deployment force of 60,000
battle-ready troops capable of jumping into Kosovo-like trouble spots. But the
thorny question of institutional reforms could not be resolved because the
national interests clashed and there was a stalemate in the negotiations
towards further expansion towards European integration, even after extending
it four days beyond the scheduled two days of 7 and 8 December.

Against these policies several thousands of protesters had flooded Nice form
various part of the world. On Dec. 7, the day of beginning of the summit,
teargas filled the streets leading to the convention centre and police fought
battles with groups of protesters trying to scale steel road barriers. The
French army denied any entry to around 1,000 Italian protesters. In the
streets of Nice, there was violent battle between the protesters and the
police, as a result of which several got injured, large number of cars were
burnt, windows of several shops were broken and a bank was set on fire.

The majority of the protesters marching under the sea of red banners and flags
were workers belonging to trade unions. But there was another procession,
mainly of unemployed youths and working farmers having some differences with
the trade unionists on the status of the charter. However,  both were resolute
against capitalism, globalisation and liberalisation. Thus from Seattle to
Nice, the saga of opposition against imperialist globalisation continues.

On the Second Anniversary of
Com. Vinod Mishra's Untimely Demise

Delhi State Committee, CPI(ML)

Organises a Seminar on

Globalisation and People's Response

Speakers : S.P. Shukla, Prabhash Joshi

Yogendra Yadav, Kumudini Pati

Speaker's Hall, Constitution Club

4 p.m., 18 December, 2000

Your presence is welcome.


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TDN on Hungerstrike of POW's in Turkey

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sezer under pressure from all sides

SEZER'S CHOICES:  President Ahmet Necdet Sezer has three different choices.
Sezer may approve the bill.  He may take the public outcry into
consideration and send the bill back to Parliament.  Or he may approve the
bill but at the same time he might apply to the Constitutional Court for
its cancellation  THE UNHAPPY MENTOR:  'This is not the amnesty that I
asked for, my amnesty draft was aimed at saving the inmates from their
fate,' Rahsan Ecevit who was the mentor of the amnesty bill says.  She also
adds that the recent bill is not an amnesty but a conditional release when
responding to reaction on the Reprieve Bill

Ankara - TDN Parliamentary Bureau

President Ahmet Necdet Sezer is under pressure from politicians, victims'
families and ambitious inmates to make the final move on the infamous
Reprieve Bill.

The bill had caused a number of controversies between political parties and
even between the coalition partners.  Rahsan Ecevit, the mentor of the bill
on Monday said that, "This is not the amnesty that I asked for, my amnesty
draft was aimed at saving the inmates from their fate."

The countdown for the Reprieve Bill, which was passed in Parliament last
week and sent to Sezer for approval, has begun.  The coalition partners --
the Democratic Left Party (DSP), the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and
the Motherland Party (ANAP) -- and inmates families are waiting for the
president to approve the bill amidst a huge public outcry urging the
president to veto the bill.

Sezer, former chief judge of the Constitutional Court appears to be
applying to cancel the amnesty bills.  It is expected that Sezer will make
his decision based on the fact that the bill may be sent to the
Constitutional Court.

The bill will cover 35,000  inmates' conditional release in the short term
and will gradually free many other inmates.  However, the government's
pledge to release inmates before the Bayram holiday would only be possible
if Sezer approves the Reprieve Bill.

The Parliament passed the bill on Dec.  8, and sent it to the Cankaya
Palace immediately for the president's approval.  According to the Turkish
Constitution, the president has to make the decision within 15 days.  Sezer
has 12 more days in which to make his final decision.

Sezer has three choices:

Sezer may approve the bill.  After it is published in the Official Gazette,
the bill will be official.  In this case, government will fulfill its
promise to release tens of thousands of inmates before the feast of
Ramadan.  This decision will comfort coalition partners as well as inmates
who are expecting the reprieve.  Sezer may take the public outcry into
consideration and send the bill back to Parliament.  According to rumors in
political circles, coalition partners who had hardly reached a
reconciliation on the final wording of the reprieve bill, will have no say
if Sezer vetoes the bill.  Sezer may approve the bill but at the same
timeht apply to the Constitutional Court for its cancellation.  In this
case, Sezer's possible move will pose a temporary relief for those who are
supporting the amnesty.  The court may either amend some articles of the
bill or broaden its scope.  It might also allocate some extra time to
Parliament so that another amnesty bill can be prepared.

Fasting inmates adamant, three in critical condition

The justice minister's statement was expected to persuade the inmates to
quit the death fast, but inmates decide to continue the fast.  According to
TAYAD, the death fast will be reinforced by other inmates  Ecevit says
demands of prisoners were unacceptable and urges them to end their 'death

Ankara/Izmir - Turkish Daily News

Although, it was expected that Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk's
announcements over the weekend that the implementation of F-type prisons
would be postponed to end the massive death fasts, the inmates are still
determined to continue their protests.

On the 54th day of the death fast, three death fasters, Sevgi Erdogan in
Usak Prison, Cem Yildiz and Zeynep Arikan in Umraniye have lost
consciousness, and other inmates on the death fast are close to losing
consciousness, the Association for Inmates' Families' Solidarity (TAYAD)

Although, death fasters are already in the critical stage, the 203 inmates
on the death fast have decided to continue the fast until their demands are
accepted by the authorities.  They are demanding the cancellation of the
new cell-based F-type prisons, annulment of the State Security Courts (DGM)
and the formation of a commission made up of doctors, lawyers, prisoners'
relatives and representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to
inspect the prisons.

But, officials are also being firm to not give further concessions to the
death fasters.  Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said on Monday that demands
made by scores of hunger-striking prisoners whose health is failing were

Korean Central News Agency Dec 12

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.12.2000 Juche 89)


   * Joint press statement on establishment of diplomatic relations between
 DPRK and UK

   * South side's delegation to fourth north-south ministerial-level talks

   * Delegation of KEDO leaves

   * KCNA demands halt to moves to incite inter-Korean confrontation

   * Japan's military boss's reckless remark

   * Leap forward in potato farming called for

   * DPRK delegation visits Korean Hall in Tokyo

   * S. Korean students' growing distrust in "National Assembly"

   * New historical book published

   * Korean people's cause of reunification supported worldwide

   * Worsening environmental pollution by U.S. forces in S. Korea

   * Abolition of SL called for

   * Chilbosan Joint Venture Company commissioned

   * International solidarity called for

   * Rodong Sinmun on national reunification

   * Anti-reunification moves of S. Korea condemned

Joint press statement on establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK
and UK

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- A joint press statement on the
establishment of diplomatic relations
between the DPRK and the United Kingdom was issued today.
The joint press statement reads:
The Democtratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the United
Kingdom (UK) held official talks
in London on 7-12 December, 2000.
These talks followed the announcement by Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook,
on 19 October 2000 that the
UK was ready to response positively to the invitation from Foreign Minister
Paek Nam Sun to establish
diplomatic relations with the DPRK.
Agreement was reached in these talks to establish diplomatic relations
between the DPRK and the UK
with immediate effect.
It was agreed that representation would be at ambassadorial level as
soon as each side had made the
necessary arrangements to open a resident mission in the other's capital.
Meanwhile, each side would appoint a non-resident charge d'affaires a.i.
Both sides agreed that the establishment of diplomatic relations would
enable the DPRK and the UK to
develop their bilateral links more effectively, and would provide greater
opportunities for exchanges on issues
of mutual interests and concern.

South side's delegation to fourth north-south ministerial-level talks here

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The south side's delegation headed by
Pak Jae Gyu, Minister of
National Unification, arrived here today to participate in the fourth round
of the north-south ministerial-level
It was met at the airport by delegates of the north side.
At the airport the south side's delegation issued a written statement
on arrival.

Delegation of KEDO leaves

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The delegation of the Korean Peninsula
Energy Development
Organization (KEDO) that had participated in the high-ranking specialist
negotiations between the DPRK and
KEDO left today by air.

KCNA demands halt to moves to incite inter-Korean confrontation

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- There are highly disturbing
developments in South Korea to block
the positive improvement of the inter-Korean relations.
This gives rise to great concern among the public at home and abroad.
The South Korean "Ministry of National Defence" in its "military white
paper for 2000" again advocated
the anti-north "theory of the principal enemy," talking about the
non-existent "military threat" from it. And the
"Minister of National Defence" at a "meeting of leading army officers"
whipped up war hysteria by calling for
strengthened "military posture."
Even the "Ministry of National Unification" supposed to specially
handle the reunification issue in South
Korea conducted an opinion poll in a foolish bid to build up public opinion
critical of the DPRK's political
Meanwhile, the "Unification and Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee of
the South Korean National
Assembly" orchestrated such a provocative anti-north political drama as
"adoption of a resolution urging the
repatriation of POWs of 'ROK' Army and those kidnapped by the north." And
some right-wing conservative
media including "Chosun Ilbo" are chiming in with its smear campaign to fan
up inter-Korean confrontation.
They floated sheer lies about "political propaganda" of the north and
"detention" of a journalist of "Chosun
Ilbo" in an attempt to pull up the north over the reunion of the second
visiting group of separated families and
relatives. All this is part of their moves to mislead the public opinion at
home and abroad and agitate
All the happenings in South Korea are anti-national and
anti-reunification moves to dampen the desire of
the entire nation for reconciliation, cooperation and unity between the
north and south and reunification.
Facts go to prove that all these anti-north rackets in South Korea are
the deliberate and premeditated
moves of those who are displeased with the improving inter-Korean relations.

China. People´s Daily Dec 13

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä


   Wednesday, December 13, 2000, updated at 12:34(GMT+8)

   Cuba's Economy Improves Despite US Blockage, Minister

   Cuba's economy is improving despite the US
   four-decade-old blockade, said Government Minister
   Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz.

   Addressing the 13th session of Sino-Cuban joint
   commission for economic and trade relations here
   Tuesday, he said in this year's first six-month
   period, a 7.7 percent economic growth was registered,
   with an increase in productivity and reduced

   Cabrisas thanked China for helping the Cuban people
   during their moments of hardship, praising bilateral
   cooperation in sugar industry, foodstuff, raw
   material and medicine in particular.

   During the meeting, both parties reviewed economic
   and commercial cooperation since the commission's
   previous meeting and explored possibilities for
   cooperation in new fields for next year.

   The Chinese delegation which includes a number of top
   entrepreneurs is headed by China's Minister of
   Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi

   The Chinese visitors and the Cuban delegation, which
   is composed of a number of government ministers as
   well as senior officials, are expected to sign a
   number of accords on Wednesday, by which China will
   help Cuba in seismic movement forecasts and hotel

   Tuesday's meeting focused on cooperation in the
   exploitation of hydraulics, oil and nickel resources,
   and better utilization of

   sugar cane residues.

   Cabrisas expressed the hope that Cuba could diversify
   its exports to China, for which he mentioned Cuban
   prestige products such as medicines, cigars, sugar
   industry derivatives and rum.

   Shi said China will continue to develop the economic
   and trade relations with Cuba on the basis of
   equality and mutual benefits, pledging a certain
   amount of economic assistance to Cuba within China's

   He believed that the economic and trade ties between
   the two countries will surely be strengthened through
   joint efforts.

   Wednesday, December 13, 2000, updated at 11:19(GMT+8)

   China, Japan Vow to Further Relations

   President Jiang Meets with Head of the Democratic
   Party of Japan
   China and Japan should make efforts to further
   bilateral ties in the new century, Chinese President
   Jiang Zemin said Tuesday, December 12.

   "A healthy, stable, and friendly Sino-Japanese
   relationship is not only conforms to the fundamental
   interests of the people of both countries and their
   future generations, but also contributes to the
   peace, stability and development in the Asia-Pacific
   region and the world at large," Jiang said.

   In a meeting with Hatoyama Yukio, head of the
   Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Jiang described the
   current China-Japan relations as "maintaining a sound
   momentum" on the whole.

   Bilateral cooperation in various areas has further
   enriched their partnership of friendly cooperation
   oriented towards peace and development, he said.

   The Chinese President said that seeking a better
   Sino-Japanese relationship is the "common aspiration"
   of the people of the two countries, also "the
   historical responsibility" of the statesmen,
   especially statesmen of the younger generation.

   As long as the two countries "take the history as a

Yugoslavia. Interview with Professor Mihailo Markovic

2000-12-11 Thread heikki sipilä

Subject: Interview with Professor Mihailo Markovic

"Socialist roots will not be pulled out in Serbia"
Philosopher and both member and left wing critic of SPS
Belgrade, October 26th 2000

= What were the reasons for the 5th of October?

= What did you propose to Milosevic in order to change the directions of
the events?

= As the author of the still valid party programme of the SPS, you were
advocating the equality of all forms of property. What do you mean by this
and what does it mean for the future of Yugoslavia?

= Regarding the coalition with the Radical Party a lot of criticism was
raised against the SPS. Do you think that this coalition was necessary to
preserve the unity of the country or do you regard it as an mistake?

= You have been criticising openly the Dayton agreement. Now many people
compare Dayton to Kumanovo. Do you believe that the national defence could
have been carried on and the de-facto loss of Kosovo avoided?

= How will the relation between Kostunica and Djindjic develop, as it is
obvious that on one hand DOS could only win thanks to the nationalist
rhetoric of Kostunica while the strongman in DOS is Djindjic who is also the
agent of the West?

= Do you think that the army, that has got a big reputation because it
bravely defended the country, has passed completely to the enemy or there
are still positions of patriotic and left forces inside the army?

= Do you thing that Yugoslavia and the SPS will be transformed into
ingredients of the New World Order, like other Eastern European countries
and their formerly ruling parties, or will an antagonistic element remain?

= Regarding the perspective of the left and anti-imperialist forces what is
your advice to them after it was proved that the SPS could not be reshaped
in this spirit?

International Leninist Current (ILC)
Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
Tel  Fax +43 1 504 00 10


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wwnews Digest #202 1/2

2000-12-11 Thread heikki sipilä

WW News Service Digest #202

 1) Gloria La Riva: Explain the causes of capitalist crisis
 2) Tere Gutierrez: Victory to Colombian guerrillas
 3) Monica Moorehead: Put fight against racism front and center
 4) Fred Goldstein: Election morass shows need for Marxism
 5) Imani Henry: Communist program fights all oppressions
 6) Elijah Crane: Learning how to make a revolution

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


[Excerpts from a talk by Gloria La Riva at the Workers World
Party Conference Dec. 2-3]

We live in the richest society that has ever existed. The
wealth of the United States far surpasses that of any
earlier empire. And inside this richest society in history,
25 percent of all children--50 percent of all African
American children--live in poverty. Millions go to sleep
without their most basic needs met.

Here we are in the pinnacle of capitalism, and millions are
hungry and homeless. Almost 50 million have no health care
at all and an equal number have health coverage that's so
bad that for all practical purposes they have none.

And this is in the big boom, the most prolonged capitalist
boom ever, as the financial experts never tire of boasting.
Unemployment, they say, is 4 percent. Forget about the 2
million people in prison who aren't counted, not to mention
others who aren't counted at all.

Twenty-five percent of all the world's prisoners are in the
United States, which has just 4 percent of the world's
population. Leaving aside the brutal military interventions
all over the world, from looking at the domestic scene in
the best of times we can say with certainty that capitalism
is a doomed system.

The "best of times" has left 40 percent of the 11 million
people in Los Angeles County living in poverty. The boom is
looking more than a little frayed.

A TV station in San Jose, in the heart of Silicon Valley, is
running an ad for a news series. It shows a young man riding
a city bus. The voice-over says, "A month ago you were a 28-
year-old millionaire. Today you're just a 28-year-old.
Inside the dot-com bust."

In San Francisco, the landlords and developers are jacking
up the rents sky-high. The lowest rent for a newly vacated
apartment is $2,000 a month and rising. That's in the poor
areas. A new study of the Bay Area shows that a person needs
a $28-an-hour job to live comfortably there. The minimum
wage in California is one-fifth of that.

What will a downturn, even a relatively mild one, mean under
these circumstances? How will workers understand and
interpret what is happening?

This is where the Party comes in. As Lenin explained, we
don't control the tempo of economic development or of
spontaneous mass movements. But we do have a critical role.
And that is to explain the root causes of unemployment, war,
racism, sexism, lesbian, gay, bi and trans oppression, and
environmental destruction.

We have to explain how to organize a mass movement, a
revolutionary movement, that not only fights back and
resists, but fights to overturn this system.

There is a growing movement that is rightly denouncing these
crimes of capitalism and even naming the illness: capitalist
greed. But what they propose as a solution is a milder form
of capitalism.

It's not so much because they like capitalism, but because
they don't believe capitalism can ever be eliminated. If you
talk to many of these activists, they aren't against
socialism. But to them it seems like a dream, an

The truth, which we proclaim here today as we have
throughout our Party's existence, is this: Socialism is the
only alternative for humanity.

With all the laws against monopolies that were passed in the
United States at the turn of the last century, during the
rise of imperialism and industrial capital, was the furious
pace of monopolization of oil, auto, steel, the military,
the banks, slowed down at all?

There are all kinds of laws against monopoly practices, but
there are now 457 billionaires.

We are so involved in the movement that we sometimes forget
that the average person knows nothing about socialism
because they've never been exposed to it except in the most
minimal way in school. The average person doesn't know that
any socialist parties exist in the United States.

Most people don't even know the profound history of
struggles of workers and oppressed peoples in the United
States, or the potential and necessity of struggle today.

The question is not whether workers are open to Marxism. Our
biggest concern should be that they haven't been exposed to
Marxist ideas. And yet they instinctively understand their
relationship to the bosses, to the government. They view 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 11

2000-12-11 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.11.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to President of Burkina Faso

   * 53rd board meeting of DPRK-China Hydro-power Company held

   * Korean nation's pride

   * Health-promoting rhythmic exercise

   * Rally calling for vital rights held

   * Probe into mass killings in Rogun-ri called for

   * Great man who glorified century

   * Withdraw "theory of principal enemy"

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * un gran hombre del siglo 20

   * periodicos conmemoran dia mundial de derecho humano

   * vocero de crpp demanda la retirada de teoria de "enemigo principal"

Greetings to President of Burkina Faso

Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK
Supreme People's Assembly, on December 7 sent a message of greetings to
Blaise Compaore, President of
Burkina Faso, on its National Day.
He in the message extended warm congratulations to the President,
government and people of Burkina
Faso on the National Day.
Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two countries would further
develop, he wished the President fresh success in his work for development
and prosperity of the country.

53rd board meeting of DPRK-China Hydro-power Company held

Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- The 53rd meeting of the board of
directors of the DPRK-China
Hydro-power Company was held in Pyongyang.
Present at the meeting were chairmen and directors of the two sides to
the board.
A decision on the issues agreed upon at the meeting was signed today.

Korean nation's pride

Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- The Korean nation is a resourceful
nation with stronger patriotism
than any others' and excellent national culture and tradition as the ties
of homogeneous nation have been
carried forward throughout its history spanning 5,000 years, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed article.
It goes on:
It was the first nation in the east to build a country and has an
ancient history as a homogeneous one.
The excavation of the tomb of king Tangun proved that the Korean nation
is a civilized nation who built a
country over 5,000 years ago. Advantages of the Korean nation are evidenced
by the development of metal
workmanship, Koguryo mural tombs, the development of astronomy and the
creation of Hunminjongum
(Korean alphabet), metal type, rain gauge, a tortoise ship and others. All
of them instill pride and
self-confidence into the nation.
It is the brilliant tradition of the Korean nation that the Korean
people have defended the sovereignty of
the country and the dignity of the nation generation after generation.
Recalling that Korea remains divided into the north and the south since
the middle of the 20th century,
the article says:
The 55 year-long history of national division teaches a bitter lesson
to all the Koreans that the country
should be reunified for the development of the country and the prosperity
of the nation.

Health-promoting rhythmic exercise

Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- Mass rhythmic exercise is widely
popular with Koreans of all
The 5-minute, 15-movement routine starts with simple movements and
develops into highly rhythmic
ones. It has a good effect on the muscular system as it imposes a stretch
of the whole body such as the wrist,
ankle, arms, legs, shoulders, neck, breast and waist. It also benefits the
cardiovascular system through
quicker, stronger heart-beats.
The routine is gradually wider and more intensive in movement so that
the pulse is at 140 to 150, ending
up at 170 to 180. A repetition of this process is prone to increase the
breathing capacity and oxygen intake, a
favourable impact on the respiratory system.
The exercise is effective for step-down care and ageing prevention. An
all-round, brisk muscular
movement in time with lively music is liable to decrease the fatty fiber.
Its full benefit will only be felt when its width and intensity meet
the norm. In the exact tempo, the
movements must be rhythmic, light, flexible and elastic.
For full effect, the public is requested to make the exercise habitual.

Rally calling for vital rights held

Pyongyang December 11 (KCNA) -- A mass rally of the year 2000 was held
in Seoul on December 9
with the attendance of at least 3,500 workers and peasants to call for
ensurance of their vital rights and
abolition of the "Security Law," according to Seoul-based "Radio No. 1."
At the rally, the organizing committee said that the authorities have
violated people's right to existence by
shifting the responsibility for the economic crisis on to workers and peasants.
The committee demanded the withdrawal of the "neo-liberalist policy,"
the ensurance of people's vital
rights, abolition of the "Security Law" and immediate revision of the
unequal "status of forces agreement."
The participants made a demonstration march after the rally.
That day the police 

China. People´s Daily Dec 12

2000-12-11 Thread heikki sipilä


  Tuesday, December 12, 2000, updated at 10:04(GMT+8)

   US, Britain Attempt to Split Iraq: FM

   Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammad Said Al-Sahaf has
   said the insistence of the United States and Britain
   on maintaining the two no-fly zones is aimed at
   dividing Iraq into three parts.

   The official daily Babil reported Monday that
   Al-Sahaf, addressing a gathering on Sunday at the
   Iraqi Foreign Ministry, said the US and Britain
   interpreted the articles of the United Nations
   resolutions at their own will.

   They have been wantonly violating Iraq's sovereignty
   and independence through the two no-fly zones,
   Al-Sahaf said.

   The two no-fly zones, covering 10 of the total 18
   provinces in Iraq, were set up in the wake of the
   1991 Gulf War by the US and its allies. Iraq was
   warned that its planes over the two air-exclusion
   zones will be shot down.

   US and British warplanes have since been policing the
   two zones with almost daily patrol. Baghdad virtually
   lost grip of the 10 provinces, including three in the
   north and seven in the south, and only controls the
   central part of the country.

   According to Iraqi reports, over 300 people have been
   killed in the air raids by the US and British jets in
   the no-fly zones and nearly 1,000 injured since
   December 1998, when the US and Britain launched
   large-scale air strikes against Iraq.

   The US and Britain continue to use the two no-fly
   zones to militarily contain the Iraqi regime, in
   addition to keeping in place the decade-old
   sanctions, triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in

   Monday, December 11, 2000, updated at 20:32(GMT+8)

   Senior CPC Official Meets Japanese Delegation

   Wei Jianxing, a member of the Standing Committee of
   the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China
   (CPC) Central Committee, met Monday, December 11,
   with a delegation from Japan's International Labor
   Foundation led by its President Teruhito Tokumoto.

   Wei, also a member of the Secretariat of the CPC
   Central Committee and president of the All-China
   Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), said that it is
   important to allow workers to enroll in trade unions
   at a maximum level, to safeguard their legal rights
   and interests, and to encourage them to make a
   contribution to the country in the 10th five-year
   plan period starting from 2001.

   He said that it is also essential to make progress in
   terms of establishing trade unions in new
   enterprises, safeguarding the legal rights and
   interests of workers who are facing economic
   difficulties, and setting up an effective mechanism
   for improving working relationships, while further
   improving legislation and policy-making related to
   the rights and interests of both workers and trade

   Wei expressed the hope that Chinese trade unions and
   Japan's International Labor Foundation will further
   promote exchanges and friendship and learn from each
   other in related areas.

   Tokumoto said that China has made achievements in its
   reform and opening-up drive, and China has played an
   important role in overcoming the Asian financial
   crisis. He also expressed the hope that China will
   achieve even greater development.

   The Japanese guests are here at the invitation of the
   All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

   Monday, December 11, 2000, updated at 22:34(GMT+8)

   Iraq Condemns US, Britain for Maintaining Sanctions

   Iraq on Monday 

Vietnam News Dec 11

2000-12-11 Thread heikki sipilä

NA eighth session closes

The eighth National Assembly session ended at 3:45pm on December 9, with the
playing of the national anthem.

The closing session was addressed by National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh
and attended by General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party Le Kha Phieu,
advisor to the CPV Central Committee Do Muoi, President Tran Duc Luong and
Prime Minister Phan Van Khai.

Earlier, the assembly carried four resolutions: two dealing with education, a
programme of legal work for 2001, and tasks for 2001.

Resolutions for the renewal of the general education curriculum and measures
make junior high school education universal sparked the stormiest debates.

Twenty-seven deputies representing 20 provinces and cities put their views
about them.

The resolution dealing with the socio-economic tasks for 2001 says the economy
should grow quickly, be sustainable and accord with socio-cultural

It says greater efforts should be make to solve burning social issues such as
employment generation, poverty alleviation and the reduction of social vices
and traffic accidents.

The efforts should include the development of education, accelerate the
scientific-technological revolution and management restructuring.

It calls for a focusing on the settling of voter petitions so as to ensure
social order and political stability.

The resolution says this will mean restructuring agriculture, strengthening
co-operatives in accordance with the Co-operatives Law and removing obstacles
to the working of State-owned enterprises.

It says: "Experiences should be drawn from reviewing the process of
equitisation, selling contracts and leasing part of the State-owned
enterprises so as to do it better".

The resolution also encourages the growth of various economic sectors,
renovation in management and the more efficient use of investment as well as
national financial sources, including banking reform in an effort to reduce

It says: "Welfare policies towards ethnic minority people and highlanders
should be well implemented in the interest of national defence and social

The resolution emphasises that administrative reform, crack-down on wasteful
spending and corruption, and efforts to improve the quality of justice must be
quickened if the State mechanism is to be perfected.

The assembly passed an Insurance Business Law, the Law to Prevention and Fight
Drugs and resolutions dealing with a draft state budget during its almost one
month of sitting.

Cultural Heritage and Fire Prevention and Five Fighting Bills were also
discussed. (VNA)

Military Zone 7 marks founding anniversary

The Military Zone 7 held a meeting on December 10 to mark its 55th founding
anniversary (December 10, 1945 - December 10, 2000).

Established in the first days of the anti-French resistance war, under the
leadership of the Party, the armed forces of the Military Zone have
unceasingly developed, overcome many hardships and achieved glorious feats of
arms, contributing to winning victory in the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign in
1975 and bring about the South's liberation and the country's reunification.

In the current process of national renovation, the armed forces of the
Military Zone have also pooled all their efforts to build a strong, regular,
crack and modern unit, to be absolutely loyal to the leadership of the Party
and successfully carry out the two strategic tasks of socialist construction
and national defence.

Prominent among those attending the meeting were advisors to the Party Central
Committee (PCC), Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, PCC former advisor Vo Chi Cong,
Generals Vo Nguyen Giap and Mai Chi Tho, and Nguyen Minh Triet, Politburo
member and Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee secretary.

President Tran Duc Luong and Prime Minister Phan Van Khai sent flowers to
congratulate the Military Zone.

'Asian Women for a Peaceful Culture' conference closes

The ‘Asian Women for a Peaceful Culture’ conference closed in Hanoi on
December 9 after three working days, passing the Hanoi Declaration and the
Asian Women’s Action Plan for a Peaceful Culture and Sustainable Development.

The Hanoi Declaration affirms the remarkable achievements made by Asian and
the world women in the past century as well as their efforts for gender
equality, development and peace. It warns that wars and conflicts still exist,
affecting the lives of women and children, social welfare and development.

The declaration stresses the tasks to address issues of violence, hunger and
poverty, injustice and social discrimination for the goals of human security
and peaceful culture. It makes clear that education plays an essential role in
development and peace building, that mass media occupy a significant position
in promoting gender equality and preventing wars and conflicts, strengthening
the participation of women in building a peaceful culture. It emphasised the
role of women in hunger elimination and poverty 

China. People´s Daily Dec 10

2000-12-10 Thread heikki sipilä

DPRK Condemns Japan for Buying New Warships The Democratic People's
Republic of Korea (DPRK) has warned Japan against its decision to buy two
large frigates, saying the move will spark an arms race in the Asia-pacific
region and seriously disturb the overall stability there.

The Japanese maritime self-defense force will reportedly buy two warships
of aircraft carrier type in the period of the next arms buildup plan

The purchase will increase Japanese anti-submarine combat capacity and
perform the function of commanding a fleet, the Korean Central News Agency
said Saturday in an editorial.

The planned building of such warships is aimed at render defunct Japan's
peace constitution, which bans its overseas expansion, said the article,
adding that the new frigates will increase its capacity to carry out
military operations in any part of the world.

The decision shows that Japan is turning itself into a military power and
speeding up militarization for "overseas aggression," it noted.

"If Japan escalates its arms buildup and its preparations for overseas
aggression, it will not be able to escape deserved punishment," the
editorial warned.

Korean Reunification May Take Decades, Kim Dae-jung Says The winner of the
2000 Nobel Peace Prize, South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, predicted on
Saturday that the reunification of the North and South of the Korean
Peninsula could take decades to achieve, Swedish media reported.

Kim, who is in the Norwegian capital of Oslo for the awards ceremony, was
quoted as telling reporters that he doubted the reunification could happen
during his term in office, which will end in February 2002.

It may take 10 years, or 20 years, perhaps even longer to achieve the
reunification, said Kim.

But he also pointed out that five decades of division on the Korean
peninsula after centuries of unity was "an aberration" and reunification
was the "ultimate dream."

South Korea will work harder with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
(DPRK) to help more separated families get reunions, Kim added.

Kim, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his reconciliation efforts on the
Korean peninsula by the Norwegian Nobel Committee in October, will receive
9 million Swedish crowns (929,300 U.S. dollars).

New Anti-blockade Protest in Cuba
More than 50,000 Cubans staged a protest rally on Saturday in the city of
Colon, western Cuba, demanding an end of the four-decade U.S. blockade to
their country.

Students, doctors, feminist leaders, teachers and peasants joined the
protest. Some made speeches criticizing El Salvadoran President Francisco
Flores and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.

During the Ibero-American summit held in Panama City last month, Cuban
leader Fidel Castro rejected a proposal raised by Flores for condemning
Spain's Basque separatist group ETA's use of violence, arguing that the
U.S. trade embargo against Cuba should also be condemned as terrorism.

The protesters also requested the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles, who
had been accused by Castro of plotting to assassinate him and then was
arrested with three other complices in Panama City during the regional

The Cuban government has accused Carriles of being involved in several
terrorist actions, including the 1976 bombing of a Cuban plane, which
killed 73 people on board, and the 1997 bomb campaign.

At the summit, Castro also criticized Flores for allowing Carriles to
reside in his country.

Cuban Vice President and Defense Minister Raul Castro also participated in
the protest.

Reports of US Company Entering Shanghai Postal Service Market Untrue A
spokesman from the State Post Bureau (SPB) said in Beijing Friday, December
8, that recent reports about a US company being approved access to the
postal service market in Shanghai do not tally with facts.

Earlier reports on the Internet said that the US company Postnet has
entered Shanghai's post service market, with support from Shanghai's post

The spokesman said that the reports are groundless as Chinese laws
stipulate that no companies or individuals are allowed to be involved in
the mailing of letters or any similar activities without approval from the

Postnet is a franchise business from Nevada State providing post,
communications and commercial services as an alternative to government
postal services, but its branch in Shanghai opened a so-called mailbox
renting business which is, in fact, a form of mail delivery service.

"Such activities are strictly prohibited by Chinese laws, as postal
services concern a state's sovereignty, information security and its
citizens' privacy," the spokesman said.

Therefore, this branch is not in a position to do such business nor can it
use the special mark EMS, he said, adding that the Shanghai Municipal Post
Bureau has launched an investigation into the case.

Non-CPC Parties Informed of Anti-Corruption Campaign

Cuba to Cut Telephone Ties to US

2000-12-10 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Gary Bacon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cuba to cut phone communications with U.S.

HAVANA, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Cuba will cut all phone ties with the United
States from next week in retaliation for American companies' failure to pay
dues charged by the island, Havana announced on Friday.

A statement from Cuba's Council of State, read on state TV and radio, said
communications would be suspended from Dec. 15.

In October, Cuba slapped a 10 percent tax on the cost of telephone calls
between the two countries in retaliation against legislation that would let
the United States use frozen Cuban funds.

Cuba warned at the time that all phone links could be cut if Washington
resisted the tax.

Under the October decree, Cuba's national phone company, Empresa de
Telecomunicaciones S.A. (ETECSA), a Cuban-Italian joint venture, was to
retain the additional funds generated by the 10 percent tax, which were to
be charged on every minute of all phone calls between the two countries.

Holiday hang-up: Cuba to cut phone connection with U.S.
Decision based on companies' failure to pay 10% surcharge

Fidel Castro's government has delivered a lump of coal to Cuban families on
both sides of the Florida Straits for the Christmas holidays, ordering
phone links between the United States and the island cut by Dec. 16.

A brief announcement published Friday in the Communist Party daily
newspaper Granma said officials made the decision because U.S. companies
have failed to pay a 10 percent surcharge that became effective at the end
of October.

Havana imposed the tax at the beginning of October in a transparent attempt
to make up $58 million awarded in damages to the Miami relatives of the
Brothers to the Rescue pilots ambushed by Cuban MiGs in 1996. Cuba had
warned then that it would cut phone service if the tax was not paid.


"This is inhumane," said María Darias, who has been in the United States
since February and talks to her daughter Magaly in Havana at least twice a
week. "This is taking away my human connection to my daughter."

Enrique López, a Cuban American who is president of the Coral Gables
communications consultanting firm, AKL Group International, said Cuban
officials made a conscious decision to cut service during the Christmas
holidays, one of the most important to Cuban families who have been apart
for decades.

"Obviously, they're playing with people's emotions," said López. "For many
people that phone call makes a difference. I expect they will get a
backlash from their own people."

The Cuban American National Foundation denounced Cuba's phone-cutoff
decision, calling it a "cynical and extortionate" maneuver that
demonstrates how far apart the two countries are from a normal relationship.

In Washington, State Department spokesman Philip Reeker called Cuba's
action "disappointing" and hoped the Havana government would reconsider.

"It is unfortunate that while the world continues to open up to the people
of Cuba, the Cuban government is threatening to deny Cuban citizens the
ability to talk with family members," Reeker said.


In February 1999, Cuba made a similar cut in direct service that lasted
more than a year, but had little impact because calls from the United
States were routed through third countries. This time, though, the Cuban
government said it is putting in place mechanisms that will impose the
surcharge on those third countries or order them to hang up on all calls
with a U.S. area code to Cuba.

Several telephone companies, including ATT, Sprint, Telefonica of Puerto
Rico, and Worldcom, among others, provide telephone service to Cuba. The
majority of calls to the island originate in the U.S. because of better
technology and lower costs. Under normal conditions, Cuba's
telecommunications department and the companies agree on the rate to charge
callers, now an average of 80 to 90 cents a minute, one of the highest
rates in the region despite the island's proximity to the U.S.

The companies pay Cuba a maximum of 60 cents a minute for every call, a
rate codified in the telecommunications provision of the Cuban Democracy
Act. The companies collect the fees in the United States and pay Cuba its
share -- 45 percent of the $130 million, or about $80 million, generated
each year by the calls. The surcharge would provide Cuba with an additional
$30 million a year in revenue.

The companies, however, said they could not pay the surcharge without
violating the laws that regulate all economic transactions between the
United States and Cuba.

Gus Alfonso of ATT said phone company executives are still waiting to hear
whether they can pay the surcharge from the Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC), a branch of the U.S. Treasury Dept., which administers and
enforces economic and trade sanctions against targeted 

Radio Havana Cuba-09 December 2000

2000-12-10 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:30:08 -0500
Subject:  Radio Havana Cuba-09 December 2000

Radio Havana Cuba-09 December 2000

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 09 December 2000










Havana, December 9 (RHC)--Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque told
Notimex News Agency yesterday that it is very significant that the US State
of Florida, where the majority of right-wing Cuban exiles live, is the site
of the first major electoral irregularity in the history of the USA. Perez
Roque added that Cuba has offered the US some unsolicited advice regarding
the holding of clean elections.

The Foreign Minister pointed out that Miami-Dade county and the Miami area
have the largest number of powerful ultra-rightwing Cuban exiles, who --
even before the triumph of the Revolution -- were already corrupt. They had
previous experience of electoral manipulation before arriving in Miami and
now they effectively control the city.

Perez Roque mentioned that George W. Bush is putting a great deal of
emphasis on the support received by Cuban voters in Miami, ignoring the fact
that only 170,000 Cubans cast their vote compared with the total of 6.5
million voters in Florida. However, they are very influential and have money
to finance electoral campaigns. The Cuban Foreign Minister recalled that
Vice Presidential candidate and Democrat, Joseph Lieberman, has also
received large sums of money from the rightwing Cuban American National

Perez Roque paid a short visit to Honduras on Friday and met with President
Carlos Flores and the Honduran Foreign Minister Roberto Flores. Perez Roque
signed several cooperation agreements with the Central American nation
covering culture, education and migratory issues.


Havana, December 9(RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro attended the
unveiling yesterday of the statue of John Lennon on Friday in a Havana park.
The President of the Cuban Parliament, Ricardo Alarcon, spoke to the crowd
gathered to mark the historic occasion. The ceremony took place on the 20th
anniversary of Lennon's murder. He was shot to death in New York City on
December 8th, 1980.

Ricardo Alarcon said that John Lennon is best remembered for his efforts on
behalf of world peace and tolerance. The President of the Cuban Parliament
stated that John Lennon is especially popular in Cuba, where many musicians
acknowledge his influence in their work.

Lennon Park sits in the center of the city, in the tree-lined Vedado
neighborhood. The statue of Lennon, sitting cross-legged on a park bench
next to where others may sit, is a striking likeness of the legendary
British singer and songwriter.

Friday night at Havana's Jose Marti Anti-Imperialist Tribunal, a group of
Cuban singers and songwriters performed Beatles songs in a free, open-air
concert. The concert ended with the enthusiastic crowd singing along on such
classics as "Imagine" and "Hey Jude."


Havana, December 9(RHC)-- Cuban Vice President Carlos Lage met in Havana on
Friday with the president of the French Senate, Cristian Poncelet. Lage told
the press that relations between Cuba and France are at a good moment,
especially on a parliamentary level, and he made reference to the
possibility of extending these relations to other sectors.

The Cuban Vice President affirmed that the parliamentary links between the
two nations opened up commercial relations between France and Cuba, and he
praised the position of the French government against Washington's blockade
of Cuba.

Lage also reported that despite the increase in oil prices, the Cuban
economy has managed to overcome the crisis generated by that situation -- so
much so, he added, that it has been able to maintain its growth, which
should be some 5.6 percent by the end of the year.

The Cuban leader, who also heads the Executive Committee of the Cuban
Council of Ministers, pointed out that tourism continues to be the island's
most important hard currency sector. He added that the island's oil industry
is also doing very well due to increases registered in the island's oil and
gas production. On Saturday, a cooperation accord was signed between Cuban
Parliament President, Ricardo Alarcon, and the President of the French
Senate, Cristian Poncelet.


Havana, December 9th(RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque has
returned to Havana after 

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