[newbie-it] differenza kernel

2002-01-29 Thread Rodolfo Colombo

Ciao a tutti

dopo aver installato la MDK 8.1 sul mio PC ho la necessità di avviare il 
kernel 2.2.19, premetto che ho partizionato l'HD con il supporto reisefs e 
tutto va bene, l'unica partizione che non è reiser è la /boot
avvio linux con lilo.
Allora ho modificato il lilo.conf inserendo i comandi per avviare il kernel 
poi un bel lilo -v e tutto va liscio come l'olio
al riavvio il kernel mi dice che non è supportato il reiserfs 
che opzioni devo dare a lilo per far partire il kernel 2.2 su partizioni 
reiser ?
devo nel caso usare uno degli altri kernel 2.2.19-19mdklinus o 
2.2.19-19mdksecure ?
che differenza c'è tra questi?

ciao e grazie Rodolfo

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] star office 5.2

2002-01-29 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Cinzia Delogu [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  Ho
scaricato star office 5.2 dal sito della sun, ma
 il file è in formato  *.bin; che cosa posso
 utilizzare per masterizzarlo?
...Dovrebbe essere l'eseguibile di installazione. Puoi
masterizzarlo come un qualsiasi file: non si tratta di
un' immagine iso.

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina: http://it.docs.yahoo.com/buongiorno.html

Re: [newbie-it] differenza kernel

2002-01-29 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Rodolfo Colombo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ha scritto:  Ciao a tutti
 dopo aver installato la MDK 8.1 sul mio PC ho la
 necessità di avviare il 
 kernel 2.2.19, premetto che ho partizionato l'HD con
 il supporto reisefs e 
 tutto va bene, l'unica partizione che non è reiser è
 la /boot
 avvio linux con lilo.
 Allora ho modificato il lilo.conf inserendo i
 comandi per avviare il kernel 
 poi un bel lilo -v e tutto va liscio come l'olio
 al riavvio il kernel mi dice che non è supportato il
 che opzioni devo dare a lilo per far partire il
 kernel 2.2 su partizioni 
 reiser ?
 devo nel caso usare uno degli altri kernel
 2.2.19-19mdklinus o 
 2.2.19-19mdksecure ?
 che differenza c'è tra questi?
Il kernel 2.2.x non supporta il reiserfs, e non credo
che esistano degli accrocchi per aggirare il
problema (il supporto ad un filesystem deve essere
compilato nel kernel).

Il kernel 2.2.19-19mdklinus dovrebbe essere il kernel
standard 2.2.19 mentre il 2.2.19-19mdksecure dovrebbe
contenere delle patch per la sicurezza, ma non ne sono

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina: http://it.docs.yahoo.com/buongiorno.html

Re: [newbie-it] SUSE 7.3

2002-01-29 Thread Andrea Celli

 Francesco Speranza wrote:
 Anche se questa mail-list e' dedicata a Mandrake volevo porre un
 quesito sulla distribuzione di Suse.
 Sto cercando di scaricare  Suse 7.3  da uno dei siti italiani
 (ftp.uniroma2.it/linux/suse/suse/i386) ma noto che la quantita' di  MB
 da scaricare e' enorme ( molto piu' di un singolo CD forse
 bisogna scaricare solo alcune Dir ) ed inoltre non ho alcuna idea
 su come iniziare l'istallazione ( a parte un file setup che pare
 funzioni sotto DOS )e  infatti non so  come fare per organizzare
 questi files in uno o più CD di installazione ( non c'e' un file iso
 ...) .
 Qualcuno che ha pratica con Suse potrebbe aiutarmi a risolvere questo

SuSE a differenza di Mandrake, non distribuisce le immagini iso
delle proprie distro (solo quelle delle versioni vecchie).

ricostruire il CD di installazione e` quasi impossibile.
Dovresti prenderti tutto, sapere come distribuirlo tra piu`
CD o come sostituire alcuni file con dei link simbolici,
avere un programma di installazione da Cd che non so se sia
presente,  fai prima a comprarti la distro ufficiale. :-(
E` quello che vogliono, facendo giustamente arrabbiare
diverse persone.

L'unica alternativa, se hai una linea ISDN o DSL, e` quella di
scaricare l'immagine del floppy di istallazione (quello che hai
trovato) e poi fare direttamente l'installazione da rete.
I pacchetti saranno direttamente installati sul tuo Pc senza
passare da un CD di installazione.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] star office 5.2

2002-01-29 Thread Andrea Celli

 Cinzia Delogu wrote:
 Ho scaricato star office 5.2 dal sito della sun, ma il file è in
 formato  *.bin; che cosa posso utilizzare per masterizzarlo?

Lo masterizzi come un file normale all'interno di un CD con
anche altri file. Non e` un'immagine iso.

Per installarlo dai da un Xterm il comando:
# tuo-file-di-star-office.bin /net
e segui le istruzioni mettendo tutto in /usr/local/OFFICE52.
E` fondamentale il /net altrimenti potra` usarlo solo
chi lo ha installato (es. root)

Poi, dovrai ripetere una mini installazione per ogni utente
facendogli dare /usr/local/OFFICE52/../bin/setup.
ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] SUSE 7.3

2002-01-29 Thread gigi

Il 15:31, lunedì 28 gennaio 2002, hai fatto finta di scrivere:
 Anche se questa mail-list e' dedicata a Mandrake volevo porre un quesito
 sulla distribuzione di Suse. Sto cercando di scaricare  Suse 7.3  da uno
 dei siti italiani (ftp.uniroma2.it/linux/suse/suse/i386) ma noto che la
 quantita' di  MB da scaricare e' enorme ( molto piu' di un singolo CD
 forse bisogna scaricare solo alcune Dir ) ed inoltre non ho alcuna idea
 su come iniziare l'istallazione ( a parte un file setup che pare funzioni
 sotto DOS )e  infatti non so  come fare per organizzare questi files in uno
 o più CD di installazione ( non c'e' un file iso ...) . Qualcuno che ha
 pratica con Suse potrebbe aiutarmi a risolvere questo quesito? Francesco

se vuoi puoi risolver il problema comprando linux  co attualmente in 
edicola:  ha allegata infatti la suse 7.3!

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[newbie-it] kernel 2.4.16 la vendetta

2002-01-29 Thread Fabio Manunza

Ho cantato vittoria troppo presto...
In realtà niente di tragico:
1)il computer con il nuovo kernel, semplicemente non ha nessuna voglia
dispegnersi automaticamente; esegue tutta la routine di spegnimento, arriva
al messaggio halting system, quindi al power down...e li rimane con il
cursore lampeggiante, costringendomi a chiudere a mano.
2) Questa è marginale, ma ho notato che con linux si tende a diventare dei
perfezionisti; al momento del boot con aurora (new-style qualcosa), la
stella di mdk azzurra (quella per intendersi dove a volte appare accanto la
faccina triste) risulta sgranata, quasi ci fossero dei problemi di resa
grafica; utilizzando però poi il computer questi problemi non si riscontrano
affatto, anzi..
Sempre avido di conoscenza, rispettosamente vostro

[newbie-it] ps and pdf viewer

2002-01-29 Thread Luigi De Pascale

Salve a tutti,
ho un problemino con il ps and pdf viewer di mandrake.
Non stampa.
Tutte le altre applicazioni stampano regolarmente.
QUalcuno di voi ha trovato i setting giusti?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] Ricompilare il Kernel

2002-01-29 Thread Alessio Vicini

Ciao a tutti,
ieri sera ho tentato la mia prima ricompilazione del Kernel sul mio
MDK 8.1. Volevo fare in modo che il sistema vedesse il masterizzatore
come SCSI seguendo quanto citato sugli How-to per masterizzare.
Dunque ho lanciato da /usr/src/linux make menuconfig
ed ho modificato, stupidamente, solo le opzioni che mi servivano,
pensando che tutte le altre fossero già configurate in modo corretto.
Peccato di presunzione perchè poi ho realizzato che, siccome la
ricompilazione parte dai sorgenti, avrei dovuto settare tutte le
opzioni necessarie. Vabbè, ho reinstallato tutto. Mi chiedo xrò, se
non ci sia un modo per modificare solamente le opzioni necessarie,
partendo magari dal kernel già compilato e funzionante sul mio
sistema. Potete aiutarmi? Non esistono degli elenchi aggiornati con
spiegazioni chiare dei vari moduli presenti nel Kernel (2.4.8)? So
che in menuconfig e xconfig, esistono delle info, ma non sono troppo
esaustive. Almeno per me che sono niubbo...
Ah, dimenticavo, in xconfig, è possibile caricare le opzioni del
Kernel da un file di configurazione pre esistente. E' solo un sistema
di salvataggio dati (che so, se mentre imposto le funzioni del kernel
mi scappa la pipì... posso salvare e ricominciare? :-)) oppure posso
caricare da qui le opzioni del kernel funzionante? E se si, come?

Caspita, quanto ho scritto, scusate, sono logorroico anche quando
scrivo... Saluti e ringraziamenti a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Ricompilare il Kernel

2002-01-29 Thread Fabio Manunza

A questo punto non so se devo darLe del Voi...
Comunque, sono fresco di compilazione, e ti posso suggerire quello che ho
capito io..
In /boot dovresti trovare un file config-2.4.8-26mdk o giù di li (sono su
Win quando scrivo e-mail, cribbio!!); comunque appare con l'iconcina del
file di testo.
Carica quel file e avrai la configurazione di default che attualmente hai
sulla tua mandrakkia..
Da li, buona fortuna..
- Original Message -
From: Alessio Vicini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Ricompilare il Kernel

Ciao a tutti,
ieri sera ho tentato la mia prima ricompilazione del Kernel sul mio
MDK 8.1. Volevo fare in modo che il sistema vedesse il masterizzatore
come SCSI seguendo quanto citato sugli How-to per masterizzare.
Dunque ho lanciato da /usr/src/linux make menuconfig
ed ho modificato, stupidamente, solo le opzioni che mi servivano,
pensando che tutte le altre fossero già configurate in modo corretto.
Peccato di presunzione perchè poi ho realizzato che, siccome la
ricompilazione parte dai sorgenti, avrei dovuto settare tutte le
opzioni necessarie. Vabbè, ho reinstallato tutto. Mi chiedo xrò, se
non ci sia un modo per modificare solamente le opzioni necessarie,
partendo magari dal kernel già compilato e funzionante sul mio
sistema. Potete aiutarmi? Non esistono degli elenchi aggiornati con
spiegazioni chiare dei vari moduli presenti nel Kernel (2.4.8)? So
che in menuconfig e xconfig, esistono delle info, ma non sono troppo
esaustive. Almeno per me che sono niubbo...
Ah, dimenticavo, in xconfig, è possibile caricare le opzioni del
Kernel da un file di configurazione pre esistente. E' solo un sistema
di salvataggio dati (che so, se mentre imposto le funzioni del kernel
mi scappa la pipì... posso salvare e ricominciare? :-)) oppure posso
caricare da qui le opzioni del kernel funzionante? E se si, come?

Caspita, quanto ho scritto, scusate, sono logorroico anche quando
scrivo... Saluti e ringraziamenti a tutti.

[newbie-it] Estrazione singoli file da archivi .tar

2002-01-29 Thread Alberto Zanoni

una domanda: si può (e, se sì, come) estrarre da un file .tar un singolo 
file ? E come fare per metterlo subito dove voglio ? Può andare qualcosa del 

tar opzioni per ora a me ignote file.tar singoloFile  


Grazie anticipate,

[newbie-it] Grafica

2002-01-29 Thread Matteo

Cioa a tutti vorrei sapere perche non riesco a settare una risoluzone piu 
alta di 1028*768 a 16bit con il menu di mandrake 8.0.
Che file dovrei cambiare manualmente ed in che modo, vorrei capire il motivo 
percui se aumento la risoluzione non mi si vede piu niente, funziona solo la 
modalita riga comando.

Re: [newbie-it] Ricompilare il Kernel

2002-01-29 Thread Alessio Vicini

Darmi del Voi?!? Ma siamo pazzi?!? Già sono brutto di mio, se poi
divento anche rosso... Scherzi a parte, Fabio, grazie mille per il
tuo suggerimento, stasera stessa provo. PS per inciso, fino a prova
contrario sono io a doverti dare del Voi: tu hai ricompilatoio
ancora no... Ciao E grazie ancora.
Alessio Vicini, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/29/2002

Il Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:05:09 +0100, Fabio Manunza mi ha scritto:
A questo punto non so se devo darLe del Voi...
Comunque, sono fresco di compilazione, e ti posso suggerire quello
che ho
capito io..
In /boot dovresti trovare un file config-2.4.8-26mdk o giù di li
(sono su
Win quando scrivo e-mail, cribbio!!); comunque appare con l'iconcina
file di testo.
Carica quel file e avrai la configurazione di default che
attualmente hai
sulla tua mandrakkia..
Da li, buona fortuna..
- Original Message -
From: Alessio Vicini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Ricompilare il Kernel

Ciao a tutti,
ieri sera ho tentato la mia prima ricompilazione del Kernel sul mio
MDK 8.1. Volevo fare in modo che il sistema vedesse il
come SCSI seguendo quanto citato sugli How-to per masterizzare.
Dunque ho lanciato da /usr/src/linux make menuconfig
ed ho modificato, stupidamente, solo le opzioni che mi servivano,
pensando che tutte le altre fossero già configurate in modo
Peccato di presunzione perchè poi ho realizzato che, siccome la
ricompilazione parte dai sorgenti, avrei dovuto settare tutte le
opzioni necessarie. Vabbè, ho reinstallato tutto. Mi chiedo xrò, se
non ci sia un modo per modificare solamente le opzioni necessarie,
partendo magari dal kernel già compilato e funzionante sul mio
sistema. Potete aiutarmi? Non esistono degli elenchi aggiornati con
spiegazioni chiare dei vari moduli presenti nel Kernel (2.4.8)? So
che in menuconfig e xconfig, esistono delle info, ma non sono troppo
esaustive. Almeno per me che sono niubbo...
Ah, dimenticavo, in xconfig, è possibile caricare le opzioni del
Kernel da un file di configurazione pre esistente. E' solo un
di salvataggio dati (che so, se mentre imposto le funzioni del
mi scappa la pipì... posso salvare e ricominciare? :-)) oppure posso
caricare da qui le opzioni del kernel funzionante? E se si, come?

Caspita, quanto ho scritto, scusate, sono logorroico anche quando
scrivo... Saluti e ringraziamenti a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Estrazione singoli file da archivi .tar

2002-01-29 Thread Alessio Vicini

Probabilmente, da X... (KDE, Gnome...) puoi cliccare sul file Tar che
ti si apre. Prendi il file che ti serve e lo trascini nella cartella
che ti interessa. Credo funzioni, però non ho mai provato...
Fammi sapere.
Alessio Vicini, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/29/2002

Il Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:56:17 +0100, Alberto Zanoni mi ha scritto:
una domanda: si può (e, se sì, come) estrarre da un file .tar un
file ? E come fare per metterlo subito dove voglio ? Può andare
qualcosa del

tar opzioni per ora a me ignote file.tar singoloFile 


Grazie anticipate,

[newbie-it] Masterizz.

2002-01-29 Thread Roby

Un saluto alla lista.
Vorrei consigli sulla scelta 
di un masterizzatore per il mio Mdk 8.1.
Eventualmente link su elenchi consultabili.

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda di rete

2002-01-29 Thread syd

Alle 00:07, martedì 29 gennaio 2002, mike ha scritto:

 perchè non dsattivi aurora per vedere che tipo di errore hai?

Allora mike, ho disattivato aurora e con il riavvio in modalità testo ho 
avuto la possibilità di configurare (Kuduz!!) la scheda che immediatamente è 
stata caricata. Naturalmente sul mio modesto sistema in fìeri aurora non 
vedrà ma più la luce; l'ho riesumata solo per un riavvio così da sincerarmi 
della scomparsa di quella scheda nell'angolo basso sinistro dello schermo.

 #route (ad eth up e eth down)
 così controlli come hai settato le rotte

ed ecco le rotte rispettivamente pre e post eth0

(pre)..# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface   *   U 0  00 lo

(post)..# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface *   U 0  00 eth0   *   U 0  00 lo
default localhost.local UG0  00 eth0

E adesso la connessione. 
 2)Volendo comunicare il
  risultato alla ml mi sono connesso e con mia grande.. gioia.. ho
  scoperto di viaggiare alla velocità di 0,0 kbs.
  Per essere più
  preciso: ero connesso ma kmail restava inchiodato sulla
  trasmissione dal primo pop

 questo potrebbe proprio essere un problema di DNS..
 ti basta aggiungere un
 search tuodominio
 nameserver tuonameserver
 in /etc/resolv.conf

 e col browser non andavo da nessuna
  parte qualunque fosse l'indirizzo digitato.

 idem, con un IP uscivi?

  Ho controllato le impostazioni della connessione e del modem,
  quest'ultimo provandolo anche con windows. 


 ok, il caricamento della rete ti carica la rotta che hai impostato,
 generalmente eth0 diventa il GW per la tua rete,
 ma tu, a meno di avere un router, navighi con ppp0 come GW

 devi settare kppp in modo che ppp0 diventi default gateway quando (e
 solo allora) sei connesso,
 sostituendo anche i dns locali con quelli assegnati dal provider

Non sono mai uscito con un IP. A parte questo, ho dato uno sguardo tra i vari 
tool grafici e all'interno di alcuni files. Ho fatto anche qualche timido 
tentativo ma prima di fare grossi danni vorrei avere le idee più chiare.
Questo è il mio /etc/resolv.conf

# search localdomain
search localdomain

# ppp temp entry

Tu mi dici di aggiungere quelle due stringhe che mi hai indicato.
Mi connetto con inwind e quindi suppongo che il mio dominio sia inwind.it ma 
per il mio nameserver non so proprio cosa pensare. 
Per il settaggio di Kppp ho notato che il profilo default per la connessione 
mi indica come interfaccia ppp0 e quindi suppongo che sarà sufficiente 
disabilitare il default route tra le impostazioni della connessione.
Per i dns assegnati dal provider sul sito di inwind mi indica un IP per il 
dns primario e nulla per il dns secondario.
Insomma mike, ho già avuto modo di verificare la tua squisita disponibilità...
mi manca poco, lo sento, non mi abbandonare alla fine del sentiero. 

Dirti grazie mi sembra poco.

Re: [newbie-it] differenza kernel

2002-01-29 Thread Germano

Che intendi con il kernel 2.2.x non supporta il reiserfs?

basta che non sia la partizione di swap o quella di boot (o quella dedicata a 
Win...) per il resto il reiserfs è utilizzabile come gli altri anzi, per il 
2.2.x, è preferibile.

Ciao, Germano

 Il kernel 2.2.x non supporta il reiserfs, e non credo
 che esistano degli accrocchi per aggirare il
 problema (il supporto ad un filesystem deve essere
 compilato nel kernel).

 Il kernel 2.2.19-19mdklinus dovrebbe essere il kernel
 standard 2.2.19 mentre il 2.2.19-19mdksecure dovrebbe
 contenere delle patch per la sicurezza, ma non ne sono

 Ciao! Steo.

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-01-29 Thread robirossi

Il 18:44, martedì 29 gennaio 2002, hai scritto:

Re: [newbie-it] Estrazione singoli file da archivi .tar

2002-01-29 Thread Germano

Metodo 1) tar -xvf  nome archivio  nome file da estrarre

In questo modo estrae nome file da estrarre da  nome archivio e lo mette 
nella directory corrente.

Metodo 2) se proprio non vuoi metterti già nella directory dove deve essere 
estratto il file puoi provare con

tar  -xvf   nome archivio  nome file da estrarre -C  nome directory

l'ultima opzione fa (o dovrebbe fare) sì che le operazioni siano svolte come 
se ci si trovasse nella directory  nome directory quindi penso che il nome 
archivio si debbe adeguare a questo comportamento.

N.B: nome file da estrarre deve corrispondere esattamente a quello con il 
quale quel file è stato archiviato quindi fatti listare i file dell'archivio

Metodo 3) Consultare la infopage o la manpage di tar ( info tar man tar)

Ciao, Germano

Il 10:56, domenica 27 gennaio 2002, hai scritto:
   una domanda: si può (e, se sì, come) estrarre da un file .tar un singolo
 file ? E come fare per metterlo subito dove voglio ? Può andare qualcosa
 del tipo

 tar opzioni per ora a me ignote file.tar singoloFile 


 Grazie anticipate,

Re: [newbie-it] differenza kernel

2002-01-29 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 10:10, martedì 29 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
differenza kernel, Stefano Salari ha scritto:
  --- Rodolfo Colombo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ha scritto:  Ciao a tutti

  dopo aver installato la MDK 8.1 sul mio PC ho la
  necessità di avviare il
  kernel 2.2.19, premetto che ho partizionato l'HD con
  il supporto reisefs

allora, il reiser la mandrakkia l'ha introdotto con la 7.x che 
montava un 2.2.xx-yy.mdk.
Stabilmente è stato introdotto nei kernel linus a partire dal 2.4.1,
ora, non ci giuro, ma il 2.2.19.yy.mdk (*mdk* !!) dovrebbe averlo il 
supporto reiser.

Il nocciolo potrebbe essere piuttosto nell'immagine da caricare 
all'avvio, cioè,
- -se compili includendo il supporto reiser nel kernel non devi 
generare initrd.img
- -altrimenti devi generarla (#mkinitrd initrd-2.2.19.img 2.2.19) e 
farla caricare dal lilo (cosa che comunque mdk esegue abitualmente)

il problema, semmai, è nella diversa versione di reiser tra un 2.4.x 
e la vecchia serie 2.2.x

bash-2.05$ cat /proc/fs/reiserfs/version

ReiserFS version 3.6.25 [built into kernel]

questo è il reiser che uso sulla mia slack,
sicuramente simile come versione al tuo, controlla
se il supporto che può darti un 2.2 sia alla stessa versione;
il rischio è che, seppure riesci a avviare con un  2.2.19 più o meno 
patchato tu corrompa il filesystem !!

Siccome la serie 2.2. è ancora mantenuta, è probabile che la mdk, o 
la Suse  abbiano rilasciato delle pezze per gestire un reiser 
versione 3.6.x

- --


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932
- --

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Kernel 2.4.16

2002-01-29 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 19:13, domenica 27 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it]
Kernel 2.4.16, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

  vedo con piacere che continui col cross posting...

 Uhm.. a questo punto mi sorge spontanea la domanda: cos'è 'sto
 cross-posting che tanto ti secca? Pensavo potesse essere l'inserire
 più di un indirizzo nel campo destinatari, cosa che non ho più
 fatto.. Se ho errato non so di errare, a questo punto..
 Illuminami.. :-)

questa è arrivata su Linux  C...

 Da: Fabio Manunza [EMAIL PROTECTED]

oltre che su newbye...
..non mi secca..(infatti ti rispondo)
ma è vietato, su altre ML ti avrebbero fatto nero..

 Ciao, e grazie per le dritte, ti farò sapere se il parto avverrà
 con successo!

di nulla

- --


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932
- --

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Alcatel Speedtouch USB

2002-01-29 Thread Marco Fortini

Segnalazione per Marco Forti:

ciao Marco, sono l'altro Marco,
ho seguito il tutorial alla lettera, ma arrivato al comando modem_run non
c'è niente da fare malgrado opero come root e l'eseguibile è presente nella
/usr/local/bin la risposta è: comando non trovato.

preso da rabbia avrei anche fatto il make install dello speedmgmt   .
(ho fatto danni ? che mi consigli ?).

il driver era rigorosamnte quello da te consigliato: speedtouch-1_0.tar.gz

sono o non sono sfigato ?

saluti Marco

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Alcatel Speedtouch USB

  Ringrazio Marco Forti per la cortesia,

 Troppo buono :-)

 Di seguito troverai le risposte alle tue domande (che spero possano
 aiutarti a capire meglio i passaggi necessari all'installazione).

 Se però mi permetti di darti un consiglio prova a seguire tutti i
 passaggi che ho indicato nel mio mini tutorial dall'inizio alla
 fine ... poi fammi sapere

 - risposte ai tuoi quesiti 

  Molti step sono simili ai tuoi, ma essendo io un principiante ho incon
  degli intoppi:
  Procedendo secondo la tua sequenza e ricordando che lavoro per ora sul
  Mandrake 8.0, queste sono le mie difficoltà:
  - ho costruito ed installato lo speedtouch (nessun problema)

 Di driver per lo speedtouch non ne esiste solo uno, hai scaricato ed
 installato quello che ho consigliato nel mio minitutorial ?

  - ho costruito ed installato l'hotplug (nessun problema)
 Potevi farne a meno, è bacato e probabilmente non lo userai mai!

 ho costruito ed installato lo speedmgmt (forse non dovevo installarlo ?
 devi solo decomprimerlo (essendo in formato tar.gz devi decomprimerlo
 come descritto nel tutorial e copiare solo il file mgmt.o nella
 directory /usr/share/speedtouch/)

  - ho letto di ricompilare il kernel per il supporto CONFIG_PPP e il
  CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY, ma sinceramente non so come si ricompila il kerne
 l con queste integrazioni.
 A mio avviso con Mandrake 8.0 non dovresti aver bisogno di ricompilare
 il kernel!

  il comando ./MAKEDEV ppp è sconosciuto al mio computer, allora ho prova
  sia col ppp-2.4.0-mdk installato da CD, sia col ppp-2.4.0b2-2.i386.rpm
  scaricato da rete.

 il comando ./MAKEDEV ppp serve a creare le devices (periferiche) ppp
 nella directory /dev nel caso non fossero già presenti.
 Per prima cosa accertatene spostandoti nella directory /dev con il
 comando cd /dev
 poi con il comando ls ppp* guarda se ottieni un output (elenco di file
 che iniziano con ppp) e solo se non vedi files che iniziano con ppp
 dovrai utilizzare il comando ./MAKEDEV ppp (che funziona anche dal tuo
 computer ma solo se sei nella directory /dev).

  - del file /etc/resolv.conf non me ne aveva mai parlato nessuno
 Io consiglio di modificarlo solo perché ho notato che l'uso dei DNS
 automatici con l'opzione usepeerdns crea in Mandrake 8.1 (almeno a me)
 qualche problema così è meglio indicarli esplicitamente nel
 file /etc/resolv.conf

  - il file /etc/ppp/peers/adsl lo ho creato, ma non so se esiste lo

 Puoi accertartene con
 cd /usr/local/bin/
 ls pppoa*
 ti fa vedere i file che iniziano con pppoa (probabilmente avrai sia
 pppoa2 che pppoa3

  - dei files chap-secrets e pap-secrets non ho capito bene il gioco
  dell'asterisco, ho comunque messo:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * miapassword *

 devi mettere il tuo username (quello comunicato dal tuo provider ...
 attento che non necessariamente deve avere @dominio.it, ad esempio BBB
 di telecom ti fornisce uno username senza @tin.it per collegarti) tra
 virgolette poi uno spazio poi un asterisco tra virgolette poi la tua
 password tra virgolette ed infine un altro asterisco tra virgolette
 pippo * p1pp0 *

  - il comando modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o
da me era: modem_run -m -
 f /path/to/mgmt.o (comunque modem_run è comando

 attento /path/to/mgmt.o è solo un esempio che in italiano suonerebbe
 come:  /percorso/di/mgmt.o
 quindi esattamente /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o
 in quanto a modem_run questo esiste se hai usato il driver di Papillaut
 (quello consigliato nel mio tutorial) e funziona solo se lo lanci da
 root e non da utente
  - infine pppd call adsl (non fa nulla)
 diciamo che non da output ... per vedere se ha dato buoni frutti basta
 lanciare subito dopo il comando ifconfig ppp0 (da root) ... se da un
 output probabilmente ha funzionato.

 Ciao e fammi sapere

 la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
 tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda di rete

2002-01-29 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 18:14, martedì 29 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Scheda 
di rete, syd ha scritto:

 Allora mike, ho disattivato aurora e con il riavvio in modalità
 testo ho avuto la possibilità di configurare (Kuduz!!) la scheda
 che immediatamente è stata caricata.

benemerito kudzu!!
ma poi, non è più bello vedere scorrere a video tutte le 
informazioni, piuttosto che vedere pinguini che fanno le smorfie??


 E adesso la connessione.

 Non sono mai uscito con un IP.

intendevo dire, anzichè scrivere www.nomedelsito..
inserire http://ip.del.sito.xx

 A parte questo, ho dato uno sguardo
 tra i vari tool grafici e all'interno di alcuni files. Ho fatto
 anche qualche timido tentativo ma prima di fare grossi danni vorrei
 avere le idee più chiare. Questo è il mio /etc/resolv.conf
 # search localdomain
 search localdomain

il problema è che hai impostato il tuo IP (o comunque un ip di una 
inesistente macchina collegata alla tua rete) come nameserver!!
mettici quello del tuo provider

aggiungi :
search dominio_provider
nameserver  ip dns.provider

in teoria qualsiasi ip di un qualsiasi dns dovrebbe funzionare, ma 
per fare le cose per benino..
se non conosci il numero ip del tuo provider te ne mando alcuni io:

per il futuro, ti basta un 
$ping dns.nomedeldominio
per avere restituito l'indirizzo ip del dns chiamato

 Per il settaggio di Kppp ho notato che il profilo default per la
 connessione mi indica come interfaccia ppp0 e quindi suppongo che
 sarà sufficiente disabilitare il default route tra le
 impostazioni della connessione.

se usi kppp devi abilitare l'opzione Assegna il Default Route a 
questo gateway
non è necessario che disattivi i dns locali durante la connessione, 
ma non fa neanche male, acceleri un pò evitando richieste a un 
nameserver inesistente  (usi sempre quello _attivo_ del tuo provider) 

 Dirti grazie mi sembra poco.


- -- 


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] differenza kernel

2002-01-29 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 18:43, martedì 29 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
differenza kernel, Germano ha scritto:
 Che intendi con il kernel 2.2.x non supporta il reiserfs?

guarda che ha ragione, reiser è stato inserito solo dalla 2.4.1!!
se lo trovi in kernel della serie 2.2.x è solo perchè alcune case 
(mandrake, suse) patchano i sorgenti del kernel per includere 
funzionalità non ufficiali

 basta che non sia la partizione di swap o quella di boot (o quella
 dedicata a Win...) per il resto il reiserfs è utilizzabile come gli
 altri anzi, per il 2.2.x, è preferibile.

?? forse sai qualcosa che noi ignoriamo...

- -- 


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


R: [newbie-it] grazie mike

2002-01-29 Thread Claudio Pedretti

vorrei scancellarmi dalla lista...grazie

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di miKe
Inviato: martedì 29 gennaio 2002 0.07
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] grazie mike

Hash: SHA1

Il 19:55, domenica 27 gennaio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] grazie
mike, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 vga=normal   = bingo!
 Tutto qua. Gli altri problemi sono scomparsi con l'avvio da HD,
 come subodoravo...
 Il sottoscritto c'ha mdk8.1 con 2.4.16.
 Effettivamente una bella soddisfazione..

non ringraziare, il lavoro l'hai fatto tu!

- --


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Alcatel Speedtouch USB

2002-01-29 Thread Marco Forti

Alle 22:29, martedì 29 gennaio 2002, hai scritto:
 Segnalazione per Marco Forti:
 ciao Marco, sono l'altro Marco,
 ho seguito il tutorial alla lettera, ma arrivato al comando modem_run non
 c'è niente da fare malgrado opero come root e l'eseguibile è presente nella
 /usr/local/bin la risposta è: comando non trovato.

Forse quella directory non è nel PATH.
Hai provato a lanciarlo direttamente dalla sua directory ... cioè:

cd /usr/local/bin
modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o

Fammi sapere



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

Re: [newbie-it] differenza kernel

2002-01-29 Thread robirossi

Come posso cancellarmi da questa lista?
Grazie Roberto

[newbie-it] Si blocca all'arresto - usb

2002-01-29 Thread Simone

Ho appena reinstallato Linux, ma quando cerco di
spegnere si blocca... c'è lo scanner collegato alla
porta usb, prima avevo risolto il problema, c'era
qualcosa da modificare in un file.. non ricordo più,
Qualcuno sa dirmi cosa devo modificare?


Re: [newbie-it] Si blocca all'arresto - usb

2002-01-29 Thread Simone

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 1:06 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] Si blocca all'arresto - usb

 Ho appena reinstallato Linux, ma quando cerco di
 spegnere si blocca... c'è lo scanner collegato alla
 porta usb, prima avevo risolto il problema, c'era
 qualcosa da modificare in un file.. non ricordo più,

Ho fatto un giretto con google, credo di aver
trovato, dovrebbe essere nel file /etc/modules.conf
dove va modificata la riga
alias usb-interface usb-uhci in
alias usb-interface uhci

Ciao ciao.

RE: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-01-29 Thread Gigli Cesare

Per tutti i sapientoni in lista:
è ovvio che ho provato a scrivere unsubscri*e (dove *=b) un milione di volte
e non ce l'ho fatta!
Altrimenti non sarei qui a chiedere aiuto.
E'altrettanto ovvio che l'header del messaggio non contiene informazioni
utili su come muoversi, altrimenti non avrei chiesto aiuto!
Ho anche detto prego a chi mi ha ringraziato, quindi sono anche gentile.
Non posso più seguire la lista, ma si è iscritto un mio bravissimo collega
che farà questo ingrato lavoro. A questo punto ho dei dubbi che questa lista
sia stata un consiglio giusto.
La scritta unsubscrive è stata la mia ultima ratio (non pretendo che Voi
sappiate che vuol dire).
Evidentemente capisco, anche se non giustifico, chi usa parole grosse contro
la lista.
P.S. a mia ultima unsubscri*e è di oggi, credo sia la quindicesima.
Ciao e scusate lo sfogo.
Gigli Cesare wrote:

 oppure scrivi alla ML un messaggio con la parola
 'unsubscrive' senza errori (scrive - scribe).

Avevo detto di scriverlo giusto,
io l'ho scritto sbagliato apposta

Altrimenti non sarebbe arrivato in lista.

Non credi?

ciao, andrea

R: [newbie-it] Si blocca all'arresto - usb

2002-01-29 Thread luca laghi

Ti posso chiedere che scanner è?
Grazie Luca

Ho appena reinstallato Linux, ma quando cerco di
spegnere si blocca... c'è lo scanner collegato alla
porta usb, prima avevo risolto il problema, c'era
qualcosa da modificare in un file.. non ricordo più,
Qualcuno sa dirmi cosa devo modificare?

RE: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-01-29 Thread Marco

Per cancellarsi dalla lista basta andare sul sito di Mandrake 
http://www.linux-mandrake.com selezionare mailing list sul lato 
sinistro nel riquadro SUPPORTO, selezionare annulla iscrizione 
inserendo l'indirizzo e-mail con il quale ci si era iscritti.


Marco Forti

La mente è una cosa meravigliosa,
tutti dovrebbero averne una!!!

Re: [newbie] Another One: Workspaces

2002-01-29 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 00:22:47 -0800 (PST)
Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Thanks to all for the answer to my floppy problem. 
 Here's another (I hope) simple one.
 I accidentally deleted my workspaces menu from my
 desktop.  How do I get it back?
 Also, how do I make it so each workspace can have a
 different wallpaper.
 I know these are easy questions, but believe it or
 not, I'm actually learning this stuff.
 Thanks to all,

if you are using KDE, your answers lie on the KDE control center (its one of those 
default icons on the taskbar). go to the Look'N'Feel Section and customize your 

im not using KDE much so anybody can jump in to provide more details.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] cd-rw

2002-01-29 Thread Graham Watkins

FLYNN, Steve wrote:

Daft question, but what is UDF? I've never understood some of the odd types
of CD you can create.

UDF is the file system created on a CDRW which enables you supposedly to 
use it as a supplementary hard disk - dragging and dropping files to it 
etc. (Though you have time to grow a beard while it actually does it.) 
 I have managed to get linux to read, though not write, to UDF formatted 
CDs by using the command:

mount -t udf /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2

This, on my system at least, has to be done as root. Also, I don't 
always seem to be able to unmount it afterwards.

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat.
-- Frequent Flyer  

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RE: [newbie] cd-rw

2002-01-29 Thread Joe L. Casale

Well... Sorta!
UDF is based on ISO 13346. It only supports max 1 gig files (notice the
UDF structure on a Home Video DVD uses a VOB size max 1 gig) and only
supports 8.3 filenames, so no LFN's here! But DVD-r uses an extension to
UDF called m-UDF. It is a combo of UDF and ISO 9660 (Bridge), therefore
enhanced proerties! Search the net, this is a standard so there will be
plenty of info!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Graham Watkins
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] cd-rw

FLYNN, Steve wrote:

Daft question, but what is UDF? I've never understood some of the odd
of CD you can create.

UDF is the file system created on a CDRW which enables you supposedly to

use it as a supplementary hard disk - dragging and dropping files to it 
etc. (Though you have time to grow a beard while it actually does it.) 
 I have managed to get linux to read, though not write, to UDF formatted

CDs by using the command:

mount -t udf /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2

This, on my system at least, has to be done as root. Also, I don't 
always seem to be able to unmount it afterwards.

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up
to me is a cat.
-- Frequent Flyer  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Posting FROM a Perl script

2002-01-29 Thread Franki

do you mean just printing the html code?

print some stuff I want to look like a web page;

if you print the text/html header, and put that in a script (preferably with
the other associated html tags)
it will print the results..

its really very simple, and with the CGI.pm module, it gets even easier...

what is it you are trying to do?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark
Sent: Friday, 25 January 2002 3:41 AM
Subject: [newbie] Posting FROM a Perl script

Hi all,

I can't seem to find anyplace that describes how to
POST data _from_ a Perl script to the WWW. Every hit
I get with search engines is a page that describes
the other way around.

Anybody know of a tutorial or site that covers what
I need?


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[newbie] Another One: Workspaces

2002-01-29 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu

Thanks to all for the answer to my floppy problem. 
Here's another (I hope) simple one.

I accidentally deleted my workspaces menu from my
desktop.  How do I get it back?

Also, how do I make it so each workspace can have a
different wallpaper.

I know these are easy questions, but believe it or
not, I'm actually learning this stuff.

Thanks to all,


Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions! 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] sed or awk or ?

2002-01-29 Thread Moshe Kaminsky


I think you will have to supply some more details for a meaningful
answer (like where do you find the names of these files) but if, for
instance, you have all the file names in a file, you could run sed/awk
on that file (to change, e.g., the line
  mv processed21c45.wav adi21c45.wav)
and then run the file that you get (source filename). If all your
files are in one directory, you could get that file using 
  ls -1 dir | filename
(or do it all in one line, as in
  ls -1 dir | sed ... | filename


* Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020126 06:54]:
 Hash: SHA1
 I have hundreds of files to be renamed!
 for example processed21c45.wav to adi21c45.wav
 I've found how to use sed to change 'names' inside files, but no the file
 name itself.
 Ricardo Castanho
 - -- 
 delivery NOT reliable  = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Para mais informa??es veja http://www.gnupg.org

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall...

Moshe Kaminsky 
(Home) 08-9471073

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] sed or awk or ?

2002-01-29 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

*why didn't i see this one before?*

or maybe you could use the KRename project which could be searched for in freshmeat.net


On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:23:08 +0200
Moshe Kaminsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 I think you will have to supply some more details for a meaningful
 answer (like where do you find the names of these files) but if, for
 instance, you have all the file names in a file, you could run sed/awk
 on that file (to change, e.g., the line
   mv processed21c45.wav adi21c45.wav)
 and then run the file that you get (source filename). If all your
 files are in one directory, you could get that file using 
   ls -1 dir | filename
 (or do it all in one line, as in
   ls -1 dir | sed ... | filename
 * Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020126 06:54]:
  Hash: SHA1
  I have hundreds of files to be renamed!
  for example processed21c45.wav to adi21c45.wav
  I've found how to use sed to change 'names' inside files, but no the file
  name itself.
  Ricardo Castanho
  - -- 
  delivery NOT reliable  = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user

Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Stuck Inside my LAN

2002-01-29 Thread Charles Muller

I installed ML 8.1 on my desktop at my college office (dual boot with W2K).
I automatically got onto the network using DHCP, but can only browse pages
within the college network--and I can read my e-mail.

I asked my SysAd for help, but he, being a backward fellow, was furious that
I had installed Linux on my desktop (I guess he thinks I am going to use it
to set up my own server or something) and refuses to help me.

My W2K goes onto the WWW using automatic detection, along with a script
that goes:


I tried to plug this script into a few different places in the Mandrake
Network settings, but to no avail.

Is it possible that the problem is something that I have missed within the
Mandrake configuration, or will I just have to go over my Sysad's head and
force him to give me the settings I need?




Charles Muller

Toyo Gakuen University
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] completely dead rpm database.

2002-01-29 Thread Franki

I think I just fixed it..

I went to /var/lib/rpm and moved out all the files in there. (I put them
into another directly in /home) then I copied just the base files, like
packages and left out any DB files..

then I did rpm --rebuild --vv

and it plodded away for 20 minutes, and now I have a working rpm again.. I
don't know what was broken though..



-Original Message-
From: ngn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 25 January 2002 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] completely dead rpm database.

I experienced the same that you had!!!.. I have my RPM Dbase dead just
after an install, and I re-install LM I've tried with a lot of rpm
commands so far, but I did not get any satisfactory result

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 1:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] completely dead rpm database.

 Hi all

 I have a completely dead rpm database...

 I can't do an rpm --rebuilddb

 it sits there for hours doing nothing till I kill it..

 I can't install any rpms, and I can't remove any, it just sits there doing

 should I delete the DB and then try to rebuild it? if so, where is it?

 is it necessary to to an expert/upgrade to fix the problem?

 any suggestions would be great and much appreciated.

 other then that, the system is working fine..

 I just went to install kernel to see what it was like
 a slower system (P233mmx 160MB ram) but I can't install it or anything

 the problem was I had a dud fstab, which was trying to mount my partitions
 on the wrong bus, (hdc instead of hdb, hdc is the cdrom,,, I fixed that,
 got the system back up, but I still can't install anything...

 any ideas anyone?



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Wine Question

2002-01-29 Thread Trevor Rhodes

On Thursday 17 January 2002 02:40, you wrote:

 Which version of Wine are you running?

 I just installed the CodeWeavers installation and it works great.

I've got that version installed and have downloaded a program I wish to 
install.  It's a self installing exe.  How do I accomplish the install.  Is 
it just wine filename.exe or is there something I'm missing.  I ask, because 
I tried this and it failed with multiple, multiple, multiple errors.


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Re: [newbie] CD burning setup

2002-01-29 Thread Derek Jennings

If you look at Jorg Schillings page for cdrecord you will note that there is 
a firmware upgrade for the Plextor PX-W8432T

It is also referenced on the Plextor Technical support page

and the README for the upgrade specifically mentions this drive

The only thing not mentioned is what the upgrade actually does?

I think we can probably conclude that you need to upgrade the firmware of the 
drive before it will work  :(


On Monday 28 January 2002 23:55, RichardA wrote:

 Tried mkisofs. Had all sorts of fun (confused my /tmp with system /tmp,
 hacked way through man pages, realised many years of Windows experience
 useless). Eventually got a 1.2 MB test.iso. Then:

 [root@drina richard]# cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=2 -dummy /tmp/test.iso

 Cdrecord 1.10 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg
 Schilling TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
 scsidev: '0,0,0'
 scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.20
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
 atapi: 1
 Device type: Removable CD-ROM
 Version: 0
 Response Format: 1
 Vendor_info: 'PLEXTOR '
 Identifikation : 'CD-R   PX-W8432T'
 Revision   : '1.07'
 Device seems to be: Generic CD-ROM.
 cdrecord: Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder found on
 this target.

 cdrecord thinks my CDRW is an ordinary CD-ROM drive?


 Chris Keelan, Sunday 27 January 2002 20:54:
  On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 14:23:45 +, RichardA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  spilled a can of spare bits all over the network, which arranged
  themselves like so:
   Am I right in thinking that root cannot have permission problems, so
   this is about scsi settings?
  Well, that's a definite maybe.
  I'd like to see if we can get some more troubleshooting info, so let's
  start at the hardware and work our way up.
  cdrecord can find your CDRW. That suggests to me that it's been
  installed properly.
  Try making a test iso in a temp directory. I'm going to pretend you've
  copied file1, file2, file3 into /temp (a total of say, 25Mb).
  As root,
  # mkiso -r -J /temp/test.iso /temp/file*
  Then do:
  # cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=2 -dummy /temp/test.iso
  This is a dummy burn and won't actually toast a CDR. Watch the debug
  output carefully (anyone know how to pipe this to a file?)
  If that works, then both your CDRW and the underlying cd-burning
  programs are configured correctly. This, then may be a problem with
  gcombust which I won't be able to help you with, since I burn
  everything via command line. If it doesn't work, let us know what errors
  - C

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Re: [newbie] kmail and Abiword problems mandrake 8.1

2002-01-29 Thread Derek Jennings

 I gave up on kword because I couldn't get the printing side of it sorted, a
 real shame because I really liked kword for WP.  I use OpenOffice.org

If you are referring to the problem with kword printing everything all 
compressed, that bug is fixed in koffice1.1.1
As usual Texstar has an RPM on his site that works great.



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Re: [newbie] Posting FROM a Perl script

2002-01-29 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 06:15, daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 Wow! now I'm really geeked! I checked out http://www.perlmonks.org/
 and there is a ton of resources there. Makes me feel the way I did
 when I first discovered Mandrake! Makes me wanna stay up all night
 and play till I can't code any more cause my eyes won't stay open
 and I keep missing the keyboard.-- daRcmaTTeR

Yep, I just entered the monastery myself - great place.  BTW, if you 
see someone called solri lurking around, that's me.

Am currently downloading all those Perl modules you mentioned. 
Problem is, I'm also having to download all the dependencies (though 
at least Software Manager means I can do it all automatically - way 
to go!).


Someone who re-invents the wheel will not take driving for granted.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] OT AOL and Linux

2002-01-29 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:25:52 -0500
Anuerin G.Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 23:25:59 -0500
 daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:
  On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:36:07 -0500
  Anuerin G.Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to
   seems like it AOL was _not_ buying RH, but a merger in the future may
  That is just _SO_ wrong!
 i think i banged my head on the desk too hard but what was '_SO_ wrong!' ?
 was the link i posted a FUD?

no...   :) what is SO wrong is that AOL is/might be buying RedHat and doing
the same thing to it that it's done to Netscape! Yikes!! there goes the
neighborhood.  :(

Registered Linux User 182496
  7:05am  up 22 days, 21:37,  2 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.41, 0.28

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RE: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Is the floppy formatted as a FAT (i.e. Windows/DOS) disk or is it formatted
as an EXT2 (i.e. Linux filing system) floppy?

If you shove a windows formatter floppy,. Linux will see it, recognise it
and adjust the copy process accordingly. You should be able to boot into
Windows, open up the floppy and see your files.

As for the command, to copy abc123.txt you would

cp abc123.txt /mnt/floppy/

Should work...

-Original Message-
From:   Pauljames Dimitriu [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:06 AM
Subject:[newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

I'm sure this is a very easy question to answer and
I'm being very brain deaded about it

How do you copy a file to a floppy drive via terminal?
 Is it cp filename /mnt/floppy?  Everytime I try
this and I do an ls in the /mnt/floppy directory, it
shows up.  However when I bring it to a Winblows
machine, I can't see the file.  


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RE: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

I've never managed to get my Psion GoldCard PCMCIA card working. This is a
56K fax modem and 10/100 Ethernet card.

It gets detected at boot and correctly identified, but I then get (type by
hand - any typo's are mine)

cs: cb_config(bus 5)
cs: could not allocate 512 IO ports for cardbus Socket 1
kernel: Trying to free non-existant resource (-01ff)
epic_cb:RequestIO: Out of Resource

Anyone got any clues as to what I can fiddle with to work what the problem
is (card using incorrect resources and whatnot?) and how to fix it (i.e.
where do you specify which resources the card should use). I've been through
the PCMCIA HOW-TO, and it should, according to the HOW-TO, be working now,
but it's not! :(

-Original Message-
From:   Derek Jennings [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, January 27, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject:RE: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

Well first check you have rpm kernel-pcmcia-cs loaded.

Next check your pcmcia cards are able to be recognised. In a root
You should  then be told which model of pcmcia bus adapter you have
and how many sockets.

Next open Mandrake Control CenteHardwareNetwork cards
Is your pcmcia card shown? If it is and a kernel module is shown
then your 
card almost certainly is already working, you just need to assign IP

If it is not listed then look for /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia
The first line of this file should read
the second line will probably say

Next take a look at /etc/modules.conf

It should contain the line
pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f  /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia

If that is all OK then your computer should automatically recognise
the pcmcia 
card on boot and insert the correct module.

Note : Netconf will NOT show the module. That does not mean it is
not working. 
You can still use Netconf to set IP address etc.  HardDrake WILL
show the 



= Original Message From YUKKI [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
Hi all

i wanna use PCMCIA for 3com 5C589C with mandrake 8.1 at Vaio C1XE

but it's not working now
what i have to check it??

 Yukki (Yuki Ikuno)
   Sing a song is my life

The Fastest Browser on Earth.
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RE: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

2002-01-29 Thread Paul Kraus

I have the same problem. cp filename /mnt/floppy .  I then cd
/mnt/floppy, ls and my file is listed as well as the rest of the
contents of the drive. I then remove the disk put it in my windows pc
and dir a dir on it and all the original files are there but the new one
is not. It is a windows formatted floppy. Now if I mount /mnt/floppy I
get an error saying that the drive is already mounted. Also how do you
unmount? I try the unmount command which I read about in a book and I
get a bash error. No command found. Thanks.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of FLYNN, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:36 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

Is the floppy formatted as a FAT (i.e. Windows/DOS) disk or is it
as an EXT2 (i.e. Linux filing system) floppy?

If you shove a windows formatter floppy,. Linux will see it, recognise
and adjust the copy process accordingly. You should be able to boot into
Windows, open up the floppy and see your files.

As for the command, to copy abc123.txt you would

cp abc123.txt /mnt/floppy/

Should work...

-Original Message-
From:   Pauljames Dimitriu [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:06 AM
Subject:[newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

I'm sure this is a very easy question to answer and
I'm being very brain deaded about it

How do you copy a file to a floppy drive via terminal?
 Is it cp filename /mnt/floppy?  Everytime I try
this and I do an ls in the /mnt/floppy directory, it
shows up.  However when I bring it to a Winblows
machine, I can't see the file.  


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[newbie] DSL 2 Connect

2002-01-29 Thread Juan DaNewbie

Hello Everyone,

I am new to Mandrake and I have installed 7.1 Deluxe ,I have had for about a year or less, on my laptop. The problem is I am trying to connect to the internet and I have a pmcia card with modem and ethernet on one (linksys). Linux see the modem and tries to connect to the internet through the modem but I need to be able to connect through the otherside, ethernet side since I have DSL. How can I make Mandrake use this as the internet port?

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Re: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

2002-01-29 Thread Harm Bathoorn

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 14:21, you wrote:
 I've never managed to get my Psion GoldCard PCMCIA card working. This is a
 56K fax modem and 10/100 Ethernet card.

 It gets detected at boot and correctly identified, but I then get (type by
 hand - any typo's are mine)

 cs:   cb_config(bus 5)
 cs:   could not allocate 512 IO ports for cardbus Socket 1
 kernel:   Trying to free non-existant resource (-01ff)
 epic_cb:  RequestIO: Out of Resource

 Anyone got any clues as to what I can fiddle with to work what the problem
 is (card using incorrect resources and whatnot?) and how to fix it (i.e.
 where do you specify which resources the card should use). I've been
 through the PCMCIA HOW-TO, and it should, according to the HOW-TO, be
 working now, but it's not! :(

A while back I had a problem with my serial connection to my gsm not working 
whereas the pcmcia card worked fine.
It all came down to IRQ and i/o conflicts. Have you checked those options? 

Harm Bathoorn.

Sudden Death!!
Microsoft Office demands it's serial-code AGAIN!!

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[newbie] .xsession-errors

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Is it just me or everyone get ever growing .xsession-errors files for each
userid who uses X?

Mine seem t be full of:

kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window
parameter) 9 Major Opcode 14

Anyone got any clues as to why I get these errors and more importantly, how
I can get rid of 'em?

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst

Tel: 01603 680086

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[newbie] apt

2002-01-29 Thread Walter Logeman


saw this on http://freshrpms.net/

02 Jan 2002 - Happy new year to everyone! And as a special gift 
to all of you Red Hat Linux users, I bring you at last my 
packages apt-get-able ;-) All you need to do is to install the  
apt package found here, run apt-get update then you're all 
set! A simple apt-get install ogle_gui will for instance
 retrieve and install ogle, libdvdread and libdvdcss
 automatically for you, even gtk+ if you don't have it ;-)

will this work with mandrake?

Or is there something similar?


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Re: [newbie] personal organizer

2002-01-29 Thread Kenn Yahoo

for my money (okay, it's free, but whatever), i've really liked the newly
released Evolution ... has the features of outlook (mail, contacts,
calendar, etc.) but without the bugs and viruses that plague the
MonopolySoft product ...

- Original Message -
From: Mario Michael da Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] personal organizer

| Hello,
| I need to use some sort of organizer that will keep track of my todo
| tasks etc. and provide an alarm as and when a deadline approaches etc.
| Something on the lines of M$ Outlook in windblows. I have tried
| korganizer, but am dissapointed coz i can't get the alarm to work. I
| do not use KDE as my default desktop, even though KDE is installed. I
| use enlightenment as my window manager and will not change to kde in
| the near future. Any one out there know of any thing that may help or
| perhaps i am missing something in korganizer ?
| Thank You,
| Regards,
| mario

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| Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[newbie] saytime - no /dev/audio

2002-01-29 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have working mdk 8.1. Sound is working normally.
I have installed program saytime which tells current time. It worked in mdk 
8.0 and RH 7.1. It is not working in mdk 8.1. It says there is no /dev/audio.
I did ln -s /dev/sound.dsp /dev/audio. 
now it says device or resource busy
What to do?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] That perl problem again

2002-01-29 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 06:03, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:13:49 +0200

 on the second CD of the two CD install set you've got there are a
 bunch of rpm packages for PERL. Install them to your system and
 this should take care of the problems you're having. I can't
 remember exactly which one is specifically which is why I suggested
 installing them all.

Well, I've installed everything that isn't obviously useless, and got 
a bit further, but now make fails a short way into reading any 
Makefile.PL (doesn't make any difference whether I'm using make on a 
downloaded file or using install with the CPAN module).

Maybe I should go back to the monastery, but in the meantime a 
question ---

If I compile Perl from source, am I likely to break anything? Will 
installed modules still work, even if Perl is in a different 


Someone who re-invents the wheel will not take driving for granted.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533


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[newbie] Bastille in LM 7.0?

2002-01-29 Thread Mario Descalzi

My installation runs LM 7.0. I've been reading 
previous mails from newbie and expert lists and think Bastille will solve my 
firewall and redirection problems. I'vebeen already advise to move into LM 
8.1, but since this is a rather key installation want to make sure that there is 
no way to install Bastille on LM 7.0. If this is possible, where to download 



Re: [newbie] printing to tcp/ip port

2002-01-29 Thread Randy Kramer

Brian Parish wrote:
 I have made a similar setup work.  Just be aware that while windoze uses
 the IP address on the printer to find it, CUPS is using a hostname, so
 you need to put an entry for the printer in /etc/hosts so it can find

This is slightly off the point, but I've been wondering -- does CUPS run
on top of Samba?  I.e., must Samba be running for CUPS to work?

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] personal organizer

2002-01-29 Thread Mario Michael da Costa

I need to use some sort of organizer that will keep track of my todo
tasks etc. and provide an alarm as and when a deadline approaches etc.
Something on the lines of M$ Outlook in windblows. I have tried
korganizer, but am dissapointed coz i can't get the alarm to work. I
do not use KDE as my default desktop, even though KDE is installed. I
use enlightenment as my window manager and will not change to kde in
the near future. Any one out there know of any thing that may help or
perhaps i am missing something in korganizer ?

Thank You,

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Re: [newbie] HP Printers

2002-01-29 Thread Randy Kramer


Thanks for the followup reply!

Lee wrote:
 I have read that there are smart cartridges out there.  Given that the whole
 idea of cheap printers is to sell expensive ink, it makes a sort of warped
 sense, doesn't it!

Yup -- sad!

 Anyway, there's no surprises in mine except the shape fills 80% of the
 apparent ink space with air.  What a rip off.
 I did find out that you need to fill the cartridge befor it is completely
 empty or right when the computer warns of impending doom.  I let it go dry
 the first time and the printing was iffy for days after.  Being my first
 refill try, I thought it was the ink I bought, but it cleared up and has
 worked fine through several more refills.

My guess would be that ink dried in the holes in the print head -- there
are ways to attempt to clean them, but none that works consistently for
me.  (I bought a head cleaning solution that I think consists of alcohol
and dishwashing soap -- you dilute and soak the head -- I've tried
ultrasonic, and wiping the head with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol --
sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] using wvdial with ifup

2002-01-29 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I want to setup my dialup script to use wvdial only...

ie the connection aspect uses only wvdial.. instead of using it as a chat
script with parameters passed to it..

the reason is simple.. my isp uses several different routers, and wvdial is
the only method I have of connecting consistantly as it dynamically responds
to prompts.. whereas a fixed dialup will only work with one router type, if
I get allocated another type, the connection fails.. (took me ages to find
out why I was having problems.)

so I thought if I could config my ppp0 to work using the default wvdial for
the connection, I could use ifup ppp0 to connect and have it use wvdial..
then I could bring up my virtual IP's as well.

presently wvdial works great by itself, typing just wvdial to connect.. but
it doens't bring up any virtual IP's

like ppp0:0 and ppp0:1 and ppp0:2 etcetra..

thats a problem for me, since that server does email for several domains
each with its own IP address..

Anyone got any ideas of how I might go about this?



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Re: [newbie] That perl problem again

2002-01-29 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Robin Turner wrote:
 On Tuesday 29 January 2002 06:03, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:13:49 +0200
  on the second CD of the two CD install set you've got there are a
  bunch of rpm packages for PERL. Install them to your system and
  this should take care of the problems you're having. I can't
  remember exactly which one is specifically which is why I suggested
  installing them all.
 Well, I've installed everything that isn't obviously useless, and got
 a bit further, but now make fails a short way into reading any
 Makefile.PL (doesn't make any difference whether I'm using make on a
 downloaded file or using install with the CPAN module).
 Maybe I should go back to the monastery, but in the meantime a
 question ---
 If I compile Perl from source, am I likely to break anything? Will
 installed modules still work, even if Perl is in a different


It just sounds make itself is broken in some way. Why not just
reinstall the package for make first and see what happens then?


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Re: [newbie] apt

2002-01-29 Thread suka_at

There is urpmi for Mandrake.

A simple urpmi ogle_gui would give you the same result


Am Mit, 2002-01-30 um 04.14 schrieb Walter Logeman:
 saw this on http://freshrpms.net/
   02 Jan 2002 - Happy new year to everyone! And as a special gift 
   to all of you Red Hat Linux users, I bring you at last my 
   packages apt-get-able ;-) All you need to do is to install the  
   apt package found here, run apt-get update then you're all 
   set! A simple apt-get install ogle_gui will for instance
retrieve and install ogle, libdvdread and libdvdcss
automatically for you, even gtk+ if you don't have it ;-)
 will this work with mandrake?
 Or is there something similar?

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Xinetd Based Services

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Chargen generates random characters I believe. Never found a use for it.
daytime sends back the date and time
echo just echos back whatever was fired into it
time send back the local time

(Note that these are my descriptions - they may not be particularly

They are all pertty much used for test purposes.

None are necessary and none have anything to do with telnet or ftp. Leave
them switched off or firewalled.

-Original Message-
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 12:16 PM
To: Linux-Mandrake Newbie
Subject:[newbie] Xinetd Based Services

What do the following xinetd based services provide?

chargen: off
chargen-udp: off
daytime: off
daytime-udp: off
echo: off
echo-udp: off
time: off
time-udp: off

Also, do the above services have anything to do with telnet or ftp?

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Re: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

2002-01-29 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 13:20, Paul Kraus wrote:
 I have the same problem. cp filename /mnt/floppy .  
I then cd
 /mnt/floppy, ls and my file is listed as well as the rest of the
 contents of the drive. I then remove the disk put it in my windows pc
 and dir a dir on it and all the original files are there but the new one
 is not. It is a windows formatted floppy. Now if I mount /mnt/floppy I
 get an error saying that the drive is already mounted. 

One of the ways Linux is faster than Windows is in the way it uses memory as 
disc cache.  Linux will load all the files in use into unused memory. So when 
you copy a file to your floppy, linux is in fact writing it to cache memory. 
When you list the contents of the floppy it is in fact listing the contents 
of the cache.  The physical floppy does not get written until you unmount the 
disc, or Linux needs to free up the memory for some other purpose. So when 
you just pop the disc out, it has not yet been written and so you do not see 
the file on your windows computer.

This is also the reason why Unix systems do not like sudden power downs. The 
discs may be out of 'sync' and you get problems next time you boot. For that 
reason you should nowdays be using one of the Journalling file systems such 
as Ext3, XFS, or ReiserFS.

Also how do you
 unmount? I try the unmount command which I read about in a book and I
 get a bash error. No command found. Thanks.

Well you have to use the correct command The command to unmount is 

Not very intuitive, but thats how it is.
Personally I prefer to use kwikdisk to mount/unmount It saves having to 
remember all this stuff.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of FLYNN, Steve
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:36 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

 Is the floppy formatted as a FAT (i.e. Windows/DOS) disk or is it
 as an EXT2 (i.e. Linux filing system) floppy?

 If you shove a windows formatter floppy,. Linux will see it, recognise
 and adjust the copy process accordingly. You should be able to boot into
 Windows, open up the floppy and see your files.

 As for the command, to copy abc123.txt you would

 cp abc123.txt /mnt/floppy/

 Should work...

   -Original Message-
   From:   Pauljames Dimitriu [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:06 AM
   Subject:[newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

   I'm sure this is a very easy question to answer and
   I'm being very brain deaded about it

   How do you copy a file to a floppy drive via terminal?
Is it cp filename /mnt/floppy?  Everytime I try
   this and I do an ls in the /mnt/floppy directory, it
   shows up.  However when I bring it to a Winblows
   machine, I can't see the file.


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RE: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

I can do - where do I start looking? For example, if I wanted to force the
card to use IRQ5, where do I set that kind of thing up? (I suck at the PC
config bit!)

 -Original Message-
 From: Harm Bathoorn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 1:48 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA
 On Tuesday 29 January 2002 14:21, you wrote:
  I've never managed to get my Psion GoldCard PCMCIA card working. This is
  56K fax modem and 10/100 Ethernet card.
  It gets detected at boot and correctly identified, but I then get (type
  hand - any typo's are mine)
  cs: cb_config(bus 5)
  cs: could not allocate 512 IO ports for cardbus Socket 1
  kernel: Trying to free non-existant resource (-01ff)
  epic_cb:RequestIO: Out of Resource
  Anyone got any clues as to what I can fiddle with to work what the
  is (card using incorrect resources and whatnot?) and how to fix it (i.e.
  where do you specify which resources the card should use). I've been
  through the PCMCIA HOW-TO, and it should, according to the HOW-TO, be
  working now, but it's not! :(
 A while back I had a problem with my serial connection to my gsm not
 whereas the pcmcia card worked fine.
 It all came down to IRQ and i/o conflicts. Have you checked those options?
 Harm Bathoorn.
 Sudden Death!!
 Microsoft Office demands it's serial-code AGAIN!!
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Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
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Re: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

2002-01-29 Thread Derek Jennings

I cannot help with that particular card, but have you tried the PCMCIA 
mailing list at the sourceforge page?  There is a folder for most pcmcia 
cards around, and the guy who runs the list is very helpful so long as you 
demonstrate you have tried to get it running.


On Tuesday 29 January 2002 13:21, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
 I've never managed to get my Psion GoldCard PCMCIA card working. This is a
 56K fax modem and 10/100 Ethernet card.

 It gets detected at boot and correctly identified, but I then get (type by
 hand - any typo's are mine)

 cs:   cb_config(bus 5)
 cs:   could not allocate 512 IO ports for cardbus Socket 1
 kernel:   Trying to free non-existant resource (-01ff)
 epic_cb:  RequestIO: Out of Resource

 Anyone got any clues as to what I can fiddle with to work what the problem
 is (card using incorrect resources and whatnot?) and how to fix it (i.e.
 where do you specify which resources the card should use). I've been
 through the PCMCIA HOW-TO, and it should, according to the HOW-TO, be
 working now, but it's not! :(

   -Original Message-
   From:   Derek Jennings [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Sunday, January 27, 2002 12:37 PM
   Subject:RE: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

   Well first check you have rpm kernel-pcmcia-cs loaded.

   Next check your pcmcia cards are able to be recognised. In a root
   You should  then be told which model of pcmcia bus adapter you have
   and how many sockets.

   Next open Mandrake Control CenteHardwareNetwork cards
   Is your pcmcia card shown? If it is and a kernel module is shown
 then your
   card almost certainly is already working, you just need to assign IP

   If it is not listed then look for /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia
   The first line of this file should read
   the second line will probably say

   Next take a look at /etc/modules.conf

   It should contain the line
   pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f  /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia

   If that is all OK then your computer should automatically recognise
 the pcmcia
   card on boot and insert the correct module.

   Note : Netconf will NOT show the module. That does not mean it is
 not working.
   You can still use Netconf to set IP address etc.  HardDrake WILL
 show the



   = Original Message From YUKKI [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
   Hi all
   i wanna use PCMCIA for 3com 5C589C with mandrake 8.1 at Vaio C1XE
   but it's not working now
   what i have to check it??
Yukki (Yuki Ikuno)
  Sing a song is my life

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   Get your FREE download of Opera at http://www.opera.com/download/

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 For further Enquires 01603 622200

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Re: [newbie] printing to tcp/ip port

2002-01-29 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 15:22, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Brian Parish wrote:
  I have made a similar setup work.  Just be aware that while windoze uses
  the IP address on the printer to find it, CUPS is using a hostname, so
  you need to put an entry for the printer in /etc/hosts so it can find

 This is slightly off the point, but I've been wondering -- does CUPS run
 on top of Samba?  I.e., must Samba be running for CUPS to work?

 Randy Kramer

No... CUPS is independent of Samba. If you have CUPS running in several 
computers they are all aware of each others printers, and you can print to 
any of them. I think they can also print to any printer Samba is aware of. 
Not sure about that as my printers are on Linux machines.

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[newbie] Sco Telnet

2002-01-29 Thread Paul Kraus

Ok I was able to configure our sco
app to use the linux xterm
settings. It works great in the console and the a
telnet to the box. But if I use the telnet app then everything gets all messed
up. I get upside down question marks everywhere. Even though
the app is set to xterm as well. Very odd. 

Paul Kraus

Network Administrator

PEL Supply Company

(216) 267-5775 Voice

(216) 267-6176 Fax


Re: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

2002-01-29 Thread Harm Bathoorn

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 16:06, you wrote:
 I can do - where do I start looking? For example, if I wanted to force the
 card to use IRQ5, where do I set that kind of thing up? (I suck at the PC
 config bit!)

well you can take a look at /var/log/syslog if there are any conflicts or 
/etc/pcmcia/config.opts tells you which irq's are reserved for pcmcia 
-probably 3, the file is fairly self explanatory. Then check whether for 
instance the Infra Red port is sharing the same irq for instance (there could 
be more devices).

I don't what you've got (I dropped in fairly late here) but if you can change 
settings through the BIOS, then that's easy enough. In my case I had a 
Thinkpad with a moronic windoze like BIOSinterface that doesn't give any real 
options- one needs a special configuration program that runs under DOS to 
change irq settings.


Good Luck,

Harm Bathoorn.

Sudden Death!!
Microsoft Office demands it's serial-code AGAIN!!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

2002-01-29 Thread Randy Kramer

Paul Kraus wrote:
 I have the same problem. cp filename /mnt/floppy .  I then cd
 /mnt/floppy, ls and my file is listed as well as the rest of the
 contents of the drive. I then remove the disk put it in my windows pc
 and dir a dir on it and all the original files are there but the new one
 is not. It is a windows formatted floppy. Now if I mount /mnt/floppy I
 get an error saying that the drive is already mounted. Also how do you
 unmount? I try the unmount command which I read about in a book and I
 get a bash error. No command found. Thanks.

I can help you with the second problem, not the first -- the command is
umount (no n after the first u).

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] applixware

2002-01-29 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 08:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 of the word it's StarOffice, at least originally, but the code is
 open to the public to modify and improve.  so -- star office is only
 modifyed and worked on by Sun, but open office is worked on by anyone
 who wants to get involved.

 am i right about that??

Yes, but about once a year Sun grabs the OO source back, tarts it up with 
some new fonts and such and presents it to the PHB's as the *new* and 
*improved* StarOffice ... 

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

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Re: [newbie] printing to tcp/ip port

2002-01-29 Thread Randy Kramer

Derek Jennings wrote:
 Randy Kramer wrote:
  This is slightly off the point, but I've been wondering -- does CUPS run
  on top of Samba?  I.e., must Samba be running for CUPS to work?
 No... CUPS is independent of Samba. If you have CUPS running in several
 computers they are all aware of each others printers, and you can print to
 any of them. I think they can also print to any printer Samba is aware of.
 Not sure about that as my printers are on Linux machines.


BTW, WRT your second last sentence, Linux boxes running CUPS can print
to Windows boxes using TCP/IP based SMB (which is what Samba was written
to do for Linux) -- this is how I currently print from my Linux boxes.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] mail from root

2002-01-29 Thread Paul Rodríguez

I remember at one point on 7.2 having recieved an email from my system
about how things were going, logs etc.

How did that work?  How can I set it up again on 8.1?

- Paul Rodríguez

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Re: [newbie] personal organizer

2002-01-29 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Having the stock evolution installed in 8.1, is it difficult to upgrade
to the latest?

- Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 09:46, Kenn Yahoo wrote:
 for my money (okay, it's free, but whatever), i've really liked the newly
 released Evolution ... has the features of outlook (mail, contacts,
 calendar, etc.) but without the bugs and viruses that plague the
 MonopolySoft product ...
 - Original Message -
 From: Mario Michael da Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:50 AM
 Subject: [newbie] personal organizer
 | Hello,
 | I need to use some sort of organizer that will keep track of my todo
 | tasks etc. and provide an alarm as and when a deadline approaches etc.
 | Something on the lines of M$ Outlook in windblows. I have tried
 | korganizer, but am dissapointed coz i can't get the alarm to work. I
 | do not use KDE as my default desktop, even though KDE is installed. I
 | use enlightenment as my window manager and will not change to kde in
 | the near future. Any one out there know of any thing that may help or
 | perhaps i am missing something in korganizer ?
 | Thank You,
 | Regards,
 | mario
 | Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 | Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] saytime - no /dev/audio

2002-01-29 Thread Derek Jennings

If you have devfs enabled (which it is by default in 8.1 ), then your audio 
device will be /dev/sound/audio   or /dev/sound/dsp

Try making a symlink
ln -s /dev/sound/audio /dev/audio



On Tuesday 29 January 2002 14:46, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I have working mdk 8.1. Sound is working normally.
 I have installed program saytime which tells current time. It worked in mdk
 8.0 and RH 7.1. It is not working in mdk 8.1. It says there is no
 /dev/audio. I did ln -s /dev/sound.dsp /dev/audio.
 now it says device or resource busy
 What to do?

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[newbie] EVOLVE

2002-01-29 Thread Paul Kraus

Are there any tool to import an outlook pst to evolve?

Paul Kraus

Network Administrator

PEL Supply Company

(216) 267-5775 Voice

(216) 267-6176 Fax


Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-29 Thread Todd Slater

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 03:20 pm, Andre Dubuc wrote:

 The problem with my LM8.0 configuration for Apache is that it doesn't have
 those lines AddType in any of the .conf files! I wondered what they were
 talking about -- and I have checked them all!

 In desperation, I finally decided to go source. I d/l the binary from
 Apache, and after my first attempt, I still cannot see my test file. I'll
 have to check my PHP config.

I think my version of Apache is pretty recent. You don't have a file 
commonhttpd.conf in /etc/httpd/conf? Maybe do a find?

This is about half-way through my commonhttpd.conf, and I just uncommented 
the last two lines:

 # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or to
 # make certain files to be certain types.
 # For example, the PHP 3.x module (not part of the Apache distribution - see
 # http://www.php.net) will typically use:
 #AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
 #AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
 # And for PHP 4.x, use:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

I guess the nice thing about installing it from Mandrake disc is that it's 
already configured. I didn't touch any PHP file. Is moving up to 8.1 (or 
soon, 8.2) an option?

 Perhaps, that's the problem: I'm unclear where any files that I make should
 go. Are they supposed to be put in the /htdocs area in apache's directory?
 Will they work from elsewhere? I've also set up a /public_html directory in
 personal home directory.

My web files go in /var/www/html. If your root is /htdocs, that's where I 
would put them. I'm not sure but what you may need to give permission to 
normal users to use PHP.

Maybe try alt.os.linux.mandrake, a PHP or Apache group.


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Re: [newbie] personal organizer

2002-01-29 Thread Brian Parish

No, you can get the rpm and all the required dependent rpms from the
cooker.  Just put them in a directory.  Become root and say: 

rpm -Uvh * (without the quotes) and you should be in business.
Here is a list of what you'll need off the cooker:

evolution-pilot-1.0.1-1mdk.i586.rpm  libGConf1-1.0.7-2mdk.i586.rpm
gtkhtml-1.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm  libgtkhtml20-1.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm

That includes the stuff required to sync to a PDA.

Hope that helps


On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 05:41, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Having the stock evolution installed in 8.1, is it difficult to upgrade
 to the latest?
 - Paul Rodríguez
 On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 09:46, Kenn Yahoo wrote:
  for my money (okay, it's free, but whatever), i've really liked the newly
  released Evolution ... has the features of outlook (mail, contacts,
  calendar, etc.) but without the bugs and viruses that plague the
  MonopolySoft product ...
  - Original Message -
  From: Mario Michael da Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:50 AM
  Subject: [newbie] personal organizer
  | Hello,
  | I need to use some sort of organizer that will keep track of my todo
  | tasks etc. and provide an alarm as and when a deadline approaches etc.
  | Something on the lines of M$ Outlook in windblows. I have tried
  | korganizer, but am dissapointed coz i can't get the alarm to work. I
  | do not use KDE as my default desktop, even though KDE is installed. I
  | use enlightenment as my window manager and will not change to kde in
  | the near future. Any one out there know of any thing that may help or
  | perhaps i am missing something in korganizer ?
  | Thank You,
  | Regards,
  | mario
  | Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  | Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

As an addendum, you can force Linux to sync all mounted devices, via the
'sync' command. I think Linux auto-sync's every 5 seconds, so if you pop of
the floppy during the 5 seconds after the copy command has finished and
before Linux sync's the physical disk, you'll end up with nothing on the
physical disk.

Oh yes, root will need to issue the 'sync' command - I don't think ordinary
users can perform it.

-Original Message-
From:   Derek Jennings [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

This is also the reason why Unix systems do not like sudden power
downs. The 
discs may be out of 'sync' and you get problems next time you boot.
For that 
reason you should nowdays be using one of the Journalling file
systems such 
as Ext3, XFS, or ReiserFS.

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Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
Member of the Association of British Insurers.

For further Enquires 01603 622200 

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RE: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

No confilicts in Syslog other than the one's I posted when I insert or
remove the card. The IR port on my Inspiron 3600 doesn't work, neither in
windows nor in Linux, so I've assumed it's FUBAR'd.

As it's a fairly old machine, the BIOS isn't the most configurable I've ever
seen. I think I'll have a sniff around the /etc/pcmcia config files and
fiddle with stuff until it works.

Is there aynthing in Linux which can dump information about DMA, IRQ's in
use and memory address ranges being used - the kind of info I have to boot
into Windows to get from My Computer properties panel? All of my Unix
experience comes from AIX 6000's and Dynix based Sequent boxes so I'm not to
clued up on IRQ's and PC based stuff.

 -Original Message-
 From: Harm Bathoorn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 5:33 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] How to work PCMCIA
 On Tuesday 29 January 2002 16:06, you wrote:
  I can do - where do I start looking? For example, if I wanted to force
  card to use IRQ5, where do I set that kind of thing up? (I suck at the
  config bit!)
 well you can take a look at /var/log/syslog if there are any conflicts or 
 /etc/pcmcia/config.opts tells you which irq's are reserved for pcmcia 
 -probably 3, the file is fairly self explanatory. Then check whether for 
 instance the Infra Red port is sharing the same irq for instance (there
 be more devices).
 I don't what you've got (I dropped in fairly late here) but if you can
 settings through the BIOS, then that's easy enough. In my case I had a 
 Thinkpad with a moronic windoze like BIOSinterface that doesn't give any
 options- one needs a special configuration program that runs under DOS to 
 change irq settings.
 Good Luck,
 Harm Bathoorn.
 Sudden Death!!
 Microsoft Office demands it's serial-code AGAIN!!
   File: message.footer  

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recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email  
the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
take/retain/distribute any copies.

Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
Member of the Association of British Insurers.

For further Enquires 01603 622200 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Sounds to me like to you don't have all the necessary apache rpm's
installed. I'd recommend you go into software manager, select flat-listing
and enter apache in the search box. Install anything which is shown.

 -Original Message-
 From: Andre Dubuc [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:21 PM
 To:   Todd Slater
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP
 On Tuesday 29 January 2002 13:43, you wrote:
  I just got php up and running (I think) without a fuss. I'm using
  8.1 and I installed php, php-common, php-manual_en, and php-mysql.
  Then, I went to the Apache configuration folder--on my system
  /etc/httpd/conf. I opened commonhttpd.conf with vi, and scrolled down to
  the part about php. I just uncommented two lines (remove the #) about
  AddType blah blah .php and saved it.
  I stopped httpd.
  I started httpd
  I looked for the most basic script I could find because I don't know
  anything about it, and found a date one here:
  http://www.terrabyte.dc.com.au/phpscripts.php3. I put that in my web
  directory (renamed the text-file .php) and called it and it worked!
  I don't know if that will help or not.
 Thanks Todd,
 The problem with my LM8.0 configuration for Apache is that it doesn't have
 those lines AddType in any of the .conf files! I wondered what they were
 talking about -- and I have checked them all!
 In desperation, I finally decided to go source. I d/l the binary from
 and after my first attempt, I still cannot see my test file. I'll have to 
 check my PHP config.
 Perhaps, that's the problem: I'm unclear where any files that I make
 go. Are they supposed to be put in the /htdocs area in apache's directory?
 Will they work from elsewhere? I've also set up a /public_html directory
 personal home directory. 
 I'm having all sorts of fun installing/uninstalling and generally messing 
 about with these programs. Sure is a great way to find out where
 is, and how everything is inter-related. Too bad it doesn't work!
 Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
 Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.
 May God bless you abundantly in His love!
 For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --
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Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
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RE: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Something which can help in situations likes this is the man -k command.

For example, man -k mount will give you all man pages which have anything to
do with 'mount' including 'umount'.

It's the same as the apropos command. Works well when you know the area of
interest you want to find out a comman for but don't know the exact command.

 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Kramer [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 5:08 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Copying Files to Floppy
 Paul Kraus wrote:
  I have the same problem. cp filename /mnt/floppy .  I then cd
  /mnt/floppy, ls and my file is listed as well as the rest of the
  contents of the drive. I then remove the disk put it in my windows pc
  and dir a dir on it and all the original files are there but the new one
  is not. It is a windows formatted floppy. Now if I mount /mnt/floppy I
  get an error saying that the drive is already mounted. Also how do you
  unmount? I try the unmount command which I read about in a book and I
  get a bash error. No command found. Thanks.
 I can help you with the second problem, not the first -- the command is
 umount (no n after the first u).
 Randy Kramer
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RE: [newbie] mail from root

2002-01-29 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Are you talking about tripwire?

It mails syslogs, mail logs and suchlike to root on a weekly basis (or
whenever you want actually).  man tripwire and have a play - I think it's
what you're after.

-Original Message-
From:   Paul Rodríguez [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:40 PM
To: newbie
Subject:[newbie] mail from root

I remember at one point on 7.2 having recieved an email from my
about how things were going, logs etc.

How did that work?  How can I set it up again on 8.1?

- Paul Rodríguez


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[newbie] modules.conf Problems

2002-01-29 Thread Ira M. Bargon III

My /etc/modules.conf file has somehow been 
corrupted. My machine boots but with many errors. I am running Mandrake 8.1 on a 
Athlon 600mhz machine. I just installed 8.1 over Christmas break and everything 
went well and it worked fine. I haven't used the Linux side of my machine lately 
and when I booted it the other day it started giving me many errors about my 
modules.conf file and different modules it was loading. I can not specify what 
it says in the logs because its the same machine as im using now and the Linux 
side has no network access due to these errors. The only thingthat I have 
changed since its worked and it not working is I swapped my network card. The 
first time I bootedLinuxafter that swapofnics hardrake 
came up andtold it to remove the old configuration and configure the new 
card then I said migrate my network settings to this new card. Once I did that 
the machine locked up andsince then I have been getting the modules.conf 
errors. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I don't have a clue and any help 
would be greatly appreciated.


Re: [newbie] .xsession-errors

2002-01-29 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 13:11:01 -
FLYNN, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Is it just me or everyone get ever growing .xsession-errors files for each
 userid who uses X?
 Mine seem t be full of:
 kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window
 parameter) 9 Major Opcode 14
 Anyone got any clues as to why I get these errors and more importantly, how
 I can get rid of 'em?

i suppose this is internal to whatever WM you are using. seems like there still are a 
lot of things to do between the interfaces of the WM and the XServer, or maybe its 
just a matter of cleaning up code ;-) . 



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] saytime - no /dev/audio

2002-01-29 Thread Ric Tibbetts

On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 06:46, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I have working mdk 8.1. Sound is working normally.
 I have installed program saytime which tells current time. It worked in mdk 
 8.0 and RH 7.1. It is not working in mdk 8.1. It says there is no /dev/audio.
 I did ln -s /dev/sound.dsp /dev/audio. 

Can I assume that the above is a typo?
You want to link /dev/sound/dsp - /dev/dsp

You indicated /dev/sound.dsp

Ric Tibbetts

Linux registration number: 55684
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Re: [newbie] modules.conf Problems

2002-01-29 Thread Brian Parish

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to boot from the install CD,
select expert and update, choose to install nothing and let the
installer do its stuff.  Should put things back as they should be
without touching any of your data.


On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 14:55, Ira M. Bargon III wrote:
 My /etc/modules.conf file has somehow been corrupted. My machine boots but with many 
errors. I am running Mandrake 8.1 on a Athlon 600mhz machine. I just installed 8.1 
over Christmas break and everything went well and it worked fine. I haven't used the 
Linux side of my machine lately and when I booted it the other day it started giving 
me many errors about my modules.conf file and different modules it was loading. I can 
not specify what it says in the logs because its the same machine as im using now and 
the Linux side has no network access due to these errors. The only thing that I have 
changed since its worked and it not working is I swapped my network card. The first 
time I booted Linux after that swap of nics hardrake came up and told it to remove 
the old configuration and configure the new card then I said migrate my network 
settings to this new card. Once I did that the machine locked up and since then I 
have been getting the modules.conf errors. Any suggestions on h!
ow to fix this? I don't have a clue and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] saytime - no /dev/audio

2002-01-29 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On Wednesday 30 January 2002 07:05, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 06:46, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
  I have working mdk 8.1. Sound is working normally.
  I have installed program saytime which tells current time. It worked in
  mdk 8.0 and RH 7.1. It is not working in mdk 8.1. It says there is no
  /dev/audio. I did ln -s /dev/sound.dsp /dev/audio.

 Can I assume that the above is a typo?

 You want to link /dev/sound/dsp - /dev/dsp

 You indicated /dev/sound.dsp
I get garbage sound now. Waht to do

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] hda5 critically full

2002-01-29 Thread Walter Logeman


I wrote:

  In the KDE Control Center it would seem that hd is in three
  sectors /dev/hda5 ext3 3.36 (mount point: /)  99.9% full!

Thanks for the info received on what to do.  I immediatly found that i had been 
keeping copies of the CDs I'd been burning, and fixed that, which took care of 
the immediate problem.

Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
 seems like the allocated space for the / partition was too
 small. this happened to me when i allocated just 100MB to that
 partition and /tmp was heavily used. 

I think it may be big enough if i maintain it well.  And am using this oportunbity to 
do this. Question:  Coming from a Windows env. I am familiar with easily knowing which 
file is on 
which storage device.  I understand that it is nice to have a virtual environment - to 
hell with 
knowing what devices run it, however as the administrator i need to be able to know 
what is 
on each device.  How can i check that?

 first thing to do is to
 make sure that no unnecessary files are hogging the space in

I have posted of the contents tof /temp below, using $ ls -al what might 
I need to explore further there?

 there are tools out there but i have no experience using them.
 the route i always take is to re-install Mandrake, use expert
 install (its really easy if you pay attention and read what's
 in there), and pay extra attention when it comes to the part
 that you partition your hard disk. 

Hmm, this does seem complex as I did not set up my own machine.  I am tempted to give 
it a go 
For learning on another machine, not this one which I work on! 


On Monday 28 January 2002 12:18 pm, Erylon wrote:

 Since your hda5 is larger than 3 gig, I would hazard a guess
 that your /var/log files are filling it.  Check your /var/log
 and see if it isn't really large (500 K would be about the max
 it should be).  If that's where the problem lies, you can
 safely delete all the gzipped log files, and edit your
 /etc/logrotate.conf to prevent it from happening again.
  Remember, the log files belong to user root.

 Just a guess,


Thanks for that.  will do some pruning.  I will also explore the /etc/logrotate.conf
I can see that as the user i have authority to delete some files but not others.  I 
go into root and do it all but is that wise?  Some of the files have permission for an 
admin group?  Should I as root give myself admin authority?  This is 
getting a bit off topic but I d be interested in a discussion on how to work with the 
root / user potential of Linux.  Perhaps there is a good article on it somewhere?


597 walter@psybernet:/tmp (03:53:32)
$ ls -al
total 88
drwxrwxrwt   13 root root 4096 Jan 31 03:41 ./
drwxr-xr-x   18 root root 4096 Jan 14 03:45 ../
-rw---1 walter   walter221 Jan 20 16:34 dcop245ZXu
-rw---1 walter   walter221 Jan 22 22:57 dcop2nylRB
-rw---1 walter   walter221 Jan 30 04:39 dcop8x61gw
-rw---1 walter   walter221 Jan 23 16:15 dcopaJPjFH
-rw---1 walter   walter221 Jan 20 22:35 dcopcavrYu
-rw---1 walter   walter221 Jan 30 15:24 dcopqdJe7u
-rw---1 walter   walter223 Jan 28 04:16 dcopwMSndN
drwxrwxrwt2 xfs  xfs  4096 Jan 30 15:24 .font-unix/
drwx--2 walter   walter   4096 Jan 26 01:11 .gftp-walter/
-rw---1 walter   walter354 Jan 29 05:07 gtkrc-Q0p13A
drwxrwxrwt2 root root 4096 Jan 30 15:24 .ICE-unix/
drwx--9 walter   walter   4096 Jan 31 03:27 kde-walter/
drwx--2 root root 4096 Jan 25 06:01 ksocket-root/
drwx--2 walter   walter   4096 Jan 31 03:41 ksocket-walter/
drwx--3 walter   walter   4096 Jan 30 15:25 mcop-walter/
srwxrwxrwx1 walter   walter  0 Jan 31 03:31 medusa-idled-service=
drwx--2 walter   walter   4096 Jan 30 15:25 orbit-walter/
srwxrwxrwx1 walter   walter  0 Jan 30 15:56 
drwx--2 walter   walter   4096 Jan 28 13:58 .sawfish-walter/
drwxrwxrwx3 walter   walter   4096 Jan 30 04:21 soffice.tmp/
-r--r--r--1 root walter 11 Jan 30 15:24 .X0-lock
drwxrwxrwt2 root root 4096 Jan 30 15:24 .X11-unix/
597 walter@psybernet:/tmp (03:53:32)

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Re: [newbie] saytime - no /dev/audio

2002-01-29 Thread L.V.Gandhi

There is only dsp and mixer in /dev/sound
with ln -s /dev/sound/dsp /dev/audio
I get garbage sound.
What to do?

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 21:23, Derek Jennings wrote:
 If you have devfs enabled (which it is by default in 8.1 ), then your audio
 device will be /dev/sound/audio   or /dev/sound/dsp

 Try making a symlink
 ln -s /dev/sound/audio /dev/audio



 On Tuesday 29 January 2002 14:46, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
  I have working mdk 8.1. Sound is working normally.
  I have installed program saytime which tells current time. It worked in
  mdk 8.0 and RH 7.1. It is not working in mdk 8.1. It says there is no
  /dev/audio. I did ln -s /dev/sound.dsp /dev/audio.
  now it says device or resource busy
  What to do?

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] fd0 not installed? available?

2002-01-29 Thread Wayne Petherick

I have just installed LM 8.1 and like it very much. 
Except...I can't get my floppy disk working.  I need
it under Vware to be able to boot into Win2k, and I
need it to be able to transfer files from one machine
to another.  When I try to access it, it tells me fd0
is not a valid block device or something similar. 
Below is a copy of my fstab

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
0 0
/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2 auto
0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat
iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/win_d vfat
iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0

This is what I get when I try to mount the floppy
mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device]# mount floppy
mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device

Can anyone tell me what is going wrong?



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Re: [newbie] personal organizer

2002-01-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 20:20:24 +0530, Mario Michael da Costa
 I need to use some sort of organizer that will keep track of my todo
 tasks etc. and provide an alarm as and when a deadline approaches etc.
 Something on the lines of M$ Outlook in windblows. I have tried
 korganizer, but am dissapointed coz i can't get the alarm to work. I
 do not use KDE as my default desktop, even though KDE is installed. I
 use enlightenment as my window manager and will not change to kde in
 the near future. Any one out there know of any thing that may help or
 perhaps i am missing something in korganizer ?

GNOME calendar (gnomecal) and Evolution have worked quite well for me.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Ok, the guy who made the netfilter Makefile was probably on some really
interesting and probably highly illegal drugs when he wrote it.   
 -- Linus

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Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-29 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Steve,

Well that option has been fully explored: I installed everything! Still no 
go. I just received my LM8.0 Update disk today and dumped my original config, 
reloaded everything, and I was very surprised to find the http.conf file 
exactly like the one that has the missing AddType lines.

I didn't bother with the update disk -- I've already downloaded the Apache 
binary and have source PHP 4.1.1. This version of Apache has the AddType 
lines that can be uncommented. Now it seems to be more of a question of 
permissions for the php files. (At least I've seen the run-tests.php in 

I don't know what was messed up with the stock LM8.0 config, but my guess, 
from examining the updates, is that PHP had caused a problem. I seem to 
luck-in with these no-go installations !

Anyway, It's been a great learning experience!  (This is terribly excellent 
fun! Much better than the boring ...has performed an illegal operation and 
will be shut down. At least this way I can mess it up some more! :)

Thanks for your suggestion.

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 17:13, you wrote:
 Sounds to me like to you don't have all the necessary apache rpm's
 installed. I'd recommend you go into software manager, select flat-listing
 and enter apache in the search box. Install anything which is shown.

  -Original Message-
  From:   Andre Dubuc [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:21 PM
  To: Todd Slater
  Subject:Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP
  On Tuesday 29 January 2002 13:43, you wrote:
   I just got php up and running (I think) without a fuss. I'm using
   8.1 and I installed php, php-common, php-manual_en, and php-mysql.
   Then, I went to the Apache configuration folder--on my system
   /etc/httpd/conf. I opened commonhttpd.conf with vi, and scrolled down
   to the part about php. I just uncommented two lines (remove the #)
   about AddType blah blah .php and saved it.
   I stopped httpd.
   I started httpd
   I looked for the most basic script I could find because I don't know
   anything about it, and found a date one here:
   http://www.terrabyte.dc.com.au/phpscripts.php3. I put that in my web
   directory (renamed the text-file .php) and called it and it worked!
   I don't know if that will help or not.
  Thanks Todd,
  The problem with my LM8.0 configuration for Apache is that it doesn't
  those lines AddType in any of the .conf files! I wondered what they
  talking about -- and I have checked them all!
  In desperation, I finally decided to go source. I d/l the binary from
  and after my first attempt, I still cannot see my test file. I'll have to
  check my PHP config.
  Perhaps, that's the problem: I'm unclear where any files that I make
  go. Are they supposed to be put in the /htdocs area in apache's
  Will they work from elsewhere? I've also set up a /public_html directory
  personal home directory.
  I'm having all sorts of fun installing/uninstalling and generally messing
  about with these programs. Sure is a great way to find out where
  is, and how everything is inter-related. Too bad it doesn't work!
  Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
  Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.
  May God bless you abundantly in His love!
  For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --
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 Registered in England Number 3253947
 A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group
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 Member of the Association of British Insurers.

 For further Enquires 01603 622200

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet -- http://www.webhart.net/csrb/

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Re: [newbie] hda5 critically full

2002-01-29 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz


  i have inserted wherever appropriate what i have learned as a 7 month newbie. please 
take it only as points to do some more research on as i am not entirely sure in their 
validity (but for me they are the truth unless stated otherwise by more experienced 
users *grin*)

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 04:16:04 +1300
Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Thanks for the info received on what to do.  I immediatly found that i had been 
 keeping copies of the CDs I'd been burning, and fixed that, which took care of 
 the immediate problem.

 Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
  seems like the allocated space for the / partition was too
  small. this happened to me when i allocated just 100MB to that
  partition and /tmp was heavily used. 
 I think it may be big enough if i maintain it well.  And am using this oportunbity 
to learn 
 do this. Question:  Coming from a Windows env. I am familiar with easily knowing 
which file is on 
 which storage device.  I understand that it is nice to have a virtual environment - 
to hell with 
 knowing what devices run it, however as the administrator i need to be able to know 
what is 
 on each device.  How can i check that?

check the mountpoints. if you have the tree package installed, use it to generate a 
somewhat ASCII-graphical breakdown of your partitions (tree / , tree /home, tree /usr, 
etc). type mount (no additional parameters) and all directories under root ( those 
with names coming after /) which are neither mounted by the fstab (/tmp for example) 
nor links to other subdirectories (/bin) are probably under the root partition. if you 
dont have the tree command, du -ah will do as well. remember to output the contents of 
du and tree to a file so you could peruse it on your whim. last option is to go to 
konqueror (or any file manager with tree view capabilities).

  first thing to do is to
  make sure that no unnecessary files are hogging the space in
 I have posted of the contents tof /temp below, using $ ls -al what might 
 I need to explore further there?
  there are tools out there but i have no experience using them.
  the route i always take is to re-install Mandrake, use expert
  install (its really easy if you pay attention and read what's
  in there), and pay extra attention when it comes to the part
  that you partition your hard disk. 
 Hmm, this does seem complex as I did not set up my own machine.  I am tempted to 
give it a go 
 For learning on another machine, not this one which I work on! 

its easy. my first try was pretty good. i only re-installed because i didnt know that 
/usr should be large enough since its the windows equivalent of the Program Files 
directory (installations go here).

 On Monday 28 January 2002 12:18 pm, Erylon wrote:


 Thanks for that.  will do some pruning.  I will also explore the /etc/logrotate.conf
 I can see that as the user i have authority to delete some files but not others.  I 
 go into root and do it all but is that wise?  Some of the files have permission for 
 admin group?  Should I as root give myself admin authority?  This is 
 getting a bit off topic but I d be interested in a discussion on how to work with 
 root / user potential of Linux.  Perhaps there is a good article on it somewhere?

rule of thumb. root user is for administration only and for doing things when you are 
sure you know absolutely what you are doing. if the file has other permissions, then 
you should not be mucking with it unless you need to.  root is too powerful to be used 
daily. i think there was a chapter on the Mandrake Manual and in the 
mandrakeuser.org/docs about this.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] .xsession-errors

2002-01-29 Thread tester

FLYNN, Steve wrote:

 Is it just me or everyone get ever growing .xsession-errors files for each
 userid who uses X?
 Mine seem t be full of:
 kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window
 parameter) 9 Major Opcode 14
 Anyone got any clues as to why I get these errors and more importantly, how
 I can get rid of 'em?
 Steve Flynn
 NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
 Tel: 01603 680086

Well it is a warning-level diagnostic that the kde folks didn't have 
time to fix and it does not affect operations of KDE.

As to how to get rid of it, make a cron job to mail you the contents of 
  xsession errors once a month and then echo \n   .xsession-errors.. 
should do the trick


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Re: [newbie] fd0 not installed? available?

2002-01-29 Thread Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 21:24, you wrote:
 I have just installed LM 8.1 and like it very much.
 Except...I can't get my floppy disk working.  I need
 it under Vware to be able to boot into Win2k, and I
 need it to be able to transfer files from one machine
 to another.  When I try to access it, it tells me fd0
 is not a valid block device or something similar.
 Below is a copy of my fstab

 /dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
 0 0
 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2 auto
 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat
 iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /mnt/win_d vfat
 iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0

 This is what I get when I try to mount the floppy
 mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device]# mount floppy
 mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device

 Can anyone tell me what is going wrong?



 Do You Yahoo!?
 Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!
chances are you just need to create a new floppy icon. Right click on the 
desktop somewhere that there isn't an icon and a screen will pop up, choose 
create new floppy device and a new screen will pop up. Click on the 
Device tab. In the space to the right of device is a downarrow, click on it 
and scroll to the /dev/fd0 and highlight that with the pointer.  Then click 
on the General   tab and click on the floppy icon picture. This will give 
you a choice of icons for the desktop. Pick one of the 3 floppy icons and 
then click on OK. You will have a new icon on the desktop. Right click the 
new icon, stick a floppy in the slot and click on mount.  If the screen 
doesn't pop up with the floppy files then left click on the new floppy icon 
and it should open. HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Reboot..how often

2002-01-29 Thread Michael Viron

I've seen servers that have uptime measured in a few hundred days with no
problems at all (I've personally admined one that was up for almost 3
months before we had downtime due to a power outage).  About the only time
that you should have to reboot (or shutdown) the system is either when you
upgrade hardware or update the kernel.  Other than that, there isn't a need


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:34 PM 01/29/2002 -0800, you wrote: 

I run a linux server, that hosts multiple chat  servers. I used to do this
on Windows 2000 and required a reboot at least once a  week. I am curious
now that I've switched to Mandrake Linux 8.1 how often should  I reboot to
clear things out to avoid unwanted down times, here is my uptime
information 10:30pm  up 12 days,  2:01,  1  user,  load average: 0.00,
0.00, 0.00 If I know how often It needs to rebooted I could  setup a script
to do it and tell my customers that its down every blah blah time  for a
blah blah amount of time... ?? Any ideas? 

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[newbie] Reboot..how often

2002-01-29 Thread Jesse Angell

I run a linux server, that hosts multiple chat 
servers. I used to do this on Windows 2000 and required a reboot at least once a 
week. I am curious now that I've switched to Mandrake Linux 8.1 how often should 
I reboot to clear things out to avoid unwanted down times, here is my uptime 
10:30pm up 12 days, 2:01, 1 
user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
If I know how often It needs to rebooted I could 
setup a script to do it and tell my customers that its down every blah blah time 
for a blah blah amount of time... ?? Any ideas?

Re: [newbie] EVOLVE

2002-01-29 Thread tester

Paul Kraus wrote:

 Are there any tool to import an outlook pst to evolve?
 Paul Kraus
 Network Administrator
 PEL Supply Company
 (216) 267-5775 Voice
 (216) 267-6176 Fax
 www.pelsupply.com http://www.pelsupply.com

We are working on one called transfugdrake that will make windows 
migration easier, but there are still bugs...  Look in a cooker mirror 
and you will likely find it.


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