Re: [newbie-it] ntfs e linux

2002-04-16 Thread Andrea Celli

 Si so tutto d ntfs e linux
 il mio problema é che dovrei avviare una volta almeno da linux per potere
 fare un setting particolare che mi permettera' di utilizzare il boot loader
 di windozz anche per boottare da linux.

Metti il CD di installazione, premi F1 e al prompt lilo:
rispondi linux rescue o solo rescue (dipende un po' dalle
distro, non lo faccio spessissimo e non ricordo casa voglia Mndk).
Ti viene montato un mini-linux in RAM.

Per quello che vuoi fare, ti basterà montare un floppy
in /floppy e dare
 dd if=/dev/hdXY of=/floppy/bootsect.lnx count=1 bs=512
con XY opportuni per indicare la partizione di boot di Linux.

Per cose più complesse vedi dove è montata la partizione /
(diciamo  in /tmp/disk) e dai chroot /tmp/disk

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] richiesta di aiuto

2002-04-16 Thread Andrea Celli

Augusta Furia wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 Ho un problema che mi affligge da ormai anni. Non sono mai riuscito a far
 funzionare l'audio, ..

La cosa essenziale da sapere è che scheda audio hai.

Per quelle standard basta disattivae da BIOS l'opzione
S.O. che supportano pnp o mettere nobiospnp tra gli append
di lilo.conf (utile comunque in mndk-8.1) e lanciare il
tool di configurazione.

Per schede particolari ti conviene cercare su
se qualcuno, su qualche ng linux del mondo, ha già risolto
problemi analoghi.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Notizie per la scheda audio AUREAL?

2002-04-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Slackware 8.0 + aureal8810 + kernel 2.4.18 (preempitible) e funziona senza
alcun problema!!


Re: [newbie-it] richiesta di aiuto

2002-04-16 Thread tom

Alle 09:33, martedì 16 aprile 2002, Augusta Furia ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 Ho un problema che mi affligge da ormai anni. Non sono mai riuscito a far
 funzionare l'audio, neanche pagando per il supporto di Mandrake Expert (un
 comportamento non molto serio a mio parere: hanno fatto terminare la durata
 del supporto senza darmi un briciolo di risposta). Sndconfig non mi aiuta.
 La configurazione con control center dice che non c'è nessuna info.
 disponibile. Invio i file module.conf se qualcuno volesse aiutarmi.
 ciao. Fabio, Augusta son.

Se è una yamaha opl3-sax sound systemil tuo problema è risolto
Pero' se lo è!
fammi sapere.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-16 Thread tom

Op non mi ero accorto di aver spedito la mail in privato
cmq ri posto in mlmagari a qualcuno puo interessare

Alle 22:38, lunedì 15 aprile 2002, miKe ha scritto:

  (è normale che in /dev ci siano: hda hda1 hda2 hda5?curiosita)

 certo che è normale...
 serve a quello

intentendevo quel hda2

 hai salvato la tabella delle partizioni prima di uscire?

credo di dico credo :)

 hai formattato la nuova partizione?

no! come la formatto?

 in shell digita
 # fdisk /dev/hda

 quindi premi p

 cosa ti esce?

Disco /dev/hda: 255 testine, 63 settori, 3649 cilindri
Unità = cilindri di 16065 * 512 byte

Dispositivo AvvioInizioFine   Blocchi   Id  Sistema
/dev/hda1   * 1  2294  18426523+   b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda2  2295  3650  108901175  Esteso
/dev/hda5  2295  3650  10890085+   b  Win95 FAT32

c'è qualcosa che non va??? è la prima volta che partiziono senza un tool che 
non sia di winz

 volendo il 'servizietto' di ripartizionare potremmo farlo con fdisk
 (di GNU, non di win$... he he)

se ho combinato qualche casino non c'è problema rifaccio tutto da capo anche 
con fdisk (tanto ho masterizzato tutti i dati che mi servivano)
ma mi interessava creare una nuova partizione dove spostare i dati.giusto 
per sport :)

aspetto notizzieperche non ho ancora capito cosa c'è che non va

P.S winz non parte in alcun modo,nel ripartizionamento gli devo aver bruciato
qualche file di avvio hihihi

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] cartelle di kmail

2002-04-16 Thread Tommaso Leddi

20:25, lunedì 15 aprile 2002, tom:
 Se usi lo stesso indirizzo controlla in: impostazioni-configura filtri

Grazie Tom.
Sempre riguardo ai filtri: non so voi, ma io ricevo una gran quantità di 
virus di uindo$. Proprio ora un file di 132K. Tengo disabilitato la 
visualizzazione degli HTML e tendenzialmente li sbatto tutti nel cestino. 
Prima magari guardo se è qualche amico sprovveduto. Crdo comunque che potrei 
decidere di eliminare tutte le email che contengono .exe
Sembra semplice filtrare e mettere nel cestino queste email, però il massimo 
credo sia cancellarle senza neanche doverle scaricare: qualcuno sa come si fa?


[newbie-it] Mandelbrot

2002-04-16 Thread Tommaso Leddi

Ai tempi della gloriosa Mandrake 8.0, c'era un programma sull'insieme di 
Mandelbrot che permetteva tenendo premuto il mouse, di fare una vertiginosa 
zoomata grafica. Quel programma non l'ho ritrovato nella versione 8.1 che uso 
attualmente. Qualcuno si ricorda come si chiamava. Altrimenti qualcuno mi può 
suggerire come fare una ricerca all'interno della vecchia distribuzione?



Re: [newbie-it] cartelle di kmail

2002-04-16 Thread gigi pinna

Alle 10:53, martedì 16 aprile 2002, Tommaso Leddi ha fatto finta di scrivere:
 20:25, lunedì 15 aprile 2002, tom:
  Se usi lo stesso indirizzo controlla in: impostazioni-configura filtri

 Grazie Tom.
 Sempre riguardo ai filtri: non so voi, ma io ricevo una gran quantità di
 virus di uindo$. Proprio ora un file di 132K. Tengo disabilitato la
 visualizzazione degli HTML e tendenzialmente li sbatto tutti nel cestino.
 Prima magari guardo se è qualche amico sprovveduto. Crdo comunque che
 potrei decidere di eliminare tutte le email che contengono .exe
 Sembra semplice filtrare e mettere nel cestino queste email, però il
 massimo credo sia cancellarle senza neanche doverle scaricare: qualcuno sa
 come si fa?


per fare questo vedi configurare dal web i filtri della tua casella di posta per
cestinare le email in questione; server come yahoo avevano attivo in autamatico dei
filtri di questo tipo (a volte troppo efficienti dato che metteva anche il bllettino
della mandrake come spam!).
io ad esmpio prima controllo dal web e dopo scarico la posta non è comodissimo ma se
trovi email grosse risparmi tempo!

Le cose nonsono mai così terribili da non poter peggiorare.

Antonio Fogazzaro
E-mail senza paura dei virus: view it easy con

[newbie-it] Star Office 5.2

2002-04-16 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Salve ragazzi,

Vi disturbo di nuovo...
all'apertura di Star office 5.2 già installato nella directory dell'utente, 
il sistema mi dice che non può far partire il pacchetto perché non trova il 
file sofficerc nella directory user... in realtà il file è lì presente 
sotto il formato .txt
Chiedo che sia riparato e lui mi dice che non può ripararlo perché mancano 
i file del database Adabas...
ho controllato ed esiste una directory con nome Adabas.

ciao e grazie mille

[newbie-it] problemi con una stampante Epson Stylus photo 1200

2002-04-16 Thread Martina

Premetto ho appena installato linux e mi sto ambientando
Ho un piccolo problema con la mia carissima stampante : 
Stampa il formato ascii del file e nn lo stampato reale che ero solita avere 
con Windows.
Inoltre è compatibile una scheda audio sound Blaster 128 con il sistema linux.
Scusate e grazie in anticipo


Re: [newbie-it] Mandelbrot

2002-04-16 Thread LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Tommaso Leddi detto' 
al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Ai tempi della gloriosa Mandrake 8.0, c'era un programma sull'insieme
 di Mandelbrot che permetteva tenendo premuto il mouse, di fare una
 vertiginosa zoomata grafica. 

Non so se possa essere utile, ma nel pacchetto di XFree86 (versione 
4.2.0, ma qui ovviamente parlo della Cooker che ho io) c'e un comando 
di nome xmag che serve a fare una zoomata istantanea a dimensione 
unica del punto in cui e' stato effettuato il clic del mouse.
In alternativa sembra anche a me di ricordare che ci fosse un programma 
che si chiamava Magnifier o Magnify o Kmag o K-magnifier o qualcosa di 
simile, ma piu' che a vocazione scientifica credo che fosse in prima 
battuta ricompreso nel pacchetti destinati ad utenti con specifici 
problemi di accessibilita' (ipovedenti, in particolare).
Forse e' questo:

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Re: [newbie-it] inastallo prima windows o Linux ?

2002-04-16 Thread Loredana

Il 16 aprile '02
 --- miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  

 ti faccio un pò di domande io..
 come userai linuccio?
 - -come workstation
 - -come server casalingo
 - -per usi generici?
 perchè :
 - -se vuoi usarlo come server potrebbe andare, 
 hai pure lasciato uno swap non piccolo...
 ho solo un dubbio su /opt in / (ma mandrake la usa
 e soprattutto sulla /var in /...
 se fornisci mail e www e magari un proxy ti si
 riempono di log e cache...
 - -come workstation, o per uso casalingo,
 ti consiglio di usare una /home una /root e lo swap
 è tutto più semplice e comunque puoi aggiornare il
 sistema senza perdere le tue configurazioni e i tuoi
 dati, avere partizioni sullo stesso disco non ti
 accelera il sistema ma ti complica la vita se non
 dimensioni bene 
 dal punto di vista sicurezza, se non fornisci
 servizi ti cambia poco,
 basta un firewall per quando esci su internet ed un
 pò di attenzione agli aggiornamenti dei pacchetti
 che rivelano dei problemi
 al limite puoi lasciare un paio di giga liberi per
 un BeOs o un *BSD,
 se dovessi volerli provare in futuro
 se poi col tempo riempi la /
 hai comunque lo spazio per estendere il FS
 - -se infine vuoi sperimentare diverse
 distribuzioni, installare e testare programmi, per
 scegliere quelli che definitivamente userai tra un
 allora crea una seconda partizione vfat da
 condividere tra win$ e i vari SO che userai,
 così recuperi spazio e dedichi il disco a due
 partizioni di test
 non avrai comunque problemi col lilo che ormai
 supera il 1024° cilindro
 potrai provare e riprovare e solo alla fine
 deciderai il partizionamento definitivo

Io vorrei utilizzare Linux a casa per impratichirmi
con questo SO che devo utilizzare all'università
principalmente per programmare in C (come utente).
(questo è il fine più urgente)
Credo quindi che sia corretto dire che vorrei
utilizzare Linux come workstation, giusto?
Quindi mi consigli di semplifiare le partizioni
eliminando /usr ?

Non sapevo che LILO superasse ormai il 1024° cilindro.
Questo significa che è inutile creare una partizione
specifica per /boot (così come ho fatto io) per
andarla a posizionare laddove il LILO potesse ben

  Aggiungo che:
  1. Linux adesso (cioè senza aver ancora installato
  Windows) parte benissimo con LILO in apertura
 quindi hai risolto i problemi di avvio dellamail
 bene bene,
 cosa aveva 'confuso' il LILO?

Non è esattamente così.Come ti ho detto nell'ultima
e-mail Kernel panic per mike ho deciso di
reinstallare tutto.
Ho ripartizionato l'hard-disk e, nell'attesa di
riprocurarmi il dischetto di Windows, ho fatto diverse
prove per impratichirmi con partizioni e
reinstallazione di Linux
In ogni caso avrei formattato tutto di nuovo se fosse
stato più semplice installare prima windows e
successivamente Linux.

  2. Ho preparato un floppy di avvio di Linux
 questo è sempre bene,
 anche se ormai hai imparato ad usare il cd in
 modalità 'rescue'


Speciale Giochi - Civilization III

Re: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant.

2002-04-16 Thread LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Zerbini Paolo detto' 
al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 il problema è che non mi vede il modem Conexant HCF V90 Data Fax PCI 
Modem, chiederei dove posso reperire tele driver con il relativo 
Kernel; ed una piccola spiegazione come installare il relativo driver e 
la configurazione del modem.

AFAIK fino a poco tempo fa non c'erano molte speranze di farlo andare. 
Recentemente pare che siano stati sviluppati dei driver mooolto beta 
(non so quanto instabili ...), o in alternativa si potrebbe provare 
ad usare i driver per HSF (qualcuno l'ha fatto ma non so con che 
risultato). Dai un'occhiata qui:

P.S. per favore, imposta il client email affinche' le righe vadano a 
capo a 72-74 caratteri, altrimenti la visualizzazione di quanto viene 
quotato resta sballata.

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con una stampante Epson Stylus photo 1200

2002-04-16 Thread Sandro

Alle 22:08, martedì 16 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Premetto ho appena installato linux e mi sto ambientando
 Ho un piccolo problema con la mia carissima stampante :
 Stampa il formato ascii del file e nn lo stampato reale che ero solita
 avere con Windows.
 Inoltre è compatibile una scheda audio sound Blaster 128 con il sistema
 linux. Scusate e grazie in anticipo


dovresti essere più precisa riguarda il tipo di documento che vuoi stampare e 
del tipo di programma con cui lo vuoi stampare.
Nella mdk (quale versione hai?) c'è un sistema di stampa che funziona 
abbastanza bene (CUPS), l'hai installato?

Linux riconosce bene la SoundBlaster 128 (la sto utilizzando sulla mia 
macchina). Precisamente te la dovrebbe riconoscere come Esoniq 5880 
AudioPCI, che è il nome del chip della scheda.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

[newbie-it] X-CD-Roast su mdk8.2

2002-04-16 Thread Paolo - Mandrake

Salve a tutti.

Ho installato la mdk8.2, ed ho visto che ha attivato in automatico il 
supermount: e' una funzione davvero utile.

Premetto di avere un lettore CDROM 32x TEAC, un masterizzatore WAITEC WT624 
ed uno scanner Artec AT6, il tutto SCSI su un controller Advansys.

Il problema e' che X-CD-Roast si rifiuta di funzionare:
Se inserisco un CD con dei dati che voglio masterizzare, X-CD-Roast mi dice 
che il CD e' vuoto (Ho provato ad inserirlo sia nel lettore che nel 

Ho provato a dare il comando da root:

supermount disabled

Ma il problema persiste.

Ho anche modificato il file /etc/fstab togliendo le linee che richiamano il 
supermount, e aggiungendo (da Linuxconf) i dispotivi appena rimossi, per non 
fargli usare il supermount.

Ho riavviato il tutto, ma niente da fare.

Ho notato anche che il comando 'cdrecord -scanbus' mi risponde cosi':

Cdrecord 1.11a15 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg 
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.22
Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
0,0,0 0) *
cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong page 20 for CD capabilities page 
0,1,0 1) 'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S  ' '3.0A' Removable CD-ROM
0,2,0 2) 'WAITEC  ' 'WT624   ' '7.0P' Removable CD-ROM
0,3,0 3) 'ULTIMA  ' 'AT6 ' '1.01' Scanner
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *

Perche' il sistema sta usando il driver sg, anziche' quello per la Advansys?!?
Cosa sono quei due Warning che mi compaiono subito prima del TEAC?!?

Ringrazio anticipatamente chiunque mi possa aiutare,


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Re: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant.

2002-04-16 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 15:18, lunedì 15 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Sono Paolo e da poco ho inziato con Mandrake 8.1, il problema è che non mi
 vede il modem Conexant HCF V90 Data Fax PCI Modem, chiederei dove posso
 reperire tele driver con il relativo Kernel; ed una piccola spiegazione
 come installare il relativo driver e la configurazione del modem.

Vai sul sito della Conexant e scarica il driver (sono presenti anche delle 
sommarie istruzioni, ma più che sufficienti).

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Il mouse e lo Scrolling

2002-04-16 Thread Fabrizio Torrisi

Ciao a tutti,

Dove posso trovare un file di configurazione per il mouse con la rotellina ?
Se lo configuro con il sw Mandrake a volte all'avvio di X nell'interfaccia di
Login il mouse impazzisce.
Spengo il Pc e poi lo riaccendo !!! (in puro stile winzozz)
E voilà finalmente tutto funziona !!!

Se avete suggerimenti fatemi sapere

Grazie 1000

Re: [newbie-it] Nscript Java

2002-04-16 Thread Pollo

Il lun, 2002-04-15 alle 22:08, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Pollo detto' al suo 
 fido scrivano codesta missiva:
  [alberto@localhost bin]$ java -jar nscript.jar
  Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
  Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
  java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/JFrame
  at java.lang.Class.forName(
  at java.lang.Class.forName(
  at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
  at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(
 Personalmente ti consiglio di scaricarti la JRE di IBM o BlackDown o 
 Sun e di utilizzare quella al posto di kaffe: cosi' dovresti riuscire a 
 farlo funzionare correttamente.
 L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
 La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Il problema è che ho già scaricato ed installato jdk1.3.1 della Sun.

Grazie comunque. Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Nscript Java

2002-04-16 Thread Pollo

Il lun, 2002-04-15 alle 22:13, Mario Lodi Rizzini ha scritto:
 Hai definito la variabile CLASSPATH?
 Dal messaggio d'errore sembra non trovare il percorso della classe 
 Mario Lodi Rizzini
 (o_  Membro del FoLUG
 //\  Forlì Linux Users Group 
 Mandrake 8.2 su Celeron 733

No, CLASSPATH non l'ho modificata; il problema è che non so quale
percorso aggiungere. Cartelle javax o simili non ne ho trovate; sai
qual'è il percorso da aggiungere?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Nscript Java

2002-04-16 Thread Pollo

Il lun, 2002-04-15 alle 22:08, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Pollo detto' al suo 
 fido scrivano codesta missiva:
  [alberto@localhost bin]$ java -jar nscript.jar
  Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
  Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
  java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/JFrame
  at java.lang.Class.forName(
  at java.lang.Class.forName(
  at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
  at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(
 Personalmente ti consiglio di scaricarti la JRE di IBM o BlackDown o 
 Sun e di utilizzare quella al posto di kaffe: cosi' dovresti riuscire a 
 farlo funzionare correttamente.
 L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
 La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Per ovviare al problema precedentemente posto ho provato a dare il
seguente comando dopo essermi spostato nella cartella di jre Sun:

[alberto@localhost bin]$ ./java -jar
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Font specified in not found
Exception in thread main java.lang.NullPointerException
at NSModel.toTcl(
at NScript.init(
at NScript.main(

Come potete vedere ad un certo punto si pianta!
Mi sembra di capire che cerca dei font che comunque io ho installato
(l'ho verificato con DrakFont); non capisco cosa vogliono dire invece le
ultime 4 righe dell'output.

Scusate per l'ignoranza. Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] inastallo prima windows o Linux ?

2002-04-16 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 17:55, martedì 16 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] inastallo prima windows 
o Linux ?, Loredana ha scritto:

  ti faccio un pò di domande io..
  come userai linuccio?
  - -come workstation
  - -come server casalingo
  - -per usi generici?

 Io vorrei utilizzare Linux a casa per impratichirmi
 con questo SO che devo utilizzare all'università
 principalmente per programmare in C (come utente).
 (questo è il fine più urgente)
 Credo quindi che sia corretto dire che vorrei
 utilizzare Linux come workstation, giusto?

taglia tutti i servizi che non userai
e installa snello

 Quindi mi consigli di semplifiare le partizioni
 eliminando /usr ?

si, una / e una swap 
sono più che sufficienti per un uso monoutente,
se poi prevedi di avere molti dati, e se vorrai aggiornare mantenendo le impostazioni 
una /home separata ti aiuterà parecchio

 Non sapevo che LILO superasse ormai il 1024° cilindro.

si, da parecchio tempo
in ogni caso aggiungi l'opzione lba 
(ma credo che l'installer della mandrakkia lo faccia in automatico)

 In ogni caso avrei formattato tutto di nuovo se fosse
 stato più semplice installare prima windows e
 successivamente Linux.

è indifferente



Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-16 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 12:41, martedì 16 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco 
fat, tom ha scritto:

 Op non mi ero accorto di aver spedito la mail in privato
 cmq ri posto in mlmagari a qualcuno puo interessare

..infatti rispondo in lista..

   (è normale che in /dev ci siano: hda hda1 hda2 hda5?curiosita)
  certo che è normale...
  serve a quello

 intentendevo quel hda2

solo col devfs spariranno (o meglio non verranno creati)
i dispositivi realmente non esistenti,
per ora hai tutto (o quasi)
quello che trovi in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt 

  hai formattato la nuova partizione?

 no! come la formatto?

se è vfat pure col win$

man mkdosfs !!

#mkdosfs  -F32vn etichetta /dev/hda5

(se devi formattare hda5)

  in shell digita
  # fdisk /dev/hda
  quindi premi p
  cosa ti esce?

 Disco /dev/hda: 255 testine, 63 settori, 3649 cilindri
 Unità = cilindri di 16065 * 512 byte

 Dispositivo AvvioInizioFine   Blocchi   Id  Sistema
 /dev/hda1   * 1  2294  18426523+   b  Win95 FAT32
 /dev/hda2  2295  3650  108901175  Esteso
 /dev/hda5  2295  3650  10890085+   b  Win95 FAT32

 c'è qualcosa che non va??? è la prima volta che partiziono senza un
 tool che non sia di winz

vedo due partizioni vfat..
sembra a posto...

 P.S winz non parte in alcun modo,nel ripartizionamento gli devo aver
 bruciato qualche file di avvio hihihi

allora formatta tutto !!

 Ciao , Tom


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
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[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-16 Thread lorenzo silvestri

Re: [newbie-it] Il mouse e lo Scrolling

2002-04-16 Thread LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Fabrizio Torrisi 
detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Dove posso trovare un file di configurazione per il mouse con la 
rotellina ?

Premesso un doveroso riferimento preliminare all'archivio che 
_dovresti_ sempre consultare (dato che la domanda e' stata 
affrontata varie volte): [anche se li' c'e' un imprecisione: 
in MDK e affini il file di configurazione di XFree86-4.x e' 
XF86Config-4 e non XF86Config] (in buona misura datato 
ma cmq buona fonte di info in generale sul punto)

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Re[2]: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant.

2002-04-16 Thread Arwan

Scrive Fabio:

(Tuesday, April 16, 2002, ore 10:14:32 AM, a proposito di [newbie-it] Modem Conexant.)

FM Alle 15:18, lunedì 15 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Sono Paolo e da poco ho inziato con Mandrake 8.1, il problema è che non mi
 vede il modem Conexant HCF V90 Data Fax PCI Modem

FM Vai sul sito della Conexant e scarica il driver

Ma ci sono? E me li sono lasciati scappare? Avevo cercato, ad inizio
aprile, ma ho trovato solo quelli per HSF... dai, ditemi che ci sono
anche gli altri...


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re[3]: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant.

2002-04-16 Thread Arwan


FM Vai sul sito della Conexant e scarica il driver

A Ma ci sono? E me li sono lasciati scappare? Avevo cercato, ad inizio
A aprile, ma ho trovato solo quelli per HSF... dai, ditemi che ci sono
A anche gli altri...

Li ho trovati! sto scaricando il tutto, e stasera provo con
l'installazione. Incrociate le dita e pensatemi!


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

[newbie] Optra LX+ Printer install

2002-04-16 Thread Lee

I have an Optra LX+ printer I am trying to hook up to either my network or 
the 8.2 box.  Printerdrake does not list this printer, so I went to the 
Lexmark site and picked up DRIVERS-LINUX-GLIBC2-X86.RPM.TAR.GZ which contains 
lexmark-MVfonts-4.6-1.i386.rpm and lexmark-MVprint-4.6-1.i386.rpm.

Before I go on blindly, as usual, does anyone have experience with this 
printer?  Is there another, perhaps better, way to do this?  It seems that 
usually when I depend on a program source other than Mandrake I run into 
problems due to not knowing what I'm doing.


Registered Linux abuser #223705

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[newbie] KDE 3.0 - Worth the Upgrade

2002-04-16 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu

Anyone here upgrade to KDE 3.0?  Is it worth the
upgrade or is it like Windows.wait a while after
it's initial release?

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RE: [newbie] Install 8.1 and XP in a dual boot

2002-04-16 Thread Tony S. Sykes

Install Xpee first, then MDK 8.2. After that you can reinstall Xpee (as
you usually have to) as many times as you like.

-Original Message-
Sent: 15 April 2002 16:29
Subject: [newbie] Install 8.1 and XP in a dual boot


This is what I want to do and am having trouble getting this to work

I have 2 hard drives in the computer, both are blank.

I want to install Mandrake 8.1 on the second disk hdb 40GB
and Windows XP on the first disk hda 20 GB

I want file systems for (not necessarily in this order) all on hdb

I am attempting to install Linux first then to do Win XP

Can anyone tell me if I am doing this right/wrong/best way to go about

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0 - Worth the Upgrade

2002-04-16 Thread Brian Koppe

I've upgraded to KDE 3 and I'd say it's most likely worth it. There are
DEFINITELY some bugs though so if you want something that's gonna work just
right, I'd wait a little longer.

Pauljames Dimitriu wrote:

  Anyone here upgrade to KDE 3.0?  Is it worth theupgrade or is it like Windows.wait a while afterit's initial release?__Do You Yahoo!?Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

-- Brian says:Use Mozilla for your browsing, e-mail, and IRC needs!v 0.9.9 available for free at

[newbie] raid-controller

2002-04-16 Thread - hybrid -

a friend of mine got heavy problems with his raidcontroller

after installing mandrake 8.2 he can't boot anymore , it stops when it
comes to mount the raidcontroller as he said

any advice ? 

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'We do what we can
We give what we have
Our doubt is our passion
And our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.'

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[newbie] DVD burner

2002-04-16 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Title: Message

Does anybody know 
any good DVD burning software for MDK 8.2? I have a Pioneer 



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-16 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 4:03 am, Charles Griffin wrote:
 I've already pre-ordered my copy of ML 8.2 Powerpack
 and I was wondering if Mandrake is going to update 8.2
 for the boxed sets.  I'm running 8.2 now from the
 iso's, but for example, the problem with xcdroast and
 cdrtools -- is that going to be fixed in the final
 shipped retail version of 8.2?  Any thoughts?

 Just curious.


At I guess I would say not.. The time taken to print CD's and distribute 
boxes means a boxed version will almost certainly be the same as the online 
ISO's  However the new 'update packages' facility at the end of the install 
procedure means purchasers of boxed sets can get the benefit of all the 
published 'errata' without having to look it up, which is a big improvement 
over previous releases.

Since you already have the downloaded ISO's I assume you only want the boxed 
set either to get the 'commercial' packages on the extra CD's or you wish to 
reward Mandrake for the work exerted in putting together the distro. In 
either case a subscription to Mandrake club will give you what you need. 
Mandrake get more money than if they had sold a box set, and you get access 
to more downloads than are available in the box set. (I'll not go into the 
Star Office thing..)


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[newbie] Problem telnetting to Solaris box from Mandrake 8.1

2002-04-16 Thread Richard Fieldsend

Dear All,
I'm trying to telnet from my trusty Linux box to one of our Solaris servers. 
When I do I get the user prompt, enter my username and it then locks up until 
it times out.

The same box dual booted into Windows telnets without any problem so I'm 
pretty sure its not a problem with our connectivity or office firewall. 

I don't think that this is a hardware related problem as everything else 
seems to run fine, but I get frustrated that I have to drop out of lovely 
stable Linux to telnet to a Solaris box (both flavours of Unix).

After looking around on the web I've found references to telnet being 
disabled for Redhat, but the disabled tag doesn't appear in my xinet.conf 
file, so I don't believe this is the problem.

Thanks in anticipation

Richard Fieldsend   33 Chalklands
fone: 01223-890336 Linton
mobile: 07776-204791Cambridge
  CB1 6JQ

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Re: [newbie] Calendar/PIM recommendations

2002-04-16 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 20:00:53 -0600, Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's your favorite calendar or personal information manager(PIM)
 application? I had high hopes for Evolution, but it's task management isn't
 robust enough for me. A decent calendar and PIM is one of the few things
 keeping me from deleting my Windows partition.

I use gnomecal, but if you don't like Evolution you'll probably dislike this one
too. KDE has korganizer (an organiser) and Aethera (an e-mail/PIM app like

Sridhar Dhanapalan

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Re: [newbie] gvim/vimx misbehaving (set guifont)

2002-04-16 Thread Moshe Kaminsky


Did you go through all of the initialization scripts, to see if it's
not overridden there? (To see what these scripts are do 
  :help startup
inside vim)


* Stewart Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020408 21:46]:
 I've just upgraded from RH 7.2 to Mandrake 8.2 and gvim/vimx is now 
 ignoring the set guifont directive in my .vimrc file. What's extremely 
 odd about this is that after vim is launched, I can manually issue the 
 command and it sets the font appropriately (yes, I've tried many many 
 different fonts). Something else seems to be taking precedent, but I 
 don't know where.

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0 - Worth the Upgrade

2002-04-16 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 00:03:27 -0700 (PDT), Pauljames Dimitriu
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Anyone here upgrade to KDE 3.0?  Is it worth the
 upgrade or is it like Windows.wait a while after
 it's initial release?

For my experience, KDE 3.0 is too buggy and unstable to be used as a proper
desktop. Other people have reported the exact oppostie, so YMMV.

Mandrake's KDE3 packages are designed to be parallel-installable with the KDE2
packages. I recommend that you install and try it for yourself. If you don't
like it you can always go back to KDE2.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Our products should emphasize security right out of the box, and we must
constantly refine and improve that security as threats evolve. A good example of
this is the changes we made in Outlook to avoid email borne viruses.  
 -- Bill

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[newbie] smb and wi|\| me

2002-04-16 Thread - hybrid -

i configured my samba server and everything worked [smbclient
//localhost/[folder] works properly]

but when i connect my dad's wi|\| me laptop to my pc , they don't see
each other

i've got 2 networkcards

eth0 ip [static ip]
eth1 ip via isp-dhcp

i connect to eth0 

i think i did all the configs well ...

where do i have to be carefull ?

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'We do what we can
We give what we have
Our doubt is our passion
And our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.'

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[newbie] How do you create a RPM files from Tarball sources

2002-04-16 Thread John Richard Smith

Can you help me.
I need to learn how to create rpm files from tar files.
I want to experiment with alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9.tar.bz2

[root@localhost root]# cd /root/Desktop/alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9
[root@localhost alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9]# ./configure
creating cache ./config.cache
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for linux/fs.h... yes
checking for working const... yes
checking for inline... inline
checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes
checking whether gcc needs -traditional... no
checking for current directory... /root/Desktop/alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9
checking for directory with kernel source... /usr/src/linux
checking for kernel version... expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
failed (probably missing /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h)
[root@localhost alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9]#

This oneseems to like my system, but it would seem I also
need  version h  first , what ever that is. 

I have compiled and installed tar balls before, I downloaded and installed a 
scanner driver for my mustek scanner, with some supervision,meaning with
someone to ask, if need be,which works, and I have done a number of simpler 
things on my own.

and what is version.h
I feel that it falls into two parts, preperation and action.
For instance do I have all necessary software installed to create
rpm's from tar balls, and if not what do I need to do.

Thank you,


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] DVD burner

2002-04-16 Thread John Richard Smith

I have heard it said that the cdrecord website has a version for sale that 
can burn DVD CD's provided that your writer is also capable.Check it out.


On Tuesday 16 April 2002 10:02, you wrote:
 Does anybody know any good DVD burning software for MDK 8.2? I have a
 Pioneer A03.

 Best Regards,

 Tony Sykes.

 Support Analyst
 Business Computer Projects Ltd

 Tel: 0161 355 3000
 Fax: 0161 355 3001


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 Business Computer Projects Ltd
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John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader

2002-04-16 Thread Walter Logeman

In Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader, on Tue, 16 Apr 2002 15:20, 
 Joseph Braddock wrote:

Thanks for your response Joseph.

 Make a directory under mount called smedia (or whatever you'd
 like).  Then with the smart media card in the reader, try typing
 the following as root:

   mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/smedia

There is no /dev/sda1, there is nothing much like it there:

1014 root@psybernet:/dev (11:31:45)
# ls  | grep sd

That is about it.

What does that mean for me now?


 If that works, add the following to your /etc/fstab:

   /dev/sda1 /mnt/smedia vfat noauto,user

 The noauto will keep you from getting an error when booting with
 the card not in the reader (because the mount fails).  The user
 allows any user to mount it.

 At this point you should be able mount it in the same ways you
 would a cdrom (i.e. mount command, click on it in Konqueror or
 Nautilus, or add an icon to the desktop).

 Joe Braddock

 On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 01:21:00 +1200

 Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have 2 usb ports.  The Intelleye mouse is working off one
  port. i have just plugged in a Smartmedia card reader in the
  other port and rebooted.
  How do i activate the card reader?  there is power going to the
  reader.  Do i need to have it in my fstab and mount it?
  How would i do that?
  Some details below
  = My Machine =
  Dell i8100 laptop
  ATI Radeon 7500 Mobility
  Mandrake 8.1
  Linux 2.4.9-13smp i686 [ELF]
  Upgraded to Xfree86 4.2.0
  1001 walter@psybernet:~ (01:07:33)
  $ dmesg | grep usb
  usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
  usb.c: registered new driver hub
  usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.259 $ time 17:30:17 Sep 23 2001
  usb-uhci.c: High bandwidth mode enabled
  usb-uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O 0xbce0, IRQ 10
  usb-uhci.c: Detected 2 ports
  usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
  usb-uhci.c: v1.251:USB Universal Host Controller Interface
  driver usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x874/0x1002) is not
  claimed by any active driver.
  usb.c: USB device 3 (vend/prod 0x45e/0x25) is not claimed by
  any active driver.
  usb.c: registered new driver usb_mouse
  usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 3, frame# 1847
  input0: Microsoft Microsoft IntelliMouse ® with IntelliEye on
  usbmouse.c: v1.6:USB HID Boot Protocol mouse driver
  usb.c: registered new driver hiddev
  usb.c: registered new driver hid
  1002 walter@psybernet:~ (01:10:03)
  less fstab
  /dev/hda5 / ext3 noatime 1 1
  none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
  none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda7 /home ext3 noatime 1 2
  /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
  user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0
  0 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
  0 0 /dev/hda2 /mnt/windows ntfs
  user,uid=501,gid=501,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
  /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom1 auto defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0
  none /proc proc defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
  fstab lines 1-11/11 (END)
  Walter Logeman

Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] How do you create a RPM files from Tarball sources

2002-04-16 Thread Roman Korcek


 I need to learn how to create rpm files from tar files.
 I feel that it falls into two parts, preperation and action.

That would probably be best done with checkinstall
which is a tool that you run instead of make install. Of course, you
must run ./configure and make beforehand.

 I want to experiment with alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9.tar.bz2
 checking for directory with kernel source... /usr/src/linux
 checking for kernel version... expr: syntax error
 expr: syntax error
 expr: syntax error
 failed (probably missing /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h)
 [root@localhost alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9]#

 This oneseems to like my system, but it would seem I also
 need  version h  first , what ever that is. 

I am geting the same error with 0.9.0beta12. :-(


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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader

2002-04-16 Thread Walter Logeman

In Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader, on Tue, 16 Apr 2002 
 Florian wrote:

Thanks for your reply Florian,

 Hi i got a smartmedia reader and its emulated to be a scsi device
 (actually that is on a debian machine but the difference should
 not be too big)

 do an lsmod as root and check if you got scsi-mod and
 usb-storage loaded if not you gotta probably add it to your
 /etc/modules (i hope for you that thats enough)

I have scsi-mod but not usb-storage

 if not you gotta probably add it to your
 /etc/modules (i hope for you that thats enough)

I don't know how to do that.  I do have it there but not sure how 
# locate usb-storage

add it to your /etc/modules

I will hive off and read books on it now :) but a tip here would be 



 After that you need to add a line to your etc fstab here a snip
 of mine (your device might be a different number):

 /dev/sda1   /mnt/flash  vfatdefaults,user,noauto 
  0 0

In a previous post I mentioned that I have no /dev/sda1  or any 

What does that mean in this context?


 This should all work if you have the hotplug stuff and the
 usb-utils (or whatever they are called in mandrake) installed.

I have hotplug files inc:

I have usbutils installed - rpm tells me it is but how can i be 

 A good thing is to install the package usbviev so you can see
 first if its recognized cause then it should be loaded too by

usbviev - I installed it and it shows my mouse and card reader 

Thanks for all that.


Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] gvim/vimx misbehaving (set guifont)

2002-04-16 Thread Stewart Allen

yes, it was being overridden by the system. I became root and struck 
that from the init script. seems like a poor system default if I can't 
set a font in .vimrc.


Moshe Kaminsky wrote:


Did you go through all of the initialization scripts, to see if it's
not overridden there? (To see what these scripts are do 
  :help startup
inside vim)


* Stewart Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020408 21:46]:

I've just upgraded from RH 7.2 to Mandrake 8.2 and gvim/vimx is now 
ignoring the set guifont directive in my .vimrc file. What's extremely 
odd about this is that after vim is launched, I can manually issue the 
command and it sets the font appropriately (yes, I've tried many many 
different fonts). Something else seems to be taking precedent, but I 
don't know where.



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[newbie] operation of sensord

2002-04-16 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have installed lm-sensor rpm from mdk 8.2 cds. I want to know how to 
configure it. Any pointer or doc will be appreciated.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] korganiser alarm monitor.

2002-04-16 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 03:45 am, James Thomas wrote:
 L.V.Gandhi's message on April 15, 2002 09:07 am, stated:
   how to getrid of korganiser alarm monitor from the panel. I couldn't see
   options in panel.
 Uninstall the kde-pim (and/or gnome-pim) and it'll go away.
 That thing drives me nuts too; so I went looking for a way to kill it.

 All I did was write-click on the icon for the korganizer and closed it that

this i have to do every time. I wanted to remove it once for all.

 way. There's an option to remove from panel I believe (I'm at work now,
 trying to recallt his from memory :) ).


 MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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RE: [newbie] Install 8.1 and XP in a dual boot

2002-04-16 Thread Michael . Hughes

OK I installed this damn MS OS on my 1st hard drive.  and I installed
Mandrake on the 2nd hard drive.

I put the /boot filesystem on /dev/hda1 and Windoz is on /dev/hda2

The 2nd hard drive is all various Linux file systems.

here is my problem.  I would like to have LILO as the defualt boot loader.
I have installed it but the only way to get to it is to edit the boot.ini
file for windoz so that I can boot to linux and then I get the LILO boot

I want to do away with the windows boot loader but I can't figure out how to
do this.

the /boot partition is the first one on the first hard drive.

my Lilo.conf is setup properly to boot from /dev/hda1 

Can someone tell me how to do this???

Thanks Mike

-Original Message-
From: Tony S. Sykes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 3:08 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Install 8.1 and XP in a dual boot

Install Xpee first, then MDK 8.2. After that you can reinstall Xpee (as
you usually have to) as many times as you like.

-Original Message-
Sent: 15 April 2002 16:29
Subject: [newbie] Install 8.1 and XP in a dual boot


This is what I want to do and am having trouble getting this to work

I have 2 hard drives in the computer, both are blank.

I want to install Mandrake 8.1 on the second disk hdb 40GB
and Windows XP on the first disk hda 20 GB

I want file systems for (not necessarily in this order) all on hdb

I am attempting to install Linux first then to do Win XP

Can anyone tell me if I am doing this right/wrong/best way to go about

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Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001

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Re: [newbie] How do you create a RPM files from Tarball sources

2002-04-16 Thread John Richard Smith

Thanks Roman,

Say, where does the newly created rpm file end up, after checkinstall.

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 12:35, you wrote:

  I need to learn how to create rpm files from tar files.
  I feel that it falls into two parts, preperation and action.

 That would probably be best done with checkinstall
 which is a tool that you run instead of make install. Of course, you
 must run ./configure and make beforehand.

  I want to experiment with alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9.tar.bz2


  checking for directory with kernel source... /usr/src/linux
  checking for kernel version... expr: syntax error
  expr: syntax error
  expr: syntax error
  failed (probably missing /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h)
  [root@localhost alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9]#
  This oneseems to like my system, but it would seem I also
  need  version h  first , what ever that is.

 I am geting the same error with 0.9.0beta12. :-(


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Calendar/PIM recommendations

2002-04-16 Thread Paul Rodríguez

What sorts of things do you find lacking in evolution?  You might
consider suggesting them to the ximian-folk for inclusion.

- Paul R

On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 22:00, Warren Post wrote:
 What's your favorite calendar or personal information manager (PIM) application? I 
had high hopes for Evolution, but it's task management isn't robust enough for me. A 
decent calendar and PIM is one of the few things keeping me from deleting my Windows 
 Warren Post
 Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0 - Worth the Upgrade

2002-04-16 Thread Nelson Bartley

At this point, wait until the mandrake staff has moved KDE 3 into
cooker, as at the moment it's sitting in contrib, and has a few too many
bugs. Unfortunately it is not a straight upgrade as it seriously messes
up config files for kde2.

On Tue, 2002-04-16 at 03:03, Pauljames Dimitriu wrote:
 Anyone here upgrade to KDE 3.0?  Is it worth the
 upgrade or is it like Windows.wait a while after
 it's initial release?
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Re: [newbie] abiword

2002-04-16 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Get the latest version from the abiword web site (or maybe for mandrake
from, i haven't tried these).  This issue was fixed in later

- Paul Rodriguez

On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 16:35, ellaree b. philippen wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 8.1, and it does everything I wanted it to as far 
 as the connection to my ISP, my email, the Internet, printing, etc. But 
 when I try to use its wordprocessor, abiword, I cannot get the 
 spellcheck to work. I can print my documents ok, and everything else. 
 What am I missing? Is there something I'm supposed to do to set it up? 
 I've read all the helps and all they say is what spellcheck will do. But 
 it won't for me!
 Thanks for any help anyone can give me.

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Re: [newbie] korganiser alarm monitor.

2002-04-16 Thread Charlie

L.V.Gandhi's message on April 15, 2002 08:09 pm, stated:
 On Tuesday 16 April 2002 03:45 am, James Thomas wrote:
 L.V.Gandhi's message on April 15, 2002 09:07 am, stated:
 how to getrid of korganiser alarm monitor from the panel. I couldn't
 see any
 options in panel.
 Uninstall the kde-pim (and/or gnome-pim) and it'll go away.
 That thing drives me nuts too; so I went looking for a way to kill it.
  All I did was write-click on the icon for the korganizer and closed it
 this i have to do every time. I wanted to remove it once for all.
 way. There's an option to remove from panel I believe (I'm at work now,
 trying to recallt his from memory :) ).

I thought that was what you wanted, which is why I posted that you should 
uninstall (through Software Manager) the kde-pim (personal information 
manager and/or the gnome version) since I couldn't find an option to _not_ 
have it loaded on the panel. I didn't install it at all when I re-installed 
8.2 on the new drive.

Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
8:58am up 23:35, 2 users, load average: 0.45, 0.22, 0.10

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[newbie] DrakConf and cursor

2002-04-16 Thread Mark D'voo

i've had a problem with this on three machines, after using DrakConf, the 
cursor stays a watch, then only what to get it back to normal is to log out.  
any ideas ?

 10:13am  up 8 days,  8:27,  7 users,  load average: 0.40, 0.41, 0.23

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Re: [newbie] tv-out

2002-04-16 Thread Mark D'voo

is the tv-out s-video ? you should be able to shut down your computer, put in 
the s-video, take out the monitor cable and reboot, there are ways to edit 
your XF86Config-4 file so that you can start another X server on your tv

On Sunday 14 April 2002 04:14 am, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 I have an nVidia Riva TNT2 Ultra graphics card with tv-out - how du I get
 a signal through the tv-out-socket?

 10:10am  up 8 days,  8:24,  7 users,  load average: 0.52, 0.32, 0.17

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RE: [newbie] operation of sensord

2002-04-16 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] operation of sensord

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 8:44 AM
Subject: [newbie] operation of sensord

I have installed lm-sensor rpm from mdk 8.2 cds. I want to know how to 
configure it. Any pointer or doc will be appreciated.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

Hi, easy to do. Just go to a root console and type in sensors-detect then it will go through an interactive configuration and at the end it will tell you where to edit some /etc/xxx files. If you use gnome or kde as a desktop you can install gkrellm as a visual monitor. HTH

Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0 - Worth the Upgrade

2002-04-16 Thread shane

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 00:03, Pauljames Dimitriu opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Anyone here upgrade to KDE 3.0?  Is it worth the
 upgrade or is it like Windows.wait a while after
 it's initial release?

i used the texstar rpms (link to ftp at i do believe) excet for 
packages he did not have like koffice and pim stuff, in which case i used 
mandrakes rpms.  i have had 2 very minor bugs (konsole, fix posted to the 
list, and splash screen crash, someone posted a fix but i didn't try it.  
never reboot, so...) and it fixed 3 bugs i had in 2.2.2 and is _much_ 

the good news is that you can install both, so give it a try.

i found i could do the rpm install, go to etc/profile.d/ and comment 
out the path line.  (thanks for that fix from a list member!  sorry i 
forget who :( )  then copy my .kde folder into .kde3 (after creating .kde3 
that is) and it works wonderfully.

It is no measure of your health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick 

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Re: [newbie] A few questions about LISA..

2002-04-16 Thread shane

On Monday 15 April 2002 22:23, Alfredo Zesati opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I have already set up LISA to work around my home LAN. I currently have
 two PC's running Win2000Pro and Mdk8.1 each. However, LISA doesn't work
 with SMB protocols. I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend
 me a LAN browser for multiple protocols. One last question (a silly one!

komba2.  on the cd's.

Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft®, recently referred to Linux as a cancer. 
Unsuprisingly, this is incorrect - Linux was released on August 25th, 1991, 
and is therefore a virgo.

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Re: [newbie] korganiser alarm monitor.

2002-04-16 Thread poogle

Try  Settings  Configure Korganiser  and then uncheck the Automatically 
Start Alarm Dameon on Login  (no, not a typo it does say Dameon) 

On  Tuesday 16 April 2002 03:09 am, L.V.Gandhi,wrote :
 On Tuesday 16 April 2002 03:45 am, James Thomas wrote:
  L.V.Gandhi's message on April 15, 2002 09:07 am, stated:
how to getrid of korganiser alarm monitor from the panel. I couldn't
   see any
options in panel.
  Uninstall the kde-pim (and/or gnome-pim) and it'll go away.
  That thing drives me nuts too; so I went looking for a way to kill it.
  All I did was write-click on the icon for the korganizer and closed it

 this i have to do every time. I wanted to remove it once for all.

  way. There's an option to remove from panel I believe (I'm at work now,
  trying to recallt his from memory :) ).
  MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.3.2

  6:01pm  up  1:02,  2 users,  load average: 0.26, 0.11, 0.10

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader

2002-04-16 Thread Florian Struck

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 15:01, Walter Logeman wrote:
 In Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader, on Tue, 16 Apr 2002
  Florian wrote:

 Thanks for your reply Florian,

  Hi i got a smartmedia reader and its emulated to be a scsi device
  (actually that is on a debian machine but the difference should
  not be too big)
  do an lsmod as root and check if you got scsi-mod and
  usb-storage loaded if not you gotta probably add it to your
  /etc/modules (i hope for you that thats enough)


Hi sorry for late reply.
To add a module into a kernel either type modprobe usb-storage
Or just add the module to the file /etc/modules in a new line only the name 
of the module so it will be loaded at bootup
here is my /etc/modules file it might look different than mandrakes but it 
should be ok to just add the correct line .


# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file should contain the names of kernel modules that are
# to be loaded at boot time, one per line.  Comments begin with
# a #, and everything on the line after them are ignored.
apm power_off=1

Actually there seems to be difference inbetween debian and mandrake here 
cause for me the module loads automatically at bootup even without having it 
in /etc/modules.
The device should be build afaik automatically if you load the module at 
Tell me if you have no luck so ill search the docs that i used to get it to 
work. On google you find every infos you need i just dont remember with what 
search pattern i looked for it.

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader

2002-04-16 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 07:33, Walter wrote:

 Make a directory under mount called smedia (or whatever you'd
 like).  Then with the smart media card in the reader, try typing
 the following as root:

   mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/smedia

 There is no /dev/sda1, there is nothing much like it there

See what happens if you do 

modprobe usb-storage

before trying to mount the card.

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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] IDE for C/C++

2002-04-16 Thread Alan Carbutt


I have been trying (in my spare time) to get xwpe to work with LM8.2.  I am 
asked to provide the library which I can't seem to find.  How did 
you set yours up.


Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 08:06, rsch77 wrote:
Hello all, I need an advice.
Does anybody know a good IDE for C/C++, and where I find it ?
Thanks in advance,


 I've tried xwpe, rhide, and Kdevelop.  I really liked xwpe for it's
 simplicity and resemblance to the old Borland C IDE; but Kdevelop has
 some advantages that you can't ignore.
 First, it's the most complex of the ide's above.  It's also the most
 functional and productive.  One thing that's a real mind blower about
 Kdevelop is that makefile, documentation, and binary packaging
 provisions were built right into the IDE.  It sets up sample
 documentation and configuration files that are exactly in line with the
 generally accepted packaging standard for GNU rpm and tarballs across
 the net.  If you're using Kdevelop you are automatically compatible and
 up to date with the latest program packaging standards.  That's a HUGE
 time saver.
 That also means that if you've never manually assembled a binary package
 for public consumption, Kdevelop gives you a BY Example crash course on
 how exactly to do it properly.
 Having said that, I also have to say that I haven't found a way (yet) to
 neatly integrate my use of Vi as an editor in to Kdevelop. It has an IDE
 of it's own (editor), but it's in no way comparable to Vi.  I would have
 assumed that there would have been a way to integrate Vi and Kdevelop
 smoothly and seamlessly together, but I haven't seen it yet.  Presently
 I work in a transparent Eterm using Vi to edit the C source, then go to
 Kdevelop, reload the source (an annoying process), and then use the
 Kdevelop utils to generate the makefiles, object files, documentation,
 and binary(s).  In fact, any advice from some Kdevelop wizard on using
 the ide in a way that automatically edits the sources using the
 programmer's favorite editor would be appreciated
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Alan Carbutt
Applications Programmer
Adams State College

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[newbie] locate block device

2002-04-16 Thread Oder

Does anyone know how can I locate /dev/dvd. I looked every where for 
something that would tell it but couldn't find anything. I did find /dev/hdc 
with dmesg | grep hd = hdc: Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-R2102, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive. 
How to point that to DVD drive? Thanks in advance, Oder.

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Re: [newbie] locate block device

2002-04-16 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 16:24:39 -0300

 Does anyone know how can I locate /dev/dvd. I looked every where for 
 something that would tell it but couldn't find anything. I did find /dev/hdc 
 with dmesg | grep hd = hdc: Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-R2102, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive. 
 How to point that to DVD drive? Thanks in advance, Oder.

Assuming your dvd drive is cdrom then

ln -s cdrom /dev/dvd

If it is cdrom1,2 etc.
adjust accordingly


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Re: [newbie] Small question about command line

2002-04-16 Thread g

Pascal Goguey wrote:

 On 2002 April 16 Tuesday 02:39, you wrote:

 'su' means _superuser_, not 'substitute user', which it does.

From man pages:


 su - substitute user identity


 su [-Kflm] [login [shell arguments]]



i could claim various reason for inversion, but i will just say
that some times thinking gets ahead of typing and above results
when i fail to go back over messages before sending.

as much as i hate to see and hear people calling 'su' 'superuser',
and then i go and write it out wrong.

i guess it just proves that some cloning is good, some is bad. ;)

oh, well. at least i told him to 'man su'.

thank you for correcting my error.


 think green...  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth,
  save storage.   send email,   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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[newbie] Installing mosfet-liquid theme

2002-04-16 Thread Marco Verheul

Fellow Mandrake users,

I'm trying to install the mosfet-liquid theme and I got stuck. Here is
what I did:

su to root
# tar xvzf mosfet-liquid0.9.4.tar.gz
# cd mosfet-liquid0.9.4
# make -f Makefile.cvs
# ./configure

  here I get feedback when various checks are performed like ...

checking for working aclocal... found

  only at he end of this feedback I get (last 3 lines)

checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH

  next I try

# make install

  here I get..

make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.

Could it be that my PATH does not contain a directory that is required
by the install? When I type env I get:


I read that /usr/local/kde/bin should be added to PATH. Is this true?
How do I add entries to PATH?

Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] tv-out

2002-04-16 Thread Jesper Nyholm Jensen

Yeah, it's s-video. What ways are there to edit my XF86Config-4 file are
there?/Where do I find info/HOWTOs about this?
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Mark D'voo wrote:
is the tv-out s-video ? you should be able to shut down your computer, put in
the s-video, take out the monitor cable and reboot, there are ways to edit
your XF86Config-4 file so that you can start another X server on your tv

On Sunday 14 April 2002 04:14 am, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 I have an nVidia Riva TNT2 Ultra graphics card with tv-out - how du I get
 a signal through the tv-out-socket?

 10:10am  up 8 days,  8:24,  7 users,  load average: 0.52, 0.32, 0.17

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Re: [newbie] Installing mosfet-liquid theme

2002-04-16 Thread Charles A Edwards

On 16 Apr 2002 22:11:06 +0200
Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fellow Mandrake users,
 I'm trying to install the mosfet-liquid theme and I got stuck. Here is
 what I did:
 su to root
 # tar xvzf mosfet-liquid0.9.4.tar.gz
 # cd mosfet-liquid0.9.4
 # make -f Makefile.cvs
 # ./configure
   here I get feedback when various checks are performed like ...
 checking for working aclocal... found
   only at he end of this feedback I get (last 3 lines)
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH

   next I try
 # make install
   here I get..
 make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
 Could it be that my PATH does not contain a directory that is required
 by the install? When I type env I get:
 I read that /usr/local/kde/bin should be added to PATH. Is this true?
 How do I add entries to PATH?

At this point it has nothing to do with path

checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no

This means that you have no compiler installed.
Nothing that can be used to 'build, the program.

If you are using 8.2 you need to install gcc-2.9.6.
It will be on your cds and you can use the soft mgr to install it. 


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Re: [newbie] tv-out

2002-04-16 Thread Mark D'voo

here's a copy of mine, check out and look at the readme for the 
linux drivers, it has lots of cool info on ways to do this

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 03:26 pm, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 Yeah, it's s-video. What ways are there to edit my XF86Config-4 file are
 there?/Where do I find info/HOWTOs about this?

  3:45pm  up 8 days, 13:59,  7 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.06, 0.01

# File generated by xf86config.

# Copyright (c) 1999 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
# not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
# dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
# XFree86 Project.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of 
# this file.
# **

# **
# Module section -- this  section  is used to specify
# which dynamically loadable modules to load.
# **
Section Module

# This loads the DBE extension module.

Loaddbe   # Double buffer extension

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
SubSection  extmod
#  Optionomit xfree86-dga   # don't initialise the DGA extension

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules

# This loads the GLX module
Load   glx


# **
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **

Section Files

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like .txt or .db).  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)
# If you don't have a floating point coprocessor and emacs, Mosaic or other
# programs take long to start up, try moving the Type1 and Speedo directory
# to the end of this list (or comment them out).

FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
#FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/

# The module search path.  The default path is shown here.

#ModulePath /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

#ModulePath  /opt/nvidia/modules
ModulePath  /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
ModulePath /usr/lib/opengl/nvidia/extensions  


# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section ServerFlags

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is 
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

#Option NoTrapSignals

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

#Option DontZap

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

#Option Dont Zoom

# Uncomment this to disable 

Re: [newbie] Installing gcc (WAS: mosfet-liquid theme)

2002-04-16 Thread Marco Verheul


I'm running 8.1 and I tried to install gcc with soft mgr. No succes
there, I get a load of errors. Would appreciate any suggestions on that
part. Thanks.

Regards, Marco

 At this point it has nothing to do with path
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 This means that you have no compiler installed.
 Nothing that can be used to 'build, the program.
 If you are using 8.2 you need to install gcc-2.9.6.
 It will be on your cds and you can use the soft mgr to install it. 

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Re: [newbie] Installing gcc (WAS: mosfet-liquid theme)

2002-04-16 Thread Charles A Edwards

On 16 Apr 2002 23:09:07 +0200
Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm running 8.1 and I tried to install gcc with soft mgr. No succes
 there, I get a load of errors. Would appreciate any suggestions on that
 part. Thanks.

What errors?
I can not help if I do not know what they are.


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[newbie] Dead CD burner?

2002-04-16 Thread Miark

I have a LiteOn CD burner. There's nothing in the drive,
but the lite is on solid, the tray won't open with either
the button or eject /dev/scd0. In fact, /dev/scd0 seems
to be missing altogther, and Winblows doesn't see the drive
at all, either.

It's connected to the system at hdc, and the DVD drive on
hdd is working normally. Cable is attached tightly.

Is this more likely a drive problem, or a mobo problem?
Any other comments?


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Re: [newbie] Installing mosfet-liquid theme

2002-04-16 Thread Miark

Forget the tarball. Use the RPM:


On 16 Apr 2002 22:11:06 +0200
Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fellow Mandrake users,
 I'm trying to install the mosfet-liquid theme and I got stuck. Here is
 what I did:
 su to root
 # tar xvzf mosfet-liquid0.9.4.tar.gz
 # cd mosfet-liquid0.9.4
 # make -f Makefile.cvs
 # ./configure
   here I get feedback when various checks are performed like ...
 checking for working aclocal... found
   only at he end of this feedback I get (last 3 lines)
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
   next I try
 # make install
   here I get..
 make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
 Could it be that my PATH does not contain a directory that is required
 by the install? When I type env I get:
 I read that /usr/local/kde/bin should be added to PATH. Is this true?
 How do I add entries to PATH?
 Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] cannot fully shutdown

2002-04-16 Thread Blood Slap

Thanks, I'll try that, and in fact, my mobo is also a Gigabyte.
- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] cannot fully shutdown

  Blood Slap wrote:
  I have an atx mobo, so in windows, when shutting down, the pc will turn
  itself off.  In linux however, when I shut it down, it seems to attempt
  shut it off, but I get a large error message, where it then just stops.
  will post any relevant data from the error message shortly.

 Sometimes, on some MB's, you have to go into /etc/rc.d/init.d and edit the

 Go to the line (close to the bottom) that says:

 HALTARGS=-i -d -p

 and make it:


 Thats what I had to do on a Gigabyte MB I used to use... Hope this helps!

 PS Oh-this won't make it shut down completely, but it will stop at a point
 where you will know to just turn your machine off, without doing any harm.




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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-16 Thread civileme

Charles Griffin wrote:

I've already pre-ordered my copy of ML 8.2 Powerpack
and I was wondering if Mandrake is going to update 8.2
for the boxed sets.  I'm running 8.2 now from the
iso's, but for example, the problem with xcdroast and
cdrtools -- is that going to be fixed in the final
shipped retail version of 8.2?  Any thoughts?

Just curious.


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The isos you saw are what the boxed sets are made of--...  It takes a 
month to get a press done.

There are updates already out there and you should notice that if you 
have an internet connection, the installer will pick them up at install 
time and automatically add them.


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Re: [newbie] Dead CD burner?

2002-04-16 Thread civileme

Miark wrote:

I have a LiteOn CD burner. There's nothing in the drive,
but the lite is on solid, the tray won't open with either
the button or eject /dev/scd0. In fact, /dev/scd0 seems
to be missing altogther, and Winblows doesn't see the drive
at all, either.

It's connected to the system at hdc, and the DVD drive on
hdd is working normally. Cable is attached tightly.

Is this more likely a drive problem, or a mobo problem?
Any other comments?


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Well it is UNLIKELY to be a mobo problem because the other device works 
and the IDE bus is set up (nominally) to work only one device per 
channel at a time.  If the Lite-On were selected all the time, then the 
other could not (though drakopt showed up some temporary intermediate 
states on IDE channels in some cases with older drives, it just could 
not be more than a transitory phenomenon).

So consign the drive to an artwork project where its spinning motor can 
make something mobile.


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[newbie] Want to keep an alternative available? OT-sorta

2002-04-16 Thread civileme

Read and understand.  

It is apparent that you will no longer be allowed to use Samba (with 
windows) without being a patent infringer.  While the patent is utter 
crap because prior art existed, it takes ten years and 2 to 20 million 
dollars to prove that in court.  

OTOH, Samba is a nice filesharing system to use in linux.  Perhaps 
without the yoke of staying interoperable with windows it could develop 
into something mighty fine.


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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0 - Worth the Upgrade

2002-04-16 Thread civileme

Pauljames Dimitriu wrote:

Anyone here upgrade to KDE 3.0?  Is it worth the
upgrade or is it like Windows.wait a while after
it's initial release?

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It is not an upgrade.  Please note that our offering is in our /contrib 
directory, which means it is not an update to the system.  It frankly 
has some problems working, with menu disappearing, failing to work in 
parallel with KDE2, Konqueror crashing and no possibility of updating 
the kicker panel.

We should have an update which will really work by May 1 or thereabouts.


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Re: [newbie] raid-controller

2002-04-16 Thread civileme

- hybrid - wrote:

a friend of mine got heavy problems with his raidcontroller

after installing mandrake 8.2 he can't boot anymore , it stops when it
comes to mount the raidcontroller as he said

any advice ? 

There is a thread about modprobe to use the BIOS-extension RAID 
controllers as read devices under linux, and quite a bit more.  If it is 
the typical WinRAID controller and the drives are set up in RAID under 
that controller, additional modules must be loaded to read it.  For RAID 
under linux, it is of course totally unnecessary and far less efficient 
than linux software RAID.

If it is a hardware RAID controller, not the fake hardware IDE-RAID 
controllers being peddled for $30 to $60 extra price for a PROM that 
provides a BIOS extension. then I would be very interested in learning more.


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Re: [newbie] DVD burner

2002-04-16 Thread civileme

Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 Does anybody know any good DVD burning software for MDK 8.2? I have a 
 Pioneer A03.

  behavior=slide direction=down id=Marquee1 loop=1 
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 * Best Regards,*


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cdrecord is the underlying recording software for linux.  So what does

cdrecord -scanbus say

about your recorder?  It may not be set up as an emulated scsi device. 
 If it is not, then we need to work on that.

If it is an emulated scsi device then there are patches and possibly 
they have been incorporated into recent copies...  But here is one patch 


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Re: [newbie] Installing mosfet-liquid theme

2002-04-16 Thread Marco Verheul


Thanks for the rpm! It gives me one other problem to tackle though. When
installing on 8.1 it conflicts with about 22 other packages. I checked
on the site you linked me to, to make sure I got the package for 8.1.
It seems to be ok. Any ideas what could be the problem?


On Tue, 2002-04-16 at 23:26, Miark wrote:
 Forget the tarball. Use the RPM:

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Re: [newbie] Installing mosfet-liquid theme

2002-04-16 Thread Derek Jennings

Hmm  I tried that rpm (Mankdrake 8.2, KDE2.2.2)  and Opera would not run 
afterwards.  It reintroduces the libpng2/libpng3 hell.

Pity, Liquid is my favourite theme, and I'm not happy with KDE3.0 yet.


On Tuesday 16 April 2002 10:26 pm, Miark wrote:
 Forget the tarball. Use the RPM:


 On 16 Apr 2002 22:11:06 +0200

 Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Fellow Mandrake users,
  I'm trying to install the mosfet-liquid theme and I got stuck. Here is
  what I did:
  su to root
  # tar xvzf mosfet-liquid0.9.4.tar.gz
  # cd mosfet-liquid0.9.4
  # make -f Makefile.cvs
  # ./configure
here I get feedback when various checks are performed like ...
  checking for working aclocal... found
only at he end of this feedback I get (last 3 lines)
  checking for gcc... no
  checking for cc... no
  configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
next I try
  # make install
here I get..
  make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
  Could it be that my PATH does not contain a directory that is required
  by the install? When I type env I get:
  I read that /usr/local/kde/bin should be added to PATH. Is this true?
  How do I add entries to PATH?
  Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] smb and wi|\| me

2002-04-16 Thread magnet

I recently set up samba on my linux boxs to connect with my win ME laptop
and it worked a treat. My reference was this page. Can I recommend you take
a look as it has all the info you need to get it working. I currently have 3
of the linux boxs sharing fine with the laptop now. Hope this helps you :)

- Original Message -
From: - hybrid - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 12:02 PM
Subject: [newbie] smb and wi|\| me

 i configured my samba server and everything worked [smbclient
 //localhost/[folder] works properly]

 but when i connect my dad's wi|\| me laptop to my pc , they don't see
 each other

 i've got 2 networkcards

 eth0 ip [static ip]
 eth1 ip via isp-dhcp

 i connect to eth0

 i think i did all the configs well ...

 where do i have to be carefull ?

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 'We do what we can
 We give what we have
 Our doubt is our passion
 And our passion is our task
  The rest is the madness of art.'

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Re: [newbie] Small question about command line

2002-04-16 Thread Warren Post

As root, enter:

su user

to change to account user


On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:21:07 -0300 (ART)
Lúcio Costa de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Everybody...
 I'm trying to improve my skills in command line.  
 What I'd like to do..  
 I'm logged as root and must test some user
 What command I'll use, in shell, to change to this
 user ???  
 root --- simple user  
 Ex:[root@Sparta] login user - [user@Sparta]

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Re: [newbie] A real menagerie!

2002-04-16 Thread Ron Bouwhuis

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ron Bouwhuis wrote:
 I have a ML 8.0 running Samba supporting a home
 network of 1 ML 8.2, 1 Win '98 and 1 Win 2k (my
 laptop).  My wife is keen to get a new laptop - but
 wants a Mac i-Book.  2 questions:
 Well, you know ML is available for G3/G4 based MACs,
 and CUPS works.

I know - which means when I win the Linux is best
argument, her i-Book is still useable!
 1. I run an HP PSC 500 off the ML8.0 using CUPS. 
 HP website doesn't offer printer drivers for that
 printer for the Mac.  But since Linux does and it
 hangs off the Mandrake box - how would I get the
 to print to the HP PSC?  I was thinking I might be
 able to go a PostScript route (using GhostScript,
 somehow).  Any thoughts?
 Of course, cups has the software to emulate an lpd
 server, so you could 
 use lpd from MAC OS X, I believe.

Worth looking into...  I'm hoping someone out there
will say I got a Mac to print through a Samba share
to xxx printer which doesn't come with a Mac driver

 2. One main reason for keeping the Windows going
 been to run voice-chat (we use Yahoo messenger -
 doesn't offer voice on the Linux version).  Anyone
 know a good alternative that works on Mac, Windows
 How does Gyach do?

Just looked at the Gyach site - interesting, but
doesn't do voice communication, unless I've missed
something!  However, when searching Google for Gyach,
I stumbled across Freewebfone 3.3, which claims to be
cross-platform for all 3.  Anyone got any experience
with this?


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Re: [newbie] Calendar/PIM recommendations

2002-04-16 Thread Warren Post

Lotus Organizer 97, part of the Smart Suite. A great app. I don't really need every 
one of Organizer's bells and whistles, but I do at least need to have recurring tasks 
(like, Pay the rent every first of the month).


On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 22:24:59 -0500
Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What are you using on the Windows partition?
 On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 20:00:53 -0600
 Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What's your favorite calendar or personal information manager (PIM) application? I 
had high hopes for Evolution, but it's task management isn't robust enough for me. A 
decent calendar and PIM is one of the few things keeping me from deleting my Windows 

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[newbie] quick pause

2002-04-16 Thread Brian York

When i watch movies with Xine their is a quick pause about every 15 seconds. I 
though maybe just reinstall Xine but just now i notice it doing it on web 
animations so its nothing wrong with xine but the OS its self maybe. Does 
anyone know what the problem might be?

Dell Dimension 8200, Geforce 2 32MB, 1.7GHz P4, 256 MB RDRAM, Mandrake 8.2, 
KDE 3.0(mandrake RPMs)


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[newbie] Low Internet dial up modem connection speed

2002-04-16 Thread Ongkie Singgih

Dear friend(s),

I am happy !! .. just finish to install LM8.2 without any single problem, I 
can see movie in VCD format !, I can hear my favorite song from CD !, many 
default simple but interesting games !  the only thing so far that still 
bothering me is my internet connection to my ISP.

I use 57600 V90 rockwell external fax modem, I use Konqueror web browser, I 
can only connect with 19200 Kbps. ... :) my normal day connection before is 
between 44000 - 52000 Kbps. If I try to use faster connection speed, it ends 
up with error message and quit code 16.

Any idea ? what should I do to speed up my internet connection ?

Thanks and regards,

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader

2002-04-16 Thread Walter Logeman

In Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader, on Wed, 17 Apr 2002 05:25, 
 Florian Struck wrote:

 Hi sorry for late reply.

Thanks for doing it - not late at all!

 To add a module into a kernel either type modprobe usb-storage

done now i have it show up with lsmod!  

Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] Calendar/PIM recommendations

2002-04-16 Thread Warren Post

The two things I really miss in Evolution (and gnomecal and the other
calendar / organizer / PIMs for Linux I've seen so far) are:

1. Although appointments can recurr, tasks cannot. If you want a recurring
task like Do laundry every Monday, you'll have to enter it manually
every Monday forever. 

2. A task will be visible immediately upon creating
it even if it is not scheduled to begin yet. Example: If I create today
the task Buy Christmas gifts scheduled to begin December 10th, the task
will appear daily beginning today.

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On 16 Apr 2002 10:41:40 -0400
Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What sorts of things do you find lacking in evolution?  You might
 consider suggesting them to the ximian-folk for inclusion.

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Re: [newbie] IDE for C/C++

2002-04-16 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-04-16 at 14:04, Alan Carbutt wrote:
 I have been trying (in my spare time) to get xwpe to work with LM8.2.  I am 
 asked to provide the library which I can't seem to find.  How did 
 you set yours up.

 Alan Carbutt
 Applications Programmer
 Adams State College

In LM80 they included xwpe both in binary and in the source collection. 
LM80 was the Mandrake distro I had back when I was experimenting with
xwpe; that was the last time it was included with Mandrake, and I don't
know why they took it out. It was disappointing.  Although I don't have
the binaries anymore, I do keep the source, and I happen to have gotten
my hands on xwpe-1.5.23a-4mdk.src.rpm.  

On attempting an rpm --rebuild on this file, I found that a recompile
required gpm-devel, so I downloaded and installed the following:

After that the source compiled with no problem (this system is LM81):

Finding  Provides: (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides)...
Finding  Requires: (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires)...
PreReq: rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1
Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/xwpe-1.5.23a-4mdk.i686.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/xwpe-X11-1.5.23a-4mdk.i686.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.80498
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD

You can also still FTP the source from and the
following directory:


Then you should be able to compile it on your system.  The source will
generate the above files, xwpe-x.rpm and xwpe-X11-x.rpm.  The
X11 one is an X frontend for the xwpe command line version.

These rpms are also available pre-compiled from from
the following directory:


If you still are having trouble, use the urpmi command to attempt an
install of the binary rpm's and see the exact name of the package that
you are needing.  You probably won't have to do that, however.

Hope that gets you going! :)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
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Re: [newbie] Small question about command line

2002-04-16 Thread Ron Bouwhuis

Actually, better to use:

su - user

Without the minus sign, you just change your UID /
GID.  With the minus sign, it's just like logging in
as that user, running their login scripts, initiating
their user environment variables, etc, which is
probably what you want when testing a user config.


--- Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As root, enter:
 su user
 to change to account user
 On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:21:07 -0300 (ART)
 Lúcio Costa de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Everybody...
  I'm trying to improve my skills in command line.  
  What I'd like to do..  
  I'm logged as root and must test some user
  What command I'll use, in shell, to change to this
  user ???  
  root --- simple user  

  Ex:[root@Sparta] login user - [user@Sparta]
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Re: [newbie] Low Internet dial up modem connection speed

2002-04-16 Thread g

Ongkie Singgih wrote:

 I use 57600 V90 rockwell external fax modem, I use Konqueror web browser, I
 can only connect with 19200 Kbps. ... :) my normal day connection before is
 between 44000 - 52000 Kbps. If I try to use faster connection speed, it ends
 up with error message and quit code 16.

sounds like you may have your serial port locked at 19k2.

make/model of modem?

if you are refing '44000-52000' kbps as from report from ms os, that is just
an initial value of connect speed.

 Any idea ? what should I do to speed up my internet connection ?

isdn, dsl, cable, t1.


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[newbie] solved Kernel panic: attempted to kill init!

2002-04-16 Thread Hong Sun

Hi All:

My problem with the Mandrake 8.1 was solved. Thanks
to all who responded to my email.



On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Hong Sun wrote:

 Hi, All:

 I am pretty new with linux. Actually, this is my first time to install
 the Mandrake linux 8.1 (2 CD disks) to a desktop. The installation was
 very smooth. But after the installation and reboot, nothing happened and
 the screen was black! After re-login with the failsafe mode, the
 following error message showed up on the screen:

 EIP: 0068 [8332]
 Code: Bad EIP value
 0 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

 My computer has a 3D mainboard (PV40A series), a Pentium 4
 CPU (1.6G), a NVIDIA TNT2 32M graphic accelerator card, a 512M
 memory and a 40G hard disk. A Window 98 operating system occupied
 first 5G hard disk in hda1, followed in the extended partition are the
 517M swap partition (logical), 2.5G \ partition (logical) and 6G \home
 partition (logical). There is about 12G un-used hard disk space, then
 6G window_D partition (logical) and 6G window_E partition (logical).

 I was able to start the linux using the Rescue mode from the CD,
 and found the whole system in the computer. But some boot_log were
 empty. After re-install the system several times and consulted some
 of my friends, the problem remained the same. I was completely out of
 my wits now. Mandrake linux has very friendly interfaces. I don't want
 to give it up so easily. Any suggestion on how to solve this problem is
 greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

 Best wishes,


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