Re: [newbie-it] Sostituire una parola...

2002-12-09 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:20:33 +0100
Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 15:58, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
 [newbie-it] Sostituire una parola..., Andrea Celli hai scritto: 
  On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:27:46 +0100
  Nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Buon giorno alla Ml. mi sono accorto di aver digitato male una parola in
   un intero documento (tex) e vorrei sostituire tutte le occorrenze in una
   volta sola
  sed 's/parola-vecchia/parola-nuova/g' file  file-corretto
 Io pensavo al comendo tr, che differenza c'e' tra i due? Possono andar bene 
 entrambi, con preferenze a seconda dei gusti, o no?

sed è un vero editor, puoi compiere tutte le oprazioni che vuoi sul testo.
Ha una sintassi simile a quella di vi, anche se non identica.
Uno deriva da ED, l'altro da EX. I due primi editor di UNIX.
Comunque, se conosci bene i comandi di vi, è lo strumento più
naturale da usare.

AWK è un ottimo programma per manipolare testi. Rispetto a sed riesce
a gestire meglio i campi (la quarta parola) e a compiere calcoli su
stringhe numeriche. Per esempio se devi sommare la quarta colonna
di tutte le righe che hanno il tuo nome nella prima o sostituire
Gigi con Luigi solo se è la terza parola. 

TR lo uso poco. Però mi sembra sia più adatto a modifiche globali su un 
carattere o tipo di carattere: da maiuscole a minuscole, 
togliere ^M nei file dos, ... non credo riesca a gestire una stringa.

PERL è in Practical Extraction Report Language. Ci fai tutto quello
che fanno gli altri e mooolto di più.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Bug in KDevelop

2002-12-09 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 11:46:00 +0100
Santarella Benedetto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ho scritto un piccolo programma, che usa l'istruzione fork,
 quando lo eseguo competamente, non ho problemi, ma quando eseguo il Debug,
 per quello che ho capito, crea un processo figlio, ma vuoto!
 Sbaglio io o c'e' un bug in KDevelop??

Bisognerebbe esaminare il tuo programma.
Non trovi?

 Se e' un bug, dove posso trovare una versione 
 non bacata Sulla cd della MDK 9.0 sapete se c'e' 
 l'rpm di KDevelop + recente???

KDE è arrivato alla versione 3.0.5 e si è in attesa della 3.1,
che però sembra sia in ritardo.

Mndk-9.0 contiene kde-3.0.3

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] aggiornamenti

2002-12-09 Thread luigi pinna
Hash: SHA1

piccola domanda:
se uso gli rpm della 9.0 per aggiornare dei pacchetti( xine,xmms) della 
8.2, i programmi dopo funzioneranno o no?
chiedo questo perche' su rpmfind la versione 0.9.13 di xine non si 
trova come rpm ma c'e` solo la versione 0.9.8 che era allegata alla 8.2.
che faccio installo?
attendo consigli! 
- -- 
Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro 
lavoro, chiedigli:
Di chi?. 

 Don Marquis

chiave pubblica disponibile sul keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] configurazione modem interno

2002-12-09 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 21:36, domenica 8 dicembre 2002, Roberto C 2 ha scritto: uno è considerato Winmodem e non era auto riconosciuto (almeno che
 le nuove release non vedano entrambi) io ricordo che era una rogna.

Nessuno dei due viene auto riconosciuto, o meglio, indipendentemente dal 
modello (HCF o HSF), vengono riconosciuti come HCF winmodem senza possibilità 
di configurazione.
L'unico problema è quello di capire con che bestia si ha a che fare (ma in 
questo caso win può trovare uno scopo nella vita); dopodichè, 
dall'installazione del rpm,o dei tar.gz, alla configurazione a prova di 
mentecatto, è tutta discesa (con prestazioni che, lo ripeto, considero 
superiori a quelle su piattaforma finestre).

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Sostituire una parola...

2002-12-09 Thread nicola
On Monday 09 December 2002 08:43, Andrea Celli wrote:
 On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:20:33 +0100

 Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alle 15:58, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re:
  [newbie-it] Sostituire una parola..., Andrea Celli hai scritto:
   On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:27:46 +0100
   Nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Buon giorno alla Ml. mi sono accorto di aver digitato male una parola
in un intero documento (tex) e vorrei sostituire tutte le occorrenze
in una volta sola
   sed 's/parola-vecchia/parola-nuova/g' file  file-corretto
  Io pensavo al comendo tr, che differenza c'e' tra i due? Possono andar
  bene entrambi, con preferenze a seconda dei gusti, o no?

 sed è un vero editor, puoi compiere tutte le oprazioni che vuoi sul testo.
 Ha una sintassi simile a quella di vi, anche se non identica.
 Uno deriva da ED, l'altro da EX. I due primi editor di UNIX.
 Comunque, se conosci bene i comandi di vi, è lo strumento più
 naturale da usare.

 AWK è un ottimo programma per manipolare testi. Rispetto a sed riesce
 a gestire meglio i campi (la quarta parola) e a compiere calcoli su
 stringhe numeriche. Per esempio se devi sommare la quarta colonna
 di tutte le righe che hanno il tuo nome nella prima o sostituire
 Gigi con Luigi solo se è la terza parola.

 TR lo uso poco. Però mi sembra sia più adatto a modifiche globali su un
 carattere o tipo di carattere: da maiuscole a minuscole,
 togliere ^M nei file dos, ... non credo riesca a gestire una stringa.

 PERL è in Practical Extraction Report Language. Ci fai tutto quello
 che fanno gli altri e mooolto di più.

 ciao, Andrea
Ringrazio tutti per l'interessamento, ma non riesco ad usare sed
credo che dipenda dalla stringa che voglio sostituire.

sed 's/\backsim/\sim/g' file  file-corretto

questo e' il comando, ma ovviamente non funziona. Nel Man non ho trovato 
riferimenti particolari su caratteri non accettati. Qualcuno sa dirmi dove 
Tra l'altro ho proprio bisogno di usare la \ in quanto nel testo compare un 
paio di volte la parola backsim

Gazie a tutti.

Scusate per la data assurda, non e' colpa mia.

Re: [newbie-it] -unknown

2002-12-09 Thread Andrea Celli
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 10:27:43 +0100
rino favretto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Alcuni giorni fa ho esposto alla lista  un mio
   problema su mdk 9.0 . Non volevo avere la soluzione,
   ma un consiglio, un prova così,smanetta.!
   quello che poi dovrebbe essere lo spirito di linux. 
   Ritorno a debian e saluti a  tutti: 

Per curiosità sono andato a ripescare il tuo messaggio:

Saluti a tutti - ho installato mdk 9.0-non riesco a stampare con
galeon,mozilla e opera,mentre con netscape si.
Non riesco a capire dove sia il problema.

Per risponderti era necessario essersi trovati nella tua _identica_
situazione o avere a disposizione una sfera di cristallo.

Purtroppo, la mia l'ho prestata a Harry Potter, che non si decide
mai a rendermela :-(

Dubito che sulla ML di Debian una domanda di questo tipo
possa avere un'accoglienza diversa.
Ovviamente, a meno che tu non trovi qualcuno che ha avuto
il tuo stesso problema.

buona fortuna, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] WGET

2002-12-09 Thread Andrea Celli
On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 00:20:02 +0100
francesco manini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sto cercando da diversi giorni di scaricare la seguente directory 
 Tale directory contiene due sotto directory con vari files al loro interno.
 Purtroppo nonstante i vari tentativi che ho effettuato non riesco a 
 imbroccare il sistema giusto.
 I tentativi da me fatti sono i seguenti :
 wget -k -K -E -nH -nd -P prova /indirizzo da scaricare

di solito faccio qualcosa del tipo

wget -np -r 

-np per evitare che mi scarichi anche tutto quello che sta sopra
-r  per scaricare ricorsivamente tutte le sotto-directory

ciao, Andrea

Re: Re:[newbie-it]masterizzare audio

2002-12-09 Thread Franco Negri
Non vorrei dire una banalità, però hai fatto caso se il CD è stato
finalizzato ? Questa è una cosa indispensabile. Puoi comunque finalizzare
anche dei CD già registrati.
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 6:24 PM
Subject: Re:[newbie-it]masterizzare audio

 Alle 08:33, domenica 8 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su
 Re:[newbie-it]masterizzare audio, gianni piazza hai scritto:

  è possibile masterizzare di cd audio che si sentano anche sui normali
  lettori di cd?

 Certo. Se fai un Cd audio, aloora gli impianti hi-fi (e i lettori normali
 Cd) lo leggono, perche' quello e' il loro formato. Se cio' non avviente,
 soltanto perche' l'incisione del laser in fase di masterizzazione non e'
 adeguata (Problemi di riflessione del supparto vergine o di velocita' di
 scrittura, uniti a vetustita' del lettore, che in genere si traduce in una
 diversa intensita' del raggio laser rispetto ai lettori attuali)

Re: [newbie-it] registrare suoni

2002-12-09 Thread Arwan
Alle 20:53, domenica 8 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
registrare suoni, Giorgio Griffon hai scritto: 

 Non riesco a trovare un programma che consenta di registrare dal microfono
 connesso alla scheda audio. Suppongo che ci sia qualcosa allegato alla
 distribuzione (io ho mdk 8.2), ma non so cosa.

Hai la soluzione a 16 minuti da casa tua. Vuoi l'installazione servita?
Ci sentiamo dal vivo e ti dico.


Re: [newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-09 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Vi ringrazio molto per le spiegazioni su Latex che avete dato in lista; 
qualcuno sa se il codice che usa OpenOffice per formattare le equazioni 
c'entra qualcosa con Latex? E' un codice molto comodo da usare che permette, 
se si ha un po' la pazienza di impararlo, di scrivere e di modificare le 
equazioni molto più rapidamente rispetto al sistema a colpi di mouse di 

Re: [newbie-it] linux su cellulare

2002-12-09 Thread carmine de pasquale
linux sul cellulare, un progetto cinese

- Original Message -
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] linux su cellulare

Alle 11:29, sabato 7 dicembre 2002, Roberto C. 2° ha scritto:
 Non saprei, però tutto può essere, ho letto un articolo che parlava di
 alcuni personeggi hanno crashato la XBox di Microsoft montando LINUX e
 facendola diventare un mini PC 

... hanno *crackato* la XBOX... per farla *crashare* è più che
lasciare il software originale Microsoft (Where do you want to crash
(TM))... ;)



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie] Updating libraries

2002-12-09 Thread Martin L. Johansen
On Monday 09 December 2002 08:55, Ray Henry wrote:

 Yeah, that's what started all this trouble. Over 8 hours to finally
 get it installed, after having to figure out that Mandrake was lying
 to me. And now, more hours to get the modem working again  :/

Bummer :/ Here my Quanta worked from day one. Have you installed your 
dist. from 3 CD's or only the first one? If only the first one, then 
I'm not surprised that your having problems.

 Actually, I was dual-booting with W98/RH 7.4, and didn't want to
 spend time getting all my toys working under RH. They work under MDK
 just fine. Too bad so much other stuff doesn't. I would probably been
 better off getting everything working under RH.

Nah, Mandrake is better. Many things are easier under MDK as Redhat tend 
to be a little to MS'ish.

Eg. the missing Mp3 support is a big no-no if they wanna survive the 
battle. MDK is gaining in on the market.

 It's got a long way to go before it's OS/2, though. At least for the
 end user. Sure, with server applications, Linux rocks. But to use as
 a desktop OS, it fails miserably at this point.

I have never tried OS/2, so that I can't say, but Linux as a desktop OS 
would be better IF...the hardware manufactures would go support it! 
Somehow MS is the only one exisiting in their universe, and it's a 

But the way it is now, desktop with Linux could be easier, but it aint 
impossible :-)

 After a day of MDK'ing, I've experienced more frustration than I have
 since someone slipped a disk with the stoned.empire.monkey virus into
 my W95 machine about 5 years ago I didn't give up then, either.

That's the problem: 1 day only.

I said the same thing as you did the first week, I nearly cried myself 
to sleep (well not exactly, but you get the point), then I started 
hanging out at freenode and all my greefs became burried one after the 
other. Help in this universe isn't so far away.

 Although the experts told me after 48 hours I'd done everything
 possible, and that the only resolution was to buy a new HD.


 Yes, I am a bitter man. I miss my OS/2, and I want it back, dammit! 

:-) Smile

The Linux community would be a better place for newbies if, as said 
before, the manufactures would recognise Linux as an option, and the 
same with the software developers.

If MSI/nVidia made a driverset equals the Windows ones, I wouldn't have 
to use Windows for TV-Out (I know it's possible under Linux, but last 
time I tried my X setup went to the basement, and I haven't tried 

And if the game producers made Linux ports the way UT 2003 is for eg., 
then I wouldn't have to boot MS.

But it's coming! It takes time though.

MS has it's place in the world, but 3500DKK (that's app. 430USD) for a 
Windows XP Pro.. that's way to much when MDK9 comes for free and does 
the same, if not better.

Martin L. Johansen
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
Spam will be forwared to /dev/null ...

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Re: [newbie] change package source

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
On Sun,  8 Dec 2002 08:18:55 -0500

 I wonder, is it possible to use a ftp source for installing packages after 
 you've installed mandrake with cd's?
 thanks in advance..
 Marc Bannink
it is.  if you're using 8.2 just open rpmdrake and click on the Define Sources button.
You'll need the path to rpms and the path to the (or comperable file)

If you're on 9.0 i'm not sure how you do it, but I'm sure someone here knows how.


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Re: [newbie] Updating libraries

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
On 08 Dec 2002 17:00:55 -0600
Ray Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, this is EXTREMELY frustrating, an annoying time-consuming process
 the RedHat has been kind enough to deal with through their
 Regardless, Mandrake 8.2 comes with support for a number of devices that
 RedHat doesn't.
 Here's my problem: All I want to do is install an HTML editor. I'm
 informed the C++ compiler can't create executables. Search the 'Net,
 learn that I should update GCC. OK, no problem. has what I
 need. gcc-3.2-1mdk.i586.rpm. Try to install it. Get message:
 binutils = is needed by gcc-3.2-1mdk
 gcc-cpp = 3.2-1mdk is needed by gcc-3.2-1mdk
 libgcc = 3.2-1mdk is needed by gcc-3.2-1mdk
 So, I get binutils-2.12-90.0.15-1mdk.i586.rpm. Try to install that, get: is needed binutil* is needed by binutil*
 Now, I could go on and on here, but you get the idea. There simply has
 to be a better way of doing this. I've got hours into attempting to
 install an HTML editor, more than enough time to FDSIK, install W98, and
 install 2 -3 GIGs of the applications to go what I need.  :/
ack yes.. i've tried to upgrade myself and i get the same thing.  there's a few progs 
out there i'd like but it needs a newer version of gcc but, having tried mandrake 9.0, 
i'm loathe to update. (don't like 9.0 one bit.)  If you figure out how, let me know 


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Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-09 Thread greg
some good developments here.
I have set up my modem to a static setup.  This obviously meant that my
windows xp and red hat systems would not connect to the internet after
setting it.  This was o.k., all I did was go in, change the settings
from dhcp assigning, to a static address.  This gave me a chance to
check the details that I have been giving mandrake to access the
internet.  In both wind/rh an ip of, gateway of and
dns of, with the netmask set to, got them working
again no problems.
Now, in Mandrake, I set up the system with static as well.  Setting all
the details as above, it now activates the eth0 device normally at
boot.  This means it was only failing before due to the dhcp allocation
failing, not the device itself.  So now eth0 is up when I boot into
mandrake.  BUT, it still didn't connect to the net.  I re-ran the
wizard, and re-set the details again, and it connected!  It was
accessing web sites no worries, and I received a couple of emails as
well.  I re-booted the computer, and tried to access again.  It didn't
connect, so I ran the wizard again, and again it connected o.k.  On the
third re-boot, the same happened, and I re-ran the wizard, but this
time, and all attempts thereafter, it just won't connect to the net at
all again. 
So what is happening here?  I now know everything is correct in regards
to details, the eth0 device is coming up o.k., and windows and red hat
work o.k. with the static settings.  Mandrake definately has a bug in it
Forgetting about the wizard, as I think it is buggered, where can I
manually set all the details in the appropriate config files for
networking and internet.  If I new exactly the initialisation process of
mandrake, I could just go in and set it myself, and hopefully this would
work.  Surprising that it actually connected two times, and now it won't
at all, hey!!  At least I know I am nearer to the solution than I was
this morning, thanks to you guys.
Joeb, you mentioned the other day something about you having an idea
what may be the problem.  Something about modifying the net.conf file to
remove the GATEWAY= line, and possibly something else.  Did you have a
chance to follow up on this by any chance mate?

 Mon, 2002-12-09 at 18:26, Martin L. Johansen wrote:
 On Monday 09 December 2002 04:52, Joseph Braddock wrote:
  PCI is funny that way.  Your plug and play bios and/or OS have to
  pick some order in which to initialize the cards.  If one of the
  cards has a limited number of IRQs it can use and a different card
  grabs that IRQ first, then the limited card is stuck.  Once the card
  is assigned an IRQ by the bios, the bios won't change it as long as
  that card is put in the original slot.  I've usually have had this
  problem with various Winmodems that require a specific IRQ, but
  another adapter has grabbed it (doesn't matter whether running Linux
  or Windows).  Rearranging the cards usually does the trick.
 Yeah, but fynny thing for me, is that in Windows it worked, and in Linux 
 it didn't.
 Hmm, strange.
 Martin L. Johansen
 Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
 Spam will be forwared to /dev/null ...

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Re: [newbie] Updating libraries

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 18:55, Ray Henry wrote:

 Yes, I am a bitter man. I miss my OS/2, and I want it back, dammit!  :|

OS/2 running Felix, hacked OS/2Win applications (when really really
needed) - mwith 2 x 16 port digiboards w/ octopus' to a modem
per line...64mb of RAM, three 540mb Seagates - swap file on the
secondary drive, temp on the data drive...flew like the dickens...

...gosh, those were great days...was even better when I had 24
SIMULTANEOUS users online all either downloading or were the days...

Mon Dec  9 20:35:00 EST 2002
  8:35pm  up 1 day, 20 min,  5 users,  load average: 0.23, 1.30, 2.56

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I'm growing older, but not up.
-- Jimmy Buffett

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Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 20:09, greg wrote:

Instead of depending on the MCC Wizards, why not just open up a nice
terminal window, and type:


...put in all the proper information that you need to put in, save the
configuration - linuxconf will direct you to what services need to be
restarted and etc etc etcdouble check your /etc/hosts,
/etc/resolv.conf, your /etc/sysconfig folder for other networking
scripts (making sure they're setup properly)...then, after all that
jazz, get back to a terminal window and type:

service network --full-restart should be back in biz...and after you're satisfied that you're
back in biz, reboot for giggles and grins. JUST TO BE SURE...but I think
that you'll be right if you ditch the MCC stuff altogether and stick
with the linuxconf suite of utils...they're easier to get to, easier to
configure/muck with, and more dependable than that GUI stuff has shown
to be...
(I'm sure I'll get flamed over this...but what the hec...they're on the
other side of the world...)


Mon Dec  9 20:45:00 EST 2002
  8:45pm  up 1 day, 30 min,  5 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.21, 1.35

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Hildebrant's Principle:
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

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Re: [newbie] question about log files

2002-12-09 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 09 Dec 2002 2:01 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 12:43, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings, another newbie question. :-)
  This is something I have been wondering about for awhile. Is there a
  program on my Mdk system that looks after log files? To keep them from
  getting too large? Or is there a ceiling on how big these files can get?
  Seems like wasted space after a while.
  My /var/log/messages  /var/log/syslog are 4.5 and 4.8mb respectively.
  They have messages going back to my install date on Oct 4. Will these
  files just continue to grow? I know, dumb question. But, inquiring minds
  want to know.
  TIA for any feedback. :-)

 There is a cap on the logs, yes. The cap is directly determined by the
 amount of free space that you have left on your drive. Once the logfiles
 grow to such an extent as to compromise the available free space, the
 syslog daemon will then begin to delete unwanted binaries from your
 system, along with other unused and unproductive things like bookmarks,
 mp3 files, avi's, mpeg's, wallpapers, gif's, jpg's, user accounts and
 etc. There does come a time when the log files have grown so large that
 the actual OS itself, if it can't be compressed and run in RAM, is
 thence deleted itself, and upon next boot, you are notified that you
 should have maintained your log files from the very beginning by
 deleting the unwanted logfiles, or out of date log files. At that point,
 you have to completely reinstall and then configure your log files

There is a daemon that will look after logfiles. It is called logrotate and 
will run as a cron job. When the log files reach a certain age or size they 
are compressed as a .gz compressed file. The system will keep up to 4 
compressed log files, and then discard the oldest. Every time an RPM is 
installed which creates logs the logrotate config file is updated to manage 
the log files.
So long as logrote is running you will never suffer an issue with log files.

man logrotate


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Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-09 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann

On Sat 2002-12-07 at 17:17:19 +1100, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 16:00, Mark Weaver wrote:
 AND, dig this - those installations are going on the SAME machine -
 nothing changed. Nothing. Nada.

 The first five times I installed MDK on this workstation, I changed some
 things here and there just so that I could get the feel of the install.
 After that, though, the installations were by the book as I wanted
 them - and as stated, two of the five installations would NOT hold the
 settings properly.

That sounds like a hardware problem. Programs are deterministic
(except if randomness is explicitly implemented), i.e. given the same
inputs, you will get the same execution path and the same output.

If the output changes (your installation sometimes has problems and
sometimes not), the input (in the widest sense) must have changed.
Maybe the machine changed them indirectly, e.g. because the RAM is
faulty. Maybe you gave different inputs, by changing the
configuration, but I doubt that.

There is one option left: Changing inputs due to operations that
depend on timing, but usually that is accounted for in the programs. I
have installed Mandrake 9.0 about 10 times and never observed any
changes that looked abitrary or randomly.

My experience is, that such random changes are most often caused by
hardware problems. Even if they are only observed with one OS. That
simply means, that it does something different, so that it triggers
that behaviour. (I even had that with faulty RAM. X under Debian 2.2
was unstable, but Microsoft Windows 98 run fine, a memtest showed
the RAM was broken - only with certain storage patterns).

 So, instead of all of us that know something about something throwing
 blame back at those less experienced, there are some things that have to
 be realized - there ARE problems with the MDK 9 distro and they HAVE to
 be fixed.

The best way to get them fixed is to find a reliable way to reproduce
them and post the recipe.

[...23 lines of signature deleted...]

Btw, would you please trim that down when posting to the list. Thanks.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] gimpprint / libgimpprint M9.0

2002-12-09 Thread John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 09:24, John Richard Smith wrote:

Need some pointers on how to break them again, or you reckon you can do
that easily enough on your own? (g)


Perhaps you can explain yourself.


John Richard Smith

Well, I reckon that since it's printing now, you're NOT going to
update/upgrade the drivers anytime soon...but if you're wanting to - you
can do the trick that I did on my RH box - which was to accidentally
delete the drivers AND the external program for the drivesr (ESP by the
CUPS people), then spend hours and hours trying to hack the system to
re-install the drivers for either lpr or cupswhich broke even more
things...even printing to file...THEN, to top THAT off, I re-installed
the RPMS for the core printing functionality and ended up fragging my
kernel in the process...which led to a re-installation of the entire
system after a careful back of the important bits (scripts and
email)...that was several days down - just due to a simple muck up
THINKING that I could improve what was already working...hehehehe...

Well there is always that possibility, hell we are all just newbies 
groping our way
dimly in the darkness, looking for small beads of insight and wisdom as they
come our way.In the process it's inevitable that we will muck things up, but
as someone once said you cant make scrambled eggs without breaking them.

...and NOW I'm faced with trying to get a Mac to print on our network
(not fun)...which I think I'll pass off for as long as I possibly can
until I can figure out how to get it to print to a pdf, then use a
script to copy it to the spool locally and THEN print...

(..and no, I haven't been smoking or drinking anything strange)


Do you know I have never in my life seem an Applemac, occassionally
I wonder what they might look like, seems to be one of those machines
that history circumvented , perhaps unwisely, but with no practicle
knowledge to go by I'm unable to judge.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] question about log files

2002-12-09 Thread Derek Jennings
   Subject: Re: [newbie] question about log files
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 12:43, Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings, another newbie question. :-)
 This is something I have been wondering about for awhile. Is there
 a program on my Mdk system that looks after log files? To keep them
 from getting too large? Or is there a ceiling on how big these
 files can get? Seems like wasted space after a while.
  The program is called logrotate. If you leave your computer on overnight
  Mandrake has automatically set cron to do the rotate once a week at 4am.
  The config files are in /etc/logrotate.d/. For more info open your
  terminal and man logrotate.
  Someone else my have already answered this but i have been horsing with
  my kmail threading and don't know whic list mails i have glanced at and
  deleted. --


 Thanks ppl for all the valuable info. All stuff I didn't
 knowwasn't such a dumb question after all. ;-)

 I'll leave my comp on overnight and let logrotate do it's thing.

 All the best.


You can always change the time logrotate runs.  Either use Webmin, or directly 
edit /etc/crontab. Logrotate runs daily, so all you have to do is modify the 
entry for cron.daily.

56 10 * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.daily

This entry means run at 10:56 am, every day, every week


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Re: [newbie] recording audio

2002-12-09 Thread John Richard Smith
Dennis  Sue wrote:

Hello Peoples,
I would like to convert, and record mp3's to a cdr so that they can be played 
on a regular cd player.
I've made 3 coasters trying.
this is one of two reasons why windows still resides on this harddrive.



Slightly confusing question, do you mean,

take mp3 files convert to wav files and write to cd
so that they play in just about any CD player.

or do you mean ,

take mp3 files and write to CD so that you can
play them on a computer with an mp3 player.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Updating libraries

2002-12-09 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 09 Dec 2002 3:09 am, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 01:47:49 +

 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You need to discover urpmi
  The command
  urpmi gcc   (as root)
  will do all you need.
  Then read up about urpmi at

 Not related to gcc but gtk2+, pango, and a few other packages--would urpmi
 work for that, too? If I have apps compiled using the older gtk (1.2), is
 an upgrade going to mess them up?

 I hosed my system once trying to upgrade these packages, and am debating
 about whether to move to 9.0 or wait for the next release. I just want to
 run the new ROX, but I can't!


No. because the 8.2 sources do not have gtk2.0 in them.
To run Rox 1.3 you will need gtk2.0, and in order to get that installed you 
will have to update an awful lot of packages. 

I would recommend going to 9.0  There is always a better release just around 
the corner. In my experience 9.0 is just great.

Rox 1.3 is very nice, but if you run Fluxbox/Blackbox there is a conflict 
between the Right mouse button between them that means that running the Rox 
pinboard is more trouble than it is worth IMO. So now I run Rox with the 
panel instead.


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Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-09 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann

On Fri 2002-12-06 at 09:00:09 -0600, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Friday December 6 2002 07:17 am, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
  If this person is burning copies off a set of disks and then selling
  them, isn't that illegal though?  I mean I will (and have) burned a
  set of disks from my copy, then GAVE  it to a friend is ok, but
  selling the high number of sets of disks this person is doing is
  wrong, **unless** endorsed by Mandrake somehow.
  Just my 2 cents worth, thus the reason for the first post - I have no
  idea if this person is legit or not.
It is legit, tho slightly expensive. This person is doin nothin 
 different (or illegal) than the many websites like cheapbytes do. The 
 software is still free. The packaging and SH is what's being charged 

I do not believe that it is legit. Of course, copying and selling
Mandrake CDs is perfectly legal, as that is explicitly allowed by the

But the page makes it look like it were the official package I would
get. It is at least in the legal questionable.  is sellin 
 Mdk 9.0, 3 CD sets for $2.99  

But those make quite clear, that you only get the CDs and not support
or whatever else may be contained in the official packages. They also
mention where you can download it for free (well, except your online
costs, of course ;-).



Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] asf (?) audiostream file

2002-12-09 Thread John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 10:36, Andrei Raevsky wrote:


I was trying to listen to a radio station on-line (which I could do without 
any problems using MS Explorer 5 under MS W98) but neither Galeon, nor 
Mozilla nor Konqueror could directly play it.  All I could was download the 
file to my HD after which I tried to use xmms to listen to it, but this did 
not work either.  The file is in an (unkown to to) *.asf file format.

Can anyone help me either listen to it online or, at least, after 
downloading it?



Have you installed RealPlayer for linux yet? If not, install it, and the
plugins will be installed for your browsers as well, mate.



Do you happen to know if there is a real good easy to install, not 
difficult to
configure realplayer for mozilla. last time I tried it was less that 
stable and caused
problems for me, and so I took it off, not wishing to spend much time 
it all out.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] ?? RPM bug

2002-12-09 Thread Douglas B.
Can anybody help?

I have used Abiword on another Linux distribution and wanted to use it
after changing to Mandrake 9.0.but seem to have encountered a bug?? in
Mandrake RPM

1. Find File for abiword showed no files present on my
2. Mandrake Control Centre = Software Management = Install Software =
All packages alphabetical=  displayed abiword-1.0.2-1.mdk and various
other abiword packages which I selected for installation
3. Install gave the following message - 

  Everything already installed (is this supposed to happen at all?)

4.Remove Software confirms that abiword is NOT present:-
When I check with Remove Software= Find = Search for abiword the
result is Search results (none)

Where do I go from here?


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Re: [newbie] ?? RPM bug

2002-12-09 Thread Derek Jennings
On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 5:43 pm, Douglas B. wrote:
 Can anybody help?

 I have used Abiword on another Linux distribution and wanted to use it
 after changing to Mandrake 9.0.but seem to have encountered a bug?? in
 Mandrake RPM

 1. Find File for abiword showed no files present on my
 2. Mandrake Control Centre = Software Management = Install Software =
 All packages alphabetical=  displayed abiword-1.0.2-1.mdk and various
 other abiword packages which I selected for installation
 3. Install gave the following message -

   Everything already installed (is this supposed to happen at all?)

 4.Remove Software confirms that abiword is NOT present:-
 When I check with Remove Software= Find = Search for abiword the
 result is Search results (none)

 Where do I go from here?

You can get the All packages Installed message when there is something wrong 
with the communication to the source.  You will get a better indication of 
the problem if you run it from the command line.

First do
urpmi.update -a   to make sure your source lists are up to date, then
urpmi abiword
If there is a problem you should be able to work out from the text what it is.

If you wish to remove abiword
urpme abiword

If you wish to check which version is currently installed
rpm -q abiword

BTW: Since Abiword is not on the download edition CDs I assume you have 
defined a source for Contribs for 9.0, or else have the Powerpack?



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Re: [newbie] asf (?) audiostream file

2002-12-09 Thread Huub van den Heuvel
Realplayer rpms are available on texstar's ftp:

However, I believe asf files are Win mediaplayer. To install mediaplayer
on linux you can install the Crossover plugin:



On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 21:51, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 10:36, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
 I was trying to listen to a radio station on-line (which I could do without 
 any problems using MS Explorer 5 under MS W98) but neither Galeon, nor 
 Mozilla nor Konqueror could directly play it.  All I could was download the 
 file to my HD after which I tried to use xmms to listen to it, but this did 
 not work either.  The file is in an (unkown to to) *.asf file format.
 Can anyone help me either listen to it online or, at least, after 
 downloading it?
 Have you installed RealPlayer for linux yet? If not, install it, and the
 plugins will be installed for your browsers as well, mate.
 Do you happen to know if there is a real good easy to install, not 
 difficult to
 configure realplayer for mozilla. last time I tried it was less that 
 stable and caused
 problems for me, and so I took it off, not wishing to spend much time 
 it all out.
Huub van den Heuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] rpms descriptions

2002-12-09 Thread James Beam
Yo lo he intentado y funcionan mejor las fuentes
francesas. Olvídate de Rediris.

James Beam
--- Pilagá [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 El Sáb 07 Dic 2002 13:04, Tom Brinkman escribió:
  On Saturday December 7 2002 07:37 am, Pilagá
 In MCC, Software manager, I have added this
  S ./
   but all rpms are listed without description. So,
 is there any way to
   fix this?
 Gracias is without descriptions is with descriptions
 The hdlist will be a very large file compared
 to the synthesis
  version. You might decide to do without
 descriptions ;)  It's academic
  anyhow, at that ftp site there is no hdlist, only
   Muchas gracias, Tom.
 GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
 6:31pm up 15 min, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02,
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Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-09 Thread John McQuillen
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 20:09, greg wrote:
 some good developments here.
Excellent! Just what I like to hear :)

 I have set up my modem to a static setup.  This obviously meant that my
 windows xp and red hat systems would not connect to the internet after
 setting it.  This was o.k., all I did was go in, change the settings
 from dhcp assigning, to a static address.  This gave me a chance to
 check the details that I have been giving mandrake to access the
 internet.  In both wind/rh an ip of, gateway of and
 dns of, with the netmask set to, got them working
 again no problems.
 Now, in Mandrake, I set up the system with static as well.  Setting all
 the details as above, it now activates the eth0 device normally at
 boot.  This means it was only failing before due to the dhcp allocation
 failing, not the device itself.  So now eth0 is up when I boot into
 mandrake.  BUT, it still didn't connect to the net.  I re-ran the
 wizard, and re-set the details again, and it connected!  It was
 accessing web sites no worries, and I received a couple of emails as
 well.  I re-booted the computer, and tried to access again.  It didn't
 connect, so I ran the wizard again, and again it connected o.k.  On the
 third re-boot, the same happened, and I re-ran the wizard, but this
 time, and all attempts thereafter, it just won't connect to the net at
 all again. 
 So what is happening here?  I now know everything is correct in regards
 to details, the eth0 device is coming up o.k., and windows and red hat
 work o.k. with the static settings.  Mandrake definately has a bug in it
You have a triple boot system here right? Only one nic? With one
address? Otherwise, it sounds a bit like an IP address conflict. If not,
we need to look at the config files...

 Forgetting about the wizard, as I think it is buggered, where can I
 manually set all the details in the appropriate config files for
 networking and internet.  If I new exactly the initialisation process of
 mandrake, I could just go in and set it myself, and hopefully this would
 work.  Surprising that it actually connected two times, and now it won't
 at all, hey!!  At least I know I am nearer to the solution than I was
 this morning, thanks to you guys.
Can you please post /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and

 Joeb, you mentioned the other day something about you having an idea
 what may be the problem.  Something about modifying the net.conf file to
 remove the GATEWAY= line, and possibly something else.  Did you have a
 chance to follow up on this by any chance mate?
In your case, Greg, you need the GATEWAY= line, as your Mandrake box is
not the gateway, the router is. You need to tell Mandrake where to send
all packets addressed to unknown destinations (to the default gateway).

Getting close...

Kind regards,


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Re: [newbie] asf (?) audiostream file

2002-12-09 Thread John Richard Smith
Huub van den Heuvel wrote:

Realplayer rpms are available on texstar's ftp:

However, I believe asf files are Win mediaplayer. To install mediaplayer
on linux you can install the Crossover plugin:




Help me a bit, can you,

there appear to be 3 packages,


The mozilla packages seem quite small , so I'm guessing these
are  mozilla pluggins of some sort, so do I install all 3 apps.
Also, any idea what the xft denotes ?


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] mail formatted incorrectly in newbie archives

2002-12-09 Thread Angus Auld
Sorry if a copy of this went through blank. :-(

I was just looking through mail in the list achives, and discovered that my 
postings are not word wrapped in a sensible manner, and that you
must scroll horizontally to read them! :-( 
I hate it when that happens! Is there some way that I can avoid that happening, 
or do I need to use non-web mail, or what?

TIA for any suggestions.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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[newbie] screen oddity?

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
Running 2 computers, main is mdk 8.2, secondary is mdk 9.0.  Both have different 
monitors and different video cards.  After a while of inactivity, even when 
xscreensaver is disabled, the monitor goes blank except for a green flashing D.  Not 
that this is a big problem, per se... it goes away and the screen comes back up when 
you press a key on the keyboard, but it is a little annoying... (like a vcr clock 
flashing 12:00 12:00 12:00 lol) Wondering if anyone knows how to fix this?  I _think_ 
it's just under KDE, i don't use other window managers/desktop environments very often 
so I don't recall if it's happened under Gnome or IceWM, etc.



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Re: [newbie] screen oddity?

2002-12-09 Thread Martin L. Johansen
On Sunday 08 December 2002 16:44, Jerry wrote:
 Running 2 computers, main is mdk 8.2, secondary is mdk 9.0.  Both
 have different monitors and different video cards.  After a while of
 inactivity, even when xscreensaver is disabled, the monitor goes
 blank except for a green flashing D.  Not that this is a big
 problem, per se... it goes away and the screen comes back up when you
 press a key on the keyboard, but it is a little annoying... (like a
 vcr clock flashing 12:00 12:00 12:00 lol) Wondering if anyone knows
 how to fix this?  I _think_ it's just under KDE, i don't use other
 window managers/desktop environments very often so I don't recall if
 it's happened under Gnome or IceWM, etc.

Look in Mandrake Control Center -- Powercontrol -- Energy

Martin L. Johansen
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
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Re: [newbie] Write to windows partition?

2002-12-09 Thread David Robertson
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 23:32, Dale Kosan wrote:
 Well, he states he can read the files so it is not NTFS. 


With the appropriate kernel support, you can read a NTFS partition: its
just not a good idea to try to write to it (tho' I've never tried, I
must admit).

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's
territory. (Paul Fix)

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Re: [newbie] question about log files

2002-12-09 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 10:29:53 +
Subject: Re: [newbie] question about log files

Subject: Re: [newbie] question about log files
 On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 12:43, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings, another newbie question. :-)
  This is something I have been wondering about for awhile. Is there
  a program on my Mdk system that looks after log files? To keep them
  from getting too large? Or is there a ceiling on how big these
  files can get? Seems like wasted space after a while.
   The program is called logrotate. If you leave your computer on overnight
   Mandrake has automatically set cron to do the rotate once a week at 4am.
   The config files are in /etc/logrotate.d/. For more info open your
   terminal and man logrotate.
   Someone else my have already answered this but i have been horsing with
   my kmail threading and don't know whic list mails i have glanced at and
   deleted. --
  Thanks ppl for all the valuable info. All stuff I didn't
  knowwasn't such a dumb question after all. ;-)
  I'll leave my comp on overnight and let logrotate do it's thing.
  All the best.
 You can always change the time logrotate runs.  Either use Webmin, or directly 
 edit /etc/crontab. Logrotate runs daily, so all you have to do is modify the 
 entry for cron.daily.
 56 10 * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.daily
 This entry means run at 10:56 am, every day, every week

Thanks for that explanation Derek! I learned a ton of things by asking a question that 
I felt was maybe a bit lame. I wanted to know, and now I'm very glad I asked.

I left my comp on last night, and I see that everything has been tidied up in 
/var/log. Super!
I may change the runtime of cron.daily like you suggest. Am I right to assume that the 
time is indicated in a 24hr manner? (8pm would be 00 20?)

I'm not in the habit of leaving my computer on continously, so I wonder if if it would 
be a good idea to change the runtime of cron.weekly and cron.monthly too?

Thanks again.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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Re: [newbie] screen oddity?

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 15:45:35 +0100
Martin L.  Johansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 08 December 2002 16:44, Jerry wrote:
  Running 2 computers, main is mdk 8.2, secondary is mdk 9.0.  Both
  have different monitors and different video cards.  After a while of
  inactivity, even when xscreensaver is disabled, the monitor goes
  blank except for a green flashing D.  Not that this is a big
  problem, per se... it goes away and the screen comes back up when you
  press a key on the keyboard, but it is a little annoying... (like a
  vcr clock flashing 12:00 12:00 12:00 lol) Wondering if anyone knows
  how to fix this?  I _think_ it's just under KDE, i don't use other
  window managers/desktop environments very often so I don't recall if
  it's happened under Gnome or IceWM, etc.
 Look in Mandrake Control Center -- Powercontrol -- Energy
 Martin L. Johansen
 Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
 Spam will be forwared to /dev/null ...
Thanks for the reply, but I've looked in Mandrake Control Center for Powercontrol and 
Energy on both machines, niether machine has those options on it.  



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Re: [newbie] Write to windows partition?

2002-12-09 Thread Martin L. Johansen
On Monday 09 December 2002 15:50, David Robertson wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 23:32, Dale Kosan wrote:
  Well, he states he can read the files so it is not NTFS.


 With the appropriate kernel support, you can read a NTFS partition:
 its just not a good idea to try to write to it (tho' I've never
 tried, I must admit).

I've tried. Nothing else but cannot write as it's readonly.

Martin L. Johansen
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
Spam will be forwared to /dev/null ...

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[newbie] mail formatted incorrectly in newbie archives

2002-12-09 Thread Angus Auld

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Re: [newbie] screen oddity?

2002-12-09 Thread Martin L. Johansen
On Sunday 08 December 2002 17:08, Jerry wrote:

  Look in Mandrake Control Center -- Powercontrol -- Energy

 Thanks for the reply, but I've looked in Mandrake Control Center for
 Powercontrol and Energy on both machines, niether machine has those
 options on it.

Just what I thought. Hmm, I wouldn't know then. I always turn off my 
monitors when I don't use'em, so I cannot say if it's the same by me.

The reason I thought it would be so, is that mine's disabled too by 
default, so I guessed yours was too, but wanted you to check the 

Anyone else?

Martin L. Johansen
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
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Re: [newbie] Write to windows partition?

2002-12-09 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
One time I had problems to write windows FAT32 partitions because the 
partition had problems; I had to do an scandisk from windows, errors were 
repaired and again I could be able to write the windows partition from linux.

Have you passed and scandisk from windows?

Hope this could help

El Lun 09 Dic 2002 16:11, Martin L. Johansen escribió:
 On Monday 09 December 2002 15:50, David Robertson wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 23:32, Dale Kosan wrote:
   Well, he states he can read the files so it is not NTFS.
  With the appropriate kernel support, you can read a NTFS partition:
  its just not a good idea to try to write to it (tho' I've never
  tried, I must admit).

 I've tried. Nothing else but cannot write as it's readonly.

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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[newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

2002-12-09 Thread Jones, Robert
Title: ML9 boots only in text mode

I've gone through hell to get ML9 installed on a 4.5GB hard drive I had going spare.

Tried it first on a Pentium I 90Mhz with 64MB RAM using every floppy disk image in the book... no dice.

Then tried it on a Pentium II 266MhZ with 256MB RAM using every floppy image in the book... no dice.

Third try was on a Pentium 4 1.6GhZ with 512MB DDR RAM using the CD-ROM image... beautiful install first time. Booted no problem; I played with it for a few minutes then shut it down no problem.

Here's the problem: the P4 is my everyday machine running WinXP and isn't the machine I want Linux installed on. So, I removed the 4.5GB hard drive with the fresh ML9 install, returned my WinXP to its regular config for everyday use, and installed the Linux hard drive in my Pentium II (see above). This machine boots, but it only boots into text mode... I don't get a GUI of any kind.

My thinking is that the Linux config is expecting a P4 and all the hardware that was on that machine. Is there any way I can reconfigure the Linux setup WITHOUT having to reinstall it (since I already know it won't install on the PII machine)???

ANY help is appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


Re: [newbie] Write to windows partition?

2002-12-09 Thread Martin L. Johansen
On Monday 09 December 2002 16:19, Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
 One time I had problems to write windows FAT32 partitions because the
 partition had problems; I had to do an scandisk from windows, errors
 were repaired and again I could be able to write the windows
 partition from linux.

 Have you passed and scandisk from windows?

 Hope this could help

It's still NTFS, so scandisk wont help a bit :-) But you're right, if an 
error persists on a FAT32 part, then scandisk must be run.

But regarding NTFS, it's simply not possible/allowed at all to write. 
Only read.

Martin L. Johansen
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
Spam will be forwared to /dev/null ...

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Re: [newbie] mail formatted incorrectly in newbie archives

2002-12-09 Thread Meliton
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 12:24, Angus Auld wrote:
 Sorry if a copy of this went through blank. :-(
 I was just looking through mail in the list achives, and discovered that my 
 postings are not word wrapped in a sensible manner, and that you
 must scroll horizontally to read them! :-( 
 I hate it when that happens! Is there some way that I can avoid that happening, 
 or do I need to use non-web mail, or what?
 TIA for any suggestions.

To solve the problem for your posts only, perhaps in future you can use
hard returns after a reasonable number of characters. Of course, this
doesn't mean that you won't have to scroll to see other people's posts.
Just an idea.


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Re: [newbie] screen oddity?

2002-12-09 Thread John Richard Smith
Jerry wrote:

On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 15:45:35 +0100
Martin L.  Johansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Sunday 08 December 2002 16:44, Jerry wrote:

Running 2 computers, main is mdk 8.2, secondary is mdk 9.0.  Both
have different monitors and different video cards.  After a while of
inactivity, even when xscreensaver is disabled, the monitor goes
blank except for a green flashing D.  Not that this is a big
problem, per se... it goes away and the screen comes back up when you
press a key on the keyboard, but it is a little annoying... (like a
vcr clock flashing 12:00 12:00 12:00 lol) Wondering if anyone knows
how to fix this?  I _think_ it's just under KDE, i don't use other
window managers/desktop environments very often so I don't recall if
it's happened under Gnome or IceWM, etc.

Look in Mandrake Control Center -- Powercontrol -- Energy

Martin L. Johansen
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
Spam will be forwared to /dev/null ...


Thanks for the reply, but I've looked in Mandrake Control Center for Powercontrol and Energy on both machines, niether machine has those options on it.  




MCC-System-Services-apmd   is running as default, can be changed
to not be running.

apmd means automatic power management daemon, I think,
The default position on install is running, see whether you
can have it not running, I think this is supposed to stop
black screen after,the default, and not adjustable,  20 minutes.
Only whenever I have ever tried it, it didn't work, but I believe it should,
it's there amoungst other things to give your screen a rest, but
also for laptop computers batteries to last longer. On the whole
though it does no harm leaving it in place. It doesn't interfere
with anything running, like downloads etc, so why not leave it be.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] gtk-gnutella

2002-12-09 Thread David Robertson
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 01:28, Bill Winegarden wrote:
   I did a netstat and it does not appear that 6346 is open. Also, I went to MCC 
 and checked firewallit asked me to install smoothwall so I think there is 
 no firewall installed.
   Is there a file where I can open a single port like this?
 Bill W.
 On Sunday 08 December 2002 10:11 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Sunday 08 December 2002 05:45 pm, Bill Winegarden wrote:
 When I run gtk-gnutella, there is an icon that shows that the prog
   thinks I'm firewalled. I run a stock LM9 installation and I did not set
   up any firewall when first installed.
 This prog runs on port 6346. Is there a way to check if the port is
   Bill W.
  Actually a stock installation may have installed the smoothwall firewall.
  Have you checked to see if iptables are running or smoothwall.  Look in MCC
  and security, click on firewall and see what it says?

I couldn't get gtk-gnutella to connect either, even if I disabled the
firewall in MCC.Netstat did show port 6346 to be open. In the advanced
options for MCC, I added 6346/tcp and that seems to have solved the


The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's
territory. (Paul Fix)

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Re: [newbie] Updating libraries

2002-12-09 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 10:42:05AM +, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Monday 09 Dec 2002 3:09 am, Todd Slater wrote:
  Not related to gcc but gtk2+, pango, and a few other packages--would urpmi
  work for that, too? If I have apps compiled using the older gtk (1.2), is
  an upgrade going to mess them up?
  I hosed my system once trying to upgrade these packages, and am debating
  about whether to move to 9.0 or wait for the next release. I just want to
  run the new ROX, but I can't!
 No. because the 8.2 sources do not have gtk2.0 in them.
 To run Rox 1.3 you will need gtk2.0, and in order to get that installed you 
 will have to update an awful lot of packages. 
 I would recommend going to 9.0  There is always a better release just around 
 the corner. In my experience 9.0 is just great.
 Rox 1.3 is very nice, but if you run Fluxbox/Blackbox there is a conflict 
 between the Right mouse button between them that means that running the Rox 
 pinboard is more trouble than it is worth IMO. So now I run Rox with the 
 panel instead.

Thanks for the info, Derek. I just want ROX for the filer. I do use it
as a desktop/session manager for my daughter, but to use certain window
managers (like Metacity and fvwm4) I need GTK2.0 for those, too. For my
purposes, my current setup is functional. But I will upgrade soon
because I have really been bit by the customization bug!

I hated the look of that ROX panel when I used it. Have you looked at
idesk? Several people on the ROX list have mentioned. Some have said
it's a pain to set up, but great once you've got it going properly.


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Re: [newbie] KWord files to PDF files with print to PLF

2002-12-09 Thread John Richard Smith
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Monday 09 Dec 2002 4:36 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Someone told me a little time ago that my kword colour montages
can be converted to pdf with Print to File (PDF/Acrobat)
in the printer option list.  Mine just seem to contain 0 bytes.

I wonder what I haven't configured right ?


check you have ghostscript installed. Then try printing to a postscript file 
and run
ps2pdf file_name

The resulting file should be a pdf . If that all works then the KDE printer 
should work as well.




Something very odd has occured.

Everything I told you above is precisely true, but when I came back to
have another look at the same 3 previously created PDF files  , this
time they were all there with some Mb's each of data in each
and now display normally when I leftmouseclick on them in a

So I repeated the event again , and again the files are
empty on first visit, but normal on second. Now what
on earth could cause that.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] mpg123 coredumps

2002-12-09 Thread Mohammed Sameer
Hash: SHA1

My Inbox Happily Received This From Ralph Slooten @ Mon,  9 Dec 2002 17:34:58 +0100 

 but if there is one annoying thing that irritates the hell
 out of me it's something so small causing all the problems. 
What's that problem ?

for me, i still prefer running apps. from en xterm, since i'm a console lover ;)

- -- 
- -- Katoob Main Developer
Linux registered user # 224950
ICQ # 58475622
FIRST  make  it  run, THEN make it run fast Brian Kernighan.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] mpg123 coredumps

2002-12-09 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 19:59:40 +0200
Mohammed Sameer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  but if there is one annoying thing that irritates the hell
  out of me it's something so small causing all the problems. 
 What's that problem ?
 for me, i still prefer running apps. from en xterm, since i'm a
 console lover ;)

If you followed the thread you'd know :-) mpg123 is coredumping with
mandrake 9.0 when invoked by a program not started via the console (In
my cases PSI and Nautilus)  mpg321 fixes this it appears.


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Re: [newbie] screen oddity?

2002-12-09 Thread Charlie
On December 9, 2002 10:52 am, Martin L. Johansen wrote:
 On Monday 09 December 2002 18:39, Charlie wrote:
  But that isn't what you posted is it? You said MCC and Mandrake
  Control Center and the correct place to look is the _KDE Control
  Center_. They _are not the same animal at all_.

 My mistake. But the -- Powercontrol -- Energy where correct, and I
 think he got the hint alright :-)

 I had them both open and looked at the title on the wrong window :-)

I thought I was the only one to do that kind of thing. :-)

No harm, no foul.

Registered user 244963 at
Q:  Why should you always serve a Southern Carolina football man
soup in a plate?
A:  'Cause if you give him a bowl, he'll throw it away.

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Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

2002-12-09 Thread ET
On Monday 09 December 2002 10:23 am, Jones, Robert wrote:
 I've gone through hell to get ML9 installed on a 4.5GB hard drive I had
 going spare.

 Tried it first on a Pentium I 90Mhz with 64MB RAM using every floppy disk
 image in the book... no dice.

 Then tried it on a Pentium II 266MhZ with 256MB RAM using every floppy
 image in the book... no dice.

 Third try was on a Pentium 4 1.6GhZ with 512MB DDR RAM using the CD-ROM
 image... beautiful install first time. Booted no problem; I played with it
 for a few minutes then shut it down no problem.

 Here's the problem: the P4 is my everyday machine running WinXP and isn't
 the machine I want Linux installed on. So, I removed the 4.5GB hard drive
 with the fresh ML9 install, returned my WinXP to its regular config for
 everyday use, and installed the Linux hard drive in my Pentium II (see
 above). This machine boots, but it only boots into text mode... I don't get
 a GUI of any kind.

 My thinking is that the Linux config is expecting a P4 and all the hardware
 that was on that machine. Is there any way I can reconfigure the Linux
 setup WITHOUT having to reinstall it (since I already know it won't install
 on the PII machine)???

 ANY help is appreciated!

 Thanks in advance,

it is not the p4, but the video chipset, and the MOBO chipset. try running 

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RE: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

2002-12-09 Thread Jones, Robert
Title: RE: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

XFDrake? I'm a brand-new-to-this-newbie... where the heck do I find XFDrake?


From:  ET
Sent:  Monday, December 9, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject:  Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

File: message.footer
On Monday 09 December 2002 10:23 am, Jones, Robert wrote:
 I've gone through hell to get ML9 installed on a 4.5GB hard drive I had
 going spare.

 Tried it first on a Pentium I 90Mhz with 64MB RAM using every floppy disk
 image in the book... no dice.

 Then tried it on a Pentium II 266MhZ with 256MB RAM using every floppy
 image in the book... no dice.

 Third try was on a Pentium 4 1.6GhZ with 512MB DDR RAM using the CD-ROM
 image... beautiful install first time. Booted no problem; I played with it
 for a few minutes then shut it down no problem.

 Here's the problem: the P4 is my everyday machine running WinXP and isn't
 the machine I want Linux installed on. So, I removed the 4.5GB hard drive
 with the fresh ML9 install, returned my WinXP to its regular config for
 everyday use, and installed the Linux hard drive in my Pentium II (see
 above). This machine boots, but it only boots into text mode... I don't get
 a GUI of any kind.

 My thinking is that the Linux config is expecting a P4 and all the hardware
 that was on that machine. Is there any way I can reconfigure the Linux
 setup WITHOUT having to reinstall it (since I already know it won't install
 on the PII machine)???

 ANY help is appreciated!

 Thanks in advance,

it is not the p4, but the video chipset, and the MOBO chipset. try running 

Re: RE: [newbie] palm pilot

2002-12-09 Thread Jim Dawson
J-pilot was pretty easy to set up, I gave it the path to my serial port and I was able 
to sync.

Evolution on the other hand was a b*tch to set up, in fact I still don't know what I 
did that made it work.

In either case you may need to add yourself to the appropriate group for access to the 
serial port.

-Original Message-
From: Dan Butler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 19:43:45 -0500
Subject: RE: [newbie] palm pilot

Did you have to do much additional configuring?  I have tried
with Mandrake 8 and gave up!  

Dan Butler
Chancellor Virginia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of James Dawson
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] palm pilot

On Sunday 08 December 2002 08:46 am, walt wrote:
 Anyone manage to get a palm pilot to sync in mandrake 9.0?


I've manged to get my palm to sync using both j-pilot and evolution
Mandrake 9.0.

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Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

2002-12-09 Thread ET
login as root, (in a text console since you don't want to have X running (and 
you cann't get X to run)), without the quotes, type XFdrake

On Monday 09 December 2002 03:02 pm, Jones, Robert wrote:
 XFDrake? I'm a brand-new-to-this-newbie... where the heck do I find


  From:   ET
  Sent:   Monday, December 9, 2002 3:06 PM
  Subject:Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode
  File: message.footer
  On Monday 09 December 2002 10:23 am, Jones, Robert wrote:
   I've gone through hell to get ML9 installed on a 4.5GB hard drive I had
   going spare.
   Tried it first on a Pentium I 90Mhz with 64MB RAM using every floppy
   image in the book... no dice.
   Then tried it on a Pentium II 266MhZ with 256MB RAM using every floppy
   image in the book... no dice.
   Third try was on a Pentium 4 1.6GhZ with 512MB DDR RAM using the CD-ROM
   image... beautiful install first time. Booted no problem; I played with
   for a few minutes then shut it down no problem.
   Here's the problem: the P4 is my everyday machine running WinXP and
   the machine I want Linux installed on. So, I removed the 4.5GB hard
   with the fresh ML9 install, returned my WinXP to its regular config for
   everyday use, and installed the Linux hard drive in my Pentium II (see
   above). This machine boots, but it only boots into text mode... I don't
   a GUI of any kind.
   My thinking is that the Linux config is expecting a P4 and all the
   that was on that machine. Is there any way I can reconfigure the Linux
   setup WITHOUT having to reinstall it (since I already know it won't
   on the PII machine)???
   ANY help is appreciated!
   Thanks in advance,
  it is not the p4, but the video chipset, and the MOBO chipset. try

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Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

2002-12-09 Thread ET
On Monday 09 December 2002 03:02 pm, Jones, Robert wrote:
 XFDrake? I'm a brand-new-to-this-newbie... where the heck do I find
Note the cap letters; XFdrake


  From:   ET
  Sent:   Monday, December 9, 2002 3:06 PM
  Subject:Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode
  File: message.footer
  On Monday 09 December 2002 10:23 am, Jones, Robert wrote:
   I've gone through hell to get ML9 installed on a 4.5GB hard drive I had
   going spare.
   Tried it first on a Pentium I 90Mhz with 64MB RAM using every floppy
   image in the book... no dice.
   Then tried it on a Pentium II 266MhZ with 256MB RAM using every floppy
   image in the book... no dice.
   Third try was on a Pentium 4 1.6GhZ with 512MB DDR RAM using the CD-ROM
   image... beautiful install first time. Booted no problem; I played with
   for a few minutes then shut it down no problem.
   Here's the problem: the P4 is my everyday machine running WinXP and
   the machine I want Linux installed on. So, I removed the 4.5GB hard
   with the fresh ML9 install, returned my WinXP to its regular config for
   everyday use, and installed the Linux hard drive in my Pentium II (see
   above). This machine boots, but it only boots into text mode... I don't
   a GUI of any kind.
   My thinking is that the Linux config is expecting a P4 and all the
   that was on that machine. Is there any way I can reconfigure the Linux
   setup WITHOUT having to reinstall it (since I already know it won't
   on the PII machine)???
   ANY help is appreciated!
   Thanks in advance,
  it is not the p4, but the video chipset, and the MOBO chipset. try

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RE: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

2002-12-09 Thread Jones, Robert
Title: RE: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

Thanks... I'll give it a whirl and hopefully you won't hear from me tomorrow!


From:  ET
Sent:  Monday, December 9, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject:  Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode

File: message.footer
login as root, (in a text console since you don't want to have X running (and 
you cann't get X to run)), without the quotes, type XFdrake

On Monday 09 December 2002 03:02 pm, Jones, Robert wrote:
 XFDrake? I'm a brand-new-to-this-newbie... where the heck do I find


  From:  ET
  Sent:  Monday, December 9, 2002 3:06 PM
  Subject:  Re: [newbie] ML9 boots only in text mode
  File: message.footer
  On Monday 09 December 2002 10:23 am, Jones, Robert wrote:
   I've gone through hell to get ML9 installed on a 4.5GB hard drive I had
   going spare.
   Tried it first on a Pentium I 90Mhz with 64MB RAM using every floppy
   image in the book... no dice.
   Then tried it on a Pentium II 266MhZ with 256MB RAM using every floppy
   image in the book... no dice.
   Third try was on a Pentium 4 1.6GhZ with 512MB DDR RAM using the CD-ROM
   image... beautiful install first time. Booted no problem; I played with
   for a few minutes then shut it down no problem.
   Here's the problem: the P4 is my everyday machine running WinXP and
   the machine I want Linux installed on. So, I removed the 4.5GB hard
   with the fresh ML9 install, returned my WinXP to its regular config for
   everyday use, and installed the Linux hard drive in my Pentium II (see
   above). This machine boots, but it only boots into text mode... I don't
   a GUI of any kind.
   My thinking is that the Linux config is expecting a P4 and all the
   that was on that machine. Is there any way I can reconfigure the Linux
   setup WITHOUT having to reinstall it (since I already know it won't
   on the PII machine)???
   ANY help is appreciated!
   Thanks in advance,
  it is not the p4, but the video chipset, and the MOBO chipset. try

Re: [newbie] question about log files

2002-12-09 Thread RichardA
On Monday 09 December 2002 05:02, Angus Auld wrote:
 I'll leave my comp on overnight and let logrotate do it's thing.
 All the best.

When you boot, anacron starts, works out which cron jobs have been missed, and 
runs them. So logrotate should happen for you the day after the cron job was 


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Re: [newbie] MS Intellimouse error

2002-12-09 Thread FemmeFatale
At 09:57 PM 12/8/2002 -0300, you wrote:

Thanks for the replies...I'm pretty certain there is a loose nut 
between the mouse and the chair here Stephen, but I was hoping for some 
other explanation. LOL :-)

I do have gpm running in runlevel 5, I wasn't sure whether I needed it or 
not, so I just left it on. I could probably shut it down then could I? Or 
is it better to just leave it be and ignore the occasional error?

It's a minor glitch really. And now I know I'm not the only one who has it 
occurring. I feel better. ;-)

All the best.



I know this is old but try using it as a USB Mouse or is that not possible?

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Re: [newbie] ?? RPM bug

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 04:43, Douglas B. wrote:
 Can anybody help?
 I have used Abiword on another Linux distribution and wanted to use it
 after changing to Mandrake 9.0.but seem to have encountered a bug?? in
 Mandrake RPM
 1. Find File for abiword showed no files present on my
 2. Mandrake Control Centre = Software Management = Install Software =
 All packages alphabetical=  displayed abiword-1.0.2-1.mdk and various
 other abiword packages which I selected for installation
 3. Install gave the following message - 
   Everything already installed (is this supposed to happen at all?)
 4.Remove Software confirms that abiword is NOT present:-
 When I check with Remove Software= Find = Search for abiword the
 result is Search results (none)
 Where do I go from here?

Have you tried searching for AbiWord (case sensitive) ??
Meanwhile, if anything, you can download the latest version and install

Or, have you tried re-installing the RPM's either via the MCC Software
installer or by manually doing it?

 Tue Dec 10 09:05:00 EST 2002
   9:05am  up 1 day, 12:50,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.07, 0.11
.o0 linux user:267497 0o.
 |____  | kühn media australia
 |   /  \ /| |'-.   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  | 
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
 |  ;/ / | | |
 |  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
 |  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU
 Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn
 I request a weekend in Havana with Phil Silvers!

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[newbie] Shutdown error/old motherboards (revisited)

2002-12-09 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Just thought I'd mention that on my 9 yr olds Gigabyte motherboard (itself 
about 3 yrs old), I went back into:


and changed it some more. Near the end of the file there were not 1 but 2 
-p commands. Removing *both* of them got rid of the shutdown errors I was 
seeing under v9.0 of Mandrake.

The last text now is System Halted, as it should be (short of a complete 

Hope this helps others who were having the same problem with older 
motherboards and v9.0... :-)

 Dark  Lord

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Re: [newbie] mail formatted incorrectly in newbie archives

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 22:24, Angus Auld wrote:
 Sorry if a copy of this went through blank. :-(
 I was just looking through mail in the list achives, and discovered that my 
 postings are not word wrapped in a sensible manner, and that you
 must scroll horizontally to read them! :-( 
 I hate it when that happens! Is there some way that I can avoid that happening, 
 or do I need to use non-web mail, or what?
 TIA for any suggestions.


Webmailers aren't always text friendly...

Tue Dec 10 09:30:01 EST 2002
  9:30am  up 1 day, 13:15,  3 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.28, 0.21

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

'I thought dwarfs didn't believe in devils and demons and stuff like that.'
'That's true, but... we're not sure if they know.'
(Men at Arms)

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Re: [newbie] My apollogies

2002-12-09 Thread Dennis Myers
On Monday 09 December 2002 10:43 am, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 I wish to apologize for any bounced mail that any may have received from my
 account. I was 1 of the 1.2 mil households in NC that was affected by last
 Weds ice storm. Power was restored to my home less than 30 min ago.
 Hopefully the remaining 500,000 will have theirs restored shortly.

 Again to all my apologies.


 You will remember something that you should not have forgotten.
 Charles A Edwards
No need to apologize, You can't control the weather.  We been there and done 
that here in Nebraska too, so good luck with the clean up. By the way, it is 
amazing what kind of damage a tree will recover from. I lost  6 30 to 40 foot 
trees on my property when we had our last Ice storm, couple of years ago, and 
the others looked really bad, but they are all doing quit well today.  
Endevour to percervere..
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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[newbie] mystery character sneaks into typed text

2002-12-09 Thread Brent Hasty
when typing in many programs I often have this ' character appear in texts.  

It seems it may have somthing to do with typing, backspace, or arrow to move 
the cursor, space and or then typing again.  For some reason that ' character 
is inserted randomly in typed text???
  2:33pm  up 1 day,  2:32,  7 users,  load average: 2.03, 2.04, 2.00

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Re: [newbie] recording audio

2002-12-09 Thread Nikunj Bansal
Here is what I do.
Convert your mp3 files to .wav files using a program
such as mpg123. mpg123 with -w option works quite well
for this. Then using any CD burner software like
xcdroast or koncd etc. create an audio cd giving these
.wav files as the individual tracks. The CD thus
created can be used in any standard CD player.


--- Dennis  Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Peoples,
 I would like to convert, and record mp3's to a cdr
 so that they can be played 
 on a regular cd player.
 I've made 3 coasters trying.
 this is one of two reasons why windows still resides
 on this harddrive.
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Re: [newbie] recording audio

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 09:38, Nikunj Bansal wrote:
 Here is what I do.
 Convert your mp3 files to .wav files using a program
 such as mpg123. mpg123 with -w option works quite well
 for this. Then using any CD burner software like
 xcdroast or koncd etc. create an audio cd giving these
 .wav files as the individual tracks. The CD thus
 created can be used in any standard CD player.

I've been tasked by the wife and wife's friends to burn more weird
CD's for them - ripping as well - so I've gotten entrenched with Arson rips, it burns...all without leaving the proggie...which, of
course, makes them all the more happy (and confuses the ones that
thought that Windoze was the only OS that burnt/ripped)...

Tue Dec 10 09:45:01 EST 2002
  9:45am  up 1 day, 13:30,  3 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.18, 0.18

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Dave I can produce equivalently valid microbenchmarks showing Linux works
much better with the scheduler disabled. They are worth about as much as
your benchmarks for that optimisation and they likewise ignore a slightly
important object known as the big picture

- Alan Cox on linux-kernel

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Re: [newbie] recording audio

2002-12-09 Thread Dennis Sue
On Monday 09 December 2002 04:52 am, you wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 20:01, Dennis  Sue wrote:
   For some reason, xroast does not recognize the .mp3 format..
  gnome toaster / cdrecord seems to default to tao, rather than dao. Even
  when I set it for dao. I don't think it's closing the session.
  And I know it isn't converting the mp3's to cdda, or wav files before
  burning them.

 ...and eRoaster? (it's in your distro)...

 ...then there's CDBackOven, KonCD, K3b, BurnIT, FireBurner, Arson (my

eRoaster seems to have done it, However occasionally I the track is playing, 
Then suddenly quits / Stops. Restarting it solves the problem though.

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Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-09 Thread gklofa
Well here we are guys,  this is an email coming from my mandrake
system!  But I have been in this pos before, but when re-boot, loose it
all and no connection again!  I am not going to re-boot at this point in
time.  To get it connected this time, it did not automatically connect
on boot, I had to use the wizard again, and then select connect. 
tripple boot system yes.  Booting through a program called system
commander.  Only one nic, only need the one to connect the

Here is the ifcfg-eth0 file:-

and here is the network file

to me, everything looks good.  

What do you reckon, re-boot and see what happens?  Maybe not be able to
get back on again!  I like living life on the edge though,
so I think I will later today, when I have done a bit more
investigating, and some advice from the list.

Also, what is the latest kernel for mandrake?  I am running the one that
came with the distro, 2.4.19-16mdk.  If there is a later mdk kernel, I
wouldn't mind loading it in, just incase this is a bug in the current
one.  I went into the mandrake control centre, and used the update
software, but it doesn't appear to update kernels, none were listed. 
This is unless this one is the most current??  The update seems to be a
bit buggy as well, it kept on dropping out on the downloads, even though
the connection was up and working well.  I checked by doing a bit of
browsing.  Maybe the mirror was a little overloaded at the time, will
try later.  Just want to make sure I have all updates installed before

regards Greg

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Re: [newbie] My apollogies

2002-12-09 Thread John Richard Smith
Dennis Myers wrote:

On Monday 09 December 2002 10:43 am, Charles A Edwards wrote:

I wish to apologize for any bounced mail that any may have received from my
account. I was 1 of the 1.2 mil households in NC that was affected by last
Weds ice storm. Power was restored to my home less than 30 min ago.
Hopefully the remaining 500,000 will have theirs restored shortly.

Again to all my apologies.


You will remember something that you should not have forgotten.
Charles A Edwards

No need to apologize, You can't control the weather.  We been there and done 
that here in Nebraska too, so good luck with the clean up. By the way, it is 
amazing what kind of damage a tree will recover from. I lost  6 30 to 40 foot 
trees on my property when we had our last Ice storm, couple of years ago, and 
the others looked really bad, but they are all doing quit well today.  
Endevour to percervere..


How bad is the weather of there, my mother always said we(in England) 
always get it
a fortnight after America, and she wasn't often wrong.


John Richard Smith

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2002-12-09 Thread David Mascot


Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-09 Thread Dennis Myers
On Monday 09 December 2002 05:04 pm, gklofa wrote:
 Well here we are guys,  this is an email coming from my mandrake
 system!  But I have been in this pos before, but when re-boot, loose it
 all and no connection again!  I am not going to re-boot at this point in
 time.  To get it connected this time, it did not automatically connect
 on boot, I had to use the wizard again, and then select connect.
 tripple boot system yes.  Booting through a program called system
 commander.  Only one nic, only need the one to connect the

 Here is the ifcfg-eth0 file:-

 and here is the network file

 to me, everything looks good.

 What do you reckon, re-boot and see what happens?  Maybe not be able to
 get back on again!  I like living life on the edge though,
 so I think I will later today, when I have done a bit more
 investigating, and some advice from the list.

 Also, what is the latest kernel for mandrake?  I am running the one that
 came with the distro, 2.4.19-16mdk.  If there is a later mdk kernel, I
 wouldn't mind loading it in, just incase this is a bug in the current
 one.  I went into the mandrake control centre, and used the update
 software, but it doesn't appear to update kernels, none were listed.
 This is unless this one is the most current??  The update seems to be a
 bit buggy as well, it kept on dropping out on the downloads, even though
 the connection was up and working well.  I checked by doing a bit of
 browsing.  Maybe the mirror was a little overloaded at the time, will
 try later.  Just want to make sure I have all updates installed before

 regards Greg
Are you sure that is the right broadcast and netmask? here is my ifcfg-eth0;

Sorry, I am not a network guru but the relationships seem funny on yours. 
Course I can only get the higher speed downloads using dhcp, if I use static 
like you I get speeds equivalent to a phone modem and I have cable modem. 
Anyway, thought this was curious and maybe one of the network guys can 
enlighten us.  
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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[newbie] cron problem

2002-12-09 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I have the following /etc/crontab
[root@localhost lvgandhi]# cat /etc/crontab

# run-parts
01 * * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
02 4 * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.daily
22 4 * * 0 root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
42 4 1 * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
But for hourly cron, rest are not working now. In my previous installation 
mandrake 9, with same crontab, all used to work irrespective whether PC was 
on at 4:40 am or not. What can be the problem.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Write to windows partition?

2002-12-09 Thread FemmeFatale
At 04:31 PM 12/9/2002 +0100, you wrote:

On Monday 09 December 2002 16:19, Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
 One time I had problems to write windows FAT32 partitions because the
 partition had problems; I had to do an scandisk from windows, errors
 were repaired and again I could be able to write the windows
 partition from linux.

 Have you passed and scandisk from windows?

 Hope this could help

It's still NTFS, so scandisk wont help a bit :-) But you're right, if an
error persists on a FAT32 part, then scandisk must be run.

But regarding NTFS, it's simply not possible/allowed at all to write.
Only read.

Perfectly possible to write ... there is a module/rpm in existence IIRC 
that allows this.  Ed Tharp or Civilme pointed it out once.  Now, do you 
want to ?  That depends... how much do you value your data?  It is 
extremely experimental ATM.

so beware


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Re: [newbie] recording audio -cassette input?

2002-12-09 Thread magnet
On Sunday 08 Dec 2002 11:10 pm, Dennis  Sue wrote:
 Hello Peoples,
 I would like to convert, and record mp3's to a cdr so that they can be
 played on a regular cd player.
 I've made 3 coasters trying.
 this is one of two reasons why windows still resides on this harddrive.

Hi all,

Can you recommend a utility that will allow me to record the input from a 
cassette player into the input plug on my soundcard?

Slightly off the original topic, but relevant as I need to convert these to 
mp3/wav format for an audio CD as these tapes are vulnerable to damage.


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[newbie] trouble with cd-rw cd-rom setup

2002-12-09 Thread Daniel Buchanan

I have a cd-rw and a cd-rom on my system. The crrecord utility will see
the burner but i can not access it as a regular drive nor can i access the
cd-rom drive either. I followed the directions on the x-cd-roast website
as well as in the cd-re howto and i simply can not seem to get the drives
to work the way i want them to. I'm attaching the curent state of my lili,modules
and fstab files.

If someone could tell me where i went wrong and also what i need to link
cdrom and cdrom2 to so i can get full access back to these drives, i'd be
really happy :)

disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
append=hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
append=quiet devfs=mount
append=devfs=mount hda=ide-scsi hdd-scsi
append=failsafe devfs=nomount hda=-scsi hdd=scsi

options ide-cd ignore='hdd'
alias sound-slot-0 emu10k1
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
alias eth0 8139too
#pre-install sg modprobe ide-scsi
#pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi
#pre-install ide-scsi modprobe ide-cd

Description: application/java-vm
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[newbie] Rights problem with mandrake 9.0

2002-12-09 Thread Roland Hughes
I have recently upgraded/installed Mandrake 9.0 on a 700Mhz Duron, 512
of memory and a 40 Gig drive. It was a fresh install with formating etc.
Attached are my Fstab and pci output.

The problem I am having is that the system thinks root has no rights to
things such as drives and various configuration files. This is logging
in as root or su'ing a terminal window.

I have looked at various setting such as security etc but everything
seems ok. The security level is standard/normal as I am on a dialup.

Thanks in advance, any help appreciated.

The box said to install windows 2000 or better!
So I installed Linux!!

Linux Counter #241069

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-751 [Irongate] System Controller 
(rev 37).
  Master Capable.  Latency=120.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe800 [0xebff].
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xed9fe000 [0xed9fefff].
  I/O at 0xd600 [0xd603].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-751 [Irongate] AGP Bridge (rev 1).
  Master Capable.  Latency=120.  Min Gnt=10.
  Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-756 [Viper] ISA (rev 1).
  Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-756 [Viper] IDE (rev 7).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
  I/O at 0xf000 [0xf00f].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  3:
Bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-756 [Viper] ACPI (rev 3).
  Master Capable.  Latency=120.
  Bus  0, device   7, function  4:
USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-756 [Viper] USB (rev 6).
  IRQ 5.
  Master Capable.  Latency=16.  Max Lat=80.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xefffe000 [0xefffefff].
  Bus  0, device   8, function  0:
SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AHA-2940U/UW/D / AIC-7881U (rev 0).
  IRQ 10.
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
  I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdcff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xefff].
  Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 8).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=2.Max Lat=20.
  I/O at 0xd800 [0xd81f].
  Bus  0, device   9, function  1:
Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 8).
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.
  I/O at 0xde00 [0xde07].
  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Intel Corp. 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 1).
  IRQ 9.
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=56.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xed9ff000 [0xed9f].
  I/O at 0xda00 [0xda1f].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xefe0 [0xefef].
  Bus  1, device   5, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 (GeForce2 MX) (rev 178).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=5.Max Lat=1.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xee00 [0xeeff].
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd800 [0xdfff].

/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda3 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom3 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows ext2 defaults 1 2
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb5 /var/www ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

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Re: [newbie] trouble with cd-rw cd-rom setup

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:44, Daniel Buchanan wrote:
 I have a cd-rw and a cd-rom on my system.  The crrecord utility will
 see the burner but i can not access it as a regular drive nor can i
 access the cd-rom drive either.  I followed the directions on the
 x-cd-roast website as well as in the cd-re howto and i simply can not
 seem to get the drives to work the way i want them to.  I'm attaching
 the curent state of my lili,modules and fstab files.
 If someone could tell me where i went wrong and also what i need to
 link cdrom and cdrom2 to so i can get full access back to these
 drives, i'd be really happy :)

Are you able to mount it via:

mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom 


Tue Dec 10 12:55:01 EST 2002
 12:55pm  up 1 day, 16:40,  4 users,  load average: 1.45, 1.77, 1.33

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

All your people must learn before you can reach for the stars.
-- Kirk, The Gamesters of Triskelion, stardate 3259.2

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Re: [newbie] question about log files

2002-12-09 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 21:06:45 +
Subject: Re: [newbie] question about log files

 On Monday 09 December 2002 05:02, Angus Auld wrote:
  I'll leave my comp on overnight and let logrotate do it's thing.
  All the best.
 When you boot, anacron starts, works out which cron jobs have been missed, and 
 runs them. So logrotate should happen for you the day after the cron job was 

Richard, does anacron need to be configured to do that, or is that 
default behaviour? It didn't seem to be happening in my case. Last 
night was the first time I can see that logrotate did anything in /var/log. 
I use my computer daily almost w/o exception. I had compressed log files and nice 
clean replacement ones this morning. First time since install on Oct 4.

Thanks for your reply. All the best to you.  :-)


We give thanks to the Creator for the fruits of life. 
May the world we leave our children be a better 
one than was left to us.--Native American Philosophy 

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Re: [newbie] screen oddity?

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 12:24:54 -0700
Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On December 9, 2002 10:52 am, Martin L. Johansen wrote:
  On Monday 09 December 2002 18:39, Charlie wrote:
   But that isn't what you posted is it? You said MCC and Mandrake
   Control Center and the correct place to look is the _KDE Control
   Center_. They _are not the same animal at all_.
  My mistake. But the -- Powercontrol -- Energy where correct, and I
  think he got the hint alright :-)
  I had them both open and looked at the title on the wrong window :-)
 I thought I was the only one to do that kind of thing. :-)
 No harm, no foul.
 Registered user 244963 at
 Q:Why should you always serve a Southern Carolina football man
   soup in a plate?
 A:'Cause if you give him a bowl, he'll throw it away.
I fixed it!  I had to remove/reinstall the apm packages to do it, but when I did, I 
found the settings for Powercontrol.  They must not have installed correctly the first 
time or something.  Worked on both machines.  No more flashing D!  :-)

Thanks again!  

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Re: [newbie] KWord files to PDF files with print to PLF

2002-12-09 Thread Pilagá
El Lun 09 Dic 2002 15:32, John Richard Smith escribió:
 Something very odd has occured.

 Everything I told you above is precisely true, but when I came back to
 have another look at the same 3 previously created PDF files  , this
 time they were all there with some Mb's each of data in each
 and now display normally when I leftmouseclick on them in a

 So I repeated the event again , and again the files are
 empty on first visit, but normal on second. Now what
 on earth could cause that.


Hola, John. If you are trying to look this 'fresh' files from inside Konq, 
just pres F5 and the info will be updated correctly.


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
10:37pm up 28 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] recording audio -cassette input?

2002-12-09 Thread Pilagá
El Lun 09 Dic 2002 21:49, magnet escribió:
 Hi all,

 Can you recommend a utility that will allow me to record the input from a
 cassette player into the input plug on my soundcard?

 Slightly off the original topic, but relevant as I need to convert these to
 mp3/wav format for an audio CD as these tapes are vulnerable to damage.


Hola, magnet. I'm testing 'audacity', and work great here (generic SbLive + 
MDk 9.0). If you have 'contrib' source defined, just open a console, log as 
root, and type: urpmi audacity.


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
10:54pm up 45 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] MS Intellimouse error

2002-12-09 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 14:23:02 -0700
Subject: Re: [newbie] MS Intellimouse error

 At 09:57 PM 12/8/2002 -0300, you wrote:
 Thanks for the replies...I'm pretty certain there is a loose nut 
 between the mouse and the chair here Stephen, but I was hoping for some 
 other explanation. LOL :-)
 I do have gpm running in runlevel 5, I wasn't sure whether I needed it or 
 not, so I just left it on. I could probably shut it down then could I? Or 
 is it better to just leave it be and ignore the occasional error?
 It's a minor glitch really. And now I know I'm not the only one who has it 
 occurring. I feel better. ;-)
 All the best.
 I know this is old but try using it as a USB Mouse or is that not possible?

Thanks for the reply Femme, 
I was actually under the impression that it would easier to use 
the MS Intellimouse as a PS/2. I haven't tried it as USB. 
It's working OK really, just the occasional error comes up.

I am dual-booting an MS system probs with the mouse there. 
Shouldn't be either...after all it's an MS mouse!

I do have a free USB port. You think it would be better to try that? 
Mdk 9.0 hasn't been the most USB friendly system. I had quite 
a battle to get my Epson USB printer up and printing! :-( 
I did get it working though, after a scrap. Works OK now.

Thanks for the help. All the best.


Success is the art of being who you are. 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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Re: [newbie] trouble with cd-rw cd-rom setup

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 19:44:52 -0600
Daniel Buchanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
 append=hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
   append=quiet devfs=mount
   append=devfs=mount hda=ide-scsi hdd-scsi
   append=failsafe devfs=nomount hda=-scsi hdd=scsi
On my system, the cd burner entry in dev is not /dev/cdrom, but /dev/scd0 You may want 
to see if yours may have that entry.  Perhaps that will help?


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Re: [newbie] Xft-2 and OpenOffice

2002-12-09 Thread Huub van den Heuvel
On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 00:24, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 El Lun 09 Dic 2002 03:08, Huub van den Heuvel escribió:
  I installed the texstar Xft packages but now my user interface font in
  OpenOffice is gone, the menus and dialogs are empty. In documents all my
  fonts are available. Mozilla-xft works fine (and looks great), I seem to
  have no other font issues.
  Adding other paths fonts in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf didn't fix it and
  neither did font replacement in OO (Arial for Andale Sans UI). I am
  using gnome-2.
  Anyone had this problem? Suggestions for a fix very welcome!
 yes, this is a known problem and the only rollution is rolling back
 your Xft packages a version or two.

Is it a problem with xft or with openoffice? I think I would prefer to
wait for an xft update, rather than go through a rollback dependency


Huub - Yahoo! Greetings
- Send your seasons greetings online this year!

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Re: [newbie] Xft-2 and OpenOffice

2002-12-09 Thread Damian Gatabria

 Is it a problem with xft or with openoffice? I think I would prefer to
 wait for an xft update, rather than go through a rollback dependency



it's an XFT problem.
(it's not that the fonts and menus in OO have dissapeared.
It's just that it can't render anything in font size 8 or smaller,
and the GUI elements use font size 8)

if you do not want to change your XFT package, try this,
it might work for you:

Open up oowrite.

go to the sixth drop-down menu in the main toolbar.
(that's counting from left to right)

 select the last option in that menu.

A dialog window will pop up.

 expand the first tree.

go to the 9th branch of that tree.

 you will see two drop-down lists. just type
 lucida on the second.

 push the first button at the bottom of the dialogue.

 if that doesn't work, repeat the same steps but this time
 type lucida on both the drop-down lists. You may also
want to try to select the first line in the listbox that appears
under the drop-downs.



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[newbie] Mozilla 1.2.1

2002-12-09 Thread Gary Montalbine
Installed mozilla 1.2.1 from Mandrake cooker. Lost my spellchecker and 
crossover plugins. I think I will wait awhile next time.


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[newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Pilagá

Is there anybody out there using 'ardour' (a multitrack, multichannel audio 
recorder/non-linear editor).

I need it, a lot. But the list of failed dependencies is frustrating.

GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
11:30pm up 1:22, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.06, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 00:27:05 -0300
Pilagá [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Is there anybody out there using 'ardour' (a multitrack, multichannel audio 
 recorder/non-linear editor).
   I need it, a lot. But the list of failed dependencies is frustrating.
 GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
 11:30pm up 1:22, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.06, 0.01
what are the failed dependancies that you're getting?  

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Re: [newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Jason Guidry
try this

it has ardour

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 21:27, Pilagá wrote:
   Is there anybody out there using 'ardour' (a multitrack, multichannel audio 
 recorder/non-linear editor).
   I need it, a lot. But the list of failed dependencies is frustrating.
 GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
 11:30pm up 1:22, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.06, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] recording audio -cassette input?

2002-12-09 Thread Bryan Tyson
On Monday 09 December 2002 19:49, magnet wrote:

 Can you recommend a utility that will allow me to record the input
 from a cassette player into the input plug on my soundcard?

At a command prompt type rec -s w -c 2 -r 44100 myfile.wav

Learn more with man rec.

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KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 14:27, Pilagá wrote:
   Is there anybody out there using 'ardour' (a multitrack, multichannel audio 
 recorder/non-linear editor).
   I need it, a lot. But the list of failed dependencies is frustrating.

I'm trying to get all the bits and pieces to test it out...both for RH
and for Mandrake - hoping it goes well...

Tue Dec 10 15:40:01 EST 2002
  3:40pm  up 1 day, 19:25,  5 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.40, 0.62

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Some men love truth so much that they seem to be in continual fear
lest she should catch a cold on overexposure.
-- Samuel Butler

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Re: [newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Jerry
On 09 Dec 2002 22:10:38 -0600
Jason Guidry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That just refers you back to the sourceforge site... hmm.

I tried installing it from the CVS snapshot... had to:
d/l and compile:
autoconf 2.52
automake 1.6.2
(all available from

d/l and compile jackit from
you need alsa 0.9 for jackit... available at (kernel source needed to 
compile-- which you can install by doing urpmi kernel-source if you don't have it 

cd to the ardour directory

but still getting errors:
Making all in ardour
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/jerry/ardour/libs/ardour'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jerry/ardour/libs/ardour'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jerry/ardour/libs'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
[jerry@c327911-b ardour]$

so I don't know what's wrong.  I'll keep working on it and see if i can get it to work 
and let you know how, if i do.


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Re: [newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 15:10, Jason Guidry wrote:
 try this
 it has ardour
 On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 21:27, Pilagá wrote:
  Is there anybody out there using 'ardour' (a multitrack, multichannel audio 
  recorder/non-linear editor).
  I need it, a lot. But the list of failed dependencies is frustrating.

Much better than digging - this is worth a test!

Tue Dec 10 15:45:01 EST 2002
  3:45pm  up 1 day, 19:30,  5 users,  load average: 1.22, 0.69, 0.65

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

...all the good computer designs are bootlegged; the formally planned products,
if they are built at all, are dogs!
-- David E. Lundstrom, A Few Good Men From Univac, MIT Press, 1987

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Re: [newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 11:48, Jerry wrote:
 On 09 Dec 2002 22:10:38 -0600
 Jason Guidry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That just refers you back to the sourceforge site... hmm.
 I tried installing it from the CVS snapshot... had to:
 d/l and compile:
 autoconf 2.52
 automake 1.6.2
 (all available from
 d/l and compile jackit from
 you need alsa 0.9 for jackit... available at (kernel source needed 
to compile-- which you can install by doing urpmi kernel-source if you don't have it 
 cd to the ardour directory
 but still getting errors:
 Making all in ardour
 make[2]: Entering directory `/home/jerry/ardour/libs/ardour'
 make[2]: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jerry/ardour/libs/ardour'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jerry/ardour/libs'
 make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 [jerry@c327911-b ardour]$
 so I don't know what's wrong.  I'll keep working on it and see if i can get it to 
work and let you know how, if i do.

Double check that you've installed and rebuilt the lib paths; check your
/etc/ for:

- run ldconfig
Also, make SURE that you don't have symlinks to your OLD autoconf,
automake, autom4te, aclocal, autoreconf sitting in your /usr/bin
directory - that will screw ya up as well...

Tue Dec 10 15:50:01 EST 2002
  3:50pm  up 1 day, 19:35,  5 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.49, 0.58

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Sheriff Chameleotoptor sighed with an air of weary sadness, and then
turned to Doppelgutt and said 'The Senator must really have been on a
bender this time -- he left a party in Cleveland, Ohio, at 11:30 last
night, and they found his car this morning in the smokestack of a British
aircraft carrier in the Formosa Straits.'
-- Grand Panjandrum's Special Award, 1985 Bulwer-Lytton
   bad fiction contest.

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Re: [newbie] Xft-2 and OpenOffice (resolved)

2002-12-09 Thread Huub van den Heuvel
Excellent, that worked..

Thanks a lot,


PS and thanx to all the others on this list who have through the archive
fixed a lot of my mdk issues

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 14:15, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  Is it a problem with xft or with openoffice? I think I would prefer to
  wait for an xft update, rather than go through a rollback dependency
 it's an XFT problem.
 (it's not that the fonts and menus in OO have dissapeared.
 It's just that it can't render anything in font size 8 or smaller,
 and the GUI elements use font size 8)
 if you do not want to change your XFT package, try this,
 it might work for you:
 Open up oowrite.
 go to the sixth drop-down menu in the main toolbar.
 (that's counting from left to right)
  select the last option in that menu.
 A dialog window will pop up.
  expand the first tree.
 go to the 9th branch of that tree.
  you will see two drop-down lists. just type
  lucida on the second.
  push the first button at the bottom of the dialogue.
  if that doesn't work, repeat the same steps but this time
  type lucida on both the drop-down lists. You may also
 want to try to select the first line in the listbox that appears
 under the drop-downs.
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Re: [newbie] Ardour

2002-12-09 Thread Jason Guidry
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 18:48, Jerry wrote:
 On 09 Dec 2002 22:10:38 -0600
 Jason Guidry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That just refers you back to the sourceforge site... hmm.

yes, yes it does, UNTIL YOU READ THE WEBSITE!!!

sorry, it's the middle of finals and i'm on edge.  but seriously, just
download the turn-key package, untar it and ./  you're done.

read, kids...

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Re: [newbie] recording audio -cassette input?

2002-12-09 Thread magnet
Cheers Bryan, this was what I was looking for, a nice simple command which 
worked perfectly. I dropped the rate down from 44100 to 8000 as these tapes 
are only speech and do not contain music. Quality seems very acceptable, 
although I think I will have to compress to mp3 format as even these .wav 
files are still rather large.


On Tuesday 10 Dec 2002 4:22 am, Bryan Tyson wrote:
 On Monday 09 December 2002 19:49, magnet wrote:
  Can you recommend a utility that will allow me to record the input
  from a cassette player into the input plug on my soundcard?

 At a command prompt type rec -s w -c 2 -r 44100 myfile.wav

 Learn more with man rec.

 Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
 KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
 This is a Microsoft-free computer

 Bryan S. Tyson

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[newbie] Difference between 8.0, 8.2, 9.x

2002-12-09 Thread Fish Fash

What is the difference between ver 8.0, 8.2,  9.x?

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

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Re: [newbie] Difference between 8.0, 8.2, 9.x

2002-12-09 Thread Jason Guidry
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 23:18, Fish Fash wrote:
 What is the difference between ver 8.0, 8.2,  9.x?

8.2 works.  use it.

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Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-09 Thread Joseph Braddock

Sorry this is late getting back to you (I lost a hard drive so was out
of commission for a bit (well, intermittantly it was going bad till it
died totally)).  Anyway, I'm glad you got your problem resolved.  The
GATEWAY issue I was referring to applied to having an ethernet card and
using a modem for dial-up to the internet (particularly if you had the
Mandrake install program auto-configure your network).  Anyway, the
errata from the Mandrake 9.0 page states:

Error scenario: You have an ethernet card for the local LAN and a modem
for internet access and you can't reach the internet.
Why: Drakconnect wrongly asks for a gateway, and ppp can't set your
modem connection as the default route. 
Solution: As root, edit /etc/sysconfig/network and manually remove the
GATEWAY entry.

Since you are using a cable modem, it wouldn't have applied to your
situation, but I wanted to post this anyway, in case anyone else was
waiting on the info.


On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 17:04, gklofa wrote:
 Well here we are guys,  this is an email coming from my mandrake
 system!  But I have been in this pos before, but when re-boot, loose it
 all and no connection again!  I am not going to re-boot at this point in
 time.  To get it connected this time, it did not automatically connect
 on boot, I had to use the wizard again, and then select connect. 
 tripple boot system yes.  Booting through a program called system
 commander.  Only one nic, only need the one to connect the
 Here is the ifcfg-eth0 file:-
 and here is the network file
 to me, everything looks good.  
 What do you reckon, re-boot and see what happens?  Maybe not be able to
 get back on again!  I like living life on the edge though,
 so I think I will later today, when I have done a bit more
 investigating, and some advice from the list.
 Also, what is the latest kernel for mandrake?  I am running the one that
 came with the distro, 2.4.19-16mdk.  If there is a later mdk kernel, I
 wouldn't mind loading it in, just incase this is a bug in the current
 one.  I went into the mandrake control centre, and used the update
 software, but it doesn't appear to update kernels, none were listed. 
 This is unless this one is the most current??  The update seems to be a
 bit buggy as well, it kept on dropping out on the downloads, even though
 the connection was up and working well.  I checked by doing a bit of
 browsing.  Maybe the mirror was a little overloaded at the time, will
 try later.  Just want to make sure I have all updates installed before
 regards Greg
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Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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