Re: [newbie-it] stampa con Gimp

2001-12-25 Per discussione Corrado

Il dom, 2001-12-23 alle 15:20, Daniele Morabito ha scritto:

  Hei provato con
  lpr -Plp0
  Giovanni Mazzamati
 Non mi riesce di ottenere nessuna stampa anche con i tuoi suggerimenti

Ma non accade proprio nulla? Pensavo di avere lo stesso problema, in realtà succedeva 
che mi compariva l'immagina in questione con la barra di progresso
printing che andava via via colmandosi, mentre in realtà il processo
di stampa vero e prorpio partiva *al termine* di questa fase; inoltre ci
sono noti problemi riguardo le stampanti con la 8.1 (noti i problemi, le
soluzioni più o meno...); io ho una Stylus Photo 810 connessa a una
porta USB (la parallela da ancor più problemi) e sono a volte costretto
a staccare e riattaccare lo spinotto perchè capita che il sistema
operativo a volte cessi di vedermi il device /dev/usb/lp0... 
Dovresti provare a far partire Configurazione WWW CUPS (nel Menù sotto
Stampa) con il quale controllare l'effettivo stato della stampante,
che potrebbe risultare spenta o dare lo stesso problema di device non
rilevato, come succede a me. Questa soluzione è stata adottata anche da
altri utenti, a quanto mi risulta. 
Spero di essere stato utile, ciao!


[newbie-it] nessun oggetto

2001-12-25 Per discussione Alberto

Salve a tutti sono Alberto dalla Sicilia.
Ho un piccolo problema con linux mandrake 8.1
Mi spiego
ho un pc un modem adsl e un mac
Il pc ha 2 schede di rete una per collegare il modem adsl e l'altra per collegare il mac.
A questo punto ho configurato il Linux per pppoe e collegarsi a internet tramite il modem adsl! Tutto ok!
Il mac vede anche Linux!
Il problema nasce quando cerco di navigare col mac! Infatti non ci riesco
Ho configurtato tutto cosi':
eth0 e ci ho collegato il modem adsl
eth1 e ci ho attaccato il mac
Al mac ho dato

Ma adesso il problema é:
Che defaltgateway devo settare sul mac? e sul linux?
E come si convince linux a fare da router per il mac?
E sopratutto da dove devo settare tutte queste belle cose su linux? Non ci capisco molto ; (

Al primo che rispondera' correttamente alla mia richiesta e permettera' il corretto funzionamento della mia minirete verra' recapitata a casa la mucca Carolina ; )


Re: [newbie] A bit dangerous

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

I would actually like to figure out how make Windows *bootable* again. It
doesn't seem to boot even if I choose the Windows option from the
startup screen.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

YEs, time for a forum article

This time, I thought, HOWTO make windows unbootable

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Re: [newbie] Help with Real Player Plugin

2001-12-25 Per discussione Graham Watkins

Dennis Herndon wrote:

I have installed the RealPlayer Plugin into Netscape 6.2 for Linux.  When I
go to my work site ( to listen to a real-audio file, I keep getting
an error that says that I have some conflict with the audio being opened.
Audio does work, I have the KDE startup and exit music, I can play CD audio
as well.   I also have play audio from various games.  In this multi-user
environment, what else should I check for to see what could be taking away
the audio from Real Player?   I'm using LM 8.1 and I think the RealPlayer is
from the 7.2 cdrom, because I had problems installing RP 8.0.

I can't offer you a fix for this but I have found that certain games 
which use the sound, e.g Ltris or LBreakout (even if you switch of sound 
in these games) tend to grab the soundcard and then not let it go when 
I've finished - not a very technical description I admit.  I can only 
get it back for playing audio if I reboot the machine.

You may find that if you start Realplayer before using any of these that 
it will work.  Oh, and try switching off the system sounds as well - 
they may be doing the same thing.

I'm sure that there are people in this list that could offer more 
sophisticated and technical advice whereby you can have both game/system 
sounds and audio.  Personally I find the former a luxury that I can live 

Graham Watkins

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

I installed the Java runtime environment and it was easy to do and works
fine. And now the Konqueror browser runs Applets too (better than IE 5.1
under OS X does, I might add, which is the only OS X browser so far to
support Java).

But why doesn't Mandrake Linux install the Java runtime environment to
start with? Surely everybody wants to use it, right?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

Doug ; Try Star Office 6.0 Beta (it's a Beta but very stable!) at

or better yet, try Openoffice at

get the 641b version for Linux and/or Windows.  Includes full compatibility 
for MS Office XP ! and it's totally FREE ! In Either case, make sure
that you 
get a Java Runtime Environment package running before you install the office 
suite. You'll want j2re - 1.3.1  for either Windows or Linux. Get that at

We've been using it at the office for months without a problem on 37 PC's.

P.S. Merry Christmas !

On Monday 24 December 2001 12:22 pm, you wrote:
 What office suites do people recommend? I need to be compatible with
 Microsoft Office to at least *some* extent for:

 Word Processing
 PowerPoint Presentations

 What do people think of Hancom Office at That
 package looks unbelievable for $49!

 How about the office stuff that is included with KDE? Kpresenter does not
 seem to be PowerPoint compatible, right?


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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

What does openoffice want to know during installation about the Java
runtime environment. I can't figure it out...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

Doug ; Try Star Office 6.0 Beta (it's a Beta but very stable!) at

or better yet, try Openoffice at

get the 641b version for Linux and/or Windows.  Includes full compatibility 
for MS Office XP ! and it's totally FREE ! In Either case, make sure
that you 
get a Java Runtime Environment package running before you install the office 
suite. You'll want j2re - 1.3.1  for either Windows or Linux. Get that at

We've been using it at the office for months without a problem on 37 PC's.

P.S. Merry Christmas !

On Monday 24 December 2001 12:22 pm, you wrote:
 What office suites do people recommend? I need to be compatible with
 Microsoft Office to at least *some* extent for:

 Word Processing
 PowerPoint Presentations

 What do people think of Hancom Office at That
 package looks unbelievable for $49!

 How about the office stuff that is included with KDE? Kpresenter does not
 seem to be PowerPoint compatible, right?


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[newbie] Spam

2001-12-25 Per discussione Alan Dunford

Has anyone had experience with spam filters - I am thinking of those routines 
which will identify spammed messages and send relevant data to the growing 
spam filter servers?   I have  had a cursory look at spamassassin and 
mailscanner but have not got either running successfully.  

Having had this new account for two weeks only, I am now starting to receive 
spam and would like to do my bit to reduce this annoying menace.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Alan Dunford

Coming to you from a Microsoft - free zone

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[newbie] Re: Cannot send email to list..?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Merry Christmas to all, especially Civileme, Sridhar, Ed, Tom and all of
you helpful people !

Who can help Mick (a fellow-newbie in need) ? - He had a hard time
setting up his new linux-mandrake-system, and I've tried to help him to
the best of my ability. After some hazzles he succeeded to get his
linux-box up and running, but now he somehow can't post to this list ???
- I wrote to Mick as follows :

Well Mick, I'm not sure, but it seems that it's the Mandrake-server that
refuses to accept your mail ?
Anyway, I can see that you are using some mailer called Microsoft
Outlook Express. As far as I know, that mailer is better known as a
virus propagator and trojan horse dispenser, so maybe the folks at
Mandrake have taken their precautions - eh ?

Furthermore, I can see that your mail is in html-format. - Most people
on our list prefer to receive mail in plain text - not that I think it
matters much ?

Mick, I'm in no way a mail-guru, so the right place to ask your question
is the list. However, it seems that you are unable to do that right now 
! - Accordingly I'll put it there for you. 

Help Mick anyone ???

 Mick wrote:
 Hello Kaj,
 Have you ever come across this before. As of a day or two ago, I can
 no longer post to the newbie list on Mandrake. My emails are
 constantly being returned as errors. I called my ISP and asked them to
 look into the matter. I can recieve email from the list, so I am still
 subscribed to it. I am including the latest error message from my ISP
 if it'll help. I can also send and recieve email from everyone else in
 my address book, but not 'to' the 'Newbie' list!
 I even tried using my wifes machine to post to the list, still
 Even more annoying, is the fact that since I have tried to setup a
 network and Connection Sharing configuration in 'Control Center' and
 failed, I can no longer recieve email or reach a web address using my
 Linux box! I don't suppose there is an undo button??
 I have tried to quit the network connection between my box and the
 wifes computer, but this has not helped. It seems there are settings
 set on my Linux box that is stopping it from using an ordinary
 Internet connection using it's own modem.
 If you can advise, please send it my way, if not hey here goes another
 Merry Christmas.
 Here's the error message:
 Sorry, your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] could not be
 delivered. The specific error is:
The 'To' address [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected by the
 remote server.
 This is permanent error, and the message will not be retried any
 === Original Message Follows ===
 Received: from  therese ( by MAIL (MailMax 4. 8. 2. 0)
 with ESMTP id 67640780 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 24 Dec 2001
 09:59:24 -0800 PST
 Message-ID: 002c01c18c40$896863c0$fd00a8c0@therese
 Subject: Test
 Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 22:02:14 -0800
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
 X-Priority: 3
 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 Just a test.
 Content-Type: text/html;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 META content=3Dtext/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
 META content=3DMSHTML 5.00.2614.3500 name=3DGENERATOR
 BODY bgColor=3D#ff
 DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Hi,/FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Just a test./FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Mick/FONT/DIV/BODY/HTML
 === End Original Message ===
  *** This message was automatically generated by the MailMAX Error
 Responder ***

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Re: [newbie] A bit dangerous?

2001-12-25 Per discussione NDPTAL85

On Monday, December 24, 2001, at 08:30  PM, Doug Lerner wrote:

 Not really. But then again Mac OS 9 does the same thing. You can click 
 any partition on the Desktop and then choose Initialize from the
 Special Menu and without a single word or warning the partition is


Well thats not true at all. First of all Mac OS 9 won't let you 
initialize the startup partition/disk at all. You have to boot from 
another volume/CD to do that. This is the prompt you get The disk 'USS 
ENTERPRISE' could not be erased, because it is the startup disk, which 
contains the active system software.

Next when you go to initialize a volume which you CAN format you get 
this warning Completely erase 'DEEP SPACE NINE' (ATA Bus 0 Dev 0, 

So as you can see you get warnings whenever you go to format a disk or 
drive for any reason under Mac OS 9. Where did you get the without a 
single word or warning the partition is initialized from?

Linux is Luke. FreeBSD is Yoda.

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[newbie] Has our list-server got X-MAS hiccups ?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Merry Christmas to all, especially Civileme, Sridhar, Ed, Tom and all of
you helpful people !

Who can help Mick (a fellow-newbie in need) ? - He had a hard time
setting up his new linux-mandrake-system, and I've tried to help him to
the best of my ability. After some hazzles he succeeded to get his
linux-box up and running, but now he somehow can't post to this list ???
- I wrote to Mick as follows :

Well Mick, I'm not sure, but it seems that it's the Mandrake-server that
refuses to accept your mail ?
Anyway, I can see that you are using some mailer called Microsoft
Outlook Express. As far as I know, that mailer is better known as a
virus propagator and trojan horse dispenser, so maybe the folks at
Mandrake have taken their precautions - eh ?

Furthermore, I can see that your mail is in html-format. - Most people
on our list prefer to receive mail in plain text - not that I think it
matters much ?

Mick, I'm in no way a mail-guru, so the right place to ask your question
is the list. However, it seems that you are unable to do that right now 
! - Accordingly I'll put it there for you. 

Help Mick anyone ???

 Mick wrote:
 Hello Kaj,
 Have you ever come across this before. As of a day or two ago, I can
 no longer post to the newbie list on Mandrake. My emails are
 constantly being returned as errors. I called my ISP and asked them to
 look into the matter. I can recieve email from the list, so I am still
 subscribed to it. I am including the latest error message from my ISP
 if it'll help. I can also send and recieve email from everyone else in
 my address book, but not 'to' the 'Newbie' list!
 I even tried using my wifes machine to post to the list, still
 Even more annoying, is the fact that since I have tried to setup a
 network and Connection Sharing configuration in 'Control Center' and
 failed, I can no longer recieve email or reach a web address using my
 Linux box! I don't suppose there is an undo button??
 I have tried to quit the network connection between my box and the
 wifes computer, but this has not helped. It seems there are settings
 set on my Linux box that is stopping it from using an ordinary
 Internet connection using it's own modem.
 If you can advise, please send it my way, if not hey here goes another
 Merry Christmas.
 Here's the error message:
 Sorry, your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] could not be
 delivered. The specific error is:
The 'To' address [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected by the
 remote server.
 This is permanent error, and the message will not be retried any
 === Original Message Follows ===
 Received: from  therese ( by MAIL (MailMax 4. 8. 2. 0)
 with ESMTP id 67640780 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 24 Dec 2001
 09:59:24 -0800 PST
 Message-ID: 002c01c18c40$896863c0$fd00a8c0@therese
 Subject: Test
 Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 22:02:14 -0800
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
 X-Priority: 3
 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 Just a test.
 Content-Type: text/html;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 META content=3Dtext/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
 META content=3DMSHTML 5.00.2614.3500 name=3DGENERATOR
 BODY bgColor=3D#ff
 DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Hi,/FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Just a test./FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Mick/FONT/DIV/BODY/HTML
 === End Original Message ===
  *** This message was automatically generated by the MailMAX Error
 Responder ***

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Re: [newbie] is an anti-virus mandatory ?

2001-12-25 Per discussione robin

For a workstation you shouldn't need antivirus software - it's normally 
only necessary for servers where people are uploading stuff like Word 
documents (e.g. someone using MS Word on a virtual drive could in theory 
infect their files on that drive).

A virus, in the strict sense of the word, can't do much, if anything, on 
a Linux system.  As someone (on this list?) pointed out, to infect a 
linux box with a classic e-mail ploy, you'd have to do something like this:

Dear user,
Please copy the attached file foo to your home directory, or better 
still, if you have root priveleges, somewhere like /usr/bin.  Then type 
chmod a+x foo. Hit return, type ./foo and hit return again.

There are a few worms that can get into a Linux system, but again you 
should only be worried if you're running a server - for normal 
workstation purposes, it's enough to set security on Mandrake to medium.


[ © ª N ª ® i º JØË ]¹ wrote:


I wonder whether

  · an antivirus is mandatory for Mandrake

and, if positive,

  · which one is recommended.

Is there any good open source antivirus (for workstations) ?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [Ø©Eªnº - þªT®iª - NØsT®ª]

Tuesday, December 25, 2001, 0:02:34 [Islas Canarias, GMT].

end of file

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 10:25:10 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

 Thanks, Steven. Well, everybody seems quite psyched abotu OpenOffice and
 StarOffice. I will give those a try. Nobody seems to mention Hancom
 Office. Has anybody tried them? Of course free is nice, but I am not a
 fanatic about not purchasing software - particularly if it is nice. I
 think the success of Linux will depend on people being able to support
 themselves by developing it, and developing applications for it. 

I've never tried Hancom, simply because once I tried StarOffice (started
w/5.0 and have used them all up to my present 6.0), I didn't look any
further.  Even 5.x was able to flawlessly open and edit a 55 page Excel
budget document, and then when necessary (for less *enlightened* workers)
convert *back* to Excel format for sharing purposes.  Word docs have been
no problem at all and most (though some have been problematic) PowerPoint
presentations have worked also!! I think you'll be impressed.  If you have
a dial-up connection, you may wish to *buy* the disc from Sun (only a few
dollars, much lass than the $49 hancom wants), or if you use broadband the
download is absolutely free, though you must register (also totally free).

Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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Re: [newbie] Re: Cannot send email to list..?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 13:03:56 +0100, Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Merry Christmas to all, especially Civileme, Sridhar, Ed, Tom and all of
 you helpful people !

Thanks! Same to you.

  Mick wrote:
  Hello Kaj,
  Have you ever come across this before. As of a day or two ago, I can
  no longer post to the newbie list on Mandrake. My emails are
  constantly being returned as errors. I called my ISP and asked them to
  look into the matter. I can recieve email from the list, so I am still
  subscribed to it. I am including the latest error message from my ISP
  if it'll help. I can also send and recieve email from everyone else in
  my address book, but not 'to' the 'Newbie' list!
  I even tried using my wifes machine to post to the list, still

The newbie list's address was probably blacklisted by the ISP. This is often
triggered when the list server continuously tries to send messsages to a full
mailbox (any box held on the ISP's servers). Mick will have to try to clear
things up with the ISP.

  Even more annoying, is the fact that since I have tried to setup a
  network and Connection Sharing configuration in 'Control Center' and
  failed, I can no longer recieve email or reach a web address using my
  Linux box! I don't suppose there is an undo button??
  I have tried to quit the network connection between my box and the
  wifes computer, but this has not helped. It seems there are settings
  set on my Linux box that is stopping it from using an ordinary
  Internet connection using it's own modem.
  If you can advise, please send it my way, if not hey here goes another

Sorry, don't know this one.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Windows 2000, Users Zilch.

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

MandrakeSoft has a policy of not supplying closed-source software. In the
download edition, the only exception to this rule (out of necessity) is Netscape

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 18:44:09 +0900, Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I installed the Java runtime environment and it was easy to do and works
 fine. And now the Konqueror browser runs Applets too (better than IE 5.1
 under OS X does, I might add, which is the only OS X browser so far to
 support Java).
 But why doesn't Mandrake Linux install the Java runtime environment to
 start with? Surely everybody wants to use it, right?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Technically, Windows is an 'operating system,' which means that it supplies
your computer with the basic commands that it needs to suddenly, with no warning
whatsoever, stop operating. -- Dave Barry

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:44 am, you wrote:
 I installed the Java runtime environment and it was easy to do and works
 fine. And now the Konqueror browser runs Applets too (better than IE 5.1
 under OS X does, I might add, which is the only OS X browser so far to
 support Java).

 But why doesn't Mandrake Linux install the Java runtime environment to
 start with? Surely everybody wants to use it, right?

Its possibly a licensing issue.


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Re: [newbie] 7.2 ISO's

2001-12-25 Per discussione Stephen Kitchener


I still have them here if you still need them - but I don't have a server 
where you can download them, what snailmail address do you have ?

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:11, you wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I'm looking for an old copy of the 7.2 ISO's. I've tried repeatedly to
 install 8.0 and 8.1 on my antique beast(133/64MB), however it will only
 install w/ the 2.2 kernel (it WILL NOT boot the 2.4 worth crap). Now I
 can get it to install and boot 2.2 but as most of the packages have been
 optimized for 2.4, as has the install, it does not work that well.

 If anyone knows where I can grab a copy of 7.2 I would greatly
 appreciate it.


Stephen Kitchener

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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 24 December 2001 20:15, you wrote:
 I went to Control Center  Boot  Boot Config, but Windows was already
 there. Clicking on Modify for that entry didn't really seem to indicate
 anything wrong - it was still specified as being on the second partition,
 which is where it is...


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):
 On Monday 24 December 2001 12:28, you wrote:
  Mandrake Linux 8.1 is working fine, but if I restart the machine and
  choose windows at the startup screen, my Windows 2000 parition won't
  Any suggestions as to what I might try?
  Doug Lerner, Tokyo
 I think you just need to give the lilo a little more help. Go into the
 Mandrake Control Center, (icon on the KDE Desktop or the start button K
 configurationotherMandrake Control Center.  Give your root password,
 click on the  + sign on Boot then boot config. Check the screen over to
 familiarize yourself with what is there, and then click on the box in the
 upper right that says configure. It will pop up a screen with the boot


 choice you saw at install, click ok, then in the next screen click on


 and you will have a choice of linux or windows, choosing windows takes you
 into the setup screen for your windows stuff and from there it should be


 explanatory. HTH
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Now I don't know what to tell you if lilo won't boot it, maybe windows 
doesn't like being second.   Wiser heads must now help.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] CDROM problem

2001-12-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings

just edit the hidden file ~/.kde/share/config/kscdrc   (The ~ means it is in 
your home directory)

Where it says CDDevice=/dev/cdrom  change that to /dev/hdc

It should be OK then

The CD-RW comes up as SCSI because Linux CD burning apps can ONLY use SCI 
devices, so your kernel emulates SCSI on your IDE drive.

Hope that helps


On Tuesday 25 December 2001 03:51, Barbara Pfieffer wrote:
 I have 2 cdroms, a DVD and a CD burner. When  I first installed 8.1,  I
 could play music cds on the DVD drive. Harddrake currently reports the
 drives as:

 DVD /dev/hdc
 CD burner /dev/hdd
 but it also reports the burner again as /dev/scd0. I have nothing SCSI
 in my computer.

 When I try to play a music cd now, it tells me to make sure I have
 access permissions to /dev/cdrom

 In /dev I currently have:

 lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   16 Dec 24 15:14 cdrom -
 lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   13 Dec 24 15:14 cdrom0 -
 lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   13 Dec 24 15:14 cdrom1 -
 lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   13 Dec 24 15:14 cdrom3 -
 lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   13 Dec 24 15:14 cdrom4 -

 total 0
 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec  9 11:48 ./
 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
 lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   33 Dec 31  1969 cdrom0 -
 brw---1 bjp  cdrom 11,   0 Dec  2 09:54 cdrom1
 brw---1 bjp  cdrom 11,   0 Dec  9 11:48 cdrom3
 brw---1 bjp  cdrom 11,   0 Nov 24 16:36 cdrom4

 What's going on and how can I get my music playing again?



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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

Maybe if they make an exception for Netscape, another good exception
would be Java...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

MandrakeSoft has a policy of not supplying closed-source software. In the
download edition, the only exception to this rule (out of necessity) is

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 18:44:09 +0900, Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I installed the Java runtime environment and it was easy to do and works
 fine. And now the Konqueror browser runs Applets too (better than IE 5.1
 under OS X does, I might add, which is the only OS X browser so far to
 support Java).
 But why doesn't Mandrake Linux install the Java runtime environment to
 start with? Surely everybody wants to use it, right?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Technically, Windows is an 'operating system,' which means that it supplies
your computer with the basic commands that it needs to suddenly, with no
whatsoever, stop operating. -- Dave Barry

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Re: [newbie] CDROM problem

2001-12-25 Per discussione Lee Roberts

At 09:51 PM 12/24/2001 -0600, Barbara Pfieffer wrote:
I have 2 cdroms, a DVD and a CD burner. When  I first installed 8.1,  I 
could play music cds on the DVD drive. Harddrake currently reports the 
drives as:

DVD /dev/hdc
CD burner /dev/hdd
but it also reports the burner again as /dev/scd0. I have nothing SCSI 
in my computer.

If your CD burner is an IDE drive then the ide-scsi driver is loaded so
that it'll work with CD burning programs under Linux. That's why it's
installed as /dev/scd0. There should be a symbolic link to /dev/cdrom# also.

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Re: [newbie] dependency tree

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Mon, 24 Dec 2001 18:53:06 -0600
Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 just like that? but what if it can't find them? then what? you're still
 the same place you were before. In the dark without a clue as to why.
 no thanks. I'd rather know why something isn't working and then learn
 and know how to fix it rather then let the software do all my thinking for
 urpmi is not a graphical based client.  This means that any error messages
 will get dumped to the screen, which means that you'll see them.  I can't
 imagine why it wouldn't be able to find the dependency rpms for you, since
 it has access to the ftp copies of the install (ie, all 2 - 3,000 rpms),
 unless perhaps it is a not a standard Mandrake rpm.


it could be that it's just me being anal. I have been known to get that way from time 
to time. For me at least being a dialup connection as yet I just don't put that much 
trust into something that is at the mercy of a modem connection. If, on the other hand 
I had a hard connection like a full-time LAN connection or cable that might make the 

however, you have peaked my curiosity in getting to know this utlility. I'll have to 
look into this a bit more. 

see what you've started now?  :P

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  9:05am  up 9 days, 54 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.65, 0.41

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Re: [newbie] is an anti-virus mandatory ?

2001-12-25 Per discussione tek1

hi robin.

is there a detailed description as to what each mandrake security level 
entails (e.g. what settings are changed)?  also, is there a way to change 
the level easily after installation?

thx and happy holidays!  :)

At 14:39 01/12/25 +0200, you wrote:

There are a few worms that can get into a Linux system, but again you 
should only be worried if you're running a server - for normal workstation 
purposes, it's enough to set security on Mandrake to medium.


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Re: [newbie] 7.2 ISO's

2001-12-25 Per discussione Nelson Bartley

that's just what I needed :)

On Tue, 2001-12-25 at 00:28, Grant Fraser wrote:
 On Monday 24 December 2001 20:11, you wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  I'm looking for an old copy of the 7.2 ISO's. I've tried repeatedly to
  install 8.0 and 8.1 on my antique beast(133/64MB), however it will only
  install w/ the 2.2 kernel (it WILL NOT boot the 2.4 worth crap). Now I
  can get it to install and boot 2.2 but as most of the packages have been
  optimized for 2.4, as has the install, it does not work that well.
  If anyone knows where I can grab a copy of 7.2 I would greatly
  appreciate it.
 On Monday 24 December 2001 20:11, you wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  I'm looking for an old copy of the 7.2 ISO's. I've tried repeatedly to
  install 8.0 and 8.1 on my antique beast(133/64MB), however it will only
  install w/ the 2.2 kernel (it WILL NOT boot the 2.4 worth crap). Now I
  can get it to install and boot 2.2 but as most of the packages have been
  optimized for 2.4, as has the install, it does not work that well.
  If anyone knows where I can grab a copy of 7.2 I would greatly
  appreciate it.
 Content-Type: text/plain; name=message.footer
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: Themes and Window Managers (was Re: [newbie] Unable to install: Kernel Panic)

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Mon, 24 Dec 2001 15:19:39 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 On Monday 24 December 2001 02:35 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
  ok...but what does one do when you get the theme and it doesn't
  have a themerc file in the tarball? theme no good...waste
  time...get frustrated cause theme no work. the one single thing I
  absolutely HATE about kde-2.x. the renowned theme support of the
  KDE desktop sucks in any version above kde-1.1.2. I just don't get
  it. The why of or the theme for that matter.
Well, how do you really feel Mark?  ;
My solution is to get Mandrake rpms.  There's a how-to for the 
 tarballs, but it's been too long and I don't remember where or what 
 install'in .tgz themes involves. I seem to remember they're all 
 sort'a different.  Anyhow, best places for themes are 
 Penguin Liberation Front
Painless, just install the rpm's and they show up under the 
 Control Center | Look'n Feel  options.  Like most, I really like
 Liquid, but I use it with System++ decorations and different colors.
   Tom Brinkman     Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

Aaaah...thank you Tom! that did the trick. as're my hero. I 
noticed though that this theme doesn't seem to have an rc file. Or, does it and I've 
missed it somehow.

And how exactly does one become a member of the P.L.F.? Because I want to sign up and 
serve my Penguin!

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 10:05am  up 9 days,  1:55,  2 users,  load average: 0.30, 0.31, 0.34

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[newbie] Please....

2001-12-25 Per discussione Jesse Angell

I read and reply to these emails on a palm pilot please use text email only thank 

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

Michael Scottaline wrote:

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 10:25:10 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

Thanks, Steven. Well, everybody seems quite psyched abotu OpenOffice and
StarOffice. I will give those a try. Nobody seems to mention Hancom
Office. Has anybody tried them? Of course free is nice, but I am not a
fanatic about not purchasing software - particularly if it is nice. I
think the success of Linux will depend on people being able to support
themselves by developing it, and developing applications for it. 

I've never tried Hancom, simply because once I tried StarOffice (started
w/5.0 and have used them all up to my present 6.0), I didn't look any
further.  Even 5.x was able to flawlessly open and edit a 55 page Excel
budget document, and then when necessary (for less *enlightened* workers)
convert *back* to Excel format for sharing purposes.  Word docs have been
no problem at all and most (though some have been problematic) PowerPoint
presentations have worked also!! I think you'll be impressed.  If you have
a dial-up connection, you may wish to *buy* the disc from Sun (only a few
dollars, much lass than the $49 hancom wants), or if you use broadband the
download is absolutely free, though you must register (also totally free).

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Actually, we wrote to Hancom and tried to get a demo for the 8.1 
release, but they weren't yet ready.  I will take a look in the next 
week or so.


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Re: [newbie] Has our list-server got X-MAS hiccups ?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 07:13, you wrote:
 Merry Christmas to all, especially Civileme, Sridhar, Ed, Tom and all of
 you helpful people !

 Who can help Mick (a fellow-newbie in need) ? - He had a hard time
 setting up his new linux-mandrake-system, and I've tried to help him to
 the best of my ability. After some hazzles he succeeded to get his
 linux-box up and running, but now he somehow can't post to this list ???

 - I wrote to Mick as follows :
 Well Mick, I'm not sure, but it seems that it's the Mandrake-server that
 refuses to accept your mail ?
 Anyway, I can see that you are using some mailer called Microsoft
 Outlook Express. As far as I know, that mailer is better known as a
 virus propagator and trojan horse dispenser, so maybe the folks at
 Mandrake have taken their precautions - eh ?
 Furthermore, I can see that your mail is in html-format. - Most people
 on our list prefer to receive mail in plain text - not that I think it
 matters much ?
 Mick, I'm in no way a mail-guru, so the right place to ask your question
 is the list. However, it seems that you are unable to do that right now
 ! - Accordingly I'll put it there for you.

 Help Mick anyone ???

big snip

You might try just resubscribing to the list. Turn off the html format first 
and then subscribe. Some times some of us have been lost in a shuffle or 
reboot of the server or something and subscribing again fixes it. HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] gateway/router help update

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Mon, 24 Dec 2001 22:26:38 -0800
ajax [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 routing tables.  My only problem now is that when I restart the network or 
 reboot I lose my changes to my routing table.
 Is there any way to stop this?
 What config file would this be in?


In order for you to keep the routing rules you're telling the firewall to use while 
it's running you will have to code the rules in a bash script and have it run at 

this script can be as plain and simple as a series of commands that you would enter on 
the command line in a terminal, or as complex as a fule blown dynamic bash program 
script. the choice is yours and also depends upon your coding abilities and 
application needs.

If it's just some static rules that you want to install each time the firewall is 
started up then simply code this commands into a simple bash script and save the file 
to /etc/rc.d/init.d, chmod it to 755 and then add a line to the end of /etc/rc.local 
reading something like this:

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  9:05am  up 9 days, 54 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.65, 0.41

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Re: [newbie] Re: Cannot send email to list..?

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

Merry Christmas to all, especially Civileme, Sridhar, Ed, Tom and all of
you helpful people !

Who can help Mick (a fellow-newbie in need) ? - He had a hard time
setting up his new linux-mandrake-system, and I've tried to help him to
the best of my ability. After some hazzles he succeeded to get his
linux-box up and running, but now he somehow can't post to this list ???
- I wrote to Mick as follows :

Well Mick, I'm not sure, but it seems that it's the Mandrake-server that
refuses to accept your mail ?
Anyway, I can see that you are using some mailer called Microsoft
Outlook Express. As far as I know, that mailer is better known as a
virus propagator and trojan horse dispenser, so maybe the folks at
Mandrake have taken their precautions - eh ?

Furthermore, I can see that your mail is in html-format. - Most people
on our list prefer to receive mail in plain text - not that I think it
matters much ?

Mick, I'm in no way a mail-guru, so the right place to ask your question
is the list. However, it seems that you are unable to do that right now 
! - Accordingly I'll put it there for you. 

Help Mick anyone ???

Mick wrote:

Hello Kaj,

Have you ever come across this before. As of a day or two ago, I can
no longer post to the newbie list on Mandrake. My emails are
constantly being returned as errors. I called my ISP and asked them to
look into the matter. I can recieve email from the list, so I am still
subscribed to it. I am including the latest error message from my ISP
if it'll help. I can also send and recieve email from everyone else in
my address book, but not 'to' the 'Newbie' list!
I even tried using my wifes machine to post to the list, still

Even more annoying, is the fact that since I have tried to setup a
network and Connection Sharing configuration in 'Control Center' and
failed, I can no longer recieve email or reach a web address using my
Linux box! I don't suppose there is an undo button??
I have tried to quit the network connection between my box and the
wifes computer, but this has not helped. It seems there are settings
set on my Linux box that is stopping it from using an ordinary
Internet connection using it's own modem.
If you can advise, please send it my way, if not hey here goes another
Merry Christmas.

Here's the error message:

Sorry, your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] could not be
delivered. The specific error is:

   The 'To' address [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected by the
remote server.

This is permanent error, and the message will not be retried any

=== Original Message Follows ===
Received: from  therese ( by MAIL (MailMax 4. 8. 2. 0)
with ESMTP id 67640780 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 24 Dec 2001
09:59:24 -0800 PST
Message-ID: 002c01c18c40$896863c0$fd00a8c0@therese
Subject: Test
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 22:02:14 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Just a test.

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META content=3Dtext/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
META content=3DMSHTML 5.00.2614.3500 name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Hi,/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Just a test./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Mick/FONT/DIV/BODY/HTML


=== End Original Message ===

 *** This message was automatically generated by the MailMAX Er

For network connection sharing,

1. eth0 should be your local network connection

2. On connected computers, dhcp protocol should be set Get an address 
automatically Under Network NeighborhoodTCP/IPPropertiesIP Address

3. On connected computers the gateway _must_ be set to

4.  eth1 should be connnected to the internet by whatever means you use 
as standard unless you use a modem.  Default gateway device should be 
eth1 or ppp0 as appropriate.

Now nexbie mail might be rejected if the subscriber's email  is not 
correct, but usually with a confirmation message allowing 
non-subscribers to post anyway.  Your rejection is quite odd.  While we 
have had other users request information on rejecting Outlook from their 
servers entirely because the viruses like SirCam are eating up too much 
space and bandwidth, I don't think we have implemented our own advice on 
our servers.

QA Team

Want to buy your Pack or 

Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 11:44, you wrote:

 But why doesn't Mandrake Linux install the Java runtime environment to
 start with? 

Probably because it is not free (in the FSF sense of the word), but a 
proprietary product licensed at no charge (for now) by Sun.

Surely everybody wants to use it, right?

Not really, it's the first thing I switch off whenever I install a browser 
on any OS.  Bandwidth is precious and costly down here and the fewer silly 
pieces of eye-candy I have clogging it up, the better.

Of course I am not entirely consistent in this. My addiction to finally made me cave in and install Flash!

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione robin

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

MandrakeSoft has a policy of not supplying closed-source software. In the
download edition, the only exception to this rule (out of necessity) is Netscape

Just out of curiosity, why 4.* not 6.*?  I installed Netscape 6.2 on our 
office machine (partly so Windows users could use something familiar, 
partly because of KMail's all-or-nothing policy about deleting mail from 
the POP server).  It's a bit of a RAM-eater, but quite nice apart from 
that, and much better than that horrible buggy 6.0.


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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

Doug Lerner wrote:

I installed the Java runtime environment and it was easy to do and works
fine. And now the Konqueror browser runs Applets too (better than IE 5.1
under OS X does, I might add, which is the only OS X browser so far to
support Java).

But why doesn't Mandrake Linux install the Java runtime environment to
start with? Surely everybody wants to use it, right?


Yes, and everyone with an NVidia card probably wants to use the NVidia 
drivers, but both have license agrements that make them non-free 
software.  With the exception of Netscape 4.7x, we don't have very many 
sins like that on the downloadable edition, and we have excised other 
items that hgave licensing problems, like pine, a very popular mailer, 
and parts of some video display programs like xawtv and AKtion. 
 Netscape will go as soon as we have a viable substitute, and a free 
software equivalewnt of Java will be included as soon as one is available.

MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are 
licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available. 
 Find another major distro that does that!  

For information on free software licenses and what they mean, go to

Consider this:  Once upon a time, the European Cernter for Nuclear 
Research wrote a program to allow the use of hypertext transfers across 
the internet, and the University of Indiana Urbana Campus also prepared 
some client software for it, among others.  It was all government-funded 
research, so the results were all public domain and were collectively 
called Mosaic.

One company took Mosaic and added a few features to make a very popular 
commercial browser (at the time) called Netscape.  NAother made an 
enhancement and offered the browser with its internet service,  That one 
was able to sell its version to a company called microsoft for a 
generous percentage of gross sales.  Meanwhile, some people patched and 
patched again the server side of Mosaic, putting their patches and its 
source under the GPL.  It was very patchy after a while, and being the 
punsters they are and thinking part of the fun is the name of the 
software, they called it Apache.

The point is that all had their beginnings in free software, actually 
public domain.  One became a closed commercial product which was 
actually sold, another became an instrument whereby a very rich 
corporation illegally extinguished competition, and the third just about 
owns the internet and has continued intensive development without any 
client lists changing hands or pop-up ads being added  Guess which 
one is free software in the fsf definition?

So anyway Java has an unpalatable license and is closed source, which is 
considered a _bad_ thing by free software efforts.  If we cannot see the 
source, we can't audit for security flaws or maintain the software.  If 
we can't see the source, then we can't protect people from backdoors or 
booby traps or stability bugs written into the code.  As I said, 
projects are underway to provide a free alternative to Java, and it is 
there our hope lies.

Now the commercial distribution, with demos on CD of real commercial 
software has StarOffice (with real links to our menus) and Java (several 
versions) which you can load, but you do have to click on license 
agreements.  We even offer NVidia drivers which really work with full 
acceleration, but only off the commercial CDs, because they are closed 
source or partially so and have licenses that make them non-free software.



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Re: [newbie] Has our list-server got X-MAS hiccups ?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Oliver L. Plaine Jr

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 07:13, Kaj typed:

  Have you ever come across this before. As of a day or two ago, I
  can no longer post to the newbie list on Mandrake. My emails are
  constantly being returned as errors. I called my ISP and asked them
  to look into the matter. I can receive email from the list, so I am
  still subscribed to it. I am including the latest error message
  from my ISP if it'll help. I can also send and receive email from
  everyone else in my address book, but not 'to' the 'Newbie' list!
  I even tried using my wifes machine to post to the list, still
Tue Dec 25 11:23:34 2001  61degF and cloudy

Happy holidays Y'all
I had this problem just last week...I could not post to newbie , 
although I could receive OK...and I could not resub as the MDK server 
refused to accept anything from me
Other people in my address book received my messages OK it seemed but 
then I discovered that anyone on AOL was not getting them either.

My problem turned out to beas I was fooling with Kmail I 
misspelled  worldnet in the from line as wroldnet but the reply to 
address was spelled correctly. most ISP's do not check to see if a 
sender uses a valid addressbut evidently AOL and newbie  does? as 
they rejected my messages.I suppose that is a anti spam thing?

double check those spellings, I overlooked that one a dozen 
times...also look for a random period that you finger may have put in 
by itself?

like the tester once said (paraphrased)those tiny viruses get 
their sharp little claws into my keyboard

Olly P. Biloxi Mississippi  Linux MDK 8.0 and
Kmail 2.1.1
ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram

 11:37am  up 58 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] A bit dangerous

2001-12-25 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:07 am, you wrote:
 I would actually like to figure out how make Windows *bootable* again. It
 doesn't seem to boot even if I choose the Windows option from the
 startup screen.

Maybe, post your lilo.conf
Also explain which drine/partition windows is on.
We might see something, else its difficult to help


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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:44 am, Doug Lerner wrote:
 I installed the Java runtime environment and it was easy to do and
 works fine. And now the Konqueror browser runs Applets too (better
 than IE 5.1 under OS X does, I might add, which is the only OS X
 browser so far to support Java).

 But why doesn't Mandrake Linux install the Java runtime environment
 to start with? Surely everybody wants to use it, right?


Mandrake does install java (rpm -qa kaffe)  If you go to this 
link  you'll see that Kaffe is free as in 
beer, but more importantly, free as in speech. The other versions of 
java you can d/l (eg, Sun, Blackdown) are not and are not supplied 
with the fully open source Mandrake versions (eg, d/l edition). I 
believe there's probly licensing issues invloved to. 'Course every 
rule has an exception, so Netscape while closed source is currently 
included, but probly won't be as soon as Mozilla reaches version 1.0.
  Tom Brinkman     Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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[newbie] Setting Samba acts like DOMAIN for local intranet.

2001-12-25 Per discussione Tuan Tran

Before, I setup Samba for my local intranet. At that time, I setup at
workgroup mode an now I want to setup at DOMAIN mode. It mean everyone
on my local network (using Windows) MUST log on to this server. I don't
know where do I start (I never try this before). Do I have to setup my
Linux SERVER act like DOMAIN controller first? How do I write down on
smb.cfg file(global declaration)? Or if you can please send me a sample
of smb.cfg file. 
Thank you
Ps. I know how to setup windows clients access to domain.

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

Dennis Myers wrote:

On Monday 24 December 2001 20:15, you wrote:

I went to Control Center  Boot  Boot Config, but Windows was already
there. Clicking on Modify for that entry didn't really seem to indicate
anything wrong - it was still specified as being on the second partition,
which is where it is...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

On Monday 24 December 2001 12:28, you wrote:


Mandrake Linux 8.1 is working fine, but if I restart the machine and
choose windows at the startup screen, my Windows 2000 parition won't

Any suggestions as to what I might try?


Doug Lerner, Tokyo

I think you just need to give the lilo a little more help. Go into the
Mandrake Control Center, (icon on the KDE Desktop or the start button K

configurationotherMandrake Control Center.  Give your root password,

click on the  + sign on Boot then boot config. Check the screen over to
familiarize yourself with what is there, and then click on the box in the
upper right that says configure. It will pop up a screen with the boot


choice you saw at install, click ok, then in the next screen click on


and you will have a choice of linux or windows, choosing windows takes you
into the setup screen for your windows stuff and from there it should be


explanatory. HTH

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Now I don't know what to tell you if lilo won't boot it, maybe windows 
doesn't like being second.   Wiser heads must now help.

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You are addressing a windows issue

Win2K has its own bootloader, which will boot various windows versions. 
 While we mormally have no problem with this, it seems to break down 
once a non-windows partition has been encountered in the chain.

In other words, if you want it to work, dump linux, reinstall w2k to 
that first partition, copy over your data, then install Mandrake in the 
second position.  This will work handily.


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[newbie] OCR and Voice recognition software

2001-12-25 Per discussione Bob Bomar

I am looking for a good set of Optical Character Recognition and voice 
recognition software for Linux, and possibly FreeBSD.  I am using a HP 5300C 
scanner, and a mic thru the sound card.  


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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

robin wrote:

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 MandrakeSoft has a policy of not supplying closed-source software. In 
 download edition, the only exception to this rule (out of necessity) 
 is Netscape

 Just out of curiosity, why 4.* not 6.*?  I installed Netscape 6.2 on 
 our office machine (partly so Windows users could use something 
 familiar, partly because of KMail's all-or-nothing policy about 
 deleting mail from the POP server).  It's a bit of a RAM-eater, but 
 quite nice apart from that, and much better than that horrible buggy 6.0.


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Well, 6 is pretty much the same as Mozilla, with fewer bugs in Mozilla 
and no pop-up ads or links to sell your secrets by AOL, plus it takes up 
a huge amount of space and we are already 3cds full, and Java is 
separable, not supplied as part of the package, and finally we have no 
agreement to distribute it.  It isn't even on the Commercial CDs last I 

Netscape is there because we need a java-enabled browser compatible with 
most sites.  No one is really building sites to be Netscape 6 compatible 
(5% market share) though they still try to be compatible most times with 
netscape 4.

The future belongs to Konqueror and/or Mozilla or the various gecko 
engine browsers like Galeon, insofar as free software goes.  Opera and 
Netscape 6 are not free and will probably find a place on the commercial 
CDs if there is adequate demand.  We do occasional browser polls on 
Mandrakeforum to gauge such demand, so it might be a good idea if you go 
there occasionally.


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[newbie] Internet Connection and NIC's

2001-12-25 Per discussione Roy Barton

I am up and running on the internet under my linux machine. A friend
gave me an internal hardware modem and i can now dial up and surf.  But
i wasnt until i removed the nic in my machine.  It kept wanting to port
out thought the nic to get to the internet.  i would like to reinstall
it and start a home network but could not get around this problem.  Can
anyone tell me how i can configure it to support both connections?  I'm
running LM 8.1



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Re: Themes and Window Managers (was Re: [newbie] Unable to install: Kernel Panic)

2001-12-25 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 10:40 am, Mark Weaver wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Dec 2001 15:19:39 -0500

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these 
words to ponder:

  Penguin Liberation Front
 Painless, just install the rpm's and they show up under the
  Control Center | Look'n Feel  options.  Like most, I really like
  Liquid, but I use it with System++ decorations and different

 Aaaah...thank you Tom! that did the trick. as're my hero. 

   Kind words, tho I'm sure some in these parts regard me as the 
village idiot ;

I noticed though that this theme doesn't
 seem to have an rc file. Or, does it and I've missed it somehow.

I dunno, didn't even look, I just really like Mosfet's Liquid, 
and Guillaume made it painless (Texstar too, MOF, I believe it's 
Tex's rpm I'm usin).

 And how exactly does one become a member of the P.L.F.? Because I
 want to sign up and serve my Penguin!

Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]   He's the one to 
contact.  But I don't think he's any kind of zealous movement leader, 
just one of the Mandrake folks makin some stuff that can't be 
included in Mandrake due to evil lincensing/copywrite/closed source 
issues available to us peasants ;  If you can cypher French, trim 
his PLF URL back a bit and visit his home page.  eg,
  Tom Brinkman     Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection and NIC's

2001-12-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Quite likely to be an Interrupt conflict.
Try seeing if you can force it in the BIOS or maybe the modem has jumpers to 
select IRQ.


On Tuesday 25 December 2001 21:38, you wrote:
 I am up and running on the internet under my linux machine. A friend
 gave me an internal hardware modem and i can now dial up and surf.  But
 i wasnt until i removed the nic in my machine.  It kept wanting to port
 out thought the nic to get to the internet.  i would like to reinstall
 it and start a home network but could not get around this problem.  Can
 anyone tell me how i can configure it to support both connections?  I'm
 running LM 8.1



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Re: [newbie] Setting Samba acts like DOMAIN for local intranet.

2001-12-25 Per discussione Michael Viron

It's actually smb.conf, not smb.cfg.

In order to run samba as a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) you must:

1. Be running samba 2.2.x or later on the linux server
2. Have accounts for all users in your company on the linux PDC, or
appropriate lines in /etc/samba/smbusers

As for setting it up, try taking a look at for
step-by-step instructions and / or the file /etc/samba/smb.conf (which
contains all the stuff (albeit commented out) that you need for a
samba-based PDC).

You can also send questions regarding specific problems to the list, of
course.  Although we don't mind helping you, you need to do a little
research / setup yourself first.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 01:29 PM 12/25/2001 -0800, you wrote:
Before, I setup Samba for my local intranet. At that time, I setup at
workgroup mode an now I want to setup at DOMAIN mode. It mean everyone
on my local network (using Windows) MUST log on to this server. I don't
know where do I start (I never try this before). Do I have to setup my
Linux SERVER act like DOMAIN controller first? How do I write down on
smb.cfg file(global declaration)? Or if you can please send me a sample
of smb.cfg file. 
Thank you
Ps. I know how to setup windows clients access to domain.

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a company
that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great, loyal
customer base.

Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are 
licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available. 
 Find another major distro that does that!  

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Re: [newbie] OCR and Voice recognition software

2001-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 17:14, you wrote:
 I am looking for a good set of Optical Character Recognition and voice
 recognition software for Linux, and possibly FreeBSD.  I am using a HP
 5300C scanner, and a mic thru the sound card.

see the sane web page;
This is probably as good as it gets in any scanning for a desktop.  Your 
5300c is supported
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

You are addressing a windows issue

Win2K has its own bootloader, which will boot various windows versions. 
 While we mormally have no problem with this, it seems to break down 
once a non-windows partition has been encountered in the chain.

In other words, if you want it to work, dump linux, reinstall w2k to 
that first partition, copy over your data, then install Mandrake in the 
second position.  This will work handily.


I *strongly* suggest this be given as a warning in the installer!


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Re: [newbie] OCR and Voice recognition software

2001-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 17:14, you wrote:
 I am looking for a good set of Optical Character Recognition and voice
 recognition software for Linux, and possibly FreeBSD.  I am using a HP
 5300C scanner, and a mic thru the sound card.

Didn't finish my sentence.  the HP 5300C is supported by using the 5200C 
drivers, so I have heard.  I have the 5200C. HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites? Now OT

2001-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 19:17, you wrote:
 What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
 myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a company
 that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great, loyal
 customer base.

 Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
 MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are
 licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available.
  Find another major distro that does that!
Nothing wrong with it until it becomes the only game in town, or you have to 
update at an exorbitant fee every other year. With the open source programs 
you can see what's going on under the hood, tinker with it , fix it, or if 
your like me, break it.  And you don't have to pay to reinstall it.  The 
argument has always been that you can't make money with free software. What 
is software? It is a string of letters and symbols that in effect write a 
formula for a machine to operate from.  I submit that folks have been making 
a comfortable living by selling their services using the formulas necessary 
to make air conditioning work, heating systems, internal combustion 
engines and on and on. All these things are based on public domain 
mathematics and formulas, but they are packaged and sold to people who want 
the benefits but don't have the time, knowledge or skills, or all three to 
make use of the formulas in a useful or productive manner.  Intellectual 
content is ludicrous because, what the mind of one man can concieve of 
another can too.  Case in point Edison and Tesla.  Money and deciet won out.  
The more intelegent person was Tesla IMHO, but the formulas for the electron 
flows that were developed are used world wide and are free, and a lot of 
people make a living using them.  Closed source is fine because it gives an 
edge to someone as a starter, but patent laws and copyright laws need to 
change,  because the closed source community is willing to sue at the drop of 
a hat when someone comes out with a program or process that looks even 
remotely like what they do even though the thoughts behind the new process 
may be totally original to the individual presenting them.  So you get a 
multimillion dollar company suing Joe Schmo and guess who will win,  the 
money every time.  You've stolen my property! Bah Humbug, ideas are no 
man's property. MandrakeSoft and some of the others are making a pretty fair 
run at making money on freesoftware because they are packaging it and 
presenting it in a manner that someone like me can relate to and finds 
useful, and they are not charging  make me and my company officers filthy 
rich prices.  $100 for an upgrade!  Fixing something that should never have 
been broken in the first place!  Thievery I call it.   This is my own opinion 
and totally unsolicited by anyone, : )
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Open Source (was Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites? Now OT)

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

This is an interesting discussion. I agree with some of your points, but
am not convinced by others. For example, if a company hires a dozen
programmers and they spend a year creating and tweaking and debugging
code, even if you think the company has no right to the *idea* (I am not
convinced of that though), surely they have the right to the code itself,
if they so choose? Otherwise somebody could just repackage it with much
less effort and no development costs and make profit on the other
company's investments.

As far as $100 for an upgrade being expensive or not - I guess it depends
on what the upgrade is...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 19:17, you wrote:
 What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
 myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a company
 that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great, loyal
 customer base.

 Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
 MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are
 licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available.
  Find another major distro that does that!
Nothing wrong with it until it becomes the only game in town, or you have to 
update at an exorbitant fee every other year. With the open source programs 
you can see what's going on under the hood, tinker with it , fix it, or if 
your like me, break it.  And you don't have to pay to reinstall it.  The 
argument has always been that you can't make money with free software. What 
is software? It is a string of letters and symbols that in effect write a 
formula for a machine to operate from.  I submit that folks have been making 
a comfortable living by selling their services using the formulas necessary 
to make air conditioning work, heating systems, internal combustion 
engines and on and on. All these things are based on public domain 
mathematics and formulas, but they are packaged and sold to people who want 
the benefits but don't have the time, knowledge or skills, or all three to 
make use of the formulas in a useful or productive manner.  Intellectual 
content is ludicrous because, what the mind of one man can concieve of 
another can too.  Case in point Edison and Tesla.  Money and deciet won
The more intelegent person was Tesla IMHO, but the formulas for the electron 
flows that were developed are used world wide and are free, and a lot of 
people make a living using them.  Closed source is fine because it gives an 
edge to someone as a starter, but patent laws and copyright laws need to 
change,  because the closed source community is willing to sue at the
drop of 
a hat when someone comes out with a program or process that looks even 
remotely like what they do even though the thoughts behind the new process 
may be totally original to the individual presenting them.  So you get a 
multimillion dollar company suing Joe Schmo and guess who will win,  the 
money every time.  You've stolen my property! Bah Humbug, ideas are no 
man's property. MandrakeSoft and some of the others are making a pretty fair 
run at making money on freesoftware because they are packaging it and 
presenting it in a manner that someone like me can relate to and finds 
useful, and they are not charging  make me and my company officers filthy 
rich prices.  $100 for an upgrade!  Fixing something that should never have 
been broken in the first place!  Thievery I call it.   This is my own
and totally unsolicited by anyone, : )
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] Windows won't start - any suggestions?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

This is my lilo.conf. I am not familiar with lilo. Does anybody see
anything I might try before trying the more radical idea of starting over
with both Windows and Linux? 

append= devfs=mount
append= devfs=mount failsafe



[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:07 am, you wrote:
 I would actually like to figure out how make Windows *bootable* again. It
 doesn't seem to boot even if I choose the Windows option from the
 startup screen.

Maybe, post your lilo.conf
Also explain which drine/partition windows is on.
We might see something, else its difficult to help


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Re: [newbie] Windows won't start - any suggestions?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz


  just curious, did you do something special with the way you partitioned your
harddisk? your linux boot image points out to hda5 which is the first logical
partition but your windows entry points out to hda2. i know that this is normal
on some circumstances especially if the disk is a product of Ghost or something
similar but here in the office 9 windows pc broke down due to some problem with

  as i have said, this is just to satisfy my curiosity and no help is included


Doug Lerner wrote:

 This is my lilo.conf. I am not familiar with lilo. Does anybody see
 anything I might try before trying the more radical idea of starting over
 with both Windows and Linux?

 append= devfs=mount
 append= devfs=mount failsafe



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

 On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:07 am, you wrote:
  I would actually like to figure out how make Windows *bootable* again. It
  doesn't seem to boot even if I choose the Windows option from the
  startup screen.
 Maybe, post your lilo.conf
 Also explain which drine/partition windows is on.
 We might see something, else its difficult to help
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] Kmail dictionary

2001-12-25 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

Where is the point of storage kmail dictionary for backup purposes.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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[newbie] Re[2]: Off topic? How things are going with Linux...

2001-12-25 Per discussione [ © ª N ª ® i º JØË ]¹

Doug Lerner, Mandrake-group:  

Invest  your $ on Apple, and your endevour/project will die under
the Apple-boot.

Do you know any linux hacker who works on apples ? None.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [Ø©Eªnº - þªT®iª - NØsT®ª]

Tuesday, December 25, 2001, 1:38:27 [Islas Canarias, GMT].

Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió [25/12/2001, 1:18]:

DL Some  people  say a lot of Linux people are leaving Linux for
DL OS  X.  Have  you heard anything about that? I use OS X in my
DL daily work, and it is nice, but I am also interested in Linux
DL for  (1)  less dependency on one company (Apple) and (2) cost
DL (you  can have lots of machines relatively inexpensively) and
DL also Linux seems faster than either Windows or OS X.

DL Of  course  the  polished  application base of both Mac and
DL Windows is still better.

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[newbie] scanners

2001-12-25 Per discussione Scott

I've got some Christmas dough burning a hole in my pocket.  Can someone 
suggest a good, reasonably-priced scanner that will work well in Mandrake 8.0 
and 8.1?
Happy Holidays,

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Re: [newbie] Re[2]: Off topic? How things are going with Linux...

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

None at all? :-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

Doug Lerner, Mandrake-group:

Invest  your $ on Apple, and your endevour/project will die under
the Apple-boot.

Do you know any linux hacker who works on apples ? None.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [oe§Eªnº - ï¨T®iª - NØsT?¨]

Tuesday, December 25, 2001, 1:38:27 [Islas Canarias, GMT].

Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió [25/12/2001, 1:18]:

DL Some  people  say a lot of Linux people are leaving Linux for
DL OS  X.  Have  you heard anything about that? I use OS X in my
DL daily work, and it is nice, but I am also interested in Linux
DL for  (1)  less dependency on one company (Apple) and (2) cost
DL (you  can have lots of machines relatively inexpensively) and
DL also Linux seems faster than either Windows or OS X.

DL Of  course  the  polished  application base of both Mac and
DL Windows is still better.

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Re: [newbie] Windows won't start - any suggestions?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner


No - I didn't do anything special. I started out with two partitions on
my hard drive. The first one contained Windows 98 and the second
contained Windows 2000. I decided to keep the Win 2000 partition so I
clicked on the first partition, deleted it and then pressed auto-
allocate. When I did that the Mandrake installer allocated Linux
partitions to the area left by the first partition.

If the Installer had said something like Warning: if you want to keep
Windows make sure to keep it in the first partition I would have kept
the Windows 98 and deleted the Windows 2000 partition.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):


  just curious, did you do something special with the way you
partitioned your
harddisk? your linux boot image points out to hda5 which is the first logical
partition but your windows entry points out to hda2. i know that this is
on some circumstances especially if the disk is a product of Ghost or
similar but here in the office 9 windows pc broke down due to some
problem with

  as i have said, this is just to satisfy my curiosity and no help is


Doug Lerner wrote:

 This is my lilo.conf. I am not familiar with lilo. Does anybody see
 anything I might try before trying the more radical idea of starting over
 with both Windows and Linux?

 append= devfs=mount
 append= devfs=mount failsafe



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):

 On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:07 am, you wrote:
  I would actually like to figure out how make Windows *bootable*
again. It
  doesn't seem to boot even if I choose the Windows option from the
  startup screen.
 Maybe, post your lilo.conf
 Also explain which drine/partition windows is on.
 We might see something, else its difficult to help
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] Windows won't start - any suggestions?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Terry Smith


Check your address header. You are sending two copies of your mesages to
the list.

Your windows partition is at hda2 - the second partition on the primary
hard drive. That's going to cause a problem. Windows insists that it be
the first partition. Changing lilo.conf won't help.

The only reliable way to set up a dual (or higher) boot setup with
Windows is to install Windows first, let it format the whole drive and
then grab as much of the free space as appropriate during the Mandrake

If you've got bunches of stuff on the Windows partition, you may want to
borrow another drive and copy the Win to that. Then reinstall Windows,
reformatting the drive FAT32, copy your files back to that drive, make
sure you've defragmented the drive and then reinstall Mandrake, having
DiskDrake take the total space you need from the Windows
partition,setting up your /, /boot, /home, swap, etc. partitions.

Most of the stuff I've seen on dual booting does point this out -
including the Mandrake documentation. I'm sure that doesn't make you
feel any better at this point, however. Good luck.

Terry Smith
Hatchville, MA
On Tue, 2001-12-25 at 20:21, Doug Lerner wrote:
 This is my lilo.conf. I am not familiar with lilo. Does anybody see
 anything I might try before trying the more radical idea of starting over
 with both Windows and Linux? 
   append= devfs=mount
   append= devfs=mount failsafe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):
 On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:07 am, you wrote:
  I would actually like to figure out how make Windows *bootable* again. It
  doesn't seem to boot even if I choose the Windows option from the
  startup screen.
 Maybe, post your lilo.conf
 Also explain which drine/partition windows is on.
 We might see something, else its difficult to help
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Re: [newbie] Wrong Choice of Monitor while installation

2001-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Herndon

This can actually be kind of fun.   I changed video boards to an openGL 
compatible board so I could run Tux Racer.  I really screwed up and 
could not really see on my monitor once Linux booted up.  In fact it 
would not launch X-windows.  So I had to actually run XF86config to redo 
the monitor and video board.  So log in as root and run the config file 
to change your settings. Once it is saved, you should be good to go.

Chandresh Prakash wrote:

 Hi everyone,
  I am new to this mailing list and I recently tried to install Mandrake 7.2
 on my Windows 2000 machine
  I mistakenly chose the wrong monitor and now everything will work fine till
 the booting of linux is over
  and I am not able to see anything.
  Can anyone pls help me .
  I am really feeling very helpless.
 Many Thanx in Advance,
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Re: Open Source (was Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites? Now OT)

2001-12-25 Per discussione Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 20:08, you wrote:
 This is an interesting discussion. I agree with some of your points, but
 am not convinced by others. For example, if a company hires a dozen
 programmers and they spend a year creating and tweaking and debugging
 code, even if you think the company has no right to the *idea* (I am not
 convinced of that though), surely they have the right to the code itself,
 if they so choose? Otherwise somebody could just repackage it with much
 less effort and no development costs and make profit on the other
 company's investments.

 As far as $100 for an upgrade being expensive or not - I guess it depends
 on what the upgrade is...


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
 On Tuesday 25 December 2001 19:17, you wrote:
  What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
  myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a
  company that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great,
  loyal customer base.
  Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
  MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are
  licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available.
   Find another major distro that does that!
 Nothing wrong with it until it becomes the only game in town, or you have
  to update at an exorbitant fee every other year. With the open source
  programs you can see what's going on under the hood, tinker with it , fix
  it, or if your like me, break it.  And you don't have to pay to reinstall
  it.  The argument has always been that you can't make money with free
  software. What is software? It is a string of letters and symbols that in
  effect write a formula for a machine to operate from.  I submit that
  folks have been making a comfortable living by selling their services
  using the formulas necessary to make air conditioning work, heating
  systems, internal combustion engines and on and on. All these things are
  based on public domain mathematics and formulas, but they are packaged
  and sold to people who want the benefits but don't have the time,
  knowledge or skills, or all three to make use of the formulas in a useful
  or productive manner.  Intellectual content is ludicrous because, what
  the mind of one man can concieve of another can too.  Case in point
  Edison and Tesla.  Money and deciet won


 The more intelegent person was Tesla IMHO, but the formulas for the
  electron flows that were developed are used world wide and are free, and
  a lot of people make a living using them.  Closed source is fine because
  it gives an edge to someone as a starter, but patent laws and copyright
  laws need to change,  because the closed source community is willing to
  sue at the

 drop of

 a hat when someone comes out with a program or process that looks even
 remotely like what they do even though the thoughts behind the new process
 may be totally original to the individual presenting them.  So you get a
 multimillion dollar company suing Joe Schmo and guess who will win,  the
 money every time.  You've stolen my property! Bah Humbug, ideas are no
 man's property. MandrakeSoft and some of the others are making a pretty
  fair run at making money on freesoftware because they are packaging it
  and presenting it in a manner that someone like me can relate to and
  finds useful, and they are not charging  make me and my company officers
  filthy rich prices.  $100 for an upgrade!  Fixing something that should
  never have been broken in the first place!  Thievery I call it.   This is
  my own


 and totally unsolicited by anyone, : )
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Just to add my $1000 worth . . . 

In my stupider days, I needed an OCR package to convert faxes and submitted 
articles for my international publication. I was using win 3.1. Well, I 
bought my first OCR Professional package for a cool grand a) because I 
needed it and b) because all the reviews raved about it.

I installed the package, and it didn't work as advertised. There was no 
recourse: buyer beware! Within a month, an upgrade became available for 
only $199! Well, I snapped that one up fast! It didn't work much better. 

So, I learned how to type -- it was faster and much more accurate than these 
professional packages. So it went for most of the software I bought for 
Win, including a very famous relational database package. The support, if you 
could afford it, basically told me It's your problem: you bought it. I 
solved my own problems with workarounds, including encrypting passwords as 
fake dll's . . . sigh!

Thievery? Too polite a word! Extortion -- a little too harsh. (Btw: If you're 
interested in how copyright came about, check back into the book industry's 
history. It's no wonder why England's Penguin Books would not allow their 
books to 

Re: [newbie] Windows won't start - any suggestions?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

hmmnn... i remember that somebody already mentioned that windows stops checking
for partitions on the first non-recognized partition and in your case that will be
the first partition occupied by linux. but in my meager understanding, lilo was
supposed to point to the bootable partition so windows should identify the second
partition as the 'first partition' relatively. I know windows 'need' to be on one
of the primary partitions of the first drive so that's another dead end.

this is the part when i shut up and let others with experience come in. ;-)


Doug Lerner wrote:


 No - I didn't do anything special. I started out with two partitions on
 my hard drive. The first one contained Windows 98 and the second
 contained Windows 2000. I decided to keep the Win 2000 partition so I
 clicked on the first partition, deleted it and then pressed auto-
 allocate. When I did that the Mandrake installer allocated Linux
 partitions to the area left by the first partition.

 If the Installer had said something like Warning: if you want to keep
 Windows make sure to keep it in the first partition I would have kept
 the Windows 98 and deleted the Windows 2000 partition.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

   just curious, did you do something special with the way you
 partitioned your
 harddisk? your linux boot image points out to hda5 which is the first logical
 partition but your windows entry points out to hda2. i know that this is
 on some circumstances especially if the disk is a product of Ghost or
 similar but here in the office 9 windows pc broke down due to some
 problem with
   as i have said, this is just to satisfy my curiosity and no help is
 Doug Lerner wrote:
  This is my lilo.conf. I am not familiar with lilo. Does anybody see
  anything I might try before trying the more radical idea of starting over
  with both Windows and Linux?
  append= devfs=mount
  append= devfs=mount failsafe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tuesday, December 25, 2001):
  On Tuesday 25 December 2001 04:07 am, you wrote:
   I would actually like to figure out how make Windows *bootable*
 again. It
   doesn't seem to boot even if I choose the Windows option from the
   startup screen.
  Maybe, post your lilo.conf
  Also explain which drine/partition windows is on.
  We might see something, else its difficult to help
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  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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 Programming, an artform that fights back.
 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 Millennium Software, Incorporated
 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
 ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
 Ortigas Center, Pasig City
 Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
 Fax# 638-3079
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

Well, obviously everybody in the world except for me knew that Windows
will not run from the 2nd partition. I will just re-install. The Windows
installation is new anyway and I have no real data that is lost.

I *do* think a warning in the installer would be a good idea though!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

On Monday 24 December 2001 09:28, you wrote:

 Mandrake Linux 8.1 is working fine, but if I restart the machine and
 choose windows at the startup screen, my Windows 2000 parition won't

 Any suggestions as to what I might try?


 Doug Lerner, Tokyo

I had that happen a couple of times (once with NT4.0 and once with W2K).
following assumes that your W2K partition is the first one on your
and that what probably happened is that lilo was written to the drive's mbr 
and overwrote the winders bootloader, and that although lilo picked up
on the 
windows installation the windows installation is refusing to boot from 
anything but it's own loader.  If you've installed W2K on the second 
partition, then it ain't gonna work, Winblows loader wants to be on the
partition.  Linux has no such preferences, and lilo will work from any 
partition.  My solution has been to use the NT bootloader to load lilo,
I install on the first partiton of my linux installation.  I can't be sure 
that is what has happened to you, but if it is, it's recoverable, but an 
extreme hassle involving re-installing Win from the install disks to recover 
the mbr, after installing lilo on the first partition dedicated to linux
on a partition before W2K), and after making absolutely certain that the 
linux boot disk works!  If you determine that is the problem, the 
instructions for using the NT (W2K is the same) bootloader are here:

And, this method is less than optimal if you use reiserfs, because if reiser 
goes down its journaling filesystem will recover linux, but you'll have
to go 
through the process of redirecting the winders loader to lilo again.  I
know about ext3, but to be safe you might want to use ext2.


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[newbie] New

2001-12-25 Per discussione Ricky Parks

Hi, I am new to this mail listing, I dont realy think this mail listing is
going to help me but I though I would try any ways. I have been having some
troble getting my sound card and my network browsing to work. I am writting
this from windows since I can get my e-mail working ether.

I wanted to ask a question too. I heard of this program called wine. Can it
realy let me play games like star craft on linux? Well I hope this listing
helps me make the big step from windows to linux! Thanks  all  :)

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[newbie] sound blaster audigy

2001-12-25 Per discussione g.sanders

Hi all,

I received a new sound blaster audigy for christmas! I'd say yay! except I 
can't seem to get it working in linux. sndconfig tells me that the card is 
currently unsupported. I've tried searching the archives and the web but 
can't seem to find much out. 

Does anyone out there know if it is supported, or how (and IF) I can get it 



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Re: [newbie] New

2001-12-25 Per discussione Grant Fraser

Thanks for the vote of confidence.
There are many people on this list who can help you help yourself.
Most questions can be answered with a Google search. I.e. 
mandrake 8.1 brand of sound card
There are lots of instructions on networking as well. It would help to know 
what you consider a network. Just like if I were to help you bake cookies I 
would need to know what kind of cookies you were looking for.
As for wine, Transgaming is best but you have to pay. Everything else works 
with varying degrees of success. Search the message archives.

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 19:53, you wrote:
 Hi, I am new to this mail listing, I dont realy think this mail listing is
 going to help me but I though I would try any ways. I have been having some
 troble getting my sound card and my network browsing to work. I am writting
 this from windows since I can get my e-mail working ether.

 I wanted to ask a question too. I heard of this program called wine. Can it
 realy let me play games like star craft on linux? Well I hope this listing
 helps me make the big step from windows to linux! Thanks  all  :)

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Re: [newbie] New

2001-12-25 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 21:53:22 -0600
Ricky Parks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I am new to this mail listing, I dont realy think this mail listing is
 going to help me but I though I would try any ways. I have been having some
 troble getting my sound card and my network browsing to work. I am writting
 this from windows since I can get my e-mail working ether.
 I wanted to ask a question too. I heard of this program called wine. Can it
 realy let me play games like star craft on linux? Well I hope this listing
 helps me make the big step from windows to linux! Thanks  all  :)

what makes you think this list wont help you? this can help in more ways than one ;-)

to play games for windows, you are better-off with WineX which is wine with DirectX 
support. I have been able to run counterstrike in it and starcraft to some degree. for 
a better howto go to the board as there is a never-dying thread about 
compiling winex...

here is the link:

and check out the board also as it holds a great deal of information from users.



Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

Doug Lerner wrote:

What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a company
that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great, loyal
customer base.

Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are 
licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available. 

Well, commercial software for a specific purpose is OK.  We are 
attempting to prove that alternative business models that do not 
restrict technical information _are_ viable.

The linux distros that follow heavily commercial models are SuSE with a 
proprietary installer, Caldera with per-seat licensing, and to a much 
smaller extent, RedHat.  Debian is pretty much GPL, as is Connectiva, 
and I have no idea about Slackware,

As for my own feeling.  I could be working for more money somewhere else 
as a developer or system administrator.  I am with Mandrakesoft instead 

I think technical information belongs to the human race as a whole. 
 There is too much potential for a corporation to keep something secret, 
or to buy out developments and restrict them because current technology 
hasn't been milked dry yet.  I personally know of an engine with two 
moving parts, no pollution, constant torque from 0 to 1rpm, and 40 
km/l kerosene and virtually no pollution. It was bought by a major 
manufactutrer and promptly disappeared.  There are disease cures that 
are unprofitable to produce and so are squelched, as well.  Somewhere, 
technically savvy people needed to take a stand and show that profit 
motive is not necessarily related to progress... That people also work 
for love of the art and an inner sense of accomplishment.

As to the actions of Microsoft and its predatory practices, I find them 
the worst example of what is motivated by profit, something obscene and 



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Re: [newbie] New

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 21:53:22 -0600
Ricky Parks [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Hi, I am new to this mail listing, I dont realy think this mail listing is
 going to help me but I though I would try any ways. I have been having some
 troble getting my sound card and my network browsing to work. I am writting
 this from windows since I can get my e-mail working ether.
 I wanted to ask a question too. I heard of this program called wine. Can it
 realy let me play games like star craft on linux? Well I hope this listing
 helps me make the big step from windows to linux! Thanks  all  :)

well, to get your sound card working you can use Mandrake Control 
Center-hardware-hardware, then find your sound card amongst the other pieces of 
hardware listed there and run the configuration wizard for your particular sound card. 
that sould take care of that one.

As far as network browsing... could you be a little more specific as to what kind 
of network browsing you're refering to? would that be on a LAN or the internet type? 
are you connecting to the internet through a LAN or a modem dialup? It matters because 
the setups are a bit different.

As for Wine and your games... well, once you've mastered getting configuring your 
sound card, getting connected to the internet and getting your email running you'll be 
ready to tackle setting up and running Wine. It's not that it's particularly difficult 
as it requires a bit of familiarity with the system that you're asking to run 
programs that are foriegn to the OS. Namely running games that were made for windows 
on a Linux machine.
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

Doug Lerner wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

You are addressing a windows issue

Win2K has its own bootloader, which will boot various windows versions. 
While we mormally have no problem with this, it seems to break down 
once a non-windows partition has been encountered in the chain.

In other words, if you want it to work, dump linux, reinstall w2k to 
that first partition, copy over your data, then install Mandrake in the 
second position.  This will work handily.


I *strongly* suggest this be given as a warning in the installer!


Do you think anyone would read it?  I had to deal with an expert who 
could not find the Update button just days ago.  He was so used to OK 
on the right and Cancel on the left that he missed that it was 
install and Update.

Yes, I will pass that suggestion to the install team.


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Re: [newbie] Off topic? How things are going with Linux...

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 10:18:12 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Some people say a lot of Linux people are leaving Linux for OS X. Have
 you heard anything about that? I use OS X in my daily work, and it is
 nice, but I am also interested in Linux for (1) less dependency on one
 company (Apple) and (2) cost (you can have lots of machines relatively
 inexpensively) and also Linux seems faster than either Windows or OS X. 
 Of course the polished application base of both Mac and Windows is
 still better.

thats the most disgusting, vile fabrication I've ever heard. what on earth would ever 
cause a Linux developer to want to do something So haneously atrocious? 

the very thought is just plain gross!
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 09:23:41 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
 You are addressing a windows issue
 Win2K has its own bootloader, which will boot various windows versions. 
  While we mormally have no problem with this, it seems to break down 
 once a non-windows partition has been encountered in the chain.
 In other words, if you want it to work, dump linux, reinstall w2k to 
 that first partition, copy over your data, then install Mandrake in the 
 second position.  This will work handily.
 I *strongly* suggest this be given as a warning in the installer!

actually, I believe it is mentioned. you've just got to read a bit. then again, the 
installation has become so much more automagically easier since I started eons ago 
with redhat where you actually had to read the install manuals before doing 
anything, make a boot floppy with rawrite, and then boot the floppy and so on. 

Not like now where you can simply place the cd in the tray and boot the cd. Of course, 
unless you choose expert mode and actually do the partitioning yourself you can't tell 
the installer where you want to place the installation of Linux. And that requires 
some reading that is in the documentation. 

Last I checked everything that a guy/girl needed to know about a Mandrake install 
cohabitating with other OS's is well documented and readily available on the net. 
Especially at the MandrakeSoft website/forums/Expert...  etc.

course I like one of the solutions best. Just place the Cd in the tray and tell it to 
install after booting the Cd. totally wipes and partitions the drive completely 
erradicating ALL traces of Windows. :)

but thats just me and not everyone wants to be windows free. 
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 12:50:43 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Well, obviously everybody in the world except for me knew that Windows
 will not run from the 2nd partition. I will just re-install. The Windows
 installation is new anyway and I have no real data that is lost.
 I *do* think a warning in the installer would be a good idea though!

it's *in* the *documentation* that you must *read*
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 23:52:03 +1100
Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 MandrakeSoft has a policy of not supplying closed-source software. In the
 download edition, the only exception to this rule (out of necessity) is Netscape

i thought netscape was open source software?

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 23:27:47 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Maybe if they make an exception for Netscape, another good exception
 would be Java...

how's that?
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] New

2001-12-25 Per discussione tester

Ricky Parks wrote:

Hi, I am new to this mail listing, I dont realy think this mail listing is
going to help me but I though I would try any ways. I have been having some
troble getting my sound card and my network browsing to work. I am writting
this from windows since I can get my e-mail working ether.

I wanted to ask a question too. I heard of this program called wine. Can it
realy let me play games like star craft on linux? Well I hope this listing
helps me make the big step from windows to linux! Thanks  all  :)

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Yes, code weavers wine will work fine with StarCraft and some other 
DirectX games.

As to your sound card and network setup  Hmmm network is probably 
configuration, but sound card is more likely unsupported hardware or 
something like the Dell version of the Aureal (Turtle Beach) sound cards 
which never had any drivers but windows drivers made especially for Dell 
(since it was different from the standard TBS cards marketed for other 

Email should be relatively easy again as long as you have internet 
connectivity.  You do have to get used to having several different 
mailer programs and possibly to giving them information you can get from 
your ISP.


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Re: [newbie] Windows dual-boot after the fact?

2001-12-25 Per discussione David Reynolds

Just out of curiosity along this thread, is there any point in trying to 
fiddle with a slave drive with Win98 on it to get it to dual-boot? I placed 
the drive off of my old computer onto the new (Linux-only) one to get the 
data off of it. However Linux has not been as nice as expected about 
compatability with Windoze-designed programs, so the option to dual-boot has 
become a possibility again. What I'm gathering from this thread is that this 
is a dead duck, however.

David Reynolds

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Re: [newbie] New

2001-12-25 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 20:15:02 -0800
Grant Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the vote of confidence.


 There are many people on this list who can help you help yourself.
 Most questions can be answered with a Google search. I.e. 
 mandrake 8.1 brand of sound card
 There are lots of instructions on networking as well. It would help to know 
 what you consider a network. Just like if I were to help you bake cookies I 
 would need to know what kind of cookies you were looking for.
 As for wine, Transgaming is best but you have to pay. Everything else works 
 with varying degrees of success. Search the message archives.

only the pre-built binaries have fees. you can download the source and compile your 
own. i have and it works.



Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

A very interesting take on it, Civil-san. 

I myself hope for a good mix. The company I work for is quite decent,
provides EXCELLENT support for the specialized software we sell and our
customers love us and become friends. But it is expensive because it just
takes a lot of time to upkeep and develop new features for, and it is not
a mass-market item. So it remains proprietary. Actually, it is sort of a
proprietary/open mix because the add-on scripts we provide are all open


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

Doug Lerner wrote:

What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a company
that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great, loyal
customer base.

Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are 
licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available. 

Well, commercial software for a specific purpose is OK.  We are 
attempting to prove that alternative business models that do not 
restrict technical information _are_ viable.

The linux distros that follow heavily commercial models are SuSE with a 
proprietary installer, Caldera with per-seat licensing, and to a much 
smaller extent, RedHat.  Debian is pretty much GPL, as is Connectiva, 
and I have no idea about Slackware,

As for my own feeling.  I could be working for more money somewhere else 
as a developer or system administrator.  I am with Mandrakesoft instead 

I think technical information belongs to the human race as a whole. 
 There is too much potential for a corporation to keep something secret, 
or to buy out developments and restrict them because current technology 
hasn't been milked dry yet.  I personally know of an engine with two 
moving parts, no pollution, constant torque from 0 to 1rpm, and 40 
km/l kerosene and virtually no pollution. It was bought by a major 
manufactutrer and promptly disappeared.  There are disease cures that 
are unprofitable to produce and so are squelched, as well.  Somewhere, 
technically savvy people needed to take a stand and show that profit 
motive is not necessarily related to progress... That people also work 
for love of the art and an inner sense of accomplishment.

As to the actions of Microsoft and its predatory practices, I find them 
the worst example of what is motivated by profit, something obscene and 



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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

Actually, that is not true. It is not in the documentation. When I was
installing I followed along with the documentation. The step in question
is at:

That section does not include a single word about being careful of
Windows partitions.

Again, I do think it is important to include (in both the documentation
and the installer) at least one warning line like:

Warning: Windows partitions must be in the first partition in order to
boot from Linux.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 12:50:43 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Well, obviously everybody in the world except for me knew that Windows
 will not run from the 2nd partition. I will just re-install. The Windows
 installation is new anyway and I have no real data that is lost.
 I *do* think a warning in the installer would be a good idea though!

it's *in* the *documentation* that you must *read*
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Off topic? How things are going with Linux...

2001-12-25 Per discussione Doug Lerner

Well, like I said it was just one thing I heard in one report. I don't
know or even think it is true, if for no other reason than sheer cost!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 10:18:12 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Some people say a lot of Linux people are leaving Linux for OS X. Have
 you heard anything about that? I use OS X in my daily work, and it is
 nice, but I am also interested in Linux for (1) less dependency on one
 company (Apple) and (2) cost (you can have lots of machines relatively
 inexpensively) and also Linux seems faster than either Windows or OS X. 
 Of course the polished application base of both Mac and Windows is
 still better.

thats the most disgusting, vile fabrication I've ever heard. what on
earth would ever cause a Linux developer to want to do something So
haneously atrocious? 

the very thought is just plain gross!
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 23:27, you wrote:
 Doug Lerner wrote:
 What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
 myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a company
 that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great, loyal
 customer base.
 Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
 MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are
 licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available.

 Well, commercial software for a specific purpose is OK.  We are
 attempting to prove that alternative business models that do not
 restrict technical information _are_ viable.

 The linux distros that follow heavily commercial models are SuSE with a
 proprietary installer, Caldera with per-seat licensing, and to a much
 smaller extent, RedHat.  Debian is pretty much GPL, as is Connectiva,
 and I have no idea about Slackware,

 As for my own feeling.  I could be working for more money somewhere else
 as a developer or system administrator.  I am with Mandrakesoft instead

 I think technical information belongs to the human race as a whole.
  There is too much potential for a corporation to keep something secret,
 or to buy out developments and restrict them because current technology
 hasn't been milked dry yet.  I personally know of an engine with two
 moving parts, no pollution, constant torque from 0 to 1rpm, and 40
 km/l kerosene and virtually no pollution. It was bought by a major
 manufactutrer and promptly disappeared.  There are disease cures that
 are unprofitable to produce and so are squelched, as well.  Somewhere,
 technically savvy people needed to take a stand and show that profit
 motive is not necessarily related to progress... That people also work
 for love of the art and an inner sense of accomplishment.

 As to the actions of Microsoft and its predatory practices, I find them
 the worst example of what is motivated by profit, something obscene and


Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Spam

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 10:47:10 +
Alan Dunford [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Has anyone had experience with spam filters - I am thinking of those routines 
 which will identify spammed messages and send relevant data to the growing 
 spam filter servers?   I have  had a cursory look at spamassassin and 
 mailscanner but have not got either running successfully.  
 Having had this new account for two weeks only, I am now starting to receive 
 spam and would like to do my bit to reduce this annoying menace.
 Any help would be much appreciated.


I've found _the_ two most effective means of de-spamming your mail on a Linux machine 
is procmail and the header_check feature in Postfix/Sendmail. when filtering from the 
MTA it's quite powerful. Whether filtering on the client side with procmail, or 
filtering on the server side with your local MTA, (that would be the mailserver right 
there on your Linux machine) both methods will require you to do some research and 
reading before you can actually implement the filtering scheme. ONce you've gotten 
this underway though killing spam becomes somewhat of a onesided game. you 100 
spammers 0

know what I mean?
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] New

2001-12-25 Per discussione Oliver L.Plaine Jr

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 22:53,  Ricky Parks typed:
 Hi, I am new to this mail listing, I don't really think this mail
 listing is going to help me but I though I would try any ways. I have
 been having some trouble getting my sound card and my network browsing
 to work. I am writting this from windows since I can get my e-mail
 working ether.

 I wanted to ask a question too. I heard of this program called wine.
 Can it realy let me play games like star craft on linux? Well I hope
 this listing helps me make the big step from windows to linux! Thanks
  all  :)
Tue Dec 25 22:22:11 2001

Yep Ricky...I am positive this list can and will help is the 
best source of information I have found ,and is populated with the most 
knowledgable people (the actual users of this operating system).

In order to get help though, there are some things you must dotake 
each problem one at a time, and read all you can find about that 
specific thingthen attempt to accomplish the task. when you run 
astray. post to this list with a specific question...including the 
information needed to understand what you are working with...version, 
program, what trouble you are having...what hardware you are trying to 
run it on...etc Only then can anyone look into the crystal ball and 
I cannot address wine as I don't use it...but some like it...
don't give up...this stuff will work.
good luck.

Olly P. Biloxi Mississippi  Linux MDK 8.0 and
Kmail 2.1.1
ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram

I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know
what his grandson will be.
-- Abraham Lincoln

 10:35pm  up  2:02,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: Open Source (was Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites? Now OT)

2001-12-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 11:30:18 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 A little common sense can apply here. Certainly there are some examples
 that are obvious. For example, the letter a is obviously public domain.
 But C code that actually does something useful and was created with the
 effort of a developer - that is obviously different, isn't it?
 Dirt anybody can find in the ground. It doesn't mean that a beautiful
 clay pot that somebody creates then belongs to everybody, does it?

Ed!  I think he just called your code dirt!!
If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 9 days, 14:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

The whole point of the existance of multiple GNU/Linux distros is to offer the
user choice over what they want. Each distro has its own philosophy, and is made
to suit the needs of a particular audience. There _are_ distros that bundle a
lot of closed source tools alongside open source ones -- Mandrake Linux just
isn't one of them. I personally prefer Mandrake this way, because I have great
respect for the free software community. If I wasn't using Mandrake, I would
probably be using Debian.

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 09:17:26 +0900, Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
 myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a company
 that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great, loyal
 customer base.
 Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
 MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are 
 licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available. 
  Find another major distro that does that!  

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Hey, that is an implementation issue, not a design issue, so that's the point
where I don't care all that much any more. I'd not be all that likely to use
this feature (I still do zcat  file.tar.gz | tar xvf - instead of using tar
zxvf file.tar.gz, because I'm an old-fashioned old fogey. I don't need my
tar-files auto-mounted for me). -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] RAID question-ATA133 hard disc and hard discs connection

2001-12-25 Per discussione Stephen Liu

Hi Civileme

Merry Christmas

Thanks for your competent advice and time spent.

I would only consider true RAID, hardware RAID in practical use.  In 
parallel, I would not skip software RAID to envisage my knowledge in this 
respect.  Maybe in some days late it will replace hardware RAID.


At 12:43 PM 12/23/2001 -0900, you wrote:
On Sat, 2001-12-22 at 23:04, Stephen Liu wrote:
  Hi All People,
  Merry X'mas
  I have some further RAID questions to ask :
  1) Can  ATA-133 hard drive be used on RAID controller available on market
  such RAID 0, 1, 0+1 etc. with cable for ATA100/ATA133.  No special 
  controller is needed ?

Yes, but there is no support for the fake hardware RAID in 8.1.  Read
support is sort-of there to allow compatibility with reading a Windows
RAID but there is no support for using the software RAID in the PROM on
the RAID controller that is actually a BIOS extenstion.

You folks don't know you are paying $30-60 extra to a hardware vendor
for a BIOS extension PROM?  Or that the software in there is protected
by kaw from reverse engineering so that being compatible with the
WinRAID controller is at the mercy of whatever scraps of infor the
manufacturer will give us?

Do yourselves a favor.  Don't buy the fake RAID unless you really need
it for windows.  Even then, real hardware RAID is preferable and
available here:

And for info on the open source RAID project to provide some
compatibility with the WinRAIDs, go here:

  If you want to know which controllers support full 133 cable speed,
check this:

Of course you can use a 133 drive on a lesser controller--no harm done.
You just cannot get full speed out of it.

Finally, if you are considering buying new IDE equipment, be aware of
which of it is actively supporting linux by checking here:

In particular, one of the brands not listed is a source of continuing
problems just to get the disk geometry right and should never, ever be
used above ATA / 33 on any machine though they rate themselves for 66,
100 and 133 without the hardware on board the drive to meet the
standard.  And if you ask them they will tell you in no uncertain terms
that they don't support linux.

Linux has its own software RAID which covers modes 0, 1, 4, and 5,  3 is
best left to real hardware.

For most linices, the drivers are the same, right out of the kernel,
plain vanilla and written to the _standards_ defined by the hardware
manufacturers.  More than one hardware manufacturer meets those
standards with a combination of corner-curring dodges on the hareware
and their own third-party drivers (for windows) to make up for the
deficiencies of the hardware.  Naturally they work only with windows
because no one who is economizing will see any cost-effectiveness in
writing for a system that has only 5% market share on desktops,(and the
folks who use servers for real business buy something else anyway).  One
even offers a detection service direct to windows users to pre-warn you
when your drive is about to fail. You can search under Data Lifeguard
to find it, but it works only with Windows.  We have a similar feature
by activating the SMART technology on your drives, but just local to
your computer.

Now, insofar as ATA/xx is concerned, sometimes the highest possible xx
is not a good idea.  Before 8.2, I will issue another versiuon of
drakopt to run the tests to find the best speed for your drives.  There
are many cases where a higher speed _reduces_ performance because the
noise causes more repeat requests, and there are many situations where
ATA/66 actually outperforms ATA/100 on an individual machine, and some
cases where ATA/33 outperforms ATA/66 (most severe I saw was a WD200AB
on a MaxData computer set up by RH to run ATA/66 which provided
1.86Mb/s.  At ATA/33 with optimizing settings determined by DrakOpt, it
was getting 9.62 Mb/s.)  Remember that higher speeds mean smaller
signals in terms of total charge, and the energy in these signals are
now small compared with a secondary cosmic ray.

Please, I have answered this question enough.  Next time someone else
answer with a link to the archives pointing to this or any of the other


  2) RAID 0
  If I have 6 discs and the controller has only 2 channels.  How to make
  connection ?  1 master and 2 slaves for each channel ?  Or need a
  controller with at least 3 channels
  3) RAID 1
  a) Question same as RAID 0, about discs connection :
  in order to achieve two concurrent separate reads per mirrored pair or two
  duplicate writes per mirrored pair ?
  b) What does it mean  One Write or two Reads possible per mirrored pair
  4) RAID 3 to my understanding : being very high read and write data
  transfer rate
  a) Controller design is fairly complex : is it awailable on market ?  Not
  ordered made component ?

Fw: [newbie] Internet Connection and NIC's

2001-12-25 Per discussione hinet

PLS check /proc/pci
- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 7:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection and NIC's

 Quite likely to be an Interrupt conflict.
 Try seeing if you can force it in the BIOS or maybe the modem has jumpers
 select IRQ.


 On Tuesday 25 December 2001 21:38, you wrote:
  I am up and running on the internet under my linux machine. A friend
  gave me an internal hardware modem and i can now dial up and surf.  But
  i wasnt until i removed the nic in my machine.  It kept wanting to port
  out thought the nic to get to the internet.  i would like to reinstall
  it and start a home network but could not get around this problem.  Can
  anyone tell me how i can configure it to support both connections?  I'm
  running LM 8.1

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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-25 Per discussione Pascal Goguey

On Wednesday 26 December 2001 13:34, you wrote:

  I *do* think a warning in the installer would be a good idea though!

 it's *in* the *documentation* that you must *read*

Well, that can be endlessly discussed. There are
two kinds of people: those who read the docs and those who
don't. My experience tells me that the second group is way
bigger than the first.
If you are a car manufacturer, you can write in the
docs that you should at least press the clutch or set the
gear to neutral before starting the engine. But the best
solution is to put a switch on the gearbox so that it is
simply impossible to start the engine with a gear.
So, you're right, people *should* read the docs, but
as many don't, there *should* be a warning.


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Re: [newbie] Re[2]: is an anti-virus mandatory ?

2001-12-25 Per discussione Curtis H

Hi Joe (???),

Here's an article that's in response to those claims made by Anti-Virus

Keep reading and learning about linux and you'll start to understand why
it is so much more secure than Winders.


Current Linux kernel 2.4.13-12mdk uptime: 1 day 7 hours 49 minutes.

On Tue, 2001-12-25 at 18:29, [ © ª N ª ® i º JØË ]¹ wrote:
 Robin, Mandrake-group:
 Thank you for your comments. I do not know much about linux. I am
 a  fisheries  biologist and have been stuck to msoft for years. I
 have  several  gigabytes  of  compressed articles, data analyses,
 mathematical simulations, references, etc. on MSoft file formats.
 Bad.  I  am  trying  to,  gradually,  migrate  to linux (I choose
 Mandrake out of several distributions I tested).
 The  virus issue is of great concern to me. Profesionally, *I am*
 those files (years of work).
 I  have read some viruses could attack linux systems and more are
 expected  to come. I do not know well the internals of linux but,
 can  you  be  sure  of ... say ... a macro virus (such as those
 which  destroy  the MSWord .doc format+contents) is impossible to
 make for a linux system running ... say ... StarOffice ?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [Ø©Eªnº - þªT®iª - NØsT®ª]
 Wednesday, December 26, 2001, 2:20:11 [Islas Canarias, GMT].
 robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió [25/12/2001, 12:39]:
 r For a workstation you shouldn't need antivirus software - it's normally 
 r only necessary for servers where people are uploading stuff like Word 
 r documents (e.g. someone using MS Word on a virtual drive could in theory 
 r infect their files on that drive).
 r A virus, in the strict sense of the word, can't do much, if anything, on 
 r a Linux system.  As someone (on this list?) pointed out, to infect a 
 r linux box with a classic e-mail ploy, you'd have to do something like this:
 r Dear user,
 r Please copy the attached file foo to your home directory, or better 
 r still, if you have root priveleges, somewhere like /usr/bin.  Then type 
 r chmod a+x foo. Hit return, type ./foo and hit return again.
 r There are a few worms that can get into a Linux system, but again you 
 r should only be worried if you're running a server - for normal 
 r workstation purposes, it's enough to set security on Mandrake to medium.
 r Robin
 r [ © ª N ª ® i º JØË ]¹ wrote:
 I wonder whether
   · an antivirus is mandatory for Mandrake
 and, if positive,
   · which one is recommended.
 Is there any good open source antivirus (for workstations) ?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [Ø©Eªnº - þªT®iª - NØsT®ª]
 Tuesday, December 25, 2001, 0:02:34 [Islas Canarias, GMT].

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