Re: [newbie] ModemBlaster help...

2001-08-31 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 01 September 2001 01:07, you wrote:
 Dennis Myers wrote:
  actually I don't think kudzu will find an external cause it won't need
  drivers or any thing like that. I would go to the KPPP setup and
  choose the ttyS0 or ttyS1 and put in you ISP server ip addresses etc
  and then see if it won't connect. .  That's how I got my external
  running.  You can test it before you are out of setup.  HTH
  Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

 Hi Dennis, thanks for the reply. Well, it does find the external
 Practical Peripherals modem (albeit it calls it a generic serial
 modem) and will remove or add it as I hook it up. It won't find the
 Creative modem though. I did choose the option to keep the current
 generic serial modem setup, and I can connect. Its odd though.

 My old internal Diamond Supra 56k ISA modem showed connects of 57600.

 The external 28.8 Practical Peripherals showed connects of 26400.

 The external 56k Creative is showing 26400 as well... ;-(
Are you using KPPP?  If so go into the setup and check on modem where it 
sets the speed. You should be able to set it for 56k or 112k and then your 
connection speed should jump up.  By the way, I don't know if you know it 
but the speed shown is 56,000 bits but what is actual transfer is more 
like 4.5 kbytes per second.  This means that  8bits equal a byte and there 
is a start bit and a end bit on each byte so divide 56 by 10 and you get 
5.6bytes, but FCC only allows up to 5.3 B/s transfer so that is the best 
you can expect.  I never get it mostly I get around 4.5.  Sorry if I am 
telling you what you already know, but it fascinates me how numbers get 
thrown around and they aren't what they appear.  Let me know if you have 
any problem setting the modem speed.  And anyone who sees my math above as 
messed up, please jump in here and put it straight. I hate it when I get 
stuff like that wrong.  :  )
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] efax help requested

2001-08-10 Per discussione s

I have setup efax to answer incoming faxes, but it's not working correctly - 
I'm getting errors that I don't know how to fix.   Hoping someone here can.
Here's the output of the communication:

[s@tuxmachine s]$ efax -d /dev/ttyS4 -w -iS0=6 21  /home/s/fax.log
efax: Fri Aug 10 01:14:27 2001 efax v 0.9 Copyright 1999 Ed Casas
efax: 14:27 opened /dev/ttyS4
efax: 14:28 using U.S. Robotics 56K FAX INT V5.20.3 U.S. Robotics 56K FAX OK 
in class 2.0
efax: 14:29 waiting for activity
efax: 15:27 activity detected
efax: 16:07 fax call answered
efax: 16:07 remote ID -XXX-XXX-
efax: 16:07 session 196lpi 14.4kbps 8.5/215mm  any   1D- -  20ms
efax: 17:23 Warning: 2178 reception errors
efax: 17:23 received 2178 lines, 2178 errors
efax: 17:23 received - 0810011607.001
efax: 17:35 Error: timed out after waiting
efax: 17:40 Warning: timed out after command:  +FKS
efax: 17:40 done, returning 3 (invalid modem response)

Can anyone offer suggestions?


[newbie] Re: [Help] Nautilus deskop [resolved

2001-08-08 Per discussione paul rodríguez

Finally!  Thank you, sir!  Thinks makes sense now.  All this time, the
desktop option in preferences did not appear, it didn't occur to me
untill I read your post that the icon in my gnome panel (default of
Mandrake 8.0 f2) was set to run nautilus --no-desktop.  Now this makes
sense and all problems solved.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 08 Aug 2001 19:13:08 +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
 On 08 Aug 2001 09:12:27 -0400, paul rodríguez wrote:
  Thank you for the clarification, Mario. 
 I agree that all those distinctions are somewhat stupid from a users'
 point of view :o)
  Running nautilus --no-desktop
  does not solve my problem as I set nautilus up during its initial use to
  manage my desktop during setup.  
 Stange, my understanding always was that --no-desktop should prohibit
 use of the desktop, regardless of what the preferences are set to. I
 believe this not working is a bug.
  There is no option to reverse this choice in Nautilus'
 [Thinks ... starts nautilus ... looks in preferences ... scratches head
 ... thinks ... restarts nautilusEureka!!!]
 You're right, there is no option if you specify --no-desktop on the
 nautilus command line. However, if you run it without the option, there
 it is right in the Windows  Desktop Section of Preferences.
 I run nautilus 1.0.4 (but I'm fairly shure it has been there for a long
 time), my User Level is Advanced.
 Kind regards, M.
 I did not vote for the Austrian government

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[newbie-it] HELP: Chiave privata in Gpa?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sergio Dogliani

Scusate tanto se continuo a rompere però da solo non
riesco a concludere un bel niente!
Ci sarebbe qualcuno tra voi in grado di aiutarmi? Ancora

PS: a voi sono arrivate le mail del 5/8? A me neanche una!
Forse Tiscali ha avuto qualche problemino con Codice
Rosso! Voi ne sapete qualcosa di questa faccenda?

Ciao a tutti!
Innanzitutto ancora molte grazie a Mr_Brain. Ho fatto
come hai detto tu: sono andato sul sito di GPG e mi son
scaricato GPA. Sono riuscito ad installarlo ed a importare
tutte le mie chiavi pubbliche da PGP 7.0.3 di Windows.
Solo che ora ho un altro problema: come faccio ad
importare la mia chiave privata?
Da PGP 7.0.3 mi sono esportato il file *.asc con la mia
chiave pubblica e privata, solo che quando faccio importa
in GPA riesce solo ad importarmi la mia chiave pubblica.
Per la chiave privata come devo fare? Non vorrei dovermi
ricreare da capo le chiavi!!!
Se qualcuno mi dicesse come fare gliene sarei molto grato.


Re: [newbie] Re: (newbie) Dizzy newbie LAN help needed

2001-08-06 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

Steve Maytum wrote:
 Apologies everyone. Told you i worked long hours sometimes. Came in ,
 checked Linux messages as requested , but too tired to read it properly. I'm
 not intentionally trying to waste your time. What is actually on screen is
 as follows:-
 (root@localhost /root)# ifconfig
 eth0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:95:45:63:F6
inet addr:  Bcast:
RX packets:0  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  frame:0
TX packets:0  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  carrier:0
collisions:0  txqueuelen:100
Interrupt:9  Base address:0xd800
 loLink encap:Local loopback
inet addr:   Mask:
RX packets:)  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  frame:0
TX packets:0  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  carrier:0
collisions:0  txqueuelen:0
 (root@localhost /root)#
 Apologies for any confusion. Will check more thoroughly after a break in
 future. Where do i go from here to set-up this network? TIA

You have:

eth0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:95:45:63:F6
   inet addr:  Bcast:

but in your earlier mail, you said:

3) Through Win 98 and 95 as per each machine , Computer name allocated
with usergroup. Identifying these machines with TCP/IP set up and IP
addressess , 2  3 respectively , subnet masks as
i still get nothing.

so it seems the linux machine is in the subnet while the
windows machines are in the subnet.


[newbie] Pls help!ASAP

2001-08-05 Per discussione AOL Systems

First,I just want to know what  tty means?

i know that ttyS0 and ttyS1 is for communications port but what is the
meaning of tty

second i just want to know what do you call USB connection to PC
tty - what? is ttyC0 is correct or wrong?

Third is what  if i have a second cdrom or i have cdwriter in my pc how
will i mount it cause i only know to mount a single cdrom what if i have
two cdrom
mount /mnt/cdrom - this is correct but if i have two or more

Thanks and God Bless linux community


Re: [newbie] Pls help!ASAP

2001-08-05 Per discussione Paul

It was Sun, 05 Aug 2001 21:57:12 -0700 when AOL Systems wrote:

i know that ttyS0 and ttyS1 is for communications port but what is the
meaning of tty

tty is the filename of a device connected to an input resource.

second i just want to know what do you call USB connection to PC
tty - what? is ttyC0 is correct or wrong?

Dunno, don't have USB stuff

Third is what  if i have a second cdrom or i have cdwriter in my pc how
will i mount it cause i only know to mount a single cdrom what if i have
two cdrom
mount /mnt/cdrom - this is correct but if i have two or more

First make a new mountpoint, e.g. mkdir /mnt/cdrom2
Then mount /dev/hd? /mnt/cdrom2 where the ? stands for the disk-device of the
second CDrom.


The biggest mistake is believing that there is one right way 
to listen, to talk, to have a conversation - or a 
-Deborah Tannen - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Re: (newbie) Dizzy newbie LAN help needed

2001-08-05 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

Steve Maytum wrote:
 May i just thank people for their offers of help before i begin this epic
 adventure (well it is for me anyway!)
 1) In answer to setting up old machine as dialler/firewall , i have no
 objections to this , but will still need guidance. My problems may become
 apparent as we continue.
 2) This thread may be a bit slow , but hopefully progressive , i think i've
 now had a PC for about a year. Someone once told me i was a masochist to
 consider Linux this soon , let alone LAN configuration.
 3) Through Win 98 and 95 as per each machine , Computer name allocated along
 with usergroup. Identifying these machines with TCP/IP set up and IP
 addressess , 2  3 respectively , subnet masks as
 i still get nothing.
 4) Tried using AnalogX proxy server and still nothing. Unable to use
 WinIPCFG on old PC's as not on Win 95.
 5) Now i'm starting from scratch with help please! When i type ifconfig on
 Linux side i recieve the following:-
 (root@localhost /root)# ifconfig
 lo   Link encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
RXpackets:0 errors:0dropped:0
 overruns:0   frame:0
TXpackets:0  errors:0dropped:0
 overruns:0   carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 (root@localhost /root)#
 These messages are because no other machines are presently connected.
 Started at this point in case one of these messages tells you more
 experienced people i've done something wrong. If not , tell me i need to
 re-connect everything and what to go for next. Hope this isn't too much ,
 but been trying to set up for about two months and read and re-read
 everything! So just trying to cover every avenue. Regards

  You should have eth0 listed as well for your network card.
Does it show up after you do, as root, 'ifconfig eth0 up' ?


Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-08-01 Per discussione James S Bear

Quoting Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But how
 do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
 /var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
 message when i click on the link, my link is:
 http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Isn't your index.html filein /var/www/html/?

If so, your file should be in /var/www/html/
Then, it should work just like your index file.

Ignorance is underrated

RE: [newbie] Apache help

2001-08-01 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

And i think you link should be:

http://ipnumber/media/; as when you type in your ip number it
starts in the document root (/var/www) and not standard root, if you get
what i mean..
   -- Jamie

Sent:  01 August 2001 03:10
To:Jon Doe
Subject:   Re: [newbie] Apache help

Quoting Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But
 do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
 /var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
 message when i click on the link, my link is:
 http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Isn't your index.html filein /var/www/html/?

If so, your file should be in /var/www/html/
Then, it should work just like your index file.

Ignorance is underrated

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
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Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

[newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

2001-08-01 Per discussione Mark Shaw

Third try -- maybe *that* subject line will get someone to answer. :)

On Sunday I had a system-lockup event followed by a hard-reset (didn't
know what else to do).

Now my default LM7.2 login screen and desktop is gone, replaced by KDE

IceWM is fine, but I'd like the old stuff with the cartoon penguins
and the rest of it back.  How do I go about doing this?  Do I have to 
reinstall the OS?

Mark Shaw

RE: [newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

2001-08-01 Per discussione Franki

try putting a file called:


in your user directory
in that file put one word and save it...

that word should be:


then try it again...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Shaw
Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2001 5:18 AM
Subject: [newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

Third try -- maybe *that* subject line will get someone to answer. :)

On Sunday I had a system-lockup event followed by a hard-reset (didn't
know what else to do).

Now my default LM7.2 login screen and desktop is gone, replaced by KDE

IceWM is fine, but I'd like the old stuff with the cartoon penguins
and the rest of it back.  How do I go about doing this?  Do I have to 
reinstall the OS?

Mark Shaw

Re: [newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

2001-08-01 Per discussione Mark Shaw


But: no joy.  No change at all.  Anything else I should try, or other
things I should look at?  I still have all the /var/log/... stuff but
I'm not sure what to look for.

Thanks again,
Mark Shaw

 try putting a file called:
 in your user directory
 in that file put one word and save it...
 that word should be:
 then try it again...
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Shaw
 Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2001 5:18 AM
 Subject: [newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop
 Third try -- maybe *that* subject line will get someone to answer. :)
 On Sunday I had a system-lockup event followed by a hard-reset (didn't
 know what else to do).
 Now my default LM7.2 login screen and desktop is gone, replaced by KDE
 IceWM is fine, but I'd like the old stuff with the cartoon penguins
 and the rest of it back.  How do I go about doing this?  Do I have to 
 reinstall the OS?
 Mark Shaw

[newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Per discussione Jon Doe

Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But how 
do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
/var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
message when i click on the link, my link is:
http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:05 pm, you wrote:
 what is the exact error message?

Not Found

The requested URL /var/www/media/ was not found on this server.

Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.19 Server at localhost.localdomain Port 80

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:36 pm, you wrote:

 There's a few things wrong here:

 #1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
 default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in the
 httpd.conf Alias /media /var/www/media/ (without the quotes), or move it
 under /var/www/html.

 #2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
 /var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
 directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
 http://ip_number/var/www/media/, is in fact attempting to find the
 file /var/www/html/var/www/media/ (which isn't there).

 The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
 #1), would be http://ip_number/media/

 The answer to the question Is this because of directory permissions?
 would be no, at this point.


Thanks for your help! Got it working! Apache is up and running and serving Isn't linux great?
Thanks to all who have helped me get Apache up and running.

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Per discussione etharp

did I tell you it would be easy and t cl

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 18:48, Jon Doe wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:36 pm, you wrote:
  There's a few things wrong here:
  #1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
  default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in
  the httpd.conf Alias /media /var/www/media/ (without the quotes), or
  move it under /var/www/html.
  #2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
  /var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
  directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
  http://ip_number/var/www/media/, is in fact attempting to find
  the file /var/www/html/var/www/media/ (which isn't there).
  The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
  #1), would be http://ip_number/media/
  The answer to the question Is this because of directory permissions?
  would be no, at this point.

 Thanks for your help! Got it working! Apache is up and running and serving Isn't linux great?
 Thanks to all who have helped me get Apache up and running.

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


There's a few things wrong here:

#1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in the
httpd.conf Alias /media /var/www/media/ (without the quotes), or move it
under /var/www/html.

#2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
/var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
http://ip_number/var/www/media/, is in fact attempting to find the
file /var/www/html/var/www/media/ (which isn't there).

The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
#1), would be http://ip_number/media/

The answer to the question Is this because of directory permissions?
would be no, at this point.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:34 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote:
Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But
do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
/var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
message when i click on the link, my link is:
http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Re: [newbie] Dizzy newbie LAN help!

2001-07-30 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

 Steve Maytum wrote:
 Thanks for your kind offers of help with home network setup. Should i
 post to list for everyone's info? i'll get system info and mail soon.
 Just finished working 24 hours , need a break first! Regards
Yes, post to the list so that the rest of us can learn from this. One
thing, though: Please turn off the HTML and use plain text. HTML messes
up many mail readers, and is hard to read on others.

[newbie] Dizzy newbie LAN help!

2001-07-30 Per discussione Steve Maytum

Thanks for your kind offers of help with home 
network setup. Should i post to list for everyone's info? i'll get system info 
and mail soon. Just finished working 24 hours , need a break first! Regards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Network help needed!

2001-07-28 Per discussione etharp

sure what distro are you using?

On Saturday 28 July 2001 08:45, Steve Maytum wrote:
 Anyone able to help a dizzy (gone round in circles so often!) PC user set
 up a small home network with 'net connection? Any help appreciated Regards

Re: [newbie] Network help needed!

2001-07-28 Per discussione Lanman

On July 28, 2001 08:45 am, Steve Maytum wrote:
 Anyone able to help a dizzy (gone round in circles so often!) PC user set
 up a small home network with 'net connection? Any help appreciated Regards
What's the problem, what version of Linux, what hardware is involved, and 
what type of Internet connection, eh?

[newbie] Network help needed!

2001-07-28 Per discussione Steve Maytum

Anyone able to help a dizzy (gone round in circles so often!) PC user set up
a small home network with 'net connection? Any help appreciated Regards

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-27 Per discussione John Rigby

Hi Miark  folks,

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 01:54, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 I've never tried voice recognition, so I don't know. I think
 there might have been something about it on this list too,
 that was probably regarding Wine rather than Win4Lin. Good

 At any rate, it would be a problem only with _recording_
 sound. Playing back sound works flawlessly.

*** Have since been told officially: can not record via W4L. No 
plans to implement it either... !  :-(

  The only negative thing is having to trash my drives and
  reload  everything again!

 I dual boot to Mandrake 8.0 and Win200. I didn't trash my
 partitions when Installed Win4Lin. In fact, I've set it up
 to use
  my data files seamlessly between Windows and Win4Lin.

 Have been tryting to get to undersatand the W4L install,  
but small things like system trashing keep interrupting.. :-)
My  take was you had to virtually start with a clean system. 
So, you actually installed w4l into M8?
Then added Win98 via it as a new install? 
AND kept all your data?
BUT of course would lose all the installed programs?

  I've got gigabytes of programs. I thought all you had to

 do was  install win4 on top of an existing Linux system that still
 had a Windoze partition (or two).

 That would be nice, but they're not there yet. 

  Any Newby-type hints from the install process?

 One big tip, though: Win4Lin acts as an entirely different
 on your home network, so make certain to give it a different
 address than the Linux box you put it on.

  Were you on M8?


  What Doze ver?

 Dual boot to Win2000; Win4Lin ran Win98SE.

** I think I need a nice nap... It has been a 
confusing day. :-)



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-27 Per discussione Miark

 *** Have since been told officially: can not record
via W4L. No
 plans to implement it either... !  :-(

Hmm. Too bad.

  Have been tryting to get to undersatand the W4L
 but small things like system trashing keep interrupting..
 My  take was you had to virtually start with a clean
 So, you actually installed w4l into M8?
 Then added Win98 via it as a new install?
 AND kept all your data?
 BUT of course would lose all the installed programs?

I started with a dual-boot Win98 and Linux. When I got
Win4Lin, I installed it on MDK 8.0. I _did_ have to install
my basic tools in Win4Lin, namely FrontPage and Photoshop.
But I setup Win4Lin to use the existing FAT32 partions on
which I store all my data. So while I have two copies of
Photoshop on my box (one in Windows, one in Win4Lin) they
both use the same FAT32 partition to which I keep all my

So no, I didn't start with a clean system, and I didn't lose
any installed programs. I just had to add another copy of my
basic apps in Win4Lin.

Winblows Win4Lin
C: WinsuxC: = Win4Lin's install on Win98 in my
  Linux /home directory
D: Apps  D: = My real D: partition from Winsux,
  Although I install apps to a dirctory
  ear-marked for Win4Lin apps.
E: Docs  E: = My real E: partition from Winsux.

I didn't need to put Win4Lin apps on my real D:. I just
did that because my /home partition (where Win4Lin
normally puts the Win4Lin D: drive) is almost full :-(


Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-25 Per discussione Judith Miner

John wrote:
 VM is dearest by miles.  Not sure of this one - seems to be similar
in CPU demand to Windoze . 

I think they have a version called VMWare Personal or something like
that. I saw it on their Web site. It is a lite version of the full
VMWare that gives you, I think, just one virtual computer, whereas the
expensive version lets you have a bunch of them. There are other
differences, but for a single user it seemed to do the basics--let you
run a real version of Windows without leaving Linux. I think the price
was US $90 to $99.

You do, of course, have to supply a copy of Windows if you want it to
run under VMWare.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-25 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 09:24, Judith Miner wrote:
 John wrote:
  VM is dearest by miles.  Not sure of this one - seems to be similar

 in CPU demand to Windoze . 

 I think they have a version called VMWare Personal or something like
 that. I saw it on their Web site. It is a lite version of the full
 VMWare that gives you, I think, just one virtual computer, whereas the
 expensive version lets you have a bunch of them. There are other
 differences, but for a single user it seemed to do the basics--let you
 run a real version of Windows without leaving Linux. I think the price
 was US $90 to $99.

 You do, of course, have to supply a copy of Windows if you want it to
 run under VMWare.
  --Judy Miner

VMware Express is not worth getting. It is basically VMware Workstation cut 
down to a level comparable to Win4Lin, both price and feature wise. Like 
Win4Lin, it can only run Win95/98 and only one at a time (VMware Workstation 
can handle a number of different OSs and can even have several open at once). 
Unlike VMware Workstation, VMware Express doesn't allow you to use a 
pre-existing Windows partition. Instead, you must install Windos into a 
virtual partition in a file, slowing things down. In contrast, Win4Lin lets 
you install Windos _directly_ onto your GNU/Linux partition (this is the only 
way you can install), so you can benefit from the superior speed of 
filesystems (in comparison to FAT) like Ext2 and ReiserFS.

A quick check of the VMware site shows that VMware Express costs $US49.95, 
which is cheaper than Win4Lin's $US79.99. In comparison, VMware Workstation 
costs $US299. If I had the choice between VMware Express and Win4Lin, I would 
pick Win4Lin, despite its higher price. It has been said that it is as fast 
or even faster than running Windos natively.

There is also Connectix Virtual PC 
(, but I know very little about 
this product.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Permissions help

2001-07-25 Per discussione Clifford C.Cook

On July 26, 2001 12:34 am, Scott Olfert wrote:
 Hey all,

 Why would i be unable to launch the adsl-start script as a user?  It's
 permissions are as follows:

 -rwxr-xr-x   1  root  root

 If i'm reading this correctly, the script then should be readable and
 executable by my user account?

 When i try to run it from bash i get adsl-start: you must be root to run
 this script.  Why would i not be able to run this script as user?

 Thanks for your input, i'm a relative newbie trying to figure out these


To use the adsl-start script as a user, you have to configure it with 
tkPPPoE. Changing permissions won't do the job. Get the latest version from 
Roaring Penguin and be sure to install the GUI interface.


Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-24 Per discussione Paul

 VM is dearest by miles.  Not sure of this one - seems to be similar 
 in CPU demand to Windoze . 

From what I heard, windowze is more stable in VMWare than in Windowze.
I have used it for a while and it is pretty good.

 Win4Lin  is around $80.  Seems to be a simple gui install.Claims to 
 do everything one could need  - IF stuck with Windows apps.  

Don't know it.

 I NEED GOOD printer output. 

Many printers are supported, it just depends on your idea of good. I am sure
that is a lot better than my idea of good.

 I NEED a Scanner 

The average SCSI scanner (I use a cheap Mustek 6000SP) should already do it.

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-24 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Tuesday 24 July 2001 01:53, you wrote:

 I NEED a Scanner

May I recommend the Epson 1200U, a USB scanner which I recently got for 
$105. It was quite easy to get it working in Linux and the scans are 

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2

Bryan S. Tyson

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-24 Per discussione John Rigby

Hi Miark,
Thanks for the summary. 
I seem to recall someone saying that it has problems with sound - I 
think it was from a Voice Recognition list - ?

Your time is money theme is apt!  My problem is really only in not 
wasting money. 
Win4 seems the clear winner all round. 
The only negative thing is having to trash my drives and reload 
everything again! 
I've got gigabytes of programs. I thought all you had to do was 
install win4 on top of an existing Linux system that still had a 
Windoze partition (or two).

Any Newby-type hints from the install process? 
Were you on M8?
What Doze ver?
Did you d/l the win4 or buy a box?


On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 03:03, you manipulated electrons to produce:
 I use Win4Lin.

 * It's a good price.
 * It's run all software so far.
 * You can configure drives however you want. I, for instance
 have it use FAT32 partition from my real Winsux
 installation, plus Reiser partitions.
 * It does real MS$ networking, including sharing of devices.
 * I haven't installed the printer yet, but I know you can
 install normal Windows print drivers, and anything else on
 the parallel port such as scanners.
 * It's stable. It rarely crashes, and when it does, I'm up
 again in about 10 seconds.

 My view is time is money and there's no way to escape the
 fact that _all_ solutions cost something significant. I just
 happen to be more willing to pay money than I was time,
 which all the free solutions cost.




Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

[newbie] Permissions help

2001-07-24 Per discussione Scott Olfert

Hey all,

Why would i be unable to launch the adsl-start script as a user?  It's 
permissions are as follows:

-rwxr-xr-x   1  root  root

If i'm reading this correctly, the script then should be readable and 
executable by my user account?

When i try to run it from bash i get adsl-start: you must be root to run 
this script.  Why would i not be able to run this script as user?

Thanks for your input, i'm a relative newbie trying to figure out these 


Re: [newbie] Permissions help

2001-07-24 Per discussione Travis Olds

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Scott Olfert wrote:

 Hey all,
 Why would i be unable to launch the adsl-start script as a user?  It's 
 permissions are as follows:
 -rwxr-xr-x   1  root  root
 If i'm reading this correctly, the script then should be readable and 
 executable by my user account?

That is correct. rwx by owner (root), rx by group (root), rx by everyone.
 When i try to run it from bash i get adsl-start: you must be root to run 
 this script.  Why would i not be able to run this script as user?

Presumably the problem is that something the script attempts to execute is
only runnable by root.

 Thanks for your input, i'm a relative newbie trying to figure out these 

Travis Olds

Research Student
Jacaranda Research Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Adelaide

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-24 Per discussione John Rigby

Hi Sridhar,
Thanks for all that!

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 18:22, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 Apps like IBM WebSphere HomePage Builder and WordPerfect are direct
 ports (i.e. the source code was modified to work well in Wine) to
 GNU/Linux. They are not simply Windos binary apps running through
 Wine. This is why they run so (well, sorta...) well compared to
 Windos apps in Wine.


 recently posted a rather lengthy diatribe about why M$ apps will
 not work in Wine. If you need a copy I can send it to you.
** Thanks - I'll just take the advice!  :-)

 I wouldn't use Plex86 just yet. It _does_ show promise, but at
 present it is still buggy and slow. MandrakeSoft sponsor its
 development, so hopefully it should be usable soon.

DirectX support is currently
 not very good, but I've managed to get a few DirectX games going.
 CD-burning is not supported in the current release.

 But, I take it by simply going back to your  Mandrake you 
can use a CDW under it?  Which Prog do you use?

. Win4Lin is less taxing on systems than
 VMware, and is much faster. Like VMware, its current support for
 certain functions like DirectX and games are not very good.
 Well, the last things I need are games - I'm outtta time 
alla time as it is! 

 You can get IBM ViaVoice for GNU/Linux:
 I believe that Mandrake includes it in their PowerPack.
 Yes I have it in Powerpak 8 but no sound!

 If you are sure that you have done everything you can to get your
 sound working, perhaps you should look into buying a new sound
 card. Cheap sound boards can cost well under $A50, and a Sound
 Blaster Live! usually costs about $A100.

* Well, that's the odd part. The system knows what my card 
is.  And the next problem would be as to what card MIGHT work - 
listers seem to complain a lot about cards - even listed ones. 
Yamaha have a good rep with Dictation Users, but...

  I NEED either FrontPage 2000 or the Windoze version of Websphere
  at least. - the Linux/wine version is too cut down and painfully
  slow.  The GNU ones are too stripped down no extras.

 As I mentioned above, M$ apps do not (and probably never will) work
 in WINE. You would need something like VMware or Win4Lin to use it.
 However, I must ask why you're using FrontPage. The HTML it
 generates is not standards-compliant, and is designed work best in
 IE (this is deliberate). If you design a website with FrontPage
 don't expect it to be viewable in other browsers (especially the
 *nix ones).
 Well in the harsh world, I never worried - 90% of all 
the prospects use I.E.:-)  

 You have mentioned elsewhere that SCREEM is crash-prone. Have you
 tried Quanta+, Bluefish, Mozilla Composer and Amaya? Amaya is great
 to use in conjunction with other HTML creators, since it generates
 100% standards-compliant code (it's made by the W3C). 

 Not Amaya. Never heard of it till today. 
I sometimes
 make a page in StarOffice (which is pretty-good with HTML) and then
 make minor adjustments in Amaya to make it standards-compliant.

* STAR OFFICE!!?? I must check it out, then.  But what I miss 
are the simple things of life, like packaged so-easy-to-use templates 
and built-in scripts  

  I NEED decent onscreen fonts - I work loong hours on the screen.

 The two best things I can suggest here is to import your Windos
 TrueType fonts and use them in apps with anti-aliasing (font
 smoothing for Windos users). All QT2 apps (e.g. anything KDE) has
 the potential to use anti-aliasing. Have you tried KOffice? KOffice
 Beta 3 was released about a month ago -- it is supposed to be very
 good. It may not have all the features of StarOffice, OpenOffice
 (BTW, a new OpenOffice build was released a few days ago) or M$
 Word quite yet, but it has been said that most people only use 5%
 of the features of these huge office suites. KOffice has all the
 basics in place. 
*** QT2? Is it a setup procedure to get them to anti-alias? 
Also I have imported my Doze fonts but  SOffice can't find them - or 
other things for that matter . 

  I NEED GOOD printer output.

 IIRC, Lexmark has its own drivers and software for their printers.
 Have you tried the Lexmark web site? has an entry
 for your Lexmark Z32:

* Yes, I d/ldd the drivers but can't figure out how to get 
Star or default to use them. Normal procedure via Drake doesn't seem 
to take.  Unless the Linux drivers are much, much poorer than the 
Dozers implementation. 

 Try searching for anything by Till Kamppeter
 (Mandrake's resident printing genius :-) ):

  I NEED a Scanner

 I don't know much about GNU/Linux and scanners (I don't have one),
 but I know 

[newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-23 Per discussione John Rigby

Hi folks,
This may seem like blasphemy, but might also be a sane solution for 
those who try it and it just won't go...

It appears I can either:
1. Spend untold time hoping for a fix ( a week spent looking so far!)
2. Buy a lot of new stuff ( what do I do with the old?) 
3. Quit and go back ( not an option!! :-)  )
4. Compromise... Win4Lin or VM or WINE or XP86 whatever it is.

The most logical move financially and timewise seems  Win4Lin or 
Anyone with handson experience of any of the above I would appreciate 
your help.

WINE is free. Can't get any sense out of it as far as applications 
etc go - except I just found that it is what runs Websphere on 
Linux!!   ( I have it)   Have no idea how to test it or run progs 
under it. 

XP86/BOSH . Not able to comprehend it either, Civileme says it has 
promise, but I could not find out anything usable about it on its 
Site.  Also Free.  No idea how to run/test it either

VM is dearest by miles.  Not sure of this one - seems to be similar 
in CPU demand to Windoze . 

Win4Lin  is around $80.  Seems to be a simple gui install.Claims to 
do everything one could need  - IF stuck with Windows apps.  

I apparently am. 
I NEED Voice Dictation.  Am going nutz fighting M8 without it now.  
M8 wont talk to my Sound.
I NEED either FrontPage 2000 or the Windoze version of Websphere at 
least. - the Linux/wine version is too cut down and painfully 
slow.  The GNU ones are too stripped down no extras.
I NEED decent onscreen fonts - I work loong hours on the screen.
I NEED GOOD printer output. 
I NEED a Scanner 



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

[newbie] Apache help

2001-07-21 Per discussione Tuan Duc Tran

Hi all,
Could anyone please tell me how to setup apache on my LM8.0?  I can
access from other computers (LAN) by type IP (ex but
can not access to this computer(MD8.0) by typing web address (EX. I knew I typed correctly because both way work on
Linux machine (localhost). I also got worse when working on RedHat 7.1
Server Version. I couldn't access it from other computers. I can only
access from this RedHat computer. Do I need to edit httpd.conf or remove
Thank you

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-21 Per discussione Franki

is that a real domain?

if not, then use your hostname in the browser... without the www..

ie http://mylinuxbox

that should match mylinuxbox to your internal ip in /etc/hosts

ie,  in /etc/hosts mylinuxbox



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tuan Duc Tran
Sent: Sunday, 22 July 2001 10:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] Apache help

Hi all,
Could anyone please tell me how to setup apache on my LM8.0?  I can
access from other computers (LAN) by type IP (ex but
can not access to this computer(MD8.0) by typing web address (EX. I knew I typed correctly because both way work on
Linux machine (localhost). I also got worse when working on RedHat 7.1
Server Version. I couldn't access it from other computers. I can only
access from this RedHat computer. Do I need to edit httpd.conf or remove
Thank you

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-21 Per discussione Tuan Duc Tran

Thanks all of you for helping solve this problem. I edited /etc/hosts
file  type http://mylinuxbox (this is not registered domain name)
without and it works.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Michael D. Viron
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 8:25 PM
To: Tuan Duc Tran; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Apache help


Sounds as though isn't a registered domain name.  If
isn't then you can only get to the machine via IP (because it is
unresolvable in dns).  You have two options to get beyond this -
it through one of the domain registrars or add it to the /etc/hosts


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:05 PM 07/21/2001 -0700, Tuan Duc Tran wrote:
Hi all,
Could anyone please tell me how to setup apache on my LM8.0?  I can
access from other computers (LAN) by type IP (ex but
can not access to this computer(MD8.0) by typing web address (EX. I knew I typed correctly because both way work on
Linux machine (localhost). I also got worse when working on RedHat 7.1
Server Version. I couldn't access it from other computers. I can only
access from this RedHat computer. Do I need to edit httpd.conf or
Thank you

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Growing Help Resources

2001-07-18 Per discussione Romanator

John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Judy,
 On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 12:35, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  Hi John--
  Never fear, I noted your first message and said here's a guy with
  a great idea! I certainly will send you tales of my many painful
  encounters with this beast of an OS.
  I'm sure I'll have plenty more to report.g
  Good luck with your project,
Judy Miner
 * What user background would you qualify yourself as?
 Am already getting good feedback and hope to create a simple format
 approach like:
 Please identify your User level:
 1. What were you trying to do?
 Was it part of the Distribution?
 2. What didn't you understand?
 (after reading the docs of course)
 3. What finally made it clear? (Assuming you got it fixed)
 4. What steps did you finally do?
 ( How would *you* explain it now to someone else at your level)
 5.  What advice can we pass on to Mandrake to help us all?
 6. Do you want acknowledgement in the new Ebook?  First name only?
 Full name? Nickname? Email? Site?
 Any other idea inputs welcome, folks.
 Just read the submission again a DAY AFTER you write it and then send
 it!  :-)
 It will be a living book freely available and updating constantly.
 Working Title is:
 LINUX - The Great Escape With Mandrake
 (Sub-title: If *I* can understand it, you can!)
 Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
 (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Sounds good. I like to include demos. There are time when the visuals
can help more than plain dcoumentation. We should find out what the good
people at Mandrake use to create their demos.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

[newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Per discussione AOL Systems

To whom it may concern

I just want to know something about postgreSQL

1. how to create tables? to populate tables?
3.where to get resources aside from,.org,.net to see the GUI side of it i really cannot find the GUI of Postgre?

Thanks i hope someone answers it.

thanks and God Bless!


RE: [newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Per discussione Daryl Johnson

Get a book from the library on the use of SQL - the creation of tables in
postgreSQL is the same as creating a table in any other variant of SQL (as
far as I know, only used a few). In postgreSQL

%createdb mydatabase

PostgreSQL as well as mySQL both come with documentation including how to do
these things (/usr/share/doc/postgresql-vNo or /usr/share/doc/MySQL-vNo).

Population of tables is the same - get the afore-mentioned book from the
library or check through the docs that came with the installation - create
tables in the database then populate them with data.

%CREATE TABLE names  (
firstName   varchar(10),

VALUES ('Mickey', 'Mouse',   etc);

Lastly, I suspect that the fourth query is the key one. There ARE add-on
packages which add a gui to different variants of SQL but unless you have
installed one then you are going to be using command line instructions to
create, populate and manipulate your tables.

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of AOL Systems
 Sent: 14 July 2001 05:02
 Subject: [newbie] Pls help me!

 To whom it may concern

 I just want to know something about postgreSQL

 1. how to create tables? to populate tables?
 3.where to get resources aside from,.org,.net to see the GUI side of it i really cannot find the GUI of Postgre?

 Thanks i hope someone answers it.

 thanks and God Bless!


Re: [newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Per discussione Salvatore Enrico Indiogine

On Friday 13 July 2001 22:02, AOL Systems wrote:
 To whom it may concern

 I just want to know something about postgreSQL

There is HTML documentation in some doc directory after you install Postgres. 
 That is a good place to start.

 1. how to create tables?

create table table name ( ..

It is on the documentation. to populate tables?

insert into table name ...

see the documentation.

 3.where to get resources aside from,.org,.net, ...   Subscribe to mailing 
lists and visit the newsgroups.  Do google searches.

There are books e.g.  On is a complete 
HTML version of a book out there plus several manuals. to see the GUI side of it i really cannot find the GUI of Postgre?

There is a GUI, but that is a separate install.  I have never installed it.  
I think that it is browser based PHP application.

This is not much, but it might help you get started.

BTW, Postgres is a very powerfull RDBMS.  You need to learn it well before 
you can exploit its many features, but it is well worth it.

Eric Indiogine

RE: [newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Per discussione Daryl Johnson

However further down my reply I included a few more instructions  ;o)

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates
07710 908817

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael D. Viron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 July 2001 15:56
 To: Daryl Johnson; AOL Systems
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Pls help me!

 At 02:00 PM 07/13/2001 +0100, Daryl Johnson wrote:
 Get a book from the library on the use of SQL - the creation of tables in
 postgreSQL is the same as creating a table in any other variant
 of SQL (as
 far as I know, only used a few). In postgreSQL
  %createdb mydatabase
 Actually, that creates a database, not a table.  If I remember correctly
 from my database systems class, it goes (using -- to indicate part of)

 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida

[newbie] wine help

2001-07-12 Per discussione drwhat

howdy all...

been having a problem trying to install wine-20010510-1.i386.rpm
on LM 8.0, I get an error message saying I need to install , and

Where can I find these libraries at?



Re: [newbie] more help with script -converting an string to integer

2001-07-12 Per discussione Jeferson Lopes Zacco

Hmm, thanks Miark, but I'd like the script to be entirely bash(1) compatible
since I don't know how standard Perl/Python/anything else are between !=
Linux/Un1x flavours. Besides I'm just a bash apprentice, learning either
Perl or Python shall be my next step.

 --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
 Linux registered user #221896
 Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
weren't invented in the first place.

-Mensagem Original-
Para: Jeferson Lopes Zacco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2001 03:15
Assunto: Re: [newbie] more help with script -converting an string to integer

 Clue: Use Perl ;-)

 Perl will use a string as an integer without converting it.


  I need more help with my pet script. Apparently bash lacks
 any type
  converting commands, and I need to convert a variable that
 stores the line
  number of a certain file -which was created with wc-l 
 file -
  but I can't. I tried gawk but the bash script seems to
 reconvert the integer
  when passed by gawk. Any clues?
   --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
   Linux registered user #221896
   Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist
 if computers
  weren't invented in the first place.

[newbie] more help with script -converting an string to integer

2001-07-11 Per discussione Jeferson Lopes Zacco

I need more help with my pet script. Apparently bash lacks any type
converting commands, and I need to convert a variable that stores the line
number of a certain file -which was created with wc-l  file -
but I can't. I tried gawk but the bash script seems to reconvert the integer
when passed by gawk. Any clues?

 --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
 Linux registered user #221896
 Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
weren't invented in the first place.

Re: [newbie] Help~! Help~!

2001-07-10 Per discussione George Petri

On Saturday 23 June 2001 01:31, Wing Min Ho wrote:
 Help Me!
 1. when i 1st time install Linux Mandrake 7.1, i got
 no problem. But i dont know how to uninstall it.

There are several ways to do this -- here's one: You need a partition tool 
such as DOS' fdisk or Partition Magic or even Linux's fdisk or diskdrake.  
Use one of these to erase all your mandrake 7.1 partitions (of course, the 
linux ones may not help in this situation as you cannot erase the root 
filesystem while you are using it etc.!).  DOS FDisk, however, may have 
trouble deleting your linux partitions.  Assuming that you have finally 
gotten rid of all the linux partitions, type fdisk /mbr at a DOS 
prompt/command line.

 2. Then i try to install Linux Mandrake 7.2, it still
 can work. But there is a problem, i dont' want Linux
 as a default OS (I have Windows 98 that is still in
 the hard disk) Unfortunately, i dont' know how to set
 the default.

If you are using a boot manager called GRUB, I don't know.  If you are using 
LILO, then you can edit /etc/lilo.conf and then run lilo afterwards.  You 
could also try the program klilo in KDE.  Note that you have to be root to do 
any of these things.

If you are going to use the edit /etc/lilo.conf method, then put the line 
default=Windows98 (without the quotes) in it, assuming your entry 
other=/dev/hda1 had a line immediately before or after it looking like 

 3. After i install Linux Mandrake 7.2, and i had done
 something in the LILO (i dont' know what i had done
 what to the LILO). When i started my computer, then i
 got this message Stage1 Geom Error. No thing moving
 in my computer.

Did you enable/disable LBA or some obscure disk option?  Only a guess.

 4. Then i try to install Linux Red Hat 6.2(may be is
 chinese version). (While installing Linux, I had some
 time reset my computer.) When i reinstall the Linux
 Mandrake 7.2, my computer had hanged two time(because
 i install it two times.)


 5. Now the problem is here, my hole hdd can't read. i
 use msdos for fdisk it but cant'. At last, i use Red
 Hat 7.2 to format my hdd. Now my hdd is about 2GB. My
 hdd capacity is about 8GB.

Err again...

 Q1: How to reset my hdd to 8 GB?

Could you send me the output of cat /proc/partitions?

 Q2: Why the 'State1 Geom Error' out, nothing is moving
 to my computer?

don't know, sorry...

 Q3: How to set my sound card so that i can listen

If you are using OSS (very likely), then run the command sndconfig as root.
You should avoid running it X (or so the warning says!) but it runs fine for 
me in X.  If you are using ALSA, I point you to :)

- George

[newbie] Pls help !

2001-07-08 Per discussione AOL Systems

I just want to ask what book you can recommend before  taking RHCE exams

But I hope the book will cover the latest exam for RHCE not the older
exam of RHCE wich is not used anymore Pls. help me and if any resources
that i can download reviewers for RHCE exams thanks!


[newbie] need help to install without CD-ROM

2001-06-27 Per discussione Lin

hi, I have MDK 7.0 on CD, but my notebook doesn't have a CD-ROM.
It didn't let me do network install neither because Red Hat asks for more
than 16mb RAM.  Is there any way I can install linux on it?  

It is 133mhz, and 16mb RAM, will linux work ok with it?


Re: [newbie] SM56 help

2001-06-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 25 June 2001 05:32 pm, Lucas Aguilera wrote:
 I have a modem SM56 Motorola and Mandrake 8.0.
 I installed the linux's driver but don't work.
 I tried to create internet connection but i don't kwon what is a

   You don't have a modem, not a real one anyway.

You might find some help there for that winmodem.  BUT, IMO you'd 
be a lot better off in the long run to get a REAL modem. Lot less 
headaches and much better performance. It's also mandatory to research 
hardware before you buy it, and NEVER buy win-hardware, for use with 
any OS, including Winblows. Doin so only encourages the proliferation 
of this type of cheap junk.  For more (balanced, less opinionated ;) 
information see
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] SM56 help

2001-06-25 Per discussione Lucas Aguilera

I have a modem SM56 Motorola and Mandrake 
I installed the linux's driver but don't work. 

I tried to create internet connection but i don't 
kwon what is a device?

Please help me



[newbie] lnx4win help needed

2001-06-24 Per discussione kenneth m cubilo

to make a long story short i have two gateway desktops one a 700mhz and
the other a 550mhz pentium 3 systems, when attempting to run lnx4win on
the 700mhz system the install hangs just past the point of the ide 1 and
ide 2 detection lines dont know if i will ever get this one worked out
but my question is on the 550 machine the install goes great but i get
the window that asks what i want to do with my drive either to
completely erase the contents or to make a partion for linux. i was
under the impression that disk partioning was not necessary in the linux
for windows software and that it created two files in the windows os to
run linux under. i think the 7.2 version is what is packaged on the cd
rom anyone out there installed linux for windows  any help greatly
appreciated thanks
ken cubilo

[newbie] Help~! Help~!

2001-06-23 Per discussione Wing Min Ho

Help Me!
1. when i 1st time install Linux Mandrake 7.1, i got
no problem. But i dont know how to uninstall it.

2. Then i try to install Linux Mandrake 7.2, it still
can work. But there is a problem, i dont' want Linux
as a default OS (I have Windows 98 that is still in
the hard disk) Unfortunately, i dont' know how to set
the default.

3. After i install Linux Mandrake 7.2, and i had done
something in the LILO (i dont' know what i had done
what to the LILO). When i started my computer, then i
got this message Stage1 Geom Error. No thing moving
in my computer.

4. Then i try to install Linux Red Hat 6.2(may be is
chinese version). (While installing Linux, I had some
time reset my computer.) When i reinstall the Linux
Mandrake 7.2, my computer had hanged two time(because
i install it two times.)

5. Now the problem is here, my hole hdd can't read. i
use msdos for fdisk it but cant'. At last, i use Red
Hat 7.2 to format my hdd. Now my hdd is about 2GB. My
hdd capacity is about 8GB.

Q1: How to reset my hdd to 8 GB?
Q2: Why the 'State1 Geom Error' out, nothing is moving
to my computer?
Q3: How to set my sound card so that i can listen

Reply me as soon as possible!

Thank you!

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Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

[newbie] Help~! Help~!

2001-06-23 Per discussione Wing Min Ho

Help Me!
1. when i 1st time install Linux Mandrake 7.1, i got
no problem. But i dont know how to uninstall it.

2. Then i try to install Linux Mandrake 7.2, it still
can work. But there is a problem, i dont' want Linux
as a default OS (I have Windows 98 that is still in
the hard disk) Unfortunately, i dont' know how to set
the default.

3. After i install Linux Mandrake 7.2, and i had done
something in the LILO (i dont' know what i had done
what to the LILO). When i started my computer, then i
got this message Stage1 Geom Error. No thing moving
in my computer.

4. Then i try to install Linux Red Hat 6.2(may be is
chinese version). (While installing Linux, I had some
time reset my computer.) When i reinstall the Linux
Mandrake 7.2, my computer had hanged two time(because
i install it two times.)

5. Now the problem is here, my hole hdd can't read. i
use msdos for fdisk it but cant'. At last, i use Red
Hat 7.2 to format my hdd. Now my hdd is about 2GB. My
hdd capacity is about 8GB.

Q1: How to reset my hdd to 8 GB?
Q2: Why the 'State1 Geom Error' out, nothing is moving
to my computer?
Q3: How to set my sound card so that i can listen

Reply me as soon as possible!

Thank you!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

[newbie] Help~! Help~!

2001-06-23 Per discussione Wing Min Ho

Help Me!
1. when i 1st time install Linux Mandrake 7.1, i got
no problem. But i dont know how to uninstall it.

2. Then i try to install Linux Mandrake 7.2, it still
can work. But there is a problem, i dont' want Linux
as a default OS (I have Windows 98 that is still in
the hard disk) Unfortunately, i dont' know how to set
the default.

3. After i install Linux Mandrake 7.2, and i had done
something in the LILO (i dont' know what i had done
what to the LILO). When i started my computer, then i
got this message Stage1 Geom Error. No thing moving
in my computer.

4. Then i try to install Linux Red Hat 6.2(may be is
chinese version). (While installing Linux, I had some
time reset my computer.) When i reinstall the Linux
Mandrake 7.2, my computer had hanged two time(because
i install it two times.)

5. Now the problem is here, my hole hdd can't read. i
use msdos for fdisk it but cant'. At last, i use Red
Hat 7.2 to format my hdd. Now my hdd is about 2GB. My
hdd capacity is about 8GB.

Q1: How to reset my hdd to 8 GB?
Q2: Why the 'State1 Geom Error' out, nothing is moving
to my computer?
Q3: How to set my sound card so that i can listen

Reply me as soon as possible!

Thank you!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

[newbie] ISO help

2001-06-18 Per discussione Allan Myburgh

Is there any way around using a CD 
burner with my downloaded ISO file?

My computer does not have a CDR, so 
the only way would be to extract the files to the HD and work from a bootable 
floppy. I have no idea if this is possible, and if yes, how to do it 

RE: [newbie] ISO help

2001-06-18 Per discussione Jason Guidry

just asked basically the same question and I spent the last few hours banging
my head against the monitor trying to figure it out. What you need is a boot disk…the installer will allow you to
install from an ISO on your HDD only on 8.0 (I tried on 7.0). I’m hesitant (wisely, I think) to
attach the boot image and the rawrite utility over the list. You might be able to get it online w/ a
google search. Once you have the
boot disk you will be able to get to your ISO file on your HDD no problem. I did this 5 minutes ago and it worked great.

If you can’t
find the disk online, write back and I’ll attach it to you only.

And if you’re
running windows, there’s a messed up way of working around this with a program
called iso2fcd in combination with a virtual cd rom program. If that sound like something you’re
interested in, I’ll tell you about it after I get some sleep…*yawn*

From: Allan Myburgh
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 12:22
Subject: [newbie] ISO help

there any way around using a CD burner with my downloaded ISO file?

computer does not have a CDR, so the only way would be to extract the files to
the HD and work from a bootable floppy. I have no idea if this is possible, and
if yes, how to do it ?!

[newbie] Router Help

2001-06-15 Per discussione Alok

How do I setup my SMC Barricade 4 Port Router on 
Linux Mandrake? It worksfine on Windows. I just cant figure out for the life 
of me how to use it onLinux.Any websites or info will 
help.-Thanks in advance-Alok

Re: [newbie] Install help

2001-06-12 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

A fresh install takes me less than 45 mins on my AMD k6II 450, with 256mb 
ram. I understand that upgrades take hours (never done one) so it appears 
that you did an upgrade rather than a clean install. Are you sure you did an 
install and not an upgrade, did you format the partitions /root /usr and 
others (or the entire disk for that matter) during your install ?
I suggest you back up anything you need and install again, when you get to 
partitions to use in your install process make sure you format everything 
(except /home if you have it in a separate partition and want to keep it)
You can also leave /usr/local alone if it is a separate partition from /usr.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida


Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those
by it)

[newbie] Install help

2001-06-11 Per discussione Michael

I have been running 7.1 for sometime now.  It has been great and has
worked beautifully.  I installed 7.2 on another machine and it has
worked great, but when I backed up my files and did a fresh install of
7.2 over 7.1, that's where everything went to hell.  It took over three
hours per attempt.  

Everything went fine until it completed it's install and tried to
reboot, it locked up both times and i had to boot from a floppy.  On my
graphical login it created another user named Tina?, both times, it only
recognized 64M of memory instead of 160M, even though I indicated the
right amount, It performs like I'm running NT Server on a 286 with 32M

When I tried to use kmail to send my message in a bottle, I got the
address wrong the first time, and now, no matter what I do to correct
it, it won't allow me to send a message to the list.  it keeps bringing
up the first mistake I made over and over, I had to configure Netscape
messenger to even send this. My clock is totally wrong even the day of
the week.  I can reset it, but it's neccesary every time it boots.  Can
anybody suggest something short of going back to 7.1 or Redhat? 


No sleep and disgusted

[newbie-it] help lan

2001-06-04 Per discussione max . za

 Salve a tutti,
  chiedo a voi ( con gentilezza ) aiuto per quanto riguarda la
 di samba  con mandrake 8.
 Nel mio caso , ho una lan di circa 10 pc con SO windows 9x , ho già creato
 con samba le cartelle condivise , ma il problema è che NON CAPISCO come
 possa proteggere le cartelle condivise mediante utente e password.

 Ringrazio anticipatamente max.

Re: [newbie] Need help on PCI Modem installation

2001-05-30 Per discussione h3rb

NO one is gonna find any modem there...There is none listed.  And it says 
most winmodems, however some are supported.


Most modems and ISDN adaptors are supported. Most Win-modems are NOT 

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 03:39, Eric Lauritzen wrote:

 That's the linke to Mandrake supported hardware.  You won't find you modem
 there, but if you plan to replace you modem you might find the list of
 supported modems helpful.


 - Original Message -
 From: Frederic O Kho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 8:03 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Need help on PCI Modem installation

  Pls. help. I have Mandrake 8 installed and it could not detect my

 modem. The modem specs are:
  Manufacturer: Cirrus Logic, Inc.
  Chipset: CL-MD5620-DT
  Memory: 32K DSP RAM
  UART: 16550AN
  This modem works well in Windows. Any of you have this problem?

[newbie] Need help on PCI Modem installation

2001-05-29 Per discussione Frederic O Kho


Pls. help. I have Mandrake 8 installed and it could not detect my internal modem. The 
modem specs are:

Manufacturer: Cirrus Logic, Inc.
Chipset: CL-MD5620-DT
Memory: 32K DSP RAM
UART: 16550AN

This modem works well in Windows. Any of you have this problem?




Re: [newbie] Need help on PCI Modem installation

2001-05-29 Per discussione gizim69

This is what you call a WINMODEM they use the OS (This case Windows) to
use the modem.
Linux does not support WINMODEMS Never will
You have to get a HARDWARE Modem or a External Modem.

On Wed, 30 May 2001 14:03:58 +0800 Frederic O Kho
 Pls. help. I have Mandrake 8 installed and it could not detect my 
 internal modem. The modem specs are:
 Manufacturer: Cirrus Logic, Inc.
 Chipset: CL-MD5620-DT
 Memory: 32K DSP RAM
 UART: 16550AN
 This modem works well in Windows. Any of you have this problem?

~ GiZiM ~
Angelis Errare - Where Angels Lose Their Way
Due to rising energy costs, the light at the end of the tunnel has been
turned off untill further notice.

Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:

Re: [newbie] Need help on PCI Modem installation

2001-05-29 Per discussione h3rb

Negative.  Winmodems are supported.

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 02:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is what you call a WINMODEM they use the OS (This case Windows) to
 use the modem.
 Linux does not support WINMODEMS Never will
 You have to get a HARDWARE Modem or a External Modem.

 On Wed, 30 May 2001 14:03:58 +0800 Frederic O Kho

  Pls. help. I have Mandrake 8 installed and it could not detect my
  internal modem. The modem specs are:
  Manufacturer: Cirrus Logic, Inc.
  Chipset: CL-MD5620-DT
  Memory: 32K DSP RAM
  UART: 16550AN
  This modem works well in Windows. Any of you have this problem?

 ~ GiZiM ~
 Angelis Errare - Where Angels Lose Their Way
 Due to rising energy costs, the light at the end of the tunnel has been
 turned off untill further notice.
 Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
 Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:

[newbie] Please help with net-security setup

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

i installed mandrake 8.0 without servers. 
i configured tiny firewall (everything no) with the mandrake control tool.
i set security high in this tool, but he doesnt remember that. when logged in 
as a root this is set to high.
logged in as a user 
i type netstat -l in a xterm:

tcp0  0 *:1024  *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:blackjack *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:dwf   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:sunrpc*:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:6000  *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:ipp   *:* LISTEN
udp0  0 *:1024  *:*   
udp0  0 *:xdmcp *:*   
udp0  0 *:sunrpc*:*   
udp0  0 *:ipp  

so, i have several servers running? -blackjack,sunrpc etc..

I then tried to use Bastille but it would (logged in as a root, in etc/usr 
and any other) display:

[root@mymachine sbin]# InteractiveBastille
Using Tk user interface module.
Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/ /usr/lib/Bastille) at 
/usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille line 270.
[root@smymachine sbin]#

All i want to is to close all ports, but the ones i need to use for 
pop3,smtp,http,ftp,smtp,irc- no blackjack or stuff i dont know.
my cableprovider does port-scans and if a user has some dangerous (spam!)
server online the user would be disconnected forever...
Thank you very much!

Re: [newbie] Please help with net-security setup

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

hy, i dont know if it was posted so i repost, sorry for any inconvenience.

 i installed mandrake 8.0 without servers.
 i configured tiny firewall (everything no) with the mandrake control tool.
 i set security high in this tool, but he doesnt remember that. when logged
 in as a root this is set to high.
 logged in as a user
 i type netstat -l in a xterm:

 tcp0  0 *:1024  *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:blackjack *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:dwf   *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:sunrpc*:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:6000  *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:ipp   *:* LISTEN
 udp0  0 *:1024  *:*
 udp0  0 *:xdmcp *:*
 udp0  0 *:sunrpc*:*
 udp0  0 *:ipp

 so, i have several servers running? -blackjack,sunrpc etc..

 I then tried to use Bastille but it would (logged in as a root, in etc/usr
 and any other) display:

 [root@mymachine sbin]# InteractiveBastille
 Using Tk user interface module.
 Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
 Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/ /usr/lib/Bastille) at
 /usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille line 270.
 [root@smymachine sbin]#

 All i want to is to close all ports, but the ones i need to use for
 pop3,smtp,http,ftp,smtp,irc- no blackjack or stuff i dont know.
 my cableprovider does port-scans and if a user has some dangerous (spam!)
 server online the user would be disconnected forever...
 Thank you very much!

[newbie] Pls help me!PPP deamon

2001-05-21 Per discussione AOL Systems

Why is it a when im connecting to my dial-up connection on my ISP after
it was initializing I always have errors PPP deamon died unexpectively
im using Linux Mandrake.Pls help me thanks anyone pls!


[newbie] Need help setting up XFree86 on Compaq 1800 laptop

2001-05-16 Per discussione linatic

Hello..  Does anyone out there have Mandrake 7.2 on a Compaq 1800T?

I've got KDE running at 800/600... but that's all I can get after reading the 
Linux-Laptop howto  Kernel howto... even some Compaq 1800 specific helpiles.  
Other people have done it...

The resolution goes up to 1400/1050.  I've tried using other people's 
XF86config files, but they seem to do nothing.  In fact, I can delete all the 
text in my XFree86 and it changes nothing...  Any idea why this is?

There was something about adding vga=835 to my lilo, but that does nothing.
Everything on the net is about lilo... but for some reason 7.2 installs grub 
as default.  Can anyone tell me how to replace Grub with lilo after install?


[newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione Michael Spivak

I'm really new in this stuff
i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the professional
but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the Internet
is by 
my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like compile
Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by step - 
what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the soft 

Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione Paul

It was Mon, 7 May 2001 21:35:01 +0200  when Michael Spivak wrote:

Download the mandrake ISO files, burn CD's, boot from the install cd and see
the miracle happen.
You will be pleased.


I'm really new in this stuff
i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the professional
but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the Internet
is by 
my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like compile
Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by step - 
what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the soft 

Thanks in advance

The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to carry them,
and sometimes three.
-Alexandre Dumas -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.65

RE: [newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione Michael Spivak

The situation is :

I run Linux Mandrake 8.0 for last 2 days on:Celleron 466 with 198 MB RAM and
33.6K USR
modem. I read a tonns of readme's and documentations, and all of them said
that i need an ms-chap patch, and for that i need to recompile the kernel. I
tried to do that, but failed, becouse i don't know where the kernel's
sources are in my machine Very long and boring story

Bottom line :
Can you explain me step-by-step what software/package i should download ?
How exactly i should install and configure it
how can i run it

Please help if yo can

Thanks a lot in advance

Michael Spivak

-Original Message-
From: William R. Nash
To: Randy Kramer; Michael Spivak
Sent: 05/07/2001 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Please HELP !

a windows program for remote access.  

how are you trying to compile the kernal. are you trying to upgrade to
I would need more information to be able to help you.  
thanks Bill Nash

On Monday 07 May 2001 15:52, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Where are you starting from -- do you have a working Linux system at
 home that you need to modify to handle the RAS (what does that stand
 for), or do you need a working Linux system?

 Randy Kramer

 Michael Spivak wrote:
  I'm really new in this stuff
  i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the
  professional level,
  but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the
  Internet is by
  my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like
  compile the
  Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by
step -
  what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the
  Thanks in advance

RE: [newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione Michael Spivak

 I have already running Linux Mandrake 8.0 system on Celeron 466 with 198 MB
RAM, and
 33.6K USR modem. The problem is that i cant connect to the RAS 

Please help if you can.


-Original Message-
From: Randy Kramer
To: Michael Spivak
Sent: 05/07/2001 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Please HELP !


Where are you starting from -- do you have a working Linux system at
home that you need to modify to handle the RAS (what does that stand
for), or do you need a working Linux system?

Randy Kramer

Michael Spivak wrote:
 I'm really new in this stuff
 i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the
 but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the
 is by
 my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like
 Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by
step -
 what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the
 Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione William R. Nash

a windows program for remote access.  

how are you trying to compile the kernal. are you trying to upgrade to 8.0.  
I would need more information to be able to help you.  
thanks Bill Nash

On Monday 07 May 2001 15:52, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Where are you starting from -- do you have a working Linux system at
 home that you need to modify to handle the RAS (what does that stand
 for), or do you need a working Linux system?

 Randy Kramer

 Michael Spivak wrote:
  I'm really new in this stuff
  i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the
  professional level,
  but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the
  Internet is by
  my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like
  compile the
  Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by step -
  what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the soft
  Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Where are you starting from -- do you have a working Linux system at
home that you need to modify to handle the RAS (what does that stand
for), or do you need a working Linux system?

Randy Kramer

Michael Spivak wrote:
 I'm really new in this stuff
 i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the professional
 but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the Internet
 is by
 my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like compile
 Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by step -
 what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the soft
 Thanks in advance

RE: [newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

Michael S,

Your best bet as far as the kernel is concerned is to take a look at the
kernel howto on, if you want to build from .tar.gz source.

If you installed kernel-source (check by doing rpm -qa | grep kernel), the
source files are under /usr/src/linux-whatever (where whatever is the
version number of the kernel you have installed--for example, I have kernel
2.2.19 installed, so the sources are in /usr/src/linux-2.2.19.)

Michael V

Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:28 PM 05/07/2001 +0200, Michael Spivak wrote:
The situation is :

I run Linux Mandrake 8.0 for last 2 days on:Celleron 466 with 198 MB RAM and
33.6K USR
modem. I read a tonns of readme's and documentations, and all of them said
that i need an ms-chap patch, and for that i need to recompile the kernel. I
tried to do that, but failed, becouse i don't know where the kernel's
sources are in my machine Very long and boring story

Bottom line :
Can you explain me step-by-step what software/package i should download ?
How exactly i should install and configure it
how can i run it

Please help if yo can

Thanks a lot in advance

Michael Spivak

-Original Message-
From: William R. Nash
To: Randy Kramer; Michael Spivak
Sent: 05/07/2001 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Please HELP !

a windows program for remote access.  

how are you trying to compile the kernal. are you trying to upgrade to
I would need more information to be able to help you.  
thanks Bill Nash

On Monday 07 May 2001 15:52, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Where are you starting from -- do you have a working Linux system at
 home that you need to modify to handle the RAS (what does that stand
 for), or do you need a working Linux system?

 Randy Kramer

 Michael Spivak wrote:
  I'm really new in this stuff
  i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the
  professional level,
  but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the
  Internet is by
  my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like
  compile the
  Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by
step -
  what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the
  Thanks in advance

RE: [newbie] Please HELP !

2001-05-07 Per discussione Michael Spivak

I think we have some misunderstandings - 
I already downloaded and installed the Mandrake 8.0 on
my Celeron 466 + 198MB RAM + USR 33.6k
The problem is to connect to my office's RAS server
i can't configure it at all :-( It tries to connect,
but when the RAS hang-up and send signal for callback
the Linux tells me You disconnected from the net.,
and the callback ISN'T dialing my number. On the W2k
it works fine ...

Please help me if you can
i need some guide for stupid - some Dummies guide to
install Linux connecting NT RAS server with Callback

Thanks a lot in advance.

Michael Spivak

-Original Message-
From: William R. Nash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 10:18 PM
To: Randy Kramer; Michael Spivak
Subject: Re: [newbie] Please HELP !

a windows program for remote access.  

how are you trying to compile the kernal. are you trying to upgrade to 8.0.

I would need more information to be able to help you.  
thanks Bill Nash

On Monday 07 May 2001 15:52, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Where are you starting from -- do you have a working Linux system at
 home that you need to modify to handle the RAS (what does that stand
 for), or do you need a working Linux system?

 Randy Kramer

 Michael Spivak wrote:
  I'm really new in this stuff
  i'm a pro in Win, but got tired of it, and want to move to the
  professional level,
  but the only way to install Linux at home and be connected to the
  Internet is by
  my office RAS connection. I've tried to do some strange things like
  compile the
  Kernel and failed completely. Can anyone please explain me step by step
  what soft i should D/L ,compiling the Kernel and how to install the soft
  Thanks in advance

[newbie] soundcard help

2001-04-29 Per discussione Harry Kim

hi i am having problems with my sb16 sound card... im running mandrake
when i run sndconfig i get the following error when it tries to play a
test sound

modprobe error

The following error occured running the modprobe program:

/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: init_module: Device or resource
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: insmod sound-slot-0 failed

any help or suggestions would be helpful

Re: [newbie] soundcard help

2001-04-29 Per discussione Walter Luffman

On Sunday 29 April 2001 03:48 pm, Harry Kim wrote:
 hi i am having problems with my sb16 sound card... im running mandrake
 when i run sndconfig i get the following error when it tries to play a
 test sound

 modprobe error

 The following error occured running the modprobe program:

 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: init_module: Device or resource
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o failed
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: insmod sound-slot-0 failed

 any help or suggestions would be helpful

I had a similar problem using the same soundcard under Mandrake 7.2.  The 
This is Linux Torvalds ...  message would try to play, but cut off in the 
middle of the first syllable.  Sometimes the .WAV file would play properly, 
sometimes it wouldn't.  The problem seems to be that sndconfig would select 
settings that *almost* worked -- they should be valid, but probably 
conflicted with some other hardware.

I found that if you tell sndconfig that everything is okay, then rerun 
sndconfig (sometimes two or three times) eventually it would configure my 
soundcard properly.  Remember, do *not* tell sndconfig that the configuration 
is wrong, just accept them -- and then run it again.  Apparently sndconfig 
looks at the previous settings and tries something different from its list of 
acceptable settings.

Always log into a text session as root before running sndconfig, of course.
Walter Luffman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Medina, TN USA
Diabetics are just sweet people (Type 2 5/99, d/e/m/motorcycle)
Sage, purple 1998 Honda VT1100C Shadow Spirit

RE: [newbie] soundcard help

2001-04-29 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

There are probably modules already loaded in memory causing the error you
are seeing.

You need to first unload the memory resident modules...


# lsmod

to list them.

Unload all sound related modules...


# rmmod soundcore

etc. Make sure you get the MPU module(s) too. You need to remove them all
for soundconf to work properly.

If you are getting an error message while attempting to remove one, then it
is likely that you need to first remove a child module first, and try the
same one again.

Afterwards try running soundconfig again.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Harry Kim
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 4:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] soundcard help

hi i am having problems with my sb16 sound card... im running mandrake
when i run sndconfig i get the following error when it tries to play a
test sound

modprobe error

The following error occured running the modprobe program:

/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: init_module: Device or resource
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/sb.o: insmod sound-slot-0 failed

any help or suggestions would be helpful

Re: [newbie] Little Help

2001-04-26 Per discussione Tim Holmes

There's a book called Linux Kernal in a Nutshell.  (I'm pretty sure that's 
the exact name.)  But it's an O'Reilly book, and I believe it goes into 
depth on things like that.  It's a good book to buy, but you may just do
what a lot of people do.  Head to your local Border's or Barns  Noble, have
a seat in a nice comfy chair and get the information you need there.  An
instant library! :0)

But that's just my suggest.  That might give you the information you need.

Also try newsgroups.  Some of those people have a wealth of knowledge nobody
knows about.  You might find a very large wealth of knowledge there as well.
Look for things specicially on kernel o start with, then go from there.

T. Holmes

Real Men use Vi.

* Todd Lyons [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010425 09:24]:
| Matthew Harrison wrote:
|  Hi All,
|  I am doing a report on Linux for a final in my college comp class
|  and I am having a little trouble finding any documentation on the
|  Kernel.  I am mainly looking for any text that would describe the
|  history of the kernel and also if anyone has any good links the history
|  of linux and all of the stuff such as GUI's and the distributions that
| Start clicking on the links that pop up.  The first one is the best one.
| -- 
| tlyons at mandrakesoft dot com

Re: [newbie] Little Help

2001-04-25 Per discussione Todd Lyons

Matthew Harrison wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am doing a report on Linux for a final in my college comp class
 and I am having a little trouble finding any documentation on the
 Kernel.  I am mainly looking for any text that would describe the
 history of the kernel and also if anyone has any good links the history
 of linux and all of the stuff such as GUI's and the distributions that

Start clicking on the links that pop up.  The first one is the best one.
tlyons at mandrakesoft dot com

[newbie] Little Help

2001-04-25 Per discussione Matthew Harrison

Hi All,
I am doing a report on Linux for a final in my college comp class
and I am having a little trouble finding any documentation on the
Kernel.  I am mainly looking for any text that would describe the
history of the kernel and also if anyone has any good links the history
of linux and all of the stuff such as GUI's and the distributions that
explains its development since 1991.  Thanks in advance for whatever
help can be given.

Matt Harrison
Assistant Director of Technology
St. Louis Public Schools
100% Linux by 2003 or your money back.
Bill Gates doesn't have the balls to swim across Lake Washington!

[newbie] Re:Kde help

2001-04-19 Per discussione Ricardo Gómez S

Hi all.
I install the Mandrake 7.2, and all the times the Kde returns an error and I
can't do anything. I try some variations at the install time, but all the is
the same thing.
What happend?


Ricardo Gomez

Re: [newbie] Re:Kde help

2001-04-19 Per discussione Christopher Molnar

Ricardo Gmez S wrote:
 Hi all.
 I install the Mandrake 7.2, and all the times the Kde returns an error and I
 can't do anything. I try some variations at the install time, but all the is
 the same thing.
 What happend?

What is the error message?

Re: [newbie] list help

2001-04-16 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Dwight wrote:
 I want to receive a digest version, instead of one for
 every pos made. I know redhat lists have this, but do the
 mandrake ones? if so, where?

 Take Care, Dwight

 Daynotes, Columns, Tips, message boards, we try to give you
 it as much as we can.

 Public Key is

Dwightuse the below command syntax in the body of your message:


 HELp* This help file
 INFO* Information about a list
 LISts   * Directory of lists managed on this node
 REView list   * Displays the subscribers to list
 WHICH   * Displays which lists you are subscribed to
 SUBscribe list [GECOS]* To subscribe or to confirm a subscription to
   list, [GECOS] is an optional information
   about subscriber.

 UNSubscribe list [EMAIL]  * To quit list. [EMAIL] is an optional 
   email address, usefull if different from
   your "From:" address.
 UNSubscribe * [EMAIL]   * To quit all lists.

 SET list NOMAIL   * To suspend the message reception for list
 SET list DIGEST   * Message reception in compilation mode
 SET list MAIL * list reception in normal mode
 SET list CONCEAL  * To become unlisted (hidden subscriber address)
 SET list NOCONCEAL* Subscriber address visible via REView

 INDex list* list archive file list
 GET list file   * To get file of list archive
 CONFIRM key   * Confirmation for sending a message (depending
   on the list's configuration)
 QUIT* Indicates the end of the commands (to ignore a

[newbie] list help

2001-04-14 Per discussione Dwight

I want to receive a digest version, instead of one 
for every pos made. I know redhat lists have this, but do the mandrake ones? if 
so, where?
Take Care, Dwight

Daynotes, Columns, Tips, message boards, we try to 
give you it as much as we can.

Public Key is 

[newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione g

OK, lets just try the first upgrade and see if that will work.  Sorry, thanks 
for playing but no upgrade for you.

error: failed dependencies:
kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0-5mdk   

I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download 
directory w/all the other files?

Now what?  This is the same problem I run into if I use DrakConf, Software 

Kdelibs  Kdesound
Licq  gtk+licq.

each says it needs the other.

I am smiling see :-) , not mad.  

[newbie] Need help installing 2 NICs

2001-04-09 Per discussione Lon Lentz

  I'm setting up a firewall system for a DSL connection using 7.1. I'm using
2 identical ISA NE2000 comp. cards. Win98, on the same machine, recognizes
both of them and sets them okay. I'm assuming I have to get Linux to
recognize these before I can assign them as eth0 and eth1. The installer
wouldn't recognize them (although I did try). How do I go about doing this?

Lon Lentz
Applications Developer  CyberEntomologist - Alvion Technologies
DataWarehousing and List Sales - Market Your Lists on the Net!
941-574-8600 Ext. 210

Re: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes

In my experience and humble opinion, Upgrades are always evil!  It
either doesn't add something, or it's unstable.  I've tried this with
many OS's, meanwhile Windows is the worst at this, but I did upgrade 7.1
to 7.2 and it burped or something because it wouldn't read my .bashrc.
The system would function, but I had to source my .aliases and other
files in order to read them.  After I just reinstalled, everything
worked fine. That machine's been up ever since.

[timh@yoda timh]$ uptime
  9:36am  up 54 days,  9:41,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

What I do suggest, is to install /home on a different partition, or
drive all together if at a possible.  So when you do reinstall the
system, you don't format /home so the user directories are only updated
with new info that's needed. So you will be able to keep your aliases
and .*rc files for various apps you've already used and configured.
From there you just have to install some of the software you installed
before you did the new install.

I also install a developmental workstation because it tosses in a lot of
extra libs and what not.  I don't have many problems with getting errors
on the depancies when I do that.  But my first machine was a workstation
and I would get those depandency errors all the time.

So there's my $.02, and I can make change! lol

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* g [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010409 08:47]:
| OK, lets just try the first upgrade and see if that will work.  Sorry, thanks 
| for playing but no upgrade for you.
| error: failed dependencies:
| kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0-5mdk   
| I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download 
| directory w/all the other files?
| Now what?  This is the same problem I run into if I use DrakConf, Software 
| Update:
| Kdelibs  Kdesound
| Licq  gtk+licq.
| each says it needs the other.
| I am smiling see :-) , not mad.  

RE: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

If you do what I did, that is install using the --nodeps, the files should work fine and your installation can proceed. Just load up one or the other with nodeps and then the next one should have no dependency problems. Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of g
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 6:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to
KDE 2.01

OK, lets just try the first upgrade and see if that will work. Sorry, thanks 
for playing but no upgrade for you.

error: failed dependencies:
 kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0-5mdk 

I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download 
directory w/all the other files?

Now what? This is the same problem I run into if I use DrakConf, Software 

Kdelibs  Kdesound
Licq  gtk+licq.

each says it needs the other.

I am smiling see :-) , not mad. 

Re: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

g wrote:

 I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download
 directory w/all the other files?
 each says it needs the other.

You can specify more than one file on the command line to be installed. 
Assuming that all the required rpm files are in ~/rpms, you can do the
   rpm -ivvh ~/rpms/*
and it will install them all (providing that all dependencies are met). 
If it complains about more rpm dependencies, download those and repeat.

Be aware that you can mess some things up by upgrading only partially. 
You seem to be ok as you're only trying to upgrade KDE from 2.0 to
2.01.  If you were trying to upgrade from 1.x to 2.x, that would be a
different story.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
|  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
|  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Need help installing 2 NICs

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

Lon Lentz wrote:

 2 identical ISA NE2000 comp. cards. Win98, on the same machine, recognizes

same here

 both of them and sets them okay. I'm assuming I have to get Linux to
 recognize these before I can assign them as eth0 and eth1. The installer

You must first know the io and irq addresses for both cards.  Then put
them in order as below (eth0 is 0x300,10 and eth1 is 0x320,11 on my
machine)  From a RedHat system, but should be about the same.  This is
in my rc.sysinit somewhere after the swap is enabled.

action "Forcing network modules" modprobe ne io=0x300,0x320 irq=10,11
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
|  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
|  | --unknown origin   |


2001-04-08 Per discussione Chubby Vic

Please help me I canb'ty make my ftp server go its broken

[newbie] script help

2001-04-05 Per discussione Hipólito López

Hi to all,

If I have a file with the following data:

listen 010:atm1.7530
listen 010:atm120.7080
listen 010:nac1.7506
listen 010:ist1.7508
listen 010:tar.7501
listen 010:nacpos.7510

How I can extract of the second column since ':' to '.' 
010:atm1.7530 atm1
010:atm120.7080   atm120

I think with the command awk I can do that.. but right now I don't have any

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance


Re: [newbie] script help

2001-04-05 Per discussione Civileme

On Thursday 05 April 2001 15:52, you wrote:
 Hi to all,

 If I have a file with the following data:

 listen 010:atm1.7530
 listen 010:atm120.7080
 listen 010:nac1.7506
 listen 010:ist1.7508
 listen 010:tar.7501
 listen 010:nacpos.7510

 How I can extract of the second column since ':' to '.'
 010:atm1.7530   atm1
 010:atm120.7080 atm120

 I think with the command awk I can do that.. but right now I don't have any

 Can anybody help me?

 Thanks in advance

cat datafilename | gawk -F: '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F. '{ print $1 }'  outfile

then it will have the contents in outfile that you desire.


Yeh, one-line filters are common for something that would be a hairy VB job.

Re: [newbie] script help

2001-04-05 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 listen 010:atm1.7530
 listen 010:atm120.7080
 How I can extract of the second column since ':' to '.'
 010:atm1.7530 atm1
 010:atm120.7080 atm120

cat datafilename | gawk -F: '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F. '{ print $1 }'


$ cut -f 2 -d : datafile|cut -f 1 -d .  outfile

Probably uses fewer cpu cycles if the datafile is big.


Re: [newbie] Help? HELP! USB ports

2001-03-31 Per discussione Joan Tur

donald hinds escribi:

 How do you tell HardDarke or Linux to look on the USB ports for devices?

Try the following:

1. turn on the device,
2. run usbview.  Now your modem has to be shown... if it is select it and press
the configure button and you'll be given the adress of your device (my Epson
printer is /proc/bus/usb/devices ).

And now you're supposed to use that path to tell the hw installation program
where the modem is... mine was a printer!   O8-)

Hope that helps.

   I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

   When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial,
 ISDN  and so forth, but not USB.

   What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
 for the modem?

   thanks if you can help, Don

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer, Help!

2001-03-30 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dera Pato:

See my full instructions on downloading, installing and using the
RealPlayer 8.bin version, which will work perfectly in LM72. Learn to
use the Mandrake archives:

See Mandrake's home page ( Look on the left.
You'll see Support, Mailing lists, Archives. I couldn't find it myself.
I just checked. Unfortunately, I am in Windows, not in Linux (which is
currently out of order). I sent a message to the list called:

"installing RealPlayer8.bin -- Instructions"

Ask someone on the list for the message. It gives full step-by-step
instructions. Once you get the instructions, you'll be playing
RealPlayer in minutes.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer, Help!

2001-03-30 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Pato:

Just found my instructions attached to someone else's message.

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 You can get RealPlayer 8 from RealPlayer home page at by selecting the free RealPlayer 8 Basic and then
 choosing under OS "Unix". This will take you directly to the Unix
 Community Supported RealPlayer page at:
 You have a choice of downloading two files for Linux: a RealPlayer8.rpm
 and the other file, which is a RealPlayer8.bin file. Due to the problem
 with "a different architecture", the rpm file will NOT install. It has
 been strongly advised by our gurus NOT to try to install it either by
 forcing it (--force) or by using the --ignorearch option. INSTEAD, do
 what I just did, thanks to a message from Wolfgang and from Tom
 First uninstall RealPlayer 7 by typing the command as root:
 #rpm -e RealPlayer
 Now install the RealPlayer8.bin file (around 5.8 meg) as ROOT. Then, as
 root, continue your installation and install the plugins and mimetypes.
 This is part of the installation as root. Just follow instructions until
 you have installed it fully as root. Then, as USER, go to the directory
 it has installed itself in, namely,
 and type:
 This will give you the plugins and mimetypes as user.
 Now, all that's left is to make it more convenient to launch RealPlayer8
 as a desktop icon.
 Create the icon, then in Properties, Execute type:
 kstart /usr/local/RealPlayer8/./realplay
 If you don't add "kstart" you won't be able to launch RealPlayer
 automatically from the icon.
 So, add the "kstart ..." and it's done. That's it.
 I am going to send this to the Newbie list. Hopefully, this will help
 other newbies.
 My thanks again to everyone who helped.
Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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