Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does anyone recommend the SB Radio?

2010-05-13 Thread jmpage2

I wrote the top review of the SB Radio for Amazon.  However I can no
longer give the product a four star rating as the problems continue to
stack up with newer FW versions and Logitech doesn't seem interested in
putting the resources in to fix them.

I will be updating my review to reflect the current issues.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-19 Thread jmpage2

Jake-here;526424 Wrote: 
 Just wanted to add my two cents. I'm having a very similar issue.
 I'm using my own SB server and setting up the alarm using the buttons
 on the radio.  I choose a playlist of my music that is on my server as
 the alarm sound. At the set time the alarm will go off but it EITHER:
 1) plays the correct playlist that I had selected when the alarm was
 2) plays the backup alarm for a second or so and then switches to the
 correct playlist
 I don't use fade in, so in either case the volume is the same.
 The latter, incorrect behavior (#2) has happened several times now and
 I've only had the radio for 9 days! I have verified that my network has
 been up and running each time this happened.
 Very annoying problem and frustrating to not have a solution. :(

Well, it took them four months to fix the previous problems, so don't
hold your breath.  Logitech has demonstrated increasing levels of
ineptitude when it comes to this product line.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-17 Thread jmpage2

That's an interesting find.  Can you refresh my memory on enabling ssh
access on the SBR?  I will see if I can catch it in the act myself.

I don't, however, believe my network is the cause of this.  I have seen
the SB Radio go down and lose the wi-fi in 7.4.1 (but not in 7.4.2) even
when the network was up and healthy with plenty of other devices going
about their business.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-15 Thread jmpage2

I will attempt to set up the logging on the radio and collect them but
it will be this weekend at the earliest.  I don't have a lot of time to
spend fixing Logitech screwups.  :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-13 Thread jmpage2

Continue to get backup alarm sound instead of my music playlist from SB
Server 50% of the time on my SB Radio after update to 7.4.2 even after
disabling nightly rebuild of my music libarary on my SB Radio.

Interestingly this did not happen on 7.4.1 so obviously some fix for
alarm reliability has broken my alarm.

Does anyone know if a bug report has been filed yet on this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-09 Thread jmpage2

I continue to have issues with my SB Radio not waking me up to the
selected playlist, but instead waking me up to the backup alarm sound. 
This is actually more common now in 7.4.2 than it was in 7.4.1 (it
happened one time in 7.4.1 and it's happened over 20 times in 7.4.2).

I will turn off the nightly library rescans to see if that helps at


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-04 Thread jmpage2

Mine had the exact same problem this morning.  I think it is being
caused by the alarm playlist being set to current playlist.

I re-set it to a specific playlist and will see if it works correctly
tomorrow morning.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-04 Thread jmpage2

Siduhe;522575 Wrote: 
 Do you have an automatic clear and rescan set to run overnight or do you
 use iTunes or MIP autoupdating?  I've had problems in the past with
 current playlist on alarms when the auto-rescan function has wiped the
 current playlist overnight.

I do have auto rescan going nightly so I don't have to remember to run
it manually.  I had already suspected that could be a problem as well
and was planning on disabling it to test.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-03 Thread jmpage2

Just wanted to provide an update with some weirdness I saw this morning
with my SB Radio after updating to 7.4.2.

1. Was listening to my own content (on 24/7 WHS box) last night.
2. Powered off the SB Radio after using iPeng to change my alarm time
to 7:00 AM.
3. This morning got a loud burst of full volume backup alarm sound for
a second.
4. Backup alarm sounds.
5.  I hit the snooze button and check my server.  My server is up,
working, SB Web interface is working, everything looks dandy.  In other
words, there did not appear to be any outage to my network, server, etc,
and yet the backup alarm went off instead of my own alarm.
6.  After 9 minutes of snooze my regular alarm playlist from my SB
Server starts playing.

Weird stuff with these alarms still is I guess the point of this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Album Art NAS Problem

2010-02-25 Thread jmpage2

Downloading the artwork and putting it into the album folder (and naming
it folder.jpg) should work.

Realize that you must rebuild the library and album thumbs after doing
this for them to show up.  They won't magically show up if you don't do
a rebuild.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Album Art NAS Problem

2010-02-25 Thread jmpage2

tcrown;520606 Wrote: 
 Thanks, had forgotten to rescan. Seems to work now, though have only
 tried one album. Much dark matter and thanks to you.

mmm tasty dark matter!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-24 Thread jmpage2

Well the loud volume burst prior to alarm fade in is not fixed, guess I
have to wait for 7.5 for that problem.

I thought the alarm default screen was being changed as well to make
the time actually readable when the alarm is going off, but apparently
that's not the case either.

I can only hope that the next update that fixes some of these other
issues doesn't take another four months to issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-24 Thread jmpage2

tcutting;520188 Wrote: 
 Maybe erland can figure something out - like allowing one of the custom
 clock screensavers to over-ride the alarm popup (he has a way to replace
 the now playing screen).  I use the new button setup (volume knob/mute
 for snooze; back for let alarm continue; power for turn-off
 alarm) so I would prefer NO popup at all.

Well, this is something Logitech needs to deliver.  We shouldn't have
to rely on third party developers (as good as they are) for basic

When the alarm goes off there should be a LARGE time display and some
clear instructions on what to do to snooze, disable, or disable and keep
playing the music.

I don't imagine it would be complicated at all and I could probably
write it myself, but it's something Logitech should be addressing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-24 Thread jmpage2

majones;520292 Wrote: 
 Me too. I subsequently bought two more Radios so I now have three. They
 work just fine. For some reason, I didn't decide to start a post on this
 forum with rude words in capitals.

Maybe it hadn't occurred to you that your experiences are not the same
as other users experiences. 

Alarm functionality on the radio has been very temperamental for me and
obviously many other users and Logitech has absolutely failed to deliver
in terms of providing fixes (let alone enhancements) in a timely manner.

This is indefensible.  The best they can do is promise to do better in
the future and actually make it happen.

P.S. If the word hell bothers you then I would advise you to jump into
a time machine and go back about 100 years when one did not run into
such words being used in a public venue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2


You are just way out in left (right?) field with this one.  99% of the
computers made in the last few years have energy settings that put them
into a hibernate mode after a few minutes of inactivity.

My iMac hibernates perfectly and when hibernating uses about 3W of
power.  It takes only a few seconds to wake up so I'm not in any way
being hobbled by not having it up and running 24/7.

Even though it's an efficient machine, it still uses about 40W of power
when it's on (with display off) vs hibernating.

So, keeping it on for an extra 16 hours a day would consume roughly
.5kW per year or about 150 killowatts per year.

This is not a trivial amount of power.

Multiply this by 1M homes that currently do NOT keep their PC on 24/7
and you can see that this is a huge increase of WASTED energy for the
application of an ALARM CLOCK!!

There is no defensible reason that you need a PC on 24/7 for alarms to
work on the SB Radio.  Logitech is more than capable of modifying the
software so that the SB Radio takes its time from NTP (so that it is
always accurate) and stores all alarm events completely LOCALLY with no
interaction from SB Server or My Squeeze servers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2

eap;519910 Wrote: 
 40 watts x 16 hours x 365 days = 233.6 KillowattHours (KwH)
 233.6 x $.10 (I'll give you 10 cents per KwH which is a lot) = $23.00
 per year.  I'm not gonna cry over $23.00 a year (do you unplug your a/v
 receivers and TVs at night)?  They eat up electricity doing nothing too.
 By the way, I think (but I'm not sure) that there is a way to have
 squeezebox wake up your PC from hibernate mode (if not this firmware,
 then new firmware).  I thought you had it OFF completely.  If you
 hibernate, there might be another way.

You are continuing to miss the point.  No one should need to leave a
computer on 24X7 for an *alarm clock* to work reliably!

I do run a server 24X7 but my parents, brother, sister and 99% of my
friends have absolutely no interesting in doing this just so that they
know they can wake up reliably in the morning when a $5 alarm clock is
perfectly capable of doing the same job.

And for the record .10 is a pretty LOW rate for electricity.  Many
parts of the country are higher than that and prices are quite a bit
higher in much of europe and asia.

We personally pay about .09 per kwh for electric and the rates have
been going up at a faster level than inflation for the past 5 years now.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] album art but I've got a NAS

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2

padzster;519901 Wrote: 
 Just got my squeezebox radio which i LOVE.
 I've just got a question about album art. Before I go on let me tell
 you my setup:
 I've got my music on my QNAP NAS on \\qmultimedia\music\artist\album
 I only use iTunes for ipod  pc access so my iTunes library is located
 on my PC accessing the music library on the NAS. I used the Get Artwork
 function from iTunes to get various album artwork. I have since noticed
 that there is an artwork directory under \MyMusic\iTunes\AlbumArtwork. 
 Now on my Squeezebox radio some albums are coming up with artwork but
 others (which have art on itunes) aren't. Does that make sense? I'm just
 wondering where the SB Radio is accessing the artwork files from.
 Ideally I would like to be able to add artwork for all tracks so would
 like to find out the ideal location to store them.
 Finally, is there some program or more automatic way of getting pics,
 and putting them in the right place for every single album, or even
 Thanks in advance!

Have you set the experimental option in SB Server for extract artwork
from iTunes?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2

aubuti;519953 Wrote: 
 Then they should get the $5 alarm clock. 
 Until recently my $20 travel alarm clock sat right next to my SB Radio,
 and that's what I used for alarms because that's what I preferred, even
 though the SB alarm works fine for me.

Yes, by all means Logitech should stop selling to people that aren't
computer geniuses because they haven't implemented basic internal alarm
capabilities in the SB Radio that aren't dependent on an external server
helping the alarm to function properly.

Brilliant.  If you were responsible for their business plan they
wouldn't be in business.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2

bluegaspode;519957 Wrote: 
 1kwh in germany costs about 0.20(Euro)Cent, so 0.27(US)Cent. 
 So much for 'cheap' ;) ...
 Anyway - jmpage - SB-Server 7.4.2 (final) is available for download
 already so it should be soon pushed via too (if not done so
 Your biggest alarm woes should be gone with this version (even without
 a 24x7 server).

I just went ahead and downloaded and installed 7.4.2 on my WHS.  Sure
enough my radio was prompting me to update to 7.4.2 firmware.

Started the 7.4.2 firmware download.

An hour ago.

It's stuck on 99% downloaded and not progressing now for 30 minutes. 
Can I risk a hard power cycle or is there some other way to wake it up
and let the upgrade complete that won't corrupt the image on it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2

Okay, shut down, rebooted and it wanted to update firmware again and
this time was successful.

Now will have to hope that the various alarm annoyances are resolved.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2

eap;519975 Wrote: 
 It is also a radio.  The internet radio does not function at all without
 a server somewhere (either in your own home or logitech's data center). 
 So the radio is dependent on an external server helping the radio to
 function properly.  Not to mention dependent on a connection to the
 Internet in your home.  
 So what is your point?   If you want a plain basic alarm clock that
 doesn't need help -- fine.  But that's not what Logitech is selling. 
 Its selling something much more, that requires server dependency for
 just about all of its functions.  You can choose to use Logitech's
 servers or your own -- and know going in that you lose some features and
 capabilities if you use Logitech's servers.

The SB Radio only requires a server at all because of a foolish
decision that Logitech made to handle this stuff all through My Squeeze
or SB Server.

I can assure you that having alarms handled completely on the SB Radio
is totally doable if Logitech so chooses.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] album art but I've got a NAS

2010-02-23 Thread jmpage2

padzster;519962 Wrote: 
 Couldn't find that. By experimental did you mean longed for?

Go to the Squeezebox Server webpage-

Settings button (lower right of screen)-

iTunes tab-

Check the box that says Extract iTunes Artwork (Experimental)-

Click Apply-

Report back if this helps.

P.S.  Squeezebox Server has to be set up for iTunes for this to work,
but it's not that difficult to set up.  You can simply copy your
Library.XML into the NAS and point Squeezebox Server at it, just make
sure that the media path matches the library path for the songs and it
should work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-22 Thread jmpage2

snarlydwarf;519275 Wrote: 
 You should take back whatever is making you use WEP.
 WEP is trivial to break in less than a minute ... meaning it offers as
 much security as duct taping your front door shut intsead of using a
 Turn off security or use WPA2/AES.  Anything else is trivial to break.

There are thousands of other devices out there that are WEP only.  Many
people want some very basic security and live in a low density area
where they aren't worried about being hacked by a neighbor but don't
want to run their network 'open' either.

But yes, let's excuse Logitech for not fixing this problem and instead
insist that people throw thousands of perfectly usable electronics in
the trash heap because Logitech can't fix a 12 year old feature in their

Makes perfect sense.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-22 Thread jmpage2


I installed Squeezebox Server 7.4.1 in October right after getting my
Squeezebox radio.  I wrote a pretty nice review for the SB Radio over at
Amazon and did point out that there were absolutely some software
glitches and it wasn't too shocking, the nice people at Slim Devices
would fix it.

That's before I remembered that Slim Devices was bought by Logitech,
who apparently isn't capable of fixing much.

It has been FOUR MONTHS that we've been waiting on a dot dot
sub-release of code for this radio?  Does this mean we get to wait EIGHT
MORE MONTHS after 7.4.2 is released before we get the numerous fixes
pushed to version 7.5?

I almost bought a couple of more SB Radios as gifts around the
holidays, but I'm glad I didn't.  My family members are much less
tolerant of software glitches and bugs than I am.


P.S.  You guys can forget about me buying your overpriced $50 radio
pack.  I'll just build my own.  K, thanks, bye.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-22 Thread jmpage2

The issue that I have with you is that you don't acknowledge that
Logitech has an issue to fix.  There have been several posts about WEP
not working.

I'm pretty sure that the problem could be recreated and fixed.

Instead of politely coaxing additional details that would help make
this happen, you instead prefer to demean the use of WEP, and imply that
Logitech shouldn't bother to fix it even if it is broken.

The tone of your response above pretty much says it all.  Maybe you can
try to be more civil in the future instead of coming across as a cranky


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-22 Thread jmpage2

Maybe you should get your facts straight instead of trying childish
redirection in this thread.  Seeing as I've been dealing with your likes
from BBS days I don't think it's going to pose much of a challenge to
show that you are the one who is being foolish.  My flame retardant
undergarments are 20 years old, how old are yours?

Your very first post in this thread included this gem;

Snarly Wrote: 
 WEP is -trivial- to compromise and has been so for years.  A cow-orker
 had a similar problem: my question is simple:... why are you using

From the outset you were less interested in figuring out WHY it was not
working and instead bashing on the very idea of using WEP since it is

My response, immediately after yours was this;

jmpage2 Wrote: 
 I think that the bottom line here is that if the device is supposed to
 support WEP then it needs to. Logitech should be trying to gather data
 from him in an attempt to get this working.
 Just because it's an old protocol that is easily hacked doesn't mean
 that they should only make a 1/2 effort to support it.

I then said that in the *INTERIM* an option would be to turn security
off or ditch the legacy devices.  However, I have made it clear in
multiple posts in this thread that I consider this a *SECONDARY* option,
as the *FIRST* option should be for Logitech to fix whatever
incompatibility there might be in the device.  There's no need for
people to junk perfectly useable 1st generation devices (like the
original Squeezebox) just because WEP is easily hacked.

It still has to be hacked and that's still more effort than most
people will go to.  In other words, WEP still tends to keep random
idiots out of your network, even if it is a protocol that can be

The OP also pointed out that he spent over 1.5 hours on the phone with
Logitech trying to resolve the problem unsuccessfully.  You really think
that in all that time they did not verify that the key he was typing in
was a valid one?  He has an SB 1 that uses WEP I'm pretty sure he
understands that he can't use a PASSPHRASE and must use a WEP KEY.

As I said, the real thing that needs to happen is that he needs to
provide some more information about the model router he has so that we
can determine if the problem can be recreated, and then a bug out can be
opened to try to get the problem addressed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-22 Thread jmpage2

As you can see from other posts in this thread, other users have had WEP
issues on the SB Radio which may or may not be addressed by newer


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-22 Thread jmpage2

See, I didn't realize that since you don't have issues there is nothing
wrong with the SB Radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-22 Thread jmpage2

eap;519648 Wrote: 
 Well just because some people have issues doesn't mean its the radio
 (could be the user or the user's network).  
 What bugs have you experienced that are definitively the software or
 the hardware of the radio?
 I'm still convinced most people would not have issues (or very minimal
 issues) if they would just leave a computer on 24/7 dang it (who doesn't
 want on demand email, web surfing, without waiting for a computer to
 boot), and let it run squeezebox server.  Seems like most issues relate
 to  (which go away if you use squeezebox server).

I have experienced a variety of software related bugs with the device,
many of them focused around alarm functionality.

For the record, I do network diagnostics for a living and am pretty
competent and capable in the IT arena.  Therefore, I don't usually get
tripped up by your typical rookie mistakes.

I run a WHS 24x7 that runs SBServer WHS version.  This version has not
been updated since 7.4.1 and I'm not interested in beta testing software
for Logitech.

The amazing part about all of this is, as I said in my original tirade,
this is a DOT DOT subrelease of the software.  This is the kind of
update I expect to see every month or two, not once every fiscal quarter
(or in this case, longer).

The annoyance is only increased by the many other fixes/enhancements
that have been delayed, the delay of the SB Touch (a year late, really?)
and the delay on the battery that has left me building my own.

Everyone at Logitech gets to share some of the blame here.  From upper
management obviously underestimating the resources needed for this
project, to designers who have clearly missed the boat on basic
usability to developers that (for whatever reason) have struggled to
release fixes (in some cases getting help on major issues from the user

I love the Slim products I've bought over the years.  I had the
pre-order for the 1st Squeezebox  Radio sold in the world.  However,
what I've been seeing over the last six months leaves me strongly
suspecting that this SB Radio will be my last SB purchase, at least
until there are some MAJOR changes (for the better) in this division of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SqueezeBox Radio battery kit avalible

2010-02-14 Thread jmpage2

baldbear;516858 Wrote: 
 I put together my battery today (both the 10 pack pre-made pack and the
 kit came in the mail.
 First of the link to my battery pack says it
 is 2000 mah when it's really 2300 (it is EXACTLY as pictured). I took
 the clear (logo) shrink wrap off the battery pack, then split the black
 shrink wrap between the batteries off the top. All the battery
 connectors are covered with an adhesive cardboard strip, so I pealed it
 back and soldered on 3 wires (and slipped that NTC in the middle, (the
 batteries are hooked together but there is plenty of space).
 Now for the gotchas, the instructions are WRONG. The diagram for
 soldering the batteries together (which I didn't have to do because I
 bought a pack), show that you put - to - and + to + which will short out
 your batteries, but the instructions (written), tell you to put the
 whole set of batteries + to - ( positive to negative, kind of making one
 big battery).
 When you put the leads into the connector the diagram is not obvious
 that they should go into the BACK (the bigger holes) of the connector
 (it is very difficult to get them in without each touching the next, I
 separated them with electric tape). I had the whole thing backwards at
 first and the SQUEEZEBOX reported that the batteries were overhot (I
 would guess so since it said over 7,000 Degrees C!)
 Since I only split the black wrap, I pushed it back on (I should have
 taped it but wanted it to work first.)
 The pack slips into the bottom of the box very easily, (with at least a
 1/2 inch of space, so I packed it a little so it won't move around in
 the radio).
 The kit is shipped in a plain white business envelope, kind of risky
 because it could be crushed, but then there really isn't much to break.
 Oh and he gives you essentially 2 sets of connectors which is nice if
 you screw it up, (only one temp sensor though).
 Charging it up right now.

I'm a bit confused by the comments.  I would have expected you would
only have had to connect the existing positive and negative taps on the
battery pack as well as the temperature sensor leads to the wiring
connector.  It sounds like you also had to wire additional leads from
the batteries to either the connector or the temp sensor?

I'm hoping that someone will do a bit better step by step directions on
this along with photos.  I'm pretty close to just ordering the parts and
taking a stab at it and if I do I will be doing a full instruction post
that the layman can follow.

I don't need the remote, so if I can build this for $35 or so then it's
worth the savings over getting the official one which appears as though
it is never going to ship.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SqueezeBox Radio battery kit avalible

2010-02-12 Thread jmpage2

baldbear;516355 Wrote: 
 I ordered the connector earlier this week, I'll post my results when I
 get it, (and I'll say how it works/is assembled). Those instructions on
 that other website are very poor, and abstract. I don't know why he
 didn't post a diagram of the wiring (besides the wiring of the circuit).

I guess he assumes everyone is an EE.  I'm not an EE or Electrician but
can usually handle projects like this if they are a little more cook
book in the approach of the directions.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SqueezeBox Radio battery kit avalible

2010-02-11 Thread jmpage2

agillis;515294 Wrote: 
 Tired of waiting for the SqueezeBox Radio battery? Build one yourself
 for $5.99.
 I just built a battery for my SqueezeBox Radio. It works awesome but I
 need some specialized parts. The pins for the special 2mm connector that
 connects the battery to the SqueezeBox Radio had a minimum order of
 1000pcs. So I decided to offer a kit to built the battery. 
 This kit included everything you need accept the batteries which are
 easy to get on-line or at your local battery store, RadioShack etc.
 With the kit you get instructions, the 2mm spaced connector, and the
 temperature sensor that goes in the middle of the battery pack. That
 plus about an hour of your time and your ready to go.

Any chance you could set up your ordering page to accept Paypal?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SqueezeBox Radio battery kit avalible

2010-02-11 Thread jmpage2

wrf;515365 Wrote: 
 I too built a battery.  Major hassle finding the right connector and
 $5.99 is a very fair price.  However, could I persuade you to share your
 instructions?  I followed the instructions at
 and there are a few ambiguities.
 1.  Packaging the batteries.  The batteries won't fit in the SBR when
 using regular battery holders.  I purchased two version, and they are
 both too big.  What do you do for packaging?  Solder directly to the
 ends of the battery?  That would probably fit, but I'm unsure about
 damage to the battery.  Perhaps use batteries manufactured with solder
 tabs?  That too would likely work, but all the sources I could find
 charge about $4.00 per battery.
 2.  Battery taps.  The referenced web site puts taps between cells 3/4
 and 7/8.  It appears to be a guess on the part of the author.  Add to
 that another guess on my part - which tap goes to which connector pin
 and you've got some serious experimentation going on.  My experience was
 good for a while.  I connected the 3/4 tap to to pin 3 and the 7/8 tap
 to pin 5 (using the numbering scheme on the reference web site)  Battery
 one is considered the first one in the series stack, where the positive
 connection goes directly to pin 1.  The battery charged up normally
 (topping out at about 29 degrees C) and then I used it straight on
 battery power.  After several hours (about 6) the battery was showning
 about one third remaining.  Music continued to play, but none of the
 buttons would work.  Not even the power or volume button.  Pulling the
 battery connection reset the box, and it promptly did it again.  It's
 now on wall power with the batteries charging again.  Clearly something
 is amiss and I am hoping it is related to the battery tap connections.
 Again, could you share your instructions?

Did you ever get it working?  I found the instructions you linked quite
lacking as it's not clear to me how he wired the cells together (in
series I am guessing) and exactly what leads he utilized in the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm completely stopped working

2010-01-25 Thread jmpage2

Interestingly my alarm did not fire this morning either.  No backup
sound or anything.  It's been working (other than annoying loud startup
sound) for weeks so I thought it was highly unusual.

I accessed the SB Radio through iPeng and it said the radio was
playing.  I ultimately had to reboot the radio to get it to start
working properly.

I'm running SBServer at home (on 24X7) version 7.4 and 7.4 FW on the
Radio also.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple setup - Loud burst before fade in

2010-01-24 Thread jmpage2

Marc;509930 Wrote: 
 I've recreated this problem and discerned the pattern associated with
 it.  Please see the following thread in the developer's forum for

Posted follow up with my details in Mark's thread as it appears that
he's closer than anyone in isolating the issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple setup - Loud burst before fade in

2010-01-23 Thread jmpage2

kork;509449 Wrote: 
 Before I returned the unit, it was set up as simply as possible.
 If Logitech wants to test...  what I did was this:
 1. Plug it in, set it up using the On screen menu on an unsecured
 wireless network. It automatically downloaded most recent firmware.
 2. Set alarm and set to fade in using radio, sounds, whatever.
 3. Wait for alarm to go off and enjoy the burst of sound 50(ish)% of
 the time.
 No server running software or anything... No wake on lan, just plain
 vanilla out of the box... No add-ons, no facebook,  no radio services
 installed...   No messing with settings.

I agree. I have not done all kinds of tweaking on mine either.  In my
case I simply have it waking up to a playlist that is hosted on my 24/7
home server which also runs Squeezebox Server.  I never connect or
manage my Squeezebox through the Squeeze network website.

This is a pretty easy problem to reproduce.  What I'm worried about is
that this is a fundamental flaw in the way the radio senses whether it
is playing the file, turned on and in the right state, etc.

If it is a fundamental problem with the software design then it's going
to be difficult to fix, which means it might never get fixed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple setup - Loud burst before fade in

2010-01-21 Thread jmpage2

I have the same problem. You would think this would be pretty easy to
set up on a lab environment and debug. My setup is SBServer and I get
this loud burst before alarm fade in all the time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple setup - Loud burst before fade in

2010-01-21 Thread jmpage2

miniwaites;508894 Wrote: 
 I used to have this, however I have now scheduled my PC to wake up a few
 minutes before the alarm time which avoids the problem.  This is
 obviously not a fix as you always need to get up at the same time! 
 However it does point to this being the WOL still not being properly

The PC I am running Squeezebox Server on is a Windows Home Server that
is on 24/7 and is never sleeping so there must be other reasons this is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] MY Alarm Issue, HELP!

2010-01-16 Thread jmpage2

I've seen a lot of references to new firmware but mine still says the
current firmware it has installed is the latest one available and I
installed that back in November when I bought the unit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] MY Alarm Issue, HELP!

2010-01-15 Thread jmpage2

I don't think the problem is completely due to set up.  My SB Radio has
always played the alarm for a second or two at full volume before then
immediately beginning the alarm with the volume fade-in as it should.

If this bug is not already out there then it needs to be filed.  The
entire point of fade-in alarm volume is to avoid a rude jolt to the
system first thing in the morning, something that my SB Radio currently
cannot do.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New 'alarm off' Feature/Change in 7.4.2 and 7.5

2010-01-10 Thread jmpage2

bluegaspode;503014 Wrote: 
 This button can be pressed - didn't realize before ! What am I missing
 else without a user manual ? This button is even easier to find compared
 to power off.
 Yeah I kinda like this last suggestion too.
 Have an alarm popup without a menu, a big clock and in small letters a
 hint what can be done (because otherwise users won't know when trying
 the alarm the first time)

THANK YOU! Your mockup screen looks very good to me!

This is exactly what I've been hoping we would see in the alarm
function for quite a while.  A LARGE time display while the alarm is
firing so I actually can figure out what time it is without having to
check my watch in a dark room.  

It is very clear from the thread that there is no pleasing everyone,
however I have to say that I'm dismayed by the increasing demand for
there to be a 60 second timeout of the Alarm screen (it might take me a
full minute to wake up and I still need to know what time it is when I
look at the damn alarm clock!) or the elimination of the alarm screen

If you want to use the Squeezebox as an Alarm clock then there has to
be a simple LARGE display of the clock, possibly the alarm time as well,
and some very basic dialogue choices for snooze.  What gaspode has
described would be close to perfect.

If you don't want to use the Squeezebox as an Alarm clock but simply
want music to start playing at a certain time then I would recommend
that there be two use cases.

1.  Alarm clock user (90% I would guess).
2.  Start playing music at 'x' time and play like normal with a normal
screen, no timeout, etc.  This I would think could be done through an

Logitech needs to focus on use case number ONE.  I have written a
review of the Squeezebox Radio on Amazon and have gotten a lot of
feedback from other users frustrated with the alarm functionality.

At the end of the day the majority of the people who buy this want the
alarm clock functionality to work as close to a regular $10 radio alarm
clock as possible.  Make the time display as readable as possible and
give the option to snooze as much as user wants.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] NTP on Squeezebox Radio?

2010-01-10 Thread jmpage2

erland;504911 Wrote: 
 Why ? 
 Isn't it synchronized with the server clock ?

The radio sets its clock to the server clock at boot time only.  From
that point on the clock will drift.

I've seen my radio off by over 5 minutes before rebooting to get the
clock to synch back up.

This would be the reason for implementing NTP in the radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New 'alarm off' Feature/Change in 7.4.2 and 7.5

2010-01-10 Thread jmpage2

Philip Meyer;505177 Wrote: 
 1.  Alarm clock user (90% I would guess).
 2.  Start playing music at 'x' time and play like normal with a normal
 screen, no timeout, etc.  This I would think could be done through an
 Logitech needs to focus on use case number ONE.
 I agree that case 1 is important.  But, I also think that 2 may be a
 bit higher than you have placed it.  Remember that Radio is portable. 
 It has a battery.  Many beta testers have theirs in their kitchen, or
 move it around the house - use it outside, etc.  It's more than just
 something that sits next to the bed and gets used for an hour each
 And the functionality shouldn't just be for Radio - all players have
 alarm modes - even the Transporter player shares the same SBS alarm
 clock features; I can't imagine a Transporter being used in the bedroom
 as an alarm clock!

From the Logitech marketing for the Squeeze Radio;

 4-day alarm clock functionality
 Place the network radio in your bedroom and eliminate the need for a
 separate alarm clock.

Hmm.  Seems to me that to eliminate the need for a separate alarm clock
you need to work as well as a regular alarm clock and worry a heck of a
lot less about trying to please the one-off use cases.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] It wakes you up but doesn't tell you what time it is?

2010-01-04 Thread jmpage2

rickkulp;502509 Wrote: 
 I have the impression from reading this forum that the alarm function
 wakes you up (when working properly) but doesn't display the time?  Can
 that really be true?  If yes, that may be a deal killer for me.  Does
 the Boom work this way, too?

The alarm does show the time, although in the latest version the screen
will disappear after sixty seconds and show the now playing screen
which makes it very very hard to see the time display.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does the Squeezebox Radio Keypad light up?

2009-12-29 Thread jmpage2

kmr;499195 Wrote: 
 Actually, I've now had my bedside Radio for about 2 months now, and I
 can pretty much always find the buttons I need by touch, even in the
 middle of the night.  I understand that the backlit buttons are pretty
 expensive, so I appreciate not having to pay the extra price for them. 
 They do look purty on the Boom, though...

Extra cost is relative.  $10 alarm clocks have backlit buttons.  In all
likelihood this would have added maybe $2 to the manufacturing cost of
the device.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2009-12-24 Thread jmpage2

I think that the bottom line here is that if the device is supposed to
support WEP then it needs to.  Logitech should be trying to gather data
from him in an attempt to get this working.

Just because it's an old protocol that is easily hacked doesn't mean
that they should only make a 1/2 effort to support it.

For all we know they validated that it worked with one model of router
and it's badly broken with many others.

Knowing what model of router the OP has will go a long way towards them
being able to recreate this in their lab and getting it fixed.

In the interim the options are simple, switch to WPA and strand your
legacy device or turn encryption off.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm clock ones!

2009-12-22 Thread jmpage2

mule;497906 Wrote: 
 Why hasn't the following alarm bug beeing marked as
 radioAlarmsCritical? Does it mean that we have to wait sometime longer
 for a solution?

It doesn't matter what the priority is.  That's up to Slim to
determine, not you the impacted user.

The important thing is that the target milestone for that bug is still
in the 7.4.x branch of software.

I'm sure about 1 week after they fix this someone opens up the
following bug report;

when headphones are plugged in Alarm sounds through speaker, when it
should sound through headphones.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Clock/Alarm Backup Battery?

2009-12-21 Thread jmpage2

bscherokman;497641 Wrote: 
 I know this is a dumb question but do you have to replace the
 Clock/Alarm Backup Battery?

There is currently no backup battery, not sure what you are referring
to.  The battery pack will go on sale in Jan/Feb (shipping in February I

Like any other rechargeable battery it will have a finite lifespan and
eventually will require replacement.  Such batteries typically last
through about 500 recharge cycles (similar to a cell phone) so probably
you are going to see 2-3 years of decent life followed by greatly
shortened life after that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Clock/Alarm Backup Battery?

2009-12-21 Thread jmpage2

bscherokman;497665 Wrote: 
 I am referring to the backup battery (not the rechargable battery) that
 keeps the clock and alarm running when the power fails.  Do you need to
 replace this backup battery?  Thanks for your help

There is no backup battery.  If you lose power you will not get a
backup alarm of any kind.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm clock ones!

2009-12-17 Thread jmpage2

aubuti;496471 Wrote: 
 Yes and no. Radio syncs to server time, and then runs on its own clock
 until it resyncs when rebooted. I know because my Radio drifts, losing
 almost 1 minute per week. To be fair, it's a pre-production beta unit --
 I don't know if it is a problem with the final production run. This is
 in contrast to players like the SB3 that have no clock of their own and
 therefore *always* show the server time.

I can confirm that this is still the case with my final production
retail purchased unit.  The radio, unlike my other SB devices, sets the
clock at boot time and from that point onward it will use its own low
quality internal clock to keep time.  I have seen mine drift as much as
three minutes in a week which is wholly unacceptable.

The desired behavior would be that at intervals (probably 24 hours or
less) the radio goes back to the server (either local or internet) and
resets its clock so that it is always in synch.

I cringe to think what would happen if I let a couple of months plugged
in without rebooting the radio, as the time would likely be off by 10
minutes or more, which is wholly unacceptable for a device I use to get
me up in the morning.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Limited settings for Radio under Squeezebox Server?

2009-12-16 Thread jmpage2

toby10;496134 Wrote: 
 I can confirm that Erland's Daylight Clock screensaver works fine on
 my Radio.
 Make sure after selecting all Applets to be installed you then select
 the Install/Remove option to actually perform the Install.
 Does your Radio show installing then restarting after you actually
 select Install?

This was not clear to me I will go take another look.  I had checked
the box for install on the radio itself (under advanced-applets) and
the applet never seemed to install.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Limited settings for Radio under Squeezebox Server?

2009-12-15 Thread jmpage2

I just recently installed all of Erland's plugins from his repository
and was somewhat surprised to discover that in the
server-player-settings webpage for the radio there does not appear to
be an option to set the now playing screen saver, stopped screensaver,

Is this normal?  If so this is really disappointing as I've been used
to being able to control these player details from the SBServer web page
quite easily.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Limited settings for Radio under Squeezebox Server?

2009-12-15 Thread jmpage2

What a drag.

I installed Erland's plugin but his screen saver does not show up in
the list of screen savers available on the Squeezebox Radio.  I had been
hoping that accessing these settings through the web page would rectify
the issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now it stopped working altogether (German data center of MYSB is done for?)

2009-11-30 Thread jmpage2

What a joke.  You would think they would have some sense and have some
level of redundancy in these servers and data centers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio on Sale

2009-11-18 Thread jmpage2

Companies pay for product placement.

It's evident that Logitech marketing is doing a terrible job of
promoting and positioning the Squeeze line in BB stores.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Radio clock not synched with local server

2009-11-17 Thread jmpage2

This evening I noticed that the clock on my radio was three minutes
ahead of the time on my cell phone. I assumed that my home server must
have lost its NTP sync and was drifting. 

When I checked the home server it was synched correctly and the time
was bang on. Three minutes behind the time on the radio. 

I rebooted the radio and the time shows correct but this leads to some
questions. Does the radio get initial time from the server and then do
NTP to keep clock updated or does it always take time from the local
server? If the latter it does not appear to be working well. Three
minutes of clock drift in two weeks of operation is not acceptable to me
in a device I count on to get me up in the morning.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't save playlist as Favorite?

2009-11-16 Thread jmpage2

JJZolx;486149 Wrote: 
 Did you ever file a bug report on this?  I think a checkin was made
 today to 7.5 that fixes this.

I did not.  If the bug has not been cleared I will file a bug report.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't save playlist as Favorite?

2009-11-16 Thread jmpage2

JJZolx;486151 Wrote: 
 Probably still broken in 7.4, unless this gets merged at some point.

   Author: bklaas
   Date: Mon Nov 16 11:58:25 2009
   New Revision: 29268
   Bug: n/a
   Description: Don't know how this hasn't been discovered already, but it was
   impossible to set a saved playlist as a preset. This fixes that.


As long as it is fixed in 7.5 it is cool with me!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio on Sale

2009-11-16 Thread jmpage2

If $149 is the new retail price they are going to sell a lot of units.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio on Sale

2009-11-15 Thread jmpage2

That is pretty amazing.  I paid about $168 at BB by using a 12% coupon
and cashing out one of my $10 vouchers.  Looks like I still get a price
adjustment.  Shows backordered on the website though.

Amazon often matches Best Buy pricing so they might drop their price
this week to match.

This also might be an early indicator that the entire Squeezebox line
will be price reduced next year.  I'd love to see a $199 Squeezebox
Touch on store shelves next summer!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio on Sale

2009-11-15 Thread jmpage2

Best Buy gave me my price match.  So, in the end I paid $139 + tax for
the SB Radio.  Well worth it!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Status of radio battery?

2009-11-13 Thread jmpage2

MelonMonkey;485066 Wrote: 
 Yes, I'm sure.  You could at least read the post that was linked and see
 Caleb's battery comments and specs instead of just trying to bash what I
 wrote because you don't agree with it.  My comments are based on facts
 and industry experience.
 Anyway, IMO, the battery pack and remote package is too expensive for
 my tastes. I believe they will still sell, though I think at $25 they'd
 sell a lot more and still provide decent profit.  Am I allowed to have
 an opinion?  I know how much it costs to manufacture and ship remotes
 and AA NiMH cells like this in China.  All the power to Logitech for a
 decent revenue stream, I just really wish that at $200 it had been
 rolled into the base radio package.

Considering your knowledge and experience in this area I think it would
be wonderful for you to manufacture alternate battery packs that can be
purchased for under $25.  With a warranty of course should anything go

I agree that the S-Radio should have had the battery standard, along
with the remote for that matter, but unfortunately such decisions lie in
the brains of marketing dweebs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm only works when connected to mysqueezebox?

2009-11-12 Thread jmpage2

toby10;484521 Wrote: 
 Yeah, completely agree on a minimum brightness when an alarm goes off. 
 Not only to see the time but also to help navigate the buttons for
 snooze etc..
 My idea for user controlled brightness per screen is because 25%
 minimum brightness may work for you, but the next person may want 50%.

It becomes a slippery slope to how much user customization you want and
how complex it makes the product.

For example, I would like three choices when the alarm goes off;

1.  Snooze
2.  Disable Alarm
3.  Disable Alarm - keep playing radio

I have not put in an enhancement request for this because it's small
potatoes right now when they have much bigger stuff to nail down, and at
the end of the day I might be the only user who desires this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm only works when connected to mysqueezebox?

2009-11-11 Thread jmpage2

My alarm did something unusual today so I thought it would be fun to
tack it onto this thread.

Last night I changed my Alarm 1 to a new time, 2 hours earlier than it
had been set to.  This alarm plays back a playlist of 2,000 tracks and
has been working fine.

This morning the alarm fired at the correct time, but it did not ramp
up the volume as it is programmed to do.  Instead, it just kind of made
a noise and then all of a sudden was playing at the full alarm volume.

To add to the weirdness, I noticed I could not make out the time on the
alarm.  It seems as though the ambient light sensor was stuck in cave
mode and was dimmed almost completely.

It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to add an enhancement wherein when
the alarm fires it puts the radio on a pre-determined brightness setting
so that it will be more visible in a dark room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm only works when connected to mysqueezebox?

2009-11-11 Thread jmpage2

toby10;484163 Wrote: 
 Uh huh... see post #5:)

I think the bigger issue for me is the fact that the alarm didn't do
the volumee ramp up.

I would like to see a fixed brightness for alarm playback since it's
kind of important to see the screen well enough to make out the time.  I
don't even recommend that this be user controllable, just make it so
that when the alarm is going off the brightness is minimum 25%, etc.

For me it's not a big deal to have separate controlled brightness for
all the different player states you mention.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-11-11 Thread jmpage2

Patrick Dixon;472529 Wrote: 
 It was flagged many times during the beta program, but since they knew
 better then what would change their minds now?

If they get a large number of returns due to the registration process
they might reconsider their stand in a later version of the radio

I am also concerned about the heavy reliance on for the use of
these new products. Many of us will want to use them for a decade or
longer but how long will the site be maintained? What happens if
logitech goes belly up?

I have bought the radio and greatly dig it. I am now torn between a v3
classic or a touch to replace an ailing v1. The stuff makes me
hesitant about the new player.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm only works when connected to mysqueezebox?

2009-11-10 Thread jmpage2

toby10;483741 Wrote: 
 Yes, that is one of it's marketing ideas.  Would I recommend such a
 device be used for alarm clock replacement, no.   :)
 The absence of a simple battery backup ALONE makes this unacceptable
 for alarm clock use, IMO.
 My PS3 and AVR are both capable of streaming music, but I'd recommend a
 SB player.
 My oven and microwave and coffee maker can all be used as timers, but
 I'd recommend a simple timer.

The SB Radio works great as an alarm.  There is room for some
enhancement and obviously issues with battery if you have unstable power
in your area.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] A couple of squeezebox radio questions

2009-11-10 Thread jmpage2

ModelCitizen;483729 Wrote: 
 Hmm.. seems to be catching.

Yes, you've infected me.

gahh!  :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] preset and favorite bugs w/server 7.4.1

2009-11-09 Thread jmpage2

It sounds as though the radio will lose presets if network connectivity
is interrupted under certain conditions.

Which is definitely a problem/bug.  The radio should store presets
locally and the condition of or a local SB server should not
affect them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] A couple of squeezebox radio questions

2009-11-09 Thread jmpage2

Cockeye;483494 Wrote: 
 Having a squeezebox in my living room, and loving it - I am thinking of
 purchasing one of these from Amazon here in the UK (unfortunately we
 have to buy blind as no-one stocks squeezebox on the high street).
 My two questions are :
 1) Is there a sleep function on it?  ie can I program it t play a
 gentle songs playlists for, say, two hours before turning off?
 2) Can I wake to my choice of radio or playlists?
 3) Is the radio easy to use?  I really can't get the hang of using the
 radio on my squeezebox in the living room :(
 4) Will it work with iPeng?
 Thanks in advance - I am ready to order, just need the confirmation on
 the above.

Yes, to all of the above.

Be aware that there's no quick way to put the radio into snooze. 
Currently you must either navigate into the snooze menu through the home
button on the radio or you can use iPeng to put it into Snooze mode.

Also be aware that you can't assign a playlist to a preset button, you
must initially make the playlist a favorite from the web interface and
then you can assign a favorite to the preset button on the front of the

On the whole the radio is a really nifty product, with some room for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] preset and favorite bugs w/server 7.4.1

2009-11-09 Thread jmpage2

peterw;483491 Wrote: 
 Good point. For this, I think a popup with a big 1-6 number would
 suffice, don't you? SBS/MySB could then start playback or push a popup
 saying the preset was undefined.

I can see the use of large format numerals from the standpoint that
there are plugins, etc, that will treat the buttons as something other
than presets.  For example, mapping one of the buttons to cycle
through sleep timer intervals on the device (I actually think that
turning the main knob left would be perfect for this purpose, then turn
the knob right to change the now playing screen).

However it is done, the radio should *immediately* communicate to the
user that it knows a preset button has been selected, then followed by
additional logic that tells the user that some activity is happening, or
the name of the preset as stored server side, etc.

As it is now it is too slow and has too poor of a user interaction to
be completely reliable.  As mentioned earlier, I select a preset button
for a playlist file and it is quite a few seconds before anything
happens on screen or audibly.

I could even the introduction of a hold music stream that streams to
the box before the actual audio starts playing.  Sounds kinda retro, and
most people probably would hate it!  ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-11-08 Thread jmpage2

ModelCitizen;482598 Wrote: 
 Ok. The wife is away and I can't sleep so have just had an extended play
 with my radio, including putting it under the duvet to ensure I  achieve
 maximum darkness.
 At no time does my screen get too dark. The state of the device does
 not appear to make any difference (i.e. Off/playing/stopped).
 I did notice that if I set the brilliance to manual I could get the
 screen to go darker than I could when set to automatic.
 So, I am still of the mind that, with the screen brilliance set to
 automatic the screen will not get dark enough.
 I also tried covering up the light sensor, but this made no difference
 PS. Have had the misfortune to catch a BBC Radio 1 mix by what sounded
 like DJ Mede on the Pete Tong show (3-5am). The drugs must be
 frighteningly strong nowadays if they enable anyone to listen (let alone
 dance) to this ugly machine noise.

It sounds like the ambient light sensor on your radio is possibly
defective, you should consider exchanging it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio is stuttering during streaming

2009-11-08 Thread jmpage2

boexli;480758 Wrote: 
 I will test it with a wired connection - today or tomorrow and will let
 you know my findings. Thanks again for all your help / nick

It's been a week, what did you discover?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-11-08 Thread jmpage2

ModelCitizen;483303 Wrote: 
 Funny, my conclusion was that it was the software that was the problem,
 not the hardware (maybe you assumed that when I covered up the light
 sensor I was in a lit room? I wasn't,  was in a dark room).
 Anyway, I've now 'upgraded' to 7.5 and if anything the problem is
 slightly worse, with the brilliance being  slightly less inclined to go
 to as dim as before in a darkened room (although this could be caused by
 the current bright moon and clear sky).

I don't understand how you could assume the software is the culprit
when plenty of us have reported that the display gets extremely dim in a
dark room, to the point of being almost difficult to read the display?

I even made a video to demonstrate how dim it gets on auto to which you
replied mine doesn't get that dim.

And you still figure this as a software issue?  You should at least
contemplate that you could have a bad unit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm only works when connected to mysqueezebox?

2009-11-08 Thread jmpage2

pfarrell;483300 Wrote: 
 jmpage2 wrote:
  davenva;483250 Wrote: 
  I'm worried about oversleeping due to a server problem or a network
  problem. I'm not sure if I should be, but after the Timezone
 problem, I
  I think you're being a bit too critical here.  Basically the
  is a computer.  It gets its time from either the server or the
  via NTP.
  For you to get the functionality you request would require the
  to manually set the clock on the device (like your $5 alarm clock)
 I'm just guessing, but isn't it easier than this? Davenva probably
 the battery pack from the accessories kit to keep the clocks running no
 matter what. But with that, unless the server gets its time completely
 fubar, isn't the clock in the Radio local? driven from the operating
 system within the Radio itself?
 Sure, the radio needs a server or internet connection to get to a
 NTP server, but how much drift are you gonna get in a day? Maybe a few
 seconds, but nothing to worry about.
 While it is true that PC clocks leave a lot to be desired for accuracy,
 and the Radio not a PC but it sure is an embedded computer with an
 operating system. Its got to have the brains and power to do this as
 long as it has power.
 Or am I all wet here?
 Pat Farrell

I think you could be a bit damp Pat, but probably not wet.  The Radio
alarm is proven to WORK even if there is no internet or server
connectivity.  There is even a local alarm sound that will function if
the selected playback media is unavailable.

It sounds like the person I was responding to was alarmed that having
incorrect timezone settings on the PC he was running the server software
on caused his alarm to mis-fire.  

Yes, there is a local clock and it would appear that this individual
wants the local clock to run with no outside interference.  To do this
you would have to sever clocking functions between  the radio and the SB
server, or at a minimum you would need some kind of radio pref that lets
you give the local clock on the client device a higher priority for the
alarm.  You would also need the means to locally program the clock so it
can ignore the network time that is on the server or the internet NTP
that it would normally use to adjust its time.

Personally I have never had an issue with the alarms and I've been
using them now for over a week.  I have never had a mis-fire, etc.  The
time on the Radio is always perfect.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-11-03 Thread jmpage2

I made a video of how it is working on my unit.  Camera was about 18
inches from the radio when I turn off the lamp on the night stand.

As you can see it dims down to basically complete blackness.  The
display is just barely visible but so faint that the camera cannot pick
it up even when passed directly in front of it.

Hope this helps answer questions about whether units are working
correct or are broken.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

This is very distressing that things are not being fixed.  Well I can
always return it over alarm and preset problems and send a message about
cheaping out on development.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

pippin;480675 Wrote: 
 Sorry, m ost of these bugs are like one week old.
 Why do you think they don't get addressed?
 Heck, if I have to change something on the App Store I need at least
 three weeks for quality control alone, if you mail in your ordinary
 alarm radio you probably don't get an answer before a month or so, how
 about a _little_ patience?

pippin, I hear you, however, there is only a 30 day return period to
return products.  What if they can't or won't fix bugs with presets,
alarms, etc?  I'm not talking about enhancements but just core

I really like the SB Radio and have given it a very favorable and
detailed review on, but I will return it if there is not at
least a time line given for the addressing of MAJOR issues that affect
core functionality.

Time has taught me that companies routinely release products with
faults which they then fail to address, leaving the buyer stuck.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

pippin;480704 Wrote: 
 Well, then when the period is over return it and give it another try
 after 6 months if it's too bad right now.
 I haven't had any issues with alarms so far (except th occasional
 backup alarm when the the server could not find my playlist) but I have
 to admit that I never used the Radio for it...

Okay, fair enough.  I have only done very basic testing with alarms and
have not had an alarm fail yet.  I am concerned though that my presets
seemed to spontaneously disappear when they only thing I did was turn on
the Trackstat plugin on the server.

Looking at it now I see that the server log file is over 1.4TB and
growing.  All of the messages seem to be complaining about Trackstat
undefined symbols.

I will remove Trackstat and restart.  If the presets spontaneously
disappear on their own again I will file a bug report.

P.S., I plugged iPeng on my Amazon review, good job, it's


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

pippin;480718 Wrote: 
 Did you import old TrackStat ratings?
 I recently re-setup my server and moved to 7.5.0 and when I let
 TrackStat (2.10, I believe) import my old ratings it took down the
 server for around 12h (it's a slow server), logged a LOT of stuff and
 caused mysql load that was so heavy that I couldn't even connect a
 player to the server.
 I let it run overnight and now it looks like it calmed down and I'm
 back to normal operation.
 I remember Erland had some issues with some db change in 7.4 that
 caused slow lookups and one proposed solution was to generate an
 additional table with hash ids to speed things up and only cause the
 slow operation once at startup.
 I don't know whether Erland implemented that but this was _my_ suspect
 for the cause, I'll see how it will work in the future...
 Thanks :-) Have fun with it.

I did try to import an XML library file from iTunes that had all of my
current track ratings.  It had been running for about 24 hours on a very
fast HP EX495 that is set up with dual core 2.5ghz cpu.

I just had to uninstall it because it is causing way too much server
load and I don't understand what it found in the import that caused it
to start trashing everything.

I'm hoping this explains my loss of presets on the radio although it's
a bit hard to understand.  I will just recreate the presets and see how
things work over the next couple of days.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

The auto dimming does just get a bit too dark for me at night, I can't
quite make out the clock.  Mind you I want it very very dim because I'm
a light sleeper.

During the day when any light hits it the unit becomes unbelievably

Hopefully we will get the ability to set a minimum and maximum bright
level and still let the auto adjustment do its thing.

I don't really mind the way it steps up and down, it's not smooth but I
only notice it when turning a light in the room on or off.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio is stuttering during streaming

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

It looks like the thread has been abandoned by the OP, which is
unfortunate as the problem probably could have been corrected with some

My unit has never experienced streaming hiccups in the few days I've
tested it on my home wi-fi.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Please vote on my preset enhancement request

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

The preset buttons don't tell you if they recognize a button push before
playback of the selected stream or playlist begins, which often results
in user confusion and multiple subsequent button pushes which can
further slow things down from starting up.

I've submitted an enhancement request to always have the radio pop up a
message indicating that the preset button has been selected, what the
content of the button is and a loading or waiting message while it
begins the audio playback.

Please vote for this enhancement if you agree it would be helpful.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Please vote on my preset enhancement request

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

I have also created an enhancement request that asks for an auto time
off so that the SB Radio will shut itself off and resume display of the
clock after a period of inactivity.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

erland;480769 Wrote: 
 Do you have any logs left ?
 If there was any errors, I'd like to see them.
 If it's just messages about not finding alternative paths it's not a
 problem, it just takes time.
 It's the Logitech tables that's the problem, I'd prefer to not modify
 Logitech standard tables as it might make their upgrade scripts very
 complex if they want to handle a database that has been partly improved
 by a third party plugin.

unfortunately I already trashed it.  Specifically it was saying symbols
not found in the directory which was defined for the database backup for

I have a post about my unusual configuration over in the plugins forum
which explains things in some more detail.

I just tried to feed Trackstats my unmodified Mac based XML file which
probably led to the bad behavior.  I would need some additional
assistance to come up with a strategy for importing the OS X based XML
file into Trackstats which resides on Squeezebox Server 7.4 running on
Windows Home Server.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

ModelCitizen;480768 Wrote: 
 Yours must be different from mine then. At night mine is about 14 inches
 from my face (on the bedside table next to my bed) and it is far too
 bright. I have to hang something over the front (in fact I might put the
 boom back until this is fixed in the software). I think I've got it as
 dark as I can, even selecting the black background for the screen.

Mine is not like that at all, you can literally barely make it out. 
I'm also super sensitive to light at night and routinely tape over LEDs,
put black out tint on clocks, etc, but I have not had to do any of that
with the Squeezebox.

Did you try resetting your Radio to defaults and see if that fixes the

The only other thing I can think of is that you have some ambient light
in the room which is hitting the sensor on the face of the radio and
fooling it into thinking the room is brighter than it is.

As an experiment you can try covering the top edge of the radio with
your hand.  The display should dim down to the point you can barely see
it at all, in just a matter of 10-15 seconds.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Please vote on my preset enhancement request

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

peterw;480774 Wrote: 
 Have you looked at the Power Save plugin?

Nope, I will investigate it, thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

Ah, I lied, I did still have a copy of it squirreled away.

Here's a sample, it looks like the whole log file is filled with the
same message;

09-11-02 09:00:41.1289] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.1281] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.

[09-11-02 09:00:41.1307] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.1297] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.

[09-11-02 09:00:41.2418] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.2413] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.

[09-11-02 09:00:41.2425] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.2422] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.

[09-11-02 09:00:41.2432] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.2428] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.

[09-11-02 09:00:41.2438] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.2435] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.

[09-11-02 09:00:41.2445] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.2441] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.

[09-11-02 09:00:41.2451] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[09:00:41.2448] Use of uninitialized value $line in substitution (s///)
at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
line 290, BACKUPFILE chunk 1030854.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

Also I can just send you chunks of the raw XML file if that would be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

12 inches, really?  No, mine is not 12 inches from my face, more like a
meter or more.  It also sits on a black table top so no chance of any
reflections from that.

My room is literally pitch black and I can barely read the display on
the Radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-02 Thread jmpage2

erland;480997 Wrote: 
 Is this the XML file you have specified in the parameter:
 Settings - Plugins - TrackStat - Backup/Restore/Clear - Backup
 If this is the case I understand why you have problems, because this is
 a iTunes XML file not a backup file from TrackStat. The Backup file
 parameter need to contain the full path to a backup file for TrackStat
 when you hit the Restore from file button.
 If you want to do an import from iTunes using the TrackStat statistics
 importer, you will instead need to setup this here: 
 Settings - Plugins - Custom Scan - iTunes Statistics Import

Thanks for the clarification.  Yes, I was just trying to feed TrackStat
the raw XML data from an iTunes Library via the backup/restore
functionality..  I saw some very vague information about how to import
the data into Trackstat that mentioned restoring the data and it's
obvious now that it won't work that way.

As long as I have your attention, maybe you could provide me with just
a bit of guidance.

I have the goal of being able to keep my ratings synch'd between iTunes
and Trackstat running on the Squeezebox Server.

My entire music library is stored on a Windows Home Server via SMB
share.  I play the music and keep it all rated and organized on an iMac
running OS X 10.6.2.

Is there any way for me to share the ratings data between the Mac and
Trackstat running on the Squeezebox Server or would I have to
effectively move my iTunes library completely to the box that Squeeze
Server runs on?

Hopefully this isn't too confusing.  It has long been a source of
frustration for me that I organize all of my music on my iPhone and Mac
but have no easy access to this data when playing my various other
devices, including my several Squeezebox devices.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Auto power off?

2009-11-01 Thread jmpage2

Is there already a request in to add an auto off feature to the radio? 
Since many of us use this as an alarm clock, etc. It would be nice to be
able to program the radio to power down after a set number of inactive
minutes, so that it goes back to displaying the clock.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio is stuttering during streaming

2009-11-01 Thread jmpage2

Have you tried using the wired connection on the squeezebox radio to
play the same material?

Try going hard wired.  If the problems go away then there is something
going on with the network, even if it is just the type of encryption you
are using.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-01 Thread jmpage2
 programmed to do.  

This appears to be buggy behavior and hopefully can be improved upon in
future versions.  Another issue that I consider rather major is that
when the alarm is sounding it shows the alarm time prominently
displayed.  This should be the ACTUAL current time with the alarm time
below, especially for heavy sleepers who keep banging on the snooze

Another thing for the alarm that would be nice is the ability to label
alarms so that they read his and hers, etc.  It is a bit confusing
for my wife if she needs to program alarm 1 versus alarm 2.  

On the whole the radio works very well.  I was very pleased with the
Pandora functionality and hope that with the remote it will be possible
to thumbs up or thumbs down a Pandora selection directly.  I did
notice that even though I have a Pandora One account that allows for
streaming of 192kbps that the Squeezebox Radio only streamed at 128kbps.
Perhaps this is a Pandora limitation.

One thing that did bug me throughout my use of the radio though was the
now playing screen.  It really bugged me that the album artwork had
the top chopped off by the progress bar and track details (particularly
annoying with the numerous album covers that show the artist, it winds
up that their head is chopped off like a photograph taken by a small
child).  Perhaps some alternate configurations can be provided in future
firmware versions.

From a very long time Slim Devices customer I can give this unit a
hearty thumbs up!  I would like to see a lot of the wrinkles get ironed
out in the coming months and honestly I think that at the $199 price
point it should include the remote and battery pack (many competing $149
devices have this functionality).  There is, however, simply no better
option I am currently aware of for freeing your music in a small table
top solution than this Squeezebox Radio.

Job well done Sean, Dean and company!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-01 Thread jmpage2

toby10;480371 Wrote: 
 To turn off operation beeps:
 Settings  Audio  Sound Effects  None
 Initially the Album Art was about 1/3 smaller on the Radio and many
 wanted larger images.  I would love to see a setting option for such art
 like Large (full screen like, it is now) and Small (about 1/4 to 1/3
 smaller, text does not cover album).  If it can only be a menu item
 within Settings that would be acceptable, but it would be better IMO to
 make it a simple on the fly option while in the Now Playing screen.
 I suggested a knob turn in Now Playing would re-size the art on the
 fly. A Knob turn currently does nothing in Now Playing (unless you push
 the knob).  The idea being each right click increases art size by 1/3,
 each left click decreases art size by 1/3, max three turns each way,
 fourth click (either direction) brings you back to the original art
 size.  But they seem to be interested in waiting for a third party
 plugin for this type of feature (assuming it is even possible at all).

Thanks for the heads up!  I suspected that there was some way to turn
off the beeps but just had not found the setting yet.

Even better than having the knob change album artwork size would be to
simply have several completely different now playing screens and allow
the knob to cycle through them.  This should make just about everyone


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My mini review of the Squeezebox Radio

2009-11-01 Thread jmpage2

SuperQ;480409 Wrote: 
 Unfortunately, it seems like Best Buy is completely dropping the
 Squeezebox lineup.  They didn't even have any in stock last time I was
 at a store a few weeks ago.  The sales people also indicated that they
 weren't going to stock them at all, and wanted to show me these nice
 sony products.

When they found the Squeezebox Radio for me it was coming fresh off the
truck along with a couple of Squeeze Boom units.

So, I think the sales people you talked to were misinformed, or were
simply idiots, either would not surprise.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio is stuttering during streaming

2009-11-01 Thread jmpage2

boexli;480393 Wrote: 
 I have not yet tried using a wired connection because I bought it for
 wireless use only. I use my wireless network for many devices including
 my boom device and I have had no issues so far. therfore I dont intend
 to change my wireless settings because of the radio which is still
 making problems. i have read an online review at and it looks
 that they must have ran into the same issue??!!,2817,2354904,00.asp
 The greatest issue you're likely to face with the Squeezebox Radio is
 stuttering during streaming.
 Thanks a lot for all your help / Nick

Nick, I don't think you are being fair.

Connecting the unit to a wired connection is simply to PROVE whether
the stuttering issue is due to the network connection or some other

In the network troubleshooting world these type of diagnostics are
critical for figuring out problems.

If you determine that it does not stutter during wired playback then
investigation can turn to other things such as possible sources of
wireless interference, type of network encryption being used, network
parameters, etc.  Any number of things could very possibly be modified
fixing the problem.

If, on the other hand you'd rather complain and not do any
troubleshooting then don't be surprised if the level of help you receive
starts to tail off.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Can't save playlist as Favorite?

2009-10-31 Thread jmpage2

I broke down and bought a Squeezebox Radio today and for the most part
I'm impressed.  However, I have found a few issues.

Most of my current frustration centers around the use of Favorites and

I want to add several of my playlists on my Squeezebox Server as
Favorites.  However, when I navigate to the Playlists menu, highlight a
playlist and press the + key there is no choice to add the playlist to
the favorites menu.

The primary reason I want to be able to add Playlists to Favorites is
so that I can assign them to the Preset buttons on the front of the

Any help is appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] For those of you thinking about returning your Radio ...

2009-10-13 Thread jmpage2

gweempose;471701 Wrote: 
 My suggestion is to be patient. Yes, the Radio is quite buggy at the
 moment. There is no denying it. Nevertheless, I have faith that Logitech
 will eventually fix all these issues. I remember when the controller
 first came out. That thing was riddled with bugs. There were times when
 I wanted to throw it as hard as I could at a brick wall. Fast forward to
 the present, and the controller has evolved into a pretty rock solid
 piece of hardware. I am confident that the same thing will ultimately
 happen with the Radio.

Companies should not be rewarded for rushing buggy products to the
market.  Purchasing such products and not promptly returning them
encourages the wrong behavior.

All products have bugs, but they should not be expected or tolerated to
a high degree in premium price products like the Squeezebox Radio.  This
thing costs almost as much as a PS3 for crying out loud.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio use as bedside radio/alarm

2009-10-11 Thread jmpage2

I'm glad this has been asked and appears to have been addressed.  I am
also a sleeper who is extremely sensitive to lights in my room, to the
point that I've had to put tape over the lights on many things such as
the base to my Harmony remote that is in the bedroom.

One of the questions that I have though is regarding the white numbers
on black background.  Are there plans to provide other colors for the
alarm display?  I've observed that blue is one of the hardest to sleep
with colors and red is one of the easiest to sleep with.



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