Re: CS CLAY used for Lupus recovering Dog--Wow so far!!

2010-03-05 Thread Bob Banever

 Be very careful feeding raw fish.  Raw salmon has a parasite that can be 
fatal and raw fish in general has alot of parasites to be wary of.  Make sure 
all raw meat is organic and pasture raised if beef is used.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: carolG 
  Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 1:31 PM
  Subject: Re: CS CLAY used for Lupus recovering Dog--Wow so far!!

  Aldi, no vaccinations in the 9 yrs owner here but prior probably so which I 
will never know.

  I was iffy on the raw fish for the parasites and familiar with Ian's work.  I 
know cooking kills immune system, she was raw for 9 yrs but sadly only loved 
game meat and sometimes raw ground chicken--otherwise no 
supplement--nothing--she became deficient plus a bad tooth may have brought her 
system down--I won't know as she never complains or visits vet--we made up with 
that this time since sick.

  Only drug in 9 yrs. as owner was recent--reason for outrageous skin 
attacknot way better and she is more in control

  I give her raw ground up veggies with her foods too!  Plus supplements muscle 
tested for...I can say improvements are evident even to my skeptic hubby--he's 
finally turning around his tune and seeing results


  From: Golden Aldi
  Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 2:03:10 PM
  Subject: Re: CS CLAY used for Lupus recovering Dog--Wow so far!!

  I also feed our dogs raw foods, and only on occasion, a bowl of high 
quality kibble. Its a salmon and rice kibble from Skinners, but that's like 2-4 
times a month! 
  When was the last time your dog got a shot? I stopped giving them to my dogs, 
and will be breeding without using any kind of chemicals. My dogs won't have 
papers, but they will be healthier than the ones that are mandatory vaccinated, 
dewormed, and whatever.

  You should try feeding her the fish raw, since cooking literally kills 
enzymes and minerals. It does make a difference, raw and cooked. Check out 
Billingshurst, Ian. He's a vet from Australia and has 
  now we have to suffer the consequences, as we both suffer in the end.


  On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 8:17 PM, carolG wrote:

Aldi, I can totally relate to your itch dog concerns.  Mine can to stop 
when I raise my voice saying hey and she immediately stops; I have been using 
a Chinese herb vet gave us for skin but she was trying to get her skin to 
lessen from the red color.  I am not 

Thanks Dan for clay info...I have making it as a paste first before 
applying to dry skin; now wetting down skin first a little and then applying 
the  paste or sometimes just putting down the paste directly to skin which is 
really most of the time however.

I don't think this dog will have one old hair on her body when I am 
finished w/her.  thanks Dan!!

Carol, using Living Clay product by  powder, 1 pound 
size and use a little each time so always fresh instead of making it all at 
same time...

She is drinking clay water too!  

2T clay = 1 ounce...

From: Dan Nave


Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 11:44:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS CLAY used for Lupus recovering Dog--Wow so far!!

Try hydrating it first.  This means mixing it with water to whatever
consistency you want and letting it sit for a while until all the clay
particles are evenly wetted with the water.  Clay can be made into a
gel or a slurry, depending on how much water you use.

If you put it on your hair dry and then wet it, it could become very


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Golden Aldi wrote:
 Carol, What's living clay? Here in Germany, they have something called


 On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:36 PM, carolG wrote:

 I know this is CS talk, but in addition since tried on my dog, I am now
 using Living Clay for dog's Lupus RECOVERY.  She's been drinking it for 

Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

2010-03-04 Thread Bob Banever
Ah, but GMO's ARE bad for you.  Nature will selectively modify organisms over 
time... basically the fittest survive.  For man to alter the genetic makeup of 
a cell by introducing foreign genes (from animals into plants for instance) is 
sheer folly, frought with all sorts of potential catastrophies not only for the 
flora involved (and others nearby), but also by the humans that end up 
ingesting these frankenfoods.  Allergic reactions are just one of the potential 
side effects.  We cannot adopt to changes quickly, it can take centuries.  GMO 
foods have the potential of wiping out all living things and should be banned 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Alan Jones 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:09 AM
  Subject: Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

  The point is not so much, are GMOs bad for you, it's consumers have a right 
to know which foods are GMO.

  Do you don't disagree with that?


  On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Steve G wrote:

  I have absolutely no concerns about Genetically modified fruits and 

  In my mind genetically modified means that there has been an 
organized hybridization effort as opposed to the natural course of evolution 
which does the same thing, but by accident rather than by design.

  Big deal.


  Alan Jones

Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

2010-03-04 Thread Bob Banever

  That statement is shocking.  Do you work for Monsanto or some other 
agrifood corp?  Nature does nothing by accident... genetic changes occur over 
thousands of years for survivability and those changes occur within a given 
species.  Thus, animal genes NEVER enter into a plant cell in nature.   The 
practice of genetic engineering is not only unhealthful, it is fraught with all 
sorts of dangerous outcomes.  Allergic reactions in people who eat the GMO food 
is just one outcome.  The practice of genetically altering plants could 
potentially wipe out all life on earth and should be banned.  People have 
already died from eating GMO corn (Starlink variety).  Insects ingesting these 
plants have also died en masse.  Birds (and bats) may also be dying due to 
genetically modified foods (grains and other plants).   This practice MUST be 
stopped now.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve G 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:05 AM
  Subject: Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

I have absolutely no concerns about Genetically modified fruits and 

In my mind genetically modified means that there has been an organized 
hybridization effort as opposed to the natural course of evolution which does 
the same thing, but by accident rather than by design.

Big deal.

--- On Wed, 3/3/10, Sunwaterclear - Sunny 

  From: Sunwaterclear - Sunny
  Subject: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive
  To: Silver List
  Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 10:02 AM

  This is so important that I am reposting it on all the lists I belong 
to. I think you all know that I am not a sp mmer.  

  I know that many of you on this list are very concerned about natural 
wellness and this includes the food that you eat. There is an urgent 
requirement now to stand up and speak out about GMO.

  I just submitted my comments to the USDA telling them to protect the 
integrity of organics by not approving the use of genetically-modified (GMO) 

  The USDA has alarmingly and mistakenly announced that they do not 
believe that consumers care whether or not GMO's are a part of our food supply 
and our agricultural production. Approving GMO alfalfa would significantly harm 
the integrity of and access to organic food, as well as the livelihoods of 
organic farmers.  

  We need to show them that we do indeed care! 

  Please take a moment to submit your comments to the USDA by following 
this link from Food Democracy Now! Then please pass this on. Every voice counts!

  Thanks!  And please, please, forward this to everyone you know

  A peek into our world.. 

  Feed the Future - Forest gardens - Sustainable Lifetime Food for All

  Feed the Future- The blog In depth articles - forest gardens, natural 
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  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


  Off-Topic discussions:
  List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

2010-03-04 Thread Bob Banever

  We will have to agree to disagree.  They DO NOT know what the outcomes of 
GMO will do over time... there hasn't been enough time elapsed to do proper 
studies, which would take 20 - 30 years.  Secondly,  if you've ever eaten 
organically grown produce you will find that most of it tastes thousands of 
times better than GMO foods, tomatoes included.  Plants having their genes 
altered by producing their own glyphosphate (Roundup) kill indescriminately.  
Bugs and animals eating these Roundup Ready plants often die (as BT cotton 
has shown in India and elsewhere).  Often, the bugs who eat these GMO plants 
develop resistence to the toxins and require even MORE and more potent 
insecticides and this too has shown to be true in studies.  It is a fallacy 
that less insecticides are used, more are used and more potent and deadly ones 
at that.  Fooling with nature is sheer stupidity built on greed and has the 
potential of killing all life on earth.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Goodwin 
  Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:39 AM
  Subject: Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

  I would agree that it would not be a good idea to genetically modify stuff 
blindly without having any idea what the modification will do.  But as far as I 
know, they DO know what these modifications will do, which is why they do them 
in the first place.  Tomatoes that have a longer shelf life and taste better, 
plants that have a better resistance to parasites, so they don't require 
chemical sprays to protect them, etc.  

  Calling them frankenfood brings to mind an image of the superstitious 
villagers circling the castle with torches, in a total panic because they don't 
have a clue what is going on inside.

  Better to find out what is going on, get some real knowledge of the subject, 
and then panic.  :-)

  And I'm certainly not for blindly accepting anything like GMO either.  But I 
know nothing about it, so need to find out before I take a position either for 
or against.

  As for evolution, it is caused in a number of ways:

  1. Changing environmental conditions can cause organisms to die off that are 
unable to adapt, leaving only those that do adapt to reproduce and thereby 
replicate their genes.

  2. Changing sexual preferences can have the same effect, but many orders of 
magnitude faster than 1.

  3. Pure chance -- gamma rays, chemicals, or other accidents can cause genetic 
modifications that, if they are successful, will begin a new line of 
organisms, perhaps even drastically different from their predecessors, all 
depending on the nature of the modification.

  As I understand it, random accidental genetic modifications happen to all 
living things all the time, but since most result in changes that cause the new 
organism to fail, they never see the light of day.  There is a lot to 
evolution.  I highly recommend Richard Dawkins's book The Selfish Gene.  


  From: Bob Banever
  Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 9:18:39 AM
  Subject: Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive


That statement is shocking.  Do you work for Monsanto or some other 
agrifood corp?  Nature does nothing by accident... genetic changes occur over 
thousands of years for survivability and those changes occur within a given 
species.  Thus, animal genes NEVER enter into a plant cell in nature.   The 
practice of genetic engineering is not only unhealthful, it is fraught with all 
sorts of dangerous outcomes.  Allergic reactions in people who eat the GMO food 
is just one outcome.  The practice of genetically altering plants could 
potentially wipe out all life on earth and should be banned.  People have 
already died from eating GMO corn (Starlink variety).  Insects ingesting these 
plants have also died en masse.  Birds (and bats) may also be dying due to 
genetically modified foods (grains and other plants).   This practice MUST be 
stopped now.

Re: CSIntroduction

2010-03-04 Thread Bob Banever

   Rest assured you've bought a great unit.  I have their SG7 Pro model that 
makes 5 gallons at a time (in about 2 - 3 hours).  Your unit will take longer 
but will make excellent crystal clear ionic/colloidal silver.  It's very easy 
to use and shuts off automatically when the solutiion is made.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ed Nelson 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:17 PM
  Subject: CSIntroduction


  My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
  I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal silver for about 
six years now.
  It has been very effective for me especially in early stages of colds and 
flu. This has been
  a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz of Earthborn 
Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
  In order to save money I have decided to start making my own and just 
purchased a unit from SilverGen.
  I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any constructive words of 
  Best of health to all of you!  Ed

Re: CSCS for injection (UNCLASSIFIED)

2010-03-04 Thread Bob Banever


 Do you add any CS to the Vit.C/bicarb mixture?

- Original Message - 
From: Tony Moody

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS for injection (UNCLASSIFIED)

Hi Bob,

Nasal flushing.
I've had great success using a mix of vit C and Bicarb.  What I'm doing 
is 2g ascorbic acid powder plus a teaspoonful of bicarb in a cup of warm 
water. Stir well. I do many flushes at a time. use a 50ml syringe with a 
short length of silicon tube and do one nostril, snort out, then the 
other, over and and over til the cup is done. This is profoundly better 
than doing one or two nostril flushes. 


On 4 Mar 2010 at 7:36, Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote about :
Subject : CSCS for injection (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

What was the (I believe it was 2) CS that was good for injection.
How would one use CS for injection.
I am troubled by sinus infections from time to time.
The cs I take does not appear to get to my sius's.
I do use a Nebulizer with cs in it.
I breath in through mouth and out of nose.
When I am done my nose is wet from cs.
This also does not help my Sinus's.
I was wondering about injections of CS.
How much how often and what kind and why only certain
Ones were for injection.
I usually get rid of problem with an antibiotic.
The nebulizer does help me with by problem of getting
Chest colds or worse.


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS(LL) Have you heard of this name change ?? Sweeteners.

2010-03-01 Thread Bob Banever


I must disagree.  The FDA should be in charge of safety, not efficacy. 
Thus, so long as something isn't going to poison or kill you, it should be 
available regardless of whether or not it works.  Truth in advertising is 
another issue entirely and should not be subjected to FDA approval.  There 
is far too much power within the FDA and it is causing us our basic 
freedoms.  They will soon try and make Vit. C a prescription drug (as well 
as hundreds of other harmless supplements and nutrients) even though no one 
has ever died from it.  I'll take the risk AND my freedom to choose how I 
want to medicate if at all as opposed to having my choices suppressed 
- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: CS(LL) Have you heard of this name change ?? Sweeteners.

 Well, I make and use CS because it's something I can do.
When it's not enough, I have no problem hitting the feed and seed store or 
asking the dentist for anti-biotics.
 Doctors under attack are more expensive than dentists told about a 
fantasy tooth ache, animal drugs are the same as people drugs and I cut 
out the middle men that pay $100,000 a year for malpractice 
insurance...except...if I choose them wrong, I can't sue for more than 
being my own dead or disabled dog...and the lawyers to do that will cost 
far more than the payoff.

It probably cost a billion dollars to get Vioxx approved, so I can see why 
the resistance to having it yanked because the risk of corking off is .7%
But lookie.  I hear all the time how the FDA should get out of our lives 
on one hand, and burrow further into them on the other.

 What do you WANT?
 Freedom or safety.  You can't have it both ways.
With freedom comes risk.
With safety, lack of choice...and you pay for that lack.
We don't want to pay the FDA the billions it takes to do the testing, so 
we pay the Pharm in the cost of the drugs that do get approved to cover 
those which don't and they write their own ticket accordingly.
For every billion the Pharm spends getting a drug approved, they spend 5 
billion on the ones that don't pass the initial phases...and you wonder 
why approved drugs cost so much and why they might want to fudge the data 
just a little bit and balance the risk of being sued against the 
probability of staying solvent.
The cost of that pill is something like  25 cents for the pill and 25 
dollars to insure against possible risks if ANY one dies or comes to harm, 
disregarding everyone that doesn't.

Taking drugs is not safe and NOT taking drugs when you need some is also 
not safe.

Meanwhile, people make a big stink about CS not having the approval it 
deserves, but won't pay the FDA to do it and the Pharm can't profit from 
it to cover the cost.

Following our OWN logic if the Pharm won't spend a billion dollars 
to get CS approved to satisfy OUR demand for safety, it will be outlawed 
and it's all the FDAs fault for not doing what it hasn't been paid to do.
The FDA has done the right thing. Don't ask and if you do we'll just say 
no to cover our unpaid buttholes. [We don't know, we haven't been paid to 
find out and we have found no reason to want to know OR find out..yet you 
ask us?  ..go away kid, hide in a water closet someplace and jerk your own 

If you live your own life and die your own death, you have freedom...but 
it's risky and a sharp mind is gonna be your best and only friend.
If you spend it looking for approval, you'll be licking a lot of corrupt 
boots that pick your pockets to pay for the safety you demand...but at 
least you can blame those boots for the heal grinding on your head when it 
turns out that you are one of those that doesn't fit the odds of success.

It's YOUR fault that I'm different and up  It's YOUR 
fault that I weighed the risks against benefits and came up short 
No one body can afford that, so every body pays a kings ransom...and the 
oddball STILL corks off. [ Damned if you do, damned if you don't ]

 Get it?

Is it better to have Gov't in control of your choices?
Well, it's hard to sue the Gov't and they can just print money to pick 
your pockets behind your back to pay for ten times as many leaches to tell 
you that you have blood to suck, but it's not YOUR blood that's leaving 
the hole in your safety seeking head.

How many people do you want to pay to convince you that your own life 
isn't yours so you don't have to take the risk of living it?.. then bitch 
and moan when you can't, but still have to pay all those people to tell 
you that you aren't damned when any way you look at it, you are. [Nobody 
dies for you and the only difference is who you get to blame]

What IS blame?
It's placing ALL the power to make choices into the hands of the people 
that YOU say don't care, making yourself  both innocent and totally 
helpless...your very own victim.

People go to Casinos 

Re: CSAgave Syrup, is it good for you?

2010-02-28 Thread Bob Banever

  Have you considered acupuncture for your wife's migraines?  It can be 
curative for those.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve G 
  Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 3:37 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAgave Syrup, is it good for you?

Unlike corn syrup, blue Agave syrup does not cause my wife to have 
three days of severe migraines.

So, I'm happy to use it to make home-made chili sauce, ketchup and so 
on since it is near impossible to find those things without corn syrup.

I'm not a raw food person, so whether this stuff is considered 'raw' or 
'cooked' is of no significance to me.   

A friend of mine has suggested a number of times that a raw food diet 
might help my wife's migraines become manageable.  She specifically suggested 
going to the Creative Health Institute in Union City here in Michigan.   I 
found their website at   and forwarded 
it to my wife for her perusal.   She was thinking that this might be worth 
exploring, but when she started reading about wheat grass enemas, that pretty 
much ended that discussion.

I'm not commenting taking issue with the raw food approach, either 
negatively or positively.  Just that the enema thing was a big hangup for my 


--- On Sun, 2/28/10, Day Sutton wrote:

  From: Day Sutton
  Subject: CSAgave Syrup, is it good for you?
  To: Silver Post
  Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 5:09 PM

  Day Sutton

Re: CSusing silverpuppy question

2010-02-14 Thread Bob Banever

   You probably need to use distilled water that has no mineral content at all. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: orv delany 
  Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 10:24 PM
  Subject: CSusing silverpuppy question

  I recieved the silverpuppy today and put in distilled water thats been 
prepared with activated charcoal, reverse osmosis, de-ionzation, steam 
distilled plus micro filtration sodium free, mineral content less than 1 ppm 
ozone protected , cleaned mason jar 32 oz with distilled water and turned on to 
auto mode and DC .   green light came on and its been on almost 12 hr.   and 
hasen't gone off yet. anyone know what is happening ?  even a guess.  Help  
thank you orv delany in portland or.   

Re: CSear infection

2010-02-13 Thread Bob Banever

  This sounds like a more dilute form of MMS.  What would you think of 
making a mixture of say 2 drops activated 28% sodium chlorite (activated with 
10% citric acid, 10 drops total) and 4 oz water?  This should be dilute enough 
to put in the ear as well.

  - Original Message - 
  From: poast 
  Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 8:47 AM
  Subject: Re: CSear infection

  Hello Gina,

  If you have access to sodium chlorite (NaClO2) and citric acid you can 
effectively and safely kill the infection in a few hours.

  The ear needs to first be cleaned out, as best as possible.  With a young 
child and an infection, cleaning may be more of a problem than treating, but 
the treatment is more effective if an attempt is made to clean first.

  In a small glass mix 2.5 ml of 5% sodium chlorite solution with 2.5 ml of 10% 
citric acid solution wait 10 minutes, then add this to 250 ml of water.

  Using a small syringe, dribble this mixture into the ear and try to hold 
everything still for 30 seconds.  Then the head can be returned to normal 
position and the mixture can be shaken out.

  The infection should be killed off in two treatments, but it depends on how 
deep the biofilm layer is in the ear.  You could try twice a day for three days 
and go from there.

  Adding the citric acid to sodium chlorite forms a chlorous acid solution 
containing chlorine dioxide.  You want to avoid prolonged breathing of the 
chlorine dioxide fumes when mixing because it can irritate your airway.  The 
solution you mix up has 300 PPM available chlorine dioxide with 30 PPM of that 
as free chlorine dioxide.

  The free chlorine dioxide kills the infection upon contact (well it actually 
takes 30 seconds...) and the residual left in the ear after shaking the head 
continues to release trace amounts of chlorine dioxide as new infection 
surfaces.  The minute amount of chlorine dioxide remains as a protective gas 
layer against re-infection.  It is also capable of penetrating biofilm and 
killing any infection hiding there.

  This is not only effective for human ear infections, but has also proved 
itself when dealing with antibiotic resistant ear infections in dogs and other 
animals.  I have caught the attention of veterinary doctors who after giving up 
on ear infections after trying all the antibiotics they have available to them, 
 have been astounded by seeing the infection eliminated in a few days.

  This mixture is only good for a month or so.  In the event of another 
infection, you should mix up a new mixture.  The sodium chlorite and citric 
acid chemicals are good for years as long as they are kept out of UV light and 
high temperatures.  Store out of the reach of children, of course.


- Original Message - 
From: Gina Moore 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 4:29 PM
Subject: CSear infection

So, it seems my daughter has an ear infection.  I don't do doctors, but I 
am a nurse and have an otoscope and can clearly see that her ears are infected. 
 Anyway, I give her CS everyday (about ¼ to ½ a cup), plus Vit D, cod liver 
oil, etc.  I try to do natural remedies as much as possible!


What can I do for her poor ears?  I have heard of putting Hydrogen Peroxide 
in the ears and letting it sit for a bit, but she's only 3 and may not do that 
well!  I have DMSO and could do a CS/DMSO mixture - any particular ratio that 
seems to work best?  Or is there some other remedy that would work well?  I'm 
up for anything at this point!


Thanks so much!



Re: CSDr. Oz, on bioterror attack.

2010-02-09 Thread Bob Banever
CS should be effective against these so long as they are single celled 
organisms.  In addition, I would add MMS to the list of antedotes.  MMS (dilute 
chlorine dioxide) is very effective against any and all bacteria and virus.  
Google MMS for more info.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Day Sutton 
  To: Silver Post 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 1:10 PM
  Subject: CSDr. Oz, on bioterror attack.

  I have read reports recently that not only Al Quaida, but also possible 
China, would use bioterror on us. The three that would be most likely used are: 
 Anthrax, Bubonic Plague, and Botulism.  Is CS/EIS effective treatment for 
these??  Now is the time to find out..If you don't know how to make your own, 
ask on the Silver-List..

  Day Sutton

Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

2010-02-04 Thread Bob Banever


   Foundational essence probably refers to kidney essence or jing.  This 
is primordial chi... energy retained through succeeding generations.  It 
also sometimes refers to sexual energy... very closely related to primordial 
essence as this chi is the driving force behind life, our sexual drive, and 
our genetic heritage.

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa

Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 5:56 AM
Subject: RE: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

I know a *little* about TCM...but have never heard of the term: foundational
essence. Can someone explain?


-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave []
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

Well, I can be irritable (LOL) but my face is not red...  unless I am
being irritated... ;-))
However, I know exactly what you mean about liver fire rising to the
head, but that doesn't happen very often anymore.

But, testosterone being changed to dihydrotestosterone (the western
medicine explanation for baldness) sounds very much like depletion of
foundational essence.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

It results from the depletion of blood and foundational essence, due to


Treatment can be difficult, but I know of TCM doctors (one in particular)
who has great success with about 50% of cases, the other cases being not
impossible but more difficult to treat.
One of my buddies also said his hair was thinning due to liver fire rising
to his head. This is due to stress, or anger/frustration. Liver fire


be more of an excess condition. If your face is red and you're irritable,
that sounds like liver fire.

- Original Message - From: Dan Nave
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

What does TCM theory say about male pattern baldness?

Is it considered to be a deficiency or excess condition, or just
something that you live with - like 2 arms, 2 legs, one head, etc?


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

bones and teeth are supported by foundational essence, according to
traditional chinese medicine theory. hair is supported by foundational
essence and blood.

- Original Message - From: sms
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

Right! According to the article below they prevent and reverse bone


Did you know?

While the article is long it is well worth the read. Here is an excerpt
may peak your interest:

SNIP . . . . .Aside from existing drug therapies, certain lifestyle
nutritional factors are known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Among
nutritional factors, recent observations suggest that dried plum, or
(Prunus domestica L.) is the most effective fruit in both preventing and
reversing bone loss. 
--- From: Del
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

That's not the only thing they increase!
-- From: Norton, Steve
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

Prunes have been found to ingrease HGH.
Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

2010-02-03 Thread Bob Banever

TCM stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Original Message - 
From: Evans, Antonio F.

Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 1:34 PM
Subject: RE: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

what does TCM stand for? Are there TCM Doctors in the Washington, DC

Kahlito Antonio Evans, Paralegal Specialist
Video Hearing Section,  Room #113 (MPA)
Desk: 202.461.8863 Fax: 202.565.4679

-Original Message-
From: Vigilius Haufniensis [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 6:31 PM

Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

It results from the depletion of blood and foundational essence, due to
Treatment can be difficult, but I know of TCM doctors (one in

particular) who has great success with about 50% of cases, the other
cases being not impossible but more difficult to treat.
One of my buddies also said his hair was thinning due to liver fire
rising to his head.  This is due to stress, or anger/frustration.  Liver
fire would be more of an excess condition.  If your face is red and
you're irritable, that sounds like liver fire.

- Original Message -
From: Dan Nave
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

What does TCM theory say about male pattern baldness?

Is it considered to be a deficiency or excess condition, or just
something that you live with - like 2 arms, 2 legs, one head, etc?


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

bones and teeth are supported by foundational essence, according to
traditional chinese medicine theory. hair is supported by foundational
essence and blood.

- Original Message - From: sms
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

Right! According to the article below they prevent and reverse bone


Did you know?

While the article is long it is well worth the read. Here is an


may peak your interest:

SNIP . . . . .Aside from existing drug therapies, certain

nutritional factors are known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


nutritional factors, recent observations suggest that dried plum, or
(Prunus domestica L.) is the most effective fruit in both preventing


reversing bone loss. 
--- From: Del
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

That's not the only thing they increase!
-- From: Norton, Steve
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

Prunes have been found to ingrease HGH.
Steve N

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHair Growth?

2010-02-01 Thread Bob Banever
I've had some success growing new hair by taking an ionic silica supplement. 
It works quickly... new hair growth was seen within a couple of weeks in my 
case.  It hasn't grown a full head of hair but enough to be detectable.  I 
have white hair and the new hair is black.  I've only been taking it for a 
few months so I plan on continuing.

- Original Message - 
From: Richard Goodwin

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 4:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

Funny you should mention that -- I was going to bring it up.  I have 
managed to grow back quite a bit of hair by daily spraying with CS for 3 
years now.  And I know another guy who has done the same thing with even 
more success than I have.


- Original Message 
From: Pat
Sent: Sun, January 31, 2010 4:45:15 PM
Subject: CSHair Growth?

Speaking of hairis there one single person on this list who has grown 
hair in by using CS on the scalp?  I know Robert Becker was said to have 
done so, but I don't understand why more guys don't try it.  It would be a 
fantastic experiment.


just joined the civil hair patrol!!

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Re: CSHair Growth?

2010-02-01 Thread Bob Banever


Eidon Ionic Minerals silica.   It is a liquid.  I take 3 
dropperfulls daily.

- Original Message - 
From: jessie70

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 12:45 PM
Subject: RE: CSHair Growth?

Bob what brand? Jess

-Original Message-
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick []
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

Isn't hair growth somehow related to H202 production - or non-production, 

the follicle?  dee

On 1 Feb 2010, at 15:06, Bob Banever wrote:

I've had some success growing new hair by taking an ionic silica
supplement. It works quickly... new hair growth was seen within a couple 

weeks in my case.  It hasn't grown a full head of hair but enough to be
detectable.  I have white hair and the new hair is black.  I've only been
taking it for a few months so I plan on continuing.

- Original Message - From: Richard Goodwin

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 4:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Off Topic FDA Seizes Ozone Generators

2010-02-01 Thread Bob Banever

 Although ozone does indeed kill virus, bacteria, and mold, it can also 
oxidize sensitive tissues such as the lining of your lungs, your eyes, and 
other mucous membranes, especially those that have alot of bacteria in them.  
Be very careful... most recommend that you not run ozone generators while you 
are home, but turn them on when you are away.  Dogs and cats are even more 
sensitive to the oxidative qualities, so be careful.

  - Original Message - 
  From: John E. Stevens 
  Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 1:16 PM
  Subject: Re: CS Off Topic FDA Seizes Ozone Generators


  Ozone creates more oxygen in your drinking water and many diseases cannot 
take hold in the face of a highly oxygenated body.   Especially cancer.  And 
some use it in the treatment of cancer.  I use a portable ozonator for this 

  Ozone is also used in air cleaners for homes and automobiles.  I have one in 
my car and several at home. A large air cleaner for the larger living areas 
that runs day and night all winter because I can't open the windows for fresh 
air.  i keep a small air cleaner in each smaller room - my office, my music 
studio, my wet darkroom and in my bedroom.   Again, it kills bacteria that may 
be in the air of your home.  It always smells like a fresh rain storm just 
cleared the air whenever I walk in the door of my home - or drive anywhere.  


  On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Rusty Moncrief wrote:

How is one of these devices beneficial?
Thanks in advance,

Subject: Re: CS Off Topic FDA Seizes Ozone Generators
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 18:53:38 +

Typical big brother!  dee 

On 30 Jan 2010, at 04:56, Bob Banever wrote:
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 8:22 PM
Subject: CS Off Topic Eating Fruit Author unknown?


Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.

Re: CSHair Growth?

2010-02-01 Thread Bob Banever
Yes.  The smaller bottle is a concentrate... the larger bottle is a dilute 
version of the same ionic mineral.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Nancy Venzon 
  Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 4:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?

Bob, I went to the web site for these minerals, I was wondering if you 
know why the 2 oz bottle is the same as the 19 oz. bottle, is the formulation 
diffrent, It does'nt say on the site.

On Mon, 2/1/10, Bob Banever wrote:

  From: Bob Banever
  Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?
  Date: Monday, February 1, 2010, 6:03 PM


   Eidon Ionic Minerals silica.   It is a liquid.  I take 3 
  dropperfulls daily.

  - Original Message - 
  From: jessie70
  Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 12:45 PM
  Subject: RE: CSHair Growth?

   Bob what brand? Jess
   -Original Message-
   From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick []
   Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:38 AM
   Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?
   Isn't hair growth somehow related to H202 production - or 
   the follicle?  dee
   On 1 Feb 2010, at 15:06, Bob Banever wrote:
   I've had some success growing new hair by taking an ionic silica
   supplement. It works quickly... new hair growth was seen within a 
   weeks in my case.  It hasn't grown a full head of hair but enough 
to be
   detectable.  I have white hair and the new hair is black.  I've 
only been
   taking it for a few months so I plan on continuing.
   - Original Message - From: Richard Goodwin
   Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 4:26 AM
   Subject: Re: CSHair Growth?
   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
   To post, address your message to:
   Address Off-Topic messages to:
   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
   List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CS Off Topic FDA Seizes Ozone Generators

2010-01-29 Thread Bob Banever
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 8:22 PM
  Subject: CS Off Topic Eating Fruit Author unknown?


 It's long but very informative
 We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just
 popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's
 important to know how and when to eat.
 What is the correct way of eating fruits?
 If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your
 system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and
 other life activities.
 FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let's say you eat two slices of bread
 and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight
 through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing
 In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The
 minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and
 digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.
 So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You
 have heard people complaining - every time I eat watermelon I burp, when
 I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like
 running to the toilet etc - actually all this will not arise if you eat
 the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other
 food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!
 Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes
 all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.
 There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic,
 because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr..
 Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter.  If you have mastered
 the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty,
 longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.
 When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT
 from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat
 cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get
 to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.
 But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice.. If you
 should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because
 you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on
 a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit
 juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends
 tell you how radiant you look!
 KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium,
 vitamin E  fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.
 APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low
 vitamin C content, it has antioxidants  flavonoids which enhances the
 activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon
 cancer, heart attack  stroke.
 STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total
 antioxidant power among major fruits  protect the body from
 cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.
 ORANGE : Sweetest medicine. Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds
 away, lower cholesterol, prevent  dissolve kidney stones as well as
 lessens the risk of colon cancer...
 WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher.. Composed of 92% water, it is also
 packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune
 system. They are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting
 oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C  Potassium..
 GUAVA  PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for
 their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps
 prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good f or your



Re: CSNew Generator from Russia

2010-01-28 Thread Bob Banever

  What could be harmful is due to the use of regular tap water instead of 
distilled water.  Because of the impurities silver chloride or some other 
silver compound might be produced which can cause argyria in large amounts.  If 
distilled water is used then it looks like a good unit on the order of a 
Silvergen or Silverpuppy without the automatic stirrer.  Don't know about the 
constant current in this device either.  Better to buy American in this 
instance IMO.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mark Modica 
  Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:13 PM
  Subject: Re: CSNew Generator from Russia

  Oh that silver chloride. 
  Maybe in about 3 o 4 years James Cameron could cast Avatar II in Moscow.

  On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Mark Modica wrote:

Not to get too deep into what they do in Russia -but is their any harmful 
effects from this method that could backfire on my theory that this is a good 

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Marshall Dudley 

  It is obvious from their picture of it in use that it is NOT producing 
colloidal silver, but silver chloride instead.


  Mark Modica wrote:

I have been reading and archiving for months. I am buying EIS as needed 
but haven't made my own yet. Probably will go with Silvergen.
Because two of my children I and were assaulted by a vicious (viral I 
think) infection this week- I was prompted to do a search on Ebay were I found 
another generator available from Russia. Cost is about $150.00 including 
worldwide shipping
From some links to studies I have found on this list I know Russia 
uses CS to treat water on their space station and I find it encouraging to see 
they claim 5 million units sold. I suspect there is more of an issue with even 
safe drinking water in parts Ukraine and this machine has low concentration 
fast production for treating drinking water as well as 10 PPM (uses automatic 

Has anyone seen this this unit? Any positive or negatives ( other than 
buy a machine from another hemisphere) would be appreciated.


Sorry to use Ebay links -- but manufacturer site is in Russian.

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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Mark Modica
First Class Fiberglass

  Mark Modica
  First Class Fiberglass

Re: CSBurning Feet: Extended Commentary.

2010-01-23 Thread Bob Banever

  Have you done or do you know of any studies done on lingual nerve damage 
with resultant paresthesia/dysesthesia?  I have burning pain on the right side 
of my tongue from an injection of articaine 30 months ago.  I'm wondering if 
B1, B12, and ALA might give me some relief or if you've heard of any other 
protocol that might help.  Looking forward to your response.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 2:47 PM
  Subject: CSBurning Feet: Extended Commentary.

  Now that my, original, comment has come through...I will conclude my comments 
on this topic. 
  First, however, I wish to rectify a misstatement made in my earlier post 
(caused by hasteI trust). 
  In the concluding paragraphs I commented on two improved types of B-12as 
being presently available. This was 
  in error. Actually, what I meant to say that there were  two improved 
members of the vitamin B family presently available. 
  They are Benfotiamin (a B-1 form), which greatly improves cell 
penetration...and is a pronounced improvement over most of the earlier 
representatives of the B-1 family. This B-1 form has demonstrated to be a 
noticeable improvement over earlier types 
  offered by the commercial market. The beneficial effects...especially for 
challenges presented by diabetes complications--- 
  are quite striking. Benfotiamin and Methyl B-12 demonstrate to act in 
synergistic manner when used simultaneouslyas 
  a peripheral neuropathic protocol. 
  The other vitamin is Methyl B-12 (methylcobalamine). This form is MUCH more 
soluble to tissue...than is the standard cobalamine form. Methyl-cobalamine is, 
also, quite effective as an ancillary protocol for autism in children (most 
especially below the age of 10 years). 

  This substance is well-tolerated by a majority of the general population, and 
oral ingestion is quite effective and adequate for maintaining satisfactory 
blood titers. Although IV was, is, more immediately effectiveand more 
completely utilizedthan is sublingually ingested forms of Methyl 
B-12..the sublingual administration shows to be about 50% as active (by 
volume), as are IV administrations. (At least that has been our experience). 
  We were privy to studies conducted by other research organizations, which 
revealed some very powerful effects of B-12 upon diabetic related peripheral 
neuropathy insults. e.g. One study revealed that IV injections of 2500 mcg of 
B-12 provided very substantial control/improvement in neuropathy presentations. 
Presenting symptoms (burning, itching, coldness, etc.) were 
well-resolvedsometimes in hours, and did not require other injections for 
intervals of...sometimesas great at 3 months. In some cases the standard 
protocol of 2500 mcg IV once each month was many times, soon extended to once 
every 3 months.and in some cases to several years in time. 
  As Alpha Lipoic Acid was unknown (to us) as an available address for 
diabetes-related peripheral neuralgiaat the time of our data was available to us---at that time--- on ALA 
beneficial effects. However, since the 1998-99 time frame, we have accumulated 
a sizable data base on the positive influence of ALA on peripheral neuralgia. 
Our recent investigations have, sometimes, shown stunning and immediate 
(within hours on occasion) relief. The most profound effects related to 
burning/itching of the feet and toes. A majority of these experimental 
investigations required 800 to 1000 mcg (minimum) to effect such rapid 
  We did not observe a single case of negative side-effects from the higher 
volumes of ALA...used by the experimental volunteers. 
  I hope these comments prove to be of some value to list members conducting 
their own experimental researaches. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
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are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSdental caries

2010-01-22 Thread Bob Banever

  Here is a website where you can purchase the Baby Godzilla.

 This unit has never failed to destroy bacteria causing a tooth or tooth 
root infection.  Works every time!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sunwaterclear - Sunny 
  Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 12:38 PM
  Subject: Re: CSdental caries

  Thanks Mary-Ann... I googled 'godzilla unit' but came up with lots of 
'monster' links.. can you kindly share who sells them.. please... If this works 
it will be a wonderful miracle as the tooth is attached to a 5-tooth bridge 
that cost me $6k [back when I could!!] and if that goes.. I'll be a toothless 

  sunny x
  A peek into our world.. 

  Feed the Future - Forest gardens - Sustainable Lifetime Food for All

  Feed the Future- The blog In depth articles - forest gardens, natural 
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nuclear, natural building v concrete, consciousness v asleep  Info on what's 
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  Tune in and friend us on Facebook - Pierre Soleil return to earth

  From: MaryAnn Helland
  Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 1:49:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CSdental caries

  Well -- I can tell you what I did.  At the recommendation of another list 
member here, I bought a Godzilla unit and used it to treat the cavity (which is 
really an infection in the tooth).  That killed the infection.  Then I bought a 
toothpaste designed to remineralize teeth.  I'll be darned if it didn't work!  
However -- mine was a reallly small cavity, and I don't know if that makes a 

  From: Sunwaterclear - Sunny
  To: Silver List
  Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 12:22:14 PM
  Subject: CSdental caries

  Hey, all you magic's another query from me...

  I have a cavity and can't go to the dentist.  Is there anything I can do and 
might CS help?  I thought I was helping by spraying store bought cs [which I 
mixed with oil of oregano in the bottle and probably destroyed the silver???] 
into my cavity... 

  much appreciated and think that's all for now...
  sunny x
  A peek into our world.. 

  Feed the Future - Forest gardens - Sustainable Lifetime Food for All

  Feed the Future- The blog In depth articles - forest gardens, natural 
wellness, human consciousness WHAT has to happen for us to evolve and emerge? 

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nuclear, natural building v concrete, consciousness v asleep  Info on what's 
going on and alternative and natural technologies for a simpler life

  Tune in and friend us on Facebook - Pierre Soleil return to earth

Re: CSarticle, Silver is a potent nerve cell toxicant

2010-01-22 Thread Bob Banever

I've been using ionic/colloidal silver on horses and humans for over 10 
years.  It has no toxicity that I can detect in the levels usually recommended 
and assuming you are using silver made with distilled water and .999 fine 
silver water with nothing added.  I give two cups a day to a sick horse, and 
1/2 cup daily to a healthy one.  Good luck.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 12:31 PM
  Subject: Re: CSarticle, Silver is a potent nerve cell toxicant

  I understand,

  Now I am wondering if I should treat my mare with this or not ?   I read an 
article referencing that Blue Man and his issues and experiences ... someone 
please speak up.


  In a message dated 1/22/2010 3:23:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Can anyone discredit that study, how it was performed, and its 
conclusions? Here is the link again:

I mean aside from saying it ain't true can someone really 
deconstruct it scientifically?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSarticle, Silver is a potent nerve cell toxicant

2010-01-21 Thread Bob Banever

That's strange... according to research conducted by Dr. Robert Becker 
silver ions are neurogenic.  They also help to repair DNA as cells revert back 
to normalcy from a state of disrepair, they dedifferentiate in the presence of 
silver ions.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Goodwin 
  Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 11:53 AM
  Subject: Re: CSarticle, Silver is a potent nerve cell toxicant

  Heh...  Right you are, unless you want to talk about electrons, protons, 
neutrons, quarks, ... :-)

  One silver ion = one silver atom minus one electron, yes?

  From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
  Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 2:18:06 PM
  Subject: Re: CSarticle, Silver is a potent nerve cell toxicant

  I don't think there are any particles smaller than ionic silver.  dee

  On 21 Jan 2010, at 16:52, Nenah Sylver wrote:

There’s an article called “Silver is a potent nerve cell toxicant”

Any thoughts about this? It sounds like a bunch of crap. Or are they 
talking about nanoparticles smaller than ionic silver?


Nenah Sylver, PhD
author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),
now available in HARDCOVER
 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy

Re: CSone for brooks

2010-01-20 Thread Bob Banever


  Thanks so much.  I appreciate your response and sharing of your 
experience.  I've used CS as a nasal wash for years but thought of adding a 
bit of DMSO to make it more effective.

- Original Message - 
From: sol

Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSone for brooks

At 07:54 PM 1/19/2010, you wrote:


When you get the chance I have one question for you regarding DMSO 
and CS.  That is is it safe to mix 5 - 10% DMSO and CS to use as a 
nasal and sinus wash?  Since DMSO is so effective at breaking the mucosal 
barrier it would seem to me an effective way of dealing with germs in the 
sinus cavity.  Looking forward to your response.

I'm not Brooks, and I don't know if my experience
is of any interest to you, but I use CS/DMSO as
nose drops when needed, and would not hesitate to
use it in my neti pot if needed. I do keep the
percentage of DMSO under 5%  for this purpose
though, about 1 to 2%. I have read that DMSO is
an effective transporter at 2%, and from my
experience using it with my pet rabbits (ear
drops and nebulizing) I believe it to be
effective at 1%. And 1% or 2% doesn't burn in the
nose like higher percentages do. I also add MSM
for nasal use as it reduces irritation and drying

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSone for brooks

2010-01-20 Thread Bob Banever

  Have you used CS as a treatment for bleeders?  If so, how do you do this. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: polo 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:39 PM
  Subject: Re: CSone for brooks


  Thanks for your time and insight. 

  Yes, I have used DMSO/CS and find it very efficient in biofilm conditions. 
The only problem is that most USA horse racing jurisdiction have DMSO on a 
banned substance list. Not good for on going treatment, and it is one impetus 
for me to find new protocols.

  I am a bit taken aback by your warning of not fiddling/experimenting,  even 
if I were a professional of which I do consider myself. I have been treating 
racehorses for over 30 years. I would suspect, if you see some of these animals 
come back to the saddling area gushing blood from their nostrils, you might 
change your mind. Particularly when our vets seem powerless to help. All they 
can offer is a few CCs of lasix as a preventive. I should think some fiddling 
and experimenting in a logical manner would be very much to the benefit of 
these animals. I have never caused harm yet.

  I think you misunderstood me. I was not trying to produce liposomal CS via 
the ultrasonic or compressor type nebulizers. I was using them as a delivery 
device only for a home-made liposomal CS product made under your 
recommendations (only using CS instead of Vit C) from the harbor fright 
ultrasound cleanerand only then placing the finished liposomal CS 
product in one or the other type of that nebulizer for delivery into the lungs. 

  At any rate, thanks again.

- Original Message - 
From: Brooks Bradley 
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: CSone for brooks

I have only a few moments of time, at present. However, I offer a couple of 
comments on your inquiry. 
First, there are a wide variety of enzymes which will act as 
solvents/penetrants of MANY membrane-type tissues/films. Bromelain 
is one (a very effective one) of many. Some enzymes are narrow spectrum 
in effect and some are wide spectrum. I have no knowledge of the effects of 
specific enzymes on the effectiveness/enhancement of antibiotics. 
Briefly, the most effective liposomal substances a general 
rulethe smallest in particle size. Ultrasonic 
devices and HIGH PRESSURE DIFFRACTION DEVICES are, at present, the most 
effective for accomplishing this. Conventional air compressors could serve, 
quite adequately, in a large number of applications. The proviso being that one 
is aware that geometry 
of the discharge assembly is of great importance (small particles are vital 
to non-injurious success). 
We have utilized 90% colloidal silver X 10% DMSO SOLUTIONS to very powerful 
effect in addressing serious pulmonary insults in equines (all ages). We have 
not used enzymes in direct-address situations involving horses. Primarily, 
because nothing we have ever evaluated has approached the ability of DMSO as a 
mucous-barrier penetrating agent. Coarse-particled 
gases (liquid mixtures) pose a potential threat for enabling pneumonia-type 
Liposomal encapsulation does, indeed, offer some profound 
advantages.especially when utilized through proper 
supporting equipment. However, I would counsel that 
fiddling/experimenting with pulmonary challenges among horses, by 
inexperienced persons (even professionals), is a very DANGEROUS endeavor. The 
least threatening/effective protocols we have ever utilized involved 
oxygen-driven fluids which were micro-sized and furnished via systems of the 
re-breather type. 
I must go now. I hope these comments are of value to you. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

Re: CSone for brooks

2010-01-20 Thread Bob Banever

  The state I reside in (CA) allows DMSO as late as the day before a race 
if I'm not mistaken.  I do believe alot of horses bleed due to fungal 
infections in the lung tissue... but that is only part of the problem.  In 
Chinese medicine it is due to dry heat  or heat in the lung and  wind 
invading. Regardless, delivering CS with DMSO via a nebulizer might be a good 
idea but if you're going to try and clear up an infection you should do it 
between races, not right before or the day of.  That way there is no problem 
with DMSO either.  We use Yu Nan Bai Yao very successfully.  This stops 
bleeding internally.  Give 6 bottles the morning of the race.  Works better 
than lasix without the side effects.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: polo 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:46 AM
  Subject: Re: CSone for brooks


  It has been my experience that CS will not curb bleeding. In my specialty 
of pulmonary bleeding on the race track, horses tend to bleed and the 
traditional veterinary protocol is to inject them with lasix, a diuretic, which 
some times helps. Many times, it does not. Also, vets seem not to know why 
performance horses bleed from the lungs. It is my experience and theory that 
they bleed because they have a biofilm lung infection which is very hard to 
diagnose, culture and treat with conventional antibiotics. DMSO and CS seems 
some what effective as long as we can work around the state ban on DMSO given 
in the vicinity time frame of a race. I think liposomal CS may offer a much 
needed option to striking at the heart of this bleeding problem by aiming at 
the offending biofilm infection and not be curbing the bleeding directly per se.

- Original Message - 


  Have you used CS as a treatment for bleeders?  If so, how do you do 
this.  Thanks.


Re: CSone for brooks

2010-01-20 Thread Bob Banever

  May I ask what state you reside in?  Here in CA the vets give IV DMSO 
very frequently the day before a race with no legal issues that I am aware of.  
As far as Yu Nan Bai Yao is concerned I have found that it is necessary to use 
5 or 6 bottles for bleeding (5 - 6 times human dose).  This is normal for a 
horse and is not overdosing, nor does it test positive.

  - Original Message - 
  From: polo 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:34 PM
  Subject: Re: CSone for brooks


  It sounds all good in theory, just stop DMSO application a day before, 
but life never ends up being quite that simple on the track. Metabolism rates, 
dosages, skilled help, delivery method, etc, etc, all figure in to a very 
confusing picture when it comes to getting stuck with a possible drug positive. 
I have long found that banned drugs should be handled very carefully even 
beyond the proper withholding recommendations. Plus there are so many gray 
cases of guessing whether a horse is infected or not, that it is often a good 
idea to nebulize as close to the race as possible, even on race day. 
Maintenance therapy is good too, beyond what we may consider a cured 

  Biofilm infections of the lungs can easily be multi-specie colonies 
consisting of fungi and bacteria and probably other forms living 
synergistically. I  have found native American herbs to be just as effective as 
Yu Nan Bai and I only give one 150ml bottle versus your 6.

- Original Message - 
  The state I reside in (CA) allows DMSO as late as the day before a 
race if I'm not mistaken.  I do believe alot of horses bleed due to fungal 
infections in the lung tissue... but that is only part of the problem.  In 
Chinese medicine it is due to dry heat  or heat in the lung and  wind 
invading. Regardless, delivering CS with DMSO via a nebulizer might be a good 
idea but if you're going to try and clear up an infection you should do it 
between races, not right before or the day of.  That way there is no problem 
with DMSO either.  We use Yu Nan Bai Yao very successfully.  This stops 
bleeding internally.  Give 6 bottles the morning of the race.  Works better 
than lasix without the side effects.  


Re: CSone for brooks

2010-01-19 Thread Bob Banever

When you get the chance I have one question for you regarding DMSO and 
CS.  That is is it safe to mix 5 - 10% DMSO and CS to use as a nasal and 
sinus wash?  Since DMSO is so effective at breaking the mucosal barrier it 
would seem to me an effective way of dealing with germs in the sinus cavity.  
Looking forward to your response.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CSone for brooks

  I have only a few moments of time, at present. However, I offer a couple of 
comments on your inquiry. 
  First, there are a wide variety of enzymes which will act as 
solvents/penetrants of MANY membrane-type tissues/films. Bromelain 
  is one (a very effective one) of many. Some enzymes are narrow spectrum in 
effect and some are wide spectrum. I have no knowledge of the effects of 
specific enzymes on the effectiveness/enhancement of antibiotics. 
  Briefly, the most effective liposomal substances a general 
rulethe smallest in particle size. Ultrasonic 
  devices and HIGH PRESSURE DIFFRACTION DEVICES are, at present, the most 
effective for accomplishing this. Conventional air compressors could serve, 
quite adequately, in a large number of applications. The proviso being that one 
is aware that geometry 
  of the discharge assembly is of great importance (small particles are vital 
to non-injurious success). 
  We have utilized 90% colloidal silver X 10% DMSO SOLUTIONS to very powerful 
effect in addressing serious pulmonary insults in equines (all ages). We have 
not used enzymes in direct-address situations involving horses. Primarily, 
because nothing we have ever evaluated has approached the ability of DMSO as a 
mucous-barrier penetrating agent. Coarse-particled 
  gases (liquid mixtures) pose a potential threat for enabling pneumonia-type 
  Liposomal encapsulation does, indeed, offer some profound 
advantages.especially when utilized through proper 
  supporting equipment. However, I would counsel that fiddling/experimenting 
with pulmonary challenges among horses, by inexperienced persons (even 
professionals), is a very DANGEROUS endeavor. The least threatening/effective 
protocols we have ever utilized involved oxygen-driven fluids which were 
micro-sized and furnished via systems of the re-breather type. 
  I must go now. I hope these comments are of value to you. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

Subject : Re: CSone for brooks

Date : Tue, 19 Jan 2010 12:58:16 -0600

From : Dan Nave

To :

Oral bromelain was reported to be very effective in potentiating 

antibiotics. I think this is due to it's action in 

penetrating/dissolving biofilms, or some similar action. 


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 9:47 AM, polo wrote: 

 Hopefully Brooks will have time to consider and comment on this. 


 I have long been interested in protocols that will efficiently attack 

 biofilm infections. It seems that inhaled (nebulized) liposomal 

 medications are very effective in penetrating very difficult to treat 

 biofilms. Some recent studies have suggested that liposomal antibiotics 

 superb treatments. Here is one: 



 The above study used a compressor type of nebulizer (nebulizer PARI 

 Star).   Anyway, I would like to try liposomal colloidal silver in a 

 nebulizer for biofilm lung infections, particularly in racehorses. 

 we use ultrasonic nebulizers as opposed to the older compressor type 

 nebulizers as was used in the above study. Ultrasound nebulizers vaporize 

 the medication into super small droplets that can be pushed into the lung 

 via an air jet. The older compressor type uses a small air compressor to 

 vaporize the inhaled medication producing larger medication particles to 

 breathed in. Naturally, the ultrasound nebulizer technology produces 

 droplet size which is more conducive to lung inhalation efficacy. 


 What I would like to know, do you see any problems with producing 

 colloidal silver liposomes using your home made protocol and (2) would an 

 ultrasonic nebulizer be detrimental to the liposomal structure? Would an 

 older compressor type nebulizer as used in the study be better in putting 

 liposomes into solution for inhalation purposes or would the newer 

 nebulizers not over-whelming affect liposomal structure upon vaporzation 

 might it even be beneficial? 


 As a side note, I want to add that heavy metals seem particularly 

 effective against biofilms of which I would venture a guess that 


Re: CSCS and sense of smell- losing it

2010-01-14 Thread Bob Banever
I've put CS up my nose dozens of times without any side effects whatsoever. 
Stings for a few minutes, but that's all.

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS and sense of smell- losing it

  Never has for menor have I heard of it before.


At 09:45 AM 1/13/2010 -0600, you wrote:
Several of my family have been battling bronchitis for the last week or 
so. My husband put some CS in a teaspoon, and inhaled it.
He did this maybe 4 times over the last few days, and now says he cannot 
smell anything--  even the chlorine type smell of MMS,
or fragrance oils straight from the bottle.  (I am a soapmaker, so have 
lots of that around.)

He had recently read that the use of ZICAM, a zinc-based OTC product that 
you used by swabbing in the nasal passages, caused

loss of sense of smell.

Will sniffing CS into the nasal passages do the same thing?

Beth H

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSOT... but important!

2010-01-12 Thread Bob Banever

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals

In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, 
analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, 
researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto's GM corn is linked to 
organ damage in rats.

According to the study, which was summarized by Adam Shake at Twilight 
Earth, Three varieties of Monsanto's GM corn - Mon 863, 
insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603 - 
were approved for consumption by US, European and several other national 
food safety authorities.

Monsanto gathered its own crude statistical data after conducting a 90-day 
study, even though chronic problems can rarely be found after 90 days, and 
concluded that the corn was safe for consumption. The stamp of approval may 
have been premature, however.

In the conclusion of the IJBS study, researchers wrote:

Effects were mostly concentrated in kidney and liver function, the two 
major diet detoxification organs, but in detail differed with each GM type. 
In addition, some effects on heart, adrenal, spleen and blood cells were 
also frequently noted. As there normally exists sex differences in liver and 
kidney metabolism, the highly statistically significant disturbances in the 
function of these organs, seen between male and female rats, cannot be 
dismissed as biologically insignificant as has been proposed by others. We 
therefore conclude that our data strongly suggests that these GM maize 
varieties induce a state of hepatorenal toxicityThese substances have 
never before been an integral part of the human or animal diet and therefore 
their health consequences for those who consume them, especially over long 
time periods are currently unknown.

Monsanto has immediately responded to the study, stating that the research 
is based on faulty analytical methods and reasoning and do not call into 
question the safety findings for these products.

The IJBS study's author Gilles-Eric Séralini responded to the Monsanto 
statement on the blog, Food Freedom, Our study contradicts Monsanto 
conclusions because Monsanto systematically neglects significant health 
effects in mammals that are different in males and females eating GMOs, or 
not proportional to the dose. This is a very serious mistake, dramatic for 
public health. This is the major conclusion revealed by our work, the only 
careful reanalysis of Monsanto crude statistical data.

- Original Message - 
From: Annie B Smythe

Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: CSChemistry question ?

LMAO Steve, my head is spinning. Just something that is safe to consume 
without poisoning myself:)


Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be 
counted counts. (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)

Norton, Steve wrote:

Are you considering Magnesium Chloride that is specified as laboratory
grade and not just technical grade?  Here is a definition of grades from
a chemical supplier that defines laboratory grade:


Reagent ACS -- Meets or surpasses latest American Chemical Society
standards for purity. Reagent -- Does not exceed maximum limits of 
significant impurities as
stated. Does not have ultrastringent requirements of Reagent ACS. 
Laboratory Grade -- Equivalent in purity to United States Pharmacopeia

(USP) and National Formulary (NF) listings. However, they are not
offered for food, drug, or medicinal use of any kind. Practical Grade --  
Sufficiently high quality for use in many syntheses
and other applications. Technical Grade -- Selected commercial grades, 
scrupulously clean, and

of reasonable chemical purity. Where usable, most economical grade and
suitable for educational purposes.

There is Magnesium Chloride used for de-icing roads and sidewalks that I
would be hesitant to consider for use. I would definitely want to see an
MSDS or assay for it. - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] Sent: Tuesday, 
January 12, 2010 9:06 AM

Subject: Re: CSChemistry question ?

Thank you Steve:)

I've been looking for Magnesium Chloride so I can make it up by the half 
gallon or gallon, and all the 'grade' terminology is a little confusing. 
I know pharmaceutical grade and food grade are ok for consumption, and I 
figured lab grade would have to be mostly pure, but I wasn't sure that 
technical grade wasn't just another name for lab grade, and what do they 
use technical grade for anyway? I just don't want to use the wrong thing. 


Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can 
be counted counts. (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)

Norton, Steve wrote:

Here is a good source of info:

I frequently use reagent grade chemicals 

Re: CSRe: Mercury, Vaccinations, Immune Detox Question...

2010-01-01 Thread Bob Banever


 I suffered from mercury poisoning a few years back.  I successfully 
chelated the metal out by using liquid zeolite (10 drops 3x daily for a 
month) along with burbur (an herbal preparation) and chlorella.  I felt 
better in one week although I did the protocol for one month.

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Converse

To: Hanneke;
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 6:36 AM
Subject: CSRe: Mercury, Vaccinations, Immune  Detox Question...

Hi Hanneke,

Thanks for sharing your history and your insights!

My life has been dramatically altered due to severe mercury poisoning as 
well. In my case, I was told by a practicioner back in 93' that I was on 
my way to developing MS due to the high levels of heavy metals in my body, 
most importantly, mercury.

I am very thankful that the direction of my life was altered from that 
course through the events and modalities which followed over the last 
seventeen years, including replacing amalgam tooth fillings with 
alternatives, orthomolecular therapy, herbal approaches, dietary changes, 
colonics, fasting, chelation - administered orally, by suppository, and by 
IV, and lots of FIR sauna usage. There were some other things which helped 
but these, as well as I remember, were responsible for most of my recovery 
over the years. I also received two miracles, which I would be happy to 
discuss one to one, if anyone is interested.

During the nineties my immune system had become so ravaged by documented 
extraodinarily high amounts of mercury that I developed severe food 
sensitivites, Candidiasis, lost close to fifty pounds (which I needed) and 
suffered from seasonal affective disorder, body tremours, emotional 
instability, general anxiety disorder, IBS, CFS, memory problems, 
cognitive deficits, tinnitus, depression, continual opportunistic 
infections, endocrine and hormonal disruptions and a host of other 
complaints. To add insult to injury, Lyme disease was added to the 
diagnosis, confirmed through a reputable lab.

As the years have progressed and the efforts to eliminate heavy metals and 
other toxins have continued along with  continued efforts to mop up all 
the unpleasant ancillary effects and pathogens as well as measures to 
support areas of weakness, nearly all of the issues I suffered from have 
either completely resolved or come close to becoming completely resolved, 
with the exceptions of a weakened ability to detoxify and a weakened 
immune response, which both seem to persist and require continual (and 
expensive) support.

I, as a younger and a less-informed man did not avoid vaccinations like 
the plague, as I now do, although I don't blame them or the amalgam 
fillings (as much as I hate mercury and vaccinations) as the sole sources 
of my past and present troubles. Ode has eloquently pointed out the folly 
of that kind of thinking and the reasons for it. (This is not meant as a 
criticism to you, Hanneke...please read on).

I have also come to the conclusion, through looking at the lives of my 
predecessors and my extended family, although I have no conclusive proof, 
that my genetics include a predispostion toward an inability to 
effectively eliminate heavy metals and other toxins, possibly due to 
methylation problems and phase 2 detoxification insufficiencies. These 
inadaquacies and other similar ones related to my makeup may be actually 
more responsible for my challenges than the toxins themselves. They may 
also be responsible for my son's Asperger's Syndrome (high functioning 
form of autism).

This is my background and present understanding...sorry for its length. 
Really, what I wanted to do was thank you for your great post, share a 
little myself, and seeing some similarities between your experiences and 
mine, ask you (and others) what measures you find to be most helpful in 
supporting your immune system(s) and detox abilities.

Thanks in advance,

- Original Message - 
From: Hanneke

Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: CS..How many watched the video and passed on..these videos 
are about Autism

I can't seem to find my longer email from a few years ago in which I 
explained about my diagnosis of MS in 1978/1979, a diagnosis I refused to 
accept as being for real. In spite of all the tests done, and 
consultations with specialists/neurologists, I just could not for whatever 
reason accept that it was MS.  I was told I was in denial.
Possible,  of course,  but it did not stop me from starting my own 
research. I read and read, for close to 9 years. My health was 
deteriorating whilst continuing my search. In 1988, I somehow got stuck 
on notions of mercury poisoning, and possibly causing symptoms similar to 
MS. Without much, rather none,  support from doctors, I went ahead and 
had all my mercury/amalgam fillings removed. A big  exercise 

Re: CS...these videos are about Autism,Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine

2010-01-01 Thread Bob Banever

  I'd look into taking liquid zeolite and chlorella for mercury detox and 
autism.  I had mercury poisoning a couple of years ago.  A Dr. prescribed the 
zeolite and I felt better in a month.  I took (as an adult) 10 drops in water 
three times daily.  Ate about a tablespoon of chlorella daily as well.  Good 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 5:20 PM
  Subject: Re: CS...these videos are about Autism,Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking 

  You didn't watch both video's ...I think Kennedy comments were home school 
kids w/o vaccines had no autismAmish had 4 cases...3 of cases were adopted 
after vaccines shots were given...the 4th was down wind of mercury plant...or 
  Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part2  . my question remains can CS help 
autism kids, what can be done to help..

  In a message dated 1/1/2010 7:06:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
At 11:23 PM 22/12/2009, you wrote:
It was Sweden, I think, that eliminated Mercury in ALL vaccines 30 
years ago, but Autism rates kept climbing there, just as fast as 
everywhere else that didn't.

It thought that was interesting so I did some looking up.  My 
findings are that they did not eliminate Mercury until 93/94, then 
starting to phase out the use of Thimerosal in the vaccines for 
children.  On the rise of autism in Sweden, that too  seems to be not 
quite accurate as you state. They have not been rising as fast as 
everywhere .
If you have a source to back up your statements, I would be 
interested in reading that.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCure for Cancer and other illnesses

2009-12-21 Thread Bob Banever

   As far as I know you have to make it yourself.  You can buy small 
amounts at a medical marijuana collective, but you need to ingest 60 grams over 
90 days to effect a cure.  That requires abourt one pound of marijuana, so it 
can be expensive.  It is easy to make.  The instructions are found at

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 12:10 PM
  Subject: RE: CSCure for Cancer and other illnesses

  has anyone tried this product or tried to buy it?  I looked on line and there 
are adds, just don't know about legalities. 
   Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 09:45:16 -1000
   Subject: Re: CSCure for Cancer and other illnesses
The film is from and about Rick Simpson.
The movie is called Run From The Cure.
   It's on YouTube =
   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
   To post, address your message to:
   Address Off-Topic messages to:
   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

  Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now. 

Re: CSConspiracies

2009-12-20 Thread Bob Banever

  Although this is off topic, I must state that 9/11 was indeed an inside 
job.  There are reams of scientific evidence and proof that the governments 
story is a total fabrication.  Scientists, architects, pilots, and engineers 
all dispute the government version of events and have the proof to back up 
their claims.  Please peruse this site for the real facts.

  America has been hijacked and it's high time the perps are brought to 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 8:04 AM
  Subject: CSConspiracies

The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are usually presented 
as facts and no effort is given to provide serious documentation or support.  
Usually the support behind the statements is in the theorist's rationalization 
which involves a series of suppositions, each one relying upon the accuracy of 
another, like individual dominoes stacked precariously one upon another.   As 
long as every single supposition/domino is dead on accurate, the whole thing 
manages to stay together, but if one is wrong, the entire structure falls.
Generally, theorists don't really have much in the way of facts, but they have 
a lot of opinions.

On the other hand. there really are conspiracies.  And the nature 
of conspiracies is that the perpetrators do not like them to be discovered.  
People attempted to reveal the conspiracy are targeted for discreditation, 
ridicule, or elimination.

What do you do?   You do your best to listen to what is claimed, 
attempt to determine if it has any realistic merit, and make your best 

Popular conspiracy theories in my lifetime include:

Man landing on Moon is a Hoax
Roosevelt knew about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance
Obama is not born in the US
Katrina Hurricane relief efforts were bungled purposely because victims 
were African Americans
Global Warming (now climate change since the earth has been cooling for 
about 8 years)  is due to human activity

And many others.

People who promote these theories are mostly sincere.  They are 
forceful.   They are passionate.   But being sincere, forceful, dramatic, or 
loud does NOT mean you are correct.  

Making claims without any proof by someone who is sincere or loud 
convinces many people.  The Katrina victims theory is particularly weak because 
absolutely no documentation or support exists for the claim.  Global warming 
theory is particularly suspect, especially now, because the scientists doing 
climate change research have been proven to have conspired to for years to toss 
data and studies that don't support the theory.  

Now, the claims that David Rockefeller owns 85% of the world's 
pharmacies could possibly be true I suppose.  But, nobody seems to be able to 
come up with any documentation, so I ignore this.   But let's say it's true.  
On top of this, for the conspiracy to be accurate, we need to believe that an 
incredibly rich man who will never be able to spend 10% of his wealth is so 
crazed by money and power that he will deliberately go out of his way to risk 
everything to cover-up or discredit alternative treatments and remedies that 
may have some real merit.   This is a lot for someone to accept without some 
real documentation.

As far as the claim that the WTC were not brought down by terrorists 
amazes me since I saw the buildings collapse on live tv.   The buildings each 
took much longer than 10 seconds to collapse from the time they were struck by 
the airplanes.   There are a number of well researched papers discussing the 
mechanics of how that happened.  Imploding experts use dynamite to implode 
buildings.  This was entirely different and the imploders' expertise is pretty 
much irrelevant here.  There are tons of evidence that 911 was indeed 
orchestrated by Al Quaida terrorists.  

Me?  I'm just skeptical of exotic claims.  I'm willing to listen to 
just about ANY theory as long as there is some real evidence to back it up.  
Evidence other than someone connecting a bunch of assumptions and opinions.  

I think we are currently living through one of the biggest conspiracies 
on record right now, namely the efforts to pass the so called 'Health Care 
Reform Bill.'I think there is a lot of evidence to suggest that various 
politicians are being blackmailed to support it or paid off in one way or 
another.  I have no proof of this, so I can't promulgate my theory as anything 
more than a suspicion.  If successful in their efforts, the government will 
have unprecedented power over our lives.   Anything you might have to say about 
911, Rockefeller's banks, the Fed, or the FDA pales in comparison with what 
this power grab is likely to do.

That's my take.

Steve G.

Re: CSCure for Cancer and other illnesses

2009-12-20 Thread Bob Banever

   You would have to live in a state where medical marijuana was legal.  In 
order to make it you need alot of bud.  It's easy to make but very expensive to 
make enough for a possible cure.  Rick Simpson recommends 60 grams over a 90 
day period... that equals to about 1lb of marijuana.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 12:10 PM
  Subject: RE: CSCure for Cancer and other illnesses

  has anyone tried this product or tried to buy it?  I looked on line and there 
are adds, just don't know about legalities. 
   Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 09:45:16 -1000
   Subject: Re: CSCure for Cancer and other illnesses
The film is from and about Rick Simpson.
The movie is called Run From The Cure.
   It's on YouTube =
   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
   To post, address your message to:
   Address Off-Topic messages to:
   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

  Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now. 

Re: CSBlood test shows CS continues to bring viral load down

2009-12-18 Thread Bob Banever
Re: CSBlood test shows CS continues to bring viral load downThat is GREAT 
news.  I think the key for EIS is the DMSO...I don'thave HIV but when I've used 
it for a cold or flu it hasn't done much.  I added 2 or 3% DMSO the last time 
and my cold was gone in a day and a half.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Gwlynda Irek 
  Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 6:56 PM
  Subject: Re: CSBlood test shows CS continues to bring viral load down

  Great results!!  How much CS and EIS is he taking for a daily dose?

  Carlene Yasak On 12/18/09 8:40 PM, Carlene Yasak 

Some of you may remember that in September I reported the results of two 
blood tests for someone who complained of lingering flu symptoms over a period 
of one month. This person had previously tested positive for HIV. A first blood 
test in August 2009 showed a viral load of 300,000 per million which was not 
encouraging. He therefore began taking CS with 5 percent DMSO several times a 
day.  Six weeks later, a second blood test showed that the viral load was down 
to 90,000 per million.  Based on this result, he required no medication and the 
number of doses of CS per day were reduced to three (the size of a shot glass) 
which he took only in the evening. Two months later (early in December), as a 
precautionary measure, a third blood test was done. It showed a viral count of 
15,000 per million for this person. This corresponds to better than average 
immune response. He is no longer considered at risk for viral infection. He now 
takes one maintenance dose of CS/EIS daily and will continue to do so. He also 
drinks fruit kefir every day. BTW, he feels great. 

  Gwlynda Irek
  Country Ridge Bulldogs

  Bulldog Club of America - Preferred Breeder
  Lone Star Bulldog Club
  North Texas Non Sporting 

  A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring 
heaven to your soul.

Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

2009-12-14 Thread Bob Banever

 Well of course it's a conspiracy.  Big pharma conspires with the FDA to 
keep natural medicines out of the hands of the populace, they conspire between 
themselves to fix prices, and they conspire with lawmakers to make sure that 
only their products are available for use and purchase.  Right now their 
conspiring with the White House and congress to keep cheaper Canadian drugs off 
of the American market.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 5:32 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

Well, I agree that we need to be in charge of our own health.  I'm a 
big believer in being self
reliant and not trusting others to take care of us.  Of course, that is 
what's lead me to exploring colloidal silver, and other alternative therapies.

We are constantly under assault in all walks of life by people and 
organizations who want to exploit us.  I don't think we should trust anyone who 
hasn't earned our trust.  The biggest offender in this regard is our 

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Richard Goodwin wrote:

  From: Richard Goodwin
  Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve
  Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:37 AM

  I agree -- for sure there are some inept ignorant people who are 
doctors and dentists, just as there are in any profession.  But doctors in 
particular largely have their hands tied, first by their education -- they 
didn't used to even recognize vitamins not too many years ago, and they almost 
universally don't recognize silver or any other alternative medicine today -- 
but mostly by the joint actions of big pharma, and their police force the FDA, 
and by the AMA.  And of course the insurance companies.  Medicine today is all 
about making the most profits for pharmas and insurance companies, and is not 
about what is best for patients.  That's why we have to be in charge of our own 

  And it's not a conspiracy theory, unless you consider that a big 
company, all of whose people collaborate to generate profits, is a conspiracy.


  From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
  Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:30:04 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

  But often the drugs given by doctors are what causes the body to stay 
sick, or become sicker.  Take vaccines for instance, nearly every single person 
I meet who had the 'flu vaccine has become *really* ill.  The doctors may not 
be aware of it, but they believe the drug companies who of course, have a 
vested interest.  Some doctors too, like my friend's who has put her on statins 
and blood pressure meds when she had neither high blood pressure *or* high 
cholesterol.  dee

  Almost all disease comes initially from incorrect nutrition and/or 
ignorance of what can make our bodies sick.  Not all of course, but most. dee

  On 12 Dec 2009, at 04:23, Steve wrote:

  I'm not much into conspiracy theories.

  I refuse do believe that All Doctors work hard to keep their 
clients ill.  From what I can tell, they are mostly overworked and would be 
happy to see less of their patients due to good health.I've had a lot of 
different doctors over the years.   Absolutely no evidence that that any of 
them had anything in mind other than the best care they could give me.  Of all 
of them, my present doctor is my favorite.   He wants me well, and is obviously 
very concerned about what is in my best interest.  

  My wife sees a lot of different doctors because she is very 
ill.  Her doctors don't keep her sick, they don't need to.  Her body does that 
on it's own.

  I'm sure that, just as in any profession, some doctors do not 
do a very good job.  I believe that these persons are the exception and not the 


Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

2009-12-11 Thread Bob Banever

Be careful.  All dentists play russian roulette with your lingual and IAN 
nerves... it's what they learn in dental school.   It's best to not use any 
anesthetic for routine procedures... just grin and bear it, I do.  You have the 
peace of mind knowing there won't be an permanent nerve damage and it really 
isn't that bad.   

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 7:30 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

I went to a  dentist a number of years ago that we unofficially renamed 
as 'Dr. Dollars' for obvious reasons.

Seemed like whenever I went to him and took a shot, I would get this 
intense jolt that felt like electricity going through my tongue.   He explained 
to me that he was aiming for the lingual nerve because the anesthetic then took 
effect much more quickly.

How insane is that?   He was taking a calculated risk with MY nerve 
health in order to pack in a  bit more work and make a few bucks.

We left for a different dentist shortly after that.

Steve G.

--- On Thu, 12/10/09, Bob Banever wrote:

  From: Bob Banever
  Subject: Re: CSsensitive teeth
  Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 6:06 PM

  Agreed!  Dentists are THE most dangerous health care providers on 
the planet.  Mine destroyed my lingual nerve with an injection of anesthetic 
(articaine) resulting in a permanent paresthesia/dysesthesia of my tongue.  My 
life is now torture because of this.

- Original Message - 
From: James McCourt, Ph.D. 
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: CSsensitive teeth

File an assault and battery criminal complaint with local PD, state 
dental board, and consumer affairs department.
  - Original Message - 
  From: jessie70 
  Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:57 AM
  Subject: CSsensitive teeth

  Had my teeth cleaned yest. Dentist capped a tooth 5.5 mths ago. 
The space he made between it and another tooth is too large.  Food gets stuck  
I have to clean after every meal. So hygienist said it needs to be redone.  

  Later dentist is alone w/me  says he can fix it. He turns on 
tool and is pressing against teeth on that side. I held up hand  asked what he 
did. He had filed down other nearby teeth so my bite would change to fix 
problem of large space he said. I told him I didn't want to change other good 
teeth to accommodate crown  he didn't like that. 

  Teeth are sensitive today. Does anyone know what can help that? 

Re: CSsensitive teeth

2009-12-10 Thread Bob Banever
Agreed!  Dentists are THE most dangerous health care providers on the planet. 
 Mine destroyed my lingual nerve with an injection of anesthetic (articaine) 
resulting in a permanent paresthesia/dysesthesia of my tongue.  My life is now 
torture because of this.

  - Original Message - 
  From: James McCourt, Ph.D. 
  Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 9:41 AM
  Subject: Re: CSsensitive teeth

  File an assault and battery criminal complaint with local PD, state dental 
board, and consumer affairs department.
- Original Message - 
From: jessie70 
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:57 AM
Subject: CSsensitive teeth

Had my teeth cleaned yest. Dentist capped a tooth 5.5 mths ago. The space 
he made between it and another tooth is too large.  Food gets stuck  I have to 
clean after every meal. So hygienist said it needs to be redone.  

Later dentist is alone w/me  says he can fix it. He turns on tool and is 
pressing against teeth on that side. I held up hand  asked what he did. He had 
filed down other nearby teeth so my bite would change to fix problem of large 
space he said. I told him I didn't want to change other good teeth to 
accommodate crown  he didn't like that. 

Teeth are sensitive today. Does anyone know what can help that? Jess

Re: CSsub-nanmeter

2009-12-10 Thread Bob Banever
Re: CSsub-nanmeterTeresa,

  In what state do you reside?  I may be able to help in if you live in CA.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Teresa Jessee 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 7:20 PM
  Subject: Re: CSsub-nanmeter

  I read on barefoothorsecare yahoo group that the particle size has to be 
sub-nanometer in order to kill the fungus in a horse's foot.  Someone there 
suggested this group as a place to learn about Cs.
I will need about 2 cups to do all 4 feet.  Does anyone here have some 
to sell?
  I know nothing about Cs.  I don't know what it means to have mostly 
silver particles or to be particle based.  I wouldn't mind making my own but as 
you see I have a lot to learn about Cs.  
  I need to treat my horse before my hernia surgery in 2 weeks, when I 
won't be able to bend over and work on her feet for a few weeks.  I have been 
using various remedies for 8 weeks now.  It's much better but I don't want to 
loose ground while I recoup. says 1 treatment of Cs will 
kill 95% of hoof fungus cases.
  Any help is appreciated.
- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: CSsub-nanmeter

Any form of homemade EIS is mostly sub-nanometer CS and is better when used 
topically than particle based CS. Some members do sell it if you don't want to 
make your own.
If you want sub-nanometer CS containing mostly silver particles the 
suppliers that come closest are Utopia Silver and Mesosilver. I believe that 
their average particle size is just over a  nanometer but some will be less 
than that. Just curious, why are you asking for sub-nanometer CS?
 Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Teresa Jessee
Sent: Wed Dec 09 18:00:58 2009
Subject: CSsub-nanmeter

I recently joined this list to learn about CS.  I am looking for
sub-nanometer Cs to treat hoof fungus in my horse.  Where can I buy this?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSThorvin Kelp - bulk

2009-12-01 Thread Bob Banever

  Do you race thoroughbreds?  If so, where may I ask?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 5:54 AM
  Subject: RE: CSThorvin Kelp - bulk

  Sandy  Dan
  Thank you both for the links.  We used to feed our horses a product called 
Source.  It was a kelp base I think
  but not positive.  We stopped when we read an article in a periodical saying 
it was problematic with absorption of
  some nutrients.  It's been so long ago I've forgotten the details.  I want to 
start feeding this kelp to help
  with immune systems. 
  We were required by law to give certain vaccinations to be able to enter the 
track facilities to race and since we 
  gave the required vacs almost every horse we have now have the snots.  It is 
very frustrating.  
   Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 23:32:31 -0600
   Subject: Re: CSThorvin Kelp - bulk
   Wow, Thank you for the link Dan! Merry Christmas 
   to me, LOL.
   Dan Nave wrote:
Try this!...

50# for $54.

Or try this!...

55# for $54.


On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Sandy wrote:

Here is another supplier for Thorvin and they sell it in 50lb drums.

Scroll all the way down to get the size and prices.


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Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

2009-11-30 Thread Bob Banever

 MMS stands for Miracle Mineral Supplement.  It is ultimately chlorine 
dioxide made from 28% sodium chlorite diluted with food acid (vinegar, citric 
acid, lemon juice) and water.   

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 7:50 PM
  Subject: Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

Do we have a file on this group that explains all of the buzzwords and 

I'm not sure what MMS is.


--- On Mon, 11/30/09, arthur rambo wrote:

  From: arthur rambo
  Subject: Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)
  Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 9:32 PM

  I developed the blue moons after a few years of cs, as well. They 
faded in the fingers after beginning MMS. for a year. Now I only have slight on 
the thumbs. 

  From: john freese
  Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 9:14:33 PM
  Subject: CSBlue Moons (Help)


  I have been taking about 1to 1 1/2 ounces of crystal clear per day of 
12 to 15 PPM CS for about 3 years with no problems. But about 3 weeks ago my 
wife (the non believer in CS) noticed the moons on my fingers were turning 
blue. I had not noticed this before she said something. I was under the 
impression ingesting this amount and strength would not turn your moons blue. 
Could the blue moons come from something other than CS? I stopped taking my CS 
that day and started taking selenium, and oral chelation. 3 weeks later the 
moons appear to be darker. I would appreciate any input. Thank you, John. 


Re: CSMS cure - Nancy delise.

2009-11-27 Thread Bob Banever
Re: CSMS cure - Nancy delise.Wow... that is truly tragic.  I'm so sorry.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Norton, Steve 
  Sent: Friday, November 27, 2009 4:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMS cure - Nancy delise.

  How terribly sad and unfortunate. I take it that her MS was only in remission 
and had returned after her post in 2002? In her post she seemed intelligent, 
determined and capable. Very sad.
   - Steve

  - Original Message -
  From: Alchemysa
  Sent: Fri Nov 27 18:12:07 2009
  Subject: CSMS cure - Nancy delise.

  Nancy Delise and a female friend (also with MS) drowned in a motel 
  hot tub (next to the swimming pool) while trying hot water therapy. 
  The circumstances were so odd that the police assumed it was a 
  bizarre suicide pact. The families stated that was ridiculous and 
  insisted on a closer examination.  Police later concluded it was just 
  a tragic accident.  Apparently heat can incapacitate MS sufferers.  
  (MS sufferes have confirmed this to me). By the time the two ladies 
  realised they could not move their muscles it was too late.  So they 
  simply slipped to the bottom of the tub and drowned. Very sad. Nancy 
  was a contributor to this and other silver groups.


   From: Del
   Date: 28 November 2009 4:11:10 AM
   Subject: Re: CSMS cure
   Nancy Delise and her friend are dead now, you know.
   He death in a motel hot tub was labeled suicide, but I never 
   believed that.
   Some very unfunny business here:

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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPrevention or treatment?

2009-11-23 Thread Bob Banever

No, D3 is said to activate your immune system.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ole Alstrup 
  Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 3:13 PM
  Subject: Re: CSPrevention or treatment?

  Will D3 kill the virus?

  From: Marshall Dudley
  Sent: Mon, 23 November, 2009 19:39:53
  Subject: Re: CSPrevention or treatment?

  Ole Alstrup wrote:
   To avoid the flu, what is most effective; using small amounts of CS daily 
as a prevention or large amounts when infected? Or both?
  Both. But I use D3, 5,000 units a day for the baseline protection, and up it 
30,000 or so if exposed, or feeling a little funky.  If I do get real symptoms 
of something coming on ( I have yet since starting the D3 ), I will take CS.


  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPrevention or treatment?

2009-11-23 Thread Bob Banever
You can get D3 at any good health food store.  Just google it to buy online.  
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 4:23 PM
  Subject: Re: CSPrevention or treatment?

  where do you get it

  -Original Message-
  From: Bob Banever
  Sent: Mon, Nov 23, 2009 6:21 pm
  Subject: Re: CSPrevention or treatment?


  No, D3 is said to activate your immune system.
- Original Message - 
From: Ole Alstrup 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: CSPrevention or treatment?

Will D3 kill the virus?

From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Mon, 23 November, 2009 19:39:53
Subject: Re: CSPrevention or treatment?

Ole Alstrup wrote:
 To avoid the flu, what is most effective; using small amounts of CS daily 
as a prevention or large amounts when infected? Or both?
Both. But I use D3, 5,000 units a day for the baseline protection, and up 
it 30,000 or so if exposed, or feeling a little funky.  If I do get real 
symptoms of something coming on ( I have yet since starting the D3 ), I will 
take CS.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCan someone comment on this plague?

2009-11-18 Thread Bob Banever
If I were threatened with this illness I'd take MMS, MMS2, and colloidal 
silver.  Added to that would be 50,000 mg of Vit.D3 daily and at least 20,000 
mg of Vit.C.  
  - Original Message - 
  From: Deborah Gerard 
  To: cs 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 9:32 AM
  Subject: CSCan someone comment on this plague?

  Does anyone know someone in this area that can report on this by chance?
  Also is cs affective against a virus that mutates?
  thanks much folks,
  debbie :)

Re: CSCan someone comment on this plague?

2009-11-18 Thread Bob Banever
Here is a link for MMS and MMS2.

MMS is chlorine dioxide and MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite.  They are taken in 
dilute forms safely.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 3:35 PM
  Subject: Re: CSCan someone comment on this plague?

  What is MMS and MMS2

  -Original Message-
  From: Bob Banever
  Sent: Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:19 pm
  Subject: Re: CSCan someone comment on this plague?

  If I were threatened with this illness I'd take MMS, MMS2, and colloidal 
silver.  Added to that would be 50,000 mg of Vit.D3 daily and at least 20,000 
mg of Vit.C.  
- Original Message - 
From: Deborah Gerard 
To: cs 
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 9:32 AM
Subject: CSCan someone comment on this plague?

Does anyone know someone in this area that can report on this by chance?
Also is cs affective against a virus that mutates?
thanks much folks,
debbie :)

Re: CSSqualene in vaccine

2009-11-12 Thread Bob Banever
Vinegar might be effective in emulsifying the oil.  It does this outside the 
body very well.

  - Original Message - 
  From: jr orrilia 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11:11 AM
  Subject: Re: CSSqualene in vaccine

  I just wanted to know what some of you might think of this detoxification of 
squalene.  As per Dr. Rebecca Carley, when the squalene is injected into the 
bloodstream, the immune system kicks in and tries to remove it, and when it 
does, not knowing what is foreign anymore, will remove squalene from the body 
in areas such as joints, brain, .which in turn turns into auto immune 
diseases.  I guess this is why there were so many sick with the Gulf War 
Syndrome, what what they experienced was stiffness of the body.  This man 
discusses that CS will take care of metals, but as for squalene, since squalene 
is an oil, you need a degreaser to remove it from the bloodstream.  These are 
his words:

  I recommended only a few drops of liquid dish soap, 1 TIME, after the vax, 
to clear the squalene oil from your blood stream, so as to prevent your 
suffering rheumatoid arthritis when your body begins antibody production 
against this natural oil that's SUPPOSED to be in your brain and joints AND NOT 
in your blood stream.'  This is the YOUTUBE video

  Any input is appreciated, since I have been looking for a way to detox in 
case of forced vaccination.  I have heard that clay and MMS could be helpful.  
Here is the youtube video from that man.


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Re: CSToenail fungus

2009-11-05 Thread Bob Banever

 Atomidine is available at some health food stores.  It is made by Heritage 
Products (  It is a liquid.

  - Original Message - 
  From: MaryAnn Helland 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 2:02 AM
  Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

  Hi Arthur.  So you're saying that this is personal experience, not a friend 
of a friend?  And that it actually worked?  Great!!  How long did it take?  Do 
you now have normal nails?  

  Now -- is Atomidine liquid?  And is it available at health food stores?  
Thanks.  MA

  From: arthur rambo
  Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 9:06:49 PM
  Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

  I used Atomidine (iodine) with DMSO 50/50, on a bandaid each night. Worked 

  From: Norton, Steve
  Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 8:50:15 PM
  Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

  Didn't someone on the list cure toenail fungus with EIS and DMSO by soaking 
in a footbath? Did he lose his toenails too?
   - Steve N

  - Original Message -
  From: julie martin
  Sent: Tue Nov 03 18:44:33 2009
  Subject:  CSToenail fungus

   i have heard David Wolfe say that the
   fungus does not live only in the nail.  he reports that
   it enters the second joint below the nail.  he has
   suggested that one would need to paint the toe (or finger)
   from the tip of the nail all the way down, up to and
   including the second joint below the affected nail with #1.
   tincture of Pau d' Arco followed immediately by #2.
   DMSO.  one would then wait until the area is completely
   dry before donning socks or shoes.  this experiment
   should continue until the new nail has grown in as any
   remaining fungus can re- root and re- enter the nail. 

   i have heard one person report that after trying many
   things for years this method did in fact work.  i began
   the protocol, but did not complete it and noticed that the
   old nail does at least sometimes pull away from the
   toe.  this was not painful and i found a small new nail
   growing in it's place. 
   julie m


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  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSWould ConcenTrace Minerals Be a Good Gatorade Substitute?

2009-11-02 Thread Bob Banever


Let's not knock whole wheat bread.  At least it contains  fiber and the 
more nutritional wheat kernal.

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 2:22 AM
Subject: Re: CSWould ConcenTrace Minerals Be a Good Gatorade Substitute?

At 07:07 AM 11/1/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Folks,

Possibly, one or more of the well-seasoned members might be able to 
answer the following question for me.

I have been reading 
and trying to get an understanding of what takes place when Gatorade is 
added to CS, for the purpose of improving its absorption into the blood 
by several times.

My question is: If I wanted to accomplish the same goal, of improving 
absorption of CS into the blood, by substituting the Gatorade with 
ConcenTrace - Full Spectrum Body Balanced Ionic Minerals and Trace 
Elements, which has 185 mg. of chloride per 0.65 ml. do you think that 
the effect might be similar?

 ##  Gatoraid is specifically engineered for fast absorption. [Ringers 
solution ? ]

ConcenTrace also contains magnesium-65 mg., sulphate-14 mg., sodium-2.4 
mg., potassium-1 mg. per 0.65 ml.(10 drop serving), in addition to trace 
amounts of other minerals which are found in sea water. They say that this 
stuff is concentrated and desalinated -(99% sodium removed through solar 
evaporation) and sourced from Utah's Great salt Lake and 100% pure.

##  That sounds like 100% pure hooey.
 Evaporation removes water, not sodium..hence the WATER is desalinated 
[but that's not in the bottle] and the minerals concentrated into 100% 
all sorts of different mineral salts, nothing pure about it.
 Well,  maybe pure Salt Lake...but pure Detroit sewage could be labeled 
that way too. [LikePure Male Bovine Fertilizer]

..could just drink sea water or use sea salt?
 And how  is that any different from raw rock salt that's spread out on 
the road to melt ice, anyhow?
 What makes one ancient ocean turned salt mine any different from another 
ancient ocean?
Salt lake not quite dry enough to be a salt mine yet?  ..and not isolated 
from modern pollutants.  How inconvenient.

Like whole wheat bread..charging more because it HASN'T been worked over.


Can anyone comment on this?

thanks in advance,


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSToenail fungus

2009-11-02 Thread Bob Banever

Yes, you have to wait and see if a new nail grows in.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vigilius Haufniensis 
  To: Del 
  Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 2:45 PM
  Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

  Try tea tre oil, or clove oil.

- Original Message - 
From: Del 
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 3:08 PM
Subject: CSToenail fungus


I have had toenail fungus for most of my life on my left big toe.  
I have tried many things to get rid of it, but nothing worked.
Recently, I realized that the fungus was spreading to my other left toes.
I did more research and decided to try a combination of two parts DMSO with 
8 parts SSKI.
I have been saturating all my left toenails with this twice a day for a few 
weeks now (maybe 5 weeks).
Suddenly, it looks like some of the smaller nails are getting ready to 
break off.
Actually, I consider this a positive development, since I never got any 
reaction from anything I tried before.
The literature that recommended this treatment said the you should cut back 
the nails as they died until nothing was left anyway.
I am also taking olive leaf and oregano oil internally to attack from 
within in addition to the external treatment.
Has anyone on the list beaten toenail fungus and, if so, what was the 
process like?
How will I know if I have finally succeeded?  When a new, healthy nail 
grows in, I suppose?


Re: CSSore throat...

2009-11-01 Thread Bob Banever

- Original Message - 
From: Malcolm

Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: CSSore throat...

No, but H2O2 might be good as a booster  like nitrous oxide - chemical
supercharging.  Many ford diesel rigs use propane injection; imagine
that plus some ~50% H2O2; might could blow the heads off.

OTOH there was a story on Darwin Awards; someone who removed himself
from the gene pool, strapped two JATO bottles under his chevy (out in
the SW desert somewhere).  The chevy and he were later found about 50
feet up implanted in a cliff a mile or so away from the scorch marks.

Hope this doesn't help.

On Sat, 2009-10-31 at 20:11 -0700, Bob Banever wrote:


Very cool.  Would this motor have any use in the automobile?

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa

Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 7:13 PM
Subject: RE: CSSore throat...

I have always found it quite interesting and amazing that stuff like 

 can be so powerful and corrosive, yet it can be stored in a plastic


 -Original Message-
 From: Ode Coyote []
 Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 6:17 AM
 Subject: Re: CSSore throat...

  ##  Meaning that. if you dipped a hand in 100% H2O2, you'd pull 

 a stump.
 It is, quite literally rocket fuel and is also a very 

 organic oxidizer.

 The Bell Rocket Pack uses 80100% H2O2 sprayed over a grid of silver 
 [catalytic bed] to instantly produce high pressure steam as a 
 You'll find here some stuff related to rocket propulsion using hydrogen
 peroxide (H2O2). For the newcomers, hydrogen peroxide is a colourless,
 dense (1.36 at 85%), corrosive liquid, storable at ambient
 temperature/pressure, that can be used as oxidizer or monopropellant in
 rocket engines. It's only useful at high concentrations ( 80%), but
 unfortunately, such concentrated product isn't commercially avalaible, 

 has thus to be manufactured from lower concentration product. I
 achieve this by selective evaporation, at moderate temperatures for
 This is a potentially dangerous operation, since peroxide vapours can 

 explosive, and it should surely not be undertaken by anyone.

 I've started designing an hypergolic hybrid rocket motor, which burns
 polyethylene and uses 85% hydrogen peroxide as oxidizer. Hypergolic
 ignition is achieved using a consumable catalytic bed, mainly made of
 potassium permanganate. It decomposes the peroxide as soon as it is
 injected in the combustion chamber, creating a stream of superheated 

 and oxygen, which then causes the polyethylene grain to auto-ignite. As
 as I know, this motor is (one of ?) the first amateur hydrogen peroxide
 hybrid in the world.


 At 08:13 PM 10/30/2009 -0500, you wrote:
Any time someone is talking about H2O2 it is a good rule of thumb to
remember that you don't want to be applying it externally or internally 

any concentration greater than about 3%, which is the concentration of
over-the-counter H2O2.

Yes, food grade is better but, as it is usually  a 35% concentration, 

should know how to dilute it with distilled water or CS to the correct

Notice that food grade is often 10 times stronger than the safe-to-use
over-the-counter H2O2.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Lisa wrote:

Thanks for all the info (I KNEW I could count on you folks J)

I don't have a nebulizer (it's on the list though) and with the h202 - 

that food grade? And straight or should it be diluted?  I gargled a
couple times before going to bed last night.woke up this morning and 
was still there and had a dose of MMS (after taking several days off) 

it's better! I'll continue to gargle and clean the toothbrush and the
h202 gargle.

Thanks again.with 3 little ones and Daddy on business travel - I 

can't get that sick without the entire house falling apart for its


From: Scotty []
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 9:55 AM

Subject: Re: CSSore throat...

CS:DMSO nebulized (9:1 ratio) for 5 to 10 minutes, at least 2x per 

Also, gargle with H202 followed immediately with gargling CS. Mine was
gone in two days and kept the bug from entering my lungs! Awesome 

With God, all things are possible. - Mark 10:27

--- On Fri, 10/30/09, Lisa wrote:

From: Lisa
Subject: CSSore throat...

Re: CSI need to do chelation

2009-11-01 Thread Bob Banever
Mr. Harvey,

  If you go to you will find the protocol for removing 
silver from the skin.  Good luck.

  - Original Message - 
  From: A. Reid Harvey 
  Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 6:16 AM
  Subject: CSI need to do chelation

  Hi Everybody,
  Some of you may remember that some months ago I had mentioned that my face 
has a peculiar coloration, some say purple and some say blue.  As I had 
mentioned, for many years I've been showing potteries how to make silver 
nitrate, so as to seriously cut their costs.  We use silver nitrate to treat 
pottery candle filters, then burn the nitrate off.  I'm very much afraid that 
my peculiar coloration has been the result of contact with the salts of the 
silver nitrate, and I'm hopeful that someone will tell me about how to do 
  When I do a search I come up with many, many products for chelation, and I'm 
sure that some of them are effective, and others are not.  And many of these 
products are rather expensive.  I seem to recall that sellenium is used, but 
cannot recall the others. I'd be grateful if somebody could steer me towards 
the more sensible products, that aren't going to cost me an arm and a leg.
  Many thanks.
  Reid Harvey

  Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Sign up 

Re: CSSore throat...

2009-10-31 Thread Bob Banever


   Very cool.  Would this motor have any use in the automobile?

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa

Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 7:13 PM
Subject: RE: CSSore throat...

I have always found it quite interesting and amazing that stuff like this
can be so powerful and corrosive, yet it can be stored in a plastic 


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: CSSore throat...

 ##  Meaning that. if you dipped a hand in 100% H2O2, you'd pull back
a stump.
It is, quite literally rocket fuel and is also a very powerful
organic oxidizer.

The Bell Rocket Pack uses 80100% H2O2 sprayed over a grid of silver wire
[catalytic bed] to instantly produce high pressure steam as a propellent.
You'll find here some stuff related to rocket propulsion using hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2). For the newcomers, hydrogen peroxide is a colourless,
dense (1.36 at 85%), corrosive liquid, storable at ambient
temperature/pressure, that can be used as oxidizer or monopropellant in
rocket engines. It's only useful at high concentrations ( 80%), but
unfortunately, such concentrated product isn't commercially avalaible, and
has thus to be manufactured from lower concentration product. I 
achieve this by selective evaporation, at moderate temperatures for 

This is a potentially dangerous operation, since peroxide vapours can be
explosive, and it should surely not be undertaken by anyone.

I've started designing an hypergolic hybrid rocket motor, which burns
polyethylene and uses 85% hydrogen peroxide as oxidizer. Hypergolic
ignition is achieved using a consumable catalytic bed, mainly made of
potassium permanganate. It decomposes the peroxide as soon as it is
injected in the combustion chamber, creating a stream of superheated steam
and oxygen, which then causes the polyethylene grain to auto-ignite. As 

as I know, this motor is (one of ?) the first amateur hydrogen peroxide
hybrid in the world.


At 08:13 PM 10/30/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Any time someone is talking about H2O2 it is a good rule of thumb to
remember that you don't want to be applying it externally or internally at
any concentration greater than about 3%, which is the concentration of
over-the-counter H2O2.

Yes, food grade is better but, as it is usually  a 35% concentration, you
should know how to dilute it with distilled water or CS to the correct

Notice that food grade is often 10 times stronger than the safe-to-use
over-the-counter H2O2.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Lisa wrote:

Thanks for all the info (I KNEW I could count on you folks J)

I don't have a nebulizer (it's on the list though) and with the h202 - is
that food grade? And straight or should it be diluted?  I gargled a
couple times before going to bed last night.woke up this morning and it
was still there and had a dose of MMS (after taking several days off) and
it's better! I'll continue to gargle and clean the toothbrush and the
h202 gargle.

Thanks again.with 3 little ones and Daddy on business travel - I honestly
can't get that sick without the entire house falling apart for its



From: Scotty []
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 9:55 AM

Subject: Re: CSSore throat...

CS:DMSO nebulized (9:1 ratio) for 5 to 10 minutes, at least 2x per day.
Also, gargle with H202 followed immediately with gargling CS. Mine was
gone in two days and kept the bug from entering my lungs! Awesome stuff!

With God, all things are possible. - Mark 10:27

--- On Fri, 10/30/09, Lisa wrote:

From: Lisa
Subject: CSSore throat...

Date: Friday, October 30, 2009, 5:12 AM

Hi All,

This is the 3rd day of a sore throat (possibly the beginnings of strept).
Can someone suggest something so I can rid myself of it and/or at the
very least not have the soreness?

I've done some gargling with CS (can't determine if that's helped or
maybe prevented it from getting worse).

Would love to hear from folks that have had something similar and nipped
it in the bud!

Thank you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 

Re: CSSore throat...

2009-10-30 Thread Bob Banever

Try gargling with hydrogen peroxide.   Gargle until you feel it burning.  
Do that once an hour or more.  In between you can gargle with CS too.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Lisa 
  To: ; ; ; 
  Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 5:12 AM
  Subject: CSSore throat...

  Hi All,


  This is the 3rd day of a sore throat (possibly the beginnings of strept). Can 
someone suggest something so I can rid myself of it and/or at the very least 
not have the soreness?


  I've done some gargling with CS (can't determine if that's helped or maybe 
prevented it from getting worse).


  Would love to hear from folks that have had something similar and nipped it 
in the bud!


  Thank you.



Re: CScan anyone make a suggestion about an open wound

2009-10-23 Thread Bob Banever


 CS might help to heal the wound.  If I were her, I'd research other 
modalities for her condition.   Cannabis oil, oleander extract, and IP6 are 
three worth pursueing   Just google them.

- Original Message - 
From: Bernadette

Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:42 AM
Subject: CScan anyone make a suggestion about an open wound

My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer.  They discovered it 
on a Thursday and on the following Tuesday she was operated on and 
everything female was taken out.  They closed up her belly-button since 
a lymph node was pushing through (that is how they found out about the 
ovarian cancer). Now the incision will not heal properly.She is on 
chemo for 1 year - going once a week (three weeks on and one week off). 
Other than the cancer she is in excellent health.  She is 66 years old. 
Would CS help heal this type of open wound?  She wrote the following:

As far as my opening the Dr. said that there is nothing more he can do. 
TO reopen it they would have to stop the cemo and that becomes a real 
problem in the chances are the cemo would not work. So we will go with the 
cemo and hope that maybe this will close on its own. There is that chance. 
It is not in fected at this time and if I keep it clean it should be 

She is willing to try different approaches - I would like to give her some 
suggestions and then she can make up her own mind as to try them or not. 
Thank you for any help you could afford her.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

2009-10-21 Thread Bob Banever
Thanks Garnet.   I've come to the realization that 50,000mg or more is ok 
for short periods.

- Original Message - 
From: Garnet

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

I guess if you did this every day for a long period of time it
could be a problem. But we are only talking about three
days. I don't know the mechanism but obviously it is to
kick the immune system into gear cause you are sick.

I am just quoting Dr McCandless on the dosing.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Bob Banever wrote:


   Thanks.  That 50,000mg dose seems like alot.   Any info on safety 
or side effects at that dosage?

- Original Message - From: Garnet
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

One recommendation is to start out with 10,000 iu D3 for
30 days, then 5,000 iu per day for maintenance. If you
get the flu take 50,000 iu for three days.

This is per the recommendation of Dr Jaquelyn McCandless
who is working with Low Dose Naltrexone for HIV and Autism.

Autistic kids have poor immune function according to her.

She also recommends LDN for all her patients over 60 as
a preventative and libido booster.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Bob Banever wrote:


How much D3 would you consume?  I take 5000mg as a preventative 
every day.

- Original Message - From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

C is good, but D3 is much better, and don't forget the CS.


arthur rambo wrote:
For what its worth, I just came from a home where swine flu is 
suspected, started feeling something come on very soon after getting 
home; have been taking 30-40,000 mg vit c each hour since; the head 
feeling keeps recurring, but subsides minutes after each dose. I've 
done this in the past with success in modulating the flu so I was 
able to keep working with only mild symptoms. ( I was not in a place 
with people; I worked alone)
   I must have something, because I have not had so much as a rumble 
with all this c.

*From:* Clayton Family
*Sent:* Tue, October 20, 2009 12:25:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

Thanks, Dad!

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

2009-10-21 Thread Bob Banever


   Yes you are so correct.  I apologize for my mistake.  I must be getting 
old (I am...).

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave

Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines


You, and others, should note that IU is not the same as mg...

1 mcg vitamin D (cholecalciferol) = 40 IU  (note this is 1 micro-grams)

1000 IU equals 25 micrograms  (note this is 25 micro-grams)

therefore, 50,000 IU is about 1.25 mg  (note this is 1.2 milli-grams)

Now, 1 mg is equal to 40,000 IUs and 50,000 mg is equal to 2,000,000,000 IUs


On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Bob Banever wrote:

Thanks Garnet. I've come to the realization that 50,000mg or more is ok
for short periods.

- Original Message - From: Garnet
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

I guess if you did this every day for a long period of time it
could be a problem. But we are only talking about three
days. I don't know the mechanism but obviously it is to
kick the immune system into gear cause you are sick.

I am just quoting Dr McCandless on the dosing.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Bob Banever wrote:


Thanks. That 50,000mg dose seems like alot. Any info on safety
or side effects at that dosage?

- Original Message - From: Garnet
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

One recommendation is to start out with 10,000 iu D3 for
30 days, then 5,000 iu per day for maintenance. If you
get the flu take 50,000 iu for three days.

This is per the recommendation of Dr Jaquelyn McCandless
who is working with Low Dose Naltrexone for HIV and Autism.

Autistic kids have poor immune function according to her.

She also recommends LDN for all her patients over 60 as
a preventative and libido booster.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Bob Banever wrote:


How much D3 would you consume? I take 5000mg as a preventative
every day.

- Original Message - From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

C is good, but D3 is much better, and don't forget the CS.


arthur rambo wrote:

For what its worth, I just came from a home where swine flu is
suspected, started feeling something come on very soon after getting 
have been taking 30-40,000 mg vit c each hour since; the head 
keeps recurring, but subsides minutes after each dose. I've done 
this in the
past with success in modulating the flu so I was able to keep 
working with
only mild symptoms. ( I was not in a place with people; I worked 

I must have something, because I have not had so much as a rumble
with all this c.

*From:* Clayton Family
*Sent:* Tue, October 20, 2009 12:25:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

Thanks, Dad!

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

2009-10-20 Thread Bob Banever


How much D3 would you consume?  I take 5000mg as a preventative every 

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

C is good, but D3 is much better, and don't forget the CS.


arthur rambo wrote:
For what its worth, I just came from a home where swine flu is suspected, 
started feeling something come on very soon after getting home; have been 
taking 30-40,000 mg vit c each hour since; the head feeling keeps 
recurring, but subsides minutes after each dose. I've done this in the 
past with success in modulating the flu so I was able to keep working 
with only mild symptoms. ( I was not in a place with people; I worked 
   I must have something, because I have not had so much as a rumble with 
all this c.

*From:* Clayton Family
*Sent:* Tue, October 20, 2009 12:25:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

Thanks, Dad!

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

2009-10-20 Thread Bob Banever

That is GREAT news.  We have to spread the word here in America now.

- Original Message - 
From: Clayton Family

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

Thanks, Dad!

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMMS and Colloidal silver together?? Anybody??

2009-10-20 Thread Bob Banever

Thanks Ode.

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 4:34 AM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and Colloidal silver together?? Anybody??

At 05:09 PM 10/19/2009 -0700, you wrote:


 Would MMS oxidize the silver ions/particles in the blood, thus 
rendering it ineffective?

 ##  There are those that say this happens anyway..and those that say 
trace Ammonia in the blood serves a function of converting ions into 
metallic particles with a Fulminating stage.

 Note that Chlorine Dioxide doesn't react with Ammonia.
 Note also that Silver Chloride will also kill germs..just not as 
effectively as the pure metal nano-particle or ion.

 Burned or starved... Dead is dead.
 Burned AND starved, still dead.


 Although chlorine dioxide has chlorine in its name,
its chemistry is radically different from that of chlorine. When reacting 
with other substances, it is weaker and more selective. For
example, it does not react with ammonia or most organic compounds. 
Chlorine dioxide oxygenates products rather than

chlorinating them 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

2009-10-20 Thread Bob Banever


   Thanks.  That 50,000mg dose seems like alot.   Any info on safety or 
side effects at that dosage?

- Original Message - 
From: Garnet

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

One recommendation is to start out with 10,000 iu D3 for
30 days, then 5,000 iu per day for maintenance. If you
get the flu take 50,000 iu for three days.

This is per the recommendation of Dr Jaquelyn McCandless
who is working with Low Dose Naltrexone for HIV and Autism.

Autistic kids have poor immune function according to her.

She also recommends LDN for all her patients over 60 as
a preventative and libido booster.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Bob Banever wrote:


How much D3 would you consume?  I take 5000mg as a preventative every 

- Original Message - From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

C is good, but D3 is much better, and don't forget the CS.


arthur rambo wrote:
For what its worth, I just came from a home where swine flu is 
suspected, started feeling something come on very soon after getting 
home; have been taking 30-40,000 mg vit c each hour since; the head 
feeling keeps recurring, but subsides minutes after each dose. I've 
done this in the past with success in modulating the flu so I was able 
to keep working with only mild symptoms. ( I was not in a place with 
people; I worked alone)
   I must have something, because I have not had so much as a rumble 
with all this c.

*From:* Clayton Family
*Sent:* Tue, October 20, 2009 12:25:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

Thanks, Dad!

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

2009-10-20 Thread Bob Banever

Hi Gina,

   Yes upon further investigation I see that it is actually recommended to 
take 100 - 200,000 mg. a day  for seven days depending on weight if you have 
the flu.   Maintenance dose is much lower 5 - 10,000 mg a day.
- Original Message - 
From: Gina Moore

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 7:02 PM
Subject: RE: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

I have taken that much for a few days at a time to get rid of
colds/flu/fever blisters... no negative effects.  They say there is really
no toxicity at any level.

-Original Message-
From: Bob Banever []
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines


   Thanks.  That 50,000mg dose seems like alot.   Any info on safety 

side effects at that dosage?

- Original Message - 
From: Garnet

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

One recommendation is to start out with 10,000 iu D3 for
30 days, then 5,000 iu per day for maintenance. If you
get the flu take 50,000 iu for three days.

This is per the recommendation of Dr Jaquelyn McCandless
who is working with Low Dose Naltrexone for HIV and Autism.

Autistic kids have poor immune function according to her.

She also recommends LDN for all her patients over 60 as
a preventative and libido booster.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Bob Banever wrote:


How much D3 would you consume?  I take 5000mg as a preventative 


- Original Message - From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

C is good, but D3 is much better, and don't forget the CS.


arthur rambo wrote:

For what its worth, I just came from a home where swine flu is
suspected, started feeling something come on very soon after getting
home; have been taking 30-40,000 mg vit c each hour since; the head
feeling keeps recurring, but subsides minutes after each dose. I've
done this in the past with success in modulating the flu so I was able
to keep working with only mild symptoms. ( I was not in a place with
people; I worked alone)
   I must have something, because I have not had so much as a rumble
with all this c.

*From:* Clayton Family
*Sent:* Tue, October 20, 2009 12:25:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

Thanks, Dad!

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMMS and Colloidal silver together?? Anybody??

2009-10-19 Thread Bob Banever


 Would MMS oxidize the silver ions/particles in the blood, thus 
rendering it ineffective?

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and Colloidal silver together?? Anybody??

  MMS is Sodium Chlorite granules processed in a weak acid to produce 
Chlorine Dioxide gas dissolved in the blood stream.

The Chlorine Dioxide People
What is Chlorine Dioxide? Where is it used? How does it work?
Chlorine Dioxide (CD) is a greenish-yellow gas and is a 
single-electron-transfer oxidizing agent with a chlorine-like odor. CD has
been recognized since the beginning of the century for its disinfecting 
properties; and has been approved by the US EPA for many
applications including the widespread use of CD in the treatment of 
drinking water. Beyond this and numerous other aqueous
applications, the sporicidal properties of gaseous CD were demonstrated in 
1986. Subsequent to these initial studies, it has been
shown that gaseous CD is a rapid and effective sterilant active against 
bacteria, yeasts, molds, and viruses. The rapid sterilizing
activity of CD is present at ambient temperature and at relatively low gas 
concentration, 1 to 30 mg/L.
Chlorine dioxide is widely used as an antimicrobial and as an oxidizing 
agent in drinking water; poultry process water, swimming
pools, and mouthwash preparations. It is used to sanitize fruit and 
vegetables as well as equipment for food and beverage
processing. It is used to decontaminate animal facilities. It is also 
employed in the health care industries to decontaminate rooms,
pass-throughs, isolators and also as a sterilant for product and component 

What's more, as an oxidizing agent, it is
extensively used to bleach, deodorize, and detoxify a wide variety of 
materials, including cellulose, paper-pulp, flour, leather, fats
and oils, and textiles. Approximately 4 to 5 million pounds of chlorine 
dioxide are used daily.

Chemical Properties
Pure chlorine dioxide is an unstable gas and therefore is generated as 

Although chlorine dioxide has chlorine in its name,
its chemistry is radically different from that of chlorine. When reacting 
with other substances, it is weaker and more selective. For
example, it does not react with ammonia or most organic compounds. 
Chlorine dioxide oxygenates products rather than

chlorinating them.

Therefore, unlike chlorine, chlorine dioxide does not produce 
environmentally undesirable organic compounds

containing chlorine.
Chemical Formula:
Molecular Weight:
67.45 g/mole
Melting Point (°C):
Boiling Point (°C):
2.4 times that of air

Antimicrobial Properties / Mode of Action
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) acts as an oxidizing agent and reacts with several 
cellular constituents, including the cell membrane of
microbes. By stealing electrons from them (oxidation), it breaks their 
molecular bonds, resulting in the death of the organism by
the break up of the cell. Since chlorine dioxide alters the proteins 
involved in the structure of microorganisms, the enzymatic
function is broken, causing very rapid bacterial kills. The potency of 
chlorine dioxide is attributable to the simultaneous, oxidative
attack on many proteins thereby preventing the cells from mutating to a 
resistant form. Additionally, because of the lower
reactivity of chlorine dioxide, its antimicrobial action is retained 
longer in the presence of organic matter.

Sporal vs bacterial inactivation?
The difference between sporal and bacterial inactivation can be likened to 
the difference between sterilization and disinfection.
For example, for a chemical agent to be classified as a sterilant, it must 
be demonstrated to have sporicidal activity. For this
reason, spores are commonly used as a challenge in sterilization process 
development. Disinfection, on the other hand, does not
require the complete inactivation of microbial life and in some cases 
disinfectant claims may be substantiated by demonstrating

bacterial inactivation capability.
The following is a simplistic explanation of the differences between a 
spore and a bacterium. Bacterial endospores are one of the
most persistent forms of microbial life and typically require aggressive 
inactivation procedures. Vegetative bacteria are generally
much more easily inactivated than are bacterial endospores. This is 
primarily because the sensitive areas of bacteria are easily
contacted by chemosterilizing agents. The spore, however, has a more 
complex structure than the vegetative bacterial cell. Its
sensitive material is contained within a core and that core is surrounded 
by a cortex and spore coats. These coats tend to act as a
permeability barrier to the entry of chlorine dioxide and other compounds 


At 09:43 AM 10/17/2009 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Erik! I would like to find out what MMS is. As well as the other 

Re: CSCS as Water Disinfectant

2009-10-17 Thread Bob Banever

CS will kill any single celled organism of which giardia is one.  I don't 
know about parasite eggs... it will not kill many parasites because they are 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Holmes 
  To: Silver-List 
  Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:16 AM
  Subject: CSCS as Water Disinfectant

  Does anyone have any durrent information on using CS as a water disinfectant?

  Does it kill Giardia?  What about parasite eggs? 

Re: CSMMS and Colloidal silver together?? Anybody??

2009-10-17 Thread Bob Banever

 Just Google MMS.  Jim Humble, the inventor, also has a site you can visit.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Larry Biggar 
  Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:43 AM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and Colloidal silver together?? Anybody??

Hi Erik! I would like to find out what MMS is. As well as the other 
abreviations that i see on here. You have any idea where i can find this info? 
Thanks, Larry

--- On Sat, 10/17/09, Nils-Erik Stromback wrote:

  From: Nils-Erik Stromback
  Subject: CSMMS and Colloidal silver together?? Anybody??
  Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 5:05 AM


  I would like to hear if any one out there has tryed mixing CS and MMS 
and what the results has been.

  Best regards,




Re: CStreating shingles

2009-10-12 Thread Bob Banever


  Silver has shown to regenerate damaged nerves as per Dr. Becker.  Also, 
it's highly possible that active virus is still attacking her nerves.

- Original Message - 
From: sol

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: CStreating shingles

Bob Banever wrote:
I have cured shingles with CS.  Try mixing 20% DMSO with 80% CS and 
rubbing it on the area daily.  Also take about 2oz of pure CS internally 
every day.
The thing is for this friend she no longer has any active shingles virus. 
It is now the nerve pain she is left with. If the virus is no longer 
present or active, how will the CS help
If the CS and DMSO is thought to be able to reverse the nerve damage she 
is left with, I will tell her about it even so.


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Re: CStreating shingles

2009-10-11 Thread Bob Banever
I cured a patient of shingles by giving here CS to drink... 2oz a day is all 
it took.  Gone within a week never to return.

- Original Message - 
From: kath

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 12:08 PM
Subject: RE: CStreating shingles

When I had shingles CS in a spray bottle helped contain the outbreak
somewhat, but it was still very painful for a while.  What helped the 

besides advil, was a paste of rubbing alcohol and crushed aspirin, leaving
it open to air as much as possible.  Wishing her a speedy recovery, 

is awful.

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 12:33 PM
Subject: CStreating shingles

Hello All,

A friend has been quite ill with some kind of chest infection for the past
five weeks and with it has had shingles. The rash is somewhat better but
the sensitivity is still very present. If anyone here has experience using
CS or anything else to treat shingles please share your treatment
protocol(s). TIA!

CS success story: I've been very ill myself with bronchial pneumonia
which I've been successfully treating with CS. I've been taking it
internally  nebulizing with a mixture of CS/DMSO/MSM/Xylitol. I added
xylitol because I've had mold problems in the past and feel this episode
could also be a mold co-infection. (I *should* have begun treatment
immediately when the symptoms presented but I didn't realize initially how
serious the infection was...)

I realize many people feel it's unnecessary to add both MSM and DMSO to
the nebulizing mixture, but in the past I felt I had better success using
both than just DMSO alone. FWIW.


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Re: CStreating shingles

2009-10-11 Thread Bob Banever
I have cured shingles with CS.  Try mixing 20% DMSO with 80% CS and rubbing 
it on the area daily.  Also take about 2oz of pure CS internally every day.
- Original Message - 
From: sol

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: CStreating shingles

I have a friend who has been left with awful nerve pain post shingles.
Her doctors say the nerves are damaged and the pain will never go away.

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Re: CSgunky dog earss - CS / DMSO

2009-10-08 Thread Bob Banever

  It depends on what is causing the infection in the ears.  If it is yeast 
(very common, usually brownish gunk) then vinegar will deal with it quite well. 
  Use white vinegar and dilute it 5/1 with water (5 parts water, 1 part 
vinegar).  You can use a cotton swab to GENTLY clean the ears with the same 
solution, but first fill the ear canal with the liquid and then massage it in, 
then let the dog shake it out as much as possible.  CS will deal with bacterial 
or viral problems, not yeast IMO.  Mites might need a mitecide of some sort.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 2:40 AM
  Subject: CSgunky dog earss - CS / DMSO

  Hello group-
  We have friends visiting that have brought their older lab with them and the 
poor thing has terribly gunky ears.  She has been using a store bought solution 
for cleaning and vet purchased liquid for treating the ears but it never goes 
away.  My question is would cs alone take care of the problem or would you need 
to put some DMSO in with it to penetrate the gunk?  Would this mixture be safe 
for a dog?

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Re: CSBone Spur

2009-10-07 Thread Bob Banever
  - Original Message - 
  From: zoe w 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 3:35 PM
  Subject: Re: CSBone Spur

  LOL,  I drank it.   8-) 

  MaryAnn Helland wrote: 
Ummm Zoe?  After you put the cayenne pepper in the Bragg's Raw Apple Cider 
vinegar -- what exactly did you do with this stuff?  MA

From: zoe w
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 4:40:28 PM
Subject: Re: CSBone Spur

Once upon a time I had bonespurs on both heels- quite painful  and one 
on my wrist just below the thumb joint  which interfered with thumb 
movement  and was also quite painful.

I also had  some painful hemorrhoids  for which someone advised I put 
some  cayenne pepper  in some Bragg's  Raw Apple Cider vinegar.  This 
seemed really strange to me  but others on the list verified it worked 
so I tried it.Not only did it clear the rrhoids  after about 3 
weeks  I noticed  that all the bone spurs were gone as well.  That was 
several years ago  and  none have  come back.


Dan Nave wrote:
 This was written by ransley a few months ago.  It may relate to your
 inquiry about bone spur mitigation...


 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Fri, May 15, 2009 at 7:20 AM
 Subject: RE: CSSynopsis of my experience with Magnesium Bicarbonate
 Cc: M. G. Devour

 Mike wrote:

 Do you take these magnesium doses on an empty stomach? You say you did 
 mostly at night, so I'm wondering how long after meals or snacking...

 When you get a chance would you please describe what you're doing with
 (digestive enzymes), as well as product source and maybe pointers to
 information you've found useful? I think either or both of these therapies
 may end up being part of my own path to recovery.

 Hey Mike-

 Sorry to take so long, been out of town for a few days.

 Yes, on empty stomach, 2 hours minimum after eating anything and 
 not having eaten too much at that time just to be sure. Sometimes 3-4 
 since I was really serious about getting the best effect of this. I did it
 at night merely because magnesium is calming and inducing of sleep and
 because some of these effects demanded being still.

 I have another reason for getting into enzymes. My wife has a breast lump
 that was not diagnosed as cancerous, but the surgeon tried to scare her 
 immediate surgery. We are limited in our options about that here 
 because of medical mega-corporations moving into the area. So we're going
 alternative. Enzymes are part of what we're doing and I'm doing everything
 she's doing just on general principle. Besides, I have a few lumps and 
 scattered around and want to see what enzymes will do for them.

 There are many excellent enzymes out there, so many that it is confusing,
 but I was really impressed when Bragg's got into the act:
 It seems to me that Bragg's doesn't get into something that they don't
 totally believe in. I listened to the audio at that site by William Wong,
 over and over and decided this was for me.

 We ordered ours from Fubao Health Store in San Francisco and were pleased
 with their price and their free shipping deal over $99. Delivery was 

 My wife is eating raw Daikon Radish as part of her enzyme effort. 
 they help disperse fibro-tumors. We are also considering Lumbrokinase 
 is fairly new. I'd really like to hear from anyone who has taken it.

 Hope this helps, Bob/DaddyBob

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Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Bob Banever


   In my experience the most effective way of getting rid of dental 
infections in roots, in teeth, or in gums, is by using a DC current of 3 
volts, switching polarity every three or four minutes.  This can easily be 
done with a device known as the Godzilla.  This method rarely fails... and 
the bacteria are killed usually within 6 minutes no matter where they 
reside.  Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo... You can make 
your own device for less than $10.00.  It has saved me many visits to the 
dentists office.

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: CSDental Issues

My experience has been that swishing and brushing CS helps only with
surface infection and plaque.

If you have pockets of infection, you would need to use something like
CS with 20%, by volume, of DMSO.  Swish this in the mouth for up to 5
minutes.  Repeat daily for as long as it takes, depending on how bad
the infections are.  The DMSO will allow the CS to penetrate the
tissues.  Otherwise, the CS will only work on the surface tissues.

Also, get one of those rubber dental probes, such as they used to have
on the bottom of toothbrushes years back.  Use the point, gently, to
trace between the teeth and gum, with the tip pointing towards the
gum.  Then insert the rubber tip between each pair of teeth and and
press Up or Down towards the gum (on the upper jaw, press up, on the
lower jaw, press down).  This presses the puss out of the pockets.
You can press the gums with your finger too, from the gum towards the
tooth for deep pockets on the sides of teeth.

I know DMSO tastes terrible, but one can get used to it (I did), and
it is not as bad as some other things...

This WILL get rid of most of the problem.

MMS has been known to help with killing germs and tightening gums, but
I have read many reports of people who indicate that it affected their
enamel because it was too acidic.  Be careful...


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Ruth Bertella wrote:

I went to the dentist yesterday. Apparently my periodontal disease is back
(well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very
diligent forever). Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why 

was said 6 months ago?). I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with
diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS. I only had a
minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).

Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well. There is only one
that is noticeable to me. But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
deteriorating. The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth 

probably be pulled. And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again. He
wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist. I did not
fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors. I told him this, 
about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress 

my 'home remedies'. LOL He's not against my using home remedies, but of
course says he can't professionally endorse them either. He's giving me
time to try to fix things before making further recommendations. (IF I fix
everything, he will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my
upper partial to accommodate the crown that has broken. The other is a
cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to
reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity? go

I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
times daily swishing CS. But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
protocol that actually tightened their teeth. Anyone remember that?
Details please - what/how much/when, etc.

What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one 

in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head

Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

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2009-10-04 Thread Bob Banever
That's wonderful!  I hope he goes back to the doctors that wanted to give him 
the antibiotics and shows them what happened.  These folks need to be shown the 
  - Original Message - 
  From: zoe w 
  Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 3:08 PM
  Subject: Re: FW: CSMMS and MRSA

  Fantastic !!!

  Dianne France wrote: 
I sent this email this morning but it didn't show up so am resending.

Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 09:36:17 -0400

I called our friend this morning to check on her X's progress.  She said he 
took a second dose of AMMS 15 drops and only had minor side effects.  He said 
the side effects were nothing compared to what he had been going to.  He not 
only had sores down his arm but on his head and neck.  He had been to a walk in 
clinic and they looked at him and gave him a broad spectrum antibiotic and said 
if he wasn't better in 8 days to come back in.  They also did a culture.  A 
nurse that lives next door to him looked at him after he got home and said it 
was classic MRSA.  That was when he called my friend.
The nurse had told him to take pictures of the sores to document it because 
of the lack of care of the walk in clinic.  His wife was going to but first 
needed to go into their office and pay their employees.  She was gone several 
hours and during that time he kept putting CS on the sores and had taken the 
AMMS.  By the time she got back the sores started to dry up.  His color is back 
to normal with the AMMS and he plans to continue.  The clinic got the labs back 
and has put eight urgent messages on his phone for him to call them because 
they probably now know if was MRSA and I'm not sure if they have to report that 
or not.  Anyway, he said if he continues like he's going on the AMMS and CS by 
Monday he will be fine.  
Looks like the alternatives worked.  My friend said she is now a believer.  
She said to thank the group for all the information they pass onyou 
guys do make a difference.

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 23:41:21 -0400
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

That is quite a testimony.  Please keep us posted as to his progress.

Dianne France wrote: 
  I talked to a friend today that had gotten a call from her X's wife 
saying he was very very sick (MRSA) and wanted to know if she had anything he 
could take to keep him from the hospital.  I had recently given her some MMS 
for a fungus on her mule and she has been using CS also recently.  She took 
both over there to him.  She said he looked like death, not gray but a pasty 
clay color and had lumps down his arm.  She couldn't believe he wasn't in the 
  She had downloaded the on-line book on MMS and gave that to him, 
explained how to mix it and left a sprayer filled with cs for his arm.  He was 
in bad shape and she was worried about being exposed herself.  He sprayed his 
arm with CS and said it immediately felt better.  He took 15 drops of AMMS.  
She was worried because she had never used MMS internally.  She called this 
morning and talked to his wife to see how he was doing and she said he was 200% 
better and had gone to work.  I was worried about the side effects of MMS 
(nausia/diarhria) at the 15 drop level without build up.
  I will be interested to see how this turns out but didn't know the MMS 
could work so fast on MRSA.  I'm glad I just ordered more.

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Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.

Re: CSLung Cancer

2009-09-30 Thread Bob Banever

Look into  Oleander extract has shown to be 
very beneficial for cancer.  Also cannabis oil (not hemp seed oil) is 
supposedly a very effective cure for cancer.  Go to for more 
info.  If she lives in a state where medical marijuana is legal she can do 
this.  It is said you must consume 60grams of the oil over a 90 day period.  

Good luck.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Acmeair 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 4:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CSLung Cancer  

  take a look at this site.jimLDN_4_cancer LDN_4_cancer 

  Sep 30, 2009 04:06:37 PM, wrote:

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she has lung 
cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would surely be appreciated 
by her family,
thanks deb

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Re: CSCS for Equine sweet itch

2009-09-29 Thread Bob Banever

 I've found that CS will heal the wounds better than anyting.  Don't know 
about preventing the bites in the first place though.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Misc. IP Group 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:23 AM
  Subject: CSCS for Equine sweet itch

Hi anybody used CS for equine sweet itch or any other recommendations?


Have a stallion who is suffering terribly and if any part of his body is 
exposed he’s bitten badly and now has scabs and open wound in those places. 
Tried fly sprays, sweet itch blankets  etc but still to no avail.


Was wondering if spraying CS would help or if it needs to be combined with 
something to 1) help heal the wounds and b) strengthen his system to be able to 
fight the sweet itch naturally.



Many thanks



Re: CSE.I.S. and DMSO 60/40

2009-09-28 Thread Bob Banever

 Most likely that DMSO is diluted, especially if it was meant to be applied 
to the skin directly.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Melly Bag 
  Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 12:12 PM
  Subject: Re: CSE.I.S. and DMSO 60/40

Oh, my, i got a roll-on dmso which i applied directly on my skin.
--- On Mon, 9/28/09, Ode Coyote wrote:

  From: Ode Coyote
  Subject: Re: CSE.I.S. and DMSO 60/40
  Date: Monday, September 28, 2009, 4:51 AM

DMSO is exothermic with water, which is why it shouldn't be put on 
the skin or consumed before diluting it.
  Most pure acids and bases do that as well.
  Mixing Lye crystals with water can get REAL hot, some acids, 
explosively so.


  At 03:29 PM 9/27/2009 -0500, you wrote:
   I have just completed setting up a little 4oz. Spritzer bottle 
with about 2 1/2 ounces of E.I.S. ~15PPM  and about 1 1/2 ounces of 99% DMSO.
   When I added the DMSO, the mixture immediately got hot!  Not 
boiling, but probably somewhere around 140 degrees F.
   Should that happen?  There is a warning on the DMSO bottle about 
adding DMSO to acid chlorides sometimes reacting explosively, but the E.I.S. 
should be nothing but double distilled water and silver.
   Explanations, anyone?
   Olin Boyer
   Tulsa, OK

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  List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSNano Silver

2009-09-26 Thread Bob Banever

Colloidal silver is a term used to describe electrolytically isolated 
silver... these ARE nano silver solutions.  Most of the silver colloids contain 
80% or more of ionic silver with the rest being particulate.  All particles are 
nano silver particles in these solutions when it is made with distilled water 
and .999 fine silver with nothing added.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tim Rowe 
  Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 2:25 AM
  Subject: CSNano Silver


  Recently, I have come across a few articles and websites touting Nano 
Silver as being superior to Colloidal - more effective.

  Is there any objective truth to this, or is it hype?



Re: CSCS and Scarring

2009-09-26 Thread Bob Banever

Yes CS can indeed prevent scarring.  Silver ions de-differentiate cells... 
they go from abnormal to normal with the silver present.  It helps heal 
lacerations of all sorts... it even helps change cancer cells back into normal 

  - Original Message - 
  From: zoe w 
  Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 9:51 AM
  Subject: CSCS and Scarring

  There is a silver creme  called  Silvodene(sp)   that is used to prevent 
scarring in burn victims,   so it stands to reason  that the CS  would do the 
same.That Dr's  attitude  is unbelieveable ! Good for you,   those 
kids  are lucky to have you around.


  Diane Mackey wrote: 

CS tastes like water.  Why wouldn't they drink it?

My 6 year old nephew had some kind of virus on his skin that looked like a 
wart, one on his chin, three on his back shoulder and two behind his ear.  I 
was concerned that it was his head area where this was breaking out.  One of 
the bumps on his back and another behind his ear, got infected looking, with a 
head that was a hard crust.  SIL took him to the docs and she said It's a 
virus, leave it alone and it will go away in a year.  That week, he got two 
more bumps.

I had to ask my SIL if she was comfortable knowing her gorgeous little boy 
had a virus on his face and head, near his brain, and the doc wasn't concerned. 
 I got my point across.

I sprayed CS on him all day.  He thought it was a great game, and I even 
sprayed it in his mouth and eyes to show him it didn't sting.  So, every half 
hour, he got some CS.  The very next day, the infection was gone.  So I got an 
emery board and scratched the tops of the virus and continued to spray his skin 
and mouth.  He was clear in seven days.  Every day I had him, three days a 
week, I sprayed his mouth with CS and it never came back.  He takes care of all 
his boo-boos now with CS, as do his brothers.  I got them some ASAP CS gel too. 

He is the only one of three who didn't get mosquito bites this year.  Could 
the CS possibly been the reason?  I also noticed his deeper abrasions were not 
leaving scars on his legs.  Can CS keep your skin from scarring?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Gina Moore 
  Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:18 AM
  Subject: CSgiving CS to kids

  So, I want to give my kids CS.  Both as a preventative and if they get 
some 'bug' as a treatment.  I'm sure they won't drink it straight, so is there 
anything I can mix it with so it won't taste bad (to them)?  I know you aren't 
supposed to mix it with anything, but I just don't see them drinking it 
straight, or even diluted in water.

  Any tips would be appreciated!



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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #566

2009-09-23 Thread Bob Banever


  Do not ingest it if it isn't food grade.

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #566

The DE I have is Perma-Guard brand, which is labeled as an insecticide 
for grain or seed storage.


Garnet wrote:

White Food Grade

Melly Bag wrote:

Thanks.  Was your DE white (from shell)  or brown (earth).

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Mary was // Re: CSHomeopathic Silver

2009-09-21 Thread Bob Banever

 CS is not a heavy metal and isn't handled by the body as one either.  
Aside from that, at 10 or 20 ppm it is a homeopathic product and 80% or so is 
in the ionic form, all particles being small nano sized silver.  There is no 
danger of long term use in horses that I know of.  Most gets excreted within 24 
hours, and remainder within a few days or week at the most.

  - Original Message - 
  From: MaryAnn Helland 
  Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 6:36 AM
  Subject: Re: Mary was // Re: CSHomeopathic Silver

  Hi Jane.  Thank you for your reply.  EPM is Equine Protozoal Myloencephalitis 
-- a protozoal infection of the spinal cord, resulting in neurological symptoms 
consistent with the location of the infective lesion(s).  Standard allopathic 
drug treatment is very expensive, and rarely effective for the simple reason 
that it isn't continued long enough.  One of the reasons that EIS is so 
valuable as a treatment protocol is that it is very in-expensive, and people 
can afford to treat their horses for as long as necessary.  EPM isn't unlike 
Lyme in that the protozoa seem to have the ability to hide in the body where 
the meds bypass them, then they re-emerge later to create havoc again.  So -- 
I'm of the mind, as I think are most of the list-members here, that the EIS 
that we make is at the least as good as, and likely superior to, any other 
silver product.  I feel that we're already using what is most appropriate -- 
we've been successfully using it for many years.  The information that I'm 
needing is how to explain to a vet who is apparently misinformed about silver 
products, that she is (misinformed) and to be able to explain why.  Anyone who 
is referring to CS as *heavy metal* isn't educated on the subject -- and if 
you're going to tell this to a vet, you better be understanding the information 
yourself.  So that's the kind of information that I'm looking for.  Thanks 
again.  MA 

  From: Jane MacRoss
  Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 7:55:09 AM
  Subject: Mary was // Re: CSHomeopathic Silver

  Mary you need to get an on-line homeopathic materia medica and check out the 
varieties of silver to be found in it and then choose what is most appropriate 
for your needs. Not sure what EPM is to comment further,



Re: CSDo i need a nebuliser?

2009-09-18 Thread Bob Banever


Very true.  You might need to add a small amount of DMSO.  Virus can 
hide behind mucous making it difficult to contact.  Taking some Vit.D3, C, 
and selenium might help to prevent infection also.  As the saying goes. 
This bud's for you!

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: CSDo i need a nebuliser?

  A friend of the family in his 80s had a lung infection that just wasn't 
responding to treatment.

 His doctor basically gave up and pronounced his very limited life span.
 My Dad gave him a CS generator and a spray bottle which he carried in his 
pocket, inhaling the mist whenever he felt the urge.
With a few days his pain was subsiding and each check up by his Doc showed 
an improvement.

 She said I don't know what you are doing, but keep it up.

To use a spritzer as a nebulizer:
 Form a O shape with mouth, inhale air as fast and deep as possible.
 As the air is rushing in, fill it with mist.
 Hearken back to your Doobie filled collage years and remember how not to 
cough. [You may have had training you are not aware of]

Within a few weeks he was pronounced infection free.
Interesting guy, Hans.  He was a resistance fighter in the Netherlands in 
WW2, head quartered right next door to the occupying Nazi 
headquarters...and pioneered the manufacture of IC chips made with a micro 
sandblaster of all things.

 Speaking of intrepid pioneers...
There is someone on this list that discovered that a slight bit of steady 
reverse pressure can fill a bladder rather than empty it.

 Filled with CS straight up,  a bladder infection doesn't have a prayer.

Oh yea... a toke or two can dry out your lungs like no over the counter 
medication ever will.

 Congestive cough that nothing will touch ?
 My ex had a cough that kept her awake for 3 days and she was turning 
blue.  NOTHING even touched it..but 2 tokes on some bud and..well, she 
said Does it work instantly? ..coughed twice more and went to sleep 
breathing easy, cough gone for good.
I met a guy last year that made Bud Butter for his kids when the disease 
pool of public school made it's WORKS.
 Cotton Mouth is not just a Southern snake and Bud Wiser ain't just 
driving cars in circles real fast while shedding cylindrical Aluminum 

That, CS and spray bottle might just be what it takes to survive the 
*Flying Pigs Flew* when the hospitals are overloaded.


At 06:56 PM 9/17/2009 -0700, you wrote:
You folks are terrific! I have been stricken with asthma and bladder 
infections a couple of years ago. I know they aren't connected. But 
they're a hassle. Especially the bladder infections! Now if i could breath 
a vapor of CS with maybe other additives. Could i treat these problems? Do 
i just need some kind of sprayer or would i need a nebulizer? I use two 
inhalers now. I think my heart attacks and congestive heart failure has 
something to do with my breathing. When i was with Intel. We called team 
knowledge that was learned mostly by experience. Tribal knowledge. I think 
you people are very good sources of CS tribal knowledge! I also suffer 
from diabetes. Which when i have scrapes and sores. I sprayer would be 
nice to spray on my cuts, besides spraying in my mouth/nose. Plus i think 
I'll buy one of Ole's gel kits. I think by using these methods and asking 
your knowledge. I will have some positive results to show my VA Dr. Until 
then I don't think I'll spring it on him. Then after positive results. I 
think he will buy into the CS treatment! He has been impressed with my 
other natural healing and prayers! I can hardly wait till i can get my VA 
check next week to order my Silver Puppy from Ole! If you include potions 
and elixirs. Please include a recipe. Thanks for all your anticipated 
great help!   Larry

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Re: CSEU666...US666 ]Leslie]

2009-09-18 Thread Bob Banever

  Try to buy organic cilantro if possible.  It's impossible to know if the 
cilantro will contain mercury because it is in the air and water everywhere.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Leslie 
  Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 8:35 AM
  Subject: Re: CSEU666...US666 ]Leslie]

  Is there a way to know if the cilantro is ok and has no mercury?? What is you 
wash the leaves in CS? 
- Original Message - 
From: Melly Bag 
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:39 AM
Subject: RE: CSEU666...US666 ]Leslie]

  Parsley has bigger leaves than cilantro.  Also coriander is the seed 
of the cilantro plant. It is the cilantro leaves that detoxes mercury.  I know 
very well if i ingested mercury laced food because  my ears gets  sharp 
cricket sounds for a long time, that i  have even learned to ignore it.


  --- On Wed, 9/16/09, kath wrote:

From: kath
Subject: RE: CSEU666...US666 ]Leslie]
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 8:32 AM

If you are using cilantro for mercury removal be careful of your 
Since it has such a high propensity for mercury the plants can be
contaminated before you use them, and then you are giving yourself 

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: CSEU666...US666 ]Leslie]

In my experience Cilantro is much cheaper than Chinese 


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
 BTW, you may have been thinking of coriander rather than 

 In Google-searching for information about parsley versus cilantro 
I found
 lot of confusing statements and some misinformation.

 Wikipedia provides what looks like the best overview:

 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a bright green biennial herb, 
 as spice. It is common in Middle Eastern, European, and American 
 Parsley is used for its leaf in much the same way as coriander 
(which is
 also known as Chinese parsley or cilantro), although parsley has 
a milder

 Bottom line:  for purging mercury, you want the leaves of what is 
known as
 Chinese Parsley/ cilantro.

 On Wednesday, Sep 16, 2009, at 11:43 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. 

 With respect, no.

 There is more than kind of parsley;  cilantro is one of them.

 Chlorella is an algae.

 There are several kinds with different claimed benefits.   I 
have read
 mercury scavenging claims also.

 On Wednesday, Sep 16, 2009, at 00:13 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley 

 Two names, same plant.


 Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

 So does chlorella.  dee

 On 15 Sep 2009, at 00:55, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

 Research by Y. Omura, M.D.,  indicates that cilantro 
 removes mercury from the human body.

 There are various recipes for cilantro sauces on the 
Internet, as well
 as sources for capsules.

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Re: CSSuggestions for what to do if you decline the vaccine

2009-09-17 Thread Bob Banever

 I hope so because I am very allergic to eggs.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshalee Hallett 
  Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 5:04 PM
  Subject: Re: CSSuggestions for what to do if you decline the vaccine

  If all else fails just say you are allergic to eggs, that will do it!!

  On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Hanneke wrote:

What to do if you Plan to Decline the Swine Flu Vaccine:

• Ask your State Attorney General, Legislator or Governor whether your 
state law exemptions from vaccine programs (medical, religious, philosophical) 
apply during a declared pandemic or health e...mergency.
• If exemptions are available, contact your health care or school 
professionals for forms to fill out giving notice that you or your family 
members are exempt and are declining the vaccines and/or treatments.
• Find out if swine flu or pandemic vaccines will be required for students 
and staff in order to attend public schools.
• Pursuant to Federal Law (NVICP 1986), demand that your vaccine provider 
give you a benefit and risk vaccine information statement prior to vaccination. 
They must obtain your written consent before administration.
• Find out if exposed persons have the right to self-quarantine at home. 


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Re: CSswine flu vaccine

2009-09-17 Thread Bob Banever

You're probably referring to Squalene.  This is an oil based protein that 
is found naturally in most of our cells.  When injected the body attacks it 
outside of the cells... and as a result attacks our cells that contain squalene 
as well.  So effective is this response that it is used to make biowarfare 
weapons.  It is found naturally in olives among other foods.  Ingesting it is 
harmless... injecting it is deadly.  Auto-immune diseases will result.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Day Sutton 
  Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:22 PM
  Subject: Re: CSswine flu vaccine

  there is an adjunct in the vaccines (some) that causes a severe immune 
response. forgotten the name of it, but silver or mms will not neutralize it...

  On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Folks,

I would think that MMS would oxidize anything that you don't want in you 
from a vaccine if taken promptly and in high enough doses. That would be my 
approach if I am forced (held down, kicking and screaming) to be vaccinated.

Hopefully, none of this will come to pass in our lifetimes but it seems 
that things are heading in that direction for the not-too-distant future. 
People collectively need to stand up against this kind of thing if it rears its 
ugly head.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kirsteen Wright 
  Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 4:53 AM
  Subject: Re: CSswine flu vaccine

  2009/9/16 Frank

If a person were to get a swine flu vaccine injection would CS kill off 
the product that was injected and thus void the immunity of the injection?

  I don'k know for sure but I don't think silver alone would do it but I 
found this on Mercola's site

  The Following was composed by Dr. Russell Blaylock as a method to reduce 
autoimmune reactions to the flu vaccines only. Do not use this if you have the 
flu itself. These are just general observations and not medical advice. You 
should work with your doctor for a specific program.

  Treatment for Toxic Vaccine Exposure

1.. Place a cold compress on the site of the injection immediately 
after the injection and continue this as often as possible for at least two 
days. If symptoms of fever, irritability, fatigue or flu-like symptoms reoccur 
-- continue the cold compresses until they abate. A cold shower or bath will 
also help. 

2.. Take fish oils -- I recommend the Norwegian fish oil made by 
Carlson Labs -- it has the correct balance of EPA and DHA to reduce the 
cytokine storm. The dose is one tablespoon a day -- if severe symptoms develop 
-- two tablespoons a day until well and then switch to one tablespoon a day. 
Children -- one teaspoon a day. 

3.. Curcumin, quercetin, ferulic acid and ellagic acid as a mixture -- 
the first two must be mixed with extravirgin olive in one teaspoon. Take the 
mix three times a day (500 mg of each) 

4.. Vitamin E (natural form) 400 IU a day (high in gamma-E) 

5.. Vitamin C 1000 mg four times a day 

6.. Astaxanthin 4 mg a day 

7.. Zinc 20 mg a day for one week then 5 mg a day 

8.. Avoid all immune stimulating supplements (mushroom extracts, whey 
protein) except beta-glucan -- it has been shown to reduce inflammation, 
microglial activation and has a reduced risk of aggravating autoimmunity, while 
increasing antiviral cellular immunity. 

9.. Take a multivitamin/mineral daily (one without iron -- Extend Core) 

10.. Magnesium citrate/malate 500 mg of elemental magnesium two 
capsules three times a day 

11.. Vitamin D3: 

  1.. All Children -- 5000 IU a day for two weeks after vaccine then 
2000 IU a day thereafter 

  2.. Adults -- 20,000 IU a day after vaccine for two weeks then 10,000 
IU a day thereafter 

  3.. Take 500 mg to 1000 mg of calcium citrate a day for adults and 
250 mg a day for children under age 12 years. 

12.. Avoid all mercury-containing seafood 

13.. Avoid omega-6 oils (corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, canola 
and peanut oils) 

14.. Blenderize parsley and celery and drink 8 ounces twice a day 

15.. Take Jatoba tea extract (add 20 drops in on cup of tea) one day 
before the vaccine and the twice a day thereafter. (you can get it at It is 

  Hope this helps

  Day Sutton

Re: CSChemotherapy

2009-09-15 Thread Bob Banever


   It just so happens that the only type of cancer that does respond well 
to chemo is lymphoma Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins.  These are liquid 
cancers and not solid tumors (until an advanced stage).  As far as breast 
cancer is concerned... if a woman is lucky enough to have the tumor 
surgically removed that hasn't spread and is the only growth, then that will 
cure the cancer (but not get rid of the cause).  The chemo and radiation 
is done just in case but does not work well on breast or any solid tumor. 
By far and away alternative methods work better.  Cannabis oil (not hemp 
seed oil) is one of the most effective on this planet.  Oleander extract 
(Sutherlandia OPC), IP6, colloidal silver, iodine (specific for breast and 
thyroid cancers), cansema (blood root tincture) are all very effective as 
well but are usually used together.   Cannabis oil is by far the most 
natural and effective therapy out there IMO.

- Original Message - 
From: Pat

To: silver list
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:51 PM
Subject: CSChemotherapy

Why do these people (Health Ranger) emphatically claim that NO ONE has ever 
been cured of cancer by chemotherapy? My father in law had chemo for 
non-Hodgkins lymphoma at 85 and an interferon therapy a couple years later, 
then had heart bypass at 89 and was fine till 94. I know several women 
who've had breast cancer and after surgery and chemo have survived without 
cancer symtoms for all these years. That is just why alternative medicine 
proponants lose credibility, they make sweeping dismisals of all mainstream 
medical treatments. They are so hostile to physicians that they don't even 
I'm thinking I might try home treatment if it ever happens to me. Pat

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHigh Fever/Flu symptoms

2009-09-14 Thread Bob Banever


 When I had flu like symptoms last year I took MMS and colloidal 
silver.  My symptoms were gone in two days.  Started with 2 drops MMS and 
worked my way up to 6 drops every couple of hours.  Took 3 oz of silver in 
the AM and PM.  Seemed to have worked for me.

- Original Message - 
From: Garnet

Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: CSHigh Fever/Flu symptoms

I would be taking 5 Olive Leaf Capsules or strong tea, boiled (decoction) 
with plenty of lemon and honey to make

it palatable, a cup every 3-4 hours.


Tara McClintick wrote:

Hi Silver Listers,

 I’m using Argentyn 23 for immune support for my younger son,  (I know it 
is expensive, but I’ve already bought it) – my older son has come home 
today with Flu symptoms , 102.5 fever, achy, headache, chills.  I’m 
reading Silver can combat Flu, any experience? any suggestions on how can 
I determine the dosage?  He’s 170lbs. lean build.  Thanks, Tara

 Tara McClintick

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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #524

2009-09-13 Thread Bob Banever


 That is the right selenium.  Either they isolated the selenium from 
the yeast so that none remains or it is from a different source.  Same 
selenomethionine though.

- Original Message - 
From: Alan Jones

Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #524

Thanks Steve.  The brand I'm taking is NOW, the label says it is
yeast free but also says it is L-Selenomethionine.  I guess it's
not the right one?


On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Norton, Steve 

Selenomethionine. I believe that it is a yeast derived selenium.
- Steve N

From: Alan Jones
Sent: Sat Sep 12 19:21:08 2009
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #524

What's the right selenium?


On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Norton, Steve

It is my opinion that some silver does stay in the tissues when you use
silver. But I think with prudent use the silver buildup can be 
maintained at

a low enough level to avoid argryia. Such as not using silver nitrate,
silver acetate or mild silver proteins. Not using high doses for a long 
period. Based on what I have heard from others here on the list you can 
large amounts of EIS for longer than you might expect. And using the 

selenium when using EIS

Alan Jones

Alan Jones

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Re: CSMMS news

2009-09-13 Thread Bob Banever


  I'm normally a peaceful, law abiding citizen but this sort of medical 
fascism and genocide makes my blood boil.  If I have to I will become a 
criminal in short order... no one is going to force me or my family to take 
a flu shot of any sort,  PERIOD.  My new motto will become... Don't Tread On 

- Original Message - 
From: Leslie

Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS news

Thanks. This has concerned me for awhile, but here is something very 
important at this time so wonder what might stop the action of this vac.

For those of you who do not believe that the Government is going to 
Quarantine anyone for not having the N1H1 Swine Flu vaccination,
I would like for you to watch this video, even if you think that there is 
a possibility of it please watch. This was just released yesterday

9/11/09 on Youtube during a conference in Texas.
- Original Message - 
From: SJY

Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: CSMMS news

Even nicer to learn about MMS2:

Anyone have any personal opinions about it or experience with using it?

Steve Y.

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 7:48 PM
Subject: CSMMS news

Nice to know this about MMS

God will forgive me. That's his job, after all.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver Impregnated Water Bottle

2009-09-13 Thread Bob Banever


   Sounds like a great idea.  If toxic components of plastic will 
indeed bond with silver to make it non toxic that would be wonderful.  Good 
luck with this.

- Original Message - 
From: Garnet

Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:39 PM
Subject: CSSilver Impregnated Water Bottle

A  Non-Toxic Plastic Water Bottle

Many folks know of the potential toxicity of plastic water 
bottles, but are not willing to lug around a heavy glass one.  I will be 
commenting further about the unique properties of silver, and certainly 
one could safely drink out of a silver cup.  I came up with the idea of 
combining silver and a plastic such as polycarbonate with two objectives 
in mind.  First is to use the silver to bind with the toxic components in 
the plastic to prevent them from being leached into the water.  Second is 
to provide a source of silver ions on the inside and outside surface of 
the container to disinfect the water in the container, and to disinfect 
the hands of the user on the outside of the container, in an effort to 
avoid the spread of nasty bacterial infections such as MRSA (methicillin 
resistant staphylococcus aureus).  I have filed a patent application 
covering the concept in the hope of attracting a company to commercialize 

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Re: CSmicrobes resistant to silver

2009-09-12 Thread Bob Banever
None of these bacteria are resistant to silver.  NONE.  If silver doesn't kill 
them it's because the silver was not ionic and/or it did not make contact with 
the bacteria.  Adding a 10% DMSO solution to the silver would solve the 
problem, assuming the silver is in the ionic form.  Bacteria can hide in 
mucous, fat, protein, dead cells, folds of skin, etc.  DMSO will bring the 
silver to the bacteria.  Problem solved.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Holmes 
  Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:29 PM
  Subject: Re: CSmicrobes resistant to silver

  Thank you for this important information.  

  Have you reviewed the papers yourself?  Are all of the specie resistant, or 
only certain strains?  Will higher doses work against them.

  Thank you,


  On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 12:02 PM, nenahsylver wrote:

A colleague I trust pointed out that published reports now cite pathogens 
that are resistant to silver.

The following article explains the mechanism and cross-bacterial transfer 
of silver resistance genes among bacteria.

At the bottom of the page is list of some known resistances to copper and 

Escherichia coli bacteria Cu

Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria Cu  Ag

Legionella pneumophilia bacteria Cu  Ag

Salmonella sp. bacteria Ag

Vibrio cholerae bacteria Cu  Ag

Candida albicans yeast Cu

Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast Cu  Ag

Hartmenella vermiformis protozoa Cu  Ag

Tetrahymena pyriformis protozoa Cu  Ag

Paramecium sp. protozoa Cu  Ag

Amoeba sp. protozoa Cu  Ag

My colleague also did a PubMed search on silver resistance. She found 
that article 12829274 mentions that in 2003, E. coli strain O157:H7 was found 
to have silver resistance genes in its genome.  

I am wondering if we should be cautious about using CS routinely (meaning 
even when we aren’t ill). Or do you think the article is flawed? If so, what 
are the flaws?



Re: CSSovergin Silver-Argentin 23

2009-09-12 Thread Bob Banever

   You are making excellent ionic/colloidal silver with the Silvergen.  If you 
do it correctly, using just distilled water and .999 fine silver, you should 
come out with an 80%ionic, 20%particulate solution (or thereabouts).  At 10ppm 
or so this should be an excellent silver for just about anything.  Argentin23 
is also an excellent product but not much different than what you are making.  
They claim it too is 10ppm and the nanoparticles of silver are supposedly very 
small.  I don't know the ration of ions to particles in their product, but it 
probably won't work any better than you home made brew.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Lin Gregerson 
  Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 6:23 PM
  Subject: CSSovergin Silver-Argentin 23

  It seems like this brand of cs was discussed just a few weeks back.  
  Is there anyone out there that saved the posts and can repost the highlights?
  What I'm looking for is the opinion of this product by some of the group long 
timers and how to explain the difference between this 
  product and what I make with my SilverGen unit.
  I've been asked to meet with a Naturopath next week.  I know she is familiar 
with Argentin 23.
  Thanks in advance for anything that posts.

Re: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment

2009-09-11 Thread Bob Banever

Very interesting and thank you for those observations.  I would assume 
it is ok to ingest EIS with a 10% solution of DMSO, yes?  I would further 
assume this same mixture can be used as a nasal irrigant or inhalant through a 

  Comments welcome.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 1:50 PM
  Subject: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment

  Dear Nenah, 
  We have not evaluated EIS against the bacterial agents referenced by your 
colleague in any isolated environemnt, specifically designed to measure 
toxicity. However, we have found that combining EIS with DMSO, has demonstrated 
  togreatly increase effectivity..sometimes by an 
order-of-magnitude--against a multiplicity of bacterial pathogens, both in 
vitro and in vivo. 
  It is my belief that very few, IF ANY, bacteria relying upon protein shields 
(or any tissue-based isolation medium) to bind or block the EIS component...are 
able to do so in the presence of EIS entrained in a weak (e.g. 10% ) DMSO 
solution. In past research evaluations we discovered that MANY conditions which 
served to greatly lower or prevent the effective intervention of EIS against 
pathogens (mucous isolation, some epithelial tissue interferences and even 
dead-tissue debris fields), were easily overcome through the addition of DMSO 
as an entrainment/transport medium. Our first successes with such protocols 
came circa 1996 
  when we prosecuted our earliest evaluations of the airbrush system as a 
successful intervention against double, bi-lateral, viral pneumonia [at which 
time there was NO known treatment of effective nature). 
  We DID encounter circumstances in which applying EIS to in vitro colonies of 
pathogens were...initiallyunsuccessful-but when the EIS solution was 
mixed with a companion DMSO (10% by volume) and reapplied..complete control 
resulted in less than 
  6 minutes in most casesand in 10 minutes in 95% of the cases. This result 
  against EVERY bacteria we confronted in these evaluations. 
  As a postscript I might add that at that time (circa 1996-98) we encountered 
only one bacteria which successfully resisted EISafter experiencing actual 
physical contact. The bacteria (which name escapes my memory, but can be 
supplied if someone wants to put me on-the-rack) was one found in silver 
mines proper. Interestingly, after 9 generations of isolation from the 
silver-impregnated environment of the mines, themselves-the bacteria LOST 
its tolerance against EIS. 
  With Warmest Regards, Brooks. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

Subject : CSmicrobes resistant to silver

Date : Fri, 11 Sep 2009 11:02:00 -0700

From : nenahsylver

To :

A colleague I trust pointed out that published reports now cite pathogens 

that are resistant to silver. 

The following article explains the mechanism and cross-bacterial transfer 

silver resistance genes among bacteria. 


At the bottom of the page is list of some known resistances to copper and 


Escherichia coli bacteria Cu 

Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria Cu  Ag 

Legionella pneumophilia bacteria Cu  Ag 

Salmonella sp. bacteria Ag 

Vibrio cholerae bacteria Cu  Ag 

Candida albicans yeast Cu 

Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast Cu  Ag 

Hartmenella vermiformis protozoa Cu  Ag 

Tetrahymena pyriformis protozoa Cu  Ag 

Paramecium sp. protozoa Cu  Ag 

Amoeba sp. protozoa Cu  Ag 

My colleague also did a PubMed search on silver resistance. She found 

article 12829274 mentions that in 2003, E. coli strain O157:H7 was found to 

have silver resistance genes in its genome. 

I am wondering if we should be cautious about using CS routinely (meaning 

even when we aren't ill). Or do you think the article is flawed? If so, 

are the flaws? 



  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, 
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are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment

2009-09-11 Thread Bob Banever
Thanks Nenah.

  - Original Message - 
  From: nenahsylver 
  Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 4:33 PM
  Subject: RE: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment

  On the DMSO egroup, there's lots of talk about using DMSO with CS.




  Nenah Sylver, PhD

  author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

  now available in HARDCOVER

   The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 


  From: Bob Banever [] 
  Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 4:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment




  Very interesting and thank you for those observations.  I would 
assume it is ok to ingest EIS with a 10% solution of DMSO, yes?  I would 
further assume this same mixture can be used as a nasal irrigant or inhalant 
through a nebulizer.


Comments welcome.



Re: CSLife Enhancement:: The Truth about Healthcare Reform ( OT)

2009-09-06 Thread Bob Banever


 Great post... Bravo!

- Original Message - 
From: Thora Rasmusen (Home)

Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: CSLife Enhancement:: The Truth about Healthcare Reform ( OT)

I live in a country with universal health care, and it's just as corrupt as
the US.  The problem with health care is not insurance or universal health
care, or anything like that.

It's the fact that main stream medicine completely ignores the fact that
what we eat causes us to be sick.  The promotion of junk food and garbage
food is beyond any movement to promote healthy food.  The craziness in our
modern day system is all the insane things they do to our food, with
pesticides, herbicides, food additives, chemicals in the water.  It is
everywhere, and so very few people have any knowledge of the damage these
things do.  So very few people have any idea of what healthy food is.
Yesterday, I watched some one who had a blasting head ache all day sit 

and eat an apple turnover, made with premixed pastry, premixed apple
filling, premixed sugar topping, and a chocolate milk, and she truly 
it would make her feel better.  What passes for food is disgusting, and 
passes for restaurants is disgusting.  I cringe every time I see the 
restaurant food delivery truck pull up to a restaurant.  No one has any 

what whole food is, or what home made means.

I'd love to see future food charts include a section called non-food to
include things like sugar, white flour, etc. so that people begin to
understand that there are things you should never eat.

There are extremely few people out there sharing with us the damage that
this stuff does, and those who do are ridiculed beyond belief.  There is 

much money to be made in processing food, and they have the knowledge to
hire marketers, add people and the like.  There is no money to be made in
whole food, etc.

Our society will need to make some sort of shift to get to the point where
it will promote something that will make a huge portion of society poorer
money wise so that all can be healthy.  I have no idea what that shift 
be.  But I sure do know that all those around me think I'm a fruit cake 

my eat natural attitude.  Very few would tolerate that, and would just go
back to following the crowd, so as to not make waves.  Our society does 

teach bucking the system at all.  We're taught to follow, listen to the
experts, and don't question.  We are certainly not taught to question 

medical system, that's taboo.

So, if you're interested in health, do not listen to any expert, do your 

research, and it will take a massive commitment of time.  This knowledge
isn't going to be handed to you on a silver platter.  Remember, no oen 
a dime if you get well.  No one.  Only you are better off.  No one is put 

a stronger position of control if you are well.  No one.  Only you are
stronger.  No government agency or insurance company is better off if you
are well, the reason for their existence will disappear if you are well,
they will not be needed to take care of you, they will not be needed to 
your life if your are well.  You can then run your own life.  Remember, 

you benefit if you are well.

I'll run my own life, thank you very much, and I don't care whether I live
in a country with universal health or private, because I won't use it.


-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSLife Enhancement:: The Truth about Healthcare Reform ( OT)

If you think there is no rationing of health care right now, then you have
been blessed with good heath. Or maybe you can get along ok with what 

for health care. But rationing does exist- through denial of care and
exclusions of preexisting conditions. HMO's are big business at it's 

making BILLIONS of dollars, even right now at the height of the recession.
they are raking it in; by denying care and denying payment to doctors. 

try to keep it all, as much as possible.

The Truth that is represented here is a slanted view that is not based 

reality- it IS happening already.

To have control is to take  responsibility for one's health and not to 
it over to HMO's, MD's or anyone. I would like to spend my health care 

the way I want to- not the way the HMO thinks I should spend it. I can do
that now if I want to be uninsured.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:42 AM, Karen and Jerry Conrad wrote:

I will keep sounding the alarm, anyone over the age of 40 needs to be
concerned about this. Karen Conrad

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2009-08-31 Thread Bob Banever
If he lived in a state that allows medical marijuana he could purchase enough 
of it to make his own as well.

  - Original Message - 
  From: paul catania 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 4:31 PM

  Dear Alan and Bob,

  Alan wrote.
  I'm pretty sure that guy doesn't sell the oil, and I'm pretty sure it's 
illegal.  Too bad.

  Bob wrote...
  Your friend might wish to consider marijuana oil as a potential cure for his 
cancer.  It is backed by solid research.  He would need to consume 60 grams 
over a 90 day period of the oil.  Go to for more info and just 
google it as well.  Watch Run from the Cure.  Good luck.

  No, he doesn't sell it to my knowledge, but it's not illegal everywhere. 
  In some states, like mine (Nevada) you can get a permit to grow enough to 
make your own. But, assuming they approved his application and his reasons for 
it, by the time he would get the permit, grow it, and process it, he would be 
gone. (Dr.'s give him 3 months to live)


2009-08-30 Thread Bob Banever


   Your friend might wish to consider marijuana oil as a potential cure for 
his cancer.  It is backed by solid research.  He would need to consume 60 
grams over a 90 day period of the oil.  Go to for more info 
and just google it as well.  Watch Run from the Cure.  Good luck.

- Original Message - 
From: paul catania

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:17 PM

Thank you Marshall,
I was looking to circumvent the MMS side effects, but I guess that can't 


- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:16 PM

paul catania wrote:

Hello all,
I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and 
all feed-back.
I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) 
with Lung and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is 
beyond Chemo but they are going to try radiation to shrink the brain 
tumors in order to restore functionality to his right leg (which is numb 
and he cannot move).
I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I 
was wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the 
 1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of 
distilled water.
2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the 
usual 3 minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.
3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute 

4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?
 Would the MMS be encapsulated?
Since you added the lemon, there is no MMS left. Instead you have a 
compound that breaks down over the next 12 hours and produces chlorine 
dioxide.  That is a gas and would diffuse through any encapsulation very 
And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or 
If you took it immediately after making, the effects would be dimished, 
since the chlorine dioxide would be encapsulated initially. I would 
expect it to behave more like unactivated MMS. I am not sure if the side 
effects would be changed or not.
Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on 
the safe side)?

Don't know.

 I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in 
order to best give my friend at least a fighting chance.

Thanks, Paul
p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-27 Thread Bob Banever
Yes I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Judd before his passing and he did 
indeed use Cepacol because of the type of alcohol it contained.  He even used 
it in a nebulizer for a bad flu he contracted.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Karen and Jerry Conrad 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:02 AM
  Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

  Like I said Dr Judd advocating using Cepacol mouthwash. Blessings Karen Conrad
- Original Message - 
From: arthur rambo 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

  Can you specify how much water/alchohol, and which kind? Grain, 

  --- On Thu, 8/27/09, Karen and Jerry Conrad wrote:

From: Karen and Jerry Conrad
Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 7:59 AM

We use his tooth soap, it is great, my son does not brush hardly at 
all ever, yet, when he went to the dentist for a cleaning, the hygienist was 
amazed at how easy his cleaning went. a company called tooth soap makes Dr 
Judd's products, we get the liquid grape flavor, its great, my son will use 
that now, it is the only product he will use. Dr Judd also advocated the use of 
alcohol (breathing it in) as a cure for viruses such as flu and pneumonia, it 
WORKS, Unfortunately, he passed away several years ago.but I have several 
publications he wrote.You boil the alcohol on the stove and breathe it in 10-12 
breaths at a time every few hours. He recommended  using the mouthwash Cepacol 
rather than straight alcohol, that way you could also gargle with it and kill 
any virus in the throat too. HTH. Blessings Karen Conrad

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ken  Nancy Bagwell 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:44 AM
  Subject: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

  Hi all,

  A few questions:

  Does anyone have any experience using soap for brushing teeth?

  Also, what type of soap is used? Can it be made at home?

  I just read some info from a guy named Gerard F. Judd.  Not sure 
what to make of it all at this time.

  -Ken Bagwell

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Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-27 Thread Bob Banever
Ivory soap should work just fine.  Dr. Judd used it as well.
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:59 AM
  Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

  If I am not mistaken, Brooks said he uses Ivory soap
-- Original message from jr orrilia 

Hi Ken.  I had one purchased toothsoap, and the ingredients were pretty 
much the same as a healthy organic bar of soap.  Some even use this, a bar of 
soap, it is just to find one that has a flavor that you can handle.  The 
toothsoap I had purchased was peppermint, I just can't the remember the 
ingredients except for essential oils and olive oil. Orrilia

From: Ken  Nancy Bagwell
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:44:42 AM
Subject: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

Hi all,

A few questions:

Does anyone have any experience using soap for brushing teeth?

Also, what type of soap is used? Can it be made at home?

I just read some info from a guy named Gerard F. Judd.  Not sure what to 
make of it all at this time.

-Ken Bagwell

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the 
boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail 

Re: CS(LL) ?? Anything to use with CS/EIS during Chemo treatments

2009-08-27 Thread Bob Banever

Marijuana oil is an actual cure for cancer.  You should consume 60 grams 
over a 90 day period.  Go to for more info.  Solid research 
behind this.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Pat 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CS(LL) ?? Anything to use with CS/EIS during Chemo treatments

  Medical marijuana is legal in 13 states.  Not mine though.


  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:51:02 PM
  Subject: CS(LL) ?? Anything to use with CS/EIS during Chemo treatments

  A nice waitress, at a favorite restaurant, has a friend that has had part of 
his stomach removed due to cancer. She was in on a conversation at our table on 
CS / EIS. He starts chemotherapy next week  wondered if there was anything 
that could help him in anyway. I thought the CS / EIS would stop possible 
infection .  any other ideas would be much appreciated.  It is sad medical 
Marijuana is not legal here in the States as I know that is very useful for 
those having chemo Thanks Lois. 


Re: CSVitamin B-12

2009-08-15 Thread Bob Banever

  Sublingual methylcobalamin would be absorbed in the mucosal lining of the 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 1:18 PM
  Subject: RE: CSVitamin B-12

  Can we emulsify B12?  Stomach acid destroys it so could this also be used in 
the same process as the VitC?  If so which form of B12 might work best?

  Subject: Re: CSVitamin B-12
  Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 16:22:56 +0100

  The trouble with this is, that some people cannot tolerate yeast, and some 
people lack the ability to process the yeast to produce B12.  This is why the 
sublingual tablet or spray is superior.  Especially in the methylcobalamin form 
as this doesn't have to *be* processed at all as it is already in the most 
bioavailable form for the body to use.  dee 

  On 15 Aug 2009, at 05:47, davidandrenee wrote:

 The best source I know of for vitamin B-12 is nutritional yeast. It is 
natural and it is accepted by the body.  NO SYNTHETICS  Thank You  


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