[ANNOUNCE] Struts is now an Apache top level project.!

2004-03-17 Thread Arron Bates

Word has just come back from the Apache board meeting with the results of
Struts' request to become a top level Apache project along side ANT and the

 * The Apache Jakarta Struts project requested to become a  top level
   project of the ASF. The Board definitely agreed with their request,
   and passed the resolution unanimously with little discussion. Craig
   McClanahan will be the Chair of the new Apache Struts PMC.

...I just wanted to extend the word so we can all pass thanks and kudos to the
other 13 committers, and yourselves the supporting community. Many people on
and off the Who we are page put a tremendous amount of work into Struts, and
it really shows.

It's just another one of those happy times where this comes into the spotlight.



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Re: unsuccessful in keyboard monkey's nesting tutorial... please help :)

2004-02-10 Thread Arron Bates

He's right. And to elaborate... use the tld and classes from the struts
distro, and not the tld and nested tag classes from the tutorial.

All the best.


 The latest nested tags are already included with the Struts 1.1
 --- mariel hizon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi! Actually, i just downloaded the nest extension tutorial war file from
  www.keyboardmonkey.com and tried to make it work.  This jsp code (the
  nested:text part) is just to check if the nested-tags.tld is working.
  Apparently it's not, because when i changed the nested: text to
  html:text, i didn't get an error, so i guess it really is the nested
  extension that won't run. I browsed a lot of mail archives and saw that
  some people also had a problem with it, though their solution doesn't work
  for me. 
  I'm wondering if it's possible that the nested-tags.tld and the
  nested_tags.jar included in the war tutorial are not compatible with the
  jars that i have? I hope someone can help me. Thanks!
  part of tutorial.jsp ... everything's fine if i just change the
  nested:text to html: text ... i don't know why i keep getting cannot
  find bean null in any scope with nested: text ... 
  html:form action=/action-tutorial.do
Monkey Name: nested:text property=monkeyName /br
Monkey Age: nested:text property=monekyAge /br
html:submitSubmit Form/html:submit
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Re: Using display/ tag with nested beans

2004-01-20 Thread Arron Bates

Try using nested:define tags to make bean references that the display tags
could then get a hold of and use. Otherwise, there would be no other way
unless the display tag source code was updated to recognise and use the nested

Hope this does the trick.


 I'm trying to get the display/ tag library to work with my nested bean
 structure without much luck, and after screwing around with this for 
 the past three days, I'm ready to throw in the towel.  If anyone can 
 see what it is I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it.
 Basically I've got the following (currently):
   nested:iterate property=list1
   nested:iterate property=list2
   nested:iterate property=list3
   nested:write property=item1/
   nested:write property=item2/
 This works fine, as I get the values for item1, item2, etc.  I now 
 need to replace the last nested:iterate/ with a display:table / 
 tag with appropriate display:column /'s.  I've tried several 
 things, including:
   display:table list=list3
   display:column property=item1/
 I've also tried to set a page-scope object on the 'list2' iterate:
   nested:iterate id=myObject property=list2
   display:table list=myObject.list3
 Whatever I try I am consistently getting a JSP exception thrown of 
 ERROR 01/19/2004:12:07:51 - Error looking up property specimenId 
 in object type java.lang.String Exception: [.LookupUtil] Error 
 looking up property specimenId in object type java.lang.String 
 Cause: Unknown property 'specimenId'
   at org.displaytag.model.Column.getValue(Column.java:93)
 org.displaytag.model.Column.createChoppedAndLinkedValue(Column.java:144)  at
org.displaytag.model.Column.getOpenTag(Column.java:120) at
 Help!  I'm at my wits end on this.  Any ideas?  Or will the 
 display/ taglib just not work with nested beans?
 Jerry Jalenak
 Development Manager, Web Publishing
 LabOne, Inc.
 10101 Renner Blvd.
 Lenexa, KS  66219
 (913) 577-1496
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RE: getting data from form with nested beans

2004-01-20 Thread Arron Bates
Never thought I'd see a flamewar on nested beans. :)

Request scope beans in lists are very much possible with the help of Lazy


...it's the entire reason the lazy collections were made. Some people just
can't live with computer memory filling up with session objects.

The lazy solution keeps Struts happy by allowing an empty list to recieve
updates on indexes not there yet (which is what happens when the form object
is created for the first time when the request comes in).

That said, nothing in life comes free. Nested beans in request scope is one
degree harder to code for than form beans in the session. If a site has
limited concurrent users (intranetty, etc etc), I vote to put the form in the
session every time. :)...but the other way is more than possible.



 I did not get your question clearly.
 When a new form(instance of ActionForm) is created, users input is 
 not lost.The users input is still in the request Object.(Are you 
 confusing the Form on screen with the ActionFOrm object on server 
 side?).So after the instance of ActionForm is created, it is 
 populated with the parameters from the request using the struts auto-
 population mechanism.And then you can use the same BeanList to pass 
 to the Service layer(But after conversion may be as all the 
 properties in String format.SO create DTO bean from correspondign 
 Hope this helps.
 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Sturzenegger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 3:11 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: getting data from form with nested beans
 hi shirish,
 great conceipt and many thanks for example and explanation, my fog 
 seems to thin out slowly. one question remains: as soon as a new 
 form is created, then, i assume, the user's inputs are lost. so how 
 do you get hold of the user's input? usually one feeds the input 
 data back into a database. with simple beans i copy the formdata to 
 a new instantiated dto-bean within my action class and pass the dto-
 bean to my business-layer. but dealing with nested beans, where and how?
 sorry for pestering
 and thanks a lot in advance
 -- Urspruengliche Nachricht --
 Antworten an: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Datum:  Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:54:30 +0100
 And I am sure most of the people do have the same.I mean tieing the nested
properties to the session scope does take away a lot of flexibility.
 Anyhow just try my sample code...It should demonstrate the concept.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:44 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: getting data from form with nested beans
 So you've had forms, with indexed properties with dynamic sizes working  
 when scoping to request?
 On 20 Jan 2004, at 11:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it flaming or what?I thought we were trying to solve each others  
  problems.Still a last try.
  We have a complete application(3 modules/4000 classes/15 companies  
  live as of date) which uses all form beans just in request scope.And  
  all over the place we have used form beans in request scope.And the  
  application is well and running.
  If you go t through my mail, you will understand why it will mail.SO  
  please read the mail carefully.
  I will try to explain it again.
  When the form is submitted(the user presses submit button on  
  screen),the corresponding action will be called by struts.At the same  
  time, it will look for a actionForm from the mapping.As the scope is  
  specified as request, a new form will be created.And if you have  
  looked at my example carefully, you will see that the nested bean list  
  is created when the form is created.But this nested list is empty.Now  
  when struts autopopulation tries to populate a nested bean, it should   
  find that the nested bean list is empty.But the lazy initialization  
  mechanism in the indexed getter will take care that the list has  
  enough of beans.See the code below.
   //give indexed access to the beans
  public Employee getEmployee(int index){
  //very imp
  //when a jsp is submited , then while auto populating the form,this
  // the  form is populated properly.
  while(index = beanList.size()){
  beanList.add(new Employee());
  And as explained in jsp part, as long as the property references are  
  created properly, this will work.And with struts1.1 nested tags, you  
  don't have to even use the script%% to create property is jsp.
  Hope this clarifies it.If not, try to run my example code.
  -Original Message

Re: Nested tags not working with session-scope form

2004-01-02 Thread Arron Bates

If you can simply switch nested for html or logic, then the markup isn't
specifically made for the nested tags. ie: you've probably used the name
attribute etc which the nested tags don't need.

If you're able to use html or logic, then you may as well use the original
tags. If you want to take advantage of the nested tags, you'll have to look at
their specific needs in the documentation, or the tutorials at

All the best.


 I have a session scope ActionForm. I have a need to use the nested 
 tag library to iterator over some nested beans in the form. However, 
 any use of a nested:text, nested:write, nested:iterate, etc.,
  will not output the properties of the ActionForm. This results in a 
 blank HTML form in my browser.
 If I changed the nested prefix to the original html, logic, etc. Then
 everything outputs fine in the HTML.  
 I am wondering if anyone has come across this problem before, and knows
 what I might be doing wrong or something I can check.  To check my
 sanity, i wrote a simple web app using session-scoped action forms 
 and nested tags, and it worked fine. I just can't figure out why it 
 works in one web-app and not the other.

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RE: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include

2003-12-11 Thread Arron Bates

Tomcat had its JSP engine (Jasper) rewritten for version 4.1.x and is
naturally a part of 5.x. It was a completely different beast, and the way the
nested tags operated, well, they stopped working for new tomcats. I couldn't
get them to change Jasper, so I rewrote the nested tags. This change only went
into Struts at 1.1RC2. It was late, but I couldn't have the latest tomcat not
working with the 1.1 release so...

As a work around for you... try downloading this jar...


...this is a jar of just the nested tags. put it into your WEB-INF/lib dir. It
should load the tags from here before it finds them in the struts.jar. When
there restart your app and see if it works.

If it works, it means your Struts is outdated, and I recommend finding an
upgrade. This jar should work fine, but there are some minor bugs that have
been fixed in the latest Struts builds.

And that's the state of affairs. See if it works for ya.


 I had experience something like this before... 
 Try check out bug ID # 4724356 in Java Bug Parade.
 I'm not sure if this is related but it sounds like it. May be Resin 
  WSAD parse JSP differently.
  -Original Message-
  From: Rouven Gehm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 12:18 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include
  Well the WSAD build in version, which is 1.1beta2.
  But is it a Struts problem, cause why does it work with Resin  WSAD,
  but not with Tomcat ???
  - Original Message -
  From: Arron Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 3:34 AM
  Subject: Re: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include
   What Struts version are you running?
Hi there,
hope someone has a clue, why this doesn't work with Tomcat, but
works with Resin :
I have a tile, where i want to show a treelike menu based on the
monkey example for the struts-nested taglibs, see my code at the
bottom. On the Resin and WSAD server, the tree is shown correctly,
but with tomcat (4.1.?  5.0.?), only the first children of each
node is shown, and i don't know why, i assume that somehow tomcat
only includes the treenode.jsp once, like on PHP where i can you
have include  include_once. But where can i change this behavior of
Tomcat ???
Thanx in advance

submenu.jsp :
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %
nested:form action=/treechange.do
nested:nest property=rootNode 
jsp:include page=treenode.jsp /
treenode.jsp :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
%-- monkey magic goes here --%
img src=%=request.getContextPath()%/pix/spacer.gif
width=nested:write property=nodeIndent / height=1
nested:equal property=showChildren value=true
nested:notEqual property=level value=0
nested:image src=pix/km_minus.gif property=toggle /
nested:equal property=active value=true
nested:link styleClass=active page=/goneu.do paramId=method
nested:write filter=false property=nodeName /
nested:equal property=active value=false
nested:link styleClass=notactive page=/goneu.do
paramId=method paramProperty=method
nested:write filter=false property=nodeName /
nested:iterate property=children
jsp:include page=treenode.jsp /
nested:equal property=showChildren value=false
nested:equal property=hasChildren value=true
nested:image src=pix/km_plus.gif property=toggle /
nested:equal property=hasChildren value=false
img src=%=request.getContextPath()%/pix/km_empty.gif
nested:equal property=active value=true
nested:link styleClass=active page=/goneu.do paramId=method
nested:write filter=false property=nodeName /
nested:equal property=active value=false
nested:link styleClass=notactive page=/goneu.do
paramId=method paramProperty=method
nested:write filter=false property

RE: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include

2003-12-11 Thread Arron Bates
Yeah!, what she said!  :)


PS: Christine, thanks for forcing me to go bug hopping in #17977. Terribly
kind of you to re-open the bug.  You know, I wouldn't mind if you fixed it
yourself and just gave me the patch :P

 This was a known bug when usning the nested:iterate with an pre-
 final release of Struts 1.1.  
 (http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17977)  As with 
 your example, the 1.1 beta 2 worked perfectly when running on 
 WebLogic 6.1 sp 3 and later.  However, it would fail on Tomcat 4.1X. 
  I upgraded to the Struts 
 1.1 final release and this error was corrected.
 However, it sounds as though you might want to take a look at 
 another reported bug since you are using tiles and the nested tags.  
 Hope this helps!
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include
 Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 01:03:19 -1000
 I had experience something like this before...
 Try check out bug ID # 4724356 in Java Bug Parade.
 I'm not sure if this is related but it sounds like it. May be Resin  WSAD 
 parse JSP differently.
   -Original Message-
   From: Rouven Gehm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 12:18 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include
   Well the WSAD build in version, which is 1.1beta2.
   But is it a Struts problem, cause why does it work with Resin  WSAD,
   but not with Tomcat ???
   - Original Message -
   From: Arron Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 3:34 AM
   Subject: Re: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include
What Struts version are you running?
 Hi there,

 hope someone has a clue, why this doesn't work with Tomcat, but
 works with Resin :

 I have a tile, where i want to show a treelike menu based on the
 monkey example for the struts-nested taglibs, see my code at the
 bottom. On the Resin and WSAD server, the tree is shown correctly,
 but with tomcat (4.1.?  5.0.?), only the first children of each
 node is shown, and i don't know why, i assume that somehow tomcat
 only includes the treenode.jsp once, like on PHP where i can you
 have include  include_once. But where can i change this behavior of
 Tomcat ???

 Thanx in advance


 submenu.jsp :
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %

 nested:form action=/treechange.do

 nested:nest property=rootNode 

 jsp:include page=treenode.jsp /




 treenode.jsp :


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %

 %-- monkey magic goes here --%


 img src=%=request.getContextPath()%/pix/spacer.gif
 width=nested:write property=nodeIndent / height=1

 nested:equal property=showChildren value=true

 nested:notEqual property=level value=0

 nested:image src=pix/km_minus.gif property=toggle /

 nested:equal property=active value=true

 nested:link styleClass=active page=/goneu.do paramId=method

 nested:write filter=false property=nodeName /



 nested:equal property=active value=false

 nested:link styleClass=notactive page=/goneu.do
 paramId=method paramProperty=method

 nested:write filter=false property=nodeName /





 nested:iterate property=children

 jsp:include page=treenode.jsp /



 nested:equal property=showChildren value=false

 nested:equal property=hasChildren value=true

 nested:image src=pix/km_plus.gif property=toggle /


 nested:equal property=hasChildren value=false

 img src=%=request.getContextPath()%/pix/km_empty.gif


 nested:equal property=active value=true

 nested:link styleClass=active page=/goneu.do paramId=method

 nested:write filter=false property=nodeName

Re: Problems with Tomcat and nested:iterate + jsp:include

2003-12-10 Thread Arron Bates

What Struts version are you running?


 Hi there,
 hope someone has a clue, why this doesn't work with Tomcat, but 
 works with Resin :
 I have a tile, where i want to show a treelike menu based on the 
 monkey example for the struts-nested taglibs, see my code at the 
 bottom. On the Resin and WSAD server, the tree is shown correctly, 
 but with tomcat (4.1.?  5.0.?), only the first children of each 
 node is shown, and i don't know why, i assume that somehow tomcat 
 only includes the treenode.jsp once, like on PHP where i can you 
 have include  include_once. But where can i change this behavior of 
 Tomcat ???
 Thanx in advance
 submenu.jsp :
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %
 nested:form action=/treechange.do
 nested:nest property=rootNode 
 jsp:include page=treenode.jsp /
 treenode.jsp :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
 %-- monkey magic goes here --%
 img src=%=request.getContextPath()%/pix/spacer.gif 
 width=nested:write property=nodeIndent / height=1
 nested:equal property=showChildren value=true 
 nested:notEqual property=level value=0
 nested:image src=pix/km_minus.gif property=toggle / 
 nested:equal property=active value=true
 nested:link styleClass=active page=/goneu.do paramId=method
 nested:write filter=false property=nodeName / 
 nested:equal property=active value=false
 nested:link styleClass=notactive page=/goneu.do 
 paramId=method paramProperty=method
 nested:write filter=false property=nodeName / 
 nested:iterate property=children 
 jsp:include page=treenode.jsp / 
 nested:equal property=showChildren value=false 
 nested:equal property=hasChildren value=true 
 nested:image src=pix/km_plus.gif property=toggle / 
 nested:equal property=hasChildren value=false 
 img src=%=request.getContextPath()%/pix/km_empty.gif 
 nested:equal property=active value=true
 nested:link styleClass=active page=/goneu.do paramId=method
 nested:write filter=false property=nodeName / 
 nested:equal property=active value=false
 nested:link styleClass=notactive page=/goneu.do 
 paramId=method paramProperty=method
 nested:write filter=false property=nodeName / 
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Re: Nested tags always break

2003-12-03 Thread Arron Bates

You still having this problem?... can I see the tag markup that's causing the

If the root tag is picking up the name of a valid bean, and the iterate tag
has it's property attribute properly set, then I assure you that you don't
need the name attribute in the write tag.

I'm hoping that there's more to the iterate tag than just the Id. to get
foo[i].bar you'd need...

nested:root name=someBean
  nested:iterate property=foo
nested:write property=bar /

I haven't really used the id attribute in struts apps since I built the
original tags a couple of years ago. So I'm no absolute authority on whether
or not the base tags are managing it correctly or what... :P


PS: Love the nested tags always break subject, too.

 I have a situation where I can use nested:root name=ac, 
 nested:iterate id=foo, and then *must* use nested:write 
 name=foo property=bar, rather than omitting the name attribute. 
 If I do, I get an exception No getter method for property 
 foo[0].bar of bean ac.
 Now, this code was working fine, but I made some changes to the bean 
 (I'm using torque). I know it's not (or at least, it shouldn't be) a 
 problem in the beans, becuase of the fact that it works fine if I 
 include the name attribute pointing to the id of the enclosing 
 iterate tag.
 Also, why is it that I can get the struts-digest posting but can't 
 post to the struts list?

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Re: nested:select - Transfering multiple values in option

2003-11-21 Thread Arron Bates

A standard problem. Many people implement some kind of lookup system to fetch
things like drop down values and such. You are right, you do only get the ID,
and it's going to be up to you to fetch the value from somewhere if you want
to show it to the user again. Most likely the same place that got you the
options in the first place. The common solution people gravitate towards is
keeping such objects as singletons in memory. That way the lookups are nice
and speedy.

In summary I'm sorry to say that nothing in life is free :)

All the best.


 I'm a student and new to Struts and I've got the following problem,
  which I have to describe textually, cause the code has not been 
 implemented yet:
 I've got a form with data to ..ehm... consider a car, which is a 
 value object. This object is stored as an attribute in an 
 ActionForm. Every car has got a product group, which again is an 
 value object and stored inside the car object of the ActionForm.
 So in the JSP-form I use nested-tags. The root tag is the ActionForm.
 Then nested:nest property=car
 And then follows a nested:select property=productgroup - box, showing
 the names of product groups as labels. The values are the identification
 codes of these product groups. It's only possible to choose one of 
 the groups.
 Now, if I submit the form, the choosen product group will be stored inside
 the car object and the car object inside the form object.
 But only the id of the product group is stored, whereas the label is 
 And thats my problem, because I'd like to show the name of the 
 choosen product group on a following jsp-page before it will be 
 saved in a database. But I only get the id, cause I can't declare 
 more than one value for an select-box.
 Any idea or workaround?
 Thanks a lot,
 Dirk Liebscher
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Re: Nested tags : Desperately trying to get recursion to work

2003-11-11 Thread Arron Bates

You still having problems with this?

Sorry that I haven't gotten back to you, but work's been quite busy and not
enough hours inbetween.

Just let me know.


PS: you'll get my attention faster with this email address. :)

  I am very new to nested tags and  I am trying to display a tree 
 using nested tags.  I followed Arron's MonkeyTree example.  I have 
 been getting 'javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean  in 
 any scope'  exception
 (I have pasted exception trace at the end of this email) .  I cannot 
 seem to understand why it's not able to find the bean.  Following is 
 my main jsp files and struts-config.xml  ..  I was able to run 
 Arron's MonkeyTree example successfully. MonkeyTreeBean class 
 populates 'monkeyTree' (TreeNode) in it's construtor. My Form bean 
 does not populate the tree in construtor.  Instead it populates the 
 tree in the action class and then forwards to the Tree.jsp.
 Can somebody suggest a pointer on how to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance,
 PS:  It has a base jsp page which inserts nested:form 
template:put name=contents
  nested:write name=deviceObjectsOMADMTreeForm 
 property=treeName /hrnested:nest property=omaDmTree 
jsp:include page=omadmNode.jsp //nested:nest
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %
 nested:write property=objName /
 form-bean name=deviceObjectsOMADMTreeForm
  action   path=/configuration.deviceObjects.omadmTree
   forward name=omadmList
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean  in any scope
   at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(Unknown
   at org.apache.jsp.omadmNode$jsp._jspService(omadmNode$jsp.java:370)
   at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(Unknown Source)
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service(Unknown
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(Unknown 
 Source)   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(Unknown 
 Source)   at 
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)  at 
 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(Unknown Source)
 Source)   at 
 Source)   at 
 org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.include(Unknown Source)   
 at org.apache.jsp.omadmList$jsp._jspService(omadmList$jsp.java:498)   
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(Unknown Source)  at 
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)  at
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(Unknown 
 Source)   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(Unknown 
 Source)   at 
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)  at 
 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(Unknown Source)
 Source)   at 
 Source)   at

at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1482)  at
Source) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(Unknown
Source) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(Unknown
Source) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(Unknown
Source) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(Unknown Source

Re: form submit - nested property problem

2003-08-30 Thread Arron Bates
I think that the mix of original Struts tags and nested tags is getting you a
little confused. Using the nested:text tags and such inside a basic iterate
tag will yield no benefit, may as well use the plain logic and html tags.

Try this nested tag markup...

nested:root name=fagtypeform

  nested:iterate property=fags

nested:text property=fagDetail.navn /
nested:checkbox property=fagDetail.ekstraTekst /



...it's much simpler. Don't have to worry about having indexed=true and
other such mess, the nested tags will work it out. Basically, when using the
nested tags, just use the nested tags and most of your worrys will be over.

All the best.


 On 08/28/2003 02:19 PM Heather Buch wrote:
  OK. I worked it out.
  It was necessary that the id in my iterate tag (and thus the page scope 
  bean referenced by html:checkbox) have the same name as the getters/setters in
  my form bean.
  In other words, if my form bean has: 
  setFag(int index, Fag whatever)
  my iterate tag has to look like this:
  logic:iterate name=fagtypeform property=fags id=fags indexId=ctr
  and not like this:
  logic:iterate name=fagtypeform property=fags id=mickeymouse
  That was it!
  Hi Adam,
  Thanks for the reply.
  I tried setting the form to request scope and doing this:
  public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
  logger.info(calling reset, Fags has  + _fags.size() +  elements ); 
  for(int i = 0; i  106; i++) {
  Fag myfag = new Fag();
  FagDTO myfagdetail = new FagDTO();
  But now, the form just submits blank fags.
  If I set my form to session scope and override reset, it keeps my list of
  fags intact, but does not change their properties according to the changes I
  make in the form one bit.
  I am wondering, with this jsp code:
   logic:iterate name=fagtypeform property=fags id=fager indexId=ctr 
  nested:text indexed=true name=fager property=fagDetail.navn /
  nested:checkbox indexed=true name=fager
  property=fagDetail.ekstraTekst /
  which (if any) of these methods from FagTypeForm is being called when I hit
  public void setFags(List fags) {
  _fags = fags;
  public void setFags(Fag[] fags) {
  for (int i = 0; i  fags.length; i++) {
  _fags.add(i, fags[i]);
  public void setFags(int n, Fag fag) {
  _fags.add(n, fag);
  And I am wondering, CAN I even update a member of a bean directly via a form?
  Or do need to set Strings in my ActionForm, and then use my Action to pull the
  Strings out of the ActionForm and then set them into the beans. But it seems
  like other people have updated beans directly from their ActionForm.
  I grew further confused when I read about The Wrinkle with Indexed Tags at
  http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/faqs/indexedprops.html. Perhaps the name in
  my checkbox needs to refer to the form, instead of the page scope bean (the
  id from my iterate tag).
  Geez I am confused!
  Hi Heather,
  it sounds like you are not instantiating any nested beans to store the
  request parameters in. You should do this in your reset method.
  On 08/27/2003 08:31 PM Heather Buch wrote:
 I am trying to figure out what happens to the value of my nested checkbox when
 I submit my form.
 I have a bean:
 public class FagDTO {
 with setter/getter methods for a boolean:
 //for fagtypeform
 public void setEkstraTekst ( boolean ekstra_tekst ){
  logger.info(setting ekstra tekst to   + ekstra_tekst +   for   +
  _ekstra_tekst = ekstra_tekst;
 public boolean getEkstraTekst (){
 return _ekstra_tekst;
 I have an ActionForm with setters/getters which return a collection of  Fag
 beans (The above  FagDTO beans are nested one-to-one in the  Fag
beans. Fag
 means  class in Danish BTW):
 public class FagTypeForm extends ActionForm  {
  protected List _fags = new ArrayList();
 public void setFags(Fag[] fags) {
  for (int i = 0; i   fags.length; i++) {
   logger.info(setting fag property   +
 fags[i].getFagDetail().getEkstraTekst() +   for fag   +
   _fags.add(i, fags[i]);
 public void setFags(int n, Fag fag) {
   logger.info(setting fag at   + n);
  _fags.add(n, fag);
 public List getFags() {
  return _fags;
 public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {

RE: Nested Tags

2003-08-27 Thread Arron Bates
The nested tags are simply different. The advantages of using them is not
replicated in the JSTL/EL or any other tag system.

The nested tags directly extend the Struts html, bean and logic tag library
and add the nested context. Because they are different, they have never been
on the recommendation list of many developers on this list, but those that do
use them think that they're the duck's nuts because it is quicker and easier
to develop more complex views.

All in all, you'd have to take a look and see if it's a good fit for you
personally. Take a walk through the primer here...


...if all you want to do is stay in vogue technology, you'll probably turn to
the JSTL.


 Thank you all, I just wanted to see if there are going to be phased out
 in favor of something else... like in the case of bean and logic
 tags in favor of JSTL ones.
 Thanks again,
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:43 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Nested Tags
 The power of nested tags cannot be understated. Id advise you to use
 (where applicable) for they are really useful, they make simple a lot of
 things that would otherwise be a nightmare to implement.
 -Original Message-
 From: Erez Efrati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 26 August 2003 22:12
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Nested Tags
 Hi all,
 What is the status with nested:xxx tags? Should I use them or should I
 avoid using them?
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Re: [FRIDAY] Struts 1.1 votes passes, but, sadly, my cat died

2003-06-28 Thread Arron Bates
You're talking of one of the greatest books of all time...

Red Dwarf.

Lister bought the cat to annoy Rimmer. Cat dies eventually of old age in the
cargo hold before starting the race of cats which brought on the Cat
character we all know and really dig.

If you say it's not, you're lying or you haven't read the book.
If not, do so. too funny.  :P

The Cat is mentioned on the dust jacket, but his mum, who dies, isn't. I
think you're lying to the user group and should come clean.  :)


 I'm pleased to report that a unanimous majority of the Struts Committers 
 have voted to release Struts 1.1 on or after Sunday June 29, 2003.
 =:) !!!
 But, sadly, my elderly cat has died of liver failure.
 Unsurprisingly, this news is a thinly veiled segue to ...
 [Yet Another Quote Trivia Contest]
 Which of our favorite Science Fiction authors wrote a novel in which a 
 key character was a cat that, sadly, died?
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 the corrected title and author to me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ted Husted,
 Struts in Action http://husted.com/struts/book.html
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Re: Nested recursion does not recurse!

2003-06-17 Thread Arron Bates
All the markup seems fine.

This is very indicative of the older Struts on the newer tomcat. Double check
the version of Struts. 4.1.x was broken with recursion and such things, but
it's fixed for RC2. As a last resort, try this jar...


...throw it into the WEB-INF/lib directory. It has just the new nested tags,
should show if it's the tag version being out of whack.

The new version of the tags above, doesn't need a nested:root for included
pages. Now all the tags now use the request object to hold their references,
all the nested tags just look for that rather than look at the current JSP's
tag layout. It just means that as long as the nested structure is started
(nested:form, nested:root, any nested parent tag), any include file can just
mark up child tags like normal and it should work.

I probably wouldn't have done this on purpose, but using the request object
use was the only way I could get the new tomcat working for some reason.


 Are you sure you want to include a page that has a
 form in it?
 nested:form, nested:nest and nested:iterate all start
 a new root element that nested will use.
 Whenever you do a jsp:include always do a 
 at the beginning if you are using nested tags.
 --- Chris Hatton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, everyone,
  Am I crazy?  I have been trying to get recursion to
  work using Arron's 
  examples at keyboardmonkey and it absolutely will
  not recurse.  It just 
  repeats the very first element.
  Here's what I get displayed in my HTML results:
  USA - productTree
  ALABAMA - productTree.treeNodes[0]
  ALABAMA - productTree.treeNodes[0]
  ALABAMA - productTree.treeNodes[0]
  ALABAMA - productTree.treeNodes[0]
  Why is the same nested level repeated over and over?
   Note: my Form class 
  returns Object arrays (i.e. TreeNode[]
  Here's productNode.jsp:
  %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-nested.tld
  prefix=nested %
  nested:write property=label / -
  nested:equal property=isExpanded value=true   
  id=node property=treeNodes jsp:include
  page=productNode.jsp / 
  /nested:iterate   /nested:equal
  And the relevant code from product.jsp:
  nested:form action=submitJob.do method=POST
  !-- Begin Product Tree --
  nested:nest property=productTree
  jsp:include page=../product/productNode.jsp/
  !-- End Product Tree --
  I should note that I set isExpanded (i.e.
  showChildren) to true for the 
  very top-level element.  I do have other
  (non-nested) Struts tags included 
  in this page outside the ProductTree code.
  I'm on Tomcat 4.1.18, RedHat 8.0, Struts 1.1 rc2,
  jdk 1.3.1_07.
  Chris Hatton
  Tobin International
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Re: StrutsMonkey

2003-06-16 Thread Arron Bates
The MonkeyStruts example initiates everything in the constructor of the beans,
and because they're in session memory, there's no issue with having to manage
anything with regards to request scope and bean population. Result: nasty code
in the constructors that shouldn't be duplicated in a real system. The code is
found in the beans themselves.

The beans of a nested structure should be built and managed from actions like
all other good Struts objects. All the beans in the nested structure shouldn't
know how they're built, and are basic beans like all good form beans. Any
business logic in the beans will make things messy very quick.

The MonkeyStruts example is mainly geared to be an example of how easy and
powerful the tags are, rather than a good example of bean management. In this
respect the example needs a rework.

This the info you're after?...


 attention mr. aaron bates and for those who saw the StrutsMonkey example in 
 the keymonkey site, could you please help me out hereim tracing through 
 the source code of it but i cant see where the BananaBunch and BananaBean 
 were instantiated for them to be used in the jsp. as i understood, when the 
 form was populated, the monkeyteambean is been populated with the 
 monkeyworkers right? and then the connection of the beans stops there, but 
 where is the realizations of the bananabean and bananabunch? and in the jsp 
 there is a pickedBunches property, where did you get that? i find your 
 example very neat and very helpful in what im doing right now, so that's why 
 i have to understand it very well, thanks.
 Frances Aleah Z. De Guzman
 Ingenium Technology, Inc.
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Re: nested:link with multiple parameters

2003-06-11 Thread Arron Bates
Usually, I have a Map property in my bean which makes the links for that given
object. For example, my links tend to go something like...

  nested:link action=/testAction property=linkParams /

...bean code for the getLinkParams getter for the property looking like...

  public Map getLinkParams() {
Map m = new HashMap();

m.put(key, key);
m.put(name, name);

return m;

...that way my bean objects typically know what it takes to link them to
another page, and they can hack the mapping of name  values as much as
required when called. Works a treat for me.

All the best.


 Could someone please provide a simple example showing the use of
 nested:link with multiple parameters?
 According to the documentation:  This tag is an extension of the
 html:link tag. Please consult its documentation for information on
 tag attributes and usage details. 
 According to one book on Struts: To pass multiple values to ... [an
 html:link tag] ... you must use a map..
 Basically, I just want to created a link to an action and pass the
 action two name/value pairs.

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Re: nested tags

2003-06-10 Thread Arron Bates
The nested tags extend the Struts html and logic tags. So to use an OO
analogy, the nested tags is to the logic tags the same way that a Ferrari is
to a car. :P

Nested tags organise two things. The bean reference (the name attribute),
and the property property. The property property is the most important, as
it's what gets everything mixed up.

You could always have in the original tags...

html:text name=myBean property=one.two[1].three(key).prop /

...the above being the translation of a nested bean down, an indexed list and
a mapped list. But you have to do this for every tag, and it's very messy.
Getting it all to happen quick and easy is another story. The nested tags mean
you can simply go...

  nested:root name=myBean
nested:nest property=myBean
  nested:iterate property=two
nested:iterate property=two
  nested:text property=prop /

...and have the complex property property figured out for you.

The rest of the logic tags simply allow other logic to happen against the
current nested object, like value comparisions etc. If you use nested tags for
the html input, the logic tags will also simplify managing around them.

When it all comes down to it, the nested tags figure out the name and the
property of the current object, and call the super class which is the original
Struts html or logic tag and let them do all the grunt work or writing Html etc.

The keyboardmonkey site has a walk-through/tutorial on them if you want to
start playing.


 Nested tags rock whereas logic tags, while perhaps doing
 the same thing are more cumbersome.
 Scoping is much more intuitive - instead of having to talk
 about 'myForm.myContainer.myObject, you can just
 use nested:iterate and nested:nest to make your code
 much easier to read. And, since you can write snippets
 to the more localized scope, they can be reused on multiple
 And, if that wasn't enough, you can do recursion with nested.
 See the www.keyboardmonkey.com site for examples, etc.
 On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 08:56  PM, Frances Aleah Z. de Guzman wrote:
  what is the difference between nested tags and html tags?
  Frances Aleah Z. De Guzman
  Ingenium Technology, Inc.
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Re: nested tags

2003-06-10 Thread Arron Bates
 My questions are :
 1. Does the nested tag lib require struts to be used ?
  I have nested-tag.jar and struts.jar in the
 WEB-INF/lib but the application is not based on struts
 framework. It is an MVC  app but with our own
 controller servlet and mapping(like struts-config). 
 When I tried, I got this dreaded error :
 Cannot find message resources under key
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message
 resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE

 This makes  me wonder if struts framework is actually
 needed for nested tags. Any help would be

They extend the Struts tags, so to that end they need the struts library on
hand to even run. As for a set-up and running Struts app, it would depend on
what tag you're using. The above seems a little fuzzy and trying to get a hold
of the ApplicationResources.properties messages, which does need the Struts
Servlet fired up.

While the theory is sound about using beans and properties etc etc, The Struts
tags were geared for nothing but Struts apps, so you could be in for anything
with regards to implementation problems.

It would be easy to get the nested paradigm working without the Struts tags,
but they do all the grunt work with regard to making Html etc.

 2. I can't do a  nested:define in my included JSP as
 I get a null pointer exception. 
 Main jsp :
 nested:root name=docs
 nested:nest property=treeNode
  nested:iterate property=childCollection
 jsp:include page=docnode.jsp /
 docnode.jsp (this recurses):
 nested:equal property=showChildren
  nested:define id=imgState
 value=open18x16.gif /
 !-- restof html code--

   nested:iterate property=childCollection
 jsp:include page=docnode.jsp /
 What am i doing wrong?

The nested:define in this case doesn't seem to be related to a bean property.
nested:define is about making a variable out of a property which is relative
to the current nested object. Struts' original bean:define may be the answer,
as the nested tags only care about one thing... nesting (and can't forgive
them for that :P  ). You may even want to consider a... *cough*... scriptlet
to get at the string value.


 --- Jeff Kyser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nested tags rock whereas logic tags, while perhaps
  the same thing are more cumbersome.
  Scoping is much more intuitive - instead of having
  to talk
  about 'myForm.myContainer.myObject, you can just
  use nested:iterate and nested:nest to make your code
  much easier to read. And, since you can write
  to the more localized scope, they can be reused on
  And, if that wasn't enough, you can do recursion
  with nested.
  See the www.keyboardmonkey.com site for examples,
  On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 08:56  PM, Frances Aleah
  Z. de Guzman wrote:
   what is the difference between nested tags and
  html tags?
   Frances Aleah Z. De Guzman
   Ingenium Technology, Inc.
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Re: Nested indexed reference problem

2003-06-06 Thread Arron Bates
BeanUtils inside Struts can't deal with the two indexes back to back ([i][k]).

The reason why the original logic:iterate works, is because it cheats (yes,
it cheats). Because it doesn't care about its children, all it does is get the
collection using childs[1] and then makes a bean. It's this bean you're
using in the write methods.

Whereas, the nested tags simply organise the properties and then pass it to
where it's being used, in this case the write tags, with property
groups.childs[1][0].name. But as I mentioned, bean utils can't handle it.

To get it working, you'll need to wrap the second collection in a simple bean
so you can get at it with another property like groups.childs[1]another[0].name.

Hopefully it wont be too much of a refactor, but beanUtils can't play with it

All the best.


 Hi all ! 
 My jsp contain the following code :
 nested:form action=/admin.gp?ACTION=getGroups
type=gaston.project.struts.user.AdminAction name=SESSIONUSER
  nested:nest property=groups 
 nested:write property=root.name/br   (A)
 nested:iterate property=childs[1]  
   nested:write property=name/br
 the error related to the line (B) is : 
 javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property
groups.childs[1][0].name of bean SESSIONUSER
 I've several hypothesis according to this but nevertheless I can't go
further :-(
 for info, the following code works well :
 logic:iterate id=thegroups name=SESSIONUSER property=groups.childs[1]
 bean:write name=thegroups property=name/
 and ... I need nested tags for recursion and I don't want to change the
implementation of my bean wich uses an hashtable to record the child
node/parent node relations
 ... and an another simple related question (wich, I guess, doesn't need a
new thread for it) : how do I write childs[id] instead of childs[1] ? ...
 property=%='child['+id+']'% doesn't work and I don't know how to manage
this with nested:define's tag
 thanks for help
 ps : I've already take a look at www.keyboardmonkey.com ;-)

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Re: Branch Too Large Exception with Nested Iterator

2003-06-03 Thread Arron Bates
 I am using Nested Iterator to display the content as text boxes. In each row
 I have 10 fields, If the rows are increasing I am getting the Branch Too
 Large Exception. I have 3 types of grids in a page, If I kept 2 Grids it is
 working fine, If I kpet 3 Grids then it is giving error.
 jsp converted java file size is 384KB (5500 lines).
 Their is any limitation for J2EE container w.r.t jsp size ?
 To over come above problem I tried to include as separate jsps (each grid as
 separete jsp), It is asking form tag in that jsps.
 My requirement is I need to submit 3 Grids at a time when the user Clicks
 the update button. Any suggestions on this.
 Their is any other way to display the nested:iterator Grids with out using
 form tag (like logic:iterator by using id).
 Thanks in Advance,

There is a limit to the size of a single method in a Java class (62K), and
there's tricks that JSP compilers use to get around it. Obviously you
container has gotten around it to a point. You're already starting to make
some includes which should alleviate the pain.

Regarding losing the form tag, the nested tags can use the nested:root tag to
start things off with a bean reference outside of an action.

Also, if you can, try using a recent nightly, or latest update of the nested
tags themselves (just throw the following jar into the WEB-INF/lib directory)...

...only saying this because it will help carve things up into include files,
as they use the request object to pass the nested properties and bean
reference, meaning you can literally just cut the JSP into includes and
include them without worry that the tags in the includes will get the reference.


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Re: Struts In A Distributed\Clustered Environment.

2003-05-29 Thread Arron Bates
Struts is the least of your teams performance concerns. It would do you good
service to simply take Struts as heling you organise servlets  jsp's and go
chasing bigger problems like persistence and selection of architecture  app
server. Struts doesn't change the Servlet model. It doesn't change the
approach to servlet threading. Servlets are singletons, so are Actions, for
all the same good reasons. Struts just helps you keep a tidy house on the
interface tier. Trust us when we say that all the stuff to worry about happens
out the back.

These bigger picture things are better asked to forums like...


...you'll even get opinions of those using Struts to front large applications.
You can even get opinions down to the design pattern level. TheServerSide.com
itself runs on a cluster of app servers from four different vendors. I'm
pretty sure TheServerSide is exactly what you're looking for.


 Has anybody successfully managed to use Struts in a distributed\clustered
 environment? If so with what setup? And did you have any Struts related
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Re: Indexed Deep Properties

2003-05-29 Thread Arron Bates
 Working... And here's a little note:
 html:form action=registrationWizardStep2
 nested:nest property=user
   nested:iterate property=addresses
 nested:text property=street1 /
 nested:text property=street1 indexed=true/
 The line without the index produces: user.addresses[0].street1
 The line with the index produces:
 I find that a little unexpected and bizarre.  I'm not sure if it's an issue
 with the nested:iterate or nested:text tag... Or whether it's just expected
 functionality that I wasn't expecting.  Any opinions on that?

Like I said, remove the  indexed=true  part. It doesn't keep everything in
order, and would only confuse things internally. The nested tags take care of
all that stuff for you. It's transparent. You only have to supply the property
and things like the text fields maxlength etc etc.

It's working now, which is sweet.

All the best,


 Still, it's working, so thanks for the help.
 On 5/22/03 4:26 PM, Arron Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have no idea why you're not getting an indexed property for the user part
  of that nested property. The only nested tag which has logic to assemble an
  indexed property is the iterate tag, and this is coming out of the root tag.
  There is a minor thing though, here you're trying to use a nested:root like
  a nested:nest. Easy mistake. The difference is that the root tag is there to
  provide the reference to the bean, where as the nested:nest tag is there to
  allow for a simple property nest down one level.
  For your markup, try this...
  html:form action=registrationWizardStep2
  nested:nest property=user
nested:iterate property=addresses
  nested:text property=street1 /
  ...you also had the indexed=true set for the text tag. such things aren't
  needed for the nested tags, as they sort out all the business with the
  specifics of where to get down to the bean they're at.
  In the above code, they'll use whatever bean is set for the name formbean
  attribute in your Struts-config.xml file.
  Give that a bash, hopefully it'll get you going.
  I'm starting to think this may be a bug with the nested tags and indexed
  I tried:
  html:form action=registrationWizardStep2
c:set var=user value=${registrationWizardForm.user}/
nested:root name=user
  nested:iterate id=address indexId=addressStatus
nested:text property=street1 indexed=true/
  And now get:
  input type=text name=user[0].addresses[0].street1 value=100 My
  Anyone know why it's trying to index my parent bean (user) ?  Anyone know
  how I can make it stop?
  On 5/22/03 12:14 PM, Jordan Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Okay I've got:
  html:form action=registrationWizardStep2
  nested:nest property=user
nested:iterate id=address indexId=addressStatus
  nested:text property=street1 indexed=true/
  But the HTML it's generating looks like:
  input type=text
  name=registrationWizardForm[0].user.addresses[0].street1 value=100 My
  Still wrong... It should the name needs to be: user.addresses[0].street1.

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Re: Invalid indexed property ?!

2003-05-29 Thread Arron Bates
Instead of this tag...

html-el:multibox property=selectedDrinks[${drinkType}]

...try this one...

html-el:multibox property=selectedDrinks(${drinkType})

...basically the square breaces are for indexed properties. The round ones are
for maps. You're trying to drive a map based property, so use the round ones
instead. The JavaBean specification defines how these things should be done...


c:forEach var=drinkType items=${drinksList.keySet}
  !-- there is  
 wrapper method for .keySet() --
   h3bean:write name=drinkType//h3
   c:forEach var=drinkItem items=${drinksList[drinkType]}
   html-el:multibox property=selectedDrinks[${drinkType}]
   bean:write name=drinkItem/
   bean:write name=drinkItem/

 I posted this before, but I didn't even get a response saying it was a  
 dumb question, not worth answering, so I'll ask again because I am  
 I've got to finish this up soon, and I am stumped.
 Again, sorry for the length - I just want to be clear.
 I have a form that need to collect some information about a user, using  
 checkbox groups like so:
 [] Jim Beam
 [] Makers Mark
 [] Blantons
 [] Johnnie Walker
 [] Macallan
 [] Lagavulin
 [] Budweiser
 [] Heineken
 [] Duvel
 Users can select 0 or more from each category, and I would like to use  
 multibox to create the checkbox groups.
 I created a HashMap of String[]s like so:
   public HashMap getDrinksList() {
   drinks = new HashMap();
   drinks.put(Bourbon, new String[]{Jim Beam,Makers  
   drinks.put(Scotch,  new String[]{Johnnie  
   drinks.put(Beer,new String[]{Budweiser,Heineken,Duvel});

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Re: JAXB vs Digester

2003-04-05 Thread Arron Bates
  Subject: JAXB vs Digester
From what I have seen of JAXB and Digester, both fecilitate xml- java
  class/object conversion and vice-versa. So what is the difference? When to
  use what?
 A couple of very incomplete thoughts:
 * Digester is one way (XML-Java), JAXB is two way (XML-Java
   and Java-XML).
 * Digester is nice for pulling just a few things out of an XML
   document, JAXB typically wants you to process the whole thing.
 * Digester rules can be calculated and constructed on the fly
   as you configure the Digester, and include some interesting 
 matching  rules that mean you don't always need to understand the entire
   document structure.  JAXB is more like DOM, giving you a tree
   structure to process.
 * Digester lets you deal with dynamic sets of attributes gracefully
   (i.e. the SetPropertiesRule, for example); JAXB wants you to know
   them ahead of time.
 As with most things, it's kind of hard to say that one approach is always
 going to be better or worse; thinking through both approaches for 
 each use case is probably the best approach -- in particular, I'd 
 implement a couple of simple use cases both ways to see which one 
 appeals to you more.

From the horse's mouth.
(Not that Craig's a horse, very nice chap. But I have heard that he has a salt
lick in his cubicle :).

If you're comfy with XMLSchema, JAXB's a truly handy thing. Configure all the
element types into the xsd, and if the inbound XML is only one of those types,
then it will return that object. Very handy.

As it stands, digester's only drawback is it's inbound XMl only, and JAXB's
strength is that it goes both ways. That said, digester's spiffy for config
XML files. Where I find JAXB indispensible, is with VO objects between
application layers. If bound objects are used as the only means of
communicating with the business tier, it means that the server is ready to
dance as an XMl service, all that has to happen is the simple marshaller to
get the XMl into Java objects. Naturally, your own application can just go in
the tradesman's entrance and pass it the java objects directly.

I really dig it. I wish Castor would change ever so slightly to conform to the
spec as I like the internals of its generated objects slightly better, but
it's all good. I've been using the JAXB since the public was able to get at
it, and I'm a happy customer.

Enough rant from me...


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RE: [OT] JAXB vs Digester

2003-04-05 Thread Arron Bates
 I don't know why this discussion is happening here but I'll throw in 
 my two cents.  Hands down the best one or two way xml-java system 
 is Castor.

Wont argue with that. Very fine piece of work. But the JAXB r.i. is quite
comparable. Only thing Castor does much better is that you can get the
enumeration options. Which is awesome for automatic population of drop-down
boxes among other things. With the JAXB RI it's just a validation rule. That's
my only gripe so far.

I'm just hoping the Castor team makes it JAXB compliant some time in the
future. Would be really cool.


  -Original Message-
  From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 7:15 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: JAXB vs Digester
  On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Dhulipala, Kris (SCI TW) wrote:
   Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:51:50 -0500
   From: Dhulipala, Kris (SCI TW) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: JAXB vs Digester
 From what I have seen of JAXB and Digester, both fecilitate xml- 
   java class/object conversion and vice-versa. So what is the 
   difference? When to use what?
  A couple of very incomplete thoughts:
  * Digester is one way (XML-Java), JAXB is two way (XML-Java
and Java-XML).
  * Digester is nice for pulling just a few things out of an XML
document, JAXB typically wants you to process the whole thing.
  * Digester rules can be calculated and constructed on the fly
as you configure the Digester, and include some interesting matching
rules that mean you don't always need to understand the entire
document structure.  JAXB is more like DOM, giving you a tree
structure to process.
  * Digester lets you deal with dynamic sets of attributes gracefully
(i.e. the SetPropertiesRule, for example); JAXB wants you to know
them ahead of time.
  As with most things, it's kind of hard to say that one 
  approach is always going to be better or worse; thinking 
  through both approaches for each use case is probably the 
  best approach -- in particular, I'd implement a couple of 
  simple use cases both ways to see which one appeals to you more.
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RE: [OT] My Struts webapp and hosting

2003-04-05 Thread Arron Bates
Yeah, well *I've* been using KGB for longer!  :D

Seriously, the service is very good. In all the curly ones I've thrown him,
I've never had an issue not resolved. Including having X service support for
dynamically generated images wasn't a problem. And if you take on more sites,
he'll also thrown them into your tomcat instance (rather than a different
communal one) and charge the shared rate (lower price of the shared rate, but
you still get control of the VM).

Is good, I'm a happy customer.


 I *highly* recommend KGB Internet.  I've been using them for almost a year
 and they've got the best customer support I've ever seen from an ISP.  Keith
 responds within 5 minutes (via e-mail) usually to requests.  They also give
 you your own Tomcat instance that you can stop/restart and do whatever you
 want with - even upgrade!
  -Original Message-
  From: Steve Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 8:59 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: [OT] My Struts webapp and hosting
  Quick plug for inexpensive Java web app hosting:
  -Original Message-
  From: Guido [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 7:19 AM
  Subject: [OT] My Struts webapp and hosting
  Now the application is in my PC with Tomcat because I have 
  not found any
  very cheep_ Struts hosting.
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Re: Does a degree matter?

2003-03-29 Thread Arron Bates

If you can do the deed (which it sounds like you can), I would hazard offering
my opinion in thinking that it wouldn't be the best use of your time. By
education I'm a graphic designer, not a computer scientist. First job was web
design, programmer ever since. Results... I've only had two places not take me
on because it's not a computer degree. Two interviews of hundreds.

Not having the comp sci degree hasn't been a thorn in my side. People just
worry that you can get the job done. I've worked along side people with
masters, and some rock, other's aren't fit to fetch me my coffee...  :P
   ...most employers recognise that
  (and as a result, get better people to fetch me my coffee).

If you're thinking about spending time to put yourself out there... I reckon
the best thing I ever did was while away some hours eventually becomming a
participant in an open source project. Followed with a tiny site with some
tutorials, helping a few people out along the way. It's been a good thing.

I'd just tend to say, pick a project that scratches and itch, write something
for it, and put it out there. The big plus is that in an interview, if the
topic comes up that touches on the topic that your thing works against, you
can spiel about it with great enthusiasm which is hard to ignore.

But, if there's something at uni that you want to scratch an itch, I'd
probably go ahead with it. I'd love to go to uni to do 3D graphics, but it's
hard for me to be pragmatic when the end result is still just looking for work.

Then you add to the mix that getting a job is more than just your quals. It's
interview technique (spielability skills), are you confident, communicate, etc
etc. Which is another entirely depressing rant all together.

Anyways, it's all just my opinion.

All the best mate.


 Hey all,
 I'm trying to make a decision as to what I am going to do. I am sucking wind
on profitable work. So, I was thinking about going to school and getting a BA
in Comp Science to make myself more attractive in the job market. Is it really
worth doing? I've been doing development for 5 years professionaly. 2 years
Perl and ASP, 3 years Java. Prior to that I was hobbying in those languages on
my own. My knowledge is competitive with anyone else in my realm of
experience. Anyways, I was just wondering how important you all think a BA in
Computer Science is for a family man trying to give his career a boost. 
 Brandon Goodin
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Re: [OT] tree control

2003-03-27 Thread Arron Bates

Using the Struts nested tags, you can get JSP's to go recursive, allowing all
the freedom in markup that you're used to without having to wade through code
that most tree controls work within.

It's so simple, some sod's even made a tutorial...


...the part which says JSP Recursion and TREES!!!. If you want to plug and
play, the milestones of the tutorial's downloadable (minus Struts distro).

If you're running Tomcat 4.1.x, you'll want to put the following jar into the
WEB-INF/lib directory (its in Struts core for the upcoming RC2, but missed the
RC1 boat)...


Anyways, it should scratch the itch, give it a bash.


   I am looking into using a tree control in my web app.  I 
 noticed that the tomcat admin app is struts based and uses a 
 control.tld tag library , a 
 org.apache.webapp.admin.TreeControlTestAction class and a 
 org.apache.webapp.admin.SetUpTreeAction class.  Any pointers, docs,
  lessons learned, etc. from anyone adopting a similar tree control 
 for their project? Pardon if this is a repeat...
 Dan McGowan
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Re: working with a team

2003-03-21 Thread Arron Bates
 Stephen Smithstone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  Have u tried sharing the drive as a network drive with permissions on it
  then get the jsp developer to map the network to a drive on his computer
 We aren't even in the same county, so this will be a little hard.  I
 guess a good question to ask would be, can an ant script build on a
 remote computer?  I think the answer to this is yes, but of course I
 have to figure out how to do it ;(
 I guess CVS is the way to go...sure would be nice if someone wrote
 an article on this though.  Sometimes the hardest part is just
 setting everything up.

If the main thing that you're after is JSP's, just have your markup dude FTP
the JSP's directly into the web app, and have the servlet container reload
them automatically without restart?...

Static resources like images will be naturally handled.

If you run Resin, it'll recompile the java classes on the fly too.


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Re: nl2br taglib

2003-03-20 Thread Arron Bates
Nice piece of work, it looks familiar...

  http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg63442.html

...never thought feedback on the solution would be like this, but each to
their own. For those interested, the link contains code which can be used for
any such filter operation.


 I truly believe that nl2br would be a most excellent taglib.
 Already my web developer has thanked me 10 times for making this tag
 for him.  Here is why.  Often times the jsp developer needs to
 include a large about of descriptive text with paragraph breaks.
 Normally he/she would have to flood the document with br / tags to
 get the formatting (or p tags or whatever).  By using this tag,
 the jsp developer can just type
 filter:nl2brThis is a lot of text
 But I need to have breaks in the text
 But I want to just copy from the text editor
 and not have to do further work./filter:nl2br
 I am thinking the filter could do other things, such as wordwrap,
 perhaps nl2p for p tags around the line break sections, and a
 horde of other options.
 Any one think a filter taglib set would be a good idea?  If we are
 out to save the jsp developers time, this seems like a viable
 solution to me.
 I will post the code if anyone is interested, but it wanted that
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Daniel Allen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Real programmers just hate to get up in the morning, and 
 contrary to Ordinary People, they're in better shape as 
 it gets closer to nighttime.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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Re: logic tag addition proposal

2003-03-20 Thread Arron Bates
 David Graham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  This kind of logic is better done in an Action, not in the view layer.
 I disagree in this case.  Assets should only be the concern of the
 view and sometimes, the view has to make sure that a certain state
 exists before it can display the asset.  For instance, if the view
 expects a background graphic to be setup in the action, it might
 need to verify it exists to ensure that it does not break what it is
 displaying.  To me this makes perfect sense as a precaution against
 a bad view component.  The direct path shouldn't be checked in the
 action because the action wouldn't necessarily know the base
 location for the asset.

An action would have to take the upload of the file, and copy it just so it's
${menbername}.jpg, and then put it in the right directoy. An action knows
how to do this, why wouldn't the application then know how to find it?...

If the image is able to be changed by the client, the Action would have to
know where it is to find it and replace it.

Actions have to know where the image is.


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Re: [OT] suggestion for getting properties

2003-03-17 Thread Arron Bates

What's wrong with simply using a List then?... Sounds like all you want to do
is get at things in an order, and the amount and what they are aren't the
semantics by which you'll be managing the list.

Another way is to yield the map/list getters  setters to the same thing and
manage it internally.

String getPhoneByKey(String key)
void   setPhoneByKey(String key, String phone)

String getPhoneByIndex(int index)
void   setPhoneByIndex(int index, String phone)


Map  getPhoneMap()
List getPhoneList()

...second options is easiest, but will be harder to manage the content.

Another way would be to make your own Collection object (which is just a thin
wrapper around an internal ArrayList  HashMap) that implements Map and List,
and does everything you need storing things against keys and indexes, and
makes sure that when things are managed in one collection it's reflected in
the other.

Just an option.


  I don't think this would give the result you are looking for.
  A map will map a key to a value, and so in the above example, no mattery how 
  many numbers you add to the map, there will only be 2 numbers in the end: the 
  one mapped to phone and the one mapped to fax.
 I don't think you quite understood my question, so let me rephrase.
 For a single company, I want to get a map of the variety of phone
 numbers.  There are many different types of phone numbers these days
 and when displaying on the jsp page, it is messy to have so many
 checks for empty numbers to find the type the company actually uses.
 My goal was, for a single company, to get a map of the phone number
 varieties to iterate on.
 The problem was, when I used the type as the key and the number as
 the value, the map would reorder the number arbitrarily, so when I
 display them fax would come first and phone would come last.
 Now do you see where I am going?
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Daniel Allen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Real programmers just hate to get up in the morning, and 
 contrary to Ordinary People, they're in better shape as 
 it gets closer to nighttime.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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Re: [Q] Hierarchy display taglib?

2003-03-15 Thread Arron Bates
No taglib itself, but nested tags will allow the recursion to happen and thus
make the tree. Try this...


...the JSP Recursion  Trees! part. It should do the trick.


 Is there a taglib for presenting hierarchically defined content in a 
 JSP that contains open/close icons etc?
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Re: nl2br taglib

2003-03-15 Thread Arron Bates

I think that you may have better luck in a tag that doesn't actually extend or
particularly work around the write tag, but simply filters the results of body
content. That way your not just restricted to filering the content of a bean
property. Markup would be like...

mylib:nl2br whatever nested:write property=something //mylib:nl2br

...And in this would could get the advantages of nested tags or whatever form
you wanted. It also means you don't have to worry about blocking/supporting
the logic of any underlying tag.

The tag class itself would look like...

// import whatever

public class NL2BR extends BodyTagSupport {
  public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
if (bodyContent != null) {
  String filteredContent = bodyContent.getString();
  // filter here...

  ResponseUtils.writePrevious(pageContext, filteredContent);

...this should, in theory, do the trick. No properties or anything, simply
filter whatever comes through in the body content.


PS: get my mail the other day?...
  email client plays funny buggers at times,
  so I don't know what's sent and what's not.

 ...see, I'm fading here...trial #2
 package net.creativerge.struts.taglib.bean;
 import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
 import org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils;
 import org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils;
 public class WriteTag extends org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag
   protected boolean nl2br = false;
   public boolean getNl2br()
   return nl2br;
   public void setNl2br(boolean nl2br)
   this.nl2br = nl2br;
   public int doStartTag() throws JspException
   // Look up the requested bean and skip if ignoring and it does not 
 exist if (ignore  (RequestUtils.lookup(pageContext, name, scope) 
 == null)) {   return (SKIP_BODY); }
   // Look up the requested property value
   Object value =  RequestUtils.lookup(pageContext, name, property,
  scope);  if (value == null)  {   return 
   // Convert value to the String with some formatting
   String output = formatValue(value);
   // filter xml characters if requested
   if (filter)
   output = ResponseUtils.filter(output);
   // convert endlines to br / tags if requested
   if (nl2br)
   output = output.replaceAll(\n, br /);
   // Print this property value to our output writer
   ResponseUtils.write(pageContext, output);
   // Continue processing this page
   return (SKIP_BODY);
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Daniel Allen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 There is no such thing as a casual knowledge of xslt, either 
 you know everything about it or you are sitting in the creek.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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RE: Question about NestedIterateTag (also: nested:iterate nested:root)

2003-03-13 Thread Arron Bates

Have you tried the latest and greatest nested tags?... 

An update changing all the internals that would affect this have changed. It
went in after RC1, so either fetch a nightly, or simply download...


...and pop it into your WEB-INF/lib directory and spin your container again.
If the problem persists, please get back to me.


 I've also attached all test files to the bug report at:
 Personally, I'm seeing more of a problem with the actual
 names re: the nesting level rather than the actual objects,
 but your problem could be a symptom of the same issue too.
 -Original Message-
 From: Bhamani, Nizar A TL56E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:31 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Cc: Chris Butler
 Subject: RE: Question about NestedIterateTag (also: nested:iterate 
 Didn't get the attachment. May be the discussion group filtered it out.
 you send it to me in an email separately.
 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:28 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Question about NestedIterateTag (also: nested:iterate 
 I seem to be having a very similarly related problem with respect to
 nested:iterate and jsp:include.  I've found that the index is lost and
 it always finds the name for the first element in the collection only.
 A simple test that I've done - I've attached.
 -Original Message-
 From: Bhamani, Nizar A TL56E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:01 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Question about NestedIterateTag
 We have written our own tag to print a bunch of fields read from an XML
 file. I am using various NestedTextTag, NestedRadioTag, NestedSelectTag,
 NestedOptionsTag and it all works fine.
 I had to enhance this to use iterations of a list of fields and am using
 However using NestedIterateTag dosen't seem to iterate over the
 As expected. It just prints prints out the first object from the
 Has anybody has experience using the NestedIterateTag ???
 Here is the logic in short:
 public class MyTag extends NestedWriteTag implements NestedNameSupport
   public int doStartTag() throws JspException
   // Some stuff removed 
   NestedIterateTag iterateTag = new NestedIterateTag();
   // theCollectionProperty is of ArrayList type.
   // Do some stuff to use NestedTextTag, NestedRadioTag
   // set their parent as iterateTag.
   return (SKIP_BODY); 
 Again, the iteration works only for the first element in the collection.
 Doesn't work for all the elements in the collection.
 Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: nested:iterate jsp:include, nesting reference incorrect?

2003-03-13 Thread Arron Bates
Have you tried the latest and greatest nested tags?...

An update changing all the internals that would affect this have changed. It
went in after RC1, so either fetch a nightly, or simply download...


...and pop it into your WEB-INF/lib directory and spin your container again.
If the problem persists, please get back to me.


 In my http request scope, I'm seeing nested-includes-key/ losing my
 iterate index when passing the nesting context to an included jsp. I've
 been using struts-1.1RC1.  I've dumped out the request attributes, pre
 and post jsp include to see what's in there...
 *** external.jsp
 nested:iterate property=someObjects
   nested:writeNesting /
   jsp:include page=included.jsp /
 *** included.jsp
   nested:writeNesting /
 In this example, I would get a nesting of:
 In the external jsp:
 In the included jsp:
 Within any one jsp, the nested iterate seems to manage things just fine,
 including collections in an included jsp, just not the nested:root of
 the included jsp.
 Also, I notice that the NestedReference.getNestedProperty() appears to
 yield the correct string *prior* to setting the nested:root and it is
 set to an empty string (or null?) immediately afterwards.  Thus it
 appears that the setting of nested:root is either where the bug is, or
 this is desired behavior...  or I've gotten this entirely wrong. :-)
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RE: Question about NestedIterateTag (also: nested:iterate nested:root)

2003-03-13 Thread Arron Bates
Whoops, replied to the wrong mail witht he wrong content.

I think you're asking Where's the iteration!?...
It's in the super class of the NestedIterateTag, in IterateTag in the logic
taglib packagage. The nested variant simply allows it to relate to other
nested tags.

So all the logic you're after is in...


...but the actual iteration is by setting the current iteration index  bean,
and then when doEndTag() is called, it increments and re-evaluates the body
content effectively making it iterate.

I think this is the information you're after.


 Have you tried the latest and greatest nested tags?... 
 An update changing all the internals that would affect this have changed. It
 went in after RC1, so either fetch a nightly, or simply download...
 ...and pop it into your WEB-INF/lib directory and spin your container again.
 If the problem persists, please get back to me.
  I've also attached all test files to the bug report at:
  Personally, I'm seeing more of a problem with the actual
  names re: the nesting level rather than the actual objects,
  but your problem could be a symptom of the same issue too.
  -Original Message-
  From: Bhamani, Nizar A TL56E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:31 PM
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
  Cc: Chris Butler
  Subject: RE: Question about NestedIterateTag (also: nested:iterate 
  Didn't get the attachment. May be the discussion group filtered it out.
  you send it to me in an email separately.
  -Original Message-
  From: Chris Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:28 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Question about NestedIterateTag (also: nested:iterate 
  I seem to be having a very similarly related problem with respect to
  nested:iterate and jsp:include.  I've found that the index is lost and
  it always finds the name for the first element in the collection only.
  A simple test that I've done - I've attached.
  -Original Message-
  From: Bhamani, Nizar A TL56E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:01 PM
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
  Subject: Question about NestedIterateTag
  We have written our own tag to print a bunch of fields read from an XML
  file. I am using various NestedTextTag, NestedRadioTag, NestedSelectTag,
  NestedOptionsTag and it all works fine.
  I had to enhance this to use iterations of a list of fields and am using
  However using NestedIterateTag dosen't seem to iterate over the
  As expected. It just prints prints out the first object from the
  Has anybody has experience using the NestedIterateTag ???
  Here is the logic in short:
  public class MyTag extends NestedWriteTag implements NestedNameSupport
  public int doStartTag() throws JspException
  // Some stuff removed 
  NestedIterateTag iterateTag = new NestedIterateTag();
  // theCollectionProperty is of ArrayList type.
  // Do some stuff to use NestedTextTag, NestedRadioTag
  // set their parent as iterateTag.
  return (SKIP_BODY); 
  Again, the iteration works only for the first element in the collection.
  Doesn't work for all the elements in the collection.
  Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: nested:form parent scope

2003-03-13 Thread Arron Bates
Try swapping the nested:form with html:form. I'd be surprised if it didn't
start working.

Each tag sets a reference. nested:form tag is special in that it's a root
tag that defines the start of a nested structure. Your example is nesting fine
until you hit the form tag. I can see your logic in using ../ to get around
the tag, but the relative properties (../ /myProp et al) are against the
bean reference itself not the tag markup. It is possible, but would take
some implementing without what I see as a real gain, as most nested forms are
relative to the root form bean. Arbitrarily putting a form around an arbitrary
level would be confusing, as the names wouldn't match the form going back to
the server to be set by Struts anyways.

I'd evaluate what it is you're trying to get back out of the form, and the use
of a FormBean as the root bean.

Or the quick answer is use the html:form tag as it won't modify the nested
context that all the child tags are using.

All the best.


 I'm using RC1, playing around with nested tag support, and ran into an
 unexpected behavior. I'm not sure if this is by design and I'm using it
 incorrectly, or a bug.
 I'm iterating over a list of users, and want to create a short form for each
 user, containing their username and a submit button. However, I can't seem to
 refer to the bean created by the nested:iterate tag from within the
 nested:form scope. Jsp source code below.
 How, from a nested:form, can I refer to a bean in the parent scope? As
 demonstrated below, ../ does not seem to work in this situation. Any
 suggestions? Workarounds? Help?
 Thanks in advance,
 --Scott Severtson
 %@ page language=java %
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld prefix=nested %
 jsp:useBean id=factory scope=application
 nested:iterate name=factory property=users
 !-- Outputs username as expected --
 nested:write property=userName/
 !-- Action references a form-bean named UserEditForm,
who's implementation contains a userName property and get/setUserName methods --
 nested:form action=/user/delete
 !--Output is empty, and refers to the UserEditForm,
as expected --
 nested:write  property=userName/
 !-- Output is empty, and still seems to refer to
the UserEditForm --
 nested:write property=../userName/
 !-- Output produces a JspException when
uncommented: --
 !--   No getter method for property ../userName of
bean UserEditForm --
 !--nested:write property=../../userName/--
 nested:submit property=submit/
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RE: Nested and Tiles taglibs together

2003-03-12 Thread Arron Bates
Chris, et al,

As of my last update to the nested tags, they use the request scope to store
their reference information. They used to browse the tree of tags on a page
which kept them in page scope, but now they're independent. If a nested tag is
run anywhere inbetween the start and end of a nested parent tag, it can get
the reference out of the request. This should allow all manner of include
methods, including Tiles.

The ability to do this is in the nightlies, you can wait for RC2, or download
just the nested tag update (and just throw it into your WEB-INF/lib) from...


  ...hopefully this is the answer you're looking for.


 Cedric (and others),
 Thanks for the response and insight.  I'll cast my vote on the bugfix.
 I'd definitely like to see the behavior I described below.
 As for nested/tiles interaction and potential to allow for request
 scoping of variables, hopefully I can contact the fellow who does the
 nested tags and see if that's a possibility.  It makes sense to allow
 for an option to push nested tags to the request scope since many
 of the original struts tags support it.
 Re: struts and jsp 1.2  2.0, etc.  Apologies for the misnaming of 2.0
 as 1.3 - I haven't kept up with that particular spec for a long while.
 -Original Message-
 From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 12:43 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Nested and Tiles taglibs together
   Hi Chris,
 Chris Butler wrote:
 So, I've been using struts for a while... even back when Tiles used to
 be called Components. :-)
 I'm pretty impressed with how far things have come and how useful the
 framework is...
 Anyway, I'm new to using nested tags and am trying to use them in
 combination with Tiles.
 The goal I have is to iterate over a bunch of questions, each question
 which has its own layout. For now, ignore how the layout switch is
 handled - I'm more concerned about passing nested context between tiles
 if it's possible.  (I've actually accomplished the switch via a
 logic:equals sort of hack for the time being rather than pre-loading
 data in a tiles controller.  Why this works with a tiles:insert, I'm
 sure since one would think it would have flush-from-within-a
 issues as well.)
 First pass (without swapped layout):
 nested:iterate property=questions scope=request
 nested:nest property=question
 nested:write property=questionText /br /
 nested:hidden property=questionId /br /
!-- insert answers here later --
 What I would like to do in concept:
 *** questions.jsp
 nested:iterate property=questions scope=request
 tiles:insert attribute=questionLayout flush=false/
 *** questionLayout.jsp
 nested:nest property=question
 nested:write property=questionText /br /
 nested:hidden property=questionId /br /
!-- insert answers here later --
 Problems I've had:
 1. Tiles  flush = false
I'm using JBoss 3.2.0RC1 w/Jetty - the Tiles flush tag doesn't seem 
to work or Jetty mishandles it.  I know we're fighting against the
 JSP 1.1 spec.
Symptom: The flushed tile HTML appears first, the containing JSP
   There is a ticket opened in bugzilla for this issue.You can try the 
 proposed patch, and vote for it.
 2. Losing nested context
Once I do the tiles:insert, I lose the nested context.  I need to be
to generate the problem index for each question in the form.  This
look something like:
   I don't know how nested is implemented, but it looks like it store its
 context in the page scope. Need to be in the request scope to work with 
 1. When will Struts move to support JSP 1.2?  It's been around for a
 long time now.
In fact, isn't JSP 1.3 out there as well?
   It is jsp1.2
 2. Is there any good documentation on Tiles and Nested in combination?
So far, I've been to a lot of the struts resources without much
   I don't know about any documentation for Tiles/nested. Any help is 
 3. I love the concept of Tiles controllers.  These are fantastic for
 moving a 
Tile around a webapp solely by referencing it via the JSP/tiles
there anyway to leverage this concept in relation to my desired
 Thanks loads - any tips or even possible approaches would be fantastic.
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Re: Making a Tree

2003-03-12 Thread Arron Bates

See if this is what you'rs looking for
(tutorial etc)...


...scroll down to the JSP Recursion  TREES!!! part.

Have fun.


 Are there any struts/jsp tags that help in making a tree structure?  Not a
 JavaScript one but one that will expand when you click each link from doing
 a call to an Action?
 I could do nested logic tags over returned Collections, but I was
 wondering if there was a better way?
 yeah.. I know... Only God can make a tree
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Re: MonkeyTree problem - In RC1

2003-03-08 Thread Arron Bates

 You are my hero

well... i didn't want to be the one to say it.


 Can't wait to see RC2.
 Is the fix in the nightly built yet?

If you can promptly report any problems you may have so when next release day
comes around we can have it nice and stable.

Happy nesting.


 - Original Message -
 From: Arron Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 11:20 PM
 Subject: Re: MonkeyTree problem - In RC1
  I'm presuming Tomcat 4.1.18?...
  Get this jar...
  ...and throw it into the WEB-INF/lib directory, and restart the app.
  any luck it should work. Nested tags were only fixed in new Tomcat 4.1.X
  RC1, it'll be in the RC2 release.
   Hi is there anyone successfully got MonkeyTree example to work in RC1.
   I have tree displayed like this
  SubDir1   - instead of SubDir2
  SubDir1  ---instead of SubDir3
   Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: MonkeyTree problem - In RC1

2003-03-07 Thread Arron Bates

I'm presuming Tomcat 4.1.18?...

Get this jar...


...and throw it into the WEB-INF/lib directory, and restart the app. With
any luck it should work. Nested tags were only fixed in new Tomcat 4.1.X after
RC1, it'll be in the RC2 release.


 Hi is there anyone successfully got MonkeyTree example to work in RC1.
 I have tree displayed like this
SubDir1   - instead of SubDir2
SubDir1  ---instead of SubDir3

 Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: [NESTED-TAGS]Anyone using nested tags with the latest nightly build?

2003-03-07 Thread Arron Bates
 -- IMG Tag -
 My only issue:
 The release of the nested  tags from  1.1b2 let you get away with 
 some nested tag mis-use

The reason why it stopped working in the recent nightly is that the nested
tags have been gutted, and remade to allow them more flexible use, including
the use of Tomcat 4.1.18 as a servlet container.

I've attempted to closely support previous proper use of the nested tags,
but I think that trying to support the same level of mis-use would be a very
pragmatic target and really hard.

As for the errors you're getting the nested tags are having those errors speak
from the internals of the tags they extend. They are a _very_ thin wrapper
around the original tags, and I'd like them kept that way really. Mandating
properties which can and cannot be set would make the job harder of having
them adapt to changes in the underlying tags.

Mis-use of the tags would always be at your own peril, but this big change has
obviously changed the way in which they can be mis-used. So I supose my
response is terribly sorry for now, but the internals probably won't change
again, but once again mis-use at your own risk.

 -- Radio Tag ---

Nothing outwardly obvious. Thanks for the code snippets, I'll have to get in
and do some testing and get back to you.

Thanks again.


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Re: editable list using nested:iterate and lazyList

2003-03-06 Thread Arron Bates

The JSP wasn't shown probably because it's like all other Struts table
creation using the iterate tag. Example JSP...

nested:iterate property=studentList
tdnested:text property=studentId //td
tdnested:text property=firstName //td
tdnested:text property=lastName //td

...when submitted, if you're student bean is in a LazyList, then it'll
populate correctly, and all the data will be there for your action for processing.

This what you're after?...


(Monkey Boy?...)

 Is this an example of an editable list (ie. a table like structure)? Based
on your student example, I am trying to edit a list of students all on one
page. ie. I could change five students names with one submit.
 Maybe I didn't fully understand your example, but it sounds like your
example is list/detail page setup where one page has a list (non editable) and
from that list page you can select a single student which is displayed in a
detail page from which you can edit that one student's info.
 I am using a LazyList because the only example of an editable list that I
have every seen was given by Arron Bates (monkey boy) and that is what he did,
but he did not show how the jsp page was done.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/05/03 05:11PM 
 I give a sample is use when I need to populate an view :
 I got an ActionForm :
 public class StudentForm extends ActionForm {
 private String formationSelected = Analyste Programmeur;
 private Collection formationList = null;
 private Collection formationListID = null;
 private Collection groupList = null;
 private Collection groupListID = null;
 private String group = cycle 1a;
 * Get the formationList.
 * @return Collection.
 public Collection getFormationList () {
 formationList = Formation.getFormations();
 return formationList;
 * Get the formationListID.
 * @return Collection.
 public Collection getFormationListID () {
 formationListID = Formation.getFormationsID();
 return formationListID;
 * Get the groupList.
 * @return Collection.
 public Collection getGroupList () {
 groupList = Groupe.getGroupsOfStudent();
 return groupList;
 * Get the groupList.
 * @return Collection.
 public Collection getGroupListID () {
 groupListID = Groupe.getGroupID();
 return groupListID;
 I got an viewstudent action :
 public ActionForward execute(
 ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
 throws Exception {
 Collection students = null;
 StudentForm studentForm = (StudentForm) form;
 students = getStudents ();
 HttpSession session = request.getSession();
 session.setAttribute(students, students);
 return mapping.findForward(viewstudent);
 * Get all students.
 protected ArrayList getStudents () {
 return Student.getStudents();
 And my jsp view for studentview is :
 %@ page session=true %
 %@ page import=org.apache.taglibs.display.test.TestList,
 %@ taglib uri=http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/display; prefix=display
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-menu.tld prefix=menu%
   script language=JavaScript1.2 src=./scripts/coolmenus3.js
   script src=./scripts/coolmenu-config.js
 menu:useMenuDisplayer name=CoolMenu
 menu:displayMenu name=ToDoListMenuFile/
 menu:displayMenu name=ToDoListMenuEdit/
 menu:displayMenu name=CaseDetailMenuCase/
 display:table width=85%align=left
   display:column property=idPersonne title=ID
   paramProperty=idPersonne  /
   display:column property=name title=Nom/
   display:column property=firstName title=Prinom/
   display:column property=adress title=Adresse/
   display:column property=city title=Ville/
   display:column property=npa title=Npa/
   display:column property=phoneNumber title=Telephone/
   display:column property=email title=Email autolink=true/
   display:column property=insuranceName title=Assurance/
   display:column property=insuranceNumber title=No assure/
   display:column property=formationSelected title=Formation/
   display:column property=group title=Groupe/
 The getstudent action serve me to get
 the student an user who whant to edit him
 I got an getstudentaction who

Re: [NESTED-TAGS]Anyone using nested tags with the latest nightly build?

2003-03-06 Thread Arron Bates

I can fix the first problem with the nested:img tag... don't use it. :P

Use the html:image tag instead. The error's coming through because of the
old nested mantra that if you don't want the property property to be managed
and set, then use the original tags. You're using pageKey instead of the
name/property duo, and internally the nested tags are evaluating the property
property to an empty string, and the attempting to dance.

As for the radio tag in the include file... it will depend on the context of
where it's included in the parent file. Can I get a snippet of the tag layout
that it's nesting against in the parent JSP?... it holds the key to the
problem. Once I have that detail, I may be able to get somewhere.

And there's nothing wrong with long emails. :)


* ...somewhere in the back of my head was the possibility I'd get out of this
update without a bug being raised. what fools these monkeys be...

 I Had read that Arron had submitted patches to the nested tags to allow the
 upgrade to tomcat 4.1.x.
 (I assume that the zip jakarta-struts-20030306 contains the nested fixes)
 We are currently developing on TC4.04 with 1.1b2.
 I dropped that latest binaries in and got several problems (compile errors)
 on many pages that work fine other wise.
 If I understand the upgrade.I just replace the JARS, *.tld, and the
 *.dtd 's...?
 This is not all the problems but two main ones are the nested:img tag and
 the nested:radio tag
 With a usage such as:
 nested:img  pageKey=calendar.logo /
 I get:
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property  of bean
 at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(RequestUtils.java:881)
 at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.ImgTag.url(ImgTag.java:622)
 at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.ImgTag.doEndTag(ImgTag.java:410)
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107)
 If I replace it with:
 html:img  pageKey=calendar.logo /
 It will work Fine.
 The nested:radio tag gives me this:
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean under name
 at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.RadioTag.doStartTag(RadioTag.java:229)
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:473)
 with a usage of:
 inside a jsp:include
   td All/td
   td  nested:radio property=status value=%=
Integer.toString(ArConstants.TRANSACTION_STATUS_ALL) %//td
   td Open/td
   td nested:radio property=status value=%=
Integer.toString(ArConstants.TRANSACTION_STATUS_OPEN) %//td
 sorry for the long email..
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RE: [update] nested tags...

2003-03-03 Thread Arron Bates
(I tried replying to this yesterday but the cheque was lost in the mail)

Dropped connection or something must have killed the last jar.
It's updated, give it another bash...



   Can you please re-build the jar?  Tomcat 4.1.18 throws a
 java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid END header (bad central directory offset)
 Error.  Methinks, well I'll just unzip it and put it in WEB-INF/classes;
unfortunately, Winzip too has problems with it.
   I don't want to change too many things at once and so am trying to stick
with Struts 1.1b3 than move to the nightly.
 -Original Message-
 From: Arron Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 12:53 AM
 Subject: [update] nested tags...
 Important changes just committed into CVS for the nested tags.
 1) Copyright date in the header license is updated to include 2003!
 2) The internal changes to get them dancing with Tomcat 4.1.18  more.
 For those too lazy to get the entire distrib of the next nightly, you can
get just the nested tags from...
...the ony diff between this and the last jar I posted, is it's more
reliable in using more than one root tag on the same page, using different
root tags within the nesting itself (docco on this to come), and a bug fix for
the two tags which like to play differently (nested:options  nested:link).
 If people were just about to raise bugs on my last jar of these tags which
have anything to do with what's just mentioned (multiple root tags, link and
options tags), can you have another run with this jar to see if they go away.
 Docco on the additional stuff this rejig of the tags can do is in the works.
 For those who care, enjoy.
 For those who don't, as you were.
 Thanks again.
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RE: [update] nested tags...

2003-03-01 Thread Arron Bates

Don't know how the other one clapped out, but i made another one, tested out
okay (JDK Jar tool). Try this one (link for convenience)...


not lazy
  I understand that people aren't lazy, just pragmatic. :)
/not lazy


 Can you please re-build the jar?  Tomcat 4.1.18 throws a
 java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid END header (bad central directory
 Error.  Methinks, well I'll just unzip it and put it in WEB-INF/classes;
 unfortunately, Winzip too has problems with it.
   I don't want to change too many things at once and so am trying to stick
   with Struts 1.1b3 than move to the nightly.

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[update] nested tags...

2003-02-27 Thread Arron Bates

Important changes just committed into CVS for the nested tags.

1) Copyright date in the header license is updated to include 2003!
2) The internal changes to get them dancing with Tomcat 4.1.18  more.

For those too lazy to get the entire distrib of the next nightly, you can get
just the nested tags from...


   ...the ony diff between this and the last jar I posted, is it's more
reliable in using more than one root tag on the same page, using different
root tags within the nesting itself (docco on this to come), and a bug fix for
the two tags which like to play differently (nested:options  nested:link).

If people were just about to raise bugs on my last jar of these tags which
have anything to do with what's just mentioned (multiple root tags, link and
options tags), can you have another run with this jar to see if they go away.

Docco on the additional stuff this rejig of the tags can do is in the works.

For those who care, enjoy.
For those who don't, as you were.

Thanks again.


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RE: Nested:Checkbox

2003-02-26 Thread Arron Bates
nested tags don't like the name attribute, becuase they're getting the bean
from their parent. In the example, the check is working off the product of the
iterate tag anyway. I'm betting the following is what you're after...

  nested:iterate property=associates
nested:checkbox property=selected /

...(there was also the closing slash in the checkbox tag, as well as the
closing tag, may have been the issue too). The process of making a bean with
the id property, and then the child using that, is more or less what the
nested tags do for free.

Hope this gets you working.
Happy nesting...


 Nothing obvious jumps out.  However, have you tried the updated nested jar
that Arron made available a few days ago?  See
 -Original Message-
 From: Chen, Gin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 8:11 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Nested:Checkbox
 1.1b3 Bug?
 I have 
 nested:iterate id=assoc property=associates
 nested:checkbox name=assoc property=selected/
 Where associates is the collection in my formbean with each bean in
something like: //interface only
   private boolean selected;
   public boolean getSelected();
   public void setSelected( boolean selected );
 And I keep getting this.
 [ServletException in:/jsps/selectAssociates.jsp] No getter method for
property associates[0].selected of bean assoc' I had it as isSelected but I
thought the error was related to that so I changed it to get.
 Yet when I simply do:
 nested:iterate id=assoc property=associates
 html:checkbox name=assoc property=selected/
 It works just fine.
 Is something wrong with my nested setup?
 I've used the before in older versions so I don't think thats what it is but
its getting late and I might be blind. _
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Re: monkey tree - must be session-based?

2003-02-25 Thread Arron Bates
 I have been using Nested tags to create pretty complicated nested structures
 in a flash. But I have a problem when the user opens multiple windows and
 the session values can get messed up and the trees throw
 ArrrayIndexOutOfBound Exceptions. Has anyone come across the same? How to
 resolve it?
 Can we make the html:form to pick up a ActionForm bean from the session
 dynamically? I mean instead of using the name defined in struts-config.xml,
 can we specify a name of formbean to use at runtime? This way we can create
 'N' no. of independent trees and store in session under different names and
 and the user can work with them simultaneously.

If you're just after a way to share objects, instead of using the html:form
bean, make any bean and put it into request, session, or application scope,
and get the nested tags to look at it with the nested:root tag using the
name attribute to point to the bean.


html:form action=/myaction
  nested:root name=myBeanName
[ heap'o'nested-markup ]

...this way, you get the explicitly named bean, and the properties will still
align with the root of the form bean if required.

If you want to remove the dependency on the session scope all together, you
can use the commons collections class made from the ListUtils.lazyList(...)
method, which will grow to expand to whatever input automatically, be it a
list of indexes or whatever.

If you're building trees, then it's likely that they will need some more
complex building logic, so the overhead of building will be up to you.

Hope this helps some.
If not, ask more questions :)


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RE: [ANN?] New Nested Tags -or- Nesters, lend me your containers...

2003-02-24 Thread Arron Bates

It's sweet to see it's working.

Regarding the html:form v nested:form, there is a difference in that the
nested variant is putting the reference into the request and all the child
tags pick up directly. The html:form on the other hand, the child nesting
tags are looking for the reference in the request, not finding it, and then
attempting to walk the tag hierarchy to find a html:form tag to get the
bean/reference from.

The old tags did the tree walking thing for everything, but now they're only
doing it for backward compatibility, which seems to have failed. I think that
this could be the issue with the new tomcat. The tag hierarchy walking isn't
reliable, and the old nested tags relied on it. Definitely the easiest thing
to do is to simply use the nested:form tag.

I'll look again at nesting inside html:form for the various containers.


 Alrighty, I know how to make it crash (don't fret Arron, I don't believe
'tis a nested issue)
 When I went a-sleuthing I noticed that the usage in my real app is slightly
different from the two nested:root sections in my demo; instead, it is like
 nested:root name=x
 html:form action=foo
 When I plugged modified my demo app to use this format lo-and-behold it blew
 That's when I noticed that I was using an html:form and not a
nested:form which is what I needed for the stuff inside the form.  I changed
it to use nested:form and now both the demo and the real app are humming
mellifluously.  Woohoo!
 So, in summary, the above format will not work.  Haven't looked at the
innards of nested:write to see how it interprets things when it is inside an
  -Original Message-
  From: Arron Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:39 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: [ANN?] New Nested Tags -or- Nesters, lend me 
  your containers... 
  You had me going there for a bit. Even made another test war 
  to do exactly what your snippet prescribed, but as long as 
  it's working.
  Hope the other app turns out to be not my issue too... :P 
  Waitin for the word...
   Never mind...
   I had updated the WEB-INF/lib of ap-1 and tested ap-2
   My test app works with the new nested jar in place.  However I am 
  having problems with the real application; I will take a 
  closer look at it 'morrow and keep you posted.
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RE: need to display a tree struture in JSP

2003-02-24 Thread Arron Bates
I may be bias, but I've never seen a more flexible tree solution than this...


...scroll down and do the turorials under JSP Recursion  TREES!. I've made
a lot of trees, but this is the least clumsy solution, as the markup is simply
Html and the nested Struts tags, and not embedded markup in java logic.

The tutorial will walk you through to making a tree of directories on the
server's hard drive.

Give it a bash.


 If you need to display a tree in html using JSP, I don't think struts will
 help you out too much there.
 You can have struts hold the data in some form or other but the difficulty
 may lie in the displaying of data as there is no standard html tree and
 expanding/collapsing tree branches could be complex.
 I've created the html tree in java code with recursion and that was a fast,
 allbeit not flexible solution.
 I've also represented my tree data in xml and used xslt to transform it into
 an html tree structure consisting of ul and li tags.  That worked nicely
 (not too fast though) and was a very flexible solution.  Used javascript to
 -Original Message-
 From: Pani Ramasami [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 5:53 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: need to display a tree struture in JSP
 I have a object which contains all the necessary data. Now, I need to
 display the data in a Tree structure in my JSP. Iam using Stuts 1.1b3. (may
 be irrelavant) 
 If any of you have done this succesfully, kindly guide me on how to proceed.
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[ANN?] New Nested Tags -or- Nesters, lend me your containers...

2003-02-23 Thread Arron Bates
Avid Nesters,
(you know who you are,
no need to lie to yourself)

Tomcat 4.1.18 is now on the radar!...

The nested tags internals have been re-written primarily to fix the problem
with them not working in the new tomcat 4.1.18 jasper engine. It also allows
them to be a little more flexible (can define other tags in the nesting), but
more on that later...
For now, I need to know that they work on all your current nested apps which
are working. I've run my own tests, but according to feedback, some of you
guys have a different take on using the nested tags than I do, so I need your

It's also important for those of you using other containers, possibly never
intending to use tomcat, to try them out, as it is intended to get merged into
the Struts main line as soon as possible to help out those with the can only
use released product woes, or just trying to get onto a faster JSP engine
that's free (gotta love the economics, but the new jasper engine does move.
The recursive tree app example now hums along akin to the speed of Resin. sweet).

To get the new classes, there's a jar at...


  ...just throw it into the WEB-INF/lib directory, your classloader should
pick them up before struts.jar. If not, delete the tags from struts.jar and
give it another bash.

Anyways, I'm really seeking your feedback on this update (email direct or to
the list, I'm not fussed). The source is in the Jar if you want to simply say
my code's badly formatted (which it isn't, but anyways :P )...

Thanks again, and happy nesting.


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RE: [ANN?] New Nested Tags -or- Nesters, lend me your containers...

2003-02-23 Thread Arron Bates
You had me going there for a bit. Even made another test war to do exactly
what your snippet prescribed, but as long as it's working.

Hope the other app turns out to be not my issue too... :P
Waitin for the word...


 Never mind...
 I had updated the WEB-INF/lib of ap-1 and tested ap-2
 My test app works with the new nested jar in place.  However I am still
having problems with the real application; I will take a closer look at it
'morrow and keep you posted.

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RE: [Nested Tags] Frustration..Should this work?

2002-11-28 Thread Arron Bates
A really subtle problem. Remind me to make this advice available some
place else when I'm done (like a mail archive?)... :)

Trap one: It sounds like the bean reference is a collection itself.

A little more background clarity... The nested tags never actually
define references, they simply construct the nested property property
for when a tag really needs it, like a nested text tag or whatever.

So, with this root tag being the collection, it will actually try and
make a property that looks like [0] rather than myProperty[0].
Basically, when BeanUtils tries to apply the property it's having

To get around this, have the collection one level down in a really
simple bean, and make the bean reference to that. This will kick
everything off with a proper name in front of that index value,
eg: listProperty[5]

All in all, nested properties must have at least one substantial named
property. They can't just go this/ against the root bean, as there's
no name for BeanUtils to play with, even for children as their
evaluation will be .something, the dot on the front assumes a nesting
level and it all falls down.

Trap two: This is actually because of the first problem. When the child
tags are trying to do their thing, they're simply appending to the
index. From above you can see that the follow-on for a child will be
[5].somethingProperty. Once again, the property is just BeanUtils
having an issue.

Just keep in mind that the nested tags are all about managing the
property property so BeanUtils can do its thing. We need that meaningful
property to start off with.

nested:iterate property=somethingMeaningful

I'm quite sure that putting a bean around that top collection will make
things easier.

Using this/ and such is really just a helper for when you need the the
object itself in a collection. Without a properly set up parent, it all
falls down.

On a completely different note...
I just want to thank Sri for really putting in some effort to help
people get around the nature of the nested tags. When all the list comes
down into my email client and there's a nested problem, one from Sri
usually follows smartly.

The nested tags have an esoteric following (that I know of), no-one on
this list goes out the their way to recommend them outside of the old
list in lists problem, whatever (I'm curious to see if they even get a
mention in any of these spiffy new books... :). They mostly snag new
users who haven't had an old die-hard bend their ear about best (not
necessarily pragmatic) practices :) It is a fact however, that they can
truly make life easier.

I can't watch the list as often as I'd like, and it's been a big
reassurance than the users have somewhere to turn with issues. Sri's one
of the peoples that make this list a great [ot] Impact with wall

How many people apologise for a not leading to the answer?...

Thanks again Sri.


On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 03:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for reminding me of that link.  I tried ./value and this/value
 without success.
 Even though I use the nested:form as the root..for this iterate tag I
 want to tell it to look to
 an object in page scope instead of the form bean. That is what I thought
 the combinations of name and property were all
 about.From docs:
 The collection to be iterated over must be specified in one of the following ways:
 As a runtime expression specified as the value of the collection attribute.
 As a JSP bean specified by the name attribute.
 As the property, specified by the property, of the JSP bean specified by the name 
 I understand that the name is not needed by the nested tags (thats why I
 use them so much :-) ), but
 the nested docs simply point to the docs for the standard logic tags.
 The nested:iterate seems to work as expected, but the nested equal and
 write either do not see the current object exposed by nested:iterate OR the
 nested:iterate is not exposing the current object.
 I guess my original question still is: should this code work?
 nested:define id=collectionCode name=%=
 WebConstants.COLLECTIONCODE_KEY % property=list/
 nested:define id=col  property=collectionCode type
 nested:iterate   name=collectionCode 
 nested:equal  property=value value=%= col %
nested:write  property=label/
 Thanks for the help..
 Sri Sankaran [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/27/2002 09:09:59 AM
 Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
 To:Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:RE: [Nested Tags] Frustration..Should this work?
 I suspected a problem to be with the iterate since that's what your stack
 trace suggests.
 Also, look at Arron's reply to an earlier post (by you, in fact!)
 http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=struts-userm=103584892423199w=2.  He
 states that the name attribute is ignored.
 Given that I don't know how

Re: Complicated Web Interfaces?

2002-11-28 Thread Arron Bates
  I've also looked at the monkey-struts example as well but that seems to
  lack the
  creation of objects in these lists, which doesn't look to be a problem
  to implement
  but that might be an oversight on my part : ) please let me know if I'm

Have another play, click on new banana... :)


 KB-Monkey-example uses a fixed object model (i.e it knows what fields are
 there in each object). However I think if you want the tree to be dynamic
 you can use the same technique with your own object model (which seems to be
 dynamic in content). The key to adding and deleting the nodes is the way the
 button clicks of Add and Delete are handled in a nested environment.
 Nested tags enable you to remember the context of added and deleted
 objects/nodes. You can use Map-backed properties for dynamic form-fields.
 But one issue with the monkey example is that it refreshes the page if I
 want to add/delete an object/node. Wouldn't it be more efficient to use
 JavaScript for the purpose? I mean why resend the request back to the server
 if you only want to add blank fields? If anybody has accomplished this I
 would be glad to know.

It's all up to watever you want to code. The fact that the monkey
example trips to the server has nothing to do with the nested tags.

To write the monkey example in Struts without the nested tags is verging
on impossible, at the very least a truly large headache, it was really
quite easy.

If the nested tags are guilty of anything, they make it very easy (and
even fun?... maybe I'm wired differently) to add more and more
complexity to the structure. The nested tags have made some truly
unwieldy applications, including the reason for their creation.

You just have to ask yourself one question...
Red or Blue pill?  :P


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RE: Complicated Web Interfaces?

2002-11-28 Thread Arron Bates
 It solves my problem in theory at least : ) all I have to
 work out now is how to maintain a tree in Struts :( I don't think the
 applet way is a very nice way of doing it.

Mate, here at the keyboard of monkeys, we aim to please...


... and scroll to the part where it says...
JSP Recursion  TREES!!!

...it's about the most flexible tree generation method there is, and I'm
actually being modest. :P

Requires a JSP 1.2 container (Tomcat3).



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Re: Struts: a Graphic Artist blessing or curse?

2002-11-25 Thread Arron Bates
It's up to your designers. I've had designers that throw their hands up
at anything under the bonnet at all. Being a graphic designer myself, I
don't mind cutting code at any level. :)

The trick with anything like this is find the middle ground for your
team. For some, it's just having them cut just the HTML face and working
a process that allows flexibility with changes.

But the fact is, you can pick the difference of professional design. You
just have to ask yourself as to how much you want to pay for it.

I wish you luck.


On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 00:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This whole idea of J2EE where we have seperation of roles hasn't quite happened has 
it. The idea that there are business process programmers, database programmers, front 
end guys etc. In the end it's always the same person fulfilling all the roles.
 On the projects that I have been on in the past Graphic designers have been 
comissioned to make up the pages, which are done statically. Then the programmers 
have gone through the pains of making these pages dynamic.
   from:Foong Tzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   date:Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:31:26
   subject: Re: Struts: a Graphic Artist blessing or curse?
  Dear Struts supporter,
  There seems to be a real world problem with using Struts (well, not
  really Struts, but JSP Tag Libraries). It seems despite zero java coding
  on the JSP pages, those 'funny' tags are still not digest-able by average
  graphic designers. I mean, if they were to use Macromedia DreamWeaver, it
  would not've rendered the look and feel if the tags were something like
  this: -
  html:img page=/nice.gif altKey=Nice/
  html:html locale=true  /html:html
  html:link page=/another.jspbean:message
  As opposed to the native standard HTML tags?
  I'm really not sure whether Macromedia or any other popular graphic
  artiste tool would render these Struts JSP pages properly. Anybody here
  has any experience solving this real world problem?
  Thanks. Any help would be much appreciated.
  Is J2EE messing up your mind?
  http://fastmail.fm - Or how I learned to stop worrying and
love email again
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Re: Why doesnt logic:iterate use the formBean from the html:form

2002-11-16 Thread Arron Bates
  html:form action=/helpMe
 logic:iterate property=infoItems
  I assumed that iterate tag would look for a property infoItems on the
  formBean for the html:form
  But it doesnt?

The nested tags work in exactly this fashion, picking up on the form
bean and then having all the name attributes more or less taken care of
as you've asked.

And as martin says, assumptions shouldn't be made about the html/form
nature, so if you find yourself wanting to make WML, there's a
nested:root tag you can use to point at an arbitrary bean reference.

There's docco on the nested tags on the Struts site, but there's a
primer and a tutorial to get you started on...


...I'm quite sure you'll find them a good fit.


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RE: nested:iterate in an included page

2002-11-15 Thread Arron Bates
 I did not have any nested tags in the top page so I added one and
 now my code looks like this:
 (Your example referenced nested:property and I assume you meant

That'd be the one... :)

 I am still getting the null reference on the first nested tag in the
 included jsp.  I am using Struts 1.1B2.

1.1 is what we need.

 I must admit to not totally understanding your explanation of what
 property to reference in the nested parent tag

Doesn't really matter, but a parent nested tag (root, iterate, nest etc)
put the reference to the root bean and the current nested property into
the request object. This is so included pages can get a reference to the
root bean the the correct nested property by fetching it back out of the
request object.

 -- I am referencing my
 form object (which is, in fact, the parent I want).  I am also still a
 bit confused on whether I need a nested root tag or not.

This is where I have to apologise. You'll need an empty (no properties
are set at all) nested:root tag in the included page, this will then
look to the request object for the bean/property reference.

Sorry about the hassle.

If you have any trouble, rather than wait for replies from the list to
run over the start of the tutorial I wrote about nesting through
includes to make a tree structure...


...and click on the first link in the JSP Reursion  TREES tutorial.


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RE: nested:iterate in an included page

2002-11-14 Thread Arron Bates
You need at least one nested parent tag on the top page with the html:form 
tag. This will allow the nested tags to put their parent reference into the 
request object, from which the nested tags in the included page can pick it 


html:form action=/Time/SaveTimesheet styleId=GridForm
  nested:property property=someProperty
jsp:include page=TimesheetGrid1View.jsp /

...and no, you can't use ./ or this/, but can be a fake property (a 
named property which just returns a reference to the same bean).

If there's already a nested level like this, then it's a case of versioning.
What version of Struts are you using?...


 Thanks Drew... thanks for your response.
 I know the code will work if the form tag is on the same page -- I have
 code like that in other places.  The reason for the inlcude is to reuse
 pieces of the page and putting the form in the included file would
 defeat that purpose in this case.
 -Original Message-
 From: Drew Zimber [mailto:drew.zimber;shaws.com] 
 Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 1:12 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: nested:iterate in an included page
 just ran into this yesterday.  From what i can tell, the nested tags
 NEED the html:form tags on that very page, or else it cant seem to
 resolve the form object.  If anyone knows a way around this, i'd like to
 hear it as this seems to defeat the purpose of templating...
 try putting the form tags just on that included page and see if you get
 the errors.
 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Sargent [mailto:csargent;aerisinc.com]
 Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 4:07 PM
 To: Struts Mail List
 Subject: nested:iterate in an included page
 I am having trouble using the nested:iterate tag in a page that I am
 including using jsp:include.  I am probably doing something silly, but
 could someone provide some help?  My main page looks like this:
html:form action=/Time/SaveTimesheet styleId=GridForm
jsp:include page=TimesheetGrid1View.jsp /
 And the included page looks like this:
nested:root name=timesheetForm /

nested:iterate indexId=index id=entry
 property=timesheet.line[0].entry type=TimesheetLineEntry
 I get a null ref error on the nested:iterate tag in the included page.
 Any help is much appreciated!
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RE: 2D Collection and nested:iterate

2002-11-13 Thread Arron Bates
 Thanks for the reply, appreciate it.  From what I understand, I have to
 do something like :
 firstList  --eachElementIs--  simpleBean  --contains--  secondList
 In other words, wrap the 2nd list inside a bean.  However, if that's the
 cast, I would imagine it will drag down the performance of our
 application by quite a bit due to Objects instantiation.  (the 2D
 collection get used a lot and the collections are quite large).  Is
 there anyway around it so that I can still use the original data
 structure ?
 Again, thanks for the input.  :)

If performance is that much of an issue, I'd square up the use of the
lists. If it's all random acces (like accessing through the BeanUtils
system) then ArrayLists are sweet, but if your processing is running
through linearly then the LinkedList is the better bet. Just thought I'd
mention it.

As for the problem at hand... there's not all that much you can do
really. One option, if you know that the model is thread safe (like,
only one user will be on it at a time ie: request scope/everything but
application scope), then you can fake it by making a bean that turns
in on itself. By this I mean to make a bean that holds these
multi-dimensioned arrays and takes note of the indexes requested.
When the child array is sought after, return a reference to itself
noting the index. The child index will come in, do the same, store the
index and then return the same object. Throw in an extra stage (using
the nested:property tag to put in a fake level). We know that when
this is called it needs a real object, from which you can offer up the
multi-dimmed object.

start crappy code

private int parentIndex;
private int childIndex;
private ArrayList myData;

public Object getParentList(int i) {
  this.parentIndex = i;
  return this;

public Object getChildList(int i) {
  this.childIndex = i;
  return this;

public Object getFakeProperty() {
  return ((ArrayList)myData.get(parentIndex)).get(childIndex);

/end crappy code

...catch my drift?

I've done a fake properties like this, and they work sweet. I haven't
done it for two sequential lists, but the theory is sound. It's the fake
property brings it all back together telling the object that it has to
pull its finger out and actually fetch the object you're after.
The above will remove the overhead of all the object creation.

It has to be thread safe because if another thread gets in there
inbetween a thread reading the first index and the second, it'll all be
out of whack. If the list is build for a particular user, there
shouldn't be any issues.

...explanation fuzzy at all?...

outside of this, there's no option that comes to mind.
Note: if you want to access a property of the object of the first list
(the bean theoretically holding the other list), you'll have to make
another fake property to identify you want that object.


public Object getFirstLevelFake() {
  return (ArrayList)myData.get(parentIndex);

...outside of all the stuff spieled on above, ie: once you've broken
through that second list or have reference to the parent list object,
you can keep nesting as usual.

Hopefully I've said all that clear enough for you to move forward :)


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Re: 2D Collection and nested:iterate

2002-11-12 Thread Arron Bates
The problem is the use of this/ as the property of the second iterate.
Basically, it's basically saying don't append anything more to the
property reference, my parent's reference will do.

you're probably after myProperty[5][6]
but the this/ is telling it to leave it at myProperty[5] never
getting that next index.

Truly multi-dimensional workings to the property constructors isn't an
ability of BeanUtils as yet. It's interesting and may work its way into
things in the future, but for now it's not there.

So... what you'll have to do now is make the simplest of beans hold onto
the second ArrayList and access it via a property so it has the full...


..nested property. The bean doesn't have to do anything special, just
hold onto that array list so BeanUtils can get at the nested bean


On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 08:20, Louis Leung wrote:
 Hi all,
 In my action form there is a 2D collection, both used ArrayList.  (i.e.
 An ArrayList whose elements are ArrayList also)  I want to retrieve data
 (which are all String) from the 2nd layer of the 2D collection using
 nested:text ... tag so that it can populate the value back
 automatically.  However, it is not working.
 Code in jsp : 
 nested:form ...
 nested:iterate id=row property=A
  nested:iterate id=column property=this/
 % System.out.println(column); %
  nested:text property=this/
 indexed=yes/  !-putting indexed=yes or not doesn't change the
 result abit--
 Result (assume a 2X2 collection with elements A1, A2, B1, B2 in them
 4 textboxes, the top 2 with [A1, A2] for both, and bottom 2 with [B1,
 System.out prints out A1, A2, B1, B2 separately
 It seems like the 2nd iterate tag is indeed iterating thru the 2nd layer
 of the collection from the System.out statement.  But the nested:text
 .../ tag is not retrieving each element of the 2nd layer collection.
 Rather, it is using the whole of the 2nd collection itself.
 Anyone has any idea why and possibly solution ?  I would really like to
 use the nested:text .../ tag so that the values can be automatically
 populated back by Struts after the user input.
 Thanks in advance.

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Re: nested:hidden body to set value?

2002-11-12 Thread Arron Bates
This is one of those fun times where I get to say it's not in the
original tag, therefore it's not in the nested one... :)

should the tag body be the value?... yes, probably. But I doubt such
additions will be made to the tags before the next Struts release.

El nested tags... apparently it's a simple addition to the original tags
like the nested addition, only problem would be that it's yet another
library, unless we just leave the functionality in there as a default.

Spare cycles of clustered dead brain cells are also trying to get around
the ability to get a general use of the nesting concept so it can get
into  JSTL or whatever, but it's hard to see a general application.
Anyways, that's another story...


On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 06:45, Phase Web and Multimedia wrote:
 I just recently tried to set up a nested:hidden form element (as an
 experiment) to use its body to specify the value of the form element. Of
 course it failed, i assume because this is not possible. Here is an example
 tag sample:
 nested:hidden property=fooIt would be cool if this would be the form
 output sample:
 input type=hidden value=It would be cool if this would be the form
 My inquiry is... why isn't this possible? It would be very convenient.
 Especially if i want to populate the value with a dynamic value produced by
 a jstl tag like c:out. Either that or when are nested tags going to be el
 (expression language) enabled. Nested Tags have made my coding dreams come
 true. But el enabled nested tags would be blissful. But please don't forget
 my first question of Shoudn't the tag body be the form value?.
 Brandon Goodin
 Phase Web and Multimedia
 P (406) 862-2245
 F (406) 862-0354
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RE: [Nested Tags] Nested vs logic tags..

2002-10-28 Thread Arron Bates
 Just a hunch-- have you tried specifying a 'name' for the nested:iterate

The nested tags don't need it, and if it's provided they will ignore it.
Why?... because all the tags are working off the same bean structure,
and this is defined for us by the form tag. The nested tags will fetch
this bean. Because of this, all the nested tags within the form bean
don't need the name property to be set.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:Jeff_Mychasiw;nlgroup.ca]
   I am almost exclusively using nested tags.
 Every now and then I run  into a problem and have to switch over the
 corresponding logic or bean version.
 Can anyony tell me if this is a bug?  I am using 1.1b2
 I tried this with nested:equal but got a NullPointerException (listed
 nested:iterate property=meshList indexId=listIndex
  %-- Show this only for the first item--%
  nested:equal name=listIndex value=0

Try remove the name property (for reasons explained above), and try
aiming the property property at it.

It looks like you're trying to get the current object of the iterate
tag, so this may work...

nested:iterate property=meshList
  nested:equal property=this/ value=0

...the this/ or ./ simply refers to the current parent object level
just like using ./ on a command line. If it's not the current object
you're after, point the property at one of it's relative properties.

See if that works.


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Re: nested:iterate recursion inverts tree

2002-10-26 Thread Arron Bates
So you ran the directory tree war (the end of the monkey-tree example),
and the directory tree came out upside down?...

If it did, I'd have to say it's how your container is evaluating the
JSP. I would think that it's compiling all the objects and evaluating
their output. But in doing so, it's committing their content to the
response stream in the wrong order.

The directory tutorial's been tried in many containers and comes out
sweet. What JSP spec version is that version of WebLogic?... It's
probably amazing that it can compile the true recursion at all. Most
containers have to be on the later JSP spec.


On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 04:28, Steve Hall wrote:
 I'm new to using nested tags.  I've worked through the keyboard monkey
 tutorial and started experimenting with the nested tags on my own.  I've run
 into something that perplexes me.  My tree's are inverted when I use
 recursive calls to a jsp that iterates over the nested nodes. i.e.:
   nested:iterate property=nodes
 nested:write property=nodeName/br
  jsp:include page=nested.jsp /
 I would expect the page to display:
 The monkey tree tutorial and my experimentation displays the tree as:
 Is this the expected behavior of the nested iterate tag when recursively
 displaying a Composite (tree)?  Am I using the tags incorrectly?  How do I
 get the JSP to display the tree root down?  Is there something in my
 environment that is causing the JSP iteration to run before any printing to
 the outputstream is executed?  Do I have to hard code all the iteration
 levels into my JSP to get the tree to display root down?
 Struts 1.1 b2
 Weblogic 5.1 sp11 (don't ask :-/ )
 jdk 1.3.1
 sdk 1.2.1
 Thanks for any light you can shed on the subject.
 Steve Hall
 Programmer Analyst
 Alterra Healthcare
 (414) 918 5636
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RE: Proper Syntax of Nested logic:iterate

2002-10-26 Thread Arron Bates
 use nested:iterate ...
 see docs http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/struts-nested.html

There's not too many examples there however.
More complete tutorial and examples here...


 -Original Message-
 From: C. Struts [mailto:struts;cmbsystems.com]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 2:05 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Proper Syntax of Nested logic:iterate
 Can anyone please provide a pointer to some documentation or samples that
 use nested logic:iterate.
 I have two beans that contain related data, aggregate and detail, and each
 bean has its own list.  But when I nest iterate tags I get all rows from the
 detail bean under each aggregate row.
 Do I need just one bean with two lists?
 Please help. Thanks.
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Re: nested:iterate building columns

2002-10-23 Thread Arron Bates
On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 01:02, Adam Sherman wrote:
 Arron Bates wrote:
 What about a Set?
  List and Map implementations only. Only because the properties for
  getting at an item in a collection needs a key. int's for lists and
  arrays, and objects (strings) for the mapped collections. Set is just a
  bunch, and there's no way in an iteration for the system to be able to
  get a specific item. This is in relation to updating from a request, and
  in the nested tags case, drawing the output in the first place.
 Since a Set has an iterator() method, and logic:iterate supports using 
 an Iterator, souldn't it be modified to automatically get an iterator 
 for Collections that are Sets?

In all truth, this is out of my hands.
The original iterate tag can use a collection, or an iterator or
whatever. Why?... because when looping, the tag pulls the next object
out of the iterator and stores it for the iteration. All the child tags
have this artificial lookup of the current object when evaluating. It
doesn't use a proper property lookup of the bean using BeanUtils.

The nested tags... Nothing is actually stored or used by the
nested:iterate tag. The child tags takes the nested property reference
set by the iterate tag, and evaluates the resulting property using
BeanUtils. This is exactly how the Struts controller servlet sets the
incoming beans.

Result of all this, nested tags can only use arrays, Lists and Maps for
iterations, but on the other hand they can be set properly when going
back to the server via a form. The original tags on the other hand can
show content in a collection, but this imformation will never be updated
when hitting the server again.


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RE: nested references and javascript

2002-10-11 Thread Arron Bates

or even...


The .elements bit is optional.


On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 15:23, Steve Widmar wrote:
 (as in 'Doh yeah')
 no wonder it wasn't in the archives; well, it is now (or should be soon).
 Thanks, James.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/10/02 09:27PM 
 You can use an alternate sytax.
 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist
  -Original Message-
  From: Steve Widmar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:22 AM
  Subject: nested references and javascript
  I've got a question about this subject that's probably obvious to 
  experienced users.
  I've searched the mail archives on the subject and haven't found 
  any joy, so here's my puzzler:
  I'm starting to use nested references in 1.0.2...
  for example: html:text property=foo.bar /
  The framework is working fine, as I've got a getFoo() on the 
  named bean with a getBar() and it shows in the html form in the browser.
  When i try to update existing javascript to match the new 
  nest-compliant name, it dont work :-(
  for example:  Number(document.forms[0].foo.bar.value);
  generates the following error message:  document.forms[0].foo has 
  no properties.
  So the $.64 question:  -  am i doing it wrong, or is it undoable?
  I guess it's more of a 'javascript-users' issue, but i figgered 
  someone here has hit this already
  (Why 1.0.2? The app's been in production for a while on 1.0.2... 
  (BTW, thanks struts-dev)).
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Re: Pop-up from with Nested loop

2002-10-09 Thread Arron Bates

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 07:55, Rea, Ron wrote:
 Has anyone ever used a pop-up form to fill data with a nested:iterate

Many times. Good for me, huh? :P

 I am displaying several rows of data using a JSP and the nested:iterate
 tag.  On each row, I want to create a link or button that, when clicked,
 pops up a small page containing a textarea.  The user fills out the text
 area, hits the close button, and that textarea  data is transferred back to
 the parent form and placed in the correct property iteration within the
 nested tag.  Any ideas???

It's quite easy without scripting  popups. With scripting it's a little
more clumsy.

The important parts you'll need is the nested property (the indexing,
mappings and whatever else) and it's value. These are quite easy to get
if you use a button or some type of input type.

With an onclick like... onClick=myFunc(this)  ...on the button, and a
funciton like this...

function myFunc(ipt) {
  var url = myfunkysite.com?+ ipt.name +'='+ ipt.value

...you can see how it's going to be able to make a URL with the right
details of the nested element. The URL can then call an action and serve
your edit form.

As for updating the list, you'll have to take the form submit, submit it
to the server, and force the parent page to reload. On the parent page
this is easily done with...

document.location = document.location;

Then, of course you could drive the entire thing with script. Give the
table cells an ID, create the popup, draw the document into it, and
populate it with the content of the table cell. Update it, and replace
the table cell's content with the values from the form.
Some people may hate this solution as there's no Struts or Server
interaction at all and is 100% script dependent. But it'd work, work
well, and faster than any server call could ever be. It wouldn't work
for non DOM compliant browsers (but covers IE5+ NS6+ Moz1+  Konq.
possibly more)

Hope that somewhere in all that is a little more light for your problem.


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Re: nested tags - version problem

2002-09-17 Thread Arron Bates

Do you mean the nested_tags_10.jar from my site?...

I just checked the tld, there's no mention of the EmptyTag or the
NestedEmptyTag that extends from it. It is in the Jar, but if it's not
in the tld file, it's not going to get called.

Other people are running off weblogic on the old jars also.


On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 20:31, Lister, Tom (ANTS) wrote:
 we are using the nested tags library that is compatable with struts 1.0
 but it depends on but it still contains references to the 'EmptyTag', which
 I think is 1.1
 this has only become apparent when moving from development using tomcat to
 deployment on web-logic
 has anyone got this problem.
 If it time for 1.1, then is it straight forward to run up our current
 application under 1.1 and what are the 
 pitfalls. we're coming to the end of a large development and don't really
 have time for major reworking of the application
 Tom Lister
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RE: Nested tagscomplete example for Table (with check-box, hyperlink) Help, help help

2002-09-17 Thread Arron Bates

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 20:53, Lister, Tom (ANTS) wrote:
 they work a treat for master/detail type forms although I'm finding I may
 have to upgrade to form Struts 1.0 to 1.1 to get them working on Web logic

You wont be sorry for going through the upgrade though. :)


 Tom Lister
 * 020 7612 3030
 -Original Message-
 From: Heligon Sandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 17 September 2002 11:43
 Subject: Nested tagscomplete example for Table (with check-box,
 hyperlink) Help, help help
 Importance: High
   I am searching JSP example with Struts tags (probably nested tags)
   display a table with multiple rows and columns.
   I have to follow a minimum well-defined format:
   - one column has to offer hyperlink;
   - one column is composed of check-box;
   - each column of the table can be sorted by ascending or decreasing
   I must produce this model very quickly and I hope that a person will
 have done something 
   of similar and will be able to help me to hold my time.
   Thank you very much in advance.
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2002-09-07 Thread Arron Bates

On Sat, 2002-09-07 at 08:35, John Nicholas wrote:
 Ferran Parra wrote:
  Hi is the SAP DB open source database a good DBMS?? why not is popular than mysql??
  Ferran Parra
  C/ Mallorca, 275, 1r 2a 08008 BCN
  Tel: 93 215 21 91 / Fax: 93 215 41 21
 1) hasn't been open as long
 2) mysql is good enough for most people
 3) reputation for being difficult to install
 4) more people know mysql so it's easier to get help if you get stuck

1) Since Oct 2000. Has been around for a very long time as a commercial
enterprise database.
2) Why settle for good enough when something which rivals Oracle's
feature-set is available.
3) Specify three directories prompted by a script is not hard.
4) Hard to dispute that one. However I had linux issue, got to the
bottom of it with lengthy mail list archives. there's an example script
in the install which build a frsh databse, creates uses  tables, and
another to drop the entire instance. There's more than enough there to
play with.

Some more $0.02

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RE: Additional logic:iterate helper tags wanted

2002-09-07 Thread Arron Bates

On Sat, 2002-09-07 at 16:53, Michaël wrote:
  If you're using a JSP 1.2 container (e.g. Tomcat 4.x, Resin 2.x),
  you can do
  this (and many other cool things) using the JSTL c:forEach tag:
c:forEach items=items var=item varStatus=status
  c:out value=${item}/
  c:if test=${!status.last}
...is followed by...
  This is a great reason to start getting familiar with JSTL. :-)
 Does JSTL support nested collections?  I'm currently using the nested taglib
 more than the logic taglib.

While I'm sure it will allow you to view the nested collection structure
as each bean is offered up by the last tag. updates from fields in a
nested structure is another deal, as the JSTL wont know how to assemble
the property strcture that Struts will correctly map through to the
right bean.

The JSTL tags don't relate to each other the way the nested tags do.
There's no obvious way to make the functionality handy to the JSTL or
I'd put it forward for a spec improvement. It's just that Struts had the
need to get the dot notation property under control.

Those people which take on that only JSTL is a good policy is simply
going to miss out on what the nested tags will dor for them. Shame, but
a reality.


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2002-09-05 Thread Arron Bates

SAPDB is simply awesome.

I've been ramping up a personal project which needs a complete DB
arsenal, and I was worried until I met SAPDB. MySQL slows for inserts
hand has a lack of SQL support. PostgreSQL has more SQL but it's slower.
Both have issues over page size, data limitations.

SAPDB... I went to the site, filled out some details and they mailed me
the CD for free (that's Germany to Australia, for free). It's easy to
install and comes with enough tools to rival Oracle out of the box. On
the CD is all the implementations for all platforms (Win, Linux and all
them unix's)

Data limitations... is a 2GB long varchar a limitation?...

Docco is also excellent. Including a document which mentions all the
Oracle SQL syntax and if it supports it or not, and if it does but in a
different way.

The database is amazing, and I have no idea why more people aren't using

You can download whatever you want, but my modem has a hard time of the
45MB or so. Just get the CD.

I take my hat off to SAP for opening it up with the realisation that
it's not where their money comes from. I'm converted. Every time I play
and dig deeper I'm impressed all over. Comes with a little web server
for web based administration.

You wont be disappointed.


On Fri, 2002-09-06 at 02:20, Ferran Parra wrote:
 Hi is the SAP DB open source database a good DBMS?? why not is popular than mysql??
 Ferran Parra
 C/ Mallorca, 275, 1r 2a 08008 BCN
 Tel: 93 215 21 91 / Fax: 93 215 41 21

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Re: problems with nested tag examples

2002-08-02 Thread Arron Bates

Sorry to report that your container is out of data, and will not be able
to do the true recursion that the monkey tree example uses to do it's

You'll have two options... update your container, or use what I'll call
faux recursion. Have your page use static includes and arbitrarily
mark them up.

So it's either the hassle of upgrading the server (Tomcat 4, Resin
2.5.x, Weblogic 6.1 have all worked spiffy for me. Any JSP 1.2 compliant
container), or only go a certain amount of levels (upgrading the
container will give you potentially infinite levels).


On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 00:33, Fred Livingston wrote:
 Hello fellow struts users;
 I have been looking at the nested tags example from the keyboard monkey, but
 can't get them to work.
 With jsp:include page=treenode.jsp / I get the following error:
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: JSPG0080E: Invalid jsp:include tag
 With jsp:include page=treenode.jsp fluch=true/ I get the following
 I get the following error: java.io.IOException: Illegal to flush within a
 custom tag
 When I instead use %@ include file=treenode.jsp % I get the following
 org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: JSPG0066E: Seen file
 \treenode.jsp already, maybe this is a recursive include?!
 I am using struts 1.02 with Websphere Application Studio 4.02
 My eventual goal is to make a nested set of radio buttons that returns just
 ONE element:
 Thanks for you help,
 Fred Livingston
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Re: Wrapping Collections in LazyList to auto-populate form on Submit

2002-07-24 Thread Arron Bates

The seed beans would be child beans to the banana beans. You'd ask the
monkey bean for the collection of bananas, and once you have a banana,
you'd ask the banana for the list of it's seeds. So, the list becomes a
member of the banana. Looking a little like this...

public class BananaBean {
  public String getFlavour() { return flav; }
  public void setFlavour(String str) { flav = str; }

  public List getSeeds() { return seedList; }

  private List seedList = LazyCollections.lazyList(new ArrayList(),
  private String flav;

Nested beans are all about composition. Each nesting level will be
composed of that beneath it. Monkey's don't manage seeds, they manage
bananas. Seed management is up to the Banana. If there's another level,
then the seed bean will take care of that. The Monkey examples of my
site are an example of all this. What may be confusing is that they
build objects and at times their children for sake of convenience. But
the member collections themselves are always attached to the object
they're concerned with.

So when the request comes in, it will make the monkey object for the
form. It'll then ask for the banana at the index. When the banana's made
it will make the lazy wrapped list of seeds. so when an update for a
seed comes in, then it will make the seed object for the banana. 

Once you have one level going, the rest are just as easy. From one to a
hundred list levels, it's all the same. Other things come to light
too... you don't have to always have the model start with monkey. Say
another form which is banana specific, you can use the same banana
object in another model, and it'll work just as well. Gotta love OOP :)


On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 23:43, hemant wrote:
 Thanks for responding.
 Things seem to be clearer now. I have a question to ask though.
 We all know Bananas have seeds. (So a BananaBean can have a collection of
 Now I have a situation where I have to set the property of the seed bean via
 the JSP on submit.
 Lets have a seed bean
 public class SeedBean {
public String getColor() { return color; }
public void setColor(String str) { color= str; }
private String color;
 Now in the MonkeyBean (Which is the formbean ) can I say the following?
 public class MonkeyBean {
public List getBananas() { return bananas; }
   private List bananas = LazyCollections.lazyList(new
 ArrayList(LazyCollections.lazyList(new ArrayList(),  SeedBean.class)),
 I tried doing the same but it didnt work :(
 Thanks for your time
 - Original Message -
 From: Arron Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:19 AM
 Subject: Re: Wrapping Collections in LazyList to auto-populate form on
  Sorry about the issues you're having, but at face value it seems that
  you're almost trying too hard. Without seeing the rest of your code,
  it's hard to see what your generateWrappedCollection() method is trying
  to acheive, so I'll try to answer with code...
  With the collection wrapping, it's a simple one liner in the bean. For
  example, in all my monkey examples, they all return the collection as
  the indexed property type (because it's a valid indexed getter and the
  iterate tags can use the collection to get their thing going). All you
  need to do is wrap that collection directly.
  For example, two complete beans...
  public class MonkeyBean {
public List getBananas() { return bananas; }
private List bananas = LazyCollections.lazyList(new ArrayList(),
  public class BananaBean {
public String getFlavour() { return flav; }
public void setFlavour(String str) { flav = str; }
private String flav;
  The MonkeyBean is the parent class that hold the collection. It has
  immediately wrapped the ArrayList in the LazyCollection, and passed it
  the class of the BananaBean object. You may want to keep a reference to
  the wrapped ArrayList, generally I don't have the need to.
  These classes are all but ready to rock. In the action class, query the
  database or whatever and populate the MonkeyBean with the BananaBean
  data. Serve the result to the JSP.
  JSP write out a list of text boxes using iterate tags. Submit this, and
  after the monkeybean is built, the lazy collection will grow the banana
  list with banana beans as the indexed requests come in.
  When it gets back to your action class, you'll have your collection of
  banana beans.
  Hope this helps, you know where we are if it doesn't.
  On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 22:59, hemant wrote:
   Objective: To autopopulate forms on submit. The formbean has a
 collection of collections of ValueObjects. Each valueObject contains a pair

Re: Wrapping Collections in LazyList to auto-populate form on Submit

2002-07-23 Thread Arron Bates


Sorry about the issues you're having, but at face value it seems that
you're almost trying too hard. Without seeing the rest of your code,
it's hard to see what your generateWrappedCollection() method is trying
to acheive, so I'll try to answer with code...

With the collection wrapping, it's a simple one liner in the bean. For
example, in all my monkey examples, they all return the collection as
the indexed property type (because it's a valid indexed getter and the
iterate tags can use the collection to get their thing going). All you
need to do is wrap that collection directly.

For example, two complete beans...

public class MonkeyBean {
  public List getBananas() { return bananas; }
  private List bananas = LazyCollections.lazyList(new ArrayList(),

public class BananaBean {
  public String getFlavour() { return flav; }
  public void setFlavour(String str) { flav = str; }
  private String flav;

The MonkeyBean is the parent class that hold the collection. It has
immediately wrapped the ArrayList in the LazyCollection, and passed it
the class of the BananaBean object. You may want to keep a reference to
the wrapped ArrayList, generally I don't have the need to.

These classes are all but ready to rock. In the action class, query the
database or whatever and populate the MonkeyBean with the BananaBean
data. Serve the result to the JSP.

JSP write out a list of text boxes using iterate tags. Submit this, and
after the monkeybean is built, the lazy collection will grow the banana
list with banana beans as the indexed requests come in.

When it gets back to your action class, you'll have your collection of
banana beans.

Hope this helps, you know where we are if it doesn't.


On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 22:59, hemant wrote:

 Objective: To autopopulate forms on submit. The formbean has a collection of 
collections of ValueObjects. Each valueObject contains a pair of other Value Objects.
 Before people beat me up,  The following possibilities have been dealt with:
 1 No, this is not a case of reset() I have the collections initialized and things 
are fine. 
 2 It is not a case of bean being in request scope. By default the bean is in 
session scope (Unless we explicitly mention the action attribute that it is request 

[ ...cut...]

 I am about to give up on form auto populate as I am out of time. I will be 
populating them by hand but anyway... one last attempt. We dont like to lose... do we?
 Thanks In Advance

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Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-19 Thread Arron Bates

We want the form beans to stay in session, so it has to be able to be
populated when build from an empty constructor (the way beans do). Enter
lists of nested objects. In the constructor you have to instantiate the
list, new ArrayList() or whatever.

So, new request comes in for monkey number five. But our list is only
just built, no objects waiting at index number five to take the items,
information is lost forever.

One way you can track it, is to store the information someplace as to
how many are in the list, and build the list in the reset method or
whatever. Not easy unless you give the bean access to the request
object... which is bad.

Enter lazy lists. When you build your array list, wrap it in the lazy
list, when you do so, you pass it the definition/means to build objects
for the lists. Your definition. Three options, pass it a class
definition and it'll simply do a newInstance() on it, the class
definition and argument details so it can call a constructor with
arguments, or for the most complex, you can define a factory impl
against an interface. 99% of the time the class def is all you'll need.

For lists within lists... all you can to do is wrap the lists in the
child objects and they'll grow just fine too.

Why all this?... because from very simple beans you can just forget
them, leave the scope as request, and rest assured all the lists or
whatever are all built and ready to go. It's just another one of those
things that Struts can do for you.

I'm going to work them into DynaBeans for my own use at least, because
then it's all marked up... don't have to touch anything, nothing has to
be explicitly handled for collections. It's not mandatory... can easily
specify a build-lists=true in the definition of the property.

Specs are great for defining minimum involvement. It is true that a half
complete spec implementation isn't a good thing at all, but I'm of the
belief that for projects like this a spec should never define the limit
of a product. Must admit Craig baffles me on this topic at times. Stuff
like this lazy list thing because it's not in the bean spec, but yet I
don't see nested dot notation properties and mapped properties in the
bean spec either. :)

The bean spec has aged a bit, mapped properties and whatever. Not that
lazy lists should ever be in it. But... Struts is in the business of
providing a cohesive, productive framework for creating applications
defined by excellence in design. It does so many things correctly and
automatically for you. Excellent. Wrapping my collections in lazy lists
to my beans was one more step in me knowing my forms beans are happening
correctly, the definition, request scope, the whole deal... one more
thing I don't have to code any longer. Less code doing the right stuff
is a good thing, hang any spec, IMHO  :)


On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 06:04, Adam Hardy wrote:
 I wonder how your lazy initialisation works. I'm afraid I didn't look at 
 the code - since you said you wanted to explain it to the masses anyway, 
 perhaps you won't mind explaining, rather than telling me not to be so 
 lazy myself. Basically, if you have your example:
 In the request parameters:
 how does your collection wrapper know what class to instantiate for 
 monkey, bunch, etc etc? Is this something that you configure in xml 
 somewhere? Presumably an extension to dynaform configuration?
 Arron Bates wrote:
  Craig, wouldn't this be fixed by getting the collections in the DynaForm
  to be wrapped by the lazy lists I commited a few weeks ago to
  commons?... then when they're being created when the request comes in,
  it'll all grow as needed and it'd just happen.
  Been missing the past couple of weeks due to bad flu among other things.
  Love to get in there and code it, but time is hard to find at the moment
  and there's other things I need to get on to, but the above feels like a
  good marriage.
  One of the things I have to do is describe the lazy collections to the
  masses. Seems a few have had list constrcution issues with request scope
  beens in the last fortnight.
  On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:45, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:
 Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
 From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
 On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
 CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
 CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.
  I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
  ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my ArrayList
  in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works fine.

Re: Setter Methods not being called in nested:iterate scenario :+(

2002-07-19 Thread Arron Bates


This isn't a nested tags issue at all, but a nested bean-in-a-list
issue which Struts had a long time before I wrote the nested tags.

They're only guilty of making something quite complex very easy to do.

Wrap your collections in org.apache.commons.collections.LazyList,
provide a class definition of your child bean and it'll be sweet and
ready to do without any other effort, even in the reset() method.


On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 18:24, Adam Hardy wrote:
 I'll eat my hat if you haven't been gotcha'd by the nested tags gotcha. 
 If your form is in the request, it (and its beans content) will have 
 disappeared after displaying your page, and the new form bean on 
 instantiation for a new request (incoming submit) will not contain the 
 beans, because it ain't been thro' your Action yet. You need to do it in 
 your reset() or put your form in the session scope. Everybody on the 
 list has heard this once a week since the invention of nested tags, I 
 reckon - sorry folks. You can apologise too Hemant, unless you ain't 
 been gotcha'd. Coz it's all in the archives.
 hemant wrote:
 Thanks for responding..
 The Actionform (rangesform) itself is my root and I have a collection
 reference collectionOfPairs in rangesform,  replete with getter/setter
 The collectionOfPairs is instantiated and populated. If not, I would not be
 seeing the page with the correct data. right?
 As I said earlier, the getters work, the setters do not work. All this
 inspite of having the bean in the form.
 - Original Message -
 From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 4:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Setter Methods not being called in nested:iterate scenario :+(
 nested tags / indexed properties / nested beans gotcha. You have to
 instantiate the beans yourself in the form reset() if you want to
 capture the indexed properties.
 [this answer was automated, virtually]
 hemant wrote:
 I am trying to Iterate over a Collection of Collections of ValueObjects
 and after some real painful experimentation (With VA 3.5.3 + Apache Tomcat +
 Poolman ), I got the page to come up properly :). So far so good. I went out
 and celebrated for a few minutes...
 The getter methods seem to work fine. But the user data is not being
 captured on Submit :(
 Please throw some light on this...
 Here is the snippet from my JSP.
 !--bean:define id=collectionOfPairs name = ldmservice
 property=ranges type=java.util.Collection scope=session/--
 nested:root name=rangesform
 !--logic:iterate id=pairs name=collectionOfPairs
 nested:iterate  property=collectionOfRanges
  nested:iterate id=vopair property=this/
   nested:root name=vopair
td width=10%Description/td
td width=90%nested:write name=vopair
 For some reason, the setter Method of setDescription(String xyz) is not
 being called.
 Please help...
 Many Thanks for Your Time
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Re: Resin 2.1.1 and Struts

2002-07-19 Thread Arron Bates

Pretty much performs as required. Quite tidy. Absolutely boots as it has
a very optimised JSP compiler, to the letter of a spec. Makes writing
tags harder because of the level of tag object reuse, but it all pays
off. Because it moves faster than tomcat it's quicker to code with, kick
it over an restart in a flash.

Also may have to look out for the fact it likes to compile source in the
classes directory. But that speeds dev work too, as just like JSP, you
can simply change the code in your source and hit reload in the browser,
and it'll all recompile and stuff automagically. Most cool.


On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 22:33, Galbreath, Mark wrote:
 I'm getting prepared to build a web app using Struts on (yet) another
 platform - Resin.  If anyone has done this, are there any Resin-specific
 issues involved or is it as simple as adding struts.jar to the class path
 and putting struts-config in WEB-INF?
 Thanks...and I like the beaver (nature's engineer) as the cover for Chuck's

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Re: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Arron Bates

Craig, wouldn't this be fixed by getting the collections in the DynaForm
to be wrapped by the lazy lists I commited a few weeks ago to
commons?... then when they're being created when the request comes in,
it'll all grow as needed and it'd just happen.

Been missing the past couple of weeks due to bad flu among other things.
Love to get in there and code it, but time is hard to find at the moment
and there's other things I need to get on to, but the above feels like a
good marriage.

One of the things I have to do is describe the lazy collections to the
masses. Seems a few have had list constrcution issues with request scope
beens in the last fortnight.

On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:45, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:
  Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
  From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
  On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
  CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
  CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.
   I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
   ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my ArrayList
   in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works fine.
   However as soon as I try to use this ArrayList as property in a
   DynaActionForm I run into problems trying to submit a jsp page
   that was populated with the ArrayList info (the display works
   fine, it's just upon submission).
 If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on every
 request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of this
 array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization expression,
 For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
 non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
 reset(), or use the new initial property described below.
  CRM In recent nightly builds, we added support for an additional mechanism --
  CRM you can declare an intiialization expression for arrays in the
  CRM form-property for a DynaActionForm bean, using the initial attribute.
  CRM The syntax is basically like what you use in Java to initialize an array
  CRM to a set of values in a variable declaration -- for example:
  CRM   form-bean name=myform
  CRM  type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm
  CRM form-property name=intArray type=int[]
  CRM initial={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }/
  CRM   /form-bean
 What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you want in a
 DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database info.
 Do you need to first initialize it like a above to a bunch of
 nulls? If so what if the list size fluctuates (hence use of
 ArrayList) how do you know how many to initialize the ArrayList
 That's definitely a place where loading the arrays in the reset() method
 makes sense.
 Having an intArray property of type int[] on a DynaBean is very much
 like having the following method signatures on a standard JavaBean:
   public int[] getIntArray();
   public void setIntArray(int intArray[]);
 so you don't have to pre-initialze the array to nulls or anything.  Just
 set up the array you want as a local variable (of any desired
 length), populate its values, and call:
   int intArray[] = ...;
   dynaform.set(intArray, intArray);
 One really common scenario is that you don't know ahead of time how many
 items you're going to read from the database.  An approach I use a lot is
 to use an ArrayList to accumulate the values, then convert them to an
 array.  Something like this (assuming you have a labels property of
 type java.lang.String[]):
   ArrayList temp = new ArrayList();
   Connection conn = ...;
   Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(select label from customer_types);
   while (rs.next()) {
   String labels[] = (String[]) temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);
   dynaFormBean.set(labels, labels);
 Alternatively, you could set your property type to java.util.List instead
 -- all the Struts tags that support indexed access against arrays work
 perfectly well against a List as well.
 Thanks for any more thoughts.
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Re: nested:image, image src, nested:write

2002-06-26 Thread Arron Bates

On Wed, 2002-06-26 at 03:11, Barbara Post wrote:
 Well, this scriplet does not work, it throws an error
 (com.sun.tools.javac.Main deprecated), because the name attribute is not
 So here we go : what is the name of the current bean using nested tags ?
 %-- here the right image, use scriptlet since one cannot do else --%
  nested:define property=nodePix name= id=imgUrl/
  nested:image src=%=imgURL%/

name attibute?... take out the name=.

Nested tags set this internally, which leads me to believe that the tags
are having a hard time getting a hold of the bean name from the root
tag. What's the root tag look like?... (the empty root tag in this
snippet is used for nesting through includes, need to figure out the
bean which the tags of the other JSP is using).

Remove these tags, does it all work fine?...

Another thing you could try is to put a property property into the
image tag. You'll need this to match up the clicks coming out of the
list. If you don't need the property property, use the original
html:image in its place.


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Re: off topic ( about java mail api)

2002-06-25 Thread Arron Bates

Nothing's going to happen without access to a working SMTP server.
If there's a hole in your firewall for the SMTP port (25 at last check),
then you can use someone else's smtp server which doesn't have an
security checks.

Many ISP's restrict use to IP's from their dial-up servers and/or
unsername  password. But, many don't. There was a big fiasco in china
because they have lacking security, and people were sending mail using
their servers so the US blocked their IP's. Can read about it on

Forum for JavaMail specifically...


On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 17:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 wanted to ask you all just one thing, we are using lotus notes as default
 mail client and lotus notes server , there is no pop3 or smtp server as far
 as the intranet mailing goes,
 i am developing an application in which i have a  form which the users will
 fill in if they forget their logging in passwords, as soon as they submit
 the form they will get an autogenerated email which will send them their
 passwords. considering the above scenario can i use java mail api for this.
 i have already posted in the java mail api forum but did not get a
 reply.please could some one suggest some thing.
 any suggestions will be appreciated, you could mail them to my mail id
 amit malhotra
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Re: MonkeyBean and JSP

2002-06-25 Thread Arron Bates

The Struts 1.0 part is fine, but Tomcat 3.x cannot do the recursive JSP
stuff. A limitation of the earlier JSP 1.1 spec around the use of custom
tags and the inclusion of other JSP evaluation. Something that the true
recursive nature of the tutorial requires.

You'll have to upgrade to Tomcat 4, or some other JSP 1.2 container.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I have to propagate through my site that it
requires an up to date container.


On Wed, 2002-06-26 at 00:34, Alan Halley wrote:
 I'm trying to run the tutorial examples on Tomcat 3.2.3 and Struts 1.0.
 I keep getting include requires flush=true compiler error when
 compiling MonkeyTree.jsp. When I put flush=true I get Illegal to
 flush in custom Tags.
 Any help or advice would be gratefully received.
 Alan Halley
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Re: nested:image, image src, nested:write

2002-06-25 Thread Arron Bates

 !-- here nesting will build menu --
   nested:nest property=buildMenu 
 jsp:include page=buildmenu.jsp /
 jsp:include page=footer.jsp flush=true/

m... recursive nesting through includes, cutting edge :)

 nested:equal property=showChildren value=true
 !-- here the right image --
 nested:image src=nested:write property=nodePix/ /
 !-- miss some formatting depending on level--
 nested:write property=nodeValue/br
 !-- iterate --
 nested:iterate property=childCollection
   jsp:include page=buildmenu.jsp /

The embedding of the nested:write tag inside the nested:image tag is
illegal, because it's bad XML, which means the JSP page will have issues
with it.

Closest you'll get to doing exactly this is...

nested:define property=nodePix id=imgUrl /
nested:image src=%= imgURL% property=myImageProperty /

The smallest of snippets to get the value out and into the tag, but any
programmer who has issues with it is simply not the pragmatic variety :)



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Re: off topic ( about java mail api)

2002-06-25 Thread Arron Bates

 Another option would be to write your own JavaMail Transport
 implementation that talked to Lotus Notes.

Craig, you do this kind of thing often?... how many RFC's have you coded
an impl of?... round it off if the number's too large  :)

Notes does have plugins to get the POP/IMAP/SMTP working. Probably
pricey. Mail could be another enterprise's department all together. Love


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RE: If you haven't seen this yet.

2002-06-22 Thread Arron Bates

Got mandinga from Ace Ventura. Just sounds cool especially the way Carey
says it. As to what it means, the closest I've heard is that it's a
south american term for the devil, which seems to fit.

On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 15:53, micael wrote:
 Not quite sure what you are saying here, Aaron?  If we are not talking 
 about Flash, then guess you are right.  If we are, then that is a different 
 matter.  My apologies if the topic was not Flash.  I took it that was 
 Mark's topic, since he said Flash scripters.  Maybe I am being too 
 literal.  If so, I guess I should not be so detail-oriented, and there you 
 go?  Mandinga, like the art of self-defense?  Or is that also an aussie 
 word of some different meaning?
 At 02:58 PM 6/22/2002 +1000, you wrote:
 Haven't done anything serious in Flash?... the scripting inside it is
 quite excellent (now. Not thier first ireatation with v4). Mark was
 probably (hopefully?) talking about this scripting ability. Used not
 unlike another image format?... wow. You need to take a more serious
 look, mandinga.
 On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 02:30, micael wrote:
   Calling the use of Flash script[ing] is like calling the use of gif or
   jpeg images scripting.  Don't confuse the superficialities of the
   plugin-html with the real product.  Using Flash is not really unlike using
   a pgeg or a gif image, except that it has a lot more to offer.  In images,
   Flash is to a jpeg what object-oriented programming is to procedural
   programming.  A class is a data type that can be used to manipulate
   data.  Flash, similarly, is an image type that can be used to manipulate
   images.  It is what can be inside the Flash that is exciting.  The script
   is unimportant.  To think of Flash as scripting is akin to thinking of
   object-oriented programming as the stuff inside main.  By the way, not
   that it matters, but a somewhat ironic detail of English grammar is that
   attention-to-detail is not correct.  I personally would prefer a coder
   who knew what Flash was, as opposed to a coder who is intimate with
   Dalmations. ///;-)
   At 07:04 AM 6/21/2002 -0400, you wrote:
   I guess Flash scripters don't know the difference between a Dalmation 
  and a
   Black Lab, huh?  That's the kind of attention-to-detail I'd be looking 
   -Original Message-
   From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 12:38 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: If you haven't seen this yet.
   Mark, I thought you'd like this one :-)
   James Mitchell
   Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
   Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network
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RE: If you haven't seen this yet.

2002-06-21 Thread Arron Bates

Haven't done anything serious in Flash?... the scripting inside it is
quite excellent (now. Not thier first ireatation with v4). Mark was
probably (hopefully?) talking about this scripting ability. Used not
unlike another image format?... wow. You need to take a more serious
look, mandinga.

On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 02:30, micael wrote:
 Calling the use of Flash script[ing] is like calling the use of gif or 
 jpeg images scripting.  Don't confuse the superficialities of the 
 plugin-html with the real product.  Using Flash is not really unlike using 
 a pgeg or a gif image, except that it has a lot more to offer.  In images, 
 Flash is to a jpeg what object-oriented programming is to procedural 
 programming.  A class is a data type that can be used to manipulate 
 data.  Flash, similarly, is an image type that can be used to manipulate 
 images.  It is what can be inside the Flash that is exciting.  The script 
 is unimportant.  To think of Flash as scripting is akin to thinking of 
 object-oriented programming as the stuff inside main.  By the way, not 
 that it matters, but a somewhat ironic detail of English grammar is that 
 attention-to-detail is not correct.  I personally would prefer a coder 
 who knew what Flash was, as opposed to a coder who is intimate with 
 Dalmations. ///;-)
 At 07:04 AM 6/21/2002 -0400, you wrote:
 I guess Flash scripters don't know the difference between a Dalmation and a
 Black Lab, huh?  That's the kind of attention-to-detail I'd be looking for!
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 James Mitchell
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Re: logic:iterate id?

2002-06-20 Thread Arron Bates

Seems that you're trying to write out a property instead of the bean.
Try this...
logic:iterate id=mc name=entries property=mcEntries
bean:write name=mc property=oldDept /
bean:write name=mc property=oldMatch /
bean:write name=mc property=newDept /
bean:write name=mc property=newMatch /
bean:write name=mc property=pivotDept /
bean:write name=mc property=pivotMatch /

...should get you back on the road.


On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 04:59, Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX wrote:
 When you use the logic:iterate tag, do you have to define the id that
 stores the result of the iteration before the tag?
 My code is:
   logic:present name=entries property=mcEntries
 logic:iterate id=mc name=entries property=mcEntries
   bean:write name=mc.oldDept/br
   bean:write name=mc.oldMach/br
   bean:write name=mc.newDept/br
   bean:write name=mc.newMach/br
   bean:write name=mc.pivotDept/br
   bean:write name=mc.pivotMach/br
   logic:notPresent name=entries property=mcEntries
 biNO ENTRIES/i/bbr
 If I don't define the id before the iterate tag, I get a runtime error that
 Cannot find bean mc.oldDept in scope null:
 However, if I do define the id, then I get a compile time error that
 complains about a duplicate variable.
 Maybe the cannot find bean error is referring to the oldDept part rather
 than the mc, but I dont' know.
 What's going on?
 ~ Keith
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Re: how to solve a problem of fetchin' HUGE collection into form

2002-06-20 Thread Arron Bates

Dare I say it... better info design. The most I've had was 500. From the
user's point of view, this is not good.

The freezing will most likely not be the server side, but your browser
slowly rolling over and having a cardiac arrest.  :)

Take the lower end of 100,000 options. If eack option had only one
letter, one byte, the dowload is already 1MB. Take that to an average of
say 15 bytes per record up to 300,000 and the result is one impressive
drop-down box.

Try getting the text that would be rendered into Html, get it into flat
Html, and then test it on the browser. I'm quite sure that you'll be
changing your mind and making it a free-text field real quick.


On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 10:48, Slava_L wrote:
 I have  a form with several fields.
 And one of them is SELECT field - 4xmpl streets names.
 All streets names are stored in database, amount 100-300 thousands records
 And the problem is that when this field renders on the page, app is freezing for a 
long time.
 how am i suppose to solve kinda problem ? 

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Re: Are there any Java Graphics gurus out there?

2002-06-18 Thread Arron Bates

I don't mean to sound harsh, but if your post starts off with 
Wy off topic... then it really shouldn't be posted.

A page on the Sun site about handling images of all kinds, and there's a 
code sample for TIFF...


It will get you to an Image object, and then from there you can pass it 
to the JPEGImageEncoder or whatever. As I said before (off the list), 
the information is already out there, you just have to go get it. I 
found this by searching java reading tiff image files on 
www.google.com and it was the third link down.

But I hope you get the solution you need. I already know that the answer 
wont be from this list...


Jerry Jalenak wrote:


Thanks for the reply. My problem is fairly basic, but I can't seem to figure
it out.  Here goes

From my webapp I capture a 'control number' that I then pass over to an
image server through a socket connection (port 4177).  The image server then
responds with the number of images related to the control number along with
the file names.  This much work fine.  I then pass each file name back to
the image server through a different socket connection (port 4178).  The
image server responds with the file size, then streams the file back to me.
The file is a TIFF image.  What I am struggling with is how to capture this
TIFF image, and convert it to JPEG.  I've looked at the ImageIO classes, but
they don't natively support TIFF (yet).  I read someplace this morning that
you can register the JAI TIFF class for use with ImageIO, but can't figure
out how to do that.  JAI might be the answer, but again, I can't figure out
how to do a JAI.create where the source is a socket and not a file.

I know there's got to be an easier way to do this, but with my limited
background in Java (only been coding in this for a few months now), I am at
a total loss.  Any help is greatly appreciated.



-Original Message-
From: Michael Mehrle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 5:46 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Are there any Java Graphics gurus out there?

Java Guru  I don't know, but I have done a lot of Java graphics in the
past what do you need?

- Original Message -
From: Jerry Jalenak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 6:33 AM
Subject: Are there any Java Graphics gurus out there?

Way off topic, but I'm desparate.

If any of you have any experience with working with graphics, could you
please contact me off-list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]?



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Re: Nested Tags question

2002-06-14 Thread Arron Bates

 As far as the problem goes concerning setting against valid indices, 
 my code does that simply enough using a check against ArrayList.size() 
 and the index from the request parameter - if the size is too small, I 
 just add new objects - 3 lines of code. This is all in a for loop, 
 which could recurse - presumably what your commons wrapper does. Guess 
 I'll find out. 

That's pretty much what it does.
Only thing is it's tackled at the collection level so that you only need 
to use the properties which return and set the collection itself. You 
have to provide one of these to the iterate tags anyways. Means you 
don't have to manage the collections yourself.

It's all of a muchness, so I'll just say it's less to be concerned with 
on a regular basis as a wrapper  :)


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Re: Nested Tags question

2002-06-13 Thread Arron Bates


Back to the old want lists, but no session objects issue. It's a 
common problem these days. It's hard to get the list model working 
nicely without knowing how big the list is going to be so that objects 
can be set against valid indexes.

The post you speek of in the archives is that I've made a collections 
wrapps in the commons project which will wrap collections so that they 
can expand by definition when the request comes in with indexed or 
mapped properties.

I'm cutting a short tutorial on it (how to make funky complex form 
models leaving the session object in the closet), should be finished in 
the next few days. It should help a lot of people. Most people end up 
with indexed lists, but it's hard to get them working properly on the 
back end. It's not just a nested tags thing.

If you don't mind wading through code and having a go at the collections 
wrapper with nothing but javadoc (good javadoc though :)...



Adam Hardy wrote:

 Hi Down Under,

 thanks for the reply. I figured that the form properties setting thing 
 must be struts, after checking out the JSP spec. JSP does do a certain 
 amount of it though, since you can specify a tag in your jsp and say 
 parameters=* - and JSP will match any parameters in the request to 
 methods on the tag's bean.

 Anyway sorry for sounding like such a dumbass but I've been through 
 your tutorials. For the display, I've got the nested tags sussed - 
 it's for the save on submit that I'm having problems. It's one of 
 those aggravating problems that I can't pin down so it's difficult to 
 ask the right questions.

 I've actually hacked out some code to stuff the request parameters 
 into the bean structure by hand in the form's validate method. 
 Obviously I'd like to do it automatically but I had to get the app 
 working. To try to sort out what I've done wrong, I'll strip it back 
 to the simplest bare bones and take it from there.

 What I can't work out from playing with your SavingMonkey demo is how 
 struts gets the request parameters into beans inside each other inside 
 the formbean. Is it necessary to instantiate the right amount of empty 
 beans first? I see SavingMonkey instantiates everything on construction.

 When saving request parameters to the beans in the formbean, does 
 struts call the beans' getter methods to get the ArrayLists and beans? 
 I can't see how else it would get access the setter methods on the 
 deeper nested beans.

 Thanks for your help. I did see a message in the archives here but I 
 can't find it again, where you were talking about changes awaiting 
 acceptance in CVS - is that just stuff that is now incorporated into 
 struts 1.1? I'm using 1.0.2

 All the best,

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Re: Nested Tags question

2002-06-13 Thread Arron Bates



...works a treat.


Jayaraman Dorai wrote:

When I use nested tags, I am not able to access it through java scripts since the 
name is mailingAddress.city. Does anyone have a work around or am I missing 


-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:23 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Re: Nested Tags question

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 11:43:59 +0200
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Re: Nested Tags question

So Craig,
does the process work at submit time (when the request parameters are
being put into the nested beans) via calls to the getter methods to get
the beans on which the parameters have to be set?

I can't see how else it would work.

It depends on what context you are using the expressions in.  For example:

  !-- Assume the form bean name is customerForm --
  html:form action=/editCustomer
html:text property=mailingAddress.city/

will, in effect, do a call to:


when the page is displayed, and a call to:


when the request parameters are being copied in to the form bean.



Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 13.06.2002,

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Arron Bates wrote:

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 14:14:13 +1000
From: Arron Bates
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Nested Tags question

I know JSP will automatically save parameters to a javabean with the
correctly named getters and setters, but there's obviously a gap in my
knowledge because all my attempts to recreate the situation above have

Setting form properties against beans is a Struts thing, not a JSP
thing. The property thing is a Bean thin and can be looked up in the
JavaBean spec.

The example you quote...


...is a nested property. An invention implemented within Struts

Yep, although in Struts 1.1 it is really a commons-beanutils thing
because we abstracted out this generally useful code into a separate

What it basically is, is a string of calls rather than the
single property method. Here, it will get a hold of the form bean, get a
hold of the bean returned from the monkeyTeamAlphaproperty. On this
bean, it will invoke the indexed property monkeyWorkers[0] which will
pluck a bean from a collection or index provided, from this last bean it
will will get a hold of its salary property, and set the value.

At each stage, you also get the benefit of some intelligence that is built
in to the underlying PropertyUtils class.  For example, the JavaBeans spec
defines two ways to define an indexed property -- you can use getter and
setter methods that take a value and a subscript, or you can use getter
and setter methods that return the entire array.  PropertyUtils makes the
expression listed above work for either (or even for a property whose
value is a java.util.List, which is an extension to the JavaBeans spec).

All this boils down to, is that you can compose objects a little
cleaner, rather than have truly enormous beans for everything. Having
the indexed properties allows for lists and whatever else.

The ability for nesting beans has been in Struts for a long time. The
nested tags just make it much easier.

There's a primer and tutorial for nested beans here...


...it should take you over creating and using such a construct.

Hope this gets you on th path you're after.

Another area of useful learning for the future is the JSP Standard Tag
Library (JSTL).  Although the expression language syntax supported by JSTL
is different from the one in Struts, it is well worth learning about --
this expression language will be supported anywhere in a JSP page in JSP
1.3, and (in the mean time) we will likely adapt Struts tags to be able to
use it as well.



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Re: Nested Tags question

2002-06-12 Thread Arron Bates


Should say that the monkey example's not the mos simple example. It's 
more of a what's possible than a learners tool.

I just posted the link to the tute's and primer. The Tute's walk through 
from a plain, non-nested bean, to the initial nesting, to the lists, and 
lists within lists... I'd recommend going that way. For convenience, 
that link again...


A couple of people have had a stumbling start because they found the 
monkey example first and love to hack that than take the walking tour. 
I'm considering removing it from the nesting-newbie eye.

If you have any more issues or questiong, you know where we are...



Hi All,
I am trying to save a list created with the nested:iterate tag (from an
object array in my form bean). I've written my code by following the
SaveMonkey example from Arron Bates' KeyboardMonkey site (kudos to you,
capt'n) - but the object array doesn't get recreated on a submit!

Can I use a nested:iterate tag on an array straight out of the form
bean? That seems to be the only difference I can see between mine and
the SaveMonkey demo.

The setList(Object[] newList) isn't working. Struts or Tomcat isn't
recognising it as a normal javabean property setter I guess. Here's what
the HTML looks like:

form name=operationForm method=POST
  input type=hidden name=list[0].opIdString value=31
  input type=text name=list[0].packageName value=Pack1  

Should I keep looking for a bug that's stopping the setList() method
from being recognised as a setter method?

Thanks if you can help,

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Re: I should know this, but....

2002-06-06 Thread Arron Bates

First off, no need for the name attribute. If it's not working off the 
same bean structure the other nested tags are, then use the original 
bean:define tag using the name attribute to get to the separate bean.

Otherwise from face value the tag markup looks fine... you may want to 
vary the name of the property to the id for clarity however.

Another point which may save you having issues, is that you can use the 
property property like a directory structure with relative and 
absolute references...

Check this out for more informative info...

The The relative references and the property property part...


...with that you can just use the bean:write tag where you need it, 
and use the absolute reference from the root of the bean to get to the 
right spot.

Hope any of this helps in some way.


Jerry Jalenak wrote:

Hi All,

Really easy question, but I'm apparently too dumb to figure it out  ;)

I get a run time error of 'Missing Term' (about var1 in the anchor tag) when
I do the following:

   nested:define id=var1 name=beanName property=var1 /
   a href=% =var1 %This is my anchor/a

This is a simplistic example - I actually need to use 'var1' in several
places throughout my jsp inside of deeper nested:? tags.  Any ideas?




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Re: nested img

2002-06-06 Thread Arron Bates


I was wondering why isn't there a nested:img tag?

I want to have a nested image with a link, ie:

nested:img src=someimage.gif name=somebean property=someMap/

Is there an alternative?

No alternative. Just had a look through.
It's valid, I'll have to make one and get it in there.

I could do
nested:link name=somebean property=someMap/img

but it creates an ugly border around the image...

nested:link name=somebean property=someMap /img 
src=someimage.gif border=0/nested:link

...there shouldn't be an ugly border. I'd also recommend getting the 
height and with of the image in the tag also, because it will reserve 
space on the page for the browser until the image loads. That's why some 
pages suddenly expand all over the place while you're trying to read the 
content that's there. The image sizes haven't been specified in the Html.

I'll get onto the img tag though.


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Re: nested tag issue

2002-06-04 Thread Arron Bates

Absolutely right.

What this code is trying to say, is that the nested tags need a valid 
root tag on each JSP. In this case, David's used the nested:root 
tag. It can also be the html:form or nested:form tags. The form tags 
are bound to their form definition in struts-config.xml, to escape this 
and use an external bean, the nested:root tag is required.

Reason for all this, is the tags look up their parent tag, and it in 
turn looks to its parent etc etc etc. If there's no root tag, then 
they'll run out, and not know what bean they're meant to be working off of.

Even when nesting through dynamic includes, the included JSP's need a 
nested:root tag without parameters, so it's child tags can get that 
reference without running off the top of the JSP page looking for a parent.

Just in case anyone wanted the explanation.


David Morris wrote:


This is like the blind leading the blind. I wonder why you don't want
declare a form but something like this should work:

nested:root name=attributeNameOfBeanContainingYourCollection
nested:nest property=myCollection
nested:iterate property=myCollection
nested:write property=myDate/

David Morris

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/03/02 04:07PM 

...This works, where filter.do maps to the form that holds
html:form action=/filter.do
   nested:nest property=myCollection
   nested:iterate property=myCollection
   nested:write property=myDate/

This doesn't:
   nested:nest property=myCollection
   nested:iterate property=myCollection
   nested:write property=myDate/

Thanks in advance.

Dean Chen

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