Re: [IxDA Discuss] Patiens Virtus Est (Conan Update)

2010-02-27 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Also a reminder of important steps YOU need to take after the new site launches. We need all existing members to take a simple step to get access and continue your participation with your previous history connected to the future. We need you to visit the new website in order to request a password.

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What is a subset of the other?

2010-02-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
In my assessment of this situation in the world at large, User Experience (UX, or UXD) has become the umbrella term for a range of fields that consider and address various aspects of the user experience with products and services. All the fields of UX can be defined as operating on a spectrum of

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What is a subset of the other?

2010-02-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
So interesting. Living, nearly opposite definitions alive in the community. What say ye? Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The Red Cross donation form

2010-01-15 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Hugh, et al., I'm the IxDA Vice President and I'd be glad to help with any Red Cross communications if an official voice is considered important for this urgent initiative. You can reach me via email most easily at ixd(at) and I'll do what I can. Bravo for the great

[IxDA Discuss] Conan update (redux)

2009-11-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, I wanted to post this message a second time as it's an important update and an opportunity for community feedback if you so desire. Please see the main update announcement here: The principal part I wanted to re-share is that

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Conan update (redux)

2009-11-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Super, thanks very much for reviewing the doc, Dave! RE: these two feature requests, I daresay that the Job Board postings can address relocation telecommuting in the body of the posting at launch. But it would indeed be great to filter explicitly for jobs that support relocation and/or

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Hosting suggestions for

2009-10-13 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Thanks very much, folks! Got multiple additional rec's for Media Temple offline, and one for Acquia as well due to the Drupal connection. We're investigating our options. Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA discussions usability

2009-10-10 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Thomas, et al., The current website was built awhile back solely through the generous efforts of one of our members. Because it relies on the limited capabilities of the Mailman mailing list technology, it sometimes has difficulty collating emails into the proper thread. Additionally, note

[IxDA Discuss] Hosting suggestions for

2009-10-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi IxDA peeps, We're looking for hosting service Drupal support suggestions as options to consider for the upcoming new website. Presently we're hosted by Dreamhost and that may be the right option going forward but we'd love to get some additional ideas from the community. Here are our

[IxDA Discuss] Conan project update - implementation phase begins

2009-09-22 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hello IxDA, I'd like to announce the posting of a Conan status report, i.e., an IxDA website redesign project update. Please visit: for the latest haps; and if you can, please consider volunteering to help out

Re: [IxDA Discuss] On the topic of Recruiters

2009-09-18 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, The new Conan system website is going to provide a stand-alone Job Board!! :) Right now, job posts are definitely noise amid the discussion for those uninterested in opportunities, but note that we explicitly allow recruiters to post. They are moderated just like other posters,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] On the topic of Recruiters

2009-09-18 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Yes, folks, of course the Job Board postings will still have email notification RSS feed options. They are tremendously valuable for those who want to see them, whether you're actively job hunting or not; they're just noise among the discussion for those that *don't* want them, like I

[IxDA Discuss] Conan community feedback processed

2009-07-29 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA, I want to thank everybody who stepped up to participate in the recent round of feedback on the design concepts presented for IxDA Conan, our website redesign project. In addition to the members of the Conan team themselves, about 60 IxDA members asked to review designs in the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA new website design review ends tonight

2009-07-17 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Jackson, The public feedback period on the concepts just closed today. Sorry you missed the earlier post 40 replies: I'm guessing you're a non-email-receiving member. Outside email, our current communication channels are woefully inadequate

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Designer - IndustryNext LLC

2009-07-15 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Job posts to this list are required to place the location of the position in the subject line. Please see: , section: Posting Job Listings. Cheers, Liz On Jul 15, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Erica Brown-Myrie wrote: IndustryNext is looking for an

Re: [IxDA Discuss] CONAN Design Review

2009-07-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Thanks to all those who've volunteered to contribute feedback on these design proposals for Conan. We can't do it without your help! While there has been a fair bit of commenting on the first couple parts of the material (the visual design, the discussion forum and local groups),

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What are the skills of an Interaction Designer

2009-07-07 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Himanshu, Just wondering...did you search the discussion archives before posting? Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

[IxDA Discuss] IxDA website project: it\'s a go!

2009-06-29 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA community those who care about us, Firstly, THANK YOU again to all the IxDA supporters from around the globe who contributed financially during our recent fundraising drive. IxDA garnered $15,813, over half-way towards our ambitious goal of $30,000 to support the website

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA website project: it\'s a go!

2009-06-29 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Nathaniel, Thanks for your note! I'm not sure I understand all of your points, but it's actually a cornerstone of the Conan project strategy to utilize IxDA members ( those who love them) to create the interaction design as well as graphic design solutions for the new website. The Conan

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Thank you for all of your support

2009-06-26 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA community, I want to add my voice here with a major THANK YOU! I literally got chills just now reading how much support you contributed to our infrastructure effort. You have enabled us to move forward with confidence knowing that the organization will be sustained in the near-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Give a little back

2009-06-23 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA community, Today I add my voice the chorus of people donating a chunk of change to IxDA. I'm presently IxDA Vice-President and Creative Director of the website re-design project for which we are raising funds, but I'm also emphatically one of you. I'm a passionate advocate for the power

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Give a little back

2009-06-21 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Thanks, Gilberto, for thinking about our best interests. Let me give the group some more background. This project, code-named IxDA Conan, was launched over six months ago with a call for volunteer contributions. We also put out a call for support in the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Low Cost, Off Site, Remote Testing Options and Strategies

2009-06-10 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Y'all need to see my round-up of remote usability testing tools, which I posted published here on the list some weeks ago: And I'll add a quick request for folks to try searching for some information on the Discussion list

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Flash Catalyst Beta (aka Thermo) is out

2009-06-02 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
The IxDA SF event was held at Adobe (an excellent meeting venue and generous spread) and the evening concluded with a lengthy Catalyst demo from a key guy on their team. I'm spacing his name but he's in one of their online demo vids as well. Anyways, afterwards, I corralled him and said

[IxDA Discuss] Feedback on discussion forum

2009-05-30 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, A member of the IxDA Conan team has created a short survey to garner community feedback on the discussion forums feature of the upcoming new website. Please take a minute to visit and respond: Thanks for your

Re: [IxDA Discuss] RFP: Redesign

2009-05-29 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Firstly, a reminder that today is the last day for potential vendors to submit questions about the RFP. We aim to post answers to all questions we receive by May 31st at the blog. To respond to a couple folks here poking at our rationale for selecting Drupal,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Review of ProtoFarm

2009-05-27 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I have a different perspective on the ProtoFarm event than Julie, which I was fortunate to attend last night as well as being myself a presenter, like her. For my part, I don't see much value in watching people show off their prototype all by itself. Without knowing the context behind the

[IxDA Discuss] RFP: Redesign

2009-05-22 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
The IxDA Conan team has published a request for proposal (RFP) in order to engage with an experienced Drupal development partner for the redesign of the website. For more information on responding, please refer to the page, where you will find the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Elements of User Experience: Strategy Plane Scope Plane Sample

2009-05-20 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Dan Brown's company, EightShapes, has provided the user experience community with an actual set of deliverable templates. It's an inspiring example of sharing best practices and concrete work output. See: EightShapes Unify is a collection of templates,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] [Conan Team to IXDA members]: Paying job posts to fund IXDA activitiesother issues

2009-05-20 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
What great input! Please keep it coming...IxDA is the organization that we make together! We'd especially love to hear from recruiters or other people who've posted jobs on IxD Discuss in the past. Best, Liz, IxDA Vice-President Conan Creative Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Call for applications for IxDA Board of Directors vacancy

2009-04-28 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA members, If you're passionate about what you do for a living and want to help improve the world, please consider joining the global leadership team of the Interaction Design Association. IxDA works to help advance the profession of interaction design in a fast-paced world which needs

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Streamlined sign up flow

2009-04-20 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Julie, You'll want to run out and get Luke Wroblewski's Web Form Design book, and scan send out parts of Chapter 13 on Gradual Engagement. Fantastic stuff about working to eliminate monolithic registration forms in favor of progressive sign-up steps that serve user's immediate goals.

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Two \Delete\ behaviors - one type of label?

2009-04-18 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I support Dev in suggesting the ellipsis ... to differentiate related controls where the difference is that one acts immediately and the other requires confirmation. A confirmation of a delete is technically a dialog box, although a lightweight one, and the ellipses is a convention here. Delete

[IxDA Discuss] Round-up of remote usability testing systems

2009-04-16 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hiya folks, Firstly, thanks to those who contributed to two recent threads here about remote usability testing systems! I happen to be shopping for a solution myself, and so I did a big round-up of the offerings that I could discover. See:

Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] IxDA Los Angeles Yahoo present Personas SUCK / Personas RULE!, Wednesday, April 29th 7-9pm

2009-04-14 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi IxDA LA, Sounds like a rocking event -- wish I could attend! I'm compelled to comment here because it's exactly the theme of a presentation that Steve Calde and I did together in Portland last year, which we also presented as a webinar thru Catalyze. The talk was called Death to Personas! Long

Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] IxDA Los Angeles Yahoo present Personas SUCK / Personas RULE!, Wednesday, April 29th 7-9pm

2009-04-14 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hey folks, For the record, I do not sense plagiarism here. It's a natural dialetic. Personas are a valuable and powerful tool yet they are sometimes seen as controversial, for various reasons. I first worked with Adam Korman at Cooper, where personas as practiced today were invented, so I'm

Re: [IxDA Discuss] the alignment of the practices and outcomes of IA and IxD

2009-04-08 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Thanks for the great feedback on my UX sundial model! I have adjusted the components. And with Jack Moffett's encouragement I also have added a zoomed-in view of an IxD sundial of skills (For the record, I am a very busy person with lots of design work on my plate, but I feel

Re: [IxDA Discuss] the alignment of the practices and outcomes of IA and IxD

2009-04-05 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hey folks, Hope I'm not beating a dead horse here (whinny!) but I would be glad for feedback on this sundial model of the UX fields that I put together. See It occurs to me that this model could be a way of presenting IxD along

Re: [IxDA Discuss] the alignment of the practices and outcomes of IA and IxD

2009-03-31 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi guys, So here's my take on IA and IxD, and it's a unifying one that I think represents more of the majority opinion. Of course, pipe up if you think I'm wrong. :) Information Architecture looks through the lens of product design with a focus on structure, on the space side of the space-time

Re: [IxDA Discuss] the alignment of the practices and outcomes of IA and IxD

2009-03-31 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Angel, Of course, I'm happy to respond. I didn't want to spend time to mention that these forums would work seamlessly with email; we'll provide support for people of their delivery preference. We know many want to keep IxDA Discussion as an email interaction. Think of it operating more like

Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-03-29 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, I read the transcript of JJG's keynote with a combination of admiration and dismay -- certainly I was eager to consume the facts after seeing the Twitter firestorm. I admire his call for people to come together from the various UX communities. Personally, I strongly agree that a

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Five things Interaction Design probably isn't

2009-03-29 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Carl, Did you read the definitions on the page that Adam pointed you to? You have been citing an outdated definition with all the harping on the dialogs word. Our home page says: Interaction Design (IxD) defines the structure and behavior of interactive products and services. Interaction

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Five things Interaction Design probably isn't

2009-03-24 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, If, as Dan says, the IxDA has failed one of its core missions...: creating tools to help interaction designers promote our value to our organizations and those who don't know anything about us then it's because this issue has not previously risen to the level of critical need. We

Re: [IxDA Discuss] How to hire an interaction designer?

2009-03-12 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Scott, et al., Damn straight this is the kind of resource IxDA should be presenting to the world! Would you like to create it? Would you like to form a little team to create it? IxDA would be extremely glad to offer an online repository where it can reside. Our next-generation website will

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA selects Drupal

2009-03-11 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi IxDA members, I have posted the IxDA Conan release plan document on our Board Blog. This explains our decision-making some more, and also presents the design targets for the first releases of our new infrastructure. See Please do visit the blog, and send in your

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA selects Drupal

2009-03-10 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Um, yeah, there's an IxDA Board blog since a couple months ago. Didn't you notice the little Board Blog link on the About page? ;) So, right. We need entirely new infrastructure upon which to build :) It has been a long time coming now, and we're excited to be joining the 21st century.

[IxDA Discuss] IxDA selects Drupal

2009-03-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, I want to share the news that our IxDA infrastructure initiative has selected Drupal to provide the technical platform for our website redesign project. For more on this decision, please see: Cheers, Liz

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Infrastructure Initiative: Survey results

2009-02-28 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, I want also to publicly thank IxDA Conan team members Amanda and also Maria de Monte who put a lot of effort into creating a presentable version of the survey results. (SurveyMonkey is ridiculously hard to use when it comes to analyzing and collating free-text responses, although I've

[IxDA Discuss] IxDA Infrastructure Initiative: Survey results

2009-02-27 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hello IxDA Members, This message is a progress report from the IxDA Conan infrastructure team to share the results from our recent survey about which we conducted at the start of February. Please visit the IxDA Board Blog at: for more information and

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Open source user experience

2009-02-23 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hey folks, Sorry -- I just wanted to say that I'm super incredibly busy with another IxDA initiative right now (in addition to N other things) -- so if you wrote me off-list about this topic were waiting for a response or if people were waiting for me personally to try and get something up and

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Greats?

2009-02-18 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, I'm enjoying this thread very much, albeit dismayed at the lack of cited women too. (Anybody see Maren Costa's work at Amazon at DUX 2005?) Anyways, I wanted to let folks know that the IxDA Board is playing around with the idea of creating an IxD timeline that would allow IxDA members

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Open source user experience

2009-02-12 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I'm so excited about the productive energy here! This thread *is* the best example of beginning a new endeavor in this space. Nasir, Dave and I are on the Conan infrastructure project which has an explicit goal of being able to support or nurture or otherwise account for the existence of OSS-IxD

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Survey - Please participate!

2009-02-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Last chance to take the survey, dear IxDA members. If you're passionate about IxD, help us define and deliver a better website that will serve our community's needs as well as facilitate our delivering more goodness in the world! :) To take the survey, visit:

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Survey - Please participate!

2009-02-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
GAH! Case of need in point...copying and pasting a link within the current website seems to have broken it. Here's the survey link again... I hope? ;P Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Experience Definition

2009-02-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I haven't really been following this thread, but given how it started I wanted to throw out something from Interaction'09... Christina Wodtke presented the following formula in her session talk, The Viral App: B = f (P, E) Where B is behavior, P is person and E is environment. Not sure if it's

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Open source user experience

2009-02-09 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Tom, et al., I'm really excited to say that IxDA may be able to support and aid you in your others efforts to connect with the Open Source movement and community. Several IxDA board members met with Aza Raskin of Mozilla at the Interaction'09 conference to discuss how we could work together

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Tag clouds (and tagging)

2009-01-30 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi there, Yesterday I happened to stumble on this report on Tagging from the good folks at Pew Internet: Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-29 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Jim, If you have a second, I have a question about your experience of RED. To what extent do you your team utilize scenarios as a rapid prototyping tool? Question also extended to Yury and others who've practiced or do practice the RED approach. Cheers, Liz P.S. My bias is that

[IxDA Discuss] Infrastructure Initiative update - Jan 25, 2009

2009-01-25 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA members, I'm pleased to provide a progress report on the Infrastructure initiative. This project, for which I am the project manager, aims to significantly update the website, most particularly in the areas of local groups, an events calendar, member profiles and improved

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Quick survey on 6 prototyping tools

2009-01-21 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Todd, FYI, you probably have 4-6 entries from me because the page doesn't do anything when you click Done. (Using Firefox on Mac.) I also wanted to leave some fields blank but thought that they were preventing form submission so I changed them all to 0's. Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction'09|vancouver 16 days away

2009-01-20 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I'm so excited for the conference! Such a great line-up of speakers, as well as activities for us to come together as individuals and make our community stronger. I also wanted to remind folks from the U.S. who are attending the conference that this is an INTERNATIONAL venue. So, please check

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Boost ixd awareness by publishing IxDA recognition badges for design schools programs and their individual courses?

2009-01-20 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Steve, et al., I wanted to let you know that Education is one of the areas that IxDA is presently targeting with a team of volunteers. Jeremy Yuille is presently heading up the effort on behalf of the IxDA Board, and there are a couple dozen IxDA members who are contributing. One of the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Boost ixd awareness by publishing IxDA recognition badges for design schools programs and their individual courses?

2009-01-20 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Heya, Thanks to @mediajunkie, I just read a good article on education from a web designer perspective. It mentions IxDA's efforts as well as a variety of other organizations. See: In keeping with the theme of my previous post and

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Tog on Gestures will force the mouse into retirement

2009-01-05 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Let's all help kill the mouse! I'm OK with keeping the keyboard for awhile, though. :) Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] User recruitimg agent in Bay Area

2008-12-21 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Min, You can start your investigation by referring to this thread regarding research suppliers in the Bay Area. Cheers, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Infrastructure Initiative, re-launched

2008-12-16 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Rich, We leveraged those personas from a set created by the IxDA Board back in 2006, before my time on the Board. They're not particularly expertly documented. We'll be whipping our deliverables into shape as we go...forward progress has generally been more important than formality over these

[IxDA Discuss] IxDA Infrastructure Initiative, re-launched

2008-12-14 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA Members, I’m pleased to be re-launching an initiative dedicated to delivering next-generation infrastructure for If you’re an avid IxDA list reader, you may have seen mention of this infrastructure initiative over the past few months. Nasir Barday, another IxDA

[IxDA Discuss] Announcing IxDA’s 2009 Board of Directors

2008-11-25 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA Members, We are very happy to announce the IxDA Board of Directors for 2009 with the addition of three new Directors. Please welcome Amyris Fernandez, Jon Kolko and Kevin Silver. We look forward to their contributions to the Board and the efforts they will catalyze for our

Re: [IxDA Discuss] perceived problems with personas

2008-11-19 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I totally agree with Josh's recent point. Mea culpa; it was lazy writing for me to say that persona creation is relatively scientific. What I meant to say was that the persona creation process at its methodological origins involves a rigorous, repeatable, analytical approach to research data. That

Re: [IxDA Discuss] perceived problems with personas

2008-11-17 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Michael, et al, I helped formalize persona creation methods while I was at Cooper, and I recently spoke on the subject of some common persona misconceptions with a current Cooperista, Steve Calde. Please see and look to the bottom of the page for an

Re: [IxDA Discuss] PC Suites and mobile handsets

2008-11-10 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Diego, What exactly is a PC Suite? A quick Google search seems to indicate it's a software service to connect your phone to your computer, so it sounds very engineering-oriented. Perhaps providing some more context or asking a less technical question might help you elicit responses. Cheers,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Agile UX

2008-11-08 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hiya, Folks interested in this topic might like to read Lane Halley's recent journal post at She makes some really coherent points there, IMHO! Also, I thought that Alan Cooper's keynote presented at the Agile 2008 conference was pretty ground-breaking. And it may well

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What to choose? (technical writer or technical tester)

2008-11-07 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi Ali, I'll second Dave's recommendation. Many IxD's I know love started their careers as technical writers. It *is* a role with creative potential, at least visually if not content-wise. Most especially, it offers the opportunity to analyze the form behavior of systems and ensure that the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Agile UXD

2008-11-06 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I've been considering the issue of Agile IxD for awhile now, and I recently had a really great project experience integrating my design process with an Agile XP team. Some quick takeaways: * as you suggest, Jessica, defining the interaction design framework (or overall IA structure or whatever

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-11-01 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear heavens. OK, guys, if we're going to out ourselves...I will reveal that I fundamentally don't believe a crowdsourcing model for DESIGN is even possible, much less advisable. I believe that crowdsourcing can be helpful to garner ideas (e.g. that wepc thing at the top of this thread),

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-11-01 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
thing the board has done for local groups is to empower them to not wait for the board. Why not just take the same tact with this project? -- dave On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Elizabeth Bacon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear heavens. OK, guys, if we're going to out ourselves...I

[IxDA Discuss] Death to Personas! Long Live Personas! follow-up

2008-10-23 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Back in July, I presented a webinar thru Catalyze called Death to Personas! Long Live Personas! It recently came to my attention that the QA material never got posted, and also my co-author Steve Calde and I wanted to make the presentation more generally available. So, I have

[IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] IxDA Portland, October F2F

2008-10-20 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks! IxDA Portland is having its bi-monthly F2F gathering tomorrow, October 21st at 6pm. Please see event details at: Hope to see you there! Cheers, Liz Vice-President, IxDA / CDO, Devise /

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Research supplier near Palo Alto

2008-10-12 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hey folks, Thanks for all who wrote with research supplier recommendations. I wanted to share all four for your future reference (see below). FWIW, Fleischman responded to me promptly with a bid, as did Fieldwork; Bay Area Research Group didn't get back to me as promised (and they have to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Research supplier near Palo Alto

2008-10-12 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Ack, my URLs seem to have been edited out. They were: Fleischman Field Research Fieldwork Bay Area Research Group Site/Welcome.html Nichols Research

[IxDA Discuss] Research supplier near Palo Alto

2008-10-08 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks! Could you all recommend some research suppliers in or around Palo Alto, California who'd be able to recruit participants for usability testing as well as provide space to conduct it (one-way mirror, not much else)? Your wisdom and recommendations greatly appreciated -- merci

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is it just my imagination or...

2008-10-07 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, I wanted to add for the historical record that the IxD Discussion list wasn't just born in 2005. It was born in mid-2003 as a Yahoo! Groups list and migrated later that year to Over the next two years, it became known as the Interaction Design Group and

Re: [IxDA Discuss] List problems

2008-09-18 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi there, The IxDA leadership is acutely aware of the technical shortcomings of our current infrastructure. Mea culpa; pretty ironic, indeed. Several Board members are actively engaged in efforts to solidify our requirements and identify appropriate next-generation solutions. We'll (hopefully)

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Next previous button order

2008-09-18 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
One aspect of previous and next that bears mention here is that conceptually they could be considered a pair. If the design situation calls for both regularly, it's sort of like the situation with rewind play/pause and forward wherein they're hardly even separate controls. (And of course time

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD and the Resistance of the Material

2008-08-26 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I've used a quote from Paul Graham (an %u2028essayist, programmer and language designer) in some of my recent presentations about IxD practice. The quote is: %u201CIdeas get developed by explaining them to the right kind of person. You need that resistance, just as a carver needs the resistance

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Basic time tracking and invoicing for a solo consultant

2008-08-18 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
As co-founder of a boutique design development consultancy, we have various product ideas on the back burner that we can pursue to fill up time between client projects and enhance our portfolio. All I can say in this thread is that I'm abandoning any further work on our time tracker

Re: [IxDA Discuss] calling people for IxD education initiatives

2008-08-14 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear friends, Please get involved! I'm excited for IxDA to help the next generation of designers and connect current practitioners to students and those interested in expanding their knowledge. This list membership is the most amazing resource in IxD! Best, Liz, IxDA Vice-President . . . . .

[IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] IxDA Portland - BOWLING with CHIFOO (tonight!)

2008-08-06 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Rather short notice, but if you're in Portland, Oregon this evening then come out for some bowling fun CHIFOO and IxDA Social Bowling! Dig out that bowling shirt -- now you've got a place to wear it! Join us at the second annual CHI-Bowl event. Take a whirl at bowling

[IxDA Discuss] Death to Personas!... webinar on Catalyze

2008-07-14 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks! Hope everybody's July is going well! I always love reading people's posts and marveling at the knowledge of our design community. Right now I'm pimping some of my own stuff on the design research side, letting you know that Steve Calde (long-time Cooper consultant) and I

Re: [IxDA Discuss] iXda badge

2008-05-21 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hey there Jeff et al., The Board is tackling brand issues, including access to logos and usage thereof, imminently. We'll make sure they're generally available as we coordinate ourselves going forward. Thanks for keeping them safe in the meantime, Luke! Please also note that our organization,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Designer in new Ford Commercial

2008-05-10 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
I must see this commercial!! All I can say is that Elizabeth Baron, Technical Specialist in Virtual Reality and Advanced Visualization at Ford Motor Company, has the second-coolest name in our field. Cheers, Elizabeth Bacon

[IxDA Discuss] IxDA Portland F2F: April 15th

2008-04-12 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hey there! It's the IxDA Portland (that's Portland, Oregon, USA) Face-to-Face gathering this Tuesday evening. Come out to rant, kvetch, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and interested parties. For real and for live, we'll network locally and get inspired

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Announces New Board of Directors for 2008-2009

2008-02-27 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Hi folks, Education is a very important issue, and totally appropriate for IxDA to tackle. As we mentioned at the end of our Board Retreat minutes from Nov 2007 (see , the Board at that time did not have the capacity to tackle such a major initiative as education. That's why we asked people who

[IxDA Discuss] Means to an IxDA message? WAS: Re: Where are all the designers?

2008-02-21 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
There are simply more jobs than IxDs right now. We're all engaged in solving interesting problems, and the world is exploding with yet more possibilities. The fear I share with others is that we all face a serious professional issue if unqualified folks fill IxD shoes and cause industry

[IxDA Discuss] (Reminder) Seeking IxDA Board member candidates

2007-12-28 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
: Elizabeth Bacon [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: December 13, 2007 11:12:01 AM PST To: Interaction_Designers [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Seeking IxDA Board member candidates Dear IxDA constituency, {Apologies for re-posting but previous message lacked subject line.} The IxDA Board is seeking energetic

Re: [IxDA Discuss] When/Where/How did you decide to be a designer?

2007-12-23 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
It%u2019s so inspiring to read about people's journeys into the arena of design! Thanks to all who've shared. Here's my story... I have always been a designer, but did not know it for many years. I've always drawn, and imagined things that did not exist, and tried to make the world a more

Re: [IxDA Discuss] When/Where/How did you decide to be a designer?

2007-12-23 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
P.P.P.S. Oh, yeah, and computers have always been a part of my life. My dad was a Systems Analyst and just naturally adopted them at home. We had an Atari and TI-99 when I was a kid, and Osborne, the first portable computer (it went with us to China, and later went with me to Stanford where it

[IxDA Discuss] (no subject)

2007-12-13 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
Dear IxDA constituency, The IxDA Board is seeking energetic, motivated candidates for several open Board positions starting in early 2008. The Board comprises nine volunteers. There are presently four executive positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom are

[IxDA Discuss] Report from 2007 IxDA Board Retreat

2007-11-30 Thread Elizabeth Bacon
, Director, and yours truly, Elizabeth Bacon, Director. The Board met in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on November 17-18, 2007. We spent two full days in the conference room at the Executive Hotel in Vintage Park.  Meeting for in-person discussion is an important annual event