Re: IPCS command , VERBEXIT collection

2008-10-15 Thread Robert Wright
Miklos Szigetvari wrote: I see in the BLSXSUMT REXX exec comment , it is a part of the Level 2 toolkit, and I would like to have this toolkit ... If you have BLSXSUMT on your system, you have the Level 2 toolkit. Go into the IPCS dialog, and enter option 2.6i. There will be a

Re: Trsmain Unpack

2008-09-26 Thread Robert Wright
Field, Alan C. wrote: It's in OA24147. -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cebell, David Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 10:30 To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Re: Trsmain Unpack AMATERSE is not in our LINKLST. z/os 1.6 (

Re: Trsmain Unpack

2008-09-25 Thread Robert Wright
Alan Schwartz wrote: I'm testing the process to upload a PSP bucket of ptf's using an uploaded CSI to only get the ptf's I need. Everything seems to be working and I've got the bin files on the mainframe. But when I try and unpack them I run into two problems. 1. The job is abending with

Re: SYSABEND and 64bit

2008-09-23 Thread Robert Wright
Thompson, Steve wrote: I have been asked to help an internal customer with a dump problem. They want to use a SYSABEND DD to get a dump of a job that they have using above the bar storage (ATB). Well, I've looked in a few manuals (INIT TUNE, DIAG Tools Srvc, MVS Diag), and I can't find

Re: IPCS Rexx Exec w/ISPF TBDISPL Services Options

2008-08-23 Thread Robert Wright
Todd Burch wrote: snip When the user does select a line, (to drill into raw storage), I detect the table row selection and successfully call Address IPCS LIST ... from within the TBDISPL do while loop. Here's where the trouble starts. snip If you want each LIST subcommand treated as a

Re: IPCS Rexx Exec w/ISPF TBDISPL Services Options

2008-08-23 Thread Robert Wright
Todd Burch wrote: snip modaddr = some_variable_determined_above ; pgm.1 = /* rexx */ ; pgm.2 = Address IPCS LIST modaddr. LENGTH(256) ; pgm.0 = 2 ; Address TSO ALLOC F(TEMP) DA(CLIST.CLIST(TEMP)) SHR REUSE ; Address MVS EXECIO * DISKW TEMP (FINIS STEM pgm. ; Address ISPEXEC SELECT

Re: cbt

2008-08-04 Thread Robert Wright
Lizette Koehler wrote: I am not sure if the requestor is doing this for education or if there is something missing that other tools do not provide. I am thinking of the LKED Map or ISPF 3.4, etc. Plus I believe that there are several free products that can do similar functions. (PDS?)

Re: UR1 vs FIN

2008-06-16 Thread Robert Wright
Roger Bolan wrote: FIN means fixed in next, but this does not absolutely guarantee that there will be a next release. That's why you might have heard it as fixed IF next. It's generally used for certain kinds of changes that are only allowed to happen on a release boundary (like a


2008-05-28 Thread Robert Wright
Miklos Szigetvari wrote: Try to TERSE a 3 Gbyte input file, and got IKJ56245I , dynalloc error, not enough space on volume message, Can I control this ? See OA22765, an APAR closed as FIN because there currently is a circumvention. AMATERSE currently uses ddname TMPSPACE as an


2008-05-21 Thread Robert Wright
Gord Tomlin wrote: Apparently I'm a bit thick today, but I cannot seem to get the results I want from the IPCS RUNARRAY subcommand when combined with the CBFORMAT command. I have an array of control blocks in a dump, and I want to use a format model to display each element of the array. In a


2008-05-21 Thread Robert Wright
Robert Wright wrote: PROC 0 EVALSYM X CLIST(POSITION(P) LENGTH(L) HEXADECIMAL) CBFORMAT X+P POSITION(0) LENGTH(L.) MODEL(format-model-name) Of course the CLIST would work better if the CBFORMAT subcommand took into account that the length in variable L had been formatted using

Re: CTRACE writer peculiarity

2008-05-07 Thread Robert Wright
Richard Peurifoy wrote: I have not used wrap, so I don't have any experience with this. If I have some time, I will experiment. You didn't mention an option that was introduced for both CTRACE and GTF in z/OS V1R7, VSAM linear data sets with a 32K CISIZE. They can be used for either WRAP

Re: What is needed to run IPCS against 1.9 on 1.8?

2008-05-02 Thread Robert Wright
Binyamin Dissen wrote: I steplib to the 1.9 miglib and miglibe. What else is critical? In addition to the parmlib requirement mentioned by Charles Hardee, consider whether you will be interested in JES or other areas of the system where two or more instances may be installed. You'll need to

Re: IPCSs hidden qualities

2008-04-11 Thread Robert Wright
Barbara Nitz wrote: Speaking of IPCS's hidden qualities: A former colleague showed me an IPCS full command named SYSTRACW, which is NOT available to customers in the normal product (I checked). This looked suspiciously (if very much better)like my old rexx/verbx combinations that takes a

Re: IPCSs hidden qualities

2008-04-11 Thread Robert Wright
Shane wrote: Must be nice for Bob and his team to know where the product is going in the next few years, and be able plan whether to have code in place when it gets there. You paint a lovely picture. I wish I lived there Like you we know a lot of things that would be good to do, and we

Re: How to format the current linkage stack for a SLIP dump taken in SRB mode?

2008-04-08 Thread Robert Wright
Tom Harper wrote: They should be formatted out towards the top of the SUMMARY FORMAT REGS display. Minor correction REGS should be regs. The FORMAT option of the IPCS SUMMARY subcommand tolerates but ignores a REGS keyword as part of the invocation syntax. Formatting of registers is

Re: Help with TSO parsing?

2008-03-27 Thread Robert Wright
McKown, John wrote: sigh talking to myself and feeling old... I found the problem. I had a parse validation check routine which was returning an invalid return code, causing the PARSE to fail. You might think of removing explicit aliases DDN and DSN. IKJPARS will recognize them as

Re: DCF (was Re: System z10 announcement (in English))

2008-03-05 Thread Robert Wright
Edward Jaffe wrote: What software do they use? It's a mixture of internal tools and some commercially-available SGML workstation products. I don't think the details are confidential, but I don't know them beyond what I just said. I briefly looked into using the workbench some time ago.


2008-02-02 Thread Robert Wright
Wayne Driscoll wrote: Bob, thanks, but I guess I need to dig deeper into the REXX manuals. I haven't done a ton of REXX work in years, except for some IPCS stuff, and this one has me stumped. The token contains an address and other data. I was expecting that REXX(TOKEN(VAR)) would behave


2008-02-01 Thread Robert Wright
Wayne Driscoll wrote: Once again I find myself writing IPCS formatting execs. My application makes use of name/token pairs, and I am attempting to track down the contents. I know how to dig the contents out myself, but I would prefer to use the supported method, but I am having a problem. I

Re: TSO/REXX Does Not FREE Storage?

2008-01-31 Thread Robert Wright
Joe Denison wrote: I'm having an issue with REXX EXECs (interpreted, not compiled) that seem to *not* free storage after they terminate. Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced this? It would be helpful if you could go at least one step beyond what you reported here to

Re: AMATERSE available (was: TSO TRANSMIT ...)

2008-01-31 Thread Robert Wright
Paul Gilmartin wrote: On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:47:24 -0500, John Eells wrote: See APAR OA19194, which makes AMATERSE, alias TRSMAIN, available on z/OS R7 and up. That's all supported releases since R6 is out of service and AMATERSE is included in z/OS R9. The PTFs closed 4 November 2007. They

Re: AMATERSE available (was: TSO TRANSMIT ...)

2008-01-31 Thread Robert Wright
Mark Pace wrote: It was a surprise to me when I went looking for it on my freshly installed z/OS 1.9 system and it was not there. Check SYS1.MIGLIB. You should find AMATERSE there with its TRSMAIN alias. MIGLIB is forced into the linklist, so you have access to it without a need for a


2008-01-24 Thread Robert Wright
Jie J Zhang wrote: There is only one product named HLASM Toolkit in the z/OS V1.9, which is chargeable. If I want to use HLASM only, do I need to order the toolkit? Or HLASM is included in z/OS V1.9, HLASM toolkit is totally a different product from HLASM. John Eells already responded

Re: IPCS in batch

2008-01-21 Thread Robert Wright
Frank Chu wrote: We have a batch job that's worked reliably for the last 7 or 8 years that's stopped working when we moved to zOS 1.9 from zOS 1.8. For some reason that I can't figure out, BLSCPRNT CURRENT is not processing any more. Other parameter for BLSCPRNT works, just CURRENT is


2008-01-10 Thread Robert Wright
Miklos Szigetvari wrote: To gather trace data from an application I can select GTF or CTRACE to write external trace data From the speed and overhead which is the better choise ? Apologies to those of you seeing this twice. I responded first to my local newsgroup feed. I agree with

Re: Dynamic panels - calling rexx?

2008-01-03 Thread Robert Wright
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I recently posted this Bob Wright was good enough to respond to, giving examples of dynamic panels in SYS1.SBLSPNL0 members BLSPDISD and BLSPDISP


2007-12-04 Thread Robert Wright
David Day wrote: Based upon a fairly recent discussion here on IBM-Main, I've changed my code to now use CSVINFO(as opposed to using LPDE's) to identify modules in the PLPA. The macro is coded CSVINFO FUNC=LPA,ENV=MVS. My MIPR routine is getting called with a MODI data for both alias and


2007-12-04 Thread Robert Wright
David Day wrote: It doesn't on my system. Bit is not set in the MODI data area returned. - Original Message - From: Robert Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] Newsgroups: To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 2:34 PM Subject: Re: Using CSVINFO See

Re: NCP Dump DCB

2007-11-19 Thread Robert Wright
Patrick O'Keefe wrote: On Mon, 19 Nov 2007 08:52:37 -0600, Richard Pinion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ...Can anyone tell me the DCB attributes for the data set that would accept an NCP Dump. ... Ours, allocated in 1997, is RECFM=FBS,LRECL=2048,BLKSIZE=2048. That is obviously a pretty poor

Re: Dynamic ISPF panels?

2007-10-24 Thread Robert Wright
Cloink wrote: My company is soon to move away from something called Roscoe which has a programming facility similar to ISPF/CLIST/REXX in TSO. In Roscoe, 'on the fly'/dynamic panel definitions can be created to display output and/or accept user input; these are especially useful when

Re: IPCS CBF question

2007-10-16 Thread Robert Wright
al chu wrote: I am learning IPCS and formating a control block using the model in IPCS. I wrote a model using BLSQMDEF and BLSQMFLD, and compiled linkedited it. The command CBF xxx MODEL(MODyyy) works fine. Most of fields look good and readable. However some fields are a double word STCK

Re: IPCS L command returns KEY(??)

2007-10-02 Thread Robert Wright
al chu wrote: Does anyone know what KEY(??) means in the output of LIST command. I have the following output LIST 8BD000. ASID(X'0288') LENGTH(X'30') AREA ASID(X'0288') ADDRESS(8BD000.) KEY(??) 008BD000 LENGTH(X'30')==All bytes contain X'00' KEY(??) means that the dump records contained

Re: Anybody have an IPCS clist to disassemble?

2007-08-02 Thread Robert Wright
Binyamin Dissen wrote on 2007-08-02 17:17:40: Anybody have an IPCS clist to disassemble? Starting with z/OS V1R7 that should not be needed. IPCS added support for an INSTRUCTION data type and companion support in the LIST subcommand to format small blocks of instructions. Bob Wright - MVS

Re: Batch IPCS CTRACE commands

2007-07-26 Thread Robert Wright
Tom Schmidt wrote on 2007-07-26 15:09:39: I can't find BLSCBSUQ in the standard documentation either, but a google search revealed it from an old IBM Redbook (Interoperability Between VSE DL/I and OS/390 IMS DBCTL). BLSCBSUQ is a CLIST that is shipped in support of IPCS dialog option 5.4,

Re: RCFs (was Valid hexadecimal (was: EBCDIC to HEX translation in Assembler?))

2007-07-25 Thread Robert Wright
Peter Relson wrote on 2007-07-25 07:39:42: snip Ugghh. The z/OS MVS books (i.e., the ones I am involved with) all have a page at the end Readers' Comments -- We'd Like to Hear from You. I'm not sure why there is no electronic mechanism. I'll inquire. But that is not consistent across the

Re: RCFs (was Valid hexadecimal (was: EBCDIC to HEX translation in Assembler?))

2007-07-25 Thread Robert Wright
I wrote on 2007-07-25 08:19:01: I found the following in the front matter of several books from the z/OS MVS bookshelf: -- IBM welcomes your comments. A form for readers’ comments may be provided at the back of this document, or you may address your comments to the following

Re: IPCS Question(s)

2007-07-20 Thread Robert Wright
Charles Hardee wrote on 2007-07-20 08:22:06: Thanks for the info Bob. Unfortunately, this is a report currently being produced via code from a CLIST. I'm not sure I want to add much code to it, however, as the CLISTs are in the process of being converted to REX EXECs. In any case, your info

Re: IPCS Question(s)

2007-07-20 Thread Robert Wright
Charles Hardee wrote on 2007-07-20 10:16:57: What about simply another internal variable, similar to say, TITLE. One could then code For Page: EVAL PAGENUM CLIST|REXX(STO(variable_name)) For Line: EVAL LINENUM CLIST|REXX(STO(variable_name)) I mean, if one could dream and hope, I would

Re: IPCS Question(s)

2007-07-19 Thread Robert Wright
Charles Hardee wrote on 2007-07-19 13:04:29: Does anyone know if there is a means of finding our what page and/or line on a page one is in when running IPCS in batch and producing a report using REXX or CLIST commands? Yes, look at BLSABDPL in maclib. It contains the following: ADPLLNCT DC

Re: IPCS Question(s)

2007-07-19 Thread Robert Wright
Kenneth Tomiak wrote on 2007-07-19 19:26:00: snip I have not found a variable accessible to REXX or CLIST code to tell you a current page or line location. You mention 'producing a report'. Who is producing the report? If your code, you count it in your variable. In the IPCSIVP I have that

Re: Utility to print tracks

2007-07-01 Thread Robert Wright
Clark Morris wrote on 2007-07-01 18:58:35: FDRDSF can print any track on a volume, by cylinder and head (or range) Of course this facility should be highly restricted since this probably bypasses all dataset access checking. This comment would apply to the other programs mentioned as well.

Re: Utility to print tracks

2007-06-29 Thread Robert Wright
Rick Fochtman wrote on 2007-06-29 12:11:01: --snip- AMASPZAP opens the SYSLIB dataset with a DCB, not an ACB, so it can't open a VSAM dataset. z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids disagrees: In addition, SPZAP can be used to inspect and

Re: Utility to print tracks

2007-06-28 Thread Robert Wright
Rick Fochtman wrote on 2007-06-28 12:21:14: AMASPZAP opens the SYSLIB dataset with a DCB, not an ACB, so it can't open a VSAM dataset. z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids disagrees: In addition, SPZAP can be used to inspect and modify data other than executable programs. Examples of

Re: Utility to print tracks

2007-06-27 Thread Robert Wright
Mark Zelden wrote on 2007-06-27 09:36:19: Can you provide an example or more detail please of how to do this with IPCS? OK, here's output from a session that I cranked up a few moments ago: setd dsn('rlw.saveddir') local IPCS open dsn IKJ56650I TIME-10:33:16 AM. CPU-00:00:01 SERVICE-36182864

Re: Utility to print tracks

2007-06-26 Thread Robert Wright
Alan Schwartz wrote on 2007-06-26 17:59:53: I'm scratching at some dead brain cells. I'm thinking there was some utility, IBM or ISV, I had at some point that I could supply a TTR address for some volume and print what was at that address. Does this ring a bell with anyone? If your search

Re: Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Wright
Dave Cole wrote on 2007-06-25 14:45:28: Is there a way (an API or a cblock field) by which a program an find out the local time of the last IPL? Check out IHAIPA in MACLIB. Field IPAICTOD may give you what you want. It's the value that you'll see as IPL time when you use IPCS subcommand

Re: How to measure actual usage of BLSR buffers?

2007-05-09 Thread Robert Wright
Darren Gavin wrote on 2007-05-09 16:44:48: Far as I know there is no way to get actual usage statistics from any kind of buffering (zOS, VSAM(AMP), LSR, GSR, BLSR or IMS LSR's) unless it's a 3rd party product. Check out SHOWCB ACB and the information that it makes available. Of course, that

Re: SVCDUMP vs. SYSMDUMP (was SP230?)

2007-04-19 Thread Robert Wright
Pat O'Keefe wrote on 2007-04-19 15:05:53: On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 19:54:55 -0400, Craddock, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... You would have to look at the allocated areas within the address space to see if there's any indication of who the real culprit is. You can't get that from anything


2007-04-13 Thread Robert Wright
Charles (Chuck) Hardee wrote on 2007-04-13 08:50:29: Does anyone know if a REXX EXEC can be compiled and linked into a load module and then executed within an IPCS session? No, the compiled REXX load module format bumps into the logic within the IPCS monitor that allows you to intermingle TSO

Re: IPCS Questions (two)

2007-03-21 Thread Robert Wright
John Ticic wrote on 03/21/2007 04:30:44 AM: Bob, I took a look at the IPCS manuals to get an update on some of the new features. Good stuff! I couldn't find any information on the INSTRUCTION data type, but I tried it anyway on the pointer panel. Typing INSTRUCTION in the data area field

Re: IPCS Questions (two)

2007-03-20 Thread Robert Wright
Charles Hardee wrote on 03/20/2007 12:31:45 PM: I have two questions regarding IPSC. 1) From within an IPCS oriented CLIST or REXX Exec, is there a way to determine what IPCS level one is executing under? No. You can glean a lot of information about the dump being processed by looking

Re: AMASPZAP doesn't work

2007-02-12 Thread Robert Wright
Tommy Tsui wrote on 2007-02-12 04:25:28: After we migrate to z/os 1.7. ASMSPZAP does not work. Anyone knows why? It only shows SYSLIB I/O ERROR. I have checked the blocksize and dataset organisation. All definition seems correct. //FAMVSZAP EXEC PGM=AMASPZAP //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*

Re: Question about SVC 109

2006-12-21 Thread Robert Wright
Lindy Mayfield wrote on 12/21/2006 15:13:04: Can someone please tell me if I have gotten this right? (: SVC's are numbered from 0 to 255. From 0 to 199 are reserved for IBM use. SVC 109 is basically an SVC that can call an SVC from 0 to 255, and again IBM has reserved 0 - 199 for their

Re: Using DUMP command with the REMOTE option?

2006-12-19 Thread Robert Wright
Mark Zelden wrote on 12/19/2006 11:17:47: On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 06:39:19 -0800, Mark T. Regan, K8MTR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip So, I was wondering if that can be done using the REMOTE= along with the SYSLIST= option? Yes And in my case, the JOBNAME on system 1 would be TCPIP1, while on


2006-12-19 Thread Robert Wright
Steve Thompson wrote on 12/19/2006 12:13:11: I'm working on a little problem. I have an SVCDUMP that contains more than one address space. I have a LARGE exec library for diagnosing various things. =20 The problem is, I just can't seem to establish the ASID to be used for addresses, C/Bs,

Re: How too calculate DASD requirements for SAD?

2006-11-02 Thread Robert Wright
Kees Vernooy wrote on 11/02/2006 10:06:26 AM: SAD has been optimized in the past to dump only what is needed, but you must count on a substantial part of CS plus what it needs from the page datasets. I would suggest at least 20 GB in your situation. There are also several options to speed up

Re: REFR -- Real Intent v. Actual Use?

2006-10-25 Thread Robert Wright
Steve Thompson wrote on 10/25/2006 10:44:18 AM: REFR as an attribute, does this also imply that the code is self-relocating so that if the code is reloaded at a different place, it is still able to continue execution (of the task in flight)? So PRE DAT days, this would be an overlay type

Re: Question on setting a storge alteration slip trap to take an SVC dump

2006-10-23 Thread Robert Wright
David Day wrote on 10/23/2006 01:00:09 PM: Since this is not an error situation, in the sense that there is an SDWA and such to be recorded and RTM2 area to look at, what do I tell the slip process to record such that I can go to the dump, and easily identify the task and PSW that is walking

Re: Command to clear Sysplex Dump Directory??

2006-09-26 Thread Robert Wright
If you defined your directory with the REUSE option, the IPCSDDIR TSO command with that option will do what you want. R.L. (Bob) Wright, z/OS MVS Service Aids, R4GA, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Wright/Poughkeepsie/IBM @ IBMUS (notes to notes) IBMUS(RLW) (host to notes), PLPSC.RLW (MVS) or S390VM.RLW

Re: SVC Dumps and DB2

2006-08-08 Thread Robert Wright
Lizett Koehler wrote on 08/08/2006 04:02:23 PM: Will look at Compressed to see if it could provide any releif. We have a large inventory of compressed dumps in Poughkeepsie, and our experience suggests that you'll save around 40% of the space that you'd use without compression. Bob Wright -


2006-07-14 Thread Robert Wright
Peter Relson wrote on 07/14/2006 07:27:21 AM: Here's an example from the TCB formatter, for the 3 bytes at offset x'AD'. I'm not sure if it conforms to Bob Wright's recommendations, as it is quite old. When in doubt, follow Bob's advice! BLSQMFLD


2006-07-13 Thread Robert Wright
Tom Harper wrote on 07/13/2006 08:54:40 AM: Got a question for a colleague about the IPCS macro BLSQMDEF, which is used for making control block models. I understand most parameters of the macro, with the exception of interpreting bits in a flag byte. The only way I know to make this work is

Re: extract SVCDUMP from SADMP

2006-06-28 Thread Robert Wright
Barbara Nitz wrote on 06/28/2006 05:24:31 AM: use IPCS COPYCAPD. (It took me a while to find the current name, but thanks to Bob Wright Jim Mulders former verbx dmpwrite made it into IPCS as a standard command, and we don't even need to think about 31 and 64 bit versions!) You do, however,

Re: GTF Woes

2006-06-14 Thread Robert Wright
Peter Hunkeler wrote on 06/14/2006 08:09:32 AM: While being correct, it is highly missleading. The first two sentences of the Explanation as well as the System Programmer Response talk about a missing DD statement, not about attributes. So does the message text. Why not say the data set has

Re: Long IPCS subcommands in batch

2006-06-14 Thread Robert Wright
Pat O'Keefe wrote on 06/14/2006 07:19:02 PM: Does anyone have an example of a batch IPCS job that processes long (greater than 80 characters) IPCS subcommands? If so, would you be willing to share it? I know the the IPCS ISPF diaglog supports long subcommands, but I haven't figured out

Re: GTF Woes

2006-06-13 Thread Robert Wright
John Chase wrote on 06/13/2006 11:51:07 AM: When I deleted SYS1.GTFTRACE and changed the JCL to allocate a new one (DISP=(,CATLG)), it worked fine. Didn't know that GTF doesn't support preallocated dataset for output any more, because ISTR that it used to. Oh, the old GTFTRACE dataset was

Re: GTF Woes

2006-06-13 Thread Robert Wright
Edward Jaffe wrote on 06/13/2006 06:18:52 PM: As implemented right now in z/OS, PER is system wide and not changed when address space switching occurs (though that should be technically feasible). But, what's to stop multiple GTFs in z/OS 1.6 and higher from processing a single PER event?

Re: GTF Woes

2006-06-13 Thread Robert Wright
Ted MacNeil wrote on 06/12/2006 08:00:00 PM: I'm a little curious about this one. I was told (over 20 years ago) that, due to architectural constraints, only one instance of the monitor instruction could run. I had a few times (same era -- I haven't been involved with GTF in over 15 years)

Re: GTF Woes

2006-06-13 Thread Robert Wright
Ted MacNeil wrote on 06/12/2006 08:00:00 PM: Mind you, as I've said, I haven't been directly involved in GTF in over 15 years. Of course, if you could allow the output dsn to go intO extents and not wrap? We've done better than that. VSAM linear data sets are now supported. That means you

Re: TRSMAIN as a base component (was How-to read a tersed file directly from USS?)

2006-06-12 Thread Robert Wright
Rob Schramm wrote on 06/12/2006 01:01:56 PM: I hadn't intended my comment to be just rhetoric. I was just picking up on the ...SUPPORTED AT THIS TIME.. part of the message. I had fallen into a bit of a quandary with TRSMAIN. Do we support it for other off-the-shelf software (i.e. cobol)?

Re: IPCS Clist Evaluate command and character strings

2006-06-02 Thread Robert Wright
Wayne Driscoll wrote on 06/01/2006 09:24:31 PM: I am writing a number of IPCS clists and and I have a question about the EVALUATE command. I am using the command to extract a character string from the dump for use in a NOTE command. However, the character string contains mixed case data,

Re: Determining what, if any, dataspaces are in a dump

2006-05-09 Thread Robert Wright
Wayne Driscoll wrote on 05/09/2006 12:32:30 PM: I have an SVC dump taken on a z/OS system, with the DSPLIST parm on the SDUMPX macro. The parm specified the current asid, with an * for the dataspace name. How do I determine what dataspaces have been dumped? If you're interested in what

Re: Determining what, if any, dataspaces are in a dump

2006-05-09 Thread Robert Wright
Wayne Driscoll wrote on 05/09/2006 01:10:41 PM: If I know, 1 - that the address spaced owned dataspaces, and 2 - that the DSPLIST was coded on the dump, why wouldn't there be any dataspaces dumped? This is on z/OS 1.7, and the DSPLIST field is NOT in common storage (according to Peter Relson,

Re: z/OS 1.8 (pre) announcement

2006-02-28 Thread Robert Wright
Jon Brock wrote on 02/28/2006 09:23:41 AM: Depends on exactly what simplifying has been done; it needn't necessarily equate to dumbing down. OTOH, including the phrase for the new generation of IT professionals has started alarm bells ringing in my head. It shouldn't. It is talking about


2006-01-25 Thread Robert Wright
Barbara Nitz wrote on 01/25/2006 01:40:23 AM: IPCS won't necessarily think about the WHOLE data space, just enough locations adjacent to the final byte in the space to fill the screen on the storage panel. Smart code processing data spaces notices such things as invalid segments in a data


2006-01-24 Thread Robert Wright
Todd Burch wrote on 01/23/2006 07:15:01 PM: Woe to those who hit PF8 and advance into unused DATASPACE storage. Is there an option in IPCS Browse to overcome the HANG (X CLOCK) situation when paging into the unused portion of a 2G dataspace dump? I just tried DOWN MAX against several of the


2006-01-24 Thread Robert Wright
Barbara Nitz wrote on 01/24/2006 02:50:20 AM: if you do a max PF8 while browsing, AFAIK you're out of luck. IPCS is going to read the whole dataspace, all 2GB of it, if you're unlucky. (Or all of the 64bit address space, for that matter.) IPCS won't necessarily think about the WHOLE data

Re: IPCS Batch on ACTIVE ?

2006-01-19 Thread Robert Wright
Cwi Jeret wrote on 01/19/2006 02:45:58 AM: U want to submit an IPCS Batch Job on the TSO ACTIVE storage rather than on a DUMP DataSet, like I do on the Source entry on the IPCS Defaults panel of the Online Dialog . How do I have to change my following JOB ? //IPCS EXEC

Re: IPCS Standard Print Service

2006-01-19 Thread Robert Wright
Todd Burch wrote on 01/16/2006 03:09:36 PM: Here is perhaps the smallest verb exit I've ever written to demonstrate the blank lines at the top of the IPCS print dataset. There are three blank lines at the top. How do I access these? When I write a REXX routine that call the NOTE command,

Re: IPCS question

2006-01-18 Thread Robert Wright
Barbara Nitz wrote on 01/18/2006 01:20:07 AM: snip it will always tell you the storage key, even for summary dump data (that AFAIR SDUMP doesn't collect storage keys for). While the provision remains for SADMP and SDUMP to indicate I don't know the storage key in dump records, storage keys

Re: IKJ56876I

2006-01-17 Thread Robert Wright
Brian Peterson wrote on 01/17/2006 10:48:40 AM: In this context, I believe that the in-use and not-in-use references are referring to allocations which have been marked not-in-use using the DAIR interface. This interface is documented in TSO/E Programming Services topic Marking

Re: IKJ56876I

2006-01-17 Thread Robert Wright
Paul Gilmartin wrote on 01/17/2006 12:29:07 PM: In a recent note, Robert Wright said: it can by-pass catalog lookup if the requestor uses a combination of DYNALLOC keys implying acceptance of ddname reuse. You'll find a list of keys that prevent such ddname reuse as part of DYNALLOC

Re: IPCS question.

2006-01-16 Thread Robert Wright
John McKown wrote on 01/16/2006 10:06:47 AM: Is there an **EASY** way to give IPCS an address and have it tell me: (1) the storage key and (2) whether it is fetch protected? The easiest way that I know is to use the LIST subcommand together with the DISPLAY(MACHINE) option, e.g. list 12345.

Re: IPCS Format Models

2006-01-07 Thread Robert Wright
Wayne Driscoll wrote on 01/07/2006 04:01:51 PM: Thanks for your response. I looked at the BLSQMDEF macro, and I have the CBLEN field coded, and looking at the expansion, I see the length being generated at offset x'18' into the area generated by the CBLEN field, but as you say if I issue a

Re: IBM Mainframe DSLIST to Dataset w/ Wildcards?

2006-01-06 Thread Robert Wright
Howard Brazee wrote on 01/06/2006 13:53:57: I'm passing on this question (with permission from Doc Dwarf) that I expect a Rexx expert will come up with the best solution [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in comp.lang.cobol: [OT] IBM Mainframe DSLIST to Dataset w/ Wildcards? All righty... here's

Re: IPCS Format Models

2005-12-30 Thread Robert Wright
Wayne Driscoll wrote on 12/30/2005 01:06:35 PM: I am starting to write IPCS format models for a number of our internal control blocks, but I am having problems with one of them. For one of the models, I always get just the first 4 bytes (the eyecatcher) formatted, followed by message Control

Re: IPCS Standard Print Service

2005-12-24 Thread Robert Wright
Todd Burch wrote on 12/24/2005 09:46:29 AM: I've written some routines (in assembler) to access IPCS dump data using the IPCS Customization Services. I had written the same routines before in REXX, but slowness of REXX made the pain too great to bear any more. So, now I am a happy camper

Re: IPCS Standard Print Service

2005-12-24 Thread Robert Wright
Ann Lynn Wheeler wrote on 12/24/2005 11:00:30 AM: can you say dumprx very early, when it was still rex ... and long before it was released as a product ... I wanted to do a demonstration that rex was more than just another command scripting

Re: IPCS Standard Print Service

2005-12-24 Thread Robert Wright
Todd Burch wrote on 12/24/2005 11:04:08 AM: The first 5 lines that come out in my print file are empty (all blank). I've read further after your reply but it's not apparent which service I can use to cause ANY title lines (mine - not that I've defined any, or IPCS's title lines) to come out.

Re: Converting TOD to Local Time

2005-12-13 Thread Robert Wright
IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU wrote on 12/13/2005 07:07:18 AM: We are using an Assembler program to analyse SMF output records of CICS transactions. The timestamps in the CICS SMF records are in TOD format. In order to get a readable timestamp we are using the STKCONV

Re: ISPF PROFILE Question.

2005-11-04 Thread Robert Wright
Howard Rifkind wrote on 11/04/2005 11:31:03 AM: Sorry I forgot how to change the profile in ISPF ... the part where I can change PF key meanings like retrieve etc. Do two things: 1. Get into the application where you want to see/alter the definitions of the program function keys. Each


2005-10-24 Thread Robert Wright
and DCB attributes set to RECFM=FBS, LRECL=4140, and BLKSIZE=4160. R.L. (Bob) Wright, z/OS MVS Service Aids, R4GA, 708-1F30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Wright/Poughkeepsie/IBM @ IBMUS (notes to notes) IBMUS(RLW) (host to notes), PLPSC.RLW (MVS) or S390VM.RLW (VM) Jerry Ragland wrote on 10/24/2005 01


2005-10-05 Thread Robert Wright
DanD wrote on 10/05/2005 12:20:43 PM: I was wondering if anyone has used the ADPLSMAP IPCS service routine to map a dataspace? Any code samples would be welcome. Can you expand on the phrase map a dataspace? In my mind I'm hearing it meaning the following: 1. Somehow you or your program

Re: DAE Question

2005-09-29 Thread Robert Wright
Dean Montevago wrote on 09/29/2005 03:35:56 PM: I'm in IPCS looking at DAE data. I want to know what the * next to the Date of the DUMP means. I did a help and the last line starts to explain it, but I can't figure out how to advance to the next page. I've tried everything I could think of


2005-09-27 Thread Robert Wright
Barbara Nitz wrote on 09/27/2005 01:05:50 AM: Several comments on this: First to Bob - thanks for the explanation. That explains why I get three responses when I ask ip w for the cvtexit address. (Or why IPCS tells me that an ASCB address is an ASCB.) Shane, I don't think that IBM is


2005-09-26 Thread Robert Wright
Barbara Nitz wrote on 09/26/2005 07:13:24 AM: Some have suggested that we add an option to WHERE, filtering based on data type. The most common filter that has been proposed is a MODULE data type filter. It would be interesting to hear opinions on this suggestion from regular IBM-MAIN


2005-09-26 Thread Robert Wright
Shane wrote on 09/26/2005 08:39:00 AM: Now Bob, about some decent IPCS support for those GFS traces ... Other than generic support in service aids components, I think that all GFS trace data collection and formatting support is shipped via the VSM component. Did you have something in mind that


2005-09-25 Thread Robert Wright
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz wrote on 09/22/2005 01:58:42 PM: If WHERE uses TPUT directly then you can still capture the output if you run under Session Manager. You'll need a special logon proc. Apologies for not being clearer in my previous response. I should not have used level and service


2005-09-23 Thread Robert Wright
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz wrote on 09/22/2005 01:58:42 PM: If WHERE uses TPUT directly then you can still capture the output if you run under Session Manager. You'll need a special logon proc. You're one level of service off. WHERE and the rest of line mode IPCS use TSO I/O service routines

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