Re: CICS and z/VM

2010-06-23 Thread Alan Altmark
product (hey, it used SFS!) and at that time I still remembered how to write CICS applications. Those brain cells have since been archived. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: RSCS in the base VM

2010-06-23 Thread Alan Altmark
and tells you what functions are available to you: Async LPR, LPD, and TN3270E printers. It's the same on all releases of RSCS, whether the old stand-alone product or the z/VM feature. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-06-22 Thread Alan Altmark
has a fast search with reasonably current content.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Query parent z/VM commands?

2010-06-22 Thread Alan Altmark
the system id of the underlying VM system(s). Whether you can use the former in place of the latter depends entirely upon what you are trying to accomplish and what naming conventions you have established. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Issuing VM commands from z/OS...

2010-06-22 Thread Alan Altmark
System REXX. Don't forget TLS/SSL + userid + password. If user is validated, then issue the FOR command and send the response back. The good news is that if you have RACF on both z/OS and z/VM, you can generate a PassTicket on the z/OS side and use it to authenticate on z/VM. Alan Altmark z

Re: DIRMAINT /RACF adduser error

2010-06-22 Thread Alan Altmark
that the MDISKs are on the correct RDEVs on the 2nd level system. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Getting ftps to work

2010-06-18 Thread Alan Altmark
for SSLSERV. If the self-signed certificate is not marked as being valid for key signing, then the certificate must be marked as trusted in the VM database. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: what is a 'full pack' minidisk?

2010-06-18 Thread Alan Altmark
. If there isn't a VMer on the other end of the conversation, you're going to explain it no matter what you say! :-) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Getting ftps to work

2010-06-18 Thread Alan Altmark
) and open a PMR. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Procedures to dynamically add a page volume - was: PGT004 MESSAGE

2010-06-17 Thread Alan Altmark
the books enhanced. Posting here is great to get a consensus, but then complete the circle and feed it back to IBM. Be sure to include suggestions on where to place pointers to it. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Test Return Code using FTP under VM/CMS

2010-06-16 Thread Alan Altmark
and give a non-zero return code. You will probably want to use MAKEBUF / DROPBUF to ensure that you throw away anything in the stack that FTP did not consume. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: I hate to ask -- VM passwords authenticated against AD?

2010-06-16 Thread Alan Altmark
the requirement levied against the various ESMs to provide this function since that's where it logically belongs. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: I hate to ask -- VM passwords authenticated against AD?

2010-06-16 Thread Alan Altmark
. If the complaint is that ESMs are too hard to install and/or configure, then people who feel that way should open requirements. Neither IBM nor CA need changes in the published CP-ESM interfaces to address such requirements. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: I hate to ask -- VM passwords authenticated against AD?

2010-06-15 Thread Alan Altmark
then you have to write your own ESM. That isn't, of course, free by any stretch of the imagination! Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Question about XEDIT

2010-06-10 Thread Alan Altmark
. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-09 Thread Alan Altmark
of the victim. I'm not aware of any actions an unprivileged user can take to coerce another virtual machine to do something it has not been [pre-]configured to do. (This is claim #3 of the z/VM Integrity Statement.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: How to determine if a particular fix is applied

2010-06-03 Thread Alan Altmark
, to no avail. Every time we ask, Do you want CP QUERY APAR or do you want Live Guest Relocation? people glare at us through narrowed eyes, stick out their tongues, and then say LGR. Duh. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: OpenSystems FBA question

2010-06-03 Thread Alan Altmark
on an OSA chpid shared across 8 LPARs, you will use 8 x 32 = 256 subchannels on that OSA. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: VM 6.1 1st level install from FTP?

2010-06-02 Thread Alan Altmark
, VM doesn't know (or care) that the data is coming from an FTP server. The Appendix H or thereabouts of the HMC book contains information on how to configure the mass storage device to use a remote FTP server. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread Alan Altmark
an idle virtual machine. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread Alan Altmark
are the admins and SVMs, none of whom should be logged off (IMO). (I might buy FORCE DISC, but not logoff.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread Alan Altmark
appropriate to the specific application. (Some apps access more sensitive data than others.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated Logoff of CMS user

2010-06-01 Thread Alan Altmark
to disconnect the session from the virtual machine accomplishes the same thing, but it's rather heavy handed. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Query parent z/VM commands?

2010-06-01 Thread Alan Altmark
to get such metadata unless you're using something like CIM which maintains the relationship of guest to host as well as a litany of instance attributes. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Query parent z/VM commands?

2010-05-31 Thread Alan Altmark
]...]. System_Identifer is an attribute of the VM system, but it isn't a unique locator. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: DFSMS install

2010-05-27 Thread Alan Altmark
(remembering that the volumes are not necessarily available to DIRECTXA when it is being run). Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Linemode connection instead of 3270.

2010-05-26 Thread Alan Altmark
terminals can't DIAL, there's no provision in the exit to let you issue a command. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Strange behaviour.

2010-05-26 Thread Alan Altmark
you couldn't IPL an NSS. Certainly you should check the HMC for hardware messages. It likely called home. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Strange behaviour.

2010-05-26 Thread Alan Altmark
get this if CP cannot page in guest page 0 or 1 in order to store PSWs and logout data in order to present said machine check. I do wish CP was just a tad more specific than simply system malfunction. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Linemode connection instead of 3270.

2010-05-26 Thread Alan Altmark
because the negotiation to TN3270E has failed in some way. I've checked my configuration on both VM systems which are both using CMS SSL and can't see what I have missed? You'll need to run an emulator trace to see what's happening. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: CA VM:Director

2010-05-25 Thread Alan Altmark
), lighting of candles or low wattage flourescent lamps, ending with a proper chant. Amen. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: IFL Problem

2010-05-25 Thread Alan Altmark

Re: OS390 Guests using GRS and Sharing DASD with virtual RESERVE/RELEASE under z/VM

2010-05-24 Thread Alan Altmark
containg checkpoint dataset. The message said the volume containing checkpoint dataset is not shared. Without the V, the RESERVE macro issued by JES fails. Caveat: I am not a z/OS or GRS expert. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Abort of DASD Fast CCW translation

2010-05-24 Thread Alan Altmark
nervous. (Emergency scan anyone? It should really be Scan 3.) IIRC, having hw RESERVEs on the dasd will prevent use of fast ccw trans. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-05-18 Thread Alan Altmark
On Monday, 05/17/2010 at 06:00 EDT, Schuh, Richard wrote: Is the 5000 socket limit for a user of RXSOCKET architectural or arbitrary? If arbitrary, will it be am major effort to increase it to something in the 12-16K range? And is increasing it something that the customer


2010-05-18 Thread Alan Altmark
and they lose. I concur with Chuckie that only DMSRXV depends on the 5000 maximum (MAX_DESC and dependent control block SELPLIST). While reassembling RXS and RXU won't hurt, it isn't necessary. OTOH, since such a change isn't supported by IBM, I feel I have the luxury to be wrong. :-) Alan Altmark z/VM

Re: Why don't I see HCP403I messages?

2010-05-07 Thread Alan Altmark
. First check with EMC to ensure that it's an architected code. If so, with EREP report in hand, talk to the Support Center about it. And to answer your earlier question, I don't think guests receive SIMs. Those are CU-generated messages that indicate a real resource problem. Alan Altmark z/VM

Re: DDR Back-up with verifying Tape label

2010-05-04 Thread Alan Altmark
On Tuesday, 05/04/2010 at 02:19 EST, TaeMin Baek wrote: i don't have tape operation manager. Is there any way to verify TAPE LABEL during DDR Backup to prevent operator not inserting worng tape? If you mean the volser of the tape, no. DDR uses unlabeled tapes. Alan

Re: Hipersockets between z/VM LPARS and z/Linux guests running on the LPARS

2010-04-30 Thread Alan Altmark
filter are not the same. A host may have a resident IPS/IDS solution, but it isn't a firewall. Firewalls are stand-alone devices. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: NFS mount point display

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Altmark
defined to NFS on VM. Is there a way to prevent these mount points from being displayed when showmount is issued? Specify DUMPMOUNT NO in the VMNFS CONFIG file. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: NFS mount point display

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Altmark
previously mounted. Specify EXPORTONLY YES. That said, I could be persuaded that when DUMPMOUNT NO is specified, the export lists consists only of those items in the EXPORT list, if any. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Hipersockets between z/VM LPARS and z/Linux guests running on the LPARS

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Altmark
with the network security folks. It is unlikely that they will permit an app server and a db server to be in the same security zone (i.e. connected without a firewall). But, either way, it's their call. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: SSL On z/VM - how to get started

2010-04-22 Thread Alan Altmark
), you won't have any problem. Trying to manage something you don't know about is much more difficult. :-) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Question About Read console output under REXX

2010-04-22 Thread Alan Altmark
again, I would have built a VTAM MODULE that runs in CMS, connecting to the VTAMOP application in VTAM via IUCV (instead of using SMSG/MSGNOH) and then I could have just PIPEd the output without any need for WAKEUP. Ah, well, it was uphill both ways in the snow back then. :-) Alan Altmark z/VM

Re: SSL On z/VM - how to get started

2010-04-21 Thread Alan Altmark
on z/OS will be helpful. Please note that you need an APAR. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: shopzseries

2010-04-12 Thread Alan Altmark
regarding shopzseries, I just want to log on, get the RSU I need so I can do my job. Call again. When you get to Level 2, tell them what happened. If they can't deal with it, ask to speak to the Duty Manager. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: IPL VM guest to virtual SYSG?

2010-04-09 Thread Alan Altmark
. There is a limit to the amount of data the integrated 3270 can deal with and you will have noticed that the HMC's 3270 emulator is, uh, somewhat lacking in the flexibility department. But I would still open a PMR. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Missing interrupt on FCP SAN device

2010-04-06 Thread Alan Altmark
it in. Thanks. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Standalone DDR hardware assigns question

2010-04-05 Thread Alan Altmark
, you will have to manually take them offline from MVS before you run DDR. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: HiperSocket UCBs

2010-04-05 Thread Alan Altmark
using VLANs. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: HiperSocket UCBs

2010-04-05 Thread Alan Altmark
attachment of HiperSockets. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: HiperSocket UCBs

2010-04-05 Thread Alan Altmark
guest. z/OS needs only 3 addresses per HiperSocket chpid, so I don't understand why adding more guests to existing chpids is creating a z/OS problem. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: HiperSocket UCBs

2010-04-05 Thread Alan Altmark
that the z10 allows for more HiperSocket UCBs so maybe this will be a non issue with the z10. I am still trying to nail this down. z9 and z10 are the same, both having 16 HiperSocket chpids. When in doubt, check the Machine Limits appendix in the IOCP book. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: acm/vmware

2010-04-02 Thread Alan Altmark
BladeCenter.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: ACM award - they deserve it....

2010-04-01 Thread Alan Altmark
in a particular trade or service mark, whether by itself (stylized) or in combination with something else (stylized or typewritten). In that case it doesn't matter what VM means; it's just a pair of glyphs. Searching for VM in the USPTO database nicely illustrates the point. Alan Altmark z/VM

Re: OSAExpress3

2010-04-01 Thread Alan Altmark
the port number by the PORTNUMBER parameter on the DEVICE statement. Use one triplet for PORTNUMBER 0 and the other triplet for PORTNUMBER 1. As I've said before, PORTNAMEs have no use or meaning in z/VM and Linux. Only z/OS cares. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-03-31 Thread Alan Altmark
On Wednesday, 03/31/2010 at 02:22 EDT, Les Koehler wrote: Couldn't your ESM just be a NOP program, just for such situations? For various values of NOP, yes. Look at Appendix D of the z/OS RACROUTE Reference. (Works the same way on z/VM.) Alan Altmark z/VM

Re: Interrupting a looping exec on OSA ICC

2010-03-31 Thread Alan Altmark
.) But ... does PCOMM not have an immediate PA1? (I'm not used to an ATTN sequence for PA1.) You wouldn't get the trace, but you'd get control. There's also the trick, I think I learned from Alan Altmark, of putting the cursor back one position from the start of the command line then Enter

Re: After getting PerfKit working...

2010-03-30 Thread Alan Altmark
, the key system operation user IDs should IPL 190, not CMS in order to reduce the dependency on the spool. If you're using something like IBM Operations Manager for z/VM to create console logs, then you eliminate still another spool touchpoint. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: After getting PerfKit working...

2010-03-30 Thread Alan Altmark
and bearskins. Operate CP without CMS?!? I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Lalalalalala... Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-03-30 Thread Alan Altmark
an ESM. Without one, you have just enough of a system up so that you can get one installed and then go about your daily chores. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: ACM award

2010-03-30 Thread Alan Altmark
On Tuesday, 03/30/2010 at 06:28 EDT, Michael Harding/Oakland/i...@ibmus wrote: You caught the hedge too. z/VM - or any mainframe OS - is probably considered classic as opposed to modern. But truly modern today would be hand-helds, phones or all-pervasive (built into the surroundings),

Re: Ok, I'm confused now...

2010-03-29 Thread Alan Altmark
the RFCports option on the command. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-03-29 Thread Alan Altmark
the hotsite may not have RACF, it has something else (ACF2, Top Secret, ...), cuz you can't run z/OS without an ESM! The other ESMs manage classes and profiles, just like RACF does. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Ok, I'm confused now...

2010-03-29 Thread Alan Altmark
the default. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Userid/psw required for searching archives?

2010-03-29 Thread Alan Altmark
. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread Alan Altmark
shared dasd on separate chpids, but done on a single chpid instead. For guests that understand PAV, you can dedicate the base and alias subchannels to the guest and it will discover and handle it. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread Alan Altmark
. Fortunately, z/VM is up to the task.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Alan Altmark
On Wednesday, 03/24/2010 at 04:31 EDT, David Boyes wrote: On 3/24/10 3:40 PM, Alan Altmark wrote: When giving guests access to real cyl 0, I suggest: 1. If using a full-pack mindisk, use the DEVNO version instead of volser. That way

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Alan Altmark
), I applied the same qualifier to Mike's use of minidisk. I'm not going to try to compare the CCW translation costs of a non-FPMD to a dedicated device other than to say that it's slower as there's more to do. CCW translation is the same for FPMD as for a dedicated device. Alan Altmark z/VM

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Alan Altmark
had... Yes, PAV support allows CP to do (in your example) multiple to the same volume, but there will still be only one I/O per minidisk. (HyperPAVs work only on full-pack minidisks.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Alan Altmark
the wrong volume at IPL. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Capping info

2010-03-24 Thread Alan Altmark
maclib. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Alan Altmark
) for dedicated devices. In some cases that's a help and others a hinderance. If it hurts, we give you the ability to turn off MDC for a minidisk. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: VMLINK behavior

2010-03-23 Thread Alan Altmark
, functioning as designed. Delete the phrase Almost seems like. That would be a bug that needs to be called in. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: CRYPTO Engines

2010-03-18 Thread Alan Altmark
CRYPTO APQ USERS will tell you about logged-on users of APVIRT crypto. (QUERY CRYPTO APQ will tell you about dedicated crypto.) A change to a virtual machine configuration takes place at the next logon. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: CP's Parm Disks

2010-03-12 Thread Alan Altmark
version of delta workshops. It's all there in the VMSES/E Reference, but it's not for the faint of heart. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated DDR funny - has anyone got any ideas

2010-03-12 Thread Alan Altmark
standard defines the label to be A-Z and 0-9. It permits other characters for compatibility, but only when placed within a quoted string. I know, I know: if no one follows it, it must not be much of a Standard, wot? Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated DDR funny - has anyone got any ideas

2010-03-11 Thread Alan Altmark
standard symbol as well (e.g. ) so that the rest of us who don't have the cent sign in their code page can use it, too. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated DDR funny - has anyone got any ideas

2010-03-11 Thread Alan Altmark
by TCPIP. Semicolon works ok as it allows INPUT 181 TAPE ( LEAVE ; Comment on the same line and ; Full line comment Today you have to code Comment on same line ¢INPUT 181 TAPE ( LEAVE and Full line comment ¢ Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated DDR funny - has anyone got any ideas

2010-03-11 Thread Alan Altmark
(Ý) as valid CHARDEL and LINEDEL symbols, respectively. With CP you can enter ignore this Ý Q time If I ran the zoo, I would propose that DDR - no longer check for @ - continue to obey Ý as it does today. - add an actual comment capability Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated DDR funny - has anyone got any ideas

2010-03-11 Thread Alan Altmark
to mean the most complicated option possible. REXX comments. Nesting. gack Semicolons, otoh, are simple to describe and simple to implement. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: CP's Parm Disks

2010-03-11 Thread Alan Altmark
up on CF2 and CF3. If PUT2PROD doesn't meet your needs, you need to tell us in what way it interferes with your ability to service your systems. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Automated DDR funny - has anyone got any ideas

2010-03-10 Thread Alan Altmark
Right. Sure. NOT. You threw it away and typed a new one. :-) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-03-10 Thread Alan Altmark
to access tools. no problem but when I attempt to access the vmftp sub-directory the access is rejected. Does IPGATE have OPTION COMSRV in its directory? Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-03-10 Thread Alan Altmark
only sticky if you subsequently modify the disk. If you detach it or re-ACCESS it without the ERASE option, the files will all come back. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: GCS Session managers

2010-03-10 Thread Alan Altmark
the sessions active, if the PC/Terminal is disconnected. 4. Would be nice to do cross domain to VSE VTAM for CICS sessions. 5. Support 3270 Model 2 thru Model 5 terminals. PVM. A lot cheaper than $20K per year for Tubes/GCS. You'd have to check the prices to see how they relate. Alan Altmark z/VM

Re: Question aboout DDR Backup Question

2010-03-09 Thread Alan Altmark
next volume message, the programmed operator would see it and send the message to the system operator. Regards, Alan Alan Altmark Sr. Software Engineer IBM z/VM Development

Re: Checking if a CMS disk has changed

2010-03-09 Thread Alan Altmark
On Tuesday, 03/09/2010 at 09:57 EST, Horlick, Michael wrote: So, I?m looking for a (super)quick resident CMS module that given a virtual disk address can tell if that CMS disk needs to be re-accessed. (pssst) Since the Other is out of the office right now, I will

Re: CP's Parm Disks

2010-03-09 Thread Alan Altmark
and global exit capability (a la TCPRUN, :Exit, and TCPRUNXT) so that you can do custom things at well-defined points in the process, such as renaming modules to match *your* naming convention. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: LACP group OSA question

2010-03-09 Thread Alan Altmark
Aggregation support., avail. on z9 and z10. OE2 requires May 2007 microcode. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: LACP group OSA question

2010-03-09 Thread Alan Altmark
would get if the OSAs aren't plugged into the same switch or they aren't in the same port group within the switch. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott


2010-03-09 Thread Alan Altmark
SMF log and detach the disk it is on. You have to look at the SMF CONTROL file on RACFVM's 191 in order to know which disk is CURRENT so you know which disk to go after. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: IBM Plans to Discontinue REDBOOK Series

2010-03-07 Thread Alan Altmark
and easily and quickly it changes direction. And how sometimes it is just a tempest in teacup. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: CP's Parm Disks

2010-03-07 Thread Alan Altmark
who is actively VMSESifying their product as we speak.) Products that do not modify or otherwise integrate with the z/VM base or its features are not subject to the SERVICE/PUT2PROD requirement since we don't ship any service that would affect them directly. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM

Re: z/VM SSL server

2010-03-06 Thread Alan Altmark
(GSKSSLDB) already allocated for maintenance of a key database. This filespace is owned by an IBM-defined user ID (GSKADMIN) that serves as a designated key database administrative user ID. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: [ASSEMBLER-LIST] IBM Discontinues REDBOOK Series

2010-03-06 Thread Alan Altmark
to reduce the number of residencies in order to reduce cost. - Remember that a lot of Redbooks that are not tied to a residency. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Question about machine type and model

2010-03-05 Thread Alan Altmark
On Friday, 03/05/2010 at 03:35 EST, Dave Jones wrote: The Q CPUID command does show you the model information as well as the machine type Alas, the documentation for QUERY CPUID is wrong. Please apply the following TNL: identifies the machine type. Alan

Re: CP's Parm Disks

2010-03-05 Thread Alan Altmark
. SERVICE will rebuild the nuc with your text decks. If you have CP mods that are not managed via LOCALMOD, then SERVICE won't know about them, won't monitor the RSU/COR service stream for potential conflicts, and won't pull in the text decks. Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM Endicott

Re: Question about machine type and model

2010-03-05 Thread Alan Altmark
CL4 Plant of manufacture MACHMODL DSCL16 Model : (The above requires VMFHLASM STSI DMSVM. If you don't have HLASM, then you will have to get rid of underscores and hand-code the STSI as X'B27D2000', then VMFASM STSI DMSVM.) Alan Altmark z/VM Development IBM

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