Re: z/vm page packs at DR

2011-08-09 Thread gclovis
Anne: I worked with Disaster Recovery for about 10 years. Some observations: Real DR are different than Test DR: the major factor is Time. On a real disaster you don't have time to think, to plan, to execute... And have a lot of persons making pressure... So, the tip is: use the maximum of


2011-08-09 Thread gclovis
For the youngers: ISPF means Interactive System Productivity Facility PDF in this case means Program Development Facility __ Clovis From: Alan Altmark To: Date: 05/08/2011 13:45 Subject: Re: CMS/PDF

Re: z/vm page packs at DR

2011-08-09 Thread gclovis
Hi. No need, 0-END (or 1-END) is not mandatory. You can use only pieces of dasd for each type, but all referenced in alloc map, not PERM type, MUST be formatted. If not, you get the paging errors. To make a one-pack VM, have the VMRES mdisks, some cylinders for page and some for spool. The

Re: z/vm page packs at DR

2011-08-09 Thread gclovis
David, I tried it with an old Shark (2105-F20) and works fine. With zVM 5.4, Lvl 1001. PS: This Flashcopy will be incorporated in the next version of the CLONEBKP package... __ Clovis From: David Boyes To:

Re: CMS Utilities AUDITOR and VMUTIL

2011-08-02 Thread gclovis
Frank: You need another machine to check it, via SECUSER or OBSERVER enabled. The Operations Manager for zVM product can monitor this condition. Without the product, my first choice is SET Observer to PROP, and trap the VM Ready or CP Ready messages... PS. I don't see how AUDITOR works...

Re: Ficon CTC's between LPAR's in same Box

2011-07-21 Thread gclovis
Yes, You can use only the two chpids to connect all the partitions. Use the Shimon doc to design all the conections. With FICON, no need to define Chpids as CNC/CTC, all must be FC. And the Control Units and IODEVICE can be FCTC. Shimon Lebowitz wrote a very nice paper on how to do this with

Re: Ficon CTC's between LPAR's in same Box

2011-07-19 Thread gclovis
Hi, Crispin. The answer is YES to all the four questions. Is there a way I can configure CTC's between LPAR's in same physical box without going out and buying hardware? 1- Yes, see reply 4 or if you already have a switch, see 2 and 3. I saw somewhere that one could use share CHPID's with other

Re: Ficon CTC's between LPAR's in same Box

2011-07-19 Thread gclovis
Very good doc. I used it, some years ago. Needs few changes to be applied to Ficon. Thank you, David. And, thank you to Shimon too. __ Clovis From: David Boyes To: Date: 19/07/2011 15:55 Subject: Re:

Re: page pack question

2011-07-12 Thread gclovis
Hi, Anne. If your second level system is only to maintenance (5.4 or 6.1, no matter) , you don't need a lot of page packs. Define a virtual machine with 256G and one mdisk (not full pack) to PAGE, formated with the same volser as the fullpack. When IPLed on first level, it can take the full


2011-07-11 Thread gclovis
David: DISKACNT profile exec is the same for EREP and OPERSYMP. These 3 machines uses the same copy, by default ... Regards, __ Clovis From: David Boyes To: Date: 11/07/2011 15:39 Subject: Default PROFILE

Re: Problems at DR test

2011-06-21 Thread gclovis
Hi, Mike. My own perception (of course, I can be wrong ;-) ) SYSC emules something like a 3215, not a 3270. When opened, SYSG emules a 3270. Depending of definitions on SYSTEM CONFIG, VM needs to send a 3270 screen, not possible on SYSC. Generate some Wait code, as the 1010. Example: IPL xxx

Re: Problems at DR test

2011-06-21 Thread gclovis
Is SYSC the unique restriction? Another legacy of the last millennium? __ Clovis From: Alan Altmark To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 21/06/2011 15:14 Subject: Re: Problems at DR test Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System

Re: Problems at DR test

2011-06-20 Thread gclovis
Frank, After runs Kris' instructions, to prevent this problem: Check the CONSOLEs defined in SYSTEM CONFIG. At first level VM, define the CONSOLE xxx 3270 card into USER DIRECT for the second level machine, matching one of the address you saw in SYSTEM CONFIG. Remember: all in first level USER

A Humorous Video Response to Tape is Dead

2011-06-16 Thread gclovis
Hello, I received this from another list. Remember me another announced death: Mainframes... __ Clovis I like the 1990's guy (sound familiar?).

CLONEBKP: New package at zVM/downloads

2011-06-15 Thread gclovis
Hi, friends. I put a new package on the zVM downloads page (my debut): CLONEBKP. See: I hope it is useful to you. For who will use it: suggestions, improvements or bugs found, are all welcome. Follow the description: CLONEBKP is a REXX exec that create

Re: Question regarding zVM and CF when running in a LPAR

2011-06-14 Thread gclovis
David, I don't have access to a Z10, so it is only speculation. Something to check: Are the CF Processors dedicated to CF LPAR? The VM LPAR have access to at least one CF processor? Is VM LPAR running in Mode VM? Follow this line... __ Clovis From:

Re: Question regarding zVM and CF when running in a LPAR

2011-06-14 Thread gclovis
Hi, David. No, the processors and LPAR modes are defined into HMC (Hardware Management Console), function Configure Activation Profiles. It is not IOCP. Regards, __ Clovis From: David Booher To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date:


2011-06-03 Thread gclovis
My own cent to this discussion: A millennium ago (before year 2000) I ear that DEDICATE dasd have better performance, maybe due no need to translate CCW. But, I change all my definitions when DEVNO was introduced: gain in flexibility, enabling dasd sharing for full packs without need to any

Re: z/VM CTCA connection

2011-05-25 Thread gclovis
Jan, 3088 is a basic CTC, not Ficon. The CTCs must be defined as FCTC (both sides). For two VM Hosts (2 LPAR) see the informative Apar II14042. Best regards, __ Clovis From: Jan de Wet - Business Connexion To:

Re: z/VM bug, Linux bug, or operator error?

2011-05-25 Thread gclovis
Hi, VMSES have a command to help create and maintain the segments. See: HELP VMSES VMFSGMAP Regards, __ Clovis From: Kris Buelens To: Date: 25/05/2011 01:37 Subject: Re: z/VM bug, Linux bug, or operator

Re: VMLINK behavior

2011-05-25 Thread gclovis
Hi. VMLINK did a link R/O (by default) and tried to ACCESS it. Access R/O failed to a mdisk with 0 files. Regards, __ Clovis From: Alain Benveniste To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 24/05/2011 15:20 Subject: VMLINK behavior Sent

Re: dirmaint volume problem

2011-05-25 Thread gclovis
Friends: In EXTENT CONTROL, we need to define START and SIZE of the region. So, if the dasd have 6678 cylinders in total, and you skip the cylinder zero, remains 6677 usable cylinders (from 1 with 6677. The entry must be: LX6008VC60081 6677 3390-06 Regards,

Re: Dirmaint question

2011-05-20 Thread gclovis
Karl, Did you check all the variations of DIRM STATUS? See DIRM HELP STATUS Looks like a Workunit not assigned, due a Mdisk or Userid locked. Regards, __ Clovis From: Karl Kingston To: Date: 20/05/2011

Re: starting tcpip

2011-04-14 Thread gclovis
I then bring down TCPIP and bring it up again and it works . This remember me a similar problem some years ago. Looks like the OSA LCS startup needs a time to become operational greather than the TCPIP ipl. Supposing this running on one 9672... One circumvention was delay the TCPIP ipl:

Re: Dirmaint : cards ordre

2011-04-13 Thread gclovis
Alain, The CP Planning and Administration manual, have a paragraph for each command, saying where to code each. For INCLUDE, by example, says MUST follow the USER card. No other cards are allowed between them. Personally, I prefer to use DIRMAINT to do the changes. Example: A batch file with

Re: Dirmaint : cards ordre

2011-04-13 Thread gclovis
Alain, Normally, this kind off migration is done on few hours. My technique (resumed): 1- Install a new VM and enable DIRMAINT, with the supplied directory. 2- Split the old direct to a TEMP disk, using one homemade EXEC (DIRSPLIT). The exec reads the old USER DIRECT, and create a new -userid-

Re: Dynamically adding page space

2011-03-29 Thread gclovis
Bobby: Volser must match. What is the correct: VMPPG5 or VMPAG5? __ Clovis From: Bauer, Bobby (NIH/CIT) [E] To: Date: 29/03/2011 10:19 Subject: Re: Dynamically adding page space Sent by: The IBM z/VM

Re: Anyone using Dirmaint with a z10?

2011-03-21 Thread gclovis
Robert, I normally test it manually: Logon MAINT (at Z10) DIRM USER WITHPASS DIRECTXA USER WITHPASS If something goes wrong, change it: Note: $DIRCTL$ is a pseudo user for Directory statements. DIRM FOR $DIRCTL$ GET CP Q CPUID XEdit $DIRCTL$ DIRECT (and update) DIRM FOR $DIRCTL$ REPlace

Re: Sharing files between two z/OS guest machines

2011-03-10 Thread gclovis
Tom, CFCC was announced into zPDT at end of 2010. See the Redbook: Also, a good starter lecture about Sysplex... __ Clovis From: Tom Hebert To:

Re: Perfkit: plotting IFL and classic processors in 2 graphs

2011-03-03 Thread gclovis
Hi, Made some tests. Perftk shows the mixed processor types for a Type VM Lpar, on some screens. Like FCX100 and FCX144. But I can't find any field by processor to use in the PLOT screens. At least none in the menu... Regards, __ Clovis From: Kris

Re: z/VM 5.4; 6.1

2011-02-10 Thread gclovis
Hi, And I think you don't need to go back. They are already defined to MAINT as fullpack (MDISK 12x). Just format (if you wish to confirm that they are formatted) the cylinders 10017-END and ALLOC them accordingly. CPFMTXA. In the next IPL they will be recognized and used normally.

Re: z/VM 5.4; 6.1

2011-02-09 Thread gclovis
Hi, friends. Somebody said me that Model 3 was a convention to dasd enough to save 3G of data (in practical, 2,7G). Analog, Model 9, Model 27 and Model 54 is for dasds with 9G, 27G and 54G respectively. For zVM, the convention is that every dasd greater than 10k cylinders is named Model 9...

Re: Wait code 000a00000000000f

2011-01-19 Thread gclovis
Tom, I see a similar symptom some years ago. Creating a VM image in one CPU to be used on another. In the primary, the VM runs fine in second level. In the target, we got some strange Wait States, like the yours. The problem was solved after kill a lot of neurons and a Deactivate/Activate the


2011-01-05 Thread gclovis
George: Not sure we understand the question, but... Without DIRMAINT, try DIRMAP (GAPFILE DEVSORT - Generate two files, one with only the Gaps and other with the allocated cylinders, both classified by VOLSER. With DIRMAINT, try DIRM FREE and DIRM USED to get files like the same proposal...

Re: Simple RACF Question - Can the RACF database be shared with z/OS?

2011-01-05 Thread gclovis
Jeff, The last time I read about, all RACF documents says that it is possible. But, only when the zOS doesn't work in Sysplex. This restriction killed my chances to do tests... __ Clovis From: Jeff Gribbin To:

Re: How Submit a JOB from Z/VM to Z/OS using RSCS ?

2011-01-05 Thread gclovis
George, Is it a modified SUBVSE EXEC, supplied with VSE? If yes, see the newer version (manual z/VSE Installation Version 4 Release 2): The VM/VSE Interface is a set of VSE phases and CMS modules supplied by z/VSE. These phases and modules provide functions for interfacing to one or more

Re: DISKACNT profile exec

2011-01-05 Thread gclovis
Robert, I saw that it already was answered. But, only to register: The original DISKACNT's PROFILE EXEC is the same as EREP's and OPERSYMP's profiles. You can copy it from the other machine... __ Clovis From: Robert Payne To:


2011-01-05 Thread gclovis
Hi, George. As Kris said, the program don't know the real end of the dasd. He assumes the model enough to accommodate the last cylinder defined. Due the same problem, avoid use 0 END for fullpacks. To bypass it: Without DIRMAINT: define a dummy machine with all fullpack. Good for backup


2011-01-05 Thread gclovis
Hi, Alan. Maybe fix the program to do a QUERY DASD DETAIL to find out how big the volume is? Agreed. But we are talking about the DIRMAP (and DISKMAP), two IBM programs. This justify to open a Request-For-Change? TIA, __ Clovis From: Alan

Re: Curious edev problem

2011-01-03 Thread gclovis
Hi, Martha: I think it is documented in the CP Planning and Administration. Include as many EDEVICE statements as needed; they are optional and can be placed anywhere in the system configuration file. If you specify more than one statement with the real device number, CP uses the last statement.

Re: Configuration Puzzler

2010-12-30 Thread gclovis
Richard, One possibility: I remember that a FST is maintained in memory, until command RELEASE completes. RELEASE is implicit into LOGOFF. Because this, MultiWrite must be avoided in CMS. If A Xautolog B, is possible that the altered FST was not saved yet. When A change something, try CMS

Re: Accounting Records

2010-12-30 Thread gclovis
Billy: See also the ACCOUNT command, in Chapter 3 of manual CMS Commands and Utilities Reference. __ Clovis From: Scott Rohling To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 30/12/2010 16:18 Subject: Re: Accounting Records Sent by: The

Re: Stopping DIAL From Stripping Extended Data Stream

2010-12-29 Thread gclovis
George, Check also your HCD definitions into zOS. The same ancient habit keeps all terminals as 3278-2, that doesn't reply correctly to queryable logmodes. The better choice is to define as 3270-X. Have a Happy New Year. __ Clovis From: Alan

Re: Movable Feasts

2010-12-29 Thread gclovis
Works fine. See one REXX version: /**/ trace r arg year . c = year % 100 n = year - 19 * ( year % 19 ) k = ( c - 17 ) % 25 i = c - c % 4 - ( c - k ) % 3 + 19 * n + 15 i = i - 30 * ( i % 30 ) i = i - ( i % 28 ) * ( 1 - ( i % 28 ) * ( 29 % ( i + 1 ) ) , * ( ( 21 - n ) % 11 ) ) j =

Re: Toolsrun function without RSCS

2010-12-29 Thread gclovis
Maybe VM/NFS exporting SFS directories? __ Clovis From: Scott Rohling To: Date: 29/12/2010 15:12 Subject: Re: Toolsrun function without RSCS Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System

Re: ISFC connection between LPARs

2010-12-22 Thread gclovis
Hi, How could it connect LPARs if one end goes to DASD or TAPE? I think it is possible only with a Ficon Director (Switch). The switch redistribute the connections, and allow a mixed of devices (CTC, TAPEs and DASDs) on the unique Ficon channel. And you can use a single channel (not a pair)

Re: Steps to migrate z/VM RACF 5.3 to z/VM RACF 6.1

2010-12-10 Thread gclovis
Victor, I didn't do it yet, but I think the Program Directory have all the instructions. Basically: apply one PTF into 5.3, copy the DB (mdisks 200 and 300 to the new VM 6.1) and run RACFCONV when instructed. See this text, extracted from PD: If you are migrating from z/VM V5.3 RACF FL530, or

Re: FTP within REXX EXEC

2010-12-09 Thread gclovis
Hi, Steve. My question is. What can I do to retrieve the return code if this fails or is successful? The answer is: append (exit to FTP command. See this sample (that sends PERFSVM summary files to GDG file at zOS). In this case: binary, EBCDIC, variable records...

Re: Vswitch Grant as a CMD in User's Directory?

2010-12-08 Thread gclovis
Hi, CP DEFINE LAN have a UNRESTRICTED option, that don't need the grants. My suggestion: If the environment is stable, fix the VSWITCH and GRANTS into SYSTEM CONFIG. If the system is unstable or is in the test phase, test with the unrestricted lan. Only NICDEF changes in directory...

Re: DDR multivolume tape as output

2010-12-03 Thread gclovis
Janne, A circunvention (not the solution) is broke the DDR in small parts: OUTPUT 181 TAPE (UNLOAD COMPACT DUMP 0 2499 OUTPUT 182 TAPE (UNLOAD COMPACT DUMP 2500 4999 OUTPUT 181 TAPE (UNLOAD COMPACT DUMP 5000 7499 OUTPUT 182 TAPE (UNLOAD COMPACT DUMP 7500 OUTPUT 181 TAPE (UNLOAD COMPACT

Re: Page volume not recognized after IPL

2010-11-19 Thread gclovis
Hello, Ashwin: For the dasd to be recognized it must be formated AND allocated as PAGE with CPFMTXA, AND must be defined as Owned into SYSTEM CONFIG. Is the DVRESB a new Page dasd? To check dynamically, use these commands: CP DEFine CPOWN SLOT 6 DVRESB followed by other CP QUERY ALLOC If the

Re: ZOS Commands Under Z/VM

2010-11-18 Thread gclovis
Hi, Some JES commands can be sent by RSCS, if the NJE (SNA or TCP) was enabled: Example: SM RSCS CMD JESname $DA __ Clovis From: Sergio Lima To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 18/11/2010 14:36 Subject: ZOS Commands Under Z/VM

Re: Viewing the OPERATOR Console

2010-11-17 Thread gclovis
Hi, The cheaper solution: If PROP was started, the command M OP GET LOG sends you the entire console since Prop was activated. Your userid must be previously authorized into PROP RTABLE. I close the console daily, processing the Midnight MSG (HCP6001I), so my console is at daily basis, from

Re: My foot is the target.

2010-11-17 Thread gclovis
Hello,Tom: My suggestion: Use the Transfer Minidisk (DIRM TMDisk) function of Dirmaint to change the owner of each Mdisk. They must be defined as MDISK DEVNO. On fly, manually, the supplier of the mdisk must put it offline and do the DETACH mdisk and the receiver must do CP LINK * mdisk before

Re: Shopz Function

2010-11-17 Thread gclovis
Agreed. I'm not a number too. At work, I am a resource! __ Clovis From: Mark Jacobs To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 17/11/2010 17:01 Subject: Re: Shopz Function Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU

Re: APARs and PTFs for the z196

2010-11-12 Thread gclovis
Hi, George. Sorry by the delay: I had problems with my email server for the last days... To find corrections, I follow the IBM instructions; one page forward to the next. For this especific case, see the road: 1- Click Service 2- Click

Re: APARs and PTFs for the z196

2010-11-12 Thread gclovis
George, That is a correction for a NON-SES product: EREP. Not managed by SERVICE/PUT2PROD. See Service Guide how to apply NON-SES PTFs. __ Clovis From: George Henke/NYLIC To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 08/11/2010

Re: APARs and PTFs for the z196

2010-11-12 Thread gclovis
Sorry, George. My mistake. HLASM isn't imbedded into z/VM. If needed, must be acquired separately. __ Clovis From: George Henke/NYLIC To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 12/11/2010 18:30 Subject: Re: APARs and PTFs for the

Re: Reply CONSOLE when run ZOS under ZVM

2010-11-05 Thread gclovis
Mark; This happens when a VM terminal defined as CONSOLE (01F in this case) wasn't defined in NIPCON into zOS MVSCP (imbed in zOS IOCP). For zOS initialize his console correctly it must be defined in IOCP, NIPCON and also in CONSOLxx (PARMLIB). When not in NIPCON, we can use the VINPUT VMSG to


2010-11-05 Thread gclovis
Frank: If you have LPARs zOS and zVM you can use only one zOS version of HCD/HCM. Only one LPAR must be a IOCDS' owner at a time. With more than one CEC, only one HCM can export the several IOCPs to the others zOS images. The zVM images respect the IOCP changes made by zOS (it acts as

Re: 3592 cart iocp

2010-11-05 Thread gclovis
Ed, Check if you are receiving two controllers with 1 drive each (as coded in your IOCP) or one controller with 2 drives. In the second case, the better IOCP is: CU280CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=280,PATH=(61,71), X UNITADD=((00,16)),UNIT=3590 D0680

Re: APARs and PTFs for the z196

2010-11-05 Thread gclovis
Mike, The PSP shows 12 Apars at level 1000, Means not in RSU yet. Some for R540, others for R610. See: To check what are missing, I create one file (named SERVICE $STALIST) with all the Apars (one by

Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-04 Thread gclovis
Hi, These commands can help? q cpd Label Userid Vdev Mode Stat Vol-ID Rdev Type StartLoc EndLoc MNTCF1 MAINT0CF1 A R/O CACVRS A100 CKD 39158 MNTCF2 MAINT0CF2 B R/O CACVRS A100 CKD 159278 MNTCF3 MAINT0CF3 C R/O CACVRS A100 CKD


2010-11-04 Thread gclovis
Leon, I,m not sure if it is the same problem I saw. The msg isn't clear: DTCIPW2521E Insufficient virtual addresses available Explanation: IPWIZARD requires that there be enough contiguous virtual addresses available for all of the real addresses used by the device being configured. System


2010-11-04 Thread gclovis
Agreed 100%. But I saw people using IPWIZARD to do maintenance on TCPIP production... Some of that didn't read the manual... __ Clovis | | From: | |

Re: FW: WAVV201005, WAVV201009 requirement updates

2010-11-04 Thread gclovis
David: This option is different than Clear_Tdisk? User Group Number - WAV201009 Document Status - Recognized Title - Provide DSE option for CP temp disks IBM agrees with the request and a solution appears to be a desirable objective. A solution however may not presently appear feasible or

Re: Maintenance Warnings

2010-10-28 Thread gclovis
Hi, I think PUT2PROD actually doesn't depend of what was serviced, if a component is specified. Example: when I make changes into SYSTEM NETID (MAINT.490), I use PUT2PROD CMS to copy 490 to 190 and to regenerate the CMS segment. Runs all the times, no need to run SERVICE... It solves the problem


2010-10-28 Thread gclovis
Mike, Only to synchronize: Did you run PUT2PROD after enable DIRMAINT? __ Clovis | | From: | |

Re: REXX that verify what MINIDISK is a file

2010-10-15 Thread gclovis
Hi, A lot of years ago (VSE age), I saw a similar problem: how to protect an exec that puts controlled programs in production. That time, my solution was a simple ASSEMBLER program (public) that links another mdisk (SUPPORT 11F if I remember correctly), and calling the correct EXEC who did all

Re: REXX that verify what MINIDISK is a file

2010-10-15 Thread gclovis
True!. But this mdisk was password protect. Using a password with 8 hexadecimal characters and some moves make it difficult (not impossible) to extract from a compiled assembler... Obviously it is not the perfect solution, but worked fine for years... and it was cheap...

Re: ACF2 install question.

2010-10-15 Thread gclovis
Dave, I never installed ACF2 but I installed other products. Basically, when the process ask for PPF ZVM CP, change it to PPF ZVM CPSFS VMSES knows how to do the work... __ Clovis Pereira

Re: How DIRMAINT Work ?

2010-10-05 Thread gclovis
Dirmaint already uses the dirmap: Try DIRM DIRMAP __ Clovis Pereira From: Edward M Martin

Re: Multi Page/Spool Directory Defs

2010-10-05 Thread gclovis
The machines named starting with $ are only to map some system areas to prevent overlaps (including the basic Cyl 0). These machines haven't any other functions, except to map the directory. DIRMAINT DIRMAP, checks the system areas and includes them on the generated DIRMAP report. Is very good

Re: z/VM ISFC links

2010-10-05 Thread gclovis
Now I'm trying to figure out how to define a virtual CTC between CP and the 2nd level VM. Mark, it is easy. On first level, define one Virtual CTC (FCTC, SCTC) into TCPIP (or another capable machine) to connect to second level VM. On second level VM, define and couple the Virtual CTC to first

Re: How DIRMAINT Work ?

2010-10-03 Thread gclovis
Hi, Alan. Let me go one step further and suggest that those files actually be ON DISK. The problem to put these files ON DISK is that we need these BEFORE the disks are created. The Managers products (Tape, Operator and BackupRestore) gone with directory examples on one of his disks, but its

Re: How DIRMAINT Work ?

2010-10-01 Thread gclovis
Hi, Friends. There are more vantages to use Dirmaint. My preferred are the commands BATCH, CLONED, ADD LIKE (using prototypes), etc. About the BATCH, we can send a lot of commands to be executed, putting all on one file and submitting using only one command. By example, to install the Operator

Re: How DIRMAINT Work ?

2010-10-01 Thread gclovis
Hi, I am an old user of Dirmaint (more than 20 years). Few times I need to stop Dirmaint and make manual changes into monolithic USER DIRECT. So, what was my surprise when I see this text in Dirmaint manual (Directory Maintenance Facility, Tailoring and Administration Guide, version 6 release 1 -

Unnecessary /cpdvd folder Was: Electronic Delivery - DDR or DVD?

2010-09-01 Thread gclovis
Alan, About a year ago I have one problem installing zVM 5.4 (native LPAR), into a Customer site. The problem was with the HMC keyboard: impossible to use the Slash key. Yes, no / available. No spare keyboard, no corrections found, no keyboard setup available, etc. The installation process

Re: Unnecessary /cpdvd folder Was: Electronic Delivery - DDR or DVD?

2010-09-01 Thread gclovis
Ok, the Customer was instructed to open a PMH that day. I didn't know the results... Something like equipment was installed by third part, no IBM support... But it is another story... Regards, Abraços,

Re: CMS file date

2010-08-18 Thread gclovis
Mark: Don't answer your question, but to delete old files I use this exec. /*/ /* CLEANUP EXEC - Delete old files, based on age (days) */ /*/ Arg $days If $days = Then $days =

Re: Closing the console on TCPIP

2010-08-18 Thread gclovis
Hi, I use 'CP SEND CP TCPIP CLOSE CONS' No need to set SECUSER. It was configured into PROP as part of the Midnight process (HCPMID6001I msg) , to close all consoles daily. Regards, Clovis. | | From: | |

Re: Closing the console on TCPIP

2010-08-18 Thread gclovis
Frank: FOR needs an aditional setup. Or you will get the HCP070E msg. My test: FOR TCPIP CMD CP CLOSE CON HCPFOR070E You are not authorized to act FOR TCPIP Maint(00070); T=0.01/0.01 17:09:42 m op cmd for TCPIP CMD CP CLOSE CON Maint; T=0.01/0.01 17:09:49 HCPFOR070E You are not authorized to

Re: Disaster Recovery TCPIP Address Issue

2010-08-12 Thread gclovis
Hi. To copy 490 to 190, the better option is to use PUT2PROD CMS. Do it and more... No disruptive, and this update the CMS segment too. Regards, Clóvis | | From: | |

Re: BFS problem

2010-08-08 Thread gclovis
Jim, are the entries in lowercase as noted? In this case it matter. GNAME must match POSIXGROUP, both in lowercase. Regards, Clovis. From: Jim

Re: ipl tcpip

2010-07-30 Thread gclovis
You need an alternative to TCPIP, like VTAM, PVM or local terminals (OSA-ICC do it). One zLINUX with privileged class using VMCP can send the FORCE/XAUTOLOG commands too. Or, some kind of automation to check when TCPIP are out and restart it, like Operation Manager or PERFSVM (with PROP).

Re: Installing RACFVM - Questions

2010-07-28 Thread gclovis
With CSE you can share the Mdisk without problem. CSE guarantee the integrity. I work with this for years: four zVM 4.4 into a VMPlex, no zOS, with a unique RACF DB (and a unique DIRMAINT with 3 Satellites). Without CSE I didn't test any shared VM... Regards, Clovis.