[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-21 Thread Robbymagman

OK Guys! Having caused such a stir with the 63 tweak, a good friend on
another Forum (Thanks D) suggested another, and after two nights with
it, I subjectively sense a lower noise floor.  Although this new tweak
is not nearly as beneficial as the fixed S/PDIF level and 63 Tweak
(which took the SB3 from downright unlistenable to enjoyable in my
system - though not yet equal to my DVD Transport/DIP) this one
certainly can't hurt, and is very logical. The display LCD adds
additional load to the Power Supply and when the circuit to drive it is
active, as well as the LCD itself, there is more electrical noise and
activity within the SB3 when playing music than necessary.  So - this
is the tweak:

Set the Display option in Player settings for Idle to Zero, so
that when music is playing, the LCD display is automatically turned
COMPLETELY off, and only comes back on temporarily when the Remote is
used. Let me know what you find...



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread Phil Leigh

CFP Wrote: 
 You're right.  Perhaps one day science can tell us how computers work.

Well that's kind of the whole issue in a nutshell. Computers are
deterministic systems; for a given set of inputs a set of outputs can
be accurately predicted, measured and confirmed as factual/correct.

An audio system of any kind unfortunately displays a different kind of

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread cliveb

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 Computers are deterministic systems; for a given set of inputs a set of
 outputs can be accurately predicted...
I'm sitting here in front of a Microsoft-based computer, and I just
can't follow the logic of your statement :-)


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread PhilNYC

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Then I don't believe the effect is real! We're not talking about an
 objective measurement with an indisputable value. I wouldn't have any
 argument if you told me the tweak lowered jitter, for example. How can
 I argue with that? With a subjective measurement alone, though, it is
 very surprising in a statistical sense to have universal agreement that
 a difference is positive. For example, with the NOS vs. OS debate, there
 are plenty of people on either side who claim their way sounds better.
 As I said before, so far, I've only heard that this tweak improves
 sound or makes no difference whatsoever, but none have said it makes
 the sound worse. Isn't that fishy?

FWIW, I do believe that opinions can be universal.  But in the case of
this tweak, I would not pass judgement on it simply based on the
absence of a negative review.  From what I can gather regarding what
this tweak does, the effect should be measureable (lower noise floor is
an easy trait to measure)...so hopefully someone with good testing
equipment will take a measurement and see...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread Deaf Cat

Would you believe I actually find the attenuation on 0 preferable to
63... Oh yes.

Yes, I do find things sound more real with the 63 att especially with
regards to voices which is rather good.  However, things seem generally
quiter and more distant (even when turned up), but more Real:-D

I've switched back to 0 att as I find the mucic has a little more
forwardness to it (foot taps on auto) things seem clearer and voices
are pushed right out front which I love, bass seems heaver and deeper
and more promanant, and things seem more separate to hear..

However back on 0 I don't listen to all of certian tracks as I find the
voices too harsh in particular parts - when on 63 easily listen all the
way through.

What I want to know is how do I get the realness when on 63 and keep my
Please, any one know ?? :)

Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread Skunk

Deaf Cat Wrote: 
 What I want to know is how do I get the realness when on 63 and keep my
 Please, any one know ?? :)

Set it to 31.5?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread PhilNYC

Deaf Cat Wrote: 
 Would you believe I actually find the attenuation on 0 preferable to
 63... Oh yes.

So now ezkcdude is a believer in this tweak... ;-)


Sonic Spirits Inc.

PhilNYC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=837
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread Robbymagman

Skunk Wrote: 
 Set it to 31.5?

That is absolutely hilarious!  :D   But who knows, it might actually
work!  I must say that I have been following this thread and am quite
amazed that my simple mute suggestion (and I have to side with those
that have found a noticable improvement) has generated such a stir.



Robbymagman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6926
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread ezkcdude

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 So now ezkcdude is a believer in this tweak... ;-)

Well, let's say it's a step in the right direction. At the very least,
it's nice to see someone actually characterizing what they hear, and
not just saying it's better.


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread Hiroyuki Hamada

I would set it at 63 and try a good quality EQ device or a software.


On Aug 20, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Deaf Cat wrote:

Would you believe I actually find the attenuation on 0 preferable to
63... Oh yes.

Yes, I do find things sound more real with the 63 att especially with
regards to voices which is rather good.  However, things seem  

quiter and more distant (even when turned up), but more Real:-D

I've switched back to 0 att as I find the mucic has a little more
forwardness to it (foot taps on auto) things seem clearer and voices
are pushed right out front which I love, bass seems heaver and deeper
and more promanant, and things seem more separate to hear..

However back on 0 I don't listen to all of certian tracks as I find  
voices too harsh in particular parts - when on 63 easily listen all  

way through.

What I want to know is how do I get the realness when on 63 and  
keep my

Please, any one know ?? :)

Deaf Cat
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-20 Thread JohnnyLightOn

CFP Wrote: 
 You're right.  Perhaps one day science can tell us how computers work.

Science can explain how a computer works because it's relatively easy
to figure out.  The problem comes when some scientists become arrogant,
probably as a result of fear or insecurity, and claim that something is
impossible because they themselves cannot explain it.  These scientists
are more interested in holding onto their own views rather than learning
about subtle and difficult-to-measure phenomena such as acoustics and
the way audio data is affected by its travel from source to speaker. 

So we have claims such as, cables/speakers can never 'break in',
cables cannot sound different when oriented in one direction rather
than the other, a good MP3 cannot be distinguished from a CD because
the frequencies removed from the CD to make the MP3 are not audible,
and many more that slip my mind right now.  I'm not saying any of these
statements aren't true, rather that the notion that they *cannot* be
true simply because current science (or a given scientist) cannot
explain them is ridiculous.

Furthermore, scientists who are not audiophiles and refuse to expand
their views to include disciplines they are not familiar with, often do
not recognize subtle aspects of sound that almost every audiophile can
hear easily.  They are scientists-in-name-only, because they're afraid
to admit that the current state of science can't measure or explain


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread P Floding

andy_c Wrote: 
 Actually, Kurt was quoting me in the referenced article, using quotation
 marks instead of the QUOTE tags.
 Certainly, this change can do no harm and costs nothing.  However,
 claiming something makes a big difference in sound, and saying it does
 no harm are two different things.  What I was satirizing was the
 audiophile bandwagon effect.  That is, someone draws a conclusion based
 on an uncontrolled experiment.  Then others, not wishing to be called
 tin-eared by saying they hear no difference, also chime in with their
 agreement, again based on uncontrolled experiments.  If you go back to
 the beginning of the thread, the original claim of an improvement was
 based on changing two things at once - setting both the digital and
 analog attenuations.  One change affects the digital output data
 directly, and the other does not.  The claims of improvement will cause
 an expectation bias in the experiment, so to get an unbiased picture
 requires a test method that removes expectation bias.
 I have no issue with people going with what works for them, based on
 uncontrolled subjective experiments.  I do this myself with my own
 system all the time.  But there is a difference between saying X works
 for me and saying X is true.  The difference is that people will
 claim these results to be some kind of indisputable fact when no
 controlled experiments have ever established that.  The idea is that
 once an assertion has been repeated often enough, it is considered to
 be true, regardless of the facts of the matter.  This phenomenon is
 known rather harshly as the big lie theory.

Since the above is a general discussion there really is no need to spam
every single thread about a possible improvement with this kind of
stuff. And, no, I don't think many here claim any kind of indesputable
facts. I reassess my system and its various chosen solutions all the

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread ezkcdude

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 This isn't true.  There are plenty of tweaks that I've tried that have
 made things sound worse in my system.

Well, I'm still waiting for the first person who says this 63 tweak
(thank god it's not 69) sounds worse.


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread PhilNYC

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Well, I'm still waiting for the first person who says this 63 tweak
 (thank god it's not 69) sounds worse.

What if it doesn't?


Sonic Spirits Inc.

PhilNYC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=837
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread ezkcdude

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 What if it doesn't?

Then I don't believe the effect is real! We're not talking about an
objective measurement with an indisputable value. I wouldn't have any
argument if you told me the tweak lowered jitter, for example. How can
I argue with that? With a subjective measurement alone, though, it is
very surprising in a statistical sense to have universal agreement that
a difference is positive. For example, with the NOS vs. OS debate, there
are plenty of people on either side who claim their way sounds better.
As I said before, so far, I've only heard that this tweak improves
sound or makes no difference whatsoever, but none have said it makes
the sound worse. Isn't that fishy?


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread P Floding

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Then I don't believe the effect is real! We're not talking about an
 objective measurement with an indisputable value. I wouldn't have any
 argument if you told me the tweak lowered jitter, for example. How can
 I argue with that? With a subjective measurement alone, though, it is
 very surprising in a statistical sense to have universal agreement that
 a difference is positive. For example, with the NOS vs. OS debate, there
 are plenty of people on either side who claim their way sounds better.
 As I said before, so far, I've only heard that this tweak improves
 sound or makes no difference whatsoever, but none have said it makes
 the sound worse. Isn't that fishy?

Less jitter will always sound better if you have a good enough system
to hear the difference. If you don't, then you won't hear any
difference. You can't really prove anything by guessing, so you might
as well stop trying.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread ezkcdude

P Floding Wrote: 
 Less jitter will always sound better if you have a good enough system to
 hear the difference. 

Really? I didn't know this was a proven fact. My bad.


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread P Floding

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Really? I didn't know this was a proven fact. My bad.

Actually, audio reproduction is not an exact science. There is no
ultimate sound system on this planet that sounds perfect to all ears.
Perhaps I overstated the case, but the fact remains that it is hard to
believe that more jitter will sound better. Especially since we know
that one of the reasons digital sounded so awful in its ugly childhood
was that the engineers had overlooked the effects of jitter.

I have played a bit more with 0.0 vs. 63.0 and the effect is even more
dramatic than I thought. Especially CDs that were crowded and noisy (in
the instrumental sense), such as Primal Screams Vanishing Point, open
up a whole soundscape when the analogue output is muted. Anyones milage
may vary depending on DAC used, which i the unfortunate result of the
way SPDIF works.

P Floding

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread Pat Farrell

P Floding wrote:
ezkcdude Wrote: 

Really? I didn't know this was a proven fact. My bad.

Perhaps I overstated the case, but the fact remains that it is hard to
believe that more jitter will sound better. 

Just a little, perhaps.

There are thresholds of inaudibility for any of a number of criteria.

The question is neither 'is less jitter better?' nor 'Systems have to be 
X good to see the obvious difference, is your that good?'.

The question is engineering. What level is bad? or perhaps
what level is bad enough to be important and audible
and in need of correction, in an otherwise well matched system of price 
about X?

If you are playing on a boombox, a lot of jitter can be hidden
(along with THD, and other evils) without being important.
Played on a $5K system, what is important changes. And it
changes a little more on a $10K system and probably on a $50K
system. (I don't have much experience on the latter).

It is very easy to believe that numerically different amounts of 
jitter are irrelevant in listening to music. It is not easy to know what 
levels are relevant in the real world.

Its about the music.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread opaqueice

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Then I don't believe the effect is real! We're not talking about an
 objective measurement with an indisputable value. I wouldn't have any
 argument if you told me the tweak lowered jitter, for example. How can
 I argue with that? With a subjective measurement alone, though, it is
 very surprising in a statistical sense to have universal agreement that
 a difference is positive. For example, with the NOS vs. OS debate, there
 are plenty of people on either side who claim their way sounds better.
 As I said before, so far, I've only heard that this tweak improves
 sound or makes no difference whatsoever, but none have said it makes
 the sound worse. Isn't that fishy?

I'm not sure that the fact that no one has thought this sounded bad is
fishy.  One can imagine lots of possible effects which would sound good
to almost everyone - like making the volume slightly higher, for

On the other hand there's pretty much zero evidence that this is a real
effect, as (IMHO) the sort of anecdotal evidence we've seen here so far
is totally useless, and there has been no plausible explanation
advanced for why muting the volume would change anything.  Add to that
the fact that the believers seem to be unwilling or unable to perform
a proper test, and we're left with zero.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread ezkcdude

opaqueice Wrote: 
 One can imagine lots of possible effects which would sound good to
 almost everyone - like making the volume slightly higher, for example.

Yes, but in that case most people would also hear the change. We're
talking about a tweak in which half of us don't hear anything, and half
think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Let's get to the root of the problem. I believe it's psychology, but
for a different reason. I think that people say they hear a change,
because it says how great their system is. And if you don't hear a
difference, it's because your setup is not as good as theirs. Moreover,
the smaller the tweak, the better their system is. Heck, that argument
was used just a few posts ago. In my opinion, it's more about bragging
rights than about sound.


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread Patrick Dixon

pfarrell Wrote: 
 P Floding wrote:
  ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Really? I didn't know this was a proven fact. My bad.
  Perhaps I overstated the case, but the fact remains that it is hard
  believe that more jitter will sound better. 
 Just a little, perhaps.
 There are thresholds of inaudibility for any of a number of criteria.
 The question is neither 'is less jitter better?' nor 'Systems have to
 X good to see the obvious difference, is your that good?'.
 The question is engineering. What level is bad? or perhaps
 what level is bad enough to be important and audible
 and in need of correction, in an otherwise well matched system of price
 about X?
 If you are playing on a boombox, a lot of jitter can be hidden
 (along with THD, and other evils) without being important.
 Played on a $5K system, what is important changes. And it
 changes a little more on a $10K system and probably on a $50K
 system. (I don't have much experience on the latter).
 It is very easy to believe that numerically different amounts of 
 jitter are irrelevant in listening to music. It is not easy to know
 levels are relevant in the real world.
 Its about the music.
Good post.

Patrick Dixon


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread CFP

P Floding Wrote: 
 Actually, audio reproduction is not an exact science. There is no
 ultimate sound system on this planet that sounds perfect to all ears.
 Perhaps I overstated the case, but the fact remains that it is hard to
 believe that more jitter will sound better. Especially since we know
 that one of the reasons digital sounded so awful in its ugly childhood
 was that the engineers had overlooked the effects of jitter.

I thought it was because they were still trying to compensate for
certain deficiencies of analog recording when it was unneeded for

P Floding Wrote: 
 We here have been over this before, and unless you simply search the
 archives, I suggest we start a new thread if you'd like to discuss it.
 (Short answer: FLAC needs more processing in the SB, so no-one can
 claim the situations are fully equivalent.)

So how is this different than any other piece of computer hardware? 
Minus of course, the dedicated FLAC Machine with gate logic solely
optimized for FLAC algorithm decoding :P


CFP's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6915
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread Robin Bowes
ezkcdude wrote:
 opaqueice Wrote: 
 One can imagine lots of possible effects which would sound good to
 almost everyone - like making the volume slightly higher, for example.
 Yes, but in that case most people would also hear the change. We're
 talking about a tweak in which half of us don't hear anything, and half
 think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
 Let's get to the root of the problem. I believe it's psychology, but
 for a different reason. I think that people say they hear a change,
 because it says how great their system is. And if you don't hear a
 difference, it's because your setup is not as good as theirs. Moreover,
 the smaller the tweak, the better their system is. Heck, that argument
 was used just a few posts ago. In my opinion, it's more about bragging
 rights than about sound.

Here's an analogy:

I've noticed that putting sugar in my coffee makes it taste sweeter.
Does anyone else find that?

I suggest that most people will also find this; some may not be able to
taste the difference, but I'll bet that no-one will say that adding
sugar made the coffee less sweet.

Using your logic, that fact that there were no negative reports makes
you suspicious!


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread ezkcdude

That's a terrible analogy. Sure, people will tell you it's sweeter. Will
they universally tell you it's better and the other ones it's no
different? So, what, everybody either loves sweet coffee or doesn't
know the difference? You should think carefully before employing

What exactly about the 63 tweak sounds different to you? Besides the
fact that it is better?


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread opaqueice

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Yes, but in that case most people would also hear the change. We're
 talking about a tweak in which half of us don't hear anything, and half
 think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Not necessarily.  Small differences in volume are quite difficult to
judge by ear, but can nonetheless make the music sound better.

 Let's get to the root of the problem. I believe it's psychology, but
 for a different reason. I think that people say they hear a change,
 because it says how great their system is. And if you don't hear a
 difference, it's because your setup is not as good as theirs. Moreover,
 the smaller the tweak, the better their system is. Heck, that argument
 was used just a few posts ago. In my opinion, it's more about bragging
 rights than about sound.

I think you're being overly harsh here.  While some might be motivated
this way, I think most others are quite sincere, and simply hear
something because they are expecting to.  Since (at least in this case)
they are strongly biased towards hearing something good, that's what


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread Robin Bowes
ezkcdude wrote:
 That's a terrible analogy. Sure, people will tell you it's sweeter. Will
 they universally tell you it's better and the other ones it's no
 different? So, what, everybody either loves sweet coffee or doesn't
 know the difference? You should think carefully before employing
 What exactly about the 63 tweak sounds different to you? Besides the
 fact that it is better?

I haven't A/B'd the 63 tweak. I didn't hear any immediate difference
when I applied it.

My point was rather aimed at your logic that *some* people must report
the tweak as making it sound worse for it to be valid.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread P Floding

CFP Wrote: 
 I thought it was because they were still trying to compensate for
 certain deficiencies of analog recording when it was unneeded for
 So how is this different than any other piece of computer hardware? 
 Minus of course, the dedicated FLAC Machine with gate logic solely
 optimized for FLAC algorithm decoding :P
 edit: Going through the hardware specs I see the SB3 has a 250mhz
 processor. I'm pretty sure that's enough to decode FLAC - one of the
 fastest decoding formats - without straining too much under the labor.

If you are going to be a sceptic, then at the very least learn to read
carefully and apply logic. no-one can claim the situations are fully
equivalent is all I said.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread CFP

P Floding Wrote: 
 If you are going to be a sceptic, then at the very least learn to read
 carefully and apply logic. no-one can claim the situations are fully
 equivalent is all I said.

Nice backpedal.  
Of course situations cannot be fully equivalent - but that's a
meaningless statement it is tantamount to saying, they are not the
same because they are different. Wow, such a philosophical
breakthough! Do I smell a Nobel Prize?  

Well duh, of course the situations are not full equivalent.  On the
most shallow level, one is named FLAC and the other WAV so right
off you've violated mathematical laws of equivalence!

I raised skepticism on the contention WAV sounds better than FLAC for
the SB3.  Your short answer: 

 FLAC needs more processing in the SB, so no-one can claim the situations
 are fully equivalent

Well this is processing difference is by no means unique to the SB3,
FLAC is after all a compressed format.  On any scientific site if
someone contended WAV sounded better than FLAC on their computer due to
the processing differences he/she'd be laughed out of the house.  I
don't know if you're aware but FLAC is one of the only lossless formats
to have a myriad of test suites designed to PROVE output equivalence to
the original signal.  Come on now, if you are going to be a sceptic,
then at the very least learn to read carefully and apply logic.


CFP's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6915
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread P Floding

CFP Wrote: 
 Nice backpedal.  
 Of course situations cannot be fully equivalent - but that's a
 meaningless statement it is tantamount to saying, they are not the
 same because they are different. Wow, such a philosophical
 breakthough! Do I smell a Nobel Prize?  
 Well duh, of course the situations are not full equivalent.  On the
 most shallow level, one is named FLAC and the other WAV so right
 off you've violated mathematical laws of equivalence!
 I raised skepticism on the contention WAV sounds better than FLAC for
 the SB3.  Your short answer: 
 Well this processing difference is by no means unique to the SB3,
 FLAC is after all a compressed format.  On any scientific site if
 someone contended WAV sounded better than FLAC on their computer due to
 the processing differences he/she'd be laughed out of the house.  I
 don't know if you're aware but FLAC is one of the only lossless formats
 to have a myriad of test suites designed to PROVE output equivalence to
 the original signal.  Come on now, if you are going to be a sceptic,
 then at the very least learn to read carefully and apply logic.

I can't recall ever having said that it would be unique.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread JohnnyLightOn

CFP Wrote: 
 On any scientific site if someone contended WAV sounded better than FLAC
 on their computer due to the processing differences he/she'd be
 laughed out of the house.

These scientific sites are often populated by people who either don't
have great ears or don't have great systems.  I've read on Hydrogenaudio
a dozen times that good MP3s and CDs are indistinguishable, which is
clearly not the case.

I'm not saying I think FLAC sounds worse than WAV.  But just because
FLAC is lossless doesn't mean we, as audiophiles, must categorically
rule out any sound difference.  This type of thinking  - that bits are
bits - is why we've been saddled with crappy CD sound up until a few
years ago, even though the standard came out in 1982.  Everything bears
testing, comparison, and scruitiny, even those things that appear
obvious.  FLAC needs an extra decoding step, and in any setup, this
step has the potential to degrade the sound.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-19 Thread CFP

JohnnyLightOn Wrote: 
 These scientific sites are often populated by people who either don't
 have great ears or don't have great systems.  I've read on
 Hydrogenaudio a dozen times that good MP3s and CDs are
 indistinguishable, which is clearly not the case.
 I'm not saying I think FLAC sounds worse than WAV.  But just because
 FLAC is lossless doesn't mean we, as audiophiles, must categorically
 rule out any sound difference.  This type of thinking  - that bits are
 bits - is why we've been saddled with crappy CD sound up until a few
 years ago, even though the standard came out in 1982.  Everything bears
 testing, comparison, and scruitiny, even those things that appear
 obvious.  FLAC needs an extra decoding step, and in any setup, this
 step has the potential to degrade the sound.

You're right.  Perhaps one day science can tell us how computers work.


Speakers: FLAC  Squeezebox 3 Digital Out  Panasonic SA-XR57  Energy
Veritas 2.4i

Headphones: EMU-0404 Digital Out  Zhaolu 2.0C DAC  PMS-04 Headphone
Amplifier  AKG K701, Grado HF-1 || iPod Shuffle  Shure E500

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread SoftwireEngineer

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 Well, according to my TACT measurements, there is no rolloff of HF with
 the SB (2 or 3).
 I think what you're hearing is correct - the SB has a smoother top end
 than many digital sources/CDP's. 
Thanks Phil, switching to the Glass toslink instead of the coax, I got
better results (initially, I could not tell much difference - listening
at a lower volume during night time). I am now very close to the sound
of my transport. I think stock the coax output has higher jitter than
the toslink. Maybe changing to a linear power supply might have
benefits even on the toslink. Whether coax or toslink, it seems to me
that the SB has more detail than the bits out of a CD player/transport.
Supposedly the SB3 has a jitter of 50ps which is very good (if I
remember the MF A3.2 CD player has similar specs).


SoftwireEngineer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7000
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread mauidan

SoftwireEngineer Wrote: 
 Thanks Phil, switching to the Glass toslink instead of the coax, I got
 better results (initially, I could not tell much difference - listening
 at a lower volume during night time). I am now very close to the sound
 of my transport. I think stock the coax output has higher jitter than
 the toslink. Maybe changing to a linear power supply might have
 benefits even on the toslink. Whether coax or toslink, it seems to me
 that the SB has more detail than the bits out of a CD player/transport.
 Supposedly the SB3 has a jitter of 50ps which is very good (if I
 remember the MF A3.2 CD player has similar specs).

From the thread- SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

“I just purchased a brand new SB3, and a colleague subjected the
digital outputs to a quick jitter measurement using Audio Precision
equipment. Results:
SB3 digital coax out jitter: ~99ps, SB3 digital optical out jitter:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread opaqueice

sleepysurf Wrote: 
 Well, I spent a couple hours investigating this further tonight.  In a
 nutshell... RANDOM result.  

Thanks for the update, sleepysurf!  It did seem a bit hard to believe
that the difference could be so big.

As you point out it's also a good lesson in statistics - two positive
trials really aren't enough, but when we're expecting to find something
we tend to seize on positive evidence immediately (whereas faced with
negative evidence we might just re-do the test).  This is exactly why
blind tests, with enough trials, are the only way to decide if this
effect is audible to anyone.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread PhilNYC

Hey opaqueice...I sent you a private message...let me know if you
received it...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread samplesj

Kurt Wrote: 
 I predict that within a week's time, almost everyone on the audiophile
 message boards will be insisting that this is an essential change that
 must be made to realize the full potential of the Squeezebox with an
 external DAC :)
 Ya think?!  ;-)

Let me ask this then.

Why not?

Is there any reason to leave the internal dac on if you are using an
external dac?

Whether or not someone hears a difference, this is totally costless
(should even be insignificantly cheaper).  So why not?  Why ridicule
the idea?


'2 Channel system'
(http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=619) / 'HT
(http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=620) /
'Den' (http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=636)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread andy_c

Actually, Kurt was quoting me in the referenced article, using quotation
marks instead of the QUOTE tags.

Certainly, this change can do no harm and costs nothing.  However,
claiming something makes a big difference in sound, and saying it does
no harm are two different things.  What I was satirizing was the
audiophile bandwagon effect.  That is, someone draws a conclusion based
on an uncontrolled experiment.  Then others, not wishing to be called
tin-eared by saying they hear no difference, also chime in with their
agreement, again based on uncontrolled experiments.  If you go back to
the beginning of the thread, the original claim of an improvement was
based on changing two things at once - setting both the digital and
analog attenuations.  One change affects the digital output data
directly, and the other does not.  The claims of improvement will cause
an expectation bias in the experiment, so to get an unbiased picture
requires a test method that removes expectation bias.

I have no issue with people going with what works for them, based on
uncontrolled subjective experiments.  I do this myself with my own
system all the time.  But there is a difference between saying X works
for me and saying X is true.  The difference is that people will
claim these results to be some kind of indisputable fact when no
controlled experiments have ever established that.  The idea is that
once an assertion has been repeated often enough, it is considered to
be true, regardless of the facts of the matter.  This phenomenon is
known rather harshly as the big lie theory.


andy_c's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3128
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread SoftwireEngineer

mauidan Wrote: 
 From the thread- SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3
 “I just purchased a brand new SB3, and a colleague subjected the
 digital outputs to a quick jitter measurement using Audio Precision
 equipment. Results:
 SB3 digital coax out jitter: ~99ps, SB3 digital optical out jitter:
hmm..I feel my Sound Professionals Glass Toslink is better than my Zu
Ash (tested earlier on my Philips 963SA). Even JA of Stereophile used a
toslink ( a $400 Audioquest optilink 5) and found that the sound is very
close or could not tell the difference between the SB and a Ayre
Dont know how the measurements were made. It must they used a probe or
interconnecting digital cable/toslink, that influenced the jitter


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread Kurt

andy_c Wrote: 
 I have no issue with people going with what works for them, based on
 uncontrolled subjective experiments.  I do this myself with my own
 system all the time.  But there is a difference between saying X works
 for me and saying X is true.  The difference is that people will
 claim these results to be some kind of indisputable fact when no
 controlled experiments have ever established that.  The idea is that
 once an assertion has been repeated often enough, it is considered to
 be true, regardless of the facts of the matter.  This phenomenon is
 known rather harshly as the big lie theory.

Andy -  Perfectly summed up.  We measure what we can up to a point, and
beyond that we just believe.


Main Entry: au·dio·phile 
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-fI(-)l
Function: noun
: a person who takes the pursuit of high-fidelity sound reproduction so
seriously that they don't have to listen to music anymore.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread Phil Leigh

Kurt Wrote: 
 Andy -  Perfectly summed up.  We measure what we can up to a point, and
 beyond that we just believe.

Hopefully we hear (and then believe)...

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread Colin Reilly

I am one of those who agreed muting the analog volume control made a
difference.  I am willing to admit, however, that when I made the
change, the difference I heard could have been caused purely by
something akin to auto suggestion.  I was told there was a difference,
so I heard one, or thought I did.

I have to keep an open mind when it comes to hi-fi, otherwise it is
very easy to begin suffering from audiophilia nervosa.


Colin Reilly

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread andy_c

Hi Colin,

I actually have my attenuation set to 63, even though I didn't hear a
difference.  I figure, why not just attenuate the signal since I'm not
using it anyway?  Works for me :-).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread ezkcdude

Did you hear the tweak about the black SqueezeBox sounding better than
the white one? It's true.


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread andy_c

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Did you hear the tweak about the black SqueezeBox sounding better than
 the white one? It's true.

That's hilarious!  Good thing I wan't drinking a beverage when I read
this :-).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread ezkcdude

Andy, here's a message I posted on the Sterophile forum about this
subject, you may like it,

 It is always interesting to me that when a tweak like this comes along,
 there are always exactly two camps. A) Those who think the tweak
 improves the sound or B) those who can't hear any change. Ask yourself
 this, why is it that nobody every reports the tweak makes it sound
 worse? If there is actually an audible difference, given the subjective
 nature of audiophile preferences, don't you think at least one person
 would find the change negative?


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread PhilNYC

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Ask yourself this, why is it that nobody every reports the tweak makes
 it sound worse?

This isn't true.  There are plenty of tweaks that I've tried that have
made things sound worse in my system.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-17 Thread P Floding

CFP Wrote: 
 This thread took a dive into incredulity a few pages back.
 when it was proposed WAV sounded better than FLAC :P

We here have been over this before, and unless you simply search the
archives, I suggest we start a new thread if you'd like to discuss it.
(Short answer: FLAC needs more processing in the SB, so no-one can
claim the situations are fully equivalent.)

P Floding

P Floding's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2932
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-17 Thread SoftwireEngineer

I ordered the SB3 on Monday and received the package on Wednesday itself
(as I live in the Bay Area). I had earlier installed the Slim Server and
Softsqueeze and had the setup ready with some 10 or 15 CDs worth of
music on the harddrive. Thanks to this thread, I had disabled digital
and the secondary analog volume control. The tiny switching power
supply is plugged into a balanced power conditioner (BC MR1200) The SB3
setup was a breeze (only doubt was whether the WEP key as
case-sensitive, looks like it is not). With the SB3 in the middle rack,
I was getting drops. Then I put it on the topmost, next to my MMF5
Initial impression was lack of HF extension - on further listening I
found I was getting more resolution, different drums sound differently,
there was more texture in the sound of flutes, guitar/piano has more
body. I switched between the glass toslink and the Zu Ash and could not
tell much difference. 
Like any self-doubting audiophile worth his salt, I now doubt whether
the HF extension is really missing or I am just used tothe 'digital
edge' of a CD player (my Philips 963sa is supposed to have a 'clinical'
sound according to Steve at Empirical audio). 
If I have to put it positively, the sound is non-edgy and almost
reminds me of my turntable sound. I also enjoy the convenience of
flipping thru my itunes playlist and listening to whatever I like,
whereas otherwise I would be lazy to get up go and find a CD and play
Still I can't seem to help doubt the SB3. Can somebody help me with
some impressions/descriptions of the sound of the SB3 ?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-17 Thread ackcheng

I also have a HTPC running RME9632. Comparing the HTPC setup with the
SB2/3 (Both with digital out to DAC) I have also noticed that SB2/3
does not have the HF extension that I can get with the RME. Now,
whethere this is digital glare, I don't know. But I like the sound of
RME better. 

Waiting for the Transporter now.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-17 Thread Phil Leigh

Well, according to my TACT measurements, there is no rolloff of HF with
the SB (2 or 3).
I think what you're hearing is correct - the SB has a smoother top end
than many digital sources/CDP's. 

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-17 Thread andy_c

seanadams Wrote: 
 I assumed the transmitter was hard wired. Now we learn that it probably
 has a microphone pickup. I bet it's a fluke.

Oh dear, I'll have to read these threads more carefully :).  If that
doorbell circuit uses a microphone, well, that's a recipe for all kinds
of false alarms.  Seems like it would be more expensive to make it with
a microphone than a wired connection.  Weird.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-17 Thread sleepysurf

Well, I spent a couple hours investigating this further tonight.  In a
nutshell... RANDOM result.  

First off, I had pulled the transmitter off the top of my permanent
doorbell chime, trying to determine how it works, what frequency, etc. 
When I put it back tonight, I couldn't (initially) get it to to trigger
at all with my In Trutina test track.  After replacing the batteries,
and adjusting it's exact positioning a bit, finally got it working.

I tried five repetitions of the test, using coax out to my Benchmark
DAC, with mute off, then on.  This time, I got random results, with
the chime ringing once (sometimes even twice), or occasionally not at
all, even before changing the mute setting.  Having the analog RCA
cables attached or not did not matter.

However, I found that if I adjusted the Benchmark volume attenuator ONE
click up or down, I could turn on or turn off the effect pretty
consistently, regardless of whether the mute was invoked.

When I posted my initial chime observation a couple days ago, I had
only done two repetitions of the test, and quit, since I had 100%
consistency on my findings.

In retrospect, I should have done a few more repetitions to be sure.  I
think what happened is the Benchmark Volume setting was straddling the
range that can trigger zero, one, or two, rings, possibly depending upon
where I was standing during the test.

I still think the analog muting DOES have audible improvement (in my
setup), but can no longer offer my chime extender as objective

Hopefully somebody with an oscilloscope, or some other more objective
measure, can definitively prove whether or not the mute tweak is real,
or just a ding-dong theory.  :)


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-17 Thread Kurt

I predict that within a week's time, almost everyone on the audiophile
message boards will be insisting that this is an essential change that
must be made to realize the full potential of the Squeezebox with an
external DAC :)

Ya think?!  ;-)


Main Entry: au·dio·phile 
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-fI(-)l
Function: noun
: a person who takes the pursuit of high-fidelity sound reproduction so
seriously that they don't have to listen to music anymore.

Kurt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2153
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread mauidan

seanadams Wrote: 
 I think you misunderstood me - neither has problems but when we are
 talking about picoseconds of jitter there will certainly be differences
 from one interface design to the next.  The transformers we use are
 Vitec 1:1 made for s/pdif.   They are used for both the input and the
 output ports for both BNC and XLR connections (four altogether).  I
 also experimented with a few other makes and these were chosen for
 having the cleanest waveform - symmmetrical and fast, but with no
 under/overshoot. When I get a minute I will post some scope screenshots
 so you can see exactly what it looks like.

Are you using the Vitec 16Z5752? If so, it appears to be exactly the
same as the PE65612 made in Mexico 15 years ago.

Look forward to your screen shots.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

sleepysurf Wrote: 
 Now, this begs the question (for Sean I suppose), WHY does this work???
 It certainly sounds like there could be a permanent software fix for
 this issue.

So let me make sure I understand - this chime extender thing is a
microphone that sits by the doorbell and listens for the doorbell
chime, and when it hears it sends a signal to the remote unit (which
makes a sound).  You're saying if your music is playing certain notes
loudly enough, the chime extender thinks it's heard the doorbell and
goes off.  Is that right?

Now, the interesting part is that you say the difference between
analogue muted and un-muted is so big the extender triggers in one case
and not in the other.  But that means a really big difference, not
subtle at all - this doorbell extender is certainly a cheap microphone,
possibly in another room (?) from the speakers - if it can consistently
tell the difference I think SB has got a problem!  

I suppose one hypothesis would be that the analogue un-muted introduces
lots of correlated jitter - so much that it amplifies those high notes
and triggers the doorbell.  Can you tell us approximately how many dB
of volume increase you need to set off the doorbell even with the
analogue volume muted?

Unfortunately I no longer have an external DAC, so I can't test this. 
One check would be to record a sweep through a good measurement
microphone with analogue muted versus unmuted and look for differences.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread cliveb

opaqueice Wrote: 
 So let me make sure I understand - this chime extender thing is a
 microphone that sits by the doorbell and listens for the doorbell
 chime, and when it hears it sends a signal to the remote unit (which
 makes a sound).  You're saying if your music is playing certain notes
 loudly enough, the chime extender thinks it's heard the doorbell and
 goes off.  Is that right?
We must keep in mind the possibility that we're being reeled in by a
prankster over this (in which case I applaud sleepysurf's mischief - we
can all do with some light relief around here).

But if we are to take what he says at face value, my reading is that
the extender is NOT a microphone-based device. He says it's wireless,
and I'd expect it to be RF rather than infrared (otherwise it would
only work in line-of-sight). If that is the case, then the implication
is that when the analogue output is not muted, the SB generates some
amount of RFI that triggers the extender, and this interference goes
away when the analogue output is muted.

That suggests to me that the SB's internal DAC is the source of the
RFI. Perhaps if the DAC receives just a stream of zeros, it doesn't
bother to do anything. Or maybe even the Squeezebox firmware switches
off the internal DAC when the analogue output is muted. Maybe Sean can
comment on this.

As for getting the extender triggered by turning up the level on the
Benchmark DAC1, then we can conclude that even this exalted device can
generate the necessary RFI if pushed far enough, so it's not as if the
SB's DAC is somehow deficient in this respect.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

Q for sleepysurf:  Is there a cable connecting the analog out of the SB
to your preamp?

If so, try the experiment with this cable disconnected.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread P Floding

opaqueice Wrote: 
 There's a gadget that sits on the doorbell, and is activated when it
 rings and sends the wireless signal.

ok, I see!
I didn't see that link to the actual extender!
Quite a novel product!

Then it seems almost certain that it is the audio itself that triggers
the doorbell. If so, I'm glad a device can actually pick up a
qualitative difference that can be heard -for a change!

To verify this I suggest playing at a level that consistently triggers
the extender, and then muffling the speakers using a rug or similar
(rather than turning down the volume).

Then the first and obvious thing to check must be if the digital level
somehow changes when the DAC is muted. According to Sean it really
should not. If it doesn't, what remains is the possibility that
distortion sets off the extender.

I can say that my ears can easily take about 6 dB louder volume, and
still enjoy the music, than with the analog out active. So I would not
be at all surprised if a whole lot of treble noise has been lowered.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread samplesj

Thank you for the wonderful tweak.

I'm not sure why it matters, but yes setting that preamp mute made a
difference in my system too.  Its much cleaner sounding now so I'm sure
I could crank it louder without problems too.

Here is an interesting question.  Of the people that can hear an
improvement who is also running a Benchmark DAC1?  Is it something
specific to the DAC1 or more of a global improvement?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread Deaf Cat

samplesj Wrote: 
 Thank you for the wonderful tweak.
 I'm not sure why it matters, but yes setting that preamp mute made a
 difference in my system too.  Its much cleaner sounding now so I'm sure
 I could crank it louder without problems too.
 Here is an interesting question.  Of the people that can hear an
 improvement who is also running a Benchmark DAC1?  Is it something
 specific to the DAC1 or more of a global improvement?

Oo sorry I just posted a new thread because I could not remember
were I had read about the 63.0 mute thing, an interesting experiment

Errr, not too sure what to do now with the different thread. 


Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

I tried this and noticed no change whatsoever.  My system uses a stock
SB2 going into a Berhinger DEQ2496, then a Benchmark DAC1 using TosLink
for both digital connections.  I have a laptop on a table right next to
my listening chair, so I can change the setting of the analog
attenuation without moving from my listening position, and without even
moving my head.  Just enter the new value, listen for a while with my
hand on the mouse, then click the mouse to update the setting.

I predict that within a week's time, almost everyone on the audiophile
message boards will be insisting that this is an essential change that
must be made to realize the full potential of the Squeezebox with an
external DAC :).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

aberdeencomponents Wrote: 
 Not as good as your refrence transport? You need to go to the
 Tacthackerforum, and tell them how it is! 
 I got something that might give yout tport a run, hint..?

I stopped arguing with Tact owners long ago... ;-)

Sure, what's the hint?  My reference transport is pretty darn good...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

andy_c Wrote: 
 I tried this and noticed no change whatsoever.  My system uses a stock
 SB2 going into a Berhinger DEQ2496, then a Benchmark DAC1 using TosLink
 for both digital connections.  I have a laptop on a table right next to
 my listening chair, so I can change the setting of the analog
 attenuation without moving from my listening position, and without even
 moving my head.  Just enter the new value, listen for a while with my
 hand on the mouse, then click the mouse to update the setting.

Andy, when you changed the setting to 63, did you stop the music and
then re-start it?  As mentioned previously, you might have to stop
streaming to the SB in order for the setting to take effect.

(and fwiw, I used track 2 (Georgia) from Willie Nelson's Stardust
album as my first listening test to try this tweak...it's a quiet
track that makes noise-floor very noticeable, and a very well-recorded
vocal track that is easy to hear differences)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 Andy, when you changed the setting to 63, did you stop the music and
 then re-start it?  As mentioned previously, you might have to stop
 streaming to the SB in order for the setting to take effect.

It would be great if those who hear a difference would try it blind. 
Just have a friend sit by the server, flip a coin - heads change the
setting, tails keep it, then restart the track - and see how many times
out of ten you get it right.  That's simply the only way (not counting
doorbells) to determine if this really makes a difference.

I don't have an opinion one way or the other on if it's real (not
having an external DAC anymore I can't test it myself), but on the
other hand many other times - on this board and others - people
(including me) who were quite certain they could hear a difference like
this couldn't do so blind.  Personally I'm always eager to try it blind,
because I think it's amazing how easily our minds can trick us...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread Phil Leigh

I've got NO idea what is going on here, but the difference is clear - my
hand was resting on my subwoofer (where my mouse lives) when I changed
the settings and restarted the track and I could easily feel increased
vibration in the top of the sub cabinet...something is definitely

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 Andy, when you changed the setting to 63, did you stop the music and
 then re-start it?  As mentioned previously, you might have to stop
 streaming to the SB in order for the setting to take effect.

Ahh, you're right.  I hooked it up through the analog output of the SB
and verified that the analog level stays the same until the streaming
is stopped (not just paused) and re-started.  This makes the test
harder to perform.

After changing the technique to re-start the stream, I still couldn't
tell the difference though.

Music used was the solo piano version of Malachi from Andrew Hill's
latest album Time Lines.  Great recording.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread samplesj

andy_c Wrote: 
 Ahh, you're right.  I hooked it up through the analog output of the SB
 and verified that the analog level stays the same until the streaming
 is stopped (not just paused) and re-started.  This makes the test
 harder to perform.
 After changing the technique to re-start the stream, I still couldn't
 tell the difference though.
 Music used was the solo piano version of Malachi from Andrew Hill's
 latest album Time Lines.  Great recording.

Try taking the Berhinger out of the loop.  If this tweak is reducing
the noise floor of the sb digital out, maybe it is already lower than
the noise floor of that piece of gear.  

Maybe try a coax connection instead too.  Weren't the jitter specs of
the optical out from the sb abysmal compared to the coax?  I know the
DAC1 is supposed to be immune, but still.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread P Floding

samplesj Wrote: 
 Thank you for the wonderful tweak.
 I'm not sure why it matters, but yes setting that preamp mute made a
 difference in my system too.  Its much cleaner sounding now so I'm sure
 I could crank it louder without problems too.
 Here is an interesting question.  Of the people that can hear an
 improvement who is also running a Benchmark DAC1?  Is it something
 specific to the DAC1 or more of a global improvement?

I have a TacT RCS 2.2x with a Aberdeen power supply upgrade (and
various minor tweaks of my own). It would probably rate pretty highly
against dedicated DACs.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

samplesj Wrote: 
 Maybe try a coax connection instead too. 

I didn't notice that he was using the TosLink.  Pure speculation here,
but I would have guessed that muting the analog out would likely not
have as much (at all?) of an effect on the Toslink out.  Muting the
analog out is essentially lowing the power demands of the power supply
and reducing any EMI being generated by the analog circuitry...but
since Toslink is optical, perhaps its not affected by these things?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread P Floding

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 I didn't notice that he was using the TosLink.  Pure speculation here,
 but I would have guessed that muting the analog out would likely not
 have as much (at all?) of an effect on the Toslink out.  Muting the
 analog out is essentially lowing the power demands of the power supply
 and reducing any EMI being generated by the analog circuitry...but
 since Toslink is optical, perhaps its not affected by these things?

I hear a difference with TosLINK, but a larger difference with coax. I
used to only listen via TosLINK before this tweak because I found that
coax sounded too harsh. Now coax sounds better than TosLINK, which now
sounds more closed in and imprecise in comparison.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread LHawes

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 I am not using a Benchmark DAC, but the difference is very noticeable to

Phil would you mind telling us what you are using?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread P Floding

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 I use a Dodson Audio DA-218 DAC
 (Note: I'm also a Dodson dealer)

I hate to spoil the party (not sure for whom, however) but from

Input signal jitter is eliminated by first clocking the input signal
into a storage memory, then re-clocking the stored input signal out of
the memory using a master clock with an unprecedented +/-2 picoseconds
of phase jitter. After re-clocking, balanced differential drivers send
the low-to-no-jitter re-clocked signal to the 24-bit/96kHz DAC chips.


Maybe he uses a sample rate converter before the buffer that turns the
jitter into an integral part of the datastream, but that would sort of
defeat the purpose of the buffering.

BTW, have you tried various low cost SPDIF sources with the Dodson to
verify the effectiveness of the buffering? (I.e: They should all sound
the same!)

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

I've had long conversations with Ralph Dodson about whether a transport
should make a difference or not with the DA-218...and the bottom line
is that even with all the high-tech buffering and reclocking he does,
the transport still does make a difference.  Talking to other engineers
in the industry, the consensus seems to be that jitter will always be a
factor unless you use a master/slave word-clock architecture.

I've tried a ton of SPDIF sources with the DA-218, ranging from the
infamous $50 Toshiba 3950 univeral player to the $14000 Weiss Jason
transport.  No question that they all sound different (and yes, the
Weiss transport was without a doubt the best, although you won't catch
me spending that kind of money on a transport!).  Off the top of my
head, here's what I've tried:

Toshiba 3950
Pioneer 593A
Panasonic DV56
Sony S7700 stock
Sony S7700 (basic mod by Empirical Audio)
Sony S7700 (turbo mod by Emperical Audio)
Arcam FMJ-CD23
DIY Pro2M transport kit (stock and with mods)
Weiss Jason transport
47 Labs Shigaraki transport
SqueezeBox 2 (w/stock and Elpac power supply)
Olive Opus
Oracle CD1000 transport (my current reference)

There have been others, but I can't remember exactly.

Btw - I wouldn't discount the Bybee stuff.  For 30+ years, Ralph was
head of General Dynamics' Black box division, designing military
systems (missle guidance, etc).  Quantum purifiers were originally
developed for military systems purposes, so Ralph has a long history
with them.  I don't believe he would have used them in his designs if
they didn't have real effect...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 Btw - I wouldn't discount the Bybee stuff.  For 30+ years, Ralph was
 head of General Dynamics' Black box division, designing military
 systems (missle guidance, etc).  Quantum purifiers were originally
 developed for military systems purposes, so Ralph has a long history
 with them.  I don't believe he would have used them in his designs if
 they didn't have real effect...

I don't know what's in them and I've never listened to one, but the
description on the Bybee website of the way they work is utter
nonsense.  It's very hard to see why anyone would write something like
that if they weren't selling snake oil.  Here's part of it:

 Bybee Quantum Purifiers operate on the quantum mechanical level to
 regulate the flow of electrons that make up the signal (picture a
 metering light regulating freeway traffic flow). Current flow within
 the Quantum Purifier is unimpeded and ideal (think of the unencumbered
 flow of traffic on a lightly traveled expressway). During transit
 through the Quantum Purifier, quantum noise energy is stripped off the
 electrons, streamlining their flow through ensuing conductors. Unwanted
 quantum noise energy dissipates as heat within the Quantum Purifier
 rather than emerging as a layer of contamination residue over the
 audio/video information.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

Yep, it certainly sounds like nonsense...no question about that.  And I
have never tried any of the Bybee products separate from my Dodson DAC,
so I couldn't tell you any A/B-comparison-type experiences.  But Ralph's
engineering resume speaks for itself, and there's all sorts of published
research on quantum voltage.  Here's one publication by the National
Institute for Standards and Technology with specific reference to
D-to-A converters (albeit not for audio D-to-A converters):



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread SoftwireEngineer

Has anybody done comparisons between the Coax and Toslink ? I have found
that my Sound Professionals Glass Toslink beats my Zu Ash coax on my
Philips 963SA DVD player into my Panasonic XR55. My Squeezebox has
arrived today and I think I will either conneting the Zu Ash or
switching the glass toslink to it, this evening.
I am favoring the toslink, because JA of Stereophile used a Audioquest
Optilink 5 ($400 !!!) with the sb and found it was hard to tell the
difference between it and an Ayre player.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread CFP

This thread took a dive into incredulity a few pages back.

when it was proposed WAV sounded better than FLAC :P


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

I've tried the Wireworld SuperNova 5 glass toslink cable and found it to
be very good.  Still prefer my coax, but the SuperNova is 1/2 the price
of my coax cable and is 95% of the performance...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

Dan Banquer found an EMI problem with the Squeezebox in this thread
http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/index.php?topic=30075.0, using an AM
radio tuned in between stations to pick up the noise.

In this thread
http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/index.php?topic=30207.0, he did more
experiments and found that by breaking the galvanic connection between
Squeezebox and DAC using a TosLink cable, he was able to eliminate the

If you have a high quality TosLink cable that you like, it sounds like
it would be a safe bet.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 Yep, it certainly sounds like nonsense...no question about that.  And I
 have never tried any of the Bybee products separate from my Dodson DAC,
 so I couldn't tell you any A/B-comparison-type experiences.  But Ralph's
 engineering resume speaks for itself, and there's all sorts of published
 research on quantum voltage.  Here's one publication by the National
 Institute for Standards and Technology with specific reference to
 D-to-A converters (albeit not for audio D-to-A converters):

Well, there's nothing wrong with talking about quantum voltages,
quantum currents, etc. - that just means the number of electrons
involved is small, so quantization effects come into play.  However the
number of electrons flowing through an audio circuit is of the order of
10^18 (1 with 18 zeros after it).  Furthermore there's no such thing as
quantum noise energy, except maybe as a strange way to refer to
quantum contributions to the energy of vacuum (and please don't anyone
tell me the cosmological constant matters to audiophiles!).

Anyway, we're at risk of falling very far off topic...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

opaqueice Wrote: 
 Anyway, we're at risk of falling very far off topic...

Yep...and despite taking an interest in learning how things work (or
don't work), the ultimate test is whether you like the sound or not...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 Here's a good article describing why you should use a 1.5m digital

Yikes.  Any RF engineer that knows his transmission line theory and has
experience with transmission line measurements knows that the
information in that linked article is completely false.  It can be
verified to be false by using a SPICE simulator and the LTRA
transmission line model.  This model is a true distributed parameter
model that takes into account reflections, delays, etc.

For an alternative view on this from DAC designer Dan Lavry, see this
thread http://recforums.prosoundweb.com/index.php/mv/msg/11678/0/0/0/


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

andy_c Wrote: 
 Yikes.  Any RF engineer that knows his transmission line theory and has
 experience with transmission line measurements knows that the
 information in that linked article is completely false.  

FWIW, the author of the article (Steve Nugent) was a transmission line
engineer for Intel for 20+ years...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

A transmission line engineer for Intel?  That's too funny.  There really
is no such thing as a transmission line engineer per se.  That's like
being the proverbial Maytag repairman.  People that work on things like
radar systems or wireless products that work in the GHz range must know
their transmission line theory very well, but it's really a small part
of what they do.  People that work at digital companies like Intel in
general don't have to know their transmission line theory at all.

I worked for an RF/Microwave design and simulation software company
that sold its softare to Intel for use in designing their wireless
products (Centrino chipset).  The RF/microwave area was new to them
until they came out with those products.  They had many early failures
due to lack of RF/microwave design experience.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread PhilNYC

Well, I may have called it the wrong name, but I do know he's worked on
some stuff for Intel involving long distance data transmission systems
(or something like that).  Perhaps the fact that Intel was never really
successful in that market says something...?  I'll tell you that having
met Steve a couple of times in person, I'm not going to say he is the
most humble person to talk with.  But I've been a customer of his mod
work, which I have found to be excellent.  I've never tried any of his
cables, but I've found that I do hear a difference using a 1.5m digital
cable, an improvement over the same cable at 1m...

Ralph Dodson, on the other hand, is one of the nicest people you'll
ever meet. :-)

Anyways, I'm going to step back and stop defending these people's
work...going to go listen to some music... :-)


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread Pat Farrell

andy_c wrote:
PhilNYC Wrote: 

Here's a good article describing why you should use a 1.5m digital

Yikes. ... [snip] .. engineer   knows that the
information in that linked article is completely false.

The referenced article smells like snake oil to me, as well.
No reason to degenerate into dualing experts.

S/PDIF is a consumer mass market spec. It was designed to
be everywhere and to be 'good enough'. It was primarily designed
to be cheap.

The idea that magic metals in the cable makes a cable 'digital' is
simply marketing spin. All cables are analog. You put a voltage
on a wire, and it flows (or the electronics flow, or the electron holes
flow the other way, depending on your point of view.). The only thing
digital is the signaling, which is the interpretation of the
analog signal. With proper engineering, you can meet specs.

By most standards, the SPDIF signal is just barely in the RF world, or
at least not in serious RF mode. There are only 1.5 mega bits per 
second, just above the AM radio band.

There is also the minor detail that no wire with RCA connectors on it 
can be 75 ohm, which is the spec for S/PDIF. RCA connectors have
advantages (which is why the WW2 signal corp veterans who created 'hi 
fi' used them, but they can't be 75 ohm impedance, the size is wrong.
So no matter what the conductors are made out of, or what magic super 
insulator covers it, there are impedance mismatches. Its a feature.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

pfarrell Wrote: 
 By most standards, the SPDIF signal is just barely in the RF world, or
 at least not in serious RF mode. There are only 1.5 mega bits per
 second, just above the AM radio band.
 There is also the minor detail that no wire with RCA connectors on it
 can be 75 ohm, which is the spec for S/PDIF. RCA connectors have
 advantages (which is why the WW2 signal corp veterans who created 'hi
 fi' used them, but they can't be 75 ohm impedance, the size is wrong.

Just to nitpick a bit, the bandwidth in the analog domain is determined
by the required rise time of the pulses, not by the number of pulses per
unit time.  As you go to very fast rise times, the equivalent bandwidth
becomes much larger than the bits per second of the serial data stream.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread seanadams

andy_c Wrote: 
 Just to nitpick a bit, the bandwidth in the analog domain is determined
 by the required rise/fall time of the pulses, not by the number of
 pulses per unit time.  Since the rise/fall times must be short compared
 to the pulse width (time duration of a single bit), the equivalent
 bandwidth becomes much larger than the bits per second of the serial
 data stream.

Precisely right... and maintaining the slope of those transitions
matters a lot if you care about jitter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread Pat Farrell

andy_c wrote:

By most standards, the SPDIF signal is just barely in the RF world, or
at least not in serious RF mode. There are only 1.5 mega bits per
second, just above the AM radio band.

Just to nitpick a bit, the bandwidth in the analog domain is determined
by the required rise time of the pulses, not by the number of pulses per
unit time.  As you go to very fast rise times, the equivalent bandwidth
becomes much larger than the bits per second of the serial data stream.


And signaling rate is not the same as bandwidth or data rate when you
get serious. But fast rise times allows more transitions, which usually
means higher signaling rates, which allows more data per unit of time.

The key point is that SPDIF is not at rates that cause RF engineers to 
lose much sleep. Deal with 2.4 gHz to pick a random number that I curse

with every day, and it takes some engineering.

The analog dudes, down in the 20-20kHz range have it so easy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread Pat Farrell

seanadams wrote:

Precisely right... and maintaining the slope of those transitions
matters a lot if you care about jitter.

What? You mean real world wiring doesn't instantantously
keep the square wave, with infinite slope, moving down the wire? :-)

Isn't the actual, delivered slope, or triggering voltage, constant
with a connection that is made and left in place for a few million 
cycles? let alone the  months that more real world users keep their

gear connected?

While the DAC may have to be designed to handle a wide variety of
actual signals, I'd expect it to have only a few values in a real
installation. Which would mean that theoretical tolerance is not
as important as tolerating the variance that your setup actually delivers.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread CFP

Whenever digital audio gets mentioned, it seems talk of jitter is not
far behind.  Can someone provide for my reading pleasure a reasonably
scientific experiment or white paper that measures the audibility of
jitter, especially pertaining to the ranges commonly associated with
decent audio gear (i.e. no straw-men)?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread seanadams

pfarrell Wrote: 
 Isn't the actual, delivered slope, or triggering voltage, constant
 with a connection that is made and left in place for a few million 
 cycles? let alone the  months that more real world users keep their
 gear connected?

I'm not sure if I follow you. I was not suggesting that a cable's
characteristics change over time. I meant maintain in the sense that
the waveshape as transmitted is not beyond the bandwidth of the cable.

Of course, I'm not the type to own a cable cooker:
http://www.audioexcellenceaz.com/audiodharmacablecooker.htm  :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread sleepysurf

andy_c Wrote: 
 Q for sleepysurf:  Is there a cable connecting the analog out of the SB
 to your preamp?
 If so, try the experiment with this cable disconnected.
 If there is no such cable, or the problem persists when the cable is
 removed, try using TosLink between the SB and Benchmark.  That will
 prevent conducted EMI between the two boxes.

Late day at work, no time for testing tonight.  However, to answer the
above question, YES, I actually have BOTH the RCA analog out and
TosLink digital outs feeding my Yamaha RXV-1000 (which I alternately
use).  The Digital coax is going direct to the Benchmark DAC. 
Complicating things further, I am using a Niles AXP-1, to switch
between the Yamaha and Benchmark, feeding my amp. Tomorrow night I'll
have (a little) time to test the effect separately with isolated

I've glanced over the various postings on this topic, and opinions seem
to go both ways re: ? improved sound.  I posted my doorbell chime
extender observation solely because, IMHO, it offers *objective* proof
that *something* has changed.  BTW, I'm not entirely sure how the chime
TRANSMITTER works.  It has 4 AAA batteries, and physically sits on top
of my main doorbell chime box.  There is a small opening which might be
a microphone or some other sensor, and when it hears the main doorbell
chime, it sends a wireless signal to the RECEIVING unit, which is A/C
powered, and located at the back of my house.  The RECEIVING unit is
the one that I hear ringing (or not) depending upon whether the mute
trick is invoked.  Perhaps a phone call to Heath-Zenith can answer some
questions re: the technical aspects.

Clearly, more testing is indicated.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread andy_c

sleepysurf Wrote: 
 I posted my doorbell chime extender observation solely because, IMHO, it
 offers *objective* proof that *something* has changed.

Yep.  To tell the truth, when I first read your post, I thought the
whole situation was extremely bizarre.  But after thinking about it for
a while, I realized that there is physically verifiable evidence here. 
And physically verifiable evidence, no matter how bizarre the
circumstances is to me worth more than audiophile hearsay.  That's why
this whole thing is worth investigating further.

I did look up these remote doorbells, and it appears some work at 400
MHz or so, and some work at 2.4 GHz (which begins to make sense).  So a
hypothesis might be that conducted EMI at around 2.4 GHz is getting into
the system and radiating (via speaker cables?) and getting picked up by
the doorbell receiver.  That was why I suspected there might be a cable
from SB analog out to preamp.  The 63 dB attenuation at audio won't
attenuate 2.4 GHz by nearly that much, but maybe by a few dB.

If it's a conducted EMI problem, there's really only two paths
originating at the SB - the analog output cable and the S/PDIF.  If
it's not a conducted EMI problem, I must admit I'll be lost at that
point.  But disconnecting the analog cable and replacing the S/PDIF
cable with TosLink (one at a time) will eliminate conducted EMI
originating with the SB.

One reminder, but I'm sure you already know this.  Before changing
anything, be sure to repeat the problem with the remote doorbell, just
in case something else has happened in the meantime to change things.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-16 Thread seanadams

I assumed the transmitter was hard wired. Now we learn that it probably
has a microphone pickup. I bet it's a fluke.

Just try the experiment a few more times and you will find that muting
the DAC makes no difference at all.  Ideally, have someone else change
the setting on the flip of a coin so that you don't even know what to
expect as you play the track.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-15 Thread seanadams

mauidan Wrote: 
 What pulse transformer are you using?
 A properly designed pulse transformer should have no problems
 with rise time or bandwidth.
 Is there a pulse transformer on the AES/EBU output?

I think you misunderstood me - neither has problems but when we are
talking about picoseconds of jitter there will certainly be differences
from one interface design to the next.  The transformers we use are
Vitec 1:1 made for s/pdif.   They are used for both the input and the
output ports for both BNC and XLR connections (four altogether).  I
also experimented with a few other makes and these were chosen for
having the cleanest waveform - symmmetrical and fast, but with no
under/overshoot. When I get a minute I will post some scope screenshots
so you can see exactly what it looks like.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-15 Thread P Floding

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 I just tried this...very cool.  Lower noise floor, reduced harshness in
 the vocals and cymbals...still not where my reference transport is, but
 I'm pretty surprised that the gap closed as much as it did. 

If you have a system good enough to hear the difference from muting
analogue out, then it might be worth testing using WAV instead of FLAC
(if indeed you are using FLAC at the moment).

The good news is that FLAC can be converted to WAV on the server side
(Server Settings, File Types). (Verify by checking that fast-forwarding
stops working when conversion is being performed.)

In theory FLAC should sound exactly the same as WAV, but I maintain
that I hear an improvement listening to WAV.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-15 Thread PhilNYC

Yeah, I've been thinking about that recently (my music is ripped to
Apple Lossless at the moment).  Will certainly do the test at some
point soon...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-15 Thread seanadams

sleepysurf Wrote: 
 Now, this begs the question (for Sean I suppose), WHY does this work???
 It certainly sounds like there could be a permanent software fix for
 this issue.

That's astonishing. If it is really 100% reproducible then I would
start by trying to pare down the system to a minimal set of equipment
that can trigger this. First diconnect speakers, then the amp, etc.  If
you can narrow it down sufficiently then we could try to set it up here
and look with a spectrum analyzer to find the source of whatever
triggers the door bell.

Anyway, you get the award for strangest post ever!


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