Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Mikaeel (Murder) Conspiracy

2009-07-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Michael Jackson (MJ) was known as the most loving person in the world. He gave 
up most of his assets for charity and all his life, he fought for equality of 
the African Americans, AIDS victims, Against Drug Abuse, Against Abortion, 
Against Child Labor and secretly channelled his properties for the hungry 
children of the world. However, he wasn't peace at heart. He always think of 
himself as a child trapped inside a man's body. Being Peter Pan is all his 
dream, never to grow up, forever a child. That inspires him to build Neverland 
- a heaven for children. Children of all ages and races are welcomed to 
Neverland. MJ had so much love to give.
 However, he made a mistake which he didn't know of the consequences. He saw 
the peaceful life his brother, Jermaine (Muhammad Abdul Aziz) had as a Muslim - 
true, Jermaine faced so much pressure that he moved to Bahrain .
In 1989, MJ made a press conference which shocked the world, I have seen the 
Islam in the life of my brother, I have read the books about Islam. And I'd 
love to someday feel the calmness and peace of Islam
Since that, MJ's life was never the same again.
He was accused of so many accusations against child molestation. MJ was not 
someone who can deal with much pressure as he is a 'delicate child'. All the 
extortion and black mail followed after that. Everything he did was being seen 
as wrong in the eyes of the Media. All these are to influence his fans to hate 
MJ. If he is hated, then he would not be influencial anymore.
For several years, he stayed in England . Getting motivation from a long time 
friend, Cat Stevens, who had converted into Islam - named Yusuf Islam. From 
him, MJ learnt how Yusuf had survived being Muslim. He made friends with a song 
writer, Zain Bhikha too, who wrote a song titled, GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH, which 
he wanted MJ to sing whenever he is ready.
 Following his trial, MJ withdrew to Bahrain , where he was the special guest 
of sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the son of Bahrain 's king. It was then 
that Michael began to give conversion more serious thought.
MJ stayed in Bahrain for approximately 3 years. He studied Islam, the prayers 
and learn to read the Koran (al-Quran).
Finally, he came back to Los Angeles and in November 2008 MJ had formally 
converted to Islam in a ceremony at a close friend's house in Los Angeles .
 He perform Haj with the King of Bahrain and son on December 2008. He had a 
hidden agenda when he wanted to make a final comeback. He annouced in a press 
conference on March 2009, This will be my final concert. I'll see you all in 
 He planned that during his concert, he would announce that this is the FINAL 
concert as he wouldn't be performing anymore. He will declare that he is a 
Muslim and will only sing with Yusuf Islam and Friends.
 At the end of the concert, he will be singing the song, GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH 
with Yusuf Islam. That is the reason why he chose London as his final concert 
venue instead of the USA . It was because he thought he could escape the USA 's 
extortion, and that he could perform with yusuf Islam who is in England .
 At 12.30am, 25th June 2009, he hugged his production manager and said, After 
reherasing for 2 months, I am finally ready for the concert...
 Before leaving to sleep, he waved his dancers, It was a good night everyone. 
I'll see you all tomorrow...
The next thing... He was pronouced dead at 2.26am
When 911 was called, there are so much questions asked. It is as if they didn't 
know who MJ is and where he lived. The questions asked are more towards to 
delay time.
 The hospital said the autopsy result can only be obtained after 2 months - 
very illogical as even the worst African technology could obtain the result in 
less than 2 weeks.
MJ's family members opt for second private autopsy as they started to feel 
something fishy is going on. The result came out in about 4 days - MJ was 
drugged with high dosage of anaesthetic - drug that brings about a reversible 
loss of consciousness, if used to much could stop the heart from beating.
Another result which was not aired in the media was, MJ's stomach is empty of 
this drug, but his blood were filled with it - same case as the death of 
Marilyn Monroe.
The private doctors also found many needle marks, afraid to be forced 
injections given to MJ on his bed.
 In CNN Live after a week, Barack Obama was interviewed. And he said, I love 
MJ, I grew up listening to his songs. It is a great loss, but rest assured that 
there is no conspiracy in his death...
Now, why must a President made such statement before the official autopsy 
result came out? How would he know that there is no conspiracy without the 
post-mortem result? Seems like someone is afraid of his shadows.
 MJ was known to the world as a person who is against drug abuse. Why must he 
be addicted to drug, then? If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his 
concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The role of merchants in spreading Islam

2009-05-23 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

The role of merchants in spreading Islam

3a) Perpecahan Ummah Pada 73 Puak. Bagaimana  Siapakah Mereka? (1)

  oleh Ustaz Kamaruzzman Afandi (Real Audio format).
  B.A. Syariah, Universiti Madinah.
  Syarahan ini diadakan pada hari Sabtu 24hb April 2004. 

3b) Perpecahan Ummah Pada 73 Puak. Bagaimana  Siapakah Mereka? (2)

To call people to Allaah is the duty of every responsible and conscientious 
Muslim. Since there is no priesthood in Islam or sacerdotal class among 
Muslims, the duty of the call to Allaah cannot be limited to an ill-conceived 
and imaginary group called the 'men of religion as is the case with other 
religions.' In Islam, everyone is a man (or woman) of religion and everyone 
will be accountable to Allaah as to whether or not one fulfilled their 
obligations sincerely and to the best of their abilities.

Urging Muslims to own up to their responsibilities in this respect, Almighty 
Allaah Says (what means): And who is better in speech than one who calls to 
Allaah and does righteousness and says, 'Indeed, I am of the Muslims.' [Quran 
41: 33]
Therefore, one need not be a profound scholar or a great jurist to call others 
to Islam. A Muslim should better be a caller to Islam by his good conduct than 
by eloquent oration, for to preach others to do something not practically 
embodied in the preacher's character is a vain attempt to win hearts and minds. 
Moreover, doing so incurs Allaah's displeasure, as He, the Almighty Says (what 
means): O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most 
hateful it is with Allaah that you say that which you do not do. [Quran 61:2-3]

The adage: Actions speak louder than words was well embodied in the Islamic 
history, namely the spread of Islam in many non-Muslim countries- like parts of 
Asia, Africa and Europe- through the good conduct of Muslim merchants who came 
into commercial contacts with the people of those countries.

Hereunder is a brief survey of that peaceful spread of Islam:

Southeast Asia

By the 14th century CE, as Islam made its way through Indian and Chinese 
merchants into the area of today’s Malaysia , Buddhist and Hindu influences 
gave way.  Islam became the source of legitimacy for the Malay feudal rulers.  
It was during this period that Islamic and Malay identities combined together, 
though many Hindu and pre-Hindu customs and practices remained part of the 
Malay cultural and social mix. 
Muslim influence in Southeast Asia is at least six centuries old, i.e., it was 
present by 1400 A.D. Some argue that the Islamic presence there goes back to at 
least 1100 A.D. in the earliest areas of Islamic influence, such as in Aceh and 
northern Sumatra in Indonesia . Whatever exact dates and sources one chooses to 
support, there is no doubt that the acceptance of Islam by many nations in 
present-day Malaysia , southern Thailand , Indonesia , Brunei , and the 
southern Philippines occurred within a few hundred years.
In the year 1500, the historian Anthony Reid notes that Islamic influence was 
present in coastal ports of Sumatra, Java, and Malaysia . Southeast Asian 
peoples came into direct contact with Muslim traders who had been not just to 
India , but also to Arabia . Arabic scholars also came to Malaysia and 
Indonesia , facilitating information about the new religion.
The successful spread of Islam in Indonesia , Malaysia , and the Philippines 
owed much to the introduction of the Noble Quran and other Islamic books and 
Today, 90% of Indonesians are Muslims, while over half of Malaysia 's 
population is Muslim. In the Philippines , where the Spanish (and later 
Americans) won the war for religious converts, only 5% of the population is 
The growth of cities was both a cause and effect of the spread of Islam and 
economic growth in Muslim-ruled areas in Africa . Cultural developments in 
literature, arts and sciences, manufacturing and trade accompanied the spread 
of Islam and its influence on religious, intellectual, economic and political 
life in those regions.
Although unified Muslim rule lasted only about a century, Islam kept spreading 
and Muslim culture and society flourished.
Before 1500, Islam spread widely in sub-Saharan Africa . The first town south 
of the Sahara that became majority Muslim was Gao on the Niger River in Mali 
before 990, when a ruler accepted Islam. Over the centuries, many rulers 
followed. By 1040, groups in Senegal became Muslims. From them Islam spread to 
the region of today’s Senegal , west Mali , and Guinea . After the Soninke of 
the Kingdom of Ghana became Muslims about 1076, Islam spread along the Niger 
River .
Muslims established the kingdom of Mali in the thirteenth to fifteenth 
centuries, and Songhai from1465 to 1600. Farther east, Kanem-Bornu near Lake 
Chad became Muslim after 1100.
In West Africa, as was the case with Southeast Asia , it was 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Allah

2009-05-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Allah (God)

Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God). The name Allah 
(God) in Islam never refers to Muhammad (peace be upon him), as many Christians 
may think; Allah is the personal name of God.

What do Muslims believe about Allah?

1. He is the one God, Who has no partner.

2. Nothing is like Him. He is the Creator, not created, nor a part of His 

3. He is All-Powerful, absolutely Just.

4. There is no other entity in the entire universe worthy of worship besides 

5. He is First, Last, and Everlasting; He was when nothing was, and will be 
when nothing else remains.

6. He is the All-Knowing, and All-Merciful,the Supreme, the Sovereign.

7. It is only He Who is capable of granting life to anything.

8. He sent His Messengers (peace be upon them) to guide all of mankind.

9. He sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last Prophet and Messenger for 
all mankind.

10. His book is the Holy Qur'an, the only authentic revealed book in the world 
that has been kept without change.

11. Allah knows what is in our hearts.

These are some of the basic guidelines Muslims follow in their knowledge of God:

1. Eliminate any anthropomorphism (human qualities) from their conception of 
Allah. His attributes are not like human attributes, despite similar labels or 

2. Have unwavering faith in exactly what Allah and Prophet Muhammad (peace be 
upon him) described Allah to be, no more, no less.

3. Eradicate any hope or desire of learning or knowing the modality of His 
names and attributes.

4. Believe totally in all the names and attributes of Allah; one cannot believe 
in some and disbelieve the others.

5. One cannot accept the names of Allah without their associated attributes, 
i.e. one cannot say He is Al-Hayy - 'The Living' and then say that He is 
without life.

6. Similarity in names (or meanings) does not imply similarity in what is being 
described (referents). As a robotics arm differs from a human arm, so the 
hand of Allah is nothing like a human hand, His speech is nothing like human 
speech, etc.

7. Certain words are ambiguous or vague in their meanings, and thus may be 
susceptible to misinterpretation. Only those meanings that are in accordance 
with what is specified by Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) are 


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Holocaust Industry

2009-05-08 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

The Holocaust Industry
by Norman Finkelstein
Purchase this book here (UK) or here for US and Rest of the World

The BBC wrote on their website:
Jewish American historian Norman Finkelstein argues in his explosive new book, 
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering 
that Holocaust remembrance has been exploited by the Jewish establishment.
In his book he contends that a greater threat to the memory of the Holocaust 
than Holocaust deniers is what he calls 'The Holocaust Industry'.
He accuses those who exploit the Holocaust of telling lies and of naked greed.  
He argues that the ruthless industrialisation of the Holocaust has encouraged 
the rebirth of anti-semitism in Europe and the United States.
The son of survivors of the Warsaw ghetto and concentration camps, he says, I 
do care about the memory of my family's persecution. The current campaign of 
the Holocaust industry to extort money from Europe in the name of needy 
Holocaust victims has shrunk the moral stature of their martyrdom to that of a 
Monte Carlo casino.
Neither Finkelstein's book nor this website in any way excuses the actions of 
the Nazis, who (after being handed power by the German corporate capitalists in 
1933) were eventually responsible for one of the greatest horrors ever to 
afflict Europe (the Second World War, as a consequence of which sixty million 
people died, including twenty million Russians).  Awareness of the depravity 
exhibited by those who ran the Nazi state and the Nazi extermination campaigns 
should be part of any person's education, and should never be forgotten 
(although this should not be used as an excuse to ignore other campaigns of 
genocide against non-Jewish peoples — equally deserving of the term 
But Finkelstein makes clear that the Holocaust Industry is not about making 
sure that Nazi depravity is not forgotten — it is about extorting huge sums of 
money from Switzerland, Germany and any other country which can be tarred with 
the Nazi brush.
Modern-day Germany has already atoned for the sins of the Nazi era, both 
morally and financially.  Many times since the war (and even today) Germany's 
leaders have expressed their profound regret at the actions of the Nazis, and 
have accepted collective responsibility for what happened.  As Finkelstein 
says, In the early 1950s, Germany entered into negotiations with Jewish 
institutions and signed indemnification agreements.  It has paid out to date 
some $60bn.
Although we may rightly feel contempt for the Germans of the 1920s and 1930s 
who supported Hitler, most of them are now dead.  Germans born after the war 
(apart from a few young Nazi sympathizers) think very differently.  Germany no 
longer has any reason to abase itself before the denunciation of its Nazi 
past.  Especially not when that denunciation comes from those who appear to be 
motivated primarily by a desire for money.
The following two extracts from Norman Finkelstein's book were first published 
in The Guardian (London), Section G2, on July 12th and 13th, 2000.

Norman Finkelstein has caused a storm on both sides of the Atlantic and it is 
not hard to see why: he says the Holocaust has been exploited to extort cash, 
that most 'survivors' are bogus and that too much money is spent commemorating 
the Nazi genocide.  In the first of two exclusive extracts, he argues that it's 
time to shut down 'the holocaust industry'.
The Business of DeathIn the second extract from his controversial new book, 
Norman Finkelstein argues that the campaign to reclaim Jewish assets from Swiss 
banks smacks of hypocrisy and double standards.

Swiss Toll

It's not only the hypocrisy of those profiting from the Holocaust industry — 
the hypocrisy of the United States in this affair stinks to high heaven.  
Finkelstein writes:

Like Switzerland, the US denied entry to Jewish refugees fleeing Nazism before 
and during the second world war.  Yet the US government hasn't seen fit to 
compensate them.  And, although dwarfed in size and resources by the US, 
Switzerland admitted just as many Jewish refugees as America (approximately 
20,000) during the Nazi Holocaust.  ...
Alongside Switzerland, the committee observed, the US was also a primary safe 
haven for transferable Jewish assets in Europe.  The question is, what happened 
to the dormant Holocaust-era accounts in American banks? ...
In his House testimony [Professor Seymour] Rubin stated that, after a most 
superficial and rudimentary audit of banks in just New York, the value of these 
accounts was put at $6m.  Jewish organisations requested this sum for needy 
survivors from Congress ... [but the US] took only very limited measures to 
identify heirless assets in the United States, and made available a mere 
$500,000, in contrast to the $32m acknowledged by Swiss banks even prior to the 
Volcker inquiry. In other words, the US record is much worse than the Swiss 
And, as Finkelstein 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] mohon kerjasama sahabat2

2009-05-06 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Wa'alaikum Salam,
Bagus jika boleh buatkan LW untuk market barangan orang 
Islam .
I am avaliable at :

--- On Thu, 4/23/09, 

Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] mohon kerjasama sahabat2
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 2:00 AM

salam semua sahabat

saya ingin memohon kerjasama para sahabat dalam membantu saya. Saya seorg 
pelajar jurusan IT dan akan menghadapi final year project.

Saya ingin menimba pengalaman dan juga memantapkan hasil kerja saya dalam 
bidang programming iaitu mereka sistem dan laman web.

Antara sistem2 termasuk membuat sistem pembelanjaan bagi diri, kedai mahupun 
syarikat. Saya mengambil kesempatan ini sebagai latihan bagi saya memasuki alam 

Saya harap sahabat2 dapat beri kerjasama.

Sesiapa berminat untuk membuat database sistem, laman web boleh lah hubungi 





Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Islam: The war of propaganda

2009-05-06 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

Islam: The war of propaganda
by Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sudais

Fellow Muslims! Fear Allah the Exalted and know that it is the fear of Allah 
that protects us from all afflictions.Brothers in faith! Ever since Allah 
created the universe there has been a fierce struggle between different forces 
for the control of people's hearts and minds; just as there has been for the 
physical control of mankind.
Nowadays, humanity as a whole is facing a psychological war in a form that is 
far more dangerous than any conventional military war. The war in question is 
the propaganda war. Propaganda is one of the most lethal and destructive 
weapons of war. Its impact is great and it is not an overstatement to say that 
humanity as a whole is under siege from this.
Therefore effort must be exerted to study it with the view to uprooting it and 
eliminating its causes before it causes irreparable damage to the very essence 
of human life. Brothers in Islam! If one takes a studious look at the history 
of man, he will find that propaganda and rumour have been constant factors 
throughout the ages; in fact it has flourished with the advancement of all 
civilisations and has been a source of anxiety and distress for many a nation. 
We must know that no concrete effort was made to bring this demon under 
perpetual control until the advent of Islam. Islam, being a religion that is a 
source of mercy, justice and peace for mankind, took a decisive stance at this 
undesirable phenomenon and put it under strict control through divine 
injunctions from the Qur'an and Sunnah. It did this by prohibiting all 
utterances that could cause dissension among people. It prohibited backbiting, 
lying, gossip, calumny and tale- mongering and
 threatened those who carry tales with a severe torment in the hereafter. The 
Glorious Qur'an says that which translates as: 'Indeed, those who like that 
immorality should be spread (or publicised) among those who have believed will 
have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter.; (An-Noor: 19).
The Qur'an also commands the verification of information; 'O you who have 
believed! If there comes to you a disobedient one with information, 
investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you 
have done, regretful.' (Al-Hujuraat: 6). Allah the Exalted also calls to the 
attention of man the fact that he will be held responsible for each and every 
utterance that he makes. Allah says that which translates as: 'He (i.e. man) 
does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared (to 
record). (Qaaf: 18).
In actuality, propaganda and rumours are the basis of mankind thinking ill of 
the Muslims and this has been prohibited by Allah when He says that which 
translates as 'O you who have believed! Avoid much suspicion; indeed some 
suspicions are sins' (Al-Hujuraat: 12). The Messenger of Allah 
sallallaahu'alaihi wa sallam also condemned tale-bearing when he said: 'It is 
enough for a man to relay all that he hears for him to be among the liars' In 
order to block the way of the rumour-mongers and detractors, he said, 'Shall I 
not inform you of the wickedest among you'. His companions said, 'Yes, O 
Messenger of Allah!'; He said, They are those who go about gossiping and 
causing enmity among those who have love for each other.
Fellow Muslims! Rumour-mongering and propaganda have caused havoc to all kinds 
of people. It has destroyed so many homes; brought about the collapse of so 
many dynasties and caused tribulations and war. Its perpetrators are 
ill-natured, weak-minded and completely lacking in manliness. They have no 
respect for the truth; in fact lying and falsehood are to virtuous acts to 
them. Their aim is to cause mischief in the land and many have perished by 
their heinous acts. History is replete with accounts of propagandists and 
fabricators who spare no effort in blocking the truth from reaching the people. 
During the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam the pagans strove 
hard without success to terminate Islam and eliminate its Prophet. They falsely 
labelled him in order to prevent people from listening to his message. They 
also launched different forms psychological warfare against him and his 
companions but all of this was to no avail. One group of
 people who partake in propaganda campaigns are the Jews, who are well-known 
for their rebellion against the Creator and their killing of Allah’s Prophets 
who were sent to them. They levelled the most terrible allegations against 
Prophet 'Eesa and his mother, peace be upon them both, and committed 
treacherous acts against the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam 
in Al-Madinah through their acts of misinformation in which they have no rival.
The Jews collaborated with the hypocrites to falsely and mischievously spread a 
great lie against the mother of the faithful
A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, in order to damage the reputation of 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Finding Islam in Cyberspace

2009-04-19 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Finding Islam in Cyberspace
The Story of a Jewish Boy
By  Musa Caplan
Prior to my conversion to Islam, I lived my life as a Jew. Although my family 
was not traditional, I learned Judaism from traditional Jews. I went to an 
Orthodox Jewish synagogue, and an Orthodox Jewish school. I lived, and continue 
to live, in a Jewish community in the United States where there is little 
diversity. And considering how much Judaism was involved in my life, I did not 
have any non-Jewish friends. But about a year ago, I began to chat online quite 
often and my e-mail list slowly began to fill with more and more Muslims.
I developed a strong interest for studying other religions as well as my own. I 
paid special attention to Islam, for I knew it was a religion not much 
different than Judaism. We share many similar prophets (peace be upon them 
all), morals, values, and most importantly, we worship the same God — Allah. 
Although I knew much about Islam and knew it was a peaceful religion, I cannot 
say I did not have stereotypes. I was lucky because I knew many Muslims online, 
one of which was my girlfriend who I consider to be my guide to Islam. She led 
me to the doors of Islam, and Allah took me through the rest. Regardless, when 
I heard of a terrorist attack, similar to many others, I figured the cause of 
it was Islamic extremists.
Many times I was not wrong. But then you must ask yourself, what makes these 
people go to the extreme? Does their religion really teach to kill innocent 
people? The reality is that it does not. Prophet Muhammad was a great warrior. 
Yet he managed to never kill an innocent human being. I realized that Islam is 
a religion that teaches respect, peace, and tolerance. Never does it say to 
kill an innocent disbeliever. A true Muslim is taught never to force 
conversion, but instead, to share his knowledge with the world, which I hope to 
do in this article. In the Qur'an a valuable lesson to be learned is to kill a 
man, is to destroy the world.
[Whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the 
land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as 
though he kept alive all men.] (Al-Ma'idah 5:32)
After realizing Islam was not a religion of war, I decided to look deeper into 
the faith. By doing so I discovered flaws in my own religion. According to the 
Old Testament, the great Prophet Aaron committed the worse sin possible. Due to 
pressure put upon him by the people while waiting for Moses to return with the 
Torah from Mount Sinai, he built an idol.
How could a great prophet possibly commit one of the three sins that are so 
great that one should prefer death before committing them? In the Qur'an, Moses 
comes down and sees the Jews worshiping the Golden Calf. At first he thinks it 
is the creation of Aaron and is angry at him; later he finds it was other 
Hebrews who had created this idol. A lot can be learned from this story.
Would a nation of people led by God really be forgiven for such a sin? My view 
on this story matches the Islamic view that the Old Testament has changed over 
the years. In the past, there have been many Cohaneem (religious leaders at the 
Holy Temple) who were corrupt. Couldn't it easily be possible for them to have 
changed Judaism to make it easier to observe and less time-consuming in order 
to make more money with their profession?
Another astonishing factor that led me to Islam is the scientifictruth written 
in the Qur'an. The Qur'an mentions the human embryonic development long before 
it was discovered by science.
[And certainly We created man of an extract of clay, Then We made him a small 
seed in a firm resting-place, Then We made the seed a clot, then We made the 
clot a lump of flesh, then We made (in) the lump of flesh bones, then We 
clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow into another creation, 
so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators.] (Al-Mu'minun 23:12-14)
The Qur'an also mentions how mountains are formed and talks about the layers of 
the atmosphere! These are just a few of so many scientific discoveries 
mentioned in the Qur'an 1400 years before discovered by science. Here is one of 
the key factors that led me to explore my heart to find the truth of life. In 
Arabic, the word Islam comes from salama which means to submit; purity and 
peace come from the same root. The person submits to the One, the Merciful, 
and the Most Beneficent Allah; whereas other religions are named after people: 
Judaism comes from the tribe of Judea, Christianity from Jesus Christ, etc. 
Islam is a word derived from a verb; anyone who submits to Allah and believes 
in all the prophets is a true Muslim. Many of the great prophets mentioned in 
the Old Testament lived prior to Judaism and Judea; they submitted to God, and 
therefore they were all Muslims. And we shall live as the prophets lived, for 
they were great human beings.
Considering my situation of being very young and living 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Media Perdana VS Alternatif

2009-04-05 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
2:110  Dan dirikanlah salat dan tunaikanlah zakat. Dan kebaikan apa saja yang 
kamu usahakan bagi dirimu, tentu kamu akan mendapat pahalanya pada sisi Allah. 
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat apa-apa yang kamu kerjakan.
وَلِلّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّواْ فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللّهِ 
اللّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ (2:115)

2:115  Dan kepunyaan Allah-lah timur dan barat, maka ke mana pun kamu menghadap 
di situlah wajah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Luas (rahmat-Nya) lagi Maha 
5:18 Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani mengatakan: Kami ini adalah anak-anak 
Allah dan kekasih-kekasih-Nya. Katakanlah: Maka mengapa Allah menyiksa kamu 
karena dosa-dosamu?,tetapi kamu adalah manusia (biasa) di antara orang-orang 
yang diciptakan-Nya. Dia mengampuni bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan 
menyiksa siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Dan Kepunyaan Allah-lah kerajaan langit 
dan bumi serta apa yang ada antara keduanya. Dan kepada Allah-lah kembali 
(segala sesuatu).

2:284 Kepunyaan Allah-lah segala apa yang ada di langit dan apa yang ada di 
bumi. Dan jika kamu melahirkan apa yang ada di dalam hatimu atau kamu 
menyembunyikannya, niscaya Allah akan membuat perhitungan dengan kamu tentang 
perbuatanmu itu. Maka Allah mengampuni siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan menyiksa 
siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya; dan Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.
7:27 Hai anak Adam, janganlah sekali-kali kamu dapat ditipu oleh setan 
sebagaimana ia telah mengeluarkan kedua ibu bapamu dari surga, ia menanggalkan 
dari keduanya pakaiannya untuk memperlihatkan kepada keduanya 'auratnya. 
Sesungguhnya ia dan pengikut-pengikutnya melihat kamu dari suatu tempat yang 
kamu tidak bisa melihat mereka. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikan setan-setan 
itu pemimpin-pemimpin bagi orang-orang yang tidak beriman.
Sesungguhnya setan itu bermaksud hendak menimbulkan permusuhan dan kebencian 
di antara kamu lantaran ...
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu 
berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti, agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah 
kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal 
atas perbuatanmu itu.
Betulkanlah saf ! Teringat kami pesanan Rasulullah saw kepada Abu Hammamah 
sebelum kamu tidur redhokan musuh musuh kamu ! ! ! Beristighfarlah x 10
I could recalled a friend of mind said to me : Bro a coma can kill a person !  
! ! I don't understand u I said . He then write this words :
Now I could understand the command  if a coma is in the 2nd word it means KILL 
Good Human Being is  a Good Muslim   A Good Muslim is A Good Human Being !
Insaflah ! Takutlah akan Allah ! Hentikanlah perbalahan !

--- On Mon, 3/30/09, wrote:

Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Media Perdana VS Alternatif
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 7:22 PM

PRK Bukit Gantang: Media konvensional BN lwn media baru Pakatan
Ahmad Tajdid
Mon | Mar 30, 09 | 1:42:46 pm MYT

KEMPEN pilihan raya kecil di dua bukit di Semenanjung dan Dun Batang Ai (Air), 
Sarawak sedang berlangsung.

Bermula dengan hari penamaan calon 29 Mac lalu, kempen-kempen 20 calon
yang bertanding - tiga di Parlimen Bukit Gantang, lima belas di Dun
Bukit Selambau dan dua di Dun Batang Ai akan berlangsung hingga
menjelang tengah malam 7 April akan datang.

Pastinya antara yang mencuri perhatian para pemerhati dan pengkaji politik 
adalah kaedah berkempen parti-parti atau calon-calon yang bertanding.

Salah satu kaedah kempen politik BN adalah melalui media-media arus perdana 
yang dikuasainya. Tatkala kerajaan BN bertindak menggantung permit akhbar rasmi 
PAS dan KeADILan selama tiga bulan (sehingga 22 Jun 2009), BN terus menggunakan 
media massa arus perdana untuk mewar-warkan kempennya di tiga kawasan pilihan 
raya kecil itu.

Sejauh mana keberkesanan kempen BN melalui media massa ini menjadi sesuatu yang 
menarik untuk dibincangkan. Ini kerana 'media konvensional' yang digunakan BN 
sudah kian hilang kredibiliti dan kepercayaan umum, berbanding 'media baru' 
yang digunakan Pakatan Rakyat.

Komen-komen para perwakilan Umno dalam mesyuarat agung parti itu 24 higga 28 
Mac lalu tentang kegagalan BN dalam menyampaikan 'mesej dan maklumat yang 
benar' kepada rakyat pada kempen PRU12 tahun lalu secara tidak langsung lebih 
merujuk kepada kegagalan fungsi media arus perdana untuk bertindak sebagai 
'jurucakap BN dan Umno'.

Sebenarnya kegagalan BN dalam menguruskan penyaluran maklumatnya kepada rakyat 
bukan sangat berpunca daripada kegagalan fungsi media arus perdana. Media arus 
perdana terus kekal berfungsi sebagai saluran kempen BN paling efektif kerana 
akhbar, TV dan radio masuk ke dalam 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Re: Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!

2009-03-20 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

Allaah the Exalted said,
“Say: This is my path, I call unto Allaah upon clear evidence (baseerah), I and 
those who follow me.  And how free is Allaah from all imperfection and I am not 
from amongst the polytheists.” [Soorah Yoosuf 12:108]

So whomsoever traverses this manhaj, then he is from amongst the successors of 
the Messengers (salawaatullaahi wa salaamuhu ’alayhim).  So it is obligatory 
upon him that he be described with inward honesty and outward purity.  
teringat kami akan pesanan Rasulullah saw.hentikanlah ! jangan berpuak puak 
seorang Mujahirin yang suka berseloro telah menolak seorang Ansar lalu orang 
Ansar ni pun merasa Marah .Lalu mengumpulkan penyokongnya untuk membantah dan 
protes.Lalu orang Muhajirin pun mengumpulkan penyokongnya untuk membela 
ditengah orang munafik.Ketika itu Rasulullah keluar suruh hentikan 
perbalahan saudara seagama.
Allah knows best !.
sejarah berulang untuk mengingatkan kita.Kita kerana Melayu mudah lupa !

--- On Thu, 3/12/09, wrote:

Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Re: Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009, 2:44 AM

Wallahualam. Sudah sudahlah tu m,elayu.  Kalau semua suka sangat nak 
jadi hakim meletakkan seseorang tu munafik atau x?. Cuba tanya diri sendiri. 
Tak kira saper pun. Siapa diantara anda yang pernah meninggalkan 3x solat 
jumaat, berbohong apabila berkata-kata ( walau sedikit) seperti kata org melayu 
bohong sunat, menuduh perempuan suci berzina dan 74 perkara lagi yang selalu 
tertulis di majalah. Apa hukumnya wahai ustad-ustad politik malaysia . Jgn 
berbalah semata-mata kerana politik. Tapi Berdakwah demi agama. Kita bukan 
baik. Kalau anak isteri kita dah tertutup aurat di suaranya, maka kita boleh 
berdebat. jika tidak betulkan diri sendiri kemudian keluarga. INGAT, JIKA KITA 

Sekian untuk ustad-ustad politik Malaysia.

--- In hidayah...@yahoogro, abu samah wrote:

 Assallamualaikum. ..

 Ape yang diperkata oleh Saiful tuu banyak betulnya dia kata
 Umno Islam + Pas + Semua umat Islam di Malaysia / Dunia ( amnya )
 akidah mereka / kita adalah Islam dan berpegang pada syahadah.

 Tapi saudara Zamri terus terang menyatakan Umno itu munafik.
 Tolong kemukakan bukti bahawa mereka semua munafik...Perlu diingatkan
 bilangan ahli Umno itu ramai ( dari presidennya hinggalah ahli biasanya ).


 Nak tanya lagi, awak tau ke Saiful ada / tidak belajar kat masjid / surau dan
 adakah beliau pentingkan kerja dari ilmu ?.
 Terang2 awak dah membuat bebrapa tuduhan yang tak jelas kebenarannya dan
 apakah hukumnya dalam Islam ?.
 Saya menyeru kapada diri saya, saudara seugama termasuk saudara ZAMRI sendiri
 pergi ke kuliah ilmu dan belajarlah menghormati bangsa dan ugama kita .


 - Original Message -
 From: zamri anuar zamri
 To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
 Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 10:28 AM
 Subject: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!

 salam bro, aku rasa kau ni kena belajar lg lebih lah dan kena byk membaca jgn 
 nak baca utusan,berita dan semua berita2 kat tv tu .., mana lagi teruk org 
 yang hina islam tu org kafir atau orang tolak islam adalah orang islam 
 sendiri coz dlm al quran org islam mcm nilah yg dikatakan munafik, lebih 
 bahaya dr org kafir, dlm alquran byk Allah katakan tentang munafik dr kafir 
 so aku nasikan kau belajar ok dimasjid dan surau jgn sibuk nak kerja je 

  - - - - - -
 Daripada: sai...@... sai...@...
 Kepada: Ikhwanul Muslimun hidayah...@yahoogro
 Dihantar: Jumaat, 27 Februari, 2009 8:51:50
 Subjek: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!


 Dengan Nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagu maha penyayang.

 Umno Islam + Pas + Semua Umat Islam Dimalaysia + Semua Umat Islam =
 Satu Akidah  Tiada Tuhan Melainkan Allah, Nabi Muhammad Pesuruh

 Kita semua umat Islam kene menetang mereka yang menentang mereka yang
 secara jelas  terang menghina Agama islam macam teressa kok  karpal

  - - - - - -
 Berhubung melalui perbualan pada profil rangkaian, blog atau mana-mana tapak 
 web peribadi!
 Yahoo! membolehkan anda untuk IM dengan Pingbox. Cubalah ciri ini!


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Bitter Consequences of Sins

2009-03-20 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
The Bitter Consequences of Sins
By Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah [1]
It is essential to know that sins and acts of disobedience are, necessarily, 
very harmful. Their harm effects upon the heart are akin to the harmful effects 
of poison upon the body, though the effects vary in their levels and 
So is there any evil or harm in this world, or in the Hereafter, except that it 
is due to sins and disobedience?

So what was it that expelled the two parents [i.e. Adam and Eve] from Paradise; 
the home of delight, bliss, splendor and joy; to the home of pain, sorrow and 
What was it that expelled Iblees [i.e. Satan] from the heavenly realms, causing 
him to be rejected and cursed; transforming him both inwardly and outwardly, so 
that his form became ugly and hideous - his inner form more hideous than his 
outer - replacing his nearness with remoteness, mercy with curse, his beauty 
with ugliness, from being in Paradise to being in the blazing Fire, from having 
faith to being an unbeliever, from having the patronage and friendship of 
Allaah, the Praiseworthy Guardian, to being the greatest enemy and opponent, 
from glorifying and praising Him to committing acts of unbelief, shirk, lies, 
deception and shamelessness, from being adorned with faith to being clothed in 
the garment of unbelief, sinfulness and disobedience, causing him to reach the 
deepest depths of despicability, plunging down in the sight of Allaah as far as 
it is possible to plunge; causing the anger of Allaah the Exalted to be upon 
him, making him an outcast -
 despised and humiliated - so that he became a leader for every sinner and 
criminal, becoming pleased with leadership for himself, after having reached 
the station of worship and nobility?
O Allaah, we seek refuge in You from opposing Your command and falling into 
what You have forbidden.

What was it that caused the people of the earth to drown, to the extent that 
the water rose above even the mountaintops?
What was it that caused the violent winds to overcome the people of ‘Aad, such 
that it flung them down dead upon the face of the earth - as if they were 
lopped-off palm trunks - and it destroyed whatever dwellings and crops it came 
across, thus making them an example for nations until the Day of Resurrection?
What was it that caused the piercing shrieks to be set loose upon the Thamood 
people, such that their hearts were severed within their very bodies, by which 
they all perished?
What was it that caused the town of the homosexuals to be raised­ up and turned 
upside down, such that they were all destroyed? Then stones from the sky pelted 
down upon them so that they suffered a combined punishment, the like of which 
was not given to any other nation! And for their brothers will be its like; and 
it is not far off from the transgressors!
What was it that caused the clouds of punishment to overcome the people of 
Shu’ayb, such that when these clouds were above their heads it rained scorching 
fire upon them?
What was it that caused the Pharaoh and his people to be drowned in the ocean, 
and caused their souls to be transported to the Hellfire, so their bodies 
drowned and their souls burned?
What was it that caused Qaaroon, his dwelling, wealth and family to sink down 
into the earth?
What was it that caused the destruction of those generations after Noah, and 
how they were afflicted with various punishments that caused their annihilation?
What was it that caused the destruction of the companions of Yaa Seen, with the 
clamorous shout, which destroyed them?
What caused there to be sent against the Children of Israa’eel enemies of great 
strength and might, plundering their homes, killing their men, enslaving their 
women and children, burning their dwellings, seizing their wealth, and then 
returning again a second time, destroying what was rebuilt after the first 
What was it that caused the various types of punishments to be set loose upon 
the Children of Israa’eel? Killing them, enslaving them, destroying their land 
and at times causing them to be oppressed by kings, whilst at another time 
causing them to be transformed into apes and swines - and finally the Lord took 
an oath that: “He would certainly keep on sending against them, until the Day 
of Resurrection, those who will inflict them with a humiliating torment.” 
[Soorah al-A’raaf 7:167]
Imam Ahmad said: al-Waleed ibn Muslim related to us; that Safwaan ibn ’Amr 
related to us; that ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Jubayr ibn Nufayr related; from his 
father, who said:

“When Cyprus was conquered and its people were dispersed and they started 
weeping to each other, I saw Abud-Dardaa sitting alone and weeping. So I said 
to him: O Abud-Dardaa! What makes you weep on this day that Allaah has granted 
strength and honor to Islaam and its people? So he said: Woe be to you O 
Jubayr! How insignificant the creation becomes to Allaah when they turn away 
from His command. In front of us is a 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] A Sin that Leads to Jannah

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
AsSalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuhu

A Sin that Leads to Jannah

Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said:
Sin may be more beneficial for a person, if it leads him to repent, than doing 
a lot of acts of worship. This is what is meant by the words of one of the 

'A person may commit a sin and enter Paradise because of it, or he may do an 
act of worship and enter Hell because of it.'
They said: 'How is that?'
He said: 'He may commit a sin and continues to think about it, and when he 
stands or sits or walks he remembers his sin, so he feels ashamed and repents 
and seeks forgiveness and regrets it, so that will be the means of his 
And he may do a good deed and continue to think about it, and when he stands or 
sits or walks he remembers it and it fills him with self-admiration and pride, 
so it is the cause of his doom.
So the sin may be the factor that leads him to do acts of worship and good 
deeds and to change his attitude so that he fears Allah and feels shy before 
Him and feels humiliated before Him, hanging his head in shame and weeping with 
regret, seeking he forgiveness of his Lord. Each of these effects is better for 
a person than an act of worship that makes him feel proud and show off and look 
down on people. Undoubtedly this sin is better before Allah and is more likely 
to bring salvation than one who admires himself and looks down on others, and 
who thinks that he is doing Allah a favour. Even if he says words that indicate 
something other than that, Allah is the Witness over what is in his heart. Such 
a person may feel hatred towards people if they do not hold him in high esteem 
and humiliate themselves before him. If he were to examine himself honestly, he 
would see that clearly.
-Madarij as-Salikeen, 1/299

Related Links:

The Interesting Dream of the Prophet Sallalahu Alahi wa Sallam - from Sahih 
The Bitter Consequences of Sins - by Imâm Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Repentance - by Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Al Uthaymeen
Between The Past And The Future - by Imâm Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah - 
al-Fawaa'id, pp 151-152 Al-Istiqaamah, No. 2

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and the Inspiring Stories
To Subscribe to SALAM group (The Salaf as Saalih) email us at
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Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Mengapa bukan Muslim di larang guna perkataan ALLAH

2009-03-16 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Depa bukan tak tahu ... sengaja nak mengelirukan ummat Islam. Akhir akhir ini 
ramai orang Islam belajar agama Islam dengan orang yang bukan Islam.World 
Religion (Penjenamaan baru)tenaga pengajar Agama Islam di Universiti Tunku 
Abdul Rahman adalah bukan Islam.Di tempat awam (food court)Hentian Pudu Raya 
(Diurus oleh URUS UDA) makanan xhalal (terpapar)dijual bersebelahan gerai makan 
orang Islam.Mana pihak yang bertanggung jawab membela kesucian Islam ? Hati 
hati brother n sisters. !
Chapter 22 Al Hajj (The Pilgrimage) verse 78 :
وَجَاهِدُوا فِي اللَّهِ حَقَّ جِهَادِهِ ]
 هُوَ اجْتَبَاكُمْ وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍ مِّلَّةَ 
أَبِيكُمْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ هُوَ سَمَّاكُمُ الْمُسْلِمينَ مِن قَبْلُ وَفِي هَذَا 
لِيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْكُمْ وَتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاء عَلَى النَّاسِ 
فَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتُوا الزَّكَاةَ وَاعْتَصِمُوا بِاللَّهِ هُوَ 
مَوْلَاكُمْ فَنِعْمَ الْمَوْلَى وَنِعْمَ النَّصِيرُ (22:78)
22:78 And strive for Allah with the endeavor which is His right. He hath chosen 
you and hath not laid upon you in religion any hardship; the faith of your 
father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims of old time and in this 
(Scripture), that the messenger may be a witness against you, and that ye may 
be witnesses against mankind. So establish worship, pay the poor due, and hold 
fast to Allah. He is your Protecting Friend. A blessed Patron and a blessed 
Helper! -
22:78 Dan berjihadlah kamu pada jalan Allah dengan jihad yang sebenar-benarnya. 
Dia telah memilih kamu dan Dia sekali-kali tidak menjadikan untuk kamu dalam 
agama suatu kesempitan. (Ikutilah) agama orang tuamu Ibrahim. Dia (Allah) telah 
menamai kamu sekalian orang-orang muslim dari dahulu, dan (begitu pula) dalam 
(Al Qur'an) ini, supaya Rasul itu menjadi saksi atas dirimu dan supaya kamu 
semua menjadi saksi atas segenap manusia, maka dirikanlah sembahyang, 
tunaikanlah zakat dan berpeganglah kamu pada tali Allah. Dia adalah 
Pelindungmu, maka Dialah sebaik-baik Pelindung dan sebaik-baik Penolong.


--- On Mon, 3/9/09, wrote:

Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Mengapa bukan Muslim di larang guna 
perkataan ALLAH
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Monday, March 9, 2009, 12:21 PM

Jika nama ALLAH di gunakan oleh Agama selain Agama Islam.

Maka yang mana satu Tuhan Tuhan mereka ini nama nya ALLAH?


Dengan nama ALLAH Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang

Katakan (wahai Muhammad) Tuhanku ialah ALLAH Yang Maha Esa.
ALLAH yang menjadi tumpuan segala makhluk untuk memohon segala hajat.
Dia tidak beranak dan Dia tidak di peranakkan.
Dan tidak ada siapa pun yang setaranya dengan nya.
(Surah Al Ikhlas)

Posted By amri el wahab to Hembusan Amal 4U on 3/06/2009 05:08:00 PM


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dr Jerald Dirks lecture in Penang - Rayuan sumbangan wang untuk program IPSI

2009-03-09 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Reminder 7:27  O ye Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you, in the same 
manner as He got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their 
raiment, to expose their shame: for he and his tribe watch you from a position 
where ye cannot see them: We made the evil ones friends (only) to those without 
Pelbagai kategori manusia untuk memikirkan golongan mana kah kita 
sebenarnya pelihara diri agar tidak terjerumus sampai ditimpa kebencian Allah 
swt.Na'uzubillah min zalik !
Mintalah Pertolongan Allah agar jangan ada orang yang cuba memadam cahayaNya 
dikalangan kita.Mintalah dengan seikhlas hati
 When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace:
that ye may receive Mercy.   Quran 7:204  
Katakanlah: Aku berlidung kepada

Tuhan manusia!
Raja manusia!
Sembahan manusia!
JANGAN CARI YANG LAIN ! Memadailah kita menyedarkan diri kita sesama kita 
jangan sampai Allah cabut nekmat keamanan yang selama ini ddikurniakan kepada 
orang Melayu bangsa yang disegani dan dihormati.
Visi syaitan adalah untuk melalaikan kita dari mengingati Allah swt.!
Misi syaitan adalah untuk memperbudakan ummat Muhammad saw !
Tagline musuh Islam:

 Make Them Homeless !
 Destitute !
Hungry !
Look at them(Muslims)they turn everything upside down!
Their minds are corrupted !
They are murderers ! killers ! for god sake !
Nada Yahudi sama DSAI sering menyebut ! menghasut ! semata kerana dengki !
You don't know what they have done to me ! macam budak budak ! meraih simpati !
kita mesti
lawan ! lawan ! lawan !
Only if you are God Fearing !
think think! think!
B4 u talk !
Rasulullah saw mengajarkan kepada Abu Hamamah ra.setiap malam sebelum kamu 
tidur :  redhokan musuh musuh kamu !
Beristighfarlah 10 kali.jika dari dulu DSAI menyerahkan diri kepada Allah dan 
bertaubat dah jadi PM pun. ! Kurang paham apa maksud KS DSAI is an immoral 
person !

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dr Jerald Dirks lecture in Penang - 
Rayuan sumbangan wang untuk program IPSI
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 8:23 PM

Orang melayu sudah-sudahla bergaduh sesama sendiri,janganlah kerana politik 
kita berpecah,jangan kerana politik,sultan sendiri disanggah ,mufti dihina dan 
dijerkah .
Kepada penyokong PAS jangan terlalu taksub sampai merasakan anda sahaja yang 
betul anda saya lebih Islam dari orang lain.Kalau anda saja merasakan anda 
sahaja yang betul dan mulia, apa bezanya anda dengan Yahudi,yang memandang 
rendah bangsa  lain,renung- renungkanlah. Bila saya menonton cerekarama  di TV3 
tak lama dulu bertajuk Sama Tidak Serupa arahan Murali Abdullah ,lakonan fiz 
fairus dan fasha sandha,terdetik di fikiran saya kedua-dua watak ini boleh 
disamakan dengan PAS dan UMNO.Seorang Alim tetapi angkuh dan bermasalah .Watak  
seorang lagi baik, pemurah tetapi jauh dengan Allah.Siapa yang pernah menonton 
drama ini mungkin boleh memberikan kesimpulan terhadap apa yang saya katakan 
Kepada penyokong PKR,janganlah terlalu taksub dengan pemimimpin de facto anda 
tu,kerana parti anda lah yang telah memecah-belahkan orang melayu.Tidak 
terfikirkah anda apa akan jadi kalau pemimpin yang anda sanjung2 kerana 
kepetahannya berkata2, pulang dijemput Allah S.W.T,siapa yang anda harapkan 
?.Jangan kerana hendakkan kuasa sanggup menggadaikan hak istimewa bangsa 
Kepada pemimpin UMNO,musahabahlah diri anda,kerana orang melayu mengharapkan 
pemimpin yang tinggi nilai peribadinya dan jujur perjuangannya dalam membantu 
anak bangsa dan memelihara kesucian Islam,bukannya sibuk mengumpul kontrak dan 
Diharap orang melayu sedar dengan strategi bangsa lain yang menunggu kita jatuh 
teduduk tanpa ada kuasa politik,apalagi kuasa ekonomi untuk menguasai 
kita.Jangan nanti apabila tiada lagi Raja-raja Melayu,tiada lagi hak-hak 
istimewa bumiputera,Islam bukan lagi agama Rasmi,UITM dibuka kepada semua 
kaum,baru kita mengeluh kesah,menyesal airmata darah natijah diatas kegopohan 
kita kononnya berjuang untuk KETUANAN RAKYAT,KEADILAN , HAK BERSUARA dan 
lain-lain lagi perjuangan yang kabur yang akhirnya merugikan kita 
sendiri.Harapan saya semoga orang-orang Melayu  bijaklah berpolitik,bukan 
berpolitik secara emosional,bukan ikut-ikutan dan gunakan akal untuk 
menganalisis kata-kata dan tindakan sang politikus.
UMNO + PAS = Melayu kuat,Islam terus Gah!
Bersatulah Bangsaku . 


Nama E-mel baru untuk anda!
Dapatkan nama E-mel yang telah lama anda mahukan pada @ymail dan @rocketmail 
yang baru.
Cepat sebelum orang lain mendapatkannya!


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Syabas Kerajaan Pakatan Perak !!

2009-03-08 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Ghafalah !
qala a'uzubika biAllahi an akuna mina aljahiliina
2:67 . He said: (Allah) save me from being an ignorant (fool)!
23:97 And say O my Lord! I seek refuge with Thee from the suggestions of the 
Evil Ones.

23:98 And I seek refuge with Thee O my Lord! lest they should come near me.
Jangan pula pokok dijadikan kuil !
Ante orang kuat UMNO satu masa dulu kot.
Basyiraan    Basyiraan   Basyiraan.

--- On Tue, 3/3/09, wrote:

Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Syabas Kerajaan Pakatan Perak !!
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 1:47 PM

 Akibat tindakan UMNO/BN yang menguasai segala jentera kerajaan bukan saja 
di Perak tapi jentera kerajaan Persekutuan telah bertindak menghalang sidang 
tergempar DUN Perak maka sidang tersebut terpaksa diadakan di bawah pokok. DUN 
Perak belum dibubarkan jadi mengapa persidangan dihalang ? Jelas inilah sikap 
kuku besi pemimpin UMNO yang tidak mau mendengar suara rayat yang masih sah . 
Syabas YAB Nizar, lawan tetap lawan. Ketika Rasulullah berperang melawan kaum 
Quraisy tentera Islam hanya sekitar 300 orang tetapi menentang tentera Quraisy 
yang jauh lebih ramai iaitu kira-kira 1,000 orang. Nabi SAW tidak mengharapkan 
pertolongan dari sesiapa tapi cukuplah dengan pertolongan Allah SWT untuk 
kemengangan ll Pemimpin UMNO bersama agen-agen nya yang menzalimi kerajaan anda 
mulutnyua saja mengaku Islam tapi hatinya mungkin sama busuk dengan pemimpim 
kaum Quraisy yang membenci Nabi Muhammad SAW dan Islam itu sendiri. Biarlah 
UMNO dan kuncu-kuncunya tak
 kiralah polis ka , SPRM ka mau pun SUK Perak tunjuk sombong dan buat 
kerja-kerja keji mereka kerana sebenarnya mereka juga sedang menerima ujian 
/bala daripada Allah. 
   Mereka yang ikut arahan kerana takutkan kedudukan mereka terjejas akhirnya 
akan tenggelam dan lemas bersama nikmat dunia yang mereka perolehi yang mereka 
sangka ianya pemberian UMNO tapi lupa bahawa kesenangan dan pangkat mereka itu 
sebenarnya kurniaan daripada Allah swt. Maka mereka ? bukan lagi menyembah 
Allah tapi sebenarnya menyembah pemimpin UMNO !! Mereka mungkin sudah jauh dari 
hidayah Allah SWT maka apakah nasib mereka akan sama seperti Firaun 
laknatullah yang ditenggelamkan ke dasar laut sebelum sempat bertaubat ?? 
Apakah mereka yang memimpin UMNO terutama bakal pemimpin tertingginya itu ingin 
mengikut jejak Firaun dan merebut gelaran Mahafiraun II ?? Wallahualam !!


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!

2009-03-08 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

Child Aatif Abdul-Ahad MuhibAllah Reads Qur'aan

Feb 20, 2009 - 10:43 AM - by Mabsoot

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

This is video of Aatif Abdul-Ahad MuhibAllah. He is in Saudi Arabia - 
MashaAllah he reads nicely from Surah al Hadid. His last name, MuhibAllah means 
the most beloved to Allaah. May Allah make him and all those who love the 
Qur'aan his beloved, amin.

--- On Mon, 2/23/09, Mohd.Fadli Bin Mohd.Fadli Bin wrote:

From: Mohd.Fadli Bin Mohd.Fadli Bin
Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Monday, February 23, 2009, 10:46 AM

Orang melayu sudah-sudahla bergaduh sesama sendiri,janganlah kerana politik 
kita berpecah,jangan kerana politik,sultan sendiri disanggah ,mufti dihina dan 
dijerkah .
Kepada penyokong PAS jangan terlalu taksub sampai merasakan anda sahaja yang 
betul anda saya lebih Islam dari orang lain.Kalau anda saja merasakan anda 
sahaja yang betul dan mulia, apa bezanya anda dengan Yahudi,yang memandang 
rendah bangsa  lain,renung- renungkanlah. Bila saya menonton cerekarama  di TV3 
tak lama dulu bertajuk Sama Tidak Serupa arahan Murali Abdullah ,lakonan fiz 
fairus dan fasha sandha,terdetik di fikiran saya kedua-dua watak ini boleh 
disamakan dengan PAS dan UMNO.Seorang Alim tetapi angkuh dan bermasalah .Watak  
seorang lagi baik, pemurah tetapi jauh dengan Allah.Siapa yang pernah menonton 
drama ini mungkin boleh memberikan kesimpulan terhadap apa yang saya katakan 
Kepada penyokong PKR,janganlah terlalu taksub dengan pemimimpin de facto anda 
tu,kerana parti anda lah yang telah memecah-belahkan orang melayu.Tidak 
terfikirkah anda apa akan jadi kalau pemimpin yang anda sanjung2 kerana 
kepetahannya berkata2, pulang dijemput Allah S.W.T,siapa yang anda harapkan 
?.Jangan kerana hendakkan kuasa sanggup menggadaikan hak istimewa bangsa 
Kepada pemimpin UMNO,musahabahlah diri anda,kerana orang melayu mengharapkan 
pemimpin yang tinggi nilai peribadinya dan jujur perjuangannya dalam membantu 
anak bangsa dan memelihara kesucian Islam,bukannya sibuk mengumpul kontrak dan 
Diharap orang melayu sedar dengan strategi bangsa lain yang menunggu kita jatuh 
teduduk tanpa ada kuasa politik,apalagi kuasa ekonomi untuk menguasai 
kita.Jangan nanti apabila tiada lagi Raja-raja Melayu,tiada lagi hak-hak 
istimewa bumiputera,Islam bukan lagi agama Rasmi,UITM dibuka kepada semua 
kaum,baru kita mengeluh kesah,menyesal airmata darah natijah diatas kegopohan 
kita kononnya berjuang untuk KETUANAN RAKYAT,KEADILAN , HAK BERSUARA dan 
lain-lain lagi perjuangan yang kabur yang akhirnya merugikan kita 
sendiri.Harapan saya semoga orang-orang Melayu  bijaklah berpolitik,bukan 
berpolitik secara emosional,bukan ikut-ikutan dan gunakan akal untuk 
menganalisis kata-kata dan tindakan sang politikus.
UMNO + PAS = Melayu kuat,Islam terus Gah!
Bersatulah Bangsaku . 

Dapatkan alamat E-mel baru anda!
Rebut nama E-mel yang telah lama anda kehendaki sebelum orang lain 


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!

2009-03-03 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Salamun Salama,
7:27 (Malay) Hai anak Adam, janganlah sekali-kali kamu dapat ditipu oleh setan 
sebagaimana ia telah mengeluarkan kedua ibu bapamu dari surga, ia menanggalkan 
dari keduanya pakaiannya untuk memperlihatkan kepada keduanya 'auratnya. 
Sesungguhnya ia dan pengikut-pengikutnya melihat kamu dari suatu tempat yang 
kamu tidak bisa melihat mereka. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikan setan-setan 
itu pemimpin-pemimpin bagi orang-orang yang tidak beriman.

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 1:22 PM

Waalaikumussalam. .
OLEH MANA-MANA PARTI YANG MEMERINTAH. Orang2 Melayu Islam perlu berubah 
sikap..jujur, ikhlas, amanah dalam mentadbir Negara.

From: Mohd.Fadli Bin os...@yahoo. com Mohd.Fadli Bin os...@yahoo. com
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun hidayah...@yahoogro
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:46:11 AM
Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sudah-sudah la tu orang melayu!!!

Orang melayu sudah-sudahla bergaduh sesama sendiri,janganlah kerana politik 
kita berpecah,jangan kerana politik,sultan sendiri disanggah ,mufti dihina dan 
dijerkah .
Kepada penyokong PAS jangan terlalu taksub sampai merasakan anda sahaja yang 
betul anda saya lebih Islam dari orang lain.Kalau anda saja merasakan anda 
sahaja yang betul dan mulia, apa bezanya anda dengan Yahudi,yang memandang 
rendah bangsa  lain,renung- renungkanlah. Bila saya menonton cerekarama  di TV3 
tak lama dulu bertajuk Sama Tidak Serupa arahan Murali Abdullah ,lakonan fiz 
fairus dan fasha sandha,terdetik di fikiran saya kedua-dua watak ini boleh 
disamakan dengan PAS dan UMNO.Seorang Alim tetapi angkuh dan bermasalah .Watak  
seorang lagi baik, pemurah tetapi jauh dengan Allah.Siapa yang pernah menonton 
drama ini mungkin boleh memberikan kesimpulan terhadap apa yang saya katakan 
Kepada penyokong PKR,janganlah terlalu taksub dengan pemimimpin de facto anda 
tu,kerana parti anda lah yang telah memecah-belahkan orang melayu.Tidak 
terfikirkah anda apa akan jadi kalau pemimpin yang anda sanjung2 kerana 
kepetahannya berkata2, pulang dijemput Allah S.W.T,siapa yang anda harapkan 
?.Jangan kerana hendakkan kuasa sanggup menggadaikan hak istimewa bangsa 
Kepada pemimpin UMNO,musahabahlah diri anda,kerana orang melayu mengharapkan 
pemimpin yang tinggi nilai peribadinya dan jujur perjuangannya dalam membantu 
anak bangsa dan memelihara kesucian Islam,bukannya sibuk mengumpul kontrak dan 
Diharap orang melayu sedar dengan strategi bangsa lain yang menunggu kita jatuh 
teduduk tanpa ada kuasa politik,apalagi kuasa ekonomi untuk menguasai 
kita.Jangan nanti apabila tiada lagi Raja-raja Melayu,tiada lagi hak-hak 
istimewa bumiputera,Islam bukan lagi agama Rasmi,UITM dibuka kepada semua 
kaum,baru kita mengeluh kesah,menyesal airmata darah natijah diatas kegopohan 
kita kononnya berjuang untuk KETUANAN RAKYAT,KEADILAN , HAK BERSUARA dan 
lain-lain lagi perjuangan yang kabur yang akhirnya merugikan kita 
sendiri.Harapan saya semoga orang-orang Melayu  bijaklah berpolitik,bukan 
berpolitik secara emosional,bukan ikut-ikutan dan gunakan akal untuk 
menganalisis kata-kata dan tindakan sang politikus.
UMNO + PAS = Melayu kuat,Islam terus Gah!
Bersatulah Bangsaku . 

Dapatkan alamat E-mel baru anda!
Rebut nama E-mel yang telah lama anda kehendaki sebelum orang lain 


RE: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Munajat demi keadilan....di Perak

2009-02-14 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Pandangan Dr Asri Tentang Isu Semasa Di Perak
Disiarkan pada Feb 07, 2009 dalam kategori Kenyataan, Penjelasan |
Jawapan: Banyak sekali email isu pergelutan kuasa politik di Perak dihantar 
kepada saya. Maaf, saya tidak dapat memberikan jawapan yang mencukupi kerana 
barangkali maklumat yang meyakinkan saya belum mantap. Saya pada prinsipnya 
tidak dapat menerima perangai ‘lompat parti’ kerana itu adalah sikap yang tidak 
telus dan jujur terhadap undi rakyat. Sesiapa mahu tukar parti setelah dipilih, 
sepatutnya meletak jawatan dan bertanding semula. Serahkan semula amanah 
tersebut kepada rakyat. Rakyat ketika mengundi meluahkan hasrat mereka, dan itu 
tidak boleh diubah sewenang-wenangnya. Cuma ada beberapa perkara yang berlegar 
dalam fikiran saya tentang keadaan Perak;

BEBERAPA penyokong pembangkang bertindak nekad berbaring di tengah jalan sambil 
memegang bendera menghalang kereta peronda polis yang mengiringi kenderaan Raja 
Muda Perak di belakang berhampiran Istana Iskandariah, Perak, semalam.
1. Jika perbuatan melompat itu tidak dapat diterima oleh sesetengah pihak, 
sepatutnya ketika isu lompat parti pada 16 September 2008 diuar-uarkan sikap 
yang sama ditunjukkan. Pendirian yang istiqamah atas prinsip itu hendaklah 
ditunjukkan dalam semua keadaan. Apakah bantahan isu Perak ini memang 
benar-benar atas prinsip atau semangat kepartian semata?
2. Tokoh agama Perak yang terkenal, Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria adalah seorang 
mufti terkenal, juga tokoh kepercayaan PAS sendiri. Beliau mengepalai upacara 
membaca doa perlantikan MB baru, YB Datuk Dr Zamry. Adakah kemungkinan beliau 
telah melihat berbagai aspek isu tersebut, terutama dari segi agama. Maka saya 
kira mungkin orang PAS patut merujuk kepada Sahibus Samahah DS Harussani 
terlebih dahulu sebelum membantah keputusan Sultan Perak itu di sudut agama 
terutamanya. Mungkin ada perkara yang beliau lebih maklum, sebagai ‘orang lama’ 
Perak. Apatahlagi, beliau selama itu amat diyakini oleh orang PAS sendiri.
3. Beberapa pihak menyatakan YB DS Nizar sebenarnya hanyalah ‘boneka DAP’. Saya 
sendiri diberikan berbagai maklumbalas oleh pihak yang tiada kaitan politik. 
Kononnya, apa yang dilaksanakan di Perak adalah keputusan mesyuarat exco yang 
didominasi oleh DAP yang menumpukan kepentingan kepada kaum tertentu. Isu 
pemberian tanah kepada masyarakat cina umpamanya dibangkitkan. Dakwaan ini 
bukan sebarangan, sebab pihak Istana Perak sendiri seakan memberi isyarat 
kerunsingan tentang kedudukan ‘orang Islam’ di Perak. Dakwaan ini perlu dikaji 
dengan cermat dan teliti tanpa emosi. Apakah benar atau sebaliknya?
4. Dari segi kepentingan umat, tanpa mengira parti, kita perlu menilai; manakah 
kepimpinan Kerajaan Perak yang lebih bermanfaat dan kurang mudarat kepada umat 
dan rakyat? Manakah pula yang akan membahayakan masa depan umat? Ini perlu 
dilihat dengan teliti.
Maka saya dengan ini menangguhkan dahulu mengulas isu pergelutan politik di 
Perak, sehingga persoalan-persoalan ini jelas kepada saya. Saya sama seperti 
orang lain, dari jauh sedang memerhati isu ini.

--- On Tue, 2/10/09, wrote:

Subject: RE: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Munajat demi keadilandi Perak
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 2:03 PM

Memanipulasikan Kebodohan Rakyat dan Kisah Di Perak
Ketika menyaksikan majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar Perak yang ‘baru’ 
terfikir di kepala betapa mudahnya rakyat diperbodohkan. Diperbodohkan, didungu 
dan ditutup dengan ilmu-ilmu tatasusila politik dalam kontek kita mengagungkan 
kita adalah bangsa yang penuh beradab.Masyarakat kita sejak dulu lagi tidak 
didedahkan dengan sistem perundangan dan hak-hak tertentu sehinggakan jika kita 
hendak mempelajari jurusan undang-undang betapa mahal kos yang perlu dibayar.
Mungkin kita tergolong dalam masyarakat yang buta perundangan. Dan kita harus 
akui perundangan membentuk tatasusila sesuatu masyarakat.Seperti agama yang 
mewajibkan peraturan supaya mendidik dan mencegah dari kita terkeluar dari 
tatasusila.Mengimba s situasi di Perak,ke mana hilangnya tatasusila tersebut?
Untuk mengambil alih sesuatu tampuk pemerintahan, usul undi tidak percaya 
hendaklah dulu dipersetujui sebelum diusulkan kepada Sultan untuk menukar atau 
membubarkan kerajaan yang sedia ada.Seharusnya, Ketua Pembangkang (BN) 
hendaklah mengeluarkan kepada Menteri Besar dan Speaker Dewan untuk mengadakan 
sidang tergempar bagi tujuan ketidak kepercayaan kepimpinan.Jika majoriti ahli 
dewan bersetuju atas usul tersebut maka wajib diusulkan kepada Sultan sebagai 
payung negeri agar satu bentuk kerajaan baru dibentuk seperti makna sistem Raja 
Perkara ini tidak berlaku di negeri Perak. Hanya rakyat ditunjukkan di media 
arus perdana barisan Adun berpaling berada di belakang TPM dan mengatakan 
mereka meletakkan keyakinan kepada BN.Adakah kita dapat mendengar penerangan 


2009-02-14 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الله اكبر
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbâs and Anas bin Mâlik: Allah’s Messenger said, “If a son of 
man had a valley full of gold, he would desire to have two. Nothing can fill 
his mouth except the earth (of the grave). Allah turns with mercy to him who 
turns to Him in repentance.”
(Al-Bukhâri and Muslim)
Caliphate-Khilafah,the government of the Muslim state [following laws of Quran 
 Hadith], of which the Khalifa[caliph] is the head.
Inshallah-So please Allah!
18:23 Nor say of anything I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow
24 Without adding So please Allah! And call thy Lord to mind when thou 
forgettest and say I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than 
this to the right road.
Islam Dominant
Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 42 -Narrated byAl-Miqdad-Al-Miqdad heard Allah's 
Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: There will not remain upon the surface 
of the earth a mud-brick house or a camel's-hair tent but Allah will instill 
into it the word of Islam, bringing both mighty honour and abject humiliation. 
Allah will either honour them by making them worthy of it and those whom He 
humiliates shall have to render submission to it. I said: The religion will 
then be entirely for Allah.Transmitted by Ahmad.
Dark Prophesies
(  سورة النحل  , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #44)(We sent them) with Clear 
Signs and Books of dark prophecies; and We have sent down unto thee (also) the 
Message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them, and 
that they may give thought.  
 (  سورة فاطر  , Fatir, Chapter #35, Verse #25)And if they reject thee, so did 
their predecessors, to whom came their apostles with Clear Signs, Books of dark 
prophecies, and the Book of Enlightenment.

Those Who Believe  Work Righteousness
18:27 And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy 
Lord: none can change His Words and none wilt thou find as a refuge other than 
28 And keep thy soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and 
evening seeking his Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them seeking the 
pomp and glitter of this Life; nor obey any whose heart We have permitted to 
neglect the remembrance of Us one who follows his own desires whose case has 
gone beyond all bounds.
29 Say The Truth is from your Lord: let him who will believe and let him who 
will reject (it): for the wrongdoers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and 
flames) like the wall and roof of a tent will hem them in: if they implore 
relief they will be granted water like melted brass that will scald their 
faces. How dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!
30 As to those who believe and work righteousness verily We shall not suffer to 
perish the reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed.
31 For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they 
will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and they will wear green 
garments of fine silk and heavy brocade; they will recline therein on raised 
thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on!
Allah Knows Best 

Red Sea Expedition
In 2004, fifty years after Calypso’s first expedition to the Red Sea, after the 
pioneering Conshelf experiments in underwater living, and after the shattering 
success of the Oscar-winning films Silent World and World without Sun, the 
Cousteau Society is returning to the Red Sea, retracing the path first explored 
by Captain Cousteau.
Read More »
Berimannya Seorang Ahli Oceanography ::
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008. Dikirimkan oleh : Hb.Zen Umar Smith
Kebenaran Alquran adalah haq, dan isi kandungan kalam Allah ini, telah membuat 
banyak para ahli ilmu pengetahuan terkagum-kagum dan mendapatkan hidayah 
sehingga beriman. Ketika kita membaca salah satu surah dari Al Furqan ayat 53, 
dibawah ini
” Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan); yang ini tawar 
lagi segar dan yang lain asin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya 
dinding dan batas yang menghalangi “.
tidak tergerak hati kita untuk meneliti atau mencari tahu tentang rahasia ini. 
Tetapi tidak demikian dengan seorang Jacques Yves Costeau, seorang 
oceanographer dan ahli selam terkemuka berkebangsaan Perancis.
Jika Anda termasuk orang yang gemar menonton tayangan TV `Discovery’, pasti 
kenal Orang tua yang berambut putih ini, yang sepanjang hidupnya menyelam ke 
berbagai dasar samudera di seluruh dunia dan membuat film dokumenter tentang 
keindahan alam dasar laut untuk dinikmati oleh pemirsa di berbagai negara.
Pada suatu hari ketika sedang melakukan eksplorasi di bawah laut, tiba-tiba ia 
menemui beberapa sumber mata air tawar-segar yang sangat jernih dan nimat 
rasanya, karena tidak bercampur/tidak melebur dengan air laut yang asin di 
sekelilingnya, seolah-olah ada dinding atau membran yang membatasi keduanya.
Fenomena ganjil itu membingungkan Mr Costeau dan mendorongnya untuk mencari 
tahu penyebab terpisahnya air tawar dari air asin 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Munajat demi keadilan....di Perak

2009-02-09 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Sedar pun ..! kenapa tidur atas jalan ! kembali kepada Allah untuk bartaubat 
jangan ikut jejak langkah syaitan ! Ingatlah kesah nabi Musa as. nabi Ayub as 
.ingatlah Allah tahu dan maha melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan dan hati hati kamu 
dalam permerhatianNya.
Perlu peringatan sebagai seorang sahabat bukan bertindak liar untuk tunjuk pada 
dunia !Kezaliman ...? melainkan kezaliman diri kita sendiri.Berimanlah pada 
Qada' dan Qadar Allah swt.Bagi MB beristighfarlah banyak banyak mudah mudahan 
Allah ada yang lebih baik untuknya.Jangan jadikan syetan yang ramai sebagai 
penasihat .Perlu sifat qana'ah dan lihat balik selama 11 bulan diberi peluang 
menjadi MB mungkin ada sesuatu yang terlepas pandang dan Kasih Sayang Allah 
meliputi segalanya untuk menyelematkan hambanya dari terus terjerumus kepada 
kemurkaanNya.Kenanglah nekmat Allah yang banyak yang telah diberikan selama 
ini.Insaflah .

--- On Fri, 2/6/09, wrote:

Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Munajat demi keadilandi Perak
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 12:24 PM

Ya Allah, Ya Qahhar, Ya Jabbar, Ya zal Jalaliwalikram. ..kami tadahkan tangan 
yang hina ini kepada MU, ..Ampunkanlah seluruh dosa-dosa kami samada yang 
kelihatan dan tersembunyi, dosa-dosa kaum keluarga kami, dosa-dosa 
pemimpin-pemimpin kami dan para penyokong PR dan muslimin dan muslimat sekalian.
Ya Allah,,hanya pada Mu kami serahkan segala urusan kami, segala hajat-hajat 
kami, segala cita-cita kami dan amanah kami. Hanya pada Mu kami berharap dan 
bermohon agar segala kezaliman, kesengsaraan, tipu daya musuh kami yang menimpa 
kami, Engkau menjadi pelindungnya, Engkau menjadi penyelamatnya dan hanya 
Engkau sahaja yang berhak menghukum siapa yang melakukannya. Ya Allah, ya 
Rahman,,Ya Rahim,. Ya Karim..Musnahkanlah perancangan jahat musuh-musuh kami 
dan rakyat yang mahukan keadilan

Mula berbual dengan rakan di Yahoo! Pingbox serba baru hari ini!
Mudah untuk membuat ruang bual peribadi di blog anda


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] A British Woman on a Mission

2009-02-05 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

  A British Woman on a Mission

Sidra Khan reports on Aisha Bhutta's bid to convert the world to Islam
The Guardian Newspaper, London
Thursday 8th May 1997

Aisha Bhutta, also known as Debbie Rogers, is serene. She sits on the sofa in
big front room of her tenement flat in Cowcaddens, Glasgow. The walls are hung
with quotations from the Koran, a special clock to remind the family of prayer
times and posters of the Holy City of Mecca. Aisha's piercing blue eyes sparkle
with evangelical zeal, she smiles with a radiance only true believers possess.
Her face is that of a strong Scots lass - no nonsense, good-humoured - but it is
carefully covered with a hijab.

For a good Christian girl to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim is
extraordinary enough. But more than that, she has also converted her parents,
most of the rest of her family and at least 30 friends and neighbours.

Her family were austere Christians with whom Rogers regularly attended Salvation
Army meetings. When all the other teenagers in Britain were kissing their George
Michael posters goodnight, Rogers had pictures of Jesus up on her wall. And yet
she found that Christianity was not enough; there were too many unanswered
questions and she felt dissatisfied with the lack of disciplined structure for
her beliefs. There had to be more for me to obey than just doing prayers when I
felt like it.

Aisha had first seen her future husband, Mohammad Bhutta, when she was 10 and
regular customer at the shop, run by his family. She would see him in the back,
praying. There was contentment and peace in what he was doing. He said he was a
Muslim. I said: What's a Muslim?.

Later with his help she began looking deeper into Islam. By the age of 17, she
had read the entire Koran in Arabic. Everything I read, she says, was making 

She made the decision to convert at16. When I said the words, it waslike a big
burden I had been carrying on my shoulders had been thrown off. I felt like a
new-born baby.

Despite her conversion however, Mohammed's parents were against their marrying.
They saw her as a Western woman who would lead their eldestson astray and give
the family a bad name; she was, Mohammed's father believed, the biggest enemy.

Nevertheless, the couple married in the local mosque. Aisha wore a dress
hand-sewn by Mohammed's mother and sisters who sneaked into the ceremony against
the wishes of his father who refused to attend.

It was his elderly grandmother who paved the way for a bond between thewomen.
She arrived from Pakistan where mixed-race marriages were evenmore taboo, and
insisted on meeting Aisha. She was so impressed by thefact that she had learned
the Koran and Punjabi that she convinced the others; slowly, Aisha, now 32,
became one of the family.

Aisha's parents, Michael and Marjory Rogers, though did attend the wedding, were
more concerned with the clothes their daughter was now wearing (the traditional
shalwaar kameez) and what the neighbours would think. Six years later, Aisha
embarked on a mission to convert them and the rest of her family, bar her sister
(I'm still working on her). My husband and I worked on my mum and dad, 
telling them about Islam and they saw the changes in me, like I stopped 
answering back!

Her mother soon followed in her footsteps. Marjory Rogers changed her name to 
Sumayyah and became a devout Muslim. She wore the hijab anddid her prayers on 
time and nothing ever mattered to her except her connections with God.

Aisha's father proved a more difficult recruit, so she enlisted the helpof her
newly converted mother (who has since died of cancer). My mumand I used to talk
to my father about Islam and we were sitting in the sofa in the kitchen one day
and he said: What are the words you saywhen you become a Muslim? Me and my
mum just jumped on top of him. Three years later, Aisha's brother converted
over the telephone - thanks to BT, then his wife and children followed,
followed by her sister's son.

It didn't stop there. Her family converted, Aisha turned her attentionto
Cowcaddens, with its tightly packed rows of crumbling, gray tenement flats.
Every Monday for the past 13 years, Aisha has held classes in Islam for Scottish
women. So far she has helped to convert over 30. The women come from a
bewildering array of backgrounds. Trudy, a lecturer at the University of Glasgow
and a former Catholic, attended Aisha's classes purely because she was
commissioned to carry out some research. But after six months of classes she
converted, deciding that Christianity was riddled with logical
inconsistencies. I could tell she was beginning to be affected by the talks,
Aisha says. How could she tell? I don't know, it was just a feeling.

The classes include Muslim girls tempted by Western ideals and need
ingsalvation, practicing Muslim women who want an open forum 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] TEMPLE MOUNT

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

“Save yourself from the (Hell) Fire even with half a date (to be given in 
charity). And if you do not find, then with a good pleasant word.” - Collected 
by Al-Bukhari
 (49:10) The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and 
reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye 
may receive Mercy. If not there will be : (8:73) The Unbelievers are 
protectors, one of another: Unless ye do this, (protect each other), there 
would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief. A Time 
for Thought. 
A Time for Change. 
A Time for Action.
  9:32 Mereka berkehendak memadamkan cahaya (agama) Allah dengan mulut 
(ucapan-ucapan) mereka, dan Allah tidak menghendaki selain menyempurnakan 
cahaya-Nya, walaupun orang-orang yang kafir tidak menyukai. 
 Now, visitors can download Madinah Mushaf Publisher directly Welcome 
to King Fahd Complex  

Do you know


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 9:32 PERINGATAN

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

“Save yourself from the (Hell) Fire even with half a date (to be given in 
charity). And if you do not find, then with a good pleasant word.” - Collected 
by Al-Bukhari
 (49:10) The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and 
reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye 
may receive Mercy. If not there will be : (8:73) The Unbelievers are 
protectors, one of another: Unless ye do this, (protect each other), there 
would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief. A Time 
for Thought. 
A Time for Change. 
A Time for Action.
  9:32 Mereka berkehendak memadamkan cahaya (agama) Allah dengan mulut 
(ucapan-ucapan) mereka, dan Allah tidak menghendaki selain menyempurnakan 
cahaya-Nya, walaupun orang-orang yang kafir tidak menyukai.
  This Month's Feature Article in The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter   
Christians in crisis in OrissaRemember…those who are mistreated -- 
since you yourselves are in the body also -- Hebrews 13:3

It was just before dawn on September 30. An angry mob of Hindu militants had 
been gathering steam for weeks. Carrying sticks and machetes and chanting death 
threats to Christians, this hatred induced tsunami swept into Rudangia, a tiny 
village in Orissa state, India. The mob attacked - burning homes, beating 
villagers and ripping Christian materials apart. Our contacts say the mob 
settled upon Lalji Nayak. Hindu militants grabbed Lalji and dragged him out of 
his home. One man stuck a knife to his throat.

They yelled at him to renounce Christ. They demanded he reconvert and become 

Lalji refused. They drove the knife deeper into his neck. Blood began to gush. 
Witnesses say Lalji continued to cling to Christ

Truth channel
   Shout Outs! 

My new truth channel is currently up running. The channel#68078 named 
Exposing 911, Police state and Tyranny.
  Here is the URL
  When you get to the web page you may want to click on English at the top to 
narrow the channels down to just english speaking channels.
  Not only can you view the channel on there website you can also download the 
TVU player. This is a completely free service.
  Anyone can download the broadcaster program and broadcast for free!
  I am currently running 911 Mysteries, 911 press for the truth, 911 Great 
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Painful deceptions, America freedom to fascism and many more video clips to 
expose the lies by the bush administration about the Iraq war.
These documentaries are broadcast 24/7.








Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Catatan Dari Demo dan Muhasabah Buat Para Pendemo

2009-01-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Manusia berhajat kepada yang mengawas amal usahanya dalam segala 
peringkat hidupnya untuk memimpinnya ke jalan kebaikan dan menjauhkannya dari 
jalan kerosakan

  Kalaulah manusia dibiarkan dengan tidak dipimpin dan diberi pertunjuk, 
nescaya akan terjerumuslah dia dalam kejahatan yang berbagai-bagai ragamnya.

  Betapa tidak? Sedang manusia dalam alam kehidupan ini berada di antara dua 
kekuatan yang besar,  yang satu menolaknya kepada kejahatan iaitu hawa nafsu 
dan tabiat marah yang sedia ada pada dirinya, dan yang satu lagi mendesaknya 
kepada kebaikan iaitu akal dan hati nurani yang dikurniakan Allah kepadanya.

  Kalaulah manusia dibiarkan sahaja diruntun oleh dua kekuatan itu nescaya 
kejahatannya akan mengalahkan kebaikannya, disebabkan oleh tuntunan perhiasan 
dunia dan benda-benda yang menjadi daya penarik, sedang akal dan hati nuraninya 
tidak cukup untuk menjaga dirinya dan memimpinnya ke jalan yang benar,  kerana 
kuasa akal dan hati nuraninya untuk memahami,  adalah sama bandingannya dengan 
kuasa mata kepala untuk melihat, sebagaimana yang dijelaskan seperti berikut:

  (1) Kalau mata manusia hanya dapat melihat dengan kuasa yang ada padanya, dan 
lenyap atau lemah penglihatannya dengan hilang atau lemahnya kuasa itu, maka 
manusia boleh memikir atau menimbang hanya dengan kuasa yang ada pada akal dan 
hati nuraninya, dan akan lenyap atau lemah pula daya pemikiran atau 
pertimbangannya apabila hilang atau lemah kuasa yang tersebut.

  (2) Kalau mata kepalanya dapat melihat sesuatu dengan syarat: 

  (a) Berhadapan dengan benda yang dilihatnya itu.

  (b) Benda itu jangan terlampau dekat kepada biji matanya dan jangan pula 
terlampau jauh sehingga tidak sampai kepadanya kuasa penglihatan mata itu.

  (c) Benda itu hendaklah dari perkara yang ada persediaan pada mata untuk 

  Demikian juga akal atau hati nurani manusia tidak dapat memahami melainkan 
apa yang ada dalam alam kenyataan ini dan tidak dapat memahami hakikat dirinya, 
dan tidak pula dapat memahami sebarang hakikat yang tidak ada persediaan 
padanya untuk memahaminya 

  (3) Kalau mata pernah dijadikan Tuhan dari mulanya tidak mempunyai kuasa 
melihat dan kalau mata yang dijadikan Tuhan berkuasa melihat pun: Pernah 
ditimpa sesuatu yang menghilangkan atau mengurangkan kuasanya itu, maka akal 
atau hati nurani manusia juga pernah dijadikan dari mulanya tidak mempunyai 
kuasa memikir dan menimbang, dan yang dijadikan Tuhan berkuasa memikir dan 
menimbang pun pernah pula hilang atau kurang kuasanya dengan sebab dihinggapi 
oleh sesuatu keadaan seperti gila,  noda maksiat,  perasaan ta'asub, perasaan 
degil, atau satu-satu tujuan buruk.

  (4) Kalau mata yang ada padanya kuasa melihat tidak juga dapat melihat 
sesuatu melainkan setelah ia disinari oleh cahaya zahir yang mendatang, seperti 
cahaya matahari, lampu dan sebagainya, maka akal dan hati nurani manusia yang 
ada sedia padanya kuasa memahami pun tidak juga dapat memahami hakikat sesuatu 
dengan sebenar-benarnya melainkan setelah disinari cahaya pengajaran Ilahi yang 
dibawa oleh Rasul-rasul utusan Allah a.s.

  Dengan sebab yang demikian, maka Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Amat 
Mengasihani, telah memilih orang-orang yang diketahui-Nya layak dan bijaksana 
untuk memimpin umat manusia ke jalan yang benar serta mewajibkan umat manusia 
menerima dan menurut segala pengajaran yang dibawanya; orang-orang itu ialah 
Rasul-rasul-Nya., unexpected_data_after_addr...@.syntax-error. wrote:
  Catatan Dari Demo dan Muhasabah Buat Para Pendemo   Abu Usamah Mohd Masri bin 
Mohd Ramli, 

  Assalamualaikum wbt. 

Semalam saya menyertai demonstrasi dari KLCC ke kedutaan Mesir. Demo didominasi 
oleh mahasiswa. 

Kebanyakan mereka berpakai serba hitam, dengan lilitan di kepala berwarna hijau 
yang bertuliskan Save Gaza. 


Saya melilitkan Mafla Palestin di atas serban saya. Saya memilih untuk tidak 
memakai pakaian warna hitam, kerana saya tidak tahu apa tujuannya, saya takut 
jika nanti ia bertujuan seolah-olah satu majlis perkabungan yang jelas-jelas 

Tiada bendera parti politik, jauh lagi bendera dan laungan-laungan sesat 
puak-puak Syiah seperti yang berlaku di demo-demo yang lain. 

Laungan takbir bergema dari masjid asy-Syakirin ke kedutaan yang jaraknya 
hampir 4 kilometer. Panas terik ketika itu membuatkan peluh-peluh menitis, 
tekak menjadi kering, apatah lagi bila kita menjadi tekong untuk melaungkan 

La Syarkiyyah, La Gharbiyyah.. Wahdah. Wahdah Islamiah.. 

La Ilaha Illa Llah, Muhammadu Rrasulullah. 

Khaibar..Khaibar.. Ya Yahud.. Jaisyu Muhammad Saufa Ya'ud. 

Ya Syabab..Ya Syabab.. Hayya Bina Ila LIslam. 

Sambil-sambil berarak itu, saya teringatkan fatwa kenyataan Shaikh al-Luhaidan 
yang mendapat bantahan ramai ulama', di mana Shaikh al-Luhaidan menyatakan demo 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] BERDOSA Siapa Tak Boikot Israel dan AS

2009-01-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
   One night in April 571 AD, 14 bastions of the palace of the 
fire-worshipping Persian emperors were torn down.
  That destruction was a sign and great glad tidings of the coming into the 
world of the Prophet Muhammad (saas).
  His coming would bring with it knowledge, and ignorance would depart.
  Justice would come, and oppression be brought to an end.
  Civilization would come, and savagery come to an end.
  After that, the world would be illuminated by the light of the true faith 
revealed to him.
  In this film you will see the superior moral values of the Prophet Muhammad 
(saas), sent by Almighty Allah as a mercy to the worlds, and witness how the 
message he preached from his faith and trust in Allah spread quickly, by His 
will, across a very wide geographical area.
  You will see the persistence and determination of the Prophet (saas), a means 
whereby millions of people over the last 14 centuries have turned to faith and 
come to live by the moral values revealed in the Qur’an, and how the impact on 
the world of the True Faith imparted to the Prophet (saas) is today growing 
ever greater and how hundreds of people every day are flooding to the true path 
shown by him. 

  There are more than 1.2 billion Muslims living in the world today. 
Muslims constitute a majority of the population in 56 separate countries. There 
are problems, conflicts and even wars between some of these countries. In the 
present day the Islamic world has been unable to establish the necessary union, 
for which reason it is not sufficiently powerful. 
  Furthermore, there is no center to define and teach Islamic moral values …
  This, in turn, prepares the groundwork for those who put forward mistaken 
models in the name of Islam. The fact is, however, that all these problems can 
be solved and Islamic civilization can once again illuminate the whole world. 
The way for this to happen is for all Muslims to unite.
  Through unity, and the construction of an “Islamic Union.” 

  ., unexpected_data_after_addr...@.syntax-error. wrote:
JOHOR BAHRU 11 Jan. - Umat Islam wajib memboikot barangan Amerika 
Syarikat (AS) dan Yahudi sebagai usaha membantu perjuangan rakyat Palestin yang 
dibunuh oleh tentera Israel. Hukum memboikot barang AS kini jatuh wajib dan 
jika ada sesiapa yang tidak mahu memboikot maka hukum menyokong AS dan Israel 
ialah lawan bagi wajib iaitu haram 

Penasihat Majlis Agama Islam Johor, Datuk Nooh Gadot berkata, tindakan itu juga 
merangkumi usaha mengelakkan diri daripada melancong atau melabur di negara 

Selain itu sudah sampai masanya, negara-negara Islam melalui Pertubuhan 
Persidangan Islam (OIC) mewujudkan pasukan tentera sendiri seperti yang 
dimiliki negara-negara Eropah dalam Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara 
(NATO), katanya. 

Sumber : Utusan Malaysia 12 Jan 2009



Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ALL ABOUT THE CRUSADES 9:32

2009-01-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
 None has the right to be 
worshiped except Allah and Muhammad peace n blessings be upon him is the 
Mesenger of Allah
  A Time for Thought. 
A Time for Change. 
A Time for Action.
  9:32Mereka berkehendak memadamkan cahaya (agama) Allah dengan mulut 
(ucapan-ucapan) mereka, dan Allah tidak menghendaki selain menyempurnakan 
cahaya-Nya, walaupun orang-orang yang kafir tidak menyukai. 
'Israel forces under fire from Jordan' 
Tue, 13 Jan 2009 07:34:05 GMT 
Israeli troops have come under fire from Jordan at a border crossing with the 
kingdom, says an Israeli military spokeswoman. 

Troops were fired upon from the Jordanian side of the border. It was unclear 
who the gunmen were, she said on Tuesday. 

According to the spokesman, no one was hurt in the incident. 

Main reference: The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf, translated by 
Jon Rothschild, 1984.
Al Saqi Books, 26 Wetbourne Grove, London W2. Copyright ©1998-99 The Sabr 
| close window |   Invasion
The First Crusade

1096   Kilij Arslan, sultan of Nicaea, crushes a Crusaders invasion led by 
Peter the Hermit. 1097   First great expedition by the Crusaders, known as 
Franj in Arabia. 1098   The Crusaders take Edessa and then Antioch, and 
triumph over a Muslim rescue army commanded by Karbuqa, ruler of Mosul. The 
incident of cannibalism by the Crusaders in Maarra. For three days they put 
people to the sword, killing more than a hundred thousand people and taking 
many prisoners. (Ibn al-Athir) In Maarra our troops boiled pagan adults in 
cooking pots; they impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled. 
(Radulph of Caen) 1099   Fall of Jerusalem, followed by massacres and 
plunder by the Crusaders. The population of the holy city was put to the sword, 
and the Crusaders spent a week massacring Muslims. They killed more than 
seventy thousand people in Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Jews had gathered in their 
synagogue and the Crusaders burned them alive. They also destroyed the
 monuments of saints, the mosque of Umar and the tomb of Abraham.   
1100 Baldwin, count of Edessa, escapes an ambush near Beirut and proclaims 
himself King of Jerusalem. 
1104   Muslim victory at Harran, which checks the Crusaders' eastward 
advance. 1108   Two coalitions made up of Crusaders and Muslims confront 
one another near Tel Bashir. 1109   Fall of Tripoli after a 2000-day siege. 
1110   Fall of Beirut and Saida.    Ibn al-Khashab, the qadi of 
Aleppo, organizes a riot against the caliph of Baghdad to demand intervention 
against the Frankish occupation. 1112   Victorious resistance at Tyre. 
1115   Alliance of Muslim and Frankish princes of Syria against an army 
dispatched by the sultan. 1119   Ilghazi, ruler of Aleppo, Crushes the 
Crusaders at Sarmada. 1124   The Crusaders take Tyre. They now occupy the 
entire coast, except for Ascalon. 1125   Ibn al-Khashab is murdered by the 
Assassins sect. 1128   Failure of Crusaders thrust at Damascus. Zangi the 
ruler of Aleppo. 1135   Zangi fails to take Damascus. 1137   Zangi 
captures Fulk, King of Jerusalem, then releases him. 1140  
 Alliance of Damascus and Jerusalem against Zangi. 1144-1155   The Second 
Crusade. 1144   Zangi takes Edessa, destroying the first of the four 
Frankish states of the Orient. 1146   Murder of Zangi. His son Nur al-Din 
replaces him in Aleppo.   Victory
1148 Debacle at Damascus for a new Frankish expedition led by Conrad, 
Emperor of Germany, and Louis VII, King of France. 
1154   Nur al-Din takes control of Damascus, unifying Muslim Syria under 
his authority. 1163-69   The struggle for Egypt. Shirkuh, lieutenant of Nur 
al-Din, finally wins. Proclaimed vizier, he dies two months later. He is 
succeeded by his nephew Saladin (Salahuddin). 1171   Saladin proclaims the 
overthrow of the Fatimid caliphate. Sole master of Egypt, he finds himself in 
conflict with Nur al-Din. 1174   Death of Nur al-Din. Saladin takes 
Damascus. 1183   Saladin takes Aleppo. Egypt and Syria now reunited under 
his aegis. 1187-1192   The Third Crusade. 1187   The year of victory.  
Saladin Crushes the Crusaders armies at Hittin, near Lake Tiberias. He 
reconquers Jerusalem and the greater part of the Crusaders territories. The 
Crusaders now hold only Tyre, Tripoli and Antioch. 1190-92   Setback for 
Saladin at Acre. Intervention of Richard the Lionheart, King of England, 
enables the Crusaders to recover several cities from the sultan, but not
 Jerusalem. 1193   Saladin dies in Damascus at the age of 55. After several 
years of civil war, his empire is reunited under the authority of his 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Gesa hantarkan tentera malaysia bantu umat Islam Gaza

2009-01-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM wrote:  Gaza - HTM serah memo kepada ATM 
Oleh HTM 
Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009 15:52

KUALA LUMPUR 9 Jan - Markas Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) di Jalan
Padang Tembak hari ini gempar dengan acara penyerahan memorandum dan
juga laungan jihad oleh sejumlah aktivis gerakan Islam, Hizbut Tahrir
Malaysia (HTM). Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia telah menggerakkan umat Islam
bagi mendesak Angkatan Tentera Malaysia untuk bertindak segera
menyelamatkan Gaza daripada keganasan rejim Israel. Selesai solat
Jumaat di Masjid Khalid Al-Walid, yang terletak berhampiran Markas ATM
tersebut , Hizbut Tahrir telah menyeru dan mengajak umat Islam untuk
bersama-sama mendesak ATM bagi melancarkan jihad ke Israel. Jihad yang
diserukan adalah jihad yang sebenar iaitu jihad fi sabilillah, dengan
ATM menggerakkan seluruh tentera udara, darat dan laut bagi
menyelamatkan umat Islam yang sedang dibunuh dengan kejam oleh Israel
di Palestin. Sebagai salah sebuah angkatan bersenjata kaum Muslimin,
adalah wajib bagi ATM menghantar tentera ke Gaza tanpa berlengah
sedikit pun.

Berucap di hadapan lebih 1,000 jemaah, Ustaz Umar Hussien, Naib
Presiden HTM dengan lantang dan penuh semangat menyeru Angkatan
Tentera Malaysia untuk menyahut seruan jihad yang sedang memanggil di
Gaza. Di dalam ucapannya, beliau menegaskan bahawa penyelesaian
sebenar yang perlu diambil oleh penguasa kaum Muslimin adalah dengan
menghantar tentera untuk menggempur tentera Israel yang sedang
bermaharajalela tanpa sedikit pun tentangan oleh mana-mana negara atau
tentera kaum Muslimin. Keganasan dan kebiadaban Yahudi di Gaza saat
ini tidak akan dapat diselesaikan kecuali dengan satu-satunya jalan
yakni pasukan tentera mestilah dihantar ke sana bagi melawan musuh
Allah yang juga merupakan musuh umat Islam iaitu Yahudi laknatullah.
Kekuatan mestilah dilawan dengan kekuatan dan perang mestilah dijawab
dengan perang, bukannya dengan ubat-ubatan atau pemboikotan semata-mata.

Sebelum dari itu, khutbah Jumaat di Masjid Khalid Al-Walid juga
menyentuh isu pembunuhan di Gaza di mana Khatib dengan penuh semangat
menceritakan bagaimana lahirnya negara haram Israel. Khatib telah
berapi-api mengutuk kekejaman yang telah dilakukan oleh tentera Israel
yang telah dibidani kelahirannya oleh rejim kuffar British melalui
Perjanjian Balfour. Sayangnya, walaupun berkhutbah di hadapan ratusan
pegawai tentera, Khatib telah gagal memberikan penyelesaian yang
hakiki kepada masalah Palestin apabila mencadangkan agar umat Islam
menambahkan ilmu berkenaan sejarah dan mengikis fahaman negatif
terhadap apa yang berlaku, bertawakal dan menghilangkan penyakit
'wahn' (cinta dunia dan takut mati) dan akhir sekali penyelesaian
praktikal yang dicadangkan adalah dengan melakukan pemboikotan,
pameran dan membangunkan jiwa umat untuk bergerak.

Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia menyatakan dengan jelas dan lantang di dalam
seruannya selepas solat Jumaat yang diadakan di hadapan masjid
tersebut bahawa satu-satunya penyelesaian yang hakiki bagi masalah
Palestin sekarang adalah dengan bergeraknya tentera untuk berjihad fi
sabilillah, tentera mesti terjun langsung ke medan perang dan melawan
tentera-tentera Israel yang sedang mengganas membunuh saudara-saudara
kita, termasuk wanita dan kanak-kanak yang tidak berdosa di bumi Palestin.

Ustaz Isa Abdullah, salah seorang aktivis HTM menyambung ucapan dan
mengingatkan para tentera bahawa berapa ramai anak-anak yang telah
kehilangan ayah dan ibu, isteri-isteri yang kehilangan suami dan
banyak lagi kesengsaraan lainnya yang berlaku di Gaza, malah umat
Islam di sana kini sedang menggigil di dalam kesejukan malam di musim
dingin di Gaza kerana rumah tempat mereka berlindung telah hancur
musnah di bom oleh tentera rejim haram Israel. Beliau seterusnya
mengingatkan bahawa tentera kaum Muslimin sebenarnya kuat serta
kemenangan atau syurga sedang menanti mereka di Gaza. Malangnya
pemerintah yang ada telah memasung kekuatan tentera Malaysia dengan
langsung tidak menggerakkan tentera untuk berjihad, sebaliknya para
tentera hanya `digunakan' tujuan perhiasan dan pertunjukan semata-mata.

Selesai ucapan di hadapan masjid Khalid al-Walid tersebut, HTM bersama
sebahagian dari para jemaah terus bergerak ke pintu utama Kementerian
Pertahanan Malaysia bagi tujuan menyerahkan memorandum kepada Panglima
ATM. Sepanjang perjalanan yang memakan masa lebih kurang 15 minit,
slogan jihad yang ditujukan kepada tentera dilaungkan seperti Aina
jundul Muslimin! Li Tahriri Falastin (Di mana tentera Muslimin! Untuk
membebaskan Palestin) Khaibar Khaibar Ya Yahud! Jaisyu Muhammad Saufa
Ya'ud (Khaibar Khaibar Wahai Yahudi! Tentera Muhammad Akan Datang).
Slogan lain yang menaikkan semangat umat Islam berserta kalimah tauhid
dan takbir turut dikumandangkan hinggalah tiba ke pintu pagar utama
Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia (Kementah).

Sebaik tiba di depan Kementah, Ustaz Umar Hussien memberikan taklimat
ringkas dan meminta agar para peserta 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Bab Tiga Kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin karangan Imam Al Ghazali (Kitab Fekah)]

2009-01-14 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Wa'alaikum Salam w.b.t.
  . wrote:
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
tlg betulkan jika saya tersilap
Bab Tiga Kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin karangan
  Imam Al Ghazali (Kitab Fekah)]
  Kebanyakkan perempuan/wanita/muslimah (wanita Islam) tak
  berapa perasan ATAU lebih malang lagi jika memang tak tahu
  menahu akan perkara ini...
  Ilmu Fekah, khususnya BAB HAID yang berkaitan dengan diri
  wanita itu sendiri amat kurang dikuasai atau difahami secara
  menyeluruh oleh kebanyakkan wanita Islam...kenapa hal ini
  boleh terjadi??
  Amat susah untuk mencari seorang guru/ustazah/.yang
  betul-betul pakar dalam bab 'Orang-orang Perempuan
  ini' kecuali terpa...@mesti dirujuk kepada
  lelaki/ustaz-ustaz yang bernama LELAKI jugak...(saya rasa
  ramai yang bersetuju dengan pandangan saya ini)
  Contohnya yang paling simple ; bila ditanya kepada
  kebanyakkan wanita Islam ;
  adakah wajib bagi seorang wanita Islam
  menqhada'kan solat mereka yang ditinggalkan ketika
  haid? pastinya kita akan mendengar jawapan daripada
  kebanyakkan mereka mengatakan:
  alaa...itu soalan mudah jee..bila 'datang
  period' maka solat tuu tak perlu qadha, yang perlu qadha
  hanya puasa jee..itulah yang kami belajar sejak mula-mula
  'bergelar wanita' dulu
  Jika dibuat pantauan nescaya jawapan seperti di ataslah
  yang akan kita jumpa...
  Sebenarnya TAK SEBEGITU MUDAH bagi seorang muslimah nak
  meninggalkan solat mereka walaupun dirinya didatangi haid!!!
  Hal ini boleh dirujuk di dalam kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin
  karangan Hujjatul Islam Imam Al-Ghazali yang mashur. Kitab
  yang padanya ada ilmu yang berkaitan Tasauf dan padanya juga
  perbahasan Fekah yang luas, inilah bukti kehebatan
  ulama' terdahulu.
  Dalam BAB TIGA :
   Fi adab Mua'sharah Wama Yujzi Fi Dawamun
  perkara YANG KETUJUH disebut dengan jelas dalam kitab
  tersebut :
  Penjelasan (bayan) terhadap solat yang perlu diqadha bagi
  perempuan yang didatangi haid :
  1. Jika perempuan dalam keadaan haid mendapati darah haid
  itu berhenti (dengan melihatnya) sebelum masuknya waktu
  Maghrib, kira-kira sempat dia solat asar sebanyak satu
  rakaat, maka baginya wajib qadha solat zohor dan asar.
  2. Jika perempuan mendapati darah haidnya kering sebelum
  masuknya waktu subuh, kira-kira sempat baginya solat
  Isya' sebanyak satu rakaat, maka wajib baginya qadha
  solat maghrib dan Isya'.
  Dan hal ini (qadha solat yang ditinggalkan semasa
  haid) adalah sekurang-kurang perkara yang wajib diketahui
  oleh setiap wanita Islam (Imam Al-Ghazali)
  1. Kenapa perlu diqadha solat Asar dan Zohor?
  - Kerana perempuan itu hanya menyedari keringnya haid masih
  dalam waktu Asar, maka baginya wajib solat asar (selepas
  mandi hadas)
  2. Kenapa pula solat Zohor juga perlu diqadha sama?
  - Kerana di dalam hukum menjama' (menghimpun solat bagi
  orang musafir) solat Asar boleh dijama' dan diqosarkan
  bersama solat Zohor.
  - Kerana kecuaian wanita itu sendiri (dari melihat haidnya
  kering atau tidak), boleh jadi haidnya sudah kering dalam
  waktu Zohor lagi, langkah Ihtiyat (menjaga hukum) maka
  perempuan itu juga perlu mengqhada solat Zohor.
  3. Dalam perkara solat subuh pun sama :
  -perempuan itu hanya menyedari darah haidnya kering,
  sebelum masuk waktu subuh, kira-kira sempat solat Isyak satu
  rakaat (selepas mandi hadas) maka wajib baginya solat
  Isya' sebab darahnya kering masih dalam waktu Isya'.
  -Solat Isya' juga boleh dijama' (bagi musafir)
  dengan solat Maghrib, maka baginya juga perlu diqadha solat
  -Di atas kecuainnya (tidak betul-betul melihat darahnya
  kering atau tidak dalam setiap waktu solat) maka boleh jadi
  darahnya sudah kering dalam waktu maghrib lagi (sebab proses
  keringnya darah itu berlaku secara perlahan-lahan, mungkin
  perempuan itu hanya menyedarinya dalam waktu subuh,
  hakikatnya proses pengeringan itu sudah lama berlaku)
  -maka langkah ihtiyat (menjaga hukum) maka adalah bagi
  perempuan itu perlu di qadha juga solat maghribnya.
  Sila rujuk : Kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin (Jilid ke 2) cetakan
  Darul Nahwan Nil / Darul Haram Lil Turath, Kaherah.
  Diharapkan tulisan ini memberi kesedaran kepada seluruh
  yang bergelar Muslimah untuk lebih mendalami diri mereka
  dengan ilmu 'Fiqhul Nisa' ini yang berkaitan dengan
  diri mereka sendiri!!!



Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] BOIKOT semua jenama dan milik YAHUDI LAKNAT

2009-01-12 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
R O K O K ?  ? ? ?  
  Time To Change !  Time Stop Smoking !
   Time To Stop Buying Ciggarette / Cigar
  The Advice [1] of Sufyân ath-Thawrî 

Sufyân ath-Thawrî [2] - rahimahullâh - wrote to ’Abbâd ibn ’Abbâd al-Khawwâs 
al-Arsûfî [3] - rahimahullâh - saying: 

To proceed: You are in a time which the Companions of the Prophet sallallâhu 
’alayhi wa sallam used to seek refuge from reaching, and they had the knowledge 
that we do not have, and they had precedence which we do no. So how is it for 
us, when we reach that, having little knowledge, little patience, few helpers 
upon what is good, corruption of the people and pollution of this world?! So 
take to the original state of affairs and cling to it. [4] I advise you to 
remain unknown, since this is the age for remaining anonymous (khumûl). [5] And 
remain aloof and mix little with the people, since before, when the people met, 
they would benefit from each other. But today that has gone and your safety - 
in our view - lies in abandoning them. [6]
  Beware of the Rulers. Beware of coming near to them and of mixing with them 
in any of the affairs. Beware of being deceived, so that it said to you: 
Intercede [for me], so that you help one oppressed, or repel an act of 
oppression - because that is from the deception of Iblîs, which the wicked 
reciters have taken as a means to attain a favorable position. [7] It used to 
be said: Beware of the fitnah (trial) of the ignorant worshipper and the wicked 
scholar, because the trial of these two is indeed a trial for everyone put to 

If you find questions and need for fatwâ, then take take advantage of it - but 
do not compete desirously for it. And beware of being like the one who loves 
that his saying is acted upon, or that his saying is publicised or listened to, 
and if that is abandoned, the effects of that are seen upon him. [8] 

And beware of the love of leadership, since leadership may be more beloved to a 
man than gold and silver - but it is something difficult and obscure; and this 
will not be understood except by wise Scholars. [9] So seek after your lost 
soul and work with correct intention and know that there has come near to the 
people a matter which a person would be desirous of death. 

There is no safe cigarette. Philip Morris USA agrees with the overwhelming 
medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, 
heart disease, emphysema and other serious diseases in smokers. Smokers are far 
more likely to develop such serious diseases than non-smokers. 

  These have been, and continue to be, the messages of the U.S. Surgeon General 
and public health authorities worldwide. Smokers and potential smokers should 
rely on these messages when deciding whether or not to smoke.

You can obtain more information directly from these public health organizations 
about cigarette smoking and disease in smokers: International Agency for 
Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Centers 
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Cancer Society, and the 
U.S. Surgeon General.
  ., unexpected_data_after_addr...@.syntax-error. wrote:
sebarkannn  Mengikut maklumat produk-produk ini adalah 
milik/penyokong Yahudi   Jika anda ada sebarang maklumat atau pertanyaan sila 
hubungi PPIM di Hotline:019-3591000   




















  Dapatkan alamat E-mel baru anda! 
Rebut nama E-mel yang telah lama anda kehendaki sebelum orang lain 



Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 5

2009-01-12 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Wa'alaikum Salam,
  Ke PERKIM / Islamic Outreach ABIM 
  ., unexpected_data_after_addr...@.syntax-error. wrote:
  Asalamualikum..boleh tolong saya ..ada seorg kwm saya mahu memeluk ugama sweden..lelaki umo tak tahu macam mana nak memulakan 
selain menerang serba sedikit tentang islam..terima kasih..sebab sy 

From: Dr. Adel 
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun 
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 12:48:27 PM
Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 5

Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 5
http://www.usislam. org/IslamicYouth /islamic_ youth.htm
Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.
1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:
Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53, 2/83]
2. Words of Wisdom from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH):
There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the 
heart is the remembrance of Allah. (Bukhari) 
3. Muhammad (PBUH), The Best Man Ever Lived:
Love for the Prophet is a Condition of Faith Dr. Ahmad Shafaat
4. Videos Of Prophet Muhammad:
Prophet MUHAMMAD in Hindu Scriptures,  He prophesized also in Christian, 
Jewish, Buddhist.and Parsee scriptures, by Dr. Zakir Naik
5. Great Muslims who Changed History, Most of the companions of the Prophet 
(PBUH)  were Youth:
Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (10 years old), Talhah ibn Ubaydullah (14 years old),  Said 
ibn Zayd ( 15 years Old), Sad ibn Abi Waqqas  (17 years old), Umar Ibn Al 
Khattab (26 years old) Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (30 years), Othman Ibn Affan (34 
years old), Abu Bakr (37 years old)
Abdullah ibn Jahsh Allah blessed him with martyrdom6. Yes, Say it LOUD: YES 
Dad…Why Is It So Hard To Say  I Love You? , Prophet's Love For Children, 
Sariya Islam 
7. Islamic Inspirational Songs
Mohammad nabeena-hamada helal
Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code of 
Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.
Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah 
Please note that this posting is for adults too.
Dr. Adel Elsaie
http://www.usislam. org/ 

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2009-01-04 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  11:75. Verily, Ibrahîm (Abraham) was, without doubt, forbearing, used to 
invoke Allâh with humility, and was repentant (to Allâh all the time, again and 


By: Khaalid Muhammad Khaalid
  By: Muhammed Salih Al Munajjid


  Before we embark on our discussion we should note some issues and 
considerations that we should bear in mind before and when dealing with and 
correcting the mistakes of others.
  Sincerity towards Allaah
  When correcting the mistakes of others, it is essential that one’s intention 
be to earn the pleasure of Allaah, not to demonstrate one's superiority or to 
vent one’s anger or to impress others.
  Al-Tirmidhi (may Allaah have mercy on him) reported from Shufayy al-Asbahi 
that he entered Madeenah and saw a man with people gathered around him. He 
asked, “Who is this?” They said, “Abu Hurayrah.” [Shufayy said:] “So I 
approached him and sat down in front of him. He was speaking to the people, and 
when he finished and they had gone away, I said to him, ‘I ask you by Allaah, 
to narrate to me a hadeeth that you heard from the Messenger of Allaah (peace 
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and understood fully.’ Abu Hurayrah said, 
‘I will do that, I will tell you a hadeeth I heard from the Messenger of Allaah 
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and understood fully.’ Then Abu 
Hurayrah began to gasp, and remained in this condition until he recovered, then 
he said, ‘I will tell you a hadeeth that the Messenger of Allah (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) told me in this house when there was no one 
else present except me and him.’ Then Abu Hurayrah began to
 gasp again, then he recovered and wiped his face, and said, ‘I will tell you a 
hadeeth that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 
told me in this house when there was no one else present except me and him.’ 
Then he gasped, then he recovered and wiped his face and said, ‘I will tell you 
a hadeeth that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon 
him) told me in this house when there was no one else present except me and 
him.’ Then Abu Hurayrah began to gasp severely, and his head fell forward, and 
I supported him with my shoulder for a long time, then he recovered, and said: 
‘The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told me: 
  ‘When the Day of Judgement comes, Allaah will come down to judge between the 
people. And every nation will be kneeling in submission. The first people to be 
called forth will be a man who had learned the Qur`aan by heart, a man who was 
killed for the sake of Allaah and a man who had a lot of wealth. Allaah will 
say to the reciter [of the Qur`aan], ‘Did I not teach you that which I had 
revealed to My Messenger?’ He will say, ‘Of course, My Lord.’ Allaah will say, 
‘What did you do with what you were taught?’ He will say, ‘I stayed up at night 
and during the day (to recite it).’ Allaah will say, ‘You have lied,’ and the 
angels will say, ‘You have lied.’ Allaah will say, ‘You only wanted it to be 
said that so-and-so is a reader, and it was said.’ The one who had a lot of 
wealth will be brought and Allaah will say to him, ‘Did I not give generously 
to you so that you were not in need of anyone?’ He will say, ‘Of course, O 
Lord.’ Allaah will say, ‘What did you do with what I
 gave you?’ He will say, ‘I used to give it to my relatives and in charity.’ 
Allaah will say, ‘You have lied,’ and the angels will say, ‘You have lied.’ 
Allaah will say, ‘You only wanted it to be said that so-and-so is generous, and 
it was said. Then the one who was killed for the sake of Allaah will be brought 
and Allaah will say to him, ‘What were you killed for?’ He will say, ‘I was 
commanded to fight in jihaad for Your sake so I fought until I was killed.’ 
Allaah will say, ‘You have lied,’ and the angels will say, ‘You have lied.’ 
Allaah will say, ‘You only want it to be said that so-and-so was courageous, 
and it was said.’ Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah 
be upon him) struck my knees and said, ‘O Abu Hurayrah, these three are the 
first people for whom the Fire will be heated on the Day of Resurrection.’ ” 
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, no. 2382, Shaakir edn. Abu ‘Eesa said: this is a ghareeb 
hasan hadeeth).
  If the intention of the person giving advice is sincere, he will earn reward 
and his advice will be accepted and acted upon, by the permission of Allaah.
  . . . . . . . . . . 
  “If any woman puts on perfume and then goes out to the mosque, Allaah will 
not accept her prayers until she does ghusl.” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, no. 
4002; see also Saheeh Ibn Maajah, 2/367).
  According to Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: A woman passed by Abu Hurayrah and 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Jakim berkempen sebab pengharaman yoga

2008-12-31 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Fikir Fikirkan mudah mudah tidak keliru.Semuanya telah jelas.
  Dengar dan taat !

  By Marsha West
  December 23, 2006
  Yoga’s the latest fad. Everyone’s doing it, including Christians. Churches 
are now offering “Christian yoga.” (An oxymoron, if there ever was one.) What’s 
up with fitness clubs and houses of God promoting yoga? Is yoga just good 
exercise, or is there more to it than that? Those who practice yoga techniques 
- especially professed Chhristians--should know what they’re being exposed to.  
 Authentic yoga spiritual/religious disciplines derive from Eastern religious 
beliefs. There are several different forms of yoga: “For the Hindu, on the 
journey to Spiritual-Realization, the many Yoga/Hindu spiritual disciplines 
take into consideration all aspects of one's being. The classic Yogas are 
progressive in nature; i.e., Karma Yoga (ethics), Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Raja 
Yoga (meditation) and Jnana Yoga (inner wisdom or enlightenment). 
  “These are the classic four yogas within which are several other forms of 
Yoga. Hatha Yoga (worshipful poses), for example, is part of Raja Yoga 
training. Some of the other forms of Yoga are Nada Yoga (music), Mantra and 
Japa Yoga (chanting and on beads) and Kundalini Yoga (study of the psychic 
centers or chakras).”[1]
  Yoga has been taken out of its Hindu roots and given a whole new meaning. 
Subhas R. Tiwari, professor of the Hindu University of America, is not a fan of 
“Christian yoga” and explains why: “Today we are witnessing an innitiative 
toward yoga from ordinary Christians whose positive physical, mental and 
spiritual heath and well being experienced as a result of engaging  yoga 
cannot be denied or ignored. This 5,000-year-old system is perhaps the best 
known, most accessible and cost effective health and beauty program around. 
Yoga is also much more, as it was intended by the Vedic seers as an instrument 
which can lead one to apprehend the Absolute, Ultimate Reality, called the 
Brahman Reality, or God. If this attempt to co-opt yoga into their own 
tradition continues, in several decades of incessantly spinning the untruth as 
truth through re-labelings such as Christian yoga, who will know that yoga 
is--or was--part of Hindu culture?”[2] 
  Government schools have embraced religious pluralism and are now offering 
yoga as a physical education course, even though yoga is a fundamental part of 
a religious system. Granted, most schools don’t teach classical yoga; they 
incorporate snippets of it in their exercise program. Imagine the outrage if 
some brave soul were to attempt to introduce as part of the physical education 
course, “Fitness According to God,” that aims to get children to adopt biblical 
principles for good mind/body health. The ACLU would file a lawsuit faster than 
the speed of a 56K modem.   The challenge of religious pluralism is that it 
doesn’t require knowing anything about other cultures or religions. And let’s 
be real. Most American’s don’t care to learn about other cultures, which is why 
they’re ignorant of religious belief systems. This includes Christianity, even 
though polls show that more than 80% of Americans say they’re Christians. 
Uh-huh. And Muhammad Ali was the greatest prima
 ballerina of all time.   Here’s something you probably didn’t know. The Hindu 
community is unhappy about the effort to separate yoga from Hinduism so they’ve 
started a group called “Reclaiming Yoga.” They say they’ve had it up to here 
with fitness clubs that characterize yoga as exercise. (They have no one to 
blame but themselves. Hindu gurus who settled in the west are responsible for 
the commercialization of yoga.) David Orr, columnist for the London Daily 
Telegraph, tells us that, “The Indian government is furious that yoga practices 
dating back thousands of years are being ‘stolen’ by gurus and fitness 
instructors in Europe and the United States.”[3]   Yoga is a $30 billion-a-year 
business in America, so the Reclaiming Yoga government task force have their 
work cut out for them. David Orr goes on to say, “The U.S. Patent and Trademark 
Office has issued 134 patents on yoga accessories, 150 yoga-related copyrights 
and 2,315 yoga trademarks, says the Indian task force. It
 also says that Britain has approved at least 10 trademarks relating to yoga 
training aids that are mentioned in ancient texts.”   Many Christians have been 
duped into thinking that yoga is just relaxation and exercise. Nothing could be 
further from the truth. Classical yoga is intended to put one into an altered 
state of consciousness. Believers who think they’re “just exercising” are being 
swept into a counterfeit religion.   Not all religions are equal, as liberals 
would have us believe. Orthodox Christianity teaches that there is one true 
God. God as the all-knowing, all-powerful being who 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Hindus, Christians defend Pakistani charity

2008-12-23 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

  Hindus, Christians defend Pakistani charity 
17/12/2008 09:30:00 PM GMT   Print  
  ( Hundreds of Hindus and Christians demonstrated in Hyderabad 
in solidarity with Jamaat-ud-Dawa.
   ); //--   Pakistani Hindu and Christian minorities are angered by 
the government's crackdown on the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JD).

ISLAMABAD — Pakistani Hindu and Christian minorities are angered by the 
government's crackdown on the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JD), crediting the charity with 
helping the country's poor and needy irrespective of religion or caste. 
  I would say, this is not a ban on Jamaat-ud-Dawa, but it is against the poor 
people of Pakistan, who were being assisted by the charity, Kamran Michael, a 
Christian sanitary worker from the northeastern city of Lahore, told 
  Hundreds of members of Pakistan's Hindu and Christian minorities demonstrated 
in the southern city of Hyderabad on Tuesday, December 16, in solidarity with 
the JD. 
  The Muslim charity was banned by both Islamabad and the UN Security Council 
last week over alleged links with Lashkar-e-Taiba (LT), the outlawed group 
India blames for the bloody Mumbai attacks. 
  Along with the ban, Pakistan closed down hundreds of JD-run schools, 
hospitals and clinics across the country, where services are provided to the 
poor free of charge. 
  The government has failed to provide us health and education facilities. 
Now, they have banned those who had been providing us these facilities, 
Michael said. 
  Let’s see what will the government do? But I have little hopes. 
  For Naresh Kumar, a Hindu farmer in the historic town of Hala, the ban and 
the crackdown are unjustifiable. 
  My family was being provided with monthly ration (food) and free medical 
treatment for my children and parents by the JD for months, said Kumar. 
  I am a poor laborer. I could not afford that, if the JD would not be able to 
help me. 
  Headquartered some 30 kilometers north of Lahore, JD has established itself 
as one of biggest charity organizations in the South Asian Muslim country, 
where 34 percent of the total population is living below poverty line. 

  Minority groups hailed the Muslim charity as a champion for humanity rather 
than a terrorist organization. 
  They helped us on the basis of humanity, says Michael, one of hundreds of 
Christians who had been benefiting from the JD charity works in Lahore, the 
capital of the populous Punjab province. 
  A ban on such organizations means a ban on humanity. 
  The charity is popular in many parts of Pakistan, especially those hit by 
natural disasters, where it played a major role in providing help to victims. 
  The Christian worker affirmed that the charity offered his community help 
irrespective of their religious affiliation or social standing. 
  They never asked me or any other Hindu or Christian about our religion or 
  Christians are the largest minority in this South Asian Muslim country, 
making around 3 percent of a total population of 170 million. 
  Most Christians belong to the low-income bracket and work in low-key jobs. 
  Naresh, the Hindu farmer, can't see how a group doing so much help to 
religious minorities can be branded a terrorist organization. 
  There are a number of big Hindu businessmen here, but they never cared about 
us because we belong to schedule cast. The JD people never asked us about such 
kind of things. 
  Hindus are the second largest religious minority in Muslim Pakistan, 
constituting 2 percent of the populace. 
  Most of them are based in southern Sindh, the second most populous province, 
where they work as farm workers. 
  They helped us just because they treat us like human beings, maintains 
  I think those who respect humanity cannot be terrorists. 


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Melayu tak ada harga satu sen pun

2008-12-16 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
2:62 Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan orang-orang Yahudi dan 
orang-orang Nasora (Nasrani) dan orang-orang Saabien sesiapa di antara mereka 
itu beriman kepada Allah dan (beriman kepada) hari akhirat serta beramal soleh, 
maka bagi mereka pahala balasannya di sisi Tuhan mereka dan tidak ada 
kebimbangan (dari berlakunya kejadian yang tidak baik) kepada mereka dan mereka 
pula tidak akan berdukacita. 
   [2:177] Bukanlah perkara kebajikan itu hanya kamu menghadapkan muka 
ke pihak timur dan barat, tetapi kebajikan itu ialah berimannya seseorang 
kepada Allah dan hari akhirat dan segala malaikat dan segala Kitab dan sekalian 
Nabi dan mendermanya seseorang akan hartanya sedang dia menyayanginya, kepada 
kaum kerabat dan anak-anak yatim dan orang-orang miskin dan orang yang 
terlantar dalam perjalanan dan kepada orang-orang yang meminta dan untuk 
memerdekakan hamba-hamba abdi dan mengerjanya seseorang akan sembahyang serta 
mengeluarkan zakat dan perbuatan orang-orang yang menyempurnakan janjinya 
apabila mereka membuat perjanjian dan ketabahan orang-orang yang sabar dalam 
masa kesempitan dan dalam masa kesakitan dan juga dalam masa bertempur dalam 
perjuangan perang Sabil. (Orang-orang yang demikian sifatnya), mereka itulah 
orang-orang yang benar (beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan) dan mereka itulah 
juga orang-orang yang bertakwa.   

  Hadis #13;#10;#9;Abu Zar r.a  #13;#10;#9;#13;#10;#13;#10;katanya:  
Aku pernah bertanya Rasulullah s.a.w: Wahai Rasulullah! Apakah amalan yang 
paling utama? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Beriman kepada Allah dan berjuang pada 
jalan-Nya. Aku bertanya: Hamba yang bagaimanakah paling utama? Rasulullah s.a.w 
bersabda: Hamba yang paling baik menurut pemiliknya dan paling banyak harganya. 
Aku bertanya lagi: Bagaimana Jika aku tidak bekerja? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 
Engkau boleh membantu orang yang bekerja atau bekerja untuk orang yang tidak 
memiliki pekerjaan. Aku bertanya lagi: Wahai Rasulullah! Apa pendapatmu jika 
aku tidak mampu melakukan sebahagian dari amalan? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 
Engkau hendaklah memberhentikan kejahatanmu terhadap orang lain kerana, hal itu 
merupakan sedekah darimu kepada dirimu 
  Nombor Hadis Dalam Sahih Muslim [Dalam Bahasa Arab sahaja]: 119
., unexpected_data_after_addr...@.syntax-error. wrote:
Malam tadi dengar ceramah Tuan Guru. Dia kata Melayu ni tak ada harga 
satu sen pun , kecuali Melayu yang bertaqwa. Kemudian dia kata lagi kita semua 
di dunia ini mempunyai datuk yang sama iaitu Adam. Tanyalah mana-mana orang dan 
bangsa pun di dunia ini , datuknya tetap sama iaitu Nabi Adam as.

Datuk orang Melayu adalah Adam , datuk orang Cina adalah Adam , datuk orang 
India adalah Adam , datuk orang Afrika adalah Adam , datuk orang Inggeris 
adalah Adam. Jadinya kita semua di dunia ini adalah berpupu.

Bila kita mati nanti apabila dimasukkan dalam kubur kata Tuan Guru lagi , 
malaikat dalam kubur tidak akan tanya apa bangsa kita. Malaikat takkan kata 
oleh kerana kita bangsa Melayu kita masuk syurga , kalau kita bangsa Cina kita 
masuk neraka.

Mendengar ceramah Tuan Guru tadi terasa betapa perlu kita menyebarkan kasih 
sayang sesama kita di dunia ini. Kita kasih dan sayangkan seseorang itu 
hanyalah kerana ALLAH. Kita bencikan seseorang itu pun mestilah kerana ALLAH.

Kalau kita di dunia ini kita nampak rumah orang sedang terbakar , kita kesian , 
kita kasihkan mereka yang menjadi mangsa kebakaran tadi walaupun dia bangsa 
Melayu , bangsa Cina , bangsa India , pendatang tanpa izin sekali pun , lalu 
kita pun tolonglah menyelamatkan dia , tolong selamatkan anak-anak dia , tolong 
semalatkan harta benda dia , tolong panggilkan bomba.

Di akhirat nanti pun begitu juga , mereka yang melanggar perintah ALLAH akan 
menjadi mangsa kebakaran api neraka. Di dunia inilah kita perlu selamatkan 
mereka , kita ingat mengingati sesama kita akan pencipta kita , akan pemerintah 
alam ini.

Marilah kita banyak menyebarkan kasih sayang sesama kita hanya kerana ALLAH 
agar negara ini selamat , aman dan makmur.

Rozmal bin Malakan 



Help Palestine [hidayahnet] FADHILAT QURBAN DAN AQIQAH

2008-12-07 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

  Kedua-dua ibadah ini adalah antara amalan mulia dan 
penting dalam Islam kerana amat besar fadhilatnya, tetapi malangnya masih ramai 
orang yang samar-samar atau kabur kefahaman menerka mengenainya, sehinggakan 
ada yang memandang ringan walaupun mempunyai kemampuan tetapi tidak mahu 
melakukan penyembelihan qorban dan aqiqah ini. Semoga dengan penjelasan yang 
serba sedikit ini dapat membantu kefahaman kita semua tentang ibadat Qurban 
serta Aqiqah serta keinginan untuk sama-sama mencari pahala kedua ibadah ini 
akan meningkat.
  Apakah sebenarnya qurban dan aqiqah itu? Apakah hukum melakukannya? Berapa 
kali kita dituntut melakukan qurban sepanjang hayat kita? Apakah syarat-syarat 
binatang yang dikorbankan? Apakah perbezaan antara qurban dan aqiqah? Bolehkah 
seekor lembu dikongsi sebahagian untuk qurban dan sebahaian untuk aqiqah? 
Apakah hikmah atau faedah yang bakal diperolehi kerana melakukan kedua-dua 
ibadah itu?
  Demikianlah antara masalah yang akan cuba kita kupas serta perjelaskan 
dibahagian ini dan disamping itu akan dijelaskan beberapa perkara berkaitan 
dengan ibadah kurban dan aqiqah, semoga memberi kefahaman yang jelas hingga 
kita dapat menghayatinya dengan penuh keimanan kerana menjunjung perintah Allah 
s.w.t. dan mendapat fadhilat daripada amalan yang akan kita lakukan ini.
  Qurban ialah penyembelihan binatang qurban yang 
dilakukan pada Hari Raya Haji (selepas solat 'Idil Adhha) dan hari-hari Tasyriq 
iaitu ,11,12 dan 13 Zulhijjah kerana beribadah kepada  Allah s.w.t. , iaitu 
sebagai menghidupkan syariat Nabi Allah Ibrahim a.s. yang kemudiannya 
disyariatkan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. 
  Firman  Allah s.w.t. yang bermaksud: 
  Dan telah Kami jadikan unta-unta itu sebahagian 
daripada syi'ar Allah, kamu memperolehi kebaikan yang banyak daripadanya, maka 
sebutlah nama Allah ketika kamu menyembelihnya dalam keadaan berdiri (dan telah 
diikat). Kemudian apabila telah roboh (mati), maka makanlah sebahagiannya dan 
beri makanlah orang yang rela dengan apa yang ada padanya (yang tidak 
meminta-minta) dan orang yang meminta. Demikianlah Kami telah menundukkan 
unta-unta itu kepada kamu, mudah-mudahan kamu bersyukur.(surah al-Haj:36)
  Maka dirikanlah solat kerana Tuhanmu dan 
berqurbanlah.(Surah al-Kauthar:2)
  Daripada Aisyah r.a Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. telah 
bersabda yang bermaksud: Tiada suatu amalan yang dilakukan oleh manusia pada 
Hari Raya Qurban, yang lebih dicintai Allah selain daripada menyembelih haiwan 
qurban. Sesungguhnya haiwan qurban itu pada hari kiamat kelak akan datang 
berserta dengan tanduk-tanduknya, bulu-bulunya dan kuku-kukunya, dan 
sesungguhnya sebelum darah qurban itu menyentuh tanah, ia (pahalanya) telah 
diterima disisi Allah, maka beruntunglah kamu semua dengan (pahala) qurban 
itu.(Riwayat al-Tarmuzi, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim)
  Zaid bin Arqam berkata: Mereka telah bertanya, Wahai 
Rasullullah, apakah Udhhiyah (Qurban) itu? Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. menjawab: Ia 
sunnah bagi bapa kamu Nabi Ibrahim. Mereka bertanya lagi: Apakah ia untuk 
kita? Rasulullah s.a.w. menjawab: Dengan tiap-tiap helai bulu satu kebaikan. 
Mereka bertanya: maka bulu yang halus pula? Rasullullah s.a.w bersabda yang 
bermaksud Dengan tiap-tiap helai bulu yang halus itu satu kebaikan.
(Riwayat Ahmad dan Ibnu Majah)
  Hukumnya Sunnat Muakkad (Sunnat yang dikuatkan) atas 
orang yang memenuhi syarat-syarat seperti berikut:

 Merdeka (Bukan hamba) 
 Baligh lagi berakal 
 Mampu untuk berqurban 

  Sabda  Rasullullah s.a.w yang bermaksud: 
  Aku disuruh berqurban dan ia sunnat bagi kau. (Riwayat al-Turmuzi).
  Telah diwajibkan kepada ku qurban dan tidak wajib bagi kamu. (Riwayat 
  Walaupun hukum berqurban itu sunnat tetapi ia boleh 
bertukar menjadi wajib jika dinazarkan. Sabda  Rasullullah s.a.w yang 
bermaksud: Sesiapa yang bernazar untuk melakukan taat kepada Allah, maka 
hendaklah dia melakukannya. (Sila Rujuk: Fiqh al-Sunnah)

 Binatang yang diqurbankan daripada jenis unta, lembu atau kerbau, kambing 
biasa yang berumur dua tahun, jika biri-biri telah berumur satu tahun atau 
telah gugur giginya sesudah enam bulan meskipun belum cukup satu tahun. 
 Binatang itu disyaratkan tidak cacat, tidak buta sebelah atau 
kedua-duanya, kakinya tidak pincang, tidak terlalu kurus, tidak terpotong 
lidahnya, tidak mengandung atau baru melahirkan anak, tidak berpenyakit atau 
berkudis. Binatang yang hendak disembelih itu mestilah sihat sehingga kita 
sayang kepadanya. 
 Waktu menyembelihnya sesudah terbit matahari pada Hari Raya Haji dan 
sesudah selesai solat 'Id dan dua khutbah 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 6 KETUA MENTERI, 6 ADUN, BABI TETAP TERPELIHARA

2008-12-03 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Jangan lalai dari mohon pertolongan Allah swt.Inilah akibat mengharapkan 
pertolongan manusia pasti akan kecewa.Berasap hitam kepala orang kampung masih 
tak sedar ! ! ! Setiap negeri ada mufti apa dah jadi ..mana jangan penyelesaian 
! ! ! dok berlagak ! ! ! 
  Sdra sdra ku sekelian,
  Mintahlah pada Allah yang tak pernah mungkir janji ! ! !
  Penduduk perlu bersatu. 
  Bacalah seluruh Alquran setiap hari ..kuatkan pembesar suara semoga yang 
mendengar akan berasa gerun dan berpindah segera ! ! ! (Jika jemmah membaca 
Quran 4ms setiap lepas solat insyaAllah sehari dapat satu juzuk !
  setiap waktu sebelum azan dibacakan surah 48 Al Fath :
  48:1 Sesungguhnya Kami telah memberikan kepadamu kemenangan yang nyata, 
  Please right clickencodingmoreArabic Windows  
  Topics discussed in this Verse: 
  Inna fatahna laka fathan mubeenan 
ÅöäøóÇ ÝóÊóÍúäóÇ áóßó ÝóÊúÍðÇ ãøõÈöíäðÇ (48:1)
  Allah masih sayangkan orang Islam Melaka agar kembali bersatu kejalan Allah 
dan RasulNya.Insaflah Insaflah 
  Insaflah ..Beristighfarlah banyak banyak!!!
  aib ! aib ! aib
  Yaa Arhamarrahimin Yaa Arhamarrahimin Yaa Arharrahimin 
  arij ala Muslimin
  Ameen Ameen Ameen ! Qabul! 

Klik Tajuk Untuk Artikel Penuh
  Terserlahnya sikap double standard pihak kerajaan BN yang masih terus 
berlaku zalim dan kejam terhadap rakyat. Kerajaan negeri sanggup menganyang 
khasnya orang melayu itu sendiri demi menjaga kepentingan politiknya. Sekarang 
jelas juga kepada kita, pihak berkuasa milik kerajaan BN ini lebih gentar 
kepada tuntutan penternak babirintihan rakyat marhain di Kampung Kuala Sungai 
Baru, Melaka yang hidup bergelomang dengan bau najis babi sejak berpuluh-puluh 
tahun yang lalu. Bayangkan seorang anak jati kelahiran di situ yang sekarang 
sudahpun berusia 42 tahun, penternakan babi di kawasan itu masih lagi 
beroperasi seusia pemuda tersebut.

dari rayuan dan 
  Ini bermakna ternakan babi di situ sudah ada sejak sebelum pemuda itu lahir 
lagi. Siapa sebenarnya yang hendak masyarakat persalahkan? Penternak atau 
pihak-pihak yang terbabit seperti pengeluar lesen, Pejabat Tanah, Jabatan 
Haiwan, Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Pejabat Daerah, Pihak Majlis Perbandaran dan apa 
sahaja yang berkaitan. Apa yang pastinya agensi-agensi ini ada hubungan 
langsung dengan pihak kerajaan negeri. Mengapa mereka ini tidak mengambil 
tindakan sewajarnya dari dahulu lagi? Operasi bersepadu bagi mengurangkan 
ternakan khinzir daripada lebih 100,000 ekor kepada 48,000 ekor di kawasan 
Bukit Beruang, Paya Mengkuang dan Man Lok di Melaka pada tahun lepas adalah 
merupakan peluang terbaik kerajaan negeri untuk melaksanakan tuntutan rakyat.

  Namun ianya terpaksa ditangguhkan apabila berlaku ketegangan di antara 
penternak dengan pihak berkuasa. Namun pihak berkuasa terpaksa pulang dengan 
hampa apabila enam jentera pengorek yang dibawa untuk menggali lubang bagi 
menghapuskan babi di ladang tersebut serta enam trak polis, termasuk yang 
dilengkapkan dengan meriam air tidak dapat menyempurnakan tugas untuk membunuh 
babi-babi sepertimana yang dirancang.

  Apakah maknanya semua ini yang timbul berbagai persoalan dari rakyat kenapa 
dan mengapa kerajaan negeri takut untuk bertindak? Kini sudah 6 Ketua Menteri 
Melaka dan beberapa ADUN kawasan tersebut telah bertukar tangan, namun babi di 
situ tetap gagah berdiri dan Melaka tetap akan terkenal lagi sebagai pengespot 
utama babi di Asia Tenggara. Syabas, kerajaan negeri dan bertepatan dengan 
slogannya Melaka Dimana Segalanya Bemula.!!

  Demontrasi oleh UMNO DUN Kuala Linggi yang dibuat di Pekan Kuala Sungai Baru 
pada 24 November 2008, yang turut disertai perbagai pertubuhan kawasan tersebut.




  Inilah Sungai Tuang, saluran utama sisa najis babi yang mengalir ke laut

Sisa-sisa najis babi terus mengalir keluar ke pantai Sungai Tuang sejak sedekad 


  Inilah Pahlawan Babi- Operasi kerajaan negeri yang gagal, hanya kerana 
semata-mata untuk mengambil hati pengundi kaum Cina. Mereka akhirnya berjaya 
menghalang pihak kerajaan bertindak ke atas mereka dan sehingga kini BABI 
tersebut dapat hidup aman dan damai di Kampung Paya Menkuang, Kuala sungai 

KULAT: Hairan juga dengan kepimpinan kerajaan negeri Melaka ni terutama Calon 
Timbalan Presiden UMNOnya . Kisah babi yang belum dilaksanakan di negeri 
Selangor dan Kedah, bukan main kritik lagi. Tapi di negeri sendiri yang sudah 
wujud sejak berpuluh-puluh tahun yang lalu tak dapat diselesaikannya walau 5 
Ketua Menteri sudahpun bertukar tangan . Apa dah jadi dengan ADUN kawasannya?? 
Bagaimana dengan belanja pilihanraya?? Adakah kerajaan negeri atau YB2 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Kemusykilan...Menghadiri Jamuan Krismas dan Akhir Tahun Syarikat

2008-12-02 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Wa'alaikum Salam Puan,
  First and formost is attending an invitation ..dikelab malam.tempat separa 
  Majlis pergaulan bebas antara bukan muhrim akan mengundangan syaitan 
meniupkan pelbagai tipu daya (visi) untuk melalaikan manusia dari mengingati 
Allah swt dan (misi)syaitan adalah untuk memberbudak budakan manusia.
  Lebih teruklagi syaitan akan memaksa orang yang tidak minum arak meminum arak 
! Syaitan akan menghias buah dada dan punggung wanita (lebih lebih lagi isteri 
orang) supaya lebih tertarik oleh kaum lelaki ...lebih berat lagi diserapkan 
perassan cinta palsu pada pasangan pria dan wanita ..terlanjur yang wanita akan 
mengengkangkan kedua pahanya untuk si pria...
  Al-Anaam  6 : 48 Dan tiadalah Kami utuskan Rasul-rasul itu melainkan sebagai 
pembawa berita gembira dan pembawa amaran; kemudian sesiapa yang beramal soleh, 
maka tidak ada kebimbangan (dari berlakunya kejadian yang tidak baik) terhadap 
mereka dan mereka tidak akan berdukacita. 
  Mohonlah pertolongan Allah : Rabbun Naas ! Malikun Naas ! Illahun Naas !
  Salamun Salama.
  Semoga ada menfaat.
  Pa' Shaik


Suami saya baru sahaja bekerja di sebuah syarikat asing yang
bercawangan di Malaysia. Kebetulan sebuah majlis akan diadakan sempena
sambutan Krismas dan Year end di sebuah kelab malam di ibukota. Saya
agak kurang bersetuju apabila suami mengatakan dia akan pergi ke
majlis tersebut dengan alasan dia orang baru di situ dan perlu
mengukuhkan hubungan dengan warga kerjanya. Adakah saya tersilap untuk
tidak bersetuju dan adakah patut suami turut serta dalam majlis tersebut?

Diminta memberi pandangan dengan fakta yang jelas. Terima kasih.



Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 7 REASONS WHY A SCIENTIST BELIEVES IN GOD*

2008-11-30 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
(This article of Mr A. Cressy Morrison, former President of the New York 
Academy of Sciences, first appeared in the Reader's Digesf' (January 1948); 
then on recommendation of Professor C. A. Coulson, F. R.S., Professor of 
Mathematics at Oxford University, was republished in the Reader's Digest 
November 1960) - It shows how science compels the scientists to admit to the 
essential need of a Supreme Creator. 
We are still in the dawn of the scientific age and every increase of light 
reveals more brightly the handiwork of an intelligent Creator. In the 90 years 
since Darwin we have made stupendous discoveries; with a spirit of scientific 
humanity and of faith grounded in knowledge we are approaching even nearer to 
an awareness of God.
For myself I count seven reasons for my faith. 

By unwavering mathematical law we can prove that our universe was designed and 
executed by a great engineering Intelligence. Suppose you put ten coins, marked 
from one to ten, into your pocket and give them a good shuffle. Now try to take 
them out in sequence from one to ten, pulling back the coin each time and 
shaking them all again. Mathematically we know that your chance of first 
drawing number one is one in ten; of drawing one and two in succession, one in 
100; of drawing one, two and three in succession, one in a thousand, and so on; 
your chance of drawing them all, from one to number ten in succession, would 
reach the unbelievable figure of one chance in ten thousand million. 
By the same reasoning, so many exacting conditions are necessary for life on 
earth that they could not possibly exist in proper relationship by chance. The 
earth rotates on its axis at one thousand miles an hour; if it turned at one 
hundred miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as now, 
and the hot sun would then burn up our vegetation during each long day, while 
in the long night any surviving sprout would freeze. 
Again, the sun, source of our life, has a surface temperature of 12,000 degrees 
Fahrenheit, and our earth is, just far enough away so that this 'eternal fire 
warms us just enough and not too much! If the sun gave off only one-half its 
present radiation, we would freeze, and if it gave half as much more, we would 
The slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, gives us our season; 
if it had not been so tilted, vapours from the ocean would move north and 
south, piling up for us continents of ice. If our moon was, say, only 50 
thousand miles away instead of its actual distance. Our tides would be so 
enormous that twice a day all continents would be submerged; even the mountains 
would soon be eroded away. If the crust of the earth had been only ten feet 
thicker, there would be no oxygen without which animal life must die. Had the 
ocean been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been 
absorbed and no vegetable life could exist. Or if our atmosphere had been 
thinner, some of the meteors, now burned in space by the million evey day; 
would be striking all parts of the earth, starting fires everywhere. Because of 
these, and host of other examples, there is not one chance in millions that 
life on our planet is an accident. 

The resourcefulness of life to accomplish its purpose is a manifestation of 
all-pervading Intelligence. What life itself is no man has fathomed. It has 
neither weight nor dimensions, but it does have force; a growing root will 
crack a rock. Life has conquered water, land and air, mastering the element, 
compelling them to dissolve and reform their combinations.
Life, the sculptor, shapes all living things; an artist, it designs every leaf 
of every tree, and colours every flower. Life is a musician and has each bird 
to sing its love songs, the insects to call each other in the music of their 
multitudinous sounds. Life is a sublime chemist, giving taste to fruits and 
spices, and perfume to the rose changing water and carbonic acid into sugar and 
wood and, in so doing, releasing oxygen that animals may have the breath of 
Behold an almost invisible drop of protoplasm, transparent and jelly-like, 
capable of motion, drawiug energy from the sun. This single cell, this 
transparent mistlike droplet, holds within itself the germ of life, and has the 
power to distribute this life to every living thing, great and small. The 
powers of this droplet are greater than our vegetation and animals and people, 
for all life came from it. Nature did not create life; fire-blistered rocks and 
a saltless sea could not meet the necessarv requirements. Who, then, has put it 
here ? 

Animal wisdom speaks irresistibly of a good Creator who infused instinct into 
otherwise helpless little creatures. The young salmon spends years at sea, then 
comes back to his own river; and travels up the very side of the river into 
which flows The 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Antara orang-orang yg didoakan oleh malaikat

2008-11-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Para Melaikat pemikul Arsy dan para malaikat berada disekelilingnya bertasbih 
dan meminta ampun bagi orang yang beriman..
  40:8 ya Tuhan kami, dan masukkanlah mereka ke dalam surga Adn yang telah 
Engkau janjikan kepada mereka dan orang-orang yang saleh di antara bapak-bapak 
  dan istri-istri mereka, dan keturunan mereka semua. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah 
Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana,
  Please right click  encoding  more  Arabic ( Windows)
  7   (Malaikat-malaikat) yang memikul Arsy dan malaikat yang berada di 
sekelilingnya bertasbih memuji Tuhannya dan mereka beriman kepada-Nya serta 
memintakan ampun bagi orang-orang yang beriman (seraya mengucapkan):` Ya Tuhan 
kami, rahmat dan ilmu Engkau meliputi segala sesuatu, maka berilah ampunan 
kepada orang-orang yang bertaubat dan mengikuti jalan Engkau dan peliharalah 
mereka dari siksaan neraka yang bernyala-nyala,(QS. 40:7) ::Terjemahan:: 
::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah 
Al Mu'min 7 
ÇáøóÐöíäó íóÍúãöáõæäó ÇáúÚóÑúÔó æóãóäú Íóæúáóåõ íõÓóÈøöÍõæäó ÈöÍóãúÏö ÑóÈøöåöãú 
æóíõÄúãöäõæäó Èöåö æóíóÓúÊóÛúÝöÑõæäó áöáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ ÑóÈøóäóÇ æóÓöÚúÊó ßõáøó 
ÔóíúÁò ÑóÍúãóÉð æóÚöáúãðÇ ÝóÇÛúÝöÑú áöáøóÐöíäó ÊóÇÈõæÇ æóÇÊøóÈóÚõæÇ ÓóÈöíáóßó 
æóÞöåöãú ÚóÐóÇÈó ÇáúÌóÍöíãö (7) 
Pada ayat ini Allah SWT menerangkan bahwa para malaikat yang memikul Arasy 
Tuhan dan yang ada di sekelilingnya, menyucikan Allah mengucapkan janji dan 
syukur atas nikmat-Nya beriman dan mengakui bahwa tiada Tuhan yang disembah 
sebenarnya, melainkan Dia dan tidak segan-segan menyembah kepada-Nya mereka 
meminta dan memohonkan ampun bagi orang yang mengakui sebagaimana mereka akui, 
seperti keesaan Allah SWT dan kesucian-Nya, dari Tuhan yang disembah selain 
Dia. Mengenai cara malaikat itu memikul Arasy dan berapa banyak malaikat yang 
memikulnya, cukup kita percaya sebagaimana adanya dan mengembalikannya kepada 
ilmu Tuhan, karena yang demikian termasuk hal-hal yang tidak didapati 
perinciannya, baik di dalam Alquran maupun di dalam hadis-hadis yang mutawatir. 
Adapun teks (bunyi) doa para malaikat itu bagi orang-orang mukmin adalah 
sebagai berikut: 
ÑÈäÇ æÓÚÊ ßá ÔíÁ ÑÍãÉ æÚáãÇ ÝÇÛÝÑ ááÐíä ÊÇÈæÇ æÇÊÈÚæÇ ÓÈíáß. 
Isi doa ini: Pertama menggambarkan bahwa ilmu Tuhan meliputi segala sesuatu. 
Rahmat Allah meliputi pengampunan dosa-dosa dan kesalahan mereka dan ilmu Tuhan 
meliputi perbuatan, ucapan-ucapan dan gerak-gerik mereka. Mudah bagi Allah SWT 
mengampuni dosa-dosa dan kesalahan-kesalahan karena rahmat-Nya itu lebih luas 
dan lebih besar dari dosa-dosa dan kesalahan itu. Tiada suatu perbuatan sekali 
pun di tempat yang gelap, tiada suatu kata atau ucapan, sekalipun kata hati 
atau bisikan sukma, tiada suatu tindak tanduk atau gerak gerik kecuali 
diketahui oleh Allah SWT. Kedua memintakan ampun kepada Allah SWT orang-orang 
yang bertobat dan menghentikan perbuatan mereka dari dosa-dosa yang dilakukan 
mereka, serta mengikuti apa yang diperintahkan kepada mereka, mengamalkan yang 
baik meninggalkan hal-hal yang mungkar. Kecuali itu malaikat pun memohon agar 
orang-orang mukmin itu dilindungi dari siksaan neraka Jahanam sesuai dengan 
janji Allah itu tidak menyalahi janji-Nya, sebagaimana
 firman Allah SWT: 

Åä Çááå áÇ íÎáÝ ÇáãíÚÇÏ 
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyalahi janji. (Q.S. Ali Imran: 9) 
Seorang Qari bernama Khalaf bin Hisyam Al-Bazzaz pernah membacakan ayat ini 
kepada Salim bin Isa, setelah sampai kepada: Serta mintakan ampun bagi 
orang-orang yang beriman. Salim menangis dan berkata wahai Khalaf! Alangkah 
mulia orang mukmin itu di sisi Allah. Ia tidur di atas tikarnya, sedang 
malaikat memintakan ampun baginya.

8   ya Tuhan kami, dan masukkanlah mereka ke dalam syurga Adn yang telah 
Engkau janjikan kepada mereka dan orang-orang yang saleh di antara bapak-bapak 
mereka, dan isteri-isteri mereka, dan keturunan mereka semua. Sesungguhnya 
Engkaulah Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana,(QS. 40:8) ::Terjemahan:: 
::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah 
Al Mu'min 8 
ÑóÈøóäóÇ æóÃóÏúÎöáúåõãú ÌóäøóÇÊö ÚóÏúäò ÇáøóÊöí æóÚóÏúÊóåõãú æóãóäú ÕóáóÍó ãöäú 
ÂÈóÇÆöåöãú æóÃóÒúæóÇÌöåöãú æóÐõÑøöíøóÇÊöåöãú Åöäøóßó ÃóäúÊó ÇáúÚóÒöíÒõ 
ÇáúÍóßöíãõ (8) 
Selanjutnya pada ayat ini, para malaikat memohon agar orang-orang mukmin itu 
dimasukkan ke dalam surga `Ada yang telah dijanjikan oleh Allah SWT melalui 
ucapan Rasul-Nya, juga dimasukkan ke dalam surga bersama mereka itu, 
orang-orang saleh di antara bapak-bapak mereka, dan istri-istri mereka serta 
keturunan mereka semua, agar mereka itu merasa senang, karena berkumpul dengan 
keluarga di tempat kegembiraan dan kesenangan, menimbulkan rasa riang dan suka 
yang amat berkesan. 
Berkata Said bin Jubair: Ketika seorang laki-laki masuk surga ia berkata: Ya 
Tuhan! Di mana ayahku, nenek dan ibuku? Dan di mana anak dan cucuku? Di mana 
istri-istriku? Dijawab bahwa mereka itu tidak beramal seperti 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Islam defends everybody but not the necessary the judges do!

2008-11-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
What about this :

Mohamed wrote:

  Star today : Syariah judge: Islam defends everybody
  PUTRAJAYA: Islam does not discriminate against any race or religion so 
non-Muslims do not have to fear if common law and syariah courts were to be 
merged as suggested by a former Chief Justice.
Syariah Court Judge and Syariah Judicial Department director-general Datuk 
Ibrahim Lembut said such fears among non-Muslims were unwarranted.
Islam will defend everybody. The impression that merging the two court systems 
will override the rights of the non-Muslims is wrong, he told reporters after 
attending the International Seminar on Comparative Law at Marriott Hotel here 
on Tuesday.  



Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tafsir Ibn Kathir

2008-11-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Tafsir Ibn Kathir  Select Surah  1. Al 
Fatiha 1. Al Fatiha 2. Al-Baqarah 3. Al-'Imran 4. An-Nisa 5. Al-Ma'idah 6. 
Al-An'am 7. Al-A'raf 8. Al-Anfal 9. At-Taubah 10. Yunus 11. Hud 12. Yusuf 13. 
Ar-Ra'd 14. Ibrahim 15. Al-Hijr 16. An-Nahl 17. Al-Isra' 18. Al-Kahf 19. Maryam 
20. Ta-Ha 21. Al-Anbiya 22. Al-Hajj 23. Al-Mu'minun 24. An-Nur 25. Al-Furqan 
26. Ash-Shu'ara 27. An-Naml 28. Al-Qasas 29. Al-Ankabut 30. Ar-Rum 31. Luqman 
32. As-Sajdah 33. Al-Ahzab 34. Saba 35. Fatir 36. Ya-Sin 37. As-Saffaat 38. 
Saad 39. Az-Zumar 40. Ghafir 41. Fussilat 42. Ash-Shura 43. Az-Zukhruf 44. 
Ad-Dukhan 45. Al-Jathiyah 46. Al-Ahqaf 47. Muhammad 48. Al-Fath 49. Al-Hujuraat 
50. Qaf 51. Adh-Dhariyat 52. At-Tur 53. An-Najm 54. Qamar 55. Ar-Rahman 56. 
Al-Waqi'ah 57. Al-Hadid 58. Al-Mujadilah 59. Al-Hashr 60. Al-Mumtahinah 61. 
As-Saff 62. Al-Jumu'ah 63. Al-Munafiqun 64. At-Taghabun 65. At-Talaaq 66. 
At-Tahrim 67. Al-Mulk 68. Al-Qalam 69. Al-Haqqah 70. Al-Ma'arij
 71. Nuh 72. Al-Jinn 73. Al-Muzzammil 74. Al-Muddathir 75. Al-Qiyamah 76. 
Al-Insan 77. Al-Mursalaat 78. An-Naba 79. An-Nazi'aat 80. Abasa 81. At-Takwir 
82. Al-Infitaar 83. Al-Mutaffifin 84. Al-Inshiqaq 85. Al-Burooj 86. At-Tariq 
87. Al-A'la 88. Al-Ghaashiyah 89. Al-Fajr 90. Al-Balad 91. Ash-Shams 92. 
Al-Lail 93. Ad-Duha 94. Ash-Sharh 95. At-Tin 96. Al-Alaq 97. Al-Qadr 98. 
Al-Baiyyinah 99. Az-Zalzalah 100. Al-Aadiyaat 101. Al-Qari'ah 102. At-Takaathur 
103. Al-Asr 104. Al-Humazah 105. Al-Feel 106. Al-Quraish 107. Al-Maa'oon 108. 
Al-Kauthar 109. Al-Kaafiroon 110. An-Nasr 111. Al-Masad 112. Al-Ikhlaas 113. 
Al-Falaq 113. An-Naas  [input]  

The Tafsir of Surat Al-Fatihah (Chapter 1)

Which was revealed in Makkah

The Meaning of Al-Fatihah and its Various Names

The Meaning of Al-Fatihah and its Various Names

How many Ayat does Al-Fatihah contain

The Number of Words and Letters in Al-Fatihah

The Reason it is called Umm Al-Kitab

Virtues of Al-Fatihah

Al-Fatihah and the Prayer

Explaining this Hadith

Reciting Al-Fatihah is required in Every Rak`ah of the Prayer

The Tafsir of Isti`adhah (seeking Refuge)

Seeking Refuge before reciting the Qur'an

Seeking Refuge with Allah when One is Angry

Is the Isti`adhah (seeking Refuge) required

Virtues of the Isti`adhah

What does Isti`adhah mean

Why the Devil is called Shaytan

The Meaning of Ar-Rajim

Bismillah is the First Ayah of Al-Fatihah

Basmalah aloud in the Prayer

The Virtue of Al-Fatihah

Basmalah is recommended before performing any Deed

The Meaning of Allah

The Meaning of Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Meaning of Al-Hamd

The Difference between Praise and Thanks

The Statements of the Salaf about Al-Hamd

The Virtues of Al-Hamd

Al before Hamd encompasses all Types of Thanks and Appreciation for Allah

The Meaning of Ar-Rabb, the Lord

The Meaning of Al-`Alamin

Why is the Creation called `Alam

Indicating Sovereignty on the Day of Judgment

The Meaning of Yawm Ad-Din

Allah is Al-Malik (King or Owner)

The Meaning of Ad-Din

The Linguistic and Religious Meaning of `Ibadah

The Merit of stating the Object of the Action before the Doer of the Act, and 
the Merit of these Negations

Al-Fatihah indicates the Necessity of praising Allah. It is required in every 

Tawhid Al-Uluhiyyah

Tawhid Ar-Rububiyyah

Allah called His Prophet Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã an `Abd

Encouraging the Performance of the Acts of Worship during Times of Distress

Why Praise was mentioned First

The Meaning of As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim, the Straight Path.

The Faithful ask for and abide by Guidance

The Summary of Al-Fatihah

The Bounties are because of Allah, not the Deviations

Saying Amin


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Logic and True!

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Thank you for your reminder : 
  Wake up Malaysian!
  The actual call was made over 1400 year ago. :
  Prepare yourself to shoulder the responsibilities of the great Mission that 
has been entrusted to you.

   Arise and warn!Kalk da uyar!  Lève-toi et avertis.  ¡Levántate y 
  Erhebe dich und warne #1042;#1089;#1090;#1072;#1085;#1100; #1080; 
#1091;#1074;#1077;#1097;#1077;#1074;#1072;#1081;!  Ustani i 

   Thy Lord magnify, Rabbinin yüceli#287;ini duyur!
   Et de ton Seigneur, célèbre la grandeur. A tu Señor, ¡ensálzale! 
  und verherrliche deinen Herrn   
#1074;#1077;#1083;#1080;#1095;#1072;#1081;! I Gospodara svoga 

   Thy raiment purify, Temizle giysilerini!  Et tes vêtements, 
  Tu ropa, ¡purifícala!   und reinige deine Kleider  
#1054;#1076;#1077;#1078;#1076;#1099; #1089;#1074;#1086;#1080; 
   I haljine svoje o#269;isti!

   Pollution shun!  Uzakla#351;t#305;r kendinden pisli#287;i! 
Uzakla#351;t#305;r kendinden pisli#287;i! 
  Et de tout péché, écarte-toi..La abominación, ¡huye de ella!
   und meide den Götzendienst   
#1089;#1090;#1086;#1088;#1086;#1085;#1080;#1089;#1100;!  I kumira 
se kloni!  

   And show not favour, seeking wordly gain!Çok bularak ba#351;a kakma 
yapt#305;#287;#305;n iyili#287;i! 
  Et ne donne pas dans le but de recevoir davantage..¡No des esperando 
  und sei nicht wohltätig in Erwartung von persönlichen Vorteilen
  #1053;#1077; #1086;#1082;#1072;#1079;#1099;#1074;#1072;#1081; 
  I ne prigovaraj drže#263;i da je mnogo!

   For the sake of thy Lord, be patient!  Ve yaln#305;z Rabbin için 
dayan#305;kl#305; k#305;l benli#287;i! 
  Et pour ton Seigneur, endure. La decisión de tu Señor, ¡espérala 
  und sei standhaft um deines Herrn willen.   
#1056;#1072;#1076;#1080; #1043;#1086;#1089;#1087;#1086;#1076;#1072; 
#1090;#1074;#1086;#1077;#1075;#1086; #1073;#1091;#1076;#1100; 
  I radi Gospodara svoga trpi!

   Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,   
   The King of mankind,   
   The god of mankind,   
   From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,  
   Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind,   
   From among the jinn and the men. 
  2:112 Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to Allah and is a doer of good,- He 
will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they 
  2 : 284 To Allah belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth. Whether 
ye show what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah Calleth you to account for 
it. He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and punisheth whom He pleaseth, for Allah 
hath power over all things. 
  Hati hati ketika memandu jangan lalai ..macam macam boleh jadi sesat!  
terbabas! ...kecelakaan! ...dan hanya kerana lalai ..orang lain bisa 
teraniaya !

  Wake up Malaysian!

Raja Petra Kamarudin   Religious superstition and persecution never ceases to 
amaze me. Take the case of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow of Mogadishu, Somalia. On 27th 
October 2008, 13-year old Aisha was killed. She was killed when 1,000 people 
stoned her to death. And she was stoned to death because three men had raped 
her. She was raped, so they accused of adultery.

Imagine a 13-year old girl killed in a most brutal manner because she was raped 
by three men. Should it not be the three men who should have instead been 
stoned to death? And do you not wonder why Islam suffers from a serious image 
problem? Muslims should take stock of what they are doing and understand the 
disservice they are doing to Islam.

Our religious rehabilitation by the Kamunting detention camp started on the 
Tuesday after Deepavali.. The highlight of the sessions was the “nasi tomato” 
and the chicken wing in a plastic bag that they served for lunch, courtesy of 
JAKIM but paid for by the Malaysian taxpayers, 90% who are Chinese.

The JAKIM ustaz told us that Islam is the true religion and that all other 
religions are false. We were reminded not to believe in or follow other 
religions, which are not accepted and recognized by God. Only the Koran is the 
true Holy Book and was sent to us by God through the Prophet Muhammad. All 
other books are false and were created by man and did not come from God.

We must also not copy or 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ISLAM-EMPIRE OF FAITH

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  As-Salam alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu
  Ahlan wasahlan

  Islam - Empire of Faith
  In this 3 Part Documentary some History of Islam is explained. The first part 
is about the Messenger Muhammad s.a.a.s., the second is called the awakening 
and talkes about how Islam spread after Muhammad s.a.a.s. died and the third 
part is about the Ottomans who once were Islamic Rulers.
  Although these documentaries may be okay, they are surely not enough to know 
about these topics and are just a shallow explanation about them. So for a 
sincere seeker of truth i would advice to listen to some Islamic Lectures about 
these things and not just limit oneself to this.
  Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
  From Darkness to Light
  This is brother's Mutah Beal's story about his journey from Darkness to 
Light, From Disbelief to Islam. Brother Mutah was a rapper in the U.S. and knew 
famous rappers like Tupac Shakur and lived the Famous Life like they but 
Al'Hamdulillah Allah s.w.t. took him away from all of that and made him among 
the Muslims of the Ummah. A truly interesting story seeing much of the Muslim 
youth (youth from Muslim families) in the west being street thugs. May Allah 
s.w.t. give them Hidayah.
  Da'wah to the Youth
  This is a lecture by Brother Abu Mu'adh from U.K. and is aimed at the Muslim 
Youth who are deceived by the Dunya and have turned their backs to their 
Religion and instead lead a shallow life of zina, drugs, alcohol, music and so 
  Introduction to Islam
  A great lecture for new Muslims, non-Muslims and a good Da'wah example for 
the well-grounded Muslims as well. Some of the things the Brother explaines is 
the five Pillars of Islam and the six Pillars of Faith.
  Meaning of Islam
  Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
  A good lecture explaining the Meaning of Islam, what it means literally and 
what it means according to the Shareeah.

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] wechooseislam

2008-10-15 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

We have to know the Truth about Christianity, please visit the
 following sites

We might use these if anyone alledge that Christainity is a religion of



Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ejen Amerika

2008-09-25 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
The Voice interviews Anwar Ibrahim, Georgetown prof turned Malaysian 
oppositionistPosted by: Eric Pilch in Politics 
  Anwar Ibrahim, the man poised to become Malaysia’s new prime minister, is 
profiled in today’s Voice.  The full text of the email interview with him has 
been reproduced below:
  To start off, why are you attempting to remove the current government from 
  In a democracy, imperfect though it is in Malaysia, you need two legitimacies 
to govern: a moral legitimacy and a political one.
  The moral legitimacy stems from your entire deportment whilst governing – 
transparency of conduct, rule of law, separation of powers, integrity of office 
bearers, and the like.
  The political legitimacy results from your effective command of the 
electorate and its legislators.
  The National Front of Malaysia, in power for 51 years now, has been oozing 
its moral legitimacy to govern for at least a decade now. The judiciary was 
corrupted, the police force became dysfunctional, the civil service was reduced 
to a rubber stamp, money politics infected political parties, and matters to do 
with race and religion became a minefield. The economy is sluggish, now 
approaching quagmire status and the government has offered no solution to the 
problem of widespread joblessness, rampant inflation and the decline in foreign 
direct investment. In sum a tragic state of affairs after 51 years of 
  The National Front’s political legitimacy was premised on its command of a 
two-thirds majority in Parliament. Once before it lost that majority — in 1969 
when race riots flared in the aftermath of that loss. Read the rest of this 
entry »

  News  September 18, 2008 

  Prof attempts Malaysian takeoverby Eric Pilch  Malaysia has entered a 
period of political turmoil and transformation as Anwar Ibrahim, a former 
Georgetown professor, seeks to take control of the government. Ibrahim, who 
served as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Malaysia in the 1990s, 
announced that he has secured the support of enough members of Parliament to 
remove the ruling National Coalition from power. If this transfer of support 
comes to fruition, Ibrahim will become the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
  “We must reestablish the integrity of our judiciary and take an 
uncompromising stand against corruption and cronyism,” Ibrahim wrote in an 
  While at Georgetown, Ibrahim served as a visiting professor in the School of 
Foreign Service and as a faculty member at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center 
for Muslim-Christian Understanding. He also taught a class called “Contemporary 
Islam in Southeast Asia.”
  Georgetown professor Max Gross assisted Ibrahim while he was teaching at 
Georgetown and described him as “kindly,” “very learned,” and a “pious Muslim.”
  “During the month of Ramadan, I came into the office with a cup of coffee and 
Ibrahim asked me ‘Aren’t you fasting?’” Gross said. “And it was a very nice way 
of saying, ‘Please don’t drink coffee in front of me’ without having to say it 
that way.“
  According to John Esposito, Director of the Alwaleed Center and a friend of 
Ibrahim’s for 20 years, Ibrahim was once one of the most promising young 
politicians in Malaysia, but his career was disrupted after he was convicted of 
corruption and sodomy. Amnesty International said the charges brought against 
him were a pretext to discredit him and remove him from public life.
  “No one believes those charges save the ones whose political longevity is 
dependent on my being clapped in the slammer,” Ibrahim wrote.
  Current Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi has rejected Ibrahim’s advances on the 
government and told the BBC on Tuesday, “The government is strong and here to 
stay.” However, Malaysia’s Justice Minister resigned last week to protest the 
detention of an anti-government journalist and blogger.
  Badawi has repeatedly declined to meet with Anwar Ibrahim, despite frequent 
public requests. Ibrahim, in turn, has refused to release the names of his 
supporters until such a meeting is arranged, claiming his new legislative 
supporters would be detained or harassed if he publicly released their 
  Ibrahim originally set Tuesday, September 16 as the date that he would come 
to power, but his plans were derailed when the government announced that 50 
members of Parliament would be visiting Taiwan for a week. Ibrahim called this 
a transparent design to thwart his plans.
  “It has led the public to think that the government is a troupe of court 
jesters,” Ibrahim wrote.
  On Tuesday, Ibrahim announced that he would give Prime Minister Badawi a week 
or two to resign and accept defeat.
  “He thinks it will spell the death knell of his premiership. I’m trying to 
convince him that it’s more about national salvation than about the longevity 
or the lack of individual 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] TAYAR PUN BOLEH BERFIKIR

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM


  All praise is due to Allah,we praise Him, seek His Help and forgiveness; we 
repent to Him and seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our own slaves and 
from our wicked deeds . Whomsoever has been guided by Allah , non can misguided 
and whomsoever has been misguided by Allah non can guide him. I bear witness 
that there is no true god worthy or being worshipped except Allah alone, 
without a partner or associate. I further bare witness that Mohammed (Salla 
Allaah Aleihi Waslan1 )
   is Allah true slave and Messenger ; may Allah bestow His peace and Blessings 
on Muhammed (Salla Allaah Aleihi Wasallam) 
  , upon his good and pure family , and upon his noble companions and those who 
follow their path.
Researchers Reinvent the Wheel  By Brian Trought
  Epoch Times Ireland Staff
  Jul 08, 2007
  INTELLIGENT: The possibility of having artificially intelligent, adaptive car 
wheels may become standard in all automobiles if the technology can be advanced 
further. (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images)

Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system to allow the 
wheels of a car to think and act for themselves.   The 'smart' wheel, which is 
being developed by researchers at the University of Portsmouth in conjunction 
with UK company PML Flightlink, allows the wheels on a car to communicate with 
one another while performing thousands of calculations per second. As a result, 
the wheels think and learn as the car is being driven, making calculations and 
adjustments according to travelling speed and road conditions.   Conventional 
wisdom says you can't reinvent the wheel. We have done just that, said Dr 
David Brown of the University of Portsmouth's Institute of Industrial Research. 
  We have taken the wheel, given it brains and the ability to think and learn. 
It's a huge breakthrough,   It is the first time artificial intelligence has 
replaced fundamental mechanics within a motor vehicle.   The team believe that 
the technology will mean tighter control, a
 smoother and safer ride while still allowing the driver to have control of the 
car.   The artificial intelligence will control the suspension, steering and 
breaking systems of the car and will teach itself to adapt to bends in the 
road, potholes and other potential hazards, and compensating by adjusting the 
car's reactions. The information is retained in the computer's memory and used 
the next time the car encounters similar road conditions.   Traditional 
suspension means the vehicle dips when the wheels detect poor road surfaces and 
you get a bumpy ride, while a tight corner means the drag will slow the vehicle 
down. Electronic traction control and suspension will counterbalance this kind 
of drop and drag effect but the driver won't even know it's there, said Brown. 
  It means a faster car but a safer one. 


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Invitation to discover peace?

2008-09-20 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Pages : 1 | 2 | 3 


  To explain what are the fundamentals of Islam is important but the real 
message of Islam will be the manifestation of how our faith transforms us and 
help us to be sincere, trustworthy, and confident. 
Audiovar sCurURL=top.location.href;var 
sDomain = leftOf(/articles,sCurURL.toLowerCase())var sPath = 
sDomain=;  top.location.href=sDomain + 
'/' + 'articles/' + sPath}var 
sURLTOGO=top.location.href;   var sMemberOnlyProgramCaption=--article--   
var iFrequencyInSeconds=60   var iFrequencyInSecondsAfterLogin=60   
var iPreviewTimeInMinutes=3   var iTrackInGlobalASA=0   var 
iActivity2BStored=0   var sHeight=50   var sWidth=95%   var 
sProtectType=2   var sProtectPCount=0   Da'wa: Invitation 
to discover peace? 
8/17/2008 - Religious Social - Article Ref: IC0310-2106
Number of comments: 59
Opinion Summary: Agree:52  Disagree:1  Neutral:6 
By: IslamiCity
IslamiCity* - 

  It is important that all of us know the meaning and the importance of da'wa. 
Especially those Muslims living in the West need to understand the dynamics of 
da'wa and be an active participant in this process. It is the duty of every 
Muslim to explain what is Islam and to invite people to learn the essence of 
finding peace by submitting one's self to the Divine natural order.

The process of da'wa does not require us to convert people but it does require 
us to convey the message of 'submission to the will of God' through various 
means of communication and most importantly by being an example of our faith. 
Participation in the process of da'wa can be at various levels.

Everyone of us, has to bear witness to the truth before all mankind as Allah 
says in the Quran: 

And thus have We willed you to be a community of the middle way, so that (with 
your lives) you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind, and that 
the Apostle might bear witness to it before you. Quran 2:143 
  2:143 Dan demikian (pula) Kami telah menjadikan kamu, umat yang adil dan 
pilihan agar kamu menjadi saksi atas manusia dan agar Rasul (Muhammad) menjadi 
saksi atas kamu. Dan Kami tidak menetapkan kiblat yang menjadi kiblatmu 
(sekarang) melainkan agar Kami mengetahui (supaya nyata) siapa yang mengikuti 
Rasul dan siapa yang membelot. Dan sungguh (pemindahan kiblat) itu terasa amat 
berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang telah diberi petunjuk oleh Allah; dan 
Allah tidak akan menyia-nyiakan imanmu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengasih lagi 
Maha Penyayang kepada manusia. 

Under a rapidly growing influence of globalization, people are forgetting the 
meaning of faith, of religious practice and seldom think or speak about God. 
Following the example of the Prophet we should start with our family and 

And warn (whomever thou canst reach, beginning with) thy kinsfolk. Quran 

This means that every one of us, man and woman, brother and sister, must first 
pay attention to what is going on in our own family and among our relatives. It 
makes no sense to go around speaking about Islam whereas our own children are 
left behind, abandoned and lost. 

We need to focus on the fundamental principles and the methodology of Dawa as a 
reminder to ourselves, so that we can adapt these in our day-to-day life. 

Following are some major principles we must not forget when we are speaking 
about da'wa:


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Expect 'surprise' on Sept 16, says Anwar

2008-09-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
  Ingatlah : Insaflah ! nafs ! nafs! nafs ! Takbur ! Takbur ! Takbur !
  Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo  Sara Maria Aldrete 
  57:4 Dialah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa; Kemudian Dia 
bersemayam di atas 'Arsy Dia mengetahui apa yang masuk ke dalam bumi dan apa 
yang keluar daripadanya dan apa yang turun dari langit dan apa yang naik 
   Dan Dia bersama kamu di mana saja kamu berada. 
  Dan Allah Maha Melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan. 
  19:39 Dan berilah mereka peringatan tentang hari penyesalan, (yaitu) ketika 
segala perkara telah diputus. Dan mereka dalam kelalaian dan mereka tidak 
(pula) beriman. 
  19:40 Sesungguhnya Kami mewarisi bumi dan semua orang-orang yang ada di 
atasnya, dan hanya kepada Kami lah mereka dikembalikan. 
  19:41 Ceritakanlah (hai Muhammad) kisah Ibrahim di dalam Al Kitab (Al Qur'an) 
ini. Sesungguhnya ia adalah seorang yang sangat membenarkan lagi seorang Nabi. 
  19:42 Ingatlah ketika ia berkata kepada bapaknya: Wahai bapakku, mengapa 
kamu menyembah sesuatu yang tidak mendengar, tidak melihat dan tidak dapat 
menolong kamu sedikit pun? 
  19:43 Wahai bapakku, sesungguhnya telah datang kepadaku sebahagian ilmu 
pengetahuan yang tidak datang kepadamu, maka ikutilah aku, niscaya aku akan 
menunjukkan kepadamu jalan yang lurus. 
  19:44 Wahai bapakku, janganlah kamu menyembah setan. Sesungguhnya setan itu 
durhaka kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah. 
  19:45 Wahai bapakku, sesungguhnya aku khawatir bahwa kamu akan ditimpa azab 
dari Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, maka kamu menjadi kawan bagi setan. 
  19:46 Berkata bapaknya: Bencikah kamu kepada tuhan-tuhanku, hai Ibrahim? 
Jika kamu tidak berhenti, maka niscaya kamu akan kurajam, dan tinggalkanlah aku 
buat waktu yang lama. 
  19:47 Berkata Ibrahim: Semoga keselamatan dilimpahkan kepadamu, aku akan 
meminta ampun bagimu kepada Tuhanku. Sesungguhnya Dia sangat baik kepadaku. 
  Allahu Ahad

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim insisted that his self-imposed Sept 
16 deadline to form the new federal government is very much on track, 
although a large number of the BN MPs are abroad.

Met at the Jalan Duta court complex after a hearing related to the sodomy 
charge against him, he was asked to comment on his remarks that he would be 
deferring his plan, now that BN has sent 49 of its MPs to Taiwan on an 
agricultural study trip.

Saying that the plan is on track, he however said he would deal with the 
details later. He also said there will be a surprise on Tuesday, but did not 

I will fly to Taipei if needs be if they want to meet me. I am not joining 
them, but will talk to them, quipped the newly-elected Permatang Pauh MP, in 
response to a question.

Anwar, 61, had earlier said he had information that the MPs would not be 
allowed to return from Taiwan before Sept 16 in order to thwart his plans.

His Pakatan Rakyat alliance has 81 of the 222 seats in parliament. He had 
promised voters he would overturn BN's majority by inviting its MPs to defect 
to the Pakatan camp.

'Incitement of Umno leaders'  

On the reported move by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad to return to Umno, 
Anwar quipped: Is he trying to help the ship sink faster?

He also said Armed Forces chief Jen Abdul Aziz Zainal's call for stern action 
by the government against those who stoke racial sentiments was a timely 

I think it is timely that the army reminds the government that they should act 
swiftly against perpetrators of racial hatred, Anwar said.

However, I must caution that this issue is due to incitement by Umno leaders 
to cover up corruption, abuse of power and economic mismanagement pending 
imminent change in this country.

Anwar stressed, however, that he was not in favour of the use of draconian 
legislation such as the Internal Security Act and Sedition Act to handle such 

The army chief had warned yesterday that racial issues should not be raised as 
this has potential to create chaos and disorder.
Berjuang,berjuang,berjuang dan terus berjuang!!!

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Wahai orang-orang Yang beriman! jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa 
sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu 
tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum Dengan perkara Yang tidak diingini - Dengan sebab 
kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) - sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa Yang kamu 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] A critical moment for Malaysia

2008-09-17 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Betulkan sikit tentang :
  After the bloody anti-chinese riot in May 1969 ! ! ! ???
  Orang Melayu tidak mengeluarkan parang dan tombak untuk memenggal kepala 
  Sedak diri ! ! !  berterima kasih pada orang orang dulu.


Klik Tajuk Untuk Artikel Penuh

  A critical moment for Malaysia SEPT 13 - When Ahmad Ismail, a division chief 
of Malaysia's ruling Umno, labelled Malaysia's ethnic Chinese minority 
squatters and warned them not to become like the Jews in America, it shook 
Malaysian society to the core. It is a sign that Malaysian politics is shifting 
radically towards a dangerous nationalistic path. With a few words, Ahmad 
Ismail managed to insult the Chinese and other nationalities. In Southeast 
Asia, his words will be treated with the same seriousness as they have been in 

The uproar that has erupted following his remarks shows that Malaysia's 
multicultural society is still very fragile. Even Malaysian armed forces chief 
General Abdul Aziz Zainal reminded the government of the danger of racial 
tensions and urged stern actions against those who cause such trouble.

After the bloody anti-Chinese riots in May 1969, the Chinese and other ethnic 
minorities have encountered all kinds of discriminatory measures. But they have 
fought on and thrived. Now the country has become an economic powerhouse in the 
region, and these minorities are proud for having worked hard against all odds. 
They have spoken out about the huge contributions they have made to 

Berjuang,berjuang,berjuang dan terus berjuang!!!

Visit My Blog :


Wahai orang-orang Yang beriman! jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa 
sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu 
tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum Dengan perkara Yang tidak diingini - Dengan sebab 
kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) - sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa Yang kamu 
telah lakukan.. ( al-Qur'an,al-Hujurat ( 49 ):6 ).





2008-09-13 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM


  All praise is due to Allah,we praise Him, seek His Help and forgiveness; we 
repent to Him and seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our own slaves and 
from our wicked deeds . Whomsoever has been guided by Allah , non can misguided 
and whomsoever has been misguided by Allah non can guide him. I bear witness 
that there is no true god worthy or being worshipped except Allah alone, 
without a partner or associate. I further bare witness that Mohammed (Salla 
Allaah Aleihi Waslan1 )
   is Allah true slave and Messenger ; may Allah bestow His peace and Blessings 
on Muhammed (Salla Allaah Aleihi Wasallam) 
  , upon his good and pure family , and upon his noble companions and those who 
follow their path.
Narrated Abu Huraira:   While the Prophet was saying something in a 
gathering, a Bedouin came and asked him, When would the Hour (Doomsday) take 
place? Allah's Apostle continued his talk, so some people said that Allah's 
Apostle had heard the question, but did not like what that Bedouin had asked. 
Some of them said that Alllah's Apostle had not heard it. When the Prophet 
finished his speech, he said, Where is the questioner, who enquired about the 
Hour (Doomsday)? The Bedouin said, I am here, O Allah's Apostle . Then the 
Prophet said, When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour (Doomsday). The 
Bedouin said, How will that be lost? The Prophet said, When the power or 
authority comes in the hands of unfit persons, then wait for the Hour 

  42:13 In matters of faith, He has ordained for you that which He had enjoined 
upon Noah - and into which We gave thee [O Muhammad] insight through revelation 
[ as well as that which We had enjoined upon Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus: 
Steadfastly uphold the [true] faith, and do not break up your unity therein. 
[And even though] that [unity of faith] to which thou callest them appears 
oppressive to those who are wont to ascribe to other beings or forces a share 
in His divinity, God draws unto Himself everyone who is willing, and guides 
unto Himself everyone who turns unto Him. 
  42:13 Dia telah mensyariatkan kamu tentang agama apa yang telah 
diwasiatkan-Nya kepada Nuh dan apa yang telah Kami wahyukan kepadamu dan apa 
yang telah Kami wasiatkan kepada Ibrahim, Musa dan Isa yaitu: Tegakkanlah agama 
dan janganlah kamu berpecah belah tentangnya. Amat berat bagi orang-orang 
musyrik agama yang kamu seru mereka kepadanya. Allah menarik kepada agama itu 
orang yang dikehendaki-Nya dan memberi petunjuk kepada (agama) -Nya orang yang 
kembali (kepada-Nya). 
  42:14 And [as for the followers of earlier revelation,] they broke up their 
unity, out of mutual jealousy, only after they had come to know [the truth]. 
And had it not been for a decree that had already gone forth from thy 
Sustainer, [postponing all decision] until a term set [by Him], all would 
indeed have been decided between them [from the outset]. As it is, behold, they 
who have inherited their divine writ from those who preceded them  are [now] in 
grave doubt, amounting to suspicion, about what it porshy;tends. 
  42:14 Dan mereka (ahli kitab) tidak berpecah belah melainkan sesudah 
datangnya pengetahuan kepada mereka karena kedengkian antara mereka. Kalau 
tidaklah karena sesuatu ketetapan yang telah ada dari Tuhanmu dahulunya (untuk 
menangguhkan azab) sampai kepada waktu yang ditentukan, pastilah mereka telah 
dibinasakan. Dan sesungguhnya orang-orang yang diwariskan kepada mereka 
Al-Kitab (Taurat dan Injil) sesudah mereka, benar-benar berada dalam keraguan 
yang menggoncangkan tentang kitab itu. 
  42:15 Because of this, then,  summon [all mankind], and pursue the right 
course, as thou hast been bidden [by God]; and do not follow their likes and 
dislikes, but say: “I believe in whatever revelation Allah has beshy;stowed 
from on high; and I am bidden to bring about equity in your mutual views.Allah 
is our Sustainer as well as your Sustainer. To us shall be accounted our deeds, 
and to you, your deeds. Let there be no contention between us and you: Allah 
will bring us all together - for with Him is all journeys’ end.” 
  42:15 Maka karena itu serulah (mereka kepada agama itu) dan tetaplah 
sebagaimana diperintahkan kepadamu dan janganlah mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka 
dan katakanlah: Aku beriman kepada semua Kitab yang diturunkan Allah dan aku 
diperintahkan supaya berlaku adil di antara kamu. Allah-lah Tuhan kami dan 
Tuhan kamu. Bagi kami amal-amal kami dan bagi kamu amal-amal kamu. Tidak ada 
pertengkaran antara kami dan kamu, Allah mengumpulkan antara kita dan 
kepada-Nya lah kembali (kita) 
  Hentikan persengketaan !
  56:81 Dalam ayat ini, Allah mencela orang-orang yang meremehkan Alquran, yang 
memandangnya sebagai ucapan manusia biasa, mereka itu juga mencemoohkan 
orang-orang yang berpegang kepada Alquran tetapi tidak membelanya bila ada 
orang-orang yang menghinanya. 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Mencari teman untuk kenalan

2008-09-06 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Wa'alaikum Salam ,
  MasyaAllah , 

saya juga ingin menambah kenalan. umur 27 tahun. berbadan gempal. 
tak cantik. sesiapa yang sudi brkenalan boleh la hantar email


sesaper yang nak tengok saya, leh tengok web frienster. guna email 
kat atas ya.
saya mencari teman yang jujur dan ikhlas.

--- In, hairi rahman wrote:

 sesapa yg sudi nak kenalan dan bersahabat dgn lelaki yg umur 
27tahun silakan lah email sy,
 kelebihan dan kekurangan tak dpt diberitahu,,
 - Mesej Asal 
 Daripada: sapna [EMAIL PROTECTED] sapna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Kepada: Ikhwanul Muslimun
 Dihantar: Khamis, 17 Julai, 2008 11:34:43
 Subjek: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Mencari teman untuk kenalan
 saya berminat dengan topik yang dibincangkan. ..saya berminat 
untuk menambah kenalan 
 019 363 3429
 On 7/14/08, 2007 rozzy wrote:
 Salam semua,
 pertama, saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih, atas email2 kiriman 
saudara/i yg pelbagai rupa dan cerita.  Mmg lucu membaca email2 
anda, dan membuat kan saya tersengih dpn pc sorang2 bila membaca 
email2 yg di kirim. Tak kisah la, dari seorg bujang ke, duda ke 
suami org ke..apa2 lah..
 Rupa2nya, masih ramai lagi di luar sana, yg masih mencari2 dan 
tercari2 pasangan hidup, asalnya saya mencari calon utk ibu saudara, 
(Sender asal)Â tp dah bertukar menjadi lain pula, bila mana ahli2 
masing2 pula mencari calon dan memperkenalkan diri mencari 
kenalan...Alhamduli llah, moga2 kalian beroleh kemenangan atas usaha 
sebegini, mana la tau, jodoh anda di group ini.  Tp yg penting, 
saya masih lagi mencari calon utk ibu saudara yg tersayang... 
walaupun ramai yg meng reply, dan gambar telah di kirim utk 
tatapan yg bertanya, (bkn senang ye bg saya utk membuat decision 
hantar gambar pada org tidak di kenali), kena tgk jugak.. tp masih 
ada yg menyepi terus...ermm saya anggap org tu bukan la serius 
mencari pasangan hidup, mungkin belum masa nya lagi  Allah ingin 
mempertemukan jodoh ibu saudara saya, malah ada suami org mencari 
calon utk isteri ke dua dan ke tiga, dgn alasan isteri pertama dah 
uzur dan ada juga sudah tidak sefahaman dan tinggal
 sebumbung lagi dgn isteri..wallhualam. ..ermm maka jadilah saya 
pula penasihat mereka yg tak bertauliah..
 dan yg lucunya, ada juga rakan2 perempuan yg membalas email saya, 
katanya kalau ada terlebih calon minta juga di kenalkan pada 
mereka, insyaAllah buat rakan2, saya melakukan hanya yg termampu, 
walhal saya juga masih mencari calon..hahaha. ...
 Moga2 kita beroleh rahmat, ikhlas dan jujur mencari pasangan hidup 
kerana Allah, bukan mencari alasan dan helah utk berkahwin lain, esp 
lelaki...sedangkan isteri dan anak2 yg tinggal menanggung beban yg 
maha hebat...ketahuilah anda akan di soal di akhirat kelak andai 
tidak melakukan tanggungjawab sepenuhnya sama ada anda sebagai 
seorang suami atau isteri..
 Buat ibu saudara tersayang, juga buat diri sendiri dan rakan2 
sekalian, saya doakan anda, di ketemukan jodoh dgn insan yg baik, 
yg boleh menjaga, membuat kan anda bahagia, yg boleh mengembirakan 
hati anda hingga hujung nyawa..
 Buat rakan2 yg telah di pertemukan jodoh, maka pelihara lah 
ikatan anda hingga terbentuk nya satu impian yg suci dan halal, 
kerana anda adalah insan yg terpilih dan bernasib baik, tidak 
seperti rakan2 yg lain.
 sekian wassalam...
 Rose.biru ===@
 On 7/10/08, Adeq Shidah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Salam semua,
 Nie saya ada seorang teman / kawan karib lelaki la... dia nie dah 
umur 33 tahun masuk 34 tahun... tak pe lah... dia nie belum 
berkahwin... kerja baik, rupa ada cuma heheh badan je besar sikit... 
jangan marah ye... tapi saya kesian kat dia nie tak ada sapa2... 
sebab dia nie macam abg angkat saya nak tanya lah sapa-sapa sudi nak 
kawan dengan dia... dah kira ok... just e-mail dia... ckp dengan dia 
saya yang bagi e-mail kat semua... dia tak marahnya ok
 kalau berminat nak kawan dengan dia e-mail dia kat 
 oh ye nama dia bukan jarod atau iskandar nak tahu tanya dia 
 - Original Message 
 To: Ikhwanul Muslimun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 3, 2008 8:08:46 PM
 Subject: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Mencari teman untuk 
 saya pn sama gak mcm awak...hukhukhukhuk .bkn tak berusaha 
cuma blm menjadi jer
 sape yg sdg ker...tgh ker..tepi ker..mencari2 boleh ler hubungi 
saya: rabiatul_adawiyah_ 81@
 k, selamat berkenalan.
 - Mesej Asal 
 Kepada: Ikhwanul Muslimun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dihantar: Rabu, 2 Julai, 2008 8:35:53
 Subjek: Re: Help Palestine 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Kilang Cetak Al-quran

2008-08-26 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM


--- On Wed, 8/20/08, Ida Syuhada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Ida Syuhada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 2:57 PM



Help Palestine [hidayahnet] JESUS IN THE QURAN

2008-08-22 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM




  ...siapa kenal dirinya maka dia kenal Tuhannya.
  80:17 [But only too often] man destroys himself:  Asad(80,5)   how stubbornly 
does he deny the truth! 
  80:18 [Does man ever consider] out of what substance [Allah] creates him? 
  80:19 Out of a drop of sperm He creates him, and thereupon determines his 
nature,  Asad(80,6)   
  80:20 and then makes it easy for him to go through life;
  80:21 and in the end He causes him to die and brings him to the grave;
  80:22 and then, if it be His will, He shall raise him again to life,
  sampaikanlah kepada kawan yang nasrani agar mereka kenal diri ...
2:62 Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish 
(scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and 
the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; 
on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.   2:111 And they say: 
None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian. Those are their 
(vain) desires. Say: Produce your proof if ye are truthful. -


  Mary The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran (part 1 of 3): 
Mary The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran (part 2 of 3): Jesus I   
  The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran (part 3 of 3): Jesus II The 
Story of Mary and the Birth of Jesus Mary, the Mother of Jesus (part 1 of 
2): Who is Mary? Mary, the Mother of Jesus (part 2 of 2): The Birth of 
   JESUS IN THE QURAN  CHRISTIANS UNAWARE  The Christian does not know that 
the true spirit of charity which the Muslim displays, always, towards Jesus and 
his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of his faith- the Holy Quran. He 
does not know that the Muslim does not take the holy name of Jesus, in his own 
language, without saying Hazrat Eesa (meaning revered Jesus) or Eesa 
alai-hiss-salaam i.e. (Jesus peace be upon him). 
  Every time the Muslim mentions the name Jesus (pbuh) without these words 
of respect, he would be considered disrespectful, uncouth or barbaric. The 
Christian does not know that in the Holy Quran Jesus (pbuh) is mentioned by 
name five times (5x) more than the number of times the prophet of Islam is 
mentioned in the Book of God. To be exact - twenty five time as against five. 
For example: 


  HOLY QURAN 4:171



  JESUS - HIS TITLES  Though Jesus is mentioned by name in twenty-five 
places in the Holy Quran he is also addressed with respect as:Ibne Maryam - 
son of Mary;as Masi (Heb) Messiah - translated as Christ; Abd-ullah servant 
of Allah;Rasul -Ullah - Messenger of Allah. 
  He is spoken of as the word of God, as the spirit of God, as a Sign 
of God, and numerous other epithets of honour spread over fifteen different 
chapters. The Holy Quran honours this mighty Messenger of God, and the Muslims 
have not fallen short over the past fourteen hundred years in doing the same. 
There is not a single disparaging remark in the entire Quran to which even the 
most jaundiced among the Christians can take exception. 
  EESA LATINISED TO JESUS  The Holy Quran refers to Jesus as Eesa, and 
this name is used more times than any other title, because this was his 
Christian1 name. Actually, his proper name was Eesa (Arabic), or Esau. 
(Hebrew); classical Yeheshua, which the Christian nations of the West 
Latinised as Jesus. Neither the J nor the second s in the name Jesus is to 
be found in the original tongue - they are not found in the Semitic languages. 
The word is very simply - E S A U - a very common Jewish name, used more than 
sixty times in the very first booklet aloneof the Bible, in the part called 
Genesis. There was at least one Jesus sitting on the bench at the trial 
of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Josephus the Jewish historian mentions some 
twenty five Jesus' in his Book of Antiquities. The New Testament speaks of 
Bar-Jesus- a magician and a sorcerer, a false prophet (Act 13:6); and also 
Jesus-Justus - a Christian missionary, a contemporary of Paul
 (Colossians 4:11). These are distinct from Jesus, the son of Mary. 
Transforming Esau to (J)esu(s) - Jesus - makes it unique. This unique (?) 
name has gone out of currency among the Jews and the Christians from the 2nd 
century after 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] THE CALL TO ISLAM

2008-08-10 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Introduction This carefully authenticated compilation of Hadeeths 
published in 1995, under the title Forty Hadeeth on The Call to Islam and the 
Caller by Shaikh 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee explains in brief, the methodology of 
the Prophet (pbuh) in calling to Allah, the Most High. Dr Bilal Philips has 
added a brief commentary to further elucidate the meanings of each Hadeeth for 
the benefit of the readers.   Da'wah Times readers are encouraged to submit 
their own comments, suggestions, Da'wah related experiences relevant to the 
Hadeeths and their comments. 
  Signposts of the Way   From Ibn Abbaas ( radiyallaahu 'anhu) who said that 
Allah's Messenger (SAW) addressed the people in the Farewell Hajj and said:
   O people, I have left amongst you that which if you cling onto you will 
never go astray: The Book of Allah and my Sunnah.[1] 
  [1] Reported by al-Hakim (1/93), al-Baihaqee (10/114) and Ibn Hazm in 
al-Ahkaam (6/108) by way of Tawr ibn Zayd ad-Deelee from Ikrimah, from him. 
This chain of narration is hasan.

  For a Muslim to be considered a true caller to Allah, he or she must firmly 
adhere to the two fundamental sources of Islaam: The Qur'aan and the Sunnah. 
Divine revelation came as the direct word of God in the scripture and it also 
came in the form of inspiration to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to say and to show 
the people the right way. This is not a dogmatic creed devised by Muslims after 
the time of the Prophet (pbuh). The Qur'aan itself states the following in 
reference to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
  He does not speak from his desires. It is only revealed inspiration.
(Soorah an-Najm, 53: 3-4)
  Consequently, Allah has instructed believers to follow the commandments of 
the Prophet (pbuh) saying:
  Take whatever the Messenger gives you, and leave whatever he forbids you. 
(Soorah al-Hashr, 59: 7)
  And, in order to further stress the importance of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) 
instructions, Allah equates them to His own commands, saying in the Qur'aan:
  Whoever obeys the Messenger, has obeyed Allah.
(Soorah an-Nisaa, 4: 80)
  Therefore, the explanations in word and in deed given by Prophet Muhammad 
(pbuh) have to be closely studied and learned along with the Qur'aan itself. 
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said to us in regard to guidance, I have left with you 
two things, if you hold on firmly to them you will never go astray: the book of 
Allah and my Sunnah. [1] These two sources of guidance form the framework of 
Islamic life; they represent the essence of what the call should be focused on. 
Human reason, preferences and desires should not be given precedence over 
revelation; otherwise true submission to God has not taken place. In this 
regard, Allah said:
  It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been 
decreed by Allah and His Messenger to have any choice in their affairs. If 
anyone disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed clearly astray.
(Soorah al-Ahzaab, 33: 36)
  It is with this feeling of reverence that the callers to Allah should read 
and listen to the words of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Their attitude should be 
one of great concern and they should pay full attention to whatever he did or 
had to say, since it contains guidance for all believers in all aspects of 
their lives until the Last Day of this world. The caller to Allah has to 
exemplify the Qur'aan and Sunnah in his or her life and has to be guided by 
their light in his or her efforts to convey the word of God to humankind.
Dr. Bilal Philips 
  [1]Reported by Aboo Hurayrah in Muwatta Imam Malik, p. 375, no. 1599.


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Bar Council forum on conversion to Islam

2008-08-09 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  My wife's mother has in effect cut herself off from her daughter in recent 
times. Whilst there was some form of communication it was often quite turbulent 
and heated. My wife has tried a number of times to re-establish contact yet her 
mother refuses, quite stubbornly, to reply. We are both reverts and have often 
felt that our acceptance of the religion has played some part in her mother's 
negative attitude. I would be grateful if you could advise us on what me might 
possibly do to rectify this situation.
Jazak Allahu Khairan 

Praise be to Allah,
  The reactions of non-muslim mothers towards their children's embracement of 
Islam varies. Some mothers are peaceful and passive considering this as a 
personal matter which does not affect the relationship between the mother and 
her son or daughter. In such cases more piety by the child towards his or her 
mother will make the mother admire and respect Islam.
  Other mothers adopts a more stubborn approach at the beginning but the mother 
finally gives in and accepts the new religion as a fact of life after she sees 
the child's determination and persistence which could lead the mother herself 
to embrace Islam.
  In the third case we find that some mothers are constantly stubborn to the 
extent that she might hurt and oppress her son or daughter. Usually such 
mothers are blindly prejudice because they consider that her son or daughter 
had gone astray by leaving the faith of his fathers and ancestors and she must 
do something to help go back to the right path (according to the mother).
  The following are three stories that took place at the time of the Prophet , 
Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, that involved three of the Sahaba (Companions 
of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) which illustrates the 
reactions of their mothers after they embraced Islam:
  Story #1
On the authority of Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr she said My mother came to visit 
me one day. At that time she was still a polytheist and there was a pledge 
between the Prophet, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, and Quraish (one of the 
great tribes in Arabia that lived in Mecca in the pre Islamic Period of 
Ignorance who used to enjoy great spiritual and financial powers). I requested 
the Prophet's , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, religious verdict and said: Oh 
Prophet of Allah, my mother came to visit me, seeking my help; should I keep a 
good relationship with her? Yes, keep a good relation with her said the Prophet 
, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him:. Reported by Bukhari and Muslim, and this 
narration is listed in Sahih Muslim under # 1003.
  In another version narrated by Ahmad, on the authority of Asmaa' Bint Abi 
Bakr she said  My mother came to visit me when she was still a polytheist and 
she was living amongst Quraish. She was desirous, meaning in need, so I asked 
the Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, and said: Oh Prophet of Allah my 
mother came to me and she is a polytheist and she needs help. Should I keep a 
good relationship with her? He said yes maintain a good relationship with her.
  Story #2
On the authority of Abu-Huraira, who said: I used to call my mother to 
Islam when she was still a polytheist. One day, while I was calling her she 
mentioned something about the Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, that I 
detested. So I went to see the Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, while 
crying and told him: I used to call my mother to Islam and she would refuse. I 
called her today and she mentioned something about you that I detested. Please 
invoke the blessings and guidance of Allah on her. Then the Prophet, Peace and 
Blessings be Upon Him, said: O Great Allah guide the mother of Abu-Huraira. So 
I left full of hope because of the Prophet's supplication for my mother. When I 
reached home I found that the door was partially closed. My mother heard my 
footsteps and said: Stay still Abu-Huraira, then I heard the water running; he 
added my mother performed body ablution, put on her cloths and hurriedly opened 
the door without her head-cover and said:
 None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad, Peace and 
Blessings be Upon Him, is the Messenger of Allah. I went back to the Prophet , 
Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, crying of joy and told him: I am bringing you 
good news; Allah answered your prayers and guided the mother of Abu-Huraira. 
The Prophet, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, praised and glorified Allah and 
said: this is good. I said: Oh Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah to make me and 
my mother beloved by Allah's believing slaves and make us love them. The 
Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, said: Oh Allah, make this little 
slave of Yours and his mother (meaning Abu-Huraira and his mother) become 
beloved by your believing slaves and make the believers love them. Ever since, 
there was not a believer who heard of me, even without seeing me, that did not 
love me. Reported by 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ISLAM AND INTELLECT

2008-08-09 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Discussion between revered Sheikh Abdul Majeed Al Zindani and Professor 
Joe Leigh Simpson on Islam and Intellect   ÍæÇÑ ÝÖíáÉ ÇáÔíÎ/ ÚÈÏÇáãÌíÏ 
ÇáÒäÏÇäí ãÚ ÇáÈÑæÝíÓæÑ Ìæáí ÓãÓæä - ÇáÅÓáÇã æ ÇáÚáã
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may peace be upon our 
prophet Muhammad and upon his descendants and all of his companions.

Today western ideology experiences a vicious and strong battle between religion 
and intellect, as no western philosopher would accept the idea of coexistence 
between religion and intellect. Such is true because the Old Testament mentions 
that the tree which Adam was prevented from eating was the tree of knowledge 
and that after he ate from it his horizons expanded. Therefore Europe has been 
in a dilemma for two centuries over whether they should accept the sciences 
coming from the Muslim lands or whether they must turn them back because the 
pastors concluded that these sciences are the grave sin, citing from the Old 
Testament that when Adam ate from the tree and his horizons expanded God's 
wrath befell unto him and he was banished from His mercy. For that reason they 
discarded the sciences altogether and confiscated it from its sources. But when 
the pioneers of knowledge gained the upper hand against the church they 
counter-revenged by confiscating religion from the base,
 and such is what they did and they would follow any oppressive method in order 
to succeed and they did succeed in limiting the church to its narrowest form. 
Therefore, when one speaks to a westerner about religion and intellect you find 
him astonished, saying, What are you talking about? They do not know Islam, 
and that Islam honoured knowledge and the knowledgeable and made them witnesses 
unto that there's no god but Allah, after the angles had done so. It says in 
the Qur'an:

{Allah bears witness that none has the right to be worshipped but He, and the 
angels, and those having knowledge (also give this witness)} Aal `Imran:18

{So know (O Muhammad) that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah} 

Also, they do not know that the characteristic with which Allah favoured Adam 
over the angels was knowledge and that the story mentioned in the Qur'an is the 
opposite of what is mentioned in the Old Testament which was the result of 
altering the words of Allah, the Most High. It was with knowledge that Adam was 
honoured and it was not the reason of him being banished, such is what the 
Qur'an confirms. Yet if talk to them about Islam and intellect at the first 
glance they think that you are telling them about a situation similar to that 
of their religion, and a stance similar to that of their religion regarding 
intellect, but they are astonished afterwards once they clearly discover the 

Of those who were astonished with the facts was Professor Joe Leigh Simpson who 
is a gynaecologist at North Weston University in Chicago, US. We met him and at 
the beginning he was in doubt; he wanted to double-check if the texts were from 
the Qur'an or not, and if the others were from the Hadeeth or not. Once he was 
reassured, he had a look at the verses related to the genetic process which 
takes place in the first stages of the embryo when it is still a sperm, and he 
realised the accuracy of the descriptions (in the Qur'an) and that the Qur'an 
states that a human starts to be created after the merging of the sperm and 
egg, thus the creation of a human being has been decreed, and after that the 
genetic structure is based in the chromosomes. In these chromosomes are the 
characteristics of this human, such as the eye colour, skin colour and hair 
colour. Many of the human's characteristics are decreed therein, man is decreed 
in these chromosomes and these chromosomes are
 present in the sperm. It says in the Qur'an:

{From what thing did He create him? From nutfah (male and female semen drops) 
He created him and then set him in due proportion} `Abasa:18-19

Then the embryo's organs start to form within the first forty days until they 
all appear. The organs have started to form and assemble, and the embryo is in 
a curled position. The prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon 
him, said, Verily, the creation of one of you in the mother's belly takes 
forty days.

Professor Joe Leigh Simpson commented on this hadeeth and on this other one, 
which says, When the embryo reaches 42 nights old Allah sends it an angel who 
forms its features, and he started to compare between the two hadeeths. After 
he had noticed the minute details he stood at a conference to declare his 
opinion regarding this topic.

Professor Joe Leigh Simpson said, Using these two hadeeths it is possible for 
us to extract a specific chart about the main developments of the embryo 
throughout the first forty days. He also said, Religion has the ability to 
direct intellect successfully.

Take a look; there in the west it is thought that religion is against 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Maka hadapkanlah wajahmu dengan lurus kepada agama (Allah); (tetaplah atas) fitrah

2008-07-26 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM


  pkease right click  encoding  more  Arabic(windows)
#1587;#1616;#1610;#1585;#1615;#1608;#1575; #1601;#1616;#1610; 
#1593;#1614;#1604;#1614;#1609; #1603;#1615;#1604;#1617;#1616; 
  29:20 Katakanlah: Berjalanlah di (muka) bumi, maka perhatikanlah bagaimana 
Allah menciptakan (manusia) dari permulaannya, kemudian Allah menjadikannya 
sekali lagi. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. 
  Al-'Ankabut (The Spider)   29:20 Say: “Go all over the earth and behold how 
[wondrously] He has created [man] in the first inshy;stance: and thus, too, 
will Allah bring into being your second life for, verily, Allah has the power 
to will anything!
  29:69 But as for those who strive hard in Our cause -We shall most certainly 
guide them onto paths that lead unto Us:  Asad(29,61)   for, behold, Allah is 
indeed with the doers of good. 
  29:69 Dan orang-orang yang berjihad untuk (mencari keridaan) Kami, 
benar-benar akan Kami tunjukkan Kepada mereka jalan-jalan Kami. Dan 
sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar beserta orang-orang yang berbuat baik. 
#1575;#1604;#1606;#1617;#1614;#1575;#1587;#1616; #1604;#1614;#1575; 
  30:30 AND SO, set thy face steadfastly towards the [one ever-true] faith,  
Asad(30,25)   turning away from all that is false,  Asad(30,26)   in accordance 
with the natural disposition which God has instilled into man:  Asad(30,27)   
[for,] not to allow any change to corrupt what God has thus created  
Asad(30,28)this is the [purpose of the one] ever-true faith; but most 
people know it not. 
  30:30 Maka hadapkanlah wajahmu dengan lurus kepada agama (Allah); (tetaplah 
atas) fitrah Allah yang telah menciptakan manusia menurut fitrah itu. Tidak ada 
perubahan pada fitrah Allah. (Itulah) agama yang lurus; tetapi kebanyakan 
manusia tidak mengetahui,
  Sdra Dr S.Ali daripada discover Islam,Bahrin kini berada diMalaysia 
conducting training in Masjid Aladzim Melaka,Masjid Putra,Putrajaya,Masjid Shah 
Alam dan Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur.Hubungi sekeritariat : Encik Daud Kadir : 

  Hadis Abu Hurairah r.a: 
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kami lebih berhak merasa ragu daripada Nabi Ibrahim 
a.s, ketika dia berkata di dalam Al-Quran 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] MAKE YE PEACE BETWEEN THEM

2008-07-20 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM


  Narrated Anas: r.a.
It was said to the Prophet pbuh Would that you see Abdullah bin Ubai. So, the 
Prophet pbuhwent to him, riding a donkey, and the Muslims accompanied him, 
walking on salty barren land. When the Prophet reached 'Abdullah bin Ubai, the 
latter said, Keep away from me! By Allah, the bad smell of your donkey has 
harmed me. On that an Ansari man said (to 'Abdullah), By Allah! The smell of 
the donkey of Allah's Apostle is better than your smell ..

On that a man from 'Abdullah's tribe got angry for 'Abdullah's sake, and the 
two men abused each other which caused the friends of the two men to get angry, 
and the two groups started fighting with sticks, shoes and hands. We were 
informed that the following Divine Verse was revealed (in this concern):-- And 
if two groups of Believers fall to fighting then, make peace between them. 

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 3, Book 49, Number 856 
  49:9 If two parties among the Believers fall into a quarrel, make ye peace 
between them: but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other 
then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with 
the command of Allah; but if it complies then make peace between them with 
justice and be fair: for Allah loves those who are fair (and just).
  49:9 Dan jika ada dua golongan dari orang-orang mukmin berperang maka 
damaikanlah antara keduanya. Jika salah satu dari kedua golongan itu berbuat 
aniaya terhadap golongan yang lain maka perangilah golongan yang berbuat aniaya 
itu sehingga golongan itu kembali kepada perintah Allah; jika golongan itu 
telah kembali (kepada perintah Allah), maka damaikanlah antara keduanya dengan 
adil dan berlaku adillah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berlaku 
  6:164 Say: Shall I seek for (my) Cherisher other than Allah, when He is the 
Cherisher of all things (that exist)? Every soul draws the meed of its acts on 
none but itself: no bearer of burdens can bear of burdens can bear the burden 
of another. Your goal in the end is towards Allah. He will tell you the truth 
of the things wherein ye disputed. 
  6:164 Katakanlah: Apakah aku akan mencari Tuhan selain Allah, padahal Dia 
adalah Tuhan bagi segala sesuatu. Dan tidaklah seorang membuat dosa melainkan 
kemudaratannya kembali kepada dirinya sendiri; dan seorang yang berdosa tidak 
akan memikul dosa orang lain. Kemudian kepada Tuhanmulah kamu kembali, dan akan 
diberitakan-Nya kepadamu apa yang kamu perselisihkan. 
  One day the Blessed Prophet was looking strangely sad. ?Woe unto him! May his 
nose rub in the dust!? he lamented. ?Woe unto him! May his nose rub in the 
dust!? he repeated. The Prophet?s Companions were surprised to hear such words 
fall from his lips. ?Of whom do you speak, O Prophet?? the Companions asked. 
?Woe unto him! May his nose rub in the dust!? Once again, the Blessed Prophet 
repeated his lament. The Companions were more puzzled than ever. It was no 
small matter to hear the Blessed Prophet lamenting in this fashion, and 
speaking so of a person whose wrong was, as yet, unknown to them. ?But why do 
you speak so, O Prophet?? the Companions wanted to know. ?Who is it who has 
done so great a wrong that you should utter such sad words??.. 

The Blessed Prophet turned to them, and saw how puzzled and anxious they were. 
?I lament over a man who is greatly unfortunate,? he explained. ?That is the 
man who sees that his mother or his father, or both of them, are old and need 
his care, and yet does not know that to serve them is to enter the Jannah!* It 
is so simple?, the Blessed Prophet sighed, ?and yet such a man may still not 
see it! All he has to do is to obey Allah and care for his aged parents and the 
road to Jannah would be open to him!? Now, the Companions realized why the 
Prophet (pbuh) was so sad. A man would be unfortunate indeed if he failed to 
enter Jannah despite having such a simple and easy opportunity before him. Your 
Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents good 
treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not 
to them [so much as] ?uff,?** and do not repel them but speak to them a noble 
word. Al-Isrâ: 23 
  17:23 Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind 
to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to 
them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. 
  17:23 Dan Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah selain 
Dia dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik pada ibu bapakmu dengan sebaik-baiknya. 
Jika salah seorang di antara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjut 
dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada 
keduanya perkataan ah dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka dan ucapkanlah 
kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia. 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] WELCOME BACK TO ISLAM

2008-07-14 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  One Never Converts to Islam, But Only Returns Back to Nature


  Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: Every child is born with a true 
faith of Islam but his parents convert him to Judaism, Christianity or 
Magainism - like an animal delivers a perfect baby animal. Do you find its body 
mutilated? (Bukhari)   And in the Qur’an, Allah says: We have indeed created 
man in the best of moulds. (95:4)   According to Islam, every child is born 
with a nature of submission to the will of God. A newborn comes to the world 
pure and sinless, free from any kind of stigma attached regardless of within 
what race, religion or culture he or she was born or where on earth did the 
mother deliver him or her. It is only afterwards that the child picks up the 
tradition of the family or the society, or various other ideologies. Within 
those outer shells of layers upon layers of ideologies, dogmas, and incorrect 
ways of life, lies dormant the primordial characteristic of every soul: 
worshipping God and obeying His will.   It would be contrary to divine
 justice to hold a child responsible for any wrong doing of its parents, 
ancestors, or the society (or the first couple on earth). Indeed, in Islam, one 
cannot inherit or bear the sin of another but is judged according to his or her 
actions.   Every soul draws the meed 
Of its acts on none 
But itself: no bearer 
Of burdens can bear 
The burden of another. (Qur'an 6:164)   Instead, God implants the seed of 
belief in every soul when he created it, thus setting it with a positive 
beginning.   Therefore, when one converts to “Islam”, which means submission to 
the will of God, he or she only reclaims his or her originality - Fitra - the 
state of pure and original nature. It is the state of obedience to God, of love 
for what is good and sound, and of desire to be in harmony with the rest of the 
creation.   Welcome back to Islam. 



2008-07-08 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Dengan nama Allah s.w.t. yang Maha Agung, Maha Pemurah, Maha Pengasih, Maha 
Penyayang, Maha Pengampun dan segala Puji-pujian serta Kebesaran yang selayak 
dengan Kekuasaan-Nya yang mengandungi Keberkatan, Kelazatan, Kemanisan, 
Ketenangan dan Ketenteraman yang tidaklah tersembunyi kepada orang yang pernah 
menyebut nama yang suci itu dan pernah mencintai-Nya buat beberapa lama.
Untuk pengetahuan semua Muslimin  Muslimat: 
  Agenda Kristian LAKNATULLAH , maka berhati-hatilah. Jangan terpedaya pada 
rupa, tengok isinya juga. Nampak cantik. Hiasan dinding rumah baru, sekali 
pandang macam ayat/kalimah Al-Quran tetapi sebenar ayat Bible!

  Para Melaikat pemikul Arsy dan para malaikat berada disekelilingnya bertasbih 
dan meminta ampun bagi orang yang beriman..
  40:8 ya Tuhan kami, dan masukkanlah mereka ke dalam surga Adn yang telah 
Engkau janjikan kepada mereka dan orang-orang yang saleh di antara bapak-bapak 
  dan istri-istri mereka, dan keturunan mereka semua. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah 
Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana,
  Please right click  encoding  more  Arabic ( Windows)
  7   (Malaikat-malaikat) yang memikul Arsy dan malaikat yang berada di 
sekelilingnya bertasbih memuji Tuhannya dan mereka beriman kepada-Nya serta 
memintakan ampun bagi orang-orang yang beriman (seraya mengucapkan):` Ya Tuhan 
kami, rahmat dan ilmu Engkau meliputi segala sesuatu, maka berilah ampunan 
kepada orang-orang yang bertaubat dan mengikuti jalan Engkau dan peliharalah 
mereka dari siksaan neraka yang bernyala-nyala,(QS. 40:7) ::Terjemahan:: 
::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah 
Al Mu'min 7 
ÇáøóÐöíäó íóÍúãöáõæäó ÇáúÚóÑúÔó æóãóäú Íóæúáóåõ íõÓóÈøöÍõæäó ÈöÍóãúÏö ÑóÈøöåöãú 
æóíõÄúãöäõæäó Èöåö æóíóÓúÊóÛúÝöÑõæäó áöáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ ÑóÈøóäóÇ æóÓöÚúÊó ßõáøó 
ÔóíúÁò ÑóÍúãóÉð æóÚöáúãðÇ ÝóÇÛúÝöÑú áöáøóÐöíäó ÊóÇÈõæÇ æóÇÊøóÈóÚõæÇ ÓóÈöíáóßó 
æóÞöåöãú ÚóÐóÇÈó ÇáúÌóÍöíãö (7) 
Pada ayat ini Allah SWT menerangkan bahwa para malaikat yang memikul Arasy 
Tuhan dan yang ada di sekelilingnya, menyucikan Allah mengucapkan janji dan 
syukur atas nikmat-Nya beriman dan mengakui bahwa tiada Tuhan yang disembah 
sebenarnya, melainkan Dia dan tidak segan-segan menyembah kepada-Nya mereka 
meminta dan memohonkan ampun bagi orang yang mengakui sebagaimana mereka akui, 
seperti keesaan Allah SWT dan kesucian-Nya, dari Tuhan yang disembah selain 
Dia. Mengenai cara malaikat itu memikul Arasy dan berapa banyak malaikat yang 
memikulnya, cukup kita percaya sebagaimana adanya dan mengembalikannya kepada 
ilmu Tuhan, karena yang demikian termasuk hal-hal yang tidak didapati 
perinciannya, baik di dalam Alquran maupun di dalam hadis-hadis yang mutawatir. 
Adapun teks (bunyi) doa para malaikat itu bagi orang-orang mukmin adalah 
sebagai berikut: 
ÑÈäÇ æÓÚÊ ßá ÔíÁ ÑÍãÉ æÚáãÇ ÝÇÛÝÑ ááÐíä ÊÇÈæÇ æÇÊÈÚæÇ ÓÈíáß. 
Isi doa ini: Pertama menggambarkan bahwa ilmu Tuhan meliputi segala sesuatu. 
Rahmat Allah meliputi pengampunan dosa-dosa dan kesalahan mereka dan ilmu Tuhan 
meliputi perbuatan, ucapan-ucapan dan gerak-gerik mereka. Mudah bagi Allah SWT 
mengampuni dosa-dosa dan kesalahan-kesalahan karena rahmat-Nya itu lebih luas 
dan lebih besar dari dosa-dosa dan kesalahan itu. Tiada suatu perbuatan sekali 
pun di tempat yang gelap, tiada suatu kata atau ucapan, sekalipun kata hati 
atau bisikan sukma, tiada suatu tindak tanduk atau gerak gerik kecuali 
diketahui oleh Allah SWT. Kedua memintakan ampun kepada Allah SWT orang-orang 
yang bertobat dan menghentikan perbuatan mereka dari dosa-dosa yang dilakukan 
mereka, serta mengikuti apa yang diperintahkan kepada mereka, mengamalkan yang 
baik meninggalkan hal-hal yang mungkar. Kecuali itu malaikat pun memohon agar 
orang-orang mukmin itu dilindungi dari siksaan neraka Jahanam sesuai dengan 
janji Allah itu tidak menyalahi janji-Nya, sebagaimana
 firman Allah SWT: 

Åä Çááå áÇ íÎáÝ ÇáãíÚÇÏ 
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyalahi janji. (Q.S. Ali Imran: 9) 
Seorang Qari bernama Khalaf bin Hisyam Al-Bazzaz pernah membacakan ayat ini 
kepada Salim bin Isa, setelah sampai kepada: Serta mintakan ampun bagi 
orang-orang yang beriman. Salim menangis dan berkata wahai Khalaf! Alangkah 
mulia orang mukmin itu di sisi Allah. Ia tidur di atas tikarnya, sedang 
malaikat memintakan ampun baginya.

8   ya Tuhan kami, dan masukkanlah mereka ke dalam syurga Adn yang telah 
Engkau janjikan kepada mereka dan orang-orang yang saleh di antara bapak-bapak 
mereka, dan isteri-isteri mereka, dan keturunan mereka semua. Sesungguhnya 
Engkaulah Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana,(QS. 40:8) ::Terjemahan:: 
::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah 
Al Mu'min 8 
ÑóÈøóäóÇ æóÃóÏúÎöáúåõãú ÌóäøóÇÊö ÚóÏúäò ÇáøóÊöí æóÚóÏúÊóåõãú æóãóäú ÕóáóÍó ãöäú 
ÂÈóÇÆöåöãú æóÃóÒúæóÇÌöåöãú æóÐõÑøöíøóÇÊöåöãú Åöäøóßó ÃóäúÊó ÇáúÚóÒöíÒõ 


2008-07-07 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM



   It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy for in the 
mosque when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered 
together , the demo cracy of Islam is embodied five times aday when the peasant 
and the king kneel side by side and proclaim : Allahu Akhbar !
  ' God Alone is Greatest ! ! ! .
  I have been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam 
that makes man instintively a brother.
  ( S Naidu Ideals Of Islam vide speeches  writings Madras 1819 P 189)

The Scientific Proof to The Effect of Satan on People -


  © All rights reserved. 


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] QURAN FLASH

2008-07-07 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM hidayahnet


   It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy for in the 
mosque when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered 
together , the demo cracy of Islam is embodied five times aday when the peasant 
and the king kneel side by side and proclaim : 
  ' Allah Alone Is TheGreatest ! ! ! .
When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I 
respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me: Let them also, 
with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the 
right way. ~ Qur'an 2:186

  Sempena bulan Rejab yang mulia ini adalah lebih baik kita tinggalkan perkara 
lougah dan sia sia yang akyir akyir ini menyusahkan kepala otak kita tak tentu 
pasal.Adalah lebih baik membaca Quran serta beristighfar banyak banyak  semoga 
Allah mengampun dosa dosa kita yang lalu dan yang akan datang ..dan bertaubat 
keatas segala dosa dosa kita yang tak terkira banyaknya.Mudah2an kita 
terpelihara dari segala fitnah dajjal !



RE: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Seks Antara Punca Perceraian

2008-07-07 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
   [2:44] Patutkah kamu menyuruh manusia supaya berbuat kebaikan sedang kamu 
lupa akan diri kamu sendiri; padahal kamu semua membaca Kitab Allah, tidakkah 
kamu berakal? 
  [45] Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan 
mengerjakan sembahyang dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali 
kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk. 
  [46] (Iaitu) mereka yang percaya dengan yakin bahawa mereka akan menemui 
Tuhan mereka dan bahawa mereka akan kembali kepadaNya. 
  [29] Wahai kaumku! Pada hari ini kepunyaan kamulah kuasa memerintah dengan 
bermaharajalela di muka bumi (Mesir dan sekitarnya; tetapi kiranya keadaan 
bertukar)maka siapakah yang akan membela kita dari azab Allah kalau azab itu 
datang menimpa kita? Firaun berkata: Aku tidak mengesyorkan kepada kamu 
melainkan dengan apa yang aku pandang (elok dijalankan) dan aku tidak 
menunjukkan kepada kamu melainkan jalan yang benar. 
  [30] Dan berkatalah pula orang yang beriman itu: Wahai kaumku! Sesungguhnya 
aku bimbang kamu akan ditimpa (kebinasaan) sebagaimana yang telah menimpa 
kaum-kaum yang bergabung (menentang Rasul-rasulnya)! 
  [31] (Iaitu) seperti keadaan kaum Nabi Nuh dan Aad (kaum Nabi Hud) dan Thamud 
(kaum Nabi Soleh), serta orang-orang yang datang kemudian daripada mereka 
(seperti kaum Nabi Lut) dan (ingatlah) Allah tidak menghendaki berbuat 
kezaliman kepada hamba-hambaNya. 
  [32] Dan wahai kaumku! Sesungguhnya aku bimbang kamu akan ditimpa azab seksa 
hari (kiamat) yang padanya masing-masing menjerit-jerit memanggil (memohon 
  [33] (Iaitu) hari kamu berpaling undur melarikan diri; padahal semasa itu 
tidak ada sesiapapun yang dapat menyelamatkan kamu dari azab Allah dan 
(ingatlah) sesiapa yang disesatkan Allah (disebabkan pilihannya yang salah), 
maka tiada sesiapapun yang dapat memberi hidayat petunjuk kepadanya. 
  [34] Dan demi sesungguhnya! Nabi Yusuf telah datang kepada kamu dahulu dengan 
membawa keterangan-keterangan (yang membuktikan kerasulannya), maka kamu tetap 
juga dalam keraguan mengenai apa yang disampaikannya kepada kamu sehingga 
apabila dia mati, kamu berkata: Allah tidak akan mengutuskan lagi Rasul 
sesudahnya; demikianlah Allah menyesatkan sesiapa yang melampau kederhakaannya, 
lagi yang ragu-ragu kepercayaannya (terhadap balasan Tuhannya)
  Laman Utama  Quran  --iman--Kelebihan iman dan ganjarannya 
--Keamanan orang mukmin di dunia dan di akhiratOrang 
mukmin di dalam pemeliharaan Allah TaalaAllah menolong orang-orang 
mukminKetetapan Allah terhadap orang-orang mukminGanjaran iman  
Kurangnya bilangan orang mukmin 
  Sdri Lynn Zarina ingatlah masih ada yang sayang kerana itu mereka menegur.

  Mungkin saudari Lynn Zarina telah terkhilaf identiti.. Ayuhlah teman teman 
kita ada peranan untuk memberikan kebenaran kepadanya tentang islam  poligami. 
Kalau kita terus menghentam beliau maka kekhilafan saudari Lynn tak akan 
berakhir dan dia terus menjauhi erti kesyumulan islam itu sendiri. 
  Pasti ramai diantara kita disini yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam 
memperbetulkan persepsi saudari Lynn Zarina, Lantas memperbaiki keilmuan hakiki 
diri kita semua.
  Buat Lynn Zarina..sedarlah dan terimalah dan fahamilah apa itu yang HAQ dan 
apa itu yang BATHIL

  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
noorkelisawati bagus..
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 10:50 AM
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Subject: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Seks Antara Punca Perceraian

dahsyat org sekrg
  L imaana liman la hayaaa'a lahu
  Maksudnya : Tidak beriman seorg perempuan itu apabila sudah tidak mempunya 
rasa malu...
  LynnZarina, kawan.. dan diri sendiri sama-sama kita dekatkan diri dengan 
ulama'.. dekatkan diri dengan ALlah... tak kenal maka tak cinta... tak kenal 
Allah.. macamana nak cintakan Allah...

  - Original Message 
From: abdullah sani abd [EMAIL PROTECTED] abdullah sani abd [EMAIL 
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Sent: Wednesday, July 2, 2008 4:12:26 AM
Subject: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Seks Antara Punca Perceraian

Adakah anda sedang mengaku melakukan ZINA  ???

Astaghafirullah MODERATOR please do something.

  2008/6/28 LynnZarina:
  alangkah hinanya apabila poligami itu hanya untuk memuaskan nafsu 
sex lelaki sahaja. bagi wanita yang sanggup diperlakukan sebagai alat pemuas 
nafsu yang di halalkan, sila lah redha dan rela atas nama Islam. 
  kesetian dan kasih sayang itu sebenarnya lebih penting dari sex. saya 
mempunyai kekasih seorang Arab dari Syria dan kami tidak melihat sex sebagai 
element terpenting dalam hubungan kamitapi hadirnya kasih sayang dan di 
paparkan setiap saat adalah lebih 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dari Indonesia:Setangkai Nasehat untuk Muslim Malaysia

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Ameen ! Kyabul !

  Jazakallah khairan khatiran
  Salam ukhwah for Allah

  Sister Suraya

Suriati Othman

psst tolong le sebarkan amanat ni kat member2 mukmin seluruh negara please okay
--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Azrul [EMAIL PROTECTED] Azrul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dari Indonesia:Setangkai Nasehat untuk 
Muslim Malaysia
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 3:39 AM


Berikut merupakan tulisan seorang sahabat saya dari Indonesia (Sila lihat 
attachment). Beliau merupakan penulis buku-buku motivasi Islamik di Indonesia. 
Setakat ni dah lebih 10 buah kalau tidak silap saya.

Tulisan ini adalah berkenaan kerisauan dan pendapat peribadi tentang iklim 
politik di Malaysia. Mungkin penting bagi kita meneliti pandangan orang luar 
tentang pergolakan politik dalam negara dan mempelajari daripada kesilapan 
orang lain. Mungkin. 

Jika menarik dan meransang minda untuk berfikir, sila sebarkan. Jika 
memudaratkan minda, sila abaikan dan maafkan saya.

Sebarang komen, sila emel terus kepada penulis.

Terima kasih.


  -- Forwarded message --
From: AM Waskito [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Date: 2008/6/26
Subject: Minta tolong sebarkan tulisan ini! (Dari Indonesia).
Cc: langitbiru1000@

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wabakaatuh. 

Pak Cik, gimana kabarnye? 

Lama nian awak tak kunjung situs my. 
Barangkali sudah bertahun-tahun. 

Begini Pak Cik, 
Saya sudah tulis satu tulisan, 
judulnya: Setangkai Nasehat untuk Muslim Malaysia (Belajar dari Pengalaman 
Reformasi di Indonesia). 

Kondisi kini di Malaysia membuatku risau. Kondisinya seperti 1998 lalu, saat 
mau masuk era Reformasi. Situasi sitegang politik dimana-mana. Ini tidak elok 
bisa buat beribu-ribu fitnah kesusahan buat warga Muslim malaysia. 

Oleh itu, aku sampaikan masukan buat warga Muslim Malaysia. Hati-hatilah, 
terbawa amarah, emosi, sebab nanti negaramu bisa hancur karena itu. 
Kami ada pengalaman besar selama 10 tahun sejak Reformasi 1998 lalu itu. 

Mohonlah Pak Cik baca dulu baik-baik. 
Kalau sekira setuju dan ada faidah, tolonglah bantu sebarkan di publik 
khususnya buat para pemakai internet. Tujuannya ingin ingatkan, ada bahaya 
kalau tak hati-hati soal perubahan politik. 
Moga negara Anda bisa selamat lewati ujian-ujian politik ini. Amin. 

Makasih sebelumnya. Jazakallah khairan katsira.

Bandung, 26 Juni 2008. 

Abu Muhammad Waskito. 


~~ www.myjodoh. net ~~ 
Segalanya bermula di sini



Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Seks Antara Punca Perceraian

2008-07-04 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
lu dengar dan taat ..!
  57:4 He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days, and is 
moreover firmly established on the Throne (of authority), He knows what enters 
within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from heaven 
and what mounts up to it.And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah 
sees well all that ye do. 
  4] Dialah yang telah menciptakan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa, kemudian 
Dia bersemayam di atas Arasy; Dia Mengetahui apa yang masuk ke bumi serta apa 
yang keluar daripadanya dan apa yang diturunkan dari langit serta apa yang naik 
padanya dan Dia tetap bersama-sama kamu di mana sahaja kamu berada dan Allah 
Maha Melihat akan apa yang kamu kerjakan. 

  LynnZarina u ni dah kawin ker belum

Lu cerita pasal lu punya kekasih... and both of you love to kiss each other...
Apa lu cerita ni!!!


Kat sini bukan akedemi filem...!!! Boleh pegang tangan ikut suka... boleh cium 
ikut suka
Kat sini Islam mengikut hadis dan sunnah bukan Islam Liberal atau Islam 


Kita ikut ajaran Islam bukan ikut suka!!!

Lu punya cerita ni lebih macam pihak Christ nak buat filem yang romantik...
Nak bagitau yang ajaran yang di tarbiah oleh paderi tu lebih kasih-sayang... 
boleh pegang tangan...
boleh cium² apa kejadahnya nieee...

Saya sarankan lu pergi beli TERJEMAHAN AL-QURAN... cara guru dan belajar 
mengenai Islam...
Jangan dok buat cerita sedih kat sini nak tunjuk macam filem leh cium walaupun 
tak kawin...

Islam ada kesabaran... jangan sampai ke tahap yang tak sepatutnya...!

Saya cabar lu berdebat melalui email dengan saya mengenai Islam dan agam 
Send your personal email to 


and mulakan subject with @

cth @islam

I'm waiting for you



  2008/6/28 LynnZarina:

  alangkah hinanya apabila poligami itu hanya untuk memuaskan nafsu sex 
lelaki sahaja. bagi wanita yang sanggup diperlakukan sebagai alat pemuas nafsu 
yang di halalkan, sila lah redha dan rela atas nama Islam. 
  kesetian dan kasih sayang itu sebenarnya lebih penting dari sex. saya 
mempunyai kekasih seorang Arab dari Syria dan kami tidak melihat sex sebagai 
element terpenting dalam hubungan kamitapi hadirnya kasih sayang dan di 
paparkan setiap saat adalah lebih penting.we can sit in each other's arm on 
our sofa watching movie for hours..without having to have sex! or hve 
coffee and talk at our balcony. or am i just being having this kind 
of treatment, we both feel that we are being appreicated and loved. There are 
so much things to do than sex  and many ways to show how much u love ur 
partner. Sex has always been so good for us but kissing is betterand we 
both love kissing each other. it is about feeling and life...not just sex, but 
good sex can make u closer to yr partner
  good luck in yr boring sex life dear...
--- Pada Ahd, 15/6/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:

Subjek: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Seks Antara Punca Perceraian
Kepada: Ikhwanul Muslimun
Tarikh: Ahad, 15 Jun, 2008, 1:21 PM

  Lelaki dan wanita berbeza
  Alangkah indahnya Islam yang membenarkan poligami kepada lelaki
  tidak kepada wanita

--- Pada Sel, 10/6/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:

Subjek: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Seks Antara Punca Perceraian
Kepada: Ikhwanul Muslimun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tarikh: Selasa, 10 Jun, 2008, 9:59 PM

  Punca penceraian
Keinginan seks wanita tinggi pada awal hubungan dan hilang jika
hubungan bermasalah

ISU hubungan seks sangat jarang dibincangkan, apatah lagi jika
membabitkan masalah disfungsi seks wanita (FSD). Namun, masalah
hubungan seks yang dianggap isu `tertutup' menjadi punca kedua utama
perceraian di kalangan penduduk Islam di Malaysia selepas konflik

Jika masalah disfungsi seks lelaki (MSD) dikaitkan dengan masalah
ketidakupayaan ereksi (disfungsi erektil atau mati pucuk), wanita
menghadapi masalah disfungsi seksual membabitkan hampir 70 peratus
wanita di Malaysia — dua kali lebih tinggi 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

2008-06-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Wa'alaikum Salam wbt.
  please visit :

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.,
teman-teman ayo bela Islam di FFI



  Dapatkan situs lowongan kerja - Yahoo! Indonesia Search.


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Real Hajj Checklist

2008-06-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM



   It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy for in the 
mosque when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered 
together , the demo cracy of Islam is embodied five times aday when the peasant 
and the king kneel side by side and proclaim : 
  ' Allah Alone is Greatest ! ! ! .
  The Real Hajj Checklist
  People become so busy preparing for their journey that they forget about the 
real Hajj check list.
  Have we ever thought of creating a Hajj list that ensures this - probably 
once in a life time experience- is done correctly with no flaws? After all, a 
faultless Hajj receives no reward other than Al-Jannah.
  These are what I believe are the most essential items on your Hajj check list.
  1. Intention
  The intention must be checked thoroughly and scrutinized carefully.
  Why should one go for Hajj?
  In the few ayat in the Qur’an about Hajj, divided between few number of Surahs
  in the Qur’an mainly Al-Baqarah, Ibrahim alayhis salaam and Al-Hajj we shall
  explore why we should really go to Hajj.
  The first reason to bear in mind is the ultimate submission to the call of 
  “Úáì ÇáäÇÓ ÍÌ ÇáÈíÊ ãä ÇÓÊØÇÚ Åáíå ÓÈíáÇ æãä ßÝÑ ÝÅä ááå Ûäí Úä ÇáÚÇáãíä 
#56256;#57215; æ”
  “Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the 
journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His 
creatures.” [3:97]
  “ #56256;#57215; æÃÊãæÇ ÇáÍÌ æÇáÚãÑÉ ”
  “And complete the Hajj or Umra in the service of Allah” [2:196]
  You go for Hajj because Allah commands you to do so, and your intention is to 
submit to the will of Allah. You travel there with full humbleness and humility 
to Allah.
  When it comes to the obedience of Allah there should be no question asked.
  “æÞÇáæÇ ÓãÚäÇ æÃØÚäÇ ÛÝÑÇäß ÑÈäÇ æÅáíß ÇáãÕíÑ .”
  “And they say: “We hear, and we obey, (we seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and
  to Thee is the end of all journeys.” [2:285]
  It is Allah who is above questioning and everyone else is not.
  It feels so great making Tawaf around the Ka’ba when you’re submerged in 
waves of human beings, hundreds of thousands from all walks of life, and you’re 
just one of many.
  It feels so great knowing that Allah sees you there, deals with you 
individually and answers your calls.
  Subdue your ego, and He’ll be there for you and for you alone.
  The second reason, answering the call of our forefather Ibrahim alayhis 
  When Ibrahim alayhis salaam first left his family in the dead barren valley of
  Makkah he knew it was a sacred site, the site of the first house of worship 
  built on earth. He asked Allah to bring people to it and direct their hearts 
  its residents.
  “ ÑÈäÇ Åäí ÃÓßäÊ ãä ÐÑíÊí ÈæÇÏ ÛíÑ Ðí ÒÑÚ ÚäÏ ÈíÊß ÇáãÍÑã ÑÈäÇ áíÞíãæÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ
  ÝÇÌÚá ÃÝÆÏÉ ãä ÇáäÇÓ Êªæí Åáíªã æÇÑÒÞªã ãä ÇáËãÑÇÊ áÚáªã íÔßÑæä .”
  “O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without
  cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may 
  regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, 
and feed them with Fruits: so that they may give thanks.” [14:37]
  And Allah answered his call.
  Furthermore Ibrahim alayhis salaam was instructed to reconstruct the Sacred
  House and call upon people to fulfill the duty they owe to Allah, the duty of
  visiting this sacred site.
  “æÃÐä Ýí ÇáäÇÓ ÈÇáÍÌ íÃÊæß ÑÌÇáÇ æÚáì ßá ÖÇãÑ íÃÊíä ãä ßá ÝÌ ÚãíÞ ”
  “And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men; they will come to thee on foot and
  (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and
  distant mountain highways;” [22:27]
  In Tafsir Al-Tabari and Ibn Katheer, Ibrahim alayhis salaam wondered how he
  could deliver this message to the world; and the answer came to him: “You make
  the call, and We’ll shall make the delivery.”
  Thereupon he mounted one of the mountains surrounding the Ka’ba and made his 
call loudly for people to visit the House of Allah and Allah made it reach 
beyond Prophet Ibrahim’s human voice.
  Since that particular time people started flocking towards one destination 
  every corner of the world in such a magnificent scene. All going to Makkah.
  So when you move out your home wherever you’re coming from or walk out of 
your hotel in Aziziyyah around Makkah, or even your tent in Mina,
  remember that you are the answer to this perpetual call.
  It is the respect we pay to our beloved forefather Ibrahim alayhis salaam and 
a show of dutifulness to him.
  The third reason for going for Hajj, is to purify your heart from anybody but
  Allah, in genuine sincerity and Tawheed.
  “æÃÐÇä ãä ááå æÑÓæáå Åáì ÇáäÇÓ íæã ÇáÍÌ ÇáÃßÈÑ Ãä ááå ÈÑÆ ãä ÇáãÔÑßíä æÑÓæáå ”
  “And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people (assembled) 
on the day of the Great Pilgrimage - that Allah and His Messenger dissolve 
  obligations with the 


2008-06-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
And Allah (God) sends down from The Qur'an 
which is healing and mercy to those who believe 
and it increases The wrong doers nothing but loss
The Qur'an (17: 82)

  geovisit();  ÇáÚíÇÏÉ ÇáäÝÓíÉ ÇáÇÓáÇãíÉ ÇáÇáßÊÑæäíÉ
  Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

  Number of Visitors:

  ÇáÚíÇÏÉ ÇáäÝÓíÉ ÇáÇÓáÇãíÉ ÇáÇáßÊÑæäíÉ
  Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

  Number of Visitors:



Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] A Jew talking about Gods name Allah

2008-06-25 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
4:171 O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of 
Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an 
apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit 
proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not Trinity : 
desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah. Glory be to Him: 
(far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens 
and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:A Jew explains why Allah is the one 
and only God
  Note: Qur'an is the ONLY non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have 
been honored and protected in so many verses (2:40, 2:47-52, 2:57-58, 5:20, 
5:44, 10:47, 10:90-93, 14:6, 17:2-3, 20:47-52, 20:77-80, 44:30-32, 45:16, 
etc.), good Jews have been praised with respect and they have also been offered 
salvation if they follow the true teachings of their own scriptures (2:62, 
2:121-122, 3:113-115, 3:199, 5:12, 5:65-66, 5:69, 29:46, etc.).



Help Palestine [hidayahnet] VACANCIES IN BANGI

2008-06-25 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
   Master Reach Network Sdn Bhd  
Company Description  
The Blue Collar Institute (BCI) is a prestigious and dynamic training 
institute, heading toward the leading brand name in Malaysia in this coming 
BCI is wholly owned by Master Reach Network Sdn. Bhd (MRN); a registered 
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company also
has an accreditation from Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan (MLVK) with 
reference L01792 for conducting Malaysian Skills Certification (SKM) 
programmes. Our
company is located at 20C, Tingkat 3, Jalan Medan PB1, Seksyen 9, 43650 Bandar 
Baru Bangi, Selangor.

We, in BCI are really concern and committed in realizing Malaysia Vision 2020 
thus set our objectives to :

- Develop humans with the right attitude toward professional, quality, safe and 
healthy culture
- Produce competent, skilled and professional workforce
- Develop career path

Core Activities

We play our role by providing :

- Competency-based training
- Corporate training (Public and In-house programmes)
- Consultancy in developing training programmes

 Marketing Manager/s  Post Date: 30 May 08
  Responsibilities :

   Develop yearly Sales  Marketing Business Plan  Budget.   
   Lead, manage  develop business plan to achieve objectives.   
   Collect  analyze market intelligence to support business decision.   
   Product and brand development.
  Requirements :

   Bachelors Degree in Sales  marketing.   
   Preferably candidates from Training Provider / Education industry.   
   Knowledge in Marketing, Training  Educational Program will be an advantage. 
   At least 3 years working experience from relevant field.
  Interested candidates, please send application to :

   Career Level   Senior   Qualification  Degree
Yr(s) Exp  3 year(s)   Job Category  Education - Others, Marketing / Public 
Relations - Marketing - Brand / Product Management, Marketing / Public 
Relations - Others, Sales - Sales Management, Sales - Others   State  (Any) 
Salary  Negotiable   Job Type  Full Time, Permanent


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ka'bah As A Place Of Worship In The History

2008-06-12 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Ka'bah As A Place Of Worship In The History
  M S M Saifullah
  © Islamic Awareness, All Rights Reserved.
  Assalamu-alaikum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu:
  I was prompted to write something on this issue when someone argued me about 
the historicity of Ka'bah and Makkah. This led me to get back on my favourite 
past-time of browsing through the references. One of the brothers in Cambridge, 
UK, supplied me with some of the information on this issue and I worked on them.
  Location Of Makkah
  Makkah is at the intersection of latitude 21 to 25 degree north and longitude 
39 to 49 degree east. It is set in a rugged landscape consisting mostly of 
solid granite, with rocks sometimes reaching 300 meters (1,000 feet) above see 
  Makkah is enclosed by the Valley of Abraham, which is surrounded by two 
nearby mountain ranges to the east, west and south. The northern range 
comprises the Al-Falaq and Qu'aqi'an mountains, while the southern range 
consists of Abu Hudaidah mountain to the west, Kuday to the south and Abu 
Qubais and Khindimah to the south-east.
  There are three main entrances to Makkah: Al-Mu'allat (also known as 
Al-Hujûn), Al-Musfalah and Al-Shubaikah.
  It is generally agreed that Al-Mu'allat includes all areas which are higher 
than the Haram and Al-Musfalah covers all areas that are lowers.
  Ka'bah  Makkah In History
  Edward Gibbon writes about the Ka'bah and its existence before the Christian 
era in his book:
. of blind mythology of barbarians - of the local deities, of the 
stars, the air, and the earth, of their sex or titles, their attributes or 
subordination. Each tribe, each family, each independent warrier, created and 
changed the rites and the object of this fantastic worship; but the nation, in 
every age, has bowed to the religion as well as to the language of Mecca. The 
genuine antiquity of Caaba ascends beyond the Christian era: in describing the 
coast of the Red sea the Greek historian Diodorus has remarked, between the 
Thamudites and the Sabeans, a famous temple, whose superior sanctity was 
revered by all the Arabians; the linen of silken veil, which is annually 
renewed by the Turkish emperor, was first offered by the Homerites, who reigned 
seven hundred years before the time of Mohammad.[1] 
  Diodorus Siculus was a Greek historian of 1st century BC who wrote 
Bibliotheca Historica, a book describing various parts of the discovered world. 
The following lines are the English translation of Greek quoted by Gibbon from 
the book of Diodorus Siculus (Diodorus of Sicily) describing the 'temple' 
considered to be the the holiest in the whole of Arabia.
And a temple has been set-up there, which is very holy and exceedingly 
revered by all Arabians.[2] 
  It is interesting to know that Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, mathematician 
and astronomer, flourishing about a century after Pliny, undertook to make an 
atlas of the habitable world. He was not a descriptive geographer, and his book 
was intended to be no more than a commentary on his maps. He enumerated some 
hundred and fourteen cities or villages in Arabia Felix.
For example, Dumaetha, placed by Ptolemy just outside the northern boundary 
of Arabia Felix, must be the mediaeval Arabian Daumet, which is today the chief 
village of the great oasis of Jauf. Hejr, famous in the times of ignorance as 
the seat of a kingdom, and now Medayin Salih, is Ptolemy's Egra. His Thaim is 
Teima, now known for its inscriptions to have had temples and some sort of 
civilization as far back as 500 BC. It is the Tema of Job. In Lathrippa, placed 
inland from Iambia (Yambo), we recognize the Iathrippa of Stephan of Byzantium, 
the Yathrib of the early Arab traditions, now honoured as El Medina, the City 
of Cities.[3] 
  Apart from this a place called Macoraba is also shown which is identified as 
Mecca (please refer to the map facing page 17 of reference [3]). G E von 
Grunebaum says:
Mecca is mentioned by Ptolemy, and the name he gives it allows us to 
identify it as a South Arabian foundation created around a sanctuary.[4] 
  Makkah In The Scriptures
  The Qur'ân talks about Bakkah (the older name of Makkah) being the first 
house of worship appointed for mankind. It also addresses this place as Umm 
ul-Qurâ i.e., Mother of the Settlements.
Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at 
Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for Al-'Alamin (the mankind 
and jinns). In it are manifest signs (for example), the Maqam (place) of 
Ibrahim (Abraham); whosoever enters it, he attains security. And Hajj 
(pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Ka'bah) is a duty that mankind owes to 
Allah, those who can afford the expenses (for one's conveyance, provision and 
residence); and whoever disbelieves [i.e. denies Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah), 
then he is a disbeliever of Allah], then Allah stands not in need of any of the 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Logic Proof of the Existence of Allah

2008-06-10 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

  The best knowledge that deserves to be known isknowing Allah. That is why I 
present to you, gentle and discerningreader, this humble attempt to try to know 
Allah, Glory be to Him.
The topic of this book is an interesting yet intricate matter; discussing it is 
complex and not easy. But if I do delve in this subject, then I must ask Allah 
for His Aid and beg for His Forgiveness for any faults or mistakes I may 
possibly make; only Allah, Glory be to Him, has the perfect Ability to describe 
the true essence of the Exalted Self. 
Moreover, I was keen on presenting a thorough summary of all the viewpoints of 
our ancestors, the early believers, concerning the topic of this book which is 
(Monotheism and the Names of Allah), having the honour of humbly expressing my 
opinion and suggesting the most acceptable viewpoints, so that we may attain 
the utmost of the lights that this kind of knowledge may present, though these 
lights increase day by day, generation after generation through the efforts of 
the scholars of theMuslim nation, till Allah, Praise and Glory be to Him, 
inherits theearth and everyone thereon. 
All what the early believers said, and what the recent and coming believers may 
say, is but an endeavour; may Allah, Glory be to Him, accept and reward all 
these efforts and forgive the errors,and we must always confess our inability 
and lack of knowledge; no onesave Allah has the most perfect and true knowledge 
of Allah.
The studies that were made concerning this topicstarted by his wives such as Om 
Salama, and the Prophet’s Companions,may Allah be pleased with them, who were 
the ones that were closest tothe Prophet, Allah’s Prayers and Peace be upon 
him. Of those who studiedthis subject are also the four famous Imams and Na‘eem 
Ibn-Hammad who wasthe teacher of Al-Bukhari who is the most acknowledged 
collector of theHadith, Sofian Al-Thawry, Ibn-Al-Mubarak, Ibn-‘Uyayna, Wakee‘ 
who was theteacher of the Imam Malik, Muhammad Ibn-Al-Hasan, Al-Bukhari, 
Ibn-Taymeya,Ibn-El-Qayem, Al-Baghawey, Al-Razi, Al-Galalein, Al-Alousy, and 
many otherscholars who studied the Hadith and the interpretations of the Qur’an.
May Allah forgive all our sins and acceptour efforts and reward us with the 
best of rewards, He is the One Whohears all things and responds to those who 
supplicate Him.

  The Logic Proof of the Existence of Allah


Things may exist at three levels: If they are sighted they have original true 
existence; if they are imagined by us (i.e. seen by the eyeof the mind) they 
have formative, acknowledged existence; and if they areexpressed in words (i.e. 
verbally) they have verbal referential existence.
Verbal referential existence expresses the formative acknowledged existence 
that embodies the original true existence.
If things were not sighted they would not have been imagined, and if they had 
not been imagined they would not have been acknowledged by the human being and 
hence not expressed in words. 
The Word, the Knowledge, and the Known 
These three things, though ostensibly different, are identicaland parallel; 
each one has its specific characteristics, and so are thename, the named, and 
the naming.
God’s name is Allah; the named, Glory be to Him, is theExalted Being; as for 
the naming, either it has been done by the peopleor by Him, and in either case 
the name has been known and acknowledgedsince eternity. When Allah inspired the 
people to utter His name,the verbal existence was thus established; His Name is 
eternal, as faras the formative acknowledged existence is concerned because it 
has beenknown to Him since eternity, but as far as the verbal existence is 
concernedit is incidental when it is uttered by the people.
Divisions of the Known 
Verbal referential existence leads necessarily to the formative acknowledged 
existence. The word (Allah) connotes God’s existence in minds; any word denotes 
a Known that is divided as follows:
1) The Impossible in Itself: Is that whose non-existence is not due to any 
cause save the impossibility of itself, such as the impossibility of the 
existence of any two contradictory elements at the same time, i.e. we cannot 
assume the existence and the non-existence of one thing at the same time, this 
is not accepted by the mind. The Impossible does not exist in minds nor in 
2) The Possible by Itself: Is that whose existence and non-existence are due to 
cause. All the existing things perceptible by our senses are an example for the 
Possible by itself; they need a cause to exist andanother to cease to exist. 
The existence of the cause must precede theexistence of the Possible, and 
anything that is preceded by non-existenceis incidental, hence the Possible is 
incidental because it is precededby non-existence.
Possible things not only need 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tafsir Surah Al Ikhlash

2008-06-09 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Tafsir  Surah Al IkhlashÞõáú åõæó Çááøóåõ ÃóÍóÏñ (1) 
Dahhak meriwayatkan bahwa orang-orang musyrik mengutus kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW 
Amir bin Tufail, menyampaikan amanah mereka kepada Nabi, ia berkata: Engkau 
telah memecah belahkan keutuhan kami, memaki-maki tuhan kami, berubah agama 
nenek moyangmu. Jika engkau miskin dan mau kaya kami berikan engkau harta. Jika 
engkau gila kami obati. Jika engkau ingin wanita cantik akan kami kawinkan 
engkau dengannya. Nabi menjawab: 

áÓÊ ÈÝÞíÑ æáÇ ãÌäæä æáÇ åæíÊ ÇãÑÃÉ ÃäÇ ÑÓæá Çááå ÃÏÚæßã ãä ÚÈÇÏÉ ÇáÃÕäÇã Åáì 
ÚÈÇÏÊå. ÝÃÑÓáæå ËÇäíÉ æÞÇáæÇ: Þá áå Èíä áäÇ ÌäÓ ãÚÈæÏß. Çãä ÐåÈ Ãæ ãä ÝÖÉ¿ 
ÝÃäÒá Çááå åÐå ÇáÓæÑÉ. 
Aku tidak miskin, tidak gila, tidak ingin kepada wanita. Aku adalah Rasul 
Allah, mengajak kamu meninggalkan penyembahan berhala dan mulai menyembah Allah 
Yang Maha Esa, kemudian mereka mengutus utusannya yang kedua kalinya dan 
bertanya kepada Rasulullah. Terangkanlah kepada kami macam Tuhan yang engkau 
sembeh itu. Apakah Dia dari emas atau perak?, lalu Allah menurunkan surah ini. 
(HR. Dahhak) 
Surah ini meliputi dasar yang paling penting dari risalah Nabi SAW. iaitu 
mentauhidkan Allah dan menyucikan-Nya serta meletakkan pedoman umum dalam 
beramal sambil menerangkan amal perbuatan yang baik dan yang jahat, menyatakan 
keadaan manusia sesudah mati mulai dari sejak berbangkit sampai dengan menerima 
balasannya berupa pahala atau dosa. 
Telah diriwayatkan dalam hadis, Bahwa surah ini sebanding dengan sepertiga 
Alquran, karena barang siapa menyelami artinya dengan bertafakur yang 
mendalam, niscaya jelaslah kepadanya bahwa semua penjelasan dan keterangan yang 
terdapat dalam Islam tentang tauhid dan kesucian Allah dari segala macam 
kekurangan merupakan perincian dari isi surah ini. 
Pada ayat ini Allah menyuruh Nabi-Nya menjawab pertanyaan orang-orang yang 
menanyakan tentang sifat Tuhannya, bahwa Dia adalah Allah Yang Maha Esa, tidak 
tersusun dan tidak berbilang, karena berbilang dalam susunan zat berarti bahwa 
bagian kumpulan itu memerlukan bagian yang lain, sedang Allah sama sekali tidak 
memerlukan sesuatu apapun. Tegasnya keesaan Allah itu meliputi tiga hal: Dia 
Maha Esa pada zat-Nya, Maha Esa pada sifat-Nya dan Maha Esa pada afal-Nya. 
Maha Esa pada zat-Nya berarti zat-Nya tidak tersusun dari beberapa zat atau 
bagian. Maha Esa pada sifat-Nya berarti tidak ada satu sifat makhlukpun yang 
menyamai-Nya dan Maha Esa pada af'al-Nya berarti hanya Dialah yang membuat 
semua perbuatan sesuai dengan firman-Nya. 
ÅäãÇ ÃãÑå ÅÐÇ ÃÑÇÏ ÔíÆÇ Ãä íÞæá áå ßä Ýíßæä 
Sesungguhnya keadaan-Nya apabila Dia menghendaki sesuatu hanyalah berkata 
kepadanya: Jadilah! maka terjadilah ia. 
(Q.S. Yasin: 82). 

Allah adalah Tuhan yang bergantung kepada-Nya segala sesuatu.(QS. 112:2) 
  Tafsir  Surah Al Ikhlash Ayat 2   Çááøóåõ ÇáÕøóãóÏõ (2) 
Pada ayat ini Allah menambahkan penjelasan tentang sifat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa 
itu, yaitu Dia adalah Tuhan tempat meminta dan memohon. 

  Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan,(QS. 112:3) 
  Tafsir Surah Al Ikhlash Ayat 3   áóãú íóáöÏú æóáóãú íõæáóÏú (3) 
Dalam ayat ini Allah menegaskan bahwa Maha Suci Dia dari mempunyai anak. Ayat 
ini juga menentang dakwaan orang-orang musyrik Arab yang mengatakan bahwa 
malaikat-malaikat adalah anak-anak perempuan Allah dan dakwaan orang Nasrani 
bahwa Isa anak laki-laki Allah. 
Dalam ayat lain yang sama artinya Allah berfirman: 
ÝÇÓÊÝÊåã ÃáÑÈß ÇáÈäÇÊ æáåã ÇáÈäæä Ãã ÎáÞäÇ ÇáãáÇÆßÉ ÅäÇËÇ æåã ÔÇåÏæä ÃáÇ 
Åäåã ãä ÅÝßåã áíÞæáæä æáÏ Çááå æÅäåã áßÇÐÈæä 
Tanyakanlah (ya Muhammad) kepada mereka (orang-orang kafir Mekah) Apakah untuk 
Tuhanmu anak-anak perempuan dan untuk mereka anak-anak laki-laki, atau apakah 
Kami menciptakan malaikat-malaikat berupa perempuan dan mereka menyaksikan 
(nya)? Ketahuilah bahwa sesungguhnya mereka dengan kebohongannya benar-benar 
mengatakan: Allah beranak. Dan sesungguhnya mereka benar-benar orang yang 
(Q.S. As Saffat: 149-152). 
Dan Dia tidak beranak, tidak pula diperanakkan. 
Dengan demikian Dia tidak sama dengan makhluk lainnya, Dia berada tidak 
didahului oleh tidak ada. Maha suci Allah dari apa yang tersebut. 
Ibnu 'Abbas berkata: Dia tidak beranak sebagaimana Maryam melahirkan Isa A.S. 
dan tidak pula diperanakkan. Ini adalah bantahan terhadap orang-orang Nasrani 
yang mengatakan Isa Al Masih adalah anak Allah dan bantahan terhadap 
orang-orang Yahudi yang mengatakan Uzair adalah anak Allah. 

  dan tidak ada seorangpun yang setara dengan Dia `.(QS. 112:4) 
  Tafsir  Surah Al Ikhlash Ayat 4   æóáóãú íóßõäú áóåõ ßõÝõæðÇ ÃóÍóÏñ (4) 
Dalam ayat ini Allah menjelaskan lagi bahwa tidak ada yang setara dan sebanding 
dengan Dia dalam zat, Sifat dan perbuatan-Nya. Ini adalah tantangan terhadap 
orang-orang yang beriktikad bahwa ada yang setara dan menyerupai Allah dalam 
perbuatannya, sebagaimana pendirian 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] WORLD WITHOUT CANCER

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

  World Without Cancer Audio

The following audios were produced by G. Edward Griffin.
World Without Cancer audio
  To Listen to Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr Wallach Click Here

Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Wallach had been involved in biomedical research and clinical medicine for 
30 years. He received his B.S. degree (Agriculture) from the University of 
Missouri with a major in animal husbandry (nutrition) and a minor in field 
crops and soils; a D.V.M. (veterinarian) from the University of Missouri; a 
three year post doctoral fellowship from The Center for the Biology of Natural 
Systems, Washington University; and an ND from the National College of 
Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon. He established and developed a unique 
family practice (used veterinary nutrition on human patients) in I) Portland, 
Oregon, which he operated for 12 years.

Dr. Wallach has appeared frequently on local and national network television 
(including a special with ABC's 20/20) regional and national talk radio 
programs as an expert on trace mineral and rare earth deficiency diseases. Dr. 
Wallach is also the host of his own talk show radio program (Let's Play Doctor) 
in Palm Springs, California every Saturday morning. Because of his freewheeling 
style of humor and ability to zero in on the basic truth in health he is widely 
known as the Rush Limbaugh of alternative health.

Dr. Wallach's research has resulted in the publication of more than 70 peer 
review and refered journal articles in the fields of nutrition and 
pharmaceutical research, major Contributions to eight multi-author text and 
reference books including the Merck Manual and authorship of a definitive 
text/reference book on the subject of comparative medicine (W.B. Saunders 
Publishing Co., 1983)

Dr. Wallach was the recipient of the 1988 Wooster Beach Gold Medal Award for a 
significant breakthrough in the basic understanding of the cause and 
pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis- the gold medal was awarded by the 
Association of Eclectic Physicians. He was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 
Medicine in 1991 by the Association of Eclectic Physicians for his notable and 
untiring work with deficiencies of the trace mineral selenium and its 
relationship to the congenital genesis of Cystic Fibrosis.


  Lorraine Day, M.D. - Breast cancer free thanks to alternative treatments

Dr. Day was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and had a lumpectomy of a 
small tumor. But the tumor soon recurred, became very aggressive and grew 
rapidly. Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side 
effects and chose instead to rebuild her immune system using natural, simple 
inexpensive therapies designed by God and available to everyone, so her body 
could heal itself. She is now cancer free.

Click Here to hear her story

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dutch Bishop: Christians should refer to God as 'Allah'

2008-05-24 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  1   Hai Nabi, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan janganlah kamu menuruti 
(keinginan) orang-orang kafir dan orang-orang munafik. Sesungguhnya Allah 
adalah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha bijaksana,(QS. 33:1) ::Terjemahan:: 
::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah 
Al Ahzab 1 
íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáäøóÈöíøõ ÇÊøóÞö Çááøóåó æóáóÇ ÊõØöÚö ÇáúßóÇÝöÑöíäó 
æóÇáúãõäóÇÝöÞöíäó Åöäøó Çááøóåó ßóÇäó ÚóáöíãðÇ ÍóßöíãðÇ (1) 
Ayat ini memerintahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw dan kaum Muslimin agar bertakwa 
kepada Allah dengan melaksanakan semua perintah-perintah-Nya dan menghentikan 
semua larangan-larangannya, serta melarang Nabi dan kaum Muslimin agar jangan 
menuruti keinginan-keinginan orang-orang kafir yang pernah menganjurkan kepada 
beliau agar mengusir dari majelisnya orang-orang mukmin yang lemah dan miskin , 
demikian pula ayat ini melarang Nabi dan orang-orang mukmin mengikuti 
orang-orang munafik yang lahirnya mengaku sebagai seorang mukmin, tetapi 
hatinya tetap kafir, bahkan selalu berusaha dan bekerja sama dengan orang-orang 
kafir yang lain untuk menghancurkan Islam dan kaum Muslimin. 
Sebab turunnya ayat menurut suatu riwayat, bahwa Abu Sofyan, Ikrimah bin Abu 
Jahal, Abul A'war As Sulami datang ke Madinah setelah perang Uhud. Mereka 
ditemani oleh Abdullah bin Ubay, Abdullah bin Sa'ad bin Abu Sarah dan Tu'mah 
bin Ubairiq. Mereka datang ke Madinah setelah mendapat jaminan keamanan dari 
Nabi Muhammad saw. Mereka berkata kepada Rasulullah saw yang di sisinya duduk 
Umar bin Khatab: Hendaklah kamu hentikan mencela tuhan-tuhan kami Al Lata, Al 
Uzza dan Manat dan katakanlah: Sesungguhnya tuhan-tuhan itu dapat memberi 
syafaat dan manfaat kepada orang-orang yang menyembahnya, agar kami membiarkan 
kamu menyembah tuhanmu. Rasulullah saw sangat merasa berat untuk menerima 
permintaan mereka itu. Maka Umar bin Khatab berkata: Izinkanlah aku Ya 
Rasulullah membunuh mereka itu. Rasulullah saw berkata: Sesungguhnya aku 
telah memberikan jaminan keamanan kepada mereka. berkata Umar: Masukkanlah 
mereka ke dalam laknat dan kemarahan Allah. Maka Rasulullah saw
 memerintahkan kepada mereka agar keluar dari Madinah dan turunlah ayat ini (Al 
Wahidi, Asbabunnuzul, hal 236). 
Berdasarkan ayat ini dan sebab turunnya, yang dimaksud dengan menurutkan 
keinginan orang-orang kafir dan munafik, ialah menurutkan keinginan mereka 
agar kaum Muslimin mengakui kepercayaan dan tuhan-tuhan mereka, mempercayai 
bahwa tuhan-tuhan mereka dapat memberi syafaat dan manfaat kepada orang-orang 
yang menyembahnya, mengakui syariat-syariat mereka sebagaimana mengakui syariat 
yang diturunkan Allah. Hendaklah kaum Muslimin waspada terhadap segala usaha 
orang-orang kafir dan munafik yang sengaja mengaburkan dan merusak agama dan 
kepercayaan mereka, sehingga pemahaman mereka terhadap agama mereka menjadi 
menyimpang dari paham yang sebenarnya. 
Akhir ayat ini memperingatkan bahwa Allah Maha Mengetahui segala yang 
dikatakan, yang dianjurkan, yang disampaikan dan yang disembunyikan dalam hati 
orang kafir itu, serta segala yang mereka maksudkan dan inginkan. Karena itu 
Dia akan menetapkan hukuman yang adil bagi mereka dan Dia Maha Bijaksana dalam 
mengatur segala urusan Nabi dan para sahabat-sahabatnya.

2   dan ikutilah apa yang diwahyukan Tuhanmu kepadamu. Sesungguhnya Allah 
adalah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan,(QS. 33:2) ::Terjemahan:: 
::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah 
Al Ahzab 2 
æóÇÊøóÈöÚú ãóÇ íõæÍóì Åöáóíúßó ãöäú ÑóÈøößó Åöäøó Çááøóåó ßóÇäó ÈöãóÇ 
ÊóÚúãóáõæäó ÎóÈöíÑðÇ (2) 
Setelah Allah SWT melarang kaum Muslimin memenuhi keinginan-keinginan 
orang-orang kafir itu, lalu Allah memerintahkan agar kaum Muslimin mengamalkan 
dan melaksanakan semua yang telah diwahyukan Tuhan, yaitu Alquran, yaitu dengan 
menjadikan isi Alquran sebagai pedoman dalam berbuat dari bertindak dan 
menentukan sikap dalam menetapkan pilihan. Yang sesuai dengan petunjuk Alquran 
tetap dilaksanakan, sedang yang tidak sesuai segera dihentikan dan dijauhi. 
Dengan demikian mereka akan hidup berbahagia, dan dakwah Islamiyah akan 
berhasil dengan gemilang, dan terhindarlah mereka dari segala kemungkinan 
menurut keinginan orang-orang kafir dun terhindar pula dari kemungkinan salah 
dalam memahami agama. 
Kemudian Allah SWT memperingatkan bahwa Dia mengetahui segala yang diperbuat 
Nabi dan para sahabatnya; tidak ada sesuatupun yang tersembunyi bagi-Nya, 
karena itu Dia akan memberikan balasan sesuai dengan yang telah dijanjikan-Nya 
dan akan mewahyukan kepada Muhammad saw segala yang diperlukannya, segala yang 
bermanfaat dalam menyampaikan risalah dan dalam membina masyarakat Islam.

3   dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Dan cukuplah Allah sebagai 
Pemelihara.(QS. 33:3) ::Terjemahan:: ::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   
Tafsir / Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah Al Ahzab 3 
æóÊóæóßøóáú Úóáóì Çááøóåö æóßóÝóì ÈöÇááøóåö æóßöíáðÇ (3) 
Pada ayat ini Allah memperingatkan bahwa 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] THE ESSENCE OF THE HAJ

2008-05-21 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  By: Umm Mohammed 
  Many years ago before the advent of Islam, or Christianity, or even Judaism 
as we know of these religions today, Allah gave the command to His chosen 
prophet Ibrahim (AS): 'And proclaim to (among) the people of the haj 
(pilgrimage).' (Holy Quran, 22:27). 
22. Al Hajj Pls right click  encoding  more  Arabic Windows 
27. Dan berserulah kepada manusia untuk mengerjakan haji, niscaya mereka akan 
datang kepadamu dengan berjalan kaki, dan mengendarai unta yang kurus[984] yang 
datang dari segenap penjuru yang jauh, 

  [984]. Unta yang kurus menggambarkan jauh dan sukarnya yang ditempuh oleh 
jemaah haji. 

  He followed up this command with the reassuring promise that it (the call) 
will be answered by the response of people coming from far and wide, literally 
from the furthest corners and deepest valleys of the earth-walking and riding 
every possible beast available for travel. This, in a time and age when no such 
commodity or technological aid such as microphones and speakers existed. This, 
in a time and age in man's history when methods of determining the passage of 
time, in terms of months and years, had not yet been deciphered by man. This, 
in a time and age when there was not yet discovered such devices for providing 
comfort such as refrigeration for cooling water and preserving food, or air 
conditioning or even tents-all providing comfort and ease for today's pilgrims. 
This, at a time and age in which it took many months-even years-to pass over 
the land and through the hardships it took for the people to reach their 
destination of the sacred spot known as Makkah'. 
  As a great honor of commemoration to Ibrahim (AS) and even greater honor to 
Allah, millions of people now answer this age-old call. The conveniences of 
modern travel and accommodation coupled with a major rise worldwide in the 
monetary station of people has enabled such masses of over 2 million pilgrims 
to attend the pilgrimage yearly. 
  This is no small feat, and something which we should not take lightly by 
forgetting to thank Allah for this great blessing. 
  Many hardships and tragic obstacles have scarred the pilgrimages of the past. 
But those associated with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and comfort 
of the pilgrims-the honored guests of the Most Merciful-have learned the hard 
lessons of those tragic events. And they have worked long and diligently in 
making the proper corrections to ensure the safety and comfort of all. Great 
strides have been taken in this direction by the Saudi Government:
  As a precautionary method to preventing the wildfires that have previously 
taken over the tent city of Mina, gas and even electric cookers have been 
prohibited, and a system of bringing in food prepared outside or in assigned 
kitchens to the pilgrims has been established and enforced. Even the very 
tragic incidents of the stampedes at the jamarat areas (the sites where the 
pilgrims toss the stones in imitation of Ibrahim's stoning the devil when he 
was tempted by him) have been eliminated by the construction of multiple-level 
bridges and enforcement of one-way traffic for this procedure, as well as an 
enforced orderly admittance from the lanes of tents into the jamarat region. 
  Nowhere in the world will you witness any such gatherings of nearly 3 million 
pilgrims gathered at one spot, at one time, dressed in the same bland simple 
cloth, facing the same direction at one time, all praying essentially for one 
thing: forgiveness. All asking of One God for admittance into heaven by His 
Mercy. Pauper, beggar, king, businessman, lower laborer, all standing shoulder 
to shoulder on the same standing--none outshining the other in the sight of 
Allah by anything other than their piety held within the depths of their 
  Such a beautiful spot and time--the mountain of Mercy on the Day in which He 
lowers His vast Mercy on the masses! 
  To repeat the words the pilgrims so humbly and hopefully repeat: 'Labaik 
Allahumma labaik' (I am here, O Allah-I am here in answer to Your call).
  Allah has extended the invitation, and the humble, hopeful pilgrims have 
answered. They have accepted Allah's invitation to be His honored guests. He is 
by sure the Most Generous and Beneficial! He has promised His Mercy and 
forgiveness for those who come to Him, and He never relinquishes on His 
promise. His only stipulation is that His slaves answer His call. 
  On this Day of Mercy-the Day of Arafat-we have many multitudes of yearning 
pilgrims answering His call. 
  May He shed His Everlasting Mercy upon us all!


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Isu Siti Fatimah Tan Abdullah: Wawancara bersama Peguam Ustaz Ahmad Jailani

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
The Prophet pbuh said, Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself 
in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be 
extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that 
you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the 
  Abu Huraira in Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 38

Topeng wrote:  
Isu Siti Fatimah Tan Abdullah: Wawancara bersama Peguam Ustaz Ahmad Jailani
Dilulus terbit pada Saturday, May 10 @ 20:41:01 MYT oleh greenboc 
 Oleh mamu_penang


Bila berita mengenainya disiarkan semalam, ramai yang terpinga-pinga. Di dalam 
Berita Harian menyiarkan berita bertajuk: Mahkamah benar Siti Fatimah isytihar 
keluar Islam

Benarkan isytihar murtad? Apakah semua ini? Sama seperti kes Lina Joy?

  Bila berita mengenainya disiarkan semalam, ramai yang terpinga-pinga. Di 
dalam Berita Harian menyiarkan berita bertajuk: Mahkamah benar Siti Fatimah 
isytihar keluar Islam

Benarkan isytihar murtad? Apakah semua ini? Sama seperti kes Lina Joy?   Di 
akhbar-akhbar mahupun melalui berita TV, kelihatan Siti Fatimah Tan bersama 
peguamnya. Seorang Melayu. Sudah tentu Islam.

Seorang Melayu Islam menjadi peguam Siti Fatimah Tan yang mahu isytihar murtad?

Tambah bingung lagi. Apakah semua ini?

Ramai yang mengenali peguam Siti Fatimah Tan. Beliau ialah Ustaz Ahmad Jailani. 
Saya juga mengenalinya. Beliau juga mengenali saya.

Banyak sudah tersiar samada di laman web mahupun di blog komen-komen yang tidak 
senang dengan apa yang berlaku. Sebahagiannya menjadikan Ustaz Ahmad Jailani 
sebagai sasaran kecaman.

Tadi, ada khutbah Jumaat di salah sebuah masjid di Pulau Pinang mengulas 
tentang isu ini. Ustaz Ahmad Jailani sekali lagi menjadi sasarannya. Pelbagai 
tuduhan itu dan ini dilemparkan.

Sebelum Jumaat, Piyan menelefon saya. Diajaknya saya untuk bersemuka sendiri 
dengan Ustaz Ahmad Jailani. Bertanya sendiri apa sebenarnya.

Saya kata OK!

Pukul 5.00 petang kami bertemu dengan beliau di pejabatnya. Kredit kepada Piyan 
atas usahanya hingga berjaya mewancara beliau. Membongkar apa di sebalik isu 

Segala-galanya kekusutan terungkai. Segala yang tersembunyi terbongkar. Itulah 
faedah bertanya kepada yang empunya diri. Bukan berdasarkan andaian itu dan ini.
  Klik untuk tonton temubual :

Berjuang,berjuang,berjuang dan terus berjuang!!!

Visit My Blog :


Wahai orang-orang Yang beriman! jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa 
sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu 
tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum Dengan perkara Yang tidak diingini - Dengan sebab 
kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) - sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa Yang kamu 
telah lakukan.. ( al-Qur'an,al-Hujurat ( 49 ):6 ).   


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Umar bin Abdul Aziz : Khalifah Pilihan Dinasti Umayyah

2008-05-13 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Umar bin Abdul Aziz : Khalifah Pilihan Dinasti Umayyah  
Ragam  Muhibah - Khazanah Islam Friday, 25 April 2008 09:01   Adil, 
jujur, sederhana dan bijaksana. Itulah ciri khas kepemimpinan Khalifah Umar bin 
Abdul Aziz. Tak salah bila sejarah Islam menempatkannya sebagai ‘khalifah 
kelima’ yang bergelar Amirul Mukminin, setelah Khulafa Ar-Rasyidin. Pada era 
kepemimpinannya, Dinasti Umayyah mampu menorehkan tinta emas kejayaan yang 
mengharumkan nama Islam.

Khalifah pilihan itu begitu mencintai dan memperhatikan nasib rakyat yang 
dipimpinnya. Ia beserta seluruh keluarganya rela hidup sederhana dan 
menyerahkan harta kekayaannya ke baitulmal (kas negara), begitu diangkat 
menjadi khalifah. Khalifah Umar II pun dengan gagah berani serta tanpa pandang 
bulu memberantas segala bentuk praktik korupsi.

Tanpa ragu, Umar membersihkan harta kekayaan para pejabat dan keluarga Bani 
Umayyah yang diperoleh secara tak wajar. Ia lalu menyerahkannya ke kas negara. 
Semua pejabat korup dipecat. Langkah itu dilakukan khalifah demi 
menyejahterakan dan memakmurkan rakyatnya. Baginya, jabatan bukanlah alat untuk 
meraup kekayaan, melainkan amanah dan beban yang harus ditunaikan secara benar.

Tak seperti penguasa kebanyakan yang begitu ambisi mengincar kursi kekuasaan, 
Umar justru menangis ketika tahta dianugerahkan kepadanya. Meski Umar bukan 
berasal dari trah Bani Umayyah, keadilan dan kearifannya selama menjabat 
gubernur telah membuat Khalifah Sulaiman terkesan.

Maka di akhir hayatnya, Sulaiman dalam surat wasiatnya memilih Umar bin Abdul 
Aziz sebagai penggantinya. Setelah Khalifah Sulaiman tutup usia, Umar dilantik 
sebagai khalifah pada 717 M/99 H. Seluruh umat Islam di kota Damaskus pun 
berkumpul di masjid menantikan pengganti khalifah. Penasihat kerajaan Raja’ bin 
Haiwah pun segera berdiri dan membacakan surat wasiat Khalifah Sulaiman.

‘’Bangunlah wahai Umar bin Abdul- Aziz, sesungguhnya nama engkaulah yang 
tertulis dalam surat ini,’’ ungkap Raja’.

Umar pun terkejut mendengar keputusan itu. Ia pun segera bangkit dan dengan 
rendah hati berkata, ‘’Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya jabatan ini diberikan 
kepadaku tanpa bermusyawarah terlebih dulu dan tak pernah aku memintanya. 
Sesungguhnya aku mencabut bai’at yang ada dilehermu dan pilihlah siapa yang 
kalian kehendaki.’’ Umat Islam yang berada di masjid menolak untuk mencabut 

Semua bersepakat dan meminta Umar untuk menjadi khalifah. Umar pun akhirnya 
menerima ba’iat itu dengan berat hati. Ia menangis karena takut kepada Sang 
Khalik dengan ujian yang diterimanya. Beragam fasilitas dan keistimewaan yang 
biasa dinikmati khalifah ditolaknya. Umar memilih untuk tinggal di rumahnya.

Meski berat hati menerima jabatan khalifah, Umar menunaikan kewajibannya dengan 
penuh tanggung jawab. Keluarganya mendukung dan selalu mengingatkan Umar untuk 
bekerja keras memakmurkan dan menyejahterakan rakyat. Sang anak, Abdul-Malik, 
tak segan-segan untuk menegur dan mengingatkan ayahnya agar bekerja keras 
memperhatikan negara dan rakyat yang dipimpinnya.

Selepas diangkat menjadi khalifah, Umar yang kelelahan mengurus pemakaman 
Khalifah Sulaiman berniat untuk tidur. ‘’Apakah yang sedang engkau lakukan 
wahai Amirul Mukminin?’’ ujar Abdul Malik.

‘’Wahai anakku, ayahmu letih mengurusi jenazah bapak saudaramu dan ayahmu tidak 
pernah merasakan keletihan seperti ini,’’ jawab Umar. ‘’Lalu apa yang akan 
engkau lakukan ayahanda?’’ tanya sang anak. ‘’Ayah akan tidur sebentar hingga 
masuk waktu zuhur, kemudian ayah akan keluar untuk shalat bersama rakyat,’ ucap 

Lalu Abdul-Malik berkata, ‘’Wahai ayah, siapa yang menjamin engkau akan masih 
hidup sampai waktu zuhur? Padahal sekarang engkau adalah Amirul Mukminin yang 
bertanggung jawab untuk mengembalikan hak-hak orang yang dizalimi.’’

Umar pun segera bangkit dari peraduan sembari berkata, ‘’Segala puji bagi Allah 
yang mengeluarkan dari keturunanku, orang yang menolong aku di atas agamaku.’’

Umar pun bekerja keras membaktikan dirinya bagi rakyat dan umat. Pada era 
kepemimpinannya, Dinasti Umayyah meraih puncak kejayaan. Sayang, dia hanya 
memimpin dalam waktu sekejap saja, yakni dua tahun.

Meski bukan berasal dari keturunan Umayyah, darah kepemimpinan memang mengalir 
dalam tubuh Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Ia ternyata masih keturunan dari Khalifah Umar 
bin Khattab. Umar bin Abdul Aziz terlahir pada tahun 63 H/ 682 di Halwan sebuah 
perkampungan di Mesir. Namun ada pula yang menyebutkan, Umar lahir di Madinah.

Ayahnya adalah Abdul-Aziz bin Marwan, Gubernur Mesir dan adik dari Khalifah 
Abdul-Malik. Sedangkan ibunya bernama Ummu Asim binti Asim. Dari Ummu Asim-lah, 
darah Umar bin Khattab mengalir ditubuh Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Umar bin Khtattab 
meminta anak laki-lakinya Asim untuk menikahi gadis miskin dan jujur. Dari 
hasil pernikahan itu lahirlah seorang anak perempuan bernama Laila atau Ummu 

Ummu Asim lalu menikah dengan Abdul-Aziz bin Marwan dan lahirlah Umar bin 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Bahasa Indonesia

2008-05-05 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Bahasa Indonesia
  Mukadimah Tafsir Ibnu Katsir (3)  { Maret 5, 2007 @ 6:32 am } · { 
Mukadimah } 
{ } · { Komentar (22) } 
  Rasulullah Saw. bersabda:“Aku diutus kepada kulit merah dan kulit hitam.”
  Menurut Mujahid, makna yang dimaksud ialah umat manusia dan jin. Beliau 
diutus kepada dua jenis makhluk tersebut untuk menyampaikan kepada mereka apa 
yang telah diwahyukan oleh Allah kepadanya dari Kitab Al-Qur’an yang mulia ini, 
yang tidak datang kepadanya kebatilan —baik dari depan maupun dari 
belakangnya—, yang diturunkan dari Tuhan Yang Mahabijaksana lagi Maha Terpuji.
  Nabi Saw. telah memberitahukan kepada mereka di dalam Al-Qur’an, bahwa Allah 
Swt. telah menganjurkan mereka untuk memahami Al-Qur’an melalui 
firman-Nya:“Maka apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan Al Qur’an? Kalau kiranya Al 
Qur’an itu bukan dari sisi Allah, tentulah mereka mendapat pertentangan yang 
banyak di dalamnya.” (An-Nisaa:82)
  Allah Swt. berfirman:Ini adalah sebuah kitab yang Kami turunkan kepadamu 
penuh dengan berkah supaya mereka memperhatikan ayat-ayatnya dan supaya 
mendapat pelajaran orang-orang yang mempunyai pikiran. (shad: 29)Maka apakah 
mereka tidak memperhatikan Al Qur’an ataukah hati mereka terkunci? (Muhammad:24)
  Kewajiban yang terpikul di pundak para ulama ialah menyelidiki makna-makna 
Kalamullah dan menafsirkannya, menggali dari sum-ber-sumbemya serta mempelajari 
hal tersebut dan mengajarkannya, sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam 
firman-Nya:Dan (ingatlah), ketika Allah mengambil janji dari orang-orang yang 
telah diberi kitab (yaitu): “Hendaklah kamu menerangkan isi kitab itu kepada 
manusia, dan jangan kamu menyembunyikannya.” Lalu mereka melemparkan janji itu 
ke belakang punggung mereka dan mereka menukarnya dengan harga yang sedikit. 
Amatlah buruk tukaran yang mereka terima. (Ali-Imron:187), juga firman-Nya: 
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menukar janji (nya dengan) Allah dan 
sumpah-sumpah mereka dengan harga yang sedikit, mereka itu tidak mendapat 
bahagian (pahala) di akhirat, dan Allah tidak akan berkata-kata dengan mereka 
dan tidak akan melihat kepada mereka pada hari kiamat dan tidak (pula) akan 
menyucikan mereka. Bagi mereka azab yang pedih. (Ali Imron:77)
  Allah Swt. mencela sikap kaum ahli kitab sebelum kita, karena mereka 
berpaling dari Kitabullah yang diturunkan kepada mereka, mengejar keduniawian 
serta menghimpunnya, dan sibuk dengan semua hal yang sama sekali tidak ada 
kaitannya dengan apa yang diperintahkan oleh Allah Swt. melalui kitab-Nya.
  Maka sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi kita kaum muslim menghentikan semua 
perbuatan yang menyebabkan mereka (kaum ahli kitab) dicela oleh Allah Swt., dan 
kita wajib pula mengerjakan hal-hal yang diperintahkan oleh Allah Swt., yaitu 
mempelajari Kitabullah yang diturunkan kepada kita, mengajarkannya, 
memahaminya, dan memberikan pengertian tentangnya.
  Allah swt berfirman: Belumkah datang waktunya bagi orang-orang yang beriman, 
untuk tunduk hati mereka mengingat Allah dan kepada kebenaran yang telah turun 
(kepada mereka), dan janganlah mereka seperti orang-orang yang sebelumnya telah 
diturunkan Al Kitab kepadanya, kemudian berlalulah masa yang panjang atas 
mereka lalu hati mereka menjadi keras. Dan kebanyakan di antara mereka adalah 
orang-orang yang fasik.Ketahuilah olehmu bahwa sesungguhnya Allah menghidupkan 
bumi sesudah matinya. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menjelaskan kepadamu tanda-tanda 
kebesaran (Kami) supaya kamu memikirkannya. (Al-Hadid:16-17)
  Allah Swt. menyebutkan ayat terakhir ini sebelum ayat pertama, untuk 
mengingatkan bahwa sebagaimana Allah Swt. menghidupkan bumi sesudah matinya, 
demikian pula cara Dia melunakkan hati dengan iman dan hidayah sesudah keras 
dan kesat karena pengaruh dosa dan maksiat. Hanya kepada Allah-lah memohon 
harapan dan bimbingan, semoga Dia melakukan hal tersebut kepada kita; 
sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pemurah lagi Mahamulia.


Mukadimah Tafsir Ibnu Katsir (2)  { Maret 5, 2007 @ 6:02 am } · { Mukadimah 
{ } · { Komentar (7) } 
  Oleh sebab itu, Dia mengilhamkan kepada penduduk surga untuk bertasbih 
dan bertahmid kepada-Nya, sebagaimana mereka diberi ilham untuk bernapas. 
Dengan kata lain, mereka bertasbih dan bertahmid kepada-Nya sebanyak bilangan 
napas mereka, karena mereka merasakan kebesaran nikmat Allah yang terlimpah 
kepada mereka, kesempurnaan kekuasaan-Nya, kebesaran pengaruh-Nya, dan 
anugerah-anugerah-Nya yang terus-menerus serta kebaikan-Nya yang kekal 
terlimpah kepada mereka, sebagaimana disebutkan di dalam 
firman-Nya:“Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal-amal 
saleh, mereka diberi petunjuk oleh Tuhan mereka karena keimanannya, di bawah 
mereka mengalir sungai-sungai di dalam surga yang penuh kenikmatan.Doa mereka 
di dalamnya ialah: “Subhanakallahumma”, dan salam penghormatan mereka ialah: 
“Salam”. Dan penutup doa mereka ialah: “Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil ‘aalamin.” 

RE: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] saya berpeluh: Anwar: I'll be a much better PM than Abdullah or Maha

2008-05-05 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
3:19 Sesungguhnya agama (yang diridai) di sisi Allah hanyalah Islam. Tiada 
berselisih orang-orang yang telah diberi Al Kitab kecuali sesudah datang 
pengetahuan kepada mereka, karena kedengkian (yang ada) di antara mereka. 
Barang siapa yang kafir terhadap ayat-ayat Allah maka sesungguhnya Allah sangat 
cepat hisab-Nya. 
  Pada ayat ini Allah menerangkan agama yang diakui Nya hanyalah agama Islam 
yaitu agama tauhid, agama yang mengesakan Allah SWT. Allah menerangkan 
bahwasanya agama yang sah di sisi Allah hanyalah Islam . Semua agama dan 
syariat yang dibawa nabi-nabi terdahulu intinya satu, ialah Islam yaitu 
berserah diri kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa, menjunjung tinggi perintah-perintah 
Nya dan berendah diri kepada Nya walaupun syariat-syariat itu berbeda di dalam 
beberapa kewajiban ibadah dan lain-lain. 
Maka yang dinamakan orang Islam yang benar ialah orang yang ikhlas di dalam 
melaksanakan segala amalnya, serta kuat imannya lagi bersih dari syirik. 
Allah mensyariatkan agama untuk dua macam tujuan: 
1.Membersihkan jiwa manusia dan akalnya daripada kepercayaan yang tidak benar 
seperti mengakui adanya kekuasaan gaib pada makhluk Allah. 
2.Memperbaiki jiwa manusia dengan amal perbuatan yang baik dan memurnikan 
keikhlasan kepada Allah. 
Kemudian Allah menggambarkan perselisihan para ahli kitab tentang agama yang 
Sebenarnya mereka tidaklah keluar dari agama Islam, agama tauhid yang dibawa 
oleh para nabi-nabi, seandainya pemimpin-pemimpin mereka tidak berbuat aniaya 
dan melampaui batas sehingga mereka berpecah belah menjadi bermazhab-mazhab 
serta membunuh nabi-nabi. Perpecahan dan peperangan di antara mereka tidak 
patut terjadi karena mereka adalah satu agama Tetapi karena kedengkian di 
antara pemimpin-pemimpin mereka, dan dukungan mereka terhadap satu mazhab untuk 
mengadakan mazhab yang lain, timbullah perpecahan itu. Perpecahan itu bertambah 
sengit setelah pemimpin-pemimpin itu menyesatkan lawannya dengan jalan 
menafsirkan nash-nash agama menurut hawa nafsu mereka. 
Sejarah telah membuktikan, bahwa raja-raja dan pendeta-pendetalah yang telah 
memecah belah agama masehi, sehingga menjadi beberapa mazhab yang saling 
Arius, seorang pemimpin kaum Nasrani, dan pengikut-pengikutnya yang mengajak 
umat Masehi kembali kepada tauhid telah dijatuhi hukuman sebagai orang mulhid 
(kafir) Dan kitab-Kitabnya dibakar dan ajaran-ajarannya dilarang berdasarkan 
persidangan yang dibentuk oleh Konstantien pada tahun 325 M. 
Ketika ajaran Arius berkembang dalam masyarakat, pengikut-pengikut Arius 
dimusnahkan oleh Theodosius II, berdasarkan undang-undang yang dikeluarkan pada 
tahun 628 M. Maka dengan demikian mazhab-mazhab Trinitas tetap berkembang, dan 
tetap saling bertentangan. 
Di akhir ayat ini Allah mengancam orang-orang yang kafir kepada ayat-ayat Nya 
dengan menandaskan hukuman yang akan ditimpakan kepada mereka.

Saya tidak tahu mengapa saya memandang Anwar sebagai seorang yang 
memiliki hati yang tidak tenang

Meninggalkan keraguan - Daripada al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abi Talib r.a, Nabi s.a.w 
bersabda: Tinggalkan apa yang meragukan kamu kepada apa yang tidak meragukan 
kamu. Sesungguhnya kebenaran adalah ketenangan, dan pembohongan adalah 
keraguan. riwayat al-Termizi dan Ahmad

Menunjukkan contoh teladan yang baik - Daripada Abu Mas'ud al-Ansori r.a, Nabi 
s.a.w bersabda: Sesiapa menunjukkan kebaikan, ia mendapat ganjaran seumpama 
orang yang mengikutinya. riwayat Muslim

Membanggakan diri - Daripada Abdullah bin Umar r.a, Nabi s.a.w bersabda: Allah 
tidak melihat kepada orang yang melabuhkan pakaiannya dengan bermegah. riwayat 
al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Bermusuhan - Daripada Aishah r.ha, Nabi s.a.w bersabda:  Insan yang paling 
dibenci oleh Allah ialah orang yang amat keras permusuhannya. riwayat 
al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Ganjaran menutup keaiban  - Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a, Nabi s.a.w bersabda:  
Tidaklah, seorang hamba yang menutup keaiban hamba yang lain melainkan Allah 
akan menutup keaibannya pada hari kiamat. riwayat Muslim

Ganjaran yang tidak menghebahkan perkara yang buruk - Daripada Uqbah bin Amir 
r.a, Nabi s.a.w bersabda:  Siapa yang melihat sesuatu keaiban lalu menutupnya, 
ia mendapat ganjaran seperti menghidupkan anak perempuan yang ditanam 
hidup-hidup. riwayat Abu Daud dan Ahmad

Allah menyukai sifat lemah lembut - Daripada Aishah r.ha, Nabi s.a.w bersabda: 
Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai sifat lemah lembut pada setiap perkara. riwayat 
al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Menolong orang zalim - Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a, Nabi s.a.w bersabda:  
Bantulah saudara engkau yang zalim dan yang dizalimi.  Para sahabat bertanya: 
 Wahai Rasulullah, orang yang dizalimi kami boleh menolongnya, bagaimanakah 
kami boleh menolong orang yang zalim?.  Rasulullah bersabda: Engkau 
menegahnya daripada melakukan kezaliman.  riwayat al-Bukhari





2008-05-05 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Assalamu Alaikum
(Peace be upon you)
4/5/2008= 27 Rabi II, 1429 AH
  The pure Allah's Islamic nature (true faith of Islam) (i.e. worshipping 
none but Allah) with which He has created human beings. No change let there be 
in the religion of Allah (religion of Allah: i.e. joining none in worship with 
Allah). That is the straight religion (Islam) but most of men know not. 
The call of Islam, which is the call of all the prophets and messengers of old, 
is fundamentally to bring an understanding of the Creator to mankind at large. 
It is a call to all people to worship their Creator and Master with knowledge, 
clarity and sincerity. It is the essence of the first part of the Muslim’s 
declaration of faith and the testimony of belief that if understood and 
declared sincerely, enters a person into the fold of Islam
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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Basmalah,

2008-05-04 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
ÈöÓúãö Çááøåö ÇáÑøóÍúãÜóäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö 
  Please right click  encoding  more  Arabic Text 
   Surah Al Faatihah 1 
  ÈöÓúãö Çááøóåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö (1) 
  Di dalam Alquran ada 114 surah, semuanya dimulai dengan Basmalah, kecuali 
surah At-Taubah. Surah At-Taubah ini tidak dimulai dengan Basmalah karena 
memang tidak serasi kalau dimulai dengan Basmalah. Di samping pada 
permulaannya Basmalah ada disebutkan satu kali di pertengahan surah 
  Åöäøóåõ ãöä ÓõáóíúãóÇäó æóÅöäøóåõ ÈöÓúãö Çááøóåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawidengan demikian Basmalah itu didapati di dalam 
Alquran 114 kali. 
Ada beberapa pendapat ulama berkenaan dengan Basmalah yang terdapat pada 
permulaan sesuatu surah. Di antara pendapat-pendapat itu yang termasyhur ialah: 
1.Basmalah itu adalah suatu ayat yang tersendiri, diturunkan Allah untuk jadi 
kepala masing-masing surah, dan pembatas antara surah dengan surah yang lain. 
Jadi dia bukanlah satu ayat dari Al-Fatihah atau dari sesuatu surah yang lain, 
yang dimulai dengan Basmalah itu. Ini adalah pendapat Imam Malik beserta ahli 
qiraat dan fuqaha Madinah, Basrah dan Syam dan juga pendapat Imam Abu Hanifah 
dan pengikut-pengikutnya. Sebab itu menurut Imam Abu Hanifah Basmalah itu 
tidak dikeraskan membacanya dalam salat bahkan Imam Malik tidak membaca 
Basmalah sama sekali. 
2.Basmalah adalah salah satu ayat dari Al-Fatihah, dan dari sesuatu surah 
yang lain, yang dimulai dengan Basmalah. Ini adalah pendapat Imam Syafii 
beserta ahli qiraat Mekah dan Kufah. Sebab itu menurut mereka Basmalah itu 
dibaca dengan suara keras dalam salat (Jahar). 
Kalau kita perhatikan bahwa sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah saw. telah sependapat 
menuliskan Basmalah pada permulaan sesuatu surah dan surah-surah Alquranul 
Karim itu, kecuali surah At-Taubah (karena memang dari semula turunnya tidak 
dimulai dengan Basmalah) dan bahwa Rasulullah saw. melarang menuliskan sesuatu 
yang bukan Alquran supaya tidak bercampur aduk dengan Alquran. Sebab itu oleh 
mereka tidak dituliskan amin di akhir surah Al-Fatihah. Basmalah itu adalah 
salah satu ayat dari Alquran atau dengan perkataan lain bahwa 
basmalah-basmalah yang terdapat di dalam Alquran itu adalah ayat-ayat 
Alquran, lepas dari pendapat apakah satu ayat dari Al-Fatihah atau dari sesuatu 
surah yang lain, yang dimulai dengan Basmalah atau tidak. 
Sebagai disebutkan di atas surah Al-Fatihah itu terdiri dari tujuh ayat. Mereka 
yang berpendapat bahwa basmalah itu tidak termasuk satu ayat dari Al-Fatihah, 
  ÛóíúÑö ÇáúãóÛúÖõæÈö Úóáóíúåöãú æóáóÇ ÇáÖøóÇáøöíäó 
  adalah salah satu ayat, dengan demikian ayat-ayat Al-Fatihah itu tetap tujuh. 
  ÈöÓúãö Çááøóåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö (1) 
  Dengan menyebut nama Allah, maksudnya dengan menyebut nama Allah saya baca 
atau saya mulai. Seakan-akan Nabi berkata: Saya baca surah ini dengan 
menyebut nama Allah, bukan dengan menyebut nama saya sendiri, sebab dia wahyu 
dari Tuhan, bukan dari saya sendiri. Maka basmalah di sini mengandung arti 
bahwa Alquranul Karim itu wahyu dari Allah, bukan karangan Muhammad saw. dan 
Muhammad itu hanyalah seorang pesuruh Allah yang dapat perintah menyampaikan 
Alquran kepada manusia. 
Pemakaian kata Allah 
Allah nama bagi Zat yang ada dengan sendiri-Nya (wajibul wujud). Kata Allah 
itu hanya dipakai oleh bangsa Arab kepada Tuhan yang sebenarnya, yang berhak 
disembah, yang mempunyai sifat-sifat kesempurnaan. Mereka tidak memakai kata 
itu untuk tuhan-tuhan atau dewa-dewa mereka yang lain. 
Kata Ar-Rahman terambil dari Ar-Rahmah yang berarti belas kasihan, yaitu 
suatu sifat yang menimbulkan perbuatan memberi nikmat dan karunia. 
Jadi kata Ar-Rahman itu ialah: Yang berbuat (memberi) nikmat dan karunia yang 
Kata Ar-Rahim juga terambil dari Ar-Rahmah, dan arti Rahim ialah: Orang 
yang mempunyai sifat belas kasihan, dan sifat itu tetap padanya 
Maka Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim (Arrahmanirrahim) itu maksudnya: Tuhan itu telah 
memberi nikmat yang banyak dengan murah-Nya dan telah melimpahkan karunia yang 
tidak terhingga, karena Dia adalah bersifat belas kasihan kepada makhluk-Nya, 
dan oleh karena sifat belas kasihan itu adalah suatu sifat yang tetap pada-Nya 
maka nikmat dan karunia Allah itu tidak ada putus-putusnya. 
Dengan demikian maka kata-kata Ar-Rahman dan Ar-Rahim itu kedua-duanya 
adalah diperlukan dalam susunan ini, karena masing-masing mempunyai arti yang 
Tegasnya bila seseorang Arab mendengar orang mensifati Allah dengan Ar-Rahman, 
maka terpahamlah olehnya bahwa Allah itu telah melimpahkan nikmat dan 
karunia-Nya dengan banyak dan berlimpah-limpah. Tetapi bahwa limpahan nikmat 
dan karunia yang banyak itu tetap, tidak putus-putus tidak dapat dipahami dari 
lafaz Ar-Rahman itu saja. Karena itu perlulah diikuti dengan Ar-Rahim, supaya 
orang mengambil pengertian bahwa limpahan nikmat dan karunia serta kemurahan 
Allah itu tidak ada putus-putusnya. 
Hikmah membaca basmalah 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ABIM MEDIA STATEMENT 4 MAY 2008

2008-05-04 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  4 MAY 2008  / 27 RABIUL AKHIR 1428H

  1. The action by Y.B. Karpal Singh in filing a police report against the 
Regent of Kelantan, and

  2. The calls made by MCA president, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, relating to some 
contentious religious and racial issues
  The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) strongly feels that some remarks 
and actions by certain political leaders relating to religious and racial 
issues of late warrant our comments and response.
  Firstly, we find the action by Y.B. Karpal Singh in filing a police report 
against the Regent of Kelantan, Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra 
as extremely improper and clearly overstepped the boundaries of proper comments 
when dealing with a member of Malaysian royalty. Being a seasoned politician, 
we are still wondering until today what exactly was in the mind of Mr. Karpal 
when he decided to take such an action which is, to say the least, very 
problematic and uncalled for. Mr. Karpal could have clearly thought of a more 
respectful and sensible way to respond to the Regent's speech. At the same 
time, we fully agree and support the call from the Kelantan palace for an end 
to this controversy. We do feel that it is unfortunate that remarks from a 
member of the Malaysian royalty, which could have been taken in a better light, 
has been unduly problematized and politicized. 
  Secondly, the calls made by MCA president, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, relating 
to some contentious religious and racial issues must take into account the 
Malay-Muslim perspective.
  On the issue of conversion out of Islam, we fully understand the possible 
difficulties and hardships that may arise on the part of those who wish to 
convert, but at the same time, we have pleaded time and again that the critics 
of the present law on apostasy must also be willing to fully consider the 
ramifications of this issue on the core elements of the Islamic faith and 
  The critics cannot in all earnest, expect the Muslims to just ignore a clear 
injunction and principle in our religion. And to expect Muslims in Malaysia to 
take the issue of apostasy lightly is actually doing just that. Converting out 
of Islam is a specific religious issue and the extent of its prohibition and 
permission should be left to the proper religious authority to determine. 
  The Federal Court's decision in Lina Joy's case provides a solid legal basis 
for this position. Former Chief Justice, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim, 
in his majority judgment held that the determination of whether a person had 
renounced the religion of Islam was within the realm of Islamic law, and that 
the right authority was thus the Syariah court. His Lordship further said that 
the way one leaves religion is set by the religion itself. In other words, 
His Lordship said,one cannot embrace or leave a religion according to one's 
whims and fancies.
  In Malaysia, we believe that the process of allowing the right and competent 
parties to deliberate and find the solution for contentious religious issues is 
still not beyond grasp. In that light, we feel that an earnest and genuine 
process of collective deliberation amongst the rightful religious authorities 
in Malaysia should take place with regards to the recent controversial 
religious issues. This process, which may require time and independent space 
for the people involved, must be allowed to take its course. Inputs and 
feedbacks from all parties should be considered but everyone must be prepared 
to accept that the aim of this process is to discover the authoritative Islamic 
position on the matter since this is an internal religious issue.
  Assuming that at the end of the day the experts do find cases and situations 
where conversion out of Islam may be legally recognized, the next issue would 
be to determine the proper procedure for conversion out of Islam. We have 
stated time and again that conversion out of Islam is interlinked with other 
issues, some of which are formal and legal. Therefore, this process must be 
properly regulated and cannot be left open or unlimited. Again, another process 
of collective deliberation, which gives priority to authoritative 
interpretations of religious texts and legal reasoning, should be allowed to 
take its course.
  In light of the current controversy, we would like to refer all parties to 
our various memoranda and documents on the matter. 
  In our considered view, the MCA is essentially saying that the Federal 
Court's interpretation of Articles 11 (1) and 121(1A) of the Federal 
Constitution in the Lina Joy case was wrong. Perhaps the MCA would like to 
introduce a private member's bill in Parliament to amend Articles 11(1) and 
121(1A) of the Constitution to nullify the effect of 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Bila Ustaz PAS memesong Surah Al-Fath kepada kemenangan pilihan raya.

2008-05-04 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Salaman Salama ,
  Apabila telah datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan,(QS. 110:1) 
::Terjemahan:: ::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / 
DEPAG / Surah An Nashr 1 - 2 

#1573;#1616;#1584;#1614;#1575; #1580;#1614;#1575;#1569;#1614; 
(1) #1608;#1614;#1585;#1614;#1571;#1614;#1610;#1618;#1578;#1614; 
#1601;#1616;#1610; #1583;#1616;#1610;#1606;#1616; 
#1571;#1614;#1601;#1618;#1608;#1614;#1575;#1580;#1611;#1575; (2) 

Dalam ayat-ayat ini Allah memerintahkan apa yang harus dilakukan nabi-Nya pada 
saat penaklukan Mekah, yaitu apabila ia telah melihat pertolongan Allah 
terhadap agama-Nya telah tiba, dengan kekalahan orang-orang musyrik dan 
kemenangan di pihak Nabi-Nya, dan melihat pula orang-orang masuk agama Allah 
beramai-ramai dan berduyun-duyun, bukan perseorangan sebagaimana halnya pada 
permulaan dakwah.

2   dan kamu lihat manusia masuk agama Allah dengan berbondong-bondong,(QS. 
110:2) ::Terjemahan:: ::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / 
Indonesia / DEPAG / Surah An Nashr 1 - 2 
#1573;#1616;#1584;#1614;#1575; #1580;#1614;#1575;#1569;#1614; 
(1) #1608;#1614;#1585;#1614;#1571;#1614;#1610;#1618;#1578;#1614; 
#1601;#1616;#1610; #1583;#1616;#1610;#1606;#1616; 
#1571;#1614;#1601;#1618;#1608;#1614;#1575;#1580;#1611;#1575; (2) 
Dalam ayat-ayat ini Allah memerintahkan apa yang harus dilakukan nabi-Nya pada 
saat penaklukan Mekah, yaitu apabila ia telah melihat pertolongan Allah 
terhadap agama-Nya telah tiba, dengan kekalahan orang-orang musyrik dan 
kemenangan di pihak Nabi-Nya, dan melihat pula orang-orang masuk agama Allah 
beramai-ramai dan berduyun-duyun, bukan perseorangan sebagaimana halnya pada 
permulaan dakwah.

3   maka bertasbihlah dengan dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan mohonlah ampun 
kepada-Nya. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penerima taubat.(QS. 110:3) 
::Terjemahan:: ::Tafsir:: ::Asbabun Nuzul::   Tafsir / Indonesia / 
DEPAG / Surah An Nashr 3 
#1578;#1614;#1608;#1617;#1614;#1575;#1576;#1611;#1575; (3) 

Bila yang demikian itu telah terjadi supaya ia mengagungkan Tuhannya dan 
mensucikan-Nya dari hal-hal yang tidak layak bagi-Nya, seperti ia menganggap 
terlambat datangnya pertolongan dan mengira bahwa Tuhan tidak menepati 
janji-Nya untuk meninggikan nikmat-Nya atas Nabi-Nya walaupun orang-orang kafir 
tidak menghendakinya. 
Mensucikan Allah hendaknya dengan memuji-Nya atas nikmat-nikmat yang 
dianugerahkan-Nya dan mensyukuri segala kebaikan-kebaikan yang telah 
dilimpahkan-Nya dan menyanjung-Nya dengan sepantasnya. Bila Allah Yang Maha 
Kuasa dan Maha Bijaksana, memberi kesempatan kepada orang-orang kafir, bukanlah 
berarti Dia telah menyia-nyiakan pahala orang-orang yang beramal baik. 
Kemudian mintalah ampun kepada Allah untuk dirimu dan untuk sahabat-sahabatmu 
yang telah memperlihatkan kesedihan dan keputus-asaan karena terlambat 
datangnya pertolongan Allah. 
Bertobat dari keluh kesah adalah dengan mempercaya penuh akan janji-janji Allah 
dan dengan membersihkan jiwa dari pemikiran yang bukan-bukan bila menghadapi 
kesulitan. Walaupun ini berat untuk jiwa manusia biasa, tetapi ringan untuk 
Nabi-Nya sebagai insanul kamil, oleh sebab itu Ia menyuruh Nabi-Nya memohon 
Keadaan ini terjadi pula pada para sahabat yang memiliki jiwa yang sempurna dan 
menerima tobat mereka, karena Allah selalu menerima tobat hamba-hamba-Nya. 
Allah mendidik hamba-hamba-Nya melalui bermacam-macam cobaan dan bila merasa 
tidak sanggup menghadapinya harus memohon bantuan-Nya serta yakin akan 
datangnya bantuan itu. Bila ia selalu melakukan yang demikian niscaya menjadi 
kuat dan sempurnalah jiwanya. 
Maksudnya, bila pertolongan telah tiba dan telah mencapai kemenangan serta 
manusia berbondong-bondong masuk Islam, hilanglah ketakutan dan hendaklah 
Nabi-Nya bertasbih menyucikan Tuhannya dan mensyukuri-Nya serta membersihkan 
jiwa dari pemikiran-pemikiran yang terjadi pada masa kesulitan. Dengan demikian 
keluh kesah dan rasa kecewa tidak lagi akan mempengaruhi jiwa orang-orang yang 
ikhlas selagi 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Genome analysis reveals new protein associated with breast cancer progression

2008-04-29 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Genome analysis reveals new protein associated with breast cancer progression  
April 16, 2008
  A novel systems-based approach that combines comprehensive gene expression 
profiling with genome-wide transcription factor analysis and protein-protein 
interaction has led researchers to an important genetic marker that can help 
physicians know which breast cancer patients are at highest risk and will 
require more aggressive treatment, a research team based at the University of 
Chicago Medical Center reports in the April 15, 2008, issue of the journal 
Molecular Systems Biology. 
  The researchers found that high expression of a protein known as H2A.Z, which 
is associated with the expression of genes within the nucleus, can help 
physicians predict which patients are most at risk for disease spread and 
death. It could also serve as a new target for therapy.
  Elevated H2A.Z expression is significantly associated with metastasis and 
shorter survival, and it could quickly help doctors make better predictions and 
treatment choices for their patients, said study director Kevin White, PhD, 
professor of human genetics and director of the Institute for Genomics and 
Systems Biology at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. 
It could also provide clues to new therapies.
  But, perhaps more important, he added, we think we have developed an 
integrated approach to genomic analysis that can be applied to a wide range of 
  Instead of a standard whole-genome analysis, looking for genetic variations 
that correlate with disease risk, White and colleagues integrated multiple 
genetic technologies to measure the effects of estrogens, which play a crucial 
role in many breast cancers, on multiple cellular pathways, what they refer to 
as a transcriptional regulatory cascade.
  The female hormone estrogen acts by binding to the estrogen receptor, which 
carries the hormone's signal to a cell's nucleus, where it activates many other 
genes. One of those genes is a known cancer-related gene called c-MYC, which in 
turn regulates its own cascade of gene targets.
  White's team set out to map out the many sequential genetic events that occur 
in breast cancer cells after estrogen binding, using a series of innovative 
technologies. They ultimately found that estrogen-stimulated c-MYC enhanced 
production of H2A.Z, which altered the positioning and activation of various 
genes in ways that increased the odds that a cancer would spread to the lymph 
nodes and ultimately to distant sites, often resulting in the patient's death.
  This is not a simple process. In tumor cells from patients with 
estrogen-dependent breast cancers, the researchers found estrogen affected 
1,615 genetic regions. One of those was the promoter for the gene for c-MYC, 
which, when activated, could bind another set of overlapping 311 genetic 
  Both estrogen and c-MYC interact with the gene for H2A.Z, leading to 
increased production of this protein in breast cancer cells. When the 
researchers looked at tumor tissue samples collected from 500 patients, they 
found that elevated levels of H2A.Z were highly correlated with the spread of 
the cancer to lymph nodes and decreased patient survival. Adding H2A.Z 
expression to other known risk factors provided significant prognostic 
information, the authors note, beyond what these factors alone provide. 
  Although it has been implicated in genomic stability and gene transcription, 
H2A.Z has never been reported to be associated with cancer, said White. We 
would not have found this clinically important factor without taking such a 
large-scale integrated approach.
  We suspect this integrated systems approach will lead us to a number of 
previously unsuspected genes that play a role in disease initiation and 
progression, he said. Many of these could become targets for new treatments.
  The W. M. Keck Foundation and the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation funded 
the research. Additional authors were Sujun Hua, Ruby Dhar, Beth Russell, 
Parantu Shah, Jiang Liu, Andrey Khramtsov, Thomas Krausz and Olufunmilayo 
Olopade of the University of Chicago; Caleb Kallen of Emory University; and 
Maria Baquero, Christopher Mason and David Rimm of Yale University.
  UCH_016272 (2) 
4/17/08 9:52 AM 
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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Coffee May Protect Against Breast Cancer, Study Shows

2008-04-29 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Coffee May Protect Against Breast Cancer, Study ShowsScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 
2008) — Depending on which variant of a certain gene a woman has, a coffee 
consumption rate of at least two-three cups a day can either reduce the total 
risk of developing breast cancer or delay the onset of cancer. This is shown in 
new research from Lund University and Malmö University in Sweden.

  See also:   Health  Medicine

   Breast Cancer   
   Women's Health   
   Colon Cancer   
   Lung Cancer   
   Brain Tumor 

   Hormone replacement therapy   
   Health benefits of tea 

  The effect of coffee is related to estrogens, female sex hormones. Certain 
metabolic products of these hormones are known to be carcinogenic, and various 
components of coffee can alter the metabolism so that a woman acquires a better 
configuration of various estrogens. What’s more, coffee contains caffeine, 
which also hampers the growth of cancer cells.
  The cancer researcher Helena Jernström and her associates have studied the 
coffee-drinking habits of nearly 460 breast cancer patients being treated in 
Lund. The results show that the effect of coffee varies depending on which 
variant the women have of a gene called CYP1A2, which codes for an enzyme that 
metabolizes both estrogen and coffee. Half of the women had a variant called 
A/A, while the others had either A/C or C/C.
  “Those women who had one of the C variants, and who had drunk at least three 
cups of coffee a day, developed breast cancer considerably more seldom than 
women with the A/A variant with the same coffee consumption. Their cancer risk 
was only two thirds of that of the other women.
  A/A women who had drunk two or more cups of coffee a day received more 
ambiguous help from their coffee consumption. On the one hand, their cancer 
appeared considerably later than among women who had seldom or never drunk 
coffee at a mean age of 58 years instead of 48 years, unless they had taken 
hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms, says Helena Jernström.. On 
the other hand, nearly 15 percent of these women had estrogen-insensitive (ER 
negative) tumors, which are more difficult to treat.
  “The majority nevertheless had estrogen-sensitive and more readily treated 
tumors. And women who develop breast cancer at a higher age often do better 
than those who get it earlier in life,” says Helena Jernström.
  She stresses, however, that it is too early to make any dietary 
recommendations regarding coffee consumption.
  “This is new information that needs to be corroborated in other studies 
before we can issue any recommendations. If coffee does in fact provide some 
protection against breast cancer, then women in such a coffee-drinking country 
as Sweden ought to have fewer cases of cancer than other countries. This is 
also the case, at least compared with the U.S. There the proportion of breast 
cancer cases in the population is considerably higher, and there people drink 
both more decaffeinated coffee and less coffee in general.”
  These research findings are published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, 
Biomarkers and Prevention, with doctoral student Erika Bågeman as lead author.
  Adapted from materials provided by Lund University, via AlphaGalileo.

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Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Siapa Tuan di Malaysia

2008-04-28 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Pagan : Somebody who does not acknowledge the God of Quran
  Polytheist : the worship of or belief in more than one deity, especially 
several deities
  23:98 Dan aku berlindung (pula) kepada Engkau ya Tuhanku, dari kedatangan 
mereka kepadaku. 
Menelaah bagaimana mereka merealisasikan Al-Quran dalam kehidupannya membantu 
kita untuk dapat meneladani mereka dan menempuh jalan yang pernah mereka tempuh.
  lbnu Mas’ud ra berkata: Kami sulit menghapal lafadh Al-Quran tapi mudah 
mengamalkannya sedang orang sesudah kami mudah untuk menghapal tapi sulit 
  Ibnu Umar berkata: Kami melalui masa yang panjang, seseorang diantara kami 
diberi iman sebelum Al-Quran, sehingga surat-surat turun kepada Nabi Muhammad, 
maka iapun mempelajari halal dan haram, perintah dan larangan dan bagaimana ia 
harus bersikap.
 Lalu saya melihat orang yang diturunkan Al-Quran sebelum iman, maka ia membaca 
surat al-Fatihah sampai khatam, tetapi ia tidak tahu apa yang dilarang dan 
bagaimana harus bersikap, ia membaca Al-Quran dan menganggapnya sama dengan 
buku-buku murahan.


   Siapa Tuan di Malaysia
  Kekuasaan politik dalam sesebuah negara diumpamakan pagar
yg kukuh utk menjaga khazanah berharga negara
 - dlm konteks Malaysia, kuasa politiknya di tangan org Melayu…
Bermakna org Melayu menjadi pagar kpd semua rakyat Malaysia
samada Melayu dan bukan Melayu..
TETAPI..khazanah yg dipagari Melayu tu siapa yg punya?
Semua tahu jawabannya….
Kebanyakannya bukan-Melayu yang punya,
itupun orang2 bangsa lain [termasuk Mamak yg Islam] masih belum
cukup puas hati dengan aset2 yg ada.
PELIK… orang Melayu bangga betul menjadi pagar..
Apalah ertinya bermegah jika menjadi pagar kpd khazanah orang lain?
pagar lama kelamaan akan runtuh,
sedangkan harta berharga kekal di tempatnya.
Adakah orang Melayu hanya setakat berbangga menjadi pagar?
Pagar kepada harta bukan Melayu?
cukup kah berjuang menjadi pagar sahaja dan
berbangga dengannya?! 
Juga sudah menjadi trend org Melayu sekarang ni amat ghairah berpolitik…
konon2nya nak membela bangsa Melayu dan menegakkan keadilan
di tengah kehidupan…
Tetapi apa yg dah jadi..dulu mereka miskin, bila sudah berkuasa menjadi kaya 
jadi wakil rakyat biasa pun boleh kaya-raya,
bila dah jadi menteri
bermacam2 projek besar dia dapat.
Kadang2 lebih suka joint-venture dengan org Cina
daripada bangsa Melayu sendiri..
Bukankah berpolitik tu ertinya berjuang?
syarat berjuang mestilah terkorban..
tetapi apa yg sudah terjadi?
Org Melayu yang berjuang melalui politik bukannya
empunya diri  yg terkorban.
tetapi yg terkorban adalah BANGSANYA
yakni org2 Melayu lah yg terkorban..
Bila sipembesar mendapat negara..
seolah2 mereka mendapat lombong emas..
bermaharajalelalah dia dengan lombong emas rakyat..
Sedangkan rakyat bukannya tak sedar..
Namun ….. hakikatnya hati rakyat sudah melupakan Allah..
maka Allah datangkanlah pemimpin2 yg jahat..
untuk menghukum rakyat2 yg jahat..
Dengan kata lain..
jika dalam sesebuah negara itu pemimpinnya jahat2,
maka ia menggambarkan majoriti rakyatnya yg jahat2 juga
  olih Cikgu ku

Salam  Regards
Wahab @ Amri
Ampang, Selangor

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Review: Seven Phases of Prophet Muhammad's Life

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM

  3:64 Katakanlah: Hai Ahli Kitab, marilah (berpegang) kepada suatu kalimat 
(ketetapan) yang tidak ada perselisihan antara kami dan kamu, bahwa tidak kita 
sembah kecuali Allah dan tidak kita persekutukan Dia dengan sesuatu pun dan 
tidak (pula) sebagian kita menjadikan sebagian yang lain sebagai tuhan selain 
Allah. Jika mereka berpaling maka katakanlah kepada mereka: Saksikanlah, 
bahwa kami adalah orang-orang yang berserah diri (kepada Allah). 




Audiovar sCurURL=top.location.href;var 
sDomain = leftOf(/articles,sCurURL.toLowerCase())var sPath = 
sDomain=;  top.location.href=sDomain + 
'/' + 'articles/' + sPath}var 
sURLTOGO=top.location.href;   var sMemberOnlyProgramCaption=--article--   
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var iPreviewTimeInMinutes=3   var iTrackInGlobalASA=0   var 
iActivity2BStored=0   var sHeight=50   var sWidth=95%   var 
sProtectType=2   var sProtectPCount=0   Review: Seven 
Phases of Prophet Muhammad's Life 
5/4/2004 - Religious - Article Ref: IC0405-2298
Number of comments: 1 
By: Amidu Olalekan Sanni
IslamiCity* - 

In his autobiography, Fredrick Max Muller, the controversial 
nineteenth-century icon of British Orientalism, speaks of quiet scholars, 
and, judging by the book under review, it would not be wrong to place Akhter in 
this category. Classical works on Prophet Muhammad's sirah-for example those of 
Tabari, Masu'udi, and Ya'qubi-mostly contain linear prose narratives that 
present no systematic analytical classification of the reports that make up the 
sirah. To offer such classification is precisely the objective of Akhter's 
work. John O. Voll's foreword makes it clear that many of the paradigms 
previously employed to sustain negative judgments about Muhammad's person and 
mission have since given way to an objective acknowledgment of his position as 
a role model whose life holds special schematic value.

By devoting each of the book's seven chapters to a particular phase of the 
missionary continuum of the Prophet's life, the author has eschewed the 
historical niceties and details that are of little interest to the lay reader, 
for whom the work is intended in the first place (the writer is a practicing 
physician and a self taught Islamicist). The parallel drawn in, chapter 1, 
between the decadent pre-Islamic period and the perverse modern Western society 
shows Muhammad's mission to have as much corrective value today as in the 
Arabia of fourteen centuries ago. This is a significant angle introduced by 
Akhter to sirah scholarship. In Akhter's portrayal of Muhammad as one who went 
from being an obscure seeker of truth to a proclaimer of the Divine message, 
the Prophet comes across as a remarkable endurer of unprovoked assaults on 
person, honor and belief. Moreover, Muhammad's qualities of perseverance, 
broadmindedness, and aplomb are reflected in his relations with votaries of
 other belief systems, especially Jews and Christians. The establishment, in 
Medina under Muhammad, of a prosperous community governed by Divine law after 
the tribulations and persecutions experienced by the Prophet and his followers 
provides a teleological explanation of the concept of hijrah in Islam: a 
propitious environment is a sine qua non for the realization of lofty plans and 
goals, and this is well illustrated by Akhter in reference to contemporary 
life. But the one significant aspect of the Medinan phase of the Prophet's life 
is the Covenant of Medina, which represents the most viable constitution the 
world can have in a pluralistic setting. Akhter shows how pluralism differs 
from particularism (65-66): the former promotes a sense of equality rather 
toleration. The significance of the distinction is brought out in today's 
world, especially in societies where Muslims are victims of institutional 
oppression and negative stereotypes.

The true meaning of jihad as struggle against personal or societal injustice is 
admirably explained by Akhter (chapter7), who refutes, through the explanation, 
the exclusivist-and often mischievous-statement concept in purely aggressive 
and military terms. On the whole, the image of the Prophet given in the book 
is-rightly-that of the Perfect Man: a persevering caller to truth, a stoic 
optimist, a pluralistic leader who is humble in victory, courageous in defeat, 
firm in dispensation of justice, respectful of friend, sympathetic to opponent, 
and, above all a spiritual leader of substance. One aspect 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Badan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu Baru Bangun Dari Tidur

2008-04-24 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
The region as of today: Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan 
  Kini Malaya dan Malaysia sold out ! by M layu x sedar diri ...! 
  dulu masa ada kuasa acquire semua tanah orang Melayu untuk pembangunan 
kononnya..sawah orang melayu dipaksa ambil ..sampai tanah MCL pun dipaksa ambil 
kemudian dijualkan pada orang asing contoh Melaka tanah perkuburan bkt cina 
x dapat mabil sampai skrn.! Dulu dia KM / MB skrn dia  
  Agaknya apa lagi dlm kepala depa yang x terlepas semasa ada kuasa dulu yang 
belum capai Cakap pasai M layu  lembut gigi pada lidah ! 
  Depa minta kuku untuk tolong orang M layu ! ! ! 
  Ho ! Ho ! Ho! penipu besar ! 
  As I see it they are only con artists to cure nonexistent ilness ! 
  The 'toxins' that are removed have been described as invented to give 
promoters something pretend they can fix.

gapena seharusnya sedar org melayu dah  jelak diperbodohkan oleh pemimpin 

Atas pentas berucap berapi rapi hidup melayubla bla malam berkepit 
kiri kanan dengan org asing. 

Kholid Ali 
Sent by:   16/04/2008 10:45 AM   Please 
respond to

  Ikhwanul Muslimun   cc
  Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Badan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu Baru Bangun Dari 

Atas sebab-sebab kesihatan terpaksa rehat lebih seminggu di hospital. 
Syukur Alhamdulilah kini kembali sihat Selama berehat saya tetap mengikuti 
perkembangan semasa politik tanahair dengan membaca akhbar mingguan (bukan arus 
Banyak sekali cerita yang dimuatkan tentang perpecahan orang Melayu.Yang 
menyuarakan nya kebanyakan nya ialah pemimpin UMNO yang dulunya khayal akibat 
suntikan dadah daripada wang yang bertimbun-timbun yang mengikut Abdullah 
tidak dicari oleh nya tapi wang itu ? barangkali yang mencuri masuk  kepoket 
Abdullah dan kroni-kroninya. Maka jadilah mereka tuan-tuan kepada hamba-hamba 
Melayu lain. Inilah definasi sebenarnya kepada istilah ketuanan Melayu - yang 
kaya jadi tuan.
   Sebentar tadi disiar melalui ?TV3 orang kuat Gapena ?Ismail Husin beri komen 
panjang lebar dan minta PAS dan PKR belajar dari UMNO tentang ketuanan Melayu!! 
Sehubungan dengan itu Badan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu nak anjur ? perhimpunan 
besaran di Johor Baharu untuk bincang tentang ketuanan Melayu. Bagi mereka bila 
UMNO tidak memerintah di dua pertiga negeri-negeri di Malaysia dan bila 
parlimen tidak dikuasai dua pertiga UMNO/BN bermakna Melayu telah berpecah. 
Sebenarnya dah lama Melayu berpecah di bawah UMNO. Cuma Melayu yang dipisahkan 
tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa mereka hanya sekadar memedam rasa duka.
   Mungkin apa yang dilaksanakan dalam tempoh 20 tahun selepas merdeka mampu 
memterjemahkan sekitar 50% ketuanan Melayu tapi selepas itu hanya segolongan 
Melayu menjadi tuan dan segolongan lagi Melayu menjadi orang 
suruhan.Dasar-dasar bahkan perlembagaan yang melambangkan ketuanan Melayu 
dicabul tanpa desakan daripada orang-orang bukan Melayu. Dasar Bahasa Melayu 
sebagai bahasa kebangsaan yang  dikhianati pemimpin UMNO terus dipertahankan 
majoriti ahli UMNO atau didiamkam saja jika tidak bersetuju kerana menjaga 
kepentingan kedudukan dan macam-macam lagi kepentingan. 
  Bangunnlah dari mimpi wahai pemimpin UMNO dan Badan Bertindak Perpaduan 
Melayu. Jika kita telah cipta macam-macam yang baru maka pemerintah pun 
wajarlah ditukar kepada yang baru. Proton pun dah keluarkan berpuloh kereta 
model baru maka biarlah negara kita diperintah pula oleh parti-parti gabungan 
yang baru. Sudah bukan masa-nya rakyat ditakut-takutkan dengan ketuanan Melayu 
dan macam-macam lagi slogan yang mereka cipta yang hakikatnya untuk mereka 
terus menindas sesama Melayu. Kembalilah kepada berpegang kepada ajaran Islam 
demi kesejahteraan Melayu dan juga kesejahteraan mereka yang bukan Melayu. 

kota jembal__
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Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Mari bawa perubahan pada Maulud, manfaatkannya untuk Dakwah kepada belum Islam

2008-04-24 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Bagus idea Dr. mungkin juga dalam majlis perasmian masjid / surau baru dll 
ie.majlis gotong royong menyediakan juadah berbuka puasa (Hari Ahad) pun boleh 
jemput semua kawan sepejabat,kenalan,penduduk setempat yang non muslims dan 
anak anak muda kita bersama.Berjinak dengan anak anak muda juga amat penting 
kerana mereka adalah pewaris.
  The heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day. 
OF RESPIRATION  (FLV)   81,648 KByte  The Miracle of Breathing Full Version 
 (MPEG)   68,300 
  Even for a faint smile, 17 muscles have to work together at the same time.   
  JZKLH Kyair Kasiiraan.
IslahGateway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: Dr. Omar Yaakob 
  Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 4:39 PM
  Subject:  Mari bawa perubahan pada Maulud, manfaatkannya untuk Dakwah kepada 
belum Islam


Sempena bulan Maulud yang panjang di Johor ini, kita perlu ambil peluang 
mengaktifkan dakwah kita menyampaikan kepada mereka mengenai kehebatan Islam 
dan keunggulan Rasulullah.

Misalnya, jika surau/masjid di tempat kita menganjurkan majlis maulidurrasul, 
elok kiranya 
kita menjemput non-Muslim untuk ke Surau/Masjid kita untuk sama-sama menghayati 
perjuangan Rasululullah. Kita boleh memberikan layanan terbaik untuk mereka, 
menjamu mereka dan menghilangkan syubhah atau prejudis buruk mereka terhadap 

Musim Maulud juga musim menyebarkan risalah mengenai Nabi kepada  mereka yang 
belum Islam.  Dalam riuhnya selawat kita atau perarakan kita, mereka pasti 
tertanya-tanya siapa itu Muhammad, kenapa Umat Islam begitu mencemburui 
kepribadiannya, kenapa ia dianggap   Mercy to World, kenapa ia benefactor of 
humanity, kenapa, kenapa...??

Kita ambil peluang ini untuk menjawab persoalan tersebut dengan mengedarkan 
risalah  ke rumah-rumah mereka. 

Disertakan dua artikel Bahasa Inggeris untuk edaran kepada rumah-rumah 

Artikel 1: Prophet_muhammadatharhusain_ version2 dalam format word dan pdf.
Artikel 2: Muhammad-MercyToMan kind dalam format word dan doc 

Artikel 1 telah saya ringkaskan daripada dua artikel yang panjang. Artikel 2 
saya ringkaskan dari leaflet dua mukasurat yang asalnya tulisan kecil dan 

Saya sertakan dalam dua versi (word dan pdf) just in case sdr-sdr nak edit.
Mungkin usaha ini boleh dibuat oleh Surau atau Masjid di tempat anda. Atau ia 
inisiatif keluarga masing-masing. Atau sekolah?

Kalau semua ahli PIBG edar risalah kepada jiran dan rakan sekerja  mereka yang 
belum Islam, kita dah dapat beribu-ribu edaran risalah.

Kalau kita minta semua ahli kariah Surau/Masjid kita edar risalah ini kepada 
jiran mereka, dah beribu  non-Muslim akan berpeluang menilai keperibadian Nabi 

Jom kita mulakan...



p.s. untuk koleksi artikel bahan penulisan saya, sila lawati:




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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] WHAT ARE THE END TIMES

2008-04-24 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã æÑÍãÉ Çááå æÈÑßÇÊå


  Some people may not be familiar with the concept of the end times. For this 
reason, it will be useful to explain this concept shortly. The end times refers 
to a period which precedes the end of the world according to Islam. 
  When we bring the signs in the Qur'an and the detailed explanations in the 
hadiths of the Prophet (saas) together, we come to an important conclusion. The 
verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet (saas) indicate that the 
end times have two stages. The first period is one in which material and 
spiritual problems dominate the world; the second period to come is called the 
Golden Age, a time when the moral teaching of the Qur'an will dominate 
producing a deep sense of well-being in every sphere. When the Golden Age comes 
to an end and the world quickly enters a social decline, the coming of the last 
day is at hand.
This site consists of extracts from various books which examine the signs of 
the end times under the light of verses and hadith. It is clear that these 
signs have begun to happen one after the other and in the way they are 
described in the age in which we live. The fact that the coming of these signs 
was revealed fourteen centuries ago increases a believer's faith in Allah and 
his attachment to Him. It is surely not coincidence that so much signs have 
come true all together and in such a short period of time. These signs are the 
glad tidings of Allah to His believing servants. 
This site has been prepared with a view to the Lord's promise: Say: Praise be 
to Allah. He will show you His Signs and you will recognise them… (Surat 
an-Naml: 93) There is a particularly important point to which we have wanted to 
draw attention: Allah knows the truth about everything. As with everything 
else, what we know about the end of the world comes only form what He has 
revealed to us.  
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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] How did They become Muslims

2008-04-19 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM


  How did They become Muslims? ßíÝ ÃÕÈÍæÇ ãÓáãíä¿  ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã 
In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious The Most Merciful  ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã æÑÍãÉ 
Çááå æÈÑßÇÊå 
Assalamu Alaykom Wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatoh 
Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you  These stories are about very normal 
people, non-scholars, from the community class, become Muslims. Although of all 
the pressure and persecution that they face, but they stand firm against the 
devil .. and they stand for the truth .. may Allah bless them and make them as 
encouragement for us 
  åÐå ÞÕÕ ÍÞíÞíÉ áäÇÓ ÚÇÏííä¡ ÛíÑ ÚáãÇÁ¡ ãä ÇáØÈÞÉ ÇáãÊæÓØÉ¡ íÕÈÍæä ãÓáãíä. ÑÛã 
ßá ÇáÖÛæØÇÊ ÇáäÝÓíÉ æÇáÌÓÏíÉ ÇáÊí æÇÌåæåÇ¡ áßäåã íÞÝæä ÈÔÏÉ ÖÏ ÇáÔÑ¡ æíÞÝæä 
ãÓÊãÓßíä ÈÚÑæÉ ÇáÍÞ .. ÃÓÃá Çááå Ãä íÈÇÑßåã ÌãíÚÇð æÊßæä ÞÕÕåã ãÔÌÚÉ ááÌãíÚ 
   From Philip to Abdur-Rahman Being Truthful in his Studies   
   ÇÓáÇã ÔÇÈ ÞÈØí Ýí ÚÇã 2006 ÌæÒíÝ ÓÇÈÞÇð ãÍãÏ ÍÇáíÇð   
   ÕæÊ ÇáÔãÇÓ ÇáÞÈØí æåæ íäØÞ ÇáÔåÇÏÊíä Çááå ÃßÈÑ   
   ÇäÇåíÏ ßÑÇÈíÊ ÈÇáæÒíÇä   
   ÃÓãÇÁ ãÍãÏ .. áíÒÇ ÓÇÈÞÇð   
   Elena Alvarado   
   Noora As-Sammaan   
   Sinan Nassar ÓäÇä äÕÇÑ   
  Shahadah on the Spot ÝíÏíæ áÃäÇÓ íäØÞæä ÇáÔåÇÏÉ ãÈÇÔÑÉ
   - Shannon   
   - Nady from Oklahoma   
   - Liz   
   - An African American Male Becoming Muslim   

  Video Intereviews ãÞÇÈáÇÊ ÝíÏíæYou can see Full version of the 
intereviews on YouTube ÊÓÊØíÚ ÑÄíÉ ÇáãÞÇÈáÇÊ Úä ØÑíÞ

   - Erika PerezWagron: Argues with husband's reason 4 Erika 2 bcome Muslim 
English-Part1, English-Part2, Spanish   
   - Pamela Kara: Her adopted son was the reason for her Islam   
   - Zainab Eldu: Philippine Christian Zainab story of Islam English, 
   - Mirzo: Turning point for Mirzo to become Practicing Muslim: English, 
Albanian, Turkish   
   - Aisha Alawi: Theology Class was the reason for Aisha to become Muslim   
   - Tanya Ramdas: soap *opera* the reason for Tanya to become Muslim English, 
   - Erika Spinosa: Erika Dreams that she wears Hijab b4 she's a Muslim: 
English, Spanish   
   - Amber Butty: sends her parents an email that she became a Muslim!   
   - Lia Rojas Story of Islam: English, Spanish   
   - From Katia to Aisha: Part1, Part2   
   - Amira Taha: The Director of the Refugees Center at Muslim Community of 
North Texas: Part1, Part2   
   - Basma: Seventh Day Adventest Become a Muslim   
   - Noora Alsamman: Syrian Christian became Muslim: Part1, Part2   
   - Nicole Queen Story of Islam   
   - Noor Saadah Story of Islam: Part1, Part2, Part3
  Apakah kita hanya mengaku Muslim lafaz bibir je
  hati masing masing macam serigala..mengadu dumba ! ! ! Dah la tu PR ke -12 
dah selesai pun ..kembalilah ! betulkan saff ..
  X usahlah buang masa dan membazir duit mengadakan jamuan makan malam untuk 
imam imam seluruh negara (Hotel Dynasty KL)semata mata untuk sampaikan ideologi 
sesat menyesatkan ! ! ! 
  istighfarlah dan bertaubatlah ..
  2:284 To Allah belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth. Whether ye 
show what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah Calleth you to account for it. 
He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and punisheth whom He pleaseth, for Allah hath 
power over all things.
  2:284 Kepunyaan Allah-lah segala apa yang ada di langit dan apa yang ada di 
bumi. Dan jika kamu melahirkan apa yang ada di dalam hatimu atau kamu 
menyembunyikannya, niscaya Allah akan membuat perhitungan dengan kamu tentang 
perbuatanmu itu. Maka Allah mengampuni siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan menyiksa 
siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya; dan Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. 
  56:74 Maka bertasbihlah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu yang Maha Besar. 
  Jika orang kafir fikir jika dapatlah mereka melenyapkan Islam dan ummatnya 
dari muka bumi ni maka mereka akan merasa senang sekali ! ! ! mereka lupa 
bahawa azab Allah yang menanti mereka tiadalah yang dapat melepaskan mereka.
  Ingatlah saudaraku : mungkin begitulah yang ada pada orang UMNO ! PAS ! 
KEADILAN !  NGO Islam (Banyak duit dah dibelanjakan ! berjuta ...! habuk pun x 
dak ! saling memikirkan hanya mereka yang selamat ! Pikiak  baik baik ...Jangan 
tiduk lagi ! Worth wakingup !
  sedar diri ! roda dah gelong alamat terbabas lah jadinya ! Simpang malaikat 2 
x 44 ! ! ! 
  2:44 Mengapa kamu suruh orang lain (mengerjakan) kebajikan, sedang kamu 
melupakan diri (kewajiban) mu sendiri, padahal kamu membaca Al Kitab (Taurat)? 
Maka tidakkah kamu berpikir? 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: Balasan: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Re: Syaikh al-Azhar jumpa Pelacur

2008-04-12 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Salam, episod penuh usrah boleh download.
  Allah hidupkan rumput yang mati dengan air hujan tanda rahmatNya .
  Selagi masih bernyawa air matalah yang menghidupkan hati manusia yang mati 
oleh itu janganlah pandang orang lain buruk dsbnya.

Zairul wrote:
  Bagi teman, it is better to spend a little time reading about the ulama' 
rather than spending so much time watching nonsense programs on tv. Plus, 
compared to stories in gossip columns, the story is way better. It is quite 
eye-catching well, utk teman sekuran-kurangnye.

  On 4/6/08, LynnZarina LynnZarina wrote:   not misleading at 
all. depends on the reader understanding. jumpa pelacur bukan bermakna sex 
dengan  pelacur. just because of she is pelacur, tak bermakna setiap orang yang 
jumpa pelacur tu untuk sex.. pelacur have life too...!
  Anyway, cerita ni terlalu panjang. next time pls give the cream of it..

  This is a good story but the right title for this story in malay is 
Syakh Al-Azhar DAN Pelacur Bukan Shakh Al-Azhar JUMPA Pelacur. That
gives a double meaning, bro. Fitnah tu


--- In, Mohd Yaakub wrote:

 Did you hear of the story of the Shaykh from Azhar and
 the prostitute?
 No …
 Well, there you go, as was narrated by Shaykh Ali
 Tantawi [May Allah have mercy on him] in his memoir
 about Shaykh Ahmad Al-Zayaat [May Allah have mercy on
 Shaykh Ali Tantawi said: 
 The Shaykh (Ahmad Al-Zayaat) was a teacher, who did
 not know anything of this world except: The Azhar
 where he used to teach, the house he used to live in,
 and the road between them.
 As years passed by, and he got older, his health
 started to deteriorate, and he needed to rest. So the
 doctor forced him to take some time of, and suggested
 that he goes somewhere away from his place of work and
 residence, and advised him to enjoy the quietness and
 calmness of the parks next to the Nile.
 So one day, the Shaykh went out and stopped a carriage
 (as cars were not that available at the time). He told
 the driver: My son, take me to a nice place were I can
 enjoy the view and relax.
 The driver of the carriage, however, was a wicked
 person, and took the Shaykh to a place in Egypt, which
 at the time had several prostitution houses.
 After arriving he told the Shaykh: Here [we are].
 The Shaykh said: O son, Magrib prayer is drawing near,
 where can I pray? Take me first to the Masjid.
 The Driver [pointing to one of those houses] said: The
 Masjid is over there.
 The door [of the place] was open, and the lady running
 that house was sitting, in the manner those like her
 usually sit. 
 When the Shaykh saw her, he lowered his gaze. He saw a
 seat, so he headed there and sat, waiting for the Call
 for prayer (Adhan). 
 [The woman in confusion, just] stared at him.
 What brought that man here? 
 He doesn't look like any of her regular customers.
 She kept thinking to herself, but did not dare ask him
 what he was doing here.
 What kept her from asking was the shyness that
 remained in her heart, even as a prostitute. However,
 that shyness only appears in front of people of Piety.
 He, on the other hand, kept doing Tasbeeh (saying
 Subhan Allah), whilst looking at his watch, until he
 heard the Adhan of Maghrib from far away.
 He asked her: Where is the Moazin (Person who calls
 for prayers) here? 
 Why didn't he call for prayer when the time entered? 
 Are you his daughter?
 She … kept silent.
 He waited for a while, and then said: My daughter,
 Maghrib time is short, and it is not permissible to
 delay it, and I do not see anyone here, so if you have
 your Wudu (ablution) then pray behind me Jama'ah.
 He gave the call for prayer, and without looking at
 her, as he was about to give the Iqamah, he noticed
 stillness behind him?!
 He asked: What is wrong? Don't you have your Wudu?
 All of a sudden, as if her Iman (Faith) woke up and
 she remembered the old days. The days when she was
 filled with purity, and was away from sin, she started
 to cry loudly, and threw herself at his feet.
 The Shaykh surprised, did not know in what way he can
 calm her.
 She then, started narrating her story. 
 He saw in her words great regret, and felt the truth
 in her repentance. He realized the sincerity in what
 she was saying, so he told her: Listen, my daughter,
 to what the Lord of all creation says: {Say, O My
 servants who have transgressed against themselves [by

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Finding faith so how did Islam fill what was missing

2008-03-25 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Finding faith - a personal account Rihab Alteraifi ©

  Rihab Alteraifi was brought up in a Muslim family but took it for granted; 
she didn't feel she had to do anything more than just be a Muslim.
  Rihab felt that being a good person was more important than practising, and 
because she was a good person she didn't need to prove to Allah that she 
believed in him.
  Over a period of time Rihab realised that something was missing in her life.
  I searched high and low, trying various things, said Rihab.
  I mean, I just did loads of stuff to fill up my time and hopefully fill up 
that empty feeling. But it never got filled up.
  She talked to a lot of friends about it and one of her friends, a Christian, 
suggested to her that it was perhaps God that she was in search of - that is 
the only place she wasn't looking. After seeking some more she decided to 
practice Islam.
  Since this decision, her life patterns are beginning to change so she can 
make time for prayer and buy halal meat.
  So how did Islam fill what was missing in Rihab's life?
  Listen to Rihab's audio diary (7:48 mins)

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Prayer worship

2008-03-25 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Prayer  worship Muslims pray at five set times every day. Muslim prayers 
all follow the same format, including set phrases and movements.
  A Muslim can pray anywhere, but it is especially good to pray with other 
Muslims in a mosque.
  Mosque Interior of Mosque during prayers ©

  Muslims worship in a building called a mosque. An alternative word for 
mosque, from the original Arabic, is masjid, meaning place of prostration.
  Outside every mosque, or just inside the entrance, is a place where 
worshippers can remove and leave their shoes. There is also a place where they 
can carry out the ritual washing required before prayer.
  The main hall of a mosque is a bare room largely devoid of furniture. There 
are no pictures or statues. Muslims believe these are blasphemous, since there 
can be no image of Allah, who is wholly spirit.
  Everyone sits on the floor and everywhere in the mosque is equal in status.
  A niche in one of the walls, called a mihrab, shows the direction that the 
worshippers should face in order to face Mecca.
  Many mosques have a minaret which is a tall thin tower. A muezzin stands at 
the top of the tower and calls Muslims to prayer at the five ritual times of 
the day. Not all mosques in the UK have a minaret.
  Women can attend the mosque and when they do they sit separately from the 
men. This is out of modesty and to prevent any distraction. It is more usual 
for women to pray at home.
Although Muslims can pray to God at any time or place, and in any language, 
there are five prayers they are obligated to perform throughout the day. They 
follow the same pattern so everyone can follow in congregation, and set prayers 
are always recited in Arabic.

Takbir is entering into the state of prayer by glorifying God. Muslims face 
towards Makkah and make the intention to pray. To begin the act of prayer, they 
say 'Allahu Akbar' meaning God is great, raising the hands to the ears or 
Muslims place their right hand over their left on their chest or navel while in 
the standing position. A short supplication glorifying God and seeking His 
protection is read. This is then followed by Surah Al Fatiha, which is the 
first chapter in the Qur'an. Verses from any another chapter are then recited.

Ruku means bowing. During ruku, Muslims says 'glory be to God, the Most Great', 
three times.

During prayer, it is forbidden to fidget or look around. Muslims must pray as 
though they are in the presence of God, and therefore must be in a state of 

  Brief qiyaam
While moving into the upright position, Muslims recite 'God listens to the one 
who praises Him' and while in the standing position, 'To God belongs all 
praise' then is recited. 'God is Great' is recited again. Hands are loosely at 
the sides this time.

Each movement is always preceded by the phrase 'God is Great'. This indicates 
to followers of the prayer that the leader is about to make the next movement.

Sujud means to prostrate. While in the prostration position 'Glory be to God, 
the Most High' is repeated three times. Palms, knees, toes, forehead and nose 
must be the only body parts touching the ground.

The Prophet said, The worst thief is he who steals from his prayer. His 
companions asked, O Messenger of Allah, how does he steal from his prayer? He 
said, He does not perfect its ruku and sujud.

  Brief sitting
'God is Great' is recited while moving to the sitting position. Muslims pause 
here for a few seconds, either staying silent, or reciting a shorter prayer. 
'God is Great' is recited once more as the sujud position is taken again.

The Prophet recommended that each movement must last at least the time that it 
takes for the bones to settle. He compared some people's ruku' and sujud to the 
way that a crow pecks on the ground, because of the speed at which they perform 
it. (Ibn Khuzaymah)

This sujud is the same as the first one.

After reciting 'Glory be to God, the Most High', one 'raka'ah', or unit is 
complete. Each salah has its own number of units though. The shortest prayer, 
Fajr, has two.

To continue the prayer from the sujud position, Muslims say 'God is Great' and 
stand up to repeat everything from Surah Al Fatiha, until they reach this sujud 

After saying God is Great, Muslims return to the sitting position. They recite 
a set number of short prayers in Arabic, praising God, and sending peace on the 
Prophet. They repeat the declaration of faith, raising the forefinger of their 
right hand, in order to act as a witness.

They then ask God to bestow blessings and peace upon Prophet Abraham and his 
family, and ask for the same for Prophet Muhammad. Finally, Muslims ask for 
forgiveness and mercy, and ask God to bless them and their children until the 
Day of 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 21 NGO Islam puas hati pnjelasan KM P.Pinang tentang kedudukan Melayu dan Islam

2008-03-23 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Hati hati ..terlalu awal untuk kesimpulan sama ada puas hati !
  Teruskan jadi pressure group ..sememangnya jika kita lihat polisi 30 % 
  Sesuatu projek perumahan Free Hold mesti diperuntukan 30% untuk Bumiputra (M 
layu) lah tapi realitinya ..bila orang M layu nak beli dikatakan dah habis jual 
..! ! ! 
  Fikir2kanlah cakap lembut gigi dari lidah ..!

  Oleh Bernama 
Jumaat, 14 Mac 2008 
PULAU PINANG: Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng meminta rakyat Pulau 
Pinang tidak mendengar khabar angin yang boleh merosakkan semangat muhibah 
antara kaum di negeri ini. 
  Beliau berkata tindakan golongan tidak bertanggungjawab yang menyebarkan 
pelbagai khabar angin itu boleh menjejaskan usaha kerajaan baru mewujudkan 
keharmonian di negeri ini. 

Kerajaan baru ini adalah kerajaan untuk semua rakyat Pulau Pinang tidak kira 
latar belakang politik, kaum dan agama. Kami memang hendak mewakili semua 
rakyat negeri ini, katanya kepada pemberita selepas mengadakan pertemuan 
tertutup dengan 21 Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) Islam di pejabatnya di sini hari 
Turut hadir pada perjumpaan itu ialah kedua-dua Timbalan Ketua Menteri I dan II 
iaitu Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin dan Prof Dr P.Ramasamy. 
Pada pertemuan itu, Lim sekali lagi mengulangi jaminannya bahawa kerajaan 
gabungan DAP-Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tidak akan meminggirkan orang Melayu 
dan penganut agama Islam. 
Kedudukan Islam tidak dipertikaikan dan semua khabar angin tentang azan tidak 
boleh dilaungkan adalah tidak benar, ini pertama kali saya dengar cerita 
seperti ini. 
Kita mahu dengar suara rakyat jadi jika suara rakyat nak didengar maka suara 
azan juga nak didengar, katanya. 
Pada pertemuan itu, Lim juga memaklumkan bahawa beliau akan mengadakan 
perbincangan dengan Mohammad Fairus mengenai kedudukan orang Melayu di Tanjung 
Tanjong Tokong adalah kawasan penempatan Melayu pertama yang saya lawati 
sebelum mengangkat sumpah jawatan dan saya beritahu penduduk di sana bahawa 
mereka ada kawan di pejabat Ketua Menteri, katanya. 
Sementara itu penasihat Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) Pulau Pinang Dr Danial 
Zainal Abidin yang mengetuai 21 NGO Islam dalam pertemuan dengan Lim berpuas 
hati dengan penjelasan yang diberikan berhubung kedudukan orang Melayu dan 
penganut agama Islam di negeri ini. 
  Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Reality bites in PAS-led Kedah

2008-03-22 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Alhamdulillahi ala kulli hal ..

M. Firdaus wrote:
  Yang ingin di highlight kan bukanlah suatu masalah... tapi nak bagitau 
inilah satu rahamat yang Allah bagi apabila berada di bawah naungan Islam. 
Belum lagi MB Ustaz Azizan keluarkan sebarang kenyataan ttg perkara2 tersebut 
rakyat telah mula sedar dan ambil langkah. Inilah yang dikatakan dakwah bil 
hal. Tanpa perlu banyak bicara orang sudah memahami. 

Abd Mutalib wrote:
  Reality bites in PAS-led Kedah means (as per article):
1. Concern that beer cannot be consumed openly.
2.Concern that Muslims women need to cover up their heads and other
body parts as required by Islam..
3 Concern that lavish event cannot be held anymore.
4. Worry about future but could not properly identify what are they.

So what is really the problem? Anyone has any problem with the above
concern. Pls respond.

 M. Firdaus Ibrahim 11/03/2008 09:42 
ALOR STAR: The realities of living and working under a PAS-led Kedah
are beginning to take effect. Hotels and entertainment outlets are
already making adjustments they deem necessary to suit the
unprecedented political environment here. A top hotel in the town
centre here has removed its beer till at the coffee house. 
Expecting good business: Anis (left) helping customer Sharifah
Mastura, 65, adjust her headscarf as two other customers, Sakinah
(right) and Siti, look on in Alor Star Monday.
Beer will still be sold. We just don't want to make it obvious,
said an executive. Another hotel is reviewing the dress code for
staff. We do not think skirts will be suitable any more, said
an official there. Other establishments used to hosting lavish
events are worried that they may have seen the last of such functions
under the new PAS-PKR government. A company official said he has
been making his rounds at Wisma Darulaman, which houses the Mentri Besar
and state exco offices, to keep the relationship intact with the new
government. State PAS Commissioner Azizan Abdul Razak, 68, was
sworn in as the new MB on Sunday after the opposition swept 22 of the 36
state seats. Some business operators here, unsure of what's in
store, are even telephoning their counterparts in Kelantan to get an
idea of how things are under PAS-rule there. In Pekan Cina, Chinese
traders believe there would be no major changes. The PAS-led
government does not
have a two-thirds majority in Kedah. So they cannot make whimsical
changes, said one of them. Anis Ariffin, who operates the popular
Zinni women's accessories shop in Jalan Sultan Badlishah, was
unperturbed with the change of government here. I expect to sell
even more tudung (headscarves) from now, she quipped. 

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2008-02-12 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Minggu, 06 Mei 2007, Kemang Selatan - Jakarta

“Wawancara Dengan dr.Ahmad al-Qadhi”

Kedokteran Islam Kini hangat dibicarakan para ahli. Berawal dari metode 
pengobatan baru yang diterapkan dr.Ahmad al-Qadhi, Ahli Kedokteran Di Islamic 
Medical Centre Florida, Amerika Serikat, sembilan tahun setelah ia bersama 
team-nya terjun menangani pasien. Hasilnya sungguh menakjubkan, antara 70% 
hingga 80% pasien yang semula dianggap menderita penyakit seumur hidup, dengan 
pertolongan Allah SWT berhasil sembuh. Apa rahasianya ? Dokter keluaran 
Universitas Viena, yang terkenal sebagai ahli bedah di A.S. ini menyatakan 
rahasia itu ada dalam petunjuk al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Berikut ini 
adalah hasil wawancara dengan dr.Ahmad al-Qadhi. 

1. Kapan Anda Mulai Menekuni Kedokteran Islam ? Bisa Anda Ceritakan Sepintas 
Pengalaman Ilmiah Anda Dalam Hal Ini ? 

- Saya Tertarik Pada Kedokteran Islam sejak Saya mendalami Islam itu sendiri. 
Dari sana Saya yakin bahwa Islam Merupakan Agama Kehidupan yang semakin 
dihubungkan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, semakin jelas kebaikan dan relevansinya. 
Dahulu, umumnya orang memahami istilah Kedokteran Islam terbatas pada 
pengertian Pribadi Muslim dan konsekuensi moral mereka dalam menjalankan 
tugasnya. Sebenarnya istilah Kedokteran Islam itu luas, mencakup substansi ilmu 
kedokteran itu sendiri. 

- Islam Adalah Agama yang integral. Itu Karakter Pertama dalam Kedokteran 
Islam. Artinya, Islam merupakan simbol yang mencakup seluruh masalah. Karakter 
Kedua, prinsip-prinsip ilmu pengetahuan harus dibangun di atas petunjuk Allah 
SWT. Apa yang dimaksud Thayyib ( baik ) ? Apa yang dimaksud Khabits ( buruk ) ? 
Pengertiannya tidak begitu saja diserahkan pada Ijtihad manusia. 

- Karakter Ketiga, Alamiah, artinya ilmu Islam harus dapat digunakan dimana 
saja. Karakter Keempat, mencakup berbagai masalah secara teoretis. Karakter 
Kelima, ilmiah, maksudnya adalah kemestian melakukan penelitian yang cermat, 
evaluasi detil dan kesimpulan logis, inilah Metode al-Qur’an. Saya yakin, jika 
kita berpegang pada Lima Karakter Asasi ini, secara otomatis kita akan 
memperoleh Karakter Keenam, yakni Tamayyuz ( keistimewaan ). Kedokteran Islam 
telah berhasil disaat Kedokteran Modern gagal mengatasinya. 

- Sejak Sembilan Tahun terakhir kami menerapkan metode tersebut dalam praktek 
kedokteran. Dengan pertolongan Allah SWT, kami berhasil mengobati banyak 
penyakit, yang sebelumnya menurut kaidah dan penelitian Kedokteran Modern tidak 
mungkin disembuhkan. 

2. Apa Yang Anda Maksud Dengan Kedokteran Islam ? 

- Salah Satu Definisi Kedokteran Islam adalah semua muncul dari dunia 
kedokteran, baik berbentuk teknologi atau pengetahuan, yang tidak berbenturan 
dengan petunjuk Rabbani, bahkan terikat dengan petunjuk Rabbani. 

3. Apa Saja Lapangan Dan Cabang-Cabang Ilmu Dalam Konsep Kedokteran Islam Yang 
Anda Maksud ? 

- Kedokteran Islam Mencakup seluruh ilmu pengetahuan. dan sebenarnya semua ilmu 
pengetahuan perlu diluruskan dan dikaji kembali sampai berjalan sesuai dengan 
Karakter Islam. Tapi menurut hemat kami yang paling penting untuk dikaji ulang 
adalah bidang Psikologi atau Ilmu Kejiwaan. Ilmu Psikologi harus dikaji ulang 
secara mendasar. Karena ilmu Psikologi mengobati jiwa dan ruh manusia, dan hal 
itu merupakan faktor asasi yang menjadi fokus arahan petunjuk Rabbani dan 
nilai-nilai Islam. 

- Meski Kini Telah diterapkan ilmu Psikologi Modern, namun tingkat kesengsaraan 
semakin banyak. Stress, kegagalan, broken home dan jumlah mereka yang mati 
bunuh diri. Psikologi Modern gagal mengobati pasien secara baik. Kondisi ini 
disebabkan metode pengobatan jiwa yang tidak dilakukan secara mendalam. Selain 
tidak merujuk kepada Metode al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW, sebagai metode 
yang paling sesuai dengan fitrah, dan dilakukan tanpa melihat keyakinan si 
pasien. Muslim atau Non Muslim. 

- Yang Jelas, kami bukan orang pertama yang menemukan metode Kedokteran Islam, 
sebab banyak orang selain kami yang juga menerapkannya. Metode ini merupakan 
metode alami, yang berjalan selaras dengan teori ilmiah yang benar. Di samping 
menggunakan faktor kecerdasan manusia, juga mengambil petunjuk dari al-Qur’an 
dan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. 

4. Bagaimana Metode Penyembuhan Yang Anda Lakukan ? 

- Menyembuhkan Penyakit Seumur hidup, mungkin dianggap sebagian orang mustahil. 
Kami tidak menyembuhkan penyakit, namun berupaya memfungsikan faktor-faktor 
penyembuh secara alami yang Allah SWT berikan di dalam tubuh manusia. Bila 
faktor penyembuh ( ) ini telah berfungsi kembali, secara otomatis 
tubuh akan terbebas dari penyakit. Karenanya, metode yang kami lakukan pada 
dasarnya adalah satu, namun dapat diterapkan untuk seluruh penyakit. 

- Ada Sepuluh Poin dalam pengobatan kami. Pertama, Poin Makanan. Untuk 
melakukannya perlu belajar, lebih dari sekedar obat 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] JANGAN LUPA JASA BN / At what price the future of your children?

2008-02-11 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
w'alkmslm yaa akyi,
  appreciated. if u could make doa for me..insyaAllah.
  Salamun Ala Mursalin.


I normally do not reply to comments, especially from such as yours; I only 
intend to send news which either have not been highlighted or hidden by the 
mainstream media in Malaysia. If you chose not to brighten your scope of 
thinking limiting yourself to your take, be my guest. Malaysia after all, is a 
supposedly democratic country which sweeps corruption news under the carpet and 
away from the public eyes. To me at least, my conscience is clear as I have 
dispensed my duty in trying to inform the public of the misdeeds of the office 


  Yaa akyi ,
  Orang yang Istikomah ber-Istigfar, Insya Allah dosanya akan terhapus. 
  Ali ra. menuturkan, Rasulullah SAW bersabda : 
  Setiap penyakit ada obatnya, dan obat segala dosa adalah ber-Istigfar.
  If I could recall there is a saying :
  Great people talk about ideas : Average people talk about things : 
  small people talk about other people


Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat (DPP Pusat) tertarik dengan ingatan yang dibuat oleh 
Menteri MITI yang juga Ketua Wanita Umno, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz supaya rakyat 
tidak melupakan jasa BN dalam membangunkan negara ini. Kenyataan Menteri MITI 
begitu jelas menunjukkan kebimbangan BN terhadap kemahuan rakyat untuk berubah 
sehingga rakyat dipujuk dengan pembangunan yang telah dibuat oleh BN. Bagi DPP 
Pusat, apa yang tidak boleh dilupakan oleh rakyat bukannya jasa BN, tetapi 
pengkhianatan BN, khususnya oleh Rafidah sendiri ke atas kepentingan rakyat dan 

  Adalah sesuatu yang memalukan apabila kita bercakap tentang jasa kita untuk 
dikenang oleh rakyat, sedangkan memang kita diberi tanggungjawab untuk perkara 
tersebut. Ini bukannya jasa, tetapi melaksanakan tugas. Menteri diberikan gaji 
oleh rakyat untuk membangunkan negara, dan ini bukan sesuatu yang percuma 
diberikan kepada rakyat. Malaysia membangun bukan dengan duit menteri, bahkan 
rakyat membayar gaji untuk kerja-kerja mereka. Tidak timbul soal jasa kerana 
itu satu tugasan. Jika sebelum ini rakyat memberikan tugas kepada BN, kini 
rakyat memberikan tugas ini kepada PAS/BA pula dan ia bukanlah satu tindakan 
yang melupakan jasa, sebaliknya satu perubahan untuk sesuatu yang lebih baik.

  Jika hendak dikatakan sebagai jasa juga, rakyat harus menilai pengkhianatan, 
penyelewengan, salah laku, rasuah, kronisme dan nepotisme yang dilakukan oleh 
Kerajaan BN dalam membangunkan negara ini. Apakah patut kita mengenang dan 
menghargai ‘jasa’ orang-orang yang pecah amanah walaupun ia menyumbang kepada 
pembangunan negara. Jika tidak berlaku pecah amanah, mungkin pembangunan yang 
lebih baik dapat disediakan. DPP Pusat percaya bahawa rakyat masih belum 
melupai beberapa isu yang tercetus di MITI seperti pembahagian saham kepada 
menantu Menteri MITI, kegagalan projek MATRADE, kronisme dalam agihan AP kereta 
mewah dan lain-lain sehingga Tun Dr Mahathir sendiri menyerang penyelewengan 
Rafidah ini.

  Rakyat tidak perlu keliru dengan wajah-wajah manis dengan janji-janji 
pembangunan serta ungkitan-ungkitan jasa oleh pemimpin BN menjelang pilihan 
raya ini. Sebelum ini pemimpin BN bercakap tentang jasa-jasa Suharto terhadap 
Indonesia, sedangkan mangsa-mangsa politik Suharto bercakap tentang kezaliman 
dan penyelewengan bekas presiden itu. Yang cuba diketengahkan oleh media 
hanyalah jasa-jasa, tetapi kezaliman dan penyelewengan disembunyikan. Rafidah 
nampaknya cuba menggunakan pendekatan yang sama dengan mengajak rakyat 
menghargai jasa BN dalam membangunkan negara, walhal beliau sendiri telah 
terpalit dengan dosa-dosa penyelewengan harta negara. DPP Pusat menyeru supaya 
rakyat menolak pemimpin dan kerajaan seperti ini. 
Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat 

At what price will you sell the future of your children?  The People’s 
  On 15th August last year, Dr M spoke at length to a large gathering of 
bloggers at the Perdana Leadership Foundation headquarters in Putrajaya.

  The Malaysiakini report on this event had it that Dr M had said, amongst 
other things, that in the next general election, there would be widespread vote 

  “It is for certain that in the coming general election, a lot of money would 
be spent in vote buying… if the ruling parties do this, we would be governed by 
a government that is outrightly involved in corruption… For RM200, people are 
willing to sell their votes. They are not just selling their votes. Dia jual 
maaruahnya (he is selling his 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] HOW DO I LOOK SYNDROME

2008-02-10 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
  Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim 
Innal-Hamdalillah was-Salaatu was-Salaam `alaa Rasoolillah
#1593;#1604;#1610;#1603;#1605; #1608;#1585;#1581;#1605;#1577; 
#1575;#1604;#1604;#1607; #1608;#1576;#1585;#1603;#1575;#1578;#1607; 
  A Time For Thought.
A Time For Change.
A Time For Action.
  And when it is said to them: Make not mischief on the earth, they say: We 
are only peacemakers. 
Verily! They are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive not. 
And when it is said to them: Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad 
Peace be upon him, Al-Ansâr and Al-Muhajirûn) have believed, they say: Shall 
we believe as the fools have believed? Verily, they are the fools, but they 
know not. [Quran 2:11-13]
  38:87 Al Qur'an ini tidak lain hanyalah peringatan bagi semesta alam.   
[Qur'an:Message to all the Worlds]   
#1573;#1616;#1606;#1618; #1607;#1615;#1608;#1614; 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawi  
  38:88 Dan sesungguhnya kamu akan mengetahui (kebenaran) berita Al Qur'an 
setelah beberapa waktu lagi  

#1576;#1614;#1593;#1618;#1583;#1614; #1581;#1616;#1610;#1606;#1613; 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawi

   ??? Is he a religious  person ! ! ! 
  Was he or Is he ..! ! !! ! !  YANGKU CARI AL - GHAZALI ! 
! ! 
  Dah lupa surah AL Baqarah ayat : 120 
  2:120 Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless 
thou follow their form of religion. Say: The Guidance of Allah,-that is the 
(only) Guidance. Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which 
hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against 
Allah. -  English
  2:120 Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga 
kamu mengikuti agama mereka. Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah itulah 
petunjuk (yang benar). Dan sesungguhnya jika kamu mengikuti kemauan mereka 
setelah pengetahuan datang kepadamu, maka Allah tidak lagi menjadi pelindung 
dan penolong bagimu. 
#1602;#1615;#1604;#1618; #1573;#1616;#1606;#1617;#1614; 
#1607;#1615;#1583;#1614;#1609; #1575;#1604;#1604;#1617;#1607;#1616; 
#1580;#1614;#1575;#1569;#1603;#1614; #1605;#1616;#1606;#1614; 
#1605;#1614;#1575; #1604;#1614;#1603;#1614; #1605;#1616;#1606;#1614; 
#1575;#1604;#1604;#1617;#1607;#1616; #1605;#1616;#1606; 
#1606;#1614;#1589;#1616;#1610;#1585;#1613; (2:120) 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawi
  panggilan orang bukanislam pada orang Islam pak ji ...singkatan seratus 
dua puloh bukan maksud Pa' Haji.
  So remind them (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)), you are only a one who 

And when a community among them said: Why do you preach to a people whom 
All#257;h is about to destroy or to punish with a severe torment? (The 
preachers) said: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord (All#257;h), 
and perhaps they may fear All#257;h. (7:164)
  Abdullah Ahmad Badawi  
 mr.  How do I LOOK !
  Abdullah was born to a prominent religious family. His father, Ahmad Badawi, 
was a prominent religious figure and UMNO member. Badawi's maternal 
grandfather, Ha Su-chiang (also known as Hassan), was a Chinese Muslim who came 
from Sanya in Hainan.
  [Impressing others!]
  The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of 
Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr.
  He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will 
recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He 
will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have 

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] JANGAN LUPA JASA BN / At what price the future of your children?

2008-02-08 Terurut Topik SHAIK TAMBY ADAM
Yaa akyi ,
  Orang yang Istikomah ber-Istigfar, Insya Allah dosanya akan terhapus. 
  Ali ra. menuturkan, Rasulullah SAW bersabda : 
  Setiap penyakit ada obatnya, dan obat segala dosa adalah ber-Istigfar.
  If I could recall there is a saying :
  Great people talk about ideas : Average people talk about things : 
  small people talk about other people


Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat (DPP Pusat) tertarik dengan ingatan yang dibuat oleh 
Menteri MITI yang juga Ketua Wanita Umno, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz supaya rakyat 
tidak melupakan jasa BN dalam membangunkan negara ini. Kenyataan Menteri MITI 
begitu jelas menunjukkan kebimbangan BN terhadap kemahuan rakyat untuk berubah 
sehingga rakyat dipujuk dengan pembangunan yang telah dibuat oleh BN. Bagi DPP 
Pusat, apa yang tidak boleh dilupakan oleh rakyat bukannya jasa BN, tetapi 
pengkhianatan BN, khususnya oleh Rafidah sendiri ke atas kepentingan rakyat dan 

  Adalah sesuatu yang memalukan apabila kita bercakap tentang jasa kita untuk 
dikenang oleh rakyat, sedangkan memang kita diberi tanggungjawab untuk perkara 
tersebut. Ini bukannya jasa, tetapi melaksanakan tugas. Menteri diberikan gaji 
oleh rakyat untuk membangunkan negara, dan ini bukan sesuatu yang percuma 
diberikan kepada rakyat. Malaysia membangun bukan dengan duit menteri, bahkan 
rakyat membayar gaji untuk kerja-kerja mereka. Tidak timbul soal jasa kerana 
itu satu tugasan. Jika sebelum ini rakyat memberikan tugas kepada BN, kini 
rakyat memberikan tugas ini kepada PAS/BA pula dan ia bukanlah satu tindakan 
yang melupakan jasa, sebaliknya satu perubahan untuk sesuatu yang lebih baik.

  Jika hendak dikatakan sebagai jasa juga, rakyat harus menilai pengkhianatan, 
penyelewengan, salah laku, rasuah, kronisme dan nepotisme yang dilakukan oleh 
Kerajaan BN dalam membangunkan negara ini. Apakah patut kita mengenang dan 
menghargai ‘jasa’ orang-orang yang pecah amanah walaupun ia menyumbang kepada 
pembangunan negara. Jika tidak berlaku pecah amanah, mungkin pembangunan yang 
lebih baik dapat disediakan. DPP Pusat percaya bahawa rakyat masih belum 
melupai beberapa isu yang tercetus di MITI seperti pembahagian saham kepada 
menantu Menteri MITI, kegagalan projek MATRADE, kronisme dalam agihan AP kereta 
mewah dan lain-lain sehingga Tun Dr Mahathir sendiri menyerang penyelewengan 
Rafidah ini.

  Rakyat tidak perlu keliru dengan wajah-wajah manis dengan janji-janji 
pembangunan serta ungkitan-ungkitan jasa oleh pemimpin BN menjelang pilihan 
raya ini. Sebelum ini pemimpin BN bercakap tentang jasa-jasa Suharto terhadap 
Indonesia, sedangkan mangsa-mangsa politik Suharto bercakap tentang kezaliman 
dan penyelewengan bekas presiden itu. Yang cuba diketengahkan oleh media 
hanyalah jasa-jasa, tetapi kezaliman dan penyelewengan disembunyikan. Rafidah 
nampaknya cuba menggunakan pendekatan yang sama dengan mengajak rakyat 
menghargai jasa BN dalam membangunkan negara, walhal beliau sendiri telah 
terpalit dengan dosa-dosa penyelewengan harta negara. DPP Pusat menyeru supaya 
rakyat menolak pemimpin dan kerajaan seperti ini. 
Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat 

At what price will you sell the future of your children?  The People’s 
  On 15th August last year, Dr M spoke at length to a large gathering of 
bloggers at the Perdana Leadership Foundation headquarters in Putrajaya.

  The Malaysiakini report on this event had it that Dr M had said, amongst 
other things, that in the next general election, there would be widespread vote 

  “It is for certain that in the coming general election, a lot of money would 
be spent in vote buying… if the ruling parties do this, we would be governed by 
a government that is outrightly involved in corruption… For RM200, people are 
willing to sell their votes. They are not just selling their votes. Dia jual 
maaruahnya (he is selling his dignity)”, Malaysiakini reports Dr M as having 


  I was at the event and I can confirm that this last quote is not accurate. 
What Dr M said was that the Malays will sell their votes for RM200. At least 
the Chinese would not sell their vote for this miserable sum, he remarked. They 
will sell it at a higher price.

  That explains the Malaysiakini report today entitled ‘Election goodies for 
Chinese community’ about a pre-CNY promise to build six Chinese primary schools 
in Sungai Long, Kajang, Bukit Serdang, Rawang in Selangor, Wangsa Maju in Kuala 
Lumpur and Danga Bay in Johor.

  The report has it that Ong Ka Ting said, “I want to thank Hishammuddin. He 
has always been fair and considerate in listening to the problems faced by 
Chinese schools.” and “this is good news for the 

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