Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 9.0 e java

2003-01-06 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il dom, 2003-01-05 alle 15:57, Sandro Porrazzini ha scritto:

 Prova con la 1.4 - va bene.
 La trovi sull'ultimo numero di Computer Magazine

Scusa, volevo dire Linux Magazine e non Computer Magazine

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

[newbie-it] Mozilla messenger.....

2003-01-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Salve picciotti,

  non riesco a capire perchè quando cerco di madare una mail con più di un allegato, o 
comunque cerco di navigare mentre scarico la posta (Uso Mozilla), mi si impalla il 
modem, tiene la linea con il server ma non riceve ne invia byte. La disconnessione è 
impossibile sono brutalmete riavviando X ( ctr + alt + backspace). Avevo pensato si 
trattasse del server, ( impossibile con linux che una semplice operazione diventi 
impossibile da eseguire ) e invece l'outlook di Windows mi ha inviato le stesse mail 
con lo stesso provider senza alcun problema! Qualcuno può suggerirmi di cosa si 
potrebbe trattare?

Vi ringrazio e baciamo le mani a tutti pari!

Versione Linux: Mandrake 9.0, Mozilla in dotazione
Modem: conexant hsf 56k
PC: Intel PIII 866 mhz, 128mb ram

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 9.0 e java

2003-01-06 Thread Tommaso
Salve a tutti,
io ho installato la versione 1.4.0 della J2SDK nella cartella /opt e ho creato 
il corretto link simbolico nella directory dei plugin di mozilla ma non ho 
assolutamente la facoltà di avvalermi di tale plugin.
Che il problema sia nel fatto che non ho aggiunto la cartella degli eseguibili 
java alla mia path? Se si, come faccio a farlo (ho provato ad aggiungere la 
al file /etc/profile per rendere la modifica globalmente riconosciuta (a tutti 
gli utenti) ma non ho avuto alcun risultato)

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 9.0 e java

2003-01-06 Thread Giovanni Coan
 --- Tommaso [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  Salve a
 io ho installato la versione 1.4.0 della J2SDK nella
 cartella /opt e ho creato 
 il corretto link simbolico nella directory dei
 plugin di mozilla ma non ho 
 assolutamente la facoltà di avvalermi di tale
 Che il problema sia nel fatto che non ho aggiunto la
 cartella degli eseguibili 
 java alla mia path? Se si, come faccio a farlo (ho
 provato ad aggiungere la 
 al file /etc/profile per rendere la modifica
 globalmente riconosciuta (a tutti 
 gli utenti) ma non ho avuto alcun risultato)
Esperienza personale : fai prima a copiare i plugin di
java nei plugins di mozilla...ppoi funziona tutto


Giovanni A. Coan
Medico chirurgo
V. Aldo Moro,5
40036 Monzuno (BO)

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con pacchetti rpm

2003-01-06 Thread Giuseppe

Daniele Micci wrote:

Alle 17:46, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

Ciao a tutti!
Sono un utente linux da soli 2 mesi e ho un problema con i pacchetti

Fino a 1 settimana fa funzionava tutto, ma da oggi quando avvio il

file rpm da kde o da terminale mi chiude la finestra di dialogo mentre fa
il controllo delle dipendenze, premetto che qualche giorno fa ho
installato solamente delle librerie libmng da rpm e ora non va con nessun
pacchetto. Vi ringrazio e spero di risolvere questo problema!

Ciao, prova a verificare che non si sia ingarbugliato il database dei 
pacchetti rpm. Dalla console di root, prova a digitare:
rpm --rebuilddb
quindi vedi se riesci a portare a termine l'installazione dei pacchetti che 


Grazie mille per l'aiuto, ho provato a fare come mi hai detto ma di dà lo stesso
problema, pensi che è meglio reinstallare tutto?


La libreria libmng è installata di default all'inizio quando installi il 
sistema operativo linux
perchè serve al sistema  X window, e i window manager per il sistema 
grafico sono KDE, Gome ecc.
e queste librerie servono appunto a KDE perchè a loro volta servono alle 
librerie qt.

Si può ipotizzare qualcosa ma non penso che il database centri, prova 
per il momento a digitare da root
la seguente riga di comando e preferibilmente in modalità testo senza 
entrare nel sistema X window:
# rpm -qa | grep libmng
I file elencati da questa interrogazione al database sono quelli che hai 
installato ?


Re: [newbie-it] usb storage

2003-01-06 Thread Giovanni Coan
 --- Sandro Porrazzini [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Il dom, 2003-01-05 alle 14:56, Giovanni Coan ha
  Grazie, ho seguito tutti i vostri consigli e
 adesso ho
  /dev/sda1...Però quando provo di montarlo con il
  comando mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera
  come risposta  /dev/sda1 non un dispositivo a
  valido Cosa devo fare? Vorrei tanto vedere la mia
 Il mount lo fai come root?
 Inoltre prova anche con sda2, ecc.
Ci ho provato, ma la risposta è la stessa...QUalcuno
sa dirmi come fare o almeno perchè questa risposta?
 Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
 Linux User # 203143
 Linux Machine # 175781

Giovanni A. Coan
Medico chirurgo
V. Aldo Moro,5
40036 Monzuno (BO)

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] usb storage

2003-01-06 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il lun, 2003-01-06 alle 18:09, Giovanni Coan ha scritto:

  Inoltre prova anche con sda2, ecc.
 Ci ho provato, ma la risposta è la stessa...QUalcuno
 sa dirmi come fare o almeno perchè questa risposta?

Scusa, fai un'ulteriore prova: come device dai sda - senza nessun numero
Altrimenti non mi viene più niente in mente (per ora).

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] modem Lucent

2003-01-06 Thread tom

Il modem è di un ACER TravelMate 525 TX.

Modem: Lucent Technologies Soft Modem AMR ubicato su Driver WDM per
acceleratore audio Ali (Ali). (a detta di xp)

come periferica pci è riconosciuto (se cosi si puo dire) cosi:

00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi] M5451 PCI 
AC-Link Controller Audio Device (rev 01)
Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI]: Unknown device 1010
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 10
I/O ports at 9000 [size=256]
Memory at 8220 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 2

Suppongo che sia integrato con scheda audio (considerando che non ho mai avuto 
a che fare con portatili).

Qualcuno in lista ha fatto funzionare sto modem? anche se ne dubito,visto che 
è un AMR!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con pacchetti rpm

2003-01-06 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 01:48, lunedì 6 gennaio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  Fino a 1 settimana fa funzionava tutto, ma da oggi quando avvio il
 file rpm da kde o da terminale mi chiude la finestra di dialogo mentre
 il controllo delle dipendenze, premetto che qualche giorno fa ho
 installato solamente delle librerie libmng da rpm e ora non va con nessun
 pacchetto. Vi ringrazio e spero di risolvere questo problema!
 Ciao, prova a verificare che non si sia ingarbugliato il database dei 
 pacchetti rpm. Dalla console di root, prova a digitare:
 rpm --rebuilddb
 quindi vedi se riesci a portare a termine l'installazione dei pacchetti
 Grazie mille per l'aiuto, ho provato a fare come mi hai detto ma di dà lo
 problema, pensi che è meglio reinstallare tutto?

Ciao, il bello di Linux (fra le tante altre cose) è che di solito non esiste 
un sistema irrecuperabile: basta saper dove mettere le mani ed avere un po' 
di pazienza per riuscire a rimettere le cose a posto senza dover 
reinstallare per ogni scemata (come in quell'altro sistema operativo di cui 
non ricordo più il nome... ;) ). Però, nonostante io utilizzi Linux da un 
paio di anni, non ho ancora avuto il tempo e il modo di approfondirne 
troppo la conoscenza, quindi non so aiutarti. Spero che qualcuno in lista 
più esperto di me sappia esserti d'aiuto!



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] usb storage

2003-01-06 Thread Giovanni Coan

 Scusa, fai un'ulteriore prova: come device dai sda -
 senza nessun numero
 Altrimenti non mi viene più niente in mente (per
Mi dice : /dev/sda non un dispositivo di blocchi
Ciao e grazie mille per l'interessamento.

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

[newbie-it] Latex!

2003-01-06 Thread Nicola
Buon Giorno alla ML!!
Non preoccupatevi, questo non è lo stesso messaggio di alcune settimane fa, è 
solo che non ho molta fantasia :-(
Ho la tesi sul tavolo, pronta ad essere rilegata, ma non sono ancora in salvo.
Adesso mi sono messo a creare (sempre con latex) i lucidi, per quando dovrò 
esporrema mi sono inbattuto in alcune difficoltà. 
Prima su tutte la mia incapacità nel trovare un manuale specifico per la 
creazione di slide con latex (sono sicuro che tra la documentazione ci deve 
essere, ma non riesco a trovarlo...)
Secondo ho un problema specifico con un comando:
non riesco a trovarlo descritto da nessuna parte (il nome del comando mi è 
stato tramandato da un sempai), ed in particolare non riesco a trovare la 
lista dei simboli

Grazie a tutti!
Solo gli adulti hanno difficolta' con i tappi a prova di bambino.

Re: [newbie-it] usb storage

2003-01-06 Thread Giuseppe
 Sandro Porrazzini wrote:

Il lun, 2003-01-06 alle 18:09, Giovanni Coan ha scritto:


Inoltre prova anche con sda2, ecc.

Ci ho provato, ma la risposta è la stessa...QUalcuno
sa dirmi come fare o almeno perchè questa risposta?


Scusa, fai un'ulteriore prova: come device dai sda - senza nessun numero
Altrimenti non mi viene più niente in mente (per ora).


Prova questo comando da root con camera digitale collegata al computer:
# tail -f /var/log/messages
dovresti poter leggere un messaggio tipo: Initializing USB Mass Storage 
driver ...
la tua macchina dovrebbe venire registrata e agganciata come device sda 
per esempio.
Allora il problema è solo nel montare bene il dispositivo sul tuo 
filesystem e questo
output ti è di aiuto a farlo.

Se però, come penso, non viene riconosciuta allora usa quest'altro 
comando sempre da root:
# lsusb
avrai diversi output e se compare una Device con ID e magari un nome 
produttore che sembra
essere quello della tua fotocamera il problema è ancora facilmente 

Se invece all'output del comando suddetto non trovi nessuna informazione 
relativamente alla
tua fotocamera allora dovresti cominciare a preoccuparti a meno che non 
trovi una bravo hacker.

Se farai in tempo ad acquistare  la rivista Linux Pratico di Dicembre 
2002 (speciale fotografia)
che forse ancora è reperibile in edicola c'è un articolo esaustivo di 
come poter configurare una
fotocamera non supportata dal kernel, inoltre troverai i tre CD 
dell'ultima versione di
RedHat Linux 8.0 che è bello averla e provarla.

Spero di esserti stato di aiuto.

Ciao da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
james Mellema wrote:

On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 11:49, walt wrote:

Actually the only thing republicans are doing is creating an unnecessary
war but that has nothing to do with linux.. besides, Linux users must be
left wing liberal Democrats because they don't follow the norm..



Whose is Norm?

I vote for:
KDE, libertarian, mechanist, Alaskan ANWAR oil exploration.

May I as a list member on a dial-up connection with limited mail box 
space ask WhoTF Norm  is and WhyTF politics are doing on a linux list? 
Come on guys answer a few questions or take your non-linux stuff off list


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Re: [newbie] Re: Archives

2003-01-06 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Chris wrote:

On Saturday 04 January 2003 11:21 am, Todd Slater decided to hunt and peck on 
the keyboard and typed:


The list does not provide that feature.


So, if I'm looking to see how to access my new Sony MVC-CD250 digital camera I 
have to search through the entire archives?

Basically, yes cos Mandrake or anyone else with a permanent Internet 
connection doesn't support the feature of doing an email query of the 
archives for MVC-CD250.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Star Trek Nemesis

2003-01-06 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Steve Jeppesen wrote:

I had heard a cast member was going to be killed off...from the looks of
it Will was going to be it.  LOL I actually cried when that cast member
was finished off!  Did you notice who made guest appearances?  Odd I
must say the least and one of them did not even have any lines in the


On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 20:25:39 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Just got home.  Will was a little older and broader, but in remarkably
good shape considering how often he's fired at


Can we please take this VERY OT S _ _ T off the linux list??

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[newbie] Kernel problem

2003-01-06 Thread Dirk Bull
Hi all

I have a problem with the shmat() function. It works correctly when one 
doesn't specify an address where the segment should be attached, but fails 
when one does. To specify an address it must be alligned and I did by using  
__attribute__ (aligned()). Still the function fails. My question is what is 
the most effective way for a solution to this problem.


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Re: [newbie] HELP

2003-01-06 Thread Michael Adams
On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 20:55, Tomas Andersson wrote:

NO, I'm busy.


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Re: [newbie] I finally did it!!

2003-01-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Sunday 05 January 2003 10:01 am, John Richard Smith wrote:


funny you should  mention that I'm having much the same message too.
I don't think mplayer is instyalling right with M9.0 , don't know the
reason yet.
I'm beginning to suspect the compiler.


but I had no problems with the DVD ROM on
this computer under windows. oh well, back to optimizing my machine...



I've got a faster 'puter now (AMD XP2100) but I had Mplayer running just fine 
on my 900 mhz Athlon and my sons' 850 mhz Duron.

What CPU/mem are you using?


CPU 1800 athlon, 512mb ddr memory

Incidentally, this very same computer has dual linux booting, and on M8.2
which also has mplayer installed  everything works fine, though I did 
with the mandated gcc compiler of the time, not the standard gcc on M8.2
Whereas I used the standard gcc compiler that comes with M9.0

Now I'm not saying it is the compiler, but it's one posibility, choice of
video driver maybe something here , I don't know, I do know mplayer
itself will play but only without an index scan, but  gmplayer
will not play properly at all and only then with no index scan option
and I get the error message about video stream too slow, which it
is , although in my case it does not lag behind the audio stream,
it just stops momentarily and then proceeds. Remember this
is all going on in M9.0 , but over in M8.2 all is fine, though it
is an earlier version of mplayer installed there.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] I finally did it!! -OT

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:57 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 The only moment of slight uplift I have ever received from them,just once,
 when my youngest daughter once said , back at school, where all there
 equipement is windblows, and where painshop pro is the norm, my daughter
 said she met a school teacher today who said he wished her could install
 linux because he thought gimp was a better programme and he would of liked
 to show my daughter how to use it to do a certain task which he said it did
 much better than Paintshop pro did. But if I had said the same she would
 not of believed me, indeed she actually said to him , well my father uses
 gimp all the time, and he said why don't you ask him to show you how to use
 it. But she never does.

So install Gimp for windows on her computer, and show her how easily she can 
do something.  It looks identical, to me.  I think this is one of the great 
bridging tools.


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Re: SV: SV: [newbie] OT - Star Trek Nemesis

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 12:54 am, Jason Greenwood wrote:
 LOL can also be lots of laughs
 Don't forget:
 iirc = if I recall correctly
 BOFH = Bastard Operator from Hell
 AFAIK = As Far as I Know

Can't remember from yesterday - old age, doncha know :) -

have we had

FWIW = for what it's worth



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Re: [newbie] OT - Star Trek Nemesis

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 3:33 am, Richard Babcock wrote:
 They what? You gave it away! I haven't seen that movie yet!

Gerraway - how many years is it?


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Re: [newbie] Interesting article reviewing MDK v9.0 (long)

2003-01-06 Thread Jerry
I know where you're coming from Russ.  I've been the (unwilling) appointed Fix my 
computer, please guy in the family/circle of friends.  Up until about a month ago I 
ran a dual boot system which (much to my dismay) ended up being used as a Windows 
machine.  Finally, after having my moments of wanting to throw the computer out the 
window, I upgraded my hardware and re-installed 9.0 which, for the most part, I'm 
happy with.  (I do agree with some of his points on 9.0's shortcomings but by all 
means not all... especially his gripe with package selection.  If he'd used the full 
list instead of the groupings he wouldn't have had the problem and it's clearly 
The learning curve is the issue that is the hardest to deal with when trying to 
pitch a GNU/Linux distribution.  My first home computer was a small keyboard looking 
thing that had BASIC commands as functions of the keyboard and hooked up to the 
Television.  I've gone through an Atari 5400, a Comodore 64 (still, by all rights a 
great machine in its time) the introduction of DOS, an Apple IIe, all the way up to 
modern computers.  Though up until the last year and a half or so my *nix experience 
was VERY LIMITED, I picked up on it fairly quickly for someone steeped in Windows.  
My whole outlook on computers is that if you don't know how they work, you shouldn't 
own one, plain and simple, until you LEARN.  I don't know how many tech support 
calls I've received from friends who didn't even know what Windows Explorer was, what 
a driver was, what a dos prompt was, or even how to empty the recycle bin.  
On the other hand computers have become ubiquitous in our society and some knowledge 
of at least how to point and click your way through a basic system is needed, so I've 
tried to go a little easier on people.  Dell, Compaq, HP, Gateway, and the like along 
with Windows have made it pretty easy to get a pre-installed system and get going 
which is both good and bad for users.  Good because they can use a computer but bad 
because they don't understand how they do what they do.
Herein lies the problem with switching to a *nix system.  Even the best graphical 
system requires at least a basic knowledge of the command line.  Mandrake's come SO 
CLOSE that, IMO it's the only distro I would recommend for a first time user migrating 
from w32, but I would not recommend it to the lady down the street who still uses a 
typewriter at work that just got her first machine ( a 500 dollar computer.. 
that's gotta have GREAT HARDWARE lol).  15 years ago, if Mandrake 9.0 was released, 
the world would look at Mr. Gates and laugh today because there was still a lot of the 
command line involved then.  GNU/Linux would have soared.  It was all a matter of 
timing.  I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to have real ease of use, but it can be 
detrimental overall when it comes to total knowledge.
So the way I deal with it is, when someone wants me to fix their machine I put THEM in 
front of it.  I make THEM fix their machine with my help.  This frustrates my friends 
at first but in the end I have to believe that I've helped them understand computers 
at least a little more, and many have thanked me for it.  One friend is so fed up with 
Windoze now that she told me when she gets a computer again, she's building it 
herself, reading up on which hardware she should get, sitting down with me and 
installing a full Mandrake system... no windows at all.  (She was impressed with my 
machine lol.)  
It's been a good experience for me too.  I used to be quite hard on people who didn't 
know what they were doing, and I've learned it's better to teach than to critisize.
So, in conclusion, in my opinion, this review was poorly written, in bad taste, and 
detrimental to GNU/Linux.  In expecting more from the distribution than from his own 
knowledge, the author is perpetuating the notion that Linux is hard to learn, hard to 
use, and hard to adapt to, and that you shouldn't need to have to learn something 
before you try to use it.  It took me YEARS to adapt to Windows from DOS, it took me a 
couple months to adapt to GNU/Linux.

Sorry for the novel.

On 05 Jan 2003 09:11:38 -0800

 I am a definite newbie to the world of Linux. I have tinkered with it in
 the past but always had issues that prevented me from fully jumping on
 I have been dealing with Windows since I got into computers in the early
 90's. I am the guy that my friends (and their friends) call when there
 windows computer goes haywire (free tech support). I am no expert on
 Windows but I can find my way around and fix many of the common problems
 that pop up. I have helped friends (and myself) reinstall windows more
 times than I care to remember.
 I said the above just to show you that I am actually qualified to jump
 in on this thread. I bought a new hard drive for the purposes of
 tackling Linux again (with Mandrake9). I wanted a dual boot 

Re: [newbie] HELP

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 7:55 am, Tomas Andersson wrote:

with what problem?


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 8:04 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 james Mellema wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 11:49, walt wrote:
 Actually the only thing republicans are doing is creating an unnecessary
 war but that has nothing to do with linux.. besides, Linux users must be
 left wing liberal Democrats because they don't follow the norm..
 Whose is Norm?
 I vote for:
 KDE, libertarian, mechanist, Alaskan ANWAR oil exploration.

 May I as a list member on a dial-up connection with limited mail box
 space ask WhoTF Norm  is and WhyTF politics are doing on a linux list?
 Come on guys answer a few questions or take your non-linux stuff off list


Or set a filter on your machine to ignore them


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Re: [newbie] OT - Star Trek Nemesis

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 8:17 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 Steve Jeppesen wrote:
 I had heard a cast member was going to be killed off...from the looks of
 it Will was going to be it.  LOL I actually cried when that cast member
 was finished off!  Did you notice who made guest appearances?  Odd I
 must say the least and one of them did not even have any lines in the
 On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 20:25:39 +
 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just got home.  Will was a little older and broader, but in remarkably
 good shape considering how often he's fired at

 Can we please take this VERY OT S _ _ T off the linux list??


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[newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
It was never my intention to set off such a long OT, but it is harmless.  For 
those who find it a problem it is a simple matter to set a filter that 
ignores such posts - correct me if I'm wrong?

I do not want to be a nuisance to others, but nor should they be a nuisance to 


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Re: [newbie] Interesting article reviewing MDK v9.0 (long)

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 12:23 pm, Jerry wrote:
 My whole outlook on computers is that if you don't know how they work, you
 shouldn't own one, plain and simple, until you LEARN.  

So do you own a car?  Can you pull it apart to the last screw/rivit and 
re-build it?  Can you diagnose every smallest unusual sound?


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Re: [newbie] Connecting to the internet

2003-01-06 Thread Jerry
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 08:20:17 +0200
Moshe Kaminsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also, is there a
 way to see the commands that kppp sends?
Try starting kppp from the command line instead of the menu.  Many apps will show 
what's going on in the shell.

for the rest i don't know so i'm not going to try to answer it LOL.

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[newbie] Re:Setting up any program

2003-01-06 Thread Graham Pohle
I realised when I was setting up Scanssh, that I required a gcc  cc. I
found the gcc but haven't opened it up yet, but after doing some reading
on cc, it appears that my mandrake 9.0 didn't have a compiler. This cc
is required for all the programs. In most of the programs that I've
tried to install the error message is the same:
checking for
checking for ccno
configure:error:no acceptable cc found in $PATH
If someone could point me in the right direction, I'm still trying find
this compiler that's obviously needed to set up the right path.
Can anyone help here?

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Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-06 Thread David Robertson
On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 12:22, Anne Wilson wrote:
 It was never my intention to set off such a long OT, but it is harmless.  For 
 those who find it a problem it is a simple matter to set a filter that 
 ignores such posts - correct me if I'm wrong?
 I do not want to be a nuisance to others, but nor should they be a nuisance to 

An insoluble problem, that occurs on every list at some time, I think.

A bit of off-topic banter is generally good for a list in my
opinion,but, in fairness, whilst it may be fine for those of us who have
cable/dsl/unlimited dial-up, it is a bit of a pain for those who are
paying by the minute for online time and mailbox space.

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur

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Re: [newbie] urpmi error (was installed/installable...)

2003-01-06 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 22:07:30 -0600
Richard Babcock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 unable to take medium Updates for Mandrake Linux 9.0 (ftp1u) into
 account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Updates for Mandrake
 Linux 9.0 (ftp1u)] exists
 Can't call method arch on an undefined value at
 .pm line 14
 Well...of course I would like to know what all this means.

It means you broke it.

It is caused by a bad source list.

Run urpmi.removemedia for that source and then use urpmi.addmedia 
to create a new update source.


When the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to treat everything as if
it were a nail.
-- Abraham Maslow
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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[newbie] Re:Printing

2003-01-06 Thread Graham Pohle
I accidentally hit the wrong key and started a printing job that has 79
pages and I can not stop the printing job. I'm trying to find some
reading material on it at the moment, but if anyone knows how to stop a
printing job on Mandrake9.0 from the command line, please tell me, it
driving me mad each time I boot up, the job starts up again. At the
moment I have to keep my printer turned off, if I want to run linux.
I really needs some help on this one.

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Re: [newbie] Re:Printing

2003-01-06 Thread Richard Gelling
Graham Pohle wrote:

I accidentally hit the wrong key and started a printing job that has 79
pages and I can not stop the printing job. I'm trying to find some
reading material on it at the moment, but if anyone knows how to stop a
printing job on Mandrake9.0 from the command line, please tell me, it
driving me mad each time I boot up, the job starts up again. At the
moment I have to keep my printer turned off, if I want to run linux.
I really needs some help on this one.


type lpq at command line,get the job no, followed by lprm 'job no' that should do the trick.

Richard G

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Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 12:46 pm, David Robertson wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 12:22, Anne Wilson wrote:
  It was never my intention to set off such a long OT, but it is harmless. 
  For those who find it a problem it is a simple matter to set a filter
  that ignores such posts - correct me if I'm wrong?
  I do not want to be a nuisance to others, but nor should they be a
  nuisance to me.

 An insoluble problem, that occurs on every list at some time, I think.

 A bit of off-topic banter is generally good for a list in my
 opinion,but, in fairness, whilst it may be fine for those of us who have
 cable/dsl/unlimited dial-up, it is a bit of a pain for those who are
 paying by the minute for online time and mailbox space.

I totally agree - but the way to improve that problem is to encourage cropping 
of quotes.  Sometimes we get two or even three screens of quotes to 2 lines 
of new material.  That seriously does harm bandwidth and mailbox space.

My main gripe is that 22 people have thought this harmless banter, keeping the 
messages very short.  One person seeks to destroy that, adding nothing 
positive to his statement.  Freedom for all, says I


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Re: [newbie] Re:Printing

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:52 pm, Graham Pohle wrote:
 I accidentally hit the wrong key and started a printing job that has 79
 pages and I can not stop the printing job. I'm trying to find some
 reading material on it at the moment, but if anyone knows how to stop a
 printing job on Mandrake9.0 from the command line, please tell me, it
 driving me mad each time I boot up, the job starts up again. At the
 moment I have to keep my printer turned off, if I want to run linux.
 I really needs some help on this one.

I generally remove unwanted print jobs via the WWW Cups AdminTool.  Since you 
want a c/l, I checked the properties, and it seems to run

/usr/lib/cups/scripts/cupsWebAdmin 1/dev/null 2/dev/null

It's worth a try.


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Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-06 Thread David Robertson
On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 12:50, Anne Wilson wrote:

 I totally agree - but the way to improve that problem is to encourage cropping 
 of quotes.  Sometimes we get two or even three screens of quotes to 2 lines 
 of new material.  That seriously does harm bandwidth and mailbox space.

.and my scroll finger!

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur

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Re: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

2003-01-06 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:24 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am looking at having a POP / IMAP email server on my Home Network.

 The idea being it grabs email from our ISP mail accounts, into our
 respective linux system accounts' mail (using fetchmail ?? ).

 The email accounts will then be accessed from windows based email clients
 using either POP or preferably IMAP.

 Is there any software which comes with mdk 9.0 that does this ?? If so, are
 there any help guides available for this.
 If not, can anyone recommend any FREE software which will do this ? I have
 found Qpopper in a quick google search, is this any good / easy to install
  configure ??

 Thanks for your time,


 Internal Extension : 5806
 Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

There are a gazillion ways of doing it in Linux. You will find a guide if you 
follow the link in my signature.



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Re: [newbie] smtp vs. sendmail

2003-01-06 Thread Linus Drouhard
On Sunday 05 January 2003 22:33, Todd Slater wrote:
 ??? I'm assuming you're not running a mail server on Windows. You don't
 need to run a mail server if you are using your ISP's mail
 servers (probably and Check
 your config in K-mail and Evolution.

 What do you mean you made Sendmail your default?


I had used the ISP's mail servers but something broke in Linux.  I could not 
set up K-mail or Evolution to link to the ISP's SMTP servers.  I verified the 
problem was on my end by logging into Windows and using Outlook Express.  
After that, in a fit of desperation, I loaded up Sendmail, made it the 
default outgoing account in Kmail.  That works.  Has me stumped.  

I even tried uninstalling all KDE applications/core files and reinstalling.  
Same problem.  This started when I deleted the .kde directory from my home 
directory. KDE was locking up on me.  My son didn't have that problem when 
logging in as him, so I thought that something was broken in .kde.  I also 
get a LOT of segfaults in Kmail when I change the settings for the servers.

Any insights are much appreciated.



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Re: [newbie] Re:Setting up any program

2003-01-06 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On 06 Jan 2003 23:48:26 +
Graham Pohle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I realised when I was setting up Scanssh, that I required a gcc  cc. I
 found the gcc but haven't opened it up yet, but after doing some reading
 on cc, it appears that my mandrake 9.0 didn't have a compiler. This cc
 is required for all the programs. In most of the programs that I've
 tried to install the error message is the same:
 checking for
 checking for ccno
 configure:error:no acceptable cc found in $PATH
 If someone could point me in the right direction, I'm still trying find
 this compiler that's obviously needed to set up the right path.
 Can anyone help here?

If you install the gcc-3.2-1mdk RPM you will have both gcc and cc :)



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RE: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

2003-01-06 Thread Jamie . Kerwick
Thanks for this, looks like that might be the way to go. I'll have to give
it a go tonight.

My final email related problem is how to control access to my smtp server,
using either username  password, or IP restrictions. (up would be
preferable, but IP is good enough). 
I believe I have postfix installed as the mail server.



Internal Extension : 5806
Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

-Original Message-
From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 06 January 2003 13:15
Subject: Re: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:24 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am looking at having a POP / IMAP email server on my Home Network.

 The idea being it grabs email from our ISP mail accounts, into our 
 respective linux system accounts' mail (using fetchmail ?? ).

 The email accounts will then be accessed from windows based email 
 clients using either POP or preferably IMAP.

 Is there any software which comes with mdk 9.0 that does this ?? If 
 so, are there any help guides available for this. If not, can anyone 
 recommend any FREE software which will do this ? I have found Qpopper 
 in a quick google search, is this any good / easy to install  
 configure ??

 Thanks for your time,


 Internal Extension : 5806
 Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

There are a gazillion ways of doing it in Linux. You will find a guide if
follow the link in my signature.



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Re: [newbie] installing mdk rpm's

2003-01-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:20 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 21:06, Anne Wilson wrote:

So if I locate the desired icon, I can copy it to one of these locations
and it will appear in the listed available icons in menudrake?  I'll try


I sometimes copy all the icons I can find to a single location - makes
it easier to deal with at times.

Same here. I have a number of self made icons which I copy to the same
directory with each OS and use them every time.It was fun creating them,
and I like my Icons to be a certain size and general shape and colours
to go against background colours. That is one nice feature about linux.


But are they accessible when editing a menu entry?  Is there some way of 
adding a directory to a path for this purpose?  Or do you have to add them to 
one of the directories that the menu editor is already seeking?



They appear in the kde list ,
just select one of your newly made icons in menu editor
and they are addopted.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Re:Printing

2003-01-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Graham Pohle wrote:

I accidentally hit the wrong key and started a printing job that has 79
pages and I can not stop the printing job. I'm trying to find some
reading material on it at the moment, but if anyone knows how to stop a
printing job on Mandrake9.0 from the command line, please tell me, it
driving me mad each time I boot up, the job starts up again. At the
moment I have to keep my printer turned off, if I want to run linux.
I really needs some help on this one.


Best way to kill a print job is

lpq ( to show what printjob is running)

lprm (number) y/n  y  enter

that zaps the printjob, but everything that has reached
the printer's buffer memmory has to go through regardless,
one reason not to have a particularly large buffer printer memory.

unfortuneately none of th gui intefaces are much good at cancelling
printjobs, at least that has been my experience)

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Re: Archives

2003-01-06 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 10:07:54AM +0200, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 Chris wrote:
 On Saturday 04 January 2003 11:21 am, Todd Slater decided to hunt and peck 
 on the keyboard and typed:
 The list does not provide that feature.

 So, if I'm looking to see how to access my new Sony MVC-CD250 digital 
 camera I have to search through the entire archives?
 Basically, yes cos Mandrake or anyone else with a permanent Internet 
 connection doesn't support the feature of doing an email query of the 
 archives for MVC-CD250.


That took about 2 seconds. Right-click the links, do a save target as,
and you're looking at a couple minutes tops. Even on dial-up that
shouldn't break the bank.

BTW, it's not Mandrake that doesn't support email querying of the
archives, it's the mailing list manager, Sympa, that doesn't support it.

Also, have you tried usenet? If you can go online to get the headers,
then go offline, and go back on the get only the messages you want.

I applaud you for making the effort to use the archives!


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Re: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

2003-01-06 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 1:41 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for this, looks like that might be the way to go. I'll have to give
 it a go tonight.

 My final email related problem is how to control access to my smtp server,
 using either username  password, or IP restrictions. (up would be
 preferable, but IP is good enough).
 I believe I have postfix installed as the mail server.



By default, Postfix relays mail: 

from trusted clients whose IP address matches  $mynetworks,
from trusted clients matching $relay_domains or subdomains thereof,
from untrusted clients to destinations that match $relay_domains or subdomains 
thereof, except addresses with sender-specified routing.

If you configure your Postfix with Webmin (Install the webmin RPM then type 
https://localhost:1 in a browser (NOTE https NOT http)) then you will see 
it is trivial to configure Postfix to restrict smtp access to named IPs Just 
select PostfixConfigurationSMTP Server and put list of allowed IPs in 
Restrict mail relaying.

You can also run SMTP over SASL which is described in detail here

It is worth taking a read of the default Postfix configuration files 
/etc/postfix/ They are full of examples and advice.


 Internal Extension : 5806
 Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 06 January 2003 13:15
 Subject: Re: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

 On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:24 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am looking at having a POP / IMAP email server on my Home Network.
  The idea being it grabs email from our ISP mail accounts, into our
  respective linux system accounts' mail (using fetchmail ?? ).
  The email accounts will then be accessed from windows based email
  clients using either POP or preferably IMAP.
  Is there any software which comes with mdk 9.0 that does this ?? If
  so, are there any help guides available for this. If not, can anyone
  recommend any FREE software which will do this ? I have found Qpopper
  in a quick google search, is this any good / easy to install 
  configure ??
  Thanks for your time,
  Internal Extension : 5806
  Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

 There are a gazillion ways of doing it in Linux. You will find a guide if
 follow the link in my signature.



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Re: [newbie] urpmi error (was installed/installable...)

2003-01-06 Thread Angus Auld

 On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 22:07:30 -0600
 Richard Babcock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  unable to take medium Updates for Mandrake Linux 9.0 (ftp1u) into
  account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Updates for Mandrake
  Linux 9.0 (ftp1u)] exists
  Can't call method arch on an undefined value at
  .pm line 14
  Well...of course I would like to know what all this means.
Charles A Edwards wrote:
 It means you broke it.
 It is caused by a bad source list.
 Run urpmi.removemedia for that source and then use urpmi.addmedia 
 to create a new update source.
Just something on adding an update source. 
I discovered after removing my update source,
when re-entering it by the gui method (Software Sources Manager), 
to be sure to tick the box for Security Updates source(not sure of exact wording) 
for your Update source. I mistakenly just chose ftp source for updates, and when I 
ran Mandrake Update, it complained of not having an ftp mirror set up, 
and opened a dialog for me to choose one.

For contrib source I simply selected ftp . This is probably only an issue when using 
the gui method, and not CL.

Just my observations FYI  FWIW.

Best regards.

Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Get your free email from

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Re: [newbie] smtp vs. sendmail

2003-01-06 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 07:19:38AM -0600, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 I had used the ISP's mail servers but something broke in Linux.  I could not 
 set up K-mail or Evolution to link to the ISP's SMTP servers.  I verified the 
 problem was on my end by logging into Windows and using Outlook Express.  
 After that, in a fit of desperation, I loaded up Sendmail, made it the 
 default outgoing account in Kmail.  That works.  Has me stumped.  
 I even tried uninstalling all KDE applications/core files and reinstalling.  
 Same problem.  This started when I deleted the .kde directory from my home 
 directory. KDE was locking up on me.  My son didn't have that problem when 
 logging in as him, so I thought that something was broken in .kde.  I also 
 get a LOT of segfaults in Kmail when I change the settings for the servers.
 Any insights are much appreciated.

My advice is to ditch Kmail and use Sylpheed. Somebody else on the list
will be better qualified to help with your KDE problems--that sounds
like the place to start if you want to keep using Kmail.

Your box can use sendmail to send mail, but tell me, if you are getting
these mails, you must be able to connect to your ISP's server to
retrieve your mail. So it's just sending that doesn't work?

Off the top of my head, I'd verify that you've got the correct server
for sending mail. Also, try it with requires authentication checked
and then unchecked in your mail program.

Let us know what happens.


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RE: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

2003-01-06 Thread Jamie . Kerwick
Thanks for this, yet more ways to while away a good few hours ;)



Internal Extension : 5806
Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

-Original Message-
From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 06 January 2003 14:00
Subject: Re: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 1:41 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for this, looks like that might be the way to go. I'll have to 
 give it a go tonight.

 My final email related problem is how to control access to my smtp 
 server, using either username  password, or IP restrictions. (up 
 would be preferable, but IP is good enough). I believe I have postfix 
 installed as the mail server.



By default, Postfix relays mail: 

from trusted clients whose IP address matches  $mynetworks, from trusted
clients matching $relay_domains or subdomains thereof, from untrusted
clients to destinations that match $relay_domains or subdomains 
thereof, except addresses with sender-specified routing.

If you configure your Postfix with Webmin (Install the webmin RPM then type 
https://localhost:1 in a browser (NOTE https NOT http)) then you will
it is trivial to configure Postfix to restrict smtp access to named IPs Just

select PostfixConfigurationSMTP Server and put list of allowed IPs in 
Restrict mail relaying.

You can also run SMTP over SASL which is described in detail here

It is worth taking a read of the default Postfix configuration files 
/etc/postfix/ They are full of examples and advice.


 Internal Extension : 5806
 Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 06 January 2003 13:15
 Subject: Re: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

 On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:24 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am looking at having a POP / IMAP email server on my Home Network.
  The idea being it grabs email from our ISP mail accounts, into our 
  respective linux system accounts' mail (using fetchmail ?? ).
  The email accounts will then be accessed from windows based email 
  clients using either POP or preferably IMAP.
  Is there any software which comes with mdk 9.0 that does this ?? If 
  so, are there any help guides available for this. If not, can anyone 
  recommend any FREE software which will do this ? I have found 
  Qpopper in a quick google search, is this any good / easy to install 
   configure ??
  Thanks for your time,
  Internal Extension : 5806
  Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

 There are a gazillion ways of doing it in Linux. You will find a guide 
 if you follow the link in my signature.



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Re: [newbie] OT: Linux sys admin salaries in US

2003-01-06 Thread Robin Turner
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 4:50 am, Chuck Burns wrote:

Unless you have lots of experience.. that means PROFESSIONAL
experience.. meaning you are a already a system admin of some other

Isn't that a catch22?

It's semantic ambiguity.  Does Little experience in the orginal 
question mean little experience as a sysadmin or little experience in 
working with Linux/Unix systems?  In the latter case, you can probably 
get a job doing the donkey work, like adding user accounts or names and 
IP numbers of machines.

With small companies who are setting up a local network, you might be 
able to talk yourself into an overall sysadmin/technician/trainer job. 
In a way, this is what I do - I'm actually an English teacher, but I run 
our department's computers simply by virtue of being the alpha geek.  It 
started with fixing Windows crashes, now I run a Linux FTP/samba server 
and a website, and have special priveleges like being able to name all 
the computers after characters in The Matrix. I could never hope to be a 
university sysadmin, though - they have guys with PhDs to do that sort 
of thing.

I'm not an IT professional and don't live in America, so don't take my 
words very seriously, though.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Re:Printing

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 1:58 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Graham Pohle wrote:
 I accidentally hit the wrong key and started a printing job that has 79
 pages and I can not stop the printing job. I'm trying to find some
 reading material on it at the moment, but if anyone knows how to stop a
 printing job on Mandrake9.0 from the command line, please tell me, it
 driving me mad each time I boot up, the job starts up again. At the
 moment I have to keep my printer turned off, if I want to run linux.
 I really needs some help on this one.

 Best way to kill a print job is

 lpq ( to show what printjob is running)

 lprm (number) y/n  y  enter

 that zaps the printjob, but everything that has reached
 the printer's buffer memmory has to go through regardless,
 one reason not to have a particularly large buffer printer memory.

 unfortuneately none of th gui intefaces are much good at cancelling
 printjobs, at least that has been my experience)

Once you have cleared the print job, you can then turn off the printer to 
clear its memory, leave it off for a few moments, then turn it on again.  
Unfortunately, some printers are picky about re-initialising properly after 
this, so it's trial and error to see if it works for  you.


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[newbie] Epson 1260 photo scanner

2003-01-06 Thread Kristjan Klementi


I am planning to purchase Epson 1260 Photo scanner
Just asking if somebody has experience with this scanner?
Is it working ok under 9,0 ? 
it was not listed in the mandrakes compatibility list.


Hot Mobiil - helinad, logod ja piltsõnumid!

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Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-06 Thread Robin Turner
Anne Wilson wrote:

It was never my intention to set off such a long OT, but it is harmless.  For 
those who find it a problem it is a simple matter to set a filter that 
ignores such posts - correct me if I'm wrong?

If people remember to put OT in the header, yes.  However, I'm not 
sure how you do it client-side to prevent the message from being 
downloaded in the first place, which is the real problem for people with 
low (and maybe expensive) bandwidth.

I do not want to be a nuisance to others, but nor should they be a nuisance to 

Quite.  I don't mind people requesting that a discussion should be 
continued elsewhere, but they should be polite about it, especially when 
 some of the participants have paid their dues on this list enough to 
be allowed to indulge in a little silliness on occasion.

If I recall rightly, the whole thing started with a question about KDE 
or GNOME - that is one subject we should definitely ban ;-)

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Interesting article reviewing MDK v9.0 (long)

2003-01-06 Thread Jerry
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 12:26:02 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 12:23 pm, Jerry wrote:
  My whole outlook on computers is that if you don't know how they work, you
  shouldn't own one, plain and simple, until you LEARN.  
 So do you own a car?  Can you pull it apart to the last screw/rivit and 
 re-build it?  Can you diagnose every smallest unusual sound?
Now i didn't mean know everything .. and my wording didn't come out quite like i 
meant... but I'll give you a point for it, ya got me.  sorry i've been up all night 
fixing someone else's computers again and im a little aggrevated. LOL.  (I should have 
said WAS... that was more what i meant.  We Sagittarians tend to speak before wholly 
thinking something out :-P).  As I was trying to explain further on (unsuccessfully, i 
guess) is that I've more patience now with ppl who don't understand which i didn't 
before.  As for a direct answer to the question posed, I understand enough about one 
to know how it works, which is what I meant about computers.  But what the heck... i'm 
a good sport. :-)  Anne 1 Jerry 0 LOL.
take care.


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Re: [newbie] Interesting article reviewing MDK v9.0 (long)

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 2:50 pm, Jerry wrote:
 On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 12:26:02 +

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 12:23 pm, Jerry wrote:
   My whole outlook on computers is that if you don't know how they work,
   you shouldn't own one, plain and simple, until you LEARN.
  So do you own a car?  Can you pull it apart to the last screw/rivit and
  re-build it?  Can you diagnose every smallest unusual sound?

 Now i didn't mean know everything .. and my wording didn't come out quite
 like i meant... but I'll give you a point for it, ya got me.  sorry i've
 been up all night fixing someone else's computers again and im a little
 aggrevated. LOL.  (I should have said WAS... that was more what i meant. 
 We Sagittarians tend to speak before wholly thinking something out :-P). 
 As I was trying to explain further on (unsuccessfully, i guess) is that
 I've more patience now with ppl who don't understand which i didn't before.
  As for a direct answer to the question posed, I understand enough about
 one to know how it works, which is what I meant about computers.  But what
 the heck... i'm a good sport. :-)  Anne 1 Jerry 0 LOL. take care.


I understand what you mean, Jerry.  It's so frustrating when someone asks for 
help over the phone, you say open Explorer, they say What do you mean?  And 
yes, you get fed up with being responsible for fixing hardware that is 
getting less and less reliable with age, and you wouldn't even attempt what 
they were asking if it were yours.

Just save your sanity - for some people it is merely a tool, and they just 
want it to work like an electric kettle.  The fact that it's more complicated 
is not relevant to them.  One said to me, I don't have to understand the 
physics involved to use a hammer, and that's just about it.

For some of us, understanding more is an obsession, for others it's a 


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Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 1:55 pm, Robin Turner wrote:

 If I recall rightly, the whole thing started with a question about KDE
 or GNOME - that is one subject we should definitely ban ;-)

Or perhaps *request* that replies are restricted to pointing out that personal 
preference reigns, since most apps work perfectly well whichever one you 
choose.  I think those are the two salient points.


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Re: [newbie] Epson 1260 photo scanner

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 2:45 pm, Kristjan Klementi wrote:

 I am planning to purchase Epson 1260 Photo scanner
 Just asking if somebody has experience with this scanner?
 Is it working ok under 9,0 ?
 it was not listed in the mandrakes compatibility list.

If you go to the Epson web site, there is a driver called iscan.  You will 
find a list of scanners that will work with that driver.  I believe you will 
find the 1260 listed.

Epson scanners are generally well-supported, I think, but I have no experience 
of one with the film-scanner add-on.  I'd be interested to here confirmation 
that they work equally well.


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Re: [newbie] Connecting to the internet

2003-01-06 Thread Pilagá
El Lun 06 Ene 2003 03:20, Moshe Kaminsky escribió:

 I'm trying to understand how to connect to the internet from the
 X-terminal (instead of kppp). I found a script called ppp-on (for some
 reason it was not on the path), inserted the phone number and the other
 details, but I get no connection and I can't understand why.
 Can someone give (a pointer to) a short explanation how it is done? I
 tried to look in the HOWTOs, but nothing there worked. Also, is there a
 way to see the commands that kppp sends?


Try with 'wvdial' Install it (is included in MDk 9.0) and follow instructions 
in 'Readme'. file:/usr/share/doc/wvdial-1.42/Readme


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 4:26 pm, Daniel Segel wrote:
 At 12:20 PM 1/6/2003 +, Anne wrote:
 Or set a filter on your machine to ignore them

 I find this to be a poor solution for many reasons:

 1. This is a *newbie* list, and some of the people on it really are newbies
 who have more pressing issues on their mind than how to set up such a

No problem has been neglected   Personally, I think the ability to filter 
emails is an essential skill, but there you are.

 2. I don't like the idea of setting up new filters every time a new OT
 subject pops up.

So set up one that acts on all messages preceded by 'OT'.

 4. If the signal:noise ration on this list goes down low enough it ceases
 being a worthwhile mailing list.

A day or so is hardly a problem of this size.  Get a sense of proportion.

 This is an e-mail list, not a web forum. Subscribers have no choice but to
 accept (or somehow process) everything that comes down the line, 

You could always try webmail - there you can delete anything without 

 so please
 be considerate and keep the OT stuff to a minimum.

Get a life, Daniel, or you'll be old before your time.  BTW, thank you for 
cropping your quote - that's helpful.


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Re: [newbie] Phoenix 0.5

2003-01-06 Thread Kristjan
   On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 23:02:28 -0500   
David Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Never mind about the Phoenix problem.
 I hate to admit it but I did the old Windows trick.
 I rebooted and everything is fine now.
( )_( )
( OO )
  (   )

I did the trick of uninstalling.
Phoenix did not like cleaning after itselt and left the processes open.
I need to give them more time for developing and testing before it is worth using


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Daniel Segel
At 12:20 PM 1/6/2003 +, Anne wrote:

Or set a filter on your machine to ignore them

I find this to be a poor solution for many reasons:

1. This is a *newbie* list, and some of the people on it really are newbies 
who have more pressing issues on their mind than how to set up such a filter.

2. I don't like the idea of setting up new filters every time a new OT 
subject pops up.

3. Not everybody reads mail continuously. By the time I got around to 
checking this list there were already 10-20 OT messages clogging up the list.

4. If the signal:noise ration on this list goes down low enough it ceases 
being a worthwhile mailing list.

This is an e-mail list, not a web forum. Subscribers have no choice but to 
accept (or somehow process) everything that comes down the line, so please 
be considerate and keep the OT stuff to a minimum.


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 04:38:06PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Get a life, Daniel, or you'll be old before your time.  BTW, thank you for 
 cropping your quote - that's helpful.

This is getting out of hand. Don't be so defensive, Anne, nobody is
attacking you.


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2003-01-06 Thread N E N I S T E R

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 5:25 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 04:38:06PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Get a life, Daniel, or you'll be old before your time.  BTW, thank you
  for cropping your quote - that's helpful.

 This is getting out of hand. Don't be so defensive, Anne, nobody is
 attacking you.


Fair comment, Todd.  It's just that the thread raised so many smiles, and 
they're always welcome in winter.  I'll shut up.  :)


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Fwd: Re: [newbie] VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel

2003-01-06 Thread ivette brusselmans

From: ivette brusselmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 11:16:46 +0100

I have two remote boxes, both WIN98 SE. I put both window-settings on 16 
bits, but that didn't help.
Didn't have this problem with MDK 8.2.
My local box is dual boot W2K and MDK 9.0. VNC works perfectly on W2K. Why 
not on MDK 9.0.?


From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel
Date: 06 Jan 2003 09:06:23 +1100

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 00:32, ivette brusselmans wrote:
 Still having VNC problems!

 MDK 9.0

 when I type vncviewer in terminal and give the IPaddress of the remote 
box I
 want to administer, I get the message
 VNC server default format:
 16 bits per pixel.
 Least significant byte first in each pixel
 True colour: mas red 31 green 63 blue 31, shift red 11 green 5 blue 0
 Can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel. Sorry.

 When I used MDK 8.2 I didn't have this problem. Someone advised me to 
 color from 24 bits to 16 or 32, which I did, to no avail. Keep getting 
 same message about the 24 bits-per-pixel.

 Anyone got similar problems and a solution?


I ran across this when the other machine wasn't setup properly. Have you
experimented with the remote machine?

What is the OS on the remote machine?

Mon Jan  6 09:05:01 EST 2003
  9:05am  up 1 day, 12:13,  6 users,  load average: 0.75, 0.25, 0.21

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

The hardest thing is to disguise your feelings when you put a lot of
relatives on the train for home.

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MSN Zoeken, voor duidelijke zoekresultaten!

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Re: [newbie] I finally did it!!

2003-01-06 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 06 January 2003 07:07 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

 What CPU/mem are you using?

 CPU 1800 athlon, 512mb ddr memory

Thats plenty enough umph. 

 Incidentally, this very same computer has dual linux booting, and on M8.2
 which also has mplayer installed  everything works fine, though I did
 with the mandated gcc compiler of the time, not the standard gcc on M8.2
 Whereas I used the standard gcc compiler that comes with M9.0

I used the forbidden compiler by using the ignore compiler option and 
Mplayer worked fine under 8.2 for me, with a 900mhz/384 meg machine.

 Now I'm not saying it is the compiler, but it's one posibility, choice of
 video driver maybe something here , I don't know, I do know mplayer
 itself will play but only without an index scan, but  gmplayer
 will not play properly at all and only then with no index scan option
 and I get the error message about video stream too slow, which it
 is , although in my case it does not lag behind the audio stream,
 it just stops momentarily and then proceeds. Remember this
 is all going on in M9.0 , but over in M8.2 all is fine, though it
 is an earlier version of mplayer installed there.


I'm using the same version of Mplayer under 9.0 here, albeit a faster/better 
machine - but it works fine.


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-06 Thread Charlie
On January 6, 2003 06:55 am, Robin Turner wrote:

 If people remember to put OT in the header, yes.  However, I'm not
 sure how you do it client-side to prevent the message from being
 downloaded in the first place, which is the real problem for people with
 low (and maybe expensive) bandwidth.

If the OT gets too frequent; as it sometimes does on one of the lists I'm 
subscribed to, I just activate an OT pop filter in K-Mail and it never 
leaves the mail server. Usually (once a week or thereabouts) I'll use the 
ISP's web-mail interface and delete the 'download later' messages after 
browsing through them for any interesting tidbits.

  I do not want to be a nuisance to others, but nor should they be a
  nuisance to me.

I'd never characterize Anne as any sort of nuisance. The occasional OT on this 
list is nearly always fun; at least until some list Nazi gets a wild hair 
across his arse.

 Quite.  I don't mind people requesting that a discussion should be
 continued elsewhere, but they should be polite about it, especially when
   some of the participants have paid their dues on this list enough to
 be allowed to indulge in a little silliness on occasion.

Total agreement. 

 If I recall rightly, the whole thing started with a question about KDE
 or GNOME - that is one subject we should definitely ban ;-)

That was one. Another was a (sort of) reference to a tag at the end of a post 
mentioning that I was going to see Star Trek Nemesis on opening night. I 
dropped the subject in deference to others that hadn't seen it yet, but 
wanted to, so I wouldn't spoil it for them. 

I didn't think much of the movie BTW. I'm glad it wasn't my money that paid 
admission for it. g

 Sir Robin

Registered user 244963 at
Smile!  You're on Candid Camera.

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Re: [newbie] Supermount/devfs/v9.0 question.

2003-01-06 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 06 January 2003 06:51 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 It's simple to disable on specific devices from MCC.  I think that all it's
 doing is removing 'supermount' from fstab and replacing it with 'auto' -
 but I can't be sure there's nothing else, so I go the gui way.


Hi Anne! Thanks for the reply. Actually, I kinda knew that - what I was 
really looking for (and trying to avoid, so I wouldn't lose it) was whatever 
controls the hot plug 'n play for USB devices. Guess I really didn't word my 
question right. :-)


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Supermount/devfs/v9.0 question.

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 6:18 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 06 January 2003 06:51 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  It's simple to disable on specific devices from MCC.  I think that all
  it's doing is removing 'supermount' from fstab and replacing it with
  'auto' - but I can't be sure there's nothing else, so I go the gui way.

 Hi Anne! Thanks for the reply. Actually, I kinda knew that - what I was
 really looking for (and trying to avoid, so I wouldn't lose it) was
 whatever controls the hot plug 'n play for USB devices. Guess I really
 didn't word my question right. :-)

I have no supermount any more on my LS120 - accidental, but there you are.  
The point I was trying to make, was that whether there is any risk in a 
wholesale disabling of supermount or not, disabling supermount specific 
derives certainly doesn't affect it.



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Re: [newbie] Supermount/devfs/v9.0 question.

2003-01-06 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 06 January 2003 01:26 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

 I have no supermount any more on my LS120 - accidental, but there you are.
 The point I was trying to make, was that whether there is any risk in a
 wholesale disabling of supermount or not, disabling supermount specific
 derives certainly doesn't affect it.



Sure does, thanks! :-)


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Re:Printing

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 1:58 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Graham Pohle wrote:
 I accidentally hit the wrong key and started a printing job that has 79
 pages and I can not stop the printing job. I'm trying to find some
 reading material on it at the moment, but if anyone knows how to stop a
 printing job on Mandrake9.0 from the command line, please tell me, it
 driving me mad each time I boot up, the job starts up again. At the
 moment I have to keep my printer turned off, if I want to run linux.
 I really needs some help on this one.

 Best way to kill a print job is

 lpq ( to show what printjob is running)

 lprm (number) y/n  y  enter

 that zaps the printjob, but everything that has reached
 the printer's buffer memmory has to go through regardless,
 one reason not to have a particularly large buffer printer memory.

 unfortuneately none of th gui intefaces are much good at cancelling
 printjobs, at least that has been my experience)

Have you tried the CupsWWWadmin tool?  It's not the best way to configure a 
printer, but for monitoring and cancelling print jobs I find it excellent.


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Re: [newbie] HELP

2003-01-06 Thread Aaron
we all need help

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 09:55, Tomas Andersson wrote:

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Re: [newbie] HELP

2003-01-06 Thread Jim Dawson
After reading the 'Which is better: KDE or GNOME?' thread, I feel the same way...

-Original Message-
From: Tomas Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 08:55:41 +0100
Subject: [newbie] HELP


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Re: SV: [newbie] OT - Star Trek Nemesis

2003-01-06 Thread Todd Franklin

She was chunky in the first few seasons, then she started to lose weight.
I think Marina Sirtis started smoking 

FemmeFatale wrote:
At 02:47
AM 1/5/2003 -0600, you wrote: 
  Deanna Troi was fabulous. And Will Riker grew
on you. Kinda like his  beard. Anyway, Deanna was great! You can instantly
tell what season  you're watching by looking at her bust size. 
*blinks...* My g/f is a fan of this series... explain... By her bust size!? 
Good Decisions You boss Made: 
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that 
character from Peanuts." 
- Source: Dilbert 

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Re: [newbie] Installing Unreal Tournament

2003-01-06 Thread Joan Tur
Hash: SHA1

Es Diumenge 05 Gener 2003 14:42, en Ronald J. Hall va escriure:
 On Sunday 05 January 2003 04:57 pm, Joan Tur wrote:
  I'll do so; thanks  ;)

 Hey. I'm here. I'll help you any way I can. I'm not sure from the previous
 postings exactly what kind of problem you are having. Will it install, but
 won't run, or just won't install?
It seems not to find the CD.  As I'm using supermount (MDK9) I've tryed with 
and without supermount (mounting it by hand).

I've run:
export SETUP_CDROM=/mnt/cdrom

then a window appears asking me to mount the CD... so it isn't really an UT 
question  }8-)

 There should be some error messages either way - send them to me (off list
 would prob. be better) and we'll see what we can do to get you up and
 running. :-)
I have some doubts; what version of UT does the above installer support?  The 
one I have shows the following info when installing:
- -
Product Unreal Tournament
Version 400
- -

THANKS again  ;)

PD  can this game run with the new Ati drivers for linux (not only with 
nVidia's)??  8-?
- -- 
  Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
 AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] New Ati drivers for linux

2003-01-06 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 21:44:23 +0100
Joan Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PD  I prefer Ati to nVidia; if the answer to the question above is yes
 I'll sell my Radeon 7000 and buy a brand new 9000  ;)

The answer is still no.
They both will work for UT in win but in linux only the NVIDIA drivers
provide the necessary API.


If you don't have a nasty obituary you probably didn't matter.
-- Freeman Dyson
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel

2003-01-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 21:16, ivette brusselmans wrote:
 I have two remote boxes, both WIN98 SE. I put both window-settings on 16 
 bits, but that didn't help.
 Didn't have this problem with MDK 8.2.

Well this is rather strange. I'm using the Bell Labs VNC (the real one)
on Windows machines and a Mac and I've only set the default options on
all (except for the password) and have no problems in connecting other
than it momentarily disables the remote computers' wallpaper.

I have not changed the resolutions nor the color depth settings on any
of the machines, nor do I change the settings on customers machines -
and with my setup, I have done literally nothing special with VNC other
than to use it.

Have you made any modifications to the VNC default settings on the linux

Tue Jan  7 07:55:00 EST 2003
  7:55am  up 2 days, 11:03,  6 users,  load average: 0.54, 0.35, 0.35

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

Doing gets it done.

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Re: [newbie] POP / IMAP e-Mail server

2003-01-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 22:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am looking at having a POP / IMAP email server on my Home Network. 
 The idea being it grabs email from our ISP mail accounts, into our
 respective linux system accounts' mail (using fetchmail ?? ). 
 The email accounts will then be accessed from windows based email clients
 using either POP or preferably IMAP.
 Is there any software which comes with mdk 9.0 that does this ?? If so, are
 there any help guides available for this.
 If not, can anyone recommend any FREE software which will do this ? I have
 found Qpopper in a quick google search, is this any good / easy to install 
 configure ??
 Thanks for your time,

Fetchmail in conjunction with POSTFIX will resolve this issue for you.
You already have both programs/servers installed - just a matter of
configuration now.

Tue Jan  7 08:00:01 EST 2003
  8:00am  up 2 days, 11:08,  6 users,  load average: 1.01, 0.46, 0.38

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

If life is merely a joke, the question still remains: for whose amusement?

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Re: [newbie] HELP

2003-01-06 Thread Paul
In reply to Stephen's mail, d.d. 07 Jan 2003 07:54:33 +1100:

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 18:55, Tomas Andersson wrote:

Er, what's wrong?

The e-mail address.

HELP is a command for [EMAIL PROTECTED] for instruction on using the
mailing list features.


The worker and the thinker and the giver always go ahead.
That is the sure way to success.
-Norman Vincent Peale - OS:Linux Mandrake 8.2 - E-mail:Sylpheed 0.8.8

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Michael Adams
On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 05:38, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 06 Jan 2003 4:26 pm, Daniel Segel wrote:
  At 12:20 PM 1/6/2003 +, Anne wrote:
  Or set a filter on your machine to ignore them
  I find this to be a poor solution for many reasons:
  1. This is a *newbie* list, and some of the people on it really are
  newbies who have more pressing issues on their mind than how to set up
  such a filter.

 No problem has been neglected   Personally, I think the ability to filter
 emails is an essential skill, but there you are.

  2. I don't like the idea of setting up new filters every time a new OT
  subject pops up.

 So set up one that acts on all messages preceded by 'OT'.

LOL, But this one isn't listed as 'OT'


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Re: [newbie] HELP

2003-01-06 Thread Damian Gatabria
On Monday 06 January 2003 07:55, Tomas Andersson wrote:

- i need somebody!

not just anybody!


you know i need someone!




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SV: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Anders Lind
 1. This is a *newbie* list, and some of the people on it really are newbies
 who have more pressing issues on their mind than how to set up such a

No problem has been neglected   Personally, I think the ability to filter 
emails is an essential skill, but there you are.

I agree with Anne here completly, filtering your email is basic and furthermore
it is necissary as it makes your emaillife easier. Considering that I get 150 emails
or so each day (I don't read them all but being on tonnes of mailinglists that is 
what you get) I couldn't plow throw them without filters.


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Re: [newbie] New Ati drivers for linux

2003-01-06 Thread Joan Tur
Hash: SHA1

Es Dilluns 06 Gener 2003 22:01, en Charles A Edwards va escriure:
 On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 21:44:23 +0100

 Joan Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  PD  I prefer Ati to nVidia; if the answer to the question above is yes
  I'll sell my Radeon 7000 and buy a brand new 9000  ;)

 The answer is still no.
 They both will work for UT in win but in linux only the NVIDIA drivers
 provide the necessary API.
Bad news  8(

Thanks anyway  ;)
- -- 
  Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
 AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Installing Unreal Tournament

2003-01-06 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 06 January 2003 03:56 pm, Joan Tur wrote:

 It seems not to find the CD.  As I'm using supermount (MDK9) I've tryed
 with and without supermount (mounting it by hand).

 I've run:
 export SETUP_CDROM=/mnt/cdrom

 then a window appears asking me to mount the CD... so it isn't really an UT
 question  }8-)

 I have some doubts; what version of UT does the above installer support? 
 The one I have shows the following info when installing:
 Product Unreal Tournament
 Version 400

 THANKS again  ;)

 PD  can this game run with the new Ati drivers for linux (not only with
 nVidia's)??  8-?

TBH, I've just gotten 9.0 installed on my new computer and have not had the 
time (yet) to re-install all my old favorite games. Over the next couple of 
days I'll try to install UT here - and see what happens. I'll keep you 

BTW, did you get that other e-mail from the mailing list? Someone said that 
they thought UT would not work with ATI but only Nvidia. :-(

Hopefully, they are mistaken.

I'll get back to you soon.


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] solution VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel

2003-01-06 Thread ivette brusselmans

Found out what the problem was!
Reinstalled Mandrake 9.0. and when detecting the monitor, the installation 
program put the resolution on 24 pixels. I changed this manually to 16 
pixels, 	and VNC worked inmediately. Didn't have to do with the remote 
machines but with the MDK9.0. box.

Thanx for your effort anyway!!

From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel
Date: 07 Jan 2003 07:59:43 +1100

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 21:16, ivette brusselmans wrote:
 I have two remote boxes, both WIN98 SE. I put both window-settings on 16
 bits, but that didn't help.
 Didn't have this problem with MDK 8.2.


Well this is rather strange. I'm using the Bell Labs VNC (the real one)
on Windows machines and a Mac and I've only set the default options on
all (except for the password) and have no problems in connecting other
than it momentarily disables the remote computers' wallpaper.

I have not changed the resolutions nor the color depth settings on any
of the machines, nor do I change the settings on customers machines -
and with my setup, I have done literally nothing special with VNC other
than to use it.

Have you made any modifications to the VNC default settings on the linux

Tue Jan  7 07:55:00 EST 2003
  7:55am  up 2 days, 11:03,  6 users,  load average: 0.54, 0.35, 0.35

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

Doing gets it done.

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Ontvang je Hotmail  Messenger berichten op je mobiele telefoon met Hotmail 

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 06 Jan 2003 9:07 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
  So set up one that acts on all messages preceded by 'OT'.

 LOL, But this one isn't listed as 'OT'

Touche - but any topic can go OT, so I guess there's no answer to that.


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Re: [newbie] New Ati drivers for linux

2003-01-06 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 22:28:45 +0100
Joan Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The answer is still no.
  They both will work for UT in win but in linux only the NVIDIA
  drivers provide the necessary API.
 Bad news  8(

I need to amend myself.
UT2003 will only work with the NVIDIA drivers.
Can't say for sure about Loki UT.
I've got a copy around somewhere.
I'll try installing it tomorrow on 1 of my ati boxes tomorrow and let
you know how it runs. 

I picked up it, Decent3, and SOF sometime back from EB for $8 apiece.


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Re: [newbie] solution VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel

2003-01-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 08:54, ivette brusselmans wrote:
 Found out what the problem was!
 Reinstalled Mandrake 9.0. and when detecting the monitor, the installation 
 program put the resolution on 24 pixels. I changed this manually to 16 
 pixels,   and VNC worked inmediately. Didn't have to do with the remote 
 machines but with the MDK9.0. box.
 Thanx for your effort anyway!!

Way cool - but what effort? (g)

Tue Jan  7 09:15:01 EST 2003
  9:15am  up 2 days, 12:23,  6 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.76, 0.77

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

Life is like bein' on a mule team.  Unless you're the lead mule, all the
scenery looks about the same.

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Re: [newbie] New Ati drivers for linux

2003-01-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 09:16, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 I picked up it, Decent3, and SOF sometime back from EB for $8 apiece.

Now DESCENT3 would be a game I could dig on - where'd you say you found
it? Cuz I was looking about a month ago for it offa few sites, and each
time it was a dead link...

I play CUBE quite a bit - which is bloody awesome (don't know if y'all
know about CUBE - but it's native SDL for linux and also plays on
DOS/Winders) - it's an 8mb d/l and works WITHOUT any, and I mean ANY'n'gory...(g)

Meanwhile, back to work...

Tue Jan  7 09:15:01 EST 2003
  9:15am  up 2 days, 12:23,  6 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.76, 0.77

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

Life is like bein' on a mule team.  Unless you're the lead mule, all the
scenery looks about the same.

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Re: [newbie] New Ati drivers for linux

2003-01-06 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 06 January 2003 22:16, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 I picked up it, Decent3, and SOF sometime back from EB for $8 apiece.

I've just installed Loki's 'Mindrover' and their 'Kohan' version on Mdk9.0 and 
using an Nvidia Geforce2 card...No glitches whatsoever=:o)
All the other games on the demo disc run fine too using their installer, sorry 
they (Loki) didn't make it through the tough times=:o(

Good gaming,

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Re: [newbie] New Ati drivers for linux

2003-01-06 Thread Charles A Edwards
On 07 Jan 2003 09:19:23 +1100
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now DESCENT3 would be a game I could dig on - where'd you say you
 found it? Cuz I was looking about a month ago for it offa few sites,
 and each time it was a dead link...

It was EBGames
The only linux game they even offer now is HereticII.
Just ordered it.
Shipping cost me more than the game, the game was $3.99


I used to be a FUNDAMENTALIST, but then I heard about the HIGH
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel

2003-01-06 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 05 January 2003 13:32, ivette brusselmans wrote:
 Still having VNC problems!

 MDK 9.0

 when I type vncviewer in terminal and give the IPaddress of the remote box
 I want to administer, I get the message
 VNC server default format:
 16 bits per pixel.
 Least significant byte first in each pixel
 True colour: mas red 31 green 63 blue 31, shift red 11 green 5 blue 0
 Can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel. Sorry.

 When I used MDK 8.2 I didn't have this problem. Someone advised me to
 change color from 24 bits to 16 or 32, which I did, to no avail. Keep
 getting the same message about the 24 bits-per-pixel.

 Anyone got similar problems and a solution?


Did You try 'tightvnc' instead of the standard Virtual Network Connection that 
Mdk offers (it's there for the taking)?
The standard VNC tends to get clunky.
I've dumped VNC altogether, i.e. I've no Winders machines and I certainly 
don't want to see their gui's on my Linboxes!
Accessing my linboxes using ssh -C -X  works great for exporting gui's.
I even play 3d games remotely (though slowly) that way.

I've got 3 (and some neighbour's)kids hogging the main PC cause of the games, 
so if I want to access anything (and I mean: anything) immediately, I plug in 
my laptop somewhere (usually upstairs -it's quiter) on the network and access 
my app's from there. That's when ssh is realy col, even runnin xine!:o)
Now to find something that can export sound too.

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] VNC can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel

2003-01-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 10:50, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 I've got 3 (and some neighbour's)kids hogging the main PC cause of the games, 
 so if I want to access anything (and I mean: anything) immediately, I plug in 
 my laptop somewhere (usually upstairs -it's quiter) on the network and access 
 my app's from there. That's when ssh is realy col, even runnin xine!:o)
 Now to find something that can export sound too.
 Good luck,

UNIX was the first OS that allowed for slave or dumb terminals to
run applications ON the server from remote. Telnet, SSH and the likes
are still the most stable means to deal with any type of remote access.
Everything else is based loosely on it.

I only use VNC when I absolutely have to. There are times, though, that
I can't be bothered to turn around in my seat to see what the wife-unit
is doing, so I fire up VNC to assist her...or for the Mac...I can't be
bothered to move my chair the 1.5 meter distance to the Mac...(g)...but
in the instance of client support, it's helpful to SHOW them this that
or the other thing to get things working - otherwise, on the linux
machines I support, telnet and ssh are great...and on the Win2k/XP
machines, I always make sure I have the telnet services
that I can slip in the back door and do what I have to do without
bothering the operator of the workstation...but sometimes they like to
see the magic of remote control...go figure...

Tue Jan  7 09:55:01 EST 2003
  9:55am  up 2 days, 13:03,  6 users,  load average: 0.55, 0.49, 0.48

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

Kitchen activity is highlighted.  Butter up a friend.

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[newbie] Mouse

2003-01-06 Thread Can Baytan
Howdy doody all,

My first mail!,  intro is at:, 

Installed 9.0 yesterday. I was gonna ask kppp question but now I've
changed my mouse from regular to wheel, because mine is PS/2 wheel, it
freezed, I don't wanna change my X config, I checked XF86Config and it
says dev ./dev/usbmouse (I guess because evrything is ok except internet
connection writing this from win2k).
I've typed device to /dev/mouse or /dev/ttyS0 (Silly me it's modem)
didn't on the XF86Config neither worked.

Anyways any ideas will be appreciated for mouse blues, like is there any
way using KDE without mouse or typing something correct on the

Thanks in advance

Can Baytan

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[newbie] lincity

2003-01-06 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
Hi all,

Is there anyone that's gotten 'lincity' to run on Mdk9.0?

I've tried installing the sources and the binaries  as well-- no go!
Then made a .rpm (lincity-1.11-7.noarch.rpm) using 'alien' from a .deb 
(lincity_1.11-6_all.deb) package --no go!

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Mouse

2003-01-06 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 22:58:42 +0200
Can Baytan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyways any ideas will be appreciated for mouse blues, like is there
 any way using KDE without mouse or typing something correct on the

Open a shell or drop to a VC, su to root and run mousedrake.
Select ps/2 wheel mouse and you are back in business.


University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.
-- Henry Kissinger
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] installing mdk rpm's

2003-01-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 1:46 pm, you wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 11:20 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 21:06, Anne Wilson wrote:

So if I locate the desired icon, I can copy it to one of these
locations and it will appear in the listed available icons in
menudrake?  I'll try that.


I sometimes copy all the icons I can find to a single location - makes
it easier to deal with at times.

Same here. I have a number of self made icons which I copy to the same
directory with each OS and use them every time.It was fun creating them,
and I like my Icons to be a certain size and general shape and colours
to go against background colours. That is one nice feature about linux.


But are they accessible when editing a menu entry?  Is there some way of
adding a directory to a path for this purpose?  Or do you have to add them
to one of the directories that the menu editor is already seeking?


They appear in the kde list ,
just select one of your newly made icons in menu editor
and they are addopted.

Thanks, John

Just one more question - when I changed an icon before in MenuDrake I saw the 
icons graphically.  This time I get a list of filenames, with a preview box 
at the right hand side, so I have to click on one to see what it is.  Can 
anyone tell me how to revert to the graphical view?



Well, in /usr/share icons, the file displays it'self when leftmouse clicked,

or in menu editor they display from a list when selected.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mouse

2003-01-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 07:58, Can Baytan wrote:
 Howdy doody all,
 My first mail!,  intro is at:, 
 Installed 9.0 yesterday. I was gonna ask kppp question but now I've
 changed my mouse from regular to wheel, because mine is PS/2 wheel, it
 freezed, I don't wanna change my X config, I checked XF86Config and it
 says dev ./dev/usbmouse (I guess because evrything is ok except internet
 connection writing this from win2k).
 I've typed device to /dev/mouse or /dev/ttyS0 (Silly me it's modem)
 didn't on the XF86Config neither worked.
 Anyways any ideas will be appreciated for mouse blues, like is there any
 way using KDE without mouse or typing something correct on the
 Thanks in advance
 Can Baytan

Have you tried running mousedrake?

Tue Jan  7 10:25:00 EST 2003
 10:25am  up 2 days, 13:33,  6 users,  load average: 0.72, 0.20, 0.21

kuhn media australia -
stephen kuhn - katherine kuhn - berkeley, nsw, au
icq: 5483808 - mobile: 0410-728-389

 * linux user: 267497 * rh 7.3+ *

A fractal is by definition a set for which the Hausdorff Besicovitch
dimension strictly exceeds the topological dimension.
-- Mandelbrot, _The Fractal Geometry of Nature_

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Re: [newbie] Mouse

2003-01-06 Thread Jason Greenwood

Hi Can,

There are several ways to edit XF86Config by hand or from the Command Line.
When you get to LILO, hit esc immediately and you will be dumped to a prompt,
type "linux -s" (single user mode, cli) and that will get you to a command
line as root. The go to the /etc/X11 dir and then type mcedit XF86Config
and then edit it within mcedit. Alternatively wait for the kdm login screen
and then hit ctrl+alt+f3 (for a virtual terminal). From there do the same
as I said before or type MCC and then configure the mouse from the command
line version of MCC. From that point, hit ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to your
graphical login screen. Barring that, use Knoppix to create your XF86Config/-4
files for you with your peripherals plugged in and then if they work, overwrite
your Mandrake one's with them.

Hope this helps,



Can Baytan wrote:

  Howdy doody all,

My first mail!,  intro is at:, 

Installed 9.0 yesterday. I was gonna ask kppp question but now I've
changed my mouse from regular to wheel, because mine is PS/2 wheel, it
freezed, I don't wanna change my X config, I checked XF86Config and it
says dev ./dev/usbmouse (I guess because evrything is ok except internet
connection writing this from win2k).
I've typed device to /dev/mouse or /dev/ttyS0 (Silly me it's modem)
didn't on the XF86Config neither worked.

Anyways any ideas will be appreciated for mouse blues, like is there any
way using KDE without mouse or typing something correct on the

Thanks in advance

Can Baytan


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Re: [newbie] HELP

2003-01-06 Thread Carl J. Bauman
I get by with a little from my friends...

Damian Gatabria wrote:

On Monday 06 January 2003 07:55, Tomas Andersson wrote:


- i need somebody!

not just anybody!


you know i need someone!





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Re: [newbie] kernel panic during install when formatting swap partitionon Power Mac 8600

2003-01-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 16:20, Daniel Segel wrote:

I'm trying to install Mandrake 8.2/PPC on a Powermac 8600/300 with 2x4GB 
SCSI hard drives and 192MB RAM in it. I've tried installing onto both 
drives, but I get the same error either way. The problem I'm having is that 
I get a kernel panic when the installer gets to the point of trying to 
format the swap partition. If I don't create a swap partition then it goes 
through that step just fine, but obviously I wouldn't bother continuing in 
that case.

The weird part is that I get a similar crash when trying to install 
Yellowdog linux as well, but it's only the swap partition that causes a 

I've already tried a low-level format of the drives, and I've tried putting 
the swap partition in different places on the drive. I also ran the 
Yellowdog version of parted and tried creating partitions manually - 
everything goes fine until I actually try to create the filesystem on the 
swap partition, then it blows up. Actually, if I create a really small swap 
partition (~10MB) then it works OK, but 128MB or larger doesn't. I haven't 
done any testing to determine the largest successful swap partition I can 
create a filesystem on.

Any ideas? This has been driving me crazy for a week now.



When you're doing the installation, are you letting MDK do automatic
partitioning for you? Or have you tried that? I seem to remember someone
stating that there was a system for a partitioning scheme that was
successful...can't quite remember it now...but it did work...


I've not been following this thread until now so forgive me if I'm off here.
Now I cannot offer an explanation for your problem, but one possible
workaround might be to merely create that /swap  partition but leave
it unformatted and complete the install. When you reboot and get to
desktop you can always format the swap partition and make it active
from there. I think you will have to have a reasonable amount of physical
memory to do this , I don't know what the minimum is, but maybe
128Mb   is about right for M9.0

Just a thought.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] lincity

2003-01-06 Thread Jerry
Nope.. I couldn't get it to compile.

 Is there anyone that's gotten 'lincity' to run on Mdk9.0?
 I've tried installing the sources and the binaries  as well-- no go!
 Then made a .rpm (lincity-1.11-7.noarch.rpm) using 'alien' from a .deb 
 (lincity_1.11-6_all.deb) package --no go!
 Good luck,

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