[newbie-it] Da postscript ad html

2003-09-21 Thread Luigi Beltramini

c'e' qualche utility che converta da .ps ad .html?

[newbie-it] transcode (era: conversione formati video )

2003-09-21 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Alle 08:03, mercoledì 17 settembre 2003, Rev.Ferris ha scritto:
 Quando impari ad usare transcode mi fai sapere? io intanto uso il
 mencoder ma vorrei provare anche quello.
 Ciao e fammi sapere com'è andata!

Ho cavato qualche ragno dal buco con transcode, così ti aggiorno; mi ha 
convertito un filmato avi in xvid. Non pretendo che queste operazioni siano 
il percorso più lineare, ma intanto così funziona e poi c'è spazio per 
ulteriori scoperte.
Ho scaricato il pacchetto xvidcore-0.9.2.tar.gz da www.xvid.org, l'ho 
decompresso ed ho compilato la roba che stava nella sua sottocartella 
build. Lui ha creato delle librerie in usr/local/lib: qui ho preso 
libxvidcore.so.2.1 e l'ho copiato nella cartella di transcode (che è nello 
stesso posto, /usr/local/lib/transcode) e gli ho cambiato il nome togliendo 
l'estensione .2.1, in pratica è rimasto libxvidcore.so .
A questo punto mi accetta il comando
$ transcode -i file_da_convertire.avi -o file_convertito -y xvid2
Risultato: ottima qualità passando da 219,7 a 1,9 MB!
Con transcode conviene dare comandi abbozzati e anche se non funziona leggere 
attentamente la risposta; ad esempio si capisce che se si chiede -y [stringa] 
lui cerca i file lib[stringa]core.so e import_[stringa].so, e questi 
devono stare nella stessa cartella.
Spero che questo possa costituire una partenza anche per te, se scopri altre 
cose fammi sapere.
Rieccomi qui e nei miei veri panni:
capitano Pinky Pack delle guardie reali
da Topolino e l'ultraghiaccio
Topolino n. 597, 7 maggio 1967

[newbie-it] 2 questions

2003-09-21 Thread zang
Nel mio vagare nel sistema in cerca di indizzi che mi facciano capire perchè 
l'audio (dal lontano giorno che ho mollato windoze) si rifiuta di funzionare 
(rifiutandomi cocciutamente di reinstallare) mi sono imbattuto in quest 

Linux version 2.4.21-0.13mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.2.2 
(Mandrake Linux 9.1 3.2.2-3mdk)) #1 Fri Mar 14 15:08:06 EST 2003
testing the IO APIC...

IO APIC #2..
 register #00: 0200
...: physical APIC id: 02
 register #01: 00178003
... : max redirection entries: 0017
... : PRQ implemented: 1
... : IO APIC version: 0003
An unexpected IO-APIC was found. If this kernel release is less than
three months old please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
che si fa in questo caso? 
Poi, sempre nei messaggi del kernel...
Intel 810 + AC97 Audio, version 0.24, 15:29:58 Mar 14 2003
devfs_register(sound/audio): could not append to parent, err: -17
NeoMagic 256AV/256ZX audio driver, version 1.1p
Intel 810 + AC97 Audio, version 0.24, 15:29:58 Mar 14 2003

(Neomagic ??? e da dove salta fuori? )
il chipset è giusto.. ma come driver vorrei Alsa, visto che Arts funziona 
una dritta per piacere...di manuali vari ne ho letti parecchi ma non sono 
riuscito a capire dove sta' l'inghippo 


Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread Dale Huckeby

On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Dale Huckeby wrote:
 . . . The time each takes to print one of a sample page, from the time
I press the Okay button till the copy slides out, is 18 seconds for
Economy Grayscale, 23 seconds for Economy, 28 seconds for Normal Grayscale,
62 seconds for Normal, about a minute and a half for High Quality 
Grayscale, and about 4 minutes for High Quality.  Normal and High Quality
probably aren't distinguishable by the casual viewer, but held side by
side Normal is slightly thicker and muddier looking.  Under a magnifying
glass the edges would be fuzzier.  High Quality has a slighter thinner,
harder, sharp-edged printshop look.  High Quality Grayscale is just a
little lighter.  Normal Grayscale is actually hard to tell from High
Quality, so I might switch to that as my default.  I didn't test Very
High Quality or Photo or their grayscales.  By the way, the times above
are for the first page, which includes the time it takes for the program
to communicate with the printer.  I just ran page 1 and 2 at Normal
Grayscale and the first page was out at 28 seconds and the second at 51,
so all subsequent pages should take about 23 seconds apiece.

 OK so that sounds interesting. Now the time taken to create the print 
 file and send it complete to the printer is always going to be longer in 
 linux with ghostscript employed than in windblows, that cannot be 
 helped,  the  PCL5 to PCL3 conversion takes time, and in any case each 
 individual computer is going to vary the time according to it's power to 
 process etc.
 So how about taking a 600dpi scanned file in either .pnm or .jpg of an 
 A4 colour page(it can be anything) then send that file to printer at say 
 600dpi High quality, and note the time from when the file first arrives 
 at the spooling window (kde - peripherals - printer - jobs) and you 
 start to hear the printer load the sheet of paper to completion of the 
 printed page.
 I created a 600dpi scanned A4 colour page .jpg file of 3.4Mb, in gimp,  
 which took just over 3 minutes to print from the moment the page loaded 
 to final ejection from the Lexmark Z53 printer. That's a lot of 
 numbercrunchingbut sets a big task to compare performances with.
 How long would your Epson C82 take to process the same size and type of 

  Sorry, don't know what an A4 color page is, nor how to create one.  If you'll
tell me how to make one in gimp I'll do it but I don't know how meaningful the
print comparison will be.  I don't use kde so will probably be printing from the
command line.  (Anything that's not being printed from OOo, Opera, or Pine.)


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[newbie] Rete e Samba

2003-09-21 Thread BEZIER Database e Web Service
UN saluto a tutti, mi chiamo Giuseppe e sono un nuovo arivato del mondo
Nel mio piccolo studio ho tre pc collegati fra loro in rete. Tutti e tre
sono dotati di sistema WIN ma vorrei che uno di loro venisse semplicemente
utilizzato come server e perciò solamente per buttarci i backup di tutti i
lavori, per esempio, della settimana. Allo scopo, e con l'intento di entrare
in un nuovo mondo che già avevo tastato qualche anno fà, ho acquistato la
Mandrake Power Pack che vorrei installare nel pc server. L'installazione è
OK, come anche il riconoscimento di tutte le periferiche ma ho ancora dei

1) mi consigliate su come far comunicare ora i 2 pc win col server Linux ?
So che esiste Samba ma non ho idea sul come lanciare un backup da Win verso
LInux. In particolare, se Samba è installato su Linux, cosa devo usare su
Win per la comunicazione ?
2) In particolare, quali sono le configurazioni principali che devo dare a
Samba per poter essere visto da Windows ?
3) Considerando poi che devo rendere il tutto abbastanza performante in
quanto lo utilizzo per lavoro e non per hobby, pensate che il sistema sia
davvero pratico, o molto meglio lasciare i tre sistemi dotati di win ?

GRazie a tutti per le eventuali risposte e scusate per la lungaggine.

Giuseppe Urru
Databases Developer
BEZIER Database e Web Service
via S.Ignazio, 24
09098 TERRALBA (Or)
Web: www.bezier.it

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Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread Thomas Williams
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 20:00:33 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's the reality? What, if anything, do those of us who support
 computer/Internet privacy have to fear from the group and Trusted
 Computing Platforms?
 First of all, the companies that constitute the Trusted Computing Group
 include many of the heavyweights of the personal computer industry --
 Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Nokia and Intel, among others --
 all of which are interested in protecting their interests, not yours.
 Most important, they propose to do this by advocating legislation that
 would require every computer sold to have a Trusted Platform Module. 

I know this is OT, but I just had to throw in my two cents worth on this. I read the 
article, and I was skeptical at first. I found the TCG site and read just their 
description of it and it sounded like just what is needed. So I proceeded to download 
the specification. 

I started reading the specification and my first reaction was that someone was being 
paranoid about all of this. It still sounded good. Then I started getting into some of 
the details. Now some of this is subject to interpretation, but this is how I 
interpreted it. In order for an entity (which could be a user or a software package) 
to take advantage of the TPM, it must have authorization data. Where does this 
authorization data come from? Not from the owner, (the person who physically owns the 
machine) not from the installer, although it could I suppose, but from another trusted 
entity. This entity can be over a network. Which if I'm interpreting this correctly, 
(bear in mind, I may not be, after all this was mind-numbing 332 pages worth of 
details) means that the company that produced the software can remotely download the 
authorization data onto your computer in order for your software to work. Furthermore, 
there is a validity field in this authorization data. That field c
 an have a time associated with it, which can define when  the authorization data is 
valid for. There is how it is done!

Of course you realize what this really means? Should this get implemented, everyone 
here in the US will start going over the border to get their computers and/or only run 
Linux on it. grin

I apologize to all of those who are not in the US for this, but I wouldn't doubt but 
what if this does happen here that sooner or later it will start happening elsewhere. 
Be aware!

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[newbie] Spam filtering revisited

2003-09-21 Thread Mark Annandale
Hi Guys

I have been dabbling with mailfilter and spamassassin. Spamassassin filters a 
few spam messages received and I have managed to get filters sorted out with 
KMail to send the SPAM* messages to a spam folder.

Trying out maililter the logs show that the messages on the pop3 server have 
been looked at, but nothing deleted. I used the default settings so I'm 
gessing some rules are needed.

My question is this : Having a spam folder with hundreds of rejected messages, 
is it possible to have some kind os script to generate rules from the spam 
headers ? I don't know much about scripts but perhaps someone on the list has 
done something similar. basically this is just to save me the time of 
manually adding individual rules to mailfilter and / or spamassassin.

Alternatively is there another spam type application that could scan the spam 
folder and automatically generate rules, et al (helmet on) 'the other OS' 
(helmet off) type stuff.

Thnaks as always.


Mark Annandale
Mandrake 9.1 - KDE 3.1.3 - KMail 1.5.3
Absolutely no Microsoft products were used in the
compilation of this document.

The honeymoon is not actually over until we cease to stifle our sighs
and begin to stifle our yawns.
-- Helen Rowland

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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 3:53 am, yankl wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2003 10:39 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
  On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 22:31:14 -0400
  yankl [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Ok, back to reality, you just wasted 5 minutes of your life you
  will never get back... ;-)

 I donate this 5 minutes to the FSF/OSS foundation.

Yank, man pages are great once you have a bit of experience under the 
belt.  For a true newbie, many ar totally inpenetrable.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 12:02, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2003 08:15 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  The management part comes in when you get mobbed. ;)
 Good to hear that you survived Isabel. From what I could make out from the map 
 in the News  Disturber, she didn't miss you by much.
 -- cmg

Three weeks ago the south-eastern coast of Australia was hit with winds
that blasted us in excess of 140kph - causing damage and panic, loss of
power and utilities, homes, a few lives - how come y'all don't hear a
damn thing about that back in Yankland? Not a one person mentioned
anything in the past three weeks about it...hmmm?

Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Inglish Spocken Hier: some mangled translations Various signs in Poland:
Right turn toward immediate outside. Go soothingly in the snow, as there
lurk the ski demons. Five o'clock tea at all hours. In a men's washroom
in Sidney: Shake excess water from hands, push button to start, rub
hands rapidly under air outlet and wipe hands on front of shirt. --
Colin Bowles, San Francisco Chronicle

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Re: [newbie] test sms response

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 12:55, yankl wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2003 10:49 pm, ed tharp wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 22:40, HaywireMac wrote:
   On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 22:39:43 -0400
   yankl [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
It is look like for each time I post I get an kaluga sms replay to me
   You just noticed this *now*?!
  I say we blame Yankl for it
   Your previous rant just reached new levels of hilarity.
 Yes right. Blame the little guy.

Hec, we always blame HoeJill/MayhireWac for things - guess yer turn is
up mate...and remember - if mamaw had nuts she'd be papaw...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
ink, n.: A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic, and
water, chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote
intellectual crime. -- H.L. Mencken

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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Graham Watkins
Dick Gevers wrote:

Same here today. A couple early in the morning, and another string in the
afternoon, all accompanied by fake Microsoft Security updates, and all the
pairs had similar `return path` and/or `from` and/or `to`.
My suspicion is that these are directly coming from virus disseminators.

They are lousy to filter (I am using `mailfilter`; see Mandrake Club RPM
Voting), because each pair has a completely different set of headers, but
they all come with the same approximate size (~140-160 Kb), have a windows
executable attached and the fake M$ ones also have two .gif type pictures.
These aren't what I'm concerned about (although I have been getting them 
 - those are almost certainly virii).  What I've been getting are 
delivery failure messages with no attachments which make me wonder if 
I'm being used as a conduit for someone else's junk mail program and 
that these return mail messages are a result of junk mails sent to email 
addresses that are no longer in existence.

Having said that, my firewall seems to be secure so far as I can tell. 
Stephen suggested that I should have a look at my postfix setup but I 
don't use a mailserver as my mail goes to and from my ISP via Mozilla 
without any intermediary.

I suppose I could take Charlie's advice and filter them out but I'd 
still like to get to the bottom of what's going on. Who is sending these 
 and why?

As regards the suggestions for a vigilante organisation, I understand 
that most of the big time spammers are based in Florida.  I suggest we 
start drawing up invasion plans :-)

I'm still completely mystified by this - if I'm not being hacked and 
there's no virus attached, then what on earth is the point of these things?

Graham Watkins
On the whole, I preferred cats to women because cats seldom if ever used 
the word relationship.(Kinky Friedman - Greenwich Killing Time)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] test sms response

2003-09-21 Thread Margot
Carroll Grigsby wrote:
On Saturday 20 September 2003 10:39 pm, yankl wrote:

It is look like for each time I post I get an kaluga sms replay to me

Think of it as confirmation that your message has been received by Sympa and 
sent to the list. (Kaluga must be the Russian word for PITA.)
-- cmg

I assumed Kaluga was a kind of caviar, and this was some sort of 
advertising promotion - they are confirming that a small tin of best 
kaluga is in the mail to everyone who posts a message to the newbie list 
for a limited period only of course. There, I just qualified for 
another tin!


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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Margot
Graham Watkins wrote:
Dick Gevers wrote:

Same here today. A couple early in the morning, and another string in the
afternoon, all accompanied by fake Microsoft Security updates, and all 
pairs had similar `return path` and/or `from` and/or `to`.

My suspicion is that these are directly coming from virus disseminators.

They are lousy to filter (I am using `mailfilter`; see Mandrake Club RPM
Voting), because each pair has a completely different set of headers, but
they all come with the same approximate size (~140-160 Kb), have a 
executable attached and the fake M$ ones also have two .gif type 

These aren't what I'm concerned about (although I have been getting them 
 - those are almost certainly virii).  What I've been getting are 
delivery failure messages with no attachments which make me wonder if 
I'm being used as a conduit for someone else's junk mail program and 
that these return mail messages are a result of junk mails sent to email 
addresses that are no longer in existence.

Having said that, my firewall seems to be secure so far as I can tell. 
Stephen suggested that I should have a look at my postfix setup but I 
don't use a mailserver as my mail goes to and from my ISP via Mozilla 
without any intermediary.

I suppose I could take Charlie's advice and filter them out but I'd 
still like to get to the bottom of what's going on. Who is sending these 
 and why?

As regards the suggestions for a vigilante organisation, I understand 
that most of the big time spammers are based in Florida.  I suggest we 
start drawing up invasion plans :-)

I'm still completely mystified by this - if I'm not being hacked and 
there's no virus attached, then what on earth is the point of these things?


What this generally means is that the virus is replicating itself by 
using your email address, plucked from the address book of someone who 
uses Outlook Express. Have you ever sent an email to someone who uses 
OE? Or given your email address to someone who uses OE, which they've 
added to their address book? Or posted to a mailing list where someone 
else on the list uses OE? I bet you have, even if you didn't mean to! As 
your address is being used, the bounce messages are being (mis)directed 
to you. There is nothing you can do about it, except keeping your email 
address secret from everybody - which means not using it!


Got to go and pack my suitcase for Florida now - I hope they don't 
examine it too carefully when I enter the USA - I don't want them 
finding the nuclear warheads I've hidden under my spare bikini!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: have I been hacked??]

2003-09-21 Thread Graham Watkins
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

Grab iptraf from one of the contrib mirrors - tells you everything you
want to know about the network traffic on your system and
network...really...it's a great tool, mate...
Grabbed it, installed it - nice display.  But how do I interpret the 
info it provides?  Or to put it another way, if I'm being hacked, what 
should I expect to see?

Graham Watkins
On the whole, I preferred cats to women because cats seldom if ever used 
the word relationship.(Kinky Friedman - Greenwich Killing Time)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread Sharrea Day
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:04, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Three weeks ago the south-eastern coast of Australia was hit with winds
 that blasted us in excess of 140kph - causing damage and panic, loss of
 power and utilities, homes, a few lives - how come y'all don't hear a
 damn thing about that back in Yankland? Not a one person mentioned
 anything in the past three weeks about it...hmmm?

 Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
 US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?

Yeah... an' the South Island, NZ got hit with 170kph winds just a few days 
ago an' notawordaboutit???

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] xcdroast error

2003-09-21 Thread Sharrea Day
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 12:21, Bryan Phinney wrote:
 If you are trying to play these in a standalone CD player, you should be
 aware that CD Audio is slightly different from data or playing disks in a
 computer. Standlalone players are sometimes less forgiving of slight
 irregularities in the disk format.

 My wife's car, for instance, has a cd player that can play burned audio
 cds but only when they have been burned at 2x or less.  As soon as I try
 to burn them at a faster rate, the cd player will report irregularities
 with the cd or do screwy things, like skipping certain tracks or
 reporting a disk error when it gets to particular tracks.  My own car cd
 player will play cd audios recorded at any speed.

Jeez!  Just burnt another audio CD at 4x and it wouldn't play on my PC from 
my CD-ROM drive or the small stereo system in the kitchen.  But after 
reading your message I tried it in the car stereo and voila! it works!  And 
so did the other 7 CDs I thought were coasters!  So now I have 8 bl**dy CDs 
all the same :)

  Sorry, I wasn't very specific there.  I didn't actually copy
  on-the-fly, I ripped the audio CD to hard drive and then burnt to CDR. 
  Each song plays fine from the hard drive.  I even deleted them and
  ripped again several times using various apps, all with the same

 Just as  a test, reduce the speed to 1x for recording and then see if it
 helps, if so, then I would suggest that the problem is not with the
 burner but with the player.

Because I copied and pasted the command into konsole I forgot to change the 
speed from 4x.  Will try that on the next one.  Getting somewhere now 

Thanks for your help Bryan.

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] ATRAC CD Walkman

2003-09-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 10:34 am, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 20 Sep 2003 7:08 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I'd like to add an image file of the spiel on the back of the
  box, only it'd come to more than 100kb., then you could all see
  what you make of it.
 Would you send it to me at home, John?

 OK, here it is , I think you may still need to dl the file
 attatched to
 hd and open in in gimp and then rescale the image to say 300% to
 read is
 easily. The original text was so small it's practically unreadable
 without a magnifying glass, at any rate for me.


Well, it does say *maximum* of 30 albums, which is pretty meaningless.  
I think my granddaughter's player says something like 'around 100 
tracks', which doesn't mean much either, since a track can vary from 
~2.5 minutes to 5 minutes.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 18:34, Margot wrote:

 Got to go and pack my suitcase for Florida now - I hope they don't 
 examine it too carefully when I enter the USA - I don't want them 
 finding the nuclear warheads I've hidden under my spare bikini!

Bring the bikini and the body here for proper inspection. Can't be too
careful, mate...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
You have a strong appeal for members of the opposite sex.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] [Fwd: have I been hacked??]

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 18:28, Graham Watkins wrote:
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Grab iptraf from one of the contrib mirrors - tells you everything you
  want to know about the network traffic on your system and
  network...really...it's a great tool, mate...
 Grabbed it, installed it - nice display.  But how do I interpret the 
 info it provides?  Or to put it another way, if I'm being hacked, what 
 should I expect to see?

Just by watching the traffic and ports you should be able to discern
what is going on. With the system at a standstill, set the logging
options - and watch - for a while - if you've only got email being
fetched and the likes, you'll be able to discern from the traffic - via
the IP's and the interface they're operating on - just what is what...

TCP ports 25 and 110 - mailport 80 is http...and etc...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Dear Sir, I am firmly opposed to the spread of microchips either to the
home or to the office, We have more than enough of them foisted upon us
in public places. They are a disgusting Americanism, and can only result
in the farmers being forced to grow smaller potatoes, which in turn will
cause massive un- employment in the already severely depressed
agricultural industry. Yours faithfully, Capt. Quinton D'Arcy, J.P.
Sevenoaks -- Letters To The Editor, The Times of London

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 9:04 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 12:02, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Saturday 20 September 2003 08:15 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
   The management part comes in when you get mobbed. ;)
  Good to hear that you survived Isabel. From what I could make out
  from the map in the News  Disturber, she didn't miss you by
  -- cmg

 Three weeks ago the south-eastern coast of Australia was hit with
 winds that blasted us in excess of 140kph - causing damage and
 panic, loss of power and utilities, homes, a few lives - how come
 y'all don't hear a damn thing about that back in Yankland? Not a
 one person mentioned anything in the past three weeks about

 Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
 US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?

Even stranger - I didn't see anything here, and most of the UK press 
is owned by an Ozzie

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Dick Gevers
Hash: SHA1

Hi Graham,

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 09:06:45 +0100, Graham Watkins
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about Re: [newbie] Possibly OT -
Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin:

Dick Gevers wrote:

 Same here today. A couple early in the morning, and another string in the
 afternoon, all accompanied by fake Microsoft Security updates, and all
 the pairs had similar `return path` and/or `from` and/or `to`.

These aren't what I'm concerned about (although I have been getting them 
  - those are almost certainly virii).  What I've been getting are 
 delivery failure messages 

I should`ve been more clear: one half of each pair I got yesterday was also
a delivery failure message. But they were bogus ones. At first glance they
were from some automated ISP programme but upon closer investigation
revealed many discrepancies. Also they always had lots in common with the
bogus Microsoft security updates which were sent at approx. the same time.

 with no attachments which make me wonder if 
I'm being used as a conduit for someone else's junk mail program and 
that these return mail messages are a result of junk mails sent to email 
addresses that are no longer in existence.

Having said that, my firewall seems to be secure so far as I can tell. 
Stephen suggested that I should have a look at my postfix setup but I 
don't use a mailserver as my mail goes to and from my ISP via Mozilla 
without any intermediary.

Same here ISP  Sylpheed, so it`s as good as impossible if your firewall is
okay and your ports are closed when not needed.

You did, of course, look at the message source to check for attachments ?
(I don`t know how well Mozilla can hide them, I never used Mozilla mail).

As regards the suggestions for a vigilante organisation, I understand 
that most of the big time spammers are based in Florida.  I suggest we 
start drawing up invasion plans :-)

Okay, just give me some coordinates. There`s a co-worker vacationing there
now. I could point her in the right direction (she`s very ugly and as strong
as a horse). g

=Dick Gevers=

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encryption is an envelope - the contents are private.


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Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 18:48, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Even stranger - I didn't see anything here, and most of the UK press 
 is owned by an Ozzie

Mostly cuz Aussies don't whinge too much about anything. We don't freak
out when the blowies come...just sit tight and take it. Ditto with the
next day - we just get on with it and take it in stride instead of
panicking about it and making a big toodoo.

Ah well, onward through the fog...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
All extremists should be taken out and shot.

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Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread Richard Urwin
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 8:04 am, Thomas Williams wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 20:00:33 -0400
 HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First of all, the companies that constitute the Trusted Computing
  Group include many of the heavyweights of the personal computer
  industry -- Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Nokia and Intel,
  among others -- all of which are interested in protecting their
  interests, not yours. Most important, they propose to do this by
  advocating legislation that would require every computer sold to
  have a Trusted Platform Module.
 Of course you realize what this really means? Should this get
 implemented, everyone here in the US will start going over the border
 to get their computers and/or only run Linux on it. grin

Even more worrying is that it would effectively outlaw Linux. There is 
no way to ensure a Linux system runs the platform or runs it securely. 
I don't see that bothering the TCG much.

I haven't read the spec., but I would expect that any TCmodule could be 
remotely detected by those it is supposed to work with, ie govenment 
and big corporations. If they scan you and you aren't running it you 
can expect a visit from the police.

 I apologize to all of those who are not in the US for this, but I
 wouldn't doubt but what if this does happen here that sooner or later
 it will start happening elsewhere. Be aware!

If it does happen in the USA they will try to make damn sure it happens 
elsewhere. Nobody is going to buy computers off them if they don't have 
to. Enter trade sanctions etc. etc., all with a high moral stance that 
politicians will love.

Richard Urwin
All that is required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.

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Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 03:04:11 -0400
Thomas Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Of course you realize what this really means? Should this get
 implemented, everyone here in the US will start going over the border
 to get their computers and/or only run Linux on it. grin

The SNAFU Principle:

SNAFU principle /sna'foo prin'si-pl/ /n./ [from a WWII Army acronym for
`Situation Normal, All Fucked Up'] True communication is possible only
between equals, because inferiors are more consistently rewarded for
telling their superiors pleasant lies than for telling the truth. -- a
central tenet of Discordianism, often invoked by hackers to explain why
authoritarian hierarchies screw up so reliably and systematically. The
effect of the SNAFU principle is a progressive disconnection of
decision-makers from reality.

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods.
-- Socrates

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Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 18:04:25 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
 US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?

ya, I reckon. but not so strange when you take into account the...

uh, I don't want to get started on that again... ;-)

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Life may have no meaning, or, even worse, it may have a meaning of which
you disapprove.

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Re: [newbie] hdd speed problem

2003-09-21 Thread Derek Jennings
On Saturday 20 Sep 2003 8:16 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I am having still problem with hdd speed.

  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.37 seconds =345.95 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  4.17 seconds = 15.35 MB/sec
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] lvgandhi]# hdparm -i /dev/hda


  Model=ST320413A, FwRev=3.39, SerialNo=6ED1JBLC
  PIO modes:  pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4
  DMA modes:  mdma0 mdma1 mdma2
  UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 *udma2 udma3 udma4 udma5
  AdvancedPM=no WriteCache=enabled
  Drive conforms to: device does not report version:  1 2 3 4

 I have following lines in dmesg.
 blk: queue c03cb420, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0x)
 ide0: Speed warnings UDMA 3/4/5 is not functional.
 blk: queue c03cb55c, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0x)
 ide0: Speed warnings UDMA 3/4/5 is not functional.
 inserting floppy driver for 2.4.21-0.13mdk

 It is shown as 100ATA in bios while booting.
 hdparm -X 69 /dev/hda also doesn't help.
 What to do?

At first I thought your problem would perhaps be because you were using the 40 
conductor cable instead of the 80 conductor. But a quick Google/linux on  
'ide0: Speed warnings' reveals a lot of people having similar problems to 
you. The issue seems to revolve around chip sets and the kernel.
One person reported being able to get full disc speed despite the error 
message using hdparm -c1d1X69

It might be worth asking on MandrakeExpert  (Yes, I know they can be slow 
replying, but that is where Civileme devotes his time now)



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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread Richard Urwin
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 8:49 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Yank, man pages are great once you have a bit of experience under the
 belt.  For a true newbie, many ar totally inpenetrable.

Agreed, but I'm not a newbie and IME, man pages are almost useless for 
how do I do x. apropos doesn't work because the man pages call it y. 
If someone tells me use the abc command then I can use man to find 
out how it works.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 18:10, Sharrea Day wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:04, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Three weeks ago the south-eastern coast of Australia was hit with winds
  that blasted us in excess of 140kph - causing damage and panic, loss of
  power and utilities, homes, a few lives - how come y'all don't hear a
  damn thing about that back in Yankland? Not a one person mentioned
  anything in the past three weeks about it...hmmm?
  Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
  US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?
 Yeah... an' the South Island, NZ got hit with 170kph winds just a few days 
 ago an' notawordaboutit???

We heard about it - then again, y'all purty much a state here anyways...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Many have seen Topaxci, God of the Red Mushroom, and they earn the name
of shaman, he said. Some have seen Skelde, spirit of the smoke, and
they are called sorcerers. A few have been privileged to see Umcherrel,
the soul of the forest, and they are known as spirit masters. But none
have seen a box with hundreds of legs that looked at them without eyes,
and they are known as idio-- The interruption was caused by a sudden
screaming noise and a flurry of snow and sparks that blew the fire
across the dark hut; there was a brief blurred vision and then the
opposite wall was blasted aside and the apparition vanished. There was a
long silence. Then a slightly shorter silence. Then the old shaman said
carefully, You didn't just see two men go through upside down on a
broomstick, shouting and screaming at each other, did you? The boy
looked at him levelly. Certainly not, he said. The old man heaved a
sigh of relief. Thank goodness for that, he said. Neither did I. --
Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic

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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread mooney
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 09:07, Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Dale Huckeby wrote:

  I created a 600dpi scanned A4 colour page .jpg file of 3.4Mb, in gimp,  
  which took just over 3 minutes to print from the moment the page loaded 
  to final ejection from the Lexmark Z53 printer. That's a lot of 
  numbercrunchingbut sets a big task to compare performances with.
  How long would your Epson C82 take to process the same size and type of 
   Sorry, don't know what an A4 color page is, nor how to create one.  If you'll
 tell me how to make one in gimp I'll do it but I don't know how meaningful the
 print comparison will be.  I don't use kde so will probably be printing from the
 command line.  (Anything that's not being printed from OOo, Opera, or Pine.)

A4 is what the rest of the world uses when measuring paper size,
'letter' is approx the same dimensions.

A5 is half as big, A3 double, etc.

Paul M

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Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 10:45:29 +0100
Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Even more worrying is that it would effectively outlaw Linux.

Exactement, and in doing so, would drive us underground, fulfilling the
principle I noted, and effectively disarm the powers-that-be utterly.

Look what the community did to Verisign, over a relatively trivial
issue (relative to this TCI crap anyway). Imagine...

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle science fiction.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 23:07, Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Dale Huckeby wrote:
  . . . The time each takes to print one of a sample page, from the time
 I press the Okay button till the copy slides out, is 18 seconds for
 Economy Grayscale, 23 seconds for Economy, 28 seconds for Normal Grayscale,
 62 seconds for Normal, about a minute and a half for High Quality 
 Grayscale, and about 4 minutes for High Quality.  Normal and High Quality
 probably aren't distinguishable by the casual viewer, but held side by
 side Normal is slightly thicker and muddier looking.  Under a magnifying
 glass the edges would be fuzzier.  High Quality has a slighter thinner,
 harder, sharp-edged printshop look.  High Quality Grayscale is just a
 little lighter.  Normal Grayscale is actually hard to tell from High
 Quality, so I might switch to that as my default.  I didn't test Very
 High Quality or Photo or their grayscales.  By the way, the times above
 are for the first page, which includes the time it takes for the program
 to communicate with the printer.  I just ran page 1 and 2 at Normal
 Grayscale and the first page was out at 28 seconds and the second at 51,
 so all subsequent pages should take about 23 seconds apiece.
  OK so that sounds interesting. Now the time taken to create the print 
  file and send it complete to the printer is always going to be longer in 
  linux with ghostscript employed than in windblows, that cannot be 
  helped,  the  PCL5 to PCL3 conversion takes time, and in any case each 
  individual computer is going to vary the time according to it's power to 
  process etc.
  So how about taking a 600dpi scanned file in either .pnm or .jpg of an 
  A4 colour page(it can be anything) then send that file to printer at say 
  600dpi High quality, and note the time from when the file first arrives 
  at the spooling window (kde - peripherals - printer - jobs) and you 
  start to hear the printer load the sheet of paper to completion of the 
  printed page.
  I created a 600dpi scanned A4 colour page .jpg file of 3.4Mb, in gimp,  
  which took just over 3 minutes to print from the moment the page loaded 
  to final ejection from the Lexmark Z53 printer. That's a lot of 
  numbercrunchingbut sets a big task to compare performances with.
  How long would your Epson C82 take to process the same size and type of 
   Sorry, don't know what an A4 color page is, nor how to create one.  If you'll
 tell me how to make one in gimp I'll do it but I don't know how meaningful the
 print comparison will be.  I don't use kde so will probably be printing from the
 command line.  (Anything that's not being printed from OOo, Opera, or Pine.)
A4 is a little smaller than letter size.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] DOWNLOAD: Solaris 10 x86 is back!

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
For those that are sick, twisted, geeky beyond Wesley Crusher
standards, the Sun Solaris x86 version 10 OS is back to be downloaded
(and supported if you really really want it)...just FYI...



stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Your love life will be... interesting.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Re: problem installing mplayer

2003-09-21 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 21:20:22 -0600
Charlie M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my defense, I did notice the one that was going to be set on this
 message and killed it. Believe it or not it was worse.

If you are using a script with fortune to do your sig you might consider
doing it as
fortune -a -s 
which flags it to use shorter 'clean' quotes


Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 10:34 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 23:07, Dale Huckeby wrote:
  On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, John Richard Smith wrote:
   Dale Huckeby wrote:
   . . . The time each takes to print one of a sample page, from
   the time I press the Okay button till the copy slides out, is
   18 seconds for Economy Grayscale, 23 seconds for Economy, 28
   seconds for Normal Grayscale, 62 seconds for Normal, about a
   minute and a half for High Quality Grayscale, and about 4
   minutes for High Quality.  Normal and High Quality probably
   aren't distinguishable by the casual viewer, but held side by
   side Normal is slightly thicker and muddier looking.  Under a
   magnifying glass the edges would be fuzzier.  High Quality has
   a slighter thinner, harder, sharp-edged printshop look.  High
   Quality Grayscale is just a little lighter.  Normal Grayscale
   is actually hard to tell from High Quality, so I might switch
   to that as my default.  I didn't test Very High Quality or
   Photo or their grayscales.  By the way, the times above are
   for the first page, which includes the time it takes for the
   program to communicate with the printer.  I just ran page 1
   and 2 at Normal Grayscale and the first page was out at 28
   seconds and the second at 51, so all subsequent pages should
   take about 23 seconds apiece.
   OK so that sounds interesting. Now the time taken to create the
   print file and send it complete to the printer is always going
   to be longer in linux with ghostscript employed than in
   windblows, that cannot be helped,  the  PCL5 to PCL3 conversion
   takes time, and in any case each individual computer is going
   to vary the time according to it's power to process etc.
   So how about taking a 600dpi scanned file in either .pnm or
   .jpg of an A4 colour page(it can be anything) then send that
   file to printer at say 600dpi High quality, and note the time
   from when the file first arrives at the spooling window (kde -
   peripherals - printer - jobs) and you start to hear the printer
   load the sheet of paper to completion of the printed page.
   I created a 600dpi scanned A4 colour page .jpg file of 3.4Mb,
   in gimp, which took just over 3 minutes to print from the
   moment the page loaded to final ejection from the Lexmark Z53
   printer. That's a lot of numbercrunchingbut sets a big task to
   compare performances with.
   How long would your Epson C82 take to process the same size and
   type of file?
Sorry, don't know what an A4 color page is, nor how to create
  one.  If you'll tell me how to make one in gimp I'll do it but I
  don't know how meaningful the print comparison will be.  I don't
  use kde so will probably be printing from the command line. 
  (Anything that's not being printed from OOo, Opera, or Pine.)

 A4 is a little smaller than letter size.

A4 is around 1/4 narrower, but around 3/4 longer

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

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[newbie] agpgart error

2003-09-21 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I get hardware error while booting process. 
checking for new hardware   failed
Can it be due to this?
This is from /var/log/messages. 

Sep 21 08:16:42 lvghomepc kernel: 0: nvidia: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 nvidia.o 
Kernel Module  1.0-4496  Wed Jul 16 19:03:09 PDT 2003
Sep 21 08:16:44 lvghomepc insmod: 
/lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/char/agp/agpgart.o.gz: init_module: 
No such device
Sep 21 08:16:44 lvghomepc insmod: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by 
incorrect module parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters.   You may find more information in syslog or 
the output from dmesg
Sep 21 08:16:44 lvghomepc kernel: Linux agpgart interface v0.99 (c) Jeff 
Sep 21 08:16:44 lvghomepc kernel: agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp 
memory: 203M
Sep 21 08:16:44 lvghomepc modprobe: modprobe: insmod agpgart failed
Sep 21 08:16:44 lvghomepc kernel: 0: NVRM: AGPGART: unable to retrieve symbol 

But I get good gui. what are the functions of agpgart?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Scanning Images [SOLVED]

2003-09-21 Thread Marco Verheul
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 15:20, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 12:04, John Richard Smith wrote:
  ed tharp wrote:
  you know you 'can' scan from within gimp... if you have all the packages
  if you have the xsane-gimp and xsane installed it should anyway. 

  That is quite true, you can scan withing gimp , but right now the 
  problem is to get sane to scan correctly at all. The original messagee 
  complained about the quality of the result. I wanted to make sure sane 
  is installed( behind the programme he is using is almost certainly sane 
  backends) properly and set up for his make model of scanner.
 yep,  think the quality problem is most likely rooted in the size he is
 scanning the image to, then reducing it and then saving it in some
 other format, every step degrading some,,, but 600dpi 'ought to be' a
 big enough file to start with. 

Thanks for your input. I have found a way to print scanned images at the
correct size. I scan the image at 600 dpi and open it in GIMP. It the
print dialog there is an option to scale the image. I use that to scale
it to the same dimensions as indicated in Xsane.

I used the following settings:

- scale by : percent
- units : cm

Just set the scale to the required width and height and print. I have my
printer configured in different ways. I use my 'photoprint' option where
I also print with a resolution of 600 dpi.

Tell me about these oppressed masses. What's got them so worked up ?
They're upset, sir, because they are so poor that they are forced to
have children merely to provide a cheap alternative to turkey at Christmas.

Registered Linux user #268279

* This message is composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

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Re: [newbie] Removing lilo

2003-09-21 Thread Scott
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 07:50, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 22:17:01 -0400
 yankl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  from man lilo
  - u [device-name] Uninstall lilo by copying the saved boot sector 
  back. The '-s' and '-C' switches may be used with this option. The
  device-name is optional. A time-stamp is checked. 
  so from command line do
  #lilo -u
 A caveat to this is that a New saved copy of the bootsector is made
 each time lilo is run so lilo -u may not necessarily restore the Win
 When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if
 I had any firearms with me.  I said, Well, what do you need?
   -- Steven Wright
 Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Yeah, lilo -u didn't work.  After doing it, the machine wouldn't boot at
all.  I put my 9.1 cd in and went into rescue, thinking I'd re-install
Lilo, then I noticed an option for Restore windows bootloader or
something like that.  I thought it would just overwrite the MBR with the
same /boot/0300 file that lilo -u did, but I decided to give it a try
anyway.  It worked like a charm.


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Re: [newbie] partitioning for Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-21 Thread Lance Cummings
Hi Derek,

Sunday, September 21, 2003, 9:33:47 PM, you wrote:


DJ You have masses of space for your Linux partitions. It does not
DJ really matter how you partition it up. Just make sure you have a
DJ separate /home partition. That is where your user data goes. So
DJ if you ever reinstall you can preserve it. The Mandrake installer
DJ will suggest partiton sizes for you. You might as well just stick
DJ with that.

I do have masses of space (I didn't even mention the scsi subsystem
g), but a lot of it is currently spoken for.  If I understand the
install docs correctly, the Mandrake installer will only suggest
partition sizes if I let it take over the whole drive.  Is that
correct?  If so, I'll need to define my partition sizes myself,
'cause I can't just let 'er rip and overwrite.

DJ The default file system is Ext3  other choices are Reiserfs, XFS,
DJ and JFS, but to be honest as a newbie you will not notice the
DJ difference between any of them so leave as default.

I guess the question I should have asked there is, Are any of these
file systems better in terms of reliability -- as regards data
integrity?  The one that has the least chance of data corruption is
the one I want to use.  That might mean an older, more stable or
more tested file system, even if it's a bit slower.  I know pretty
close to zero about the differences right now.

DJ The default Linux kernel will not address 1GB of RAM you will
DJ only use 700 odd MB. There is an 'Enterprise' kernel on the CD
DJ which will address the 1GB, but the extra instructions needed to
DJ use the high memory actually makes it run slower than the
DJ standard kernel. So I would not worry about it. Linux will run
DJ much faster than Windows even with less memory.

Fair enough.  Swap partition size? (out of the ~35 GB)

DJ It is actually quite safe to let Linux overwrite your MBR  You
DJ would get a nice graphical screen to select which OS you want to
DJ run. Most of us here do that. But if you would rather boot from
DJ floppy thats your choice. It all works ;-)

The key for me would be the ease or difficulty of getting the MBR
back to its original state if I decide to flee back into the
smothering embrace of Redmond.  g  Seriously though, I just need to
make very sure I can get into XP when I need to.  Until such time as
I might decide to make a complete migration, I'd have real need to
get into XP on demand.

DJ Have fun.

Thanks.  One more question comes to mind.  I'm on 100 MB/second
glass, and my wife and I share the connection through a router.  The
install routine will figure out how to get me connected?

Thanks again.


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[newbie] Problems formatting cp mount on a floppy

2003-09-21 Thread Johan
Sometime ago a member had some problems with formatting - msdos - ext2 -
mounting and copying files on
a floppy.
After some tests the following...
IF you will use the floppy only on LINUX then there is a advantage using
EXT2 over msdos - LONG file names is available.
Try the following..if using mdk9.1..
Put floppy in drive
#umount /mnt/floppy   (to make sure it is not mounted)
#mke2fs /dev/fd0
#mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy
IF all OK then..
#ls /mnt/floppy
lost+found directory should show.
#cp xxx??? /mnt/floppy/  (??? - your files)
#ls /mnt/floppy
Your files should show.
IF all OK then..
#umount /mnt/floppy   -  this will force linux to write buffers to disk

**If still problem then try GUI like this...

I also had problems with fdformat to make msdos - it refused to mount. On
the following it worked every time.

#umount /mnt/floppy  (to make sure it is not mounted)

start - Configurations -  Hardware   KFloppy  (this one is like format in
windows - can
do DOS or EXT2 - I like it - it worked every time on both OS formats).

Mount and the rest as above.

May this be a good day for learning

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Make a GRUB boot floppy

2003-09-21 Thread Johan
Sometime ago a member wanted to know how to make a GRUB boot floppy.
This is what I do on MDK9.1 and it works every time - and of course I use
GRUB as my bootloader on floppy and HD.
Put floppy in drive
#umount /mnt/floppy   (just be sure not mounted)
#mke2fs /dev/fd0
#mount -t ext2  /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy
#mkdir /mnt/floppy/boot
#mkdir /mnt/floppy/boot/grub
#cp /boot/grub/stage1 /mnt/floppy/boot/grub
#cp /boot/grub/stage2 /mnt/floppy/boot/grub
#grubroot (fd0)
#grubsetup (fd0)
#cp /boot/grub/menu.lst  /mnt/floppy/boot/grub
Now this floppy will be the same as your HD boot.
#umount /mnt/floppy   (IMPORTEND)
Leave floppy in drive
Restart PC
Voilla - Same as hd

May this be a good day for learning

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] partitioning for Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-21 Thread mike

Derek Jennings wrote:
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 12:43 pm, Lance Cummings wrote:

I am going to give Mandrake 9.1 a look, coming from the MS world.

Until I get real comfortable with the idea the Linux can work for me,
XP will remain the primary OS on the box, so we start by needing to
work around that a little bit.
I have about 35 GB at the back of a 160 GB Seagate ATA100 that I'm
going to use to see how this goes.  The space is an extended
partition right now; there are already three primaries in front of
My plan would be to put the entire works in logical drives inside the
extended, with a boot floppy for starting Linux.  (I'd like to keep
the loader off the MBR for now, since I have critical stuff on the MS
primaries, and I really hesitate to put anything between me and a
straight XP boot, at least until I'm very sure that it won't
interfere with me getting into Windows when I need to. Maybe somebody
can convince me otherwise; I'm a pretty reasonable guy.) ^_^
I'd like suggestions on how to partition this 35 gig space for the
Linux file system, and which particular file system to use.  I have a
gigabyte of RAM, and until I become very convinced that I want to
make this migration, I would not be using the Linux side for anything
extremely intensive (no video editing, for example).
Appreciate any and all input in advance.


Well done on deciding to give Linux  a try. I hope like me you will find it is 
*way* better than Windows. There is a steep learning curve though so do not 
be surprised to find 'we do do things differently'

You have masses of space for your Linux partitions. It does not really matter 
how you partition it up. Just make sure you have a separate /home partition. 
That is where your user data goes. So if you ever reinstall you can preserve 
it. The Mandrake installer will suggest partiton sizes for you. You might as 
well just stick with that.

If you want to share data with Windows be aware that although Linux can read 
an NTFS partition it cannot (yet) write to one reliably. So you might want a 
FAT32 partition for common data.

The default file system is Ext3  other choices are Reiserfs, XFS, and JFS, but 
to be honest as a newbie you will not notice the difference between any of 
them so leave as default.

The default Linux kernel will not address 1GB of RAM you will only use 700 odd 
MB. There is an 'Enterprise' kernel on the CD which will address the 1GB, but 
the extra instructions needed to use the high memory actually makes it run 
slower than the standard kernel. So I would not worry about it. Linux will 
run much faster than Windows even with less memory.

It is actually quite safe to let Linux overwrite your MBR  You would get a 
nice graphical screen to select which OS you want to run. Most of us here do 
that. But if you would rather boot from floppy thats your choice. It all 
works ;-)

Have fun.
When you install you will notice you do not have to fiddle around for driver 
CDs. You do not have to reboot all the time, and you will end up with a 
system with Hundreds of great apps instead of just minesweeper and solitaire.

After you are installed. You do not need to defrag discs. You do not need anti 
virus protection, you will not get pop ups in your browsers, and the OS will 
not crash. Whats not to like? :-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

I must wholeheartedly agree with Derek.;-)

I have dual and triple booted all versions of windows including xp with 
linux without any problems, and I always use the linux boot loader. ( it 
is easier and faster than a floppy too ) I use Mandrake 9.1 in a 
production environment at work everyday ( an information management firm 
where everything is critical ) and run excel and word 2000 everyday IN 
LINUX!!! . I used to boot into the windows partition at work 
occasionally, ( win 2000 pro on an nt network ) but I found it much 
faster and more stable to just stay in Linux. I setup the work box to 
run a fat32 partition and can share files freely. I log on to the 
windows network and even store some of my files on our windows server. I 
only keep the windows partition now for the IT guy.

fear of the unknown isn't unusual, however though unknown to you, what 
you want to do is not unknown by any means. its' safe and well worth the 


Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA


 Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.1 stock kernel Kde 3.1
 Registered Linux User #248955 liquid/acqua  Theme
If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal! 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 04:10, Sharrea Day wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:04, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Three weeks ago the south-eastern coast of Australia was hit with winds
  that blasted us in excess of 140kph - causing damage and panic, loss of
  power and utilities, homes, a few lives - how come y'all don't hear a
  damn thing about that back in Yankland? Not a one person mentioned
  anything in the past three weeks about it...hmmm?
  Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
  US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?
 Yeah... an' the South Island, NZ got hit with 170kph winds just a few days 
 ago an' notawordaboutit???

We (I, at least) had heard of the 'superphoon' they were calling it, but
you are so right that it was blasted off the headlines by a tropical
storm heading right to DC. but they were both some record storms a week
before. they said the eyewall wind speed of Isabel was the highest they
had ever measured from a hurricane hunter plane, and the same night they
were also mentioning the 'superphoon', but I thought it was much north
of you all,,, last I heard. 

Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 05:47, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 03:04:11 -0400
 Thomas Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Of course you realize what this really means? Should this get
  implemented, everyone here in the US will start going over the border
  to get their computers and/or only run Linux on it. grin
 The SNAFU Principle:
 SNAFU principle /sna'foo prin'si-pl/ /n./ [from a WWII Army acronym for
 `Situation Normal, All Fucked Up'] True communication is possible only
 between equals, because inferiors are more consistently rewarded for
 telling their superiors pleasant lies than for telling the truth. -- a
 central tenet of Discordianism, often invoked by hackers to explain why
 authoritarian hierarchies screw up so reliably and systematically. The
 effect of the SNAFU principle is a progressive disconnection of
 decision-makers from reality.

For those of you in the Bible belt... `Situation Normal, All Fouled

Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 05:47, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 03:04:11 -0400
 Thomas Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Of course you realize what this really means? Should this get
  implemented, everyone here in the US will start going over the border
  to get their computers and/or only run Linux on it. grin
 The SNAFU Principle:
 SNAFU principle /sna'foo prin'si-pl/ /n./ [from a WWII Army acronym for
 `Situation Normal, All Fucked Up'] True communication is possible only
 between equals, because inferiors are more consistently rewarded for
 telling their superiors pleasant lies than for telling the truth. -- a
 central tenet of Discordianism, often invoked by hackers to explain why
 authoritarian hierarchies screw up so reliably and systematically. The
 effect of the SNAFU principle is a progressive disconnection of
 decision-makers from reality.

I think this would have been a good inclusion to the thread that asked
about including the RFC to the twiki... the reason RFCs are so damn
polite is exactly this,,, ARPA, DARPA, are still DOD...

Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] partitioning for Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-21 Thread Marc
On Sunday 21 September 2003 06:43 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
 I am going to give Mandrake 9.1 a look, coming from the MS world.
 Until I get real comfortable with the idea the Linux can work for me,
 XP will remain the primary OS on the box, so we start by needing to
 work around that a little bit.
 I have about 35 GB at the back of a 160 GB Seagate ATA100 that I'm
 going to use to see how this goes.  The space is an extended
 partition right now; there are already three primaries in front of
 My plan would be to put the entire works in logical drives inside the
 extended, with a boot floppy for starting Linux.  (I'd like to keep
 the loader off the MBR for now, since I have critical stuff on the MS
 primaries, and I really hesitate to put anything between me and a
 straight XP boot, at least until I'm very sure that it won't
 interfere with me getting into Windows when I need to. Maybe somebody
 can convince me otherwise; I'm a pretty reasonable guy.) ^_^
 I'd like suggestions on how to partition this 35 gig space for the
 Linux file system, and which particular file system to use.  I have a
 gigabyte of RAM, and until I become very convinced that I want to
 make this migration, I would not be using the Linux side for anything
 extremely intensive (no video editing, for example).
 Appreciate any and all input in advance.
  I don't think that I would worry about the MBR and for that matter I don't 
think I would worry about the partitioning. During the installation there is 
a warning that says to back up any important data and maybe it is good advice 
but I have done dual boot installations on somewhere between 30 and 40 
machines and have never lost a single byte of data from windows or had a 
problem with the MBR, and I am no where close to being any kind of expert. 
   All I have ever done is insert disk 1 and use almost all of the defalt 
settings and the MBR has always been rewritten flawlessly and never a bit of 
trouble booting into linux or windoze afterward. If when you get to the 
partitioning part to the installation you choose custom disk partitioning 
then click on your 35GB partision and next click on auto allocate you should 
be good to go. The 35 GB space should automatically be divided into 3 
partisions of roughly the correct size then click on done and follow the 
defalts for the rest of the installation you should be good to go. This has 
been my recipe for success every time. Never not even 1 time have I had a 
seconds trouble with the way the partitions were created or had a seconds 
trouble with the MBR, about all I have ever had to do is configure stuff like 
modems and sound after the installation was finished. Mandrake has really 
made it a nobrainer to get it right first time every time or else I have just 
been darn lucky..
   You may want to have a look at the installation tutorials at 
www.mandrake.com   It really is as easy as they make it look.
   This is just my personal experance YMMV.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 06:19:55 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 10:45:29 +0100
 Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Even more worrying is that it would effectively outlaw Linux.
 Exactement, and in doing so, would drive us underground,
 fulfilling the principle I noted, and effectively disarm the
 powers-that-be utterly.
 Look what the community did to Verisign, over a relatively
 trivial issue (relative to this TCI crap anyway). Imagine...
 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org

Neat idea! Jail linux users. Look Mom, I'm an inmate!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] partitioning for Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-21 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 10:03, Marc wrote:
 On Sunday 21 September 2003 06:43 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
  I am going to give Mandrake 9.1 a look, coming from the MS world.
  Until I get real comfortable with the idea the Linux can work for me,
  XP will remain the primary OS on the box, so we start by needing to
  work around that a little bit.

Most of us understand being a little OS 'gun shy', but (as you will soon
come to understand) that has to do with how poorly cobbled together M$
winblows really is, and as you come to understand that there really are
other and better methods for things, you will so soon wonder why you
thought that that way. just as someone that has had a 2 dollar pistol
blow up in their hand may not want to hold a new Glock 9mm, after they
fire it a few times, they are no where as worried about the Glock
blowing a finger off. soon you too will consider WInblows a 2 dollar
ripoff and real OSs to be closer to cruise missile.
Just my $.02USD

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Dick Gevers
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 22:40:19 +1000, Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote about Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown

There's a rule for that? Dang...
Just when I was going to fire a round of banter at Femme...dang dang

Searchno RFC foundtwiking.nothing there.Anne??

(Hope she isn`t listening; or better yet, getting her bikini...).

We have tropical temperatures this side o` the Channel, so

=Dick Gevers=

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encryption is an envelope - the contents are private.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread Eric Huff
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Three weeks ago the south-eastern coast of Australia was hit with
 winds that blasted us in excess of 140kph - causing damage and
 panic, loss of power and utilities, homes, a few lives - how come
 y'all don't hear a damn thing about that back in Yankland? Not a
 one person mentioned anything in the past three weeks about
 Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
 US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?

Why is that? Is that because of a lot of US owned newscasts?  Why
does the rest of the world care so much about a hurrican in the US?
(or, i should say, why do the brodcast companies care so much?)

My Indian friends are always amazed at how, when a few people die in
the US from weather, it makes huge national news in the US.
Natural disasters in India with anything short of 1000 deaths barely
makes their local news...

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] test

2003-09-21 Thread BEZIER Database e Web Service
Giuseppe Urru
Databases Developer
BEZIER Database e Web Service
via S.Ignazio, 24
09098 TERRALBA (Or)
Web: www.bezier.it

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Re: partitioning for Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-21 Thread Björn Lundin
Lance Cummings wrote:

 Hi Derek,
 Sunday, September 21, 2003, 9:33:47 PM, you wrote:
 DJ You have masses of space for your Linux partitions. It does not
 DJ really matter how you partition it up. Just make sure you have a
 DJ separate /home partition. That is where your user data goes. So
 DJ if you ever reinstall you can preserve it. The Mandrake installer
 DJ will suggest partiton sizes for you. You might as well just stick
 DJ with that.
 I do have masses of space (I didn't even mention the scsi subsystem
 g), but a lot of it is currently spoken for.  If I understand the
 install docs correctly, the Mandrake installer will only suggest
 partition sizes if I let it take over the whole drive.  Is that
 correct?  If so, I'll need to define my partition sizes myself,
 'cause I can't just let 'er rip and overwrite.

I think so, but I'm not sure.
I'd use 'Expert mode' in setting the disk up. Expert is actually 
just more options in the dialogs.

I'd proberbly set it up something like

/ ~ 4-6 GB
/swap ~ 150 - 200 Mb (You've got lot's of RAM)
/usr ~ 10 Gb
/home ~ The rest ( ~ 20 Gb) 

When you get the taste for it, You can look at LVM,
Logical Volume Groups, to assign more or less space
to your partitions, but leave it until you've got
used to the concept behind it. 

 DJ The default file system is Ext3  other choices are Reiserfs, XFS,
 DJ and JFS, but to be honest as a newbie you will not notice the
 DJ difference between any of them so leave as default.
 I guess the question I should have asked there is, Are any of these
 file systems better in terms of reliability -- as regards data

They are all good.
I always use ReiserFS for all my partitions, but that's just a matter of

 DJ It is actually quite safe to let Linux overwrite your MBR  You
 DJ would get a nice graphical screen to select which OS you want to
 DJ run. Most of us here do that. But if you would rather boot from
 DJ floppy thats your choice. It all works ;-)

I agree.

 The key for me would be the ease or difficulty of getting the MBR
 back to its original state if I decide to flee back into the
 smothering embrace of Redmond.  g  Seriously though, I just need to
 make very sure I can get into XP when I need to.  Until such time as
 I might decide to make a complete migration, I'd have real need to
 get into XP on demand.
 DJ Have fun.

You migth want to have a look at fdisk in XP.
MS used to have a /MBR option to fdisk, to erase 
anything in the MBR, but I have not ever needed it.

 Thanks.  One more question comes to mind.  I'm on 100 MB/second
 glass, and my wife and I share the connection through a router.  The
 install routine will figure out how to get me connected?

Yes (I think)

 Thanks again.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Removing lilo

2003-09-21 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Saturday 20 September 2003 10:16 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2003 07:41 pm, Scott wrote:
  I want to take a slave hard drive out of a box that I gave to my
  daughter and install it my box.  The primary drive in her box has XP on
  it.  How do I remove lilo from hda and turn booting back over to XP?

 Scott I believe that you would do  fdisk /MBR  from a dos console in
 Windex. Somebody slap me if I'm wrong. HTH

Slap  With Windows XP, the correct command would be to run fixmbr from the 
recovery console after booting from the WinXP disk.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread Dale Huckeby
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 10:34 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 23:07, Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, John Richard Smith wrote:
 So how about taking a 600dpi scanned file in either .pnm or
 .jpg of an A4 colour page(it can be anything) then send that
 file to printer at say 600dpi High quality, and note the time
 from when the file first arrives at the spooling window (kde -
 peripherals - printer - jobs) and you start to hear the printer
 load the sheet of paper to completion of the printed page.

 I created a 600dpi scanned A4 colour page .jpg file of 3.4Mb,
 in gimp, which took just over 3 minutes to print from the
 moment the page loaded to final ejection from the Lexmark Z53
 printer. That's a lot of numbercrunchingbut sets a big task to
 compare performances with.

 How long would your Epson C82 take to process the same size and
 type of file?

   Sorry, don't know what an A4 color page is, nor how to create
 one.  If you'll tell me how to make one in gimp I'll do it but I
 don't know how meaningful the print comparison will be.  I don't
 use kde so will probably be printing from the command line. 
 (Anything that's not being printed from OOo, Opera, or Pine.)

 A4 is a little smaller than letter size.

 A4 is around 1/4 narrower, but around 3/4 longer

  Thanks all.  Guess it would have been clearer if I had said I don't
know what a _color page_ is (still!), or how to create it at ANY given
size (not just A4), or dpi resolution, or Mb size.  In short, I'm a
complete naif when it comes to using Gimp or any other graphics tool.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 3:43 pm, Dick Gevers wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 22:40:19 +1000, Stephen Kuhn
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about Re: [newbie] Possibly OT -
 Returned Mail Messages of Unknown

 There's a rule for that? Dang...
 Just when I was going to fire a round of banter at Femme...dang
  dang dang...

 Searchno RFC foundtwiking.nothing there.Anne??

 (Hope she isn`t listening; or better yet, getting her bikini...).

 We have tropical temperatures this side o` the Channel, so

 =Dick Gevers=

Shucks - didn't I get to Rule 42?

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] partitioning for Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-21 Thread Eric Huff
Lance Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 DJ You have masses of space for your Linux partitions. It does

 I do have masses of space (I didn't even mention the scsi
 subsystemg), but a lot of it is currently spoken for.  If I
 understand the install docs correctly, the Mandrake installer will
 only suggest partition sizes if I let it take over the whole
 drive.  Is that correct?  If so, I'll need to define my partition
 sizes myself,'cause I can't just let 'er rip and overwrite.

At the beginning of the install, you will have a choice of where to
install Linux:  You'll want to Use free space on the Windows
partition or something like that.  The installer will repartition
to split off some of the windows partition.

You'll need to defrag 1st, and maybe kill your swap file while
defragging.  Sometimes the swap file is at the end, and the
defragger won't move it.  Put the swap file backand reboot before
doing the Mandrake install.  You will want to leave some extra space
for windows, so don't take the entire thing for linux.

I did this on XP with no problems, but you'll really want to do a
backup first just in case.

If you are paranoid, you could get another hard drive and install
linux there. 20GB should be plenty. I am happily using 10GB right
now, but i may not download as much as others...


Mandrake HowTo's  More:  http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] partitioning for Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-21 Thread Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 07:23, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 10:03, Marc wrote:
  On Sunday 21 September 2003 06:43 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
   I am going to give Mandrake 9.1 a look, coming from the MS world.
   Until I get real comfortable with the idea the Linux can work for me,
   XP will remain the primary OS on the box, so we start by needing to
   work around that a little bit.
 Most of us understand being a little OS 'gun shy', but (as you will soon
 come to understand) that has to do with how poorly cobbled together M$
 winblows really is, and as you come to understand that there really are
 other and better methods for things, you will so soon wonder why you
 thought that that way. just as someone that has had a 2 dollar pistol
 blow up in their hand may not want to hold a new Glock 9mm, after they
 fire it a few times, they are no where as worried about the Glock
 blowing a finger off. soon you too will consider WInblows a 2 dollar
 ripoff and real OSs to be closer to cruise missile.
 Just my $.02USD
** Thats how it happened with me after running Win$ux alongside Mandrake
for about 6 mo I realized that I had not booted the Win$ux for about 3
mo so I erased it and gave the space to Mdk
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 06:00, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 21 September 2003 03:49 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Yank, man pages are great once you have a bit of experience under the
  belt.  For a true newbie, many ar totally inpenetrable.
 Exactly. What was it that somebody said once? Man pages should never be 
 written by the people who wrote the software that a particular man page is 
 talking about
 Or something like that grin
** The one thing that Programmers are NOT good at is Documentation.
That's why Tech Writers exist (unfortunately the good ones find out that
writing Science Fiction pays better :-( ).

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Removing lilo

2003-09-21 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 21 September 2003 10:01 am, Bryan Phinney wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2003 10:16 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Saturday 20 September 2003 07:41 pm, Scott wrote:
   I want to take a slave hard drive out of a box that I gave to my
   daughter and install it my box.  The primary drive in her box has XP on
   it.  How do I remove lilo from hda and turn booting back over to XP?
  Scott I believe that you would do  fdisk /MBR  from a dos console in
  Windex. Somebody slap me if I'm wrong. HTH

 Slap  With Windows XP, the correct command would be to run fixmbr from
 the recovery console after booting from the WinXP disk.
Thank you, I needed that.  Although I have never used XP before. : )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Update to Cooker how-to?

2003-09-21 Thread Trey Sizemore
On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 19:35, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2003 03:56 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote:
  Anyone successfully running a box exclusively from Cooker sources?  What
  is the command to update a machine to Cooker?
 Tom B. had a good script for this  urpmi.update -a -f --wget  urpmi --wget 
 --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v   .  Use a good cooker mirror for source 
 and it works like a champ.   HTH

I used this and it worked pretty well.  However, it seemed to choke
toward the end with some conflicts due to some texstar packages I had
installed.  Is there a way to force removing or overwriting these
packages with those from the Cooker sources I'm now using?



The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with
composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he
does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
- Aristotle

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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Sunday 21 September 2003 04:06 am, Graham Watkins wrote:

 These aren't what I'm concerned about (although I have been getting them
   - those are almost certainly virii).  What I've been getting are
 delivery failure messages with no attachments which make me wonder if
 I'm being used as a conduit for someone else's junk mail program and
 that these return mail messages are a result of junk mails sent to email
 addresses that are no longer in existence.

Bounces go to the stated From attached to the message.  That can be forged so 
trivially that it is considered meaningless (rightfully so) by most admins.  
No point in trying to contact anyone, most of the knowledgeable people 
already disregarded that as soon as they got it.  If they don't know enough 
to disregard it, they are probably too busy trying to contact 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to ever get around to contacting you.

 Having said that, my firewall seems to be secure so far as I can tell.
 Stephen suggested that I should have a look at my postfix setup but I
 don't use a mailserver as my mail goes to and from my ISP via Mozilla
 without any intermediary.

If you are really concerned, download a package called, mailstats 
http://taz.net.au/postfix/mrtg/  and install it.  It gives you a daily or 
weekly summary of your mail log including all messages received, delivered, 
bounced, sent, etc.  If you check the traffic and it does not compare to what 
you know is going through your system, you can check the logs individually or 
simply close off all mail ports until you have determined where the 
vulnerability is.

 I suppose I could take Charlie's advice and filter them out but I'd
 still like to get to the bottom of what's going on. Who is sending these
   and why?

You can attempt to trace the origin back by looking at the headers on the 
bounce but since most spammers use either open relays or an open proxy to 
bounce through, you will probably not be able to locate them.  If it is a 
virus, you would track it down to a dummy, compromised machine which would do 
you even less good than finding an open proxy or relay run by a clueless 

 As regards the suggestions for a vigilante organisation, I understand
 that most of the big time spammers are based in Florida.  I suggest we
 start drawing up invasion plans :-)

 I'm still completely mystified by this - if I'm not being hacked and
 there's no virus attached, then what on earth is the point of these things?

If a virus, the bounce will probably not include the attachment but just the 
headers of the message.  A lot of spammers will start a spam run but they 
have stupidly (because spammers are stupid) misconfigured their spamware and 
the payload either does not go out at all or goes out hopelessly 
misconfigured.  I get spams all the time that have no message, no 
advertisement, nothing, just the headers and are proof that some newbie 
scummer is just getting started on his career and hasn't figgered out that 
appication yet.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] xcdroast error

2003-09-21 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Sunday 21 September 2003 04:45 am, Sharrea Day wrote:

 Because I copied and pasted the command into konsole I forgot to change the
 speed from 4x.  Will try that on the next one.  Getting somewhere now

 Thanks for your help Bryan.

Try at the lowest speed 1x, and then see if it works better.  Keep in mind, I 
only suggest this for audio cd's, never for any other kind.  For some reason 
audio cd players are often simply fussier about things, but I suspect it has 
something to do with media, laser refraction and standards when the devices 
were built.

I have links to a site somewhere where one of the engineers who created the cd 
specs goes into great detail about how lasers are used to burn data onto 
different chemical compounds that make up commercial cds, consumer cd 
recordables and consumer rewritables, all of which use different compounds 
and different refraction properties to hold data.  Interesting but very dry, 
minute stuff.

The long and short of it is, older cd players will have better luck with cd 
audio that is burned at slower speeds, less chance for the recorder to make 
minute errors in laying out the tracks or putting the exact amount of space 
expected to be between the tracks.  The slower the burn, the more compatible 
the disc.

On older cd players that have problems recognizing cd recordable media, it is 
often much better to use rewritable media.  This is because the refraction 
properties of the laser material of rewritable media is actually closer to 
the properties of commercial cd media than is consumer recordable media.  So, 
the laser read device in an older cd player has a better chance of picking up 
the data bits on a rewritable cd than on a recordable cd.
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Sunday 21 September 2003 05:45 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 8:04 am, Thomas Williams wrote:
  On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 20:00:33 -0400
  HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   First of all, the companies that constitute the Trusted Computing
   Group include many of the heavyweights of the personal computer
   industry -- Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Nokia and Intel,
   among others -- all of which are interested in protecting their
   interests, not yours. Most important, they propose to do this by
   advocating legislation that would require every computer sold to
   have a Trusted Platform Module.
  Of course you realize what this really means? Should this get
  implemented, everyone here in the US will start going over the border
  to get their computers and/or only run Linux on it. grin

Actually, this is not really all that much of a concern.  The way that it will 
be implemented, much like Palladium (which is the same thing) is that it will 
be integrated into the processor, it will be on/off enabled, and Linux will 
not be part of it (not that it needs to be, MS is effectively trying to make 
an unsecure architecture secure by building thicker doors, and the effort is 
doomed to failure).

The result will be that people will still buy the same computers but you will 
have two choices, either you run Linux or another competing OS and turn the 
chip feature off, or you run MS and turn it on.  Since MS has been trying 
from day one to make people make a firm choice between MS and others OS's and 
not let them have access to the benefits of both, it will simply force people 
to make the necessary choice.  I expect it to be a boon for Linux.  All the 
more so because those people who are willing to be put in a straight jacket 
to be safe will opt for that platform and leave free computing to those of us 
who are willing to expend the effort to do it right.

 Even more worrying is that it would effectively outlaw Linux. There is
 no way to ensure a Linux system runs the platform or runs it securely.
 I don't see that bothering the TCG much.

Just means that Linux will have to run outside of it.  Just like the V-Chip in 
TV's, you can force manufacturers to install them but you can not mandate 
that consumers use them. 

With China on the horizon to soon adopt Linux, I expect to see major market 
splits very soon.

 I haven't read the spec., but I would expect that any TCmodule could be
 remotely detected by those it is supposed to work with, ie govenment
 and big corporations. If they scan you and you aren't running it you
 can expect a visit from the police.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you, but 
you're still paranoid.  Gee, I know all this big brother stuff is supposed to 
be in vogue but there are 260M people in the US.  Even if they wanted to scan 
everyone's computer, they simply don't have the manpower or time.

Hell, they can't even catch muslim terrorists and the subset of those guys are 
much lower than everybody.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Removing lilo

2003-09-21 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Sunday 21 September 2003 11:25 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 21 September 2003 10:01 am, Bryan Phinney wrote:
  On Saturday 20 September 2003 10:16 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
   On Saturday 20 September 2003 07:41 pm, Scott wrote:
I want to take a slave hard drive out of a box that I gave to my
daughter and install it my box.  The primary drive in her box has XP
on it.  How do I remove lilo from hda and turn booting back over to
   Scott I believe that you would do  fdisk /MBR  from a dos console in
   Windex. Somebody slap me if I'm wrong. HTH
  Slap  With Windows XP, the correct command would be to run fixmbr
  from the recovery console after booting from the WinXP disk.

 Thank you, I needed that.  Although I have never used XP before. : )

Okay, you make aspersions as to my lack of character from using XP in replay 
to the slap.  I guess I had that one coming:-0

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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RE: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-21 Thread Frankie
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Brant Fitzsimmons
Sent: Tuesday, 16 September 2003 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

Thought everyone might be interested in seeing this:


Nice.  Poor MS. :-P


God I love Ford, I have been a ford fan for many years, and this is another
reason why

who knows, one day the falcons might have an embeeded linux running the
engine too.. that would be cool, being able to tell people my car runs
linux. (though I plan to build my old laptop into my car running linux, so
I will be able to say that soon anyway. :-)



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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread Richard Urwin
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 3:22 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 ** The one thing that Programmers are NOT good at is Documentation.
 That's why Tech Writers exist (unfortunately the good ones find out
 that writing Science Fiction pays better :-( ).

As a programmer:

Documenting a program is a good and worthwhile activity; like going to 
the dentist. However documentation is like sex; when it's good it's 
wonderful, and when it's bad it's still better than nothing.

Richard Urwin

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[newbie] iptraf

2003-09-21 Thread Chris
Probably a dumb newbie question here on iptraf.  Nice app, question though 
since it has to be run as root from the CL, is it safe to have it running 
all the time?  

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774 http://counter.li.org
 12:03pm  up 18:11,  5 users,  load average: 2.03, 1.14, 0.46

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Re: [newbie] Re: problem installing mplayer

2003-09-21 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 21, 2003 05:45 am, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 21:20:22 -0600

 Charlie M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In my defense, I did notice the one that was going to be set on this
  message and killed it. Believe it or not it was worse.

 If you are using a script with fortune to do your sig you might consider
 doing it as
 fortune -a -s
 which flags it to use shorter 'clean' quotes


Thanks Charles!

It seems to think the one below is shorter and cleaner. G

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
11:02:55 up 1 day, 22 min, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.10, 0.07

Johnny, if you fall and break your leg, don't come running to me!
-- Mrs. Emily Barstow, June 16, 1954
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] iptraf

2003-09-21 Thread Richard Urwin
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 6:05 pm, Chris wrote:
 Probably a dumb newbie question here on iptraf.  Nice app, question
 though since it has to be run as root from the CL, is it safe to have
 it running all the time?

Fairly safe if you do it right. If you make it owned by root and setuid 
root in a directory only root can write to, most of the problems go 
away. If it's owned by a normal user but run by root then it can be 
hacked by anything with the user's rights. If it's in a directory owned 
by a user it's trivial to copy it, hack it and overwrite the original.

Kernel 2.6 will allow it to have just LAN access rights, but for that 
you'll have to wait until MDK 10.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread stormjumper

- Original Message - 
From: Brant Fitzsimmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Stormjumper wrote:
  i presume u're using the Epson C82, since that was model referred to
  previously in this thread.
  you compared the speed of printout for windoze and linux, but how's
  the quality? is there a noticeable difference? also, which driver are
  you under linux?

 The print quality is very good when initiated from either Windows or
 Linux.  It's just faster under Windows.  The printing speed between the
 two is about the same.  It's the paper loading that is very fast when
 initiated by Windows.  I would be *very* happy if I could get it to load
 that fast when initiated with Mozilla on Mandrake.

 I'm using the CUPS + GIMP-Print v4.2.5 driver.

i'm on the lookout for a new printer, and from your experience, as well as
others on the net, i'm leaning towards an Epson C82.

thanks for the info, Brant.

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Re: [newbie] iptraf

2003-09-21 Thread Chris
On Sunday 21 September 2003 12:35 pm, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 6:05 pm, Chris wrote:
  Probably a dumb newbie question here on iptraf.  Nice app, question
  though since it has to be run as root from the CL, is it safe to have
  it running all the time?

 Fairly safe if you do it right. If you make it owned by root and setuid
 root in a directory only root can write to, most of the problems go
 away. If it's owned by a normal user but run by root then it can be
 hacked by anything with the user's rights. If it's in a directory owned
 by a user it's trivial to copy it, hack it and overwrite the original.

 Kernel 2.6 will allow it to have just LAN access rights, but for that
 you'll have to wait until MDK 10.

So, if its owned by root, in group root and only root has permisson to 
read/write/exe and others can only read/exe then I assume its safe.

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774 http://counter.li.org
 12:48pm  up 18:56,  6 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.07, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 4:05 pm, Dale Huckeby wrote:

   Thanks all.  Guess it would have been clearer if I had said I
 don't know what a _color page_ is (still!), or how to create it at
 ANY given size (not just A4), or dpi resolution, or Mb size.  In
 short, I'm a complete naif when it comes to using Gimp or any other
 graphics tool.

I guess that you need a good size image with a high dpi in portrait 
shape.  In Gimp, you right-click (for pretty well everything :-) ) 
File  Print.  On the print page you can adjust most settings, 
including output resolution.  Near the bottom is the place to scale 
the image up to as nearly fill the page as possible.


Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

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Re: [newbie] Update to Cooker how-to?

2003-09-21 Thread Trey Sizemore
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 11:29, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 19:35, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Saturday 20 September 2003 03:56 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote:
   Anyone successfully running a box exclusively from Cooker sources?  What
   is the command to update a machine to Cooker?
  Tom B. had a good script for this  urpmi.update -a -f --wget  urpmi --wget 
  --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v   .  Use a good cooker mirror for source 
  and it works like a champ.   HTH
 I used this and it worked pretty well.  However, it seemed to choke
 toward the end with some conflicts due to some texstar packages I had
 installed.  Is there a way to force removing or overwriting these
 packages with those from the Cooker sources I'm now using?

The majority of the conflicting packages are KDE related from the
texstar respository.  Anyway to have urpmi automatically uninstall the
conflicting packages instead of having to manually uninstall all of


At a given moment I open my eyes and exist.
And before that, during all eternity, what was there?
- Ugo Betti

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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread David Filion
Richard Urwin wrote:
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 3:22 pm, Aron Smith wrote:

** The one thing that Programmers are NOT good at is Documentation.
That's why Tech Writers exist (unfortunately the good ones find out
that writing Science Fiction pays better :-( ).

As a programmer:

Documenting a program is a good and worthwhile activity; like going to 
the dentist. However documentation is like sex; when it's good it's 
wonderful, and when it's bad it's still better than nothing.

man pages are not meant to be a hand holding how-to document (though 
recently, some apps are using them as such).  If you want to know  how 
to use a command/app, read a how-to, do a google from a tutorial, don't 
read the man page.  man pages are meant to refresh you memory about a 
command's function and it's options.

David Filion

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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 7:37 pm, David Filion wrote:
 Richard Urwin wrote:
  On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 3:22 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 ** The one thing that Programmers are NOT good at is
  Documentation. That's why Tech Writers exist (unfortunately the
  good ones find out that writing Science Fiction pays better :-(
  As a programmer:
  Documenting a program is a good and worthwhile activity; like
  going to the dentist. However documentation is like sex; when
  it's good it's wonderful, and when it's bad it's still better
  than nothing.

 man pages are not meant to be a hand holding how-to document
 (though recently, some apps are using them as such).  If you want
 to know  how to use a command/app, read a how-to, do a google from
 a tutorial, don't read the man page.  man pages are meant to
 refresh you memory about a command's function and it's options.

which is where they are great.  So please, don't tell newbies that 
they are the first port of call.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

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Re: [newbie] Update to Cooker how-to?

2003-09-21 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 21 September 2003 01:40 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 11:29, Trey Sizemore wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 19:35, Dennis Myers wrote:
   On Saturday 20 September 2003 03:56 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote:
Anyone successfully running a box exclusively from Cooker sources? 
What is the command to update a machine to Cooker?
   Tom B. had a good script for this  urpmi.update -a -f --wget  urpmi
   --wget --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v   .  Use a good cooker mirror
   for source and it works like a champ.   HTH
  I used this and it worked pretty well.  However, it seemed to choke
  toward the end with some conflicts due to some texstar packages I had
  installed.  Is there a way to force removing or overwriting these
  packages with those from the Cooker sources I'm now using?

 The majority of the conflicting packages are KDE related from the
 texstar respository.  Anyway to have urpmi automatically uninstall the
 conflicting packages instead of having to manually uninstall all of
Ya got me there, I don't think it is possible to do a group unless they are 
identified in such a way that you can call  urpme kde.texstar.rpms*
since I have not used texstar rpms for some time I can not tell you if they 
retain some identifier after install. Somebody jump in here who knows, we 
could use a little help here. Heck, I could use a little help everywhere.
:- P
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread David Filion
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 7:37 pm, David Filion wrote:

Richard Urwin wrote:

On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 3:22 pm, Aron Smith wrote:

** The one thing that Programmers are NOT good at is
Documentation. That's why Tech Writers exist (unfortunately the
good ones find out that writing Science Fiction pays better :-(
As a programmer:

Documenting a program is a good and worthwhile activity; like
going to the dentist. However documentation is like sex; when
it's good it's wonderful, and when it's bad it's still better
than nothing.
man pages are not meant to be a hand holding how-to document
(though recently, some apps are using them as such).  If you want
to know  how to use a command/app, read a how-to, do a google from
a tutorial, don't read the man page.  man pages are meant to
refresh you memory about a command's function and it's options.

which is where they are great.  So please, don't tell newbies that 
they are the first port of call.

Amen to that.

David Filion

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Re[2]: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread rikona
Hello Richard,

Sunday, September 21, 2003, 3:03:45 AM, you wrote:

RU On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 8:49 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Yank, man pages are great once you have a bit of experience under the
 belt.  For a true newbie, many ar totally inpenetrable.

RU Agreed, but I'm not a newbie and IME, man pages are almost useless
RU for  how do I do x.

how do I do x? is probably the most common newbie question, yet is
the one least likely to get answered by the available tools.

RU apropos doesn't work because the man pages call it y.

Yep - another part of the problem. M$ help suffers from the same
problem, although their overall integration of help is a step in the
right direction. Newbies can describe the question in 'natural
language', which is unfortunately not the language used in the OS data
base. The first OS that uses a thesaurus well will really be a winner.
I'm hoping that will be Mandrake. How can we do that?


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 08:05, Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 10:34 am, Aron Smith wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 23:07, Dale Huckeby wrote:
  On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, John Richard Smith wrote:
  So how about taking a 600dpi scanned file in either .pnm or
  .jpg of an A4 colour page(it can be anything) then send that
  file to printer at say 600dpi High quality, and note the time
  from when the file first arrives at the spooling window (kde -
  peripherals - printer - jobs) and you start to hear the printer
  load the sheet of paper to completion of the printed page.
  I created a 600dpi scanned A4 colour page .jpg file of 3.4Mb,
  in gimp, which took just over 3 minutes to print from the
  moment the page loaded to final ejection from the Lexmark Z53
  printer. That's a lot of numbercrunchingbut sets a big task to
  compare performances with.
  How long would your Epson C82 take to process the same size and
  type of file?
Sorry, don't know what an A4 color page is, nor how to create
  one.  If you'll tell me how to make one in gimp I'll do it but I
  don't know how meaningful the print comparison will be.  I don't
  use kde so will probably be printing from the command line. 
  (Anything that's not being printed from OOo, Opera, or Pine.)
  A4 is a little smaller than letter size.
  A4 is around 1/4 narrower, but around 3/4 longer
   Thanks all.  Guess it would have been clearer if I had said I don't
 know what a _color page_ is (still!), or how to create it at ANY given
 size (not just A4), or dpi resolution, or Mb size.  In short, I'm a
 complete naif when it comes to using Gimp or any other graphics tool.
run the Photo test page in MCC printer setup
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Re[2]: [newbie] Damn newbie user!

2003-09-21 Thread rikona
Hello Eric,

Sunday, September 21, 2003, 7:47:15 AM, you wrote:

 Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
 US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?

EH Why is that? Is that because of a lot of US owned newscasts?  Why
EH does the rest of the world care so much about a hurrican in the US?
EH (or, i should say, why do the brodcast companies care so much?)

The broadcast companies care only about sensational stories. A
hurricane allows them to implement their disaster template to crank
out another sensational news story. Part of the template is a
description of how somebody died - the gorier the better (up to the
limit of 'good broadcasting').

EH My Indian friends are always amazed at how, when a few people die in
EH the US from weather, it makes huge national news in the US.
EH Natural disasters in India with anything short of 1000 deaths barely
EH makes their local news...

It's just the disaster template. During the hurricane it is likely
that more people were killed in traffic accidents, etc. It's not the
deaths, it's the sensationalism. Any event that fits one of the
templates will do - but most of them require that someone dies.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread Mark

I'll share with you what I determined from recent research on printers
that work well on Linux.  Two manufacturers are very supportive of
Linux drivers and opensource in general:
Epson and HP.  

Epson printers tend to be very good picture quality, but the printhead
is not replaceable.  They like to be used frequently to keep them from 
HP printers replace the printhead with every cartridge, but they are more

The print quality is very similar.

The choice seems to boil down to:

Get Epson if you print frequently.
Get HP if you don't.
That's my opinion of course.

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[newbie] Downloading skins

2003-09-21 Thread Curt Tresenriter
Why does my browser open a page and begin filling with code when I 
attempt to download a skin for xmms?

Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~ Einstein

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Re[2]: [newbie] Great Article on Trusted Computing

2003-09-21 Thread rikona
Hello Bryan,

Sunday, September 21, 2003, 9:02:46 AM, you wrote:

BP it will be on/off enabled,

Only if this is forced by us. This is not the desires of those pushing
the idea.

BP The result will be that people will still buy the same computers
BP but you will have two choices, either you run Linux or another
BP competing OS and turn the  chip feature off,

One of the ideas is that this chip will control/oversee the boot - no
chip, no boot. Also, another idea is to have chips in other hardware
too, such as drives. So far, this has been beaten down, but it WILL
rise again, this time better disguised.

BP All the  more so because those people who are willing to be put in
BP a straight jacket  to be safe will opt for that platform and leave
BP free computing to those of us  who are willing to expend the
BP effort to do it right.

It depends what you are trying to be safe FROM. :-) I'm more worried
about what M$, RIAA, Govt, media cartel, etc will do than I am about

BP Just means that Linux will have to run outside of it.

May not work. The chip(s) may also be used for authentication as well.
This is where the REAL control will come. Want to view/listen to legal
media? Won't happen without the chip. You want to surf? Well - you'll
have to use the chip to be authenticated for banking, buying, etc.
Want email? You might have to be authenticated by the server to get
your mail. And so on...

Also, the temptation to require the chip for ALL surfing will be hard
to resist. The chip could allow snooping that may be difficult to get
around, and non-removable spyware. M$ wants to control the net. This
will be a key to allowing that control.

Authentication is a major upcoming issue, and the way we will be
controlled if we're not careful.

BP With China on the horizon to soon adopt Linux, I expect to see major market 
BP splits very soon.

China may save us after all, since they will be making everything. :-)
The question is still about authentication, though.

BP Even if they wanted to scan  everyone's computer, they simply
BP don't have the manpower or time.

Doesn't take manpower, just computing power, and we'll have lots of
that. We already have companies building dossiers of most of the
population. The govt likes this, since it doesn't take any of their $$
or effort, and often companies do it better. :-)

BP Hell, they can't even catch muslim terrorists and the subset of those guys are 
BP much lower than everybody.

It's not about catching terr's, it's about population control. The
terr threat is just an excuse to scare people into saying OK.

Whaddaya mean I'm paranoid?


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] xcdroast error

2003-09-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Sharrea Day wrote:

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 00:28, Bryan Phinney wrote:

On Saturday 20 September 2003 01:39 am, Sharrea Day wrote:

Well I'm real glad to hear I'm not the only one.  I had 7 coasters and
thought it had something to do with that error when trying to copy a
music CD.
So can someone please tell me if there is such a thing as DATA ONLY
CDRs? Just thought perhaps that's the reason for the coasters...?

You want to make sure that you are either using some good generic scsi
drivers in the burning program or that you have correctly identified the
drive type. Small differences can result in major problems.

Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24, Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
How do I know if this is a good driver?  I've included the output from one 
session as an attachment.


Also, if you are trying to burn at max speed and get coasters, you may
want to try specifying a reduced speed for burning.  Most CD Burners try
to read the available speed off the media but the media is not always
accurate, I routinely get CD's that report a capable speed of 24x but end
up coasters if I try to burn that fast, I have to drop it to 16x for

I always specify the speed - 8x for CDR and 4x for CDRW.  But after the 
first 2 coasters I used 4x for the CDR which obviously didn't help.  They 
all have the same result of playing the first 3 songs fine, then from the 
4th song onwards... nothing.  Even tho all songs are correctly listed in 
xmms.  Got so desperate that I tried Windows with winamp which played 
almost all of the 4th song then died.

I gave my old HP9310 CD-Writer to a friend whose system couldn't take this 
new USB CD-Writer.  Never had a problem with the old one but haven't used 
this new one all that much.


If you are copying other CD's, keep in mind that Copy Protection can mess
things up.  If you are copying someone else's ISO, you may want to mount
it as a loopback device and check the properties.  I have had initial
configuration difficulties with Xcdroast and K3B but have both working
now without any problems or errors.

Sorry, I wasn't very specific there.  I didn't actually copy on-the-fly, I 
ripped the audio CD to hard drive and then burnt to CDR.  Each song plays 
fine from the hard drive.  I even deleted them and ripped again several 
times using various apps, all with the same result.


Happy to help if you give me more details of your exact situation.

I tried burning from the command line, xcdroast, k3b, and eroaster which is 
the program I use the most.  I also tried burning as root user.

Data (backups, etc) works fine with this burner on the same CDRs.  However I 
burnt MDK 9.1 ISOs which wouldn't work from my old CD-ROM drive but worked 
in my newer CD-ROM drive on another system.

I haven't tried burning a different audio CD yet but will give it a go 
today.  Maybe its just that particular audio CD.

Using MDK 9.1 with a BTC 5224UI External USB 2.0 CD-Writer (52x 24x 52x).

Your help and advice is much appreciated as always.


$ cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=1,0,0 -pad -audio /home/sharrea/music/wav/*.wav
Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg Schilling
TOC Type: 0 = CD-DA
scsidev: '1,0,0'
scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
atapi: 1
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 2
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'CDWRITER'
Identifikation : 'IDE5224 '
Revision   : '001H'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P RAW/R96R
Drive buf size : 1951488 = 1905 KB
FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
Track 01: audio   27 MB (02:45.09) no preemp
Track 02: audio   32 MB (03:14.82) no preemp
Track 03: audio   43 MB (04:17.42) no preemp
Track 04: audio   29 MB (02:56.98) no preemp
Track 05: audio   27 MB (02:45.73) no preemp
Track 06: audio   37 MB (03:40.73) no preemp
Track 07: audio   26 MB (02:38.80) no preemp
Track 08: audio   25 MB (02:34.41) no preemp
Track 09: audio   33 MB (03:22.08) no preemp
Track 10: audio   33 MB (03:17.70) no preemp
Track 11: audio   22 MB (02:14.26) no preemp
Track 12: audio   30 MB (03:01.09) no preemp
Track 13: audio   25 MB (02:29.25) no preemp
Track 14: audio   22 MB (02:15.26) no preemp
Track 15: audio   27 MB (02:43.73) no preemp
Track 16: audio   27 MB (02:42.28) no preemp
Track 17: audio   20 MB (02:04.29) no preemp
Track 18: audio   26 MB (02:36.78) no preemp
Track 19: audio   22 MB (02:10.86) no preemp
Track 20: audio   29 MB (02:56.86) no preemp
Total size:  579 MB (57:26.50) = 258488 sectors
Lout start:  580 MB (57:28/38) = 258488 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
ATIP info from disk:
 Indicated writing power: 5
 Is not unrestricted
 Is not erasable
 Disk sub type: Medium Type 

Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread Heather/Femme
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 22:39:22 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 22:31:14 -0400
 yankl [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 Ok, back to reality, you just wasted 5 minutes of your life you will
 never get back... ;-)

Agreed. Plus Man pages suck.

They're often out of date, written by coders  with bad grammar  even
lousier syntax.

I hate man pages though I do use them when need arises.

Other side of the coin yankl.


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Re: [newbie] urpmi --auto-select

2003-09-21 Thread RichardA
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 13:20:49 -0400, Brant Fitzsimmons
 The --update switch tells urpmi to update the system from the
 *update urpmi source only*.
 urpmi --updates --auto-select will update everything from the 
 *updates* urpmi source.
 urpmi --auto-select will update the machine from *all* urpmi

Is it 'update', or 'updates'? I wonder if I did the wrong one because
after I rebooted all hell broke loose. There were scary messages on
boot. X loaded, but when I tried to log in, I was told /home didn't
exist! (the message was something like 'you could try to use /root, but
it won't work' ;).

An upgrade still had problems, so I re-installed (it's handy to have
/home is on a separate partition), reinstalled Sylpheed and everything
is exactly as it was, bar a few things in /etc.

If I got the update switch wrong, would updating from all sources
completely fubar my setup like that?

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Dale Huckeby wrote:

On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, John Richard Smith wrote:


Dale Huckeby wrote:

. . . The time each takes to print one of a sample page, from the time
I press the Okay button till the copy slides out, is 18 seconds for
Economy Grayscale, 23 seconds for Economy, 28 seconds for Normal Grayscale,
62 seconds for Normal, about a minute and a half for High Quality 
Grayscale, and about 4 minutes for High Quality.  Normal and High Quality
probably aren't distinguishable by the casual viewer, but held side by
side Normal is slightly thicker and muddier looking.  Under a magnifying
glass the edges would be fuzzier.  High Quality has a slighter thinner,
harder, sharp-edged printshop look.  High Quality Grayscale is just a
little lighter.  Normal Grayscale is actually hard to tell from High
Quality, so I might switch to that as my default.  I didn't test Very
High Quality or Photo or their grayscales.  By the way, the times above
are for the first page, which includes the time it takes for the program
to communicate with the printer.  I just ran page 1 and 2 at Normal
Grayscale and the first page was out at 28 seconds and the second at 51,
so all subsequent pages should take about 23 seconds apiece.

OK so that sounds interesting. Now the time taken to create the print 
file and send it complete to the printer is always going to be longer in 
linux with ghostscript employed than in windblows, that cannot be 
helped,  the  PCL5 to PCL3 conversion takes time, and in any case each 
individual computer is going to vary the time according to it's power to 
process etc.
So how about taking a 600dpi scanned file in either .pnm or .jpg of an 
A4 colour page(it can be anything) then send that file to printer at say 
600dpi High quality, and note the time from when the file first arrives 
at the spooling window (kde - peripherals - printer - jobs) and you 
start to hear the printer load the sheet of paper to completion of the 
printed page.

I created a 600dpi scanned A4 colour page .jpg file of 3.4Mb, in gimp,  
which took just over 3 minutes to print from the moment the page loaded 
to final ejection from the Lexmark Z53 printer. That's a lot of 
numbercrunchingbut sets a big task to compare performances with.

How long would your Epson C82 take to process the same size and type of 

 Sorry, don't know what an A4 color page is, nor how to create one.  If you'll
tell me how to make one in gimp I'll do it but I don't know how meaningful the
print comparison will be.  I don't use kde so will probably be printing from the
command line.  (Anything that's not being printed from OOo, Opera, or Pine.)


A4 is the page size , similar but not exact to American letter
You don't have a scanner then ?
I just wanted to create a stand type size file to test that's all.
It could be something else, but an A4 page size colour scan to 600 dpi 
is going to create a large .pnm file and converted to .jpg in gimp would 
make a nice standard test file to print off in any programme you like, 
it's the speed of the printer under a linux driver that I'm interested 
in .The length of time the printer takes to complete a large standard 
print job.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-21 Thread yankl
On Sunday 21 September 2003 06:03 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Sunday 21 Sep 2003 8:49 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Yank, man pages are great once you have a bit of experience under the
  belt.  For a true newbie, many ar totally inpenetrable.

 Agreed, but I'm not a newbie and IME, man pages are almost useless for
 how do I do x. apropos doesn't work because the man pages call it y.
 If someone tells me use the abc command then I can use man to find
 out how it works.

hence the end of my e-mail man -k. Have any one done their home work? 
What got me going is some one asking how to uninstall lilo. This is a case 
where you should go to lilo man page and see how it is done. By typing 
#man -k lilo one can see what command it relates too. Unless we like to have  
m$users we need to start using all tools provided by OS. Man is a grate tool 
too start fooling around with out fear of screwing  up something. In my 
opinion the order of trying to solve something in the *nix should be as 

1. HOWTO (tldp.org or build in)
2. man page
3. google.com
4. newbie list

If one will not try to figure out staff by him/herself we will have to switch 
to m$ like OS where it is one way to do it and its full of holes because it 
is more important to make it ease then to make it safe.

Sorry for an other runt but this is a subject I feel strong about. 
Give man a fish and he can eat a day; teach man how to fish and he can eat for 
life. = Tell man how to do it and he will do it; teach man how to resource 
and he will nether go back to m$.
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086
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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT - Returned Mail Messages of Unknown Origin

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 08:09, Heather/Femme wrote:

 and I was so looking forward to it!

...and I just grew some tits...dang...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
-11. I don't know if this is ethical, but... --Top 100 things you don't
want the sysadmin to say

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Re: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-21 Thread Aron Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 02:42, Frankie wrote:


God I love Ford, I have been a ford fan for many years, and this is another
reason why
who knows, one day the falcons might have an embeeded linux running the
engine too.. that would be cool, being able to tell people my car runs
linux. (though I plan to build my old laptop into my car running linux, so
I will be able to say that soon anyway. :-)


You're a very sick man, Frankie.

I've started selling In Home Self Lobotomy Kits - want me to send ya
one? God knows Holden/Chevy is a Real Blokes vehicle...
Chevorlet = Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Engine Trash

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
 We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
People are very flexible and learn to adjust to strange surroundings --
they can become accustomed to read Lisp and Fortran programs, for
example. - Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, Art of Prolog, MIT Press

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Re: [newbie] USB mass-storage: HELP!

2003-09-21 Thread Iwan Binanto
My camera is Mercury. I think it is a new camera
product. I'm not using a Memory Card; just using the
default's camera.
In M$ Win98, I try to connect to my camera; I must
install it's driver, and it is work. In M$ Win98's
Windows Explorer, I've get a new drive; that is my
camera's FAT.  From this experience, I think the
problem is the module: usb-storage module.
Am I right ?? Or maybe Bryan have some links to update
my usb-storage module? Or have some tips for me 

Thank's ++

--- Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The filesystem needed is dependent on what type of
 camera since the camera is 
 the device that is actually formatting the media. 
 My Kodak uses a 12-bit FAT 
 filesystem.  It might help if you told us what type
 of camera you have so 
 that we can do a little googling for others that may
 have howtos available.

  Make me headache and broken heart.
  *Or maybe usb-storage module not yet supporting
  camera ???
 That is a possibility.  What type of media does it
 use?  I have a HP 
 multifunction printer that you can actually plug
 most smart media into and 
 pull the files directly from the printer.  That
 might be an option you can 
 use if you have major problems with the camera.
 Bryan Phinney
 Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-21 Thread Mark
He's not sick, he's educated.  Having worked in BOTH Ford and GM  
I can tell you which company has it's act together.

- FORD driver.
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 02:42, Frankie wrote:


God I love Ford, I have been a ford fan for many years, and this is another
reason why
who knows, one day the falcons might have an embeeded linux running the
engine too.. that would be cool, being able to tell people my car runs
linux. (though I plan to build my old laptop into my car running linux, so
I will be able to say that soon anyway. :-)


You're a very sick man, Frankie.

I've started selling In Home Self Lobotomy Kits - want me to send ya
one? God knows Holden/Chevy is a Real Blokes vehicle...
stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
 We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
People are very flexible and learn to adjust to strange surroundings --
they can become accustomed to read Lisp and Fortran programs, for
example. - Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, Art of Prolog, MIT Press

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Comp shutdown looses / and /var

2003-09-21 Thread Dennis Myers
I seem to have a heat problem with a 750mhz Duron. It may be the power supply 
or the cpu not sure, but believe it to be the cpu.  Anyway the lm_sensors 
shows a 60c in the case I think and when I am gone and it sits for a while it 
will reboot. I then can  rescue, it seems to have lost the / partition and 
/var I think. It is possible to remount them. I recovered the system by doing 
an upgrade to get the partitions back but do not understand why the / and 
/var are lost. Any tutorials or explanations are appreciated. Thanks, 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-21 Thread Greg
Dont even get me started
Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 02:42, Frankie wrote:


God I love Ford, I have been a ford fan for many years, and this is another
reason why

who knows, one day the falcons might have an embeeded linux running the
engine too.. that would be cool, being able to tell people my car runs
linux. (though I plan to build my old laptop into my car running linux, so
I will be able to say that soon anyway. :-)



You're a very sick man, Frankie.

I've started selling In Home Self Lobotomy Kits - want me to send ya
one? God knows Holden/Chevy is a Real Blokes vehicle...

Chevorlet = Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Engine Trash

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
People are very flexible and learn to adjust to strange surroundings --
they can become accustomed to read Lisp and Fortran programs, for
example. - Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, Art of Prolog, MIT Press


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Re: [newbie] iptraf

2003-09-21 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 21 September 2003 07:23 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 03:05, Chris wrote:
  Probably a dumb newbie question here on iptraf.  Nice app, question
  though since it has to be run as root from the CL, is it safe to have it
  running all the time?

 Yes and No.

 Yes when your system is powered on.
 No when your system ain't running.

 stephen kuhn - owner
 illawarra computer services
 a kuhn media australia company
   * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
   We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
 Household hint: If you are out of cream for your coffee, mayonnaise
 makes a dandy substitute.
Where do you go to find out what the flags mean, like S and A? I can only 
guess what their meaning is. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Looking for Linux system libs

2003-09-21 Thread Mike Adolf
Greetings All.

I am working through the instructions for building a lexmark z55 sample print 
driver. I was asked to check for the presence of two system libraries (sigc++ 
and gtkmm) using 'pkg-config --list-all | grep sigc++'.  pkg-config failed 
with the message:

Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'gtk+-2.0', required by 'gtk-thinice-engine-2', not found

There is no directory gtk+-2.0.pc, no env PKG_CONFIG_PATH and no package 
gtk+-20 installed on my Mandrake 9.1.  The instructions were directed toward 
a Red Hat 8.0 installation.  Any suggestions?


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Re: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-21 Thread Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 18:25, Mark wrote:
 He's not sick, he's educated.  Having worked in BOTH Ford and GM  
 I can tell you which company has it's act together.
 - FORD driver.Found on Roadside Dead Fix OR Replace Daily ;-)
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 02:42, Frankie wrote:
 God I love Ford, I have been a ford fan for many years, and this is another
 reason why
 who knows, one day the falcons might have an embeeded linux running the
 engine too.. that would be cool, being able to tell people my car runs
 linux. (though I plan to build my old laptop into my car running linux, so
 I will be able to say that soon anyway. :-)
 You're a very sick man, Frankie.
 I've started selling In Home Self Lobotomy Kits - want me to send ya
 one? God knows Holden/Chevy is a Real Blokes vehicle...
 stephen kuhn - owner
 illawarra computer services
 a kuhn media australia company
   * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
   We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
 People are very flexible and learn to adjust to strange surroundings --
 they can become accustomed to read Lisp and Fortran programs, for
 example. - Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, Art of Prolog, MIT Press
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] My clock is fast

2003-09-21 Thread Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 17:51, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 07:48, Pete Stean wrote:
  Being that time is relative, you might be in a situation where you're
  actually travelling faster than light, which would cause time to appear
  to slow down. If that is, in fact, the case, then you'll have to
  throttle back your space ship so that you're within normal operating
  bounds and time will again settle back into it's pace.
  Yes, as you pass the speed of light time definitely goes into reverse - 
  I cite Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home as proof
 Now THAT'S solid proof. End of story.
But then you would have TWO DOCTORS 
 stephen kuhn - owner
 illawarra computer services
 a kuhn media australia company
   * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
   We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
 Understanding is always the understanding of a smaller problem in
 relation to a bigger problem. -- P.D. Ouspensky
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 09:57, Aron Smith wrote:

 God knows Holden/Chevy is a Real Blokes vehicle...
 Chevorlet = Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Engine Trash

Sorry - I forgot about the po'folk - down yonder in the land of the gene
puddle - where the family tree has one branch...(g) Y'all got stuck into
Ford way back when only cuz yer ancestors couldn't spell
Chevrolet...(hehehhehehee...I piss myself sometimes)

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Adding features does not necessarily increase functionality -- it just
makes the manuals thicker.

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Re: [newbie] Comp shutdown looses / and /var

2003-09-21 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 21:29, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I seem to have a heat problem with a 750mhz Duron. It may be the power supply 
 or the cpu not sure, but believe it to be the cpu.  Anyway the lm_sensors 
 shows a 60c in the case I think and when I am gone and it sits for a while it 
 will reboot. I then can  rescue, it seems to have lost the / partition and 
 /var I think. It is possible to remount them. I recovered the system by doing 
 an upgrade to get the partitions back but do not understand why the / and 
 /var are lost. Any tutorials or explanations are appreciated. Thanks, 

what file systems are you using for / and /var? 

Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-21 Thread Greg
I would rather buy a Chevrolet then get a ford for fee  HeHe
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 09:57, Aron Smith wrote:

 God knows Holden/Chevy is a Real Blokes vehicle...
 Chevorlet = Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Engine Trash

Sorry - I forgot about the po'folk - down yonder in the land of the gene
puddle - where the family tree has one branch...(g) Y'all got stuck into
Ford way back when only cuz yer ancestors couldn't spell
Chevrolet...(hehehhehehee...I piss myself sometimes)

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Adding features does not necessarily increase functionality -- it just
makes the manuals thicker.

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