Re: [newbie] Forcing 100dpi fonts in X...?

1999-07-19 Thread Kuraiken

Axalon wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, drek wrote:
> > I just did this. I'm assmuming you're using mdk6 from a CD.
> >
> > First, back up the configuration file /etc/X11/XF86Config. Something like this:
> >
> > cp /etc/X11/XF86Config /etc/X11/XF86Config.original
> >
> > My install left me hanging with only the 75dpi fonts, install the 100dpi fonts.
> >  Make sure your mdk distro is in the CD drive, mount it, then change to
> >
> > cd /Mandrake/RPMS
> >
> > List the font files like Wa-La:
> >
> > ls *font*
> >
> > You'll get all the font files.  The first one for me happens to be one I want:
> >
> > rpm -Uvh XFree86-100dpi-fonts-
> >
> > Do the same for all the others that have 100 in them.
> >
> > Now, you did back up that file, didn't you?
> >
> > vi /etc/X11/XF86Config
> >
> > You're in the editor.  Press the Insert key.  Scroll down two PageDowns, you'll
> > see some FontPath entries.  Mine had anything containing 100 commented out with
> > a leading # on the line.  Remove those.  Place a leading # on any line with a
> > 75.  Save the file by pressing Esc:wq.  Remember, the colon is the shifted
> > semicolon.
> >
> > Back up your work:
> >
> > cp /etc/X11/XF86Config  /etc/X11/XF86Config.mod1
> >
> > Now, the crafty will change the order of those FontPath lines.  Get the ssc
> > cheatsheet that shows you how to cut and paste in vi.
> >
> > I hope I don't have any typos.
> >
> > Mark
> Follow these dirctions, however if your useing the x font server like
> everyone else you'll be modifying /etc/X11/fs/config not XF86Config
> the fontpath in XF86Config should be "unix/:-1"

I followed the instructions. (well, except for the vi ones...I prefer pico,

But it does not seem to work...I've included my /etc/X11/fs/config file...
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but kde's control panel's information (X
Server) says I'm still using 75x75 dpi fonts..

My problem is really in Netscape (mostly) I can display kanji but it's all
smudgy and looks low res...and I need better fonts for kfm as well...


Kuraiken - Python fanatic.
Python. Try it. It'll swallow you whole!

# Default font server configuration file for Red Hat Linux 6.0

# allow a max of 4 clients to connect to this font server
client-limit = 4

# when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one
clone-self = off

# alternate font servers for clients to use
#alternate-servers = foo:7101,bar:7102

# where to look for fonts
# Some of these are commented out, i.e. the TrueType and Type1
# directories in /usr/share, because they aren't forced to be
# installed alongside X.
catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled,
#   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,
#   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled,
#   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc,
#   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1,
#   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo,
#   /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1,
#   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic,
#   /usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2/misc,

# in 12 points, decipoints
default-point-size = 120

# 100 x 100
default-resolutions = 100,100

# how to log errors
use-syslog = on

Re: [newbie] one more time!- dont i feel dumb- argh!

1999-07-16 Thread Kuraiken

Jose Alberto Abreu wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] translated thoughts to electrons:
> > when i type in startx :) my monitor goes blank just after the screen scrolls
> > with some  stuff. then nothing. ay! el diablo tene mi computadora!

I don't fully understand it but it seems something about devils in your
computer? That's a tough one that...first you need a super sharp knife, a white
chicken, some brown rice...heh, just kidding. :-)

> No se preocupe m'ijo... teclee "xconfigurator" y exorcisele todos sus
> demonios... ;^)
> dont worry son... type "xconfigurator" and exorcise all the demons...
> --

It should be "Xconfigurator" with a capital X. Also, do you know your hardware
settings? Entering wrong ones can be...disastrous. You'll want to know your
monitor brand and model or at least the timing info...

Speaking of demons..."Inside every PC is a daemon waiting to be set
free...unleash it with FreeBSD" I thought it's a nice "slogan". Err...OT, I
know...been a long day.

Kuraiken - Python fanatic.
Python. Try it. It'll swallow you whole!

[newbie] kfm's ftp is definitely broken

1999-07-13 Thread Kuraiken

Hello all,

There is something wrong with kfm's ftp function. It used to be (in mandrake
5.3) that I can do:


And I'd be able to ftp to and fro with impunity - as long as I stuck to my
user's access rights.

However, in mandrake 6.0, this is broken. I can point kfm to the desired remote
dir, and I can ftp _from_ that dir but I cannot ftp _to_ the dir. (yes, I have
read/write rights)

Using cli ftp, I can both "put" and "get" with no problems.

I'm writing about this again because the first time I wrote in about it, I only
got another user's reply - he recommended re-installing. I did. Same problem. I
even updated to the latest kdebase rpm on /updates
(so I'm now at kdebase-1.1.1final-11mdk).

Folks at mandrakesoft, could you please fix this. It does not seem like a
difficult problem (since ftp from remote dir works just not to - with kfm, that
is) but it's a showstopper for me since I use this kfm feature a lot in my work
(and play). Or at least, I used to while on Festen :-(


[newbie] Followup to Weird hdd bug in Venus

1999-07-12 Thread Kuraiken


I've tried to re-install Venus in the seagate drive which I had a running
(fresh) install of Festen. still does not work. At install time, after
choosing "server" default install, it gives me this error:

An error occurred while reading the partition table for the block device hda.
The error was input/output error. [retry or skip drive]

Incidentally, this input/output error was the same cascading errors I wrote
about in the previous mail...

Is there anymore information that would be useful? Thanks.

Kuraiken - Python fanatic.
Python. Try it. It'll swallow you whole!

[newbie] Weird hdd bug in Venus

1999-07-12 Thread Kuraiken

Hello folks,

I've recently encountered a very strange bug in Venus. I was trying to install
as /home (total of hdb) during install...and it installed fine. (or so it
seemed). But at bootup, it dies with a veritable waterfall of repeated weird
errors. Reboot. Still the same.

Then I thought, hdd is gone?

Tried to use "server-default" install. It installs on hda as expected. hdb is
left alone. Then, I try to fdisk hdb and that cascading weird error message
thingie strikes again. After that, I can't even get a "du" or "df" without the
same error messages. (only ctrl-c ends it and gives me the command line)

Rebooting enables me to log on...but as soon as I try to do anything with hdb,
it goes nuts again.

So, I try a different tact. Removed all drives, installed the offending (Seagate
ST32532A) drive as hda and cdrom drv as hdb. It boots the CD and upon trying to
install, it gave me something about partition invalid or something. Or partition
record invalid or something like that. Basically, it says I do not have a valid
drive/partition to install.

Hmm...okay, so maybe my disk is all messed up? Tried booting Win98's boot disk.
Then, using (MS) fdisk /mbr, then (MS) fdisk to partition...then reboot with
floppy and format c:/s.

Success! No errors, no bad sectors, nothing. I thought..what the fsck?!? Tried
to install Venus again on that seagate drive...but it STILL gave me the same
error as above. No valid device to install.

Then...I decided to try Festen (Mandrake 5.3) just to see if it's a Venus only
bug...and what do you know? It installs without a hitch.

I honestly have no idea what the problem is. The seagate drive has been
performing without any problems whatsoever ever since I bought it 1 year ago.
And I've used it with NT, Win98, Festen with no probs. Oh, I also tried
installing FreeBSD 3.2 and it also works.

I don't know if this problem exists for RedHat 6.0 (I don't have a copy) but I
don't really care about Red's Mandrake that I want to use. Strangely
enough, Venus installs with no problems on the other drives I have. (a number of
Seagate and Quantum drives of various denominations)

For your info, the 'problem' hdd is:
Seagate ST32532A
LBA, UDMA 2, 2.5 gig.

Now that I have Festen up and running on this drive, I'll try to install Venus
on it...

Kuraiken - Python fanatic.
Python. Try it. It'll swallow you whole!

Re: [newbie] shell scripts

1999-07-10 Thread Kuraiken

Yants wrote:
> how do i write shell scripts..?
> can someone please show me an example...

You know what shell script is, right? Well, the question of how depends on the
shell you're using. pdksh, csh (c shell), bash all have slightly different

Also, you can right "shell" scripts using perl or python.

Here's an example in python:

Argh...I cannot cut and paste from kedit to netscape's the
multiple file rename script I wrote a long time's simple enough to
If you're interested, please mail me. (don't want to flood the list with silly
hacks :-\)
Kuraiken - Python fanatic.
Python. Try it. It'll swallow you whole!

[newbie] kfm's ftp disabled in MDK6?

1999-07-01 Thread Kuraiken

Hello folks,

I've just moved to Venus. Everything looks fine. Everything works. Or so it
seemed. I think there's something wrong with kfm's ftp function. It seems
broken. I can download from ftp sites ok. But I cannot upload. (yes, I have
upload rights to the destination)

This used to be my "show off" piece to people. "See? I can upload this bunch of
files from my home dir to my remote website with simple drag and drop!" Using
kfm. Now I cannot. It just seems to hang for an eternity. It did not take
anywhere near that long before. What's happened?

I have updated to the kdenetwork and kdebase packages on the /updates site.

I tried ftp-ing (upload) via plain ol' CLI ftp (put) and it works - very well.
But, what's happened to kfm? Anyone have this problem? What do I do?


Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] Someone wanted a web editor?

1999-07-01 Thread Kuraiken

Freshmeat is worth visiting once a a box of chocolates, you never
know what you're gonna get. :-)

   Ariel Rios - July 01st 1999, 01:12 EST 

   Galway is a GTK Web editor that supports HTML, JavaScript, VRML 97 and
   Script-Fu specifications. It is programmed with the guile-gtk bindings and
   English, Italian and Spanish versions. 

   Changes: The Italian and Spanish languages libraries were updated. 

   Urgency: medium 

[ details (0) ] 

   License: GPL
   Category: Web/Tools

go to this page to find out more:

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] Good modem news.

1999-06-13 Thread Kuraiken

Looks like the "All PCI modems are winmodems! Does not work in Linux!" line may
soon be inaccurate. My, the times, they are a-changin'.

 01:37 EST [Dolph] 
 56K modem handles variety of OS 

 Actiontec Electronics Inc. has announced a 56K PCI
controller-based fax/modem
 that can run on DOS, Windows, UNIX, OS/2, and

 The modem can also accomodate both single and
multi-processor computers. 
 Because the modem incorporates an on-board controller,
the physical modem
 operation is independent of the host CPU. No processor
cycles are spent for
 communication control, and the modem operation is
independent of the choice of
 the operating system. 
 The new modem supports both the V.90 and K56flex
standard, which the modem
 automatically selects when it connects to an Internet
Service Provider. It operates up
 to 56 kbps, incorporating both MNP5 and V.24bis data
compression with MNP2.4,
 V.42, and LAPM error correction. 
 The Actiontec modem comes with a five year limited
warranty and is available to
 OEMs. Software upgrades and information about the
product can be found at, 
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] gcc not found by configure

1999-06-01 Thread Kuraiken

Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Kuraiken wrote:
> > I thought the -devel series meant you want it if you want to further develop
> > _that_ lib...and that the normal lib is what you want to use if you simply
> > develop _other_ software...doh!
> The devel packages are for developing (or simply recompiling) stuff that
> uses the library.

Yup, I'll have to go install the devel packages now since I'm a bit of a
programmer...(a two bit one, actually...:-))

> The normal package is what the resulting binaries need to run (i.e. you
> won't have to include stdlib.h on your $5000 binary-only "hello" CD :)
> [Sorry for calling you Microsoft :)]).

Hey, that was uncalled for! :-)
But do you think it'll sell? Hell, if the Gates of Hell can do it, so can I!

No no, seriously though...I'm a total convert to (and advocate from hell of)
open source / free software now.
Something that irritates my IE5 using friends...:P
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] kppp connects finally!!!but...

1999-06-01 Thread Kuraiken

s3x wrote:
> i've finally got kppp to connect to my isp but after the connection is made
> i try to ping  and the terminal window hangs. i open up netscape and it
> can't find anyplace. i try to change the mail account from within netscape
> but that window hangs netscape. i endup having to disconnect. anyone have
> any clues of where i should start?
> thanks

This is an altogether familiar problem. At first glance it looks like the
routing problem I (and undoubtedly many others) have experienced.

Try this:
As root (or su) enter:

Give us the result. I think this will shed some light on the problem.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Shortcut keys in Netscape 4.51

1999-06-01 Thread Kuraiken

Dan Brown wrote:
> Jeanette Russo wrote:
> > Anyone else having this problem or know the fix?
> > Jeanette
> Meaning that you can't use the delete key to delete messages, or to
> delete text you're typing?  If the former, I think Netscape wants to use
> Alt-D to delete messages.

I don't know why the del key does not work in messenger (it does for me) but the
Linux version of Netscape uses Alt-D for delete. It basically uses Alt instead
of Ctrl.
eg. Alt-X for cut. Alt-V for paste and so forth.

Note that in general, real KDE apps use Ctrl. (eg. in KMail, you use Ctrl-X for
cut and so forth) 

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] gcc not found by configure

1999-05-31 Thread Kuraiken

Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
> On Mon, 31 May 1999, Kuraiken wrote:
> > (pretty standard, no?) and I got:
> > hello.c:1 stdio.h: No such file or directory
> Install the glibc-devel package.
> LLaP
> bero

Got it, thanks. I'm actually trying to get pyKDE up...and it's asking for a lot
of stuff that never got I'm doing that now...

I thought the -devel series meant you want it if you want to further develop
_that_ lib...and that the normal lib is what you want to use if you simply
develop _other_ software...doh!

hello.c compiles nicely now! :-)
And pyKDE should also be configured and "made" in short measure...

What'll I ever do without this Newbie list... :-P

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] my caitoo don't work with numeric Ip (and kfm too)

1999-05-31 Thread Kuraiken

Roberto Angelo wrote:
> Hi
> PING ( 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=45 time=869.2 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=759.9 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=45 time=829.9 ms
> root@~/> ping
> PING ( 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from icp_seq=0 ttl=45 time=864.1 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=45 time=810.1 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=45 time=800.0 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=45 time=980.1 ms
> but caitoo work if I tell him and don't work if I tell him
> !!!

That is very very strange, usually, it's the other way around...sorry, I'm no
help but I'm stumped. Guys?

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] my caitoo don't work with numeric Ip (and kfm too)

1999-05-31 Thread Kuraiken

Roberto Angelo wrote:
>  Yes you have right my kfm don't work with numeric address too
>  What can I do ?
>  Thank in advance.

Sorry...I'm not too sure I understand...

Can you get connected to the internet? Can you ping your remote
connection/gateway server?
Can you ping (from command line). We'll need a bit more
info here...

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0 upgrade woes, continued

1999-05-31 Thread Kuraiken

Putteman Patrick wrote:
> your partitionning seems a bit strange to me.
> Try this:
> make 4 partitions:
> / 1000M
> /usr 100M
> swap 1000M
> /var 350

1 gig of Swap?! Isn't that a bit excessive?
/usr 1000M
swap 100M

sounds better IMHO...

> don't realy see why you have a /usr and an /usr/local partition
> It could just be that setup is messed up by your partitioning, and that
> the error message is less than 'explaining'

I sure sounds awfully weird to me. Have you tried installing
"minimal" stuff? Like just X and printing or something?

> > Continued from previous message...
> >
> > Downloaded a new ISO image from another FTP site (different from
> > first), burned another CD.  Booted from new CD, removed all
> > partitions, created new partitions (200M swap, 800M /, 1000M /usr,
> > 350M /var, 200M /usr/local - don't ask why I chose these, I'm posting
> > to the newbie group for a reason :) ), formatted all new partitions,
> > selected packages (all except for console and X games, IPX/Netware,
> > and extra documentation), began install.
> >
> > First try:  quit at about 85% finished package installation with
> > "install exited abnormally - received signal 11 sending termination
> > signals...etc., etc."
> >

The fact that you got through some but not all...wait, did you say you got it
all installed once except X did not run? Meaning you got 100% through? If
so...this sounds like flaky hardware (RAM usually) than anything else...I know
you said it worked flawlessly for years but...

Also intermittent problems can sometimes come from loose the
ide cables not inserted 100% in or something...or the RAM not inserted "just
so"...(Don't laugh, stuff like this has happened to me so many times...! :-/)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] gcc not found by configure

1999-05-30 Thread Kuraiken

Hello all,

I've this rather perplexing problem with "configuring" and compiling software.
For many software (downloaded from source) the steps are:

cd into the untarred dir
make install
make clean (sometimes)

My problem is when I run the ./configure it all goes fine up till

checking for C-Compiler...
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot
create executables.

I checked rpm -q gcc and it reports:

this is standard as found in Mandrake 5.3.

Then I tried a simple hello.c:



void main(void){
printf ("Hello world!");

then I (saved it and) typed
gcc -o hello hello.c

(pretty standard, no?) and I got:
hello.c:1 stdio.h: No such file or directory

I tried this all in my home (user) directory. (ie. not /root)
What gives? Doesn't the gcc compiler come with standard libs?
How do I get gcc to work? Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] My Mandrake is strangely slow...

1999-05-29 Thread Kuraiken

> Just installed Mandrake 5.3 a couple of days ago, and I have been
> configuring it the last couple of days (BTW, thanks Brian for the tip
> with the mouse)... But it seems that KDE is working sluggishly slow
> (Slower than MSOffice 97 on a Pentium 100, if you take my meaning)
> Is my AMDK6 (200Mhz) with 32MB of Ram too old for KDE? (works fine in
> the _other_ OS)
> I have a 40Mb swap partition, and it seems to be in use all the time.
> Gimp refuses to run, Netscape takes forever to download a simple, almost
> all text webpage (yahoo)... It doesnt seem right.

This is a bit weird...we have some pcs with P5 166MMX with only 32MB (and
another 32MB swao) and it runs fine. Not all that slow. Netscape does take a
long time to load but after that it should be okay. Gimp should work fine as
well. A bit slow using some of the filters/tools but otherwise should be usable.

Could there be some background tasks running that you don't need? Also...what
speed are you connecting at?

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] talk about no knowledge

1999-05-24 Thread Kuraiken

Pliler Main Unit wrote:
> Richard,
> You know, I was told by someone else that I had the netscape
> 4.51 on my cd's , that I got with L-M, but so far I've not found a
> folder or file with netscape in the name, any suggestion?
> Also how would I remove the old netscape first??
> YOu are dealing with a newbie dummie that has never even
> installed a program yet, let alone removed one.
> Thanks,
> Will

On the CD, if you're in KDE, you need to click on the CDROM icon to mount the
CD. Then, in the viewer, go to:


(turning off HTML view might help if you're browsing the CD)

The netscape rpms are there.

If you want to remove the rpms, launch kpackage.
Click on File->find package.
A find dialog box pops up. Looks for "netscape" string...then you'll find
several netscape related rpms
Click done on the dialog...
On the main kpackage window there should be a button at the bottom right area
labelled "uninstall" that and it should uninstall that package.

There is a command line way to do it...but you might not want to. (it's easier
to use though, imo.)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] talk about no knowledge

1999-05-24 Thread Kuraiken

Pliler Main Unit wrote:
> HI,
> After over a week of trying(to get the modem working) got online , I'm using
> 5.3 right out the box.
> I know my CD works, but how do  I use the CD to  upgrade the Netscape
> to the 4.5 on the disk, I have this idiots guide to linux, thats no
> help seems to mem  it can 't seem to help this one anyway (--:
> Thanks,
> Will

The one on the CD is an rpm isn't it?

OKay, this is what I did (sure you can do other ways but this is simple)
Mount the CD. Go to the directory where the 4.51 is then click on the
netscape-common rpm file. kpackage should pop up. Click on "replace files" check
box and click install.
Do the same for netscape-communicator rpm. You should not even have to reboot.

Oh yes, be sure to be root to install the rpms. But don't click on the desktop
netscape icon as root. Exit and logon as your normal user. For some reason,
clicking netscape (first time) as root makes netscape unusable for other users.
(it crashes - don't know why)

Hope this helps,
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Anyone used this Main Board??

1999-05-19 Thread Kuraiken

Eric Drabwell wrote:
> Hi all,
> Had my Linux Mandrake up and running on my Pii but for family reasons
> need to switch to a box that is using what appears to be a TXProII
> Motherboard. This has built in Video Card SiS 5597/5598 (according to
> Windows) and sound card. I dont think that the sound card will be a
> problem tho. Its running a CyrixMII-300 CPU . I now can not get X
> happening.was before.
> I say "appears to be" above as I do not have any documentation re this
> computeronly what I can ascertain from the box itself.(Even got down
> with a light to look inside!) Any clues or thoughts would be
> appreciated. I have looked thru the Hardware How Tos.and may have
> missed something.

Is it a UMA board? The video ram is siphoned off main/system ram? If the m/b is
what I think it is, (a TXProII that I used as well) then your x-server should be
set to SiS 5598. The sound is the ever present and ever irritating SoundPro
chipset. This one is not supported in Linux as of yet, AFAIK.

Other than that, it should work fine. (I've disabled the video unit though, in
favour of a better supported Matrox card). I don't think there would be any
distinguishing markings on it though...but it could well be a PCChips board.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] what a diff a day makes

1999-05-18 Thread Kuraiken

Putteman Patrick wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm affraid Mandrake doesn't have any USB support 'right out of the
> box'. In fact, Linux doesn't have USB support at all for the moment
> unless you compile your own kernel (at least version 2.2.7 (stable) or
> 2.3.3 (development).

Yes, I'm afraid it's quite true. I think we do have support for USB keyboard and
mice though...

> Keep in mind that USB support in Linux is still very BETA and that the
> only OS supporting USB for the moment is Win98.

Not true. MacOS (dunno which is the latest) supports it as well. The iMacs can
do USB zip.

> If I were you, given the actual prices, I'd rush out and buy an
> affordable generic modem instead of taking the risc of tampering your
> system by using very early beta support in the newer kernels. USB will
> be supported under Linux and work is advancing rapidly.

General agreement here. It will really save you a lot of hassle (not to mention
heartache and hair) if you stick with the _supported_ hardware. For Mandrake,
this list is on:

Note: serial modem at the bottom. For best results, use an external serial one.

I am _not_ encouraging the non-use and support of modern (like USB) stuff. I
would like to use them myself, but I'd rather get something I can use _now_ and
I'm not about to downgrade to Windows...

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Whining and Griping. (was pppd dies unexpectedly)

1999-05-18 Thread Kuraiken

> > I sounds pretty bad. Even on my worst days it was never that bad for
> > me. When you installed Mandrake, did you get any error messages? How about at
> > boot time? Might want to look at /var/messages.
> I used to do it. There is nothing there.
> Pppd is terminated on signal 15. I have no idea what that is.
> 1. I dial my ISP --> pppd dies unexpectedly (it complains that the server
> didn't pass on the required configuration, but it is not sure, it says.
> 2. I dial again immediately --> it connects without problem.
> 3. I installed RH 6.0 on another partition. It connects without any problems.
> The only trouble with it: you cannot install Star Office 5.0 on it, and
> RealPlayer doesn't seem to work either.
> Bela

Actually...that happens to me too but it used to happen in Windows too, so I
never thought it to be a Linux problem. And connection stability is still better
than it was when I was using windows. The point is, you _do_ get connected. So
that means it works.

The other guy's problem was he could not get connected at all...

As for Star Office and Real Player, sorry, I don't have them installed so I
cannot help you there.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] Whining and Griping. (was pppd dies unexpectedly)

1999-05-17 Thread Kuraiken

> > I also installed Red Hat 6 on another partition. It is missing kpackage and
> > glint, which is a very ugly error from Red Hat. Pppd works fine as ROOT, but
> > when I try to bring up kppp the following is the message:
> What does this have to do with Mandrake, might I ask?  As for it missing
> kpackage and glint, who REALLY cares?  Glint sucked rocks through a
> straw!  

Thank God I did not install it then ;-)

> Try gnorpm or (horror of horrors!) the command line!  As for
> kpackage, I tried it with Mandrake and just gave up on it.  While
> uninstalling packages, it would magically up and lose root privileges
> every few minutes forcing me to restart the program.  Thanks, but no
> thanks.

It's rather buggy at uninstalling sometimes. But installation is pretty nice.
Just click on an rpm file in the kfm window and up it pops. Installs are easy

However...I prefer the rpm command's more "deterministic" for now.
(hey, i'm being nice) :-)

> > Do these Linux companies know what they are doing? Since Red Hat received so
> > much investment, and Mandrake became successful their products are not worth
> > buying unless you are a programming guru who can fix the ugly errors.
> This KPPP problem doesn't exist on my copy of Mandrake, and I haven't
> seen any other postings about 'works as root, not as user' from anyone
> else in the past 3 or 4 months that I've been using Mandrake.

I sounds pretty bad. Even on my worst days it was never that bad for
me. When you installed Mandrake, did you get any error messages? How about at
boot time? Might want to look at /var/messages.

> As for the 'programming guru' comment, I'll be the first to admit that I
> couldn't code my way out of a paper bag.  My Mandrake installation and
> subsequent use has been completely trouble-free and without any need to
> program anything.

Same here. Although, programming is the reason I'm using Linux. (Steve! Try
Python. I'm serious! :-))
I think it's not "programming" that you's configuring. And remember
that "figuring" is a big part of "configuring". Seriously, though. Docs abound
and help is friendly (here, anyway). So persevere, it's worth it. (you'll have
to get out of Win98 mindset, though).

You get bonus marks for asking "where can I find docs about..." type questions
as well as "I'd like to do...where do I find the docs / what docs are
pertinent?". Of course, general questions will be normally entertained here. It
_is_ a "newbie" mailing list.

> > I am very upset about their carelessness. Linux will not win the hearts of
> > people this way. I am now not recommending it to anyone until it will be
> > praised on the newsgroups.
> I'm sick and tired of people posting to this mailing list who've seen a
> mention of Linux somewhere, bought a distribution, installed it, and now

> WITHOUT the "threats" to give up Linux.  You'll get alot further.
> --
> Steve Philp

Well said, Steve. I could not have waxed as lyrical-ly myself.

I dare say there is a large number of newbies coming to Linux everyday. Whether
they stay on depends much on whether they can or have the time or are lucky
enough (like me) to be able to find the docs "in the nick of time". Or maybe I'm
just too dumb to know when quit. ;-)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

*And avid Python breeder.

[newbie] Kget -> Caitoo

1999-05-14 Thread Kuraiken

Anyone interested in an ftp program similar to GetRight and GoZilla - you may
have heard of kget. It's been renamed Caitoo.

It supports suspend and resume downloads for those huge dls. Go get it!

I could not get to the webpage though...something might be up (or down as the
case may be) with the server. Give it a try.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0 and Lothar

1999-05-12 Thread Kuraiken

Jeanette Russo wrote:
> >
> > i have confidence that Mandrake 6.0 will be better because of the Lothar
> > project
> > and also the fact that they integrate KDE better in my opinion : ),
> >
> > just my opinion
> Ok that sounds good can't wait!  Hey whats Lothar?
> Jeanette

Lothar is something like a "Hardware Manager" for Linux. To learn more, visit:

It does look very cool. Can't wait to see it in action!
Looks like our hardware setup hassles just might be over...maybe? ;-)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] On the issue of language...

1999-05-09 Thread Kuraiken

Does anyone know how I could input Japanese chars with my US keyboard? I used to
have this word processor for windows that accomplished this. Now, in Linux, I
can read Japanese just fine (in Netscape, anyway) but I can't _write_ (type?)
it...Is there a site where I can find out more?


Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Other user except root can shutdown server?

1999-05-07 Thread Kuraiken

Gilbert Espinosa wrote:
> Stefan Dozier wrote:
> > At 11:30 AM 5/7/99 +0800, you wrote:
> >
> > >The fastest way for a regular user to shutdown is to press ctrl-alt-del then
> > >press the off button when the screen shows the initial boot up sequence. eg
> > >before memory check
> >
> > You're kidding righthehehehehehe
> > Stefan Dozier
> No, actually I saw that trick in one of the Linux Documentation. Don't know
> which one but it does work. Of course you can't do that if you're logged in over
> a network. It is found in the /etc/inittab file. It sure sounds funny though.
> 8^)
> Gilbert

Actually, this is a very legit way of shutting down. Ctrl-Alt-Del key combo is
trapped by linux to reboot. You can actually change this default behaviour -
someone posted about it a long while ago but I cannot remember it now.

You cannot do this over the network, I think. As that will reset your local
The easiest way to do it, IMHO is to make a small script containing this line:

su -c /sbin/halt

save it (as say, "halt") and make the script executable [chmod +x myfile] and
copy it into your /home/myhome/ directory.
Now, typing "halt" will ask for your root password, once entered, it will
immediately shutdown your machine in the proper manner.

You could also replace the /halt with /reboot for rebooting.

Or...if you somehow do not have the halt and reboot commands (scripts) in your
/sbin, you can write:

su -c "/sbin/shutdown -r now"

The " are required since you are passing arguments and need to separate with a know what I mean, right? :-P

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
& Python breeder

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer 5.0 setup

1999-04-21 Thread Kuraiken

> On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 08:12:02PM +1000, Bela Lantos wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> > 3. go further down, and just above the Troff document entries you find another
> > entry for Real Audio. Edit it:
> > Description: RealAudio
> > MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio
> > Suffixes: rm,ra,ram
> > Click the Application radio button and type into the field:
> > rvplayer %s
> > lick OK.
> > Restart Netscape. Now when you click on a link RealPlayer will comeup and
> > search the link. My present problem with it is that it complains that the
> > compression format is not correct. This is as far I got, you have to help me
> > further.
> I know the answer to this one!
> You'll need to create a wrapper script to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before calling
> rvplayer.  First, move /usr/bin/rvplayer to /usr/bin/rvplayer.real
> Then, a script like this should do the trick (name it /usr/bin/rvplayer and
> chmod +x /usr/bin/rvplayer after you edit it):
> #! /bin/bash
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/Real
> /usr/bin/rvplayer.real $1
> That will fix the problems that you're having!

Steve, i think this should go in the Thingie, don't you? This question is
_bound_ to be asked again due to the popularity of RP5.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] A Story for Linux Users.

1999-04-21 Thread Kuraiken

Lloyd wrote:
> "James J. Capone" wrote:
> >
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > grap a cup of coca and read on. I think Steve would like this one. He
> > could be a teacher and get paid for all of his wisdom :)
> >
> > Please goto.
> >
> >
> >
> > And read my story. Let me know what you all think,
> >
> I read your story, James. You're right;there should be an
> LCSE. And guess what? It's already in the works! I've seen
> some references (although I don't remember where) to the
> Linux Certification Project. If I find the place where I saw
> it, I'll mail it to you. Have a great day!

You might want to go have a look at the LPI - Linux Professional Institute. They
are working on a community developed certification spec etc.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] How do I setup Aliases?

1999-04-16 Thread Kuraiken

Jim Layman wrote:
> Hello,
> "How do I configure aliases?"  I know what I want to use, but do not know
> where to enter them.
> Thanks for the help!
> Jim Layman

If you want to use just for that session, you can just enter alias... at the
But for long term use:

Open .bashrc in your /home/myhome directory.

It's a dot file and hence hidden. To see it, you'd need to do "ls -a".
To open it do something like

"pico .bashrc"

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
And Python "breeder"

Re: [Re: [newbie] Reactions and hopes.....]

1999-04-15 Thread Kuraiken

Michael Scottaline wrote:
> Kuraiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just to add to Steve's suggestions...
> I'm not really sure how much the G200 is but if you just want a cheap
> replacement, the S3 Virge/DX based cards are pretty good for the cost. You
> should be able to get 4MB versions for about US$ 20.
> And this chipset is accelerated in XF86.
> Thanks Kuraiken for the suggestion.  Maybe I'll try to sneak the card in one
> evening ;o)
> Will it work acceptably well under Win 95 (the labs usual OS)?
> Mike

Yup. I have at least 10 of these cards (mostly 2MB versions). IMHO, the Virge
series is better than the trio. In Linux as well as Win95/98 it is totally
painless to install / configure. This is a chipset I would recommend to users on
tight budgets or those with low hassle-threshholds (if installing on win95, be
sure to have your driver disks handy)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live anyone ?

1999-04-14 Thread Kuraiken

Birchall, Richard wrote:
> There is information on the Linux drivers for SBLive! here:
> As per that, Creative is not publically releasing programming data for this
> sound card, but is working on binary drivers.
> Regards,
> Richard

Thanks for the links Richard. I knew of the ALSA project but I've not been there
since...last year.
The second one I read off a link from...slashdot?

The news from the first link is pretty depressing...don't the fools realize that
if they open up, more people will buy their hardware?! Idiots.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live anyone ?

1999-04-14 Thread Kuraiken

> Where would i look to try and keep up to date with progress on this one ?.

Here are some of the best places to visit to keep up to date with Linux
developments in general:
# this one is exceptionally geeky - highly recommended 
# this is for the weeks' news. Good overall linux ezine.
# this one is more "mainstream" but worth a read. Lookup the previous articles.

> I'm not really using Linux much at the moment (i tend to go backwards and
> forwards between Win98 and Mandrake), but i don't want to rule out going
> back to it when my mood takes me just because of no support for my sound
> card.

I did that for about...2 days. Now I'm 100% Linux powered :-)
> I certainly do. Until i sell on my PC and finish building my new one i have
> an old Awe64 which was working happily for my purposes (and to be honest i
> thought it sounded better in Linux than Win98 ?!?).

Then, use the AWE64. Works really well in both Linux and win98.

> Is there likely to be
> any issues with having both running in the PC at the same time, or should i
> just forget about sound for the moment - i only really use it to listen to
> CD's under Linux. Win98's a different matter tho.

It really depends on what you want to do. For me, I don't really miss sound so
much in Linux so I haven't bothered re-installing my AWE64 and taking out the
SBLive! card (for the time being).
If you're not too bothered about no sound in Linux, leave it as it is. The
driver will appear...eventually.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live anyone ?

1999-04-13 Thread Kuraiken

Martin White wrote:
> Has anybody tried setting up a Sound Blaster Live PCI card under Mandrake -
> if so what did you set it up as ??
> I stupdily forgot all about my Linux setup and was just thinking about
> HalfLife when i bought it !!
> Martin.

There was some news about a Linux driver for SBLive. Creative hired a linux
hacker to do it but so far no working driver yet. Not even beta. So I guess
we'll have to wait. I'm in the same boat in this regard.

However, if you have the other SB cards (The PCI, Ensoniq chip, AWE32/64, 16
etc) they should all work with no problems. The only part that seems to have
problems is MIDI.


Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] renaming files

1999-04-11 Thread Kuraiken

Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Apr 1999, Ken wrote:
> > vacation01.jpg
> > vacation02.jpg
> > vacation03.jpg
> >
> > I want to rename just the vacation part to toronto**.jpg.  toronto01.jpg,
> > toronto02.jpg etc...
> for i in vacation*jpg; do
>   a=`echo $i |sed -e 's/vacation/toronto/'`
>   mv $i $a
> done
> LLaP
> bero spoiled the fun, Bernhard! ;-)
Nice script though...short and sweet.

I wonder if there's a more general "rename" script or utility...I'm sure someone
would have done one by now.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] renaming files

1999-04-11 Thread Kuraiken

Ken wrote:
> I need some help renaming a bunch of files, about 350 in fact.  They all
> begin with vacation*.jpg
> example:
> vacation01.jpg
> vacation02.jpg
> vacation03.jpg
> I want to rename just the vacation part to toronto**.jpg.  toronto01.jpg,
> toronto02.jpg etc...
> What would I type to accomplishing this?  Typing 'mv vacation01.jpg >
> toronto01.jpg' for each file isn't fun either.  My only other alternative
> is using a windows renaming program to rename them and upload them again.
> It's on my remote server and I'd just like to rename them on the server so
> I don't have to re-upload them.

I'm not sure if a utility exists but it's pretty simple enough to write a small
bash or perl script to do it. I highly recommend reading up on shell (eg. bash -
the default shell in Mandrake) scripting. It'll save you untold riches worth of
time and grief. ;-)

Especially if you do this sort of thing a lot.

Hint: Always, always, always! Have a scratch directory to do your testing - esp.
when you have valuable/irreplacable data that could get hosed by a still-buggy

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] I want to use Linux...ICQ

1999-04-10 Thread Kuraiken

Russ Westbrook wrote:
> Guillermo,
> You said you use Linux for several different things, one of which was
> icq. Are you referring to the program that allows people to know when
> another gets on line then chat together? I use this program allot in
> 98 and am really going to miss it when I make the final jump. I wrote
> to Miribalis (spelling) and they informed me that no Linux version is
> planned. If this is the program you are using, may I ask how you are
> using it under Linux?
> Thanks
> Russ

As others have pointed out, there is Licq on the Mandrake 5.3 CD.
But, to be honest, there are at least 3 others (Xicq, KXicq) and a couple or so
more. They range from 0.3.x to 0.5.x in version numbers so not all features are
there. Personally, I use Licq and it's done pretty much what I need it to. It's
missing a few bells and whistles but it's very functional. Even...dare I say it,
less buggy than the Win95/98 version. Again, it could be the OS ;-)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Star Office 5.0

1999-04-10 Thread Kuraiken

Jeanette Russo wrote:
> Got Star Office 5.0 up and running a boy it is nice!  Recommend it for
> anyone running Mandrake :-)  Its a big download and the server seems slow,
> but it does allow you to restart where you left off in the event you get
> disconnected.
> Jeanette

I don't mean to be a "wet blanket" but don't expect too much out of it. It's
pretty good but there have been reports of instability and some general
weirdness from friends who use it. One thing which is no real fault of StarDiv's
engineers is that some MS docs (like word) are not parsed properly - esp. the
later versions of word. And since it's closed source...

#All software that is not Free, sucks. (free speech not drinks))

Also, for me, personally...I'm more excited about KOffice (XML doc! Yum!) too
bad I'm not really an "office"'s still a long way away though and for
those needing a good Office suite, Star Office is pretty good. But I also hear
good things about Applixware's suite. So you might want to check that out too.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Attn: Kuraiken

1999-04-10 Thread Kuraiken

Jerry Dean wrote:
> Hi Kuraiken
> Yes I have the dns setup correct and I am connecting to the internet, I am very
> knowlegable about computers since I have a computer consulting and sales business
> and have built many computers, I am using a external US Robotics Courier V9- modem
> and yes it is connecting. I also get the connecting box and have pinged the ip
> addess with sucess. The problem  has always been and is trying to send/receive mail
> and use Netscape, both return errors as I have previous stated. Lets not waste your
> time with the modem, it is ok and it is connecting, in fact it connects faster with
> Linux then it does with Win98. I will check the /resolv.config file and get back
> with you. Thank you for your efforts and your time, I hope I can get Linux working,
> it looks promising.
> Jerry Dean

Hi Jerry,
So you're not a complete newbie then! ;-)

Your description above says a lot. What this means is that your PC is definitely
not routing through your ppp connection. I'm not quite sure what's in your other
conf files but, I think you'll find this doc more than a little useful to your

It's helped me more than a little - I was just afraid real newbies might find it
overwhelming. Since you're not, you should have no problems. Good Luck! (sheesh,
I'm starting to sound like Steve...except, I'm no guru ;-))

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Attn: Kuraiken

1999-04-10 Thread Kuraiken

Jerry Dean wrote:
> Hello
> I really appreciate your help but if I could cut and paste and mail in
> Mandrake I would not need your help. My problem is I can connect ok with
> Kddd but I canot use Netscape or a mail client. I followed your

Kddd? I'm not sure what that you mean kppp? I'll assume yes.

> directions below and printed out the files in Mandrake. Sorry but I
> cannot cut and paste from Linux to Windows and if I canot get my mail
> client to work cutting and pasting into it would be futile. When I start
> kppp I now get an error msg stating /etc/resolv.config is missing, does
> this help?

It might. When did this start happening?
etc resolv.config is what your computer looks up to get the list of DNS servers.
You _did_ put in the DNS server ips in your kppp setup, right? Go look for the
/resolv.config file. It will be in /etc/.
Open it if you do find it. What's in it?

> Anyway the results of the notcon.txt and the con.tst are the same.
> Kernal IP routing table
> Destination
> Gateway
> Genmask
> Flags U
> Metric 0
> Ref 0
> Use 0
> Iface lo

The SAME?! Ah...that means you've not really got on the net. ppp never got up.
What this means is that your modem is not communicating with the outside world
since that's what the pppd does. Ergo, you never connected to your dial-up

How do you know your modem is working? Do you hear the dialing? The handshaking?

Try this:
open kppp
go to setup
click on the [modem] tab
now click [Query Modem]

A dialog full of ATx results will come up.
Let me know your results. If they are blank...your modem is not working (at
least in Linux)
If your modem is not'll need to set it up first. Is it
If it is external and hooked up to serial 2 (or COM2 in M$speak):

Open up kppp -> setup
click on [Device] tab
/dev/ttyS1 (for com2 com1 is ttyS0)

Connection speed 57600 or 115200.

If it is'll need to know which tty it's connected to...
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] YES ! !!!

1999-04-10 Thread Kuraiken

> i chose the custom install 

heh, neither could I...

> i edited my xf86config for my diamond speedstar A50.

This is what might be causing the weirdness of your X desktop.

> dealing with hardware and troubleshooting, i never even saw a com5.

They exist alright. There are serial port cards that extend your com ports to 8
or more. Normally only used for control work...not normally used by 'normal'
people. :-)

> now that's the good part, part two is i still have a funny looking
> kde desktop, it's still all black with a few of whatever is supposed
> to be on it visible. any suggestions on that . stop groaning
> folks.  i'm really not a pain and i will be able to contribute in the
> near future.
> denise

Give yourself a pat on the back for your sheer doggedness in pursuing the
problem...ever considered some real hacking? ;-)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Netscape and kmail client

1999-04-09 Thread Kuraiken

Jerry Dean wrote:
> Hello again:
> I followed your instructions below and same problem, so I rebooted
> windows went to my isp website and printed out configuration info,
> obtained the correct dns settings, rebooted linux, and setup up kppp
> correctly and I have the same problem. I get the following error when
> pinging an address:  "unknown host". The mail client also returns error
> msg, cannot find server. Anymore ideas? Thanks
> Jerry Dean

Okay, could you do this for me?

in a shell, while not connected, run this:
/sbin/route -n > notcon.txt

Then, connect to your isp (you can connect? Does kppp display the "connected
at..." dialog with the two buttons [Details] and [Disconnect]? If so, while
connected run this:
/sbin/route -n > con.txt

Then, copy and paste the text into your email and send it to the list - labeled
as such.
(The ">" sends the output into a file - in this case the *.txt files.)

Lets see if we can find out what's happening with the routing.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: more infoRe: [newbie] Xwoes and going grey :-)

1999-04-09 Thread Kuraiken

> > And? Even before you startx, move your mouse you get a
> > square "pointer" moving about the screen?
> don't make me laugh, i'm supposed to be mad/upset  right now .
> seriously though. no i never ever did get one. i thought i would only
> see a mouse with X. gpm mouse services gives you mouse usage in console - for console
based programs that use it.
(this is a bit like the old mouse driver for DOS - remember them?)

> alright stop laughing.

I was not! :P

> i've decided i may just reinstall but have a question on that:
> if i let it just do it's thing without being in expert mode what
> should i choose?
> workstation or Server?

You chose expert mode? You really shouldn't have unless you're really an expert.
But Custom install is fine. You're using Mandrake 5.3, right? There should be 3
choices: Workstation, Server, Custom.
For now, I'd suggest Workstation (unless you really want a server) - You'll want
to do a custom install later on, though...maybe. You could also just
install/uninstall the rpms you want/don't want once you've got it all installed.

> to be honest i don't like the fact that i don't have any control over
> installation. ( hate it with that ms stuff)

Workstation defaults are pretty reasonable. The KDE desktop is installed by
default no matter which install option you choose. Of course, if you choose
Custom, you can also not install kde if you wish.

> well the only other mice in the house are:
> ms instupidmouse w/wheel - ps/2
> intellimouse w/o wheel - serial
> ibm - ps/2

Wait. Were you the one using the PA2013? I'm using a Logitech Trackman Marble
(love this thing!) with the PS/2 (aux?) driver and it works great. Had no
problems whatsoever. The middle button works as well.

> > problem. I'm sure many more on the list would also like to find out
> > what the heck is going on - and avoid it...oh well. Hang in there.
> them i would like to find out myself ;-). i just loving tinkering and
> turning greyer while playing 
> denise

Playing is the best way to learn, really... :)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] modem troubles

1999-04-09 Thread Kuraiken

jon kyle pula wrote:
> I'm having problems using my modem in linux.
> I have a U.S. Robotics 56k Voice ***Win modem***.  Is there a chance linux
> incompatible with my modem?
> thanks,
> kyle

Yes. There is a great chace your modem is incompatible with Linux. 100% chance,
actually. Sorry.
No win modems will work with LInux because the actual processing work of a modem
is done in software for these pain-in-the-butts. And since it's all closed
stuff, no one can get the specs or source to write the software for Linux. Ergo,
no win modems can even begin to be supported in Linux. Until the manufacturers
change their goddamned attitude, this is unlikely to change.

For best results, I would recommend an external modem. It'll give you the least
heartache IMO...failing that, an internal modem that is not PCI (since all PCI
modems to my limited knowledge are win modems) and if it has jumper settings,
you're in business.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

[newbie] Central user accounts?

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

Hello all,

This might be just a wee bit heavy for the newbie list but...

A friend of mine (a lecturer in a local college) needs some help setting up a
computer lab. I somehow, managed to convince him that he really does not want to
us M$ crapware - after a couple of hours staring slack jawed at my desktop (what
with GIMP, Moonlight Creator, Netscape, FTP, HTTP - to my local server) all
going on at once in several virtual desktops...well :P)...

Anyway, I convinced him that FS/OSS is the way to go. Saves his college oodles
of money and frees them from the M$ tax (tax evasion?), protects their
investments from obsolescence etc.etc...(not to mention earning him some honour
points amongst his peers)

So, I've agreed to help him out.

Now, my question is, what are the different options open to me here? I've
checked out NAG's NIS section but it does not look complete. In many places they
say type:...and nothing after the semi-colon. It seems it's very much incomplete
still. And it's very confusing about what exactly needs to be done.

So, here I am. I need to implement this:
Centralized user authentication and resource utilization. The last bit is
perhaps not to difficult (I think it's just nfs/samba but do correct me if I'm

How many ways are there and what are the pros and cons of each? And most
importantly, where do I go for more info and help?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to your suggestions.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Re: A virus for Linux

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

Rich Christie wrote:
> An example of a Linux virus would be Linux.Bliss
> More information can be found at the following website:
> -Rich

Can we please stop the virus thread? It's not really useful for most of us.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: more infoRe: [newbie] Xwoes and going grey :-)

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

> > mean even gpm cannot use it? (you did install gpm, yes?)
> yep installed it.

And? Even before you startx, move your mouse you get a square
"pointer" moving about the screen?

> let's see, this is the, oh shoot lost count after number 6 or was
> that number 10  but seriously i've installed/reinstalled this
> quite a few times. i have the timing down to a fine science as to
> what i can do while it loads and when i have to be back to enter
> info.

Wow...this is seriously bad. I've never had to do this! (and I thought _I_ had
problems ;-P)

> got another machine(s), wanted this so that i can tinker and learn
> more. i would like to eliminate that stuff from redmond for everyday
> use.

I understand how you feel. I've done it. It's feels great! But...let's get back
to getting you there.

> >
> > Do you have a modem installed?
> not really to lazy to swap it out as it maybe a winmodem which aint
> going to work ( sent someone else to get it for me and didn't tell
> them that i wanted one w/jumpers on it).

Take it out anyway.
> sound card is compatible as it is a real soundblaster. all hardware
> is on the hardware list. did have to swap out the harddrive for this
> current one because i didn't want to use the overlay for the bios to
> see all 9.1 gigs..'s not the compatibility of those things that I am questioning. I'm sure
they will work. I'm trying to eliminate conflicts. Or at least potentials. I've
done God-only knows how many troubleshooting and hair-pulling to know
that...usually, it's the stupidest thing that drives you up the wall. Keep it
simple. I'm not about to say that your mouse hates Linux but...have you tried
installing the thing or even running the thing with a different mouse?

I'm sorry that this is at your expense but this is an interesting problem. I'm
sure many more on the list would also like to find out what the heck is going on
- and avoid it...oh well. Hang in there.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Netscape and kmail client (Steve?)

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

> > There is another way to stop the default route and that is to edit
> > /etc/rc.d/rc.local
> > and add as the last line:
> > route del default
> >
> > STEVE, how is this method different to the one you suggested and which is the
> > better way? I got this method from somewhere on the net. Let me see...
> Well, in the end, both of the methods achieve the same thing.  But the
> rc.local change that you posted is really just a bandaid over the
> problem rather than curing it.  The ifcfg-eth0 line is causing the
> problem and by modifying that one line, it's gone.  I'd opt for that
> solution, since it's technically the right one. that was what was causing the default route setting, hmm? I was racking
my brain trying to figure out what was doing that...then I just got put the
band-aid on and it I was happy. Now know the better way. Thanks.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Netscape and kmail client

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

> Kuraiken! i think you solved one of my problems
> i have that problem as well
> and as i was going trough my /var/logs/messages i noticed that it said some
> like *Keeping eth0 routing* then some IP address is there how do i fix that?

I think Steve posted a solution to this...did it help?
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Netscape and kmail client

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

Jerry Dean wrote:
> Hi Kuraiken
> This is what I found:
> Destination
> Gateway
> Genmask
> Flags u
> Metie 0
> ref 0
> use 0
> Iface 0 Lo

Hmm...this should be fine. Are there any Destination address
This is the last entry, I presume?

Okay, try connecting to the internet again.
In the kppp dialog (after you get connected) click on show details. You should
see a thing with a graph at the bottom. Above it are 2 ip addresses. The top one
is the ip address assigned to you by your ISP. (you did choose dynamically
assigned IP, yes?) and the one below it is the dial-up server you're connected

Ping that server.

You should get packets back. Hit Ctrl-C to stop the flow.
Now ping or or something.
If you get errors like cannot find server or some such thing, your DNS server
list is not configured properly. Try this first and see what you get.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] A faster wm, VIA motherboard......

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

d.r.stewart wrote:
> i have the VIA MVP3 chipset and yes it can be a nightmare. you have
> to go the fic site and get the upgrades for the chipset. then it
> works like a charm. the mobo i have if the fic pa2013
> if you have win95 you have to go to amd's site and get the patch for
> win95. it's not the mobo its the os 
> the url is
> i think that's right
> (tw is the top domain for Taiwan)

I'm using the PA2013 as well. Recently, I upgraded my BIOS to the latest
one...and guess what? Both NT and Win98 died. Refused to boot. I got NT
installed again but refused to go any higher than 16 colours (not 16 bit!) VGA.
(I'm using a creative RivaTNT card which might be the problem, actually) BUT!

Linux installed and boots with absolutely no complaints. XFree86's TNT server
works like a charm - at 1280x1024 in 16bit. No problems. So's
definitely the OS. MS produces only crapware. I mean come on! Linux can do it,
the XFree86 can do come paid Microserfs can't, hmm? got me started...end of R&R (rant & rave) :)
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Questions

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

> >> 2. What happens if for  any reason the root user forget his/her
> >> password or somebody tampers with the root password until he gets  it
> >> and changes it so that the real root cannot log into the system. ?
> >
> >Then you're hosed :)
> Not quite. You can boot into single user (" linux single") then do
> "passwd" to set up a new password.

Really? You mean you don't have to supply the root password to get into single
user mode at all? Hmm...
So what's stopping any old cracker from booting any Linux box in single user
mode and doing the same thing?

> >Well, this is true for any OS. AIX, Solaris, NT...
> Aargh! Please don't say the N-word!

Sorry! :P

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: more infoRe: [newbie] Xwoes and going grey :-)

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

> > when you move the mouse when you are at the command line, do you get
> now that it doesn't do.
> mean even gpm cannot use it? (you did install gpm, yes?)

> > a square cursor moving around the screen, you should.  And to set up
> > X you will need to edit the XF86Config file directly (it can be
> > found in /etc/X11/) mouseconfig will not work.
> yeah i know, i've gotten so good that i have the full command
> memorize .  thanks. well let's get some coffee and off to
> get this done
> i'm almost tempted do a full reinstall and let it do it on it's own
> without me using the expert mode.
> thanks
> denise

Actually...this might be a good sounds like lots of things have been
messed up from your tinkering...:) No, this is good! It's the best way to learn
you way around Linux, seriously! But...only if you have the time. If you need to
get work done right away, either use another machine or try not to mess about in
conf files too much.

Do you have a modem installed?

I find that when weird stuff like this happens, you want to take everything out
and install with the minimum of stuff. That way you can isolate problems
easier...eliminate as many variables as possible.
Try installing with only graphics card and mouse (and keyboard and monitor, of
course) and see if it works. You can install the modem and soundcard later.

Just a suggestion.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Adding users

1999-04-08 Thread Kuraiken

> i dont wanna botch up my linux *pets Tux* setup
> so how do i add a user
> i used to know how but my brain seem's to have dumped it,
> the guy who's brain gets rid of importent stuff,
> Tom2

I don't mean to be abrupt but, have you checked the documentation yet?

ALL NEWBIES: Please check this page:

There are lots and lots of stuff here - fun for all the family! :)
Most of your anwsers will be found here.

Tom, incidentally, the page you want is here:

In fact, both SAG and NAG are on the Mandrake 5.3 CD. You need to install the

Now, to answer your question, (please please promise me you'll read the docs,

To add a user, type this on the command line:

(You'll need to be root, though)
You'll get a list of options.
eg. to add a normal user, /usr/sbin/adduser -p [password] [username]

Without the square brackets.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] New group

1999-04-06 Thread Kuraiken

Rick Keefer wrote:
> Hey all,
> Can someone tell me is the news group  " alt.os.linux.mandrake " is
> activated yet?  I can't seem to bring it up on my news server.
> Thanks.
> Rick Keefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Your ISP needs to host it on their news server(s) you could ask them to do it or
you could specify another newsserver in your config.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Samba

1999-04-06 Thread Kuraiken

Mark West wrote:
> I have recently installed Mandrake 5.3, I am pleased that there is an
> alternative to Microsoft.  I am having a little trouble getting Samba to
> work.  I have tried the version that shiped with Mandrake, and I have
> downloaded the latest RH5.2 RPM and installed it with Kpackage.
> I get the same error, "not allowed to logon from this location", or
> something to that affect. If anyone can give me some advise it would be
> much help.  I am trying to provide server space on an Government
> Network.  It sure would be nice to show ADP managers that MS is not the
> only way.
> additional info:
> 1. Netscape works.
> 2. I can Ping the Linux box
> 3. I can see the box in Network Neighborhood.
> v/r
> Mark West

Hi Mark,

I was wondering...are you using NT? That error is most often "caught" when
trying to connect to NT. I'm not too sure about Win98, though. For more info, in
your Mandrake drive, go to /usr/doc/samba-1.9.18p10/docs/
(or higher if you downloaded the latest rpm. There is a bunch of stuff there you
really want to read up. Esp. WinNT.txt and Win95.txt.

It's nothing wrong with Linux or SAMBA installation.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Re:modem speaker

1999-04-02 Thread Kuraiken

Lloyd wrote:
> Tomasz Wzietek wrote:
> >
> > 2) how to turn off the internal modem speaker (mine is USR Sportster 
> > so that it's silent when it dials out? Is it posible at all? I often use my machine
> > at
> > nights and don't want to wake up my wife :-)
> I'm not all that familiar with modems under Linux (actually, not at
> all), but if there is an initialization string for your modem, you can
> add the command to shut off the modem speaker. I think the command is
> M0, (just looked it up) Check your modem manual. I have an older 28.8
> Sportster and it says M0 will leave the speaker always turned off. You
> could also write that command to your modem's NVRAM if you prefer. Hope
> I helped...:-)
> Lloyd Osten

Uhm...have you tried disabling the speaker through kPPP? There is a slider that
does what you want. The lowest setting should be 0. ie. no sound. If you've
tried this and it does not work, sorry. It does for me (and I'm using an
external modem if that means anything)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

[newbie] What to do with Linux...

1999-03-31 Thread Kuraiken

> I hope that this is a help to you.  This is the way that I used to install
> and it worked Ok.  Now that I have it installed I have no idea what to do,
> but that is another matter.

Hi David,

The question is _what_ do you want to do? (And where do you want to go tomorrow?
Linux is more than capable enough to do whatever you want it to. It's just an
OS. (okay, okay, you freaks, it's just a _kernel_ but this is _newbie_ land! :))

Since migrating from NT, I've been using Linux everyday for everything. (except
playing games...which is not all that often, due to my schedule)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Linuxconfig for networking

1999-03-31 Thread Kuraiken

Mark Lyon wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I've just installed 5.3 and find it great. Lot's of work seems to have been
> done from 5.2. Anyway I want to set up a simple/isolated network and I saw
> that linuxconfig help said that it could be done, (this was under
> Networking\Basic Hostname Info). My question to this of course is how?
> Thanks in advance.
> Mark

Hi Mark,

The real question is, what do you want to do? Share files? Printer? Build an
All Linux boxes are usually network ready. Just plug into the network and away
you go. (you'll need to set permissions etc)

You need to make sure each box (Linux or otherwise) on the network has a unique
name and IP number. First thing to try is ping each box from the others. (In
this regard, setting up NT to work with Linux is a bitch - I hate NT with a
vengeance! I did manage to get it to work though...)

Mail back to the list and tell us what you want to do and we'll either give tips
right away or point you in the right direction.


Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] WINE and office apps.

1999-03-31 Thread Kuraiken

Steve Philp wrote:

> I don't know anything at all about WINE.  Sorry.
> --
> Steve Philp

What?! Steve! Say it ain't so! ;-)

Thankfully, I don't need WINE. I switched to Linux to _get away_ from Windows.
Still, I'm not belittling the WINE project in the least. If I can play games
like Starcraft etc without booting into Windows, all the better! (WINE currently
has this capability - check it out!)

Unfortunately for those seeking to use WINE for using MS Office...the situation
is not currently optimal. I don't think this is the fault of the WINE project,
though. MS is notorious for keeping secret APIs.

Also, for all you guys using office type software, you can now use StarOffice
for Linux. (My officemates like em...) It is also free for personal use.
However, the good news is, of course, KOffice. Still in alpha stage but it looks
set to change the "office app" using world as we know it. No, I'm not from the
KOffice team. :)

For more info visit:


Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] Red Hat 6.0 and Mandrake 6.0

1999-03-31 Thread Kuraiken

No, it's not out yet.
Apparently, it'll be out sometime in the May/June timeframe.

Micheal explained about Red Hat, KDE and Mandrake a little while ago. It is true
that they have not included this cool (or should I say Kool?) desktop
environment in their distro. So far. But, if you go to the KDE website, it seems
to say that Red Hat _will_ be including it in the next version. (just not the
default desktop, probably - since they do employ GNOMEsters)

I think Gael and friends have done some modifications to the standard KDE (I'm
not sure exactly what, though. The Mandrake distro also has KDE as the default

My question is, will the very next Mandrake release incorporate enhancements
from BeroLinux? How will Mandrake differentiate itself from Red Hat apart from
default to enhanced KDE? I believe that Mandrake 5.3 was something of a coup.
Red Hat 5.2 but better! Will 6.0 be _better_ as well?
Gael? If you please... :)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Making KDE run faster

1999-03-30 Thread Kuraiken

Kevin Fife wrote:
> Irsan,
> I'm having a similar problem, except I have even more memory than you do.
> When I run free -m I get the following results.
> total   usedfreeshared  buffers cached
> Mem:10  9   1   5   1   2
> -/+ bufffers/cache: 4   5
> Swap:   101 15  86
> As you can see, linux thinks I only have 10meg of memory!! I even added the
> append='128MB' statement to the lilo.conf, but no difference. Run the
> free -m command and see if you get similar results.
> kevin

Whoah! This is bad. How much RAM do your really have, Kevin? This says that
Linux itself only sees (and hence can use) 10 MB ONLY. You do NOT want to run
KDE on that. (or any other wm for that matter...)
I think your problem is different from Irsan's, though.

Did you install Mandrake clean? Or did you upgrade from some other distro /
version? Linux kernel version?

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] Making KDE run faster

1999-03-30 Thread Kuraiken

Irsan S. P. Siregar wrote:
> Hello,
> I just installing (and start using) Mandrake 5.3. However, I feel
> that KDE access my HD a lot, and it's slow (compared to Windoze 95).
> Is it normal, or is there a way to speed it up?
> My system is:
> - Pentium 133
> - 32 MB RAM

Ah, here's your problem. KDE uses an immense amount of system resources at this
juncture. (I'm sure they'll try to improve this for future versions but...)

I have a P166 with 32MB and it gets slow when using KDE a lot.
The disk activity (called "disk thrashing") is Linux furiously trying to keep up
with the memory demand by paging to disk. (ie. your swap partition). This is
what virtual memory is all about.

However, when you use it a tends to become slightly faster. I don't
really know why but it seems so to me anyway. My advice is to get more RAM. 64
would be really nice. 128 is better but you'll have to balance your budget with
the need.

You'll find that Linux makes better use of RAM if it has enough of it. For
example, my K6-2 300 with 96MB of RAM runs blazingly fast (even at 1280x1024 at
16bpp) compared to when I was shackled by NT (at 1152x864 at 32bpp). EVERYTHING
is faster. Even Comm.4.08 (amazingly enough)

> - Quantum Fireball 6.4 GB (Linux Native and Swap are here)
> - Conner CFS850A (slave, not mounted in Linux)
> I use the command
> hdparm -t -T /dev/hda
> to check for HD performance. I forgot the result, but it's quite
> fast.

Yup...your hdd is fine. That's not the problem. If you do not want to get more
RAM...then perhaps you might consider using a slimmer desktop and wm like fvwm95
or something.

> BTW, is there a utility similar to MCLK (DOS utility to overclock
> graphic card) for Linux? I run KDE with 1024 x 768 x 16bpp with
> S3 ViRGE, and in its default clock speed, it's slow.

You don't need a utility. You just edit the X config file. (be VERY careful when
doing this, however, you can easily fry your monitor.)

Hope this helps.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] this is how to upgrade to kernel 2.2.4

1999-03-29 Thread Kuraiken

Tom Berger wrote:
> Hi!
> I just compiled my 2.2.4 kernel (bleeding edge, woah! ;-)).
[great concise 20step-I-shit-you-not instructions snipped]

Sorry to burst your bubble, Tom...but 2.2.5 is out...
Care to have another go at your 20step? :)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Installation:

1999-03-29 Thread Kuraiken

Tom Berger wrote:

> > The question is...which one? I think Joe (or was it Jed?) has an option for DOS
> > Edit style key do _not_ want to use VI (or VIM), trust me!
> Hey! Don't you dare saying anything against my favourite editor!!! ;-)
> If I were you I wouldn't say anything like this in a Linux newsgroup. This
> is a favourite topic of end/pointless flame wars (besides Distribution
> flame wars, GUI flame wars, newsreader flame wars asf.).

Heh, yes, I know. :)
I was talking to the newbie...(you don't want to have to learn VI when you're
just beginning)
And since this is "Newbie Support"...

> There are some undeniable advantages to have some acquaintance to vi(m):
> 1st: You will find it on *every* version of Unix
> 2nd: It works even in single user mode and may God (tm) help you if you
> don't know your vi then... *evil grin*

Hehehe...yeah, I got into one of those situations...I still have recurring
nightmares about it.

> monitor? Weird. Anyway you are right. But I don't think *any* card will
> support this.

That's what I thought too...but I guess you can try. (Warning: In this case,
there can be REAL harm in trying - to your monitor, at least)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Installation:

1999-03-28 Thread Kuraiken

> After the install it rebooted using LILO and started up ok I got to the
> logon prompt.  And I was able to log on using root.  But then I had no idea
> what to do!  And my mbr had been changed so I could not get back to win 98.
> I did find out something that may help someone else--if this happens you can
> reboot using the win98 boot disk and at the a: prompt type fdisk/mbr.  This
> will change the mbr so  you can boot into win 98//

Use this cautiously...if you installed LILO there...doing the fdisk /mbr will
surely kill LILO...(correct me if I'm wrong, guys...but that's what happened to

> My question is when I get to the logon Linux prompt how can I configure the
> LILO so it will boot both Linux and win 98.  

Uhm...when you installed LILO, it should have asked you to label the bootable can then choose at boot time...(you need to type the label at
the LILO: prompt)

> If you have to have an editor
> to do this how do you start one in Linux? 

The question is...which one? I think Joe (or was it Jed?) has an option for DOS
Edit style key do _not_ want to use VI (or VIM), trust me!
And...emacs would take some getting used to. It's powerful and all but can be
non-intuitive if you've never touched a UNIX system before. I don't like it
myself but have used it for programming...I like kedit, myself... :)

> Also the installation ask me for
> the chipset used in my video card.  I use a Diamond Viper  V330 (nuidia riva
> 128) can find no reference to the chipset in the book.  Also my monitor is
> able to do 1027X1027 should I use that setting in Linux?

When you installed X, the option should have come which chipset X
server to use. If might want to run Xconfigurator. As for that weird
resolution...uhm...I'm not too sure about can try but you're gonna
have to edit the conf files manually. (it also depends on whether your card
supports that res, I think)

> Thanks
> David

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] What is ppp-compress?

1999-03-27 Thread Kuraiken

Uhm, sorry about this but...what is ppp-compress and do I want it? It sounds

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Netscape 4.5x?

1999-03-27 Thread Kuraiken

Carter Ledbetter wrote:
> Aaron Lynch wrote:
> >
> > seems to work fine for me. it runs out of ram when I do something dumb
> el snippo...
> I downloaded 4.51 at work (thank gawd for T1 and CD burner), tossed it
> on.  No problem except for installing; their ns-install wouldn't run,
> even under root (gave me a permission error-?).  Went ahead, read the
> instructions.. (imagine that!), and successfully installed the first
> try.  I think it's a little faster; the mail handling is much improved
> (the filters support multiple filters for an individual rule, where 4.08
> didn't).  It hasn't frozen on me yet; I've tried this at home and at
> work on the network...

Views seem to be mixed on 4.5. What about 4.51? Or should we all just skip the
4.x series and wait for 5.0 - sticking to the default 4.08 in the meantime? I'm
pretty happy with 4.08 (only that I feel a bit "downgraded" from my 4.5 while I
was still in NT) and it works nicely for now.

(on a side note: is it just me or is Comm.4.08 faster in Linux than Comm 4.x on
NT/98?! sure seems that way...)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] NT is now just a bad dream...

1999-03-27 Thread Kuraiken

Steve Philp wrote:
> Kuraiken wrote:
> >
> > Right, that did the trick!
> > Thanks, yet again, Steve!
> >
> > I wonder why the Linux version does it doesn't in win95/NT version...
> Because Win95 couldn't route itself out of a paper bag?

Heh, I guess so. (Tell it like it is, Brother! :))

> What you're seeing is proper behavior.  What's causing it is most likely
> a configuration error on your end.  If you have just /etc/resolv.conf
> and a nameserver entry in it, Netscape will attempt to resolve the name
> to an IP number.  Since it can't reach the nameserver, it will time out
> after a specified amount of time (30 seconds if I remember correctly).
> You probably have a couple nameservers listed in /etc/resolv.conf, so it
> tries each one in succession.  Heaven help you if you've got
> caching-nameserver installed, as it'll try to reach each of the root
> nameservers in turn.  Eventually, it WILL time out.
> Anyway, just keep it in mind if you have problems like that in the
> future.

Right. Thanks.

Well, that's done it. I'm on Linux full time now (thanks to KDE and Mandrake -
and you guys)
Now...the only problem is deciding what to do with the damned NT CD...a coaster?
Jewelry? :)
And I now have a free 2.5GB hard drive...

Oh, quickie:
For those living in Malaysia, I'll write up a mini Jaring-HOWTO for Mandrake and
This one got me stumped for quite awhile - no reason others should be so
stumped. (when in fact it's sooo easy...hopefully others are, unlike me,
brighter than an eggplant :-P)

Cheers everyone. I'll be quieter now (unless I'm helping out).

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] Alright! time to nuke NT

1999-03-25 Thread Kuraiken

Greetings folks,

I finally got my ppp working. Many many many thanks to everyone who helped
(directly or indirectly) - you guys are great!

And they said Linux has poor support...hmm...must have confused it with
something else entirely.

Okay, I'm writing this in KMail. I like it but will have to move my mail over.
I'd like to continue using Netscape mail for awhile at least...but I can't seem
to get into the [mail] part of the Netscape preferences area without hanging
netscape. Only a kill [procnum] would get rid of the process. What gives?

Is there something I'm supposed to do...somewhere? (aside from flame netscape
inc. that is) Anyone else have this problem?  I seem to recall Red Hat 5.1 and
5.2 gave me the same problems on every machine I tried it on.

Cheers again, all.


Re: [newbie] Rats, PPP does not work right.

1999-03-25 Thread Kuraiken


Sorry, got the names mixed up. It was Jerry who sent the link - Jacob the one
who had the trouble. Sorry about that Jerry and thanks for the page!

Re: [newbie] Rats, PPP does not work right.

1999-03-25 Thread Kuraiken

> > worked! Great so far...I dialed my ISP...(it took a _very_ long time to
> > log in - not a good sign) and then...I was connected!
> What speed modem?  You might gain some throughput by running setserial
> at boottime:
> /sbin/setserial /dev/modem spd_vhi

V.90 / 56K

> > I could ping the remote connection server just fine. Unfortunately,
> > that's all I could do. What the heck?! I tried several times - even went
> > back to NT - I'm in NT now :(
> Ping by number or name?
> Any messages in /var/log/messages?

By ip address. I don't seem to have any messages...let me see

> > installed as a default "workstation" in the install menu. This one, I
> > did custom but what could I have missed? Installed by mistake / not
> > installed?
> Not configured more than likely... :)
> --
> Steve Philp

That's what I thought. Anyway, Jerry Davies seems to have the _exact_ same
problem as I. Someone has already sent in a link to a page (which I'm reading
now). Hopefully, that solves it - if not, I'll let write again.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

[newbie] Rats, PPP does not work right.

1999-03-24 Thread Kuraiken

Hello again all,

I finally got my external modem (yaay!) and so it was with great
excitement that I setup the thing and all. (made sure it worked in NT
first, just to be sure). I got it up, tested the modem in
worked! Great so far...I dialed my ISP...(it took a _very_ long time to
log in - not a good sign) and then...I was connected!

I could ping the remote connection server just fine. Unfortunately,
that's all I could do. What the heck?! I tried several times - even went
back to NT - I'm in NT now :(
Just to see if my ISP was being flaky. Nope. It's working just fine. So
what on earth could be wrong here?

There must be something I missed somewhere but I can't figure out what
it is. I configured another Mandrake box and dialed and it worked, no
problems. What's the diff? Well...the other box I was lazy and just
installed as a default "workstation" in the install menu. This one, I
did custom but what could I have missed? Installed by mistake / not
installed? close and yet so far. _Any_ help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm so sick of NT already...I can't stand it anymore! :-(

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] WinModems

1999-03-24 Thread Kuraiken

Michael Doyle wrote:

> G'day All
> There was a post in one of the mailing list, a few weeks ago, reference
> Win-modems and how you could figure if yours was one, with a link to a sight
> containing most modems.
> What I'm after, is the person who posted this info to contact me please, as in
> conjunction with other I have a project going to help other users and this is
> one of the subject I would like to have included.
>  --
> Michael Doyle Adelaide,

Well, no-one else seems to have posted a good reply so, here it is:

I was not however, the original poster of the link.
Anyway, hope this helps, Michael.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] KDE

1999-03-23 Thread Kuraiken

jowilker wrote:

> I have installed 5.3 with both choices for the moniter., the lowest and the
> highest.   The same results.  I can't get rid of the Gimp installation, it comes up
> on the next startup.
> John

I'm sorry John, I might have forgotten but can you reach the top of the offending
window? Try lowering (ie. decreasing the vertical size of the window), then drag the
window up. You might be able to click on the buttons then.

Failing that, right-click on the corresponding "icon" on the taskbar - choose Maximize.
You just might be able to get at the buttons then. Otherwise, after maximising, try the
above vertical reduction thing. If all else can always close the
window...or *gasp* use Xkill...

Hope this helps.

Re: [newbie] KDE

1999-03-23 Thread Kuraiken

Bob Bonifield wrote:

> Yes, I have had this problem is settings as well.  Your problem is in that
> your desktop display is only set to 640x480...KDE needs atleast 1024x768 to
> be able to view the full screen properly.  Don't worry, it's not gonna be
> too small of text :).  Now, I'm sorry to say...I don't know exactly how to
> change your video display.  I have only been using linux for about 2-3
> weeks and I did that the first day I got itsorry, but I'm sure one of
> these other linux techies can help ya out.  Later and good luck.
> At 05:13 AM 3/23/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >I have just installed 5.3 and find in KDE that some of the window
> >screens, goes through the bottom of the main screen, for instance, Gimp.
> >When the icon is clicked on once, GIMP installation comes up, the screen
> >goes through the bottom and I can't shove it high enough to get to the
> >bottom of it. It must have buttons at the bottom, that need to be
> >pressed, because I can't get rid of it, noway, nohow. I have had the
> >same problem with Netscape, while trying to set it up. What do I need to
> >do?
> >

I think this might be a "problem" with KDE or Qt itself, I'm not sure but it is
annoying, I agree.
The only work around I can suggest is (if you still want to use KDE, that is)
to let X know you can and want other resolutions for your X desktop.

When you installed X, did you just accept the default? I'm not sure but if you
want to change the resolution, you might need to tell the installer (or some X
config file somewhere) that you want this.

The easiest way for me, is to run Xconfigurator. This should look familiar -
it's the same program that ran when you installed Mandrake. When it comes to
the resolution part, choose your own. Mark all those you want and go through
the rest of it. Later in X, you can Ctrl-Alt +/- to change it.
The thing is, you might well be stuck with the highest resolution your X-server
can provide due to certain limitations. Why? Well...usually, for me the
"default" always seems to be the highest possible resolution the X server can
do - even if it means decreasing colour depth.

Hope this helps,


Re: [newbie] commands

1999-03-22 Thread Kuraiken

> Is there a good book or website that has a list of linux commands to help me
> get started using linux.  I am familiar with windows and dos but only been
> with linux for about a week.
> The Bushman
> Always Learning

Welcome Bushman! Don't worry, many of us here are newbies too. You'll find out
who's what soon enough :-)

As for your question, try these:

Try, for starters...then
Another good starting point is:
This is a good place for admin issues:
(very practical for newbies)

For yet more of the goodstuff, try:
(I think some of the guides are a bit dated but, a lot are still "current")

One last /usr/docs/ of your linux hdd, there is an absolute
_goldmine_ of information but you'll have to be a bit patient as it's not all
that newbie-friendly. (I got overloaded when I first went in there) - still,
it's one of the best places to start without getting on the net.

Hope this helps.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Problems...

1999-03-17 Thread Kuraiken

> > Sorry to butt in again...but will this work without having to configure via
> > isapnp? (I'm still scratching my head over this thing. I _know_ it's a pretty
> > powerful tool but I can't seem to get it to work for my ESS 1869 chip) Does
> > sndconfig work for any card or just sound blaster 16s?
> Mostly for Soundblasters, from what I understand.   If you run
> sndconfig, do you get to hear Linus?  Errors?  Anything?

I've not tested for that chip yet...(that machine is not here - I'll try it tomorrow
and report to the list)  but I've tried sndconfig on another machine but this time with
a built in sound chip. One of those PCChips boards.
The chip is a SoundPro chip...with PCI embossed on the chip (although, whether it
really is PCI I have not been able to determine)

For more info on the chip go to this web page:

Anyone else with this same sound chip? Have you gotten it to work? I'd really like to
hear from you.

> > do I test that the card works? Do I have to tweak anything else to get
> > it to play wavs etc? (I tried after many times with pnpconfig and then launching
> > KDE and tried playing wavs luck. I'm missing something and I just know
> > it's something trivial...btw, I read the docs...I think it assumes some degree of
> > Linux familiarity.)
> Anything written in the system logs when you attempt to play sound?
> (/var/log/messages)
> Check the mixer volumes (run aumix) to make sure it's not just that the
> sound is turned down.  Don't laugh, I spent 45 minutes trying to figure
> out why sound wasn't working, only to find out the volumes had been
> turned down on the card!
> --
> Steve Philp

I won't laugh, it's happened to me too :-)

Well...I don't get any error messages in sys logs...and no sound either. It
just says (in sndconfig) "Error opening /dev/audio".

This device has got me stumped.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Installation weirdness

1999-03-17 Thread Kuraiken

> > I had to install on a 2.1 GB HDD. I partitioned it thus:
> > 100MB - /
> > 800MB - /usr*
> > 800MB - /home*
> > 100MB - /tmp
> > 32MB - swap
> >
> > Does / partition need more than 100MB?
> It sure looks like it.
> Here's what I ended up with for my normal home installation:
> [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /
> 986M/
> [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /usr
> 553M/usr
> [root@tippy /root]#
> [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /home
> 15M /home
> [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /tmp
> 7.0K/tmp
> So, / here takes up around 400M.  You've got to remember that you're
> holding /var in your root partition and that takes up quite a bit of
> room (and grows larger).  KDE (in /opt, which is also part of your root)
> fills around 65M also.
> This installation is probably quite a bit larger in / than yours is,
> since I've also got WordPerfect and Applixware installed (both in /opt
> and thus counting towards your root figure).
> --
> Steve Philp

Ah! Thanks, Steve. I forgot that / also means /* for disk space and
partitions - except if you mount another partition at /var etc.
I've got to change my frame of mind to be more UNIXy...another reason to
avoind MS corrupts you mind (not just memory and fs) :-)

Having said that. I have been able to get away with 120MB for /
Still, I'll bump it up to 200MB maybe to be safe.

Thanks again!

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Video Cards

1999-03-17 Thread Kuraiken

> I am looking to get a 12 or 16 meg video card.  Does anyone know where
> there is a got unix/linux hardware compatibility site.   I am looking
> for a 12 or 16 meg 2d/3d card, so anyone recommend me get a certain
> one.
> Thanks in advance

It depends on what you want to use it for. I'd imagine X? If so, go to
the XFree86 site and go look up their driver lists.

I'd recommend a RivaTNT based card, myself but it all depends on your
budget and application needs.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

[newbie] Installation weirdness

1999-03-17 Thread Kuraiken

Hello all,

I think there's something wrong with the Mandrake install program. (or
it could have been carried over from RedHat's, I don't know)
Here's what happened:

I had to install on a 2.1 GB HDD. I partitioned it thus:
100MB - /
800MB - /usr*
800MB - /home*
100MB - /tmp
32MB - swap

the * partitions were growable so they took up the slack leftover from
the swap allocation.
I chose only about 416MB worth of apps and utils.

Thing is...somewhere around the middle of the rpm installation (you
know, the one with the progress bars)
it stopped and gave me some weird error about no space for database or
something...I continued anyway and it gave me the same error for each
At some point later on, it says no more space or something. What gives?
Does / partition need more than 100MB?

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Burn Mandrakre53-2.iso

1999-03-17 Thread Kuraiken

Andy Social wrote:

> I burned an ISO of Mandrake using Easy CD Creator 3.5b and an IDE Ricoh
> CDR.  Just loaded up EZCD, told it I was creating a CD from Image, and
> pointed it at the image.  Make sure you tell it to look for an ISO file
> type, not a CIF file (the default).  Also, let it use long filenames, don't
> restrict to 8.3.  It shouldn't need that setting even mentioned, actually.
> The CD even autoboots, on systems that support it.  Pretty slick.  I don't
> know about any "Rock Ridge" format, though.  It should be just a standard
> ISO type.  Hope this helps.
> At 11:53 AM 1999-03-16 -0600, you wrote:
> >I have some problem burning the iso image. My HP 7200 is on a  Windogs
> >computer and I only have Easy CD Creator 3.01 which doesn't burn in Rock
> >Ridge format. I download the Nero Burning Rom but it doesn't have any option
> >about Rock Ridge.
> >
> >Can anyone send me a description on how to do this?
> ---
> Nil Carborundum Illegitami


I'm not sure about EZCD but if you have ToGo! (which is by the same company) you
can also do it.
The trick is to choose "track image" on startup. The iso file is an image of a
Mandrake CD so you need to specify it as a whole track.
In ToGo!, you just drag the iso file onto the track icon at the bottom.

Hope this helps
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Re: TNT at 32 bits

1999-03-15 Thread Kuraiken

Gary Bunker wrote:

> I have the following in my Screen section of the XF86Config:
>SubSection "Display"
>   Depth32
>   Modes"1024x768"
>   Virtual   1024 768
>   ViewPort 0 0
> Although, I didn't hand-poke this in, it seems to work just fine.  I find that
> the 32-bit mode in X is actually zippier than the 16-bit mode I use in Win98.
> My monitor is a Philips 107S, BTW.  It's settings are:
>HorizSync   31.5-64.3
>VertRefresh 50-100
>Modeline  "1024x768"   85.00 1024 1032 1152 1360 768 784 787 823
> Hope that helps.

Thanks Gary. But I could have sworn you wrote 1280x1024 in 32 bit...must be the
coffee :-)
I'll go check my XF86Config again...there must be a way to go 1280x1024 at 32
bit...this thing has 16MB after all...

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] NEWS: BeroLinux joins Linux-Mandrake.

1999-03-15 Thread Kuraiken

This is one of the best news I've heard all year! (okay, so it's only
March but...)
I've been looking at BeroLinux with great interest over the past few weeks
and it's got some cool features. I'm glad we've merged Mandrake and
BeroLinux! This would _really_ make Mandrake the only distro for me!

Okay, enough ranting. Just would like to say: Thanks Gael and Bernhard!
Congratulations on your merger. Looks like Mandrake just keeps getting


Re: [newbie] linux compatible modems, and home networking?

1999-03-13 Thread Kuraiken

> > As for parrallel port...I'll leave that to the gurus on the list (am I
> > right in saying you need to use PLIP?) :-)
> With the price of a pair of NE2k cards being around $20-30, why even
> bother with PLIP?  SOHO Basics (made by Accton) are probably the
> cheapest Taiwanese hardware pieces I've ever seen, but I've been really
> happy with them.  I think the NICs were around $10, the 4 port hub was
> $20.  Toss in a pair of network cables and you're done for under $50.
> And you've got room to add two more computers to the network when the
> urge strikes you.

Steve is right. That is dirt cheap. However, if you can, spend the little
extra in getting a PCI NIC. Ones with the RTL 8029 chip are widely used by the
cheap-o-rama Taiwanese manufacturers. And these are extremely easy to set up.
I've used these at work for a long time with no problems. (our server has been
on Linux since RedHat5.0).
With RedHat and Mandrake's install / setup it works first time every time.
(Set to NE2000 PCI)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] linux compatible modems, and home networking?

1999-03-13 Thread Kuraiken

> hello people, i just started using linux like a month ago, and i just
> noticed i got a damn winmodem heh. please reply with the modem you use
> for linux, pleeasee, also i just wanted to know if their is a way
> to network 2 linux computers together through the parallel port, if
> you have any ideas for home networking etc. please respond, thanks a
> ton!
>  -tac

Your best bet for modems on Linux are external modems. I do not know if
there are any external winmodems but I think this is unlikely. I've had
cases where even the cheapest taiwanese externals (no-name!) work fine.
But be careful of internal ones. Do not go for PCI modems as they all
seem to be mine :-(

ISA modems would require you ro run isapnp tools to configure it in
Linux. This is a command line program.

So to sum it up - best bet: get an external modem.

As for parrallel port...I'll leave that to the gurus on the list (am I
right in saying you need to use PLIP?) :-)
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Updated KDE Apps.

1999-03-12 Thread Kuraiken

Pankil Richards wrote:

> Steve Philp wrote:
> > I've installed Mandrake 5.3 (the latest release), and have Korganizer
> > 1.0.
> Sorry for making you repeat yourself, but did you do the install from the
> Mandrake CD or did you download Mandrake?  On their FTP site the apps are
> listed as the most current ones, but in a section of the site which lists
> what's included on the CD they list some older versions.
> > I know there was a bit of confusion...package listing at the Mandrake site
> > isn't current?
> That's quite likely.  I just want to be certain before I make the big jump to
> Mandrake.
> Just one more question, is the RH Linux 5.2 that is included with Mandrake a
> scaled-down version of the original RH 5.2 or is it the complete version?  I
> know there's a lot of add-ons (KDE, for one) to RH 5.2, but are there are any
> "deletions" from the orginal one?
> Thanks.

I'm not sure if this helps any. I downloaded the iso CD image and "burned" my own
CD. I imagine it's the same Mandrake CD that you get from the distributors? It's
got KOrganizer 1.0 in it.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Problems...

1999-03-12 Thread Kuraiken

> > I have a official sound blaster 16 ISA card in my linux box.  I am new to
> > linux and don't exactly know how to get linux to initialize and recognize
> > it.  Any help in getting it working would be helpfull.  Thankyou in
> > advance...Later, :)
> >
> >
> G'day Bob
> Me again, from the command line logged in as root run sndconfig, should get up
> up and going

Sorry to butt in again...but will this work without having to configure via
isapnp? (I'm still scratching my head over this thing. I _know_ it's a pretty
powerful tool but I can't seem to get it to work for my ESS 1869 chip) Does
sndconfig work for any card or just sound blaster 16s? do I test that the card works? Do I have to tweak anything else to get
it to play wavs etc? (I tried after many times with pnpconfig and then launching
KDE and tried playing wavs luck. I'm missing something and I just know
it's something trivial...btw, I read the docs...I think it assumes some degree of
Linux familiarity.)

Any tips?

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

Re: [newbie] Klogin?

1999-03-10 Thread Kuraiken

Steve Philp wrote:

> Lawrence Sayre wrote:
> >
> > I've just switched to Mandrake 5.3 from SuSE 5.3, and in SuSE my
> > computer auto-launched into KDE (bypassing command line log-in), passing
> > through 'Klogin' (at least that's what I believe its called) for loging
> > on the user and password
> >
> > How do I do this in Mandrake?
> Type:
> /opt/kde/bin/kdm_on
> and you should be all set!
> If this doesn't work, and I haven't tried it, drop another note and I'll
> post the instructions for editing /etc/inittab.
> --
> Steve Philp


Sorry for butting in like this but could you send my the /etc/inittab
modifications? Running tha above script alone does not have the desired
effect. I think it's because, unlike Lawrence, I installed clean with



 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [newbie] PCI Modems.

1999-03-04 Thread Kuraiken

"Lyndon Lininger Sr." wrote:

> Goto the following url and check, but I think that you have a
> winmodem.
> Lyndon Lininger Sr.
> >It's an Aztech MDP3858SP-U modem. I don think it's a winmodem but I
> >could be wrong.

Thanks to all who wrote in. Yeah, I guess mine is a winmodem after all.
Dammit all. It's quite new too!
It seems like all the PCI modems are winmodems? I wonder why...

Well, I'm off to buy an ISA modem, any suggestions?

Re: [newbie] PPP probs? (and a few other ?'s)

1999-03-04 Thread Kuraiken

Tim Coker wrote:

> I've got my modem working w/ Linux, and I can connect to an ISP within KDE.
> But whenever I try to access the net (ie, open a web page w/ Navigator,
> connect to a chat server with the KDE IRC client, or connect to an ICQ
> server) it always says something about can't find what it's looking for.
> Navigator says site doesn't have a DNS entry, and IRC client says server
> isn't found.  Any suggestions?

It sounds to me like you're not connecting to a DNS server...? Your host cannot
find the destination server you're looking for so you might have to setup the
DNS entries in kppp (or somewhere?) You can also, of course, set up your box to
be its own DNS server - go to the HOWTOs for this:

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[newbie] PCI Modems.

1999-03-03 Thread Kuraiken


I've recently installed Mandrake on my personal "workstation" (and have
since went on a Mandrake install-fest at my office :)).
But now I've come across a (major, for me) problem. I cannot seem to get
my PCI modem working.
It's an Aztech MDP3858SP-U modem. I don think it's a winmodem but I
could be wrong.

It works in NT (which is what I'm migrating from and forced to use right
now) and DOS.

I have searched and read dozens of howtos/help/infobase/newgroup
archives etc. to no avail. setserial does not seem to work either.
Linux does seem to "see" the board, however, from KDE's control centre's
"Information -> PCI"'s listed as serial controller using
irq10. (this is correct even in windows) but not much else. I've tried
to assign ttyS2 this irq (using setserial) and even got the I/O address
from windows settings right. kppp still isn't able to query the modem at
all. All ATx commands generate blanks.

I cannot believe this apparently simple problem (of setting up a PCI
mdem) does not have a proper howto for it...even a mini one. If I get
this working, I'm going to write one up. If one already exists, could
someone please point me in the right direction?

Any help would be greatly appreciated (since it would mean the end of NT
as far as I'm concerned :)).

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.